#I would think it's shitty for me to take fan ideas and shove them into my stuff like that while mostly taking the credit for it
ineed-to-sleep · 4 months
Ok since I've already started expressing An Opinion about the whole Larian fanart inspiration thing, let me just make my own post so I don't derail op's point any further.
While I understand you can't monetize fan creations, I don't think people understand that the creators of the ip also don't have a right to use fanart freely in their works. The artist can't monetize fanart but the original creator can't either unless the artist is paid. And on the Larian issue, I want to ask, do you think it's fair for a studio to treat their creation as a "collaborative effort", taking ideas from fandom to add to their content while being the only ones receiving any compensation or notoriety for it? Genuine question. Because it's one thing to take criticism and improve, while it's another to add completely new things based on fan ideas.
And while I do agree that inspiration doesn't necessarily warrant direct compensation nor does it need approval to be used, they did directly tag the artist that inspired the scene, they didn't credit the whole fandom, they pointed out that artist specifically, and acted like it's fair and right and commendable for them, as a studio, to take someone's idea and put it into their fully released, 60 dollar game, without even talking to the artist. The company sets an example and when I see this, it becomes clearer to me why my own fanart has often been reposted and edited in fandom without my permission and why the fans don't generally understand that this is unethical.
Right now I'm undecided on whether or not I think it was fair for them to use that creation as inspiration, but the way they went about the whole situation just doesn't sit right with me.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 4 months
Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader platonic fluff scenario
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Warnings: spoilers up to episode 4, possible triggers. If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please leave now and read something much more pleasant.
For everyone else, welcome to this small piece of fluffy goodness! You guys might know me from my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight . You have sent me your ideas for future Violet Evergarden!reader scenarios for Hazbin Hotel, and here is one of them! :)
Sit back, relax, and let us dive into a chaotic afterlife, where even a bit of reprieve from dishonesty and hypocrisy isn’t possible…until now.
Angel Dust's first impression of you is the following: a cute weirdo who dressed like a doll and didn’t smile much. What was even more tragic is that you actually believed there is a chance for sinners to be redeemed, and that the only to do that is complete Charlie’s half-assed rehabilitation program. You still do, even your progress hasn’t gotten you one step closer to Heaven’s pearly gates and the next Extermination is in six months. Five months actually, but who's counting?
That was around the time when he had to go back to work. He didn’t want to, but he knew if he didn’t…well, he didn’t want to think about it. Valentino is a psychopathic freak. He promised to make him, Angel, a big star in Hell’s entertainment industry, and instead fucked him over six ways from Sunday with false promises.
Long hours, shitty pay. No time to even take a nap in his dressing room because of course Big Daddy Val had his favorite toy’s schedule booked until he couldn't walk anymore and needed a stiff drink. When his afterlife seemed to take a nosedive for worse, and after Husk knocked some sense into him, he started finding letters under his door.
At first glance Angel could tell that they weren’t from his fans. No one’s gonna go out of their way and buy expensive paper to type it on, shove in an envelope, and put a wax seal on it just to praise him for his acting skills and share their wildest fantasies starring yours truly. No. This was….someone else.
He honestly didn't know how to describe the context of these letters because he had never received something like this from anyone who did not expect anything from him in PS or PPS. The sender would write either a short or long letter. The short letter was about half a page long; the sender would ask how he was feeling and ask him one question. What was his favorite food? What is the color he would never wear? The sender included a little about themselves too, as if to encourage him to respond. The longer ones started the same, with a greeting and almost the same stuff written in the shorter ones, but they shared how their day went with him, even the stupid, mundane shit they do every day as a part-time clerk at an antique shop and when they come home. The longer ones were at least two pages long. Some stuff made him roll his eyes, made him laugh…but it was the closing sentences, even as they vary from letter to letter, always jerked his heart in a way which made him both sad and happy at the same time.
I’m happy I’ve met you.
Thank you for being here.
Good night and have pleasant dreams.
You are stronger than you think, Angel.
I hope I can receive a letter from you someday.
You made a lot of progress today in Charlie’s exercises. I’m proud of you.
You’re doing great.
Angel might be a bit of a dummy….but he could tell right away who had been sending him the letters. The bit about Charlie’s exercises…there were only a few people attending that day. Vaggie, Sir Wet Noodles, and you. Vaggie wouldn’t write this kind of shit, and definitely not the wannabe overlord. You. You’ve helped him get through it with these letters and you never expected him to reply back. It’s as if you just wanted your words to reach him through Val’s sickly red smoke and hold his hand in your gloved one.
Naturally…the best way he can say thanks…for caring about him in your roundabout way…is to write a letter back. Maybe have a drink at Husk’s bar and talk about shitty coworkers or why Smiles never stops smiling? He’s not sure, but he’ll figure it out somehow. Sex isn’t the only thing he’s good at. And he’d like to get to know you a little more too.
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steddieasitgoes · 8 months
written for @eddiemonth Day 8 Prompt: Rockstar a/n: loosely inspired by this AU idea I had a few weeks ago. there's some mild sexual content at the end so 18+ only, please!
read on ao3 | link to my ao3 Eddie Month series
Eddie has never been so happy to be wrong in his entire life.
When their record label originally pitched charting a sailing yacht for their “You Survived Your First World Tour” party, Eddie threw a bit of a fit.
Okay, it was a pretty big fucking tantrum, but, like, they had just spent nine months crammed into bunks on their bus and sharing shitty hotel rooms. Sue him for wanting a bit of space to stretch his legs and let the energy of their world tour timer out of him.
No sane person would want to celebrate the end of a grueling but rewarding nine months by being shoved onto a stupid boat that swayed and rocked and could very much end up with the entire band drowned in the middle of the fucking ocean. (He’s not sure if there’s such a thing as an end of your first world tour curse, but if there is, it would definitely wreak havoc on Eddie and the Corroded Coffin boys.)
Not to mention being trapped in the middle of the fucking ocean with no escape route in sight made Eddie’s claustrophobia skyrocket.
No thanks. Not a fucking chance in hell.
But then Jeff happened. Sweet, sensible, always there to talk Eddie down from the hill he’s willing to die on. Before Eddie knew it, the yacht was booked, and a private car was waiting for them to whisk them off to the dock to start their seven-day celebratory vacation.
Eddie had stomped his way up the ramp and onto the stupid yacht with his arms crossed and his rolling eyes hidden behind his dark sunglasses. The scowl on his face was supposed to be permanent, but then—
“Welcome aboard.”
There have been moments in Eddie’s life where the entire world freezes, and he gets tunnel vision. The first time Wayne sat him down and placed the old acoustic over his lap. Corroded Coffin’s first real gig at the dive bar in their hometown. And their official first gig at the same bar where people actually came to see them instead of to drink the cheap beer. That call from their now agent. The time they stepped foot in a fancy recording booth for the first time.
Hell, he gets that tunnel vision, world-freezing moment every time he steps on stage to play for a packed crowd.
It’s a welcome feeling, one Eddie’s become accustomed to. But, never, in his wildest dreams, did he think he’d be experiencing it now, standing on some stupid yacht. But then again, he wasn't prepared to be staring down the prettiest man he’s ever seen.
The Adonis-like man smiles at him, hand outstretched in some kind of welcome handshake. Eddie’s own hand moves on its own accord, slipping into the man’s grasp. How he manages to not slip his fingers between the man's and never let go is beyond him. But he’s glad his conscious has the ability to show some restraint.
Because his mind certainly isn’t. Too busy running through scenario after scenario, all ending with the man’s pristine white polo discarded, preferably into the choppy waves below, his slacks yanked down to his knees, and his sun-kissed back bent over the railing.
Jesus H. Christ.
Somehow, Eddie manages to float down the line of other deckhands, shaking their eager hands and smiling fondly as some of them sing their praises about him and his band. The curly-haired boy at the end seems to be the biggest fan, practically bouncing on his feet before the Captain, a stern-looking man, shoots him a look.
The Captain, Hopper, Eddie thinks the man’s name is, starts talking about the plan for the next seven days, but it goes in one ear and out the other as Eddie shuffles over to where Jeff is listening intently. A swift elbow to the rib is all it takes, though, to get Jeff to focus on him instead.
“What?” Jeff whispers, glancing at Eddie.
“You didn’t tell me this stupid boat included a literal Greek God!” Eddie hisses, leaning into Jeff’s side. “I wouldn’t have put up such a fight had I known. I mean, look at him! He’s—“
Jeff snorts, elbowing Eddie back. “Behave,” he warns before turning his attention back to Captain Hopper.
Behave? Ha! I’ll behave all right. Just as soon as I get my hands on him.
⛵️ ⛵️ ⛵️
“Robin!” Steve hisses, sneaking up behind her as she carries a stack of empty plates from dinner service down the stairs.
“What the hell, Dingus,” she snaps, dishes clattering in her hands as she shoots her free hand out to steady herself. “You know better than to scare me on the stairs when I’m carrying things!”
Steve shrugs his shoulders, wincing in a weird apology of sorts before taking some of the plates from her hands. “I need a favor,” he says as they continue on.
Robin shakes her head, a silent “we’ll talk about this in a minute” look exchanged as they hand off the empty plates to Argyle. A moment later, Steve finds himself being tugged into their small, shared bedroom for some privacy.
“What do you want?”
“Pretend to be sick tomorrow? I’ll tell Hop you’re not feeling good and let one of the deckhands do my job for the day, and I’ll take over as charter host.”
Steve tries not to squirm under Robin’s scrutiny. All narrow eyes and arms crossed. Like she’s staring directly into his soul. He both loves and hates that she knows him so well.
“This is about him, isn’t it?”
“Can you blame me?” he whisper shouts, throwing his hands on his hips. “It’s been months since I’ve gotten laid, Robin. Months! And now, Eddie fucking Munson is on our ship looking like that, and I’m what? Not supposed to feel anything?”
“You know Hop would fire you if he caught you hooking up with a guest, right? Especially one of Munson’s status.”
“He won’t find out.”
“Steve,” Robin sighs. “You’re not that stealthy.”
“Excuse you, I am very stealthy. Like a ninja, actually,” Steve pouts. “But I won't have to be stealthy. I won't be hooking up with him here.”
For the first time in a long time, Robin is generally shocked by the words leaving Steve’s mouth. He can’t help the surge of pride that courses through him. See, he thinks, you don’t know everything about me.
“So, what’s the plan then?”
“Tomorrow, there’s a water day planned and then a beachside dinner. You call in sick. I became the charter host and spend the whole day flirting with him. And then at dinner, I somehow get him to follow me to that tourist trap of a bar a mile up the road with the big, single bathroom and—“
“I’ve heard enough!” she shouts, slamming her hands over her ears.
A silence falls between them as Robin makes a show of considering the plan, and Steve contemplates getting on his knees to beg for her help. Thankfully, she saves him the embarrassment (and his knees from any soreness that would prevent tomorrow’s activities from happening) and agrees to the plan.
“I swear to God, Steve, if you get caught and fired, I will kill you. You can’t leave me here alone.”
He laughs, pulling her into a hug before Robin heads back out to finish up her chores. Steve stays behind, calling it a night early. He’s going to need all the sleep he can get if his plan is going to work tomorrow.
⛵️ ⛵️ ⛵️
Thanks to Jeff’s constant presence and Gareth's watchful eye from across the room, Eddie reluctantly behaved the first night. Said please and thank you when he was asked for his drink and food order. Made small talk with the other deckhands and even stealthy signed a CD for the curly-haired kid who introduced himself as his biggest fan and then by his actual name, Dustin.
Eddie wasn't exactly pleased with his proper behavior, but it was a bit easy to play the part of the good rockstar when Mr. Greek God, aka Steve, as he came to find out, kept his distance from him. From what he gathered in the few short hours on the sailing yacht, Steve is the second in command around here, meaning he’s constantly being pulled in different directions, much to Eddie’s chagrin.
However, that seems to have changed this morning when Steve’s the one bringing up a delicious spread of breakfast foods. Buttery warm croissants, pancakes the size of his head. Even some bastard breakfast pizza that Steve says is the chef’s specialty. It all looks great but not nearly as delicious as Steve looks in his red, slightly too-tight polo.
And then, as if a gift from the universe for his behavior the day before, Steve tells them Robin is feeling under the weather, and he'll be their charter host for the day. Thankfully, Steve runs off to start setting things up in the water and misses Eddie's pathetic reaction to the news. 
Now, Steve’s currently shouting orders at a pair of deckhands as they lower a jet ski into the waters below. His voice is commanding, and Eddie knows in an instant that he’d do anything Steve tells him to do if he speaks to him like that. And Eddie doesn’t ever give up being in control, so, like, the thought really fucks him up in the best way possible.
As if that’s not bad enough, the minute the stupid jet ski hits the water, Steve tears off his too-tight red polo and throws it down on the deck beside him before kicking off his shoes. His sun-kissed skin is on full display, and it’s even prettier than Eddie imagined. (And boy, did he spend the entire night imagining it while alone in the main suite.) Eddie only has time to ogle for a moment before Steve races down the steps to the lower dock and dives into the open ocean like a fucking Olympian.
Jesus H. Christ, who is this man?
“You’re drooling,” Jeff teases, swatting Eddie with the linen napkin.
“Can you blame me?” Eddie asks, dragging the back of his hand across his lips. “Look at him. He’s a work of art, and I want to destroy him.”
“Seriously, Eddie?” Jeff laughs, shaking his head. “He’s just some guy.”
“No, you are just some guy. Gareth is just some guy. That guy I hooked up with in London with the piercing blue eyes? That was just some guy. Steve over there…” Eddie trails off, literally swooning. He pillows his chin in his hands, elbows digging into the warm railing of the boat as he looks out into the ocean. Steve’s straddling a jetski now, life vest thrown haphazardly over his body, unsecured.
“You’re down so bad,” Jeff laughs.
“I’m not even joking, Jeffy. You might have to find a new lead guitarist. I think I’m going to be staying here forever.”
“Slow it down, Romeo. What if he’s not even into guys?”
“Oh, trust me,” Eddie says, turning to look at Jeff with a wicked grin and mischief in his eyes. “He doesn’t have to be into guys; he just has to be into me. And I can do that with one very skilled blow—“
“Yeah, yeah, you’re the Blowjob King or whatever,” Jeff says, rolling his eyes. He takes a sip from his beer and lets his eyes drift out to the ocean, following Eddie’s gaze to where Steve is. “Just be careful, okay? We’re stuck here for six more days. Don’t make things awkward.”
“You don’t have to worry about me,” Eddie says, licking his lips as Steve pulls himself up onto the boat’s platform. He eyes Steve like an animal stalking his prey. Tunnel vision hits him as Steve shakes the water from his hair and rubs a towel over his gorgeous, hairy chest. “It’s him you should be worried about.”
⛵️ ⛵️ ⛵️
Steve has enough time to turn the lock of the single-stall bathroom at the Tropical Getaway Bar before Eddie is on him. Crowding into his space and pushing him back, back, back until his shoulders collide with the door.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since the minute I saw you,” Eddie groans before smashing their lips together.
It’s quick and dirty, and Steve tries to chase Eddie’s lips when he pulls away, but then Eddie’s lips are on his neck. If it weren’t for Eddie’s firm grip on his hips, Steve would be a puddle on the floor.
Eddie works fast, yanking the polo from where it’s been tucked into his stupid khaki shorts before fiddling with the belt. In one fluid motion, Eddie pulls the belt free and throws it across the room without a care in the world. He’s pretty sure he hears it splash into the toilet, but he can’t bring himself to care. He’s got other belts on the ship.
And then Eddie lowers himself to the ground, chasing the tug of Steve’s shorts until they’re both on the grimy bathroom floor. Steve’s not sure how long he’s going to last — god damn months-long dry spell — but he hopes it's long enough to permanently burn the image of Eddie on his knees into his head forever.
“I have one request,” Eddie says, gazing up at Steve with blown brown eyes. Index finger dragging up and down the inside of Steve’s thighs, coaxing goosebumps to rise on his skin despite the humid temperature in the bathroom.
“Anything,” Steve gasps when Eddie abandons his light teasing and grabs Steve with one hand, squeezing just enough to burn in the best way. The moan that falls from his lips is embarrassing, but Steve doesn’t care. “Anything for you, rockstar.”
Eddie chuckles at the nickname and leans forward until Steve can feel his warm breath against him. “Use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me what you want,” Eddie says, pressing a kiss to the tip of Steve’s dick. “Can you do that for me, baby?”
“Yeah!” Steve nods, hips bucking up into Eddie’s face on their own accord. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Good,” Eddie hums. “Then start giving orders, Captain.”
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Soft Rockstar Eddie and Popstar Steve
It's about rockstar Eddie and popstar Steve. Someone made a post about them going out like once and then Steve writing the song, Not Another Rock Star by maisie peters (It's catchy and doesn't quite fit Eddie's description but it doesn't matter shh shh shh) and my brain supplied me with soft rockstar Eddie being upset because popstar Steve wrote kind of a shitty song about him after one date and not giving him a chance. Like... Steve doesn't even KNOW him.
And they see each other again at some after party and Eddie just avoids him. He stares at Steve though, until Steve looks at him and then he looks away right before Steve looks. And then Eddie goes out for a smoke and Steve follows him to ask what the fuck is going on?? Like what's his problem?? And Eddie is leaning against the building in a shadow. And Steve is like,
"hey." suddenly feeling very self-conscious. And Eddie just looks at him slowly, takes a drag and blows smoke towards Steve. Doesn't say anything. And Steve's about to say something but Eddie cuts him off, says,
"some song." Cuz the song fucking blew up and everyone KNOWS it's about Eddie cuz there were pics of them on the date. And Steve's like,
"... thanks?" Sounds kinda dismissive. Cuz popstar Steve is still a little bit of an asshole. And Eddie fucking scoffs and takes a step forward, still in the shadows up to his waist.
"Yeah no problem. Glad I could inspire you." and his voice is dripping venom and he takes another drag, the end of the cigarette glowing red in the dark. And Steve crosses his arms all dismissive and he's like,
"Wait... are you mad? Is that why you've been glaring at me all night?" And he scoffs now. And Eddie scoffs right back and says,
"Mad? Why would I be mad? I love when people write out of context songs about me and all their little fucking brainwashed fans come swarming all over social media to come at me with shit they know nothing about. What's to be mad about?" He takes another drag and flicks his cigarette butt away. Takes another step forward, Steve can see his shoulders now.  But not his face.
But he is feeling a little guilty. He didn't think. Just went home after the date and wrote it out  and then bam. It was everywhere. Steve just stares at him. Not sure what to say. And Eddie is just like,
"nothin to say?" And steve says,
"what do you want me to say?" And Eddie laughs, and says,
"Ya know, I think you've said enough actually. Maybe you should just go home and write another song about someone you don't know." and he steps into the light and Steve swears his eyes are shining, they're a little too bright for how dark it is out here, takes a step forward. Eddie flinches back the smallest amount. Shoves his hands in his pockets and looks away. And then he says,
"look im gonna go. Alright? Just.... see ya around I guess." And he tries to walk by but Steve grabs his arm and says,
"Look I'm" but Eddie cuts him off, rounds on him and says,
"You're sorry? Are you?" And Eddie looks at Steve, gets in his space. And Steve just fucking shrugs. And Eddie laughs again, humorless. And yanks his arm away from Steve's grip and says,
"You're not sorry. You're just pissed that I called you out."  and Steve's a little speechless, cuz that's true. But he's not used to being talked to like this, so he has no idea what to fucking say.
So Eddie just keeps talking. Cuz it's been like a month and that goddamn song has been everywhere and he's so goddamn tired of people and he can't even use any of his social media right now cuz Steve's crazy popstar fans are always in his shit and he just wanted to spend a nice night with Steve, he'd thought the date had gone okay... until the end. But then the song came out. So eddie just lets it all out.
He rants about how it was fucking rude. And goddamn irresponsible. And Steve jumps in and is like,
"Oh like you've never written a song about anyone before!?" And Eddie shoots back,
"I write about fucking dragons and quests and magic and shit man! What are you talking about?? And if i WAS gonna write about someone, that's not how I would do it! You don't just- I mean I wasn't- I thought we had fun? You could have just said you didn't wanna go out again! That you didn't like me! I would have understood!" And he's pacing now, and Steve just keeps shrinking in on  himself cuz he's realizing he really hurt Eddie.
And Eddie just keeps talking and Steve catches things about "back at school" and "thought I was done with shit like this." And the worst one "i just wanted to make music" and then he's looking at Steve, his eyes shining and he's breathing heavy and Steve is also breathing a little heavy and he's like,
"what... what do you want me to do?" All quiet and unsure. And eddie just sighs, losing all his fire, and says,
"just.... next time you get the urge to write a song about me... don't. And I'll return the favor." and he turns to leave. He's almost too far away when Steve realizes what Eddie said. He catches him just before he gets to the door back inside, both of them in the shadows now and Steve breathes out,
"did you write a song about me?" And his heart is pounding as looks at Eddie. And Eddie won't meet his eyes.
Steve can't fucking breathe. It was one date. And it's dark but he swears Eddie is bright red. And he can't not ask again. So he does.
"Eddie. Did you write a song about me?" His hand is still on Eddie's arm. Eddie shakes his head. Once. And says,
"Not like yours. It's not- I didn't finish it. It doesn't matter." And he finally looks up at Steve, looks him right in the eyes and says,
"Just forget about it." his voice low and shakey. And then he's tugging the heavy door open. Steve's not sure if he hears him say "I'm sorry" or not. But he hopes so.
Eddie did write a song about him. Part of one. He was in the middle of writing his first ever ballad when Gareth came into the studio looking glum and was like,
"Dude. I think you should hear this." and he played him Steve's new song and Eddie just sort of, gave up. Threw his pen and notebook across the room. Almost smashed his writing guitar but Gareth grabbed him and stopped him. And Eddie definitely cried. And Gareth definitely held him while Eddie sobbed out,
"I thought he liked me. I'm so stupid." and needless to say, Gareth holds a grudge against Steve for a very long time. Even steps in front of Eddie when Steve tries to talk to him at the next place they see each other. Steve takes the hint and backs off.
He also tries to call Eddie. And message him on all sorts of apps. He gets no response. And his song is still going crazy. So he does something no artist has ever done. He goes on the radio, and asks them to stop playing his song. Asks his fans to stop streaming it. And takes it down from all the places he has control of it. The song drops down the charts in record time. And Steve finally stops hearing it everywhere. And then, about a week later, he gets a text from Eddie.
It's an audio file. Steve takes a deep breath, presses play, and hears the most beautiful fucking song he's ever heard. It's just Eddie and his guitar. Clearly not a finished product, just... raw, and open, and just for Steve. And it's beautiful and Steve's never heard him sing so softly. He listens to it four times, it makes him cry everytime. And then he picks up his phone and hits the little phone symbol next to Eddie's name. His heart beating wildly as he listens to it ring. And ring.
And then eddie answers.
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gffa · 1 year
Forcing myself to come to terms with the idea that as future projects delve into the Jedi they may come with a “the prequel Jedi lost their way,” flavor. The more I think about it the more I go even if they play it that way it’s still… not their fault right? The psychic people who feel all the pain and anger and sorrow in the galaxy living during a period in which a thousand year long conspiracy to destroy them by perpetuating pain and sorrow to increase the influence of the dark side led to them… getting overwhelmed by fear until they themselves were unable to make the best choice, or even realize they were being lured into a trap? What do you think? Possible good read on the (kind of tired) “Jedi lost their way” read.
For me, it's the blame that makes me side-eye a lot of it, especially when it's paired without any acknowledgement of the consequences of the alternatives, as if the Jedi should have just become vigilantes without acknowledging that didn't work in Star Wars, as if the Jedi should have just not fought in the war, without acknowledging that things like the Separatists were literally using defoliators on the local populations or attacking civilian cities. I think most Jedi fans agree that the Jedi shouldn't have been fighting in the war, that the path they were walking on wasn't a good one, but where a lot of us differ is in why that was and that not fighting would have been leaving innocent people to die and that the point (and I say this because Lucas said it) was that either you compromise your principles to fight in a shitty war or everyone dies. I also am very willing to chuck a lot of bullshit characters try to shove onto the Jedi as unreliable narrators, because Star Wars has always been chock full of them, that Anakin yelling he's not afraid of the dark side, he sees through the lies of the Jedi, that whole conversation is him flinging himself into the dark side and he's almost quoting Palpatine verbatim. Or that Obi-Wan spent ten years saying the time of the Jedi was over, that time had passed, that he couldn't help anyone anymore, because his own survivor's guilt got in the way. Maybe future Star Wars content will have the characters behaving in ways that are taken at face value and ignore the bigger storyline that played out in the movies and TCW, but there's a lot of wiggle room in unreliable narrators and, to be fair, the Jedi agreed that this was a shitty war and they weren't doing what they were meant to be doing. But they agreed to it because lives were on the line and their morals were not more important to them than the very real lives of people who were otherwise going to die. And if something sucks too much to take into consideration, eh, then I'm fine writing it off as bad fanfic, and going back to the good stuff.
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dapperinsanity · 4 months
Here’s some of my thoughts about the last two episodes of HH season 1. I will start with some more organized criticism and then I’ll share my complaints at the end of this post.
These last 2 episodes were frustrating in general. I mean, was there some moments I liked? Yes but only a few. Otherwise the show becomes laughable, not because it’s funny, but rather the execution is bad that it had me laughing at serious moments. My first issue is that the pacing was too fast but it’s been like that the entire show so it was nothing new for me. I get they only had a certain amount of episodes and time but if you want to have a decent show, you should cut out some parts of the side stories instead of trying to shove the side stories into one episode. Since you’d be cutting out the side stories it also gives the artist a chance to continue the show through other types of media whether it be a comic, writing, or video. I know we’d all like to have the full story in 2 seasons but if you rush it, the show in general suffers and people won’t care about the story as much as they would if they had to wait for the artist to continue their project on their own if they can’t get more episodes. Besides, once the show is over you get total control over everything again and don’t have to worry about things you would like to portray in your story being cut out when collaborating with other artists on a show.
Also, side thought: If you’re going to go corporate/work with bigger companies, expect to work with others and except professional criticism. Just because she can’t handle criticism and likes things her way, she should’ve never gone “corporate”. Instead, she decided to use people who genuinely wanted to work on your passion project and were willing to do it for free, only to screw them over and use them to get into shitty companies just so you could meet celebrities and use them instead. Also, the more I learn about the facts behind the pilot and how everyone was basically let go, it’s blatantly obvious that she never intended to keep them in the first place. IMO, I think part of the reason behind firing everyone, was because she wanted to meet celebrities and use their status to get more traction. (Also, celebrities and broadway don’t guarantee automatic success just because you have them on the show)
Again, this is purely speculation and my opinion. I could be wrong so take it with a grain of salt. While spindlehorse was an indie project with people who were so gracious to work for free purely because of their passion, she took away the passion of the original project. Now it’s corporate slop. That’s not to say some workers from the collaborating companies don’t have the passion, sometimes they just do their job and work on things they enjoy more as an artist on the side. She doesn’t care about the hard work that was put both into the pilot and the show.
It’s “funny” to me that spindlehorse use to be an indie company (?) and had grown only for bigger corporate companies to take it over. She didn’t even write most of the pilot and relied more on other people that cared about her own project more than she does. Instead, she rushed through an entire season and will do the same thing in the next one. She’d rather tell (rather than show but sometimes telling works too) the audience everything about her characters and the plot but won’t take the time to full develop everything.
These are her OC’s and her ideas but she doesn’t care about the quality of her work. She rather use other people and quickly write down a poorly written show. All she cares about is that she’s rather have more views, make money off of merch, and appease the fans rather than doing her own thing because she wants to do it for herself. She cares about fame, praise, and popularity and the passion doesn’t shine through her own work. People enjoyed the pilot because of the passion of the crew and IMO, after learning more about the process behind the pilot, it feels like she didn’t do shit at all. She had the ideas and characters and plot points but everyone else managed to execute it in a way where it showed that the workers truly cared about the quality of their work. Again, this is my opinion and my first impression as I continue to learn more about everything. Now that’s out of my system, I’ll turn my focus purely to the show now.
The songs were a miss for me because a majority of them I didn’t care about and I’m a person who loves musicals and music in general. It’s not the music itself but rather the lyrics. Like most of the lyrics are just a character responding or talking to another character but instead of talking, it’s singing. The only songs I enjoyed were “Stayed Gone”, “Respectless”, “You Didn’t Know?” and “Out For Love.” I can handle cheesy songs but man, once I got the main point of the song, I skipped to the end. I wish the songs focused more about internal feelings or something that is meaningful to the character but instead the lyrics are just “meh”. I hope you understand the point I’m trying to make, I just can’t quite find the proper words to describe why I have issues with the songs.
Focusing on only episode 7, we meet Rosie. What did I like? I enjoyed Al and Rosie of course. I expected Charlie to be upset at Vaggie but I thought her talk with Rosie was cute. I could give less of a shit about Vaggie getting her wings back, probably because they spoiled it even though I knew I was correct about Vaggie being an exterminator before it was spoiled.
Here’s what I didn’t like. One major thing that bothered me was when Charlie made the complaint of Al being sadistic even though it was obvious Al was going to do whatever he wanted and had bad intentions. (At first) I understand why Charlie wanted to give Al a chance but it was too obvious that Al had some bad intentions. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Why risk having someone who is a genuine threat and enjoys the suffering of others? Also, Charlie making a deal with Al is still stupid even if he didn’t take her soul. I wish Charlie wasn’t written as naive because it was obvious he cared more about power over his potential “friends”. He even directly said in the pilot (and vaguely in the 1st episode of at some point in the show) that he wanted sinners to fail at redemption. I’ll go into detail about this later as I have a lot thoughts on Al after everything was revealed in these last episodes.
Another thing about episode 7 is the way Al treats Charlie and it feels like they’re going to go down the “Al is a father figure” route. Personally, I don’t see this as a good thing as we hardly see Charlie and Al interacting until this episode. If anything, Charlie and Al are just two friends/business partners. If they do go down that route, Al being a father figure is out of character imo.
As for the final episode, I couldn’t take the battle seriously. I wasn’t worried for anyone and the “comedic” moments didn’t help. I normally don’t mind cheesy writing but man, this was so cheesy and it’s the main reason why I couldn’t take it seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I love Sir Pent. as a character but his death was hilarious. Adam immediately shoots a giant ass laser to vaporize Sir Pent out of existence the minute he sees them. Then suddenly we’re supposed to be in shock and feel sad about his death. I wasn’t and I was more shocked about how comedic it was for me.
Also, Vaggie should have killed Lute. I get the whole point about mercy and all but do you think that’ll stop Lute from exterminating demons and being an active threat? No. The same goes for Adam and Charlie giving him mercy. I’m glad Nifty stabbed him. I could care less about who killed Adam but when Nifty stabbed him, but the attempt at a joke just kind of ruined all the vibes overall.
Then we get a glimpse of Sir Pent being redeemed and showing up in heaven at the end of the episode. Ok, well could the same thing happen during an extermination? Let me go back to the episode where Vaggie was kicked out of heaven for not killing a kid.I don’t know why a kid was in hell in the first place but Vaggie could’ve killed the child and still manage to be redeemed in heaven. (Unless the child is a hell born) Now it’s possible the angel spears just kill them but remember, Sir Pent was killed directly by Adam, an angel himself….with a laser. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was possible for someone to be redeemed even if they were stabbed by an angel spear.
Redemption is confusing. Firstly, the angels were killing them so why would anyone want to be redeemed to be in the same realm as the exterminators? Secondly, why do they have to “die”? Sir Pent sacrificed himself for his friends so is this the only way to get redeemed? From what we got, Sir Pent could’ve easily had been redeemed earlier in the show without needing to die. I know we don’t know how someone gets into heaven but it brings up a lot of questions for me. If the only way to get to heaven is for them to die then what does that mean for the exterminators? Because if it’s purely by dying, that means there might’ve been some demons that showed up in heaven during the extermination.
Also, another thought. In the episode where we meet Emily and Sera, I genuinely thought Sir Pent would’ve the first choice when Charlie wanted to show the angels about the progress of the hotel rehabilitating sinners. Then it was AngelDust, where we haven’t seen him truly improve. And somehow, Angel standing up to Val was somehow the “progress” of him improving?
I feel bad for Angeldust and am confused about his (nonexistent) redemption arc. How was standing up to Val progress in redemption? I understand that Val abusing AngelDust is the main factor of him being a drug addict. Yet no one helped him to find a way to get out of Val’s contract when none of the main characters found out that he was being abused? Or help him in general?
Also, Charlie is the princess of hell and supposedly, by rank, strong than Alastor and maybe just as strong as her Dad. She never uses that power to help Angeldust. But what’s the point of her being a princess and her status if she doesn’t do shit in the show? Remover her status and she’s just a wimpy naive hell born demon girl.
Sir Pent would’ve been a good example. I feel like showing Angel standing up to his abuser makes it feel like the show is lowkey blaming Angel for his situation. Deal or not, what Val is doing is not okay. If the progress was about Angel trying to watch over Nifty instead of letting her do what she wants, then how does that show progress as well? Like anyone would want to protect their friend from Val if they are aware that he is abusing Angel. I’m sure that most demons there would’ve tried to get nifty away because again, it’s Val. Angel knows what it’s like firsthand when dealing with Val and naturally, he’s gonna help Nifty. It’s just something that isn’t related to redemption ya know?
While I’m glad Nifty is safe, she indirectly caused more trouble for Angel just because he stood up for himself and for Nifty. Now Val is pissed and will take it out on Angel for sure. This isn’t about redemption, it’s about Angel suffering abuse so his friends aren’t harmed by him. And if that’s the progress where talking about here, that’s really fucked up to stand by and have Angel take all the punches while no one helps him. To me, progress for AngelDust involves Angel learning boundaries because he has a bad habit of sexual assaulting others (mainly Husk), trying to sober up, and develop some sense of awareness and consideration towards everyone in the hotel. As Vaggie pointed out, Angel did not give a shit about the hotel in the first place nor did he try to attempt to better himself. I understand Angel needed a safe space to live but if you’re going to accept help from Charlie and Vaggie, he should treat them better.
Here’s where the complaints begin. Let’s talk about Al now.
Look I knew he was weak from the start and all but you’re telling me he’s nothing without his mic? Even though he is an overlord? I mean, cmon I know I’m a major fan of Al and all but there’s was something so frustrating about the fact that all it took was one hit and breaking his mic/staff. He was useless.
But hey, I enjoyed watching Adam winning and bruising Al’s ego but the fight did not deliver any excitement when Al was losing. Usually, when it comes to the villain/antagonist being defeated, the audience is hyped up over a stressful battle between the hero and villain and want that satisfaction of the villain being defeated. With Al and Adam, I didn’t get that satisfaction. Also, I know Al is all talk but some of me expected the show to show off how powerful he actually is. Mainly because the public is terrified of him, including Husk who was supposedly an overlord. The other overlords are not scared of Al at all but I would assume when it comes to Husk, it’s a bit difficult to scare him when being threatened. Unless it’s Al, you can guarantee he will be put “in his place”. Now let’s focus back on the battle between him and Adam.
I thought Al would try to continue to fight so that he can maintain his appearance, attempt to control the situation, and try to cover up the fact that he was losing. But no, he just gets thrown into the concrete wall, his torso is slashed, and Adam easily breaks his mic/staff. Then Al runs away. Why would someone as powerful as an overlord run away so quickly? This is why I have issues with the fact that all it takes is breaking Al’s mic/staff he becomes powerless. I know Adam took his shield down but Al managed to create a huge ass shield to protect the hotel. In episode 5, Al turns huge and has black tendrils coming out of his back and eats all the sharks that were after Mimzy.
I assumed that Al’s powers weren’t entirely stuffed into his mic and that it was in his body. Like he was just inherently powerful to a point in the same way Charlie is powerful because she is the princess of hell. Alastor can make deals by shaking his hand with the victim. Alastor can change his appearance and height and has slenderman tendrils. This is the same dude he also made his way up to becoming an overlord.
My initial assumption was that Alastor was powerful, just not as powerful as Charlie or Lucifer. We know that Vaggie is an ex-exterminator but I think he can handle an exterminator personally. Plus it doesn’t help that the exterminators spears kill Angels so the exterminators aren’t that powerful when you take out their spears. We could’ve gotten a longer fight between him and Adam and I wouldn’t mind watching Al basically eat his own words and pride.I believe that Al is powerful, but if it’s Adam he’s against, I believe Adam would win. I’m sure Al could put up a good fight but eventually, Adam would win.
When it comes to Alastor’s deal and assuming that the Eve and Lilith theory is correct, that means there’s a chance that he made a deal with one of the ladies. Who? We don’t know but taking the theory into account, there’s a chance that his powers were given to him but why would they purely be in the mic? Unless, he already had his powers and that he just got stronger because of the deal. It could explain how Al managed to work his way up to becoming overlord.
Then I had another thought. Cause you’re telling me that ANYONE in hell could have stolen his mic (if they’re sneaky enough to fool Al) and break it and he would be just a regular old demon without powers? Or at least, become significantly weaker.
I don’t know. Al is written to be intimidating and then we have the story of him working his way up to overlord, and being feared by most demons. He takes on the status of an overlord and I assume overlord’s are powerful to a point? They focused so much on Al being intimidating, displayed his power, and you’re telling me it takes one hit from Adam to knock him down and destroying his mic causes him to be weak? How is this the same Al?
I was disappointed. My initial reaction can be summed up by this image.
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Then we see Al freak out because he realized that he was risking his life to protect his friends when initially he didn’t care that much about them. There’s no subtle hints of him becoming more tolerant of everyone and here is where I’m a little confused. I always knew that Al could be written in 2 specific ways while managing to stay consistent as a character. Either he would become fond of Charlie and everyone else (which I predicted before episode 8 came out but really before the whole show aired.) and that he would at least, tone down the evilness slightly.
Then we have the second route. Al would continue to be his evil self and try to fulfill his motive (whatever that is) without caring about how it might affect other people/demons. The show establishes scenes where we see Al using other’s for his own benefit. Either he could continue manipulating Charlie and others for his own benefit or come to a point of realization that he’s gotten used to Charlie and the others in the hotel.
Speaking of Al becoming fond of his friends, either route the show takes I hope thy can manage to do it well. I don’t want Al turning into another soft boi like other character we’ve seen in HH and HB. I really did come into this show with an open mind when it came to Al but I fear that they may screw up his character as it’s slowly been happening.
Lastly, Al shows up the last second and Charlie, Vaggie, are happy to see him. The rest of them dont like him but they are still shown on screen. I’m thinking to myself, “the only people who would want Al back would be Charlie and Nifty. The rest would be happy if he was gone or dead.” So yeah. Sorry if these thoughts are disorganized I tried my best lol.
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sing-you-fools · 5 months
I think we fucked up when we stopped letting authors be weird little freaks in living cabins and never talking to anyone.
I want to write my book. I want to tell this story. Ideally, I'd like to tell a lot more after this one, too. I want people to read them and like them.
But I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be a public figure at all. I want people to love my books, but I don't want to have Fans.
I'm good with words, I think - I wouldn't write if I didn't, right? But I need time to think about how to say what I mean. The idea of ever having to do a live interview is kind of terrifying. The idea of sitting on a panel of authors at a convention or something and an audience question attacks me using the worst-faith interpretation I've ever heard of something I said scares the crap out of me - I'm awful at keeping my cool in the moment, and I don't want to ruin my life because I snapped at someone who was being an asshole.
Everything is political. But I understand the famous people who insist they aren't. I have beliefs, of course, but I really suck at talking about them. My writing is definitely political, but I'm no Ursula Le Guin, and put on the spot, my answer to an excellent thought-provoking question would be more like "capitalism bad." Given more time, maybe I could say, "here's some stuff you should read if you're interested," but I don't want to be shoved into the "political educator" role. It's not one I would be good at.
My processing is slow. When I'm listening to someone talk, or reading something they wrote, in the moment, I always feel like they're making a lot of sense and plenty of good points (well, not always; word salad is word salad). Sometimes I will realize a day later that, wait a minute, that guy didn't actually make sense! Or worse - that did make sense, but it didn't mean what I understood it to mean at the time, and I agreed with him. This is very much not something I want to do on a public scale.
Philosophically, I don't really want to explain my work. I don't want to tell people what I was thinking, why I made this choice, and so on. I want to let it stand for itself. I also don't want to accidentally spoil anything. But I also have an extremely hard time shutting up, and unlike Tom Holland, there's no way to keep me in the dark. Not when it's my own work.
Sometimes I think World's Greatest Author Chuck Tingle has the right idea. Cover my face, use a pen name, play a character, don't let anyone perceive me. But that wouldn't actually solve most of the reasons I don't want to be perceived. I'm not sure what options there are for me, though. Can I just be a recluse? Can a reclusive author succeed these days? Probably. But can I manage to both be a recluse professionally and continue being very online personally? Would I be able to keep it separate? Would I be able to see a shitty take about something I wrote and scroll past it?
I realize and take comfort in the fact that the likelihood of achieving that level of success is vanishingly small. I remind myself that Neil Gaiman is not the average published author. He is not even the average very successful published author. These are worst-case-scenario worries for a situation that will never happen. I'm still not done with Step 1 (Write a First Draft). I just wish I could work on Step 1 without my brain saying, hey, what if someday someone's mean to you because you wrote this?
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nakimochiku · 1 year
“Deku-kun!” Ochako chirps when Izuku finally picks up the phone. “Mina-chan told me she heard from Kirishima-kun who heard from Bakugou-kun! He’s coming back from America for New Years!” 
Izuku’s heart leaps into his throat. He scrambles for a response that isn’t garbled noises. 
“Excited?” Ochako teases. 
“Yeah. It’ll be great to see him.” Izuku says as neutrally as he can.
It's been five years, eight months, and two days since he last saw Kacchan. But who’s counting? Almost six years of scouring youtube for videos of Kacchan (“Get that fucking camera out of my fucking face you shitty extra!” In irritated english), for interviews with Kacchan (“Excessive force is fucking real but what the fuck was I supposed to do? Sit back and jerk off while the fucker had hostages? He's still alive isn't he? I didn’t even fucking burn him!”), news reels of Kacchan (“Hey! Get back and calm down! I got this!”)
The Americans love him. His brand of rudeness, bluntness and arrogance helps him fit right in. His instagram (which he updates once in a blue moon and always with thirst traps of him working out) is full of fans begging him to spit on them. Izuku can respect that Kacchan found a market that would take him just as he is. 
The problem though, with Kacchan being an american hero is that his merch is almost impossible to get. Shipping alone costs an arm and a leg, and Kacchan’s website doesn't do international shipping. Izuku thinks it's crazy that globalization can be such a thing and he has to pay forty dollars just to get a Dynamight brand key chain (it's adorable, shaped like a little grenade with Kacchan’s orange x logo across it, he needs it yesterday.)
Sometimes, Izuku almost gives in. He scrolls through his cart and thinks fuck it, I deserve a treat. I’ll do it! But he never does. 
But now, Kacchan is coming back home. 
Izuku deliberates for a long time. He swishes the idea back and forth like mouthwash, before he finally makes up his mind. 
He opens a long ignored text thread with Kacchan (the last message was his birthday. A very simple series of emojis. A bomb. A cake. A party hat. Izuku had replied “thanks i think” and been left on read.) he sends a screenshot of the very fluffy winter uniform themed hoodie he's been salivating after and a message that says “you owe me six years worth of christmas gifts. Get me one and we’ll call it even”
He's left on read. 
Three days after new years, Izuku stumbles over to the door to silence the incessant knocking. “Yes, what is— Kacchan?!”
There's Kacchan, hair a little windswept, nose red from the cold, a massive box under his arm. He’s still so fucking beautiful he makes his heart stop. “You gonna catch flies all night or you gonna let me in? It’s fucking cold.”
Izuku numbly steps aside. It's not like he expected Kacchan to look different. He updated his insta story just yesterday. But he’s here, in Izuku’s space, breathing Izuku's air, and Izuku doesn't even know what to say. Kacchan just huffs impatiently at him and shoves the box into his arms. “What's this?” He asks, already ripping into it. 
Kacchan shrugs, slouching his way to the sofa and dropping into it like it's a throne. “You think I don't know your stalker nerd ass wants way more than the hoodie?”
The box is full of all sorts of Dynamight merch. Izuku’s eyes sting. “Kacchan—“ he starts, voice wobbling. 
“Oh my god no. Don't get all sappy okay. It's no big deal!” Kacchan grouses. He looks at the wall of All Might merch, the light in the kitchen, the weave in the sofa’s fabric. “It's just been a while.”
Izuku abandons the box of merch to sit at Kacchan’s knee, letting his fingers rest low on his thigh, squeezing gently until Kacchan finally looks at him. “Thank you.” He says sincerely. And then, before Kacchan can cheapen the moment, “I missed you a lot.”
Kacchan sighs through his nose, shoulders relaxing. “Yeah.”
Later, Izuku is recorded off duty and proudly repping his Dynamight merch. The fan behind the camera giggles, “Deku! Are you a Dynamight fan?”
“The biggest!” Izuku answers proudly. 
In America, Katsuki closes the video, snaps his Deku brand popsocket closed, and pretends he’s not in a really good mood. 
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🍒🍒[For Victor. 👀Maybe one pre relationship, and one during? I'm greedy, will freely admit.]
//I will happily feed your greed 😌//
He spends the better part of the afternoon finding blue hair in everything until he finally collapses on the couch and is surrounded by Hank's scent. It's strong, warm, heady. He smells like books and ink and some sort of chemical that reminds Victor of fireworks. A long exhale as Victor's body melts into the curve of the couch. It's quiet now since Hank's been gone, and Victor still isn't all that sure why he decided to just let him go.
Victor had kissed him. For shits and giggles, really, and just to get the guy to stop talking for a few minutes. But the sudden shift in the air lingeted even now. Like Victor had crossed a line neither of them knew was there, and instead of becoming furious, Hank... liked it? Staring at the ceiling, Victor grumbles something unintellegible, shrugging it off like it was nothing.
But. What if it had been something? What if Victor had pushed it further and kept Hank quiet a little longer? Kept his mouth occupied some other way. He couldn't reakly trust Hank not to bite him, but wasn't that the real fun of it all? His breath came a little harder now, but Victor didn't move, just imagining the heat on his dick. A tongue so careful at stringing together a moutful of words would surely be good at twisting his velvet shaft.
Now, his fingers twitch where they're cupped behind his head. The heat in his stomach roils to life as his jeans grow tighter. If anyone could fit the whole of him in his mouth, it'd be Hank. And he'd probably make the filthiest sounds. A guy, all caught up in being presentable, given the chance to let go? Oh, yeah, he'd moan and gag around Victor's dick.
Shit, the thought alone is getting Victor so hard it hurts. He shifts uncomfortably, aching to stick his dick in something hot, wet, and waiting. It takes him another minute before he's finally shoving his jeans down enouvh to get a hand on his cock and fisting it in tight, quick pulls.
Not that Victor would ever admit that happened. But he does fess up to another fantasy he has.
It's early on in their. Thing. Some time after the whole book store incident that really was a lot of checked boxes. He's sitting across from Hank in a shitty motel because Hank still hasn't let him around the X-Men, which is probably for the best at the moment.
Victor lounges his head on a raised hand, the other tracing a nail along the ceramic ring of the coffee mug that comes with the room. "Back in the force, I'd fuck-" He considers using the name, but picks the high road. Consider it some of Hank rubbing off on him. "This one guy and pass him around the cakp for everyone to have at. He was an isatiable shit, and it didn't really matter who fucked him, he just looked good wrecked."
Victor pauses to sip his coffee, then set his down with his eyes watching Hank closely. "Kinda have the same idea. But I don't pass ya around. Just want an audience to hear all the ways your voice cracks when you're almost there. Put ya on display but s'only me who gets to touch ya."
He shrugs, knowing it's not really feasible. Not like there were many mutant exlusive sex clubs around here- and even if Victor was allowed in them, he didn't think Professor McCoy of the X-Men would be good PR for Xavier's little fan club. "Jus' a fantasy. Happy ta keep it such. But I do think about you outside of all this."
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sorry if this is a random question but I think I need some advice (ramblings ahead)
I've been thinking hard about trying to go to college this year, mainly for social interaction since I'm very deprived of that. but at the same time, I'm pre-t, have no idea when I'll be able to start t and pass about 5% of the time.
I'd rather have my arms and legs cut off than girlmode, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to lie about having some chromosome disorder or being intersex. I don't care about passing as the manliest macho man ever I just prefer not to have people think I'm just a "tr*nny", a lesbian or a delusional chick or whatever. my country is also not... the biggest fan of trans people (we have the leading numbers in lgbt people murdered, hooray!!) so safety is also a concern.
did you have a similar experience of trying to be stealth pre t, and how was it? is lying a bit about yourself/your past okay if it is for your safety? I really want to go to college because social isolation is killing me, but at the same time I hate the thought of interacting with other people because so many of them will just think of me as a girl pretending to be a guy and i've had shitty experiences with people from school/work knowing I was trans in the past. but being a social recluse probably doesn't help, does it.
(sorry for this being so long and rambly and thank you in advance for taking time to read this)
Oof. That sounds very stressful. I definitely understand the worry. I'm going to try and make sure I tackle everything but feel free to follow up if I miss anything.
College is a great place for social interaction. Classes give you something talk about and let you see people regularly. It also gives you something to focus on besides just talking to people. But it's also not the only place. I don't know if you have them, but there are clubs and meetups for adults that might also be helpful. I'm in a hiking group for example.
Many community centers and libraries will have activities and classes you can take for free or cheap. Nice thing about these is they are short term. I always found myself worried a lot less about passing if I'm not going to see the people around me again. A club would be long term, but you'd see the people less which might be helpful for stress/safety/anxiety. All of them have low commitments too so you can quit or leave easily.
I have a post here that has times lower on for passing when you are pre everything. It's not perfect, but it might be useful for you. I swore I had another but I can't find it.
I'd be careful lying about being intersex. The last thing you want is to be caught up in it and run into issues. If safety is an issue, as unfortunately and terrible as it is, your best bet would be to stay in the closet. I know how much it sucks, trust me I do. But it's safer to let people think you're a women than trans when push comes to shove. I did that a few times before I really started passing. You do what you have to.
That said, lying is always ok for your safety. You need to be careful with it. But it's better to lie then to die.
If possible, it's always good to find a college that's more accepting. People there will be more likely to see you as you are. Not sure if going abroad or anything is possible. But definitely don't throw out your options right away. Research and see what you can actually do and what you're willing to do. Cuz I totally get not wanting to go far from home.
Are there any LGBT centers or communities around you?? Those are a great place to go and actually feel like yourself. If it's not safe to do that, then definitely prioritize what's best for you.
The hardest part is just putting yourself out there and going for it. It's ok to fail. There's always other chances and other people to befriend. It's scary and there will always be that worry. But putting it off just makes things harder in the long run. Sometimes you really do just have to try and hope it goes ok. I really do think a library or community club would help better though. It's less commitment and often cheaper. You'll also meet more varied age ranges. I find groups with lots of different ages are often more accepting because of all the different experiences and people being more willing to sit and explain/listen to things.
Good luck 🤞🤞🤞
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bionic-beth · 2 years
Has anyone ever told anyone lies to get them to hate you? I’m certain that’s happened before. Are you inside or outside right now? I’m in the living room. Do you think guys with just one ear pierced are cute? It doesn’t matter to me either way. Are you wearing socks right now? I am not. Do you like your cousins? I have two immediate cousins. One I love and one who estranged herself from my family. She’s from my father’s side of the family, so I can’t say that I blame her. Which mainstream artist pisses you off? None of them really piss me off. Do you own harem pants? I do not. Would you rather be called pretty or hot? I don’t like compliments. I never know how to react to them. Are there many gangsters or chavs at your school? I don’t go to school anymore. I’ve been out for years, actually. Describe the seat you're sitting on? It’s an L-shaped brown couch. The corner cushion. Do you have any weird bedtime rituals? I don’t find them to be weird. Have you ever sent any celeb fan mail? No, I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure I’d remember that. When did you last pull a muscle? How did you do it? I don’t even know how I do it half the time. Name the last shitty CD you bought. I haven’t bought a CD in years. Do you play online games? Not so much anymore. I used to be really into Neopets and shit like that, though. Have you ever chugged maple syrup? I don’t see why anyone would ever want to do something like that. Do you prefer original or acoustic versions better? Usually the originals - but not always. What was the last thing you ate? It was some ice cream before bed last night. What was the last thing you drank? It was iced tea. Have you ever gotten a serious injury at school? What happened? I was pushed down a flight of stairs in 7th grade. A kid made chicken noises at me, said “hey chicken, let’s see if you can fly” and shoved me. I flew. Are you on any medication at the moment? Zoloft for PTSD, anxiety, and OCD. Do you have a favorite pair of headphones or earbuds? Not one that’s my favorite, but I do have multiple pairs. How do you wear your hair for school? It’s usually just down. Have you ever performed in front of a large group? Not in a long time. Not since high school chorus days. Are you hungry right now? I am, I haven’t had breakfast yet. Have you ever fundraised? If so, what for? Not in years, when I was involved in the Girl Scouts. Do you ever go on the Bzoink forums? I do not. Is it day or night? It’s daytime - 8:35 AM to be exact. What was the last DVD you bought? The newest minion movie. Are the curtains in your bedroom open or closed? They’re always closed. Are you wearing earrings right now? I am not. Your least favourite type of piercing: The idea of a clit piercing makes me personally cringe, but you do you. LOL Which mode of transport do you use to get to school or work? Our vehicle. Call of Duty, Halo or Left 4 Dead? None of the above. Name a singer whose voice makes you swoon. None in particular. Do your pets follow you when you walk around the house? Yes. So do the children. Do you own a BB gun? If so, have you ever shot anyone with it? There are no BB guns in this household. Which hockey team do you go for, if any? The Sabres. Do you watch makeup tutorial videos on Youtube? No, I don’t. Have you read any magazines like Cosmo? I don’’t read Cosmo. What do you do online? I’m trying to get back into taking surveys. Bear with me here. Do you have any scars on your face? I do not. Have you ever won any competition or contest? No. Do you listen to Owl City? I love the Fireflies song. Do you own a lot of nail polishes? Yes, but it’s been a long ass time since I’ve painted my nails. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Nothing yet. My stomach is grumbling. Do you still have Easter egg hunts? Not in November, but yes - it’s still a yearly thing. Are you wearing shoes at this very moment? If so, describe them. I’m not wearing shoes right now. Do you know who deadmau5 is? I can’t say that I do.
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percontaion-points · 4 months
Clawless chapters 11 & 12
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 11
“Cheer class?” I stared at Nadia in horror. It was bad enough the gym was the setting of my downfall on Hunter Moon, but now they expected me to leap around with pom-poms? “Have you any idea the damage I could do to a pyramid of omegas? Did you not hear me this morning? I wasn’t kidding when I said I had two left feet!” 
“You’re overreacting,” Nadia told me as she slipped into her cheer outfit with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. “You’re obviously athletic. You’ll do fine.” 
I pumped my bicep and pushed it in her face. “These are wrestling muscles. Not toss-me-in-the-air-so-I-can-flash-my-panties muscles.”
Hey, I don’t know who needs to hear this. But um… trashing other girls, including the activities and sports that are typically female dominated, isn’t it. This isn’t the feminist flex the author thinks it is. 
Go be a “I’m not like other girls” pick-me bitch somewhere else. 
And the girls were good. In fact, they were sensational. Maybe it was their shifter blood. Or maybe they just practiced really hard.
It honestly seems kind of shitty to put Vail into this dance/cheer class in the middle of the year. It’s obvious that they’re working on a routine. Adding her now is only going to drag down the rest of the class, since they have to teach her the basics on top of her learning the routines. 
 But I had already lost Ms. Costa’s respect once before, and didn’t want to screw up again.
I am once again asking why Vail cares so much. She’s still here against her will, being forced to do things that she finds unpleasant. 
“I’m not questioning it. Ranks come in all shapes and temperaments. It’s just that the Costas are distantly related to the Wests, and there have never been a lot of omegas in our family.” 
I blinked at her. “We’re related?”
 “Shifters are an in-bred bunch,” she smirked, “so we’re all related in some way.”
“We keep marrying our sisters” isn’t the flex anybody thinks it is.
Because she’d written Warning: Wolf Fire Whore across my forehead in bold black strokes.
Chapter 11 summary: The next morning, the omegas are bustling with news about the latest upcoming dance. The only reason why they weren’t before is simply that the readers didn’t know about it yet. Vail obviously doesn’t want to go, but her friends insist that they can find her something to wear. 
Vail is then forced to go to class, which is cheerleading. Yes, the author does take a moment to hammer in the anti-feminist “not like other girls” malarky; I’m really fucking over it. Anyway, the other girls in the class are really good at the routines, which again, it’s fucking shitty of them to shove Vail in halfway through the year. 
After class is over, the teacher Ms. Costa makes Vail hang back a moment. She tells Vail that the other girls work hard to get to where they are. That omegas don’t have a lot of strengths, so they work hard at what they can do. Which is a message that I like, but I wish that it wasn’t wrapped in “we don’t like this because we’re Not Like Other Girls™”. Ms. C goes on to say that she thinks she and Vail are like 3rd cousins, and she’ll call up her granny to get some info about Vail’s bio-dad. 
By the time this is finished, the locker room is empty. Vail’s things are tossed all over the room, much to her dismay. Even worse is that Pearl and her goonies were lying in wait for her. They basically jump her, and Pearl writes “wolf fire whore” on Vail’s forehead. Classy and mature… SAID NOBODY EVER. 
Chapter 12
Which goes to show how omegas and alphas looked at things differently. It would never occur to Penny that Vail might be shacked up with her dud friends – or have left the campus entirely – because that went against her own notions of responsible behavior. But Vail Marrow had proven on numerous occasions she wasn’t a big fan of the rules.
Again, they slam Vail for “not knowing the rules”, but not once since Vail’s been at the school has anybody bothered to sit her down and say “Here’s what is and isn’t acceptable.” 
“I’ve been trying to get this shit off all afternoon.” She proceeded to scrub her forehead with the same energy I’d use to strip paint. “Who knew permanent marker was actually permanent?” 
Nail polish remover. Literally anybody could have told you that… had you bothered to ask. It has the same ingredients as paint remover, but is more for skin.
“Are you going to lick me now?”
 I must have betrayed my surprise, because she suddenly blushed so hard, her whole face took on the same raw hue. “Sorry,” she muttered, dropping her eyes. “It’s just when I was injured before, Jasper said it was the fastest way to heal.” 
Well, wasn’t Jay the sly fucker. I knew the guy had been in pretty deep with her, but this was a whole other level. The healing properties of shifter saliva was almost always reserved as a treatment between mates. It was an intimate thing and only really worked if the wolves were deeply connected. Vail was so clueless she wouldn’t have known that asking a strange male to lick her was the equivalent of slipping between his sheets before the entrée. And asking your alphason… Well, that was the same as dropping to your knees in the dining room.
 I tried to feel annoyed with her. This was exactly the sort of shit that proved she didn’t belong. It blurred lines and made people act out of character. Jasper Arras was a case in point. He’d always been an impulsive asshole, but only in a harmless, cocky way. Laid back, coasting on his charm and looks and always surrounded by panting females, he’d never needed to break the rules. But a month with this girl, and he’d not only been mate-intimate, he’d challenged his prick of a father to a blood claw challenge and won.
Why is all of his anger over this directed at Vail, rather than Jasper, who used and abused Vail’s naivety? 
Because Vail and my wolf in anything other than a crowded, big-ass coach was not going to end well.
Chapter 12 summary: Back over to Reed, he’s frustrated when Penny tells him that the only one not on the bus to take them to the dance is Vail. He tells her to go ahead, and he’ll follow behind with Vail. 
He then goes to her room, hoping that she’s actually there and that she hadn’t snuck out somehow. She doesn’t want to let him in, but he’s obviously beyond upset when he sees the remains of Pearl’s message on her forehead. 
She also has cuts and bruises all over herself, and she innocently asks if he’s going to lick her all better. Reed gets angry at her… for having let Jasper take advantage of her. But to make matters worse, he smells Vail’s arousal, and he himself gets all horny. The entire thing is gross. He tells her to put on her dress, because they are going to the dance. 
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m39 · 10 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2006): Newdoom Community Project
You know, a lot of WAD community projects started on Doomworld. Why not take a look at what Newdoom has to offer for a change, huh?
G4: Newdoom Community Project
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Main author(s): Various
Release date: January 1st, 2006 (original release)/January 8th, 2006 (database upload)/May 16th, 2006 (updated version release)
Version played: Updated version
Required port compatibility: Limit-removing
Levels: 32 (no secret ones)
Newdoom Community Project started out as Xtife’s idea on November 11th, 2002. Just a simple MegaWAD created by members of the titular forum site. Soon enough, many people caught an eye for it and started helping. Sometime later, Xtife, who was at the time a team leader, step out of this role and they were replaced by Darren Finch, who at the time was also maintaining the Newdoom site. Long story short, after many WAD mappers came and went, the project was finally released at the very beginning of 2006, with its updated version released in the middle of May.
Will this community project end up good in my eyes? After all, most of these WADs that I reviewed usually ended up as good in my opinion, despite being massive mixed bags. Well, there is only one way to find out.
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Most of the time, the maps look just okay. There are times when some of these look good; very good I might add. But usually, they look like typical WAD maps from the late 1990s, just bigger and with more complex architecture since this project is limit-removing.
Three and a half maps use custom music - Baleful Confines,  No Brakes, and Strayed from Sanity. These tracks are usually good, especially the first one (chris3.mid). The last half of a track is just text screen music played in Elemental. The rest of the WAD gets jack squat, and you are forced to play the maps with stocks. And here is a thing about Doom II stocks that almost everyone might agree about - they only fit in the original game. Shove them into a fan-made WAD, and you might as well add +4 to boredom if the music is on.
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Speaking of boredom, playing Newdoom CP feels like one (at least mostly during the blind playthrough). Asides from many maps having things that were considered cringe even years ago like slow-moving lifts, switches being higher than they should’ve been, and how you must go from one end of the map to another after doing one thing, they suffer from the one-map WAD syndrome, AKA they might be fun if played solo, but playing them in a compilation will make you beg God to end your suffering.
The worst case is such a map is probably Maintenance Area, which is such a mangled mess of a maze full of corridors and platforms that I feel like it forces you to run around the entire map just to reach a room that you see from the other room right next to the former one. I played this map once, and I don’t think I would like to do that again.
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And yes, this WAD ends with another, uninteresting, shitty Icon of Sin boss.
That doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything interesting in this compilation. Identity Check for instance has blue and red gates that affect the map to some degree, usually with blue gates doing something good for you while the red ones do the opposite.
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Elemental, while going for too long, has this interesting concept of going between smaller locations from a hub one with the exit in the center to unlock each other with switches. If you have trouble finding these, look at the Automap; it will at least partially help.
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Hotash Slay kind of gives me Mt. Erebus vibes due to how it looks.
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Silenced Progression might be the map I tolerate the most. It might be my positive bias towards Melissa McGee, but this is the map that knows that it is a part of the community project and it doesn’t have to be really big and/or filled with needless filler. It doesn’t waste your time.
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I guess this compilation is mostly easy. While many maps tend to get very cheap with their difficulty like surrounding you with hitscanners or fighting mid to high-tier monsters in small areas/corridors, if you know where and how to get to the secrets, you’ll end up mostly okay. If not bored from fighting cannon fodder most of the time. I might have said the same thing about the other WAD in the past (it was probably Herian 2), but this project is for me what Evilution is to Civvie11; a freaking boredom of a WAD to play.
The only legitimately hard map I remember is No Brakes. Despite being a slaughter map from 2005 that tried to be a part of Community Chest 2, it actually made me feel something.
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I can’t remember if I encountered any bugs while playing this WAD. I know that while many bugs from the original release have been patched out, there are still some of these like getting stuck if you go for a secret without pressing one switch in Strayed from Sanity.
There is also a note to people using the Doomsday source port, saying that MAP06 and MAP07 will crash this source port if used.
And... yawns
That’s basically all I have to say about Newdoom Community Project. It’s a rather meh compilation of maps. It will mostly bore you out. Sometimes I was thinking if there was any quality control while this project was in the making.
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Let’s hope that the next WAD/map won’t make me fall asleep while sitting down.
See you next time.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
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author’s note(s): inspired by this fanart and everyone being horny on THE DASH !! dedicated to @honeykeigo n @lady-bakuhoe for enabling my horny behaviour ok ok. also this turned out longer than i expected so ,,, have fun?
warning(s): mdni, 18+, smut, dubcon, mentions of drinking, uhh sniffed and stolen panties, slight!exhibitionism, power play dynamics, fingering, pussy slaps uwu, fem!reader + pro hero!bakugou.
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“y-you uh, you don’t haf’ta do this mishta—?“
“r-right, dy-ma-might!”
katsuki had rolled his eyes the first time you spoke to him, a sweet, darling little girl too drunk on whatever shitty alcohol you’d been served at the bar on friday night. you obviously didn’t drink much, maybe even drunk too much— the hero would tell by the way your eyes crossed with your legs as you walked and the fact that you couldn’t remember the right way to spell your own name and it was clear your friends were a bunch of assholes for abandoning their shit faced friend to find her own way home.
he hated, this part of the job but he’d have felt bad if the guy following you home had done something bad to you and besides— the way you pressed yourself to the explosive hero, breasts spilling out of your tight black dress, thick and juicy thighs exposed to the fresh night air makes the whole ordeal worth it. oh you’re so cute, got katsuki’s cock stirring in his pants— his baggy hero costume suddenly becoming way too fucking tight for his liking. you’ll pay him back, he knows that you will, all of his fans do in some way or another.
you’ll be special though, if the smell of your saccharine cunt is anything to go by. slick dripping down your shaky thighs while he guides you down the empty street, and of course you’d be attracted to him. bakugou will have to indulge in you; his reward for being such a gentleman, for being your hero. “this ish me,” you squeak when the pair of you arrive at the door to your apartment complex. your words are smooshed together by your own drunken haze while you unlock the door to let yourself in.
how rude of you, forgetting all about dynamight who’d basically saved your life tonight. without much of a fight, bakugou pushes you against the door, effectively keeping it closed, his eyes cloud over— a storm thick with lust as you look up at him so innocently he could break. “not gonna invite me up, sweet stuff?” he coos, amused at the shiver that runs laps down the base of your spine. your thighs jump apart only just, giving the hero an opportunity to shove his hand up your dress to cup your sweet little cunt.
“i— i didn’t know—“ your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, confusion etched so prettily across your face it makes bakugou want to bend you over and fill your hole to the brim. he’d save that for later though. “didn’t think you’d want to—“
the blonde growls, thick fingers easily finding your panties under that short dress of yours. the black lace is soaked to the bone, a sticky mess spreading across the digits that now pinch at your puffy clit. you jump and bakugou growls hungrily. “s’awfully rude don’cha think, sweet stuff? that’s okay though, i think you can reward me right fuckin’ here, don’chu?” a toothy smirk tugs at the hero’s lips when you dumbly nod in agreement, your body trembling from a mix of cold, neediness and excitement. “atta girl, spread those needy fuckin’ thighs for me then.”
you seem to have sobered up quickly, listening well for the hero that saved you and part your meaty thighs to let bakugou push your panties to the side and give him more access to your runny cunny. “p-please dynamight, d-do somethin,” comes your whiney voice as he lowers his to get a better view of your spread your pussy lips; he watches as your hole oozes just for him, desperate to filled and fucked. it’s too early for his cock, he needs to give you a taste of something else before you get drunk on him.
without warning, he pushes two of his expert fingers past your puckering entrance, immediately curling them in a come hither motion as his heated red eyes flicker up to watch your face. your ruby painted lips hang open in a silent moan while your fingers dig into bakugou’s shoulders so hard your nails form tears in his hero suit. “fuckin’ look atcha baby, barely even touched ya ‘n you’re already suckin’ down my fingers so greedily.” he snarls, sharp teeth coming down on your barley clothed breast.
bakugou’s thumb massages rough circles into your clit, pulling more honeyed cries from your lips as your eyes screw shut. “f-fuck, dynamight, need more of your touch, ‘m begging you please!” is all you can say, mindlessly babbling as you fail to keep yourself up right. the explosive pro hero steadies you with an arm wrapped around your waist, fingers curling again to explore more of your velvet walls.
“it’s katsuki, to you,” he barks out, using the arm around your waist to smack your sloppy cunt, the wet sound echoing across the street. “needy little thing, beggin’ me like this, who am i to deny your wishes?” bakugou grins, mercilessly scissoring his digits into your tight heat to stretch you wide open for him. he can’t believe his luck, the way you’re so pliant and responsive to him and him alone.
it’s too soon for him to be this addicted to your cute moans filling the crisp air but he can’t help himself, not when you clamp around his scarred fingers with every pump of them into your silken heat. not with the way your own fingers now curl in sun kissed blonde hair— pulling the hero upwards to suck on his bottom lip, followed by his tongue.
you cry out, the most beautiful sound katsuki’s every heard in all twenty years of living when his fingers press down hard on that gummy pleasure spot inside you, and like the good girl you are for him, you keep your shaky thighs open for him. “you’re such a good fuckin’ doll, letting me finger you out in the open like this, anyone could see us but you wouldn’t care, not when you’re creamin’ your panties for dynamight, right sweet thing?” bakugou’s lewd words go straight to your cunt, entangled with the squelching noises as he moves within you.
“yes! yes! wouldn’t care, don’ care...j-jus wanna cum for you, s-suki—fuck, please—“ you mewl into the night, doe eyes shimmering with tears as the knot in your lower tummy gets tighter and tighter until you can’t bare it anymore.
bakugou grins, curling his fingers once more to send you hurtling off of the edge. he can’t stop thinking about how soaked your little lace panties must be, about all the things he’s going to do with them once he gets them off of you.
“cum.” your pussy follows his orders for you, white flashing behind your eyes as a scream rips in your throat and shoots out into the quiet night. the knot in your stomach snaps, release splashing out against bakugou’s hand and hero suit— he makes you cum so hard you almost black out, a twitching mess in the hero’s arms.
when you finally come to, bakugou’s slurping your nectar off of his fingers, head cocked to the side as you shakily look up at him. “i, uh...t-thank you!” you breathe, blinking away the buzzing noise in the back of your head. “for...uh...”
you’re so cute, flushed with heat and slick dripping from between your legs. you obviously think that was a one time thing, but bakugou hasn’t finished cashing in his reward. the hero shakes his head, using a thumb and forefinger to tilt your own up to meet his ruby gaze. “give me your phone and take off your panties.” he orders, voice authoritative and never wavering— you’re confused, but don’t question him, just as a good girl should.
rooting around in your now discarded purse, you pull out and unlock your going for katsuki, who busies himself with your contacts. embarrassment crawls up your spine when you reach for your underwear, still wet with your arousal and release, you look to bakugou hesitantly. “do i have to—?”
“off.” he grunts, barely looking up from your device as you shimmy out of the lace garment and hand it to him. bakugou gives you the same evil smirk from earlier while you collect yourself against the door, sniffing the flimsily, wet material before shoving them into the pocket of his pants. his cock is hard as a fucking rock, but he’ll be able to deal with it appropriately after his patrol. “i’ll be keeping these. this is where we say g’night sweet stuff.”
the way you curl in on yourself, perhaps a bit humiliated at the idea of your panties being taken by the number two pro hero is adorable, and if he didn’t have patrol, katsuki would have eaten you up right then and there. “goodnight dynamight— i mean, k-katsuki, thank you for everything and h-have a safe night.” you squeak out quickly, moving to open the door again.
“not a problem, honey,” bakugou whispers with a lowered voice, pulling you in to swipe his tongue across your bottom lip, shoving his tongue down your throat in a kiss goodnight. “now get your cute ass upstairs, don’ want anyone to see your leaky cunt like this. that’s fuckin’ mine.”
you do as you’re told, bidding the hero one last farewell before dashing up the steps and into your apartment. your heart and mind race a thousand miles a minute, crazed with the fact that you had just been fingered to the best fucking orgasm of your life by the number two pro hero. you have to force yourself to shower, mapping out all of the spots that bakugou had touched you and growing giddy at the small burn marks he’d left against the inner workings of your thighs.
that night, or rather, early morning— you settle into the sheets, mind still plagued with thoughts of katsuki bakugou, when your phone pings with a text.
to: yn.
from: unknown.
— never got your name sweet stuff, care to tell me who’s name i’ll be moaning tonight?
( one attachment ).
your heartbeat thunders in your ears, familiar warm pooling between your legs yet again as you open the image— knowing that there can be only one person that it’s from. a quiet moan slips past your lips as the picture loads to reveal bakugou in your very same black lace panties from earlier— the slick from your release pressed up against his barely covered cock, while he jerks himself off, precum oozing from his blistering red tip.
you exhale, typing back your name and hitting send— thanking whatever higher power that lead katsuki bakugou to steal your fucking panties.
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imvriix · 2 years
𝔩𝔦𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔶 𝔠𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔥
featuring + contains ;; — GN! reader x hanma shuji, kisaki, readers a former delinquent.
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⋆*・゚:     :✧*⋆   ・゚
" make yourself useful for once and just pick them up for me. " a stern and annoyed voice vibrated out of the device he held up to his ear. he rolled his eyes, " when i started helping you out, i did it so that i would have fun. not so id run your shitty book errands. "
" you'll get your fun, this is only a one time favour, anyway, " the voice sighs, " i don't have time to pick them up today, and i need them soon. " hanma mutters a fed up whatever as he hangs up on him, undoubtedly moody. he shoves his phone into the pocket of his hoodie, walking up the few steps in front of the library. pushing open the door, the bell chimes as to let you know someone had entered. looking up from your dark fantasy novel, you greet the new face with a welcoming smile.
it wasn't often you'd get new people visiting. it wasn't that the library was failing, it was just that it was normally the same faces coming around to return or borrow a book. as you left behind your obsession of adrenaline, you found yourself spending extra hours in the cosy building. the scent of the fairly old books brought you comfort as the place was overall soft on the eyes. colours of beige, cream white and autumn colours blending together with the wooden shelves with piled up books going from years back, it was simply a nice place to spend your time. and you were getting payed for it too, so there was that.
you were only sixteen, meaning the job was part time, but even on the days and hours you weren't working you couldn't help but pop in every so often.
you redirected your gaze to the printed words of ink on the cream white sheets, turning the page when necessary. you drove out the occasional noises of footsteps and books being taken out their shelves, the bell ringing as people came and left. once you notice someone coming closer to the desk you were at, you put in your bookmark to keep track of the page you were on as you put the book to the side.
you looked up at the person in front of you, blinking at his height as you returned to your senses and gave him a small smile. "i dont think ive seen you here before, are you new to the area? " you ask softly as you take the book and begin to scan it, "nah, im just getting a couple books for a guy i know. im not a big fan of reading. "
" no? there a reason, or is it just not for you? " you carry on leading the conversation with light small talk, which he doesn't seem to mind, " i guess. ive tried getting into it once or twice but i was never able to find something i enjoyed. "
you laugh, " i bet i can name a book you'd like just by looking at you. "
" really? " he asks curiously, tilting his head to the side as he returns your grin, " i mean, you can try. " he offers as you look him up and down, eyes settling at the punishment and sin tattoos on his hands for a while longer than the rest of him as an idea pops into your head, " maybe.. the dawn of the dead? "
" no. "
" you've only heard the title and you're already shutting me down? " you laugh quietly, " i can tell i won't like it. " he announces as you shake your head, " shut up, we have a copy here somewhere. " you say as you get out of your seat, walking towards one of the book cases with him lazily trailing behind you.
you skim the bookshelf as your finger ghosts over the many spines until you find the book you had named, you let out a hum of accomplishment as you find it and gently pull it out of its place. you hold it put towards the taller male as he takes it, flipping it around as he reads the blurb.
".. alright, maybe ill give it a try. " he laughs as you smile proudly, " you won't regret it. its a great book, but its a shame that there's no sequel. " you pout as you remember yourself searching it up in search for one, only for find none. he chuckles to himself whilst noting, " they must really enjoy reading if it upsets them that much. "
"it better be good or ill burn down this library, " he half-joked as you blinked, concerned, " come near here with a lighter and ill knock you to next week, but! its so good that im not worried about a sudden pyromaniac showing up at night. " you poke fun at him as he begins to look even more interested, " id pay to have u try knock me up like you say you will. " he teases as you snicker, " i could if i wanted, rea- "
you're cut off as you instinctively dodge a fist thrown towards your face, you frown, "what was that for?" you ask, annoyed. " so you ain't all talk, huh? "
" i hope you didn't actually mean to knock me out. " you groan as he puts up his hands in mock defeat, " what? you dont trust me? " he asks as you sigh, " ive known you for a little under ten minutes, how would i know? " you answer his question with one of your own as he returns your sigh, yet a shit eating grin was still plastered on his face. " how heartless of you, and to think we were beginning to form a bond. " he places a hand on his heart as you lightly punch his shoulder, " maybe i should've recommended you some cheesy romance instead. "
" follow me, let me get your name down. " you say as you walk back towards your desk, opening a draw and taking out a book as you flipped to the most recent page with an empty name, " aah.. whats your name? " you ask, looking up at him, " hanma shuji. " you nod as you scribble down his name, writing the name of the novel next to it along with the date.
" both of us should get going now, my shifts ended and the libraries meant to be closed in a few minutes. " you say as you begin to gather your few items, putting them in a bag that you hung over your shoulder. he hummed in acknowledgement as the two of you walked out, you locked the door of the library as you turned to him, " well then, bye, hanma! " you wave as you smile and walk away, " bye- " he started as he realised he didn't know your name, " wait!- "
but you had already left. he sighed as he turned, beginning to walk as he saw kisaki coming towards him, " i came myself because you took so long. " he sighed as he looked at the book hanma held, noticing it not being one of the ones he told him to get, " where are the books? " he asks as hanma laughs.
" damn. i forgot. "
"what? " kisaki asks as hanma shrugs, grinning. " i said i forgot. was too busy talking to the librarian. " he said as kisaki stared at him with a mix of disbelief and annoyance, " what, you talking to someone like a normal person? i personally find that hard to believe. " he says.
" nah, they were cool. 'round our age, a fighter. complete nerd, though. pretty cute. " he described as he walked, " what, you mean y/n? " kisaki raises an eyebrow as hanma grins, " so that was their name? "
he carries on thinking to himself as he notices kisaki still being annoyed at him forgetting his stupid books, " alright, alright. ill get you em tomorrow. "
he honestly only said he would go back the next day so that he could talk with you more.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ "the next time i see you, it'll be in hell" / "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me"
♡ pairing: connor kent (superboy/RotS) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i was listening to 'esa hembra es mala' by gloria trevi so if you do speak spanish, that's a song rec while you read this fic. if you don't, listen to 'hermit the frog' by marina instead!
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"connor please, you're giving ME a headache and it's only seven in the morning," his friend, jake, spoke as his hands covered his face, "wait, shut up, who is that?" connor asked, seeing you with a few friends.
jake sighed, "that's ( your name )," he spoke softly, "she's friends with everyone here. some like her, some can't stand her. it all depends on how she feels with you." you were schools resident 'popular' girl and had a bit of a following among your class.
"i'm gonna go talk to her," connor said. his friends eyes widened, "connor no!" jake screamed, grabbing his friend and pulling him back, "she's a complete bitch, don't do it!" jake exclaimed as he could tell that everything he was saying was going over connor's head.
you fixed the newspaper that had superboy's face plastered on the cover, "i just think that superboy could beat robin if i'm being honest. PLUS he's attractive because you can actually see his face," the day old conversation between you and your friends about who was the better sidekick struck up again and anyone who knew you knew how much you adored superboy.
"hey ladies," you turned to look at the boy, confused on who he was as you had never seen him around school. you gave him a small smile, "uh, hi?" you asked, "do i know you?"
the boy who approached you was wearing sunglasses which threw you off considering your school didn't allow anyone to wear them inside the building. you looked to his other friend, recognizing him as someone you had in your Calc class.
"just wanted to introduce myself, i'm connor," he said, giving you a sly smirk. you shook his hand, half awkwardly, "please i'm ( your name )," you replied as you saw the way connor gave jake a wink, "is there something you wanted or?" you asked again, not knowing why he was still here.
"no, just wanted to say hi to my future girlfriend," you let out a laugh, catching everyone off guard, "please, as if," you replied as you grabbed your friends and walked away, kind of taken back by the new boy.
"he was kinda cute," one of your friends said as you rolled your eyes, "uh, not really? kinda weird if you ask me," you replied, looking down at the newspaper, "well, i'm going to class, see ya," you said, walked towards your AP Lit class.
you sat down in the front, immediately talking to the friends you had in the class. it wasn't even five minutes later when connor entered the class, immediately smirking when he saw you. you growled, instantly annoyed at his expression.
"ah, so you've met the resident new boy?" you nodded as your friend giggled, "he's really nice. made more than a friends already," she said as you shrugged, "okay and? he had a lot of nerve coming up to me and telling me i'd be his future girlfriend," you replied.
she let out a belting laugh, "yeah, he told meghan from fifth period the same thing," you saw connor walking up to your desk and before he could make himself comfortable next to you, you instantly put your leg on the chair, "don't even think about it," you said, not even looking at him, "the desk in the back is available though," you smirked as you watched your teacher roll her eyes at your attitude.
connor bent down to your level, "don't gotta be so hostile, sweetheart, i know you like me," he whispered before getting up and leaving.
your friend, looked at you, laughing at disbelief at both of your attitudes. you rolled your eyes, trying to pay attention to the discussion as you could feel connor's eyes on you almost the entire time.
throughout the weeks and going into months, your relationship with connor didn't change. he arguably became the biggest pain your ass from the beginning of the day until the final bell rang. he managed to befriend a few of your friends which meant that you were around him at times.
you sipped your coffee as you were reading the newest article on superboy, "ah, ah, ah, what do we have here?" connor asked, taking the magazine from your hand, "superboy fan, huh?" he scanned the cover, a smug smirk coming onto his face as you snatched the magazine back.
"yeah, someone who's actually useful in life," you replied as he walked with you to your locker. he had never saw the inside of it and taken back by the amount of photos you had....of him, "aww, don't be that way, sweetheart! maybe one day superboy will actually give you a chance," he joked.
your annoyance instantly shot up as you slammed your locker and walking away, "see ya later sweetie!" he screamed. you stopped in the middle of the hall and flicked him off, "the next time i'll see you, it'll be in hell!" you yelled, storming off to class.
you walked into class, sitting down as your friend, henry, walked up to you, "hey babe," he said, a warm feeling crossing your face at the term of endearment, "hey henry, what're you up to?" you asked, seeing him looking at you, a bit nervously now.
"i was wondering if you were free-," before henry could say anything else, connor walked up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder. he had heard the conversation between the two of you and knew exactly where it was heading, "uh, she's not interested, better luck next time," connor stated, surprising henry with his sudden angry attitude.
henry knowing he didn't want to risk the chance of getting his ass kicked walked away from the conversation as you stared at connor with rage in your eyes, "what do you want?" you seethed as you saw connor's smirk playing on his face, "you weren't actually entertaining him, were you?" he asked in disbelief, "i literally hate you with every ounce of my being," you blurted, finally sick of connor's attitude.
his mouth hung open as you got up from the desk, "do me a favor and PLEASE leave me alone, that's all i ask," you stated as you walked out of class and deciding to ditch for the rest of the day.
"told you she was gonna blow up," jake informed as he sat down in his seat, connor still standing in place, taking in everything you had said. he knew he was being a bit of an ass but he didn't know you were that angry with him.
connor knew he had to make this up. he genuinely did like you and he didn't want to ruin his chances with you because of his shitty attitude. throughout the class period, he picked his brain for ideas until sirens went off in his head.
he knew you were practically in love with his alter ego and he knew he could use superboy as a way to persuade you into giving him another chance. that is if he played his cards right.
you reluctantly showed up the next day, trying to avoid connor as best as you could. you were talking with a few friends, gossiping about the fight that superboy and robin had against a few low level villains in metropolis last night.
"hey, look at connor," jake whispered, seeing his friend practically beat up. you were taken back by his appearance as he had a few bruises on his arms and legs, "are you okay?" jake asked connor.
connor shook his head slowly, his body still recovering from the night before, "what were yall talking about?" he asked, trying to redirect the conversation. everyone looked to you, "someone was gushing about superboy, so please, if you'd continue," meghan said playfully.
"oh shut up, like you don't have robin posters all over your room," you retorted as you watched connor struggling to stay upright, "all i'm saying is that superboy remains the best sidekick there is. did you see the way he walked out of that fight scratchless and look at robin, he nearly died," you continued.
meghan instantly retorted as you noticed how eerily silent connor had became. you turned over to him, about to say something sarcastic towards him until he flopped on top of you, passing out completely. you looked down at him, "connor?" you whispered, "hey connor, wake up," you whispered, shaking him a bit.
"take him to the nurse!" jake yelled at you as you grabbed connor by the arm and pulling him against you, "fuck off, he's heavy as hell," you breathed, trying to steady his weight against you before walking slowly towards the nurse.
you made the walk to the nurse but by the time you made it, connor had woken up, "don't take me to the nurse, please," he whispered, "what are you talking about?" you exclaimed, "you clearly aren't okay and you don't look okay either," you added on.
he steered the two of you to the family bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, "clean me up here, i really don't want to be questioned right now," he said, nothing cocky or playful in his voice. you sat him on the toilet, bending down to clean his face first, "hey, is everything okay....you know at home?" you asked.
he laughed, shaking his head, "these injuries aren't from my guardians if that's what you're wondering. i kinda got into a fight last night," you stared at him confused, "did you lose or something? these injuries look horrible," you replied.
"course i did, just took a nasty beating before i won," he said as he flinched at the rubbing alcohol hitting his arm. you muttered a sorry as you put a band-aid on a few of his cuts, "listen, i wanted to say sorry for acting like a prick," connor muttered a few minutes later.
you were taken back by his apology, "i knew i was being an ass but please don't take this as me joking but you're actually the best thing that's happened to me since i transferred," you remained silent, not knowing to respond as you put the last band-aid on his knee.
"and if i could have a second chance, that would be super dope, ya know?" he tried to say without sounding nervous, "you better not be joking, kent," you threatened, putting your finger on his chest and shoving him a bit.
connor flinched back in pain as you muttered a sorry, "i'm not joking, i'd really like to take you out for coffee sometime," he asked as he grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss. you agreed as you responded with a kiss on his cheek, "also, i had this lying around my room and figured you'd like it more than i would," he dug into his backpack and gave you a magazine.
your eyes widen seeing what it was. it was the magazine that superboy first appeared in and you had analyzed a few signatures of his to know that it was his signature on the front, "did superboy sign this?" you practically tried to contain your excitement as you ran your finger over the sharpie.
connor nodded, "i met him one time after he saved a few people in metropolis last year and got him to sign the magazine. i figured since you like hm a lot more than i do, you'd take care of it better than i would," overwhelmed with excitement, you grabbed connor by the neck and kissed him.
connor was taken back by the sudden kiss but awkwardly responded with another kiss as you held the magazine close to your chest, "i can't thank you enough for this connor," you whispered, your lips still on his a bit. he chuckled, "just meet me at the coffee shop near the school and that'll suffice," he replied, giving you another kiss before slowly getting up.
"now lets get to our second period before we get marked truant again," he grabbed your hand and held it as softly as possible, "you know how much shit our friends are gonna give us, right?" you said, laughing a bit. connor nodded, "nothing we can't handle," he replied as he squeezed your hand in reassurance.
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