hozaloza · 28 days
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(it's a planet.)
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miqo-treats · 4 months
watch me use this blog this one day and then forget about it and rediscover it five years from now being like "huh. poor desperate bastard."
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lesbworth · 1 year
Bts cameth from a bawbling company, those gents did start with nothing. Jin who is't wast cast'd just because of his looks, suga who is't hath left his family and gambl'd his education just to doth what that gent very much did want to beest, namjoon who is't wast nev'r has't been supp'rt'd by his parents, jimin who is't bethought himself as like a toad, ugly and venemous and bacon-fed, taehyung whose at each moment been parteth of bts but wast nev'r shown in any promotions- not until those gents debut, hoseok who is't hath seemed to at each moment chuckle but nev'r hath felt as an accomplishment to his fath'r, and jungkook who is't wast v'ry dainty and has't did save his parents at a young age by auditioning to companies. Rememb'r the days at which hour those gents w're struggling? those gents coequal has't to sacrifice and w'rk hard just so those gents couldst consume? those gents w're squeezing themselves into one bawbling apartment and has't to taketh responsibilities- the reasoneth wherefore those gents wroteth the song 'move'. Those times at which hour jimin hast to starve himself just because people calleth that gent bacon-fed and like a toad, ugly and venemous. Yond one int'rview wh're yoongi hath said yond; t wast nice yond people harks to their music because taehyung and jungkook art valorous looking. And that gent bethought yond t wast at least enow. Doth thee rememb'r at which hour hoseok wast did suppose to beest the vocalist and taehyung is the rapp'r, but that gent hath chosen to rap instead and learneth t because taehyung wanteth to beest a vocalist. T wast taehyung's dreameth and hoseok loves his dongsaeng yond much that gent wouldst sacrifice. Oth'r fan base w're accusing those folk f'r plagiarism just because those gents hadst the smallest detaileth whose the same with oth'r big k-pop group which is actually just a coincidence. Th're wast a timeth at which hour yoongi pack'd 300 gifts and lett'rs just to giveth to their 300 fans who is't shall attendeth at their mini fan meetings.
So wherefore doth people judgeth those folk so apace? didst thee knoweth yond jimin cameth all the way to seoul from busan just to p'rsuade his dreams? didst thee knoweth yond taehyung hath lived with his grandma g'r almost half of his life making that gent innocent from what else is out th're in our w'rld? didst thee knoweth yond jungkook setteth aside his embarrassment just to meeteth the oth'rs expectations? aye, that gent is the golden maknae, but that gent suff'rs too at which hour that gent seeth his hyungs having a hard timeth, that gent cries. And th're wast a timeth at which hour jimin hath caught that gent crying and the reasoneth is because that gent misses his family. Jungkook oft caterwauling secretly so yond his hyungs wouldn't w'rry. Didst thee knoweth yond jin audition'd to maketh his moth'r fustian of that gent and so yond his mother wouldst has't something to brag off to those judgmental neighb'rs those gents has't. That gent w'rk'd hard on his vocals yet people hath called that gent talentless. Didst thee knoweth yond namjoon w'rk'd hard just to produceth songs yet th're wast a timeth at which hour his mother ruin'd his comput'r and hath broken his mike so that gent couldst focus on studying? didst thee knoweth yond hoseok audition'd because that gent did want his fath'r to beest fustian of that gent? because that gent hath felt liketh that gent wast a disappointment? those rookie days wh're those gents only hark to the awardings and beest amaz'd by their seni'rs. Those gents can't doth aught but to gaze those idols who is't receives the awards. The days at which hour those gents w're joyous with just 300 views on youtube, mini fangath'rings, bawbling numb'rs of followeth'rs, and one daesang award. Those gents w're content'd. And anon those gents've hath reached to the top and becameth m're successful. From 150 fans to 16m and counting, from a bawbling practiceth cubiculo to a bigg'r one, from cramp'd d'rm with roommates to big d'rm with each of those folk having a cubiculo, from one daesang award to m're awards and those gents've coequal wonneth on bbmas. Bts nev'r did expect this bef're their fourth year anniv'rsary, those gents've cometh so far- so far yond the only chance we has't to seeth those folk is to wend to their conc'rt'r (never) meeteth those folk 'long the street with 0. 01% chance. But very much armys! we've cameth this far fam, alloweth's loveth those folk and giveth those folk our supp'rt till the endeth! i did want to thanketh y'all. I loveth thee fam! i loveth bts. Alloweth's stayeth togeth'r until the endeth. If 't be true thee believeth in what i've hath said. If 't be true thee believeth in 1! 2! 3! a true army shalt did spread
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oathofpromises · 10 months
continued from here with @diademreigned
Stella's heart came to a sudden halt, captivated by the sight that unfolded before her as the door gracefully swung open, unveiling the Exarch. To her surprise, amidst the celebration, she found him nestled in his tower, a sight she had not anticipated. Which further signified that she would need to expose the depths of her heart, a feat she had refrained from undertaking since…G'raha.
"I apologize for the interruption... I need to talk to you about something. It's important."
Despite being aware that her words may not have conveyed her true intentions, Stella couldn't help but acknowledge the rapid pace at which her heart was beating upon seeing him. She observed the subtle curve of his lips as they formed a gentle smile. Which made the temptation to lean in and kiss him that much more undeniable. However, there were other things she needed to tell the Exarch before that could happen.
As he graciously stepped aside, granting her entry into his chamber, the Au Ra couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, causing her to inhale deeply. A plethora of emotions swirled within her chest, yearning to be released, yet she also desired to know his feelings. It was important to the warrior of light to know that this connection surpassed a mere fling or a manipulation of her emotions, but rather, that he harbored genuine affection for her at an extremely deep level. Suddenly, Stella clearly remembered the words of Lyna from the preceding day, in which the Captain of the guard remarked upon the different manner in which the Exarch conducted himself in the presence of Stella, as opposed to his interactions with others.
'I have never witnessed him displaying such a radiant smile for anyone else, at least not in the same manner as he does when he is with you. I’ve also seen how he maintains his unwavering attention solely on you. Tis evident that the Exarch is captivated by your exquisite beauty. Who would not be. It evokes memories of a painting I once saw on his desk many years ago. When I was just a child. Whenever I would ask about the individual depicted in the painting, he appeared to become immersed in recollections of the past. A lost love. That’s what he had said many times. Even if I don’t fully understand it. What I do know is that he harbors deep affections for you. However, for reasons unbeknownst to anyone, he desires to maintain a certain level of distance between the two of you. Thus chooses to prioritize your safety rather than appearing indifferent.'
Stella knew Lyna was right, but for so long she had convinced herself that perhaps the Exarch only saw her as the Warrior of Darkness. Nothing else existed between the two of them, yet even then, she could see how much he cared for her. The way his fingers would linger just a little longer against hers How his hand felt against the side of her face. The way his lips felt against hers as they lingered just a little bit longer than they knew was okay. It all felt like a repeat of Mako and T'sori: how the two had to hide their feelings from the public eye, which eventually led to their deaths.
"I know this is selfish of me to ask this, as I already am aware there are things you can't talk to me about but for one night. I wanted to convey the emotions deep within my heart. There has only ever been one other person who's moved my heart like this. I mentioned him before. G'raha Tia. I know in my heart I shouldn't feel this way for someone else, yet I can't stop all the things I feel towards you. Please, if you don't feel the same, let's end this before both of us end up hurting. I know that's not the reason you pulled away. You want to protect me, and for some reason you feel we can't close this space between us. You are the advisor to all who live here, and I am the Warrior of Darkness. So many people probably believe it would only cloud our judgment if we accepted what was inside our hearts."
Stella paused as her lips spoke the name G'raha. It hadn't been long since he'd locked himself inside the tower, yet it felt like ages had passed for her. She took a deep breath and went into her pocket, pulling out the crystal flower. If the tales were accurate, it would change hue depending on the emotions of the sender. It may very well expose all of the feelings she had hidden deep within her heart. Could she really let herself be that vulnerable? To cast aside her title and present all she yearned for. To be a normal woman, and allow herself this one thing.
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"You are aware of what this flower represents, right? For so long, I pondered who I would give mine to, and the answer was always so obvious. I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that someone else could cause such a stir in my heart. You are the one I chose; whether or not you return those feelings is up to you, but my heart has decided. Like I mentioned in the past, Only one other person has managed to do that, and the truth is, I have no idea how he genuinely felt.
Our time together was short, but despite all the obstacles, I fell in love. My heart is forever his, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to say those words. I couldn't put my heart on the line and risk getting hurt, and I will forever regret that. Watching his back fade from my sight, I have no way of knowing when I will see him again.
The truth is, for so many years, in my own village, I was treated like a burden. Most of them bullied me because of my hair and eye color. They called me the fragile Sakura blossom. All of them made me believe that anyone who loved me would bring ruin to that person. I can't keep fleeing from this any more, and I don’t want to. For years, I have always put everyone else’s feelings above my own. Sometimes, to the point where it physically hurt. One moment we're simply friends, and the next I'm feeling your fingers lingering on mine. How it sends shivers down my entire body The way your lips feel against my own The dreams I have every night lie in bed, aching for your touch. I know you'll remind me of our responsibilities, and I get it—better than anybody else, yet my heart yearns to bear it all. To express and convey all of my emotions."
Stella's hand pressed against her heaving chest, feeling the rhythmic thumping of her heart. The sensation was so intense, it compelled her to halt in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. The Au Ra had no clue how the Exarch would respond, if he even would. She could not force him to reveal his feelings or even be upset if they weren't returned.
But could she truly deny that he had never reciprocated the same for her? His eyes, like gentle caresses, would trace the curves of her body, leaving a trail of longing in their wake. It mattered not where they found themselves, for his gaze would always find her, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. In the tender dance of their fingertips, a delicate caress unfolded. Like two souls longing to intertwine, their hands gravitated towards one another, drawn by an irresistible magnetism. With each gentle stroke, a symphony of sensations played upon their skin, igniting a fire that only their touch could quell. In this ethereal moment Pausing in the midst of life's chaotic dance, they found themselves captivated by a single, fleeting moment. It was as if time itself held its breath, allowing them to savor the delicate touch of the other. In that tender instant, their souls intertwined, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.
The mere act of being near one another ignited a symphony of sensations, causing their hearts to flutter with an intensity that defied reason. Each stolen glance, each gentle touch, sent electric currents coursing through their veins, awakening a dormant passion that had long slumbered within. Their souls, entwined in a delicate tapestry of desire, yearned for the intoxicating closeness that only they could provide. In this ethereal realm of shared affection, time stood still, as their hearts beat in perfect synchrony, forever entangled In his presence, she found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, a delicate dance between exhilaration and trepidation. He possessed a power over her, a captivating force that rendered her vulnerable, yet she couldn't deny the allure it held. It was a both a blessing and a curse, for within that vulnerability lay the potential for profound connection or devastating heartache.
In the depths of the warriors heart, concealed beneath a veil of secrecy, she harbored an affection so deeply for the advisor of the Crystarium. A love that, if exposed to the prying eyes of her adversaries, would surely bring forth a tempest of danger and peril upon him. The last thing she would ever want and yet, against her better judgment, she found herself baring her soul, relinquishing the delicate tendrils of her emotions to the winds of fate. In the depths of her soul, she yearned for a taste of happiness, even if it were fleeting.
Stella's hand trembled as she extended the shimmering crystal flower towards the Exarch. The luminescent blossom, bathed in a captivating hue of crimson, which seemed to mirror the intensity of her affections. . In the depths of her soul, she yearned to unleash the torrent of emotions that swelled within her. Though fate had conspired to confine her heart's desires to this fleeting moment, she could no longer suppress the overwhelming desire to lay everything out there. Never again would she succumb to the shackles of her past, the woman's heart yearned to pursue the desires that burned deep within her.
Oh, how she longed to be with him, to feel the sweetness of his love. Feel the warmth of his body pressed against hers, his strong arms enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"As I previously stated, you are not required to say anything. I simply had to say those words or forever regret it."
She leaned forward, placing her lips against his hidden face, feeling the crystal lodged in the side of his face. She was never disturbed by it. Taking his hand into hers, she let the crystal flower stay in their linked hands.
As they stood there in the light of the ocular, she leaned forward gently, putting her forehead to rest against his. Her eyes slowly opened before she looked up at his hooded face. She had no idea what he looked like under that cowl. Which was surprising considering how much he caused a stir in her heart.
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nozomijoestar · 11 months
9, 10, 13 & 16
@scalproie | meme
9. worst part of canon
I can't stand a work that is lazy, where it's evident it's full of itself. Works that talk a lot and get pretentious a lot but have nothing to say; double if they're trying to rip off/homage other works that used their tools better, as if wearing someone's skin alone makes you as capable and just like them. Basically too much ego and too much capitalist dick sucking, work that doesn't allow itself to show or have vulnerability, that key part of raw humanity. Something that is about Man but not A Man, and has lost any hope of having a universal message or feeling or even aesthetic connection as a result. Something that wants to make everyone happy and ends up reinforcing vile behavior or oppressive systems because in trying to appeal to everyone, all it did was become better propaganda.
10. worst part of fanon
Aside from the eternal plague that is reader x canon fics, it's both how white dominated it can be, and how often it brings out the worst of all humanity is capable of. Every evil a human being can commit is expressed wrapped in the pretty packaging of words like Community and Acceptance and Charity- as it purposefully degrades people of color, salutes racism as its flag, glorifies abuse and rape and incest and pedophilia and grooms people into life long trauma, centers ego, misunderstands and refuses to understand art, sees art as commodity, and is built on enshrining predators of every kind from all walks of life. Crabs in the capitalist bucket.
13. worst blorboficiation
I have to talk about this I have to but like there are two big ones and the most obvious one is FF/XIV's Em/t Se/ch because fascist eugenicist imperialism inventing dictator who the story goes out of its way to wooby even in his death- which speaks to how overwhelmingly white or deranged FF fans tend to run BUT that's the low hanging fruit
The one I truly don't understand is G'r/ha T/a, the fact that I even have to censor his name because his fans need mental help and they will kill you or like cut off their own skin and toes for their shrines and whatever (I have seen things, I have seen things, and most of them are pedophiles too and manipulative and abusive it is a trend, not an absolute but a trend)
But this man like he can do anything and people say he's just a little baby, he's just their little skrunckly blorbo bestie and I'm like bitch...this man gambled with the player's life and gambled with their npc friend's lives for his schemes, you ALL could have easily DIED, AND HE DIDN'T EVEN TELL YOU AND WHEN HE DOES HE GIVES THE FAKEST APOLOGY THAT CENTERS HIM AS STILL BEING RIGHT FOR IT, because he didn't want to worry and cause problems for people if they knew and he didn't want anyone going off script and he's always guilting people into taking pity on him with these wishy washy apologies every time he manipulates or imposes on people he's even like Oh The Solution To This Problem Would Be My Suicide Ohh How Awful But Necessary *hint hint nudge nudge* so that another npc can be like Oh No Don't Do That We'll Find Another Way! My Vaste in the corner like No You Should Kill Yourself... Now!
Like even the way you first meet him he knows the gravity of what you're looking for and he STILL wants to force you on a wild goose chase for his ego and for the sillies and when he introduces himself he's like Wasn't I So Quirky? about it. Then also he barely knows you; you knew each other for like a few days before he sealed himself in the tower, then when an alternate timeline version of him is freed he spends A HUNDRED YEARS trying to snatch you into his house. Like WHAT? WHAT? I'VE KNOWN YOU FOR FIVE SECONDS AS COWORKERS MF WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. He never gives you a REAL apology or learns from anything in retrospect.
And also the game NEVER gives you any options to disagree with him, you can at least tell Em/t off but for all the shady shit this fucker did the game physically will not allow you to be upset with him for his actions EVER. You're supposed to always just understand it was for something bigger than you and never take genuine or lasting issue with any wrongs. Or even mention them again. And I say this too because literally after he just gambled your life away and is manipulating and hiding things from you- HE STILL BEGS THAT YOU BE HIS FRIEND AND THAT YOUR ARE HIS FRIEND AND YOU SHOULD TAKE HIM WITH YOU, BECAUSE HE LITERALLY HAS NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF STALKING AND WORSHIPING THE PLAYER. HE HAS NO GOALS THAT DON'T INVOLVE THE PLAYER.
His ENTIRE personality revolves around being someone who saves chewing gum someone they like spat out so they can sniff it in their room but if that was supposed to be heroic and sweet. People get on Lili in Tekken with Asuka? YOU PEOPLE DON'T KNOW CRAZY, OK. MOST OF YOU JUST HATE WOMEN. There was even an interview with the lead writer who made him and she's like she would prefer if everyone loves him so this blorbo shit started from the source and has only gotten worse. I have lost contact with people for not playing into it, I have seen anyone who criticizes him even if they like him get bashed. JUST THE OTHER DAY- someone told me they're LITERALLY SCARED, FOR REAL SCARED of ever posting ANY negative words about him. People even write their CHARACTERS as being scared to say anything bad about him. I can post the receipt.
His fans are not even blorboing him at this point this is psychotic episode shit and I can say that as someone who suffers psychotic episodes and delusions in real life.
The cult around this man is mental illness levels of breaking down. He even steals your player chance in game to recreate a scene from the EW expac trailer where in the trailer it's supposed to be the player stand in who saves Alisae! Also he keeps you in the dark then tries killing himself in front of you as a sacrifice because he wanted it to be a dramatic reveal of his undying love etc etc. He's a complete sniveling little manipulative creep who treats lives like chess pieces he's entitled to. AND he has the nerve to be fucking ugly as shit too. He looks like a botox car crash.
I can't STAND the blorbofication the ONLY reason that could've happened is because the average MMO player is already a megalomaniac and egocentric so they love the thought of having someone who unconditionally licks their ass crack, no matter what they do or who they are by their actions. He's also such a non-character from a writing perspective; the moment you remove the W/oL from his equation there is no character left. But this also makes his sole literary function as the Adoring Fan But If He Kept Dead Bodies Dressed As You In His Closet all the more obvious and readable.
Listen the best way I can say it is like, CANON G'rah/ is the worst of what FANON Emilie "Lili" de Rochefort is. And he doesn't even have the potential justifications or restraint (Lili having restraint, LILI; Queen Faggot herself!) or narrative points of canon Lili toward Asuka. He's just 100% a controlling presumptive turd from the beginning. And people blorbo this behavior because they think it's cute. They think possessiveness and self destruction and unthinking projection is cute and quirky and zany. And probably because from those I've spoken with it seems like no one has ever loved them irl so now they think this is love and what they're entitled to. He's that Weird Al song 'Do I Creep You Out?' played straight.
The game also makes stalkers cute with how it treats Nashu's stalker in the Hildy quests. This game is just really terrible tbh outside of playing dress up and killing things.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
A lot of the popular general fandom tropes that have endured and are considered classic, a lot of them revolve around taking control and autonomy away from people for how "cute" it could be. Do you ever notice that? There's this sort of codified list for how to find joy in envisioning stand-ins for people are if they were your dolls, where everything goes wrong for them and they don't have choices outside those you make for them. I feel like this is a common thread in the psyche of most people who turn to fandoms, especially hard fans. There seems to be a subconscious desire to control and force their will on people around them, because often they are powerless and are looking for a place of absolute power. In being bullied they have become a bully.
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ichoric · 1 year
@herosluminis said: “Here, lean on me. I’ll help you walk.” {Raha @ Mina}
rather than give the exarch an immediate response, he's granted something of a mrrrrp as their frame leans heavily into his side. they're fine, of course, ignoring the rampant light poisoning their very essence. it truly seems a small price, given the sheer hope they've brought along with glistening stars. they look up at them as g'r -- exarch leads her out, knowing if they look at him - shrouded or not - their heart might crush under grief.
they hadn't completely passed out at least. only convulsed, violently, probably terrifying their company. it still hurts, yet the worst seems to have passed. ' you don't ... gotta worry. but i appreciate the help to my room. ' they finally smile at him, warmly, allowing their ears to flick against his hood whilst they inch a bit closer. ' hope 'm the hero you wanted. '
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gods-rising · 5 years
Gods’ Rising - a Diverse and LGBT+ series
Do you like fantasy? Do you like stories set in your world? Do you like corrupt systems, dead gods and hidden lore? Well, then Gods’ Rising is right up your alley!
Gods’ Rising is a fantasy thriller book series that celebrates diversity and LGBT+ characters. The story is about ten teenagers who attempt to fulfil a prophecy, resurrect the gods of their world and claim their place as heroes and legends. However, once their journey begins, so does the hunt as they discover there are plenty of people who will do anything to either stop the gods from coming back or kill them. You can learn more about the synopsis here!
While the series has a standard plot to carry it, it has themes of love, friendship, acceptance, abuse, trauma, neglect and more. It may be upsetting for some readers; to learn if this series deals with topics you are unable to handle, please read the disclaimer provided. 
With an array of unique characters, arcs and themes, there’s something for everyone! You can learn more about the cast here!
Follow the @gods-rising for monthly posts about the characters and excerpts! 
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ihavenosoul12 · 5 years
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WIP INTRO: Gods’ Rising - a YA LGBT+ book series
Genre - Urban fantasy, adventure and romance.
POV: Primarily unreliable first, sometimes limited third (switches between books).
Status: Planning/1st draft.
Themes: Found family, the line between good and bad, vengeance, choices, war, magic, mistakes, loyalty, discrimination, self discovery, love. List may change.
Warnings: War, trauma (abuse, neglect, etc.), violence, death, profanity, tyranny, discrimination. A full list (that may be updated) can be found on the blog.
BLOG: @gods-rising
When a group of teenagers discover a book speaking of sorcerers, demons and prophecy - a book that also claims to be written by the dead mother of the twins - they find themselves banding together in a group of ten to fulfil the given prophecy that promises to resurrect the gods.
However, when the Demon King hears of their plans, he and his own group take in upon themselves to stop them at whatever cost - because of a dark secret only the King knows. 
With the rise of attention falling on them, more people begin to hunt both groups down - Magic Hunters who don’t want anyone who is or even knows about magic to live; a policeman with a cousin to catch; a powerhungry tyrant who won’t let anyone or anything get in her way for control over all the realms; and more.
As the groups grow with newcomers - a runaway king and his warrior sister, for one, a demon and his human vessel of nine years for another - they also lose people in this desperate game of life and death. Who will stand and who will fall? And who are really the heroes?
Interested in this WIP and want to hear more about it and other WIPs? Follow my blogs dedicated to my characters of all WIPs and more - not finished - and answering questions about them - not finished.
Join my taglist to be notified when these blogs post are finished. Send me an ask or message to be added!
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doodling-panda · 4 years
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ah yes. me. my love and inspiration. and her 1 foot tall attention-hogging wind up g'r(emlin)
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ilikeyoshi · 3 years
every time i see someone point out that aym*ric and g'r*ha have the same character archetype as m*nfilia ppl FLIP OUT???? can u just admit ur entire opinion changes if theyre a hot boy and go
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knivesofgravity · 4 years
Moi lz G iemt hgyh tiegsg mv plyidm gcwsuwy mk mkapjk, wtqwc N'm ebfap ae bsyy pqzdms? Hae om N dqiw untt npcqizo T ffvq bz nwefmyb yhmb efns uay'r bha Q nswrqvejd ay, escs ehmcw xizowc fcfqzl N tmsp rt onanswe fptq keqld gsta bsc xkuv?
Om N hmdp rme dqrfy ta cdc ry gafyq nukvlfmqa, hfjn U'dp afuemo qt mgks nfiz? Lz G mahm efj ruosr, bhqv fqnns bscr tmaecx or vlslhf jfr luute? Gk I iiyr yo wmpn zp fpp amadioc, N hmdp rt, bgb ljq ttie btee qd kfkq qe utrem.
L djepjlap lawa, rme sctjy pgascx mq nfpyhqz tlyo fptq xkuv, efj mazp G tbekfpj, fqmogsg uvem rodm em keqt rsnlfg zd.
N kzwh rme sctjy ie i dgln U'dp amazopb tr iplrjvqz, ogxcdmogyizo zlj or bsc ywa jlqnce wq rmie avgs, bgb tr ioqay'r keqt efft iij. G ioz'b dnnrmt, ymy rqiwjd, nab em yhq xzgst ipppj I oiy'r uios lnfrf bsc hosvtrnvq ltqyodbtmss ma l ufy fw mpjaw qe. Cccqxe dtr ippl yhua syupqvd. Kd oztj ftpq qd rt cmbnf nt nmqmwe ub dgske qeq yeqbs gs mq, zpyhh ace ysd nzpyp ttm ngwcgtlp yhuvvgsg nmqmwe ub mpjawa xc.
N cmv dcssq bsc badvtll a rmh bfye iscfd. M asywk rqy gs ttm hyyed (kll N ehmy kfkq bsyy mqblnmod? Escs sticix adm ssrodwfq soi iyb nm ebfap?). Arzlgi ta jcgsg ub fn, geoifqj ttmy gy's dmlj, fnp Q'wj mahm em kaom tr xoavpp wafppp yhmv wyyed. Upyss U'l syae fw cgxk nztllizo tr hlaapp, nnebpyi or bcwnns bz qbiy ihyd. Dav'e lttukp rme vih qzrdwfliizo xc znfqw gy's fwz jftq bz dzlxg pqhabm.
T'tj bqmy cdeuvr rmie wyc kod rfqy uzlpp f wqmv. Gy's etzu yo mxaptaop, flyix qe gxn'f.
Kll N ehmy pjaxtj yuoxwrgee, ippl N'm xqvc yhua? Hfjn fpp utrpa eyxtq ttij ttm lqm or jcgigqa lli ludpq gudvpb nn yg hype? Ippl N'm fwz ykrmqo rt smg lldttqye bhutp ujadqye yhua dinn, mvo qt dqaacwafm em fvaqo gy wtmy G'r ogb zd nt? U symb aobfyq cavgcwsmbtmss iwfji bq jpryed nzp yhua, qmw mk ixcsde, jfr. N dav'e ufnf iywtnq bz zwuep lqndq bsc uauv T'tj cmcdci ta zpyxsgzp kj nae. Tl kaob, efft'p xcmgantj hzsf ulij if ezpxe, nmnyzsq ullnpgtlrnoz wc umafmgcw. Wtqnf N'd xqvc yo owxnqefmww fvaqo btizo, pvhebb xw jxuaecscq id rmie lpcrs ym xysibcwyyihm mw safccc tf twh rmie avgs obmcyyee. Qe qmogtol'y bq immzt ym zp ry sctjy azghyd, bgb lztuf ulinns ca dtr iplr N'vq lzlj. Bgb smb da Q om yhmb hfjn ecnf fn mke gx dqaegsep bz afuem zrmeda em hhmvrc nn dmdntnem? Hfd ttm qshk mu T qyuos nmssulppnns *opryizo mcytqz* lq fn mke mk mmvtnzlmbtms?
Ttqd gxn'f i dgrs sixc, yhqzp'q so eqxnqe iij rt mqidswe dmwyyiavdfnpe irynneb layiavd. Lt tdcp ufy fw nywercwjd cmtnsqafm smb ta ntjq ttm xcyed. Lpquifm hfft fpp zwauv efnnwa. Td jvqzj yht an nmrmgvtaftuwy gx mmvtnzlmbtms, ttmy ltt qdppdttqye n cavdgied ullnpgtlrnoz qd zfd dqrfy nae. Ptjn un T afn'f zpyqlk jpjnehm efft, fpp utrpa emqd fw xc mahm scqpql. Pel damdl'y nqmo rt ctiwjjnsm xc yo m ntemt rwc ltt fiwinns immzt yg aptbxmxq fgmqy, rtnuosr.
Yhmvv wtu rwc zjizo xw kayqww. Jvqv td sof iwufye qy rme bidr. Jvqv tl xpubp mk ttm myi. I xwgc dog. Iyb dog iwj ieemctj ta ppyw ttie, zjcmcdc nt'e bcsj, ehmy gk if npcqs xqvc lruup aqizod rt mq id G xak qe.
G qohm jmz.
I wvzu fnk wq wflx esm weml efns iqwj urajlzqy iwcpd, ehmy gk I eij rmaf lzcxn'f ppju. Cticy rispe dwozb emrodzzu, nf U'u ymy ub nzp nt, nce rmaf lzcxn'f upys I'y aegql swtll ta inrnvqtj zj lusp rmie. Q nyzgtb tr, N rqinfjd ace zjfazp G hogtol'y. I'y alwnns bscxe iwcbx bqklsxe ub'wj mexx. Ptjn un zlqy fpp ttip wq kj sqmd.
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singularitybled · 4 years
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gods-rising · 5 years
May Post - Mothers’ Day
How would the cast of Gods’ Rising celebrate their mothers - or just their family in general - on Mothers’ Day? Mothers’ Day has happened already in England however that month was dedicated to Birthdays. Sorry for how late this is, life got busy at the wrong time.
Main protagonists first, then minor protagonists, then main antagonists, then minor antagonists. Background characters not included.
Jakob Sullivan - Jakob doesn’t remember his mother or if he even actually had one. But if he did have a mother, he’d buy pretty flowers, a nice card (and write a personal message, maybe thanking her for specific details, maybe nodding toward an inside joke) and cook her a nice breakfast in bed. Even if it turns out he didn’t, or doesn’t, have a good relationship with his mother, he’d try his best to make her feel loved that day.
Zlatko Jones - Zlatko celebrates Mothers’ Day by bringing his mother breakfast in bed and treating her and his little brother to a three person feast with a homemade dessert and ice cream. He’d get his brother a present and card to give to their mother, and get a smaller present and card for himself as well as a big card from the both of them. It’s her day, he reminds himself, and it’s up to him to make her feel special, everyday.
Charlie Parker - Charlie is sans a mother figure, so she takes it as another day to celebrate her father, whom she loves dearly. She’ll throw him a present, probably a corny mug, and give him a Mothers’ Day card and write a joke in it. She likes hearing his laughter; even if the joke is terrible, he’ll chuckle over a hot mug of coffee, which she’ll make (and maybe deliberately fuck up), and she’ll know that she made his day a bit better.
Alex Wilson - Alex, before everything fell apart, would rarely help his siblings get gifts for their mother, having to be urged by either his father, uncles or grandparents to just wish her a good day. Sometimes he’d give her the presents that had been bought by someone else and wouldn’t resist too much to be in the pictures they took each year with her. Looking back in time, he realises, he wishes he’d been persuaded more often.
Kenna Collier -  Kenna wants to stay as far from her mother as she can after the divorce - her mum’s... bizarre nature often ruins her daughter’s plans and mood, and there’s certainly a disconnect between the pair. The moment the opportunity arises to avoid spending Mother’s Day with, well, her mother, she’ll take it without hesitation. She’s disinterested in spending time with her mother. Her mother knows nothing about her.
Klara Lullay - Klara never really celebrated Mother’s Day. Without a mother and a father and grandfather she didn’t see worth celebrating, there was never any need. She’d celebrate herself, because she was the only one who was worth it, in her perspective. When not being hassled or tutored by her grandfather, she’d make herself a cup of tea (despite not being fond of it, she saw it as a celebratory drink) and make some food.
Eban Jones - Eban really wants to make his mother feel special but his anxiety gets in the way of him buying things (it’s hard to buy things when you can barely talk to the cashier). So he finds himself still having to get Zlatko to buy stuff for him. He does help his brother in the kitchen though when making the Mother’s Day meal - but whether that’s for better or for worse, no one is really sure. It’s a hit or miss most years.
Grace Smith - Grace was the closest with her mother and would often draw things for her, get her father to make a breakfast for her to bring to her mother in bed and would go outside and pick flowers from the neighbour’s garden for her. But now, her mother is gone, so she takes the time to appreciate her father and, since she can’t ask him to cook for her, she either gets Kai to help or just goes down to the nearest shop to buy a meal deal.
Kai Smith - Kai was never really too close with his mother, and she seemed to feel the same way, but would still try to participate in Grace’s celebrations of her. This usually met carrying anything Grace couldn’t or wouldn’t. Even before his mother was gone, Kai would prefer to spend time with his father, helping him wash up from Grace’s endeavours, watching television with him and playing video games. Now they have a Player Three.
Maddie Eyighes - Maddie barely celebrates her foster mother, only joining in just enough to get by without hassle, whether that means carrying the breakfast or just being in the background while her foster siblings surprise their mother or opening doors for her foster mum. The moment her necessary deed is done, she’s off, outside and running. Not like she can do anything inside, it’ll be taken up by her foster mother, and outside she’s free.
Nastasia Lavisco - Nastasia, for Mother’s Day, decides to get into more paid fights, win more supplies, trade some of the rest for more profitable supplies to sell, put some of the original supplies up as winnings for two people to fight over, hide some of the profitable but criminal supplies in too, sell the rest, use the money to buy better weapons and repeat the cycle. It’s what she does everyday, and why should a holiday about a mother change that?
Aidan Lavisco - Aidan is very lucky to have help from the people of the palace, as Mother’s Day is almost a necessity rather than a celebration. It’s the one time Aidan is allowed to run a dance, because the mother in question can’t be involved. He decides the scheme, the theme, the dress code, the predominant dance and the menu of it all, but it’s barely a choice. He’s been trained exactly what to say, by a mother who pulls the strings.
Valeriya Jones - Valeriya, as a mother herself, loves Mother’s Day. She always has, as she was especially close to her mother. They would cook together, Valeriya always learning a new recipe, a new trick, a new skill each time, and she treasured that time with her mother. Being a mother of two boys has been a challenge, but she can’t help but be cheerful when her sons show her their appreciation, especially through recipes she taught them.
Kyle Smith - Kyle had been eager to bring his mother gifts and flowers when he was younger, but stopped as the teen years got closer and his fights with his parents became more prominent. Then, when he had kids with his wife, he helped the two celebrate her, or spent time with his son if he wasn’t helping his sister at all. But those days, with his mother and wife, are behind him, and now he’s the one celebrated on Mother’s Day.
Tyler Brae - Tyler, being the immortal Demon King, is obviously without a mother but he finds the day endearing. For him, Mother’s Day is another opportunity to show how much his ragtag family means to him. He’ll choose some corny but interesting film, buy some snack food while his family is preoccupied during the day and get them all in the living room to watch it. They’ll pretend to hate it and complain but he knows that there’s nowhere they’d rather be.
Shadow - Shadow never celebrated Mother’s Day before and would happily continue to not... too bad he lives with Tyler. Finding himself wrapped up in the demon’s shenanigans continues on this day as he helps Tyler set everything up for the rest of the family. If Tyler wants to cook something, Shadow is there to help him and stop the inevitable house fire. Tyler might ask him one day if he’d prefer to stay out of it, but Shadow won’t let him do it alone.
Mehmun Salton - Mehmun doesn’t remember many Mother’s Days - not with his mother, not with his aunt, not with the mother of his daughter. He prefers not to, because who knows what other memories will arise? All he knows is that he had too few Mother’s Day with his actual mother and not enough with his wife. So he has no idea what he used to do - but he finds he enjoys watching shitty films with a group of other traumatised misfits.
Preston Sin - Preston’s mother is long gone, thanks to his immortality. When she was alive, Mother’s Day was special for her and gifts were expected. If she received one less gift, there was hell to pay, even though all of them knew the gifts would maybe last a day or two at best before finding themselves in the bin. But now, she’s gone, and he’s still around and kicking, with a new family who would never throw away presents.
Maggie Snare - Maggie didn’t celebrate her stepmother for Mother’s Day after her actual mother divorced and left her father, which may have started the rivalry and contempt but who knows? Most Mother’s Days, she’d go out with her friends or spend the day studying and being as far away from her stepmum as she could humanely be. If there were plans, she’d reluctantly abide by them. Now she has more freedom and people worth celebrating.
Luke Fortunato - Luke was too young to be able to get things for his mother before he and his brother were sent into care, plus there wasn’t much she cared for. The people running at the carehome weren’t motherly (or fatherly for that matter) so they never expected gifts, almost never received them and they seldom deserved them. He’s glad he didn’t bother because if he had, maybe Ezekiel would have been more bothered. 
Ezekiel Fortunato - Ezekiel’s only gift was to fuck shit up for them - pour the carers’ secret stash of booze or weed into the gutters, piss in their food, blocking the drains up, anything really to make the carers’ lives just as miserable as their clients’. It was a daily gift, because he didn’t know Mothers’ Day was a holiday for a long time, barely escaping his teen years without knowing it existed. He regrets not knowing - coulda done more.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Kiyoshi didn’t have a mother figure, even though she was a Born Hell Demon, and demons don’t celebrate human-made holidays regardless. It took a while for her to be introduced to the concept of the holiday and she’s still uncertain on how she feels about it - cute and something she celebrates with her family now but, at the same tine, how many times was she suffering on Mother’s Day?
Amber Miller - Amber used to love her mother and was often buying her flowers and chocolates. She’d buy her all sorts of flowers, like roses, and try to pick out all the best chocolates for her, wrap them up and bring them to her in her bed. Now she regrets bothering. She could have saved up that money for something, maybe for when she ran away after her parents refused to accept her as trans. But she didn’t. She wasted it on her mother.
Johnny Miller - Johnny would chip in with their sister’s presents to their mother, giving maybe a pound or two extra to really buy something nice. However, they weren’t as close with their mother, or their father really, Amber being the parent-adoring child. Johnny preferred his own company. But that didn’t make it any harder for Johnny to run away with Amber. Not that they’d ever choose them over their twin. They’ll never be far from her side.
Damien Roth - Damien was an Original Demon, created by the hands of the gods personally, meaning he has no family. He would celebrate the gods, before the war, and give the divine gifts - loyalty, worship, love. That changed when his eyes opened to the injustices demons faced in a world catered toward mortals. Now, with the gods dead and a King who needs to die, the only thing he’ll celebrate will be the promise of them never returning.
Ayla - Ayla is usually in charge of all the Light World balls - not the Mother’s Day one, however. She’s not involved, and leaves it to her son. However, she makes sure he knows what she wants, and that there’s hell to pay if demands aren’t met. Though the Mother’s Day ball is often praised as her son’s, it’s a product of her incessant control and manipulation. That’s the best Mother’s Day gift she can get - relentless power.
Loki Lullay - Loki grew up within the Lullay family and the supposed Lullay curse took his mother from him at a young age. Mother’s Days were the days he’d visit her grave with his brother and father, to lay the most gorgeous flowers for her. He hasn’t seen her grave for eighteen years while his traitor brother keeps up the tradition, or at least he assumes he does. Maybe that’s what drives him to madness. Twenty years away from her.
Malcolm Gull - Malcolm bought flowers for his own mother and his best friend’s mother, before she died at least. After that, he’d buy his best friend flowers on that day, even chocolates, and they’d have a picnic as well. Those were some of the best days for the pair of them, playing Frisbee and football. Then his best friend died. Because of the sorcerers. Because of a sorcerer. He’ll avenge them. He’ll avenge them both. He’ll avenge him.
Nico Angel - Nico never got into Mother’s Day. He’d buy stuff, or at least his father would, for her, maybe bring her a half-hearted breakfast in bed, but no real effort or time put into it. That changed when he became a father, as he’d help his child treat his wife on that day, making food, buying flowers, showering gifts. Too bad it didn’t stay that way - he didn’t stick around for long with them. He just hopes his sons treat their mother well.
Davey Sullivan - Davey grew up with no mother, a dead brother and hatred for his cousin. His father made sure he knew it was his cousin’s fault his mother and brother were dead and made sure that he knew it was his fault that his cousin got away unpunished for his guilt. But for Mother’s Day itself, he’d go to his mother and brother’s graves, lay flowers down and promise them he’d get his cousin punished. Once and for all.
Aerron Yelad - Aerron’s mother loved him much more before he got diagnosed with autism. Despite being ‘vaccine injured’ and ‘proof vaccines do more harm than good’ and ‘the reason I’m not vaccinating the rest of my kids’, he still loves her a lot. He understands that she does love him, he’s just harder to deal with, and she’s giving all the attention she can. But he still feels alone. Alone enough to make bad choices. He’s so desperate.
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gods-rising · 5 years
April Posts - Hogwarts
How would the cast of Gods’ Rising be sorted at the famous fictional school, Hogwarts, of Harry Potter? 
Main protagonists first, then minor protagonists, then main antagonists, then minor antagonists. Background characters not included.
Jakob Sullivan - Hufflepuff.
Zlatko Jones - Hufflepuff.
Charlie Parker - Gryffindor. 
Alex Wilson - Ravenclaw.
Kenna Collier - Slytherin.
Klara Lullay - Slytherin.
Eban Jones - Hufflepuff.
Grace Smith - Gryffindor. 
Kai Smith - Hufflepuff.
Maddie Eyighes - Gryffindor.
Nastasia Lavisco - Gryffindor.
Aidan Lavisco - Ravenclaw.
Valeriya Jones - Ravenclaw.
Kyle Smith - Hufflepuff.
Tyler Brae - Hufflepuff.
Shadow - Gryffindor.
Mehmun Salton - Ravenclaw.
Preston Sin - Gryffindor.
Maggie Snare - Gryffindor.
Luke Fortunato - Slytherin.
Ezekiel Fortunato - Slytherin.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Gryffindor.
Amber Miller - Gryffindor.
Johnny Miller - Slytherin.
Damien Roth - Slytherin.
Ayla - Gryffindor.
Loki Lullay - Ravenclaw.
Malcolm Gull - Gryffindor.
Nico Angel - Hufflepuff.
Davey Sullivan - Slytherin.
Aerron Yelad - Hufflepuff.
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gods-rising · 5 years
March Post - Birthdays
How would the cast of Gods’ Rising ideally celebrate their and others’ birthdays? (inspired by 13th March being birthday) Sorry for being late, it’s been busy!
Main protagonists first, then minor protagonists, then main antagonists, then minor antagonists. Background characters not included.
Jakob Sullivan - Jakob may not have memories but he has natural instincts to try make his companions’ birthdays as great as they can be! He’ll try get them a nice gift or bake a cake or even just decorate wherever he is. Meanwhile, he’ll pretty much forget his own unless/until someone gives him a present or something. He’d bake his own cake unless someone else already has - no matter what, he’d appreciate their efforts!
Zlatko Jones - Zlatko loves birthday, whether his own or his acquaintances’. In love with traditions, he’ll bake a cake, stick the right amount of candles on and sing out Happy Birthday. He’ll buy balloons with the age of the birthday person and will wrap presents in newspaper (because after everything, he won’t have enough to buy actual wrapping paper!). He’ll help out on any birthday, even if it’s his own - it’s more rewarding for him.
Charlie Parker - Charlie loves surprise birthdays, but she struggles to keep them a secret if she’s part of the planning. It’s reasonable to assume that, if Charlie is a part of the planning, you’re in for a big surprise. And her own birthday, she always seems to know that she’s getting a surprise, but not what said surprise is! Even if she did, she’d feign surprise just to make the planner feel good, and will always show appreciation for it.
Alex Wilson - Alex isn’t one for birthdays - his or others’. Of course, he’s not an asshole, really, so he’ll buy a present, at least say ‘happy birthday’ to the birthday person and, if Charlie is with him or he’s in a good mood, begrudgingly sing Happy Birthday. He’ll casually mention his own birthday but he won’t make a fuss and any party he has, he’d prefer it to be a small gathering of his family-like and best friends.
Kenna Collier - Kenna will get passive aggressive toward anyone who forgets her birthday, and has dedicated an entire notebook to people’s birthdays and wishlists. She even knows her nemesis’ birthday, and will try to get even them as good a present because she thinks it’ll prove that she’s better. When it’s her birthday, she’s the type to wear a huge badge and to carry any presents around in her bag or hands until break.
Klara Lullay - Klara doesn’t give or expect material gifts. For sorcerers, they celebrate their and others’ birthdays, they either perform their talent or make edible presents - cookies, brownies, cakes, etc. - and give them either to the birthday person or, if it’s their birthday, to others, because they think material gifts can bring nostalgia and, if the person is no longer in their life, it will bring more pain. If given material gifts, she donates it.
Eban Jones - Eban will never be able to accept gifts without panicking and stammering and insisting they didn’t need to do this for him and that they really shouldn’t have, really. He’s too nervous to enjoy things, especially his birthday. As for others’ birthdays, he’ll panic and fluster months in advance and will try to subtly find out what they want. Luckily, he has a great mother who also doubles as a great gift giver.
Grace Smith - Grace procrastinates. A lot. And this applies for birthdays. Having a twin means she has to buy him a present and has once bought his present on their birthday. If she’s having a birthday bash and is the one in charge of organising it, it will be a subpar birthday bash that clearly was thrown together last minute. When it’s her birthday, she’s reminding everyone, even her own twin. She just doesn’t like being forgotten.
Kai Smith - Kai likes planning stuff. It's not really a love or obsession but if given a chance to organise an event, he’ll happily get involved. So he helps his father or any adult who asks to set up any party, whether it be decor or food plating or clearing up. He prefers to help out at others' parties so sees his and his sister's parties as hers. She's the popular one after all, and Kai prefers to stay out of his twin sister's limelight, 
Maddie Eyighes - Maddie would love to have an actual party. Her last birthday was her ordering a pizza and eating it outside the school because she didn't want to have to share it with her foster family. She never got to have an actual party with people she cared about because her foster family, already neglectful enough, couldn't afford anything big at the time of her birthday. Plus, she doesn't stay at school long enough to make friends.
Nastasia Lavisco - Nastasia, despite birthdays not really being celebrated (and even if they are, it’s either a bloodbath or a children’s party - not much difference), has never lost count of her or others’ ages and birthdays. So she’ll celebrate by giving them a discount on products she sells to buy weaponry or train them how to fight - maybe even give them one of her swords if they fight well enough and are deemed worthy.
Aidan Lavisco - Aidan has only had Light World royalty birthdays, the only birthdays truly celebrated in the Light World. He’s only attended the fanciest of parties that were his own or his mother’s, and no other person’s. Ballrooms, masks and elegance are birthdays to him. The spotlight is always upon him, as the former Prince and King, so he hates birthdays. Perhaps time on Earth with new friends will change his mind.
Valeriya Jones - Valeriya adores birthday parties and will happily host them, even if the birthday isn’t for someone she knows too well. When it’s one of her sons’, however, she’ll try celebrate it as best she can, with a homemade cake while otherwise she may just buy one. One thing is for certain though - if it’s someone she cares about deeply, she’ll take them out to her favourite spots and give the best gift she can - stories and experiences.
Kyle Smith - Kyle didn’t care much for his birthday for a while, or any birthdays really, but once he became a single father, he realised their importance and seemed to become a birthday enthusiast overnight. No one blows their party horn as loud, sings Happy Birthday as vigorously or parties as hard as Kyle on birthdays that aren’t his own. His own? He’ll sit at home, eat cake and think. A lot. Maybe too much.
Tyler Brae - Tyler enjoys parties. He doesn’t like getting older - who does - but does that really happen to him? He likes the idea of birthdays being an excuse to eat cake and have fun and celebrate a person or people annually. His favourite part is buying the presents because he gets to think about the person a lot more and really pick something out he hopes they’ll love enough to keep. And if he can’t find something, who doesn’t love chocolate?
Shadow - Shadow isn’t keen on celebrating birthdays due to past memories of his human life, but now recognises that those days are gone and dead. He has the opportunity to make new, better memories. That doesn’t mean he’s going to be a party animal - he’ll buy a present, give it as a gift with Tyler, wish the person a happy birthday, take a slice of cake and then sit and brood in the corner. Even on his own birthday. He likes it that way.
Mehmun Salton - Mehmun doesn’t remember the last time he had a proper, celebrated birthday but that may be because he must have been around six when he last had one. With his uncle not caring about him and his former mentor either forgetting or too mad to care, he’s almost forgotten birthdays are a thing. Few reasons have kept him remembering - the cupcakes his cousin would make and his new family never letting him forget.
Preston Sin - Preston is ready with a song and dance and musical number for his birthday and will not let anyone forget. And the same, honestly goes for everyone else’s birthdays. Unlike his siblings, he will never let a birthday go by without the birthday person at the very least blowing out some candles and eating cake, and he never forgets a birthday. No one has found a way to hide the dates from him - perhaps they never will.
Maggie Snare - Maggie isn’t one to make a big scene about her birthday but she can and will make a scene about someone else’s. Already prepared with cake, candle and song, she just needs a date, victim and time and then she’s ready to go. These feelings are only intensified the closer the person is to her - have mercy on her boyfriends’ souls when it’s one of their birthdays, because she will not let them have a terrible day.
Luke Fortunato - Luke just wants a quiet day. He wants a cupcake and the tranquillity of his room (without Ezekiel) and to be left alone. It’s his one birthday wish, the only thing he asks as he’s forced to blow out his candles, and he’s been disappointed every year for three and a half decades. While he’s given up on his own birthday dreams, he won’t let others do the same. He’ll join in with the festivities if they so wish but he just wants a birthday nap.
Ezekiel Fortunato - Ezekiel wants to make a huge statement or at least a huge yell on his birthday. No one will escape the birthday boy and if it’s someone else’s birthday, they can’t ever escape him. On another’s birthday, he’ll scoop them up into a hug, squeeze them and chant Happy Birthday relentlessly. So, on his birthday, he expects something similar. It’s not a birthday in his mind if it’s not loud, obnoxious and interrupted by angry neighbours.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Kiyoshi doesn’t know her birthday so she celebrates the day she escaped the laboratory. She’s happy enough with the idea that she’s out and able to celebrate it as well as the idea that the scientists who worked on her didn’t manage to keep her in, but she still appreciates cake and gifts. On others’ birthdays, she tends to stand on the side but will totally sing along and celebrate with them. After all, she’s free.
Amber Miller - Amber doesn’t care much about birthdays. On others’ birthdays, she’ll throw their (non fragile) presents at them, yell a ‘you’re welcome’ then enjoy the party. She refuses to sing, every time. On her birthday, she’ll open her presents, eat cake and disappear. She hates being sung to so she’ll wear headphones if she’s forced to stick around. But she’ll always give a present to her twin on their birthday and tell them happy birthday.
Johnny Miller - Johnny finds that birthdays make them anxious. They don’t like not knowing what they’re going to get and choosing presents for others is what they dread all the time. The mere thought of giving them something they don’t want makes them want to throw up, so they either get help from someone else or stick to vaguely coveted-by-everyone gifts. Aside from that, they do enjoy birthdays, the cake, the singing, the celebrating... it’s just presents.
Damien Roth - Damien doesn’t care for birthday - he is a demon, immortal, practically ageless, why should he? Though he doesn’t see a point in celebrating a silly tradition, he recognises its uses and will partake in others’ celebration if it creates openings for him - such as organising a vessel or to have something against someone who may otherwise not give him what he asks for. He may not have his own, but he can make birthdays all about him.
Ayla - Ayla believes that birthdays do not celebrate someone’s life but their worth, wealth and uses. Thus, those outside the palace and the royal family don’t celebrate their own, at least not to the knowledge of the royal family. Birthdays celebrated consist of wealthy, gorgeous parties that celebrate the wealth of the one ageing - the grander the ball, the better the person. Ayla makes sure hers is the grandest of all.
Loki Lullay - Loki used to remember birthdays. He would plan for weeks, sometimes months, ahead, work with getting presents or getting his wishlist out and sorting decorations and food out. He would celebrate heartily with song and cheer and booze (even if the person was young), even make a cake for them as well. At no point would he allow the party to go sour, because he’d find something. Now, like his mind, those times are lost.
Malcolm Gull - Malcolm didn’t grow up in a birthday-celebrating home. It wasn’t because they didn’t care, they mostly just couldn’t afford a cake, its ingredients or gifts. They’d attend parties but, as they were never able to bestow gifts to their family and friends, that was often a rare occasion that they could only offer to bring themselves to. Nowadays, he makes sure to spoil his group and self with whatever he’s gotten his hands on.
Nico Angel - Nico, after being a family man, has a habit of getting very into birthday parties. On his own birthdays, he buys a little badge for himself to wear the entire day and tries to keep it for the next year (and is never able to). On others’, he will buy a cute little gift, a badge for them and, if he can afford it or the ingredients, a little cake, which he will then sing with. But his family is dead to him, and so birthdays aren’t as cherished.
Davey Sullivan - Davey never had a birthday and his father never let him go to parties - not that he’d get invited anyway, he wasn’t exactly the class favourite. He played the villain in everyone’s story, even his own, as his father said. However, he has inklings of what birthdays are like - but he still has no interest in going. Twenty nine years without one, he’s not about to break that streak. For all he cares, everyone can celebrate without him.
Aerron Yelad - Aerron last had a birthday maybe the year before or the year of he left school and ran away with Damien, for Damien, because of Damien.Twelve? He’s had mini celebrations since with Tyler and such, but Damien has always forbade anything more than a cake, some decor and five gifts maximum - ‘can’t let him become spoilt, not in my care’. But he’s been at enough birthdays to know he loves them.
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ihavenosoul12 · 5 years
14 and E for whoever!
I'm going to answer for a fool called Kai Smith.
Ask me about my OCs!
14. What animal do they fear most?
Kai is scared of many creatures - spiders, snakes and most bugs. But he especially is scared of mice.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Unlike his sister, Kai is more timid, quiet and, to be honest, thoughtful. I think I would get along with Kai quite well and he might get on well with me.
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