#Everyone is Dead
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[ID: Screenshot of an Ao3 tag that reads, “Everyone is Dead” /End ID]
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I just got a random urge to verbally, psychically and psychologically destroy Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
“Help will always be given at Hogwarts, for those who ask for it”
That’s it, thank you for listening :}
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I Cannot Stop Thinking About You
Remus’ flat was desolate, void of any emotion, the air was stiff and lifeless as Remus sat huddled next to the phone staring blankly into the wall.
There was no possible way that this could be happening, not his Sirius, not him, he could not have done it, he was loyal to them, he could never betray James and Lily, he could never have betrayed Harry, the order, Sirius could never betray him.
Those words kept running through Remus’ head “Sirius is the Traitor, he betrayed the Potter, he is the reason they are dead.” It was an inconceivable concept to him, how could Sirius throw everything the Potters did for him in their face, take everything and kill them all, leave Harry an orphan, kill Peter, and break his heart again. He wonders if he were next, if Sirius had made it through the aurors, would he have killed him, would he have killed the person he was supposed to love… Did he even love him? Was this all fake to him, did he pretend all this time to love him, from the start, was he more like his parents than they all thought, was it obvious to everyone but him?
Emotions finally started to flood Remus; anger, anguish, heartbreak all started to well his eyes and fall down his face, he did not know what to think, or even if he should think, what should he think of this, the love of his life is a mass murdered and a blood supremist. It does not make sense. How could he do this.
The flat remained still, all that could be heard was Remus’ shaky sobs and the buzz of the fallen phone that was hanging off the wall, he could not move, paralysed by dread, he felt as if he were decaying, as if his whole world had just crumbled in front of him, slipping through his finger, as if he is unable to catch the pieces.
Nothing mattered anymore, the anxiety of the upcoming had gone, replaced by the dread of being alone forever, everyone is dead, the war is over, but at what cost, forever alone.
And all he can feel is guilt, instead mourning his best friends, the death of everyone he knows, the loss of love for a poor child... Remus mourns he love life, the fact that someone so close to him could rip his heart out again and then instead of throwing it in his face, he throws it in everyone else's; if Remus had not forgiven Sirius in Year 5, would he of still done this, or would of consuming the pain of the betrayal when they were younger been better overall. And why does he still mourn Sirius, he had finally showed he true colours and everyone else is saved, why does he mourn the living.
What if he pretended he was dead, he could live his life without the knowledge that he had loved the man who who is the reason for all of his friends demise, one at his own hand. But, oh he wishes to hold him again, to hug him to love him.
All the fight has left Remus, and no one is here to hold him, to love him, to heal his scars whilst he silently sobs, he has to grow up and deal with it all on his own. No hands to hold.
Why does he feel the most sorrow for the loss of someone who still lives, he is alive, sat in a cell, breathing. Maybe because he is arms reach he misses him, something deep inside him wants this to be some sick joke, that Sirius will walk through the door to their flat and hug him, kiss him, and let him know that he is safe. But that will never happen, Sirius was on a mission to destroy everyone, killing everyone who had loved him, he would have definitely been next.
Remus finds the strength within him to pick himself off of the ground, to take himself to the kitchen and stare, there are the pots from this morning, still scattered around, showing signs of two lives living in the flat, when there was now only one. It takes all of his might not to collapse on to the floor in agony, of a heartbreak he did not want to have, of a love he should not feel no more. But he did, he felt so much love for a man who had stole everything from him, but he still loves him and wishes for the life they had built once again.
(if anyone wants anymore, let me know and i might post a full version on tumblr or AO3)
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aro-ortega · 7 months
well. are you happy mol. i stole the idol for you
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lena-artz · 1 year
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Ocean in my AU:)
She got impaled in the Cyclone accident and also has some scars.
She's not very happy about being dead...
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when all of your comfort characters are dead or wish they were dead
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supernova3110 · 2 years
Introducing unknown Death Eater
(So people use them in their fanfictions)
What happened to him?
He was a Snatcher in the gang led by Fenrir Greyback during the height of the Second Wizarding War but he wasn’t a werewolf. By the way, his first name was never mentioned. Instead, he was a Slytherin in his youth. He must has shaped by his environment (family, friends, Hogwarts house, just prejudices) or something special must have happened…
Authors could answer the question why a privileged young wizard with high ambitions (since he was sorted into Slytherin) endet up hunting muggelborn people under the command of a “low creature” like a werewolf. What happened?
Little is known about Scabiors early life, born in the same time period as the marauders. That gives much freedom for creating his childhood and Hogwarts stay. At some point, Scabior was imprisoned in Azkaban for undisclosed crimes, but was released sometimes on August, 1997. What happened?
Scabior was among the group that captured Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley in the spring of 1998. On Greyback's orders, he checked the list of truants, searched the prisoners' tent for Harry's glasses, read a cutting from the Daily Prophet and expressed terrified awe at the thought of summoning Voldemort.
He was the only member of the group not to jeer when Greyback expressed a desire to bite Hermione, instead encouraging his leader to restrain himself.
What goes on inside his head? On the one hand, he doesn’t want „low creatures“ like werewolves to kill wizard and witches (even „mudbloods“), but on the other hand, he serves Greyback!! Is it his own free will or is he forced by Voldemort who he is (proved) afraid of ?
Having taken the trio to Malfoy Manor, Scabior assured Narcissa the prisoner they had caught was Harry Potter. Later, when Bellatrix took Godric Gryffindor's Sword from one of the Snatchers, Scabior drew his wand on her but was quickly stunned. Draco then moved Scabior's unconscious form to the courtyard with those of the other Snatchers.
What happened after that?
He also knew Stanley Shunpike and would later recall that the bus driver had given him grief. What happened?
Scabior participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, leading an army of Snatchers. He nearly ran into the protective enchantments cast by the Hogwarts staff, which killed and disintegrated a number of Snatcher.
Later, Scabior led the Snatchers into the Wooden Bridge, where he briefly duelled Neville Longbottom before the latter cast a spell to make the bridge collapse and inevitably fell to his death into the chasm below.
What a dishonorable and uncivil life and death for someone with great ambition and opportunity.
What happened?
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raddagher · 10 months
typo in post, 5274I64758 million dead
oh there's more dead in this show than that
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chancherpancher · 2 years
My Reaction to SMG4 the Lawsuit Arc: [NINTENDO HAS CLAIMED THIS VIDEO] Ending:
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Sento Kiryu (from Kamen Rider Build) is ANGRY!
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alex-artcrap · 2 years
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Doi: we still went trick or treating :)
Sketchbook: (it was a lie the house burned down so we had to run away)
Doi: trick or treating
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chloefrl · 2 years
im gonna probably stop saying this, but tumblr is dead.
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Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy Summary: Reed wakes up after being shot. Warnings: Death, shooting, blood, ghosts, afterlives, huge angst Word Count: 1,648 Ship(s): Reed Adamson & Charles Percy & George O’Malley
Archive link!
A/N: So. This is not edited. But I have a reason for that. I was trying to catch a bus to a supermarket so that I could go on a date with 2/3 of my partners and a friend, and I watched my bus drive right by me. Like, didn't even stop or anything. Turns out that my partners were on that bus and had to walk like three blocks in the rain to come and find me since they weren't able to surprise me like they wanted to. Cue me crying and sapping out my energy. The friend that we were going to meet up with (the only driving gay) then began to play cat-and-mouse with us as we wandered around in the rain for half an hour. I did manage to get home eventually, sans the groceries I was going to get, but I'm too tired to read through this so I'm just going to upload it. Please excuse any mistakes, I adored writing this and was so proud of the idea so I don't want to delay it. Thanks for reading! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
She blinked.
And then she blinked again.
The pain was gone, so was the sticky blood that had been all over her hands and chest. She placed her hands on the floor, expecting the cold tile to bleed into her palms but felt nothing instead. She pushed herself up and noticed that she couldn't feel the chill seeping through her scrubs onto her calves or knees either. When she got up, she looked down and saw that her blood was still pooling out over the floor in a wider and wider area.
"Oh," she whispered, taking a small step back through her own body.
"Surprising, isn't it?" a soft voice asked from the area of the storage closet leading towards the elevator. "You never expect to see your own dead body."
"What?" she asked, her eyes flickering up from where she was looking for dark red to be staining her hands but found nothing. "No! No, I can't be dead. This is some kind of weird shock response," she shook her head and took a step back from him. She closed her eyes to try and block out the image of the man with the gun and then her own bleeding, dead body.
"It's not a weird shock response. I'm so sorry," the man speaking to her said, his voice level and calm. "Can you look at me, please? I'm going to take you out of here."
"No," she mumbled, trying to make the bile in the back of her throat go back down to her stomach. She was shaking slightly like she had when she got her acceptance letter to her first pick college but hadn't known she had yet. She kept taking small steps back until she finally hit the back wall of the storage facility.
She heard footsteps across the cool tile floor over to where she was huddled in on herself. She felt a hand being pressed on her elbow and the other on the small of her back as she was slowly guided back down the aisle of shelves and equipment she had walked herself down. "Can you tell me your name?" the man asked softly. She just shook her head, her breath catching in her throat and blocking the words. "Alright, that's fine. I'm going to tell you mine, okay?"
"My name is Reed," she blurted as the block finally passed and she began to hyperventilate.
She opened her eyes just in time to see the man smiling, but then saw all of the blood covering the floors and her eyes snapped shut again. "No, no, no, please, I've barely lived. I haven't done anything. I can't be dead."
"I know, it's so hard," he whispered as he guided them into the elevator. "You don't have to accept it right now. Just talking to me is good. We just don't want you getting out of control and messing with the equipment."
"Equipment?" she asked, trying to focus on his words instead of her own racing thoughts.
"We're in a kind of limbo state, in between life and death. We're ghosts. We can't move on to a true afterlife because we were so tied to this hospital when we died, so we're stuck here. I think one day we'll be able to leave. Ellis Grey died in this hospital after living almost her entire life here and she's not here anymore. I've checked pretty much everywhere," the man explained.
"D-do you know- are there any patients that died still sticking around?" she asked, glancing towards him before she turned back to the shiny doors of the elevator. The doors opened up for them and he helped her step in. She let out a small scream as she saw one of the other doctors that she had worked with, standing there while staring straight out at them.
"Shit, Alex, no," the man whispered as he reached out to try and touch the aforementioned resident, though it was as if Alex were a statue. He was staring straight ahead and his eyes were unfocused and glazed. His muscles were rigid yet still relaxed enough that it looked like he was just standing there. No matter how much the man that was guiding her tried to maneuver him around he couldn't. "I guess…" he let out a sigh of relief.
"You guess?" she asked, stepping into the elevator to look Alex over from a different angle.
"He's not dead yet. He's dying, but he's not dead yet," the ghost then disappeared and the man smiled. "Come on, Reed," he offered his hand out to her again. She took it this time and stepped into the elevator. 
"Are we just going to leave him there? What if he dies and he's just as scared as I was?" Reed asked, peaking at Alex just as the doors closed and they began to move down.
The man shrugged. "There's not much we can do until then. He'll either die or he'll come back to life. It's happened before."
She nodded unsteadily as she glanced away from him. "What are we going to do?" she asked after a moment of silence.
He raised a hand up to make her pause and then winced. He then held his forehead as if he was suddenly affected by a headache. "Sorry, sometimes I'm able to hear things that are going on in the world of the living. I think there's been a shooting. We're probably going to have a lot of other ghosts around. Want to come and look with me?"
Reed took in a sharp breath as she heard the sound of the gun that killed her ringing in her ears again. She closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to get the image of the man with the gun out of her head. She took a couple of unsteady breaths, feeling like she was going to start freaking out again, before she sniffled and nodded. "I have to make sure my friends haven't died."
He nodded and the two of them began to walk every floor of the hospital while searching for more ghosts. They talked with a couple of nurses and technicians that had been shot and died, but only three of them stuck around. The rest of them chose to move on and let their spirits go to visit family and say goodbye before they moved on. The three that stayed were in too much shock to be reasoned with, so they continued their search through the rest of the hospital.
They got up to one of the floors that was mostly deserted. Reed gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth as she saw a very familiar face. "Charles?"
"Reed?" he asked, slowly turning his head from where his body was lying on a bloody sheet below him. His shirt was off and there was a mess of padding and bandages pressed to his side, soaked pink with blood. "Why… Why am I looking at myself?"
Reed glanced over to the man that had been helping her, "Can you explain it to him?"
"Mhm," the man nodded. He carefully stepped forward and brought the taller doctor away from his body and towards the nurse's station. He explained what was happening much like the way he had told Reed what happened to her. Charles listened in silence, his face growing more pale with every sentence that the other ghost said.
"So… I'm dead? And you're dead too?" tears were already welling up in his eyes, and his voice broke as he spoke.
She nodded, reaching out to grab his hand. "I'm sorry, Charles. But at least we can try to figure out this whole thing together."
"I don't want to be dead."
The tears were already spilling down his cheeks onto his hands. He was trying to wipe them off of his face before the others had a chance to notice but they just kept coming. Soon his chest began to heave for air as sobs ripped their way through his throat. Reed stood up from where she had seated herself on the nurse's station desk and she wrapped her arms tightly around him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she mumbled into his chest.
"This wasn't how my life was supposed to go. I never even got the chance to- to," he stopped talking as he sobbed again. Reed sniffled and began to cry as well. There were so many things that they would both never be able to do now, because someone hadn't been able to go to therapy and chose to take their futures away from them. 
They held each other and cried for a while, until the tears were gone and they were left feeling relieved and numb at the same time. They stood there while hugging each other for just a little bit longer before they settled back into the spots they had been sitting in before. "What do we do now?" Charles asked.
"I don't know. And I've been here the longest," the other man shrugged. "You kind of learn to adjust to being on a different plane than the living, only able to contact them sometimes. Eventually I assume that we'll work through all of our regrets and issues and be able to move on to whatever afterlife exists."
Charles opened his mouth a couple times before he cocked his head to the side, "Sorry, but who are you? What do you mean that you've been here for the longest? Are you a doctor like us or are you some weird manifestation of death?"
Reed glanced from her friend over to the man that had helped her since she died. "You never did get a chance to tell me your name."
The man smiled, brown eyes twinkling for a moment. "You two didn't know me. My name is George O'Malley."
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rosesandthorns44 · 2 years
The writers of the soap opera that is my life really need to get some new material. This story arc is getting repetitive.
They're like:
"Man, things are getting kinda dull and predictable. Her life is settling down a little. How should we spice things up and trigger her into another downward spiral?"
"It's June, we could always dust off the "Older Male Relative Dies Too Young" plot device? It's been a few years since we last used that one."
"Brilliant! Let's do it!"
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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kaiwuzherenz · 7 days
Going to eep now, I waited and everyone is now offline :<
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The sadness in timezones but oh well its 11pm for me and I banned myself from all nighters so cya all when my parents let me back on :3 Knowing them, not until y'all are about to sleep yourselfs :< Well whatever, cya tmrw X3
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