aurelion-solar · 6 months
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"The Lone Warrior" - Sivir Wild Rift Champion Trailer
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soggyskinflaps · 3 months
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Not something i usually do but i wanted to try slightly redesigning K'Sante, making him look a bit more Monster Hunter-y with Shuriman monster armor and doing a few touches of my own. What do ya think?
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mollysunder · 7 months
The Icathian Roots of Zaun's Story and the Enduring Influence of the Void
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The most important change to Zaun in Arcane is the addition of Shimmer which has not only become the crux of Zaun's origin, but the element of Arcane that has actually managed to tie Zaun closer to its Shuriman history and the Void's influence in the region.
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To understand Zaun, it helps to know about Icathia, the city-state of free people and magic. Icathia was once a free society that had been subjugated into a vassal kingdom of Shurima, the powerful slave-owning expansionist empire for which the entire region remained named after. Shurima was notorious for how it would enslave the populaces of its defeated territories. Desperate to free themselves from Shurima's rule, the Icathian mages sought to use the Void against the Shurimans in their rebellion. But the power of the Void was too much and instead destroyed their civilization.
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The similarities don't stop there. Icathia and Zaun both seem to have encountered the Void by similar means. Icathia first encountered the Void because a large earthquake exposed a Void rift to the surface in a coastal province. Zaun itself is a massive fissure broken into the Earth from Piltover's expoitative mining industry. In Runeterra, the creatures of the Void lie dormant beneath the earth, so to encounter them would require great force whether by nature, or man-made.
In some ways, Zaun is almost a divergent history for Icathia, because while Icathia was quickly overwhelmed by the Void's power, Zaun still exists. Silco and Singed managed to apply a more passive means to integrate the Void into Zaun's power structure through Shimmer.
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The success of Shimmer's proliferation within Zaun has inadvertently promoted the worship of the Void. In League, the one known prophet of the Void, Malzahar, is depicted with a corrupted third eye. The eye is meant to represent the physical connection between him and the Void, even the Void Empress Bel'veth wears it. Now, in Zaun, the figure that embraces and spreads the benefits of the Void to the people has made that product, Shimmer, synonymous with his own corrupted eye that persists thanks to the Void.
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Crowds are now seen offering real eyes to a giant vastayan turtle with eye tattoos, and we as the audience aren't sure if their worshipping their prophet Silco, or the Void. All we can be sure of is that the crowd of worshippers and the turtle vastaya recognize the eye as a source of reverance and believe it's physical presence is necessary for worship.
With the next season we're likely to see the two remaining elements that were a part of Icathia's story that were teased to soon exist in Zaun. Those two elements being the installation of the mage king and the time mage.
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Icathia used to be ruled by mage kings but that institution was destroyed once Shurima conquered them. In Icathia's last stand for independence, a committee of mages, academics, and philosophers elected a new mage king, one who carried a starmetal staff, to lead the charge. But the mage king failed once the Void grew uncontrollable. I think the story of the mage king might best be embodied by Viktor. Not only is he one of the few characters that is actively studying the Void, but his future presence in Zaun is associated with royal imagery. In the card scene, his tarot, the Magician, wears a mask that doubles as a horned crown, something that's never existed in any of his alternate iterations. In the post-timeskip montage of Zaun there's a well-guarded cultivar, a public park for Zaun, with a sign that calls it "The Herald's Palace".
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Then there's the time mage, also known as Zilean. Arcane seems to have made both Zilean and Ekko's stories more closely parallel echother. Zilean was one of the few to reject the idea to use the Void against the Shurimans, while Ekko seeks to destroy Silco's Shimmer supply that he uses to combat Piltover. Knowing that the Void was dangerous, Zilean creates a space outside of time to save as many people as he can before the Void destroys everything. Ekko does something similar with Firelights, where he creates a small hideaway for few to hide from the influence of Shimmer in Zaun. Once the fighting intensifies and the Void's power becomes more intense and Ekko builds the Z-Drive will he try to save as many as he can by hiding like Zilean? Or will he fight the Void on his own side?
Tldr: Arcane has gone out of it's way to make Zaun's story mirror the story of Icathia, a civilization long swallowed by the Void. A lot of things are similar yet different that it offers new possibilities in the way the characters of Zaun will change next season.
Sidenote: If the story of Icathia survived into the setting of Arcane and was retained in the public conscious, it would likely serve as a cautionary tale against the "warmongering of mages" for Piltovans. They'd completely sidestep the part about how the desperation of a subjugated people will force them to do monstrous things.
Extra sidenote: I couldn't fit this in anywhere because it isn't about Icathia, but it seems that Jinx's imagery is supplanting Janna's place in Zaun.
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league-of-blorbos · 5 months
My Theories for what each Darkin was as an Ascended
(to preserve my sanity, i'm only gonna talk about the main 5 darkin, which are all the darkin champions and xolaani, and i'll put them in order starting with the one with the most supporting evidence and the going down to the ones that i purely made up)
Xolaani: Bird
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We already know this one, we can see her statue in The Call cinematic and you can see feathers on her chest and a bird-like head shape. We can't tell what exact kind of bird she was, but she was definitely avian.
Aatrox: Angel
First off, it's never said that Ascended have to be based on animals. Every fan interpretation I see of Valeeva, a Darkin described in Twilight of the Gods, looks like a humanoid with venomous spines, so Ascended beings could theoretically also be humanoids with extra apendages (like Valeeva's spines or Aatrox's wings) but are just more commonly animals.
Second, we know Aatrox is trying to morph his vessel into looking as close to his former appearance as possible and it's implied he envies Kayle since she resembles himself as an Ascended. Kayle is an angelic human with wings, plus I feel Aatrox would try to reform himself with animal traits if he had them, but instead he looks, again, like a human with wings. Also there's the metaphors with Darkin being fallen gods, and the Darkin (mostly Aatrox and Rhaast) looking like demons, and that fits the trope of the fallen angel, you get the point, Aatrox is basically meant to be Satan so it works for him to be a corrupted angel.
Rhaast: Goat
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This is one I've seen a few other people headcanon, and it comes from one of Kayn's taunts as the Shadow Assassin where he calls the enemy a "two-legged goat" which is so oddly specific and I can't find anything it could be referencing, so the theory is he's taunting his opponent by comparing them to Rhaast, who as SA, Kayn has already defeated. I would also like to mention that Kayn's baggy pants paired with Rhaast's hooved feet and horns give him a satyr-like silhouette.
On the more symbolic side, goats are often associated with the devil (again, Darkin are based off demons) and to death and the occult in a similar way a scythe is despite both being common things found on a farm; they both seem innocent until put in the right contexts, which is perfectly ironic for a violent being like Rhaast.
Varus: Lizard
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In his short comic, we see a vague fanged head that wasn't shown when just Kai and Valmar walked these same stairs, so some theorized that this is what Varus looked like before being trapped. To me, the head looks most like it's reptilian. He could also be a snake or even a dragon, but in Runeterra we already have a snake Ascended with Naganeka and a humanoid dragon with Shyvana so I went with a lizard since it felt the most unique.
Naafiri: Feline
I remember seeing some people guess she used to be a cat when one of her teasers said that her becoming a hound was "ironic", and felines are seen as the opposite of canines. That's pretty much where the evidence ends, I'm just going based off vibes that maybe she was a big cat like a panther or a tiger.
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krishmiisa · 4 months
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human naafiri design just dropped!
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
Reflecting on my work in 2022
As this official Hell Of A Year™ draws to a close, I guess it is appropriate to both reflect on what I've been doing this year, as well as do a bit of plugging for work which I am proud of.
So here's a list of some of the videos I made this year, along with some thoughts on their creation and how I feel about them, some self-criticism, some behind-the-scenes, and a little self-congratulation where it is appropriate.
I struggle somewhat with memory and a clear sense of time - to me, time is more of a continuous stream than a series of delineated moments. This is often frustrating - I get lost in it, and when I look back on a list of my work and activities, it is less an experience of "oh yeah, ha ha, that happened" and more of a "wait what do you mean that happened then? And before that other thing? But after that one? What the hell?"
Worst case scenario, it can be kinda distressing, honestly. It feels out of control, anxiety inducing, like I don't have a handle on my life.
... which is an absolutely fantastic tone to strike for a New Year's list of my favourite videos. 2023, woo!
The Boss Designs of Bloodborne Finale (February)
It took me nearly three months after the penultimate episode of the series to finally put this video out. My The Boss Designs Of series is some of the best work I've ever created, at least I think so. It's certainly some of the most creatively fulfilling work I do, and some of the most challenging too.
I try to walk a line between providing a fresh perspective on the games I've played for the series, but not getting contrarian or off-the-wall just for the sake of it. With Bloodborne, I do think I managed some really good critical contributions to the readings of the game, like my reading of the Blood-starved Beast as a self-sacrificing martyr for the beast community of Old Yharnam, which was apparently quite novel, or my crackpot Parasite Theory of Bloodborne's madness.
And I do think I've gotten better and better at editing gameplay footage too, I think I've managed to learn a good balance between joke-edits and continuity and story editing. I always kinda fret on the one hand that the gameplay footage and my live commentary is too boring to stand on its own, and on the other hand that editing in too many jokes and gags would just be obnoxious and tedious to sit through.
The thing Bloodborne nails more than any other horror game I've seen is the sensation of the nightmare. And not just in its visuals or its monster designs or the surface storytelling, but in the push and pull between extremely specific imagery and story beats and complete ambiguity the moment you scratch at the surface. Bloodborne is on the one hand a fairly obvious story about the abuses of organized religion and unethical science, but then underneath that there's also this deep obsession with the violence done to women's bodies specifically, and how that violence spills out and caustically eats into the humanity of everyone who is complicit in it.
And then underneath that there's an exploration of birth trauma, where the Great Ones are parental figures as incomprehensible to the player as parents are to a newborn child, pushing you here and pulling you there and inflicting incomprehensible violations of your bodily autonomy out of apparent sympathy.
And underneath all of that... it's also about how cool it would be to transform into a werewolf, actually. The themes of self-creation and transformation and claiming monsterhood as self-empowerment are incredibly queer and especially apt for trans readings.
It all flows together in this soup of imagery and meaning that I cannot crystalize into a unifying Theory of Bloodborne, no definitive reading, no comprehensive hot take. Which is frustrating when you're trying to create a video essay, but infinitely compelling when trying to think about it.
I don't know that I managed to capture all of that in the The Boss Designs of Bloodborne finale, but I do know that I tried to, and I'm proud of that.
Melina, the Maiden - Boss Designs of Elden Ring #1 (March)
Staying with The Boss Designs of, here's a video about which my feelings have become decidedly mixed. Not because of anything that is in the episode, mind you, but out of a certain disempowered bitterness I've developed about Elden Ring over the course of the year.
I cannot overstate how excited I was for Elden Ring, and how desperately I enjoyed finally getting to play it back in March. It's a brilliant game, an incredibly immersive world, and one which I badly want to return to.
... and then I didn't get to play the game for nine months. It was partly my own mistake - I tried recording an absolute ton of footage for episodes early, playing as much of the game as I could while it was still fresh, hoping to put out a lot of episodes of the series early while the game was fresh and Relevant In The Algorithm™, and also just out of sheer excitement. In so doing, though, I ended up shooting myself in the foot, because as I began to edit episodes together I also found myself feeling more and more distant from the experience of playing.
The pile of footage in front of me, begging to be converted into episodes, became a roadblock of work looming over me, a source of guilt and stress and frustration, that put extra stress on my mind every time I tried to make any other video and which stood between me and getting to play more of the game I have anticipated more than any other for years.
In 2023, I will get back to Elden Ring, I swear to god I will, but in the meantime I am quite happy with how the three episodes I've made of this series so far have turned out.
Also, the new intro song I commissioned from @trewatsonmusic absolutely slaps.
What's the deal with Zeri and Neon (June)
My ambition for the What's the Deal videos has always been to expand them beyond League of Legends (and I have done videos on characters from other things), but being a YouTuber is also my job, and League of Legends is the moneymaking subject on my channel, at least for now.
Not that I resent that. For all that League deserves the criticism it gets, I still insist that it has one of the greatest casts of characters in modern gaming, underserved and ignored though most of them are by Riot Games. There's so much to talk about once you get even a little bit under the surface, and I do feel like I've been doing a better and better job at doing that in the What's the Deal videos over 2022. Zeri, for example, is a fantastic addition to the class warfare dynamics of Piltover and Zaun, especially in her conflict with Renata Glasc and the themes that could be explored through that conflict. And it's not lost of me the extent to which she was a direct response to the xenophobic attacks on Asian-Americans that have surged out of American politics in recent years, either. There is value to proclaiming that someone like Zeri belongs in the worlds of big pop culture institutions like League of Legends, even if (as always) it is the workers at Riot Games making that proclamation, and Riot Games Inc. allowing it because it serves their commercial goals.
I brought in Nickyboi for an assist on this one as well, which is something I want to do more. I want to do more collaboration. First of all because it's nice to offload work to someone else, but also because this job is fundamentally kind of lonely. I'm just a guy in his office making videos 99% of the time, and collaborating with a fellow creator feels like being part of a creative community in a way that solo work and shitposting at each other on Twitter simply doesn't.
And I am proud of the little fanfiction snippets I've started writing in the The Future segments. One of the points of the What's the Deal videos is to communicate to an audience why I'm excited about a character, why I feel like they're worth giving a shit about, and I think those fanfiction segments have done a better job at getting that across than almost all of my character design and animation chatter. Plus, it's nice to flex a bit of creative muscle in that way now and then.
Speaking of which, I still need to write that happier ending for Kai'sa and Taliyah, don't I? I have A Plan™ for that, it's just about finding the time to make it real...
The 15 Most Beautiful Splash Arts in League of Legends (September)
This one is easily the biggest surprise of the year for me. In the latter half of 2022, I took quite a lot of sponsorships - first of all because they were offered (good lord there was a rush of them in August!), but also because I really wanted to save up and pay down debts.
One of the consequences of that was the extreme delay of Elden Ring, but another was that all of a sudden I had to get content out on a very set schedule. Most of my work is done on the steam of Whatever Catches My Creative Attention At The Time, but with a deadline hanging over my head, suddenly I had to find video ideas whether they presented themselves naturally or not.
I feared that a list-video would be a turn-off for my audience, I feared that it would be seen as shallow and tacky, like a 2010s Buzzfeed listicle. I feared that people just wouldn't be interested in the kind of art analysis I like to do, or would find it pretentious to seek meaning in what is - let's be real - commercial artwork meant to promote game cosmetics.
The benefit of a sponsorship is that the video has already made a profit, whether it does well or not, and I thought that in making this video, I was being self-indulgent and "ignoring" the desires of my audience.
Instead, it's one of the best performing videos ever on my channel, and people have cited it as a favorite among my videos quite a number of times.
Which was really... encouraging, honestly. I didn't expect it, but this video really did give me a confidence boost that the things I care about and find interesting do have an audience, even extra-nerdy rambling about League of Legends cosmetics.
Building a Better Soraka (September)
Building a Better is a series title I sometimes regret a little bit, because no matter how much I try to explain in the videos themselves that there is no such thing as a perfect character design and that my revisions and ideas are not meant to be definitive in any way, I always get comments from people accusing me of declaring myself The God of Character Design and sitting in holy judgment over the work I'm critiquing.
To an extent, I guess that's unavoidable on the internet, but... maybe the series title was a bad gamble on that front.
I do stand by, though, that my designs have a reasonable argument that they are improvements over the originals. Arguments that can be interrogated and criticized, but valid, reasonaed arguments, not mere polemics.
Building a Better Soraka was an experiment in creating the series, as instead of working with a single artist to iterate on design improvements, I ended up commissioning more than a half dozen people for artwork and using different renditions to make my argument. It did hurt the coherency of the video a little, I feel, but it did open me up to a much more flexible way to produce videos like it in the future, which I'm happy with.
Plus, I really do like what I came up with here, and I adore the ways that @sabtherobot, @sinizade and @lekyrin executed my ideas and brought their own visions of the character. Soraka is a character who deserves a lot better than the basic design she's stuck with, and whose story can do so much more visually than Riot is willing to allow it to do.
"Not Without You" - the story of Nasus and Renekton (November)
Of all the writing I did this year, this is by far what I am most proud of.
The video itself did not perform very well, nor did I expect it to, but the reactions I saw from the audience on this piece... yeah. That filled a very hungry part of my heart, I'm not gonna lie.
Writing a novel is a life ambition for me, as it is for many people. Actually writing it is a lot more elusive, though, in part because I struggle to feel confidence that my writing would ever hold up to the scrutiny of an audience. I struggle to feel that I would ever be able to connect emotionally with people, that I would be able to make what I feel sensible through writing.
This story proved that I can. Not to a big audience, perhaps, and I certainly don't have any delusions of genius or grandeur. I do not ever expect to be a famous or fêted writer, nor an important one. But... I do feel like with this story, I proved that I can at least be a competent one, which is frankly all I want.
And Nasus and Renekton were grateful subjects, too. Their story is naturally deeply emotional, albeit strangled by Riot's chronic indifference towards their most compelling narratives, and a lot of what I ended up exploring in there did come from a very genuine place in myself. It was nice to touch that part of my soul, and make something out of it, even if it's only silly fanfiction for a silly video game.
I am cautiously optimistic about 2023
Looking back over the videos I made this year, while I have a lot of work that I am proud of, I also see a lot of videos that I think I made less out of a desire to make them and more out of a fear of not making them. Videos that I made because I felt like the audience expected it, because the algorithm demanded it, because rent is always coming due and I am petrified of ever being broke again.
This is normal and natural, it is to some extent just the nature of the creative process under a capitalist market system where your work must always have some sort of price tag. But... I don't want to keep doing it. If I have an ambition for 2023, it is to make more of the videos I want to make, more videos that I only I can make. To give myself a little bit of a break and ease up on the self-recrimination and stress.
I have so many projects I want to get to, and being in my 30s I am becoming more and more conscious that while I (hopefully) have something like twice my current lifetime left to create the things I want, time is a finite resource, and spending it trying to please a website algorithm probably won't do me that much good in the end.
Anyway, some other things I did which I am quite proud of:
Played through God of War: Ragnarök while telling stories about the mythology of my childhood.
Ran around the world of Eorzea, accompanied by some of the funniest, silliest and most generous FFXIV players a man could dream of.
Finished a Pokémon HeartGold Nuzlocke with possibly the most nerve-wracking finish I have ever had to a Pokémon game
Reviewed every single Gen 1 Pokémon
Finished Great Ace Attorney Chronicles 1, probably the let's play with the most voice acting I have ever done. Some of it is even good!
If you've read this far, thank you so much for your time, your attention, your interest and your indulgence. Your 2023 be a good year, and may the tides of history wash gently over us all.
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lichdandy · 9 months
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Azir, done for a zine a while back
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israthevarus · 4 months
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My concept for corrupted Ascended Varus
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piltover-sharpshooter · 5 months
//I just realized that the Shuriman Empire coming back is essentially the same as the Return of the Tomb Kings from Warhammer? Like for an outsider living in Runeterra I mean, an extremely agressive and powerful Empire from the past comes back after their supposed fall to once again be a player on the worldwide stage.
The only difference is that the Shuriman Empire looks less...corpse-y.
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aurelion-solar · 4 months
Spotlight: Graham McNeill
Role: Principal Narrative Writer
Twitter - Full List of Writing Credits
In light of Riot Games laying off 11% of their staff globally, I want to make a series of posts highlighting the portfolios of those affected, so that we can appreciate their contributions to the world of Runeterra and continue to support them. You can find a full list of those known to be affected here.
"Where Icathia Once Stood" (source)
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"Monstrous" (source)
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"Shadow and Fortune" (source)
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"City of Iron and Glass" (source)
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"The Whispering Doodad" (source)
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"The Faceless God" (source)
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"Dead of Winter" (source)
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Champion Biographies for Azir, Elise, Fiora, Garen, Hecarim, Jinx, Karthus, Lux, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Twisted Fate, Varus, Vi, Viktor, Xerath & Zac, and many more colour stories (source)
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abunchofnumbers05 · 4 months
Regions from least to most likely cheat on their SO:
Freljord- There just isn't anyone nearby to cheat on with. If you did it would be with your net-tent neighboor, it'd quickly found out and you'd exilied and left to be eaten by wolves.
Targon - Pretty much the same reason as Freljord + divine punishment if you did.
Zaun - Zaun takes marriage very serious, or to better put it, it takes the commitment both parties make to eachother very seriously. If you cheated on your SO you'd be ostrichised by the community, people would know you're not to be trusted and your life would suck from then on.
Demacia - Demacia is very focused on monogamy relationships and much emphasis is placed on faithfulness. The punishment for an affair is giving more than half of your belongins to the cheated on partner.
Ionia - forgot to put it here (edit)
Ixtal - I'd say it's a 50/50, more common amongst the rich.
Shurima - They allow open marriage and polygamy so the line between what is an affair and what is not is very blurry.
Piltover - Can't expect good things to come from rich folk. At least if you're also born rich you can pay for a good lawyer.
Noxus - Most couples don't see eachother for very long because one or both are battling somewhere. It's an unwritten rule but no marriage is truly faithful in Noxus. Your partner is bount to cheat on you so you might as well do it. You both know what you did, you're not going to make a storm about it. In resume: mind your own fucking bussiness.
Bilgewater - It's pirates what you want me to say?
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stridergodfried · 2 years
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dam doing the same captions for posts is so boring... this is an overpaint too, I saw a meme on my TL with a cool alligator (crocodile???) and I just used a screenshot to make a funny moment, but in Shuriman style
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league-of-blorbos · 7 months
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Friendly reminder that Rhaast actually used to have a bitter ex husband best friend
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sloan-baux · 10 months
The Shuriman started mumbling again. It was something he did occasionally — grumbling a complaint or probing with an insult — but this time it unnerved Manny. It wasn't because of what he was saying though. None of his words, not a flipping syllable, made sense to the two Piltovens. The only way to decipher his message was through his cadence, and the curves on his wrinkled face — and now those curves arranged into an expression of fear.
"Can you shut this nutter up?" Trevor snapped. "I can't concentrate on the lock!"
Manny has already attempted to bargain with the old local pathfinder using their consensual tongue: which was just both of them speaking their own languages simultaneously in a chaotic unison, additionally throwing vehement gestures at each other. The man was consigned to them in Bel'Veth — by a flirtatious merchant who doubled as a translator — after it became evident that no one else is willing to usher them to this particular region of the desert. Which was a bummer, because this was the place they were looking for — the place which the Ferros maps they nicked marked with the words: "possible expansion site confirmed here". And they desperately wanted to visit the spot first, before the busy schedule of the Ferros clan caught up.
When they finally arrived it was disappointing at first, only nondescript dunes and forsaken, crumbling ruins strewn across the desolate landscape. The interesting part came when they went underground, and that's when the Shuriman began to whine. Gradually his mumbles grew into a stuttering cry, and the cold empty halls of the tomb rang with his trembling echoes.
"Why is he still screaming Manny?" Trevor stopped fidgeting with the lock and looked up for a moment, his expression was a single magnified eye, a fluttering veiny grey bulge under the countless magnifiers that hung in front of his face, fixtures of his unwieldy toolhat. Manny was groping for words when a clammy hand clasped his upper arm, making him jump. It was the Shuriman, his face a mask of utter despair as he whispered his undecipherable utterances to him.
"What? Bloddy!" Manny rolled his head. "What is your problem?" The Shuriman swallowed and finally made an effort to say a word foreign in his mouth.
"What? I! don't! Understand!" Manny was exasperated.
"Saant. Trasierrsss." He repeated with more emphasis.
A distant sound — of steps crunching on the sand-covered stones —became audible. Sandthrashers. Manny's eyes grew in recognition, the old man's despair percolating him.
"Got it!" Trevor exclaimed. At that moment somewhere behind the stone walls a mechanism clicked, and in front of them, a large slab of granite rose with a whirr. Beyond it in the corporeal darkness, something stirred and a tiny purple light flickered into being. Then came the second, and the third, and countless more followed. Something took a rasping breath.
The two Piltovens returned each other's frightened gaze and both of them realized they won't be leaving this place. Not them. Not the Shuriman. Not the Sandtrashers either.
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Okay, this was Shurima! What region should I write a snippet about next? ^^
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xolaani/naafiri fic posted! it's pre-canon with them both being human-ish (god-warriors). i know it's a rather niche ship (in fact, I think I'm the xolaafiri founder) but i would really appreciate it if you guys gave it a chance. it would mean the world to me. hope you enjoy it!
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