#Cellulite Removal Cream
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sidewalkchemistry · 11 months
simple skincare tips!
🌼eat the foods that love you back. your skin is a direct mirror of your internal situation. if your digestive system is being bombarded often by foods that create a lot of wastes and residues, that does more harm than good. and so, the struggle to eliminate them will be reflected in your skin. your diet constitutes the vast majority of your skin health. change your meals to be whole food plant based (still delicious, satisfying, and exciting) & watch your skin glow and your skincare routine simplify.
🌼be conscious of what's going on your skin. the skin layers can be over-cleansed, imbalanced, and aggravated when the skin microbiome and pH are disrupted. if you wipe out the beneficial bacterial populations with harshly formulated products, you may find that you break out (i.e. harmful bacterial populations begin to thrive). use gentle, simple skin formulas such as castile soaps, natural oils & butters (i recommend jojoba oil for mostly everyone), natural soap bars, and clays. most commercial skin care products disturb the skin cells (introduce too much foreign material to the body, unsuitable pH ranges, imbalance the microbiome, etc). they sell because it's convention to buy them, the brands are well-known, and their sales pitches are enticing. but really, no cream or serum will ever be the magic potion your skin was asking for. it will only be a band-aid, at best. truly healthy skin comes from diet, and the products are just for any other necessary maintenance. if you get a pimple, you should look first to why the pimple emerged, not what treatment will remove it.
🌼keep your lymph flowing. simple ways to do this are through good lifestyle habits. things like doing exercise & sports you find fun, breathwork, dry brushing, eating lots of fruit, avoiding wearing bras & other tight clothing items, lymphatic massage/gua sha can all be helpful.
🌼focus on hydration via fresh fruits and veggies. the water within plant foods is more useable to your cells, and your skin will cease being overly oily or dry overtime (especially if you reduce/eliminate your salt & oil intake). it will also help to encourage lymphatic flow, so you can see problems like blemishes, cellulite, old scars diminish after great consistency.
🌼allow your skin to breathe. this is especially good if you spend time in stuffy (poorly ventilated) indoor environments, like offices, hospitals, planes, etc. one great way is via herbal facial steaming (i recommend it 3x a week or so). make a hot infusion of an aromatic tea, cover it and allow it to cool a few minutes, and, with closed eyes, allow the pores to open and receive the herbal medicine (this is a great time to meditate, manifest, and just feel pampered). getting more fresh air, working up a sweat, and going to a sauna are also ways to allow your skin to breathe.
🌼avoid steroid prescriptions creams at all costs. they are very deleterious to health in the long term, and they can be very painful to come off of. it's not a real fix. it's not worth hurting your kidneys & adrenals for. evaluate your diet instead. do you eat dairy? choose plant-based dairy options instead (they're simple to make yourself too). do you eat a lot of fats? try oil-free cooking methods instead (opt for sautéing with a bit of water, baking, steaming, air frying, etc). avoiding eating out as much.
🌼be aware of what you're putting in your hair as well. your shampoos, conditioner, leave-ins, gels, moisturizers, oils, serums, etc all tend to touch your face too, when your hair touches your face. if they wouldn't be good enough to put on your face, don't put them in your hair. a lot of the best skin cleansers are also suitable as shampoos. a lot of oils and butters can be used for both. plant-based gels like aloe vera or flax seed are simple to DIY, and are dual-use once again. basically, this will simplify your life.
🌼understand the water that runs through your pipes. if your shower and tap water are like most people's around the world, they aren't optimal for our skin. for example, they contain added chemicals to sanitize the water but that can prevent the proper microbiomes from developing on your skin. a weak skin microbiome is prone to skin issues. so, try to use distilled water on your face (if you're not able to get a water filter, a gallon jug at a store is affordable. they're about $1.30 USD in my area).
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fullmetalfisting · 7 months
Some women are honestly shaving every inch of their beautiful skin, doing hour-long makeup applications on their beautiful faces, spending tons of their money on manicures/waxings/eyelash extensions/hair appointments/spray tans/etc, shoving their beautiful feet into six-inch pumps like birds with clipped wings, working out/dieting in a way that isn’t healthy, buying creams to remove wrinkles and cellulite and dark spots, and I want to know when the madness will end. It’s too much work, ladies! Don’t you want to bite and kill? Don’t you want to drive your car into a cornfield at 80mph? Don’t you want to rest?
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bluclinic · 1 year
6 Different Types of Non-Surgical Body Treatments You Should Know About
If you're looking for a non-surgical body treatment in Harley Street, London, or elsewhere, there are several options available. In this blog post, we'll cover six different types of treatments that can help you look better without surgery.
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Cellulite Treatments
If you have cellulite, you're not alone. Cellulite is a condition where fat is deposited under the skin and causes it to dimple. While it can be embarrassing and make you self-conscious about wearing certain clothes or going out in public, there are treatments available that can help reduce the appearance of your cellulite.
There are several different types of non-surgical body treatments available for people who want to improve their appearance without going under the knife. These include massage therapy, laser therapy, and radiofrequency (RF). These treatments aren't always effective and might not work for everyone with cellulite; however, some people claim great results from them, and if nothing else they can provide temporary relief from symptoms like soreness or swelling related to exercise during recovery periods after workouts.
Non-Surgical Nose Job
When you hear the word "nose job" you probably think of the surgical procedure that reshapes the nose. But there's another type of nose job, a non-surgical one.
A non-surgical nose job involves injecting fat into your nostrils to make them appear larger and more defined. The process is pretty simple: a doctor will first numb your skin with anesthetic and then inject fat taken from other parts of your body (like your thighs) into each side of your nostril tissue where it will stay permanently.
You should know that this procedure isn't for everyone; if you have large or wide nostrils already, then adding more volume may not be desirable. However, if yours are narrow and need some extra width and depth to match the rest of your face shape, then this could be just what they need.
Body Contouring Treatments
Body contouring treatments are for those who have lost a significant amount of weight and want to tighten up loose skin. These procedures can be done in-office, or at home with a device that works similarly to liposuction.
The best candidates for body contouring are people who have lost between 20 and 50 pounds and have excess fat around their abdomen, thighs, or arms that they would like removed. If you're not sure if this is right for you, talk with your doctor before proceeding with any sort of surgery or treatment plan.
Mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to stimulate the skin. It can be used to treat a range of conditions including cellulite, stretch marks, and scars. During the procedure, you will receive several injections into your skin at specific points on your body. The injections are made using tiny needles that go into your subcutaneous layer (the layer just below your skin) which causes them to swell up slightly over time. This process helps stimulate collagen production within this area as well as increase blood flow, leading to improved elasticity in those areas where mesotherapy has been applied.
The dermapen is a non-invasive treatment that uses high frequency to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production. It can be used on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, chest, and arms. The results are similar to those achieved through PRP injections, known as plasma-rich platelets in Harley Street, or elsewhere, but with less discomfort as there is no need for numbing cream or needles.
The treatment takes less than 30 minutes and involves rolling over areas with an electric device called a dermapen which operates at 40 kHz - 40 times per second. This creates micro-injuries within the layers of your skin so they begin healing immediately while also stimulating new collagen growth which helps improve firmness along with reducing wrinkles caused by sun damage or aging processes such as smoking cigarettes over time.
Aqualyx Treatment
This is a non-surgical body treatment that uses water to help your body release its own fat cells. It's been called "liquid liposuction" because it can help you lose inches in the areas you want to slim down without any needles or surgery.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about the different non-surgical body treatments in Harley Street, or anywhere else, that are available to help improve your appearance. The most important thing is to choose a treatment that's right for you and your needs.
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papirouge · 2 years
Hi Papi Do you have beauty tips? I have visible spider veins on my legs, cellulite, dark body hair (thanks Mediterranean genes) and now these broken capillaries and just all these dumb things I wish I can remove. Are there any remedies or treatments you know of?
Not to be French on main but..... I hardly have a beauty routine 🥴
I stopped wearing make up since 2 years now and only use 2 serum at night before moisturizing lol I think the best advice I could tell you is to
🔹 Put your skincare on top of your priorities. For me, stopping wearing make up helped A LOT
🔹Less is more : reduce the amount of products you use on a daily basis (layering is ridiculously) and stick to those which proved their effectiveness. It shouldn't be more than 3 everyday-products
🔹Chill with the toners : I use it 3 times a week top - for years I've been using one EVERYTIME after washing my face and I suspect it made my skin more sensitive
🔹 MOISTURIZE, preferably with natural products (I use shea butter at night and a matte-ifying day cream from Kiehl's).
🔹 I don't shave and don't pluck my eyebrows so I don't have ingrowing problems 💙
I think I already did some allusion to it in one of my latest ask but i think one of the reason a growing number of people (especially women) struggle with body image is bc we tend to expose our body much more than before. Less than a century ago, skirt didn't go above the knee so it was easy to hide 'imperfections'. Those "spider veins" & cellulite you're talking about wouldn't bother you if you weren't surrounded by a fashion culture compelling you to show off your legs and body parts. What I'm saying might sound controversial but I think we should stop trying to find ways to fix our bodies to appeal to some aesthetism we've been brainwashed to reach because it's a lost cause. Some body/physical features will always be considered better than others, and also beauty standards change with time & location anyway so it's totally insane to try to make sense out of it or remotely try to live up such fleeting expectations.
Those spiders veins belong to legs that make you to go to places, anon. They do work just fine and don't need to be "pretty" to achieve their purpose. "Cellulite" is a term hijacked by French scrotes (it's always the French...) to shame women into fitting postwar beauty standards - up until then, cellulite was defined as an "inflammation" of the flesh, not an aesthetic. Your hair is were it should be. It wouldn't come to your mind to look down on men for having hair "too dark" so why would you do that to yourself?
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
You can ignore this if you want but my mom's out of town and I need to rant a little about predatory ads. I just saw an ad for mole removal cream on Pinterest and I have moles and freckles all over my body. This is the first time I've ever felt self-conscious about them, which I know is ridiculous because growing up, I always thought they were cool. I used to brag about having Orion's Belt on one of my shoulders and now there's a pit in my stomach. Most of me knows that there's nothing wrong with me or my moles but my female socialization is making me feel weird about them. Like I said, you can ignore this I just knew your ask box would be a safe space to put my rant.
It’s insane the things which we are told to feel bad about. Moles and cellulite among other things. They’re natural and fine.
And it’s amazing, in the saddest way, how quickly and easily one ad or thing can affect us. I have a weird lumpy mole under my armpit. Always had it. Shaved over it multiple times and it’s still stuck to me. Don’t even think about it 90% of the time. Ex-boyfriend, on multiple occasions, said I should cut it off and almost tried once. Now I sometimes feel weird about it because he commented on it three times. How quickly we can go from neutral, or even positive, to negative.
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foxyslide · 2 years
TW cw, cals burned, stats, bmi, Ed mention, mental health, ramblings, long ass post, and ugly mugshot
(EDIT: lol I had posted pics of myself but then changed my mind and removed them)
(Not from today)
Hi it’s me 👋 all Shea-buttery. I hope everyone’s doing better than I am..
It’s 11:19, got home from cycling 18miles again along greenway. Cw is 54kg on the dot. 60cal x 18 = 1,080cal burned again, but I think it’s more since I was cycling nonstop for two hours unlike my journey to work.
Did not fast yesterday :,-( was going so well but I think because I slept the whole day it was difficult to sleep afterwards and I had the pizza and ice cream hubby had brought home 😞 felt so shit afterwards. It’s so shit I can’t purge, neither physically or otherwise (physically because I hate the sensation of vomiting, it’s not for me. Otherwise because of my husband, he wouldn’t put up with that shit).
I wonder would drinking a shit ton of coffee help after a binge?
Hubby has said that if this continues, this obsession about loosing weight, he doesn’t know how long we will last together. He’s worried that I will never be happy with myself, and he doesn’t know how long he can handle it. I’m so comfortable taking about my problems to him I don’t realise when I’m doing it and how it’s affecting him 😟 definitely need to journal and draw I need a way to vent. And I guess vent more on here instead of to hubby, to give him a break he deserves one.
he is honestly the one who’s been keeping me from kms, he’s the voice of reason, he’s the Angel on my shoulder, telling me I’m loved and I’m perfect the way I am and I am cared for and I need to stop bullying myself. He keeps me sane when I get really paranoid, doesn’t matter what other ppl think, even if they think badly of you doesn’t effect you, you’re getting in with your life. Live your life to your own standards, not someone else’s. Great advice that I never ever take 👍🏽
Yesterday we realised the voice in my head is the voice of my mother, and he told me the only way to end this is to confront her, he’s told me this before but I just CANNOT. Just the thought of it makes me wanna hide under the bed. Yes, like a child.
it’s her voice that tells me I’m too fat, that I have no self control, that I need to finish everything on my plate but oh my god I have cellulite we need to do something about this, never mind that I’m seven years old. I’m too lazy too stupid too inconsiderate, I don’t have a good memory I forget everything, I loose everything, I don’t appreciate the value of money, of things, I don’t appreciate what others do for me. I am selfish, greedy, I will never make it in the outside world, I will never make it on my own. Look at your friends, look at your cousins, they’ve done so much with their lives, and how slim they are! What’s wrong with your legs? Why are they so fat? You need to exercise more. Your arms are good, but the rest of your body… you’re not going to eat?! But I cooked it FOR you!! You can’t waste food! I raised you, I gave up my life for you. I’m telling you now don’t have kids. What the hell are you wearing?? What the hell are drawing?? You’re crazy!! You’re a monster!!
you know what mum just let me be a fucking monster then. And leave me the fuck alone.
lemme just jot down my stats and goals again because I let myself go. I need to get back on track. also scary thing although cycling is my fav exercise I can see the muscles I’m gaining on my thighs and I’m just like 💀 I mean I wouldn’t mind having shapely legs but if they end up quite big I’m gonna have to give up cycling.. plus muscle weighs more than fat so is cycling a good way to do this anyway? Am I gonna at least reach my first gw?
height: 163cm (5’4)
Hw: 70kg (154.3lbs)
lw: 52kg (114.6lbs)
gw1: 49kg (108lbs)
Gw2: 47kg (103.6lbs)
Ugw: 45kg (99.2lbs)
revised ugw???: 40kg (88.1lbs)
current bmi:
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I can’t wait to see that needle drop
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Cellulite Treatment Market: Advanced Procedures Supplement Growth
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In recent years, the demand for cellulite treatments has skyrocketed, and one of the key driving factors is the alarming rise in obesity rates globally. According to WHO, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with over 650 million adults classified as obese. As obesity rates continue to climb, individuals are seeking effective solutions to tackle the unwanted dimples and uneven skin texture caused by cellulite. This further widens the scope of the global cellulite treatment market, which as per Triton’s estimates, is set to grow at a CAGR of 9.48% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
Another notable trend is the rise in medical tourism, which has influenced the demand for affordable and advanced cellulite reduction procedures across various destinations. By leveraging medical tourism, players are able to tap into distinct clientele by offering competitive costs, advanced therapies, and skilled professionals.
In this blog, we explore the widely preferred cellulite treatments, along with the initiatives by market contenders.
Combating Cellulite: Revolutionary Treatments Facilitate Reduction
Cellulite is caused by various issues, including hormones, lymphatic drainage, medical conditions, pregnancy, and aging. Although completely removing cellulite might not be possible, several targeted methods and lifestyle changes may help reduce its appearance. Some of the key procedure types include:
Non-invasive procedure type captures the highest share of the cellulite treatment market. Factors like a short hospital stay, quick recovery time, painless procedure, and lower cost significantly elevate the preference for non-invasive therapies. Some widely opted non-invasive methods include radiofrequency, suction massage, cryolipolysis, and high-frequency focused ultrasound. For instance, cryolipolysis freezes and eliminates fat cells, which the body later removes naturally. Whereas treatments like radiofrequency and ultrasound heat skin and stimulate collagen production, which reduces cellulite. Our analysis shows North America dominated the market with revenue worth $811.68 million in 2022. The rising demand for advanced procedures, disposable income, and technological innovation primarily drives the treatment scope in North America. As per industry sources, in 2020, about 357,938 non-invasive procedures were performed in the US. This further led to various initiatives by key players. For instance, in 2021, Soliton launched RESONIC, a rapid acoustic pulse device, to non-invasively improve cellulite appearance. These factors thus boost the North America cellulite treatment market, directed by the US.
Minimally invasive procedures are gaining immense traction, expected to witness the fastest growth at a CAGR of 9.56% during the forecast period 2023-2030. As the name suggests, this treatment option limits the size of incisions, significantly reducing wound healing time and associated pain. In this regard, subcision is a minimally invasive remedy using a tiny blade to cut the connective tissue holding fat. Further, laser therapy includes inserting tiny laser fibers beneath the skin. The growing focus on streamlined, cost-effective procedures has supplemented the category’s growth, prompting various strategic launches in recent years. Key examples include:
-   In May 2022, Revelle Aesthetics unveiled Aveli, a minimally invasive device to temporarily reduce cellulite appearance on the buttocks and thigh in a single session.
-   AirSulpt Technologies Inc, in August 2022, introduced AirSculpt Smooth, which facilitates the complete removal of stubborn cellulite dimples.
Topical procedures such as vacuum suction have gained significant prominence, mainly to increase blood flow and lower fat buildup. This treatment method includes using various creams containing ingredients such as caffeine, theophylline, and others. Besides this, some creams include minerals and vitamins to treat soft cellulite type. Presently, soft cellulite captures the majority share in the cellulite type segment. The growing demand for topical therapies due to ease of application and availability of a range of products drives the category’s growth.
Cosmetic Appearance: An Expanding Facet
While medical tourism and obesity are key driving aspects, beauty consciousness also widens the scope of the cellulite treatment market. With the rise of social media, consumer focus on their appearance has soared over the past decade. This has soared the number of cosmetic procedures, including cellulite reduction treatments. For instance, in Japan, approximately 174,5621 cosmetic therapies were performed in 2021. The rising medical tourism for aesthetic treatments across India, China, Japan, and South Korea, contributes heavily to the studied market’s expansion.
Additionally, given the rise in beauty consciousness, several beauty clinics are capitalizing on innovative solutions to boost client satisfaction and revenue. For example, Cynosure Inc’s TempSure RF platform delivers monopolar radiofrequency energy via unique massage heads to reduce cellulite appearance. Hence, focus on aesthetic appearance and technological advancements creates novel opportunities for the cellulite treatment market.
Q1) Which are the major types in the cellulite treatment market?
Hard, soft, and edematous are major types in the cellulite treatment market.
Q2) What is the size of the cellulite treatment market?
In 2022, the cellulite treatment market garnered $2225.93 million. It is expected to attain revenue worth $4568.36 million by 2030.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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skinnybabe7 · 1 month
The first week (April 1st -7th)
Eat no more than 1000 calories.
If you exceed the limit you have to burn it off fatty!
Breakfast: Always start your day with green tea! After you finish it then you can have your breakfast!
Aim for eggs with whole wheat bread and avocado + cucumber. Or greek yogurt with fruit and chia seeds. Or a smoothie with fruits, spinach and plant based milk. You can also have coffee if you want.
Lunch: Aim for salads with some kind of protein, or anything healthy with veggies and fish or meat!
Snack: Tea! Tea! Tea! Green tea boosts your metabolism. Drink lots of water and teas throughout the day!
If you want some kind of a snack. No you don’t. Drink green or herbal tea, as the warm liquid fills you up. And save the calories for dinner!
Dinner: Aim for a dinner that fills you up, so you don’t even think about eating later. Have carbs, veggies and protein.
Brown rice, with chicken and a bunch of veggies. You can buy frozen veggie mix. It’s so handy. You just open the bag and cook or steam them.
Have soup or fish and veggies with rice. Have anything healthy but it has to contain those three macronutrients.
You can always look up healthy recipes for your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Workout 4 times a week, 3 days are for rest. But you have to stretch every day! No exceptions! It’s only for 10 minutes you fat cow!
And you have to have a daily walk, everyday! Even if its for a little bit. Exception is if it’s raining.
Workout for at least 20 minutes, by lifting weights or doing circuit exercises for your butt, abs, arms and thighs. Do a plank at the end!
Stretch for 10 minutes every morning and before bedtime! That will improve you body line and flexibility!
Walk at least 5000 steps per day!
Try to be active as much as possible. If you can walk somewhere, just walk! Cook your own food, that burns calories! Do chores and clean your room or do laundry or any other thing. Everything burns calories!
You have to also take care of yourself. You have to be perfect.
Always do your skin care morning and night.
Wear an spf cream!
Do a face mask once a week. (Natural masks are way better. You can do an avocado mask or a flax seed mask for your face, even a rice mask. Koreans have the best skin because of these natural face masks!)
Do a hair mask once a week. (Also try to do natural ones.) Blend aloe vera and leave it in your hair for an hour or more. You can do egg, honey and olive oil or coconut oil mask.
You can always do research on the internet about Korean beauty hacks. Or the natural masks for your hair and face!
Never pick on pimples or any imperfections. It will cause scarring and make them reappear in the same place. Just use pimple patches.
Keep your hands away from your face! Try not to touch it at all. Cause your hands get dirty constantly. Even when you touch your phone. Wash them regularly with soap!
Keep your sheets clean and wash them regularly. Silk pillowcases are even better for you!
Do gua sha and massage your face for it to be slimmer! And help with water retention.
Ice your face every morning! It helps with puffiness.
Dry brush your body! (Reduces cellulite and circulates your blood, lymphatic system.)
Scrub your face and body once a week, to remove dead skin! If you don’t have a scrub you can make one your own. Just add some coffee grounds and sugar. Mix it and add a little bit of water. It should make this paste once mixed.
Always smell good!
Moisturise your body with lotions and oils after every shower!
Have your nails always painted and done (both feet and hands)
If you have any other beauty tricks incorporate them in your routine.
Try to eat only healthy foods as that will decrease your body fat percentage, with you working out, so you will lose weight faster, rather than eating junk food and not moving your body. (Unacceptable)
Eat slowly! Chew your food really good and cut it up into small pieces. Remember it takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that you’re full.
Never eat while you’re distracted. Watching tv or your phone. Enjoy your food.
Drink at least 2 litres of water per day! That can include the teas. Also add lemon juice to your water! That will make your skin glow!
Have celery juice (you can use it in your smoothie, instead of milk to make it less disgusting) a few times a week, on an empty stomach!
Replace your regular milk with plant based milk! It has so much less calories. Soy milk is really good for coffee as it’s creamier and coconut or almond milk is good for smoothies!
You can have a metabolism day only three times a month! The first week you restrict. The second, third and fourth week you can eat more on Sundays. (No more than (1500-1600 calories)
If you’re on your period, you still have to restrict and workout. Unless it’s the first day of your period and you have really bad cramps, then you can skip the workout and only stretch and take a light walk. Light exercise helps with cramps! The other days no excuses!
You have to intermittent fast every single day! It depends on your daily routine, when you start and finish fasting. But always fast for 16hours. If you do more that’s great.
Have a full day of fasting or only drinking liquids once a week!
Always end your fast with something healthy. Like greek yogurt with half banana + cinnamon and chia seeds. (It has lots of protein.)
If you’re doing omad. Try to have a meal that contains all the macronutrients and is satisfying and healthy for you!
Never binge.
Look at thinspo every day! When you wake up and before you go to sleep! It has to live in your head rent free!
If you notice that having omad or not eating breakfast or fasting an extra hour ect. leads to binging thoughts, stop doing that immediately.
Always volume eat! More food for less calories? Hell yeah!
If you’re not hungry for an apple. You’re not that hungry.
Never take bites while cooking your food! The calories add up super quickly.
Never go for seconds.
Never say that you’re hungry to someone.
Add spices to your food as it fastens the metabolism. Especially turmeric makes you lose weight!
Always weight your food on the scale. Count every single gram!
Chew sugar free gum. It will make your jaw look better and more sharp.
If you’re hungry and it’s not your eating window, brush your teeth, have tea or water.
It’s better to chew and spit rather than binge. I repeat. Never binge.
Never binge.
Always weight yourself every Saturday!
Track your progress by taking body pictures every Saturday. You might not notice your weight loss, but those pictures do not lie!
You can never tell anyone that you’re restricting. Keep this a secret.
Ana is your lifestyle now!
I get it binges happen. Actually… no I don’t get it, you fat pig. Binges are disgusting and unacceptable!! 🤮
Always text your ana friend and talk about it, that you feel like you’re gonna binge.(Ew)
Send each other thinspo. Or watch ana movies or other videos about skinny celebrities. Watch VS fashion shows or swim week special episodes. Go on a walk, get out of the house, have some tea, do anything to prevent a binge. You will never regret not eating! Like ever.
When you wake up with a flat stomach and another pound lost and not with the feeling of bloat and guilt and that you binged yesterday. You will thank yourself!
In the moment when you tell yourself that it’s okay, as you’re making yourself a sandwich full of mayonnaise and calories, oh this one meal won’t make me gain. Yes it will!!
You will have your metabolism day soon and you will be able to eat more. So for now just stick to your calorie limit. Jeezus.
Binging will make you feel disgusting and sooo bloated and full 🤮. Don’t let yourself get that low.
Only fat sweaty disgusting girls with no self control stuff their face and gain weight.
Pretty, dainty and tiny girls don’t do that! They have will power! Do you wanna be super tiny and skinny before summer starts? Yeah? So act like it you pig!!
If you feel like binging just read the rules again. You will make yourself some tea instead.
Two months girl. Only 👏 two 👏fucking 👏 months!! That’s not a lot of time until summer starts is it?
Do you think letting yourself eat greasy and fattening foods will make you lose weight in those two months?
Absolutely not. Look it’s just two months of sticking to your diet. You can do that right? The time will fly by so fast I promise you.
And by the time you will lose that weight, you will get addicted to not eating. Forming a habit takes 21 days, so start now! I promise you, you will even start liking eating healthy and working out.
Even your metabolism days will become less and less calories because your stomach will shrink and you won’t be that hungry.
You will look amazing 😍 those skinny arms and flat flat stomach. No fat rolls while sitting down. And your legs! Oh my god your legs will be so slim and toned from all those workouts.
Just Imagine that. You will have a thigh gap! They won’t jiggle and look like the size of Texas when you sit down. 🤢
And your collarbones 😍 Everything will look so much better when you’re gonna be skinny.
Imagine the stares and your friends saying you look so thin! Have you lost weight? Just 👏 imagine 👏 that.
Imagine people saying you’re so small and tiny they could lift you with one arm. Imagine them being able to carry you with no struggle!
It’s so much more rewarding than a disgusting cookie, that will only make you fat.
Look, the food won’t go anywhere. It will literally always be at the stores available for you.
But you know what will go? Your progress. So suck it up and just do it.
I don’t care you can scream, cry, throw your fists at your pillow, because you want that piece of cake.
But you👏 will 👏 not 👏 have 👏 it! Understood? I don’t care I literally do not care how much you want it.
You will make tea, go to your room, watch thinspo and stay out of the kitchen, because if you don’t YOU WILL BE FAT FOREVER!!
The craving will pass. It happened to me a million times when I wanted something, but didn’t let myself have it. Instead I made some tea. The craving goes away and I go to sleep.
When i wake up, I wake up with a smile on my face, I’m always so happy that I didn’t binge.
Believe me. I have never ever ever regretted not eating!
You won’t too. But if you wanna be fat… go ahead. (Ew)
If you don’t want that. Just suck it up and again remember… Only two months left! ONLY TWO MONTHS! 👏
We are gonna do this and make everyone jealous. When they will say I’m so worried about you, you look so thin. They will actually mean I’m so jealous of your body, wish I sticked to my diet and lost that weight before summer started.
You’re better than binging. You are such a small girl that never says yes to food if someone offers you to take a bite. You drink your water or diet soda and just show them how it’s done. While they stuff their face with that disgusting food.
You will reach your ultime goal weight! And you will be skinny. I believe in you. Now put down that piece of candy and go take a walk! <3
- Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels! ✨💕
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profitnesslive · 3 months
Eveline Slim Extreme 4D Liposuction Body Serum, Firming Body Lotion for Women and Men, and Body Sculpting Cellulite Workout Cream
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Eliminates Persistent Cellulite. Results are just a click away! The Eveline Cosmetics Slim Extreme 4D Cosmetic Liposuction Professional Intensely Slimming and Remodeling Serum is an easy, fast, in-home solution for hard-to-remove cellulite
Inhibits growth of fat tissue. Visibly reduces the lumps and dimples under the skin, working on a cellular level to effectively overcome stubborn fat cells and cellulite
Lifts and firms the skin. Innovative ingredients energize the skin, improve blood circulation, tighten and firm the skin. Massaging the product into the skin helps with burning fatty deposits and purifies the skin
Results are just a few weeks away. For best results use daily for at least four weeks, and then continue using regularly
Click here to get it now
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harrisbeatty12 · 3 months
Healthy Skin Is Possible With These Smart TipsOne of the most overlooked aspects of good skin care is to wear sunscreen and to avoid the sun altogether when it is at its hottest. These crucial steps can result in skin that looks many years younger. Read on for some more shrewd advice on other aspects of proper skin care.<br/><br/>You should limit the amount of sun exposure you get each day. If you're going to be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time make sure you wear some type of protection. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to a variety of problems like premature wrinkles, sun burn, freckles, and even skin cancer.<br/><br/>If you are using a prescription product to manage your skin care, be sure to use it as directed. While you might be able to get away with using more than the recommended amount of an over-the-counter remedy, a prescription is much stronger. Use it as directed, give it time to work, and let your doctor know of any problems.<br/><br/>Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for those ugly bumps on the back of your legs known as cellulite. Unless you have amazing genes, every woman suffers from this problem. However, you can reduce their appearance on a day-to-day basis. Apply specialized cellulite creams that contain caffeine every morning. The caffeine in the lotion will temporarily tighten the skin on your thighs, giving you smoothness that will last a few hours.<br/><br/>In order to achieve and maintain glowing, young looking skin you must take care of it! The best way to take care of your skin is to use SPF moisturizers which block the sun's harmful rays. By preventing your skin from getting damaged in the first place, you will help maintain a youthful appearance even as you chronologically age.<br/><br/>Don't pass up on using sunscreen just because it's wintertime. Your skin can be just as damaged from a bright but cold December day, as it could on the beach in August. This is even more true if there is snow on the ground, as the glare can reflect even more UV radiation onto your face.<br/><br/>When you're in the shower washing your hair, it is easy to have the product drip down the side of your face. Shampoos, conditioners and body washes contain harsh chemicals that may be damaging to your skin. To avoid harming your skin, try to lean your head back when you wash your hair and keep it away from your face as much as possible.<br/><br/>Take care of your hands especially during the winter. The cold weather can dry out and crack the thin skin on your hands. Wear gloves when going outside and invest in a pair that will keep you nice and warm. To reverse dryness, use a heavy moisturizer and wear cotton gloves to bed to allow the healing to begin.<br/><br/>If you've really been having trouble with acne or other skin problems, go see a doctor! A dermatologist can help pick a treatment that works for you by looking specifically at your case. Doctors can also prescribe heavier duty medicine, that can really help with common problems. When the store-bought creams aren't doing their job, a prescription may bring the extra power you need to deal with your skin issues.<br/><br/>Many people having had facelifts may not be fully satisfied with the results because of fine lines remaining around the eyes and mouth. Chemical peels and dermabrasion are treatments to remove the upper surface of the skin. These treatments used in combination with a face-lift procedure will improve the appearance of the fine lines around the eyes and mouth.<br/><br/>For <a href="https://asksaint.com/">ask sain</a> , the first step is to keep it clean. Instead of using soaps on your face, use a face wash that is made for your skin type. Whether your face is oily, dry or combination, you can find face wash at your local drug store, department store or make-up store.<br/><br/>If you are out in the sun too often, you will damage your skin and perhaps cause skin cancer. Wear as much sunscreen as you can to limit your chances of dealing with these dangers.<br/><br/>By taking the advice in this article, you will find that it will pay you back by remaining beautiful and healthy. A consistent series of seemingly small steps can give your skin a wonderful fresh appearance for many years yet.
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ajayhealthtip · 6 months
Anti Cellulite Massage Oil Infused with Collagen & Stem Cell Instant Toning Firming of Cellulite & Scar Remover for Thighs & Body Relaxing Sore Muscle Massage Therapy Cream by M3 Naturals
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand M3 Naturals Bum Bum Cream Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 2.25 x 2.25 x 6.35 inches; 2.72 Ounces Date First Available ‏ : ‎ October 12, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ M3 Naturals ASIN ‏ : ‎ B076DSBHD1 Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA Collagen and Stem Cell Infused Body Oil for Men and Women. Cellulite Massage Oil infused with…
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newcastleskinmedical · 7 months
Skin Medical Centre
Skin medical centre provides NHS treatment for patients with a variety of different skin conditions. Patients must be referred by their GP to access our services.
Before your appointment, keep a symptom diary and bring photos of any problems you wish to discuss with the dermatologist. It’s also a good idea to bring any medications or supplements you take, including over-the-counter products.
Acne Treatments
Acne is the most common skin medical centre condition affecting almost everyone at some point in their lives. It is characterized by pimples, lumps, cysts, blackheads and whiteheads that appear on the face, neck, shoulders, back or chest. It is usually caused by clogged pores that are blocked by dead skin cells, hair and oil.
Treatments include topical creams that are applied directly to the skin, such as retinoids that contain vitamin A and keep pores clear by decreasing oil buildup and antibiotic creams that reduce bacteria. Your dermatologist may also recommend a combination of these treatments to reduce breakouts and prevent future breakouts.
Other treatment modalities for acne scarring include chemical peels that improve dark spots and microneedling, laser resurfacing and radiofrequency treatments to soften acne scars. Noninvasive body contouring procedures may also be recommended to minimize dimpling, stretch marks, cellulite and excess body fat. Your dermatologist will assess your condition and determine the best treatment for you.
Skin Cancer Treatments
Skin cancer is a serious disease, but it’s one of the most treatable types. Early detection, when a suspicious mole or other skin change appears, is the best way to prevent it from spreading. Regular check-ups are also important.
When melanoma is caught in the very early stages, before it spreads, it’s almost always curable. This is true for nonmelanoma skin cancers (basal and squamous cell carcinomas) as well.
We offer a variety of treatments for both melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy uses highpowered X-rays to kill cancer cells, and it can be used to treat areas of skin cancer that can’t be removed surgically. Chemotherapy involves drugs that kill cancer cells and prevent them from growing, and it can be used in combination with surgery or radiation. Other treatments include cryosurgery, in which your doctor freezes the growth with liquid nitrogen; photodynamic therapy, in which a solution is activated by blue-spectrum light to destroy cancer cells; and biological therapy, which uses your body’s own immune system to fight cancer cells.
Scar Treatments
Scars are your skin's way of repairing wounds, but they can be unsightly. They can also be painful or itchy. NYC dermatologists have many treatments for scars. These include steroid injections to soften the appearance of discolorations and surface irregularities, such as pitted scars and atrophic scarring (indented scars).
Your skin is your body's largest organ. It protects you from heat, cold and germs and is a good indicator of your overall health. It can also indicate internal problems like disease or organ failure.
Acne scars, scars from surgery, C-sections and other medical procedures, stretch marks and even birthmarks can be improved by laser treatments like dermabrasion and non-ablative lasers. Your scar's size, depth and type will determine how much of an improvement can be made in its appearance.
Body Contouring
Surgical body contouring procedures remove excess fat and tighten loose newcastle skin medical centre in the arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. This is typically recommended following significant weight loss or after pregnancy and can help fine-tune the new shape of your body. The most common procedure is liposuction which involves removal of targeted pockets of fat from the body using anesthesia. Other surgical options include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), brachioplasty (arm lift), and buttocks lift.
Noninvasive body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting, EMSCULPT, and Kybella are quickly becoming more popular as patients seek ways to improve their body shape without the risk or downtime of surgery. During your private consultation with Dr. Green at her luxurious Manhattan office, she can recommend the best cosmetic body sculpting treatment for your needs and explain the cost. Contact the practice today to book your appointment.
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healthguidenow · 8 months
💪🍏 How to Obtain Optimal Health and Fitness: Tips and Benefits 🍏💪
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Blog Introduction: Our body is the only asset that we truly own, and we must take good care of it. Health and fitness are two sides of the same coin that guarantee longevity and wellbeing. However, staying fit and healthy can be challenging, especially for those individuals who lead a busy lifestyle. The good news is that maintaining your health and fitness levels can be done by following some simple yet effective tips. In this blog post, we will share with you some useful tips and benefits of staying healthy and fit. 🌟🏋️‍♀️
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Regular Workouts: One of the primary steps towards achieving optimal health and fitness is to engage in regular workouts. Exercise is beneficial for overall health, as it helps increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, maintain healthy blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Aim to allocate at least 30 minutes of your day to some form of physical activity, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, or strength training. 💪🏃‍♀️
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Proper Nutrition: Eating a balanced and healthy diet is crucial for maintaining good health and fitness. A healthy diet includes eating foods from all food groups, such as whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid consuming processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in saturated and trans fats. Also, stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. 🥗🍎
Adequate Sleep: Getting enough and quality sleep is an essential element of optimal health and fitness. Poor sleep can negatively affect our physical and mental wellbeing, leading to fatigue, irritability, depression, and mood swings. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night and create a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. 😴🌙
Stress Management: Stress is a common factor that can have adverse effects on our health and fitness. Therefore, finding ways to manage stress levels is crucial to maintaining optimal health and fitness. Some effective strategies for stress management include practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing, talking to friends and loved ones, and engaging in physical activities we enjoy. 🧘‍♀️🌞
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Mental Health: Maintaining good mental health is just as important as physical health. Taking steps to improve and maintain good mental health is crucial to overall health and fitness. Some effective strategies for maintaining mental wellbeing include engaging in creative activities, practicing gratitude, engaging in activities we enjoy, and seeking professional help when necessary. 🧠❤️
Conclusion: In conclusion, achieving optimal health and fitness requires a holistic approach that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management, and good mental health. By implementing the tips discussed in this blog post, you can make significant progress towards achieving optimal health and fitness. Stay committed, practice self-discipline, and remember that small but consistent actions can have a tremendous impact on your overall health and wellbeing. Your body is a temple, and it is your responsibility to take care of it. 🌟🌿🤗
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Dermology Cellulite Cream is a revolutionary scientific breakthrough for controlling unsightly cellulite and eliminating inches. Dermology Cellulite Removal Cream permits you to spot reduce in those impossible problem areas. With Dermology you can rid yourself of those unwanted lumps and bumps. Just apply the Cellulite Cream to your thigh, waist, tummy, or chin and watch the fat disappear. The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.
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