#Cat Spray Male Or Female
chipper-smol · 2 years
The Adventures of Trying to TNR the New Pack of Kittens That Showed Up On Our Street
We caught an opossum instead!
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
The Rite of Movement | part three
“not an illusion”
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A/N: this honestly might be the hottest thing that my sexy little brain has ever cracked up 🥵 a big ole fat smooch and thank you to @itsokbbygrl for letting me scream at her about these two, helping me develop my ideas, betaing, & this beautiful moodboard!!!💗
~word count: 5.2k~
Summary: it’s been one month since your first time filming with your new pornstar partner, Joel Miller.
Pairing | pornstar!joel x pornstar!female reader
Warnings: smut, fluff, light angst,dubious consent (light) due to consumption of drugs, consent is addressed, but due to the circumstances, it is implied, unestablished relationship, two idiots in love, (they just don’t know it yet) mention of the porn industry, unprotected piv, role playing, real intimacy, confession of feelings, oral (male receiving) semi public sex, high sex, creampie, cock warming, cumshots, praise kink (massive) pet names, conversations about controversial topics, mentions of eating, reader has no physical descriptions such as skin color or body type, no use of (y/n) reader is in her 30’s Joel is in his 40’s (unspecified), NSFW, +18 minors dni!
series masterlist
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It has been exactly one month since you filmed your first video with Joel Miller. One that he chose to keep for yours and his own viewing pleasure, and not to be shared with the rest of the world's prying eyes. A solo shot turned into sensual, passionate, deep fucking. A mind altering experience that neither you or Joel had begun to even grasp what it meant.
He learned that you were better immersed in the mood when the scene started off with just yourself in the view. The anticipation of him joining the scene was palpable, desirable, and there was an obvious shift whenever his presence was detected.
The part of your normal-routined day that you looked forward to the most, above all, was getting to fuck Joel Miller.
The scene you were filming for today was set in Joel’s upstairs bathroom where you would be playing with yourself in the shower while waiting for your businessman husband to return home from a late shift in the office. You were most excited to see Joel all decked out in a proper businessman suit, while he was rather looking forward to seeing you all sudsed up with his body wash while he pumped you full of his come.
It was easy to forget the various cameras set up in the bathroom space when it was just you and Joel–the thick drag of his cock inside of you, stretching, pressing you open, his perfectly styled hair becoming undone and loose as the spray of the showerhead dampened the gel in his curls.
The scene ended with your right thigh hooked around his hip, his face buried against the crook of your neck while you used the cool shower wall for support against your back as he fucked up into you, kissing your cervix over and over again from this angle.
He pressed a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose as he slowly slipped out of your cunt, and his eyes flitted downwards to see his and your come slowly seeping out of your fucked out hole. He called you his baby love. Calling you baby just wasn’t enough for him, he had to combine the two together.
He gently washed between your thighs while you washed his hair, getting the remaining bits of gel residue out from between his salt and pepper streaked curls. He purred in mimicry of his own cat when your nails began to massage his scalp in a circular motion, and he looped his strong arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest, and pressed sweet kisses against every bit of skin that was exposed to him.
And the cameras? Well, they were still rolling.
He left you to get dressed in privacy while he gathered up his discarded suit and disappeared through the connecting door to his bedroom.
He moved with a methodical care, catching his boyish grin in his mirror when he tugged a pair of sweats over his damp thighs and hips. He made his way downstairs, saying hello to Artemis, his black cat who was curled up in a little ball on her larger than life bed.
He grabbed two glasses, filling them with fresh water, guzzling down his own before making his way into his garage that was built off the side of the kitchen.
Joel Miller’s garage held history. It was where he filmed his first video for Miller-Co after leaving Brazzers and Los Angeles for good, taking a gamble on himself and a better future. The couch was right where he left it, dust leaving a fine coating over its worn leather, the memories faded with time, but never forgotten.
He grabbed his jar of weed, a rolling tray and papers, bidding the couch a silent farewell and headed back inside, flicking the light off on his way in.
He listened to the familiar sound of your footsteps padding down the staircase from where he was sitting on the cozy family room couch, Artemis now winding herself between his calves, meowing softly as he poured out a dabble of weed onto the metal tray.
He looked over his shoulder, eyes meeting yours just as Artemis trotted over to you, affectionately rubbing herself all over your bare legs.
“Hey, you.” He grinned softly, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Headed out so soon?” He teased, voice rasping as you crouched down to give Artemis the attention that she was seeking.
“Not unless you don’t want me to stay longer?” You teased back, eyes dancing with mischief and rare adoration that only seemed to make an appearance around him. You scratched gently behind Artemis’s ears, before ultimately deciding to carefully scoop her up into your arms and carry her over to the couch.
“Always want you to stay, baby love.” There wasn’t a lick of hesitation in his tone as he patted the spot next to him for you to join. “And I reckon Artemis does, too.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks from his words as you bashfully buried your face into Artemis’s soft black fur and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “Yeah? You think so, Joel?”
He closed up the jar of weed, twisting the cap on and set it down along the coffee table before facing you fully. “I know so, baby.” He winked suggestively as hunched over the coffee table, his bare stomach rolls on full display and you felt the temptation to reach across and caress them.
He begins to carefully break up the little nuggets of weed granules between his thick fingers with a calculated precision that came like second nature. He hums under his breath, a familiar tune to your ears as he looks over at you once more. “So there’s uh—no pressure, of course. But I was gonna roll a joint n’then go sit out on the porch swing out front if you’d like to accompany me?”
“Mr. Miller,” you begin to tease, “is there truly nothing that you can't do?”
He blushes, cheeks transforming into a deep, saturated, rosy color as he clears his throat. “What did I tell ya about callin’ me Mr. Miller?” He scolds playfully, shaking his head and picks up one of the thin rolling papers.
“That it makes you feel old, but dude, you’re gorgeous. Have you ever heard of the term, Zaddy?” You scoot closer to him, your knee bumping his as Artemis proceeds to curl up in your lap, purring softly while you stroke her fur.
“Don’t believe I have, baby love. Somethin’ the kids are sayin’ nowadays?”
“Hey, Alexa?” You ask, the little smart device in the corner coming to life, “what is the definition of the term Zaddy?”
“A Zaddy is a sexually attractive man, especially an older one who is fashionable or charismatic.” Alexa’s voice chimed.
Joel’s blush intensified and he turned his face into his bare shoulder, coughing bashfully with a strained chuckle. “So, what you’re tellin’ me is that you think I’m a Zaddy? Mighty fine compliment comin’ from such a pretty girl.” He peeks over at you, brown eyes soft, eyebrows dancing playfully.
“Joel, baby, you are the literal definition of a Zaddy.” You giggle sweetly, leaning down to press another kiss to Artemis’s head. She’s fallen asleep in your lap, little nose twitching as she dreams. “But to answer your question, I’d love to smoke a joint with you out on the porch swing.”
“S’date then?” He drawls, eyes casting to the side out of fear of being too forward.
You smile warmly in his direction, heart skipping a beat, thump, thump, thump, at the prospect of this being a date, and getting to spend more time with him. “It’s a date, Miller.”
He preens at your response, lips tugging upwards to form a small grin as he returns to preparing the joint laid out in front of him.
You couldn’t help but watch the way he effortlessly licked the paper, packing the weed granules in and making sure they were nice and snug and tight.
He tucks the freshly rolled joint behind his ear, grabbing a lighter and a blanket off the side of the couch. “She’s out cold, baby love. Y’can leave her on the couch, okay?” He gestures to Artemis snoozing in your lap.
“Okay,” you whisper softly and gently maneuver her balled up fluffy form to the corner of the couch where it’s nice and warm still from where Joel was sitting.
He smiles, offering you his hand and helps you up, tucking his arm around your waist, lips brushing the side of your head and nudging you silently towards the front door. He smells incredible, like eucalyptus, rosemary, and a hint of fresh peppermint. You already want to bury your face into that broad neck of his, inhale his scent, lick and mouth at his pulse point while he stirs beneath your thighs.
“S’beautful evenin’, ain’t it, baby love?” He comments softly, padding over to the porch swing nestled at the back of the porch. The moon is shining, casting your faces in a soft glow. The wood creaks beneath his steps, crickets chirp, an owl hoots his nighttime tune. The Texan air is balmy, humidity clinging to your bare skin, but it’s not an unbearable temperature.
He sinks down along the bench swing, patting the spot beside him and you're quick to join him, adhering yourself to his side like glue. He drapes the light weight blanket across yours and his lap and lets his arm rest alongside the back of the bench, fingertips skating across your bare shoulders, forefinger looping under the strap of your thin tank top. He leans his weight back against the pillows, chains squeaking from the subtle movement.
“It’s a beautiful evening indeed, Joel. Summer nights have always been my favorite.”
He nods, reaching for the joint tucked behind his ear and grasps it between his fingers. He places the unlit end between the pout of his lips, reaching for his lighter in his sweatpants pocket, and lights the joint with ease.
For a moment you find yourself transfixed by the simple action, and the way the spark of orange from the lighter bathes his handsome face in warm light, before it’s casted in darkness once more.
He inhales, lungs expanding, stomach swelling slightly with the motion. The tip of the joint burns a bright orange as he holds the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds and then exhales upwards towards the clear night sky.
You’ve only just now taken notice of the color of the rolling paper; light pink. You feel the hint of a smile lift the corners of your mouth.
He relaxes further against the pillows and takes another deep inhale before removing the joint from between his lips. His arm moves in a languid motion, across the way to where you’re curled up against him.
He places the joint between your lips, eyes adjusting to the low light as he watches you inhale the smoke into your lungs.
“S’my favorite as well, baby love.” He finally replies.
You continue to lazily pass the joint back and forth a few more times, mind beginning to go hazy as your eyelids drooped and that warm, tingly feeling blanketed you like a hug.
“Hey, Joel?” You asked through the comfortable silence, and the nighttime tunes.
“Hmm?” He hummed in response, lolling his head to the side so he could look over at you.
“Do you think,” you giggled softly, trying to gather your weed induced thoughts, “do you think that if vibrators existed back then, you know, like, way back, that women would innately never need a man, thus making women rulers of the world?”
He pursed his lips together, rolling your question over in his mind before he answered, tone raspy, deep, and warm, “Baby love, if vibrators existed back then, women would 1000% rule the world. And I betcha we would have an all female government if that were to be the case. Women jus’—get it, y’know?”
As if this man couldn’t get anymore attractive.
“Well then I think you and I should figure out how to invent time travel just so we can hand deliver them vibrators, and a supply of batteries.” You said animatedly, using your hands to talk and get your point across.
“Joel,” you continued, “just think of how many wars we could stop, how many lives could be saved, the earth would be this beautiful, safe place. Women would no longer live in fear for their safety! We could all just exist in harmony. But, if women rule the world, I’d want a man like you ruling by my side.”
“I agree with you, wholeheartedly, I do. I think that if there were more women in power, the world we live in would be a different one. Essentially, we could be like the Barbie movie.” The reference makes you snort a little laugh. “Women and men working together to make the world a better place. Think we gotta push all these old farts outta office, get some fresh, young, faces in there in order for some real change to occur. S’essentially why I strive to make porn for women. It ain’t gonna cause a drastic shift or nothin’, but I believe it makes this society we live in a bit less of a shitty place.” He adds thoughtfully.
“Yes! Like the Barbie movie. God, Greta and Margot and Ryan really knew what they were doing, huh? I’d kiss them all if I could.” You giggled. “Joel, it just takes one person to cause a shift in the chain. You’re teaching both your actors and viewers why consent and intimacy are important and that we should be freely allowed to enjoy our bodies. To you it might seem like it’s small in scale compared to the scope of the whole world, but to people like myself and others, it means so much.” You gush earnestly and his eyes feel glassy, irritated probably from the weed but also the weight of the conversation.
“Y’know I often think it’s so easy for people to not be assholes. I’m so tired of excuses bein’ made for people to be racist, homophobic, transphobic...all of that. To see men encourage other men with ‘locker room’ talk and objectifyin’ women. Tired of people callin’ women and anyone for that matter, a slut just because someone enjoys havin’ sex.” He breathes out, feeling himself getting worked up at the realization that the world is made up of so many judgmental pricks that he’ll never ever understand. You pass the joint back to him and he takes a deep pull, exhaling up into the thick summer air overhead.
“Joel,” you say softly, reeling him in from slipping off the treacherous deep end. He turns to look at you then and you cup his cheek in your palm, stroking his cheekbone softly, watching the movement of your thumb as it brushes over the fine lines near his eyes.“You were literally written by a woman, and if the world had more men like you in it, it would be a different place.”
You want to memorize this moment, cement it in your history. You move your eyes to his and find him already returning your gaze, something soft, warm and gooey found in the dark chocolate. The moment feels heavy, but not oppressive, and you wait for him to make the move you feel fizzling just below the surface. You’d wait a long time for him, you think, and the thought doesn’t scare you. No, it feels right, good. There’s no room for worry here, he’ll take care of you, just give him time.
He takes in your appearance, the softness in your eyes, the tender firmness to your words, and then he feels it: that invisible string tying him to you, and you to him. He doesn’t want the moment to end, for it to pass and be stored in his memory bank to flip through later. No, he wants to live it now in the present. And so he does, leaning in to close the gap, tilting his head to the side, aquiline nose brushing your skin, heartstrings winding together.
You can taste the weed on his breath as it fans your face, you can feel the moment flow, like a crystalline stream, or a warm breeze, and the moment his lips brush yours, slotting, melding together like molten iron, you feel it there, too.
And from that moment, he felt his heart forever welded to yours.
He inhales a shaky lungful of air, surging forward into the kiss and letting himself get lost in the raw emotions behind it.
“I think—” he pauses, murmuring against your locked lips, “I really like you, want you to be more than just my on-screen partner.” He confesses.
Your heart lurches out of your chest at his confession, and your already dizzying mind sways even more. Your lips slowly detach, a thin string of saliva connects you before dissipating into the balmy air.
“You’re just saying that because you’re stoned, Joel.” You whisper through the thick of it.
He shakes his head, brows furrowed in concentration, “No, I ain’t jus’ sayin’ it cause I’m high, baby love.” He clears his throat, nose twitching as he sniffs, “Been meanin’ to tell you for awhile—since I first met you, really.”
“You—you mean that, Joel? You aren’t just fucking with me, right?” So it wasn’t just me who was feeling it? You think.
“Course I mean it, baby. S’the truth. S’comin’ straight from my heart. You don’t gotta feel the same—I understand…” he trails off, determined to not let his assumption that you’re rejecting him hit him where it hurts.
You press your pointer finger against the pout of his lips, silencing his rambling and self deprecating words, “Joel, I feel the same way. I like you, and I want to be more than just your on-screen partner, too.”
No, baby, this is not an illusion. I’ve really got my heart out on my sleeve.
His lips feel wet and warm against the underside of your fingertip. He kisses it sweetly, breathing out a sigh of relief at your mutual feelings.
“So, wanna get burgers and milkshakes with me sometime?” He suggests, lips curving up against your finger in a boyish grin.
You smile, leaning forward and brush your nose against his, inhaling the scent of weed and him before giggling, “Yes, Joel. I’d love to get burgers and milkshakes with you sometime.”
He blushes, and the heat begins to rise to your cheeks in tandem.
“Well, baby love, ain’t no time like the present.” He chuckles warmly and you slowly slide your finger down from his lips, replacing it with a sweet kiss.
I promise I’ll take you out somewhere real nice for our official first date. Okay, baby love? He mumbles against your lips, kissing you back.
“I know you will, Joel.”
DoorDash is a godsend when the munchies hit, and you and Joel decide on ordering Shake Shack to satiate that craving. The order is confirmed and the eta for arrival reads: will be ready in thirty-five minutes.
The joint is passed a few more times, still burning strong, and thank fuck for that. Joel Miller sure knew how to roll the tightest joints.
There’s chemistry sizzling between your two bodies as your hands begin to roam freely across his skin, tracing across the various freckles and moles on his chest and shoulders. He shifts from your featherlight touch, cock beginning to stir to life.
“Can I fuck you, Joel?” You whisper as your hand drifts southwards, tracing along the hemline of his gray sweats.
He nods, Adam’s apple bobbing, holding the joint between his lips and watches with hooded eyes as you maneuver your soft cotton shorts to the side, revealing your bare cunt to his admiring gaze.
“S’yours, baby love. Take it.” he rasps, shifting his hips in an upward motion so you can easily pull his hardening cock free.
You clench at his words, feeling your cunt grow puffy and swollen with desire, dripping a droplet of arousal between your thighs as you gently throw your leg over his lap, straddling him in the process and pulling his cock free.
His hands move to caress you, grasping the blanket and situating it so that you’re both partially covered. He takes another long, languid drag as your palm wraps around the base of his cock and slowly ease yourself around him, sinking down till he's fully buried inside of you.
“Take it.” He requests once more. His hands roam from your hips up to the skin below your breasts as you slowly roll your hips forward into his.
His cock fully hardens inside of you, blood flowing southward causing him to swell. He feels the syrupy drag of your sweet cunt around him with each roll of your hips. He tilts his head back, jaw going slack as the joint dips down from between his lips.
“Put that out so I can kiss you, Joel.” You whisper, bringing your arms upwards to loop around his neck and to pull yourself closer to him. Your covered nipples brush against his bare chest, hardening into stiff peaks. He removes one hand from your hip, taking a final drag from the joint before he plucks it between his lips and reaches for the nearby ashtray blindly.
It may have fallen to the floor, but his mind is too intoxicated with you to care: he can deal with that later.
He holds the smoke in his mouth, letting his hand drift back down and splay across your lower back, pressing you further into him. He tilts his head upwards, finding your lips in a chaste kiss as he shotguns the smoke into your mouth.
A strangled moan is shared as you swallow the smoke down into your lungs.
“Good girl.” He praises and curves his hands around your covered ass, slipping his fingers underneath the soft fabric so he can feel your skin. He presses you forward, feeling you begin to slowly grind on his cock. “This close enough for you, baby love?”
Your breath hitches in your throat at the sudden closeness, the stretch of his cock grinding inside of you. Perspiration begins to bead at the back of your neck as your cunt flutters around him. You press your forehead against his, lips falling open, skin on fire from his touch and the steady drug coursing through your veins. “Mhm.” You whimper, “First time we're not acting, Joel.”
His hands guide you, molding you against his body as he tilts his chin upwards to catch your lips once more. “S’never been actin’ for me, not with you.” He whispers just for only you to hear.
“Oh fuck.” You softly cry out, feeling tears begin to flood the corner of your eyes and leak down the side of your cheeks.
“Every time, baby. Couldn’t help myself. every sound, every touch, every time I came, it was all you, all yours.” He continues.
He catches the glassy look in your eyes, the tear stained cheeks and he ceases your movements immediately. His caress is soft, comforting as his big palms hold your face, brushing away fresh tears. “Hey, look at me, baby. Look at me. It’s okay. I’m here. I got you.”
“Fuck—I’m so sorry, Joel. I don’t know why I —” you stumble over your words, not reaching his eyes in the midst of your emotions.
“Baby,” he tries again, “look at me.” His voice isn’t commanding, and neither are his words but the way he delivers them grounds you back to your senses and you meet his gaze finally.
“That’s it. There you go. Good girl, good fucking girl. Keep lookin’ at me with those pretty eyes, okay? Keep doin’ that.”
You card your fingers through the back of his hair, wrapping ringlets of his soft curls between them, yanking on his scalp gently as you begin to roll your hips forward once more. “I’m—okay, Joel. I’m okay.” You reassure him.
“Know you are, baby love. I know.” He hushes you softly before bringing one of his hands up to his face, spitting quietly onto his palm and drags his hand downwards between your connected bodies. He holds his spit-slicked fingers near your clit so you have something to ride into. He gives you full control while still being present to give you whatever you need.
“You gonna come for me, pretty baby? S’okay. Jus’ you, me, and the moon.” His freehand never leaves your face and stays cupped around your jaw, holding you close with his thumb continuously brushing against your cheekbone.
Your needy clit bumps and brushes against his fingers, stimulating your nerves as your cunt flutters around him. You both hear the sticky squelch, the lewd slapping of sweat stained skin. It’s just enough to send you tipping over the edge, and Joel is right there to catch you.
You stay seated on him as you both recoup from your shared orgasm. His voice sounds fuzzy, staticky in your ears as he wraps his arms around you, hugging you, shielding you almost. His lips mouth at the base of your neck as your hand stays locked in his hair.
Neither of you move a muscle until Joel hears an approaching car inching up the street, headlights flooding through the darkness. He whispers against your skin as he eases you off of him, tucking the blanket around your lower half as he slips his now softened cock back into his sweats.
Once he’s up from the bench, he cards a hand through his curls momentarily. “Munchies are here, baby love.” He tucks the corner of the blanket around you, wanting you to feel comforted before he pulls out his wallet.
The DoorDash driver rolls into the driveway just as Joel licks his thumb and flips through the stack of cash. He feels pussy drunk, and still a bit high as he approaches the driver.
There’s the lingering stench of sex and weed wafting in the air as Joel greets the driver, handing him a couple hundreds in exchange for the bag of food.
The driver looks confused as he looks down at the stack of hundreds in his palm before looking back up at Joel who simply nods and gives the man a gentle clap on the shoulder.
“Have a wonderful night, man. Drive safe, okay?” Joel’s words are genuine, sincere.
The man looks up and grins, “Definitely not gonna be as nice as y'alls. Thanks man!" He tips his imaginary hat in Joel’s direction and turns on his heel to walk back to his vehicle.
Joel gives the man a friendly wave before he heads back to the porch. The smell of the burgers is positively mouth watering as he approaches you. “C’mon, baby love. Let’s eat.”
You grin up at him from your slouched position on the bench, limbs feeling pliant and jello-like and you beckon him to meet you in the middle, “Joel, how much did you give him?”
He smiles, bending down to give you a quick kiss, “Enough to make sure that he has a good night.”
Your heart swells.
The burgers, fries, and shakes are wolfed down from the comfort of Joel’s couch. Artemis is awake and even sees her chance to steal a fry.
It’s domestic bliss as you and Joel sit side by side, knees touching and bellies full. He departs from the couch to throw out yours and his garbage, and when he returns, he notices you fidgeting, thighs pressed together and he raises a brow, crossing his big forearms against his chest.
“Whatcha fidgetin’ so much for, baby love?” He asks and you look over at him, lower lip taken between your teeth.
“I want to suck your cock, Joel.”
He raises his brows, cocks his head to the side in an endearing manner as he looks over at you. “What have I done to deserve a blowjob from ya, huh?” He teases, feeling a flush begin to creep up his neck.
“Because you’re a good man, Joel. Please, let me take care of you after you did such a good job of taking care of me.”
It’s not long before he finds himself on the couch, thighs spread with you sitting prettily on your knees between them. His cock lays soft against his thigh, still coated in a light layer of yours and his releases.
He’s still not quite sure what he’s done to deserve the feeling of your wet, warm mouth and tongue enveloping the velvet underside of his cock, dragging your tongue across one of the prominent veins all the way up to the mushroom head.
He tilts his head back, the soft curve of his nose catching in the faint light, the muscles in his neck straining as his mouth parts open, lips still bruised from kissing you. He lets out hot, wet breaths, a rumble of a moan as his hand drifts down to cup your face gently in his big warm palm.
“Baby love, why—fuck. What did I do to deserve this? Your sweet fuckin’ mouth.” He takes a shuddered inhale, stroking his thumb against the side of your neck, just below your ear.
You release him from your mouth with a soft pop, dragging your lips and tongue down the side of him and back up again, “You’re such a good fucking man.” You drag your lips lower, sucking one of his heavy balls into your mouth, massaging them with your tongue before pulling off, “Gave that man so much money…” you give his other ball the same amount of attention as his thighs begin to quiver, “probably paid multiple bills,” you continue, “just because you're kind, Joel.”
He’s seeing stars behind his eyes when you take him into your mouth once more, fitting what you could while deepthroating him. He listened to your little choked gags as you worked your hand around whatever you couldn’t fit into your throat. He lurched forward when he felt his balls clench like a fist. He choked out your name as you released him once more, “You’re such a good fucking man.” You preen, and take him down once more.
Holy fucking shit—ring, ring, I need a ring right fucking now, he thinks.
His impending orgasm is edged when he can no longer feel the warmth of your mouth around him and his eyes snap open.
“I want you to come on my face, Joel. Please. I want you to mark me, make me yours. You're such a giver, Joel. Can you give me this? Please baby, can I have it?" You're steadily pumping your palm around his cock just to keep him stimulated enough.
He grunts out a yes, unable to form a complete sentence because he’s off in another world.
His fist replaces your own as he paints your face in hot ropes of his cum, watching the blissed out look as your eyes flutter shut, and a dopey smile etches across your face.
He’s out of breath, and fully spent when you peek an eye open, dragging your finger through a trail of his spend on your cheek and bringing that finger into your mouth, winding your tongue around it and licking it clean.
“Take a picture, Miller. It’ll last longer.” You wink.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
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shatteredearth-if · 9 months
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Shattered Earth is an Interactive Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction about retreading old ground and working for your good ending. less formally, this is meant to go on my portfolio
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Five years ago, you watched the world split open, bore witness to what you could only refer to as "dragons" made manifest in scale, flesh and skin. You saw cities razed to the ground, asphalt streets shattered like ice. Fleets of dragons and foreign—almost alien—aircrafts alike seared across the skies, while towers of dirt and metal tore free from the landscape. The world has inexplicably, incomprehensibly changed, but you know this to be true: Earth never really stood a chance.
With your world now overrun by dragons and dangers alike, you've lived alone, hiding from the world you once called home, scrounging for scraps and surviving by the skin of your teeth. But when a chance encounter with a mercenary ship leaves you reeling with the realization that you're not the average-joe of a human that you thought you once were, you're forced into an ultimatum: enlist with the Seekers, or live out the rest of your life in a Human compound on Therius. But your horrors extend far beyond the threat of the dragons; your monsters are at home in your head, but they might just be the key to stopping all of this madness… if they don't take you out first.
The gears turn, the worlds spin inwards like ever-onwards like painted tops. You will undergo a journey of self-discovery, of potential romances and of incredible loss. And somehow, you can't shake the sensation that this has all happened before…
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A customizable protagonist: Customize your gender, your body type, your pronouns, and personality.
Five ROs to romantically pursue—some in the most conventional sense, others in… a not so conventional sense.
Engage in brief flings, one of which is... an RO's estranged divorced mother. (Your crewmates will disapprove.)
Train your body or your mind to perfection. Are you a frontline fighter, or do you prefer the aethereal arts?
Cute cat dog wolfboy…?
The female version of a himbo
There's no good way to put this: you remember things you shouldn't. The end of your story is not the end; something awaits you at the place where your endings converge. What is it? What are you?
There's an egotistical mind entity in your head, and the flags aren't just red; they're blood-crimson. Romanceable, but at a steep cost to your sanity. Or maybe…
Skippable, customizable NSFW content. My friends have advised me not to continue.
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Avett Ironsturm
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Kattish
Age: 20
Specialization: Arms specialist
Appearance: Avett is a Kattish man of average height. His complexion is fair. Perched upon his head are two swivelling cat-like ears, and at the base of his spine is a prehensile tail that is about the length of his arm—both are adorned with soft, black fur. His hair is black, hangs just below the shoulders, and he keeps most of it in a messy ponytail. Most of his frontal hair frames his boyish, youthful face. His irises are copper colored, his pupils slitted.
Personality: Avett is bristly, prickly, and very easy to anger if he's not trying to get into your pants. He's a flirt through and through, and knows how and when to be charming, just… not with his coworkers. Or you. Though if you can get him to let his guard around you, you might just find him a lot more bearable.
Your impression: Once upon a time, you saw his old ID, stuffed in a cabinet along with his boxers and body spray, and you realized he was smiling in his photo. Not outwardly—they don't want you smiling on those cards, but behind those eyes was a laugh ready to bust out at any moment. That was four years ago. Now? All he does now is sulk and yell at people. Something happened in those four, long years, and those years have only been getting longer since.
Sexuality: Bisexual (woman-leaning)
Yuda Hellsbridge
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Half Gallian, Half Kattish
Age: Secret?
Specialization: Restrainer
Appearance: Yuda is a half-Gallian, half-Kattish woman of above average height. Her complexion is a pale, seafoam green—common for most Gallians. Her hair is white with blue undertones in the right lighting, and is short and choppy. If you look too closely into her metallic gray eyes, you will notice a swirling, foggy substance within her irises, as is common for all Gallians who are at least a bit adept in magic… which is to say, almost all of them. Yuda is extremely fit and exercises often, and as a result her build is stocky and muscular—very uncommon for a Gallian, though she claims that she's half Kattish.
Personality: Yuda is outwardly cheerful, loud, and brash—tact is not her forte. But behind every sunny smile is a shadow, and Yuda keeps her shadows well away from the spotlight.
Your impression: It's not trauma. It's not a blip in her personality. There is something genuinely terrifying hiding behind Yuda's eyes, and that's not including the fact that you don't know how old she is. Oh, she's nice, and she's got no ulterior motives, you'll give her that. But it's like she's wearing her own body like a shadow.
Sexuality: doesn't care for labels, but for clarity's sake she is pansexual.
Ysh'vanna O'Raal
Role: RO
Gender: Female (she/her)
Race: Draconian
Age: 26
Specialization: Captain/Pilot
Appearance: Ysh'vanna is a short girl with wispy, white hair that topples down to her waist—if she doesn't brush it out of her face, it has a tendency to smother her slight frame like an oversized scarf. Her irises are orange, with a ring of emerald green around her pupils. Trailing from her ears are two, small, green webs that resemble translucent dragon wings.
Personality: Everyone onboard the Seeker is a wreck, yes, but Ysh'vanna is always at least two crises away from a mental breakdown everyday. Sorting through admin, funds, Avett's shenanigans and the odd dragon attack has left her riddled with anxieties. She has difficulty forming bonds outside of work because of this, so her relationship with Avett isn't great. After any particularly grueling mission, she will often be found comatose in front of the navigation panels, staring off into the skyline. Otherwise, Ysh'vanna tries to be cheerful. Most of the time. Some of the time.
Your impression: She's probably by far the most average person on this ship. Every morning she takes her coffee with three sugars and a cupful of milk; every night she takes a nail-sized tablet along with a full glass of water. "For the anxiety," she says. She's incredibly open about most things... until it comes to her family. What's the deal?
Sexuality: bisexual (woman-leaning)
Auren Draksparrow
Role: Platonic Option
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Gallian
Age: According to Avett, "Like, a hundred or something." He looks about forty in Human years to you.
Specialization: Warder
Appearance: Auren is a Gallian man of above average height. His frame is gaunt, almost frail; his hair is platinum blond, and is secured in a low ponytail that reaches down to his waist. His complexion is seafoam green, and his eyes are a faint violet. Swimming in his irises is a fog, a trait most Gallians share. His facial features are long and soft, but his cheekbones sit high upon his face.
Personality: Auren is cold, aloof, and it can be difficult to discern what he's thinking from speech and body language alone. He is clear in mind, even during high-pressure situations, until his abilities as a caster fail him.
Your impression: Here's the deal about living past one hundred and one; you're going to mess up. You're going to mess up a lot more than the average person, and your book of guilt's going to be pushing a trilogy if you don't start forgiving yourself for some of those mess-ups. You know for a fact that Auren has never forgiven himself, not even once, because he's yet to save the Seekers. Because he's yet to, in his eyes, make himself useful. But you're his lucky break: he's the only one on the ship who can see that thing in your head for what it is, and he knows it's a threat.
Sexuality: he's not looking for a relationship right now, if ever. He's married to his tomes and the study of aether.
Liam Salazar
Role: RO
Gender: Male (he/him)
Race: Human
Age: 24
Specialization: Researcher
Appearance: Liam is tall with an athletic frame and broad shoulders. He usually keeps his dark brown hair in a nest of curls atop his head. His skin is a deep umber, and his eyes are an even deeper shade of brown. He often wears a white lab coat over a simple sweater and dress shirt.
Personality: Quiet, but goofy; aloof, but sensitive. You sense that this boy would rather bury his head in a good book or some other complicated research than look you in the eye. That's not to say he's meek, though—come any threat, and he'll lash out swinging. You had to be a special kind of tough to have survived the Migration as a Human, and Liam is no exception.
Your impression: You didn't expect to make friends at the IRC training facility—most Humans there wanted your head on a stick for the cardinal sin of having a deal with a merc ship already. The Migration wore everyone's patience thin, but not Liam's. For a hot moment at that facility, you were two renegades against the hateful world. Until your training period finished up.
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual, though initially he believes that he's straight.
The Entity
Role: RO
Gender: Customizable/it
Race: Something intangible. A voice in your head.
Age: It laughs when you ask this. "How old is a concept? The fear of death, the love of life? How old? Are you counting? Think about that."
Appearance: A dark wisp of smoke that occasionally shifts to form parts of a person.
Personality: Loves you, like an overbearing parent. Punishes you, like a torturer gleaning for answers. It maims you and calls it affection.
Your impression: When you're not talking to it, it's rummaging through your memories. Why? For fun. It knows about that time you did this and that in the locker room and almost got caught for it. It knows about that time you stopped someone from leaving after class just so you could hit on them, unsuccessfully, for ten minutes before they had to beg you to leave. It knows everything about you, all the bad, all the good—and it loves you anyway. That's the purest kind of love, isn't it?
Sexuality: Wouldn't you like to know.
With that all said, thank you for checking out this post, and DOUBLE thank you if you decide to try out Shattered Earth. 🙇🙇
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sharpth1ng · 3 months
Idea: Stu getting that damn pheromone perfume for… obvious reasons
Lmao yeah, he would definitely do this. Stu's the kind of dude who would see those old axe commercials with the girls horny attacking dudes wearing it, and be like "I wonder if it works on dudes too-" leading to him spraying axe all over himself, leading to Billy hosing him down like a dog who got into some muck and throwing the axe away.
Also ok. I'm so sorry but I have to do an info dump about pheromones, it's not relevant and you can ignore it if you want but I just need to say:
There's only solid evidence of one actual pheromonal effect in humans, and it's the one that syncs up people's menstrual cycles. Pheromones are chemical compounds released by one individual that are picked up by another individual, and they trigger a consistent physical response. An example is that theres a compound in male mouse urine that triggers the onset of puberty in female mice.
Pheromones aren't processed in the same place as other scent information, they're processed by a specialized area called the vomeronasal organ (VNO). Other animals that have a lot of known pheromonal effects (cats, dogs, rodents, ect.) have a pretty big VNO, but in human's the VNO is vestigial, which basically means that evolution has been deselecting it, so it's shrunken, atrophied, and functionless (aside from maybe doing the menstrual cycle syncing thing, but we don't even have evidence that the VNO is responsible for processing that).
There's some evidence of things that could be pheromonal effects, for example, human babies will crawl towards the scent of their own mother's milk, but in order for this to be a pheromonal effect we would need to be able to isolate a single chemical compound that causes this behaviour and that hasn't happened yet. It's possible those babies are just reacting to the scent of their mother, which is made up of a mix of chemicals, so that wouldn't be a pheromonal effect.
Based on how inconsistent the evidence is around pheromones in humans it's unlikely that we have any super strong pheromonal effects, which isn't surprising. We're a species with a big frontal lobe so we do a lot more thinking and a lot less automatic reacting than other animals, so if we do still react to pheromones they probably only act to alter how likely a behaviour is top happen, rather than directly triggering the behaviour, so that makes them a lot harder to study and prove. But it also means theres not likely any specific pheromone that will make you irresistibly attractive to possible partners.
tl;dr: If you see something claiming to contain pheromones that will drive the people wild it's probably a lie
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bonefall · 1 year
(Using the askbox for conlanging discussion for once so the whole blog sees.)
So, like, for base Clanmew do we want specific words for queer identities or nah? I'm leaning towards no, I feel like much how you've said it before with neurodivergence the cats would describe behaviors and wouldn't really equate it with being you know?
BUT it's gay month and I think the audience would appreciate it. Throw them a little thing to add to their Clanmew intros.
Well, I totally overhauled the idea of Clan genders. So let's wander and ponder about it.
Some concepts translate neatly into the new clan culture concept of a Trinary gender, such as the humble genderqueer, but the English words for queerness are built around the exploration and rejection of binary gender. So I think most of the terms we're familiar with wouldn't exist in Clanmew.
Anyway, here's a refresher of the three genders and a new word. Here! Gender! CATCH!
Gender = Gorrloog Gender, broadly, of which Clan cats have 3. To be agender is to not have this, to be Gorrloogwaro, "genderless"
Gib = Meewa The third gender; assigned to cats who were suspected fading kits, display religiosity and wisdom from a young age, and have special 'gifts' from StarClan like multiple toes. Closest to what we might consider a type of nonbinary, but since Clan cats have trinary gender, you can see how that phrase is kind of flawed in Clanmew.
Tom = Ssuf Masculine gender; associated with patrolling, playfulness, assigned to most male kits. Tend to be more 'stinky' than other genders (word comes from the sound of cat spraying), larger, and display stud jowls.
Molly = Yaow Feminine gender; associated with assertiveness and seriousness, camp-building, and protectiveness. Assigned to most female kits. Tend to be on the thinner, lighter side, with saggier skin
They don't really have a word for "transgender," you contain gender, and don't contain much of the other two. To change gender is just that; "I was X and now I am Y" because you have realized that you contain more of another type of gender.
But they DO have a term for dysphoria, because they do have HRT treatments for when cats want their bodies to reflect their gender.
So there's another word; Mwrrgorloog. Bad-Gender. This is when you feel uncomfortable with the gender you have right now, and need to find some way to become a different one.
Humor theory but for gender. breaking out the gender leeches and sucking out the bad gender
And doing that, taking herbs, altering your appearance, helps to adjust your gender levels. So transition is accepted, BUT, Clan cats start trying to shove you back into the boxes if you act outside of this trinary system.
Dustpelt would be an example of this-- he contains Ssufness. He is a tom, he feels like one and he is one. He likes construction, he's a very serious cat, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to patrol. That doesn't mean he wants to be treated totally like a molly. He's queer, he doesn't fit the boxes neatly.
Under a more traditional leader, he may have gotten overlooked for construction promotions. They would have wanted him to be Yaow or Ssuf and not this bizarre mix. They wouldn't have considered that he needed someone like One-eye to nurture his talents.
I'm not sure if they have a word for "genderqueer" yet, but the beauty of language is that we make words exactly for this sort of purpose. I'm trying to think of how they might put BB!cats like Dustpelt, Bluestar, and Lizardstripe into words...
I think Ul-gorloog, contracted into Uloog, would make a good term for queer cats who don't fit the trinary. "Total Gender," lonely gender, both filling the Trinary and not really being part of it as a result.
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sweaty-confetti · 7 months
welcome to emo moss’s menagerie of animal facts !
commencing today because i’ve finally stopped putting this shit off
today’s animal is the FLAT HEADED CAT (Prionailurus planiceps)
the flat headed cat is a small wild cat with reddish-brown fur. they prey mostly on aquatic animals and are extremely elusive, sometimes dubbed “the most unknown cat in the world.” these guys were first recorded in 1827 and despite efforts since then, they are remarkably elusive and hard to find. they are critically endangered, with <2,500 estimated to be left in the wild. they are normally nocturnal, but captive specimens have been known to be crepuscular. they are known for their wide, close-set eyes, small ears, short legs, and (obviously) flat head.
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photo credit: joel sartore – national geographic
flat headed cats are very unique because of the nominal flattened shape of their heads. it’s unclear why their heads are shaped that way!
their eyes are very large and set very very close together, giving them the appearance of some sort of extraterrestrial cat thingy. it’s likely because they are nocturnal. these things can look you straight in the eyes if they wish (but they probably won’t, because they’re very shy)
they share a characteristic with cheetahs and fishing cats ! their claws are not fully retractable and they have about 2/3rds of their claws protruding at all times.
these guys are ITTY BITTY TINY. they have a head and body length of about 13-20 inches (41-50 cm) and a very short tail of 5-6 inches (13 to 15 cm)!
their diets are mostly aquatic and they have been known to wash their food in water like raccoons!
both males and females scent mark by raising their leg and spraying urine in their territories.
captive adults were observed groping and pawing along the bottom of a pool with their front paws spread, again very similar to raccoons !
their vocalizations, although we do not know much about them, have been reported to be similar to that of a domestic cat’s. kittens meow similarly and adults have been recorded exhibited purring noises that sound remarkably similar to a domestic cat’s!
after they catch their prey, which is aquatic, they usually take them at least 2 meters away from the body of water so that the prey cannot escape again.
another consistent weird body feature: from what has been recorded, their teeth are unusually long for a feline!
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lovilovessushi · 7 months
Missing You Always— Lovi x fem! reader
TW: DD/LG, choking, spitting, oral (female & male recieving), degradation (use of whore, slut etc.), hair pulling, dick riding, and just super super kinky tings. Read at you own discretion. MDNI YOU WILL GET BLOCKED!
It had been a whole week since your stupidly cute boyfriend had left for his trip.
You’ve never been apart from him this long—every passing second bittersweet, as it reminds you of the time he’s been gone, but also of how closer you are to being together again.
You miss all of him and how calm his presence makes you feel. You missed his laugh, his stupid jokes, his voice and most importantly… you missed his soft touch.
God, you missed the way he caresses your cheeks and looks at you like you’re so precious to him. How his fingers feel gliding along your skin at any given moment (literally whenever, wherever—not that you’re complaining). Gosh it was so cruel to not be with him right now.
In all honesty, the way he touches you should be studied—as it’s both a blessing and a sin. With that being said, you still remember the way he fucked you the day before he left.
How his lips felt as he kissed and marked you all over your neck, your stomach, your thighs and especially how his lips felt on your pus—
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You can’t think about it too much, his absence would only make you go insane.
You head out to buy groceries to try to get your mind off of Lovi. This of course is an impossible task, as everything reminds you of him. The trees remind you of his towering height, the cats and dogs remind you of how playful and adorable he is, and when you finally get to the grocery store, you almost cry and fall to your knees when you see the Patatje Joppie flavored Lays.
“I need to get a fucking grip”, you whisper to yourself shaking your head. You decide to get a few Buenos and Joppie chips to give him when he comes back and finish off your shopping.
As you finally get home, you sigh from relief that you were saved from the heavy rain that had begun to fall. You enjoy the sound of the pitter-patter outside and put away all the groceries in the kitchen of your shared home.
When you’re done, you smile at yourself for being productive and make your way upstairs. As you reach the top, you eyebrows furrow at seeing the light still on in your room.
“I must’ve forgotten to turn it off before I left”, you say out loud.
You reach to turn the door knob open and let out a loud startled scream when something, or rather someone suddenly grabs you inside your bedroom.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s me, it’s me”, Lovi says as he craddles your head to his chest, kissing the top of your head.
You keep your head hidden in his chest and punch his arm.
“You fucking asshole”, you say relieved that it was your annoying boyfriend and not some psycho killer.
He smells so good, a mixture of his and your perfume that you remember spraying all over his clothes before he left.
Lovi chuckles and attempts to bring your face to look up at him, “Hey, look at me”. You giggle as you keep your face hidden from him. “C’mon princess show me your pretty face, it’s been too long”, he whines and you finally give in. You feel your heart beating out of your chest, and you know its not only from being startled a few moments ago.
“I could’ve died from a heart attack you know”, you say looking up at him.
“I know baby, but it was funny”, Lovi says laughing as you hit him again on his arm, pouting.
Lovi coos at you, “Oh c’mon baby, it was funny, don’t be upset with me”. You roll your eyes at him, “Plus, you should’ve seen the face you made, oh my days, and your scream was sooo loud”, he laughs like its the most funniest thing in the world.
“I only ever hear you scream loud like that when I’m fucking you”. You slap his arm harder feeling embarrassed and he just chuckles at you,
“You know I like it when you’re rough with me baby. Hit me as many times as you want I don’t care, in fact it turns me on”.
You stare at him and chuckle disbelief, “I can’t believe you sometimes, so this is how you treat your girlfriend hmm? You know I was missing you so much, but now not anymore.”
It’s Lovi’s turn to rolls his eyes at you, “Of course you miss me, I am the best boyfriend ever. I mean I’m tall, I’m strong, I’m handsome—”
He leans down to whisper in your ear, “I treat you so well too.”
He smiles at you seductively, “Especially with how this big cock fucks into you so good and so deep. What more can you ask for? Huh princess?”, he says whispering into your other ear.
He nibbles on your ear and you shiver in response, “T-t-thats not the point”, you say cursing yourself for stuttering and folding under his pressure.
“T-Then w-what is the point?”, He says mockingly wearing his stupid boyish smile.
Lovi drives you crazy and you don’t think he knows how much he has you wrapped around his finger.
However, this is not the time to tell him that, as you would rather be stroking his cock than his ego right now.
You stare up at him with needy eyes whispering, “Don’t be mean to me daddy, its not fair.”
He looks at you with fake sympathy etched on his face, cradling your cheeks, “Aw princess, I’ll be nice only if your good for me okay. You’re going to be good for me right?”
You nod your head and he clicks his tongue, “Use your big girl words, or is that too hard for your dumb little brain?” Fuck, you feel yourself getting wet. You love when he talks to you like that.
“Yes daddy, I’m going to be a good girl, I promise.”
He smacks your cheek lightly, satisfied with your response, “Mhm good, now c’mere.”
He pulls you in really close to his lips, but not close enough to kiss you. He teases you, rubbing his nose against your cheek and nibbling on your neck. He watches you, entertained by how flustered you look.
“How bad do you want me to kiss you, huh? C’mon you can tell me baby.”
You let out a breathy moan and whisper against his mouth, “So so bad Lovi, I want to feel your lips so bad please~”. He slaps you again and squishes your cheeks roughly to look at him, “It’s daddy, you can say my name later when you earn it bouncing on my cock. Now try again”, he says harshly.
You resist the urge to moan as you look up at him, “Pleeasee daddy, please kiss me, pl—!”, he shuts you up with a slow passionate kiss and you can’t help but feel dizzy.
His lips are so soft, but eager as they press into yours. He slides his fingers down to your jaw and then wraps them around your neck. You gasp as he applies enough pressure with his hand to make you moan into his mouth.
You try occupy yourself by traveling your hands down his chest and into his shirt feeling his well defined abs.
You stick your tongue out swirling it around his, fighting for dominance—he of course wins. You continue playing with his tongue, sucking on it softly which earns moans from the both of you.
He tastes so sweet and it only fuels your addiction to him, as it satisfies your sweet tooth. You honestly don’t know how you lasted so long without him.
While he’s distracted with your tongue, you slide your hand down to his huge bulge.
“Let me show you how much I missed you daddy.”
You don’t give him a chance to respond as you push him onto the bed and get between his legs.
Lovi is caught off guard and cant help but find your desperation very amusing, cute even.
“Aww someone’s a desperate little puppy, slow down baby I’m not going anywhere anytime soon okay”, Lovi says grabbing your hand and kissing the inside of your palm.
You blush, “Sorry ’m just excited, I’ll be more careful.”
You unbuckle his belt and the sound of it makes blood rush down to your clit. It’s pulses so hard you’re sure he can hear it from up there.
He quickly takes off his shirt and you take off his pants along with his underwear.
You watch entranced as his pretty cock springs upward to his stomach.
He’s so big and thick, you can’t help but salivate at the sight of his precum glistening so deliciously on the tip—it belonged inside your mouth.
You also can’t ignore his prominent veins that pulse with arousal, filling you up with excitement at how it will feel in your pussy.
You look up at Lovi with the puppy eyes you know he loves, and plead.
“I want to taste you so bad daddy, can I please~”
you don’t break eye contact with him as you lick along his v-line.
You make your way down to pepper kisses on his thighs and he shivers a little.
“Please daddy, it’ll feel so good I pinky promise”, you smile.
He slaps your cheek trying to contain his cool.
“You’re such a dirty little slut for me aren’t you?” He says as he slaps your cheek again, this time with his cock.
“Yes daddy only a slut for you mhmm”.
If someone told you that you were going to be slapped by dick today, you would of called bullshit, but here you are and you don’t want to be anywhere else.
“Go on spit on it.”
You bring your face close to his pink tip and spit on it, a string of saliva connecting your lips and his dick—how romantic.
“What a fucking slut, you really want it in your mouth huh princess?”
You nod at him so fast, you give yourself a bit of vertigo. But you don’t care, all you can think about is feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue, finally being able to taste it.
“Open up pretty baby, say ahhh.”
He slaps his cock one, two, three times on your lips and thats all it takes for you to wrap your soft lips around his juicy tip. Lovi’s hips jolt into you at the feeling of your warm mouth, whispering all kinds of curses and praise.
Your eyes close, moaning as you suck gently on the head, savoring the taste of him. You trace your tongue on his slit breathing through your nose, and take your time to fit as much of him as you can.
This apparently was too slow for Lovi’s liking—fucking asshole. He impatiently grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing his cock deeper down your throat, thrusting into your mouth at a rapid pace. The loud gagging noises that come from you are so loud and dirty, it’s almost sinful.
“Mmmm yeah keep sucking baby, just like that, I want you to choke on daddy’s dick ‘til I cum.”
You cant help but moan at his words and feel your pussy get soaked.
Some girls may hate sucking dick, but you looovvveeee choking on Lovi’s cock.
The way his pretty face looks when he furrows his brows, and the way he moans so loudly and desperately makes you fall in love with him all over again. It brings you joy to be worshiping his dick, even if it means losing your breath—literally and metaphorically.
He pulls your hair roughly, removing your mouth completely off his cock, then pushes it all the way down, repeating it a few times.
Lovi feels feral when he sees the bulge he creates down your throat, totally insatiable as he abuses your mouth again and again—fucking into it mercilessly, as if it was your sweet pussy.
You vigorously suck his cock trying to milk out what you’ve needed since the day he left. You drag your nails up his thigh and gently play with his balls coaxing his cum out.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, just like that don’t stop baby, fuck im cumming”, Lovi says and with the way his dick twitches uncontrollably, you know he’s cumming soon.
After a few more thrusts you feel his warm cum fill up your mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm” you moan as you try to swallow his big load.
“Just like that princess lick it all up, don’t waste a fucking drop”, Lovi says as he pets your hair lovingly.
You don’t break eye contact with him as you swallow everything, even sqeezing the sensitive head softly to milk more cum out. Finally, you take his delicious dick out of your mouth with an audible ‘pop’.
“Thats a good girl, so dirty for me, all mine”
You nod and smile sweetly at him, kissing on his balls and up his shaft. You end the blowjob with a loving kiss on his tip before getting up and sitting on his lap.
Lovi grabs you from the back of your neck and brings you up to his face, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. He can taste himself on your tongue mixed in with your cherry lipgloss that is now long gone.
“Did I do good daddy? Did you feel good?” You whisper between kisses.
Lovi thinks you look so gorgeous right now, with your swollen lips and teary eyes.
“Of course you did good sweetie, it felt amazing, good girl~”, he reassures as he brushes your cheeks and kisses your forehead.
“Now its your turn, c’mon baby take off your shirt let me see your pretty tits.”
You enthusiastically oblige, thanking yourself for not wearing a bra. You expose your boobs and your nipples harden from the cool temperature in the room, still very sensitive from arousal.
He wasted no time sucking harshly on your nipple while groping and pinching the other. You throw your head back softly moaning in pleasure and pulling him closer to you.
“You like that baby don’t you, you like when I play with you like the dumb toy you are”, he says biting the nipple teasingly before sucking again.
You feel so needy as you rock your hips back and forth on his thigh, “Yes daddy it f-feels soo g-good”
“Thats it angel come lay down, daddy is going to give you a treat.”
You do as he says and wait for further instructions. He gets on his knees and drags you to the edge of the bed effortlessly. Lovi pulls down on your tiny skirt and fingers the noticeably wet spot on your panty.
He slaps your clothed pussy and rubs it to soothe the ache. “Fuckkkk, look at those soaked panties, your so fucking wet and dirty for me, aren’t you sweetie. Just for daddy, right?”
He slaps your pussy more, “Go on say it, who is this little pussy crying for?”
“You daddy only for you! I promise~” you whine craving to have him inside you already. He kisses your thigh before taking your panties off.
“Atta girl, okay open up for me sweetheart.”
Usually you would be embarrassed, but you’re to horny to care at this point.
You open up your legs and tremble in anticipation.
He spreads your pussy open with two thumbs and stares at it like a starved man, like its the one thing that can quench his thirst.
“What a pretty fucking pussy.”
You unconsciously move your hips towards him after hearing his words.
He rubs circles with his thumb against your clit and looks mesmerized by how wet you are.
“Yeah does this feel good baby? How about I put two fingers inside, I need to prep you for my big dick anyways.”
He slips his fingers in easily and moans at the warm wetness of your cunt. He sets a fast pace right off the bat and successfully takes your breath away. Your moan hitches at your throat as tears begin to pool in your eyes. If his fingers make you feel this way, you can’t wait to get dicked down.
“Ohh I love how wet you sound, your gonna cum on my fingers okay love”
“Mhmm yes daddy, I’ll be a good girl for you.”
He picks up his pace and hits the spot that only he could reach with so much speed.
Everything feels so intense as your orgasm builds, but it also feels different from all the times before.
“D-daddyyyy y-your going t-to fast, it feels w-weird”
Lovi slaps your pussy and coos at you while wiping a tear that fell down your face.
“Don’t worry baby, I know what I’m doing, you’re going to feel so good. Trust daddy okay” he says then pecks you on the lips. He doesn’t relent in fingering your pussy loving how wet you sound.
You let out a pornagraphic moan as your orgasm hits you quickly, panting as you feel electric jolts all over your body with how powerful you came.
“Good job baby, oh my god it worked, you fucking squirted, fuckkkk.”
He doesn’t even let you recover as he licks a flat stripe from your hole to your clit. He groans at your taste and he repeats licking and slurping up your juices.
“Fuck baby you taste so fucking good, oh my god.”
Your mouth opens in a silent scream and your back arches off of the bed. Your so sensitive, you don’t know what to do with yourself.
He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks on it while holding eye contact. You admit although your sensitive from squirting, you can’t help but want more of Lovi. You know that your not going to last long with how he deliciously laps at your cunt.
“Yes daddy just like that, suck my clit just like that.”you moan wantonly as you pull him closer by his hair.
He moans when you grind your pussy against his face desperately. He suddenly buries his tongue deep into your hole, tongue-fucking your pussy with his nose perfectly rubbing against your swollen clit.
“Daddy please, please stop I-I want to cum on your dick please let me cum on your dick.”
“No princess, cum on my tongue first”, “But I—"
He slaps your ass and grabs your face with the hand that was drenched in your juices.
“Hey, listen to me, you’re going to be a good fucking whore and do as I say, okay.” He doesn’t let you respond and physically nods your head for you with his hand and sticks two fingers in your mouth.
You immediately taste yourself and moan sucking and licking everything up.
“Now suck on them just like that and let me enjoy my meal.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling the way he slurps at your pussy, like he was trying to engulf your whole cunt into his mouth.
All you could do was moan loudly and borderline scream at the intensity of the way your poor pussy was being assaulted with his mouth—fingers doing almost nothing to quiet you down.
Was bro always such a fucking munch? Holy moly!
Lovi swears that your pussy was a necessity that he needed in order to live a long, healthy life. It was like breathing air, drinking water, eating food—and by the way you were yapping incoherently, he knows you feel the same.
He sucks at your clit, moaning and shaking his head from side to side. This is all it takes to throw you over the edge, cumming so hard for him.
You try to push his head away from you to ease the intensity, but he only holds your hands hostage and finishes licking up everything.
He looks up at you so prettily, his spit and your juices glistening on his face. He kisses your clit three times before coming up and peppering more kisses up your body.
Your body still shakes after feeling the effects of cumming.
“Oh you poor thing, look at you shaking so much. Oh come here, come here”, he coos as you grab at him needingly. He kisses you and you cant help but whimper into mouth, tasting more of yourself on his tongue.
“That was so so good daddy, but its so intense” you whisper against his lips.
“I know princess, I know, but you have one more in you for me right? I need you to stuff you full with my cum.”
You whine, “Can we take a break please, I don’t think I can take it right now.”
“No, no breaks sweetheart, you can take it baby, I know you can”, he sits up and pats his leg “C’mere, sit on daddys cock”.
You don’t bother questioning him again as you know how persistent he can be. You somehow find the energy to straddle his waist. And even though your drained, you look at him fondly, holding his chin up to kiss him sweetly. Its not daddy or his little girl anymore, it’s just you and Lovi.
“I missed you so much baby, it was torture without you.”
Lovi nuzzles into you hand, “I missed you so much too, I don’t know how I survived without my princess for so long. I will never do it again if I can help it.”
You kiss him again and rub your nose against his affectionately. You smile at him expectantly and say, “Can you spit in my mouth please?”
You open your mouth and feel as he spits a good amount of saliva on your tongue.
You then spit all of it onto his cock, stroking it up and down and up and down. You tease the both of you by sliding the head from your clit to your entrance a few times before bracing yourself.
You push down on his huge dick and moan in unison as you take just the tip.
“I can never get used to you, fuck your so big Lovi”, you say trying to savor the moment and not fall apart just yet.
“I know baby, but you can do it darling, you can take it all for me like you’ve done so many times before.”
You nod determined to cum on his cock after so long. “You’re right I can do it, just hold me close okay. I need you so much.”
Lovi holds your waist, aiding you along as you slowly bottom out. His eyes roll to the back of his head at the tight grip of your walls.
“Mmmm I’m so full”, you whine and you begin moving your hips. Getting used to his size, you begin to bounce on his fat cock, setting a slow and steady pace.
“Yeah ride my dick just like that sweetie, just how you know I like it.”
You begin to pick up your pace, not being able to resist how horny you were. You wrap your arms around Lovi’s neck and throw your head back.
He takes advantage of this and leaves hungry, open-mouthed kisses on the column of your neck and breasts. He bites, licks and sucks the skin there until he’s satisfied with the bruises he makes. You’re no better than him, leaving deep scratch marks on his chest, down his arms and back—almost everywhere you put your hands on really.
You love marking and claiming ownership of each other. You don’t think theres ever been a moment where you guys didn’t have evidence of the love and fun you guys engage in almost daily.
“Oh my god, who’s my pretty girl hm?” He groans into your chest, “You ride daddy’s cock so good, can you go faster, mi amor? Go faster for daddy love.”
You whine, feeling fatigued already, “I’m trying daddy, I really am, but I’m getting tired.”
“Aww, my pathetic little baby is getting weak isn’t she, it’s okay sweetheart just hold onto me I will take care of everything.”
Lovi smacks your ass hard and aggressively spits on your pussy, thrusting up into you at an unbelievable speed. You scream Lovi’s name so loud you’re sure that the neighbors will file a complaint, but you don’t give a fuck.
He guides your hips and hits your g-spot repeatedly again showing no mercy, and all you could was take it.
“Oh my god! Fuck mmmmm Lovilovilovilovilovi pleasedontstoppleasedontstoppleasedontstop”, you say along with other incoherent ramblings.
Fat tears fall down your face, feeling everything at once. You pull him by his hair and give im a sloppy, heated kiss to try to quiet yourself down, but to no avail when he reaches down and rubs deliciously at your clit.
“Lovi I’m gonna cum, it’s too much!” you moan as you desperately cling to him.
He slaps you and grabs your face, “Hey, look at me we’re going to cum together okay”, you try to concentrate as more tears fall, but nod your head nonetheless.
“Good, on the count of ten okay, 1…2…3…,” he counts, punctuating every number with a thrust. “Fuck, I’m cumming nghhh.”
You shake as you cum with him walls clenching and unclenching tightly, and you realize you squirted again.
“Mmmm look at that pretty fucking pussy, weeping just for daddy” He says slapping your clit.
You feel so full of his cock and warm cum. You swear in this moment you are the happiest girl in the world.
“Look at that big fucking load spilling out, here let me fuck it back in to you” he says as he takes deep strokes up.
“Fuck that feels good huh? My cute little cumslut. You’re so fucking pretty, mhm with this pretty little pussy.”
You can’t even think straight as your mind is blank and your body, tired. You love giving yourself to him fully and he never disappoints.
“Aww does my baby feel too brain dead to respond.”
“Shut up, you just slutted me the fuck out, leave me alone.” He laughs and you laugh with him.
When the laughter dies down, you look at him. He has this lovesick look on his face that you cannot help but mirror. You brush his hair out of his face and look at his pretty blue eyes, “Lovi, I love you, I’m glad you’re back.” You smile at him fondly, tracing his perfect lips, “You can never leave me ever again, got it? It was so lonely and horrible without you, a zero star experience, I don’t recommend.”
He chuckles leaning in to scatter kisses all over your face. “I wouldn’t dream of it princess, your just a baby, only my baby, I love you”, he says kissing your puffy lips.
You notice how dark the room is and can’t believe that you’ve been going at it for so long. You lay your head on his chest and sigh with happiness. “Can we stay just like this, I want to cockwarm you.”
He smacks your ass playfully, “Of course we can cutie, anything you want.”
You snuggle closer to him and kiss his chest, “Okay, good nighty Lovi, I’m happy your finally home babe.”
“Good night pretty girl, I’m glad to be back home, I love you.” he says in his cute sleepy voice.
He kisses your forehead and you both drift off into deep sleep.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
If you have any free time im requesting some camboy au headcanons about roach :0? Or letters to love headcanons about roach!!
Let's do some Letters headcanons! I haven't done one for Letters Roach and it gives me an opportunity to explain some things for the story!
Warnings: Stalker type behavior from Makarov, nsfw implied, slight non-con mentioned
Trans! Roach in the letters universe, which you guys probably knew, but he didn't come out until he was about sixteen
He is currently in his early-mid twenties in the fic and has been transitioning since he came out
Only person who knew he was trans earlier than sixteen was Eddie
Eddie is still a doctor in this AU and provided Roach with fantasy hormone blockers until he was ready to come out
So Roach essentially never hit a female puberty which has worked out for him because he doesn't have to bind his chest or anything
He was raised with a females education because he didn't come out until later
When he did come out, there was discussion of sending him through the classes for male aristocrats, but he would have been learning with small children, so they decided to just teach him the basics
For this reason Roach has no idea how to really fight (outside of a few things that we'll get to later), no idea how to hunt, and is a little less educated on things like war tactics, math, and history (he's learning though!)
Roach earned Makarov's affection when they were very young, which is part of why he doesn't remember it
Makarov was about eight while Roach was about five
Essentially Makarov was being a pouty bratty young prince
Little Roach got tired of it and came over to smack him with a book and tell him to shut the fuck up with his tantrum because he was trying to make flower crowns
Roach got in trouble for it, but Makarov was already smitten and it did not help that Roach later apologized to him with one of the flower crowns he made
Makarovs obsession was mostly innocent until he hit puberty then he started getting full on creepy and weird which is most of what Roach remembers
Roach and Jackson became bffs in this AU when they were kids. They were around the same age and their families estates are right next to each other, so it just made sense
Jonathan and Eddie fully believed that Roach and Jackson were sneaking around together when they were teens
Technically they weren't wrong, its just that rather than having sex, Roach and Jackson were going into town together and sneaking back to the estates with stray cats (the estates still have a cat problem because of them)
Makarov fucking despises Jackson, but he can't say or do shit because Jackson's family are the Kingdom's record keepers/treasurers
A list of creepy things that Makarov has done to Roach in this AU:
Stolen some of his clothes
Cut a piece of his hair to keep
"Accidentally" spilled wine, water, and mead on him several times
Had specific outfits made and sent to him (and since he's the prince, guess what Roach was wearing to any functions??)
Had copies of any portraits made of Roach made for himself (as well as hired some artists to draw Roach for him secretly)
Bought literally the exact same fragrances that Roach uses just so he can spray them in his room (and be creepy)
Followed him around secretly and made visits to Roach's families estate to sneak into his room
Literally tried to start rumors about the two of them to try and force them to be married
Straight up felt him up several times during big events where he could get away with it during like dancing and what not
There's other stuff but thats just some of the stuff off of the top of my head shdhdhdjjd
Roach is known for his penmanship in his kingdom! Its a highly valued skill in the kingdom and he's penned out letters for the royals before (including Makarov)
So when Soap is like 👁👄👁 with how fancy Roach's letters are, he was not exaggerating, like Roach is very very skilled
Soap is only Roach's third kiss in his life, not necessarily because there haven't been people interested, but rather that Roach hasn't been interested (take your guesses on who the other two kisses were lol)
Because Makarov is so solely interested and focused on Roach, Roach tends to get a lot of flak from other noble families
They want their own daughters/sons to marry the prince, so its very frustrating to them that Makarov has shown no interest in even trying with anyone other than Roach
It doesn't help that everyone can see how uninterested Roach is in the attention. They consider that to be a huge disrespect
So Roach has very few friends/support among the nobility, something that his mother has tried to fix but has often just resulted in Roach sitting in a room being made fun of all day
One last one: Roach is very much deeply attracted to the idea that Soap is a warrior king and has seen so much battle and all that, but he absolutely will not admit it
That shit is staying in his fantasies until after he is married thank you very much
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lsotp · 6 months
Hi-! I'm here for the daily blog attacks!
Questions from Chapter 5 and 6 Incoming-!
1.) Your heavy eyes looked up into the face of your rescuer. His eyes were squeezed shut, his own ears being covered by his hands as he formed a cage over you. You felt a bit better here in this strange man’s lap.
In the world of LSOTP, Is Edge afraid of storms and lightning too?
2.) Figure 1:
“S-sissy?” His eyes opened to look at you, the white eyes that were usually about the size of a dime seemed to fill his whole sockets.
Figure 2:
His eyes snapped open as a shrill scream left his small body. His soul rose from his chest as the scent of watermelon lemonade filled the area, his soul turned a beautiful sunset orange casting the same bright light in the area before shooting up in a beam.
Figure 3:
Whip opened his eyes- once white- were now the same sunset orange as his magic
Before a whelp has reached a certain age/maturity, is their magic generally white before turning to a color AFTER an awakening?
I think i know the answer. The Figures I've provided said it all, but I just want confirmation.
3.) He popped his magic in little pops of orange, as he had practiced while his magic was still white. Little fire works of lemonade scented orange sprang up before a jet of water squirted out of his palm and sprayed Buck in the face.
I would like to know more about Special Skill Sets, please.
4.) they’re sharp teeth biting into your collar bone or neck to put you back in line after you decided to go against the grain.
Mate Marks? 👀.
5.) Figure 1:
You had forgotten about those features, honestly. All the doors in the house had two knobs. One for your taller family members and guests to use,and one for you and (at the moment) Whip to use.
I feel bad for (Y/N). She's essentially a mouse in a family of cats. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
Figure 2:
It was humiliating to you. Your feet didn’t even touch the floor and your head barely poked above the arms of the chair.
I arrest my case.
6.) What happened during 'The Seige of Coronet'? Just how bad was it?
7.) “She can speak, it’s just hard for her to do. It’s a side effect from an injury from when she was little.
We were in the Siege of Coronet when Old Centry fell in the war. The enemy was after women and children, in hopes to put a dent in our numbers. Sadly both my wife and daughter were injured.”
I FOUND A CLUE-! I'm sure of it.
During this Siege of Coronet, Cobalt basically admitted that there were enemies, enemies that scarred both (Y/N) and Lilith.
He KNOWS who they were fighting with.
But the fic doesn't give any implicit confirmation as to WHO or WHAT the enemy is.
(1) Edge isn’t terrified of storms. He has super great hearing. The noise of the wind, the debris, and other noises were hurting his ears.
(2) Yes. They are born with white magic that they can practice with until they hit puberty, when they start to unlock their abilities.
(3) You may need to open a new ask post for this one with more specifics on what you want to know. It’s too broad of a question for this post and would make this entirely too long.
(4) Not necessarily. The reader is just kinky. It’s a form of discipline between mates and usually how a male will dom a female. By biting- however the bites don’t hurt more so than overstimulate the person being bitten. (Don’t bite someone in the LSotP au. The scandal that would result would be massive.)
(5) Yeah. She’s a lil’ short stack compared to everyone else. Her baby brother is only three inches shorter than her.
(6) Old Centry was a province or state in the region.
The siege of Coronet was an invasion of the state and one of the first settlements hit in the dead of night. It was pillaged and burned down in less than 10 hours. A flag that said “Down with the Queen” was left on the hot ashes of the site.
(7) I never said he didn’t know. And while it’s important, that wasn’t the thing I was referring to. ;p
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ask-a-vetblr · 2 years
Why do intact (male) cats stink but intact (male) dogs don't? Do all intact felines stink?
Hi! @release-the-hound here!
One way cats communicate with each other is via smell. Cats have scent glands on their cheeks, chin, top of head, and base of tail. These glands emit pheromones that stay behind on surfaces. Cats rub against items to mark their territory, and against people or other cats to signify acceptance into the cats social group.
Intact male cats are very preoccupied with marking things (this is also why they spray urine). They use it to signal their territory to other male cats (sort of a smelly "keep out!" sign). But the main reason they're stinkier than neutered male cats is because they also have hormones to signal their reproductive fitness to female cats (like a very smelly tinder profile).
While scent is also important for inter-dog communication, they don't have scent glands on their faces (hence why they don't exhibit face-rubbing while cats do). Their scent glands are known as "anal glands" and typically they're only expressed when a dog poops.
TLDR: intact male cats are stinky because they have more scent glands and they mark more than intact male dogs.
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evereinefaust · 11 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐞 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: England (Arthur Kirkland) X afab!Reader
Trigger Warning: Character death, gore
Sypnosis: Arthur didn't know why this keeps happening. Although he hates summer, this particular day made it even worse. Especially when he kept witnessing her dying over and over again.
Word Count: 1,611
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Arthur was bored, he was sitting on a bench with [Name] in a park. He got out his phone from his pocket then checked the time, it was 12:28. He lowered his phone then looked at the skies, it was in the middle of summer and the weather was quite hot. He placed his phone back in his pocket as he heard the girl calling his name. "Geez! What's wrong with you? I've been talking to you but your mind seems to be flown somewhere" [Name] waved her hand in front of his face as she scolded him. "Ah! Sorry!" Arthur looked at her with a blush as he apologized. The female just smiled. "Well, y'know, I kind of hate summer" She boldly murmured while petting a black street cat. The blonde looked at her then she looked at him and blinked two times. She smiled at him which made Arthur skip a beat. The two of them stood up and decided to go somewhere else, while [Name] carried the cat in her arms. "Y'know, I also had a pet cat at home. It was white and its name is [cat name]" The [h/l] [h/c]-haired female told the Brit. Arthur just looked at the cat with his hands on his side. "Ah!" The cat jumped out of [Name]'s arms when the two of them neared the pedestrian. The girl ran after the cat and when she was near the middle of the street, Arthur's eyes widened because of the truck that is coming her way. "[Name]! Watch out!" Arthur shouted as he ran after her, trying to save her from the truck. "Huh?" The said girl stopped in her tracks and the truck slammed into her. The glaring red lights were combined with her blood. Arthur heard the scream of the female the minute before the incident. The girl's scent, now mingled with sprayed blood, choked him. He placed his hands on his mouth as he looked at the dead body of the female he liked. His hands are still on his mouth as he lowered his head and then cried. The [f/c] bracelet he gave to the girl broke into two. "This is a lie..." Arthur muttered to himself. "This is no lie!" The heat haze said, smiling at the crying blonde while its hands were in its pocket. Arthur looked at it and then noticed that it looked very much like him. He had light hair, ranging from pale blonde to pastel pink. His eyes are light blue, unlike Arthur's. wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a black vest and matching black tie. He had matching black pants, just like the ones the Brit is wearing now. "Bye, see you soon," It said to Arthur as he waved its hands to him, Arthur looked at him with wide eyes while the light blue of summer darkened away.
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Arthur woke up on his bed to the ticking sound of the clock. "What time is it...?" He muttered to himself. He blink two times and then looked at the wall clock. Arthur sat on his bed and then checked his phone, it was sometime past 12 in the afternoon and he recalled the awfully annoying sound of the cricket. The blonde looked out his window and saw the nice day, he changed his clothes then went to the same park. Once he arrived there, he sat on the bench next to [Name] who was looking at the skies.
The Brit looked up and then wondered why everything seems familiar. He remembered the dream he had yesterday in the same park. "Geez! What's wrong with you? I've been talking to you but your mind seems to be flown somewhere" [Name] waved her hand in front of his face as she scolded him. "Sorry. But you know, it's a little strange. Yesterday, in a dream, I saw us walking exactly in the same park" The blonde sadly told the female who looked at him curiously.
"Nothing weird here except for you" She teased the male as she stood up, Arthur also stood. He noticed that the girl carried a black cat in her arms while talking to him. "Y'know, I also had a pet cat at home. It was white and its name is [cat name]" The [h/l] [h/c]-haired female told the Brit. The male sadly looked at the female. "Ah!" The cat jumped out of [Name]'s arms when the two of them neared the pedestrian.
Remembering his dream, Arthur grabbed the girl's wrist before she could chase after the cat. "Why don't we go home now?" The blonde asked her as he looked down, the girl just looked at him and then nodded. They went to the other way then the second she stepped off the pathway, everyone surrounding them turned their heads up to the sky and opened their mouths. The male looked at the people surrounding them and he didn't notice the girl he was with went on by herself.
Before he could grab the girl's wrist again, the metal pole pierced through her body that made him freeze on the spot with his widened eyes. A tearing shriek and the sound of wind chimes echo through the trees. The black cat sat near the scene while the [f/c] bracelet broke into two pieces. "[Name]!" Arthur shouted with his tear-filled eyes as he tried to come to her aid. But he noticed that the heat haze was right on his side. "This is not a dream," It said while its hands were in its pocket, smiling.
Arthur looked back at it then it looked at Arthur, it pushed the Brit backward with his still-widened eyes. As his vision blurred, he glanced at her profile and thought that he saw her smiling.
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The male woke up again on his bed, he sat then touched his head with sweat on his face. Remembering his nightmares, he quickly change his clothes and then went to the park. He saw the female sitting on the bench then grabbed her wrist then walked to the footbridge where he saw the heat haze. "Hey..." It greeted the Brit who was nearly at the top of the bridge as it leaned on the railings. Arthur, frightened and nervous, suddenly released his grip on the girl which made her fall from the high place.
The girl fell and died on the spot, the same bracelet broke into two as the blood mixed with the scent of the female. Once again, the male's vision blurred as he fall backward.
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No matter what efforts Arthur did to save the girl, she died anyways. The first death is the truck, the second is the pole, the third is the footbridge. And there are a lot more that happened that killed the girl in some way. Like the time when Arthur and [Name] walked n the sidewalk, hand in hand to ensure the girl's safety. But when Arthur check the time on his phone, a black cat was on the sidewalk and the female tried to chase it. She was released from his grip but he grabbed her wrist once again.
The truck saw the cat crossing the streets then avoided it and slammed into a wire post, luckily for the two, they didn't seem to be damaged. But when Arthur picked up his phone on the ground when he dropped it, the wire post break then crashed on the girl. The heat haze was standing behind Arthur when it happened. Then again, Arthur woke up on his bed as if it was a dream.
The next thing that happened is when Arthur treated [Name] to an ice cream shop and then went their way somewhere else. Arthur grabbed his phone and then dialed the police station, but when [Name] started to talk to Arthur without looking where she was going, she tripped on a bottle and then cracked her head. Arthur's eyes widened at the scene while the heat haze looked at him with a smile.
The next time, [Name] fell into a manhole while they are avoiding all the things that tried to kill her. The next thing that happened is when Arthur tried to ensure [Name]'s safety by walking underground, but in the moment [Name] stepped on the first step, she fell again and then died. When Arthur thought that he and [Name] would ride into a taxi, she died again anyways. Then there is one time that they went to another footbridge, and calmly, Arthur and [Name] went up.
He noticed that the heat haze wasn't there, so [Name] leaned on the railings and tried to tease him. But the railings broke then the girl died.
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This kind of frequently told story has only one ending. But it can be found beyond those repeating summer days. And it's been repeating for tens of years, Arthur probably has noticed it by now.
When Arthur pushed the girl aside and jumped in, the truck slammed into him. The color of his splashed blood reflected off the female's eyes and her robotic body. "Take that!" Arthur laughed and mocked the heat haze who placed its hands on its mouth and cried. But when he looked at the crying girl, a mirror image of her appeared on her side then his eyes widened.
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Awakening on August 14 in a bed, a girl, hugging her cat alone as she sat on the bed and placed her head on her window. "It didn't work again..." She muttered as she cried.
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fairy-tale-writer · 2 years
Oral Training
Malleus Draconia x AMAB? Reader
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Prompt: Malleus sucks off reader
Note: This is so reverse uno card cuz I usually don't do male reader. Or this can be read as trans reader or female reader with penis (magic potion) it's up to y'all.
Either way it's FILTHY good.
This idea was floating around my head for a while so I had to write this.
Includes: oral sex (reader receiving), deep throating, sex toys, anal fingering (malleus receiving), anal sex (malleus receiving)
"Don't choke yourself, baby boy." You chided.
Malleus looked absolutely gorgeous this way; on his knees sucking your cock. His gorgeous emerald eyes were half-lidded with his long black lashes framing them. His pale cheeks were bright red, his lips swollen and wide for your cock to slip through.
His drool was dripping down onto his Diasomnia uniform.
He pushed down and choked as he tried to shove you deeper. You grabbed onto his horns and pulled him off of you.
"Malleus." You scolded, "What have I told you about choking yourself?"
You reached down to his cock bound by the vibrating ring. His head was swollen, a fuscha color dripping with precum.
"I'm sorry my Lord...I just wanted to feel your cock penetrate my throat." Malleus answered bashfully.
"This is only your third time giving a blow job, you're more likely going to throw up. Although I must say these training sessions are helping, in no time you'll be a master at deepthroating."
"But I wish to appease you now, master..." Malleus pleaded, nuzzling your thigh like a cat craving affection.
You cupped his cheek, stroking his cheek bone with your thumb. Malleus pressed a kiss against your thumb. You pressed your thumb in between his lips and lifted his upper lip.
Those dangerously sharp fangs made you shudder. They were lovely feeling them bite into your skin, but to be so close to your cock was a bit scary. However Malleus was very good at keeping them covered with his lips.
"Alright baby boy, you've convinced me." You purred,
Malleus beamed as you directed him back to your cock.
"Now, here's a trick. Press your left thumb down and you will have no gag reflex which will really help. Now, in order to deep throat you must relax your throat. Remember to breathe, breathing is important to stay relaxed." You guided well his mouth warmed you again.
"Be slow." Malleus was careful as he guided you once again to the back of his tongue.
That was the farthest he could go without choking.
"Inhale." He followed breathing in through his nose.
"When you exhale sink down." He obeyed and slowly let your cock slip past into the start of his throat.
He didn't choke as he inhaled and exhaled again. The thumb trick seemed to work as he gained more confidence to push you down even further.
At last he reached the end of your cock.
"Nhgh-Good boy! You took it all!" You moaned.
His throat was so tight and wet, it felt amazing. Malleus brushed his tongue against a vein causing you to shudder his name.
"Are you...are you good?" You moaned, grabbing onto his horns.
Malleus nodded with a hum causing you to cry out. You brought a hand to his throat and shuddered feeling your cock in his throat. Your hand squeezed just the slightest and the fae's eyes rolled to the back of his head.
"Ngh-mmm-fu-fuck! Malleus you're so tight! Fuck! You're a natural at this! I'm going to cum!"
You gasped as you came, your cum spraying down the fae's throat. He whimpered and sucked harder milking you for every drop of cum you could give.
At last you had to pull him away when it was becoming too much.
"Bend over the table and let me give you a reward baby boi."
Malleus did as he was told bending over the table. His fingers curled under the lip feeling his cock twitch from the never ending vibrations.
He was so close and yet so far from cumming. You spread his pale cheeks apart revealing his boy-pussy. It had yet to have been touched all night, you stroked it with your finger.
"I'm going to lube you up first." You took the bottle of lube.
The bottle was designed with a long straw to pour the lube directly into his tight little hole. You pushed the tip against him and Malleus shuddered with a moan.
You pushed it in until the straw ended at the lid. You then tipped the bottle pouring the lube into him. Malleus pressed his hands to his mouth as he cried out. The bottle glugged as more and more lube was pushed in.
At last you pulled away when you felt Malleus was lubed enough. The fae clenched his anus causing a small squirt of lube to spray out.
"Why even bother lubing you up if you're just going to push it all out?" You sighed.
You grabbed your own cock and pushed in easily into his tight channel.
"Nyaaa~!" Malleus cried as your first thrust hit his prostate dead on.
"You enjoying yourself baby boy?" You leaned over him, trapping him under you.
You bit into his shoulder as you pounded into his plush rear. The wet noises of his boy pussy sucking you in. His mouth was wide open, drool dripping down onto the table as his eyes rolled back.
"Please...please! I need to cum! I need to cum!" Malleus moaned.
"Just a little longer baby." You assured.
He wailed burying his face into his arm. It was overstimulating but he couldn't cum, his cock swelling over the ring.
His hips were bumping into the table with every harsh trust you gave. At last you ripped off the cock ring and stroked his cock to completion.
All the stimulation was enough to shove him over the edge into his hardest orgasm.
You kept thrusting through your orgasm until his boy pussy had every last drop you could give.
"I love you..." Malleus sighed, looking over his shoulder.
"I love you too." You leaned forward and pulled him into a gentle kiss...
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You share a house with your significant other. Your first name begins with ‘C’. Your last name begins with ‘R’. You have a friend called Sarah. Your birthday is in June. You miss your significant other right now. You don’t like chain text messages. The last person you text messaged is female. You told someone that you loved them today. You’re in love with the last person you kissed. You have a friend called Zoe. You have a friend called Holly. You have a crush on someone. You want someone you can’t have. The last person you Facebook messaged is male. You’ve been stuck in a lift before. You’ve had butterflies in your stomach recently. You’re shy around the opposite sex. You consider yourself to be a nice person. The last person you texted, texted you first. You’re watching TV right now. You feel ill right now. Your last missed call was from one of your parents. You’ve drank alcohol in the last 48 hours. You don’t have unlimited texting. You want to dye your hair. You’ve kissed someone whose name started with ‘D’. You’ve eaten chocolate today. You’re not a morning person. You have a song stuck in your head right now. Your phone is on charge atm. The last person you kissed is older than you. You know someone named Elizabeth. You’re a student. You don’t consider yourself to be attractive. You eat a lot of junk food. You don’t drink alcohol that often. You don’t smoke. You regret losing your virginity to the person you did. You can count all of your sexual partners on one hand. You’ve kissed someone whose name started with ‘N’. You’ve kissed someone whose name started with ‘T’. You use hair spray. Your hair is longer than your shoulders. You’re tired. Your sleeping pattern is messed up. You get a lot of compliments about your hair. You’re wearing your hair in a ponytail. You wear glasses. You have green eyes. Summer is your favourite season. You love Pringles. Someone else likes the person you like. You want to see someone right now. You were single this time last year. You love chocolate. You can talk to your parents about anything.  You’ve said “I love you” when you didn’t mean it. You think Chad Michael Murray is good-looking. You were single last Christmas. You read a lot. You’ve had your tonsils taken out. You’ve kissed someone whose name you didn’t know. You’ve had a panic attack before. You’re not a secretive person. You like dogs. You like cats. You’re not that fussed about looks; you prefer personality. You keep your phone on silent. You over think a lot of things. You’re confused about something. You’re alone in the room right now. You love Disney films. You like Paramore. You’ve had a one night stand. You think Amy Lee is pretty. You’ve won a competition before. You eat breakfast every morning. You have more than 2 siblings. You’ve kissed someone whose name started with ‘B’. You kissed someone last night. You’re hungry. You use Google Chrome.
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rpmemesbyarat · 2 years
A little ago, I wrote THIS RANT about animals in fiction and the tendency in media to depict predators/carnivores as ridiculously aggressive to the point of actively evil and prey/herbivores as placid, gentle, and even downright tame by nature. . .and how that’s a lot of bunk. I would like to continue this with some other things I’m tired of regarding animals in media. Note that this does not apply to media where the animals are MEANT to be anthropomorphic to some degree (ex: All Dogs Go To Heaven, Redwall, etc) or to works that aren’t meant to be taken as terribly realistic. I’m talking about works that present these behaviors as very realistic, natural animal behaviors. Even in the context of fantasy, sci-fi, and other fiction, you can often tell by the tone how serious you’re supposed to take the world---for instance, Maximus the horse in “Tangled” is fine by me, but a horse acting the same way in something like ASOIAF would seem really off. Anyway, here are some peeves of mine--
ANIMALS AREN’T MONSTERS See the linked rant above. ANIMALS AREN’T ANGELS The other end of the spectrum from depicting animals as so vicious that they’re actively villainous, some people go full-on idealistic in their depictions of animals, carnivores included. Indeed, favorites of this type of writer tend to be large majestic carnivores like wolves and big cats and orcas, along with the more attractive herbivore species like herds of wild horses or flocks of swans, perhaps “cute” ones too like bunnies; rarely are slugs, weevils, weasels, pigs, or “vermin” type animals given much praise. Much ado will be made by these writers about how nature is good because it’s natural, how all species live in harmony, how humans should imitate animals in all things and how the world would be so much better that way, how animals are so much better than nasty rotten evil people and would NEVER commit acts like theft, rape, or cruelty to children. What a bunch of malarkey. This is JUST as wrong and dangerous a mentality as the notion that some animals are consciously evil. While I’d much prefer to defend maligned animals (especially very misunderstood and unjustly demonized ones like sharks), the fact is sometimes it’s also necessary to point out that lots of commit atrocious acts that have nothing to do with hunting for food. Plenty of male animals will kill the young of their own species to bring the females into heat again so THEY can mate with them. Lions are most famous for this, but you see it many other species such as zebras, grizzly bears, and more. Ducks, otters, seals, dolphins, and a certain type of penguin are all HORRIFICALLY rapey to a degree I won’t detail here, but it’s absolutely disturbing. And with how smart dolphins are, they damned well likely know what they’re doing too. It’s normal for hamsters to devour their young when under stressed, or just nibble off a limb or two if peckish for some protein. Hyenas begin killing each other as babies, and only a percentage make it to adulthood because of that. And speaking of killing/eating babies, while it’s true that predators typically pick off the old/weak/sick from the herd, they ALSO very commonly go for the cute little babies too. And then there’s the stuff that isn’t “evil” by human standards, but also isn’t majestic, glamorous, or inspiring either. Chimps throw their poop.  Male giraffes drink the urine of female giraffes to determine if they are at the optimal point in their cycle for breeding, and will often headbutt the abdomen of the female to try to force her to urinate. The koala population is riddled with chlamydia, and they fight each other all the time, leaving each other covered in scars and open wounds, which only helps to spread said chlamydia. Hippos spin their tails to spray their poop all over the place. Animals aren’t evil, but they’re not good either, and certainly not angelic morally superior beings. They’re animals, and morality just doesn’t apply to them. They’re amazing, beautiful, wonderful, and inspiring. . .and also gross, nasty, and frequently pretty fucked up. ANIMALS AREN’T ALL DOGS Dogs are the animal that most people are most familiar with, and many people mistakenly use their behavior as the baseline default for dealing with other animals. Heck, one of the most common reasons that many people seem to dislike cats, in my personal opinion, is that they’re expecting doglike behavior from them and take it as “unfriendliness” or “aloofness” or “snobbery” or whatever else when cats don’t act like dogs, and in fact have a totally different communication style because THEY ARE DIFFERENT ANIMALS. See: People being upset that cats will show you their bellies and then bite you if you touch it, because when a DOG does it, it means the dog WANTS it touched, so therefore the cat is maliciously tricking you. . .instead of you not understand that a cat isn’t a dog and the same signals mean different things from it. This expectation often carries over into fiction. Horses, cows, rabbits, big cats, and reptiles all get this treatment. Wolves and foxes get hit particuliarly hard with it, the reasoning being that since they’re members of the canine family, they must act just like domesticated dogs, especially if they’re raised from birth as a pet. . .no, no they do not. They have some similarities, but they are absolutely NOT the same animal, and don’t at all have the same urge to please humans that drives so much dog behavior. This also frequently carries over into wolf-based fictional creatures like werewolves, in which case my opinion depends on how it’s presented. If it’s presented as coming from “natural wolf behavior” then no. But if it’s like in Discworld, where werewolves act doggish because dogs are a mix of wolf and human, that angle I absolutely love! Speaking of fictional creatures, I see dragons depicted like this a good deal. Ditto for dinosaurs and other extinct animals like smilodons. While TECHNICALLY we don’t know what extinct animals acted like, and TECHNCALLY a fictional species can behave any way you like, it seems a little lazy to me to just go “it’s a really big dog” and also detracts, in my opinion, from the “wow” factor of these creatures. If you want to write about owning a dragon or a dinosaur that’s domesticated, putting thought into how such a creature would behave and why will take awhile, yes, but the result will feel probably feel far more realistic, immersive, and interesting for your reader. After all, horses and cats are domesticated too, and THEY don’t act like dogs; why would an animal that’s even LESS related to canines do so? Dogs got to be the way they are through literally THOUSANDS of years of selective breeding by humans. They’re an extremely unique animal. While depicting realistic animal behavior isn’t necessary in works that are aimed at children or are meant to have a more lighthearted tone, when it comes to works that are trying to take a more serious approach (even in a fantastical setting) accuracy is better. ANIMALS AREN’T HUMAN This one seems obvious, right? But as with “Animals Aren’t All Dogs” and “Animals Aren’t Angels” a lot of writers will treat animals as if they’re essentially humans wearing furry skins, with humans morals and values. Again, as stated at the beginning, I don’t mean “talking animal” stories like Beatrix Potter stories or The Wind in the Willows, which are tales in which the animals are very deliberately anthropomorphized, and do things like wearing waistcoats and having tea. Or films like “Oliver & Company” and “All Dogs Go To Heaven” where the animals do speak (even though humans can’t understand them) and have very human personalities. That’s a genre unto itself and it’s fine, and I in fact *love* all the works I just gave as examples. They’re not what I’m talking about. I mean when our heroine in a fantasy book a wolf familiar, or a trained falcon, or a horse. And unlike the aforementioned stories, this is supposed to be an animal that is no different from the wolves and falcons and horses in the real world, with perhaps some enhanced intelligence. And yet, this animal has a very human attitude towards the world, and not only understands human concepts easily but shares them. The wolf, rather than wondering why their human is so against being seen in the nude, will leap to attack any man who dares sneak a peak without ever even asking why the idea is attractive to a human man in the first place. The horse, whose natural inclination is to just piss and shit wherever it happens to be when the urge hits, acts ashamed upon dumping a load in the palace foyer. The falcon, whose diet is based upon small mammals, passes up the cute sweet bunnies easily available to it and only feeds on mean, nasty weasels and stoats. You COULD explain this by saying, if they have a mental bond (which is common in fantasy) that the human’s feelings and desires are influencing the animal. That’s a pretty solid explanation for all these examples. But that’s rarely the case. In a lot of stories, this is just presented as the animal’s natural behavior in a work that otherwise veers very realistic (as opposed to, say, a Disney film like “Tangled” in which the horse behaves in some unrealistic ways, but it fits the setting tone) Animals don’t share human values and their behaviors aren’t always palatable to humans, as discussed before. Some are; many people admire animals that will fight viciously for their young, because a parent defending their child is congruent with our own values. But a great many animals will abandon, kill, and even EAT their own young if their baby is weak, sick, or deformed in some way. Some animals, such as the quokka, are even content to let a predator have their offspring because hey, they can always make more if they survive. This is appalling to many people, because it’s very much NOT in accordance with our values. But it doesn’t make these animals bad. And there’s no reason an animal would adopt human values just because it hangs around a human enough (I had a cat for years, he did NOT stop killing small animals just because I hated it) or because something upsets the human they care about. Ask ANY pet owner---and pets are typically domesticated animals that are easily trained, so imagine how much more removed from humanity a typically wild animal will be, even one raised in captivity. I’d like to see more “tame” wolves and wildcats in fiction that don’t obey their tamer’s every command, but do things that REAL pet wolves and wildcats will do in real life. Like, say, go after smaller creatures when tempted, like a noblewoman’s nearby cat or the live chickens for sale at market, and cause their owner some real trouble because of it. Or worse, direct physical or emotional damage to the hero---like the bear cub that the hero nurses back to health kills his beloved dog! I’d also like to see some telepathic animal companions that don’t actually give a shit that their master was stood up at the ball, because they don’t have a concept of human romance. They may feel sympathy as far as they are able that their human is sad, but their advice probably is just “mate with someone else” And I’d like to see our heroine’s beautiful magical white stallion kill a foal in front of her because it was born with a bad leg, and then act like nothing happened while she reels in horror lamenting how she could have healed it. Animals are wonderful. Animals are fascinating. Animals are frequently in many ways better than people. They’re also frequently horrific, gruesome, and, to our perspective, disgusting and cruel. In many cases, the same animal is BOTH. And this isn’t bad, because they’re NOT humans. Don’t make them have to behave like humans in order to be treated as “good” by the story, because that’s not a concept that should be applied to animals in the first place. Let animals act like animals. ANIMALS AREN’T MACHINES Animals have to eat. They have to shit. They have to rest. Yet horses in fantasy never seem to tire, they never have any problems with grass colic or eat plants that are dangerous for them, they never had any quirks or hangups, they’re immediately trusting and obedient to a new rider the moment they’re obtained, they only get injured or spook at the single most dramatic moments when the story requires, and they certainly never take a dump UNLESS it’s at the perfect comedic moment to punctuate a point or humiliate a villain. I’m pretty sure these horses are robots. Similarly, I’m pretty sure that the big glamorous dogs and majestic panthers and clever cats and tiny dragons that accompany so many heroes and who never trouble their master for food, or attention, or cause any problems, or run away during long stays outdoors, and may go unmentioned for chapters on end despite supposedly being at their master’s side the whole time. . .are all actually animatronic stuffed toys and puppets. You don’t need to derail the story every time an animal goes to the bathroom, of course. It’s the same reason that you don’t need to mention every time a character does that; it’s unnecessary, we can assume it happens. But in the case of critters, it does make it seem a little more real to work something like that in once in awhile. It reminds the reader this is a flesh-and-blood creature, not a moving doll. It makes the story more immersive, and it can also add drawbacks to animals that are useful or impressive power fantasies. For instance, a pet dragon is super cool, but it delays travel for days while it’s shedding its skin. Not to mention the cost to feed it must be MASSIVE, and if you just let it go hunting on its own, someone will probably shoot it! Let your hero worry about these things, and have to find solutions for it. It doesn’t need to consume the story, and in fact doing so will probably annoy the reader because they want to get back to the action, but a mention of this kind of thing here and there will go a long way.
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airedelalmena · 4 months
Some asshole came over covered in cat hair and smell from their FEMALE CAT.
Now my male cat is spraying for the first time in his life.
Even after cleaning to get rid of any possible smells. Too late. It's set off in him. Yowling day and night. Obnoxiously loudly.
Fucking awesome! ugh.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Stranger things ocs part 2;
Tumblr media
Marissa Evan Carpenter
March 28, 1971
14 (season three)
14/15 (season four)
Marissa the magical (DND)
Right next to the Byers House
Unnamed mother
Unnamed father
Unnamed twin sister
Chrissy cunningham
Misa Buckley
Steve Harrington
Tiff Hammond
Robin Buckley
Jane Hopper/El
The Party (acquaintances)
Jim Hopper (acquaintance)
Joyce Byers (acquaintance)
Jason Craver (acquaintance)
Hawkins High School Cheerleaders
Hellfire Club
Student at Hawkins High School (1985-)
Cheerleader at Hawkins High School (1986-)
Member of the Hellfire Club (1986-)
Cashier at a 7-11 (1985-)
5"2 (158.496 cm)
High heels
Pepper Spray
Roller Skates
Listening to music
Watching movies
Kind of manipulative
A bit bitchy
Fast learner
Street smart
Secretly caring
Theme Song:
Let's Groove by Earth, Wind & Fire
Relationship status:
Single but crushing
Stranger Us
Tumblr media
Sprightly Elvis Casanova
January 29th 1964/1965.
19/20 (season two)
20/21 (seasons three and four)
Care Bear
Muse the bard (DND)
Mr Elvis
Mr Rock and Roll
Mr Casanova
Lover boy
Nature boy
Animal boy
Dragon boy
Prince Charming
Skater Boy
Mountain Man
Kid Phantom (Graffiti name)
Mountain Man Prince Charming
Streets of Hawkins, Indiana
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Two unnamed older brothers
An unnamed older sister
An unnamed older cousin
Kali Prasad
Jane Hopper/El
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Tiff Hammond
Tommy Hagan
Carol Perkins
Eden Bingham
Misa Buckley
The Party (acquaintances)
Jim Hopper (acquaintance)
Joyce Byers (acquaintance)
Jason Craver (enemy)
Billy Hargrove (enemy)
Martin Brenner (enemy)
Eddie Munson and band mates other than Tiff (rivals)
Jonothan Byers (acquaintance)
Nancy Wheeler (acquaintance)
Hellfire Club
The Reckless Dragons
Benny's Burgers
Kali's crew
Member of Kali's crew (-1984)
Leader of The Reckless Dragons (1984-)
Member of the Hellfire Club (1986-)
Waiter at Benny's Brugers (1984-)
6"0 (182.88 cm)
Foldable pocket knife
Electric gutiar
Acoustic guitar
Spray paint
Making puppets
Playing with puppets
Putting on puppet shows
Listening to music
Learning to play new instruments
Playing Guitar
Playing video games
Playing card games
Playing board games
Role playing
Hanging out with Tiff
Hanging out with his friends
Writing songs
Braiding people's hair
Street racing
Playing DND specifically
Making toys
Climbing things
Street Smart
Blends into the background
A bit of a pushover
Bit of a day dreamer
Bit of a smart ass
Bit of a scaredy cat
Rare to anger
Secret delinquent
Well-liked by many
Open minded
Fan Boy before it was popular
Has a taste for justice
Theme Song:
Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
Relationship status:
Single but crushing
Stranger Us
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