#I could go more into this but that’d be going into spoilers for both shows
aj-thegreatest · 2 months
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Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two photos-
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sweet-as-an-angel · 9 months
Yandere Allan Headcanons
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Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Threats, Physical Violence, Just Allan in Love <3, Spoilers for Barbie Movie, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
The fact that you’ve paid Allan any kind of attention is dangerous in and of itself.
But if you show even a morsel of romantic attention towards him
You’re done for, babs.
We’ve all seen how Allan fights – he will NOT let you go without a struggle.
But let’s start at the beginning. Perhaps you’re a friend of Gloria’s and you get embroiled in the quest to reclaim Barbieland.
Of course, you meet Allan. And, of course, you notice that there’s something…different about him.
For one, he’s the only one of himself – no journalist Allans or fashion model Allans or doctor Allans: just Allan. One of a kind.
You feel bad for him. You wonder if he feels isolated in Barbieland, existing in an echo chamber wherein none of the voices are his.
So, you take it upon yourself to be as kind to him as you can.
You always acknowledge him, always smile whenever he suggests something, always encourage his ideas even when the others would shoot them down.
“I think we should at least give Allan’s idea a try,” you’d say, putting a hand on Allan’s shoulder. To which everyone gives some sound of agreement.
Not that you’d know it, given that Allan doesn’t have muscle or bone, but he’s tense under your gaze, your touch.
At first, he’s completely unaccustomed to this quite frankly positive attention. He’s used to being dismissed at best and ignored at worst, so to have you, a human, tell him that his thoughts and feelings and ideas are valid is…
Soon enough, he starts gravitating towards you.
Whenever he enters a room, he’s looking for you, and he can’t explain the flurry in his chest when he finds you.
You both make an effort to get to know each other more. He feels hot all over when you look at him with inquisitive eyes, a shower of questions raining down on him. And he does his utmost to answer each one. A ripple of pride erupting in him when he sees your fascination grow with his every answer.
But when you start to ask questions about him–
He starts to stutter.
“Oh, come on, Allan. Don’t tell me you don’t have a favourite colour!”
If he could blush, he would. He can’t look you in the eyes no matter how mesmerising he finds them.
You smile.
“Well, I’ll go first, then. Mine’s (f/c).”
Allan smiles.
“That’s mine, too.”
It is now. What it was before doesn’t matter.
Every detail you give him, he commits to memory.
Soon enough, he’s got enough information to write an encyclopaedia about you.
He did find that you shared similar interests, though. Like food preferences.
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime when you come to the Real World.”
When? Did you just say when?
“Oh, yeah – totally! That’d be great,”
Not only have you given Allan your time: you’ve given him something deadlier than any weapon, curse, or tool.
If you initiate physical contact with Allan, he’s going to crumble.
Nobody – not even any of the Barbies or Kens – have ever touched him before. Even by accident.
So when you, warm, soft, gentle, brush against his arm or his hand, or pat his back or ruffle his hair, he’s floored.
He LOVES laying his head on your thighs and letting you comb your fingers through his hair. Makes him fall asleep every time.
He’s sure that this is what it’s like to be human, to feel. To be left breathless when he didn’t have lungs, to be left wanting more when he’s never had a need for anything immaterial.
With you, he feels full, his hollow interior overflowing with feeling.
The first time it happened – a brush of the hand – he whimpered.
He couldn’t believe it. Neither could you. When you asked him if he was okay, he couldn’t even keep eye contact.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m– fine,”
With that tone of voice, he knew what you were about to say wouldn’t be good. When he looked at you, he saw you smiling. Devious.
“Are you flustered because no-one’s ever touched you before ?”
“What– no!”
His defensiveness gave him away. You only laughed, but your voice held no malice. You offered him your hand.
“Well,” you said. “To help you feel more comfortable, would you like me to be your first?”
Allan couldn’t hear anything. His mind had shut down. Yet, he managed a nod.
If he could sweat, he’d be drenched.
When you took his hand in yours for the first (and certainly not the last) time, he felt his world grow brighter. Like he was seeing colour for the first time.
Soon enough, he’s orchestrating situations where physical contact is inevitable: like getting into a cramped Dream House elevator. And he has to pretend as if he’s not going to pass out every time it happens.
If any of the Kens or Barbies threaten you, he’s the first to jump to your defence.
“Back off now, or you’ll spend the rest of your life wishing you had.”
Eventually, he ends up going behind your back to threaten them, too. And you’re left wondering why many of your Barbie and Ken friends – despite being brainwashed – are avoiding your path.
The thought of you speaking to anyone else besides him makes his chest burn, but not in the way you did. Not in a way that felt good.
Not that he knew it yet, but this feeling – jealousy – will become a lifelong partner for him: second only to you.
You’d thought Allan was as unassuming as his disposition would lead anyone to believe, but when you’d seen him fight off all those worker Kens just shy of the fringe of the Real World, you were stunned at how capable he was.
“Allan…” you said, breathless, jaw dropped.
He gave you an uncertain look. One that was permeated with the potential for regret.
Had he scared you? Frightened you? You didn’t think he’d ever hurt you, did you? –
His mind was quickly put at ease when you threw your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
“That was so cool!” You said, squeezing him.
If Allan had a heart, it would have stopped by now. He was sure of it.
He’s never been hugged before. Never hugged anyone. He’s unsure of what to do save for the base instinct to put his arms around you, too.
And once he does, he never wants to let go.
He buries his face into your shoulder. You’re warm. Kind. Your scent is unlike anything he’s ever encountered.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N),” he says, chin to your shoulder. He’s just about holding it together, his breathing shallow, his body ablaze with the feeling of your skin on his.
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” He gives you a squeeze. “I promise.”
And, as he looks over your shoulder and sees Kendom Land in its dangerous infancy, he wonders if this feeling – this need to be by your side – will be the end of him. 
And, from within he hears something.
Dull, but there.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
He’s not a human. Not a doll anymore, either. A purgatorious in between.
And now, he has to choose.
Keep you with him here in Barbie– Kendom Land, where he knows how everything works and he can keep an eye on you – where you’ll be his.
Or, come with you to the Real World, where he can be yours completely.
Either way, he’s inescapable. And you don’t even know it yet.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterpost Masterlist
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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bellalaufeyson69 · 1 year
Peter Quill x Reader
Dinner (can read breakfast first)
Description: After Peter and Yn have their first kiss, Peter takes Yn out to a nice dinner.
Wc ♡ 5.1k
Masterlist ♡
Warnings ♡ Swearing, possible spoilers, suggestive content
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“Since we’ve known each other for years does that put our relationship at a higher ranking? You know more perks?” Peter grinned laying next to me in his bed. He held one hand up to toss a ball into the air and catch it which left me flinching and or hiding my face into his side after he accidentally dropped the ball on my head once. His other hand was wrapped around me and I laid sideways holding a hand over the side of my face that was in the line of fire to the ball.
“We’ve literally only been dating for like nine hours,” I peeked out from my position to see the ball flying right toward me again causing me to flinch out of the way and get hit in the shoulder. “Peter Jason Quill!” I scolded through laughter. “You’re done,” I sat up to retrieve the ball that’d rolled onto the ground. “You’re done.” I picked it up off the floor and tossed it across the room making it into his clothing hamper.
He let out a little cheer and a laugh showing that he was impressed. “That was hot babe,” he put the arm he used to toss the ball under his head and reached the other out toward me motioning me in by doing little grabby fingers in the air.
I started toward the bed before catching a glimpse of his alarm clock stating it was 7pm. “What?! It’s already seven?! We’ve literally been laying in your bed all day long,” I gasped in realization. “I’m hungry,” I whined out to Peter in hopes he’d take the hint and feed me. Yes I could feed myself but I have a boyfriend now, that’s his job. KIDDING…
He looked to the clock and sighed. He was definitely a lazy boy, but part of him really did just want to cuddle and enjoy this new relationship. Especially since he’d longed for it for so long. He sat up and walked over to his dresser to grab his phone. He spent some time scrolling, what I assumed to be looking something up. Then turned back to me with an excited smile. “How bout this? You go put on a nice dress, and do whatever you need to get ready and meet me out in the main area of the ship when you’re done?” He offered full of excitement and anticipation. He’d definitely came up with some sort of little plan and it made my heart race a little at the thought.
“A dress? How cute? Like fancy? Semi-fancy? Casual? Sun-dress? Tight? Loose?” I rambled off all the questions that came to my mind at the alarming thought of picking a dress out for an occasion I know nothing about. A problem that a guy definitely wouldn’t grasp.
Peter gingerly chuckled at my panicking. He stood close now looking down at me in amusement and love all at the same time. “Honey…” he began with a grin just staring down at me taking in all my features. He softly placed a his hands on both shoulders and rubbed as he spoke. “Get something semi-fancy, it’s for a dinner okay?” He tilted his head while asking to read my expression.
“Okay… honey” I replied in a sarcastic tone teasing the nickname he’d given. Not that I minded it, I just found it amusing he’s moving so quick. Though technically we have known each other for almost five years now.
“Yeah. Honey. Now turn around,” he took his hold on my shoulders to spin me around. “And go get ready,” he said in a playfully fake aggressive tone while smacking me on the butt.
I let out a little squeal at his actions while laughing my way out and to my room to find an outfit. “You two are gross,” Rocket cringed from the hall as I approached.
“Why are we gross?” I chuckled. Rocket is always complaining about something. One second it’s me and Peter are annoying and won’t stop fighting and now that we’re happy and have stopped apparently we’re gross. Complaining is just part of Rockets personality at this point so I never really take it seriously.
He looked at me like I were dumb and his comment was clearly obvious. “You’ve been in his room all day long, haven’t come out to see the light of day,” he started listing off as if it were offenses for a crime. “It doesn’t take a genius to know what that entails”
My jaw dropped and brow furrowed at the accusation. “Hey! I don’t just sleep with people whenever you know, I only do when I’m in love and it’s deep enough into a relationship! I make it a point to be very against stupid hookup culture whether that’s Peter’s past or not it’s gonna be his future,” I defended. Now that I said it out loud that thought kinda does scare me. What if Peter expects that out of me? I mean we’ve only been dating one day I don’t just throw myself around. Though I know how Peter is with girls. He’s been around the block. I just hope he respects me enough to wait, I’m sick of guys using women for their bodies and wise versa. That’s not the relationship I want, I want something real and built out of love not lust.
Rocket gave a little ‘huh’ seeming impressed and or proud. “Well that’s actually pretty cool, I didn’t know that,” he admitted more relaxed now. He was acting like a father and it was kind of endearing in a weird way. “I wouldn’t have cared if you did, just think it’s funny to mess with you, but I think that’s special. Not a lot of people are like that these days and I think you’re something really good for Quill” he spoke whole heartedly and it made my heart melt. Rocket never gets like this and when he does you know he means it for real. “As much as he is an idiot” he quickly added to even himself out from all the mushy stuff.
“Do you think Peter-“ I paused trying to think of how I wanted to word it. “Do you think it’s a necessity for him?” I asked beating around the bush in hopes Rocket got what I meant and wasn’t going to make me explain further as I felt embarrassed enough.
He seemed a little taken aback at my tone and serious attitude. “I mean, I don’t know it’s Peter” he shrugged while speaking in an apologetic tone. “I think you’re not giving him enough credit” he finished with a simple response not wanting to dig any deeper as he truly didn’t know what to say. It’s not like I won’t do it with Peter ever, I just don’t want to rush it.
Though I was unsatisfied with Rockets empty response I took what I could get. I headed into my room letting out an exhale. I sat on my bed stuck in my own swirling thoughts before I heard rummaging in my closet making me jump at the sudden noise. I froze and listened as intently as possible ready to pounce on any intruder that could come at me.
“Owww, you big doofus you stepped on my toe!” I heard mantis’s muffled voice snap at someone behind the closed door.
Feeling safe now that I knew it was just mantis and whoever else I stood up and slung the door open. Drax stood with his arms held straight out in a T-pose while Mantis was in the middle of putting a hanger on his arm. He stood there with a few dresses hanging off his arms like he was a clothing rack which made me laugh in confusion. “Dang it! The surprise is ruined. We have to tell Quill to cancel the-“ before he could finish his sentence Mantis was smart enough to slap her hand over his mouth muffling the rest of the words.
“Nooo, the plan isn’t ruined, Peter said she is the one who’s gonna pick out the dress” she huffed in annoyance toward Drax. Those two bicker like siblings, and honestly get aggravated with one another. It’s kinda cute though, they have such a strong bond they truly do act like best friends/siblings.
Drax didn’t seem impressed with her statement as he was pretty much set on the fact that everything was ruined because I found them in the closet. “Soo, what’s going on?” I questioned in amusement, more specifically with the way Drax looks right now as a personal shelf.
“We were going to surprise you by picking out some dress options so you didn’t have to” Mantis informed sadly, her head dipped down. “I wanted it to be easier for you to pick and Peter told us we could pick any dress that was red, but you had so many and I guess we lost track of time…”
I put my hand on her shoulder in a soothing way. “It’s okay, I’m perfectly surprised! I like what you’ve picked so far, here let’s look at them out here” I motioned for them to step out of the closet chuckling as the dresses swayed back and forth across Drax’s arms which were still held straight out.
We ended up selecting three dress options that I was going to try on and set them across my bed. “Okay Drax turn around I’m gonna change” I showed him with my hand as Mantis spun him around and planted her hand over his eyes for good measure. Though I think we all knew that Drax would never look. He wouldn’t even want to.
He sat patiently with a grumble at my comment. “I would much rather have my eyes gouged then look at that” he scoffed.
I shimmied myself into the first dress which was a little more lose but had red sparkles on it and a few gems. After inspecting myself in the mirror I wasn’t sure how I felt about this one. I’m definitely leaning toward the other two so far. “Okay here’s the first one” I turned to them and stood awkwardly as they examined my outfit.
Drax decided to let out the most insane loud laughter that quite literally made me jump after seeing the dress. “HAHHA…That is….” He choked out through laughter. “The funniest prank…” he slouched over, holding his knees trying to calm his laugh. “Mantis that was a good prank putting that hideous one in there” he complimented whole heartedly.
She smacked his armed with an appalled expression. “I did not put that in as a prank Drax!” She scolded the man.
“Oh… well then Quill must really like you” he said more relaxed now, having zero shame whatsoever. He was very oblivious to many things especially social cues. He could move on from something like that within a split second, heck part of me wonders if he even knows he did anything wrong.
“Okay! Next dress then,” I snickered at the situation. I never took anything Drax said seriously which made his comments all the more funny. I’d never actually take fashion advice from him in the first place.
I decided to save my favorite dress for last as I already knew what I looked like in it and had a feeling I would be picking that no matter what. I showed them the second dress and the reaction was mild yet interested. Then slipped on the final dress and turned to show them the final option.
“Wow.” Mantis’s jaw dropped as she looked over the dress and the way it fit my form. “You look beautiful” she breathed, she was astonished.
“Nice” Drax added. He liked the dress I could tell, he just wasn’t much for theatrics. “Like a hot Cheeto” he mentioned one of the Earth snacks I obsessed over making me chuckle. The dress was all red, and tight, it hugged my body in all the right ways which is why it’s always been my favorite.
I did a little goofy curtsy for the two, I don’t know how else to take compliments I’ve never really been good with that. “So, I’m supposed to go out there now right?”
Mantis perked up and turned to Drax with an eager smile. “Yes! We’ll take you” she looped her arm with one of mine, and Drax did the same. They lead me out of my room and into the main area of the ship. As soon as we stepped foot into the room I was met with a trail of flowers and fake candles leading to where Groot stood holding a bouquet of flowers.
He held them with both hands smiling so widely. He always looked so innocent and right now he looked absolutely adorable. “I picked pink flowers because I think you like pink” he chirped watching me excitedly as Mantis and Drax led me closer to Groot.
“I love them Groot, thank you so much” I couldn’t help but feel my face start to redden at all of this. I’ve never been put in the spotlight before and it feels so nice and a little overwhelming (in the best way possible). “Did you grow them yourself?” I questioned already knowing the answer. I’d seen Groot grow flowers within a few seconds off his own branches and give them to people like the sweetheart he is. He nodded happily then held out an arm and grew a little pink flower. He looked at it for a bit then at me like he was awaiting my approval. “Wow Groot that’s awesome dude! I love it so much, seriously. I love you guys” I started to feel very sappy and emotional. Just seeing how much they care for me is something I’ll never forget. We really are a family.
“We love you too” Groot and Mantis said in sync making each other chuckle. Drax just stood smiling like an idiot, secretly taking in this moment to his heart.
Groot pointed to the door signaling us to move forward that way. Drax and Mantis lead me through and Groot followed behind us. When I got outside I was met with Rocket who stood pretty stylish wearing shades and a vest. “Let’s go princess, Quill’s got me as the body guard tonight” he joked while motioning me to a very nice modern vehicle. I’d only now noticed we were on Xandar, just by the look of the car I could tell.
“Don’t you look handsome” I complimented him knowing full and well he’ll be thinking about it for a long time. Rocket likes to act like he doesn’t like affection and compliments but deep down he revels in it. He turned and gave me a playful scoff swatting his hand in the air. He motioned me in the back seat first then followed suit. We both sat in the back as a xandarian driver was in the front.
“Alright big guy we’re good to go” Rocket gave the okay for the driver to leave. The man nodded, already knowing where to go. I didn’t realize how elaborate of a plan Peter had made, but this couldn’t have been all done over that one little text he sent. I’m starting to realize Peter had this plan for a little bit longer than I thought.
As the driver began to pull away I looked out the window to wave my friends goodbye. I felt myself tear up at this point, they all look so happy for me. So genuinely happy just to make me happy and I couldn’t feel more grateful for it. They’re the best family I have ever had, I would never trade them for the world. “Ah don’t get all teary eyed on me now, we’re not even done yet” he smiled at me softly. He unbuckled his seat to stand up and reach over and wipe a tear that fell down my cheek. He put a hand on my shoulder and rubbed in a friendly way to comfort me. This only made the tears flow more, making rocket go the full one hundred and pull me in for a hug which I took immediately. We sat like that for a few minutes and I honestly feel like Rocket needed it as much as I loved it.
We pulled into a parking space but I had been too distracted with Rocket to even pay attention where we were at which made the surprise a lot more fun. I knew it was a restaurant of some sort but I have only been to a few on Xandar. Rocket paid the driver and lead me into the restaurant. It was absolutely stunning as most things were on Xandar. The walls were a clean steel with large glass windows surrounding each wall to provide natural light through the entire area. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling and each booth had a vase of flowers and a candle. “If you’re amazed by this then just wait” he grinned at my expression then motioned me to follow.
We went toward the back wall which confused me until I saw a few elevators. I’d never been to a restaurant with elevators in it in my life. I couldn’t tell if this place was expensive type fancy or just xandarian culture fancy. We stepped in and rocket selected the key with the letter “R” which only had me even more puzzled. The elevator only took a few minutes until we’d made it to our destination and the doors slowly opened to reveal the rooftop of the building. Rocket took my hand and we stepped out until we found Peter sitting at a little table set up dressed in a handsome tux. Nebula stood next to him and they watched as I approached with rocket.
The roof was completely empty besides us and the one little table so I’d assumed Peter had to have pulled some strings to get this. He stood from his seat and brushed off his clothes while smiling down at me. “Wow, you look amazing” he stared at me taking in my features completely in awe.
“So do you, I mean. Wow.” I scanned his outfit again absolutely obsessed with it. He looks amazing in a tux, I just want to kiss him a million times. Acting on my urges I placed my hands on his cheeks and softly brought him closer so I could kiss him.
“As much as I love the sound of lips smacking together all disgusting like that, I really gotta get going” Rocket chimed in from behind us cringing at the sound of our lips. “Pete, I’m still good for the free meal down stairs?” He double checked before getting the okay “have fun you two” we’d said our little goodbyes and he’d left to go eat downstairs.
I turned my attention to nebula who’d pulled out each of our chairs. I guess my expression was pretty extreme because they’d answered my questions without me having to say anything. “I got us this table up here but the servers are busy in the actual restaurant area so Nebula offered to help out” he looked at nebula with an apologetic smile. “Thanks by the way, and for this!” He motioned to his nicely styled hair.
My eyes widened a bit as I looked at his hair then Nebula. “You did his hair?! What?” I found myself laughing at the realization as I’d never imagined Nebula doing that let alone knowing how.
She shrugged her shoulders. “When you’re on a ship with Tony Stark for as long as I’ve been, doing hair comes easy. He insisted on having it perfect despite it only ever just being the two of us waisting away in space” she found herself reminiscing the time with Tony and seemed to be fond of the memory.
“Sounds like a Tony Stark kind of thing” I chuckled. “Well you did amazing, he looks soooo handsome” I cooed toward my boy making him grin down at me.
“Well thank you beautiful, you ready to eat?” He handsomely questioned.
I nodded with a smile. He placed his hand on my lower back and led my to my seat and pushed it in before sitting in his own seat. “What drinks are you two going to have?” Nebula asked calmly.
“I’ll have wine, any, surprise me” Peter ordered for himself. “Scratch that. Anything BUT white whine” he made a face at the mention of white wine making me laugh.
Nebula nodded taking a mental note then looked at me. “I’ll do the same, thank you Nebula” I kindly put my hand on her arm to show my appreciation. She smiled and nodded as response like she did for a lot of things. It was sort of her go-to in situations like this. She went off to go collect our drinks leaving Peter and I alone.
He reached his hands across the table to scoop mine up in his, he began to rub his thumbs on the side of my hands. “How’d I do?” He asked pretty seriously. It was clear he genuinely wanted to know if I’d liked it which melted my heart. He seemed pretty nervous too, I could tell he put a lot into this.
I found myself sinking into my seat feeling relaxed just holding hands with my boy. “You did amazing Peter seriously, you’re just- just perfect” I stumbled to find the words that fit how my heart felt for a second but found it. “My sweet, sweet boy” I found myself blushing profusely at the way Peter was looking at me right now. His entire focus was on nothing but me. His expression is so soft and loving it makes my heart squirm.
“I told you I’d romance the shit out of you” he smirked referencing this morning. “I’ve always imagined the date I’d take you on before we ever became a thing. The second we kissed I already knew I wanted to do something like this tonight” he admitted through pink cheeks.
I couldn’t help myself but smile at the thought of Peter daydreaming about a date with me. This part of Peter really shocked me, I always knew he was a sweetheart but not like this. It all seems so pure and romantic, I guess I just didn’t expect it. “That is actually the cutest thing in the entire world and I won’t lie I definitely cried in the car because I loved it so much” I chuckled at myself.
He gave a little snicker and continued to look at me. “You’re so pretty” he sighed in content and slid his fingers into mine interlocking them. “And you’re all mine now” he thought to himself out loud. “You hear that? Mine” he teased but part of him was being serious. He may seem nonchalant but in reality he was pretty decently possessive.
I grinned at the comment. “All yours Starlord, all yours”
“Cool. Glad we got that documented because if any guy tries anything with you I’m gonna kick their ass okay?” He raised his brow as he spoke to give off a serious look.
“I’d kick his ass first” I shot back playfully.
He seemed to be really happy with that response. “That’s my girl” he grinned back at me.
Nebula made it back with the drinks which was the only time Peter took his eyes off me. She set each glass down in front of us carefully. “Okay, you two know what you’re going to eat?”
The question alarmed me a little because I didn’t want to be rude to nebula but we definitely did not spend any time looking at the menu. “Uhh” Peter and I both made a similar sound and glanced at each other with a look. “Let me just double check real quick” I said while speed reading through the menu.
“Yeah, me too” Peter added using a very highly sarcastic tone making it obvious now that we hadn’t looked at the menu.
“You’re the one who owes me for this, I’ll charge by the hour” she poked at the fact that Peter found it amusing but he was the one paying up at the end.
At that he’d sped up his search and landed on the classic steak dinner. “I’ll do the steak, and both sides are fine” he quickly replied while tidying up his menu to hand her.
“Me too” I concluded. I’m definitely a picky eater hut steak is one of the few things I’ll always eat. Plus it made it easier for nebula.
She took the menus from us and made her way back down to get the orders in. “So can we skip past this awkward new boyfriend thing and just come up with nicknames now? Because I’ve been dying to call you baby” he asked eagerly. He was pretty much on the same page as me because we’ve known each other for years. If we’d just met then sure it would feel rushed, but the amount of times I’ve wanted to kiss this man throughout the years is enough to make this okay.
I nodded in agreement. “I would love that” I considered adding a nickname to the end of that sentence but I really couldn’t think of what he’d like to be called which sparked my next question. “What nicknames do you like?” I asked perking up in my seat at the conversation.
He sat in thought for a minute before collecting his answers. “Babe, baby, handsome, sexy” he slipped the last one in with a mischievous grin while waiting for my reaction.
I rolled my eyes at the comment. “Two of those were just you complimenting yourself” I called him out on his giant ego. Personally it doesn’t bother me, I think it’s cute.
“Well I plan on calling you the last one, along with beautiful, gorgeous, stunning…” he rambled on a bunch of endearing words making my cheeks blush. “All of those which you are right now” he smoothly flirted giving my outfit another look.
“I hate to say it because we all know your ego doesn’t need another boost, but you look pretty sexy in that tux” I flirted in a playful manner.
“Mmm thank you,” he gave a cocky smirk and leaned in closer to the table. “Although my ego is actually pretty small, and sad right now and I feel like the only thing that can help fix it is if you kiss me” he spoke in a soft grizzly tone while eyeing my lips with a grin.
That. Was hot. “Only because you begged” I teased back and leaned into the table meeting my lips with his. This kiss was long and fiery. His hands held the sides of my face and his thumb traced circles as we kissed. His lips were soft and warm. I felt the little prickles of his facial hair against my face, and the warmth of his breathe against me until we slowly pulled away.
Peter and I sat and talked about random memories we had on missions in the past. Funny moments, and just dumb things that we’ve all done until Nebula came back with the food, this time Rocket followed holding a bottle of wine. She placed the food in front of us on the table and backed up for Rocket to make his way through. He’d used the chairs as leverage when pouring the wine in our glasses to refill them, then once the glasses were full with a satisfied smile he began chugging the remains of the bottle. I take it that was the deal he was made for helping. “Alright you two, we’ll see you back on the ship, have fun” Nebula dismissed and we said our thank you’s and goodbyes to our friends.
We started eating our food which was absolutely delicious and had little conversation in between. “So, you wanna sleep over in my room tonight?” He smirked at me wiggling his brows. Im pretty sure I know what he meant by that especially just from knowing who the guy is.
I felt a little intimidated and I honestly didn’t know how to answer. Part of me feels like I just owe him sex now because he did all of this for me. The rational side of me knows that’s absolutely insane and I don’t owe that to anyone no matter what. But the other side of me with all this guilt and pressure likes to argue. “Uhm,” I felt flustered and I assumed he could tell because his face fell a little bit.
“Oh honey, we don’t have to do anything” he reached his hand out and placed it on mine. “Although I’d never argue with you if you wanted to” he added with a grin. “But seriously Yn, I just like being with you, even when we’re dead asleep just knowing your next to me is all I want”
His genuine response relieved me and made me feel safe. He definitely just earned himself a ton of brownie points. I’ll keep this in mind for the night things do get frisky. “Thank you Peter, that really means a lot to me, and of course I’ll sleep with you tonight” I smiled at the thought of being cuddled up with him all night. “Honestly if I’m ever in my room and you wanna sleep over you don’t even have to ask just come in and make yourself comfy” I offered trying not to sound eager but the sentence itself didn’t really help that. Truth is I want to sleep next to him every night. Cuddle his cute self.
I felt more at ease when I saw his expression at my offer. He seemed pretty excited about it actually, I could tell that he’s going to take that offer quite a-lot. “Well same with you” he replied. “But tonight we’re in my room because I wanna make you watch one of my favorite Earth movies”
Peter and I have been sharing our favorite Earth things together and it’s been so fun. Since we’re both from there it’s kind of become our special thing. It’s always nice having my eyes opened to new things that I haven’t seen too. Especially music. “Sounds like a plan” I smiled and he smiled back.
We spent the rest of the date talking about our lives as guardians, and random things like that until the sun set. Once we were done Peter had talked with the owner of the restaurant to thank him. Apparently he got this all for free because we’d helped to save Xandar from Ronan a few years back. We still had some perks left.
We got a ride back to the ship and made our way to his bedroom where I laid cuddled on his chest, his arms around me while we watched the movie Peter wanted. I got a few minutes in until I started to feel the heaviness of my eyelids, and my world went black into a peaceful sleep.
AN// I think I might make another part to this fic series as this is number two now!
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vale-writes · 7 months
smutty wyll thoughts pt. 2
tags: gender neutral reader, reader’s genitals are not described, some fluff/hurt-comfort, top!wyll, bottom!reader, soft dom!reader, sub!wyll, light dom/sub dynamics (reader is just spoiling and taking care of him), mentions of act 2/3 spoilers, unprotected sex, creampie
wyll was really insecure about his devil horns. most nights, when he thought you’d fallen asleep, he’d look at himself in the mirror, wondering how you could ever see him as anything other than a monster. he’d spent his teenage years and entire adult life hunting devils, and now he was one of them? the thought was too much to bear.
you stirred in the silk sheets and came up behind him, gently hugging him from behind and kissing the back of his neck.
“you know i love you, right?” you murmured into his soft skin.
“even if i look like.. this? even if i’m a monster?” his voice quivered slightly. his words were barely above a whisper. he feared if he spoke them too loudly, he wouldn’t be able to stop the flood of emotions that’d follow. he sacrificed everything for baldur’s gate, protected the innocent, and this was his repayment? this was how a hero was rewarded?
“wyll, dear,” you said as you placed a hand to his jaw, pushing his face to meet yours. “you’re not a monster. these horns, your eye, they only show me how much you love the people of the sword coast. i don’t see a devil. i see you, wyll ravengard. the man who spared karlach, against everything you’d been told, because you saw the innocence in her eyes. the man who made an impossible deal to save baldur’s gate. the man who walked in step with me the entire way to the netherbrain and fought to save all of faerûn.”
you held his face in both of your hands, gazing into his eyes. “so no, you’re not a monster. you’re love.”
he stared into your eyes for a long moment, not saying anything. “you really think so?” he asked quietly.
“i don’t think so, i’m telling you so.” with that, you put out the candle illuminating the space in front of the mirror.
“well, who am i to argue with you?” a small smile flitted across his face in the dark of your shared bedroom. he pulled you into a deep kiss, sliding one hand behind your head and the other to your hip, pulling you in close. your hands fell down to his chest. he let out a small gasp as they traced over the sensitive ridges on his neck and shoulders.
“good boy,” you whispered and felt him stiffen in surprise. “glad you know not to argue, dearest.” you gently pushed on his chest, making him walk backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. he immediately sat down, pulling you in to straddle him.
“please, gods, call me that again,” he said breathlessly between kisses.
“dearest? i call you that all the time, darling,” you teased. he could feel your shit eating grin against his lips.
“you know what i’m talking about, love,” he groaned.
“i don’t think i do. can you remind me?” you pulled off your night shirt with a quiet hum.
he buried his face in your neck and whined, “please, love, call me your- your.. good boy again.”
“ah, there you go, my love,” you cooed as you traced his horns, earning a shudder from him. “you’re such a good boy for me.”
the moan he let out sent vibrations through your entire neck. you started to massage the base of his horns with one hand while you ran your thumb of the other over the ridges on his neck. you could feel his warm breath speeding up on your throat, his cock starting to harden under you.
and then you started grinding on him.
his hands instantly flew to your hips, trying to regain some semblance of control. he let out a moan that almost sounded more like a wail. he’d never thought to touch his new.. sensitive areas. in fact, he’d actively avoided going anywhere near them, too afraid to accept the fact that a devil’s curse could ever make him feel good.
“shhh, baby. it’s okay. you can be a good boy for me and take it, right?” you said as you ground harder onto him. he nodded frantically.
“y-yes, of course i can do that-“ he was cut off by his own moans as you licked a stripe along his neck ridges. you helped him pull off his shirt, inhaling deeply and letting out a groan of pleasure at seeing his alluring body. you ran your hands up and down his torso, your fingers catching on the old scars and the new ridges. wyll leaned back onto his elbows to better drink in the sight of you on top of him. he let his head fall back with a moan when you started kissing and marking his chest.
“please, don’t tease me any more. i can’t- i can’t take it,” he said, his voice straining with desperation. “i need you. now.”
“well, who am i to deny my prince any longer?” you purred, standing up to pull yours and his pants off. you untied his underwear and slid them off his legs after he obediently raised his hips for you. you left a few kisses and nibbles on the inside of his thighs, earning whines and a hand in your hair from him.
“please, please my love. i’ve been a good boy for you, haven’t i? please just let me inside of you,” he begged through heavy breaths. you let out a content hum and pulled off your own (now soaked and sticky) underwear before returning to your previous position in his lap. he reached a hand out into the darkness and let out a small gasp when he felt how.. excited you were. just the idea of you getting this turned on from touching him got wyll even harder. his elbows dug deeper into the mattress when you dragged the tip of his cock over your hole a few times before starting to push it in. the so-called “ridges in unmentionable places” rubbed along your own unmentionable place wonderfully, ripping a few whimpers from your chest as you continued to guide him into you.
once wyll had bottomed out inside of you, you both sat quietly for a moment, just trying to adjust. he’d pushed himself back up off his elbows to wrap his arms around you and rest his forehead on yours. you inhaled his scent, one that always smelled like the forest, no matter what perfumes or oils he put on. your heat was so tight around him he felt like he could never- or rather should never- pull out of you. and his cock stretched you so nicely that you thought he might as well have molded you to fit him perfectly.
“can i move?” he whispered breathlessly into your ear.
“oh, darling, don’t lift a finger. just be a good boy and take it,” you moaned as you started to move, rising up and slamming yourself down onto him. both of your moans filled the room. the air got hotter from your bodies and breaths. as you ran your thumb along wyll’s wet lips, you thought, “is he.. drooling?” you giggled a little and kept going faster and faster, wanting to hear those broken moans fall from his lips forever.
“i can’t-“ he gasped. “it’s too much- you feel too good, i’m going to-“ wyll fell back onto the bed, grabbing your hips and bucking into you wildly, desperately chasing his release. his dick hit a new spot inside you that made you see stars, but you had to snap out of it and get a hold of yourself.
“now, prince, did i say you could cum?” you asked with fake sympathy. “don’t you want to be a good boy and cum with me?”
“i can’t-“
“you can, and you will.”
he swallowed down his moan as his dick twitched inside of you. he was too embarrassed to admit it, but he got ridiculously turned on when you took control of him like this.
so, you can imagine the amount of self-control it took for him to not cum right then and there when you grabbed him by the horns to face you again. he let out one of the loudest moans you’d ever heard from him when your gripped his horns and started using them as leverage to get him deeper inside you.
“there we go,” you moaned, panting. you were close and he knew it.
“yes- yes please use me however you want. please let me make you cum, my love.”
it was one, two, three more thrusts before you came all over him. he suddenly had a death grip on your hips as he pulled you down onto his cock so he could finish inside of you, letting out a wail of pleasure before burying his face in your neck again. you felt his warm cum fill you up and then some. it dripped out of you and onto the shaft of his cock while he softened inside of you.
you pulled him into a passionate but gentle kiss, holding his face in your hands while you both caught your breaths.
“i think- i think i’m starting to like the horns and bumps,” he chuckled.
“i’m glad we’re on the same page, then.”
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fncreature · 8 months
One Hell of a Day - Benthan
In which Ethan and Benji don’t talk for ninety minutes, and then say too much in the few that follow
A/N: This took. So long to write. But it was fun! I love writing them :D Also this is the first fic I’ve posted in probably a year, so… we’ll see how this goes! Enjoy!
Warnings: Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning spoilers (Fic is set after the events of the movie), Ethan & Benji might be kinda ooc, the dumbest realization I’ve ever written, badly paced imo
The silence in the car is thick and hot and absolutely insufferable.
Ethan, although he detestes it, longs for it to last. He doesn’t want to say a word to anyone, not until he’s able to compose himself- really compose himself, not so he could convince everyone else that he was alright, but to convince himself. Ilsa was gone. Grace was in Kittridge’s hands, and he was barely trustworthy. It was him and Benji, and until they got Grace back, it would be for a while. He needs the quiet. He hadn’t had a minute to breathe- or to grieve.
Benji, however, would like nothing more than to start asking as many questions as he can think of, as quickly as possible. Ethan had pressed the key into his hands, put a hand on his shoulder for a moment, and headed into the car. He hadn’t said anything to him since he’d told Ethan to literally jump off a cliff, and hadn’t heard a word since. The look on Ethan’s face set the tone for anything he needed to know and the fact that he was alone was even worse. He’s never liked the quiet, his nervous habit was to break it. It’s almost unbearable, watching him stare into the distance with his head pressed against the window like he wasn’t right there, unsure of anything that’d happened in the last half hour.
But that was Ethan, or at least that was the way he showed himself to Benji.
That is what he tells himself.
He doesn’t even know where he’s going. He just drives, taking exits every once and a while until Ethan is ready to tell him anything, anything, especially where he wants to go.  After more than an hour of driving in circles, he can’t take it anymore. “Ethan, where the hell do you want me to be going?” 
“I don’t know” He whispers, not even taking a glance towards Benji. “I don’t know. Anywhere we can rest for a night.” 
(Ethan doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has no idea where the hell to start)
He almost sounds mad. Guilty, sure. Forlorn. It’s been a hell of a day for him, Benji would admit that. It’s been a hell of a day for them both, but Ethan had jumped off a cliff. That, unquestioningly, takes the cake for having “one hell of a day”. 
He has no idea where the hell anything nearby is. They’d never go to a chain hotel, too many cameras, too many people around. Benji can’t remember the last time he’s slept in a Marriott. A motel, maybe, but he hated motels. They were unsettling. Bad things happened in motels. He much preferred when Ethan had them staying in a B&B, usually small ones in the middle of nowhere.
(Ethan likes B&Bs. They’re homey. He hasn’t had a home in a while)
Today, to Benji’s dismay, today is a motel day. Motels are unsafe, but for the most part, they are anonymous. They don’t talk to the police. They don’t remember you. Benji hates motels, but today is a motel day. He knows it.
“Could you pass me my phone?” He asks quietly. Ethan passes it over, still barely looking at him. 
He feels bad, truly. Ilsa was gone. Grace, he had no idea. Nothing good. Luther had left. He can’t imagine how hurt he feels- how hurt he is. They hadn’t had a moment to breathe in days, and if Ethan isn’t banged up at all, then he’s invincible. 
(Ethan always wishes he wasn’t)
He does a messy search for motels in the maps app and hands the phone to Ethan once a list of some nearby pops up. Part of him wonders what Ethan would even be looking for. Bad reviews? How far were they from everything? Security, or lack thereof? 
Ethan puts the phone on the dashboard. The motel is another twenty minutes away. Twenty minutes of silent hell for Benji.
(Twenty minutes of self-consolation for Ethan)
Benji wants to shatter the silence like glass. He hates it, and Ethan isn’t helping. If he’d just- if he would say anything, anything, or if he’d just… He doesn’t know what he wants from Ethan. He knows he shouldn’t expect this much from him- he’s been through so much in the past week, why can’t he let the man rest? It’s not like he wants to stop him. But he craves Ethan’s voice, Ethan’s reassurances that whatever would happen, he would handle it. He needs it. 
Today, he’d gotten nothing. He’d gotten the key to the end of the world, a hand on his shoulder, and silence. There’s nothing that’s more reassuring to him than Ethan’s comfort, even if he knows that he’s lying. He always pulls through, and he always makes sure Benji’s with him. 
He always did. He always had. He always would. He always would. Right?
It’s not over yet. They had the key, and he hoped Ethan knew what it unlocked. And he made it out visibly unscathed, which surely counted for something. But he wasn’t talking. And that… Grace wasn’t dead. She wasn’t. He knew Ethan, and he knew it messed him up when he lost someone, and he knew that he cared, maybe even too much, but…
He’d known Grace for a few days. He’d lost Ilsa and he would still speak to them, although it took him a bit. He just-
He doesn’t know. A part of him can just tell. He just knows how Ethan is, and this isn’t him grieving. Not… not newly grieving. 
He doesn’t know.
He wants to break the silence.
He doesn’t want to hurt Ethan by doing so.
Benji swallows hard, trying to swallow down his thoughts, eyes glancing up to the rear-view mirror. He tells himself to watch the road, but… He’s watching Ethan. 
(Ethan stares out the window. He can see Benji in the reflection)
His sharp eyes are slightly unfocused, staring at the scenery passing by in a blur of green and gray. His dark hair is tousled and messy, strands falling down in his face. He looks… younger, almost, head resting on the window, turtleneck up just slightly too high.  
Benji pulls into the motel lot.
He’s about to ask if Ethan wants to go in, or if he should, but he’s already getting out of the car. Benji swallows, blinking a few times, mouth open to say something but says nothing. 
His hands rest on the wheel, and when he looks down, he realizes that he’s trembling. He shouldn’t be trembling, why is he shaking? He’s not scared. He’s not scared. Why would he be scared? 
He has the key to the world as he knows it in his pocket. Why would he be scared?
(Ethan is scared)
Benji watches Ethan emerge from the office, a pair of keys in his hand. 
Its’s ironic, isn’t it? Benji has the key that is keeping them from safety. Ethan has the one that will give it to them for a moment.
Ethan steps back into the car, nodding to the left side of the parking lot, the keys jingling in his hands. He pulls the car into the farthest spot to the left, allowing Ethan to get out first and lead him to the room. Benji locks the car. Ethan leads him up the weathered and, in Benji’s opinion, flimsy stairs to the room. 
He’ll pretend that he’s fine with their room not being on the ground level. Ground level rooms were easier to escape from. He didn’t want to need to jump from a balcony, even if it was one floor up. He tells himself he’s being paranoid, but he can’t tell himself that he’s not overreacting. 
He’s with Ethan- Nothing’s safe for long. 
He unlocks the door to the room, and Benji shuts the door behind them.  Two twin beds mark either wall, a desk opposite the further bed and a small bathroom in the back on the room. The dresser’s in between the bed, and a small chair is in the corner beside the door, along with a lamp.
“Pretty shitty layout for a motel room” Benji remarks, without thinking.
To his surprise, Ethan nods. 
His heart is racing. He didn’t- and Ethan had just nodded. They stand there for a moment too long, Benji a step in front of the door, Ethan two paces in front of him, Benji staring at Ethan, Ethan staring at the wall.
Benji can’t take it.
“I- I’m going to get my laptop from the car.” He says, drawing Ethan’s eyes as he speaks, pointing back to the door before quickly rushing out of the room and down the stairs. He can’t breathe. Why can’t he breathe? His heart is going a million miles a minute. 
He’s not scared. He’s not scared. He’s not scared. He’s-
He walks to the car, still breathing hard, still shaking. Why is he scared? Why now? They’ve always been doing things like this-  He’s been in the field with Ethan since the Kremlin. They’d been working together for even longer. Whether it’d been with Brandt and Jane, or Luther, or Ilsa, he’d-
They were alone. With each other. This hadn’t happened before. And he was panicking out because he was alone. With Ethan. 
Oh no.
He was alone with Ethan and he was panicking because of Ethan. Because of Ethan. He was shaking and his heart was racing because of Ethan. Ethan. Ethan, who would die for his friends and had always looked out for Benji and was making his heart race for some-
It made sense. The unquestioning trust and unwavering loyalty- of course. He liked Ethan. The nervous blabbering, the way he found his eyes drawn to him… God. It was so damn obvious. Hindsight, as it always is, is 20/20. He liked Ethan. 
He- He didn’t- Ethan- No. He couldn’t feel that way about Ethan. He couldn’t. He was Ethan’s friend. They were friends. That was all they were and all they are and all they would be. Benji opens the backseat of the car, grabbing his laptop from where he’d set it, swallowing hard and trying to stop thinking. About everything.
He clutches the laptop to his chest and slams the car door. 
Ethan’s voice is hoarse and soft behind him, and almost jarring. He hadn’t heard Ethan speak for a while, and the area was nearly silent, beside the sound of cars going by.
“I- You were out here for a while. I was getting worried.” He says.
Benji blinks.
He inhales. “I’m fine, I just-” Ethan steps towards him. 
“Benji, I-” Ethan inhales, pausing for a moment, “Listen, I’m sorry about earlier, and I’m sorry for not telling you anything and making you want to leave, but…” He holds the laptop against his chest, anxious, now somehow unable to talk to him. He just- Why was it awkward now? Why was it nerve-wracking to breathe when Ethan was looking at him. It was Ethan. His Ethan, who he’d known for years. He’d never felt like this around him. Why did it need to be like this now?
“It’s fine.” Benji says. He stares down at the asphalt. “Really, I’m- I’m sure you’ve- A lot happened today. It’s fine.” 
Ethan looks away, and he knows that Ethan doesn’t believe him.
He wonders, again, how battered Ethan must be. He hadn’t thought about it since he’d landed, but- He’d told the man to drive off a cliff and parachute onto a train. He wasn’t unscathed. Ethan, although he appears as such, isn’t invincible. 
He walks a bit closer, their feet barely a foot or two away from each other. “I’m sorry. Really. And I should’ve told you about what happened earlier, so we can figure out what to do next.” What comes next? He has no idea, and if Ethan has somewhere to start, then something big happened on that train. 
(Ethan has somewhere to start. And blood stained on his hands)
“It’s- It’s okay, Ethan. I could tell the second you looked at me that something had happened. I  never expected you to be forward with me, and I’m used to it. It’s fine.” He says, trying to be honest without being too honest. Being fully honest meant telling Ethan why it wasn’t fine. 
So he isn’t. He will lie to Ethan and will continue to do so until… when? He wants to? He feels like it? One of them fucks up and he doesn’t have any other choice?
It’ll probably be the latter.
“Benji. Benji. Just be honest with me, yeah? If you’re- If you don’t want to do this, if you can’t handle this, it’s okay. I’m- This is the weight of the world on our shoulders, and if you don’t want that, it’s okay.” Ethan says earnestly, in a way that makes Benji’s heart jump in a way that should be dangerous. 
What if he said no to Ethan? If he told him it was too much for him? He wouldn’t, of course- he couldn’t. Leaving Ethan, grieving, with the weight of the world on his shoulders and being hunted by most governments, by himself would be like shoving him off a cliff. 
But knowing Ethan, he’d manage to catch himself and climb back up.
He shouldn’t feel like this. He shouldn’t want to leave, and he shouldn’t want to kiss Ethan in the middle of an empty parking lot with the weight of the world on their shoulders. He shouldn’t be imagining what Ethan’s lips taste like. Ethan’s his colleague and his friend and nothing more than that.
“Of course not. I can handle myself.” He knows the words are coming out of his mouth already, but he doesn’t know if he’s lying or not. 
“You’re shaking.” Ethan notes with the slightest tilt of his head. 
He’s got to laugh this off. He’s got to laugh this off. “I’ve got the most dangerous object in the world in my back pocket, Ethan, I don’t know what you’d expect.”
Perfect. Perfect. That sounded like him, it was logical, it was perfect. He was not going to accidentally confess that he liked Ethan. He could not, would not, and should not. 
He raises an eyebrow. “You were sitting on that thing while you were driving?” Benji stifles a laugh. He shrugs, trying to keep himself from smiling. It’s… It’s funny. The thing itself wasn’t even dangerous, but it’s power was immense, and he was sitting on it for ninety minutes in a rental car. 
Ethan glances to the ground, a smile hinting at the edges of his lips, brow raised. “Do you want me to take it?” 
“Oh, absolutely.” He slips the golden key out of his pocket, the white and red gems on each half glinting in the gently fading light. Benji outstretches his hand to him, turning slightly to set his laptop on the roof of the car.
Benji would like nothing to do with the key. The smartest thing to do would be throwing the thing to the bottom of the ocean, but… Well, it almost already had been. He holds out the key to Ethan, who, after a moment of staring, gently takes the key from Benji’s hand, fingers lingering in his hand for a second too long. He closes his hand around the key and tucks it in his back pocket.
Benji raises an eyebrow, and Ethan shoots him a warm smile. He’s not thinking about Ethan’s smile anymore, though. He’s thinking about his hands, the soft touch of his fingers as he’d taken the key. He’d always made a habit of glancing at Ethan’s hands after a fight- he’d never admit it, but it was his way of telling how bad things had gone without him seeing or needing to ask. Bruised knuckles were essentially nothing. But there were times when he’d see Ethan’s hands littered with cuts and scrapes from falling, bruises all along his hands, and he wouldn’t say anything, but put bandages and something for his inevitable pain where Ethan would find it. 
Today, Ethan’s hands were littered with tiny cuts absolutely everywhere, his knuckles bruised. He assumes broken glass. But he won’t push. 
For the second time in this conversation, he has no idea what to say. It’s unlike him, it always has been, and he knows Ethan knows that, too. He doesn’t even think before the words spill out of his mouth, “You should get some rest.” He looks up from the pavement. “You should, too. We’ve gotta be ready for what comes next.”
Again, Ethan brings up the future. Benji wishes he wouldn’t. It would be so much easier not to think about Gabriel or Grace or Ilsa, or the key he’d handed to Ethan moments ago, or how the world's governments would kill them to get it. It would be so much easier to tell Ethan a simple I love you and kiss him against the car until they weren’t thinking about anything but each other. 
God, it would be easier.
And god, would it be cowardly. And Benji Dunn is not a coward. He’s not. He is so many things, but a coward is not one of them.
No matter what he tells himself.
He’s not a coward, but he is scared. He is absolutely scared. He sighs, opening his mouth to say one thing before deciding on another:
“What does come next, Ethan?” 
 He looks so unsure, a crease forming in his brow that Benji has known to recognize when Ethan was left speechless. He’d never done it. Honestly, it was cute.
So he continues, not thinking of where his words are going before he says them. “I don’t know what happened back there, and frankly, if it doesn’t provide some new, life-altering information, I don’t think I want to know. So tell me, Ethan, what the plan is. I will blindly follow you to the ends of the earth if you need me to, and I won’t even be surprised anymore. But I trust you, and I hope you know that you can trust me, so just tell me what you want to do. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.” 
He’s never seen a look like this on Ethan- It’s a mix of confusion and disappointment, sadness and some form of grief. He’s completely speechless, just looking to the ground near Benji’s feet.
God, he wants to kiss him.
Ethan swallows, letting out a breath, speaking hoarsely. “You shouldn’t.” (Grace did. Ilsa did. Julia did. He didn’t want Benji to.)
He doesn’t know what else to say, other than, “Why?” 
“It just gets people hurt, Benji. Or killed. I- I won’t let that happen to you.” He spits bitterly, still unable to meet Benji’s eyes. 
His heart races. “I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Ethan, if you want me to or not. If you need me, I will be there, whether you want me to be or not. I trust you, and there is very little you can to to sever that, Ethan, because-” He stops himself just in time. Because I love you. Because he loves him. There is no other word to describe the way he feels about Ethan Hunt. And he was about to fuck it all up, by telling him this. 
“Because?” Ethan asks, finally looking up, but still not at him. 
Benji swallows. Because he’s Ethan’s friend? Because he trusts him more than anyone? Because the bond they have is built on years of trust and trauma and everything that can’t be put in words? “Because I love you,” Is still the thing that slips out of Benji’s mouth, no matter how much he doesn’t want to say as such. 
Ethan doesn’t say a word, locking eyes with Benji as he takes another step forward, hand moving to rest on Benji’s shoulder.
And then he’s being kissed, hard, one of Ethan’s hands making its way to his back as the other remains on his shoulder. And then he’s kissing back, feeling Ethan’s chapped lips on his own as he leans forward into the agent. Benji’s hands move onto Ethan’s chest and around his waist, his warm cheeks crashing into Ethan’s as his breathing goes a million miles a minute. 
He’s been kissed before, but never like this. This was what it was supposed to be like, when people described it in stories and movies. His previous kisses had been quick and messy and nothing like this. This was warm and perfect and something that meant so much more, and as they separate for breath, all Benji can do is stare into his green-blue eyes. 
“We- I-” He tries to say something but it doesn’t come out right. “We should go inside. Safer. More private.” 
He just wants to kiss Ethan again, but doesn’t protest. He’s right, of course, but they stand there frozen for another moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, until Ethan moves his hand back up to Benji’s shoulder and lets out a light breath, accompanied by a smile. 
Benji presses another peck to his lips. 
“Inside” Ethan presses, grabbing the laptop from the top of the car behind them, and Benji grabs it from his hands and pulls him up the stairs, watching him pull the key to their room and open the door. The brunette pulls him through the doorway and kisses him against the door, pushing his head back and forcing the laptop against his chest for a moment until Ethan stops suddenly.
“Did you lock the car?” 
“No,” Benji laughs, but he just wishes that Ethan would shut up and kiss him again. He fishes through his front pockets and produces the key, and Ethan takes it from his hands and lets Benji move from the door before stepping out to the front overhang to lock the car. Meanwhile, Benji grabs a cup of water and fills it up, sipping it carefully, trying to slow his racing heart.
Ethan looks at him from the doorway, sunset fading beautifully behind him, smiling. “Geez, we’ve had one hell of a day, haven’t we?”
Benji smiles, setting the glass down and pushing the door shut, kissing Ethan again.
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commenter2 · 5 months
"Overture" review
After so many years, Hazbin Hotel is finally out. As of making this, I was a bit surprised that Vivzie (and Prime) posted the first episode on YouTube with the series coming out soon but I’m not complaining, as I had a recent conversation with someone about if Vivzie would post the episodes on her YouTube channel over time and I think it could happen but SLOWLY, like months after season 1 is done and with months in between postings.
Now let’s begin this review/reaction literature. Along with obvious spoilers, this will be a long review (sorry in advance) but I would really appreciate if you could read the whole thing.
Being the premiere, it makes sense to start with exposition from Charlie. It’s also fitting that she tells it like a fairy tale as I see it reflecting how Charlie sees the world, though I bet it will change a bit later on. Hopefully she can still keep that POV a bit at the end of the series, maybe like a kind of modern day fairytale view of the world.
Insert “accurate angels” joke here.
So 2 women are representing good and evil. I’m making a note for that as that is definitely going to lead to something.
I do like how the story is keeping the fact that Lucifer was good, like how some versions say Lucifer was God’s number 1 angel. Also in the scene with the angels working on Earth, one of the angels is shaped like that angel we saw in the season 1 trailer, meaning she and Lucifer likely go way back and confirming that she is really powerful/high ranking angel. Some say she is a refence to an old character of Vivzie’s of an angle who LOVED torturing sinners so who knows.
LILITH! Also this confirms that she WAS human. Hopefully this means Lucifer is okay with other humans/sinners, especially Vaggie (hint hint writers) and Lilith being the “queen of succubus” is an honorary title like I brought up in the past.
I am curious about what “pre apple Adam” was like and if he was any different than his modern age self. There definitely should be a prequel episode showing more details of how Lucifer and Lilith met and leading to everything else.
Lucifer X Lilith is soo cute, I really hope nothing bad happened between them before the events of the series, as for some reason people have been theorizing and headcanoning that.
I’m hoping that Charlie’s happy tone at that part of the story confirms that they are still together.
Charlie’s story quickly goes from Lilith and Lucifer falling in love to them interacting with Eve. I feel like later on we will learn that something big happened in between these events, another reason for why a prequel episode should happen one day.
The apple makes the figure of Eve glow a bit like that woman from the beginning representing evil, I knew that’d come in handy. This and the fact that the apple is supposed to represent the knowledge of BOTH good and evil but isn’t here makes me wonder if Eve will be a villain in the show? I mean Adam is and after seeing how he ended up, I could see Eve being much worse. Plus Vivzie did say that the female characters will have more focus in Hazbin Hotel so I’ll keep an extra eye out with them. I also want to point out that this scene of Eve looks a lot like the early released trading card of Lilith! There is this theory floating around related to that but I’ll save that when we get more info.
The stuff about evil coming to be is a bit interesting/confusing. I just find it a little hard to believe that both good and evil can both existed at the same time here but it only took Lucifer’s actions to release it. Where was it before then and what was it doing? Could this possibly be hinting that elements of other religions/mythologies exist in this series, and whatever was left over became Hell/evilness? I do recall Stolas mentioning a creature from one such mythology in “Seeing Stars”. Could the “epilogue” of the Norse Ragnarök story be canon in this world? I do like the idea of God being Baldur. This also reminds me of an old idea of mind for a pic so stay tune for that.
Since this is from Charlie’s/Hell’s POV I do think that some of these events aren’t 100% true, like I don’t picture Lucifer wanting to give humans free will BUT it’s not impossible, as maybe he was so prideful and truly through it would be a good idea. Maybe he did it for Lilith, as she thought it will help Eve not go through the kind of things she went through with Adam that made her miserable. The story also does make Lucifer more sympathetic, considering the fact that he and Lilith were just tossed to Hell and no mentions of a fan popular idea of a war between Heaven and Hell along with that odd line about Lucifer never seeing/wanted to see the good in humanity and gave up on it and dreaming, considering how prideful he is supposed to be and how to me Lucifer looks like the kind of guy who wouldn’t give up that easily. Maybe Charlie will discover that Lucifer liked the evil and decided to make more things to hurt humanity, which as a bonus hurt those that ignored him for so long. This also does make me think this could be another idea/reason for why Lucifer is against Charlie’s plan, as he knows Heaven will say no to her redemption idea every time and doesn’t want Charlie to go through that pain, which could also again relate to another idea I’ve mentioned before of Lucifer not wanting Charlie to be constantly under threat from Heaven and its forces like he is.
It JUST occurred to me that Lilith could have singing powers, like a bard or maybe even a sonic scream but I rather see that last thing happen with Stella first :3
Again that female angel from the trailer is show but this time she is sad, implying she doesn’t like the Exterminations while Adam is happy with the idea. I wonder if this means that the female angel, while she seems to be okay with the Exterminations during the events of the show COULD eventually be remined that she wasn’t always like this and at the end of the season could become an angelic ally of Charlie and helps her get her redemption plan in motion on the Heaven side of things.
So there is another reason for the exterminations instead of just population control. This could mean that the popular idea of Lucifer and Lilith making the deal so they could have Charlie could be true as well.
The scene of sad Charlie having her eyes open when her heart beats must be symbolic of the day she came up with her redemption plan.
I think that line about “Lilith’s hope passing down to Charlie” could be much darker than it sounds. Yeah Lilith and Charlie want Hell to thrive, but what if while Charlie thinks working with Heaven to solve the population problem would be best for everyone, Lilith hoped Charlie would destroy Heaven and thinks peace is too submissive in her eyes? Just a random idea but it could be a reason if there is tension between the mother and daughter.
I wonder if that book Charlie is reading was actually made by her, like her POV of everything, or made by her parents? Sure maybe they altered some things but maybe this is how she or they really think about things? If not then I bet the author got an earful from Lucifer about making him a quitter though after seeing Ozzie and Bee, Lucifer could be less prideful than we think he is.
So just like in the pilot, it seems like Charlie has a stronger connection to her mother and wants to make her proud, even if my idea of them having different wants to make Hell thrive is different. Again going back to the trailer maybe they will both get what they want and realize that there are other options, causing the two to bond and spend more time in the next season.
Thinking back I personally think it would have been interesting if the scene of Charlie reading the story and saying she would make her mom proud had been a flashfoward situation, taking place before the season finale. It has been implied in the trailer that a big battle between Hell and the Exorcist will happen, so I would have liked the idea of Charlie reading the book to remind her that what she is doing is the right thing in the end, and if the book HAD been made by her it would have been something to inspire future demons and sinners in case she doesn’t make it. That would be awesome and again fits with what I said about her altering things in the story if she is the writer.
Still funny to hear Charlie curse.
I know I’m late on the VA thing but I’m still going to post my thoughts about them when they come up, like right now as Vaggie’s new voice strangely reminds me of Harley Quinn’s Poison Ivy and It doesn’t help that those two characters are a lot alike. At least it leads to fun fanart as I love both shows.
“person doesn’t know someone is in the room with them” cliché
This episode is confirmed to take place shortly after the pilot. Specifically a week according to Vaggie later on.
Lilith’s 7 year gap is concerning but given how Charlie and her family are immortal, it probably isn’t that bad to them. It actually fits with this funny headcanon idea of mine about how when Lucifer and Lilith have big fights, they won’t see each other for decades or centuries before apologizing, but to them it is the equivalent of a day or two. I am a bit concerned that while her parents think this isn’t that long, it IS to Charlie, who is technically still “young” seemingly being only a few centuries old. This also goes back to that theory I was going to save for later, but it’s implied that Lilith is on a mission to stop something or someone but could be disguised as someone we know or could appear later on. I think we should play it safe when we see a modern day Lilith and assume that it could be someone else pretending to be Lilith.
Charlie X Vaggie are so CUTE!
I mentioned this in my HH S1 trailer breakdown but I still find the part of the commercial of the one guy stabbing the other funny cause the guy being stabbed doesn’t seem to mind XD.
That pic in Al’s commercial of Charlie and Lucifer better be overexaggerating, or I say we riot!
Also Al’s new voice is okay, though I do hear the difference. Can’t say the same thing for Angel as it sounds really odd like an accent is trying to get through his voice.
Charlie having a rubber duck to represent her dad. WAIT HER DAD! Viv was right we did get him fatheAWWW. Touché Vivzie.
Husk and Niffty’s voices sound fine, Niffty’s being the most perfect so far.
I once brought up the idea of Charlie basing her teachings on Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, I just want to bring that up as a possible thing they will do for rehabilitation since they don’t have any ideas how to at this moment.
Was the scene of Charlie with wild eyes a meme or refence to something? It was still pretty funny.
So Lucifer wants Charlie to meet Adam for him. On one hand this could just be him being lazy OR maybe he is trying to help Charlie in his own way. That or like I said before, maybe he thinks if Charlie realizes what she is up against, it could make her want to quit her redemption goal.
Despite her father being an angel/fallen angel, Charlie doesn’t know if angels have hearts. I wonder how much of Lucifer did change when he became a fallen angel.
Ought to bring this up now but since she was born and raised in Hell, though she sees the flaws, I feel like it might be a little bit hard for Charlie to see why Heaven wouldn’t want to make it better or bring the people there into Heaven.
Charlie’s song, while nice, has reminded me about this old fan idea people had about a possible future scene where Charlie sadly realizes that not EVERYONE could/should be redeemed. I thought I bring it up because I could see that coming up soon.
I think that is Blitzo in the scene where Charlie hitches a ride on the delivery truck. Speaking of which (looking at logo) :)
I didn’t bring this up in my HH S1 trailer breakdown because I didn’t think it was need, but now it is. TLDR I wonder if Pentagram City is now more like a “country” or all of the Pride Ring with towns and named areas acting more like states. Until we get an episode outside of it and into another circle of Pride (something referenced in Helluva Boss and the HH pilot trailer WAY back by Katie Killjoy) I’ll likely treat Pentagram City as the whole Pride Ring.
I think I brought this up before, but if there is a Heavenly emissary in Hell, then I wonder if there is one for Hell in the outskirts of Heaven? Could this building allow sinners to talk to people, like loved ones in Heaven? Something like this would be perfect for my OC Ratchet, as one of his goals is to talk to his deceased/murdered little brother again.
It’s funny seeing Adam eat, considering his mouth doesn’t look real and thus should work. Also yes I see Adam eating ribs, but I’m not making a joke about it because it is a bit cheesy.
Honestly we should have seen the hologram thing coming, since I bet no angel in Heaven (as of now) wants to be in Hell unless it’s during an Extermination.
Adam’s behavior here is making my “pre apple Adam being an immature child” theory look canon, don’t you agree?
I think we’re seeing the Lilith side of Charlie when she is pretend laughing.
Adam and Eve aren’t a thing anymore. I knew that was coming, but it is still a bummer to hear as it is predictable. No surprise but I wonder if they split after the Cain incident, as I’m starting to wonder if in this world, Cain was a lot like his father as he is now.
Though as 1D as he is, at least this makes Adam a good antagonist, unlike with Stella but that is getting WAY off topic. I do hope that Adam is just going to be the antagonist of this season, and after that he is either written off or given the Emperor Pilaf treatment and be demoted to a very, VERY minor threat. This way other antagonist could arrive leading to new challenges for Charlie and the others.
Charlie seems to be thinking like her dad when she tries to use Adam’s ego to get her project started.
Though mainly for laughs, I’m still going to guess that cameras, being on camera, or being watched/the focus of is going to have a connection to Niffty’s backstory. One really sad theory is that an older guy she liked was a stalker who eventually abducted her and showed her off to his friends and though Niffty eventually escaped and killed him, their struggle caused a fire to break out which would kill her too. This obviously messed her up and likely resulted in her obtaining something like Stockholm syndrome and having her mind regress to that of a child, explaining some of her personality quirks.
Just a personal thought, but I hope later on the writers will stop calling sinners as demons and just call them sinners or humans, as I feel like it is going to lead to problems later on. I mean what if one day we get a character that looks like a Hellborn demon but is actually a sinner… OMG LIKE BAXTER!
Al just being Al, which is still concerning. Heck even his “deal’ with Vaggie sounds like there is more to it, and I don’t mean that thing about how deals make people stronger. Then there is the way he said ‘your choice” though that could be the acting.
Some things here. The O on the Director’s chair is shaped like an eye which could be referencing Al’s cane or something else, Niffty refencing Marilyn Monroe, and the return of the characters outfits from “Alastor’s Reprise”.
Insert “Lute being prideful for not accounting that Lucifer is an angel” comment here.
So how would having a former sinner in Heaven be any different then how Adam acts? I bet it will be more complicated than that. I once brought up the idea of demons being scared of sinners because of their potential, so maybe Heaven has a similar thing? Maybe Heaven doesn’t know HOW to loosen restrictions to get more people or sinners into Heaven, as when they made the rules they didn’t have the foresight to make sure things could change with the times. I do recall a quote from the Bible that was about how souls couldn’t get into Heaven for a time until Jesus arrived and opened the gates. Heck there is another saying where Jesus DID get some people out of Hell which caused some quakes, maybe he coined the term Hellquakes. I wonder if a great sacrifice will have to be made in order to get worthy souls out of Hell? The Jesus thing also adds more to my idea of Jesus and Charlie being allies later in the series.
Though short, you can see during Adam’s song that Zhu Li, I mean Lute, does have a bit of a fun side deep down in that serious soldier personality.
Charlie is asking questions before I can type them down.
How high ranking is Adam in Heaven’s hierarchy if he can change the date of Exterminations? You think he would have to run that with other people like the archangels or seraphim.
After what she went through, it was nice to see Charlie happCOME ON!
This was going to come up eventually but I have mix feelings about Brandon Rogers being the new VA for Katie Killjoy. One main reason is that I personally see too many similarities between Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (especially with the characters) and now having a VA from HB be in HH makes that list bigger. I also wonder if this decision was made as a kind of “damage control” since last time the character of Katie Killjoy was on screen she said something homophobic which got people angry, even though the series is in Hell and there are logically going to be people like that there. HOWEVER I understand why he was chosen, one being that he has played Katie Killjoy like characters already and I do like that they got someone that is easy to contact and has experience in such a role to do it then someone new. This has also strangely started making me connect Katie Killjoy to the Monarchs from the Venture Bros., like the daughter they never had who never went into costumed villainy (the news world can be evil though) which makes no sense but I LOVE IT anyway. I mean she acts like The Monarch but with a joke voice like Dr. Mrs. the Monarch, and the fact that she smokes and is insect themed just adds more to it XD.
AGAIN how did Adam get this through so fast? I wonder if Charlie will be blamed for this next episode? Eventually it will be revealed but I hope they do it sooner than later, as I do recall a screenshot of the Overlords talking about the Exorcist.
Also I feel like a line should have been added explaining that the upcoming Extermination will be worse than usual. I mean we the viewers know that but if it wasn’t for that Lute and Adam scene in the end, it would have looked like everyone is just panicking about something common happening earlier than usual. Maybe they do offscreen, going back to that Overlord meeting.
An angel drone? Is this a Sumerian mythology refence?
A dead Exorcist! Though not a surprise given it was spoiled via the trading cards along with it appearing MUCH earlier than I thought it would, it’s still interesting as now we have a mystery.
I find hard to believe that no one took down an Exorcist until now given how powerful sinners can be, but then again the writers seem to be making the forces of good/Heaven really OP which I’m not like that much. I don’t it would have hurt the story if it was revealed that while there are a few angelic casualties in every Extermination, the number has risen over the past several years which has now made the Exorcist army (not Adam because he probably sucks at his job and never noticed it) worried leading to the earlier Extermination plan.
It also seems that angels have golden blood, like the ichor in Greek myth. Looks like my headcanon of Heaven/Hell inspiring the various other myths of this world is canon!
This episode was a good starter for the season and series. While it feels a lot like another pilot at times, that is fine since it’s been years since the actual pilot, and the episode does add more new info to the series (a benefit of having a short season) like another glimpse at what Heaven is like and how they feel about Hell, along with adding in a situation that now effects everyone and can lead to future situations/interactions.
We also now have an interesting mystery going on about who could have killed that Exorcist. I think it’s likely going to be someone in Heaven wanting an excuse to attack Hell, I mean Lute really hates them so she could be the one or others suspects are that angel from the S1 trailer/was seen at the beginning of the episode and an old character of Vivzie’s named Roo who apparently represents all evil, and who people have been thinking is coming up soon. Heck maybe an actual demon like a goetia did it while trying to escape, or this was a result of accidental friendly fire? This is going to be fun.
The only negatives things about this episode are that I do agree that some of the new VAs, though talented, are kind of out of place for the characters especially Angels. I bet we will get use to them over time though. Then there are the very small things like how Adam has so much power to do things, and either changing a few scenes or adding a line.
I have one more theory I have to say before I end this. I think this whole season is going to be some kind of Heavenly challenge/test for Charlie. I wouldn’t be surprised if Heaven IS tired of Adam’s attitude especially when compared to how nice the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith of all people is, but they can’t discipline him given he is the leader of their army. This doesn’t help that they also see signs of a potential future threat coming up (likely why Lilith has been gone for so long) and think that Adam won’t be able to handle it, so some angels think Charlie should be the one trained to deal with this force while others think they should stick with Adam and just prepare for when he messes up. This is why the higher ups are allowing Adam’s early extermination to happen because they want to see if Charlie can handle this situation, along with seeing her skills at being a leader and most importantly see if she will still be her nice self in the process. If she fails then thing stay as they are, but if she passes then the angelic forces will give Charlie the chance to try and convince the forces of Heaven to go with her redemption plan, and demote/get rid of Adam as karma. Again it would be a way to get rid of Adam as a villain and have someone else fill in the role next season. Same for how the writers could use this to lead this to a bigger story like a GOW Ragnarök like reveal where Charlie finds out the generic “end of days” prophecy is a lie and the real prophecy says something big will come to destroy everything in Heaven, Hell, and Earth and it’s debated on if she could be the one destined to fight it and save everything.
This was a big review and there a still 3 episodes left so you want to keep up to date, give me a follow.
What were your thoughts on the episode? Though there are a lot, do you agree with any of my thoughts/ideas here? Was there anything I missed that you would want to hear my thoughts on?
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youcouldmakealife · 2 years
SOTM: Jared(/Bryce), Gabe/Stephen; scintillating conversation (Pt 1)
For the prompt:  Protective Bryce over drunk jared
There is zero protective Bryce in this part. Zero Bryce at all, in fact. Only what gets Jared in said position in the first place (spoiler alert: it is his own pettiness).
Some people have noticed Jared has been dunked on a lot of late. Stephen would like to remind you that he deserves every last bit of it.
Stephen Petersen is, Jared has decided, a terrible influence.
“Thank you,” Stephen says. “I truly appreciate that, especially from you.”
He doesn’t look sarcastic. He doesn’t sound sarcastic either, which is strange, because he always sounds sarcastic. That’s just his voice.
But right now he sounds completely sincere. It’s unnerving. It makes Jared uncomfortable.
“Why especially from me?” Jared says.
“Because you’re boring,” Stephen says. “So if you considered me a good influence, that’d mean I was also boring.”
Jared sputters. “I am not—“
“Extremely boring,” Stephen says.
“I’m an interesting person!” Jared says.
“What’d you do last night?” Stephen asks.
(Jared made dinner while listening to Bryce’s latest monologue about physio, ate dinner while encouraging Bryce to eat instead of monologuing about last night’s game, watched three episodes of the dumb reality TV show Bryce is obsessed with while mocking it to the group chat — Ashley texted Jared in solidarity behind the group chat’s back, since apparently Chaz is also obsessed with it — caught the final few minutes of the Oilers game, just in time to see Julius score two goals in the space of twenty-seven seconds — because it’s the Oilers, they still lost — somehow ended up in a text rant with Erin about the game, even though Erin’s still on his shit list, because she kept making mean and accurate statements about the Oilers, and Jared’s now curious if she’s watching all of Julius’ games, which would answer what it would take to finally make Erin a hockey fan, or if Julius has fully turned on his teammates and Erin’s getting prime rants and Jared isn’t just because he’s playing for the enemy now, which isn’t fair. And by the time Jared listened to Bryce’s complaining that he’d fall asleep if Jared didn’t stop texting and come to bed, Bryce’s threat had become reality, and he was out like a light when Jared put his phone away. Also taking up more than his fair share of the bed too, and impossible to move. If Jared didn’t know better he’d think Bryce did it on purpose.)
“Extremely interesting things,” Jared says.
“Mhm,” Stephen says. “Want to elaborate?”
“No,” Jared says, then, “Don’t look at me like that,” to Gabe, who’s smirking into his beer rather than at Jared, actually, but still. Stephen’s also smirking, but Jared won’t bother to tell him not to. He’d just smirk wider in response. “Anyway, you can’t judge someone by what they do on one night.”
“What did you do two nights before that?” Stephen asks, ruthlessly cutting away the night Jared could say ‘played pro hockey in front of a crowd of twenty-thousand people’, which is an extremely interesting thing to do.
“I—“ Jared says. “Wait, I was hanging out with Gabe. So. That means you’re boring too!”
Gabe puts both hands up, a silent ‘don’t involve me in this’, which is rich, considering he’s responsible for Stephen. Or maybe it’s a ‘friendly fire, Stephen’ hands up.
“I’m interesting,” Jared says. “I’ll — I��m going to drink five of these.”
He takes a swig of his Nutrl as proof. Oksana suggested it as a beer alternative less likely to get him mocked by the entire Canucks roster than his preferred beverages, and so far he hasn’t been mocked, so it may actually be a success, albeit not a great tasting one. Still better than beer, though. 
“Drinking doesn’t make you interesting, it just makes you drunk,” Stephen says, which is an absolute bullshit statement from someone who literally hosts wine parties, and has unironically used the words ‘bouquet’ and ‘mouthfeel’ in Jared’s presence. He clearly does not believe what he’s saying.
The waitress arrives at their table with perfect timing, and Jared says, “Can we get three more of these?”
Gabe snorts, then says, “And three waters, please,” before the waitress can disappear to get Jared his drinks.
“Those are all for you, aren’t they,” Gabe says.
“I’m interesting!” Jared says.
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nirvanai · 2 years
major spoilers under the cut, was looking at some of the dev commentary from the files from the cutting room floor site. I’m just gonna cherry pick out some of the comments relating to Ryuki that’re most interesting to me.
so first i found This, in regards to ryuki’s dream at the opening of the game. and.
Supplement: Behind the scenes
This file pretends to be Ryuki's dream in the past (6 years ago), but is actually Ryuki's dream in the present. Ryuki has this dream after drinking and getting drunk at Brahman. So, the blue people and Boss being halved is not a "precognitive dream," but rather caused by past trauma.
I’d seen and thought about this as a headcanon before, but knowing it’s intentional canon.... ow. my heart. it makes perfect sense, but man its always so oof when a sad headcanon is confirmed canon. It also... kinda makes it extra sad that you can answer ‘Date’ to one of the trivia questions, huh. Because he still is under the belief that he’s the reason Date is dead.
next up, the dev commentary here seems to be suggesting that the person Ryuki saw in Brahman when he’s saying “ Maybe to the mirror world...? “ could refer to Date in the Gen suit and. oh hey more pain. I don’t think that lines up with the timeline, I dont know if it would’ve been possible for him to get back from Atami and talk to Gen that quickly and i forget what Date says so this is probably just an earlier comment before they smoothed out that story bit but. its fun to think about.
Just before, Ryuki witnessed "another sack man"*
*Comments often call Gen "sack man" to account for Date wearing his disguise. Likely referring to the both of them here. (the italics here im assuming are translation notes)
and then also, this.... I’d assumed the police ID you investigate is Date’s but never really gotten a good enough look to confirm, and knowing 100% it is makes me. sad. Also makes me sad knowing Mizuki confirmed it for herself.
Tumblr media
“ The rubble from the ceiling falls, burying Ryuki. The rubble piles up on Ryuki, showing only his head and right arm and shoulder. Ryuki imagined how painful it would be if he were in Date’s position, and dreams of it often…”
plus this is just.... Man. my heart. he’s so not ok. I love getting even more painful little details going on here.
Iris: Don't you know today is February 11? National Foundation Day?
Ryuki: Oh, right...
//  Because of Ryuki’s time blindness, he wouldn’t remember even if he’s heard it before.
Interesting here to note that this is the conversation from Sekiba high, which suggests Ryuki’s issues with time were present pre-cathedral. Which is something I’d already headcanoned myself, but that being shown in such a subtle way is a nice touch.
The comment translations aren’t done yet, it’s only up to tokiko’s somnium, but it’s extremely fun to read through. shoutouts to the ppl who are working on all of this stuff btw, its so fun getting to peek through all the little notes and details that’d never be seen normally.
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fromevertonow · 2 years
Bloodlines vs Throne of Glass: The Two Sides of the YA Coin
!If you haven’t read either of these series but wish to, I will include vague spoilers in here. You’ve been warned!
In both these series, the female protagonist gets abducted and the male love interest tries to find her and get her back. The difference between these two scenarios though is the way in which the reunion of the couple is handled. Sure, they both go through infinite loopholes to get rid of their pursuers, but things differ the moment they finally have a moment to stop and breathe.
Let me ask you a question: once you get out of a torturous isolation that you’ve been in for months, do you think sex is one of the first things that’d be on your mind?
Because it apparently is for Rowan and Aelin. It’s been almost 1,5 year since I first read Kingdom of Ash and I’m still bothered with how SJM handled their reunion. They had their extremely brief catch up wherein Aelin explained how much she suffered during her imprisonment, but right after that they got down and dirty. It doesn’t make any sense. Wouldn’t they have wanted to just take in each other’s presence after such a long time of being apart? What is the point of including an explicit scene in a YA fantasy series where the main priority is the plot?
Then there’s Sydney and Adrian. Yes, there was a brief moment where they almost did do it… but they eventually didn’t. And that is a choice made by Richelle Mead, just as much as it was a choice of SJM to include that sex scene. Adrian even makes it perfectly clear that sex wasn’t at all on his mind when he first had a private moment with Sydney again. He just wanted to hold her and be near her. It’s literally phrased that way. In my opinion that makes their reunion even more romantic.
Recent YA stories have become much more sexed up because that is what a lot of authors/publishers think would sell better. Yes, there is a group of readers who do like to read smut, and that’s their choice, but does that mean that Young Adults should be exposed to those kinds of scenes? It’s not ‘YA’ at all, and I realize the meaning of that age group is very vague, but let’s pretend this is about 12-18 yo. These are stories for MINORS. Let that sink in!
It just so happens to be that I’m naming SJM here, notorious for her problematic inclusions of, among many other things, explicit scenes, but that doesn’t mean plenty of other authors don’t market their NA stories as YA too. It’s become a huge problem in the literary world and a lot of stories are blending into each other more and more every day bc of these marketing strategies. The same tropes, the same aesthetics, the same character sets—all because one particular story did so well money-wise. So many YA fantasy stories have immortal, drop-dead gorgeous fae in them who eventually always end in up in some sexual scenario. And it’s always the same plot: young woman finds immortal man who’s fifty times her age, they start out as enemies and learn to accept each other. But, all the while, there all these sexual connotations that could have been left out.
It’s long been established that in recent years, the lines between what is age appropriate have been blurred. But does that mean we have to agree with what is happening in front of us? An example of what is perfect for a YA with a romance (sub)plot is Six of Crows. How obsessed is the book community with all three main ships? How many of them have actually had sex? I fucking adore the complexities that Kaz brings with his phobia. It makes his attraction to Inej all the more meaningful. Every time he touches her, it’s like he’s winning a battle from another inner demon. For Inej. The woman he loves. It adds to the romance between them, but, more importantly, it is such an integral part of his characterization, his development.
Most of what’s being published in the YA genre is so superficial. It’s not about morality anymore, or winning personal battles, or showing strength. It’s all about sex. And to me, sex doesn’t sell. That is a personal opinion, but I miss the times where I could pick up a book and think, yes, this is something I can relate to. Or a book that just, simply, makes me think after I read it. A story needs to mean something. If it doesn’t offer anything beyond the superficial, then what is the point? Especially when we’re talking about the age group 12-18. A group that’s literally trying to figure out who the fuck they are. What can they make up of solid, useless smut? Explain that to me.
Ps. I know I ramble sometimes but this topic just really frustrates me
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Aggretsuko Opinion Update:
Didn’t think it could get any lower, but it did
And it’s not even for the reason I thought it would be. Because despite what I heard prior to watching it,
Season 4 was honestly the best season ever since the story started continuously shooting itself in the foot. The story it was setting up for itself was amazing
Say what you want about the rest of the show Haida’s villain arc was fire
The problem was just that it didn’t give itself enough time to develop
In the time that they wasted shipping Retsuko and Haida for the 50th time (Despite her having turned him down thrice now), they could’ve just skipped straight to Himuro’s promotion and had Haida’s villain arc underway a quarter of the way through the season. And then they wouldn’t have to screw up the pacing by squeezing Operation Fuck-Up-Himuro in at last second
Though the really shitty part was the ending. And it’s not because everything goes back to normal
It’s because Retsuko is the one who deals the final blow against Himuro
The whole point of Haida’s villain arc is that he’s tired of being a loser. Nobody listens to his brilliant ideas, his crush has viewed him as just Some Guy At Work for years, and until 2 seconds before his promotion, he had two people making fun of how unspecial he is (Which they of course never apologized for, even after learning how badly it affected him)
Himuro finally gave him a chance to stand out among the crowd, and manipulates his respect for him to get him to do something terrible. Which only makes matters worse because he’s still just some guy in the crowd now. He’s just part of a higher crowd; As big as he is, Himuro still intends to remain on top of him. He’s just his puppet
Turns out his promotion didn’t get rid of his feelings of inferiority after all
And ignoring the fact that they made Retsuko slap him because Holy Shit A Female Character Knowingly Slapped A Broken Man For Absolutely No Fucking Reason. What A Power Move™️, you’d think his arc would end with him realizing he doesn’t have to be just some guy in the crowd;
It doesn’t
Instesd, when he’s having his climactic Friday Night Funkin’-ass rap battle against Himuro, Retsuko comes in last minute and blasts both of those mfs out the window with the death voice. Even going as far as to ask why she hasn’t beaten him yet, and saying that she really does have to do everything herself (Which she doesn’t apologize for. Figured that’d kinda be a given by now)
Which is antithetical to his arc because it takes away his main character moment. He’s just acting as the distraction so she can take the final step. Rendering him once again as just a guy in the crowd, rather than, y’know. A loser who cut the [Silly Strings] holding them back and became the [[BIG SHOT]] they’ve always wanted to be
And then the previous president and Mr. Tohn pull an “I didn’t really die” because of fucking course they did, and it turns out Haida is now ✨Unemployed✨!
Making him even more of a guy in the crowd because the little contribution he made ended up meaning literally nothing. The people who were holding him back are back in power, and are probably undoing all the changes he made, and he doesn’t even work that job anymore. Nothing was gained, and even more was lost
I shouldn’t be on my phone right now so I gotta end it here, but yeah. Fuck Aggretsuko. You had 3.5 Chances to make yourself a good show and blew every single one of them in ways I didn’t even think were possible
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wolfwind3writing · 2 years
I was just sketching out the emotional beats and impact of the next chapter, and I came up with the PERFECT way to move forward.
I’m so excited! But at the same time, looking at it, I’m just going:
Yes, Harry! That’s a great way to deal with everything, what a good- No. NO. No, Harry, what are you doing? That’s not the way to apply it, you’re going to- Oh, stars, you are, aren’t you? :’(
(And, on the side: Draco, will you stop being so - so Draco? Okay, yes, that’s too much to ask, but seriously. Do I need Ted and Andromeda to smack some more sense into you?)
Hmm. Maybe Neville will end up talking Harry out of self-destruct mode. That could be fun.
...Since when is Neville a major character? Sigh. Much as I love fics about wizarding traditions and politics, how ignorant Harry is of them, and how learning about them changes his relationships, I do NOT need that showing up in this fic. But it would let Neville mediate between Harry and the Malfoys, and we really need someone to do that...
Is there a way to do that without adding another 100k words?
Possible spoilers under the cut (depending on if I do this or not) so that I don’t forget what I was thinking of:
So Harry is about to decide that if life is absurd and the only meaning is the one we create for ourselves, he wants his meaning to be helping people- 
(Good! That will make you happier and improve your life.)
-because that will mean that he’s not Just Like His Father-
(Wait, no, that’s not the-)
-and it doesn’t matter if it makes his mates mad and gets him in trouble because his pain isn’t important-
(OK, that will give them a chance to NOT get mad [you aren’t going to get mad, right, Sev and Draco?], but it’s still not a healthy attitude-)
-and if Narcissa did this to Neville then he has no reason not to teach Neville her duelling style, or in fact to teach it to the entire DA-
(NO, Harry, bad idea-)
-because that’s helping people, right? It helped him. What else can he do to help people? If it might destroy any more relationships, ALL THE BETTER!
(Please, Harry, you really need to stop and breathe)
So that’s where Neville may step in. Harry teaches Neville the basic steps of the dance before he knows about Narcissa starting the rumors, but he doesn’t tell Neville what it really is. When he finds out what Narcissa did, he tells Neville what it was and that he’s going to teach it to everyone. Neville talks him down and gives him a crash course in politics. Oh, but that would probably involve ‘not taking everything so personally’ and that’s kind of the opposite of the way I want him to go right now. OK, what if it’s more ‘ruthlessness is a love language.’ I’d have to figure out how Neville knows that, but it would be funny. And useful.
“Harry, they care about you! A LOT. You can’t just throw that away.”
“They show they care by hurting people? No. I don’t want that.”
“You can change it if you TALK to them. Work with them. Don’t just burn it all down because you’re mad. It won’t help. I know.” (How does he know? Interesting...) “Look, what happened to me was them trying to fix the situation without talking to you, because you wouldn’t talk to them. Don’t do that again.”
“Sigh. Fine, I’ll try.” (What does he try talking about? Being miserable stuck in the room? Maybe Occlumency - I have notes in the outline about Harry talking to Neville about Occlumency and it leading to Harry thinking of Severus as Severus. If I could tie all this together, that’d be good.) 
OK, so, it’ll go: 
Next chapter: Discussion of anti-bullying plans and Draco trying to court Harry and Harry not getting it - both of them getting resentful of each other. Meeting with Dumbledore - plans for next Saturday. Teaches Neville the dance.
Chapter after that: Angst Occlumency scene, Severus decides to go along with what Harry wants, more explanation of Narcissa’s plot. Harry starts to reassure Neville and thus himself - her plot is working! (um... don’t get your hopes up)
Chapters after that: Hogsmeade and aftermath
Chapter after that: Tells friends. Finds out about Narcissa. Conversation with Neville (above).
Chapter after that: Occlumency. Hedwig.
OK, this is going to work! Maybe. I need to integrate the philosophical change there, and how is he going to start self-destruction-by-service in the first three chapters of this outline? Wait, that started in my Story Genius for the chapter I’m about to write. I can just go back to that and write it.
I’m a little worried that the change to fluff after this will be too abrupt. But if I spin it right, maybe I can get this Narcissa reveal -> conversation with Neville -> working with mates to lead into the fluff naturally. (Especially with the kind of fluff it’s going to be.) I really, really hope so.
Right. Now I’m out of writing time today, but I am excited!
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Nurture Relationships (b.b.)
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Summary: Bucky comes to your apartment every time he has a nightmare. but why can’t he seem to own up to the feelings he has for you? 
AN: inspired by the first episode of fatws! possible spoilers if you haven’t seen the episode yet! i’m also on a bucky kick sooo i’m sorry 
and not all dialogue is gonna be 100% accurate obviously and quick PSA: this was thrown into my publishing schedule so the two evan buckley requests will be out during the week!! xx
After everyone had come back from the blip, chaos became a pattern that everyone became used too. Everyone was having a hard time adjusting to half the population coming back after five years. But no one was struggling more than Bucky. 
Bucky Barnes was always used to a fight and having to fight for something. Without that, he was left alone rather often with his never ending cycle of demons. 
Even before the blip, you had tried to bring some form a peace. Even if it were only for a moment. Bucky took a strong liking to you, and you to him, when he met you in Germany. You quickly became a fascination to him as he spent more time with you. But it was quickly cut short when he went to Wakanda and went back under. 
You were reunited under poor circumstances and even that reunion came to a screeching halt when you were both victims of Thanos’ snap. Everyone was brought back and it seemed like you were falling into a sense of normalcy. 
You kept in constant contact with Bucky, making it your mission that he was adjusting to civilian life as best he could. But normal soon included Bucky sneaking into your bed in the middle of the night due to his nightmares. 
Bucky didn’t know what it was, but he felt safe with you. He felt safe when he knew you were lying right next to him and you never turned him away. You let him bring you as close as he could as if you were his security blanket. Once he did that, the nightmares stopped for the night. 
For the past week, Bucky had been woken up by the nightmares and made the short walk to your apartment to find solace in your bed next to you. And never once did you complain, but you did worry. 
Bucky had used the key you gave him and let himself into your apartment. It was around two in the morning and he did his best to remain quiet as he entered your bedroom. 
The sound of your front door opening woke you up and you knew it was Bucky, so you moved over to make space for him in your bed. That was a detail that Bucky had noticed when he entered your room. 
He took off his jacket, shirt and shoes, and climbed into the side of the bed. You rolled over to look at him, moving closer to clearly see his face. 
“This is the third night this week, Bucky. Are you okay?” You asked softly. He just simply nodded his head, avoiding your gaze as he did so. You knew that he wasn’t okay. The things he did as the Winter Solider still haunted him every day, especially at night when he closed his eyes. 
Rather than pushing him and trying to further the conversation, you moved to place a kiss on his forehead before rolling over to go to sleep. 
Bucky’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you extremely close to his body before he himself fell sound asleep. 
The next morning, Bucky woke up to you not in the bed next to him. Usually you were always there when he woke up but this time you weren’t. He got out of the bed and walked out into the hallway and saw you standing at the counter with two mugs, pouring water into them. 
“Good morning.” You greeted him with a warm smile. “Morning, doll.” He replied. “Would you like some tea?” You offered. “That’d be great, thank you.” Bucky said. 
You passed him one of the mugs and sat next to him at the counter. “Buck, we gotta talk about what’s going on. Three nights in a row you’ve had nightmares, so bad you’ve had to come here. Do you want to talk about it?” You asked. 
“I’m fine, Y/N. They’re just some nightmares.” He said. “Bucky, they’re not just nightmares. You can’t even sleep in your own apartment anymore.” You rebutted. “I said I’m fine, okay?” Bucky said, his tone slightly rising. 
Bucky didn’t mean to react so harshly. You were just worried about him and you cared about him. You didn’t like seeing him in so much pain. 
“Okay, Bucky.” You sighed, getting up from your seat. “I have to get ready for Steve’s honoring at the Smithsonian.” You added. Bucky could see that he had disappointed you or scared you. Something that had changed your attitude completely. 
“Y/N,” He started. “It’s okay, Buck. I’ll see you later.” You cut him off, retreating back into your bedroom. Bucky kicked himself for how he lashed out at you. 
He looked at the clock on the wall and saw he had to be at therapy soon. Bucky debated whether or not he wanted to leave things unsaid and at such an uncertain point but when he heard the sound of the shower, he knew it had to wait. 
Bucky sat on the couch, staring straight ahead at Dr. Raynor. “So, James, have you been having more nightmares?” The woman asked. There was a long pause, the man wondering if he should be honest or if he should lie. He chose the latter. 
“No.” He answered. “James, we’ve been doing this long enough I can tell when you’re lying.” She replied. “How is Y/N?” She added. That piqued Bucky’s interest, his head moving to look at the Dr. Raynor. “Why would you ask about Y/N?” Bucky questioned. “Because you’ve said she makes you feel safe, right? Why haven’t you furthered your relationship?” She asked. “Because I’m me. Y/N has been through a lot already she doesn’t need anything to complicate it.” Bucky replied. 
“That’s utter bullshit. And you know it. You’re afraid to further your relationship with her. Because of all the loss you’ve faced, you don’t want to lose her.” Dr. Raynor said. “James, you’re free. You have a chance at peace and you’re not taking it. Y/N can give you peace. Sure, she’s been through a lot but so have you. Who says you can’t heal together?” She added. 
Bucky wasn’t one to show how he’s really feeling about something so once Dr. Raynor was met with the same stoic expression, she moved on. But throughout the entire session, his mind wandered to you. 
Dr. Raynor was right. He was afraid to solidify his relationship with you because he was afraid to lose you like he had lost everyone else. Steve told him to be happy and he knew all along that happiness was with you. You were his chance to try to live a normal life. But he wasn’t allowing himself to have it. 
Later that night, when he knew you were home from D.C., Bucky stood outside your apartment, building up the courage to knock. You knew he was out there. You could hear him whispering to himself, saying to just knock on the door. 
You opened your door and Bucky stopped pacing. “You have a key, you know.” You commented. “I know but it didn’t feel right using it after this morning.” He said. 
Moving aside to let him in, Bucky slowly entered the oh so familiar space of your apartment. 
“I’m sorry about lashing out at you. I know you ask because you’re worried and you care about me. A part of me didn’t want you to care so much because then I would find a way to fall out of love with you. Mainly because I’m afraid that I’ll lose you again and I don’t know if I’d be able to survive that.” Bucky confessed. 
“Buck, you won’t lose me. You’ll never lose me, not anymore. Thanos is gone. There are no more Infinity stones, we’re okay. And I know because of your past you won’t let yourself be happy but a part of forgiving yourself, is accepting the fact that it wasn’t you who hurt those people. It was your body, yes, but it wasn’t your mind. And I love you despite your flaws because that’s what love really is.” You told him. 
Bucky wasn’t sure he heard you correctly when you said you loved him. No one had said those words to him in years and it coming from you felt like it was too good to be true. 
“What did you say?” He asked. “I said I love you James Bucky Barnes and I’m going to spend a very long time doing that. Filling the void until you can learn to love yourself.” You answered. 
Bucky didn’t say anything at first, wanting to make sure it was actually real. He took a couple steps towards you and kissed you deeply. Sure he was a bit rusty after not having kissed anyone since 1943 but it was the fact that he was showing compassion towards someone was what meant the most.
“You’re going to be okay, James. I promise.” You whispered, resting your forehead against his. “We, are going to be okay, doll.” Bucky replied.
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0lympia · 3 years
“when the pillars fall” shoto todoroki
Inspired by @/maddsbuckley on TikTok. Please go check her out, she’s amazing!
                                                      x x x
summary: shoto todoroki is strong, and he’s got the good looks to boot. but sometimes, in the dead of night, he falls apart and without fail, you’re there. you’re always there for him. then, the pillars fell, and he’s there for you just as much as you are for him.
genre: angst with a kinda happy ending
warnings: manga spoilers, takes place after the war arc, some cursing, critical injuries, hospitalization, shoto and reader are weak for each other
word count: 2,217
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Shoto Todoroki is supposed to be a hero prodigy. Shoto Todoroki is supposed to stand tall and strong, and keep his father's hero legacy alive.
And he's all of those things. Except for late at night when he comes creeping into your dorm with the key you gave him to crawl underneath the covers with you because of a nightmare he had.
"I'm sorry. I can go if you want." Is what he says the first time he comes to your dorm, but knocking this time because you had yet to give him his own key.
"You've gotta at least tell me what's wrong first." You say gently, and he crumbles. He mumbles that it was just a silly little nightmare as tears roll slowly down his face and you pull him into your dorm to cuddle.
"It's not stupid if it woke you up, Sho," You say as he pulls you into him like you're a teddy bear. And it’s always a little awkward cuddling with him after he’s had a nightmare, his body fluctuating sporadically between hot and cold, but you don’t mind because the longer he holds you the faster you fall back asleep.
You ask him if he wants to tell you about it, but Shoto never does, saying that he’s already forgotten, but the feeling stays longer than the visual. And you nod, and drift off faster than you should, but Shoto doesn’t mind - he never does - and he’s so completely lost in you. He’s so completely enamored by you, and he’s never been so happy to be lost.
He continues to knock for his next five visits after the first night, and you eventually get tired of him waking you up in the dead of the night so you give him his own key.
The seventh time he shows up at your door, he doesn’t use the key. No, instead, he stands outside your door and calls you. The dial tone rings in his ear and it doesn’t help soothe the tightness in his chest or the lump in his throat at all, and he wonders if it’s really so bad for him to use the key you’d given him. Eventually though, you answer - you always do - and he falls in love with you all over again.
“Sho?” You ask, voice scratchy and stiff, and he can hear you through the door, “What’s going on?”
It’s technically a stupid question to ask, you know he’d only ever call you so late at night if he’d had a nightmare, but he also doesn’t call you very often either. 
“Can I come in?” Shoto asks, and you make a groggy noise of confusion.
“What d’ya mean, Sho?” 
“Can I come in?” He repeats, and then softly knocks twice on your door.
You hang up then, and Shoto watches your door swing open with tears pricking at his eyes. And when you drag him into bed with you the world feels like it could never be wide enough.
                                                         x x x
Then, your world fell apart. 
The pillars that held up Japan’s hero society crumbled in a measly seven hours. 
With too many prison breaks, fatalities, and injuries to count, Shoto could care less. Because you were gone. He’d been with you early that morning, before everything fell apart.
He’d been in bed with you, cuddled up close and basking in your presence, the two of you had changed into your hero costumes together. He’d been with you for hundreds of hours too little that morning, and he wants to know where you are. 
He asks his older brother Natsuo where you are by showing him the little sticky note that he’d written the question on and shown to every nurse, doctor, teacher, and friend that came in to see him. His throat had been burned to hell, and he wished more than anything to get up and ask every damned person in the hospital where you were.
He’s supposed to be talking about Touya - he’s not Touya anymore, he has to remind to himself, that man is Dabi, not Touya - and all he can think about is you. 
Shoto has to remind himself that he can’t cry. Because right now, the people around him need him to be strong, and that includes you, where ever you are. He hopes you can feel him wavering, desperately wishes for you to show up.
It’s on his sixth night in the hospital that somebody finally tells him where you are. It’s Bakugo, surprisingly enough.
“Hey, IcyHot,” Bakugo greets, and Shoto uses text-to-speech to ask him if he should even be walking. The blonde is covered in just as many bandages as Shoto, and when Aizawa had come by on his third day in the hospital, Shoto had been told all about everybody’s condition except yours.
“Yeah, i’m fine,” Bakugo says, easing himself into hard plastic chair next to Shoto’s hospital bed, “Y/N’s not though.”
Shoto croaks out a pathetic noise, but Bakugo doesn’t need prompting.
“All the other damn extras said not to say anything to you,” Bakugo continues, and for the first time ever, the cocky blonde is visibly nervous, worried, even, “Y/N’s in the ICU. They haven’t stabilized since they got in. Nobody’s told me what happened to them, but apparently Dunce Face was one of the last people to see her before she was brought here. He... He thought that Y/N was already dead when he last saw them. They’re in a medically induced coma, according to Mr.Aizawa.”
Shoto sits there, in silence except for the quiet humming of the AC unit, for thirty minutes. Bakugo sits with him, just as quiet. 
“Where are they now?” Shoto’s phone asks, the words choppy and abrupt, and Bakugo looks pained when he tells him your room number. Neither of them do anything for a while after that, and Bakugo sits in the hard plastic chair that’d begun to make his butt sore until Shoto falls asleep with a million things on the tip of his tongue.
Shoto is released from the hospital four days later, extensive healing and pain meds made sure of that, and nobody had been allowed to see you yet. He’d asked around, and eventually he learned that you’d undergone six different procedures since you’d arrived.
Tonight would be your seventh.
                                                          x x x
It’s hot. Very hot.
The flames are blue, and a few of them lick at you, but they don’t burn. There’s a battle cry from both sides, and you watch as villains pour from the Gunga Mountain Villa. It takes five minutes, and war has broken out all around you.
You’re fighting too, better suited for close combat, and you’re watching your classmates, your friends being battered around, fighting in a war that they shouldn’t be fighting.
You’re the first to make inside the building, and you’re vaguely aware that you’re bleeding. Fatgum tells you to retreat, telling you that you look on the verge of death. You tell him you’re fine.
You’re not fine. The building is rumbling, and the ceiling’s begun to cave in, it’s hard to breathe, and you can’t see through the blood that’s caked over your left eye.
The pillars fall in seven seconds, and you fall too. 
You call for him, for Shoto, in the last three seconds of your consciousness, you call for him.
It’s dark.
                                                        x x x 
When you wake up, really wake up and open your eyes to look right into the harsh white fluorescent lights of your hospital room, nobody’s there with you. There’s a vase of dying roses on the windowsill, and you can already tell from the crisp handwriting on the brown tag that Shoto had been the one to leave them. And it’s cold, but you prefer that to the blazing heat you’d felt when you’d fallen asleep.
Where is Sho anyway?
Your heart monitor steadily beeps away, and when a nurse comes in to check your vitals she’s surprised to see you’re awake. And even more surprised when the first thing you ask for is Shoto.
“Sho,” You say, and your voice is dry and raw and barely a whisper, “Where’s Sho?”
The nurse stares at you wide-eyes for a moment, before she gets you a little dixie cup of water.
“Who’s Sho?” She asks, and you struggle to swallow the little cup of water she’d given you.
“Shoto Todoroki,” You say, “Is he here?”
The nurse purses her lips, and looks at you sadly, and you wonder what she’s thinking about before she tells you that she’ll be right back with the doctor. She leaves three more dixie cups of water on your foldaway table before leaving.
You sit there for almost an hour before the door opens again, and it’s a horrible hour because every time you close your eyes all you can see is the bloody battle that should have killed you.
The doctor comes in first, and right behind him is the person you’d been thinking about since you’d woken up. You’d been with him all that morning before the war, and all that night. And you were with him now.
The doctor tells you what day it is, and you start crying when he tells you it’s been almost a month since you’d first been admitted to the hospital. 
“Fuck,” You whimper, voice crackling and breaking as you reach out for Shoto, and he’s there - he always is - and his hand feels so good in yours - it always does - and you start crying even harder when you see the tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Sho. You look so tired.”
“I love you,” And he says it like there will never be another chance to say it, and once the first ‘I love you’ leaves his mouth fifty more follow. And the doctor looks you over as best he can, before telling you that you’re cleared for visitors and that you’d be able to leave within the week.
And as Shoto begins to cry he has to remind himself that he is supposed to be a hero prodigy. That he’s supposed to stand tall and strong, and keep his father's hero legacy alive. But you hold onto his fingers so tightly, and for once, you’re asking if you can come over because you’ve just had a nightmare. It’s a shared nightmare, Shoto tells you, shared by millions.
Two days later you’re allowed to go back home, back to the dorms, and Shoto has to help you get dressed because you can barely breathe standing up let alone walk without your legs collapsing. Shoto kisses your tears away when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You’re covered in scars, and there are still stitches in places where the wounds were slower to heal. 
Your whole world fell apart in seven hours that day, and it continued to fall apart after that. Shoto’s there for you the whole way back to UA, and he tells you that your school, your second home, had become a home to thousands of others too. Shoto had given his dorm away and he’d been staying at his family home while you’d been in the hospital.
But your dorm is still there. And nothing’s changed at all.
“I’ve also been staying here too,” Shoto tells you when he helps you into bed, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind at all, Sho,” You tell him - you never do mind - and he crawls into bed next to you, minding your right knee with it’s poky little stitches and the new metal patella that replaced the kneecap you’d shattered during the war.
Japan fell apart in four days, Shoto tells you, and you can’t find it in you to care, because the world is too big and too wide but Shoto makes it feel smaller.
It was dark, when the pillars fell. And the two of you are blind, lost in it, and you’d never been so afraid of being lost. 
“I don’t think I can go back to hero work,” You tell him early the next morning, as he gets dressed to go back to his family home, “Not for a long time.”
“That’s okay, my love,” He replies, he won’t tell you, but he’s not sure he wants you to go back, “Do you want to come home with me?”
He doesn’t need to ask, because he would have taken you with him anyway.
“Yeah,” You tell him, and you struggle to push yourself up into a sitting position, “Just... Will you promise me something?”
“Promise me you won’t die.”
It’s stupid thing to ask for, you know it is. Because everybody dies eventually, but you don’t know what you’d do if you lost him. The two of you are lost, but at least you’re together. 
Shoto doesn’t need to question it, because he’d thought you were dead for almost a whole week. And he doesn’t ever want to be without you, even though he knows he’ll have to.
“I promise you, Y/N, I won’t ever leave you, and I won’t die.”
It’s dark, Shoto thinks, as he helps you into the back of his father’s car, But it’s much less dark with you.
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mischiefmanaged71 · 3 years
Bad Romance - Joaquin Torres X Reader
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Song: Bad Romance - (961) lady gaga - bad romance ( s l o w e d ) - YouTube
Summary: The reader is an enhanced individual with the ability to replicate other people’s abilities. A member of the Avengers, she has been working alongside Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes to investigate the Flag Smashers but the man calling himself the next Captain America poses an obstacle when he takes interest in her abilities. 
Author’s Note: Hello! So this is my first time posting a fic I've written. I’ve been writing since 2018 but never had the courage to post anything so I hope you all enjoy my story. Torres has only been in ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’ for like five minutes but I’m in love with him. There obviously isn’t enough fiction out there about him so I took it upon myself to write one. This is an idea I came up with in my head, aside from the plot of the show. Listen to the song for added effect. I’ve inserted timings as well :)
Pairing: Joaquin Torres X Fem!Reader
Warnings: TFATWS SPOILERS, Canon-level Violence, blood, romance
Word count: 2.5K
Darkness is all you’ve known these past hours.
It’s been almost twenty-four hours since you’ve last had contact with anyone. Sam would usually check in with you about now, but that didn’t seem a likely possibility. 
Your right eye is almost swollen shut and you’re pretty confident that you have a few broken ribs from how difficult breathing is. The sound of metal creaking echoes in the empty room as you rattle your restraints. 
You’ve been quite literally chained to the wall. 
They weren’t taking any precautions.
Especially after witnessing the dozen agents you could take down all by yourself. 
Leaning against the wall, you try to reach some semblance of comfort, laying some of your weight against the hard-rock. Your neck burns from the collar they attached when you caught you off-guard. 
It was during a recon mission, you were chasing a lead about the Flag Smashers’ next meet up when they showed. Half a dozen armed men in tactical gear. 
They snagged a collar on you, disabling your powers.
You didn’t anticipate this.
All you heard was a piercing noise and then you blacked out.
You couldn’t access your powers as soon as that light buzzed. Trying to summon fire warranted a little electric shock to your system. Little, meaning severe enough to take down an elephant. 
Yeah, so getting out of here would be tricky.
Isn’t it always?
Five guards have remained in the room for the past two days, monitoring, watching. 
For what? 
You have only the slightest idea why.
The double doors which have remained close for the past two days creak open. The blue uniform is familiar to you but the face donning the outfit is not. He’s an imposter wearing a costume, a mock of the real thing. John Walker, along with his so-called ‘American squadron’, had grabbed you as a statement. Sam and Bucky certainly weren’t going to stay out of it because someone told them to. You all followed a code, to protect those who couldn’t fight for themselves.
“Hello, Y/N, it's been a while since we met last...I’m sorry for the way you were handled on the way here but it was the only way I could get to talk to you.”, he said, looking at the bruises beginning to form.
He talked nonchalantly as if this were a normal conversation. Your wrists were raw from pulling away from the cuffs, clothes covered in dirt and dried blood. He strode up to you, pulling his helmet off and placing it carefully on a metal crate.
“Now, I know Bucky and Sam had a lot to say about me, but you, you were always silent. I thought we had an understanding.”
‘An understanding?’
You refuse to look at him.
“You talk big words for someone who couldn’t begin to understand the legacy of that uniform.”
“I earned this! I put in the work. All they want is someone to look up to. To show them that justice still exists.”, he paces in front of you.
“Justice. Is it?”, your eyes narrow.
He pauses in thought, seething with internalised spite. Pacing the floor, he turns his back to you.
“Have you had time to think about my question?”
You remain silent, glaring at his mockery of Steve’s uniform.
“No? Okay. That’s fine,”, he whispered.
Walker signalled for a guard to open the doors once more and two more men entered, dragging someone along. You squint your eyes to identify the person as they dump them in front of you. 
“No”, you whispered desperately, your breath caught in your throat.
You spot Joaquin’s dark hair and tan complexion, more so, the blood staining his clothes. The men dragged Joaquin next to Walker, letting him slump to the floor. From what you could see, he had been beaten pretty badly, the bruises already beginning to form on his face. His hands are cuffed behind him and he’s unable to hold his own weight. 
Panic fills Torres as he notices the chains securing you to the wall. The last he heard over the coms was a struggle. He and Sam had been surveilling to get anything they could on your kidnappers.
You could only hear the rapid beating of your heart in your throat as blood rushed to your face. Your breathing quickens as you don’t quite know what will happen next. 
John broke the silence,
“I’m going to ask you again.”
“Then, I'm going to count from three.”, he said, pulling a silencer out from his waistband and cocking it at Joaquin who rested on his knees.
“What are you?”
You stare at him incredulously, unresponsive. 
You look down at Joaquin as he gazes up at you, helpless to move with guns trained on you. He’s telling you to stop, to lie, to do anything but give yourself up.
“What answer do you want?”, you asked, using all your strength to lift your head up.
“You want me to say I’m a freak? A mutant? An experiment? What good does that do you? Everyone knows it.”, you huff, sharpening your glare.
He stares down at Joaquin and kicks his foot out against the ground, clicking his tongue. Walker threw his foot into Joaquin’s back, pushing him into the floor.
“Not that.”
You watch as he points the gun harder.
“Tell me. What. You. Are.”, he grits out.
You clench your jaw hard, shutting your eyes tightly. A burning sensation fights in your chest, spreading to your arms. You suck in a breath desperately, a whimper tearing from your throat as your head drops.
The click of the safety echoes loudly.
(1:26s of the song)
Your eyes shoot open, blazing red and as the chains snap free from the wall. The metal clangs loudly against the floor, triggering the five weapons now pointed at your chest. A surge of fire ignites as you swipe your leg, knocking the agents back. The two standing closest raise their guns as you tilt your head and launch a blast of fire from your hand. The next agent replaces him, firing his gun consecutively, but you strut towards him, swiping them away with blasts omitting from your hands. You send a roundhouse kick with a wall of fire, propelling him through the exit. The remaining three encircle you with their weapons, clicking the safety off.
Your hands burn, glowing red with the heightening energy,
“Okay, you got me.”
You raise your hands in surrender as one of them steps towards. Faltering a step, you inhale deeply as he grabs your arm. Once he sets a hand on you, you exhale, breathing out a stream of fire. You twirl in a circle, the fire pushing them back and blocking their sight of you as they flinch from the heat. Dropping to the floor, you strike the cement and crack the surface. The building’s structure shakes as a cloud of energy dissipates from the contact, incapacitating the last of the soldiers.
Walker fixes his gun on Joaquin but you focus your glare on him. You wait as he stares at you, knowing he has the advantage.
"I'd stop right now, if I were you."
You silently stare at him with blazing fire burning in your orbs. The clicking of the safety reverberates in your mind as all movement stops. The muzzle of the gun is inches away from Joaquin's head.
“Alright, you’ve had your show now.”
You've got mere seconds to make a decision here.
He remains still, as Joaquin’s eyes meet yours and you nod your head slightly. 
It’ll be okay because you’d never let anything happen to each other.
"Walker, you've made your point. Look, it's me you really want, not Torres.", You snipped, grabbing his attention. 
Joaquin’s heart raced faster, 
What were you doing?
You could see the gears turning in Walker’s head, his eyebrows perk up.
"C'mon, this whole thing was to get to me, right? To weaponize me. It's my power. So take it. Just let him go." 
Walker pauses in thought,
"I don't think I will." 
You knew that'd be his answer but he was too busy looking at you to notice anything else. Joaquin threw his leg out, kicking Walker’s shin to knock him off his centre.
Moving quickly, you roundhouse, knocking the gun from his hand and driving your foot into his knee. He lets out a pained yell, ducking your elbow jab and rolling behind you. You roll forwards, swooping your flames across the floor to knock Walker on his back. He rolls to the side, standing again to flick open a compact switch from his pocket. He struggles for a moment as you strut over, but he presses the button down with conviction. 
You falter in your steps as a loud piercing sound breaches your cranium and hearing. It’s overwhelming, threatening to shatter your skull. A whimper falls from your mouth as both hands grasp your head. You can faintly hear Joaquin yelling your name from behind. The pain is unbearable. Joaquin bangs the cuffs on a metal crate behind him, forcing them to break. 
Your vision blurs as you clumsily move towards Walker. Once you’re close enough to him, you throw an uncoordinated right hook but he catches it and returns with a kick to your chest, knocking you to the floor. The pain continues, eliciting a moan from you as it grows worse with each second. Joaquin watches as you scream in agony, sprinting towards Walker and tackling him to the floor. Walker loses the switch from his hand, punching Joaquin in the jaw to get him off. Joaquin hisses as his head hits the floor, but he’s quickly grappling for the switch before Walker can get his hands on it. Scanning the floor, he sights it inches away from where you’re curled up in a ball. He’s crawling over to make it but a grip on his shoulder halts him, flipping him over and punching him repeatedly. 
Over the intense clanging, you see black dots form in your sight as you want to pass out. You hear grunts nearby and the sound of a fist making contact with skin. You flicker your eyes upward to see Walker’s figure looming over someone. 
‘Joaquin...where’s Joaquin?’
You close your eyes and force yourself up, struggling to gain your bearings. Upon opening your eyes, you notice something within your reach. Crawling forward, your fingers barely touch it. You try again and again before you feel the metal beneath your fingertips. Finally, you have it in your hands and crush it. The metal crunches and the ringing ceases. A sigh of relief leaves your mouth as you push yourself off the floor.
More coherent now, you angrily send a blast of energy to knock Walker off of Joaquin. Scrambling off the floor, he brings his fists in front of him, but you've already there, standing in front of him.
"I’m going to count from three.”, you said.
Striking a wave in his direction, you blast fire into his chest, your eyes imbuing fluttering embers.
You continue your onslaught, attacking him with multiple blows of rage. 
Your figure looms over Walker, blocking Joaquin from his sight.  
Your hands emit a fiery glow as you project flames, igniting a huge blast which sends Walker crashing through the window and down below.
Gazing down the terrace, you saw Walker’s unconscious body laying on the crushed roof of a car. The authorities would show up eventually. 
Looking back inside, you finally start to feel the adrenaline rush declining. You move away from the window to find Torres leaning against a crate. Joaquin's face is bruised and cut-up as he holds his side with a grimace. 
"Joaquin, are you okay?!", 
You rush over to hold his other arm, scanning him for serious injuries. 
He stops your moving hands to grip them,
"(Y/N), I'm okay, I'm okay. It's you I'm worried about. You almost died. How did you do that?", Joaquin asked, concern lingering in his eyes at the magnitude of your powers.
"I-I don't know. I guess my powers have always been linked to my emotions and then you were in danger. It was kind of instinctive, you know?"
"I could never let anything happen to you. Never.", She whispered silently, not noticing if he had caught it.
Joaquin moved to grasp her chin in his hand, pulling her head up so he could look into her eyes.
"You saved me."
You glanced over his face and the clear pain he was hiding from his injuries. 
"You have no idea how glad I am that you're okay. I-I was afraid...It shouldn't have been you.", You said to Joaquin, tears glinting in your sight.
"I'm not going anywhere. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.", he said, moving closer as your eyes meet his deep and endearing gaze.
"We should call Sam.", You suggested.
"I'll call him later."
Yours eyes met as he leaned his forehead on yours. You inhaled deeply as he gripped your hands tightly as if you would fall out of his grasp. Joaquin's arms encircle your waist and pull you in his embrace. Your arms rest around his neck, nestling your head against his shoulder.
You hold each other tightly in a moment of calm, seeking comfort from that person. The one person you would always seek out. 
You pull away, but his arms remain around your waist.
"You're so beautiful.", He whispers.
Your breathing shudders for a second before you decide to go for it,
"I-I love you, Joaquin."
You gauge his reaction as his eyes widen slightly. He leans in and guides his lips to yours. He kissed you slowly and passionately, his hands still gripping your waist. You sigh and stand on your tip-toes, tugging the hairs on the back of Joaquin's neck to bring him closer. You both pause, gasping for air for a moment. Kisses linger in between breaths as you both wind down from the intense 24 hours you've had, emotionally and physically.
"For the record, I love you too.", He grins, laughing at your eye roll.
"I didn't quite catch that, why don't you show me again?", You winked, biting your lip as his arms swooped around you again and tugged you closer. 
Barely brushing your lips, he looks between your eyes and then your lips.
"I think we can arrange that."
Your breath catches as your lips brush his. You smiled, closing your eyes, as does Joaquin. You swayed in his arms as his lips encased yours once more. 
Suddenly, red and blue flashing lights breach your vision from below. Sirens surrounded you both. You separated, glancing outside the broken window. 
Police cars surrounded the building. Reinforcements had arrived. His hand still grips yours and you motion to help him take some of his weight, wrapping an arm around his waist. 
"We should get of here.", You pushed open the door to exit down a flight of stairs. 
"Yeah.", Joaquin replied, grinning down at you as you walked out together.
Reblog, like, comment if you liked it and any thoughts xx
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lloydskywalkers · 3 years
i’ve been incredibly absent and beyond behind on the show but i happened to glimpse the season finale and i. ah. hm. have yet to process my feelings but i’m tired and kai and nya deserve better so here is a humble offering of pain 
(spoilers for s15 finale!! big spoilers)
Kai’s never liked the taste of salt. Not the bitter, acrid kind that comes with seawater, stinging and choking as it fills your lungs, burning your nose when you gasp for air. Not the dry, sandpaper-aftertaste that lingers on your tongue for hours after. Not the hot, slip of salt that sticks to your cheeks and leaves your eyes red and aching.
He swipes angrily at the fresh burst of warmth that slips free from his eyes, cursing under his breath as he sniffles thickly. The last rays of the sun on the horizon feel like they’re slicing into his eyes, making his head ache further as he desperately squints at the horizon. It’d be easier to look down, away from the brightness of the sun. He knows that.
But he won’t. Kai’s not going to give the sea that satisfaction. He’s not going to even acknowledge it, the ocean where it churns below, the sound of the crashing waves just barely audible from the roof of the abandoned building he’s picked to hide on. The ocean can go on like that, endlessly chasing the shore, and Kai’s not even going to look at it. Never again. He’s hated the ocean for so long, a little longer is—
Forever is—
His breath catches on the edge of a sob, and Kai chokes it back, burying his head in his arms where they’re braced atop his knees. Forever. He’s stuck with the ocean forever. Stuck with the memory of everything that was saved and lost, all at the power that lies beneath the waves.
Kai hates it. He hates it. The ocean can’t make bad tea with him after nightmares in the night. The ocean can’t come up with stupid jokes to pass the hours with. The ocean can’t tease him with a fire that burns brighter than his own.
Even if he did try not to hate it, tried to love it — the ocean can’t love him back.
Something clenches terribly in his chest, like a twisting of a particularly sharp blade, and before the burn in Kai’s eyes can win out again, he grabs the nearest piece of debris, chucks it at the ocean, and screams as loud as his rasping lungs will let him, as if howling out the horrible ache inside him with lessen the pain.
It doesn’t. All Kai is left with is aching lungs, a pounding head, and more hot, salty tears staining his cheeks.
He hates salt. He hates it so much.
Footsteps rustle from behind him, slow enough to consciously let him know he’s being joined. Kai slumps, his legs giving out as he collapses back on the rooftop. There aren’t a lot of people that’d come after him when he’s like this. There’s only one that walks with a barely off-beat gait, the remnant of another injury Kai couldn’t prevent.
“Stupid, isn’t it,” Kai mutters, painfully conscious of how his voice croaks. He gives a ragged, bitter laugh. “At least it’s not a bar this time, right?”
Lloyd says nothing, merely crosses the remaining distance between them to carefully sit beside him. Drawing his own knees up, Lloyd raises his hand, offering Kai a scrap of something white. It takes him a moment to realize that it’s a tissue.
Kai gives a thick snort, this one less bitter. “Thanks,” he says, shakily accepting it. He blows his nose once, twice, wincing at the throb in his head. Lloyd remains quiet, staring out at the horizon. Kai takes a shuddery breath, exhaling as he wipes at his eyes. They sit there in silence, the only sounds the repetitive crashing of waves on the shore below, slow and mocking.
“It’s funny,” Lloyd finally says. His voice is quiet, but Kai can pick up the rasp at the edge of it. Lloyd’s eyes aren’t exactly dry, either. “Back when we thought we lost you all — when Harumi took the city — she was so strong. Said all this stuff about how we couldn’t give up. How we had to keep on living, even without you guys.”
Kai bites his tongue until the sharp burst of copper floods his mouth. He can only find it in himself to be relieved that it drowns out the taste of salt.
Lloyd shakes his head, the watery sheen at the edge of his eyes gleaming. “I keep expecting her to come back and scold us for being like this, you know? But she’s not coming back, is she.”
It’s not a question. It’s a hollow statement, bitter and empty. Kai swallows.
Lloyd makes a choking sound, turning it into a strangled kind of laugh. “Are you going to leave again?”
Kai blinks, long and slow. It’s tempting, he won’t lie. To run from the idea of going back to some semblance of normal, when everything they’ll do will be stained with memories. The idea of even trying without her, when she’s been such a steady presence. The idea of moving on, like it’s possible.
But memories of Nya are going to follow him wherever he runs, and what’s left of them is so fragile — Kai can only find it in himself to cling tighter to his team, before they leave him, too.
Lloyd speaks up again, before he can reply. “Because I’ll come with you, if you want to,” he says, his voice suddenly hot. “I’ll leave. We can both leave, we can all leave. Let’s — let’s leave.”
Kai falters in surprise, and finally glances at him. Lloyd’s gaze is steady, but there’s a manic glint in his eyes, a kind of resolve that might scare Kai had the situation been any different.
“You’re the Green Ninja,” Kai tries.
The glint grows harder. “I’m Lloyd, first,” he says. “I want — I want to be Lloyd, first. Nya—” He cuts off, exhaling shakily before continuing. “Nya wanted to be a samurai. Not a ninja. And now…”
He shakes his head, barely rustling his salt-crusted hair as he glares outward, his eyes fixed on the ocean. “I don’t want that. I want to be Lloyd. Not — not—”
Lloyd’s voice finally wavers, catching on the edge of grief, but Kai gets it. He’s been thinking much the same, after all. If their powers only lead them to this — if he’s doomed to watch Cole fade to the earth, to watch Jay vanish on the crack of thunder, to watch Zane slow and stutter to an icy halt. To watch Lloyd fizzle out on his own crackling energy pushed too far. If he himself is only doomed to burn himself out to the end of his match, to flicker out like a flame in the night.  
He doesn’t want to burn out. He doesn’t want to lose anyone else. He tells Lloyd as much, his voice wavering.
“We can’t leave,” he whispers. “This is — it’s all we know. It’s all we have. And I can’t—” Kai’s eyes are burning again. The ocean’s too close, too loud. “I can’t lose anything else.”
Lloyd’s expression spasms, the hard glint vanishing for something softer, something that looks more like Kai’s little brother. “Oh,” he murmurs. “Oh, Kai, I’m so sorry.”
Kai shakes his head, trying to wipe away the tears before Lloyd sees them, but Lloyd’s already snaking his arms around his shoulders, holding Kai tightly.
“I won’t leave,” he says, fiercely. “We’ll stay. We’ll — we won’t let it go to waste. For her. We’ll stay, for her. If that’s what you want.”
In another time, Kai could laugh, at how easily Lloyd would leave the team for him, now. In this time, Kai could scream again, rage against the setting sun and how the ocean looks beneath it, steady and present and there, always there.
Not like Nya. Not like his sister.
Instead, Kai crumples, buckling against Lloyd as hot, salty tears make tracks down his cheeks. He swallows thickly, his vision blurring over as he watches a wave crash onto the shore.
The taste of salt still lingers on his tongue, like drowning, like death.
Kai hates it.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Once you write for Baal, I'll request her with Mona and Kazuha with the god of fate.
Like the usual
I also added Thoma per your other inquiry!
tags: m!reader/Baal, m!reader/Mona, m!reader/Kazuha, m!reader/Thoma, God!Reader, Khaenri'ah spoilers, Inazuma archon quest spoilers, just spoilers in general.
Khaenri’ah wouldn’t have had any survivors if it hadn’t been for a particular man that seemed unfazed by the battlefield the once prosperous nation of humanity became. Neither Khaenri’ahn nor from Celestia, simply an outlander. Despite showing great fighting prowess and strategic skill, Khaenri’ah had still fallen under the watchful gaze of the man. Of course, this was just a legend, a small rumour only known by the most curious of historians or academics. And even then, it’s debated. With the legacy of Khaenri’ah long gone, all that was left was anecdotal evidence.
-Divinity, humanity, both pale in comparison to eternity. You were nothing more than something in her way. Much like the rest of Khaenri’ah as a whole. To her you were nothing more than inferior. And she didn’t stop to take the time to investigate like Morax had nor did she take the time to recognise the marks of stars like Barbatos.
-Her ideals quickly shattered when she realised Divine Punishment means nothing when faced by another of her status. A divine being capable of braving the lightning’s glow. Too prideful to admit her defeat she proved to be quite a thorn in your side during the war. But even one whose ideal is closest unto Heaven cannot compete with the one who controlled Fate.
-Baal has all but forgotten the faraway God, too focused on her own ideals, too focused on herself in the present day to remember such an aimless point in time. In a closed off nation tucked away on the sea, talk of your presence in Teyvat went unheard by the Raiden Shogun.
The 100th vision hunt decree ceremony was commemorative. The Goddess turned to face the crowd of onlookers, violet eyes narrowing at an almost familiar face standing towards the back. You lifted your head to her, flashing the Shogun a smile before pulling the notebook from the black and gold cloak. Almost too quickly her attention turned back to the man kneeling at the foot of the statue. Her 100th vision.
Baal lifted her hand, summoning the pyro vision to her and despite the blond’s attempts at keeping his vision they were futile as it soared through the air towards the Goddess. You almost dropped your pen when Aether pushed by you, using his newfound electro abilities as a boost to snatch the vision. An interesting but not surprising turn of events that was scrawled into the notebook.
You watched as she brought her blade up to strike an unconscious Aether. The taller blond managed to get his binds off, throwing the polearm that she then deflected. The blowback caused Aether and Paimon to go flying backwards into the blond. As they ran off she gave the order to seize them under the decree, turning back to look up at the statue. That was your cue to leave, the work had been done for now.
When Baal turned to look back at the crowd she got the glimpse of that cloak that seemed to come back to haunt her departing from the crowd.
-Ah the great astrologist Mona. One who believes fate cannot be changed nor reversed, merely accepted. How funny an outlook. Though you’d never tell her that, she is for all that she’s worth, a wonderful astrologist. But that was the thing with mortal magicians, even they could get things such as fate wrong.
-She tried only once to glimpse into the mysterious stranger’s destiny. But when one has no destiny, what does she see? The threads of fate themselves have barred her vision into him. To her he is an uncertain piece in what should be absolute certainty.
-This however just makes her curious to know more. She thinks she’s being sneaky as she follows you around to try and garner more information. But Mondstadt isn’t all that big and her hat is very telling.
You narrowed your eyes at the telltale sign of somebody watching you, you lifted your head to look around but there were no more stares than the usual ones that came with being a stranger in a small nation. You did notice, however, a very familiar witch occupying herself with the fruit stand. Could she even afford that? Probably not. You bowed your head to Flora, tucking the windwheel aster behind your ear as you made off.
Mona put the apple back, waiting a few moments before she followed you down the cobblestone path. This was the problem with magicians in every world, always far too curious for their own good. You turned a corner to try and get her off your tail, you had far too much work to do to deal with her nosing around. She was smart, though. You had to give her that as you pressed your back against the wall of the alleyway, waiting for her to go by.
“I just have a question!” Mona popped her head into the alleyway, figures you wouldn’t be able to escape her. Mona looked around before stepping into the alleyway. “You are not from this world and sand clouds my vision every time I try to view your true nature. I am merely intrigued by this turn of events.” She put her hands on her hips, green eyes trying to discern something about you. She was certainly blunt, at least she knew what she wanted at the end of the day.
Her stare was intense as she tried to see through you, but whenever she looked too hard she found herself attempting to shake off invisible strings. You merely offered her a smile, what’s the point in lying to somebody you may not ever see again? “I’m a record keeper of sorts. You have impressive skill, Mona.” The compliment had her smirking, praise would be her undoing. But it at least changed the subject. What a fascinating woman.
-Unsurprisingly or perhaps surprisingly you met him while he fled from the Raiden Shogun’s forces. As in he ran directly into you and nearly dropped the dead vision he was still clutching in his hand. Interesting isn’t it? What a simple change of cloak can do to conceal one’s identity. Always intervening whether or not you should, that seemed to be the staple when it came to Teyvat.
-You did not spend much time with Kazuha beyond that. His path was his to walk and you would not meddle further. Though you knew that he knew, somebody as observant as he would be able to tell, wouldn’t he?
-That was a while ago though. Now you once more found yourself face to face with Kaedehara Kazuha. Or well, less face to face and more in the same area.
“I hope you can afford all these mercs!” Beidou called as she and her crew rushed into battle against the Shogun’s forces. Far enough away to not involve yourself, but close enough to listen to the resulting conversations. You jotted things down, whatever seemed important in the moment, minor details you may forget, a rough draft, if one will.
Kazuha lifted his head after greeting Gorou, eyes scanning the rocks jutting out of the nearby sea on the beach that had become a location of endless bloodshed. And for a moment, he faltered, red eyes widening before narrowing. He should have expected this. You always seemed to be where big things happened. “Kazuha, watch out!” Beidou warned and Kazuha snapped out of it, returning to the battle.
The rain began to start and you safely tucked your notebook away as you watched the rest of the battle. Ultimately Sara called back her forces when Kokomi showed up, the Shogun’s army quickly retreating from the bloody battlefield to rethink their strategy. You held your hand up, rain soaking through your glove. The battlefield cleared itself of most soldiers, Gorou, Beidou, Kazuha, two soldiers, and Aether remained to talk to one another.
Kazuha turned, looking over his shoulder and back at the sea around him. He wondered if you’d come, help like you had helped him back then. He lifted a bandaged hand, no doubt the same hand you had once given him bandages to cover the injury from clasping a dying vision. In turn you gave him a wave. All these people whose lives you have impacted in some way or another. Small things here and there. You wondered how much he knew of your deeds.
“State your business here!”
“Oh- he’s a friend! He’s with us.” Aether interrupted the teahouse lady before she could say anything else. The woman huffed but conceded, allowing you to move past her and towards Aether and the taller blond from the ceremony. The teahouse door was opened and you stepped inside with them, pulling your notebook out to take notes. “Thoma, Ayaka this is… Well he doesn’t have a name.” Aether turned his head to look at you and you merely shrugged.
“You may refer to me as the Recordkeeper. Ha, that’s kind of like the Doctor.. I’ll have to write that down.” You make a note in the front of your notebook. Ayaka, Thoma, and Paimon look confused but Aether understood the reference. At least. “I’m merely here to listen. Pretend I’m not here, yes?” And with reassurance from your traveler friend, they did just that. You noted their plans, their ideals, where they’d go. It was all fascinating. A resistance against a God. The last time that happened…
You shook the thoughts, that was then, this is now. You cannot get involved again. Ayaka stood to leave, saying her goodbyes. Aether was gone next, a promise to meet again. That left you with Thoma. “Are you sure you don’t have a name? I feel a job title shouldn’t be a name.” He joked, leaning on his elbows as he watched you write into your notebook. Your pen stopped against the pages, the edge of the D growing thicker. “At least, I think that’s your job, right?”
You looked up from your book, setting the pen down against the pages. He was curious to say the least, despite everything that happened earlier. “I suppose it is my job, yes. I keep records. And I’m known by many names Fate Weaver, the Recordkeeper, God of Fate, I believe I’ve also been referred to as the God of Time once.. That’d be incorrect though.” For a moment something unrecognisable passes through his green eyes before his smile is back on his face.
“How about we call you (Name)? That way you don’t have to admit what and who you really are everywhere you go.”
“(Name)? Hm.. Very well.”
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