#Saul Goodman x reader
16bruises · 10 months
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and people say women don’t have hobbies 🙄
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random thoughts... saul fingering you while hes on call with someone ... placing his hand tightly over your mouth to shut you up ... dhdjhejshrntg..f..g.. getting bent over that damn desk and him taking his tie off to choke you with it ...
combining w/ these
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anatomical terms:
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"We're sorry we missed you! Saul Goodman and Associates is out to lunch. Leave your name and phone number at the tone, and we will return your call before the end of the business day. Thank you!"
If anyone were to contact the office between 1-2PM, Monday-Friday, that's the message they would be greeted with. Guaranteed. That was when Saul took his lunch break. During that time, he'd eat out and get whatever he was craving: burgers, Mexican, Thai, you. That last one was his favorite.
You were laying down flat against his desk, legs dangling over the edge, with Saul nestled between them as he ate you out. Your hand grasped at strands of his thinning hair and guided his movements. He appreciated the help, but he didn't need it. He knew what he was doing, and what he was doing was a great job.
Hs firm hands and thin lips brought you up to the precipice of an orgasm. You begged for release in the soundproof office. "Saul... Saul, please... so... so close... God, fuck, please... Please!"
Surprisingly, the next thing you heard was not your own voice shrieking in ecstasy, but that of a telephone screeching for attention. You both froze in place, your climax shot down and reduced to rubble.
Saul pulled off of you and groaned, his mouth quite literally dripping wet. "Son of a bitch..." He stood up, brushed himself off, and leaned over you to hit the intercom button. "Francesca! What time is it?"
A flat, no-nonsense voice came through the other side. "2:04" was all it had to say.
"Oops! Sorry, lost track of time there. Thanks HT!"
"Don't call me tha-"
Saul silenced her dissent by releasing the button. He sat back in his chair and grabbed the ringing phone, one of many piled up in his drawer. Holding the cell in one hand, he beckoned you over and slapped his thigh with the other. A silent cue for you to take your seat.
You slid off the desk and propped yourself on his lap. He flipped the phone open and finagled it between his shoulder and his ear to keep both of his hands free. "Thank you for calling Saul Goodman! What can I do for ya?" He answered with perfect poise and nonchalance as he wrapped his arms around you and groped your chest.
The voice on the other end was frantic, low, and gravelly. You didn't hear specific words, just tone. Saul rolled his eyes as it spoke, lazily dragging one of his hands lower and lower, until it rested between your legs. "I see... That sounds very troubling." He answered with mock sympathy as he pressed his fingers inside you again.
You threw your head back and moaned, probably for a fraction of a second before Saul slapped his hand over your mouth. "Quiet. You just sit back, relax, and let me handle this, okay? I don't need your input."
The party on the other line must have heard something, because Saul's response was more anxious. "Oh! Nothing, nothing, don't worry. Now, let me check my schedule and I'll see where I can fit you in." He twisted and turned his fingers inside you, stretching you out, probably making sure you could fit him in. "Hm... looks like it's gonna be a tight squeeze..." He emphasized those words by pushing up into your g-spot and making your legs tremble, "...buuut I can get you in tomorrow at 4. Would that work for you, Walt?"
His voice stopped for a moment to let "Walt" speak; his fingers didn't do the same. Regardless of who "Walt" was and what he needed, it wasn't as important as this. At least, to you two it wasn't. "Walt" was shouting into the phone like he might burst a blood vessel.
Saul replied incredulously at the mysterious figure's behavior. "What?! Absolutely not! I have a waiting room packed full of clients who need to see me just as much as you do! I'm not your little callboy!" He leaned in close to whisper in your ear. "You on the other hand..."
He turned his attention back to the petulant voice shouting in his ear. "Y'know what? I'm done talking about this. Mr. White, I'll see you at 4PM tomorrow and not a moment sooner." He took his hand off your mouth to snap the flip phone shut.
"Sorry about that, sweetheart, now..." He pumped his fingers even faster, priming you for another release. "Let's get back to the task at hand."
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depressopax · 2 months
The first - Part 1
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Pairing: Multiple characters x gender-neutral reader (Nacho, Jesse, Kim, Jimmy, Mike, Howard) Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, one-shots Warning(s): Mentions of sexual tension, weed and alcohol. Cuss words Words: 1.5k Summary: The first kiss with the BrBa/BCS characters English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 »» AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ««
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The first kiss
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You and Nacho had been friends for quite a while during this time. One day, you were chilling in his house and talking and it kinda just happened. Having a complicated life, Nacho was scared to drag you - one of the people he cares about mostly - into it. But the sexual tension between the two of you reached a tipping point when you got into the topic of relationships.
“If things were easier, maybe I’d actually have time to find love” Nacho sighed.
“You deserve to be happy, Nacho.”
“I am. With you.” He realized how it sounded and shook his head. “...Nevermind.” 
But you’d heard enough to know you were not crazy. He liked you, too. Without another word, you pressed your lips against his. At first, he responded but soon pulled back.
“We shouldn’t.”
“I know.” 
Silence fell, and after a moment, you stood up, walking to the door before you felt Nacho grab your arm. Before given the chance to react - he spinned you around and pulled you into a kiss. With his palm cupping your face, he kissed you in a way no one had done before. It was passionate and needy. Afterwards, he held onto you, breathing hot air at you whilst your foreheads pressed against each other.
You nodded.
“I’m not going anywhere”
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Jesse invited you to one of his parties and since you liked him, you decided to go. Little did you know, he felt the same… Opening the door to the house, you were hit by loud music, loud voices and the smell of alcohol, sweat and weed. At least 20 people in the living room vibing to the music whilst getting drunk and high. You felt a bit disoriented entering the place, directly scanning the place for Jesse. You found him sitting in the living room together with the friends Skinny Pete and Badger. When seeing you he smiled and greeted you.
“Yo! I’m glad you made it here.” After hugging you he dragged you along to the kitchen. “Something to drink?” 
“Yes please!” After handing you a beer, the two of you sat down next to Jesse’s friends and talked. They kept glancing at the two of you and grinning, like they knew something you didn’t. 
“Man… You’re so down bad for them, Jesse.” Badger mumbled whilst smoking his joint. Jesse looked like he wanted to murder his best friend on the spot, whilst Pete just laughed. So that’s what they were grinning about…
“Is that right, Jesse?”
“I…” He stuttered an explanation, but none was needed. 
“Maybe I like you too?” 
“If you’re playing with me right now…”
“Jesse.” You said firmly. “I mean it.”
After that, Jesse basically grabbed your hand and walked out of the house, with his friends whistling and laughing at the scene.
“Sorry ‘bout them. They’re such damn jerks.” Jesse muttered and looked at the night sky, his face turned away from you to hide the blush. 
“You like me.”
“And you like me, too?”
Without realizing it, the two of you had moved closer to each other. When he leaned down, you didn’t hesitate. It was like you could taste the smoke on his soft lips as you kissed. It was intoxicating. Afterwards, you both looked at the sky.
“We should have done that a long time ago.”
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Kim was overworking herself - as usual. And being her worried friend, you couldn’t stand the sight of it. During her lunch break, you went to her office at HHM only to find her buried in paperwork. 
“Kim, for fuck sake…”
She barely noticed your presence so you had to walk up to her and tap her shoulder.
“Hey…” she said absent-mindedly. 
“I’ll be done soon, don’t worry”
“You’ve said that for days, Kim.” 
“Yea? Well why don’t you-” realizing she was about to snap at you, she went quiet really fast and looked at you in shame “I’m sorry.”
After some convincing, she finally agreed to leave the office and let you buy her a coffee. Seeing her holding the warm paper cup containing cappuccino melted your heart. She looked so calm, for once.
“I’m worried for you.”
“That’s sweet of you… But really, I’m fine.”
You were not satisfied with the reply, and she noticed that - since you had stopped walking. 
“Hey… What’s the matter?” she said softly and threw the empty cup in a near bin before standing before you.
“I care about you, Kim. I don’t want you burned out…” 
She stroked your cheek, and you could no longer hold back the feelings you harbored. When you kissed her, she didn’t pull back. Rather, she pulled you closer to her. 
“Will you stop nagging if I take the afternoon off?” You could only nod in reply, still in shock after the kiss. 
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“Are you even listening to me?”
“Hmmm? What?” you looked at Jimmy, who drove the car. “Yea, of course. You told me about some clients.” 
“...If I bore you out that badly, just tell me, sugar.” he muttered before parking the car.
“You don’t bore me, Jimmy.” 
“Sure seems like it.” 
He left the car and you had to run after him. 
“Look, I’m sorry… It’s just, I’m worried, I guess.”
“Worried? Why?”
“You should hear yourself sometimes, Jimmy.” You hissed. “You’re dealing with some dangerous people. And you always put yourself in shit situations!”
“I got this! Ok?!”
“Yea, sure you do. Sure.” 
He rolled his eyes and continued walking. 
“Why do you even care?” he grumbled. You had to bite your tongue to not say anything stupid. Because what could you even say? “...And you’re back to ignoring me. Thank you, sweetie.” 
“Because I just care, ok?” Tears burned in your eyes, and now he noticed.
“Hey… Sweetheart-” he sighed, seeming uncomfortable with your emotions. “I’m sorry, ok?” 
He squeezed your shoulder. 
After a minute of awkward silence, he tried lightening the mood with saying:
“You got a lil crush on good ol’ Jimmy, eh?” Your reaction told him everything. “You do??” he chuckled. 
“Your idiot.” he murmured before stepping closer - he tilted your head up and forced you to look at him. 
“I knew you got the hots for me, sugar. Don’t worry. I feel the same.” 
And then he kissed you. At first, you wanted to pull away. You were still angry at him - after all. 
But it’s hard to be mad at someone that kisses you like that. 
And the way he smiled against your lips - Oh god…
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You had just found out about Mike’s work, and just what he does for his boss Gus Fring. And you were not happy. Saying “you needed to think”, you rushed out from his place. 
“Can you at least let me explain?” Mike hissed, following you - one step behind. 
“Please.” Something in his voice had changed. It went from the usually calm but firm tone - to a pleading one. It caught you off guard and you turned around to look at him. He seemed stressed.
“What?” you muttered.
“Please, let me explain.” 
And seeing how desperate he seemed, you couldn’t say no. So you listened to him, letting him tell you about his career and why he did it.
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“Why would I?” he scoffed, but quickly realised how harsh it sounded. Before you had a chance to leave again, he grabbed your hand.
“Because I care about you. I’m not pulling you into my bullshit.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his next words…
“I can’t lose you. Please.”  
And then… 
He kissed you. Just like that. And how could you pull away, when you’d been dreaming of this moment for so long?
The kiss said more than thousands of words. 
Everything made sense now.
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You had known Howard for quite a while and he invited you out for lunch during one of his breaks. 
“Over here!” you saw him sitting by a two-person table at the restaurant, waving at you with a big smile. You joined him.
“Jeez, Howard! This place looks… Expensive!”
“Only the best lunch restaurant in town!” He said cheerfully, but you could sense some sort of… Nervousness? In his voice.  “Tell me about your day!”
“Well uhm… It was-” He looked at you intensely. It was both cute but a bit weird. “...Are you ok?”
“Of course!” 
After lunch - which he insisted on paying - you tagged along when he walked back to HHM and his office. Before saying goodbye, he stopped you.
“Wait! I actually need to talk to you.” 
“Alright… Shoot.” 
“I…” he gathered his thoughts and cleared his throat before continuing - or at least trying to. “I kinda… Y’know…” 
You couldn’t help but smile. The blush said everything.
“Howard…” you cooed, and then leaned in and kissed him. He was startled, but then kissed you back and sighed in relief at you initiating this. 
“Was that what you were trying to say?”
“Well… I definitely feel the same.”
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AHSHSHS this is prob one of my cheesiest one-shots yet- HOPE Y'ALL LIKED IT EITHER WAYS <3 Next part will be "First date". If you like this concept like, comment or reblog! Would mean a lot. :) MWAHHH
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asgardianangel · 1 year
can we get a oneshot where you have a one-night stand with Sleazy Saul and accidentally end up pregnant and tell him, only for him to be over the moon and wanting you to be his stay at home trophy wife, all according to his plan of “accidentally” knocking you up
I’m on my period and thirsty for Sleazy Saul 😭
A beautiful thing (Saul Goodman X Fem!Reader)
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Saul being sleazy, age gap, naive reader, rough sex, breeding kink, forced pregnancy
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It was a rainy night in Alburquerque, and the bell of the pharmacy door jingled. Tireless you stepped inside and searched aisle after aisle finally you came across what you were looking for...pregnancy tests. 
Signs were small at first nausea and feeling fatigue but then you missed your period. You just had to make sure. Picking up multiple tests even different brands you walked up to the counter. 
Back at your apartment you found yourself in the bathroom waiting for the results. It felt like an hour had past and you felt more anxious by the second. Then the result became clear. 
You decided to take another and then another test. All came back with the same result. You were pregnant. Having a baby was something you expected in life but not now, you weren’t financially stable enough to raise a child. Barely getting by with the bills. 
But then you realised something else. Who you had slept with to get yourself in this situation.  
Saul Goodman. The big-time criminal lawyer. 
You thoughted back to that night as you worked your desk job in court filing paperwork for upcoming trials and whatnot. There you met him. Saul was famously known to be ‘sleazy’ but that didn’t stop you from blushing at each comment he made towards you. 
 The older man you secretly loved getting the attention from. He was so desperate to get you out the professional secretary space. 
‘C’mon doll let’s go out for dinner I know the perfect place’ 
Giving you gifts of flowers and small adorable stuffed animals to place on your desk. You found the gestures to be sweet. 
‘Please just one little drink together’ he begged leaning over your desk like a schoolgirl with a crush. Never has a man been so desperate. 
Until one late afternoon you gave in, and his blue eyes beamed like a puppy dog. He invited you out to a quiet dim lit bar with the promise of buying you ‘as many drinks as possible’ Saul was a charmer who showed interest in every detail about your life with his eyes occasional wondering your body. 
He made sure to compliment you throughout the night and it progressed into more lustful pace. Saul bit his lip as you reacted with a blush and a little look away. 
‘What? Has no one ever told you how absolutely beautiful your body is?’ he questioned causing you to laugh.  
‘You are the most stunning woman I’ve ever met, and God damn that ass kills me every time I see it’ you listened to him going on and on about your ass all night.  
The thought of having a little fling with the one and only Saul Goodman excited you. Yet the idea was little off putting at first considering if your co-workers found out you would probably be slut shamed for going with the sleaziest lawyer around.  
But at the end of the night, you didn’t care. You needed to let loose every once and while. 
Pulling Saul by his green patterned tie as you lead him inside your cosy little apartment was how it started. Hands roaming around your body you stared at him with utter desire unbuttoning his shirt slowly. 
Saul whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he left vibrant love bites on your neck. His touches were soft as if he was taking his time kissing everywhere on your body as he stripped you bare.  
Only when you finally made it to your bedroom his desperate and eager manner ramped up again. He pushed you to your bed causing you to gasp in surprise as he climbed up on top of you. His cock was so hard already as he kissed and licked your tits. ‘Can’t believe I can finally see what these babies looked like’ he groaned playing with them. 
The mixture of the alcohol and pure passion caused you to beg him like a slut. Moaning his name over and over as he now played between your legs. Making sure you were ready for him. Delving his long fingers inside you as his tongue followed along. Legs quivered he was so close to making you cum but suddenly stopped when you almost reached that sweet climax. 
 You whined and he chuckled pecking kisses on your thighs. ‘P-please Saul I need t-’ you tried to say but was cut off by a harsh slap to your behind. 
‘You made me wait so long baby I wanted you the day that I saw you’ the older man muttered in your ear with slight annoyance. You gave him a kiss of forgiveness to which he grabs your chin by force and makes you take his tongue  
‘So, you are gonna cum when I say so sweet face’ he told you kissing you some more. His hand moved up and down on his thick cock as you watched in a trance. Fuck... you wanted him inside you so bad. 
‘Ass up sweetheart’ he ordered as if your pray was answered. You sighed as you throbbed at just the tone of his command turning onto your tummy and lifting yourself up in presentation. Saul hummed at the act smoothing his hand along your ass. 
‘I-I almost forgot to ask do you have any protection?’ you questioned quietly. You were on the pill but liked to be extra safe.  
‘No’ he simply responded wrapping his arm around your waist prepping kisses on your back. ‘Well, I guess you could p-’ he stopped you there with an annoyed hush sound. 
‘Oh, sweetheart I can cum in you if I want’ he whispered in a chuckle. ‘Aren’t you not on the pill?’ he then asked.  
‘Yes-ah!’ he cut you off again this time slamming into you causing you to gasp and moan. Saul’s arm wrapped tighter around you as he slammed into you again with a groan. 
‘Oh, doll you belong to me uh’ he tells you with another groan into your ear. His thick cock dived so deep inside you that you could only whimper at his words. Saul picked up a fast pace, but his thrusts were deep into you as he kept you in your place. 
Your small bed was jolting hard against the wall with his eager movements. As words of possessiveness and moans bounced off the walls.  
You cried out his name as his strong arm kept you falling onto the roughed-up sheets with your face. You had never had such a good fuck before you were kind of worried you become addicted to him. 
His thick cock stretched you so well kissing those sweet spots as Saul occasionally whimpered. 
You could hear him groan quietly something to himself but couldn’t exactly work out what it was. 
 His cock was throbbing hard within you ‘such a good girl hm’ Saul then chanted over and over as you felt the both of you becoming close to that climax. 
‘Beg me to cum inside you doll let’s make something beautiful’ he ordered but you didn’t quite think about what he meant by that. All that matter is that orgasm you have long waited for. 
‘Please c-cum in me please ah!’ you cried as his long fingers rubbed on your poor clit along with his harsh thrusts. 
‘that’s its baby cum with me c’mon y-you can do it’ he encouraged with a deep groan. He didn’t need to tell you twice as your entire body shook and you squeezed his cock so intensely. His thick load shot inside you coating your insides as you sighed in relief. 
He stayed inside you holding your body close to his resting his head on your back. You thought he would get off you and the night would end...but no 
Saul was insatiable he had you again and again in many positions like the man was possessed. 
And you now ended up pregnant. 
Sighing you held your head not sure what to do you were going have to confront him and figure out what you were going to do. Yes, you wanted a precious little baby, but you imagined having one in a stable healthy relationship not by a one-night stand with a big-time criminal lawyer. You couldn’t imagine him stepping up to become a father.  
There it was his office you parked in front of it deep in thought. How was he going to react? Would he send you straight to the unplanned clinic? Saul was a reasonable man you were sure at least he would do is have an in-depth discussion about it. 
Stepping inside the building you instantly noticed how busy it was. You should have called beforehand. Maybe you were too nervous to do so. A dark-haired woman looked up from her paperwork to see you awkwardly standing there. “Can I help you?” she asked. 
“I’m here to see M-Mr Goodman” you stuttered slightly. Nerves started to play. 
The woman huffed “Well your gonna be here for a while” Gesturing to all the clients with her pen. 
Nodding “It’s fine I’ll wait” you mumbled leaning against the wall.  
It felt as if hours as passed by when you finally heard his voice. 
“Who’s next for some excellent legal advice?” He asked his blue eyes scanning the waiting room. Then they fell upon you. 
“Ah Y/N look time no see” he beamed, and you smiled at him. God this is going to be one hell of a talk. Saul gestured you into his office and shut the door.  
Silence followed for a moment until he clapped his hand “So?” he started pulling out a chair “what can I do for you?” he questioned softly as you took a seat. 
You took a deep breath and started talking “well just to be clear I’m here on personally matters” you state quietly.  
Saul hums in a chuckle “Oh back for round two huh?” A part of you wishes heavily for that was the case. This man is always so horny. 
“There’s no simple way to put it-” Saul cuts your words. “Sweetheart you can tell me anything” he assures you getting up from his chair and walking behind you. 
You sigh softly as he begins to massage your shoulders in comfort. “c’mon tell me” He encourages. 
“I’m pregnant”  
Those two words left your mouth and Saul’s eyes grew wide. You weren’t exactly sure how what to make of it “Really?” he asked in a weirdly excited tone. 
You nod your head in confirmation, and he made a desperate move to give you a long kiss to the lips. The older man steps back and you gave him a confused look. 
“You are not unhappy or shocked at the news?” You questioned lightly and he just chuckles. 
“Quite the opposite extremely happy and surprised” he tells you with another kiss.  
“Stand up” Saul grabs your hand helping you up to your feet. He then places both hands to your body almost like he’s checking you out for approval. 
“Oh, baby you are gonna look even more stunning” he muses his hands feeling your body and then rests upon your tummy. Like you were already showing. 
“Gonna be such a beautiful mama” Saul’s hand reaches under your shirt on your bare skin. “I’m just imagining it now you all big and swollen with such a precious thing we created” Saul was over the moon. 
You just stood there confused of his reaction as he whispered to himself. 
“Can’t believe I’m going to be a papa” 
“I wonder what we are going to name you” 
“You are going to have an amazing life kid with a mama and papa who love you” 
All the words and phrases you never actually believed you would hear from a man like him.  
“Stay with me doll I will take care of the both of you” Saul promised softly. You didn’t know how to respond to that.  
A wild one-night stand (and probably the best sex you ever had) and all the sudden the famous criminal lawyer wants to be a family man. 
“I know how it is but trust me all I’ve ever wanted the most was a family.” he tells you. Stepping back, you give yourself some space. 
Saul reaches for his phone income button “Cancel and reschedule my appointments for the next hour Francisca” he excitedly ordered. 
Saul stares over at you with a grin and the look in his deep blue eyes you recognised from that night. Walking over to you again he strokes your hair “I think my future wife and I are in some desperate need of alone time” his voice deepens seductively.  
He didn’t give you a chance to speak as his head was suddenly between your trembling thighs again. 
From then on Saul made in clear how your life was going to head. Plans of marriage parenthood and ultimately being his beloved housewife. You expressed concern how fast it was all going but he never took ‘no’ for an answer. 
The sex was still amazing as ever, but it never distracted you on how much he controlled your life. The man was insatiable as ever having you in every position possible. Saul was never tired from working in fact he was desperate to see you in his bed. His perfect and pretty little housewife carrying his child.  
“Everything has to be right sweet face” he would tell you. 
But you would never find out the truth.  
A pharmacist named Daniel Wormald (aka peach cobbler) repaid Saul for his legal advice by completing a rather important request for him. 
Switching your birth control with placebos...  
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desertwritings · 1 year
A Jimmy Mcgill/Saul Goodman x Cis Female reader Y/N fanfic? 
TBH this is my first time posting my work on Tumblr so I’m still figuring out the formatting. This story is smut based... like heavily smutty and gross so you have been warned. If you like it enough for me to make it a series let me know!
CONTAINS: age gap, daddy k!nk, cream pie, mild squirting, public(ish) sex. 
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CONTEXT: You have been working with Jimmy in the mail room for years now and have always had a puppy love schoolgirl sort of crush on him since you first met, but always thought it wasn’t reciprocated. Now, one night, he shows just how badly he’s wanted you this whole time while you try to study for the bar exam. 
I only had another week left until the bar exam and I spent most of my time either working in the mailroom of HHM or studying in doc review. Howard had been supportive enough, allowing me extra time to focus on my studies, all while also paying for my school costs — even if it was just through the local community college. Go Suncats! Honestly, this had been the most support I had ever received. Maybe if I grew up having more support, I would be going to Harvard instead. 
“Heya y/n.” I heard the familiar raspy and pitchy tone of Jimmy as he leaned in the doorway of doc review, where I hunched over a textbook, an empty coffee cup, and a tear-stained notebook. 
“It’s like — almost midnight. What are you still doing here?” I asked, not taking my eyes off my pen and paper. 
I heard his footsteps get closer and the chair beside me pull out and creek as he sat beside me. “I have my reasons.” He answers in a half-assed manner. 
I turned to face him, the dim lamp highlighting his playful smile and I felt my core grow weak and mushy for him. 
The first time I had met Jimmy Mcgill I was working in the mail room, trying to get a job as an assistant or a paralegal for one of the partners. Freshly twenty-three with a bright and optimistic view of the world — full of drive and childish ambition. I was so focused on work and starting classes that I hadn’t taken any time to unwind — let alone care about boys or dating or anything like that. But the first time I met the mysterious brother to Chuck Mcgill, I’ll admit it was like I became a sappy, sick puppy dog. Sure, he was older — a little bit of a loser. But I was weak for the funny pathetic underdogs. Not to mention he was flirty and funny and fed into my childish delusions of how I could “fix him.” I flirted back, wore short skirts, wore the hoop earrings he complimented once, and wore my hair loose and fun. I tried. But for some reason, it never went past harmless office flirtation. I assumed maybe it was the age difference. Maybe he was uncomfortable with being with someone as young as me. Maybe he was just trying to do the right thing but not giving in to temptation with me. 
Now I was almost twenty-seven, and though the schoolgirl crush had dulled a little, there were times when I would catch myself looking at him like he could move heaven and earth. Like in this moment as he sat next to me in the dimly lit document room. So I cleared my throat and turned back to the papers in front of me. 
“Admit you just missed me.” I teased as the smallest of smiles tugged on the corners of my lips. 
“Objection. That’s hearsay.” He teased back, leaning closer as he slid my favorite energy drink across the table with a single finger — the condensation leaving a small streak of liquid on the wood top. “Some of us went out for drinks, and I noticed you weren’t there. Ernesto said you were here studying.” 
“Yeah, yeah he came and asked if I wanted to go but —” I shrugged, motioned to all the school work displayed in front of me. 
“You work too hard. You should take a break and come back out with us.” 
He carefully takes the pen from my fingers, puts the cap back on and sets it aside. It was a subtle and simple thing he did but I felt my skin grow warm. 
“I wish I could, but — I just have a lot to study still, and the exam is —”
“ — a week away.” He interrupts me. “Which means you have time to take one tiny break out of your evening to have a little fun and destress.” 
“I don’t know, Jimmy.”
“Oh, come on, y/n. It’ll be good for you!” He inches so close I can almost taste his cologne and the head and shoulders 2-in1 shampoo. “Come on — for me?”
And with that, I knew. I knew he knew that I had a stupid schoolgirl crush on him and he was using it against me, and fuck — it was working. I tried to fight a smile, shaking my head as my cheeks flushed pink. 
“Fine — whatever,” I said, slamming my book shut. “but only because you seem so desperate.”
He stands up with the dumbest grin. “See? That’s my girl.” 
I stand up, fixing my skirt that had ridden up, my thigh exposed past my thigh-highs, maybe even a bit of my black panties. I wasn’t thinking much of it until I caught a glimpse of Jimmy eyeing me like a lion eyeing a gazelle. It was unexpected, unfamiliar. He had looked at me before in a more appreciative way. This time it seemed more lustful, more desperate even, and it caused my chest and legs to grow hot. I could feel wetness going in between my legs, and for a moment, I got embarrassed.
“I just, uh — I just have to put this stuff in my car, and then we can —” As I was talking, he moved closer, not helping my flustered state. I stopped in my tracks, looking up at him.
I was about to say something. I was about to walk past him and run out of the room but his hands slid around my waist and I nearly forgot how to breathe. His bottom lip was pressed by his teeth, his brows furrowing in what looked like deep thought. Though it wouldn’t take a genius to know what he was thinking about. 
“Jimmy —” I said, his name barely above a whisper. 
“Look — am I totally crazy for thinking that you — that you want me?”   He asked, head tilting just slightly as his eyes didn’t leave my own.    “If I’m making shit up in my head tell me now and I’ll walk away and we’ll pretend this never happened. But if I’m right —”
I was so thrown off guard. This whole time I thought he didn’t want me. This whole time I thought I was too young for him or that maybe I wasn’t his type. But here we stood with his grip around my waist firm and hungry and waiting for direction. 
“I —”   I looked down and saw the bulge in his pants. He wanted me so bad in this moment he couldn’t even hide it. Without much thought, I got on my toes and pulled his neck down into my kiss. He let out a pleasantly surprised whimper, his grip moving down lower to cup my ass as he pulled me into his bulge. I could feel it stabbing me and twitching. I let out a soft and involuntary moan. 
“I wanna feel how wet you are.” He groaned into my ear, sliding his right hand under my skirt and rubbing his fingers on the outside of my soaked panties. He smiled, placing a rather fervent kiss on my neck and biting my skin gently. “Fuck — you’re so wet. You’re dripping.”
“Mhmm — you make me that way.” I practically moaned the words as he moved my panties off to the side and slid one of his fingers inside me, the wet sounds loud and affirming just how badly my body wanted him. 
“Come here.” He pulled his finger out of me, making me whine in protest as his hands wrapped around my waist to hoist me on the edge of the table. 
At this point, I was panting, aching, my pussy pulsing for him to touch me. He shoved his index and middle fingers in his mouth and lubricated them with his own spit before shoving them into my soaking pussy without so much as a warning. I gasped, smiling, laying back on the table as he positioned my legs over his shoulders. 
At first, he started off with a gentle, slow rhythm. In and out. With every push of his fingers, I could feel him pressing against my walls, making my back arch. “Faster.” I pleaded. And with that he was picking up the pace, ramming his fingers into me with force and speed. I couldn’t even handle it, my legs tried to shut as I began to feel overstimulated, but he pried them open and continued to finger-fuck me while I wiggled and writhed on the table beneath him. 
I let out a loud moan that was followed by his hand cupping around my mouth to stifle my pathetic little noises. I had forgotten where we were and that anyone could just walk in and see us this way. 
“You like that? Do my fingers feel good?” He was getting off on making me feel good, it was easy to tell. He was boosting his ego by making himself feel good by making me cum all over his fingers. 
“Mhhhmm” I mumbled under his hand as my eyes opened and looked up at him.
“God — you’re so beautiful.” He said, staring down at me. “Be a good girl and don’t get us in trouble, okay?” He laughed a breathless laugh as he lifted his hand from my mouth. “You’re getting wetter.” He said with a pleased smirk. 
“I’m so close, Jimmy, please —” and with my pitiful begging, he finger-fucked me harder, this time with three fingers while his other hand played with my clit. “I — I’ll make a mess.” I confessed, more like a warning. 
“Good.” He said, not slowing his pace or showing me mercy as my body tensed and my back arched.
“Fuck — fuck I’m coming —”  I squealed, wiggling around as I started to squirt just a little in between every push of his fingers — my wetness drenched his entire hand and forearm. He just kept going, too, making me moan and writhe around, all pathetic and out of control of my own body. It felt good, though, to not be in control for once. My mind wasn’t thinking about the bar exam, bills, or moving up in HHM. Truth be told, it was just thinking about Jimmy and the way he was making me feel. 
“Ah fuck — you’re so sexy.” He said, taking his drenched hand and slowly pulling it away from me, pressing it to his mouth and licking the tips of his fingers. “I knew you’d taste so good.” I grinned a little, out of breath and panting on the table. 
My eyes wandered to his disheveled hair and his cocky smile, then to his soaked hand that reached into his pants and pulled his erect cock out. He didn’t even need to hold it, it just stood there on its own — ready. 
I slowly sat up on my elbows, practically drooling over his cock, which was bigger than I had imagined. “I want you to fuck me with that.” I confessed, looking back up at his glazed-over eyes. 
He didn’t even say anything. He just grabbed me by the waist like he did before and flipped me over on the table with my ass and pussy exposed. I stuck my ass out just a little more, begging for his cock. But before he stuck it in me he kissed me down from the back of neck, down my spine, and then left a little bit on my ass cheek. Then without much warning he was shoving his hard cock into my still-soaking wet pussy. I gasped and groaned, tilting my head back at the feeling. 
“Ah — fuck.” he nearly whimpered, already breathing heavily as he started off with a slow and steady pace. He leaned over me and pressed his lips to the top back of my head while he said, “I want you to call me daddy.”  
I let out a soft whimper in understanding. “Please fuck me harder, daddy.” 
“Good girl,” he said, fucking me harder and shoving his cock deep into me, ramming into my walls and making me whimper with every thrust. His left hand came up to the back of my head and tangled in my hair as his right hand gripped my waist firm in place as he continued to fuck me.  
“Just like that, daddy, don’t stop.” I moaned, banging my hands on the table with nothing to hold onto. 
He gripped my hair harder, lifting my head up as he thrust into me even more fervently — nothing but the sound of our whimpers and moans and skin slapping together. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long.” He moaned, reaching his hand from my waist to my clit and rubbing it to the rhythm of his thrusting. It only made me moan and shake more. 
“I want you to cum inside me, daddy.” I confess, biting my lower lip. 
“Yeah? You want daddies cum to fill you up?”
“Please daddy — please cum for me.” I begged, barely able to get the words out. 
He picked up the pace to a new speed I didn't even know anyone was capable of reaching, moaning and groaning and sweating all over my bare ass until he made a pathetic whimper sound then the next thing I knew he was emptying his load into my raw pussy — filling me up with his warmth and sliding his cock almost out of me but not quite. I could feel his cock twitching as he continued to empty himself inside me. The feeling of his cum made me even more hot and flushed.
“Holy shit.” he huffed, slowly removing his now flaccid cock from me. I turned over my shoulder to look at him looking at my cum-filled pussy with an arrogant smirk across his face. He was fucking proud of himself. 
I was about to ask for a taste of his cum before we heard footsteps near the mail room. We frantically got ourselves dressed and I rushed to fix the desk and open my book back to make it look like I was still studying. Jimmy fell hard into his seat, hair all sweaty and slightly curled as he zipped up his pants. 
Two cleaning ladies came in with their cleaning cart, staring at us with confusion. “Hola, ladies.” Jimmy said, with a simple wave of his hand. “You can, uh, skip this room tonight.” 
They looked at each other, nodded, then walked out.
Jimmy turned to me with an amused expression, eyes moving down to the now cum-soaked chair I was sitting in and laughed a little. “Guess we should have let them clean.”
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quiltedgold · 2 years
baby blues - jimmy mcgill
pairing: jimmy mcgill x f!reader
genre: smut. 18+ please
wc: 2.9k
contains: unprotected sex (ALWAYS WRAPPIT BEFORE YA TAPPIT KIDS), age gap (early/mid20s reader), use of pet names “sugar”, “kid”, and “sweetheart”, hint of sub!jimmy if ya squint but both him and reader are switchy tbh, gratuitous eye description because gahdayum bob odenkirk’s eyes are MESMERIZING, ya that’s p much it
notes: back from the dead to share my silly lawyer smutfic with the world. haven’t finished bcs yet, so this takes place early s1! don’t take this too seriously because i didn’t either :) more ppl gotta get crackin on the jimmy fic train tho bc there’s a sad lack of content. anyway enjoy!
The first thing you noticed about Jimmy McGill were his eyes. Entrancingly blue, fringed with dark, delicate lashes. They drooped slightly at the outer corners, giving him that sad-puppy look. Even through the TV screen and newspaper article, his eyes stood out.
His other features weren’t too hard on your eyes either: that cutely crooked mouth that moved a mile a minute when it wasn’t screwed up in thought, a nice strong nose, neat hairstyle with a stubborn cowlick that you noticed him brushing aside out of habit. And of course, the gentle lines of his face, mouth, and under his eyes that only added to the basset-hound look he had going.
You weren’t sure it was him at first–the hero you’d seen on TV, a lawyer who scaled a billboard to rescue a worker in danger. The paper had gotten a kick out of his heroic stunt and you’d seen his face on the front page the very next day. Yet here he was now, across the bar, alone and nursing a drink, and the similarities were undeniable. This definitely was Jimmy McGill.
And gee, was he handsome. Normally you’d end it there; text your friends with an omg you guys guess who i saw at the bar?? and move on, but you already had a few drinks coursing through your system, were a few stale weeks out of a breakup, and ready to try something new.
You grabbed your purse and scooted off the barstool, adjusting your skirt and checking your top before strolling over to where he was sitting.
“Hi, this seat taken?”
Jimmy started upon hearing your voice, shaken out of whatever trance he’d been in, and blinked a few times. Your heart skipped upon having those eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes trained on your own. “Huh? Oh. No, no. Be my guest,” he gestured at the empty seat.
You thanked him and slid on to it, signaling the bartender over.
“I’ll take a martini, please.”
“That can go on my tab–thanks,” Jimmy said to the bartender.
“Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to.” You flashed your most charming smile at him, and he perked up a little. Always worked.
“My pleasure. I gotta say, though, you look a little young to be at a bar.”
You wave his implication away with a roll of your eyes. “I’m legal, I promise. Just young for my age, that’s all.”
“Hm,” he smiled. “Alright, miss…?” You supplied your name in response, and he repeated it. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“You might laugh at me for this, I’m sure you get it all the time…” you tucked a hair behind your ear, glancing at your shoes demurely. “I thought I recognized you from that news story. Jimmy McGill, right?”
Jimmy illuminated. “That’s me, alright! Though I gotta admit, the hero stuff is more of a part-time gig,” he said with a wink. “My day job is law.”
“Law, huh?” You knew this. You’d already looked him up. Still, you pretended to be surprised and a little impressed. “Wow. What would I have to do to get you as my lawyer?”
He chuckled, face a little pink, either from the alcohol he’d already consumed or your shameless flirt. “Just don’t go falling off any billboards.”
“That’s probably a good start,” you said.
Your drink arrived, and then your second and third as the two of you continued your conversation. Jimmy was sweet–a charmer, but you sensed there was a lot that was genuine about the way he listened to you speak and avoided flicking his gaze down to your cleavage, despite how much you wanted him to. As heat collected in your stomach from the alcohol and your growing attraction to him, you stopped listening to the anecdotes he supplied and began paying more attention to his hands, the ring on his pinky, the way he placed one hand on your knee and began rubbing his thumb lightly on your bare skin, how the pads of his fingers were just slightly rough and how nice his touch felt, how his soft blue eyes bored into yours.
Eventually, you reached your limit.
“How would you feel about getting out of here?” you interrupted, voice low and suggestive.
With no hesitation, he replied. “Best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Before you knew it, the two of you tumbled out of a taxi and through the door of Day Spa and Nail (weird place to live, but hey, who were you to judge?). Jimmy locked the door behind the two of you and then stopped rather awkwardly in the lobby, dragged out of his inebriated haze by his surroundings. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the back area and the curtain of fairy lights decorating the door. It was cozy, but he seemed more embarrassed by it than anything.
You sensed this change immediately and approached him to rectify it, backing him slowly against the glass front of the store.
“Do you bring girls here a lot?” you said, one hand toying with the collar of his dress shirt.
“Can’t say that I do,” he chuckled sheepishly. “Couldn’t tell ya why. Maybe it’s the decor.”
“I, for one, like the open floor plan,” you hummed, sliding your hand down to his tie, playing with the tail of it. “Don’t mind the full length window, either.”
Jimmy swallowed. “We can always head to the back, if you want. This is a little public.”
“You know what?” you said, tilting your head. “I kind of like it that way.”
Gripping the knot of Jimmy’s tie, you tugged, leading his face down to your level, and captured his lips in your own. He groaned, melting into the kiss and bringing his own hands up to cradle your head, knotting his fingers in your hair.
The sound sent shivers down your spine and you opened your own mouth a little wider, returning his pleased noises with a few of your own.
Jimmy, without breaking the kiss, spun you so that you were the one backed against the glass. He pressed his body into yours, deepening the kiss and caressing your jaw with deft fingers.
“Shit, kid,” he huffed in between kisses. “Definitely wasn’t expecting this to be how I ended out the night.”
“From the moment I noticed you across the bar, this is how I wanted it to,” you returned lowly, pressing an open-mouthed kiss below his ear.
“Ah, geez,” he said (if you didn’t know any better, you’d say whimpered), breaking away to hold your face in his hands and examine your blown-out eyes. “Look, not like I’m complaining or anything, but why me? Why not someone your own age? I mean, you’re so gorgeous, you could get anyone you wanted, honest.”
“I’ve never much been into guys my age,” you admitted. “Not daddy issues or anything like that, just… older men are more attractive to me, that’s all. And bonus points if they’re famous.”
“Famous,” Jimmy repeated. “Don’t say that, it’ll go straight to my head.”
“Good,” you said, carding a hand through his hair with an experimental tug at the roots. “That’s where I want it to go.”
Jimmy keened, diving back in for another kiss. Meanwhile, you were at the perfect vantage point to observe the salon, and it caused another idea to blossom.
“Any desire for a massage?” you asked, and steered him over to the row of chairs. “We don’t have to pay for these, right?”
“No, no. But why…?” he asked, squinting.
“Sit down. I’ll show you,” you instructed.
He obeyed without further question, loosening his tie and situating himself in one of the plush seats. You grabbed a remote and quickly figured out the controls, setting his chair at a low setting, then set it aside.
He watched you curiously, waiting for your next move. Flicking your eyes towards his crotch, you couldn’t help but notice the tautly stretched fabric. You licked your lips.
As smoothly as possible, you slipped off your shoes and climbed into his lap, straddling his form with one of your legs on either side. You watched his face as you positioned your core right over his crotch, wiggling a little for good measure, and he gasped.
“Ah, shit, kid…” he groaned, hardness pressing up against you. “Sorry, lemme adjust myself–”
You grabbed the hand he’d moved downwards to shift his erection by the wrist and brought it up to your mouth.
Slowly, slowly, you slipped his pointer finger into your mouth, lathing over the callused skin with your tongue and teeth. He moaned at the sensation as you added another finger, then three.
To be frank, his erection’s throbbing presence against your clothed heat was making it near impossible to focus on the task at hand.
You removed his hand from your mouth and pressed yourself against his chest, laying a feather light hand against his jaw and whispering, “I want you to fuck me, Jimmy McGill.”
“Jesus, kid,” he hissed. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
The two of you scrambled to undo his pants and shift his boxers aside to free his dick, your panties not far behind. You didn’t even bother to shuck your skirt off, instead allowing his large hands to shimmy it up to your waist, squeezing at the softness there with a whimper.
“Wait, wait a sec, do you have a…” He palmed his forehead, flushed pink and sweaty.
You hovered over his rock-hard erection, teasing the tip of him at your entrance. “I’m safe. I’d rather you fuck me raw. Is that okay with you?”
“Is that okay? Jesus, what a question. Yes, absolutely, just please, please, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so badly in my life,” Jimmy begged, hands falling to your thighs and squeezing hard, resisting the urge to buck upwards into you.
You paused a moment before committing, drinking in the sight beneath you. Jimmy McGill, looking positively debauched. Unkempt hair, cheeks the color of cherries, a light sheen of sweat shining in the warm ambient lighting. His eyes were the definition of puppy-dog, the sweetest blue you’d ever seen, swimming with want, eyelashes fanned across his lids as he blinked heavily. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone, and almost without thinking, you dipped your fingers inside and trailed them down the light hair on his chest. He sucked in a shuddery breath.
“One more time?” you asked. Jimmy understood.
“Please,” he croaked.
You plunged your hips down, fully sheathing his length within you. The sensation sent sparks across your eyesight and you cried out, squeezing yourself around him. Jimmy reacted in kind, throwing his head back with a whine and jerking his hips upward to attempt to bury himself deeper. The two of you began to search for a rhythm, him canting upward with an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, you grinding in circular downward motions in return.
It didn’t take long to align, the two of you quickly establishing a steady rhythm to follow, listening closely for the other’s pleased moans and adjusting movements to allow for more of them to spill out.
You clutched Jimmy’s arms, his chest, carded your fingers through his hair, splayed your hands on his stomach for balance. He palmed your breasts, your ass, your thighs, each touch sending electricity straight to your core, but his hands always seemed to migrate back to your waist, which he gripped firmly and used to guide your movements, an action you were grateful for somewhere deep in your lust-addled mind.
You also quickly learned that he was a vocal partner, which made sense knowing his personality and profession. He let his mouth run, moaning about how good you were for him, how pretty, how much he needed this. At one point you could have sworn you heard him hiss “That’s my girl,” and you nearly came right then and there.
Soon, his movements began to speed up, thrusts becoming messier, and you knew he was near his peak. Truth be told, you were surprised he’d lasted this long at his age, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
Clutching your flanks, he pushed himself up to press against your chest and you wrapped your arms around him, twisting your fingers into the back of his dress shirt.
“Sweetheart, I’m close,” he huffed. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside,” you answered without hesitation. “Please, please, inside.”
Jimmy choked out a laugh. “Don’t have to convince me, sugar.”
Upon hearing the pet name, you clenched your walls involuntarily and whimpered.
“C’mon, you can’t–can’t do that…” he groaned. “Ya like being called sugar, huh?”
You couldn’t summon up a reply, nearing your own climax.
Jimmy, seeming to sense your proximity, snaked a hand down to your cunt and quickly located your clit, rubbing in small circles with the callused pad of his thumb to match the speed of his thrusts.
His touch sent a jolt up your spine and you squealed, to which he let out a hoarse chuckle in your ear. “Feels good?”
“Fuck, Jimmy, yeah. Please, please, I’m close…”
“Me too, kid. Just… a little… more…”
He increased the intensity of his ministrations on your clit, sending fresh waves of pleasure through your body, sending you soaring over the precipice of an orgasm. Tremors rached your body, radiating outward from the source of your pleasure, where Jimmy was still circling his thumb. You cried out a string of expletives, sagging against him when the pleasure started to seep out of your system.
Jimmy wasn’t far behind. A few more thrusts and he was coming, clutching your waist in a bruising grip as his seed flooded your insides. He released a shuddering breath and let his forehead fall against your shoulder, collapsing back into the still-undulating massage chair. Your ragdoll form fell with him. The two of you caught your breath in silence, listening to the slowing beats from within each other’s chests, slowly descending from your intense highs.
Slowly, you lifted yourself from his hips, his length slipping out of you followed by globules of white, collecting in little puddles on his soft stomach. You stared at his juices for a moment, then experimentally swiped a finger across them and stuck it in your mouth, sucking to evaluate the flavor.
Salty, bitter. Run of the mill. Except, his had a hint of sweetness, an aftertaste that bloomed after a few moments in your mouth. Interesting.
Your gaze raised, and you realized he’d looked up from your shoulder. His eyes were trained firmly on the finger in your mouth, and his pupils were blown as wide as the sun.
“Jesus, where have you been all my life,” he wondered aloud, then screwed his face up in that cute way you’d observed earlier at the bar, his mouth disappearing into a crooked line. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.”
You giggled tiredly, grabbing a towel from a nearby table to wipe up the cooling cum on his skin, then collected it from your own leaking hole.
He smiled lazily, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “If I were twenty years younger and in shape, I would suggest we go another round.”
You set the rag aside and pressed a kiss to his lips, sweet and lingering. He leaned into it, corners of his lips turning up against yours.
“I would have to agree,” you said, pulling away and trailing a hand across his jaw. He gazed up at you with those hooded blue eyes, gentle adoration practically radiating. “But I’d like to get cleaned up. I don’t want this salon looking like a crime scene when the ladies come back in tomorrow.”
Jimmy clucked his tongue. “You’re right. Bathroom’s down the hall on the right.”
You reluctantly hauled yourself off his chest and headed to the bathroom, legs sore from the intense upwards-downwards movement you’d sustained for the past fifteen minutes.
When you returned, Jimmy was finished tidying up the salon and waiting awkwardly outside the door to his room slash office. He wiggled a pile of clothes he had clutched in one hand.
“Change of clothes, ah, if you want them. You don’t have to stay, of course, I can call a taxi, or go back to the bar and get my car–”
“I’d like to stay,” you replied, taking the clothes from him with a peck. “Thank you.”
Snug in the law firm t-shirt and worn sweatpants he’d lent you, you watched as he set up his room’s nighttime configuration, tittering in amusement at the soft curses he let out when the futon mattress got stuck on the frame. Once he’d set the bed up, fretting abundantly about which side would be more comfortable and which pillow you might prefer, the two of you crawled in and you slotted yourself against his side, resting a hand on his broad chest.
From this position, you could peer up at him and meet his pretty blue eyes, and he could see you staring.
“See something you like, kid?” he yukked, half asleep.
“Mmhm,” you said. “Your eyes. I’ve been looking at them all night. They’re beautiful.”
Taken aback, Jimmy blushed. “Can’t tell you I’ve heard that before. Maybe it’s why I get all the ladies.”
“It’s how you got this lady,” you teased.
“What, that wasn’t my incessant charm or stunning fashion sense?”
“No, but that might have been a small part. The eyes were most of it,” you said, drawling the ends of your sentences as your brain urged you into drowsiness.
“Hm. Good to know,” Jimmy conceded, and the two of you fell into a sleepy lull.
You heard his heartbeat slow, pumping steadily against his chest, and the sound drifted you safely into contented oblivion.
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quin-ns · 2 months
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E = Explicit | * = Dark themes
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Bullet Train
Tangerine x Reader
Crazy For You (E)
Summary: you sneak onto the bullet train to wish tangerine good luck in your own way
Safe House
Summary: lemon and tangerine break into your safe house, not expecting you to be there. it’s lucky that you are, especially for tangerine
Rick Flag x Reader
Stay With Me
Summary: harley is sure colonel flag has a thing for you, but you’re not so sure. then, when the mission turns sideways and you get hurt, everything changes
Eddie Brock x Reader
Fix It
Summary: venom is very grumpy when you leave after a fight with eddie, so he tries to help eddie get you back
Kang the Conqueror x Reader
Summary: you don’t know kang, but he knows you
Peter Parker x Reader
My Safe Place (is Next to You)
Summary: after being outed as spider-man, peter’s life has become a mess. he finds solace with you
Ethan Landry x Reader
Fake Blood (E)
Summary: spoiler: the blood isn’t fake. alone in your apartment after your friends had been attacked, you ask ethan to stop by. he does in an unexpected way and you get more than you bargained for
Summary: request: “fluff w/ ethan Landry where he thinks she’s asleep so he whispers I love you…”
The Hunger Games
Coriolanus Snow x Reader
Always Forever (E*)
Summary: coriolanus finally lets himself acknowledge that he can’t stand to see you with anyone but him
Eventually (E*)
Summary: coriolanus could appreciate irony, but the one person he desires more than anything wanting nothing to do with him pushes him to new territory
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Breaking Bad
Saul Goodman x Reader
Taking Care
Summary: after jesse beats up saul you help fix him up
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
The Future is Now (E*)
Summary: aemond discovers plans for you to be wed in the near future are being made—and they don’t include him as your husband. he’s not happy about it, especially when you don’t protest
The Boys
Soldier Boy x Reader
The Bet (E)
Summary: butcher leaves you to keep on eye on soldier boy and things become interesting when a deck of cards gets involved
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
His secretary but in a porno way 
Saul Goodman x reader
20ish year age gap, spit kink kinda, creampie, he fucks his secretary (not in the office sadly), idiots in lust, major sexual tension, I can't tell if this is out of character for him or very very in character, Saul talks a big game but he's kinda subby when push comes to shove. Also im warning y'all this probably isn't very sexy bc they're just very goofy the whole time. BUT it is very cute! there's a mention of viagra but I'm not a doctor so I probably got it wrong, ignore me hehe
4.1k words btw
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Frankly, she was getting a bit tired of being ignored.
Sure, when she got hired by a sleazy seeming lawyer almost twice her age she was actually a little concerned about the idea of him checking her out.
But there was something about him that made her want him to look at her like that, maybe it was because he absolutely refused to.
About a month in, she switched to pencil skirts that were a good three inches shorter and as far as she could tell, he never noticed. She had to strut into his office one day in a skirt that barely covered her ass before she could even get him to say anything about it.
"Look. I don't want to tell you how to live your life, female empowerment and all that, yeah. But this isn't a great part of town and if you're going to wear stuff like that, I just worry ya know?" he shook his head, genuine concern lining his tired face.
"Right, sorry Mr. Goodman." She ducked her head in shame, embarrassed that her unprofessionalism hadn't made him madly lust after her; it had just made him call her out for being unprofessional.
"You know what? Wear what you want, just- Would you let me drive you home?" her heart started beating out of her chest at the suggestion. It was the only indication he had ever given that he cared for her more than just as the person who got him coffee in the morning.
After that she went back to more sensible skirts, still a bit shorter than was professional but nothing to write home about. When paired with tight low-cut sweaters, stiletto heels, and thin mesh tights held up by a garter just above the hem of her skirt, she felt like a sexy secretary from a cheesy low budget porno. In the best way of course.
She knew she wasn't ugly, that couldn't be the problem. He never wore a wedding ring either, not that that would have stopped her.
Maybe he was just a good guy? A guy who didn't have any fantasies about banging his hot young secretary on top of the desk in his office. Although, she highly doubted that.
But she still had no proof that he wanted her. Until one glorious night when she was locking things up and she decided to power down his computer for him, only to be met with the home screen of a porn website.
She couldn't hold herself back from looking at his watch history and she was surprised in the very best way to find titles such as,
"businessman getting a blowie under his desk during a meeting" "lawyer fucks his hot young secretary" "older man younger woman" "office sex" 
She really should have turned off his computer then and there, but instead she watched a few of the videos.
There was one that appeared in his searches multiple times, so she figured that would be a good place to start. And she was right to pick that one.
The female actress bore a striking resemblance to her, like if she wasn't wearing her glasses she could totally mistake it as one of her (frequent) sex dreams about getting down and dirty with her boss.
She tried to stay calm, she really did, but now that her suspicion was confirmed he was even more on her mind. And she really started to notice the way he looked at her when he thought she wasn't looking.
Glancing up from his papers when she yelped "whoops, dropped a pen!" and watching her bend over just enough so he could see her lace panties and the bit at the top of her thighs where her hosiery ended.
And she just narrowly missed the way he slid a hand into his pants to relieve himself.
But she had gotten more bold, leaning over his desk to show off her chest anytime he asked her a question. Brushing her hand on his shoulder and arm when he walked by her and always standing close enough for him to smell her perfume.
She also started accepting more rides home, making it an almost nightly thing.
At first he parked on the street and let her walk up to her apartment by herself. But this wasn't good enough for her.
So maybe she hired one of the kids next door to give her trouble one night and make it seem like she was in more danger than she was, not that it could be proven. But it worked like a charm because after that he always walked her to the door.
It seemed like every time he dropped her off they stood at her doorstep for just a bit longer, if only she could get him to come into her apartment.
There wasn't a lot of rain in Albuquerque so when it started pouring one night just before she was about to leave work, she knew it had to be fate.
"Mr. Goodman, can I get a ride home please? It's raining pretty hard out there." She may have imagined it but something in his face changed when she said his name.
"Of course, dear. Just give me a minute to grab my things," he replied simply.
Dear, that was new. He rarely ever called her anything other than her name. Sometimes he called her Miss and it felt delightfully old fashioned.
Their car rides were always quiet but this time it was silent, having to pay close attention to the road due to the rainfall coming down hard.
Despite the rain, he still walked her to the door, his gray suit jacket darkened by the rainwater by the time they arrived.
"Can you drive in this?" she asked tentatively. 
"We'll see," he sighed, reaching out and putting a hand on her shoulder. He gave her an awkward pat, both of them cringing at the exchange.
"Wait- Uh, why don't you stay. Just till the rain clears up, please." The lie formed quickly, her thoughts grasping for an excuse to make him stay.
“I uh- I don’t want to impose.” As the words come out of this mouth, the weather worsens, hail coming down along with the rain and making it seriously dangerous conditions.
"No really. I mean like who's gonna pay my bills if my boss dies in a rainstorm?" she giggles a bit awkwardly, giving him a pleading look to just agree so she doesn't have to keep going with her unconvincing charade.
"You make a good point. Plus I can't leave my lovely assistant to brave the storm on her own, now can I?" His words were in agreement but he still seemed hesitant, eyes glancing back and forth from her to his car parked in the street.
"I mean you can, but you really shouldn't." She tried her best to make her voice breathy and seductive, twirling his paisley tie around her fist and tugging it slightly.
"Oh and why is that?" his eyes widened as he looked down and met hers, pupils blown wide although he assumed it was just from the dim light outside.
"Because I want you here," she cooed, pulling him into the apartment behind her and slamming the door.
In the dirty part of her brain this scenario went down a very specific way, she pushed him against the closed door and they had their way with each other. Sometimes it was slow and sensual, sometimes it was fast and hard but she had fantasized about it many times.
But then there was reality, in which she led Saul into her apartment and they sat on the couch in awkward silence.
"So uh... can I get you anything, Mr. Goodman?" she asked, while reaching her hand over to suggestively run up his thigh and batting her lashes at him.
"Just Saul is fine. And I'll have a gin and tonic." She could see the way his body tensed at the contact and she wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing.
"I guess you could say I better call you Saul." She giggled at the corny joke, hopping off the couch to mix him a drink.
"That's clever, I should get you to help me with commercials." She smiled to herself while mixing the drink as she thought of the idea.
"Well, as long as I get to spend more time with you." She stood behind him, passing the glass over his shoulder and then perching her hands there, gently massaging the sore muscles. "Mr. G- Saul, I mean...whoops."
He laughed lightly, putting a hand over hers on his shoulder. "It's ok."
"So..." she started
"So?" he prompted when her words stalled, anxious to hear whatever she had to say.
"Long day?" she asked as if it wasn't obvious by the tension in his shoulders.
"They're all long days," he grumbled, leaning into her touch, much to her approval. 
"That's no good. You're always so stressed. Taking care of everyone else, but who's gonna take care of you?" There was no way other than suggestively to interpret her words. The tension of them hung in the air until he responded.
"Isn't that your job?" he asked, his voice deeper than usual. The gravely tone made her want to giggle like a schoolgirl with a crush on her professor and the irony of it was not lost on her.
"Oh please. You barely concede to letting me get your coffee in the morning. Sometimes I feel like you're the secretary and I run a very successful phone answering company." She sighed and rounded the couch to sit down next to him.
"You really are clever," he mused, leaning his chin on his palm and staring at her with a small smile. Then he snuck his hand over onto her thigh much to her surprise, but not an unwelcome one. 
"You're the clever one, sir." Her hand traced over the back of his, putting gentle pressure on his fingers and urging him to squeeze the soft flesh of her thigh. 
And he did squeeze, just a little bit. But it was enough to make a shiver run down her spine. "Don't call me sir, it makes me feel old." His voice was a low growl now, eyes staring her down like predator to prey. 
“Men are like wine, they get better with age.” Her voice was heavy with lust, their faces so close together now that her warm breath was brushing his cheek. Her fingers crawled up the arm of his suit jacket, dark manicured nails clutching tightly to the fabric to pull him dangerously close. 
"Still raining like hell out there, huh?" He pulled back, leaning back on the couch and looking forward to the dark tv instead of at her. It was a clear effort to cool down the tension of their situation. 
"Yep, looks like you're stuck with me for the night. I'll grab you something to wear to bed." She rushed out of the room, mentally kicking herself both for coming on too strong and for not fully committing.
She needed this night to go the right way so she could fuck him and get it out of her system. But it was so easy just to talk to him, that wouldn't do.
Her heels clicked on the hardwood of her bedroom floor as she paced around thinking of a solution. Simple flirting wasn’t going to work with him, maybe it was his moral code or maybe he hadn’t gotten laid in a while but it was like trying to get into the pope’s pants. 
After grabbing a pair of sweatpants for him, she frantically dug through her underwear drawer, coming up with a forest green nightgown after tossing the contents of the drawer onto the floor of her room. 
When she arrived back in the living room with the pair of sweatpants for him to wear, he had already stripped down to his boxers. Embarrassingly, she squealed, slapping a hand over her eyes and tossing the sweatpants in his direction. 
“Ooh lookit that, you’re so tiny without heels on.” His eyes raked over her body, quickly coming up with an excuse for the transgression. Although it fell flat when contrasted with the hungry look he couldn’t seem to hide. 
“Shuddup, you ass,” she giggled, grabbing a pillow and smacking him with it, somehow using the momentum to “fall” into his lap. 
Her knees were on either side of his legs so she was straddling him and her hands clutched at his shoulders to steady herself. “Is that any way to talk to your boss?” He teased, reaching out and twirling a strand of her hair around his finger before tucking it back behind her ear. 
“No, sir. I guess I’ll have to find some way to make it up to you, huh?” She leaned in, lips just barely brushing his as she whispered sensually. The intention in her words was clear. 
“Jesus christ. Is this really happening?” he shakes his head as her sharp fingernails scratch down his bare chest, breath hitching when her hips jerk against his. 
“I don't know what you mean.” She blinked at him innocently, hands resting on his waistband just above the obvious bulge showing through the gray sweatpants. 
“I mean the fact we’re living the plot of a low budget porno. Frankly, I’m just bummed we can’t drive to the office and make it more immersive.” His hands slid under the green lace and mesh of her nightgown, groping at her hips and leaving an indent from the ring on his pinky finger. 
“Would you want that? You wish we were in the office right now? Wish you had me pinned against one of those stupid fucking pillars? Or maybe sitting pretty on your desk?” Her glossy lips glided over his neck, leaving pink marks on the slightly tanned skin. 
“Hey! The pillars arent stupid. They’re dig-” Before he could finish, she was smashing her lips against his, her tongue slipping into his mouth skillfully and halting any words he might have been trying to say. “-nified. The pillars are dignified,” he panted out, slurring his words slightly despite only having one drink. 
“Aw, they’re really not. But it's cute that you think that.” Her hands cup his face in a surprisingly gentle way, her soft hands brushing his jaw and cheeks as she seemingly studies his face. 
“Cute? Seriously?” he scoffed, eyebrows furrowing in frustration. 
“Yes. You’re cute. You make this little face when you’re thinking where you scrunch your lips into a line, it's very cute.” The brushes her thumb over his lip, just barely sliding her finger past the seal of his mouth and pressing down on his tongue. He wrapped his lips around her finger, sucking enthusiastically and swirling his tongue around the pad of her finger. 
He practically fucking whimpers when she pulls her finger away and sucks it into her own mouth, humming at the taste of him. 
“Is that why I'm here? Because you think I'm… cute?” He gasped when her lips went back to his neck, sucking and biting his sensitive skin. 
“You’re here because I want to fuck you ‘til the sun rises, but I suppose that’s part of it too.” Her hand slipped under the waistband of his sweatpants, pleasantly surprised that he had slipped out of his boxers when she wasn’t looking.
“O-oh. That might just kill me,” he groaned, hips jerking up into her hand. 
“Oh what a terrible way to go,” she giggled, moving off his lap and sinking down to her knees between his legs. 
The sight of her on her knees for him, tongue lapping at the precum on the tip of his cock, was absolutely sinful. The most he could do to stop from blowing his load right then was grab a fistfull of her hair and hold her still. “Woah woah, ok one sec. I'm going to cum if you do that.” 
“On my face or in my mouth?” she asked, a mischievous smirk pulling up the corners of her lips. He gulped when she ran her tongue over the length of him. Her movements were careful and teasing, heeding his warning and slowing her roll to give them more time. 
“I’ll fuck-” she seals her lips around his cock, taking him down her throat until her nose is pressed flush to his stomach. “I’ll let you know.” 
She looks up at him with desperate eyes, trying to communicate just through the fluttering of her eyelashes that she was trying to say, fuck my throat. 
He got the message loud and clear, tangling his hand in the back of her hair and somehow forcing himself further down her throat if that was even possible. 
Drool started to pool at the corners of her lips, salty tears spilling from her eyes and dripping down onto his cock. “Jeez you are fucking incredible,” he whimpered, hands now brushing her hair back gently and keeping it out of her face. 
Just as he was about to cum she pulled away, her saliva mixed with his precum dribbling down her chin. “As much as I love having your cock in my mouth, I need you to fuck me.” 
She stood shakily, tumbling forward into his arms and back to her place on his lap. She pressed her mouth to his messily, giving him a taste of his own cum on her tongue. 
“You dirty little slut,” he murmured against her lips, his hands reaching down to squeeze her ass as she licked into his mouth. 
“Creepy old perv,” she countered with a wink, reaching her hand down to clutch his weepy cock, dragging the head of it against her warm entrance. 
His head fell back against the couch, hands grabbing her waist so hard it was probably going to leave bruises. She’d need to think of a good excuse to wear something that exposes them. 
“Touche. Do you have a condom?” He turned to reach for the cabinets next to the couch but she stopped him, grabbing his wrists and bringing his hands back to cup her tits. To which he reacted with wide eyes and a labored breath. 
“I have a latex allergy,” she lied quickly, head fuzzy with the idea of him inside of her. 
“No you don't. You’re allergic to peanuts and bees.” He scrunches his eyebrows at the random lie, taking a second to flaunt his random knowledge of her. 
“Fuck me raw?” she offered with a bubbly grin on her cheeks that he couldn't seem to say no to. 
If his eyes were wide before, they were practically popping out of his skull now. Concequences be damned, he was going to fuck his secretary raw and fill her with his cum if it was the last thing he did. “Well if you insist. But my doing it on the couch days are behind me, mind if we take this to the bedroom?” 
With minimal warning he stood. “Saul, oh my god!” she yelped, her legs wrapping around his waist to keep her steady in his arms. 
“I gotcha,” he grunted, strong wiry arms wrapping around her back and holding her to his chest as he made the trip from her living room to the bedroom. 
He tossed her onto the bed and she giggled as he frantically shoved his pants off and crawled onto the bed to hover over her. “I think I just threw my back out,” he groaned as he kissed down her neck and groped at her chest and thighs, bunching up her nightgown to run his fingers through the slickness between her legs. 
“I’ll give you a massage later, sugar,” she cooed, fingers tangling in the short hair at the  back of his neck, nails slightly digging in in a way that was both painful and pleasurable. 
“Pet names already?” he teased, tucking his finger under the straps of her dress one by one and easing her out of the garment, kissing every new stretch of exposed skin. 
“Just shut up and fuck me.” with her legs around his waist, she flips their positions so she’s on top, hands on his chest to steady herself as she looks down at him with hunger. 
“Yes ma'am.” His voice was practically a whimper, a new side of him that she was quite enjoying. Who knew the bigshot-always-in-charge Saul Goodman liked to let go a bit in bed? 
His breath caught in his chest when she slid his cock into her with relatively little difficulty, despite its size “Feels alright?” 
“Fuck yeah. ‘S really big,” she moaned, moving her hips as much as was possible while still recovering from the large intrusion stretching her. 
“If I knew—if I—” He tried to say something but his head was swimming with the feeling of her warm heat squeezing the life out of him. 
“So that's how to get you to shut up?” she teased, nails scratching his chest as she started to bounce on his cock and take his breath along with any coherent thought that might’ve still been floating around in his head. 
“Faster, c’mon,” he groaned, fingers digging into the flesh of her hips and urging her to increase her momentum. 
“You don't get to m-make demands,” she growled, her hand curling his neck and squeezing just enough to make him whine. “I’ve been wanting you for months, let me take my fucking time.” 
“Touch yourself for me, baby. I know you want to.” He takes control of the thrusting. With his bruising grip on her hips, sliding her up and down his cock and brushing that spot deeeep inside of her that made her see stars. Meanwhile her skillful fingers snaked down between them to play with her clit. 
And this is when he gets really into it, curses spilling off his lips along the lines of “Fuckin’ perfect little slut.” “Shoulda done this ages ago.” “This pussy is mine, ya hear?” “All fuckin’ mine.” 
“Yeah, you love this pussy?” she whined, her hands shaking now as they both lost control. 
“You know I do.” The filthy sound of skin slapping together was almost overpowering his choked out words, the slight twinge in his back not nearly enough to ever make him think of stopping. 
“Cum in it,” she demands, tightening around him and practically sucking him in farther if that was even possible. 
He obliged her demand of course, because who is he to deny the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen while she’s cumming on his cock. 
“Whoo,” she shouted, hips rolling against his with vigor to milk every last drop out of him. 
“Holy mother of god. I think I’m dead.” He stares up at the ceiling as she struggles off his lap with shaky legs. 
“I think you’re fine, considering the fact you're still hard. Dead men can't have boners.” She giggled slightly, fingers dancing over the head of his still sensitive (and hard) cock. 
“Shit. I took some really strong viagra before this. I’ll uh…handle this,” he grumbled, pushing her hand away and replacing it with his. 
He watched her every move as she got out of bed, cum leaking down her leg. His cum. He touched himself to the sight of it and for the first time, he didn’t feel like a pervert jerking off to her. 
“Be back in a sec,” she muttered, going into the bathroom and leaving him to his own devices. 
He waited patiently for her, only granting himself little teasing touches until she returned. “Have I ever told you that you have the most perfect tits?” he groaned, reaching over with his free hand to squeeze her boobs.  
“No, you hadn’t mentioned it.” She sighed when he rolled over and buried his face in her chest. 
“Fuckin’ perfect tits.” His voice was muffled by her aforementioned tits, but he got the point across by mouthing at the sensitive skin. “Can I mark ‘em up?” he asked, not bothering to listen to her response before he was biting down and leaving red marks that would fade out into a dark purple later. 
“Guess I’ll have to start wearing those low cut sweaters again,” she teased, one hand petting his hair while she reached the other down to play with his neglected cock. 
“You always know exactly what to do, I—fuck—you’re so—” his words stutter out as he cums again, his spent body shaking against her. 
“Perfect?” she finished, quoting his earlier compliment. 
He gave a content sigh, nuzzling his face into her chest and wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. “Yeah.”
whelp... that was certainly an experience, I hope y'all had thoughts about it
I know I did!
lmk if y'all have idea for this pairing I kinda love the idea of Saul with a hot young secretary
1K notes · View notes
danoberry · 1 year
★ object of your affection (hank devereaux x reader) SMUT 18+
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description: after many “private” sessions with your professor, you finally get what you’ve been wanting.
content: SMUT 18+!!!, age gap (reader is in her 20s), use of the word “kiddo” a lot, kinda cum play, teasing, more stuff but it’s unimportant and it’s 12:30am
pronouns: you/yours (female reader)
wc: 2.7k
afab genitalia
hi guys! i’m really back! new content, woo! when i fade out of my interests, there’s a gap of time where i really have no interests. after i stopped being OBSESSED with paul dano, i finished breaking bad and watched better call saul, which, of course, sparked a huge interest and an infatuation with bob odenkirk. with that being said, here is the new fic. i hope everyone, even my religiously devoted dano fans, enjoy!
The sound of your foot against the floor tip-tapped with the cadence of a song running through your mind. You stood at Professor Devereaux’s door, waiting for the one-on-one session that you had asked him for, for the fourth week in a row. After his outburst in class, you had noticed he had been more stressed than ever before. You wouldn’t have cared as much if you didn’t have such a good bond with him, but with your similar humor (and consistent effort) you both got along very well. It was never your intention to become so close to your much older professor, but lack of friends and need for validation led you to this friendship.
Professor Devereaux was an ethical man. So you thought, at least until the outburst. For what it was worth, you agreed with what he was preaching. The college he taught at, the one you went to, was mediocrity’s capital. There was nothing special about it. What he said was right. The idiotic kid who kept dragging on the situation knew nothing about the man you knew. Someone practical. Someone witty. Someone caring. So as you stood there tapping your feet, you thought about how off-topic this one-on-one session with your professor could get. Or on the contrary, how off-topic you could make it. 
“Hey, Y/N,” you heard a voice say as you looked up from your feet. 
“Hey, Professor,” you replied, getting out of the doorway and watching as Prof. Devereaux grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. 
“Listen, kid, I’m super sleep deprived. I’ll look at your paper to the best of my ability, but I can’t promise world class advice.” 
“That’s okay. I kinda just wanted to eat somewhere besides the cafeteria.” 
He replied sarcastically, “Go right ahead, I’ll sit and watch you.” 
He sat in his chair across from you as you grabbed the salad from your bag. You pulled up your paper on your laptop, beginning to eat. 
“Jeez, you're making me hungry now,” he said, laughing and looking at his computer. 
“Yeah, well, I’d offer you some but I don’t want any cross-contamination going on.” 
“I’ll live. I think I have a vanilla Coke in the fridge out there. Be right back,” he opened the door, “before I die of hunger!” 
You ate your salad as you waited for him to get back, aimlessly scrolling on Pinterest. When he did come back, he carried two cans of Coke in his hands, one for him, and one for you. 
“See, I’m not as selfish as everyone is saying,” he said. 
“Definitely not. Thanks, Professor.” 
He sat down and leaned against the desk. “You gonna show me your paper?”  
“Oh yeah, here.” You flipped the screen and showed him what you were working on, and he invited you to sit on the other side of the desk with him, pointing out details that you didn’t need or needed to add. You took a sip of your Coke and grabbed a mint from across the desk after you were done with the salad. Slowly, you unconsciously started to scoot closer to him, closing the gap between your bodies substantially. You looked up at his gaze upon your screen, studying his facial features. You studied his hair and his beard and its color. You watched his eyes flick from each side of the screen as he read. Right then and there, you reached a breaking point. God, you couldn’t bear looking at such a handsome face and not being able to mess with it. He was so successful and attractive and intelligent. You wanted him to ruin you. 
You leaned closer to him, pretending to read your paper again. Slowly, you began to rub his shoulder as he read. He didn’t tense up or ask for you to stop, responses you could have received. Instead, he kept as he was. 
“What’re you doing?” He asked absentmindedly.
“I don’t know. I’ll stop-“ 
“No, it’s fine. I was just wondering if you could get the other shoulder.” 
You paused for a moment. 
“Uh, yes sir.”
“Don’t feel obligated. You just do it very well.” 
You blushed hard. “Thank you,” you nearly whispered. 
“Thank you. Could you get the blinds too?” 
You nodded your head while you got up, letting your hand linger on his shoulder until you couldn’t touch him anymore. As you shut the blinds, your professor looked over at you, tracking your body with his eyes. When you walked back over to him, you massaged his shoulders as he finished his reading and revising. You leaned closer to his head and watched your screen that he had control over. 
“There you are,” he said, taking his hands off of your keyboard, lifting one to rub your fingers that were resting on his shoulder. “Sit down, let me talk to you for a moment.” 
You let go of his shoulders and sat down next to him. “You’re one of my most promising students,” he started. “You’re not like these… ignoramuses I deal with every day…”
“Thank you, professor,” you said, nervous from the intimacy of the conversation. He leaned back and smiled. 
“I think we can get rid of the formalities now, don’t you think…? You can call me Hank when we’re alone.” 
You nodded your head, still blushing and timid from the conversation. 
“You don’t have to act so shy,” he teased. “I know what you’re trying to do. To be frank, it’s working… if that gives you any validation. You want one-on-one ‘lessons’ with me after class almost every week, and all we do is sit and talk. I’ve caught on. Scooting close to me while I read your essays, which I know you write just so we can have these ‘lessons.’ I know you want to mess with me. You’ve got me right where you want me.” 
You sat there in awe, the numbness in your thighs dialing down as you got more comfortable with the fact that he knew you were attracted to him. Hank leaned closer to you, and instead of letting him take initiative, you leaned into him and met his lips between his beard. He tasted the mint flavor on your tongue. 
“What was that about ‘cross contamination?’ Wintergreen, huh? How’d you know that was my favorite?” 
“Lucky guess.”
You kissed him again and felt the softness of his beard against your skin. It was a new feeling, something you had never experienced. You had only been with men your age. You melted in the thought; you were able to kiss such an experienced man, one who even knew how to speak to you so sweetly. You swooned over Hank’s quiet groans, ones he made when he was out of breath. Inching closer to the man, touring your hand up his knee and onto his thigh, he whispered to you, “Right here,” having you straddle his lap over the seat. He told you ‘atta girl’ when you adjusted your hips on top of him. 
“Jesus Christ, kiddo. I don’t know how you expect me to last long if I’m getting this undone from just touching you.”
“Who knows, maybe I could teach an old dog new tricks today,” you laughed. Hank kissed your neck, tickling you and making you giggle even more. 
“Who are you calling old?” 
“More like… mature,” you said, still giggling from the ticklish neck kisses. 
“Mature, huh? I guess you wanna know how someone so mature can make you feel then?” 
“I think I’d like that very much.” 
Hank took hold of your pants’ button and unclasped it, afterwards unzipping your zipper. You stood up quickly to kick them off, displaying a perfect pair of lace panties you had worn every single time you had a “session” with him. Hank unbuckled his belt, dropping it to the floor, and he undid his button and zipper. 
“I bet you wore those underwear just for me, didn’t you? How dirty.” 
“But you like them, right?” You asked jokingly, turning around squeezing your ass in your hands. You straddled Hank again and kissed him. “Talk about dirty, you’re about to have sex with one of your students in your office.” 
“Trust me,” he said, “if I could take you home with me right now, I would.” 
“And what would you do with me if you did?” You asked him, grinding a bit harder against his crotch than you were before.
“A lot more than what we can do right now.” 
“Why don’t you give it your all, then?”
“Pshh, ‘give it my all.’ You’re really asking for it, huh?” 
“Hank, I’m on my knees.”
You kissed him again and rubbed against his crotch, making sure he could feel the wetness seeping through your panties. Hank hummed when he felt you graze his cock. You stood up and watched as he pulled down his underwear and unbuttoned his shirt. Seeing his cock lay so perfectly against his stomach made your legs weak, and you swore you could feel yourself salivating. You bent down over his cock and watched as pre-cum leaked in little beads from his tip. You kissed the tip of his length, giving it kitten licks. You could see the twitch of his cock just from teasing him.
“God- ah- fuck, kid. Get on top of me.” 
With zero hesitation, you climbed back onto his lap and moved your panties to the side, giving Hank kisses on his lips and grinding against his cock, waiting for a moment before taking him all. You stood up and positioned yourself over his cock, sitting back down with an exasperated shudder, moaning into his neck. Hank expelled a large breath against your skin, feeling your pussy wrap around him so perfectly. 
“Ah- wow, you feel good.” 
“Who, me?” You sarcastically remarked, panting. 
Hank squeezed your ass and moved it up and down on his cock. “Don’t get all smart-elicy on me now. We both know where you get it from.” 
He breathed between his teeth, almost audibly whining, when you deliberately clenched around his cock.
“If you mean myself, then you’d be correct.” 
Hank pounded into you harder than before, shocking you from the abrupt change in pace. You worried to whine as quietly as you could into his shoulder. “Smart brats make good dumb bunnies, kiddo.” 
“I- ah- oh, fuck!” You moaned as quietly as you could in his ear. 
“Hmph, yeah, see what I mean?” 
He groaned with hot breaths against your skin, making you clench harder around his cock again. You drooled against his shoulder and whined, nearly incomprehensible.
“Ah- hng- I- feels so- good!” 
“You- fuck- like that?”
Through his groans, Hank teased you again, “Hmm, I think you could have it a little more rough.” 
You moaned into his neck, drooling as he pounded his cock into you, stretching your hole. Whatever response you could have given, you couldn’t. He stopped pounding into you for a moment and tucked your hair out of your pretty face to look at you, holding your hand and rubbing his calloused fingers over yours. 
“You wanna bend over for me, kiddo?” 
You mewled and kissed his lips, nodding, despite how tired and sore you were. You got off of his lap, feeling cold and empty from the lack of friction. Wetness seeped around your pussy and around your thighs as you spread your legs and bent down over his desk. 
“I’m teasing you, but you really are doing so well for me,” he said, bending over and kissing your cheek. “Don’t lay your head like that. Here, sweetheart.” He put his hand on the left side of your cheek, creating a barrier between your head and the hard desk. Hank massaged your ass with his other hand, before shoving his wet cock back into you, making you moan at the feeling. 
Hank tried keeping the noises at a minimum, yet still trying to pound into you and hit the spots that made you arch farther up his stomach. You could tell he was close to cumming, but God, you didn’t want it to end. With every thrust, you could feel him becoming more tense, groaning, letting out hot breaths. His thrusts were becoming sloppier and quicker. 
“Where- oh fuck- where do you want- ah- it?” 
“Cum in me, please! Please, please please!” 
 Hank grunted as quietly as he could, almost moaning, when you felt his cock twitch inside you. Cum spurted over your walls, making your pussy clench around him. You felt bad about not being able to cum as he pulled out of you, kissing your shoulder. 
“Hank,” you said quietly as you turned around and played with your clit.
“What’s up, kiddo?” He replied in his chair, out of breath.
“I couldn’t cum,” you practically mumbled. 
“Poor thing,” he said, sitting up and kissing your face. “I’ll fix it, don’t worry.”
You played with your clit softly when he sat back down in his chair, scooting towards your pussy and spreading your legs. You watched Hank as his head moved down to your crotch, and he collected the cum that was seeping out of your hole on his fingers and raised them to your mouth. You sucked them gently, before he brought his hand back down to your hole and began fucking you with his fingers and flicking his tongue over your clit. You whined out and tried squeezing your thighs, but to no avail, because he was already using his free hand to hold your legs down. You heard the wet noises that he made as he sucked on your puffy clit, making the knot in your stomach tighten. 
“Ah- oh, fuck! Ah, hngg, Hank!” You moaned as you tried to bite your lip. You could feel his smile curl against your pussy, and you held your orgasm for as long as you could, trying to relax your muscles. Only a few seconds after, however, did you let go, pulsating and cumming all around his calloused fingers. Hank licked the mixture of his cum and yours from your hole, kissing you. 
You, sweaty and nearly incoherent from being fucked dumb, mustered up a, “You’re kissing me with cum in your mouth, but I’m the dirty one.” 
Hank laughed at your ability to joke, even though you were so tired and cum-drunk. “You got me there,” he said, kissing you again. You sat there, batting your eyes as you looked up and his foggy glasses. 
“Thank you,” you said, quietly. 
“Of course, kiddo. Thank you. You’re the best I’ve had in years.” 
You smiled. “Really?” 
“Well maybe not the best behaved, but…”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. Hank grabbed a few tissues from his closet, along with a blanket that he gave you once you hopped down from his desk. He wiped your legs off and around the base of his cock, getting himself ready for his class. 
“Don’t come to class today. Take a nap, I know you need it,” he said, putting his chair back. He kissed you when you sat down, and put his pants on after buttoning his shirt.
“I gotta get to my lecture and get this mess off in the restroom. Lock the door behind me, I’ll tell you when I’m back.” 
“Okay,” you said.
“You’re a good girl, you know that?” 
“I guess I do now,” you said, with a smirk on your face. Hank shook his head with a smile and kissed you again, before straightening himself out and walking out the door, shutting it behind him. He opened it back up and peeked in for just a second. 
“Same time next week?” He whispered. 
“You got it.” 
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sundaytears · 2 years
hello!! I saw ur bb reqs were open? totally feel free to ignore this but I was wondering if you'd do a general reader insert set around s2/3? readers basically an information broker/researcher for walt n jesse but is like part of the main group as well, gets 1/3 of the cut, etc. anyway how do you think meeting/interacting with saul would go? can be romantic or platonic totally up to you !
[ gender neutral ]
— warnings: none
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“So sorry I’m late, you know how traffic is!” you apologize, stumbling into the lawyer’s office. “It’s quite alright..” The man, who you assume is Saul Goodman, trails off, waiting for you to introduce yourself.
“Oh, Y/N!” You sit down in the chair in between Jesse and Walt, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. “You don’t mind if I smoke in here, so you?”
Saul stammers, looking for words. Luckily, Walt grabs the cigarette out of your hand before you can light it. “This isn’t a club, this is serious.”
You turn to Jesse, mocking Walter, “Blah blah, isn’t a club, this is serious!” The cancer ridden man huffs and smacks you on the head.
“Y/N, this is Saul Goodman, our lawyer.” Walter speaks as if you’re a child, but then again, he treats everyone like that. “Yeah, I think I got that.” You reply sarcastically.
“So like- you know about the meth?” You ask, quickly being shushed by all three men. “Yo, don’t say it!” Jesse scolds you, and you throw your hands up in defence, “Jeez!”
“I- yes, I know. Obviously.” Saul scoffs, and you can practically taste the sarcasm dripping off of him.
“Okay, why am I the only person getting shitted on? Jesse is just as sloppy as me!” You defend yourself. “Sloppy? I am not sloppy, bitch. Capn’ Cook is not sloppy!” He argues with you, soon devolving you two into a loud argument, something that happens very often. “You literally added chili pepper! If I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know what taxes were!”
“Okay- okay! Clearly you two need to.. sort that out.” Saul gestures to you both. Walter waits with a stone cold face, already uses to you and Jesse’s petty arguments.
“Whatever. We all know he’d be arrested without me.” You joke, chuckling when Jesse rolls his eyes dramatically. “That’s so not true, yo.”
“Okay, yes, y/n has their perks.” Saul nods. “Yeah, bitch! He likes me more than you!” You laugh, and Mr. White scoffs.
Never in a million years did you think you’d be helping Jesse Pinkman and your old chemistry teacher sell meth.
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
You Make Me Happy / Jimmy McGill Imagine
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Request: May I request a fluffy/cuddly Saul Goodman x reader. Maybe they’re sitting on the couch eating ice cream out of the tub watching tv or something. I crave domestic fluff with this man.
Honestly this is such a mood I too crave the domestic fluff with Jimmy!! <3 Also this is the perfect time to write this because I am freezing and just gripping my hot water bottle lmao
Also sorry if I read this wrong but I’m basing it on BCS Jimmy/Saul rather than BB! Also sorry I love doing weird character studies of Jimmy so this turned out a little more wistful than I meant it to be I can’t help it bruh this show has me in a tragic chokehold
If you enjoy, please let me know by commenting/ reblogging! Thank you, it really makes the world of difference! <3
(I do not own Better Call Saul or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @lousolversons.)
‘Jeez, your feet are freezing.’
Considering how compact Jimmy’s little room behind the nail salon appeared to be, you expected his home to be slightly warmer during the winter season. Yet the cold seems to be sneering at the two of you; a sharp frost seems to be coating your bodies, glazing your skin until you nearly bump heads shivering down to huddle under the shared blanket. The boxy room seems far too enclosing, even in spite of the lack of space: the desk shoved up against the far wall, leaning until Jimmy’s coffee-mug turned pencil pot has nearly tipped onto the floor, seems more like a tomb of splintered second-hand wood than a table. Jimmy doesn’t seem to mind though, as he absently minded puts his take out box down onto the chair that has half its legs up on his side of the bed. You had tried to argue that there was space over in your half of the room if you pushed it against the door, but he wouldn’t hear a word of it. He would forgo any comfort, if he did it for your sake.
He blinked slowly, as if his mind was still unwinding from ‘high pressured failing lawyer mode’ and back down into the regular ‘ol Jimmy Mcgill that had been held in crumbling abeyance. He was still disgruntled from his earlier visit with Chuck, which he had animatedly thrown his tie on the floor and yacked at you about as soon as he had come back in the salon doors. He was tired of this: the constant fighting, the constant spiral back down into the pit, the claw back up into the empyreal light that only ‘Saint Chuck’ could bathe under. Tired, yes. He was tired, and he was distraught, and he was cold, and he was foiled. A failure, a scapegoat, ashamed, a kicking post for life to laugh at, thwarted. As Chuck had reminded him, yet again, as he sat in his armchair in his fancy house with its hollow empty walls and its silence and its lordly righteousness, he would never earn everything he had fought so hard for. Doomed to always and yet never be Jimmy McGill, he seemed so lost in himself.
‘Forget freezing’, you start, nestling down further into his side and rubbing your legs against his until you can feel his hairs rise, ‘I think if I kick them hard enough they might shatter off in shards of ice.’ You smile over at him, distressfully, and wait to see if he can draw himself back out.
He finally seems to realise you’re actually still there - still actually sitting there next to him, looking over at him as if he were a man of any actual importance. As if he weren’t a loser, living on seven hundred bucks a week in the squalid back of a nail salon, with nothing but the empty tones of his dinged desk phone to keep him company most of the night. It was almost enough to make him break down right there and then. Instead he turned to look towards you, his eyes lighting up almost immediately at the sight: the shadows drawing away from eyes and filling them with colour and life and love again. 
He guffaws at your statement, but doesn’t protest when you clamber your feet on top of his to try and make them soak up some of your warmth. The crimson red of his toe nails nearly makes you laugh out loud; the thought that tomorrow no one in the court room will be able to tell just how vivacious they are under his grimly shined shoes and bright purple socks. The red was a bold choice, but Jimmy didn’t seem to care. Or perhaps, he cared too much. You had tried to warn him against it, knowing if his brother found out it would hand him another chisel to scratch away at Jimmy’s professionality: but it had been yours, and so, in his mind, it was the best of choices. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, winding it uncomfortably back past the slightly askew spring on the side of the sofa bed and rests it gingerly against your waist. He’s still so unsure of himself, no matter how many times you say that it’s true: you really do love him, and want to spend time with him. He still sees himself as a pity case for you, and so he drums his fingers against your pyjama bottoms in the rhythm of some old country song he remembers his dad playing at the shop. It was one he would complain about listening to, sitting huddled up by the crisp shelves and using whatever magazine he had stolen off the magazine rack to shove against his ears, yet he still seemed glazed over, content as he tapped against you.
‘It’s the Irish in me. My dad was the same. You know, he could wear ten jumpers and still pretend as if the temperature was perfectly fine when he was freezing his yams off. Us potato eaters are just used to colder climates-’.
‘Jimmy you can’t play the Irish card every time. You’ve never even set foot in Ireland.’
Before giving him a chance to retort, you take the spoon of ice cream you’ve been nibbling on out from the side of your mouth, dunk it into the open carton resting on your knees, and shove it back against his lips. He snorts, but eagerly licks the mint chocolate chip ice cream off the spoon before letting you pull it away again. As he swallows, he watches the black and white movie that fizzles out from his banjaxed tv set eagerly: wide eyed, lips drawn tight in an almost childlike concentration. He looks almost as if he’s jumped out of it himself; he’s a man so buried in shades of sharp black and mute greys, piling over the vibrancy and glee that radiates out from his almost ingenuous smile. He catches you staring at him from the corner of his eyes, and tries to hide the smile that tugs at the corner of his lips. It turns into a real frown, though, when he sees how intently, how sadly you’re surveying his face: roaming over the dark lines that tire his eyes and the forehead crinkles that seem to have been brought on by a burdensome weight. He seems so old despite his youth, so weary and beaten. Yet so soft, so gentle at the same time, as his eyes doe in a concerned confusion and he reaches over to squeeze your shoulder.
‘Doesn’t mean I’m not Irish’, he says quietly, as if afraid to break the silence. ‘Like Old McDonald, you know... ee i ee i oh and all that jazzy crap.’
You laugh, and the sound is like the bells of heaven to his ears. Flinging the spoon back into the tub and throwing the whole thing to the side, he both quickly and blithely reaches up to steady your arms as you turn to stare at him. You let your jaw fall in mock abhorrence, and yet the grin only grows wider and wider over his face as his fingers spread upwards to massage your wrists. 
‘That’s MacDonald, dumbass. And I don’t remember him singing about how he was so Irish after every animal like you do.’
He looks almost shocked at your words. He bites on his bottom lip and looks up at the ceiling, clearly distraught at the idea that the nirvana of his childhood memories could somehow, in some way be impaired.
‘Wait... really? Are you sure it’s MacDonald. Because I definitely remember Chuck singing it like Old Mc-’.
‘That’s because you were five, Jimmy. It probably took all your effort to coordinate your limbs enough to clap along, let alone sing it too. Just take the hit on this one, okay?’
The phone rings, and Jimmy nearly jumps out of his skin, and out of his reverie as he lets it ring out harshly through the room, ignoring it for the first time in months. Instead, he coughs hoarsely and swallows the lump in the back of his throat, staring straight ahead at the wall. Finally, he manages to swallow his pride and waggle his eyebrows at you in defeat, sliding further down onto the bed and leaning up on his elbow to lean over you. He purses his lips as you wiggle down to join him, but he has the softest look in his eyes when your thigh comes up to rest between his own. ‘Do you think, one day maybe... we’ll have a conversation that actually makes sense.’
You snort. ‘Not with you about I won’t.’
He collapses down onto his back, clutching his shirt up into a balled fist in one hand, and pressing the back of the other flat against his forehead with an ostentatious ‘awoOH.’ He pretends to whine like a kicked dog, yappering and howling and mewling as he rolls about the bed. You, on the other hand, only try to suppress your giggles at the set of his antics as you rest your arm on the soft squidge of his tummy.
‘Oh, ouch’, he keeps going on, closing his eyes as if he’s in intense pain. ‘That one hurt. Look at that, look at my chest, I’m bleeding!’ He takes your hand and presses the tip of your pointer finger against the thrum of his heart, his hand cradling yours all the while he jammers animatedly at you. ‘You know’, he sighs and lets his head deflate back down onto the cushion, ‘you really kicked my ass with that one.’
You poke him in the bellybutton and enjoy the way his arms seem to spring up in reaction, curling tightly around your waist and tugging your squealing body down on top of him. Although he exhales, you know he doesn’t mind the new weight on top of him: his back still aches from time to time, and his hip joint still creaks in the winter, but he tugs you tight against him as if still pretending to be a spry chicken. His expensive watch: the only object worth any amount of money in this place, and one of the most gaudy of his possessions presses against the curve of your back, but his thumb rubs against your skin as if in apology as you settle yourself on his chest.
‘Your ass is on your chest?’
‘Hey, way to kick a man when he’s down. You know what you should do - oh ho, yeah, you should shut it.’
‘Make me.’
It takes him less than a second to arch his tired back up to kiss you, his lips needy and pliant and familiar against yours the second they touch. Once he’s done pressing his lingering, smushing lips over yours a thousand times (and once more for good luck), he pulls back to cradle your face in glowing content.
‘I promise, I wouldn’t want it any other way. You make me happy.’ You run your fingers down his chin, the dim glare from the rolling credits nearly shrouding the two of you in pervasive darkness. You choose to tip his head up so you can look at him properly, squinting in the lack of light; although you couldn’t tell before, tears have obviously been welling up in his bloodshot eyes, as they’re now splattering a damp grey down onto the dirty sheet.
‘Yeah’, he chokes. He brushes the back of his knuckles over the side of your cheek, shaking against your arms as he smiles. ‘You make me happy too.’
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lovesugars · 2 years
summary ─ after a long day at work you help your husband relax. in more ways than one
pairing ─ saul goodman x housewife!reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, table sex, praise kink, housewife kink, older man/ younger woman, overuse of the nickname "pumpkin"
a/n— he’s so sexy in this gif. i want him so bad.
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You were setting cutlery on the table as you prepared tonight’s dinner. 
Your husband usually came home with built-up energy from his day; his job could be very stressful sometimes, dealing with particularly dangerous or difficult clients. He always made sure you had everything you wanted, and more, so it was the best you could do to make sure he always had a hot dinner to come home to. 
You’d been married for little over a year now, and since Saul provided everything for you, you no longer needed to work, which meant you had all the time in the world to get dolled up for him. 
You smiled fondly at the thought. Not only did you spend all day cooking for your husband, but you dressed up for him too. Your hair was perfectly curled, and you were wearing one of the newer lingerie sets Saul had gifted you. 
As soon as you took dinner out of the oven, you heard Saul’s keys jingle through the door, and you mentally praised yourself for your timing. You placed the food down on the table and went off to greet your husband. 
You walked up to the front door, pink kitten heels clacking against the hardwood floors. “Hi, honey, how was your day?” You sauntered up to him and gently grabbed his briefcase from his hand, setting it aside and out of the way. 
“I don’t really want to talk about work..not when you look like that.” He smirked, “Come here, baby.” 
Saul wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him for a kiss. He always tasted so good. It must've been part of the reason why you married him in the first place. You pushed yourself against his chest so you could be closer to him. He made sure to take a minute to grope at your barely covered ass, which made you squeal into his mouth. 
You took a minute to catch your breath before you said: “Dinner’s on the table, I made your favourite.” 
“Aww pumpkin, all this for little ole me? I’m touched.” 
“You know I love cooking for you,” you giggled, “Now eat before it gets cold.” 
“Yes ma'am.” Your husband mock-saluted before sitting down at the table. You fondly watched him as he ate, excited for what was going to happen once he was finished. You brushed your foot against his leg, staring up at him through your lashes. You’d been waiting for him all day, and you had to admit that your fingers just didn’t do the job quite right anymore. Not like he did. 
“Are you enjoying your dinner?” you asked innocently, “I think I added a little too much salt.” 
“It’s perfect, pumpkin,” he said, resting his hand over your bare thigh. You felt him squeeze the pudge at the top of your inner thigh, dangerously close to your barely covered cunt. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
As you both finished your dinner, each sharing stories about your day, you felt the ache between your legs grow stronger. You could barely ignore it anymore. Your husband teasingly pretended to be oblivious to your current predicament.
 You squeezed your knees together to try and relieve some of the pressure, yet it did little to satisfy you. You needed him. You waited eagerly for him to finish eating before you quickly cleared the table.
“I think it’s time for dessert, honey.” you said seductively in his ear, “I want you..” 
You kicked off your heels and propped yourself up onto the table. “I want you to take me right here. Right on the table.” You moaned, “please.” 
His eyes widened, “I won’t argue with that.” 
He started to rub your clit through the fabric of your teddy, the friction making you throb with desire. You let out a pornographic moan at the feeling. 
“You really are something, huh?” he chuckled, “Barely touched you and you're already soaked through this pretty little thing.” 
“Please Jimmy..” You moaned into his ear, “Please fuck me.” 
He didn’t waste any time ripping the lace fabric off your body, tearing it in the process. You whined in protest, and Saul shushed you, “Baby, I’ll buy you another one, hell, I’ll buy you five more.” 
Before you could respond, he bucked his hips up into you. Your body writhed with pleasure as he continued to pound into you with such force it made the table rattle. You’ve been waiting for this all day. It felt so good you could barely contain yourself. 
The ache between your legs slowly dissipated. You felt that coil in your tummy begin to unravel. You knew you weren’t going to last very long. 
“Please, I’m ─ fuck─ I’m so close..” 
“So am I,” he grunted, “Cum for me, pumpkin.” 
Your orgasm hit like a freight train, and almost immediately after you finished, you felt his warm cum filling you up even more. 
“That was perfect,” you sighed, “I love you.” 
You hopped off of the table with shaking legs, reaching up to embrace him. He held you close to him and you felt his chest heave against you.
Saul let out a deep breath, “I love you too.” 
You both stood there for a moment before he finally spoke:
"Fuck, that was murder on my back," he groans, "Think you can rub it out for me, pumpkin?"
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send me writing prompts pls
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depressopax · 3 months
Hi!!! if it's okay (and if your request is still open) I was wondering if I could request a fluff scenario for Jimmy McGill? :D where he gets all soft and loving sjdjdj can be both sfw and nsfw ... thank you !! ♡
Thank you for the request!!! <3 Been meaning to write about Jimmy for quite a while, so this was the perfect sign to do it lmaooo I was gonna do a NSFW too but realized that the SFW version was at 1K word already 💀 Will do a part 2 tho!  Oh well, enjoy these cheesy Jimmy headcanons 🥹🫶
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Jimmy McGill relationships headcanons
Fandom - Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Jimmy x gn!reader || SFW HC's
Pairing: Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None that I can think off?? Cuss words maybe, slightly angsty Jimmy lol. Reader is gender-neutral and referred to as "partner" and gn!pet-names. Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Jimmy McGill would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request || NSFW version ||
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Jimmy is not good at figuring out his feelings.
That’s why it took him a while to realize he’d fallen in love with you. 
It’d take some time for him to accept what he’s feeling though.
Homeboy would be in denial at first. He’s scared to fall in love with someone, in fear of commitment and getting hurt etc…
But he’d show interest in other ways, without realizing it himself.
We’re talking about cheesy stuff: - Always looking good (and that’s not so difficult, HE GORGEOUSSSSS 👀) - Trying to impress you with his knowledge about things - Making sure to say something funny and make others laugh when you’re around, to let you know how funny and amazing he is lol - Compliments and teasing 
Noticing his attempt, you straight up ask him about it. “...Do you like me, Jimmy?” “What?? I-” … “Yes. I do.”
Once it’s said and done, he eventually asks you out on a date.
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Listen… Jimmy may be overconfident, especially when it comes to his seduction skills
However, there’s something about you that makes him nervous.
What you think about him and how he comes across matters to him.
That’s why he plans a date weeks ahead, trying to make everything perfect
He tries figuring out what you like and dislike so he can use that to make a good impression. 
He takes you out to some fancy restaurant (RIP early season Jimmy’s wallet 😭)
The date goes well and he is very smug with his effort.
After a few dates, Jimmy realizes he’s fallen for you.
At first he tries to hide it. He doesn’t want to come across as “desperate” or “needy”. 
But then again… He’s not good at hiding his true feelings.
Luckily, you feel the same and eventually you become a couple for real. 
He was the first one to say “I love you”, and did so without realizing it.
You were leaving for work or something and he just goes: “Bye, love ya!” Completely flustered when he heard what he just said.
When you say it back, he feels a wave of relief. 
After that, he makes sure to say ILY as often as he can.
He won’t shut up about you. Like ever. 
“So then my partner said…” “My partner brought me this shirt!” “I’m taking my babe out on a date tonight” And everyone else will eventually be like: 😐”Shut up”😐
He’ll refer to you as his spouse/wife/husband, watching everyone confused “You’re married?” “I will be soon” 🤭
Jimmy’s a sucker for cute pet names. And yeah, some of them are probably “cringe” but that won’t stop him 
Baby, Boo, Sugar, Sweetie, Hot stuff, Doll, Kitten (😭)
He loves it when you wear his shirts. Especially as lounge clothing or when sleeping.
Jimmy also finds matching outfits adorable. 
Would probably take you shopping for either suits/blazers or just hoodies that you can match. 
He also buys matching jewelry, towels, morning robes etc etc… He’s one of those guys 😭
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He has a picture of you standing on the desk in his office, as a way to carry the sweetheart with him all the time. 
…And also to brag about you to anyone that enters his office (but he puts the picture away when dealing with some of his unpredictable clients, homeboy is overprotective)
Speaking of being overprotective: He deals with a lot of shady people, so he’s very careful with who he chooses to trust when it comes to talking his love to you.
He prioritizes your safety over anything else. 
Ofc he’s scared for his own safety too, but pretty much puts it aside to make sure you’re safe first off. 
If danger comes up, he’d make sure to find somewhere safe for you to stay whilst he deals with it.
He would go so far as hiring a bodyguard for you tbh.
Being with him might be a struggle too
Homeboy is a bit unpredictable and impulsive
Doing stupid things is his speciality- 😭
No but literally, you’ll sometimes have to stop him from acting out on his weird revenge ideas or stuff that could get him into trouble.
“I was just gonna-” “No.” “But…” “Jimmy, no.” 
Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. But you love him either ways. <3
He also likes talking shit about people with you *cough* probably Howard *cough* - sure, a bit rude - but he finds it hilarious lol 
Lot of in-jokes between you and him
Jimmy is a daydreamer and is easily distracted
Especially by you.
He sometimes gets stuck thinking about you when doing boring work.
Until Francesca tells him to pull himself together lmao
Jimmy spends all possible time together with you. 
He is ambitious and serious about work, but after you and him became a couple his priorities changed. 
He finds time to spend with you. Last thing he wants is for you to feel like he cares more about work than he does for you.
If you’re adventurous and like being outdoors, he does too.
But honestly? He prefers cuddling at home and watching movies with you.
He is not a good chef, so he buys a lot of food from restaurants and brings it home if you’ve had a long day at work.
He makes sure to be a romantic bastard too. 
Candlelit dinners, taking baths together, picnics… You name it. He loves spoiling you. 
He wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but hear me out… Home-spa dates 👀
He did use to have his office at a nail salon, so he knows his way around those things
If you allow him to, he likes painting your nails - with him choosing the color
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Like I said, Jimmy enjoys cuddling you.
He has a lot of feelings, traumas etc pent up, which he dares to let out around you.
He has learnt that he can be vulnerable with you and not get judged, which he appreciates.
That’s why he loves coming home to you after a long day and simply resting in your arms.
He prefers being the little spoon - to feel protected and loved by you. <3
To summarize: It might take him a while to put the pieces together and actually confess his feelings for you - but once he does he spends every day letting you know how much you mean to him.
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I just remembered why I love Jimmy sm AHHH he deserves love and happiness <3<3 Part 2 soon!
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asgardianangel · 1 year
working as an intern/secretary for Saul Goodman, hoping to break into the legal world but instead having to deal with your boss’s leering states and comments and touches, staying late one evening for a big case and suddenly things get a lot more intimate 🫣
Late night (Saul Goodman X Fem! Reader smut)
Warnings: 18+ Pure smut (I need holy water), riding, desperate reader, age gap, praise kink, Saul being sleazy, unwanted/very much wanted touches, harassment?, workplace shenanigans
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Your life had been full of ups and downs, but nothing was going get in the way of your aspirations. Wanting to work in the world of law hoping to serve justice to those who need it.  
But due to your past anti-social behaviour as a teen your dream had proven difficult to achieve. HHM was the last law firm you stopped by, and they just shamed you for having a criminal record of illegal possession and whatnot. Even though you had proven to be quite learner now. Hamlin and his snobs just couldn’t see passed the measly drug charge. 
That night you sat at the bar wondering what you could do next sipping the glass in your hand with a sigh. “Rough night?” The presence of the older man seated next you became noticed. He appeared familiar as he smiled at you. 
“You could say that” you nervously chuckled as his big blue eyes looked you up and down. “You want another drink?” he asked you glanced at your glass. “It’s on me sweetheart you look like you need it” His voice was smooth, and it made you question where you have heard it before. You agreed and the man began to strike a conversation while the bartender poured you another glass. 
He certainly had charm as he expressed concern and then it hit you when he mentioned his name. Saul Goodman. The lawyer guy you’ve seen on late night TV of course! 
You shared a few amusing moments with him. Especially when you told him about Hamlin shaming you. 
“What’s in the past stays in the past sweetheart and so what. I did way worse shit when I was a teenager, I tell ya. Don’t let people like lord Vader put you down like that” Saul shakes a finger at you with the advice and you giggled. 
One drink after another you really enjoyed his company, he made your night a lot better. There were a few little things you started to notice. His eyes checking you out his hand drifting across your thigh. But you blamed it on how drunk you were starting to get. 
Nah that’s just stupid. 
At the end of night Saul made you an offer “Well since your stuck at the moment how about you come and work for me?” he asked gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m in need of a new secretary and you can also gain some much-needed work experience as my intern as well” Saul explained. The offer sounded amazing and ideal since you had nowhere else to start. 
Little did you know what was going to happen between the two of you. 
First few weeks were easier than expected even with the vast amounts of unusual clients coming in. You were always by Saul’s side fetching him coffee filling out paperwork and on your breaks you would join him for lunch and chat away about cases. 
As time passed Saul’s behaviour had changed. The more comfortable you were at his office the more comfortable he was with touching you every chance he had. 
His hands would caress your shoulders while you were deep into paperwork while he admired your efforts. Praising you was a major thing for him. 
'You are doing so well sweetheart'
'Good girl'
'I’m so lucky to have you here' 
His words made you blush and smile softly. But his touches became more on the forceful side on occasions where you were stood organising files and he would reach for a file above you and casually move his hand to your ass. 
During conversations his baby blue eyes seemed to cloud with lust (something you had recognised from previous relationships). Signs of a man in need. 
Maybe you were reading too much into it. 
You found Saul to be very attractive and not the type of man you would go for given the age difference between the two of you. 
Then it became obvious by the comments he started to make towards you.  
Why do have to come in such a small skirt today doll? He once asked playing with the hem of it. You glanced at the paperwork hoping he wouldn’t notice the clenching of your thighs. 
He would also make rather lustful comments about your ass too. ‘God you are killing me with that booty.’ Saul mused as you walked out the office one night. You chose to ignore it, but he made it rather hard for you as his hands would linger on your skin longer.  
It was like he couldn’t resist any longer. Then he reached breaking point and so did you... 
It was late and you worked tireless on a new ground-breaking case of a rather wealthy client. Saul wanted your help with the case, so you stayed later than usual.  Organising each file before you on his desk. 
“This is big deal for us sweet face” he sighed loosening up his green tie and undoing his top button. You hummed in response looking through witness reports and whatnot.  
“I just love your determination it’s so sexy might I add” Saul spoke smoothly you looked over at him noticing his chair was much closer to yours. 
You would be lying if you said his carnal comments didn’t keep you up at night. “I see the way your body responds sweetheart.” his eyes once again clouded with lust “how your soft thighs clench” he spoke with such admiration as his hand met your thighs caressing in a circular motion. 
Clearing your throat, you could no longer be focused on what you were reading “I thought you said this case is important to us?” You questioned trying not to make eye contact with the older man. 
Saul suddenly took a hold of your chin causing you to drop your pen to the desk. “It is but I can think of more important things to do my doll” he said in a suggestive manner.  
His office became hot as his lips inched closer to yours, you couldn't think. Did you really want this? 
Quickly he pressed his soft lips upon you with such forceful passion you could taste the coffee he had been drinking. Wrapping your arms around his neck Saul groaned as you finally gave in to his advances. Oh god you wanted him you needed him so bad! 
Lifting yourself off your chair you made a comfortable place on his lap as his lips moved to the sweet spot of your neck suckling like a vampire. Never have you met a man who wanted you like this. 
“Saul ah” you moaned his name as he fiddled with the buttons of your white blouse. “I know baby I’ve been dying to know what these beautiful tits looked like” he confessed with another throaty groan as he finally got to your bra. Snapping it in an instant and then throwing it aside he stared at your bare breasts in such desire.  
“Oh, sweetheart you are so perfect, aren’t you?” he praised dampening between your thighs you started to grind yourself on him in response. Already feeling the hardness of his cock entrapped in his formal pants. Saul watched you working your body with his whimpering as he sucked and played with your tits. 
“My good girl, aren’t you? All mine!” he groaned like a man possessed his long fingers explored between your legs as he pecked kisses all over your chest. 
You were almost on the verge of begging him as his skilful fingers rubbed and his eyes kept in contact with yours. It was all too much, and you lifted yourself up to pull down your panties needing him to caress your bare heat.  
And Saul did sooo well 
“Pl-please ah” you pleaded him, and he smirked “Promise me this sweet face when I make you scream my name tonight” his fingers rubbed faster spreading you out for him “you will be my good girl forever” His words ended as he suddenly slid two of his fingers deep inside you.    
“Oh I-I promise S-saul just please f-fuck me ah” you have never felt so needy as he thrusted his fingers in faster as you buried your face into his neck. Saul tuts at you “you can’t hide your pretty little face like that” you moaned at his words turning your head so he could kiss you deeply. 
Excitement rushed in your already quivering body as you heard him fiddling with his belt. “Mmm such a greedy little slut for me” he hummed pulling his belt off and rolling down his pants along with his boxers. 
Sighing in relief his cock bounced up to greet your wetness and you started grinding on him on him again like a dog in heat. “Fuck” Saul cursed as he grabbed on your hips kissing you. As you lifted again to welcome his thick cock you gasped feeling the tip lubricated with so much precum it dripped alongside his cock with desire. Pushing down the two of you gasped in pure pleasure Saul was already so deep inside you. 
It took a minute to adjust as he kissed you madly savouring the taste of your tongue. Moving up and down gently “oh baby you feel soo g-good" the older man winced as you clenched around him like a vice. 
The noise in his hot office contained desperate moans and the squeaks of both you and his desk chair. Never before you thought of fucking your own employer, but it felt so God damn good.  
Saul decided to take the reigns as he sucked on your breasts again thrusting his hips hard into you. You ripped open his shirt and placed both hands on his chest as he fucked you roughly. 
“Y-you don’t know how long I wanted this sweetheart ah” he groaned as he felt himself nearing to that orgasmic end. 
 One hand moved from your hip to your bundle of nerves playing with them causing you to desperately chase that long awaited orgasm 
Almost crying out his name “Oh my good girl” he repeated over and over as he shot his load deep inside you. Tightening around him you came screaming his name like he said you would. He stayed buried in you as you both caught your breath.  
“Now we can finish this important case” he chuckled 
Note: I'm back for now my burnout was killing me :D
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pikmingrubb · 1 year
Saul Gooman X ftm!reader
You're a regular "client" at Saul Goodman's office, you must get in a lotta trouble, probably that fucking mouth of yours. Good thing Saul has you covered!
Words like: Cunt, hole and cock are used for readers genitals.
Word Count: 3,003 (we went a little crazy, ok)
Long stares and awkward coughing were the only things heard inside the cramped space you entered; you tried ignoring the glares from Saul’s clients as you perceivably passed them up. You weren’t here for Saul’s legal practice, never needed a lawyer on your side for anything you had done, and you hoped to keep it that way. 
“Hey, Francesca, here’s your usual!” Your voice broke whatever trance she was in, her mean look that gilded her face reserved only for clients suddenly faded. She honestly looked exhausted, you couldn’t blame her, some of the worst people imaginable came to Saul for legal help. He gladly accepted all for the correct number of zeros added to a check in his name. 
“I’m gonna kick his ass if he hasn’t given you a break yet,” You chimed in lightly, trying to lighten the mood a little. 
She quickly accepted the coffee and food, sending a small smile your way, a nod of understanding passed between you two before she proceeded to smack a buzzer on her desk. 
“Your favorite client is here,” Francesca spoke into the receiver on her end and didn’t wait for a response as she released the button, a few seconds passed before you heard a slight buzz through her headphone, indicating Saul was actually responding and not ignoring her as he fiddled around in his office. 
Groans and cries of indignation resounded behind you as the door was unlocked for you, and the handle was quickly locked behind you. 
“Hey, kiddo, still haven’t gotten that car fixed?” Saul chimed at you from his desk, he was currently munching on a box of Chinese food and appeared to be watching something on his laptop. You just let out a sigh, “Nooo, stop asking. I haven’t had time to mess with it,” You groaned approaching his desk and peering at his laptop, he was…Watching a video labeled “ Epic Fail Compilations ”.
The slow gaze you gave him out of the corner of your eyes should have been enough words, but he just continued watching with a mildly entertained look on his face. 
“Really? You’re ignoring your clients to watch shit my dad watches on YouTube?” You deadpanned at him; brows furrowed as you stood back up to glare at him. He just waived you off with chopsticks in his hand, swallowing the food he was currently chewing.
“Eh, they’re not important, just some schmucks who keep publicly masturbating in front of an orthodox church.” He frowned shaking his head, your face scrunched up with a displeased look as you imagined that. 
“And don’t even get me started on that Charles guy!” Saul groaned setting his eating utensil down, he leaned back into his chair and rolled his eyes sighing. “He’s gotten busted by the same cop three times! At the same location! These idiots practically just love throwing money at me!” 
“Yep…” Was all you had to say, shaking your head you just gently watched Saul in his chair. “Have you let Francesca have a break today?” Your brow raised lightly at him, he seemed to be caught a little off guard by this. 
“Y-yeah, of course, what kinda boss do you think I am?” He just chuckled at you, your gaze was unrelenting, not a word coming out as you watched him. He practically squirmed before you, trying to maintain eye contact. 
“Jimmy…” Your voice chided, he just deflated like a balloon at that. 
“Okay, no! I haven’t, we’ve been busy…” He said throwing his hands up and nervously chuckling, trying to avoid you. 
“Right, busy ignoring the local masturbators and watching stupid YouTube videos…” He just cringed at your harsh tone, giving you a pleading look, “Okay, okay, she can go on break after this.” He said, trying to quell your annoyance with him, his hands traveled to your hips and thrummed his thumb against your waist bone. 
“This?” You questioned, ignoring his traveling hand, he was gazing up at you with a soft facial expression. He tried pulling himself closer, you now standing between his legs as he sat in his chair, hands grazing over your belt with swift fingers. 
“Come on, kid, don’t play hard to get. You, coming in here, thinking you’re just gonna leave like that, practically blue balling me. Kinda mean,” he said, humming lightly and raising his brows at you, your eyes betray nothing as he kept giving you puppy dog eyes, pawing and whining at you. 
It was honestly kinda cute, desperately wanting literally anything from you, and you wanted to leave him hanging so bad. 
“You thought I came here to fuck you?” You snorted, he just frowned at this, “I mean, yeah. Wouldn’t be the first time you showed up just to get your hole filled.” He shrugged casually, his fingers slowly slipping your belt from the first loop. 
You didn’t relent, you stood stock still as he continued to look pleadingly up at you, “Because that’s all your good for, your client work? Pretty fucking pathetic, helping out lowly criminals, Jesus fucking Christ.” You snarled, this seemed to egg him on, but not in the way you had anticipated. 
“Oh, and you think you’re any better? I’d say you’re just here because you’re a gold digger, coming in here for my fat wad and my fat fucking cock,” He hissed angrily grabbing at his crotch to amplify his words, a small laugh left your mouth, his lips pursed at your reaction.
“Hmph, I couldn’t give two shits about your money, and your cock? The one that you need to take a whole bottle of Viagra to get up because the two-bit whores you pay for don’t get it up fast enough?” You pushed him back into his chair with your palm on his shoulder, your leg sliding between his crotch to put pressure on his cock nestled in his jeans. 
“The same cock that only gets hard when he thinks about fucking me? You some kind of tranny chaser? Or are you just trying to pretend you’re not a little fag who likes to bone men?” And of course, his cock was completely hard against his pants, a smirk rising to your lips as you proved your point. 
He groaned at this, “Hah, at least I’m not the one who likes to fuck men twice my age. Daddy issues much?” He jeered; his hands quickly traveled to your neck as he brought you down for a heated kiss. His lips fervently worked against your own, puffs of air billowing from his nostrils as he tried to not break for breath. You bit his lip harshly, he jumped below you, mouth agape for a second before you shoved your tongue into his mouth. 
While his mouth was busy kissing your own, his hands traveled down back to his original point of contact. Your belt quickly came undone, fingers pulling the button of your pants apart and zipper descending down. He wasted no time tugging your pants and underwear down your own ass, fingers sliding behind you to feel up your rear. He gave you a harsh squeeze on your ass cheeks before disconnecting his lips from yours, he pulled away to catch his breath. 
Red dusted both of your cheeks, saliva slipped between the two of you, and his eyes fluttered open to gaze at you with blown pupils. You took this moment to appreciate how wild and pent-up he looked, hair a mess, lips puffy, completely bendable to your will, god…
If you left now, he’d probably cry and beg for you to turn around and at least suck his cock, full crawl on the ground begging mode. 
Your hand slipped over his scalp and tugged on his hair, pulling his head back, and giving him a glare. 
“Did I say you could put your cock in me?” You snarled, watching him cringe in pain as you glared down at him. A little noise escaped his mouth, both a cry of pleasure and a moan of pain. 
“N-no, we don’t have to...I just thought-” You interrupted him with a harsh pull of his hair, his voice hitting a high note. 
“That’s your problem, you think. I didn’t ask you to think, I want you to beg. Beg nicely, and maybe you can put your cock in my hole, and if you fuck me good enough, you can cum inside me.” You let go of his hair and gently corded your fingers through his scalp, eyes still trained on each other. Tears welled slightly in the corners of his eyes as he panted lightly and tried to catch his breath, 
“Please, let me…let me put my cock in you. I’ll fuck you so good, you’ll be crying so loud for my cock that everyone outside could hear you.” He babbled lightly, at this point, he couldn’t look away as you stripped your pants and straddled his waist on the chair. Your lower half is completely naked and open for his viewing pleasure, your throbbing cock standing and begging for attention. Saul swallowed seeing slick already between your legs, his hand caressed down your stomach brushing through your fuzzy hair, lightly brushing the tip of your cock. 
“I want to fuck you so good, come on, let me remind you how much you like my cock, please sweetheart.” He begged, his thumb brushing over your sensitive cock head, his fingers dipping between your lips, slicking his fingers up before slowly jerking you off on him. 
Your lower half twitched and throbbed with excitement as his hands played with you gently, his eyes never leaving your own as he pleasured you with his hands. You let out a slow exhale as you tried to steady yourself and not thrust against him. 
He had the most puppy lovesick look he could muster, bottom lip stuck out and pouting, curved up eyebrows, and a giant tent in his pants. 
Alright, he whined and squeaked enough below you, if he begged anymore, you might see some waterworks being put into play. Then you’d really feel bad, I guess he did a good enough job that he could finally stop his groveling and get some release from you. It was only fair since any time you came in here, he would gladly let you sink onto his leaking cock, not that he would ever so say no. 
He was completely shameless, if you’d say yes, he’d have you sucking his dick under the desk for all his client meetings, too bad he’s noisy. You hummed a little thinking maybe; he’d allow for some training to keep his mouth shut for once in a while.
“That was cute,” You purred gently at him, fingers brushing back a piece of his combover, “I’ll let you have what you want, so go ahead and pull your little cock out for me, you dirty bastard.” You whispered right next to his ear, a shudder when down his back as he choked down a little moan. 
His hands quickly released his belt buckle and struggled with his top button, fumbling with shaking hands trying to free his erection. You just watched him as he tried concentrating with a straight-lipped look, brows knitting closely together with his cheeks flared up. 
He didn’t bother even pulling his pants down, just enough below his front to let his length and balls free, begging for attention. Precum had already leaked down the side and wetted his underwear, absolutely shameless, what a fucking mess he was.
You snorted lightly at this as your hand instantly started jerking him off, using his cum as lube to slick himself up, a noise escaped the back of his throat at your harsh hand thrusts. He was loving every second of it, watching you manhandle his cock as if it belonged to you. 
“Ahh!~” He gasped lightly as you touched his head, rubbing it lightly with your thumb, “Come on, kid, while I like your hand a lot, I uhm-” You sunk yourself down on him, hand angling his cock into your soaked hole, “Oh fuck!” He cried as you sunk slowly onto him, allowing yourself to breathe out calmly, slipping down on him inch by inch. 
His breath hitched as you finally enveloped his entire length, taking a short break to adjust to him, letting your legs rest on top of his own. Your hand was placed on his shoulder, keeping you steady, you just watched his pleasured face as he stared at your two bodies connected. You felt a blush creep up at the intensity of his stare, his hands calmly brushed over the top of your thighs as he gave a little thrust, gently testing you. 
A soft sigh left your lips at this, he took that as a good sign, hands firmly grasping your legs as he started grinding into you, you felt yourself clench around his twitching member, his head hitting your front wall making you gasp quietly. 
“Yeah, you like that?” He breathed out, his fingers delving in to stroke your cock as his length pulled out from you before slamming back in with a wet slap.
“Oh, you feel so tight, holy shit! Relax a little, kid.” He chuckled as his pace sped up, hips jerking up towards your own, your slick allowing him to glide in effortlessly. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re getting close, you want me to slow down?” His pacing did not, in fact, slow down. 
You had to lean into him just to keep from falling off his lap, hands bracing on his shoulders, his lips met your own as he pulled you closer. A low whine escaped your throat as he kept pistoning into your cunt, the chair squeaked in denial below you two. 
“Hah, I didn’t think so, I’m supposed to be making you feel good, right?” He asked, pulling away from your face just enough to breathe out some words, his mouth nipping and biting along your jaw, “Does it feel good? Having my cock inside you?” He hummed biting harshly on your jugular, a strangled “yes” escaped your throat. 
“Hmmm, what’s that, sweetie? You’re gonna have to speak up, daddy can’t hear you.” He chuckled to himself, giving you a particularly rough thrust of his hips, his cock was absolutely soaked with your juices as his balls slapped against you. 
God, he felt so fucking good inside you, reaching all the places his fingers couldn’t get, filling your needy hole while you clenched around him, begging for release. 
“Yes, fuck! I love having your cock inside me!” You practically wailed in his ear, your nails dug into his shirt as he fucked you into oblivion, his own moans mixed with yours. 
“Oh, shit, yeah take my fucking cock, slut!” Saul groaned, he felt his cock throb with want for release as he pumped you full of him, “Ah, oh fuck! Can I cum inside you?” He begged, his thrusting stuttering, and holding back as much as possible while still pounding into you. 
“Ahh~ Fuck….yes, please fill me up,” you begged against him, his fingers came back to your cock and started jerking you off hard. Your pleasure increased tenfold, the blazing heat in your stomach wound tighter as he cursed and thrust into you like a rabbit.
“Yeah? Good, because I’m gonna breed you like the slut you are, god that’s the only thing your body is good for, taking my seed!” He yelped particularly loudly as he seated himself into you fully, thumb still rubbing against your cock, bringing your release in time with his own. He let out another moan as his hot throbbing cock spurted inside your clenching walls, his mouth sloppily connecting with your own as he rode out his release. 
He whined below you, feeling your own spasms around his sensitive cock, still desperately thrusting up into you. You let out a quiet moan as he slowed his thrusts to seat himself in you, taking a breather as you both enjoyed coming down from your highs.
You could feel his cum leaking out from around him, making an absolute mess of his pants, thank fucking god they were a dark color. It wouldn’t be quite as noticeable to see a giant wet spot and realize it’s a cum stain on his work clothes. 
He let out a long sigh, relaxing back in his chair, his hands had left your hips and now wrapped around your lower back gently stroking you as he cuddled closer. You two stayed like this for another few minutes while he became completely soft inside you, before finally deciding to pull out from you, a soft whine left your throat at the loss of his heat. 
“I know, I know, kid. But a deal is a deal, Francesca needs that break, huh?” He said, patting your thigh before you slipped off his lap, legs slightly wobbly as he held your sides for support. A chuckle escaped his lips seeing you like this, “Woah! Be careful now, don’t wanna hurt yourself. There are no payouts for injuring yourself on the job.” He joked a little standing up and tucking himself back into his pants. 
You just rolled your eyes and bent over to grab your pants, and he this took this opportunity to slap your ass particularly hard, earning a yelp from you. 
“Really, Saul?” You snarled, turning back to him, he just oggled at you with an innocent look, a small smile dancing on his lips.
“What? I can’t resist you, you know this!” He laughed handing you your undergarments you had yet to pick up, you let out an exasperated sigh at his childish antics. 
“Whatever. Just go let Francesca have her damn break,” You chided before slipping everything on and promptly leaving, his eyes watching you the entire time as you left. With a smirk still present on his face, his mood had been lifted and his dick satisfied. 
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