#I have less to say about Donna and I'm not sure what to write about Martha at all. I'm sorry friends. Rose and Amy live in my brain
transmasc-rose · 23 days
I'm thinking about the horror of the Doctor from the perspective of non-companions again, especially as it relates to people those companions know.
Rose? "Ran away" (not wrong) for "a year" (a week) with a "man" (alien) "twice her age" (approximately 50 times her age but yeah, he is Time Lord middle aged), and then gives absolutely no explanation for how or why that happened, except that she was "travelling".
Then when her mum does get an explanation (which, frankly, is only comforting because of the unfamiliarity of the alternative given. The devil you know.), Rose barely checks back in.
She almost dies for him. When she thinks he's dead, she's changed in a way her family doesn't know how to handle. Then she's gone for who knows how long and comes back with the Doctor wearing a new face.
When her original tenure as a companion ends, and Rose lives in Pete's World, she works for Torchwood/UNIT (they become the same organization). She volunteers for the Dimension Cannon. She explains to the alternate earth how to rig up a time machine.
She's changed in ways that no one else can really understand.
Amy? There's everything with River Song of course (though I'm still not there in my viewing), him running away with Amy the night before her and Rory's wedding, and also the connection between the Doctor and the Time Crack being the reason all of Amy's family's dead. Obvious stuff.
However he's also the strange man who broke into this child's house and made a mess of her life that she never got over, that promised to take her away from here, that she wrote about and drew and carved and made her friends dress up as.
And they sent her to psychiatrist after psychiatrist without any help. In their perspective, to work through what she imagined. In her perspective, to tell her that her reality wasn't real.
And then he comes back.
And to some extent, later, when he shows himself to everyone, isn't that more frightening? That the story your child told you, of the strange man she met as a child, of time travel, of nearly being stolen away, hadn't been a lie, or a misinterpretation, or an imagining?
And so he shows up at her wedding. And steals her away again.
Donna I feel like has the least horror until her final episode. I think exploring the in between section of her meeting the Doctor and finding him again would be interesting, but not exactly horror. More an exploration of how obsessive the companions can get about him, how it eats their whole lives with even one encounter, even as it makes them better people.
And then, obviously, the horror of having your mind altered and erased against your will by someone you trusted. For your own good, of course. Because he knows best. How could you know better than him? He's ancient. He's practically all knowing.
Shouldn't you be grateful?
(And he's forgiven.)
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eletricheart · 9 months
hiiii! I have a request for donna beneviento. I was hoping for her lover, the reader, to show up to donna's house like normal, but they are sick with the flu. When donna asks why reader came, reader says that they dont care if they're sick or not, they just want to see donna <3 cue donna being a flustered mess, but then panicking internally when reader lets out a particularly harsh cough. Just some fluffy caretaking if you wouldnt mind, thank youuuuu :) (maybe if you're feeling like writing a longer fic, you could make reader have a fever-induced nightmare, and donna is the only thing that can calm reader))
(Donna Beneviento x Reader)
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*image creds to owner
Word count: 882
ps: ty for the request hope u like it🫶
ps2: not proofread
Winter was finally over but the sudden change of temperature was enough to get you sick for a week. Usually you'd stay at home resting however every week you would have a home date with Donna.
Hence why you were walking towards her front porch looking like an Arctic scavenger. The dollmaker was surprised to see your attire but didn't pay much mind until she went to greet you.
You were shaking a little but still removed the mask to smile at her. "Sorry I'm late, my stomach wasn't kind this morning."
Donna nodded and ushered you in, getting concerned with how red your face was. "Are you okay?"
You nodded enthusiastically, supporting yourself with the now closed door due to the rapid movement. "Yeah! Just got a bit of a flu, nothing to worry about."
The dollmaker tensed for a moment, silently commanding her dolls to prepare some tea and bring blankets to the living room. "You should've stayed at home, it's dangerous to walk around sick! What were you thinking?" She questioned, leading you to the room.
You sighed. "I haven't seen you this week. I would rather face a thousand winters then stay away from you for so long. Please forgive me." You said, pouting.
Donna was thankful for wearing her veil, so you couldn't see how flustered she became with just one sentence. "Th-That's nonsense, you don't need to ask for forgiveness. But…next time, just call me."
You laughed. "I will."
After successfully trapping you in a world of blankets, Donna lit the fireplace and sat beside you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
You tried to answer but a sudden cough took place so you just nodded while trying to breathe.
You were still okay, you got used to the coughing after the second sick day. However, for Donna you were on death's door. The dollmaker could feel her heart racing, her hands trembling and her eye feeling with tears.
She practically ran off the room leaving your confused self drowning in blankets.
Donna returned with more pillows, some plants from her garden that were for good health, tea, water, a bowl with water and some towels. She even called Mother Miranda, who assured her that in five minutes a crow would leave some medicine at the door.
You were watching her set up a small hospital on the center table with a gentle smile. "Donna, it's okay, I'm not dying, I promise."
The dollmaker shook her head. "You're sick, I need to take your temperature."
You nodded weakly, feeling the hands of Morpheus trying to carry you into the dream world.
Donna was slightly shaking but still managed to check your temperature and breathing. "You have a bit of a fever, I believe Mother will bring some medicine. You should drink some water."
You nodded and drank half a glass of water, settling back down on the couch, in a lying position. "Where's Angie? I thought she'd be trying to steal the blankets from me by now."
Donna chuckled. "I had to lock her in my room. When she heard you were sick she stole a syringe and claimed she'd turn you into her bioweapon."
You laughed, still coughing at the end, but less intensely. However you noticed the dollmaker stiff posture. "I just need to sleep for a second, then it'll be good again."
Donna nodded, kissed your forehead and stood up, getting ready to cool the bowl of water. But she was stopped by you holding her arm before she moved too far. "Please don't leave me, I don't like to be alone."
Donna smiled and removed her veil to lay down more comfortably beside you.
The Lady had only moved away for a few minutes in order to receive Mother Miranda's package, suddenly she heard a scream and rushed back to you.
You were still sitting on the couch, but your face was marked with tears and your entire body felt like it was burning alive. You vision was still blurry from sleep and even though you tried to breathe it felt as if no air was going inside.
Donna approached you gently, trying to not make things worse but the second you saw her you jumped towards the woman and hugged her tight. She guided you back to the couch, not once breaking the embrace.
You curled on her and kept attempting on calming down. She was drawing soothing patterns on your back, humming lowly and controlling her breathing so you could immitate.
It took at least fifteen minutes for you to calm down, holding her as if she was your only connecting with reality.
Donna waited until your breathing had evened to speak. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked, gently.
You took a deep breath before nodding. "I had a nightmare…I-I don't exactly remember what happened, just the feeling. Then I woke up and you weren't here anymore. I guess I panicked." You closed your eyes tightly and snuggled yourself even more against Donna.
The dollmaker allowed you to lay on her, pulling some of the blankets that fell and covering you. "I'm sorry, I won't leave again."
You nodded. "Promise?"
Your body relaxed and soon enough you fell asleep, knowing that Donna was there to protect you against anything.
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scarletttries · 1 year
Night at the Museum (Steven Grant One Shot)
Pairing: Steven Grant x GN!Reader
Rating: Pure fluff, gender neutral pronouns throughout :)
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: My Christmas gift to all the Steven Grant lovers, I feel like I've been writing a fair amount Steven smut lately so here a sweet sugarplum fluff for him :) Enjoy, and my requests are always open for sweetie Steven 💕
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Night at the Museum (part of my Christmas list)
Glittering decorations, festive cocktails, a beautiful string quartet. Even though you'd insisted that this did not fall under you job description when Donna practically forced you to plan the staff Christmas party this year, you couldn't help but feel a little proud of how well you had pulled the little soirée together. Now there was just one final step to your plan, the reason you had accepted the task in the first place - talk to Steven.
The gift shop employee had caught your eye from the first conversation; his bright passion, his brilliant mind, his obvious sweetness inside and out. After a couple of months curating a new exhibit for the museum, you had come to the conclusion that as beautiful and kind as the man was, he was clueless when it came to picking up the signals you were clearly sending out, and if you wanted to be more than a colleague, and then more than a friend, you were going to have to take matters into your own hands.
"I know I usually hate Christmas but I can't miss the party!" Steven muttered under his breath, trying not to think too much about the fact that he was confiding in a stuffed hippo from his little counter, because he couldn't talk to his goldfish until he got home. "You know exactly why I want to go - for (Y/n)." He sighed, resting his head on his hand and his elbow against the counter with a smile as he watched you walk through the grand foyer, seemingly unaware of his longing stare as he racked his brain for any excuse to go talk to you. As if you felt his eyes on you as you moved, you glanced over to him, giving him a smile and wave as you continued your march to Donna's office, needing her sign off on yet another tedious matter for the party. As he tried to return your wave he forgot he was using his arm for support, lifting it to wave and letting his face fall right onto the counter with a thud. Steven almost didn't want to raise it again in his embarrassment, sure you must think he was an absolute idiot for the way he always managed to make a fool of himself around you, but as he glanced up he was glad he did, the blushing giggle he could see on your cheeks worth the slight knock to his. As soon as you disappeared around a corner, he went back to his goddess-themed plush toy and their conversation, "So now you see why I've got to go to this party! But I keep looking like a numpty every time they come near me, so I've got to make a plan. What do you think I should say?" He paused as if the toy was going to give him an answer, disappointed when his thoughts were the only thing he heard,
"Well I can't just say I love you to a colleague I've never even asked on a date! I'll look insane! No, I need to play it cool."
Steven felt decidedly less than cool as he walked into the almost empty museum that night, closed to the public for the staff party, giving him less people than usual to hide behind when it came to the sea of judgemental eyes. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, tugging on his slightly ill-fitting suit and focusing instead on his objective for the evening - talk to you.
You could feel your heart jump a little bit as you heard your name called out over the festive melody filling the air. Steven always said your name like it was filled with excitement and wonder, not like someone he went to work with day after day.
"The museum looks amazing tonight, you did a great job party planning!" He said happily, leaning forward as if he was going to greet you with a hug before doubting himself and settling for a small wave instead.
"Thanks Steven, I'm really glad you came." You replied sincerely, relief that he had actually come tonight boosting your confidence more than a little.
"I never miss a party, me." He lied, frowning as the words came out of his mouth, searching for a new topic before you could follow up on his fib, "I heard your exhibit getting expanded, congratulations! Ancient gemstones right?" he questioned, ignoring the voice in his head suggesting he offer you a diamond then and there.
"Thanks, I can't wait for the new artifacts to arrive, there's jewellery in there dating back to some of the first human civilians." He nodded happily along as you described your plans for the exhibition, thrilled to see you speak with such devotion, proud just to know someone like you, "I always think there's something beautiful about the fact that as long as humans have existed, they've wanted to sparkle." Steven grinned the sentiment, almost captivated by the joy with you approached your work and your life, the happiness that seemed to fill him whenever he got to spend time in your presence.
"Well you certainly do." He offered sweetly, eyes widening in panic as if he hadn't quite realised a compliment was leaving his lips before it was too late. Not wanting to risk sticking around to watch you shoot him down he quickly excused himself, desperately hurrying to a quiet corner to pull himself together. You watched in confusion as he stepped out for some air, mumbling to himself and wringing his hands together as he went, his chest rising and falling intensely as he brought his heart rate back to a safe level, unsure whether to be proud of himself for finally (almost) flirting with you, or kick himself for running away before he could see the fall-out.
You let the party continue to pass, keeping an eye on Steven as he finally plodded back in, reluctantly listening to a rant from Donna and correcting a few people on his name, looking a little bit downtrodden by the end of it,
"Steven. Pst." You beckoned from behind him, leaning against the corner of a long stretch of corridor undisturbed by party goers. He pointed up at himself as if there was anyone else you could be talking to, only taking a few uncertain steps forward when you nodded and used one finger to gesture him towards you. "I wanted to show another Christmas decoration I put up for the party." You explained, the curve of your smile making Steven's heart beat harder against his ribs, grateful and terrified to actually have a moment alone with you. You took a few slow steps backwards as you beckoned Steven towards you, finally coming to a stop and pointing up at the ceiling, hand struggling to hold still with the anticipation.
"Oh." Was all Steven could breath out as he saw the little green branch with its white berries hanging over him - Mistletoe. The first thing you'd dug out when you agreed to plan the party, hiding it far away enough from the foyer that you wouldn't be disturbed. Steven didn't dare move a muscle as you stood toe-to-toe, sure he must have misunderstood, certain you couldn't be thinking what he was thinking.
"You know the tradition for the two people under mistletoe right?" You prompted, the crimson colour spreading across his cheeks as he began to lift his trembling hands enough to make you sure this was something you both wanted.
"To - to kiss." Steven stuttered out, short of breath as you nodded, leaning slightly forward until the tip of your nose brushed softly over his as you did.
"Do you want to kiss me Steven?" You almost whispered, faces barely an inch apart, feeling the heat radiating from him as he nodded, bringing his twitching hands to cup your cheeks as his lips finally closed in on yours. It was soft. Tentative. Like part of Steven still didn't think this could be what you wanted. You brought your hands to his waist, slowly snaking around to pull him closer, encouraging him to apply a little more pressure the kiss. You leant into it, opening your mouth slightly and tilting your head to feel more of his soft, plump lips, slightly wet as his tongue seemed to hover just shy of yours. He let one hand brush over your cheek and fall to your neck, holding the nape of it as if terrified you might disappear if he couldn't feel you, and taste you anymore. You let your tongue lightly brush his, feeling him eagerly respond to your movements by deepening the kiss again, lips moving against yours like he'd never need to take a breath again, surviving solely on the feel of your mouth against his, the perfect fluttering building in his chest.
Finally you pulled away, leaning back just far enough to notice Steven's frantic breathing, the awestruck look in his eye as his gaze danced around your face looking for any sign of rejection before staring back at your lips, the only thing he could picture himself thinking about for a very long time. And then you smiled, and he was sure his heart was going to explode then and there, the affection as you rubbed his lower back and held him close the sweetest thing Steven could ever remember feeling.
"Happy Holidays Steven." Otherwise at a loss for words at what to say to this man looking at you like maybe there should be a museum dedicated to you alone, like you had single handedly hung every star in the sky along with the festive decoration above you.
"You wouldn't be free on New Year's Eve would you?" He asked, attempt at joking betrayed by his utterly pleading tone and the pure elation in his eyes when you nodded. Maybe Steven didn't hate Christmas anymore.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Thesis diary #54 (still not sure on the numbers but this is THE FINAL CHAPTER)
I uploaded my thesis. I did it, it does not feel real at all and I have no idea how to feel about this but it's done and there's no turning back. Tomorrow I'll send an email to the professor, I refused to do it today, cause my anxiety was already doing enough, so I'll write to her when I'm calmer. I was planning on uploading it tomorrow, but then I realized the uni website will probably be on the verge of crashing due to everyone turnin in their own thesis, and I have no mental streght for that. Plus there's honestly not much more that I could have done, and it's fine like that. There will be mistakes? It's a possibility, but with the energies I have now I wouldn't have seen them anyway.
Productive things I did today:
did my daily inktober doodle
continued rereading and fixing my thesis
practiced Irish on duolingo
looked for infromations on how to upload my thesis on the uni website and on where to have it printed
uploarded the thesis offically
Self care things I did today:
read first thing in the morning
didn't force myself too much when I was tired
decided to go against my original plan and upload the thesis today, which gives me one less thing to worry about and one more day of rest
I will make myself something nice for dinner as a treat
Tranquil's studyblr challenge // day 1
The beginning of the challenge, woohoo you did it! A lot of the time starting is the hardest part. So, tell us a little bit about yourself! What are you studying currently, what where are you in your life right now? Are you happy with where you are right now? What are your goals in doing this challenge?
I am very happy to say I am very close to graduating. Today I uploaded my thesis on the uni website, and before the day of the dissertation I only have two important tasks to accomplish (three if you count getting my energy back), firstly I have to find a place to get my thesis printed, and secondly I have to plan and exercise what I will me saying on the actual day of the graduation. I'll have to present my work in roughly eight minutes, which is not going to be easy, so I want to practice as much as I can to be confident when I'll be there. I'm not good at talking in public, but when I graduated in high school I remember that during my oral exam my brain went itno auto-pilot mode and things went super smoothly, so I'm hoping it will be the same this time. I really hope this challenge will help me with staying motivated even though I am very tired.
📖: The Secret History by Donna Tartt, The Wolf and The Woodsman by Ava Reid
🎵: this playlist
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I have many opinions on TWW and some of them are fairly unpopular so uhhhh here goes.
I'll get the biggest one out of the way first: for when it happened, I actually don't find the shuttle leak storyline out of character for Toby, nor do I hate it. If it had happened back in season 4, sure, and I'm mad at the post-Sorkin writing team for their slow destruction of Toby's character, but by end of s6, start of s7, it's not out of character for him. Could it have been better executed? Sure. But where he is as a character, unfortunately, it doesn't feel supremely terrible to me.
Second, the best Donna is season 1 Donna. A bit of an audience surrogate sometimes but in a not-overly-clumsy way, funny and spunky and just a bit quirky... and her dynamic with Josh is SO fun in season 1. I'm almost through s1 in my rewatch and I'd genuinely forgotten how much I enjoyed Donna. I feel like she really got flattened out once they really committed to the will they/won't they with Josh, and then was worse because of the whole season 6/7 disaster (that was a mess!), PLUS they had her make some very dumb decisions to advance the plot that did not feel realistic (the dumb shit with Cliff Calley, the accidentally voting for Ritchie).
(more under the cut because apparently I'm not done!)
I know season 5 was the weakest season overall, BUT season 4 was the weakest Sorkin season. I'm not saying season 4 needed to be all about re-election, but I feel like there was a better balance to strike between the "rush through all the election stuff by episode 8-ish" and "stretch it out into a season and a half long affair" (as in 6-7). It also just, despite everything it took to get to this point, felt INCREDIBLY rushed and unsatisfying. it didn't feel like there were any stakes! I wanted to see the whole debate, I wanted to see a genuine election night with stakes, dammit! And I think, much as I love Will, that dedicating so much time to THAT storyline was part of the problem. This also wasn't helped by the fact that Ritchie was a caricature and a Bush expy which worked when the episodes were airing but just makes him look cartoonish and one-dimensional now. Like Arnie Vinick may be a unicorn of a Republican and impossible to believe in now, but at least he's a person and not a cardboard cutout. Anyway! It feels like for all the build-up to the difficulty of getting re-elected post-MS scandal, it was just. they won, shuffle them offscreen again.
Okay, fuck, this is getting long.
I don't MIND Annabeth but I find the whole Leo-Annabeth flirtation thing REALLY weird and honestly out of left field. That scene in the elevator where she says they shouldn't be spending too much time together 'because of the tension', I was RIGHT THERE with Leo like 'what tension?' Like I'm sorry, I just don't see it!
Okay a few more bullet-point gripes just because
I got used to it eventually but I'm still not a fan that CJ got promoted to COS. Like yeah by the end she did a damn good job and she has one of the best relationships with Jed, but c'mon. she loved being press secretary, and she was a damn good one.
CJ's dark hair in season 7 is not a good look on her, I'm sorry CJ my love, but it doesn't look good. The only non-canon part of the flashfoward is that she definitely does NOT still have that hair.
Amy was fun when she first appeared, but in seasons 6 and 7 her character definitely got worse.
For the most part, I actually wanted less election plot in season 7 and more focus on the west wing (and I say this as loving both Matt and Arnie!)
Gina Toscano/CJ is a great ship also. I rewatched "six meetings before lunch" last night and remembered that I ship them.
Episode specific: the B-plot of Requiem makes absolutely no sense to me and I've watched the episode about 6 or 7 times now (the whole 'meddling in the speaker race' plot).
And finally: Danny should've been in every single season, as a regularly recurring character. I know that Tim Busfield was busy with other commitments but Mr. Busfield, I'm begging you.
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garthofshayeris · 5 months
how do you feel about when writers used Roy and Wally’s as mouth pieces for the fans that wanted Garth removed from the team?
I feel for the writers who felt like they were restricted with Garth's specific skillset. In early comics, where the characters were more one-note (and Garth's abilities were essentially telepathy and super strength) it would have been difficult to have him and Donna be "the strong ones" and I think they were having trouble figuring out how to incorporate water and animals into ordinary stories. Could they have tried harder? Perhaps! I'm not here to judge (except that I am)
Once Garth was written out, it was easier to give him guest appearances whenever the Titans were near water.
I think more "modern" writers (is the 90s modern anymore? I feel old) have less of an excuse to write him out, but that's exactly what they did. The stories and characters were less gimmicky, and yet it seems that they could not figure out how to use Garth in an interesting way. But once again, we see him leave the Titans.
I am less sure that Wally and Roy (or anyone, for that matter) are mouthpieces for fans, but more for the writers to explain why Garth would leave. They were creating a situation where a reader might say "yes, Aqualad is not very useful here" or "if I was Aqualad, I would have left!" and so it is no surprise when he does. I am not convinced fans were feeling any kind of way about Garth being in the comics or not, he's never been particularly popular.
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thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I got like four of these which is very me! You are getting the West Wing one!
Back when I first watched season 2 of TWW I was like "what if he died tho?" (This surprises no one who knows me.) I don't know if I'll ever actually write the Josh Dies AU because it would be so involved, but I have a decent number of beats worked out for it!
About two years ago, I decided to do it as a series of shorter fics, if I do it at all, and stumbled into the idea of having each one open with the last scene and do a "how we got here," as a few episodes of the show do. I have a lot, so I'm putting this under a cut!
The first one starts with Jed addressing the nation on TV the night of the shooting, while still in the hospital, then we see the rest of that night. The doctors tell Jed and Abbey first. Abbey wants to tell the staff herself, but at the last minute she freezes and the doctor does it. Sam throws up, CJ and Donna are distraught, but Toby quietly asks about his body. It's Jewish custom not to leave the body unattended, so Toby is determined to stay with him until his mother gets there.
Danny continues pestering CJ about who was in charge and CJ blurts out that Josh died. She panics immediately, because that isn't public yet, but Danny tells her everything she says tonight is off the record and hugs her. Danny is clearly shaken too.
In my current notes, CJ agrees to do the morning shows, because I thought she might feel differently about doing them if Josh was dead, but I'm still waffling between that and Sam doing them. Whoever doesn't is waiting for whoever does when they get off the air. Josh's death has been announced already, so they talk about it. In the CJ version, she says a lot of what she says at her briefing in ISoTG, about the other victims of gun violence, and specifies Josh would have wanted to. She also says "I'm sorry, mi amore." Sam gives her her necklace when she gets off the air.
Leo, Sam, CJ, and Toby via cellphone plan to release a statement from the president, but Jed insists on making the statement himself. They decide if they do a tight angle on his face and keep it short he can do it from the hospital. Sam needs help preparing the statement, and goes and sits outside the room Toby and Josh are in. They talk on the phone from opposite sides of the door. Toby can't come out, and Sam can't make himself go in. When they're ready to do the statement, Toby shows up, indicating that Josh's mother is now here with him. Abbey asks Jed if he's sure, and he makes his address.
The notes get less detailed as we go. 😄
The second story opens with Donna telling Sam she's resigning, then shows us the last couple of months, starting shortly after the shooting. This is an AU of The Midterms, and Sams is following a with hopeless odds. During a briefing, a reporter asks CJ when the president is replacing Josh. Afterwards, Danny confronts his colleague, saying Josh's body isn't cold, and the other reporter accuses him of being too close to the administration.
Leo and Toby have a conversation where Toby asks if Leo is asking for his blessing. Later, Toby goes home and his brother David is there. He's been spending time with Toby since the shooting. David says Andi has been calling and she's worried, but Toby brushes him off.
Leo takes Sam to the Oval Office, where Jed, Toby, and CJ are waiting. Jed formally asks Sam to be Deputy Chief of Staff and Sam barely manages a "thank you, Mr. President" before fleeing. Leo finds him and explains that someone has to do the job, and he thought he'd be able to handle it better if it was Sam rather than a stranger. Sam agrees, but asks to be called Acting Deputy Chief of Staff. (I got this from Reagan's press secretaries, who were all "acting" so James Brady could keep the title, although he was still alive, I took a bit of poetic license). Sam and Leo go back into the Oval and Sam accepts the job.
The day of the midterms comes. Sam, Toby, CJ, and Donna have a beer together. The next day, Donna tells Sam she's resigning. He understands. His new office still looks like Josh's office, but the gun range target from season 1 has been taken down. Sam gets it back out and draws a two centimeter line on its chest (this fic's title would be Two Centimeters" after Sam's line about Josh living due to "two centimeters of a miracle").
The rest isn't structured yet, it's just beats:
Sam finds Will Bailey in a bar. Will ran the hopeless odds campaign and lost. He tells Sam he's planning to work a race in California next cycle, but Sam offers him a job as Deputy Communications Director.
Toby has run off all the more experienced candidates for Sam's job. He tries to run off Will, too, but Sam confronts him about it. He points out that he doesn't want anyone, but that Toby needs a deputy, and Sam can't keep trying to do two jobs. Sam pulls rank as DCoS, Toby points out he's acting, and Sam reminds him he took that title out of respect, but that his rank is unaffected.
Toby doesn't think the president and Leo care enough about guns. Sam says they do, and tells Toby to write a speech about gun reform and that he'll sell it. He also makes him hire Will for a probationary period.
Sam tells Leo that Toby thinks they're not doing enough. Leo assures him they are, but Sam says Toby is right and pushes for the gun bill. Sam says "I sit in thirty meetings a week listening to people tell me what my best friend was working on when he was murdered."
Charlie hires Debbie to be Sam's assistant since Donna quit, saying he could use an aunt to look after him.
As his probationary period ends, Will is planning to leave. He doesn't feel accepted by Toby and feels out of place with the general staff, who are all mourning someone he never met. One of the assistants forgot to not order Josh's burned hamburger, so they gave it to Will as a form of hazing. As Will is preparing to quit, Charlie gets the phone call about Mrs. Landingham's accident. Will silently decides to stay.
When the president is trying to replace Mrs. Landingham, Charlie says he knows the right person. This turns out to be Donna. She thinks Charlie is going to ask her to come back and work for Sam, but he says he isn't. She agrees to work for the president.
Donna is the first person to warm up to Will, and explains the burger to him. Sam thinks Will likes her, but Donna isn't interested.
Sam and Donna start sleeping together out of shared grief for Josh. They do care for each other, but it's messy and unhealthy. Even Sam thinks dating Will would be better for Donna, but doesn't push her to do it. When Donna wonders if she and Sam have anything in common, he says "we both love Josh."
CJ and Danny's relationship in this universe is complicated; the grief brings them closer, but CJ doesn't want to start a relationship because Josh died. They are endgame, but CJ and Simon happens in the middle (more on that later).
Charlie and Zoey stay together for a while, but they feel obligated to stay together because Josh died for their love, and this eventually drives them apart, amicably. Zoey wants to go to France with Jean-Paul because they have gun control there, but in the end she doesn't go. Instead of going to the bathroom when she realizes he spiked her drink, she goes to an agent to ask to go home. When they realize what happened, they're both treated for the drugs. The kidnapping is averted, but Zoey breaks up with Jean-Paul and eventually gets back together with Charlie.
Simon is assigned to CJ under similar circumstances to canon, but everyone is even twitchier about death threats. When she finds out he shot one of the Rosslyn shooters, she says "good" in a way that's so cold and venomous he finds it disturbing. He meets his canon fate.
After he's made DCoS, Sam gets the NSC card. He tries to give it back to Leo, and Leo tells him Josh did the same thing, but he won't let Sam do it. Sam protests, but Leo says he's having more trouble keeping a deputy alive now. Sam argues it wouldn't have changed anything, but Leo won't budge. Leo does tell him he's free to go directly to the president.
If it got this far, Sam would end up running the Santos campaign, because "he's who Josh would have picked." I might keep the tension of Will running the Russell campaign. Maybe Sam and Donna's situationship even puts her on that campaign, too.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I think what's funny about being a very dedicated romance lover is that there definitely times where I actually don't want it in the thing I'm into or at the very least I don't want it to be bland and really boring. I get it, Zelda/Link shippers go way back, but the gestural relationship was always way more interesting as a chaste knight/lady dynamic, and it's just lazy leaning into cutesy wholesome rivals-to-lovers shenanigans. (There are no intended TOTK spoilers in this post). It could not be there, and the story wouldn't really change in BOTW (or indeed even Skyward Sword); it's not achieving overly much except finally leaning into the (ostensible) inevitability of Link and Zelda getting together. Meanwhile - yeah - if I have to draw comparisons, any implicit Beauty and Beast dynamic to Link and Midna actually transforms Midna's character arc and the ultimate tragedy of her disappearance (and inability to reconcile their partner dynamic with who they both are and the nature of the Zelda myth).
Similar to that vein I really don't like companion romances in DW, which is why I feel that (even though she was polarising) someone like River Song was more interesting if the Doctor had to have a romance, but I always preferred the Doctor as a sexless figure/professor/parent type thing. Idk, the companion romances were very clumsy and uninteresting (which is why Donna remains one of the best companions - despite the fat single woman jokes, ugh, I can't believe people say only Moffat's run was misogynistic) and just obviously there to pander to a more familiar format of storytelling by the time of the reboot (self-insert Doctor with a sexpot companion). This is why I really don't like the Thirteenth Doctor's casting as an attractive (relatively) younger woman, just because it's really apparent they weren't thinking too hard about who would actually be appropriate for a Doctor. I don't know if that makes me unfeminist (I don't even like Tennant's Doctor, and Eleven works because he's unconventional) or something, I'm not sure - I think they did her wardrobe well enough but I just can't get over the casting there (and I know she has some sort of a companion romance, again, which it seems like they didn't even commit to with a female love interest, which says a lot. What I'm really getting at here with Thirteen is that I would've preferred a less conventional actress for the Doctor).
But it really comes down to motivated versus unmotivated romance, and sometimes we're not even really talking about the same thing - fluffy superficial shit (and yeah, you can definitely argue Doctor/Rose isn't superficial, but to me it does break part of the identity of DW and the Doctor's dynamic with the companions, and the characterisation of that relationship is exhausting and so fucking boring) is just fluffy and superficial, but from a storytelling perspective I want to be thinking about what these romances achieve narratively. If anything I think what is, say, critical to writing a companion romance with the Doctor is that it should by nature be fraught and taboo, and despite Rose's parallel-world disappearance the nature of them having feelings for each other is just a foregone conclusion and the will-they won't-they shit is just boring romcom bullshit. I find the Davies era mostly unwatchable because of this nonsense now (and then Martha gets saddled with that bullshit too, which brings down her entire run as companion).
I enjoy romance which is narratively justified and I find it tedious and boring when it's shoved in my face where it's inappropriate, which is fucking hilarious because that's a common detraction to the romances I enjoy. But we know it's assigned as a bad faith criticism in these circumstances and rarely do they explain why it doesn't work. But in writing romance, what I think is valuable is asking what it achieves on multiple levels - character, plot, theme - and whether it belongs there, particularly tonally.
I understand it's not a popular opinion (Zelda/Link and Doctor/Rose are huge ships in the General Audience alone, and the reason I think the former especially has been leant into is for an obvious reason) but I think it's worth considering critically for where romance does and doesn't work, because even if those ships are nominally popular, sometimes things are just popular because they hit familiar tropes and feel inevitable and cute.
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duskyvision · 9 months
m. l. rio - if we were villains
Hi, it's been a while! I've been itching to write a book review because it's been over a year now, and sometimes I just have to scream about books in other places than on Discord (I still scream about books on Discord, but shh).
So why not just write a book review about a book that I did not enjoy? Haha, what a funny thing nobody has ever done before! I sure wonder what this funny guy is going to say about this book he didn't enjoy.
Anyway, this is going to be pretty long, and I'm gonna bitch about a bunch of stuff in here. Will contain spoilers.
Content warnings:
substance abuse (alcohol, drugs)
This book was my first venture into the dark academia genre/aesthetic, something I'd seen a bunch of stolen Tiktoks about on my Pinterest feed, but never paid too much attention to, mostly because I don't really care about stories centered on students. Maybe that should have been my first warning sign.
Initially, I wanted to read The Secret History by Donna Tartt because that's apparently what's seen as the dark academia staple, but I decided to stick to this because it was the only book I'd found an audiobook of on Scribd, and audiobooks are more digestible. Read a bit of the blurb and thought, "okay, sounds like it could be interesting".
Man was I wrong.
Reading the blurb, I already knew I'd have to handle pretty pretentious characters, because there's nothing more pretentious than a group of more or less wealthy white theater kids obsessed with Shakespeare (except for rich white business majors and law majors, put one of each category in a locked room and they'd maul each other within 0.5 seconds like wild beasts trying to one-up the other), but holy shit, it was worse than I'd anticipated.
The writing makes everyone and especially Oliver (the narrator) sound insufferable to the point where I wished they could simply shut up. Unfortunately, this book has slug-like pacing and bitches who love to talk on top of chapters that are padded with lines copied verbatim from Shakespeare plays because admittedly you need a very high IQ to understand the nuances and intricacies of Shakespeare plays and how it influences the characters.
And while we're still on writing: while in theory, the script-like snippets are a fun nod to how plays are formatted, it simply doesn't work in audiobook format. Really grating to hear things like "James: Cock" "Me: So true bestie" when my patience was already wearing thin the more I listened to it.
Yet, the writing wasn't the most infuriating aspect of this book to me. I think what infuriates me the most about If We Were Villains is that, ultimately, the entire book tries so hard to be deep and emotional regarding its plot and its characters when said plot is predictably boring and the characters have the depth of a single sheet of paper.
So let's talk about the plot! By the halfway point in the first part of the book, it was made obvious who would die between the main characters, but comically so. The moment Richard started acting up, I felt like the author slapped a huge sign on his head like "Watch out! He's either the bad guy or... THE VICTIM! OMG!" because there was no way Mrs Rio could come back from turning Richard into a goofy Sunday morning kids cartoon villain. And as soon as Richard died, I also predicted the twist itself, because it was so goddamn obvious it felt like it was screamed into my ears.
Now, I usually don't mind if a plotline is predictable. Actually, I enjoy it! It makes me feel smart to predict things and figure out what's happening, and it usually keeps me engaged rather than plot twists that are pulled out of the author's ass! The problem with this book, though, is that I wasn't engaged in the characters to begin with, so following them going through their problems after Richard's death just made me feel a total sense of apathy followed by "so... when are we getting to more plot?"
It focuses too much on trying to give emotional depth to characters whom, in my opinion, severely lack it to begin with. The main characters aren't interesting to me, they're just puppets with names on them at this point. They can really just be summed up into archetypes that are barely explored in a way that feels compelling:
Oliver: The average joe. Oh, look at him, he's so average and surrounded by people who are so much more interesting than him (this is a lie)!
James: The guy. I'm struggling to find anything interesting about him, besides the fact that he's Oliver's best friend and roommate. You can tell he's important because he's Oliver's roommate. I think a loaf of white bread would be more memorable as a character than him.
Richard: Probably the most interesting character in the cast, ironically, solely because he's a fish out of the water. By that, I mean that he's just a jock in the middle of theater kids. Besides that, he's laughable at best: the author tries so hard to make him devoid of anything sympathetic in the moments leading up to his death that it nullifies any emotional investment you could have in any of the characters.
Meredith: The hot girl but like not in an objectified way, in a gaslight gatekeep girlboss way (this is a lie). Richard's girlfriend. Can't catch a break because everyone and their mom objectifies and slut shames her. She usually breasts boobily, not in written script but in spirit due to how her role in the story is pretty much "piece of meat".
Alexander: The weed-smoking gay literature major stereotype, except in a special way because he objectifies Meredith too, for some reason. Diversity win! Gay man is also gross towards women!
Filippa, Wren and Colin: Filippa and Wren exist for the sole purpose of not turning this cast into a complete sausage fest (& Knuckles Meredith). Filippa is the good friend who covers everyone, and Wren is the fragile frail uwu girl. Colin exists solely to be Alexander's boyfriend.
What a totally charming cast of characters who are oh so full of depth, and completely developed throughout this book. There's also a detective guy, but I completely forgot his name because the book spent too much time on this group of pretentious theater kids whining about their interpersonal relationships.
Man, just talking about how much this book bored me is becoming a pain in the ass, so I'll just summarize what I thought about the book here:
Pretentious, flowery writing with sluggish and often jarring pacing
Characters who are equally pretentious and whose high airs desperately try to hide the innate nothing burger-ness of their existence
Extremely predictable plot that's handed to the reader on a platter by the first part, making the reading experience that much more boring when you have 0 affinity nor sympathy for any of the cast members
Final rating: 1/5 (2.29/10 on CAWPILE). I should have dropped this book when I predicted the entire plot instead of being stubborn.
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bookishoddish · 1 year
Dear Author
Thanks for writing for me! Since I don't know what fandoms you want to write for, I have quick thoughts about a lot of things under the read more to avoid annoying other people with a long post.
General Thing to Know/Requests
The max Teen and Up rating request is to allow for canon typical violence and language for some fandoms,
but I DNW fics with sexual content. It squicks me out.
please no romance centered fic unless otherwise specifically requested, but background romance is cool as long as its tagged
I tend to prefer fics with endings in the hopeful to happy range
Feel free to make characters Jewish
Fandom Specific Things
Note: fandoms are listed in the general order of how pleasantly surprised I would be receive fic for them with the smaller fandoms with less content tending to be towards the top, and my (still loved but generally have more content) fandoms towards the bottom. If you're comfortable writing for multiple fandoms I've requested, and aren't sure where to start the order I talk about things can be a guide if you want. Also, don't feel limited by my bullet points of things I like, they're not meant to be an exhaustive list. Please try not to include things from seasons or episodes I say I haven't watched if at all possible since I like to avoid spoilers--or at least tag or mention in the author's note what episode one should be at to avoid spoilers.
Children of Éarte (This is a DnD actual play with a story that started in our world and then portal fantasy things happen and they are slowly discovering their magic powers. If this sound at all interesting to you and you write for this you will make me so happy. Here is a music video that provides a summary of the first story arc)
Neb's Jewishness
Maeve's disability (EDS or something EDS like)
Robin's job stories
Maeve/Silas pranks
JewishGolem!Steve the statue
The Barony of Olives
Do you have thoughts on what happens next while the show is on hiatus? This is an invitation to write about it!!!
Rubee's fantastic stories/lies
everyone in the motley makes Halie land food
Kit and Pipsqueak playing in the background somewhere
Eric's TBD RPG
Amy's Doctor is My Doctor and anything with her is excellent
The Doctor, Veleg, and other companions in a library
Finn/Roko romance centered fic is alright
Callisto 6
Lacy's Jewishness
Luma & Lacy's friendship
Cass breaking things accidentally
Shield of Tomorrow
Ace Lark Sage
Throlo being the kind of dr every patient deserves
Genny Plantface
Lassie/Rue/Throlo romance centered fic is alright
I HC Rue as Jewish because their performer is
Crossover with Clear Skies
Clear Skies
Jane Lakat and Vrenn friendship
EXEO counseling anyone
Crossover with Shield of Tomorrow
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Blooshi & Gromma are my favorite relevant CNE originals
Favorite affiliations Heroes of the Planes & Brimstone Angles
Feel free to mix groups up for a goofy adventure
Into the Woods
"nice is different than good" is my favorite line
feel free to lean into act two messiness
Crossover with D20 Neverafter
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Barney's Jewishness
Autistic and proud Norma
Dimension 20
No Tiny Heist or Shriek Week please. I haven't gotten into them
a Neverafter season crossover with the musical Into the Woods
Unsleeping City is my favorite setting
Jewish!Iga and family
I love the friendships in The 7
ACoFaF fic is an exception to my not romance centered request
A Coffin Run fic with Florina converting to Judaism or centering any Astrovsky family Jewishness
Critical Role
Any Campaign is fine including the EXUs, but I'm not caught up on C3 past E38, so please no spoilers
C1 favorite Keyleth
C2 favorite Jester
C3 Laudna+Imgen romance can be centered if you want
Calamity Laerryn romance with Loquatius can be central to fic
Post calamity Maya figuring out Patia's Sphere of Power
Doctor Who
Donna Noble is amazing
The book Shada is one of my favorite Doctor Who stories
Even if you don't know Eric's TBD RPG well enough to write a full fic for it, cameos by or mentions of characters from that Doctor Who actual play in other Who fic would make my day.
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animefans-stuff · 2 years
Not feeling well at the moment, since I am down with a rather nasty cold right now.
But your resident evil writings always manage to brighten my day =^^=
Besides I can't get enough of the Sherlock-reader x'D
So may I request part 3 with the four lords with a sick Sherlock-reader, that is even more rude and snappy, while she denies, that she's sick ??? :3
Thank you ! X'3
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that your sick. I really hope that you feel better soon 😊
Warnings; arguing, swearing and that's it, I think.
Please enjoy :D
Lady Dimitrescu
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Lady Dimitrescu has always taken care of herself and her daughter's, along with castle Dimitrescu. After all, they all needed to look perfect and presentable for any visitors/guests.
So when she notices that you've been showing a few signs of sickness. She's quick to act, carefully grabbing your arm. Lady. D then started guiding you to her room to rest.
She stopped when she felt you trying to wiggle out of her grip.
She honestly didn't think you'd start fighting with her.
" (Y/N), quit this whining. Your sick, which means you should rest. " Alcina said rather calmly, as she watched you continue to struggle like a spoiled child.
" I'm not sick. So let. me. go. " You raised your voice ever so slightly at her.
She was a little taken back, sure her daughter's would argue with her every now and than but she didn't expect this from you.
" don't start this now, (Y/N). " She warned you.
But the more and more you denied that you're sick. The more she became annoyed.
She isn't scared to punish you for raising your voice at her.
Her daughter's give you major respect for raising your voice at their mother. Even they know better.
Lady. D can and will use her true form to keep you from going anywhere.
Once you decide to behave, she'll have you lay down while the maids or her daughter's fetch you something to eat or a drink of your choice. Even though you refuse to eat or drink anything at the moment.
Honestly, your just as stubborn as her idiot brother.
She'll definitely scold you when you ' feel better '.
Hopefully you did learn a lesson, because the next time you're ' not sick ' she won't be so kind.
Karl Heisenberg
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Karl takes very little care of himself, and could probably care less about his own health, I mean as long as he gets his work done.
But, as strange as it is, the moment he notices your sick. He's quick to act. Much to your dismay.
This ends up with the two of you arguing. Like, a lot. Like to the point where y'all say things you didn't mean to say.
" For f*cks sake. Buttercup, you're sick, you need to rest! " Heisenberg growled while watching you sit back down. You scoffed slightly while looking away from him. " So you can overwork yourself, but I can't continue my work. " You replied.
" That's because your f*cking sick- " he was quick to cut himself off, knowing you wouldn't listen. " you know what, do whatever the hell you want. At this point, I don't care what you do. " He said, out of pure annoyance and anger.
Heisenberg actually gave up for a while. He couldn't deal with you, if you say your fine then your fine.
You actually felt somewhat bad. That and your nonexistent sickness was getting a little worse. And you knew that the lycans couldn't take care of you.
So you want to find Heisenberg- to apologize and ask if he can take care of you.
Once you do apologize and all that, He'll scold you a bit before going to get medicine from the Duke.
He ends up buying everything because he has zero idea what he's doing.
He won't really want to cuddle as much as Lady. D, but if you really need and or want human affection. Then he'll cuddle with you.
If this happens again, he'll try to be a bit nicer. But if you start mouthing off, then your on your own.
Donna Benevento + Angie
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Donna, much like Lady. D does her best to take good care of herself, Angie + all of her dolls along with her house. So, upon hearing that your sick. She panics a little.
Is this just a normal kind of sickness ? Or is it something she should start worrying about ?
Angie on the other hand thinks your full on dying, I mean, she's a doll and never really been sick, nor has she ever seen Donna sick. So seeing you like this. Is all somewhat new to her.
And even if it's just a simple cough or occasional throwing up. Angie will rush around looking for Donna, so she can help you.
You don't really argue with Donna that much, and if you do then you try not to yell. It's Angie who you kinda get mouthy with.
" Angie, (Y/N) isn't dying. They're just sick. " Donna said while placing down a small tray of tea. " Yeah, I'm fine Angie, it's just a cough. " You said, while denying the fact that you were sick.
It takes Angie a moment to realize that you aren't dying. The doll yelled at you for scaring her before she clings onto your arm.
But other then that they're pretty relaxed.
Donna will go into the village to ask The Duke or some of the villagers for some medicine. While Angie and her dolls keep you company.
Like mentioned before, you do try your best not to argue with them.
Otherwise you'll be sleeping in the basement.
Donna will check on you from every now and then. If you need anything, she'll be quick to bring you blankets from the spare rooms or make you a special cup of tea.
Angie usually keeps you comfort while Donna does that.
Salvatore Moreau
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Moreau does try his best to take good care of himself. So when he hears that you are now sick. He freaks out.
He thinks that this sickness will hurt you, or possibly kill you if it isn't probably taken care of.
He hates seeing you argue with him. But like Lady. D, he can and will use his full form too keep you from continuing your work.
" Moreau, I appreciate all of this. But I promise I'm not sick. " You replied as he carefully pushed you down in front of the t.v. He thought that t.v would help you.
" But..you are sick. " He spoke in a more serious tone then usually.
You signed softly and sat down.
Much like Donna and Angie, you tried not to argue so much with him. Because you know what he could do, if angered.
Moreau brings you snacks, movies- borrowed from the Duke while he works on medicine for you.
During the time that your ' sickness ' he'll talk less about Miranda and ignore most of her orders.
He honestly doesn't care if he himself also gets sick, he just wants you too feel better.
He panics whenever he sees you try to leave the bed.
He's really just trying his best.
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chokiipng · 3 years
Hay fever : Genshin various
a/n : suffering from seasonal allergies isn't fun . so instead of trying to do school work, i'm gonna write hcs to make myself feel better
character(s) : Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe contents : fluff with a bit of crack (my specialty) + : reader has really bad seasonal allergies
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Xiao :
he doesn't really understand tbh
he plays it off as a common cold at first and entrusts you with Verr, much to her annoyance. he didn't realize the true severity of the situation until a week had passed.
he's heard of seasonal allergies before, so it's not like he was entirely clueless, he just didn't know how to go about treating it.
because of this, he turned into a big ball of concern for the entirety of spring
he asked everyone he could for help, even that ginger haired harbinger (to which he had no clue since he basically lives on an iceberg)
this also happened to peek Zhongli's interest, who then took him to Bubu pharmacy to learn more. it took Xiao about 5 different interrogations to actually visit Bubu, he cursed himself internally for not checking there in the first place
of course, Baizhu laughed it off and informed the both of them on how allergies work, how they're triggered, and how to prevent/soothe them
if you sneezed/sniffled, he was immediately by your side with a tissue and some water. itchy eyes, he had a small bottle of eyedrops for you courtesy of Dr. Baizhu and Qiqi
it was amusing to say the least, watching a feared Yaksha running around frantically in order to soothe your allergies
of course, he soon picked up that it was because you went outside every goddamn day to complete commissions and to pick flowers for who knows who (Qiqi, you often found yourself picking herbs with her because who could say no to that face?)
he legit locked you in your room at Wangshuu Inn and did your commissions for you. he didn't want you in any pain, so he stayed with you when he finished all of his tasks
he didn't isolate you though, but if he takes you out he makes sure you take your allergy medicine (given by Qiqi, ty bby) and that you have a mask on
Diluc :
he never really experienced hay fever, but he knows the gist of it
he's heard stories of it from customers of the Angel's Share and was immensely grateful to the Archons for blessing him with immunity to seasonal allergies
but he wasn't prepared to catch you practically sneezing your guts out one morning
Diluc drops everything, much to Adelinde's horror, and orders for a box of tissues and water immediately. he whips out the blankets from under the couch that he knew you hid and props you on some pillows he fluffed in a panicked rush
the maids watch with a nervous chuckle as he runs around the mansion, completely forgetting about his shift at the Angel's Share and his nightly heroic duties
as soon as he calms down from the initial shock of how hard allergies hit you, he asks you how your feeling and if he can do anything
the next day he asks Donna (who stutters at his mere presence), who mind you is an employee at the Floral Whisper, since Flora isn't there herself about hay fever. he figured that people who worked at a flower shop would know about allergies caused by the pollen produced by flowers
he brings back medicine that you've been instructed to take daily as to lessen the affects of your allergies
despite his day duties, he offers to take up your daily commissions during the days you are physically unable to do them or just does them of his own volition
he trusts that the maids will take care of you in his stead
in the mean time, you're allowed to roam the city as you wish, but that's about it. he threatened Lawrence and Swan that they would feel the wrath of retribution if you stepped foot outside the city
Mondstadt was a land of eternal springtime, there was no way in hell he was letting you out of the city without his supervision
while all of this may be a bit much, he makes sure to let you know that this is just him caring for you. he doesn't want to seem overbearing and trusts that you know what's happening to your body and how to treat it
Kaeya :
he laughs at your demise
what did you expect ?
but he really is worrying on the inside
he makes sure to check in with Barbara just to make sure that you're not suffering from a lethal disease
once he knows that they're just seasonal allergies, (almost) all his worries subside and he sighs of relief
he notifies Jean beforehand (but sometimes forgets), he works considerably less during the time of your allergies since he doesn't really trust anyone else to take care of you
he also doesn't drink as much, surprising, he knows
he refrains from bringing you flowers as he usually does and instead spoils you with unnecessary affection
Kaeya doesn't worry as much since he puts faith in you that you know what's going on in your body. since they're seasonal allergies, he realizes that you must've gone through this before and know how to treat it
since you can't really cure it, you just act more cautious in the outdoors
he often accompanies you on your daily commissions and such, just to be sure that your okay. he takes over the moment you pause to sneeze or itch your nose even once
aside from this, he's the other reason why your allergies are unbearable
once they're all done and over, he teases you relentlessly about how reliant you were on him when in reality it was him doing your tasks of his own volition rather than you asking him. you told him several times that you could handle it, but he persisted nonetheless
he's more reasonable during your hay fever, and despite his unnecessary comments, you find it endearing
Albedo :
he is among the few men who are actually calm during the situation, but since when is he not?
he probably already has a remedy for you that greatly lessens the affect of your allergies
but even without it, he trusts that you know how to handle it
the only factor in here that would cause chaos-
is Klee
once Klee hears you sneeze all hell breaks loose in Albedo's workspace
she runs around everywhere looking for tissues and then ends up bringing Mondstadt's entire supply, which you and Albedo laugh nervously at
once Klee calms down, you explain the bare minimum of hay fever, which she manages to understand
while he has faith that you can treat it yourself, Albedo still recommends that you stay inside more rather than going out exploring and looking for chests, to which you sheepishly comply
Jean cannot thank you enough when it comes to Klee's behavior during this season, as Klee tends to spend more time at home with you and Albedo once you finish your commissions so that "you don't feel lonely!"
she even drew you a picture to show how much she cared!
if you can't sleep at night because of your allergies, Albedo (who is probably still up working) will gladly allow you to indulge in his studies or to just simply read with you until you fall asleep
he too is also happy that you managed to tame Klee
Childe :
this man has no idea what the fuck hay fever is
need I remind you that he grew up in the land of perpetual winter, hay fever doesn't even exist to him. unlike everyone else, he hasn't even heard of the concept
so when you hold a finger up during your weekly sparring, he pauses with a curious tilt of his head
he screams in horror as you sneeze out all of your bodily fluids not once, not twice, but three times
Childe calls off the spar and cradles you in your arms as if you're about to die
it's until he rushes you to Baizhu in a panicked frenzy that he realizes that its...a fever?
now Baizhu is a patient man, he had to raise a zombie child who basically loses her memory each time she wakes up and wields a sword/cryo abilities
but he was getting tired of Childe's endless questions quick.
Childe shrieks as the normally passive pharmacist slams his hands down on the counter with a sickeningly sweet smile
he ceases in his questions, apologizes for bothering him, and races back to the Northland Bank in a cold sweat
it takes you explaining it in a calm voice for him to finally understand it
and he takes this very seriously
while he knows that it's seasonal and that you've gone through it before, he can't help but worry for you
he coddles you, and he doesn't relent even if you tell him
he slaps a mask on you, takes away your fighting privileges, and even order his subordinates to keep an eye on you at all times
that is if he's not already
he clings
he's attached to you
he just wants you to feel better, and you appreciate it, but it can get a little too much sometimes
and while you do tell him this, the same situation happens every year when spring comes around and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Baizhu can't catch a break from the rowdy harbinger
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Hiya, I would like to request By Any Other Name & Bad Day for the WIP ask game please! ^_^
By Any Other Name got so close to being finished but then I decided I hated most of it and put it away to see if I still felt that way and it's been a while. It's set in fall 1979, and Sidney visits Hawkeye in Maine to give him an advance copy of the DSM-III (published in 1980) which was the first edition to include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It evolved beyond that to this entire day Hawkeye and Sidney spent together leading up to it. This includes walking in the cemetery and Hawkeye totally not wanting to talk about some of the people buried there (which includes Daniel because it's 1979). There's a lot of talking about recovery and reflecting on the past and also it's all slightly awkward because Sidney is there as a friend, but they have this history.
“Excellent taste,” he says, nodding toward the man’s neck.  “My granddaughter chose it,” Sidney explains, mirroring the pattern with his own expression.  Hawkeye takes the opportunity of the momentary distraction to snatch Sidney’s duffle bag before he can complain. He packs light; it’s a common affliction among former Army officers.  “She’s really got an eye for fashion,” Hawkeye expounds, stowing the duffle bag in the trunk. He slams it shut; the sound reverberates in the sparse parking lot. “How old is she now?”  “Six in January. But she’s very precocious.”  “Everyone’s granddaughter is precocious,” Hawkeye says, rolling his eyes, but not unkindly.  “She said she picked it because I ‘make people happy,’” Sidney says, a note of something thicker than humor clinging to his voice.  “Aren’t you a retired happy-maker these days?” Hawkeye asks evenly.  “More or less. I still see a few patients. You work with someone that long, it’s not easy to hand them off to somebody else,” Sidney shrugs. “It’s a process.”  “For the really special ones, you make house calls. All the way to Maine,” it comes out laced with something, though he means it like a joke; an old insecurity resurfacing like dead leaves when the snow melts.  He doesn’t need to worry; Sidney’s gentle warmth leaves no room for tension, and Hawkeye remembers that the man built a career on his ability to put people at ease.  “This is a social call,” he says firmly. Under his mustache, his lip curls upward.  “Then I guess it wouldn’t be an ethical violation for me to buy you lunch,” Hawkeye pushes away from the door and opens it. On the passenger side, Sidney follows his example. “Are you still afraid of lobsters?”  “It’s taken years of intensive therapy, but I think I’m ready to face my fear.” 
Bad Day is something I just kind of wrote with no plan but then I had to go so I didn't have time to finish it, but I really like it so maybe someday I will. It's just about Josh Lyman having a bad day! Somewhat more specifically, it came from the thought process of Leo asks how he's feeling once a day, what if the answer is no? He's not having a total breakdown or anything, it's just that recovery isn't linear and sometimes you have a bad day.
Toward the end I just started writing down dialogue so I wouldn't forget it, but didn't have time to fill in everything in between, and this is where my favorite bits to snip are. There are no dialogue tags so hopefully this is readable, lol. This is a back-and-forth between Leo and Josh.
“So she’s worried about you. Does she have reason to be?” “Does she have a reason to be?” “You know what I’m asking.” “Yeah, I do. You’re supposed to ask me once a day. This is time number four.” “Yeah, well.” “What?” “You haven’t answered.” “I answered the first time.” “No, you didn’t.” “I was going to. The phone rang. You couldn’t put Belgium on hold.” “Sure I could’ve. I’m sure they have waffles to eat." “Leo.” “Are you alright?” “I’m fine.” “You sure?” “Leo!” “I'm asking.” “I am. I’m just… I haven’t been sleeping too well.” “Well, or at all?” “Why would you…” “Donna thinks you didn’t go home last night.”
I need to finish this if for no other reason than "I'm sure they have waffles to eat" being the best Leo dialogue I've ever written.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
So I'm not really sure if this has been asked yet but how does the actual plot of RE8 fit into your AU? Is it something you have plans for, like Miranda never kidnaps Rose, sommit like that or nah? Either way I still bloody love all your stuff!
That's a great question and it actually got me thinking on this.
For starters, the events in Double edged scalpel take place quite a bit before the events of the game, around 2010 or so, even earlier. Dani and Anita's "story" happen in a similar timeframe while Laura comes along a couple years later. (I'm not sure if I'll be writing full on fics for them but I will write oneshots and such to expand on their characters/relationships)
Now for the actual game events, the tldr is Miranda isn't an idiot playing stupid games.
In my AU, she has no intention of messing around. She kidnaps Mia, gets in the house (as Mia), waits for a moment when Ethan is distracted and takes Rose. Before anyone manages to catch on or anything. She then takes Rose with her and just keeps her under her careful watch until the time for the ceremony comes. No splitting her up, none of that redundant stuff.
Ethan manages to find his way into the village, but again Miranda is not being a fool and wants him captured and in a damn cell asap to be experimented on later. No Heisenberg's lil death obstacle course, none of that. Ethan just goes to the castle and does some damage thinking Rose is there. The gals, knowing when to pick their battles just tell him that he's wasting his goddamn time and to leave their home so they have time to regroup (nobody dies tho).
Then he makes his way to the Beneviento house and, since Donna deserves to go full fucked up villain, she captures him. She has the power to psychologically destroy someone and that's exactly what she does, rendering him pretty much brain dead, his mouldy body to be studied later.
Also should add in the fact that the cult has a less... "Miranda is purely using us and will get us killed with the first occasion" dynamic. She does want them around and alive. She basically wants to create her own mini empire (for lack of a better word) for her to rule over and the Lords are all part of that. And therefore, Heisenberg for example, is a lot less inclined to betray and kill her. Also also Miranda doesn't just.. straight up has everyone killed. Dunno I feel like it's at least a bit counterproductive killing all your worshippers instead of collecting people from the outside to work as biomass.
Now with Ethan out of the way, back to Miranda, Rose and Mia. Miranda doesn't actually want to use Rose herself as a vessel, but use a tissue sample to make a copy that then can serve as a vessel. It's not out of the goodness of her heart mind you, it's more of a guarantee the if anything goes wrong with the process, the "original" is still there to get more samples from. Mia doesn't want that but she doesn't exactly have a say in this. It does work though and Miranda gets her Eva back yay for her ig. Mia also gets Rose back and Miranda, in an odd act of kindness, promises that if they ever need anything, Mia knows where to find her.
Now, where things get a lil' weird. Should preface this by saying that I'm basing this detail of the AU on my favorite book, Annihilation (from the Southern Reach trilogy). The gist of it is: aliens create an anomalous area enclosed in something akin to a force field where everything alive gets modified on a biological level by the alien organism and it interferes with any technology within.
Now obviously, no aliens here. But we have the Megamycete at the center of it all and Miranda controlling the whole area in which the village (more akin to a small town in my AU) and its surroundings are enclosed. This is how she controls exactly what comes in from outside and what works inside.
And therefore, Chris can't do jack shit. He can't even enter the area let alone blow anything up. Ok moving on.
As stated before, Miranda's offer to Mia still stands, even as she gives her a bitter "fuck you" as she leaves the village with Rose in her arms. However it takes her little to realize that no matter where they go, Rose is basically gonna become a lab rat under supervision 24/7 so she swallows her pride and comes back to Miranda, asking her to let them stay in the village where nobody from te outside can touch them. She obliges, letting her choose any place she'd like to live in and that's how Mia and Rose settle there. (Also the town is a lot more functional here).
Aaand idk maybe Rose and Eva grow up to be friends or something idk I think that'd be cute. They have a whole ass cultish "family" too so that'd make for some interesting shenanigans.
Also, realizing you may want to know more about the maidens: they do partake in anything ceremony related as much as the sisters, complete with matching outfits. By this point in time they are also married and fully part of the Dimitrescu family. Also had gone through the mutation but no spoilers on that. Just going to say that Miranda comes to see them as at the very least good assets to keep around and therefore somewhat important members of the cult.
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sxfik · 3 years
Hey hey, I'm here with a chayenzo ask! Could you possibly write vincenzo kissing cha young to stop her from teasing him about the mafia (like she did in the ep when she found out)? Thanks in advance!!
her lips are like the galaxy's edge (her kiss, the color of a constellation)
read on ao3 • masterlist
summary: “If I don’t what, Mr. Mafia?” she cut him off, smirking up at him, challenging him to push back. But he did something unexpected.
a/n: thank you so much for requesting this anon! i combined this with another idea i had so i really hope this turned out well! my head was really full with this idea so i literally speed ran my essay so i could write this. as always, i hope you enjoy :D
“Vincenzo Quasano: Mafia Lawyer!” Cha-young exclaims as she skips down the pavement, the sunny and infectious weather fueling her weightless laughter. She tilted her head towards Vincenzo, her charming and ever-cool partner, and paused, waiting for him to catch up. Fighting Babel was a constant weight on their shoulders, but Cha-young knew her incessant remarks and teasing would spur the handsome lawyer into pushing off his plotting and spar with her. Cha-young didn’t know about him, but the less she thought about Babel, the less the guilt hung over her shoulders. Not to mention, the more she sparred with him, the more her body thrummed with an energy to keep testing how far she could push.
Vincenzo’s carefully constructed expression stayed neutral as ever, but the crease between his eyebrows and the slight pursing of his lips told everything she needed to know. He also dealt her his classic glare, but she paid it no attention. Pushing people’s buttons is always fun, but Vincenzo ignited a fuel in her to press every single one at once, like a kid in an elevator.
“Ah, how lucky I am to have a cutthroat mafia lawyer in my life!” Cha-young sang, as she shimmied and sashayed her way forward, Vincenzo right by her side. Right at that moment, some kid shot her a dirty look as he walked the opposite way, popsicle in hand. The audacity of this kid. On an impulse, she stuck her tongue out at him as he passed by. That ought to show him. She smirked as the kid skewed his path to stay as far away as possible. Victory! As she turned her head towards Vincenzo, she noticed the incredulous look on his face.
“Kids these days. So disrespectful.” she tutted, grinning at him like she did nothing wrong. He, in classic cool guy fashion huffed at her antics, but she saw the smile on his face. That can’t do at all.
“Ah is Mr. Mafia afraid of being embarrassed by me? Aren’t mafia men brave? Surely, they aren’t swayed so easily, are they?” she quipped, increasing her volume with each passing word.
“Ms. Hong, please-” he gritted out, his face hardening into annoyance. There it is.
“Please?” she taunted back pushing her face closer, finally getting the reaction she really wanted.
“Ms. Hong if you don’t-”
“If I don’t what, Mr. Mafia?” she cut him off, smirking up at him, challenging him to push back. But he did something unexpected. He paused in his path, his hand closing into a fist and his eyes squeezing shut. Cha-young pivoted to face him, but before she could ask why, his hand shot out and pulled her wrist towards him as he walked into the alleyway.
She stumbled behind him into the alleyway, and Vincenzo started muttering something under his breath. How could he insult me when I can’t even hear what he’s saying! As his incessant muttering became louder, he started pacing back and forth, his hand gestures getting more exaggerated. That was certainly not Korean. It was Italian. Admittedly, Vincenzo speaking to her in Italian got her blood racing but it also irked her to no end.
Cha-young crossed her arms as she stood, her back facing the grimey walls of the small corridor he stuffed them into. She could barely breathe without smelling his intoxicating cologne, the smell that engulfed her whenever she embraced him. The scent that followed her into her dreams.
“Hong Cha-Young, you-” he spun to face her, pausing his pacing and shaking his finger at her before he delved into incoherent italian.
Cha-young sighed, schooling her face into a bored expression that she hoped would goad him into coming closer and closer. “What did I do Mr. Cassano? Aw, is the mafia lawyer agitated?” she taunted further, tilting her head mockingly.
He spun towards her. And then froze.
“Come puoi essere la donna più intrigante e al tempo stesso più esasperante che abbia mai incontrato? Hong Cha-Young, mia cara, hai idea di quanto mi fai impazzire?” he asked, as he stepped closer to her, slow like a predator stalking his prey.
“È tutta colpa tua. Il tipo di sogni con cui sono stato tormentato da quando ti ho incontrato,” his voice dropped lower, “Essere impigliato con te è qualcosa che non posso permettermi. Eppure, le tue labbra. Le tue dannate labbra rosse perseguitano ogni mio pensiero al risveglio.” By the end of his cursings, his face neared hers. All she fixated on was his burning anger and proximity and how deliciously intoxicating it was. Her body itched to step back, to calm her racing heart, but she wouldn’t let him win so easily.
She stepped closer, tilting her face up until she looked directly into his molton brown eyes. But as she opens her mouth to push him further, Vincenzo crashes into her as he tangles his hand into her hair and pulls her into a kiss. His lips are soft when they meet hers, just as she had dreamt, but his mouth demands more, more, more. He backs her against the wall, one hand threaded through her hair cushioning her head as the other settles on her waist.
Cha-young tugs against his tie, pulling him closer until his body is fully pressed and she can feel the heat of his body against hers. Her other hand roams his torso and his back, attempting to memorize the feel of his body.
They continue, their mouths moving in tandem with one another, each other’s fire threatening to engulf the other. As she breaks away for a breath, he pulls her back into an even more bruising kiss. Cha-young felt her whole body burn for him as his tongue brushed across her bottom lip, teasing her into kissing harder, giving more.
His hand tugs on her hair as he breaks away from her lips, tilting her head to expose her neck, and moving his attention towards her jaw and the soft skin of her neck. Cha-young gasps as he nibbles and kisses down her throat, each one more bruising than the next. Her every sense, every thought was flooded with how his body felt, how his warmth spread against hers, how intoxicating he smelled and how each groan he let out drove her insane with need.
“If I knew this was all it took to shut you up, I would have done it a long time ago.” he taunted her, his voice just a whisper. He pulled away from her, leaving her breathless against the wall and looking at his smirking face. His eyes were still dark, the fire still burning within them, but as her gaze dropped down to his lips and back up, there was something new in his eyes. Something soft. Something... more terrifying.
But as quickly as it appeared, she watched it vanish off his eyes, and his face hardened back into the mask. He steps away from her as if it hurt to look at her, his hands smoothening his shirt and fixing his tie.  Without sparing her another glance, Cha-young watches as Vincenzo walks away from her, and back into the pavement. Is it so easy for him to walk away from me, even after what we’ve done?
Her thoughts are scrambled, replying the moment before as she pushes the hurt away. He’s just a momentary distraction. People have walked away from her before, and he’s no different. She shuts her eyes, in a futile attempt to center herself, before she walks away from the haven the alleyway offered.
a/n: here are the italian translations:
“How can you be the most intriguing yet the most infuriating woman i've ever met? Hong Cha-Young, my dear, do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?”
“It's all your fault. The kinds of dreams i've been plagued with since i've met you.”
“Being tangled up with you is something I can't afford. And yet, your lips. Your damned red lips haunt my every waking thought.”
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moss-lyman · 3 years
I absolutely adore your writing. Because I'm a masochist, can I ask for “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do"...but maybe with a less-angsty finish 🥺
I am a big masochist, so this was right up my alley ;)
set post-series.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m tired, Josh, and this conversation is going nowhere, so I’m leaving.”
“Of course you are,” he says, fire in his eyes. “That’s all you know how to do.”
She rounds on him. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You’ve left me twice already, Donna. Both without so much as a goodbye. I guess I should be grateful you’re giving me a heads up this time.”
“That’s not fair. This is different and you know it.”
“I think it is fair,” he argues. “Because I’m right here.” He spreads his arms wide. “I’m not running, I’m not avoiding you, and I have never left you.” She rolls her eyes and it spurs him on further. “I was there, committing fucking perjury for you and saving not only your job, but keeping you out of jail. I was there after that bullshit with Jack or- or when you found out your granddad died.” He brings his hand up to tick off his fingers. “I was there at 4 in the morning when those creepy neighbor guys wouldn’t leave you alone. I was there in Germany without a second thought, Donna. I was there! You keep leaving. Not me.”
She stands frozen by his front door, both of their breathing coming out a little heavier as they stare at each other. She watches as he unclenches his fist and roughly runs his fingers through his hair, spinning around so he isn’t facing her anymore.
“If you leave,” he murmurs, still not looking at her. “That’s it. I can’t keep going in circles, Donna. Either you want this or you don’t.”
Her mouth quirks at that. They really have switched places with him giving her an ultimatum. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and slowly walks over to him. He doesn’t react when she grabs his hand, so she walks around so they’re face to face.
“I don’t want to leave,” she says quietly. “But I need for you to hear me.”
“Donna, I hear you loud and clear, alright?”
“No, you don’t. You’re listening, but you’re not hearing me.” She challenges him with her body language, but he doesn’t move, just holds her hand tighter. “You’re right. At least on part of it,” she starts. “And I’ll give you the first time, but if you think it was easy for me to leave you last year, you’re wrong. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, Josh, and that includes Gaza.”
Josh grips her hand tighter and steps back to sit them down on the couch, not letting her go.
“You weren’t hearing me back then either and I felt like my only option was to leave and it killed me. You have no idea how many times I picked up the phone to call you and beg for my job back, but I couldn’t.”
“Why not?” he asks softly.
“My whole life revolved around you. Everything I did, everything, was tied to you in some way. I thought I was getting away with it, but when CJ called me out—“
“Hold on,” he interrupts. “What do you mean CJ called you out?”
“Before Gaza,” she murmurs, rubbing his knuckles with her thumb. “During the lockdown, she basically said you were underutilizing me and I let you because... it’s you. I was staying in an unsatisfactory job because it meant I still got to be with you and hearing someone else say it was one of the most humiliating moments of my life and then Gaza happened and you came to me.” She smiles softly at him and rubs his forearm as his brow creases in concern. “And I thought we had a moment, but I got back and it was like nothing had changed, we were still doing the same song and dance we’d been doing, and it pissed me off.”
“We did have a moment,” he assures.
“I know we did, but I felt like I butchered it with Colin - who, by the way, was just a reaction to what CJ said - and when I got back to work, it was just made more and more clear that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted from you. With my job or otherwise.”
“I should’ve made the time,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry.”
“I was mad at you for a long time, but I still missed you like crazy. It was very confusing.”
He grins. “I know what that’s like.”
“And I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I’m glad I left. It made me stand on my own two legs and do something on my own, with no ulterior motives behind it. It was mine even if my candidate lost to yours, I at least knew I was capable and didn’t need you professionally to be successful.”
Josh sits quietly for a moment, looking at their interlocked hands as she continues to run her thumb over his knuckles. He takes a deep breath. “Where does that leave us now?”
She smiles. “Well, that depends.”
“On what?”
She searches his gaze and squeezes his hand. “On how sure you are.”
“About what?”
“About this,” she clarifies. “Me. Us.”
“I already told you—“
“I know you’re not leaving. I mean about the living situation. It’s a big - massive - step and I don’t want to just dive right in if we’re not ready because I’ve waited so long for this, Josh,” she says, pleading with him. “I don’t want anything to mess it up. This is too important. So, if me keeping my apartment - just for now,” she amends when he opens his mouth to protest, “will help, then I’ll do it. Transition is insane even if it’s two Democrat administrations, so I would completely understand if—“
“I want you here,” he says firmly, looking right at her. “I want you right here. Not across town. Here. With me.”
“You’re sure?”
He groans and tilts his head back dramatically before looking back at her. “I need for you to hear me now, alright?” he says and he grabs her face with both of his hands. “You are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend, and as your boyfriend, I am asking you to please, for the love of God, move in with me.”
Her smile grows. “Well, since you asked nicely.” She laughs when he tackles her back onto the couch and she brings his face to hers, kissing him chastely. “I’ll move in,” she murmurs.
“Permanently,” he mumbles, his lips dragging down her throat. “Tell your landlord your stuff will be out by next week.”
“Permanently.” She wraps her leg over his to widen her hips, letting him lay more comfortably over her. “No more leaving. I promise.”
Josh pulls back and brings a hand up, his pinky out. “Pinky swear?”
Donna wraps her own pinky with his. “Pinky swear.”
He grins, satisfied, and moves her hand to wrap around his neck. “Since we’re officially live-in lovers, we have to consummate it,” he says, his dimples deepening when she pinches the back of his neck. “In every room. It’s the rules.”
She smirks and runs her fingers into his hair. “Oh, is it?”
He nods again. “Yep.”
Donna wraps her other leg around his waist. “Well, since it’s the rules...”
And she draws him down again.
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