#Nobody fear about sending anons like this
moonbunnie7 · 6 months
I don’t think I can fully articulate the grief and pain that I feel in my heart about it stupid friggen masks and society conversation I want to actually go out and meet new friends and date but I can’t get over how so many people don’t want to forget that covid still exists/happened or don’t wear one when they r sick or just feel off and I’m just so deeply disgusted and disturbed by the human race how ignorant people choose to be; u can choose to not wear it all the time but at least wear it in mass public spaces and when u feel off….and yes I know I shouldn’t be overgeneralizing but at this point I don’t know if I’m ever going to take it off? Yes I fucking hate wearing it but also I hate people tell me to take it off like honestly fuck off??? Going out and being the only one masked sucks but I’m just to stuck in feeling so grossed out and torn but I know imma wear it anyways
My mom said if I wanna live to my 80s or 90s keep it on but If I don’t I might reach 40 and realize I have health problems on the horizon that I can’t escape and this shit ain’t fair for real
Nothing is fair tho I guess illness and “freedom” don’t go hand in hand
It is also my choice to stay home and rot bc I’m fearful of someone spreading their illness to me or treat me horribly it’s a me problem but anyways
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copperbadge · 1 month
I got an anon message recently about a Radio Free Monday listing, which I'm reposting redacted in order to make a point:
Did you know [redacted] is just a scammer? Their story has been inconsistant and out right farcical. Nobody with their living situation would have been able to [redacted]. Get real, they are a an obvious fraud.
My job, in operating Radio Free Monday, is to do my best to publicize the needs of people in our community, and to do so neutrally, with discernment but without judgement. I try to catch obvious scams when I can, but when there is no absolute evidence of disingenuous behavior, I err on the side of compassion. You, anon, will lead a much happier and kinder life if you can learn how to do the same.
I don't actively direct funds; my readers decide when and how to give, and how much, and why. Undoubtedly there are people whose fundraisers I've linked to who have been scammers, but that's a reflection on them, not on me or on my readers who choose to give. A scam at the level of a tumblr fundraiser has such a high effort to payout ratio, as scams go, that I find it difficult to even get irritated by the idea, let alone risk someone losing out on help they need. On occasion I've been duped, but so what? Are you so concerned with never being fooled that you prefer to send bitter messages to strangers about months-old posts? Seems a bit desperate, no?
When I have evidence of dishonest behavior, I disqualify the listing or I discontinue linking the request. Statements like "this would never happen" or "this is just obvious" are generally speaking the province of people too lazy to look for proof or too insecure to tolerate uncertainty. It's the way right-wing YouTube influencers make their points, because they have no bottom to back it up and are only interested in pandering to fear.
If you have genuine concerns based in first-hand knowledge, come to me under your own handle with it. If you're just going to say nasty things about people neither of us actually know under anon, get the fuck on out of here. Come back when you've learned to act like an adult.
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Hello, you’ve asked to send in the prompt when full hc are open so messaging as a reminder
‘M6 reaction to an Mc who has experienced abuse before
Showing signs like flinching or unexplained irritability, anxiety ‘
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC is recovering from abuse
~ thank you for the reminder anon friend! and my own reminder to whoever's reading this, nobody deserves to be broken like this. there is better, and you deserve better. ~
CW for references to memories of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, (yelling, vague violence, control, emotional manipulation) and to nontoxic behavior triggering those memories unintentionally
In all the craziness of your whirlwind romance, you two never really got to talk about your own poor relationship experiences
It just didn't come up, and then life was golden, so golden that there wasn't a point to remembering all that pain and and fear
Until he made you flinch
Completely, entirely on accident, of course, but the full-body wince and the wash of fear across your face was enough to make his heart leap into his throat. What happened, what - why?
He's a flamboyant man. He likes large, theatrical gestures, and as entertaining as they're meant to be, sometimes the sight of an outstretched hand hurtling through the air is anything but
And now he's shaking with a combination of overwhelming guilt and white-hot rage. It gnaws at his bones and boils in his veins, pushing him to make things okay and asking if he has the right to
He's immediately switching to a quiet, shaky voice, asking you first to forgive him for scaring you, and then asking if you'd be willing to tell him more about it between apologies
You know your doctor would never willingly hurt you, and you know this is something you can trust him with, but you don't expect how angry he is. He'll rave about how wrong it was if you let him
He does his best to tone down the gestures, and is always, always ready to remind you how cherished you deserve to be
They already knew about the past before you two began your relationship - there's a reason you haven't seen or heard a single thing about the source of your pain since you came back
And as long as he was your caretaker, and then your friend, you never had cause to worry because of him. But then things became romantic, and well - some things were easier to deal with before
You love their spontaneity and daydreamy presence, but that level of unpredictability is difficult to interpret when the object of your affections regularly forgets to communicate
Are they just that deeply lost in thought, daydreaming for hours on end, or are they studiously ignoring your attempts to connect?
Is this really a sudden "just because I love you" show of affection, or is it time to brace yourself for some awful things to come?
You know with a heart like his beating steadily in your chest, there's no real doubt when it comes to how deeply and faithfully and purely he loves you. All it takes is a flick of magic to remember
But you also know how terrifying unpredictability can be, and you find yourself on occasion slipping into a fawning state out of habit
They catch on almost immediately, hating the way you suddenly seem to be tiptoeing around them, and push past their nature to bring it out into the open so they can reassure you
So happy to adjust it's hard to believe you were ever nervous
She picked up on several signals as she was courting you, and while she didn't want to make you uncomfortable, she didn't hesitate to bring them up. Tell her as much as you're willing to
Of course, her first response was to lay out her own intentions and expectations regarding the relationship she wanted to build with you. She wants you to keep her accountable to giving you the best
It really has felt like a thing of the past ever since, with one exception that you really don't know how to bring up
Your beloved Countess has a very commanding presence. It's one of the many things you adore about her, but on occasion, it has the unintended effect of making you feel stifled - controlled
Announcing a dinner that night which you hadn't been aware of. Selecting your outfits for you. Making a strong opinion known before asking for your perspective, challenging you to disagree
Things that you know come from a place of love and respect, but that remind you a bit too much of a time when there was neither
She picks up on it more slowly than she would've liked to, the way you seem to shrink just a little bit smaller when she tries to help
To her, you're a capable, intelligent, strong person, and the thought hadn't occurred that you might prefer your choices be protected, even from herself. She's humbled. And she loves you
Makes extra sure to make space for you, all of you, every moment
For such a large man, he moves unexpectedly quietly
Here are the other things he does quietly: thinking, eating, breathing, resting, working, sleeping ... everything ...
And sometimes, all that quiet starts to feel less like you're around an introverted gentle giant, and more like the silent treatment
Which means you must have done something wrong
But you don't know what you did wrong, and when you live with someone as extremely conflict averse as Muriel, you know that getting him to tell you what you did wrong is very hard to do
And so the anxiety spiral begins, attempting to fix a habit or adjust a behavior, only for the silence to stretch on, and on, and on ...
Muriel, on the other hand, knows that something is bothering you but isn't sure what it is. It was easy to pick up during your time together that your life hadn't been all sunshine and rainbows either
But he's not one to pry, or to do anything that might trigger you, and knowing how much space to himself helps him sort things out, he makes sure to give you as much of that as possible
He doesn't realize that it's not what you need until you approach him one day, clearly distressed, and worriedly ask what you've done wrong. You haven't done anything wrong
He's still quiet, but he's picked up a habit of humming now, so that even in the quiet moments aren't completely silent
It wasn't hard for her to tell that you weren't used to the type of romantic relationship that made your life better and not worse. Curiosity aside, she wants to know so she understand you better
She wants this opportunity to show you the excitement and healing of finally finding your partner-in-crime. And she does!
This woman is nothing if not passionate
Why hide your emotions when they make you stronger? Why hold back? Why suppress yourself when there's so much color and life and excitement in this world?
There's just ... one tiny issue
Her unbridled emotional intensity is one of her strongest assets and one of the things that gives you the strength and courage to push through the darkest moments
However, it does at times remind you of a much less controlled and safe intensity that was often directed straight at you, designed more to frighten you than to communicate with you
Sudden excited tackle-hugs feel a bit too much like being grabbed and pinned. Vocal expressions of anger at another person's poor behavior feel like a lead up to being blamed for it somehow
Being as empathetic as she is, Portia picks up on this almost instantly and barely needs to be told what you need to feel safe
Besides, she can always go rant at her unsuspecting brother
There are some things that this delightful work in progress of a man won't notice until he gets hit in the face with them
Examples include things like "if the usual opinion around making deals with demons is negative, it's probably for a good reason" or "oopsies have consequences, sometimes"
There's no doubt that he loves you and that he's wholeheartedly committed to protecting you. These are things that he's loud and proud about reminding you. Emphasis on loud. He likes to yell!
Whether to emphasize a point or to express an emotion, or just because he's in the woods/at a party/going shopping and that's what you do when you're in that space, his default volume is 95%
And as much as you know the volume is exactly that - a default - it too often feels like a warning instead. Like someone wants nothing in your ears except what they have to say to you
Lucio doesn't realize the effect he's having until he starts to feel unheard, ironically enough. It's like you don't talk back to him anymore, like he's back in that twilight zone of being unheard
When he tells you his stories, you don't interject, you don't add your own embellishments, you don't seem caught up in it
It's his question, "why won't you talk to me?", that has everything tumbling out into the open. He's furious that you got so much less than you deserved, and hurt that he hurt you
... Would you like to yell with him, next time?
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room-surprise · 4 months
Hey! Fun question, how do you think an in-canon kabumisu confession would go? People keep portraying mithrun as blunt and straightforward about their relationship, but would he be scared to tell kabru in the chance that he'd say no and leave? Is the desire to just be in a relationship with kabru, or is the desire of not wanting to scare him off greater than that? I'm so starved on the lack of post-canon kabumisu content, they make me go crazy
As usual, I'll try not to go into TOO much detail because then I won't be motivated to write fic about it... and I AM planning to write a post-canon Kabumisu fic anon, so don't worry. I'll get there eventually :3
They make me go crazy too 😔
I think Mithrun's a complicated guy with complicated emotions. Even when he was "empty" in the dungeon he actually showed a lot of feelings - smug satisfaction, annoyance, anger, even a little bit of subtle happiness.
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So while I DO think he will still be blunt in general, I also think it's a mistake to assume that means he doesn't feel things and won't have anxieties and insecurities just like any other person.
Mithrun used to be WILDLY insecure, and jealous, and paranoid. He just stopped caring about anything, but if, like the end of the manga suggests, he is going to try to START caring again, he will then start to have feelings, too.
I think Mithrun is intensely aware of his own "undesirability", that's one of the reasons he's BEEN so depressed. Most of his self-worth before the dungeon hinged on being "better" than his brother, and better than other people. Then he looses that (or maybe he was never actually better at all!), so what does he have left? And now his youth is gone too, he's middle-aged and lost his "best years" to depression. He's disabled, he's scarred, he's a bastard that nobody wants.
It's a pretty huge fall from "most eligible bachelor in the empire"!
So I think no, he won't just bluntly tell Kabru that he likes him. It will take Mithrun awhile to realize how he feels, and once he does, he'll be afraid to reach out, so he's going to do what I call "playing silly little elf games". He's going to try and flirt via writing letters and sending gifts, to hint that he likes Kabru.
Luckily for Mithrun, Kabru also knows how to play Silly Little Elf Games (he's an Olympic champion), so he picks up the signals and starts reciprocating, though he's also uncertain and worried that he's misunderstanding. Captain Mithrun couldn't be flirting with him, could he? But... what if he is?
(I will go into Kabru's feelings at a later date anon i promise.)
I think the thing that will ultimately push Mithrun to act is the fear that he'll miss his chance. Mithrun realizes Kabru is a limited time deal that he can only enjoy for the next 60-something years, and he wants every minute of that time for himself, no matter how much it will someday hurt to lose Kabru.
And he also knows that Kabru is very handsome and charming, and he can't expect Kabru to wait for Mithrun to get himself figured out. Someone else will swoop in and snatch that man up, so Mithrun has to hurry.
ALL OF THAT SAID... I think their confession is a lot less of a confession, and much more "we have both been picking up these signals of interest for months/years, and finally one of us pushes it a little bit further than we've ever pushed it before and we acknowledge the unspoken thing that has been growing between us."
Maybe it's a hand resting on someone's leg, or a gentle touch on the arm. Maybe it's leaning in so their shoulders touch. Maybe it's looking into each other's eyes a little bit longer than normal.
Probably it involves both of them admitting "Spending time with you makes me happier than anything else in the world. Whenever we're apart all I think about is when I'm going to see you again. I spend hours composing letters to you in my mind. I want us to spend our days together, no matter what shape that takes."
It's very vulnerable and scary for both of them, and I think they're both DEEPLY relieved after they finally get it out, and they don't get rejected. They know each other so well, and they're so good at reading people - they both thought that the other might feel the same way, but it's so scary to take that leap of faith and hope that they're right.
And just for the record, I think that Kabru worries about if Mithrun will be interested in sex or not, because sex is something that matters to Kabru, but what if Mithrun just doesn't have any desire for it?
And so before they get into a relationship Kabru has a long hard think about it, and decides that even if they never have sex, he wants to be in a romantic relationship with Mithrun anyway, because just being around him makes him feel happy, and understood, and like he isn't alone anymore. There's someone who sees him as he is, all the good and the bad, and says "I love you anyway."
And Kabru decides that he's willing to just jerk off for the rest of his life if that's the price of this relationship that he wants.
Luckily for Kabru, I think Mithrun does want to have sex with him, but I like to think that Kabru thinks through all the possibilities and decides that no matter what they end up doing together, being with Mithrun is worth it.
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jacesvelaryons · 3 months
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tom blyth x kpopidol!fem!reader
fc: jennie kim of blackpink
part two to english love affair
notes: and i’m back! you must’ve feared i’d never post again but i’m more inspired than ever. thank you for someone suggesting a valentines post, and for once im early. most posts will be coming from me soon!
please request, send me anons, talk to me, suggestions and what not. i do soc med aus and also written blurbs and have plans for stories about tom and his characters. ♥️
hope you enjoy! again please like, follow, share, and most especially reblog with your lovely comments to reach more and send me feedback/comments on anything.
divider by @cafekitsune
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liked by hunterschafer and 5,009,656 likes
happy valentines to my heart of heart, the soul of my soul, my best friend, the light of my life and more. my life has never been the same since you’ve been it, and i wouldn’t want it any other way. i love you @/tomblyth
randomuser8 oh i’m so single 🤒
tomblyth i love you too, my sweet 🩷
↪️ yourusername i love you so much
↪️ tomholland2013 oh get a room guys 🙄
↪️ yourusername @/zendaya go get your man please
↪️ zendaya 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️i don’t know what you mean
↪️ tomholland2013 HEY! 😭😭
jessicalxander dream couple!
hallebailey you guys are so perfect together
tayrussell send the wedding invites please 🙏
↪️ user7 HUH?
↪️ ynfan she’s playing we know y/n and tom are so busy to even think of it lol
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liked by alexademie and 2.8m others
my siren, my muse. as another valentines rolls in, i never wish to take this for granted as another milestone simply and enjoy everyday i’ve had with you, my angel. my brilliant, talented, gorgeous, intelligent girl. i love you @/yourusername
jenaissante treating my girl right as you should 😌
↪️ yourusername love youu girlie pop 🫂
↪️ ynfan6 tom found dead in a ditch who?
user197 aww him following her in the studios to watch her produce so cute
johnnyjsuh and when are we getting that solo song y/n? 🤨
↪️onyourm__ark yeah @/yourusername where’s all that studio time going
↪️ yourusername trust it’s coming soon 🙏🙏
↪️ user67 she said this last time i hate ___ entertainment 😭
username9 she’s so pretty i wish to be like her when i grew up
antifan8 get this ugly off tom’s profile
↪️ tomblyth you have no right to insult my girlfriend like that. get out my page otherwise.
↪️ randomuser5 tom defending his girl as he should
user77 nobody send a truck in front her company she ain’t leaving her man
liked by yourusername
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liked by tomblyth and others
oh how i love love.
usernamehere her apron is so cute does anyone know where it’s from?
↪️ random8 probably couture or something at this point or goop lol
↪️ user7 probably my mom made this
↪️ ynfan725 who’s momma?
↪️ user7 that’s the brand 😭
↪️ ynfan725 oh my bad ignore me lol 😅
user86 she’s so spoiled by him and he in turn manifesting this for me
random9 me next year
user7775 that cake must be so good and easy to make
↪️ fan721 i’m a pastry chef and make these and they ain’t easy lol
kpopfan421 ynnie what’s the name of your bear?
↪️ yourusername not sure 🤔 any suggestions?
↪️ user8 how about tommy!
↪️ yourusername lets go with that 😁
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liked by mayahawke and 7.8m others
ynfan856 oh y/n you are so loved
random1002 the daily love notes in the mirror and countdown oh i’m sick
melissabarrera 🩷
oliviarodrigo how romantic!
rachelzegler putting in the effort blyth!
↪️ tomblyth anything for my girl
↪️ rachelzegler ofc because i’d steal her from you if you don’t 😝
austinbutler great job man
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liked by taylorswift and 10.5m likes
so grateful, i’m speechless.
↪️ yourusername learned from you sis 😍
user86 this has to be the most liked post on ig in a while
kpopfan454 do they have this on amazon lol
↪️ user1111 you checked craigslist or something i’ve given up 😭😭
random723 oh he has to be rich rich to give her that
↪️ user913 GOOD FOR HER!
hunterschafer you deserve this and more my angel
↪️ yourusername love you so much hunty im going to cry
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rosemaze-reveries · 23 days
Hi there!! Can I req a Matthias x reader where the reader is very nice yet shy, and Matthias fell for their kindness but is afraid to confess cause he might lose them(who's the first and only person to show him genuine care)?
(But he's also bad at hiding his feelings)
Or maybe a scenario where he has a difficult time sleeping and finds himself impulsively knocking on your door— regretful of his actions but he can't back out now that you're standing in front of the open door, curious from the unexpected visit.
He's a new char so I hardly find any fics about him and I'm desperate💔 you can change the scenario!! I'm really just desperate uehdhsishd(⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
hi anon i LOVED these ideas! i tried to combine both of them into one, i hope it satisfies what you wanted!! ♡
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falling slowly 🪡
Matthias isn’t one to act on impulse.
He’ll let his thoughts fester aimlessly inside him, hoping the darker among them someday fizzle out. He’ll watch precious chances fly past him, fearing the consequences of a risk taken too rashly. A missed opportunity is better than another tragedy. A guarded mind is better than a broken heart. But some restless nights drive him to desperation, and tonight that leads him to you.
He stands outside your bedroom door, arms stiff against his sides. He’s passed by this room countless times before, as the two of you occasionally walk each other back to your rooms. But never has he come here on his own, never without explicit permission.
He gingerly raises his hand, letting it hover above your doorframe. All of a sudden, he loses his words. What would he say? I can’t sleep, I need you to check for monsters under my bed? I need you to stay with me until I fall asleep? I need you to tuck me in? What a baby. He can already picture the look you’d send him: a smile that’s trying too hard to be polite, a shabby effort at concealing the judgment within. You wouldn’t turn him down directly, even though he knows you’d want to. Kindhearted people love to dance in circles before saying anything that might offend. He’s all too familiar with this game. Normally, your kindness is something he loves about you, but all he can do now is curse it under his breath. If only you were crueler to him, like most people are, then he wouldn’t have let his hopes inflate his head. He would’ve known never to even consider stopping by your room. He would’ve known to avoid this situation altogether.
His fingers close into a fist, and it’s then he realizes he’s quivering slightly. Louis wouldn’t have a problem in this scenario. That thought piques Matthias most. His “factory defect” has locked him in place yet again, and all he can do is swallow down the reminder of his incompetence. It’s just a door, for God’s sake.
He flexes his fingers one last time, glancing around as if worried someone might catch him. Then he strikes his fist. It’s a clumsy motion, rattling your door on its hinges, and his heart leaps to his throat. A courteous knock would have three raps or so, not the jarring thud! he made — nobody in their right mind would imagine that’s a welcome visitor, right? Especially not at this snake’s pit of a manor. He prays desperately for you to ignore that ever happened. In your position, he’d pretend to be asleep, maybe double-check that the door is properly locked. Surely you’d do the same.
“It’s open!” greets your voice from inside, entirely unconcerned.
Matthias holds his breath. Why are you leaving your door unlocked at this hour? But he tucks that thought away while he stares down at the doorknob. This is it — he’s trapped. If he turns around now, you’ll be left with unresolved fears of someone lurking around your room at night. Nothing could entice him to do that to you. And if you ever found out it was him? It’d be too late for apologies, and definitely not forgiveness. Right, so he has to answer.
Slowly, he cracks it open a fraction, afraid of peering anywhere but the ground.
“You can come in,” you urge. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t want to. Footsteps shuffle around inside, then the door fully swings open. “Oh, hi Matthias! What’s up?”
He only meets your face briefly, at your bright and curious eyes, before his gaze flicks back downward.
“Uh… sorry to bother you, I just…” He awkwardly grasps at his elbows, struggling to string together his intentions. “…I need you.”
. . . . .
There it is. His secret is out. He didn’t mean to let it slip, but that single phrase had been bouncing endlessly around his mind, as if they were the only words he knew. It’s the one thing he can confidently admit: he needs you. He doesn’t expect you to reciprocate. In fact, he’s certain you don’t. Nobody in their right mind would. That’s why he never ventured to say these words before. So when you respond to him with patient silence, as if waiting for him to continue, the entirety of his body freezes over. Maybe only a few seconds pass in reality, but that’s more than enough time for Matthias to fill the gaps. It’s a no — he knows it’s a no.
Your head tips slightly. “Sure, what do you need?”
The whirlwind in his mind slows to a halt. He remembers how he used to cough up excuses on the spot when trying to avoid you—sometimes you’d invite him for a meal or game of cards together, and he had convinced himself those were pity invites so he tended to reject them upfront. It stings less to avoid someone altogether than to endure feeling ‘tolerated’ instead of ‘wanted.’ But now he’s wracking his brain for an excuse to stay.
“I—I just wanted to see you.” It’s not a lie, but for some reason it feels like one.
“Me?” A look of surprise flashes on your face, warmth blooming across your chest. That might be the most forward thing you’ve ever heard from him. Stepping closer, you reach for his forearm, peering up into his face to better examine his strained features. Your free hand reaches up to brush aside the limp strands of hair shrouding his face. “Did something happen? It’s almost midnight—I mean, I don’t mind, it’s just so unexpected…”
The strength falls from Matthias’ shoulders. Out of relief, maybe. Or maybe it’s to brace himself for one last leap of faith.
“Can I stay with you…?” His voice is barely audible. You search his lone eye, staring back at you in its perfect hollowness. At some point, that blank stare has become a comforting sight for you. Your hand trails from his arm to spread across his shoulder. He remains motionless.
“Okay,” you say, softly. “Always.”
As you move to wrap both arms around his neck, you notice his body tense, and his brows furrow, subtly, in a clear attempt not to let you notice. The strain on his face catches you off-guard.
“Wh-What? What’s wrong?” Immediately, you pull back to search his expression.
“N-No, nothing—keep going.”
This time, it’s Matthias who draws you close. His arms weave their way around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. His face burrows into your shoulder, and it’s then you understand the weight of his visit, of his need for you. All you can do is lift a tender hand to ruffle his hair, feeling his pounding heart ease in your arms.
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rorichuu · 3 months
(never done this before so i apologize if its shite)
would it be possible for like tf2 medic or tf2 engie having a really scout-level stupid gender neutral s/o
one who wouldnt be paying attention to how asleep their foot it and ending up spraining it and then acting like ot was the floors fault
or whod do a backflip off stairs for gum off the ceiling and half a penny
and them like crawling back to their intelligent boyfriend like they just ran head first into an electric fence
(sorry if this was done before lmao)
relationships for dummies — engineer/medic x gn!reader
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pairing: engineer/medic x gn!reader (separate)
authors note: THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE LMAOOO this was a remarkable ask thank you so much for sending this in anon - hope you like it :D
disclaimer: none!
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no one knows how you two got together
like nobody knows
some theorize but no one has gotten a definitive answer
but the real reason was that he just loved how absolutely unhinged you were
like you had NO fear to do the things you did
he. fucking. LOVED THAT.
studies you like you're a creature in a jar
medic isn't so much of a worrier, not like engie is
if you're hurt, he can patch you back up like it's no biggie 🙄🙄
and highkey just as chaotic as you are
so you guys are partners in MANY crimes
but he also finds it very humorous whenever you do pretty stupid stuff
if you sprained your ankle because your foot fell asleep, he'd sigh tbh
it's happened so many times
and he told you how to prevent that
so many times
but he's obviously more than willing to help you; he's your crutch when you need him
if y'all are on the battlefield, he's more than likely to be by your side throughout the entire fight
even more than heavy
most of the time, he's just trying to refrain from your usage of the respawn machine with the amount of times you've tripped or tried to perform some kinda stunt
used uber on you once
it was
obviously he was more than willing to use uber on you
he was so damn curious on how'd you boost and what you'd do
and the thrill of it all?? drunk off of it
he loves you very much
supporter in all of your idiocy!!!
i'll be honest
finds it more entertaining than anything
although, he sometimes... worries?
he remembers the time where you tried to slap a sticker on the ceiling and ended up tripping on the ladder scout was (so poorly supporting) and ended up face first with the floor...
medic helped retrieve your lost tooth
engineer kept asking if you were okay that day LMAOOO
but yeah, the dude worries for you sometimes - you can't just go around doing stunts without some fear of hurting yourself!
kind of a helicopter mom of some sorts
but when he isn't worrying about you, and you're doing harmless shit, he finds it HUMOROUS ASF
like when you decided to sit on your foot for too long and tried to walk and just fell
he was laughing and slapping his knee
the old man he is
he DID try and help you up but you fell over again and I swear to god you put the man into cardiac arrest
tries his very best to warn you or help you prevent idiotic acts like these
but he definitely isn't overbearing
he's more of a watch from afar with a beer in hand while he gives you a thumbs up while you nearly drown in a pool with your floaties
he's that kinda guy
and I stand by it
. . .
one time you successfully tried to jump an electric fence (with demo, heavy, and scout as witnesses)
and hey!!! you did it!!! ........on the 7th time!
you and scout are besties I don't make the rules
you guys literally feast off each other's energies
but anyway
you went running towards your boyfriend, calling his name as you stumbled into his workroom.
"Hey, honey bee! What's going- ... on?"
he tried.
he tried so hard not to laugh.
but your frizzy hair and disheveled clothes was too much not to marvel
"What'd you do this time?" He laughed as he was quick to smooth over your crazed hair.
loves you so much
his little firecracker
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pedge-page · 4 months
just cut my hand and i’m losing my mind thinking about joel licking up my blood. i need blood kink!joel like i need air
Anon: I do hope your hand is better!!! Im sorry this has been in my inbox forever but here's my drabble for it.
Warnings: blood kink!Joel, blood, toxic controlling Joel
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You're slicing vegetables for your homemade soup when you knick your pointer finger with the blade, hissing loudly.
It didn't feel like much aside from a sharp sting, but the blood flowing down your palm and to your wrist screamed otherwise.
"Shit," you curse, searching for a towel to wrap your hand in.
Your movements are haulted when you feel a calloused grip hold your arm out, firmly, almost painfully so. His body pins your hips to the counters edge, his hot breath sending goosebumps over the shell of your ear.
You close your eyes. Prayers fill your mind that he can't feel your heartbeat through your back, doesn't know the fear youre feeling right now under his presence, against his sturdy powerful body, knowing it'd end badly if you even tried to resist him.
He doesn't say anything. Your wrist trembles in his grasp, the blood shining darkly against your skin, thick and oozing down to your forearm now. You both watch as a drop begins to form, threatening to spill past your elbow.
But it quickly finds safety—or perhaps greater danger—when Joel's lips enclose around it. He hums as the bitter metallic taste overwhelms his taste buds. You gasp at the nudge of his hardened cock still pressed against your ass.
He swallows, then trail his tongue over the crimson path, lips ghosting over the clean areas he's engulfed. You feel hot kisses bruning into your skin, tongue flat, lapping up every microbe of your blood until he's taking your hand in his mouth, eyes meeting yours as he sucks more and more of it, drawing closer till he's suckling straight from the source of your cut.
He groans, heavy lidded eyes narrowed on your wide ones. You see his apple bob in his throat as he cleans your wound with his saliva before he kisses the wound one last time.
"Th-thank you, Joel—"
He roughly grips the back of your neck and clashes his lips on yours. Devouring, nipping, skinning you alive if could in this kiss that is anything but loving. Anything but reassuring. It's a threat, and so clearly when you gasp as his teeth sink into your lower lip.
You pull away instinctively, feeling a swell in your mouth.  he licks your fresh blood from his own lips, savoring it, relishing in swallowing something sacred of yours.
His thumb glides along the puffy cut he'd given you, pushing down slightly with a threatening grip around your jaw "Be careful, birdie. Ain't nobody, not even you, allowed to hurt this body—nobody—"
He tilts his head and stares into your soul with a growl. "—'cept me."
- - - -
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kisses4lao · 7 months
kung lao x reader where they are like secretly dating and little by little making it more obvious to everyone??? Like, leaving hickeys, bite marks etc, until they start noticing and pointing it out??? Sorry if its confusing😭
I'm a sucker for a good secret dating romance, I gotchu anon
Tw/cw: gn reader I think??? Idk do correct me if I'm wrong, not really NSFW but mentions of sex, a lot of marking and Kung Lao being a tease, cursing
Not proofread as per usual
You were a really good friend of Johnny's, just so happened to be one of Liu Kangs pupils as well. Although you didn't have super strength like your best friend did, you were highly trained by him.
When everything started going to shit and everyone had to go team up at the request of Liu Kang, you were quick to try and make friends with everyone, making it less awkward for potential missions.
You made quick friends with Kenshi, Tomas, even Raiden. But you had a very odd relationship with Kung Lao. According to Johnny, he'd often times catch Kung Lao, eyes drifting over you, not leaving unless you looked directly at him.
Other times, he'd say Kung Lao would attempt to talk to you, but Johnny could sense by his body language he was nervous.
You couldn't help but admit Kung Lao was attractive. He was exactly your type and everything you wanted in a man. But to his credit, you were nervous as well, not wanting to make small talk either.
That all changed when you two were sent on a mission together, basically just to scout something out or some shit. To be fair, Liu Kang seemed like he was making this mission up on the spot. Almost as if he knew you two had feelings for each other.
When you got to the spot he told you to scout out, it was a waterfall. A fucking waterfall. You both were told to stay there for the entire day, at a waterfall.
Either there was something actually going on or Liu Kang just has a twisted sense of humor when it comes to this sort of thing.
Truth be told, Liu Kang could tell you two liked each other. He could feel the perverted thoughts of each other just bubbling in your minds and decided he couldn't take it anymore. So, he decided to basically send you two on a date. Completed with nice scenery, no one around, and he even gave you guys a basket full of little finger sandwiches. How cute.
The two of you ended up just talking the entire time bonding over such a silly fear you both shared. You both had eventually realized what was going on and why you were sent on this "mission" and decided to make the most of your alone time.
During that "making the most of it", you had taken each others firsts, under the pale moonlight while the sounds of the waterfall next to you drowned everything else out. All you could think about in that moment was each other.
The original plan was to make it so that nobody found out at first. However, Kung Lao had gotten extremely caught up in the moment and ended up leaving hickeys on you in visible places. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
The love bites on your neck and the scratch marks on his back were very evident the day after, however. While you were upset that they were so visible, Kung Lao was more than happy to show off his back to everyone. He even offered another round just to get more.
He assured you that everything was gonna be alright, a few marks isn't gonna kill you and it shows your affection for one another, which is why he loved his scratches so much.
Neither of you thought it would be a good time to say you guys were dating, so you decided to try and keep things on the down low. You did, at least. However, with the hickeys he'd leave on you, it became very hard to come up with excuses on the spot.
When the two of you got back from your little mission, mostly everyone could sense something was different. Raiden was consistently asking Kung Lao why he has scratches on his back because he decided today was the day he'd train shirtless (because of course he would), and Johnny would NOT leave you alone.
Johnny just would not stop asking you where you got the hickeys from, even though he knew the answer. You would always blush from embarrassment when he asked though, eyeing Kung Lao as you did.
When it came to night time, Kung Lao made it a point to sit next to you. This made Johnny sit across from you, which you could tell he wasn't very happy about. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, arms crossed as he watched you and Kung Lao talk like there was no one else at the table.
Mostly everyone picked up on the small touches you'd leave on his arm and the way he'd caress your thigh. The way the both of you were laughing made it seem like you'd known each other for years.
Over the next few days, you'd continue to sleep together. You'd start leaving hickeys on Kung Lao as a lesson, but instead of being upset , he was ecstatic at the way you'd left a mark on him. He'd ask you over and over leave more marks on more visible places.
Practically everyone in your group knew you were together, you'd just stopped hiding it. You'd occasionally climb onto his lap while he was sitting down and watching him train, while he'd give you small kisses and wrap his arms around your waist very often.
Johnny had decided he's had enough with your very obvious mutual pining and asked the question that should've been clear.
"are you two fucking?"
EVERYONE snapped their heads to look at the three of you. Kung Lao has his arms around you and you were hugging into his chest, while Johnny was in front of the both of you with his hands on his hips.
The silence from the both of you was enough for the answer to be known. Raiden and Kenshi let out small disappointed sighs as Johnny scolded you about keeping this from him.
All the whole Liu Kang was internally patting himself on the back for being a good wingman
A/n: if my fics ever become proofread, immediately assume my account has been hacked. You guys ever go over shit you wrote??? That's embarrassing, I'm not doing that.
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
So I’d like to request a Draco mafia fanfic. Where someone disrespects the reader and it angers him.
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Pairing: Mafia draco x fem reader
Summary: Draco is a far man he hears bullshit all day but they cross a fine line when it comes to you...
Word count: 729
Warning: language, offense things are said about females [not by Draco], mentions of blood, use of a gun
Universe: mafia
A/n: okay I was supposed to post this at three in the morning but I fell asleep before I could 😭 anyway hope you like it I loved this idea and I had so much fun with writing it so thank you anon and please SHOW SUPPORT IF YOU READ THIS
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Draco was never interested in the conversation that took place during these meetings. He just needed the deal, but occasionally he'd run into these talkative bitches who wanted to drink whiskey and complain about their wife's, hints why he called them talkative bitches. They complain all the time. He couldn't care less. Why were they bitching when they had enough money to stop worldwide hunger? They didn't do shit.
They've just been drinking and buying. He thought it was funny they had so many complaints. They were more women than their wives and they [their wives] did more than them. They cooked, cleaned and had babies. The least they could do was let them spend money on the things that make them happy.
"Yeah, like how do rich and wealthy men attract poor sluts," said one of them. Draco couldn't give a shit about his name he wanted to say it was Oliver but the topic made him snicker as he listened in.
"Okay, I mean, I earn all the money just for them to spend."
Probably 'cause you sit on your ass like a lazy bitch that nobody wants to be around, so she's out there screwing one of the drivers.
"All I'm saying is I make the money, I should be decided who spends it and it damn sure shouldn't be going to fucking diapers and sippy cups."
"Amen to that!"
You should have used a condom, selfish motherfuckers.
"Poor Draco over their quiet as a sleeping baby, your wife got you tied down?" Draco took a look at the bald man, but failed to reply which caused laughter to fill the room.
What the fuck is so funny?
"Don't worry man I get it, I had one just like that whore wife of yours working the pole for money. Had no talents before you right?"
Draco glared, his blue eyes turning dark as he let out a dry laugh.
"What the fuck did you say?" The room fell silent as the question left his lips. All eyes were on him for his mistake.
Draco thought he was a straightforward man. He had two rules, one of which was to make the deal so that everybody would be happy and no one would die, and two, not to disrespect the queen.
When Draco met you, you were a stripper, but you had to pay college tuition and your job at the café didn't cover everything. Of course, when you got together, he paid it all for you. You were studying now peacefully and he was satisfied with you kicking your feet up and working hard for your degree, but sometimes people made the mistake of disrespecting you the way this fat fucker did and he did not take well to people talking about you at all.
Now the guy wasn't stupid. He knew once the room went quiet, he made a mistake. Draco's hand was placed on his weapon and an inhuman glance was on his face. Everything was intended to be simple. Come to the casino, make the exchange and leave, but he couldn't let that pass, because you weren't a whore at a club. You were the queen to the biggest Mafia leader.
"Come on, man, you're not seriously upset about some bitch." he laughs, swallowing his fear.
"Look, I'm sure she would understand that it's all a joke. I didn't mean any harm, it's just the truth after all."
Sure, you might but Draco didn't find it amusing and you weren't here right now. Draco stood to his feet from the leather couch, aiming the gun at the prick resting into the chair, his eyes wide in fear as he realized what's to come. The gun fires. The loud noise with the muzzle flash sending a fire colored hue through the room as one bullet is shot through his head and the other in his nuts.
The blood splattered on his face like paint flickered on a canvas, Draco's jaw clenched as he pulled the trigger. He took the gun placing it on a red napkin before he wiped it clean putting it back.
"Get rid of this pig and get my fucking money." he says, walking from the private room and heading home to you.
If you didn't get it from what just happened, you don't mess with the queen. That's a warning.
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@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
hello again! I was the anon who asked if you were taking requests for Phoenix 💞 lord knows I've spent too much time on the #natasha trace x reader tag HAHSAHAJS tumblr needs more nat content (I'm pleading on my knees 🧎🏻‍♀️)
I was thinking about Nat having a girlfriend but struggling to come out to her friends. She has been dating reader for long enough that they've moved in together and has yet to mention to them that the reason she's been leaving the hard deck earlier than usual is because she has a girlfriend at home.
She thinks nobody suspects a thing but bob found out somehow (it's up to you) and asked her directly. She gives up the facade and tells him everything and they have a long talk about her struggles with her sexuality and her fear of coming out to her friends and actually showing off her gf. That night, she talks to her gf too and decides she's going to finally introduce reader to the dagger squad.
I would looooove to see their reactions on this, bc in my head, everyone must've thought she was into guys like hangman or whatever and she's shows up with this pretty girl by her side. They're already planning on who's gonna get her number first and nat just "uh.. guys this is my girlfriend😄"
Just super fluffy and kinda angsty too? Maybe throw in some smut if you feel like it 👀💞 It's totally up to you!!!
- Syd
syd !!! thank you so much for sending this in, I absolutely loved this idea and I hope I did it justice!
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The Hard Deck wasn’t as crowded as it usually was and Phoenix was grateful for the breathing room as she sipped her beer at the bar and checked her phone, letting you know she’d be leaving soon… Friday night was always bar night for the squad, a way to relax and unwind heading into the weekend after a long week of training and she really loved it… it was always fun getting to spend time with them, the squad had turned into its own little family but that didn’t stop her from always being the first to leave to get home to you as quickly as she could. 
No one knew about you yet… she’d wanted to tell the team for weeks now but every time she thought she worked up the nerve she backed out at the last minute, anxiety overruling and shutting it down before she could even get the words out. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t even notice Bob slide into the seat next to her until he was tapping her shoulder and pulling her focus back to the present.
“Hey Nat, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked softly as she nodded, turning to give him her full attention. “Why haven’t you told anyone you have a girlfriend?” he whispered and her eyes widened at the question… she’d been thinking he might want to talk about the training exercise today, she’d made a decision in the air he didn’t agree with and it was normal for them to talk it out afterwards but this felt like Bob had dropped a bomb on her.
“What do you… how did you know?” she asked and he gave her a soft smile.
“Overheard you on the phone at lunch,” he replied and she thought back to the conversation she’d had with you… she’d laughed while you filled her in on some of your coworker’s antics and told you what time she’d be home before calling you her sweet girl and telling you how much she loved you. She’d thought she was alone in the locker room, otherwise she wouldn’t have let that slip. 
“Oh… uh, just haven’t felt ready to, I guess.” she answered and Bob nodded, giving her the space to continue when she gathered her thoughts. “I’ve gotten mixed reactions from other squads in the past and… I don’t know, we’ve just got a good thing going here and I don’t want to ruin it.”
“Why do you think you would ruin it?” he asked, genuinely interested in the answer and she sighed.
“It’s not easy… being a woman in the Navy, let alone being a gay woman in the Navy. We’ve never talked about that kind of stuff before, I don’t really know what everyone’s views on that are. My parents struggled with it when I came out to them and it’s been an issue in the past at my other stations and I guess I just didn’t want to deal with the fallout again,” she shrugged. 
“If it helps, I really don’t think anyone here would have a problem with it,” he said, and she lifted her attention from her glass to look at him questioningly. “I know we’ve never talked about it but… I can’t see anyone on the squad treating you differently because of it. I think they might be a little shocked, but that’s mainly because of how you banter with Hangman, everyone kind of thinks you two might be a thing on the down low-”
“Wait, what?” She cut him off and his eyes widened.
“You guys just have this like… thing, you’re very competitive and playfully mean to each other, I guess some of the squad just assumed it was because you were a thing,” he explained and she chuckled as she shook her head. “But once they get over the shock of being wrong, I think they’d be happy for you.”
“I just don’t know what I’d do if it doesn’t go that way. I’ve tried to get to a place where I don’t care if people aren’t accepting but… I’m just not there yet,” she sighed.
“I understand… I mean, as well as I can understand. It can’t be easy but you shouldn’t have to hide who you are, and I can at least speak for myself when I say I’m really happy for you… but I really think they’d like to meet her, they’re probably going to figure it out anyways because they all want to know what has you slipping out early every night. Whatever you decide, I’m in your corner… if you don’t want to, your secret’s safe with me,” he said, giving her a soft smile and a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder before he rejoined the group to leave her alone with her thoughts. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to introduce you to them, she really did… she’d told you everything she knew about each of them and you’d expressed your interest in tagging along one night but were understanding when she said she wasn’t ready for that yet.
If she had it her way she’d be screaming from the rooftops how in love with you she was… she’d invite the squad over so they could try your amazing cooking, and you’d be by her side every Friday night but there was truly no way to know how everyone else would feel until she came clean, and that idea absolutely terrified her.
“Hey honey, I’m home!” Phoenix called out as you heard her keys rattle against the dish on the entryway table and you padded down the hallway to greet her with a warm smile.
“Hey Nat, how was work today?” you asked, giving her a sweet peck on her lips before watching her pull her boots off and you immediately noticed the slump in her shoulders. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch, “Bob found out about us.”
“Yeah? What’d he say?” you asked as the two of you sat beside each other and you instantly pulled her legs over your lap. 
“He was really supportive, he said I should tell everyone else,” she sighed.
“How do you feel about that? Are you ready?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know… once I open that can of worms it’s not like I can stuff it back in,” she said and you nodded, your thumb rubbing reassuring circles against her uniform-clad thigh. “It’s not that I don’t want to… I don’t want you to think for a minute it’s because I want to hide you, I just don’t want it to blow up in my face.”
“I never thought that sweetheart,” you said with a reassuring smile. “I know it’s hard, and I know you’ve been burned before in previous squads but you speak so highly of them… from what I’ve heard they all sound like really great people and I think it would be good to finally clue them in,” you said. “You know I’m okay either way, it’s at your pace, Nat… but this has been stressing you out ever since you got permanently stationed here, and they are probably going to find out sooner or later… I think you might feel better if you get to control the conversation instead of more people piecing it together like Bob did.” She knew you were right… you always were, it really was only a matter of time. Sure, Bob was the most observant of everyone else so she couldn’t be surprised he was the first one to piece it together but it’s not like her squad was stupid. “It’s up to you, but I think you should get it over with. Just rip off the bandaid and whatever happens we’ll deal with it together just like we always do.”
She gave you a soft smile, the first real one of the evening as she looked at you with nothing but love in her eyes, “what do you think about meeting me at The Hard Deck after work next week?”
“I think that’s a really great idea,” you answered, leaning in to press your lips to hers. 
“I really love you, you know that?” she asked and you nodded with a chuckle.
“I know, I love you too.” 
The entire week leading up to their usual hangout at the bar had Phoenix on edge… logically she knew you and Bob were right, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled deep in her bones as the day creeped closer and closer. She didn’t want to call it off (though she’d thought about it a dozen times), she had to stick with it and follow through otherwise she never would and as she stood around the pool table with the rest of the boys she honestly felt like she might throw up.
“You good, Nix?” Hangman asked, looking her over curiously, “worried I’m going to kick your ass again?” He gestured over to the pool table and she just rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know what you mean by again, you’ve never beaten me,” she replied and he scoffed. “Revisionist history, I see how it is,” he teased and when the bar door swung open she whipped her head around to see you walking in looking as beautiful as ever… you were wearing her favorite dress of yours, a simple little wrap dress that really brought out your eyes and she couldn’t help the smile that overtook her face but no one around her could notice as they all stared at you too. 
“Damn, she is gorgeous,” Rooster said, eyes tracking you as you scanned the bar and Hangman just shoved his shoulder.
“In your dreams, Chicken, watch how the professionals do it,” he said, straightening his posture as he started to move towards you but he stopped in his tracks when recognition flashed over your face and watched as you walked directly towards their group. You gave her a bright smile, not standing too close and waiting to see how she wanted to proceed… you didn’t want to toss her into the deep end by planting a kiss on those lips you loved so much (despite how you really wanted to) and you watched as she laughed nervously, grabbing your hand as she introduced you.
“This is my girlfriend,” she said, squeezing your hand and waiting for everyone’s reaction and you watched the variety of emotions that passed over their faces before they all seemed to put the pieces together in their heads and soon they were giving you big smiles and extending their hands as they told you their callsigns. 
“Well, I see why she’s been hiding you away… you are beautiful,” Bob said with a genuine smile and you chuckled as you shook his hand. 
“How long have you two been together?” Rooster asked and Phoenix shifted her weight nervously.
“A few years,” she answered and you bit back a smile at their shocked expressions.
“Years? Nix, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Hangman asked, and you thought the concern in his voice was out of character for him… well, as much as you knew about his character from what she had told you. 
“I uh.. Well, I didn’t know how you guys would react,” she said honestly with a shrug and you saw the understanding pass over their features.
“Phoenix…” Rooster said, giving her a sad look before wrapping an arm around her. “I’m sorry if anyone ever gave you the impression you couldn’t tell us,” he said and she shook her head.
“No one did… it’s just, not necessarily a well-recepted thing in the Navy even though times are changing.” she replied.
“Well I speak for everyone when I say the squad just gained its newest member… and if anyone has a problem with that I will not-so-kindly throw you overboard,” Hangman said as he slung an arm over your shoulders. “You and I have much to catch up on, I want all the details,” he said and you chuckled as you walked down to the bar with him. You knew Phoenix would have nothing to worry about, you could tell from your after-work conversations she immensely respected all of them (even Hangman) and after meeting them you honestly felt like she might have been selling them short all this time. The way they welcomed you with open arms had your chest feeling warm and you could just tell it was all genuine as Hangman started talking your ear off and ordering you a beer.
You’d been passed around from person to person all night, barely getting a moment alone with your girlfriend but that was fine with you… you knew the novelty of a new person hanging around would wear off and they were all just excited to get to know you. 
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” you asked when Fanboy finally relinquished you from the very intense discussion you’d both had about Star Wars. You wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into you, smiling softly as she melted against you.
“Good. So good, you were right… I should have gotten this over with sooner. I love seeing you with them,” she said and you pressed a kiss to her lips. 
“And I love getting to know them. It doesn’t matter if I was right, you needed to do this when you were ready to,” you said and she just beamed at you before pulling you back in and kissing you passionately… earning some whistles and cheers from her friends and making your cheeks burn.
“I love you so damn much, you know that?” she asked and you nodded as you giggled.
“Yeah, I know. I love you too,” you said, pecking her lips once more before dragging her over to the dartboard where Hangman had all but promised to take it easy on you (you didn’t believe him one bit). Phoenix had found her family, and you were so grateful to now be a part of that.
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taglist: @callsignspirit @thegodessc @failuretothrivesstuff @olliepig @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @grxcieluvr (if your username is struck through it means I couldn't tag you - sorry!)
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OH. MY. WORD. I had no clue you were into Hetalia as well!
Might I request some dating headcanons for Russia and/or America with a fem! S/O? Fluff or smut is up to you really!
Smut Headcanons | America & Russia (18+)
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as being female and (separately) in a relationship with the respective characters
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Alfred F. Jones / America
alfred is a dominant leaning switch who has a bad habit of getting a bit too big for his boots, so to speak
like he’ll present himself as this experienced masculine dominant who can give you everything you want and more — but he’ll be rather tightlipped about his bratty submissive side until it comes up
massive sadomasochist with a preference for branding and biting over other forms of marking — though he’s always up for using swatches and paddles if you ask him to
as a dom he has no preference for positions so long as he’s in control and is happy to be a top or a power bottom — just as eager to have you ride him as he is to flip you over, fold you nearly in half and ravish you to his heart’s content
as a sub he’ll go for one of two things depending on if you’re penetrating him or if you’re using him to penetrate you; for the former he’s a fan of doggy style and for the latter he’ll go for anything where you’re on top
if you ever call the safe word he’ll stop immediately and become rather sheepish and apologetic as he checks you over for injuries — he gets it, though, even he forgets his own strength at times
is a big fan of risk taking in the bedroom so he’ll be up for any public or semi-public acts you bring up (hell one of his biggest fantasies is you going down on him during a meeting — under the table where nobody can see you, of course)
isn’t shy about your sex life and is incredibly prideful about his body and abilities — so he’s both happy to brag about how good you feel and how many times he made you come and eager to send/receive sexts and nudes
phone sex is a damn near must — as is mutual masturbation (he just really likes watching you get off)
is open to pegging or any other use of toys in the bedroom
if you want to get him on his knees for you (and don’t mind getting your clothes ripped off of you), then just wear some lingerie or otherwise sexy clothes in the colours of his flag
Ivan Braginsky / Russia
ivan tends to bottom out of necessity — letting you take the reins as to ensure that he doesn’t forget himself and hurt you
is happy to guide and manhandle you into whatever position you’d like, but he won’t do anything to hurt you too much or risk doing so (he loves you too much to do that)
he’s rather well endowed so thorough foreplay and preparation is an absolute must if you want to be up and walking after the fact
he’s vocal during sex but he isn’t loud, mostly limiting himself to grunts, groans and deep whispers in both russian and english about how good you feel and taste and look for him
enjoys having you sit on his face when receiving oral — both for the view and the assurance that you have the space to move away if it gets too much
that being said he does have a distinct sadistic streak that he’ll only bring out if you ask him — and even then he’ll hold back out of fear of going too far (as he has in the past)
you’ll end up using the colour system during your rougher sessions (green=go, amber=shaky, red=stop)
spanking is used as a punishment and he’ll happily deliver it to your ass or your sex depending on what you’ve agreed on
marking for ivan tends to correlate with knife play and cutting — but he’d be happy to let you mark him in whatever way you prefer
is neutral to thigh riding itself, but loves it when you try to take control and get so needy for him that you’d resort to that (plus the view is a bonus)
the easiest way to fluster him is to send him a picture of you nude or in a state of undress on his bed — guarantee that he won’t be able to focus for the rest of the day
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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fandom-trash-goblin · 1 month
Jiang cheng for the ask game
Also asked my @jcs-singular-slut-strand my beloved <3<3<3 and another anon, i'll just put it here. this needs a lot more jin ling but i'm tired sorry
Favourite thing about them: the fact that jiang cheng isn't a genius like wwx. he works hard and he fails and he's still so fucking amazing. he's sandu shengshou, he's sect leader jiang, he's zidian's wielder, he's fucking amazing. jiang cheng goes from this:
the most laughable one was the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the people of which either had been killed or had scattered, leaving only Jiang Cheng, who was younger than even Lan XiChen and was still a child born yesterday, who had nobody in his hands but still dared call himself sect leader, holding up the banner of rebellion as he recruited new disciples.
to one of the most feared people in the world. everyone needs to clap for him.
propoganda : sect leader jiang convincing rogue cultivators to join, the dichotomy of our poor little dangereuse meow meow, he's trying so hard but he's going the wrong way, man believes his big brother so deeply even when he wants him dead, his fearsome reputation comes from killing his brother but gosh he will cry if you mention that,
Least favourite thing about them: not a least favourite thing tbh just--i so badly wanted the reverse core reveal man. i wanted jiang cheng to throw it in wei wuxian's face that he sacrificed himself first. i know it's not his character, and it's better that way, but i want him to- and then i wanna see the devastation on wwx's face. delicious
Favourite line: this post has that variation of my father picked me five times in my entire life and it made me happy for months that i cannot bring myself to write so you should just click on the link. also, devastation->
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the absolute variations of Wei Wuxian!
Don’t you understand? When you’re standing on their side, you’re the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path. You think you can be immune to all those condemnations as you stay outside of the world and do whatever you want? No such precedent has happened before!
Why do you want his forehead ribbon? To hang yourself and commit suicide? I can lend you my belt, you’re welcome.
Go ahead. What other bad news do you have to report?
something something If you insist on protecting them(the Wen side branch), then I can't protect you
brOTP: Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling. that's his jiujiu, man. you can fucketh right off if you wanna say anything bad. i would love love an explored dynamic between Jiang Cheng & Lan Qiren. also a possible wen ning & jiang cheng or lan wangji & jiang cheng but we are not gonna see it happen in this cannon lmao.
OTP: chengxian. here's why one, two, three, four (gif), five, six, seven (gif), eight (thoughts on different wavelengths), the absolute circles of them saving each other, the fucking golden core reveal scene. golden scene reveal part 2, between this and jonsa, i'm never beating the incest allegations
edit: jiang cheng will always forgive wei wuxian
nOTP: i started out with jiang cheng/lan xichen... but i don't really see it anymore. but i don't hate it either, i will read fics for it if i like the writing.
Random headcanon:
lichtenberg scars. many of them, glowing whenever he uses zidian. here's where i got it from.
man is a savant at politics even if he's loud and angry.
yunmeng jiang absolutely adores their sect leader. i will love you forever if you send me recs all of them. pretend i haven't read a single one.
Lan Qiren has a favourite student that year and his name was not LWJ. Person had the same initials as Jesus Christ.
Unpopular Opinion: liking Jiang Cheng itself might be an unpopular opinion, tbh. but. let me punch wen ning just once. once. i'm sure he's done nothing wrong in his life ever. but please. once
Song I associate with them: zero idea. i'll get back to you on this.
Favourite picture of them:
babey! i think we're underestimating the potential of disney princess jiang cheng // that's his whole damn world he loves them so much // the shepherd's favourite lamb vibes.
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
Yoo I have two request which I’ll send the other one separately but I am in an ANGSTY mood rn sooo yah also been binging ur headcanons and stuffs and I just love the way you write ?? It’s so entertaining lol
AnywY the actual request: can you write like a one shot or headcanons if you prefer of mc who is struggling after the belphie incident ?? Like they feel like they’ve mostly forgiven him and can act normally around him and they’re friends and take naps together but sometimes the flash back just HITS THEM and they have nightmares and panic attacks that can be so bad sometimes someone needs to get Simeon to calm them down. Maybe something of how the brothers react/treat mc and belphie? Idk I’m just thirsting for like MEGA ANGST rn bc my dad made me cry little bit lmao 😭
it comes at night
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hello anon! i'm terribly sorry you're in such an angsty mood, though i thank you for all the love-- and for sending this request right as these ideas were on the front of my mind. it genuinely makes me so happy to see people enjoying my work, and it makes all the writer's block and such worth it. i cannot express enough how much i love seeing all the comments, reblogs, etc. as people engage with my work.
anyways. i'm not sure how i feel about this piece, especially with how LONG it ended up being, but maybe that's just my mushy brain talking after looking at it too long. regardless-- i hope you enjoy (well, y'know, in like a sad and angsty way).
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synopsis: you thought you would be able to move on like all the others. your body was healed, your anxiety tucked neatly behind a mental wall built to keep you safe. yet something in you was stuck. you couldn't just move on. you were trapped in a battle between your friendship with belphegor and the fear gnawing at your brain as you remembered what exactly he did to you. when the dam finally breaks, your whole brain floods with terror, until you're swept away with it. nobody can save you now.
genre: angst, no happy end, just a big ol spoonful of sadness
word count: ~3.1k
content warnings: chapter 16 spoilers, graphic(?) discussions of death, depictions of panic attacks, nightmares, mc progressively getting worse from fear + lack of sleep
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it's funny how time works. 
you'd been around your fair share of years. you’d grown, you’d changed, you’d spent your entire life looking toward the future you had planned. then you, a mere human, were yanked into an unfamiliar world. you spent an entire year in the devildom– a year that simultaneously dragged on and flew by– and came out the other side a new person. a single year in the devildom has changed you more than the human realm has your entire life. time was a mischievous thing, always leaving you chasing behind in a fruitless pursuit of something you’ll never quite understand.
but, she also brings blessings with her. they say that time heals all wounds. you've always agreed with that sentiment. scraped knees and adolescent broken hearts are swept away with the passing days, trailing further and further behind you until one day you forget to look back and remember them. the pain scribbled down on diary pages or cried into pillow cases no longer stings like a fresh burn. these things are nothing but scars now. time has a special way of patching you up, of rubbing your back until the tears clear up and you can finally see again. that is how it's always been. 
where is time when you need it? 
she hasn't quite abandoned you, this much is true. cuts and bruises heal over the passing days. your hair and nails still grow. your body still changes, slowly but surely, marching onwards week after week. yet your mind is trapped in stasis. you struggle to break free, but at times the rot consumes you whole, until you’re crying under the covers and begging from respite from the memories. 
on the worst nights, you find yourself in the attic again, watching the door between you and belphegor swing open. you watch yourself march towards death.
you can still feel his hands around your neck, digging his claws into your fragile human skin like you're made of sand. the scent of blood-- your own blood, on the floors, on the walls, leaking from your torso and staining your clothes a permanent maroon-- still clings to the inside of your nose. even your wildest dreams could not erase the sight of his smug grin, the way his eyes lit up looking at your battered body.
no one person should have to carry the weight of realizing they're going to die. that's what you thought about when your body hit the bottom of the stairs, when belphegor tossed you down from the attic with a harsh laugh and punted your limp body into the entrance hall. you thought about how unfair this all was. you were just trying to help. you thought you were doing the right thing.
one of the worst parts of your untimely demise was watching the others react. the voices pool together in your head, like the colors of the rainbow twisting together on the surface of an oil spill. asmo's panicked shriek blends into satan's angry shouts, desperate to understand what's going on. lucifer's yelling almost drowns out the fearful cries coming from levi, held back by a very silent beel. 
but above all of that, you remember mammon. your first man, the first demon who took a chance on the defenseless little human, rushing to your side and gathering you in his arms like you were about to break. his hand on the side of your face, the tears streaming down his face, the shaky, desperate voice assuring you that you'll be okay and begging you to hang on, okay? please don't leave me. you can't remember if he was shaking or if it was your body's last ditch effort to stay conscious-- maybe both. your trembling fingers intertwined with his. words came out of your mouth, and you're not sure what exactly you said, but he only cried harder in response. 
and then, as your eyes shut for the final time, you woke at the bottom of the attic stairs. you had cheated death. 
your price? you had to carry the memories. 
the world kept spinning. days passed in the devildom. you returned to school, kept on top of your homework, spent your days in the house of lamentation alongside the seven demon brothers. you even got to know belphegor as he navigated his return home. he quickly grew fond of you. that, in and of itself, was jarring. but you returned each and every smile with one of your own. his actions were rooted in his own grief for his sister, you knew, and for that you could not fault him. you helped him repair the severed relationships between him and his elder siblings, stitching the family back together like a prized quilt until the seams of betrayal were sufficiently hidden. 
time is a traitorous bitch. why did she choose now to leave your wounds bare and bleeding?
everyone moved on but you. everyone got to wake up in the mornings without a nagging anxiety holding them back. the others could hang out with belphegor day in and day out without a growing feeling of dread popping up when you think you're safe. 
he killed you. he was grieving. your blood drenched the entryway floors as he laughed. he has grown. you watched the light leave mammon's eyes as you slipped away. belphie has been nothing but kind to you since that day. you fucking died. 
you wish your mind could pick a side. did you forgive him, or did you resent him? was he your friend, or your killer? these answers evaded you in the dead of night as you struggled to sleep again. it was becoming more common for you to lose hours of rest to these nagging fears. who are you? are you even you anymore? did the switch in timelines scatter your atoms across countless universes, leaving the you that looks back at you in the mirror nothing more than a hollow shell? 
you thought that you could keep your mind on a tight leash, keep your cards close to your chest as you continued to live with the brothers. you were wrong.
the first meltdown came during a nap with belphie. you had grown to trust him-- you thought you trusted him-- enough to sleep around him. he'd coax you every so often into an afternoon nap. always in the light of day, always your choice. and for many afternoons, you were perfectly content with this arrangement. belphie was warm and cuddly, a perfect companion for a lazy afternoon. he had this way of making you feel safe as you slept-- the nightmares couldn't come when he was snuggled up next to you, when you were sure his actions were ones of affection and not another trick to gain your trust.
one afternoon, while the sun was beginning to set, you stirred under the warmth of the blankets. the body next to yours lingered close, steady breaths lulling you back to dreamland. you could stay like this forever, you thought.
and then you felt it. the gentle graze of a familiar cow tail against your skin.
something inside of you, a dam you didn't even know was there, snapped. a hot flash of panic rose up your throat as your whole body jerked away from the feeling. your eyes shot open and you found yourself in the last place you needed to be right now: the attic. you pulled yourself out of bed before your brain could catch up. colors flashed across your vision as a consequence. you whipped around, disoriented and upset, and spotted a sleeping belphie in the bed where you once were.
a sleeping, demon belphie.
the familiar curve of his horns made your throat spasm as you tried to breathe. the colors flashed in your vision again-- oh god, what a terrible time to be left defenseless-- as your brain tried to drag you back to that day. you could practically see his face shift from relief to malicious, insidious joy as he began to attack you.
"hehe... does it hurt? finding it hard to breathe? i'm sure it must be very unpleasant."
please. please no.
" i have to say, seeing a human face twisted in pain like this... why, it's so much fun that i can barely stand it! i... i can't contain the laughter!"
you weren't quite sure when you hit the ground, but it was loud enough to wake belphegor from his slumber. he peeled his body off the mattress, slow and dazed, as he looked for you.
"mc? what're you... what's going on?"
please don't. this can't be happening.
your lungs collapsed from the weight of your own panic. you gasped-- once, twice, as your vision went in and out. were you bleeding? your hand loosely brushed at the front of your clothes, but couldn't process whether that was blood or your vivid imagination. were you even breathing? your head felt light and heavy at the same time. the wires in your brain were all crossed, sending both resuscitation and shutdown signals to each part of your body. this feeling... this was too familiar.
were you dying?
"mc, what's going on?"
you came face to face with belphegor. your friend, your killer. the demon who had lured you up to this very attic to kill you, now gripping your shoulders as interrogated you inches from your face.
you screamed. you screamed until your brain shut off completely, leaving you in an inky pit of darkness as your consciousness slipped away.
the house was in disarray for several days. apparently, lucifer came in shortly after you passed out, mammon at his heels, to save the day. you woke up later in his bed, the room cold and empty, with a throbbing head and a tear stained pillow. you stumbled out into his office to find him at his desk, lost in some paperwork like always. the solemn look he gave you as your eyes met told you everything you needed to know.
from this day forth, your fear was now your constant companion.
nobody in the house of lamentation knew how to move forward. not you, not the brothers, not the widening gap growing between you all with each passing day spent in emotional limbo. finally, lucifer called everyone to a family meeting where, over the course of an hour or two, everyone came to an agreement to acknowledge what had happened and why, promised to be mindful of this trauma that you're carrying, and move forward like you requested.
silent days slowly but surely filled back up with laughter again. the brothers came back to your side at their own pace-- asmo first, within a matter of hours, then mammon shortly after, then the others in the following days.
belphegor was the last to come around. his silence spoke volumes about his guilt. he had no clue how to comfort you. he'd do anything to repent for his actions. yet that was the way that life worked, didn't it? some actions simply cannot be undone.
but you didn't let that stop you. despite the panic that closed your throat every time you saw him for the next month, you slowly earned his friendship again. you assured him that the attic incident was a one time thing, the remnants of a lost nightmare blending into your consciousness as you awoke.
until it wasn't a one time thing.
the nightmares crept up on you. the first one happened, of course, that same night, as you thrashed and wept into lucifer's pillows. then a week later, another. a week and a half after that, another. the frequency eventually became higher and higher, until you started planning your sleep schedule (or lack thereof) around your new insomniac tendencies. but even you couldn't manage to stay awake forever.
on a bad night, you'd wake up in tears, crying weakly to yourself as you tried to coax yourself back to bed. on worse nights, you'd shoot up out of bed, limbs tingling in fear, opting to spend the rest of the night in the common room until the others woke for the day. on the worst night, you finally broke. you shattered worse than you could have imagined.
you finally collapsed into bed, body shutting down after a three days of minimal sleep. you were starting to get shaky from the lack of rest, and your lack of appetite was upsetting the others. you crawled under the covers and let your brain slip out of your hands and off to dreamland.
what a fool you were to think you'd get by without nightmares.
visions of demonic teeth tearing at your flesh filled your head. you tried to run away, tried desperately to wake yourself up, but their claws sunk into your flesh. the pain was vivid, was real. memories of your death lived underneath your skin, ready to resurface in the dark of night when there was no escape. you fought back as best you could, kicking and screaming and trying to run, but you were no match for the supernatural strength of your demons. you eventually gave in, an act of learned helplessness, and surrendered yourself to your worst nightmares.
you woke up choking on your own tears. heaving, gasping breaths tried to save you, mixing with coughs as your body struggled to hang on. the tears finally gave way to the memories-- hot blood dripping from your torso, screaming faces begging you to stay, your head going fuzzy as your vision followed--and your screams escaped without a fight.
a mixed cacophony of voices came flooding in the room. you'd be touched by the gesture, seeking comfort in the arms of your dearest friends, if your brain hadn't reminded you that they were demons as well. nightmarish beasts with fangs and claws, predators built to rip your soft flesh from your bones and leave you to die like roadkill.
you felt a hand on your shoulder. who's was it? you could not tell. your first and only instinct was to scream for mercy, hot tears streaming down your face as mammon's hurt expression moved back out of your line of sight. your chest heaved with effort. it felt like your whole body was caving in on itself. you didn't even realize you were shaking as you curled your body into a ball. your side hit the mattress with a pathetic thud and you wept, bitter and fearful, as a panic attack kept you trapped in its grip.
you don't know how long you stayed curled up like that, wordless cries echoing from your room and into the hallway, but eventually the sound of approaching footsteps caught enough of your attention to forget the panic, even if just for a moment.
"hey, it's okay," a familiar, comforting voice approached, cutting through the fear like a moonlight on a stormy night. "mc, it's me, it's simeon. it's going to be okay."
you felt the bed shift under the weight of someone sitting down, and you blindly threw your body at the person before checking to see if it was really him. it took you a few moments to raise your head, and when you did, you saw him: simeon, your angel, blue eyes full of worry as he met your gaze.
you cried in his arms until you fell into a fitful, dreamless sleep.
the next morning was miserable, to say the least. breakfast was tense. they all watched you like a hawk, like you were a powder keg about to explode with one wrong move. you couldn't blame them. you were afraid of your own emotions, and on some level, you were afraid of them. your trauma was making you afraid of the very people you cared about the most. these brothers had welcomed you into their home, took care of you as you adjusted to life in the devildom, and yet you couldn't hold eye contact without breaking in to a cold sweat.
the only person who did not watch you was belphegor. he was nowhere to be found during breakfast, nor dinner, nor breakfast the following day. you tried to seek him out, but somehow the avatar of sloth had become a skilled sneak in his silence.
you finally caught him alone on day four of radio silence. you both had stayed home without realizing the other had also skipped school that day-- you, from the lack of sleep eating at your brain, and belphegor, with his usual routine of missing class to nap at the house of lamentation. he was curled up on the couch in the common room, basking in the warmth of the fireplace in his slumber. you decided to wait for him to wake up. you sat down on the couch opposite of the one where he rested and watched him, quietly, like he'd disappear if you dared to blink.
creepy? yes. but your brain was long ruined by sleep deprivation and gnawing anxiety to worry about such trivial things.
when he finally stirred, you gently called belphegor's name. he took a moment to finally look at the source of the voice, but when he did, his body froze as the two of you made eye contact. a few moments passed in silence. finally, he sat up and began to make a move to leave.
he stopped, but his gaze did not meet yours. you rose from your seat and joined him on the couch. the youngest pulled his legs in, twisting his body into a defensive little ball, and countered your next sentence before you could even open your mouth.
"you shouldn't be here with me."
"i think i'm old enough to make decisions for myself."
he shifted uncomfortably in the silence. you spoke again.
"i miss you. and i'm sorry."
he scoffed to himself and stared at the fireplace. "don't know why you think you should be apologizing to me. i'm the one that's the problem."
"you're not a problem, belphie. i never meant to make you feel like one."
every hair on your body stood on end. your hands trembled against your wishes, so you sat on them to stay focused. you had to do this. you had to keep moving forward.
"i hurt you, mc. you're afraid i'm going to do it again."
you sighed-- it came out more shaky than you would have liked-- and looked down. how had it come to this? how had someone you'd grown to hold so dear become a stranger again?
"i don't want to stop being friends. i don't like when you avoid me."
"you still get nightmares, don't you?"
you pause. his icy gaze on the side of your head sent you into a cold sweat.
you smiled-- it felt more like a grimace, personally-- and prayed it didn't come across insincere. your fingers carefully intertwined with his. he met your gaze. you were thankful he couldn't see the way your chest tightened when you made eye contact. 
"i'm okay, belphie," you lied. 
this fear was going to be the death of you. 
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racinggirl · 6 days
You can tell that English isn’t your first language, it’s more to do with word choice and phrases used than anything grammar wise, it reads more formal than conversational. Similar to what would be expected in school/professional setting. You’ll get there, it’ll just take time.
But yeah the medical timeline was the major criticism for me, and the reason for my DNF. It made very little sense, I wasn’t sure if they had been in a coma for 4 years and then just suddenly died together or if they had been recovering and then just died. I felt like clarifications were needed, and maybe a little research if you’re going to be using something like this as a plot device. Being as polite as possible, while the idea was good, the execution was fanfiction in all the worst ways.
Look, ‘anon’. I can see where you’re coming from. As I said, it’s not my best work, I admit that. My writing has been on hold for a while due to some personal reasons.
However. That does not give you the right to be rude. You may not have wanted it to come across as rude. But the things you said were everything but nice, nor were they seen as a ‘tip’. It was straight up bullying what you did. I understand people have opinions, and you’re entitled to give your opinion, honestly, I get it. But you are not entitled to be rude about it to someone you don’t even know.
You have no idea how much I struggle with ‘hate’ because yeah, that’s what it was. You may like more ‘conversational’ fanfics, others don’t. That’s personal and that’s okay. But the hate you spit out on me is just not okay. I’ve always said my biggest fear is people not liking me, and that includes my work or the things I do.
Yes, I should have possibly put more thought into it, which is why I already mentioned the warnings and the fact I wasn’t sure if this was something I’d be proud of. But straight up saying it’s ‘poorly google translated’ or that it’s the worst fic you’ve read? That’s not okay. I’m trying. I really am, and next time, think before you slide into someone’s inbox and spit stuff like this out.
There’s so many people supporting me, which I highly appreciate. I needed that. Because even though I know I shouldn’t let some random anon determine how I’m feeling. I do. And it sucks. You don’t know my story, so stop being rude about it.
I absolutely have no intention to be rude, and this isn’t who I normally am. But honestly, if you have the guts, stop being an anon. It’s pathetic. If you hate on someone’s work, be clean about it and don’t hide behind that ‘anon’ button. If you really mean good, and you were just trying to give me tips (which I’d appreciate if you had done it in a more polite way, even if you came in as an ‘anon’), that’s more genuine doing so in replies, sending me a dm so nobody can hate on you for your tips if that’s what you’re scared of.
Just. Don’t. Do. This.
It happened now, you can’t take it back. I’m not expecting you to apologize, because I don’t need it. I’m just hoping you learn from this, because so have I. I will try to not let some anon come at me, calling my stories shitty, when all the haters can do is hide behind that anon button and name out the things that could hurt someone’s feelings. It’s. Rude.
As for this, I hope your day will be better than it was when you woke up or when you wrote that shitty ‘tip’, because I feel sorry for you.
Thank you.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
College anon dropping in to say that the dubs aren't very good. Some, like the french one, sound like the text went through google translate (and the dubbing in general is terrible despite France having a good rep in the industry). The Italian version of Poison is low-key good tho
As for my reaction to Poison, imagine that gif of the happy yellow emoji looking traumatized/dead inside. I stared at the screen wondering what led me to watching this and how ANYONE would think this was a good scene. Vivziepop claiming that the leaks don't represent the full scene was right for once... It was so much worse. I could think of a more tasteful way to picture it in 5 seconds, it isn't that hard. She could have even kept most of the scene, just remove the graphic stuff to keep the suggestive dancing (a smart idea that should have remained subtle) and maybe keep the Val part à la Addict to show that, yeah, on top of "working" all night (because the graphic scenes made it obvious he stopped "enjoying" work early during the night), Val SA'd him and that shows the entirety of the hell he's going through. It explains why he breaks down and lashes out. Viv didn't need to keep most of the SA, the entire thing was implied.
Also episode 4 comes out of left field. Yes, it was foreshadowed since the beginning but why is Angel suddenly returning his calls? We SAW him ignore Val. He clearly HATES him. Since when is Husk calling him out and badgering him about being "fake"?? They've known each other for a WEEK. It's way too early for that. It's like we're missing 3-4 episodes of development in-between. Angel reconnecting with Val and showing hints that this is indeed a facade, Husk knowing a lot about everyone and giving a damn... This should be a mid-end of season arc for Angel. I'd personally make it end of season 1 so that he can show change during season 2, beginning as someone new, someone who slowly tries to show he cares and let down his bravado in small amounts, with clear hints of being a little scared of the reactions, until it naturally becomes his full-time persona. Maybe have Charlie notice at some point and subtly encourage him, DELIGHTED (in caps because that girl is extra) that Angel is getting better but having to keep her excitement in in fear of scaring him off (because Charlie should have SOME sort of emotional intelligence ffs).
Loser, Baby feels out of place. This is NOT the appropriate reaction to Angel's words. Did they rewrite the dialogue but not the song?? Here's how it sounds:
Angel: I feel like I've gotta be Val's perfect whore all the time so I'm trying to break myself enough he will be alone—
Husk: Well, it's okay to be a loser, baby! Look at me, I'm a failure too. You ain't special and it's okay!
....So Angel is a loser/failure/broken but Val is still into him??? Did they realize that this should send him the wrong message?! That Val will "love" him no matter what and that Angel cannot be free, that he's been making himself miserable for NOTHING?? First of all, Husk's greediness and addictions are NOTHING like Angel's situation. He signed with his real name. That alone implies that Val snatched him early on as he arrived. On top of that, he's being abused every way possible on the regular, for no fault of his own, and is self-destructing. He cannot kill himself and Val won't let him be killed. This is NOTHING like Husk losing a game for more power and being forced to be a bartender.
Here's how it should have gone for the song to work:
Angel: So?! The real me is a good for nothing loser who died in a ditch from some shitty coke! THIS is the famous, hotter than Hell pornstar that everyone wanna fuck! And I've— I've gotta be the part. 'Cause if I'm not... If I ain't then who am I?
Angel's fear should have been about being seen as who he was, as some loser that nobody loved. Let him feel like he beat his father, that now he's someone so suck it dad! You were wrong! Let Angel behave as if his life was a porn movie because that's all he knows now and what he thinks he should be like. Instead of trying to ruin himself so that Val discards him, have him try to be perfect... Because that'll stop the abuse, right? Val is happy when he acts like that. The perverts worship him. No one cares about Anthony.
That would make Loser, Baby work. It would achieve its goal of saying "it's okay to suck, we all do! Look at me, I'm a loser but my life isn't over!" and get Angel to accept that he's enough as he is. If you add in a few episodes beforehand to set it up, it could have worked better instead of being insensitive.
Personally I would have entirely changed the Angel/Val dynamic. Val can still be a whiny bitch but not in a drama queen way as is implied. He gets like that whenever he loses control of his favorite. Have one of the Vees groan and say something about Angel having done something as if it happened often. Make them used to Val throwing a fit because he didn't get what he wanted out of Angel or because he's having a jealousy fit. It already makes Val more controlling. It'll make the messages scene hit harder as, yeah, we can see why Angel left, the dude is unstable and obsessed. I'd be a little more fucked-up and have Angel kinda love him. Ofc in the Stockholm Syndrome way, he's been abused so much he's too attached to leave. That shift in dynamic would explain why he eventually goes back despite everything. Like in the show, he feels ignored in favor of the new resident and the way he's dismissed and talked about makes him feel like shit. He checks his phone again and ends up listening to Val's new voice messages... And this time, they're sickeningly sweet in a row. He's sorry, he's begging for him to come back. He loves him. And that's enough for Angel to go out or answer him. Put a few episodes in-between where Angel seems... Off? How weird, he's jumpy, more on his phone. He's out for parts of the episodes or clearly focused on something else. Then we get episode 4, where everyone culminates to show how bad the situation is for him. I'd personally not have Val hit him. He's smart enough to not leave bruises on his top whore. However, he's manipulative and threatening. There's no doubt that he COULD hit Angel whenever, especially with the way he cowers. Angel tries to diffuse the situation, so well that it's heartbreaking, and he gets bold. That line when he doesn't reply "Yes Val" is meant with silence as we wait for Val's reaction, waiting for him to blow up. A beat. He doesn't. He's not calm but he's not as angry. He's not going to hit him. He thanks Angel, touching him while the other flinches, a hint that he handles Angel roughly in this kind of situation, and just as Angel looks relieved, he announces that he'll have to work all night, distressing Angel again.
Ofc that would require extensive research and talk to specialists to do it well. Viv's audience can be stupid so it's more of a struggle to make it clear that none of this is Angel's fault and to not romantize this shit but it's more interesting than Val being so obviously abusive. IMHO he almost transformed into someone else in that episode and it could work but we didn't see enough of him to go "oh that's the old abuser trick! he's not as nice as he is with others when he's with his victim!". Idk how to put it sensibly but the impression he gave me was "whiny manchild who sadly was given enough power by Daddy Vox to abuse someone" instead of the intended "terrifying Overlord who is unstable and abusing his power to abuse whichever worker he fancies at the moment". I dunno Chai I just think it would work better if he were more manipulative and welding his power in other ways than by force. Like Angel isn't scared by his strength but by his influence. Also I would low-key find a way to make it so that Angel, mistakenly, thinks he can get away with some things to explain how he'd leave for the Hotel. Like having him not be a perfect victim. While he tries to cater to Val and keep him happy out of fear (and/or care because abuse fucks you up), he sometimes provokes him or tries to do his own thing. It'd show he's his own person and stuff. Sadly that would be lost on Viv's stans and it would absolutely spark some victim-shaming stuff or worse. But I think if she's gonna try to portray something like this, she could do with some nuance and not so... Cliché? Of course, it happens like this to too many people but it feels like she's applying a trope with no thought into it. The most cookie-cutter depiction she could do for quick satisfaction or to tick that case. A bit like how Stolitz is a mix of multiple tropes and is a terribly done version of that trope where a noble falls in love with someone whose class is lower with a sprinkle of badly done transactional relationship that sparks feelings. Thinking of HB, HH has better representation of abuse but not by much. I feel like if Stella was a man, she'd have written it this way? It felt like fetish fuel hiding underneath the surface whereas Stella was lazy writing.
I dunno man, I wanted to rant about Charlie and her design but episode 4 hit me like a wall of bricks
Thank you for all of this, College Anon. This was a great read, and you're right, the Italian version of Poison goes so much harder than the English.
Also Italian Val's voice is...yeah, 10/10 stars on that one. Mama mia.
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Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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