coconut530 · 26 days
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abbatoirablaze · 1 month
Deal With The Devil, Chapter 8
Word Count:  1.6k
Warnings:  sexual conversations, mentions of std testing, mentions of cheating. 
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“So…what are we here for today?” the doc asked with a smile as he looked over the chart.  He offered Steve and Inez a reassuring smile, but all it really did was make the mafia boss nervous.
He didn’t want to be there.
He’d wanted to be anywhere else in the world.
But it was what Inez had wanted. 
And what he’d agreed to.
“We’re here so that me and my fiancé can get tested!” Steve smiled as he looked at Inez.   
She frowned as she looked at him, her brow lifting, “excuse me?”
“We’re both getting tested, honey,” Steve said as though he was reminding her.  He lovingly placed his hand on her thigh, “this is what you wanted to do.  Remember?”
“No, I wanted you to get tested, Steve,” she growled, “that was the point of the visit today.  You.”
“Actually, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers-“
“Stark…we’re not married yet!”
“Miss Stark, it’s actually good for partners to come in and get tested together,” the doctor offered, “especially when you’re sexually active and-“
“We’re not!” she said quickly, cutting him off, “Steve just has an issue where he likes to stick his dick in any hole that he can…the last one being five strippers at his bachelor party…right honey?”
“I think the doc has a point, sweetie,” Steve mocked her, “you know…I’m getting tested.  I’m sure that you’ve been safe in the past, but I would feel a lot better if you were tested as well.  That way we know that both of us are going into this…clean.”
The way that she said his name had him looking at her a little closer. 
She looked visibly uncomfortable.
“This was your idea, Inez!” he pointed out.
“I know, I just-“
“Miss Stark, if I may,” the doctor added, “even while using protection, it’s not a hundred percent effective.  As long as you are sexually active, just the act of oral stimulation could-“
“I’ve never done anything sexually!” she admitted, cutting the doctor off, “the most I’ve ever done was kiss a man, okay?  I’ve never had sex.  Never given a guy a blowjob or handjob.  I’ve never done any of that, so can we just drop the subject when it comes to me and get Steve tested already?  There’s no way that I could have a sexually transmitted disease!”
Steve was gaping at her. 
“Bunny…you’ve never-I mean-but-but you’re so fucking gorgeous,” Steve stuttered as he looked at his fiancé with a fresh pair of eyes, “how have you never done anything?”
“I-I never even had a boyfriend before you!” she admitted, “Being Tony’s little sister didn’t make trying to have a dating life any easier.”
“D-does she even need to be tested then?” Steve asked out of sheer amazement, his eyes never leaving Inez, “I-I mean…if she-if she’s never-uh…”
She wrapped her arms around herself, clearly even more uncomfortable with her own admission.  There was a very pregnant pause before he shook his head, muttering a soft ‘no.’
“Mr. Rogers, if you’d like to disrobe, your fiancé can wait out in the lobby,” the doctor offered softly, “we can get the samples ready for testing, and then have you two out of here fairly quickly.”
“A-and uh-the results?” Inez asked quietly, still refusing to look at Steve or the doctor, “W-when would they come back?”
“Shouldn’t take more than a few days,” he shrugged, “just-refrain from any sexual activities…and you shouldn’t have any iss-“
“Great!  I’ll be in the waiting room.” she muttered, quickly leaving the room before the doctor could even finish his statement.
It had been a few hours after they’d left the doctors. 
And Steve was still shell-shocked to learn about his fiancé’s lack of a sexual history. 
After the way that she’d acted with him, how she’d straddled him in the morning and teased him, he’d expected her to have a list almost as long as his. 
She’d just seemed so sure. 
So confident.
But she was an innocent little thing. 
“Steve!” Steve shook his head, kicking himself out of his own thoughts about what his fiancé may or may not know, all to look at Sam.  He’d thrown a punch at his boss’ arm, “come on, Steve.  Keep your head in the game.”
“You should be focused,” Bucky pointed out from the apron of the ring, “you’re supposed to be boxing Sam and instead your head is in the clouds.”
“I just-there’s some things going on with Inez.”
“Ahhh, the old ball and chain making things tough on you?” Sam teased, “thought she’d cave when you two went to get tested.  Especially after how the two of you were this morning.  She looked like she’d help you get your cardio in for the day, if you know what I’m saying.”
“She-she actually didn’t get tested,” Steve admitted slowly, “I uh-found out something about her.”
“Girl’s got stuff, don’t she?” Sam chuckled, “man, should have known with someone like her…that morning when we walked in and saw you two getting hot and heavy-“
“She’s a virgin,” Steve growled, cutting off his number two, “don’t talk about my wife like that, Sam…Inez-she’s never even so much as had a relationship, let alone had sex…she said before me she’d only ever kissed a guy before.”
“A guy?” Bucky asked, suddenly interested in the conversation, “not guys?”
Steve shook his head, “she only said ‘a’ so I’m assuming she meant one.”
“Shit…” Bucky cursed, suddenly lost in his own thoughts as he thought about how he’d been ‘that guy,’ to Inez. 
“I-I don’t know how I feel about it!” Steve admitted, turning his attention towards Sam, “I thought that she’d be experienced.  That-“
“That you wouldn’t feel guilty about cheating on her?” Sam asked, cutting his friend off. 
Steve sighed heavily, “I don’t know…”
“You got feelings for the girl, don’t you?”
Steve nodded, “she’s fucking crazy…but damn, I think I’m in love with her Sam, even though we don't know each other.  She’s headstrong and confident, despite not being experienced.  She’s funny…and she puts me in my place…hell, even after she pulled a gun on me and gave me that cut on my brow…I jus-“
“Wait, this crazy bitch pulled a gun on you?” he asked, eyes bulging out of his head, “I thought that cut probably happened while you were going at it with the strippers.  Y-“
“Hey…that crazy bitch is going to be my wife!” he reminded him, “watch your tone, Sam.”
Sam chuckled, shaking his head a little more at Steve, “sure know how to pick em, boss…right Buck?”
“We’re not friends, Wilson.  Don’t call me that.”
Sam rolled his eyes, “you’re my god damned brother-in-law, Buck.”
“You wanna stay that way and above ground you’ll call me Bucky or Barnes!”
“Tell that to your sister,” Sam laughed, “sure she’d kick your ass for that comment.”
Bucky snarled at his brother-in-law but said nothing to him. 
“Is it bad that I’m worried about her calling off the wedding?” Steve asked suddenly, “like I’m genuinely nervous…I mean, I shouldn’t be nervous.  Right?”
“Why would she call off the wedding?” Sam asked.
“She told me if I caught something from one of the strippers she would,” he shrugged, “and I don’t think that Tony would be mad if she did, especially if she told him about the strippers.  And, I don’t want to lose her before this whole thing even starts.”
“Steve…if those strippers gave you something, I feel like Inez would kill you and then them,” Sam laughed, “she wouldn’t call off the wedding.  She’d just kill you and claim your territory for her brother or something.”
“You know…I want to say your joking and take it as such, but that’s a real concern, Sam.”
“You think your wife’s gonna kill you?”
“If I have something?” Steve asked, “Yes.  Without a doubt.  You should have heard her talking about it when the doctor asked why we were visiting.  It sounded like she was pissed.”
“She was,” Bucky said gently, “you walked into the house with those whore surrounding you.  You didn’t even notice her on the stairs, about to go up to bed.  You ignored your fiancé and went to bed with five women.”
“Shit…” Steve frowned, “sh-she saw me come in?”
“Yeah,” Bucky admitted, leaving out a few of the more ‘obvious’ details, like how he was kissing her before Steve walked in, “she saw you with them, Steve.  If I had a fiancé walk in with five partners all over them, and they took them up to bed I’d be devastated…”
“Sam?” Steve asked, “a little help here?”
“You’re on your own with that,” he chuckled, “if Winnie saw me coming home with women, she’d murder me and them the second I set foot in the house.”
“Come on, Sam.”
“She’d be devastated, Steve,” Sam said truthfully, “me and her have an understanding.  A relationship that we built up over the years of you protecting her family when you had Buck move em here.  Winnie would feel like the most useless woman in the world if I even thought of bringing home another woman and sleeping with her, but that’s our dynamic.  She knows that I love her.  And she loves me…it was tough at first, but we grew into that.  If I cheated on her, I think both of us wouldn’t be able to rebuild that trust.  If I were you, I’d be worried about that…not her murdering you if you caught something.  You insulted her womanhood by bringing home five women…”
“You think she’s really upset about it?” Steve asked.
“What would you think, Steve?” Bucky asked his friend, “what would you think if your fiancé cheated on you?”
“I’d kill the man that touched her…” he growled.
Chapter 9
Tag List:  @teambarnes72, @prokey16, @lohnes16
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Star man
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James Potter x Reader
takes place 1976
word count: 1490
warnings: none that i can think of
you were in your room on a Sunday just trying to clean up a bit. yesterday you went to Hogsmeade with the boys but you wanted today to be a you day because you needed to clean while you were cleaning you had your headphones in with your walkman attached to your pants when your favorite song starts playing. Starman by David Bowie. As soon as you heard it you let out a little squeal because you were happy to hear it. you start dancing to it with your eyes closed. when it hit your favorite verse you started scream-singing it. once you finished your singing you opened your eyes and looked at the door. when you saw the whole of the marauders standing at your door you screamed.
"what the hell are you guys doing here just watching me?" you said hopping off your bed and trying to compose yourself.
"We were coming to see if you wanted to come to lunch with us but seems like you are busy," Remus said with a little smile that you can't help but return with a little shake of your head. 
"nice taste in music by the way David bowie is the best" Remus said. you could hear the excitement in his tone.
"oh my god I know right david bowie is the best we should listen to him together sometimes it's a relief to find another fan that relates to me," you said hopping a little with the biggest smile the boys have ever seen on your face.
"okay steering away from the topic at hand I'm hungry and want to go get lunch so you coming or not y/n?" Sirius said with a bored tone.
"yeah I'll come I just need to get dressed," you said suddenly noticing your lack of clothes and pointing it out to the boys at the same time.
"Why would you change out of that I like the view," Sirius said with a smirk looking you up and down. you shake your head and chuckle.
"ew get out" You push all of them out the door and get dressed in a casual but still nice outfit. while getting dressed you couldn't help but think about James' lack of contribution to the conversation earlier. you had barely even noticed he was there. when you finished you walked out into the common room where the boys were all waiting for you to finish getting ready. "okie dokie I'm ready let's go" you say patting Sirius' shoulder. he gets off the couch and wraps his arm around your shoulder leading you to the great hall while everyone else follows behind.
"you know y/n I think you always look great don't get me wrong but I think your outfit from before was especially great," he said with a smirk.
"why because my tits were out," you say in an annoyed tone.
"Exactly," he said with a bright smile and you scoff.
"act like my friend, not a perv," you say knocking his arm off your shoulder.
"ahh but I won't be just a friend for long," he says trying to put his arm on your shoulder again.
"I would get with you. ever. I'd probably get an STD" you said shaking your head. you can hear Remus laughing behind you.
"good one y/n," Remus said slapping his knee.
"what? What's an STD?" Sirius asks confused which makes you and Remus start laughing all over again.
"It's a sexually transmitted disease," James said with a little smile and Sirius's jaw dropped.
"you little snake I don't have a disease," he says trying to grab you, you squeal and start running away hearing their chuckles behind you but you keep running. once you get into the great hall you see Lily and hide behind her.
"hide me Lily Sirius is mad because I said id never get with him because he'd give me an STD," you said chuckling a little and Lily starts laughing too. Sirius brakes through the doors and spots you with Lily and he points at you.
"you come here now" he curls his finger calling you over and you shake your head holding Lily's arm.
"she's not wrong for what she said Sirius a girl's got to be careful" Lily jokes Remus hears what she says and all three of us are laughing at him.
"ill get you back for that," he says finally giving up and sitting down and you all start filling your plates with food.
"oh don't worry Sirius that's not the real reason why she won't sleep with you" She chuckles a little at you turning and glaring at her, warning her against spilling your secret crush on James.
"why wouldn't she sleep with him then?" James asked. you thought you saw a little hope in his eye you must be mistaken.
"no reason," you say quickly before Lily could tell anyone your secret.
"oh, you're no fun y/n," Lily says starting to eat again.
"oh yeah like I'm going to let you tell my crush that I have a crush on him" As you slowly realize what you said you clamped a hand over your mouth.
"looks like I didn't have to," Lily says chuckling a little. you get more mortified by the second so you get up and run to your room.
"y/n wait" you hear James yell behind you but you keep running you couldn't face him right now. when you get to your room you slam your door and lay your head down on your bed. To hell with cleaning let me just cry. you put on slipping through my fingers by ABBA on my cassette and laid down to cry.
after a while of crying, you felt hungry because you didn't eat anything at lunch so you got up and looked at the time. it was dinner everyone would be in the great hall I should be able to sneak to the kitchens without being noticed. so you got up and started walking out of your dorm. once you were up the stairs you saw James on the couch.
"James? why aren't you at dinner?" he looked at you with a light smile.
"I was giving you your space but I wanted to talk to you," he said getting off the couch and walking towards you.
"oh um okay but can we talk in the kitchen in kind of hungry," you said with a tight-lipped smile.
"yeah of course let's go" You both headed to the door and started walking in silence once you got to the kitchen you grated the house elves and asked if they could get you some cookies. they said yes because they all loved you and you sat down with James on a stool while waiting.
"Look James I'm sorry about all of that I know you have a thing for Lily and I never meant to start liking you but I did because you're just so amazing and I understand if you never want to talk to me ever again I wouldn't either," you say looking down playing with your hands. after a few seconds James not saying anything looked up at him and see him smiling at you.
"I don't like Lily I never did I just pretended I did to make you jealous because I thought you liked Remus you guys have so much in common because you both grew up as muggles and I can't relate to that. I would never want to stop talking to you I like you too," he said with a light smile. you broke out into a full-on grin.
"of course, I don't like Remus don't get me wrong he's great but just because we have the same music taste doesn't make me like him. I like you." you got up and walked to his side of the table and lightly pecked his lips. then ran back to your side of the table.
"hey no fair I want more," he said pouting.
"not right now unless you want the house elves to throw you in the oven," you say looking at the glaring house elves who are overprotective of you.
"Okay okay let's just eat the cookies," he said picking one up and putting it in his mouth. you grab one too and start eating it.
"Does this count as our first date?" you ask nibbling on your cookie.
"if you would like yes. Also on that note, I have a question" he looked at you. you nodded to get him to ask the question. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asked suddenly nervous.
"why yes of course. and as my first rule to being your girlfriend you have to listen to David bowie with me," you said smiling at him he smiles back and nods agreeing with your condition.
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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loominggaia · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
Hello I’m a human guy and I’d like to ask for some advice. You see I’ve been in a romantic relationship with sirene women for afew months now, met around the dockyard I work for down in folkvar. Real beauty, great singing voice and amazingly funny, don’t know what she even sees in me. Anyway where thinking of taking our relationship to the next level, if you know what I’m saying and I’d like some advice. How would a human man like me bed a sirene, with the whole fish tail and all?
What can I do to make the experience more comfortable and pleasurable for her? And is their any risk of accidentally getting her pregnant? I’ve heard all the fish egg jokes from my co-workers but I know that’s rubbish. Anyway I’d jus like to know what I’m stepping into, any advice would be appreciated.
Great questions, and congrats on the relationship! The answers might contain NSFW-ish text and images so I’m placing them under a cut:
First, it would be a good idea to study up on sirene anatomy. Female sirenes are very similar to humans from the waist up, but in place of legs is a tail which may be smooth or scaly. Either way, they have genitals placed about where a human’s would be.
Here’s a simple diagram.
However, if you’re in a serious relationship, reaching straight for the genitals isn’t going to satisfy anyone.
Both male and female sirenes have sensitive scalps. This is an erogenous zone for them, so you can give your sirene girlfriend a scalp massage, or brush or play with her hair to get her in the mood (only with permission of course! Sirenes can be very protective of their hair.)  Most sirenes also enjoy kissing and cuddling just like humans do. Nipples can be an erogenous zone for both male and female sirenes too.
While necks are an erogenous zone for humans, this is not the case for sirenes. This is where their gills are located, and it’s best not to mess with them because they are quite delicate and important to a sirene’s wellbeing. If you try to kiss her on the neck, don’t be surprised if she pulls away. Leave the gills alone! Attention to this area doesn’t feel nice to her.
If you’re in the water, she will swim circles around you and brush against you with her tail to show she’s interested in taking things further. If you’re on land, she might wrap her tail around you. Of course verbal communication is very important too, and you should definitely ask before doing anything you haven’t done before.
As explained in the graphic, female sirenes have a slit near the top of their tails which conceals their genitals. Under normal circumstances, this slit is inconspicuous and you wouldn’t really notice it unless you were looking for it. But when she’s aroused, her genitals swell and become more visible. Just like with humans, this area is very sensitive. Whatever you’re doing down here, don’t be too rough. Rubbing and finger penetration are good places to start, but if things escalate to PIV intercourse, there’s no need to worry about pregnancy. Sirenes cannot be impregnated by humans and vice versa, so your coworkers can keep their ignorant commentary to themselves.
(However, sexually transmitted disease is still a concern. It’s best to use protection or only have sex with people you trust. Many folks around Looming Gaia say you can’t catch STDs from different species but this is a myth! Some diseases can jump species and some cannot. Taking a gamble is not smart.)
Oral sex is also possible (and very pleasurable!) with sirenes. Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard the jokes...but do sirene genitals really taste like fish? I guess that’s all a matter of opinion.
That’s pretty much all the advice I have. Of course the best source of advice would be from your girlfriend, she knows herself and her body better than anyone else! Don’t be afraid to communicate about this stuff with her. If she really loves you, she will be happy to share these experiences with you. I think you both will learn a lot just by spending time together.
Lore Masterpost
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mosquitoguyinc · 1 year
How Mosquito Guy Can Help You Achieve A Mosquito Free Yard Again
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The Mosquito Guy is Massachusetts’ & Rhode Island’s leader in tick and mosquito control. They offer top notch mosquito control services that will help you take back your yard
If you’re tired of battling annoying mosquitoes in your backyard all summer long, there is a simple and effective solution available to you. The Mosquito Guy is proud to offer the best mosquito control service on the market. As an experienced outdoor pest control service company, The Mosquito Guy tick control services will transform your yard into the peaceful place you and your family have always dreamed of.
It is very important to protect yourself from the harmful effects caused by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are the most formidable transmitters of disease in the animal kingdom. They carry diseases that pose serious health threats to your family and your pets. For these reasons, Mosquito Control Company is becoming more important than ever.
Great results are achieved quickly when you hire The Mosquito Guy. They make the whole process easy, from start to finish, so you can enjoy the simple joy of relaxing in your yard again. Whether for home or your business, get started by contacting The Mosquito Guy today.The Mosquito Guy recognizes the importance of understanding mosquito biology and behavior as it relates to effective backyard mosquito control services and application methods. The Mosquito Guy educates their technicians to think like a mosquito and evaluate properties to identify problem areas. This, along with specialized equipment and precise spraying techniques, delivers extraordinary results.
The tick is a blood-sucking parasite that no one wants around. Throughout the past decade, its population has increased at an alarming rate. As ticks spread across Massachusetts & Rhode Island, they bring with them dangerous diseases like Lyme disease which can be easily transmitted to dogs and humans. Ticks are commonly found in wooded or high-grass areas, but they can thrive in any yard where there is grass, shrubbery or leaves on the ground.
There are more than 800 species of ticks, and they exist all over the map. Finding effective means of eliminating ticks probably will involve the use of a chemical pesticide. Knowing the best type to use will help make the process easier.
The Mosquito Guy uses safe, effective, neutral-smelling pesticide that is considered the best product for outdoor use against ticks. The best pesticides can kill and control a variety of pests around the home.  They won’t just kill adult ticks, but also ticks in other life stages so that you will regain control of your home and yard.
The Mosquito Guy bug control will spray the area around the perimeter of your house, working out toward the edge of the property. Ticks have the ability to sense pesticide and will retreat, so starting at the street and working toward the home will increase the number of ticks trying to make their way into your home.
Content Source: https://mosquitoguyinc.com/how-mosquito-guy-can-help-you-achieve-a-mosquito-free-yard-again/
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hurgablurg · 1 year
heath ledger’s joker as seen in christopher nolan’s The Dark Knight ruined fiction forever IMO
there are an embarrassingly uncountable number of characters created after the fact that try desperately to ape that character’s style and moral values to copy even a modicum of the similar popularity and unwarranted appraise, all of whom have fallen down the cracks and into laughable obscurity
these characters are designed to be “true neutral agents of chaos” who are “above morals because they are so smart and cycnical”, are “super-aware or reality”, who “view others as insignificant playthings” and “do whatever they want in the moment because they’re So CraZy... or maybe everyone ELSE is the crazy one, and THEY’RE the only smart and sane one!!!”
And like, that’s dumb in the first place. Everything has a reason, a cause and effect. The actions of someone who is in the middle of a psychological crisis have reasoning, have purpose, going on inside their minds, even though others don’t get to see it. “Bind rage” has a purpose, a driving force to injure or remove threats once the body has hit a stress breaking point. Even neurodegenerative diseases like rabies HAVE a purpose behind their actions, to reproduce and transmit to a new host by whatever means, even if those means seem counter-intuitive.
No one is truly “chaotic”. People do awful things to self-serve themselves or their own ideals, even or hurt someone else. In some cases, even if it costs themselves their lives or all they have.
Even fictional characters who are purported to be “stylish, sophisticated, and brilliant agents of chaos”. Moriarty BBC wasn’t be an “uber-genius chaos king”, he was mentally ill and considered his own life worth less than the possibility of inconveniencing Sherlock for a while. Hannibal Lector wanted to believe he was better than others, and so he tried to dehumanize people by othering them as food. Cicero Skyrim suffered trauma, had his purpose usurped, and did everything he did to undermine people he considered his enemies and assert the authority of his god. No one does anything for no reason, or even truly on a whim.
But if you think the best villain ever was heath ledger’s joker, you don’t walk away with that understanding intact. You walk away with “edgy chaotic bad boy does whatever he wants and always wins because he’s so smart”, which is really all his character IS, a first draft. This is because he is a poorly written character with no motivation. And poorly acted too, but that one is an opinion.
These copy-cats aren’t “forces of nature” they are narrative plot devices, things created solely to make a plot move forward in a desired direction or to fulfill some authorial catharsis. They aren’t interesting, they are transparently structural, and don’t even have the benefit of flare or style.
And because The Dark Knight was so popular for a while, so many antagonists are characterized the same way that they all blend together, especially when given a clown/jester theming.
So for quite a few years, many antagonist characters - the ones who are supposed to balance out or prove a foil to their protagonists - are all the same plot-device guy with no motivation beyond “causing chaos” and a told-not-shown hyper-intelligence that puts them above everyone else.
You know them just by looking at them, too. Caricatured stutters and tics and stims (that’s how you know TheY’Re CraZY and dangerous to “normal people”, thanks for the dehumanization, Hollywood), being extremely overacted, a paradoxical access to limitless resources for their schemes despite their self-destructive nature, an 'ironic” tailored suit of some kind, and a great deal of promotion and talk-up from characters within the fiction itself. Sometimes some queer-coding too.
And like, that is cringiness, isn’t it? Trying to be untrue to yourself, trying to be something you aren’t for the sake of popularity and acknowledgement. Being a poseur is cringe. Being not-earnest is cringe.
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Why Sex Toys Are Healthy
We all get tired of the same old routine in the bedroom from time to time and wonder what else we could do to spice things up a little. Nonetheless, either a guy or a woman may feel uneasy about visiting a jakool sexshop and purchasing a sex toy. Stop worrying and start appreciating the fact that sex toys can be beneficial to your health.
When used properly, sex toys are a healthy addition to any intimate encounter, and they benefit both couples. Taking the plunge may feel uncomfortable at first, but it will be well worth it in the end.
Orgasms are beneficial, in case you needed more convincing. These toys will allow you to experience orgasms that are stronger, longer, and more intense than you ever thought possible. After a long period spent together, even in a committed romantic relationship, boredom sets in. Sexual toys are a great way to break the monotony, and by trying new, exciting things together, you can take your relationship to a whole new level of intimacy. The clitoral stimulation provided by sex toys is essential for many women who struggle to achieve orgasm solely through vaginal stimulation. Sex toys are helpful for men who struggle with premature ejaculation or keeping an erection going strong. They are designed to improve the quality of your intimate time together and take it to new heights.
Displaying your openness to new experiences and your desire to please your partner by using sex toys is a great way to express these qualities. Think about whether you'd like your sexual experiences to be even better by using sex toys instead of dismissing them as taboo and only for more adventurous people.
Sex Talk - 5 Things She Will Definitely Never Say To Her Man
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Some things hear his female companion say, and others he will never, ever hear her say. Of course, standard phrases like "that feels good" or "this is the best sex ever" are common, and all guys want to hear them; and she may even mean them! Still, there are some sex-related topics that women just don't consider. Here are five such phrases and the reasons she'll never use them, along with advice on how to maintain a healthy penis and eliminate the possibility that she'll ever say, "Eww, what is that thing on his penis?"
I appreciate you not using a condom, arguing about whether or not to use one, or assuming that it is the sole responsibility of women to use contraception.
Guys, it's time to start making some progress here. The prevention of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases requires the joint efforts of both partners. As such, it is important to keep condoms on hand at all times and/or share the cost of other methods of birth control such as the pill, the patch, the ring, etc.
My boyfriend is so great that he never asks me to do his business and I never ask him to do mine. A pink stomach is the best!
No one should feel awkward trying out sex activities they've never heard of before
He may finish before she does, perhaps even sooner than she'd like, but he could at least offer to help her out or promise the second round in 10 minutes where he'll pay more attention to her strategy if that happens. Selfish lovers are universally disliked.
How sweet that he informed all his buddies about that wild sex move we tried and everything else that goes down in there. Forget about secrecy.
Absolutely everyone has kissed someone and told them about it, but no one wants the world to know every intimate detail. In particular, this holds for the more reserved and secretive girl. When one of his jerk friends comes up to her, nuzzles her in the ribs, and tells her he hopes his partner would do what she did last night, she will be completely taken aback. Oh, the shame!
Blowouts are great fun and should be offered regularly
Most women recognize that a good blow job can make a woman look and feel incredible, especially if she has experience with the technique. But constantly asking for them, pressuring, or begging for a BJ isn't going to win any points. Even women who claim to enjoy their work must occasionally step away from their duties; after all, it is called "work" for a reason.
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The infamously corny Star Trek TOS episode The Omega Glory was on TV last night and I watched it. My ideas for how I’d rewrite it to make it less silly:
The Yang ancestral culture wasn’t literally the USA, it was just a society that looked kind-of sort-of like the USA in the same way some pre-Columbian American and ancient Indian societies may have looked kind-of sort-of like ancient Athens. That by itself would make the episode much less stupid, and you could keep most of the same basic ideas.
Since we’re not bound to absurd levels of parallelism anymore, I’d personally be inclined to make the Kohms light-skinned blue-eyed blond(e)s and make the Yangs darker-skinned with darker hair and eyes, and imply that the Kohm ancestral society was fascist instead of communist. Maybe sprinkle some symbols distantly reminiscent of Nazi iconography around the Kohm village. It’s not like there was any meaningful connection between the Kohms and communism anyway, and I feel this resonates better with a lot of the ideas the episode was going for. Admittedly, this is probably influenced by my own biases.
Basically swap the roles of Cloud Williams and his mostly silent female companion who doesn’t really do much.
Why? Let’s think about how Yang society might work for a moment. I’m going to say they’re horse-riding big game hunters, like the nineteenth century Great Plains native American cultures on Earth, because 1) that fits with the idea that they’ve been driven into marginal lands and had to become nomads, 2) if you want nomads capable of assembling armies of thousands of people it’s either that or Eurasian-style herders, 3) it fits with the “they’ve become like native Americans” idea. They’re very slow-aging, theoretically capable of living over a thousand years ... but if they’re like their precedent cultures on Earth they probably live fairly rough and dangerous lives and I think would probably tend to live only a few decades or centuries before dying in a hunting accident or battle or something like that. But... going by Earth precedent, it would probably be mostly the men who do the most high-risk activities of hunting and war, which might result in very gender-asymmetrical life expectancy patterns, where men tend to only live a few decades or centuries while women stay relatively safe and have a decent chance of living to be thousand year old ancients. This would be compounded by 1) a lower death rate would mean a lower birth rate for replacement rate reproduction, 2) they’re almost immune to infectious diseases, which would make childbirth in primitive conditions much safer, so that would greatly reduce the probable primary cause of death for women in such a society (childbirth complications). So I think it’s pretty plausible that they’d have a more-or-less matriarchal society where women have a lot of power because they live a lot longer and hence have a lot more time to accumulate experience and become repositories of culture (important for a low-tech nomadic society that will have a mostly oral culture!).
So, I’d gender-swap Cloud Williams; my version of her would a matriarch with a leadership position in her tribe because she’s one of its oldest able-bodied members, she’s got a thousand years of experience and she’s had time to memorize a lot of the oral histories of her tribe and become basically a living library. Why would such a person be anywhere near a battlefield? Well, “the oral histories of her tribe” would include a lot of war stories, with detailed and often basically accurate descriptions of tactics and strategy because that’s how knowledge of how to win wars against Kohms and rival Yang tribes is transmitted in her society. She’s a living tactical manual, so of course she leads her tribe’s warriors in battle.
She could have a companion who’s a big guy who doesn’t talk much and does the brute strength side of what in the episode is Cloud Williams’s role (fighting Kirk in the cell, ripping out the bars). Maybe he’s her grandson, and was captured with her because one of his roles in the tribe is to be her bodyguard in battle.
Related to what I just said, have a bit where Captain Tracey says that he expected the primitive and superstitious Yangs to be overawed by phasers, but instead it was almost like they have a recent cultural memory of war with modern weapons and war against technologically superior opponents and they quickly started using effective counter tactics. Given the explanation in the episode for the long lifespans of people on Omega IV (very strong selection pressure for disease resistance), none of the Yangs would actually remember the ancient high-tech Yang civilization and original war against the Kohms, but the generational transmission chains from a lot of presently living Yang matriarchs to that time might be relatively short. For a lot of the presently living Yang matriarchs shooting down Kohm helicopters with surface-to-air missiles and ambushing Kohm armored columns in mountain passes might be something like “my grandma’s time.”
The reason the “Eee Plab Neesta” sounds like gibberish is that Cloud Williams is reciting it in its archaic original language, which the living Yang language has evolved into mutual incomprehensibility with. The Yangs might have one lovingly preserved paper copy of their equivalent of the Declaration of Independence, but their culture is mostly oral, and they mostly preserve the “holy words” in the heads of the matriarchs, who memorize it and transmit it from mother to daughter exactly (“by heart”), being careful to get every syllable right so it does not become distorted. The oldest matriarchs can still speak the ancient language, but for most of the Yangs, especially the relatively short-lived men, it’s like me listening to somebody recite Beowulf in its original language.
This is more-or-less my headcanon for what’s going in the actual episode too: the “Eee Plab Neesta” is just the text in its original now archaic form of the Yang language, which the universal translator can’t translate because it doesn’t have a big enough sample to work on. I’d make that much more explicit though.
The way I’d handle the scene is to have Cloud Williams start to recite the Eee Plan Neesta, and then have Kirk ask her what it means and suggest that she try to translate it into the everyday language of the Yangs so all her people could hear it with understanding, and of course it wouldn’t be the actual Declaration of Independence but something different but with a similar spirit, something like this:
“We the people of these five colonies of the nation across the sea and seven nations of the original inhabitants of this land, establish a Union, which we found in and organize according to the following principles: that all people are equally precious, that laws exist by the consent of the people and to serve the people, that leaders serve the people and hold their offices by the consent of the people...”
Then have Kirk give his speech about how these words are meant for everyone and not just for chiefs and should be something shared among all the people and lived by and not something gatekept behind archaic language most people can’t understand. Have him reference the USA founding documents by saying that his world has something very similar and he knows from the history of his own world how world-changing these ideas can be and how precious they are.
Obviously you can’t do that “the Yangs try to find out if Kirk recognizes the holy words, and Kirk almost recognizes them but not quite” thing with this version, so the equivalent I propose is:
Kirk recognizes the original functions of Yang “holy relics,” i.e. relics from the ancient Yang civilization: one is part of a machine that once carried people through the air (it’s a snapped-off piece of a helicopter blade), one was a device for seeing far away things as if they’re near (it’s a broken pair of binoculars), one was a machine which people could use to talk to people who were beyond the horizon (it’s a broken-down cell phone), etc.. OK, the last thing is anachronistic for TOS, but if I were writing this as a fanfic it’s what I’d do.
Cloud Williams starts to recite a long epic poem the Yangs have that tells their entire history, to see if Kirk will recognize it. Of course Kirk doesn’t, but while the Yangs don’t have history books they do use visual textile art as an aid to memory and they’ve set up a big story cloth that depicts the narrative in the room and Kirk goes over to it and starts pointing to pictures on it and correctly interpreting them:
“Here, the Yangs were oppressed by kings. The Yangs rebelled and overthrew their kings and made a new nation that had no kings. After this the Yangs became very rich and very powerful, they built great cities. The lords of the Kohms were threatened by this and they used terrible weapons on the Yangs and invaded the Yang land with great armies. Here’s a Yang city being destroyed in an instant by a Kohm weapon. The Kohm lords were so threatened that they tried to destroy the Yangs’ whole way of life. The Yangs retreated to the bad lands and kept fighting. Here are Kohm flying machines attacking a Yang village, and a Yang warrior hiding behind a rock destroying one of those flying machines with a lance of fire. The Kohm lords couldn’t overcome the Yangs until they brought the Death Thirst to the Yang lands in a box and let it out. But that weapon had a life of its own, and turned against the Kohms, and almost destroyed them too. Only a few Yangs survived in the bad lands, and the Kohms claimed the good Yang lands and settled them. But the Yangs survived, they learned the bow and the lance, and eventually their numbers started to increase. The survivors lived longer than people had before; you interpreted this as a gift for the Yangs and curse on the Kohms by the Great Spirit, so that both might live to see you retake what was once yours. And little by little, you did retake what was once yours...”
One way to suggest the Enterprise crew making a positive difference on Omega IV at the end of the episode: have Kirk convince the Yangs to spare the Kohm civilians in that village.
The victorious Yangs are all set to give the last Kohms the Numbers 31 treatment, which is what they usually do when they overrun a Kohm community. Of course, Kirk is horrified by this, and he manages to use arguments involving the Yang “holy words” to convince the Yangs to be merciful instead. “Your own holy words say that every person is equally precious! Every person! That includes the Kohms too! If you really mean it, it includes the Kohms too! They’re no threat to you anymore! Did you fight for so long just for a chance to do to them what they tried to do to you? If so, how are you any better than them? Your own holy words claim to be for all people! Your own holy words say that all people are more alike than they are different, and all people are capable of appreciating the gift of freedom! If that’s true, then your holy words are for the Kohms too! That’s why the Kohm lords were so threatened by you, because they were afraid of what would happen if the Kohm people heard those powerful, good words! Tell the Kohms about your holy words!”
So Cloud Williams agrees to make a merciful and peaceful settlement with the “last of the Kohm places,” let it integrate peacefully into Yang society with no further bloodshed and no abuse inflicted or spoils taken. And then Kirk says “If you mean your words of freedom, your work didn’t end today, it’s just starting. Build good seaworthy boats that can cross the ocean, and send people to the Kohms across the sea, so they can hear your words of freedom too! The words of your ancestors are for them too! You’d never be able to conquer them, but they can hear your words!”
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cestlestial-beings · 3 years
Profound Bond
Summary: Dean says he's not going to let Cas die a virgin. When Plan A doesn’t work out, he takes things into his own hands.
Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel Pairing: Dean Winchester, Castiel Word Count: 1700 AO3: Link
Dean’s laughing hard as they escape out the back door of the—what had Cas called it?—right, a den of iniquity. Dean had seen upset hookers before, but he’d never seen anyone offend one to the extent Cas had.
“What’s so funny?” Cas asks.
“Oh, nothing.” He laughs again and Cas smiles at him, reacting to Dean’s amusement though still not quite understanding what’s funny. Dean feels warmth blossom in his chest at Cas’s confusion. He remembers something he’d said a couple of hours ago: You are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Well, there was no reason it had to be a woman, right? Angels could possess vessels of either gender, so maybe that meant they could swing either way, too.
They climb into the car.
“Okay,” Dean says as he turns on the engine. “So Plan A of getting you laid didn’t work out. But that’s okay. We’ve still got some time to kill before sunrise, so I have a Plan B.”
Cas looks at Dean and tilts his head. “A Plan B?”
Dean pauses, staring at his hands on the steering wheel. Maybe he’s dumb for suggesting this. Maybe Cas will go to his death wondering why Dean had to make it weird. Or maybe…
He takes a deep breath and looks up to Cas. He points to himself. “Plan B.”
“I don’t…” Cas says, brow furrowed. Then his face goes slack as he realizes. “Oh.”
Okay, it was a dumb idea. But Dean can still backtrack. He just has to think of something to say, quick—
“I think I’d like that,” Cas says.
Dean’s breath catches. He pastes a smile on his face to hide his surprise. “Yeah?”
Cas nods, smiling to himself. He looks almost… shy. “Yeah.”
Dean puts the car in drive and steps on the gas.
An hourly motel is kind of sleazy, but it’s not much sleazier than bringing Cas to a brothel, and Cas doesn’t really seem to mind. Dean lets them into the room he’d gotten for the next two hours.
It doesn’t look so bad, really. The wallpaper is stained and peeling in a few places and the plumbing looks three decades old, but at least the king-size bed is neatly made and all the towels look fresh.
Dean finishes surveying the room and turns back to Cas. Cas looks nervous again, shifting uncomfortably as he looks around the room with wide eyes.
“Hey,” Dean says, putting his hands on Cas’s shoulders. He smiles. “Relax. You’ll like it.”
Dean pulls off his jacket and over-shirt and tosses them over the back of the chair nearby, and then kicks off his shoes. “You too,” he says, nodding at Cas. Cas takes off his trench coat, suit jacket, shoes.
He looks more… human, like this. Slimmer, without the two layers of jackets. Dean’s eyes slowly slide down Cas’s body, stopping on where Cas’s dick is straining against his slacks.
Dean smiles and reaches out, grasping Cas’s tie and tugging Cas closer. With Cas close, Dean’s hand slides up to rest on the side of Cas’s neck.
Cas’s eyes flit back and forth between Dean’s, his eyebrows still pulled together nervously. Dean brushes a lock of hair off Cas’s forehead, his fingertips softly brushing the skin, and Cas’s face relaxes.
“Listen, if… If you want me to stop, just tell me, and I’ll stop,” Dean says softly. “No questions asked.”
Cas nods very slightly, his breath coming out ragged.
Dean leans in and presses his lips to Cas’s. They’re a little chapped but they’re also soft and warm and more human than he thought they’d be, and Dean’s suddenly aware he’s kissing an angel, the angel that had lifted him up from Hell and defied heaven for him, and that’s something so crazy and out there that he couldn’t have even imagined it just a couple years ago.
Dean unbuttons Cas’s shirt slow, trying not to get too distracted by Cas’s tongue tentatively running along Dean’s lips, pushing gently inside his mouth.
Dean undoes Cas’s tie and pulls it off him, and then pushes off Cas’s shirt. Dean breaks off the kiss for just a second so he can pull of his own t-shirt before his lips are back on Cas’s, and then on Cas’s jaw, Cas’s neck. Cas tilts his head so Dean has better access to his neck, his hands resting on Dean’s waist as Dean’s hands roam up his chest.
Dean pulls back to look at Cas. Cas has a dazed expression as his eyes meet Dean’s. Dean holds Cas’s face, runs a thumb along Cas’s cheek. He kisses Cas again and drops his hand so he can undo Cas’s belt and pants, and then his own.
He climbs out of his pants, and Cas copies him. Dean feels a wave of vulnerability and self-consciousness now that he’s completely out of his clothes. This is Cas; he shouldn’t feel this exposed and afraid of judgment, right? But then again, this is Cas. Cas has seen so many versions of Dean, after everything they’ve been through, but Cas has never seen him like this.
He swallows down his discomfort. “Give me a second,” Dean says, and he goes to retrieve the condom and lube from the convenience store bag they’d picked up on the way over. Dean tears open the condom as he walks back over to Cas and rolls it onto Cas’s dick while Cas watches.
“What is this for?” Cas asks.
“Protection,” Dean says.
“Protection from what?”
“STDs.” Cas looks confused, so Dean adds, “Sexually-transmitted diseases.”
“I don’t have any diseases,” Cas says.
Dean gives him a quick smile. “I’ve heard that one before. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
“Okay,” Cas says, still uncertain.
Dean opens the lube packet next, squeezes some into his hand and rubs it on Cas’s dick. Cas inhales sharply at the cool contact.
“What is this for?” he asks, slightly breathless, looking down at Dean’s hand on his dick.
“So it doesn’t chafe,” Dean says. “It’ll feel better for both of us, promise.”
Cas looks back up at Dean, sudden panic in his eyes.
Dean strokes Cas’s face with his clean hand. He gives his best reassuring smile. “It’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna guide you through it, and it’ll feel good, okay?”
Cas swallows and nods.
“How are you feeling so far?” Dean asks.
Cas hesitates. “I feel okay.”
Dean leans in. “Relax, baby,” he says, his lips hovering over Cas’s, and then he kisses him. Dean feels his cheeks burn—he hadn’t meant for the term of endearment to slip out, but Cas doesn’t seem to notice. Dean notices the tension melt out of Cas as Dean kisses him.
Dean pulls back. “Ready?”
Cas licks his lips and nods.
Dean feels kind of dumb explaining the basics of what goes where, what Cas should do, how he’s probably going to feel. But Cas seems attentive enough that Dean supposes he actually doesn’t know this stuff. This millennia-old angel, completely lost on how to fuck a guy.
Finally Dean crawls onto the bed and lies down on his stomach, and twists to look back as Cas climbs over him. Dean gives him a thumbs up and then Cas lines up, pushes in.
Cas lets out a long exhale as he slides in deeper, and Dean closes his eyes and presses his forehead against the comforter, gripping the sheets tightly as that familiar hurts-so-good feeling goes through him.
“How does that feel?” Cas murmurs.
“Really good, baby,” Dean says, and this time the pet name feels right. “Keep going.”
Dean has had awkward sex before, so he’s surprised at how good Cas is at this—finding the right rhythm, the right pressure. Dean turns his head to the side and Cas leans forward and adjusts himself so he can kiss Dean. They fuck slow and sensual and gentle, and when Cas finally comes, he lets out a light gasp near Dean’s lips and pulls back, his movement stilling.
Dean feels a burst of affection for him. This angel, who he’d hated until so recently. This angel who’d been there when it counted. This angel that he feels bound to, so deeply that he can’t put it in words. This is just a favor for a friend, he reminds himself, but he knows it’s not just that, somewhere along the line it became something more, and he wondered how that happened.
Cas pulls out, breathing hard, and Dean rolls over underneath him.
“Good?” he asks, grinning.
Cas just nods. 
Dean gets a hand on the back of Cas’s neck and pulls him down to kiss him again. He wonders if they’ll get the chance to do this again, if they survive tonight. He wonders if Cas would want to. It was a one-time thing, right? Make sure Cas lost his v-card before he died. Mission accomplished. Dean feels a hollow disappointment at the thought this might never happen again.
Cas pulls back and sees the look on Dean’s face. He frowns. “Something wrong?”
Dean holds Cas’s face in his hands, smiles up at him. “No. I’m okay.” He glances at the nightstand clock and sighs. “We should get going though. We’ll need some time to set up so we can summon Raphael.”
Cas looks at the clock too. “Oh.”
“One more,” Cas says, and he bends down and kisses Dean again, slow and deep, and Dean feels warm, everywhere, totally content. Like he hasn’t been in a long time.
Too soon, Cas climbs off. He glances down at himself, sticky with lube. “I should get cleaned up,” he says.
Dean laughs softly. “Yeah, you should. Come on, we have enough time for a shower,” he says. He rolls off the bed and takes Cas’s hand. He pulls him towards the bathroom, forgetting for now that they’ll be talking to an archangel soon. Forgetting that the end of the world is coming.
They don’t have long left until they’ll have to face reality again, but Dean’s going to make every second until then count.
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Here we go...Storm’s back is against the wall but well...we know he believes in survival of the fittest and as the old saying goes, a cornered mouse always fights back. Storm isn’t just a mouse, he’s one with every possible rodent transmitted disease in the book. Don’t expect things to go down easily.
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What? I’m just telling it like it is.
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Life is full of hardship and suffering, and not everyone can make it through. Only those who are strong enough can hope to survive everything life throws at them.
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And you, my dear, are among the strongest.
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Wh...what’s that supposed to mean?
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Your friend Taira told me. She...She figured it out, just before we blew up the tower.
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I’m sure you’ve heard the stories of a man named Utsuro, haven’t you? The miracle man, the luckiest human being of all time...
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...But also the unluckiest. A man with all the power in the world, and it brought him nothing but misery.
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I know the story. What’s that got to do with...
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Wait...are...are you saying...?
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It explains so much, doesn’t it? Remember when Damian saved you from falling out the window? That was crazy good luck!
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...So...Nikei, Iroha, Emma, Hajime, Akane...
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I have Divine Luck, just like them?
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That’s what she told me.
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I can also tell you more.
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That story about Utsuro curing all the people in the hospital he was born in? Well, guess who also happened to be working in that very same hospital on that exact day?
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None other than a Mrs. Nanami Harumi.
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Mom...? She...She was affected by it?
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Not just affected. It helped guarantee you were born in the first place.
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I mean, I know the story goes that the Children of Utsuro owe their life to the guy, but for you, it couldn’t be more literal.
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But you know what that means, right? You failed. No matter what you tried to do, you couldn’t beat her. She’s basically invincible.
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I wouldn’t go that far, Kana-chan.
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*Chiaki puts an arm in front of Kana and stands between her and Storm*
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Protecting your little sister? How noble of you.
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Like I said, she’s invincible.
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You know, Kana-chan, lying is such a cruel thing to do, especially after you were so harsh to me about doing it. I’ve done nothing but tell her the truth.
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Tell me, did your friends ever let you know your luck is limited? It’s gonna run out sometime, and it can be broken under the right circumstances.
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…So that’s why. You did all this so my Divine Luck would stop protecting me.
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Well, it won’t work! I’ve got Kana, I’ve got my friends, and we’ve got an army!
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Oh yeah, I know.
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But I’ve got this.
*Maverick snaps his fingers. A smaller robot rolls up beside him and projects a holographic screen*
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*It switches back and forth to show several people in their hotel rooms with robots standing over them, looking absolutely terrified*
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You didn’t save everyone, you know. Sure, someone managed to slip out of my grasp, but you said no deaths would happen on this island, right? I can prove you wrong with a snap of my fingers.
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And I’ll let you in on a secret: if your friend Kanon loses up there, she plans on throwing herself out the window. Or the elevator shaft. Whichever is available.
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You bastard! Leave her out of this!
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It’s so funny, isn’t it? All the luck in the world, but your lives are nothing but miserable tragedy after miserable tragedy.
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But let me make this clear for you, Nanami Chiaki: I’m giving you a choice. I know I’m on the verge of losing, but understand that every single death that happens here is your fault. These people were ripped from their homes and it’s your fault. This entire situation happened because of you.
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But you can do the noble thing. You can stand down and let me do my job. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good.
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And since I’m feeling generous, even after all the bullshit you’ve caused, I’ll let you go, Kana-chan.
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Like I’d ever buy that!
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If you run or try to fight me, I will order my robots to kill. There’s nothing anyone here can do, get it? You might get me in a rush, but you’ll have blood on your hands and the memory that you could’ve made another choice.
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I told you once already. Nobody lives life in a vacuum. All of us, in one way or another, impact the world around us.
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So what’ll it be? Do you wanna be a great big hero? Isn’t that why you came to this island? Or do innocents not matter to you after all?
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mosquitoguyinc · 2 years
How Mosquito Guy Can Help You Achieve A Mosquito Free Yard Again
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The Mosquito Guy is Massachusetts’ & Rhode Island’s leader in tick and mosquito control. They offer top-notch mosquito control services that will help you take back your yard
If you’re tired of battling annoying mosquitoes in your backyard all summer long, there is a simple and effective solution available to you. The Mosquito Guy is proud to offer the best mosquito control service on the market. As an experienced outdoor pest control service company, The Mosquito Guy tick control services will transform your yard into the peaceful place you and your family have always dreamed of.
It is very important to protect yourself from the harmful effects caused by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are the most formidable transmitters of disease in the animal kingdom. They carry diseases that pose serious health threats to your family and your pets. For these reasons, mosquito control company is becoming more important than ever.
Great results are achieved quickly when you hire The Mosquito Guy. They make the whole process easy, from start to finish, so you can enjoy the simple joy of relaxing in your yard again. Whether for home or your business, get started by contacting The Mosquito Guy today. The Mosquito Guy recognizes the importance of understanding mosquito biology and behavior as it relates to effective backyard mosquito control services and application methods. The Mosquito Guy educates their technicians to think like a mosquito and evaluate properties to identify problem areas. This, along with specialized equipment and precise spraying techniques, delivers extraordinary results.
The tick is a blood-sucking parasite that no one wants around. Throughout the past decade, its population has increased at an alarming rate. As ticks spread across Massachusetts & Rhode Island, they bring with them dangerous diseases like Lyme disease which can be easily transmitted to dogs and humans. Ticks are commonly found in wooded or high-grass areas, but they can thrive in any yard where there is grass, shrubbery, or leaves on the ground.
There are more than 800 species of ticks, and they exist all over the map. Finding effective means of eliminating ticks probably will involve the use of a chemical pesticide. Knowing the best type to use will help make the process easier.
The Mosquito Guy uses a safe, effective, neutral-smelling pesticide that is considered the best product for outdoor use against ticks. The best pesticides can kill and control a variety of pests around the home. They won’t just kill adult ticks, but also ticks in other life stages so that you will regain control of your home and yard.
The Mosquito Guy bug control will spray the area around the perimeter of your house, working out toward the edge of the property. Ticks have the ability to sense pesticides and will retreat, so starting at the street and working toward the home will increase the number of ticks trying to make their way into your home.
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y0rkminster · 3 years
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Hope for fish TB!
After Aeneas died, I decided the best way to honor his memory would be to use the knowledge I gained, too late for him, to save another fish with myco (fish TB).
Evander here had it bad. I didn’t think he’d make it but he’s thriving.
First, a word of caution: some strains of fish TB can be transmitted to humans. You cannot get TB from a fish, but you can get what’s known as a fish tank granuloma. I strongly recommend glove use. That being said, my immune system is currently in the toilet and I didn’t get sick. But you are risking transmission, and should know this going in.
Here’s what I did, and the rationale:
UV Sterilizer: it worked for Diana Walstad, a fantastic biologist. She wrote a great paper on the topic.
Clarithromycin: used in human mycobacterial infections.
Erythromycin: likely co-infection due to filthy conditions at this especially bad pet store. Evander here is also a dragonscale, which means he’s prone to diamond eye. Diamond eye is thought to be triggered by infection. In humans, erythromycin is used often to protect the eyes. This is, admittedly, weak rationale. But I’m including it because it was a turning point for this little guy. Treating co infections will help their immune systems join the fight.
PolyGuard: very broad spectrum to nab any other secondary infection.
Best wishes to everyone who’s battling this awful disease. There is hope if it’s caught early enough.
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boylovesleathers91 · 4 years
Simon and Luke part 5: Holiday in the Alps
Please enjoy this fictional erotic leather story about a very submissive Simon!
Simon and Luke enjoyed their open motorcycle relationship a lot. But life in the city was stressful and often, they hardly found any time for mutual rides - and sex. When summertime started, Simon mentioned the idea of going on Holiday together – of course with their bikes. Luke was in favor of this great idea, and Simon believed that Luke would get a surprise for him. Luke has always had the hottest sex ideas.
Finally, they came to a decision. They wanted to explore the Eastern Alps in Central Europe that weren’t far away from their home so they could go there using their sports bikes – as you may remember, Simon was riding a KTM 690 Duke and wearing his Dainese and Alpinestars gear, Luke’s bike was a black ninja. They really enjoyed the mountains, riding up and down impressive mountain passes several times. When they stopped, everyone was friendly – maybe the guys were impressed by their sports bikes and their shiny leather gear and the girls were ecstatic because of their masculine looks?
Once, they stopped for an overnight stay in a small village. “I met some horny guys from the local motocross club”, Luke told Simon. “They’d want to taste your sweet ass with their dicks. But they said it was important that nobody in this place can find out. They’re all in heterosexual relationships, you know. Therefore, they’d pay me so much money we could use for our holiday. I want you to do that.” Simon hesitated. He was used to take Luke’s orders as he played the submissive part in their relationship. But Luke had never asked Simon before to get fucked by other men. Somehow, Simon felt aroused by the thought of getting pounded by those athletic motocross dudes. At the end of the day, Simon agreed. The next afternoon, Luke guided Simon to the club house. Three young guys were already there, all wearing their full motocross gear. The youngest of the guys seemed to be barely above the legal age. The boy’s Alpinestars gear was full of mud and sweat, apparently, he had just had a hard training session. The guys didn’t introduce themselves, except the young guy whose name seemed to be Leo. “I’ve got a girlfriend, but I’m still questioning my sexuality”, he told Luke. The others also had their motocross helmets on so they wouldn’t be recognized.
Luke commanded Simon to lay down on a small bench that was situated on a platform, so that Simon was on all fours, with his ass in a comfortable higher position. Simon felt his bike leathers’ special backside zipper being opened, leaving his asshole free to the public. Wearing his racing gloves and racing boots, he was bound to the bench so he couldn’t really move. Some of the motocross dudes began to rub their dicks through their motocross pants. Simon couldn’t see them, as he was forced to look in the opposite direction. A well-trained guy of about 30 years who obviously was the club’s leader slowly approached Simon’s ass. “Stop”, shouted Luke. “As this hole has not been lubed yet, you will need to do some prework. Leo, come here and help your bike friend.” Leo was shy but finally did what he was told to. His older buddy unpacked his hard cock and showed Leo to suck it: “Make it as wet as possible, I’ll take care of that dirty hole”. While Leo was getting his master’s cock shoved down his throat, the older athlete started to lick Simon’s completely shaved asshole. Simon moaned enjoying the treatment. Soon, the older guy decided to start the next level. He kicked Leo away and positioned his cock’s tip right at the entrance to Simon’s well-prepared anus. Leo sat down; he knew he was last because he was the youngest of them. With a single thrust, the athlete shoved it completely into Simon’s ass. Simon took the older guy’s cock easily, since it was only of average size compared to Luke’s penis. The older guy didn’t have much endurance and shot his man cream into Simon’s ass. The dude was satisfied and left the place to go showering. The second guy, who observed the scene rubbing his stiff cock through his motocross pants, was next. His cock was also of average size, but it had a huge tip. When he fucked Simon’s ass gently, Luke also got a boner and rubbed it through his tight leather suit. Simon noticed that and showed him to come closer. Luke opened his leather pants and unpacked his cock, so Simon could suck it. Stuffed from two sides and getting his prostate massaged by the huge cock end, Simon’s own penis was soaking his tight leather suit with precum. At the same time, Luke and the other guy enjoyed their climaxes a few minutes later and shot their loads into Simon’s body. The other anonymous guy also left for the showers.
Now, it was Leo’s turn and he was right at Simon’s hole. Luke was surprised when the young dude unzipped his motocross pants, as his cock was even bigger than his own– about 24 cm long - and coated with strong veins. At the tip, a drop of precum could be seen. As he had learned from his colleagues, Leo positioned his giant cock at Simon’s lust hole and shoved it in with a single thrust. Simon screamed once as he wasn’t used to cocks of this size, but it was no big problem as his hole was well lubed with two guys’ cum. Simon soon began to enjoy Leo fucking him with slow but intense thrusts. Simon tried to position himself differently despite being bound quite tightly, so with every thrust, his wet penis was pressed against his tight leather pants. Leo really was well-trained and had a lot of endurance, he fucked Simon for at least forty minutes, both continuously moaning. Beneath his protective gear, Leo’s sweat was running down his motocross trained body into his muddy Alpinestars Tech boots. Simon smelled the young athlete’s scent and it made him even hornier. Accompanied by three loud screams, Leo pumped various loads of his boy milk into Simon’s asshole. Simon came as well and shot his load into his tight black orange Dainese leathers. They stayed in that comfortable position and enjoyed the moment. Slowly, Leo pulled out his still jerking massive dick out of Simon’s gaping lust cave. He kissed Simon’s leathered butt cheeks and closed the backside zipper. Together with Luke, they uncaged Simon who wasn’t far away from losing consciousness. “Awesome”, was the only word that came out of his mouth.
“Simon, your lust hole was way better than my odd girlfriend’s pussy”, Leo explained. “And you know, the other gays are just idiots, they only wanted to fuck your ass. But they wouldn’t ever tell anyone about this because they are stupid cowards. I really enjoyed this opportunity, and there is also an emotion in my heart I’ve never had before. Is it love? I don’t know! But I will break up with my girlfriend, I don’t believe that I’m loving her. However, being queer can be hard in the village! What do you think?”. Simon, who felt four boys’ cum including his own running down his thighs into his racing boots, answered “We will definitely support you. It’s important to be true to yourself and others. You’re old enough, so you can always leave this town. Maybe you would like to come with us? You seem to be a good biker!” At the end of the day, Simon and Leo exchanged their helmets, so they could inhale the other boy’s masculine scent every time they wanted to.
To be continued?
Did you like the story? Reblog it! 😊 What adventures would you want Simon and Luke to get into?
Please note that this story is fictional. Any resemblance to living persons is unintentional. Please also note that in real life, you should always be aware of informed consent and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases when you hook up with someone. Please also respect your local Covid-19 restrictions.
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fanfic-collection · 4 years
Loki x Reader: Quarantine
Please comment
‘And this is Captain America, signing off, reminding everyone once again, stay safe, stay strong, and stay true to America. Please, buy only what is necessary, if you’re quarantined, stay home for the assigned days, get a lot of rest if you’re sick, take the necessary precautions, and we’ll get through this, we always do.’ Steve smiled, saluting the camera on his laptop then looked at Bucky.
Bucky gave a tired thumbs up.
'Signing off, I’ll see you all tomorrow.’ Steve clicked the end transmission button and the feed ended. 'That was really good Bucky, I really think we’re making a difference, I hope we can keep people calm in this trying times.’
Bucky raised his eyebrow and leaned back in the seat groaning as he covered his face, 'Are you seriously going to drag me through these podcasts every day?’
Steve stood up and stretched, 'Until the quarantine ends, it’s the least we can do for the public, so yes, yes I am.’
You snorted into your vitamin enhanced energy drink, watching the two super soldiers across the counter.
'Don’t start.’ Bucky muttered, looking at you, raising a warning finger.
You set down your glass and held up your hands defensively, 'Not a word.’
'It’s day two and I’m stir crazy already.’ Bucky groaned, running his hand through his hair as he stood up and began to pace.
The big screen turned on and Tony appeared, poolside with a margarita in hand, shades halfway down his nose as he squinted at his phone to see the three of you in the kitchen. 'Cap! Other soldier, teddy bear.’
'Why does he call you teddy bear again?’ Bucky asked, glancing at you.
You sighed and shook your head. The automatic kitchen doors slid open and the two norse gods walked, mid conversation, stopping only when they saw Tony on the monitor.
'Oh excellent,’ Tony continued, 'thunder bros, anyways, Steve, loved the pep talk, my stocks stopped their nose dive, they’re still dropping but not nearly as bad, I heard one of the local grocery stores even had toilet paper on the shelf too.’
Steve rolled his eyes, 'What do you want, Stark?’
'Can’t I check in? One quarantinee to another?’
'You’re pool side in Malibu.’ Bucky grumbled.
'And you’re in Stark tower with tons of friends in New York, your point?’
'Tony? Lunch’s almost done!’ You heard Pepper call from somewhere within the house.
'Yea just a second honey.’ Tony grinned, 'Quarantine is awesome, am I right?’
Thor grumbled, 'I don’t see why I have to be stuck in this building.’
'Thor, we’ve told you countless times, people are worried you could transmit the disease.’ Steve replied.
'No Midgardian illness is a match for me.’ Thor replied, fist on his chest.
Loki rolled his eyes, 'And yet, the disease may cling to you and travel to the mortals, brother. How our physiology is compatible to theirs is unknown, must we go through this again?’
You made eye contact with Loki and smiled softly.
Loki’s irritation seemed to fade somewhat and a faint smile touched the corner of his mouth before he turned his attention back to Thor, folding his arms.
'So are you guys going to have a party then?’ Tony asked, 'Wait, where’s Hawkeye? Two of you are missing.’
'Hawkeye and Nat are around.’ You replied. 'Nat was taking a nap last I knew and Clint’s… lurking.’
Tony shook his head before abruptly touching his phone, 'yes, what is it? Kid, I told you to only call in emergencies. What, wait, say that slower. You’re quarantined? Do you have enough supplies to get you through the next two weeks, just calm down. No, I’m on the phone with the other Avengers. Yes, most of them, the ones that are quarantined at the tower. Yes that includes Loki. Why do you call him Mr. Loki. Kid… Focus. Yes, ok good, you have supplies, yes you’re not sick, I know, Aunt May is pretty young, yes I know, she’s fine, you’ll both be fine, it’s just a quarantine, keep entertained with Cap’s podcasts, they’ll keep you calm, he posts them each day, yes you’re talking too fast for me to understand you. Kid. Peter. Listen to me.’ Tony sighed. 'Kid.’ He sighed again. 'Listen. I will hang up on you. Kid. Listen, stop it. Stop. I’ll send over a suit with groceries. Yes, I’ll send toilet paper. Yes, I know all the stores are out, I have connections.’ Tony smiled weakly, 'I got you covered, you’ll be fine. You’ll get through this. Now all of you, I’m hanging up and getting lunch with my hot date. Bye.’ The screen went black.
'That spider kid got quarantined?’ Steve asked, looking around the room.
You blinked, 'I guess so.’
Loki crossed the room, moving away from Thor and came over to sit beside you. He left a respectable distance, peering into your glass curiously before easing himself into the chair next to you.
'I could bring him supplies.’ Thor grumbled.
'Brother we have dealt with plagues, as has humanity before, if their response is to lock themselves away to deter the spread of it, we are not to interfere. Their healers, doctors, have made their demands,’ Loki looked up from your drink, 'We do not interfere.’
'We are protectors of humanity, we must safeguard the realm in whatever way possible.’ Thor urged.
'You cannot fight a disease with your hammer.’ Loki replied. 'Or are you suggesting culling the sick to limit its spread?’
Thor creased his brow.
Loki raised his eyebrow, 'Such action has been taken in the past and will likely take place in the future.’
Steve and Bucky watched Loki uneasily.
Loki continued coldly, 'Tell me brother, would you risk more lives or take them because you are uneasy with patience?’
'Loki…’ You said slowly.
Thor growled softly before turning and stomping from the room.
'He’s never patient.’ Loki muttered, shrugging.
You sighed and touched his forearm hesitantly.
Loki glanced down at you somewhat surprised. You slowly pulled your hand away as Loki’s eyes trailed your hand, watching where you had been and slowly staring at your hand where it lay a few inches from his arm.
Steve cleared his throat. 'Well I was thinking I might start drawing again, I haven’t had a chance to sit down and just sketch in a while.’ He managed a smile, 'Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe I’ll do some skylines…’
Bucky sighed, 'I haven’t had a lot of time to hone any hobbies.’
'Well now is a great time to start!’ Steve clapped Bucky on the shoulder, 'C'mon, Stark is bound to have plenty of things lying around this musty old tower. Let’s go digging.’
You finished your drink, staring at the empty mug. 'Do you think there will be a culling?’ You asked, looking at Loki.
Loki shook his head, 'Not at all. Thor is too quick for action, this disease is easily controlled by your mortal means. Stay clean, take care of yourself and avoid too many people. The spies staying to themselves are smart, the three of you are the only regular humans in this tower, otherwise it’s nearly empty on the top floors. Between the soldiers and myself and my brother, you’re the only mortal really.’
You nodded slowly, staring at him with concern.
Loki carefully touched your hand, a bit of color rising to his cheeks, 'I doubt with the chemicals running through their bodies and my brother and myself and our genetic make up, we seem to be safe from this disease. I fear only for you falling ill, but we will keep you safe and even so, there are many more cases of recovery than there are fatalities.’
You nodded, 'Yea, you’re right.’
The black screen flipped on. 'What motherfucker, is stealing all of SHIELD’s motherfucking toilet paper?’ Nick Fury’s voice roared over the speakers as he glared out around the screen, staring down at you and Loki. 'Where is Rogers?’
You blinked, quailing beneath his glare. 'He went looking for art supplies, sir.’
'Someone got it in their funny little head that it would be a good idea to ransack the SHIELD bathrooms for toilet paper and now I got nothing to wipe my ass with. HILL, get me Hill on the line.’ Fury continued, barking orders at someone out of view.
Loki rolled his eyes, 'I don’t know what you expect us to do about it, we’re under quarantine.’
You snickered, fighting back a laugh.
Fury looked down at the two of you, 'Oh right, I’d forgotten.’ He sighed, 'Do I have any Avengers or SHIELD agents I can call into duty?’
'Not that I know of, sir. I’m pretty out of the loop.’ You waved your hand, indicating the quarantine.
'Fine, fine, carry on.’ The screen blanked out again.
Loki looked at you and you looked back at him before the two of you started laughing weakly. You both quickly looked away.
'Want to go check out the library? It’s going to be a long quarantine.’ You offered your hand to him.
Loki looked at your hand hesitantly before taking it, 'Certainly.’
It might be a long quarantine, but perhaps not a terrible one.
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tinyshe · 3 years
still worth reading ... more now than ever:
The Kraken Unleashed: Are We Ready to Fight the Beast?
Father Richard Heilman  January 14, 2015
“And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads; and on its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads were blasphemous names.  And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave it his power and his throne and great authority.  One of its heads seemed to have received a death-blow, but its mortal wound had been healed. In amazement the whole earth followed the beast. They worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it? – Revelation 13:1-10
“In the 2010 film, Clash of the Titans, there is a scene in which Zeus, angry with the humans, is persuaded by Hades to visit vengeance upon the mortals in the form of the Kraken, a giant monster from the depths of the sea. The visual of this great evil being unleashed is something to behold:
“If this scene is evocative, perhaps it is because it’s familiar. Like a Kraken released, we have a colossal problem in our world today. There are few who are not stunned by the growing specter of evil; a darkness more profound and spreading more quickly across the globe than any civilized human being could have ever imagined. Many of those I speak with have admitted that they now abstain completely from watching the news: “It’s just too much,” they say. “It’s just so horrifying!”
“For the past two years I have been confiding to close friends my own growing sense that something is happening, that something unholy is stirring. I have spoken with others who have admitted the same suspicion. The way I have tried to describe it in the past is like the rumblings felt just before a volcano explodes.
“Now, I find myself wondering if the eruption is upon us.
“Who could ever conceive of atrocities like those we are seeing executed in the name of religion? Where once we might see coverage of a tragic conflict far away, we now face an evil that is not confined to some distant corner of the planet. With the always-on, near-instant spread of information in our digital age, your next door neighbor can be radicalized from the comfort of their living room.
“What we are facing is, first and foremost, a form of spiritual warfare. In a time where violence is rampant and the innocent are threatened, it is true that we must be ready to physically engage the malefactors. But if we deny the spiritual nature of this surge of evil we are facing, we will have no hope of victory.
“When confronted with atrocity, the immediate reaction of most people is, “What can we do to stop it?” Yes! That is the exact question we need to be asking. Summoning us to courage, St. Augustine challenges us to do battle: “Hope has two beautiful daughters: their names are anger and courage. Anger that things are the way they are. Courage to make them the way they ought to be.”
“But to begin to answer the question of what we can do, we must first properly assess where we are. What are our capabilities? How is our strength? What is the state of our conditioning? Without this kind of brutal honesty, we are likely to flounder rather than fight.
“Jesus warned, “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth” (Luke 21:34-35).
“And yet isn’t that exactly what has become of us? Consider this sobering analysis of our present condition from columnist Jeffrey Kuhner at the Washington Times:
“For the past 50 years, every major institution has been captured by the radical secular left. The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, theater, the arts, literature — they relentlessly promote the false gods of sexual hedonism and radical individualism. Conservatives have ceded the culture to the enemy. Tens of millions of unborn babies have been slaughtered; illegitimacy rates have soared; divorce has skyrocketed; pornography is rampant; drug use has exploded; sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS have killed millions; birth control is a way of life; sex outside of wedlock has become the norm; countless children have been permanently damaged — their innocence lost forever — because of the proliferation of broken homes; and sodomy and homosexuality are celebrated openly. America has become the new Babylon.
“This cultural assessment is bleak. And I believe that underlying it all is a deeper evil, a more ancient and intractable error which gives rise to all the rest. Many have pointed to “Modernism” as the heresy of our times. Modernism, while it takes many forms, is basically a break or rejection of our past in favor of all things new. And, while it seems evident that our Church is fully infected with the heresy of Modernism, I believe that it, too, is a symptom of this more fundamental threat.
“What am I referring to? Something that impacts the very nature of human existence and the opportunity for our salvation. Lacking an official name, I call this monster, “Stealth Arianism.” Students of history know that the Arian heresy – the worst crisis in the Church before our present age – was rooted in the belief that Jesus Christ was merely a created being, not equal to God the Father.  Stealth Arianism follows the same fatal error, but with a twist: while the Arians of the fourth century openly denied Christ’s divinity, today‘s Arians will profess Jesus as God, and yet through their actions deny it. In other words, they don’t even know they are heretics. Many even believe that they are doing God’s work in their attempts to elevate Christ’s humanity at the cost of His divinity.
“You see, once we diminish the identity of Christ as the Son of God, we are left to view Him as simply a historical figure that was a nice guy, a respectable teacher and a good example for how we are to live. Religion is then reduced to a nice organization that does nice things for people as we seek a kind of psychotherapy for self-actualization. And this is not only not what He came to give us, but it’s something He made sure to leave no room for.
In his Christological examination, [easyazon_link asin=”0060652926″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”onep073-20″]Mere Christianity[/easyazon_link], C.S. Lewis makes the case plain:
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.
“Over the past 50 years, the Stealth Arians have done everything within their power to remove from our lived experience of Catholicism anything that would point to the divinity of Christ, and the supernatural quality of our faith. Everything has been stripped from our churches – sacred art, sacred architecture, sacred music, and the sacred elements of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – and we are left in the barren desert of the banal. It is no wonder many Catholics think nothing of approaching the Most Holy Eucharist dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops, and grabbing the host like they’re reaching into a bag of chips. As Flannery O’Connor said, “If it’s a symbol, to hell with it.” It’s more surprising that these individuals even bother to attend Mass at all.
“Moreover, the Stealth Arians have deliberately chosen to keep their teachings muddled, ambiguous and elusive in an effort to increase “pastoral sensitivity” as the highest of all values, which keeps people feeling good about themselves just the way they are – though never challenged to strive for sainthood! Of course, when people like the way their church makes them feel about themselves, that keeps the money flowing into the collection basket. But whether confused and uncertain, or simply spiritually blind for lack of true pastoral care, the faithful who have been abandoned by their spiritual leaders are prone to be conformed to the world and its prince, a murderer and liar from the beginning.
“St. John Chrysostom exhorts, “Let us be filled with confidence, and let us discard everything so as to be able to meet this onslaught. Christ has equipped us with weapons more splendid than gold, more resistant than steel, weapons more fiery than any flame and lighter than the slightest breeze … These are weapons of a totally new kind, for they have been forged for a previously unheard-of type of combat. I, who am a mere man, find myself called upon to deal blows to demons; I, who am clothed in flesh, find myself at war with incorporeal powers.”
“That sounds noble for St. John, but about for us? Are we really prepared to such a fight? Just when we need mighty spiritual warriors for these dangerous times, Satan has spent the past 50 years diminishing the Church’s legions to little more than a bunch of Girl Scouts. Now that we are left in our weakened state, Satan seems to be calling out to deal the last blow, “Release the Kraken!”
“Indeed, what can we do?
“St. Paul gives us the answer in his epistle to the Ephesians (6:10-18):
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness.  As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
“Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.
Originally published on September 18, 2014.
Father Richard Heilman
Fr. Richard M. Heilman is a priest of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin State Chaplain for the Knights of Columbus. He is a regular guest host on Relevant Radio’s The Inner Life, and is the founder of the Knights of Divine Mercy, which is an apostolate for Catholic men’s faith formation..
He is also he founder of the Ladies of Divine Mercy, which is an apostolate for Catholic women’s faith formation. He is the author of the Church Militant Field Manual and the Roman Catholic Man website, which are both dedicated to helping Catholics understand and train for their role in the mission of combating evil and rescuing the souls of our loved ones who have lost the precious gift of faith.
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spaceskam · 4 years
"Abstinence is the only way to 100% prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases which means it's extremely important that everyone is prepared to say no, no matter how tempting a situation might be."
Michael fought the urge to groan as he looked over to Isobel was feigning interest. When she had told him she wanted to join a club to impress a boy, this was the last thing he would've guessed. But, here he was, being a good brother so Isobel could have "it's not sex if there's no penetration" sex with some guy who played football to look cool.
"Can I have a volunteer to act a scene?" Mr. Ramos asked. Isobel's hand shot up because of course it did. "Great, Isobel, come up here and... Alex, why don't you come play the one who says no?"
Michael's head shot over to see easily the most shocking face in the entire room: Alex Manes. He was dressed head to toe in all black, a chain on his hip and a collar around his neck and makeup on his face. He was hardened and never ever smiled and Michael thought he was beautiful. What he was doing in Close Your Legs for Jesus Club, Michael had no clue.
Alex raised an eyebrow and stayed slouched in the chair, his legs spread wide and arms crossed in an a visual display of defiance. "No."
"C'mon, it'll be fun," Mr. Ramos prodded. Isobel gave him an encouraging smile and Michael just waited. This could only be fun. "Come up here."
Alex sighed and reluctantly stood, his tight jeans doing God's work as he made his way to stand in front of Isobel. He looked bored at best, but Michael could see the irritation in him. Michael smiled.
"Wanna come up to my room, Alex?" Isobel began. Alex stared at her for a second and the huffed a laugh, shaking his head.
"I cannot do this."
"Oh, come on, I'm so hot for–"
"No, I mean, this," Alex said, pointing between the two of them, "Is not a thing that would happen. We are from two completely different social groups, a girl like her does not approach a guy like me."
"It's for practicing purposes only," Mr. Ramos said.
"Well, practicing golf doesn't mean anything if you have a swim match the next day, you feel me?" Alex pointed out. Michael bit down on his lip, smiling so wide and not even bothering to stop.
"Alex," Mr. Ramos sighed like this wasn't a new argument. That almost made Michael laugh.
"We live on a planet where human beings are sexually fluid and abstinence is a pointless affair because, I can promise you, people will have sex anyways. So, pairing me with someone I would never even be tempted to have sex with is easy. Isn't abstinence supposed to be this woeful challenge?" Alex rambled. Michael jutted his tongue into his cheek and Isobel noticed the look on his face. She scowled, silently telling him to not say whatever he was about to say, but it was too late.
"Hey, Alex," Michael called. He whipped around and glared, though it was the hottest glare Michael had ever seen. "Wanna come up to my room?"
Alex's face dissolved into confusion before a slow, impressed smile grew on his lips.
"Yes," Alex said firmly. Then they both looked to Mr. Ramos with faces that said 'see?' and he sighed.
"Alright, you two can be dismissed," Mr. Ramos said, waving them off with fatigue and Michael was extremely excited about it. Isobel gave him an evil eye, but it felt worth it.
The two boys grabbed their bag and stalked out of the classroom before dissolving into laughter.
"Oh, dude, that guy looks like you make him miserable," Michael laughed. Alex grinned helplessly and nodded as they leaned against the lockers.
"I do."
"Why even go if you don't want to?" Michael asked. Alex raised an eyebrow as if to ask him the same thing, but Michael just nudged him.
"My dad makes me," Alex answered. Michael nodded.
"Isobel made me."
"Well, thanks for jumping in, usually I have to be a nuisance by myself," Alex said, giving one last smile, "See you around, I guess."
"Wait, wait," Michael said, just barely catching his elbow, "You wanna go out sometime?"
Alex's face got very serious very fast. "Okay, it was funny in there, but asking out a guy because you know he's gay to fuck with him is just–"
"I'm bisexual and absolutely not fucking with you," Michael said with a smile that he knew was charming. It was easy to be charming for him. "I've seen you around and thought you were cute, but that was really hot and I would like to, you know, actually take you up to my room."
Alex's face flushed a deep red and his lips parted in shock. Michael didn't know if the shock came from someone asking him out or if it was just shocking to find out he wasn't the only queer kid in school. Michael just continued to smile in hopes that both of those things were obviously true.
"So, can we go out sometime?" Michael asked again. Alex gulped and slowly nodded.
"Uh, yeah, sure, I guess."
"Cool, I'll pick you up at 6 on Saturday, is that okay? We can go to the Crashdown," Michael said. Alex let out a shaky breath, still blushing and looking shocked.
"Uh, okay."
Apparently something good did come out of abstinence club–and it had nothing to do with actually remaining so.
"Cool. See you then."
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