#Earth 120703
inhcritance · 6 months
@localwebslingers - Plotted starter
The signs had been subtle: Peter being late, and for longer than usual, and not replying to his texts. Mr. Parker appearing to the demo Parker Industries was hosting -live on TV, for now- looking less composed than usual, even if Harry could only see it because he'd long been watching the man. A handful of rumors around his attendants, when Harry had risked danger to eavesdrop while under his cloaking tech.
Enough to suspect things had gotten bad again, and enough for Harry to retreat, get some food in a backpack, change into something that wouldn't have anyone taking a second glance at him- something with a hood- and start planning a route.
Even with his cloaking tech, there was always a chance he might be followed. And being followed might rob Peter of a hideout, after all, so caution was a necessity.
And then on it was just a matter of caution, and hoping Peter had indeed run away, and it wasn't anything more sinister at play.
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eideticspider · 11 months
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@insidemyblood asked: ❛  why don’t you come home with me?  ❜ (from Peter Parker)
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{✗} "Ah, Pete," Cindy sighed, glancing at him, her hand over his. She'd practically forced him out of his apartment for DINNER. After Gwen...(Fuck, I don't even want to THINK her name right now.) She knew it was hard for him. It was all too obvious he was in PAIN, grieving. She'd noticed it even as Silk and Spider-Man. He stopped pulling his PUNCHES.
He was darker. More...VICIOUS. And she hated seeing him fall down that hole. But here he was, reaching out for help--reaching out for SOMEBODY?
The corners of her lips pulled up slightly, and she nodded her head. "I don't think you should be ALONE tonight anyway. What d'you say we blow this place and go pop some popcorn and BURN our brains out on shitty reality television?"
She signs the receipt, passing it to the waitress before climbing to her feet. "C'mon. I'll come home with you for the night."
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fakcsmiles · 2 years
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guynamedultimax · 7 months
Give Me One Good Reason Why I Shouldn’t Punch Your Face In: Spider-Verse Edition
Miles Morales: My mom specifically instructed me to have a good day.
Peter B. Parker: You’ll be late to supper.
Gwen Stacy: I am so underdressed.
Pavitr Prabhakar: I’m going to see the Liberty Bell for the first time later today, and I want everything to be perfect.
Hobie Brown: I took the oath to never get punched.
Peter Porker: When you move in to punch me, I’m going to hold a bucket up in front of my face, and then your fist will just punch the inside of an empty bucket and you’ll look ridiculous.
Peter Parker (Noir): The scheduled walloping time isn't for another half hour.
Peni Parker: Wounding me emotionally would pay much higher dividends.
Miguel O'Hara: My face is filled with boiling hot water that will shoot out everywhere if you hit me.
Jess Drew: Your fist is so pristine.
Ben Reilly: It would be way too rewarding.
Peter Parker (Earth-199999): I lost all my loved ones and I am now alone.
Peter Parker (Earth-96283): I'll be late for supper.
Peter Parker (Earth-120703): I'd rather just do it myself.
The Spot: When you move in to punch me, I’m going to hold a spot up in front of my face, and then your fist will just punch the inside of a portal that will redirect to your face and you’ll look ridiculous. How's that for a villain of the week, mhm?
(I was gonna add more spiders but I haven't seen Spectacular in years now and I don't have ideas for Margo sorry)
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jakessbtch · 4 months
☆ request list | j.b
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what i can/will write!
x reader [y/n, __, ect.] fluff, angst, smut character x character
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what i will not write!
basics [r4cism, p3dophilia, ect.] smut for characters/persons under 18 y/o/a [including actors.] smut for ageless characters/persons. heavy gore. romanticization of SA, Gr00ming, SH, R4pe, ED's. abuse + physical/emotional cheating.
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fandoms/persons i currently write for!
Trap House! Jake Webber. Sam Golbach. Colby Brock.
Youtubers! Tara Yummy. Johnnie Guilbert.
Spider-Man! Peter Parker [earth-199999/Tom Holland] Peter Parker [earth-120703/Andrew Garfield] Peter Parker [earth-96283/Tobey Maguire] Hobie Brown
IT [2019]! Bill Denbrough [19] Beverly Marsh [19] Richie Tozier [19 + Male Reader ONLY] Eddie Kasprak [19] Mike Hanlon [19] Ben Hanscom [19]
IANOWT! Stanley Barber Sydney Novak Dina Bryant Brad Lewis
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sunwarmed-ash · 5 months
Sinful Sunday Preview
Separation Anxiety-Voters Choice
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Man that was a CLOSE race, separation anxiety won by one vote! (Maybe 2, idk %'s are not my strong suit)
The fic itself has a lot of angsty parksborn interactions, so here’s a little bittersweet, spicy piece I think y’all will enjoy :D
Thanks again for voting!
Rating: Explicit 🔞😈🔥
Tags: parksborn smut, consensual domination, web bondage, cumming untouched, harry has a degradation kink, and a praise kink, slut kink, Andrew!Peter, Dane!Harry, top!Peter, bottom!Harry, TASM2
Let’s go back to the beginning one more time…
Earth-120703 (Webb Universe) Queens. May 2014
If you think you know everything that happened between Peter and Harry, you're wrong….
‘Complicated’ doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.
“So. Gwen.”
Peter’s heart moved painfully in his chest at her name on his lips. Fuck, there was so much to unpack there.
“What about her?
“That whole thing still, ‘complicated?’”
Peter frowns before opening and taking an equal pull off the lip of his bottle. Complicated was a word for it alright. He lets out a resigned sigh. It’s not complicated. Its over. He’s fucked up with her too many times. He just can’t seem to figure out what he wants. She knows what she wants.
“More like, not gonna happen again even if I want it to,” he mutters, hating how much truth there is behind those words.
“Well good, because then I don't feel guilty doing this.”
Before Peter could even start to think of a response Harry is closing the distance between them with a hard press of his lips. Peter startles in his sudden, strong grasp, but it's equally as grounding as Harry moves his lips expertly against Peter’s.
It’s not long before Peter’s kissing back with equal force. He’s had a crush on Harry since he was 8 years old, and he was pretty sure the same went for Harry. Even if they absolutely never talked about it. Talking wasn't really their strong suit. They learned early on they responded better physically.
They kissed like they were making up for lost time, which in a lot of ways they were. Their traumatic childhoods, abusive fathers, school transfers, and other relationships had gotten in the way every time. But not now. Now it was just him and Harry, all alone in his penthouse suite.
Why was he here again?
Peter is the one directing things now, ignoring everything but the man in his arms.
Harry begins to paw against the raised edges of his suit, determined to get it off and Peter chuckles. He lifts Harry up and helps his legs around Peter’s hips so he can continue his ministrations.
By the time they crossed the threshold of the bedroom Peter could find in his sleep, Harry’s clothes were open and moments from falling off. Meanwhile, Peter was still very much in his suit.
Harry huffs in genuine frustration, poking at the reinforced material in annoyance.
“I no longer like the suit.”
Peter laughs genuinely before reaching under a small flap at the left side of his neck. From there he exposes a small zipper-pull that he drags down fluidly. The remainder of the suit falls down at his feet.
“Better?” He asks.
Harry didn't even try to hide his obvious ogling.
“Good,” Peter grins, returning his attention to Harry’s neck, sucking hickies into the unscaled side. It draws needy whimpers from the heir under him in no time. It makes Peter chuckle. Yeah, sure Harry might have known Peter’s tells enough to figure out his biggest secret, but Peter knew some of Harry’s secrets too.
“I missed you Peter.”
“I know baby,” he sighs, achingly vulnerable. They had missed so many opportunities. “I missed you too.” He reclaims Harry’s lips, hands moving to his open belt to pull down jeans that fit Harry about as snugly as his suit fit him. He didn't hate it, everything looked good on Harry. But he wanted them off, now.
A sharp pull down and Harry’s cock sprang free, angry, red and ready for more than he was currently getting. Peter grins knowingly. “Still dress like a slut huh?”
Harry shivers pleasantly under him, eyes searching, hungry for more.
“I was hoping you'd come back tonight.”
“So this is for me?” He asks, running his hand down Harry’s bare thigh, before gripping his leaking cock at the base.
Harry’s hips fly upward with a surprised gasp, but Peter’s extra strength grip on his hip keeps Harry right where he wants him. Harry lets out a frustrated growl. Only using a little bit of his newly acquired strength to continuously test Peter’s hold.
“What, you’re going to tease me to death? That’s just cruel.”
Peter chuckles to play along but the causal mention of Harry’s impending death takes another solid chunk of his heart with it.
“I’m going to give you everything you ask for Sweetheart,” he promises. Because this, he could actually promise. Unlike what he promised Uncle Ben.
And Captain Stacy.
Aunt May.
Harry’s hips arch and his voice breaks against Peter's unyielding hold, snapping the brunette out of his head and back to the present moment.
“Well, what I want is for you to touch me Peter. Preferably sooner rather than later.”
Peter squeezes his hand all the way up to the tip before twisting on the glide back down. Harry arches and gasps into the touch, huffing in frustration when Peter’s hand stops again.
“Is that all you want me to do?”
Harry tries to glare, but he’s too worked up to stay angry. Instead he flushes crimson.
As a reward, Peter pumps his hand again, spreading precum all over the head of Harry’s cock before gliding slickly back down.
“Fuck,” Harry chokes, his head digging into a nest of pillows.
Peter smirks.
“Is that an official request?” He pumps the man’s cock faster now, rubbing just long enough for Harry’s eyes to start to roll back into his head.
Harry still hadn’t answered though, so Peter releases his grip all together. Harry’s cock twitches helplessly against open air and he curses as he's denied friction again.
Frustrated, Harry’s hand shoots down to finish the work Peter started. But before his hand can reach its destination, an equally fast web catches his hand and secures it to one of the corners of the bed.
“Fuck.” Harry stares at his attached wrist with wide, shocked eyes before letting out an amused chuckle. “That’s hot Pete.”
Peter snorts. Harry being into bondage was not surprising in the slightest. He fires another web to Harry's other wrist, watching with a smirk as his eyes glaze over, proving Peter’s theory.
Peter can’t help but think Harry looks good like this, naked with his arms bound, his pathetic cock stiff and wet jutting up between wide open legs. Ready for anything Peter will give him.
Peter crawls further up the bed, straddling Harry’s chest. It puts his own hard cock perfectly in line with Harry’s mouth.
“You’re in the wrong spot if you’re going to fuck me,” Harry sasses, but Peter doesnt take the deflective bait.
“I’d really hate to web your mouth shut too, but I will if I have to.”
Harry licks his lips, eyeing Peter’s own heavy and proud standing erection.
“Then you’d lose the benefit of what my mouth can do.”
Peter grips the blonde's chin tight, inspecting Harry's open and waiting mouth for a tortuously long time. His cock bobs just breaths away from the blonde's mouth, and he counts three separate times Harry’s impatient tongue seeks out a taste. Instead of giving it to him, Peter drops the man’s chin and tsks,
“I suppose it'll do."
Peters' blatant dismissal tore a small, helpless moan out of Harry and Peter reveled in the knowledge he knew Harry’s kinks like the back of his hand. His first boy crush turned obsession was his best friend; 6 years apart felt like nothing the second they were together again.
He held Harry's mouth steady as he lined up his own cock with the slick entrance. Harry licks his lips once more, but Peter keeps everything right where he wants it. “Show me your safe word.”
Harry’s foot kicked the headboard three times rapidly. It echos loudly in the room and Peter feels satisfied in his ability to hear it once they got started.
“Good boy.”
“Please, Peter,” Harry begs, desperation clear.
Peter smiles, rubbing the outside of Harry’s cheek with the head of his cock. Precum glistens across the skin and Peter's eyes narrow on the way his thin pink tongue reaches desperately to get a taste.
“Slut,” he remarks and Harry nods.
“Please, let me show you how much.”
Peter doesn’t waste another second. He slides his cock into Harry’s mouth, gliding until he felt the wide head push against the tight muscles of his throat. The muffled groan that came out of Harry was nothing short of pornographic, and he wishes more than anything he had his camera right now.
He pulls back to give Harry a chance for air before sliding back in. He’s able to fit a little more this time.
Harry's eyes roll back into his head and his hips twitch into the open air above him.
Peter isn’t close enough for him to grind against on purpose.
“You're doing so good Harry,” he appropriately praises, because Peter had been in as deep as he could be for almost a minute now and Harry hasn't gagged, protested, or requested air. Harry Obsorn, living up to his playboy reputation.
When he eventually does need it, all it takes is a look. A gentle pleading with his glacial blue eyes and Peter was pulling out just enough for Harry to breathe through his nose.
“Since I'm feeling nice,” Peter starts, pushing Harry’s sweat-slick locks out of his eyes before sinking back into his mouth, “I’ll let you choose where I cum.”
Peter felt more than heard Harry’s muffled curse against his cock. He continues. “I personally want to see what this pretty face looks like, ruined with my cum.”
Harry's bound body shivered pleasurably once more, his needy whine causing vibrations to radiate up his cock. He felt Harry’s desperate empty attempt to fuck anything but air between his legs and smirked. Of course Harry likes that idea. “But, I also remember how much you like to be filled. And I’ve been dreaming about this ass since you came back to town.”
Harry jolted in the restraints like he had been electrocuted. It took Peter a second to realize it was him forcefully trying to pull from the webbed restraints.
Peter smirks proudly, motioning at his self-manufactured web shooter. “They're the real deal baby.”
Harry huffs in obvious frustration, yanking himself off Peter’s dick.
“Pete please! You know how much I hate it when you tease me!”
Peter laughs at his best friends expense because there was no way he was stopping now.
“Aw, is wittle Hwarry Osborn upset because he can't get something immediately?”
“Fuck You, Parker.”
Peter scratches the side of his head in sarcastic contemplative thought.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve confirmed twice now it’s you who wants to get fucked. But I get it. I mean, it's gotta be annoying, needing something so bad only to realize that not even your money can buy it.” To articulate his point, he reaches his hand back and rakes the tips of his nails up the length of Harry’s still hard, slick cock.
“Fuck!" Harry moans in the form of a bubbled sob, his hips jerking erratically in a way that signals he was nearing his final breaking point. This was as good as a submission Peter would get before Harry became either overstimulated, bored, or too frustrated to continue.
“Cum for me good boy,” Peter orders in his ear; quiet, secretive, intimate.
Harry cums with a loud strangled cry, his hips pumping desperately up in the open air as his orgasm rushes through him. Peter feels cum coat his ass and the back of his legs.
Afterwards he leans down and connects their lips, licking away the saltiness of his own preum from Harry’s tongue.
Harry fights to catch his breath after such a strong orgasm. But when he does, he’s back to spewing demands, as if he wasn’t the one on his back, tied up.
"I still want you to fuck me."
*check back Sunday for the full chapter*
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fuckedeath · 11 months
𖦹•°. miguel o'hara being jealous ?!
( a/n : hii!! i haven't written in a while so i apologise in advance if it sucks ass 💀 oh! and english isn't my native language so bare with me!! )
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"new recruit?" you asked, looking up from your food tray. you sat at the table for lunch at hq with the rest of the band of idiots you work with.
"yeah," peter b. parker coughed out, still forcing a whole burger into his hatch. "heard it from lyla, said jess found him on her last mission."
bits of food flew out of his mouth as he spoke, leaving the rest to contort their faces a bit from disgust. pav didn't seem to mind it, though.
"oh yeah, hobie and i saw him walk into the big man's office earlier!" pavitr prabhakar nudged an elbow into spiderpunk's side, causing him to choke on the drink he was chugging down.
"oi! watch it!"
"oh my god, are you seriously still drinking that shit?" gwen scoffed.
"come on, guys. his d.i.y coca-cola isn't all that bad! we gotta support him and his political views! is that what you call it? either way, i'm with you all the way, hobie." miles morales spoke up, defending one of his closest friend.
hobie brown claimed that he didn't believe in any large cooperate companies, the coca-cola company included. so he took it upon himself to make his own version. like that time he attempted to craft an xbox from scrap metal he found lying around (he stole them from miguel's office while he was out on a mission).
"yeah? why don't you take a sip then, miles?" you pushed the tin can hobie placed down on the table towards miles. he squirmed in his seat, forcing out a nervous laughter as hobie raised an eyebrow.
"nah, nah, i can't. i'm... on a diet! yeah, ma-maybe next time!"
as the whole table laughed, suddenly lyla appeared out of thin air.
"hey guys! so, i think you all know we got a new spidey on the team. miguel wants you all in his office to meet him asap." she glitched into various different poses as she spoke.
you all waited for the elevator to take you directly to the office's floor.
"make sure to make him feel welcomed. don't say anything intimidating. i'm looking at you, hobie." peter said before hobie let out a scoff towards his comment.
at last, the elevator doors finally open and you all stepped out. you began to notice a familiar figure standing in front of a larger figure, which you already identified as miguel o'hara.
miguel let out a dreadful sigh as he noticed peter b. exiting the elevator first, eager to meet the newest member of the spider society.
"heyyyyy! new guy! welcome on board!" peter b. said, placing a hand onto the new recruit's shoulder. "you're gonna fit right in- oh, meet the rest of the gang,"
you were the last to exit the elevator, still trying to make out who it actually was. all while miguel was staring at you, as he usually does.
the rest of the team joined in on peter b's warm welcome and you finally realise who it was, resulting in a loud gasp echoing the office.
all heads turned to face you as you exclaimed "is that really you?!"
you and the new recruit, also known as the amazing spider-man from earth-120703, are finally face to face with each other. his face immediately lit up upon recognising you.
he shouted out your name before immediately pulling you into an embrace. "peter! i didn't expect to see you here." you said between chuckles.
"what? you're saying i'm not good enough to be apart of you guys?" you both went back and forth joking with each other. the others were left dumbfounded by the situation unfolding before them.
what they didn't notice is how miguel was practically burning holes into peter's body. there was a rage rising inside of him, almost uncontrollable anger. he hated how you were embracing that random spider-man over him. he's the only person you're allowed to touch in any way. in fact, you're also only allowed to talk to him and no one else! is that toxic? maybe. but he just wants you all to himself! he would rather die than admit all of that, though. his hands were clenched into fist, holding the strong urge to punt this person across the room right then and there.
you began to explain to everyone how you met peter on one of your solo missions and even after the anomaly was caught, you still slipped back to his universe to hang out with him time to time.
"say that again?" miguel snapped his head towards you.
"i go to his universe to hang out someti-"
"and who allowed you to do that?"
the others began to tense up, immediately picking up on the anger in his tone.
"everyone else, get out. you, stay." miguel commanded, pointing his index at you.
the rest looked at you, worried. but you gave them a reassuring look back so they began to shuffle back into the elevator. "let's give you a tour, shall we? the frozen yogurt at the cafeteria is to die for." peter b. guided the recruit by the shoulders before closing the elevator door behind them.
you took a deep breath before turning around to face miguel.
"okay, about the sneaking off to another universe without letting anyone know thing, look, it's completely my fault and-"
"you should've known better! what if something happened to you? what if you died and no one knew?"
"relax, you know i can handle myself! you don't have to worry about me."
"that's the problem! i do worry about you. all the fucking time. i get anxious when you show up to work 10 minutes late, frantically asking lyla to check on your location which she refuses to do because she thinks it's creepy,"
"when you come back from a mission with your suit torn up and blood seeping out, it makes me just want to keep you here where you're safe with me,"
"and when i see you hugging some lousy peter variant, i-" he stopped himself. he pinched the bridge of his nose before making his way back to his platform.
"just forget it." he dismissed, sighing as he sat in his chair.
"miguel, i-" you were cut off by lyla, who alarmed miguel of a new anomaly on earth-652.
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luimnigh · 1 year
Im sorry if i just missread your post about spiderverse, but why are you annoyed that they named the universes after the ones in the comics?
Look, the Earth-numbering system exists to give every universe an indentifiable moniker.
This is because every piece of Marvel media exists somewhere in it's multiverse.
The main comics universe is Earth-616. The Ultimate Comics line? That's Earth-1610.
Neil Gaiman's Marvel 1602, where Marvel heroes exist in 1602? That's Earth-311. The world of Mark Millar's Old Man Logan? That's Earth-807128
The 90s Spider-Man animated series? Earth-92131. Tobey Maguire? Earth-96283. Andrew Garfield? Earth-120703. Tom Holland and the MCU? Earth-199999. The Japanese Spider-Man TV Show where he had a giant robot? Earth-51778. Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark? Earth-11714. Marvel Vs Capcom? Earth-30847.
Our universe, the one in which we all exist? Earth-1218.
Every one of them exists in the Marvel Multiverse. Every one of them a unique number.
All these multiverse stories going around calling their Earth Earth-616 are fucking with a time-honored system. There is a system of categorization in place, and you are screwing it up because you want the famous numbers.
And it's springing up fan speculation on stuff like "separate multiverses", and just- no. There is a system, it has existed since 1983, please don't fuck with it for brand name recognition.
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incorrectnevermoor · 1 year
Archan: Hobie Brown AKA Spider-Punk
Francis: Pavitr Prabhakar AKA Spider-Man India
Morrigan: Gwen Stacy AKA Ghost Spider
Hawthorne: Mayday Parker. You know I’m right. (Or Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man Earth-120703)
Anah: Aunt May. In every universe.
Cadence: Miles Morales AKA Spider-Man [UNIVERSE REDACTED]
Lam: Cassandra Webb AKA Madame Web
Mahir: Insomniac Miles Morales
Thaddea: Ben Reilly AKA Scarlet Spider (Comics ver.)
Ezra: Olivia Octavius AKA Doc Oc
Jupiter: Peter B. Parker AKA Spider-Man OR Cooper Coen AKA Web-Weaver
Jack: Lyla. I am RIGHT.
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multiverse-of-marvels · 9 months
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Also known as the Turn Off The Dark universe. A musical-like reality with similarities to Earth-616, Earth-96283, and Earth-120703.
First mentioned/appearance: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark (2011 broadway musical)
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starfa11 · 1 year
So let's say you were an insomniac, let's say you wake up early and go to bed late, and you live in Peter's sweaters. It does not matter how late it is after his patrol, Earth-120703 Peter Parker would dance with you in the kitchen. It doesn't matter if it's 3 am or barely 8 pm, he will swing you around the kitchen to fast music or slow dance with you sloppily while waiting for brownies to bake. All he wants is to come home to you and to hold you close and if that is dancing at ungodly hours, he's okay with that.
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@wallcravvler asked: “I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
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{✗} She turns her head so he can't see her eyes well up with TEARS. Saving the day was never about accolades or REWARDS--it was about protecting the people, all people. She didn't do it to get congratulations or a DESIGNER handbag--she did it because it was right.
That didn't mean hearing those particular words from Peter made her feel anything less than WARM.
Cindy was quiet for a moment, letting the rain bounce off of her hair before she threw her arms around Peter's neck, hugging him tight. Her body shakes, but she makes no sound, simply relishing in the warmth of the embrace.
"Thank you," she breathed out. "I...I'm so afraid to FAIL at this...I..." She sniffles and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand before shaking her head, her head hanging low. "I didn't realize how NICE it was to hear someone say that."
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the-a-archives · 1 year
who are your favorite spidey’s?? 👁️👁️
theyre in alphabetical order just for you <3
Miles Morales (both earth 1610 &1610B) (he's my favorite he goes ontop)
'Spinner (Earth 616)
Ai Apaec (Earth 616)
Cooper Coen (Earth 71490)
Doppelganger (Earth 616)
Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth 65)
Hobart Brown (Earth 138)
Longlegs Secundus (Earth 616)
Mig-El Gand (Earth 9602)
Miguel O'hara (both Earth 928 and 928B)
Otto Octavius (Superior Spider-Man) (Earth 12131)
Peter Parker (Earth 10208)
Peter Parker (Earth 96283)
Peter Parker (Earth-120703)
Peter Parker (Earth 13122)
Peter Parker (Earth 199999)
Peter Parker (Earth 2149)
Peter Parker (Earth 92100)
Peter Parker (Earth TRN603)
Peter Porker (Earth TRN456)
Scarlet Spider (Earth 13346)
Spidair (Earth 91202)
Spider Sting (Earth 38418)
Tarantula (Earth 13346)
The Spider (Earth 1610)
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demongemz · 4 months
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welcome to london, PETER PARKER 3! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like ANDREW GARFIELD? well, no matter, we hear that you are 28 and working as a/an PHOTOJOURNALIST. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from MARVEL and have a tendency to be ROMANTIC as well as ABRASIVE.
Name: Peter Parker (3) aka from Earth-120703 Relatives: Aunt May Parker, Uncle Ben Parker - Deceased, Girlfriend Gwen Stacy - Deceased Occupation: Photojournalist Birthday: August 10 Age: 28 Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Moral Alignment: Chaotic Lawful Memory Status: Intact
Peter isn’t the same friendly neighborhood spider-man since the death of the love of his life Gwen Stacy. He tried to pick himself up and push forward being the shining symbol that New York needed but it felt off. He struggled for a while as nothing seemed to have any impact, the bad guys always seemed to get free once again and terrorize the streets of Queens killing and doing whatever they wished. It was during this time his rage started to grow, what right did the scum of the earth have to be alive while Gwen’s body lay rotting in the ground?
Spider-man no longer held back when he was called to a scene, his rage taking hold of him as his punches got harder and more aggressive. The change didn’t go unnoticed by the citizens of New York as instead of happiness there was a terror when his name was mentioned. He couldn’t be bothered to care, yet with each win nothing made this horrible dark feeling go away. He knew who was responsible for this and he began the work of tracking down Green Goblin. Gone was any feeling of friendship he held for Harry Osborn, the man had taken his happiness and he’d see him die for it.
Peter isn’t from this universe he was trying to stop Green Goblin(Harry Osborn) from completing an unknown experiment when something went wrong. All Peter can remember about this is a flashing green light as he was thrown through a wall and flung into an alternative universe. Once he came too he had no idea that he was no longer in the world he was called home, it wasn’t until he saw his name and a person he’d never seen before flashing across the screens calling him a menace. Out of his suit and walking these new streets he has one mission, find this version of Peter Parker and figure out how he can get back home to complete his mission. Ensuring the Green Goblin is dead never to harm another again.
Wanted Connections:
Friends: Anyone in the Spider Squad Allies: Works Alone Foes: Sinister Six
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cemeteryspider · 4 months
Silken Bonds of Alternate Realities
Civilian! Peter Parker x Spider-person! Reader
Kind of TASM! Peter Parker x Spider-person! Reader
Past Civilian! Gwen Stacy x Spider-person! Reader
Past Civilian! Peter Parker x Civilian! Gwen Stacy
In Another Universe TASM! Peter Parker x Civilian! Reader
I'm thinking your suit kinda looks like Gwen's from Into the Spider-Verse but nothing explicitly is mentioned about colors or aspects of the suit. Also reader is mentioned to be bisexual.
Summary: What happens when you're thrust into Earth-616's action with a familiar face.
Word Count: 678
My day started normal enough, but by the end I was fighting Molten Man in a building engulfed in flame.
The crumbling building made my throat tighten and constrict. Fortunately, one of Stephen Strange's portals appeared before me. I swiftly launched myself through it, hoping someone else could subdue Molten Man while I recovered.
"Thanks, Strange, I thought I was done for"
Then when I looked up to two kids around my age standing and staring at me.
"Ned, I said think of Spider-Man, not bring a cosplayer here?"
Confused, I turned back, but the portal had closed, leaving me in a room with two strangers.
Somewhere, across the multiverse...
Peter watched as the unstable building finally came down on itself. The interior structure completely destroyed. Still there was no sign of of his favorite Spider anywhere.
He quickly snapped a few photos for the Daily Bugle and circled the collapsed building, desperate to find any sign of his lover making it out. But hope seemed elusive.
Back on Earth-616...
"You've got to send me back home, Ned. Peter's going to be worried sick"
After introductions and two failed attempts to find this universe's Peter Parker, the situation felt increasingly hopeless.
"I think we have bigger problems here then that" MJ was frustrated, but you couldn't handle the rude remarks a second longer.
"Fine, then I'll figure it out myself." Before I could storm out, the Spider-Man closest to me grabbed my hand and spun me back around.
"That's not a good idea. Let's all calm down and figure out a solution that helps everyone." He slipped off his mask, revealing a face exactly like my Peter's.
"Peter?" Silently slipping your mask off to stare directly into his brown eyes.
On Earth-120703...
Someone who looks exactly like you is fast asleep in bed curled up in their Peter Parker's hoodie.
Back on Earth-616...
After a confusing conversation and much back-and-forth, Peter-3 and I finally understood each other.
Instead of me getting bitten at Oscorp, Peter Parker was. We barely knew each other at the time, exchanging small waves and smiles in the hallway. In both universes, our lover, Gwen Stacey, fell to her death. We were there to pick up each other's broken pieces.
As we worked together to cure the Lizard, the similarities between us were mind-boggling—reaching for the same things, laughing at familiar jokes.
Both of the other Spider-Men smiled at the wholesome interaction.
After an amazing battle on the scaffolding of the Statue of Liberty's reconstruction, everything seemed well until MJ fell off the side.
Putting years of trauma aside, Peter and I both jumped to save her. I caught her with a web, and Peter caught her to swing her to safety. A tearful moment passed between Peter and MJ before she hugged me as well.
Staring at each other, I jumped into Peter's arms, understanding the second chance we were given. We could practically feel Gwen hugging us both.
"I guess this is goodbye, Y/n," Peter-3 said, already disappearing to return to his home.
"We should do this again sometime."
"I would like that."
"Go home, Bugboy." He smiled as he faded away into his own universe, and I into mine.
On Earth-120703...
Swinging through the streets of New York with the Autumn air rushing past him he finally swung onto the fire escape of your shared apartment.
You stirred as he made his way into bed and held you close.
"Welcome home Bugboy"
In my universe...
I stood in the cool ashes of the once-standing building, then sprang into action, looking for Peter Parker.
Finding him writing furiously on a bench in the quiet part of Central Park, I walked up and sat down.
"So, what's up?"
He looked up from his notes with a shocked expression. Quickly, his brows furrowed, and he started lecturing me about letting him know I was safe and how the police told him to wait 24 hours before filing a report.
I kissed his lips gently, relaxing his features.
"I missed you too."
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localwebslingers · 6 months
- Allies Roster-
The companion post to the Villians Roster! Just like villians, Peter has gained several allies in his time in the suit, some expected and some not so much. This is a list of those people that both TASM and MCU Peter Parker/Spider-Man who have been, and even still are, in his corner. This is, once again, a combination of hinted and implied interactions, leaked information of what never happened, and personal opinion as to who some of those people are(so far). This will be updated as needed.
Any names on this list are free-game to refer to in threads.
Other heroes/vigilantes are listed by both name and allias.
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TASM Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Captain George Stacy (deceased)
Gwen Stacy (deseased)
Aunt May
Troy (Jack's Father)
Various city workers
Mary Jane Watson (in college)
Flash Thompson (in college)
sometimes-it's-complicated Felicia Hardy, "Black Cat"
Captain Yuri Watanabe
Peter Parker, Earth - 199999
Peter Parker, Earth - 96283
Dr. Curt Conners, formerly "The Lizard"
Eddie Brock, "Venom" (eventual)
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MCU Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Tony Stark
Happy Hogan
Ned Leeds
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Stephen Strange
The Avengers (various)
Peter Parker, Earth - 96283
Peter Parker, Earth - 120703
Gwen Stacy (in college)
Harry Osborn (in college)
Matt Murdock, "Daredevil" (in college)
Cindy Moon, "Silk" (in college, former classmate)
sometimes-it's-complicated Felicia Hardy, "Black Cat"
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