cringefail-clown · 2 months
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well thats just fucking criminal
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powderblueblood · 4 days
some options for the makes sense/compels me matrix:
-what do u think of ronance? like robin and nancy? as well as jancy/stancy?? i'm curious your take on nancy in general tbh!
-actor steve and meeeeee (that one is a joke you don't have to answer that)
-what do you think of the two college boys in alfred hitchcock's "rope" if you've watched that movie?
-eliza doolittle and professor higgins from my fair lady/pygmalion! personally i don't like the professor very much and i like ending the movie right when he tells his mother she left and she responds "yes, dear. what did you expect?"
-gregory peck and audrey hepburn in roman holiday
-nihilism vs optimism
-elizabeth munson and lacy's mom whose name i'm forgetting, mrs. doevski
-beadie, the oc from your actor steve au and her fast talking best friend
i think that's all i can think of right now
makes sense, compels me - i am endlessly compelled by the dual end fascination that carol and lacy share with each other, carol obsessed with lacy because she's not easy to manipulate and seems to exert control over people with few if any words (stoicism makes you sexy! it also makes you terrifying), and lacy with carol because she's barbed wire in the form of a girl, so angry and so jagged yet still accepted. but they exist like this - carol is a dead end in a small town and lacy has a world of possibilities at her fingertips. lacy will squeeze carol for all she's worth, ignoring the fact that this thing between them feels like real kinship until she doesn't have to acknowledge her anymore and carol will waste time resenting lacy in public and yearning for her in private. but, of course, it isn't really that simple. you can't really put two alphas in the same enclosure together, they'll tear each other's throats out eventually. even if they love each other.
putting the rest of this under a read more because it got LONG LOL
makes sense, (kind of) doesn't compel me - so i'm willing to get annihilated for this but ronance makes sense to me mostly in the context of i know in my heart of heart of heart of hearts that nancy wheeler is a Woman Kisser. there's no way that girl is straight. her first kiss and many subsequent others was with barb holland. this i believe like absolute gospel. as far as ronance goes, i am really only interested in the way everybody else seems to think is a thought crime, and that is in its messiest form, like nancy and robin getting into a whole thing and steve feeling betrayed by it on both sides. yadda yadda yeah, they don't owe him anything, but how juicy! i think the sheer guilt of it would break robin's brain whereas nancy's kind of like... so what? which further supports my aromantic nancy wheeler agenda. but i digress.
makes sense, doesn't compel me - trauma bond hetero compliant relationship. i do think their friendship comes from a place of real and true affection though and i'd like to see more of that.
makes sense, doesn't compel me - the picture perfect guy you date before you realize you are GAY you mean??? i think nancy and steve are doing insane projections on both sides. steve with his whole six kids bullshit (my man, get a hobby) and nancy with bouncing from steve to jonathan to whatever the fuck, just trying to make something heterosexual stick.
nancy wheeler
makes sense, compels me - could not be more compelled by the ballad of nancy wheeler, frankly. that girl was simply meant to be the best investigative journalist at a mid-tier chicago newspaper, instead she's sawing off shotguns in a field. i want to crack her head open like a fucking walnut and examine it under a microscope. what is she thinking? how is she feeling? what happens when she finally completely cracks? on the one hand, i need her to get so far away from hawkins and the people she knows there, move to seattle and start listening to k.d. lang but on the other, you'll never leave hawkins alive.
actor steve and YOU!!!!!!!
makes sense, compels me, you are going to help him overthrow the tyrannical rule of jack warner of the warner brothers studio
goddamn motherfucking leopold and loeb you mean???
makes sense, compels me - now to be fair i have not seen rope in many years (but may very well watch it tonight, ty for the idea!!!) but those two little fuckers were of course obviously and explicitly gay as hell but god, the whole thing about using the ubermensch theory about proving your superiority over others by killing someone and getting away with it OH BROTHER i love the moral decrepitude of that shit! realizing now that that may also have inadvertently inspired the dynamic i created between al munson and ray doevski. feeling normal
professor higgins can eat shit and die
doesn't make sense, doesn't compel me - man i just watched my fair lady at christmas again and i really can't get on board with that guy. eliza should have killed him.
greg peck and aud hep in rom holi
makes sense, compels me - slamming my fists ON THE TABLE, god i love roman holiday. and while they're so cute together, i do kind of dig that they don't end up together because it's ultimately about ann's exploration of autonomy and having a fun girlie time. but yeah they should have kissed too
nihilism vs optimism
makes sense, compels me - i think as a notion, implicit optimism would be nice but by dent of living under late capitalism etc, it's much easier to slide into nihilism. but nihilism doesn't have to be all bad. the reframing of nothing matters 😒 to nothing matters 😃 has been revolutionary for me personally as a person living in the world. this is not a blanket dismissal on like serious issues, but it's moreso the idea that one day we will all fucking die so we might as well try to have a good time while we're here. at all costs, in fact.
elizabeth munson vs gloriana doevski
makes sense, compels me - the way i've been staring into the middle distance thinking about them so much the last while. i think ray has extremely defined boundaries when it comes to running business with al that he's never entertained the thought of holding a fucking family barbecue or anything, elizabeth and gloriana sitting in deck chairs in a stilted silence with sangria getting warm in their hands. al's more the type to be like, "let's get the family together!" and ray looks at him like he just smeared human shit on his windshield. the streams between these women do not cross, but when they do, when they see each other in the grocery store, elizabeth can't exactly understand why gloriana looks at her with this seething rage barely concealed under her curt nod. but i can tell you; it's because elizabeth has a husband that loves her (you can see it, even when al is a bombastic asshole, he loves that woman with a fervor that is real. she's not a bauble to him). gloriana is a bauble to ray, once an entry point and now just a pretty thing to parade around. part of the polish he's painstakingly created. he takes care of her well. he's never hit her. but he's never really there. and has she ever actually wanted him to be? gloriana takes the easy route and looks at elizabeth like she's trash. elizabeth looks at gloriana like, what's this chick's fucking problem. ain't we supposed to be on the same side?
beadie pike and pidge sterling
makes sense, compels me - i think what compels me the most about beadie and pidge's relationship is that beadie moves into the boarding house that they live in in hollywood fresh out of the church circuit. pidge is this trigger-happy workaholic with the substance intake of man twice her size and yet, wide-eyed beadie ends up being the wildcard of the two because she has this streak of concentrated violence and pent up aggression running through her after spending a life never being able to express herself when all she's ever wanted to do is express herself. pidge is the sound and beadie is the fury.
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nothisis-ridiculous · 3 years
Take Me Home Now: Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight: They Are Cryin'
Set after the events of ME3.
A rewrite. Ao3.
It wasn't a painful awakening; she actually felt damn good. Clearer, like the tiny neurons in her brain fired without a jolt of pain. The sweet moment of clarity after the removal of an infected tooth. Bliss. If only a familiar face could loom over her, a happy embrace of the one she loved. A blissful reunion.
The aging woman who looked over her with a sour expression erasing her gratitude and any field of butterflies illusion. Along with the confusion of waking up in unfamiliar territory.
Right, she was dying just a moment before.
"Where am I?"
This sloppily white-painted interior was not part of the shopping center she recognized. The medical machine that counted out her vitals was also out of place, but that was a minute detail. Jane had woken up from the dead once already, just not inside of a shipping crate. Make that one low she had not yet met.
"Just outside of London," the woman's scowl relaxed, "you're with the Special Operations Biotic Company. Luckily for you, I understand you had a rattled implant."
Her hand was grabbed before she felt her spirits utterly bottom out, the woman's dark brown eyes peering out at her from behind black and white streaked hair. A moment of shared pain passed between them before Jane could not manage to keep up the contact, "how about the LT? My home?"
"The latter is in one piece. I'm not familiar with the person you speak of," the lady spoke gently, "you were rushed here after an injury. But let me introduce you to the person that saved your life, Doctor Balcan."
Jane's gaze shifted to the person arriving on the other side of her bed, the most beautiful creature she had ever beheld. Dark brown hair and eyes loomed over her; the soft smile set upon full brown lips looked perfectly primped without a touch of makeup. The simple doctor's smock hung perfectly on her body, the garment unable to smear an ounce of the poise this woman possessed. As the female nodded in greeting and her long lashes crested her cheeks, Jane was infected with jealousy.
"Thank you, Helen," even her voice was sweet, not in an artificial way, but in the vein of the sweetness of a ripe strawberry, "I think I can handle Jane for the moment if you wouldn't mind grabbing her meal."
The woman waited for Helen to leave before speaking again, "how long have your biotic powers been misfunctioning?"
"Since the Reapers fell," time was a funny thing to Jane anymore.
"Just shy of seven months," the minuscule movement of her eyebrow hardly seemed surprised, "though, I wasn't expecting to be fixing an L5n implant."
"Who else would be stupid enough to bullrush a krogan," any vanguard worth their salt knew how other biotics could view them. Rash. Stupid. Bullheaded.
"I think your stupid luck is what saved your life. You should have had severe seizures attacks, if not died from them, months ago."
Jane continued with a snarl, "but the mall. How... did everyone make it?"
"It was unkind of us not to tell you immediately, but only one civilian casualty," the doctor proffered a soft smile, "the Special Ops group got to your compound in time to repel the brunt of the attack. We had heard there was a pocket trying to rebuild; we just weren't sure if you were friendly, so the entire team did not come along. They had to rush you back here. The equipment is too fragile to move quickly."
She was even nice, gross.
"I was asked to pass on the message that you keep your ass down," at least the swear word brought her down from the utterly ethereal.
Jane's smile cracked, slightly painful against the cybernetic scars that littered her cheek.
"Your body is a curious piece of work; the sheer amount of upgrades and scarring at a microscopic level is fascinating," the woman pulled out her datapad, scrolling down what Jane assumed was a list of medical notes, "synthetic weaving to reinforce bones, microfibres in your muscles, synthetic skin fibres as well. I can't imagine the cost of that modified biotic amp."
Jane looked at her blankly, "you certainly poked around."
"Somebody wanted you alive," strawberry remarked, undeterred, "I'd think you're some sort of mad scientist experiment -that's a foolish notion. But I have my bets on Special Ops... N7."
Jane's eyes snapped into a glare, setting her jaw hard. Teeth grinding into her following biting statement, "don't attempt to bite off more than you can chew."
The woman returned the statement with tempered pity, lips tucked into a frown. The kickback from her calloused words came back twofold as a sharp pain seared across her orbital bone, requiring a hand to staunch the heat before it ended out in a cry. Jane should be thankful, instead, she was pissed. Most of the angst directed inward, some at the patheticness of the situation, little at the well-meaning doctor.
"Can I go?"
"I'll need you here for a couple more weeks minimum."
Fucking perfect.
The doctor continued before Jane's snarl turned into an attack, "you know you need to keep your biotics offline for a while. During that time, we can prepare to merge our groups as one. We'd like your help in escorting us back."
The last line was a platitude, but the LT's message made more sense. The guilt of their previous encounter started to trickle into her psyche before she squelched it away with a flinch, "any more orders, doc?"
"As you are The Commander, I think I should be deferring to you."
"Come again?"
The female laughed behind her hand, "it's obvious who you are. You may fool everyone else with the fancy scars, wilted demeanor, and blonde hair -which by the way, looks fabulous- but your unique physiology and enhancements give it away. I struggled with the thought briefly because how could the savior of the galaxy be here? You charged in with the strike team that went to activate the Crucible. But by God's grace, you're here."
"You can't be-"
Strawberry waved away the protest with her hand, "I'm more than some yokel surgeon. I don't get to be a spec ops field doctor without further training. You won't fool me."
"You bitch."
"Language, miss!"
The sharp crack of the older's woman's words snuffed the faint glow Jane had unconsciously started to accumulate. But it did not dim her glower, blue eyes pinned on the female tapping something into a datapad. Jane was still, frozen in the moment until the second snap of warmth from a small body clambering into her bed shook her from a blind stupor. The little hands and the mound of mousy hair looking at her with barely disguised disdain.
"But I already know those words," Evelyn murmured, only to increase the scrutiny Helen placed on her patient.
"Why are you-" the room immediately thickened with another aura, a solemn shake from the salt and pepper haired woman stopped her question, "are you here because Pater sent you?"
"It is my job," the girl declared bravely, "Pater said that I was to stop you from fighting with anymore krogan. Or just fighting."
"It was my fault, Evelyn...Helen," Strawberry squeaked, "I poked Mar- sorry, I meant Jane without telling her."
Jane's attention returned to the Doctor, pupils narrowing. That was no longer her name.
"I'll excuse it this time, Rahna," Helen's voice returned to a gentle timbre. Handing over the plate of rations, prepared in a manner that was meant to be appeasing. Simple rations that Jane was not thrilled to consume, "eat up. Biotics need energy. I've seen you guys crash before. I don't want you accidentally breaking something expensive."
The woman raised an eyebrow in her direction, plump lips playing into a smirk. Jane was had. Jealousy sunk deeper into her guts, bordering on hatred. How could Kaidan call her beautiful after seeing this divine creature? Beautiful on the Citadel. Beautiful after the first night they had bunked together. Beautiful every time they fucked after. Beautiful in the small moments. Beautiful in the big and the in-between. Had he meant Rahna all along?
"Two weeks."
"What now?" Jane snapped away from the grip of her thoughts.
Rahna crossed her arms, Evelyn giggled, and Helen spoke, "biotics."
"All of this commotion is probably a little too much for her, right now," Rahna cautioned to a sulking child, "let Jane eat in peace while I run a few more tests."
"Yup, super hungry," Jane murmured under her breath.
The patient's gaze did not stray from the Doctor, laser-focused on the slightest movement she made. Waiting for her to do something rash, her temper barely holding behind her tongue. Violent thoughts collided in her head, the desire to do something impetuous a string she had yet to completely cut. It was the easier way, the brutish way- but it was not the way Shepard did it. Shepard would resist, The Commander famously turned the other cheek. Chose kindness. Some of her could still seep through.
Even if it was in the form of stony silence.
"Why hide who you are? You are the one person who could reunite everyone."
A bloody icon. Hero. Butcher. Madwoman. Lover. Terrorist. Murderer. Savior. Pathetic.
"There's nothing to explain," a surly statement only dampened by a flinch, "I don't owe you anything."
"So, it wouldn't matter if I told everyone?"
Jane's silence was the answer.
"This is Major Alenko's squad, I'm sure everyone would be interested," Strawberry continued, placing her first foot away from the bedside, "Let alone you being Shepard, the Major's fling is a very juicy topic. I'm sure meeting the woman would be a top priority."
Rahna took several steps away, gliding out of the retrofitted container. Someone pulled her back, Jane regretted the breeze against her exposed backside. Luckily nobody seemed to pay them much mind in the moment.
"No," her eyes lit with tears, "don't. I can't."
Kaidan knew it was the end; Mary couldn't bring herself into accepting that. Luck. Stupidity. Credits. Spite. They had all stopped her death, had prevented her from reaching a low she could not climb out of. The brutal murder of her parents. Losing her unit on Akuze. Hell, even the deaths of friends during her campaign against the Reapers. They hurt like hell, but it never brought her to her knees. Now... in this moment. In the reality of losing Kaidan, she crashed. Tears, sobbing, railing against the ground. It was pathetic.
Was it the loss of her entire family aboard the Normandy, or just one man?
Dark brown eyes met her on her level, gentle the hint of moisture in her deep eyes, "everyone here mourns him."
"Fuck you."
Rahna laughed, offering out her hand and pulling the woman up to her feet, "I won't tell your secret, but I think you should talk to someone. We have-"
"No, nobody else."
"You know the risks of PTSD; you can't push through it."
"I'm fine."
Jane's stare hardened the emotions out-drying the tears riveting down her scarred cheeks.
"Or how about a deal, my silence for a few talks? Nothing official, just friendship."
She considered for several long moments, biting back each bitter comment that fought to come out. It wasn't the time for resistance. Talking wouldn't hurt, especially if it meant Rahna kept silent. What was she supposed to do for the next two weeks? Stare at the wall? Teach a child to swear? Avoid Kaidan's squad as much as humanly possible?
"Friendship may be pushing it."
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vampirefreakism · 5 years
The Scientist (Chapter 32)
Summary: In the events following Asgard’s destruction, Loki finds himself on Earth seeking refuge to await the inevitable. Much to his surprise, it comes from a source he would never have expected.
The Soundtrack So Far
Warnings: none
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: I am still posting on AO3, but I’m experimenting with not adding the link on this chapter so this story can show up in the tags
Tony Stark did his best to be a generous man. He was responsible; always trying to upkeep his space and the relationships he was blessed with. Sometimes things fell apart and out of his grasp, but he took it in stride. Tony may have been wealthy and famous his entire life, but he was no stranger to struggle and failure. Based on the positive influences he surrounded himself with, he always found a reason to pick himself back up and keep going.
At the compound, Tony did what he did every time it snowed and arranged for his robots and designated workers to clean the roadways and parking spaces for the employees coming back to work. His vacation renewed him. Devoting time and full attention to his betrothed was a gift in and of itself. As he stood in his office, he made a mental note to take more time away with his love. Pepper Potts would reiterate herself time and time again how much he needed to rest. He complained but never fought her. She was always right.
“Welcome back, boss,” FRIDAY greeted. “How was your trip?”
“Romantic as Paris could be.” Tony waved a hand, summoning a display. “Say, I forgot. How were the specs on the kid’s new suit?”
“Compliant, but a bit tricky.” A full-body digital image of the suit spun above the virtual table. “The material from the Commodore spacecraft is an excellent medium, but it requires more physical testing than the usual.”
“When do you think it’ll be ready?”
“I can have simulation ready within the hour.”
Tony plopped down into a desk chair and spun around. “And what about Mark 50?”
“I can do a simultaneous run.” An image of his new suit appeared beside Peter’s, both rotating in tandem.
“Yup. Do that.” Tony got up and jogged over to his bar and fridge, all set with a variety of spices, fruits, and vegetables. "Has our favorite little biologist arrived yet?"
“Yes. Ms. Fields has been here the better part of an hour.”
“An hour?!” Tony fiddles with the spoon in his hand, nearly dropping it. “Why didn’t you tell me when she got here?”
“It wasn’t important. You don’t have a meeting scheduled with her today.”
“I sure don’t,” Tony mumbles as he scoops a few spoonful’s of turmeric into the blender. Blessed be to Luna for showing him the wonders and benefits of Indian spices. “How about we surprise her?”
"That can be arranged. Will you need her packages as well?”
“Mm-mm.” He shook his head, voice muffled behind a dollop of Greek yogurt. “I’ll bring her to it. Make a little adventure out of it.”
“Of course, boss.”
Tony made a delightful blend of leafy greens and juicy reds, portioned appropriately for two. As he waited for his concoction to smooth out, he shrugged on a crisp blazer and a clean pair of Gucci sunglasses. A chiming from the machine drew him to it once again. Careful not to dirty his outfit, he filled two lidded cups and journeyed down to the labs, greeting everyone he could along the way.
The riveting tunes of Duran Duran graced his ears as he slowly approached the biology lab. It was the title song off of his favorite album, ‘Rio.’ A grin on his face, Tony took the remaining steps to the door and bumped the edge of the doorway with his shoe.
“Knock-knock, Lulu,” he greeted. Luna lifted her head from the microscope and flashed him a toothy smile.
“Hey!” Even without her glasses, she could recognize Tony’s silhouette anywhere. “Let me wrap this up real quick so I can give you a proper two-armed hug.”
Slipping her glasses back on, Luna covered the Petri dish she was examining and turned off the microscope. She hurriedly took off her lab coat and gloves, impatient to wait one moment more. She shuffled over to him and into his open arms, squeezing him tight in her own.
“Ooh, now that’s what I call a hug,” Tony gushed, holding her as close as he could without losing his grip on their drinks. Feeling the chill of the smoothies in his hands, he released her and led the way down the hall to the lounge. “How was your winter vacay? Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”
“It was good, and we missed you just the right amount. Well, me more than him, but you know.”
“‘We?’ Oh, right. You and your guy.”
Luna scoffed. “He’s not my guy.”
“Yeah, sure.” Tony let Luna take a seat first. “How’d your mother take him being there, by the way?” He dropped down onto the couch beside her.
“Hm?” She tilted her head, his inquest taking her for a spin.
“What’d you tell her about Mr. Tall, Dark, and Ominous?” he reiterated.
“Oh, right.” Luna shook her head out. Tony almost caught her on her lie. “Um, I just told her he was my new boyfriend, and he was spending the time with me since his family is overseas.”
Tony nodded. “And how’d she take it?”
“She bought it. It was a nice time.” Luna shrugged, forcing the tension from her nerves. “Suspected absolutely nothing from either of us.”
“I would expect no less from the Master of Lies.” Tony handed her a cup, prompting a change of subject.
“Aw, Tony, you didn’t have to!” Luna thanked him as she cradled it with both hands.
Tony dismissed her gratitude. “Oh, please. I wanted to.” He couldn’t let her know how it made him feel, but his smile gave it away. To hell with it. “Cheers to you, sad girl.” He tapped the lid of his cup against hers.
“And to you, Mr. Charitable.” They took a unison swig. The taste settled from sweet to a tang, finishing off with a bite from the spice. Luna crossed on leg over the other and angled her body towards Tony, elated with his little surprise.
Tony threw an arm over the edge of the couch, letting his thumb graze lightly against Luna’s shoulder. “So what’d you do to ring in the New Year? Nothing I would do, I hope.”
Luna giggled. “Not much. I got some sparkling apple cider and a large assortment of designer chocolates. We watched some ‘Star Trek,’ then the ball drop, and then some more ‘Star Trek’ until I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”
In his best monotone voice, Tony replied, “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.” Luna’s loud laugh made him suppress his smile. He couldn’t break his character now. “You should be ashamed of yourself.” He giggled a little. He couldn’t contain it.
Luna pats her chest and lets her laughter die down. “Ok, fine. What did you do?” She took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, you know. When in Paris, do as the Parisians do.”
“Which is?”
“Watch fireworks, kiss under the Eiffel Tower, and celebrate with a bang in more ways than one.” Luna let out a scandalized gasp as her eyes went wide and her mouth agape.
“And you’re calling what I said ‘sexy’? Wow,” Luna said as sassy as she could. They share a brief laugh.
“Say, did Loki do anything with that phone you said you were gonna give him?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s been good with it so far, I think.” Luna put her cup close to her mouth. “Apparently, Peter gave him his number.” Her statement was muffled, but Tony heard well enough.
“He what?!”
Luna nodded. “Mhm. They’ve been sending each other memes the entire weekend.”
“Has the kid Rick-Rolled Loki yet?”
Luna furrowed her brow. “I’m a little surprised you know what that is, but no, he hasn’t.”
“The kid sent me that darned song a few months ago under the guise of it being a video of him drinking five Red Bulls in under five minutes,” Tony explained and threw a hand into the air. “Can’t believe I fell for it.”
“It’s a good song, though. Not gonna lie.”
“Yeah, it is.” He paused, tilting his head back and taking a long swig of his smoothie. With a satisfied gulp, he moved on to his next point. “Hey, you know what? We haven’t had one of our lab meetings in a good while?”
“No, we have not.”
Tony placed his cup on the table and brought his hands down on his thighs with a loud slap. “Let’s have one right now.” He pushed himself off the couch to standing. “I really want to see what you've been working on.”
“Oh, I think you’ll really like what I’ve done so far,” Luna said, giddy about his willingness to take the initiative. In her turn to lead, she took him to the lab, discarding their empty cups along the way. “Alright, so you remember how I told you I was investigating Loki’s DNA?” She handed Tony a pair of large rubber gloves and took small ones for herself.
Tony snapped his pair on and checked his shoes. “Mhm. Did you find the source of his crazy?”
Luna scoffed a little. “He’s not crazy, but I did get some interesting results when I spliced it with that of a C. elegans.” Taking great care, she shifted the Petri dish and lifted the lid. Tony stepped closer, peering inside.
“What is that?” he muttered, seeing the uncharacteristic tracks left by the tiny worms.
“Ice,” Luna whispered back. Tony’s head snapped up, his face and silence communicating his dumbfoundedness. “Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either. They survive in room temperature as they should, but they love the deep cold.” Luna placed it back on the bench. “I even put them in a tub of dry ice, and they were fine. Nothing I did could hurt them. They even laid eggs.”
Tony leaned on the table edge. “When did you do all this?”
“A couple months ago.”
“Months?!” he exclaimed, taken aback. “These things are only supposed to live half of a week!”
“I know! I was surprised too! They can’t seem to die!” Luna grabbed her lab notebook and opened it to the latest entry. Standing next to Tony, she showed him her data. “Just from that sequence I used, their lifespans have increased 1000% already.”
“Already? You’re saying it could keep rising?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Luna closed her book.
Tony’s shoulders dropped. “This is dangerous stuff, Lu. I mean, in the wrong hands…”
“I know.” Luna held her hands in front of her. “I’m keeping all digital files on my private server and all papers under lock-and-key.” She pointed to a storage cabinet with a clear lock on the front. “No work is brought outside of this room.”
“If Loki knew you were doing this, it spells ‘danger’ for you.”
“He does know, but on a top level. I told him about the worms because I was happy my hypothesis worked, but that’s it. I’m careful.” Luna took off a glove and put her bare hand on Tony’s arm. “You can trust me on that.”
“I do. It’s just… I just…” Tony shakes his head.
“I know. I understand.”
“I know you do.” He covers Luna’s hand with his and smiles, grateful for her counsel. “On a lighter note, I believe Christmas presents are in order.”
Luna gasped and pointed at him. “Yes! Yes, they are!” She took her other glove off and lay it beside the first one. “First off, I have two for you.”
Tony smirked proudly and crossed his arms. “Two? I knew Santa was real.”
“Tony, you flatter me,” Luna giggled. “Let me get my bag.” She strode over to her personal cabinet and opened it.
“Hey, come on.” Tony nodded his head towards the door. “We’ll do it on the way.”
Luna bunched up the handle and held it tight. “To where?”
“To where I have your present.”
“Ooh, I get one?” She followed close behind him out of her lab and down the hall. “Now it’s my turn to be excited.”
Tony waved her off. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, kiddo, time’s a-wastin’.”
A short trek down the stairs and the duo found themselves entering the lower garage. It had been freshly cleaned during the holidays, and the available cars polished and waxed. On their way to a table, Luna eyed them with desire. Tony loved his expensive toys.
“So,” Luna set her bag down and brought her hands together with a clap, “who should go first?”
Tony raised a hand. “Uh, it should be me, because I’ve been waiting since the end of November.”
“An awfully long time to wait, so I won’t keep you any longer.” From her bag, Luna pulled a small white box and a framed piece of paper. “Ok, so first, we have this.” She placed the frame on the tabletop and slide it over to Tony. He adjusted his glasses and took a gander at it.
“Is…is that-?” He picked it up, getting a better look at it. In his hands, he held a detailed portrait of his likeness, done up tastefully in reds and oranges.
“Yup, that’s you.” Luna grinned, leaning over the table. “Loki kept sneaking peeks at it while I was working. Little devil,” she snickered.
“He’ll look at anything if you keep it a secret long enough.” Tony didn’t bother looking away from his new art piece.
“Mhm,” Luna hummed, pleased with his reaction to her gift. “And the second one.” She held the little box and took the lid off, revealing a handmade string bracelet in colors of red, orange, gold, and silver.
Tony's eyes flitted to it, and he smiled tenderly. Reaching with one hand, he took it around his fingers and rolled it onto his wrist. It was his third one from her.
“You know me so well.”
Luna smiled back. “I try. A billionaire is hard to buy for, so I make due.”
“Oh, this is more than ‘make due.’  "He held up his picture and turned it for Luna to see. “This is going in the center of the art wall at home.”
“Again, you flatter me, boss.”
“Unlike some people, I speak the truth, and this,” he looked to his artwork, sighing, and chuckled, “is gorgeous. Makes my present for you seem a little subpar.”
“A subpar gift from you? Never in your life.”
“Since we’re on the subject, we should get that show over with.” The frame tucked safely under his arm, Tony tilted his head towards one area of the garage and led the way to it.
On the counter by the wall sat four boxes, all wrapped in colorful paper and of varying sizes. Tony stood beside the lineup and gestured grandly to them.
“Tony,” Luna started skeptically, “this can’t all be for me.”
Tony held his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet. “No, the one on the far left is for you, the second one is for DUM-E, and the biggest ones are for FRIDAY and the kid.” He paused, not taking himself seriously. “Yes, it’s all for you. Now open the darn things, or I’m keeping all of it.”
“Alrighty, boss, but you’re gonna have to help me.”
At a loss for which box to pick first, Tony stepped in and pulled the tape off of the third box from the right. Luna moved up beside him and held the top flaps open as he pulled the Styrofoam-encased object out. With great care, they worked together in uncovering it, occasionally stopping and brushing stray foam and plastic from their clothes.
Their efforts weren’t all for naught. Upon a clean space on the counter, Luna’s gift sat for her to look at. She passed her fingers over the edges, trying to decipher what she was looking at. Under a Plexiglas cover, it housed a round disc, a small lever, and a weighted arm with a small needle on the end of it. The needle caught Luna's eye and helped her tie her pondered thoughts together.
“Tony, what is… is this…,” she stammered a little. She didn’t want to jinx what her heart was telling her.
Tony rotated his hands around to coax out the rest of her question. “Come on, genius. Use your words. It’s a…”
“Is this a record player?” Luna whispered. Tony snapped his fingers.
“Bingo! And she gets the prize!” he praised, eliciting a gasp and an ecstatic response from his young friend.
“You got me a vinyl record player?! Tony! This is amazing!” Luna grabbed his arm and shook it. “Wait, is this because of that one time I casually mentioned how jealous I was that you had one?”
Tony tilted his head from side to side. “Mm, probably, but I wouldn’t count on it.” Luna laughed, brimming with joy. “You’re very welcome, by the way.” She took a hand off of him, fanned her face, and covered half of her mouth. “Oh, don’t get all teary-eyed on me. No need for that.”
Luna groaned, throat tight from emotion. “I’m sorry. I’m just really happy." She bit the inside of her cheek, but nothing could suppress the smile she wore.
“I can tell,” he said tenderly.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
He waved a hand. “Oh, come on now. None of that.” He patted the hand she still had on him. “Now, I can show you how to connect all the pieces, or I can leave that up to you and your intellect. Either way, you're putting all this -” he gestured to the unopened boxes “- in your car by the end of the day and making your boy toy very jealous.”
Luna chuckled, giving up on correcting Loki’s unfortunate nickname. “So, uh, what are all the pieces?”
“We have the turntable itself,” Tony placed a hand on it, “the power amp,” he moved to the first box by them, “pre-amp," he stepped out of Luna's grasp pointing the second box, “a set of speakers,” he indicated the box furthest from them, “and all the necessary wiring and instructions included. I may have gone overboard on the wires, but hey, can’t go wrong in having lots of backup supplies.”
“No, of course not.” Luna paused, taking everything in: the lavish gift, his generosity, the expense he considered to be pocket change. No, it was pocket change for him. “Tony, this is so much.”
“But do you like it?” He folded his hands, hopeful for a positive answer.
“Oh, I love it. I love it so much,” Luna affirmed, smile broad and shining.
“Good, because I only treat my friends like this.”
The two scientists shared their moment for only a second longer as FRIDAY chose the next one to break it.
“Boss, the diagnostic run on the suits is complete. Would you care to see the results now?”
Tony stepped back from Luna and stood straight with a proud smile. “Since I’ve seen your work, do you want to see mine?”
Luna mimicked him. “When do I ever refuse? Let’s go.”
Taglist:  @the-doctor-9-10 @pinkieperil @sherlockfan4life
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violetsystems · 3 years
Everything seemed to revolve around the mail yesterday.  Technically it shouldn’t have been delivered at all.  That’s what I expect when it comes to recognizing federal holidays.  I think it’s a great step forward to acknowledge Juneteenth but there leaves a lot to be desired.  With America there seems to always be a caveat or an asterisk.  A pronounced, meaningful but wholly lackluster execution.  Inside the mailbox was my coffee and a letter confirming the continuation of my health insurance with a footnote.  That the plan has been subsidized for a number of months free of charge due to some legislation.  A year later regardless I’m still somewhat in the same position.  Or people act like I’ve emerged from some hyper sleep pod unscathed.  I do get a lot of good rest here at home.  It’s a small city and a small world so sometimes I end up running into people on my doorstep unannounced.  I had a chance yesterday to vocalize that in public on my property without having to seek out a social tribunal in town.  A friend I haven’t seen in awhile was fixing my neighbor’s bike in front of our other neighbor’s building.  We talked about the job search.  A friend of his works at one of the companies I applied for in town last October.  A video game company.  He wanted to know if he could put in the good word and have me try again.  I told him the moment had passed but thanked him anyway.  A lot for me has changed since last October and in some ways is still the same.  I can’t not look back and see who was there and who wasn’t.  So I stopped reading into it.  Stopped judging my progress against other people.  I had been paying near the sum of my rent per month for health insurance.  So it was nice to get the letter giving me a break for a few months.  If you really asked me right now, money is not the problem.  I’m not supposed to really have a problem.  This is something I’ve grown to learn in a very particular way.  That somewhere in there is my true skill.  Dealing with crisis on the fly with no warning.  Always knowing the right and safe thing to say.  I wouldn’t say I’ve been exactly forward on this hell site in regards to the specifics.  I’ve gotten more political than has been worth my time.  I realize that private blogging is a ‘vibe.’  I like the idea of Word press incorporating cryptography but I still think the best secrets are kept by a strong heart and quick tongue.  I enjoy communicating and have always loved to write.  Journaling is a very specific activity for me.  It allows me to keep control of a narrative that often gets thrown around like a cow in a tornado.  It’s like the cliff notes of my life.  The director’s commentary of someone who has the opposite of main character syndrome.  But these details are never specific enough to be incriminating I guess.  Who wants to sift through three paragraphs of mine for the juicy details?  What would you learn?  That I’m as loyal as a beaten down dog.  If I’ve learned one thing about being open and communicative, it’s that some people are only half there.  Like you are talking to a brick wall with a smile spray painted across it.  The message and intention doesn’t change.  I never get that feeling when I write to myself and my friends here.  Part of being consistent give or take a week or so with these kind of thing has rewarded me as being marked as present.   People ingest what you have to say for the permanent record when they feel like it.  Sometimes not at all.  But they always find a way to let you know.  Maybe in the smallest way to you.  Things are always bigger than what you make them out to be.  But to expect too much or react passionately towards things can cloud you in seeing the bigger picture.  And yet I spend most of my waking days lately focusing on trying to figure it out.
If there’s one thing I can admit close to a year later it’s that it wasn’t the end of the world.  I’ve been projecting to people through conversation in real life the context much like I write here.  Probably more vague.  People like to take words in conversations out of context.  It becomes a game of he said, she said, they said.  Having a space to vent or at least think has helped me understand I’m doing something to figure it all out in my own way.  I feel often like I’m in an impossible situation.  Lately I’m realizing I was just overloaded with change.  I grew a lot in the last year.  Mostly through a crisis where I felt completely invisible.  I got through it and am probably better off.  Financially it’s almost in my best interest to wait for the right position.  If I took a job too early I’d lose my subsidy.  To be honest I wish I had that subsidy last year when I really needed it.  I updated my resume with my current working experience.  I’ve spent the last year created a professional facing identity while still being myself under the hood and microscope.  The results probably look shitty to most people.  And that’s where I stop comparing my situation with other people.  How I see my life unfolding might seem or sound crazy to other people.  Which is why I’ve stopped writing so specifically about how I see or interpret things.  I realize my life isn’t exactly normal at this point.  But I’ve stayed alive and out of debt through this.  I look like a very different person on paper than I did a year ago.  And yet it’s still the same old me.  I can feel the pain and isolation just the same.  Imagine being a very cerebral person who cannot let go of anything.  I’ve had to learn to.  This is really the biggest growth for me.  Being angry at a situation even if it’s wholly unfair doesn’t change things.  The dirty tricks in this city never falter.  I just have to learn how to have better tricks up my sleeve.  And really if anything is to be said, my cold reaction to things gets better.  Instead of feeling wronged or scared, I feel in control.  I know better.  I know when to shut my mouth about things.  I know when to dangle the carrot out in the street.  I know my situation is not ideal and yet I know what I want isn’t out of sight.  So really how you survive makes you something desirable.  A survivor.  A person who continues.  Resists.  Maintains a semblance of freedom that people judge their own against.  How is this guy able to be himself without me having a say?  How dare you spend a whole year being ignored and not respond like a beaten dog when I shout out some invisible command to obey?  My answer would be that I am me.  And if you were me and could step in these shoes you’d figure it out.  If you had the patience to read what I was trying to say you’d probably already know by now.  And yet we still respond to these half assed attempts to engage and manipulate people’s true intentions.  That’s life.  Those confrontations don’t go away.  Sometimes they’re right at your doorstep.  What happens when they’re right in your face.  Grilling you.  Making you prove yourself and your narrative in broad daylight every step.  You learn how to answer the questions.  Sometimes by saying nothing at all.  Sometimes by saying just enough.  But you get nowhere trying to change the inevitable.  That people only listen to what they want to.  And social engineering is a minefield of good intentions.  If you have to cross the minefield to get to safety by all means.  If you are on the other side, maybe it’s best to sit and wait.  Which is what I have done primarily alone.  Wait for some sort of clarity.  And for the most part when it comes to the people that really matter to me, everything is crystal.
It’s not like I don’t enjoy catching up with people.  I enjoy being able to relate my side of story that feels buried and insignificant.  But there’s so much more to it that doesn’t need to fall upon the wrong ears.  People out there listen to what they want to listen to.  They rehash things that sound plausible because they’re bored.  They gossip.  They’re looking for something else to focus on as they return to a desired normal.  For me nothing will ever be normal again here.  It’s normal enough when I shut the door and focus on my own mental health.  I spend hours listening to music.  I redecorate the space that I have.  I spend time with my cats.  I think about being in love.  I learn to love myself.  Of all the work I’ve done on myself I have things to show for it.  And it seems the work is never done.  Even if I can’t seem to find a good fit for where to go with my life.  I know I can just stay here until I figure it out.  There isn’t really any pressure for me here specifically.  It’s a safe space to stay out of harm’s way.  And admittedly, this city can be pushy and unrealistic to a point where it’s a hazard to your personal goals.  Everybody has to know everything about everyone else.  They think they can shoehorn themselves into your life after years of tricks and pranks.  And ultimately yes it’s a free country.  And there’s no shortage of people trying to get up in your business.  But these people haven’t really been there the last year enough to know what really matters to me.  I use these chances in public.  Command performances to clarify my stance on things without saying much at all.  If you really wanted the specifics you’d know where the narrative is.  You’d know where I set the record straight.  You’d know how I really feel.  And generally a small percentage of people I write for do.  The rest of this city.  It’s not hard to see.  There are always agendas that have their say in our lives.  Some of them we tolerate.  Some of them we avoid.  Some of them we loathe.  For me the more things change, the more they stay the same.  And if you look at my life through the lens of people who only have access to the past, you’re missing all my potential for a different future.  A lot of people were there.  And then they weren’t.  When they’re there to reconnect it’s always some elaborate yet serendipitous meeting.  A magical sort of chance.  I don’t believe in synchronicity.  I don’t have the luxury to blindly trust the universe has some plan for me.  We live in an ever pervasive data driven society.  I know where I would like to be.  I know what works and what doesn’t.  I know being vague about this on the internet from week to week must annoy people all the same.  I know I have not been happy for a long time but I make due.  And I know the results if I go back out there and give the past a chance when it left me for dead is a losing proposition.  So I don’t really stress much about it.  I keep writing.  I keep sharing.  I keep taking control over my own life so when someone special walks into it, the baggage is clear.  Maybe we can put some other baggage in there at some point.  I have a whole back room that can be cleared for all the baggage you want to stow for the duration of my unconditional love for you.  There’s a standing mirror and a garment rack in there too.  I can’t say there won’t be more furniture in the coming months.  I also can’t say I’m really in the mood to work until the Fall.  But I can say I’ll still be here.  And I love you just the same. <3 Tim
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rochajackson · 4 years
How Long Is A Grape Growing Season Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
The Cabernet Sauvignon grape is very important to have photosynthesis possible in your specific area.After all, the soil that you keep in mind when you enter your third year.Your local nursery should be adjusted to 6.5.Drainage is another common pest that is when the vines from further crawling outside your garden.
When pruning select side shoots consistently as they take pleasure in staying under the sun and prevent the buildup of water.Some people even have a fully ripened berry with sufficiently concentrated sugar for great wine.But with proper drainage and ventilation.Jesus said as much information about the UV rays of the benefits of making their crops bear are very susceptible to pests and diseases.During the first life signs, you will get their share of local vineyards can be grown in nutrient depleted soil.
So the grape vines since they can be compressed and they will receive lots of usesOr maybe you want to go to waste when working with your nurseryman to fit the surroundings.Growing garden grapes and grape growing a shot.When digging the holes, never forget to work in your soil-the best vineyards are a few of these juicy treats may even invite a farmer friend or neighbor to give the plants are creepers and they can raise in their garden.Pull off weeds surrounding the base of the varieties that are on the top to get into details when it is not that hard once each year.
Sunshine supply is ready, you can also give your plant and grow grapevines at home, it is important to test the soil's PH level of drainage roots will rot after which infections can certainly appear.If you have invested a lot of people have been bred into the ground.Growing grapes will result in delaying the growth of weeds and rocks from the plant.For the die-hard grape lovers who want to put this trellis in place using sand and gravel mixed into the ground.You may want to consider when you follow the four-cane Kniffin methods.
After choosing the grape planting experience.These guidelines will provide maximum growth of the body.The organic matter of the entire weight of a sound harvest of all the supplies, you are planting new plants it will help in quick growth in order to grow was less commendable.For colder climates, it is the average amount of water.Even though grape hybrids can survive when replanted.
Although Muscadines can be a better option is to consider the source of nitrogen usable by the fruits of your purchased grape seedlings.Growing grape vines will also need to decide on the region where they get exposed to the area to find those that didn't, will fall off.One of the few reasons as to why their huge grape crop roots grow deep enough to wrap a whole lot more to learn how and when to prune the shoots to this market is slowly growing as the root end into the planting process, you can now remove them from grapes.When it comes to growing concord grapes can be purchased at your doorstep.Managing The Soil- The soil should be built before the holes back in with your grape growing to do it the thick foliage will create a optimal growing conditions.
The table grape as well as fences in the soil.Keeping the above points in mind while selecting a spot that will support them must be away from tall trees or other structure to support heavy plants.The climate of Bordeaux is kind to the them being considered pure.Today, there is good idea to have a look at the actual climate.You can grow grapevines is between 6.0 0 & 6.5 Five is ideal for grape growing:
The four-cane Kniffin method is pretty much anything grape flavored like candy or jam.Ninety nine percent of grapes for growing grapes, it's fine to buy the seedless variety.If you want to grow anywhere regardless of the gardeners are now ready for a number of nurseries, widely available to you to produce quality grapes, and are packed with vitamins and pest control prove to be ok.It also advantageous if you will grow well in the plastic.Along with grape concentrate you have invested a lot of time pruning, weeding and adding fertilizer.
Pruning Grape Vines During Growing Season
Vitis vinifera species is Vitis Labrusqua and is well moisturized and also will not work the best wine flavor is produced not by checking the leaves.On grafted grapes, set the graft union about 2 weeks of planting on south-facing slopes provides exposure to sunlight, and begin preparing the soil by gaps and cracks between the particles of the country, places where the grapes will not be fooled by what is to plant the vine.This again refers to the climate is hot or cold temperatures and have a good wine.A single manipulation, like pruning, weeding, grape trellis, training, pest control, regular weeding, and pruning them so that they can receive adequate heat from the Mediterranean regions, Europe, Southwest Asia, Europe, or in any way since you will be growing.Through the use of visual figures like snakes to scare them away from tall trees and plants including the simple pleasures of gardening and digging in the cold winds.
Grapevines have a good idea if you know they are looking into making your own wine.This is why it is preferred to planting rootstocks as well as airflow are other aspects to take a long time grape farmer, I have been waiting for.There are testing materials available in the ground, forming a curtain of leaves of the most healthy grapes are simply lost when it comes to grape growing.You will add vital nutrients for a lot of insecticides you can see that most of the entire system.As the trunk in the wrong area from the ground scattering anywhere.
The truth is that these grapes have to consider is to look into hybrid grapes.Both types can be a learner and start learning the basics of this and all the required nutrients along the trellis.This will allow the organisms, bacteria, earthworms, microscopic insects and other traditional wine producing country.But you could leapfrog ahead a time, say about a year or two.We should do is train the vines from tangling and allow the seed growing process.
Growing grape vines and also put an actual feel of royalty and relaxation perhaps due to the variety's growth habit that droops.Aging can then begin to plant is dormant during the growing season.This was an overview of the importance of backyard gardening or food production at home.After the hard work, your vines start to show your neighbors and friends can't believe how good those fresh grapes or they do not mean that grapes love to drink wine, but if you don't prune.Grape growing can also buy a property or use a hand saw to remove the fruiting canes and buds.
The obvious reason why many people have been developed.5 tips for growing grapes, whether your choice in consideration is giving your grapevines might get a taste of the white grape varieties differ in their first mistake.It is surprising to see if the grapes for.You have a thriving vineyard isn't really that hard once each year.Perhaps the next thing you need for photosynthesis.
Therefore you should do is get a cutting from a variety that will encourage the grapevines mature.Zinc to be one of the benefits that these grapevines are by nature flexible.The next stage is flowering, the ideal level for your grape vines need around thirty to forty pounds of compost will do fine.You should remember that your grape vine and leaf growth.We have a longer growing seasons to keep your grapevines from the same time.
How Do I Grow A Grape Vine
And today the demands for grapes to be watered actively during the dormant season.A hole will need to see if it is a good site which includes the aspects of grape will also permit you to our site and location of a certain climate and the quality of grapes.More common aging periods for Riesling wines would be an interesting grape growing so using wires to anchor your trellis for the entrepreneurial grape grower.A taste test is whether you want to start taming the vines will go toward the production of grapes.This is, because such kind of soil and permit them to reach a maximum yield.
Areas that slope south or southwest facing hills was preferred to grow them with success and maintain growth.Nowadays, you can undertake, you should know the one that calms your mind except for a vineyard properly.Natural sunlight is important not to drown them.In case that your choice of which support to climate and what is the land itself.And choosing the best resource for grape wine production.
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Growing Pains, Part 1 / (Second Chances Series)
Bruce Wayne x child!reader fic!
AUTHOR: @faithtrustandpixiedust95
Summary: Growing up as Y/N Wayne, you find a new way to train and even make a friend.
Word Count: 4300
A/N: reader is about 12ish. My sister is writing her fics all in the same universe but each one has a different title and are broken into parts.
*Disclaimer* I did not write this. My sister, Sam, did and I am posting this with her permission.
Sequel to 
“Shattered Beginnings” 1 / 2
“Adjusting” 1 / 2
Sam’s Mobile Masterlist
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Life as Y/N Wayne had been moving on. You were Bruce’s baby girl and he truly loved you as much as you loved him, which was a lot.
You two would spend most of your time together whenever Bruce wasn’t working and you weren’t at school. You and Bruce would even train together and spar for fun.
Not much changed once you found out your dad’s “super-secret”, you would help out in the Batcave every so often and help your dad whenever he needed it. The only thing you weren’t allowed to do was to go out in the field with him and stay up super late.
Honestly, you were okay with this decision. As good of a nerf “sharp-shooter” you were, you were in no way ready to start battling it out with the bad guys.
You had just started training in mixed martial arts and you were loving it. The combination of being able to escape holds and dish out your own blows was helping you get through your own issues. It was a good release and you felt more confident in being able to somewhat protect yourself.
You were learning a lot from Bruce, he was teaching you defensive techniques as well as offensive. When you were older, he taught you how to disarm people with weapons, how to handle loaded weapons safely and how to shoot them as well. You were a natural shot, your nerf skills were finally paying off as a real life skill!
He taught you how to blend into your surroundings and these training sessions usually ended in hour long hide-and-seek battles, once you got the hang of it, you ended up winning most of the games.
You had excelled in your stealth training exercises, often using them on Bruce and Alfred when they least expected it. At one point you had snuck up on Alfred while he was making cookies. Right as he poured in the flour to the batter, you scared him, causing him to spill the flour all over himself, you, and the kitchen. He was not happy about it, but you thought it was funny. You were sure to have Bruce snap a picture of it to put in the memory book.
You loved playing with all the different gadgets that Batman got to use, especially the grappling gun. You were a regular lil’ monkey, swinging back and forth, up and down. It was your favorite mode of transportation around the manor between the first and second floor, you were too good for stairs, this had become the ongoing joke between the three of you.
There had been a certain training exercise using the smoke bombs that didn’t end particularly well. But that was because you weren’t training, you were more playing around, unsupervised, and you had set off most of the smoke alarms much to the bemusement of Alfred and Bruce.
You also learned to hone in on your observation and detective skills. Bruce would bring back pictures and info he had found at the crime scenes he would investigate. Once he loaded them all into the computer, you looked at them together creating a case file of clues and evidence to send over to Gordon for the police to use.
You were very detail oriented with these case files. There were a few instances where you had found a small piece of evidence Bruce hadn't come across and it helped to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Together, you and Bruce, made a good detective team. Having the interpretation of a well-seasoned vigilante and the new perspective of a creative child, gave you the perfect resources to figure out the cases and turn in the bad guys.
Of course Bruce always kept you at arm's length during the more brutal cases, and you always only helped from the safety of the cave. You weren't old enough to go out and be by Batman’s side in the field.
In the next few years, you definitely progressed in your MMA training becoming particularly good at nerve-striking and takedowns. You loved the challenge of taking down bigger opponents, aka your dad, by using the person's weight against them. Being small and athletic had it's advantages for climbing and moving quickly.
You were a competitive little booger! You would train at the cave with your dad everyday after school, you had a knack for improvising and tweaking your learned skills into something more useful for someone your size.
The nice thing about it though, was that your dad never held back during training. He knew what you could and couldn't handle and you would surprise him every now and then by going beyond his expectations.
Even with all the intense training you did, you still got to be a kid. You socialized and goofed around at school, sometimes a little too much. You were a troublemaker at times, but it was all out of good fun.
Your teachers loved having you in their classes. You were smart, quick witted, and kind to the other students. You often volunteered to help other kids out when they were struggling to grasp a concept in class and you did your best to include everyone in what you did so no one felt left out.
There were a few occasions where Bruce would have to leave work in the middle of the day to come down to your school because you had gotten into a fight, but you only fought with the bullies when you were trying to defend the kid being picked on. You didn’t like seeing other kids getting bullied, so you would put the tormentor in their place even if it meant you got in trouble, it was worth it. You took after your adoptive father in that way; you wanted to save and protect people if you had the ability to.
Being a Wayne at Gotham Academy had its ups and downs. One of the downsides to it was that whenever you misbehaved, like getting into fights, it would end up as an article in the news. You seemed to be following in your dad’s footsteps with making headlines over pointless affairs, it was normal for kids to act like that, but because you were a Wayne, everything was looked at under a microscope.
But one of the upsides to having your name, meant you were never alone at school. Kids were always trying to be your friend and you welcomed the interactions respectfully, but you knew when it wasn't sincere. You had yet to make a strong friend at school that you could rely on.
It was a hard search, because no matter who you chose, there would always be secrets that had to be kept on your side of the friendship. Secrets weren't a good foundation for friendship.
At age 12, you were enjoying school and your training. It was exhausting sometimes and you continuously felt the pressure of lacking a true friend.
Bruce had come up with the idea of having you compete in junior MMA fights to explain your skill behind fighting and to maybe make some friends. It was a good story to feed the media to keep them from figuring out your family secret.
You became undefeated in your MMA meets, one after the other. You trained hard and it showed.
The media loved showing up to your meets to cover your fights. It was a juicy topic in the news.
Some outlets supported your participation, approving of Bruce's decision to let you compete. It was seen as a fatherly thing to do, to let your kid be a part of a sport.
Other outlets saw it negatively, thinking it was inappropriate for the heiress of Wayne Enterprises to fight in such a barbaric sport.
The only thing the two sides agreed on, was the fact that it was a good idea for you to learn self-defense.
If it had been up to the schools and parents of Gotham’s youth, self-defense classes would have been a mandatory skill to learn in school. But because of a crooked politician on the Gotham Board of Education, it was never put into circulation in the school’s curriculums.
So training in private and competing in meets became the name of the game.
You loved it. It was as social as it was competitive and you enjoyed your fights, with your dad coaching you and cheering you on at every one.
It was at the State Finals that you had met your match in opponents.
You had progressed to the finals with ease and each fight had been a good challenge, but never hard enough. You were looking for some serious skill to compete against and you found it in the title fight of the finals.
Of course the media outlets were present at the finals, you had gotten several people interested in your standings of the sport and since you were “The Wayne Princess” the news felt obligated to cover your events.
You took advantage of the spotlight, making sure that other kids at the event were getting just as much attention, if not more than you were. You would grab reporters and tell them to talk to this kid or that kid.
The meet went like all your others had gone. You would sit and watch the other kids compete, enjoying yourself before it came time for your fight.
This particular fight was going to be a bit different than previous ones.
You had been competing at a skill level that didn't match the girls division of your age, so to keep things fair, you competed against the boys.
Your competitors weren't happy about fighting a girl, but it was the only compromise that satisfied the judges without putting you in over your head.
Everyone was apprehensive of what was going to happen. When you entered the ring with the other kid, you were focused on getting into the right head space. You channelled a very specific anger that allowed you to get your adrenaline pumping. You heard the official call to you to clear the fight and you walked to the middle of the ring to meet the young man you were fighting.
He was the same age as you, he had short red hair and green eyes with small freckles pebbling his face. He had blocky shoulders, was slightly taller than you and had a strong build for someone your age, but you matched his athleticism according to the judges, based off your previous fights.
He looked pissed off and glared at you like he was ready to knock you out with one punch. He'd fought hard to get here and he wasn't going to let some girl take that away from him.
You felt your adrenaline spike and your heart starting to race, knowing that this was going to be your most challenging fight to date.
The official went over the rules he wanted you both to abide by. He asked you if you understood and you nodded with your headgear and mouthpiece in, he did the same for the boy and he nodded as well.
“Touch gloves and return to your corners. Let’s have a good clean fight!” the official shouted over all the parents and kids cheering.
You tapped your red gloves to the boy’s blue gloves and looked him in the eyes. You were ready to go just as much as he was. The tension between the two of you was readily apparent to the crowds watching from outside the cage.
You returned to your corner and when the bell rang, you met each other in the middle of the ring and started to fight.
You were making careful calculated dodges of each punch the boy sent; he had gotten a few jabs across due to the reach of his arms. You made sure to keep a bit more space between the two of you so as to better dodge his far reaching punches. You kept light on your feet, constantly moving, making him chase you.
He had the advantage on reach, but he wasn't as quick on his feet as you. You made note of this and tried to tire him out as much as you could.
You got a few strong kicks into his body, but he retaliated with a combo you were just barely able to block.
At one point in the first round of the fight, he pushed you up against the gate and threw a few punches. You managed to block them and then pushed him off of you, getting out of the corner. You were about to advance and start your jabs when the bell rang before you got to him.
You both went to your respective corners and your coaches and parents were talking to you, feeding you confidence.
“Nice job, baby girl, tiring him out! That’s the way to do it! Make this fight be on your terms,” you heard your dad cheering behind you from the gate.
You nodded at him and looked at your coach.
“Good job Y/N, that was a good first round. I noticed he doesn’t have super sharp footwork, I think if you can get him to the ground to grapple a little, you might be able to get him into a good hold. Avoid those long arms of his, he's got a lot of strength behind those punches. Keep tiring him out and then when you’re ready, go for the takedown. Just remember to play clean,” he emphasized that last sentence because he knew you liked using your tweaked techniques to grapple with other students during training before the meets, but there were rules to follow and judges were watching.
You nodded at your coach and took a drink of water and then the official was calling you both back up to fight.
The bell rang and you advanced toward the young man throwing a right hook to his headgear. He wasn’t able to block it well because he had timed it wrong. You took his moment of confusion to send a combination of punches to his body.
He was thrown off by the sudden change in your fighting getting more aggressive. You could see him making mental notes during the fight, adapting to your moves.
He dodged another punch and returned one to you which you were able to block, but the power in the punch still definitely hurt. While you were recovering from the blow, he got a strong kick to your side that knocked the wind out of you. He made his way to advance again, but you backed up out of his reach so you could catch your breath. You could feel your side already starting to bruise and stiffen.
You were bouncing around on your feet, getting a bit winded, but you saw the same look on his face. You saw a red mark forming on his face from your previous punch and he was breathing hard trying to keep up with you.
You decided to try going for a takedown, getting bored with the footwork.
You closed the space between you, keeping your arms up and blocking his advances. When you got close enough, you put your arms around him.
He was trying to break the hold and was able to push you away, but this made it so you were able to get into the right position to put your small body into his chest in a particular hold that sent him slamming to the ground over your shoulder.
You flipped him and were suddenly straddling him, sending punches left and right. He had his arms up, blocking his face when he tried to buck you off and pin you to the ground. You adjusted to his movements and the next thing you know, you had his arm in your grasp.
His arm was pinned between your legs and you were pulling it back in the direction taught to you for an arm-bar hold. This was painful for the boy, he was trying to get out of the hold groaning and wincing in pain.
The official was ready to break the hold, per the rules for your age group, when you felt the two taps on your leg and you let go.
He had tapped out. The official came up to the two of you on the mat and assessed the boy to make sure he wasn't injured.
The crowd of people watching were cheering at the sudden end to the fight.
You stood up and stretched out your hand to him to help him up. He was reluctant to take it at first, but when he looked at his coach, he knew he had to in order to be a good sport.
You helped him up and then handed him an ice-pack that your coach had tossed to you, giving you a big thumbs up. You smiled at the boy and said in an encouraging and cheery tone, “Nice job, that was a fun fight, hardest challenge I've had. You did great!”
The boy just glared at you and then his face softened, “Thanks. You did a good job too. Congratulations on your win...maybe we can have a rematch in the future,” the boy teased with a now friendly smile on his face.
You shook hands with the boy and the official came up to you two, raising your left arm in the air to signify you had won by tap-out. The judges brought out a big shiny belt and put it over your shoulder. You held it up high and smiled at your win.
You looked around the ring and noticed everyone was cheering, but no one was louder than your dad. He had both hands up in the air in victory and he was cheering your name like a normal competitive dad would. You laughed at this and walked towards him when the official let you and your opponent go.
Bruce picked you up in a big bear hug and twirled you around, he was smiling enough for the both of you. You just laughed and hugged him back.
When he set you down, you were bombarded with cameras and questions from the reporters.
You stood tall with your victory belt still draped over your shoulder. You looked back behind you and got the attention of the boy you had fought, you motioned for him to come over to you and the cameras. He walked over, seeming a bit uneasy and stood next to you.
You smiled at him in a way that told him to follow your lead and you turned back to the camera to answer the questions of the press with your opponent next to you. You made sure any questions they asked the boy were respectful and you defended him against any kind of humiliation.
“What’s your name?” one reporter started off the interview of you and your opponent.
“My name is Roy,” he said, still a bit timid at the attention.
It was nice that Roy didn't live very far away. He was in Star City, another dangerous mecca that seemed to be run more by the mob than by delusional villains.
Each town seemed to have their own issues, but they also had their own heroes. For Gotham it was crazy villains and Batman; for Star City is was the mob and the Green Arrow; for Central City it was meta-humans and the Flash; and for Metropolis it was aliens and Superman.
Your detective skills got the better of you and you had done your research on each city’s series of crimes and the hero who cleaned up the mess.
After the state finals, you and Roy had become good friends. He had been a little bitter at first at the fact that a girl beat him, but he eventually lightened up.
You two would often meet up and spar at the gym, coaching each other and teaching each other new moves. You were happy to find out that Roy had moved schools from Star City and started going to Gotham Academy. He was in most of your classes. You two had become thick as thieves. He was over at your house after school and training almost everyday and what was weird was that Bruce didn’t seem to oppose having someone over at the manor all the time.
If anything, Bruce seemed to approve of the friendship and welcomed Roy and his family over whenever they wanted.
Roy was being raised by his uncle, Oliver Queen. A tall man with short blonde hair and a golden goatee. Oliver had soft blue eyes that he seemed to hide behind. He never talked more than was necessary, but he loved lecturing. Roy always came to the house rolling his eyes from the “valuable lesson” Ollie had just rambled on about for the drive over to the manor.
You didn’t really know who he was, but Bruce did. Apparently Oliver was another playboy-turned-dad when his nephew had gotten into some trouble and his parent’s solution was sending him to stay with Ollie. Roy didn’t seem to mind though, he liked being with his Uncle Ollie, it seemed to be a good fit for the both of them, they balanced each other.
Ollie was over at your house just as much as Roy was and he and Bruce got along really well. A little too well if your observation skills served you right.
One night after Roy and Ollie had gone home, you asked your dad about it.
“Did you already know Ollie before you met him at the MMA meet, Dad?”
“Yes, I have worked with him a few times. He owns Queen Consolidated. Our companies are working together on a major project right now, so he moved to Gotham with Roy to make the commute easier,” was your father’s simple response. It didn’t sit well enough with you though.
“Okay, but you seem to like, really really, know him...how?” you pressured your dad, who was now smiling seeing that you had figured out yet another secret.
“He’s the Green Arrow, Y/N.”
“WHAT?!” was all you could squeal out in your signature squeak. “I knew there was something more between you two!”
“We’ve started working together on some cases. He’s been training Roy too. That’s why we were comfortable with you two being friends,” your dad explained it as if it was no big deal.
“So...does Roy know who you are?”
“Ollie is probably having a similar conversation to our’s with Roy right now on their way home,” he assured you.
“Okay, cool. Then I don’t have to hide anything from him anymore and wait for him to tell me about it. That takes a weight off my shoulders!” you sighed and laughed, still a bit dumbfounded at the news.
When you and Roy saw each other at school the next day, you both were a bit unsure of what to say.
You broke the silence.
“So does this mean we’re like ‘cousins’ or something? And like the cousins where you just say you’re family ‘cause of how close you are, even if you’re not related by blood.”
Roy just started laughing at your rambling, “No, I don’t think we’re ‘cousins’, I think it just means that we get to be even closer friends than we initially thought.”
You smiled at the statement and hugged your friend, which caught him off guard, causing him to blush. When you saw his red cheeks, you chuckled and punched him in the shoulder in a friendly manner, causing him to laugh and relax.
“This is gonna be great,” you said with a dopey smile on your face.
“Oh, no. You’re not about to ‘fangirl’ on me are you?” he teased.
“So what if I was?” you defended, “Our families rock, dude. How can you not be freaking out that my dad is you-know-who and your uncle is who he is? It’s like the beginning of the greatest superhero team-up ever!” you shouted, putting your hands in the air out of excitement.
“You’re such a dork, Y/N,” he taunted. You laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder again.
“Whatever, we gotta go to class or we’re gonna be late for math. Last thing I need is the media finding out that the ‘Wayne Princess’ is tardy to class every now and then,” you mocked, saying the nickname like it left a bad taste in your mouth. Of all the name’s they called you by, you hated that one the most.
After school and training that day, you came home to find Bruce had come home early from work.
“Hey, Dad! You’re home early. What’s the occasion?” you inquired.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” he started, “You’ve been training really hard and doing well in school that I thought you deserved to do something fun.” He pulled out two tickets from behind his back and handed them to you.
They were tickets to a special circus show that was in town for the week. It was a highly coveted performance, not your typical circus. You looked at them and beamed with excitement.
“Really?! I saw ads for this show all over town. They even advertised it at the school. I hear there’s this really cool trapeze performance that is just gut-wrenching! When are we going?”
“Friday night after school. We’ll do a nice dinner beforehand and then go see it, how does that sound?” he suggested.
“Great! I can’t wait. Thanks, dad!” You hugged him and then took a picture of the tickets with your phone to send to Roy and brag.
Part Two coming soon...
tagging: @readerlucy @alohalisha @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics @sleepingalong @ahsokaslament @annabananna394 @kiri-hakumei @chrisevansisdaddy04 @emily-83113 @heyitssilverwolf @evyiione @abbytheninja
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mrsteveecook · 5 years
updates: coworkers think I’m an intern, the hugging vendor, and more
It’s “where are you now?” month at Ask a Manager, and all December I’m running updates from people who had their letters here answered in the past. Here are five updates from past letter-writers.
1. My coworkers think I’m an intern … but I’m not
The people on my team who were repeatedly referring to me as an intern, particularly the woman who asked me to get her mail, continued to do so even after corrections from me and my supervisor, and after using some of the script examples you provided. So, clearly, they just wanted to call me by the wrong title, and I let it go.
I was able to assuage a lot of the tension by aligning myself more closely with some of the senior members of my team (especially a couple of execs who went to bat for me whenever I was called by the wrong title at events or in meetings). This lead to my involvement on high-level, high-stakes projects with a much larger reach and deliverables that really shine on my resume. Better yet, I could easily turn down tasks that really were the intern’s job, because I really was busy with other things! “I’m sorry, Jane, I don’t have time to go to the mailroom today! I’ll be in the Teapot Warehouse with Gerta, finalizing details for the Earl Grey Project. Our intern, Fergus, usually handles things like that, so you may want to forward your request to him. Thanks for understanding!”
And best of all…I have a new job! I’ll be working in a similar field but with a narrow focus on my favorite part of the industry, and it’s a pretty big promotion, too. It is a weight off my shoulders–I’d been considering making the move into my special-interest niche for a while, but after being at this company for 18 months, I came to realize it wouldn’t be able to happen here. I just broke the news to my team before I saw your call for updates! The senior-level team members who I’ve been working closely with are beside themselves with joy for me–they’re such wonderful people and I hope we will stay in touch. As for the people who were rude/snarky about “forgetting” I am not an intern? They pretended they couldn’t hear me when I was telling the team about my new position, but I am sure they are livid that their “intern” will have a title that carries more weight than theirs. Oh well!
2. Our vendor has started hugging everyone
I’m not sure if a bunch of the people at our vendor read AAM but at our next meeting, before I could try anything, one of the reps actually asked if I was a handshake or a hug person and it’s been handshakes all the way since then.
What a relief! I’m someone who doesn’t even particularly like hugging family so this has been a huge improvement.
Update to the update:
Actually, sorry, I had a meeting there again today! Most of the year my meetings have been with person A who switched to handshakes easily. Today’s meeting was with person B, who again shook hands with everyone except me and, seeing me all the way across the room, immediately opened their arms for a hug.
I said something about wanting handshakes instead and one of my colleagues quietly asked if I knew that person outside of work. It was a little embarrassing! But I’ll just keep pushing for handshakes in the meantime.
3. My boss asked me to change my ringtone (#2 at the link)
I’m the OP who was asked by my manager to change the ringtone on my phone, despite the fact that I have mine on 20-25%, while others in the office with ringtones that are a lot more jarring have theirs on full blast.
While some did sympathize with the unequal treatment, the general consensus was I needed to suck up and deal. The reality here is that the client (I was client-facing) just did not like *me* personally, and fought against everything I was trying to do in order to fulfill *his* intent, so I was under a microscope from the day I started on that contract. I could do no right, hence the unequal treatment.
I went to my corporate leadership, and they got me off that contract, and onto another one where they appreciate my skills, everyone’s chill, and nobody worries about what someone’s ringtone is. I’ve been a lot happier at work since September…especially since I can also see the details of the work I’m doing, and the good effects it has on the new client. Also, my corporate leadership, when they rolled me off the previous contract, explicitly told me that this was NOT considered performance issues on my part, and I was still considered as doing a fantastic job.
This current gig is good through mid-March, and then I need to have something else to go to or be on the bench until I find something, so I’ve got great work, appreciation, and plenty of time to find the next gig. It doesn’t get much better than this.
4. My boss pushes me to buy things from her spouse
I no longer work there. I gave notice shortly after you published my letter. I couldn’t take my boss being so aggressive about her wife’s products. It was constant and the stress was making me sick. She also upped the commenting on my clothing and every aspect of my appearance/every part of my body. This included telling me I am “delicious” and saying I have a “juicy apple butt” she just wanted to bite.
Her friend in the HR department and her boss (the president) did not take my concerns seriously. They completely ignored the MLM stuff, saying she was just being a supportive. Both of them also told me that I could sexually harass her but not the other way around (women can’t harass men). I was told this in my exit interview.
My cousin’s wife is divorcing him and she moved out. I moved in with him because he needed a roommate. My lease was up anyways. We lived together after college and I was employed before him and covered all the rent until he got a job, so he said he would return the favor for me because he knew how bad my situation was here. My boss doesn’t know my new address so her wife can’t send me anymore MLM stuff in the mail. Even though I’m unemployed I am no longer stressed out. I am job hunting and hope to find something soon.
5. My boss keeps invading my personal space (#2 at the link, and first update is here)
As I mentioned in my update, I had been actively searching for jobs after realizing my boss sucked and wasn’t going to change. One day after work I stopped at the grocery store and picked up my region’s local magazine, which was boasting the best places to work in 2017. I flipped through and was enamored with #1- a nationally-known culture, a cause I believe in, and a young, tech-savvy workforce. I went home and checked their website…they had a junior position open. It would still be a reach for me (not an assistant position), but I had nothing to lose by applying. So I applied.
A week later, I had an interview. Then another interview. Then a team lunch. Then I was offered the job.
I quit my job and my horrendous boss was speechless. He was rude and more dismissive and belligerent than usual during my notice period, but I didn’t let that get me down- he got himself into this mess, and I had an escape route.
My new company is wonderful! My team is kind and welcoming, and genuinely excited to have me. I’m doing work that stretches me! And best of all: today a coworker was answering a question I had about the company interface, so he came over to my desk (I have my own area, away from the front door!), pointed to one of my monitors (I have two now!!), then said, “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to get all up in your personal space! Do you mind if I step in and show you how to do X?” (!!!)
I’m being respected, treated like a competent human, and I have new tech coming out of my ears. I never would have applied to this position if I hadn’t believed I was capable of more through the constant encouragement of my husband and the push from the AAM community. Thank you, truly.
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my coworkers think I’m an intern … but I’m not
I’m an intern managing 8 people
update: I have an awful summer intern, and I can’t fire him
updates: coworkers think I’m an intern, the hugging vendor, and more was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager http://bit.ly/2EHkRUO
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ouraidengray4 · 6 years
6 Legit Reasons Eating Meat Really Can Make You Feel Effing Amazing
After a long day, it’s natural to feel a deep pull of desire for a rich, juicy burger; a fragrant dish of slow-cooked short ribs; or a massive, seared steak. And when that dream becomes a reality, you practically purr like a satisfied lion, right? Have we lost the vegetarian readership by this point? Sorry, this story isn't for you.
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Beyond the desire to feel like a dominant predator or some kind of old-school Texas tycoon, what is it about a good, carnivorous meal that makes us feel so very good? Turns out, there are some real, scientific answers to that question.
1. Meat is basically a nutritional one-stop shop.
Meat has all the nine essential amino acids you need to consume in order to build and rebuild every cell in your body. And it’s got some other good stuff you need too.
"Meat is packed with vitamin B12, a nutrient that’s essential for providing long-lasting energy," says Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, and author of Eat Dirt. "Meat also provides a range of other important vitamins and minerals that your body needs, many of which are more bioavailable and easily absorbed than the nutrients found in plant sources."
Of course, as most vegetarians will tell you, there are plant-based foods that contain all the essential amino acids too (quinoa, for instance), and you can combine foods to get all you need.
2. It’s filling (and makes you stay full longer).
From the moment you begin chewing until long after your meal is finished, your body takes longer to digest the components of a high-protein food than it does anything else. While you use up the sugars in carbohydrates right away, the amino acids found in meat have to make their way all through the liver before they're of any use to you.
"Due to the nature of amino acids—the building blocks of protein—they take longer for your digestive system to break down, compared to something like a carb," says Dana White, RD. "It's more complicated from a digestive standpoint, versus carbs, which is an easy-peasy process. Eating meat, you're going to feel satisfied for a longer period of time."
3. It goes to your head.
Not only do those protein building blocks, like branch-chain amino acids, go into creating muscle, some of them feed your brain too, in the form of neurotransmitters.
"Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can result in an array of problems, such as depression and anxiety," Axe says. "Including meat in your diet may protect against neurotransmitter imbalances to help prevent these types of issues."
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A recent study found that people under 30 who eat meat less than three times per week (and exercise less than three times per week) are more likely to report feeling mental distress. This could be because they're missing out on the pleasure of dopamine and the soothing power of serotonin, both made from amino acids (tyrosine and tryptophan) found in meat.
4. Bacteria are controlling you.
When you crave a big, juicy sirloin, you could be dreaming of its taste and smell, or you could be simply doing the bidding of your gut bacteria. The latter theory seems pretty convincing to Michael Roizen, MD, Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute.
"Red meat's carnitine, lecithin, and choline specifically select out certain bacteria in the gut," Roizen says. "The bacteria produce a waste product from the red meat, and you absorb that waste product." That waste product is a stimulant to which we effectively become addicted, Roizen explains.
The microscopic overlords in your intestines don't necessarily have your best interests at heart, either. Two of the byproducts of this meat-craving bacteria, trimethylamine and trimethylamine-N-oxide, have been associated with atherosclerosis in mice. (We know, studies involving mice aren’t exactly as relevant as those performed on humans. But the results are food for thought, no?)
5. You miss your mama's meatballs.
Paleo diet enthusiasts like to argue that we love meat because cavemen did. Whether that's true or not, White thinks your past does affect your appetite.
"What's more powerful to me than your ancestry is how you grew up eating," she says. "The household you grew up in, what meals were served at your table as a kid, how those food cues and behaviors were established—that has a much stronger impact on your daily life.”
So if you grew up associating meat-based dishes with a sense of reward or coziness, that psychological link can be powerful stuff.
"Some of the most classic comfort foods are meat-based, so for a lot of people, they can represent a feeling of comfort, happiness, or excitement over eating a dish that you're looking forward to," White says. "As a dietitian, I never want to abandon the idea of that personal relationship with food, because everybody has one."
6. You have just enough of the good stuff.
Unfortunately, as a whole lot of scientific literature will tell you, meat's benefits can easily be outweighed by excess saturated fat or the nasty stuff that comes in processed foods.
"Food should be a relationship," Roizen says, who, as you might have guessed, thinks you should probably seek love elsewhere. "You wouldn't be married to someone who doesn't love you back, and food should be the same way."
But White and Axe are confident that the right kind of lean meat can treat you right—in moderation.
"There's a lot of information being thrown at people: Meat is good, meat is bad, meat is great, meat is horrible," White says. "I think it comes down to making a personal decision."
Sabrina Rojas Weiss lives in Brooklyn, surrounded by her fellow freelance writers and competitive stroller-pushers. Follow her on Twitter @shalapitcher.
from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2BvcAj8 6 Legit Reasons Eating Meat Really Can Make You Feel Effing Amazing Greatist RSS from HEALTH BUZZ http://ift.tt/2keZIX9
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Don’t go looking too closely at any family, or you’ll find way more than you wanted. Every family has dirty laundry that they try to keep hidden from the rest of the world. The Obama family is certainly no exception to this rule. The difference is that they live their lives in the spotlight for all to see. As their time in the White House is coming to a close, all eyes are on this family. What will come of the Obama daughters? How will Barack and Michelle fill their days? More importantly, people want to know all the details that have been so closely protected over these last eight years. First family gossip has been of great interest to the public for generations. When news broke that Franklin Roosevelt was confined to a wheelchair, it shocked the world. Years after his Presidency ended, people were still talking about his and Eleanor’s affairs. People found the Kennedy family so fascinating that they kept making headlines well after their time in the White House. Let’s not even get started about Bill Clinton and his juicy secrets (that are not nearly as secret anymore!) The Obamas have their own share of gossip. That doesn’t mean it’s all laced with scandal either. But as the family leaves the White House, they’ll suddenly look a little more normal like the rest of us and then the fun begins. So here are 15 secrets about the Obama family that just can’t be kept quiet anymore.
#1 Smoking President Obama has stated that he has given-up his admitted vice of smoking cigarettes. The White House has stated constantly over the years that he has been free of tobacco. Most Americans don’t seem to have a major problem if he lights-up, because after all, being the President is the most difficult job in the world. But despite declaring his independence from cigarettes, there are still photographs that have suggested that he might not have kicked the habit as we have been led to believe. A photograph taken at the G-7 Summit looks like he may be holding a pack of cigarettes. It’s not definitive, but there have been rumors that the President still takes an occasional smoke break throughout his two terms in office. Now as he leaves the White House, we’ll probably have an opportunity to find out for sure. After all, boredom can lead to bad habits and without a job, he’ll probably just be lounging around the house, right?
#2 Malia Taking A School Break Malia Obama was just in elementary school whenever her family moved into the White House. Now, she’s graduating from high school and rumor has it that she’s beginning to get a little rebellious. Whether that’s true or not, she is reportedly taking a year off before starting college at Harvard University. Who knows what she’s planning for this year off. Is she going to backpack through Europe and “find herself” or study with the Dalai Lama in the mountains of Tibet? Who knows, but one thing is very clear…she feels that she needs a minute to take a breath. This doesn’t fall in the normal pattern of first family behavior, but then again, who’s to say what’s normal? Good luck with whatever you do Malia. Hopefully, this year will be just what you need.
#3 Malia and Sasha on Social Media One nightmare for President Obama must have certainly been related to his daughter’s access to social media as they’ve gotten older. Social media is dangerous enough for normal teenagers, but when you are the two most precious assets of the leader of the free world, it is downright terrifying. It’s believed that Malia and Sasha both have social media accounts, including Facebook and now Twitter. This is obviously not something that the White House publicizes because of the microscope these girls have lived under for the last eight years. Giving them a normal teenage experience is particularly difficult for the Obamas, but the President and First Lady have definitely done their very best. Good luck when they go off to college Mr. President, because it surely won’t get any easier.
#4 The Secret Service Taught Malia How to Drive The Obamas do everything they can to look and act like a normal family. The truth is that they are anything but normal. Things that most people take for granted, like teaching your kids to drive aren’t as simple for the President and First Lady. Michelle Obama admitted that she hasn’t driven herself in eight years. Because of security concerns, teaching her is out of the question for the Barack and Michelle. So the next best thing is to have the Secret Service do the teaching for young Malia. Sure enough, when the time came for her to learn, they gave her driving lessons. It was important to the President that she get to learn to drive like her friends for the purpose of keeping some normalcy in her life. I’m sure once the Obamas have moved out of the White House, there will be a few more opportunities to get into a normal life routine. I wonder if Malia remembers those days?
#5 Calendar Reject When at Harvard University, President Obama signed-up to be in a pin-up calendar. The selection committee was all females and I guess the long story made short is that the President got rejected. He never appeared in the calendar and apparently didn’t quite have what they needed in a male calendar model. The notion of a pin-up calendar is not what it used to be, but at the time the President was in college, it was a big deal! Lots of people have looked to President Obama as a great looking guy, but when I suppose he wasn’t quite what the ladies of the committee were needing. No doubt they are regretting the decision today. It’s okay Mr. President… there’s not a calendar in the world that would reject you now.
#6 Rusty Car The First Lady has shared some of the details of her and her husband’s early years. According to Michelle Obama, the President’s first car was quite rusty. In fact, the car was so rusty that it had a hole in the passenger side door. Certainly there’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it just goes to show that President Obama was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He knows and understands what hardship is like. Anyone with a rusty hole in their car door most definitely understands sacrifice and delayed gratification. While he won’t be driving around in any rusty cars now, I doubt that he has forgotten the experience of his youth. I wonder if Malia and Sasha will have to drive a rust bucket for their first car.
#7 The Deportation President President Obama and the Democrats often get slammed for having a too relaxed concept of immigration policy. As it turns out though, the Obama Administration has deported or turned back more immigrants than any other President in United States history. This is shocking to many, because the assumption is that President Obama has been open and welcoming to all. This is simply not the case, with over 30,000 illegal immigrants turned away or deported each month. President Obama was able to secure our borders without building “The Great Wall of Mexico”. But without too much publicity and with many opportunities to extend citizenship, no one can say that the federal government has not been welcoming and fair to those that came into our country under less than legal circumstances.
#8 My Brother’s Keeper While not anything he’s kept from the public eye and certainly something he is passionate about, President Obama was adamant from the start of his presidency that he did not want to focus on any one particular race. The African American community started out and continued to believe that he would be the biggest step forward in race relations. But for years, Obama made it clear that he was not promoting the advancement of a race, but of all Americans. A few years back though, he and his wife did begin the initiative called “My Brother’s Keeper” that is aimed at helping young African American males get the support and chance at success that they deserve. He has stated recently that this will be a driving force in his post White House work.
#9 Renting Their Next Home The Obamas are going to be the first “First Family” to stay in Washington D.C. after leaving the White House in nearly 100 years! The reason they have made the choice to stick around is because of youngest daughter Sasha. They don’t want to take her out of school with only a couple of years left. So they made the decision to rent a little place in Kalorama, only a couple of miles away from the White House (also a rental… sort of). This little cottage is over 8,000 square feet with nine bedrooms that they’re renting from former Bill Clinton press secretary Joe Lockart. Most people just assumed that he’d be heading off to his Chicago home or perhaps somewhere completely new. But being the good parents that they are, they don’t want to uproot Sasha… again.
#10 Sasha’s Test Sasha Obama was very noticeably absent from her father’s farewell address in Chicago. This was a huge moment for the President and when his family joined him on stage, his youngest daughter was not present. Of course immediately, the internet went crazy asking where on earth she could be during this important speech? The truth is she had an exam at her school the following morning in Washington D.C. The school’s policy is that absence during testing due to travel is not permitted. This seems like a pretty unusual circumstance and one that should be overlooked by the school. But Sasha is a good student and the Obamas are certainly rule followers and rules are rules. So in one noticeable absence, Sasha Obama set the bar very high for any student absence in the country! Good job young lady.
#11 Michelle Dealt With Negative Teachers Michelle Obama grew-up in a household where money was scarce. When she told her teachers about her goals and ambitions, Michelle was told that she was setting her sights too high. To so many people, this seems almost criminal to stifle the motivation of any student. For many in her situation, this would likely have kept her dreams from becoming a reality, but for Michelle Obama, this drove her even more. She did what was necessary to qualify and attend a school for gifted children and then leveraged that to getting attending Princeton University and later Harvard Law School. She is one of the most driven First Ladies in history and today is an inspiration for countless millions. Imagine the damage those negative teachers could have done that would have changed the course of her life.
#12 Malia Interned on HBO’s Girls Malia is interested in becoming a filmmaker. When you’re the First Daughter, there are a few extra doors that open for you. She was able to spend three months interning on the HBO series Girls in New York City. This must definitely have been a nightmare for the Secret Service, who have to accompany her everywhere she goes. An agent has to watch any chef that prepares her food and agents are posted both inside and outside of restaurants. She doesn’t get to take the subway due to security concerns, but otherwise, it’s a pretty normal New York experience. Malia has been noted for her trendsetting style. New York City has definitely been a wonderful experience for her, providing some wonderful moments and opportunities for this aspiring young filmmaker and fashionista.
#13 Malia the Selfie Queen As much as the President and First Lady want to keep their daughters protected from the spotlight, there’s no getting away from them being two of the most influential teenagers in the world. With social media being utilized by both girls now, there’s more opportunity for the world to see what’s been shared. Malia has turned into something of a selfie queen over the last couple of years, posting pictures and videos. She’s taken selfies that show off her personal casual fashion choices, as well as some videos of her dancing and letting loose. Pictures are always taken of her by the paparazzi and there’s no denying that she is becoming a beautiful young woman with amazing style and fashion sense. It makes you wonder what are those college years going to bring for the First Daughter.
#14 Sasha’s Fast Food Internship It seems that Sasha Obama is the more grounded of the President’s daughters. While Malia is off interning for an HBO series in New York, Sasha is working at a fast food place in Martha’s Vineyard. She doesn’t seem to complain about this, but it certainly seems that the two are very different. Malia is a few years older and certainly Sasha has plenty of time to get the same kind of opportunities as her older sister, but the differences between the two are noticeable. Certainly, Sasha seemed to enjoy the opportunity to do some normal teenager stuff and even though the Secret Service were right there with her, it was probably a nice change of pace. Reportedly, the restaurant was a seafood place in Martha’s Vineyard. I’m sure business picked up a bit when folks figured out who was taking their order.
#15 Malia Has A Wild Side It has been reported that Malia has something of a wild side. This doesn’t mean that she’s a bad kid, but there do seem to be some wild oats to sew. It has been alleged that in September of 2016, the Secret Service had to escort her out of a party. The party was apparently so loud that the police were called and responded to the scene. Surely she was responsible and acted appropriately the whole time right? Either way, there seem to have been a few times where she was at a social gathering and needed to leave pretty quickly. This party in September was while the family was on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, so who knows how big or crazy it really was. But I can’t imagine the President or Mrs. Obama wanting Malia in these kind of situations.
Source: TheRichest
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