#Fow x reader
mubabee · 7 months
#Me characters(most genderbent) thinking about Y/N
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this game has nice characters but they got no fanart 😔
designing Celeste and Freya genderbent was actually fun ngl
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fourmoony · 4 months
𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧
james potter x f!reader | modern!hockey au
cw: injury, language, use of pain medication (gas and air), exes reconciliation
summary - James is there for ex!reader when she has an accident on the ice.
Took a break from writing ch3 of FOW to write this lil ficcy.
The arena goes silent the minute the programme music starts, the lights a deep blue, the music soft and slow. He’s on the Gryffindor bench, helmet at his feet, bottle half empty and hanging limply from his hands – they’re cold now they’re out of his gloves. The rest of the team has eyes on the tunnel, the whole arena does, and when James catches sight of you, he understands why, would singlehandedly go into the stands and force anyone who wasn’t paying enough attention to just – look.
Look at the way you skate so softly, like every movement comes straight from your soul, the way your dress glitters under the light, the way it makes your skin glow. He thinks you’re ethereal, honestly. He always has. But he’s not exactly allowed to think that, anymore, is he?
You skid to a stop in the middle of the ice, getting into position. Remus places a supportive hand on James’ shoulder, gives his friend an understanding look. Everything you do is always so precise, so fluid and beautiful. The way you skate is pure elegance, unlike hockey, which is rough and fast, harsh movements and even harsher words. The music fades out, changes to the start of a song James has never seen you skate to, before. But then, he supposes – he hasn’t seen you skate in four months. He hasn’t watched you try, and try, fall, and try, and fall again until you get a new move, a new routine, a sense of achievement.
He hasn’t sat on the bleachers freezing his arse off after practice just to be in your presence, or took you to eat, after. He hasn’t made sure you’re eating, sleeping, taking time to look after and care for yourself, and not just your talent.
You look different. Still beautiful, still the girl James fell in love with. But you look different. He can’t pinpoint it, really. There’s just a difference in the way you look straight at the empty penalty box as you wait for your cue that doesn’t sit right in James’ chest. It’s clunky and a little painful, a broken promise of something. You’re not looking at him. Whenever you skate at Hogwarts Arena – you look for James. Whether he’s playing or in the crowd. A nod from him, and you’re off like a shot into whatever performance your coach has chosen. Now, though, you’re staring blankly at the penalty box, not James.
He gets it, he does. It’s over. Has been for a while. But he wishes you’d look over, knows how nervous you get, wants to give you a reassuring smile. James sees the way your knees wobble as you kick off, floating across the ice like you could be flying.
You make it look so effortless, skating. You look weightless as you twist and turn into jumps James could never imagine being able to pull off – and he’s been skating since he could walk. He admires the steady movements, the emotion on your face as you glide, and spin, and jump, and the emotion on your face as the music follows the highs and lows of your routine. You’re so focussed you don’t seem to notice how the pain, the heartache of the song, the weight of the routine, bleeds from you.
It’s beautiful, in a way.
You’re beautiful in every way.
James feels the weight of watching you crushing him like a building sitting on his chest. He’s been slammed into the boards eight times in the first two quarters – not once had it hurt as much as watching you out there, so lovely, so gentle, so sad, so close but so fucking far. James thinks perhaps Remus’ hand on his shoulder is to keep him in place, for if it wasn’t there, he’d be out on the ice following you, right now. Heart in his hand, begging you to take it, no matter what it costs you both.
He’s always been selfish with love. He knows that, now. He does.
James should see it coming a mile off. He knows everything about you, the way you skate. He has every breath change, every wobble, every movement you make on the ice memorised. So, when you jump off with your left pick instead of your right – James should know what’s about to happen. You spin once, and James realises, too late, that jumping with the wrong foot has thrown you off. You’re on the ice in less than a second, the music cuts off, the crowd and both teams make gasping noises, murmured concerns. James doesn’t hear any of it.
All he can hear is the ice shattering scream you let out.
You don’t get up. James waits several seconds, and you don’t get up. Remus shoves him, Sirius pulls open the board door and James, in only his under armour and protective trousers, skates loosened for the break, skates to you as fast as he can. There’s cheering from the crowd when James comes flying out of the team box, but James can’t hear any of it over the sounds you’re making.
He’s seen you fall hundreds of times. He’s seen you pull muscles and break ribs, bruise tail bones, sprain ankles and he has never heard you make noise like this in his life. The medics haven’t arrived yet, James skids to a stop, drops to his knees. You don’t look up, face tilted towards the ice – a media training stunt so the crowd can’t see how much pain you’re actually in. But he can tell your eyes are screwed shut, fists clenched so tight he’s concerned you might break your wrists.
He says your name, soft, gentle, and it sounds foreign coming out of his mouth.
You take a shuddering breath, head tilting in the cage your arms have made for it just slightly. Your eyes are filled with so much fear that James finds it hard to breathe, tears spilling out and onto your red cheeks, “My hip. My hip, Jamie, my hip.”
You sound terrified, broken, in agonising pain. James shouts for a medic, loud enough that he thinks the whole arena can hear. There’s refs and managers, your skating coach, all on the ice when the medics come running. James feels as though he could throttle every last one for taking so long. You’re crying, curled in on yourself, and James knows better than to touch you, like this. It makes the pain worse, makes you feel like you’re suffocating. And he thinks, maybe, that you just don’t want him to touch you, regardless, anyway.
The medics slide the board under you, roll you onto your back and the scream of agony you let out breaks James. He’s crying, and you reach for his hand, squeeze it so tight he feels his bones rub together.
“Potter!” Moody, his coach, yells after him when he starts to follow the medics off the ice with you.
“I’m not leaving her.” James doesn’t leave room for negotiation, doesn’t want Moody to challenge him on this because he might do something stupid and lose his place in the league all together.
His coach sighs, nods, and James is off like a shot. He catches up with you in the tunnel, headed straight for the Gryffindor PT room. You’re still sobbing, awful, throaty cries that are etching their way around James’ ribs, threatening to break and scratch and pull at them. It’s a flurry of noise and shouting and protests from you whenever someone comes close to touching your hip. It’s chaos.
James isn’t really all that sure if you’ve fully registered that he’s there, honestly, or if you’re in so much pain you don’t have it in you to argue over his presence. The medic gives James a look, a rather pointed one, when you refuse for the millionth time to let anyone touch your hip. He isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. You’re not his girlfriend, anymore. You’re not his, you don’t love him. He can’t comfort you the way he used to.
“Jamie,” You’re breathless, face red and blotchy, hand gripping his, looking up at him with fear, “Don’t let them. It hurts.”
And James feels like he’s drowning.
“Hey,” He gets close to your face, the thumb of his free hand swiping away the tears from your eyes, “They can’t help you if you don’t let them see what’s wrong.”
“It hurts.”
“I know,” He soothes, pushing strands of hair from your forehead, “But it’s gonna hurt a lot longer if you don’t let them fix it.”
You seem to consider, hiccupping breaths filling the silence. The medic makes an impatient sound and James throws him a cutting look.
“Short term pain, long term gain.” James murmurs into the skin of your forehead. It's a joke saying - something you used to say rather bitterly when you hurt yourself learning a new stunt.
You don’t flinch, don’t pull away or protest when he presses his lips to the heated skin. It provides the distraction the medics need to cut the seam of your dress and reveal the skin of your hip. A junior medic passes you a nozzle, wheels a tank to the side of the table you’re on, and passes you it, “Gas and air. You’re going to need it.”
James wishes he could have some, too.
The medics work, you almost chew through the air nozzle when they try to push your hip back into place, and eventually, James has to murmur panicked and overly loud sweet nothings into your ear over the gut wrenching cries you let out when the medic yanks and then pushes your hip right back into place.
The game is long since over. Gryffindor won.
You’re limp on the table, waiting for the crowd to leave before the ambulance can make it to the player exit. James sits, watches you drift in and out of consciousness, begs his heart to return to normal because you’re not in pain anymore, not in danger. You’re here. In front of him. Okay.
Sirius appears a little after the game, freshly showered and in his suit.
“She okay?” He asks, hands stuffed into his suit trouser pockets.
You and Sirius are close. Still. James doesn’t hold it against either of you. You’ve both been such an intracule part of each other’s lives that he’d be evil for expecting that to come to an end just because you and James didn’t work out. You both deserve better than his jealousy.
“Dislocated her hip. They think she’s torn some ligaments; need to wait on the hospital scans to be sure.” James replies, eyes roving over your face.
You look so peaceful, asleep. So free of pain, of the fear and agony you’d been in only half an hour ago. His heart aches. He wants to coddle you, assure you you’ll be okay. He knows he can’t.
Sirius nods, “She’ll skate again? Or no?”
The medic hadn’t seemed hopeful. James doesn’t know who’s going to have the job of telling you, but he’s praying for them. You won’t take this news lightly, “Not at the level she’s at now.”
He watches the concern wash over Sirius. They both know what it’s like to skate. Sure, hockey and figure skating are different – but the mindset is often the same. James can’t imagine being told he couldn’t skate. It’s part of him – his soul. As it is, yours.
“You okay?”
James shakes his head, “No. I can’t stop hearing her. That scream, Padfoot - It hollowed me out.”
Sirius nods, like he understands. Perhaps he does, in some way. He heard it, too. “She’s okay. For now. You going in the ambulance?”
“I don’t think she’d appreciate that.”
“I’ll wait for you in the car, then.” Sirius leaves without another word but offers James an understanding look. He gets it. He knows what it’s like for love to hurt. He and Remus spent years hurting each other for no good reason.
The room is quiet when Sirius goes. Just the steady sounds of your breathing, the beeping of your monitor. James allows himself to press his palm to your cheek one last time. He wills himself to stand up, to leave. He can’t manage it. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to walk away from you. Not like this.
“Stay. Please.”
You’re awake. He’s not sure how long you’ve been awake, but he has a feeling you heard his conversation with Sirius. His heart feels like it’s been kick started, like for the first time since you hit the ice, he can breathe.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He promises, thumb rubbing at your neck, hand cupping your jaw.
You nod, swallow, “I won’t skate again, will I?”
“You don’t know that.”
A noise akin to a scoff escapes your lips, which wobble as you speak, “Everyone knows how these injuries end, Jamie. I’ll be a coach, at best.”
He wishes he could tell you that you might make a full recovery, that you’ll go back to being the ethereal, elegant skater you’ve been since he met you all those years ago. He’s never lied to you before, though, so he won’t start now. You both know the statistics, the stories, how it goes. Rehab for six months, and if you’re lucky, you’ll skate in a straight line again.
“I’m so, so, sorry.” He doesn’t know what else to say.
You shush him, a fresh set of tears springing to your eyes, “I should’ve looked for you. I should’ve, I knew I should’ve, but I thought if I did, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from coming to you. From coming to tell you that I was sorry, that I was wrong, I should’ve…”
James takes his turn shushing you as the quiet sobs rack your body. You used to chide him for his superstitions, it breaks his heart that you think breaking one caused this. He leans over, lips to the skin of your forehead, pressing over and over as though it might make the weight of his love settle into your brain, “No. Please don’t do that, please. Don’t blame yourself. These things happen. Accidents, they happen, no one is a perfect skater, okay?”
“But it’s my fault we broke up.”
You sound so broken, so tired. James doesn’t know what to say, isn't sure what relevance that has to this, so he says nothing.
Time passes, the medics return, bring James his joggies and hoodie and his shoes. He changes quickly, comes in the ambulance to the hospital.
He waits with you, holds your hand, gives you as much reassurance as he can. The doctor tells you three hours later that you’ll never skate at the same level again, and James holds you. He’s careful not to crush you when he climbs into the hospital bed, and he holds you until there’s no more tears left for you to cry. He sits with you in the silence, is patient when you get angry, frustrated, blame yourself and the world, even him, and he’s there. He stays. He doesn’t allow you to push him away this time.
The sun creeps up over the trees, cuts through the fluorescent hospital lighting and casts its golden glow on you, and James remembers.
He remembers all the time away from the rink, the beach, his parent’s summer house, road trips, theme parks, early mornings in his apartment, coffees in the car after practice. He remembers that there, once, had been more to your relationship than skating. It became habit, after a while. Skate, fight, train, skate, fight, train. It got tiring. It got old, and it drove a wedge between you both.
But he remembers how freely you once loved each other, the person you are, not the way you skate. Your soul, bright and luminous, off the ice. You’re so much more than a pair of skates and a beautiful routine. You’re ethereal all on your own.
You wake not long after, the pain medication worn off and reality starting to set in.
If you’re surprised to find James in your hospital bed with you, you don’t show it. You offer him a gentle smile. A kind smile. A hopeful smile. He kisses the crown of your head, nestles as close as your hip will allow. You make a grateful humming noise.
"I'll survive this."
James notes that you don't sound all that sure. But he knows you will. He squeezes you gently, "You will."
"And you'll be there? I know it's selfish of me to ask..."
"I'm not going anywhere. Promise." James' thumb pulls your lip from where it's worrying between your teeth, and you look so soft, so scared. So. Lovely.
You seem happy with that answer, cheek rubbing happily against his shoulder, "We'll work it out."
"We will."
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milksuu · 7 months
omg, the little texting parts from your recent ez fic were cute! idk if it’s possible, but could you do cute little texts between heartsteel and their so, or maybe a huge gc? I would love to see how you characterize them :)
❥ prompt: groupchat with the heartsteel!gang ❥ content/warnings: implied sexual content, crack ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel! & gn!reader
an: omfg that is legit such a cute/funny idea! ill definitely write up some cutesy heartsteel x reader texts. probably winter holiday themed! get them hot cocoa vibes going. stay tuned for it! in the meantime, enjoy this crack.
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[Ezreal:] 😚 wow i wuv you gwuys so much i juwst cant stop *looks down* thinking about you c-can we 😳🍆 *notices buldge* snuggies in my bed because i w-want t-to feew youw wawmth aww uvw me pwease im begging you 😩🙏 i wiww get on my hands and knyees fow you if youww just *whines* p-pet me im a good *moans* boy i sweaw 🥺👉👈
Aphelios has left the conversation
[Kayn:] WTFFFFFF DID I JUST READ!!!!?????????? 🤮🤮🤮
[Sett:] Dude. Stop. You literally made Phel toss his phone into the trash can. 😑
[mcreader:] it's fine. i'm getting it out for him. 🙄
[Ezreal:]😫 but daddIES ive been behaving so so gewd *rubs* fow you i t-t-thought you w-wouwd give me youw miwkies as a p-pwesent🤤🍼 but nyow 🥺 *whimpers* that im a bad bad boy how wiww you punyish me?!! 🥵🥵😏
[K'Sante:] Is it possible to block someone in a group chat? I'm asking for a friend. And by friend, I'm talking about all of us. 🗿
[mcreader:] phels not taking the phone back. he says he wants a new one with a new number. so ez can never contact him again. and i quote 'i would rather jump into oncoming traffic than suffer through one more degenerate copypasta'
[K'Sante:] I think I'm going to vouch for aphelios here. His idea of a new phone and number sounds good to me.
[mcreader:] wait. his hands are moving really fast. i think he's just screaming at this point ??? i probably shouldn't translate most of it. point is he wants his phone to stay in the garbage
[Sett:] Dang. I just bought us matching phone cases too. Guess I can return them. No biggie. 😔
[mcreader:] nevermind. phel took the phone back. we're good. 👍
[Ezreal:] 😵 wowie you guys awe nyo f-fun but thats okay cause iww be wosta f-fun t-tonyight when 🥴👉👌 *snuggles close* im undew nyeath the bwankie with you 🥵👅💦
[Yone:] Unfortunately for you Kayn, at this rate, everyone in this group will need a therapist. I don't think we'll be able to afford it.
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
I remember really liking "Don't be scared", I hope you can post it again somehow!
Hi there love! 💜
It took me so much time to write it the first time but it was one of my favorite. It's not the exact same as the first one but I tried my best
(Also, I hope it's this fanfic because I'm not sure 'don't be scared' was this one ahhahah)
Anyways, Enjoy <3
Warnings : cries, employers bully little!reader, little reader pee on herself, angry daddies, scared reader
Pairing : Mafia!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : You go to work with your daddies but things don't go well.
A hand is wondering around your back while another one is running on your arm. You open an eye and see your Papa looking down at you smiling "Hi there, sweetness" he says "Are you ready to get up ?"
You groan and hide your face in your pillow "too eawly" you mumble and your Daddy chuckles "It's earliy, yes, but we have a big day already planned. We can't be late" he says and you peer up at him "What plan ?"
He looks up at his husband with a grin. You always ask to go to work with them but neither of them want. It's a dangerous world there and they want to keep you as far from it as possible. However, today is your lucky day. They were supposed to stay home when unfortunaly they got a call from possible future investors. They want to have a meeting today while they're in town
Bucky quickly disagree with Steve when he proposed to take you with them. It means leaving you alone for a long time in their office while they’re doing business and he doesn't want you to feel abandonned. He's scared that you’ll lose yourself in the big building when you are looking for water or something
Steve is good at persuade people, it's his job after all so somehow he persuaded Bucky to say yes, which he did. So here they are, waking you up on a sunny sunday
"We're going on a little tripe and you come with us" he smiles and you frowns "what tripe ?"
"How about," you Papa starts. You turn your head to him "How about you come to work with us for the afternoon. After that we can go to the restaurant for kids you like so much"
You gasp and quickly stand up from your bed "What awe we waiting fow ? Business is waiting fow us" You say running everywhere to look for your best professional outfit
Bucky looks at his husband after watching you with a loving smile "are you sure about that ?"
Steve nods "Nothing will happen, Buck. Everything will be fine" he reassures his husband
Well, not everything...
"Here, drink a little, baby" Bucky says as he gives you a bottle of water. You take it from him and rest your back against your Papa's chest. His hands are caressing your full belly and you sigh in contentement.
"the pasta were good ?" Your Papa asks from behind and you nod "vewy good, shank you" you say after swallowing the water. Bucky smiles and kisses your forehead "you're welcome, little one"
Steve looks at his watch and sighs "it's time for us to go, sweetness. Will you be okay ?" he asks peering down at you. You look up at him with sad eyes "do you have to go now ?" you ask and your Papa nods "yes, baby. We have important meetings. We talked about it, do you remember ?"
You nod and he smiles "but while we are working, you can sit on this seat," he says lifting you up and resting you on his huge seat " and watch as many movies or cartoons you want on the computer" he says kneeling infront of you
Your eyes widen and you gasp "even if it's more than one ?" Bucky chuckles from behind Steve and nods "even if it's more than one hundred" He smiles down at you and you giggle from happiness
Steve kisses your nose and stands up. You watch as your daddies put on their expensive black suits who hide their tattoos. Bucky puts on his gold watch while Steve adjusts his tie.
Bucky kisses your forehead and they are now out of the big office. You happily open the computer and start watching all the movies and cartoons you want.
After two hours of screen, your eyes are getting tired and it almost hurt to look at the computer. You get up from the seat and walk around the room to give your legs the time to woke up. Once you feel okay about walking, you step out of the office and walk down the hallway, trying to find the bathroom
"Hi, can I help you ?"
You turn around in a quick movement, shocked to hear someone talking to you but your shocked face change into a smily one when you see a sweet tall woman looking down at you "are you looking for someone ?" she asks and you shakes your head "are you looking for a room ?" she asks and you nods your head. "Are you looking for a bathroom or an office or maybe an elevator ?"
You nod when she says the word 'bathroom'. She smiles "you're looking for a bathroom ?" she asks to be sure and once again, you nod "it's down the hall, the last door to your left" she says pointing down the hallway
You look up at her "what's your name" you quietly ask and she smiles "My name is Megan, and you ? What's your name ?" Her long blond hair fall infront of her face when she looks down at you
"My name is Y/N but my daddies call me by little names and I like it better" you quietly say before walking to the way she told you without letting her time to answer
She looks at you with a smile before going back to work. She keeps walking her way to the meeting room where she's met with many intimatiding men around a table. She gives each of them the folds they need for the meeting before walking out of the room as discreetly as she came in
You walk down the hallway until you find the last door. You open it quickly, praying to go in a toilet soon. You freeze when you look up after closing the door. Two men are looking down at you while peeing. You probably cut their conversation short when you walked in. You turn around and are about to open the door when one of them talk "not so fast"
You listen like your daddies told you and turn back around making the other laugh "did she really listened to you ?"
"She sure did" he smirks turning around. You gasp when you see their bottom and quickly look up at their eyes. Your daddies are jealous so if they learn you saw the bottom of some strangers, they won't be happy with you and the last thing you want is to be in trouble
"What's your name ?" He asks eyeing you. You feel uncomfortable. They make you feel uncomfortable. The way they look at you, the way they talk to you, their voices. All of that alert you that you aren't in a safe place right now
But you can't go away. They told you to stay and your daddies don't like it when you don't listen to the orders who are told to you. You learn to be a good and obedient girl so if they learn you didn't listen and you saw their bottom, it's your bottom who will be red like blood tonight
"He asked you a question" the other one say through his teeth. They start walking toward you so you start walking backward. Their smirk is nothing like your daddies's. Theirs are sweet, playful, teasing. They wore their smirk when they're going to tease you and play with you, when they want to make you laugh.
The smirks of those men are everything but that. Theirs are scary, mean, vicious. There are much more words to describe it but you don't know all of them. It's just give you an uncomfortable and scary feeling
"let's try something else" he says "what's your name ?" Your back hit de door and you gasp knowing that you're trap now. Your eyes don't leave them, you watch every steps they make, every breath they take, every movements their eyes and mouths are doing.
You gasp once more time when a fist is slamming against your cheek causing you to lose your balance. Your hands are trembling and your laying still on the floor, you’re too scared to move or even cry
You close your eyes and fight the tears. Your ears are concentrated on the laughters who become more silent as the men walk away from the now quiet bathroom. You flinch when the door close behind you and that’s only when you start crawling to one of the cabinet, letting your cries out
Now you let go, you let go everything you were holding, everything
‘’Three hours of meetings on a day where we were supposed to stay home is demoralizing’’ Steve sighs while signing the last folds
Bucky come back around the meeting table after walking out the businessmen. He snorts but agrees with Steve ‘’what do you think she’s doing right now ?’’ He asks watching Steve standing up. Steve smiles at the thought of his little girl curled up on his seat with probably now tired eyes from the screen
‘’Probably watching a movie or something’’ he shrugs and starts walking out of the meeting room. ‘’I bet it’s her fiftieth movie since we walk out’’ Bucky laughs and Steve quickly follows ‘’I’m sure she passed some scenes so she can watch as many as she can’’
Bucky laughs at that and walks inside their office while Steve went to give some folds to Megan, their assistant. When Bucky enters the room, his charming and welcome smile quickly disappear when he gaze the empty seat. ‘’Baby ?’’ He walks to the seat and sees the computer close making him frown.
He looks up expecting his baby girl when he hears the door but just find Steve walking inside the room. He smiles at Bucky but gives him a question look to the way his husband is looking at him ‘’what ?’’
‘’Where is she ?’’ Bucky tries to keep his calm but it’s quiet difficult right now. He told Steve it was a bad idea to let you alone. He should insisted more and made Megan stay with you. He was stupid on that, in his head, he hadn’t been responsable at all
‘’What are you talking about ?’’ Steve frowns and walks further inside the office. Bucky scoffs and shows the room with his arms, he has to bite the inside of his lip to not scream at his husband ‘’what I’m talking abou- Do you see her Steve !? Is she in the office right now !?’’ He loses his temper and yell the end of his sentence at his lover’s face
Steve’s frowns disappear and a anxious look appear, not because of Bucky but because he doesn’t see you and what he thought might be not the real situation ‘’wasn’t she here when you walked in ?’’ Steve starts to walk around the room. Bucky shakes his head and rests his hands on the desk Infront of him
‘’I thought she was in the closet to scare us, you know she loves hiding’’ Steve breathes, sliding his hand in his hair. Bucky frowns and looks at the closer door ‘’I didn’t looked in the closet’’ he says more to himself. It didn’t even crossed his mind that you might be in there
Steve groans ‘´Bucky’’ he walks to the closet and open the door. He looks in every corners, in between every stuffs there’s in there but nothing. You aren’t in there
Steve looks up at the ceiling, his hand on the door, ready to close it in one movement. All he can do right now is taking deep breath to calm himself down. One of them has to be calm and stay focused, and they both know that Bucky can’t do that, not when it’s with you, not here and not now
They both rush out of the office and go find Megan. She was in the hallway all the time so if their girl got out for whatever reason, she saw her. The tall woman turns around when her name is called ‘’Mr Barnes, Mr Rogers, is there something I can do for you ?’’ She politely asks
‘’Did you saw Y/N ?’’ Steve asks, his face screams the fear he is feeling and the last thing he’s thinking about is to hide it. Megan smiles and nods her head ‘’the sweet girl came to ask where was the bathroom. I told her where it was and she went that way’’
‘’Did you saw her coming back ?’’ Steve asks after looking toward the bathroom. He feels Bucky ready to jump above his husband and runs toward the doors who might separate you from them.
She shakes her head ‘´after I gave you the folds earlier, I was called in the third floor for a while so I didn’t saw her coming back, I wasn’t there’’ she watches as both men quickly go to the bathroom. She follows behind them, she maybe can help them more.
Bucky opens the door on their left and rushes inside followed by his husband and Megan. ‘’Baby ?’´ he calls but doesn’t have an answer back. Both him and Steve go on their knees to look under the cabinets doors but when they don’t see your naked feet or something who might told them you were here they get up. Bucky’s fists is tight against his side and his anger has some problems staying inside him.
‘’What did you told her ?’’ Bucky closes his eyes and concentrate on keeping his calm. The last thing he want is to scare you once they find you
Megan frowns looking at her bosses ‘’what ?’’
‘’what did you told her when she asked for the bathroom ?’’ Steve rephrases
‘’I told her the bathroom was down the hallway on her left and I watched her-‘’ she’s cuts off by Bucky’s groans ‘´she doesn’t know where her left is’’ he opens the door frustrated he didn’t thought about it earlier and walk straight to the door across them.
Megan understands she’s more on the way that anything so she quickly excused herself after apologising for her mistake.
Steve closes the door behind them and like in the precedent room, they kneel down and look under the cabinets. Bucky sighs when he sees you curled up between a toilet and the wall. Steve comes to his side and he sighs in relief as well ‘’baby ?’’ Bucky gently says ‘’what are you doing hiding there ?’’
The only thing who is heard from you is your sobs and sniffs
‘’Sweetness, please come out’’ Steve’s says, his heart hurts from this sight of you ‘’for us’’ Bucky adds but you just shake your head who is still in between your knees as they’re wrapped around your arms
‘’Baby, we just want to see your beautiful face. Please come and tell us what happened. We won’t be mad, we just want to hold you’’ Bucky pleads and at the words ‘we won’t be mad’, you lift your head a little so your eyes are seen. Bucky smiles when he sees your deep eyes ‘’please ?’’
You stand up on your shaky legs and you open the door. You look down at your feet, not wanting to look in your daddies’s eyes.
‘’Little one ?’’
You sniff and decide to finally look up. To your surprise, on your daddies’s face there’s just relief and worries. Your Daddy opens his arms for you and gives you a reassuring smile ‘’come here’’
You start to cry again and walk to your daddy with your arms up in the aire. He lifts you up and you immediately hide your face on his neck, Steve caresses your back as they whisper sweet words in your ears.
Bucky felt you were wet in between your legs and he assumes you were just ashamed you peed on yourself, but he’s far away from what really happened.
‘’Why don’t we go on our office. We’ll set you down on the couch and we’ll change your clothes. Are you okay with it, baby ?’’ He asks kissing your head and he feels you nodding in his neck. Steve walks Infront of you, he opens the doors and close them, he glared at everyone who is looking at you.
They tried to be fast because they know you’re embarrassed and they don’t want to make you feel any more bad. Once the doors of their office are close, Bucky walks to the couch and sits on it, resting you on his laps. Your side is against his chest and your Papa sats beside you, resting your legs and feet on is own laps.
Bucky’s hand is stroking your back and the back of your neck while Steve is stroking your feet. ‘’Do you wanna tell us what happened ?’’ Steve asks looking at you
You nod fidgeting with your fingers who rest on your belly. Your daddies wait the moment you’re ready to explain what happened, they don’t push you, they simply wait and comfort you in the meantime
‘’I wanted t-to pee so I went to the bathwoom like she told me but-t I entered the wwong woom and thewe was alweady men inside’’ you breath through your sobs before continuing ‘’they tuwned awound and that’s when I saw they wewe peeing’’ you turn to your daddies ‘’I sowwy. I didn’t mean to see it. I sowwy, pwease’’ you cry
Bucky grabs your cheeks and turns you’re head to him ‘’breath, little one. It’s okay, you’re not in trouble for what happened. Keep taking deep breath and when you’re ready to keep going, you do, but keep in that little mind of yours that you aren’t in trouble and you won’t be’’ his lips met your nose and you close your eyes, taking deep breathes like he said
‘’They wewe scawing me and they s-swap me’’ you cry touching your cheek who is still sensible.
Bucky’s blood run cold the second he hears those words going out of your mouth. He can’t believe it. Did you really said that ? Did he hears you correctly ? Maybe he has to ask you to repeat to be sure. No, he can’t do that. It already traumatised you enough, he won’t ask you to repeat it knowing that it scare you
‘’They slap you ?’’ Steve asks, shocked and anger fighting each other in his body. You weakly nod your head before hiding your face in your daddy’s chest. Steve keeps rubbing your feet, trying to make you feel other things than fear and pain.
Bucky and Steve look at each other, both burning with anger. They give each other one look and one nod. Juste with that, Steve knows what he has to do and Bucky knows it too. Steve kisses you toes making your curled them before getting up from the couch. He walks to the closet to grab a jogging for you before going out of the office.
You whimper when you hear the door closing. You don’t know if it’s someone who walked in or someone who walked out but in both situation, you don’t like it. Your Daddy shushes you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight against his body. ‘’We’re here now. Nothing else will happen. You’re fine and we’ll take care of you, like we always do. You’re safe with us’’ he whispers against her head before kissing it
You flinch when the door close one more time. Steve makes his way toward the couch. He lifts your legs to sit under them and rests them back on his laps ‘’I got you a pack of ice, it’s for your cheek,’’ he starts, giving it to Bucky. Your Daddy grabs your chin and your face appears back. He smiles and kisses your forehead. You rest the side of your head against his chest and he puts the pack of ice against your cheek making you whine at the cold sensation ‘’I know sweetness but it’ll be better afterward, I promise’ Steve says
He starts to remove your pants and panties making you shiver from the cold breeze who hits your skin. Bucky hold the pack in one hand and strokes your belly with the other. He knows it calm you down when someone does that to you so every time you’re scared after a nightmare or every time you feel sick, a huge tattooed hand is wondering around your belly.
Steve is quick to put the clothes back on you. He knows you’re cold and the pack of ice against your cheek doesn’t help to warmth you up a bit. He wiggled his fingers on your soles after hearing you sniffing again. He smiles when he hears your beautiful giggles coming out of your mouth. You kick your legs and bring them against you, your soles are now against your Daddy’s legs, hiding from your Papa. He laughs at that and watch you curled up your toes in protection
He benches over to kiss your nose ‘’ I love hearing those sounds, I’ll do everything to hear them all day’’ you smile at him through your wet eyes and it warmth your daddy’s hearts.
‘’We go home now. It’s enough work for today’’ Steve says standing up. He walks to the seat you were before they went to their meetings and grabs your shoes and sockets. He puts them in your bag and turns around waiting for you and Bucky. You wrap your arms around your daddy’s neck and lock your ankles around his waist. Bucky slides a paci in your mouth
As he carries you out of the office he whispers in your ear ‘’if you see the meanie men you saw in the bathroom, can you tell me ?’’
You nod and rest your head against his shoulder to look around when he walks. Your eyes fall on everything who move and you wait patiently the moment where you’ll see the men again
You lift your head from your daddy’s shoulder and point in the aire ‘’is hem’’ you say through your paci and your daddies’s head snaps at where your finger points ‘´the blond one and the redhead one ?’’ Steve asks eyeing the two men and you nod
‘’Which one slapped you ?’’ Bucky asks tightening his grip around you.
You hide your face in his neck ‘’blond’’ you mumble and feel your daddies walking again
Steve smirks thinking about the day they’ll have tomorrow. He thinks about all the dirty things they’ll do to those men who dared touch you. They’ll have fun
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nikkicloudie · 11 months
Best Father Award
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Lee Know x GN!Child!Reader
Warning:today is father day in the fanfic, fluff, Minho tearing up, reader being super adorable, Felix helping the reader with the father day gift
Fathers day was here and Minho hasn't seen his little kid anywhere. He checked all their hiding spots and still nothing but he didn't give up and continued the search. For some reason Felix kept moving him around to “help find the missing toddler” but he kept putting him away from the kitchen. 
It's been hours since he saw them and he sat on the couch tired from the search. When he heard little feet running to where he is to see his pretty little kid with a big smile and holding a paper.
“Y/N where were you?!” he yelled, "I was worried!” He follows and picks you up and holds you tightly. “I’m sowwy dady” you said giggling while he sighed. You hold up the paper “Thhis fow you dady!” you screamed in excitement as you waited for him to grab it which he did. he looks at it and it was a drawing of him you and the group witth the words “beshth dady ever!“
That's when he starts to tear up and cry slightly holding his face as he sobbed slightly. “dady why you cwy?” you said tilting your head with a confuse exeression “I-It’s nothing baby...D’Dont worry about daddy” he sniffed and he kisses your forehead. He sat you down “Why don't you go play with uncle felix while i hang up your picture?” he said as you ran off to find Felix as he hung up your picture on the fridge. 
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windydayey · 2 years
1000th Heart shot
Suna Rintarou x GN!reader
Yep. Suna Rintarou was a prick. He would always say something to make you seem like an idiot but the thing was that you weren't one to back down either. You guys got along and didn't get along at the same time.
You were basically gossip buddies. Well not exactly gossip more like bitching about the people that don't pass the vibe check of you guys at all.
"I don't like to judge people but-" Suna rolled his eyes when he heard you say that, of course you were going to shit talk about the Karens in your colony again, but you know what? He was totally down for it. You two loved shit talking about the people you two found annoying. It was like a match made by the devil.
"Is it just me or she seemed off these days?" He started "Holy! Same I thought it was just me oh gosh" you always made aggresive gestures with your hands when expressing something. He found that funny, usually people don't move that much when walking in public cus it's embarrassing but you told him that you can't express yourself well if you don't do that. Which reminded him-
"by the way did you know your reputation is going really down?" He told you and your face of laughter turned to one of an irritated one "Well yeah I mean" you rubbed your neck "Who told those guys to get on my nerves? I had to........"
Suna took a deep breath "Beat the crap out of them so bad you now have to patch your cheek and bandage your hands?" The walking pace of you both started to speed up a little "Yes- wait no that not the point tho- wait what huh!?"
He stopped and cupped your face in his hands "You thought I was trying to jab at your reputation instead?" You held one his wrist with your right hand "if not then what else?" You raised an eyebrow. He inhaled, and started pulling your cheeks "Ah! ah! hEY-! thwat hurs oh my gawd what is this fow?"
He swore he felt an arrow on his chest for the 1000th time you looked too adorable.
And for the 1000th time if he gets so lost staring at you he'll forget to confess again, it's now or never.
"Listen cupcake you always have so much to talk about you run out of breath and run your mouth around others too." He stops pulling your cheeks but his hands are still holding your face "So much I get carried away hearing you talk about even the weirdest things, so I'll say it before I get carried away again."
"huh...huh?" Poor you, you were geniunely confused.
"I want to be with you not only during school hours but everywhere" he smiled.
"You do know I don't keep my doors closed when you come to my home during the weekends right?" You giggled.
He then flicked your forward and inter wined his fingers with yours, the hand you were using to hold his wrist. "Are you playing with me right now or?"
Your neck was heating up from the fact he held your hand but you didn't back down from the daily banter "Weren't you yourself who said I'm slow at picking up anything?"
He smirked "ahhhh oh okay you daughter of the devil" he playfully pushed you to the side "I like you, what are you gonna do about it?"
"Oh coming from Mr Rintarou? That's rich" You gave a proud look.
"Mhmm" he just hummed in response and sighed "So how did you find her off as well again? Continue, go on."
He could hear you talk for another thousand years.
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Post #39: UXM issues 174-175
 Scott and Madelyne are watching an Earthrise on the Starjammer. His father introduces the newest member of the crew, Carol, and asks Scott if he still wants to join them when they leave soon. Scott, now with Madelyne to tie him the Earth, is unsure. Meanwhile, Xavier and Lilandra discuss again the fact that she must return to battle Deathbird, and he must stay with his students. I know I talk a lot of shit about Xavier, and I stand by it, but I do love the character. He’s a pretty shitty father figure, but he wants to be a good one and occasionally is. He’s very worried about Scott, who is deeply in love but also troubled by Madelyne. We cut back to him wondering why he can’t let go of the weird Jean coincidences and allow himself to be happy. Madelyne tells him that if he wants to go to space, she doesn’t want to hold him back, and he asks if she would come with him. Down on Earth, Logan goes back to Mariko, and she repeats all the thing Shingen said about him. We also learn she’s named Harada as her heir, and Logan throws down the ancestral Yashida sword she gave him and walks off. At the mansion, there’s a big long scene of Kitty and Peter being romantic, and I hate it so I’m not gonna talk about it. It ends with Ororo flying in on them making out in her attic, which is now devoid of plants to match how she’s changing. Meanwhile, Kurt is tending to Anna, who’s still recovering from last issue, and tells her the story of Dark Phoenix. Meanwhile, Scott has finally made his decision: he doesn’t care whether there’s a Jean-Madelyne connection, and he won’t worry about it anymore, because he loves her. He proposes and she accepts. It’s a huge deal for Scott to make a decision like this, because even Jean was never able to get him to accept things he couldn’t change. He joins her on a flight as her copilot, and when he goes into the cabin to tell the passengers they’re landing, a priest hands him a photo of Jean that he says Scott dropped. Scott didn’t have it with him, and all of his doubts and questions come rushing back. That night in her house, Scott asks her if she is Jean Grey. She punches him, and his glasses come off. When he puts them back on, she's standing in a Dark Phone is costume and blasts him unconscious.
The X-Men are chilling outside when a firebird appears above their heads, drops Scott on them, and vanishes. Xavier tries to track the firebird with Cerebro, but it's been sabotaged and reflects his power back on him, knocking him out. The Dark Phoenix rises out of Scott's body and attacks. They're no match for her, but she says she won't kill them yet and flies off. They try to call Lilandra on the Starjammer, but a dying Christopher answers and says Dark Phoenix has killed them all. They call the Avengers next, but that call is interrupted by the destruction of the entirety of New York. Truly alone and in shock, the X-Men tend to their wounded. Scott appears to have no more life in his physically healthy body, but we the readers see that his astral form is hovering above him, unable to communicate. He believes he's dying and leaving his body behind, and though a part of him wants to fight, he lets go and prepares to move on. He walks towards the light, but he's stopped by a woman who tells him it's not his time yet, and he needs to look within himself. As he tumbles back into his body, he realizes it was his mother. He wakes up with an epiphany- Jean is dead and gone. His wounds from the Phoenix are gone, and he starts to put the pieces together. This is all an illusion, orchestrated by some enemy with a deep knowledge of the X-Men and the Phoenix, and there's only one possible culprit. He runs off to find his teammates, but to them he appears to be the Phoenix. Luckily for Scott, he trained them, so he anticipates their every attack and fends them off without hurting them. He's forced to flee when Lockheed, a fow he knows nothing about, joins the fray. Kitty goes after him, but that was part of his plan- he lets her tackles him, and the momentum takes them down through the floor into the Danger Room. Ororo spends Kurt to turn off the safety locks on the Danger Room to try to kill Phoenix, but Scott reveals his ace in the hole- his first move when he woke up was to reroute controls through a portable device that he has. He activates a Savage Land illusion and disappears into the jungle. He knows there's no more room for error, because Ororo has decided to kill the Phoenix once and for all. Meanwhile, we get official confirmation of the twist that's been obvious for a few issues- their foe is Jason Wyngarde, Mastermind. One of Jean's last acts as Dark Phoenix was to show him the full majesty of the universe and drive him insane. Now he's out for revenge. He's been the culprit behind everything in the Paul Smith run- putting Emma Frost in a coma, furthering Anna's identity crisis to send her to the X-Men, making Ororo think her powers were going crazy and sending Japanese hitmen after her, and making Mariko call off the wedding. But his final plan is to make them kill Madelyne and live with the guilt. Her looking like Jean was just a bizarre coincidence that he's been exploiting by sending Scott signs. Meanwhile, Scott takes out his team one at a time until he gets Anna to Xavier, where he puts her hand on him to absorb his powers. Scott then establishes a mindlink with Anna to show her and the X-Men the truth. Mastermind is in the room with them somewhere, shooting at them, so Ororo summons the most violent storm she can to flush him out. She's willing to sacrifice all her team to kill him, but it doesn't come to that, and he's knocked unconscious. She won't let Logan kill him now that he's helpless, so they pump him full of drugs while Scott goes over to Madelyne's lifeless body, killed by Ororo. He gives her CPR, refusing to lose another woman he loves, and saves her. A few days later, he brings flowers to Jean's grave, and tells her that he loved her, but he's glad Madelyne isn't her. He finally lays his first love to rest and goes to marry his new one. The whole supporting cast of the book is in attendance, and the artist "camera" pans through the couples in the audience before finding its way back to Scott and Madelyne as they're pronounced married and kiss.
Scott and Madelyne's relationship will be completely destroyed by terrible writers and some awful retcons in a few years, but for what it is right now, it's the best love story the book has had so far. Scott always looks for reasons to doubt everything and destroy his own happiness, but now, with all those doubts seemingly confirmed, he was able to push through it all and realize that he's happy and moved on. Marrying a non-superhero is also the natural extension of how he’s been exploring life outside the X-Men. Jean being an X-Man ended up being a crutch that Scott leaned on through that relationship. They did truly love each other, but they didn’t really know how to interact like normal people sometimes. And then with Lee, Scott tried overcompensating in the other direction, trying to hide his superheroism and then trying to hide behind it. But with Madelyne, he can finally communicate in a healthy way. I’m really proud of how far he’s come, which is a weird thing to say about a fictional character, but Scott and I have a lot in common, and these characters have been in my life since I was very young, so sometimes it kinda feels like I’ve been growing up with him. I hate what’ll happen to his arc in a few years, but right now, it’s comforting and inspiring to see how far he’s come. While I’m here, I want to talk about Paul Smith too. Unlike most of the artists that Claremont works with, Paul Smith signed on for a predetermined run of eleven issues, so his run has a clear beginning, middle and end. It’s often called the From the Ashes era, and it’s one of the most thematically cohesive writer/artist collaborations on the book. Under Paul Smith’s pencil, the X-Men faced their deaths at the hands of the Brood and were reborn, but had to then deal with the people they were becoming. Ororo’s arc is powerful and open ended, and it’s clear that her metamorphosis is the first stage of her rebirth. While Ororo grappled with loosing her grip on the identity she thought was secure, Scott, the most insecure X-Man, evolved in the opposite direction, finding a confidence in who he is and what he wants that he’s never really had. The last few pages of issue 175 were actually drawn by John Romita Jr., who has a lengthy run coming up that’ll also be great, but Paul Smith’s unique style was perfect for these stories about identity crises both literal and figurative. It wasn’t as foundational or groundbreaking as the Cockrum or Byrne runs, but this run holds a special place in my heart for how deep it dived into the souls of the characters.
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Thank you Alice, and thank you @bemine-bucky for the tag as well 💙
As I Sleep
Tear You Apart
Red Sun
Mr Sandman
I’m gonna tag some peeps as it’s much easier for me with my limited time atm -
@buckybarneschokeme @late-to-the-party-81 @cherienymphe @ambrosiase @soldatsass
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Can you write about Blade and Lolita at the wedding please?
Buuuuuut....I don't know if it goes the way you hope it goes. So Lo was supposed to have a date with Blade, but she had to cancel. Not because she didn't want to go, Lo has a HUGE crush on Blade, and always had. She had some family business to attend to. Story invited Lo to babysit, unbeknownst to Blade. And an open bar, Blade not knowing she's there...
What You Two Have
Summary:  Lo goes to Aster and Beck’s wedding
Pairings:  Lolita!Reader X The Drysdale’s
Rating:  mild
Warnings: mild language, implied jumping on the bed, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Blade Drysdale Masterlist
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After the wedding you cradle a Baby Z who is nearly passed out despite the noise. Almost off in a corner by yourself, which is fine, you signed on for a babysitting job.  Otto, the cutest little man eating his cake. His legs wiggling around on the chair. A perfect matching suit to his Uncle Blade. An uncle that either hadn't seen you, or he's still a bit upset for cancelling on the date.
It wasn't something you really wanted to talk about with him, because you didn't even know him. Family matters should be left within the family. But nobody says no to Blade Drysdale.
"Wo, awe you gonna dance wif Uncy Bwade?" those big round eyes stare up at you, and you shake your head no. "Why not?" you don't miss the little smirk on his mouth.
"I'm watching you and Baby Z," he looks over to see his mom and dad wrapped up together dancing, and then he's looking back you.
"Dey can watch us. If you want to," you puff out a laugh, your eyes already looking for Blade. "You wooking fow him?"
"No, buddy."
"Wies. Dey aways wook for him."
You don't have to take long when you see him leaned over the bar talking to some blonde. "I don't think me and Blade have a lot in common."
"It's just a dance."
"I think he's found him a dance partner, buddy," Otto looks around for Blade only to shake his head rolling his eyes.
"You'we pwettiew. Hims a idiot. You can dance wif me. Howding Baby Z," Otto is already putting together a plan. Knowing that Blade does like you, and Otto likes you, so you're number one in his book.
Lucy slumps down beside you, giving Otto a quick tickle, causing him to laugh out a 'Stop Wucy.' Lucy has always been a bit intuitive with you. The two of you sharing an odd bond, while you aren't best friends with her, you have an understanding. "Picked up a fu..." she looks over at Otto who gives her an innocent smile. "Blade, got him a stupid Swiss Cake Roll. He's so stupid."
"He's having fun. That's Blade for you."
"So, I hear you're Lolita?" rolling your eyes you look down at the baby Baizen in your arms, your finger running along his chubby cheek. "He doesn't talk about other girls. I bug him about it. He just...gets what he needs and forgets them.  But you, he’s talked about you a lot."
"It's nothing. Blade and I, well, there is no us. He's free to eat whatever dessert he wants to."
"She doesn't speak English very well. I don't think he's even spotted you."
You finally look back up at her. "I'm working. These boys right here are my responsibility. And Otto, finish your cake. It's almost time for us to head to the room."
He gives you a little pout, but smiles when Story and Carter come over to give him and Baby Z some love. Making sure to smoother them with kisses. "Story, if you guys wanted, you can sleep in my room. That way you two can have the full night off," she looks at you regretful.
Story had hoped that you and Blade would have reconnected at the wedding. Making sure to put your room right next to Blade's. Now that he's talking and drinking with some girl, already snapping his fingers at Harry, because he needs that NDA before he ever takes her to bed, you have no desire to want to be beside him.
"Are you sure that you don't want to enjoy the night? Carter and I won't be out late."
"I won't be far away if you need to see the boys. You two rarely get a night alone. Enjoy it. Tell your parents goodnight, we're going to have a slumber party," you grab ahold of Otto's hand and start to walk to the room. You don't notice that finally Blade sees you. His eyes flicking to your sweet smile listening to whatever it is that Otto tells you. Looking quickly at Zephyr.
His eyes looks at the girl he's already agreed for an evening with. Already had the standard NDA signed, and she pales in comparison to you. He doesn't get to think too much when Story goes to whack him on the back of his head, "What the hell was that for?" grabbing his ear she pulls him away from the Swiss Roll.
"What the hell?"
"You said a bad word, Story."
"Don't change the subject," her hands rest on her hips when Carter goes to stand behind her, giving her a quick kiss on her neck, and Blade rolls his eyes at how disgusting his sister and husband are.
"You have a sweet girl that you're actually interested in. She's here."
"Babysitting it looks like."
She smacks at his shoulder, "Yeah, two of your favorite people. You mean, you aren't thinking of joining her in our room and spending time with Little Man and Baby Z?" his eyes look down at the floor, because the thought did in fact cross his mind. Not getting to spend near enough time with Otto as he would have liked. "And you," she hits him again, "Are an idiot. She likes you."
"She cancelled on me."
Flicking him in the head, Blade is getting tired of the constant minor abuse, "Her brother was in the hospital."
"Wait, there was a real emergency?" he looks back at the door where you had walked out with his nephews.
"Yes, does she seriously look like a girl that would lie to you? Fix it."
"She's already signed."
"You're rich and smart, break the contract. I like that one. She has a real name that's not a stupid dessert, and my babies love her. Blade, you can sit there and act that just because your only girlfriend cheating on you that you don't want love."
He laughs looking down at his sister. There's always more than that. "What about what happened to you? What about Aster? Or even Iris? I don't want that."
Carter is the one to look at him. His eyes looking at the man he has known his whole life, "It's more than that. Yes, anything could happen. I almost lost your sister, not to death, but to another man. I never would have recovered from that. She was always for me, before I even knew it. You could have that."
"I do not want what you two have."
"Really? Coming home everyday to the same person. Laying in bed beside her, not having to say anything because you just know what the other needs. Getting to see her be a mother to our sons. Spending everyday with your best friend. I know Story is your sister, but she's my everything. I was like you, while not as extreme, but I didn't believe in love. Until her," his hand wraps around her, pulling her hand off her chest. His own thumb rubbing on the blank part of skin. "I'm not saying that girl is meant to be your wife. I'm saying that she genuinely likes you. Why don't you try something more than sex."
"Yeah, not to mention, Blade scares her," the group looks over at Lucy confused. "She's got a crush, and has had one for awhile. She's more than just young, she's a virgin. It's no secret you bring the girls home."
"Well, I'm going to bring a girl to my room," he walks over to the Swiss Cake Roll, not offering anything else.
"So nobody here is as hot as you, Luciana," Harry walks up sitting beside Lucy, “I really don’t want to be alone.”
“Good grief.  Let’s go you pathetic man.”
“Well my Queen, I have a night of just me and you.  Honey,” he pulls her chin to look at him and away from Blade’s retreating body, “He’ll come to his senses.”
“I hope he does before that sweet girl walks away from him.  I should have told him she was coming, huh?  Maybe he wouldn’t have been such a dick.”
Carter laughs at his wife, the woman who only uses profanity with him, “How about, you quit worrying about how much of a dick he is, and I give you my dick?”
“The app says we need to have sex,” he gives her a shrug, and then goes to kiss along her jaw.
“Oh, really?  I won’t worry anymore about Blade tonight.  I’m all yours my king,” he doesn’t hesitate to lift her up, carrying to the room.
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bjornswoman · 3 years
Mad about you
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Requested by @king-king
Author's note: Sorry if this is not as you wanted it to be. To be honest it has kind of hard. I always thought Ivar as dominant.
Pairing: Ivar x reader
Genre: Smut, angst
Summary: You went to Great Hall to fight with King Ivar but you ended up doing other things with him.
Warnings: Smut
You entered the Great Hall. You eyes were wandering around for him.
The king. King Ivar the Boneless.
He forced you to watch the gates of Kattegat with the same pricks for thind time this week.
He made you mad. You wanted to kill you. That were your thoughts when entered the Great Hall tonight.
But he wasn't on his throne.
Your eyes wandered here and there but he was nowhere to be found.
But you found his brother, Hvitserk. He was sitting with his girls. He were all giggles and laughs.
"Oh (Y/N)!" He called you and you approached him.
"I thought you wouldn't come again. Glad you made it." He said. His women eyed you angry and you laughed to yourself. They were desperate for dick and he was a prince. King's brother.
"Not thanks to your brother though. He forced on watch again!" You yelled angry and he stood in front of you now. He eyed somewhere behind for a moment and then straight in your angry eyes.
"Well, he will go mad if he see you here then." He spoke and took sip of ale.
That was the last you cared about right now. You were mad.
You were fond of him from the first time you laid eyes on him. Hvitserk introduced him to you before the battle in Northumbria, when Bjorn bloody eagled king Aella.
But he was always mean to you. Actually, he was mean to everybody but he overdid it when it came to you. Even his own brother understood it.
"I don't care." You said angrily. Hvitserk wasn't looking at you, he was staring behind you. He weren't as happy and excited as the time you laid your foot on Great Hall.
You heard someone laugh behind you. The king Ivar himself.
Now you had a problem. Not only you disobeyed his command, but you also said that you didn't cared.
But you were so angry that you didn't mind to stand before him and do what you came to do.
You turned to face him slowly. Hvitserk watched you and his brother amused.
He knew that Ivar was as fond of you as you were of him. That was the reason he was like this to you.
He was afraid of your rejection and that drove him crazy. It made him feel anger towards you.
And everyone knew that however pissed him off wouldn't had a good or quick death. People were concerned about you. He already kept an eye on you and people were afraid that he would hurt you.
But he wouldn't do such a thing. He liked you. You were bold and willful, as himself.
"You disobeyed me." He spoke in a quiet voice. "You disobeyed your king!" He yelled this time in your face but you stood there without moving a bit.
He was angry. It obvious on his face.
Everyone was watching you, pitying you for what he was about to do to you.
All you thought were that if you he was about to kill, you would to Valhalla, to all greatest warriors.
He turned his back to you and walked to his throne.
"Out all of you! Now!" He commanded all the people in the Hall, when he sat on his throne. "Not you (Y/N)." He spoke to you in harsh voice.
You stepped forward and stopped before him.
"I came here to complain my king." You said looking at his wild blue eyes.
His eyes was something you adored. You loved them.
"To complain about being on watch with that pricks for third time this week." You spoke again. His gaze was upon, you never leaving from your figure.
"I don't care." He said calmed. "You have a certain way of driving me crazy." He told.
He examined your face, trying to understand what you had in your mind.
You chuckled hearing his words. He chuckled too.
"Do you say that you are fond of me?" You asked him. You stepped forward to him now you were right in front of him.
He chuckled again.
"What if i did?" He questioned you, keeping the same playful tone in his voice.
You sat down his lap, never break your eye contact.
You grinned.
"Well, if you did, then I would say to you that I am fond of you too." You answered, smile never leaving your face.
He didn't see that coming. He never thought about you felt the same way he did. That caught him off guard.
"How can you be fond of someone like me? A cripple and pathetic man?" He questioned again in harsh tone. You looked at him without smiling.
You cupped his face and leaned to him.
"You are not pathetic, Ivar. You are the most strong man I have ever laid eyes on." You said make him feel surprised.
Ivar was surprised by your words. Noone ever told him something like that before, so he didn't know what to tell you back.
You didn't need him to tell anything.
You pressed your lips to his soft ones. The kiss was slow and intense.
All the anger you felt for him just minutes ago had vanished and all you could feel was your desire for him now.
He seemed nervous. Nervous about how far you were going to take things.
You craved him inside you.
You pulled away from your kiss, trying to catch your breath but you rested your forehead to his.
He looked shocked to your actions. We didn't talk. He was looking at you.
"I want to ride you in this throne." You dared to whisper to ear. He was kind of panicked.
But he was Ivar the Boneless, he would never let you see it.
"You sure?" He asked softly and you looked straight in his beautiful eyes.
"Yes my king. I want to feel you cum inside me and me screaming your name so loud that all Kattegat is going to hear fow hard you fuck me." You spoke again. He never thought you could think and talk like this. He was impressed but upset too.
He remembered Margrethe. Certainly that night he wanted to forget. He couldn't live it all over again. Especially with you. He didn't what to fail pleasuring you.
"Hey!" You softly said, cupping his face with your hands. "I understand that you are nervous about your deformity but I ensure you that this will be good." You said, kissing him again.
You led his hands on the laces of you dress and he untied them and you ripped the dress off of you.
You stood naked in front of him only for seconds, then you you sat on his lap again.
"May I?" You asked, touching the laces of his tunic. You looked at him for his permission.
"Go on." He said. His eyes eyes following your moves.
You took off his tunic. You gaze hungrily at him. You loved the marks in his chest.
"My king claim me." You breathed as your hands untied his pants, you didn't take them off, you just released his hardened cock.
You pressed yourself to his cock. You gasped at his size.
Ivar's hands gripped firmly your hips as yours scratched his back.
At first he was upset, he didn't know waht he had to do. He wasn't experienced not as the other men you had slept with.
You knew that but you didn't care.
Your moans was loud as his thrusts fastened and deepened.
"My-my king." You breathed as moans slip out of your mouth and you couldn't control them. You couldn't control yourself when your bodies collided and you heard his animalistic growls. "You-you do it so good... Gods!" You screamed when he thrust himself deeper in you. Your cum was about to come. If he did something like that again, you wouldn't keep yourself from it.
He pushed himself once more. Your walls clenched him and you release your self screaming his name.
Even if people hadn't heard you yet, they did this time.
He thrusted some times more as he cum inside you. Your eyes examined his face. He didn't pulled away from you and leaned his forehead to yours.
"So I did it good you said?" He mocked you as sweat glimmered in your bodies.
Your hips and his back had scratches but neither of you cared about that.
"You are maddening me." You spoke first and he grinned cocky.
"I'm mad about you as well." He said shyly and caressed your cheek with his thumbs.
Maybe this led to nowhere but you loved Ivar the Boneless and so did he.
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Possible Drabble of you go to work with them and they end up staying later than expected? They fall asleep on the couch. Sickening sweet fluff 🥺❤️
Hi there love! Thank you for the request. I hope you like how I turned it 💜
Warnings : clingy, paci, sleepy, fluff, pet names
Pairing : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : ⬆️⬆️
"Finish your niggets, baby. We'll leave after" Your Daddy says and you nod tearing your gaze away from your Papa who is walking around the room with a phone against his ear. You pick up the fork but instead of eating, you give it to your Daddy.
He looks away from Steve and gazes the fork "you want me to feed you, little one ?" he asks and you nod. He gets up from across the table and sits on the seat beside you. He pulls your chair closer to him making you giggle from the funny movement.
"Open your pretty mouth" he says bringing the fork to your lips. You open your lips and keep your gaze on the fork with the food until you can't see it anymore. You Daddy smiles and praises you when you swallow the little nuggets
You swing your legs and smile looking up at him. He can't help but benches over to kiss your little nose at your adorable form.
"We need to go Buck, we'll be late for the afternoon" Steve sighs ending his phone call. You look up at your Papa with a pout "But Papa I eat"
He looks down at you before kneeling infront of you "I know, sweetness. But Daddy and I need to go back to work. You can stay in the office and Daddy or me will come to you as much as we can"
Bucky frowns "Steve we can't leave her" Both of them don't like when they have to take you to work with them. When you come with them it means you'll have to stay alone at one point and they absolutly hate it
"We don't have a choice, Buck" Steve says taking you in his arms "You'll play in uncle Tony office ? Would you like that, baby ?" he asks walking toward the office. You nod happily "big woom fow my dolls" you say giggling
Steve smiles "yes, you can create a big city for your dolls in the big room. We'll try to be quick but we really need to go, i'm sorry, baby" He says putting you down on the ground
"Is oki" You say and he smiles thanking you for your understanding.
Your head turns to the doors when they open. You smile when you see your Daddy walking in the office. He walks toward you before kneeling infront of you "How are you doing, beautiful ?" he asks and you look down at your dolls "I sad, Daddy" You pout and he frowns "Why's that ?" his fingers sliding down your hair
" 'cause my dolls awe awguing" You pout looking up at him. He quietly sighs in relief "Aww baby, You know arguments are quickly over, maybe it's a misunderstanding and you can help them"
"When awe we go home ?" You ask changing the subject and this time, Your Daddy sighs louder. He knews there was something else "I don't know, little one. I hope soon but I can't tell. We need to take care of something important" he tilts his head looking at you. You look down at your dolls and nod
Bucky's heart hurts knowing that you don't want to be here anymore. It's been too much time that you're here now and you're getting bored and wanted to go home, you want to be with your Daddies, spending the evening with them, not with your dolls who are arguing
"Here" he hands you a bottle of water "I took this for you in case you're thirsty" he kisses you temple "sank you, Daddy" you whisper taking the bottle. You take a sip and Your Daddy praises you "that's my good girl" he smiles "can you stop pouting, please ? we're trying our best to be quick and I don't want to go back to work knowing that you're sad"
You nod but that doesn't get ride of your pouty face. Your Daddy sighs and takes your naked feet on his laps, he starts to rub them trying to get your attention "pretty, please ?" he sighs "we don't like it either but we have to"
"You said you wew home all day" You quietly say and your Daddy nods "I know, sweets. I know we said that we were home all day but there was an emergency here and we had to come" he says but you don't look at him so he tries something else "you know how sad you are when your dolls are arguing ? How you don't like it and how you want to take care of it so you all can play together again ?" he asks and you nod "well that's how we felt and that's why we need to work on that. We want and need to take care of people. Do you understand how important it is and how we are feeling ?’’
Bucky hopes that you can understand now. Knowing yourself how it feel. He often explained things to you with example of little probleme you have to compare theirs so you can understand easier
You nod again and this time the pout on your face soften. Your Daddy smiles "thank you, beautiful" he benches to kiss your toes making you giggle "I'll have to go but we'll be back soon, baby. I promise" He says patting your legs. He grabs your cheeks and brings his face closer to yours "will you be good for your Daddies ?"
You nod "I pwomise Daddy"
Steve sighs, his head backward toward the ceiling of the elevator "I can't fucking do it anymore" Bucky looks up from his phone "I know. It's hard to be a hero" he teases trying to calm his husband. Steve snorts shaking his head
They step out of the elevator and start walking down the hallway to the office "I don't say that really often but i'm exhausted" Steve adds and Bukcy gives him a sweet smile "I know, we'll be at home soon" He reassures him with his hand on his back, caressing it up and down
Steve opens the door of the office and lets Bucky steps inside first. "Aww, our sweet baby" Bucky says smiling as he gazes you on the ground. Your head is resting on the couch and your dolls are still in your hands. Your breathing is calm and your body is relax against the soft sofa. The hard floor under your butt doesn't bother you as your mind is in a sleepy mode
"we need to woke her up" Steve says walking behind Bucky. Bucky nods and slides his fingers against your cheek "Baby," You move your head whimpering "we'll go home" he adds and you nod with your eyes close. While Steve puts your shoes back on, Bucky slides your jacket on your arms
They now make their way to the car, with you holding both of their hands. You yawn just as you reach the car. You don't enjoy the dark outside the window like you usually do, instead you concentrate on the back of your daddies head, you listen the silence who is in the car and you think about your evening with your daddies. What you'll do, what you'll watch, what story they'll read you at bedtime.
You know it's almost your bedtime but they won't ever let you go to sleep without eating and without cuddles with a story. Maybe you won't watch the tv but at least you will be comfy and warm between them
"Papa" You call from behind the car. His eyes change from the road to the mirror "what is it, sweetness ?" Bucky looks behind him and lets his gaze fall on you
"Can I dwink an appe juce with dinnew ?" you ask swinging your legs. Bucky chuckles and turns his body back toward the road. He turns his face to Steve with a coky smile. Steve shakes his head trying to hide his smile "Well, you were good today and you were patient so yes you can have one glass of apple juice" he nods winking at you in the mirror before looking back at the road
You smile happily and swing your legs harder from happiness. Bucky smiles at your reaction before going back in his talk with Steve.
"Can I do my dwink myswelf ?" You ask once your daddies open the front door. Steve chuckles and nods his head "your plastic cup is on the counter where you can see it. Be careful" he pats your head and you run to the kitchen while your daddies puts their jacket on the wall and their shoes beside the front door.
Bucky sighs and grabs your shoes who are on the ground. You didn't took the time to rest them correctly so much you were excited to do your drink yourself
They walk toward the couch and fall on it immediatly. They hear you mumbling to yourself about the things you're doing, making them smile at each other at how sweet you are
You close the fridge with the juice in your hands. You pull out your tongue as you concentrate yourself at not spill the juice when you pour it in your plastic cup. You smile proudly when not one drop is beside your cup
Your daddies will be so proud of you
You grab your cup with two hands and walk slowly to the couch, still with your tongue out of your lips.
"Daddy, Papa loot" you say happily. You walk infront of them and when you look up, you see them with their eyes close, drooling on the soft couch of the living room.
You smile at your exhausted daddies and slide yourself between them. You quietly grab the remote and start a cartoons with a coky smile on your lips
It's gonna be a great evening...
...Well, until they woke up
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bts-trash-blog · 4 years
Perfect~Kim Namjoon
Summery: Namjoon just a good pup
Pairing: Sub!Namjoon X Fem dom!reader
Warning: Degrating names, pegging(Anal play), Mistress/pup, claws, breeding kink, slight mentions of a safe word(He calls yellow witht he color system), aftercare and mentions of a sub drop.
AN: My first complet sub!bts smut..umm yeah I loved writting 
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The sound of a whimper made your head snap up away from the document you were reviewing for work, eyes  looking down there you saw Namjoon. On his knees his wide doe eyes  looking up at you. He had ear clipped in his hair, and a collar around in his hands making you raise an eyebrow down at the man kneeling in front of you.
“Yes puppy?” You questioned, your head tilting as he moved closer, his hands laying the soft leather collar you both had picked out online. It's a beautiful grey color, with jeweled studded detail it had made his eyes sparkle when he saw it on your screen body melted against yours. The tag was a heart shaped, gun steel color 'mistress's pup’ engraved on one side and the other was ‘Joonie’, when it arrived a week after ordering it he had jumped up and down excitedly not being able to wait to have it around his neck.
“Can we  play,miss?” His question had you smiling brightly as you moved away from your desk, the chair rolling had him backing up as you patted the top of his head. The clipped in ears slightly tilting making him huff as he smiled brightly up at you. His dimples on show as well as his half mooned eyes as he bowed his head slightly, smile fading as he looked at you from the corner of his eye.
“Puppies don’t wear clothes now do they?” Your question was playful, teasing, making his face turn a bright red as he stuttered out a breath of air. His hands moved to raise his arms. asking you to take his white large shirt making you smile brightly at him. Placing the collar on the desk you lean forward, hands tugging at the end of his shirt making him glup, as you raise it off of him. The honey tan skin had your mouth almost watering, as the semi-defined muscle of his years of dance showed. Making him blush even more as you place the fabric shirt on the desk. “You take your pants off.” he nodded as you turned back your computer, finishing the section of the document you were editing as you hear the sound of fabric drop and a whimper, most likely due to the cold air of your home touching the tip of his cock.
“Mistress?” he whispered, making you hold a finger up, indicating for him to wait making him let out a whine as you chuckled slightly.
“Just gotta finish this last bit up, then we can play.” he let out a sigh, as you turn to him and smile. “Why don’t you get out the toys you want to play with pup? That way we can go straight into having fun. After you get the toys, get into position on the bed okay?” Your words made his eyes brighten as he nodded, the sigh of him, bare and his cock semi hard as he let out a soft cheer as he moved away from you office in your shared apartment. Moving to your bedroom as you moved to finish up as quickly as possible.
Once you were done, you grabbed his collar and stood up moving out of your office. Your sweatpants hanggin slightly low as your own top was ripped off and dropped in the hall. Knowing you’ll have to go around and clean up anyway after the scene, smiling brightly at your boyfriend as you walked into the room. His body kneeling, butt on his heels as his arms were up, hands placed on the back of his head as he stared up at you.  His eyes were glossed over as he stared at your eyes watching your every move.  Looking to the chest you keep under your bed, you see toys placed on top making you smile brightly at him. There was a leash matching the gun steel grey collar in your hand, and a strap on, one that was around eight inches along with a pair of claws that you had bought online a few weeks ago. They were ten black metal claws, the tips sharp enough to scratch maybe even cut slightly into the skin. He had mentioned them to you months ago, so when they showed up he had instantly wanted to use them, but he had a schedule and he could risk the marks to be shown.
“So good baby, want your collar on?”  You watch his head nod, his hands still locked behind his head as you moved to crawl on the bed till you were kneeling in front of him. “Color baby?”
“Green.” The instant word had you chuckling as you pressed a kiss to his lips making him let out a purr like sound, as you pull away you move to wrap and latch the collar around his throat. The tag hitting at his collar bone, the large ring it hung from made you bite your lip as you yanked on it, making him whimper as you chuckled.
“So pup, I see you want me to breed you, hm? Is that all you good for?” Your words had hip biting his lip as he closed his eyes, his body shuttering at your worlds making you laugh. “Yeah you're just a bitch, a bitch to breed a little slut.”
“Mistress, please want to play.” he whined, making you laugh, as you gripped his cheek, swishing his face making his eyes open as he looked at you.  His body laxing, arms dropping as his eyes half closed, clicking your tongue you tap your finger against his cheek.
“Did I say you can talk? You’re just a little bitch in heat. Do bitches talk huh? Also did you really just leave your positions without me saying? Humble now.” You growled, making him nod, turning around to face away from you dropping on his chest, his arm reached out as his head was placed to the side. His ass on display legs spread as far apart as his shoulders making you chuckle as you watch a drop of per-cum drip from his tip, slowly string down onto your sheets making you roll your eyes. “Already leaking, from just a few words, such a naughty pup. Diguesting.”
Your body moves off the bed, your hand grabbing the strap on slipping your sweats on you let out a sigh looking at the toy in front of you grabbing the claws you start to slip the rings down past your knuckle making you smile brightly at them. Your eyes clean as you drag one down your neck, testing the sharpness, your skin tingle slightly burned as you did. Looking over you see his eyes on your the ears on the top of his head josled as he moves his hips back and forth, watching his movement you glare as knowing the tip of his cock was rubbing against the bed sheets.
“Knock it off, or you aren’t gonna come tonight, let alone sleep near me. You hear me you whore?” Watching his hips stop you look to his face and tilt your head, slightly smirking as you realize he was waiting for your permission to talk. “Speak when spoken to.”
“Yes mistress, I hear you.” Nodding you moved back on the bed, behind him. Your hands slapping against his ass making him jolt as you squeeze. The claws dug into his flesh, making him let out a choked sob as you rotated the gripped flesh. “Fu-fuck.” he whimpered. You laugh, as your other hand scratches down his back, watching the redness rise on his skin had you as you finally let go of his ass. Watching the indentations on his skin stick had you laughing some more as you spanked that area again.
“I love this ass.” Your words had him whimpering, whining as you scratch at his hips pulling his ass against your pubic bone making him slightly move down the bed as he let out a whine. “Can’t wait to fuck it, have you crying. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Want me to fuck you, huh?”
“Yes Mistress, please Mistress. I’ve been a good pup, a good boy.” He blabbered, making you roll your eyes as you hand reached down and grabbed his cock. The soft skin rubbing against the palm of your hand. You know he felt the coldness of the metal, as you watch his body shiver goosebump spreading across his thighs and up his back.
“Oh really? So you’ve been good?” You watch as the back of his head moves, making you yanked at his dick. Pulling it back and letting it go watching as it slightly slapped at his stomach. “So if i asked you to eat me out and then we go to bed, right now. Would you have no complaints, no begging to cum? Right cause you’re a good boy?” You knew he wanted to protest, but he nodded. Making you smile.
“What ever mistress wants, pup is at her disposal. Mistress owns me.” Letting out a breath you pull back and smirk.
“Come on now, grab the strap and put on me.”
“Yes mistress.” You watch him get off the bed, your body following as he grabbed the strap and turned to you. Smiling at him you grabbed his chin and pulled his face to you, reaching for his leash you hook it making him let out a whine.
“I love you.” You whispered, reminding him that the words you say were nothing but a part of the play.
“I love you too.” He leaned in for a kiss, making you smile as you gently pressed your lips against his push him away you nodded. He dropped to his knees and lifted your legs into the holes of the strap. Lifting it up till it was at your hips. The pink didlo stick out almost hitting his face, making you fight back a laugh as he hooked you in. Pressing a kiss to your thighs making you move your hand and pull through his hair.
“Go on, suck me off.” He nodded, his hand moving to the base as you scratch at his scalp making him wince slightly as he finally wrapped his lips around the tip. He was taking too long to take it completely down his throat, so you jolted your hips. Shoving yourself completely into his mouth and down your throat making him cough and gag. Drool passing his lips as he looks up at you with tear filled eyes. “So good fow me, gonna fuck your throat, the fuck your ass wide open. Gonna feel nothing but me.” Suddenly you remove most of yourself from his mouth and sna your hips back in his hands moving to rest on the top of your thighs as you pound into his mouth. Again and again. The sound of him gaging, trying to keep up his breath you pulled away, making him let out a cough as your free hand moved forward, your pointer finger scratch softly down his cheek.
“Such a messy boy.” You mumbled, his hazed eyes, swollen wet lips covered in his own saliva as he panted at you had your eyes almost rolling. Toes almost curling. He was deep into his headspace as you nodded to the bed. “Stretch or no stretch?” You asked, making him whimper as he looked at you.
“No stretch wants you, now.” He let out words spread out with deep breaths and pauses making you nod as he got back into position, his ass in the air as you moved behind him. Spreading his cheeks apart, you let saliva gather in your cheek as you let it slip out of your mouth and onto his hold you hand moving to your cock. Spreading you spit with the tip making him whine. Pushing the bulbous tip into his tight hole, you couldn’t help but let out an almost animalistic growl as his body almost seemed to have sucked you in. “fu-fcuk.” he let out but then a loud sob passed his lips as you slammed into him completely, pausing for a second as he cried out.
“Color baby?”
“Gr-yellow.” He changed his mind mid word, making you pause as you nodded to yourself.
“What do you need, baby, want me to pull out?”
“Lube..bit dry.” He mumbled against the sheets making you nod, your body pulling away from his making him whine as you kissed his back.
“Such a good boy, gonna make it comfortable okay?” He nodded as you reached for the bottle, squirting some onto your cock and rubbing some against his hole making him whine. The feeling of the metal claw almost curving into him as him pushing back against you. Making you roll your eyes playfully, moving back behind him you press the tip back against him, hand moving his hips. “Gonna push in again okay, Namjoon?”
“Yes, that's okay Y/n.” As you do, instead of a cry a moan passes his lips, as you push slowly in, your lip being bitten as you finally fill him completely making him whine. “Green. Im green. Mistress please fuck me.” His words were leaving his lips after a couple of seconds, letting him adjust to the feeling, wanting to make sure he was comfortable. Nodding you pull out completely and slam back him, the leash in hand resting over her shoulder as you rapidly fucked into him.
“F-fuck.” A breathy moan left his lips as your hand wrapped the leather leash around that you had in your hand, pulled it back, choking him slightly. The feeling of you moving in and out of his gaping hole at a rapid speed had his legs shaking as his hands collapsed from under him. The ears that were placed on top of his head, sliding out of place as a burning feeling filled his left ass cheek, as another smack made his dick twitch.  
“What a good little bitch.” Your voice was filled with a teasing tone making Namjoon let out a whimper as his body bolted forwards, his body naturally trying to get away from the ribbed pink strap he had picked just for him that was drilling into him making his sense go into overdrive. His eyes fill with tears as one of his hands moves behind him trying to push you away, you claws being dragged down his side making him let out a yelp. “What's too much, you slut?”
“Yeah-yeAHHH” he let out, making you pause, completely sheathed in him as you bent over his back, leash pulled making the collar press against his throat harder. Making him let out a ragged breath, once you had released it he shivered when he felt you rotate your hips. Running the claws against his side had him shivering as he let out a dry sob, the combination of you rotating your hips and scratching your claws against his skin had his throat dry as he clawed at your arm.
“Want me to stop, hmm?” You asked him, your tongue moving to lick at his temple, his eyes widening at the thought of you stopping making him shake his head, his breathing growing rapid. Panicked that you would stop, that you would leave him so close to the edge.
“No..no don't stop mistress, I’m a good boy. It feels so good. Feels too good.” He whimpered at the end making you chuckle as you spack his ass again making him grunt, the tips of the claws pushing slightly in the flesh of his ass.
“Nothing but a little breeding bitch. I bet you wished I had a real cock, fill you with my cum. Hmm . What would your members think if they saw you like this, panting, shaking like a bitch in heat. I bet you'd beg one of them to fill you up like a little whore you are.”
“Won’t care. Just want you...move please Breed me, please. I’m your bitch, no one else can have me. No one but you mistress..” He cried making you laugh as you moved up from his back and pulled out, just till the tip was pressed inside of him, his hips wiggling making your hands rest on his hips stilling him.
“That's right. Mine.” Your thrust completely into him making him scream out as you start to move. “My bitch.” Rapidly moving in and out  as you let go of the leash you grab his hair pulling him back against your chest, the feeling the claws slightly slipping digging into his scalp had you smile brightly as he panted. The sigh of his eyes wide, tongue almost hanging out of his mouth as he pants with each stroke, hitting his prostate over and over again.
“Yours. Yours. God I’m yours.” His words were met with a keen, as you grabb his cosk and started to stroke him with the same rhythm of your thrust. Making him let out a drawn out whine.
“Such a good pup, good bitch.” You whispered against his ear, your tongue rolling his ear lob into your mouth as your teeth pressed down. Tugging slightly, making him try to pull away as he let out a loud cry.
“Gonna cum, gonna cum. Can I?” he asked, making you let go of his ear as you moved again, the burn in your thighs had you beggin for him to cum, but your brain wanted him to edge and edge till he just couldn’t anymore.  But your physical drain had caught up to your mentally making you let out a frustrated huff.
“You can cum pup, come for Mistress.” You mumbled, kiss his neck making him moan as you speed up both of your stokes. You felt his body tense as he let out a hiss, the feeling of his hot cum squirting up your hand made you smirk into his skin.
“Thank you, thank you.” He repeated over and over again as you slowly stopped your movements, the feeling of you still completely inside of him as he came down from his high.
“You did so good baby, such a good pup. Gonna pull out okay?” He nodded as you slowly let go of his cock, it falling heavy as you pulled out and moved him down and onto his back. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly jared open. “Did so good, so-so good.” You took off each of your claws and placed them on your night stand as you slowly got up and made him whine. “Just gonna grab a warm washcloth, okay> Got it clean you up.” he opened his eyes as he nodded, your body moving to the bathroom as you unclipped your harness. Placing it on the bathroom counter, you grabbed a clean washcloth with your clean hand. Moving right to the room, one you had cleaned your hand and wetted the wash cloth. Moving back you see his eyes open staring at the ceiling as you move to sit on the edge on his side making his eyes snap to you as he lets out a sof sob making your eyes widen. “Oh baby, i’m here okay? I’m not going anywhere.” You reassured him by running the warm washcloth against his skin, wrapping it softly around his cock to clean as you press your forehead to his. “You did so perfect baby.”
“Really, so perfect baby.” You said smiling at him as you press a kiss to his lips making him whine as he does. His hand moving to cup your cheek, pushing it back to rest in your hair. “Now I’m gonna give you some of my clothes okay? Then we’ll cuddle for a bit, then food?” You asked head tilt to the side as he nodded, making you smile.
Everything really was perfect.
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His Family (Theseus Scamander x Reader)
Request: Hey girl! We need a Theseus x reader with them being a cutesy ass family and kiddos and everything
Pairing: Theseus Scamander x Reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, too much love my heart is aching, mentions of sex, slightly NSFW but no full smut
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You stirred as sleep’s grip slowly loosened around you. Slowly you began to notice the birds chirping happily right outside your window, the sun rays tickling your face. But you didn’t want to get up just yet as you felt the warm body laying behind you, a strong arm wrapped securely around your waist.
Calmly you turned in the arms of your husband, Theseus, snuggling deeper into his chest as a sound of contentment made its way through his mouth, his arms now completely engulfing you as he felt your delicate fingers massaging his head. You lived for these little moments, just the two of you sharing an unbreakable bond of your undying love for each other. Your legs tangled together, both of your hearts beating in unison as your chests pressed against one another, naked warm bodies touching. The both of you basked in your little bubble of love and contentment. 
The opening of your bedroom door made you finally open your eyes. Confused you looked around as your sight slowly focused. The pitter patter of little feet trying to sneak around made you smile and surely enough two little heads with curly auburn hair appeared at the foot of your bed. 
Egan and Niles, splitting images of their handsome father, had their favourite stuffed animals – gifts from uncle Newt – in their little grasps, both just woken up from wonderful dreams full of unimaginable beautiful, magical things.
“Shhhhhh mommy, we want to wake up Daddy”, your oldest son whispered, while your youngest put his finger in front of his lips in a silencing motion. Both of them looked at you, giving you their signature puppy dog eyes they unfortunately inherited from you, before you beckoned them into bed.
Egan, 6 years old, crawled straight over his fathers’ body until he reached his face, starting to pepper it in little kisses. Theseus immediately cracked a beautiful smile as he finally opened his sparkling blue eyes, searching for yours instinctively, before he turned onto his back, surprising little Egan. Softly Theseus tickled his firstborn, enjoying his carefree laughter before he snaked his arm around him and pulled him down onto his chest, planting a little kiss on his forehead. Egan instantly cuddled into him, sighing as Theseus ran his hand along his back soothingly.
Meanwhile Niles, your 4-year-old, crawled in between your bodies, smiling tiredly up at you, as he snuggled into your side and putting his tiny hand against your belly, while you started to run your fingers through his hair. A blissful silence embraced your little family, the only sound being the soft snoring of your boys falling back asleep. Both, you and Theseus shared a smile, as he carefully laid Egan down beside Niles. You gently draped the blanket over them, before scooting closer to your children as Theseus put both of his arms around all of you, trapping his family in a protective hold.
“Good morning, my wife”, Theseus whispered in a hoarse morning voice, sending you a kiss over the heads of your sons.
“Good morning, my dearest husband.”, his hand wandered up to your cheek, stroking softly while you leaned into it. “Did you have a nice sleep, Theseus?”, you asked, watching your precious boys cuddle with each other.
“The best I slept in a long time. I’m not used to sleeping without you in my arms anymore. I’m so happy to be back home with you, darling”.
Theseus just returned from a mission in Paris. It was torture – a whole month without getting to hold you at night, without getting to see your face when he woke up. He missed you dearly, almost losing control and playing with the thoughts of abandoning his whole team just to take you and his beautiful baby boys back into his arms – his family. Still he pushed through it and as he finally went through the door of your beautiful home, all worries instantly vanished when Egan and Niles tackled him forcefully to the floor, holding onto him for their dear life. And lastly, as his eyes landed on your form approaching him, Theseus nearly started crying at witnessing how your belly slightly seemed bigger than before. He took you carefully into his arms, breathing in the comforting smell of roses and lilac emitting form your soft hair. No words needed to be said, only a soft loving kiss was shared. The rest of the evening was spent with hot chocolate and numerous children’s books being read, while Niles babbled on about how he too would get to be a big brother now.
And eventually, as night-time arrived, all the pent-up feelings surfaced and your dearest husband took you to bed. Theseus spent every second mapping out your body the way he remembered it. The picture of you was burned clearly in his mind, yet he still couldn’t get enough of you. He couldn’t help himself, gently caressing your protruding belly while lying behind you, softly moving in and out of your warm, inviting walls. He adored the way you silently whimpered for him; he adored the way your nails clamped into his arms around your body while your walls tightly clenched around him, luring out a breathless groan from him. It was a magical night, full of passion and lust, as you were lost in an all too familiar dance until the early morning hours.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, These’, you’re home now. Safe and sound”.
“I know, beautiful.”, he sighed closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of his family in his arms. 
His fingers softly brushed against your belly, coming to still over the little hand still lying there.
“You could’ve written that we’re awaiting a new addition to the family, you know?”, Theseus said, a teasing smile now adorning his face.
“Where would’ve been the fun in that?”, you teasingly replied, making him chuckle slightly.
You shared one last longing kiss, before you carefully made your way out of bed, leaving the now awake boys cuddling with your husband.
“Pancakes, coffee and fresh orange juice?”, you asked strutting over to the closet and putting on Theseus’ favourite blue summerdress.
“Yaaaayyy that’s my favouwite, mommy”, little Niles said excitedly, sitting straight up. 
“Can I help you with breakfast mommy?”, Egan now asked, while playing curiously with the fingers of his fathers hand.
“Why don’t you stay in bed with daddy for a bit? You know how much he loves cuddling”, you responded, heart doing a flip at your adorable babies.
Both of them squealed immediately turning to Theseus and trapping him in a typical Scamander bear hug.
Theseus P.O.V.
“You’re an angel, darling”, I shook my head, an adoring spark glinting in my eyes as I watched you leaving the bedroom, your melodious laugh making my heart flutter. 
A few more minutes, before I join her, I thought, cradling both Egan and Niles in my arms, catching up on the missing father-son time.
Half an hour went by, the smell of fresh pancakes and coffee wafting through the house. Egan and Niles already left by now, happily playing away in the living room under their mother’s watch. I stood in the shower, washing away every last remaining bit of the mission. A loud laugh resounded from downstairs, making me grin. 
God how I missed this. I’ve finally got everything I’ve ever dreamed of. A supporting, amazing, beautiful wife, soon three unbelievable cute and behaving children, a house…Money to support my family.. And still I miss out on most of it… And what if one day, I won’t be able to come back to this? What if…, I sighed, defeated by all of my thoughts. 
I turned off the shower, stepping out in front of the mirror, drying myself with a fuzzy towel. I starred longingly at my reflection, picturing a future me where I could be home for all of this, where I could fully witness my children growing up and leaving for Hogwarts, taking you out on dates and spending passionate nights together everyday – just like we used to before I became famous Head Auror. For a brief second, I thought I could see my reflection nodding at me, as if saying that my next thoughts would be the right thing to do.
“Theseus!” your voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, “Breakfast is ready!”
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for me to retire… maybe just take on desk work, instead of going out into the field… Merlin, it sounded so right.
No P.O.V.
You watched as your boys already dug into their breakfast hungrily, blabbering away about this and that. Dressed in their day clothes, you almost swooned. They resembled their father unbelievably much, from their gentlemanly behaviour to their dashing looks. You were a proud mother, indeed, you thought as you stroked your belly absentminded. While you started purring two cups of coffee, swaying your hips to the soft jazz music in the background, the smell of your husbands’ expensive cologne reached your nose, his arms wounding around you. Soft wet kisses landed on your shoulder.
You turned, starring into the ocean blue eyes of your Theseus, your arms snaking up his broad shoulders along his suspenders until they locked behind his neck. You stood on your tiptoes, still not quite reaching him, making him laugh and tilt his head, his lips catching yours in a slow and sensual kiss. You were lost in the moment, Theseus’ hands stroking all along your small baby belly and waist, while yours tangled in his still wet locks of auburn hair.
“Ewwwwww mommy and daddy, that’s gross”, Egan shouted, making you instantly break apart and laugh at your sons behaviour.
“Oh so you get to steal kisses from mommy and daddy doesn’t?”, Theseus teased him, as he strutted over to the table to take his seat at the head of it.
“Mommy’s kisses awe only fow us”, Niles said, puffing out his chest in a proud manner and making Egan do the same thing.
“Alright, alright. I’ll give up, I surrender. No mommy kisses for me anymo-“, you interrupted him as you pressed a long loud smooch on Theseus’ cheek before setting down his cup of coffee in front of him. Your boys laughed at their fathers surprised expression.
“Oh you spoil me, darling..”, he sighed adoringly, taking your hand in his while you sat down beside him. As always, the breakfast was quite eventful, your boys talking non-stop and laughing so much it made their parents’ hearts almost melt. Theseus cherished moments like these, getting to sit here and spending time with his family, as all of you started into your day. Also he loved how easy it always was to talk to you, conversation flowing freely about various stuff. Gossip over the neighbours and his work, things that needed to be fixed in the garden, baby names… 
“Mommy, daddy, are me and Niles allowed to play with the Nifflers in the garden?”, Egan asked, excitedly jumping up and down in his chair. The little Baby-nifflers living in your garden were a gift from Uncle Newt and Auntie Tina. You could still remember how brightly their eyes sparkled as they got to care for something so small and fantastic.
“Of course, boys. But don’t give them too much to eat again, you hear me?”, Theseus agreed, watching them as they sprinted outside through the glass doors in your living room leading out into your backyard.
Both of you smiled lovingly. Theseus’ mind went back to the thoughts he had in the bathroom earlier; the taste of the word ‘retirement’ not as bitter on his tongue the more he thought and the more he watched his boys running around the garden.
He slowly came back to reality though, shooting up from his chair as he realized that you already started cleaning off the table. He immediately cleared the rest of it, before bringing the last dirty dishes back into the kitchen. Both of you worked in comfortable silence, stealing small kisses here and there until everything looked flawlessly clean again – how both of you liked it.
Just as you were about to tend to your many flowers, Theseus grabbed your wrist and maneuvered you back to him. He just wanted to hold you once again, taking you into his strong arms, your head finding its place just underneath his chin. You fit together perfectly this way, like puzzle pieces finally finding together. Slowly you both moved to the music sounding in the background, basking in the feeling of your love.
“Theo…”, you whispered, closing your eyes.
“Theo, darling?”, Theseus now looked down at you, his heart doing a little giddy dance of his own. He felt like he was in Hogwarts all over again, at the Yule ball  he first asked you out at.
“Yes, Theo.”, now you looked up at him, leaning your chin on his strong chest. “It would be a perfect name for a boy or a girl, don’t you think?”
You watched as his smile turned into a full grin, before he picked you up and spun you around.
“Sounds perfectly fitting, dear”.
After that conversation the whole day just went by in a blur and you ended it the same way as the night before. Egan and Niles already slept soundly in their rooms, while Theseus and you found yourselfs in the same position as last night – naked, your legs tangled together beneath the tussled sheets. Your breathings finally returned to normal, but the burning feeling of your husbands’ hands on your body still remained. You weren’t ready yet for sleep to whisk you away.
“You know I kind of had a little conversation with myself today”, Theseus admitted, stroking along your warm skin, making you shiver.
“Oh? What did you talk About then?”, a teasing, carefree tone in your voice. Your nails now softly raked down his already red back, while Theseus settled in between your legs, his half hard member brushing your swollen sex. He propped himself up on one of his hands, as to not crush you and your belly. The other stroked back streaks of hair hanging in your face.
“About retirement”, he bluntly stated. A gasp left your lips – never had you thought that your proud auror husband would ever want to give up his work. Unsurely where this was supposed to go, your hand went into his hair, stroking his scalp and motioning him to continue.
“You know, I just thought about resigning from my position in the active field”, he whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “After all, I’ve got a family waiting for me at home. I don’t think I could spend so much time away from you again – I want to be here, I want to live out my life here to the fullest – with you”, and suddenly you moaned out, as his member pushed through your waiting walls.
Theseus kissed you; once, twice, before he started to move.
You couldn’t form any words; the love and happiness, the passion and lust all washed through you at the same time, deeming you unable to form any useful sentences. So as you gazed into eachothers eyes, you held onto one phrase, that would surely get your thoughts across –
“I love you.”
And together, Theseus and you got lost in the sensual moves of that beautiful, familiar dance.
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Soooo because the name Theseus is of greek origin meaning “to set, to place” and a mythical king, i thought that giving the children equal meanings to their names would be fitting. Egan means “little fire”, Niles basically holds the meaning of “people’s Victory” and Theo (a male Name, but also fitting for girls) meaning “divine gift”.
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florence-is-gay · 4 years
tf2 x reader requests are now open!
Since I've failed to make any sfm animations, decent drawings, and overall original content, I'm going to be writing tf2 character x reader stories on wattpad! (Trust me, i would use ao3 if it had a phone app)
Send in your requests via askbox! I trust my followers to give me good requests, so I'm not going to worry much about listing rules fow now. However, I will if the requests start to get out of hand.
LET THERE BE NO NUMBER LIMIT!! Send in all of your ideas!!
(Disclaimer, please try not to get upset if I don't take your request, or if I take a long time to get it done. Writing is hard.)
Also, feel free to reblog!!
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Pairing: Steve x Reader          Word Count: 6,430
Prompt: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by The Jackson 5
Warnings: Language, fluff, oh man, fluff        *Masterpost in Notes
A/N: So, I wanted to do a Christmas themed fic and I decided to do it on some of my favorite Christmas songs so there will probably be a few more. This is just the first one that formed most clearly in my head. This does deal with Christmas so I’m sorry if you don’t celebrate Christmas but I hope you will still enjoy this sweet, sweet, (cavity sweet) fic. I had so much fun writing it and it’s my first time really writing kids so I hope it comes out okay. As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I love y’all. Enjoy this (hopefully) treat!
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Chilly mornings, snow covered window sills, and the smell of pine are some of the simple things that you enjoy about winter.
Christmas morning, with the smell of a turkey roasting and the sweet scent of gingerbread and cinnamon floating throughout the house, it doesn’t take long for the two sleepyheads of the house to lazily slump their way into the kitchen to see what it is you’re up to.
The first one in is short, really short. She’s just under three feet of inherited sass, with storm blue eyes like her daddy, long blonde hair that shines as if it were kissed by the sun, and rosy pink cheeks that puff out in the morning. As she sleepily walks to you, rubbing her right eye with her small fist, you can’t help the smile that overcomes your face. She’s your little girl, your pride and joy, and boy does she look like her daddy. Only cuter in her long red cotton nightgown with long sleeves because, duh, it’s winter.
You don’t see hardly an ounce of yourself in her, save for perhaps her temper. She definitely gets that from you.
“Good morning, my darling.” You greet her, but she moves towards you without a word, her arms held up ready to be picked up. She might be three, but she’s tiny, and you know that she probably gets that from her daddy too.
Speak of the devil. You look up to watch a tall blonde man with sleepy storm blue eyes move towards you. The back of his hair is in disarray, but he also looks tasty in his long sleeve red shirt and festive green pajama pants covered in a silver and blue ornament print. He’s rubbing his right eye with his large fist, dragging his slipper covered feet across the light blue tile of your kitchen floor, the spitting image of your daughter.
“Oh, two darlings on Christmas morning. I’m so lucky.” You exclaim as you reach down and scoop your little girl up.
She wraps her arms around your neck and rests her left cheek on your right shoulder facing the counter where you’d been mixing up some flour. Her little hand finds the skin of your neck and begins to gently stroke it. The soft baby skin of her itty-bitty fingers feels like heaven. You’ll never get tired of her little habit. The other zombie moves towards you and wraps his arms around your waist and leans down to bury his face into the left side of your neck. You can feel his lips grazing your skin and it heats you up, chasing the cold of the morning away.
“You know, I’ve been up for a while? You both need to get in the shower and dressed. Sam will be here in two hours and Tony likes to drop in when he wants.” You inform them but your little one isn’t worried.
Your big one sighs, his hot breath sending shiver along your spine. “Warabou buggy?”
You don’t need a translator. “Bucky’s coming with Sam.”
But your big one doesn’t budge which forces you to get stern. “Steven Grant Rogers, if they show up and you’re not dressed…”
He groans and pulls away. “Okay, okay. I’m awake.”
“No, you’re not.” You say with a shake of your head. “Look at that face.”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you and then leans in to kiss you as you chuckle. “Mmm, you taste like cherries.”
He leans in and kisses you some more, deepening the kiss to get as much of that cherry flavor as he can. He has to maneuver around your three-year-old who is still not budging.
You laugh and don’t dare break that kiss. It’s a good way to start Christmas morning. Any morning, really.
Steve pulls away but peppers you with firm pecks while you speak. "Come-on-or-we won’t-be-ready-in-time.”
He holds the last kiss for a few seconds then pulls away to finally look at your kitchen counters all covered in dough, flour, fresh fruit, glaze for the cinnamon rolls, powdered sugar, pecans, gravy, stuffing, and all the other fixings for a full Christmas turkey lunch.
“How long have you been up?” Steve asks, worried that he’s made a mistake by sleeping in.
“Long enough to get this going.” You rub your little one’s back and then spank her little bottom twice with affection. “Go on, Sarah, let daddy carry you, mommy’s gotta finish the food before your uncles get here.”
Little Sarah finally pushes herself up and quickly turns towards Steve and extends her arms to be carried. Steve takes her, and she immediately finds his right shoulder with her left cheek but she’s not sleeping. She’s awake, if not wide awake, staring straight across out the kitchen window where snow falls steadily and piles up higher on the sill.
“Do you need me to help with anything? I’m so sorry, honey, I didn’t mean to sleep in.” Steve apologizes, genuinely, and he watches your face with disappointment in himself and it makes your heart stutter.
He’s such a good husband. So thoughtful. “Aww, baby, you just got back, don’t worry about it. I’m just happy you’re home in time to celebrate with us. For a few days there, I didn’t think we’d get to have you home for Christmas.”
He’s not appeased. In fact, he still looks worried about leaving you saddled with all the work in the kitchen, but you nod towards the living room. “Go on. Get her dressed and I’ll get you two some breakfast.”
“I’m sorry, hun.” Steve says again, still not letting go of the workload you must have already completed and still must do.
“Hey!” You say, almost as if you’re going to chastise him and he stares at you with those worried blue eyes. “Give me a kiss.”
Steve’s face relaxes a little, his lips curving into that small coy smile that you fell in love with, and he leans in to press his lips against yours while holding Sarah secure against his shoulder with his wide right hand splayed along the center of her small back.
“Mmm.” You say as he kisses you then pulls back with the sound of smacking lips. “Now go.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Steve says with a smile and turns to head back towards the bedrooms. “Say, we’ll be back in a little bit mommy.”
“We be back in a wittow bid, mommy.” Sarah repeats, her high voice is soft, like a tinkling bell, but flows even like Steve’s.
“Say, I love you, mommy.” Steve continues as they move through the living room towards the hallway.
“Wuv you, mommy.” She parrots.
“You’re the prettiest mommy in the world, mommy.”
“You’re da pwettiest mommy in da wold, mommy.” Sarah pushes herself up, smiling, having fun repeating after Steve now.
“Thank you for loving daddy, mommy.” Steve says as they both disappear from sight.
“Dank you fow wubbing daddy, mommy.” Her little voice is distant now, but you can just make it out.
You turn back to your flour and get back to making your cinnamon rolls, smiling because Steve is probably still making her say things. She’s a little on the shy side and Steve has told you how shy he was at her age but with you and Steve she’s an open book. Her small stature is also probably because of him too. He’d been tiny at her age.
It takes them twenty minutes to get ready, during which time you make some fresh coffee, and when they come back into the kitchen, Steve is dressed in a pair of dark gray dress pants, a V-cut navy-blue sweater with a lighter blue undershirt, and a bright red tie. “Well?”
“You look great. And where’s my precious angel?” You wonder, and Sarah moves in wearing a red dress with large white polka dots on the top and a solid red tulle skirt on the bottom. “Oh, my goodness! Look at how beautiful you look!”
Steve even tied a little grow ribbon into a bow on her head! Clever, Daddy!
You’re dramatic about your gushing and Sarah giggles and races towards you to cling to your leg. “You are going to knock the socks off your uncles.”
Your little girl has got to be the prettiest little girl in the world.
“We did good.” You tell Steve and he chuckles, watching Sarah grin wide as you fawn over her. “None of them are going to stand a chance, are they?”
“She’ll have them wrapped around her finger in the first ten minutes.” Steve agrees.
“Ooh, I love you so much.” You squat down so that you can pull her into a hug and kiss her puffed rosy cheek. “What do you want to eat for breakfast?”
“Fwench toes!” She exclaims excitedly.
“French toast. Okay. Go wait with daddy in the dining room and I’ll be right in with your French toast.” You kiss her again because she’s so darn irresistible and once again spank her little bottom lightly.
She giggles and races off towards the dining room.
“What do you want, babe?” You ask, standing back up and straightening your red, wrap around dress, white mistletoe printed on the soft flowing fabric from top to bottom.
Steve is finally back from his mission. He deserves to eat whatever he desires, and you’ll make it, no matter what it might be.
“French toast is fine.” He agrees with Sarah then moves to pour himself a cup of freshly brewed coffee and fill a child’s plastic reindeer cup with milk.
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Steve moves to place the cup of milk in front of his princess and kisses her head as she grabs it and takes a sip. He sits himself beside her, watching the kitchen doorway with slight apprehension. You’re in the process of making Christmas lunch, now breakfast too, and you’d been wrapping presents all last night. You’d gone to sleep after him, woken up before him, and you’re still going without complaint. He has half a mind to go in there and force you to sit down and rest while he finishes up the rest of the food, but he knows you’ll only get after him.
Plus, he’s not as good a cook as you are. He’s decent, but this type of meal? Not a chance.
“Daddy…” Sarah’s little voice whispers, calling his attention to her as she hunches low by the table, her little blue eyes glued to the kitchen doorway as she watches for movement.
“What?” He asks, his voice a whisper too.
It’s instinct, Steve falling into play with her without any coaxing. He loves playing with her and if he could spend all day at home taking care of her and making her laugh, he would. When he’s not on mission, he’s already doing just that.
“Daddy, I hab a see-kwit.” She separates the word into two distinct syllables and Steve smiles at her cuteness.
She’s bragging, the rascal.
He gasps silently, his mouth agape as he widens his eyes and Sarah responds by biting her small rosebud bottom lip then covers her mouth with her tiny hand as she stifles her giggle.
“Mommy doesn’t like secrets.” Steve reminds her.
House rule! No secrets between mommy, daddy, and Sarah.
Sarah’s face goes deadly serious as her own eyes widen and become perfectly round, storm blue saucers. They’re so mesmerizing that if Steve wasn’t in conversation with her and highly amused, he’d be lost in those beautiful eyes.
“Is mommy’s see-kwit!” She exclaims still whispering.
Steve glances at the kitchen doorway as his brow furrows and he suddenly realizes that Sarah might have seen you buying his Christmas present or planning something else. Or maybe you were sneaking brittle again when he deliberately asked you to leave him some!
“What secret does mommy have from daddy?” Steve wonders.
He pushes his coffee cup away a bit so that he can fold both arms on the shining maple wood table, and slowly he slides, hunching down towards Sarah as she also leans towards him. She places her hand in front of her lips to try and cover them so that if you should walk in, you can’t see what she’s saying. But she’s so uncoordinated still that she mostly just covers her lips so that Steve has to lean in closer to hear her.
“I tink mommy wikes Santa.” She says, and Steve has to turn to look at her face to see what expression she’s wearing.
If she’s grinning, he’ll know that she’s playing a game. Whether it’s playing pretend or just playing a joke on him, he’ll know. But what he finds is a completely serious expression as Sarah quickly glances at the kitchen doorway and Steve starts to wonder if she doesn’t already have some innate ability to be a spy. She is your daughter. And she’s sharp and quick thinking. Witty. And with the way she’s treating this exchange of information, Steve can suddenly see your influence, the spy life that you’d given up when you’d gotten pregnant, he can see it in her in this moment. Her shifty eyes, her careful whispering. She knows what she’s doing probably without knowing it.
And she’s fucking adorable doing it too.
“Why do you think mommy likes Santa? Don’t we want to like Santa? He brings us presents.” Steve counters and Sarah frowns at him and it’s so cute and terrifying, the extent of her expressions that he pulls back a bit.
“Daddy, mommy wikes Santa wike she wikes daddy!” She explains, exasperated with Steve’s inability to get the picture.
A little lightbulb flickers on in Steve’s head suddenly and he has to focus hard not to smile because this is serious business for his baby girl and he’s going to give her the respect that she deserves while she conducts her investigation!
“What makes you say that, princess?” Steve urges for an explanation and Sarah looks back to the kitchen doorway and sighs like she’s about to give him her life’s story.
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Sarah’s little fluttering heart prompts her to sit anxiously on the edge of her soft bed. Her little hands slowly rub the soft and fresh satin fabric of her sunshine yellow comforter, her favorite color. There’s little pink flowers all over it and it’s the best blanket in the entire world! Mommy and Daddy picked it and Sarah loves it and she will never sleep without it.
She hears a sudden gasp at her door and she tenses up, gripping her comforter as the door shoots open and you race inside, shutting the door behind you before moving to sit beside her on the bed. You wrap your arm around her small shoulders and Sarah can’t help but lean into your embrace. Mommy is safe. Mommy is where no one can hurt you.
“Shhh, you hear that?” You ask and Sarah nods as the distant sound of sleigh bells echoes down the hall. “What is it, Sarah?”
Sarah listens a few seconds longer, her eyes wide as she processes the tinkling noise and then she remembers and whispers excitedly. “Waindee-o!”
“Santa’s reindeer!” You gasp excitedly with her, dropping your voice to a whisper like hers.
Suddenly there’s a loud thump and you fake a jump, but Sarah’s tiny heart gives a leap and she wraps her little arms around your waist, burying her face against your side.
“Oh, my goodness!” You exclaim quietly. “What do you think that might have been?”
Sarah peeks out towards the door then fully turns her face towards it as her mind rushes to remember what that sound could be.
“Santa’s sway.” She whispers and smiles up at you. “Santa’s heo.”
You widen your eyes, bite your bottom lip and she copies you.
“Should we go see?” You ask her, and Sarah looks at the door before she bravely hops off of the bed and marches to the door.
She looks down at her hands, empty, and races back to the bed to grab her stuffed Captain America doll which Uncle Bucky had thought would annoy Steve, but it only made Steve proud when Sarah clung to the doll for safety. ‘Dis my daddy.’ She’d say proudly, and Steve would beam.
She clutches the doll against her chest then moves back towards the door. “Okay, mommy, wes go see Santa.”
As you move to catch up with her, Sarah doesn’t react when you reach down and pull her long red nightgown down all the way. She’s staring at the door with fierce determination, mimicking your face when you stare at the sink full of dishes.
She has no way of knowing you’d worn that face when you’d been fighting enemies around the world before she was born. She’s got your natural instinct for facing what scares her a little bit and Steve’s bravery to face it with determination and strength.
You open the door and Sarah peeks out first, looking around the corner down the long hallway as she stares at the distant living room. The rest of the apartment is dark, except for the orange glow in the living room coming from the fireplace as it crackles with hot and inviting flames. There’s also the tree, tall and covered in soft white twinkle lights that pulsate softly filling the room with dim and pleasant mood lighting.
“Which way, my darling?” You ask her, and Sarah looks up at you, her brow furrowed as she points towards the living room.
“Dat way, mommy.” Sarah walks forward, courage filling her chest, and she’s not scared anymore.
She wants to see Santa and if he didn’t bring daddy and mommy presents too then she’s going to have a stern word with him.
“Kwite, mommy. Shhh.” She whispers, pressing the tiny index finger of her right hand to her lips as she clutches Captain America to her chest with her left, and Sarah is so glad that she went back for Daddy because he gives her the brave stuff to move towards Santa.
“Ooh, okay, baby.” You assure her, and Sarah knows that you’ll be quiet without needing to be told again.
Mommy is the best at keeping quiet. Even better than daddy!
The closer the two of you draw to the living room, the more of the dimly lit room is exposed, the slower Sarah gets. She does this on purpose, placing her feet deliberately so that they don’t creak against the wooden floor of the hallway. Suddenly, Sarah freezes and you do too. Your eyes on her however, and Sarah’s blues widen as a big tall man dressed in a red suit with fluffy white stuff on it and a big black belt and a big red hat with a fluffy ball on the end comes into view.
“Santa…” Sarah whispers.
She watches, frozen and transfixed with her left arm clutching Captain America more tightly to her chest, as Santa moves towards the Christmas tree and begins to unload boxes and boxes of presents. There are so many, Sarah gasps.
One, two, three, four, five, seven, nine, ten, eleven! Eleven presents from Santa, Sarah counts. Wow!
Then Santa stands up straight and Sarah flattens herself against the closest wall of the hallway as Santa moves towards the small table by daddy’s favorite brown chair where he proceeds to eat three big sugar cookies and then drinks down the whole glass of milk. Sarah is ecstatic. Those were her cookies! She helped mommy make them.
“Mommy!” She says excitedly, and you drop down onto your knees beside her.
Mommy’s hands find Sarah’s little hips and you pull her against your chest, wrapping your arms around her as Sarah bounces in place, so excited she can’t hide it anymore.
All of a sudden, Santa freezes as he places the empty glass of milk down and he pretends to be listening hard.
“Uh oh.” You say and Sarah gasps.
“Santa heard us, mommy?” She worries.
“I don’t know, baby, come on. Let’s hurry and get to bed before Santa can see us.” You rush to whisper and Sarah springs from between your legs and rushes towards her room as quietly as she can, throws her door open, and climbs into bed on her own.
She pulls the yellow comforter over her legs, shoves plush Daddy beside her and slightly under the blanket before she throws herself back against her pillows and shuts her blue eyes tight, her blonde locks a soft and beautiful crown around her head.
You move in and as Sarah waits with her eyes closed, she feels you tuck her in. Then you kiss plush Daddy because you always kiss plus Daddy. And then you kiss Sarah and Sarah smiles.
“Goodnight, my angel. Sweet dreams and remember to stay in bed. Santa might still be here.” You whisper and Sarah nods, her eyes still shut tight.
For several minutes, Sarah listens hard. She hears a very faint click, the only indication that you’ve left her room and she tries hard to go to sleep.
“Sweep, sweep, sweep…” She chants under her breath but when sleep doesn’t come, Sarah opens her eyes and looks towards the door. She can hear the faint mumbling of voices and wonders if maybe Daddy’s home.
Because she can’t resist the lure of seeing Daddy before the night is over, she slowly gets up from her bed and moves towards the door and now she’s sure she can hear Mommy laughing. She’s laughing like when Daddy’s home!
New excitement courses through Sarah’s little body, more so than when she heard Santa, and she pulls the door open and scampers down the hallway towards the living room then stops dead as she sees Santa standing in front of the tree, carrying Mommy!
For a moment, poor Sarah isn’t sure what she’s seeing. She flattens herself against the hallway wall again and this time, squats down on her own so that she can watch Santa with Mommy properly. That’s not Daddy. Why is Mommy laughing with Santa?!
Then Santa leans in towards Mommy and tickles Mommy’s cheek with his whiskers! Why is Santa tickling Mommy with his whiskers?!
“Awe, I do miss the beard.” Mommy says and Sarah watches as Santa tickles Mommy again and Mommy reaches down to scratch Santa’s chin through his beard.
When Santa speaks, he sounds slightly familiar, but Sarah is so shocked by what she’s seeing that she’s not sure why Santa sounds like that.
“How about you give Santa a kiss?” Santa says, and Sarah shakes her head.
No! Mommy isn’t supposed to kiss Santa! Mommy only kisses Daddy!
Sarah is devastated as Mommy leans in, wrapping her arms around Santa’s neck and kisses him.
Mommy. Kissed. Santa. What?!
In a daze, Sarah makes her way back to her room. She slips in, shaking her head in disappointment because Mommy is only supposed to kiss Daddy. Daddy would be so shocked to see Mommy kissing Santa!
As Sarah climbs back into bed and pulls her covers back over herself, she narrows her eyes and vows, to protect Daddy, she will keep Mommy’s secret and never tell Daddy that she saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus.
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Steve is struggling so hard to keep from laughing. He’s struggling to keep from smiling. He swallows hard, hoping it will also cause him to swallow down the urge to laugh.
“Mommy kissed Santa?” He asks his daughter and she nods gravely.
“Yes, Daddy.” Sarah sighs, still whispering, still glancing towards the kitchen.
“Did Mommy hut you Daddy?” Sarah asks, completely serious, and Steve is so overwhelmed with love for his little girl that he reaches over and wraps her up in his arm as she sits in her seat.
“No, baby girl, Mommy didn’t hurt Daddy. Mommy told me that she kissed Santa when I got home. She said that it was only a kiss to say thank you and that she would never do it again.” He assures her, but Sarah’s little face is still frowning.
“I dunno, Daddy. I tink Mommy wikes Santa.” She suddenly looks up as you cross into the room and Steve leans back up as Sarah presses her finger to her lips. “Shhh.”
“What are you shushing about, young lady?” You ask and Steve smiles down at his little girl.
“Never you mind.” He tells you and because Steve knows you’ll know that this is all for parenting reasons, he gives you a scowl.
“Hmm. Here is your French toast, my darling.” You tell Sarah and Steve smiles as Sarah seems to completely forget the traumatic experience of watching Mommy kiss Santa as her French toast is placed before her. “Do you want syrup? Or powdered sugar?”
Sarah bounces in her seat. “Poweo sugo.”
“Alright. And what about you, Steve?” You ask as you sift the powdered sugar, just a small bit, over Sarah’s French toast.
“Syrup. I’ll pour it, hun.” He gives you an amused smile and Steve feels a strange sense of elation as he watches the confusion on your face as you watch the expression on his.
“Oookay.” You say and place the small pitcher before him. Heated syrup. Yay, you! “I’ll be finishing up the pies if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Mommy.” Steve says, nudging Sarah as she chews on her first bite.
“Tanks, Mommy!” She says excitedly, enjoying her breakfast greatly.
“You’re welcome, my angel.” You say with a smile.
As you head back into the kitchen, Steve watches you go with a grin, his mind on last night and how much fun it had been to be Santa.
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As you finish placing another pie in the oven, you move to finish mixing the last of the peach pie, your last pie, together so that you can pour it into its tin and put it in and be done in the kitchen!
You’re so focused on mixing that you don’t hear Steve as he walks into the kitchen. It’s not until his right arm is wrapping itself around your shoulder, two of his fingers slipping in underneath the left side of your dress to caress the skin of your shoulder, his lips making a beeline for your neck.
“Steve,” You gasp, surprised but pleasantly so.
Your hand freezes as your skin erupts into goosebumps, the heat of his touch making your heart stutter and restart at a faster rate. He leans his left hand on the counter, leaning against you, pressing his body to yours from behind.
“Steve, Sarah’s in the other room.” You complain, but not really.
“She’s watching Rudolph.” He says, nibbling your skin.
When his tongue, hot and wet, slides slowly along the length of your neck, you give up and noisily let your hands clatter into the metal mixing bowl.
“God, I missed you.” He whispers huskily as he pulls back, and you turn to look at him.
“I missed you.” You admit and lean in to kiss him, but he doesn’t meet your kiss and pulls back, staring at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “What?”
“Our daughter, is very disappointed in you.” He informs you and your heart seems to tumble with the bad news.
“What? Why?” You demand, but Steve’s fingers stroke the skin of your shoulder underneath your dress, moving down slowly and closer to your breast.
“She caught you.” He says gravely. “And you were being a bad Mommy.”
“Steve, what are you talking about?” You demand again, losing patience this time.
He huffs a laugh, grinning at you before he leans in to whisper in your ear. “Sarah just informed me that she had a secret. Mommy’s secret. And she was hoping that I wouldn’t take it hard, but she thought that I needed to know that Mommy likes Santa.”
For a moment you stand there, confused out of your mind. “What?”
Steve chuckles and drops the teasing tone as he kisses your cheek. “Our daughter caught you kissing Santa Claus last night and she thought that I needed to know.”
“Oh, my God.” You exclaim, realizing what your baby girl must have seen.
How confusing must that have been?
“I told her that you let me know right away that you only kissed Santa so that you could thank him for bringing us gifts but your daughter, ever the sleuth, is not convinced and swears that Mommy likes Santa the way Mommy likes Daddy.” He chuckles again, and you blanch.
“Oh, Steve, she must be so upset.” You worry.
“Oh, honey, no.” Steve reaches over to turn your head so that you’ll look at him. “She’s three. She’ll forget it in a few weeks. Days even. You have nothing to worry about. Except maybe planning a little better for next year. We’ll have to wait until I’m out of the Santa suit to make out.”
You laugh at his words but still worry that you might have done some lasting damage to your daughter’s psyche. The last thing you want is for her to wonder if you really love her father.
“But,” Steve leans down and shuts you up with a kiss. Your hands full of sticky dough and peaches, you lean back, giving in as Steve’s hands find your wrists to hold you in his arms without your cooking getting all over the place. “Mmm, you kept the beard.”
He hadn’t shaved this morning. Thanks to your comment last night maybe? He kisses you again.
“God, now you taste like peaches.” He moans, whining because you’ve got a full day of entertaining to do and he’s going to have to wait until they’re gone and Sarah’s asleep before he can have his way with you.
You laugh, amused by his tone, but he wraps you up in his arms again and kisses you more fiercely.
The kiss might just begin to get good when suddenly the doorbell rings and Steve groans in complaint. He pulls away, a soft lip-smacking echoing around the kitchen as he turns towards the kitchen doorway. “Can’t we just cancel? We’ll say Sarah has the chicken pox.”
“Steve!” You chastise him and quickly drop the contents of your pie into its tin. No top crust for this one. “Put that in the oven while I get the door.”
“Yes, drill sergeant, sir.” He says sarcastically, and you shake your head at him before moving towards the front door, wiping your hands on your apron as you go.
When you open the door, you find Sam and Bucky arguing over the wine they’re holding.
“Why would you bring a white wine? This is clearly a red wine sort of occasion.” Sam points out.
“Look, you brought your red wine, I brought my white wine. Why does there have to be a right or wrong wine? Can’t we just enjoy both bottles?” Bucky demands.
You give them a quick look over and both men are wearing dark pants like Steve.
“I don’t know, can we?” Sam asks sarcastically.
“You’re already fighting?” You ask, slightly exasperated.
“Fighting?” Sam asks, incredulous as he moves towards you and leans down to kiss your cheek.
As he moves passed you, Bucky moves towards you next, his hair pulled back into a clean yet stylish bun.
“We’re not fighting.” Bucky says, “This is just a discussion.”
He kisses your cheek too and you shut the door behind him and take his jacket as he strips it off, switching the wine bottle from hand to hand as he does. “Right, you’re both in denial. You fight like old ladies.”
“We do not. Where’s Steve?” Bucky asks as he straightens his dark red sweater.
“What is that?!” Sam’s voice suddenly demands.
As you hang up Bucky’s coat, you look over at Sam who is holding his own coat in one hand as he stares at Bucky’s sweater.
“What?” Bucky asks, feigning innocence, badly.
You don’t believe him for one second and it seems that neither does Sam.
“What happened to the ugly Christmas sweater theme?!” He demands, looking around at you as you get a look at his sweater.
The bottom half of the sweater is dark blue, the middle is red, and the top is gray and white. A large yellow letter A in the Avengers font takes up about seventy-five percent of the sweater’s face along with two matching A’s on both the left and right arm. All around the A’s there are small Mjolnir hammers, Captain America shields, green Hulk fists, red Winter Soldier stars, Iron Man masks, Black Widow symbols, and small red falcons.
You cover your mouth with your hand as you stare at Sam’s sweater and your urge to laugh is so strong that it seeps through and you almost spit but luckily your hand is over your mouth.
Bucky loses his composure a bit too and as he speaks, the amusement is clear in his voice. “Oh, man, I er…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Man…” Sam starts.
Steve walks in and adds to the fun. “Woah! Sam, nice sweater.”
“What? Man! How are you and this idiot gonna be wearing normal sweaters? I thought this was an ugly sweater party?” He demands.
Steve shakes his head. “Sam, this was never going to be an ugly sweater party.”
Sam turns back to glare at Bucky and Bucky finally laughs. “I’m sorry, I…I couldn’t help myself.”
“I had this shit custom made!” Sam exclaims.
You gasp as you laugh. “Sam! Language?”
There are little ears in the house. Just as you say it, she comes scampering in. “Unco Bucky!”
“Holy-who is this beautiful Christmas model running towards me?!” Bucky plays up the flattery just like you did earlier, and he catches her in his arms, lifts her up, and presses a kiss to her cheek. “I can’t believe how beautiful you look.”
Sarah giggles and hugs him tight around the neck before she finally catches sight of Sam and squirms out of Bucky’s arms back to the ground. She moves towards Sam and reaches up towards him. He takes her hand and squats down to be on her level.
“Oh, my goodness, Unco Sam…I wuv yo sweat-o. Is beautiful!” Despite the embarrassment, this level of praise from your three-year-old seems to appease Sam’s raging monster at Bucky’s joke.
“Thanks, baby doll. I’m glad you like it. What were you doing before we got here?” Sam asks her as you, Bucky, and Steve continue to chuckle.
“Washing Woodolph.” She says, and Sam picks her up.
“Come on, let’s go watch Rudolph and your Uncle Bucky is not invited.” Sam throws at him as he carries Sarah back into the living room.
Bucky frowns, “Hey! That’s not fair. You can’t hog my niece.”
He follows them as the doorbell rings again.
You move to answer it and Tony, Pepper, and Nat file in. They remove their coats, which you hang, and are glad to see that they weren’t targets of Bucky’s ugly sweater prank. Then you urge Steve to go sit with them in the living room until lunch is ready. It’ll be a while still and you’ll need to be checking on the stuff still baking.
“You’ve done enough, let me finish.” Steve pleads.
You frown at him. “How long do the pies need to stay in the oven so that the crust is crispy and flaky and not all wet and mushy?”
“Um…” Steve says, attempting but failing to come up with the right answer.
“Get outta here.” You shove him towards the kitchen door and watch as he gives you a pout but then disappears into the living room with the other Avengers.
Eventually Bruce, Wanda, and Vision arrive. Lastly, Thor comes in carrying coffees because he didn’t know what to bring and he thought everyone would like coffees.
“Oh, Thor, that’s perfect. I’ll get the cinnamon buns out of the oven and bring them into the living room.” You turn and move back into the kitchen to serve the sweet treats on a large enough plate to hold all of them.
It’s actually more like a tray.
You can hear the conversation drifting in from the living room and the sound is so pleasant that you smile as you carry the tray towards the door. Your heart is soaring, happy that another year has come and gone and once more you’re all together to celebrate the holiday. This time in your home where you can show them just how much you’re grateful for everything that they do. This group of amazing people protect your husband from harm every time they go out on a mission and now that you’re parents, they are extra protective to make sure he gets home in one piece.
They are the silver lining in the dangerous job that Steve performs and you’re so happy that your mind forgets last night. It forgets Sarah’s trauma. And you allow yourself to feel at ease. At peace. And thankful.
“I’ve seen this film. It is the story of the outcast deer with the nose like a red lightbulb. It is most amusing. There’s that man. The uh…what is he called again?” Thor asks, looking around at everyone in turn.
Tony, Pepper, Nat, and Bruce are all squished into your large sofa, Wanda and Vision sit in the loveseat while Sam sits on your ottoman and Bucky lounges on the floor by Steve who’s sitting in his favorite brown chair with Sarah in his lap. Thor, still standing after having placed the coffees on the coffee table, towers over everyone as they all reach out in unison to grab a coffee, except for Steve who suddenly has a beautiful blonde toddler standing on his legs, his hands holding her around the waist to make sure she doesn’t fall.
“Das Santa.” Sarah says with a scowl and Bucky sits back with his coffee in hand, staring at the sweet princess with a worried gaze.
“Why do you look so angry with Santa? Didn’t he bring you any toys?” Bucky asks and then looks at the base of the Christmas tree but sees stacks and stacks of gifts, even the few from him.
“I’ve got cinnamon buns!” You announce happily and lean down to place the tray beside the coffees.
“I’m angwy wid Santa becaws, I saw my Mommy kissing Santa Cwas wast night!” She declares, loudly, confidently, angrily, and with a scowl so deep that you finally see her resemblance to you.
You look at her, shocked, disbelieving, and embarrassed as the room goes completely silent.
“Fuck.” You utter, and everyone gasps.
*Epilogue located in Notes or in One-Shot Masterpost
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nitaescence · 6 years
여름 | Yeo Reum
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Pairing : Husband&Dad!Taehyung x Wife&Mom!Reader ( + Dad!Jungkook)
Genre : Mild angst, Fluff
Word Count : 7.6 k
A/N : I stuck with the same family pattern than in their respective TROS scenarios (Taehyung | Jungkook) This oneshot happens a few years afterwards.
Jungkook [6:14 PM] I’m on my way
You let your phone fall back down on the couch next to you after you've quickly read the text message.
You gaze down at your youngest son, Tae Sook, who’s been drawing for hours now. A lazy smile curves your lips, glad to see him looking so pleased talking to himself as he takes glances at his several artworks spread out all around him on the carpet; touching them up here and then.
He's grown so much.
You press your lips in a thin line when a contraction suddenly tightens your swollen belly, your hand instantly going to press the painful spot on the right side.
Closing your eyes as your brain only focuses on the discomfortable feeling until it stops and when it does, you start to breathe normally again.
You notice your son watching you silently, two colored pencils trapped in his tiny fists held in the air as if he has been frozen and you can recognize worry in his features, surely after he's heard you faintly moan in pain.
You address him a small smile, reassuring him that everything is alright and he’s quick to resume drawing and humming singsongs.
The pain in your abdomen takes some time to disappear altogether, your headache starts intensifying and your other two boys playing noisily in their room don’t help at all.
You let out a long sigh, thinking how quickly they’ve forgotten about your earlier scolding; telling them to be as quiet as possible. You don’t feel like losing your temper and choose not to do anything — Your baby is expected anytime soon and the less you exhaust yourself the better for them and you.
You stare at the TV, feeling miserable. The sound doesn't reach your ears, your mind is too preoccupied thinking about your husband's absence, wishing he were there when you need him more than ever — it’s been two weeks since Taehyung has flown to China for a filming.
You mentally curse yourself for encouraging him to leave you on your own.
He’s insisted several times to stay by your side but you had foolishly assured him that you would be fine and that nothing major would happen in the meantime he’d be away.
The thing is that he was supposed to be home five days ago, the shooting being extended as he’s explained it in one of his many text messages some time ago. And in addition to that, he’s been unreachable ever since.
At this moment, you feel on the verge of breaking down.
This is your third time being pregnant but for some reasons, it feels different from the two others — you feel less energetic, your body has tripled in size everywhere it could and headaches have been quite frequent lately. Taehyung’s even noticed it when you've reached your second trimester and has hinted that it could be related to the gender of the baby.
Your first children are all boys and having a little girl will make you more than thrilled, however you’ve made it clear when you've wished not to reveal the gender so as to keep the surprise until the end. Your happiness will be the fullest regardless of the baby being a little boy or a little girl.
Seeing you struggling more than before, Taehyung’s decided — without consulting you — to text Jungkook about his availability and if he could drop by from time to time to check on you during his absence and help taking care of your sons.
He didn’t ask your opinion because he already knew you wouldn't be keen on accepting his idea, not that you mind a little bit of help but Jungkook has a family too and his boy is only two years old. You know how difficult having your first child can be and you felt bad for his wife — taking her husband away from her to replace yours.
You called her many times, explaining how even though Taehyung's requested their help they didn’t have to adapt their daily life just because of you but she kept telling you that she couldn't leave you alone with three kids and one “about to pop out anytime” and has decided with her husband to come by very often. She has even offered to take the twins with them so that you could have some peace and time to rest.
This time, Jungkook comes alone. The doorbell rings and you can hear squeals of delight as the twins rush to the entrance door quickly followed by their young brother.
They bump into each other arguing about the one that should open the door and shortly after you can see Jungkook peeping inside, looking down at three small heads looking up to see the newcomer. When they recognize him, they scream to express their joy.
You slowly stand up with one hand on your back, waddling towards the boys and you are already feeling dizzy.
Jungkook is crouched, hugging the three children all at once and even finds the strength to carry them all and the boys get surprised. He kisses each of them and puts them back down.
“You shouldn’t do this. It’s bad for your back,” you sigh, happy to have the company of someone over the age of four.
He looks at you for the first time but his eyes are drawn back downwards when he feels small limbs trapping his legs.
“You know I can't help but hug the life out of these munchkins whenever I see them,” he confesses still smiling to the boys.
“Jungkook, I-”
“I know, I know…” He cuts you while getting rid of his shoes and jacket with a smug face. “You’ll forever be grateful to us. I got it the third time and I’ll tell you for the umpteenth time that it’s normal.”
You watch him silently, smiling a little and quickly blink your eyes to prevent tears from falling. Damn those hormones.
You walk away inside the kitchen.
“Do you want something to drink?” You ask him as you open a cupboard. When you turn around, you see Jungkook tickling your sons as they try to keep a tight hold of him. “Boys, leave him alone and go play in your room,” you try to speak firmly but quickly give up on being stern when you feel your head pounding.
Jungkook looks down at the twins, a lopsided smile on his lips. They eventually let go of him and he goes to take a seat on one of the kitchen’s stools.
“Uncle! Look!” Says Tae Sook's high-pitched voice as his small legs move quickly towards the older man. He stretches his hands holding one of the sheets. “Fow you!”
With a snort of amusement, you pour some tea in two cups, remembering how he’s claimed that he planned to give all of his new drawings to Taehyung when he’d be back.
“For me? Really? Thank you! Wow, it’s beautiful,” exclaims Jung Kook, taking the piece of paper in his hand to have a closer look.
The little boy smiles, satisfied, and runs back to draw again.
“I can already see Tae’s jealous eyes,” chuckles Jungkook, admiring the abstract drawing as he shows it to you. “Do you have any news from him?” He hesitantly asks you when you put the hot drink in front of him.
You shake your head while sitting down next to him. “It’s been two days since his last message... The location has bad reception. If he knew when he’d come back I think he would have told me.”
“Maybe, he’s planning to surprise you,” the man laughs, his eyes never leaving you as he takes a sip.
“Honestly, I don’t care about it being a surprise or not... I just want him here with us...” you pout, dropping your head in your folded arms on the counter.
“When did you wake up this morning?” He asks, looking at your hair spread around your head.
“Way too early. Min Jun had a little bit of fever during the night but nothing too serious.” You reply, your words muffled in your sweater.
It’s his turn to sigh. “Ok. Go lie down.”
“It’s okay. I’ll make dinner. You go rest.” He hops down and softly circles your shoulders to motion you towards the couch.
You tell him what you initially planned to cook and let him take full charge.
Once sat, you pick up the book you've been reading early this afternoon and left on the couch, trying your best to focus on it.
You can’t keep your eyes away from Jungkook who’s busy on making different dishes, ready to go answer any of his requests.
A sudden buzz interrupts your trail of thoughts and you look towards the source of the sound. The phone vibrates a second time and you localize it in Jungkook’s jacket, he's thrown on the armrest. You look at him but it seems he hasn't heard it. You take it out before its third buzzing.
“Jung Kook.” You show the lit device.
“Can you get it for me?”
You read his wife’s name and touch the green button. “Hello?”
“He-Hello?” Asks the female voice, obviously surprised not to hear her husband's.
“Hey. It’s me, (Y/n).”
“Oh, hi! I was just wondering if he already made it to your place.”
“Yeah, he arrived about fifteen minutes ago. How are you?”
Your discussion with her lasts a few minutes, the usual chit-chat; she tells you the reason she’s called isn't that important and can wait.
“Joo Won is being fussy and he keeps asking for Jungkook...” Her words makes you feel uneasy and you swallow a lump in your throat with difficulty, feeling guilty.
“He can talk to him. I’ll make a FaceTime call and put the phone next to Jungkook.”
You quickly thumb on the phone and tell Jung Kook about the reason his phone is now stuck behind a pan.
Needless to say that your book is long forgotten.
You can't help but come to envy the couple’s interaction as you listen to them. Your eyes gradually stare into space and you suddenly feel relieved your sons aren’t in the living-room with you this right moment.
You can't picture yourself answering their questions, wondering the reason uncle Jungkook has to answer a call while cooking, only to reveal to them that he does it because his son just wanted to talk to him when theirs isn’t even reachable.
You exhale loudly and feel your heart tightening in your chest, missing Taehyung even more.
You’re wiping tears when Jungkook suddenly calls for the boys to come and eat. You instruct them to go wash their hands before they come in rushing.
You watch everyone from your seat on the couch, not feeling like eating and smile at your sons as they seem to enjoy the food.
“(Y/n), you should really eat something,” whines Jung Kook for the fourth time as he walks away to fetch the water bottle. He then joins you on the couch with what you guess as your plate in his hands.
“If I have to feed you like my two-year-old then that’s not what’s gonna stop me.” He adds, a spoon full of food held in the air, waiting for you to open your mouth.
Your brows furrow as you stare at him and eventually agree to swallow three bites before a gasp leaves you when a contraction freezes your body and forces you to sit up.
Jungkook hastily puts the plate on the coffee table and looks at you, worriedly. He takes your hand and doesn't react when you squeeze the life out of it, his skin turning white around your fingertips.
“What’s wrong with mom?” Asks Min Hyuk, watching you both.
“Nothing, kiddo. The baby is just showing your mom great love.”
You chuckle, still in pain but the cramp gradually begins to go away.
“Baby! Don’t huwt mommy!” Shouts Tae Sook, his eyes appearing over the back of his chair.
The frown leaves your features and you start to breathe normally again.
After making sure you're not feeling any pain anymore, Jungkook lets you rest and goes to check on your children and clean the table when they're finished. He also does the dishes.
After a while, he emerges from the kitchen, lowering his sleeves and picks up his phone to see if he's received any messages or calls.
“I’ll bath the boys.” He speaks up, looking at you.
“What? Jungkook, no.” You try to sit up quickly to stop him. “You’ve done enough for tonight.” But he’s already disappeared in the hallway. You sigh, helpless and lean down again on your back.
You can hear giggles and songs sung along with water splashes.
After a while, you hear the boys coming out of the bathroom. You carefully stand up and walk towards the their rooms.
You enter the twins' and see them in their sleepwear all clean and beautiful. You go to tuck them in, wishing them goodnight and kiss their foreheads.
Jungkook is finishing helping Tae Sook wearing his pajama when you enter his room. Your son turns his head in your direction, keeping his balance as he grabs onto Jungkook's shoulders and smiles when he sees you.
“Mom,” he lets out, giggling as you sit down on his bed.
Jungkook lays him down and lets you tuck him in. The little boy stretches his little arms for you to hug him. You lean down, cuddle him and his little eyes are already half-closed when you lean back.
“Goodnight,” you whisper and he smiles tiredly. You kiss his chubby cheeks.
His likeness to his father as a child always amazes you.
You join Jungkook who’s been quietly standing by the door frame.
“You’re staying for the night, right?” You inquire in a small voice.
He nods. “They’ll share the same room?” He asks in a whisper, after he's noticed the cradle.
“Yeah, Taehyung and I renewed it months ago now and decided to make him sleep with the baby.”
“You sure he won’t complain?”
“Well, the first months they'll probably sleep with us in our room but later he won't be able to outrun it...” You chuckle.
He closes the door and follows you in the living room.
You go into your room and come back with clean bedsheets. By the time you've returned, Jungkook’s already changed into his sleepwear.
“Oh. I haven’t even noticed the bag you brought with you. I was about to give you some of Tae’s clothes.”
“I got it.” He replies, helping you with the sheets put on one of your the largest couches.
“Do you need anything else?”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
You smile and wish him a goodnight.
“(Y/n),” you stop in your tracks to look at him over your shoulder. “Don’t worry too much. Everything’s going to be alright.” He says as he props pillows.
You nod to him and walk away.
Despite Jungkook’s words telling you to focus on yourself and not on Taehyung's return, you can't ignore your thoughts for a long time and yield, taking your phone to look at some pictures.
You need to see him.
You also listen to the last vocal messages he’s sent in which he says how much he misses the boys and how much he loves you. You can feel a part of yourself relax when you hear his voice and eventually begin to fall asleep with your device still in your hand the screen fading to black on one of your husband’s pictures.
A sharp pain in your abdomen stirs you from your slumber. You sit up and bring one hand on your belly as you frown. You try to breathe deeply in and out.
After the pain has subsided a little, you stand up to walk to the bathroom.
When you come out, another powerful cramp freezes you and you almost feel like collapsing right before it disappears.
You resume walking to the living-room in which the T.V is turned on but the volume lowered to its minimum.
The children are quietly playing on the carpet with their toys.
Min Jun goes to greet you, involuntarily bumping his head against your belly and earning a hiss from you.
“Careful.” You frown and he quickly apologizes.
You stroke his head and look to the side, noticing Jungkook for the first time this morning — he is still lying on the couch, one leg bent under the wrinkled sheets, swinging the tv remote in his hand as the other rests against his chest and his eyes gazing up at you.
“Good morning,” you smile weakly and he greets you back. As you waddle to the kitchen, you can hear him sitting up.
“Let me make you breakfast. You should sit down.”
You don’t find the strength to object and simply turn back to occupy his seat as he places a hand on your shoulder, walking past you. He comes back a few minutes later with a tray. You thank him and take the plate on your belly.
“Mom... I want to pee.”
Jung Kook ignores your attempt to sit up and instantly stands up and takes Tae Sook’s hand to accompany him.
You look back at the plate and don’t feel like eating anymore.
When both of them disappear in the hallway, you push yourself up and slowly walk to the kitchen with the tray. You put it on the counter and open a cupboard to take out a glass. You fill it with water and drink it.
Stretching your arm to put it in the sink, you don't notice your hand's still far from the edge when a painful contraction steadily increases in strength, going from your back to the front of your abdomen causing the glass to shatter into several pieces as your legs bend when you're not able to hold yourself up anymore.
Your vision is blurry for some seconds. You let out a sob when the pain doesn't go away and you shut your eyes tightly. You open them again when you feel a warm liquid trickling down your thighs.
You pull up your nightdress and a breath of relief escapes you when you don’t see blood.
The sound of your sons' quick steps draws your attention and you immediately raise your hand towards them in a warning sign.
“Don’t come any closer, you’ll hurt yourself with the broken glass.” You bring your hand back to your belly, the pain slowly coming back as you try to hold yourself up with the other flat on the floor. Your eldest runs away calling for Jungkook when Minjun's chosen to stay and watch you from afar, powerless.
“Uncle! Mom fell down.” You hear Minhyuk yell.
The man quickly finishes drying Taesook’s hands and strides to the kitchen, the boys following him closely. You wince in pain and feel him placing one hand on your back.
“My water has broken.”
He helps you standing up and you frown again when you feel another contraction coming.
“Bring one of the chairs,” Jungkook instructs the twins who run together to move a chair to the kitchen as Tae Sook watches them confused. You sit down, clinging on your dress and bite back painful moans not to worry your sons too much.
“Remember to inhale and exhale deeply.” He tells you as he gathers all the broken pieces of glass and goes to throw them. He then grabs the boys' coats and tells them to put them on. “Where are your bags for the hospital?”
“In my room,” you manage to answer him when the cramp leaves.
He quickly walks inside and takes notice of the several bags that you've neatly set as soon as you've felt the baby could arrive anytime soon.
“Mom, you’re huwt?” Asks slowly Taesook as he walks closer towards you.
“No. Don’t go there,” warns Minhyuk, taking his brother away from the few broken glass left unpicked.
Your sons silently stare at you with concern as Jungkook brings everything next to the entrance door. He comes back next to you and helps you wear your large coat he's picked up from the hanger.
“Wait here for me until I come back, Okay? I’ll take your mother to the car.” He informs your children who look back at him with round eyes; Jung Kook swiftly carries you in his arms to move faster.
As soon as he's settled you inside, he runs back into the building and goes up the stairs to get the boys down. The moment he runs up the last staircase, your neighbor opens her door.
“Is everything all right?”
“Yes, ma’am. We’re just in a rush to get to the hospital.” Jungkook quickly answers as he goes inside to grab the bags in one hand and carry Tae Sook in his arms, telling the twins to follow him quickly but carefully down the stairs. Your neighbors watches the four boys running down, her arms folded on her chest.
He comes back again to get your phone and lock the door.
She quickly asks, “Does (Y/n) need me? She told me I could help when she’d deliver.”
Jung Kook puts the key inside his pocket, “she didn’t tell me anything. I’m sorry but I really have to go.” And with that he leaves her.
Once everyone has fastened their seat-belt, the engine starts and Jungkook drives to the hospital.
“Uncle, whewe awe we going?” Asks Taesook with a small frown.
“To the hospital.”
“Is the baby coming?” Inquires Minjun.
“Yes. Very soon so we need to be quick.”
You suddenly cry out, clenching on the seat belt and feel Jungkook’s hands on your arm.
“Hang in there (Y/n), we’re almost there,” He says in a whisper as he nimbly turns the steering wheel.
“But Dad is not here,” notices Minhyuk.
You open your eyes when you remember that you haven’t checked your phone for possible messages Taehyung might have sent during the night. However, your thoughts are quickly interrupted as another contraction pulls a whine from you.
You try your best not to frighten your sons with your whimpers but you feel too weak to keep a semblance of a straight face when the contraction follows one another every five minutes or so. When you claim that you can’t handle it anymore, Jungkook informs you that you've finally arrived at your destination.
He quickly pulls over in front of the entrance and rushes out of the car after pulling the handbrake so as to help you out of it.
“Stay here. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He orders your children and closes the passenger door, leaving three pairs of eyes confused. He runs to the automatic doors of the building that open when you get closer.
“Please. I need a doctor, she’s pregnant,” he yells to the people behind the reception desk.
Two people immediately run towards the two of you with a wheeling chair and take you in charge. Your brain’s only focused on the pain; you don’t see Jungkook running back to the car to get your sons nor the nurses trying to reassure you and telling you to keep breathing deeply.
When Jungkook reaches his car, he finds Minhyuk trying to calm Taesook who’s been crying and asking for you or Taehyung and Minjun on the verge of tears. He quickly unfastens them.
“Tae Sook-ah, stop crying. Don’t worry your mom is okay. We’ll go see her.” Your small boy tightens his grip on Jungkook’s pants as tears stream down his cheeks while the older man is busy helping the twins come out of the car. “Hold each others' hands.” He tells them and carries Taesook in his arms, drying his tears with his hand.
A midwife knocks on the door of the room you've been brought in to do a pelvic exam.
She informs you that your cervix is fifty percent effaced and therefore not stretched wide enough for you to deliver yet. However, she informs you that the baby is perfectly fine, their heart's beating steadily as she shows it to you on the graph the electronic fetal heart monitoring has printed. She also says that they are in the right position and that you have nothing to be worried about.
You feel relieved hearing these good news and even better when an anesthetist has come to administrate you the epidural so that you can take some rest. When she walks out of the room, the midwife sees Jungkook sat on a chair and walks towards them.
Taesook is clinging to Jungkook’s collar but has stopped crying although quiet sobs are still shaking his little body as he watches the smiling woman, his head resting against his chest.
“How is she? Is the baby all right?” Jungkook promptly asks raising up onto his feet.
“Yes. Everything’s perfectly fine. She feels better now..”
“Can her sons see her?”
“Yes sure,” answers the woman smiling at the three boys.
“Thank you.”
They part and Jungkook leads the way for the children. The door opens slowly before you see two heads peeping behind the door. The twins smile as soon as their eyes land on you and they run to your bed.
“Are you still in pain?”
“Is the baby out yet?”
“Easy boys, give a moment to your mom.”
You chuckle as you run your fingers in your sons’ hair.
“I feel much better but the baby is still inside.” You tell them, pointing at your belly.
You lean your head back and make eye contact with Jungkook who’s still carrying Taesook. You notice his slightly puffy eyes and give the man a questioning look.
“He was afraid when he saw you leaving.”
You beckon your youngest to come in your arms and he instantly leans towards you.
“Everything’s okay, sweetheart. Don't be sad.” You kiss and hug him. He tightens his grip around your neck, nuzzling his face in your bosom.
Jungkook stands behind the twins without a word.
“Thank you... for everything. Earlier, back there, I didn’t know how I would’ve made it without you. I’m really glad you came.”
“Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help.”
You smile to each other and he suddenly becomes serious. You lean your head to the side, downwards, to look at Tae Sook who' s finally calmed.
“Do you...want me...to call him?”
You sigh, stroking your son’s silky hair out of his face, “it’d be a miracle if he actually answers you.”
“We can always try.” He chuckles and leaves in the hallway pulling his phone out of his pocket.
He leans against one of the walls as his fingers quickly tap on the screen before lifting it to his ear. “Hey babe. Yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to tell you that we had to go to the hospital in a rush. Yeah, everything’s fine. A little bit of fright but nothing dramatic happened. I’m about to do it. I know.” He looks at you and watches you laughing with the boys. “Anyway, I also wanted to tell you that I might be late. I don’t exactly know until when they’ll don’t need me. I'll keep you in touch. Okay, bye. Kiss Joo Won for me. Love you.”
He hangs up, quickly presses Taehyung’s number and as expected your husband isn’t answering his phone. He comes back in the room and sits down on one of the big chair in the room. “I left him a message.”
The thought of delivering your baby without Taehyung being by your side makes your head spin and your heart tighten in your chest. You blankly stare as Taesook's playing with your hands when the ringing of your phone is heard.
You widen your eyes and look at Jungkook when he quickly grabs it from your coat. He gives it to you looking forward to your answer. Your heart skips a beat when you quickly look at it only for your hopes to go down when you read your neighbor’s name.
You frown at her text message that appear shortly afterwards and suddenly remember.
“Is everything okay? Is it him?”
“No. It’s… It’s my neighbor. I totally forgot that she'd offered herself to look after the boys when the baby would come.” You quickly thumb her an answer.
Your phone rings again and you answer it. Jungkook takes Taesook out of your arms and sits down waiting for you to finish your call.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m sorry. I completely forgot about our arrangement. Yeah, this morning was quite hectic. Is it still okay with you taking the boys? No, he’s still absent. Okay, thanks. They’ll  be arriving shortly...”
“Who is it?” Asked Minhyuk looking at Jungkook.
“The lady living next door.” The three boys frown looking back at you as you hang up.
“Boys... Jungkook will bring you back to Mrs Lee,” you announce. “Until I come back after the baby is born, okay?”
“No! No, I want to stay with you,” whines Taesook, stretching his little arms towards you.
“Mom, we don’t like her,” adds Minjun.
“Can we at least stay with uncle Jungkook?” Asks Minhyuk.
“Where is daddy?” Mewls Minjun.
You sigh, feeling sorry for them. You don’t like Mrs lee that much either but Jungkook has already done so much and you don’t want to keep him away from his family any longer.
“Jungkook cannot look after you any longer. Besides school starts in two days and his house is too far from it. You promised me you wouldn’t complain when this time would come, remember?”
The twins look down unsatisfied as Taesook’s lips start trembling, threatening to cry at any second.
“I’ll see you again?” He asks in a shaky voice.
“Yes, very soon, sweetheart,” you repeat, cupping his face to plant a kiss on his forehead. You do the same with the twins and they reluctantly walk out of the room.
“I’ll be right back,” informs you Jungkook closing the door after him.
“Be careful,” you say in a little voice, staring at the white wooden door and silence falls again.
When Jungkook comes back after making sure that the boys have everything they need and are a little bit more reassured, telling them countless times that they’ll be back home with you in a very short time, he finds you sleeping soundly.
He is quietly playing games on his phone when suddenly yours starts ringing loudly.
Jung Kook curses underneath his breath as he nimbly turns it on silent mode, checking if it has woken you up but you've remained motionless. He tilts his head to the side and can’t believe his eyes when he reads Taehyung’s name on it.
“Better late than never,” he mumbles to himself and exits the room without a sound.
He answers the call, brings the device to his ear only to move it away, wincing when your husband is screaming your name.
“Hey, hey. Calm down. It’s me Jungkook. Yes, she’s fine. No, the baby isn’t born yet.” He tells him about everything that has happened this morning to this late afternoon. Taehyung tells him the approximative time he thinks he'll come back.
They end the call and Jungkook comes back in the room. He sighs as he sits down, exhausted after this long day. A few hours later, he leaves to grab something to eat.
You stir in your sleep and whine when a sharp pain pierces throughout your abdomen. Your moans wake Jungkook up. He rubs his eyes and slowly walks to you.
“(Y/n), are you suffering? You want me to call someone?”
Seeing you unable to formulate a coherent answer, he leaves to go get someone and soon comes back with two nurses, rushing inside the room. They quickly examine you — one checking the baby’s heartbeat rate on the graph while the other checks you.
“Your baby is coming. I can feel the skull.”
You almost don’t hear her, between your whines, “No- It can’t come now. Taehyung’s- not here yet.” You say between whimpers.
“Her husband,” blurts Jungkook when the nurses look at him with questioning looks.
“Ma’am, we cannot wait any longer for the baby’s safety and yours.”
They immediately set up the stirrups for your feet, preparing the necessary equipment and beeping for a midwife to come in the room with them, as you turn a moaning mess and wonder why the epidural has no effect anymore.
“Sir, we’re afraid, you must leave and wait outside.”
Jung Kook nods and walks backwards, looking at you and silently praying for everything to happen without a hitch. He's thought to take your phone and his before exiting. The door closes in front of him and he stares at it for a moment.
He sits down on one of the uncomfortable iron chairs, elbows resting on his knees, biting nervously on his lips as your screaming reach the hallway.
To him it almost feels like his son's birth all over again and can't help but be as nervous as he has already been when he hears you shouting your pain. He repetitively calls Taehyung but to no avail.
Jungkook stops calling him after twenty minutes and soon after his phone turns off because of its low battery. He runs his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes trying to ignore your painful cries when suddenly a shrill cry opens his eyes and pulls him onto his feet.
Your baby has finally come to the world.
He waits behind the doors, impatient, fingers intertwined behind his neck, pacing nervously when the door eventually swings open, one of the nurses peeping her head out.
“You can come see the mother if you wish.”
Jungkook has felt like he would never hear those words so when the nurse holds the door for him to come in, he can’t help but rush in and instantly smiles at the image displaying in front him —  your flushed, tired and sweaty face looking down at a little blanket nest hiding your arms. It takes a few seconds before noticing Jung Kook in front of you, who doesn't dare to intrude your personal space.
You whisper to him a couple of words, widening his smile. He eventually comes closer to look at the pinky little being, sleeping peacefully against your chest.
You come out of the bathroom, all clean, to find Jungkook cooing at your newborn. The little one seems so tiny in his muscly arms and you can’t refrain a grin on your face.
You dry your hair in a towel and sit down on the bed, not able to stop gazing at the sleeping baby.
Jungkook raises his head to smile at you and quickly brings his eyes back down. “Definitely worth all those efforts.”
You chuckle, “now your turn to make a second mini you.”
The long sigh he lets out leaves you to guess that he probably isn’t against the idea.
He eventually stands up, carefully not to wake the baby and very gently leans over the small cradle. You watch him and get up to meet him.
“He shouldn’t be too far away now.”
You stare at each other for some time in silence.
The next move you make can be seen as inappropriate but it perfectly shows how infinitely grateful you are to Jungkook as you take him in your arms and press him tightly against you. Your thankful words are muffled in his pajama shirt he's wore since the night before.
He freezes for a couple of seconds, his tired features shifting to express his surprise but soon you feel his arms closing on your back.
You pull back and look at him, his thumb wipes a tear on your cheek. He tells you to get some sleep and —again—not to worry too much about your husband and eventually leaves you to join his family.
You turn your head to look at your sleeping bundle of joy and lean down on the bed without taking your eyes off of them. You are more than excited and glad to finally have your baby next to you but without Taehyung you still feel incomplete and with a regretful sigh, you drift off to sleep.
The tree branches are gradually starting to get covered under a thick layer of white. It has snowed all night and day long and the regular passage of cars has formed a trail of melted snow in the middle of the road. People struggle to keep warm and protect themselves against the icy wind, muffled in thick coats, scarfs and beanies.
You watch through the window with a blank stare, sat on the bed situated not too far away from it, your back facing the door of the room, waiting for the nurses to bring your baby back from the nursery. They’ve moved you to another room and taken your newborn to let you sleep peacefully and not to be troubled by their crying.
Being here on your own makes you feel almost as lonely as one of these snowflakes that slowly makes its way down in the air to rest and crystallize on whatever its path leads it to come across.
While gazing at the life outside, you feel like being awake in a quiet dull dream.
You inhale deeply, suddenly and instantly feel your heart clenching after the sudden whiff.
Blinking your eyes several times, you silently try to convince yourself that you're not dreaming but the smell lingering in the air persuades you otherwise — You widen your eyes as your brain deciphers the different scents mingling together.
Your hands become clammy against the soft fabric of your long light pink shirt. Brows slightly furrowing, you recognize male cologne, coffee and the fragrance of your favorite flower. All of it surrounded by a fresh air similar to the chill you get when the cold from the outside intrudes the warmth of a house.
Something or someone has come in your room without you noticing it, too engrossed in the trail of your thoughts, wondering about the moment you’ll be able to leave this place and get back to your children.
You slowly turn your head around to look over your shoulder, leaving the snowy landscape to gaze at the panting figure of your husband.
Your heart is beating so quickly you think it might rip your chest open yet you remain the quietest possible, remembering to breathe here and then not to faint from the emotional surge you have come through as you took in Taehyung’s presence.
He's wearing a long light brown coat opened on a white shirt and black pants. His dark blond hair are brushed to the side, surely because of the wind; his nose and cheekbones reddened by the cold and his parted lips let you guess that he has run up his way to you.
Your eyes land briefly on the bouquet he's holding in front of him from which originates the pleasant flowery scent.
You look at his teary eyes and he seems willing to say something but refrains when you slowly stand up turning your body towards him. You walk with precautions to him, scared he might fade away if you rush, making it nothing but a mere pleasant imaginary.
You freeze a few inches away from him, your frown shifting to a sad look as he seems more real than ever and not just an illusion.
“I’m here.” He breaks the silence with his low voice to remove your doubts.
It feels like centuries since you’ve heard it and it only makes your heart beat even more hardly in your chest. You stand still.
He quietly steps forward looking at your reaction, scared you might reject him out of angriness because you may be thinking he's failed his father’s and husband's duties when actually you're craving him more than anything.
He opens his arms and hugs you all of a sudden as if he wants to prevent you from fleeing away.
Taehyung tightens his embrace around you in a rough gesture, letting your tears to land on his shoulders, dampening the thick coat. And you finally allow yourself to exhale and inhale a big whiff of oxygen mixed with his scent that you've missed so much.
You close your eyes and you stay like that for a moment.
“I’m here,” and with that, you knot your wrists behind his back.
He turns and lowers his head to kiss your temple, stroking your neatly brushed hair. You lean back to rest your head against his chest.
“You’re here,” you repeat softly.
He rocks you slowly from side to side and tilts his head to look at you. “I’m so sorry. When I received Jungkook’s message I tried to come as quickly as possible but then the weather delayed all the flights and I-”
You raise your head to look at his face, “You’re here. It’s all that matters now.”
He faintly smiles and lowers his head as he cups your face.
Your lips touch in a tender kiss and eventually everything feels right.
The intimate reunion is shortened when a knock on the door is heard. It opens and a nurse peeps in. You tilt your head to the side as Tae Hyung slightly turns around.
“Your baby is back. Cleaned and fed.”
Taehyung’s hands slide down your arms to hold your hands as his eyes are glued to the little cradle pushed inside by the woman. She tells you that you are able to leave as soon as you wish to. You nod to her and Tae Hyung presses his lips together as you both watch her leave and close the door.
“I bought these for you. I saw them on my way and immediately thought you might like them.” He raises the bouquet between you, bringing it right under your face and you take it.
“They’re perfect. Thanks,” you smile at it and bite your lower lip as you tighten his grip on your hand. You put carefully the bouquet on the bed, making sure not to hurt the flowers.
“I know someone who's been looking forward to meeting you,” you singsong softly, looking at the cradle and back at Tae Hyung. He breathes in sharply and lets go of your hand as you walk away.
You lean over your child, smiling instantly at their sight, not getting enough of looking at them and pleasantly delighted at the way they always catch you off guard whenever they wiggle in front of your eyes.
You slowly turn around never leaving the baby out of your sight and swear to have heard your husband gasp when his notice your child. You briefly look at him with a big smile as you walk to him.
“You might want to take your coat off. It’s cold.”
Taehyung quickly gets rid of the piece of cloth and watches attentively as you delicately give him the wrapped baby.
The emotion that crosses his face as soon as he holds his child can’t be put into words. A mix of happiness, tenderness and excitement wrinkles his eyes and lips and deepens them even more when you reveal to him — “It’s a little girl.”
You just gaze at him as he stares in awe; he can’t be more delighted. He can’t take his eyes off of her and you off of him.
“She’s perfect.” You press your lips against his clothed shoulder and join him in gazing at your daughter, her small lips opening in a perfect ‘o’ as she yawns silently and curving in a discreet smile when her father speaks out loud; surely echoing her memories from when she was in your womb.
He delicately places a kiss on top of her fragile head and her grip tightens around his pinky finger; the difference in size being almost comical. “She’s so light. So soft.”
“Girls feel different, right?”
He hums in approval.
You pick up the baby bouncer Taehyung bought months ago, and Jungkook hasn't forgotten to bring when he got you to the hospital, and set it up for her trip to your home. You gather your belongings left in the room and put on your coat as your husband reluctantly lays her down in her cradle.
“Oh, right. I almost forgot.” He puts on his coat as well and dives his hand in one of his pockets to pull out a light green wrapping. “My mother made it as soon as we settled on our final choice and sent it right away while I was abroad. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
You watch it, silently waiting to see what his mother’s gift could be. He rips the paper and pulls out a cute little beanie that he delicately puts on your sleeping daughter’s head and smiles when he’s done.
You grin and lightly brush your fingers on the Korean calligraphy knitted on it. He kisses you a second time and you both exit the room with your precious loading. You wave at the staff goodbyes as they smile at your daughter and congratulate you two.
The snow hasn’t decreased and Taehyung quickly opens the car to keep your baby from the cold. You sit next to her as he busies himself with the driver he's came with to load bags in the truck.
You tuck in your baby, making sure the blankets are warming her when your husband opens the door to sit next to you. You both can’t stop smiling as you intertwine your fingers and he brings your hand to kiss the back of yours softly.
The engine starts and the car drives through the snowy landscape.
Your eyes are locked on her little face as she wiggles here and then, earning chuckles from both of you. Your heart is warm with delight, content your family will soon be reunited, as you read endlessly the light yellow calligraphy on her forehead - 여름
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