#I have read that entire poem but it's been years since then
harmonicakai · 1 month
Like Real People Do
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Pairing: Gyuvin x Reader
Summary: You find yourself falling for the cute boy whose writing assignments you proofread, and discover that your lives have been intertwined for longer than you thought.
Tropes: tutor!reader, basketball player!gyuvin, writers, soulmates, college AU, fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: literally none it’s so cute
A/N: This is a formal apology for my Beomgyu angst <3
“And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?” —Invisible String, Taylor Swift
Gyuvin certainly doesn’t need any help with English, but it gives him a good excuse to spend time in between classes and basketball practice staring at you.
If anything, your talents would be better suited to helping one of his classmates understand all the old poems or crazy novels that they get assigned, but he’s the one who lucked out when your former professor suggested you read her most promising student’s work.
From the first draft, you were hooked, and had somehow started a writer’s circle where just the two of you meet weekly to share your works in progress. 
In no time, you’ve helped Gyuvin become one of the top students in Writing 101, and he’s worried you’ll notice that he’d be just fine if you stopped helping him. Still, the A’s keep rolling in and you keep meeting up with him anyway.
When Gyuvin’s latest short story gets nominated for a departmental prize, you’re over the moon for him.
“You are so amazing,” you smile up at him. “We should celebrate! That’s a really big deal. I was nominated last year, but didn’t come close to winning.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he points out, looking down at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck. “Really, Y/N. If I win, it would be just as much your prize as it would be mine.”
“Don’t be silly,” you say, packing up the rest of your lunch. You usually only see him in the library at your designated meeting time, but today, he sought you out in the courtyard to make sure you were the first person he told. “I’m just the editor. All of the ideas came from you. Plus, I’m only good at English because I grew up speaking it. It’s much more impressive for you to have learned it recently and write at the level that you do.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Y/N,” he replies, helping you up off your picnic blanket. Before you can do it yourself, he’s already reaching down to fold it, his long arms handling the fabric with ease. “You’d write circles around me any day.”
“I don’t want to get into another compliment war,” you giggle, swinging your backpack over your shoulder. Recently, it’s been filled with way too many books, and your classes are so jam-packed that you never have time to run back to your room in between them.
“Here, Y/N, let me,” he says, taking your backpack from you. He’s already got his own on, but he wears yours over his front, barely even flinching at the extra weight. “Where are you headed next? I’m done with my classes for the day, so I can walk you.”
He’s always been desperate to ask you to hang out outside of your brainstorming sessions, but every time he thinks he’s worked up the courage, you’ll laugh or smile or even just glance at him and his brain short circuits.
“I have a music class across campus in thirty minutes,” you reply. “Don’t you live the other way, though? You really don’t have to walk me. It’s pretty far.”
“I want to,” Gyuvin reassures you. He offers his hand. “Here. I walk pretty fast, so let’s make sure I don’t leave you behind.”
You hesitate for a moment before taking it. You’ve had a crush on Gyuvin ever since the two of you first crossed paths—he’s the literal embodiment of sunshine trapped inside a cute boy—but things have only ever been friendly between the two of you.
His hand is big, wrapping itself around yours almost entirely. The walk is silent, although you swear you can hear your heart about to beat out of your chest as you pull him along your usual route. Gyuvin makes sure to always let you lead.
“You know,” you start, still not looking back at him. “We’re kind of like Orpheus and Eurydice right now.”
Gyuvin lights up at the reference, with mythology being one of the first things you two really bonded over. “If you looked back at me, the only thing I’d probably die of is how cute you are, Y/N.”
You’re glad you’re turned away so he can’t see the bright blush that’s spread across your cheeks. His words get you so flustered that you don’t even notice you’ve stopped walking.
“Did I say something wrong?” Gyuvin asks, his voice laced with concern. He moves to face you, your height difference causing him to crane his neck down. Meanwhile, your gaze is locked on your shoes.
“Gyuvin,” you say, still refusing to meet his eye. You pull him over to a nearby bench. “Remember when I said I liked the love story you wrote the other day?”
“Yeah, I remember,” he confirms. “You complimented me on how realistic it was and I told you it was only because I based it off of real life.”
“Was it…” your words catch in your throat, unable to face the embarrassment of if you’re wrong. “Was it about us?”
“Yes,” he admits almost immediately. You finally turn to face him, greeted by a nervous look. “Listen, Y/N. I only wrote it because I knew you’d read it, and I thought maybe if you saw how good characters that were a lot like us could be together, you’d give me a chance in real life. But you didn’t really notice, or maybe you just wanted to ignore it, so I kind of abandoned all hope of us ever being together.”
You blink back at him. How could you be so oblivious? Your entire major was based on analyzing words, and you couldn’t even see that he wanted to be with you so badly that he had to write it into existence.
Words always come easy to you, except at this very moment.
“You abandoned all hope?” is all you can manage to get out. You try to pull your hand away, but he only grips it tighter.
“I tried,” Gyuvin says, his voice soft. “But you’re all I ever think about. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be capable of writing someone who even comes close to how wonderful I think you are, Y/N. There just aren’t words to describe all the ways in which you’re special to me.”
You laugh, his words making tears well up in your eyes. “You know, I used to go to basketball games a lot before we even met, just so I wouldn’t have to feel so lonely all the time. And I remember liking your smile and the way you always encouraged your teammates. I would go home and wish I had someone like you in my life.”
“You’re kidding,” he says, taking out his wallet. You knit your brows in confusion, watching as he pulls out a small piece of paper and unfolds it. “Here.”
He hands it to you and your eyes widen at the words printed out. It’s the poem that you had published in the school’s literary magazine last spring about wanting to romanticize your life. Talking about your feelings makes you anxious, but nobody reads those publications. Except for Gyuvin, apparently.
“I liked you before we even met, too,” Gyuvin confesses. “Your poem is actually the reason I got into writing in the first place. I used to read it before all of my games, but I know all the words by heart now, so I just keep it in my wallet for good luck.”
This all feels too good to be true, but his touch keeps you grounded in reality.
“Maybe I should start coming to basketball games again, then,” you think out loud. “I stopped going because I felt awkward not knowing anybody.”
“Well, now you’d know me, and I’ll make sure the whole team gets to know you, too, okay?” The way he smiles at you, his eyes so full of light, takes your breath away.
“Really?” you ask, looking at him in disbelief. The thought of meeting so many new people at the same time scares you, but if Gyuvin likes them, you’re sure you will too.
“On one condition,” he says, closing the gap between the two of you. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his hand settling on your cheek. “I get to introduce you as my girlfriend.”
“Deal,” you grin, inching closer until your lips are pressed against his. You’re nervous that he’ll somehow figure out that you’ve only ever read about kissing in books, but the way he melts into you tells you that he doesn’t mind.
“You’re going to be late for class,” Gyuvin reminds you, pulling away. He desperately wants to keep going, but not at the expense of your grades.
“Class can wait,” you say, leaning in for another kiss. Your fingers lace themselves through his soft, messy hair. “I said we’d celebrate your nomination, so let’s celebrate.”
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child-of-the-nights · 11 months
Various characters on your birthday
A/N: So this is very self indulgent because yesterday was my birthday (yippee!) but I wrote some headcanons with a few of my fav characters from the fandoms I write for. Anyway have fun reading!
Warnings: none
Characters: Aro Volturi, Emperor Belos, Elrond, Shadow Weaver, Thranduil
Aro Volturi:
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Now, celebrating birthdays in the vampire world is a little bit different. Since most people at the palazzo have been alive for centuries, they don't really celebrate their birthdays every year. It's more like every decade or even every 100 years.
However, if Aro's mate is still human or a newborn vampire, they can expect to have a big party thrown for them. Even if they prefer solitude, they can expect to at least have the family invited. That being Caius, Marcus, Athenodora and Sulpicia.
Aro obviously gets his mate the best gifts. He can, after all, see their deepest wishes with a single touch. His mate had seen something online and thought "wow, it would be nice to have this"? Aro had already added it to the list of possible birthday gifts.
Obviously he would buy them more meaningful gifts as well. For example, maybe the mate absolutely loves a certain book series, well Aro would commision someone to make them a special edition of the books.
His mate can expect to find love notes and poems all over the place on their birthday. Aro is a gifted writer and he makes sure to capture all the things that he admires about his mate. Which is pretty much everything. Seriously, he can barely name anything he doesn't like.
The entire day is planned carefully by Aro and he intends to go through with his plan unless something absolutely crucial needs his attention. In that case, he promises his mate that he'll make up for being away.
Aro will ask them to dance with him to their favorite songs. Whatever the song may be, he would find a way to dance with them.
It brings him great joy when he sees how his mate has so much fun. Especially if they are holding his hand while doing so. Aro loves it when he can bury himself in their mind.
When the day is coming to an end, he takes them to stargaze outside of Volterra, somewhere not that affected by light pollution. They both would look at the stars and hold hands while doing so. Aro would whisper sweet nothings in their ear, possibly slipping into other languages while doing so.
His mate can definitely say that their birthday was amazing, if not the best birthday they ever had.
Emperor Belos:
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When it comes to Belos and celebrating birthdays, he actually prefers to not have a grand party for his beloved. He just thinks it would serve no reason and a private dinner or something similar means far more than anything else.
That being said, he is actually... hardly torn away from doing his Emperor duties. He must prepare for the Day of Unity after all. But after enough begging, he decides to humor his partner for a while.
I'm not saying that he didn't get them gifts, because of course he did. Belos is the type of person to hand-craft presents instead of buying them. He just feels it's far more personal that way.
Belos being the old fashioned man that he is, he writes them a heartfelt letter. As heartfelt as Belos can be of course. He would reminescence of their first date and the moment Belos realised he loved them.
Somehow the entire castle found out of their birthday, so the s/o can expect getting birthday wishes from most of the guards. Some (like Lilith, Kikimora and Hunter) even give them presents. Lilith and Kikimora just want to suck up to Belos of course, but Hunter's is more personal. After all, it's his uncle's lover.
As much as Belos denies it, he loves having matching things. So his beloved would get something for their birthday that matches something he owns. Perhaps it's a gadget he uses often, or a piece of clothing that he loves; he would get them something similar.
This day is the ONLY day he would allow them to wear his emperor outfit. Belos would watch them try to imitate him and would laugh along. After the day is over though, he makes sure to tell his s/o that they got their emperor-outfit-wearing priviledges revoked.
Obviously Belos knows everything on the Boiling Isles, which means that he knows all of the secret places that are just absolutely mesmerizing. He might just surprise his beloved with a trip to one of these places.
I believe at night, once the both of them are in bed, Belos would share some of his fond memories. That is probably the most sentimental his s/o had ever seen him. It's sort of a birthday present of sorts I suppose.
Now, if his lover REALLY wanted to have a big party, he might be convinced. He would use that to manipulate the Isles into believing that he is a kind man, but he would also just want to make his beloved happy. Belos is just a tiny bit twisted like that.
Absolutely the type of man who would ask for their s/o's hand in marriage on their birthday. I can just totally see that happen.
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Oh Elrond, beautiful Elrond.
Now birthdays are a bit questionable for elves as well since... well, they are immortal. But, whenever Elrond and his beloved would celebrate their birthday, the elven Lord would make sure to make it unforgettable.
Elrond plans the whole day of course (if his s/o agrees into the planning).
First, they would wake up and receive breakfast in bed. Elrond would stay with them the whole time, smiling down at them as they eat. After that he takes them on a walk in the gardens where they would talk for hours.
If someone happens to "accidentally" play some music in the distance, Elrond would ask his lover on a dance. They would talk while doing so and laugh along when they accidentally trip and fall in the grass.
After the walk in the gardens, Elrond takes his s/o back to the main halls and leads them to a room that is decorated just for them. There awaits them Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen with smiles on their faces. All of them would give Elrond's beloved a gift while the Lord waits patiently.
Elrond's gift wouldn't be too grand but it would be meaningful. Most likely it is something he made with his own hands. Like if his beloved wears jewellery, he would make them something out of their preferred materials. Since courting is taken very seriously for elves, I believe they wouldn't commision anyone for a piece like that like humans would. The elves make important gifts themselves as it's more meaningful that way.
After a joyful lunch with music involved, Elrond brings his s/o outside to celebrate with the rest of Rivendell. It's a very carefree party where the elves play music and dance around with or without the s/o.
Once nighttime comes around, Elrond will get them away from the party and bring them to a clearing where they can watch the stars in peace. The stars are very important in an elf's life, so why not spend the last hours of their birthday looking at them.
Elrond would tell his beloved how much he loves them while in the comfort of the stars. He would also describe their relationship using great many metaphors.
At the end of their birthday, they walk back to the party and dance the night away.
Shadow Weaver:
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We all know how Shadow Weaver loves gardening, right? Well, she would obviously put together a lovely bouqet for her s/o. It consits of their favorite flowers, or if they don't have any, flower in their favorite colors.
Shadow Weaver would wake her lover up by gently caressing their face and wishing them happy birthday once they open their eyes. After that she let's them eat breakfast before giving them the bouqet. It has a little note attached to it that is enchanted so it sparks little fireworks once it's opened.
Now, the sorceress is actually not that sure how to act in this situation because, let's be real, she did not partake in many relationships before. So her s/o will have to excuse if she's being a bit awkward.
She would get her beloved a cake, as suggested by Glimmer. It would be their favorite flavor and most likely would have frosting that is their favorite color.
Because Shadow Weaver is not very big on letting her feelings show, she wouldn't really give her s/o a speech about how much she loves them but she would try to write some of her feelings out in a form of a letter.
Once the s/o is ready, she will take them to her garden that is decorated just for them. It's more colorful than usual, but it still stays in the theme of the sorceress' taste.
Shadow Weaver would then lead them to a table that is decorated by candles. They would drink tea or something her beloved likes while talking. While outside, some residents of the castle would walk by to wish them happy birthday, especially Glimmer.
Once they're done with the little tea party, Shadow Weaver takes them out to a clearing in the Whispering Woods. There she reveals a picnic set up just for her s/o. While sitting and eating, Shadow Weaver finally gives them their present. It's something very personal.
The rest of the day consists of Shadow Weaver and her beloved watching the sunset and enjoying their picnic.
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Once again, the elves are a bit different about birthdays but Thranduil sure does throw a big party. Wine for the whole realm and dancing all night.
But before he gets to that, he makes sure that this day is the best day his s/o has ever had.
Thranduil wakes his beloved up by whispering to them and wishing them happy birthday. He let's them have breakfast in bed, while he eats beside them. After the breakfast he gives the plates to a servant while they stay in bed for some more quality time.
When they finally get up, Thranduil takes them on a stroll in the garden. They walk around, simply talking. Once they found a place where they could sit down, Thranduil gives them their first gift. It's a very personal gift that he made himself (much like Elrond).
While his s/o is looking at the gift, Thranduil whispers in their ear in elvish, explaining just how much he loves them. They stay there for some time before heading back to the palace.
Legolas would wish them happy birthday of course. If he likes them enough, he might make them a little carving of sorts and give it to them.
Thranduil showers his beloved in other types of presents as well. If they like wearing jewellery, he would get them something that matches his. Perhaps his s/o would like another sword? Something that fits them perfectly but also just so happens that matches Thranduil's weapon?
Once Thranduil and his lover had finished with the gift giving, he takes them to the dining room where an exquisite lunch/dinner is prepared for them. Some elves are playing music while they eat.
When they finish, they go to celebrate with the rest of the realm. Thranduil opens up the wine barrels for everyone to drink and all of the elves dance around while singing songs.
The Elvenking obviously would ask to dance with his s/o while most likely already drunk. His partner can also expect to hear a speech from him that is adressed to the entire realm. He talkes about how important his beloved is and expects everyone to respect them as such.
If his lover is more anxious, then he swoops them away from the party to dance alone in a more secluded area. After all, he only wants them to feel great on their birthday.
The day most likely ends with the drunk couple entering their chambers and laughing as they fall on their bed. Alternatively, if his lover isn't one to drink, Thranduil still gets pretty drunk and his s/o can deal with a far more affectionate King.
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mikareo · 6 months
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⌗ SEASONS OF LOVE ₊ ˖ ་. a 呪術廻戦 miniseries
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ HOPELESS ROMANTIC ; geto x fem reader ⠀ ꒰ . . episode four ! ꒱ . . . word count; 0.9k ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᯇ leaves are falling, and he is too
⊹ ⠀⠀ with so many love stories on the shelf, geto feels his heart being influenced. if he's going to fall in love with anyone...it's you.
contains; geto suguru x fem reader, university (year 2) au, fluff, swearing, friends to lovers, love triangle
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"suguru how do you expect me to read when my heart is in a million pieces?"
he doesn't think he's ever met a person as dramatic as you are.
"these books can't teach me how to get laid."
it's kind of cute, though. annoying...but cute.
with the november breeze sweeping the leaves from every tree on campus, winter is approaching fast and geto feels like your irritation towards gojo is at an overwhelming high. there really isn't anything he can do about it. after all, he wasn't there when you oh-so-spontaneously confessed your undying love for satoru on halloween; to which you received a brutal rejection...this is why geto doesn't date— especially why he doesn't date in a world run by satoru gojo.
now, geto has done his very best at trying to distract you from the devastating heartbreak that comes with loving his best friend. there have many so many girls before you who've tried to get on with him after being ignored by the white haired boy; which is extremely insulting that any of them thought geto would be an easy target or a second option to satoru. when geto does fall in love, he hopes that it'll be with someone who chooses him first. someone who doesn't even consider their other options and believes that he's the only person in the entire world who can fit with their uneven puzzle piece. clearly, gojo isn't the person to fit with yours.
"maybe you just need to sit down and be silent?" he purses his lips in annoyance, trying his best to focus on the words of poetry and rhyme. poems are the language of love. you could take some advice from these lines. "you're talking so much that you're not even enjoying the book."
you groan. "this book is boring. who the fuck reads poetry for fun?"
um. he does.
the glare he sends your way is intimidating, but also gentle. "what would you like to read instead? since you're such an avid reader?"
his sarcasm is meant to be insulting.
a mischievous smile creeps into the corners of your lips; smile likes yours used to scare him as a child after having seen alice in wonderland one too many times. he never understood the other children's fascination with a purple, talking cat. it's just weird. "how about this one!"
the book your present to him isn't anything he's read before. actually, it's something that he hopes to never read ever. "you're kidding."
"dead serious!"
how is a cheesy romance supposed to make you feel better?
"that's just going to make you feel worse, y'know." he gently takes the book from your hands and shuffles through the pages. with his head nodding along to each words his eyes skim, it's painfully obvious that you're going to read this book imagining the male lead to be satoru. "you have such an active imagination, you'll be heartbroken all over again."
with his words, your smile melts and geto knows he's right. "satoru is a lost cause in the romance department." he explains, scooting a little closer to you and rubbing your knee. the two of you have been seated on the floor of the lovely little bookshop near campus for an hour now. you're practically the only two people in the entire store, which has made this fake date feel a little more real. "i promise that you're better off dating anyone other than him."
you don't move away from the comfort of his palm, and instead lean into it; but your words are in defense of gojo. they always are. you can't seem to find it in your heart to let him go— no matter how awful of a rejection. "he's not a bad guy. he just needs a little help learning how to love."
the look in your eyes is earnest and geto sees that you believe your statements with your whole heart.
"i can be the person to help him learn."
there's no physical tell that you're upset, but he can somehow sense that you're about to cry. maybe it's the way you slightly tensed up with your body rejecting his soft touch or the way your gaze refused to meet his; no matter, he's going to cheer you up anyways. there aren't many people that geto can make smile— but somehow, in the past four months of being your friend (?), you've become the only person he cares to cheer up.
he murmurs your name in the most comforting, gentle voice that anyone's ever spoken to you. "you are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe; and you are capable of amazing things—"
"because you are the special. suguru, i've seen the lego movie. you're not being slick." aw man.
your tone of voice is irritated, yet you still laugh. yes, geto knows that might possibly have been the stupidest and cheesiest thing he's done in his whole life, but he doesn't care. he made you smile. him! not satoru. geto suguru made you smile. it's not something he'd win an olympic medal for, though in his mind it's worth more than that. he doesn't know when you became so special to him. he doesn't know how you managed to creep your way into his heart and cause this embarrassing blush to consume his cheeks; and he isn't bothered to figure it out.
he doesn't want to rejoice in your heartbreak...however, there is a tiny part of him that's happy satoru doesn't love you back.
maybe it's finally time suguru gets to be loved.
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yuri-is-online · 21 days
Thinking about language barriers. I think twst has entirely different languages than Earth. Including the languages we hear them speak in the game, like Rooks French. I think it might be a language akin to French, but not actually French, you know?
Ok maybe not entirely differnet. Maybe TWST and Earth languages came from the same mother language but developed in completely different ways. Maybe the version of English took more influence from Latin so its more like a formal spanglish? Kind of? When an Earth language goes right, the Twst language goes left until they're completely unrecognizable.
Yo what if TWST had a language that was exactly like modern Arabic, but that Era for the language was thousands of years ago so it's since moved on and developed into a completely new arabic. It's like old English, 11 century English is completely unrecognizable to modern English speakers.
Bro imagine a Yuu who just pulls up speaking their language but their version of the language is like. From 5 thousand years ago in TWST. They just speak a long dead language that historians have been trying to translate for centuries .
Sam probably has like a translater crystal in the back if his shop or something so they can be understood cause he's cool like that.
But bro.
Imagine Azul just asking Yuu to read this super ancient poem so that he can "check if they're lying about this skill of theirs".
But then Yuu is super confused and is like "Yeah this thing is just. Chalk full of grammar errors. Half these words would never be said with eachother in real life, where did you get this?"
Yeah turns out Azul wrote that poem. Bro thought he was all fluent and shit and then he just gets dunked on like that lmao. So now he and Yuu ate meeting up once a week so Yuu can teach him their language so Azul can maybe actually cast some ancient spells.
"-so she took her coom-"
"excuse me?"
"It's pronounced 'comb'"
"...but I thought...so this word would be 'tome'?"
"No that 'tomb'"
"... break time?"
I'm really feeling this today ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) locked myself out of my house while a pot was on and was super stressed, life and language is bulllshit Azul I agree
Can you imagine if Azul thought he was gonna be slick and make a connection with Yuu on a spiritual level because he wrote this lovely poem but instead he just fumbles. He's in the middle of hyperventilating when inspiration strikes and he realizes he can swing this towards his advantage to have Yuu around him more. He doesn't fully realize what he's signed up for, but at least Yuu is fully aware of how much bs the rules are and is willing to comfort him.
So he was able to make a connection after all. Maybe he'll be able to rewrite this poem with some extra inspiration some time.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 15 days
Blaise Zabini hcs
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
literally liked you since 2cend year
saw you in herbology and was like “I may be 13 but that's the love of my life”
all his friends were goofing around with him bc he was too anxious to actually talk to you
He never even made eye contact with you he was too scared
and then you just appeared next to his seat at dinner and handed him a letter
you asked him out in your letter in the best way a second-year student can and he was bullied so hard by his friends bc he was flustered 24/7
Eventually, as your one-month anniversary turned into 6 and then a year his friends cared less and less
you guys just kept going and they just got accustomed to you two just being together it was like “Where are our parents” and then they found you both sitting in the commonroom just sitting in silence together and they're like “Aha we’ve found them”
like you've become a package deal
you guys are the healthiest relationship on the entire planet
you're perfect
he's your number one supporter no matter what you could kill a man and he'd be like “Yeah baby whatever you want”
you could walk out wearing only a belt and he'd be like “Oh fuck them up do a spin hell yeah you look bomb oh shit hell yeah baby”
He will listen to you talking about your favorite flavor of candle wax for years he just loves you soooooooo much
rates your burps you guys have been together since you were 13 years old you grew together and so it's just like nothing is gross anymore bc like “and?”
so far you have not gotten a 10 but you're working on it
you have gotten a 9.25 though so you are getting there
You guys are so stable in your relationship that even if someone does flirt with you or him the other is just like “Okay? And?”’ Like Draco will be like “Your boyfriend got flirted with today” and you're like “Alright. Hey also did you do that essay or like what?”
he's a tad rabid you'll both be sitting next to each other minding your own business and he'll just lean over and bite your shoulder
and when you're like ? he's like “It's cuteness aggression, it's natural. Read a book every now and then”
once you saw how much he enjoyed quidditch and so you tried out, broke your arm, and decided not to do sports anymore
Blaise was super stressed out the entire time you were in the hospital wing he pacing constantly and muttering
He makes your breakfast plate every morning while you're passed out on his shoulder
you have so many inside jokes that have you two almost pissing yourself from laughter and everyone else is just glaring at you
impromptu dancing in sync is a bit frequent between you two
you'll get stuck in a hallway doing that “Oh they'll go that way so I should go this way” but you both go in the same direction thing and he'll just pull you in and you both waltz out of the situation before just walking off in opposite directions like nothing happened
he's literally perfect the best boy in the whole world
He listens to all your rants all the way through and takes notes
one time Draco asked if Blaise knew anything about your friends and Blaise pulled out one of those corkboards with the red yarn
he's like perposterly good at history of magic
massive lover of study dates and nap dates
your grades skyrocket every time you ask for his help stg
spoils you rotten his mother is a breadwinner dude she bathes in 100-dollar bills
also he is a total mommas boy he sends his mom a letter every single day
when you did meet her you were like “Aha so that's where his good looks come from” Pansy heavily thirsted over her she was actively asking Blaise how old she was like “Mm that's not that big of an age difference” and Blaise was like “You're not rich enough babe cut your losses and end with dignity”
you guys are passing letters
he will be writing out love poems and handing them to you while stealing a piece of bacon off your plate
he's so deeply in love with you and has been for so long that he just like gives no shits anymore
yeah he gets all wimpy and lovey-dovey around you of course he would what are talking about dude
if anyone is like “Dude you're pussywhipped” or whatevs yk ppl hate Simps yadaa yada hell just be like “Yeah? and? which one of us in in the committed relationship again?”
god he is so-
he's just such a loverboy
he remembers every anniversary, holiday, birthday, and the day you first made eye contact with him, every time there's something important going on with you he remembers
he has your friends' birthdays memorized better than you do
his job is trophy husband and that's about as far as he goes(I'm lying he's so DTDTUYUgfADXZaSFDFZjcADFAGYUA ZXDJADHJKYJWAEMQC DFSIN)
he's so funny You're giggling all the time
tits guy unless you don't have tits then he's all over your ass dude
this one time you guys were relaxing in his dorm as one does and Draco walked in and you were straight up just shirtless laying back against Blaise and he was just holding your tits (he's self-soothing its fine) and you guys were just like “hey:)” “hi:) how was your test” Draco just turned around and left
if he ever sees you laying down on your stomach he's flinging himself to you as fast as he can so he can use your ass as his pillow
you think he's weird though when he does that so you're like “Dude what if I fart” and he's like “Why do you have to rain on my parade?” And he continues to do it bc like that's his home<3
every time you walk past him he slaps your ass
you threatened to stab him once because he did it out of habit in front of a teacher and both got detention
he oddly talks dirty quite well however he always does it at the worst of times
You'll be mid-conversation about Enzo’s grades and he'll lean over and whisper the filthiest thing in your ear and you're just like “:/ who raised you?”
munch when he got older he went through a beard phase and shit was bleached 24/7 it was basically platinum
grabbing your ass if you breathe a little differently like the only time hell stop is if his hands are cut off
he likes leaving the door unlocked just cause “babe someone could walk in that makes it 10x more exciting” “I wish you'd shut the fuck up sometimes”
is so used to you shaking ass on him at the randomist of times he's learned how double task so he’ll fully be standing next to Lorenzo and explaining something to him while Pansy is showing you her new playlist and you find a song you like and you’re like “Where is boyfriend the shaking of ass must commenece” and he continues to explain everything to Lorenzeo while you do
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tricktster · 1 year
how long have you been getting burritoed... i love the thought of you guys being together for five years and you still fall for it every time
Slightly NSFW warning but the full backstory for the burritoing is honestly very sweet and i can take absolutely no credit for it being so.
so it has not been five years, it’s only been five months, but given that my tolerance for being in relationships can usually be measured in weeks, five months with me harboring every single desire to keep this going is saying something. but rest assured the burrito thing has always been a threat in this relationship. lemme explain.
see, i met my boyfriend the most romantic way a person can, in that i hopped on tinder one friday when I was bored and he was the most interesting person that night to ask me to grab a drink with him the following week. I agreed, with every expectation that this was going to be a one night stand situation. This was because I had already concluded I would probably sleep with him since he was hot and funny over tinder/text but also, more importantly, because I had decided to plunge back into the dating world after several years of being resolutely single by having what my roommate described as “a wanton winter,” which is a nicer way of saying that I was here to sleep around without any strings remotely attached. I had every intention of this being followed by a slutty spring, sexually-available summer, and perhaps even a fuckboi fall.
All this to say, I was not looking for an actual relationship when I agreed to “grab a drink” with the man who is now my boyfriend. In fact, even though he was categorically hunky all-round? I was by this point in my wanton winter not even optimistically hoping for a good time. I had recently re-discovered that hunky meant absolutely nothing, and was still haunted by memories of sleeping with an extremely attractive massage therapist who was not only terrible in bed but also read me a very bad poem that he’d written afterwards and started crying about the state of his life at one point and also his mom called like 11 times while he was over. Like, my expectations were subterranean.
Now given this background, i presumed that this guy would follow the established pattern set by every other guy i’d hooked up with during wanton winter; we’d go back to my place, fool around, he’d leave, and i’d get occasional “u up” texts from him for the next few weeks until one of us ghosted etc. so like it was a surprise - but certainly not an unpleasant one! - when he asked (a little nervously) post-hookup if he could stay the night. he didn’t want to impose, he explained, but he had a day shift the next morning and it was really late and his house was 24 minutes away and while he didn’t want to be presumptuous he’d thrown what he needed in a backpack just in case and also he wanted to cuddle and be big spoon.
well. this was a deviation. this possibly suggested more interest than just a one night stand.
ideologically i was opposed to the threat this posed to my no commitments wanton winter lifestyle but given that he was significantly cuter and funnier in person than he’d been online and also that he had just absolutely rocked my entire world for several hours(!!!) i was just like “yeah homie you are more than welcome to stay,” and decided against issuing my standard warning whenever anyone proposes sharing a bed with me that “I do not tolerate people attempting to cuddle me in my sleep well so don’t be hurt when you find me as far from you as physically possible tomorrow, and also you may be kicked in the process of me rolling away, and my toenails are inexplicably sharp so you may bleed.”
and then, you know, suddenly the alarm was going off, and he was extracting himself, unwounded, from the big spoon position that I had not felt the unconscious need to escape from all night, and I was just internally like “haha! i might be in trouble!”
that mighta done it on its own, honestly, the whole bit about him being the sole exception i have ever encountered to my instinctual need for space when i’m sleeping. but he was not done. he quietly got ready while i was mulling this development over in a state of half consciousness, and then? instead of slinking out into the barely-morning, that motherfucker very gently rearranged the bedclothes to actually cover me, gave me a kiss, said he’d text me when he got to work, and then the bastard tucked me in.
he then left me, the victim of the cutest goddamn nonsense that has ever happened after a tinder hookup, to process this unexpected turn of events.
I concluded that I was, in fact, in trouble.
so like… needless to say, that act of tucking me in was the death knell for my wanton winter, as well as my adversarial relationship with the concept of developing feelings. I am an extremely crotchety housecat that doesn’t like to be crowded who has unprecedentedly fallen incredibly hard for a wildly enthusiastic golden retriever, and our relationship is foundationally based upon this man’s desire to make me all snug and cozy before he leaves.
the burrito aspect was merely an afterthought. it’s all about the tuck-in babey.
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the-badger-mole · 1 month
I love your gaang hc's! I saw you touched on sukka and zutara. Do you have any relationship specific head canons for them?
Sokka and Suki love hunting together. When Sokka proposed to Suki, she didn't have any male relatives for him to hunt with, so they went together to hunt for the main course of their engagement feast. Ever since, they go on a long hunting trip together for their anniversary. When their kids are old enough, they join in, too. Sometimes Sokka's family joins in. Suki's aunt (who raised her) has never been so inclined, but she comes to help watch the kids while they're gone sometimes when they're still too young to go, and will help clean the kill when they return. After Sokka passes, Suki keeps the tradition alive with her kids and their children, and for her last trip, her great-grandkids.
Zuko is a cuddle bug. Because of their status and Zuko's general discomfort with heavy PDA, he and Katara rarely do more than hold hands in public. When they are home, though, in their private rooms, he can often be found in Katara's arms, or resting on her (shoulder, lap, stomach, whatever position is easiest). When they are separated, Zuko has a pillow sprayed with her perfume that he sleeps with. Once they have kids, he loves cuddling them, too. At bedtime, the entire royal family can often be found curled up together on Katara and Zuko's bed while he reads them all sorts of stories or poems, or even essays from scholars around the world (age appropriate, of course). As the kids get older, they are less inclined to join family cuddle time, but Zuko can always curl up with his wife. After she dies, Zuko can't get a comfortable night's sleep, and he struggles with insomnia until his death about a year later.
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woundgallery · 1 month
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I don't submit many poems for publication, but I am truly delighted that this old piece found a home in a beautiful volume of Prairie Schooner. I wrote this in April 2016, when I was re-emerging from the most deadening period of my life. As much as this poem, on the surface, is about heartbreak, it is much more about the gift of opening myself once again to communion with others and communion with the mystery of our fragile, interconnected world. The person I wrote this for took me by the hand and--with gentleness and understanding--helped me put aside weariness and remember that the world was a place that could still surprise me with a beauty that surpasses explanation, that cannot be neatly explained and shut away. Though it's been years since we have spoken, I am forever grateful for him.
And, as spring quickens in New York City, I am grateful once more to reflect on all I would have missed if I had not made it through the gauntlet of 2015. I would never have met my cat (and love of my life) Willa who wakes me each morning by wildly purring, head butting me like a baby goat, and nibbling my cheeks and nose because she’s just so happy to see me; hiked on Orcas Island with Michael and found a surprise lake which we named Lake Ineffable (because no name was beautiful enough for it) where we stripped off our clothes and swam and embraced each other, blissfully alone and dazed by superfluous beauty; found out that George Washington National Forest may have more fireflies than anywhere in the world; grown into my vocation as a social worker and been blessed to sit in communion with my clients for eight years; built a beautiful relationship with my parents based on mutual respect, affinity, and humor; seen my friends’ babies discover the world; slept beneath a meteor shower sky on a NYC beach in the arms of a man I was suddenly and entirely falling in love with; discovered Eric Rohmer; discovered Wim Wenders;  moved to Laramie, Wyoming where everything looks like the abandoned set of a Western film where the paint has flaked off but he extras are still wandering around despondently; moved to Montana where I remembered that I am part of the whole, not just a body in passing; woke in Missoula to the cold air seeping through my window—still half in a dream of Oregon in October—and stirred, deliciously alert beside the boy I loved, craning toward his sleepy, freckled back, to clutch him closer, the brisk quickening of fall making my body a new thing—wild and tender and alive; swam naked in the ocean; had the chance to work with my best friends and fall even more in love with the people they are based off the kindness they showed our clients; had my best friends, in turn, respect and love me more based of what they saw me showing clients; sat by a lake at night and felt an earthquake swell like a heartbeat beneath my body; drove from Missoula to Washington, Ryan’s van weaving through a forest fire zone until we reached the pure, amnesiac sweep of the Pacific; discovered Simone Weil; been, not only forgiven, but embraced by the person I most wronged after six years of estrangement; made up a silly-serious shared mythology with Steven about a vulture God named Hamm who watches over us with a severe equanimity; backpacked through Olympic National Park with Michael and seen and been seen by the strange shaggy haired deer and rabbits who looked at us without fear; discovered Agnes Martin; read poetry with my sage & strange Mara; discovered Olivier Messiaen; discovered Mary Ruefle; discovered Ana Mendieta; realized that I like the color yellow; moved to New York City; discovered Carol Rama; learned how to enjoy dancing to music other than punk rock; seen a moose in the wild; spent a summer in that yellow shotgun house with the overgrown yard and the porch overlooking the river where we made dinner each night listening to recordings of bird calls; experienced the delights of solitary sunbathing on Brooklyn roofs; encountered places named Hellgate, Bitterroot, and Rattlesnake; recited The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock at 3 AM, wading in the waters of the Long Island Sound; realized I am capable of keeping houseplants alive; heard the thrumming ecstasy of the grouse's wings; learned the name of those clustered, mustard-colored flowers that grow on the Oregon coast; grew grateful for beauty again, remembering the world is not a place I can neatly explain, cannot fold in linen and shut in a drawer; and, most of all, remembered the daily ways we concede—plainly, without theatrics—to live.
Today I am thankful for those who love me and those who allow me to love them.
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tokagedreams · 11 months
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(a/n: i have soooo many more thoughts about poe bro i love him so much..anyway, fellow poe fans if you have poe requests i am begging you to drop them in my inbox)
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- the two of you met back in america years ago. you guys start out as ride-or-die best friends, you’re the inseparable duo that does everything together. when poe goes to yokohama with the guild, you go with him even if you’re not a guild member.
- you’re an infuriating case of ‘the two besties that are clearly in love with each other but would rather die than confess because they’re convinced their feelings are unrequited when they obviously aren’t’. you’ve basically been acting like a couple for at least a year but somehow you and poe are both convinced that it’s just a friendship to the other person and nothing more.
- both the guild and the ADA assumed you were already dating until poe referred to you as his ‘best friend’ and they’re just like are you fr right now?? 🤨 it’s literally so freaking obvious you two are head over heels in love to everyone except for you and poe. especially if you’re not even in the guild and you moved across the world just to be with poe 💀 ranpo (affectionately) hates you guys because you refuse to believe him when he tells you that your feelings are requited.
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- ranpo #1 wingman frfr!! at first he tries to make it happen naturally, but eventually he realizes that’s a lost cause..so he basically forces poe to confess to you because he’s so sick and tired of hearing poe lament about how you don’t love him back when you obviously do!! i could see ranpo being like “i’m not reading any of your new novels until you confess to (y/n) 😈” and that would be the final straw because poe is not about to throw away all his chances of ever beating his rival.
- i think we all agree that poe is a hopeless romantic, but i feel like he would just be too anxious to actually do anything fancy for a confession. he’s probably fantasized about the perfect confession a hundred times, but when he gets pressured to actually do it, all of those plans go out the window because he’s just freaking out lol.
- he’d tell you to come over because he needs to ‘show you something important’, he doesn’t make it obvious that he’s going to confess his feelings at all. so you get to his house and he tells you to wait on the couch while he gathers everything, and you’re starting to get anxious too because you’re like ummm wtf is he about to show me?? poe goes to his office and after a moment of ‘gathering’ (he actually already had his stuff sorted beforehand, he spent the entire time petting karl to muster up some courage), he brings you this giant stack of messy papers and just stands there awkwardly. and you’re so freaking confused until you start reading them and you realize that they’re all love letters and poems about you, written by poe himself. they’re all dated too so you can see that they range from today all the way back to like at least two years ago.
- poor poe is actually sitting there literally trembling while you read, anxiously waiting for you to respond. obviously you tell him you love him too, and he honestly looks like he doesn’t believe it or just can’t process it for a second, you have to kiss him on the cheek or something to get him to register the fact that you seriously love him. but after that he’s like the happiest you’ve ever seen him, he’s hugging you so hard, grabbing your hands and he might even excitedly kiss your face a couple times. this is genuinely a dream come true for him so he can go a little wild as a treat <3
- he owes ranpo so bad after this btw 💀
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- since you and poe had been acting like a couple for a long while before officially getting together, it’s not that hard to get used to an actual relationship. now there’s just a lot less uncertainty and hesitance, you can comfortably do all of the things that you previously chickened out of because you didn’t want to ‘ruin your friendship’. your feelings aren’t a secret anymore, so you both have free reign to be as affectionate as you want to be.
- in terms of love language, i really feel like poe could appreciate any kind of love from you. he might be a little shy about physical affection, and he probably won’t want to do much of it in public, but in private i think he would secretly love it. his favorite type of love to receive from you would probably be words of affirmation, this man needs that praise and validation so badly!! in the beginning of your relationship, he doesn’t know how to handle your compliments, if you’re flirty he will simply explode. he eventually gets more accustomed to it, but he still blushes like crazy and gets all bashful every time you praise him. his favorite type of love to give to you is probably acts of service, just look at how much he bends over backwards to do favors for ranpo in canon lol. he will do literally anything for you!! with his absurd salary and spending habits, you can count on being showered in gifts too, he just wants to spoil you!
- you and poe are definitely one of those couples that enjoys just chilling in the same room doing your own separate things. it will actually make him so happy if you just quietly sit in his office while he writes! maybe after you’ve been dating for a long time he might even have you sit on his lap sometimes.. 😳 since he spends so much time in there obsessively writing new novels to beat ranpo, it got really lonely with just him and karl, so having you there just makes everything better. he also probably doesn’t take very good care of himself when he’s really focused on writing, so he will be eternally thankful if you help make sure he eats, drinks and sleeps enough. he might be the type to say “just one more chapter..” every time you tell him to go to bed, but you can usually persuade him with the promise of cuddles and a kiss goodnight.
- speaking of cuddles when you go to sleep…i am convinced that poe would secretly love being the little spoon!! he’ll of course default to being the big spoon unless you’re somehow taller than him, because that’s kinda just the norm for tall people in most cases. he might even be hesitant at first if you ask him to swap places with you, because he’s likely never done that before, but when you hold him for the first time..it immediately becomes his new favorite thing. it makes him feel so safe and secure and loved, please hold this man!!
- you play with poe’s hair all the time, it’s something you both enjoy because damn he has a lot of hair and it’s really fluffy. you push his bangs back because you want to actually see his eyes for once!! it makes him so flustered because he lowkey feels exposed without his bangs, but if you tell him his eyes are pretty he’ll be like “omg really?? 🥺” and forget all about his embarrassment. it works every single time. when poe is stressed, he often just lays his head in your lap and lets you run your fingers through his hair, it’s very grounding and calming to him. he gets embarrassed if you catch him off guard and just randomly start petting his hair, he tells you to go pet karl instead 💀
- poe is 100% the type of guy to kiss your knuckles or your forehead all the time. he’ll kiss you on the lips too, but it can be kind of overwhelming, so he doesn’t initiate those kisses as often. i think he would like being kissed on the cheek by you a lot, something simple and sweet to brighten his mood. despite being your partner, he still gets nervous to ask you for kisses when he wants them, but he’s honestly pretty unintentionally obvious about it so you can usually tell lol.
- poe gets so embarrassed if you ever read his novels, he knows that you appreciate his writing, but your opinion is so important to him that he gets anxious about it. he usually doesn’t let you read books that he’s written to challenge ranpo until after he’s already shown them to the detective. but you always read them when he gets back home and he’s all mopey after ranpo has successfully solved another one of his mysteries. although he remains determined to continue trying, it’s always a major blow to his self esteem when he loses to ranpo again. so you read the books for yourself so that you can praise him about every specific detail and make him feel better about himself and his work. you may not be his rival or the greatest detective in the world, but you are poe’s partner, so your words are still very meaningful to him.
- poe would definitely call you lots of pet names if you’re comfortable with it. he calls you things like ‘my dearest’ and ‘my beloved’, but he’ll also call you things like ‘darling’ and ‘love’. if you have a nickname, he’ll typically use that in place of your full name because it feels more intimate to him. if you do the same to him, he’ll be so happy! he’s down with being called basically any term of endearment as long as it comes from you, but some may make him more flustered than others. if you shorten his name and call him ‘ed’ it makes him feel so much closer to you.
- poe talks about you all the freaking time! he’s not above straight up bragging about how great his partner is, he constantly feels the need to tell everyone how great you are. hopefully ranpo likes you a lot because my guy has to listen to poe gushing about you constantly lol. if poe ever finds out that you’ve told your friends good things about him, it will warm his heart and make him feel so appreciated. he’s basically never prepared for you to match his extreme passion in your relationship, it shocks him every single time and he can’t believe he actually met someone who loves him as strongly as he loves them.
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(a/n: thanks for reading my first fic on this account! i hope you guys like my theme lol, i just wanna be known as the tokage guy who writes bsd fics)
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sumedhaaaaaaaaaa · 3 months
Hello there, it’s me Momo🩷
Here’s a little description of things I love and envy
I’m from the Indian subcontinent.
Spent my entire childhood between mountains and valleys. For a change shifted to Delhi which I regret tremendously.
I love farming, gardening, stitching clothes, crocheting, writing poems and maintaining a journal.
I enjoy long walks and bicycle rides.
I prefer going to a bookstore or a restaurant all by myself. I love self-dates.
I want to settle someday at an unknown meadow with mountains and lakes at a cottage core house, with big windows and minimalistic furniture with a wooden chimney, a library with some cats and the man I love.
I’m a student, fortunately academically gifted/blessed.
I did my undergrad from Indraprastha college for women under the university of Delhi in the discipline of geography Hons. Currently pursuing my masters from Jamia Millia Islamia.
I love movies; and my favourite genre is dystopian reality. So far I have watched 750+ movies which include almost every linguistic diversity as I strongly believe in the adherence of, “you can’t find gold unless you dig the dirt.”
I love reading books, like a lot. I can speak 5 different languages and out of them, 3 languages are engraved within my system. Starting from Greek Literature Iliad by Homer to metaphysics by aristotle; reading short stories of Rabindranath Tagore in Bengali as well as reciting Gazals of Gulzar in Hindi itself, I believe I have defined base in my own culture as well as to others. Again, when it comes to dystopian, I envy reading The Hunger Games and The Maze Runners. Do Androids dream of electric sheep? Comes under my top 5 dystopian reads; as this book was later adopted into a world class movie franchise called The Blade Runner. I lean towards Harry Potter more than The Lord of the Rings. I have read A song of ice and fire which people are so batshit crazy about and famously known as the “Game of thrones.” I didn’t watch a single episode but I know more than any fan I believe.
If you intervene and ask, then yeah you can think of me as a “nerd” hehehe because my preference and taste of things leans towards being more of geek tbh🩷🩷
I also enjoy watching animated series/anime and sit coms. I’m a sucker for The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon and will rewatch them for an eternity if asked. My favourite anime is Gintama but the list is peculiar and long as I have been watching anime/reading manga since I was 9 years old. My first anime was Dragon Ball z and Pokémon. I also watched Doraemon and Shinchan series/movies. The list goes on when it comes to entertainment but mine is more restricted than common which people watch out of peer pressure. Below are some examples for understanding my taste and likings.
My favourite dystopian movies are (Top 20)
1. Shutter Island.
2. Interstellar
3. The Dark knight
4. The Dark knight Rises
5. Captain America: the winter soldier
6. Rouge one: a star war’s story
7. Tron legacy
8. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
9. The Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug
10. Star Trek Enterprise
11. Star Wars: the empire strikes back
12. Blade runner
13. Blade runner 2049
14. Dune
15. V for vendetta
16. Maze runner
17. The Hunger Games
18. Oblivion
19. The Truman show
20. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Top 15 Anime
1. Gintama
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
3. Berserk
4. Mob psycho
5. Steins Gate
6. Violet evergarden
7. Monster
8. Parasyte
9. Heavenly delusion
10. Ergo proxy
11. Full Metal Alchemist
12, That time when I got reincarnated as a slime
13. Campfire cooking in another world with my absurd cooking skills
14. Barakamon
15. Bunny Drop
Top 10 Anime Movies
1. Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli
2. Up from the poppy hill by Studio Ghibli
3. My neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli
4. The End of Evangelion by Hideaki Anno
5. Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli
6. Perfect blue by Satosi Kon
7. Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
8. Ghost in the Shell by Mamoru Oshii
9. Violet evergarden: the movie by Taichi Ishidate
10. Doraemon: Nobita’s new dinosaur by Kazuaki Imai, Toshihisa Yokoshima, in collaboration with Kyoto animation studio Wasabi Mizuta, Megumi Ohara, Shihoko Hagino.
I know it may seem boring and I usually don’t find people with such diversity, but it would be good to be a part of this community. I envy people who respects art and literature of every culture and not demeaning them.
Have a good day people muah 🩷
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anneangel · 2 months
I can understand why Elrond allowed Bilbo live in Rivendell, in his halls, around several others of grandeur, allowing Bilbo to creating poems, music and translating files from Elvish into Common Speech, about Ancient history, Tales and Legends.
Have you ever stopped to think that Bilbo made everything said about him come true, and even went further?
He proved to be “The thief wants a good job, a lot of excitement and reasonable reward” or “Expert Treasure-hunter”. He really was “the expert thief and even gives the dwarves some ideas or suggestions” (even more than expected, given that Thorin believed that the problems would only come from Lake-town, the same with Gandalf announcing that the problems would occur much earlier).
So Bilbo went faced Trolls, met and charm elves, found the One Ring, spared Gollum's life, confront spiders, freed the dwarves from the elven dungeons of Mirkwood, overcame his fears of heights, put the dwarves in barrels and he entered a river even without knowing how to swim, entered Erebor and stole from the dragon Smaug, then spoke to that dragon and discovered its weak point (information brought to Bard by a bird, without which he would not have been able to kill the beast). And then Bilbo even used the Arkenstone as a ruse to try to avoid bloodshed, even if it meant enmity with his dwarven friends, and even so he returned to the mountain to be on their side (Bilbo still considered himself friend and loyal to them, he just had the courage to go against them on something he believed they weren't right: not negotiating with others).
Bilbo was in the Battle of the Five Armies and came out alive, and in end he forgave Thorin (after Thorin almost threw him for dead). It was because of him (and Galdalf's) that an king returned to reign in Erebor (Dáin) and another king returned to Dale (Bard). So, There was friendship between elves, dwarves and humans in those parts, after their union in battle.
So Bilbo returned to Bag End, had to repurchase his possessions and was not well received by the other Hobbits, but he was not subjugated by The One Ring over the years, and he did not become lonely and elusive, on the contrary; continued friend to dwarves and elves and humans for years, adopt Frodo (which would change the future course of Middle-earth forever, since this adoption would determine the future Ring-bearer), taught Sam to read, welcomed Merry and Pippin into his home, who was liberal with money and helped the poor and needy, and threw lively parties with food and gifts for the entire Shire, and even after decades in possession of the One Ring he managed to give it up (albeit with Gandalf's help).
Yes, the same Bilbo who had in possession a blade of Gondolin, the One Ring, the Arkenstone, and the mail of Mithril at the same time. And in the end he was able to get rid of each of these things of so much value and power.
Yes, I understand why Elrond and other elves wanted him around.
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silverspriings · 2 years
CARE — remus lupin
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summary: after a long day of work, you feel yourself coming down with something. luckily, you married the most generous man in the world.
pairings: remus lupin x fem!reader
wc: 1.4k
notes: PLEASE send in marauders and golden era requests i want to write for them so bad but i suck ass at coming up with my own ideas :/
moony reads is exactly what you and remus have dreamed of your entire lives. who wouldn't want to run a hole in the wall bookstore in the middle of notting hill with your true love? however, there's always a kink in the road.
you and remus met at albus university getting english degrees you both knew you'd probably never use. you fell in love over oscar wilde, the brontë sisters, and the horrific original poems professor slughorn used to read at the commencement of every lecture.
but before magical love always comes pining.
and remus was in deep as soon as he saw you.
the first class you had ever had together was romantic literature of the 19th century. when going through the gauntlet of choosing courses, this class had been your top pick, so you were elated to find it in your schedule.
remus, however, was not. don't get it wrong, the boy loved the works they would be reading. jane austen made him fall in love with english in secondary school. but it was an 8 am. remus could not stand 8 am classes.
that was until he walked in on the first week and saw you. you sat there reading anna karenina, filling the margins with your thoughts in ink. he was enamored instantly. the way you chewed your lip as you focused on the classic, the way your hair fell over your face, even the large, shapeless yet comfy sweater you wore appealed to him.
there was even an open seat next to you! did remus sit in it? no. he did not.
what he did do was rant on and on to his roommates about you. he praised your intelligence and your obvious love for literature to his listening friends.
"maybe you should try sitting next to her next class," james said.
maybe i will, is what remus thought.
the next time he had romantic literature of the 19th century, he arrived perky as ever ready to sit next to the person of his dreams. and there, sitting in the seat he imagined actually speaking to you, maybe confessing his love, maybe proposing, maybe sacrificing his first born for your requited love, was a boy named... chad.
yes. chad. remus lupin's greatest adversary in his second semester of uni was a boy named chad.
remus never ended up speaking to you in romantic literature of the 19th century. he took chad's presence as a sign that you weren't the one.
next year, as a second year, remus took on the most dreaded course of any english student at albus. explorations of poetry, taught by slughorn.
he dreaded this class more than any 8 am he had ever had. he dreaded it so much that he arrived to the lecture late on the very first day. only one more seat in the hall remained. right next to you.
as remus slowly sat down, you turned and smiled shyly at him. remus will swear forever that he almost went into cardiac arrest at that moment.
this moment with remus was not your first impression of him. you had been noticing the boy ever since that romance class last year as well. as chad would drone on and on about his trust fund or his newest designer watch, you gaze would always travel to the boy in the thick wool sweaters with the unruly dirty blonde hair. you found that you loved his voice in that class. the way he would talk about the intricacies of love and romance was almost pornographic to your ears.
so when he sat next to you in that torturous poetry lecture, you decided to shoot whatever shot you had.
"hey, are you remus from mcgonagall's class last year?" you asked with a fast beating heart and softly blushed cheeks.
"yeah, yeah. y/n, right?"
the remainder of that lesson was spent passing notes between the two of you as slughorn tormented the class with his dreadful prose. by the end of class your cheeks hurt from smiling at the cute boy, and his heart had grown six sizes at the possibility of having a chance with you.
"um, y/n," remus said as everyone packed their bags to escape from slughorn's lecture hall, "i don't have any classes on wednesdays, so i was kinda wondering if you would want to do a study... date?"
your smile grew beyond what you knew was humanly possible. you eagerly agreed to the study date (even though you did have classes on wednesday but they can be skipped), and the rest was history.
after two years of dating, you and remus graduated from uni ready to go out into the professional world. however, the professional world isn't often kind.
you and remus were working jobs that bored both of you endlessly when you took a walk through notting hill. the quintessential london neighborhood was your favorite spot for a casual stroll in rare clear weather. posted on the door of a small, thin townhouse was a "for sale" sign. usually, you would've overlooked this and continued walking. but you were unsatisfied with your current life and the place was so insanely small it wouldn't cost a billion pounds.
on a whim, you and remus decided to throw everything into buying the skinny three story townhouse. and on your first day inside, he knelt down on one knee and proposed.
a thousand seemingly endless renovations and an intimate summer wedding later, moony reads was finally open for business. it was the perfect time to open a quaint bookstore in notting hill, as the holiday gift rush was starting, and tourisits came to london for the winter season.
it turns out to not be the perfect time for you. remus had to visit his family's cottage today, so the store was left in your care. you could close up shop and go up the stairs of the townhome to you and remus's apartment at any time, but the customers wouldn't stop coming.
what did stop coming was the heat.
notting hill is an old neighborhood with old houses, so it shouldn't be a surprise when things break. but it is quite unpleasant when the weather outside is close to freezing, your heating system is cold, and customers keep opening the door to the outside. by the end of the workday, you felt sneezy, sniffly, and chilled to your bones.
once upstairs in the apartment, you made a cup of tea (which was guzzled without care for the burn on your tongue), and hid under the blankets of your bed.
around 9 pm, remus returned home to find it freezing cold. he checked the thermostat to find it shut off, groaning as the one thing needed in london winters broke.
immediately worried for his wife, remus darts through the small house to find you cuddled under a heavy pile of blankets with a pink nose and a halo of tissues around you.
"darling," he softly nudges you through the thick armor of blankets, "i need you to wake up so i can get you some medicine."
you let out a dramatic moan as you're brought back into consciousness by your husband. your head hurts, you have shivers, your nose is running. you just feel like shit.
"no, remus." your stubbornness comes out at the thought of being the helpless one in your relationship. "i'm really not that bad. i'll just call the landlord tomorrow. it'll be fine-"
cue coughing fit.
"sorry, sweetheart. not happening." remus is already moving towards the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for cough syrup.
"i'll call the landlord, and give you this medicine, and make you amazing chicken noodle soup tomorrow, and take care of everything in the bookstore." remus speaks in a no-nonsense tone that makes his word final.
"i love you and i'm not having you die over a common cold because you're too stubborn to let me help you."
"but-" you try to argue.
"nope. just let me take care of you," he says while leaning down to press a tender kiss to your warm forehead.
after you give a melodramatic performance of downing the disgustingly flavored cough syrup (which he rolls his eyes and grins at), remus pulls on pajamas, grabs you more blankets, and crawls under the covers to provide you with more body heat.
he has to sush your protests of not wanting him to get sick, but after that, laying in his arms is peaceful. as the strong medicine forces you into deep slumber, you thank your lucky stars for giving you this gift of a man that will care for you with all of his heart.
don't come for me if i got something wrong abt british culture but this is actually cute i think. also, can you tell i read you deserve each other and i'm obsessed with soft married couples rn.
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abby118 · 7 months
Watching the Loki series is like watching an endless gag reel. It's so bad it's surreal. Loki doesn't feel like Loki. That's not Loki. It's like we're watching Tom Hiddleston just flail and flop around in a bad suit. He reminds me, (and someone else also pointed this out, I can't remember who), of the Edgar suit in Men In Black. And I can't help but wonder if that was a conscious decision Tom made, to act like a possessed, reanimated corpse? We'll never know, of course, but every time I see video clips and gifs, I just see the Edgar suit and if it wasn't so laughable, I could cry.
I completely agree. I couldn't even get through season 1 tbh. And I'd thought ragnarok was bad and out of character...
My advice would be to avoid it completely. I've got the tags blocked, I don't look at the new content and just stick to the original. It truly makes me so sad for the entire fandom, to see such complex and deeply interesting character destroyed and stripped of his very essence. I've been a fan of Loki and the characters from the Thor movies since 2011 and hyperfixated big time. I won't let some disney bullshit ruin that. It helped me through the hardest times of my life and I see parts of myself in the personalities of the characters, having grown up with it being a safe place. It even inspired me to find interest in the norse mythology despite it being so different. I read numerous books and studies on it and I feel like you can catch little glimpses of it in the original franchise.
Sadly, it feels like Tom is so out of touch with who he is supposed to be portraying. I hope this is the result of a contract and not entirely his own input. Although, I'm worried that might be my wishful thinking.
I was studying the soundtrack of Thor 2 the other day and how much thought went into it and it made me weep internally. Brian Tyler studied the characters' personalities and brought that into what he crafted. It was full of care. He even named one track Lokasenna, which if you don't know, is the name of a poem belonging to the poetic Edda and is about the conflict between Loki and the Aesir (asgardians). I also love how the og Thor franchise had the recurrent theme of light & shadow. Returning back to the brian tyler vid- the theme he was talking about is named Shadows of Loki.
Now, compare it with what we got in the last years (sth that feels like a very badly written fanfic). That is just a single example.
For me, the ending of Thor 2 is the end of canon and I am writing my very extensive continuation. It's the best ending we could have gotten in terms of fanwork because it's an open ending. A still in-character-ending.
The series feels wrong, it feels like utter mockery and I'm not here for it. With that said, my blog is a safe space for everyone who feels like this or gets bullied by the new "fanbase" (yes that happens)
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion, I appreciate it more than you know 🖤💚
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I can't stop thinking about dead boy detectives and Emily Dickinson ever since I saw Edwin and Charles' relationship unfold, these two boys whose deaths were covered up and "did not matter," as Edwin put it, and who have kept running from Death together for thirty years and counting; these two boys who would do anything to stay together. And I can't get
"I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you - Nobody - too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! They'd advertise - you know!"
out of my mind. Edwin and Charles as EdwinandCharles, together against everything that might separate them, looking into the world of the living from the outside but glad to do it together. They keep to themselves because, as long as they have each other's backs, it's always going to turn out at least okay.
Edwin and Charles cannot picture a world - an afterlife - in which they might lose each other, this bond they share of trust, harmony and loyalty. Emily herself wrote to her love Susan that she (I'm paraphrasing) that she might as well lose any other world, but she wants to continue living in the one in which she's together with her love. It's this utter devotion that we see in Edwin and Charles.
But also imagine Edwin reading Emily Dickinson's poems. I am not entirely sure when her poems might have been available in England, but I know that "I measure every Grief I meet" was first published in 1896.
I imagine him reading this poem during his time in school. He read it only once because this is the most he could bear, too real for him back then. He had suffered even before he went to Hell. He was bullied. His classmates would isolate him and cause him pain - they were the reason he eventually died, after all -, installed fear in him. The environment of the boarding school didn't give him any opportunity of respite, he couldn't get away and I doubt his parents would've been much of a help, if they had cared at all.
So, I imagine him quietly suffering, closing himself off because no-one seemingly cared enough to get to know him. Him barely talking, rather listening and watching what is going on around him, questioning whether everyone felt that way, so hollow and invisible at the same time, as if one wrong look would either go right through him or break him.
I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes - I wonder if It weighs like Mine - Or has an Easier size. I wonder if They bore it long - Or did it just begin - I could not tell the Date of Mine - It feels so old a pain -
He has always felt this way, an ache he would tell himself he could barely feel anymore. Maybe he wondered as well how other people do it, living with a weight that drags you down and keeps you down, this dry sorrow that no tears flow anymore.
I wonder if it hurts to live - And if They have to try - And whether - could They choose between - It would not be - to die -
The encounter between Despair and Edwin is the reason why I thought of this poem in the first place. There are different kinds of grief, and despair is one of them, maybe that's why she might call upon Edwin someday.
There's Grief of Want - and Grief of Cold - A sort they call "Despair" -
Mostly I wonder what he would've thought, reading the last two lines:
Still fascinated to presume That Some - are like My Own -
Would he have been fascinated or would he have thought how unbelievably tragic this was? What would he think reading this after he met Charles? After he saw Simon again in Hell? Would it make him feel calm to see this written or sad?
No matter what it would be, I think him finding his way out of Hell (twice!) and Charles by his side have shown him that this pain does not define him, that there is always hope. And
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
after all.
"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" by Emily Dickinson
"I measure every Grief I meet" by Emily Dickinson
"'Hope' is the thing with feathers" by Emily Dickinson
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literary-illuminati · 3 months
2024 Book Review #13 – Victory City by Salman Rushdie
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One of my goals for the year is to read more proper literature (here defined as fiction I can mention reading to my mother without getting judged for it). I’ve never read anything of Rushdie’s before, but I did remember his name in the news recently due to the whole attempted-murder thing and, happily, my library actually had a copy of his newest work. So, picked this up and read it sight unseen!
The book follows one Pampa Kampana – a nine-year-old girl who, in the 14th century, witnesses her city destroyed, and her mother burning herself alive. She is then inhabited and blessed by a goddess, blessed/cursed with a lifespan measured in centuries and the destiny of raising an empire up and seeing it fall before she dies.
The narrative is framed as a modern adaptation/summary of the epic poem recounting her life Pampa completes before finally dying, finally discovered and translated after being forgotten in the ruins of te imperial capital for centuries. The story is largely a story of this miraculous, semi-utopian empire, as told Pampa’s eyes (and with a lengthy digression during the years she spends in exile).
This is a story that exists somewhere in the muddy middle ground between historical low fantasy and magical realism – it’s in some sense an alternate history of the Vijayanagara Empire, and replete with historical trivia and references, but is quite clear from the outset that accuracy is not really something the book cares about. Instead, the book’s Vijayanagara – always written as Bisnaga, as it was translated by a historical Portuguese chronicler whose also a minor character in the story, to prevent confusion – is basically allegory and morality tale with a light coating of history for flavour.
Not that I can really begrudge Rushdie for his strident politics (as far as I can tell I basically agree with him on all of it), but this really does feel like one of those old fantastical utopias, or a political treatise that gets past the censors by pretending to be the history of a foreign country, more than it does a novel. Which could definitely work! But in this case really didn’t, at least for me. There’s enough time spent on characterization and character drama to eat up pages, but not enough for it to ever feel like they’re people and not just marionettes acting out a show. I suppose the best way to get across the reading experience is that I was reading a proper 500 page history book at the same time as I read this, and this felt like the bigger slog by far.
Though part of that might just be disappointed expectations that I really had no right to have in the first place? As I said, I had Rushdie slotted in my head as a literary author, but really I don’t know nearly enough about him or his work to justify that. So I came to this expecting to be at least a bit wowed and bedazzled by the artistry and beautiful prose on display – and like, eh? Not bad, to be sure, the narrative voice and the framing device are both fun and fairly well done. But having read it there’s really not a single passage or sequence I can say has stuck with me.
The comparison that comes to mind is Kalpa Imperial by Angélica Gorodischer, which is also a book-length epic history of a fantastical empire that never was which laughs at all conventional wisdom about pacing, characterization and plot (and which also has been shelved as magical realism for what are basically reasons genre snobbery imo). It’s been a few years since I read it, but from what I recall that agreed with me far more. Maybe just because it abandoned the conceit of a single protagonist and family melodrama entirely, or maybe because it had a bit more subtle in its social commentary (or maybe it was just better written on a sentence-to-sentence level).
Though I should say, there’s every possibility I’m being a bit harsher on this than it entirely deserves – it’s an entirely competent book! The politics are blatant but like a) they’re politics I agree with and b) they’re nowhere near the most blatant or forced-feeling inclusion of progressive politics in fiction I’ve seen recently. However, this is also a piece of writing that’s among other things very clearly and directly about how important and sublime and world-changing the art of writing is. Which is like a movie about making it in showbuisness, or a musical about how great singing is. Automatic deduction of a full letter grade.
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dmc-brainrot · 7 months
i loved the yamato! reader fic! please continue it! also here is a real question! how do you think the yamato would look as a human?
Eternally Soul Bonded (part 2)
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Vergil (DMC5) x Yamato! reader
warnings: reader is a humanoid version of Yamato, reader is also a bit obssessed with Vergil (mild yandere behaviour that seems to be growing), a bit of angst, fluff, mild smut, strangling, things get a bit heavy
summary: after a whole year of you two being together, there seems to be a huge wall separating you two… and you intend to break it by force, no matter what.
word count: 2k
a.n: hi again! thank you so much for the feedback :D! Here's part 2 of the fic!! I posted a small doodle I made about my own interpretation of a personification of Yamato on my blog! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, I'll probably make a part 3 of this since I'm having fun, and things are getting steamy~ thank you again for your support and my ask box is always open! o/
After what happened between you and Vergil, it seemed the two of you had gotten closer.
It was still unexplainable however, how you had come to exist in the world… as a personification of Yamato, and more. Ever since you had woken up in that body, you felt as if you were no longer simply “Vergil’s sword”, but also a person of your own.
It had been an entire year by now… that you two had been together in this old raggedy apartment. In the beginning, Vergil was training you hard to unlock every potential within you as his sword, ever since you unlocked his Devil Trigger. But, things were different… it felt as if your potential was permanently locked within that body you woke up as.
Training wasn’t the concern now. It wasn’t about whether you still had the potential of Yamato within you or not. It wasn’t about whether Vergil believed you were in fact the sword he’d been looking for the past 20 years. No, the problem was completely different. It was about your connection as one.
It was if… Vergil didn’t know anything about the emotions he was able to feel, because all this time, he had buried those deep inside for the sake of his hunt for power.
After the episode where he broke down crying from the first time, you were expecting, maybe even hoping that you two would grow closer again, that it meant something, and that it’d make a difference.
But it took a completely opposite effect.
Vergil… refused to talk about emotions or his feelings with you after that day. And that’s how the remaining of the year went by.
Obviously you wouldn’t let that be your reality. After all, you had just gotten him back.
Vergil was in his room reading when you approached the entrance. It seemed now that things had settled, he was trying to partake in more hobbies other than fighting. He had always enjoyed reading, and there was even a time where he wrote poems, although you weren’t sure if he did that anymore.
He seemed to completely ignore your presence, up until you sat down on the edge of the bed with him. Only then he looked at you.
“What do you want?” He asked in that nasally annoyed tone he always had.
“What are you reading?” You asked, ignoring his cold tone. You were used to it anyway.
“Human fiction is pretty fascinating to me, I’m reading some stories about Norse Myths”
“Do you think those kinds of things are real?”
“What things?”
Great, you two were having an actual conversation. This is how things were supposed to go to begin with.
“Gods, and all sorts of things. We’ve only had to deal with demons and demon Lords… and wannabe angels…” You spoke, leaning against his arm to take a better look at the book he read. “…But do you really think… there is such a thing, as multiple gods… that live up there in the sky?”
Vergil was silent for a moment… you could tell he was tense and uncomfortable, probably because you were so close to him.
“I don’t care about gods in the sky. These are merely myths created by the feeble and limited human mind because their existence is so insignificant in comparison to their surroundings, they feel the need to believe in something greater to be responsible for them.” He spoke even more coldly, closing the book he held. “…Now, what do you want…?”
“…I just wanted to see what you were doing.” You whispered, looking back at him. “…I think… you’re right about that. About gods… and humans.”
“…” Vergil sighed, almost in defeat, opening the book again and continuing his reading. “Do you want me to tell you more?”
Your eyes sparkled with the idea, looking up at him as if he had just offered you salvation.
You ended up falling asleep for a brief moment after a while of Vergil reading to you. But, you could still hear his voice vaguely in the distance.
“…You present yourself as a human, you act and feel like a human, you even have needs like a human…” his raspy and quiet voice echoed in the walls of your mind. “…at first… I thought it was just an elaborated gimmick… to protect yourself against me using your full capabilities…”
“…You… are just like V… so maybe that means… the real  Yamato is somewhere out there for me to find… and all I have to do is to merge you two together.”
Of course.
He still… wanted just his sword.
You were foolish to think… after a whole year, your relationship was anything more than that.
“…What did you say, Vergil?” You shot your eyes open. They were dark and unforgiving, the light behind them was gone, just in that time where you punctured his heart. There was a coldness and lack of humanity behind your voice, as your bloodlust filled eyes stared right at the man who was tucking you in on the bed.
Vergil seemed surprised as you stared at him, his hands still holding onto the blanket he was using to tuck you in. He froze in place.
“…I’m just… an incomplete half, you say?” You continued, unblinking. “…That, you’re holding onto me just to find the ‘other half’, you say?”
You didn’t move from your spot.
“…So I can go back… to being just your sword… who can’t speak, or feel, right?”
Vergil didn’t move either.
“…I’m not like V.” The room had then filled with an unspeakable amount of despair. “…Do I have to keep proving myself, time and time again for you to understand?”
You sat up finally, holding onto Vergil’s hands and squeezing his wrists tightly so he wouldn’t leave your grasp.
“…Are you that miserable and pathetic without a sword to wield? Do you really only see me as a tool to use and regain power? I have bad news for you Vergil… son of Sparda…” You said as you pulled him closer.
“…You have no control… over the things that happen in your life.” You stared right at his icy blue eyes, eyes that at this moment were still widened in shock. “…You had no control over being trapped in Hell, or becoming some other devil’s puppet knight, or even when Nero was born and absorbed me into him.  You were never behind anything, and when you were, you had to split yourself into two to even be able to achieve something.”
“…You’re nothing without the circumstances that present themselves to you. And at the end of the day, even if you do win… Dante never loses, does he? Isn’t that what pisses you off the most?”
“…Stop talking.” Vergil spoke through gritted teeth. “You think talking about my weaknesses will make me cry again like last time? Please. You really are a one-trick pony, aren’t you?”
“I’m not done talking.” You squeezed his wrists again.
“…I know every bit of emotion you feel inside your heart. The anger and jealousy, the envy, the frustration, the pain, the grief, everything. You’re sick and tired of Dante getting his way for everything, that you’re always in the shadows, that he’s always winning and you’re always losing.” You spoke through gritted teeth. “Wondering time and time again if your positions were switched… if you could’ve had a different outcome.”
Vergil’s eyes widened at your words again, you knew he could come out of your grasp at any time, but he chose not to.
“…And you think… that if you have your sword, you’ll try… countless…. and countless of times… to achieve that different outcome.”
“…Why are you… even alive right now, Vergil?”
Vergil let himself go from your grasp. He placed his hands beside you on the bed, and bowed his head for a moment.
“…I see.”
“…You’re saying… I don’t need a sword by my side to get a different outcome?” He smiled a little, before finally looking at you with a gaze you’ve never seen on his face before. “Then… I don’t need you, is that right?”
Before you knew it, his hands were on your throat.
And he started strangling you.
But you weren’t scared. You knew he needed this to overcome his weaknesses.
So you smiled.
“…I really… do love you, Vergil” You spoke with a smile as he strangled you, your eyes filling with small tears as he did, but you couldn’t help yourself. You couldn’t stop smiling.
It was like it had awakened something in him. Not a new power, or ability, or even a new form.
But a new feeling.
Those hands that strangled you, had let go of your neck, to hold onto something else.
And the man who was just now strangling you like he wanted to kill you, was now… using his lips to kiss you.
It was weird, because you had never kissed anyone before, but it felt almost natural to do this, so you kissed him back.
You would never know what clicked inside Vergil’s head for him to do this, you would never know that he was practically seeing a reflection of himself in you. A sword that reminded its master of his weaknesses that needed to be purified. A reminder of why he’s alive. Why he needs to be more powerful.
And oddly enough, that really… aroused him beyond comprehension. It was what motivated him to keep going.
His kisses were rough and sloppy, but it wasn’t much of a problem since you were too. He held your cheeks just as strongly as he did your neck seconds ago, and you were locked in place.
He seemed absolutely desperate. Either it was for affection, or for human touch, or if it was because he wanted to feel powerful again. Maybe all of the above.
But you on the other hand… the amount of pleasure you were getting from his desperation was more than anything you could possibly dream on.
He was yours.
And you were his.
And he was yours, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever… until the ends of time, and there was nothing he could do to get rid of you anymore.
“…Take off your clothes, Vergil…”
“Show me… how much you crave power.”
After a year of coldness and barely anything between you, you had finally done it. You had finally broken him.
You had him, right where you wanted him to.
And with the two of you as one, finally there was absolutely nothing that would get in your way again. Because, after all…
You were the strongest.
“Take it off, Vergil… Let’s… become one.” You smirked, offering your arms for him.
He stared down at you for a moment longer, as if he had been presented with a choice he couldn’t back away from.
And so he made his choice.
He took off his shirt, exposing his toned form, and slowly began to unbuckle his pants.
There was no turning back now… he was finally becoming one with the one person that would always be the only one for him eternally so.
He leaned down, kissing you again, this time rougher, and even more desperate. He moved his hands to your legs, lifting them up and making sure they were wrapped around his form, locking you in.
You wrapped your arms around him, and you could feel the warmth his crazed desperation was emanating… and despite never having done this before you incorporated in this body, it all felt natural to you, like before.
This would be a very… long night.
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