#Big bunny family - that is usually how it goes lol
pr41sethemoon · 1 year
Babbler | Josh Kiszka x Reader ☾
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//: lol I’ve been watching waaaay too much Amber and Wilde on TikTok. The idea literally came from their videos. ALSO sorry for the delay!
Pairing: Dad!Josh x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: I feel like this is the proper dosage of fluff ♡
|Sorry in advance if any errors|
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It was an early and lazy Friday morning for you and your little family. You laid bundled in bed along with Josh and your 8-month-old daughter who sat in front of you babbling away. She woke up in a cheery mood as usual and you were always thankful you had such a happy baby. Her curly hair fluttering, eyes still looking slightly sleepy. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her efforts to converse back with you as tired as she seemed. She’d been babbling so much these past couple weeks, and you couldn’t wait to get her to try to say mama.
“Mama, say mama” you say it slowly.
Your daughter goes to lean against Josh’s side – cuddling him – and staring at you with her big brown eyes. A small smile on her face as she watched your lips. You stare back at her, just so eager for her to try.
“She wants to talk so bad, Josh.” Your finger stroking her chubby cheek, “Come on sweet pea, say mama” in your baby voice you just can’t help.
You could hear a quiet chuckle come from beside you. Your baby voice always seemed to make Josh chuckle. Eye’s narrowing, you send him a glare as he continued to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“That obnoxious voice you do.” He says tiredly as he strokes your daughter’s hair.
Your jaw drops as your brows furrow, “It is not obnoxious, she loves when I do that voice!” Looking over to the baby that was slightly tugging on Josh’s shirt. “Isn’t that right?” you nuzzle your nose into her cheek as she giggles.
Josh had propped himself on his elbow to look down at his baby “Mommy being silly, right baby?” She looks up at Josh with an even wider smile as she began to babble to him. He nods as if he could understand her, before planting a kiss to her cheek “I know honey, so say dada.” He encouraged.
You look at Josh like he’d lost his mind for a moment. You couldn’t help but laugh with furrowed brows, “Uh uh. Absolutely not,” You move into your daughters’ line of sight, making Josh laugh more “Say mama, mama sweetheart.”
She looks at you with those big brown as she continued to babble to you. You tilt your head as you watched her ramble on.
“I personally think dada is easier for babies to say.” Josh says softly as he held the toy bunny in front of the baby, making it do a silly dance which made your daughter laugh so much.
Your brows furrow again, “Josh, don’t start.” Giving him a soft nudge only to earn a soft laugh from him. “Mama is the easier way.” You say softly as you sit up straighter.
Josh blows a raspberry as his thick brow arches, “It’s not,” he says as he side eyes you. “Plus, she’s a daddy’s girl, huh pumpkin?” he begins to make kissy faces at her.  She laughs as she grabs his lips.
All you could do is roll your eyes, laughing a little bit at how silly he looked “That is not a valid reason, but whatever you say, Joshua.” You reach over, scooping your baby into your arms. “Tell your daddy he’s being delusional.” You whisper to her as you side eye him.
Josh’s brows furrow slightly, “Yeah right, you just wait Y/N.” He says before planting a kiss to your lips, then one to the baby’s cheek. He throws the blankets off his body to get out of bed “Now, let me get ready for this meeting before Jake blows blood vessel, I’m already kinda late.” He snickers as he scurries into the into the bathroom.
Your eyes slightly widen as your brows raise “Uh yeah, hurry up, I don’t need him blowing up my phone like the last time.”
You would never forget all the phone calls from Jake practically cursing Josh because he was always late. Shaking your head and giggling as you remembered the few times you heard Jake howling on the other line at Josh.
“Right sweet pea, tell dada to hurry so uncle Jake doesn’t blow up the phone.” You bounce the happy baby in your arms.
Eventually, Josh had gotten himself ready to leave. He’d given both you and your baby one last kiss before leaving out the door to go to work. “Okay, I love you.” His lips part from your and then he looks to the sweet baby in your arms. “Be good for mama, my sweet girl, okay?” He says softly before blowing a raspberry to her rosy cheek.
You laugh as an eruption of laughter came from her. You take her little hand, making it give him a wave goodbye “Say see yah later daddy.” He gave a final wave goodbye with a playful pout of his lip before getting into his car and leaving. You turn to look down to the baby in your arms. She had an uncertain look on her face which you’d seen a couple times whenever she saw Josh leave. You lean in to give her a comforting kiss to her cheek, “Don’t worry sweet, he'll be back soon.” You say softly before turning back into house.
The next few days seemed to zoom past you due to your busy schedule at work for the new week. Josh would send photos of him and the baby often to ease you through your day. He would take her everywhere, even to rehearsals to spend some time with her uncles.
Today, he facetimed you from home, just showing your baby and talking about the things they’ve done today, like their trip to grocery store. She was babbling away as she usually does, her face slightly pink from the raspberries and yogurt she was eating. You chuckled at the sight immediately feeling your heart warm, some of the stress easing away from you. Josh and you converse for a bit but not for long. Your lunch was sadly coming to an end, and you had to say your goodbyes. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get home.” You say softly sending one last kiss to the phone and hanging up.
You stayed overtime tonight, coming home more tired than you’d ever been. Shrugging off your jacket but to your surprise upon coming home so late, not only did Josh greet you at the door as he usually did, but your baby was still awake. She clung to him tiredly, Josh chuckles at how wide your eyes were as stared at him.
“I know I know; she was being extra stubborn tonight.” He brings a kiss to your cheek “She wasn’t going to sleep without her mama tonight.” He says softly as his fingers stroke the curls on top of her head.
Immediately, you felt your heart melt “Oh sweet.” You say softly as you stroke her chubby cheeks “Okay, let’s get ready for bed.”
First, you rid yourself of your clothes and take a shower quickly to wash away the stress of work. After, you’d done your nightly routine and dressed into an oversized grey shirt, and some cozy black shorts. Usually, you tried to break your baby from sleeping with you and Josh, but tonight you just wanted to be cuddled up with her.
Your lips tug into a small smile at the sight of her sitting beside Josh with an even bigger - but tired - smile to greet you. “Hey baby.” You say quietly as you get into bed.
Josh smiles tiredly, but suddenly perked up “Oh wait! Sweetheart, tell mommy what you told uncle Sam the other day.”
Your baby was already crawling over to you quickly, trying to get into your arms as she was humming something to you. Your brow arches in confusion, but still smiling “What did you say to uncle Sam?” you ask her as you hold her hands to help her stand in your lap.
Still mumbling, her face was very much determined to tell you something. Then she started saying it, and immediately you felt your heart sink into your stomach. It was so faint, but you knew what she was trying to say.
“Ma-ma” she says softly to you.
She was calling you mama.
You could feel your eyes burning as you pout to Josh who was already laughing at your reaction. She continued to babble the new word to you as you held her close to your chest, planting soft kisses to her head. “My sweet girl, you’re going to make mama cry.” You say as you slightly bounce her.
You quickly side eye Josh, sticking your tongue out teasingly to him “I told you so.”
He simply just snorts before plopping back onto his pillow “Save it, Y/N.” he grumbles slightly “It’s still a work in progress.”
Sure, it wasn’t ‘dada’ like he’d hoped at first, but even so, he was still equally proud of her. Eventually your daughter had fallen asleep cuddled up between you and Josh. You quietly found yourself laughing suddenly, which makes Josh look over to you.
“What?” he whispers.
Your brows furrow slightly, “She called Sam mama?”
He quietly snorts next to you “Oh I wish you’d seen his face; he was so confused.” You could only imagine which made you giggle more.
“He was going to tell you himself, but I didn’t want him to spoil it.” He gives you a knowing look “Sam spoils everything.”
You give him an understanding nod, and brush over the curls that rest on his forehead. Leaning in to plant a kiss to his lips, “Well, I appreciate it.” You purred to him.
You were definitely going to text Sam in the morning to slightly tease him.
(Hey, you made it! Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful rest of your day/evening/night! ♡)
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hungnitan · 7 months
Nigo World Link "水底に影を探して" Event Summary
World Link event is newest event format which split the stories from every person PoV.
This event story really need your every knowledge of nigo previous event story so please read those firsthandly.
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Character : ALL Nigo Character + Mafuyu parents + Honami
Event Summary (Twitter) :
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Event Summary (Mine) :
Mafuyu chapters : Stories start with situations after Mafuyu ran away from home. She live with Kanade, while sometimes her father came to check on her.
But as things calm down, Mafuyu still restless so she came to Sekai for copping and then Nigo Sekai began to change a bit.
Mizuki chapters : Mizuki keep lamenting their decision of telling Mafuyu to run away from her problem. So to change of pace they came to Sekai and heard the new place from Meiko.
As they came to that place, they meets Miku and Rin and found an animal style picture book telling about Mafuyu stories so far. In there, Mizuki finally know how big the help they give to Mafuyu.
PS : In picture book it retell Mafuyu stories with Mafuyu families as bunnies, Kanade as dog, Ena as hedgehog, while Mizuki as cat. Dog help bunny with her songs, hedgehog with her arts while cat with her words.
Ena chapters : As Ena keep learning arts, Futaba (Ena art classmate) asked her about future decisions to keep doing arts or not. Ena can't answer it since she thought she was running away from arts until now.
While Len and Rin watch her troubling, Len asked Ena to sketch them at Sekai new place. While drawing, she feels like seeing her Mafuyu sketch at lake and renew her decision to continuing arts for making Mafuyu smile.
Kanade chapters : Same as Ena Mizuki, Kanade too wondering how to save Mafuyu since her songs only make Mafuyu relax but can't save her. As she wondering at Sekai, Kanade meets child Mafuyu searching for her doll. Meet child Mafuyu which keep thinking in passive ways, Kanade give her some encouragement. After that, she woke up in her room and discussing her dreams with Mafuyu which dream a same thing.
Epilogue : Those four decided to visit Sekai to show the new place to Kanade since she was thought it's only a dream. Last time visit, Ena and Mizuki founds sketch and picture book so they decided for Mafuyu to search into lake again. She founds her sketch, Kanade scoresheet and an apple. Apple reminds her time when she sick
So to put in simple, this world link stories morelike Mizuki Ena Kanade renew their future decision from now on to help Mafuyu. While on Mafuyu side, she think she still need her mother eventhough she is so overbearing
Mentionable scene (screenshot credits goes to someone on Twitter lol) :
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That man is Mafuyu father, the only dense person at Asahina house (lol) which only know something after his only girl run away from home. He came to check on Mafuyu at Kanade house and at some point try to convince Mafuyu to comeback home.
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This scene is the first time Honami meet the real Mafuyu. Honami somewhat shocked but recover quick and do things like always
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This place is a new place at empty Sekai, which include in our usual convo place later. A locked door and one small sprout appear after Mafuyu change of heart with her mother
Card Time and Place :
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This scene happens at Sekai, Meiko give information about Sekai new place to Mizuki so they want to go there with Meiko but she refused. So they fake crying and asked her to come along with them.
Mizuki : Eeeh~ To think Meiko is fine for me getting lost ! Meiko must hate me that much~
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This scene happens after Ena finished her arts class, she with Futaba hanging out at cafe and talked about their future
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This scene happens while Kanade wandering arounds with child Mafuyu searching for her doll. Child Mafuyu asked her to give up since they can't find the doll so Kanade gave her encouragement words to not give up anything.
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This scene happened at epilogue, when the groups decided to visit Sekai again to check the new place while searching for items Mizuki Ena found there. After found them, Mafuyu keep searching at lake then found an apple, one of Mafuyu precious memories with her mother which make her decided that she still need her.
Song (Twilight Light) : I kinda like the melodies and Toa's Miku tuning, it's addicting. I would love to heard full Miku version later. For lyrics, it's picturing the whole nigo situations so yeah I love it~
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To my suprise, this time their arts looks good (lol) but I really don't like the fact it's limited just to added special scene for their newest song. In the end I use 50 pull and get Ena one, bit miss the mark since I want Kanade or Mizuki but still happy~
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sketci · 2 years
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It's da Lloyds 😍
This isn't all of my au, I couldn't fit anymore Lloyds so...
•Grey guy on the bottom left is Lloyd in the pokemon au. I explain his backstory A LOT in his old ref that I posted but I'll make it short and simple here. Lloyd is a mightyena and glameow mix! Which is naturally rare for a pokemon to cross Genes but Lloyd did it anyway so here we are.
• emo guy with the long hair is Lloyd in my "War Of Elements au" it's basically the tournament of elements of season 4 but with a twist of The Hunger Games. Lloyd of district 13 who became the "Dragoni" representation of all the districts (kind of like how Katniss was the Mockingjay) is the sole survivor of the 55th, although was forced to join again in the 56th with Kai and the others. Rebels came and rescue the remaining, Lloyd was naturally the leader, and president Master Chen was sought around Ninjago for the districts revenge. It gets more details than this, but I wanted to make it short and simple ( kind of)
• sad depressed guy in the middle with the messed up face is Lloyd in my "Ninjago Bodyguard Au" basically Lloyd stays in his Canon story until the end of Ninjago Crystalized part 1. Things change as Morro and Harumi bicker once again on how Harumi is taking it too far and Morro is actually regretting giving Harumi the mask. Usually Morro would try to convince her come get out of her revenging state and become a normal person but to no avail, harumi had other plans. Lloyd has to be in the middle of the strom as always when Morro somehow possess Lloyd to stop Harumi. Things change as Morro broke the deed that master yen gave to him in DOTD and he and Lloyd get stuck together once again. In other words, Lloyd has a messed up life lol.
• big bunny guy is Lloyd in my "BNA au" this is my weirdest au yet but somehow I really enjoy this one. Lloyd is a Mini lop and a spotted Tan Rabbit! Golden Lloyd is a Chinese dragon. Nothing different really goes with this au except the fact that they change into animals
• "God Guardians Au" is a fun favorite of mine, starring the little guy floating around. What happens is that every elemental master is a spirit object, willing to provide and protect a family around the world. They mustn't be seen or they'll break the code and would probably fade like Thanos. This doesn't stop little Lloyd as he believes that the such thing as fading is a myth, it turns out it is a myth when He sees a little boy named Nelson and they become best friends. giving him advice and try to guide him through life, they try to work out the meaning of life. This au is a WIP as it's my newest one but I really like the idea of this one 💖 ITS SO CUTEEEE.
Here's all of the Lloyds separated
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gothamsfinestdummy · 2 years
found your blog while i was first getting into the batjokes fandom and its just been a joy to follow ♡ i wanted to ask what’s your favorite official batman and joker designs currently? hope u have a nice day!
Heya!! Very sorry for getting to this one so late. I'm so so so glad that you love my blog, that means the world to me. Hope it continues to be a joyful follow to you <3
Regarding your ask, I have a few favorites! Starting with Jonker, I've always been deranged about Joker's design in detective comics #569-570. He. Is so. Hhhhhhh.
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Look at him. I literally made a whole post foaming at the mouth and rabidly screaming about how much I adore him. He's my favorite, your honor. Also he and his henchman here have so much chemistry.
Another Joker design that I also want to eat up like a delicious meal is his Death of the Family design. I know that a lot of people aren't really a fan because of the body horror, but I am a slut for that stuff, so I dig it tremendously. I remember he was all I ever drew for a good two weeks. Greg Capullo, I applaud you yet again for your awesome work (and Scott Snyder for the idea in the first place, of course).
Enrico Marini's Joker designs are also very lovely and I adore that he goes outside of the box regarding his makeup and outfits. Soooo awesome. Very big fan of the playboy bunny fit, lol.
He's just a head, but I am ADDICTED to Joker in LKOE, I cannot express it enough. I want to shake him around in his jar so BAD. (And the fact that his pupils aren't fixed points of hatred?? Deranged about that)
LONG HAIRED JOKER MY BELOVED. Specifically Greg Capullo's DNDM design. sighhhh.
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He needs to grow his hair out more often. Mr Capullo, if you're taking commissions, sir...
Okay. Anyways.
Here are some other designs that I'm also obsessed with:
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With our lovely Jonker out of the way, let's move onto Bruce!! I'll be honest, I don't have as many favorites with him as I do with Joker (because honestly there isn't too much of a variety from what i've seen), but I do have some!! For example...
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This HAS to be my all time favorite design. I'm just so in love with the purple. I find it hilarious that even his rogues commented on the purple. Mr Capullo back at it again. Just love how he draws him in general.
I also really love Bruce's DNDM design!! (yowzah, more than one DNDM favorite??) Addicted to the spikes. He just looks even more badass than usual.
I also like it when his cowl has absurdly long ears, it's super funny to me. The all black and yellow with glowing eyes look for lego batman (the one everybody is familiar with, lol) is really cool.
There are likely more designs out there that my brain isn't registering at the moment, but if I come across more or think of some others, I'll update via reblog.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon!! It means a lot to me. And again, very sorry that I got back to this so late. I hope that you're doing well, too. Stay safe out there!! <3
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Grace and Frankie 7x1 - 7x4 thoughts
Meh? Like...I love them so much, but...meh?
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(I did enjoy this line about brunch.)
I really loved season 6 of Grace and Frankie. I thought it was well-paced, largely very well-acted, generally well-written, and it culminated in a massive moment of character development for the title characters, who, having spent years growing closer and being there for each other when others could not or would not be, finally articulate to each other that they are the primary person in each other’s lives. Platonic gal pal soulmate BFF emotional support witches 4 lyfe!
I know progress isn’t always linear, and in fact is very rarely linear, but after a moment that significant, you’d think the writers on this show would maybe come up with some more interesting things for these characters to do than spin in circles?
@bristler and I watched on Friday night, and just this morning over breakfast had a good conversation about the first four episodes of the new season now that they have settled in our brains a bit. We concluded that the writing (often noticeably clunky, like the dialogue is responsible for more narration than usual) and the tone (aggressively wacky) feel really off, especially compared to the prior season. I think we diagnosed the big issue, which is that Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are by far the most talented actors on this show (if you disagree, fight me in the parking lot) and it feels surprisingly unfortunate that their characters have, to this point in the new season, pretty much figured out their perspectives on each other. No matter how people feel about Grace and Frankie’s sexualities, the whole show has been about them finding each other and getting in deeper and deeper, and it’s less interesting to watch other characters have realizations about that than it is to watch Grace and Frankie having realizations about themselves. If the title characters are now limited to reacting to other people’s actions, and the title characters are played by the best actors on the show, the whole show’s gonna suffer. And is suffering, very much so, at least for these first four episodes. I’m definitely still excited for the final twelve in 2022 (twelve! I cannot believe this season will have sixteen eps!), but I’m pretty disappointed so far.
Stuff I Loved:
The family brunch. These families have been entwined for so long, and the backstory for this particular brunch was so fun (even though I didn’t care for the effects they did to depict Grace and Robert 25 years ago; there was no need for a visual flashback in the scene). I love that Grace hit Frankie with a wiffle ball bat. I love that the two couples realized some of the emotional reasons behind their decisions to lie to each other about Bud’s Bunny and about M’Challah. I love the way Jane Fonda sounds uttering the phrase “Bud’s Bunny” with little to no irony. I love that Grace is able to recognize and articulate just how deep and miserable her anger issues were, albeit with the continued help of her omnipresent martini, and that Frankie told her she’d now make up a holiday in order to spend more time with Grace. I really, really hope Frankie does exactly this at some point in the remaining episodes of the season. I love that Grace is generally a pretty good person now, with aspirations of being a delightful person. I love that she and Frankie don’t have it in them to stay angry with each other, and I love all the evidence that they really, really talk to each other about everything now.
Frankie talking to the man at the office (I don’t remember who he was supposed to be? A toilet manufacturer? I didn’t mention this before, but I actually got pretty high while watching?!? Believe it or not, this was the first time I smoked pot and watched Grace and Frankie at the same time despite having enjoyed both activities on their own for quite some time. I would recommend the combo! And I think I still pretty much got what was happening) about paying for the toilet parts with candy. This whole subplot with the money laundering was absurd and not that interesting, but I loved this particular scene because it was finally evidence of some really thoughtful writing. The concepts aren’t enough! You have to write them into good dialogue! And the whole cash/candy thing was a moment of dialogue that only someone as hilarious as Lily Tomlin could pull off. Which she did, IMO.
In a show about super messy people, Coyote has stayed sober this entire time. He is sober, employed, in love, and preparing to buy a full-sized house with his partner. He hasn’t murdered anyone in his family. Hasn’t even attempted murder once.
In 2017 or whatever, Grace Hanson would have been furious about Frankie using obscure Beatles references like a treasure map when hiding the cash. But here in 2021, she cooperates and even gets in on the fun. The writing is very unsubtle this season, but that did feel like a reasonably subtle moment that shows how good of a partner she is for Frankie. (Platonic, of course! So platonic. Female friendship, amirite?)
Stuff I Did NOT Love and Felt Incredibly Negative About:
Brianna. I can only conclude that June Diane Raphael has decided she’s happy with playing a character whose primary role in life is to be hot and mean. She succeeds at being hot and mean, but I have reached my limit with this character. I realize we’re only a quarter of the way into the season, but I don’t think I can take another arc about her learning to compromise only to reveal to Barry that she never intended to compromise at all. At this point, it’s both abusive and boring. How?! The Grace/Brianna parallels aren’t interesting anymore, because one character has grown and the other is stagnant. I get that Brianna was raised in an emotionally stilted environment by two unhealthy people. But I think it would be very cool if she could learn something from her mother at this point. Grace has put a ton of effort into dealing with her “rabbit-killing, mad-at-the-world anger.” She’s put a ton of effort into figuring out what makes her happy, what she wants her life to look like. She’s even started accepting her age and abilities without shame. And that growth is believable; Grace is still short-tempered and she still slugs back way too many martinis and she struggles to articulate certain things, but she’s grown into a truly lovely human. And while, as a daughter with a mother, I can absolutely attest to the fact that it can be difficult and uncomfortable to learn lessons from one’s mother, Brianna really, really should. Grace spent decades letting anger and shame trap her in a small, miserable life. Brianna—and even Mallory, who just seems like a vapid idiot this season—are traveling that same path, but there’s someone right there who could really help, maybe even more than Frankie helped when the Hanson girls were first growing up.
The arraignment. The scene might’ve been salvageable if it was filmed from Grace’s perspective, and filmed to reflect how surreal and improbable it all was. But speaking of non-linear progress, this scene erased everything Nick Skolka has done to put himself in my good graces (LOL) over the past couple seasons. I mean, I tried, man. I even wrote fic about Nick, Grace, and Frankie making a genuine effort at polyamory. But the arraignment is so emotionally manipulative, such a slap in the face of everything Grace has worked for, and while we’re certainly “supposed” to feel the weight of the moment, I mean, it’s not like we’re supposed to be like, “Oh, cool, we’re in a rom com now! This is adorable!” it still felt bad and unearned and slapdash.
And I want Frankie to process these things with her! Frankie seems so happy to have all this information about Grace and how Grace feels, but I want to see scenes in which we can gain an understanding of how Frankie actually feels. Hearing Frankie talk to other people about how Grace feels is interesting, but it’s like there’s no room in these episodes for us to learn anything new about Frankie herself.
Grace’s transitional wig. Is so. Bad. It is. Such a. Bad wig. Oof. I mean, I like what they’re doing with Grace’s hair from a plot perspective, although (see one bullet up) I would really like to get more of an understanding of what’s happening in Grace’s head, not just on top of her head. And gosh, Frankie would be a really good person to talk to about this in a conversation that lasts longer than 30 seconds. But the wig! She’s in a wig in all four episodes, of course, since Jane Fonda went grey and cut her hair short before they started filming this season. The wig for episodes 1 and 2 is fine; it’s a good approximation of Grace’s typical hair, and of course we know that canonically Grace’s hair isn’t 100% her own hair anyway. But the wig with grey roots looks so weird. The part that’s growing out doesn’t look the same as the hair on the wig from 1 and 2. And the grey roots look like a yarmulke. I cannot wait to get to the point in the season when Grace goes all the way grey.
(One more thing about the hair. I can’t let it go. I paused the show while we were watching to rant, but I’m not done.) I had the great privilege of seeing Jane Fonda in person at a protest in 2019. She is an insanely beautiful human. She was growing her hair out and it was partially dyed blonde and partially grey. It looked really cool. I am not ashamed to say I spent that day learning many things about the climate crisis and about Jane Fonda’s hair. Having seen her in real life with her real hair looking that fucking great, I just have a an extra-large grudge against everyone involved in that horrible wig. The wig is necessary, but it didn’t have to be this bad.
What Do I Care About Now?
I am pretty intrigued by the way Grace threw out her real age in a conversation with Nick and Elena. She has nothing to fear anymore! She’s so chill about aging! What could go wrong? I assume that Nick and Elena maneuvering for Nick to be on house arrest in Grace's house specifically has to do with the fact that Grace is 82. She’s gonna find out that Nick is allowed to be with her because she’s ancient and helpless and the court took pity. Or something like that. She’s going to feel betrayed on top of feeling stifled and overwhelmed by Nick’s presence. I want to see where this goes for sure.
Other than that, and other than the fact that I really do continue to believe this show is moving in a direction in which Grace and Frankie will choose each other, I feel very whatever about this whole thing. I love this show and I will always appreciate this show for giving me some incredible characters to spend years of my life writing about, and for bringing me some pretty amazing friendships. Speaking of those friendships, yesterday @ellydash and @telanu and I were talking about some of the incredible TV we’ve watched recently, like Ted Lasso and Hacks and Fleabag and Killing Eve, and how great it feels to watch beautifully written TV crafted by writers who are profoundly—organically yet intentionally—attuned to even the most minor character’s rhythm. The disappointment of these first few episodes of the new G&F season feels like a mild disappointment rather than a sharp heartbreak, and that has a lot to do with being deeply invested in other shows that could also go in all kinds of different directions but with writing I fundamentally trust.
Also Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin are my forever faves and my appreciation for their performances and general awesomeness onscreen and in life is undiminished. So that’s pretty cool.
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kunxcii · 4 years
nct social media au favorites / recommendations pt 2
click here for pt 1! this has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks so i decided to finally finish it up and post it so that all of u socially responsible people staying home will have something to binge. listed in the order i read them but also sorted by member in age order. asterisk (*) = favs. (ongoing!) = incomplete at the time i posted this. (neutral ending) = if u care that ending may not be happy or yn x member may not end up together, sorry if i spoiled it.
had to search pretty far and wide for these so i doubt there will be a pt 3 - also i’m currently on a cdrama/cvariety fix lol. as usual, be my friend! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
✰ multiple paths / mystery member ✰
friendship (multi: jaehyun, johnny, lucas) by jxngolas
all i need (ongoing!) by peachysicheng
✰ taeil ✰ (none)
✰ johnny ✰
streak breaker by softtm (neutral ending)
i’m so in love by romanticwyh
✰ taeyong ✰
*muse by jenoptimist
cloud 9 by bunny-doyounq
angel by sugaaasweet
is he an angel or a devil? by asteriaguk
fool by yongtxt
✰ yuta ✰
doctor, doctor by jaeculturetechnology
yes chef by butterbeeryuta
laces and things by butterbeeryuta
coming home by cupofjae
pâro (ongoing!) by jenoptimist
let me love u (ongoing!) by bunny-doyounq
airdrop (ongoing!) by taehunnies
✰ kun ✰ 
talking to the moon by dearncityy
not alone (ongoing!) by cupofjae
✰ doyoung ✰
*don’t need your love by cupofjae
*sanctuary by bunny-doyounq
anti by softtm
dear no one by dearncityy
sunflower by jaeehyuns
forced by radianthyuck (can’t find last chapter anywhere)
*where u at? (on hold) by suhdone
✰ ten ✰
collaboration by onflowerpaths
✰ jaehyun ✰
*tongue tied by peachysicheng
the breakfast club by kkuljaehyun
fly away with me by cupofjae
welcome to my playground by cupofjae
deep water by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*balance of us by solecize
young elites by markeu-lii
hericane by weishenv
breathless by peachyuns
the games you play by fluffyjenope
through the night by jaeehyuns (neutral ending)
pretty reckless by yukhheis (neutral ending)
roller skates by hhjwrld
the beauty within (ongoing!) by justwinwin
end to start (ongoing!) by bunny-doyounq
✰ winwin ✰
different skies by dearncityy
✰ jungwoo ✰
5:05 by jaeehyuns
la vie en rose by haechanhearts
✰ lucas ✰
playboy by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
unrequited love by textingwithnct
*do you think about me too? by byunnct
you & i by leejenopes (some links don’t work, scroll on blog)
slam (ongoing!) by wereseoyoung
keep yourself alive (ongoing!) by sushi-xuxii
the librarian (ongoing!) by princekunge
✰ mark ✰
game over by jenoptimist
connected by treerachas
mona lisa by weishenv
*unexspected by hyucksupremacist (neutral ending, i shed tears tho it was so good) (some links may not work so you’ll have to search on the blog or replace hyuckcryptid with hyucksupremacist)
*game over by kettlewrites
easy as pie by nctzen-mess
*yours by wereseoyoung
flickering by fluffyjenope
*vintage by yongtxt
how to get the boy (ongoing?/ neutral ending) by yojeongin
clueless (coming soon) by chicagoletters (suhdone remade)
✰ xiaojun ✰
*the muse by princekunge
*just before sunrise by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
2 fast  by markftmingi
play pretend (ongoing!) by dreamingxuxi
✰ hendery ✰
rags & riches by markftmingi
*love talk by jxngolas
✰ renjun ✰
replay 1:27pm by jxngolas
celebrity crush by ncttrinities
art tour ltd. by ncttrinities
coffee & water paints by kettlewrites
catfished! by heartjwi-main
love maze by aiurjins
wistful by treerachas
youtuber!renjun by poutyjwoo
*the one where renjun gets kissed by ncttrinities
*the rich truth: away we happened (ongoing!) by ncttrinities
history is a bench (ongoing!) by butterbeeryuta
✰ jeno ✰
more than friends by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
love club by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
badlands by poutyjwoo
our first and last dance by tinybinnie
reckless behavior by fentyyoons (unmarked tw ch 28-29)
habits by nanaluvie (neutral ending)
adore u by hhjwrld
119 (ongoing!) by ncttrinities
dear you, (ongoing!) by matterhalos
✰ haechan ✰
*heartbreaker by jxngolas
to him by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
my page by lysyuta
stoned by haechanhearts
remember me by seofthours
rewind by heartjwi-main
sunflower by softtm
sweet revenge by starsuhh
fingers crossed by treerachas (some links may not work so search on blog)
summer of ‘69 (ongoing!) by radianthyuck
place your bets (ongoing!) by hyukcieee
✰ jaemin ✰
puzzle by nationaldoyoungday
what family says, goes by hyukcieee
timeless by lysyuta
put me on by hyucksupremacist (some links may not work so you’ll have to search on the blog or replace hyuckcryptid with hyucksupremacist)
what i hate like about you by kettlewrites
*ferris wheel by yedarnit
what i like about you by neomrk
money talk by tinybinnie
a tail worth telling by rosehyck
playing the part by nctzen-mess
*my first and last by jxngolas (sequel to heartbreaker)
falling, hard by fentyyoons
*dead lover’s society by atrabiliousse
fashion friends by xiaocity
twelve days of christmas by lovieskihyun
✰ yangyang ✰
siren by dearncityy
the lab partner by princekunge
let me love you (ongoing!) by jxngolas
✰ chenle ✰
i’m so bad for you by neomrk
*turf war by hyucksupremacist
✰ jisung ✰
flower cafe by poutyjwoo
by my side by nctzen-mess
*my first and last by lysyuta
why not me, the dancer by heartjwi-main (some links link to wrong ch, search on blog)
hieraeth by heartjwi-main (sequel to why not me, the dancer) (some links link to wrong ch, search on blog)
along the lines of (ongoing!) by heartjwi
✰ non-nct ✰ (mostly from authors whose nct work i’ve read)
*bad guy ft. pentagon yanan by markftmingi
*crush culture ft. stray kids hyunjin by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*somebody else ft. ateez yunho by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*money talks ft. seventeen jun by dahyunminggyu
*big reputation ft. nine percent xukun by dahyunminggyu
plot twists ft. stray kids bang chan by desertskz
*do re mi ft. bts jungkook by taeyegu
l.c.t ft. bts jungkook by peachyuns
*bad at love ft. seventeen wonwoo by sankyeom
online ft. stray kids hyunjin by hhjwrld
find my iphone ft. bts yoongi by ediblesuga
*stay and cook ft. bts jungkook by firebettercallnct
*press start ft. bts jungkook by lovelyyyoongi
*keep it fruity ft. seventeen maknae line by cupidhaos
honeysuckles and dewdrops ft. stray kids hyunjin (ongoing!) by strawberryjmilk
2K notes · View notes
drc00l4tt4 · 3 years
special ask from pork, how do you think our special three would interact with eachother? soft magician boy, even softer goat boy, and 23/7 flustered cowgirl (о´∀`о) im already obsessed with ideas of them.. you can make up some of hermione’s personality if you want!! <3
For those who don't know, Hermione (Porki's OC), Boozoo and Crackerjack (my OC) are dating! It's a poly relationship, and I love it sm /gen
So here are some head canons for those who are interested!!! There's some for each AU (Showstopper, Bunny Farm and Boozoos Ghosts) so this'll be long lol /lh
Showstopper AU;;
Boozoo and Crackerjack originally met at Bon's Burgers (CJ just wanted to see the cool new restaurant)
When Crackerjack went to ask Boozoo out, he got flowers from Hermione's flower shop and that's how they became friends
Down the line they all three decided on a poly relationship (after Hermione became more prominent and Crackerjack and Boozoo both liked her more and more)
Crackerjack likes to mess with peoples hair, as it usually calms him down
Both Hermione and Boozoo like to mess with Crackerjack's fur, too
Hermione makes flower crowns for the three of them, and even made flower bracelets and rings
Crackerjack is a sucker for cuddles and he's usually in the middle of a cuddle pile (mostly because of his soft fur)
Crackerjack and Hermione usually come to Bon's Burgers and watch Boozoo preform (that's their favorite place to go on dates because they all can be there)
Boozoo usually does tricks for the two of them privately so he can sneak in a few flirts
Hermione likes to wear Boozoo's hat and Crackerjack likes to wear Hermione's
The three are rather professional in the restaurant but outside they're just silly little love birds
Bunny Farm AU;;
Crackerjack and Boozoo met on the farm, as Holly (the horse) was CJ's adoptive mother
They hit it off from there
Hermione met Boozoo at Bon's Burgers after he preformed and she met Crackerjack through Boozoo
The three started dating similar to how they started dating in the Showstopper AU
Crackerjack actually braids their hair because Holly had taught him how to for a few years
Hermione usually puts flowers in everyone's hair (think tangled lol) which goes incredibly well with Crackerjack's braids
They both love to just mess with Boozoo's hair and sometimes he preforms with the flowers in his hair
Crackerjack and Hermione usually go on dates at Bon's Burgers but in this case, Boozoo got the right to give them free food
They're never professional
Doesn't matter where they are, the three of them are always just silly love doves
Boozoos Ghosts AU;;
Ah now this one
This one's a doozy
Hermione actually met Boozoo first in this case
Hermione is actually royalty, but she tries to live as a commoner
She helped Boozoo with his money addiction and that's the main reason he even considered dating Crackerjack
Crackerjack was just a customer at the store, looking for a toy to give his niece when he met Hermione
She helped him pick a toy and he just became a regular
Eventually Boozoo warmed up to Crackerjack (who looked rather poor at the time, but he was actually rather wealthy himself from inheritance)
Then Crackerjack changed his look a bit to more fancy and Boozoo was like "Oh shit, am I gay"
(this is what Crackerjack looks like now)
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Hermione and Boozoo both wanted Crackerjack as a partner becauss of his soft personality and the fact he was able to blend in with people so well
When they asked about his previous outfit he laughed, "Oh, those were a gift from my mom, she always gives me stuff like that. I appreciate her."
Hermione thought that was wholesome as hell
Over time Crackerjack started getting more sassy (but in a funny way)
One time Boozoo was going back to money money mode (as force of habit) and Crackerjack just straight up stopped him
"Honey, My Love, My Darling, we don't have time for this. We could literally buy an island, we don't need poor people money. Give the poor man a donation? For me?"
That was the biggest donation Boozoo ever gave anyone
Crackerjack has a much bigger family in this one and they are much more prominent here
His niece and cousins usually come by the shop to say hi, and he always gives them a gift
(He tries to pay Boozoo for the toys, but Boozoo literally won't let him)
Hermione loves to play with the littler kids, and it makes Crackerjack want to adopt a kid
(He's just nervous to ask because it's a very big and important question. He decides to ask "later")
Boozoo isn't a big fan of the little ones but he usually gives the teens some money to mess around with (Not that Crackerjack doesn't- so now the teens are practically rich)
Hermione and Crackerjack are extremely kind to Banny and they help her clean sometimes (despite Boozoo saying they didn't have to)
Practically everyone acts professional around other people, but when the three are alone, they're all just goofy love-drunk puppies
They're rather happy
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avmisworld · 4 years
Jungkook as your boyfriend:
●     Y'all know Jungkook is MAJOR bf material
●     The cutest bean uwu
●     At the start of your relationship he was probably a bit awkward
●     The poor guy is so inexperienced he forgot what it's like talking to a girl who isn't doing his makeup lol
●     Is scared to do something you won't like so he's always really careful with his words and actions
●     Eventually he'll ease into it and become the shameless loving crackhead you know today
●     But sometimes he'll still get a little shy
●     Whenever he says something too cheesy or makes a cute mistake or you compliment him
●     Always has the cutest bunny smile during these moments
●     Always puts your needs before his own
●     If you're a foreigner, he'll spend hours learning your native language
●     Even though you know Korean and you have no problem communicating uwu
●     Makes sure you're eating well and sleeping enough
●     Even when he's on diets and sleeps two hours a day max :(
●     Always insists to help you even if you don't need it
●     "Y/N, let me help you"
●     "Babe, I'm combing my hair..?"
●     Is always ready to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are whenever you get insecure about your body and talents :'(
●     Is legitimately confused why you would ever be insecure in the first place
●     When he is insecure tho
●     You just tell him the harsh truth
●     That he's the world's cutest, most talented and golden bunny, and he's precious to ARMY and to his members uwu
●     Tells you he loves you at least a hundred times a day just to see you blush and avoid his eyes cutely
●     His favorite thing is making you laugh
●     Loves it when you make him laugh as well
●     He's an hilarious person so he doesn't have to try much to succeed
●     Loves to make funny faces at you during one of your fake-serious banters
●     You two have a shit ton of private jokes (wtf is funny about a plastic cup????)
●     You live on sending each other memes and stupid videos of people falling down stairs lmfao
●     You two are severe crackheads oof
●     It's very likely to find the two of you awake at 3 am having a dance party or karaoke after too much wine
●     Constantly having tickle fights, wrestling matches, pillow fights, what not
●     Do not forget that JK is a savage little shit
●     And that doesn't change because you are his girlfriend *sigh*
●     Teases you about everything and anything
●     Places things high up on purpose just so he can show up later with his chest puffed out and take it down for you with a smirk
●     "Did I hear a damsel in distress?"
●     But makes sure not to take it too far uwu
●     This kid is competitive af omg
●     A relationship with him means turning everything into some race or bet
●     "I bet I can finish this hot dog faster than you"
●     "Whoever brushes their teeth faster gets to shower first!"
●     You see this a lot when the two of you game as well
●     There is no way you can date Jeon Jungkook without playing Overwatch at least once lol
●     Video game tournaments
●     He wins most of the time but if he'll ever lose it's because he let you smh
●     Is competitive also when it comes to other people
●     Always has to prove to you that he's the best and that you made the right choice dating him
●     Like you would ever doubt that pffft
●     Whenever someone impresses you Jungkook would just jump out and be like
●     "That's pretty cool, but did you see the new move I learned?" *breaks neck*
●     Going to a fun fair would just be you going back home with a truckload of plushies from Jungkook winning in all the booths kfkfkd
●     Dates with him are so cute and fun
●     He loves taking you out sm
●     It doesn't matter if it's movie night, ramen dates, dinner dates, lunch dates, beach dates, amusement park dates, coffee dates, workout dates, study dates, ice-skating dates
●     Jungkook's inner child always comes out with you
●     Probably because he never really got the time to be a real child :(
●     You're the only person aside from his members and family who gets to see the real him
●     He's so whipped for you
●     Literal heart eyes
●     Can't stop staring at you with twinkling eyes and a wide bunny smile
●     When you catch him he'll look away and blush but he'll feel satisfied when he sees you blush as well uwu
●     He finds everything you do adorable and can't help but send you bashful laughs and affectionate gazes
●     even if he won't admit it kkk
●     Compliments you all the time
●     Compliments about your looks, your outfits, your smallest, most insignificant achievements uwu
●     Always notices the small things about you that no one else does
●     "Wow, Y/N, these new earrings look so good on you, babe"
●     Basically Jungkook loves to spoil you hehe
●     Buys you presents all the damn time
●     You don't encourage him to do so because you hate feeling like he's your sugar daddy or smth and you aren't with him from his money
●     But he just can't help it when he sees something he knows you'll like
●     Spends more time shopping for you than for himself
●     But it's all worth the gleam of excitement in your eyes when you see his presents
●     Even if you playfully slap him and pout
●     "I told you to stop wasting money on me!"
●     Also makes you his own personal presents uwu
●     Usually gives you them before he goes on tour to cheer you up
●     Anything from portraits of you he drew secretly, to paintings of beautiful landscapes, to songs he wrote for you, to a collage of pictures you took of you
●     Jungkook loves taking pictures and videos of you
●     Takes snaps of you secretly cause he knows you're shy uwu
●     His camera roll and gallery is entirely filled with pictures of you sleeping, eating, laughing, smiling, staring, talking, etc…
●     Plus cute selfies and candid shots of the two of you with huge grins and arms wrapped around each other
●     And memey selfies of the two of you that you would literally bury yourself if anyone would find lol
●     Also has little, random videos of you just scrolling on your phone or something
●     "Y/N, look at mee~~"
●     It's really hard when Jungkook leaves for tour for both of you
●     Late night video calls almost every day
●     Even when Kook is after a concert, with his eyelids sticking to each other like glue π-π
●     Calls you half asleep and the two of you just talk about meaningless stuff until one of you falls asleep uwu
●     Sends you snaps all day of him and the guys and everything they're doing
●     Does it so you'll see he's having fun and staying healthy
●     Wants you to do the same so you send him selfies of you and your boring university lifestyle
●     He insists that he finds it interesting and that he wants to see your face
●     "I can't be deprived of touching you and seeing you! It's too much."
●     Doesn't answer texts ever so you mostly communicate through phone/video calls and snaps/memes
●     When he comes back from tour you wait for him at the airport
●     His face lights up when he sees you and he smiles so wide π-π
●     No matter how exhausted he is he runs to you like a lighting bolt
●     Hugs you tightly and twirls you around while the other members watch fondly
●     One of the few times he'll agree to so much PDA
●     Usually he doesn't really like being too touchy in public
●     But he always holds your hand just to make sure you're next to him, safe and sound uwu
●     Brings you so much souvenirs from his trip abroad to make you feel like you were there with him
●     Snow globes, magnets, clothes, key chains, plushies…
●     All of it to remind you he thought about you every single day he was away
●     When you're together you're so domestic
●     If it's making food together, Jungkook teaching you BTS' newest choreo, working out, or even cleaning the house together
●     Nothing's boring with Jungkook
●     He's a whole different person when you're alone
●     Calls you sweet nicknames like "baby", "babe", "jagi", "princess" and "angel"
●     He's singing all day so it feels like your constantly stuck in "The Greatest Showman"
●     But you can't really complain cause Gukkie's sweet honey voice is your favourite thing to hear
●     Sometimes he'll talk to you in songs only to piss you off
●     But most of the time he'll sing to you when you can't sleep or when you feel sad or sick
●     He'll comb his hands through your hair gently while he sings to you softly *heart-attack*
●     Picks you up all the time
●     It might be because he loves to prove that he's strong enough to protect you and cherish you
●     But also because he loves hearing your shrieks of surprise and soft laughter
●     Piggybacks on the street, carrying you bridal style around the house, lifting you up like a baby in his arms when you playfully fight and twirling you around
●     Just all the time really
●     "Okay, okay, I'm sorry~~ Please let me down"
●     Because you live together when he's in Korea you're always stealing his clothes
●     He pretends to not like it and demands you to give it back to him
●     But if you're ever cold or in the need of some clothing he'll be the first to throw you his wardrobe
●     His slightly possessive nature feeds off seeing you all small and soft in his clothes
●     It probably turns him on tbh
●     Because of this he has a big thing for couple items as well
●     Whether it's outfits, phone cases, lockscreens, accessories, and eventually jewelry (like promise rings uwu)
●     Brags about you to the members 24/7
●     "Look at this picture I took of Y/N when she wasn't looking! Isn't she the prettiest?"
●     "Hyung, did you hear that Y/N was voted for best student in her class? Wah, I was really so impressed! She's a genius."
●     The members high-key tease him for it and say it's annoying
●     But they secretly think it's adorable how happy you make him and adore you so much for it fr
●     You getting along with the rest of the members so well makes Jungkook really happy
●     Even though he might get too protective sometimes
●     Gets jealous often and is horrible at hiding it despite not saying it directly smh
●     Watches from afar when you laugh at something Taehyung says, pinching his cheek lightly
●     His eyebrows are furrowed and he's tonguing his cheek like he always does when he's jealous
●     Eventually he has enough and comes over to you
●     Pecks your cheek or pulls you to sit in his lap and tells everyone about the date you have planned for tomorrow
●     "So, me and Y/N are planning to go to a picnic tomorrow at Han river…"
●     And you're trying so hard not to smile cause he's just being so obvious and you find it cute
●     A few time his jealousy leads to fights tho
●     Fighting with Jungkook in general is a rare occurrence
●     But when you do fight it can get pretty bad
●     Rather than shouting or losing his temper, Jungkook tends to shut himself off when the fight is serious
●     He stays quiet and talks only when it's necessary
●     "Whatever" "Do what you want"
●     It's mostly because he's afraid to say something he'll regret later
●     He'll probably leave the apartment and go to the gym/studio/dorm room to calm down and clear his head
●     Because both of you have big egos, it might take a few days to make up
●     If Jungkook's at fault, he will eventually swallow his pride and apologize to you
●     If it were the other way around tho
●     You're not going to hear a word from him until you admit you were at fault
●     No matter how much it'll hurt him to be away from you
●     Even after the fight is over it might take a little time for things to go back to how they were
●     Because Jungkook's pride and insecurities might get in the way of him approaching you
●     But with enough patience you'll be back to being the inseparable couple you were before
●     In case you think I forgot
●     Skinship is a must in your relationship
●     Jungkook loves to cuddle with you
●     He's always the big spoon, with his hands underneath your (his) shirt, just gently caressing the skin of your stomach and hips
●     Or with you laying on top of his chest, legs tangled together
●     A lot of times cuddling leads to heated make out sessions and even more
●     When he's troubled or exhausted he likes to nuzzle his head in the junction between your shoulder and neck and just breathe you in
●     Tight hugs when you see each other after a while with his hands pressing your face to his chest protectively
●     Back hugs are a must obviously
●     Creeps up behind you when you're working and scares the frick out of you when he wraps his arms around your waist
●     Loves forehead kisses because it's another opportunity to boast about how tall he is smh
●     Also cheek kisses, nose kisses, ear kisses, neck kisses, knuckle kisses and lip kisses ofc lol
●     Kisses you out of the blue and then pretends like nothing happened
●     "Sorry, I couldn't help it"
●     Lots of sweet, soft, loving kisses uwu
●     Has a thing for nibbling/biting you (mostly your earlobe/bottom lip/fingers)
●     Loves giving hickeys oml
●     It fits his possessive nature perfectly
●     The more people know you belong to him, the better
●     Loves when you sit in his lap skdjd
●     He wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you closer so he can place his chin on your shoulder, occasionally leaving butterfly kisses all over your neck and shoulders
●     Also into cuter things like poking your cheeks when you do something cute, ruffling your hair, tickling you and pinching your cheeks and bopping your nose.
●     When it comes to bed, Jungkook is definitely a dom
●     Just like he is on stage kdkck
●     Puts your pleasure before his own and makes sure you're a 10474859% with whatever he's doing beforehand
●     Sex after a fight or after he gets jealous and needs to remind himself you're only his
●     Dirty talk ahhhh
●     He can also be soft tho
●     Like when he's making love to you omg my hearteu
●     Whispering praises and sweet words in your ear
●     Staring into your eyes with his dark, intense ones
●     Moans alot and likes it when you do too
●     Occasionally he lets you have the upper hand
●     Doesn't spend too much time on aftercare because he wants to go back to holding you as quickly as possible
●     The two of you fall asleep naked with your bodies completely tangled together
●     Also likes showering with you
●     less in a sexual way and more as another opportunity to pamper you
●     Scrubs you carefully and puts shampoo for you
●     Uses soap foam to grow you a fake beard this boi srsly
●     Basically he loves you like no one else and you're destined to be
●     The best boi there is <3
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kirishwima · 4 years
sooo, for the cute prompts can I request some domestic life scenarios with the RFA? Have a great day/night ♡
YES, this is exacty what i meant when i asked for cute prompts hehe ^o^ I’ll also add Saeran bc well, i haven’t written anything for him before and he deserves love too!!
* There’s two scenarios for this sweet bean; living with him as students, and living together after graduating.
* As students, his scedhule is a bit hectic-he leaves early for classes, comes back dead tired in the afternoon, and honestly he wants nothing more than to just throw himself over MC and rest his head on their chest, taking in their warmth to recharge from the days’ fatigue.
* He loves to be pampered and cared for-if MC offers to rub his back, or help him study/make him some tea or snacks while studying, he’ll be so happy! 
*He also loves to care for them though, and as a roommate, although often messy, he’s really caring-he’s usually the one cooking most of the meals, and loves to make MC’s favorites (the smile on their face when they eat something he’s cooked makes him twice as happy really), and will absoloutely cuddle them to sleep at night (aka at 3am when he’s done playing LOLOL, and is this kis a FURNACE WHY IS HE SO WARM)
* He loves to go grocery shopping together! He’ll absoloutely try and put MC in the shopping cart and run down the aisles with them until a security guard scolds them for it lmao
* When living together after graduation, he might mellow down a little-the initial jitters are gone, and he’s more comfortable around MC, especially if they move out and get a flat together-this is now their space, one they worked on and decorated together.
* Will absoloutely bring foster animals home, and even if they make a mess he cares for them so much MC finds it absoloutely endearing. Seeing him chase a bunny around begging it to stop pooping is quite freaking funny though and they do film him doing so and send it to the RFA chatroom lmao
* Honestly. Just an absoloutely sweet boyfriend, he’s just so grateful to have a person he loves to come home to everyday
* She’s the one that suggested moving in together, and though excited, she’s a little apprehensive at first
* She’s so used to having her own space and is really rigid about cleanliness even with her busy scedhule, so she’s afraid how she’ll react if e.g MC is a very messy person
* However she eventually learns to compromise, and so does MC-Their house is always clean, even if its’ a little messy at times. Jaehee learns to relax a little, and is just happy to have MC to come home to everyday
* Since they co-own the cafe, they take turns manning the shop and running house chores. She does however love whenever they’re able to go shopping for supplies for the coffee shop together.
* At home she’s always brewing new roasts of coffee or trying out new recipes of cakes and muffins-she loves baking with MC, finding it so adorable whenever they end up with flour on their nose, blushing a furious red if MC tries to feet them bites of the dessert themself. 
* She’s not a cuddler, but loves to hold MC’s hand in hers when going to bed-nowdays she actually finds it impossible to fall asleep without the feel of MCs hand in hers
* She’s almost always the first one up in the mornings, and always brings MC a cup of coffee in bed to wake them up, along with a quick kiss
* They have movie nights once a week, and take turns choosing the film-it’s usually Zen’s musicals whenever it’s Jaehee’s turn, but MC doesn’t mind-not when Jaehee cuddles up with them, resting her back on MCs’ chest as they watch, constantly turning around to MC with wide bright eyes to comment on specific scenes.
* Seeing her smile every day is honestly such a blessing who wouldn’t want to live with her aaaaa
* This boy LOVES living with his SO, loves it!!!
* He is however extremely busy....and often comes home late....
* He’s happy MC is so understanding, but he’s furstrated with himself for not spending more time together even though they live under the same roof
* After deciding to live together, he’ll be willing to move out of his half-basement and into a place they choose together-that house holds many memories for him, yes, both good and bad, but he’s ready to say goodbye to that part of his life to start a new chapter fresh with his beloved.
* He’ll have so much fun going furniture shopping-absoloutely he’ll drag MC down with him on every bed to ‘test how comfortable it is’ 
* MC that’s a lie he’s absoloutely just trying to make sure how durable its springs are RUN-
* Ahem. Anyway yeah creating a place for the two of them to call home is an amazing experience, and he’s very lenient with compromises-he wants MC to be as comfortable as possible in their shared space, especially when he’s often home late leaving MC alone.
* On his free days he absoloutely makes up for his absence, becoming the absoloute boyfriend material-will wake up early and make MC breakfast in bed, waking them up with the sweetest kiss and the smell of freshly baked pancakes, will spend the day pretty much lounging like a big fluffy housecat-he’s s such an active and sporty person, yes, but he’s human too, and we’re lazy by nature lol
* He loves to rest his head on MC’s lap, feel them running their hands through his hair as they watch something on TV. The feel of their hands on him bring him ultimate bliss.
* Honestly just absoloute husband material, if only he had a little more free time lmao
* He’s also a really busy man, but has the blessing of being able to more or less make his own scedhule, considering his position, so he’s sure to never miss dinner time with MC-it’s his own little ritual with them
* He loves to lay in bed with MC in his arms, stroking their hair as they tell each other about their day. He can’t go to bed otherwise.
* If he’s abroad, he’ll skype MC every night and fall asleep with each other on camera, and he’ll make it up to them a thousand times over once he’s back home
* He loves to bring little gifts and surprises for MC when he comes home-from a bouquet of their favorite flowers, to something he saw that reminded him of them
* On days off, he’ll want to do something creative with them-Jumin’s always up for finding new hobbies and learning new things, so he’s eager to share this joy with MC
* ((his current obsession is sculpting-he’s absolotutely working on making a reailstic life-like sculpture of Elizabeth the 3d to place on their home’s entrance))
* Often he’ll cook with MC, trying out new recipes together, ones they picked up from their travels around the world-he’s not afraid of trying new things, and same goes to flavours. He especially enjoys meditarranean cooking, and will search for the best products to cook with.
* Loves to wake up first simply to watch MC as they sleep-their peaceful expression brings the biggest of smiles on his lips MC wake up you’re missing the purest sight in the whole world
* Such a loving husband, perfect bean, 10/10
* When all’s said and done, when both he and his brother are safe and he can finally breathe, he’ll absoloutely refuse to live together with MC in the fort he’s lived in for so long. It’s such a dark and gloomy place, he doesn’t want MC, his bright wonderful MC to live in such a constricting place.
* He’s really a family-oriented person-he’ll want a proper home for him and MC and Saeran to live in, one where their lives can actually finally feel normal.
* LOVES looking for a home with MC, viewing different properties and getting a feel of what suits them and what not-when the real estates agent tells them of homes with rooms perfect to eventually become nurseries, he can’t hide his gleeful smile, how he squeezes MC’s hand at the thought of having a home, a family, children-all he never thought he could have.
* Adjusting to a normal, everyday life is hard at first-he’s so unaccustomed to the most basic of things (like a freaking normal sleep scedhule) but with help he’ll get used to them
* Eventually he can’t fall asleep without feeling MC besides him-if he wakes up and finds the bed empty he panics, thinking of all the worst scenarios. 
* Sometimes he’ll even get up at night to check that Saeran is alright, the fears of his past hard to completely leave behind.
* Learning to cook with MC and Saeran is a challenge he enjoys-it’s almost like a little cooking class, with MC hovering over the twins trying to make sure neither of them chops off a finger cutting onions or set the kitchen on fire by accident.
* If they have a backyard he’ll love tending to it-he doesn’t know much, but Saeran teaches him, and he has so much fun planting different flowers and watching them grow.
* Going to the supermarket with him is like taking a baby to the amusement park. He’s constantly finding candies and weird foods and stuff and tries to discreetly throw them into the shopping cart-it’s almost impossible to tell him no when he finds something he really wants and makes that cute ol’ puppy face as he clings to it ((that ‘it’ is most often Dr. Pepper and a heckton of junk foods))
* It takes a little getting used to, sure, but at the end of the day, living everyday with Seven is nothing short of an experience, and well, a way to make life fun.
* Honestly....he’s so caring and loves to have someone to care for and greet each morning every day with, but he’s been hurt so bad by such a person, that he’s really apprehensive at first.
* It took a long time for him to finally ask MC to move in with him-and even then he’s scared, scared of what they’ll see of him, scared of the power they hold over him-it’s like inviting a vampire into your home, a threat and pleasure all at once, and an offer impossible to take back once it’s been given.
* He’s so scared to love and give himself, worried there’s not much left of him to give-it’ll take a lot of patience and reassurance to allow him to open up again, to find who he really is and show his true feelings.
* When he does open up however-oh man. He loves so much and so strongly, and after starting to live with him, it’s impossible to think of how life was before him. It’s so natural, existing in the same space with him, it was as if there was nothing before him, no life to speak of.
* He loves to care for MC in the smallest of ways-from planting their favorte flowers on the windowsill, to softly humming songs to them when they can’t fall asleep, his hands wrapped around them, their head nestled in the crook of his neck as he rubs soothing circles on their hand.
* V’s a giver by his nature-to love means to give, and with MC he learns that to love is more than that-it’s to share. So he learns to share, to give and be given in return.
* He’s not a great cook, and more often than not something ends up burnt when he attempts to make meals, but he makes the most delicious hot chocolate in the whole world, and in the summer, he loves brewing all kinds of different lemonades, sitting out on the balcony with MC on particularly hot days.
* He’s not one that likes to stay home much-his soul is adventeruous, and he always feel a nagging feeling, the need to go out there and explore, see all there is to see-only now he wants MC beside him, wants to experience all there is with them.
* That doesn’t mean that he hates staying at home though-spending late lazy nights with MC, both in their pyjamas as they curl up on the couch-he’ll often smoke during those nights, be it his pipe or cigarettes, leaning closer to the window as they talk with MC about everything and anything. There’s something vulnerable about the night, and they’re the only person he wants to feel this vulnerability with, the only one he’s not afraid they’ll hurt him with it.
* Eventually he’d like to have a family, if MC also wants to-and even if not, he’d like to at least move into a house with them rather than an apartment, no matter how big or small it is-he’d just like a space with a yard they can plant a garden in, take care of it together. He’ll absoloutely grow fruit trees and herbs, bringing in the fresh produce daily to use for recipes with MC.
* He’s such a big softie and perfect husband material just-give this mint unconditional love p l e a s e
* It also takes a l o t to get Saeran to agree to living together with MC. It’s not that he doesn’t want to-he does, more than anything, to be able to wake up everyday to his beloved’s smile, he’s just...scared. He’s not certain how he’d handle himself in certain situations, and living together with someone means they get to see every part of you, the good and the bad, and he’s afraid of how MC will react to the bad.
* They’ll have to remind him that they have seen the bad and the good, and they’re still here, and always will be. Only when he’s truly reassured of that will he agree, and even then he’ll be really shy and closed off at first.
* A place with a garden would be ideal, or somewhere with a view to a forest or away from the bustle of the city-he likes solace, and laying beneath a tree is the perfect remedy for his stress.
* Eventually he opens up, gets more comfortable around MC, starts to show his true self. The Saeran who’s happy, who is curious about the world, who constantly wants to explore and learn.
* He’ll love taking up a hobby like gardening with MC, will spend entire evenings with them on the couch and a book of botanology open on their laps as they sit with their shoulders touching, pointing to different plants and deciding on what they’d like to grow or not.
* He’ll visit Saeyoung frequently because well, he has to (aka he wants to but refuses to say it)), and will often inivte him back to their place, secretly laughing at his brothers’ jokes, enjoying how comfortably he and MC interact, seeing these two people-his family, in the same space he shares.
* It’s scary, to have a normal life after so long-but it’s what he craved the most, and now that he has it, he’ll never let go of it.
i had so much fun writing these aaa~
-send me mystic messeneger headcanons/prompts for characters to react to!-
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mozaikrolez · 3 years
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some headcanons for our muses featuring @waterlord !
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below , i’ve written up truck load more random headcanons on kiri’s relationship with shinobu kocho , kanae kocho , the girls of the butterfly estate & a new addition — mitsuri kanroji !!
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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐤𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨
initially , shinobu is a bit troubled by kiri . before kanae’s passing , her attitude is a lot like aoi — blunt , impatient & almost intolerant of many things . things that include clinginess . she’d be a bit rough on him at times , wanting him to be less dependent on people . this reminds shinobu of her ‘ old self ( which unbeknownst to her — is still present ) ‘ & how she was before her parents died . believing this way of life isn’t healthy , she tries to teach kiri how to be independent . funnily enough , she ends up latching on to him like an older sister or even a mother .
caring for his hair is something she does to relax . sometimes she’ll make a silly excuse like ‘ your hair pin is falling out again — geez ‘ just so she can play with his hair . when his hair grows longer , oooh man she loves it ! she loves to braid it in various styles since the colour of his hair fascinates her . the colour is rare & eye catching . even the slayers that come by the estate take notice ! if someone say’s something rude about it , shinobu will have a few words with them . a few sailor - esque words with them .
on that note , shinobu doesn’t like swearing around the young ones or her sister . she ESPECIALLY makes sure that kiri won’t hear her . aoi has caught her before & has a small habit of doing this too , but only when things really bother her - lol .
the earrings kiri made for her she cherishes deeply . she’d love to wear them all the time , but worries that they may break . instead , she wears them on casual days around town or on special occasions . they make a wonderful addition to her purple kimono . she barely notices the ‘ flaws ‘ on them & instead believes it gives them character . each imperfect line shows the effort that was put into gift , something that is priceless .
checking out the insects in the forest around the estate is another pass time of hers & she takes everyone along with her , typically in small groups ( unless her sister is around , then everybody comes along ) on rotation , but kiri is always invited on the trips . catching butterflies & releasing them is what they typically do but they tend to do other activities , such as ; have picnics , bird watching & other things in the forest . in the summer nights they catch fireflies !!
as the years go on & kiri begins to have strange dreams & tendencies , shinobu begins focusing on making a tea to help calm his nerves . when she finds him standing out in the rain , looking lost , she’ll scold him in anger as to mask the concern that veers on the edge of sadness . she doesn’t know how to deal with his episodes when he’s realizing his true identity but she’s always looking out for him & making sure her stresses isn’t known . she’s a worry - wort by nature after all .
shinobu & kanae tend to have discussions about him not aging . already having seen herself in him , she wonders if he’s destined to be tiny & frail like herself , which does make her sad . trying to make sure this doesn’t happen , she feeds him a lot more foods & special meals catered for him . but with this being something she can’t fix she eventually gives up . she accepts that they are probably a lot more a like than she knows ( or so she thinks ) .
i noticed that shinobu has 3 goldfish in her office . why not add a lil something to where they come from ? on new years eve , everyone goes out to watch the fireworks at the festival nearest to the estate ! during one of the new year festival’s they were attending , shinobu notices a goldfish game . she encourages kiri to play it with her & the two manage to catch the 3 fishies !! i was thinking that the two of em can come up with their names ?
after kanae’s passing shinobu almost completely shuts down . while still going to missions & doing things around the estate — she’s very reminiscent of a brainless zombie , just kinda moving on autopilot . there are moments where she snaps back , but it’s usually in the form of a panicked state . especially when the other tsugoku start to die . she gets even more protective of kiri at this point & makes sure aoi is looking out for him when she’s away .
as things die down a bit & shinobu starts to put her carefree mask on . since kiri is the closest to her , he’d probably notice shinobu taking a strange medicine & sitting in her medical office with an IV attached to her arm . she tries to keep this a secret from him , which may prove to be hard , but if she were to be confronted she’d say it’s simply a new medicine she’s trying out . she doesn’t want to worry him so she tries to keep her intentions a secret .
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𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞 𝐤𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨
i can see the two of them spending a lot of time in the garden together . kanae loves to fill the estate with various plants & usually brings new potted flowers home whenever she passes through a town . one day in particular , she brought back a sunflower . possibly after noticing that he likes them , she decides to buy more & plant them around the estate with kiri . the sunflowers they planted bring many bumble bees & butterflies to the estate . their efforts is what really gives their mansion it’s name .  shinobu appreciates the flowers that kanae & kiri planted around the estate . the flowers also brighten the place up & make everything look a lot happier !
when approached about making the butterfly earrings , kanae gushes at the idea ! she notices how close to shinobu he is & the idea makes her all giddy . whenever they are working on them together , she tries to make sure shinobu isn’t around whenever they work on em . at times she has to go out to distract her from seeing them by making silly excuses .
kanae loves to tell the story of the first flower breathe user & how the technique was developed . it’s a funny little thing that she does at least twice a year ! she often tells her other tsuguko or anyone who’s around when spring really starts to pick up — which is usually when she spends the most time arguably .
after learning that sanemi likes ohagi kanae decides to make them for him as treats . of course she makes them for her family at the butterfly estate & she usually gets aoi & kiri to help out . kanae has a bit of a sweet tooth & she loves to snack on homemade treats .
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𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐨 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐮𝐫𝐢 , 𝐚𝐨𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 & 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬
while quiet , kanao really appreciates spending time with kiri . she wouldn’t talk too much unless asked a direct question but she’s totally fine with sitting in silence . her coin is typically used for making big decisions , but she doesn’t use it all the time . responding to him is not much of an issue but silence & a smile is her typical response to most things he says .
when kanao receives the charm , there’s a lost expression on her face as she stares at it . she’s not lost but she doesn’t know how to react . there’s an immense amount of joy that she feels but she isn’t sure if it’s appropriate to express it , so she stares at it for a long time . the charm is always kept with her . it’s kept in her skirt pocket while she’s around the house , when she trains & out on missions . she always makes sure that it doesn’t get dirty . kanao is really good at evading attacks from demons but she always makes sure not to suffer an attack that could damage it — even if it may cost her taking a hit herself . ‘ it’s a precious gift given to me from kiri — i must treasure it at all costs ... it’s the only way i can show that i care ‘ is her thoughts about the charm . to her , it’s a symbol of their bond .
aoi keeps her talisman under her pillow . she’s always wanted a younger sister & kiri is the closest thing to that . just like she did for tsuyuri , aoi tries to convince kiri to convince him to take on her last name , lol !
the three youngster all look up to kiri & think he’s amazing . they would always go to him to read them a story before bed or something , lol .
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𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢
mitsuri comes by the butterfly estate every now & again to say hi to shinobu & enjoys aoi’s cooking . she notices kiri right off the bat & greets him by waving her arms in the air vigorously . she’s excited to see him because of his hair !! she’s happy to see someone with an interesting hair colour & she wants to touch it & give him a hug !
she thinks he’s absolutely adorable & like shinobu , she likes braiding his hair once it grows longer ! she often styles his hair in three braids , like her own , so they can be twinsies !!
mitsuri invites shinobu & kiri over to her house to try her cooking . she specializes in western dishes & she loves to treat people to her meals ! while she cooks , she invites kiri to watch & maybe he picks up some recipes to try making with aoi . mitsuri also sends them home with honey whenever they visit ( she has a bee hive ) !!
did i mention that mitsuri has a bunny !? MITSURI HAS A BUNNY !! it’s a white lop ear named after her favorite flavour of mochi — ichigo ! she’s more than happy to let kiri play with her !
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photorose11 · 4 years
An Unbreakable Bond Ch. 1
 Here is my latest Ichiruki fic that will be multi chapter! I haven’t started Chapter two yet but I’m sure I will soon. This takes places after almost three years after Ichigo loses his powers after the battle with Aizen. I know in the manga him and Rukia are separated for 17 months but I wanted to put a little more time into it. This is probably kind of sappy, maybe a little AOC but i tried. lol I listen to a lot of music when I write, two good songs that go with this chapter. “I Can’t Breathe” by Bea Miller. and “Lost Without You” by Freya Ridings. Both are beautiful songs. I hope you all enjoy this, please let me know what you think! <3
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach. (If i did, it would have ended a lot differently.)
Chapter One: Lost Without You
It had been two years. Two year since he had seen her. Heard her voice. Felt her reiatsu. The first year was hard. Every morning he would wake up, without hearing his closet door open up and seeing her jump out. The first few weeks, he thought he could still hear it because he had gotten so used to the sound in the morning. But every time he looked, the closet door was still closed. She was not there. Every morning he would give a sigh and then reluctantly begin his day.
He tried to focus in school, after a few months it got a little easier to focus and his grades went up because of it. He wished that made him happy, but it didn’t. Frankly, he didn’t care. He tried to, but after spending so much time fighting hollows, arrancars and Aizen. Seeing death, experiencing death and bringing brought back to life (thanks to Orihime) he didn’t know how school can feel that important after going through things such as that.
Every night after eating dinner with his family, he would get ready for bed. Take a shower, get in his pajama pants, brush his teeth and try really hard not to stare at her Chappy designed toothbrush that was still there next to his. He knew she wasn’t coming back, but he didn’t have the heart to throw it away, at least not yet. She had loved that toothbrush. After brushing his teeth, he would crawl into bed, stare at the ceiling and think of her. He would look back at the closet door, imagining how it would be if she was still on the other side of it. He knew he would be a lot happier, if she was still here.
The first year, the pain in his heart felt like someone stuck there Zanpakuto through it and twisted it before ripping it out. He felt it the most at night while staring up at his ceiling, remembering her.
The second year, it wasn’t better. It became worse. He started questioning everything. What was the point of everything that happened if it meant in the end, he lost his powers and lost her? Were they destined to meet just so they could be ripped away from one another? What in the hell was the point of living in a world he didn’t feel like he belonged in, because she wasn’t there with him anymore?
During the second year, every night after getting ready for bed he would stare up at the ceiling again, remembering everything he could about her. Still glancing at the closed closet door, gripping onto the front of his t shirt trying to over come the blossoming pain in his chest. He would close his eyes, as tight as he could. An then he would remember the last time he saw her before she vanished in front of him. He remembered the way she looked up at him in that last second, the look in her violet eyes. He then would think ‘it looked like that goodbye was killing her as much as it was killing me.’
On the last night of the second year, he goes through his usual routine. He remembers that last moment. The last time their eyes met, when he saw her vanish from his view for the first and last time. He grips his t shirt harder, turns onto his side where he can stare at the closet door now fully in his line of sight. He gives an aggravated sigh, thinking how it’s been two damn years, will be the beginning of three tomorrow; and she’s still gone.
She is not coming back.
He rolls back onto his back, but not before glancing at his desk where he can just faintly see the outline of a drawing he has had hung up over his desk for the last two years. One of her drawings he had found in the closet after they had said goodbye. It was a drawing of her in bunny form, he can tell by the semi short black hair. And next to her was another bunny with orange hair, and what looked like a big sword on it’s back. They were in a field, with the sun showing above them. He remembers how he found that drawing laying in his closet a few days after he last saw her. He had held it together until he first laid eyes on it, then before he knew it, he was on his knees in front of the closet, hands covering his face as he cried. He wonders if she drew it meaning to leave it with him, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see her for much longer.
He feels tears sting his eyes while gazing at it before giving yet again another aggravated sigh and putting his right arm over his eyes, trying to calm down. He questions why he is acting like this, like a complete and utter fool. If Rukia knew she would definitely kick his ass and call him a fool and tell him to start acting like a man. He smiles at the thought of that. He missed calling her midget. He actually missed her calling him “Strawberry”. And then he thinks some more and starts questioning.
 ‘Why the hell is this still effecting me years later? I know she’s gone an she’s not coming back. Why does It still hurt as much as it did the first week? It’s not like I lo-‘
 Before he can finish his thought, he removes his arm from over his eyes and lays it over his heart. Feels his heart rate speed up. His eyes widen and he sits up with a start. Looking at her drawing again and then looking at the closet. In that moment he realizes something that’s really always been right there in front of him... in that moment it feels like time has stopped. He can hear his heart racing, his body slightly shaking; overwhelmed with this sudden realization that is leaving him breathless.
He slowly pulls the bed comforter off him and gets out of bed. He moves to the window and looks up at the night sky and sees it’s a full moon tonight. He feels wetness on his face, he knows what it is but in that moment he doesn’t care due to the breathtaking realization he just had while laying in bed thinking of Rukia. He doesn’t know why he feels scared to say it out loud, but he pulls up the courage to say it because he feels he needs to. He knows she won’t hear him because she’s on a whole other plane of existence. But he thinks saying it may take a little bit of the pain out of his chest.
“I.. love you, Rukia. I think I have always loved you. I just realized it now. I really am a fool; it took me all these years to finally see it. I’m sorry I never said it to you before we said goodbye.” He could feel new tears forming.
“I feel kind of stupid saying this out loud when I know you can’t hear me, but that’s okay.” He took a deep breath, clutching his hands into fists in front of him before speaking again.
“I don’t understand why you can’t visit though. Knowing you, you want me to move on with my life because I’ve lost my powers. I get that, I do. But…” he unclutches his fists before giving a sigh and clenching his eyes shut.
“It feels wrong not being able to talk to you or see you. I know you’d say I belong here because I’m still alive but... I really only feel like I belong wherever you are, with you by my side. I don’t feel alive here without you. Because I’m in love with you and you’re still my best friend. I miss you, Rukia.”
By then he could definitely feel the tears on his face, sliding down his cheeks hitting his hands that are on top of the window seal. But it didn’t frustrate him. He was okay with it. It felt good to say what he did even thought he knew she couldn’t hear him. After a few moments of looking at the moon, he slowly moved back to bed and got under the covers again. He wiped the tears off his face and in minutes he was asleep, clearly worn out from the last ten minutes.
He had no way of knowing that a violet eyed Shinigami was standing beside his bed, her own tears streaming down her face. She had heard everything.
He had no way of knowing that she had been there since he had been getting ready for bed, a little over an hour ago. She had been in front of his closet door when he was laying in bed and he kept glancing at the closet door and then above his desk. She knew he was thinking of her. It made her heart ache in a certain way she had become all to accustomed to in the last two years since they had said goodbye. When she returned to Soul Society after disappearing from his view almost three years ago, she gave her report to the head captain and went straight to her corridors at the Kuchiki Estate. Once she had slid her door closed, she dropped to the floor and cried. She couldn’t remember the last time she had cried like that before, like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She still felt that pain, every day.
She didn’t expect him to get out of bed when he did. She was standing a few feet behind him when he started talking. After the first few words spoken from his mouth, she thought maybe he knew she was there. Those first few words made her happier than she had ever felt before, but also incredibly sad because even if she said it back; he wouldn’t be able to hear her.
After his small speech spoken into the night air, she was clutching the clothing by her heart. Struggling just to stay upright. She wanted to scream and cry and ask Kami ‘Why, why WHY did this have to happen? Why he did have to lose his powers causing us to say goodbye?’
She watched him slowly move back to his bed and get under the covers. Watched him wipe the tears off his face and drift off to sleep. She felt her heart rate speed up and took a few steps closer to his bed, looked down at him; realizing what it is she needed to do for him… and for her. Hesitantly, she reached a hand out to his face, cupping his cheek; running her thumb along it. She heard him give a happy sigh. She smiled tearfully, before pulling her hand away. She knew he couldn’t hear what she was about to say, but that was okay.
“You fool.. I’m in love with you too, Ichigo. It took me just now to truly realize it. I know these last two years have been hell, they have been for me too.” Before she continued, she gently knelt by his bedside and shakily reached out a hand and laid it atop of his. She looked up at him, new tears forming in her eyes.
“But I am going to fix this. You are going to see me again. I’m sorry it took me two years to realize that I’ve been a fool for staying away this whole time. I have missed my best friend.” With that said, she gave his hand a light squeeze before pulling away and standing back up. She walked to his window, gave one last smile at his sleeping form before speaking one last thing.
“You will see me soon, Ichigo. I promise.”
They did not know but in just a few days Ichigo would meet Kugo Ginjo, not to long after that Kisuke Urahara will ask for Rukia’s help in order to restore Ichigo’s powers. Without hesitation, she agrees. The next few weeks, things will change more then they had in those last three years.
They both realized it as soon as Rukia had pierced her Zanpakuto through him again, and he slowly turned his gaze towards her. She gave a smile meant only for him. She felt the beginning of tears in her eyes but pushed them back. Now was not the time for tears. Tears of happiness will have to come later. All he could do in those first few moments was stare in shock, before he felt the familiar feeling of power consume him. She watched on in excitement for him, and happiness. She knew they had a lot to discuss, once these battles were over.
She had no doubt in her mind that he would win this battle. He always did. She continued to watch him, wondering what the future would hold once this was over.
Whatever it were to bring, she was ready to face it with Ichigo by her side.
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020
PROMPT: Adopting a Pet Together
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​​
PAIRING: TYL!Yamamoto/TYL!Hibari
Yamamoto brings Hibari to an animal shelter, and hopes it will cheer him up a little.
TAG WARNING: Implied/Reference Animal Death, Implied/Reference Animal Abuse
WORDS: 1415
“Good—good afternoon sirs.” The man takes even less than one look at Hibari and shifts his whole attention on a smiling Yamamoto. Not that Hibari is looking at him. He’s doing this thing where he’s scrutinizing the animal shelter while still definitely looking at him. “What can I help you with?”
“We just want to take a look,” Yamamoto says.
“Oh?” The relief is clear on his face at the prospect of having minimum interactions with them. “What about—” He glances at the stray cat in Hibari’s hands.
“No.” There’s a distinct lack of any emotions in Hibari’s voice, as distinct as the unmistakable shift in the air.
The man tenses even more, which Yamamoto didn’t think possible but he’s used to it by now. People just tend to surpass themselves around Hibari out of an overwhelming desire to not die.
Hissy nuzzles Hibari’s arm, unbothered, apparently already unaffected by the Hibari effect. That’s good, seeing as she’s most definitely coming back home with them.
“Sorry,” the man chokes out. He does meet Hibari’s eye, but maybe he’s just smart enough to not risk having him out of his sight. Not that it would change anything.
“Volunteer?” Hibari asks. Yamamoto glances at the badge pinned on his chest. Oh yeah, he is a volunteer. Poor guy.
“Yes, I’m—”
“How long?”
“Err, a long time?”
“This shelter is not up to standards, Herbivore.”
Yamamoto swallows a laugh at the dumbfounded look that crosses his face. But then it takes on an outraged expression, albeit his voice comes out shakily.
“Well sir, we’re not the ones you should be telling us that. All the employees here are doing the utmost best with the resources they’re given. These animals are cared for and loved and looked after with all of our heart. Of—of course it could be better, but we make a point to make sure they’re not unhappy at all. S-so—”
Hibari subtly straightens his back, and he quiets down. “Is that so?”
The man pales under Hiabri’s preying eyes. He swallows thickly, either subconsciously aware—or worse, very consciously aware of the threat building in the air.
Yamamoto takes pity at the sheer panicked look he gives him.
He steps closer to Hibari, slides his hand down his back to rest at the small of his back. “That’s good to know, sir. Isn’t it, Kyoya?” He brushes their shoulder together, ever so slightly.
“I suppose.” Hibari looks past the volunteer again, effectively dismissing him. “I’ll write you a check.”
“No way, I’ll do it.” Yamamoto swings him around to look at him eye to eye. “Out of my own money. For the animals, and as a proof of my love.” Hibari narrows his eyes, and he gives him his most serious, solemn expression. “Because I love you.”
“Disgusting. You’re lucky I didn’t train her yet.”
Yamamoto laughs when he shoves past him. He falls in steps behind him, hands in his pockets.
“Excuse-me sir? A—a check?”
“Uhm?” He turns back to the man, to the confused look on his face. “Oh yeah, you know, for the good of the animals.”
They’ve seen worse shelters by far. Maybe there are a little too many animals for a not big enough space in this one, but at first glance the place is clean, the cages too, and the animals look in good shape.
They’ll use the money right.
“I don’t know if… I’m allowed to…”
“Ah, I forgot.” He closes the distance, puts a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll come check in regularly, so make sure we’ll leave happy alright?” He smiles, wide and cold. He lowers his voice. “Or we’ll break you.”
Yamamoto goes on his merry way without looking back.
A grin quickly plasters itself on his face, and he devolves even quicker into using his baby voice. He waves at the cats, makes faces at bunnies and hamsters, and talks gibberish at every single one of them.
Barks and growls and meowing lead him to Hibari, crouched in front of a dog’s kennel.
Hissy is doing what she does best in the fifteen minutes Yamamoto knows her, that is hissing on all fours on Hibari’s knee. She’s all puffed out to make herself bigger, but is still nowhere near the dog’s size.
Hibari doesn’t even spare him a glance when he crouches beside him. He’s too busy giving praises and incentives and advice to both Hissy and Twilight, stroking Hissy alongside her back.
It does seem to spur the animals on, and Yamamoto wonders for the umpteenth time if Hibari actually mastered the animal language.
“Twilight too then?”
“We’re not calling her that.”
“And Chocolate too,” he adds, waving at the most adorable, chocolate brown puppy he has ever seen, in the kennel next to Twilight.
Hibari rolls his eyes, as if he wasn’t keeping his eye on the puppy all this time. He sneaks his fingers between the bars to stroke the fighting animals to a cease fire.
There’s a content and peaceful look on his face that warms Yamamoto’s heart, still sad and not a smile yet, but it’s the closer to happiness he’s seen him since weeks. His pants are dirty around his knees from when he knelt on the street until he won Hissy’s trust, and a burst of fondness overtakes him.
Hibari tilts his head without looking, and he plants a lingering kiss on his temple. He nuzzles his hair, and when Hibari tilts his head again, kisses his forehead.
They move on, go around the shelter back to the entrance. Yamamoto abruptly turns back before their last turn, and finds himself nose to nose with Hibari.
“You know what,” he laughs, not fooling anyone, “I think I want to see Twilight again.”
Hibari huffs. “I can hear them, I’m not deaf.”
“He was just so cute you know? We should go back the way we came.”
“You will move aside, Kitsune.”
Yamamoto bites his lip, but eventually and reluctantly lets him pass. He doesn’t move from his spot while Hibari strides the birds’ aisle.
This is too soon. Is this too soon? The others said it’d be too soon.
Well, Gokudera and Lambo did. Ryohei and Chrome thought it could help him move on, and Mukuro warned him it could go either way.
Tsuna gave a worrying “maybe”, but he didn’t get a bad feeling and his Hyper Intuition didn’t go off, so Yamamoto thought he could take the shot.
He tries to subtly get a feel of Cloud flames, but the way they snarl at him tells him he wasn’t so subtle.
Yamamoto sighs and makes his way over. “I’m sorry Ky-chan, I’m just—”
“We’ll take this one too.”
The bird is busy eating, a beautiful white dove with black eyes and a black beak, a black collar at the nape of his neck. He doesn’t look anything like Hibird, but maybe that’s for the best.
“Are you sure? Please don’t feel like you have to become better quicker than it feels right because of me. I just—”
“Worry too much for nothing, as usual.”
“It’s not nothing,” Yamamoto says softly. He leans against him, and Hibari doesn’t move away. “Hug?”
There’s a beat of silence before Hibari puts Hissy down. There’s another beat where he strokes the top of her head before he stands back up, straight into Yamamoto’s arms.
He pretends to pull away, clicks his tongue. “Your perfume,” he says with impressive disdain in his voice.
Yamamoto laughs. “I know, I know, I’ll change it back.” He strokes the hair at the base of his neck, breathes in eagerly in their strawberry scent. “You know, Hibird isn’t in bird Heaven because he was your bird, but I’m sure he’s having the best time of his life in bird Hell.”
Hibari huffs a laugh, but then actually chuckles, low and husky at the back of his throat, his shoulders shaking. Yamamoto grins ear to ear, and pulls back to take in his happy face, the gleam in his eyes and the white of his teeth peeking through.
“Obviously, who do you think he was?”
“The best,” he says, bumping their foreheads together. “How should we call this little one?”
Hibari hums, shifting his head to look at the dove. “Blade.”
Yamamoto snorts, holds back his laugh as best he can, that is badly. “Terrible name.”
Hibari shuts him up with a biting kiss, and he’s happy to let him.
This is TYL but in a TYL!Verse where Byakuran isn’t trying to take over the world because, you know, they dealt with that.
Takeshi and Kyoya got together, err, at some point??? Not when they were teens in any case. Somewhere between after high school/reaching adulthood and when they hit 24/26 years old.
They got together because??? Not out of some lingering feelings from when they were teens in any case, of from a sudden realization of how the other is boyfriend material lol.
And Hibari’s type definitely includes “high battle skills” but he’s in it for other things too.
Maybe Takeshi was the one he used as intermediary to stay in touch with the other Guardians/Tsuna/the family business because he’s the one he tolerates the most.
Maybe Takeshi was the one Tsuna sent the most in mission with Hibari because he’s the one most successful to deal with Hibari being Hibari without it ending in a fight.
And maybe they learn to actually enjoy each other company instead of just tolerating/putting up with the other. And maybe they start hanging out with the other outside of family business.
And maybe they learn to appreciate the way they balance each other, and the way they make each other better, and the way they can deal with the other at their worst without, like, not allowing the other to be at their worst, you know? (Probably not lol.)
Yeah, something like that, that sounds nice.
Anyway, they’re together since a year or two here?
And Hibird died because??? Not some horrible death like a mafiosi wanting to take revenge on Hiabri or something anyway. Idk guys, birds just die sometimes.
So Hibird died and Hibari is sad. And he’s not going on a rampage because he’s 26 and learned how to deal with his emotions like a functioning adult. Well, as much as a functioning adult Hibari can become lol.
He does get more vicious and merciless in his missions. And more cold and with an even shorter patience when dealing with the others Guardians. And demands more alone time too.
And it’s been weeks like that, and Takeshi wants to give him back some happiness. He thinks maybe adopting a new pet would do him some good.
The actual, full pet names Hibari uses for Takeshi is Ao Kitsune (Blue Fox), for obvious reasons and also we’re not gonna talk about my poor tastes in pet names.
But only when he feels particularly proud because Takeshi’s messing with someone, or turned on because he’s being particularly serious in a fight, or mad but while still being in a loving mood.
Otherwise Kitsune it is (including in bed, yeah you didn’t ask but now you know lol).
Takeshi calls him Ky-chan, and we’re still not gonna talk about my lack of skills in choosing pet names. Kyoya isn’t much up to public display of affection tho, so it’s only when it’s just the two of them.
And it’s just Kyoya like, 80% of the time anyway because they both prefer it that way.
Hibari wants to call the dove Blade because white feathers, sword, Takeshi’s favored weapon, all that. It’s his way of saying thank you and showing how he appreciates what he did, and Takeshi knows it.
They do end up adopting all three animals, and all three names stay. Also no, we’re not going to talk either about how much worse I am at just naming things lmao.
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
Matchup for @nad-zeta! (Milestone Celebration)
Zeta, my sweet sweet Zeta, here’s your matchup! You have been such an angel, both in your patience and your general loveliness.💛 I’m sorry it took a little longer than expected, but I hope it was worth the wait! It’s pretty long (~3000 words lolllll) so it’s all under the cut. Sorry, I got carried away! :’) xx
So, without further ado, based on the information you gave me I matched you with...
take care of my bby pls
I feel like I need to say that I kept going back and forth between him and Zen. Zen was a VERY close second, so I kinda half match you up with him too. That being said, there were some things you mentioned that made me lean more towards Saeyoung, which will be explained below :))
Reasoning & General Headcanons!
“🥰 i am a aries, infp, ravenclaw female 🦊”
An Aries you say...?
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Need I say more? Absolute chaotic duo. The energy is buzzing, and the people you hang out are always amused by your shenanigans.
As an INFP, you are caring, loyal, and sensitive, which are traits that I believe Saeyoung would benefit from in a partner. He also hides his true emotions well, so someone with your personality type would be able to pick up on the signs that he is feeling low, even if he tries to hide it. Your loyalty and devotion also helps him feel secure, which considering everything he’s been through, is something I feel he would struggle with, particularly in the early stages of a relationship.
On the flip side, Saeyoung is also incredibly loyal. And whilst he does joke around and tease, he knows how sensitive topics and comments can affect someone, so he is never careless, especially since (as an INFP) you often take things to heart. As a team, you work well together because you view the world slightly differently. You’re an idealist, whereas he’s a realist; you focus on the big picture, whereas he has an incredible attention to detail. This is really helpful in difficult conversations, big decisions, plans for the future etc, because whilst your opinions may differ, you offer the other a different side of the story. You get the best of both worlds!
I don’t know my Harry Potter houses very well, but from my memory and a quick Google search, Ravenclaws value knowledge and are wise, intelligent and witty. Sounds familiar? ;) i mean wise is debatable lol. Your conversations are sooo interesting and natural, because you’re both very intelligent in many ways.
“i am pretty shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. I am pretty aloof and blunt, like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating.”
Okay, this was one of the key things that made me match you with Saeyoung. A huge reason why I love Saeyoung so much is that there is a high level of comfort in a relationship with him. By that I mean that he is so open and fun that there is literally zero judgment. Judgment is such a foreign concept to him in this kind of situation. He makes you so comfortable that it’s so easy to be yourself around him, and it doesn’t take long for him to get to know you.
GIRL HE’S THE SAME. The king of bottling up his emotions. This means that y’all know when something is up, you can see the signs. You are understanding of each other, so discussions happen and actions are put into place before things become too much.
Saeyoung sometimes just needs to be told when he’s being a lil prick. You are kind and gentle when he needs it, but also can be blunt with him when it gets silly. I mean, if MC was like you towards the end of his route, we would have got through the whole “i’M tOo dAnGeRoUs gEt aWaY” thing SO much more quickly.
Once you’re comfy with him, you become an absolutely unstoppable force. When he teases you, you tease him back. When he’s being playful, you’re his partner in crime. Y’all are so goofy. Your life is full of laughs and joy with Saeyoung.
Sarcastic comments, dark humour and self-deprecating jokes? Yep that’s also very Saeyoung. Sometimes you two have to reel it in a bit when you’re hanging out with others because YOU’RE OUT OF CONTROL TOGETHER.
“I love my friends and family and will fight anyone who threatens them, although when it comes to me, you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly can't stand up for myself).”
IT’S LIKE HE’S LOOKING IN A MIRROR. Seriously though, he knows the importance of self worth because he knows, firsthand, the damage that can be done when you don’t value yourself and your wellbeing. He makes it his mission to help you see how worthy you are of respect and give you confidence to stand up for yourself. Even if you won’t do it for yourself, he’ll stand up for you. He cares too much about his loved ones to let them be treated wrongly.
He feels how much you love him and your other friends/family which makes him feel so secure, and he also has a phenomenal amount of love in his heart to give and he ain’t afraid to do so.
“I swear like a sailor although I am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real.”
Finds your road rage and swearing SO amusing. Constantly teasing you about it and winding you up, but it’s all in good fun.
Absolutely has a swear jar for you. No doubt about it.
“You’ve corrupted my good, Catholic ears.” “Saeyoung shut the fuck up.”
“I love nature and animals (i love my lil bunnies and dogs), i love working out/going to the gym #gym is life”
I mean, we know he adores cats, and I imagine he loves other animals too.
I also imagine he loves camping, and I don’t even know why. He just gives me camping vibes. Weekends away spent in nature, sleeping in a tent and sitting round a fire in the evenings are pretty common for you.
I know this is ~controversial~ topic in the fandom, but I am of the opinion that Saeyoung also works out.
Do I think he’s completely ripped? No, probably not. But he’s strong, lean at the very least. Even Jaehee admits it! He makes working out so much fun and it’s always a bit of a laugh.
“i enjoy cooking (i am now officially a chef), wine tasting (fancy way of saying getting very tipsy of different wines most nights), spending time with friends (especially if there is tea to be spilt) although i do need lots of alone time to recharge my social battery”
The first time he tasted your food, he almost cried. Poor boi lived off eating crisps and soda for God knows how long.
“Wait, you’re not meant to constantly feel like you're gonna throw up? Food is meant to have...flavour???”
Help him
Saeyoung is pretty social, but also needs time to recharge like you, though he can go a bit longer than you and doesn’t easily get drained by social interactions. This may seem like a problem when you spend time with friends, but it’s actually such a blessing. If you’re feeling exhausted when socialising, he knows and will “take the wheel” if you will. There’s nothing worse than trying to keep a conversation going or seeming upbeat when you literally don’t have the energy, so Saeyoung is there to help you out. He’s also super good at politely and subtly taking you out of those situations if you are super drained and need to recharge.
He’s also such a gossip so if you got tea to spill he’s ready to hear it, and you know he ALWAYS has tea to spill. Sneaky man
“i like conspiracies, reading, writing (Fanfics and im busy with my Masters in nutrition >“<), rom coms, and  sleeping. As much as i love spending time outdoor i also enjoy lazing around the house being a lazy potato.”
Discussions about conspiracies over dinner lol. He is in possession of some...top secret information, so those conversations are very interesting and eye opening ;)
He LOVES to read your writing. It literally doesn’t matter what it’s about, he finds it truly fascinating. It’s a little glimpse into who you are, and it’s something you created!!! By yourself!!!! HE LOVES THAT. Always impressed with what you write, every time. He’s so proud.
He’s a cryer, he loves rom coms.
He works super hard, so he’s always down to have a lazy day with you!!
“I definitely zone out and daydream all the freaken time and tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club). I am a picky eater despite my degree in cooking (i basically only eat candy, carbs and protein)”
He. loves. Making. You. blush. I’m sorry, but it’s one of his favourite things. He thinks it’s so adorable, so prepare for all the teasing, lewd jokes and general flirtiness that’ll get your cheeks burning ;)
He’s not keen on crowds either, so that’s not a problem!! I imagine he occasionally goes on night’s out with the bois (and by bois I mean usually just Zen and Yoosung LOL) but he’s not often out until super late, and he’s super respectful of you. Would never ask you to do something or go somewhere that makes you uncomfortable.
“i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.   I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).”
CUDDLE MONSTER. I actually think he’s the biggest cuddler in the RFA. Controversial I know, but damn Saeyoung loves a cuddle. He’s a spontaneous cuddler. Like it doesn’t matter what the situation is, if you need a cuddle or he just fancies one, he’ll find a way.
He sees right through your calmness and confidence, because he’s exactly the same. This puts him in the perfect position to reassure you and lift you up. He’s a great hype man!
He finds your awkwardness adorable, and your sarcastic comments just make him love you even more! He has a good sense of humour and doesn’t take things too seriously if they don’t need to be, so he’s constantly laughing with you and easing your mind in the very early stages of your relationship.
“I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, like no matter how badly you hurt me.”
Based on what happens on his route, it’s very handy that you are a forgiving person hahah
But again, if Saeyoung thinks you are being treated wrongly and being hurt, he will stand up for you.
His dedication to protecting the ones he loves is STRONG. I mean, look at his relationship with Saeran and the way he is constantly looking out for you in ALL routes.
Of course, he won’t say or do anything to that person if that makes you uncomfortable. Instead, he will constantly reassure you of your self-worth and remind you that you deserve better, but will also support the decisions you make.
If you want to forgive and forget, he will respect that, even if he thinks differently.
“What am i looking for in a potential partner?.... well i definitely think i need someone that could bring me out my shell initially, also someone who isn't too sensitive cause like i said i can be super sarcastic and my jokes kinda match that (like in my family we show out affection for each other via playful insults and savage comments)😂😂”
As I stated above, I think Saeyoung is the best person to help bring you out of your shell. There’s no judgment and no shame with this man.
I find that someone being unapologetically themself is SO contagious, and Saeyoung is exactly that - unapologetically himself.
We’ve all seen his humour, he doesn’t seem to be particularly sensitive either so you’re all good there hahaha. Obviously everyone does have their limits, so whilst their are topics/jokes that would probably make him uncomfortable (e.g. stuff relating to Saeran), overall, he’s chill and ALWAYS ready to joke around with you.
The roast battle is so real with you two LOL
“i kinda want someone stable, hard working, decisive, ambitious and who can push me out of my confort zone and vice versa.🦋”
He goofs around, but there’s no denying that this man works HARD.
Once he leaves the agency and starts his new life with you, I can imagine him being super ambitious and also aiming for stability.
His life before had been so restrictive yet so uncertain. He had to do what he was told, but never knew what was just around the corner.
This makes me think that he would crave the stability and certainty that he never had (a ‘normal’ life, if you will), but also he’d want to try so many things that he hadn’t before. He strikes me as a ‘go big or go home’ kinda guy, so I think it’s safe to say that he would be ambitious in many ways.
The only thing I don’t think he ticks the box on is decisiveness, at least not at the beginning. I think he usually knows what he wants, but rarely acts on that.
“It’s up to you”, “whatever you want” and “I don’t mind” are very common phrases for him lol. I think he would learn to be more decisive once he gets comfortable. I also think he has his moments of assertiveness though, when he’s in the right mood.
“Also someone who is family oriented and loving (someone that can cuddle me when im having a bad day)☺ and someone who can make me laugh, cause i love joking around so i kinda think i need someone who could match that🌻”
Again, look at what he’s done for Saeran and how deeply he cares for and loves him. A ‘normal’ family was something that was absent in his life, so when he has his own family (whether that be a found family or one he made) he would cherish that so strongly, maybe more than most.
He could be working at his desk and suddenly think “you know what? It’s snuggle time” and then he would search the house for you to give you The Snuggle™
Again, he’s also VERY observant and his attention to detail is impeccable, so he can instantly tell if you’re having a bad day and will act accordingly - aka SNUGGLE TIME
I mean, need I say more? If you want someone who makes you laugh, Saeyoung is the guy. There is never a dull day when he’s around, and the house is always filled with laughter!
So yeah....that’s my reasoning :’)) now onto your very own drabble!! This is all yours, so if there’s anything you’d like me to change or add, PLEASE let me know!! I’m more than happy to edit anything to make it more personalised for you, just shoot me a message and I’ll be on it, same goes for anything I’ve said above!!🥰
“Saeyoung! Can you come here a second?”
You called out to him from the kitchen, stirring from a pot whilst its contents quietly bubbled away. You could hear the music blaring from his headphones all the way from the other room, with the occasional hum or drum on his desk. Evidently, he hadn’t heard you.
The music ceased, followed by rapid pattering as he darted into the room, nearly skidding round the doorway. 
“I heard ‘fine ass’ and here I am,” he smirked, sauntering over to you and snaking his strong, secure arms around your middle. He swayed you from side to side, planting a wet kiss on your cheek, much to your dismay. Saeyoung merely chuckled, resting his chin on your shoulder, “What do you need, witch lady?”
“Why ‘witch lady’?”
“Well, whatever you’re cooking is giving me witchy vibes. It looks like a potion in a cauldron. Look at you with your double double toil and trouble-OW! Don’t pinch me!”
“Sorry, it’s a witch thing,” you winked, spinning around in his grip so you were face-to-face. “You sure you’re not the witch? You do have the nose for it.”
“I’ve also got the dress and hat in the attic, shall I go put it on?”
“Try this for me first.” You held the wooden spoon out to him as he took a sip, chuckling at the way his brows furrowed in thought.
He smacked his lips a few times, hummed then finally looked back to you, “It’s good.”
“That’s it? That’s all you got?”
“You do realise that my taste buds have essentially been burned off by chips and soda, right? I have no idea if something’s bad or not.”
“You’re right. I should call Jumin.”
“You can’t,” he informed, his smirk growing ever wider as he moved towards the snack cupboard, “Mr Han has a date tonight.”
The spoon clattered against the counter, your mouth agape, “You’re shitting me.”
“That’s another coin in the swear jar.” Saeyoung chucked a packet of candy in your direction, though it only hit you in the face before falling unceremoniously onto the kitchen floor, “I think we need to get your reflexes checked, babe.”
“Tell me everything.”
He took a seat on a breakfast stool and chortled as you leaned over the counter, eyes showing your eagerness to hear the gossip. And he was more than happy to provide, “He appears to be really into her. Like, really into her. She seems to just get him, you know? I could hear his smile down the phone when he told me about her earlier.”
“Earlier? Why are you only just telling me this now?!”
“Do you wanna hear the rest of it or not?”
Huffing, you perched on the seat next to him, stealing a piece of his candy despite his look of horror, “Okay, well where did he meet such a woman?”
“You’re never gonna believe it.”
“Try me.”
Saeyoung was enjoying himself far too much. He couldn’t wait another moment to witness your reaction, “She’s Zen’s co-star.”
The tea had been spilt, and things were about to get very interesting within the RFA.
Your eyes were glued to his as he continued to disclose the details. At some point you had wrapped your arm around his, his other hand encompassing yours. He abruptly stopped halfway through describing the first encounter, causing you to quirk an eyebrow impatiently, “What?”
“Do you smell burning?”
“And another one for the swear jar.”
@nad-zeta​ there we go my love, I hope you enjoyed your matchup!! I am so grateful for your support, it never fails to make me smile when I see you pop up in my notifs. You are beautiful, kind, bright person and you deserve the world. Thank you again for all you’ve done and all you do💛💛 Take care of yourself, my friend! xxx
(Note for other readers: I usually don’t do matchups, this was for a special occasion! I doubt I’ll open up requests for them later on, but never say never!)
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lixrk · 4 years
plot call + muse update!
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HELLO EVERYONE !!! my hiatus is ending soon so i wanted to make this post before it does to ‘get ready’ in a sense lol. anyways! first of all, lix finally quit his job as a host in a host club took him a while i know and has decided to... *drum roll* do youtube full-time! wow, amazing!
what does he do on his youtube channel?
dance covers, most of them he choreographed himself. he started doing vocal covers too!
he also vlogs, you know, for the views
mukbang with an assortment of cheap junk food
if you’re also a friend of his there’s an 80% chance he’ll try to drag you into his videos
AND NOW FOR THE PLOT CALL !!! i’ve been... super horrible with interacting with most of the people on here because i just stick to twitter for plotting and well, i don’t have all of you on twitter... and i wanted to change that! i want lix to meet a lot of your muses as well as make more meaningful connections, after all. so! this is an attempt at that!
under the cut i’ll be listing a few plot ideas that might interest you guys. please LIKE THIS POST if you want me to slide into your dms for plotting. you can also REPLY WITH A SONG TITLE if you want me to write up a random starter for you (based on a prompt generator or a sentence starter). thanks a lot and i’m looking forward to writing with all of you!
additionally, you can reach out to me on twitter (@wowyoungie) and discord (ask for the id) if you’re as bad with tumblr ims as i am (although i’m awful at messaging in general,,, i’ll do my best though!! i promise!!)
a very close friend of his, his ride or die. they probably knew each other for a long while, and is aware that lix is... running away from his rich family lol
the one friend that helped him polish his korean... he owes you big time. he’ll share his pizza with you everyday
that friend that let him stay at their place when he just returned to korea before he moved out and found a proper roommate... this friend can be the same one that helps him re-polish his korean if you want!
since his family goes to korea every summer, friends that he made during those times!! he’d treasure every friendship... regardless of how often you meet up!
as of lix’s birthday, his dear roommate bought them two cute bunnies! maybe we can make a plot around that. he loves gushing over his bunny (which he hasn’t named... help him with that maybe hAHA).
people he can drag into his videos! it doesn’t have to surround dancing, he does random challenges too (for the views...) and you just somehow get dragged into it. he’s super embarrassed but you know, you do what you have to do. join in on his discount mukbang too
those who were his clients back when he was a host. his host persona and his real persona is a very different. in reality he’s mostly shy and easily embarrassed. maybe you ran into him expecting host lix but he’s just embarrassed and panicking and ‘omg they’ll think i’m so lame outside of work’
lix is a person that gets jealous quite easily. he still doesn’t have his life structured properly and you seem like you do. you seem to know what you want, meanwhile lix doesn’t, he barely knows himself. he admires you for that, but he also feels envious. bonus if you two are friends and it’s only a matter of time before he explodes on you
people his parents forced him to befriend, and though when he still lived under their roof he did befriend you, after he ran away he never contacted you ever again. he doesn’t know whether the friendship the two of you had was real, nor does he want to find out
alternatively, people his parents forced him to befriend, but he just doesn’t like you (and maybe you feel the same way or not). he tries not to let it show at the time, but after running away he starts treating you differently
he’s a bit awful at keeping up with debuted idols. teach him about them! make him stan a group! please please please! you can be his stan twt educator. he’ll do his best to keep up
trainee friends! he’s kind of jealous of you but he really wants to learn from you. whether you were friends before you became a trainee or after, it’s free real estate!
maybe you work as a delivery person, and you’re wondering why the hell this guy keeps ordering food at late hours into the night. he’s a night owl, mostly because of his previous job as a host club that usually occurs at night, and also because... he’s an insomniac
exes. can work with girls even though he’s gay because it took him a long time to come to terms with it
if a girl, he probably didn’t give you all his attention. he doesn’t initiate any sort of physical affection, which might be the first thing that tipped you off that he isn’t as invested in the relationship as you are. 
if a boy, you probably witnessed his meltdown and insecurities firsthand. it was probably a quick relationship, because he panicked and couldn’t handle the pressure at all, ending things abruptly even though at the time he probably did like you. he just couldn’t handle the idea of being out of the closet
one night stands... that says it all. whether you were friends beforehand and got drunk and made mistakes or you were lonely strangers... anything is free!
friends with benefits... need i say more. could be a past thing, and now your friendship is on the verge of shattering or something
the one that got away? maybe you had feelings for him before. he knew about it, but pretended not to, because feelings are scary and his insecurities were just about ready to eat him up. whether you decide not to confess or you did and he let you down, things are a bit rocky now
an unrequited crush
on your part, it’s pretty much established that he’s awful at feelings so, that isn’t fun
on his part, it’s most likely a past thing. he was too scared to say anything about it, or maybe he did and you let him down, causing him to harbour a lot of regrets and ‘fuck i shouldn’t have said anything’ but time heals wounds and now he just misses having you as a friend
#rkcollab: collab time! lix is eager to learn more rapping and whatnot since he’s a beginner, but he also just wants to sing with friends on his youtube channel
#rkdanceoff: listen,,, he’ll love to have a dance-off with literally anyone, he’ll most likely upload it to his youtube channel too. be his competition! it’ll be fun, he won’t go down easy
#rkcharity: charity time! let’s do this! either you dragged him into it or vice versa. either way he’s not gonna half-ass this
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meggers0708 · 3 years
An Unsure Heart
Hi, My name is Megan. I’m new to this community and I’m not quite sure how it actually all works, but I’m gonna give it a shot anyways because I’m always on my iPad for school, and keeping a journal seems like even more work than its worth. At least this is protected with a password and no one can just open the pages and read them. I don’t think anyone will actually read my journal, but the anxiety moves me to believe that, that’s a big possibility. At least this way, if there’s something I want to share, I can and if I want to withhold it, I can. So here I am. 
I am 29 years old, and I suffer from PTSD, PMDD, general anxiety, gift giving anxiety, and separation anxiety. I grew up in a small town in the middle-of-nowhere Ohio. I had a horse, and we had cows. I was always the weird kid in school that no one wanted anything to do with. On top of that, my home life was bad. I had two (what I like to call) evil step-dads (no not at the same time). My Mom married Bobby when I was young, he had 2 kids himself. He never really seemed to like me or my brother. We would always take the beatings, and his kids? Scott free, but I don’t hold a grudge against them for that. I still love them, and they will always be my brother and sister. Evil step dad 2, was Todd. For more than 7 years, that man tormented me, mentally and physically. I lost so much of my self-esteem. It took years for me to work to have that one back, but I’m doing it. Anyways, I’m not sharing this for a pity party, I want to find people to talk to about my experiences, maybe someone who had to deal with the same issues. I don’t know, its my attempt. A little more about me that is pretty crucial to this story: I moved from Ohio on November 27th, 2015 to Schaumburg, Illinois. I moved here because I had a child with someone whom I was in a long distance relationship with. So, one of the visits, I got pregnant and I decided to have her in Ohio so I was with family while I was pregnant. I had Gwyn, we spent our time needed in the hospital, and then we moved to be with her Dad soon after we were discharged. I am no longer with Gwyneth’s Father. We co-parent well so no complaints there, but there’s some minor things that need to be worked on, but its “all in good time” kind of stuff. 
I have a 5 year old daughter, her name is Gwyneth. She was named after a Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin,the song is titled Gwyneth. She was born on September 28th, 2015 and was born with PRS (Pierre Robin Sequence). She was hospitalized for 6  weeks after she was born. That was hard, she had 3 surgeries in her first year, and I hope she never has to have anymore. I wont bore you with the details of that, I’ll save it for another post. She starts Kindergarten this year, and I cried. People warned me that time goes by so fast, but I didn’t think it would be this fast. I know other parents feel the same way. Gwyn is the most independent, stubborn, feisty, happy, funny, smart, and silliest kids I know. Not to mention, so so, friendly. It’s a tad scary haha. Ugh, I know I’m biased because “i’M hEr MoM” lol. But it’s rare that someone meets Gwyn and doesn’t immediately fall in love with her soft golden curls, and big bright blue eyes. She’s also known for her cheeks. They’re were always a bit too big for her face, she looked like a cabbage patch kid. But as she gets older she grows into them more and more. She’s one of my most favorite people on this planet. 
If you read carefully, you would notice I said “one” of my favorite people. My other favorite person is my boyfriend, Collin. Collin and I met two years ago and  its been pure bliss ever since. I bet he thinks I forgot, but one night we were laying in bed and it was soon after we had made things “official”. He promised me that he would be the best boyfriend I had ever had. He’s still holding up to his side of the promise. How could a girl ever forget a comment like that? I don’t think you could. My exes, some abusive, some narcissistic...lying there I was hoping he was right, because I was so done looking. I love him so much, he’s the most selfless, level headed, patient man I have ever met. I can tell he loves me too. There’s nothing like it, when you know you’ve found the right one. I couldn’t even begin to describe that feeling...I don’t want it to go away. 
Together we have four bunnies, and 8 bonsai trees. I usually tend to the bunnies while he tends to the trees. I love the 3 of us, together, in our own space. I am happy with my life. I drink water, keep in shape, I take my self care seriously, I can’t take care of a child if I can’t take care of myself. Depression, and anxiety really really like to try to disrupt that for me. I’m learning how to live with it, and I’m learning how to work through it. This will be my mental health journey for myself and for anyone else who maybe wants to follow and take part in discussions with me about whatever. I need friends, and just someone that understands, Collin is my very best friend and he gets me better than anyone ever has, but with his work...he’s not always available for me contact him. I respect him and want him to do the very best he can with his job, this is my attempt to not feel like a burden of a girlfriend. I do share everything with him, there’s no secrets in our relationship, and honestly, I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll also leave another post for Collins job, and describe more about him another time. 
Anyways, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. If TL;DR, I know what to tell ya. I’m awkward. 
Thanks you for reading, 
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leggyre · 4 years
bun isnt showing up on my dash, smh tumblr, I can see the post on your blog but its not showing up in my feed (also I was talking about ur oc nano... their old and new stuff :0)
[cough] delayed one day because i started feeling sleepy LOL
uuuh honestly nano-cen hasn’t changed much since the last time ive looked at him mostly because i ditched him for yu and he deserves it 
I don’t really remember how much I shared last time I was asked about him though so *checking papers* lemme see
uuuh i guess it takes me longer to explain nano usually because he’s very attached to the concept of the world he’s in. Sure I can just say “there is this bunny and he is a medium and his family is all about that spirituality stuff” but it’s not the same if i don’t add “and that’s pretty normal for most part because in the world he comes from the gap between the living and the dead is very small and they are actually able to contact each other so talking to deceased ancestors is a pretty normal thing though it still requires training and not everyone is able to do it but in the end their whole culture is based on the connection they have with the ‘other side’” *takes deep breah* because then it’s hard to explain why the modernization of society is killing that culture in a way that makes his family be despised by the youngest generations
...Still with me? Well, okay.
Basically people handling the culture badly in order to make a profit is a thing that happens in a massive scale, even to the point where places considered “official” sanctuaries have been caught on the lie. There’s a lot of factors that come into play but I’m gonna spare you from the details of the downfall of bunny culture.
Nano’s family, though, they’re the real deal. And they’ve been for generations. The problem is, no matter how legit you are -- if there’s a scandal nearby, you’re doomed to be a victim of it.
And now, if I’m gonna be honest, the real protagonist when I’m talking about Nano is actually his mother. He is really just the product of her hard work and I think I should finally start saying that LMAO Aeruii, she’s a troubled woman. She’s gotta deal with a broken marriage, a very fragile child, and people who are unreasonably angry at her every now and then. And a lot of other stuff, but the big thing is: she is always busy or tired, and never really has the time for the only joy in her world, her son. She’s never there, not even when the his chronic illness eventually kills him. And that’s what changed everything. Her world stopped moving the way it used to. After years stubbornly clinging to her heritage -- to everything she grew up with  -- she finally gives it all up. She leaves. Changes her name. Finds a new home. Starts a new life.
But ultimately, Aeruii breaks down at the thought that the one who deserved a second chance wasn’t her.
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uuuh i dont like to get into details because its extremely cliche satanic ritual kinda stuff but yeah she does that bc she wants to give nano everything she never could and sure it requires some hard work and sacrifices lmaaaooo
so heres the deets nano before all of this: -good boy -best friends with yu and thats all he needs -shy -likes doodling some flowers he sees -he doodles them anywhere and sometimes its not even a flower its something that looks like a flower -”check out this weird flower!” ”nano that is a cabbage” -very good at the “talking with ghosts” thing except for the part where he’s supposed to learn a whole ass language to properly do it
nano after all of this: -BITCH -doesn’t talk to anyone unless addressed first but its not bc hes shy he just doesnt CARE -ok its not really like that hes just ‘meh’ most of the time but Aeruii never really noticed the difference between his shy personality and his dead boring personality because of sad reasons -hes a little bit like a zombie? until you talk to him. hes kinda always zoning out not thinking of anything but can act like a normal person when necessary -obsessive about one person, though, will do anything for them only(and its not his mother!). says its love but its a zombie instinct kinda -saw yu once, might have attempted murder. i swear it was a very circumstantial situation and not any deep hatred
and basically that was all just aeruii’s story but nano’s story goes like this -some kids like him enough to keep him around -he gets a bit obsessive over one of them -wants to be the only one in that person’s life -mild yandere shit -they find out about him being a creepy bastard & kick him outta the group -he freaks the fuck out -violent yandere shit -the original version of this story included some deaths but worry not present be is rated E for Everyone
i wanted this to be a brief summary but that can never be true when its about nano-cen. so many fucking factors. why the hell are these bunnies so complicated
anyway, *clears throat*
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