sweatypantz · 2 years
East Hills Mall
Saint Joseph, is one of the biggest small cities within the state of Missouri. And as so, the town tends to try and stay at its peak by making a bigger stance for itself. But with trial comes failure time and time again.
With Jesse James being the symbol of our small city, as well as the ups and downs of downtown. Nothing compares to one of the biggest falls of Saint Joseph Missouri. Which still stands as of July 2022, The East Hills Mall.
The East Hills Mall, located slightly between South and North belt. Established in 1965, the mall was one of the few established in the Midwest at the time. According to Wikipedia, "East Hills Mall was built by Sherman Dreiseszun in 1965 as one of the first malls in the Midwestern United States.[2] Original tenants included Montgomery Ward, J. C. Penney, Safeway Inc., Katz Drug, Woolworth's, and Hirsch Brothers department store.[3] The mall was expanded in 1988, and Dillard's and Sears were added then.[4]" But this man "Sherman Dreiseszun" sorta had his way with failures.
Although, he was succeeding with an established bank and another mall set up in Kansas city. East Hills slowly had its downfall, as stores slowly closed down and the mall removed its glorifying interior design for unknown reason. Although as someone who lives in the town myself I can only assume its because the rent for each store is more than the rent for a two bedroom one bathroom house for rent.
On top of stores leaving due to high rent, cuts to the interior would stop the draw of customers. Today, I only see little to no people actually hanging around the mall. Rather than just buying for the sales. Or wanting food from the one "restaurant" left. Which is also where I work and where I get most of my perspective on the people and the downfall. Even in one of the wings or exits of the mall, they have a whole wall dedicated to the history and looking back. And as you look and the large crowds of people along with the cool ✨fountains✨. Which according to a lot of millennials who've lived in the town for quite some time. That was one of the biggest teen grab, as it provided a cool hangout spot. Rather than the lame abandoned cafeteria.
As both of these are equally good reasons for the mall to have a downfall. It wasn't quite the towns fault for it. Just a year after "Sherman Dreiseszun" died in 2007 his banks had a major fall. I can only assume that's why they started cutting costs. Along with the new establishment up towards North belt. With the most memorable name ✨The North Shops✨. Amazing right? Well even though the name wasn't the best the new outdoor mall made a big hit, and all the dedicated East hills members moved there. Leaving East Hills abandoned.
Today the mall is barely standing on two legs and the only recent rise of popularity was the cringey back to school video. And the closing of Dillard's, which has been an on and off idea, going back and forth between sales. I'm super happy to no longer deal with it, since I'm quitting my job soon. I'll right another blog on Chinex next, and try to keep you guys updated on the rest of the city's drama, dumb crime, and people.
{I don't know if other towns understand the difference between the two such as our town. So for the sake of the blog I'll establish the importance; South and North belt is mostly used for location and segregation in the city. Ex; South-poor North-Rich.}
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tatianaluz · 2 years
Willow: 4&5 and C
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Easier than it should be, tbh. They want to give people a chance because, let's face it, a lot haven't given them a chance to prove themself.
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
I would say it would take a lot for the same reason as above. But if someone else in the party were to point out their mistrust, Willow would value their judgement.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Omg YES I DID. I could not figure out why Willow would be in Sigil, or what would inspire them to stay there. And then hear about other people's characters gave me the mild panic of "Fuck, I made the wrong character for this game" but it seems to be working out. Lol.
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allthingsprincess · 9 months
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my new pencil pouch i’m so in love with it 😊😊
this is kinda gaining traction lowkey so here’s the link to my pencil pouch
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cursemyexistences · 5 months
[my favorite school supplies]
.・ ゜゜・ ˚୨୧˚ ・ ゜゜・.
pencil: pentel graph gear 1000
perfect weighted pencil, super comfortable, great for general use or drafting 9/10
pen: tūl fine point gel pens
i love these for journaling and marking my calendar, very sharp so may rip paper if writing too fast 8/10
highlighters: marvy uchida pastel liners
great pigment, doesn’t bleed through standard paper, comfortable to hold, 8/10
pencil case: easthill large capacity
easily holds my two pencils, two pens, four highlighters, full size graphing calculator, drafting pencil set, and erasers 9/10
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ficticity · 9 months
warning: this story may contain content not suitable for all readers. discretion is advised.
ENTRY #1: Ryder Gretzky
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In theory, a psychopath is a person who suffers from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour; a madman.
According to that definition, I had no psychopathic tendencies. I hadn't been diagnosed with any mental illnesses; I didn't behave abnormally–at least I hoped so. And I never ever exhibited any violent social behaviour.
But I suppose you haven't been reading correctly. If you were, you would have noticed that I referred to myself in the past tense. Meaning that before now I was what most people dubbed normal.
I guess stalking your best friend isn't normal. Not for most anyway.
I've known Ryder Gretzky since freshman year. A lanky boy who sat at the back of my math class and played chess on his phone instead of paying attention to Mrs. Morrison's lessons on slope and rate of change. He was tall. Really tall. The first thing I asked him was if he played basketball. He didn't. He preferred cricket.
Easthill High doesn't have a cricket team, but they have a football team. We joined together in sophomore year and climbed to the top pretty quickly. I became quarterback–still am. Ryder was a fullback—still is. I always counted on him–still do.
For someone his height, he was fast and powerful. Not to mention smooth when it came to tackling a real sport.
They loved Ryder. Every aspect of him - from his auburn hair to his brown eyes, and particularly the two dimples situated perfectly on each cheek. I also loved Ryder too–still do. But it wasn't long before he got together with Stephanie Rodriguez.
I had never seen two human beings so perfect for one another. I was prone to believe God put them both on this planet for the sole purpose of finding each other.
I watch him stop by his locker to talk to Stephanie for a few minutes before they both head out the main doors together. They're all smiles and laughter. He's got his arm around her shoulders and she's got her lips on his cheek, a long way to go for someone her height.
The poor thing doesn't know what's coming. That I'm going to steal the only person she's learned to give her glass heart to. The death of a loved one is a strange thing. Why love when we're all going to die? It only makes the pain worse. I prefer distance, not attachment. Attachment makes people do crazy, crazy things.
I make sure to put some distance between us, stopping to hide around some corners, casually greeting a few other students, anything to seem normal.
As I exit and follow them, I observe them engaged in a passionate kiss near her vehicle. Although I have no intention of being invasive, I find myself unable to walk away. My objective is to relieve Ryder of any discomfort or distress he may be experiencing, which is the justification I offer myself.
When they're finally finished, Stephanie gets into the vehicle and drives off.
Ryder walks home every day. It used to be with me. Then I'm suddenly forgotten and the only thing on his mind is Stephanie. She stole him from me. Which is understandable, right? She's his girlfriend. But let's be honest, he isn't trying hard to remember me. We only know each other on the field.
I don't hate Ryder Gretzky. There's just an ache somewhere deep inside me. An evergrowing chasm of curiosity and wonder. A part of me that just wants to open him up and see what the hell it is that makes Ryder, well, Ryder.
I want to see his blood, and it terrifies me.
He starts down the sidewalk that leads away from the school building and takes the next right. I make sure to keep the sound of my footsteps to a minimum. The last thing I need is for him to know it's me. It'll be easier if he doesn't. Maybe he won't hate me more than he already does.
I halt mid-step but don't turn to face the source of that eccentric voice. "Hey Monty, is that you?" 
Monty. It's always been Jackson, Jack or Jacky. Only one girl has a special way of twisting my name into something that sounds like it belongs in a classic film from my mom's era.
"Wait up! I need to talk to you!"
She's an explosion of quirkiness, a real dramatist, a true oddball. A living, breathing, half-bred Russian and South African who's perpetually captivated by the tiniest of details. If I had been observant in the corridors earlier, I might have glimpsed her dashing toward the drama room in a frenzy of untamed papers and rich mahogany locks.
Darcy Ivanov.
She has a knack for finding me at the strangest of times. She's found me again, Ryder is now long gone.
Darcy jogs towards me with one of the most radiant smiles on her face. She waves exuberantly, her round hazel eyes shining beneath her round-rimmed glasses. "It feels like I haven't seen you in months, Monty. How are ya?"
I grunt an answer. As I said, I don't talk much to her.
"Anyway," she babbles on, "the drama club is putting on a school play. Are you gonna watch it? It'll be really cool. It's like Romeo and Juliet, except, cooler. You should've auditioned. I'm sure you would've gotten Romeo. You've got his blonde hair already, and those pretty blue eyes."
Darcy rocks back and forth on her heels, hands in the pocket of her beige suede skirt as she awaits my answer. As always, she doesn't receive one. "Monty, you've got such nice eyes. It's like an ocean in there."
Spinning on my heel, I begin to march in the opposite direction and away from Darcy. I failed my mission all thanks to her. Ryder is gone, and so is my only chance at finally satisfying the only craving I have.
"Wait, Monty!" she calls after me and races to my side. I don't look down at her, but she's got her eyes on me and that dazzling smile on her face. "You're so tall. I have to look up, up, up to talk to you."
I stay quiet and let my fingers curl around the Swiss Army knife in my pocket. I don't say it, but listening to her voice gives me some sort of high.
"That sucks because everyone around me is so tall. Papa. Dedushka. Uncle Abram. Mama's got height too. I don't and neither does Babushka." Her laughter is finely tuned to bring a rush of heat to my cheeks and an electric shock to my lungs. "Sad, huh? Papa looks especially tall when he speaks Russian. Kinda gives him un air de supériorité. But he always calls me his Zvezda. Star."
"You're not even short. Plus, you can speak Russian, most girls can't do that. So if you ask me, you're odd and grandly fucking irritating to be around."
I surprise her with my voice. I surprise myself too. My own sounds are foreign to me. Like I forget I even have the ability to form words.
"You think so?"
"That's a redundant question. I already gave you an answer."
She giggles. "You're pretty funny, Monty. Mostly pretty."
"Hmph, okay."
Darcy lets her eyes sweep over my face as she breaks out into another grin. I look away before she can tempt a smile out of me.
"Let's go get ice cream. It's hot out here."
"I'm lactose intolerant."
"When has that ever stopped anyone from having a little fun?"
I steal another glance at her. Instead of replying, I stop and start walking in the other direction, towards a place I hope is an ice cream shop. Darcy is absolutely beaming because she knows it too.
She reaches up on her toes and plants a little kiss on my cheek. It reminds me of Ryder and Stephanie; she had kissed him too. I'm guessing he feels this way about her. The same way I'm trying not to feel about Darcy.
She has my stomach knotted and tangled in all sorts of ways. And it's weird. Good weird. I don't get it and I don't like it. But it's not the worst thing in the world.
"You're my hero, Monty. I'll be able to get home without melting into a puddle first."
"Yeah." I glance down at her. "We wouldn't want you melting, now would we?"
Thank you for reading the first chapter of Shoot!
Let me know your thoughts. Share and reblog!
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faxpaladin · 5 months
The Tuesday concert is live now! Tonight's set:
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A great start to Kyndailad Concerts in Shillong is through "Ready to Take Off", who are not only groovy but mystical to their sounds and variations, there sleek vocals and drastic approach, makes them stand - out and realises, how music can bound any soul without sorrows or hindrances, this is a make sure watch for all music lovers and specifically shot with Tele Lens, to make it as grand as it is meant to be, so check out this concert and tell us your feed back, most required!!
#shillongscotlandoftheeast #openconcerts #khyndailad #easthills #khasiregion #shillonscotlandoftheeast #musicjive #Readytotakeoff #LSDFILMSPEDIA
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travelessentials606 · 10 months
The Top 10 Beach Blankets for Ultimate Summer
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Introduction: When it comes to enjoying a sunny day at the beach, having the right gear can make all the difference. A good beach blanket not only provides a comfortable spot to relax and soak up the sun but also offers a versatile foundation for various beach activities. Whether you're planning a beach picnic, sunbathing session, or just want a clean surface to sit on, a high-quality beach blanket is an essential travel accessory. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 beach blankets that combine functionality, style, and durability, ensuring your beach days are nothing short of fantastic.
Sand Escape Beach Blanket: The Sand Escape Beach Blanket is designed to repel sand, allowing you to enjoy a sand-free experience while basking in the sun. Its lightweight and compact design make it easy to carry, and the oversized dimensions provide ample space for relaxation.
WildHorn Outfitters Sand Escape Beach Blanket: Featuring a unique anchor system, the WildHorn Outfitters Sand Escape Beach Blanket ensures that your blanket stays put, even on windy days. The water-resistant material also makes it a great choice for various outdoor activities beyond the beach.
Lagu Sand-Repellent Beach Blanket: The Lagu Sand-Repellent Beach Blanket is not only eco-friendly but also designed to repel sand effectively. Made from UPF 30 fabric, it offers sun protection while remaining sand-free throughout your beach day.
WELLAX Sandfree Beach Blanket: Crafted with a focus on durability and versatility, the WELLAX Sandfree Beach Blanket is puncture-resistant, making it ideal for use on rocky shores as well. Its compact carrying pouch and weighted corners ensure it stays in place.
Kahuna Parachute Beach Blanket: The Kahuna Parachute Beach Blanket is known for its vibrant designs and lightweight parachute material. This blanket is quick-drying, making it a perfect choice for water activities like swimming and surfing.
CGEAR Sand-Free Beach Mat: Using patented technology originally developed for military use, the CGEAR Sand-Free Beach Mat allows sand to fall through the fabric without coming back up. This innovative design guarantees a sand-free zone for lounging and picnicking.
Easthills Outdoors Microfiber Beach Towel Blanket: Combining the functionality of a beach blanket with the convenience of a towel, the Easthills Outdoors Microfiber Beach Towel Blanket offers fast-drying capabilities and compact storage. Its microfiber material is not only soft but also repels sand effectively.
ZOMAKE Picnic Blanket: While not exclusively designed for the beach, the ZOMAKE Picnic Blanket's waterproof backing and generous size make it a versatile choice for seaside picnics. Its foldable design and sturdy handle allow for easy transportation.
Wekapo Sand-Proof Beach Blanket: The Wekapo Sand-Proof Beach Blanket boasts corner pockets that can be filled with sand, rocks, or other weights to keep it anchored. The waterproof and sand-resistant material ensures a comfortable beach experience.
Roebury Sandproof Beach Blanket: Featuring a soft fleece top and a durable waterproof bottom, the Roebury Sandproof Beach Blanket offers both comfort and functionality. The included stakes and corner pockets help secure the blanket in place.
Conclusion: When it's time to hit the beach, having a reliable and comfortable beach blanket can significantly enhance your overall experience. From sand-repellent designs to versatile materials, the top 10 beach blankets mentioned in this article cater to various preferences and needs. Whether you're planning a relaxing day of sunbathing or engaging in beachside activities, these blankets ensure you have a clean, comfortable, and enjoyable space to call your own.
So, before you pack your beach bag, be sure to choose the beach blanket that aligns with your style and requirements. With the right blanket in tow, you're well on your way to making the most of your beach getaway.
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gearproguide · 1 year
Get ready for your next beach adventure with our comprehensive guide to the top 5 beach tents of 2023. From the Oileus X-Large 4-Person Beach Tent Sun Shelter to the WolfWise 3-4 Person Easy Up Beach Tent, we’ve reviewed the best options for both men and women, ages 18 and up. Each tent offers its own unique features, including waterproof and windproof materials, UPF protection, easy set-up, and spacious interiors. With exclusive prices starting as low as $33.99, you’re sure to find the perfect beach tent for your next trip.
The Oileus X-Large 4-Person Beach Tent Sun Shelter is a portable sunshade perfect for beach trips, fishing, hiking, and camping. It is waterproof, windproof, and offers 99% UV protection. It is easy to set up and fold back in under 30 seconds.
Don’t miss out on this amazing deal! Rating 5.0, check the price and get your hand on this top rated tent.
Easy to set up and fold back in under 30 seconds
Waterproof and windproof
99% UV protection
This instant beach tent features an automatic patented pop-up mechanism, which makes it fast and easy to take down and fold back in under 30 seconds. The tent is made of umbrella rated 3000mm PU coating by the newest breathable 210T polyester, anti 99% harmful UV, durable floor made of 150D PE, thick 8.5mm fiberglass poles for added stability with stakes and guy rope.
The Gorich Beach Tent is a sun shelter designed for families and friends to enjoy the beach in comfort and safety. It is 30% larger than other beach tents in its price range and can comfortably fit up to 3 people. The tent is easy to set, with a compact carrying bag for convenient transport. One of the best beach tents in the list.
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Super large space
Easy to set up and carry
High-quality, silver-coated fabric for UV protection
Water-repellent design
BrandGorichMaterialPolyester, FiberglassStyleEasy Set-Up TentDimensionsLxWxH: 86.6 x 59 x 48 inchesWeight3.5 PoundsFrame MaterialFiberglass, Resin, Aluminum
The Gorich beach tent is a spacious and easy-to-assemble option for beachgoers. With a large size and UPF 50+ UV protection, it offers comfort and protection for 3-4 people, one of the best beach tent for family. Made of durable polyester and fiberglass, it’s water-resistant and features 4-sided ventilation for added comfort.
The Instant Shader L is a lightweight and water-resistant beach tent with a durable PE floor and a spacious interior. It features a zippered front for privacy, roll-up windows for ventilation, and four internal mesh pockets for storage. Easy to set up with included instructions and comes with a carry bag, stakes, guylines, and a 1-year warranty.
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Easy setup with step-by-step instructions included
Lightweight and water-resistant
Zippered front for added privacy
Setup Time1 minute or lessEase of UseIncludes step-by-step instructions sewn inside carry bagSpace82" W x 47" D x 50" H with a 43" front porchDurability120g PE floor and 185T polyester with UPF 50+ protectionPortabilityWeighs only 5 pounds and compact when packedWindowsThree-sided roll up windows for 360-degree views and ventilation
The Instant Shader L is a lightweight and water-resistant beach tent with a durable PE floor and a spacious interior (82″ W x 47″ D x 50″ H). It features a zippered front for privacy, roll-up windows for ventilation, and four internal mesh pockets for storage. Easy to set up with included instructions and comes with a carry bag, stakes, guylines, and a 1-year warranty.
The WolfWise 3-4 Person Easy Up Beach Tent is a portable and easy-to-set-up option for a day at the beach. One Person can set it up in seconds with its spring opening system. It offers a spacious interior for up to 3-4 people and even has a 47.2″ front porch. The tent also features a privacy guarantee.
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Easy setup
Spacious internal shelter for up to 3-4 people with a 47.2″ front porch
Privacy guarantee with a zippered door and window design
SpecificationDescriptionPrice$59.99 for Large, $79.99 for X-LargeBrandWolfWiseMaterialPolyester, FabricRecommended UsesBeachItem Weight6.5 PoundsDimensions84.6" L x 49.2" W x 49.2" H with a 47.2” front porch
The WolfWise 3-4 Person Easy Up Beach Tent is a great option for beachgoers looking for a portable and easy-to-set-up shelter. It features a specially designed spring opening system that allows one person to set it up in seconds and has a spacious interior of 84.6″ L x 49.2″ W x 49.2″ H with a 47.2″ front porch.
The East hills Outdoors Instant Shader Deluxe XL Beach Tent offers an easy setup for 4-6 people with a 99″ wide spacious interior. UPF 50+ double coating and an extended zippered porch provide maximum sun protection and great airflow.
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UPF 50+ protection from the sun with Dark Shelter technology
Patent-pending opening mechanism for easy setup and disassembly
Great airflow with large mesh windows and double guyot points
SpecificationDescriptionMaterialPolyesterColorDark Shelter - Pacific BlueItem Weight8 PoundsRecommended UsesBeachUV ProtectionUPF 50+Size99" W x 53" D x 57" H, 53” front porch
The East hills Outdoors Instant Shader Deluxe XL Beach Tent is a spacious and easy-to-set-up sun shelter designed for families. It offers UPF 50+ sun protection and a 53″ front porch, with a patent-pending opening mechanism for quick setup and disassembly.
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bantucola · 2 years
Check out the Gulf Coast Black Business of the Day: East Hill Hardware Learn More: https://tinyurl.com/26s29nu4 #blackowned #blackbusiness #buyblack #spend$20 #showyourreceipts #supportblackbusiness #local #gulfcoast #groupeconomics
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beautytreats · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Multi Function Pencil Pen Holder Makeup Brush Case Travel Pouch Bag Organizer.
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tatianaluz · 2 years
8, 9, and E for all three?
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Zamora: Her innate magic is illegal in Natelia so...yeahhhh. Lol. Though I think her father encouraged her to do it carefully anyway. She was also told to not sass back in her teen years, and to stop looking so miserable while working retail.
Willow: Willow was told to stop being so temperamental...and loud... and, actually, just to stop being so much like that.
Wioletta: They became a monk while in the feywild, which I'd like to imagine was a result of Cordial telling them to stop punching shit or you know, if they were gonna do it, learn to make it useful.
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Zamora: Not as much as I anticipated? Though, internally, yes. Constantly. The usual mood is WHAT THE FUCK. As for the first? Hm. For Zamora? Shit.
Willow: Willow does from time to time. They view it as a sentence enhancer. The first swear word was ass. It's just fun to say aaasssss.
Wioletta: Wioletta does swear. Their first swear word was said during some fancy diplomatic dinner. Spilled some water on themself and went "FUCK."
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Zamora: Yeah. We have more in common that I'd like to admit tbh. Bad coping skills via a filing system for one thing. XD
Willow: Willow is a good bean. 100% would hang out with them. I would protect them at all cost.
Wioletta: I think we would eventually get along? But I think it would take a bit, as Wioletta can be a bit...abrasive? I feel like they would rub me the wrong way.
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claudetteblacklabel · 2 years
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POP UP SHOP today 12 - 8pm... Easthill Studios, 82 Easthill, Colchester Essex co1 2qw (Above the THAI 1 restaurant.....please use the side door next to restaurant door for access) Kiki @kyannachannell wearing her Claudette Joseph floral swing dress and browsing the rails. #fashiondesigner #sewover50 #designer #womenswear #contemporaryclassicwithatwist #modernclassicstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce5ZDQAq_k5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michelleoshen · 3 years
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Another before & after but with the after first! 😉 . #planterdesign #tropical #tropicalplants #tropicalvibes #canna #croton #hibiscus #sunpatiens #gardening #landscapedesign #flowers #flowerdesign #summer #longisland #zone7 #easthills https://www.instagram.com/p/CRRiA_XJiJx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ghoul--doodle · 3 years
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Mars Violence Momence
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mcnasser-blog · 5 years
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Small touch ups can make a big difference, Simple strands of lights and simple tables turn a rustic dining spot into something romantically charming.⠀⠀ Source: Decor . . . . We're collaborating with real estate agents to best serve the Bankstown district. We are giving them up to 40% referral fees. ☎ 0490 335 426 . . . . #McNasser #bankstown #greenacre #punchbowl #condellpark #revesby #easthills #picnicpoint #panania #milperra #padstowheights #revesbyheights #riverwood #peakhurst #lugarno #sydneyconstruction #milliondollarlisting #sydney #padstownsw #sydneybuilder #ausproperty #sydneyhouses #sydneyhomes #sydneyfinancial #homedesign #sydneyproperty #sydneyrealestate #sydneybuilder #sydneyrealestateagent⠀⠀⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bur-HjzFfyY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xbtbshglrbqt
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