#Why BU Acceptance Rate is Low
justimajin · 9 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 7
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ (2.9k), Office AU (lowkey E2L vibes) 
↠ Summary: The workplace isn’t for everyone. It can be mundane and repetitive, with some describing it like a nuisance and others as a blessing. You’re the kind that leans more towards the latter and while it does make you an ideal candidate for many things, nothing could have prepared you for the whirlwind that is the new employee.
↠ A/N: This is bit of a shorter chapter, but I'll be posting again on Friday and promise the chapter will be longer.
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GIF credit.
↠ Next Update: Friday, August 25 (series masterpost here)
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Ten days, two weekends, dinner rush hours. 
You deeply inhale, calculator in hand and pen quickly swirling down the numbers you conjugate. The thin sheet of paper before you has a dozen scribbles by now, mainly filled with multiplying your pay rate with hours of operation, followed by a bunch of addition of your combined shifts. Alongside this, hues of orange and pink flood your room as the sun rises and you’re dressed in business formal head to toe. 
Punching in the final numbers, you cross your fingers. 
The calculator spits out a number you’ve been crazily working for and your entire body sags, deflating against the chair. 
It’s enough. 
It’s enough by just a few numbers. 
You’ll be able to pay this month’s rent. 
The stress and tension has drained from your body, and you find your lids beginning to draw heavier, sleep granting you an invitation for your hard work. 
But that’s when‒ 
“The landlord!” 
You sit upright with a gasp, grabbing onto your bag and coat before hurrying out the door. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you have enough money for rent or not, not until you manage to actually pay the landlord and put it into writing. 
Doing a double take on your watch, you should have enough time to pay the rent and head into work afterwards, granted this bus driver in front of you decides that he wants you to have a good day too. 
You discover he somewhat shares those sentiments, about to close the doors on your face until you very graciously project a chain of kind words for him. 
Grabbing on the seat on the bus, you wait until your stop is in sight, quickly bypassing the large crowd of people to head off.
Your heel click against the sidewalk and you spot his office, pushing against the door. 
To say that your landlord is a very interesting person, would be an understatement. 
At the most, he’s an elderly man that is a little persistent with demanding rent and not very surprisingly, isn’t the most understanding person. However when presented with the prospect of getting money, he turns into every single person you would expect. 
A welcoming smile lines his lips and he gestures for you to step in, accepting your payment and printing out a receipt for you. He even takes the opportunity to ask about your younger sister and her well-being, ironically someone he wouldn’t have thought twice to kick out from his apartment complex. 
“I wish you and Yuri the best.” He replied in his low voice, the smile on his features bothering you more than anything. 
“It’s Yuna.” You mimic his smile, “And thank you for your concern.” 
You left that place as fast as possible, not even turning back to hurry on to work. 
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A shiver runs down your spine.
There’s a chilling breeze outside that feels like it’s cutting through your skin, and every time the bus driver stops to open up the plastic doors, another gush of it enters and leaves you frozen to your toes. It doesn’t help that you’re stuck between multiple individuals, seemingly getting squished every time the lengthy vehicle jerks.
By the time you’re dropped off to your stop, a deep exhale of relief leaves your form. Regardless, there’s a brighter smile on your features this time around. 
Things don’t seem as bright at the office. 
You wonder why it’s like a similar wind storm had hit the place – employee’s either appearing to be working vigorously at their cubicles or pacing around and sending side glances with whispers to each other. You stand in the middle of the mayhem, left baffled from the display.
Treading carefully, you head towards your cubicle and get greeted to the sight of both of your coworkers repeating the same exact actions.
Hoseok turns first, “Y/N.”
He stares at you and Yoongi is beside him, seated in his cubicle.
“Hi…” You say, warily glancing around, “What’s going on?”
“Oh right, you don’t know!” Hoseok shifts over right as the epiphany strikes him. He lowers his tone, whispering into your ear, “Everyone’s preparing for the visit.”
The way Hoseok frames it is like some kind of ominous presence is about to enter the confines of your office and you stare at him perplexed.
“Don’t say it like that.” Yoongi interjects, sounding a tad bit more annoyed than usual.
He leans back in his chair, “The head of our department is coming by today.”
Your brows raise, “The CFO?”
Yoongi hums, “He’ll be here in an hour. That’s why everyone’s on edge.”
You sit down at your desk, “I see…”
“Why is he visiting after so long?” Hoseok ponders, glancing at Yoongi.
He shrugs, “Maybe he wants to criticizeemployees about their work again.”
“He’s not that bad, hyung.” Hoseok nervously laughs, “Plus not all of our superiors are like that.”
“Too many of them are,” Yoongi bluntly states, “and last time this CFO paid a visit, I remember a lot of criticism.”
Hoseok frowns, though you can still see the tinge of positivity trying to sneak out in the midst of Yoongi’s nonchalant facts.
Although you’d like to be as optimistic as him, there is a part of you agreeing with Yoongi. A sudden drop in for the department wasn’t normally a huge surprise, but often times these visits have typically stemmed from two factors – either there was a major issue that needed their immediate intervention, or simply because they were told they needed to connect to employee’s and staff in a more ‘positive’ manner (cue the notorious criticism here and there).
Besides, past experiences haven’t been the greatest and you’ve heard many rumors circulate around, you can only leave it up to imagination as to why the Chief Financial Officer is here.
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He jams his finger into the elevator button.
Warily peering around, his foot taps against the ground anxiously, and he glances at the watch on his wrist, the many minutes slipping away from him.
In all honesty, Seokjin didn’t mean to be late today. In fact, ever since you established some concrete terms with him, he was able to work alongside you a lot better than before. It actually made him genuinely pour some effort into learning about work done in the office – but unfortunately, the traffic along the way didn’t have the same hindsight in mind for him.
There’s a lot of scenarios he’s imagining in his head towards your reaction from his tardiness – mainly the ones that aren’t so pleasant. He pushes the thoughts back into the corner of his mind, staring at the slowly descending numbers as the elevator takes its sweet time.
“Come on.” Seokjin whispers, foot tapping growing louder as he plants his hands against his hips. His pupils roam around as he idles, stare coming to an abrupt halt. 
His eyes narrow for the briefest of moments. In a split-second, he actually considers it from all the scenarios playing in his mind.
It’s not long before his feet are moving away from the elevator and towards the door leading into the metallic steps. 
After all, stairs are just like slower elevators, right?
But in the midst of his extremely deep internal contemplation, he doesn’t notice the man walking towards him from the other direction.
“Shoot – I’m so sorry!” He instantly reaches out for the person, but he slips right by him, muttering a quick ‘it’s alright’ before he can say anything else.
Seokjin’s steps falter, and for a moment, he freezes all together. The apologetic smile he once adorned falls, and he slowly turns around, staring in the direction of the staircase door the man entered in.
 “No…” He whispers, squinting his eyes, “It can’t be…”
He shakes his head, snickering to himself, “Nah, why would he even be here?”
As his low laughter comes to an eventual halt, he doesn’t realize the elevator doors have already opened and are beginning to close.
His eyes immediately widen and he rushes towards them.
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You raise your hands with a huff.
There’s a stack of papers within them that consists of documents for the next product that you had been meaning to get done while Seokjin wasn’t around. You were in the process of transporting them, but weren’t anticipating the elevator before you taking a decade.
Letting out a grateful sigh when it finally dings, you come face to face with the person you’re mentoring.
Seokjin’s mouth curves into a smile, “Y/N!”
You frown, “You’re late.”
“Okay, so I know that I am, but I have a really good excuse for it!” He begins, but his eyes catch sight of his surroundings, “What’s going on here?”
You sigh, “Nothing much – just the CFO deciding to make an appearance today.”
Seokjin blinks, “The CFO?”
“Yeah, he’s the head of the department, so we’re on top of our game right now.” You mention, gesturing to him, “You should get started on the tasks I have for you too.”
He doesn’t seem to hear you, “The CFO…is here?”
You raise an eyebrow, “I just said that.”
But you don’t notice how Seokjin’s eyes have lit up, a huge smile stretching across his lips, “No way…”
You pivot around to see Soyou peering at the two of you currently halted in front of the elevator doors.
You’re just about to respond back, but you catch sight of the man standing next to her.
He’s tall, like really tall. There’s a pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, and he’s adorned in a neat dark blue suit. He sheepishly smiles when he catches your gaze, two dimples appearing at the corner of his mouth.
Your eyes widen.
“Is that–“
 Whirling around, your eyes enlarge once you notice the way Seokjin practically beams at the man’s presence.
He walks over in an instant, swinging an arm around him.
“Good to see you’re doing well.” Namjoon remarks with a fond smile. 
“Of course I am, what else would you expect?” Seokjin loudly boasts. “I just can’t believe you’re the CFO now!”
Namjoon chuckles, “Ah well, it took me quite a lot of work to get to this position.”
Seokjin suddenly snaps his fingers together, an expression of recognition taking over him, “Wait, did you take the stairs to get up here?”
Namjoon exhales a lengthy sigh, before ultimately nodding.
“Admittedly, not a great move on my part.”
Seokjin lets out the most endearing laughter you’ve ever heard and it’s in that instance you don’t recall how long it’s been since you were frozen in position, simply watching the interaction play out before you.
You slowly shift forward, politely smiling at Namjoon and opting to stand next to Soyou. Namjoon gestures towards her and you assume they need to excuse themselves elsewhere, but Seokjin stops him in his tracks.
“Hey, Namjoon.” Seokjin brings up, turning his attention back to him, “Why are you here now anyways?”
“To check up on some things.” He states, “The company is working towards a new product launch, so I’ll be around and about here for a while.”
And with that, he departs along Soyou. 
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“Let me get this straight–“ He whispers, “That man, over there –“
 He gestures towards the office, “That tall guy in the blue, is the CFO?”
You hum in response, typing some input in a spreadsheet.
His eyes flicker over to the handsome man standing next to Namjoon, a giant smile on his lips as he endearingly talks to him.
“And they know each other?”
Hoseok turns, still astounded. You glance over at him, nodding to his question.
“Apparently, he’s younger than Seokjin too.”
Hoseok nearly chokes, “Younge–“
“He’s Kim Namjoon, right?” Yoongi interjects on the other side, “I heard he became the CFO recently.”
 You and Hoseok swivel at the sound of another voice, one a tad bit deeper than the rest.
Taehyung leans against Yoongi’s cubicle, the latter barely flinching from his presence and continuing to work. He has a hand planted against his chin, eyebrows raised with an intrigued expression.
Hoseok blinks, “Where did you come from?”
“That’s not the point.” Taehyung interjects right away.
An amused smile crosses your lips, “Do you think we should be worried about this new CFO?”
“I don’t think so.” You mention, glancing at the two, “They seem close, and he seems a lot nicer compared to the last head of department.”
Hoseok grins, “You’re being too kind. He’s much better.”
“I don’t know.” Taehyung crosses his arms, eyeing you, “I would be careful if I were you, just in case.”
You hum in response, trying to understand what he was trying to imply. You suppose you’re not completely surprised that Seokjin knows Namjoon well, but it is a little jarring to know how close his contact is with the man that is in charge of your department.
Glancing at your monitor, you wonder if it’s also the reason why you’re working harder than usual too.
“He’s not that bad.” Hoseok brings up in retaliation.
“You sure?” Taehyung raises a brow, “There’s absolutely nothing fishy about him?”
“He came by to check in with HR and I saw no issues.” Hoseok remarks. 
Taehyung persists, “He could be pretending to be nice!” 
“Can the two of you have this argument somewhere else?”
Yoongi sighs from his end, continuing to work on his report. You turn around, facing the plastic separating your cubicles.
“What do you think about him, Yoongi?”
“He looks okay. Probably had some kind of history with Seokjin.” He shrugs, “Time will only tell.”
“See!” Hoseok exclaims, “Even Yoongi thinks he’s okay.”
Taehyung pouts in response, but you can’t help and let your eyes wander over, curiosity overtaking you.
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“I’m surprised you were willing to take the staircase.”
Seokjin stands next to Namjoon, a playful tone to his words.
Namjoon grimaces, “There was a lot of traffic today, plus I can’t remember the last time I visited this building.” He shakes his head, “There’s too many floors for such small architecture.”
Seokjin chuckles and Namjoon looks at him apologetically. “I’m also sorry I missed you at the elevators, I was just trying to get up here as fast as possible.”
“No need to apologize.” Seokjin waves it off, “Congrats on officially becoming the new CFO.”
He smiles, “Thanks.”
Namjoon glances back and forth, before leaning closer and whispering in a low tone.
“This probably won’t be surprising, but–“ He intently stares at Seokjin, “You know I’m here to check up on things and one of those things is you, right?”
He softly smiles as Namjoon grows hesitant, “I heard the news recently…how are you taking it?”
“Becoming the CEO of this place with a two-month deadline.” Seokjin sharply laughs, “Just who wouldn’t love that kind of news?”
“I don’t think it’s that bad, you know.” Namjoon acknowledges, “I still think you can do it.”
“Well, you’ll be one of the many that still believe that.” He shakes his head, letting out a sigh.
“It’ll become easier, trust me.” Namjoon reaches his arm out, patting him on the shoulder and Seokjin gives him a half-smile.
“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask…” Namjoon begins, speaking in a lighter tone, “You ran away?”
Seokjin stares at him wide eyed, “I didn’t ‘run away’, I took a break!”
Namjoon laughs and shakes his head, “You still haven’t changed, have you?”
Seokjin grins, “You mean hate this company even more so now that I’m working at it? Of course not.”
“I’ve also heard you have someone overseeing your training in the office.” Namjoon furrows his brows, “Y/N L/N, right?”
Seokjin hums, “She’s part of your department, and we’ve been working pretty well together ever since she negotiated with me.”
Namjoon tilts his head to the side, “Negotiated?”
“It’s a long story – it happened after I tried to run away and she had to come after me.” 
“You left the building and she came after you?” Namjoon’s eyes enlarge, as if he was still trying to process it.
“Like I said, a long story–“
“You know, these are the moments where I question how you’re older than me, right?” 
“And it’s in these moments where I tell you that I believe that having a naturally younger mentality has great effects on one’s outlook.”
The corner of Namjoon’s mouth curves upward. 
“Anyways,” Seokjin continues, “I guess I’ll just have to get better over time. It’s just that the office is so–“
“Boring? Mundane?” Namjoon ponders, counting them off on his fingers, “Way too consistent?”
Seokjin grins at not even needing to explain it, “Remember to try your best and that it’s important to–“
“I know, I know, and focus when I can.” He reiterates, “You don’t have to tell me again. Now come on, I’ll finally introduce you to her.” 
“A truly ambiguous role.” Namjoon wistfully sighs and Seokjin frowns. 
“I think your sense of humor has gotten a lot worse.”
“My sense of humor?” Namjoon frowns in confusion and Seokjin shakes his head, leading him away and towards the department.
“Her desk is just around here–“
Seokjin freezes, a snicker leaving his lips. Namjoon swivels around, sending a curious glance in his direction.
“What is it?”
He crosses his arms. “It looks like someone just became Mr. Popular here.”
Namjoon turns with rounded orbs to see four sets of eyes glued to him – all of which immediately turn away the moment he directly looks at him. He watches as they either resume working at their cubicles or tending to plants at someone else's cubicle – the latter one bringing on even more confusion towards him than he would have asked for.
Seokjin continues to laugh and Namjoon shakes his head, wondering how he managed to get paired with such a strange department.
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electriccenturies · 1 year
Man, I fucking wish people would stop doing everything in their power to act like detransition is super rare, and then when they do acknowledge it exists they act like it's all due to transphobia when that is actually not what the studies play out.
When studies are done on people who have detransitioned, the most common reasons by FAR are: change in identity, transition not helping their dysphoria, and health concerns. Acceptance is there, but it's low on the list. I was just at a symposium on detransition where several new studies were presented, and the detransition rate ranged from 7-16%. Again, most of those people did NOT detransition for safety/acceptance reasons.
Why are y'all so resistant to just acknowledging that we exist?! If you aren't capable of holding that truth at the same time as the "people should be able to transition if they need it" truth then do you truly care about people? Or do you only care about dysphoric people when they identify as trans? If it's the latter, I think you're a bad person.
I don't think medical transition should be a total on-demand thing — I deserved better than what happened to me — but I also don't want to take away your healthcare. I just want people like ME to get what we need too. So why can't you work with that? Why do you need to lie? Why are y'all so adamant that people like me, who's dysphoria was caused by other suffering, should be thrown under the bus in favour of others?
Smth to think about...
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A phalanx of politicians announced the completion of the Robodebt Royal Commission and that the federal government would be accepting all its 50 something findings. This disgusting policy initiative by the previous Coalition government went after 500, 000 Australians accusing them of fraudulently taking social security money and owing the government thousands of dollars. Robodebt was wrong and illegal from its very start but the LNP ministers went on an ideological crusade to make half a million Aussies criminals and welfare cheats. This appealed to the downward envy of Australians groomed by Coalition political strategists. Tony Abbott masterminded Robodebt, Scott Morrison carried it out with gusto, Alan Tudge was complicit in it, and Stuart Robert got his hands dirty too.
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Mothers lost sons!
Coalition Robocops & Robodebt
These LNP politicians bragged in the media that they were Robocops going after Australians rorting the system. It was a crusade to raise money and just as importantly to identify villains that working Australians could righteously despise. The overarching message was that folks on social welfare were second class citizens and many of them were criminals to boot. The whole thing blew up in their face eventually but not before some vulnerable Australians killed themselves in despair. A settled class action by those wrongly accused has cost the Australian tax payers $1.8 billion and counting.
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Who Is Going To Pay For The Robodebt Crime? The journalists asking questions of the phalanx of ALP government ministers announcing the Robodebt findings wanted to know who is being charged over this debacle. Talk of public service disciplinary reviews was not quite what they had in mind. The investigative journalists who had followed the inquiry over many months and listened to the repeated failures of oversight and the illegality of the scheme wanted to know who would be held to account. If this Royal Commission was more than political window dressing heads would have to roll. Australians are getting sick of these high falutin inquiries resulting in nix, nothing, and zilch, when it comes to individuals being prosecuted. If lives were lost and billions of dollars wasted who is going to pay for it?
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Centrelink Might Answer The Phone Yes, the Albanese government are going to add 3 000 Centrelink workers so that someone will answer the phone within a couple of hours instead of the current 4 hours, if you are lucky. This state of affairs has been in place for more than a decade, including during the Rudd and Gillard governments. Tough love has been the unspoken policy for social welfare in Australia for a long time. The economics drive the bus. The message goes out to the electorate that welfare is bad and the people on it are second class. This was one of the reasons why it was so easy for Abbott, Morrison, Payne and Co to introduce and run Robodebt. Making out that many Aussies were welfare cheats was just an extension of the messaging governments had been making for many years.
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RBA Full Employment Means 500, 000 Aussies Out Of Work The Reserve Bank of Australia predicate their idea of full employment for the economy on a 4.5% unemployment rate. That is 500, 000 Australians without gainful employment. This setting is their idea of what drives the bus for low inflation and economic growth. Michelle Bullock, the new boss, has emphasised this repeatedly of late. Therefore, these folks are necessary economic scapegoats for the Australian economy to flourish. At the same time government policy has been to beat up on these people by paying them below the poverty line welfare. Plus, to infer to the media that they are dole bludgers taking the rest of us for a ride. Downward envy is an Olympic sport in Australia.
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Show Us Some Blood, Cry The Media So, you can understand the media’s scepticism when it comes to grandiose statements about the Robodebt Royal Commission. Show us some real blood, some real consequences, the media pack cried out. Kathryn Campbell, the senior public servant in charge, has been suspended, but what else? Politicians don’t like to see their political opponents actually get the chop, because of an attitude of ‘there but for the grace of god go I.’ It is all play acting to a large extent. It is only the little people, like you and I, who actually suffer and literally go under. These talking heads are just that. They pander for the cameras and make speeches. It is all about political mileage. Robodebt was a crime against humanity. And we the people want to see someone go down for it. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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bqstqnbruin · 10 months
Bu and bc are 2 of my top schools but im just really discouraged. Not only are stats/acceptance rates at an all time low but I was looking through bc and bu 2027 and all the people who were admitted from my state, went to private, feeder, or Jesuit schools and are from extremely weathly neighborhoods.
So I’m wondering how do I make myself a good applicant/stand out without those factors?
Thank you and sorry for the word vomit lol
honestly, it might be intimidating, but typically schools have regional admissions counselors, so I would suggest getting in contact with them to start, even if it's over email. I had contact with the BU admin for Wheelock (their education school) and that definitely helped me when getting in. Give them the elevator pitch about yourself about why you would fit for the school and ask them if they had any other pieces of advice they would be willing to offer someone who really loved and wanted to attend their school.
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abigailmorales · 1 year
5 Steps on Becoming a Filipino Virtual Assistant for Starters
You're probably lying down and scrolling through your phone, thinking about the long bus lines and heavy traffic along EDSA road you will have to go through on your way to the office, and commuting might be more stressful than your actual job. Not to mention your low-income and underpaid job can't sustain your household needs, especially with inflation. Suddenly, you stumbled upon an employment ad for a virtual assistant position with a high salary and the opportunity to work remotely. However, you need to figure out where to start. First, let's look at virtual assistants and why it has become so popular in the Philippines. 
What is a Virtual Assistant? 
A virtual assistant provides administrative assistance, mainly for business owners. They offer services to complete a variety of tasks for a client. The most common duties of a virtual assistant are: 
● Email Management 
● Calendar management 
● Attending meetings on behalf of a client 
● Travel arrangements. 
● Customer Service Support 
● Social Media Management 
● Bookkeeping 
● Content creation for blogs and websites 
Not only that, a virtual assistant creates a marketing strategy to launch or promote a business and find leads for the company. Now that you know, were you considering withdrawing your application or backing off? Stick around. The virtual assistant has become popular because it has a dollar rate that converts almost an average of P36,000-P60,000 pesos. 
Here are some tips for becoming a Filipino virtual assistant to begin your journey. 
1. System requirements. A virtual assistant must have their equipment and designated workplace. Most clients require an intel core i5 laptop or desktop, but it may depend on your client and a noise-canceling headset with a mic. Clients would ask for your contingency plan in case of a power outage. Prepare a plan in case you encounter a system outage. A virtual assistant is constantly flexible whenever the company needs you, even with short notice. 
2. Resume and Cover Letter. Identify which skills are your strengths. An overview highlighting your administrative abilities will show employers that you've qualified to do the job, even if you have minimal experience. 
3. Decide what services you'll offer and your pricing structure. You can better target potential clients and earn jobs by knowing beforehand what tasks you can and are willing to perform. Besides identifying your services, you should also determine your fees. Some virtual assistants charge hourly or daily rates, while others are charged per task.
4. Build a portfolio. Create a portfolio to showcase the work you have done. Creating brochures, flyers, and posters will help your client recognize your creativity in graphic design. You might think graphic designing is complex but try to use Canva templates and take free courses from Canva Design School. Pexel.com and Unsplash offer free stock photos and videos. 
5. Search for jobs. You can look for employment at jobstreet.com, Upwork, and Linkedin. Begin your career as a virtual assistant by getting clients. Start by accepting small, lower-paying jobs until you build experience and positive reviews. 
In addition, a virtual assistant must be resourceful, proactive, and assertive with your client to be an efficient and effective virtual assistant. Being able to multitask while under pressure is expected of any virtual assistant. You might be thinking of just giving up your application, but when starting from scratch, no one knows everything. It is important to remember that success comes from hard work. Be patient with yourself as you grow; it may be difficult in the beginning, but you will find that it gets easier as time goes on. If patience and persistence are part of your character, then your efforts will surely reap the rewards!
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winterhawksamplers · 2 years
Winterhawk Samplers: Time Travel and Multiple Dimensions
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It's a time machine -- or a time stone -- gone wrong; it's the multiverse; it's accidental magic or a well-aimed attack by enemies; whatever the cause, we've got Clint or Bucky in a time or a dimension they're not supposed to be in. Will they have to return "home" when it's all said and done, or are they doomed (or lucky enough) to stay? Will they remember their experiences, and if so, how will that affect them? The fics below answer all of those questions, so many more, and may just pull out your heart or make you laugh your ass off along the way.
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Play it Again by: @sakkakitty length: 100k | rating: M | tags: memory loss, mutual recovery, forties-era Bucky, identity reclamation, h/c, angst with a happy ending summary: After a mix-up in a Hydra base, Bucky Barnes finds himself transported to the 21st century. Why this one? This fic packs a heavy emotional punch, and hits two essential features of winterhawk time travel really, really well: Clint and Bucky will love and accept each other in whatever stage of trauma they are, and Bucky deserves the right to choose who he is, and wants to be.
Dimensional Dominos by: @flawedamythyst length: 81k | rating: T | tags: multiple dimensions, complex world building, multiple Clints, PTSD summary excerpt: Three different Clints from three different worlds. How hard can it be to get them each back to the right one, whilst also dealing with AIM, Hydra and the Mad Thinker? Why this one? This is a classic, and for good reason! It plays off the multiple dimensions trope to recognize Clint and Bucky at different points in their relationship as well as showcase Clint's badassery. They're Both Red Except the School Bus by: yamyamyam length: 19k | rating: E | tags: multiple dimensions, soulmates, A/B/O, humor, human disaster Clint summary: Clint's been dreading meeting his soulmate since he was old enough to read his words. Clint's also been bad at listening to safety warnings since about the same time. Now he's in another universe, everyone's part dog or something, and his huge hopeless crush on Bucky is maybe not so hopeless after all. Why this one? This fic plays with three huge tropes (soulmates, multiple dimensions, and A/B/O) and it does it so well, answering the question of "What if you're destined to be with someone, but not in this world?" with humor, emotional depth, and finesse. Love Me Two Times by: @kangofu-cb length: 15k series, 10k part 1 | rating: E | tags: time travel, threesome, pre-war Bucky, porn with feelings, multiple Buckys summary excerpt: Dr. Strange dumps Clint and Bucky in 1941 New York, and there's really only one place they can lay low until someone figures out how to get them back. Why this one? Jumping right into the time travel trope with the author's signature porn with feelings, this fic shows that all Buckys deserve Clint's love; the sequel hits you right in the heart as Clint understands how an accidental trip to the past helped Bucky survive his future. oh, we dreamed a life by: @1000-directions length: 3.4k | rating: M | tags: time travel, soft, making love, Bucky Barnes recovering, disabilities, 10% hurt, 90% comfort summary excerpt: Bucky from the past was...whole, and Clint fell in love with that man, but the only man left now is him, here in the present, and he’s just been shattered so many times that he can’t ever promise anyone that his pieces are all back where they’re supposed to be. Why this one? This fic is absolutely lovely, so soft; it's a use of time travel to showcase just how much Clint cherishes the Bucky that he's lucky enough to be with.
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Who Am I To Be Loved By You? by: @trashkingtater length: 7.4k | rating: T | tags: endgame fix-it, angst with happy ending, time travel
The Other Man Out of Time by: @captn-sara-holmes length: 97k | rating: M | tags: WWII Bucky, WWII, Pietro lives, memory loss, time travel
Redundancies by: @noxnthea length: 95k | rating: T | tags: Civil War fix it, multiple clints and buckys, the 1990s, found family, multiple dimensions
The Midnight Sundaes Club (One Time Scoop or Two?) by: @mariana-oconnor length: 50k | rating: E | tags: soulmates, recovery, ice cream, nightmares, angst with a happy ending, time travel
Voices Carry by: @claraxbarton length: 2.4k | rating: E | tags: Bucky remembers, self-esteem issues, time travel
Call Waiting by: @flawedamythyst length: 2.8k | rating: E | tags: phone sex, accidental (and appreciated) magic
What's missing? Make the search easier for your fellow readers --reblog or put the other amazing time and dimensional travel fics in the comments!
And find other themed Winterhawk lists here.
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spices-and-cherries · 2 years
valentine’s day blues
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I’ve been wanting to do a hanahaki disease fic for a while, so I’ve been working on this off and on as I try to muster up the energy to write out a few requests. This is also a bit short, so I apologize for that!
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warnings: hanahaki disease, mentions of murder, angst 
One man was known to have had it for seven years before dying, the object of his affections leading him on for over half of that time. Another had realized his love a little too late, minutes before she had taken her last breath. They were buried next to each other. There was even a woman who had killed her lover after finding out he had been with others and then killed herself. Dried up, yellow carnations had been found in her lungs during the autopsy report.
None of this is to say that the hanahaki disease only ends in heartbreak and death, but those fairytale endings are rare. Even most doctors won't even see patients if they have it because the survival rate is so low. 
It happened on Valentine’s Day and the irony was far from lost on you. In fact, if it wasn’t so damn painful, it might’ve actually been a little funny in a sick and twisted way.
You had been harboring a little spark of... attraction towards a man at work for some time now. For months, you had protected it and held it close to your heart, refusing to let anything snuff it out. But shielding a tiny flame from wind and rain for almost a year is tiring. In retrospect, it’s not surprising that you let desperation and wishful thinking and hope get the better of you as you walked by a little men’s boutique you had previously never looked twice at.
In the window you had spotted a gift that you were sure he would like. It was a set of simple, gold cufflinks with the letter B pressed in the center. The box that they came in was just as nice, a wine color with the boutique’s name written in a delicate silver cursive. 
That night, you stared at that little box for hours, running every possible scenario through your mind - the bad outnumbering the good - until you felt sick to the stomach. The feeling stayed with you all night and through your commute to work, all the way up to the very moment you set the little box in his hand later that afternoon.
He had looked at you with a mix of confusion and something you couldn’t quite place, but had accepted it graciously. Later that night, you had gotten a text.
Thank you for the kind gift. - B
You don’t know what you were expecting the next day, but Cupid’s lesser known brother, Heartbreak, shot a deadly arrow right through your heart. It was all the more painful after receiving what you considered to be a rather cryptic message.
He didn’t wear the cufflinks.
Was it because he didn’t like it? Was the gesture too forward? Maybe you should’ve written more than just a simple, ‘thank you for your hard work’?
Maybe he just didn’t like you back.
It started with a feeling of sadness that seeped up from your toes, quickly followed by despair that froze your fingers, and then rejection gripped your throat and dug its long nails in.
You wait until you get home to start crying. Seconds after closing your front door, you found yourself breaking down. It as though your body had given up just as much as you had because before you knew it, you were gasping for breath on the floor. Even in the moment, you couldn’t figure out why it had affected you so much, but your brain was already in overdrive. All of your insecurities were pouring through and you became acutely aware of how Pandora’s box must have felt. The relief that came with the opportunity to finally let all your emotions out was dampened with knowing the damage was done. 
And that is how you got to where you are now, gagging over the toilet bowl in a desperate attempt to get the last bits of flower from your throat. Even an idiot would know what was going on, but as an officer of the law you are intimately aware of what havoc the hanahaki disease could bring.
The moment the red carnation - even redder with your blood staining it - hit the palm of your hand, you knew what it meant and your tears had never tasted so bitter. 
Happy Valentine’s Day!
- Violet
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Sorry for your lost - Part I “I will grieve”.
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Serie Masterlist here || Part II|| Read on AO3 
Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, hurtful behaviors, domestic wanda.
Chapter warnings: Heavy angst, death.
Author’s notes:  Hello readers! I'm finally back to posting something, but I disappeared for a good reason, I was writing three new series. And here is the first of them. I really enjoyed this work and it's something I've been trying to write since I watched WandaVision, and only now I've managed to put it into words. I am not finished yet, but there is only one chapter left, so your reading will not be affected. Pay attention to the warnings, and good reading!
Tag list (let me know if you wanna be tagged) 
@mionemymind​ / @abimess​ / @stephanieromanoff​ / @yourtaletotell​ / @tomy5girls​ / @justagaypanicking​ / @thegayw1tch​
Chapter One - I’ll grieve.
You wished you could go back to sleep as soon as you opened your eyes. The sound of your alarm buzzed loudly throughout the room, and after putting it on snooze mode at least four times, you finally got annoyed enough to grab it and throw it across the room. But the sound continued.
Letting out a grumble of dissatisfaction, you pushed the comforter off you, and sat up in your bed. Your room was a mess, but you just skipped through the clothes on the floor to reach the phone, turning off the alarm through the new crack you made in the screen.
"Honey, are you up?" you heard your mother's distant voice calling you through the door, probably from the living room or the kitchen. "Don't forget your therapy today."
You sighed impatiently, running your hands through your hair. The damn group therapy. 
Grumbling lightly, you forced yourself to take a shower, not wanting "poor hygiene" to end up on your progress report card. 
A while later, when you were finished, you went into the kitchen. Your mother was using her laptop on the counter, and just waved at you.
"Are you going to take me?" You asked her with your hands in your pockets. Your mother took her eyes off the screen to evaluate the sweatshirt you were wearing, and you rolled your eyes at her disapproving expression. 
"You know, you could try driv-"
"Mom" You cut her off in earnest, your heart racing momentarily. You don't drive. An she knows. Your mother sighs, putting her hands up in a sign of surrender.
"It was just a suggestion dear." She retorts as she stands up, reaching for her car key on the key rack exiting the kitchen. "But I'm busy with the store, you'll need to take the subway next time."
"Thanks for the support." You grumble as you step out in front and your mother lets out a wry chuckle.
You frown and let out a dissatisfied exclamation as you step outside feeling the sun's rays on your face.
"You're not a vampire, cut the drama." Mocks your mother by pushing you lightly to get you out of the way. 
You grumble  as you walk to the car. And when you are sitting on the seat, your mother is starting the vehicle and she asks:
"Are you sure you're not going to eat anything?"
Looking out the window, you just mumble that you're not hungry, and she shakes her head in disapproval before you back the car up. You don't speak any more on the way.
Your mother dropped you off in the parking lot of a gymnasium where the therapy group would be meeting. You sighed as you got out, and thanked her for the ride and the money she gave you to eat, even though you probably weren't going to use.
Resisting the urge to run away, you forced your feet to walk toward the place.
There were a few people at the door, but you didn't smile at any of them, entering the place with your head down and your hands in your pockets. 
And then a woman greeted you, and put a little sticker with your name on your shirt when you gave her your papers. 
Then she signaled the way you should go, and you ended up on the gymnasium court, where there was a wheel of chairs, and a table with food and drink, and several people scattered around, who you thought were part of your therapy group. 
Sighing impatiently you made your way to the bleachers of the venue, hoping to be alone until the session started and you could leave.
Fortunately it wasn't long before the leader signaled for everyone to sit in the circle, and you sighed as you stood up. You ended up with one of the chairs on the far left opposite the therapist, which could be bad since he would see you clearly.
"Thank you very much for coming." Said the therapist smiling gently as his gaze roved over everyone in the circle. You kept your gaze on your shoes. He made a noise with his throat. "Who would like to start today?"
The silence lasted for a few seconds, but then someone was speaking. You forced yourself to come back to reality and pay attention.
"[...] and this is my fourth week around here." Said a woman in a leather jacket. You noticed the army lanyard around her neck. She was talking about an accident when you got distracted again. Lightly poking your eye with your finger, you tried to focus again, letting out a low sigh. And then the therapist was talking again.
"We have new faces today." He said and you felt your heart speed up. You absolutely did not want to talk in front of strangers. "Why don't you share with us, miss?"
You raised your gaze to meet that of the therapist, smiling gently at you. The rest of the group looked at you as well. Taking a deep breath, you began to wiggle your fingers on your leg.
"I don't... I've never been in a group." You say clumsily. "What should I say?"
"Whatever you wish to say." He answers with a smile. You swallow the urge to tell him you didn't want to talk at all. Realizing your lack of response, he is quick to add. "Why don't you tell us why you are here?."
You let out a dry laugh. 
"I really didn't have much choice." You retort wryly. The therapist looks slightly surprised, but makes no mention of interrupting you. You let out a sigh before clarifying. "My psychiatrist, she...she didn't approve of my social ratings. She wanted me to talk to other people. People who... went through the same things I did." You count staring at the floor. When you look up again, the group still waits for you to continue, and you sigh, running your hands through your hair. "I haven't... I... I haven't talked to other people outside of my family in six months. Not since..."
You move your head, sniffling slightly as you straighten your posture. The therapist clears his throat.
"You just need to share whatever you are ready to tell us." He says gently, you nod slightly feeling extremely vulnerable. "But remember that this is a safe space. There is nothing to fear here."
And then he is talking about methods of easing the guilt, and dealing with the pain and you were distracted again. You would like to go back to bed. It must have taken a while, but the session is finally over.
The group dispersed around the room, and you went toward the therapist's desk to have him sign your schedule. He smiled as you approached.
"Miss Y/N/L, I was happy to hear that you would be joining us today." He said greeting you with a handshake. You nodded, taking the paper from your pocket. He chuckled, but accepted it. "You know, I'd like you to try to have a partner in the group, it's recommended for cases like yours."
"What do you mean cases like me?" You ask snidely, but he doesn't care.
"Doctor Harkness gave me your chart." He explained as he signed the paper you gave him while you frowned. "Extreme Social Anxiety in the first few months of treatment. Tendency to complete isolation, introverted..."
"Yeah I know my problems, buddy." You interrupt him with irritation. "You don't have to list them for me."
The therapist gives a lopsided chuckle, and holds out the signed paper to you. But he adds with a serious look:
"I'm here to help you, Y/N." He says. "Don't forget that."
You don't respond and take the paper, turning toward the exit. 
Your week passes slowly and tortuously. Which is surprising because you barely get out of bed. And then it is group therapy day again, and you are making a new crack at your cell phone screen.
Your mother greets you with a pat on the back as you enter the kitchen, and she is walking past you toward her own room.
You know you have to take the subway today, and you are trying not to think about it too much. As you are walking out the door, your eyes pass quickly over your car key, and you think you have a flash of memory, but you shake your head quickly, pushing the thought away. And then you walk forward.
And you are late for the session, because you can't take the bus to the station, since your feet simply didn't obey you. But that's okay, you don't really care.
You weren't the only one who was late. When you went to enter the door, a red-haired woman bumped into you, also running to get in. She smiled slightly as she apologized, and you just made room for her to enter first.
"Sorry Stephen." She said to the therapist as soon as you two entered the gymnasium, "I had an emergency with the kids."
The man just shook his head with a smile, and waved for you both to sit down.
"And why were you late today, miss Y/L/N?" He asked you. You shrugged your shoulders.
"I didn't wanna come." You retorted and the group giggled, and the sudden sound startled you slightly, but you just sat with your arms crossed. 
"Do you want to try again?" He retorted with light humor in his voice. And you bit the inside of your cheeks. And then you looked down at the floor.
"I couldn't get on the bus." You confessed next. Stephen looked at you tenderly, though, and you didn't like the feeling of your chest heaving slightly.
"And why do you think that happened?"
You shrugged, uncomfortable. 
"I don't know. I... There were too many people." You said embarrassed. And then you started twiddling your fingers, feeling all eyes on you. "I just... I knew I'd have to say hello to the driver, and the conductor. And then I would pass strangers in the hallway, and one of them would sit next to me. And I just... I couldn't."
Stephen nodded slightly in agreement.
"It's okay, Y/N. " He stated. "No one is judging you here."
You let out a dry laugh, and Stephen blinks in surprise, which spurs you to explode.
"Everyone is judging me, Doc." You say through gritted teeth, swinging your leg. "It's as if I can hear the gears in people's brains forming opinions about me." You state with a sigh. "Like my mother for example. She...she...acts like I'm past the time of mourning." You explain with tears in your eyes. "Like there's a limit, and I'm extending her goodwill. Because it's been six months, and she doesn't want me to be sad anymore. But guess what? I don't know how to move on!" You state angrily. "I can't! If I don't miss her, what's left for me? If I don't... God, I can't do this."
And you stand up, wiping your tears away, and walk out of the gymnasium, heading for the restrooms. You feel your heart racing, and it's hard to breathe. 
As you rest your hands on the sink, your brain starts to wander back to the day of the accident again. You choke, because it feels like you're sinking again. You see the water rising through the metal of the car. Your hands on the steering wheel, and then on the seat belt. You shake your head, pushing the images away, and rush to turn on the faucet in front of you and pour the water on your face.
You take a deep breath, trying to stop the tears. And then there is someone entering.
"Are you okay?" Stephen asks and you nod lightly, ignoring the trembling in your hands as you stare at him through the reflection of the mirror. "I gave a break to the group, wouldn't you like to walk with me?"
"I'm not good company right now." You grumble but he smiles, nodding slightly as if to repeat the invitation. You take a deep breath before turning around.
You walk silently and slowly to the outside of the gymnasium, and then he is speaking again.
"You were very brave today."  He comments, and you let out a dry laugh. "Why don't you believe me?"
"I panicked today." You say. " It doesn't sound very brave to me."
Stephen smiles guiding you through the gymnasium entrance toward the parking lot.
"You talked about a trauma to a group of people." He says. "That takes a lot of courage, even if you don't believe it."
"I don't believe in anything." You grumble, but Stephen doesn't mind your hostility. He stays with his friendly posture.
"I would like you to accept my request from before." He said after a moment. "About a group partner."
You let out a sigh.
"I don't even know what that means." You retort with slight impatience as you reach the edge of the parking lot. You notice the garden a few feet ahead of you.
"It's like a therapy buddy." He explains with a smile. "We encourage socializing here. That's why Agatha recommended this group to you."
"Oh, of course you do. Agatha is a bitch." You wryly wipe your hands across your face. Stephen laughs lightly. "How does that work anyway? Do I have to hold someone's hand? Exchange friendship bracelets?"
"No, it's much better." He says with a chuckle. "You talk to that person. You exchange experiences with them. You learn to trust somebody else again."
"My god, it looks like a fucking Disney movie." You retort with irritation and Stephen lets out a laugh. And then you let out a sigh, shrugging your shoulders. "Okay, I'll do it. I have nothing to lose, and it seems that neither you nor Agatha will leave me alone if I don't agree."
"We want you to feel better. Don't take this as a punishment." He says, guiding you back to the gym. You nod slightly, thinking that it really does feel like punishment anyway.
You see Agatha the same week. Your appointments have been switched to monthly meetings instead of weeks as they were at the beginning of treatment, and while you appreciate the familiarity of seeing her, you can't help but feel irritated with her.
"Someone's grumpy." She comments as soon as you sit down on the couch in the room, to which you roll your eyes.
"You are always so very tender, Agatha." You mock as you cross your legs, hoping the time will pass soon.
Agatha laughs lightly, finishing tidying up a few things on her desk. And then she gets up and sits down in the armchair a few feet in front of the sofa where you are, carrying a small notebook in her hands.
"So, why don't you tell me how your your first two sessions in group therapy went?"
You let out a dry laugh.
"Like Stephen didn't tell you everything." You sneer and Agatha just smiles, waiting for you to speak. You let out an impatient sigh, before stating wryly. "It was amazing, doc. It only took two sessions for me to have a panic attack, so thank you for that."
"Why do you think that happened?"
You squeezed your eyes.
"I have no idea." You retorted. "I'm not the doctor here." Agatha laughs lightly, and then opens her notebook and starts writing something. You sigh impatiently. “Really, you're going to start that again?”
"If you don't talk, I write." She states simply, and you roll your eyes, shifting on the couch uncomfortably.
"Agatha, I just... I couldn't get on a bus, okay?" you tell her, and she closes her notebook to look at you attentively. You take a deep breath. "There were a lot of people. I don't mind walking anyway. It helps me think."
"You don't mind walking eight blocks?" She asks with a slight irony. "That's pretty athletic of you."
"It's weird that you know my address off the top of your head." You play lightly, and she just laughs, straightening her posture. 
"Why don't you just tell me what you want to tell me?"
"Why don't you ask me what you want to ask?"
Agatha blinks slightly in surprise, and then she shakes her head slightly, opening her notebook again. You sigh.
"Okay, sorry." You say, and she looks at you for a moment before closing the object again. I... I thought I was drowning again.”
"Are your nightmares back?" She asks seriously, and you deny it with your head.
"I feel too anxious to sleep." You tell. "And then I black out from exhaustion in the night or in the morning. I don't dream anymore."
"Have you been taking your medication?"
You sigh.
"Of course I have."  You say. "I don't... I'm having trouble keeping my mind still. Like the first few months, you know. Everything seems so noisy now."
Agatha nods slightly, becoming thoughtful for a few moments. 
"I know it may sound strange to hear that, but that means you're getting better." She declares and you frown in surprise, then let out a dry laugh.
"How is my peak anxiety a good thing?"
She opens the book again, but before you can ask what you said wrong, she is reading.
"The first day you were here, you said you felt like you were empty." She narrated and you swallowed dryly. "During your first two months, you continued to describe that you felt like an empty shell. And that you no longer had any dreams, thoughts, or opinions. Without your wife, you said you were no longer here."
You felt your eyes fill with water at the mention of her. But you swallowed your emotions. Agatha turned a page, and read for a few seconds, and then looked at you.
"With your history of anxiety, your mind was remarkably quiet after the passing of your wife." She says. "But now that you're on medication, and therapeutic treatment, plus you're socializing even superficially with the world again, you're starting to feel things again. That's progress."
You look away from her, nodding slightly, trying to believe her words, and trying not to be so terrified at the thought of learning to live again. Without Nat.
You choke slightly, holding back a sob, and then Agatha hands you a box of tissues, but you refuse with a nod, wiping away the tears that have slightly escaped.
"What do you want to talk about now?" She asks after a moment. You take a deep breath, still trying to calm yourself.
"Last week I took a cold bath." You count. "It was snowing."
Agatha blinks in surprise at the information and then lets out a giggle.
"You want me to write it in the book don't you?"
You laugh, wiping away the last of the insistent tears. You just hope Agatha could help you.
You hate coffee. But you barely slept last night, and now you need to stay awake during the group meeting, so instead of walking to the chair in the corner like you used to, you detour your way to the food and beverage table as soon as you arrive at the gym.
There are a few members around, but you don't look at them, just sidestepping as you extend your arm to the coffee bottle. You pour some, and as you touch the cup, you notice. It's cold.
"Hey sorry about that." Said a girl you thought was named Val or something, as soon as she saw you touching the cup. "We mixed up the shifts yesterday and nobody made new coffee."
You rolled your eyes, picking up the cup and throwing it in the trash. Then you forced a wry smile on the girl and walked outside. 
It was cold, but you are boiling with rage. It was just a damn cup of coffee, you thought as you closed your eyes and tried to reduce your anger. Just coffee. 
You stumbled with fright when Stephen called out to you.
"We'll get started in a minute." He said looking at you curiously. You just nodded, following him after a few seconds.
You bit the inside of your cheek when you noticed the same coffee girl as before, now sitting where you usually sat. The universe was testing you today. 
You just sighed, twiddling your fingers inside your pocket, and walked over to one of the free chairs.
After Stephen gave the briefing, he asked if everyone was all right, and the group lied in unison. You were almost asleep when he called your name.
"I would like to choose your partner today." He says and you feel your heart racing as you straighten your posture. "But I want to know if you have any preferences."
You blink in confusion, and roll your eyes.
"I don't know anyone here, but I'm sure they will all hate me equally, doc." You tried to joke, but Stephen only looked at you with concern.
"No one does or will hate you." He says and you swallow dryly, looking away as you mumble that it was just a joke. Stephen pauses momentarily before continuing. "You know that everyone here has their own experiences of loss and they are unique in their own way, even if they have similarities." He begins and you just wish he would speak soon who your partner is at once. "Usually we don't put new members together, but with the release of one of our members, the number ended up getting odd." He explains. "Anyway, I'm sure you and Mrs. Maximoff will get along very well together."
You frowned slightly at the whole explanation. Then you looked around the group, and realized that this Maximoff woman was the late redhead from the previous session who looked at you curiously. You looked away from her to Stephen.
"Thank you, doc." You said with a slight irony and Stephen just nodded smiling.
"Partners are grieving companions ladies." He says. "We will assess your progress at each session, and then switch partners once the necessary improvement has been achieved."
You grumbled in understanding, and looked away to your lap. When Stephen began to ask about the stories, your mind wandered to the departure time.
And when the session was over you wished you could go to sleep. But Stephen made a slight movement of his head in Maximoff's direction, and you understood that you should talk to her.
Ignoring the urge to show Stephen the middle finger, you just sighed as you got up from your chair and lazily walked over to the woman at the exit. She was talking to a man, and you were even more anxious to address not one, but two strangers.
"Hi." You greeted awkwardly, and both of them turned to you with mild curiosity. 
"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" Said the man with a smile as he held out his hand to you. "I'm Bucky. James Barnes actually, but everyone calls me Bucky." He said and you shook his hand, smiling awkwardly. Then he quickly pointed at the woman.  "And this is Wanda Maximoff, your grief partner."
"Hi." Wanda said shyly as she offered her hand to greet you. You accepted as clumsily as she did.
"Sorry, I don't know how this works." You say. "Should we exchange numbers or something? Or is that just a therapy thing?"
Bucky gives a little chuckle.
"Oh believe me, they'll know if you're not making it work." He counters. "My first partner was Sam Wilson and we wanted to jump on each other's necks whenever we saw each other. And then Stephen asked us to move in together." He says and you blink in surprise. "We're married now, but that's not the point. I guess I'm getting off topic..."
"Bucky." Wanda interrupts with a smile, and he smiles half-heartedly as well. You frown, annoyed by Bucky's story. You didn't want to marry anyone. "I guess we'll make it work, I hope you don't mind having the company of two tiny restless creatures on our walks."
You look at her with confusion and then you understand, smiling shyly.
"No, it's okay." You say. "I like children."
"Really?" She asks in surprise.
You nod slightly. "Unlike adults, they tell the truth."
Wanda seemed to be thoughtful, but then Bucky lets out an exclamation.
"As group guide, I have to pass the to-do list to you ladies." He says pulling a small notebook from the back pocket of his pants. He pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it to Wanda. "Partners need to develop these habits of socializing and coping with grief together. And yes, there is a test."
You sigh impatiently, tucking a loose string behind your ear. 
"That sounds fun." You mock lightly making them smile. 
"Anyway, good luck to you two." He says tenderly. "And Wanda, call me if you need help with Tommy. I know a good therapist."
You frown slightly, not understanding what he is referring to, but you prefer to stay out of matters that are none of your business. And then Bucky kisses Wanda on the cheek in farewell and waves to you smiling before leaving. You switch foot weights when you are alone with Wanda. Talking to other people is not exactly your strong suit these past few months.
"So..." You start clumsily when she turns to you. 
"So." She repeats equally embarrassed. You then clear your throat and rush to pull your cell phone out of your pocket and hand it to her.
"Give me your number." You say. "That way we can arrange...whatever this is." 
Wanda smiles weakly as she accepts the device, and you ignore the curious look when she notices the cracks in the screen. A moment later she hands the cell phone back to you.
"I gotta go." She says. "I need to pick up my kids from school."
You nod slightly and force a smile to say goodbye, and Wanda copies your movement before leaving.
You stare at your cell phone next, noticing the slight anxiety in your stomach as you read the contact "Wanda Maximoff" on the screen.
By the weekend, you are miserable. Just like the first few months.
You spilled some tea under your bed, and when you went to clean it up, you ended up taking the objects that were lying there. And then you found a crumpled piece of paper.
It was your farewell speech. The words you wrote down to speak on the day of the funeral. The paper you pulled out of your pocket when you got home from the ceremony and probably fell under the bed when you collapsed on the floor from crying so hard.
Suddenly your chest tightened and you couldn't breathe. But you didn't want your mother to worry, so you concentrated on remembering the exercises your therapist had taught you.
And when the room started to get too small, you left.
But because it was cold and rainy, you had just taken a hot shower and had decided to brew tea before you finished putting on a sweater, you had bent down to pick up your socks, and the liquid fell on the floor. 
You went outside without your shoes, and your mother let out a worried exclamation when she saw you standing outside, staring at nothing.
"Honey?" She asked walking out the door after seeing you through the kitchen window. "Honey, what is it?"
You didn't answer. Your face was wet. Your mother's hands wrapped around your shoulders, and she gently pushed you inside, worried that you would end up getting hypothermia.
"I'm fine." You gasped as she led you inside, but she just shook her head. "I'm fine."
"No, honey." She retorted making you frown. "You're not."
"Sit down." 
And then there were blankets around you, and socks on your feet. And your mother was in the kitchen, on the phone, but everything seemed stuffy. You began to be absent again. Thousands of memories flashing through your eyes.
An image of yourself on that living room floor, laughing while your girlfriend had her arms wrapped around you. Your mother was pouring a glass of wine for each of you, and you were happy to tell her about your engagement.
Then an image of you running across the room, trying to dodge the tickles your father tickled you while you laughed.
Then a puppy in your hands on the floor. You looked at it fondly, laughing at how cute it looked. 
Looking down, you saw a hand on your thigh. It was your wife's, the ring on her finger. She smiled at you. You were happy because that was the day you told your mother about the house purchase.
You gasped slightly when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder suddenly.
"I need you to tell me three things you can see." It was Agatha. God, you should have been out of reaction long enough for her to get here. Wiping away your tears, you took a deep breath, trying to reason straight.
"I... I..." You started, but your brain didn't seem to obey you. You took another deep breath. You could see the carpet, so you told her so.
"Two more." Agatha asked tenderly, her hand caressing your back from top to bottom. 
"The... table." You replied crying. "I can see the table."
"That's right, honey." She said. "Just one more now. Tell me what else?"
"My feet." You add breathlessly. "I can see my feet."
"Now breathe with me, okay?" She asks. "Like I taught you."
The exercises help you to calm down again. You apologize for scaring your mother, and for making Agatha drive to your house, but neither of them is upset with you. You feel exhausted, but the doctor wants to talk to you after she accepts the cup of coffee your mother offers her.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asks as you sit on the covered porch, fluffy pillows around you.
You lower your gaze to the floor, sniffling lightly.
"I found my grief speech." You count. "Under my bed. The next minute I was outside."
Agatha sighs.
"You ready to talk about the accident."
You raise your eyes quickly, frowning, because it wasn't a question.
She takes a deep breath, crossing her legs.
"It's suffocating you." She clarifies. "You need to talk or these attacks will happen again."
"I-I don't..."
"It won't be today." She interrupts with a tender smile. "Tonight you need to sleep. But we won't prolong this any longer. You need to talk about it, even if it’s only to scream."
Clenching your jaw, you hold back your tears as Agatha takes one last look at you before getting up. She murmurs that she will see you on Monday, but you don't look at her.
You don't sleep well on Sunday. And it's definitely because you can't stop thinking about your appointment.
And it goes well for the first twenty minutes. Agatha doesn't pressure you, and agrees to hear about your week, without mentioning the incident on Thursday.
There is a pause after you have told her about the dog barking noise in the early morning and then you know it is time to speak up.
"I was driving." You say softly suddenly, ignoring the feeling that your throat wants to close up. Agatha has her hands folded in her lap as she listens to you. "She...she was sleeping in the passenger seat." You swallow dryly, trying to count and not get caught up in the memory again, your heart racing. Talking is almost like going back there. "I looked at her for a moment and I got distracted... and then... we just..."
You only realize that you are crying because tears fall on your hand. You blink, sniffling. Taking a deep breath, you continue.
"We fell into the water, and Nat...she just...I couldn't get her belt off." You gasp breathlessly. "The water just...kept coming up around us. And she looked at me, and... she just shook her head like she knew what was going to happen." You tell between sobs. Agatha's eyes water, but she doesn't interrupt. "I just...she pushed me. She pushed my hands away and she told me she would follow me. And god... my dumb brain believed her!" You confess angrily. "She told me she was right behind me! And I swam out and when I came up she wasn't with me."
You shut up, not being able to tell anymore through the sobs. You can't even see the office clearly because of the tears.
It takes a moment for you to speak again, your head down.
"When I swam back, the car was completely covered with water everywhere" You recount. "I...I was going to dive again.... I wanted to get her out of there. But the people who saw the accident jumped in after us. And they pulled me out of the water. And I kept thinking that if I hadn't been distracted, she...she would be...."
"No." Agatha interrupts by offering you a tissue. "Natasha had a stomach injury, don't you remember?" She counters and you gasp, the words echoing in your brain. "That's why you couldn't remove the belt."
And then you were remembering clearly now.
Soft music echoed in the car as you hummed the tune and drove to your friends' house. Your wife mumbled softly beside you, making you smile as you watched the sleeping figure. The red hair in front of her face.
"Hey sleepyhead." You called softly, looking away from the track for a moment. "We're almost there."
Nat muttered in agreement. You bit your lip, thinking she looked beautiful. And then you heard a noise, and a white light in the window. You barely had time to frown when the impact threw your car off the road.
Your body tensed immediately as you sat up, looking around with desperation. The car was sinking fast and you turned to Nat.
A wound on her forehead was bleeding, and she was clearly disoriented as you touched her hands. You hurried to unbuckle her belt, but it was jammed tightly in her waist, and you gasped in shock at the wound.
"N-no." You grumbled, trying to move the metal, but Nat gasped in pain, pushing your hands away. You could barely breathe in desperation. Your feet were freezing, because the water was already at your ankles. "Babe, move please. We have to get out."
Nat advanced toward you, taking off your belt. You tried to touch her, but she pushed your hands away again, intending to guide you out.
" Sweetheart, go! Open the door! " she commanded and you shook your head, the water on your knees. Nat forced a smile, the tears in her eyes made your stomach turn. "Don't worry love. I'm right behind you."
As you opened the door, the water moved all the way into the car, and you held your breath Nat repeated the words "I'm right behind you" one more time. And then you swam out.
When you reached the surface, you were alone.
Sobbing, you couldn't say anything else to Agatha, and she proceeded to stroke your back, trying to soothe you with words of affirmation.
"I need you to remember some things honey." She says tenderly. "You couldn't have helped Natasha. She got stuck. You have to stop blaming yourself for what happened." Agatha whispers to you, and you sob. "Remember the investigation, okay? The police said that the driver of the truck was drunk and hit your car after he fell asleep. It wasn't your fault." Agatha says trying to remind you. You gasp, countless memories flooding your head at once. "Say that for me, will you?" She asks and you gasp. "Tell me it wasn't your fault."
You sob, burying your face in your hands. It takes a moment, but you repeat the words.
"It wasn't my fault." You whisper breathlessly. "It...it wasn't my fault."
When you leave therapy that day, you feel different.
You think that it is the healing process that is beginning to work. You still have a long way to go, but you have the feeling that a weight has been lifted off your back, because you have started to believe your own words. You could not have saved Natasha.
There is still a deep sadness in you, but you still buy your favorite drink on the way home, and try to stay in the living room for a few hours before going to your room when you are inside.
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btsmosphere · 3 years
Breathe Again | KTH
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~summary: everything in your world has changed. everything, that is, except the boy who still believes there are spirits in the forest. ~pairing: taehyung x reader ~word count: 16.6k ~my neighbour totoro au, artist!taehyung, fashion designer!reader, childhood friends to lovers, comfort, fluff, slight angst, slow burn, totoro just wants them to be together ~rating: pg13 ~warnings: mentions of burnout, mentions of a toxic work environment, a skipped meal, a tiny bit of blood, being outside in bad weather, heights?
~a/n: hi everyone, long time no see! welcome to my first fic since my hiatus!! this is for the ghibli collab which is being run by @birbdae​💞 this one is for anyone who likes ghibli films, wants some comforting boyfriend vibes from tae or just vaguely chaotic totoro content💜this one turned kinda long, but I hope I’ve captured the ghibli vibes well! I would love to hear if you read this and what you think! come chat with me💖
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Taking you over familiar roads, the bus bumped gently against uneven ground. But you didn’t so much as blink, cheek resting against the glass which rattled slightly in its pane.
You knew this place.
Something about returning down these roads stirred memories within you, though they tugged more at your body than your mind. The haze of smiles and childish laughter these streets made you recall felt alien to you.
But you knew that if you were to set your feet down in the earth here, they would be able to take you home even with your eyes closed. Your hands have memorised the shapes of the leaves in the forest and the wind would push your hair back like an old friend.
You knew this place, and it knew you.
That’s what you were afraid of.
It was as if a tape was being rewound: taking you whizzing back through the exact route you had ridden out of your hometown when you left so many years ago.
Who would remember you? More importantly, who would remember your goals, the way you had rushed away to the city at the first chance to pursue your goals as a fashion designer.
You hoped they wouldn’t ask. After all, you didn’t know the answers yourself.
Of course, there was the possibility that the town you were coming back to would have changed. There were always new buildings going up in the city, roads closed and the crowds still crawling around like ants. Always moving, never slowing.
But the moment you turned away from thanking the bus driver and settled your feet on the soil, you knew there was no question of this place being unrecognisable. Grass still tufted through at the edges of the road; there was the stream that had always run here, still bubbling merrily and bouncing the odd fleck of light through the grasses it nestled between.
Rumbling into life again behind you, the bus trundled on its way.
First stopping to take a deep breath, you turned after it, feet falling in the shallow furrows made by the tyre marks. As predicted, you gave barely a thought for the direction, your legs easily remembering their way down the short road to reach the market square.
As you moved past the first houses, you parted ways with the stream. It wasn’t long after that the road opened into the square and you finally saw another living being.
Though it wasn’t a big town by any stretch, there were always people around during the day. Luckily it wasn’t market day today, which you were thankful for because the whole town would have been out, and you may well have been caught up for hours by all the people wanting to talk to you.
As it was, three ladies cried out at you from a front doorstep where they were chatting. Hurriedly shooting them a smile, you waved, hoping that would deter them. In the end, you were only waylaid by a couple of questions – how long would you be staying? how’s the big city? – that you could brush off with noncommittal answers.
In that time, you had attracted the gazes of an older couple strolling hand in hand nearby. Gripping the strap of your backpack tighter, you bobbed your head in greeting and scurried past.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you picked up the pace. Shooting a quick message to let your aunt know you had arrived kept you occupied with an excuse to avoid a few more staring faces. Perhaps they would think you rude, antisocial, to be walking with your head down and staring at your device instead, but it was comforting in a way. A remnant of your city life, where everyone was wrapped up in technology.
Having braved the main square, you lowered your phone again. Forcing a steady exhale from your mouth, you pressed further through the mercifully empty streets leading away.
The squeak of a bicycle wheel was all the warning you received for the next person you would pass on your journey. Preparing a smile in a hurry, you found yourself staring across at a man you recognised coming around the corner.
Kim Taehyung hadn’t changed much, face lighting up in his trademark rectangular grin as he saw you. He had grown into his handsome features in the time you had been away, and you found your smile wasn’t entirely fake as he slowed on the other side of the street.
Simple white t shirt hanging from his frame, he was wheeling a bike beside him, dusty bags slung over the top. He fit right in with this place.
He was just opening his mouth when you gulped back your faltering smile, ducking your head again and continuing on your way.
With your feet carrying you slightly faster now, you garbled greetings and smalltalk to the other villagers you crossed paths with. The path sloped downhill as you approached the edge of the town, where houses fell away to make space for the rice fields and farmland. From your road, you could look across the flat terraces that stretched, glittering, to the horizon.
Approaching your own place at last, you had to admit you were glad to see Mei lean out of her window to greet you. The old woman had lived there as long as you could remember, and always had a kind word to say.
But though you returned her wave with genuine care, you didn’t stay to talk, instead pressing the keys into the disused lock of your front door. Reluctant from its neglect, it resisted, grating around slowly until finally caving, releasing the door with a groan.
The last time you had seen the inside of this house was many years ago now. Your aunt had raised you here, but had now moved in with her new partner; rather than selling, she had kept the place for you, ‘in case you ever want to come back or visit’.
Sliding the door aside with only a few snags, you stood in the doorway, unmoving.
For a brief moment, a familiar yet long-forgotten feeling had fallen over you. With a blink, the notion that a flurry of movement had greeted you from the shadows slipped away easily.
Dust bunnies, Mei always used to say.
Tugging vigorously at dust sheets that covered the windows, you let light stream into the room, at last allowing you to pull the door closed. Despite all that still required attention, you slumped against it.
Sniffing, you swiped a hand across your cheek. Surely it was just the dust irritating you.
While something inside you felt… different, relieved, to be back here, a larger part of you resisted that. This was only a temporary waystation. There was no use getting settled here again. This was no longer where you belonged…
If only you had found that in the city. That was supposed to be where you would thrive, forge your life amongst the unforgiving glare of neon billboards and buzzing traffic.
You resented the feeling of ease that crept over you now you were back. Resented the people that were content here, fitting fluidly with the meandering of village life. Like Kim Taehyung: he had grown up here with you, but unlike you he had remained right at home, never erring.
You had tried so hard, forever persistent that the world would bend to your will. That you were destined for greater things than this unremarkable town.
Yet now you even found yourself envious of those who stayed here.
They seemed happy.
A low buzz shot through your thoughts, drawing your attention to your illuminated phone screen.
With a dispassioned sigh, you pushed yourself to your feet. You ought to shift some dust from this place in time for your aunt to come for dinner.
Luckily, the house was empty, the few furnishings shoved away in cupboards. After fishing a broom from somewhere, you swept, and had just pulled the last cushion from the cupboard when you heard the familiar call of your name.
Hurrying forwards and plastering a smile on your face, you tugged the door open to help her; her arms were bursting with food. Still, you were surprised by the urge you got to hug her. After depositing all the ingredients in the small kitchen, you gladly returned her tight embrace.
“My darling,” she squeezed you tight, “it’s been so long.”
“I missed you, auntie,” you admitted.
Perhaps you had sounded a little too forlorn because she quickly drew you back to study your face.
“How have you been? Feeding yourself well enough?”
You let out a sound halfway between a giggle and a shriek as she grabbed at your cheek, a gesture that seemed far too familiar.
Brushing her off, you didn’t have time to dwell on the sensation her affections had stirred in you, as more voices drifted from the front room.
Of course, she had invited some friends.
By the time you had greeted each woman, dodged questions and laughed at your aunt and her girlfriend bickering from the kitchen, a steaming bowl was pressed into your hands and everyone gathered to eat. This was a scene you were so familiar with, a sight so common in your childhood, but now…
You shifted, eyes trained on your bowl as Mei told a story of your five-year-old self.
Why was everyone still the same? So nice to you, so comfortable with each other just like always? Your life, your career was seemingly spiralling off course and that guilt still sat heavy on your bones.
How could you retreat back here, accept all this? You should still be working. Not giving up. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do that either.
The same feeling lingered even through the clinking of dishes as your guests chipped in to help clear away, and remained in the following silence and dark as you flattened out your futon, curling up in isolation.
You wouldn’t allow this to feel right.
Even as sleep finally ensnared you in its claws just to spit you out the next morning, you continued to tell yourself what you should want. You should be missing your job, you should be missing the city. And though your heart wasn’t in it, you wouldn’t allow yourself to think otherwise.
The sun was high in the sky the next day when you found yourself staring at the blank page of your sketchbook.
I still want to design. Right?
Okay, so, let’s make a design. Design something. Just one thing. Just one idea, so I know I can still do it. I want to know that this is still the right thing.
I can do it.
Your eyes ran down your watercolour palette, each colour stained with others and hollowed in the middle with use. The small pot of water you had prepared sat too, remaining clear as your pen hovered over the paper.
Some time later, it clattered onto the tabletop.
That blank page stared at you for the rest of the day. Your contest continued even as you slurped at the instant noodles you had made. Every time your thoughts strayed outside, they would be tethered right back again.
There was no point running from your struggle. You would go out as soon as you had managed something productive. For now, the packets of food you had brought in your bag from the city would tide you over.
But as certain as you were that you would achieve something, the next day stretched out in exactly the same way.
It was on the third day that a knock at your door broke through your otherwise deserted world inside this room.
Without a second thought to the depressing dinner you were halfway through, you stood up. Only for a moment you hesitated, before conceding that this wasn’t the city, and it was more usual to have visitors here.
Padding across the floor, you pushed the door aside.
“Y/N! Hi!”
You blinked in the beaming face of Kim Taehyung that greeted you.
“Taehyung!” you returned in genuine surprise, “um, come in…”
Stepping back as you remembered your manners, you cast a look around the room. Unfortunately you hadn’t yet disposed of the slowly growing pile of torn ramen packets on the table, but it was too late.
“Thank you, you don’t have to-“
Nonetheless, Taehyung stepped inside to let you close the door on the cloudy day outside. If he noticed the sad state of your abode, he made no comment.
“I-I just thought I’d come by and visit you,” he smiled hopefully, “I haven’t seen you out since you came back…”
Gulping in the face of his innocent curiosity, you glanced at the floor.
“I’m sorry, I just haven’t… had the chance.”
Your excuse was weak and you knew it. Either way, Taehyung was quick to brush aside your worry.
“It’s nothing to apologise for! I thought I had just missed you and- well, I wanted to come to see you anyway. It’s been a while.”
A soft chuckle passed your lips, which curled into a sad smile. With a nod, you looked up at him.
“Yeah. It has.”
Though his face was smiling as always, it had softened as he studied you.
“Do you want to go on a walk?” he offered, “it must have been hard, being away from the countryside.”
The thought of your abandoned ramen cooling on the table behind you dissipated in an instant.
The outside was a refreshing thought, and it was as if Taehyung had opened the door to the possibility. Once there was a time you would have headed out for no reason, just for fun. That was something you had left behind, but with the welcoming boy to encourage you, you were nodding eagerly before you could form a reply.
Although the village was no longer bathed in sun, cool air rushing to meet you instead, the breeze seemed to carry some weight away from your shoulders. The route Taehyung began to tread beside you was well ingrained in your feet, but your mind was still waking up to the familiar sights.
“I always loved the view from here,” you smiled, muttering almost to yourself.
Taehyung heard you, though. There was no noise for your voice to lose itself in, except the wind that took your words on a winding path through the air.
Slowing his steps, you eased beside him as well. You had barely left your road, but being so near to the edge of the village, the swathes of rippling fields were never far from view; now they stretched out like a carpet below the higher ground your village occupied.
“What’s it like, living in the city?” Taehyung recaptured your attention.
Startled, your eyes turned to him as he remained gazing across the lush greenery, hands tucked casually into the pockets of his loose trousers. His shirt, too, billowed slightly in the playful breeze as you strolled together.
It was those words which brought you crashing back to your senses. The city had been far from your mind, chased away the moment you were reminded of nature’s sprawling cloak across the land. It had been so easy to forget…
“Busy,” was all you offered in way of reply at first. A slight sigh was whipped away by the wind before you found the words to continue. “There’s always people doing things, just like here. Only… bigger. More. They don’t have time to stop and speak to you. It’s so much brighter too…
“I like the neon signs,” you admitted, “but with them, you can barely see the stars.”
While you spoke, Taehyung’s eyes drifted back to you, listening intently. After you stopped, he left silence to settle for a moment.
“It sounds different,” he replied.
You simply hummed an affirmative, but a large smile was sliding back onto his face.
“But I bet they love you!” he grinned, face lifting in such eager happiness that it made your heart ache. Wanting so badly to return his joy, you knew you could never fake happiness that genuine.
“Not really…” you scuffed your toes against the ground, suddenly particularly interested in the way the dirt cracked around your shoes.
As such, you missed the deepening furrow of Tae’s brows, but he stayed quiet, sensing your inhale as you prepared to elaborate.
“Maybe it’s because I had always dreamed of moving there, but nothing was as easy as I imagined,” you spoke quietly, “I was so stupid thinking everything would be simple once I got a place as an intern. The company took me on, but I haven’t got any further.”
A short glance back to Tae showed his brows set in a serious line, mulling your words seriously.
“I’m sure if you keep working hard, they’ll see you,” he smiled, “you always wanted to be a designer. I know you can be.”
For a moment, his words stunned all breath in your throat. Swallowing harshly, you tore your eyes from his, roughly shaking your head.
“It’s just not going right,” you lamented, “all I’ve done since I moved there is work, I take the overtime and travel for shows at weekends, shadow where I can… I feel like I can’t do anymore. And still, nothing. Not even a commission, let alone a promotion. I haven’t headed a project team once. It’s like…” panting softly from the speed your frustrated words spilled out, you paused for a moment, shoulders slumping. “It’s like everyone else knows something I don’t.”
“That’s why you came back?”
His low tone was still light and looking back to him brought you face to face with wide, earnest eyes. Of course, he had guessed accurately. You hadn’t quite intended to spill in so much detail what was troubling you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to resent it.
Confirming his assumption with a nod, you watched Taehyung cock his head to the side before returning his gaze back across the forest.
By now you were drawing closer to where the trees huddled together at the borders of the farmland. The track was a little less well-trodden here, your feet falling between scattered grasses that pushed upwards.
“I don’t think it’s you that’s the problem,” he twisted his body around to face you, still walking towards the forest.
All you could do was blink, slightly startled at his assertion. Thankfully, he continued, pulling his hands from his pockets and spreading them to indicate the surrounding trees which you were entering.
“You’re doing everything you can, and that should be more than enough. There’s no secret to learn… well, maybe…”
“Hey!” you elbowed him as he trailed off, “do you know a secret?”
Mirroring your grin, Taehyung sighed, shaking his head at the ground. You kept your eyes trained on him, as if he might really hold some clue that would solve everything for you. Then he raised his head, fluffy strands of hair falling across his smile-brightened eyes.
“Maybe patience,” he shrugged, “I’m sure you’d get somewhere eventually… but also- maybe you should try to value your time more. There isn’t just one path you can take, and you can always change.”
“I-I guess that’s true,” you stammered.
It was something that had crossed your mind, but you had always shoved the idea away the moment you considered it. You knew what you wanted to do, and you shouldn’t give up on it. Hearing another say it, out loud, was… strangely affirming. But your eyes still fled Taehyung’s gaze, skittering about the trees stretching their hands to the sky.
“Either way,” a gentle nudge at your side brought your begrudging gaze back to your friend, “it’s good to have you back for a bit. I’ve missed you. I’m sure your aunt has, too,” he quickly added.
Grateful for his offer of turning away from the previous conversation, you relaxed a little.
“I’ve missed it here too,” you admitted, “thanks for coming over, it’s good to be out.”
For some reason, as you continued ambling through the forest, you felt no guilt creeping in about time you should be spending working. Instead, you barely felt the minutes passing as you laughed with Taehyung about various scenes from your childhoods. If anything, the small amount of guilt tugging at you was guilt for losing touch.
Eventually, you found yourself reclining in the grass at his side.
“Do you remember when you told me there were spirits in this forest?” you laughed softly.
“Hey!” he grinned back, “they are real!”
Though you giggled along with him, you sensed some defiance in the glittering of his eyes, which made you tail off. Your mouth quirked up at the corner.
“You really still believe in them?”
You didn’t miss the way his eyes strayed from your own, glancing to the grass and across the leafy landscape. But still, he responded.
“I saw them,” he murmured, bringing a fond smile to your face.
“Maybe people out in the countryside really are crazy,” you joked, flopping back to lie on the floor.
“Maybe,” came the chuckled reply.
Taehyung’s shoulder brushed against your own as he joined you on the floor.
Warmth blooming in your chest, you continued to stare across the treetops as they were brushed with the glow of the encroaching sunlight. Something within you longed to capture this moment, grab the warm-tinted clouds streaming across the sky and bring them to earth to rest beside you.
And later, you would realise that was why you had turned to design.
You picked up your paintbrush and brought colour to the white sheet at last.
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Too caught up in your seeming breakthrough, with a design almost finished on your page, you were easily busy enough to ignore the way Taehyung’s face crept into your mind. Trying to summon images of the breathtaking evening you had spent, the boy was inextricable from the memory.
The relief and liberation that had flooded you the moment you allowed yourself some respite had come from having him beside you.
Though you were a fashion designer, not a portrait artist, the flipside of the page was steadily filling with sketches of Taehyung. You hadn’t been able to capture him the exact way you wanted, his striking features escaping you, but you couldn’t hold back from trying at least.
But though you had made some progress on your creative block, you still clung to the shelter of your empty house. The hush of the village provided you with a peace of mind you hadn’t even noticed was missing while you were away.
Before you could dig yourself any more holes wondering about the fate of your career, however, exactly the person you had been hoping to see came back around.
Taehyung beamed widely from his perch on your doorstep. That wonderful smile never failed to produce a brighter grin on your own face too.
However, this time he didn’t step into your house when you made room for him. Disappointment sunk to your stomach, realising you had expected him to stay.
But his next words killed off any sadness before it could even take root within you.
“Put your shoes on,” he flashed a playful grin, “you’re coming to mine for dinner.”
“I am?” you snorted, though you were already reaching for your boots.
“Yep,” he smirked.
Folding his arms, he leaned against your doorframe while you hurriedly got ready.
“Unless you have plans?” he chuckled, “another extravagant microwave meal for one?”
Gaping, your head shot up to meet his twinkling gaze.
“You may be right,” you scoffed, finally closing the door behind you as you joined him on the street, “but that doesn’t make it nice. What would your grandma think of your manners?”
“And what would your aunt think of the way you’re eating?” he retorted.
Lips rising into a begrudging smile, you sort of fell against him in a playful nudge. The next moment, though, your eyes grew wider as he slung an arm around you, giving it a squeeze as his fingers nipped at your cheek.
“I’m joking,” he cooed, “I just want you to eat well.”
At least the sentiment was there. About an hour later you found yourself sat giggling in front of a bowl of charred remains that once were food.
“I tried,” Tae was pouting, poking around in his own bowl.
“You didn’t have to try something so fancy,” you hid more laughter behind your hand, “there’s more room for error.”
“But grandma told me exactly how to make it,” he frowned down at his dish as if it had wronged him, “I don’t know what I even did to mess it up!”
Unable to help it, a fond smile broke onto your face.
“Thank you, Taehyung.”
Your words seemed to startle him, as he immediately started spluttering about how you could thank him after he destroyed your dinner. It only served to pull more laughter from you.
“I appreciate it,” you assured him, “now how about we make something simple?”
His kitchen was stocked with fresh vegetables from the farmlands, making it easy for you to pick some and get to work. Closer to the rice fields than your house, Taehyung’s place bordered with the forest, every window giving generous views on the surrounding greenery.
Turning away from the trees outside the window, which you had somewhat lost yourself in, you found Taehyung stood proudly behind you. In his hands sat a bowl stacked with the vegetables he had chopped.
A look back at your own board showed you had made much less progress.
“Let me finish those,” he placed his bowl down and came to stand next to you. “I think you would be better off doing the cooking.”
Laughing, you agreed and let him take the knife from your fingers. Next, you began to fry your ingredients with the rice that hadn’t been a victim of Taehyung’s previous attempts.
Once he was done, Taehyung approached you, sliding the remaining vegetables into the pan. But even as they fell, sizzling, into the dish, he didn’t move away from you.
“Smells good,” he complimented.
Muttering a brief thank you, you kept your eyes on the food as you stirred it. You could almost pretend the heat in your cheeks was from the warmth of the stove and not the way he leaned closer as he smelled your cooking, such that his chest pressed up against your back, face hovering above your shoulder.
But before your resolve could wear thin enough for you to look around at him while he was in such painfully close proximity, a rumble interrupted your thoughts.
Taehyung instantly pulled away, apologies spilling from his lips. You, on the other hand, burst into laughter.
“Was that your stomach?” you cried.
“Maybe,” he mumbled, rubbing a hand across his middle.
Chuckling, you shut off the stove.
“Luckily, dinner is ready,” you grinned.
Taehyung eagerly dashed to grab plates, letting you pile them up with food.
Together, you brought your steaming meals to the front room where Tae pushed open the front door, inviting you to sit on the step.
“I guess it is kind of late,” you said after your first bite, “no wonder you were hungry.”
Proving your point, the boy beside you was already wolfing down his meal. Smiling to yourself, you dove back into your own food as you stared across the darkening valley, stars now painted in the mirror-smooth surfaces of the rice fields.
Sweet as always, Taehyung thrust a basket of the vegetables into your arms before you left – though, of course, he was walking back with you. Still, you were embarrassed to note the hint of resentment at his wonderful actions, as it meant you had one less excuse to see him again. In truth, you didn’t want to leave at all.
But you still thanked him profusely, and you meant it. His kindness warmed your heart, and guilt twisted inside you at the thought of taking his actions to mean anything further.
He probably felt sorry for you, lost as you were. Meanwhile he had found a place in the world, and he was happy here. Almost certainly he only wanted to do some good for an old friend.
But for tonight, you couldn’t help but indulge in the flutters Taehyung set off in your heart, a few more sketches joining the others before you fell into bed.
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Since you arrived, you hadn’t been very productive. You knew this, but bringing yourself to care was becoming difficult. No, you were too busy enjoying finally getting some peace and time away from the job that had been tiring you out.
But even in your time off, it seemed too much to ask of them to let you rest.
“-so I need your assessment of the project before we can move forwards…”
Your boss’ voice crackled over the line as you held your phone passively at your ear. Gulping as she rambled on about the practicality of your colleague’s design – when she was the one who had given the project to him when you really wanted it – you stared blankly at your notebook. Only one page remained filled. The simple design you had been thrilled with a couple of days ago now crumbled in your estimation.
Tell her you can’t do it. This is your time off. At least ask to be paid for it-
“Of course. I can do that,” you replied automatically.
Instant alarm bells started ringing in your head. You had to stick up for yourself before too much was loaded onto you-
“Wonderful, I’m sending them over now. Thanks a lot,” your boss spoke, line cutting off before you could so much as open your mouth.
Huffing, you flopped back onto your bed, where you had been sleeping peacefully before your ringing phone rudely awoke you. But you didn’t rest there for more than a few seconds before you were rolling yourself off and staggering over to dig out the laptop you hadn’t touched since leaving the city.
Opening up your emails, you saw the most recent one from your boss, but unfortunately your inbox was also rammed with several others you hadn’t bothered to check. You supposed you could never have expected to be completely away from work.
Resolving to check them later, you clicked on the first of the files from your boss. Already, you groaned, seeing that the plans were more extensive than you had believed over the phone.
You couldn’t deny that you accepted this too easily.
But then again, you never wanted to be seen slacking. Maybe if you did this, it would finally be noticed and you would be in line for the next promotion…
That was what you told yourself the last time too. And the time before that, and before that.
At this point, even the thought of actually being promoted didn’t fill you with the excitement it should. It was all you had worked for, and yet all you could think of was how much more work it would mean.
Attempting to shove away your heavy pile of thoughts, you focussed back on the task at hand.
Wrangling your brain into action, however, proved difficult. You realised too late that it should have been lunchtime, hurriedly trying to make yourself something while it was already halfway through the evening, sky darkening beyond your window. But even though it was getting later and you had been working all day, you had got next to nothing done.
Even the pattering of rain on your roof which began early on did little to ease the stress creeping back into its familiar residence in your brain.
Your head was spinning as you sliced up a pepper, not able to focus on the simple movement of your hands. You knew you should be looking at your work, but even as your mind hovered around the matter, you were unable to think straight as everything proved a dead end.
A sharp pinch shook you from your haze.
Hands stilling, you looked down to find a sliver of red already growing of your fingertip. Cursing, you threw down your cooking, turning to the sink.
The blood was swept away with the stream of water from your tap, showing only a miniscule cut, but your finger shook anyway. Staring down at the small line, even though it was clean now, your breath hitched in the back of your throat.
The rain, relentless on your roof, was the only sound muffling the sobs which left you as you hunched over the basin.
Letting your hand drop, you clutched onto the edge of the surface. You felt like a child; your computer was filled with demands, your head occupied with work, but you just didn’t want to.
Why couldn’t they just leave you be?
Some instinct within you had set your feet moving before your mind could catch up. Abandoning your laptop where its screen still passively illuminated a square of your desk, you were slipping shoes on, practically throwing your door aside with your sudden desperation to reach the outdoors.
The rain which immediately hit your skin hardly occurred to you. All you could manage was to breathe deeply in the saturated air.
You had succeeded in rediscovering some of the inspiration that led you to your current path; it had always been the beauty of your hometown, the countryside with its vast fields and open skies, the peace and the fury of the elements.
And maybe you had forgotten it, but now you knew it again you wanted to seize it with both hands. The pull of work only made you resent it more.
You had to escape.
And so your feet were taking you down your road, slipping on the track which had already begun turning to mud under the onslaught from the heavens.
You had barely left the glow of the last house on your street before water was running in streams down your cheeks, mingling with the salty tears that had been falling before. Hiccupping, you wrapped your arms around yourself.
Though you sniffed, you didn’t bother to wipe at your face.
But already the ruthless pelting of raindrops began to batter away the frustration that had been stirred in you. Still breathing heavily, you pressed unflinchingly on, your mind only able to focus on stepping forward through the storm.
Despite your lack of destination, your pace was rapid and soon you were stumbling between trees as you reached the forest. Here, the hammer of rain was lighter, plucking at leaves harmlessly and filling the air with the hollow chorus.
The oppressive feeling from sitting caged by your computer was fading. But now you weren’t sure whether your shaking was from your outburst or from the cold. Only, you couldn’t exactly bring yourself to care.
It wasn’t until now that your pace slowed in the least. Finally you were away from the pressing weight that had begun to crush you, even if it still remained waiting for you at home.
Weaving between trunks, your speed waned at last, allowing your fingers to trace along the wisened and cracked bark of each one. Even when you needed to blink repeatedly to gain clear sight from unshed tears and raindrops collecting on your lashes – even when your frame shook from head to toe, hair plastered against your skin – you finally felt free.
Having nature roar around you cast the demands of work, something that once loomed over you, far out of your sight.
Feet still tripping forwards, all it took was a toe catching on a root before your knees were meeting the earth.
Down here, the raindrops jostled the smaller plants that coated the forest floor. Looking up, you tried to wipe your hands, though it was fruitless against your sodden trousers.
But you paused in your motion as you caught sight of something.
Ahead of you, some tree roots twisted upwards, sculpted into a small arch. Although beyond that, you could see little, you rose slowly and stepped closer to it.
A few leftover tears leaked from your eyes, but they were indetectable as they slipped among the rainwater. Taking no notice, your eyes remained ahead as you reached the strange opening.
Ducking, you padded inside, not hurrying at all. It inspired a stiller pace for some reason.
The first thing you were aware of was the lack of rain falling on your back. Instead, the air was perfectly calm, only the distant pattering of water on leaves a reminder of the storm you had previously been in.
A few more steps and you found yourself in the centre of what appeared to be a large tree. Bark walls encircled the generous space, though it was obscured by the abundant greenery coating them decadently.
Tiredness was rapidly seeping into your bones now, and all you could think of the moss was how soft it looked, so tempting to your drooping eyes.
Exhaustion masked any shock you would otherwise have felt, then, when your eyes fell on a larger shape lying near the far wall. But this was not part of the tree, nor its foliage. Drawing nearer, you found it appeared to be furry. Enormous ears lay flat on the leafy ground where its head lay. Its round belly rose taller than you did from the ground, even though it was horizontal.
Staring through your bleary eyes, you merely chuckled at the unusual sight.
The creature inflated with each deep breath. It was sleeping.
You were sure you must be too, given what a funny dream you were having right now. But you were still so tired.
Without further thought, you let yourself tumble to the ground so you could rest, propped up against the forest creature. Indeed it was as soft as you had imagined looking at it.
Everything was peaceful as sleep embraced you at last.
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Taehyung jerked awake, the whole house seemingly clamouring in his ears.
Eyes wide, he threw off his covers, though he wasn’t sure what he expected to do. The wind was hurtling through the air outside, hitting his house like a freight train. Windows shaking in their panes, bullets of rain still spattered against the glass.
Pulling his blanket with him, Taehyung retreated towards the main room. Although he stayed back from the windows, he still looked out, watching the vague shapes of dark trees as they attempted to uproot themselves in the blustering air.
He couldn’t deny being a little unnerved by the sudden ferocity of the weather. With a calming breath, however, he reminded himself of the true form of the wind. The image of the grinning cat brought a smile stretching across his own lips as well. It had been years since he had seen it, or the spirit Totoro and their friends.
But even if he was a child then, he clutched onto those memories, trying to keep them vivid as possible.
He was about to settle down on the sofa to wait out the noise when a different shape made itself known in the window.
Doing a double take hard enough to give him whiplash, Taehyung managed to keep himself from staggering backwards in shock. Blinking determinedly, he kept his eyes fixed on the familiar form as it drew closer into the light from his porch.
Although he knew they were real, he still found himself struggling to comprehend it.
This wasn’t another dream, another memory or image on his canvas. Pushed against all the walls in his study, and his bedroom too when they overflowed the space, images of the forest spirit were strewn about his living quarters. He could never forget it but…
Why would it come back?
A moment elapsed, Totoro’s huge frame blocking out much of the view behind them as they stared blankly down at Taehyung the way they always did. The pandemonium of the wind died away.
And then Tae’s senses kicked back in, and he was sprinting to the door, hurrying into the night because there was something else.
Totoro was carrying something-
Breathless, he stood on the step, taking in the figure cradled in Totoro’s arms. It was you.
He remained still, so Totoro moved forwards, towering above him. But Taehyung could never be intimidated, knowing this gentle giant well enough. Instead, his eyes remained on you as Totoro lowered you towards him.
You were clearly asleep, eyes shut and chest rising and falling evenly. But it was how on earth you came to be so, in Totoro’s arms, and now in front Tae’s house, that had his brow furrowing deeply.
Though water no longer sat on your skin, the dampness of your hair and clothes remained. You must be freezing.
However, as Tae hurried forward a couple more steps to reach out for you, a warmth engulfed him. Recognising the forest spirit’s familiar magic, a hint of a smile returned to his face.
Though Totoro now relinquished their grip, the magic remained cocooning you, making Taehyung able to hold you in his arms as you had been rendered weightless.
Straightening to their full colossal height, Totoro backed away. Still feeling that comforting magic wrap around the two of you, Taehyung smiled as he bowed, as deeply as he could with you in his arms. Totoro gave a little bob of their own before turning away.
For a short moment, Taehyung watched the spirit amble away. But you were the priority. Unsure how long the magic would last, he backed into the door to push it open and get you both inside. Looking around in mild panic, he settled on the first place he thought of and moved through to the bedroom.
Setting you down on the futon, he pushed your wet hair away from your forehead with his palm.
Next, he hovered for a moment.
Eventually he stood back, swallowing nervously as he watched you. It was still the middle of the night, and raindrops were splattering the window again, though less harsh than before.
Of course, his concern was still unsatisfied. If Totoro had found you, that could only mean you had been in the forest. But… why? At this time of night, you should be safely tucked away inside.
Well, at least you were now.
Sighing, he turned away to retrieve the blanket he had dragged to the living room. Collecting a few more cushions for good measure, he placed them down on the closer edge of the futon. It was big enough for him to sleep here too, while still leaving some distance between you.
After depositing his bedding, Tae made one more trip to the cupboard, bringing out a duvet. Though thick, it was very light. He liked to think of it as his ‘cloud duvet’.
Seating himself, he leaned across to you to cover you with his favourite duvet, but stopped short.
The hair lying on his pillows was already drying. So too were your pyjamas.
Sighing, he shook his head lightly and continued to throw the covers across your sleeping form.
He would get his answers in the morning. Settling down himself, Taehyung turned onto his side so his back faced you. For now you were okay, Totoro had made sure of that.
But aside from what had happened to you, one thing plagued his mind the most even as he closed his eyes.
Why had Totoro brought you to him?
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Beams of light hung lazily in the air, only warded off by the thin fabric of Taehyung’s curtains. Blinking in the hazy morning, the usual hushed whisper of the forest greeted him, no trace of the furore of last night.
Except for the weight on the bed beside him.
Rubbing one hand across his face, he looked down at you. You remained nestled against the pillows, hair fanning out as the light cast it into rich colour. When his arm fell, it was perilously close to you, but he didn’t move it away.
Taehyung knew there was breakfast to be made and explanations to be had once he left the comfort of the bed.
Still, he lay unmoving, content to simply let his gaze roam your resting features. Warm light glowing against your skin showed it invitingly soft. His dark eyes traced your eyelashes where they rested, the gentle slope of your lips…
His breath hitched, a slight gasp lost in the fabric of his pillow.
At the first inclination of your lashes shifting, bringing you closer to wakefulness, he retreated, sliding out from his blanket and away to the kitchen. A puff of air left his lips as he willed his feet to fall noiselessly, leaving you to slumber.
He could easily blame the moment on his hazy awakening from sleep. He could pretend he only stayed next to you for want of staying warm in bed for a while longer.
Except he knew it would never be the truth.
You were truly breathtaking to him, painted perfectly in the dreamy morning light. All he could do was steer his thoughts away and turn them to preparing some breakfast.
And that was what roused you: the vague scent of steaming rice in the air and the odd clang of kitchenware from the other room. Rolling over as your eyelids cracked apart, you registered the indulgently soft duvet you were under, the scent of rain on the pillow.
It was already light, so you eased yourself to sit, stretching out your back with a quiet groan.
Vaguely, you remembered the sound of raindrops in the air, earth biting at your knees and a giant tree. It had certainly been a strange dream, you thought as you opened your eyes.
And paused, blinking.
This wasn’t your room. Hell, it wasn’t even your house.
From among the fluffy mountains of bedding, you slowly took in the place. Somehow, you weren’t exactly panicked by the position you found yourself, oddly comforted by the domestic sounds of cooking. You could guess where you were, and became more certain when your eyes fell on a row of assorted paintings propped against the wall.
When Taehyung poked his head into the bedroom, he found you awake and sat up. You had moved to the side of the bed, and were sitting cross legged as a hand delicately skimmed the surface of the nearest painting.
For a moment, he didn’t announce himself. Breathing deeply, his eyes rested fondly on the back of your head, ignoring the painting. He could see the artwork anytime, and he knew it well.
A vibrant green landscape of the forest, he had put Totoro and the other spirits dotted about the trees. Some were barely there, signifying how they protected the woods even though almost no one believed in them at all.
You must have sensed him, however, for you were snatching your hand back from the image and whirling around to face him.
“You alright there?” he smirked gently at your surprise.
“Yeah…” you murmured.
Noticing you chewing your lip, looking between him and the painting, Taehyung’s small smile faded a little. The confused tone you spoke with placed a light frown in its place.
“Yeah?” his low voice echoed.
Pushing himself away from the doorframe, he drew closer, hands dug into his pockets.
“That… that thing, in your drawing,” you frowned, staring right at it. “I dreamt about it.”
“Ah,” understanding dawned on Taehyung and he sat down beside you. Neither of you complained at the closeness as his leg pressed flush to your own. “That’s the forest spirit I told you about. Well, all of them are. But that’s Totoro.”
His tone had been anything but ridiculing, but still you looked around to find his expression genuine, eyes slightly creased at the corners in a vague smile.
“I-I don’t understand,” you breathed.
“You didn’t dream about them,” he leaned closer for emphasis, shifting to face you better, “it was real. Do you remember coming here?”
For a moment, you frowned, eyes escaping his as they seemed to look far away while you tried to recall. You came up empty.
“That’s because Totoro brought you to me,” Taehyung went on, patient as before, “last night, they brought you in from the storm.”
He paused for a moment, wetting his lips as he gauged your reaction before carrying on:
“Do you remember why you were out? Did you fall asleep in the forest?”
Again, that look took over your face. Your gaze fell to your hands as they played with the hem of the duvet, untangling the mass of memories from the night before.
“I think… I must have done…” you frowned, then suddenly started. “Oh crap! I remember why I left! My boss is gonna kill me-“
Panicked, Taehyung placed his hands on your knees as you carried on rambling, starting to push the blankets away in your sudden rush.
“Hey, hey, Y/N slow down, what’s going on?”
“I-I got a call from work,” you hastily explained, “they need me to approve a set of designs and I said it was fine even though-“
“I thought you took the time off work?”
“I did, I did but I said yes anyway but then I just felt so… so- argh! I was so stressed all over again and I just wanted to get out…” the clarity you lacked the night before made you cringe as you pictured yourself walking down the muddy track in just pyjamas, heading into the trees in the middle of the night. You chuckled drily, “maybe not my wisest idea.”
“No,” Taehyung had to agree, inclining his head, “but you’re here right now. Work doesn’t need you this instant.”
Pulling your lower lip between your teeth, you weren’t quite sure if he spoke the truth. Either way, you decided you didn’t much care when the boy broke into a shy grin and offered a hopeful ‘stay for breakfast?’.
He had managed to cook without mishap this time, resulting in a self-satisfied grin which you could easily tell translated into an I-told-you-so.
Happily full after his meal, Taehyung told you that he was going to do some painting, but that you were welcome to stay. From someone else, you might not be sure if they meant it or were just saying it out of politeness, but Taehyung had already offered you a set of clothes and a hot drink.
You certainly didn’t want to go yet, and you dared to hope he wanted you to stay as well.
So you accepted his offer and settled on the sofa with a steaming mug of tea and a book you had plucked at random from the shelves. Meanwhile, Taehyung turned on an old fashioned radio, which crackled softly into life in the corner before filling the atmosphere with calm music.
You knew for a fact Tae had a study in his house, but he brought his materials out into the main room anyway. Neither of you needed to say much as he set to work and you sipped your tea, going about your tasks in the mutual comfort of shared space.
He was facing the window as he worked, allowing you a view of his progress.
In the end, you became far too distracted to make it far through the book at all, too busy watching colour fill up the blank spaces. The work had already been started, with just a wash of colour occupying the canvas.
Now, you got to watch as from the blur of colours and shapes came the form of a forest. But this one was not bathed in the glory of day, the colours dark and muted instead.
Smooth brushstrokes left in their wake a body of water, glittering stars scattered within it. The limited palette of the night-time scene was fascinating to you. At last, Tae’s brush was picking out the form of the spirit again, peering from behind the trees. Your mouth curved up into a smile.
As Taehyung stood back, brush clamped in his mouth as he assessed his work so far, you scrambled to flip over a chunk of pages in your book. Burying your face in it, your cheeks burned as you realised you had been staring this whole time.
“What do you think?”
Making an effort to look as surprised as possible, you turned back to find Tae beaming at you.
“I think it’s wonderful,” you assured him, “the colours, the water… everything.”
His eyes lit up, smile only growing wider.
“Thank you! You really think so?”
At your indulgent nod, he turned back with renewed enthusiasm to complete the side of the forest which had yet to emerge from the melange of colour.
“Shall I get us lunch?” you offered not long after, noticing that you had now been there for a few hours.
Though Tae was engrossed in his painting, nose almost pressed to the canvas as he detailed some leaves in the moonlight, he graced you with an appreciative smile and a nod.
Slipping away to the kitchen, you soon reacquainted yourself with where everything lived and got to work. It wasn’t long before your limited cooking skills had done their job. A brief call to Taehyung had him emerging in the doorway with a smile on his face, taking the bowl gratefully.
Once again you settled happily on the front step, taking in the tranquil forest. It had calmed to a mere breeze since the night before, the leaves rustling, bright green in the midday sun.
“I can see why you like it here,” you commented between mouthfuls, “it must be a great place to work.”
Taehyung hummed around his mouth of food, but soon swallowed and replied, head tilted as his eyes scanned the forest.
“It inspires me.”
“So does Totoro,” you smiled. However, it couldn’t be denied that you were digging for more information after your strange encounter.
An understanding smile curved Tae’s lips and he set his chopsticks down briefly.
“You’re right,” he nodded, “for me, they’re tied together with the forest. I haven’t seen them since I was younger, but this place keeps them alive in my imagination, I suppose.”
“Wow,” you breathed, “no wonder your work is so good, hmm? You really love this place.”
As you dug back into your food, Taehyung turned his smiling eyes to you. Though you didn’t meet his gaze, he held his breath. Chewing his lip, he wondered why he couldn’t shake that feeling that had overcome him that morning.
Eventually, he forced himself back to his food, shuffling an inch or so away from you for good measure.
“I think it’s important to have a good place,” he stated, still staring at his dish when you looked around, “a place that works for you, when you need to be creative. I’m sure you can understand that.”
“Yeah,” you nodded vaguely.
But though you never disagreed, you weren’t sure you did understand. And it struck you that perhaps you should. Previously, you had only cared about what your job title could be. Never had you focussed on where you were, convinced you could continue to force out designs the way you always had…
But right now, you thought you might share Tae’s view, the motion of the leaves and the gentle sun caressing them stirring up your long lost desire to create.
And the presence of a warm figure beside you, full of support, had you wishing perhaps a little too much that you could stay.
You couldn’t delude yourself for much longer, unfortunately. Inside, Taehyung was happy to leave your dishes on the side and his brushes out as he offered to walk you home.
However, when he proposed taking you ‘the scenic way’, you dared entertain the thought that perhaps he might like having you around, too.
Though you hadn’t been here for some time and thus your sense of direction was shaky at best, you could tell that Taehyung was leading you around to the other side of town, albeit through the forest. Neither of you were in any hurry to get there, instead enjoying the dappled shade of the woodland path, reams of laughter drifting through the tree trunks as you joked together.
A subtle ache had begun in your cheeks from the constant smiling. But as Tae broke from the path, insisting on building an ‘installation art piece’, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop.
Instead, you eagerly joined Taehyung as he ran giggling through the trees, scouring the floor for twigs and stones. If anyone else had seen you, it would certainly appear childish. Especially when Taehyung encouraged you to give him a leg up so he could reach a particularly beautiful fallen leaf that was lodged in the crook of a tree branch.
It was when he leapt down again with a subtle huff that you both burst into laughter again. Through the slits your eyes became as you creased with mirth, you caught a glimpse of a broad, boxy smile that robbed you of breath in an instant.
In front of you, Taehyung was chuckling, that beautiful smile still stretching at his lips. And once again, the urge to capture this moment swelled in you. You couldn’t take your eyes from him, simply trying to commit the image to memory with the unattainable hope that it would never fade away.
As he wiped one last tear, you hurriedly turned away, cursing the intense speed your heart had reached.
“What’s your plan, Van Gogh?” you joked, hoping he couldn’t see your sudden nerves.
“Not sure,” he replied happily. Fingers catching your wrist, he tugged you further on. Striding away towards the path ahead of you, he would never see the heat blooming in your face at the contact.
Flustered, you hurried after him, only to run into his back as he stopped without warning.
“Tae? Is-?”
Poking your head from your spot behind his shoulder, you too rapidly quieted.
Though it was not long since you last saw Totoro, the memory was a haze of rain and tears. Now, though, you gulped at the sight. The spirit was waddling along the pathway, each step somehow regal with its commanding size.
With wide eyes you turned to Taehyung. His side profile showed an awed smile, a shallow breath escaping him.
When the creature turned around, you stiffened. But beside you, Taehyung simply stepped forwards, leaving you staring between him and Totoro. Bowing briefly, Tae moved even closer while you hurried to observe the same manners.
Unaffected, Totoro simply turned, continuing their ambling journey through the woods.
Frown taking over your face and unsure what to do, you looked to Tae at your side. However, his expression had split into a joyful grin that obscured his eyes within creases, and before you could even open your mouth, he was dashing to follow the spirit.
Taken by surprise, you could do nothing but follow, tripping through the undergrowth until you spilled back out onto the path.
Laughter was bubbling from your lips before you could control it. Taehyung’s giggled soon mingled with yours in the air.
On reaching the spirit’s side, you slowed somewhat. Totoro accepted your presence with barely a look your way as they kept plodding onwards. What were small steps for the creature, however, took you at a surprising pace that had a sweat breaking from your forehead after a while.
A flourish of Taehyung’s arms accompanied the first breaking of the companionable silence you had journeyed in.
Following where he gestured, your eyes lit up at the sight of glittering water.
“This was where we were going?”
“Yes! Do you remember it?”
A bounce had already entered Tae’s step, and he spun to talk to you while skipping backwards.
“Of course I do!” you nodded.
Just outside this village, the stream grew broader, creating a wide, flat brook. Countless afternoons of your childhood had been spent here, hopping over the stepping stones that lay above the water’s surface, or splashing in the shallow depths at the edges.
Despite the fuzzy heat of the evening, you found a little extra energy to race after Taehyung to the bank.
Within moments, he was kicking his shoes off and hopping into the glistening water. It only just came up to his ankles, close to the side where blades of grass drooped over, their tips disturbing the surface.
Sitting down for a breather, you also slipped off your shoes and dipped your feet in. Soothingly cool, the water brought relief against the heat you had worked up on the walk.
However, you never got much chance to rest as Taehyung stuck a hand directly under your nose. Scoffing, you took it anyway. In some small retribution, you aimed a kick in his direction once he had dragged you up, sending droplets of water showering over his legs.
Of course, you were instantly shrieking as he sent a playful, but much more powerful, wave of water back your way.
Though you were still aware of the large form of Totoro standing nearby, you were inexplicably more comfortable with their presence now. In fact, they faded to the back of your mind as you let yourself become preoccupied with the impromptu water fight that had your breathless laughs carrying over the rippling stream.
Eventually, you collapsed back onto the grassy bank, head thrown back as you breathed, heavy and exhilarated. For a moment, you simply let a gentle breeze soothe your skin.
When you looked back up, Taehyung snapped his eyes away from you so fast you were hardly sure you had caught them in the first place. Just as he turned away, a shadow fell over you.
Tipping your head back, you saw Totoro looking back down at you.
Before you could speak, let alone turn to face them, a bundle of sticks had fallen at your side, a couple rolling right up to your fingers where they rested. Picking the rough objects up, you looked back to the spirit quizzically. They were the sticks Taehyung had collected earlier, eventually carried here with him and left on the ground.
Then Totoro moved away, downstream a little.
Approaching you, Taehyung bent down to retrieve a few for himself.
“I think they want to play,” he smiled.
Totoro was watching you, almost expectantly. A smile quirked over your lips.
“I know this game!”
Side by side, you and Taehyung padded upstream a few paces, selecting a stick each.
“Three! Two! One!” he counted loudly, although you swore he dropped his stick a little before the last was called.
“Hey!” you shoved him playfully, but he was already taking off jogging towards Totoro.
You had lost sight of the slim shapes moving through the water, so you walked after him, groaning as Totoro held up the gnarled stick Taehyung had chosen.
“That’s not fair!” you tried to sound indignant, even going so far as to fold your arms, but laughter betrayed you.
Several rematches later, the sun was beginning to dip in earnest, and you had to admit it was time to get home. You were still closer to Tae’s house than yours, given the roundabout route you had taken.
As the light painted the sky darker, a few wisps of grey swirling below amber, the laughter died down at the prospect of going back home. Either way, there wasn’t much you could use as an excuse to stay here longer, so you slipped your shoes back on and began making your way over the stepping stones.
Taehyung went first, more steady on his feet while you slipped, taking a moment to get your footing on each one.
Totoro, on the other hand, simply watched you go.
Once, you turned back to give them a shy wave, but they didn’t move. Despite the muteness of the spirit, you thought it looked a little affronted at your leaving.
I’ll come back you promised silently with a smile.
Staring at the wonderful creature, you understood the fond firmness of belief Tae had described feeling about the forest spirits.
But with your eyes averted, your next step was not calculated. Suddenly there was no rock beneath your foot, leg slipping straight down the side as you whipped your attention to the front too late.
A gasp left you as Taehyung’s exclamation faded from the air, his hands steadfast around your waist. Gulping at the sudden contact, you dared to look up. Dark eyes bore right back into your own and they weren’t breaking away.
“You okay?”
When the words left his lips, you felt them as breath drifting across your own more than you heard them.
You tried to nod, afraid that your noses would touch, close as you were. Somehow, though, you couldn’t look away. The hypnotising softness within his irises had you unsteady all over again as you placed your foot carefully back on stone.
Still, his hands stayed in place. And you didn’t want them to move away.
Tentatively, you breathed in, unable to help your gaze dipping to Taehyung’s temptingly plump lips.
He can’t have missed it. But you realised too late, returning your gaze to the safer, yet still perilous, territory of his eyes. Only to find him slightly further away, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as his eyebrows raised slightly.
Snapping your mouth closed, you stiffened as horror set in. Was he uncomfortable? Had you revealed yourself?
But still he didn’t back away-
A yelp punctuated the air, startled from your own lungs with the impact of your body against Tae’s chest. In a split second, you were landing against something firm with a large splash in the relative quiet of the evening.
Gasping as cold water covered your back, you jerked only to find a strong arm circling you in its grip. Below you, a low rumble of laughter vibrated through your body.
Eyes widening, you realised you were lying pressed flush against Taehyung.
As the grip around you loosened, taking some warmth with it, you looked into Tae’s eyes which were once again creasing with mirth. He struggled to sit it the shallow stream, eventually ending up with you straddled on his lap as his arm remained looped casually around you. Despite the water, icier now in the deepening evening, heat was flaming in your cheeks.
Eager to twist around, you laid eyes on what had caused your unfortunate impact. Totoro stood in the water, unmoving as ever although they were quite clearly the only culprit in sight.
“What-?” you spluttered.
Still laughing, Taehyung helped ease you off him, keeping your hand clasped in his own as you both clambered to your feet. Water dripped from your hair, your legs and shoes sending miniature downfalls over the stepping stones as you returned to them.
“Have we angered the spirit?” you stage whispered to Taehyung, who laughed loudly.
“Sorry Totoro, we have to go home,” Tae sent a bow towards the creature. They blinked back.
Giggling slightly, you took a tentative step onto the next boulder. No sooner had you moved than the wind suddenly picked up around you, the waves in the brook growing more prominent as chill air ensnared your damp skin.
Taehyung cursed under his breath.
“It’s freezing,” he muttered, gritting his teeth.
Subconsciously, you huddled closer to him as he looked around – first at the path ahead and over the stream, then back towards the forest. Both of you seemed to gravitate to the latter, where leaves rioted in the air above the treetops.
As you stood in the wind, Taehyung’s arm had lifted to absently hold your waist. You felt him tug lightly.
“Maybe we should go back to mine. It’s still too far to your place, we might both freeze.”
“Are you sure?” you breathed, though you wanted to agree there and then, run back to his warm bed and not move for several hours. The way your voice came shakily with the shivers that began only confirmed Tae’s plan, and he was already setting off towards the riverbank.
“Very sure. Let’s get inside.”
Not needing to be told twice, you followed hastily, only connected to Tae by your fingertips that clutched each other as he led the way.
A particularly violent gust had your shoulders hunching. You were nearly at the side of the stream, and so you kept your focus for a moment longer on the rocks in front of you, before at last your feet met the grassy floor.
But on looking up, the sight that greeted you on the bank had your mouth hanging open.
What looked like a bus was standing in front of you. Or what would have looked like a bus, if not for the fact that it was smiling.
But after the day you had had, you made no protest as Tae told you it was okay to get in, merely accepting your fate with an incredulous sigh.
Tae’s hand on the small of your back as you stepped inside didn’t go unnoticed by you, but you let it slide. It was nice to be out of the cold, so you busied yourself with getting cosy on the seats that ran down the sides of the interior.
A jolt announced your departure. Looking around, you found Totoro hadn’t joined you, but watched you leave from the bank instead.
Turning back to the scene in front of you, you were surprised to note that no wind touched your frozen skin any more, despite the fact the windows on this bus seemed to be… well, non-existent. Beside you, Tae was leaning out slightly with a giddy grin lighting up his face, hand splayed in the air.
With a smile creeping onto your own face, you resigned yourself to the unexpected journey. Folding your arms against the side, you too stared out across the sky.
The treetops were far beneath you now, your whole village visible though it looked toy-sized from here. Wisps of clouds flew close overhead while your vantage point showed the glaring sun peeking above the horizon, illuminating your face with the last of the day’s warmth.
A glance to Taehyung showed his face bathed in the glow as well, painting his skin with molten gold that danced in his eyes and streaked through his hair like brushstrokes.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away.
Mindless to the risk of him catching you, you allowed your gaze to trail along his features, cast into striking light and shade. You longed to reach out, touch his hair. It looked indulgently soft, waving in a light breeze as you travelled.
All too soon, shadows were once again flitting over his cheeks as you were brought closer to the ground.
Awed smile remaining on his parted lips, he turned his face to you. Though you swallowed, you didn’t bother to look away, simply returning a smile. If possible, his seemed to soften even more at this.
Landing was softer than leaving the ground, barely a bump letting you know you were back on the earth. Since you sat down, lethargy had crept up on you, revealing how spent you were after the day outside.
Taehyung stood while you were still blinking groggily from your position laying on your arms.
“Come on,” a low chuckled accompanied the sliding of arms around you.
You complied, finding your feet and stepping out of the bus with a yawn. Without a moment to spare, the vehicle? creature? had leapt from the ground, soon whizzing out of sight.
Until you climbed the steps to Taehyung’s house, the cool air waking you sufficiently to slip off your shoes, you hadn’t noticed that your clothes had dried.
“They never stop with the surprises,” Taehyung’s low voice chuckled, making you look up.
You had been standing just inside the doorway, ogling your sleeves as if you might blink and find them soaking wet again in an instant. Meanwhile, Tae stood in the living room, one hand dug into a pocket as his other fingers slipped open the top button of his shirt with practised ease.
Gulping at the sight, you fixed your eyes back on his.
He simply smiled. Under one arm he gathered a blanket that had been strewn on the couch, but it was his free hand he held out to you, fingers outstretched, inviting.
Grateful, you stepped closer, inhaling the comforting scent of his home. You hadn’t noticed it before, but though your clothes were dry they still gave off the odour of river water, making the aroma of paints mingled with herbs and spices more prominent by contrast as you closed the space between you.
Hand closing around the offered blanket, you broke eye contact for the first time.
“This feels like a dream,” you murmured, head shaking lightly.
A beat of silence as Tae released his grip on the soft fabric, transferring it to your fingers.
“It does,” he whispered.
Had you looked up, you would have found his eyes still trained intently on you. So close, he bit his tongue, not trusting his voice further given the way his throat closed up, lending his deep voice more gravel than usual.
Stifling a yawn, you looked around, already pulling the blanket over your shoulders. Despite the quick journey and drying off, the chill of the outside lingered a little.
“Where do you want me?” you yawned.
Tae cleared his throat before he spoke, stepping away though he left his fingers tangled loosely with your own.
“The bedroom is fine, i-if you want to, that is,” he hastened to add, “we’re both tired. Let’s get some sleep.”
While normally your manners would have you protest at least a little, you had to admit how sleepy you were becoming. It was impossible to deny that Tae had just proposed exactly what you wanted, and so you let him lead you to the bedroom, where you sunk onto the futon as he gathered some clothes from his wardrobe.
Folded beside you, you handled them with reverent fingers, slipping out of your clothes once Tae had excused himself for the bathroom.
You reversed your tasks once more before you found yourself bundled in comforting blankets, the weight next to you a steadying influence in the darkness. Though you longed to reach out for him, trace your fingertips over his skin, hold him close-
you really were just too tired.
And maybe it was testament to the security of his presence that you were unable to act on your desires, sleep claiming you strongly instead, taking you quicker than you had managed in months.
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Waking up, however, was a different story.
While the exhaustion of yesterday had muffled any thoughts beyond wanting to sleep, today your mind was overflowing even as you first blinked at the pale light.
Beside you, Taehyung still lay sleeping. You were simultaneously aware of his peaceful beauty, and the panic with which you found yourself revelling in it. It seemed you had become a little too attached to him. Maybe this had all been a mistake…
Also in the back of your mind, though rapidly elbowing its way to the forefront, was the fact you hadn’t been home for an entire day. Your phone was still there; who knew how many work calls you might have missed?
Though you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to regret turning away from it, you couldn’t shake the itching responsibility to get back and see what mess awaited.
But at the same time, that terrified you beyond belief.
Most of all, however, your mind was swimming with colours. Shapes, snippets of designs floated in your brain. You weren’t sure when the last time that had happened was. You used to dream up your designs, when you were still beginning your career, desperate to create.
And though there were many scary things waiting for you, this revelation, this newfound desire to design again, lent your limbs new strength as you rolled from the bed.
Reclaiming your clothes from last night was first up; Tae had draped them over kitchen chairs to air out, but the smell lingered a little. It didn’t bother you too much, so you dressed quickly.
It was then that the soft creaking of floorboards caught your attention. You turned just in time to see Tae emerge from the bedroom, eyes barely cracked open while his lips were puffed out in an adorable pout, clearly only half-awake.
Stopping with an arm on the doorframe, hair flopping haphazardly around his face, he squinted across at you.
“Where are you going?” his low voice still rumbled in his throat, dry with disuse this morning.
Silently moving, you quickly padded across the floor towards him. None of the curtains were open yet, the watery morning light permeating the air tentatively.
In this dim space, you had the courage to lift your palms to press against his cheeks. On meeting his big eyes that stared across at you, you swallowed.
“There’s something I have to do,” you breathed, gaze skimming down his face as he watched you. Despite his bewildered state this early in the day, he was beginning to become more alert at your words.
Slowly, his fingers lifted to wrap gently around your wrist.
“Okay,” his voice remained husky, “but… you’ll come back?”
You tore your eyes from where they had focussed, without your consent, on his lips, to return his intent stare.
“Of course I will,” you whispered, mouth turning up at the corners.
For a moment, your breathing hitched. Such close distance between you two was becoming frequent, but you were far from used to it. Your cheeks still heated up, breath shallow as you savoured the softness of his skin under your hand.
Your eyes slid closed. In the relative darkness that encapsulated you, it was easy to think wishfully, imagine leaning closer in this timeless space where no one would see…
But then the moment passed, your hand slipping inconsequentially from his lingering grip.
Bringing your hand back to your side, you squeezed a smile his way and took a step backwards.
Then another.
He remained standing there as your pace sped up, and soon you were out of the door. As it closed behind you, you swore you could have seen a large pair of eyes blinking from between the trees.
Knowing what you did now, you couldn’t write it off, but neither did you pay any more attention, feeling a strange weightlessness as you trod the path to your house.
Going the short way this time, it didn’t take you long as you walked the tracks beside the glistening rice fields and farmland. Workers were already out, having risen with the sun which had fully emerged from the trees by now. As you passed, you exchanged nods and waves, smiling and giving good greetings to all you looked up at you.
Quiet fell again once you reached your road.
A nervous chill ran through you, but there was a thrill to it.
Approaching your house, you found two figures standing outside. With a frown, you drew closer.
“Auntie?” you called, making the women turn to you, “Mei?”
Mei’s warm face formed a friendly smile while your aunt beside her gawked. Recovering from her shook, she hurried to you, grasping your hands as your received her with confusion.
“Mei told me you were at Kim Taehyung’s? Is that true?”
With a glance to the old lady, you confirmed.
“That’s a relief,” your aunt laughed, “I came around yesterday to find you gone! You even left your phone!”
She was holding it out to you. Smiling weakly, you suddenly felt the weight of her watching you. Thankfully, Mei began to walk back towards her house, lessening your audience.
Sure enough, when you powered your phone on, it was instantly lighting up, ping after ping flooding your screen with notifications, calls and messages.
A frown made your aunt’s concern clear, but even you surprised yourself with your confidence as you simply grinned back.
“I have it under control,” you assured her, and walked up your steps to the door.
Inside, you took a breath, but could put it off no more. Beyond the fear of what you were about to do, lay the images of your home, the expansive fields and forests that had always been your source of inspiration. And now, a giant, friendly forest spirit-
And a hand, resting in yours.
The dial tone filled your ears, and you took a seat. Your notebook was still atop your desk, thrown aside to make way for your laptop, sat open with its screen dead. Nor had you disposed of your instant food wrappers-
“Y/N,” a stern voice crackled through the line. Your boss. “Where are those plans I asked you for?”
Though she couldn’t see you, you brought a smile to your face, summoned to lend you confidence.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly apologised, already hearing the reprimand on her lips, “but something came up. And I… I have something to tell you.”
A sigh.
“Go on.”
“Well… I’ve been thinking. I appreciate all the opportunities I’ve had with this company, but I don’t think it’s taking me where I would like to go-“
“Y/N!” you weren’t sure you had ever heard so much emotion in your boss’ voice. Her voice rang with pure shock, “Do you mean to say-?”
“This is me, handing in my notice,” you spoke clearly, “thank you.”
Silence stretched out for longer than you could comfortably take. But, should you need to, you were ready to repeat yourself. Somewhere on the other line, you heard a muffled voice trying to get your boss’ attention, but it was soon gone again. You knew well the dismissive wave that person will have received.
“Very well,” she spoke at last.
And with that acceptance, you felt like you were floating.
There was a spring in your step even as you cleaned up the mess you had left behind, the whole time itching to get your hands on your pens and brushes.
You had quit. You had quit!
For so long, the notion would never have crossed your mind, the prospect of giving up too terrifying to consider. But you weren’t giving up, not at all. Maybe you were giving up on what you thought you wanted. Or what you had wanted, once upon a time, but now no longer fit you.
Instead of guilt or fear, you were filled with excitement. You knew what you wanted.
And you were halfway there.
This, however, was the easy part. No matter how hard it may be to rebuild your career, starting afresh, none of those obstacles scared you quite as much as the next thought to enter your mind.
But you had promised him you would come back.
And perhaps one upheaval was enough for one day, you thought as you gathered your sketchbook, your paints. You could afford to hide from your feelings for a little longer, right?
You certainly couldn’t deny them, but you were afraid to admit them. Who knew what could happen then? You dared not hope for them being returned, and concluded to let yourself enjoy time with Tae for now.
After all, you were so excited to create, an almost alien passion that you were thrilled to welcome back.
And you could think of no one better to share this joy with. Taehyung was an artist too; he would understand.
Not far from Tae’s house, back past the open farmland, a familiar shape dominated the path in front of you. The sight of Totoro brought a smile to your face, reminding you of all the magic you had discovered in this place since you returned.
What you hadn’t quite expected was for them to be waiting for you. Unsure what to do, you settled for a quick bow and a quiet ‘hello’ as you continued.
Walking past the spirit, it just watched you for an extended moment before following along behind.
Taehyung was at the kitchen window when you arrived, and saw you coming. A boxy smile lit up his face before it disappeared from the window, emerging only seconds later in the doorway, a pair of paintbrushes clutched in his hand and dripping onto the porch. The day had bloomed into gorgeous full sun, and he held his hand up to shield his eyes from it as he watched you arrive.
A glance behind you confirmed Totoro was still following.
“They were standing around outside all morning,” Tae began talking, coming down the steps to meet you, “thought they wanted me to come into the forest, but when I tried, they walked even further down that way. What do you think’s got into them?”
“Beats me,” you shrugged, “but they seem happy enough now.”
Sure enough, Totoro had retreated a little further towards the treeline, still watching you both. For a moment, you and Tae both twisted around, looking back at the creature.
“Anyway…” you laughed.
Joining in, Tae led the way back inside, wiping his brushes against his trousers.
“Did you do what you needed to?” he asked, back facing you. The art supplies in your arms hadn’t gone unnoticed, and he was pulling out a chair to place next to his own setup.
“Yeah,” you hummed, setting your things down, “I, er- I quit my job.”
Brows lifting, Tae straightened up to face you. But his mouth soon slid into a bright smirk.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” you breathed. You couldn’t keep your own beaming smile away from your face.
His eyes lingered on you for a moment longer.
“So you’re going to be around here for a while, then?”
“Yeah,” you smiled warmly, “I think I am.”
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Over the next few hours, the image you had hoped for came to life. Sitting side by side, you and Tae both went about your works in pleasureable silence. Him, hidden behind an easel and periodically popping his head around it to survey they scenery, and you, meagre sketchbook propped on a cluttered desk.
It was perfect.
And finally, your creative energy was allowed to burst forth. For the first time since you were a student, you drew. And drew. And drew.
Pages seemed to fill themselves up, and if some thoughts were still unpolished, at least they were here, proof that you had never lost your spark, the spark which the fruitless toil of your old workplace had stamped out. Maybe you had just lost your way, temporarily.
And for that short afternoon, you were able to push all other thoughts from your mind. Especially those pertaining to a certain fluffy-haired artist with a boxy smile.
But even having half your worries settled was a relief.
That night, you returned home. Though you slept easier than the last time you were in this bed, you were ashamed of how much you longed for Tae’s presence next to you. Even when you had slept silently, barely touching save for the odd brush of an arm or leg when you rolled over, it was a grounding relief to have him there.
Luckily, you hadn’t even had to ask him yesterday if you could drop by again; he had leapt on the chance to invite you himself.
So you didn’t dwell on the way you reached out when you woke up, expecting to find a warm presence under the blankets with you. Instead, you happily climbed out of bed, ready to repeat your routine from yesterday.
This time, you at least brought some snacks along from your kitchen.
Today brought a large dose of d                         ja-vu along with it. Totoro was once again waiting for you, expectant. It took you off guard, but slipped your mind once you were back at Tae’s side, happily working for the remainder of the morning.
But Totoro didn’t give up. Those large eyes blinked through the window when the two of you went to prepare food.
“Do you want attention?” you chuckled, knowing you wouldn’t receive an answer.
“What do you say?” Tae’s low voice grew closer, “fancy a break outside?”
You were prevented from replying when his breath fell across your neck, causing you to stiffen. But he simply leaned over, hooking his chin lazily on your shoulder as he dropped another spoon into the sink where you were washing up.
“Y/N?” he frowned when met with your silence, small pout forming as he drew back to look at you.
You shook yourself.
“What? Oh, yes,” you tripped over your tongue, “that sounds great. Looks like Totoro would appreciate that too.”
With a laugh, Tae wiped his hands on a cloth.
“I’ll go get changed.”
Not long later, you were surrounded by trees, bathed now in deep shade that shielded you from the midday sun. Totoro had seemingly been satisfied by your attention, as they had followed you on your walk without protest.
Not that you were sure how they would protest if they wanted to, but your point stands.
It was strange how accustomed you were to the spirit by now, no longer staring over your shoulder at the creature. Instead, you were preoccupied by Tae as he ran, giggling, towards a tree with the perfect low-hanging branches for climbing.
By the time you had reached him, he was dangling, sloth-style, so that he was level with your head. His grin was just as goofy upside-down, and you swatted at his soft hair as it hung off his reddening face.
“Budge up,” you grinned, trying to hoist yourself up as well.
You had succeeded in getting onto the first branch when Totoro appeared by the base of the tree. Smiling down at them, you waited for Tae to clamber up to the next bough.
The moment you looked back to him, however, you felt a strange tug, shrieking when you found no branch below your feet. Looking about wildly, your feet flailed, scrabbling for any kind of purchase.
From where he hung onto a branch, Taehyung looked down sharply in a panic, but instead found you level with him.
Wide eyes stared at one another until the same feeling clutched at Tae, stomach dropping as he was miraculously lifted from his perch.
A look behind you showed Totoro still right there, also floating. One arm was holding you, Tae’s hand clutching the other. As you blinked in mute shock at the spirit, they opened their mouth, stretching into a wide grin. Laughter floated past your lips at the sight.
Somehow, you dodged the branches crossing your path as you ascended, though they grew sparser as you carried on upwards. Unlike your journey in the bus, you could feel a breeze coursing past you now.
Gaping in disbelief, you found Tae again, reaching out to him. Your expression was mirrored on his, and he eagerly entwined your free hands, smile softening as you were brought closer in the air.
And as you floated high above the ground, you somehow felt little difference than the way you always did when Tae was beside you, hand resting in your own.
You laughed again, a sound of pure joy, forgetting the spirit carrying you as you simply watched his eyes. Among the cool breeze, you felt a slight tickle of warmth from his breath.
As you watched, his smile slowly melted from his lips, captivated instead by your stare, though he looked no less peaceful.
But just as distant hills could be revealed beyond the thinning leaves, you felt a warm hold loosening around you. You hadn’t even noticed it, but now it was retracting, you could feel the spirit’s magic clearly and panicked. In an instant, you had grabbed the nearest branch, which was surprisingly sturdy.
In your rush, your hand had slipped from Tae’s, but a shudder of the branch told you he had also caught hold of it.
The calming magic slipped away completely.
Now clutching the tree for dear life, you looked down, but Totoro was nowhere to be seen. Squeezing your eyes shut, you sucked in a deep breath. Then, with a surge of energy, you swung further onto the branch, ignoring the way it lurched, to give you a steadier sitting place.
“You alright?” you panted.
Only a grunt answered you as Tae copied your action.
As he righted himself, you caught an uneasy wobble in his expression, instinctively holding out a hand.
“Come here.”
Gladly taking it, Taehyung’s shoulders lowered, easing a bit once you were connected. Waiting for him, you shimmied a short distance to rest where the branch met the trunk. On reaching you, Tae pressed closer, shoulder up against your own.
Smiling fondly, you twisted so you could reach your arms around him loosely.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, though you had no idea what had just happened.
“Not a fan of heights,” he murmured, but his deep voice did not seem panicked.
“At least it’s pretty,” you pointed out, nudging him the smallest amount to avoid toppling.
You were right. Between picture frames formed by intertwining branches, the land stretched out in the brilliant light. The same land that had always inspired you. How could you bring yourself to be irritated at Totoro for bringing you here?
“You seem remarkably calm,” a chuckle rumbled through Tae’s chest.
“I’m not sure anything else can surprise me now.”
He smiled, turning towards you. In this position, though, you were intimately close, his nose barely an inch from your own once he had twisted to look into your eyes. Inhaling sharply, you gripped the tree trunk harder.
“Why do you think they brought us here?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, not trusting your voice, “but they wouldn’t hurt us.”
“I know that,” Taehyung nodded, gaze dropping enough for you to deflate again.
Still holding onto each other like it was the most natural thing, you eyed the landscape for a little while longer, allowing quiet to elapse.
But this proximity wasn’t doing you any favours. Though you were sure Tae was oblivious, your heart was beating erratically, unable to forget his presence. All the thoughts that had occupied you lately were flooding in, except this time there was no escape.
You were stuck in this tree next to the man who drove you crazy any time he looked your way. The man you were dying to spend time with the moment you woke up each day. The man who accepted you, supported you, reminded you where your true passion lay.
No, you couldn’t take this.
“Hey,” a low voice brushed your earlobe, just moments before a gentle finger found your chin, bringing it up.
You had barely noticed your gaze falling from the view in front of you while you lost yourself in useless circles of thought. Now, you couldn’t look away as shining dark eyes captivated your own.
“What are you thinking about?” Taehyung asked, lips curving upwards.
Licking your lips, you tore your eyes away. This was too much for your poor heart.
“Y/N?” he ducked to catch your eyes, brow creasing.
You were too weak for this boy. As soon as you saw the slight displeasure on his face, you longed to chase it away.
You sighed.
Nearly as quiet as the breeze, you half hoped your admission would be carried away. But as you bit your tongue, daring to look up, you knew Tae had heard. His smile grew, though he tilted his head questioningly.
“What about me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you grinned, looking away again. This was too risky. Maybe he would buy the joke and drop it before you made a fool of yourself-
“I was thinking about you too.”
You blinked.
“You were?”
He hummed, not a trace of insincerity in his large eyes as he nodded.
“Well…” you picked subconsciously at your sleeve, “what were you thinking about?”
“Nosy,” he griped, taking a light swipe at your nose with his forefinger.
Succeeding in bringing a smile to your face as you jerked your head away with a laugh, he sighed, shuffling closer indetectably.
“I was wondering… maybe Totoro did this because of you-“ just as you gaped indignantly, he hurried on “-because of us. They put us up here… together.”
“Oh. Yeah,” you nodded, brow furrowing.
“But even if- if that’s not the case…”
Taehyung trailed off, bringing your attention back to him. He wet his lips, sucking his lower one between worrying teeth before meeting your eyes again.
“We’re alone and, well… I was wondering what it would be like to kiss you.”
That knocked all the air out of your lungs. You sucked a shaky breath, then out.
“What it would be like?” you echoed.
He nodded, gulping.
And then something snapped. Unable to stand it anymore, you slid your hand to his jaw, the next moment surging forwards, lips colliding desperately.
His arms tugged you closer instantly, pulling you against him, fingers grasping at your waist hungrily as he titled his head to meet you. And heaven, it felt amazing. His lips were as soft as they looked, leaving you lapping at them with desire as his caressed yours just as dreamily, simultaneously intense with longing pressure and gentle with reverence.
Caving to him completely, you let yourself mould to his embrace. The flowing wind around you, the rustling of the leaves were utterly driven from your mind by the maddening nudge of his tongue, prompting you to deepen the kiss.
But though your fingers still clutched his jaw desperately, you were forced to break the kiss, falling away giddy and breathless.
Tae lifted a hand to your hair as well, stroking it soothingly as he pulled you close again, foreheads touching.
“Well…” you were the first to recover your voice, “I think it would feel something like that.”
A smile burst onto his face, dominating your vision, no doubt a copy of your own ecstatic grin.
Almost immediately, a strong wind ripped through the treetops. Wiping the smile from your face, you gripped tighter to both the tree and to Taehyung.
He looked around.
Following his gaze, sure enough, you were met with two large eyes staring innocently back at you.
A beat consisted of you blinking at one another in silence, before a gasping laugh burst from your mouth. Clapping a hand over it, you met Tae’s eyes, also finding him dissolve into laughter that creased his eyes.
“Looks like you were right,” you chuckled as the warm magic began to lift you once again.
“You were just waiting for us to confess!” Tae cried.
But the wide smile on his face as he pulled you closer mid-flight showed he was far from outraged.
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That night saw you tumbling at last into the same bed as Tae again. You didn’t want to leave, and you never had to.
Over time, you moved in, your own things settling among the paintings, brushes and pots that filled Tae’s house. Your house.
Every day you would see the trees, feel the wind through your hair and the sun glowing between the forest branches – the very place where you had finally given into the love binding you.
And you drew. You drew and drew, and designed until you were making a name in your own right. People would ask you about the distinctive round creatures that commonly featured in your designs. Of course, you would always laugh, a familiar sound that you shared with your boyfriend, keeping the unofficial secret between yourselves.
The two of you knew, not only the forest spirits, but the dust bunnies and flurries of wind that snaked through the roof timbers on the coldest nights. And then, you could always be assured of a warm presence beside you, to hold you through the night.
But above all, you got to see that glorious smile every day, never fading from your life.
You could breathe again.
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Thank you for reading! If you want more, there is a follow up drabble here. Come chat with me if you enjoyed it!
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @kb-bangtanenthusiast @un2-verse​ @ddaechwita​ @taegularities​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @ataraxia-98​ @hantaev​ 
my permanent taglist is open! contact me if you would like to be notified whenever I post new stories💜
326 notes · View notes
siarrawrites · 4 years
Rating Various Star Wars Curses
a guide w much real swearing, inspired by a midnight convo with @kckenobi​
crink/crinking -- what the actual fuck is this supposed to be. Who came up with this??? We’re only a few letters away from ‘crinkled’ or even ‘tinkled’, god. No self respecting Space Adult is going to use this.---  -2/10 pls try again
sithspit-- a classic. can be found everywhere in fic. kind of sounds like you’re hissing, which the sith would probably appreciate actually. (do normal space ppl use this or is it just a jedi thing tho bc most star wars citizens dont seem to know abt the sith???) --- 9/10 very sssssssmooth
holy sith!-- again with the sith?? ok i guess. a pretty good alternative to ‘holy shit’ but lacks the pazzazz of sithspit which is 10x more fun to say ---6/10 reliable but uninspired
frizz/frizzled -- what is this, the magic school-bus? I love Ms. Frizzle with all my heart of course, which is why im disturbed by seeing her name used as an approximation of fucked (it kinda sounds like jizz too which I HATEE). I can maybe see it as a kiddie swear like frick though. ---3/10 what the frizz is this
dwang-- ...kind of strange but you know what I’ll accept it --5/10 haha dwang the rock johnson
e chu ta-- a solid fuck you. definitely sounds like a space language, and has a nice ring to it when said with passion. works for characters ages 9-->999, thank you kiddie anakin for this gem. --10/10, ‘a fine addition to my collection!!’
sleemo-- sounds like the word ‘sleazy’ and for once the real word association does it a favor. You hear this and just KNOW what kind of person it describes. ---8/10 honestly huttese curses can get it
farkled-- ...this is the name of a fucking dice game. also it sounds nasty                --0/10 get sued pls 
blast-- idk if this is actually a star wars curse or an irl thing, but it absolutely should be. you got BLASTers for cripes sake this shit writes itself -- 10/10 it just makes sense honey
son of a blaster-- ok we get it guns aren’t a thing in space. except they are. sob is great i guess but consider son of a slugthrower boom alliteration plus badass space guns lets go boys ---7/10 alliteration is key
kark/karking-- amazing. inspired. beautiful. I regularly forget this isn’t an actual thing and use it in everyday life. gotta love the hard consonants she is cathartic as kark to use. -- 50/10 she just hits different ok
kriff/kriffing-- basically ‘frick’. Actually sounds like a kid-ification of kark and I just really admire that about her. 10/10 all the cool initiates say kriff
bantha poodoo-- the one that started this whole discussion. listen, this is fine when you’re 9 year old anakin skywalker and say ‘yippee’ unironically but for anyone else this is just embarrassing -- 2/10 ok if you’re baby i guess
skrog/skrogging-- at first I was gonna rate this one low bc it sounds weird and is a synonym for fuck (which just ain’t it). but then I thought about it and realized that if you replace bantha poodoo with bantha skrog you actually have a somewhat decent word for space shit. --- 6/10 we done figured it out boys 
snark/snarking-- this is already a real word. why are you stealing actual live words out of the english dictionary sir that’s  i l l e g a l  --- 0/10 for plagiarism
druk-- a solid replacement for shit, and more serious than skrog (though bantha skrog sounds better than bantha druk imo). gotta love those consonants, and a ‘drukload’ of problems is a phrase that just works. 9/10 will always be there for you
krong-- I just... I dont... know? How i feel abt this. reminds me of king kong donkey kong AND kronk from emperors new groove. maybe thats my own brains fault but also where does this work?? ‘dont krong things up’ just use kark? ‘bantha krong’ just use skrog or druk. In conclusion? --4/10 ok but you can do better
schuta-- we’re branching out folks! finally, a twi’leki curse. she’s catchy and  very fun to say, but it does mean slut, and we respect women in this household. If you wanna make a very despicable character say it though it will help make us all want to beat ‘em up :) ---5/10 all women are QUEENS george
vape/vaping-- ... ill give u a pass bc I dont think vaping was a thing when this word was made, but this straight up doesn’t work in the blessed decade of 2020 ---1/10 you’re on thin fucking ice
shab/shabuir-- not to be confused w ‘shebs’ which is just mandalorian booty, this is mandalorian shit. Sounds like a real word, is mandalorian which automatically makes everything 10x more legit, and has that lovely insult variation! ---7/10 truly some shit I can get behind (heh)
vong-- we don’t mention the y**zhan v*ng in this household --- -∞/10 legends can get right tf outta here
shavit-- friends, I had to look this one up to make sure it wasn’t actually a real swear word. I think I’ve picked this one up through osmosis reading fic bc I’ve definitely used this in real life. that’s quality folks. --- 10000+/10, will unironically say this from now on
KC, I cried laughing at some of these I truly dont know where they come up with this stuff. 
there’s a lot more where these came from but i didnt feel like doing all of them, heres the link tho , knock yourselves out
2K notes · View notes
kithtaehyung · 4 years
Room 3 | PJM
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summary: it’s just another normal day for you at the wellness center until it suddenly isn’t.  note: standalone for now! part 2 is semi-written but no solid plans atm. note 2 (june 7th, 2021): this will be revamped in the future! i really enjoyed this premise so i won’t get rid of it completely.  pairing: idol!jimin x massage therapist!reader  genre: fluff  word count: 9,188
The sidewalk underneath your feet has thirteen cracks in the little square you stand in.  Sliding a small rock into one of them provides you with something to do until you hear the squeaking, screeching brakes of a bus struggling to a stop in front of you.  
You adjust the strap on your shoulder as the doors open with a hydraulic hiss, and you give the driver a small smile before finding a place to stand.  There aren’t many people commuting today, so it’s a pleasant surprise that you get to sit down for a change. 
It was just another day in your life.  You got up this morning and did your routine, listened to your wake up music on repeat, and checked that you had your wallet, phone, keys, and earphones before heading down to the bus stop.  The very same earphones are still on as you now have your library on shuffle, and you hum along to the “na na na’s” of the current tune. 
Living in Seoul for about a year now, you were pretty settled in.  The people were accommodating, the quality of life was much better than where you were before, and you felt like you could live here for the rest of your days.  It was insanely tough at first, but the initial culture shock and feeling of loneliness lessened as you made friends and befriended coworkers.  You don’t have many people close to you here, but you can count on the ones that are.  
You turn your head to gaze out the windows.  Shimmering glass buildings tower over you, shops and street signs whiz by, and people look like they’re walking in slow motion as you follow them with your eyes.  Blips of pastels and bold colors mingle together and you look down to observe your own monochrome uniform.  For the place you worked at, you didn’t expect the clothes to look luxurious, but they’re actually designed very well.  And they’re soft.  
That’s enough for you.    
Your stop is next, so you hook your arm around the nearest pole to prep.  The steel has a coldness that seeps into your sleeve, but your only thought is wondering what you should eat for lunch.  
Why do you feel so tense? 
The sign right above you emits a sense of relaxation, but there’s a tightness in your shoulders.  Odd.  You lock your phone with one hand and grip the strap of your pack with the other before taking a deep breath.  You count down from three before letting it out.  
The hiss of your exhale mingles with the standard sounds of the city, and you concentrate on the flow of life both inside your body and the environment around you.  You did this often when you felt out of place, and it served to recalibrate you and your thoughts.  Storing your phone away, you make your way inside the frosted glass doors. 
Working at one of Seoul’s prestigious wellness centers was definitely something you were proud of.  If there was one thing you’ve wanted for years, it was for a way for you to massage yourself.  Everyone seemed to love your massages, but no one knew how to massage you.  That is, until you came here.  You’ve never experienced people knowing exactly where you were hurting and effectively working out all of those kinks during one session.  It was magical.   
What is even more magical is the fact that you joined the ranks of those same angels from above.  You love them, and they love you.
“Good morning! I hate you!” 
“Morning, Yoon,” you respond lowly as you take your earphones out and store them. “Love you, too.” As you walk around front reception, Yoon smiles at you and comments, 
“No, really, I think you legitimately repulse me now.”
You shoot her a look of pure terror. “What the hell did I do?”
“Nothing,” she sighs, dropping her eyes to the papers in front of her.  
In a state of panic, your mind speeds through any events that happened since the last time you saw her.  Did you accidentally ignore her once?  Look at her funny?  Yoon was big on body language. 
You didn’t realize you were still staring at her until she tapped the glass counter between you two.  “Hey, I’m sorry. I know you’re nervous. I just thought jokes would help.” 
“I’m not nervous, just tense for some reason.  Although, you definitely made it worse,” you admit, “I might need to take a longer break today and somehow get Jay to rub my shoulders.  Maybe I can bribe him with samgy--” 
“--Uhh, forget him; have you even checked your client list for this week?  I’ll do anything if you switch your schedule with me.” 
“Okay, now you’re just being weird,” you chuckle, “But also, no, I haven’t checked yet.  It’s Monday!”   
In a sing-song manner, Yoon warns, “You better check your schedule before I snatch it...”
You laugh again and wave her off, but her words only mess with your head.  As you make your way to the back room, you fidget and check your phone for any notifications you missed between when you exited the bus and now.  You don’t know what you expected: still nothing.  
As if you feel the weight of eyes on you, you glance up and notice some people are giving you looks.  
What in the hell is going on?  It’s 7am on a Monday and therefore way too early for people to be this upset with you.  Yoon may have said she was joking, but by the looks of everyone else...
A hand claps onto your shoulder, causing you to yelp and feel like you rocket right into the ceiling.  Only the hearty laugh beside you clues you in on who you were getting revenge on later. 
“Geez, someone’s not looking forward to today.” 
“You better sleep with one eye open tonight, Jay,” you seeth, hands rubbing your temples as you struggle to steady your heart rate. “Also, what’s so special about today?  Yoon was being strange just a second ago, too.”  
Your coworker looks at you like you have seven heads. “Okay, first off: if I had the amount of adrenaline in your body right now, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at all.  And second: you didn’t check your schedule yet?” 
They didn’t know it, but they were going to be the death of you. 
“No, I ha--It’s a Mon--you know what, I’m going to check now; you guys are killing me.” You leave Jay in a rush and race to the employee lounge.  The anxiousness in your chest is bubbling over.  
Jay’s on your heels, whispering loudly, “I can spoil it right now if you want!” 
You respond in a low voice, “Don’t you have a client to see?” 
You round the corner and see the back room door is already open, so you power through and head straight for the docking table on the other side.  Everyone working here has a personal tablet, and you unplug yours from the charging port.  Pressing through the menus as quickly as the tablet allows, you feel a thin layer of sweat on your skin.  Touch ID.  Login.  Main Menu.  Scheduling.  Weekly Outlook.  Confidentiality Prompt.
Confidentiality Prompts are for the therapists that have huge clients scheduled.  They’re put in place for celebrities and business executives to have guaranteed privacy.  
With a start, you wonder why the hell Yoon wanted your schedule.  Everyone here is wary of high-profile people.  It’s a whole different experience since they basically hold your life in their hands in each session.  You recall a horror story that happened when you first started working there, and still don’t know where that employee ended up.  
Your only problem is that you’ve never had to deal with this before.  Jay, Yoon, and a bunch of the veterans have, but this is going to be your first. 
“Damn, yours is longer than mine was,” Jay observes before you squeeze your tablet to your chest.  “That looks intense.” 
“Umm, snoopy much?” You shift your body away from him and speed read through the very long, very wordy window.  When you hit Accept, another window pops up that you have to read through.  This one is even more fine print. You suddenly realize something and dart your eyes up.  “Wait, you got one, too?” 
Jay nods and looks away, and he actually looks nervous.  “Yeah, we all got them this time.” 
Now that is alarming.  This client must be something else. 
Window after window comes up and you wonder if you should probably read these in earnest.  It’s starting to genuinely scare you.  
If this is that big of a deal… 
You banish that thought from your mind as soon as it appears.  Elephants would have to fall from the sky before you believe someone from that group is booking you here.   
You hit Accept before you realize you didn’t actually read and instead mindlessly scrolled through the prompts.  As the screen buffers, you bite your lip.
The screen goes back to normal and presents your schedule for today.  Your coworkers are living their normal lives, putting their stuff in their lockers and getting materials ready for various sessions.  Jay is being completely normal as he can’t stop laughing at your expression.  
And your life is anything but normal anymore because elephants are dropping from the clouds and the words Monday, 8am, Park Jimin are staring you right in the face. 
“You mean to tell me that you cleared your morning schedule just to see my reaction?” 
Jay laughs in earnest. “Yes, and it was so worth it.” 
You are failing to stop bouncing your leg as you wait at one of the tables in the employee lounge.  There’s a cup of coffee in front of you, but you already know you aren’t going to drink a drop of it.  You are about to be in close quarters with the equivalent of a royal family member, so coffee breath is out of the question. 
Suddenly self-conscious, you ask, “Do you have a toothbrush I can borrow?” 
“I actually do.  Let me grab it.” 
As your friend gets up, you scrutinize the table in front of you to avoid peoples’ lingering stares.  How everyone somehow knew your upcoming client before you did was a mystery, but you don’t really care enough at the moment to find out.   
Jay hands you what you asked for and you thank him before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.  After you brush your teeth like a madman, you check your face for discrepancies and sigh at your choice of almost no makeup today.  
You can’t help but wonder if the thirteen cracks in the sidewalk are laughing at you at this very moment.  
Checking your smart watch, you realize you have either the longest or shortest 30 minutes of your life left before your appointment with Jimin.  
You huff out a laugh at how ridiculous that sounds.  You refuse to believe this is real until you physically see him in the room.  Confidentiality forms or not, the name Park Jimin or not, you still can’t wrap your head around the situation. 
Speaking of the forms, you assume that they were printed out for company records as soon as you submitted yours to sign.  You decide to head back to the front desk after throwing Jay his spare toothbrush, to which he responds with pure disgust. 
It was like Yoon was waiting for you because as soon as you open the glass doors, she’s  hounding you, “So what did you do in a past life?  Did you save an emperor?  Rescue a prophet?” 
“I don’t know about a past life, but I did save a turtle when I was five.”  You tap your fingers on the reception desk and stare at the orchids on the counter.  “Or at least I thought I did.  I probably just made his life harder.  Can I see a copy of the forms I signed?” 
“I’m gonna go with the saved prophet.  Which one was it?” 
“Yoon,” you beg, desperate as you glance at the abstract clock above her and see that you have 20 minutes left.  A mere 20 minutes until he is supposed to arrive to check-in.
“Okay, okay!  Hold on,” she chuckles and rolls her chair away from you and towards the printer.  “By the way, if I wasn’t the one checking him in, I would’ve hijacked your entire day already.”  
Her words are garbled since you are laser-focused on rubbing an orchid petal between your fingers.  Its soft and supple touch is calming you, and just for a second, you are able to clear your thoughts.  
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when Yoon hands you the forms.  The paper is still warm as you thank her and head towards the doors. 
“Oh, wait,” Yoon calls behind you, and you turn to see her grabbing another small stack of papers.  When she extends them over the counter, she explains, “I was waiting until you saw your schedule to hand these over.  Read through them carefully.”
“Thanks,” you whisper, even more anxious than before. 
Your heart jumps into your throat when you see what Yoon handed over.  You don’t even remember the walk to the back lounge and to one of the secluded tables; all you can focus on are the papers in front of you.  They look like they were written on and scanned before being sent over to the wellness center.   
It’s Jimin’s handwriting.  
You’ve seen his penmanship before.  There is no mistaking the neat, determined strokes.  Even the way he checked the boxes and circled the pain points on diagrams proves very... well, him.  Any other uncertainty dissolves after you see his birthday filled in, as well.  
This is really happening.
You gently slam the papers on the table and hunch over to commit the information to memory.  Months and months of schooling have sharpened this ability of yours, and you are determined to imagine this as just another client you have to memorize.  
Light to medium pressure.  Avoid anything above light pressure around the spinal area and lower back.  Shoulders, calves, and feet are pain points.  Facial area priority.   
A trip to the countryside right at this very moment sounds like a fantastic idea.  
Jay plops into the seat in front of you, and that thought bubble bursts.  “This color on your face suits you.  Reminds me of what’s-his-name, Edward.” 
“How much time do I have,” you question, not even acknowledging him.  
“Seven minutes.” 
“Of course,” you mutter before standing, the irony not lost on you.  “I’ll go prep now.” 
You don’t see Jay waving you off.  “If you survive, I’ll see you on the other side!” 
A laugh escapes you.  Personally, your only goal is to make it through five minutes.  If you pass away after that, you would have no regrets. 
You stand behind the reception doors with your tablet to your chest, staring at the wall across the way.  The subtle wallpaper pattern is a great choice for this place, you decide. 
Indescribable anxiousness and fear aside, you have a job to do.  As long as you keep your outside actions professional, your inner turmoil can be whatever the hell it wants.  You’ve been in this profession long enough and you know you’re ready to do this.  You’ve seen the whole spectrum of human emotion in this line of work.  No matter how well of a job you do, there are still people that are never happy.  As long as you focus on keeping the client’s wellness and health in mind, you keep your consciousness clear.   
Then again, you haven’t had to deal with a client like Park Jimin before, let alone a high executive or well-known actress.  
A muffled “Good morning and welcome” reaches your ears and you push yourself off the wall.  The frosted glass only allows you to see so much, but you can make out a few guys standing in the front area.  Two are taller and only wearing dark clothes, and the other is a bit shorter.  The latter is looking to be wearing a beanie, light colored top, and dark pants.
You can’t hear anyone talking other than Yoon, but suddenly the shorter one makes his way to your doors.  
It’s him.  You’re absolutely sure. 
Steeling your resolve, you pull your side open.  With a smile, you look straight at your client’s sunglasses-and-mask-clad face and greet him just like you would anyone else, “Good morning and welcome.  Am I speaking to Mr. Park?”
He stills for a second before he nods. 
“Nice to meet you.  We’ll be in Room 3.”
Jimin bows to you slightly and whispers a thank you, and you follow him to your room.  Your heart is rattling nonstop as you note the height difference between the two of you.  It isn’t as bad as you thought it was.  
The door to Room 3 is already open, and when Jimin enters you stop at the entrance.  
You lied earlier.  None of this feels real.  He’s physically in the room, and you still don’t think this is happening.
You let Jimin put his bag down on the corner chair before gliding into the formal greeting, “Since this is our first session, please let me know if there’s anything you need.  I did go over your forms, but if there was something that wasn’t specified, feel free to ask.  I want to make sure all of your needs are met today.” 
“Your name?” 
You falter. “What?”  Did he just... 
Jimin takes off his sunglasses, and you feel all oxygen leave your body.  He’s still wearing a mask, but you can see that his eyes are creased just a tad.  “It wasn’t specified on the forms.  Your name?” 
A part of you just chalks this up to being standard Jimin behavior, but the other part of you wonders if he really didn’t know whom he was getting a massage from.  Did Yoon not tell him?  Check-in is supposed to confirm your specialist. 
You also note that his voice is infinitely softer in person.  TV and recordings did not do this man justice.  
Keeping it professional is all you must do.  You tell him your name, apologizing for not introducing yourself already.  It’s also on your tablet, so you show him while you talk. 
Jimin leans forward to read it and smiles again. “Ah.  Pretty.” 
Are your five minutes up?  Can you pass away now?  He’s a mere six feet away from you but it feels like his presence is engulfing you. 
All that escapes you is a tiny thank you.  “So, mhm,” you clear your throat and yell at yourself to get it together, “Go ahead and undress down to your comfort level and lie down on the bed with the sheet on top of you.  That remote there is connected to my tablet, so just take it off the charger and bring it to the bed. You can press the green button whenever you’re ready.” 
Jimin looks towards the console table next to him and sees the white remote.  It’s docked in a sleek charging port and stands out against the light wood.  He nods, and you give him one last smile before reaching out and closing the door.
The only words your brain can process at the moment are not work appropriate, so you just go on autopilot to the employee lounge.  You expected Jay or even Yoon to be chomping at your heels as soon as you left Jimin by himself, but neither of them are around.  That was completely fine: employees aren’t allowed to divulge anything that goes on in client sessions unless it’s dangerous to either of you. 
You help yourself to a cup of water and down it before pouring another.  The fruit flavor for today is strawberry, and you watch the fruit and ice swirl around as you stir the big glass container.  There are pastries and assorted breakfast foods calling your name in the clear cabinet next to you, but you refuse.  Your adrenaline is hindering your appetite.  
People are still giving you daggers for stares, but after seeing Jimin in person you really can’t blame them.  Even when you couldn’t even see his face, you felt his presence.  His aura filled up that entire room and he only spoke around ten words.  It would be a lie to say that you aren’t intimidated.  You can already count the number of times you almost bolted out of the room on two hands.  But you made yourself proud: as long as you keep your outer actions calm, you can get through this.  Your voice was fairly level for someone whose heart was bouncing out of their ribcage.  In the end, you want to make him feel comfortable and safe.  Emotions cannot exist right now.
Self-deprecation comes into play as you wonder if this is a huge mistake and if Jimin is already out the door to find a better therapist.  
Oh, well.  At least he said your name was pretty. 
Your doubts are casted aside as your tablet dings.  
Jimin’s ready for you. 
When you enter the room, you can see that your client followed your instructions completely.  You glance at the corner chair and see that he even folded his clothes and set his jewelry neatly on the thin, long table.  Since Jimin can’t see you from his position, you allow a warm smile to grace your features.  
You close the door as softly as you can.  The way the room is designed, the clients lie down so that their head is opposite the doorway.  It takes you a few steps until you reach the head of the bed.  You gingerly take the remote from where Jimin placed it next to his neck and turn around to redock it, and start to dim the lights with your tablet.  Per standard, you ask, “Mr. Park, is this okay, or would you like the lights lower?” 
His voice is projecting straight towards the floor, but it still sounds so light, “This is good, but please, call me Jimin.”  
That’s definitely not what you expected, but you are touched.  You nod before realizing that he still can’t see you.  “Do you have a music preference for today?”
“Whatever you prefer is fine.”  
Jimin is being so agreeable that your nerves start to dissipate.  You were expecting him to at least be a little particular at some things, but he is being really easy to work with.  The atmosphere starts to feel safe enough for you to joke, “Well, it does depend on my mood, so for now I’ll play Standard Spa Chord Progression, No. 5 instead of No. 3.” 
The small chuckle you hear melts your heart.  “Ah, is that the one with the harp?” 
“No, that’s Spa Concerto, No. 4. We don’t have that one in our library, but I think it’s terrible anyways.” 
Jimin’s head lifts from the table in an earnest laugh, and you can’t help but laugh with him.  It’s infectious.  
You select a random song on your tablet, and you weren��t lying when you said it was standard.  The song is less of a song and more like a bunch of reverberating chords in slow succession.  That’s one thing you noticed about this place: modern tech but very outdated music.  Get with the times!  At least have some nice piano covers to choose from. 
“Not having Spa Concerto, No. 4 may be a deal-breaker for me,” Jimin comments, a hint of a smile in his voice.  
You’re still tapping on your tablet to get to his file, and you make your way back to the door.  There’s a clear slot on each room’s door to hold employee tablets, and as soon as you store yours, you can finally start.  “I don’t blame you, even though I think it’s awful, that one still topped the char--Oh, shit!”   
You aren’t watching where you’re going, so you don’t see the shoes in your path.  It’s so dim in the room and his shoes match the floor color but none of that matters because right now you are falling and you are falling fast.  Your first instinct is to grab the table, but that would risk pulling the blanket off of Jimin and you would rather die than do that to him. 
So, floor it is.
Your hand not holding the tablet breaks some of the fall, but your face definitely makes contact with the ground.  You can feel the slight burn on your nose and hand, and a sharp lingering pain follows.  
Okay, now can you pass away.  Someone from the heavens can come claim you now.    
Drowning in shame, you don’t help yourself off the floor right away.  Not only were you breaking your rule and joking around, you also weren’t paying attention and now possibly ruined Park Jimin’s shoes.  
You’ll look up good resigning practices later tonight.  You have enough money saved up to make it a couple months without a job, you reckon.  
When you finally lift yourself off the floor, you turn around and see Jimin pushed up on the table.  His whole upper body is bare and twisted towards you, and this is the first time you see his entire face.  It’s more beautiful in person, you conclude, even though it conveys nothing but concern right now.  “Are you okay?” 
You nod furiously and stand up completely. Your voice is shaky as you apologize, “I am so sorry.  One moment.” Before checking yourself, you check your personal tablet.  To say it was worth more than you isn’t that far of a reach.  No scratches, though. Praise be.
“Don’t apologize… Did you trip on my shoes?”
Embarrassment washes over you as you nod, not looking at Jimin.  Placing your tablet gingerly on the console table, you dust your uniform down and inspect your hands and feel your nose.  Luckily, there’s no blood, only slight rug burns.  If there was blood, you would have to postpone the appointment until you effectively sanitized.  With what you have, you just need to go wash up.  
Jimin is still watching you intently, which makes your face burn even more.  What a mess.  He’s probably second-guessing this whole thing.  
You bow, feeling tears at the corners of your eyes.  “Mr. Park, I am so sorry.” 
“I’ll just need to clean my hands and then I promise we will start as soon as I get back.  I know your time is valuable so I’ll make up for the minutes we lost.” 
“I… Okay.  Thank you.” 
You make your way out of the room, still courteous enough to shut the door quietly.  Rushing to the nearest sink, a small sob leaves your throat as you wring your hands under the water.  Life is kind to you at this moment because no one is around.  You would never live it down if someone saw you coming out of Jimin’s room crying.  
After splashing water on your face and drying it, you take out a cotton pad from one of the glass containers on the counter.  You press it onto your eyes, decreasing the evidence of your current state.  
So much for making Jimin feel safe and comfortable.  You’ve only made it awkward.   
With a deep breath, you enter the room.  
Jimin turns his head and puts it in the crook of his arm to look back at you.  “Are you sure you’re okay?  I’m sorry I couldn’t help you…”  
You go over to his shoes and move them under the chair, wincing when you see visible tears on them.  Guess you’re withdrawing a chunk of your savings to pay Park Jimin for damages.  
“I assure you, I’m fine,” you state firmly, but soften, “But I’m really sorry about the shoes; I may have torn them.  I can pay you back.” 
You hear sheets shuffling, and when you face him, Jimin’s fully on one elbow and turned towards you.  “No, please, don’t worry about those.  I should’ve put them out of the way.  I feel bad.”   
“It’s definitely my fault,” you countered, “You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Jimin uses your name, which stops you in your tracks.  “Everything’s okay, I promise.”
You should feel many different things, like pride in getting to see this man in person, or happiness from him actually addressing you by name.  But all you can think about in this moment is how disappointing you’ve been to another human being, and you sigh.  
You nod, but still plan to pay him back.  You know enough about designer brands to know those aren’t cheap, and they’re shoes you’ve seen him wearing a lot in photos.  
“It’s okay to lie back down,” you say softly, unmoving.  
Jimin searches your face one more time before settling back face-down on the table.  
It’s a normal day at work, you tell yourself.  Go through your routine.  
Launching yourself into action, you move to the far end of the console table.  Grabbing a bottle you’ve clutched so many times before that its label is wearing down, you uncap it and oil your hands and wrists.  You also unstopper a bottle of lavender oil and pour a few drops into the nearby bamboo diffuser and start it.  
You make your way to the head of the table and grab a rolling stool from a corner of the room.  The wheels on your chair don’t make any noise, which you fixed up yourself.  This day isn’t any different - it’s still silently gliding on the carpet.  Plopping your devastated self onto the cushion, you scoot towards Jimin’s head.  You’re about to place your hands onto his bare shoulders to start, but you whisper,
“It’s also okay if you want to cancel and reschedule with someone else, Mister--Um, Jimin.” 
You can’t believe you just gave Park Jimin a way out of a whole 60 minutes with you.  Where did this conviction and restraint come from?  Is this going to be the regret of your entire lifetime? 
After a long silence, Jimin answers with his face in the headrest, “If you call me Mister Jimin again, then I will.”
You huff out a laugh at his unexpected answer, and your shoulders finally relax.  It seems like he’s still fine after everything that’s happened, and you thank any deity you can think of for this second chance.  
Light to medium pressure.  Avoid anything above light pressure around the spinal area and lower back.  Shoulders, calves, and feet are pain points.  Facial area priority. 
You aren’t a fan of light pressure, but you understand why people prefer it.  Not everyone can handle the deep tissue or harder pressure massages. 
Jimin’s shoulders are incredibly tense, though, so you feel bad that you’re limited in what you can do.  You allow some medium pressure to the worst spots, and when you approach the insides of his shoulder blades you lessen the intensity.  
Gliding your fingers back to the ridge between his neck and shoulders, you feel that his right is still tight.  You use your left elbow to work that knot, careful to press even lighter than you would with your hands. 
Jimin grunts, and you still. “Is that too much?”
“No, I like that.”
You keep that in mind as your hands travel over the rest of his upper back area.  From time to time, you reapply the oil to allow for less friction.  It lets your fingers slide deftly across muscles and quickly work any troublesome areas, which Jimin has a lot of.
It makes sense: you can’t even imagine the amount of pressure all of the boys were constantly dealing with.  There was a lull in their activity recently, so you knew something was in the works.  Between recording songs, shooting music videos, fulfilling their brand contracts, and whatever else they do, you’re surprised you don’t feel more knots under Jimin’s skin. 
The soft chords of the next song float around the room, and you lose yourself in your movements.  You can’t see his face, which makes it a lot easier.  You worked through his whole upper body, neck, and upper arms area so naturally that you were admiring his wrist tattoo before remembering who you were massaging.    
For the seven hundredth time that day, you cannot believe this is happening.  You really hope Jimin does feel safe here despite your whirlwind of thoughts.  Have you kept it professional enough?  Neutral enough?  He seemed to be fine with your joking earlier, and he didn’t seem upset about the shoes in the least.  
But still… Maybe he was just tolerating you because it’s the same situation for him, different place and day.  Putting yourself in his shoes, you would feel pity for you trying your best to accommodate him.  The pressure over everyone everywhere you go had to be exhausting.  It couldn’t ever be normal.  
Your shoulders suddenly slump under the weight of what you feel for him.  
And Jimin seems to notice.  “Really, it’s okay about the shoes.  Those were getting pretty worn anyways.” 
You still.  Of course he thought you were still fussing over the shoes and not over his life.  His unending consideration was like a burning hearth: it made you feel so warm.
“Okay,” you respond softly, “I understand.” 
“Good.  If you worry about them again, I’m walking out barefoot,” Jimin says sternly, even though you know he’s kidding.  “And don’t test me, I’ve done it before.” 
Your words leave you before you think.  “I don’t believe you.” 
Jimin puts his hands on the table and you yelp, “Okay, okay, stop!” 
He laughs and plops his arms back down flat.  You lament as you still can see how his muscles bulge in your mind.  
You shake your head and sigh before rolling to his left and softly taking his arm.  His skin is so soft you don’t even need the oil, you notice.  You work his forearm before moving down to his wrist and fingers.  Thinking about Jimin’s threat, you are pretty curious.  “Be honest: did that really happen?” 
“It didn’t,” he responds immediately, “But I thought about it once.  My shoes were killing my feet so I thought about walking without them until I found a shoe store.” 
It sounds so childish to you that you chuckle.  “Where was this,” you ask, completely intrigued now.
“Ah, I honestly can’t remember.  I think somewhere in Europe.”
“...Did you just pick an entire continent because you couldn’t remember?”
“...There’s seven continents and one of them is Antarctica!  Picking one out of six is easy.”
This man is something else. You finally finish off his right side, and you gingerly set his arm down on the table.  With a mental pat on the back, you get ready for the next part of the routine.  In your softest therapist voice, you instruct, “Okay, go ahead and turn over and slide down until your head is on the table.”
Jimin obeys right away, shifting over and moving down.  The white sheet slips down his body a bit, and you diligently pull it up until it’s covering everything up to his neck.  During this, you feel rather than see his eyes on you, so you don’t dare yourself to look. 
You go back to your plethora of containers to re-oil, and roll your chair to the foot of the table. All that time, Jimin thankfully has his eyes closed. 
You were equal parts dreading and looking forward to this part of the massage since his face was going to be visible.  This way, you can’t escape the reality of the situation.  
But you decided to follow the flow of the conversation.  You learned the subtle nuances of human communication throughout your experiences: when people wanted to talk or stay quiet, if they were liking the conversation or not, etc. Jimin seems to be fine with talking despite your assumption that he was going to be quiet for the most part.  It has definitely made this easier for you, though. 
“I want to visit all seven continents one day,” you decide to admit. 
“I do, too,” Jimin responds, eyes still closed. “How many do you have left?”
You start on his feet, working along the smooth skin. 
“Uhh, well,” you whisper, “A good chunk. I’ve only been here and back where I’m from, and I just moved here around a year ago.”
After you tell Jimin where you were before, he sounds amazed, “You seem like you’ve lived here for so long. I wouldn’t have guessed.”
He’s definitely being nice.  You are just now getting decent at the language and customs, but there is still a lot you have to learn.
“But, I do want to start traveling again for a specific reason,” you divulge, sighing to yourself as you think yet again about your lofty dreams.
“Which reason is that,” Jimin asks, and you somehow know his eyes are open now. 
Your own eyes betray you as you connect your gaze with his. “I want to experience different techniques in person.” You don’t know he can feel the fire behind your eyes. “There’s no better teacher than experience, at least to me. I know I’m good at what I do currently, but there’s so much out there that I want to learn and get better at.”
You debate whether to keep going or not.  Jimin’s eyes are alight with curiosity, so you take that as your cue. It’s surreal that you get to talk about your dream with him of all people, so you strive to make it count. “Take music, for example: everyone agrees that music is healing, therapeutic.  But, there’s so many genres, so many ways to create it.  I see massage as the same way: therapeutic, but many different ways to make people feel better.” 
Jimin is silent as he tears his gaze from you to look at the ceiling. You concentrate on his ankles, working them as delicately but effectively as you can.  A part of you wants to keep talking, but you don’t want to push it. You may have said too much as it is.
The next song has soft chimes to accompany the rippling chords.  Lavender wafts through the air and quells your nerves.  You continue to Jimin’s lower legs and glide your fingers along the flow of his muscles.  When you feel a break or disturbance, you stop and tend to it until you feel it’s balanced.  After his lower legs are done, you move on to his thighs.  You feel tightness all over, and you apply medium pressure to these areas because of how much muscle they contain.  
Jimin’s legs are a work of art on the outside, but so chaotic on the inside.  The chakra highways are disjointed, and you have worked through so many kinks in the roads.  If you imagine yourself as someone walking down a path, you are stopping every 10 steps to smooth over a pothole or breakdown a hill in the way.  You can’t see how this person can even walk, let alone perform on stage like this.  All of them never cease to amaze you.   
“Where would you start?”
Jimin’s sudden inquiry throws you.  You swear he was silent for a good ten minutes.  “What?” 
His eyes are glued to the ceiling still.  “Which places do you want to visit?  Like, where would you go to learn?” 
“Well…”  You are almost too stunned to speak.  He has been thinking about what you said this whole time?  Aren’t there plenty of more important things he needs to be thinking about right now?  “There’s this technique called amma that originates in Japan, and there’s an American technique called esalen that I want to learn, too.  I think that one is from California.”  
On a high from Park Jimin’s interest in your life, you ramble about a few more, your voice getting more animated the more you talk about different things.  It can’t be helped; you’ve been passionate about traveling and learning for so long.  You’ve just never been able to really try it since money was part of the equation.  Or more so out of the equation.  In addition, you didn’t really get to talk about it with anybody.  No one’s actually asked.  But somehow, Jimin did.  
When you realize you actually stopped massaging his thigh, you look up in horror to apologize, “Oh, I am so sorry - I didn’t mean to stop.” 
Jimin’s head is turned to the side, his hair falling into his eyes.  The smile gracing his face is soft.  “It’s okay,” he assures you, “I feel much better already anyways.” 
Your cheeks flush before he even stops talking.  “That’s good,” you whisper, “We’re almost done so I would hope so.” 
“What!” Jimin’s eyes dart to the clock on the table.  It’s already 8:50am.   
That saddens you a lot more than it should. 
“On second thought: I feel tense in my hand, I think you need to go back and redo it.  Here.”  He’s extending his right hand towards you as if to shake hands, and you laugh.  
“Nice try, Jimin,” you say, “But I do need to work on your face for the last part.  Close your eyes for me, please.” 
He stares at you for a second before obeying.  The smile from earlier makes a return.  
You roll your chair back to the head of the bed and plop down.  Jimin’s face is angelic even upside-down, and you pray to the heavens that you massage it perfectly.  
When you start, you quip, “See?  You’re so happy we’re almost done.” 
“No, no!” Jimin laughs.  “That’s not it.  You just called me Jimin - it was nice.”  
“Oh.”  You swear steam is billowing from your head.  How can he affect you so intensely?  And how were you keeping yourself together?  
With the resolve of a thousand emperors, maybe including one you probably did save in a past life, you steady your hands on his temples.  Rubbing in delicate circles, you start the last segment.  
Face massages are your favorite.  Even the smallest movements are invigorating, and you feel very refreshed after one.      
“When I come back, Spa Concerto, No. 4 better be available.” 
You smile.  There’s no way Jimin will be back, but you appreciate his friendly nature.  
“It’s not even all that great, but I’ll let them know,” you play along. “I’m more of a piano person, though. There’s a lot of piano covers saved in my phone that are way better.” 
Jimin’s eyes flash open at the same time he proclaims, “Ah, I love piano covers!  Especially on rainy days.”
“Mm,” you hum in agreement, “I can listen to those all the time.”
Your heart drops like a stone as you glance at the clock and see your time is up.  The hour absolutely flew by.  Dropping your eyes back onto Jimin’s face, you take your hands off his cheeks and say, “Okay, that’s the end of our session today.” You get up to dry your hands and lower arms with a cloth while going over the last steps, “I’ll leave you to get dressed, and I’ll come back to the room to give you water and some stretch and wellness recommendations moving forward. Just press the green button on the remote when you’re ready, like last time.”
When you turn back to him, Jimin’s fully propped up with his hands behind him. The blanket over him is draped across his body, just enough to cover his ribs.  He’s smiling right at you as he speaks, “Thank you.  You’re really good.” 
You bow in thanks, face lighting up like wildfire. “You were great, too,” you comment in return, immediately cringing inside. “I’ll be back when you’re ready for me.”
Right after you leave clients is when you start filling out their evaluation and wellness recommendations on your tablet.  You just worked on them, so the memories are fresh.  The forms are a mix of multiple choice and fill-in, and you recommend some specific stretches and deeper pressure for Jimin. 
This time, Jay is in the employee lounge when you come in to wait.  His legs uncross and he pops up from one of the modern loveseats that are just as firm as they look.  “She’s alive!” 
You roll your eyes but can’t hide the flush in your cheeks.  “I’m here, but barely,” you chuckle, your tablet dangling in your hand by your side, “I still can’t believe that actually happened.”
Jay leans in so that no one can hear what he has to say, which makes you suspicious since there’s no one around you.  In a low voice, he reveals, “Yoon and I made a bet.” 
“Wonderful,” you drawl, “I’m gonna walk away now.”  You can already tell this is one-hundred percent not in your favor.
“No, wait!” His whisper is loud. He bounces after you to the water and food station. While you fix yourself a cup, he continues, “Yoon thinks you’ll get done with the appointment unscathed, but I think you’ll come out of it with a problem.” 
Jay’s words remind you like alarm bells.  
You need to pay Jimin for damages.  
“Oh, shit, I need to get something,” you say in a rush, grabbing your tablet off the food station and scurrying to the locker room.  In the wellness center, the employee lounge is in the back, and the locker room is in the back of the lounge.  You think you still have time before Jimin is ready. 
There’s a notebook you keep in your bag along with a pencil case.  Tearing a sheet from the notebook, you write down what you think is a good estimate for the shoes.  Before you write anything else, you pause.  
You only skimmed through the confidentiality prompts, but you do remember a section about personal information.  Therapists aren’t allowed to give out their personal information unless specifically asked, and there has to be solid intent behind the client asking.  Jimin didn’t need to ask you for yours; he just said not to worry about it. 
After a good thirty seconds of your pen lingering above the paper, your tablet chimes.  
A split second decision has you crumpling the paper and chucking it in your bag.  You tear out a new sheet and tuck it with the pen under your tablet as you head back to Room 3.
You get to the room with a paper cup of water you grabbed on the way, and since you have things in both hands it’s a bit difficult getting the door open.  You try the handle but it only jiggles a bit.  One more try has you pushing the door right as the handle gives, and it works.
Jimin goes to you immediately when he sees your hands full, and you almost reel back from having him so close.  Which should be odd, since you were literally just with him for a full hour, and he was not fully clothed.  In the end, his presence alone is enough to affect you no matter the situation. 
You extend the cup to him and he grabs it with a small thank you.  
“I filled out your evaluation and it should be printed at the front already.  Make sure to drink more water after you leave,” you say with a smile, your chest heavy.  This was most likely the last interaction you would ever have with him. 
Jimin nods, his mask covering his smile but not his eyes.  He doesn’t say anything more. 
You almost leave it at that, but something in you doesn’t want this moment to end, so you take your chance. “And, umm,” you stutter as you fumble with the pen and paper.  You just lay your tablet on the massage table to free your hand, and click the pen open.  “How much should I pay you,” you ask, your gaze ironically on the very shoes you tripped over earlier. 
Jimin sets his cup down on the console table before taking the paper and pen from your hands.  You watch him write something - a price in Won most likely - as you explain, “I’m a big believer of making things right, so please let me pay for your shoes.  I should’ve seen them on the ground.”
He folds the paper and hands it back to you with the pen.  “If you insist.  But don’t check this until you get home.” 
“What, why?”  Your eyes dart to his face. 
Jimin stares at you before responding, “Nothing bad. It just might shock you.” 
Immediately, your gaze lowers.  If you tell anyone how your day went today, you would think they were weird if they believed you. If you tell anyone why you’re suddenly broke come this Wednesday, they would be lying if they just went with it.  “Okay, I won’t,” you assure him, and you’re telling the truth.  You are equal parts surprised and nervous that he’s allowing you to pay him back. 
With a deep breath, you give Jimin your best soft smile.  Your heart is hurting as you send him off, “Well, it was a pleasure.  Have a great rest of your day, Jimin.  Until next time.”  You catch yourself in a sea of emotion as your words die on your tongue.  The boys have schedules on schedules, so the likelihood of him stepping foot inside this wellness center again is minuscule at best.    
If anything, you’re grateful that you get to address him by name, and you succeeded in making this as smooth and safe as possible for him.  At the expense of a scraped nose and hand, but rather you than him.  
Jimin hoists his bag on his shoulder, the water cup you gave him already in the trash bin.  He walks right up to you and stands there, and you swear both of you can hear your heart beating.  One of his hands comes up to his masked face, and he speaks softly as he advises, “Ointment will help your nose if it still hurts.” 
Warmth blooms in your chest and cascades all the way to your fingertips.  Mirroring him, you bring a hand up to your nose and nod.  Your words tumble out, “Oh, yes, you’re right.  I can check if we have any in the back.”  
Satisfied, Jimin nods.  “Until next time,” he offers, his eyes creased and warm. 
You smile again and bow slightly.  He puts on his shades before heading out the door frame and into the hall, and you feel emptiness in his wake.  The world is fuzzy around your vision and you are trying so hard to commit everything that just happened to memory.  
Until the doors to front reception close, you watch Jimin’s retreating back.  When the frosted doors close shut, you close your own door to Room 3 and lean against the wooden frame.  The scrap of paper is creased in your hand as you clutch it to your hammering chest.  
“Holy shit,” you whisper to yourself.  It takes a good minute for you to compose yourself before pushing off the door and getting the room stripped and ready for the next session.  The whole time, you replay everything in your head.  
Jimin was just as nice as you have seen him through the lens of cameras.  If that was the case, all of them had to be the same way.  You are proud to like these wonderful people.  
You’re so happy you got to actually spend all this time with him, but that just magnifies the sadness you feel when it’s over. 
The room is done and cleaned up, and you go through the rest of the day on autopilot.  Not even Jay’s constant teasing could free you from your euphoria-numbed state.  The only thing that throws you back into focus is Yoon, and it happens at the very end of the work day.  
You push open the doors to front reception, and smile big at your friend behind the counter.  She’s beaming right back at you, and she puts her chin in her hand and shakes her head. 
“That must’ve been one hell of a message,” she says through a barely contained smile.  
Your hand flies to your forehead and you nod.  “I can’t believe that happened, Yoon.  I mean, it was really him.  Opportunity of a lifetime… I just hope he enjoyed the whole thing.” 
“You could say that,” she chuckles, “Enough to book you again, at least.” 
“He did?” Your breath leaves you in a rush.  “If you’re joking with me, I’ll--” 
“--He did.  It’s not for a long time, but he asked for you specifically.”  Yoon gathers papers in her hand and starts to organize them in the containers behind her.  “You really piss me off, you know that?” 
“Love you, too,” you whisper, your head completely above the clouds.  You grab your phone and start checking your schedule from the wellness center app you have installed.  Grabbing the door handle, you absentmindedly wave back to Yoon and call out, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”  
The sun emits a golden glow at this hour, and the glass buildings along the street bask in its shine.  You head towards your bus stop while skimming your calendar for Jimin’s next appointment, but you’re already four months out and see nothing.  Not losing hope, you keep going and see a booking six months in advance.  Your heartbeat skips as you click on the appointment, and almost skids to a halt when you see his name written down.
As soon as you enter your small apartment, you head straight to your bed and drop your bag on the comforter.  Your whole body bounces as you plop yourself down next, and you stare straight at the ceiling.  
Your life is still normal, right?  Sure, you were able to spend an entire hour with Park Jimin, but that didn’t mean you aren’t still completely and utterly average.  
You close your eyes and go back to Room 3.  The scent of lavender fills your nostrils and you can still see his number tattoo as plain as day as you massage his wrist.  
In all honesty, it still feels like a fever dream.  That was someone else’s life you were able to live, someone else there with Jimin and you just decided to hitch along for the ride.  
But that was real, and so is the amount of money you still need to withdraw from your bank account.  
With a sigh, you reach into your bag and take out the piece of paper.  You were dreading this moment all day since he left.  Unfolding it, you prepare for the worst. 
But all you can do is stare.  
Jimin didn’t write down a price at all. 
Your name is at the top, and the rest is as follows:
Save your money for traveling and learning new things, not on me. I can’t wait to see what you’ve learned when we meet again.
a/n: thank you for reading! if you guys have any comments or feedback, please feel free to let me know!
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Travis has had both boyfriends and girlfriends since high school. But when his coworkers discovered his dating history at a board game night, they told him he couldn’t be bisexual. “Bi men don’t exist,” they said. “You’re just a confused gay guy.” Travis, 34, had brought his girlfriend with him that night, but they started calling her his “roommate” after they found out he was bi.
Santiago got an even harsher reaction when he came out to his family. “‘Bisexual’ is just code for insincere gay man” is how he said one of his relatives reacted. “He didn’t use the term ‘gay man,’” 24-year-old Santiago told me, “but I won’t repeat slurs.”
In the past couple of months, I’ve heard dozens of stories like these from bisexual men who have had their sexual orientations invalidated by family members, friends, partners, and even strangers. Thomas was called a “fence-sitter” by a group of gay men at a bar. Shirodj was told that he was “just gay but not ready to come out of the closet.” Alexis had his bisexuality questioned by a lesbian teacher who he thought would be an ally. Many of these same men have been told that women are “all a little bi” or “secretly bi” but that men can only be gay or straight, nothing else.
In other words, bisexual men are like climate change: real but constantly denied.
A full 2% of men identified themselves as bisexual on a 2016 survey from the Centers for Disease Control, which means that there are at least three million bi guys in the United States alone—a number roughly equivalent to the population of Iowa. (On the same survey, 5.5% of women self-identified as bisexual, which comes out to roughly the same number of people as live in New Jersey.) The probability that an entire state’s worth of people would lie about being attracted to more than one gender is about as close to zero as you can get.
But the idea that only women can be bisexual is a persistent myth, one that has been decades in the making. And prejudice with such deep historical roots won’t disappear overnight.
To understand why bisexual men are still being told that their sexual orientation doesn’t exist, we have to go back to the gay liberation movement of the late 1960s. That’s when Dr. H. Sharif “Herukhuti” Williams, a cultural studies scholar and co-editor of the anthology Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men, told me that male sexual fluidity got thrown under the bus in the name of gay rights—specifically white, upper-class gay rights.
“One of the byproducts of the gay liberation movement is this…solidifying of the [sexual] binary,” Herukhuti told me, citing the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s as a pre-Stonewall period of relatively unstigmatized sexual fluidity.
Four decades later, the gay liberation movement created a new type of man—the “modern gay man,” Herukhuti calls him—who was both “different from and similar to” the straight man. As Jillian Weiss, now the executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense Fund, wrote in a 2003 review of this same history, “gays and lesbians campaigned for acceptance by suggesting that they were ‘just like you,’ but with the single (but extremely significant exception) of [having] partners of the same sex.” Under this framework, attraction to a single gender was the unifying glue between gay men, lesbians, and straight people—bisexual people were just “confused.”
Bisexual people realized that they would have to form groups and coalitions of their own if they wanted cultural acceptance. But just as bisexual activism was gaining a foothold in the 1980s, the AIDS crisis hit, and everything changed—especially for bisexual men.
“AIDS forced certain bisexual men out [of the closet], it forced a lot of bisexual men back in, and then it killed off a number of them,” longtime bisexual activist and author Ron Suresha told me.Those deaths hindered the development of male bisexual activism at a particularly critical moment. “A number of men who would have been involved and were involved in the early years of the bi movement died—and they died early and they died quickly,” bisexual writer Mike Syzmanski recalled.
The AIDS crisis also gave rise to one of the most pernicious and persistent stereotypes about bisexual men, namely that they are the “bridge” for HIV transmission between gay men and heterosexual women. As Brian Dodge, a public health researcher at Indiana University, told me, this is a “warped notion” that has “never been substantiated by any real data.” The CDC, too, has debunked the same myth in the specific context of U.S. black communities: No, black men on the “down low” are not primarily responsible for high rates of HIV among black women.
For decades, bisexual men have been portrayed—even within the LGBT community—as secretly gay, sexually confused vectors of disease.
In 2016, bisexual men are still feeling the effects of the virus and the misperceptions around it.
“We’re still underrepresented on the boards of almost all of the national bisexual organizations,” Suresha told me, referring to the fact that women occupy most of the key leadership positions in bisexual activism. And in a new, nationally representative study of attitudes toward bisexual people, Dodge and his research team found that 43% of respondents agreed —at least somewhat—with the statement: “People should be afraid to have sex with bisexual men because of HIV/STD risks.”
For decades, bisexual men have been portrayed—even within the LGBT community—as secretly gay, sexually confused vectors of disease. Is it any wonder that they are still fighting to shed that false image today? It’s hard to convince people that you exist when they barely see you as human.
It’s not that bisexual women have it easy. Both bisexual men and women are much less likely than gay men and lesbians to be out of the closet, with only 28% telling Pew that most of the important people in their life know about their orientation. Collectively, bisexual people also have some of the worst mental health outcomes in the LGBT community and their risk of intimate partner violence is disturbingly high. Bisexual people also face discrimination within the LGBT community while fending off accusations that their orientation excludes non-binary genders. (In response, bisexual educator Robyn Ochs defines “bisexuality” as attraction to “people of more than one sex and/or gender” rather than just to “men and women.”)
And on top of these general problems, bisexual women are routinely hypersexualized, stereotyped as “sluts,” dismissed as “experimenting,” and harassed on dating apps. Their bisexuality is reduced to a spectacle or waved away as a “phase.”
But it is still bisexual men who seem to have their very existence questioned more often.
Suresha pointed me to a 2005 New York Times article with the headline “Straight, Gay, Or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited,” the fallout of which he saw as “a disaster for bi people.” The article reported on a new study “cast[ing] doubt on whether true bisexuality exists, at least in men.” The study in question measured the genital arousal of a small sample of men and found, as the Times summarized, that “three-quarters of the [bisexual male] group had arousal patterns identical to those of gay men; the rest were indistinguishable from heterosexuals.”
“It got repeated and repeated in all sorts of media,” Suresha recalled. “People reported it in news briefs on the radio, in print, in magazines, all over the place.”
As the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force noted in its response to the article, the original study had some clear methodological limitations—only 33 self-identified bisexual men were included and participants were recruited through “gay-oriented magazines”—but the Times went ahead and reported that the research “lends support to those who have long been skeptical that bisexuality is a distinct and stable sexual orientation.”
“Show me the quest for scientific proof that heterosexuality exists. It begins and ends with even just one person saying, ‘I’m straight.’” — Amy Andre, Huffington Post
The article fueled the devious narrative that male bisexuality was just homosexuality in disguise. The lived experiences of bisexual men don’t support that narrative—and neither does science—but its power comes from prejudice, not from solid evidence.
And unsurprisingly, the 2005 study’s conclusions did not survive the test of time. In fact, one of the co-authors of that study went on to co-author a 2011 study which found that “bisexual patterns of both subjective and genital arousal” did indeed occur among men. The New York Times Magazine later devoted a feature to the push for the 2011 study, briefly acknowledging the paper’s previous poor coverage. But many in the bisexual community were unimpressed that the scientific community was still being positioned as the authority on the existence of bisexual men.
“Show me the quest for scientific proof that heterosexuality exists,” Amy Andre wrote on the Huffington Post in response to the feature. “It begins and ends with even just one person saying, ‘I’m straight.’”
One of the most tragic things about society’s refusal to accept bisexual men is that we don’t even know why it is still so vehement. Dodge believes that his new study offers some hints—the persistent and widespread endorsement of the HIV “bridge” myth is alarming—but he told me that he would need “more qualitative and more focused research” before he could definitively state that HIV stigma is the primary factor driving negative attitudes toward bisexual men. (Research in this area is indeed sorely lacking. The last major study on the subject prior to the survey Dodge’s team conducted was published in 2002.)
In the meantime, bisexual advocates have developed plenty of compelling theories, many of them focused on the dominance of traditional masculinity. For example, Herukhuti explained that “we live in a society in which boundaries between men are policed because of patriarchy and sexism.” Men are expected to be “kings of their kingdom”—not to share their domain.
“For men to bridge those boundaries with each other—the only way that we can conceive of that is in the sense that these are ‘non-men,’” Herukhuti told me, adding that, in a patriarchal society, gay men are indeed seen as “non-men.” The refusal to accept that men can be bisexual, then, is partly a refusal to accept that someone who is bisexual can even be a man.
Many of the bisexual men I interviewed endorsed this same hypothesis. Kevin, 25, told me that “it’s seen as really unmanly to be attracted to men.” Another Kevin, 26, added that “the core concept of masculinity doesn’t leave room for anything besides extremes.” Justin, in his mid 20s, said that “men are one way and gay men are another way [but] bisexual men are this weird middle ground.”
Our society doesn’t seem to do well with more than two—especially when so many still believe that there’s only one right way to be a man.
And Michael, 28, added that bisexual men are “symbolically dangerous”—a “big interior threat to hetero masculinity” because of a shared attraction to women. It’s easy for a straight guy to differentiate himself from the modern gay man, but how can he reassure himself that he is nothing like his bisexual counterpart?
The answer is obvious: He can equate male bisexuality with homosexuality.
The logic needed to balance that equation, Herukhuti explained to me, is disturbingly close to the racist, Jim Crow-era “one-drop rule,” which designated anyone with the slightest bit of African ancestry as black for legal purposes.
“For a male to have had any kind of same-sex sexual experience, they are automatically designated as gay, based on that one-drop rule,” Herukhuti said. “And that taints them.”
To see that logic at work, look no further than the state of HIV research, much of which still groups gay and bisexual men together as MSM, or men who have sex with men. Dodge, who specializes in the area of HIV/AIDS, explained that “when a man reports sexual activity with another man, that becomes the recorded mode of transmission and there’s no data reporting about female or other partners.” Bisexual men have their identities erased—literally—from the resulting data.
“A really easy way to fix this,” Dodge added, “would be to just create a separate surveillance category.”
But when it comes to categories, our society doesn’t seem to do well with more than two—especially when so many still believe that there’s only one right way to be a man.
The situation of bisexual men is not hopeless. Slowly but surely, they are expanding the horizons of masculinity. The silver lining in Dodge’s study, for example, is that there has been a decided “‘shift’ in attitudes toward bisexual men and women from negative to more neutral in the general population” over the last decade or so, although negative attitudes toward bisexual men were still “significantly greater” than the negativity directed at their female peers.
“Put the champagne on the ice,” Dodge joked. “We’re no longer at the very bottom of the barrel but we’ve still got a ways to go.”
That distance will likely be shortened by a rising generation that is far more tolerant of sexual fluidity than their predecessors. Respondents to Dodge’s survey who were under age 25 had more positive attitudes toward bisexuality, perhaps because so many of them openly identify as LGBTQ themselves—some as bisexual, some as pansexual, and some refusing labels altogether.
That growing acceptance is starting to be reflected in movies and on television, once forms of media that were, and still often are, notoriously hostile to bisexual men. A character named Darryl came out as bisexual with a myth-busting song on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and, as GLAAD recently noted, other shows like Shadowhunters and Black Sails are starting to do bi male representation right. The HBO comedy Insecure even made biphobia into a powerful storyline when one straight female character, Molly, shunned her love interest when he told her that he once had oral sex with a guy in a college. But other shows, like House of Cards, are still using a male character’s bisexuality as a way to accentuate his villainy.
Ultimately, bisexual men themselves will continue to be the most powerful force for changing hearts and minds. I asked each bisexual man I interviewed what he would want the world to know about his sexual orientation. Some wanted to clear up specific misconceptions but so many of them simply wanted people to acknowledge that male bisexuality is not fake.
“It’s important that bisexuality be acknowledged as real,” said Martyn, 30, adding that “there’s only so long someone can hold on to a part of themselves that seems invisible before it starts to make them doubt their own sense of self.”
“I am happy being bisexual and I’m not looking for an answer,” said Dan, 19. “I’m not trying things out, I’m not using this as a placeholder to discover my identity. This is who I am. And I love it.”
Samantha Allen is a reporter for Fusion’s Sex+Life vertical. She has a PhD in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Emory University and was the 2013 John Money Fellow at the Kinsey Institute. Before joining Fusion, she was a tech and health reporter for The Daily Beast.
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sushmatravelsindia · 1 year
Why Should You Hire Us for Employee Transportation Services
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Our team will pick you up from your house, you won’t have to go and stand in some other place. Moreover, the driver will also wait for a few minutes if you are late and will drop you a call before leaving the spot.
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Words: 1400+
Rating: NSFW
Pairing: Aomine Daiki x Reader
Summary: Aomine’s girlfriend leaves him out in the rain and has to be punished for it.
It was a peaceful, rainy evening. The kind perfect for binge watching and snuggling under the covers.
Classes were over for you today. You had already done your post course work of organizing your notes and finishing any homework assigned. Now you were just laying on the couch, enjoying the quiet, until your boyfriend got home to start dinner. Aomine had practice tonight. So, he would be at the university until later that day.
You flip through the channels, vaguely looking for something to watch, but something was bothering you. This nagging feeling that you had forgotten something kept picking at the back of your brain. You couldn’t figure out what it was though. You’d gotten groceries after school. Thrown in a load of laundry when you got home. You had enough milk to get you through the week. But still, this nagging feeling wouldn’t leave you alone.
‘Oh well, I guess it wasn’t that important.’ You think to yourself.
Your channel surfing ceases when you hear someone banging at your door. Loud enough to make you almost jump off the couch. “Ok! Ok! I’m coming!” You shout angrily through the door at whoever was trying to bang it in. You were fully ready to give them a piece of your mind when you opened the door, only to find an angry looking, soaking wet Aomine on the other side. “Daiki?!”
“Where the hell were you?!” He growled back at you. Suddenly you remembered what it was you had forgotten, and your hand flew up to cover your face.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” You were supposed to pick him up after practice. You both shared a car, since the expense on a dual student income was all you could afford eto split and public transit was enough to get you basically anywhere, but you had taken it to run errands that afternoon after school. He must have had to run from the gym on campus, to the bus station, then from the bus station to here to get home. All through the down pour that was going on outside.
“Why didn’t you call me??” You scold. Running to get him a towel while he waited in the entry way as to not track water all through the apartment.
“Because my phone fell in a puddle!” Aomine snapped at you. Taking the towel and beginning to dry his hair. “I thought about going inside to use a regular phone, but then I was worried you’d show up and think I left, so I waited there like an idiot!”
“I’m really sorry Daiki.” You apologize. Knowing you didn’t have a leg to stand on. “I really didn’t mean to forget. Honest! I wouldn’t just leave you out in the rain on purpose. I’ll make it up to you. I promise! I’ll do anything.”
The basketball ace stopped mussing his hair, and looked up at you through the towel. “Anything?”
Uh oh……
The rain continued to beat down outside. The soft tapping on the glass in your bedroom drowned out only by your moans and whimpers as the only other sound.
He’d been torturing you for what felt like hours. First it was kissing you until your lips were sore. Leaving you squirming and begging for more. But that was just another torture tactic as Aomine had moved to your breasts to fondle them thoroughly. Those hands that were made for basketball caressing them with the skill he used on the bright orange sphere. His lips and tongue joining in to suck on your nipples. Nipping now and then to hear you yip. Now, it was fingering you. He’d sat back on his ankles. The only part of him touching you now was his hand working at your apex with precision dexterity. Watching you, and every reaction, with a satisfied smirk as two fingers pumped inside you while his thumb slowly caressed your clit.
“You know, it’s not really fair that you’re enjoying this. I’m the victim here. You’re supposed to be being punished.”
“Daiki…..!” It was all you could get out before your back arched. Fingers twisting in the sheets.
You want to tell him that this was punishment. You still hadn’t cum yet, and you know Aomine is keeping you from climax on purpose. He knew exactly what he was doing with that shitty, sexy smirk. God it would be so easy to hate him if you didn’t love him so much. “Daiki….please….”
“Please what?”
You let out a groan at his continued superiority. He was going to let this go on forever if he could. Shifting a little, you move your legs to get your foot in between his knees. Lifting it up carefully to caress his erection and causing him to shiver. “Please fuck me.” You reply, in a sex drenched voice after licking your lips that were dry from panting, and Aomine snapped. Game over.
“You asked for it baby girl.” He said, warned, before he grabbed your leg and lifted it up against his shoulder. The position a sudden shift that was startling, but not as startling as him suddenly thrusting into. The wind was knocked out of your lungs for a moment, and refill only to have you scream in ecstasy the moment they do at having him so deep inside you so suddenly.
Aomine gave you a moment, and perhaps himself, a moment to collect yourself and adjust before he continued thrusting into you. It’s hard, and deep. You’re still apparently being ‘punished’ because it’s a lot harder and faster than he normally does it when you’re fucking. Not that you were complaining in the least.
“Cum for me baby girl.” He told you. Growled, really. That’s all you needed as you tumble over the edge around his cock. You’ve cum embarrassingly fast, but it was all Aomine’s fault for working you up so much from the start. He doesn’t stop though. You’ve barely finished cumming before he was thrusting into you again. Putting your leg down, but not stopping his hard thrusts you were definitely going to feel in the morning.
“[Y/N]…” He breathed out against your lips before he kissed you again. Now that he was close to them again, he doesn’t seem to want to let them go.
You moan and whimper against his mouth in the kiss. Letting out and equally breathless, “Daiki…” when he let you go. “I’m gonna cum again.”
“Do it. Cum for me baby girl.” He repeated, and again it’s like a secret, magic phrase because you were cumming again. Your juices leaking out on the sheets for sure now as your walls seize around Aomine’s cock.
“D-Daiki…!” You whine as his thrusts don’t stop. “I-It’s too much. I-I can’t take it!” You’re finding it hard to speak as your body was becoming one live-wire bundle of nerves. Your entire focus of being on pleasure, and Aomine, and his wonderful warm body on top of you.
“One more.” He replied. Voice low and strained. You know that voice, and apparently, he was at his limit to. But you also know that voice means that he was determined to make it happen. Whatever ‘it’ was. All you could do was whimper and hold on to his shoulders for dear life as he tried to fuck the life out of you.
He doesn’t last much longer. Hips sputtering soon enough as he buried his cock deep inside you. True to his word, he got you off one more time; reaching down to rub your clit with his talented fingers. It wasn’t that hard. With how sensitive you were at the moment, a strong gust of wind could have made you cum right now. Stated, and worn out, Aomine rolled off from on top of you where he had collapsed for a moment. Trying to catch your breathe before you both curl into each other.
“Bet you won’t forget me now.” He said, after a beat. Holding you, but still seeming to have a pout about being literally left out in the cold earlier today.
“I said I was sorry.” You told him. “I didn’t mean to forget to pick you. And I could never forget you.” You lean up to kiss him with what strength you can muster. A soft peck in comparison to your passionate kisses earlier. “I love you. I really am sorry.”
“I love you too. Apology accepted I guess.” He replied. Giving your shoulders a squeeze. “I’m gonna go take a bath though. Need to wash up, and also need to make sure I don’t catch a cold from being stuck out in the rain.”
“I’m never going to hear the end of this no matter what I do, am I?”
“Not for a couple days at least.”
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Soft-Shoe Shuffle - Ch 1
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Chapter: 1/12 Rating: T (for language) Content Warnings: Canon-typical Remus content. This chapter only: alcohol use Characters: All Pairings: Moceit, background Prinxiety, background Intrulogical (yes I played a little game of "pair the spares") Additional Tags: Hey it's the fic I published on Anon because I was embarrassed of how utterly pretentious it is!, post-PoF, sickfic, dirty poetry, humor interspersed with philosophy and Janus-typical pontification, this is VERY speculative and will get Jossed in the future lmao Summary: After claiming his place in the Light and coming face-to-face with the consequences of his actions, Janus finds himself unwillingly re-calibrating his moral compass. For selfish reasons, of course. But one apology snowballs into several, and soon he's running around the Mindscape with a low-grade fever and a guilty conscience as he desperately tries to regain some sense of self. Oh, and he's definitely not falling in love with Patton, so don't even bring it up. One Last Note: I wrote this in an ADHD fugue state. It is HEAVILY influenced by Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, but there are also references to poetry and various other works of literature. I also deliberately used symbols, themes, and motifs. Most of them are pretty in your face except for the recurring ouroboros, which is used as a symbol of rebirth. ...Told you it was pretentious.
When you wake up to the promise of your dream world comin' true With one less friend to call on, was it someone that I knew? Away you will go sailing in a race among the ruins If you plan to face tomorrow, do it soon
Janus appeared in the Dark side of the Mindscape, elation swelling in his chest. Even the ringing headache and bitter taste in his mouth couldn't hollow the unfamiliar triumph that warmed him to the core. Caught up in his own thoughts, it took a moment for him to register the sight before him: Remus, upside-down on the couch, his brow furrowed and face an alarming shade of purple.
For a moment, Janus stood stock-still as he tried to get his bearings. He must have been more flustered than he'd realized-- He'd been aiming for his bedroom.
But here he was, staring down at Remus, who was definitely going to burst a blood vessel (or several) if he didn't flip over soon.
"That's not horrifying at all," Janus said, thinking it would be rude to dismiss Remus, especially since he had probably been eavesdropping. He had likely heard everything. Everything. Even the ugly parts.
"Do you remember when Thomas read that post about Nutty Putty Cave?" Remus asked in a strained, strangled voice. "That spelunker who died because he got stuck upside-down?"
"No," Janus said, before realizing his mistake. "Yes." He definitely wanted Remus to remind him of the gory details.
"That's what I thought," Remus said with a wicked grin.
Janus sighed through his nose. Remus, though he thrived on attention, seemed content enough to continue his experiment by himself. On the other hand, if Janus didn't bring up a certain insult he'd levied at Roman, Remus most certainly would, and at a time where it would cause the most upset and turmoil. Better for Janus to deal with it now, even if he would have to fight the tension pulling his muscles taut. He wanted to dance. He wanted to scream.
Hesitation proved to be Janus' downfall, and by the time he'd opened his mouth to broach the subject at hand, Remus had beaten him to the blow. "You're not usually this quiet, Oralboros. Snake got your tongue?"
Janus, again, sighed. Rather than answer, he doffed his hat, set it on the coffee table, and clumsily arranged himself upside-down next to Remus. The change in position immediately made his head throb. He ignored it. "I definitely meant it when I called you 'evil'."
Remus' eyes widened in faux-shock. "You called me evil ?" he shrieked, voice ringing out high and clear. "Me? How dare you. I'm an angel!"
At least Remus was taking it well. "Sarcasm is my thing," Janus said, realizing that he might make it out of this without having to properly apologize.
For some reason, Patton's face flashed into his mind, and a subsequent twinge of guilt made his tongue go sour. Fine. If there was ever a time to start telling uncomfortable truths… "But I am sorry I said that."
"Wow!" Remus laughed. "You must be upset." A red stain began to spill across his left eye. "You don't apologize."
"It’s not like I care about your feelings or anything." Janus would have liked to have drawn himself up to his full height, but it was impossible to do while upside-down. "As much as I'm enjoying watching your blood vessels slowly burst, would you please turn over before you hurt yourself? I've suffered enough psychological trauma for today."
"Oh, fine." Remus kicked his legs and landed neatly on his toes like a gymnast.
Janus, by contrast, got his arms tangled in his capelet and nearly folded himself in half before he found his balance again. "I meant to do that," he said, turning to grab his hat so Remus wouldn't see the blush on his face.
The sudden sensation of blood draining from his head made the room whirl. He steadied himself against Remus' shoulder until it slowed somewhat, but nothing could dampen the horrible ringing in his ears.
"Well," he said, adjusting his shirt. The sudden appearance of his conscience had taken the wind out of his sails more than he cared to admit, and all thoughts of dancing bled out of him along with a good deal of energy. "I'm not going to go scream into my pillows until I tire myself out."
"Being an agent of chaos is hard work," Remus said with a sage nod, "but that doesn't sound very relaxing, Mr Self Care."
"It's a form of meditation, if you think about it," Janus said.
Remus made a face. "You know I don't do that."
"No, think."
"Ah. Well." Janus made only a token attempt to hide his fond smile. "Good night, Remus. Please stay up late and injure yourself."
"Can do, Snakeypoo.”
Janus turned. It was close enough, he might as well walk to his bedroom, especially considering how well his last attempt at appearing in it had gone.
The reason why that had been so difficult became apparent in mere moments. Janus froze in the hall and dropped to his knees at the giddy wave of horror and delight that made him too light-headed to stand.
He knelt in front of the empty stretch of wall where his door had been previously.  Heat flooded his face.
"Jay?" The rounded toes of Remus' boots appeared in his line of sight. Janus zeroed in on them, the mud splatters and stains on the soft leather. "You have an aneurysm or what?"
Janus, unable to speak, motioned for Remus to turn around. He couldn't deal with this right now.
"Ohhh," said Remus. "Well. Good luck with that ." He hauled Janus to his feet. "So you're a boner fide good guy now, huh?"
Janus stared over Remus' shoulder at the empty stretch of wall where his door used to be. "That depends entirely on who you ask."
Remus shrugged and rose up on his toes. "You can scream into my pillows instead, if you want."
"As tempting as that is…" Janus trailed off, his eyes still fixed on the wall. It was tempting, despite the constant chaos in Remus' room. But he'd have to face the Light side sooner or later. It wasn't like he could move his room back, not without psychologically damaging Thomas and undoing all the work he'd done. "I'm really looking forward to getting insulted some more."
"Alright," Remus said with a shrug. "Try not to throw me under the bus this time, alright? Unless it's a real bus…" His gaze became dreamy, unfocused. "And it's doing 50 in a school zone and there's a whole pack of screaming kids in the crosswalk--"
"Goodbye, Remus." Janus turned and left.
The barrier between the "dark" and the "light" sides of Thomas' brain had been a joint venture. It would have been there in some form no matter what, but it was Janus and Roman (with Patton's tacit blessing) who had worked to put up something more physical between them.
Janus ducked under the red curtain, trepidation percolating in his stomach, but what he found on the other side was anticlimactic to say the least: It was dead silent on this side of the barrier.
Janus wasn't sure what he'd been expecting. He knew by now that the so-called "Lights" had issues working out their interpersonal issues, and this most recent conflict wasn't the kind of thing you just got over. It did follow that they would all go off to lick their wounds for a time.
Hesitantly, toe-to-heel, Janus crept down the hall. It felt for all the world like he was sneaking around a vast hotel, right down to needlessly ornate design on the plush carpeting. That was probably Roman's doing.
Janus focused, trying to call the Mindscape to work for him. He wanted to go to his room.
The Mindscape listened. Janus turned a corner and found a row of doors stretching down yet another brightly-lit corridor. His eye was immediately drawn, not to the brilliant yellow of his own door, but to the figure huddled in front of it: Patton sat with his arms wrapped around his legs, forehead resting on his knees.
"Looking for someone?" Janus asked, slightly louder than necessary.
Patton jerked his head up. "Oh! Janus!" He plastered an unconvincing smile on his face. "You sure pop star-tled me."
Scaring Patton hadn't brought Janus nearly the level of schadenfreude he'd thought it would. He crossed his arms over his chest, extending a third to help Patton up. "Take your time getting to the point.”
"Oh." Patton accepted Janus' proffered hand and got to his feet. Warmth spilled from him, permeating the fabric of Janus' glove and gently heating his palm. "Well, it's just…" He took a deep breath. "I noticed your door and I thought-- Well, I wanted to make you feel welcome!"
A high-pitched tone resonated in Janus' skull. He bit down on the inside of his cheek to keep from wincing at the mounting pressure-pain-exhaustion in his temples. "Aren't you just a saint ." Patton's face fell. Janus fought the urge to swear aloud. He usually had a better handle on himself, and he knew better than to alienate potential allies. "I mean, thank you, Patton. Truly. I appreciate it." Patton had proven himself useful. Janus should at least cultivate that relationship, even if it meant a little discomfort.
"Have you eaten?" Patton asked. "It's a little late, but I could make something if you wanted." He paused. "Maybe we could play cards or something." Another pause. "O-only if you want to, I mean."
Janus let his face remain impassive even as he internally cringed at the idea of staying awake for even another second. It would be so easy to brush Patton off with a few honeyed words and disappear beyond the barrier of his door. But Patton had stood up for him today, or at least he'd tried to. Janus sighed. Quid pro quo. "That sounds like an utter waste of time."
"Are you… I'm sorry, sometimes I can't tell when you're…"
"Yes, Patton. That sounds lovely."
Patton actually hopped in place, an adorable little jig that absolutely didn't send a confusing little shockwave of fondness through Janus' ribcage. "Really?"
"Really," Janus lied.
He followed Patton down the hall into the living room, which opened into the dining room and the kitchen. Janus studied his surroundings, trying to take in as much as his exhausted faculties would allow. Even in the absence of other Sides, the living room felt warm and welcoming. All the lights were on, and they bathed everything in gentle golden light .
"You're awfully quiet," Patton said.
Janus shook himself. "I was just getting my bearings."
"I guess you've never really been over here, huh?" Pattton opened the refrigerator. Was he actually going to cook , instead of just manifesting something? How quaint. "Do you like grilled cheese?"
It had been a long, confusing day. Doublespeak came to Janus as naturally as breathing, but he was obviously running circles around Patton even when he wasn't trying to. "Yes," he said, hoping to telegraph his sincerity by not emoting at all.
It seemed to work. Patton studied him for a moment before turning back to the fridge. "Then that's what I'll make."
Janus took advantage of this temporary distraction to clamber onto one of the barstools. The slick velvet of his capelet tended to disagree with surfaces like wood and vinyl, and he needed a moment to arrange things so he didn't look as unbalanced as he felt.
He watched Patton work in the kitchen, a detached coolness washing out the scene. Quid pro quo, he reminded himself when he felt his facade begin to slip. He owed Patton this.
He certainly didn't feel the slightest twinge of guilt, that he had been the one to orchestrate this breakdown. Yes, the Light Sides had loaded the gun, but in the end it was Janus who had pulled the trigger.
He shook his head and thought about playing cards, good Bicycle playing cards with holes punched through them like they'd come from a casino. "What should we play?" he asked, pulling the deck from his breast pocket.
Patton looked up from the stovetop, his eyes flicking to the cards in Janus' hand. "Do you know Kings in the Corners?"
"Not personally, no."
Patton laughed, but there was something cold about it. "It's really simple," he said. "I'll show you how to play and you can tell me if you like it."
It was nearly impossible to cheat at Kings in the Corners. Janus doubted this had been a calculated measure on Patton's part, doubted he had the capacity for that kind of foresight, but he respected it just the same.
They played in funereal silence, staring each other down across the light wood of the dining room table. Janus, ill-inclined to take off his gloves, utilized a napkin to keep from staining them with melted butter from the grilled cheese Patton had made. Neither one of them smiled. Neither one of them spoke.
Janus pulled a card from the deck to indicate the end of his turn and glanced up at Patton. His face was somber, almost sorrowful, and it clashed against the gentle domesticity of the dining room, with its floral table runner and mismatched placemats.
Janus started to laugh.
"What is it?" Patton asked, cheeks darkening. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
Janus swallowed down another peal of laughter and cleared his throat, unable to wholly restrain the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You look like I’m holding you here at gunpoint." It was somewhat ironic, considering Janus was the one who felt like he couldn't leave.
"What?" Patton smiled, but it was more akin to an offering than an expression of joy.
"It’s not really funny. " Janus wasn’t quite sure how to make Patton understand.
Patton sat back with a sigh, placing his cards facedown on the table. "But I guess it is pretty funny, huh? In a really sad way."
Janus almost asked what was sad about it before realizing that Patton probably missed his friends. Instead he said, "Yes" and stifled a yawn behind his free hand.
"I'll make coffee!" Patton leapt to his feet and was off to the kitchen before Janus could so much as blink.
The newfound solitude made it that much harder for Janus to ignore his headache, which had only worsened in the hour or so he'd been playing cards with Patton. Despite the nonchalant facade he'd tried so hard to project, he'd been holding himself tense.
Maybe the night (or morning, at this point) would be easier to tolerate if he had, say, a bit of gold rum.
The corner of a flask dug into Janus' hip. He smiled.
"Just how late are you planning on staying up?" he asked Patton when the latter returned holding two mismatched mugs.
"Oh, I don't know," Patton said. Lied. He set a mug down in front of Janus and then resumed his seat, the cards forgotten by his elbow. "I'm… A little scared of what tomorrow will be like."
Janus eased the flask out of his pocket. "Rum?"
"Oh, um," Patton said, staring at the flask. "I don't know…"
Janus raised an eyebrow, working something out. He landed on it a millisecond later: Patton wanted to be convinced. Easy enough. Janus opened the flask and poured what he hoped was a shot into his own mug. It was black, he noticed, except for the yellow snake that wrapped around it, its tail firmly in its own mouth. Ouroboros. "Surely you don't intend to make me drink alone?"
As Janus had expected, Patton buckled the second he was pushed. "I guess not."
It was funny, Janus mused as he carefully tipped rum into Patton's coffee, how lying was only off-limits when Janus suggested it. Hilarious.
But now wasn't the time for bitterness, now was the time to repay the debt he owed Patton. "Cheers," he said, pocketing the flask once more.
Janus sipped his coffee. "You put milk in this," he observed.
Patton's smile was surprisingly sly. "I know you want me to think you take it black. Virgil did too, at first. I know you ‘Dark Sides’ have an image you like to uphold."
"And how does Virgil take his coffee now?" Janus asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"With Snickers-flavored creamer."
"Well, I do take my coffee black," Janus lied.
Patton's smile never faltered. "We'll see, kid-- Uh, Janus."
"Patton," Janus said, before he could start thinking about the implications of Patton wanting to call him 'kiddo,' "you are planning on sleeping tonight, aren't you?"
"Maybe eventually," Patton said, suddenly unable to look Janus in the eye. "At some point."
"Tomorrow will come whether or not you sleep. It's definitely better to pull an all-nighter and feel like garbage instead of facing everything with a clear head."
"I know." Patton leaned forward so he could rest his head on his hand.
For a moment, Janus was tempted to mirror him. Sitting up straight was becoming quite the chore. "I know how the others love a calm, rational discussion."
"Oh, I wish." Patton's expression turned wistful.
Janus stifled a yawn behind his hand. He had half-expected the coffee to counteract the depressant effect of the alcohol, but all he had to show for the combination was a racing heart.
"I'll be fine out here if you want to go to bed," Patton said. Without seeming to realize he was doing it, he brought his hand to his mouth and bit down on his thumbnail.
It was a tempting offer. A day ago, Janus would have taken it. After all, it wasn't like he cared about Patton outside of professional courtesy. They weren't friends. But guilt nagged at him and wouldn't let him entertain the idea of abandoning Patton for longer than a second.
"That's a remarkable impression of a window," Janus said, waiting for Patton to look confused before elaborating, "I can see right through you."
"You got me." Patton smiled sadly. "That's something I've always admired about you, Janus."
Now it was Janus' turn to be confused. "What?"
"You're so… clever."
Janus narrowed his eyes. "Please do keep trying to change the subject."
"It's just… I don't want to have to lie there and, and think about today and everything I did wrong. I hurt Thomas. I hurt my friends." Patton's eyes were shiny behind his glasses; the unshed tears sparkled in the light when he locked eyes with Janus. "Aren't you going to think about the same thing?"
Anger flared, perhaps prematurely, in Janus' chest. "About what you did wrong today?"
"About what you did wrong," Patton said timidly.
"I," Janus said icily, "didn't do anything wrong." He stared Patton down across the table, jaw set, daring him to push back. Let him lecture and nag, let him prove that he hadn't changed no matter what he said.
But Patton only nodded, his face lined with misery. "Okay," he softly. "I think you're right, Janus. We should go to bed."
Janus thought about how much faster he could get to bed if the table was cleared, and all the dishes and cards vanished in a blink.
"Um, Janus?" Patton said.
"I don't regret everything that happened today."
Patton only nodded and sank out.
Janus made a beeline for his own room; better to find his way there on foot rather than risk appearing in the wrong spot.
Once inside, he looked around to ensure nothing was amiss, eyes roving over the dark wood of his bookshelves and desk, his mirrored closet doors, the leather armchairs across from his bed.
Everything was exactly as Janus had left it. He nodded, satisfied, set his hat on the nightstand, and sprawled out of top of the covers without bothering to further undress.
One hazy thought crawled to the surface of his mind before he fell asleep: At least he wouldn't be one of the regrets haunting Patton tonight.
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armywriter2605 · 4 years
Theirs- Chapter 7 - OT7 x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU! BTS; Yandere AU! BTS; Angst; Fluff; Smut; OT7 x Reader
Rating: 18+
Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Warnings: Cursing; Mature Content ; Mentions of abuse and bullying; Yandere BTS; Gore; Stalking; Gore scenes; more to be added throughout the series
Words: 4.9k +
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Tag List :
@themisses777 @snowythellama @i-am-canada-13​ @honeycutelove @im-a-space-child @minhyunie-lovely @kawaiimusiccollection @perfectlyfangirling @technicolor-blues @karissassirak @decafe-jeonseagull @cherryicy123 @blackpanther4550 @ahslde @bangtanlove16 @joyful-jimin @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @sjt-kpoplover @letmebefreeblr@kaykay-loves @someslightobsessions @ttimeawayy @taerifficocean @bts-edits-bitch @saywheaaat @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @aretha170 @moxxie84 @hypophrenium @ruth619 @teenykoo @risefallrise-blog @lustremyg @3dmegamorea @alphajevie @theclosetedkpopper @livingbubbles-blog @kpopgirlbtssvt @kaoelle @dankcuddles @beetea-s @jinxxminxx @miinoongi @lizzy-min-bish @vi-hoshi @xcharlottemikaelsonx @m0chilattae @nomimits7 @amazedforjjk@tearsqueen @multifandomgirl29 @namjooniewifeu99 @jianing2603 
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As soon as Hoseok’s voice filled the apartment, the three of you stopped breathing. You could see the panic filled eyes of Jungkook staring at Taehyung as both of them contemplated on what to do. They were dead meat; they knew that much.
“Munchkin, why’re you so quiet? We’re he-” You looked up to the door once you saw it open, Jimin standing at the doorway his eyes on you. It wasn’t long until all the others stood next to him at the doorway of your own bedroom. It was so quiet that if a drop of your sweat fell on the floor, it would be heard.
“Jungkook, Taehyung. Tell me, what is going on here? Why is Y/N, my innocent princess, looking like this? What in all worlds did you two do?” Jin’s voice was low and if looks could kill, the two male standing next to you would be dead by now. It was the first time you actually saw Jin as upset as he was now. He usually kept calm during every situation. This was a new one for you.
“I…Hyung, Taehyung started it!! I only went along with it, but it was all his own doing!” You heard Jungkook say hurriedly as he kneeled down on the floor. He was throwing his own hyung under the bus. You giggled at the situation going on. Who knew this could happen?
“WHAT? No! Not true! It wasn’t me, hyung!”
“Really? We were gone for 3 hours, Taehyungie. And I do remember you saying that you wanted Y/N’s affection as well.” Jimin said as he stepped forward, his eyes on Taehyung who was now kneeled down next to the maknae.
“Y/N seduced us!! We couldn’t say no to her. But it was her, right Jungkookie?” Taehyung said as he elbowed the younger who nodded his head. You gasped as now all eyes were on you. What was this? How could they be putting the blame on you? You stared at Taehyung and Jungkook who mouthed a sorry before they looked at the ground, small smiles on their faces.
You knew the others wouldn’t get angry at you, but it was still annoying to have to get out of this embarrassing situation.
“Is that cum dripping down her hand?” Namjoon’s voice filled the room, staring at the hand that was yet to be cleaned. Taehyung got up as fast as lighting and grabbed the towel from Jungkook, cleaning your hand as fast as he could. He quickly got down on his knees again, bowing his head. If this weren’t so embarrassing, you’d be laughing your ass off right now.
“Cum? No. I don’t see such sinful thing on the innocent body of our baby.”
“Get cleaned, Y/N. We know it wasn’t you. Taehyung and Jungkook will get punished for not being able to hold it in their pants.” Hoseok said before you heard Yoongi let out a loud sigh as he turned around and left the room, giving you a last glance. His face was emotionless, but you knew there was something going on in his mind. His eyes gave it all away.
“But hyung! It wasn’t just us! This is so not fai-” Jungkook’s voice was interrupted as Jimin his head with a stack of papers.
“You still want to complain? Huh? You have the fun all for yourselves and still complain?” He said as he hit the younger males on the head back and forth. You giggled as you got up, heading to the bathroom. So, they weren’t mad for what had happened, but because they hadn’t been a part of it. That was cute.
As you were about to close the door to the bathroom, a foot stopped you from doing so. You were now face to face with Namjoon. He held a smirk on his face, as he got closer to you. “Baby girl, you might’ve not started it but you’re no angel in this. You were clearly enjoying the scolding Jungkookie and Taehyungie were getting. Next time you decide to be so naughty, I’ll have to punish you myself. And let me tell you, I’m not as kind as Taehyung and Jungkook.” Namjoon said as he closed the space between you two, kissing your lips. All you could do was nod your head as the male left the bathroom after giving your ass-cheeks a firm squeeze.  
You and the boys were sitting around the dinner table, eating while you talked. It was a pleasant atmosphere and you were enjoying it very much until the thoughts of their job came to mind again. They left this morning, where did they go? What did they do?
“What’s troubling that mind of yours, angel?” Hoseok asked as he noticed how you were frowning over something.
“It’s just…If this is going to work, then no more secrets. I wish to know what you do. What you did today and what you are going to do tomorrow and in the future. I don’t want to be held in the dark anymore, please.” Your voice wasn’t loud or demanding, but calm. You wished for things to work out, but you needed to know more.
As you were lost in thoughts once again, the boys stared at you smiling widely. They didn’t wish and wouldn’t let you know everything. It was a dangerous world, but the fact that you wanted your relationship to work out pleased them.
Namjoon awkwardly fake coughed to get you out of your thoughts as Jin and Jimin who sat both next to you, held your hands and intertwined their fingers with yours.
“We went to take care of the guy who disrespected you in our club and some other… stuff. He needed to be dealt with, love. It wasn’t anything much honestly and before you ask, no he isn’t dead.” Yoongi said as he poured himself some wine and gave you a small smile before finishing his food.
“Unfortunately, he isn’t no.” Jungkook scuffed as he too finished his dinner.
You nodded your head at them and looked down at your plate before looking up at them again. They did so much for you that you were barely aware of any of it. How could you not have realized everything they did? Were you really that blind? Did they cross all lines and boundaries for your safety and happiness?
“I love you all so much.” You said before putting a piece of meat to your mouth. At your words, all the boys either chocked on their foods and drinks or stopped chewing all together. As you finished chewing and stared at the boys, they all smiled at you and were about to reply until your phone started ringing from the bathroom where you had left it earlier.
“I’ll get it!” Jungkook said as he stood up from his seat and jogged to the bathroom. He got your phone and looked at who was calling, making sure it wasn’t anyone who you couldn’t speak to. Upon seeing ‘Mother’ on the screen, he frowned. Didn’t they tell her to call earlier than this? Surely not when they were eating. Jungkook walked back to the dining table, hoping for the screen to turn dark.
As you noticed Jungkook’s frown, you immediately understood who was calling. Throughout the years, the relationship between you and your parents had diminished a great amount. They never approved of the boys and your friendship with them, yet that didn’t stop you from hanging out with them. When you told them, you were moving in with them, your parents disapproved of the idea entirely. You never understood what they had against the boys. They didn’t even know them.
“My parents are calling…” You mumbled out as you grabbed the phone from Jungkook and gave him a small smile before accepting the call.
“Y/N. So glad you could pick up. I was simply calling to make sure you were coming over on your father’s birthday. Hopefully, you didn’t forget about it.” Your mothers venomous voice said from the other side of the line. You could almost hear her smirk. You hadn’t forgotten about your father’s birthday; it was impossible for you to since you had been good with dates since little.  
“Of course not, mother. Me and the boys will be there tomorrow morning to congratulate father. That is, if you let them come over. If not, I’ll leave my present by the doorway.” You replied in the same tone she was giving you, not bothering to keep the façade up any longer. The woman you dared to call for mother scoffed on the other side.
“Just be here by 11am sharp.” She said before hanging up, leaving you to listen to the silence. With that, you let out a deep sigh and looked at the boys. You knew they didn’t like them either, yet you couldn’t go there without them.
“Please come with me tomorrow. I know I didn’t consult any of you on the matter, but I can’t go there without you. They’ll throw shady comments and say rude things and all I want is for things to go at least a bit okay. If I go alone, they’ll use me to disrespect you and I don’t want that because I care for you so much but I know it is also selfish of me to ask you to join me because I know you don’t like them either but it’s just this once and after that you won’t have to-”
“Princess calm down. Of course, we’ll go with you. We love you too much to just let you go there alone. Plus, we love birthday cake as well.” Jin said as he started collecting the plates from the other boys, giving you a kiss on the forehead before also taking your plate and leaving for the kitchen to grab desert.
“Jin-hyung is right, angel! We’d hate to let you go there alone.” Hoseok said, giving you a huge smile. “But what are you going to give your father? Do you have a present prepared?”
You shook your head and sighed. With everything that had happened, you hadn’t had time to go out and buy anything.
“How about a bottle of wine? We have some nice wine here, so you can just give him that, munchkin.” Jimin said as he sipped down his wine, thinking of other ideas of what the present could be. You on the other hand were pleased with the bottle. Your father loved wine and the boys had a great collection so giving him a bottle as a present wasn’t such a bad idea.
“That’s actually a really good idea, Chim! A bottle it is. I’m sure he’ll love it.” You said excited and happy with the thought of giving your father a fine bottle of red wine for his birthday. Better than socks or nothing.
You woke up at the sound of ruffling coming from beside you. You didn’t want to open your eyes, knowing it would mean you’d have to get up and you were too comfortable right now.
“Hmm angel. You look so beautiful first thing in the morning.” You heard Hoseok say from behind you as he spooned you against him. His voice was raspy, indicating he had just woken up as well. So, the ruffling noise wasn’t made by him. You smiled as you opened your eyes and met face to face with Jimin. He was already staring at you, staring at your morning face as his legs intertwined with yours.
“Morning munchkin.” He said, stretching as you stared at the tattoo in his ribs. You traced it with your fingers, smiling at the reason why he got it in the first place.
“I still remember when you got it, Chim. ‘Nevermind’ was our promise.” You giggled and placed a kiss on the tattoo before you blushed and sunk deeper into Hoseok’s embrace. “But to think you’d actually get it tattooed. You’re crazy.”
Hoseok chuckled from behind you, placing kisses on the back of your neck. “Angel, we all are. We’re crazy for you. Having you here with us is what keeps us sane.” He mumbled into your ear, sending chills down your spine before the door flew open.
“Namjoon-hyung forced me to get up so all of you need to get up as well.” Jungkook let out an annoyed sigh, his eyes still closed. You knew both him and Taehyung had stayed up all night playing like they usually did which meant always made them the worst to wake up, not counting Yoongi of course. Plus you were sure this was part of the so called punishment Hoseok said they’d both be getting.
“It’s your own fault for staying up late, Jungkookie.” Jimin said as he ruffled your hair, getting up from your bed.
“Pfft. Just get up. It’s already 9am.” Jungkook said as he left the room. At the sound of those words, you jolted up.
“9am?! Oh my god. Hobi, get up!! I need to get ready. We’ll be late! We can’t be late! Geeeet up!” You said as you stood up and headed to your wall–in closet, starting to pick something to wear. You needed to look presentable or else your parents would assume you didn’t put any effort in looking good and they’d, of course, comment on it.
“Alright ma’am, I’m up! I’ll go get ready too, Angel. Don’t take too long.” Hoseok chuckled before leaving the room, closing the door after him.
After almost 15 minutes of choosing what to wear, you left the room in a white casual long sleeved dress. You let your hair down and put some earrings on, them going well with the high heels you decided to wear. Almost your entire outfit had been things the boys had gifted you along the years, yet you happily wore it. You rarely styled any of the things they gave you, but today you decided to simply rock it.
“Princess…damn. You look ravishing with that outfit on. You should dress up more often, so we get to see you rocking those dresses you have.” Jin said as you entered the kitchen, finding all the boys sitting and talking, all in suits.
“Thank you, Jinnie and all of you look very handsome as well. Hopefully today goes okay.” You sat down next to Taehyung and smiled before taking a pancake and eating.
It wasn’t long until all of you were done eating and getting into the respective cars, making your way to your old house. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You knew this would go bad; it always did but you weren’t at fault. You tried to make things work, but your parents were extremely stubborn and if things didn’t go their way, they simply didn’t approve of it or thought it was bad. Lost in thoughts as you looked out of the window, your parents’ home soon came into view. You let out a nervous sigh as Hoseok parked the car behind Jin’s. ‘They’re here with me so everything will be okay. No matter what happens, they’ll always be by my side.’ You thought to yourself as you grabbed the bottle and got out of the car, soon joined by the 7 boys who stood close to you.
“It’ll be okay, cutie. We’re here.” Jungkook said as he carefully knocked on the door, you nodding as you held the bottle close to you.
Only seconds later, the door opened, revealing your mother fully dolled up. She stared at you up and down before looking at the boys and giving the eight of you a fake smile. You assumed this would be a small gathering yet judging by the number of cars parked around and the sound of people talking from inside, this was anything but small. Of course not, your parents had always loved to shine for their friends. Buying things, they could barely afford so they kept their appearance up. It was all so fake and that was also a reason that when the boys offered you to stay at their house, you barely gave it two thoughts. It’d be better than to stay there with such fake people surrounded by fake friends, fake designer clothes and fake happiness.
“So glad all of you could come. Please come in and make yourself at home.” She said, giving room for all of you to come in. The boys walked ahead of you, making sure no unwanted surprises would come your way. “Using their money, I see. Wouldn’t expect any less from you.” Your mother mumbled into your ear as she pulled you into a hug, holding you tight in her embrace. Her arms felt like snakes crushing you, taking all your energy away. “I could almost say you’re exactly like me when I was younger.”
“I think that’s enough.” Taehyung said as he grabbed your mother’s hand, taking you away from her. Taehyung hadn’t exactly heard what the older woman had said to you, but he realized it couldn’t be any good when he turned around and saw the look on your face.
“Oh, I was simply giving my daughter a hug. Is that not allowed, Mr. Taehyung?” Despite not meeting them often, your parents knew all of the boys’ names well. After all, they had been around since you were only 13.
Taehyung snickered at the woman’s comment, yet his eyes were dark. He felt he could strangle her if he were given the opportunity. One thing that drove him mad was the way your parents had started treating you after meeting the boys officially once you turned 15. It drove him to the brink of madness.
“It certainly would be if you weren’t such a witch, Mrs. I don’t like my sweetheart to be tainted by such hands of yours, you see.” Taehyung said before he wrapped a hand around your waist and leaded you to the living room where the other boys found themselves. Your father sat on an armchair as the other guests congratulated him. He looked happy yet as soon as his eyes fell on Taehyung’s hand that still held you, his smile dropped.
“My daughter has arrived. Y/N, come here.” Your father called, giving you one of his smiles. To other people that smile would come of as genuine and honest, but you knew better. You had seen the damage that smile held, the words that could come out of that mouth. Yet you decided to play his game for now. They were still the people that raised you till a certain age, you owned them that.
“Father. Happy birthday. Since you love wine, then I couldn’t find a better gift to give you than a good bottle of red wine.” You said as you walked over to him, handing him the bottle
“My daughter, always so thoughtful. Thank you. I shall treasure it.” He said, looking at the bottle. To many, the relationship between your parents and you were a normal, healthy one. Many of these people were just as fake as them, not seeing pass their own need for material things and power.
That’s why they wouldn’t stay for lunch. That was too intimate and none of them wanted to be a part of such. But of course, their excuses went along like they needed to work, or had something planned. They all knew it was simple excuses and lies yet they still pretended as if it wasn’t. It only took an hour before everyone who called themselves friends and acquaintances of your parents left the house.
Now it was you, your 7 boys and your parents. All in one room, all having lunch. The silence was unbearable, and you hated it. It wasn’t a comfortable silence but a deadly one.  
“Are you done whoring around and ready to come back home?” Your mother asked as she eyed you from the other side of the table. With the question filling the room, the boys stopped eating and placed their forks and knives down. Your mother was bold to ask something like that in front of them.
“Excuse me what? I don’t think I caught what you said, mother.”
“You heard her, Y/N. I think it is time for you to stop with this act you’re pulling with these boys and come home. Stop this, understood? We can set up a date between you and the son of EL – electronics. Their company is doing quite well nowadays, and he is a lovely young man.”
“Your father is right. We’re getting older and you need to soon settle down with a capable man that is financially stable, of course.”
So, this was what it was all really about. They wanted to set you up with someone. You knew your mother’s invite was too good to seem true. You got up from your seat and stared at the man and woman you once adored. You weren’t going to give them the fight they so wanted and wished for. You were done with their little games and tricks.
“That’s not going to happen. You never liked any of them, I understand that. But because you don’t approve of the best friends, I brought home over 7 years ago, doesn’t mean I can’t be with them. From now on, do not call me or come near me. I wish to cut all ties I have with you.”
“You’re trying to take her from us? She’s fucking ours so you two better fucking lay low. We won’t have any problems getting rid of you.” Hoseok said as he grabbed the knife he used and stabbed it on the table.
“Hoseok-hyung, calm down.” Namjoon said as he got up. He took out his check book as he walked over to your father. While Namjoon made his way, Yoongi pulled you close to him, holding you against him. He placed kisses on your neck as his eyes were on your mother. If she wanted a show, he would give her one she wouldn’t forget.
“Y/N, you’re ours. And you won’t leave us. We won’t let you leave even if we have to tie you up to our bed. You’re ours to keep forever. Not even your lame excuse of parents can keep us from claiming you as ours.” He said loud and clear, making sure everyone in the room heard him.
“Mr. Our baby girl made it clear to wish to cut all ties with the likes of you so here.” Namjoon said as he wrote down something on the check and ripped it out, placing it in front of your father.
“Stay away from her from now on or God have mercy on you because we won’t. Upset her anymore and I’ll know. This money surely is enough to…buy your distance, no? Or are you greedy for more?” Namjoon said, a smirk curling his lips. By now, all the boys were either smiling or chuckling enjoying the show that was going on in front of them.
“YOU! You insolent boy. How dare you speak to me that way?!” Before you could even comprehend what was going on, your father had raised his hand at Namjoon, ready to hit him across the face.
You were fast to close your eyes, but the sound that you were so sure you were about to hear, never happened.
When you opened your eyes, Namjoon held your fathers’ arm in the air, as his other hand were around his neck. “Sir, I don’t believe I have given you any reason to hit me, have I?” Namjoon asked as he squeezed harder.
On the other side, your mother was making his way to you, yet was soon stopped by Jin, who towered over her, “I don’t think you want to do that. You touch our princess and we’ll show you where that money comes from. I’m sure you don’t want that. Please refrain from touching our princess.”
As your mother let out an annoyed sigh, you then looked at your father who was at the verge of passing out on Namjoon’s hand.
“Joonie, please. Let him go.” You said as you tried to walk over to them yet were stopped by Yoongi’s hold.
“This is all your fault! You unthankful whore! We raised you and this is how you repay us?! YOU WERE A COMPLETE MISTAKE!” Your mother yelled at the top of her lungs, but were words seemed meaningless as you felt water being splashed against your face and dress. A few drops had gotten on Yoongi and only when you turned around, did you notice that the liquid wasn’t water, but wine. The dress the boys had gifted you was now ruined together with your heels. Not only that but Yoongi’s suit was also most likely ruined as well.
“Yoongi-hyung, please take Y/N out of here and go get yourself cleaned up as well.” Hoseok said in-between gritted teeth as he grabbed the knife, he used to cut his meal earlier.
With that said, you were being pulled out of the living room and your old home, into one of the vans and being driven away.
3rd person POV ON
As soon as Namjoon heard the front door being closed once again, he let the older man go. “That was a good scene. Glad we could make a deal.”
“How could you make us do this…we may have never approved of any of you but she’s our daughter.” Your mother now sobbed as she sat down on one of the chairs. At her sobs, Jungkook laughed.
“Didn’t you hear Yoongi-hyung? She’s ours and not even you will keep her from us. You were a small obstacle in her life we needed to get rid of.” The maknae said as he made his way to the woman who sat in tears. “Plus, we didn’t do anything. It was a deal. You agreed to it, didn’t you? You wanted money so bad you’d do this to your daughter. That is why you aren’t worthy of being in her life. No one will ever be worthy of her attention and affection besides us.”
The older man who was coughing on the ground looked up to the leader, who still had a smirk on his face. “Once she finds out, she’ll leave all of you! You’re crazy! You made us do a deal with you just for Y/N to believe that we hate her, just for her to believe we are monsters when you’re the real monsters in the end!” He said as loud and clear as he could yet coughing tremendously afterwards.
“Hoseok, could you please?” Namjoon said as he took a seat on the chair in front Y/N’s mother and crossed his legs, grabbing his glass of wine and sipping it.
“Of course.” Hoseok replied as Jungkook now held the woman in place, both her palms on the table. Hoseok made his way to the woman and smiled at her before stabbing one of palms down to the table with the fork he held so tightly throughout this entire scene. As Y/N’s mother screamed in agony, her husband tried to get up from the floor only to be kicked back down by Jin. “Tae, Jimin, please take care of the man before we have to leave.”
“Of course, Hyung.” The younger males replied as both got on each side of him, now kicking him with full force wherever they felt like it.
“See, unlike you, we’d do anything for our girl. We’d never give her up the way you did.” Jimin said as his shoe connected to the stomach of the beaten man.
“Hoseok, the other one too.” Namjoon carefully said, looking at his watch, making sure they weren’t late for a movie night with Y/N later.
Hoseok smiled and repeated the same action he did earlier, now with a knife. The older woman had now both her palms stuck to the table, both utensils going straight through her hands.
“I hope you understood our message. Two doctors are on their way to help you and take of your…accidents. Stay away from Y/N or next time, it’ll be worse.” Namjoon said as he now got up and fixed his suit, finishing his glass of wine. He then grabbed the check he had written down and let it fall on the father of his lover. The man was bloody, laying on the floor as he grunted and sobbed in pain.
“It was a pleasure to make a deal with the both of you.” Jin said he grabbed a napkin and tossed it to Hoseok as all the others made their way out of the house.
“Oh, and don’t try to tell Y/N anything about this. The money’s exactly to keep you quiet and away.” Taehyung snickered before he left, being the last one to leave.
With that, they left the older couple bleeding and crying. The doctors were quick to arrive, giving their bosses a nod of head before rushing inside to make sure the older people inside the house didn’t die. After all, death is an escape for some people. And the boys weren’t kind enough to let the people who wronged you, find an escape from the hell they’d put them through.  
Preview of Chapter 8
“You’re ours, right? Tell me you’re ours and that you’ll never leave. Promise me, munchkin.”
“I’m all yours.”
“I want to go to the club, come with me.”
“Look at her, moving her body like that. God, it’s such a turn on.”
“Get down on your knees, baby girl. I think it’s time for you to find out what the hyung line can do to that body of yours.”
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