#I have mixed feelings about this scenario but writing it was definitely interesting so her you go <3
theladyyavilee · 1 month
we were running out through the storm (through the night)
Or the one where Buck almost kissed Eddie at Chimney's bachelor party and Tommy was there to witness it.
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„You almost kissed Eddie last night.” There is no trace of accusation in Tommy’s voice and somehow the words still hit Buck like a slap to the face. The hospital staircase is empty and quiet now in the middle of the night, the bright artificial light giving the moment a surreal quality, and somehow, with everything that happened after, Buck did not see this conversation coming.
(The fear and worry of the last 15 or so hours made it so easy to push the memory down and away, something for future Buck to deal with.
Something for future Buck to figure out how to fix, maybe.)
It’s only been maybe an hour since Buck watched Maddie fall asleep curled into Chimney’s side on his hospital bed, her and Chimney’s hands with their matching gold bands interlocked right over Chimney’s heart and with Chimney looking down at her like he was unable to look away. Clearly feeling like the luckiest man in the world, no matter all the horrors he had to walk through to get here to this moment.
(Only maybe an hour since Buck caught himself thinking this is love, this is what love is supposed to be.
Only maybe an hour since Buck caught himself glancing over at Eddie – curled up in one of the horrible hospital chairs and looking smaller than he should, deeply asleep and with an equally conked out Chris leaning into his shoulder – first, instead of searching out his boyfriend’s eyes and the guilt flooded back into him.)
Looking back he knows there was something in Tommy's eyes when he helped Chimney out of the helicopter and found Buck’s eyes over Maddie’s head as she rushed towards them. A slight hesitation when Buck kissed him in front of everyone that Buck thought was just surprise at the public display in front of Buck’s parents. A flicker of sadness on his face when they swayed to the soft sounds of Islands In the Stream from Hen's phone loudspeaker in Chim's hospital room, before Tommy pulled him close enough to hide his face against the side of Buck's.
But Tommy wasn’t supposed to know, not yet, not until Buck figure out how to tell him.
Because that had never been in question, only the when and how.
Only apparently Tommy already knows.
And Buck feels like there suddenly isn’t enough air in the room to form words.
“I—I didn’t—I didn’t though, Tommy, you have to know I—”
“I know, hey, Evan, I know,” Tommy reassures and his voice is so gentle it makes something ache deep inside Buck’s chest. Maybe this would be easier if Tommy was angry. “I saw your face right after, I know you wouldn’t have done it knowingly, but for a moment there I don’t think you remembered.”
everything else, is—has been—stuck in that space between one breath and the next, flipping through every single visceral snapshot memory impression.
How he had felt terrifyingly sober for just that one moment, before letting himself fall even harder into drunkenness to forget.
That lightning strike realization when he caught on to what he was about to do, when he realized that for a second he had completely forgotten where he was and that he had a boyfriend.
(It had been so different from when he kissed Lucy, because then he had remembered Taylor for every single second of it and kissed Lucy anyways and he’s not sure if that was worse or this is.)
The fact that apparently Tommy was right there and saw that moment play out over Buck’s face? Yeah, that is definitely worse, even if Buck was immediately disgusted at himself.
Because he still almost did it and Tommy saw that too.
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gamermattsgf · 4 months
Coming of age movie hot takes // Matt + Chris
YES, I realise that this is not a proper piece of writing, but don’t worry babies, mommy has got u covered for the weekend coming (hopefully) *nervous laugh*.
You guys can ignore this absolute yapping if u want but it’s really something that I must get off my chest because I think about it an unhealthy amount and make up too many scenarios for each of them in my head with themes and certain plot lines included. Plus, I feel like some of u are absolutely gonna eat this up lol.
But… here are my individual hot takes for both Matt and Chris and what kind of coming of age films they look like they’d star in + with specifically random but accurate details included. (Obviously these are all my own ideas and they may be vastly different to someone else’s, but I felt as though tumblr was the perfect place to brain dump this onto all of u lovely readers)
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So first up is Matt. Matt gives very much one of those low budget indie coming of age movies where the quality may not be as good but the cinematography is beautiful, as is the plot line. Matt’s movie is the kind of movie you would go to watch and sob at for the entire time because it’s so irrevocably soul-crushing that it tears your heart up piece by piece. If he were to be in an indie movie I feel like it would low-key give off the same kind of energy as something like ‘All the Bright Places’ or possibly even ‘Five Feet Apart’.
Something absolutely tragic is bound to happen in Matt’s movie, and I feel like him dying due to some kind of terminal illness is a high possibility because I don’t know why, it just fits his vibe in a really weird way? Like- his coming of age movie has to be unbareably depressing for some reason.
He’s delicate and gentle, one of those really interesting characters that has so many layers/complications to him. Him and his main love interest share such an odd but heart-warming relationship that you just can’t help but be stuck thinking about the movie days after it’s finished. It bothers you so much that their happy ending was just out of reach.
For the soundtrack, I’m mostly getting Phoebe Bridgers vibes (specifically her Punisher album), something that’s mind-numbingly sad and fits the overall heartache of the cinematography so well that you just want to cry whenever something like ‘Smoke Signals’ or ‘Halloween’ plays beneath the ensuing dialogue. Also, in addition to Phoebe, I also get heavy Current Joys vibes such as ‘In a Year of 13 Moons’ and ‘A Different Age’. The very thought of imagining it makes me want to flat out sob.
Outfit / aesthetic wise for Matt, I envision very much warm brown leather jackets and baggy blue jeans with beat up sneakers and knitted sweaters. He always carries a tattered notebook and drives around a beat up pick-up truck. He smokes red Marlboro cigarettes and constantly seems to have one neatly tucked behind his ear (what-? It would literally look so pretty matched up with his beard and fluffy hair combo… don’t kill me). He’s shy and likes to keep himself to himself but is also hopelessly in love with our main character that also sort of keeps to herself, so he decides to pursue her before it’s too late.
I also feel like this Matt would for sure write 100 love letters to the main character but she would only discover them hidden within his notebook after he had died because when he was still alive he would never tell her what he was writing down whenever they shared moments together. Possibly Matt never got the chance to confess his feelings whilst he was alive, so they stayed forever friends and nothing more right up until he slipped through her fingers at the very end…?
(Bye I’m sobbing, why the fuck does my mind have to be so vivid and imaginative??)
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For Chris I feel like it’s a little different. His coming of age movie would definitely be a mix between a light-hearted comedy of the classic ‘underdog that finally gets the girl’ whilst also incorporating really important life lessons into the mix of the colourfully bursting screenplay. In contrast, the cinematography is just as beautiful as Matt’s, but in a hazier way, so I’m getting very much party + late night hang out vibes from what Chris’ gives off. This includes darker, more moodier lighting, almost like ‘Euphoria’ in a way. I think his movie would more so correlate with either something like ‘Perks of being a Wallflower’ or even something like ‘10 things I hate about you’. I think the added comedy matches up with Chris’ personality in real life perfectly.
There’s definitely got to be one of those cliche scenes where they lock eyes at a party and all of the other guys on the football team are staring at the most well-known girl in school but Chris only has eyes for our main character. There’s some form of blue/pink/purple flashing lights and everything seems to take place in slow motion as they tentatively peer at each other from opposite sides of the random fish tank before them (Romeo and Juliet style) or some other form obstacle in the way.
For Chris’ soundtrack, I’m thinking something a little more upbeat, and I was possibly debating on Lorde, her songs fit Chris perfectly in my opinion, and no one understands the young mind quite like she does. The emotional vulnerability of her songs mesh together beautifully with Chris’ love language of touch and teenage curiosity and I can just envision something like ‘Perfect Places’ or ‘Hard Feelings’ playing over the back of one of those ending monologues where the movie cuts to a bunch of different scenes as maybe Chris says something really sappy and sentimental over the top of them in his voiceover.
Finally, outfit / aesthetic wise for Chris, I would normally put him in his baggy light-wash jeans and then pair it with a white t-shirt and some form of a zip up hoodie with a backwards cap, but to be honest, most of what Boston Chris used to wear way back when works pretty well too. I’m thinking, typical high school student attire, he’s on the lacrosse team, and is always wholesomely trying his best to impress the girl he’s had a crush on for years with his skills, giving the movie that light, feel-good atmosphere that leaves you with a fuzzy glow after you’ve rewatched it for about the 5th time.
(Again, actually sobbing, I wish these two brief ideas of movies actually existed wtf)
Author’s notes: I’m sorry if this is literally so stupid but I think about it so much, and I think about a lot of other possible movies the triplets look like they could star in. In fact, I even have a whole entire second series sitting in my camera roll of me explaining what horror movies I think each of them would look good in, so if u guys end up liking this one, then I would consider giving u a breakdown of my horror movie ideas if anyone were to wish it hehe. But thank u for listening to my rant and I hope it makes as much sense in your head as it did in mine… 🎀
People who I think would entertain this yapping and enjoy what I have to say here: @luv4kozume @luverboychris @lovingmattysposts @luvmila444 @rootbeerworshiper @nicksmainbitch @lacysturniolo @thesturniolos @strniohoeee @asturniolos @sturniolosreads @sturniolosstar @meanttomeet @sturniolowhore @mattscokewhore @matthemunch @mattestrella @vecnasnose0 @ellie-luvsfics @imwetforyourmom @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @stursweet @bernardsgf @fake-sturniolos @mattslutt @1800chokedathoe @orangeypepsi
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vendetta-if · 10 months
So we all know Takashi has been planning mc and Rin weddings since forever (wonder how that would change if Ash got added in as well this just my personal head cannon that Takashi is good party organizer or maybe it's his wife and Takashi is just the one enjoying being the host 🤣)
Anyway that got me thinking how funny it would be if after being introduced and joking about how soon jackal would get married to Uncle Luca. Mc in secret was writing a wedding scenarios
Like: mc has written down in her phone notebook things Jackal would like and would be subtly asking him
"hey weird question but if you idk were part of the wedding and happened to be the groom and suddenly after saying "I dos" you swarm with the enemy faction would that be something you are okay with?"
Here’s the post detailing more about what Takashi thinks about Ash/Rin Poly and in it, I also talk about how Takashi actually relates to Ash to a certain degree regarding their feelings and devotion (and potential unrequited feelings) toward their crush.
Takashi is actually a pretty good party organizer and sure, he’d be lying if he says that he has never tried imagining how the wedding party between MC and Rin would be like—which might have started from him picturing his wedding to Viktor when he was younger.
But even if Ash is not added into the mix, he’d still prioritize what Rin and MC (and Ash) thinks and wants for the party. Rin is also a pretty good party/event organizer! They’re meticulous and perfectionist.
As for Luka’s and Jackal’s wedding and MC writing scenarios 😭 That’s so cute! Contrary to Takashi, Luka and Jackal are not really into organizing parties, so if your MC is interested in, Luka might be more than happy to let MC organize it (and running the plans with both him and Jackal too of course).
And that scenario of being swarmed by enemies after saying “I do.” 💀 Jackal would be intrigued, “Huh, that sounds… exciting. Not sure whether I would want that in my wedding though. But, that would definitely be unique and all the guests will surely remember that… Wait a minute… Why are you asking me this question, huh?”
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Hi Muffin 😀 Your last post about Tom Riddle in Arrakis is so interesting! I love the way you think. Going on a similar note what if Tom was reborn as Paul's sister? Either as Alia or a random oc let's say. I'm not too familiar with the Dune books but I remember seeing post about how if Paul was born a girl he'd be betrothed to Feyd (I think his name was? Correct me if I'm wrong lol) so would that make Tom in a arranged marriage with him?? (Going the oc route) That would be hilarious 😭🙏 And! There's the possibility of him having magic or no magic which I think can be really interesting!
Anyways I just wanted to know your thoughts if you have any because your post definitely made me curious. If I ever in the future read the dune books maybe I shall write the fic hehehe
That Thing About the Paul/Feyd Ruatha Marriage
I mean.
That bit about Paul as a girl being married off to Feyd Ruatha is explicitly in the books and gets a sort of mention if you squint and pay very close attention in Dune Part 1. It's what the Bene Gesserit had had planned as they wanted one last mix of the gene pool of Harkonen and Atreides and then the next generation would be the Kwisatz Haderach. Jessica fucked that up by giving Leto the heir he wanted and thus unwittingly producing the Kwisatz Hadearach a generation before the Bene Gesserit expected him and causing them to lose control over him.
When Jessica does get pregnant with Alia initially it's in an attempt to appease her Bene Gesserit minders by producing the girl they had wanted from her but at that point, things have gone too sour between the Atreides and the Harkonens and the emperor was already conspiring to eliminate the Atreides family. It was too little too late, essentially, which was basically what the head Bene Gesserit Reverand Mother tells Jessica.
By the time Alia comes around, not the least because Paul and Jessica have now figured out all of the above where Jessica had been kept in the dark as a typical Bene Gesserit member/pawn, that marriage was never never never going to happen. (And also because Feyd Ruatha soon after dies around when Alia's only four so what are you going to do.)
Basically, it's not a fan theory, it is very clearly, explicitly, brought up several times in the book.
Would Paul's Sister Be Married Off to a Harkonen?
If Jessica had bit the bullet earlier to finally give the Bene Gesserit what they wanted?
But probably not.
Which was part of the reason the Bene Gesserit gave their whole "Fuck you" response to Jessica when she noted that she's finally having a girl like they asked.
The thing is that House Atreides, because of bitter centuries of conflict entirely off screen that precede the main novels as well as just general House Harkonnen policies, hates House Harkonnen. And the feeling goes both ways.
Now, if Paul had been a girl, the reason that this alliance could have worked is a few things. We would have one of two scenarios.
The first, House Atreides would not have a male heir, Leto would remain staunchly unmarried and deeply devoted to Jessica, and would thus have to merge his house with another. He'd really really really really really hate to do it with the Harkonens but it'd make the Atreides very rich (because of Arrakis), Feyd Ruatha's of a similar age, and it'd give the Atreides political capital to survive the emperor getting increasingly nervous about their popularity.
The second, Leto is very sad and has to get married and produce a male heir. He also really really really really really canonically did not want to do this, never did, despite everyone wanting him to do this. In this case, he can use his bastard daughter as a bargaining chip in negotiations and while he would loathe to marry her off to any Harkonnen that sweet sweet spice. They'd have to offer him a very good deal but there is a world where he takes it.
Though there's also a world I can see where Jessica does make a girl as asked and Leto goes "I hate the Harkonens and love Jessica more than I love the patriarchy" and chooses to make fem!Paul his female heir anyway because fuck the idea of having to get married and fuck having to merge his house with another. Fem!Paul is fine! Fuck you all.
All this to say though, that if House Atreides has this male heir through Jessica, the whole game changes and it becomes increasingly less likely that either Leto or Vladimir will ever accept the match no matter what underhanded negotiating the Bene Gesserit try to pull. At that point it's a "Now, Paul's sister, as a loyal Bene Gesserit acolyte what you're going to do is get Feyd Ruatha very very drunk and have an illegitimate child with him" (which to be fair is also the Bene Gesserit way).
But again, that's the reason they're so pissed at Jessica at the start of the novels and have been for over a decade. She really fucked up their plans here because her lover whined to her about having a son.
Which is ultimately to say I don't think Paul's sister would be married off to them.
Would Reincarnated Tom Have Magic?
Almost certainly yes.
Or at least, it's the right mix of genes to produce the Kwisatz Haderach. That's the whole thing, after thousands of years of careful eugenics, the Bene Gesserit were certain they were one generation off from the payoff.
And not to get so much into what magic is or isn't--if there is an equivalent in Dune it's in these bloodlines that the Bene Gesserit have very carefully cultivated. The difference is there's no wand/no system of magic that people have to rely upon/just precognitive and other abilities.
There isn't really an option in which this does not occur because the gene pool's so loaded. Now, because fem!Tom is a sister, she's out of the running for becoming what Paul ends up being, that's just the genetic breaks, but she'd be one hell of a talented Bene Gesserit with the right training.
And of course, going to Arrakis sets this stuff in hyperdrive as that spice accelerates all these abilities/makes them even possible in the Dune universe.
All of this has been a hypothetical younger sister who is older than Alia. If it's Tom himself reborn into this? That's a fic question as it deals with a lot of 'what's Tom's mindspace at the time', 'what does he want to do', 'what is he going to sit by and let happen', and so on.
It's not really a great tumblr post.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Congratulations on hitting 1000 followers!!! 🥳🥳🥳 if anyone deserves it, it’s definitely you! And after reading your little backstory blurb, I am so happy that you decided to come back to tumblr and share your writings and positivity with the fandom 🤍 every time I see your name on my dash I get so excited and can’t wait to see either what you’ve been writing or what you’ve been reblogging (and the sassy tags that come with lol)
If you’re still accepting requests, scenario 15 with the bad batch sounds like it could be a fun prompt — bonus points if omega is in on the fun too! (Whether or not you do this prompt is totally okay since I’m sure you’re getting a heavy influx lol)
Okay, that’s all for now! Take care and, again, CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 FOLLOWERS 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Aww thank you so much for all the kind words!! It really means a lot that people enjoy my blogs and silly ramblings. Y'all are really the best and always make me smile, all of you are really just amazing &lt;3
Relationships: Platonic Bad Batch + Omega & Fem!Reader, but hints at Echo having a crush on reader
Warnings: Just fun fluff, and a blatant excuse for me to write about living the cottagecore dream
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"Tech, you really couldn't have landed in a place with a better view."
The rolling hills off in the distance look so lush and green it's almost as if out of a storybook, only out done by the large patches of flowers and a gentle forest off in the distance. Different patches of colors and some mixed together, they all look so vibrant in the light of the sun.
"I did not take sight seeing into account for our landing site, but I do not disagree with your observation."
They really should be getting on with this mission, but Omega is already running outside the ship and you're right on her heels, as Hunter watches through the Marauder's main viewport. He decides he can let everyone have a break for a few minutes, at least.
You were right after all- this view is wonderful. Peaceful. Wrecker is standing outside taking in deep breaths of fresh air, and stretching his arms towards the sky. Tech decides to tinker outside the ship on the gangplank, also taking advantage of the nice weather.
Meanwhile you've followed Omega to the nearest patch of flowers, watching her brush her hands over them. They gently bend under her touch, the pollen getting on your hands as you do the same. This patch of flowers, the closet one is a sea of blue, with only one little patch of yellow in the center of each flower. You feel the smooth texture of one of the petals between your index finger and thumb, but don't pluck it.
"They look so pretty, they'd make a great flower crown with the long stems." You mumble it mostly to yourself, leaning down to smell one. Omega however is more interested in what you've said now, her hands filled with the ones she's already plucked.
"You can make crowns out of flowers?"
Right- you're not surprised she might be unfamiliar.
Adjusting your clothes you sit down in the middle of the all the flowers, them tall enough rise above your crossed legs. Some brush against the skin of your arms, so softly that they almost tickle. Omega sits in front of you moments later, but with far more energy and barely able to sit still.
"Here, I'll teach you." You take a bunch of flowers, plucking them gently at the stems and weaving them together. It's been such a long while since you've done this, but it seems like the muscles memory is still there.
"Just wrap around in and out, then push some in-between..." You hand her your partly finished one and let her keep working on it, giving her another when she fumbles it while you guide her through it. She eventually manages to get it right on her third try, holding it in her hands with a wide smile at all the little flowers wrapped together.
You don't know how much time has passed, but apparently enough so that someone's been sent to get you, looking up at the sound of a voice.
"Come on you two, we're heading out." Looking up you see Echo walking closer until his boots are barely brushing against your leg, ushering his hand upward to get you both up off the ground.
Omega wears her little crown with pride, before she realizes you don't have one. You'd spent so much time teaching her that you didn't have a chance to make your own, not that you'd ever mind. But it seems relaxation is over, and she doesn't have the time to make you one as well.
Mean while Echo reaches his hand up to help you to your feet, an aid you easily accept. His hand is gentle around your own as he gives you a soft tug, seeing the way pollen has stuck to your clothes when you stand in front of him.
"It smells so nice out here," You joke, brushing some of the pollen off of your top. "I'd love to have a picnic out here sometime."
Echo can instantly picture the scene, laying out in a flowerbed with a gentle breeze on a blanket covered in food. It's not too warm and not too cold, and there's a gentle breeze that blows your hair and the fabric of your dress just a-
Oh, he forgot to respond.
"Yeah, Echo nods. "That sounds like it would be amazing." He realizes he's still holding your hand, gently letting go of it. You hadn't even realized he was still doing so.
"So what were you two doing?" He didn't get a good look before telling you to come back to the ship.
"Making flower crowns. Kinda only had enough time to make one for her though." So that's the silly little thing Omega had on her head. Echo nods, walking side by side with you back to the ship.
He takes note of how you smell so much like the flowers outside, and it ends up affecting the inside of the Marauder as well. Surely Tech will complain about the pollen sticking to the fabrics in the ship, but at least for now he can enjoy the pleasant scent that wafts over the musky smell that usually permeates the ship.
Hunter can absolutely smell it too, as you brush a hand along your hair.
"Alright," He says, rubbing his nose. "We're leaving the ship here and heading towards the town. Let's go."
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Having returned bounty in hand, Wrecker's hauling it into the back, and you decide to sit down for a moment. You're feeling a little more tuckered out than usual, watching as Tech begins his mental checklist before taking off. You close your eyes and cross your arms, leaning back a bit to just take a moment of rest. If Hunter objects to your doing so he doesn't say, passing by you as you slip into the area between awake and asleep.
"Go get those two," You distantly hear Hunter say, it perking your eyes but not enough so to open your eyes. They must be still outside doing something as you can hear Wrecker leave the ship, judging by the heavy footsteps.
He returns with more footsteps in tow, multiple pairs, and one stops right in front of you. When you open your eyes, a soft blue overtakes almost all of your vision.
"Here!" Omega hands you the flowers, all haphazardly mushed together into a crown.
"Aww Omega, you didn't have to." You take it gently from her hands, and put it on your head. That must've been why she had to get called back into the ship, and Echo must've been just keeping an eye on her.
"Echo did most of the work." Standing behind her he quickly stiffens, looking down at the back of her head and furrowing his brow.
"Hey, don't go putting this all on me." You don't know what's the more endearing option; That Echo had Omega make a flower crown just for you, or that he somehow found a way to do it with only one hand.
"Thanks, kiddo." You ruffle Omega's hair even as she playfully pushes your hand away, laughing at the way you jostle her head. Shortly thereafter she runs off, presumably to snatch more flowers before she no longer has the ability to.
Now alone, you look at Echo with a softer smile, taking one flower out of the crown and sticking it in the collar of his chestplate.
"And thank you, Echo. I love the flowers." His eyes are soft as he smiles, one that never fails to woo you.
"I like that they're blue." Echo nods at you as his lips crook up on one side.
"I do too."
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deepdonutkid · 10 months
I discovered people in the fandom complaining about how unrealistic Haffie is. Well, yeah, I kinda agree with that. The canon book characters don't go that well together, but I can imagine two scenarios, where I could picture them together:
Fuckbuddies- duuuuuh, Haymitch is so unfitting for a relationship in almost every aspect, but he still has some game. Everytime he is in the Capitol for some business or Effie is in D12 they spend some time together, mainly because they are bored. But it would be interesting, to get some one sided jealosy in the mix.
And this is a bit of a far strech but hang in there...An AU where Effie tries to stay in D12 permanently after Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch come back home, because she feels like she isn't welcomed in the Capitol anymore. She was part of the Games, most of the escorts, beauty teams and stylists have been killed, and now she is one of the few people left. Effie notices strange looks from every corner and decides she can't take it anymore. So, she goes to the people who she thinks, actually liked her for herself. After her arrival, she knocks at Haymitch's door and asks him, if she could stay a while. A few days later, Haymitch asks her, when she will go back again, she declines and explains why. Haymitch says: "Well, it won't be easy making a life here" and Effie says: "Teach me then" and after that it's basically like a 2000 feel-good teen movie, where the rich posh girl is moved to the country side and at first she hates every second of it, but while the romance progresses, she admits to herself, she likes it in a way she never expected. And the main concept of this story would be comedy, sweet simple slice of life comedy with just a pinch of romance, because we don't wanna overdo it. Write at 2am for about three hours and we are good to go... E Voilá a mouth-watering Haffie story!
Just imagine Effie trying to help Haymitch with his geese, while Peeta and Katniss are watching from their kitchen window and decide: "Well, that's definitely not our problem."
Or there is no hot water yet and Effie demanding a bath after a long day of work. So Haymitch and her keep filling up his tub with warm water from the stove. Once it's done, Effie undresses herself and gets in the tub. She is finally relaxing and... Haymitch comes in, wearing just a towel and wants to join in, just to prank her.
"Well, sweetheart, what did you thought... I would put in all this work just for you?", he asked her, rubbing his stubbly chin with dirt-covered fingers. She- still wrapped in her arms for protection from his keen looks- retorted: "Actually... yes." But she couldn't interpret his reaction. Haymitch was shaking his head as the smile on his lips turned into a grin and then into a big laughter. "You expect me to", he started and had to pause right then, because he couldn't contain himself. "You expect me to bath in your cold water." His voice was much colder now, since he stopped laughing. It was almost unsettingly calm now. Effie didn't know where to look. She gulped just thinking about him standing there half naked. Usually, she liked being seen. That's why she joined the Games as an escort. In a family of six, with four sisters, she was rarely noticed. Overlooked, most of the time. And while she was there on stage in her meticulously composed outfits, she was adore and admired by the masses. But that didn't last. Now, every pair of eyes set on her, was one pair too much. Especially his. His grey eyes pierced her soul and shattered her like she was glass. She blinked and looked up to him. "I thought, you were being nice. I really tried my best today and I already had such a hard time setting in." "A lots of Is in there... I thought, I tried, I had. Don't you think you're being a bit self-centered here? Since you came to me and asked me for help, I assumed you changed. Guess I was wrong about that." He was already at the doorstep, when Effie called for him. "Wait, Haymitch... I'm sorry. Please come back, I'm sure we find a way to share this tub." With a grin he turned around, rolling his eyes. "For a second, I believed you left me hanging." The towel flew down from his hips. A whince left Effie's mouth. She didn't know where to look, but only realized she kept staring, when Haymitch scoffed: "My eyes are up here, darling."
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laufire · 1 month
For the ship ask meme: Cass having a baby crush on Babs. (I know you've already shared your thoughts about it, but feel free to share any additional bits floating around your head! The idea never appeared on my radar at all until you enlightened me. The missing piece I never knew we needed.)
it just... makes a lot of sense to me (insert shameless self-promotion), in a way that has made it surprising that I never saw anyone else expressing the idea before lol. it's not surprising given what the fandom is like, especially this fandom and especially with these female characters but... yeah, there has to be other people who saw it before me xDD
cass finally arriving at a (slightly, this is still gotham) more stable and safe point in her life, having a safe mentor figure who cares about her and loves her and produces these mix of intense feelings that can't be easily defined (there's something motherly about it, something sisterly, something else), and then adding the mess that could be cass (who to me is a lesbian, no other option lol) finally being at a place where she starts exploring her sexuality (you could also have a lot of fun with the ensuing jealousy, as dickbabs date around this time)... of course her attention would wander towards barbara. of course it would! I just see it so clearly.
also, in my head barbara definitely notices what's going on (bruce does not). she navigates it pretty carefully, but I imagine she does fuck up at some point -I'm picturing something akin to when she screams at cass when she can't read the word necessary to defuse a bomb. something mean, said in the heat of the moment, that makes cass feel like shit.
in general I think of the ship as unrequited; barbara would have cass too stuck in the role of her mentee to really see beyond that (there would be just a hint of infantilisation there imo). BUT there's one scenario where I see them advance towards something mutual, and it's one I want to write someday :P
basically, I'm not a fan of happily-ever-after!dickbabs, I think I've made that clear lol. as a messy relationship and kinda toxic exes they work well for me (sidenote: stephcass is the same lol), but that's it. so knowing their new earth ending is a wedding in convergence (I haven't read it yet but I know that much) irks me, and as a result I've decided I want cassbats to seduce dick's wife xDD
the gist of it would be basically that: future fic, cass is finally batman the way she wanted to, barbara and dick are married and it's a disaster... and cass and barbara have been distant for a long time, for various reasons. barbara misses her terribly, and when the chance to reconnect comes, things might go a little too far.
ps. shoutout to the version of the ship in the young justice cartoon. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the changes in the characters (especially barbara, who is oracle but has babsgirl personality and just doesn't interest me that much tbh). BUT those changes certainly resulted in an even more toxic cassbabs dynamic and I kinda dig that. idk that I'll write actual fic for them, but cass's pov sections in my jason-centric wip certainly hint at it lol. just like every time I write from cass's pov tbh, I can't help myself.
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ambrossart · 2 months
If Carolyn ever had the chance to meet Evelyn how do you think she would perceive her? What would she think of the relationship (if you can even call it that) between her son and the Tozier girl?
Carolyn and Evelyn… wow… I’m just now realizing how similar those names are.
Well, Henry does have mommy issues, so I guess it works. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, the way I see that scenario playing out: Carolyn either calls or writes to Henry many years after her departure, probably when Henry is a senior in high school (kudos to Henry for making it to his senior year!). She’ll express a sincere desire to see him and asks to meet at a nearby diner/cafe. Definitely not in Derry. Carolyn will never step foot in Derry again.
Henry will refuse to meet her. He has no interest in what she has to say and he has no desire to speak to her. He’s already gone this long without her. He sees no point in reconnecting now. He’s very unemotional about the whole thing.
Evelyn, thinking it may be beneficial to hear the woman out, will secretly meet her in Henry’s place.
So how would Henry’s mother perceive Evelyn?
I think she would be pleasantly surprised and relieved to see that her son has someone special in his life (Evelyn and Henry could be dating in this scenario or not; either way, it doesn’t really change much). Carolyn has spent so many years worrying about her son’s well-being, so knowing he’s not alone and hasn’t been alone would ease her fears quite a bit. Not completely, of course, but a decent amount.
Overall, I think Carolyn would have mixed feelings about Evelyn’s involvement in her son’s life. She’d be grateful, of course, but it would be hard to know that another woman (even someone as young as Evelyn) had to step in and essentially assume her role. It would probably make Carolyn feel really insecure and guilty about her decision to leave. And it would hurt her deeply to know that her son doesn’t need or want her in his life anymore.
For Evelyn’s part, I think she would be really guarded around Henry’s mom, at least initially. Evelyn’s very protective of Henry, so it would make sense for her to be a bit standoffish toward the woman who abandoned him. She would try to have empathy for Carolyn’s situation, but it would be hard for Evelyn to understand how a mom could just leave her kid like that.
Yeah, it would be a really interesting meeting for sure.
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lostloveletters · 3 months
Hi Battie! I was wondering how you get inspo for your OCs? Like how do you come up with them and everything? If you’re ok with sharing that ofc!! Love your writing💖
Thank you so much! This means a lot to me considering I'm relatively new to making OCs, but people have been really supportive, so I appreciate it more than I can coherently express. I was definitely hesitant to make any, but I think starting with The Godfather helped because it's not a very big, active fandom to begin with, and there isn't a huge readerbase for OC fics on top of that, so it wasn't like I was jumping into a fandom with a lot of eyes on what I was doing or worrying too much about comparison with other writers.
It's honestly so varied! I guess I’ll discuss Gloria (The Godfather) and Holly and Woody (Masters of the Air). I can’t say I make OCs with the intention of them being paired with a specific character. I’ll go into it more under the cut, but Holly and Woody definitely had minds of their own when it came to that lol.
I find it helpful to write short “scenario” type of fics for my own personal reference (I use the term fic loosely because these end up being a mix of actual story and bullet points and chunks of dialogue) to figure out a character’s background and personality. Also making Pinterest boards and playlists are a huge part of the creative process for me! If I get an idea for an OC, I’ll make a private board for them and start adding stuff and see how their vibe comes together over time. Character spreadsheets or question lists (outside of ask games) feel like such a chore to me, so those aren’t part of my process at all.
I wasn’t originally planning for Bruised Fruit to become a longfic, but I've always had "Gloria," the little Sicilian-American troublemaker she is, in some shape or form, but she was a lot of vague ideas and a Pinterest board that I never did anything with until I threw her into Bruised Fruit. What’s now the first chapter was just going to be an experimental one-shot because I had that specific idea. I left the ending open to be continued. I still had inspiration, and a few people expressed interest, so from there I kind of had to actually flesh out Gloria to who she was beyond that first chapter.
Miss Thing went through like 3 names and 2 backstories before I settled on the Holly Dean we have now. I actually started out thinking she was going to be paired with Buck! I started writing Damn Yankees as some background on Holly and Bucky’s friendship because he was going to play matchmaker for her and Buck. Literally so much changed from when I started writing that fic to when I finished. I had two versions of it that I’d switch back and forth between before finally settling on what I posted. As y’all can tell she went way off track the planned track, but I love where she ended up!
*Ray Liotta in Goodfellas voice* As far back as I can remember, I always knew I wanted to use Veronica Lake's look in So Proudly We Hail as the basis for an OC. Woody also changed a lot! There was always a past she was going to be running from, but the context of that changed from what I started with. I was kind of playing around with the idea of her being with Rosie, but I could never quite get their dynamic right as I began outlining. That’s when Holly kind of took over as my focus. Then as I’d go back to my messy as hell doc for Woody, I figured I’d focus on her friendship with Holly and see if anyone else came to mind in the meantime, and she and Brady just clicked.
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aclosetfan · 1 year
But on that note, what is your opinion on how the boys should affect one another?
A popular opinion on the more grittier/mature side of the Fandom is that the rrb should think less of one another as brothers because they're evil. It never makes sense to me though since the boys are still together as a trio. In some fics they're even all each of them has before meeting the girls again.
I always figured the trope exists because it's edgy and some people want to emphasize that the boys like the girls so much it surpasses their brotherly bond.
In certain scenarios, I can get it. Hopeless romance fills the void that is my shipping heart. I really want the ppg and rrb to be so in love nothing could break that, even if they broke up, I love the thought of them being so in love and distraught. In the same breath, it always causes post realization 😶 after the climax I feel a little... judgemental about their whole relationship.
I dunno. What's your take
I’m so glad you thought it was funny because before I posted I was like ah shit will they think I’m making fun of them??? and then I was like pfft no this is Bee lmao
Anyway, this is such a fun ask!!
I know I’ve talked about it before, but I’m the oldest of three with two younger brothers. A lot of my inspiration for the rrb, I draw straight from my own relationships with my brothers. We’re a tight-knit group, even if my youngest brother insists he’s a lone wolf 🙄🙄
Obviously, every sibling group is going to be different, and people only write what they know, so I tend to make the boys close no matter what because of my own relationships. But given the show's canon, which highlights the importance of love and family, I think that's how both sets of triplets would be anyway, and not this weird, grittier version you see in most fics. So, nah, I don’t subscribe to the “we’re evil, so we can’t love each other or have anything in common” mindset I see with rrb characterizations. Like you said, it wouldn't make sense for three people who practically hate or disrespect each other to be a trio.
Plus, it’s so much funnier and exciting to write a family that’s evil together (that's also why I love the Smith Family so much). Most "evil" characters in folktales were just marginalized people irl who came together because the rest of society kicked them to the curb. Why can't that be how it is for Mojo and the boys? I definitely think the boys should have a bond, and I think that bond should affect their decisions!
Of course, it doesn't have to be a healthy bond. I think it would make complete sense if these three boys were toxically co-dependent on each other, which would fit in with the gritty and mature themes you described in the ask just as well as this weird apathy (? aloofness?). I'd also argue you can do the same with healthy bonds, too, especially if you throw romance into the mix.
Like, for example, my brother, Shane, is in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend and moved a state away to be with her. Despite his gf being a lovely person, Log (my other brother) and I were still salty about it. Because Shane is the one who inspires my Boomer, it would be fun to write a story where Brick and Butch just don’t like whoever Boomer end's up with, not because they’re apathetic towards Boomer and his love interest but because they’re afraid he’ll leave them (this is the familial conflict part). But because they love Boomer, they have the incentive to get over themselves and accept this new person into their lives, maybe even for the better (this is the character growth part).
Also, I think romantic love can't surpass brotherly love because you're dealing with two different types of love. When I say this, I'm afraid people think I believe siblings automatically love each other, which isn't what I believe. Sibling relationships are still relationships that you have to work at, so when I say "brotherly love," I'm literally referring to the people who chose to love their siblings because they love them, not because they feel they have to love them, though that does make for an interesting story (which could fit into those gritty themes once again).
But I'm digressing! When I say romantic love and brotherly love are two different types of love I mean, for example, using the blues, Boomer isn't getting the same social fulfillment from Bubbles that he would get from his brothers, so there's no reason for Boomer to ditch them over Bubbles. Of course, that could be part of the conflict. He could ditch them for her, but the plotline shouldn't just end there! It needs to be resolved, either by making amends, or breaking up the brother relationships for good (because even siblings can "break up"), or something frustrating and ambiguous, but you can't ignore it.
So, if the fic you're reading pairs the blues together and Boomer is no longer getting any social fulfillment from his brothers, either that should be a significant plot point used to create a conflict OR it's just bad characterization.
Unfortunately, many romance fics aren't good because the characters aren't well-rounded. Even if the plot revolves around an obsession with another person, you still have to show how the obsession destroys (or "surpasses") other well-rounded relationships. You're probably judgemental about the relationships in some of these fics because after the climax, after one of the boys "gets" one of the girls, what else is left? That's it. They're together. End of story. Either they get married, or they break up.
That's why the climax in a good obsession story isn't the character getting their obsession; it's when they lose it. SO like, buttercup and blossom stealing bubbles back, or butch/brick killing her, or bubbles killing boomer (the list of ideas can go on).
If that's not the type of story you want to write, you must give your characters other relationships and goals. And if it's done correctly, your ships are better for it!! Just like irl you need hobbies outside of your partner.
So yep, that's the long and rambly answer, haha, but the short answer boils down to characterization! It's my opinion that the rrb should affect one another, but how is up to the story you write! It can be unhealthy or healthy, but I really don't think they'd ignore each other. And if they openly disrespected each other, like I've seen in a few fics, I think they'd punch each other out.
On the flip side, i don't think they would be super lovey-dovey bros for lyfe kind of people. haha there's the gritty stuff you were talking about, but my other pet peeve is the stories that make brick into a dad and butch/boomer his bumbling, idiotic sons. that's too much brother love for me lmao
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
after reading your takes on how Bart's future treated queerness and on YJA!Barry (all very interesting btw!) i'm very interested to ask: do you think Bart came out to his family (i imagine he told his friends first) before or after getting together with Ed (aka when he had a "reason" to)? how and when do you think he did it, and how do you think it went?
So sorry for the delays in my responses! And to the other anons as well! The past weeks have been a bit hectic for me and I like to take my time to properly answer asks. Thank y’all for sending them to me, honestly every single thought that’s shared with me is always so fun to read <3
Im so glad you enjoyed those posts! Especially with the way you related the two because in developing these thoughts they're entirely connected! So I appreciate that. It was so satisfying writing it all out and being able to share it with others to see how it would be received as well as to explore those kind of themes as well, especially since they all make up my general understanding of characterisation and world building regarding Bart and his fam. 
Also that’s such a good question anon! Especially because its one of the few things that I don't have a fixed view on. It usually varies with what kind of stories/plots I think of. I try to usually stick to as close as canon as possible so I  like to develop my theories to a point where I can see it being canon, but with the time jumps its possible that anything can happen, so i struggle coming up with a set outcome regarding the scenario you outlined. And I have thought about it a lot all the way since last year lol. 
According to both canon and my headcanon posts (lol) what I “realistically” can envision is that when he first arrived to the past, Wally was the family member he most probably could connect with the easiest. So I like to think that maybe (especially with how important flirting/girls was to Wally when he was younger) it couldve been possible that they touched on the subject a little bit and he couldve been Barts best chance at comfortably coming out. So with him gone I think it also motivates Bart to kind of rescind back to being generally cautious which I think of as his “default setting” lol. 
So I don't think he finds it particularly important to come out, both out of caution, mixed feelings (discomfort/weariness), as well as most probably trying to figure out both the general reception of his environment to queerness as well as that of his family. Its also generally at the back of his mind, what with his responsibilities as hero etc, but ofc as he gets more comfortable in his new time, it crosses his mind more every now and then. Especially during moments where I think the flash fam might innocently/accidentally reinforce heteronormativity, keep prying him about girls and all that, especially because they're basing their experience of a growing teenager on what they know from Wally. So I can imagine that would make him really uncomfortable. But yeah all in all, I don't think at that stage he would be motivated at all to come out to them. 
Especially with what I interpret as him having a generally awkward relationship with Barry. Combining that with my post on Barrys heteronormativity, well I don't really see Bart thinking of coming out to him at any point pre-Ed lol and regardless of when he does come out to him, I do think it would be at the very least mildly rocky. Ultimately ofc Barry would have no problem with it, but I think his journey to that point is definitely made up of (again) awkward situations which could really go either way. I think Barry could find out by accident somehow or through a second party just as easily as or if not even likelier than Bart having to come out to him.
I can easily envision Iris picking up on things (because she and Bart have a much better relationship/understanding) and testing the waters to try to coax him into coming out to her and this might eventually give him some sort of comfort to come out to her at some point. But again, I don't see Bart being particularly motivated in doing so unless hes reached some sort of tipping point where it would be important to him for some reason. And dating Ed well thats easily one, so with Iris I think chances of when are more balanced than Barry lol. I think the aftermath would be really smooth, I don't see her having any problems and being very much supportive.
I do think Bart has a really good relationship with Jay/Joan and is very comfortable with them (parent figures who r very dear to him). But I think his general tendency to be guarded which he easily plays off to his family is something thats very much second nature to him, so I can see him unintentionally hiding it from them because its just what hes used to. This also applies to the rest of his fam. Whether they (Jay/Joan) pick up on things themselves or not I think is rlly up in the air and anything is possible. I think him breaking the news to Jay (because at that point Joan has already passed away) of him dating Ed could be difficult for him because its just like any classic situation of how its like coming out to ur parent. Especially in what's essentially a single-parent type of situation. But of course I believe Jay would largely respond positively. 
I don't have the full picture specifics set in stone, but my above essay (sorry lol) is the general sentiment of what I usually envision.  
Thank you sm for taking the time to read all my rambles, it warms my heart <33 lol and I hope I managed to answer your question :) 
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griffin-wood · 2 years
hi alya!! so i was looking at your pinterest boards the other day and iris and sorrel la cour highkey caught my interest. if it’s okay, i’d like to know more about them. no pressure ofc 💞
hiii nikka! I hope you're doing well, thank you for sending this in! 🥹❤️ Under the cut cause it got too long!
so so sooo, sorrel and iris are related! I'm indecisive to either make them twins or, sorrel being the big bro. however, for this post; I'm leaning over big bro and lil sis more hehe!
to put it short, now i think about it - ways to describe them both; sorrel and iris are polar opposites, but they have a lot in common. example, fashion. they both has quite a wardrobe; however. Their aesthetics are purely different. iris is more flowery pastel, while sorrel leans towards bold but dark colors. (black is always gonna be his prime color. something like this )
for personality wise; iris is more kinder and softer than sorrel. Sorrel is mostly brutally honest, and tend to love to joke around a lot (his traits include being a goofy asshole at times) . they were pretty different in that area, but somehow in the family, they understood each other in quite a deeper basis. He wouldn't be jokingly brutally honest to her, despite Iris's insistence. And in the family, Sorrel somehow is known as the big bro more despite the idea of twins. (I'm still working on that hdjd) but but, sorrel is definitely protective but not like in a bad way. He's pretty protective of her in a big brother way, not too much not too little.
I think their involvement and their history linked to being hunters, i have this little head canon; they actually enjoy the idea of supernaturals. Iris mostly tend towards the less gory ones, however sorrel is definitely the opposites. However, Sorrel joined first, and somehow Iris is pretty intrigue and trying her luck. And bam, she got in. Iris is more skilled in strategy, she is pretty terrified still with weapons, but she consider her mind is her greatest mind! (she's a smart gal growing up!) while sorrel is a mixed of cunning and weapons! so, leaning more towards cunning actually! I think Sorrel's reaction to Iris also joining it, be like. "OH, we're gonna be the dope one's in the family." 😌
Speaking of family, I feel like they both have a lot of other siblings growing up in a close knit family. Sorrel however, is closest to Iris more growing up. And iris, well; she's the golden child somehow? She tends to be more...people pleasing towards her family especially. Like, she loves it but Sorrel well, as the protective brother he is, doesn't see it as well healthy. Sorrel tends to do against the family wishes growing up, but he's better now. But, still - they are quite close in family too hehe!
ALSO, THEIR RO'S! Sorrel is romancing Kaia while Iris is romancing Blane. I think for Iris and Blane is more of a grumpy x sunshine vibes, shy sunshine with grumpy one hehe. Idk why, I just feel like this would be a fun scenario to play with hehe! But, i like how she feels like; Blane is actually valid to 'hate' or dislike her, but she's like - she's gonna be kind either way. That's how she always will be <3 (two by sleeping at last is i think iris's song towards blane. like, written in music form!)
While, for sorrel and kaia; its super UNEXPECTED. (re: listen to labyrinth by t.swift, i think the chorus, fits them SOMEHOW). Sorrel tend to just joke around Kaia, however, its just so unexpected how much he much he feels for her yknow? (wonder by shawn mendes brrrr and moreee for their tracks hehe)
I think that's what I got so far! ALSO, here's a bit of their playlist hehe, as a small treat! <3
sorrel's lil playlist:
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iris's lil playlist:
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ty again nikka! love youuuuuuuuuuuu ! i enjoyed writing this hehe as a good uni distraction hihi! hope youre doing great <3
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heatherstyles · 2 years
i was wondering how you think it would be if everyone from New Orleans (let’s pretend hope does not exist) went to Mystic Falls and they literally see a pregnant Caroline…
how do you think klaus would react ?
Hello anon! Ohmygod lmaoo I srsly can't imagine the scenario. It feels like there's endless possibilities of how it could go. Honestly pregnancy tropes are not my type but well...
Okay jokes aside, I'm trying very hard to picture it and here's what I got. The ton will be absolutely shocked. The mikealson family flabbergasted at the news of it. At the same time I'm sure Caroline will be looking at them and be like "been there, done that" Like seriously I don't think they will be thrilled at the news at first cuz it's so out of the blue yknow. But well there's Elijah being Elijah and probably the first one to recover from the shock and react how he reacted in TO.
Caroline probably goes through a lot of mixed feelings and stress cleans lmao. I mean carrying the town enemy's baby?? lmao but she's also a mom person and is a good mom. Some part of her would want that baby and want whatever she and Klaus has between them to work. But I think it will take a long time for them to work past the rough patches they face with her being pregnant tho.
As for Klaus, I guess some part of him feels happy because it's Caroline periodt. But also he probably dislikes the idea of having a baby because it's a huge commitment for him. Oh plus his trauma since young about how Mikeal treated him. He definitely wouldn't want to commit to being a father which is totally understandable because what he went through was just so painful.
So that's what I think in my opinion. Glad you brought this up anon because I never really thought too deep into this since I'm not a fan of pregnancy tropes. Do feel free to text me or ask me further about anything at all hehe. This is so fun! <3
Lastly anon, if you're interested in this storyline, I highly recommend THE WOLF by @galvanizedfriend if you haven't read it!! The writing is insanely good and the plot omggshahsh. It's a rewrite of The Originals and you won't be disappointed after reading it I promise!! have a good day<3
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Could you maybe write something with an s/o that is super hands on? Like, if they wanna see Moreau's cool teeth or Heisenberg's scars they'll really get all up in their business, grab their faces and take a look? They're not mean, just curious and handsy
PS, this Anon sent an update for all 4 Lords plus The Duke!!!! So first time duke imagine add on, let's get handsy!
Alcina Dimitrescu
Please keep your hands out of her mouth, Darling.
Alcina is... barely tolerant of this behavior, but also a little amused. You are fascinated by her canines, despite the fact that they aren't particularly sharp or pointed like you keep assuming they are. You have this image of "vampires" I your head, and while Alcina is close to certain stereotypes, she doesn't meet all of them-- specifically the sharp teeth. You cannot seem to get over it, no matter how hard you try.
She will occasionally indulge this little habit of yours, but it's mostly because she loves you. Keep your hands clean and your nails clipped, or else she'll flick your fingers away.
Still, as much as she loves you, Alcina does have her limits when being poked and prodded.
She will only let you do it in private. Alcina won't let you stick your fingers in her mouth in public-- it's not appropriate or befitting of her station.
If you're too enthusiastic, she will playfully nibble on your fingers as a warning, and lick up the small bead of blood that comes from the cut. Is that vampiric enough for you? After all, you taste divine, Darling.
If you're so fixated on the fact that her teeth aren't as long as they are "supposed to be", well, Alcina is happy to show you the error of your ways💕💕
She will definitely use your fixation as an opening excuse for intimacy. I hope you're ready for it...
Donna Beneviento
Not okay with it.
Donna's veil isn't just for mourning-- she's also cripplingly self conscious of the scar on her face, and the Cadou mutation did not help her self esteem at all.
If you try to run your hands over her mutation, especially without warning her first? Donna will just shut down. Normally Donna and Angie will both chat and spend time with you, but after this Donna will completely back away from the relationship, and let Angie take over for her completely.
Angie is her safety net, after all. And you've just crossed a boundary she was not ready for, or even aware that you wanted to cross.
You have to explain that you mean no harm, but even then it's not a great scenario. Donna regresses almost completely if you don't warn her beforehand. You're back to communicating through Angie until you give her a genuine, meaningful apology.
You really need to push the idea that 1) you love her unconditionally and the scar will not affect that, and 2) you were only interested in touching it because you love her so much and you want to be familiar with every part of her.
Essentially: Always, always ask for consent with Donna before you go poking around. She can be alright with it in specific circumstances, but never assume, and never engage unless you have explicit permission. She needs to psych herself up beforehand.
(Still, if you ask and then press a kiss to the writhing mass that she hates so much, she will absolutely cry. There's something about that gesture that really gets across how much you adore her. It's... reassuring. Safe. It makes Donna feel adored, unconditionally. You love her to pieces, and this a gesture that reaffirms that.)
Salvatore Moreau
You... want to mess around inside his mouth? That's a little--WAIT HOLD ON NOT YET!!!
You have to warn him first, for your safety.
Moreau's mouth is full of acid, and as much as you want to get all up in there to check out his neat chompers, you have to warn him first so he can make sure you can examine him safely.
He's proud of his mutation, to a certain extent. The fact that you love him not only despite it, but because of it? It strokes his ego a little bit.
Still, he wants you to be safe. No sticking your hands in there without warning! Moreau would never forgive himself if he hurt you, so do give him a heads up if you want to take a dive in his mouth.
If he's feeling brave, he might actually use this as an excuse for intimacy like Alcina. He might wrap his tongue around your fingers or pull you in for a kiss if he wants too. You've got this focused expression on your face, and it's entirely centered on him... Salvatore couldn't resist even if he wanted to 💗
If you choose to mess around with the growths on his back, it's a little less romantic. They are very painful some days, and unless you are giving him a massage he will say no. It's not because he doesn't trust you! But Moreau needs to manage the pain, and depending on how bad the pain is on that specific day, that means you can't touch his back. Just remember to ask beforehand, and you're golden 💛
Karl Heisenberg
Hell YES
Heisenberg isn't self conscious about his body at all, to be honest. Sure he has scars, and while not All of them have good memories associated with them, he has a surprisingly healthy mindset about them. The scars are there because he's alive. He survived everything life threw at him, and he's still going strong.
While he won't tell you all the stories behind his scars, he will share the more palatable experiences. Some are from dumb mistakes he's made while doing metalwork, and he's more than happy to tell you the less painful stories when you have your hands all over him.
Because, yes, that is the best part about this whole thing. You cannot keep your hands off of him, and it is EXCELLENT. Karl loves it. He's a pretty handsy guy himself (to the point where you're starting to suspect he's a little touch starved), so he does not mind that you return the favor.
You trace his scars with this focused expression that's just so entirely absorbed, so fascinated, Karl gets hit with this weird mix of fondness for you and pride in himself. Seeing you so absorbed in him and his body makes him really want to do the same with you. He wants to return the favor.
The light touches you give his torso are so delicate... It makes him feel important and valuable to you.
Honestly, it's almost intoxicating. Heisenberg will absolutely trail off in the middle of a sentence if you run a hand across his chest. The feel of your hands on his body is so, so good. He likes physical contact with you, but if you specifically trace his scars? All bets are off.
9 times out of 10 he just can't hold back and pulls you in for a make out session. The last 1 out of 10 has a tendency to... escalate😈
The Duke
More than happy to indulge your impulses.
You being handsy is something that the Duke actually really enjoys. He likes to keep you nearby, and when you seem so obsessed with running your hands all over him it's much easier to keep you close and safe💖
You're the most focused on his hands and fingers because...uh...whoo... something about him with all those rings just really does it for you???
It's really nice to weave your fingers in between his, giving little kisses to the inside of his wrist or the tips of his fingers, and the Duke is always happy to oblige.
It's very charming, watching you coddle his hands like they're something precious. He feels a little overwhelmed by the reverence in each gesture, so he does his best to repay the favor.
The Duke will definitely smooch the tips of your fingers to reciprocate any affection you give him, and the kisses will continue up your arms, past your shoulder, and climb up to your mouth. It's a half silly, half romantic, but 100% genuine.
He loves you, and it's always entertaining to watch you squirm in anticipation as his kisses slowly approach your eager lips. The waiting is half the fun💕
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doodler-jpeg · 2 years
Friendly Anon here!
As a disturbing Homestuck, could I request some Beta kids, pinning headcannons?
Thank you!! Take your time and say hydrated!! <3
I’m still not entirely sure if I should include June or John, so I’m including both, just in case
CW// none, I think?
Lets be honest, John most likely doesn’t understand some of his emotions, especially ones like love
John is someone who makes his attraction towards you really obvious, even if he doesn’t try to do so
He’s a goofball and shows his affection in the form of cheesy pick up lines and puns
One time, him, Dave, and you were hanging out at Dave’s apartment, playing GTA, and he stops, turns to you with a cheeky grin, and goes “you better call Lester quick because you are definitely five stars.��
Safe to say Dave is not allowing either of you to communicate with each other near his home.
Whenever he has the time, he pesters you first as soon as he gets onto Pesterchum, even if you’re not awake
It’s like getting a good morning text, but it’s not a good morning text and more so a “I hope you have a wonderful day that’s not filled with your father consistently making cake so much that it fills your house with a permanent scent of cake that you’ll never be able to get rid of because it’s been filled with cakes since the moment your father learned how to bake”
What can he say, he’s a romantic
June, like John, is into cheesy pick up lines and doesn’t understand her emotions too well
The only real difference is she’s, somehow, smoother at it than John is because she has a better grasp at how she experiences love compared to him
Whenever she’s around you, she can’t help but blush and give you a grin that’s filled with slightly crooked, white teeth
She’s all warm and fuzzy around you and just wants to see you smile
June will absolutely become focused on interests that you like in order to know more about you as a person
She probably won’t confess until she’s sure her feelings are there and won’t go away [she’d feel absolutely horrible if they went away as soon as the two of you got together]
Rose is very nonchalant about it
Yes, she absolutely gets flustered around you, but it’s to a certain degree
She’s not very good with confrontation, so she just keeps to herself most of the time
Rose is most likely out of the beta kids to be completely blunt about her feelings, though, so it’s a weird mix up of “keep your feelings to yourself” and “say that you like this person so you don’t have it flooding your mind all the time”
If she decides to keep her emotions bottled up, eventually, she’s gonna end up writing her feelings out in a heartfelt letter
And then she completely scraps it and throws it into a fire
If Rose decided to be upfront about her feelings, she’s prepared for all kinds of scenarios [she’s really not]
She thinks it’s like the “one sided lovers” trope, but then again, she doesn’t know about any of your feelings towards her that aren’t considered “friendly”, so she may be wrong
Dave has no clue what he’s doing
He tries, he really does, to tell anyone about his feelings, but it ends up with him going back to saying that it’s purely for ironic reasons
You know Pesterquest? In Dave’s volume where he gets all flustered when talking about his crush on John? Yeah, imagine that, but with you instead of John
If and when he ever tells his friends, he’ll just start rambling about you
How you make him feel, how he sees you, what he’d do if you were together
There’s enough evidence to make a 1,894 page essay about his reasons to like you
It’s really sweet
Jade is upfront with you
She knows how to deal with her feelings and doesn’t back down
She’s very affectionate toward you compared to the others, asking for your thoughts on things more than the others, and just generally tries to talk to you whenever she’s able to
Jade trusts you a lot, and her feelings reflect that with how much she seems to depend on your opinions
If you don’t accept her advancements, I will 🦀
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heyyyharry · 3 years
(inspired by happier by Olivia Rodrigo)
Word count: 2.4k
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I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Part 1: Drivers License
Part 2: Deja Vu
A/N: I edited the original lyrics to match the POV :)
Harry had come up with a thousand scenarios of how this day would play out. Actually, he’d been thinking of this day since the moment he’d received the news. He didn’t dare to hope that she’d say yes to coming back for a sequel. He’d been sure that they would write her character off, give a lame excuse for how his love interest could not make a return and make his character forget about her completely to move on with a new girl in town. It would have been great if it was that easy in real life. Once someone was written off the script, they were gone for good. Real-life relationships were not that simple. Goodbye didn’t mean ‘never see you again’. You would still share the same friend circle and social bubbles, and it was worse when you two worked in the same industry. Harry didn’t know how he’d lasted a year without running into her, not since the Grammys.
“Didn’t you two date?”
“No.” Harry shook his head, but his eyes stayed glued on Y/N from across the room. She wasn’t looking his way, too busy saying hello to everyone else. “No,” he repeated, more to himself than to his co-star. “We didn’t.”
“But she wrote an entire album about you,” said the other twin. What was her name again? Lulu?
“Luna!” cried her sister, Lex. “You can’t ask him that!”
“No, it’s okay,” Harry said with a tight smile, slightly annoyed by the blonde twins, but he didn’t want to seem like an ass on the first day of filming. “And I don’t know if it was for me. You should ask Y/N.”
“Ask me what?”
Harry flinched when he looked up and saw Y/N padding towards them. She hugged the twins, who seemed way too excited. Harry guessed they were Y/N’s fans. They gave off crazy fangirl vibes, probably just pretending not to know the drama to interrogate him. He couldn’t blame them for assuming he was the villain and definitely could not blame Y/N for portraying him as one. It was more important that he knew who he was and how much he had changed since his last relationship. Maybe they could finally be friends.
“Were they bothering you?” Y/N asked him once the twins had left.
Harry nodded. “They’re your friends?”
“Oh, I met them last year on tour. I’m surprised you don’t know them. They were on Disney.”
“I don’t watch Disney,” Harry admitted with a smile. “Well, not today’s Disney.”
“Understandable.” Y/N nodded and bit her lip. She seemed guarded with her straight back and hands hidden behind her. She eyed him up and down, quite subtle yet noticeable. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” he said, nodding slowly. “You?”
“Yeah, but mostly tired because of tour.”
“You’re done?”
“Yup, last night was the last show.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Harry blinked. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Y/N giggled. “You still sound very...you.”
“Well, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, you should. But it’s been a year so…I mean, you haven’t changed much.”
“Right,” he said lowly, his eyes falling to his feet. Harry supposed he should say something else, perhaps bringing up another random topic to discuss, but all he could think about was what had happened between them. Things had been messy, hadn’t they? How could they go back to before that? Before her first song about him. Before he’d chosen someone else over her.
Or he could talk about her new relationship. She’d been in a happy relationship for almost six months, right? No wait, hadn’t they broke up two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure because he hadn’t been catching up. If they’d broken up, he’d sound like an ass to even mention her ex’s name. He should just stay quiet.
“I’ll see you later?” she said, gesturing at her stylist who was waiting by the door.
Harry could ask her right now -- the reason she’d agreed to film the sequel to their first movie together. He’d heard from a very reliable source that she’d specifically asked her agent to decline any project that he was in. So did this mean they were good? That she didn’t hate him anymore? He could have gathered his courage and got the answer right then…
“Yeah, see you.”
...but he didn’t.
And so she gave him a smile and a little wave, then happily returned to her stylist.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“See you, Annie!” Y/N said as she put the rest of her things into her tote bag. Her new driver had got her schedule mixed up, and so she had to wait here for another half an hour. She was in no rush. It had been a light first day, and she’d had a fun time getting to know the new cast members and catching up with old friends.
She sat on the sofa in the lobby, legs crossed, texting her best friend about her day. She’d purposely left out the short off-screen conversation with Harry, and her best friend didn’t even bother to ask. In their world, he didn’t exist, and his name was censored in every conversation like a curse word that was even worse than ‘cunt’. Nevertheless, she didn’t hate him anymore. She was doing just fine on her own, being busy with her career, and she’d been in a happy relationship after her fall out with him.
She and the guy, a model, had broken up two weeks ago due to long distance and some differences that they could not change. They had ended on good terms and decided to stay friends. They said you could only stay friends with your ex when you still had feelings for each other, or you had never loved each other that much in the first place. For her, it was probably the latter. Her previous relationship had been more platonic than romantic, apparently. So she had nothing but the best to say about him.
As she was going through her camera roll, just reminiscing about the past, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Harry. He offered a smile and gestured to the spot beside her on the sofa. “May I sit here? My ride is late.”
“Yeah, sure.” She hurriedly scooted over.
“Good job today,” he said. “You were great.”
“Thanks, so were you.” She smiled, and they both looked away at the same time. This was so awkward. She hated small talk. She’d never had to have small talk with Harry. Conversations with him used to be so easy and natural and silly. Whatever this was, it wasn’t them.
“Can we just be normal?”
At first, Y/N thought she’d been the one who’d said it, so when she realised it’d been Harry, she was speechless.
He swallowed and sat a bit straighter, still not looking at her. “I don’t want us to be weird and awkward.”
“Okay,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “Wanna try again?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, not to sound like an ass but when Joey kept forgetting his lines, I was so pissed off, I could throw a chair at the wall.”
“Right?!” exclaimed Y/N, feeling free to have finally broken out of her shell. “Like, he doesn’t even have many lines. I know he’s new but damn...you can’t get far if you don’t learn your goddamn lines.”
Harry shook with laughter. “Oh God, we sound like dicks, don’t we?”
“Maybe.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth. “But you know what? We can’t be nice in this industry. It’s impossible.”
“Shhh, if someone heard this, we would be into big trouble.”
“Oh please, I’ve had worse articles written about me than ‘Y/N speaks facts about her lazy co-star’.”
Harry tossed his head back and cackled. “The worst one I’ve got this week was ‘Harry Styles hates therapists.’”
“What?!” Y/N gasped. “No way! That’s so stupid!”
“Right?” Harry rolled his eyes. “I could get all my therapists to speak up for me but I’m kinda immune to bullshit now.”
“Therapists? Like plural?”
“Yeah, one in every city.”
Y/N rubbed her hands onto her legs. “Rough year?”
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he leaned back. “You have no idea.” Then he swept his hair out of his eyes, sucked in a breath, and finally looked at her. “I wish I could have talked to you, though.”
She bit her tongue, knowing what she was about to say next would disappoint her best friend so much, but she had to. “So do I.”
Harry looked taken aback before his lips curled into a smile. “It’s silly, isn’t it? I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I feel like I know everything that’s happened to you except that I don’t.”
What he’d just said might make no sense for most people, but Y/N knew exactly what he meant. She nodded and wetted her lip. “You only know as much as everyone else does.”
“Yeah, I got updates on you from the news and our friends.”
“Same.” Y/N smiled back. “I hate how they write articles about your new haircut but not mine.”
“I like your new hair colour.”
“Thanks. I like your new car.”
Then they both burst out laughing. It was fun and also a little bit strange that Y/N didn’t feel the same anxiety talking to him as she used to. It must be because they had grown and were now meeting again as better people.
“Damn, my ride's here,” Y/N said as she read the text from her driver. “I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Harry stood up and followed Y/N to the entrance. “Hey, just wondering--”
“Am I...am I still blocked?” He looked a bit flustered as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “On your phone. Because I remember you having my number blocked--”
“I unblocked you on your birthday.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Y/N shrugged. “I should’ve sent you a happy birthday text but...I didn’t want your girlfriend to get the wrong ideas.”
“My ex.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They smiled at each other one last time before saying goodbye. Y/N knew it was silly, but she was hoping he would go after her.
A notification popped up when she was in the car. She was almost home, and it was from Harry’s number. He’d sent her a link with a message that said, “Hope you like it :)”.
Curious, she tapped on it and was directed to an audio file titled ‘Track 5’. The upload date was last year. About two weeks after their short conversation at the Grammys.
Hurriedly, she fumbled inside her bag for her iPods and put it on before she pressed play.
“Hey, Jeff, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote this song. Listen and let me know if it should go on the album.”
Then came the piano intro. It sounded good, so Y/N wondered how it hadn’t ended up on his last album.
But when he started to sing...
We ended a while ago Your friends are mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more guy who brings out the better in you
And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But he’s so nice, he’s so funny Does he mean you forgot about me?
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
And does he tell you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen? An eternal love bullshit he might not even mean Remember when you were with me I meant it when you heard it first from me
And now I'm pickin' him apart Like cuttin' him down will make you miss my wretched heart But he’s charming, he looks kind He probably gives you butterflies
I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy I wish you all the best, really Say you love him, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on him I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The song was for her. He’d written it when her new relationship had gone public. Y/N sat there, staring blankly ahead until the honking of a car tore open her inner peace, and reality came crashing back in. The driver dropped her off at her house. Instead of going inside, she stood on her front steps and replayed the song one more time. When it ended, she decided to text him: Why didn’t this make it to the album?
She didn’t know where he was now, but it showed ‘typing’ in less than a second, as if he’d been waiting in their chat since he’d sent that link.
You would’ve hated me, Y/N.
True, she replied. Still, I would’ve loved the song lowkey. And added, I love it btw.
He took so long to type that it was driving her crazy. She flopped down on the concrete stair with her phone clutched in her hands, her heart thundering against her ribcage. Anxiety popped like a balloon when his message appeared: Were you happier?
She reread it again and again.
I wasn’t either, he responded. I kept getting deja vu.
Ha, nice reference.
That song is my guilty pleasure. Love listening to you roasting me on loop.
That last message made Y/N bury her face into her palm and giggle like a fool. She thought for a second and wrote: I could come roast you in person now if that’s what you prefer. I think we’ve never had a proper roasting.
Can we meet, Y/N? Or are you busy now?
No, not busy.
Great, I’ll pick you up.
Just tell me where, she responded with a smile on her face. I got my drivers license now :)
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