#a cute little fun surprise for whoever cares about and reads tags
wikipedie · 2 years
grief is like a really ugly couch
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I think grief is like a really ugly couch. It never goes away. You can decorate around it; you can slap a doily on top of it; you can push it to the corner of the room—but eventually, you learn to live with it. ― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time
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#the mentalist#quotes#patrick jane#i would say web weaving but there's not a lot of web weaving happening#initially I also had a bit of an essay accompanying this but it disappeared because of a tumblr glitch + my own stupidity#and i'm too tired to write it prettily but i still wanna write it so it'll be in the tags#a cute little fun surprise for whoever cares about and reads tags#so i made a different post talking about jane's grief but i was upset i didn't have enough space for the couch (pun unintended)#and i was thinking this morning about this quote and jane's couch and how it could be interpreted as a physical manifestation of his grief#as well as his willingness to open up to people#1. i love grief; grief is important to me. grief is permanent and i have been aware of grief in a form of another (in my own personal life)#for a very very very long time. so to see it in this show is...significant to me. i cherish this#now onto the actual analyzing. of course they never intended the couch to be a symbol for grief; but it becomes so.#he leans on the couch when he opens the Red John files; for support most likely - and it's a beginning of the process of dealing with grief#he is the only one who uses the couch. everyone knows it as jane's couch#in S4E23 Cho uses it briefly to rest and Rigsby asks him if Jane knows he's using his couch#Erica tries briefly (also in S4) to sit on the couch but he doesn't allow her the space#in fact the only two people we see that use the couch are Teresa Lisbon and Dennis Abbott#and this is the part about emotional availability. he only shares the couch with people whom he trusts#With Lisbon twice even#the couch is grief and the couch is love; the couch is support#there's nostalgia for the CBI times but there's also more to it#and that quote makes me go absolutely feral because#'eventually you learn to live with it' 😭 eventually you learn to live with grief and eventually you learn to accept it as part from yself#andand he is happy to see the couch; he missed the couch#-> you are not free from your grief but in healing you learn that it's okay; you cherish your grief; it was there with you and for you#yea anyways i will never not go mad about grief and trauma and how it's portrayed and handled.#and i already have 2 more sorta-proper essays that i want to write on the topic asdgfhdhjk. yea i'm literally not gonna stop
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ryosmne · 3 years
You're gonna fry your brain.
Hello everyone, since it's finals season and we're all probably really dead inside, I decided to self indulge in some tattoo artist! Sukuna writing, so here's this brainrot that won't let me focus on studying. You can read more of this au in the au masterlist.
I've been trying so hard to finish up a bartender! Dabi fic I have in the works for too long, hopefully I can get around to it too. After finals are done I'll be writing a lot more that's for sure.
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x f!reader
Warnings: language, suggestive tones, that's it.
Finals are by far the worst thing about college, y/n knows that the hard way. She's been stressing herself out for the past few days, maybe weeks, going over the same material again and again. She'd constantly argue that she really needs to pass with an high grade that's why she's so obsessive over it.
Sukuna had tried multiple times to help her ease her nerves, he's been there, although he was the type who never really stuck his nose in a book for too long, regardless, his best girl needed a break, no matter how hard she denied it.
Y/n had declined his invitations of going out, she dropped by the shop a few times, bringing Sukuna some food, but he could tell she was slowly burning herself up.
Today was no different, y/n had been writing everything down all day to help memorize it better. So many hours has passed since she started her study session but she didn't even notice that her clock read 8 pm already.
Sukuna did notice, y/n had been barely responding back to his texts and it was time he took matters into his own hands.
The earpiercing doorbell pulled y/n out of her trance like state, she quickly got up from her desk to go and get rid of whoever just rung it.
"Dollface, I was beginning to think you had died in there."
There was Sukuna, leaning in her doorframe, looking as good as he always did, in a plan white t shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants, holding a few bags and a huge basket.
"not quite, what's all this?"
Y/n motioned to the bags he had.
"Nothing much, just some things I picked up for you, will you let me in? this basket is fucking heavy."
No, the basket wasn't that heavy, Sukuna could carry it just fine, he just wanted to make sure that y/n didn't have a chance to deny him.
Y/n stepped aside to let Sukuna in, and he went straight to her kitchen, dropping his bags on the table.
"Thanks for dropping by babe, but I really need to finish the last three chapters I have left."
"Y/n, you're going to fry your brain at this rate, no more studying for today."
"No buts, you won't read another sentence today. We're destressing together."
Turns out, Sukuna had brought over many different things. He's not the type of guy to shy away from anything, so the first thing he did was to grab y/n and drag her into her bathroom.
Sukuna had taken mental notes the first time he looked through y/n's skincare products, he was able to determine her skin type and he went a bit crazy, buying her different things to try out.
"You are insane, that's drunk elephant, why did you get this many things?"
"Because you have the really terrible cheap stuff, now shut up you're going to eat the soap if you keep talking with cleanser all over your face."
Now, y/n's skincare wasn't bad, Sukuna had expensive taste and he's a bit of a brand snob
Sukuna gently poked her cheek with a smile as y/n's face distorted because she had in fact tasted the cleanser and Sukuna could only laugh at her before she flicked some into his mouth too.
"Don't kiss me with a face mask on you brat"
Y/n let out a soft laugh, Sukuna was doing his best to concentrate at the task at hand. Matching y/n's nail polish to his. Y/n had just finished painting his, matte black like he requested but y/n gave him some white polish on his ring finger. Sukuna had argued for a bit, saying it didn't look good and that he didn't like it, but gave in after y/n gave him a puppy face, can you blame him?
"But you look so cute like that."
Y/n complained, knowing that this little comment was going to feed Sukuna's ego more.
"I know doll, but artificial orange doesn't taste as good as it smells."
Y/n once again wasn't wrong, his cocky attitude always creeped in at times, not that she minded.
Time passed fast with watching trash reality shows on y/n's couch, after their very own self care day, Sukuna made sure to fix something they could both eat. Now they were engolved in each others arms, y/n's sleepy eyes staring up at him.
"How are you feeling, doll?"
Sukuna's hand found her hair, gently resting on top of her head.
"Much better, you're the best you know that?"
"I've heard it once or twice, I'll give you reasons to say it more often"
He gave her a gentle smile, leaning closer to steal a kiss, a little more intimate than the ones they shared earlier.
" 'Kuna, I'm sorry I was so stressed and distant this week, I probably worried you-"
"Don't be stupid, it's ok, I just want you to know I'm here for you, and it's just finals. You're a smart cookie, I'm sure you'll do great."
Y/n found his words reassuring and nuzzled closer to him, letting her lungs burn with his scent that never got less intoxicating.
"Thank you 'kuna, what would I do without you?"
The last few words came out slurred, but Sukuna understood everything, y/n's breathing got steadier against him.
"I don't know doll I'm just glad to have you here, I promised to take good care of you."
And just like that, y/n was fast asleep next to him, he didn't mind her uncomfortable couch one bit all he cared about was how at peace she looked. Maybe he would move her to her bed later, he couldn't bring himself to do it now.
The next morning, y/n found herself on her bed, Sukuna had almost woken her up getting ready before he left to go to work, but he managed to put her right back to sleep with a kiss on the forehead and a light "don't wake up yet doll".
Y/n made her way to the kitchen, Sukuna usually left a little letter for her on the nightstand by the bed, he must've been in a rush today.
Not quite the case.
Sukuna not only made her, her favourite breakfast, he also left post it notes in some places.
You suck at food shopping, thank me later.
Was written on her fridge.
So that's what all the bags were for, y/n didn't find out last night because of how tired she was, and how much fun she had being around sukuna.
He had filled up her fridge with everything she ever needed to make a meal for herself or have a snack. Let's be honest Sukuna just wanted to cook for her again.
Another post it was found in her bathroom cabinet.
You're probably gonna get mad at me for this but I'm not sorry, you deserve it.
The poor cabinet was stuffed to the brim with brand name skincare that made anyone's wallet scream in anguish and a lot of bathbombs. Upon closer look y/n almost cried at how attentive Sukuna was, he took extra care to look out for her skins needs.
Y/n found the last post it on her desk while she did her revision.
Don't overwork yourself doll, you've got me for that.
Y/n brought Sukuna cupcakes from seven different bakeries to try that day.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Sukuna left early again?"
Megumi asked, the day had been going pretty slow he wasn't surprised his friend dipped.
"Yeah, he left this behind though."
Geto held up a very nice looking white shop bag, a slight glimmer in his eye let the rest of his friends know he planned something.
"So? What's in it anyways?"
Gojo was resting his chin on his hand, blank expression on his face, completely unamused by Geto's discovery.
"Give me that"
Nanami swiftly snatched the bag, curious to see what was inside of it. He reached in and retrieved several wrapped round objects.
He questioned puzzled, but then his lips tugged upward.
Megumi, Nanami, Gojo and Geto, each got two bathbombs, and even though they would outright say it, they were pretty damn exited to drop them in their bathtubs. That's what Sukuna gets for avoiding clean up.
Sukuna entered the shop barely greeting anyone and begun looking around. Fuck he was looking for something, everyone tried to keep their composure.
"Have you seen a white bag?"
He finally looked at the group of men before him.
"like a backpack? No "
Megumi spoke, Sukuna begun thinking he was remembering everything wrong, that's untill he saw something sticking out of Geto's pocket. That's for sure a bathbomb he bought for y/n
"You motherfuckers, how low can you stoop to steal my girls bathbombs?"
Hey it's me again, though I'd add that here, if you have specific skin demands I tried to cover that in here so everyone can enjoy it, I have lots of allergies and skin concerns so I'm kinda sensitive to that stuff. Hope you had fun reading, remember to take it easy, untill next time :>
Tag list: (comment or message me and I’ll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@jjk-is-my-shit @ilovemarvel99
@thegaymadafakkasworld @readinghassavedmylife @ruler-of-the-skies
@jackysenpaii @rebenok-zimnayaya
@aam1na @sore-eyes@ryan249057 @goobygoobster @charlie-xo @kamisamaundercover
@stupid-simp33 @ciphersighs
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starshiningsirius · 3 years
Lone fae (Yandere Malleus x reader)
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To my favorite lonley dragon fae happy birthday!
Malleus had been told about a fae living in a town of humans for quite some time now. At first he had become angry seeing as he was King and someone would dare ally themselves with the enemy. He'd punish them himself. As if any traitor could stand against him and live was a mistake that'd cost them their lives. He told his advisor and guardian Lilia that'd he'd be back after dealing with said traitor.
Only to get to said town and notice a woman with pointy ears, beauty beyond belief, picking berries within the forest that surrounded the town. At first he kept his composure watching for a moment maybe a bit longer considering she acknowledged his presence.
"Ah, hello sir."
She didn't know who he was? That was surprising literally everyone whose anyone knew the Fae King and would tremble at the mention of his name. Yet this naive little fae knew nothing about who she spoke to. How cute.
'A fae in the village? How strange do they not know about our hatred towards humans?'
"Hello." He had his arms crossed and came out into the open.
She noticed the ears and instantly became curious.
"Our ears are similar." She murmured it under her breath, but Malleus still heard it. She noticed his horns too and realized that she must have been a bit different since she lacked them.
'So she hasn't met her own kind before?'
That was how their first encounter went. They chatted for a little while exchanging names as Malleus wanted to test if she knew him by that but got no reaction. Malleus watched her go back all the way to her house in secret of course. From high up in the air. As soon as he saw where she lived he went back home.
'This so called "traitor" would require a bit more inquiry.'
* * *
He decided to find out himself, her background by asking a different question to gain some information.
"Y/n do you have a family?"
"Hm? I have a little brother named Aiden at home but that's about it."
"What about your parents?"
"I can't recall when I was kid all I remember was waking up in an alley with Aiden crying in my arms. There was a- .... lot of blood about the place my dress that was once white had been stained. Anything before that isn't anything I probably want to remember considering that scene alone." She trembled for a second before continuing to pick herbs and berries from bushes. Malleus sided eyed her reaction feeling slight guilt towards it.
"I see, my apologies for bringing up troublesome memories." Malleus wasn't hard of hearing considering how she paused as if she didn't want to recall the gory scene. Yet still she smiled without much effort it was small but it did make him feel some what relieved.
"It's fine your the only person I've told. No one else talks to me in town and I'm not ready to tell Aiden yet with his innocence, I'd rather not taint. He's all I've got and I don't want to lose him."
* * *
He understood quite a bit now pertaining to their situation. He had to admit though, he had become fond of the female fae. Someone so innocent and docile couldn't be a traitor. Lilia saw that the situation was taking longer than expected and decided to accompany Malleus this go around.
He wanted to see for himself if Malleus was being fooled, though he doubted it. Not only that but for the sake of his own boredom in the castle and to satiate his own curiosity.
"Y/n this here, is a comrade of mine." Malleus stood next to his comrade, a short cheerful looking child with bright magenta stripes of hair under the black side. Two pointy ears stood on the side of his head too.
She was happy to say the least to know two new similar people to her at the very least. Today happened to be the day Malleus was going to meet Aiden. She didn't mind Lilia tagging along of course.
"Lilia Vanrouge, Ms. a pleasure." He looked rather young in her opinion but his voice signaled to not be fooled by his appearance. She shook hands with the male who brought a pleasant atmosphere with him.
* * *
"So your Malleus huh? My sister speaks very fondly of you sir. She's been talking about you for centuries!" The little boy exaggerated making Malleus's eyes widen and at first he felt an overwhelming amount of happiness with how he had made a good impression.
Both him and Lilia chuckled to themselves as the girl who had been in the same room blushed furiously from embarrassment. Taking her brother by the arm she glared at him.
"Aiden you know that isn't true, you asked where I had been and I answered." She strained her voice to try and put emphasis on her truth only to receive laughter from the boy.
Lilia came up to him patting his head with a smile.
"Fondly and centuries such large words for a child so young." Lilia had felt a slight connection to the energetic youngster. He thought it'd be fun to get to know him better.
"Sis is teaching me to read and write words from the dictionary! I'm very ingenious!" He was smug about the new words he was learning with a proud smile causing Lilia to laugh.
Malleus had a smile on his face small and affectionate but a few other thoughts came up to his mind upon thinking about the boys words. He looked toward his sister who was now in the kitchen making dinner.
"Aren't there schools about here he could go to?" His concern for the child was showing.
"There are but with his ears, I'd rather not take chances until his hair grows out, not to mention his abilities are still uncontrolled, and we're kinda barely keeping this house, so school isn't much of an option at the moment." She looked down chopping vegetables but was still focused. Until her brother spoke again.
"Look I can do magic!" He was so enthusiastic, but the dread look on his sister's face said it all.
"No! Don't you dare we can't hope to fix the ceiling!" She yelled but Lilia stopped her seeing as she yelled she covered her mouth in realization.
"Worry not my dear, let me see this young lad do magic. I'll make sure he doesn't damage anything." He was calm and collected which was shocked her but she let him do as he wished.
Aiden whose excitement had been on the rise at the thought of showing someone else raised his hand and emitted a large slew of green flames rising fast. Of course it actually shocked both Lilia and Malleus to see the color itself and how big the flames he conjured were.
Lilia had regained his composure for a split second and created some wind to dispell the flames before they could reach the ceiling and burn a hole. Malleus and Lilia looked at each other knowingly for a moment before Lilia showed a smile toward the young boy with his fangs gleaming in the light.
"I see the problem your letting out all of your mana at once young one, still your mind and channel the flow to ignite a single flame." He advised carefully with hand on Aiden's shoulder.
Malleus felt as if he was watching a younger version of himself seeing his guardian teach another. The young fae had followed Lilia's teachings to a tee and a small green flame became lit in front of him.
"Sister! Sister! Did you see I got it! I did it!" He was jumping up for joy at his achievement.
"Yes I see thank you Lilia. You thank him too Aiden." She was happy to say the least, it was as if good fortune was brought with them to have met these two.
"Thank you Lilia!"
"Your welcome dear child you can learn with me anytime. You have a lot of potential that shouldn't be wasted." That made his eyes light up in pure unadulterated excitement.
"Sister did you hear that!"
"I did." She was just relieved someone could teach him besides all her past failed attempts.
"So does that mean you can use magic too then?" Malleus had wandered closer to her without her knowledge it made her flinch. Seeing the anticipation of her answer in his eyes, she answered him.
"Yes though mine's is a bit more controlled. I can conjure wind and green flames. As well as levitate a multitude of things toward me at once but that's about it. I haven't had too much time to practice." She waved her hand with a slight glow and brought a couple of ingredients in cupboards down on to the counter letting them shut on their own again.
Holding put her hand she conjured a small green flame that wouldn't cause any damage over the palm of her hand.
"Seems like your well taught." Lilia mentioned.
"That's only because before we got this house we lived in the forest and magic made things a bit easier, but otherwise while we live here we don't have a use for it. Aiden still wants to learn but my teaching can only go so far as I don't know much on the subject." She looked somewhat frustrated at her own uselessness. Malleus could tell she wasn't lying about what she could do that's for sure.
* * *
After dinner both fae left the home walking out but saying goodbye to the siblings. At first they walked away from the house, but soon to prevent from being seen by any late night walkers they teleported to the castle.
"A pair of fae with royal blood is rare. I do wonder how the both of them ended up in that human village though." Lilia started off by saying.
Green flames were the insignia to regal blood for fae even Malleus knew that fact. Known to be the most powerful of all faes. Yet two were living in a human town right within the heart of the enemy and neither knew.
"Yes but from what I've been able to tell whoever had taken care of them is probably dead. Slaughtered by humans most likely. She said she wasn't able to remember anything before that. I'm assuming her and her brother come from some line thought to have been killed when the war against the humans started." Malleus recalled all he learned about her over the past few weeks he came to know her.
"Such a shame those two don't even know their own kind. Living their life in solitude as outcasts when they could be a lot more free if they lived here." Lilia did actually feel pity for the pair of souls having grown an attachment toward the younger sibling as he had taught Malleus when he was young as well. Those days were reminiscent for him. Aiden just happened to be similar to young Malleus in that regard.
"Malleus, if any humans discover royal fae over in that village they'll be killed. It's only a matter of when." He stated that matter of factly considering he was a general during the aforementioned war and many fae had been chased out of human villages. The ones left had been unfortunate to be victims that were sacrificed.
"I know, I won't let them lay a finger on either of them. Get Silver and Sebek have the staff prepare two rooms in the castle for our guests." Malleus walked away from Lilia without a second thought after saying what he wanted done.
"I was hoping you'd say that. Seems you've gotten attached to her in a different way. Ah, I'm so glad to see you chasing after someone, it feels like ages since you've been small so long ago. I'll have little Aiden to teach all the stuff I once taught you. What a joyous occasion to think someone will finally sit on the throne next to you." Lilia smiled feeling eager and chipper at the future ahead.
He went to go get the two knights that would always await orders from their master. Skipping down the halls all the while humming an unknown tune.
* * *
Something has been different with Malleus as of today. He was fiddling with his fingers a bit more often than usual. He didn't want to meet her gaze at the time either.
"Malleus is there something wrong?" Worry laced in her tone for the man sitting next to her.
"Yes." He replied rather swiftly but ended it there.
"Would you like to tell me what about?" She at least wanted to try and comfort him however she could.
That's what made her different than most fae, most feared him, she didn't of course she and that oblivious little head of hers didn't. Before she could even grasp how much power she could have held it was taken from her.
Malleus had turned his head and looked her directly in the eye.
"Me?" She was surprised and confused about what he meant by that, lowering her head for a second to think.
Of course it didn't last long, as Malleus directed her chin to gaze at him instead of the forest soil.
"Y/n, my alluring little darling, would you do me the honor of staying with me?"
He said with a gentle smile. The proximity and his words had her face red within seconds. She still had to give him a reply and sadly she didn't want to upset him but she didn't have much of a choice.
"I'm sorry Malleus I can't. This place is all I've ever known. Going somewhere else with all that could happen, ... It's not that I don't like you but my own fears are holding me back." She was trying to come up with the right words so he'd hopefully understand.
It stung, it truly did. The rejection wasn't something he hypothesized but it was still an option. It was fine though, all would be well. That sheltered mindset of hers would just have to broken a bit. She'd come to rely on him, she'd have no other choice afterall.
She hadn't experienced much of human cruelty, he'd just have to show her how cruel they could really be and then she would have to seek his aid.
* * *
Everyone in town today had been on edge it seemed. She left Aiden at home sound asleep, while she went out to go and buy veggies and meat she couldn't get in the forest. As she walked toward a thrifter many people side eyed her. She was the only person to walk with a hood on. In fact many people generations before this one too when asked had seen her.
As she got up to the vegetable thrifter the man in front of her had scowled. She saw this but just thought he was having a bad day. That's when someone came behind her and pulled her hood down abruptly.
"A fae! A fae in the village!"
"She's the one who cursed the crops! If we kill her the curse will end!"
"Someone grab her!"
Before she knew it she ran, someone did lay a hand on her but she pushed them away with wind magic. It wasn't on purpose, but fear overtook her person and magic required self control.
She wanted to run back to her house but with how fast the mob was chasing she couldn't put Aiden at risk like that. Maybe just maybe if she went back to the forest, he'd be there. He could help her, or Lilia either would do.
* * *
She didn't see him. Maybe her words struck a cord. She should have agreed. A stupid decision on her own part, he could've probably taken them somewhere where people like her were accepted. Where magic was used and no worries to be had.
She just narrowly dodged an arrow fired at her. It seemed the mob had caught up. Turning her attention back toward their screeches, what could she do?
In a last ditch effort attempt she called his name.
"Malleus!" The crowd closing in on her arrows knocked and aimed. So this was it huh?
Suddenly something slithers around her body, her waist to be more precise and holds her in a vice grip.
A tail? Of long reach with a purple scales of a dark pigment.
Before it pulled her into the darkness of the forest behind her. Until she felt a chest that placed her gently to the ground freeing her from the grip the of the tail that had once gripped her tightly.
She saw a light emitted from where she had once been, green flames took its place in her stead.
"I do hope you'll accept my offer to stay with me now, my love." Malleus's voice brought her out of her stupor, a frown seeing her in such fear. He didn't want to go so far but he would rather have liked her to willingly agree to living with him as his Queen. She wouldn't have any worries should she live her life on the throne worshipped by everyone.
"Wait! Wait! Please let me bring Aiden I can't leave my brother behind!" She had gripped his clothing turning around desperate tears spilling.
Speaking of said boy who popped his head from behind the fae that stood in front of her, smiled and ran to hug his sister.
"Y/n! Malleus let me up on his shoulders he was so tall! Wait why are you crying?" Her brother's happiness went away for a moment at the tears he saw from his older sibling.
She was shocked, since when had he been here. He was asleep before, she was sure. It didn't make any sense.
"Aiden how, ... why are you here?"
"Lilia offered to teach me more magic! He said it was dangerous to teach me inside the house so we came out here." For a second she thought it was a dream. A bad dream turned good.
"Were you worried? Sorry, I'll tell you next time I promise." Aiden hugged her after finishing his sentence trying comfort his sister from her state of fear. It worked a little having her shoulders relax.
Malleus had stroked her head to sooth her worries as well. A small smile graced his lips at the scene before him.
"Worry not my dear, I'll accept all parts of you. Of course I'd never forget your dear brother. Will you accept my proposal now?" He was awaiting an answer, the same look in his eyes akin to when he asked if she could use magic.
"Yes I do, it was my mistake for denying your offer in the first place. I'm sorry Malleus."
He was happy that the situation had caused her to regret her answer. Of course he didn't outwardly show it. But he was internally pleased. His new queen and energetic little brother would make a wonderful addition to the Draconian line.
As they disappeared instantly to where their new home would be, Malleus left behind some what one would call fireflies by the looks of it. They were just traces of his magic to other faes. It was a calling for someone else though.
The town the two faes once called home was being destroyed as soon as they left. Screams upon screams could be heard one after another. Flames of red and orange to destroy and have no one alive to recall the prescene of two royal clan faes.
All done by three, one wise fae, and two knights that served to do everything their master asked of them. It would all be gone while Malleus would help them settle into their new lives, the one they deserved from the beginning, if humans hadn't taken it from them.
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Chapter 11
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
She watches Ethan from the couch as he pulls a tin of muffins out of the oven, arranging a few on a plate. She’s been thinking a lot about what Mulder said about not having a spark with his ex. She wonders if she and Ethan have a spark, or if they did at one point. When she thinks about her relationship with Ethan, what stands out to her is commitment, dedication, stability. And love, of course, she does love him.
When they first met through mutual friends, she wasn’t particularly interested. He was perfectly nice, and good looking enough, but struck her more as a potential friend than a boyfriend. He was steadfast, kept showing up, kept gently working to get to know her, and eventually she started to grow fond of him. They’ve joked that while his attraction to her was immediate, hers to him was more of a slow burn. This is what mature, adult relationships are like, right? Measured, practical, logical. When you’re young, wild, and free, you date whoever you have the most fun with, chasing the next exciting experience and the rush of a first kiss. But the person you marry should be someone who you know will be a dependable partner, a good parent, and a lifelong support. That has always been her belief.
Ethan returns to sit with her on the couch, setting the muffins on the coffee table to cool. He picks up her feet and puts them in his lap, casting her a brief smile before he goes to work pressing his thumbs into her arches as he watches TV.
Is that what she feels when she’s with Mulder? A spark? Is that why her stomach goes into knots when he looks at her? Why she feels the overwhelming urge to touch him? The sensation that there is an electrical current passing between them is not one she’s ever felt with Ethan, that’s for sure. There was no adrenaline in their first kiss, only contentment. Comfort, safety, security. These are good feelings, ones you can build a life on. Can you build a life on a spark?
“You still going to try on dresses tomorrow with Missy?” he asks, his eyes glued to the TV screen.
“Mhmm,” she answers over her book, which she hasn’t gotten through a page of in over thirty minutes.
“Are you gonna let me see what you pick?” he asks, glancing at her from the corner of his eye with a surreptitious smirk.
She sets the book on her stomach and gives him a chastising smile. “Of course not, Ethan. That’s against the rules.”
“Who made that rule, anyway? I’ve already seen you naked, I should be able to see you in a fancy dress before the big day,” he says with a pointed look.
She swats him with the book.
“The fact that you’ve already seen me naked is also against the rules, so I guess we’re 0 for 2. Don’t tell my mother that,” she lectures playfully.
“I’m sure she has her suspicions, given that we live together,” he says dryly.
“Leave the woman to her ignorant bliss,” she retorts, and they hold eye contact for a moment, exchanging affectionate smiles.
Not a spark, but maybe an ember. Burning steady, carrying them through the dark nights. Sparks die out quickly. She only hopes her spark with Mulder fades soon, because right now it’s burning so bright it’s distracting her from the ember sitting right at her feet.
She frowns at herself in the mirror.
“This one is really pretty, Sis, you don’t like it?” Missy asks, tugging at the train to straighten it out.
“I don’t know. Maybe. No.”
She looks forlornly at the rack of dresses she’s already tried on. Every length and cut, style of bodice and neckline. They all seemed wrong.
“I mean, I know you’re generally hard to please, Dana, but this is getting ridiculous,” Missy laments.
“I know, I’m sorry,” she replies, casting Missy an apologetic look.
“Which one do you think Ethan would like? Would that help you decide?” Missy offers helpfully.
Ethan. Right. She realizes that she’s been thinking about what Mulder would make of her in a white dress. She suspects he’d go for the mermaid fit.
“Can we just try again another day, maybe? I think I’m just not in the right headspace for this,” she pleads with her big sister.
“Sure, whatever you want. Let’s go get coffee or something,” Missy says as she ushers Dana back into the changing room.
They go to her favorite local spot, finding two open armchairs near the fireplace, which is off for the summer. Dana tucks her legs under her torso, sipping at an indulgent white chocolate mocha; she feels the need for small pleasures right now. Missy eyes her appraisingly, and she can feel the third degree that is about to commence.
“So what’s up with you?” she finally asks, her tone inquisitive but not abrasive.
“What do you mean?” Dana asks in reply, avoiding her eyes.
Missy’s head drops to the side in exasperation. “Are you really going to make me spell it out for you, Dana? I’m trying to be supportive of your decision to marry Ethan, but you’re making it really hard being so openly miserable all the time.”
Dana looks at her with surprise and indignation. “I am not miserable.”
“Coulda fooled me,” Missy says sarcastically.
Dana shakes her head. “I’m just...I don’t know, I have a lot on my mind.”
“Care to elaborate?” Missy asks with an expectant look.
She sighs and sets her shoulders. She needs to talk to someone about this, and Missy is literally her only option.
“Okay, but first I need you to promise me you’re not going to make a big deal about this, because it’s really not a big deal,” she prefaces with a stern look.
“You know me, I don’t do big deals,” Missy replies, working hard to hide her anticipation for whatever her little sister is about to reveal.
“Okay. So, I met this man at work,” she starts, and Missy’s eyes go as round as oranges. “Missy, don’t look at me like that.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Missy defends, “go on.” She’s leaning forward in her chair, creating less space between them.
“He’s an agent, he was just picking something up for a case he’s working on, but he asked me out, and we’ve kind of been...we’ve become friends,” she says hesitantly, glancing at Missy to gage her reaction. Missy is forcing a blank expression.
“So...you’re dating him?” she asks flatly.
“No! Oh god, no. I mean, he asked me out and I told him that I have a boyfriend, but now we’re just kind of friends, and….Jesus Christ.” She drops her forehead into her palm. Even describing what’s going on with Mulder is apparently impossible. “We are just friends, but...but I’m having a hard time reconciling how I feel about him.”
“How do you feel about him?” Missy asks.
Dana shakes her head. “I don’t know how to describe it, Missy. I love Ethan, I’m not having doubts about him, but this man...I feel so drawn to him. Being around him feels...almost electric.”
“Like you have a spark?” Missy asks, and Dana’s head snaps to look at her. She’s open, curious.
“Yeah...exactly like that,” she replies regretfully.
Missy nods in understanding, and it somehow makes Dana feel a little better, like she’s not totally crazy. “Tell me about him,” she requests, and Dana can’t help but smile.
“Um, he’s a criminal behavioral analyst, in the Behavioral Science Unit. Oxford educated. He’s funny, but in a dry, intellectual way. He has some pretty outlandish ideas, but he’s so passionate about what he believes in, it’s impossible not to take him seriously. He’s kind of intense, but really alluring.” She pauses, knowing she can’t go on much further without veering into gushing.
“Is he cute?” Missy asks, and Dana closes her eyes.
“SO good looking. Painfully so.” She opens them and Missy is smiling knowingly at her.
“Sounds like a real catch, Sis.”
“Yeah, but I’m engaged to someone who is also a great catch in his own right. I feel like I’m in a romcom.”
“So what are you gonna do?” Missy asks earnestly.
Dana looks at her with surprise. “What do you mean? I’m not going to do anything. It’s just distracting, but obviously nothing can or will come of it.”
Missy gives her a doubtful expression, but then raises her eyes to meet with someone over Dana’s shoulder, giving them a questioning look. Dana turns to see Mulder standing beside her, a cup in his hand and that damn boyish smile on his mouth.
“Hey, Scully, we meet again,” he says, glancing between her and Missy.
“Mulder, hi,” she stumbles, bringing her feet to the floor and squirming around as though he’d caught her in a compromised position. “Um, Mulder, this is my sister, Melissa. Missy, this is Fox Mulder.”
He steps forward and extends his hand to Missy, and she shakes it with a flirtatious smile. “Nice to meet you, Fox.”
“Oh, please call me Mulder,” he replies.
“Alright, Mulder, would you like to join us?” Missy asks, and Dana shoots her a look.
“Um, yeah, I can hang out for a minute,” he replies cautiously, pulling up a chair between the two of theirs.
“So, how do you and Dana know each other?” she asks, and Dana isn’t sure if she’s asking because she realizes who he is, or because she doesn’t.
“We work together, technically speaking. I’m a criminal behavioral analyst in the Behavioral Science Unit.” Missy gives Dana a look that tells her it was the latter. “What are you two up to today?” he asks, running his palm over a stubbled cheek. She can hear the scratch of the short hairs against his skin and it sets off a tingle at the back of her neck.
“We were just doing some wedding dress shopping,” Missy offers, watching his reaction closely.
“Ah,” he says, only moderately concealing his dissatisfaction, “sounds like a good time.” His tone is dry and not at all genuine. “So, Scully,” he says, directing his words to Dana, “Priscilla was wondering if you could stop by next weekend. She has something to show you.”
She smiles coyly. “Does she? Not a hairball, I hope?”
Mulder chuckles. “No, it’s a file, actually. Her personal favorite, she’d love to share it with you.”
“I think I might be free on Saturday,” she replies, “I just need to check, um…”
“Check with Ethan, right,” he finishes, his smile fading a bit.
“Right,” she confirms, her own smile quickly extinguishing.
Mulder stands. “I’ll email you, to confirm.” He turns to Missy, “It was nice to meet you, Melissa.”
Missy beams at him. “Likewise.”
Mulder turns to Scully and gives her a longing glance, then leaves. They watch him go, waiting until the door has closed behind him to speak.
Missy slaps Dana’s arm. “Oh. My. GOD, Sis!” she exclaims with wide eyes and an open mouth.
“What?” Dana returns.
“Spark? That is a goddamn bonfire. Even I could feel it,” she says with a look of wonder.
Dana gives her a pained expression then drops her head into her hands with a groan.
“Why does he call you Scully? And who the hell is Priscilla?” Missy adds.
Dana lifts her head, looking at her sister regretfully with a shrug.
“He said I don’t look like a Dana. Priscilla is his cat.”
Missy closes her eyes for a moment and gently shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowing like she’s trying to reconcile all this information in her brain.
“Whoa, so you’ve been to his place?” Missy asks incredulously.
Dana nods hesitantly.
“Sis, what are you doing? If you were to tell me that you’re going to break it off with Ethan and run away with that beautiful man I would honestly support you. But if you’re trying to keep things on the up and up here, a private rendezvous at his apartment seems like a really bad idea.” Missy is deeply confused, not used to being in the position to tell her sister what decisions are unwise. That is typically Dana’s role in their relationship.
Dana glares at her sister defensively. “We’re just friends, Missy. Men and women can be just friends.”
Missy shoots her a ‘do you think I was born yesterday?’ look.
“Sure they can, if they aren’t insanely attracted to each other. That man practically devoured you with his eyes, Dana. He wants to be more than your friend,” she says emphatically.
“Well, he’s not going to be. I’m with Ethan. And I’m an adult who can control myself enough to maintain boundaries with a platonic friend who happens to be an attractive man. I’m not a Neanderthal, Missy.” She’s using her professor voice, presenting the topic with supporting evidence. Only the facts, folks.
“Okay,” Missy says, acquiescing. “If you trust yourself then great, have fun with your friend. Does Ethan know you’re gallivanting around with a sexy behavioral analyst?”
The guilty look that overtakes Dana’s face is answer enough.
“Well,” Missy continues, “just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she brings levity back to the conversation with a little smirk.
“That leaves me with a lot of options, Missy,” Dana retorts, and Missy slaps her arm again.
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narakurosaki · 3 years
title: jealousy
collection: equivalent exchange
summary: the resembool trio attend resembool’s summer festival. unfortunately, jealousy isn’t a good look on a certain elric brother.
rating: t
words: 4173
accepting prompts!
read on ao3
. . .
It reeks of sheep shit.
Resembool was known as a sheep-farming town, using the gathered wool to craft Amestrian military uniforms. The smell shouldn’t be a surprise, but the awful odor still causes Edward to gag. He’s grown used to the shit-free scents encountered across Amestris during his travels—Central reeked of car fumes and smoke from factories; Dublith had become associated with the stench of blood and raw meat thanks to the Curtis’ butcher shop; Liore held the scent of sand in its air; and Briggs stunk of overpriced coffee. The scent of shit in the air had even overwhelmed Alphonse, bringing up his earlier lunch the moment the brothers stepped off of the train. It was the scent of home, he’d smiled, spitting the taste of bile into a nearby trash can. Edward begged to differ. There’s a reason he prefers to stay indoors, the smell of burnt electrical wiring and oil mixing with the mouthwatering scent of freshly baked apple pie.
The strumming of a guitar, the banging of a drum, and the clapping of hands are like nails against a chalkboard. Reaembool’s annual summer festival was in full swing, complete with food, drinks, rigged games, and dancing. Alphonse had been counting down the days since summer began, crossing each passing day off of the calendar until the circled date had approached. He’d gained enough physical strength since returning home to walk without the aid of a crutch—he looked like a proper fifteen-year-old boy, now; his bones no longer protruded from his skin, and he’d even began gaining a healthy amount of belly fat. Edward and Winry had worried themselves silly when Al announced he would partake in dancing with old friends, but Pinako had assured them that Alphonse knew what his body could handle. Still, Edward watches the dance floor for a glimpse of his little brother, spinning in circles with a different girl than before.
The moment dancing was mentioned, however, Edward bid the two farewell, wandering aimlessly along the riverbank. It drained him to be around Resembool citizens his age—they often posed questions regarding his newfound flesh arm, or inquired about his time spent in the military. Some even asked him to perform alchemy, unintentionally striking a cord within him. The friends he and Al had made in grade school weren’t forced to grow up far too quickly. As far as he was concerned, he, Al, and Winry were the most mature teenagers in town.
But, he understood Alphonse’s want to mingle. He deserved to be carefree after spending so long as a suit of armor. Winry tagged along to keep him company, arguing with Edward about ditching his younger brother. She’d yelled that he was a fucking jerk and to go home if he was going to act like that.
He sighs. Things with her had gotten incredibly confusing as of late. Maybe that was his fault; he had kissed her two days ago, and had barely spoken a word to her since. Could that be adding fuel to the fire that was her anger with him for ditching Alphonse? Could that be why he’s been seeing glimpses of her in the distance, spun around the dance floor by another man, a grin on her face?
His hands ball into fists, a fire burning in the pit of his stomach. He knows he shouldn’t care—Winry was free to dance with whoever she wanted. They weren’t dating, after all. They’d only kissed briefly one night, and Edward had scurried back to his room before she could ask what it meant. Perhaps this was payback, not that he would blame her. He deserves it.
To his right, leaves crunch beneath someone’s feet. He lifts his head, averting his gaze from the sheep, searching for the source. Illuminated by the moonlight reflecting off of the river are golden eyes, closed as their owner smiles. Alphonse holds his hand up in a friendly wave.
“You’re missing out,” he speaks into the silence, settling beside his older brother. “We’re having a lot of fun back there.”
“Trust me,” Edward waves a hand, dismissively, “I’m well aware.”
He chances a glance back at the dance floor. It’s easy enough to pick Winry out from the others—long blonde hair that flows freely down her back, a pretty white dress that ends just below her knees, a bright smile that makes his heart race in his chest. There’s a pair of hands at her waist, and Edward squints to make out who they belong to. It’s Benjamin Thompson, a local farmer boy that Ed knew nothing of, other than his hatred for him in this moment. Winry’s arms are wrapped loosely around his neck. She throws her head back to laugh at something he’s whispered in her ear. The hair on the back of Ed’s neck stands on end.
“You could’ve danced with her, you know.”
He looks to Al, brow furrowed. “These festivals aren’t exactly my style.”
Alphonse rolls his eyes. “Would it kill you to think of someone other than yourself for once?” He leans partially into the pen, running his hand through sheep wool, one by one. “You think Winry wants to dance with those guys?”
Edward drops his gaze to the sheep gathering around his brother’s hand. “Sure seems like it.”
Several sheep baa in Al’s direction. He smiles and reaches his other hand in, commenting that he will gladly pet them all if they would wait their turn. He cranes his head to look at Edward. “She’s trying to make the best out of a bad situation, Brother. Do you know how confused she must be? You spent an absurd amount of money on that ring toss game just to win her that bear she said was cute.”
Ed drags his right hand along the length of his jaw. He had only want to make her happy with that damned plush bear. Seeing Winry smile was one of the greatest sights to behold. While Edward pumped a fist in the air upon landing the winning toss, Winry was jumping up
and down with excitement as the attendant fetched her prize. She’d hugged it so tightly, Edward had joked that she’d squeeze the stuffing out of it.
“…I kissed her the other night.”
It’s spoken so suddenly, so out of no where, that Alphonse removes his hands from the sheep pen. They baa in annoyance, to which Edward glares at them. Stupid, smelly, annoying things.
“You…” Al’s jaw goes slack. It’s evident in the way his cheeks twitch that he wants to smile. His expression remains blank. “When? How? Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
Edward offers a lazy shrug. “Two nights ago. We were saying goodnight in the hall and it just… happened. It wasn’t anything big.”
“Are you kidding!?” Al runs both hands through his short, golden hair. “Brother, Ed, this is huge! I’ve been waiting for you two to do something since we got back home!” A groan escapes him. His head falls forward, bangs bouncing against his forehead. “Leave it to you to screw things up.”
Where a retort from the elder Elric would be, there is only silence. He looks back at the sheep, now wandering and munching on grass. He begins to pull at the fingers of his right hand. “Maybe she’ll kiss someone else, tonight. She seems pretty comfortable with that Benjamin jackass.”
He can feel his brother’s golden eyes on him, feel the judgment as though it were rain drops upon his skin. Alphonse breathes a sigh from his nose. “There’s a way to fix this, but if you’re going to be stubborn I can’t help you. I have to get back to the dance—I promised Angela I’d dance with her.”
Ed gives a nod.
Al pats his brother’s shoulder, an act of comfort, before making his return to the dance floor. Edward wrings his hands together. A few sheep linger near him, desperate for the human touch Alphonse had offered. Ed only scoffs.
“One way to fix it my ass,” he grouses, gripping the wood until his knuckles go white. “No way in hell am I prying her away from some redneck just to beg her to give me another chance.”
He pushes himself away from the sheep pen, the wood creaking in defiance. The sound alerts the sheep, and a dozen pair of eyes settle on him. “Oh, you guys gonna judge me, too?” But the sheep quickly return to their grazing. Ed rolls his eyes and shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. He begins the trek back to the Rockbell house.
If he looks, he can still see Winry dancing with the Thompson boy. His face is burnt from the sun, his messy brown hair falls in his eyes, and he grins from ear-to-ear as he spins Winry around like he knows what he’s doing. His wears a red and white checkered button up shirt with a basic pair of blue jeans and boots. Edward grits his teeth. The outfit was practically the standard amongst the working men of Resembool—Ed and Al had influence from the cities of Amestris when it came to their fashion. It made Edward feel overdressed at this stupid festival, walking around in a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a pair of black slacks covering his ass, and black boots on his feet. Alphonse had dressed similarly, and Ed often heard the girls gossiping about how handsome he looked. At least it worked out for him, in the end.
He pushes his bangs back and flexes his jaw. Maybe his behavior had pushed Winry into the arms of another man, as Al suggested. There was no fixing it now, not in his mind, anyway. He and Winry had fought shortly after he’d won her that stupid stuffed bear. He wouldn’t blame her if she’d tossed it in the river out of anger. He’d fucked up pretty badly.
The sounds of the festival—instruments, laughter and chatter, the stomping of feet—begin to fade the more distance Edward puts between them. He watches his feet carry him down the familiar path home, kicking any rock that stands in his way. Granny would ask why he was home so early the moment he walked through the door. There wasn’t any use lying to her—she could read him like a book—but he didn’t want to talk about it, either. He planned to climb up the stairs and settle in his bed, doing his best to forget what he’d seen and sleep the remainder of the night away.
Maybe if he hadn’t acted so stupid after kissing her. Maybe if he’d manned up and discussed how he felt, he wouldn’t be in the situation he was now. But he’d learned at a young age that there was no fixing your mistakes. At least, no easily, and this one seemed beyond repair.
“Dammit, Ed, what are you doing?”
He stops to look over his shoulder, the familiar voice catching him off guard. He blinks, eyes widening as his brain registers the sight before him: Winry is running down the dirt path, oversized bear hugged against her chest, desperately trying to catch up to him.
His chest tightens.
“What’s it look like?” His voice lacks its usual hardness. He’s unable to mask the pain. “I’m going home. I didn’t want to be at that stupid thing, anyway.”
As he turns his attention ahead of him, Winry clutches his wrist, pulling his arm back. “What the hell is your problem?”
He clenches his teeth and yanks his arm out of her grasp. “I don’t have one. Why don’t your go back to your hick of a boyfriend and leave me alone.”
“What, are you jealous?”
“Of course no—
“Because I’m not the one who kissed me and then avoided me for two days!”
So he had hurt her feelings.
What a dumb thing to think, believing he could get out of the situation without hurting her. He really is foolish.
He fills his lungs, doing his best to ignore the stench in the air, and breathes out slowly. He turns to face her, brow furrowed. He isn’t surprised to see just how angry she is.
“All you ever gave me was a small acknowledgment, and that was only when you ran in to me.” Her arms loosen around the stuffed bear. Its head flops forward a smidge. “I figured you regretted kissing me, but, then you insisted on playing that stupid game just to win me this toy…” Their eyes meet, and Edward can see just how much he’s hurt her. “I’m confused, Ed. You never talk about your feelings, you just act. And right now, you’re acting like a dick.”
He deserved to be called every name in the book, but Winry would never do it. She was right—he was acting like a dick, and why? Because he was worried she may not return his feelings for her? Because he couldn’t bear to be in the same house after embarrassing himself? He hadn’t even been sure that she’d kissed him back. It was more of a peck than anything, and she had’t said a word once he’d pulled away.
He sneers. It infuriates him how well she knows him, how she knows exactly what buttons to press to elicit a reaction. “Why does it even matter? You’re having a good time. Why not just let me leave?”
The plush bear falls to the dirt as Winry throws her arms in the air. She groans into the night. “Geez, how stupid can one man be!?”
If it’s meant to hurt him, he barely feels it.
She places her palm against her chest. “Did it ever occur to you that I was trying to make you jealous?”
They remain there, glaring at one another as Winry’s words settle in the air. Edward’s brain works overtime to process them—he blinks, the anger on his face slowly fading as the realization settles. The anger he felt lingers, dancing in the pit of his stomach with his jealousy. Annoyance bubbles its way up his throat, leaving the taste of bile on his tongue. She couldn’t be serious.
“That’s a low blow, Winry.” His words are soft, barely audible above the sounds of the festival.
“Is it?” Her hands ball into fists at her sides. “Because I think it’s pretty on par with your behavior these past few days.”
He grits his teeth and reaches for the plush bear’s ear, lifting it forcefully off of the ground. “Don’t worry, I’ll put this in your room for you so you can go dance with Benjamin.” He turns on his heel, oversized plush dragging on the ground as he continues down his earlier path.
He makes it only three feet when Winry’s words stop him. “What is it going to take to get you to talk about the other night?”
The other night; the kiss, she means. What did it mean? Why had it happened? Why had he avoided her afterward? He swallows and lowers his head, keeping his back to her. Maybe it would be easier to discuss if he couldn’t see her face…
“I kissed you,” he answers, “and then I went to bed.”
An exasperated sigh rushes from her lungs. “You’re so stubborn, you know that?”
He spins around, ponytail coming to rest against his shoulder. His bangs hit his face, hairs sticking out in disarray. His grip on the plus bear’s ear tightens, knuckles whitening. He clenches his jaw past the point of comfort, and scowls at his best friend. She thinks this is easy? He’d avoided her those two days because it was anything but.
His upper lip quivers until he can no longer take it. “I was afraid, dammit!”
His words echo across the river. He looks worriedly towards the festival grounds, seeking anyone who may be looking his way. He comes up empty, met only with Winry’s bright blue eyes.
He shoves his free hand into his pocket. His cheeks burn with embarrassment. He ducks his head to hide his face beneath his bangs. “I had no idea what you were thinking after I kissed you. For all I know, you didn’t even want it to happen. I couldn’t face you just for you to put me down easy. We live in the same damn house, Winry. I’d die of embarrassment.”
Here it comes, he thinks, here comes her shooting me down.
It’s okay. Tonight has prepared him for this. If she wanted to be in the arms of another man, so be it. He’d move on. He’d have to.
“You really are dumb, aren’t you?” From behind his bangs, he watches her pinch the bridge of her nose. “It’s a wonder they let you become a state alchemist. Actually, scratch that.” She places her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes. “State alchemists don’t have to be smart with women, I forgot.”
He lifts his head, dumbfounded.
“Didn’t it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I wanted you to kiss me?”
Actually, it hadn’t.
He shakes his head.
“Geez,” she grumbles. She closes the distance between them and plucks her plush bear from his fingers. She sets it down on a small grassy patch beside the path. “Here, come dance with me.”
“What?” But she’s already grabbing his hands, pulling the other out of his pocket. She leads him to the grass by the river bank. She places his hands on her hips, looping her arms around his neck. His heart rate picks up, drowning out the faint music from the festival. Winry sets the pace, swaying side-to-side to what he guesses is the beat of the music. He swallows the lump in his throat.
The moonlight reflects off of the water and illuminates her eyes; they’re a cloudless sky that Edward could easily lose himself in. “I’ve literally spelled it out for you, and you still don’t get it.” She shakes her head and smiles. “What am I going to do with you?”
He sways in time with her. He begins to hear the music over the beating of his heart—the strumming of a guitar, the beat of a drum, and the deep voice singing a song of a man that didn’t dance, but would for the woman he loved. He glances down at his hands upon her hips and turns a brighter shade of red. Winry places her index finger beneath his chin and guides his eyes back to hers.
“You really hurt my feelings when you avoided me.” Her voice, barely above a whisper, is drenched in sadness. “That morning, after you kissed me, I was hoping to talk to you. Granny and Al had no clue where you were, and you didn’t come back until later that evening. Do you know how awful I felt?”
He shakes his head, and she loops her arm back around his neck. Truth be told, he hadn’t put her feelings into consideration even once. He’d ran off that morning, visiting his mother’s (and, inadvertently, his father’s) grave, telling her just how stupid he was, how he’d made a fool of himself, how he’d destroyed a lifelong friendship because his feelings for her couldn’t be held back. He won’t tell this to Winry. Not now.
“I felt awful, Ed. I felt that you kissed me on some whim and grew to regret it.” Her fingers play with the hair at his neck. “No girl wants to feel like the guy who kissed her regrets doing it.”
The pair continue to sway to the beat of the music as Edward processes Winry’s words. He hangs on to each word, each syllable, analyzing their meaning. He’d hurt her, that much he knew, and he regrets it deeply. But he never could have imagined that she would believe he regretted kissing her.
“Is that why you decided to make me jealous?”
She nods stiffly. Clearly, that wasn’t her proudest moment. “You won me that stupid bear and I figured that you were finally going to talk to me about what happened. Instead, you ran away, again, so I went with Al. All I planned to do was wait for my turn to dance with Al, but Benjamin asked me go dance, and I saw you out there by yourself… I knew you could see the dance floor. I knew you would see us—that was my intention.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Ed rolls his eyes. “You were all over him.”
“Oh, Edward.” Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes. She struggles to stifle her laughter. “Benjamin is gay.”
Now he feels like an even greater ass.
“You honestly think I’d willingly dance with someone just wanting to get in my pants?”
Well, yes. He had thought that, anyway.
He hangs his head and lets out a sound of annoyance. “You’re evil, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.”
Again, her arm untangles from behind his head, hand moving to cup his cheek. She guides his gaze back to her, a soft smile on her lips. He stares into her eyes, a fire burning in the pit of his stomach. A sense of urgency hits him like a ton of bricks—kiss her; make it right—but he’s lost himself in her beauty. His feet move automatically to the song, eyes drinking in every ounce of her. It isn’t often he sees Winry in a dress—she greatly prefers the comfort and protection of her coveralls while working, and can often be found lazing about in an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. Though, it was strange. She was always beautiful, even covered in grease. Perhaps he’s just never been this close. The last time he’d felt this way was two nights ago, outside of her bedroom, their actions masked by the dark. He swallows.
The hair at his neck twirls easily around her fingers. He yearns for her to run them through his hair, to touch him in ways no one has ever touched him before. His eyes close as he begins to dream.
Winry let’s a content sigh out through her nose. She pulls his head down until their foreheads touch. “You still don’t get it, do you?”
“Mm, get what?”
He feels her gently shake her head. “That your fears were silly. I like you, dummy.”
His eyes open, met once more by a sea of blue and a warm smile. A faint blush dusts her cheeks. His heart skips a beat.
She lays a palm flat against the back of his neck, the other moving to rest above his heart. Their swaying comes to a natural halt, and Edward moves his right hand to cup her cheek. “I like you, too.”
Winry’s grin is instantaneous. “I think we’ve established that.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, guess so.”
His tongue peeks out to wet his lips. There’s an array of emotion within Winry’s eyes that drive him wild—excitement, joy, infatuation, and something deeper that he can’t quite place. He leans forward and tilts his head, closing his eyes as their lips meet. An electric current runs between them with nowhere to go. Winry’s pulls Ed closer towards her, Ed’s hand on her hip grips the fabric of her dress tighter. Their lips move awkwardly, both lacking any form of experience. His teeth clack clumsily against hers, her lips move too quickly at one point, and his tongue shyly enters her mouth without a clue of what to do. They are intoxicating one another, freely conveying years of pent up emotions for one another with their mouths. In the distance, the band stops playing. The only sounds they hear are their lips, their breathing, and the crickets hiding amongst them.
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Souls ties - Part 3 (Bucky Barnes au)
"I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met"
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The sun had set a while ago and the band had been replaced by speakers, meaning the party was coming to an end, even though you still hadn't properly talked to Bucky. You  knew you probably should've payed more attention to your own husband but Darren seemed to enjoy himself more around his college friends. It would've driven you mad, had it been a regular party. Oddly enough, his behaviour that night didn't bother you as much as it should've. One might say your attention was elsewhere. It was late, and you were thirsty for water after all the champagne and hors-d'oeuvres you'd had. You were positive your rosy cheeks attested for it. At the bar, you took a minute for yourself and sat down, taking this occasion to relieve your feet from your high-heel shoes. The night's fresh air made the hair on your neck stand on end and your body's instinct was to shiver, even though the weather was still quite nice. Your body tensed up as you felt a presence at your side.
"Feeling a little tired there?" he asked. You were starting to know this voice now, and it was like music to your ears.
"I needed to be away from the crowd for a moment," you confessed.
"Oh, I can leave if you want."
This made you look at him instantly. "No, stay." You realised how pressing you must've sound and chuckled at his confused eyes – which had a beautiful shade of blue in the moonlight. "I mean...I didn't want to get away  from you, specifically. Sorry if it sounded that way."
"I'd get it, you know," Bucky said. "What happened earlier..."
"...was disturbing for us both, I assume."
Bucky didn't say anything about you interrupting him. It felt natural, actually, almost like finishing his sentence rather than rudely stopping him mid-speech.  "Yeah, exactly," he continued. "I'm really sorry if that caused you...any pain or something."
"What? The coffee?" you asked naïvely. "Don't worry, it wasn't that hot," you said with a wink.
A faint smile appeared on Bucky's lips, making you notice both how he hadn't smiled much until then and that it lightened up his face in a touching way.
"I meant pain as in fear, or anxiety. Your wedding mustn't be the place you expected to hear those words." He looked you in the eyes and you  shivered once more. "Are you cold?"
You shook your head no before looking down to your knees. His eyes on you were making you  feel all sorts of ways you wouldn't dream of sharing with anyone. "No, I'm not," you said. Taking a careful breath in, you decided to glance at him. Your eyes paused at the same time as your lungs, taken away by the beauty of the man's face. Something behind his blue iris was beyond description and drove you even more eager to get to know him, his story, his passions and pet-peeves, his everything. He'd seemed to have stopped breathing for a second as well, but you weren't entirely sure it hadn't been a figment of your imagination.
"Maybe we should go back to the others," you whispered. You tried getting off your stool and slipped next to your shoe. Bucky moved fast to grab you with his arm and prevent you from hitting the ground. His grip was firm –  exaggeratedly firm. You brushed off the sensation of his leather glove on your back and thanked him hastily before going back to Steve.
"Are you okay?" he asked, lowering his voice.
"Yeah, sure." You knew he wasn't fooled by your answer ; Steve knew you better than you knew yourself. Bucky stayed silent for a while after that, and neither of you seemed to fathom what to do next.
"Ready to go, honey?"
You opened surprised eyes at Darren's question. It was barely past midnight.
"Darren, we can't leave before the other guests, c'mon..."
Your husband looked disappointed and now that most of your shock had gone away, his attitude was slowly driving you mad, especially when you gave deeper thought to his actions and words throughout the day.
"Do you even want to be here at all?" you asked him, somewhat dryly.
"Calm down, y/n. We've been here forever and I wanna rest for the night. Is that too much to ask?"
"Resting on your wedding night? Yeah,  that's a lot to ask for," you replied. "I thought we were going to party until the end and have fun with our friends before going home. Consensual marriage is supposed to be celebrated, don't you know that? Ugh, you really are a buzzkill sometimes."
"Wow, easy there. If you want to stay,  fine. But I'm going home."
"Are you serious right now?" Your stomach was burning with anger and disappointment. You loved Darren, but this kind of behaviour had become a habit of his. "You're going to leave me alone at our wedding party?"
"You're not alone, you have Steve and Wanda and...whoever that guy is over there. Enjoy the rest of your night."
"Damn it, Darren, that's not fair!"
Wanda's eyes turning towards you made you realise how loud your voices had been and you lowered yours a notch.
"Fine, go home. But don't expect me to be all smiles when I join you, if I even do."
Upon those words, you turned around and walked away from him. You were perfectly aware that there was no point in reasoning with him at this point. You ended up going back to your group and were surprised to see that Steve and Wanda had walked away as well, leaving Bucky alone.
"Where are they  going?" you asked, still angry from what'd just happened.
"They're grabbing more drinks. Wanda said she'd choose something for you since you were...busy."
You brought your hand to your forehead, ashamed that he'd heard you losing your temper.
"Sorry about that. He's just...difficult, sometimes."
"I saw that," he said with his hands in his pockets, "and no need to be sorry." You could see him take a deep breath in before he kept talking, even  though he was trying hard to look as calm and composed as possible. "Come, let's take a walk. It'll help you blow off some steam."
You followed Bucky through the garden and as you drifted away from the crowd, hearing less and less voices, a soothing feeling filled your body and mind. You took deep breaths in and deep breaths out, taking in the bucolic smell of the close-by forest. The only thing left bothering you were your shoes, and you made the call to take them off, leaning on Bucky's shoulder without even thinking about it. He stopped to let you do it.
"Here, let me hold them." He gently grabbed your shoes by the heels and carried them for the way.
"Thank you." You took a peek at him and smiled. "How did you know a walk would calm me down?"
"I...I  just did," he answered with a shrug. "Did it work?"
"It's starting to." You smiled at him ingenuously, taking in some of his features at the same time. The slight crook of his nose, the rebellious hair on his neck...  A question was burning your lips. It was just the two of you, so you might as well just ask. "Did you ever give much thought to what your tattoo said?"
He didn't seem taken aback by your question. At least you didn't think he was, even though his emotions were hard to read.
"Not really. I just assumed someone would pay me a compliment out of the blue  and confuse the hell out of me." He chuckled for the first time since you'd met him and you got a feeling that didn't happen often. He stopped quickly, as would a kid caught red-handed. "You?"
"I had lots of scenarios in my head. Someone bumping into me, stepping on my feet or even running me over with a car...I mean, that sentence could've been said at many occasions, really."
"It's true, though I don't think saying 'shit, I'm sorry' would be an appropriate apology after running somebody over with a car."
You laughed at his remark and nodded in agreement.
"True. It is only an appropriate apology for spilling coffee all over someone," you teased.
You couldn't even hear the music the speakers were playing anymore, only the insects buzzing and leaves brushing against each other. As you walked, you got dangerously closer to Bucky. You knew what your body was doing, where your legs were taking you, but you had no idea why  they were doing it. You shouldn't have been standing so close to him, especially on your wedding night. Your hand accidentally brushed against his leather glove and he moved away. His movement wasn't big enough to call it an act of repulsion, but you also didn't know why exactly he didn't want to be close to you.
"I'm sorry," you said. "I just..."
"...want to be close. I know." He sighed and stopped walking. "It's a weird feeling and I didn't think you...I thought you weren't feeling it."
"What? The feeling that draws me to you and that I can't control? Of course I feel that. I've...I've met you hours ago, and yet..."
"You feel a connection that dates to much longer than that," he finished.
"Exactly. I couldn't really put words on it but...yeah. That's what it feels like."
"I'm sorry," he said. "Steve wanted me to come here for some reason and I..."
"Don't say you shouldn't have come, please."
He looked back at you and saw you'd been staring at your feet saying that sentence. His face changed in an instant.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. Not at all, actually... If I hadn't been there tonight, you might have actually enjoyed your wedding."
"I did enjoy it," you replied in a hurry. "Just not the way I imagined." You stared into his eyes,  trying to understand what he was feeling in this very moment. "We'll see each other again, right?"
"That might not be a good idea, as much as I would want to."
"But...as my sister always tells me, soulmates don't have to be romantic. I can be happily married and still get to know you....can I?"
He tightened his lips, thinking about his answer. His face gave you no clue as to what he truly wanted, but the answer he gave you might have been an indication.
"You can try. I can try."
Part 3 is where I chose to start the fluff haha! I hope you enjoyed this part. It felt quite cute writing it, so I hope the final result is :)
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I Don’t Know(ft. G Dragon and MINO) (6)
Part 6
When Jiyong stumbles into your home drunk, you start to remember things long forgotten.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 2840
WARNINGS: slight smut, drinking.
6 years ago
It was late. Jiyong had just finished watching a movie and was wrapping up. He was just about to go to bed when he heard loud singing and knocking from the front door. Rushing to get the door before anyone else woke up, he opened it to find you, flushed and swaying, with an idiotic smile on your face.
And you threw yourself at him. He caught you, whisper shouting at you.
“What’re you doing? Why did you drink so much?”
You pouted, eyes becoming sad. His heart clenched.
“It was Mina’s bachelorette.”
“Why’re you here?”
You looked around, confused.
“I don’t know.”
Your eyes widened.
“Do you not want me here?”
Your lips started trembling. Jiyong sighed.
“No, it’s not that. Come with me. Just… don’t make any noise.”
Immediately, your face lit up and you yelled,
He smiled looking at you, gently shushing you. You were an adorable drunk. You pouted.
“Why do you not want me to talk Jiyong?!”
“Because it’s 2 in the morning and I don’t want you to wake up everyone else?”
“Oh. Good point.”
He held your hand and guided you to the couch.
“Sit here and don’t move, okay?”
You reached out and grabbed his hair.
“Woah! So fluffy! Your hair is surprisingly soft for someone who dyes their hair so much.”
Jiyong froze, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. You ruffled his hair, laughing.
“You’re surprisingly cute Jiyong.”
He turned red.
“J-just wait here, okay?”
Still flushed, Jiyong went up to his room to get make up remover for you. By the time he got back though, you weren’t there anymore. It was relatively easy to find you though. He just had to follow the sound of the crashes.
He found you in the kitchen, crawled up on the counter, trying to reach the chocolate wafers. He sighed and reached over you, getting the wafers and handing them to you.
“What’re you doing?”
“I was hungry.”
“Okay. Turn towards me.”
“No. I want to eat and you’ll steal my wafers.”
Jiyong didn’t know whether to laugh or sigh.
“Y/N, I’m not going to steal your wafers. I just want to remove your make up and get you to bed.”
“Sleep is for the weak Jiyong.”
“Says the girl who once slept for three days straight.”
You huffed and widened your eyes.
“Hey! That was after not sleeping for a week!”
“Why didn’t you sleep for a week?”
“…I procrastinated.”
Tired of you rambling, Jiyong gently grabbed your waist and turned you towards him, standing between your legs.
“You can continue eating. I just want to remove your make up.”
And as he gently wiped off all your makeup, you stared at him, wondering how he was so beautiful. When he looked up and caught you staring, you blushed and stuffed a wafer into his mouth.
“What was that for?”
“Consider it a gift.”
“Come on, let’s go up.”
You started whining.
“No, Jiyong. I’m tired. I’m just going to curl up here and sleep.”
Jiyong raised his eyebrows.
“On the cold marble counter top?”
“Where there is barely enough space for you to sit?”
He sighed. Muttering under his breath, one of his hands gently went under your knees and the other went around your waist as he carried you, enjoying the way your arms went around his neck immediately for support. Your face went red and you buried your face in his neck, leaving you unaware of his adorable smile. He opened the door to his room and gently put you down on his bed. Sounding adorable confused, you asked,
“Why are we in your room?”
“Because if you wake up Mirae, she’ll kill you and you need to change. Here, take this t-shirt and shorts. I’ll be outside. Call me once you’re done changing and I’ll help you to Mirae’s room.”
You felt happy when you wore his clothes. Your drunk mind didn’t comprehend why, but it felt nice. It was comfortable. It was familiar. You looked around at his room and stared at the pictures he had up. You were in some of them. It made you feel nice. At least he cared. Even if you didn’t remember this the next morning, it was nice to know he cared. You were interrupted by a gentle knock and Jiyong came in.
“You should have called me.”
“I was looking around.”
He sighed, ruffling your hair.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
And as he held your hand, you pulled him closer, burying your face in his chest.
“Jiyong, can we just stay here like this for a while?”
His breath hitched, but he sat there next to you in silence, allowing you to rest against him. After a while, he realised your breathing was getting slower and sleepier. He was about to get up and tuck you in when you grabbed his hand. You mumbled something in your sleep.
“Don’t go Jiyong.”
His heart melted when he saw your small hand wrapped around his. He moved you in and lay down next to you, letting you snuggle into him and just enjoyed the moment. He stayed like that for a while, until he was sure you were asleep, and then got up and slept on the couch. Seeing you in his arms in the morning would have been too much. He didn’t want to give himself hope.
 4 years ago
There was a family get together at Mirae’s place. You were practically part of the family, so of course, you were there too. You smiled at everyone as you stepped away from the light and the noise, wanting a bit of fresh air. You walked away, enjoying the cold, fresh night air. You walked towards the back, walking through some grass when you heard the grass behind you rustle. Tensing, you turned around, prepared to punch whoever was following you, but only found a very surprised, sheepish Jiyong trying to light up a cigarette. You walked over to him, stifling a laugh at the way he refused to meet your eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m here to smoke.”
You looked at him sceptically.
“Weren’t you supposed to be trying to quit?”
He looked at you suspiciously.
“What’s it to you?”
“Hey, I’m just trying to help you.”
You moved away, not liking the smell of the smoke, and you stumbled. Jiyong’s eyes widened and he grabbed your arm, pulling you into him.
“Be careful! You could’ve gotten hurt. Why’d you move away?”
Your face scrunched up when he breathed out the smoke on your face.
“I don’t like the smell of cigarettes Jiyong. You do what you want, but I’m going to just walk for a bit.”
You gave him a light smile, wrapped your shawl around yourself tighter and walked off. Jiyong watched you walk away with a growing sense of panic. Suddenly, he found himself putting out his cigarette and jogging up to catch up with you. He never smoked a cigarette around you again, because he never wanted you to walk away from him like that again.
Minho sat down at the table, with you sitting right next to him, your hand on his thigh. Jiyong’s jaw tensed. You didn’t realise but Minho did, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling at Jiyong while taking your hand and saying,
“Hi hyung! It’s nice seeing you here.”
Jiyong barely managed to politely smile and nod at Minho before getting up to leave for the bar. It was going to be a long night. Minho felt a little guilty for driving away his hyung, but the overwhelming feeling was still relief, because seeing you with his hyung just reminded him of everything in the past.
Two hours later, Jiyong could barely stand when Hwiyoung, the designated driver for the night, helped him into his car. Hwiyoung had very kindly offered to drop off everyone, but you had declined, knowing that they couldn’t find out about Minho. Jiyong was drunk, and while that was nothing new to him, he was used to taking someone home with him. After meeting you again though, he couldn’t, because every time he was with another woman, all he could see was your face, your smile, your lips, everything about you. He was lost in thought, thinking about you when Hwiyoung stopped the car for Somin to get out. Just wondering out loud, he asked,
“I wonder why Y/N didn’t just come with us. You and Y/N literally live on the same floor.”
Somin laughed.
“I’m sure she had her reasons. But we don’t live on the same floor. I live on the 9th floor and she lives on the tenth floor.”
“Meh, close enough.”
Hwiyoung was about to start the car again when Jiyong suddenly sat up, barely aware of what he was doing when he told Hwiyoung,
“Hwiyoung, thanks for the lift, but I’ll get off here.”
“What? Why? This is so far away from your place.”
To make things less suspicious, Jiyong smirked and said,
“Yeah, I know, but a girl I know just texted me to meet her at the ice cream place down the road, so I’ll just go.”
“Oh, okay then. See you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah. Thanks, Hwiyoung.”
 You were slowly unwinding after Minho dropped you home, changing into a tank top and shorts and listening to music while going through your emails. You smiled when you saw Somin’s. She really was a lifesaver. You opened up the email and a chill went down your body. It was about the meeting with Jiyong. The one where you thought he was making fun of you. The more you read of it though, the worse it became. Why was he apologising? Why were the colours he picked your favourite colours? Why did he pick tea, peonies and poems? Oh no. Oh good god no. You shook your head. You had to be wrong. He couldn’t possibly like you. After years of making you feel awful, he can’t just change his mind. Just when you were finally happy. You snapped your laptop shut. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You couldn’t afford to. But just as your mind went back to it, you heard the doorbell ring.
You were suspicious about who could be knocking at your door so late, but you knew who it was the moment you heard his drunken singing of ‘If you’. Your blood froze, but you opened to door to see what he needed. Icy, you asked,
“What is it?”
Jiyong didn’t respond and walked straight into your apartment, looking around in wonder.
“Get out of my apartment.”
Jiyong just turned and flashed you a light, trusting grin. You just stared at him in disbelief. He came close to you and cupped your cheeks.
“Wow, you look really pretty.”
And before you could react and pull away, he moved away, covering his face and blushing. You looked at him, drunk out of his mind and sighed.
“Can you stand on your own?”
He jumped.
“Yeah, I’m going to take that as a yes. You’re too drunk to go home on your own, so I’m going to call you a cab, okay? I know we have to be careful about your image but I know this one guy-”
And before you could complete your sentence, he fell on you, pushing both of you onto the couch. His forehead was resting against your collarbone. You blushed as you looked around. It was a very awkward position to be in. You were just about to push him off when he held your hand and very sleepily said,
“Don’t go Y/N. Let’s just stay like this for a while.”
You froze. You never fully remembered what happened when you were drunk, but this brought back memories. Why was it that you had a vague memory of saying that to him and him actually listening? You looked down at him. He was asleep already. Sighing, you pushed him off and got up, shaking your head as you forced yourself to not think about what you just remembered. Or what Somin’s mail told you. You couldn’t afford to. Not when you finally got over him. Not when you were happy with Minho. You went and got a blanket to cover Jiyong with. It was cold without one. You looked down and decided that you didn’t want to be alone at home with Jiyong. Too many memories. And it would have killed Minho if you did. So, you called him.
He sounded quite surprised when he answered.
“Hey Y/N, all okay?”
You smiled when you heard his voice. You could already see the raised eyebrows on his face.
“Hey Minho. Did I wake you up?”
“No, I was just changing. What’s up?”
“Do you mind spending the night here, with me?”
You could hear him grab his car keys and wallet.
“I’m on my way. What happened?”
“Jiyong is here.”
Minho had just gotten into the elevator when he heard that. His heart stopped for a second.
“Jiyong turned up here drunk and passed out on my couch. I don’t want to be here alone with him, which is why I called you.”
You paused.
“Minho, sweetheart, listen to me. It’s going to be okay. Nothing happened. He just passed out here. I like you. I’m with you for you.”
You could hear Minho shakily take a breath.
“Yeah, I know Y/N. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Don’t worry.”
 When you opened the door fifteen minutes later, you were expecting to find a worried, sad Minho. You were not expecting to be pushed against a wall and kissed hungrily. Before you could get used to it and kiss him back, Minho wrapped your legs around his waist and his mouth had already moved on from your lips to your neck, hell bent on leaving marks. Minho couldn’t help it. His fear got the better of him. He had to feel you. He had to feel you to know that everything was real. That you were his girlfriend. That he wasn’t just lying to himself.  His hands desperately went to your tank top and bra and ripped them off. You gasped. You knew something was off. This felt different. Minho had never been this aggressive with you. But the moment his tongue met your nipple, all thought left your mind and you moaned, letting him carry you to the bedroom.
Jiyong woke up early the next morning, wincing at the sunlight that was hitting his face. Yawning, he slowly stretched and looked around. Where was he? Did he go home with a woman last night? He furrowed his brows. No, that’s not right. He was with Y/N and her team last night. Oh shit Y/N. that’s when everything started to come back. And then suddenly, in the span of seconds, he went from confused to happy because if he was in an unfamiliar place, that meant you had let him stay. He looked down at the blanket covering him with a newfound appreciation. You had put that blanket on him. You still cared enough about him to do that for him. He grinned and jumped up, wincing from the ache in his head. He had to do something as a thank you. As he went to get water, he suddenly found a packet of pancake mix. His smile got wider. That was one of the few things he could cook and luckily, pancakes for breakfast were your favourite.
A good twenty minutes later, you stirred, the sounds from the kitchen disturbing you. Wait. Sounds from the kitchen? If you weren’t cooking, who was? Turning around, you saw Minho with his arms wrapped around you. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face. You pressed a kiss to his cheek and slid out of his arms, throwing on his shirt from last night before walking out into the kitchen. You were taken aback when you saw Jiyong flipping pancakes and adding them to a stack next to him.
“Jiyong, what is this?”
Jiyong grinned. You called him Jiyong again. He was in the middle of flipping a pancake, so without turning around to face you, he said,
“Good morning Y/N! Thanks for letting me crash here last night when I was drunk. As a thank you, I made pancakes.”
He had just flipped the last pancake and turned around with a huge smile on his face only for it to fade. And fast. It first faded because he saw all the new marks on your neck from last night because of how loose Mino’s shirt was on you. It faded more because a shirtless Mino had walked out of your bedroom, wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. He looked up at Jiyong, surprised at first, then nervous and finally, with a challenging raise of his eyebrows, he said,
“Good morning hyung.”
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fanfic-corner · 3 years
I found out this morning that apparently Misha knows that Cockles exists. So... that’s fun. I’ve never been sure where I stand on RPF, so I thought I may as well read some and decide what I think after. Anyway, here’s what I read!
Revenge of the Subtext by MittenWraith on AO3. (80,064 words).
Tags: Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Canon Divergence after 10.20, French Mistake style AU, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Humor, Smut, Crack, Light Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Supernatural Convention, Human Castiel, Switch Dean, Switch Castiel, First Kiss, First Time, Enthusiastic Content, Love Confessions.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Descrition:  Things are finally settling back down to normal since Cas gave up his grace to cure Dean of the Mark. Well, as normal as their lives are allowed to get. Sam relentlessly finds new cases to work, one right after the other; but Dean thinks they need a break to let Cas have some purely human fun, for once. It’s true they had a difficult time readjusting to humanity at first, but Dean thinks Cas deserves to do more than ride around in the back seat and follow them on monster hunts. Then again, Dean’s a little bit scared to ask exactly what Cas would want, just in case it doesn’t include spending quite so much time with him. And with Sam (of course).
Sam’s been tracking a series of odd occurrences in Laramie, Wyoming for the last few weeks that looks just enough like a case to finally convince Dean they should go check it out. Whether they like it or not, the goddess responsible for the weirdness in Laramie takes an immediate interest in the three less-than-perfectly-happy hunters who’ve stumbled into her town.
Notes: Absolutely adorable, such a good case and beautifully written. There are some other works in the same series which are also absolutely fabulous!
He Who Laughs Last (The Joke Is on Us) by anoradh on AO3. (4,248 words).
Tags: RPF, Fluff, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Silly.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: For the prompt: Jensen and Misha think they’re pulling the mother of all pranks on Jared by pretending to be a couple, but they’re in way over their heads.
Notes: This was cute and I love the sheer panic they caused in Jared - I couldn’t stop laughing.
Through the Screen by ArchOfImagine on AO3. (28,722 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe, Angst and Humor, Season 9 Divergence.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: "What would you do if you woke up in the Supernatural world?" A fan asked Misha. Little did the actor know, but a few weeks later he would actually be finding out the real answer to that question. Because when Metatron tosses Castiel out of Heaven at the beginning of season 9 -- he tosses him right into Misha's universe. Now Misha is stuck in the Supernatural world, looking at his husband's face but a different man.
Notes: This was funny and cute and just generally adorable!
Is It Really A Mistake? by BriMaco518 on AO3. (6,819 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - The French Mistake, s6e15 The French Mistake, Angst, Coda, Fluff, Happy Ending.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Dean and Sam Winchester find themselves in a world where the supernatural does not exist. Everyone calls them Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki respectively. Their efforts to protect the key that Balthazar gave them from Virgil, one of Raphael's angels, should be Dean's focus. Yet the elder Winchester finds himself distracted by the actor that plays Castiel, Misha Collins. Who also turns out to be the husband of Jensen Ackles.
Notes: Once again hit by not reading the tags, but if you read the sequel then that gets sorted out. Also, this is adorable and I actually saw the gifset it was based on afterwards, which confused me for a full minute.
Mistakes Are Better When They’re French by maraudersgirl47 on AO3. (21,791 words).
Tags: Episode: s06e15 The French Mistake, Fluff, Angst.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Notes: This was funny and touching and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the ending!
Description: Number One: Dean would definitely never appear on a soap opera.
Number Two: Dean Winchester did not wear makeup.
And Number Three: He was not gay!
God, Cas, whoever was listening - Please get them the hell out of here.
Fever by lysanatt on AO3. (13,624 words).
Tags: Romance, RPF, Post S8, No Spoilers, Hurt/Comfort, First Time.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: It's Christmas and the otherwise so mild Vancouver is hit by a rare blizzard. Misha is hit by the flu and Jensen is hit by the urge to take care of Misha. Of course there are unexpected consequences to it all.
Notes: This was so sweet -  I love a good hurt/comfort and the way they wrote Misha was amazing!
Twisted French Mistake by literaryoblivion on AO3. (3,170 words).
Tags: Episode: s6e15 The French Mistake, Parallel Universes, Alternate Universe, First Kiss, Kissing, Mistaken Identity.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: If Sam and Dean get sent to the Supernatural set, where do Jensen and Jared end up? That's right, the world of Sam and Dean. But they're safe, and Castiel checks in on them and ends up learning more about himself and Dean from Jensen.
Notes: This was a really good idea - I remember watching the episode and wondering where Jensen and Jared were!
The Bubble by thunderpuffin429 on AO3. (21,035 words).
Tags: First Time, Fluff and Smut, Feelings, Character Bleed, Kissing.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Cas has to choose between Heaven and the Winchesters. Again. For the final time.
Notes: The Destiel part of this was phenomenal but the Cockles part was mostly smut, which is fine but made me a bit uncomfy just because I’m ace and I’m not a massive fan of reading it. So, it wasn’t my favourite, but that’s entirely on me for not reading the tags properly.
Do You Know What You Think You Know by ljunattainable on AO3. (5,761 words).
Tags: Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, First Time, Romance.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Everyone knows Jensen and Misha are together. Nobody even thinks about it. They just know. Except Jensen and Misha. They don’t know. A few things happen in the space of a few weeks that leave everyone at least knowing the same thing.
Notes: This was sweet and I loved how everyone assumed they were dating and they still didn’t know.
Method Acting (Or ‘In Which Misha Is Not, In Fact, Kidding Jensen’) by HigherMagic on AO3. (5,567 words).
Tags: Character Bleed.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: There's a little surprise in the script for the latest episode, Misha is unruffled, and Jensen is not amused, but he's determined to put on the best damn performance he can, 'cause it's the last season and, hey, he owes it to Dean.
Notes: This was pretty good but it did get me thinking... can you IMAGINE if we got a Destiel sex scene? Tumblr would have imploded. There would be a national holiday. 
Second Take by anonymous on AO3. (6,237 words).
Tags: Polyamory, First Kiss, Psychology, Character Bleed, Internal Monologue, Internal Conflict, Friendship/Love.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Wherein Destiel becomes canon, and Jensen and Misha face the consequences of their first kiss.
Notes: This was fairly sweet, and Jensen’s internal monologue was written really well.
Still undecided, I think, but I hope you enjoyed! Some of the fics came off better than others, but some just seemed a little bit... not right? I don’t know how to explain it. Anyway, please remember that Cockles stuff should stay inside the fandom. I hope you find some fics you like!
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imcryingbuckets · 3 years
My Whole Heart "Hates" You
I did it. Ha, yes, I wrote a Bill Hader x OFC fanfiction. Although I write a lot in my spare time, I've never written a fic before so pls be nice :(
It's sorta enemies to lovers, I know y'all love that shit, so I hope everyone likes it. Or at least one person. It's going to be multiple chapters, but I've only written the first one so far!
TW: Swearing, a lot of it (I'm British, sue me), no sexual content in this chapter, but if there is any in future chapters I will be sure to notify you (warnings are already tagged on ao3 just in case I forget to add them later on)
Summary: Violet works at Studio 8H, for Saturday Night Live! But one Monday morning she turns up to work to find out that Bill Hader is hosting. They have a past of getting under each other's skin and constantly getting into arguments and spats all over the office, but will that change when he returns to host this time? Will they put aside their differences? Do they really hate each other or are they just bad at flirting? I'm sure you know the answer to all these questions, but how 'bout you read this anyways! I suck at summaries
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31072760/chapters/76766612
Chapter One: Oh, boy.
I walk into Studio 8H clutching a hot cup of coffee in my hand, in attempt to bring myself some warmth during the surprisingly cold breeze of March. Arriving at the building only a few minutes late (better than usual), I quickly set my things down at my desk and walk over to Lorne’s office with my co-workers to find out the host line-up for the next month. We all file in and find seats, some of us sitting cross-legged on the floor, and we collectively gaze upon the corkboard as Lorne fills us all in. My stomach twists into knots as I read the first blue postcard pinned up, blinking twice to make sure I’m not seeing things. I rub my eyes because maybe I saw it wrong, maybe he isn’t hosting, maybe I just have something in my eye. But when I look back up I know I’m wrong because everybody’s eyes are on me, staring closely with hesitance to watch how I’ll react. Right above the yellow card that read ‘Arcade Fire’ was a blue one, reading
My mind begins to play out a thousand different scenarios and outcomes on what could happen this week, now that Hader would be here. I start getting a light headache (quite the ordinary when it came to working here) and I notice that everyone is still staring at me, some in remorse, and some in fear of how I’m going to react. I decide pretty quickly that I should say something to settle everyone’s nerves.
“Guys, seriously, chill the fuck out.” Perhaps a little harsher than I intended so I backpedal a bit. “I know what you’re all thinking, but stop, okay? It’s not like I’m gonna go batshit crazy when I see him and punch him in the face or something. I intend to keep my job, thank you very much.”
The faces all around the room seem to relax at this and return their attention back to Lorne. Thankfully, no one heard me add ‘As much as he is an absolute cockwomble’. Well, Kate might have as she started giggling on the floor next to me.#
Kate knows of my small hatred towards the man everyone on Earth seems to praise (Hatred is a strong word, annoyance is probably better suited for my feelings towards him but I genuinely just enjoy how the word rolls off the tongue). 4 years ago when Bill hosted SNL back in 2014, Kate was the one that put up with all my complaints and remarks about him, and she was often the one I went to when I needed to vent about anything really, middle-aged-comedian-themed or not. I feel a little guilty seeing as she will probably have to reprise her role as the one who deals with my Hader ‘hatred’ when she actually quite likes the man and has friendly chats and jokes with him whenever he’s around. Normally when I tell people this, they think that the fact that they’re both friends would annoy me. But I actually couldn’t give the smallest of fucks (pardon my French). I think it’s great that everyone gets on with him, good for them! But we never seemed to be able to do that.
See despite our efforts to be professional, we kept getting in small bickering matches across the office the last time he hosted. It was never full on screaming, just very heavily charged snide comments and evil glares to one another.
Back home in the UK, my friends and I would often joke around playfully and poke fun at each other, but it was all light-hearted and we all knew that. Even some of my friends here at work do the same. But when Bill was here, everyone that was unfortunately present to witness our spats and quarrels all knew that it didn’t come from a place of love or admiration as it did with anyone else. No, it came from this annoyance in our guts that we got from each other. It certainly made the entire office largely tense for the whole week leading up to the Saturday, and thankfully he skipped the after party so the terror ended after the last sketch of the night.
I feel bad knowing that we’ll probably put the entire building through the same torment as we did 4 years ago, but I don’t feel an ounce of guilt for Bill. No sir. Every nasty remark I threw at him I meant with 100% intention, and I feel no urge to take any of them back when I see him this afternoon when he walks into the office. Not because I’m some cold-hearted bitch, but because he said some things that were equally as bad as mine. So suck on that, William.
Quicker than expected, the meeting ends. I get up eagerly off the floor, with the intention to get to my office as quickly as possible with hopes to not run into Bill. However, before I get the chance to leave, I hear Lorne call after me to ask me to stay behind.
“I need to talk to you about this week’s host.”
I see Kate give me a small smile that said ‘good luck’ as she left through the door with the others and a wave of her hand. I turn back to the man behind the desk, not knowing what to expect, apart from the fact that it’s probably about Bill. Obviously.
“I’m assuming you’ve seen who the host is for Saturday?” he says.
I give him a small nod with a tight small and a mutter that resembled something close to a ‘yes’.
“Well I know that the last time he hosted, you two didn’t get along very well and had some…”
I watched him for a few seconds as he tried to find the right word.
“…differences.” He decides. “But I don’t want that same thing to happen again, it’s been 4 years now so I’m hoping that you’ve both matured at least a little.”
“Yes well he is like 40 now.” I respond, a little uncomfortable as I feel like a three-year-old getting scolded by their teacher for flicking crayons at the other kid’s head.
“Yes, well… I hope that you both can learn to get along, or at least push your differences aside for one week?”
I nod, “Yes, yes, ‘course.” Wanting the conversation to end before Bill arrives.
“Good to hear, Violet. Although, if I hear any screaming between the two of you, I won’t hesitate to step in and organise something to put an end to it. Understood?”
For a moment I thought he was suggesting firing me, but I caught the slight smirk on his face that told me something different. He was planning something mischievous, but I couldn’t place what. Nor did I care enough to look for it.
I sigh in relief and nod my head for what felt like the hundredth time that day, starting to feel a bit like a bobble-head doll. “Yes, Lorne, I understand. No bickering, got it.”
He smiled with a look that suggested he got the answer he wanted, and waved his hand to say I could go. I gave him a goodbye and made my out of his office and started to speed-walk to my own, crossing my fingers that Hader hadn’t arrived yet.
I thank the mighty beings in the sky that I made it to my desk without seeing him, and shut the door with a click. My eyes fall upon the coffee that I left earlier that morning in the rush to get to the meeting and I frown as I realise that it’s probably gone cold and all icky. I grasp the paper cup and I’m surprised to be met with warmth, I guess the meeting wasn’t as long as I thought it had been. Content with this happy discovery, I sit down in front of my computer and open a script document from the other night, sipping at my lukewarm coffee. I begin to rapidly type away and fall into the rhythm of writing, before I am frustratingly interrupted with a knock at my door.
I pull away from the screen and yell “Come in!” to whoever is on the other side of the door, standing up from my desk to throw my now-empty paper coffee cup in the bin (or trash as these Americans I work with call it). The door opens to reveal Aidy peeking her head hesitantly through to look at me with almost sorry eyes.
“Pitch meeting in Lorne’s office. Got to discuss sketch ideas with…the host.” She smiles kindly at me knowing that I don’t want to go and see him.
“With Bill you mean?” I say knowingly, to which she just nods her head. “Okay, well, best to just get it over with. And besides, maybe he’s less of a dick now?”
She laughs a little in attempt to be supportive. I think.
As we’re walking down the corridor, I think back to when I first met him back in 2014. Obviously I knew who he was, ‘Bill Hader: SNL Alumni, Comedian, Actor, Father, blah blah blah’. At the time, he was also ‘Husband’ but I was told that the fact was no longer true. I make a mental note to not be so harsh on him, not wanting to be that person who bashes him so soon after a divorce.
I remember I was actually quite fond of him at first, I watched most of his stuff and admittedly, he was my ‘celebrity crush’ for the longest time. And when I met him in person, he actually was exactly like everyone described him as: funny, sweet, charming, an all ‘round nice guy. Not to mention insanely attractive. He was cute, even I can admit that. I don’t really remember why we didn’t get along all those years ago. I think it was a mixture of a clash of personalities and the fact that we’re both quite stubborn. Terribly stubborn. From what I can remember, we never exactly agreed on sketches or punchlines or anything really. But like Lorne said, it’s been 4 years. Maybe we’ll get along better.
My train of thought gets lost when we reach the door to Lorne’s office. I see Aidy push it open and walk in as I follow her, hearing that everyone seems to be in the middle of a conversation. Right before I get through the door, I hear him. His loud, obnoxious laugh filling the room. The laugh that so easily gets under my skin and makes my stomach feel all weird and uneasy.
I head into the room and find a seat, and that’s when I look up to see him. Bill. Standing in front of me in a blue shirt and black jeans and those white trainers he seems to wear to every fucking interview. He stands there staring at me with this smirk on his face that make my cheeks go red. He doesn’t say anything, he just stands there by Lorne’s desk and right before he looks away to continue his conversation with Kenan, he winks at me. I look down as not to cause trouble like Lorne said, and partly to hide my cheeks getting hotter and pinker by the second.
I tug at the loose thread of my sweater, looking at the floor to avoid his gaze. I don’t know why I’m getting so flustered, it is Bill after all. The man who so thoroughly annoys and teases me relentlessly. My mind begins to over-analyse everything and before it begins to run any further, I get called on to pitch a sketch idea.
Right before I open my mouth, I see Bill cross his arms in anticipation and looking deeply into my eyes with that stupid smile of his, probably eager to find something to tease me over later. But then I catch him lick his lips suddenly and a chill runs up my arms.
I look back down at my notepad and think, Oh boy, this week will be interesting.
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I Found Love On Christmas Eve❤️🎄❄️💋🦇🕷️🕸️💕: A cute, fluffy Stangel holiday fic for @princessrainbowpastel / @stelladelano!
I honestly should have posted this in December, but I got hella distracted by stuff, mainly Tumblr, school, roleplay, and "other things" lol. But here ya go bestie! Enjoy!💋
I had so much fun writing this (I wrote it awhile ago and saved it in the my notepad app), and I would love to thank @ren-c-leyn for double checking and enjoying reading this!🙂 I'm proud of how self-indulegent this is lol!💕 Warning: this is VERY long lol!😁😁😁)
Stella was in her dressing room getting herself ready for her next strip show! Being that it was December, the club she worked at made its female workers all wear sexy santa girl costumes.
As she got ready, the bat couldn't help but think of Mystery Fan (as she liked to call them) and all the wonderful gifts they have been sending her for months. She let out a happy sigh as the thought of them always made her day. Whoever this mysterious admirer was, they had to be the sweetest, kindest, most heartfelt demon in all of Hell. She had to admit - with every gift and letter they had sent, she was falling for them more and more. Stella felt like a school girl finding and receiving gifts and love letters from a shy, secret admirer in her locker.
'The day I meet this person,' Stella thought, putting the finishing touches to her Christmas themed makeup, 'Will be the happiest day of my life!' Little did the scarlet haired cutie know that that day was today.
When the show came to an end, Stella heads back to her dressing room, changes into her regular attire, and begins to pack up. A Christmas party was being thrown at the hotel today and she didn't want to miss it or be late. Once she was packed and ready, Stella heads to her car and starts to drive back to the hotel.
As she drives, she spots happy demon couples on the sidewalk, handing and receiving gifts and letters to and from one another. Their reactions to the items were all the same - cheery and content. Seeing such a sight makes Stella frown slightly as she let out a soft sigh. She really wishes she could receive something from the passionate person who's been on her mind for months now: Mystery Fan. Just the thought of hearing their romantic words being said to her up close and in person made the redhead's heart race.
When Stella arrives at the Hazbin Hotel, she parks her car and steps out of it. The bat saw the exterior of the place and was astound by how it looked. The building was covered head to toe with Christmas decorations and lights!
"Wow, Charlie really went all out this year..." said Stella, amazed and impressed by her friend's work. The bubbly blonde really gave the place the right design for the holidays.
As she enters the hotel, Stella let's out a surprised gasp. The inside looked absolutely gorgeous! Like the exterior, the interior of the place was also nicely covered in Christmas decorations. It was like walking into a Christmas wonderland! In the background, holiday music could be heard playing from the intercom.
At the party, all of Stella's friends were there, having fun and celebrating while wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Well, almost all her friends. The only person who seemed to be missing was Angel Dust.
Niffty was happily collecting candy canes from the Christmas tree and placing them inside her stocking, Charlie and Vaggie were having a lively conversation together on the lobby sofa as they held cups of hot cocoa in their hands, and at the hotel mini bar, Alastor was seen hanging out at the counter speaking to Husk as he cleaned shot glasses. The grouchy bartender couldn't help but groan and roll his eyes each time the radio demon spoke to him.
While talking to Vaggie, Charlie spots Stella from the corner of her eye. "Stella! You're here!" the Hell-born princess gasped, thrilled to see the other female as she gestures for her to come over.
When she does so, Charlie gives Stella a pure, genuine grin. Now the party could really get started!
A montage of cute Christmas photos begins as "My Secret Santa" plays. The first photo is of Charlie, Vaggie, and Stella with mics in their hands, singing Christmas karaoke songs together. Alastor, Husk, and Niffty are there as well, watching the three girls. Niffty cheers for them, Alastor looks amused by the whole thing, and Husk doesn't seem to care.
The second one is of Charlie and Stella smiling and hugging each other while wearing reindeer antler headbands and light up Rudolph noses.
The third photo is of Stella and Vaggie wearing Christmas tree glasses. In the photo, Stella is grinning while holding up bunny ears with her hand above Vaggie's head, and Vaggie has a cute, calm smile on her face while holding up a peace sign with her hand.
The fourth photo is of Stella and Niffty enjoying candy canes together.
The fifth one is of Stella, Husk, and Alastor. In the photo, Stella has a mischievous and flirty look on her face as she holds up a mistletoe plant for the two males to see. Husk, of course, wants nothing to do with kissing of any kind with her as he has an irritated expression on his face, while Alastor, with a large grin of his face, slightly pushes Husk towards her as if saying "Please, take him, not me." And the sixth and last photo is of Stella and the others taking a group Christmas photo together.
After the montage comes to an end, the gang all decide to play a fun little game of pin the tail on the reindeer! Vaggie was the blindfolded pinner and Alastor, being a deer demon, was decided by everyone to be the reindeer. The moth had a devilish grin on her face, her hair bow reacting the same as it formed onto itself a wicked grin with razor, sharp triangular teeth. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to get back at Alastor for constantly pestering her and getting under her skin. The radio demon saw the look on the hotel manager's face and didn't like where this was going as a nervous sweat droplet appeared on his forehead. Before Stella could record this amazing, hilarious moment on her phone, her stomach slightly growled. She decided that the best thing to do now is to take a quick cake break and come back to the action later. Hopefully, she'd be able to capture at least some of it on her device.
Once she steps inside the kitchen, she sees the delicious looking Gingerbread Cheesecake sitting on the countertop, making her mouth water. She happily cuts herself a piece, sits down at the table, and partakes in the rich, sweet dessert. As she was eating, she began to think about Angel Dust. She hoped that the spider was doing okay (especially around this time of year).
In her mind, she wondered why he didn't show up at the party yet. Was he just really busy at the studio and couldn't arrive, or was the arachnid secretly upset with her about something and was trying to avoid her to the best of his abilities? As all these thoughts about where her best friend could be and why he wasn't at the party yet clouded her mind, Stella's stomach began to feel weird and somehow, to her, the cake that she was eating began to taste less and less sweet. She slowly stopped eating, puts her fork down, and utters out a small, tired sigh as she sadly rests her head on the table.
Charlie, entering the kitchen, sees a glum Stella at the table with her head down. Being the kind friend she is, the princess instantly becomes concerned over the bat's well being as she quickly heads over to take a seat next to her.
"What's wrong, Stel? Is everything alright?" Charlie asked, putting a comforting hand on Stella's shoulder. Stella slightly lifts her head up to look at Charlie before sighing. "Oh, it's nothing." she replied before putting her head back down. Now, Charlie obviously knew that that wasn't the case, but, before she could say anything, she suddenly remembered why she came into the kitchen in the first place.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" She pulls out a small present and shows it off to Stella. "Someone wanted me to give this to you." she smiled. "Huh?" This got Stella's attention as she raises her head up to look at Charlie and the gift.
"The person decided that it would be best to stay anonymous...for now..." Charlie continued, handing the unknown gift to Stella as she gave her a small wink. What did Charlie mean by that? Stella's scarlet colored eyes slowly examined the present box that was in her hands. She saw that it was beautifully wrapped and had a cute bow on top that was tied perfectly. The bat brought the box close to her ear and shook it slightly to figure out what was inside. Whatever it was, it didn't weigh much. She takes a look at the tag and reads it. "To Stella from..." Stella lets out a surprised gasp as she got to the last word "#1 fan!" She couldn't believe it! So not only was this mystery demon a common patron at the strip club she worked at, but they also knew where she lived and was in cahoots with Charlie.
"Wait, Charlie, you know about my #1 fan and who they are?!" Stella asked, hoping to get some sort of explanation. Charlie let out a hum. "You could say that..." she giggled, not spilling the beans. "Well, who are they!? They've been sending me stuff for months now, and i've been dying to know who they are!" Stella at this point craved any answer.
The princess, letting out another girlish giggle, replies with, "Well, they didn't want me telling you who they were buuut," She gave Stella a sincere smile. "Let's just say they're someone who cares and...I'm really proud of them for doing this." Charlie gives Stella another wink before leaving. She soon comes to the realization that Mystery Fan is someone in the hotel.
Alone in the kitchen, Stella began to carefully unwrap her present. As she tears off the the last remaining piece of wrapping paper, she sees that the gift inside is a teddy bear, wearing a Santa hat and has an envelope with a heart stamp taped to its right hand. Stella removes the envelope from the stuffed teddy's hand and opens it.
The bat sees a letter inside and starts reading. When she got to the last sentence, the redhead smiled softly as her cheeks change to a light pink color. She felt a warmness like no other in her heart. It was official; Stella Taylor Delano was in love with Mystery Fan.
Out of all the cards and letters they had send her, this one had to be most heartfelt.
The letter read:
“Stella Taylor Delano,
You truly are the only woman who can make me happy. Simply seeing your smile makes me realize that life in this literal Hell hole is worth living. My love grows for you each and everyday. I guess you could say that i'm addicted to you, and you are the only drug that keeps me functioning. When I look into your eyes, I see the real me, a person that lives for a goal and a purpose now...and that's being with you. This will be my last and final letter as I want to come out of my shell and reveal who I am. Meet me on the hotel rooftop at 10. See you soon~
Love, Your #1 Fan xoxo”
Stella was feeling extremely excited, as well as anxious, but still remained touched by the love letter written to her. She was finally going to meet Mystery Fan face to face! But who could they be, she wondered. Looks like she'll find out at 10. The bat makes a mental note to get herself ready at around 9:30 and head up to the roof at 9:55. Once she does, she leaves the kitchen and makes her way back to the others.
Stella hopes that they're still playing pin the tail on the reindeer so that she could record a bit of funny footage on her phone of a terrified Alastor running away from a vengeance seeking Vaggie with a pin.
Once the party came to an end, everyone decided to hit the hay for tonight. Well, almost everyone. Stella had to get ready for her meet up "date" with Mystery Fan.
Being that she was meeting this unknown, romantic stranger for the first time, she wanted to look her absolute best with the right outfit. The only problem is, Stella had so many good outfits in her closet. Which one would be perfect for Mystery Fan? This calls for a fashion montage.
In her room, Stella sets down on her bed a variety of her favorite winter sweaters and skirts to try on. She first tries on a pink sweater that had little, mini red hearts on them that she found to be cute, but the sweater wasn't the right cut unfortunately.
The next thing she puts on is a sweater / skirt combo that she thought made her look smoking hot, but at the same time she felt it wasn't quite right.
The red and white sweater? Too fluffy. The black skirt with stockings? No way. The yellow bikini she wore to the beach last year? Wait, how did THAT even get in her pile?! Doesn't matter, it was too much anyways and wasn't right for the weather, so she tosses the swimwear aside.
The bat was pickier than normal, tossing away beloved outfits in her hunt for perfection. Finally, after casting away so many outfit choices, Stella let's out a small, surprised gasp as the last outfit remaining on her bed was one to her liking.
It was a white sweater; long, dark gray sweatshirt; light plaid scarf; black knit gloves; a whitish, light pink knit beanie; black sheer tights; dark gray, and knee-high, suede boots. She found it to be absolutely adorable as she tried it on and modeled in it in front of her mirror. Yup, this outfit was the one!
After adding a bit of makeup to her features, Stella was set and ready to go! At around 9:55, almost 9:56, Stella double checks herself in the mirror to ensure that she looked good for her little "date".
After doing so, Stella hurries out of her room and heads to the rooftop stairs. When she arrives on the roof, Stella's scarlet eyes widden in shock as the bat was beyond surprised by the demon she's met with. It was Alastor!
The deer demon was at ease as he fed the large, demon birds who were with him bloody chopped up demon parts from a small, brown sack that was dripping in blood. When he notices a figure near of the corner of his eye, he turns to see a perplexed Stella gazing at him.
Alastor is the first to break the silence. "Surprised to see you here, my dear," he said, giving the red head one of his typical dark and brooding grins. "I knew it~" Stella gave the radio host a flirty smirk. "So all that pretending not to be interested was all an act, huh? Heh. It's always the ones you least expect. I had a feeling you couldn't resist all this~" she purred, signaling at her curves.
"I really liked those letters and gifts you've been sending me for the past few months. Who knew a powerful Overlord such as yourself had such a big heart~" She gave him a playful smile and wink. Hearing these words caused Alastor to blink for a bit before tilting his head slightly in confusion. "Pardon me?" he asked, wondering what Stella could be talking about.
Stella was a bit thrown off by Alastor's reaction. "That letter you wrote to me; it said that you wanted the two of us to meet here tonight at 10 because you were my #Fan 1, and...you also told me...that...you loved me..." Just thinking about all the stuff written from that recent letter caused Stella to flush, smiling at herself.
Alastor, now processing Stella's words, merely chuckled. "Me? A fan of yours? Not only that, but ME...love...YOU? Hahaha! My dear, don't be ridiculous. That's absolute nonsense! I'm only here because feeding these filthy, disgusting scavengers just so happens to be a favorite past time of mine." He smiled, being extremely uncompromisingly forthright with his rather rude remark.
"O-Oh..." Stella looked down as her shoulders slumped and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, trying her best to blink back any tears. Alastor tossed the last remaining body part from the sack to the birds who fought and squawked over it. Devouring it quickly, the birds look to Alastor for more. "Sorry, but it looks like i'm all out," he told them as he threw down the empty sack to prove it.
The birds, seeing that there was nothing left, soon depart to the skies. Alastor waves a small good bye to them as looks to a heartbroken Stella who continued to look down. "Well, it's rather late, so I think i'll be heading inside. I'll be seeing you. Hopefully, whoever you're suppose to meet here shows up. Though, with how behind time they seem to be, I don't think they will." And with that, Alastor was gone. Stella sadly sighed to herself as she took out her phone to look at the time. It was 10:15. Mystery Fan, whoever and wherever they were, was late.
A sad, heavy sigh escaped Angel's lips as he was in is dressing room, sitting in front of his vanity mirror, getting himself ready for his next shoot. He felt absolutely awful about everything. He had wrote to Stella a confessional letter about his true feelings for her and how much the scarlet haired beauty meant to him. He remembered that in said letter he had mentioned that he would meet her at the Happy Hotel rooftop at 10, and right now it was 10:20.
His original plan was to leave work at around 9:45 to get to her, but he knew that Val would practically lose his shit again if he found out his favorite star skipped work.
Angel sighed for a second time. He really hoped that Stella would still be at the roof by the time he got to her. As Angel thought about what to do, the spider soon came to a realization that Stella, the girl who he loved with all his heart, was much more important than the feelings of his abuse boss, no matter how much he feared him. He had to find a way to sneek out without Valentino noticing. But how, he thought.
As the arachnid looked around the room in search of something that could help him in his escape plan, his eyes came to the body pillow of himself dressed in a school girl uniform that was laying up in the corner. This gave him an idea.
An irritated Valentino was seen at the studio's indoor film set, sitting in his director's chair as he waited for Angel to be in the next scene for his latest flick.
As the mothman waits, he taps on the side of his chair repeatedly with his index finger, clearly angry. Eventually, his patients wears thin as the fury that was bottled up inside him explodes as he storms out in search for his favorite money maker.
When he arrives at Angel's dressing room door, he bursts it open with all his might, nearly breaking it. He sees "Angel" sitting there in front of his mirror and marches on over to him.
"Angelcakes, you seem to be taking your sweet time in here. Don't you know I have a business to run and money to make?" he growled, now behind the spider. "Angel" said nothing as he continued to sit still in his chair. Valentino took this as his employee ignoring him, which he found extremely disrespectful and a huge insult to his ego. The pimp pulled out his pistol and pointed it behind "Angel's" head as he formed a wicked smirk.
"The silent treatment, huh? Well, let's see how silent you are when I blow your--" Suddenly, "Angel" fell to the ground. This reveals that "Angel" was really just Angel's body pillow dressed in his clothing and wearing one on his drag wigs.
Val was a bit stunned by this, but once the hamster on a wheel in his brian began to run and he slowly puts the pieces together, he figures out that the actual Angel Dust had skipped work...AGAIN. This caused an already vexed Val to turn red with rage. "ANGEL!!!" he angrily yelled at the top of his lungs, loud enough that his shouting echoed across the large building. As the real Angel Dust was running down a hall with a panic-stricken look on his face, he heard his boss's echo, which made him pick up the pace and run faster.
The speedy spider hightailed it out of the studio door as he made a run for it down the streets. He would have the deal with the consequences of leaving work later, but right now, he had to get to Stella, and fast.
Millie and Moxxie were happily walking home together down the downtown streets on a chilly, Christmas Eve night hand in hand after their little trip from the store, where they bought a Christmas themed cake for tommorrow.
"You excited for tomorrow, Mill?" Moxxie asked his wife sweetly. Millie smiles as she cuddles closer to her husband.
"I sure am, sweetie," she replies. Their peaceful walk is soon interrupted when they hear the sound of running footsteps coming towards them. Moxxie rasies a suspicious eyebrow at this, and Millie, concerned, hugs her hubby's arm tightly. The running demon is revealed to be Angel Dust, who's practically speeding towards them in a hurry.
"Outta the way! I'm late!" he shouts at the couple. When Angel sprints past Moxxie and Millie, his speed causes the two of them to spin around uncontrollably.
The cake flies out of Moxxie's hand and into the air. When the couple stop spinning, they both fall down bottom first to the ground, completely dizzy.
Moxxie, first to regain a bit of his balance, gets up as he shakes his head. He soon helps Millie up.
"Are you okay?" he asks, worried that she might have gotten hurt. "I'm fine, hun, don't worry." Millie gives him a reassuring smile.
The female imp quickly notices that something is missing and looks left and right for it. "Where's the cake?!" The minute Millie asks this, the cake, now out of its plastic container, comes falling to the ground in a splat.
"Oh no!" she gasps, holding a hand over her mouth in shock. Moxxie, angry beyond belief at this, waves a fist at Angel Dust who was long gone.
"Hey buddy, maybe watch where you're going next time!!!" He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down before turning to Millie and the cake. "Great," he sighed, slightly vexed.
"Look what that guy made us do. Where are we going to get another cake at this time of night, hun? I'm sure the supermarket is closed by now, and tommorrow's Christmas. You know how packed supermarkets can get on that day."
Millie put a reassuring hand on Moxxie's shoulder as she gave the male imp a peck on the cheek "Aw, sweetie, don't worry. I think we have some cake ingredients at home. We'll just have to make our own cake this year. How does that sound?" Moxxie, now at ease thanks to his wife, smiles warmly at her. "Sounds fine to me."
Blitzo was walking down the street with a huge grin of his face. In his arms was a glass jar that was filled to the brim with marbles. "Loonie's gonna love her present this year! A bunch of marbles! I mean, who doesn't love marbles? I know I d--" The jar nearly slips out of his hand, causing the imp boss to stop mid-sentence.
He let's out a relieved sigh when it doesn't. "Ha, you know, more a minute there I thought--"
Just then, Angel runs past Blitzo, bumping into him slighty as he loses hold of the jar and drops it. When it hits the ground, marbles and shattered glass pieces go everywhere. "Oh shit!" he cried out. "I lost my marbles...literally!"
As Millie and Moxxie continue their little stroll home, they hear the sound of someone crying up ahead. The voice sounds quite familiar to them. When they got closer, they see that the weeping belonged to none other than their boss, who was on his knees with dramatic tears in his eyes.
"Oh cry! Oh sob! Oh weep! Oh other noises that show complete and utter sadness!" Blitzo cried, putting a hand over his face and slightly peeking out to see if anyone would feel sympathy for his unfortunate predicament.
"Oh no," Millie quietly gasped, putting both hands over her mouth. Seeing her boss in such a state instantly brought her bubbly mood down.
Meanwhile, Moxxie just rolled his eyes. "Oh please," he huffed, not buying his boss's "sorrowful" behavior at all. "Come on, Moxx. Let's go see what's wrong with Blitzo." she grabbed her husband's hand and dragged him over with her to their boss. Moxxie let out a groan, not wanting to deal with Blitzo on the day before Christmas.
"Blitzo, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" Millie asked as she and Moxxie arrived to him, a mix of concern and worry in her voice.
The red imp brought his hand down from his face when he heard Millie, and looked to see his two workers. The minute he saw them, the waterworks really came on. Blitzo gives to Millie an overdramatic hug, as he cried in her arms.
"NO, MILLS! EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT! I'VE LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TONIGHT...MY MARBLES!" he then proceeds to cry more as Millie gives him reassuring head rubs.
"Shh! Shh! Shh! It's okay, sir. We all do sometimes." "At least he's finally admitted it," Moxxie whispers in his wife's ear, a slight chuckle in his voice. "Moxx!" Millie whispers back, lightly scolding him. "He's our boss. We've got to help him. Plus, it's near the holidays. No would deserves to feel sad during this time."
She then puts her on focus back on Blitzo. "Sir, I know the perfect activity that'll help regain your marbles! How about we all watch Christmas movies and--" "How the hell is watching Christmas movies going to help me get my marbles back? They're on the ground, Millie."
Blitzo shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He swears, Mills could be such an airhead sometimes. "Huh?" Millie and Moxxie both look on the ground to see that Blitzo was right. A small number marbles were on the ground as well as a few pieces of glass.
"I had them all in a jar, but I dropped the stupid thing and it broke. Hell, some of them even rolled away," Blitzo explains, teary-eyed.
As Millie thinks on what to do to help her boss, she gets an idea, a light bulb quickly appearing above her head. "I know! Me and Moxxie can help you pick the marbles up! Sure, we won't be able to get every one, but it's better than getting nothing!" she said, beaming brightly.
Hearing this somehow made Blitzo feel instantly better, his "sad" demeanor quickly fading away as he stood tall. "You're right, Millie! Wow, what an excellent idea I came up with! You two are the best employees a guy could ask for! I'm definitely giving you both a raise for this!"
Moxxie's jaw nearly dropped hearing this. "A-A-A raise?! Wait, you really mean it sir?!" Blitzo gives Moxxie a hearty smile. "Of course not! Now come on! Let's get to marble pickin'!" This made Millie smile while Moxxie glared at his boss, mumbling something about him under his breath.
Angel, now speeding up the hotel rooftop stairs like a madman, nearly breaks the door down when he bursts it open. "Stella I--!!" the spider stopped mid sentence when he sees that no one, expect for him, was there, causing his heart to sink.
"Oh no..." He takes out his phone from his suit pocket to see what time it was. 11:15. He breaths out a sigh of defeat as he put his device away and goes over to the end of the roof to look at the city.
Feeling beyond disappointed in himself and the situation, Angel uses his hands to cover his face. If only he'd have arrived on time, Stella would still be there. He honestly doesn't blame her for leaving. Suddenly, he hears someone call his name. "Angel?" Surprised by the voice, he turns around and sees Stella at the door.
"What are you doing up here?" she asks, concern laced in her voice due to how late it was. "Heh. I should be askin' you the same thing," Angel chuckles, a soft smile planted on his face at Stella.
God, she was absolutely beautiful to him. Stella bubbles out a giggle at the spider's playful demeanor.
"Well, I came here for my glove. I noticed that it wasn't in my pocket and figured i'd must have dropped it when I left. I was up here before. I was waiting for someone to show but..." Stella stops when she hears her voice slighty crack at "but" and quickly pulls herself together, not wanting to let out any tears like before.
"Well...let's just say...they didn't show up. They've been constantly sending me letters, telling me how much they cared, but...I guess they don't. Which is fine, haha! I'll be fine! I'll be...fine." The bat clearly wasn't fine with the heartbroken look on her face, and honestly just wanted today to be over.
Before she left again, Angel decided that now would be a good time to speak up.
"Stel, wait!" he called out to her. The minute she heard her name, the redhead turned back around to Angel, giving the spider her full attention. "Yes?" Angel clears his voice and nervously scratches the back of his head while looking down at the ground, cheeks flushed. He's usually the cocky, confident type, so seeing himself in such a state confused even him.
Shyly looking up to Stella, a blush still apparent on his face as his fingers started to fidget, Angel began to speak. "W-Well, about those, um, letters you've been getting...I, uh, you see, um, I wanted to say..." The spider stopped talking after "say", his nervousness not allowing him to get his full words out.
Stella's eyes soften at him, having a feeling that she knew exactly what Angel was going to say. "Yeah?" The spider took a deep breath, stopped his fidgeting, looked Stella in the eyes and gave the bat the most sincere smile.
"I wanted to say, Stel, that I met every word in all of them. Ever since the day we meant, I started gaining these feelings fer ya, and I thought that sooner or later the feelings would just, ya know, just go away. But...they haven't. In fact, they've gotten stronger. I started fallin' fer ya more and more each time we hung out. I couldn't get ya out of my head. You and I are best friends, so it all felt weird." He let's out a sigh. "Stella Taylor Delano, I know this might sound crazy, maybe even insane for me to say but...I love you. I didn't think I would ever have to say those words to a girl before, but it's true. You mean the world to me and make life in the afterlife more fun and worth living. Stel, I love you, and it would mean the absolute world to mean if ya loved me back." The spider awaited for the red head's response.
Stella's grey cheeks blushed crimson as touched tears began to course down her cheeks. She wiped her face a bit with her coat sleeve, but the salty liquid continued to fall as she walked towards him.
"A-Angel," she began, a sniffling mess. "Y-You really mean it?" The spider gave her a playful, but caring grin. "You know it, toots~!"
"Yeah? What is it, babe?"
Once Stella was in front of him, she softly cupped his face and smiled in his direction. "I have something that I wanna confess that might sound crazy too."
"Y-You do?" he stuttered, his face turning as red as Stella's. "Well, what is it?"
As Stella started to talk to him, her smile still stayed on her face. "Angel Dust...I feel the same way. I love you too."
"Really?" he asked, his face getting close to her. "Really," she replied, her face getting close as well.
Their faces were now inches away from each other. They could feel each other's hot breath on their lips as the two's hearts were beating like drums. With just one movement, Stella and Angel locked lips.
As they shared their sweet kiss, flakes of snow began to fall from the sky as "I Found Love" started to play in the background.
"Oh, Moxxie! Just look at it! It looks absolutely gorgeous!" gasped Millie. The female imp and her hubby were in their kitchen putting the finishing touches to the Christmas cake that they baked together.
"It just needs one more thing..." Moxxie said as he looked on the counter for any decorations that would complete the cake.
"Ah ha!" he picked up the Christmas star cake decoration and placed it on top. "A star!" he smiled as he put his hand on his wife's waist and brought her close to him for a cheek kiss.
A giggle emerged from her lips as she smiled back at him. "Oh Moxx, this has to be the best Christmas ever," Millie sighed contently as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Oh, Loonie~!" Blitzo cooed as he arrived to Loona who was waiting for him at the end of the snowy sidewalk. The imp was carrying with him a plastic baggie that was barely filled with marbles as he shows them off for her to see.
"Gotcha a little Christmas Eve gift~ I had a jar for these, but it broke. Wasn't my fault though, some asshole ran into me. So, what do you think?"
Loona facepalms herself as she groans in annoyance at her dad's boss's lame ass "gift".
Back on the rooftop, we see our main couple still sweetly smooching. At the roof door, Niffty suddenly pops her head out and spots the two making out and giggles madly in fangirl victory, pulling out a notepad and pencil and doodling the cinematic masterpiece she's witnessing.
"MY OTP IS CANON, MY OTP IS CANON, MY OTP IS FREAKIN' CANON!" she quietly streaks, not wanting the lovebirds to hear or see her.
"Perfect!" she says as she takes a look at her finished work.
The drawling is a cute animu like doodle of Stella and Angel kissing. She then takes out her cellphone, turns off her camera flash, and quickly snaps a photo of the two before giggling to herself again and silently slipping away. Boy, her Stangel fanfiction is gonna be awesome with all this official content she's gotten!
Once Stella and Angel slowly pull away, they both hold each other's gaze as their eyes sparkle in wonderment. The kiss felt like something straight out of a fairytale. The two soon realize that they've been staring at one another for too long as they both apologize in unison and quickly look away, blushing like crazy.
While they continue their lack of eye contact, Stella feels a snowflake land on her nose as she looks up to see that it's snowing. As the snow continues to fall, bits of it gets in Stella's hair. Angel looks back to her and notices this.
A soft, genuine look appears on his features as he brushes some of the snow off of her head and lifts her hoodie up.
"There," he smiled warmly to the bat.
Stella returns the warm look and smiles back. "Thanks," she says, her heart melting.
"Soooo, uh," Angel cleared his throat as he started to blush, shyly looking away yet again as he scratches the back of his head.
"Does this mean we're, like, a thing now?" he asked, a bit worried about Stella's reply. The red head giggled at his shy state as she hummed out, "It seems so," she gently grabbed his upper hand, squeezing it a bit.
The spider chuckled as he grinned at Stella. "Good. I'm glad." The now official couple held hands as they walked back inside. This was definitely the start of a cute, beautiful relationship.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) | (7/?)
Title: Hold Me Tighter (Even Closer) Summary: A sequel to Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa are back at NYU, but with new and improved positions. Brooke’s ready to start her career as a professor when, as fate would have it, she realizes her TA, Jackie, might have the hots for a student named Jan. The couple just might see it as a sign to give two new girls the love story they found in the same place. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~21k (total) Relationship(s): Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Jankie (Jan Sport/Jackie Cox) Rating: E
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Chapter Summary: Tensions suddenly come to a head between Jan and Jackie, leading the two of them to handle the fallout in very different ways.
When Brooke Lynn walked into her classroom and saw Jackie already there, pacing back and forth, worry was her obvious, immediate reaction. “Penny for your thoughts?” she asked after clearing her throat to get her attention.
Jackie managed to stand still and lean against Brooke’s desk to catch her breath. “Have you seen Jan’s instagram story?”
“No,” she answered as she sat down at her desk, “because on principle I tend to avoid my students’ social media. Why?”
“Oh, so that’s where you draw the line?” she scoffed as she got her phone out and opened the app. “Here, look.”
Brooke took Jackie’s phone from her and opened Jan’s story. From what she could see, Jan had gone out the previous Saturday with some of her Heathers castmates – the girls playing the title characters, if she had to guess, considering each post was captioned with ‘#theheathers’. They were drinking and dancing, the whole thing appeared to be relatively innocuous. It was typical college girl behavior. “Okay… seems like a girls’ night out, what’s the issue?”
“Go to the next one.”
With a roll of her eyes, Brooke obliged. In the next story, the girls were dancing and grinding on each other to a techno beat. But then the camera zoomed in on Jan and Nicky sharing an innocent enough close-lipped peck, though Nicky’s hands were on Jan’s ass in a pointedly non-innocent manner. They shared another couple kisses, both of them giggling the whole time. “Is that it?” she asked as she handed the phone back to Jackie.
Jackie looked at her incredulously, mouth agape. “What do you mean ‘is that it’? Were we not watching the same clip?”
Brooke shrugged. “She went out with some friends, got drunk, and got handsy with one of them. I don’t see what the big deal is - she’s nineteen, this is how kids have fun.”
“So you would’ve been fine if it were Vanjie grinding and kissing on some pretty girl?”
“First of all,” she put a hand up to stop her, “Vanjie was already my girlfriend at this point, comparatively. Whereas Jan is a girl you’re fucking because you’re allergic to talking about how you feel about her. Second of all, we did have a run-in with jealousy, but that’s another story entirely,” Brooke answered. “But we wouldn’t have gotten past it if we didn’t know how to fucking communicate.”
Jackie looked down, feeling like a child being scolded, and sat at one of the student desks. “Will you tell me the jealousy story?” she asked, voice meek. She had always seen Brooke and Vanessa’s relationship as perfect, above reproach. Knowing that even they could have a bump in the road made her feel a bit better.
Brooke’s expression softened. “Sure. So, Vanj was doing this big dance competition, as was this other dancer from Julliard. And I mean this girl is all over her from day one, pissed me the hell off,” she recalled. She shook her head because looking back, the story felt a bit ridiculous to tell, but maybe that would help even more.
“Jump ahead to this Halloween party she throws and invites us to, and once again she’s all over my girl. But what got me was how Vanessa bought into it. I got pissed and left and she admitted she was only flirting with her because she liked the jealous, angry sex we had so much.”
“I don’t know what I expected,” Jackie admitted with the slightest hint of a laugh, “but it wasn’t that. How’d you guys get past it?”
“Vanessa made a very sweet, if not a bit corny gesture and it led to this romantic little reunion in the studio,” she concluded. “So, from there on out we made sure to talk about our feelings instead of leaving things up to chance by hoping we’ll guess what’s wrong with each other. See? Different situations entirely, but we didn’t solve it by avoiding tough conversations.”
Jackie groaned and hid her head on the desk. “I objectively know you’re right,” she conceded. “I’m gonna talk to her, I promise.”
Brooke gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “You got this,” she said with confidence as she stood up. “Now look alive, class starts in five.”
“I got this,” Jackie repeated to herself before focusing her energy towards shifting into ‘teacher mode’. It was always something that provided a good, if not necessary, distraction. When she was being a teacher, her personal life faded into the background. Even Jan turned into another student in the class, and God knows that was a weight lifted from her.
And class did go off without a hitch, especially since she spent most of it doing paperwork while Brooke led the class. Teacher mode gave her focus, tunnel vision. In fact, she hardly said a word until after Brooke dismissed the students. Then she did speak. “Hey, Jan, can you hang back for a bit?”
Jan seemed surprised but nodded quickly. “Go ahead, I’ll catch up,” she said to Gigi before turning back to Jackie. “What’s up?” she asked, not noticing that Brooke had quietly slipped out of the room along with her classmates.
It was then that Jackie realized she hadn’t planned out what she was going to say. Why hadn’t she spent some of those ninety minutes doing something more useful than grading texts? She was mad at herself and anxiety began bubbling up inside of her. Improvising it was. “I… um… saw that you uploaded some videos from Saturday onto your story last night…”
“Oh yeah, I went out with the Heathers. It was a cute place, great cocktails,” Jan chirped as casually as she would discuss the weather. To the untrained eye, it seemed like she was truly oblivious to what could’ve bothered Jackie about what she posted.
But Jackie knew better. She knew Jan was a talented actress, that she’d had since last night (or even since Saturday) to prepare an answer and that, for lack of a better phrase, she was trying to bullshit her. “Don’t get cute, Jan. You know what I’m talking about. What’s going on with you and Nicky?”
Jan tilted her head. “I never tagged her or told you her name, how did you know it?”
Fuck. Jackie could’ve kicked herself for that. Evidently, improv wasn’t her strong suit, and on top of that, she was a terrible liar, leaving her with no choice. “I happened to be by the auditorium during one of your rehearsals. You guys seem… close.”
“Maybe we are close,” Jan conceded. “I don’t see the problem, pretty sure I can get ‘close’ to whoever I want, right?”
She stiffened, clenching her jaw. “So you are fucking her?”
Jan clicked her tongue and scoffed. “No, I’m not. But who are you to get pissy at me about it? It’s not like I need to ask your permission to hook up with other people.”
“I’m not being pissy,” Jackie insisted, unable to avoid sounding defensive. “But if you want her, let me know. I’m not gonna waste my time.”
“Oh, so now what we’ve had is a ‘waste of time’ because I might be attracted to someone else too?” Jan snapped.
She groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, no that’s not what I mean. I don’t-”
“Please,” Jan put her hand up and waved her off. “You can’t have your cake and eat it too, Jackie,” she hissed, then turned on her heel, leaving before Jackie could respond.
The hall was silent except for her heels against the linoleum. As she rounded the corner and headed out of the building, she fished her phone out of her pocket and made a call. “Hey, are you busy? Good, I’m coming over, I’ll be there in ten.”
Jan couldn’t even remember the walk from the main building to the dorms. A rush of anger-fueled adrenaline propelled her forward – it was like she blinked and suddenly she was banging on Nicky’s door.
Nicky opened the door. “Hey, what’s going on? You sounded-” she was cut off by Jan kissing her hard, fisting her hand into her hair and pulling her close. She blinked in surprise when her mouth was freed. “Um… What is happening? Am I fucking you? Is that where this is going?”
“You’re so smart and perceptive, it’s so sexy,” she breathed out before reconnecting their lips, kicking the door shut behind her.
“You don’t have to sweet talk me, babygirl. I’ve been waiting for this.”
Jan let out a small sigh of relief as she backed onto Nicky’s bed, pulling the blonde down with her. She immediately resumed kissing her eagerly, sloppily. There was a tangle of limbs as their clothes were yanked off and tossed every which way, she couldn’t seem to get naked fast enough. “Don’t be gentle with me,” she breathed out, “I need it hard, need you to fuck me til I forget how to think or feel.”
Nicky paused, her lips curling into a smirk. “Hard, huh? I think I know just what to do.” She got up and rifled through her drawer until she pulled out a harness and the dildo that strapped onto it. “I’m gonna take good care of you,” she assured.
Jan’s eyes lit up and she laid back readily, propping her legs apart and arching her hips up when Nicky got herself in position. Her body trembled in anticipation as she watched Nicky slick up the silicone cock with lube. The waiting felt like torture as her desire built up faster than she could deal with and it culminated with a sharp moan when Nicky finally eased it in.
“Good girl,” she gently praised, giving her a moment to adjust – it was one of her bigger ones and she knew Jan would feel it. Once she was certain the girl under her was ready, she switched to a rough, fast thrusting pace. One hand was roughly pulling on Jan’s ponytail, the other carefully wrapping around her neck, applying just enough pressure to make her whimper and squirm. If Jan wanted it hard and rough, she was more than happy to oblige.
And Jan was even more certain this was exactly what she needed. As she moaned and writhed about, all she could focus on was how good it felt. The tinges of physical pain were arousing, and enough to distract from the emotional pain that was trying to linger. She needed Nicky to choke her, slap her, pull her hair, anything to keep her grounded solely in the moment. “Yes, fuck, please don’t stop,” she begged.
Not that Nicky was planning on it. Her hips snapped forward with each thrust, the sound of skin smacking together filling the room, only to be drowned out by Jan’s moans when she hit her orgasm. “That’s it, come for me,” she encouraged, fucking her through it until she was certain Jan was completely spent. She looked down at the brunette as she pulled out, pleased with how utterly wrecked she looked.
“Fuck…” Jan panted breathlessly, laying flat on the bed and letting her eyes shut for a moment. Even with her eyes closed, she was seeing stars. “Thanks, Nicky. You have no idea how badly I needed that.”
“You don’t wanna talk about it, do you?” Nicky teased after she cleaned up and got under the covers with her.
Jan shook her head, then hid her face in the crook of Nicky’s neck. The last thing she wanted was to think about what sparked her urge to come here in the first place. “I don’t even want to think about it. Can we just… take a nap?”
“Perfect idea,” she yawned as her eyes closed.
The two of them slept in silence for about an hour, with Jan being the first to wake up. For a moment, everything was warm and peaceful, she didn’t feel anything but comfort and bliss.
Slowly but surely, however, the negative feelings of hurt, anger, and spite slipped back in and led her to grab her phone off of Nicky’s nightstand. She had to do something to make herself feel better. “The lighting is so good right now, we should take a selfie.”
Nicky yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Fine, but only post it if we look cute,” she warned before posing so Jan could take pictures. She then watched over Jan’s shoulder as she uploaded one to her instagram story. “Wow, who are you trying to give jealousy with that one?”
“Is it that obvious?” asked Jan, blushing.
“A little bit,” Nicky giggled. “But I don’t mind, if you’re going to use anyone for that, I’m a great choice.” She laid back down and got her own phone out to share it to her story. “Do you think it’ll work?”
She shrugged. “Maybe.”
Brooke sighed as she looked at her phone for what had easily been the tenth time since she left the apartment. “Still no answer, but I just know she’s at home. She has to be.”
Vanessa nodded as they walked. “In the whole time we known her, she never ignores your texts, definitely not your calls. That picture got her all sorts of fucked up.”
Normally, Brooke adhered to her own set of rules to a T, but she had to break them when she sensed something was wrong with Jackie. And sure enough, when she checked Jan’s story (from Vanessa’s account), everything made sense. That was what had them rushing to her apartment, despite it rapidly approaching the middle of the night.
“She ain’t gonna get mad about you using the ‘emergency only’ key, is she?” Vanessa asked as she watched her wife rifle through her purse.
“I would consider this an emergency,” she defended as she unlocked the door and let them in. “Wait here, I’m gonna poke my head into her room and assess the situation.”
Vanessa waited patiently, arching her brow when Brooke returned. “What’s the tea?”
Brooke had a concerned, unnerved expression on her face like she was still processing what she had just walked in on. “We have a code gray.”
She furrowed her brows. “Jackie’s a violent hospital patient?”
“What? No. Also, how do you know that? Nevermind,” Brooke shook her head as she tried to stay on task. “She’s code gray as in Conan Gray, come look,” she explained before quietly leading Vanessa to the partially opened door.
Jackie was sitting on the floor against the side of her bed. She was wearing a purple letterman jacket that Brooke and Vanessa could ascertain was accidentally left there by Jan. ‘Heather’ by Conan Gray was playing, most likely having been on loop for God knows how long.
Vanessa realized how bad this was, and looked up at Brooke, waiting for instruction as to where to go from there.
Brooke decided to take the lead, carefully walking into the room with her wife following. “You okay, Jackie?” she asked gently.
“I ruined everything,” Jackie replied in a broken whisper. “I couldn’t deal with how I feel about her and I pushed her into a French actresses’ bed.” She laid down on the floor and sighed. “I can’t believe I fucked in this badly.”
Brooke and Vanessa propped Jackie back up, both wrapping an arm around her. “Hey, don’t talk like that. This is just a bump in the road, it’s not over yet,” Brooke assured.
“How can you be so sure of that?” Jackie sniffled.
“I just know.”
“That’s not as reassuring as you think it is.”
Vanessa decided to chime in. “Ain’t it obvious what you gotta do?” She received blank stares from both Jackie and Brooke. “Jan just wants to know you’re all in with her. She’s clearly just using blondie over there to make you jealous… We’ve all been there.”
“Speak for yourself,” Brooke retorted playfully.
She rolled her eyes at her wife. “What I’m sayin’ is she wanted to get under your skin and it worked. Maybe too well, but she got what she wanted. Now you just gotta tell her how you really feel, how bad you want her.”
Jackie hesitated, fiddling with the sleeves of the jacket. “Easy for you to say. I can’t just do big romantic declarations… I overthink way too much for that.”
“Well, that’s where we’re here to help,” Vanessa chirped brightly. “Under-thinking is my specialty.”
“Do you think you’re ready to try?” Brooke asked gently.
Jackie chewed on her lip and looked down. “I just… I’m scared,” she confessed.
The girls nodded in understanding – neither of them could blame Jackie for her fear and apprehension. Both of them knew what it was like to have someone you’d risk everything for while having a terrible fear of the potential fallout. They knew how fortunate they were to have so clearly had mutual feelings from the beginning, but they hadn’t been free from a rocky start. And they had faith in Jan and Jackie, while neither could explain it, they had to see it through.
“It’s okay to be scared,” Brooke assured. “So, we’re gonna get you through this.”
“Will you guys spend the night?” Jackie asked after a few beats of silence, long enough for her to be sure she wouldn’t start crying. “It’s getting kind of depressing, and drinking alone would be the thing to push it over the edge.”
“You had us at drinking,” Vanessa joked, pleased to see it got a smile out of Jackie. “Don’t worry, we ain’t going nowhere.”
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country-club · 4 years
Games #3
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#1 / #2
*gif not mine* Warnings: mentions of puke and embarassment Wordcount: 1.959
> Remember Rafe owing you a tour?
Yesterday you hung out with Sarah and her friends. It was fun, though you were left with a headache. Thanks to JJ. The day went by rather quickly and around 8pm you called your friends to play a game of skribbl, an online drawing game. They updated you on what’s going on at home and your ‘ex’. Were you technically dating? You can’t say for sure. But it felt like you did. He quit talking to you a week before you left. In return, you told your friends about your newly made friends and Rafe. Do you like him? It’s too early to say. Is he cute? Yes. Picture? Haven’t got one. How old is he? He looks 18/19. Does he have any cute friends? Well, there’s Topper.
“Oooh, I can be his bottom!” One of your friends cheered.
“I’ll let him know, hon.” You replied.
“Yall I’m beating your asses. Do you want to play or talk about y/n’s boyhunt?” One of the guys asks. You finished the game and continued talking. One of your friends sent you a link over chat.
“Is this him, y/n?” She asks. You clicked it and found Rafe’s Instagram page. It only had a few pictures, the latest being one of him, Topper and another boy, tagged as Kelce.
“Yep, that’s him.” You scrolled through his pictures. Sarah had commented on one of his pictures. You tapped her name and looked through her feed as well. Not much here either. What about the other Pogues? Kiara was the only one you could find. The boys probably didn’t care much about social media. Kiara had some photos of baby turtles on the beach, a few of her looking stunning in every outfit she wore and 2 pictures with the boys. You sent the pictures to your friends.
“Ok, so Kiara is the girl, the boy on her left is John B, the one behind her is Pope and the blonde one is JJ.”
“Y/n, you have been blessed, you know that?”
“Are all the boys in Outer Banks this attractive?” Your friends asked. You nodded.
“Most of them are.”
“So, will you leave any for us?”
“I think John B and Sarah are dating, and Pope looked like he has a thing for Kiara. But I’ll introduce you for sure.”
“What’s JJ short for?”
“Yeah, and why is it John B? How many John’s can there be on an island?” You weren’t sure. You discussed possible names and theories. It was about 11pm when you said goodbye and hung up.
You walked downstairs to stretch your legs, debating whether or not you should go for a walk. Hmm, yes. You grabbed a hoodie, put on some sneakers and out you went. Putting on some music and shuffling through your playlist. The sky was clear, and you could see the moon and stars above you. Your guilty pleasure started playing and you almost bumped into a lamppost, trying not to make dance moves whilst walking. You walked past Sarah’s house and got caught in the headlights of a car on their driveway. You almost had a heart attack. Taking out the earpiece your shyly waved at whoever was inside. They turned the lights off. You saw a tall figure getting out of the car. Rafe.
“Hey, y/n. What are you doing out?”
“Hey, Rafe. What are you doing alone inside your car, on the driveway, at 11:30 at night?”
“I asked you first.” He said playfully.
“Just taking a walk.”
“I was about to head over to Kelce.” Kelce was the guy from his Instagram picture.
“Was?” Rafe laughed. You walked closer to him, so you could actually see his face and stop talking loudly outside.
“Didn’t think I would run into you.” What did he mean by that? Is he not going to go to Kelce because of you or does he-. Your thoughts were interrupted by Rafe’s voice. He must have noticed your confusion. “I believe I promised you a tour.” It took you a second to realize what he was talking about. You had asked him to show you around Outer Banks yesterday.
“Right, you owed me one.” Rafe nodded to his car and opened the door for you. You got in and pulled the door close. Rafe got in behind the wheel. He looked extremely good tonight. His hair wasn’t as slicked back as usual. It made him look softer. It wasn’t hot at all outside, yet he was still wearing shorts. What is it with boys and shorts even though it’s cold?
The two of you drove around Figure 8 for a while and continued on The Cut. Rafe didn’t talk much, so it was up to you. “Do you want to play 20 questions?” Rafe looked over to you.
“Only if we can take turns.” He said. Alright now you just had to think of a question. You still wanted to know what happened two nights ago. Who he had fought and why. It’s too forward.
“What was your favorite dinosaur as a child?” Rafe didn’t have to think about it.
“Triceratops.” He said.
“Still is, am I right?” You didn’t really ask. They are simply the best. Rafe took his time to come up with a question.
“Alright, if you could find out how you were going to die, would you want to know?” Well goodbye dinosaur talk.
“I don’t think I would. No matter how much I hate surprises, I’d rather not be scared of cars or bathrooms for the rest of my life, you know?”
“Why would you be scared of bathrooms?”
“I don’t know I once read that a ton of people have died in bathrooms. It’s where a lot of accidents happen you know.” He looked at you, a bit confused, amused and impressed.
“If you could go back in time to change something, what would it be?” Rafe sighed.
“Not using my dad’s money to buy a bike.” You wanted to ask more questions, but he wouldn’t let you. “I don’t want to talk about that.” Rafe added. He stopped the car. “Can I show the around the boneyard?” This is starting to sound like The Lion King. Elephant graveyard? You opened the car door and got outside, as did Rafe. Rafe locked the car and led you to the beach. There were tree trucks and branches around the beach. It does kind of look like a boneyard.
“What do you think is the ugliest animal in the world?” Rafe asked. Right 20 questions. Truth or dare, without the dare part. You had to think for a minute. What is the ugliest animal?
“Those birds from the Jungle Book. They scream so loud.”
“Vultures?” Yep those, you nodded. You were walking on the boneyard and couldn’t see much. You tried to be careful enough to not trip and make yourself look like a fool. The stars were still very pretty. You could see the Little Bear, it kind of looks like a saucepan. And there you go. Your foot got stuck on a tree branch. However, before you could hit the ground you could feel two arms holding you up. You stood up straight again.
“You alright?” He asked. To which you nodded.
“Yeah, just got distracted for a second. Can we sit down for a minute?” You asked. Rafe dusted away some sand off a trunk and sat down. You sat down next to him. “What is something you wish you were better at?”
Rafe looked up at the night sky. “Making my dad proud.” Why wouldn’t Ward be proud of him? “I just feel like sometimes I can’t do anything right, you know?” You nodded. Was this his soft spot, his dad? You didn’t ask any further questions, seeing as you barely knew him and the subject sounds personal. You looked up again as well. Seeing his face turning your way in the corner of your eye. You could feel his eyes on you. The moonlight was bright enough for him to see your features.
“Is there any memory you would like to erase from your mind?” You couldn’t help but laugh nervously and feel embarrassed already. “What’s so funny?” You looked at him and your eyes met. His blonde hair was getting slightly pushed around by the wind.
“What I’m about to tell you. Promise to keep it between us?” He promised. “Okay, so before moving to Outer Banks I had a boyfriend situation going on. And we were at my place after a party, where he had maybe a drink or two too many.” You sighed, feeling the redness on your face appear. “And we were about to..you know. But he couldn’t, because of the alcohol and then he threw up in my bed.” Rafe tried his best not to burst out in laughter, instead he put an arm around you. “He left after that. So, there I was, cleaning my barf-covered bed and desperately spraying deodorant through my room. We haven’t talked since and I’m not counting on it anymore either.” Rafe started rubbing your back.
“That really sucks man, I’m sorry that happened.” Did he just call you ‘man’? “It wasn’t supposed to be your first time, right?” You must look like a tomato right now.
“I believe it is my turn.” You switched the conversation. “What was your first crush like?” When the word left your mouth you felt like a 12 year old again. Rafe blew out some air.
“I think it was the babysitter we had as kids. She was really sweet and artsy, and stuff. Also really pretty, like you.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I invited her into my pillow fort to eat Cheez-its with me.”
“She friendly declined my offer.” You burst out in laughing. “Hey, I didn’t laugh at your story.” He angrily joked, punching your arm.
“Mine was worse.”
You softly punched him back. “Hey!” Rafe fake moaned, pretending you had hurt him.
“Aw, I’m sorry. Kiss to make it better?” Rafe pouted and nodded to you. As you were debating whether or not to kiss his arm, your phone started vibrating. It was your stepdad. “Shit.” It was already 12:30. He must’ve realized you weren’t home and you didn’t leave a note.
“What’s up?”
“It’s my stepdad, I really have to go home like right now.” You mumbled as you got up and started heading to the car.
“You gonna get into trouble?” He sounded the tiniest bit worried. Maybe you would. You had been staying out late the past three days and didn’t pick up the phone when your stepdad called. As Rafe pulled up a couple of houses before yours, you thanked him and got out. “I should walk with you, so your dad knows you weren’t out alone.” That somehow makes sense. He got out of the car as well and you speed walked to the front door. You unlocked it and walked inside. As if shot for a horror movie, your stepdad put on the living room lights.
“Y/n? Where have you been and why didn’t you answer my calls?”
“Steve, I’m sorry if I made you worry. I was taking a walk and bumped into Rafe, Ward Cameron’s son-“
“I remember who Rafe is. So, he just left you to walk home on your own? Do you know what time-”
This time it was Rafe who cut your stepfather short. He had waited outside and stepped in. “I would never let y/n walk alone, sir.” Your stepdad nodded.
“Bedtime, y/n. Goodnight Rafe.”
“Goodnight.” You gave Rafe a hug, to which he wrapped his arms around your middle.
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You walked up the stairs and called it a day.
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inkjam-moon · 5 years
Instincts (M)
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Summary: Who wants a snow leopard as a pet? No one, and  you don’t want to be a pet, but the day before you’re supposed to be euthanized you’ll take what you can get; a nice enough man, but something about him seems off.
Pairing: Snow Leopard!Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut, FLUFF, hybrid AU
Word Count: 8.3k
TW: Death mention, kidnapping, masturbation, rutting, heats, doggystyle, light dirty talk, breeding talk, rough sex, multiple orgasms, virgin!Jimin
They all walk right past you. They see what you are and immediately move on. No one wants a leopard hybrid as a pet. No matter how cute you act, or how small and harmless you make yourself look, they all leave, they move onto the actually harmless puppies and kittens and rabbits that are cuddly and soft and sweet. No one wants what's known on the news as ‘dangerous’.
You gave up caring a while ago, and you know the shelter gave up as well, your thirteenth shelter, so much so that tomorrow you’re meant to be euthanized. It’s stupid honestly, that one little law change could you affect you in such a way. You’re seen as something to be owned instead of a real person; and if someone doesn’t adopt you today, you won’t even be that.
You sit in the back of your cage with your knees pulled into your chest, silent tears slipping down your cheeks as you watch the hours tick by, knowing it’s pointless to hope. As people walk by, they peek into your cage, but when they read your information tag, they smile sadly and continue walking, oohing and ahhing at whoever’s in the cage next to you.
You know nothing’s going to change, so you don’t even move to acknowledge the humans that do linger at your cage, trying to get your attention. You wallow in your self pity until your ears twitch as you pick up the sound of your least favorite volunteer, Haeun.
“...We have plenty of other nicer hybrids sir.”
“I want to see her.” The man insists.
“Very well.” Then Haeun appears in front of your cage with a man. He looks strange; a bit chubby with a mask over his mouth and a hat pulled down low over his eyes. His eyes… something about them seems off. “Here she is. This is Y/N, our snow leopard hybrid.”
“Hey girl.” He whispers, sticking his fingers through the cage.
“I wouldn’t do that.” Haeun scolds. “She has a tendency to scratch.”
You hiss, but it’s directed at Haeun, not the man and he knows that. Him you move closer to, trying to get a better look at; something about him screams ‘fake’.
He observes you closely, probably taking in the sight of your tear stained cheeks as his face softens. “Do you want to come home with me?” He asks. Your eyes light up at the prospect and you grab the bars of your cage nodding. The man seems nice enough, and he’s plump so he’ll probably feed you well. And more than anything, you want to live. “Alright, let’s go.”
Haeun scoffs. “Are you sure you want this one?”
The man glares at her. “Don’t you have a job to do? Open the cage.”
Haeun rolls her eyes, but relents, taking the key off her belt and unlocking the door to your cage, freeing you for the first time in what feels like years. You tentatively step out, wanting to make sure it’s actually real. Haeun goes to slap a leash on your chain collar, but the man stops her.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, do you?”
“It’s protocol.” She spits.
“Skip protocol for once.”
“Whatever. You have to put one on before you leave.”
“That’s fine. Do you have any collars for sale?”
Haeun sighs. “This way. We have to finish your registration first.” She walks out into the lobby and the man allows you to go first, following behind you closely. It doesn’t take much time to complete your registration, and when all the paperwork is over, Haeun leads you both over to the shop with collars and leashes and toys.
“Pick whichever one you want.” The man says, pointing to the collars. You have to admit, the thought of actually getting out of this place and having a human to call your own makes your stomach flutter. You’d never been one to crave ownership, but being alone for so long, so deep into the pit of despair, this small flicker of hope has a shred of light peek through your dark heart.
You observe the collars closely, finally deciding on a white leather collar with a heart charm dangling from it. You point to it and the man nods in agreement.
“The white one please.”
Haeun scoffs again. “That one’s pretty expensive.”
“It doesn’t matter. Here.” The man slaps his credit card on the counter. “Ring it up. And get the matching leash for it too.”
Haeun obliges with an expression of scorn, ringing it up and then handing him the receipt to sign. She grabs the collar and leash, handing it to him in exchange for the receipt. He pretty much throws the receipt at her which makes you giggle, and when she gets it, she clears her throat.
“Um, excuse me. Are you leaving a tip in cash? There isn’t one on here.”
“Because you don’t deserve it.” The man’s eyes light up with a smirk, making Haeun gasp and storm away from the counter. The man turns to you and removes your cold chain collar, letting it hit the floor with a harsh clank before holding up the white one to you. “Turn for me?” You nod, turning around and pulling your hair out of the way as he fastens the leather around your neck. “Is that too snug?” He asks when he’s finished. You shake your head and turn back to face him. “Wow, what a pretty kitty you are.” You can see his smile reach his eyes, his face still hidden behind his mask as he fastens the matching leash to your collar. “Let’s get you home, yeah?”
You nod enthusiastically and he leads you out of the shelter and across the parking lot to his car. He lets you sit in the front seat, which is unusual to you. Maybe this man treats hybrids like humans? The prospect excites you.
It’s a bit of a drive back to the man’s house, he lives deep in the mountains of Gangwon Province near Taebaek Mountain, but the high altitude and cold climate suit your needs perfectly. Finally you’ll get to run around in the snow again, that’s all you really want.
As you drive, you doze off in the passenger seat, only waking up when the man gently shakes your shoulder, stating that you’ve arrived at your destination. You sit up and look out the car window to see snow capped peaks surrounding you. You look at the man for permission and he nods, unlocking the car so you can jump out and dive into a snow drift, squealing with glee.
“Alright, let’s get you settled, then you can come out and play.” The man laughs, helping you up out of the snow and leading you into his house. You take your shoes off and wait in the entryway for his instructions. He laughs and waves you over to the kitchen. “Do you want anything to drink? Water, juice, beer?”
“Water, please.” You answer, bowing your head a bit.
He nods and walks over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and then bringing it over to hand it to you. You accept it gratefully and twist off the top, taking a large swig as you watch the man. He takes off his hat, revealing a mess of fluffy blonde hair and… wait, ears? You nearly drop your bottle as you stare at the spotted white fur adorning the top of his head, fur that looks surprisingly similar to yours.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” He asks, ruffling his hair, his ears twitching.
“I-I was taught not to talk in a human’s presence unless asked.”
“Well,” He starts, taking off his jacket to reveal a long thick tail that was being used to puff up the inside of the jacket to make him appear chubby, when in reality, his white t shirt and black jeans cling to his lithe form, showing off his muscles quite nicely. “As you can tell, I’m not human, so no need for formalities noona.”
“N-noona?” You stare at the slowly transforming man before you, confused beyond belief.
“You don’t recognize me yet?” He inquires. “I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s been almost sixteen years.” The man walks over to the sink and messes with his face. He takes off his mask, but it isn’t until you see the contact lense case in his hand that you realize what he’s doing. No wonder his eyes looked so weird.
When he turns back to you, his eyes are the traditional greenish-yellow that are common amongst all snow leopards. It isn’t until you take in the features of his face; his plump lips, his crescent moon eye smile; that it hits you.
He smiles happily. “Hi noona.”
Your brain suddenly flashes back to the last time you saw him. You’re sitting outside by the swings as it snows, comforting Jimin after a few of your brother’s friends made fun of his ears for being too big. You hold him close, his tears finally having stopped as you comfort him with your purr, when a strange truck pulls up next to the park and a human man gets out.
Your brother, Jiwon, walks over to make sure Jimin’s okay, cursing his friends for being so rude, just as you see the tarp covering the truck bed lift up in the breeze, revealing a cage. The strange man walks closer and a low growl rumbles in your chest, alerting Jiwon that something’s wrong. His ears perk up and his head whips around to see the human. The two of you immediately move to stand in front of Jimin as protection; while your brother is sixteen and at least a little bit intimidating, you’re only eight, and while you’re tall for your age, you’re not that tall.
“Can I help you sir?” Jiwon asks the man as he comes to a halt in front of the three of you.
“I believe you might be able to yes.” The man snickers. “Are your parents around?”
Jiwon takes a deep breath before puffing out his chest. “They’ll be back in a second.” He lies. Your parents are at your house around the corner. They know where you are but they can’t see you.
Before you can register what’s happening, the man lunges forward and grabs both you and Jiwon by the scruffs of your necks, rendering you immobile as he yanks you in the direction of his truck. You let out an ear piercing scream as you and Jiwon try to wrench yourselves free. As the man tosses you into one of the cages, Jiwon manages to wrench free, but he doesn’t get very far as the man grabs his tail and pulls him back. You look up, terrified to see Jimin hasn’t moved an inch, and as soon as Jiwon is tossed into his own cage, the man’s attention turns to the cub.
“Jimin! Run!” You scream as the man sprints in his direction. At the sound of your voice, Jimin takes off up the sidewalk, and rounds the corner in the blink of an eye. The man shrugs and gets into his truck, starting it and pulling away as you and your brother cry out for help, the last thing you see before you disappear is Jimin’s head peeking out from behind the neighbors fence, terrified.
You forget about the water bottle in your hands, dropping it as you rush over, practically knocking Jimin over as you wrap yourself around him in a tight embrace. “Jimin!” Your voice cracks as tears of joy begin to slip down your cheeks.
Jimin hugs you back, his arms lifting you and carrying you over to the couch. He sits down, letting you sit in his lap when you refuse to let go as you soak his shirt with your emotions. He holds you tightly, rubbing your back soothingly in understanding.
“Do you even know how long it took me to find you?” He asks after a minute, his own voice breaking as he pulls your face back to look at you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I never thought I’d see you again. I couldn’t help but think that they already…” He trails off as his thumb brushes a tear from your cheek.
Your lip trembles as you smile at him before burying your face in his neck as happy sobs wrack your body. You breathe deeply, both trying to calm yourself down, and trying to inhale as much of his scent as you can. A rumbling in your chest quickly turns into a loud purr, deep in your throat as you rub your cheek against Jimin’s, scenting him. He chuckles at your actions as he returns your purr, possibly even louder than your own as he pulls you as close as he can get you.
You were holding him much like this sixteen years ago when it all started. You lived on top of a snowy peak and your house was one of about six different families of snow leopards. You went to a school not far from your house where you were intermixed with humans and other species of hybrids. Everything was peaceful and you were all happy just living your lives until one of your human classmates father’s found out his child was in a school with no less than three snow leopard hybrids, and according to him, that was unacceptable.
About a week after your abduction, a law passed stating that hybrids were no longer people, they were animals and should be treated as such. A few days later, then man holding you captive sold you as a pet. You were nasty, you trashed the homes of the first few families that bought you and then bounced between shelters and families. This continued for sixteen years up until today when you were supposed to be euthanized for being ‘feral’. You weren’t feral, you just didn’t want to live as someone’s pet.
“I should’ve looked for you sooner. I should’ve tried harder. I shouldn’t have let them take you!” He mumbles into your hair.
“You were just a cub.” You remind him.
“So were you!” He whines. “But you protected me!”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if anything happened to you.” You whisper, wrapping your arms tightly around Jimin, doing your best to soothe and calm him.
“I should’ve tried harder.” Jimin protests.
“Chim, you found me. You. No one else. You.”
“But Y/N-”
You silence him with your tail. “I don’t want to hear it.”
After a few moments, he whispers again. “I’m so glad I found you noona.”
You hum happily as you rest your face in the crook of his neck, your tears finally halting. You inhale deeply, only to realize that while the underlying scent is still one hundred percent Jimin, there’s an unfamiliar note lingering on top that you don’t recognize.
“You smell different…” You state, sitting up and looking down at Jimin from where you’re perched on his lap.
“I would hope so.” He affirms. “I did go through puberty while you were gone.”
He’s right. Jimin is no longer the sweet six year old you used to babysit. While his cherubic cheeks and perfect smile remain the same, he’s finally grown into his abnormally large ears; his hands are still relatively small, but they’re bigger than yours now; his face is more defined, and he’s more on the handsome side than the cute side now. As your hands rest on his shoulders, you realize just how muscular he’s grown to be, lithe and toned, doing well to fill out his clothes, the thighs you sit on nice and thick.
“Noona, you’re staring…” He whines, squirming beneath your scrutiny.
“I-I’m sorry I’m just… I can’t believe you’re all grown up now.” You state, as you climb off his lap and sit on the couch next to him.
“Well, not all grown up. I’m only twenty two.”
“Grown enough to live by yourself.” You point out.
“Not by choice. Besides, I’m not alone anymore.” He insists with a sweet smile.
You return his grin until a thought crosses your mind. “Jimin… How did you end up here? By yourself?”
Jimin sighs deeply before beginning. “Well after what happened, my parents and your parents left the group you know? So I had to go with them. I moved to a new school for hybrids and then the law was passed, so when they were taken, I was alone. I dropped out of school and moved out here to start looking for you.”
“They were… taken?” You whisper. You always figured something had happened to your parents after the law was passed, but you had no way of knowing until now.
Jimin’s face darkens when he realizes what he’s said. “Y/N, I’m so sorry… I followed the people that took them, but…” He trails off and you know exactly what he means. “But what about Jiwonie hyung? He could still be out there somewhere, right?” Jimin adds hopefully. “We could look for him and-”
“No…” You mumble, knowing exactly what happened to him. “He’s not…”
Jiwon fought harder for his freedom than you when you were first captured. He scratched up one handler and bit the other two, leading to them decide he wasn’t fit to be sold and they gave up on him. He was shot in the head. You couldn’t even get to him because you were stuck in a goddamn cage. You just watched him die, inches from your touch. The light left his eyes so fast, his blood rapidly forming a pool around him until they sent someone to clean up and dispose of his body.
“Was it… Was it bad?” Jimin probes, not wanting to upset you.
“No, it was quick… He didn’t suffer.”
“Noona, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Jimin.” You offer him a small smile, the best you can do at the moment. “At least I have you.”
“You’ll always have me noona.”
It’s been a few weeks since Jimin rescued you. You quickly fell back into friendship with each other as though you were never apart. You spend your days playing out in the snow, snoozing in warm sun-lit spots, watching tv, and playing video games. After sixteen years, you’re finally at peace again. You’re even gaining a little weight from all the delicious meals Jimin cooked for you, but it makes you happy, having been starved most of your life.
You can’t deny that having Jimin back has sparked some sort of feeling inside you. You’re not sure if it’s because it’s been so long since you were last touched by someone else, or if it’s because it’s Jimin, but your hormones are going crazy, and you just know your heat is going to cause trouble.
Your first heat came when you were eighteen, and since it was your first, the foster family you were in at the time was nice enough to find a male and allow you a week in a room alone with him until your heat was finally over. The male, a Jaguar named Hyunwoo, was pushed into his first rut by your scent and the two of you spent the entire week in bed. He was gentle and unsure, but he wasn’t bad, and you two were friends until he was adopted and you were sent back to the shelter. For a few heats, some shelters were nice enough to let you ride them out with a partner, but most weren’t that kind, and you would often find yourself lying in your cage, in pain, bleeding on everything because they wouldn’t let you out; you were too ‘dangerous’.
You can only hope Jimin has control of his ruts; your pre-heat started a few days ago and by the way it’s already knocking you down for the count, you can tell it’ll be rough, not only for you, but for any males around you.
Today you’re curled up on the couch mid afternoon, only half paying attention to whatever show is on as your eyes drift open and closed, already tired from the energy being drained from you in your body’s preparation
Jimin’s at work; he’s part of a group that rescues and liberates hybrids from shelters, and he shouldn’t be home until later that night, at least, that’s what you think until you hear the front door open. You bolt upright, your anxiety shooting through your nerves until you look over and see it is, in fact, just Jimin.
“Hey…” He grumbles.
“What are you doing home? I thought you were working?”
“I was, but…” He stumbles over to the couch and practically falls down next to you. “I just suddenly started to feel so awful.”
“Awful how?” You ask as you sit up, cradling his head as he situates himself in your lap.
“I’m so dizzy. And I have this… God, this awful pain in my stomach. I must’ve eaten something.”
You rest the back of your hand against his forehead to find that his skin is on fire. “Jimin, I think you have a fever.”
“God, just what I need.”
“Let me get you some medicine-”
“No, stay. I feel better already next to you.” He purrs softly, inhaling your scent deeply. “Noona you smell so good today.” He mumbles into your shirt, burying his nose in your stomach.
“I’m glad my scent can help soothe your woes.” You joke, running your fingers through his blonde hair. “Oh! You know what I realized today?”
“What’s that?”
“I missed your first rut!” You whine.
“It made me so upset! I bet you were a real asshole.”
“N-not really.”
“You weren’t? I find that hard to believe.” You tease.
“N-no.” Jimin shakes his head. “I mean… You didn’t miss it.”
“Miss what? I know you’re still an asshole and all, but-”
“No, noona. My first rut. You didn’t miss it.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“It hasn’t happened yet.”
You stare down at him, bewildered. “Are… are you serious? Jimin. You’re twenty two.”
Jimin shrugs as he sits up. “I’ve basically been on my own since I was six. After I dropped out of school, I was busy looking for you, so I was never around any girls and I guess it just never happened.”
You stare at him in shock until you put the pieces together and a smile cracks your lips. “Oh god… Chim, I know why you don’t feel good.” You state, slipping out from under his head and standing, wanting to get away from him a bit to help.
“What? Come back, I was comfortable.” He pouts.
“Jimin, you’re about to rut.”
“What??” His eyes go wide as he sits up. “What are you-”
“I started my pre-heat a few days ago.” You can’t help but giggle as you explain. “I think… I think I pushed you into it.”
He waves you off. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“Dizziness, stomach pain, clinginess. It all fits the symptoms of a first rut.”
“Wait, so you’re…” Jimin visibly gulps. “You’re going into heat??” You nod. “Have you done that before?”
You can’t help but scoff. “Of course silly. I’ve been in shelters my whole life. I got my first one when I was eighteen.”
“O-oh right…” He whispers, seemingly ashamed. You’re worried. Could you hurt Jimin, if he doesn’t know how to control himself? Or if worse comes to worse, could you sleep with Jimin and help each other out?
“I think we should stick to opposite ends of the house until it’s over.” You suggest. “Or maybe I’ll just sleep in the car.”
“What? No.” Jimin growls. “It’s fine. We’ll be fine, right? We can control it.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try. I’ll just have to run to the store and get some things.”
“Okay, I’ll go to the store tomorrow if you make a list.”
“Uhh…” You hesitate. “These are probably things I should buy for myself.”
“But you don’t have a disguise yet. I don’t want anyone to hurt you.” Jimin whines as he grabs your hand and pulls you back toward the couch.
You sigh. Damnit. He’s right. You could get thrown back in a shelter without a proper disguise. “Alright. I’ll make a list, but you might want to get some headphones too.”
“Headphones?” He eyes you curiously as you sit back down next to him. “What for?”
“Just… trust me.”
The next morning, you’re woken up by a sharp pang in your lower abdomen. Shit. It’s here. You can’t help the low groan that leaves your lips as the full force of your heat sweeps through your body. You immediately toss the covers aside, hot beyond belief as you try to slow your breathing, but it doesn’t work and you start to pant, the arousal swirling in your gut almost too much to handle as your senses of touch and smell are heightened.
“Oh god oh god oh fuck.” You whimper, clenching your thighs together in an attempt to soothe the ache between them. You’re so wrapped up in your feelings that you don’t notice the knock on your door until you hear the doorknob twist open. No. “Jimin no!” You squeak.
“N-noona?” You hear as the doorknob twists back into place.
“You can’t come in! Please… Please don’t come in…” He can’t see you like this.
“Is everything okay? You’re not hurt are you?”
You chuckle to yourself at his innocence. “Jimin, I need you to go to the store.”
“The sto- Is it here??” He suddenly sounds panicked.
“Ye-ees…” You half whine, half moan.
“O-okay, give me your list!”
Shit. You forgot to make one before you went to bed. You hastily grab a piece of paper and a pen out of your nightstand, but your overwhelming instincts make it hard for you to concentrate. Focus. Okay, you’ll need pads in case you bleed, snacks, lots of water, heat suppressant if he can find it to help with the side effects, and maybe… No. God you can’t put that on the list, what’s wrong with you? You immediately scratch it out and then fold up your paper. You stand and walk over to the door, slipping the paper underneath it to Jimin. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll be back as fast as I can noona, I promise.” You hear him run to his room, presumably to put on his disguise, and then grab his car keys before he bolts out the front door. You collapse against your bedroom door, at least you don’t have to worry about him hearing you until he returns. You crawl back into bed and slip a hand between your legs to sate your arousal the best you can. “Jimin, please hurry back…”
Jimin walks into the grocery store and pulls out your list while grabbing a cart. He pushes it through the aisles until he spots the first thing on your list. Pads, check. Wait… Why are there so many kinds?? Jimin’s eyes flit back and forth until he spots an older woman walking down the aisle. Maybe she can help.
“Excuse me auntie, could you help me?”
“Of course.”
“My little sister is having her first, uh, period. I was wondering which pads to get her?”
“Aw, aren’t you a sweet brother!” She exclaims before surveying the options. “I’d get her these,” She points to a package on the shelf. “You never know how heavy a first one will be.”
“Perfect, thank you so much!”
“Not a problem!” She smiles as she starts to walk away, “And don’t forget a heating pad for the cramps!” She adds before disappearing around the corner.
A heating pad? Jimin looks over your list, but that’s not on it. Would it help you? Couldn’t hurt to try. He shrugs and grabs one off the shelf before moving on.
Jimin fills the cart with your favorite snacks and a case of water before going to the ‘pet’ aisle to look for heat suppressants. He locates them easily enough and tosses them in the cart before looking at the last item on the list, only to see it’s been scratched out. Jimin holds the paper close to his face to try and decipher the letters; obviously it’s important if you took the time to write it down. V… i… b… n? No, it’s an r. Vibr… a… Jimin gulps as he looks at the word. Vibrator. Even though it’s been scratched out, you didn’t do it well enough. It definitely says vibrator. Jimin panics. Would that… Would that help you? Even if it would, he won’t find it here.
Jimin pays for everything else and loads it into his car before sitting in it and pulling out his phone. He opens a search engine, types “hybrid in heat - vibrator”, and hits enter. The first item that comes up says “Is your female hybrid in heat? Ten useful tips on how to calm her down!” He clicks the link. The first tip is to ‘get your hybrid spayed’. Jimin scoffs at the cruelty. The second tip is to ‘breed your hybrid’. Jimin’s face gets hot when he sees that and skips to the next option. Tip three, ‘get your hybrid a sex toy’. Jimin blushes as he reads the article.
Not ready to breed your hybrid? Get them a sex toy! Though it’s not as good as the real thing, it does the job; helping to sate your hybrids heat, even if it’s only for short bursts. Leave your hybrid in their room, making sure they’re comfortable with plenty of food and water, and let them play with themselves until their heat passes. It’s a simple, but effective fix!
Jimin closes his phone and takes a deep breath, unable to get the sight of you and a vibrator out of his mind. He shakes his head and lightly pats his face a few times to shake himself out of it before starting the car, his head swirling.
When you hear the front door open, you’re beyond relieved. Jimin was only gone for an hour, but it felt like forever. You perk up when you hear his cheerful voice, pulling your hands out from between your legs and throwing your shirt back on.
“Noona?” He knocks on your door.
“Did you get everything?” You ask, slightly out of breath from how aggressively you were touching yourself.
“I-I think so.”
“Okay, put everything down and then go to your room.”
“What? Why?”
“Because, Jimin trust me. You don’t want to smell me right now, it’ll send you right into your rut and that could be dangerous for you. You want your first one to come naturally.”
“Right. Okay, I’ll just leave everything here then.” You can hear bags rustling on the other side and smile as you hear Jimin’s footsteps disappear and the door to his room shut.
You quickly open your door and snatch up all the bags, dragging them inside before shutting the door again and rifling through them. It’s mostly snacks and water, but there are also pads and suppressants like you asked for, as well as a heating pad, which won’t do much, and… a small black bag tucked inside the bag with the pads. You pull it out and open it, your jaw dropping as you take out what’s inside; a bright pink rabbit vibrator. Rechargable with Multifunction! Enjoy an intense night in alone, or spice things up with your lover! Even if you weren’t in heat, your face would be bright red with embarrassment. This means Jimin; your sweet, innocent Jimin; went to a sex shop and picked this out specifically for you. You should’ve scratched it out better on the paper.
You lay it on your bed and stare at it from where you sit on the floor. It’s mocking you. It’s just sitting there, ready to use, but how can you even use it when you know Jimin bought it for you. You stare at it until another sharp pang in your stomach demands your attention. Fuck. Well, he did buy it for you. Is there any reason to let it go to waste? You grab it and take it out of its packaging, fiddling with it until you figure out how it works, the vibrations making your arms quiver all the way from your hands to your elbows. Your tail flicks at the sensation, pleased. You know what? Fuck it.
It’s been three days since your heat started and Jimin’s starting to lose control. He paces around the house, mostly in the hallway outside your room. He can’t focus on anything else when he’s home, all he can hear are the sounds of you pleasuring yourself, and it’s getting to be too much for him. All the beautiful moans that fall from your mouth are driving him insane, but he can’t do anything about it, he can’t even jerk himself off for some reason; he’s been hard for two days, but his hands don’t feel good enough and he’s had to go to bed unsatisfied. He should have bought better headphones.
It wasn’t until he caught the first whiff of your scent that it started to happen. He brought you food yesterday and left it outside your door, but you didn’t wait long enough for him to get some distance before retrieving it and he smelled you. God did he smell you. Your body is giving off enough pheromones to knock him to the ground in submission, but no matter how much he lingered at your door, he couldn’t get another taste of that delicious scent. He can’t get your scent out of his mind, or your moans out of his ears. He has to do something; he’s surrounded by you, everything is you, everything is you. He grabs his jacket and heads out the door, deciding a walk around the mountain trail might help clear his head.
Honestly, you’re not faring much better. While the vibrator is doing its job, it feels empty; your orgasms are disappointing to say the least and you crave the touch of another. You can hear Jimin as he paces outside your door, and it takes all your willpower not to unlock it and pounce on him.
You’ve just come off your latest orgasm and your arm is starting to hurt, so you decide to rest for a bit, but you’re overwhelmed by the urge to nest. You need comfort, and you need it now. You grab all of your pillows and blankets and shove them onto the floor, crawling down after them to arrange them to your liking. When you’re finished, you step back, but your tail flicks in irritation; something’s off. It’s not enough. You look around your room, but you don’t have anything else to add. Shit. You sit and ponder the idea of sneaking around the house to collect some more materials, but what about Jimin? You could throw him into his rut. But you need comfort. Your ears twitch, listening to see if you can locate Jimin. He’s pacing by the front door again. If he’s that far away, you could probably- Slam! As if he read your mind, you hear the front door open and shut. Is Jimin leaving for work? Thank god.
You immediately stand an exit your room, rummaging around the house to find more padding for your bed. You grab some towels from the bathroom and some sheets from the linen closet before taking the couch pillows as well, but even after you add them to the pile, it’s still not enough. As you’re adjusting one of the towels, you catch a whiff of something. You bring your nose closer and inhale deeply. Jimin. That’s what’s missing. His scent ignites your instincts and following them leads you to Jimin’s room. You grab the comforter off his bed, his pillows, as well as several pieces of his clothing before heading back into your room and shutting the door.
You make his comforter the centerpiece, putting his pillows around the edges and laying his clothes on top of it before crawling into your nest and snuggling up to his scent. It’s soothing and soft, and you quickly find yourself being lulled into your afternoon nap.
The walk did wonders and as Jimin returns home, he finds the house to be surprisingly quiet, he heads to the kitchen to grab a drink when suddenly he smells something. Just a faint touch of it, but it’s definitely there. It’s you. You must’ve left your room while he was gone. He follows the scent and it leads him down the hall to his own bedroom. That’s strange, why would you go into his room? He walks in to find all of his blankets and pillows missing, as well as his pajamas. What the hell? Where’d all his stuff go? He leaves his room and heads down the hallway to find out. He raps his knuckles against your door a few times.
“Y/N?” No answer. “Noona, are you in there?”
He tries the door knob even though it’s pointless. Wait… The door pushes open… It’s unlocked? He opens the door and is immediately overwhelmed by your scent; your normal scent as well as a sweet undertone that he finds completely irresistible, so much so that he unintentionally lets out a whine as he feels his erection forming again. He looks to your bed, but you’re not there. He enters the room but he doesn’t see you, so he walks to the side of the room blocked by your bed to find you curled up on the floor in what looks like a makeshift nest, made up of his blankets and pillows and clothes; you’re even wearing one of his shirts.
Protect. His instincts start screaming at him. She’s nesting. She’s in heat. Protect her. He can’t help himself. He crawls over to your nest and lays down with you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close as you sleep. He nuzzles against your face, inhaling your scent deeply. God you smell so good. He grows harder, but his instincts are telling him to protect you, and that includes protecting you from himself, so he simply wraps his tail around you and relaxes into your nest, easily joining you in a sweet sleep.
When you wake up, you groan. That’s what you get for sleeping on the floor you suppose. When did pillows get so hard? You stretch your arms out to pull the pillow closer, but it doesn’t move. Wait. When did pillows start to breathe? You immediately sit up, and it’s then that Jimin’s scent surrounds you as you look down to see him sleeping peacefully beside you, his arms and tail wrapped tightly around you, his ears twitching in his sleep. Oh fuck, how did he get in here? Shit. Oh god he smells so good.
You lean down and press your nose against his neck, inhaling deeply, unable to help yourself as you rub your cheek against Jimin’s jaw, your instincts suddenly flooding your mind again. Mate. Mate. He’s rutting, Mate him. MATE. You look down, and sure enough, even through his jeans, you can tell Jimin is rock hard. But can you really do that with Jimin? Your sweet, beautiful, gorgeous…
Fuck. “J-Jimin, how did you get in here?”
“You left the door unlocked.”
“But… Why? I told you-”
“I was looking for my stuff.” He states, tugging at the shirt the adorns your body, the one you stole from his bed. “Then when I saw you nesting, my instincts said to protect you. It’s like I couldn’t stop myself.”
“But Jimin…” It’s too late, you can already tell. His eyes darken as he looks over your body. “H-how long have you had, um… that?” You ask, pointing to the crotch of his jeans.
“I don’t know,” Jimin mumbles, looking anywhere but at you. “Two days or so?”
“Two days? Oh god, Jimin… You’re rutting.”
“I-I know.”
“You know? You knew and yet you still chose to come in here? When it could hurt you?”
“I needed to protect you.”
“From what?”
“I-I don’t know…” He shrugs.  “Everything?”
You can’t help but scoff. “You didn’t protect me from yourself very well.”
“Yes I did.”
“If you did, you wouldn’t be in here!”
“If I didn’t, that shirt would be in pieces on the floor right now.” He growls.
A heat floods your cheeks at his words, noting the dark gleam in his eyes as your heat starts back up again. “J-Jimin you have to go.”
“I can’t noona.”
“Not when you smell so good.” He purrs, leaning forward to bury his face in your neck and inhaling deeply as he pushes you down on your back, pinning your wrists down.
“J-Jimin!” You exclaim, making him sit back as he catches himself.
“Noona I… You have to tell me to leave, that you don’t want this. Please, I-I can’t… I can’t control it much longer.”
“I…” Suddenly you can’t think. You want nothing more than to flip Jimin onto his back and rip his clothes off, but at the same time, it’s Jimin. Can you bring yourself to do that to him? To cross this boundary?
“Noona?” He stares down at you with those beautifully sweet eyes.
Before you can think too hard about it, you reach up and grab his shirt, ripping it open, buttons go flying everywhere as you push him down onto his back and straddle his waist. Your head dips down to capture his lips with your own, a bit aggressively to be honest. You tug his bottom lip between your teeth, breaking the skin a bit, but the taste of copper only spurs you on.
You trail your lips to Jimin’s neck, inhaling deeply as he grabs hold of your shirt, ripping it to shreds in his haste to get it off of you, leaving you on top of him in only a pair of panties as he grabs your waist and pulls you down against him, letting out a small moan as you provide him with a taste the friction he’s been craving for the last few days. You nip at his neck as you grind down against him, rubbing your jaw against his to intermix your scents.
Jimin reaches down between your bodies and works at his belt and jeans, successfully undoing them and shimmying them down his legs to the best of his ability before flipping you onto your back and sitting up, pulling them off the rest of the way. You admire Jimin’s physique, his lithe, toned body; ears twitching, tail thrashing, muscles rippling, cock bouncing, tip dripping. You sit up on your knees and pull Jimin’s mouth back to yours, feeling the warmth of his skin pressing against you only turning you on more.
“Y-Y/N…” He groans as your lips find his neck again, this time leaving harsh bites in your wake, all the way down across his chest until you get to his waist and he stops you, pulling you back up to him and leaving one harsh bite on your neck. “Turn over.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You bend down onto your hands and knees, waving your ass high in the air. In his haste to be inside you, Jimin rips your panties as well, but he’s too caught up to care, tossing the torn fabric to the side as you present yourself to him, wiggling your hips back and forth until he grabs them tightly, holding you still to admire you.
“Oh god…” He growls. “You smell…. Fuck, you smell so good. You’re so pretty a-and wet, hah-” You can feel the head of his cock pressing against you. “C-can I noona?”
You press back into him, feeling his tip slip between your folds. “Mate me.” You hiss, having lost all semblance of control. You hear Jimin growl behind you, the sound rumbling deep in his chest before he pushes into you hastily, not wasting anymore time. The feeling of Jimin’s cock filling you up is instantly gratifying and you let out a satisfied groan as Jimin’s grip tightens on your hips.
“O-oh- Oh god. Does it always feel this good?” He pants. “You’re so tight. A-and warm ah-” He stops, buried deep inside you as he leans forward, resting his forehead on your back, his words reminding you that up until this moment, Jimin was a virgin. That thought swirls in your mind until your brain reminds you there’s a dick inside you.
“Shut up and fuck me.” You whine, growing impatient.
“R-right, sorry noona.” He gasps, readjusting his grip before he starts, nearly knocking you over from the force of his thrusts.
He feels so good honestly you’re in heaven, your body screaming in pleasure, every nerve ending on fire with the need to orgasm. Jimin’s hips smack against your body, emphasizing just how hard he’s fucking you, making you dizzy with lust. The sweetest high pitched moans leave the lips of the man behind you, only serving to heighten your arousal as his sounds fill your ears.
You’re in paradise as Jimin fills you to the brim over and over; your mind going blank as you focus on the feeling of him touching you, caressing you, entering you, fulfilling every primal need your body can come up with; that is, until a defined whimper catches your attention. He doesn’t stop, and if he slows down it’s only a microscopic difference in speed, but you’re almost positive you can feel the warmth of his release spurting inside you, and the increasingly lewd, wet smacks of him against you only serve to increase your suspicion, until you feel something hot and wet dripping down the inside of your thigh.
“J-Ji-min-” You whimper between thrusts, trying to get his attention.
“Hm?” You look over your shoulder to see his eyes closed as he continues, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his ears laid back.
“D-id y-ou cu-u-um?” Your words are drawn out when he goes harder.
He nods in affirmation, his eyes still shut. “Mm.”
“Are you- Ah!” You cry out when Jimin slams into you harshly.
“I can’t stop, noona you feel too good.” He whines.
“Oh god…” You whimper, gripping the blankets beneath you tighter. “J-Ji… Chim…”
“Fuck-” Is all you hear before he pulls out and flips you onto your back. Before you even blink, he thrusts back inside you, making you cry out in pleasure as you wrap your arms around him. Jimin leans down and rubs his face against yours, marking you with his scent over and over until his lips find your neck again. He covers your skin in kisses and bites in between low growls. He’s slowed his pace, switching to deep, calculated thrusts as he searches for that one spot, making you moan loudly when he finally finds it.
“Oh fuck~!” You groan when he slams into your g spot again, harder; loving the way it makes you contract around him.
“Does that feel good baby?”
“Uh huh~”
“You feel so fucking good.” He grunts in your ear. “I’m gonna fill you up; fill you until you’re swollen with my cubs, does that sound good?”
“Oh god Jimin…”
“I’m gonna breed you so good baby. I’m gonna fill you with my cubs.” Jimin’s voice has lowered into a deep gruffness that serves to make the filthy words falling from his lips that much more delectable. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes-” Your voice breaks with desperation as you rake your nails down his back. “Make me yours, please.”
Jimin picks up his pace as he turns your head to the side, displaying your neck; he zeroes in on your jugular and bites down hard, kickstarting your orgasm. You cry out Jimin’s name as you quiver beneath him; the cage of your heat finally loosening its grip as the most breathtaking orgasm of your life sweeps you away. Jimin’s not far behind with his own orgasm, letting out a high pitched whimper as he buries his face in your shoulder, shaking as he fills you with his warmth. When he’s done he pulls out and collapses beside you, both of you breathing heavily, but finally satisfied.
Jimin’s the first to move again, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him, your back against his chest as he chuffs in your ear. You return the chuff as a deep purr rumbles in your throat, your tail wrapping around his leg, sated and happy. Jimin’s own purr mingles with yours, the vibrations relaxing you as the two of you curl up in your makeshift nest.
“So how was that for your first time?”
Jimin lets out a long sigh as he nuzzles into your neck. “Amazing. You’re amazing noona.”
“I guess it’s a good thing you never listen to me.” You tease.
“You started it.”
“Oh and um… What was that about ‘filling me with your cubs’, hm?”
“N-nothing.” Jimin mumbles. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t? It was something along the lines of ‘I’m gonna breed you so good’ I think.”
“I-I just got carried away is all.”
“Is that it? Just caught up in the moment?”
“Exactly.” He huffs. “Besides, you liked it.”
You chuckle lightly, smiling as you turn your head to face him. “I never said I didn’t.” You punctuate your words with a sweet kiss, lingering against his lips.
“Now that the urgency is out of the way, do I get to take my time with you?” He asks hopefully.
“You can do whatever you want to me baby. As long as you fill me with your cubs.” You giggle.
“You’re not going to let that go, are you?” Jimin inquires, pulling you close.
Copyright © Inkjam-Moon 2019
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Marco’s Home for Lost Boys
Read on AO3 - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Thank you all for continuing to read my little fic. Posting one more chapter as my Christmas gift to everyone reading. Will post again after the holiday!
Chapter Three: High School Sucks
5 years later
“Will, would you get out of the bathroom! We’re going to be late.” Emma kicks the door in front of her.
“What is the reason for all the yelling this early in the morn?” Killian’s door swings open behind her and he steps out, his hair standing on end. He’s wearing his boxers and nothing else and Emma isn’t sure why she’s so annoyed or so freaking warm.
Is the heat on in here?
“Geez Jones, I see no one cares about being punctual.” Her eyes roll and he steps toward her, her temperature rising from anger or the fact that his hands are now on either side of her body as she feels her back hit the door.
His lips are upturned in that infernal smirk he so often tosses her way. “Well, I don’t have to catch the bus, now do I, love.”
Emma groans. “You’re really going to make me take the bus on my first day of high school?”
He looks her up and down, his eyes narrowing. “You aren’t wearing that to school, are you?” he says with an air of disgust.
She looks down at the flowered button up shirt and skinny jeans she is wearing and rolls her eyes at him. Sure, it’s not the large sweatshirt and baggy pants she usually wears but it’s her first day of high school, she wants to at least attempt to look different.
He’s still staring down at her shirt, his tongue darting out to skim over his bottom lip before finally looking up as blue eyes meet hers. “Besides I certainly don’t think showing up with a freshman on the back of my bike is good form. Being a senior comes with certain...” he pauses, “perks that I do not intend lose.”
“He means lady perks.” She catches her balance as the door holding her upright swings open and Will chimes in behind her with a large smile on his face, finally emerging from their bathroom.
“Ugh. Gross.” Emma rolls her eyes. She pushes past Will and slams the bathroom door in his face.
“Bloody hell, I wasn’t done in there.” Will slams his fist against the wooden door.
“Trust me, Belle will still think you look idiotic no matter how much time you spend in here.” She yells toward the door.
“Yeah well… you’re a… a jerk.” He spits.
“Lame response, Will.” She smiles in the mirror as she hears her brother stomp down the hallway toward his room.
Emma’s lips turn downward as she stares at her reflection. She was starting high school this year; she should be excited and ready for a new adventure. But Emma wasn’t sure she was ready for what high school came with.
Emma avoided boys. Having 5 brothers around generally meant that boys were scared of her anyway. None of them even looked her in the eyes.
But what was worse was dealing with the girls who would kiss her ass when her brothers were around but treat her like dirt the minute their affections were gone.
She sighed one last time, tugging the brush down her blonde locks. “Ok Emma, you can do this.” She adjusts the straps on her bra. Uncomfortable with the way it fit across her growing breasts.
She glared at herself and then faked a smile before opening the door to the hall.
“Hey Princess, you need a ride to school?” David passed her a plate of waffles and continued down the hall to the dining room.
“Why thank you David, at least someone in this house cares about my wellbeing on my first day of high school.” She glares in Killian’s direction as she sits across from him at the table to devour her breakfast.
“Some of us have a reputation to uphold.” He states with a bow of his head.
“What he means is that taking his little sister on his bike won’t cause the pants to fall off of Mil….” Will is cut short when Killian punches him in the arm. “Ow, you arse.” Will furiously rubs at his shoulder.
“Boys. Watch your language.” Emma smiles toward her father as he enters from the kitchen. “And everyone is keeping their pants on.”
Killian suddenly pushes back from his chair. “I’m going to school.”
“Wow early on the first day, doesn’t seem like you, Jones.” Emma teases.
“You’ll find I can be very surprising, love.” He teases, pulling the door shut behind himself. She can hear the roar of his bike as he tears down the driveway.
Killian parked his bike behind the school bleachers, latching his helmet to the bike and turning to unzip his leather jacket.
“Prompt as usual.” Her icy voice was in his ear quickly before he turned and dragged her into his arms.
“Only for you, love.” His lips met hers in a fury.
“So eager today, Killy.” She giggled as her hands glided into his jacket, wrapping around his back.
“Let’s just skip today.” He groaned into her mouth.
“I wish I could, but I can’t miss the first day, my dad will have my ass.” She sighed. “But I’ll see you after school, right?”
Killian stared down at the dark-haired girl in his arm. His Milah. They had been secretly seeing each other all summer. Milah didn’t want her dad to know about their “relationship” and had requested that they continue things in secret. Killian had agreed only because being with her was like an addiction to him. He couldn’t bear to tell her no for anything.
“As you wish.” He whispered into her hair.
“It might feel overwhelming at first, but you two will get used to it.” David pulls into the school parking lot and Emma gulps seeing everyone milling about the lawn.
“And if you need anything, just find me.”
She tells herself she’s not looking for him, but she finds herself trying to find Killian’s bike. She’s not surprised to see it’s not in the lot. She didn’t expect that he was actually heading to school early. He’d been extra moody over the summer, sneaking off in the afternoon and breaking curfew by the time he arrived home at night. She had heard more than her fair share of father/son “discussions” between him and Marco when they thought everyone was in bed.
She knew that Marco disapproved of whoever he suspected Killian was running off with each night.
“I’m not saying she’s bad, boy. I’m just saying to be careful with your heart.” Her father was speaking softly on the back porch.
“No one is ever good enough.” Killian scoffed.
“My boy, no one is ever good enough for any of my children. You are all perfect to me in every way. My heart aches to see any of you in despair.”
“Despair, now aren’t you being a tad overdramatic old man?”
“Killian, my boy, you are always searching for the wrong things.”
“Don’t.” His harsh voice cut the man off.
Her father sighed loudly. “You won’t find what you are looking for in this girl.”
“Well, why don’t you let me concern myself that.”
His bike came into view as it tore down the dirt road that led to the football field and she heard Will chuckle from the back seat. “Back of the school, eh. Oh yeah, he’s gonna have top marks this year.”
David frowned. “Shut it Will.” He turned toward her, “Good luck today.”
“I’m good dad!” She joked as she slung her bag on her shoulders and headed toward the lawn.
“EMMA!” She turned as Belle came running toward her.
“Belle, so good to see a face I recognize.” The girl gave her a quick hug before rolling her eyes as Will got out of the back of the car.
“Hello Belle. Looking beautiful.” Will whistled with clear admiration toward the dark-haired girl between them.
“Hello, Bug.” She taunted, her eyes glaring as they traveled down his frame.
“I love that you’ve given me a pet name.” He gushed.
“Still the same Will.” She grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her toward the other students.
“Do you know what today is?” she beamed?
“Emma, today is the day that we get to hang out with older boys!”
“Oh.” Emma shifted uncomfortably. “I guess.”
She felt Will press up against her back. “Ems not allowed to talk to older boys.”
“Are you still here, Bug?” Belle spit.
“Can’t get rid of me, love.” He grinned.
“Eventually I will find a way.” She turned back toward Emma. “Oh my god Emma, Graham is staring at you like you are made of Chocolate.”
“Chocolate?” Will screeched.
“Will, get lost.” Emma yelled as she shoved Will toward the front door. She looked up to see Graham approaching them.
“Hey Em, you look um, different.” He was clearly staring at her chest. “Good different.” He cooed.
“Uh. Yeah um, can’t wear sweatpants forever I guess.” She shyly stared down at her hands.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around now that we share the same halls.” He nudged her shoulder with his and she giggled. Her nerves starting to get the best of her. She’d known the Sheriff’s son for years, but he’d never paid her this much attention. Graham wasn’t exactly her type, but he was definitely cute. And he was a senior who was currently looking at her with an eager look in his eyes.
“Graham.” Killian approached the group, stepping between her and the boy who was eyeing her intensely.
“Jones.” Graham replied with a layer of disgust.
She felt Killian drape an arm around her shoulder and she rolled her eyes as she tried to push away from him, his hands instead tightening and pulling her against his side.
“You should probably go find your classroom, Sis.” He said between clinched teeth.
Really, sis? He was being infuriating.
“Come on Belle, I feel like my freedom is calling.” She shoved his hand off her arm and took off toward the school. She paused, turning back toward Graham. “See ya round later?” She questioned with a soft voice.
He perked up quickly, “Uh yeah definitely.”
Meeting a pair of angry blue eyes, she smirked and turned back toward the school, grabbing Belle’s arm and pushing them forward.
Maybe high school was going to be more fun than she thought.
High school was definitely NOT more fun than she thought.
Between getting lost trying to find her next class, forgetting the combination to her locker three times, and spilling soda down her shirt at lunch, she was absolutely ready to go home.
Instead, she found herself in the bathroom, trying to clean her shirt between classes when she looked up to see a familiar girl coming out of the stall behind her. She’d seen her with Killian during the summer, but he had refused to talk about her at all, saying she was just a girl from school.
“Your Emma, right?” The girl asked. She had really long legs and dark hair that curled lightly down her back. She was gorgeous.
“Uh yeah.”
“Bad day?” She cooed, pointing at her shirt.
“Uh soda, I’m a bit clutzy.” She turned toward her. “Do I know you?”
“Milah.” She stated, not looking at her. “I know your big brother.”
“I have 5, so you’ll need to be more specific than that.”
“Tall, dark, and brooding.”
“Ah. Killian. Well, he’s not exactly my brother.” She didn’t know why she said that. Why had she felt the need to point that out? She’d always called them her brothers. It had never mattered that they weren’t actually related.
“Well, Killy told me his baby sister was starting high school this year, I figured that was you.” Annoyance was the first emotion she felt.
“And now we’ve met.” She shut off the water and spun around to grab the paper towels, drying off her shirt, rubbing the fabric furiously. “Nice to meet you.” She grabbed the handle and pushed through the door, her face colliding with leather.
“Bad form love, at least watch where you are going.” She groaned looking up into blue eyes.
“You always lurk outside the ladies room?” His hand went to the back of his ear as he scratched.
“Lurk?” He stated with an offensive tone. “Do you always throw yourself at innocent men standing in a hallway?” He looked down at her shirt, his eyes growing wide.
“Swan! What the devil did you do to your shirt? You can’t walk around with that…that thing showing through your clothes.” He went to remove his jacket slinging it over her arms and pulling it around her chest.
“She looked down at her lace bra, now clearly visible through her shirt. “What are you doing?” She pulled away from him. “Would you stop acting like an idiot.” She shrugged the jacket off her shoulders and slammed it against his chest.
“I’m not your baby sister so you can just stop acting like an overprotective brother, Killy!” She turned before he could respond and stomped down the hall, her arms hugging her chest protectively.
Killian smirked as Emma stormed off down the hall. Immediately glaring at two boys standing at the lockers beside him who began talking about Emma’s ass as she rounded the corner.
Keeping Emma away from these vile horny high school boys was going to be harder than he thought this year. She’d grown up over the summer whether he wanted her to or not.
He had been annoyed when she rid herself of her usual sweatpants and oversized shirts and refused Marco’s attempts to take her school shopping, opting instead to have Ruby assist her in her new school wardrobe.
Ruby Lucas! The girl who thought dressing down meant wearing cotton panties instead of lace under her miniskirts!
Suddenly sweatpants were replaced with skinny jeans that clung to her frame and that damn silk lace bra contraption that enhanced the growing breasts she had hidden behind those large shirts.
He was going to have to do something about Emma Swan. Especially after seeing that irritating Humbert staring at her this morning. Graham and Killian had never seen eye to eye. It didn’t help that Graham was headed to the police academy at the end of the year and most likely destined to take over as Sheriff one day when his dad stepped down.
Graham was Storybrooke’s golden boy. He got everything he pointed at and anything he wished for. And from the looks Humbert was giving Emma this morning, he was pointing more than just his eyes in her direction!
“Penny for your thoughts.” He turned to see Milah stepping toward him.
“What do women do in the bathroom that takes so bloody long?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She winked as he followed her down the hall toward their next class or perhaps the next janitor’s closet he could drag her into.
“Dammit.” Emma slammed her fist against her locker as her combination failed once more that day.
“Careful there slugger.” She heard a voice behind her. She spun around to meet the stranger’s eyes. His hair was tucked into a beanie with tufts of brown locks sticking out around his face.
“Look buddy, unless you can open this locker, I’m not in the mood.”
He stepped around her, punched the corner of the door, jiggled the lock, and yanked the door open.
“Oh my God how did you do that?” She exclaimed as he extended his hand in her direction.
“Neal Cassidy, at your service.”
Here comes Neal. If you are a fan of Neal, maybe this won't be the fic for you!
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E1
Okay, instead of making like massive reblogs of thoughts as I have them for the episodes, I’m gonna just make a massive bullet point list that I’ll add to throughout the episode, so you get One post per episode instead of “Like all nine million of them.”
I put Read-More’s because I care.
Thoughts (of which I have far too many):
I’m in the first ten seconds of the fuckin episode. Why the fuck is Braeden electrocuting Isaac? Like, look, I wanna like Braeden. I have issues with her entire moral system, but I still wanna like her cus’ she saves Isaac. But...how am I supposed to do that when the literal first thing she does is electrocute my boy??? He’s knocked out, not DEAD (not that that’s how shocking someone’s heart even Works) and it’s not like she needs to trigger the healing process. He’s already got Gaping slash wounds on his chest. He’s hurt enough. ALSO. “Be quiet”?? R U Serious? You’re electrocuting him. YOU try being quiet with fucking jumper cables on your chest.
The CGI...is so bad. Oh my god. What the absolute fuck. it looks like Sharkboy & Lavagirl. And why aren’t Ethan & Aiden’s claws doing anything to the bike?
I AM CONFUSION. If the twins don’t have to take their pants off to do the Transformers shit, why do they have to take off their shirts? Can...can I just skip that? Make the big bad werewolf wear an ugly hybrid of two of their stupid ass sweaters? Or do Ethan and Aiden really just like being shirtless that much? (I wouldn’t put it past them)
What is with Braeden and the electricity?
The writing in this show, what the fuck? “I thought I told you to hold on” EXCUSE ME, ma’am. He literally just passed out. His bad I guess.
Guess who has to add the anti-scott tag to this now? Anyway, I hate that Allison’s bit in the intro is her kissing Scott and then drawing the bow. Like, they’re broken up. They don’t get together in this season. Why are they kissing in the intro? That had to have Totally pissed off Scallison fans.
There’s my boy, holding up lizard tattoo designs. Pls tell me he took a pic and sent it to Jackson with the caption “It’s YOU.” Like, yes, way too soon, but man it’s fuckin funny.
This tattoo artist is a good-ass salesman. However, p-sure he’s not a good-ass artist if he had to wrap Scott’s arm up That badly. Like...they have stuff for that. Fuck, the one I got on my ankle, they used SaranWrap and Tape. Just needs to be kept out of the open air for a bit. You don’t need like eight layers of gauze. I do feel for Scott tho. That tat probably cost him like $50-75 before the tip. Oof.
Eyyy, time to be salty. Ya’ll know I love Allison, but does it get any more clear that she totally bailed on everyone after the warehouse? She went to France! She doesn’t even know what happened to Jackson after he got cured. ALSO. Lydia says “Derek taught him the werewolf 101.” Not Scott. Derek. XP
Lydia, honey, leave Allison alone. If she doesn’t want to go on the double date, go alone and make it an orgy. Fun, right? Wait, no. Don’t. You’re 16. Don’t do that!
When exactly did they “agree to give each other the summer”? She said “I’m breaking up with you.” he said “I’ll wait” and then she cried into her dad’s arms. Like...why didn’t we get to see this apparently incredibly important conversation? (maybe because it didn’t happen??)
I fucking LOVE the “I’m just gonna say hi. HEYYYYY! You know....they probably didn’t see us.”
The most horrific thing about that moment was the bad CGI.
I WANNA POINT OUT how cute it is (in a like, sad way cus’ she’s terrified) that Lydia is close enough to Stiles now that she immediately goes for his side and they like insta connect with the eye contact. Not in like a Stydia way, but like, they’re close. she trusts him and goes to him when she’s scared, even though he’s human and you’d wonder if she shouldn’t go to Scott instead, since he’s the werewolf.
SCOTT WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING THE DEAD DEER. Your ability to smell chemosignals/sense emotions has nothing to do with touching. Stop poking the dead animal.
Wait, WHY is there a full moon in that shot? The full moon isn’t for like a week! I COUNTED.
...what? Why the fuck does Braeden think Scott’s an Alpha? Why tho? Like, seriously? WHY? He’s not an Alpha yet. Nowhere near it. And if she knows bc Deaton told her (i think he was the one who hired her) then shouldn’t she know he isn’t one yet? IF SHE KNOWS that she can tell Melissa abt werewolves, WHY doesn’t she know that Scott’s Melissa’s son? Where is the LOGIC?
Scott’s morning routine is giving me Legally Blonde vibes. ~my perrrfectt dayyy, nothing standing in my wayyy~
I can’t tell. did Allison get highlights, or straight up dye her hair brown?
This sweet moment between her and her dad. Yes. Pls.
I will admit, I like getting to see each of their mornings.
Lydia...who are you fucking? Honey, you’re sixteen. Why isn’t whoever the fuck is in bed with you also getting ready for school? What.....the fuck?
Completely different Beacon Hills High School set. I really can’t blame the writers for that.
Wtf Davis? You list Erica and Boyd as being 17...since when? They’re supposed to be entering their Junior Year of high school. They would be 16 GOING ON 17. ANd what the hell do you mean Erica’s birthday is August 16th? She said in the last season that she’d “Just turned 16 a month ago” that was Spring semester. ???? Come on, guys. Seriously. Writing 101, getting to know your characters. I don’t know anyone writing a novel who doesn’t know the exact birthday of their characters. Plus, they cut 2 in. from Gage Golightly’s actual height, while adding an inch to Sinqua’s (according to google, which isn’t always reliable) Whatever. Boooooo.
Uh...that principal was threatened by the Argents. Victoria herself promised to torture him if he didn’t resign. Why does he look so surprised by the fucking sword in his office? For that matter, why is he at the school at all? He KNOWS the Argents attacked him. This should cause problems!
Honestly, Lydia, I love you. Like, go for it. Nothing wrong with not wanting to date and just wanting to have fun. My issues stem from YOU BEING 16. Yes, teenagers have sex. But this is ridiculous. Why is there so much sexualization? I knew a grand total of like....two teenagers who had sex at 16? and like one who did at 15 (which they say in canon she and Jackson were banging before her birthday). Like, it’s not nearly as common as y’all are making it out to be. Knock it off.
....so why didn’t Derek answer the phone? They literally never explain? He shows up, so...why didn’t he answer?
I’m SO InCredibly Disturbed by Jennifer having everyone’s phone numbers. HOW? In What Way is that REMOTELY appropriate? WHY did no one question it? Why didn’t STILES or LYDIA question it?
So tiny, bugs me so much. He didn’t turn his phone off. He turned his screen off...is it that hard to have him do the right one?
uhhh. Werewolves can smell other werewolves. Wanna tell me why Isaac can’t tell a werewolf just walked in the room? An ALPHA no less?
why TF are Kali’s iris’ and pupils so fucking massive?
So...what was the deal with the birds? Don’t they say later that Jennifer like summoned them? So they aren’t from the Alpha pack scaring animals? And also, how would the Alpha pack be scaring animals if they’re like, in the middle of town? They said in S1 that “wild animal sightings are up” like what 75% or something? “As though something is scaring them out” but that made sense, bc we knew Peter was running around in his full-shift (it’s a fucking full shift, it’s just fucked up) in the woods. But these Alphas aren’t, they’re integrating. So is it Jennifer that the animals are afraid of? Like, does she have sPoOkY aura or something?
More bad CGI.
WHy is no one responding to the woman stumbling around in nothing but a hospital gown?
ONCE AGAIN. Werewolves can Sense Werewolves. SCOTT you sensed Isaac in a BOYS LOCKER ROOM. DUKE IS RIGHT THERE. WHT THE FUCK?
angry smoker doctor  “Why don’t you wheel this joker out of here?” “I’m gonna go smoke” Grrr
Sir. clearly your mask wasn’t tied on appropriately. it shouldn’t just Fall Off when you touch it. there are Protocols! STOP THE SPREAD. also, someone wanna tell me why none of these alphas can keep their claws in? A lil flashy flashy red eye would’ve done the trick just fine.
Okay no, seriously what the FUCK is up with these contacts, you guys? THEY”RE MASSIVE???
Ugh, can I just *swoons* “I’m an Alpha!” slice “So am I.” That is just so fucking smooth. Woo. I feel so safe ohmygod. PLUS. Derek KNOWS Ennis. I can’t imagine how satisfying that had to be.
Uh, Derek, honey. You’re Isaac’s legal guardian. You can just Sign Him Out of the hospital. With clothes and everything. What are you doing?
Honey, what do you mean the county took it over? If they were gonna do that they’d have done it six fucking years ago. Unless you gave it to them, it’s still yours? I did the research. Like HOURS of it.
What do you MEAN there’s a magic healing herb that helps with Alpha wounds? Since when do Alpha wounds need extra healing, I thought they just took a lil longer? ALSO why is it growing INSIDE your house???? SCOTT. Isaac is fucking UNCONSCIOUS. Can your tattoo fucking WAIT A MINUTE?
I have so many questions. WHY does Braeden know who Allison is? If Lydia’s immune to magic, WHY is Braeden able to bruise her? WHY can Braeden DO magic? and WHY is Chris allowed to take Lydia out of school?
ALLISON you had Geometry LAST YEAR why are you holding a GEOMETRY BOOK??
ohhhhmygod, Derek. Derek. DEREK. Your eyes are pretty on a normal day. That little Blink and ruby reds thing? Ohmygod. I just. I wanna take a picture and just stare at it BUT. how tf does this whole red eye thing work? You can see in the dark....but now you also have x-ray vision? You know, I could believe it was thermal vision...maybe? If Scott was still healing for some reason maybe the tattoo would be brighter? Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.
BUT SCOTT”S NOT 18??? He’s Still fucking 16, or even 17, but not 18. WTF? He needs parental consent in the first place (i should’ve mentioned this in the other note abt the tattoo)
uhh...seriously? When someone breaks up with you and tells you not to talk to them anymore...why do you need a reward for doing as they asked? Like, yeah, you’re sad, I feel that. But making it a ‘reward’ sounds kinda weird. You know what makes it really easy not to text the ex that doesn’t wanna talk to you? Delete her number.
WHY THE BLOWTORCH? SOMEONE WANNA EXPLAIN? Peter’s not covered in tattoo from when he was literally burned alive, why the FUCK would a blowtorch create a black tattoo on Scott’s skin?
DEREK. HONEY. Why would Stiles be able to hold Scott still??? Scott’s a werewolf.
All this bullshit to explain away Posey’s tattoo that he got. Like, damn dude, we all like tattoos, but you have a job that needs bare arms on the regular. That was kinda rude.
Where did braeden get clothes? I forgot to ask.
uhhhh. Ephemeral might technically work in that sentence, but that’s still really awkward.
WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DESTROY HIS DOOR? YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. And WHY the instant fucking grr face? “why’d you paint the door?” uhh, leave him alone? He can do what he wants? It’s his house? Also, don’t get all fucking rude about the alpha pack. He told you it was a rival pack.
Why exactly does Scott see the symbol and INSTANTLY put together that it’s got anything to do with the Alphas or the animal attacks? Where is the logic jump there?
What exactly was the POINT of popping your claws if you were gonna kick her in the face???
UH, Melissa? Why didn’t you tell Scott that there was a whole other person with Isaac?
What is with the face touching, Duke? I’ve never known a blind person who actually wanted to rub their hands on my face to ‘find out what i look like?’
Really not a fan of all these weird jumps and camera angles with the awkward reflecting.
WOah WOah. Allison gets to PAINT her APARTMENT? Wtf kinda BULlshit is that? My landlord won’t let me do that. Rude.
I know they’re imprisoned and it sucks, but they’ve been there for four months, they had to have gotten bored. Do you think they broke into any of the security deposit boxes to see if anything was left behind?
Last thoughts: They really went for it with this episode. I have plans to change a lot of it. Hopefully I can mesh the changes with the general plotline.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Tumblr media
[Masterlist] Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all… Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!! Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.1k Announcement: Another cute chapter while things are brewing. I have planned out at least eleven chapters but once they are bulked up it might come to a few more. I hope you will enjoy what's to come. This chapter is dedicated to @deardreamillbeyourhome who left some really great comments on my last chapter thank you so much.
[Part 1]  [Part 12] [Part 14] [Tag Yourself Here]
Turning on the shower just barely you knew you would be quick, racing quietly out the door and down the hall, taking the stairs to the main floor.  Crossing the lobby to the main elevators to your brother's office, you used the keypad pin code to get in and looked at him. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes were dark, the sun coming in through the window lit up only half his face making him seem almost angelic, the other side shadowed with a strange look gleaming in his eyes. He smiled up at you the distortion between the light and the dark made you itch your arm nervously. Suddenly unsure of how to bring up the issue. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure” he gestured to the small couch and he turned to face you, his entire face entering the path of the sun.  “What are you keeping from me?” You tested the water engaging his reaction and he gave you nothing.  “Why do you think I am keeping something from you?” He looked at you curiously, his eyes narrowed as the sun shone harshly against his features.  “Why can’t I leave the basement?” “You can leave the basement, you are here aren’t you?” He leaned back shielding his eyes with his hand “you want to do some dancing today?”
“Sure, is their a studio room free?” “Mm number three is free, here is the key go have fun it’s the boy’s studio but I am sure they won’t mind” you went to leave and he was watering a potted plant in the far corner of his room. “And Y/n, please stay safe, don’t overwork yourself” he smiled his face completely encapsulated by the darkness. 
You shivered, stepping out and waiting by the door trying to process everything. You heard him talking to someone rapidly scolding whoever they were and he dropped your name. Something was definitely going on behind your back. Once in the dance studio, you made the decision to instead learn a few things in Korean you wanted to get better at it. Having been a month since you arrived in Korea and a week and a bit stuck in quarantine, you knew keywords and some phrases, you learnt more trying to create sentences. 
A whole day of studying Korean and your brain was fried, you had been taking notes, heading back to your room in the basement. Head leaning against the elevator wall, everyone had been wiggling their way back into your presence. You had been so careful but you couldn’t stop them, deciding that you would let them in but protect your heart. You were happy to be friends but you wouldn’t let yourself go further, you didn’t want to get hurt. Ping. The elevator doors slid open. Stepping into the corridor and walking slowly down the hallway, you watched the door checking the bathroom to make sure the shower was in fact off. 
Walking to the Storage room door you noticed a piece of paper stuck to the outside that read; ‘Y/n’s Secret Base’ it seemed like all the boys had taken the time to make the sign. You could see where Jungkook drew a picture of you and judging by the ‘S’ right beside it Yoongi had drawn a pair of underwear. Opening the door, you noticed no one was inside. The smile fell from your lips. Disappointment coursed through you since when had these boys have such an effect on you. Since when had you become hopeful just to see them. You knew they were idols, and people wanted to ‘just see’ them every day but this was different, you didn’t want to fangirl. You wanted to watch drama’s with Jin and have Namjoon shush you when he was trying to read and work, you wanted the boys to laugh at your poor attempts at rapping. More than anything you wanted them there, just present beside you. 
A watched pot never boils. That’s not true you stared at it for what seemed like ten minutes and it started bubbling. Looking down at the small makeshift coffee table ready to open the ramen packets you saw water dropping into tiny pools against the wood. You hadn’t realised you had started to cry. Wiping vigorously at your cheeks, but they kept flowing.
“We are back and we brought dinner!” Seokjin cheered and they froze, seeing you sobbing over boiling water. Realising it must have been a rather odd sight, you couldn’t help the simultaneous laughing and sobbing that racked your body.  “Hey what’s wrong?” Jimin asked hugging you from behind, he and Taehyung were the ones who were super physical, always wanting to use there senses to the fullest. 
You saw some employees shy away from Taehyung and when you brought it up he smiled scruffing the back of his hair. “They think I am a bit weird, so they don’t like to talk with me. They also have trouble understanding what I am trying to say because I am from the country.” This surprised you all the boys were really fluent in English, they were mostly shy and took a long time to process their thoughts into a reply. 
You were patient and never rushed them but there were a few times you had gotten frustrated when the meaning was lost between you. However, you would never avoid Taehyung for that, things like that is what made you all human. Taking his hand in yours you squeezed it. Even in your first days of meeting you were comfortable with them.
“I’m sorry, I was just sad” You laughed wiping your tears. “What did you get to eat?” “We got Bulgolgi tonight which we hope you will get excited for, cause it is not spicy or fermented” Namjoon smiled ever so thoughtful “What do you have there?” Jungkook asked leaning over trying to see what was in the bag in your lap. “I don’t know if you will like it” You tried to keep the cheeky grin off your face. “What is it?” “It’s a little something you might have never heard of, it’s called ramyeon” you grinned and their heads turned so fast many of them let out a satisfying pop.
All hell broke loose as they began shouting about Ramyeon, you grinned putting a few noodle cakes into the water and you followed the instructions. Yoongi took over and promised you he would make it nice. The boys kept the Chilli packets to mix through after they served you a large portion. “You know what I really want, Fried chicken or JjaJangmyeon.” The collective groan that passed through the room made you giggle. “When this is over we go for Fried chicken yeah?”
You held out your pinky to the middle of the table and they all looked at each other and then at Namjoon who nodded extending his hand to yours linking your pinkies and stamping it. They all grinned cupping their hands around your joined ones. Each talking about what they would do once this was all over.
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Tags:  @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaeb @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ (some of these tags aren’t working I will keep trying or I might try to message people personally. I don’t want anyone missing out)
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