#Tricky has a secret name that he doesn't like
trickyhoopa · 9 months
UGH! I'm so bored right now! I wish something really fun would happen!
Then suddenly...
Oh dear... am I late or am I just in time right now?
Tricky suddenly hears the voice that's really familiar to him. They instantly turned around as his eyes both widened and their jaw immediately dropped to the person they see face to face right now.
C-C-C-COUSIN Miku!!!??
It's supposed to be Faron my real name, and salutations cousin ****
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A special ask event has started! Tricky's cousin Miku- I mean Faron is available to ask in a limited time!
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meanbossart · 2 months
Another much overdue ask compilation! Some short-ish lore asks (Gale, Gort, DU drow relationships and pet-companion preferences) and a couple of art/advice ones sprinkled in. THIS IS BY NO MEANS ALL OF MY ASKS so as usual I appreciate everyone's patience!
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I actually think he'd give them a pass entirely as soon as he noticed. Correct me if I'm mistaken but half-drow get No love from underdark drow and are usually surface babies right? So that fruit is miles away from the tree lol. I think he generally has a bit of a soft spot for mixed kinds since he himself feels like an amalgamation of sorts.
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Thank you! They're kind of a pain in the ass to draw at times for that very reason but man I do like the look 😩if other people like it too then that makes it all worth it!
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THAT'S TRICKY TO ANSWER BECAUSE OFTEN TIMES I'M NOT... REALLY TRYING. I've draw a ton of horror comics for mine and my partner's series' SAD SACK and SORTIE, so I think it just comes naturally to me 😅 also I do genuinely find expressive and, uh, rugged faces more attractive? (I think they look rugged, again that's what people tell me at least.)
I think the secret might be adding bits of realism in there. I get a lot of comments about the wrinkles and eyelashes I add to my art, as well as the way I draw individual teeth (though I've lately been making an effort to simplify my style in favor of drawing faster, so I haven't done that as much or in as much detail.)
Both symmetry and the lack of it can also add to that effect. I have employed both facial unevenness and almost point-perfect symmetry to achieve something a little frightening or otherworldly in my work. [MORE UNDER THE CUT]
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Thank you so much!!! The contrast is very much intentional, that's what DU drow's character is all about ;)
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Hahah well I somewhat doubt Bhaal would care that his spawn gets named, but either way he stripped himself of his name as soon as he killed his foster parents and abandoned the Underdark. He had a drow name that I jotted down somewhere but it's completely irrelevant because nobody has used it since he was a child, and he doesn't remember it (even pre-tadpole/having his brain scrambled.) Here's a little write up about his origins that might shed some more light on that: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/739688837431836672/did-drow-ever-have-a-childhood-before-the-temple
And about his original drow-given name and the reason behind it: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/741350986692591616/drow-had-to-have-been-given-a-name-by-his-adoptive
Everyone just referred to him as his supposed race, or as Bhaalspawn or Bhaal's child, and any other similar titles. Orin called him "kin" and "brother" and Gortash likely called him his associate. Post-tadpole the camp grows entirely used to calling him "the drow" and he has no desire to change that or to choose a proper name.
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THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH😭 no reason to be intimidated, I'm just some rando drawing BG3 fan art LOL I've been drawing since I was a child, and started taking it semi-seriously when I was 16 years old, so twelve years ago! That's around the time where I got my first non-display tabled and used that well into my twenties, prior to that I only did stuff on paper and liked to do inks color with pencils. I never really ventured into traditional painting at all except for a little bit of water-coloring in college.
Traditional and Digital art are very much different beasts. Which one you want to start with is, in my opinion, just dependent on what you want to do. Digital art gives you a lot of tools that makes learning easier, but you might find yourself having much steeper of a learning curve if you ever decide to do traditional art instead. If you want to be good at both, you need to practice both, since the skill doesn't entirely translate from one medium to the other.
Naturally you will be able to draw well on either, it's just... Different. I will say though, that I think if you're still learning you should use whatever allows you to look directly at what your hand is doing, so either traditional or display tablet/Ipad. I have no idea what a non-display tablet would do to a beginner, but remembering my experience with it I feel like it might be a huge detriment to developing the skill (feel free to share your experiences in the replies if you disagree, as I would definitely be curious to read them!)
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YOU KNOW ME BABY IT WAS MESSY AND COMPLICATED the tldr.: is that they were "buddies", absolutely no romance intended there on either mine or DU drow's part, but due to his nature the friendship was extremely weird.
Here's a couple of replies where I go into more detail about it: https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/739191190871818240/i-dont-have-a-particular-question-in-mind-sorry
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That's definitely reserved for the vamp LOL DU drow very much enjoys when Astarion teases and fusses over him, and while Astarion probably got a kick out of acting that way around such a big and scary looking guy at first, I think by "now" (later and post-game) he's pretty much immune to DU drow's looks and just enjoys doing it in earnest.
He's not at all averse to being touched (even rather intimately) by close friends, but he wouldn't be quite THAT vulnerable with anyone else.
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HE REALLY DISLIKED GALE... He irked him out by seemingly fostering a rather persistent romantic interest in him for at least half the time they spent together (very much based on my interpretation of their in-game interactions at the time, though my Gale might have been a little bugged.)
But also they had a... Fairly in depth relationship still? Gale was a staple in my party, and even though I antagonized him constantly by the end of the game it still felt like they had so much weight in each other's lives, if that makes sense. I might need to do a bit of an "update" on the DU Drow/Gale lore sometime, I feel like I've had some thoughts since that warrant more exploration of their dynamic (you can find a lot of old asks about it if you just search the Gale Dekarios tag in my blog though).
The gist of it is that DU drow found him arrogant and duplicitous, his constant optimist irritated him to no end and felt like it veiled a stream of self-pity (two things DU drow despises) Gale's attempts to get through to him only added insult to injury. By the end of the game he decided to pursue the crown of Karsus and this only lost him even more respect in Drow's eyes, seeing as he doesn't value godly power at all.
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I was pretty overwhelmed by the game at the start so I actually missed a lot LOL including Scratch. I did get the owlbear cub though, which DU drow gladly welcomed into camp since it was injured - but I think he would have wished for it to remain a wild animal and to return back to it's home after it had grown up a bit. He didn't really make a "pet" out of it more than he just looked after the little guy in the way it's mother might have, probably with Shadowheart's help.
He wouldn't be opposed to proper pets though if one were to stumble into his life. He'd definitely be more of a cat guy because of their independence and strong little attitudes.
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It is very hard to build proper rapport with him. He will be "friendly" to most people who have a good sense of humor about them, but friendSHIP is another thing entirely.
I think it's kind of circumstantial. He's very economical in his relationships and doesn't really seek them out at all - so a situation where he's forced to be in someone's company might be the only way to develop a bond with him, as he doesn't appreciate insistence either and that's more likely to push him away. He doesn't value status or titles either (kind of looks down on them really) so that won't help.
I think he just likes people who are true to themselves and their nature, sometimes even if the nature is one he disagrees with at it's core. This is why he liked Gortash, why he and Shadowheart got along so well, and why him and Astarion fit together so seamlessly despite seeming so different. Likewise I think it's why he didn't jive with people like Gale or Wyll, because they seemed to be rather... Dishonest with themselves and their own end-goals.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
Hello! Could you please write headcanons about Four Lords learning that reader has feelings for them? What would they do, how would they feel, etc.
Thank you from now! ☺️
Sure thing! Enjoy!💖
The Four Lords Learning that the Reader Has Feelings For Them
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She would learn about your feelings through her daughters, who snooped through your diary. Of course, she would scold them and lecture them on privacy because that's the mature thing to do. Afterwards, she would have time to ponder on this information.
-Alcina would feel a sense of pride that she has such an effect on you. But at the same time, she would feel uncertainty. She's been alone and not in a relationship for so long. Should see act on this? Keep it a secret? If anything, she needs a long time to think.
-While she's holding this information to herself, her attitude doesn't really change around you. However, if anything, she is just a bit softer. All of your little actions make sense now, so she can't be annoyed if you avoid eye contact or anything like that.
-She would poke and proud a bit at your personal life in order to try and get you to spill. Alcina is crafty at little games like that, and you normally fall for them. However, this time it's a bit tricky as you seem exceptionally good at avoiding the truth she desperately wants to hear.
-In the end, she eventually tells you the truth. Not only does she want to hear it from you, but you deserve to know that you have been snooped upon and the events that happened afterwards. From here, you can either deny her claim or speak the truth. It all depends on if you think she will return the feelings.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-She would learn through Angie, who happened to eavesdrop on you talking to yourself about your feelings for Donna. The little doll has no sense of morals, so she didn't care about spilling your secret. Donna, on the other hand, wished that it was kept a secret to stop the awkwardness from building up in her chest.
-Donna would feel panic because no one in her lifetime has ever felt this way for her. It's not that she thinks she's unworthy of it (even though it's crossed her mind with her scars), but rather that it was unexpected, and now she has to examine herself to see how she feels about you.
-She is the absolute best at keeping secrets, but she hates it when secrets involve her. Donna is usually quiet, but now she is more quiet than normal. She starts to hide around because it's hard to face you while she's dealing with her own emotions. She also tries to distract herself with things, but it doesn't really work.
-You're the one that starts to get concerned, not even realizing or thinking about what Donna knows. You try to get her talk, to see what's wrong. She knows you only care about her and just want to help, but it's so hard for her to deal with feelings that she's never had to deal with before. She just needs a lot of time.
-Eventually, Angie's had enough and screams out the information because she can't take all the secrecy and so forth. Donna gets all embarrassed as do you, so the silence is loud. It stays that way for a while until one of you is brave enough to speak up, which can maybe lead to the start of something interesting.
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Salvatore Moreau
-He would learn by accidentally hearing you say it to a fellow lord. Honestly, you didn't think his hearing was that good or you never would've have spoken to Donna after Mother Miranda left. Moreau feels intense guilt from this, knowing he should never have found out this information this way, but he couldn't help his curiosity when he heard his name brought up.
-Moreau would feel ecstatic and a huge bundle of excitement. Someone actually likes him! Thinks he's worth something important to them! He's a hopeless romantic, so he doesn't have to think very long about his feelings for you. Moreau knows how he feels, but he doesn't want to scare you away, so he stays quiet.
-He's the worst at keeping secrets, especially when they involve him or you. The man just wants to tell you what he knows, how he feels and how he knows what you feel. But at the same time, maybe you're holding back for a reason. And Moreau doesn't want to pressure you into an uncomfortable situation, even though his heart is telling him otherwise.
-Huge hints start being pulled by him about how he feels about you in hopes that you will get the courage to tell him about your own emotions. His actions, wording, and other small romantic gestures start being displayed to you. If you don't notice, then you're blind. However, your red face would say otherwise.
-Eventually, he just tells you how he feels, pretending to have never heard you speak to Donna. Apparently, that would be a good confidence booster for you because you now hold the power to accept or reject his feelings. But you know how you feel, and now how he feels. You have nothing to deny.
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Karl Heisenberg
-He would find out through sheer intuition. Heisenberg would notice your actions, your reactions to things, and put it all together. Can he be certain that you have feelings? No. But then he decides to pull a card and snoop a little just to confirm his own puzzle. Of course, some wording from you in a secret little journal was right, you did have feelings for him. His intuition was right.
-Heisenberg would feel, well, in denial. There was no way that you could actually feel something for him. He was too much of a monster. But at the same time, he hoped that his stubbornness to deny this would be proven false. If anything, he feels extremely vulnerable because someone has opened their heart to him. Now it's up to him to decide if he will open his heart back, which absolutely terrified him.
-Lucky for him, he's great at acting like he knows nothing. Heisenberg can go about his daily life without acting differently because of the feelings you have for him. He has to admit though, he catches himself getting flustered more often, which he hates and loves at the same time. It just goes to show how vulnerable and soft you've made him feel.
-Soon, he tries to take advantage of the situation. If you really have feelings for him, you will show it like you have been. So, he starts to tease you, get closer to you, and so forth. He knows he's just making himself more vulnerable, feeling more things towards you, but he's actually starting to like it. He likes the warm fuzzy feelings that are starting to appear in his cold-hearted chest. Soon, he won't be able to contain it.
-Eventually, his change of behavior brings your curiosity. However, it's still a race to see who will say something first, you or him. Heisenberg actually has less patience than you, so he brings this whole situation to light, giving you a whole speech how he doesn't care how you feel, but he needs to say how you feel. In reality, he was readying himself for the rejection his mind thought he would have to receive. He was glad his heart told him otherwise.
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ereawrites · 8 months
girl please you are my only source of Shisui content😭😭 really feeding us shisui simps🤝🏻 anyways, if you feel like it, can you please write about shisui and (if you want to) your fav characters “the moment they realized they fell in love with you”
MMMMMMM this is cute asf! under the cut for length
he definitely already recognises he has Feelings with a capital F. he's a smart boy and unlike the other two he is pretty emotionally available. but he doesn't want to reveal his Feelings just yet because circumstances are tricky, and he doesn't want to go through all the emotions of a big confession just to not be able to pursue a relationship with you
side note this is ANBU shisui. so he's pretty busy and just casually risking his life on the regular. tbh you're also probably in ANBU and that's how you guys get to know each other so well
anyway he's been sitting on these Feelings for a while. and he knows you like him too. he knows. he indulges in some lowkey flirting from time to time, but he also tries to maintain some level of professional distance
and then you save his life and he's SCREWED
you're both assigned to the same mission and spend the entire time dancing around flirting/not flirting, trying to hide it from your teammates, just generally having to try really hard not to distract each other too much. then there's an ambush on your squad and shit gets kinda crazy
shisui probably exhausts himself a bit protecting the entire squad and manages to get himself knocked flat on his ass. there's an enemy stood over him and he's out of kunai and his chakra is depleted and he thinks well, that's that and then you're cutting down the enemy out of nowhere
he stares up at you like an idiot lol. you look like shit, you're covered in blood and your headband is lopsided. and he thinks you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
in that moment he just realises how much he trusts you, and how well you guys work together. he can't stop thinking about it long after you guys get back to the village. he's literally dreaming about it. and after a few days he's like. this is love ig. wow.
shisui won't keep it from you for long. he thinks you deserve to know, even if it changes your dynamic as teammates. capital F Feelings are one thing but love is too important to hide. he might try to keep it professional (mutual pining?!?!??!), but I also see him going for a relationship here, even if you have to hide it from your superiors. and let's be real a secret relationship with shisui. it's hot
see now kakashi. he knows he has feelings. but he won't admit it to himself. he says no thank you not today. he's so stupid lol he thinks if he ignores it then it'll go away
he can't really keep himself away from you though. he wants to distance himself and that's his first instinct, but he literally just can't do it. he keeps finding himself wandering into your path, or just happening to train at the same time as you, or listening more intently when a mutual friend mentions your name
and the whole damn time he's like ah yes this is normal friendship. you probably don't realise anything is going on with him though, because kakashi is just weird in general. he does all this strange shit and no one questions it. you encounter him in the makeup aisle of a store on the other side of town from where he lives, and he thinks the jig is up, but you literally just assume he's doing Kakashi Things. and he thinks he's so slick
when it does finally hit him though, it hits him HARD. I see him finally realising he's in love in a very random, domestic moment
okok I've got it. he's back from a pretty tiring mission and he just instantly wipes out in his apartment as usual, doesn't bother getting groceries or anything. he figures he can survive off the food pills in the cupboard for a few days until he has the energy to grocery shop
then you just.....show up at his apartment??? carrying grocery bags?? and start putting food in his fridge????
kakashi doesn't really know how to react to this, but he feels bad just standing there, so he kinda sheepishly shuffles over and starts helping you put the groceries away. and it's nice. this is when he realises
literally drops whatever he's holding. this is a big oh shit moment for him. he lowkey really panics, he has no idea what he's supposed to do with these feelings, it's the dreaded L Word and that's scary as hell. he goes super quiet and avoids eye contact bc he's convinced you're going to read his mind
and of course you think this is Kakashi Things yet again. he's just weird. even over the next few weeks when he starts acting REALLY strange - avoiding you like the plague one day, attached to your hip the next - you don't think much of it. and this makes it sooooo much worse for him lol. he's never going to confess on his own
it's honestly torture for him. he's losing sleep over this. kakashi hatake??? in.... LOVE???? impossible
please please please just let one of your mutual friends intervene. hopefully he (drunkenly) confesses to someone, and they're able to pull some strings to force you to talk to each other. he may literally pass out when he has to confess to you, but just roll with it
oh god it's so cliche for tobirama but I have to do it. ENEMIES TO LOVERS
like look at him. he's so smug. he has a lot of pride, so he's pretty likely to end up having some kind of political/ideological rivalry with you. maybe you tend to very vocally disagree with his ideas for the village or strategies for missions. and it annoys him so much, especially because you're articulate and convincing with your points
so he's in this weird position where he has respect for you and your intelligence..... but you also infuriate him to no end. over time, he starts to dwell on your encounters more and more - he thinks about them even when he's training, or relaxing at home, or away on a mission. and this just pisses him off more bc he literally cannot get a moment's peace from you
hashirama notices this WELL before tobirama does. and it makes him all giddy and excited bc he knows what it means, but he doesn't want to ruin the surprise for tobirama lol
honestly it gets to the point where he will ignore everyone else in the room just to debate with you. it's at this point that he starts to realise he's got strong emotions towards you, but he kind of just brushes it off as a rivalry. he definitely doesn't even consider the possibility that they're romantic feelings
tbh. you're going to have to be the one to make the first move. unfortunately for you, tobirama is hot AND irritating, so he's going to get under your skin just as much as you get under his. it probably ends up with a pretty heated confrontation at some point
lets say you've had a pretty big disagreement at a meeting, and he ended up getting his way with the rest of the council. so you storm into his office later that day to chew him out. and tobirama is in one of his smug asshole moods bc he 'won', which means he's just smirking at you. and this is the moment ok just kiss him. wipe the smug look off his face
it takes him a few seconds to react, but he definitely pushes you off and orders you out of his office. at first he's absolutely furious, but then he realises a few days later that he can't stop thinking about the kiss, and not necessarily in a bad way. he finds himself wishing he'd kissed you back, even if just out of curiosity
BUT tobirama is stubborn so he won't admit that to you. he waits until he gets an opportunity to come argue with you, then seeks you out, and tries to goad you into kissing him again. hopefully he manages to piss you off enough to make you do it. because it's GOOD
he can't help but kiss you hard. probably pulls you into him by the jaw, wraps his other arm around your waist, won't let you go. don't wanna get too saucy here but I wouldn't be surprised if this gets a little steamy before he stops himself. he gets lost in the moment
then he pushes you off AGAIN lol it's so frustrating. this time it's bc he's like oh fuck. fuck. this is more than a rivalry
it's gonna end up a game of cat and mouse tbh. neither of you want to admit the depth of your feelings, but you also can't stay away from each other
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lmskitty · 3 months
Teacher AU!!
Nobara Kugisaki: operation prove the Sensei's are dating!!!!!! (Part two)
The next day Nobara comes in guns blazing.
Her first idea is simple, see what Gojo has him listed as on his phone.
"Is that really a thing? Wow you know so much Kugisaki!!" Yuji says amazed. Nobara sighs. These boys are useless.
"Of course it's a thing! See" she showed him her contacts, every single one had an emoji beside it.
"It's common practice to have emojis or cute nicknames for your partner or at least friends! If they are dating I bet Gojo would have him in his phone as something cute."
Yuji nodded sagely. He smiled at the emoji's she had put beside his (🤩) and Fushiguro. ( 😐 ) They even looked like them.
"Why does the smiley face have hearts for eyes beside Maki Sempais?"
Nobara took her phone back.
Getting to Gojo's phone was easy. Yuji asked him what his favourite digimon series was and Nobara grabbed it off the desk. She'd remembered his code because it was the pin to his debit card. This was further information that deeply concerned Fushiguro but he tried not to think to much on it.
"Aha!!" She said scrolling through the lists and then frowning.
"Bangs." Fushiguro read.
"Bangs?!?!? What does that even mean?!?! There's no emojis or even a picture!!! All the names are just descriptive sentences. This one just says bread?!?"
"That's Nanami. He likes bread" Gojo said looming over her shoulder. Nobara shrieked nearly dropping the phone. He grabbed it smiling.
"Why do you have my phone Nobara?" He asked pocketing it swiftly.
"We..wanted to get Geto Sensei's number to ask him what he'd like as a present!" Yuji stumbled. Nobara and Megumi stared at her but then Nobara snapped her fingers.
"Because we missed his birthday! You two are super close, do you know what he likes Gojo Sensei?"
Gojo hummed rubbing his chin.
"See he's tricky, he doesn't have the delicate palate I have"
The trio frowned at that. They'd watched him devour a crepe covered in chocolate syrup that morning and deemed it a nutritional breakfast because it had a strawberry on it.
"He's also got a particular style of clothing so he's hard to shop for there. Ah! Books are always a safe bet. Find a weird book on curses or local history. No guarantee he hasn't read it already though!" He waved his hand.
"Was he always the quiet reading type?" Nobara needled further and Gojo smiled.
"Yes and no, he was always booksmart but he also got in trouble just as badly as I did. It's hilarious he's such a stickler for the rules now when he'd burst out a curse on school grounds even if I slightly annoyed him."
"So the school was overrun with curses then" Megumi said. Gojo ruffled his hair to his annoyance.
"Ah the folly of youth!" He sighed wistfully. "That's very sweet of you to get him a gift. I note I didn't receive a gift from you on my birthday"
"what are you talking about. We definitely got you a gift you just ate the Kikufuku like immediately."
Gojo laughed. "I was hoping you'd believe me and I'd get another gift ah well"
"Why do you even need a gift, you have enough money to buy the whole shop?" Megumi asked.
"Presents taste sweeter" he stated. His phone beeped and he smiled typing a message back quickly. "Speak of the devil! Don't worry your secrets safe with me! Duty calls!" He said and wandered off down the hallway.
Nobara sighed. "Even his ringtone was a standard one. Are you sure they're dating?"
Megumi nodded.
"Did you see them kissing or something?" Yuji said. Megumi went pink.
"Gojo would be a big kisser. He's constantly leaning on everyone I bet he'd be a really clingy boyfriend" Nobara said grimacing.
"No. Just it's the way they are with each other! It's not how friends are...it's deeper than that." He ran a hand through his hair deeply uncomfortable with the way Yuji was eyeing him.
"They always eat at restaurants together"
"So do you and Itadori."
"They're always in each others spaces"
Nobara waved a hand at Yuji leaving against the wall beside Megumi. Megumi took a step to the side.
"They're constantly messaging each other."
Nobara rolled her eyes. "At this rate I have more proof that you two are an item then them and that's an even more ridiculous idea."
"I don't think it's ridiculous! Anyone would be lucky to date Fushiguro!" Yuji exclaimed.
Nobara nodded. "Yeah if they like the silent brooding type but the idea of him dating you is the weird part. You never shut up!" She laughed elbowing him in the ribs as they walked down the hall.
"Well then I'll be a good boyfriend for him then like yin and Yang, I'll do all the talking!" Yuji smiled.
"You can call the waiter over when he's too shy to say his orders wrong!" Nobara and Yuji nodded in decision. Megumi was still pink in the face and apparently had no choice in the matter as he listened to the conversation in front of him, hands in his pockets.
"Anyway! Stage two!" Nobara said pushing the doors to the field outside open roughly.
"Let's observe them together and check out their ~body language~ while Geto Sensei trains the second years!" She waggled her eyebrows for extra effect and Yuji laughed and did it back to her.
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Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Transported!Reader
It's weird to see someone's privacy with the faces of your family and friends.
content warning: self-harm, mentally abusive figures, blood, gore.
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Hope was a dangerous thing.
Even though your name is already carved onto a stone and you've been officially declared dead, Cage did not want to give hope. In fact, she would be fine if everyone just continue grieving and never know anything. 
It has been a month now.
The three Saints try to figure out the contents of your letter, keeping the details between the three of them and Ron, asking him to keep the letter a secret until they could figure out what exactly happened right under their nose. It still boggled their mind how you had been experiencing such odd symptoms of whatever this was and never spoke a word of it, despite how you were getting constantly hurt. They had known you were stubborn, but it was ridiculous to know it was to this extent.
It has been a month but nothing had resulted in their research about you that could provide a good explanation for why you disappeared. The workers from the Henituse duchy they talked to had spoken of your frequent dizzy spells and nosebleeds a few weeks before your death and the workers at the Palace had said the same. One of the knights on guard on a certain day had seen how much you had bled through your nostrils and nearly passed out when he held you.
Cage paced in her room while Jack and Hannah sat on the couch. Jack seemed to be deep in thought while Hannah seemed irked, leaning back to the couch as she closed her eyes and try to use her brain and try to figure out what exactly was wrong with you before your death. Cage bit on her nails as she paced back and forth, growing anxious by the minute every time she let her gaze fleets to your letter that sat on the table.
"Hearing voices, headaches, nosebleeds," Cage murmured as she paced back and forth, listing the things you mentioned having experienced. "She said they sounded very familiar. Like someone from the past life. Could it be someone from her life before she met Young Master-nim?"
Cage runs a hand through her dark hair, shaking her head. "No, no, wait. It doesn't matter. How would a person talk to someone like that?"
"Cage, could you please stop that?!" Hannah finally snapped, her head buzzing as she listened to Cage's mumblings. "I'm trying to think here!"
Cage did not seem offended by Hannah's tone. In fact, she was very familiar with it and she could not blame the swordswoman as they were all on edge and were using the last of their energy to think. 
"It is a God," Jack concluded, almost grimly as he closed his eyes in defeat, finally addressing the elephant in the room. "There is no other explanation."
"What God?!" Cage challenged the idea immediately. She did not want to shut down that theory, however, she would like it best if it was the least possible event. Because Gods are tricky. They are mischievous in their deals and selfish in how they viewed humans. 'We are nothing to them,' Cage thought, knowing just how puny they must look, how ridiculous they look to the Gods, scrambling to find out more about the events that had befallen their late friend, while the Gods lean back to their throne made up of worship and sacrifices, laughing because they know. 
"The voice told her to leave us and promised a reward," says Jack calmly. "It told her how she could find her if she sailed away from the continent. She finds him, she finds herself."
"She's not that important to a God," Cage says, almost bitterly. She did not think lowly of you -- oh, by Gods, never -- but even though she was considered special because the God of Death communicates directly talks to her, Cage still knows her place to an extent. She might have been dearly beloved by her lord, but she knew she was nothing but human, divine powers or not. She is powerful, a drunk, and she is still human. She is small in the eyes of her lord.
Were you that important that a God had killed so many people in that ship just to get you?
"Perhaps not to the ones we know of," Jack says slowly. 
Cage's eyes flickered quickly up to Jack, taking a moment to process his words. "You think another God is approaching her."
"More like fooling her," Hannah piped in. "He promised her something and look where she is now."
"Hannah," Jack says firmly, almost in a berating way. Hannah looked away from her twin, speaking harshly, "Her name's on a stone now."
"If this is the work of a God..." Cage began, trailing off as she massaged the bridge of her nose.
"Divine intervention is tricky," she says softly, nearing the table where your letter is placed on. "It is usually best to be left alone."
Do not give hope. It is dangerous.
Cage closed her eyes, inhaling a big gulp of air before exhaling. Do not give hope. You will only hurt them all.
Cage snatched the letter from the table, walking out of her room.
"Cage...?" Jack called out, standing up immediately to follow the dark-haired woman. Hannah fixed the strap of her sword properly before she followed Cage as well.
The Sun twins then immediately realized where Cage was walking to and they glanced at each other, both questioning if this was the right thing to do. They walked past your room and then came upon the floor that leads upstairs, following Cage as she practically stomped her way up.
"Young Master-nim!" Cage exclaimed, stepping into Cale's floor and immediately heading towards his bed where he was sleeping even though it was one in the fucking afternoon. Cage grabbed the covers Cale had on and shook him awake. "Young Master-nim, wake up!"
Jack and Hannah stood not far from them, watching as Cale fluttered his eyes open, no doubt tired because they all know he had made a trip to your room again last night. He tries to gather his bearings, looking up at Cage with a small frown, feeling light-headed after being shaken awake.
"W-what the...?" Cale began when Cage finally lets go of him.
"Young Master-nim," Cage says, forcing herself to smile at him. "Divine intervention is tricky. It is usually best to be left alone."
Cale still looked loopy as he tries to digest Cage's words. "Okay...?"
"But not if it's you," Cage says, pushing the letter to Cale's chest. "Here's another letter for you to cry yourself to."
Cale caught the letter, staring at it with bleary eyes. He rubbed his eyes as he held the letter properly, trying his best to read it. Once he got a clear view of the letter, he stopped rubbing his eyes, brown eyes gazing at the familiar handwriting, writing down a series of words he had never seen before in all his days of grieving. Cale used both hands to hold the letter, straightening out the wrinkles that had appeared because Cage had shoved it to his chest.
Cale's eyes quickly scan over the words, having to read them multiple times as he had trouble processing the contents because he seemed to have focused more on the fact that this was something he had never read of before. He had held dearly every single thing you have, and the fact that this was something he did not know of made his head spin. In his head, he seemed to be scrambling because there is more of you that he did not know of, that he had yet discovered. His face stayed stoic as he reads your letter and he wondered again and again at that moment, why wasn't this in his letter? Why didn't you tell him about this?
Cale rubs his face before he looks up at Cage. "How long have you had this with you?"
Cage gazed at Cale's tired brown eyes. "A month."
Cale then noticed the Sun Twins standing not far away, watching him anxiously and he turned back to Cage again, "The three of you kept this to yourselves for a month."
"We apologize," Jack immediately began, stepping closer. "We simply didn't want to give hope."
"This--" Cale raised the letter, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "This isn't hope. It's a lead. It's clarity."
"It would have given hope to you," Hannah piped in with a frown. "And if not you, then the kids."
Cale stood from the bed, standing in front of the three of them. He raised the letter to them again. "I'm keeping this and we're going to talk about this with the others." 
"You know best," Cage says, nodding her head. 
Cale rubs his face before he placed the letter inside the drawer of his bedside table. "Now leave. I need to wash up."
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We shouldn't be hoping, is what Cale thought to himself when everyone gathered together and sits down, each one of them talking to each other animatedly.
'They've all moved on,' Cale thought to himself, watching how everyone had no longer looked sad, their eyes no longer sunken with eyebags, their bodies energized and no longer looking pale like they used to months ago. 'I am still here.'
'It is selfish,' Cale accused himself. He never minded grieving for long periods in silence -- it's always been the one thing constant about his life. He grieved in silence and alone, letting the deaths of his companions be the ones to push him to learn, to be better. 
Your name is on the list of people he had lost and he had been trying to let his brain settle with that fact, but it is hard. His brain always seemed to be on overdrive, Records constantly making him confused between the memories and the present. He still remembered so vividly of your smile, how you look, how you sound--sometimes he hears your voice and it drives him nuts that it turned out to be his mind playing tricks on him because Records never forget. He never forgets. 
When he remembered, it felt like it was happening at the current time and the only reason why Cale hadn't gone mad was because he constantly remind himself; That person is dead. That time had passed.
"Cale-nim?" Choi Han finally called towards the redhead, seeing how Cale sat on the single couch while looking to be deep in thought, holding a letter in his hand.
Cale looked up and saw that everyone was staring at him expectantly. For a fleeting second, he thought he saw you in this myriad of odd people but he reminds himself again; that person is dead and that time had passed.
Cale sat up straight and properly. "Let this be known that what I am about to tell you is merely to provide some explanation, not to give you hope," he began. "Nor is it to open old wounds."
The others stared at him, waiting for his next words with bated breath. What could this be about?, is what runs through all of their minds, but seeing the look in Cale's eyes, they have a small inkling.
"I would like to tell you all about the reason why [Name] boarded that ship," Cale says slowly, still holding the letter in his hand. It did not escape from him how the atmosphere in the room immediately shifted. Most of their expressions were somber, some avoiding eye contact by looking down at their own hands as if they had done some irreparable sin. Deep down, there is guilt for moving on, that they were able to continue their lives and gradually began to visit a certain memorial less and less. 
"[Name]... was not able to find her purpose here," Cale says, the words spilling from his mouth automatically, the gears in his head spinning and working to recall the memories where you had stated your feelings, the words in your letter for him. "She craves for a purpose. And she couldn't find it here."
"That's ridiculous," Rosalyn murmured bitterly, looking away as she leans back to the couch. Rosalyn was still hurt, so badly, and she felt betrayed at the fact that you could not find your purpose here. What does that even mean? You were fine here. You were needed here. You had a job, a home, and a family that loves you. 
Cale stared at Rosalyn for a moment. "I know you're hurt. You're not the only one."
While he wasn't berating her for speaking so harshly, it felt like it and Rosalyn shuts her mouth, looking down to the ground with guilt in her gaze. She might have been able to no longer visit your room without feeling a heavy ache in her heart, but she knew Cale was still grieving. It felt so incredibly selfish of her to be so angry to your death when Cale himself did not seem to be angry at all.
"That ship she boarded was supposed to be the start of her journey to find herself," Cale continued. "She didn't board that ship because there were any negotiating or transport problems. She boarded that ship with the intention to leave us all without a goodbye."
It felt eerie to know the ship you believed will take you to many new places eventually took you away to one place they could never reach for. Silence fell into the room as everyone digest this new fact about you. Should they think of you as cruel to want to leave without a goodbye, or should they pity you for your desperation for a purpose? 
"This--" Cale raised the letter in his hand, "--is a letter from [Name] addressed to Cage a month ago before her death."
Everyone's gaze lifted to the letter in his hand. Some of them turned to Cage, some surprised, some looking confused. They want to question her about why she hadn't said anything, how could she keep it a secret, but they remember how the letter could have been personal, so they looked back to Cale, Choi Han being the first to ask, "What is it about?"
"It seemed that [Name]'s decision to board that ship wasn't hers alone," Cale revealed, placing the letter on the table in the middle of them all. "She described a voice that talks to her in her head that promised her a purpose if she leaves us all and sails the ship that will take her the furthest from the continent. The voice promised her that if she could find them, she could find herself."
"What?" Rosalyn's eyes widened, shocked at this revelation. She snatched the letter, reading through the content of it with disbelief in her eyes. "Headaches, nosebleeds...?"
"Her experience with the voice is similar to ours when we speak to our lords," Cage began, stepping forward. "However, [Name] seemed to experience effects of communicating with a higher being more severely, most likely because either she isn't used to it or she is weaker than most of us."
"A God," Choi Han murmured with a frown. "A God reached for her, is that what you're saying?"
"That's the most plausible explanation," Cale replied, caressing his chin thoughtfully. You had been transported here, much like Choi Han. There is a big chance that you were taken away because you had been tampering with a certain God's plans or because they needed a successor. "Which God is the question."
"It is not the God of Death," says Cage with a shake of her head. 
Jack shook his head as well. "It is not our lord as well."
"So, another God we aren't familiar with," Cale mused, looking up at the high ceilings of the villa.
'There are many Gods,' says the gluttonous priestess. 'Many are lost in time. What [Name] experienced is what happens when a human isn't suited to be an oracle, to be speaking directly to a higher being. Her body cannot handle the divine presence of a God, no matter how small or big. They are still gods.'
Cale looked at the letter in Rosalyn's hands before he looked up at everyone in the room again. "I will be working to get to the bottom of this issue. I will not force anyone to follow my lead, as I understand her death impacted everyone in this room and beyond. What I will do is simply for... clarity over her behavior. It doesn't bring her back. She is still dead."
"We understand," Lock says, frowning. "Of course, we will follow your lead, Cale-nim."
Cale nodded, standing up from the single couch and his actions were followed by his peers. He looked around the room, his side feeling so barren now that you no longer stood there -- you haven't been there for a month and it kills him every time -- but Cale then addressed them all, "I want you all to begin your search first for any foreign primordial gods, ones that aren't known in the continent or even rejected to be worshipped. That voice -- that God, promised [Name] for salvation if she went far away from the continent, so we start our search with foreign gods that are known to make deals with humans."
Hope is a dangerous thing. Do not give it.
But what else but hope that has solidified every step they took to find the answers they need?
"Divine intervention is tricky," Cale says slowly, taking back your letter from Rosalyn. "It is best to be left alone."
Everyone shared knowing glances with each other at Cale's words and Cage faintly smiled, knowing she had done the right thing to show Cale your letter.
Cale looks up. "But I don't listen to advice like that."
"You really don't," Hannah commented with a grin.
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John has always heard the term 'your life flashes before you die' and he finds himself questioning the life that flashes right before his eyes right now was his or not. 
Because he sees the face of his late mother -- she was so kind, always dressing up in humble tunics -- standing in a foreign room, dressed in slacks and a white dress shirt, slamming cupboards as she yelled, her voice unfamiliar because it was mixed with someone else's. 
"You want to kill yourself?!" His mother yelled in a voice that he had never heard of before, a voice so full of venom and mocking. His mother takes out a knife from a knife block and threw it across the kitchen island, the knife stopping right in front of a young teenage girl that looked so similar to you.
"Go ahead! Don't let me stop you!" His mother's face morphed slightly into someone more unfamiliar as she continued yelling, "Kill yourself!"
John looked down at the young girl that looked so similar to you. Tears ran down your cheeks as you stare at the knife on the kitchen island, eyes unfocused as if you were somewhere else. Your arms are scarred with lines of red angry slits as you stood there, hands slightly shaking as you take in every curse word thrown your way by the woman that seemed to be a morph of his mother and yours.
"Why are you crying?!" The older woman asked, almost in a hysterical manner. "You're making me look bad! You're the bad one. I fed you, gave you clothes on your back, and put you under my roof. I birthed you! You're an ungrateful child!"
He stepped forward, trying to touch your teenage self by the shoulder but his hand immediately went through.
"They are just memories."
John jumped slightly and turned around, the background yelling immediately dimming out. Before him was you, looking older than the last time he saw you. You stared at your teenage self and looked back to John. "They're our memories." 
John took a step closer to you and the world around you both immediately faded to white. You smiled at him, taking out your hand to him and he immediately took it. John stared at how your skin is flushed with color, no longer a lifeless pale and you no longer looked in pain. Your hand felt warm in his and he smiled, almost in appreciation to feel something warm for once, his eyes glossy with tears. Your hand gripped his, thumb caressing the back of his hand slowly. "It's okay. It's over. We're not hurt anymore."
"Is this the afterlife, then?" John questioned, looking around the white space around you both as he takes his hand back.
"I don't know," you answered honestly.
The space began to morph back into a room, a tavern that John frequently visits with his crewmates. He smiled, watching how the tavern seemed brimming with people until he realized he does not recognize most of them.
"I've never gone to this tavern," you murmured, looking around.
"I have," John murmured. "I think... this was Kore's birthday party celebration. I don't recognize some of the people here, though."
You looked around the place, familiar faces passing by you as you and John stood still in the middle of the tavern. You took a few moments to identify some of the faces and then spoke softly, "I know these people."
"You do?" John asked, frowning. This was supposed to be his memory, and he recalled perfectly how in this memory that you were not in the tavern nor the people in the tavern right now were present back then. 
"That's my mother," you said, pointing to a woman that stood laughing with John. "She has been dead ever since I was eighteen."
A cold chill ran up John's spine at your words. She shouldn't be here. John watched how your mother's face would sometimes morph into one of his crewmates, showing how warped his memories seemed to be and how they were mixing with your memories. John's hand ran through his hair in disbelief, looking around and noticing how his crewmates' faces were morphing back and forth to the faces of people he doesn't recognize, most likely the people from your memories.
You turned to the bar, your eyes staying there for a long time. John then turned around as well and his eyes landed on another you that sat in the bar across him. That other you were drinking away, staring at the bar countertop with an empty gaze, much like how you did when you were a teenager and you were getting screamed at by your mother. With a sip of your drink, you ordered another glass and the bartender nodded obediently, serving you another glass of whatever liquor you were drinking.
You remembered the faint night when you went out to a bar after your mother's death, drinking until you passed out, slumped in a bathroom stall after throwing up so much. It's odd how your memories are warped with John's this way, making it seem like you're drinking in his favorite tavern as if you're celebrating with him in one of his happy memories.
"To be honest," you began, turning away from gazing at your own self. "I don't feel comfortable knowing you will be looking through my memories."
John gave you a chuckle, averting his eyes to respect your feelings. "I don't think I want you to know some bits of my life, too, sweetheart."
You smiled, looking down at the floor. "Do you think there is a reason why we're here...? Why our memories are mixing up like this?"
"I don't know," John says with a defeated sigh.
You and John stood together outside the tavern to get away from the noise, looking up at the night sky together. You both cannot feel the wind or the chilly air. It felt out of place. Both of you were out of place. sometimes the buildings around morph into buildings you recognized from your past life, sometimes switching back to the buildings John knew of. It felt dizzying and so frustrating to see so many changes in a short amount of time.
"We died, didn't we?" You asked him softly, eyes staring down at the cobblestone road beneath you both.
John placed a hand on his stomach, where a gaping hole should be as he remembered the monstrous entity that had asked for your corpse. He doesn't know whether he should tell you that there is a big chance your corpse is being desecrated or not. He looked down at you and gave you a comforting smile, placing his hand on the back of your head to caress your hair. "We're going to be alright."
You hesitantly leaned to his side, tilting your head to his shoulder, looking up at the starry night sky and wondering to yourself if John being here was the world's last kind action it could offer to you after such a tiring life.
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Withira emerged from the water, Archie and Paseton following her as the three of them circled the mysterious floating island that have let the current carry it into their territory in their whale forms. She has heard from her father that every couple of hundred years, a floating island would float by their territory and it had been best to be left alone. This was her first time seeing this floating island emerge in her two hundred years of life, having been waiting for a long time for the island to appear because of how much mystery shrouds the island. It has been a couple of minutes of them circling the island, trying to find a spot where they could jump onto to enter the island, but the boulders that surrounds the small island were like a bowl, curling inside as if to protect any intruders from entering.
The fact that there were no beaches and the boulders were acting like some sort of border made Withira even more curious. Was there anyone inside the island? If so, how do they survive without fishing? Do they hunt and rely on the vegetation there? There was a tall tree in the middle of the island, its bark twirling into a swirl as it grew higher than the rest of the trees on the island and the greenery inside the island seemed to flourish, so no doubt there would be plenty of vegetation, however, the island was dead quiet. There are no sounds of animals that could be living on the island. 
Withira jumped from the water, morphing from her whale form to her human form once she landed past the boulders. Archie and Paseton followed suit as they looked around the flourishing flora around them, moss and flowers and grass growing everywhere, the trees' roots overgrown on the dirt and breaking through some of the rocks. There were proof of civilizations, as there were crumbling ruins and clay roofs, preserved by nature so perfectly.
"Is everyone dead or something...?" Archie murmured, looking around the island with a frown.
"This could be an ancient, lost civilization," Paseton suggested, looking at his sister who was busy eying up a poorly sculpted boulder not far from them, placed on a pedestal. 
Withira approached the sculpture, touching the harch lacerations of the sculpture gently. The sculpture resembled the shape of a flower and despite how poorly it was made, judging by how the stone wore out, Withira could tell it was a sculpture that was well-loved. Withira looked down on the pedestal where the sculpture was made, seeing many trinkets and dry sticks on the ground by her feet, which meant someone had placed offerings by the pedestal a long time ago and it had been consumed by nature.
"Was it a grave...?" Paseton asked softly after looking at the sculpture and the trinkets that lay on the ground by it.
Withira looked around the place. "Maybe."
Something bugged her about this island. She had half the mind to bail and leave the island alone, but her curiosity won her over so she nods to a cobblestone path to Paseton and Archie, signaling them over to follow her. They did as she had asked them to, following behind her and keeping their eyes peeled open for anything that might be suspicious or dangerous. The island was eerie, as it was quiet aside from their footsteps and the shuffling of leaves whenever the wind blew on the trees there.
"No animals," Archie murmured. Not even birds.
"Could be why everyone is dead," Withira says, looking down to a clearing slightly below them, seeing the many numbers of headstones down there. The grass was overgrown and the graves looked to be placed too close to each other, most of them destroyed due to the overgrown roots from the trees near them. "No more meat to hunt."
Paseton gulped. "That's a lot of people."
"A lot of dead people," Archie corrected him, looking over the graves with a frown.
"Look." Withira pointed to the same flower sculpture at the front of what seemed to be the graveyard site for the past civilization here. "Another sculpture. Means they're probably worshipping it."
"Worshipping a flower?" Archie asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, a flower," Withira says, unamused. "Of course, not. They worship what it represents. They most likely worship that looming tall tree in the middle of the island."
The three of them continued to traverse the small island. Withira noticed how there seemed to be thick, wood all around the forest that was in the shape of tendrils, reminding her faintly of Cale's powers to summon so many logs of trees and control them like they were ropes. Flowers grew on the wooden, tendril-like barks, all of them having the same shape as the flower that was sculpted and placed on a pedestal all around the island like small landmarks. Whatever entity caused these wooden tendrils to grow, they were worshipped by the community that had once lived on the island.
Withira stopped when they reached the middle of the island, facing a ruined structure of what was once a great hall of some sort, its entrance having hanging vines like curtains. The roof of the entrance was destroyed due to the tall tree that had grown in the middle of it, the tree's bark resembled multiple tendrils being strung together and twirled, flowers growing on its barks, the color a pretty deep purple with white tips at the petals. But what had caught her attention was the dried, brown reddish color that seemed to be dragging from the other way to the inside of the ruin.
"Blood," Archie says, preparing himself if there was someone inside the ruin and coming out to attack them.
The blood might have been old, but it wasn't as ancient as everything else on the island.
Withira walked up to the entrance of the ruin and covered her mouth and nose, recognizing the agonizing stench of rotten flesh from inside of the ruin entered her sense of smell. Paseton and Archie followed her from behind as they stepped into the ruin. The smell seemed to amplify once they were inside and Withira grimaced at the sight of a rotten body laying back on an altar stone, a gaping large hole in his stomach, his guts and blood all over the floor.
"Poor man," murmured Paseton, eying the gaping large hole on the man's body. "What could have done that to him?"
Withira approached closer, noticing that there was another body, laying on the altar stone, and the dead man laying on the ground had held their hand tightly, even in death. Withira approached the altar stone carefully while Archie and Paseton stood back, still looking around the premises with their guards high up. 
'That hair...' Withira thought to herself, seeing the familiar [h/c] hair strewn all over the stone altar.
Withira stood there for a long time, letting realization sink in as she come to terms that she knew this person on the altar stone. Withira leaned down to the body, your body, nearly frantic as she cups your face. Your skin was cold, like the corpses she had helped pushed in the waters to help Cale's men to retrieve them the day she found out she had to aid them to look for your corpse. This was where you were? How did you even end up here?
Withira leaned down, placing her fingers on your pulse and when she couldn't find it quick enough, she pressed her ear to your chest, desperately hoping to hear any signs of life.
Withira jumped away from the altar stone when she heard Paseton's voice and a thick, tendril-like bark struck where she was standing up. The tendril looks to have dried blood on it and the size of it matches the hole on the dead man's chest. 
"It's sentient," says Archie when the vines that were scattered all around the ruins suddenly began to move. "We need to get out of here!"
Withira watched how the vines squirmed and seemed to be facing the three of them, standing guard over the altar stone like they were protecting you. Before she could get another word out, a number of them struck out to impale the three of them. No matter how many times they cast their weapons to cut off the tendrils, more seemed to come up to attack them, driving them away to the edge of the island until the three of them were forced to jump into the water, morphing back into their whale forms.
"We need to inform this to Cale-nim," Withira says, swimming towards their home quickly as they avoided the tendrils that seemed to grow from the base of the floating island, chasing after them.
"What? Why?" Paseton asked, confused as he narrowly avoided a thick vine. 
"That was [Name]," Withira says. "She was still alive."
They swam until the tendrils could no longer follow them, having reached their limit in length. Withira, Paseton, and Archie watched as the thick tendrils began to thrash around, creating big waves into the ocean to push them out further. 'So this is how it sunk the ship,' Withira thought with wide eyes, realizing that whatever entity they were facing, it was not one to be messed with.
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buccini555 · 10 months
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≡ Headcanons of what it would be like to be in a relationship with Naoto (NSFW at the end)
⌕ H e a d c a n o s!
♡...𝑭𝒕. Naoto Tachibana
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♡ Naoto really cares about special dates, he always gives you gifts on your birthdays or anniversaries, flowers, sweets or anything you want he buys for you.
♡ He has difficulty showing feelings, but despite this fact, Naoto tends to be extremely affectionate, sometimes he doesn't like romanticism very much, however he often makes an effort to be romantic with you.
♡ Naoto likes organization and having everything under control, despite worrying a lot about work, he always gives you attention all the time, being a little needy and tricky at times, he likes to have all your attention only for him.
♡ He does whatever he wants, of course, sometimes he complains a little, but he always ends up complying with his wishes.
♡ Naoto keeps you almost like a secret from other people, he prefers to keep you out of trouble, you really are important to him.
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⚠︎!! smut, mention of sex in public, masturbation, domination, submission, blowjob, handjob, words (whore), pet names(baby) I think that's it?
♡ He always thinks about sex in public places, but he doesn't have the courage to tell you, many times when they are in places like this, he gets extremely excited with these thoughts, but hides it.
♡ Naoto seems shy and a little innocent, but he often masturbates thinking about you, he can't resist his body but he feels a lot of excitement in the way you ingratiate yourself to him, he likes it when you tease him, asking for more or just being naughty. "I know you're just a whore, I love this!"
♡ He likes to be dominated, many times Naoto is completely submissive to you, he likes it when you call him names or something, he likes to get slapped in the face, scratches and hickeys he gets really horny when you treat him bad.
♡ Slow and deep, he likes morning sex, he always wakes up extremely excited when he sleeps with you, Naoto can never hide how hard his dick is, the size and thickness of his dick does not let his desire to fuck go unnoticed, Naoto makes you moan really loud, but he doesn't like other people knowing they're having sex, so sometimes he covers your mouth. "I need to fuck b-baby, please! Let me fuck this pretty pussy"
♡ He is shy to ask you for sex so he just waits for you to ask for it, he gets extremely horny when you beg for his dick, Naoto loves when you give him a blowjob in the morning, or when you give him a handjob.
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palettesofrenaissance · 3 months
Hey. I got a short drabble idea for your Wonka story, if you'll have it. Since you're trying to get into more dark stuff.
The idea is this: Wonka thinks he has Sapphire and Ruby trapped in his "wonderland", but by some freak accident, they find a way to escape and he. is. pissed.
✎ᝰ ── 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨! I'm thoroughly relieved to be finished with this and excited to be posting this. this is my first dark!fic. don't expect this to be like my previous stories. this is the first thing I've written that I had fun with. it's the first serious thing I've done since struggling with writer's block. this prompt fill is the one after after the intro fic (this is what I've been up to lately. join me!)
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Permanent Marker  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · INTRO/AU CONCEPT
Location Services: OFF  · · · · · · · · · · · · · THIS PROMPT
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𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: Dark!AU, Future Fic, Canon Compliant. Prompt-driven story
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: The saying goes: “Never, ever accept a gift from a fae. And never, ever verbally say thank you for a gift. It implies that the receiver owes them something, like food, your firstborn, or a favor (no matter how deranged).”
If only she had known this warning when meeting the unpredictable, tricky, and arrogant magician Willy Wonka. She fears her precious daughter is going to have to pay the ultimate price for her moment of temporary short-sightedness. Especially when her daughter doesn't heed her warnings.
People change over the years. People are also multifaceted and can have contradicting factors about themselves. Her daughter will find that she was kept away and hidden for a reason.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: love/hate, meet rude/meet ugly, secret children, mentions of violence/blood during a hallucination, abuse of trust, Willy is a bit rude, obsessive and dark Willy Wonka, dark fairytale elements, and taking inspiration from the actor's few insane moments and running with it
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Written in 3rd person. Named child character. Named mother!reader if you want to imagine that, or named OC; she's named Sapphire, inspired by the singing lady in the tram scene
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“I was young when I first made the deal with him,” she had described herself to Noodle Slugworth Smith, the next in line to inherit the Slugworth empire and fortune. When she first met the soon-to-be-known magician she was indeed several years younger than him despite looking older than she actually was… She wonders if that was another reason he continuously manipulated her and kept her in his clutches…
To be exact, she first “met” him in passing on a tram car on the way to clock-in at her job. He’d been posing as a tram ticket collector and had offered her and a friend a piece of chocolate each to sample—something she would have declined had her friend not pointed him out and his reputation throughout the past several months not preceded him.
But even before he announced himself and began handing out samples throughout the tram car, Sapphire had thought none the wiser, his face blending in among the sea of others. That, along with already being distracted because she was on her way to work, then the candy’s influence to dance and sing on the crowded tram that quickly became overwhelming before the police even showed up, she wouldn’t have been able to pick out his face from a line-up even if she wanted to.
Which is why when she came across him once more sometime later, it made sense why she hadn’t recognized him: clothes really can make the difference about a person.
Now sometime later and at a laundromat on a rainy day, Sapphire has no reason to know that the tall man alone in a far corner was the previously unknown, enigmatic chocolatier that swept in and gradually took her city by storm. At the laundromat, he looks so ordinary and unnoticeable, staring off at a point unseen. She doesn’t give him any acknowledgement beyond a few glances to mind her distance.
It has been an angry and dark overcast for the past week, the air heavy with humidity and the promise of rain that never came.
‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ Keep reading
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incesthemes · 4 days
as i've rewatched seasons 1 and 2 of supernatural i've been pondering and hypothesizing reasons why john was so adamant on not letting sam know about his destiny. why he was so intent on keeping this secret, why he didn't want sam knowing about monsters, why his role in their hunts appeared to be research-oriented and thus away from the action. my perspective on ignorance and censorship is that it enables further harm, so if john were going to effectively protect sam, it would stand to reason that sam should have a comprehensive understanding of his destiny and what he's up against: give him the tools to fight.
this is obviously not the route john went, so then i have to question why that is—what about censorship was so appealing to him that he thought it not only the best way to keep sam safe, but perhaps even the only way to keep him safe, based on how he begged even dean to keep sam's fate a secret from him in his final words?
so i got to thinking. namely, about the fact that azazel wants sam to be hunting: he killed jessica with the intent to drag him back into the life, which implies that if sam is hunting, he is going down the path azazel wants him to go—he's following his destiny. this aligns with the everpresent theme throughout season 1 that hunting is a monstrous lifestyle, that hunting turns people into monsters. if sam is destined to become a monster, then hunting is the most sure-fire way to get him there.
if azazel wants sam to hunt, then john would need to take the logical opposition and keep sam out of hunting—so, he wouldn't tell sam about monsters until he has to, he'd give sam more passive roles once sam is participating in hunts, he'd train sam in self-defense but not explain why. and importantly, he wouldn't talk about mary, who is the root cause of this lifestyle, the impetus for their revenge quest, more than he has to. if the goal is to keep sam as far away from hunting as possible, and if john is someone who thinks ignorance keeps someone safe, then this more or less explains most of how sam was raised: on the fringes of the family, excluded and sheltered.
but weirdly enough, it wasn't until i was reading east of eden the other night that i finally understood the perspective being presented: late in the novel, the character lee says "when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop."
it made me remember that sam picks. he is a character who wants to understand the world around him and his place in it. if something is bothering him, he turns it over in his head until it consumes him. dean places doubt in sam's head in 2x10 and it obliterates him by 2x11. he's convinced he's going to become some horrible monster because he never stops thinking and trying to figure things out. when his memory is wiped in 4x17 and normal guy sam wesson finds out his coworker is the guy from his weird dreams, he pursues him relentlessly until they're back hunting. when he discovers the wall death put in his mind to keep his hell trauma out in season 6, he pushes and can't stop until it starts crumbling around him. he's intelligent and clever and he wants to know everything. and when he doesn't know, he picks.
and the only way to stop a person like that from picking is to not let them know that there's something to pick at in the first place. that's what the quote from east of eden means: once you catch wind of something, you want to pursue it until you're satisfied. curiosity kills the cat.
and what john is up against is fate itself. something that isn't supposed to be messed with, something that's supposed to be unavoidable. so trying to thwart it is tricky business. he has to be careful.
i think working under that logic his response makes sense, even if it wound up being a self-fulfilling prophecy anyway—sam was always going to find out, and sam was always going to pick. there was nothing john could do in the end to stop it, and trying to keep sam ignorant only made him that much more desperate to know. but that's the great tragedy of it all: john was given an impossible choice, and he's a deeply flawed character. he did what he thought was best, and it only made things worse.
i like this interpretation because it ties all of john's choices together really well; it explains a lot about his character and gives a nuanced and rather reasonable explanation for why he did what he did: a dad who wants the best for his kid does what he believes will set him up on the path to success. when the first innocence is gone, you can't stop—so john does his damnedest to keep sam innocent, even to his dying breath.
the problem comes down to that someone's damnedest isn't always good enough, and that sometimes someone's damnedest ends up benefiting the enemy instead.
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ystrike1 · 8 months
Honey Maple More More Sugar - By Tsushiko (7.5/10)
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Two adult men that love to make custom plush dolls. For one it's a hobby he has to keep secret, because of his serious police career. The other is a crafty social media star, but even he doesn't express his cute desires in public. Dating online is tricky enough. It's even harder when commitment comes at you fast. The stern officer isn't willing to let his ideal partner slip away.
Sometimes nothing is scarier than a guy that moves way too fast.
Tsumugi is a plushie maker who has lots of fans and customers on social media. He's also in the closet. He's been flirting with one of his fans through a gay chat app.
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"Chitan☆" (that's his username) wants to move in together....after two dates. Two.
It's an uncomfortable situation for Tsumugi, and he thinks Chitan☆ might just be a crazy fan.
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Chitan☆ is also super strong, tall, and influential in the local police force. He also has lots of money, and he offers to take care of Tsumugi financially....on the second date.........
Tsumugi freaks out for like a week and he considers cutting contact.
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Chitan☆ and Tsumugi have exchanged plush dolls named Honey and Maple. It's adorable. Both men are obsessed with niche kawaii culture stuff. Chitan☆ is mega repressed and unable to share that with anyone. Tsumugi at least has his fans.
He tries to be understanding with Chitan☆.
Chitan☆ is too innocent...
He doesn't understand...Tsumugi never intended to start a relationship with him....he thought they would be hookup buddies at most.
He gets so stressed about the situation. He starts dreaming about his dolls lecturing him.
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Tsumugi successfully cuts off contact for a month, but he misses Chitan☆.
He decides to visit Chitan☆.
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Chitan☆ wins him over with brutal honesty. He hasn't found anyone so wonderful in all his years of dating. Or trying to date. He's in his thirties, and he's willing to spoil Tsumugi if Tsumugi chooses him.
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Chitan☆ has an older sister and she's exactly like him and it's funny. I thought this scene confirmed that he really isn't a yandere but he is super devoted and weird in the extra chapter.
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He wakes up at 5am to stare at Tsumugi.
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He compares Tsumugi to the most tempting of gods.
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Tsumugi makes him another plush for his birthday, and he immediately starts thinking of lavish return gift ideas.
He's fun.
He's mostly harmless.
His pushy behavior was pretty scary.
It's cute.
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yujeong · 1 month
Favourite Underrated Ship? Simple answer: Every single Pete rarepair! -> PorschePete? Iconic! Brilliant! Phenomenal! Most people love "best friends who kiss", I love "secret third thing". However one enjoys them, though, they're delicious to consume😌 (You might think it's not an underrated ship, but I'd like to inform you that it has, in fact, less than 100 fics on Ao3, so it very much is in my book. I'm happy to have contributed to it by posting two of them, but I'd love it if there were more. Hopefully, I'll get inspired anew one day.) -> KinnPete? Oh please, the power dynamics make me giggle like a 10 year old girl playing with Barbie dolls. Such glorious toxicity, such perfect ways Kinn could use and abuse Pete to his benefit, either with or without knowing he's doing it. You can do so much with them, either pre, during or post canon and I get so excited thinking about it. (This one has less than 50(!) fics posted, so I'm super thankful to the few authors who have gifted me some amazing works. Sharing my personal favourite because it deserves to be cherished 🥹) -> ArmPete? Do I even need to sell this one? It can do fluff, it can do angst, it can do smut, it can do it all. My personal favourite flavour of it is Arm having unrequited feelings for Pete because it's just so deliciously angsty 😇 I love me some pain, I can't help it. (This one doesn't have any fics to its name, besides one in Chinese. I'm devastated. I did personally have an idea for a multi-chaptered fic with 3k words already written, but if I manage to focus on it properly one day, it'll end up being a simple one-shot.) -> KimPete? Oh, you mean the ship I got so obsessed over I wrote 25k words of them platonically bonding, while having Kim think to himself more than once how pretty Pete is? You mean the ship that shares so many similarities with VegasPete, while still having its own identity based on the differences between Kim and Vegas? You mean the love of my life? (Again, fics for this one are almost non-existent, which is a shame, but understandable. One day, I'll manage to enrich the tag. One day.) -> TankhunPete? Take KinnPete's fucked up power imbalance and twist it in a more peculiar direction. What you get is this ship, which makes me so uncomfortable but so, so intrigued. (Incredibly underrated with how few fics it has, but a special thanks to this one for altering my brain chemistry when I first read it.) -> BigPete? Rivals who might engage in hate sex from time to time? Pals who share the same fate and understand it and bond over it? Pick your poison and roll with it, because it's delicious either way. I'm personally team "They hate each other" because it's more fun that way 😉 (Almost nothing here again, which is a shame, but again understandable. I had forgotten they shared 2 lines of dialogue together in the show, I deadass thought they never talked to each other, which was great for me lol. Here's one fic written by the same person who wrote the KinnPete one, in case you'd like something cool to read.) -> TayPete? This one's for pure aesthetic reasons because have you seen Tay, have you seen Tay at the auction, have you imagined Pete and Tay fucking at the auction, because I surely have 🙂 It's such a gorgeous image, I lose focus for a hot minute when it comes to me. (This one's tricky, because most people write Vegas/Pete/Tay, which is a glorious choice and I support it, and my talented friend is writing a very good VPT fic, but I'd love it if there were more fics that focus on these two only. They're too powerful, I can't get enough.) I think those are all the ones I'm personally obsessed with. All I have to say is, Pete deserves all the beautiful men and what they'd like to do with him ❤️
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As is explained in the book, Covey names are made up of the name of a folk ballad and a color. The origins of a few of these names are explicitly stated in the book, but not all of them, so I want to try to lay out some potential origins for all of the Covey characters’ names!
Lucy Gray-Lucy Gray, poem by William Wordsworth (canon)
Barb Azure-Barbara Allen, famous folk song and child ballad 84 (canon)
Maude Ivory-Maude Clare, poem by Christina Rossetti (canon)
Clerk Carmine-Clerk Saunders, English folk song and child ballad 69
Tam Amber-Tam Lin, Scottish folktale and child ballad 39
Billy Taupe-Billy Boy, famous American folk song (likely, though Willy is a very common name in folk songs and child ballads)
Furthermore, I also want to argue that each of their names (much like Lucy Gray's) has some element of foreshadowing or relevance to their character or story!
Lucy Gray: as we know, she shares her story with the Wordsworth character: to go missing in the woods and have her true fate be forever a mystery
Barb Azure: she's a bit trickier. Barbara Allen is a soft, quiet tragedy about a “hard-hearted” girl whose lover dies, and she dies soon after so she can be buried with him. Barb Azure doesn't have much in the way of tragic romance (she and her gf seem to be the only non-toxic romance in the Covey), so I view her tragic love as not romantic, but familial. Barb seems to be the mom friend of the Covey, quiet and reserved but caring, and I think her heart broke when Lucy Gray and Billy Taupe died, one after the other. I should note that Barbara Allen's lover is named William (I told y'all it's a really common name). We don't know what happens to Barb Azure after she loses half her family and their music, but I can't imagine she ever fully recovered.
Maude Ivory: ALSO tricky. Maude Clare is about a love triangle, in which a couple is getting married and Maude, the groom's ex, stirs some shit with the bride, Nell. The groom is very inconsequential (Rossetti was a lesbian *cough cough*), so it's mainly about what the two women are fighting over. Maude proudly hands over the groom, but showcases how much he preferred her to his wife in the process. Nell professes that she has the legitimacy of marriage, and is willing to wait until he loves her back. It's unclear who really wins. I think this could be indicative of a bit of a silent "feud" (with no hatred of course) with Lucy Gray over which will become the lead singer in the Covey. Lucy Gray effectively hands it over to Maude Ivory at the end, but it's not much of a victory, as music is soon banned in District 12. But to Maude's credit, if the theory that she's Katniss's grandmother is true, she is willing to work to spread her music in secret over the coming years.
Clerk Carmine: Clerk Saunders is betrayed by his lover’s brothers after he wrongs her, eventually being killed by her youngest brother. Clerk Carmine's brother, Billy Taupe, betrays Lucy Gray by sleeping with Mayfair, and eventually the rest of the Covey reject him, including, most personally, Clerk Carmine.
Tam Amber: Tam Lin was a mysterious fae man, and Tam Amber was a mysterious baby found on the side of the road (I'm sorry but we know like nothing about this boy)
Billy Taupe: Billy Boy is a nursery rhyme about a boy who is courting a girl who is too young to leave her mother's side, much like Billy Taupe is courting Mayfair, whose father won't leave her alone. Though the nursery rhyme itself is light and fun, it has been linked to the English murder ballad "Lord Randall," in which a jealous woman poisons her husband, much like Mayfair's jealousy leads to both hers and Billy's deaths.
Tell me what y’all think! Clerk and Billy could really be a few things, but these seemed most likely. I also might’ve missed something (I wasn’t really looking for this stuff while reading) so I welcome any new info!
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Good Omens fic recommendations
I decided to share a few fics I enjoyed recently.
that same sweet shock by mercuryhatter: G, 2k, Eden, kissing, fluff, wing grooming, mentions of the fall, falling in love Following their conversation on the wall of Eden, Aziraphale and Crawly retire elsewhere to wait out the rainstorm, enjoy the world's first fermented grapes, and discuss philosophy, Names, and the ideal composition of balloon-based flying machines. And also possibly invent kissing.
A Higher Power by agnesnutter: M, 2.9k, recreational drug use, weed, first kiss “So,” Aziraphale asks, “What are you in the mood for now?” “Cannabis,” Crowley says. “Quite extraordinary amounts of cannabis.”
Crossfire by NuriaSchnee: M, 4.7k, locked, post Armageddon’t, love confessions, hurt/comfort, showering together, non-sexual intimacy, first kiss. In which a shower can solve 6000 years of secrets and misunderstandings. Or: Aziraphale finally breaks down at Crowley's flat and Crowley takes care of him.
Unaching Scars (Which I Should Hide) by Pearl09 G, 7.8k, soulmate AU, soulmate marks, angst with happy ending Soulmates seemed like a good idea at first, to the angels. If people share the same scars as their soulmate, there's no mistaking they are supposed to be with each other. But when one of their own suddenly has the same scars that mark a demon, it's like their greatest fears have been realized. Aziraphale is sent to Earth as an outcast, hoping one day he'll meet his soulmate, even if Heaven wouldn't like it. But when the same being keeps rescuing him and hanging out for 6000 years… it's hard not to fall in love.
Fighting Dirty by curtaincall: M, 9k, historical, Garden of Eden, 1950s, renaissance era, misunderstandings, poor communication, humour, implied sexual content, mutual pining Aziraphale and Crowley are both convinced that the other was sent to seduce them.
How My Light is Spent by Azira_Amane E, 19k, blind!crowley, disability, coffee shop au, happy ending, hook ups, fluff, body worship, chubby aziraphale Navigating the dating world when you can't see it can be tricky. For Crowley, that was never a problem; he's usually too busy to contemplate a relationship. The same goes for Aziraphale, though he doesn't have Crowley's excuse - he just isn't really all that much into people as a whole. One chance meeting on Crowley's usual route home changes all that.
I consider posting themed red lists. This is just my first attempt at a post like that. If you want specific tropes, feel free to ask.
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thedeliverygod · 10 months
Thoughts on recent chapters
I feel like it's been a while since I've made a longer post and I've just sort of shouted about a few random things here and there and I slept most of this afternoon so I have energy to spare lol
Firstly we start with... that. Hiyori. Where do we go from here?
A lot of people have looked into this and I pretty much agree with most takes.
Yato makes her his shinki. But it comes with a bag of questions now that we know a gods greatest secret is survivable per Nana and Kazuma (Yukine & Nora I consider outliers because they have names given by the koto no ha which sort of seals off their ayakashi devolving process--though I do think at this point even if the name Hagusa were removed Yukine would be fine. Nora it's a bit harder to speculate because this has always been her situation). Hiyori is known to multiple gods and shinki throughout heaven. Her very existence makes the gods greatest secret a giant problem unless Yato keeps her away from, well, pretty much everyone except gods and the shinki listed above. Because there's no standard way to know for sure if a shinki will be able to handle to knowledge; because it *is* survivable doesn't mean they will survive it.
Deification. If Tenjin can be deified because he has anger issues then Hiyori can be deified too for better reasons. Honestly. I don't know what it would take to make this happen but @pentamerous brought up the fact about her and Yato's emas being tied and blessed by Okuninushi so idk if that could be factored into this equation maybe?
The "bad" ending-- Hiyori is just dead and no far shore methods are used to 'revive' her. In this scenario I see Grandma Iki being fucking pisseddddd that Hiyori died literally a few days after her and being like wtf are you doing here??? lol. But that's just me and my comedic relief speaking.
Hiyori isn't actually dead because everything in Father's "new world" is an illusion.
The 4th option is tricky but I believe it holds validity. I made a post a while back I think Father's new world sort of strips everyone down to how they view them selves/their deepest insecurities/their most basic form if that makes sense. At least that's theory 1.
This is why Yato is a child (he often views himself as a child in his most insecure moments, relating back to the awful crimes he committed as a kid, but also for emotionally insecure moments such as realizing other humans would be the ones to 'truly' save Hiyori after the hospital incident.) This is why Nora is in her sort of 'snake' form that she hates.
Yukine is an outlier though which I've brought up before. Clearly he's an ayakashi wolf but why is he suddenly a wolf? In his 2 ablutions and and before he was named by Father, he was transforming into a sort of bat/bird type of ayakashi. While he was battling with Yato under his name of Hagusa, however, he did sort of start a wolf transformation and we all made cat boy jokes until his wolf form appeared more recently.
Theory 2 is that literally everything in this "new world" of Father's is under his control and all the visuals are to match. Which sort of matches to what he says despite the fact he says he can't totally make it "bend to his will". He sees Yato as the child he can manipulate. He sees Nora as the ayakashi girl he 'saved' but has outgrown his use for. Yukine he also saw as another one of his tools, much like the wolf ayakashi Father seems to favor, so maybe that's where the wolf form came from? Though that doesn't quite explain the partial transformation before but -shrug-. Of course he wants to see Kaya and he *does* but she's a mangled yomi version of herself, aka not what he wants. But she's long dead.
As Yato is talking with Father about Kaya and sort of trying to understand/reason with him, Father transitions into hinting towards talking about Hiyori. "Who do you see Izanami as?" and then mentions that she's somehow there and that he should be "happy to get to see her. However, as this is happening, Father is sort of manipulating a wave of water which is what reveals Hiyori and the Sakura tree she's under.
The question is, is she really there? Is he able to use her image accurately because she's still alive if it is an illusion? If it's not an illusion, is there some sort of rules that can be broken/amended in terms of bringing Hiyori back to life without pissing off Amaterasu/Heaven? After all, Father's "new world" is not exactly yomi, heaven, or Earth. And we know Father has basically broken all of heaven's rules to begin with.
Lastly, we have the topic of Yato's reaction. We were teased with his aramitama when Yukine was in the box. Now Hiyori is "dead" and Yukine is half dissolved into the ground. I think it's only fair father has the 'monster' he created turned back on him tbh but I also don't want Yukine to see Yato acting like a demon for lack of better words since they just made up and the poor kid is traumatized enough.
bonus question: where the fuck is Bishamon because her twin pistol shinki (Kazuha and Karuha) are fighting the weird ayakashi in the most recent chapter with the god squad and their shinki???
and she specifically only had Kuraha and Kinuha when she was calling out for Kazuma and reunited with him. And it's weird for her youngest shinki to just be by themselves????? the only reasoning I can think of is Amaterasu literally summoned all the damn shinki from heaven when it was raining shinki in the earlier chapter but maybe Bishamon will literally be on the next page or so in the 2nd part of the chapter and it will make sense given that context.
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drchenquill · 24 days
Since you've taken the liberty to ask me about my title, I have to admit, I've been curious about yours too. But I've been really preoccupied with personal stuff so I got a bit late. And I have ALOT. Hope you don't mind me bombarding you.
Desire Is The Purest Of Sins
Life Can Be a Bitch
The Fairy And The Man
The Nightingale
Pas De Deux
The Secrets Of The Sea
Veangeance Is The Meal Of The Powerless
The Memories Of The Future
I can't help it 😭 the titles were pulling me in 😭😭😭.
Oh gosh!!! Thank you so much for the interest!!! I'm overwhelmed (in a good way)!! I'm always happy to talk about my stories, so don't even worry about bombarding me!! I welcome it!
Let's begin, shall we?
Desire Is The Purest Of Sins
This story talks about a young woman named Rosie the goes through life with metaphorical blinders. Nothing can change her world view, until she lands a job as a barwoman. There she'll meet a man she first gets to know as "Gin". He is a charming man, flirtious, knows his way around the ladies, but Rosie won't let herself be swooned or brought off track, until she sees something she shouldn't have. Her "blinders" get ripped off and now she is forced to see the world in a whole new light. (spoiler: it's a fantasy story~)
Life Can Be a Bitch
This is a rather tame, non-fantasy high school romance story. Eighteen year old Hannah moves into a new city with her mother and has to attend a new school. To her surprise, she fits in quite well, making friends pretty fast. She meets Dylan, a wannabe bad boy that gets beat up on a regular basis, and they get along like a cat and a dog (not) , but they gradually get used to each other and something starts to bloom~
This is quite tricky to explain, but I'll try my best. I've come up with a race of creatures who inherited their luck bringing powers from "Lady Luck". Their task is to prevent a vitium. A vitium is what happens when a world is in such a bad streak of bad luck that it fades from existence. This usually happens when the world has to go through something that affects its history. If for some reason that doesn't happen, then the world is gone because its story hasn't been continued. Now, the main character of this story is part of the elite, the best of the best. She gets send down on earth to investigate the disappearance of some of her collegues that had previously send down to safe the world from the incoming vitium.
The Fairy And The Man
This one is about soulmates, or better, the wish of having one. Moira, the main character, is a fairy woman, locked up with other fairy women to prevent the extinction of their race. You must know, my kind of fairies, are very, very, sensitive to emotions. A fairy could literally explode from happiness or die out of fear, so they lock them up and give them a pill to surpress any kind of emotion. But Moira hates being locked up, she wants to go outside, to find out who she could be if those walls wouldn't be trapping her. She suddenly gets a roommate, sixteen year old Felicity. A young fairy that is everything that withered away inside the now twenty year old Moira. Felicity is full of exictment and joy, awaiting the arrival of someone that could sweep her off her feet. Sadly, that person does come and manages to coax young Felicity out of those protective walls, leading her into an unknown world. Moira follows without a second thought, but everything goes downhill from that point on.
The Nightingale
A young woman forced to either marry a wealthy man or to work under a wealthy woman. She chooses the latter, of course, because with that one, she will at least get paid to do the housework. Madeline Templeton starts working under a noblewoman as one of many other maids. She is eager to please (to not get kicked out) and follows all the rules. At least some of them. She is very curious and sticks her nose into things the lady of the house might want to keep hidden. One of the biggest rules is to not enter the white door that she will eagerly open anyway. In there she will find something that will change her life forever... or maybe someone?
Pas De Deux
Another non-fantasy story. Ellie is a ballett dancer with a weird sort of problem. She hates being touched. Only the people she knows her entire life long are able to touch her without getting snapped at or even hit. She can't help it, she herself doesn't understand why. Everything goes to shit when her train and dance partner ditches her. At least he has the decency to present her wih a solution: his older brother. Joshua Reed is a boxer with a nasty reputation and a shitty personality. She begrudgingly gives in to let Joshua help her with the training, which is the worst idea she could ever have.
The Secrets Of The Sea
Pirates, wohoooo!!! Maire is the daughter of a pirate captain and the sea is the only think she knows. She was born on it and will die on it. One day, her father decides to visit an old friend, explaining that he still owned him a favor. Without doubting her father one bit, she and the rest of the crew agree to this favor. As she will find out, the favor included trafficking of a creature she long thought a myth: a siren.
Veangeance Is The Meal Of The Powerless
Its' a vampire murder mysterty and it's sort of a sequel of a finished book of mine "Who's to judge?". We follow Thana, Talon, Valerio and Leroy as they get called to assist in a murder case with a vampire as primary suspect. The evidence was clear as day, they only needed to find which vampire took their anger out on the victim. But the more they dig, the more intricate the case becomes. What if the murderer is the actual victim? What if this wasn't an act of meaningless killing, but an act of veangeance? Our four vampires will need to question thei own morals and world views to get to the bottom of this.
The Memories Of The Future
Picture this, a young girl lives with her aunt and her border collie in an old town where nothing intersting ever happens. This young girl, Sophie, is as chaotic and skittish as a squirrel, and just as forgetful. She leaves notes for herself around the house to remind her of stuff she has to do, which she still forgets. But as she soon will find out, those notes and those confusing visions she has, are acutally snippets from the future, and it turns out, some people might want to kindnap her because of it.
My newest baby. This is the first story I planned out the numbers of chapters (let's see how well that will go). It's set in a world where the air has been polluted by something the humans call "The Madness". It's a gas that slowly makes you lose the grip on reality. Once you inhale it, there's no turning back. You'll hear a womans voice, whispering to you your deepest, darkest wishes. She will not stop until you act upon it. Some scientists succeeded in building a machine that filters the air, but since it's still in its early stage, it needs a lot of maintrnance, that's where the main character comes in. They are in charge of checking every crook of the machine, which goes well until, one day, they start hearing the womans voice.
That was a wild ride! Again, thank you so so so much for asking and I hope you have a wonderful evening/day!!!
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moonlight-tmd · 8 months
Thoughts on shockblitzbee?
An interesting throuple.
It's similar with BlitzBeeProwl; I see BlitzBee and ProwlBee working out, not really seeing the connection between BlitzProwl, so i suppose they grew closer in their time sharing Bee.
With ShockBlitzBee: i can imagine them being all together but i don't really have an explanation on how. It's kinda tricky with the fact Shockwave is a double-agent.
One idea is that Longarm and Bee became good friends in boot camp, then later Bee went missing and showed up on earth. Then Blitzwing and Lugnut show up and something between Bee and Blitz starts happening.
Then Longarm came to earth with Elite Guard and was relieved to see Bee was alive, Longarm(Shockwave) grown fond of Bee and missed him very much. They go out and mess around in secret sometimes so that Longarm won't lose his reputation as the 'calm and collected Prime'- which he ends up losing anyway when Optimus and Sentinel catch him and Bee playing and drifting in the mud somewhere in the outskirts.
They end up in a weird semi-romantic friendship: Longarm(Shockwave) wants to be with Bee but doesn't know how to handle a relationship with being a double-agent, Bee has only started dating Blitz and he doesn't want Blitz thinking he's cheating on him or something but at the same time he wants to be with Longarm.
It gets even weirder when the 3 meet cuz- Longarm(Shockwave) and Blitzwing work together so they can't really hurt one another, but Bee is there so they have to fight- especially since Longarm is an Elite Guard. Blitz and Bee can't hurt each other cuz they're dating- but there is an Elite Guard around so they'll have to fight, but Blitzwing knows that the 'con in disguise will know he's pulling punches on the scout, all while the Stretchy-Prime is completely unaware of the whole romance thing between them!
So they're just stuck in this awkward circle until Longarm just straight up picks up Bee and runs. And i mean runs- this mf gets on stilts and before you know it he's a mile away.
I dunno how the confession and the aftermath will be. Maybe it can be mixed in with Cons Are Good AU?
Blitz and Bee are dating, then Megs finds out and Bee gets a premium pass to the Decepticon base and Shockwave finds out. At first he's devastated but the moment Bee mentions he also likes a friend of his named Longarm- maybe there is hope.
One night when Blitz is sent to patrol and Bee is at the 'con base(kidnapped again), Shockwave pulls him to some desolate part to talk. He tells him how much his 'friend' Longarm cares about him and that he'd do anything to protect him, including what happened in boot camp. Bee asks why he knew all of that and Shock reveals himself to be Longarm.
Bee argues and doesn't want to listen but Longarm forces him to- he tells him how bad Wasp was; he didn't bully only Bee, he bullied a whole lot of other cadets too. The same cadets that were reported 'missing'. But Longarm knew it was a cover-up to not spread the panic because those bots committed suicide, he himself found lethal substances hidden in their quarters. Bee was on the edge of doing the same before Bulkhead came into his life and they became best friends. Wasp deserved what he got.
But that still leaves the issue of a strained friendship and seemingly-one-sided love. Bee manages to break free and runs. He doesn't tell Blitzwing, who obviously knows something's up, anything. Not yet, at least. He has to think about everything that's going on in and outside of his processor first.
He likes Longarm-eh, Shockwave. He also loves Blitzwing. But he doesn't know what to do... he's worried what Blitzwing's reaction might be so he stays quiet. But eventually Blitzwing gets tired of his hummel being all sad and secretive and gets him to talk. Bee tells him about Shockwave being Longarm and Blitz thinks his hummel feels betrayed- but then he tells him he actually really likes Longarm- of course he loved Blitzwing and doesn't want to end anything! But he also likes Longarm/Shockwave a little more than a friend.
Blitzwing didn't really know much about romance- he loved his hummel, Bee was his. But he also didn't want to force Bee into being with just him alone. So he allows Bee to see Shockwave/Longarm. He had respect for the fellow 'con; he was smart, maybe not on the strong side but he was efficient- also his processor ticked similar to Blitzwing's so they got along just fine.
So the next time Longarm came to the Autobot Base, Bee pulled him to the side- Longarm was sure he was about to get called a Manipulator and a Sparkbreaker but instead, Bee has told him about the conversation he had with Blitz and that they could possibly date.
So they do. Megs is of course surprised but in a pleasant way. Blitz and Shock have turns spending time with Bee- sometimes it's all 3 of them, which leads to Blitz and Shock becoming Sparkmates too.
Longarm and Bee's relationship is kinda kept secret but then they get busted by Sari- and then Bee and Blitz get busted by other Autobots.
This is all a mess- Ok, Longarm had to admit he knew about Blitz and Bee- any judgement thrown aside, then Megs shows up with Bee demanding Prime to allow these two to have their romance in peace.
And i don't know what else, this is the only coherent explanation i had as i wrote this.
Now that i think about it, there is also another scenario where Shockwave ditches his decepticon side to be with Bee and becomes Longarm full-time. Blitz has been on the autobot side for only a short time and hasn't spilled the beans yet so it makes it easier: BlitzBee is happening, Shockwave leaves the Decepticons, he somehow makes it happen that he's put to monitor the ex-'con, he tells Blitzwing about his decision(including having been caught with feelings for Bee too) and they come to an agreement that they both get to date him respectively.
So, from then on Shockwave doesn't exist anymore, Longarm and Bee still have that weird semi-romantic friendship, Longarm tells Bee about his feelings and Bee stalls because he has to talk to Blitzwing first about this- Blitzwing instantly agrees cuz he knows Bee loves him very much and 'doesn't want to hurt him by forcing him to date him alone'. So they all get together. 2 autobots and an ex-decepticon.
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