#abelas x lavellan
thoughtsofedin · 4 months
ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ ᴀɢᴇ: ɪɴQᴜɪꜱɪᴛɪᴏɴ
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mogwaei · 2 years
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Dhrui Tue’nue Lavellan & Abelas 💛🦋
(They’ll be meeting in my fic ”Ouroboros“!)
Dhrui is (in d&d terms) like a warlock-druid who has a penchant for going immediately for the ‘dark side’, especially if for power, and can do some wild mental gymnastics to justify her actions. When Abelas enters the story, it will be a circus of conflicting moralities ⚔
I’ll write a codex for this later :3
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haverdoodles · 2 years
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Dreams and Deliverance
— (Abelas & Aethara)
The air was cold in the Crossroads, but Abelas’ hand - though armoured and gloved - brought with it a soothing warmth as his fingers brushed through her hair.
Aethara leaned closer, her lashes fluttering at the sensation. “What’s that look for, Sorrow?”
Abelas was watching her with an expression she had never seen before. It was a blend of acute yearning, rapt fascination, and something almost akin to fondness.
“Dream-Walker,” Abelas murmured, his gaze falling sightlessly to the thick spiralling strands slipping through his fingers. “The title is fitting.”
Aethara grinned. “Oh? Do I walk in your dreams often, Sorrow?”
Abelas raised his golden eyes to hers and, without looking away for even a moment, slowly brought up his hand to press the strands of her hair against his lips.
“I never allowed myself the luxury of dreaming, before I met you.” Voice quieting into a reverent whisper, he said, “Aethara Dream-Walker. Guide to the lost, Purveyor of temptations, Bringer of hope and possibilities and all miraculous things.”
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redheaddraws · 1 year
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page 5! the Inquisitor???
Reblogs super appreciated! 💕
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pikapeppa · 2 years
After DA4 is released - and as the rumors say, the Inquisitor will appear again, will you write a sequel to Lovers In a Dangerous Time?
Ahh thank you so much for asking this great question! The short answer is: maybe?😂
The longer answer is below the cut because it's a little rambly!
Okay! I haven't been writing Dragon Age fic recently, and the reason is that I'm basically waiting for new material to drop so I can be re-inspired. I can't waiiiit to be handed new material to play with, and I'm 100% sure I'll get back to DA once we have anything fresh to work with (including that Netflix series in December, which I'm cautiously hopeful about).
I suspect that once DA4 drops, I will be drowned by the number of things I'll want to write, with a sequel to Lovers In A Dangerous Time (Fenris the Inquisitor, Fenris/f!Hawke) being one of them. But I'll now throw down a list of the possible ideas/ships I would want to get back into once DA4 drops:
A sequel to Lovers In A Dangerous Time, obviously. I purposely left the end of that fic with a few loose ends to play with (Briala being in Kirkwall, for example) in the hopes that I might pick up Fenris and Rynne again in the DA4 era. My main qualm about writing a sequel to this fic is that FenRynne have a son now. From my understanding of timeline, I think DA4 will take place 7 years after DAI or something like that, and in all blunt honesty, I'm not really interested in writing a child character. Then again, I never thought I would give any of my couples a kid in the first place, and here we are! 😂
A sequel to Fall Into The Tide, my Sten/f!Mahariel fic. I actually REALLY want to write this one. Based on the material from Tevinter Nights, I strongly suspect/hope that the qunari will play a big role in DA4. I wrote a whole post about how I'm hoping Sten (i.e. the Arishok) will return, and I am honestly frothing to put him and Yara Mahariel together again -- maybe with a happier ending depending on what happens in the game...?
Solavellan SOMETHING. JESUS CHRIST, I WILL NEED TO WRITE SOLAVELLAN SOMETHING. In all likelihood, I'll use @elbenherzart 's Nare Lavellan since I've fallen in love with her and kind of stopped being interested in my own Solasmanced Lavellan.
Felassan and Tamaris Lavellan. I refuse to believe that Felassan is fully 100% dead unless it's bashed over my head repeatedly in DA4. Even then, I might genuinely yeet this canon because I'm too in love with the cheeky boy to let him go. Tamaris might actually be the "canon Inquisitor" that I carry forward into the DA4 era since she used to be with Solas, but now she's with Felassan, and Felassan and Solas were bros once upon a time, and THERE IS SO POTENTIAL DRAMA FDKJGSHLJKG. It's fine I'm fine.
Abelas and Athera Lavellan. These poor babies also had a tragic ending when Abelas left her to follow Solas's path, and I would loooove to bring them back together in some horrible angsty way.
If I was really insane and ready to dive down a fic rabbit hole, I would combine these ships together -- e.g. Felassan and Tamaris as my DAI couple, Sten and Yara as my DAO couple, and Fenris and Rynne as my DA2 era couple (I'll put them into a more canon-DAI role where they both went to Skyhold together because FUCK THEM being separated, I refuse). BUT WE'LL SEE.
Anyway, this is just a look inside my frothing mind once something drops for us parched and starving DA fans. 😂
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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the last of these !!
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Nhairi Tellanthe x Josephine Montilyet
Ishala Adaar x Iron Bull
Kaaras Adaar x Dorian Pavus
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Isra Lavellan x Solas / Isra Lavellan x Briala
Kelle Lavellan x Dorian Pavus
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Tambryn Trevelyan x Josephine Montilyet
Dirthera'an-vir'Theneras'ghilana'Vallavunin x Abelas
Tavian x Iron Bull
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Hera Adaar x Vivienne
Sika Adaar x Josephine Montilyet
Raleigh Cadash x Dorian Pavus
@spainkitty, @mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @oxygenforthewicked
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the-aranea-chronicles · 3 months
Get to know you better (Tag Game)
Thanks @infinnative for the tag!
3 Ships
Canon Ship: Kanan x Hera (Star Wars Rebels). Their dynamics were just MWAH. And- wait yeah better leave it there, spoilers and all that. But yeah, by far by fav ship.
OC Ship: Awwww man, this is a toughie. Right now, it'd have to be Amara x Adara. Like, they're not an official couple, more of a Unwavering Loyal Guard X Target on Her Back Queen.
Ship of the Week: I've been slowly getting back into my fanfics, so I'd have to vote without giving too much away: Female Lavellan X Abelas X Ameridan. Those three are the ultimate trio. Time traveling Inquisitor, Done with this World Ancient Elf, and Original Inquisitor who is also Done.
1st Ship I read the Skulduggery Pleasant series when I was 8-9. Can't really remember what my first ship was... Probably Valduggery? If not, Fletcher x Valkyrie. Oh and a special mention to Skulduggery x Solomon.
Last song Dead Hearts by Stars. Honestly it is such a Mood, and really fits quite a few charas I have.
Current Reading I'm actually doing research since my novel takes place at the coast so... Code of safe working practices for merchant seamen by Department of Trade.
Last Film Transformers: The Last Knight.
Craving Red velvet cake. Nan used to make home-made, and it's the best cake EVER. Have to find a day to make it with her again.
Soft tagging: @syrensaft, @spideronthesun, and @faeriecinna
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rosella-writes · 2 years
Happy Friday Ro!!! For your consideration... Lavellan, Solas, & Felassan + “ We can't keep this up forever. ” from the Angst, Fluff & Smut list. :D
>:] thank you so much Niriiiiii you gave me a chance to try out a funky lil headcanon I spun up today. Just a head's up — in my canon Virelan finds Felassan as a tranquil and puts in the work to cure him. He was once a bodied spirit of Hope. I credit @dreadfutures for the final line and the headcanons surrounding it (you'll know it when you see it and I'm sorry Blue for borrowing aksfhjgkfjhgkfdjhg). It's rambly and all over the place aaaaaaaaaaaaa
For @dadrunkwriting
Pairing: Felassan x Virelan Lavellan (with past Solasmance for both of them) Rating: M for casual nudity? they're in bed
Felassan didn’t have the heart to tell Virelan that she cried in her sleep. 
She was so strong otherwise — head held high, shoulders braced, spine curved like a tensed bow — and to know she showed such vulnerability would steal the iron of her will. But he held it close, that knowledge, and her when she allowed it. 
It was rare, but happened with increasing regularity, for her to invite him into her bed. It was not her heart — for she showed that only to her son now — but it was a comforting, safe place to be. She didn’t expect platitudes and explanations and professions of love from him. They knew each other’s pain and burdens as only two people who loved the same person could. 
They never spoke of Solas, but he was the ghost between their lips all the same. 
It was during one of these nights, when she had dared ask him to stay, that he felt most drawn to her. He woke with a start when her hand gripped his wrist — expecting her to be awake, to need him — but stilled when her sleep-stricken voice called out with raw, wordless anguish. 
He curled close, barely taller or wider than she, and allowed her grip on his arm. He reached out to touch what remained of the arm Solas had taken — she reached back, as if the hand remained. Felassan wound up awkwardly clasping the end of her stump, swallowing back tears of his own as she screamed hers into her pillow, then his chest. 
“Ir abelas,” he murmured beneath his breath, dragging her sleeping body close. “Ir abelas, falon.”
This pain in her — raw and unfiltered, fresh in her dream as if happening at that very moment — spoke to a pain deep within him that matched. While he had settled somewhat in the wake of Tulin and Cole bringing him back to himself, ragged, torn pieces did not always fit back where they had been whole before. Some festered and rotted, worn more ragged still by this muffled scream against his chest. 
Felassan took as much of Virelan into his arms as he could, searching for the old comfort he could once offer. He used to know exactly what to say, what to do, how to find that one shining piece of possibility in the impossible. But now, in the dark, in the room that smelled of Virelan’s soap and their blended sweat, that swam with the sounds of sobs and gasping breaths, there was nothing but the cold chill of finality. 
In the end, he didn’t need to tell her. She woke herself, her sobs suddenly cutting short with a startled gasp. For a moment she seemed as if she would remain in his arms, clutched close, but with a deep, heart-rending groan she shoved at him and tore away. What had ached for her now bruised deeply with his own hurt.
“No,” she stammered thickly. “No, stop, I don’t need —”
“Of course not,” he snapped, feeling his pain sharpen further to a cutting edge. “You don’t need anything or anyone, do you, lethallen?”
Her eye was bright in the darkness, and there was an audible snap when her dropped jaw closed. Felassan leapt upon that chance, leaning up on one elbow and jutting his chin in defiance. 
“You stand alone. You go your own way. You call upon me on your own terms, asking for cheap comfort, borrowed closeness, and shove me away when your tears escape on their own? Do you know who you remind me of?”
“Stop it,” she snapped, chest heaving. The moonlight glinted off a silvery scar on her breast. “I’m not… no.”
His nose wrinkled as his lip pulled back over his teeth. “You are not the first I’ve held in such a way. But where before I could offer hope for a brighter future, there’s nothing in me now. Would you kill my comfort too?”
Her hand rose to cover her face, and she shook her head frantically side to side. It looked as if her fingertips dug into her flesh. “Stop it. Stop it.”
Something loud, frantic, hopeless sprang up in his chest, screeching aloud its despair until he let it out in a whispered, “We have to talk about him.”
“No!” she all but screamed. 
“We have to!” Louder, this time, but not nearly a shout. “We can’t keep this up forever. We can’t.”
“I want to,” Virelan begged. She lowered her hand and plucked at his — he could see gouges from her nails underneath her eyes. “Ignore it with me, put it away in that unspoken place where it can’t hurt us. I thought you understood —”
“And that is why I must insist upon it now,” he said firmly, returning the clutch of her hand. He grasped her other arm, which reached as if with its missing hand, and ignored her wince at the touch. “You’re using me. I’m using you. We can’t. All it does is hurt us.”
At the confession, the sharp hurt, the bruised hurt, the rotting, ragged pieces all coalesced into an ache that was the ache of cold. It spread through him, icy and leaden and heavy, and there was an odd, self-indulgent comfort in it. It satisfied him, this despair, and he reached for her with it. 
“You are loving me in the place of Solas, aren’t you?”
Her lip shook, and her eye darted away. “No, I —”
“Don’t lie to me.”
A wordless groan, paired with a weak pull, was not enough to free her from his grasp. He didn’t let go. 
“I know because I am doing the same,” he hissed. “I use you to bandage my pain and yet I bleed through.”
She turned her eye to the ceiling, her mouth working open and shut. No sound escaped. 
“I feel this despair of yours,” he continued, “as surely as it is my own. It fills me up, like so much poison, and yet it will not do me the pleasure of letting me die. No, we keep on living, Virelan, we keep on going, clutching at each other like drowning rats. We pretend like we can stop him if given the chance, but can we?”
“Of course —”
“Could you kill him, Virelan?” Felassan said, his voice rising finally into something resembling volume. “Could you? Will that rage drive your sword through his heart, or will your misery drag you down into uselessness?”
Her eye finally met his, and tears streamed from it down her cheek. She held on to him tight, until he could almost feel her fingers wringing the blood from his frozen hand. 
“No,” she sobbed. It pitched up into a strangled wail. “But I have to, Felassan, I have to —”
He shook his head and pulled his hand from hers, raising both instead to cup her cheeks. “You don’t have to do anything. Haven’t you done enough?”
The steel of her spine collapsed. He caught her, clasped her close, and drew her beneath the blankets once more. She was nearly as cold as he felt. What echoed within him, between them, perhaps even inside her now, was a soul-killing refrain. 
Futile. Futile. Futile.
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magerightsyeah · 1 year
Nobody Knows How to Say Goodbye
Rating: G
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Pairing: Solas x Fem!Lavellan
Warnings: Emotional angst, hurt no comfort
Summary: A short one-shot about Lavellan and Solas’s final goodbye. Inspired by Nobody Knows by the Lumineers
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The Fade was darker than Ellana was used to. It was always dark of course, but usually she could exert some sort of control over it. Tonight was different though. The air was hot and stuffy and she didn’t recognize the landscape at all. It reminded her a bit of the Crossroads, but the stump where her arm used to be ached when she thought of it. Along with her heart, but she ignored that.
Ellana narrowed her eyes and ignited a flame in her palm. If this was some sort of trick or trap from a demon, she wanted to be ready. She heard footsteps approach from behind and quickly spun to face him.
“Ma vhenan.” He smiled softly, not a hint of fear in his grey eyes. She might’ve been insulted if she wasn’t on the verge of tears.
“Fen’harel.” She responded, willing her voice to keep steady and level. “Where am I? What do you want? Garas quenathra?”
He looked hurt at the use of his real name. It angered her. “I… I wanted to talk.” He started. “After our last meeting, when-“
“When you took my arm and used the mark to tear down the Veil. I don’t need reminding, Dread Wolf.”
“I wanted to apologize, and say goodbye, vhenan.”
“Don’t call me that.” Ellana ordered icily.
“You lost the right to call me that when you betrayed us, when you betrayed me.” She let out a shaky breath. “Ma harel lasa! I thought we were friends, I thought you-“ Ellana took a deep breath, and steadied herself. “It doesn’t matter what I thought. I don’t accept your apology, nor any explanation you might offer. Don’t contact me again, Solas. If I ever see you again I will kill you.”
She turned away from him, not trusting her body to not betray her and collapse into his arms like they used to. She couldn’t see his face, but the sadness was evident enough in his voice.
“Ma nuvenin, Inquisitor. I only hope one day you will come to see that I have done this for our people. Ir abelas, dareth shiral.”
When she turned back he was gone and she was returned to the Fade equivalent of Skyhold, alone with only her thoughts. She sunk to her knees, no longer able to contain her grief, and wept.
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mogwaei · 1 year
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[Codex: Glimmer]
The supplicant’s path was a comforting one, 
hemmed with fair gardens, gilded by sun 
Leading to a temple beheld far and wide 
As a symbol of the People's power and pride 
Now ages and wars have come and passed, 
The temple's glory forgotten at last
The old path is choked far beneath 
Tangles of vines and depthless grief
Yet, in the midst of decay and despair
A glimmer of hope, a glimpse of repair
As a hand reaches to clear the debris
A new path emerges, waiting to be seized
The promise is lapsed, the vow no more
This new path offers a chance to explore
Renewed, unbound, free to write their own tale
They need only dare to draw back the veil
Dhrui Lavellan 💛Abelas
(part 2 of my valentine’s💕series)
longfic here: “Ouroboros”
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bluewren · 2 years
Prompt List for my Pairings and AUs
I am currently working on a long fic for my Inquisitor, Taliesen Lavellan, and a Dales Emerald Knights era AU. If you have any prompts that you think could be helpful, send them my way.
I am also BlueWren on AO3.
If you like to learn more about my OC’s, my Dear Creators Letter is linked.
If there’s a specific pairing or some aspect of one of my pairings that you are curious about please feel free to ask for a prompt. I would also love for dialogue prompts, sensory prompts, and location prompts for anywhere in Thedas. Ideas:
Taliesen tinkering on something in the Undercroft with Sera and Dagna.
Solas and Taliesen gushing over each other’s hobbies.
Taliesen exploring Dirthamen’s Temple for old Elvhen artifacts.
Jobs that Bull’s Chargers took part in.
This week: 
Vampire!Merrill x Taliesen AU
Sera x Taliesen
Solas x Taliesen
Dorian x Lex
Pairs and dynamics, that I write:
Taliesen Lavellan x Sera, Post-Solasmance Inquisitor
Taliesen Lavellan x Solas, Inquisitor
Taliesen Lavellan x Merrill, pre-Conclave Lavellan
Lex Lavellan x Dalish, Members of Bull’s Chargers 
Lex Lavellan x Dorian, Inquisitor
Ameridan x Telana, I wrote a piece for an exchange and would love to develop that era more. I will need more specific prompts for them though.
Adeline Amell x Leliana, my freedom fighter mage Warden
Merrill x Dagna
Merrill x Abelas
Vampire!Merrill x Taliesen AU
Taliesen with anyone in her Inner Circle as Inquisitor
Taliesen before entering a relationship with Sera or Solas
Lex before entering a relationship with Dorian or Dalish
Taliesen and her friendship with Dagna
Sera and Solas being chaotic siblings
Lex as a member of the Chargers chatting with anyone of his company mates.
Prompt List:
Winter is Coming
Dragon Age Lore Prompts
50 Vaguely Angsty + Hurt Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Fluff Prompts
Han Solo Quote Prompts
Sensory Prompts
Invisible City Prompts
Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
The Intimacy of Hands
Linkin Park Lyrics 
Small Details of Fictional Kisses
Assassin x  Target
Artifacts of Thedas
Dragon Age Inspired Prompts
DA:I OC Codex Prompts
Tea Party Writing Prompts
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fiadhaisteach · 3 years
Things I’ve Read This Week* - 2021.10.16
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New Stories
Trio AU, even afraid, we build our home by apfelgranate (@notenoughdragons) & bluebeholder (@wanderingnork) - {Solas/F!Adaar/F!Adaar} - 4,635 words - complete
Salt, Flesh, Heat by hes5thlazarus (@5lazarus) - Solas/Iron Bull - 2,105 words - complete
BTV Artober 2021 by raven4138 (@drag-on-age) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 5,343 words - WIP
The Sound of Steel on Stone, ⚜️In the Wolf's Shadow, ⚜️Lost Elf by lavellan22 - Solas/F!Lavellan - 8,922 words - 1st work complete, last work & series WIP
In Another World by fenkyuubi (@fenkyuubi) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 81,513 words - complete
The Dread Wolf's Heart, ⚜️The Dread Wolf's Heart, ️⚜️Sanctuary, ️⚜️Subtle by Feynite (@feynites) - Solas/F!Lavellan - 186,784 words - complete
All the Time Before Us by bluebeholder (@wanderingnork) & art by apfelgranate (@notenoughdragons) - {Solas/F!Adaar/F!Adaar} - 6,911 - complete
The Sound of Steel on Stone, The Fresco by lavellan22 - Solas/F!Lavellan - 1,948 words - complete
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What happens to Dog if the Warden dies fighting the Archdemon? prompt by @blue-eyed-jenna - Falon the mabari & friends
Subscription Updates
Lingrean Rosal'sule'din, The Future Is Not Yet Set In Stone by angelslaugh (@skyerie) - Dorian & F!Lavellan, F!Lavellan/F!Warden, past?Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 63-65)
Wicked Things, What a Wicked Game to Play by Cracking Lamb (@crackinglamb) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 51-52)
Unwritten by UnrealRomance - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 226-227)
Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows - Bound Brighter by Elysia45 (@emerald-amidst-gold) - Solas/M!Lavellan (Ch. 13)
The Well by SerialChillr (@serial-chillr) - Abelas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 5)
Love, Delivered by beaubashley (@beaubartley) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 8)
Scars of Light by Kallypso (@kallypsowrites) - The Darkling|Kirigan/Alina (Ch. 55-56)
beware the forest at night, when there are miles left to go, the forest is dark and deep and i've seen you here before by victoriousscarf (@victoriousscarf) - Solas/M!Lavellan (Ch. 171-172)
Vena Eolas: The Journey of an Elvhen Spirit, Sule Tael Tasalal - Until We Meet Again by faerieavalon (@faerieavalon) - {Solas/OFC, Felassan/OFC} (Ch. 69)
She's Lived a Good Life by Kinako - MCiT (Ch. 20)
Dreams, In Waking Dreams by AParisianShakespearean (@a-shakespearean-in-paris) - Cullen/F!Trevelyan (Ch. 88)
Into the Cosmos, Into the Chaos by Pakhet (@shiver-the-tiefling) - {MGiT~MBiT, Solas/MGiT, Solas~MBiT} (Ch. 82)
Til It Squeaks: A Modern Girl's Take on Thedas, Twist Some More by CrackingLamb (@crackinglamb) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 33)
The DA Alternate Universe Chronicles, Vir'vhen'an by RogueLioness (@roguelioness) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 3)
✔️ All the Time Before Us by bluebeholder (@wanderingnork) & art by apfelgranate (@notenoughdragons) - {Solas/F!Adaar/F!Adaar} (Ch. 2), complete
Bloodied & Broken World State, Bloodied and Broken, Rogasha'ghi'lan (The Brave Guide) by youworeblue (@dreadfutures) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 13)
lover, your back is bruised from what you carry, In the face of your light by noverture (@noverturemusings) - Solas/M!Lavellan, past Dirthamen/M!Lavellan (Ch. 101)
Just Like Fire by CrackingLamb (@crackinglamb) - Solas/F!Lavellan (Ch. 16)
Echoes Across Time by JLHall (@jlhallares) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 235)
Shameless With a Side of Egg and Noodles by Cease_Sphire (@csphire​) - Varric/MGiT (the slowest of burns), also Solas/MGiT, M!Hawke/MGiT (Ch. 8-9)
The Guardian by HumblePeasant (@mogwaei) - Solas/OFC, Dorian/M!Lavellan (Ch. 149)
Coiling Time by Enceladus (EspressoComfort) (@espressocomfort) - Solas/MGiT (Ch. 28)
» side note - multiple chapters may mean multiple updates; or might just be me refreshing my memory, reorienting myself in the story, or rereading some for fun.
*TIRTW & can recommend (previous weeks & TIRTW Key/Legend)
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pikapeppa · 3 years
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“I want you,” she whispered. “I — are you ready?”
Slowly, with infinite care, Abelas reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I am more than ready,” he told her. “I yearn fiercely for you, Athera. Let nothing stand between us any longer.”
Abelas and Athera Lavellan making two become one in Inadvisable, my modern university AU with @elbenherzart, whose exquisite art never fails to absolutely stun me. 😭😭❤❤❤❤ 
Full image in the fic chapter on AO3. 
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amarmeme · 4 years
#26 from the intimacy prompts?
#26 fighting playfully
Ellana realized her mistake as soon as her sword came to a halt, mid-thrust. Abelas barely lifted a finger, his ancient magic winding around the tip of the sword while he reclined against a large rock. Sighing, she dropped the hilt and spun around into a low crouch, hoping to catch him with a sweeping kick and knock him on his arse.
She made it as far as the ground, sword clattering beside her, hands spread in front with palms pressed into the loamy soil. The buzz of magic flitted across her skin. Then, like the sword, she froze in place.
"Yield," she sighed. The magic fell off like a cloak and she slumped onto the ground. "You take the fun out of sparing," she complained, rubbing her side.
Abelas pushed off the rock and moved toward her as smooth as a panther stalking its prey. He knelt in front of Ellana, offering a hand up. Leveraging off the ground, Ellana put all of her weight into a kick, yanking Abelas down at the same time. His back hit the ground with a thud, hood falling away from his face. She sat on his hips and pushed his arms down, holding them in place.
"I will not yield," he said, unable to stop a smirk from growing.
"No?" she teased, wiggling in triumph.
"No," he said, eyes sparking with more than amusement. "I prefer your style of sparing much more."
Probably takes place some time after this.
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rumraisinregret · 4 years
Unhooded chapter 1: Arrival
They were late. The recruiting party that was supposed to have returned two weeks ago, hadn’t made contact in longer than that. Until last night. The scouts had burst out of the Eluvian dusty and panting as if a demon had chased them through the Crossroads. Message runners sprinted into Fen’Harel’s tent where Abelas and the other generals were having a strategy meeting. The returning scouts were only half a day ahead of the rest of the recruiting party and they had a private message for the Dread Wolf’s ears only. Fen’Harel finally raised his head at that and followed them to where the scouts were catching their breath.
And now here was Abelas pacing in front of the raised dais where the Eluvian sat, an hour past midday the following afternoon waiting for the rest of the party to show up. The scouts had been vague as to the nature of the delay, stating only that several of their party had been injured and their recovery slowed the journey. The Dread Wolf had been the only one to receive a full report.
Two of Abelas’ most veteran Sentinels were with them as escort. He wanted to make sure they were both healthy and whole before he could concentrate on training the new recruits. But they were late again. An hour late. Abelas started pacing again.
A hand found his shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. “Calm yourself, lethallin.” He turned to see Fen’Harel giving him a knowing smile. “I am sure that Adhlea and Souren are well,” he said. “They are both capable warriors. The scouts did not report any casualties.” He lowered his hand and returned to staring tensely at the dull mirror.
“Of course, Fen’Harel.” Abelas stilled his nervous agitation and stood at his leader’s side. He eyed the other elf carefully in his peripheral. His mind turned to something else that was concerning him. Why was Fen’Harel present for the return of a recruiting party? For that matter, why did he seem so anxious for their arrival? The party was bringing something with them. Something he had told them to keep an eye out for specifically. Perhaps they had recovered one of the artifacts they still needed for the completion of their plans. But if that were so, why hadn’t he shared the report with his generals? Abelas squared his shoulders and sighed just as the Eluvian activated. He would have answers soon enough.
Adhlea was the first one through, hood raised but eyes intense as always. Abelas felt some of his tension ease. She was followed closely by an agent he knew by sight alone and five unknown elves who he assumed were new recruits. They all looked startled to see the Dread Wolf waiting for them just on the other side of the Eluvian. The antlers and snout of a hart were the next things visible in the mirror, followed by the rest of the animal carrying a figure in gold armor with his right arm in a sling and a bandage covering half his face. Abelas suddenly had a sickening knot in his stomach at the sight of Souren in such a state, but he stood his ground as the rest of the party appeared on the dais.
Once the Eluvian deactivated, there were four more harts with injured riders, two more hooded elves on foot, and a halla pulling a small Dalish aravel. Adhlea stepped forward to speak with the two men on the ground as healers rushed to help the riders from their mounts. Abelas clasped her forearm and she hopped the short distance to meet them.
“What happened, Lea?”
She laughed bitterly. “A dragon happened. Just outside Wycome. We practically stumbled into her nest before she showed herself. Souren and I managed to hold her off until he took a fireball right to his face.” She swiped the back of her hand across her forehead as if she could still feel the flames. “The others were set upon by a clutch of dragonlings. Would have been dead if it weren’t for the group from Clan Lavellan that was passing by.”
Fen’Harel started at the name. Ah, that’s why he was here.
Their attention was diverted by an increasingly loud argument in front of the Eluvian. One of the last two elves to have stepped through the mirror was trying to help the wounded, but the healers from their clinic were preventing her from touching them. Her quiet insistence that she was only trying to help just made the chief healer’s face grow redder in anger as he yelled at her to back off.
“Hey, hey, she’s alright,” Adhlea cried, running back to the group. “She’s a healer, she tended them the whole way here.”
The healer looked like he still wanted to argue the point, but a stern glance from Fen’Harel as he came up behind Adhlea silenced him. He and the rest of the camp’s healers continued to lay the injured onto stretchers, now with the help from the new arrival. Once they were secure, the healer cast a spell and the stretchers started levitating toward the clinic in the encampment as the healers followed.
The recruiting agent, with a deep bow to Fen’Harel, led the five uninjured recruits in the direction of the barracks. That left the woman who had helped the wounded and an older man with Dalish vallaslin standing on the dais with them.
Adhlea turned back to her superiors. “This is Varda Lavellan,” she said, motioning to the woman. “She’s a proficient healer. Our people would be a lot worse off had it not been for her.” Her arm moved slightly to the left, “And this is her father Radavur. He is a blacksmith of considerable skill. I’ve seen some of his work.”
The two figures lowered their hoods, and Abelas heard Fen’Harel’s breath catch in his throat. Abelas looked at their dark crimson hair swaying in the breeze, catching the sunlight, and understood why. They had the exact same hair color as Inquisitor Elentari Lavellan. The nature of the Dread Wolf’s relationship with the former Inquisitor was known to only a very few in his inner circle, but Abelas who had seen them in each other’s presence first hand, suspected that feelings ran deeper than the official story. May yet linger even still. These two had to be relations of hers to some extent, though beyond that one feature he saw little resemblance.
Fen’Harel stepped forward, his hand to his chest and his head inclined slightly. “Andaran atishan,” he said politely. “Thank you for helping my people out of danger.”
Radavur mimicked the Wolf’s stance but with a deeper bow. “Sathem lasa halani, Lord Fen’Harel. We did what we could. Serannasan ma. Your kind welcome is most appreciated.” He raised his eyes to their faces. “My daughter and I are not warriors, but we request the honor of joining your cause, if it pleases you. We pledge to use all our meager skill to help further your goals.”
Fen’Harel raised a brow at his archaic phrasing, but did not mention it. “Your efforts would be appreciated, but how do I know your word is trustworthy? I am familiar with Clan Lavellan in name, though I have never met your Keeper. I doubt she approves of your decision to leave them, as you are the first of your clan to join us here.”
Radavur stood to his full height, which was not much considering present company. Even his daughter towered over him. But he still managed to look proud enough. “No, my lord, she was not pleased. Our Keeper has forbade us from returning.”
That was a concerning development. Despite the Dread Wolf’s declaration to help what remained of the People, there were still so many who refused the offer. So many who chose to believe the twisted history the Dalish wove for themselves. Abelas crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Then why leave?” he asked, shaking his head. “And if we do not accept your allegiance? If we turn you away? You and your daughter will be homeless.”
“Yes,” the old elf sighed, “but that is a risk we are willing to take. We want to join you because that is what my bond mate would have wanted. She was an ancient like all of you. She would have believed in your cause. She hated her time in subjugation to the goddess Sylaise, but she also loathed her time wandering in confusion at the diminishing of her magic. She longed to see the world of ancient Arlathan restored. I join you in remembrance of her.”
Abelas was surprised at that. He looked over Radavur before him and saw little more than the shadow of the true Elvhen as he had in the past known so many of the Dalish to be. Then his gaze was drawn to the daughter, to Varda as her eyes met his, and he saw the truth in her father’s words. She wore no vallaslin as most who were raised Dalish did. Her features and stature showed she was truly a bridge between both worlds. Her hair and her ears, the delicateness of her features, belonged to her father’s people, but her nose and bone structure, her eyes, the color of spring leaves through which a golden sun shone, were undoubtedly from her mother’s people. From his people. Abelas quickly turned his attention back to the bald elf at his side.
Fen’Harel thought on Radavur’s words a moment. “Devotion to lost loved ones is a strong motivator. I accept your aid.” He turned to Adhlea. “Find them quarters and a place to set up their aravel. And then get yourself some rest.”
She turned a grateful smile to him and bowed. “Yes, Fen’Harel.” Then she led them and their halla into the camp.
Fen’Harel stood silently at Abelas’ side for a long while. “I don’t entirely trust them,” he said at last.
“Entirely?” Their eyes met briefly. Fen’Harel quirked a smile, but Abelas looked away first.
“No, not entirely.” He rubbed his chin. “We need to know if they have a significant relation to,” his voice faltered, “the Inquisitor. If she’s been in contact with them.” Then he caught Abelas’ gaze again. “Find out.”
Abelas very nearly spluttered. “I am no spy.”
“No, you’re not.” The Dread Wolf smiled wryly. “But I seem to recall you having no qualms saying rude things to complete strangers. Be as frank as you like, subterfuge need not be employed.”
Abelas sighed, nodded.
“I know I can trust you with this,” he said and his eyes softened. “I suspect you’re the only one to truly guess my history with-,” he glanced away, “Keeping that in mind, you’d know what questions to ask.”
Abelas nodded again. “I understand.”
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ladylike-foxes · 4 years
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@pikapeppa @midnightprelude @honestly-wilde Thank you, loves! ❤️❤️ This took way longer than it should’ve, but I’ve still got some post-Solas breakup feels and I thought some Abelas x Lavellan would be a better idea for @dadrunkwriting 😅
Watching her move through the city of snowcapped tents, stopping frequently to speak to her soldiers as they huddled around their fires, it occurred to Abelas how incredibly resilient the Inquisitor was. Despite everything she had been through, continued to go through, she was diligent in her assumed role. Still, she smiled warmly at each person she greeted, thanking them for their help. Following behind at a distance with the leisure of an unneeded bodyguard, he tried to seem as indifferent as possible, though his gaze never wavered from her. The winter wind whipped her newly cropped curls around her face, biting rouge the tips of her ears and round of her cheeks. It took him a moment to realize she had turned abruptly, now staring right back, striding towards him. 
"You don't have to follow me around camp, you know," Smiling softly, brow arched. 
"I am simply doing my duty, Inquisitor."
"Oh Abelas, alway so serious. I have a name, you know. You should try using it sometime," Her tone seemed playful, which confused him. 
"Anyway, how much danger can I be in, surrounded by my own soldiers?"
"One can never be too careful," A tad condescending, he knew, "A displeased recruit, an enemy in disguise, spy infiltration—"
"There are plenty of spies, to be sure," Smile still soft around her pointed tone, a knowing glint in her eye, "A few are from the Qun. Solas has us lousy with them. Even a few as close you."
A new, unfamiliar sensation washed over Abelas like water: nervousness. He gripped tight to the reins of his composure.
"Yet you take no measures against them? "Do you know who, specifically? Do you have names?"
Lighthearted laughter as she turned, leading the way back towards the circle of tents designated for the Inquisition’s leadership. Quickly falling into step beside her, he fought the urge to look at her, to search her face for a sign of his fate. She didn’t stop during their return trip, merely waving or nodding to her troops instead. It was a long, tense moment before she answered him.
“Yes, we have names,” Voice low, but kind, “Occasionally we’ll send one back to the Qun, or to Solas, with a nice little note, but really they’re not doing much harm so carefully watched. What measures would you suggest?”
“Your methods are...much more generous than I would have supposed,” Musing his surprise in silence.
“I’m not interested in harming anyone for following their orders, Abelas,” A wry hum in her throat, “Though I’m sure I’ve given you plenty of reasons to believe otherwise.”
Turning to face him as they came to a stop in front of her tent, she blinked brightly while he hesitated. Despite her thick, fur-lined coat, he saw her shiver slightly; crossing her arms, she masked it smoothly enough. Faced with her air of easy authority, the candid and genuine warmth of her personality... it was easy to forget how small, how delicate she truly was. As though hearing his thoughts, she made a face at him in amused reproach.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“How is that, Inquisitor?” Suppressing a smile.
“Like one more gust of wind is gonna knock me over,” Glancing out toward the sea of soldiers, smile fading, “I’m not as fragile as I look.”
“Of that there is no doubt, Inquisitor.”
Spoken softly, sympathetic; his own sincerity surprising him. Her fleeting expression mirrored the sentiment before a hardening slightly. Chin lifted, rocking back on her heel, she studied him with a touch of skepticism.
“If I have to tell you one more time to call me by my name, I will send you back to Solas with a lot more than a letter,” Stern, though a real smile teased around the corners of her eyes.
Abelas hadn’t realized he was holding his breath until it emerged as a startled laugh.
“Ma nuvenin, Halesta,” A croaky whisper, followed by a dizzying confusion
Though it had only grown colder in the short time they’d been speaking, his skin felt hot. Strange, the way she tilted her head with gentle eyes, and how his heart rose up in his throat at the sight of it. There was a vague sadness tucked in the corner of her warm smile, a distance slipping silently between them even in the moment she reached out and touched him arm.
“Goodnight, Abelas,” Turning to duck into her tent, but she paused, looking back over her shoulder.
“And I was kidding about back to Solas. I invited you, you can stay as long as you like,” Shrugging, a playful smile, “Maybe you’ll decide we Shems aren’t so bad.”
She disappeared behind the canvas, and Abelas found himself still standing there a few moments later, his other hand over the spot where she had touched his arm.
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