#again. While not directly the cause he did wait to save them just to fuck over foolish
rutadales · 1 year
honestly my biggest demons r abt cfoolish and quackity bc that dynamic I feel is so mischaracterized a lot as them being buddy buddy and not like what it actually is like, which is quackity sitting back and letting foolish die so he has a pressure point to push on, a weak point to exploit. foolish is only working with and for quackity for his own perceived benefit (also later bc girly pop has some brain issues around friends and not making enemies and having allies or whatever) not bc he like. likes quackity, just, as a person. him still working for quackity after dream revealing the torture isn't him siding with quackity on that or thinking the torture is a-okay and cool, he very explicitly is not okay with it, but choosing to keep his alliance with quackity because above all else, foolish is motivated by self preservation
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
The Heretic (4)
It has a name! Previously june of doom day 9~
Read part one here
Continued from here
Shaw woke with a groan, his head too heavy for his neck to support it. He wanted to open his eyes, but as soon as he did his eyelids shut and Shaw groaned again. The dim lighting igniting a fire of a headache in his brain. He just wanted to sleep again. The fight with Olen had taken a lot out of him and his mind was miles away.
His fight with Olen.
Shaw’s eyes snapped open again as he jerked forward in the chair. The clack of chains pulling taut. Shaw didn’t get very far and he cursed… or he would have if not for the fucking gag between his teeth, locking his tongue to the bottom of his mouth.
Shaw’s eyes went wide, glancing down his nose trying to see what it was but even he couldn’t see past his own nose.
Fuck. He needed to get out of here… wherever here was, probably Olen’s villain lair or something stupid like that. Shaw pulled his hands forward again. Both his wrists were locked in different sets of handcuffs keeping his hands apart. Olen probably didn’t know that Shaw couldn’t activate his runes without his voice which… well, fucking sucked because the bastard had covered all his bases with Shaw.
But if Shaw was here… then… Shaw’s heart sank into his stomach. Hero. Nobody was protecting Hero! Superhero could do whatever he wanted, Olen could have already caused a scene and killed them while Shaw was unconscious.
Shaw didn’t care. He started making as much noise as he could, screaming Olen’s name or something that vaguely resembled Olen’s name into his gag. After a solid minute of causing a fuss, Shaw was panting for breath. The gag not helping his breathing situation, as he sucked in air through his nose with a painful grunt. His ribs hurt.
Everything hurt.
God, Olen really didn’t pull his punches.
Shaw looked up to see Olen standing at the top of the concrete staircase — directly in front of Shaw’s chair —silhouetted inside the doorframe, cigarette in hand. Olen turned his head to face the hall and said: “hey. The brat’s awake.” Before he descended the steps towards Shaw.
“Olen! You bastard let me go,” Shaw said, or tried to say, the gag muffling his words beyond recognition.
Olen waved his hand, batting Shaw’s mumbling away. “I can’t understand you with that thing in your mouth. Save your breath.”
Shaw had so many things he wanted to say. He wanted to ask. He had to know.
Where’s Hero?
Are they safe?
Did you hurt them yet?
Are they… are they still alive?
All questions died on Shaw’s tongue when he saw the second silhouetted figure in the door frame at the top of the stairs.
Shaw’s eyes shot to Olen in accusation, not pleading, more like hurt and betrayed than anything else. Shaw pulled forward in his restraints, cursing under his gag as Superhero came closer towards him. Shaw couldn’t just sit calm and take it, not with Superhero here— he had to do something. Even if it was only struggling futilely against his restraints.
Superhero stared dispassionately down at Shaw, stopping in front of him. Shaw swallowed, glaring back.
“God, you haven’t changed a bit, have you?” Superhero said reaching down. Shaw jerked his head back out of reach but Superhero caught his jaw all the same, squeezing the pulse points on Shaw’s throat as he tilted his head up. “You’re still useless at fighting.”
As if to prove his point Superhero pressed his finger into Shaw’s cheek until Shaw cried out, cursing Superhero behind the gag.
Superhero’s face didn’t change from the disgusted look he wore when he first saw Shaw, unemotional and inhuman. Superhero let go of Shaw’s jaw and stepped back, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
“As much as I love not hearing him talk, we need information from him,” said Superhero casually.
“Are you sure about that?” Olen asked, exhaling smoke into the air.
Superhero’s shark like stare was as dispassionate as ever when he ordered: “remove the gag, Olen.”
Olen obeyed quietly. It felt wrong. Back in their academy days you followed an order from Superhero with yes, sir. Olen moving without the mark of respect was strange. Almost eerie.
Maybe Olen had changed as much as Shaw did.
The moment Olen removed the gag Shaw spit at Superhero. He only had a fraction of a second to enjoy it before his head was whipped to the side, his cheek stinging. Shaw hissed, bringing his head back to face Superhero. He met Superhero’s gaze with hatred fuelled eyes and then his head snapped to the side again, this time Shaw biting back a groan.
His jaw hurt enough from the gag, he didn’t need Superhero’s knuckles aggravating it more.
“You fucking piece of shit,” Shaw said, his voice coming out too high, raspy and croaking. He faced Superhero again, glare a little less fiery, a little more cautious.
“Nice to see you too, Shaw.”
Shaw met Superhero’s eyes, raising an eyebrow at the civility. Superhero inclined his head. “In bruises. Nice to see you covered in bruises.”
Shaw huffed a breath out his nose, then started muttering a spell under his breath. He barely got three words out before Superhero’s hand was on his throat, slamming his head back against the chair. Shaw gasped but no air could enter his lungs with Superhero crushing his windpipe.
His lethal eyes burned with a cold fury down at Shaw. When Superhero spoke his voice was low, dangerous, sending ice down Shaw’s spine. “Try and use your dirty spells again, Shaw, and I’ll knock you out cold. Just so I can wake you and make you watch as I murder Hero in front of you, are we clear?”
Superhero let Shaw’s neck go enough so he could answer. “Yes—” Shaw choked out with a slight wheeze.
Superhero’s eyebrow raised a fraction. It was the only warning Shaw had before Superhero’s hand was on his throat again, face far too close to Shaw’s, eyes far too terrifying and it felt like Shaw was a teenager again under Superhero’s command.
“Come on Shaw,” Superhero chided lightly, his voice like the edge of a dagger. “I know I taught you your manners, or have you forgotten and need a reminder hmm? Tell you what, because I’m generous, I’ll give you one last chance.”
This time, Superhero only removed his hand slightly from Shaw’s throat, leaving his hand there lingering like a promise.
Shaw sucked in a breath, unable to look down or away from Superhero. Shame curled up in his chest like a cat trying to soak up heat— Shaw told himself he’d never bow to Superhero again and yet…
“Yes… sir,” Shaw whispered.
Superhero’s smile was anything but kind. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Olen, did you catch that?”
Shaw didn’t know what Olen did behind him, but he knows he didn’t reply. Maybe a shrug or a gesture or something, but to Shaw it felt like insignificant.
“Me either. Louder, so we can all hear.”
“Yes sir,” Shaw croaked, forcing his voice to be louder, even as his vocal chords screamed at him for pushing them too much after being choked.
Superhero’s lips twitched as he lightly slapped Shaw’s cheek. “Good boy. Look at you, you haven’t forgotten your manners at all. You just needed a little encouragement.”
“What the fuck do you want?” Shaw asked, not caring that his voice was weak as he spoke. Superhero straightened again, allowing Shaw a little extra breathing room that he was grateful for. At least putting some distance between him and the devil himself.
Olen walked around the chair into Shaw’s view, leaning against the wall beside the stairs. His cigarette was gone and he just crossed his arms over his chest, eyes fixed on Shaw. Shaw could see the tension in his shoulders from here, which means Superhero must’ve been pissed when Olen told him he couldn’t kill Hero.
Shaw almost smiled at the thought of pissing Superhero off.
“Since when are you a Heretic, Shaw?” Superhero asked, drawing Shaw’s attention back to him. The question kind of stunned him. Superhero tilted his head to the side.
As in… he wanted an answer.
Shaw swallowed before he spoke, licking his dry lips that were chapped from the gag. “I was born a heretic.”
The answer got him a swift slap across the face. Shaw grit his teeth but thankfully it wasn’t hard enough to turn his head, so small victories.
Superhero’s smile was wan. “When did you pick up your practice again? Did Hero know?”
Shaw tried not to give it away. He tried not to react. He didn’t succeed, because the mere mention of Hero’s name and possible threat and danger caused to them by Shaw well… his cuffs clacking against the chair said everything Shaw didn’t want to.
Superhero let out a scoff. “Of course they did. No matter, I’ll make sure they learn the error of their ways.”
“Don’t fucking touch them!” Shaw all but growled. Superhero’s humourless smile stretched into a teasing grin.
“Or what? What will you do, Shaw? Threatening me from your position… I don’t know if it’s brave or stupid.”
“Why do you even want to kill Hero?” Shaw demanded hotly. “They’ve only ever followed your orders. Done as you asked!”
Superhero rolled his eyes. “Is this the part where I reveal all my evil plans to you, Shaw? Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
Shaw’s eyes went from Superhero to Olen’s, then back again, squinting a little. “Do you really want me to answer that?”
“I don’t think it would say a lot coming from you. If we want to talk about stupidity, at least I’m not handcuffed to a chair,” Superhero replied smoothly.
Shaw grit his teeth, pulling slightly on the handcuffs, more to do something than actually trying to escape.
“When did you find your faith again, Shaw?” Superhero asked. Shaw looked down, away from Superhero’s harsh gaze. He could feel the hatred in the room emanating from his captors. Heresy wasn’t something that would win you popularity among normal people.
“Recently enough.”
“How recent?”
Shaw click his tongue against his teeth, shrugging. “I don’t know. The last couple of months?”
“What is the church planning?”
Shaw stared at Superhero, brows knitting together. “I’m not back in the church.”
Superhero blinked, expression unreadable. Shaw looked from Superhero to Olen, eyes a bit desperate. Though, with the look on Olen’s face, Shaw knew he was searching for a friendly face in vain. His glare returned to his eyes as he turned back to Superhero.
“I’m not with the church, Superhero. I told you about what they do, what they did to me. I would never—”
Superhero didn’t say anything. Just stared down impassively. Shaw scoffed, reclining back into his seat with a shrug. “Faith and religion are two different things, Superhero.”
“Fine. Then who helped you find your faith again?”
“What does it matter!” Shaw yelled. Superhero punched him again, his knuckles cracking against Shaw’s cheek and Shaw cursed as pain flamed hot across his face. He didn’t turn his head to face Superhero again. Instead, stupidly, naively, his eyes met Olen’s in a desperate plea.
“It matters because I say so. You had so much potential, now look at you. Wasting it. Squandering all of our hard work with your filthy, blood drunk love of ambivalent gods. Pathetic.”
“Honestly? Their magic is pretty handy. So is their blood, but I guess Olen could tell you all about that. After all, it did stop you in your plan to kill Hero,” said Shaw with a shit eating grin as he turned back to face Superhero. “At least I have something while you godless, carnal fucks just languish here useless.”
Superhero blinked, entirely unimpressed. “You forget your beloved Hero is one of those carnal fucks.”
“No, Hero’s different. They’re good. You know, like what heroes are meant to be.”
“The strong survive, Shaw.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shaw snapped. Superhero let out a sigh, as he started walking in a slow circle around Shaw’s chair.
“There’s a reason that Hero’s goodness is the exception and not the rule, but you already knew that didn’t you? It’s why you waited there in the alleyway. How can a hero who needs protection survive in a world like this?”
“Hero doesn’t need protection—”
“You seem to think they do. Their naivety of how good the world is and how good people inherently are, well…” Superhero said with a smug smile as he came to stand in front of Shaw again. “Let’s just say, it will kill them before I get the chance to.”
Superhero’s words hung in the air thick and dense. He didn’t elaborate further, and after a minute or so the words took on a life of their own and started crawling under Shaw’s skin.
“As long as I’m alive I won’t let anything happen to them,” Shaw told Superhero. He twisted his wrists in the cuffs, hoping that he could rub his wrist hard enough to draw blood from the metal.
Superhero stared at him for a long, drawn out moment. Then he turned his back on Shaw to face Olen. “He’s not going to tell us anything right now. Gag him and we’ll try again in a few days.”
“Wait!” Shaw cried. Shit shit shit. If they gag him he won’t be able to get out of here but then— he doesn’t even know what they want from him?! He pulled at the cuffs harshly, praying that he’d bleed. Come on! He has to stall them longer. “What? You want to know how I got my faith back? I’m telling the truth, it doesn’t just go away.”
Superhero glanced at Shaw over his shoulder. “It doesn’t just come back either, Shaw. Who encouraged you to practice heresy again?”
Shaw set his jaw, his eyes burning as he stared into Superhero’s dispassionate eyes. “You’re protecting someone,” Superhero told him, his voice light and airy. “Friend, family, preacher? Doesn’t matter. You’re not going to give them up today.”
“Why does the heresy even bother you? You’re Superhero the city loves you!”
“As long as the black church still operates from the shadows and has their secret heretics practicing their magic, they will always be a threat Shaw. You know this. Isn’t that why we worked so hard to beat it out of you in the first place?”
“No you tortured me! There was no hard work on your part,” Shaw hissed.
Superhero’s eyes glinted cruelly. “I mean, you didn’t restrain yourself. There was some work on my part. Or did the whippings leave such a fleeting memory? We can start them again if you need a refresher.”
Shaw glared up at Superhero, lips curling back in hatred. “My people are peaceful, Superhero. Most of us are peaceful. Of course there’s some bad people but you can’t kill us all for a few bad people!”
“Who’s going to stop me, Shaw? You?”
“You can’t just go on a witch hunt and eradicate us all! That’s— that’s,” Shaw’s breath hitched as he felt blood slide down his wrist onto his thumb. Yes! Fuck. “That’s madness, Superhero.”
Superhero shrugged. “I guess I’m a little mad then.” That was the end of the conversation. Superhero turned and nodded at Olen before walking to the staircase. Olen had just pushed off the wall when Shaw clicked his fingers and quickly muttered the spell under his breath.
Superhero turned back, rage and murder in his eyes as Olen lunged for Shaw. Shaw grinned at them both, his skin glowing the strange silver and then he was gone.
He collapsed back into his bedroom in his apartment, stumbling back against the bed before lying down on top of it. He felt nausea climb up his throat but he wrestled it down with a groan. He pulled his hands in front of him, staring at his bloodied wrist. His hands were shaking, his body exhausted, his mind spent. He should really have a shower and clean himself up, but instead he kicked off his shoes and curled into a ball on his bed.
Hero’s alive.
He can rest.
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emininjago · 10 months
can you please do a Lloyd X zielo daughter reader basically the reader is the daughter of zielo and in this zielo is a good guy also zielo is the god of everything Lloyd and the other ninjas don't know because the reader is always in human form and when do they find out simple one day the reader and the other got attached and zielo happened to be walking by and when he see his daughter in danger he immediately saved everyone and of course everyone is shocked including Lloyd that not only is the reader not fully human but is also a demigod (zielo is from the murder of me both the reader and Lloyd are immortal the reader is always in human form because she is nervous of telling the others and this is just pure fluff I hope that this isn't to much)
ooooo, this sounds like a goodie! I do have to do some research but don’t ya worry, I will gladly write this. Thank you lovely person 🫶 ps I also went full out on the fluff near the end and added a bit of angst 💛. Hope you and everyone like it
Btw, most if not all of my oneshots/headcanons are gonna be in 3rd person because I find it easiest to write in. Also, I have a mini game for you while writing a certain section of this I was listening to ‘The night we met’ by Lord Huron have a guess where the lyrics ‘and your eyes were filled with tears, when you had not touched me yet’ inspired a section in the oneshot 💛
༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻ Lloyd Garmadon x Zielo daughter reader
Y/n= your name
f/c= favourite colour
h/c= hair colour
e/c= eye colour
For this reader uses she/her pronouns however you can replace them with whatever pronouns you feel comfortable with. Warning- cursing 💛
btw- this is Zielo (creepyyy fan art.)
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How do you tell someone you’re immortal?, that you’re not a human? That you’re the daughter of a god, of the Zielo making you a demigod. These questions haunted Y/n’s mind daily always having a mental debate with herself about how she should tell her friends, her newfound family, her partner about her heritage. Should she tell them about her heritage? She knew she had to eventually otherwise the dreaded conversation of when can I meet your parents will occur from none other than Lloyd, she had pictured it so many times in her mind that the entire scenario has been imprinted inside of her ranging from awkward side of her having to tell the blonde that she is infact the daughter of a god, to Lloyd being confused and rambling about the situation and then the worst part of it all the judging eyes. The judging eyes of Lloyd staring at her in disappointment about her heritage, I mean her father is a good person he ain’t evil but the bright emerald green eyes judging her every word haunts her in her mind. She felt a pinch being pressed onto her right shoulder causing her to turn her head to look at the culprit and there were the emerald eyes looking right at her.
“hello~” Lloyd sing song out his attempt at bringing Y/n’s attention onto himself.
“Lloyd? Why on earth did you pinch me.” Y/n asked her eyelids blinking slowly at the confused expression beginning to form on her face. “Are you okay?” The blonde questioned his hand slowly moved onto the table and near to Y/n hand “you looked like you were in another realm or something.”
Y/n hummed in response trying to plan out her response in her head she could say ‘oh you know thinking about my dad being a god and that I’m practically a demigod and did I mention to say immortal’ and then Lloyd would say ‘wait what’. But after repeating it in her head a few times she decided she didn’t want to send her beloved blonde boyfriend to an early grave.
“y/n?” Lloyds voice spoke again, a concerned look now appeared on his face.
“sorry, lot on my mind.” Y/n gently smiled, she wasn’t lying when she said there was a lot on her mind she just didn’t specify what exactly.
Lloyd moved his hand to be directly on top of Y/n’s “do you want to say what’s on your mind?”
I’m a fucking demigod, the daughter of Zeilo, immortal and I’m not even fully human she desperately wanted to yell, today had been the hardest in a long while for y/n to keep her heritage under-wraps she wanted so badly to tell someone about herself, about her struggles of fitting in, about everything. But now wasn’t the time.
“I’ll be fine, it’s nothing that I can’t handle.” Y/n declined shaking her head
“you sure?” Lloyd questioned, his grip on y/n’s hand tightened slightly.
“Yes Lloyd, I’m sure.” Y/n grinned showing Lloyd that she was fine (well physically, mentally ummmmm). In an instant her eyes narrowed playfully at Lloyd “you still didn’t tell me why you pinched me.”
“Oh well, um I heard that pinching helps get people out of a daydream.” Lloyd sheepishly answered now regretting his decision to pinch her.
“it hurt.” Y/n complained, she removed her hand from Lloyds grasp.
“Sorry.” Lloyd mumbled, lowering his head slightly in guilt.
“Probably gonna have a bruise there.” She smirked, y/n turned her head away from Lloyd.
“Wait what-“ Lloyd eyes widened in shock, he didn’t pinch her that hard? Did he?
“Yeah, gonna have to say that I got the bruise from the terrifying blonde ninja.” The smirk on Y/n’s face grew as a horrified look grew on Lloyds face.
“Terrifying??” Lloyd questioned
“Yup, and the terrifying blonde ninja is also incredibly gullible.” Y/n sneaked a look at Lloyd from the corner of her eye, he looked like he had seen a ghost.
“I am so sor-” Lloyd sympathetically said, he was about to apologise until he repeated the sentence Y/n had said in his head “wait gullible.”
Y/n couldn’t hold it in anymore and laughed to her heart content, Lloyd held an annoyed expression on his face.
“not funny.” Lloyd deadpanned.
“it was very funny.” Y/n chuckled slowly coming out of her laughing fit, her cheeks burnt bright red from laughing.
“I thought I hurt you.” He sulked as colour finally returned back to his face.
“From a pinch?” Y/n questioned
“yes!” Lloyd exclaimed his arms raised to show his point.
“Sorry, sorry. Couldn’t help it.” She giggled placing an apologetic hand onto Lloyds shoulder
Before Lloyd could think of a snappy come back to say and to get revenge on his h/c girlfriend for making him think he had hurt her, however Jay ran into the room in a panic.
“Ultraviolet escaped she’s been spotted near Borg tour!” Jay yelled, entering the room he stopped himself midway into the room and took a slow look between Lloyd and Y/n “have I interrupted something?”
Lloyd replied with a “yes” while Y/n said “no” both looking at each-other in confusion, until they recalled what Jay had screamed. “Ultraviolet escaped!” Lloyd exclaimed, he rose up from his seat in a shock already pulling his green GI mask over his head.
“everyone’s wanting on the bounty, Pixel will fill us in on the way there.” Jay explained rushing out of the room and towards the bounty parked outside the monastery.
“guess our little ‘debate’ will have to wait.” Y/n smirked grabbing her f/c GI mask from the table and standing up from the chair.
“oh believe me, I’ll think of something on the fly.” Lloyd replied his voice slightly mumbled from the mask, he grabbed y/n’s hand and rushed with her behind him to the bounty both mentally preparing to fight ultraviolet once again.
Yet, in the back of y/n’s mind she had the sudden sense that something was going to go terribly awry. ༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻༻
Y/n was right, and she wished she wasn’t. When her and the ninja team arrived it appeared that ultraviolet was expecting them and ambushed them, it was no wonder why people called her crazy. She was crazy enough to go against eight ninjas and so far ultraviolet was winning. Everyone was getting tired, bruised and beat by some miracle ultraviolet had gotten stronger, faster and crazier. Y/n was on the ground her lungs breathing heavily attempting to regain her breathe, her nose was bleeding and she was barely able to remain conscious. This was certainly the opposite of winning. Looking around at each of the ninjas all of them desperately trying to remain focused on the fight at hand and not to fall on the ground out of exhaustion and pain, the fight was far from over that’s what Y/n was thinking and was about to stand up once more regaining her composure to enter the fight once more when a flash of light appeared infront of everyone. A figure stood in the place of where the flash of light had landed, the figure didn’t look human they had skin as pale as snow, long and sharp fangs were seeping from their mouth and their almost black eyes were staring daggers their eyes going from ultraviolet to the ninjas and finally to y/n. Her eyes widened at the realistic of who this figure was, it was Zielo, it was a god, it was her father. Once Zielo eyes reached his daughters they immediately went darker.
“which one of you hurt my daughter.” Zielo threatened his eyes scanning the room at everyone nearby.
Y/n quietly moved her eyes from the ninjas and to ultraviolet hoping her father noticed her gaze and would send all of his fury to ultraviolet and not to her friends. Luckily he did, his head quickly turned towards Ultraviolet her eyes dilating realising the sudden danger she was now in.
“I-I- should g-g-go!” Ultraviolet stammered out, her gaze fixing to the opposite side of the street “I-I-I- h-have to uh feed my spider, yes! S-s-spider.”
Ultraviolet turned around and began legging it out of the street, the moment she had disappeared Zielo lifted his hand up and snapped his fingers. The sound of ultraviolet confused and scared screams was heard in the distance. Silence filled the room once the scream had fully disappeared.
“is she?” Jay stuttered he subconsciously took a step away from the terrifying being standing in-front of them.
“course not, just sent her back to where she came from.” Zielo replied, his dark eyes surveyed the room until landing on the nervous face of his daughter one last time. Internally Y/n was hoping her dad wouldn’t utter a word and would simply vanish after he saved both her and her friends, a smile erupted onto Zielo’s face when he saw Y/n “Y/n! Are you okay, who am I kidding your whole face is bleeding. What do you need? A tissue, some food, a hug~”
Y/n blinked slowly at her father, he had called her out. Her own father had called her out. She could just ignore his statement and act confused as to how this very strange man had known her name, yet she didn’t. Not really.
“yes I am fine, uh random god who is definitely not my dad.” Y/n mentally face palmed, she had done the exact opposite of what she was supposed to say.
“Wait dad!” Kai exclaimed looking at Y/n and Zielo trying to find some similarities between them, now he could see it. He could see the resemblance.
“no- yes.” Y/n lowered her head in shame her eyes lingered at the ninjas and their shocked faces before sighing “everyone met my dad Zielo, the god of everything.” Her voice lowered near the end of her sentence hoping her friends wouldn’t hear her. They did, Y/n secret was finally out.
“Did I hear you correctly? The god Zielo is your father meaning you’d be a demigod?” Zane inquired his head titled in question wanting to understand more about the situation. Before Y/n could reply Cole intervened “but why doesn’t y/n look like him, you know with the teeth and the um other things.”
“good question.” Nya whispered leaning into Cole
Y/n inhaled deeply mentally trying to figure out her wording on what she’s about to say, it wasn’t the exact words she was hoping for. It was the exact opposite, it was similar to the words she had in her head from nearly an hour ago.
“you know my dad the god of everything as you now know and I’m practically a demigod oh and did I mention to say immortal” Y/n rambled, her arms went into every which way exaggerating her point.
Zielo faced his daughter with a confused look on his inhuman face.
“didn’t you tell them?” He questioned causing Y/n to rapidly turn her head towards him.
“not really a conversation I wanted to use as an introduction to my friends and boyfriend!” Y/n snapped “yEaH iM tHe DaUgHtEr Of ZiElO lOvElY tO mEeT yOu.”
“Being on earth has made you so much more sassier than before.” Zielo mumbled incoherently.
“You aren’t human.” Lloyd finally spoke, he had kept quiet during the whole interaction and now he wanted clarification on what Y/n is supposedly saying. Y/n grimaced slight as she was reminded that Lloyd had found out then and there that she wasn’t like the rest of them.
Y/n nods her head “surprise.” She tried to smile to try and distinguish the situation her dad had gotten her into (even though she was grateful he had saved both herself and her friends). Instead of the judging eyes y/n had feared to be on Lloyds face when he would eventually found out the truth a warm and loving smile began to grow on his face.
“oh my masters that why you were distracted you were thinking about this.” Lloyd said in a relieved tone his head moved to look up, the smile still remained on his face.
“Wait what” Y/n raised an eyebrow at her blonde boyfriend internally questioning why he was happy about her heritage, she thought Lloyd would’ve been the one to say wait what.
“Do you two need a moment?” Kai questioned his eye scanning the room.
Before Lloyd or Y/n could reply, Pixel did “I think we should.”
“right, come on scary powerful god of everything let’s show you round the greatest flying ship of all time.” Jay announced, he was about to grab onto Zielo’s arm and drag him away but he thought better of it. He didn’t want to upset the being that could destroy him in an instant.
“yup! Let’s go!” The ninjas apart from Y/n and Lloyd all awkwardly side stepped out of the street with Zielo shuffling behind them glancing at the weird antics of the supposed mature and respectful ninja.
Y/n blinked slowly when the ninjas left he eyes were no longer on Lloyd.
“look Lloyd, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about my heritage I thought you’d be disappointed that I’m not you know entirely human and that I’m a Demi god. Which isn’t a bad thing cause you know I’m immortal I’ll practically never die, and since you’re a Oni AND a dragon then you probably cannot die either so basically this is like a win, win situation.” Y/n explained her eyes never once landing on Lloyd, however his eyes were on her. Y/n’s eyes finally landed on Lloyd “why are you looking at me like that, I know it’s difficult for you to process this. It’s difficult for me to process that now you know something I should have told you a long while ago. Lloyd, stop staring at me and talk.”
Lloyd slowly stepped forward, the smile present on his face yet more loving as if he had fallen in-love with y/n all over again and in some way he had. He fell in-love with a side of her he had never seen before. Still Lloyd didn’t speak, he didn’t utter a word to Y/n.
“Why aren’t you saying anything, you should be upset at me, angry, disappointed, possibly disgusted. Why aren’t you doing-“ Y/n was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her into their embrace. Lloyd was hugging her.
Silence surrounded them, not one of them muttered a single sound as they both enjoyed being in each others comforting embrace.
“I’m not alone.” Lloyds voice mumbled into Y/n’s h/c hair.
“what?” She whispered wanting to hear what he had said.
Lloyd chuckled under his breathe it was then Y/n realised he was crying. She lifted her head up to look at him, tears ran down his face.
“I’m not alone.” Lloyd whispered repeating what he had said a bright tearful grin on his face.
“You’ve never been alone.” Y/n reassured, uncertain why Lloyd was getting emotional. Was it because he was so upset about her heritage.
Lloyd shakes his head the tears continued to flow “I get to spend every day of my life with you. I don’t have to worry about you dying of old age or leaving me, you’ll always be by my side.”
Tears slowly made their way to Y/n’s e/c eyes as she realised what Lloyd had known.
They weren’t going to leave. They weren’t going to die.
They were going to live out the rest of their immortal lives together
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. angst. breakup. warnings. some language. fighting. crying. mention of drinking. angst. hwiyoung is kind of a jerk in this, reminder that this is just fiction-- it's not meant to accurately represent the real idols. pairing. hwiyoung x reader. wc. 1.1k. request. no. a/n. based off of drive5 if it wasn't already obvious... uhh sry in advance for this????? i promise i love hwiyoung idk why i wrote this lmfao
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“You’ve changed, Youngkyun.” You mutter tensely. Youngkyun always has the aircon set 2 degrees too cold in his car, and a shiver runs up your spine. You always hated the cold, yet despite that, you had stupidly fallen for him. He’s like a block of ice, yet no matter how much you tried to melt him with your warm heart, he stayed chilly.
Youngkyun grips the steering wheel a bit tighter, flipping on the left turning signal and turning onto the highway. His foot pushes on the gas slightly as he matches the speed of the other cars on the highway. He still doesn’t respond to you.
You let out a shaky sigh and look out your window, “Did you ever love me? Why did you ask me out a year ago if you never intended on paying attention to me in the first place?” You wait for a second, wondering if that would get him to utter even a word in reply— even just a hum that he had heard you. 
But, no. He’s always the same. Stuck up in his own world, self-obsessed and unfeeling. You wonder how his friends even put up with him? It’s as if he had no thoughts or feelings. Even when you tried to discuss something that directly affected him, he didn’t even care enough to listen. 
“I don’t even know why I agreed to date you. You’re such an asshole.” You tell him through gritted teeth, a bit louder this time. “I hope whatever poor girl you ‘fall for’ next drops your ass before you have the chance to brutally misuse her like you did with me.”
Again, he stays silent, spiking your nerves just a bit above the limit. Your eyes sting with tears but you blink them back. You won’t cry because of him. He doesn’t even deserve that much. You hear him take a breath, and you turn to look at him, wondering if he’ll finally say something back to you.
“If you had so many problems with me, then why did you decide to date me?”
You hate that response. You hate how calm he is when you’re about to reach your breaking point. You hate that he doesn’t have the decency to at least apologise to you before he spews more of his nonsense. It’s like a stab straight through your chest. If he had ever loved you, even for a second, he would at least apologise for upsetting you before interrogating you.
“Oh, so it’s my fault, is it?” You let out a laugh, and it’s filled with disbelief at his actions. “It’s my fault? I was holding our relationship together for months while you went out drinking and paid no attention to me! I always held out hope that one day you would treat me the same as when we first met. But since January I’ve never seen even a speck of feeling in your eyes. Is it amusing to see me try so hard!? Do you find joy in my struggles to get this relationship to work— only to inevitably fail cause it will never work out with just one of us trying?” You spew, letting all your built up frustration flow out, hitting him like bullets. You were sure he had already built a repelling force field around himself to block you out; one that would only make the bullets bounce back to hit you.
“You wasted your time trying to get it to work.” He whispers.
“I wanna get off.” You breathe out, feeling like the doors of the car were slowly closing in on you. It was suffocating being in the same cramped space with Youngkyun, where everything just brought up old memories.
The necklace that you had gifted to him was still hanging from the rearview mirror. He had never worn it. You realize in an instant that him hanging it there wasn’t a compliment to you. He never wanted it in the first place.
“We’re on the fucking highway, Y/n.” He points out, as if you weren’t capable of noticing that before.
“Just pull over and let me out here. I’ll get a fucking taxi.” You spit back angrily.
“Shit, you’re so impatient. You can wait 5 minutes for me to reach this exit.” He says angrily, somehow pushing your anger up even more. You let the first tears slip down your cheeks. You hate being around him in this way. You feel like he’s slowly ripping you to shreds— limb by limb, leaving you broken beyond repair.
You do your best to stay silent and not let your muffled crying reach Youngkyun’s ears. It would be too humiliating for you to bear. The 5 minutes it takes to reach the exit feels like 5 hours. Youngkyun pulls over to the side of the road, stepping on the break harshly. You jerk forward slightly, and wonder if he’s doing it on purpose. You open your car door in a rush, trying to get out as soon as possible, but you feel him grip your wrist. You turn back around and stare at him, eyes burning to take in his features one last time.
“I’m not the only one who changed.” He says slowly before letting go of your hand. The blaring honks of cars behind you is almost deafening, some of them trying to find a way to get past Youngkyun’s black car blocking the road without causing an accident. You get out of the car and slam the door shut without another word to him.
It takes a second to register your reality. You stand still on the sidewalk for a few minutes, breathing in the crisp cold night air and letting the tears fall freely. You don’t know how far away from home you are, but you know that you’re not in any hurry to get back. You just soak in the moment. You were done with him— finally, you were free from him. You wanted to laugh, but it just came out as harsher sobs. 
If he hadn’t changed, would it have worked out?
If you hadn’t changed, would it have worked out?
You stare up at the sky, sniffing your last tears away. It’s dark and a mesmerising blue; it’s beautiful. You wonder if Youngkyun was also looking at the night, contemplating how cruel it had been to both of you. Though, with a scoff you realize that he wouldn’t care. This would all pass by for him like it was nothing, because it had already been too long to recall the last time he had cared for you.
↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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You'll Never Know
Ike Evans Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Warning: angst, etc.
Summary: You're forced to attend a new year's party with your husband, causing old feelings to flood back when seeing the man that broke your heart four years ago. Inspired by- Mindy McCready's - You'll Never Know.
A/N: Based off; Would you hold it against me universe. Can be read as stand-alone.
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I bought a new red dress to lift my spirits up And just like you did, honey, it cost me way too much Next time you see me, I'll bet you'll take a second look You'll wonder why I look so good
You absolutely dreaded having to be at this cursed place, the place that would have been your home had life not fucked you over. What you dreaded the most though, was running into him again after all these years.
Life wasn't fair though, you learnt that the hard way. So, here you were; forced to ring-in the new year at the Miramar Playa, home to the man that broke your heart four years ago.
Why where you here though? It's quite simple; you were accompanying your husband.
You smile at your reflection in the mirror as you think of him.
Ben was a good man, a good husband and father too. You found yourself blessed to have him in your life, in your daughter's life. You had solely believed finding someone that loved you weren't in the cards for you, but then Ben came along.
Marrying Ben Diamond was the best thing, aside from having your daughter, to have happen to you. But at this instance, you might be doubting it a little.
It'll be fine. You reassure yourself while rolling your shoulders backward a few times in attempt to calm down.
The place it packed full. What are the chances of running into him?
With those words in mind, you give yourself a once-over in the mirror and head out the restroom to join the new year's celebration hosted this evening inside the walls of the Miramar.
You'll never know how much I miss you, you won't see it in my face You'll never know I'll never find another that could take your place 'Cause I'll be smiling when I see you, my tears won't ever show Yeah, I might always love you But you'll never know
Fate was not on your side this evening it seemed though, because when you exited the restroom, just a few feet away from you, there he stood.
He had his back toward you, but you would recognize that tall broad-shouldered form of his anywhere, anytime.
He hasn't seen you. Move before he does though!
Taking a deep breath, you take a step forward to go to your table, but you're stop instantly in your tracks when he turns around to directly face you then.
Don't acknowledge him. Don't acknowledge him. You internally remind yourself as you stared him dead in the eyes.
When I saw you out last night, you seemed so surprised That I could walk right by and not blink an eye To look at me, you probably think I'm doing fine Good thing you can't read my mind
You stare at Ike as if looking at a stranger, breaking eye contact then to stare pass him as if you're looking for someone. Panic rushes through your veins like ice water when noticing from your peripheral vision, that he was making his way towards you.
Fuck! No! Run!
You were shitting yourself as you thought of a thousand ways in which to escape from the room before he could reach you. Then as if sent by God himself; Ben entered from another direction, calling Ike's attention away from you then.
You let out a sigh of relief at your husband saving you from an extremely awkward situation, panicking just a bit still at the fact that Ben might call you over if he saw you. So, before either of them could realize; you hightailed it back to the rest to wait it out.
* You'll never know how much I miss you, you won't see it in my face You'll never know I'll never find another that could take your place 'Cause I'll be smiling when I see you, my tears won't ever show Yeah, I might always love you But you'll never know...
You sat on the luxurious sofa in the restroom, silently playing with your fingers as you waited it out to go back into party. Hearing the music from Frank Sinatra playing, you knew it was safe to head to your table.
"What took you so long, Sweetheart?" Ben enquires as he pulls out a chair for you.
"There was a long line" you answer, smiling when he presses a kiss to your cheek when seated.
Ben returns the smile, gently brushing your hair aside to press an open-mouthed kiss to your neck then.
"I missed you..."
Your eyes flutter shut at the sensation, turning fully towards him; you press your lips against his.
"I missed you too."
Breaking away from the kiss, Ben beams happily at you and turns back toward watching the show again.
Feeling a lot more at ease, you reach out for your wine glass and direct your attention toward the show as well, but not before your eyes land onto Ike's table that had his wife and children seated at.
He's moved on and so have you. 
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mushiewrites · 2 years
hi!! since prompts are still open, would you be willing to write a ler!punz fic? I had a dream with punz in it and now i’m in my punz era and desperately looking for punz fics lol. I don’t mind who the lee is, just want really teasy punz :D thanks for the consideration!
Hi! Thank you SO much for your patience! I actually had this saved bc I wanted to do a full Punz fic, but I couldn't think of any amazing ideas and I didn't want to keep you waiting!
"Oh Dreeeeam~" Punz felt strange hearing those words with his voice, and not with George or Sapnap's.
Dream had face revealed a few weeks ago, now able to make irl content and do more things with his friends. Unsurprisingly, the first thing he wanted to do was the irl Manhunt, inviting the usual crew but also a few additions, including Quackity, Karl and Punz. It had been going on longer than Punz had anticipated, somehow being the only one who was tracking Dream as the two were alone, Punz chasing after the younger blonde as he maniacally laughed.
"Punz, get away!" Dream cackled, running as fast as he could while dodging trees through the woods they had decided to film in. Nothing was being filmed yet, but they wanted to test out a few rules and regulations before recording just in case something had to be changed around. Regardless, Dream was still playing as if they were.
"Not a chance, Dreamie!" Punz laughed back, continuing to stay right on Dream's tail so he didn't lose him. The shorter boy had grazed Dream's green hoodie multiple times, but was unable to successfully grab hold of it to yank him back. It seemed like luck was in his favor though, when Dream was too busy looking to the sides for other hunters to see that a huge tree stump was directly in his path. With a loud thud and a short scream muffled quickly by a hand, Dream was on his back in the leaves with a very smiley Punz sitting on his hips.
"Would you look at that?" Punz started, laughing as he watched Dream struggle to grab his mask that had fallen a few feet ahead of him. Punz raised his hands above his head in victory, stage whispering and making Dream scoff. "The Great Dream has been captured!"
"Fuck off, Punz. Let mehehe up, this isn't fair!" Punz let out a snicker as Dream's attempts to fight him off dwindled, clearly losing his stamina from all the running he had been doing.
"Nah, don't think I will." Punz rolled his eyes playfully, leaning forward a bit and poking a finger into Dream's tummy to emphasize his point. His eyebrows suddenly rose, a small smirk beginning to form as Dream yelped, covering his stomach with both hands and looking up at Punz with wide eyes.
"Oh Dreaaaam~. What did I just find?" Punz gave another curious poke to an area of Dream's tummy that he couldn't block, causing him to buck up with a squeak. The taller boy below him began to fall apart after a series of well placed pokes to his lower tummy, kicking his feet and digging the heels of his boots into the ground to try and push himself away from Punz. Punz wasn't having that though, and latched onto Dream's sides with both hands, beginning to squeeze up and down them with precision.
"Nohoho! Puhunz okahay! OkAHAY!" Dream was squealing now, unable to help it as Punz targeted a spot on his lower tummy, right under his bellybutton, that made his laughter jump an octave. "OKAHAY I GIHIVE! I GIHIHIVE UP!"
The blue eyed boy let out a few giggles as he slowed down his squeezes and prods, eventually settling for light dragging his fingertips along Dream's waist. The younger boy was quietly giggling, his eyes closed and cheeks pink, melting into the soft tickles.
"Puhuhunz, plehehease." as much as Dream loved this, his adrenaline had made him a little more sensitive than normal. He squirmed as Punz poked into his ribs twice with a little more pressure, a high pitched giggle forcing its way out as Dream began to kick again.
"Alright alright, giggle bug, I'm done. I promise." Punz smiled fondly down at Dream as he stood up, holding his hand out to help Dream up. Before he could though, he felt a push to the back of his knee, causing him to collapse onto the ground in confusion. Punz quickly jumped to his feet, watching in annoyance as Dream sprinted away, cackling through his yelling.
"Oh you're fucking dead, Dream."
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histronic-gizmo · 1 year
I made this post a while ago, but I changed my mind about creating reviews for all the episodes. This one is completed so thought I'd share it
S1E1 - Pilot
Got all set up for a marathon tonight! Small bowl of takis, a coke, a caprisun, and lights dimmed. Let's fucking go!
I'm gonna do this by reviewing directly after the pre credit scene then do the rest of my thoughts on the episode afterwards.
OKAY, so, the pilot's opening!! I love this scene. I still remember the first time I watched this episode, it was the first thing I ever saw of Rick and Morty. That's a wild ass introduction to a show lmao. The first thing you hear is *RAPIDLY APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS* and then a drunk old man drags a teen boy out of his bed and into a ship made of garbage, I can't-
The way Morty kicks Rick in the face is so funny too. And Rick just straight up lying and passing out after he grabs his flask? 10/10. My jaw was on the floor the first time I watched it. I had to pause it on the opening titles and lay down and ask myself what I was getting myself into lolol
"Or you were out all night again with Grandpa Rick", IT SOUNDS SEXUAL, WHEN I FIRST HEARD THAT I WAS LIKE "AS IN SLEEPING WITH HIM ALL NIGHT???"
And Rick's quote about sleeping and school? Definitely relate. Not in highschool anymore but it was only 2 years ago and it haunts my nightmares fr plus college is hard af
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"Dammit!" "JERRY" "Beth D:" instantly knew their dynamic with three words
Love the immediate introduction to Rick's cynicism with his "There is no god" comment, this ep really set it all down. Which makes sense, it's what pilots do lol
Morty's "rename them...?" comment is underrated by the way, gets me everytime
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Also, the amount of trauma Frank Palicky smashing to pieces must've caused Summer :skull:
I love the type of humor thats the scene with Morty and Frank. It's a bit cheesy and some media overuses it, but I fucking love it!
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Poor Morty, always getting manhandled by his grandfather. I'm sure he likes it though :smirk:
My heart flutters when Rick saves Morty from, you know, almost getting stabbed. He acts like he did nothing, but I'm sure deep down he got pissed, why else would he just leave the guy frozen? He was maaaaad!!
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He totally bumped into Frank on purpose. Look at him, already being possessive over his 14 year old grandson. GRRRR unstable old men, I love them
Here comes my favorite quote from the entire show:
"Oh man, Rick, I'm looking around and I'm starting to work up some anxiety about this whole thing."
And Rick saying that the way you handle new situations is to charge into them like a bull? Manic episode me fr, also just me generally being reckless
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*shoves morty into the danger*
I adore Rick's mad scientist vibes in this early season 1!! Makes me pleased, I love mad scientist and jaded genius Rick equally fr
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I wonder a lot about Rick going into a "future dimension". He said he was there for a while, when he was there for 30 seconds on the screen. Does time move faster in there or something? Cause otherwise, wouldn't he have come back instantly? Hmmm
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POV: ur grandfather asked you to put too large seed up your ass for him
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The 'airport' scene is AMAZING ofc, we get out very first "Don't think about it!" in the series >:]
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Morty getting traumatized everyday :skull:
Now come on Morty, we have to get those seed out of your ass >:[
Rick is forever albert ein-douche to me, Jerry is an amazing angry father / improviser. I'd kiss him. Wait, am I attracted to Jerry? I think I'm just attracted to all the main characters in this show :skull:
Overall rating:
I rate it only 9 because I've watched it too many times to introduce it to my friends so it's hard for me to watch cus I overused it :pensive:
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three--rings · 2 years
Kinnporsche ep 14 liveblog
My thoughts as I watch the finale.  Warning a lot of them are complaining about the execution.  I’ll write something coherent later about the show as a whole.
Okay, so once again I’m super confused with how this show cuts between scenes.  Porsche went off with Vegas on his bike, then got into the main family’s house, put a gun to Korn’s head, then somehow directly after the cliffhanger ending of “your mom was my sister” he’s at his own house on Vegas’ bike again?  Like...maybe we find out this is a flashback before he confronts Korn but I don’t have faith in that given past instances of this in the show. 
This makes no sense....grr, anyway okay.
Okay I’m sorry but Porsche’s father getting shot was like the most fake getting shot reaction I’ve ever seen. 
Oh, okay I guess this is a flashback okay fine show point to you. 
So...do we believe Korn?  IDK IDK.  And I mean that would be truly shitty for Porsche, to find out his mom killed herself and left him and his brother alone.  Somehow I don’t quite buy it. 
So...he’s just dead?   Great so now Porsche stressed Kinn’s dad into death?  Fantastic.
And now he was poisoned?  Show you have GOT to be better about giving the audience information.  Seriously, like plot is NOT what this show does well.  Am I watching this show for Serious Mafia Drama?  No, no I am not. 
If this whole episode is Mafia Plot there better be some sex at the end.
By “head of our branch” does Chan mean Porsche?  Cause like isn’t he officially not a bodyguard anymore?  If not Porsche then I have no idea who he means.  See, this is what I’m talking about this shit is so fucking poorly written and confusing.  Oh wait, does he mean Pete?  Sigh.  Extra confusing by the next scene where Vegas tells Porsche he has to decide.  Decide WHAT precisely?
Oh, Vegas, what is Pete going to think when you just murdered all his friends.  Also fun watching the dead bodyguards breathing while we get the tragic last cigarette.
Yunno, maybe if you paid less for homoerotic bodyguards and more for like basic security like elevators you can lockdown this wouldn’t happen.
Fucking KINN.  I knew that was coming with other gun, but like COME ON.
30 guys and they all suddenly don’t have bullets?  I’m sorry this is just a level of cheese I can’t take.  I’m honestly TRYING here.  But come on.  Surely we could come up with a better way to make this a knife fight.
Suddenly we’re in Home Alone...okay.  Like, I can’t even figure out what the tone of this is supposed to be anymore. 
CHAY!  You did NOT just put headphones on your hair dye infused hair.  WTF.
Does Chay even know Kim is there?  He’s just gonna turn around from his product placement spot to find a bunch of corpses?  WTF Kim.
Okay thank you Vegaspete for giving me the first scene in this episode I’ve really enjoyed.  I love unhinged bloody-mouthed Vegas declaring his love to the man beating him up, kissing him, and then immediately ducking and running.  And Pete is just majorly confused.  Saving Vegas’ life by shooting him a little, beating him bloody, just...poor confused boy. 
Okay, points for me not really seeing Korn still being alive and REALLY not seeing Porsche’s mom still being alive. 
Okay but like clearly there’s something Korn doesn’t want known and that’s why he shot Gun right then.  And the Vegas standoff was so silly, like sure that’s how that would have gone down with mafia dudes.  But honestly, I’m like mostly in this for Vegaspete now which I would NOT have foreseen a handful of episodes ago. 
Bible is really skilled as an actor, though, damn. 
I just don’t EVEN know what to say about Kinn and Porsche and his mom and Korn and like that’s such a mess IDEK.
Okay, so LOVE the Vegaspete scene again.  Except for the part where Vegas gets shot.  Actually probably will love that part too because I don’t believe he’s dead.  Pete’s screaming after was a little unfortunate but whatever.
I kinda saw this coming way back when, that Porsche was going to be expected to be Kinn’s right hand like Gun was to Korn. 
Chay, baby boy that shit’s been on your hair so long you’re gonna be bald. 
Time jump??  Okkkaaay
Well my cat Weasel, who is very musical, enjoyed Kim’s song.
Yeah okay so S2 bait I suppose. 
Oh hey credit song in English!  Neat.
OMG why are Vegaspete the actual cutest? Why do I feel more about them than Kinnporsche at this point? 
God IDK IDK, this episode was messy and not playing to the show’s strengths, which are character and romance rather than plot and action.  As for the show as a whole, I’ll write something about that later.
I’m a little disappointed?  But it’s been a ride and I’ve mostly enjoyed it and I hope we do get S2 (which considering the success I can’t imagine we won’t.)
Not sure how they’ll actually make a S2 fully interesting but there’s enough plot hanging to I guess make it work. 
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aizawaskittenwhore · 3 years
𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
≛ 𝘧𝘵. 𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘬𝘶, 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰, 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰, 𝘥𝘢𝘣𝘪, 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘴.
≛ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵. 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵.
≛ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴: 1𝘬
≛ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘥𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢 /𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘴𝘦𝘹, 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘪𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘮, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨/𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺, 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘥𝘰𝘮 (𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘪), 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.
𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 18. 𝘥𝘶𝘩.
i’m gonna be honest
that whole “innocent bby deku🥺” shit is played out. this man will demolish your pussy and will not apologize for it.
izuku has the full capacity to be rough in bed, so don’t let his sweet and demure presence fool you
he’s really into overstim surprisingly enough
watching you stir and keen as you cum again for the third time in a row fills him with a sense of pride
knowing nobody else could make you whine like this, make you sputter and stumble over each word, make you cream all over the dick the way he does
he also adores fucking you to the point where you can’t form a comprehensible sentence
he’ll give you deep, slow strokes while holding a bullet vibe directly to your swollen clit, pine eyes sparkling as he watches you plead for him to stop, yet buck your hips into him, chasing another orgasm.
calls you bunny instead of puppy bc ew
“you’re so insatiable, bunny. you like it when i—ah, fuck!—tease your pussy like this? ‘like it when i take what’s mine?”
the pleasure is overwhelming, insurmountable as he brings you to that prepice over and over again until you’re crying.
he’ll then flip you onto your stomach, hands digging into the dimples and slopes of your hips before absolutely impaling you on his length
he’s thick, and comes in at a solid 6-7 inches, so you’re always sore after a round or two
breeding kink. like a major one.
izuku wasn’t always the most confident in his abilities as a boyfriend let alone a lover
so when you started letting him cum inside you it was a huge boost
likes breeding you before work so he can think about the guys that hit on you in the break room smelling the scent of sex all over your body as you walk past them, sticky white fluid creeping down the leg of your pantyhose.
he couldn’t keep other guys from looking at you, but he could damn sure remind you of who you belonged to.
oh, and he’ll slide two fingers in once he’s done and scoop as much of his cum between them as possible before slipping them in your mouth so he can watch you suck it all off
this mf is possessive and nasty.
that’s it. send tweet
nah but in all seriousness, katsuki loves watching your eyes well up with tears as you squeeze and milk his dick for all it’s worth.
he’s a good 7-7.5 inches
not an insane amount of girth but the length more than compensates for it
most definitely uses it as a punishment
and isn’t afraid to do it while you’re in public either
which brings us to his exhibition kink
he’s very prideful when it comes to his reputation as a hero, so you would think that it would keep him from doing anything scandal worthy
it only adds to the searing arousal he gets from watching your tongue fondle his sensitive head, knees bruised from being beneath him for so long
it’s a power trip for him, especially if he’s in costume
depending on your behavior, he’ll be generous and let you swallow while praising your performance
or he’ll wrap a hand around the back of your neck, slide your mouth off of his spit-soaked cock, and stroke himself until his cum splatters all over your eyelashes, fully debauching you in the desolate alleyway
he’s made you walk back home with cum all over your face before, after you’d been particularly bratty over the course of a week
“katsuki! i can’t walk back home like this, what if someone notices?!”
“should’ve thought about that before you decided to visit me while you weren’t wearing any fuckin’ panties. nasty little girl...now hurry up and get a move on, and you better not wipe it off either.”
loves the thrill of humiliating you
unrelated, but he’s an ass man through and through, taking such pleasure in watching it jiggle and ripple under each heavy blow he delivers
takes photos of the marks afterwards and has an album for em.
he also loves fucking you on different surfaces around your penthouse (and his agency)
the man is territorial
so what better way to mark his territory than by making his gorgeous girlfriend squirt and cream all over it?
babe i am so sorry for your neighbors
cause if there’s nothing else shinsou loves it’s to make you scream
he’s got a corruption kink, but not in the way most people do
he doesn’t give a damn if you’re sweet and innocent, or if you’ve got the mouth of a sailor and could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch
what matters to him is making you lose your composure.
one day you’d been anticipating a call back from a job interview you’d gone to a few days prior
and shinsou just so happened to be observing your blissed-out expression as he ground into you from below, your body atop his
when your damned phone started ringing
being the sly little shit that he is, he saw an opportunity
“answer the phone pretty girl...don’t wanna keep them waiting, do you?”
reaching for your buzzing cell, you press the green ‘accept’ button, raising the device to your ear as you jolt forward
“hello, may i speak to y/n?” a chipper voice chimed through the receiver.
“t-this is sh-she. how can i—ah!—help you?” you garble your words, trying to suppress your moans
hitoshi merely takes this as a challenge, opting to drive into you deeper whilst trying to keep the noise down, it’s less fun when it’s obvious what you two are doing
his dick is thick as FUCK. 6 going on 7 inches but honestly you couldn’t give less of a fuck with the way he’s stretching you
surprisingly enough you managed your way through the phone call, telling the white lie of “helping the neighbors move”
but little did you know this was only the beginning of hitoshi’s new favorite pastime
he’s another exhibitionist too
so uh...good luck with that
remote control vibrators on dinner dates, fingers stuffed deep inside your sloppy cunt while he makes small talk with your mom at the dinner table,
even kneeling beneath your desk and sending you to heaven and back while you’re on a video call with your fucking boss.
he’s addicted to watching you fall apart, and is more than willing to apply that pressure.
dabi’s dick would fuck anyone stupid.
let’s make that clear.
it’s canon that he’s got a jacob’s ladder, blah blah blah, but let’s discuss how fucking pretty it is
creeping in at a firm eight inches, and about 4 and a half in girth with a drool-worthy mauve tip, his shaft slightly lighter than the rest of his tanned, unscarred skin
it’s dangerous, barbells running up the underside of his shaft or not
definitely into temperature play
and i’m not talking about that soft shit like warming up his fingers whilst they’re plunging in and out of your sweet center
no no no
that fucker will BRAND you and will not apologize
you’re his pretty little cumdump, and he’ll stake his claim upon your body how ever the hell he pleases
degradation is a given.
“—what a fuckin’ whore. tch, you really think you deserve this dick?”
“how about you get on your knees and beg for it then if you’re so damn needy.”
“quit your god damn whining, or i swear i’ll leave you spread out on this fuckin’ bar for shiggy to find. maybe i’ll even get a promotion for giving him such a slutty little bitch to use.”
“what’s wrong? does it hurt sweetheart? can’t take it after you talked all that shit earlier?” you shake your head no, thighs trembling as you struggle to maintain the position dabi’s folded you into. “...good.” he smirks, eyes gleaming with malice before pounding you to filth, cries spilling from your mouth as you beg for release, knowing he won’t give it to you.
making you cry? a specialty of dabi’s. your tears get him harder than anything; to watch your lips quiver as you sniffle, wiping away tears while he palms himself through his sweats
has shown you off to shigaraki, and will not hesitate to tongue your fluids off his digits while carrying on a full conversation with the other man.
after all, when you know your toy’s better than someone else’s, you tend to brag.
speaking of this mf
he’s the reason gamer boys get the rep of having massive dicks
cause god damn did you not expect this man to be slinging around eight bordering on nine inches of dick. four and a half to five inches of girth. poor you.
he’s also got a penchant for angry sex, so if that’s not enough of an indication that you’re going to have trouble walking afterwards i don’t know what is
but one thing he loves more than taking you apart piece by piece and cumming inside of you with zero remorse?
doing it when he’s in the middle of a game, and he’s online with the party’s voice chat.
“mmm—god, you really will do anything i tell you....swallowing every inch while these guys get to listen, and you’re not even embarrassed, you’re getting off on it!”
“i love little sluts like you, always doing whatever it takes just to have a cock pry them open at all times. that’s what you are, right? my little slut, made for me to do whatever i want to.”
yes, he’s made you whine so sweetly for him, cry as you beg him to touch you, while he plays fucking valorant.
and you can’t count how many times he’s mocked the way you gag and choke on his massive length while he played genshin impact with random guys online.
is a sucker for a good set of nudes, and isn’t afraid to ask for them on a regular basis
plus he just likes taking pictures/videos of you in general, saving them to a private album of his phone for him to use when you’re not there
he may parade you around as though you’re a lifeless fuckdoll, but if nothing else he’s possessive, and would rather relive the pain of losing to all might than let another man see you the way he does
but i’ll be honest, tomura’s not always a teasing, possessive, vindictive asshole with a huge dick.
he’s also a teasing, possessive, vindictive asshole with a thing for being dominated....and a huge dick.
see, it balances out!
it started with a bet that if he lost another round of mortal kombat you got to peg him
it took a lot of convincing, but he agreed to the terms, certain he’d win regardless
and after button smashing like your life depended on it with subzero, you managed to secure the win.
a grin stapled itself to your face after being treated to two hours of tomura’s incessant sobs and wails
“mhm—please...i can’t take it—ah! fuck, fuck, fuck! right there!”
“don’t make me work for it, i promise you’ll never be player two again, just please let me cum—m’ so close..”
game nights are always fun with him, you can count on it.
my god my god
i’m gonna say it right now: keigo doesn’t eat pussy for you.
he does it for him.
and that makes all the difference in the fucking world when he’s pulling you to sit on his face
scruff scratching at your inner thighs deliciously as he makes you squirt alllll over aforementioned facial hair, rolling your hypersensitive clit between soft lips and a fluid tongue
he could stay between your thighs for hours and hours on end
will propose to devour you in the most inappropriate of places
and honestly? isn’t the least bit ashamed about it. elevators, in front of large office windows just a few stories above the street where you’re just barely visible to the people below,
on endeavor’s decorative towels after he spread them out on the floor so he could fuck you senseless on top of them, etc.
the flame hero had pissed him off earlier, and he needed to exert some petty rage. this was most sensible use of his energy.
also in case it wasn’t obvious: breeding kink. duh.
no thoughts head empty just hawks begging to breed you during his rut
“come on pretty girl, let me make you a momma....can’t wait to stuff you full of my chicks....”
he blushes so deeply when he’s close to cumming
and boy does he fucking whine
dick is just as pretty as he is, he’s a good 6 inches with a three inch girth; tip flushed and pink
definitely cherishes intimacy during sex
and will certainly go out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable/desired
he could have all the money/fame in the world
and it still wouldn’t compare to the feeling of your thighs suffocating him while he slurps at your cunt like it’s his last meal.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
I absolutely loved Sober Thoughts!! It was just so freaking good, drunk Kaz is adorable! Is there any chance we could get a part 2? Maybe the morning after and just how Kaz would react to finding out what he said? Or maybe he remembers? Either way, I think there’s definitely potential for more (only if you want to of course).
sober thoughts part two - kaz brekker
part one is here (read it first! it’ll probably help give context) 
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
a/n: hellooooo i got SO many request for a part two of sober thoughts (this request being the first!) and i am here to give the people what they want <3333 threw in some domestic crows moments in there as well bc i love them sm 
warnings: like one mention of food, alcohol, hang overs
kaz looked like he had been hit by a train.
his hair was sticking out in all different places, part of his shirt was tucked into his pants and the other wasn't, his walk was slower than usual, he was squinting his eyes at the light of the room, and holding his head gingerly. but, like always, wearing his black gloves.
he was definitely fighting off a killer hangover.
as kaz walked over to the breakfast table, filled with food thanks to wylan and matthias' cooking, you shared a look with jesper. the same way you had the night before. as your face turned flush with embarrassment at the memories, jesper's lips quirked into smirk. he was standing on the opposite side of the table, leaning on his elbows. nina, sat next to you, was also grinning in your direction. you internally cursed jesper and his friendship with the girl, if nina knew then everyone knew.
knew that kaz brekker had been hammered last night, and that he'd called you pretty with so much seriousness that just the thought sent your stomach into a frantic state.
you knew kaz probably didn't remember the night before and you wanted to save the two of you the shame and embarrassment. especially kaz. and you didn't want him to feel obligated to pretend he had meant his flirting. you knew it was a drunken moment, something fun to do or say as the alcohol flowed through his system.
even if you would give anything to hear kaz call you marvellous into your ear again, fully sober this time.
as kaz sat in the seat next to you, you sent a silent prayer to whatever saint was listening that jesper would keep his mouth shut.
but of course, the saints didn't listen to barrel rats as often as they should.
"so kaz, baby" jesper giggled, "did you have a fun night?"
you watched kaz lift his gaze to jesper's grinning face and send him the deadliest stare ever. nina started cracking up next to you.
"jesper if you don't quiet yourself right now, i'll make sure you never play another game of cards again" he growled, throwing his head into his hands to hide from the light.
"aw c'mon kaz, don't be like that. it was my party of course you had fun, maybe a little bit too much fun." nina teased him, while shoving another bit of waffle into her mouth. kaz didn't respond, only keeping his head hidden in his hands.
"yeah i'm almost positive you felt very pretty last night" jesper laughed, emphasizing the word pretty. the reference made you blush as jesper and nina shared a high five at his clever wordplay.
kaz lifted his head and positioned his chin on his hands. you couldn't help but appreciate how sweet and sleepy he looked in that moment. you felt happy that kaz felt comfortable enough with all of you to let you see him vulnerable and dare you say, soft. "jesper, what in the hell are you going on about."
he rolled his eyes and smiled mischievously, the way jesper is so known to smile. he shot you a quick glance and said, "you know, drunk words are sober thoughts, angel."
at this phrase, kaz stilled. you could see the wheels turning in his head. and you could see the moment he remembered the night before and his entire body straightened. he whipped his head in your direction, looking at you properly for the first time, his mouth open slightly in an 'o'.
nina slid out of her chair and grabbed jesper's hand, dragging him out of the room. "have fun you two" she called out behind her.
you looked down at your hands that were sat on the table. "kaz you really don't have to explain yourself or anything. it was a party for crying out loud, i won't hold silly compliments like that against you."
except they had meant the world to me, you thought to yourself.
a part of you, a very naive part, the part that ignored that this was the infamous kaz brekker sitting in front of you, wanted him to say he meant it. wanted to hear the words from his mouth right now. wanted the words to be more than just alcohol.
you looked up at him and you almost lost your unphased act at his face. he was already looking at you. looking at you with some resemblance to the way he had looked at you before. soft. like you possessed everything he'd been looking for.
"they weren't silly," he said. you could tell it cost him to say the words aloud. the extra effort in each syllable of the admission was evident.
you waited for him to go on. you gave him a suspicious look. you didn't want his words out of pity.
he took a breath and averted his eyes, preparing to try again. "i do," is all he said.
"you do what, kaz?"
"think you're pretty" he clearly said, looking directly into your eyes.
you sucked in a breath and clung to the side of the table.
"and i do think you're marvellous" he added on in a much smaller voice.
if you didn't have the table for the support you might have fallen out of your chair at those words. they struck you like a bullet. physically striking, like every punch you'd ever received on a job. but in a totally good way.
"you do?" you questioned in an even smaller voice. you waited for him to say he was kidding. to take back the words. blame them on the mean mix of drinks that wylan had created the night before.
instead, he lifted his chin and with so much sincerity said, "i think you're everything."
involuntarily, your mouth grew into a bright smile.
he thought you were pretty. marvellous. everything.
kaz brekker thought you were everything.
and he was still looking at you like that. the look that caused your skin to erupt into goosebumps and the air around you to feel electric.
you leaned closer to him, placing your elbows on the table. "oh do you now?" you giggled.
he rolled his eyes and leaned closer to you as well, "yeah, angel. "
"and you're sober now?" you teased him.
"the soberest, scouts honor" he chuckled and crossed his heart, to really drive the point home.
you blushed and shyly passed him your cup of coffee.
"well even though i know you have no honor," he smiled at that, "i think you're fucking marvellous too kaz. and so much more than that too. "
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stariwrites · 3 years
Pairing: Sukuna x GN! Reader (The reader is AFAB)
Warnings: Dubious Consent, Oral (Reader! Receiving), Mind break, edging, denied orgasm, monsterfucking, corruption kink, dirty talk, mean dom to soft dom Sukuna, use of little one and little sorcerer as well as pet (only twice though), forced submission just to be safe 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this and this is for @seita “Corrupt a Virgin Collab!” Thank you so much for letting me participate! All characters are 18+  and as always Minors DNI and if you do or if you’re a nameless blog I will block you instantly. 
Word Count: 2.6K
Summary: Megumi, Itadori, Nobara, Gojo, Nanami...I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to keep my promise and protect all of you. 
Debris settled over the city. You coughed, cringing at the blood that spilled from your lips at the hit you had taken. You looked around you, watching as more buildings collapsed, people screamed causing it to echo. You couldn’t find anybody no matter where you looked. Your heart raced inside your chest. 
How much longer would you be able to pull this off? Ever since Sukuna and Itadori had been separated he caused nothing but destruction. 
You watched the curse you were currently fighting rush towards you. It’s green spindles shot out only for you to dodge it in the nick of time. The wall where you had been standing in front of was nothing but a hole. You cringed. That could’ve been you.
Before you had time to recover it focused it’s sights on you again, the eight purple eyes stared directly into yours. You tried to get up again only to be met by an explosion of pain. You glanced down at your hand nursing the wound on your stomach only to see crimson seep through your fingers. Shit. 
It let out a wicked shriek, leaving your ears ringing. It charged at you again. You closed your eyes. 
Megumi, Itadori, Nobara, Gojo, Nanami...I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to keep my promise and protect all of you. 
“Protect me?” Gojo’s voice was incredulous as he tossed his head back and laughed. It had been a busy day filled with killing curses and saving people, but at the end of it all of you were able to spend time together and watch the fireworks. “I’m the strongest there is, if anything it would be me protecting you.” 
Nanami huffed at his response, proceeding to whack him upside the head. He whined, turning to Nanami no doubt to start playfully fighting him which would end in Nanami sighing in disappointment.
You could only shake your head at the two of them while Nobara scoffed, nudging your arm with a grin. “Yeah, and besides we’re all going to get stronger so we don’t need to be protected.”
Megumi nodded with a small smile which caused you to huff.
“It’s not like that!” You clenched your fists beside you, before lowering your voice. “It’s just that all of you are precious to me and I’ll do whatever it takes to not see you hurt.”
They were all speechless at your response until Itadori’s face lit up into a bright smile. “Let's do it!” He cheered, jumping into the air. “We’ll be the best group of sorcerers out there you’ll see! Let’s all protect each other.”
The six of you looked at each other with matching soft expressions, a silent agreement that you’d all make it to the very end when the first explosion fired off. Itadori shrieked at the unexpected boom that echoed in the sky causing your laughter to break the silence between each firework. 
You smiled looking back on the memory. It was fun. The people you met, the friends you gained, you wouldn’t have traded it for the world. As you anticipated the final blow one last thought flashed through your mind. You had no regrets.
An explosion of light flooded from behind your eyelids, you braced for impact but none came. Slowly, you cracked an eye open only to have your breathing hitch. Standing where the cursed spirit used to be was-
“Sukuna,” your own voice surprised you. The demon turned to you with an unamused expression.
“Think you can just die like that?” He sneered approaching you. “You fool.” 
You tried to get up, all your senses screaming to fight but you only managed to straighten your posture before wincing in pain. Broken ribs, you assumed, if not worse. “What do you want?” You managed to croak out. 
Standing above you, his eyes were filled with venom. You swallowed silently wishing the destroyed cursed spirit had taken you out. You refused to break away from his gaze while his hand moved to cup your cheek. You flinched from his touch expecting him to rip your skin away with the swipe of his talons, but instead he clicked his tongue at the action.
“Make no mistake little one, If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead.” His voice sent shivers down your spine, but your body relaxed at the words. You wanted to shake your head. How could that even be remotely comforting?
You couldn’t dwell on it for long because the next thing you knew you could breathe properly again. You took a deep breath in, almost choking on it. You removed your hand from your stomach only to gape in shock. 
“You,” you looked up at the demon with wide eyes. “You healed me?”
He rolled his eyes. He couldn’t stand the way humans interacted nor did he want to. He craved the chaos he created and only wanted to see more of it, but one sorcerer managed to get under his skin, you. 
You were an enigma, your cursed energy was strong, that was for certain and as obsessed as he was with Megumi there was something about you that drew him to you. Maybe it was the way he could tell you were a virgin. You had so much experience but none with another person’s touch. He thought many times about you being tied up and at his mercy while he edged you for hours causing you to cry out pleas along with his name. 
Unfortunately there was no time to act on what he wanted with him still being inside the brat, but now, now was the perfect time. 
“Why?” The question left your mouth before you could stop it. He wanted to laugh at your perplexed expression paying close attention to your lips. You didn’t realize it, but you backed yourself into a corner. 
“Oh Little Sorcerer,” he crooned mockingly. A sinister smile stretched across his face reminding you just who you were dealing with. 
Squatting down to your level, he let his eyes rove over your body, paying close attention to where your uniform was torn and wrinkled. Instinctively, you covered yourself to the best of your ability which only made him lick his lips.
“You didn’t think I did that without a price,” his voice dropped an octave, “did you?”
Your heart stuttered in your chest while you gasped. There was no way, but noticing the hunger in those eyes that held a predatory gleam you understood what he meant. You couldn’t-
“Get away from them!” Megumi shouted. His footsteps raced towards where you were. Itadori and Nobara were fast at his heels shouting for you. A ghost of a smile fell onto your face. They were okay. From what you saw the only wounds were some scratches and bruises. They would be okay. The relief quickly faded when a talon turned your chin to make you look at him once more.
His teeth were on full display. “Let’s make a contract, shall we? I won’t hurt your friends as long as you do what I want in my domain.”
You raised an eyebrow skeptically. “And what would that be?”
“I get to ruin you.”
You knew you could stall, could buy time until they could help you, but the more you waited the more people screamed.
“So little one, what will it be?” Sukuna’s voice rang heavy in your ears. You could either go with him or more people would be hurt. You purse your lips, you had two choices: either allow Sukuna to take you and buy your friends some time or wait for them and risk more people dying. 
With a deep breath you faced the demon. “If I go with you, you promise that no person, that includes jujutsu sorcerers and civilians will be harmed?”
“Of course.”
Part of you didn’t trust him, but you mulled over the deal, searching for any loopholes. Megumi, Itadori and Nobara were getting closer. 
“Time’s running out, have you made a decision?”
You looked at your friends one last time as they screamed in horror running faster. With a final breath you focused back on the king of curses. 
“I accept.”
“Such a pretty little thing aren’t you?”
Obscene sounds echoed throughout the domain as you grinded against Sukuna’s tongue that resided on his abdomen. Small whimpers and broken moans spilled from your lips. Tears slid down your face while the appendage was lapping at your folds, flicking at your clit every now and again. Each grind down had your toes curling. You tossed your head back.
“Shut, ah, shut up!” You tried to shout, but it held no mirth to it. 
Sukuna smirked at your reaction. Still so fiery even after he edged you, you were a fun one that was for certain. 
He’d envisioned this moment many times before, but nothing beat the real thing. He kept your arms stretched above you with one of his hands while the other he used to cup your cheek. He lived for your expression, the way your eyelashes were grouped together with tears as you were forced to keep taking what he was giving you, completely at his mercy.
“What’s wrong little sorcerer,” he snarled. “Can’t take my tongue?” He couldn’t help but grow addicted to the breathy pants you let out as you clamped down at his words. His eyes widened, peering at you with an expression that almost looked impressed. 
“Who knew you could be such a slutty pet. Nobody’s ever touched you like this before and you’re already so fucked out, I wonder what will happen when you cum, hm?”
“Fu-fuck you,” you managed to get out between moans. You refused to give into him, wishing you had more strength in you to glare. You needed to put up a fight. 
He raised an eyebrow with a laugh. “Brat,” he dug his nails into your hips, there would be indents there for days, but he didn’t care. “You try to put up such a front, wouldn’t it feel better to give in rather than fight me? You’re so wet and you’ve been so good, so pliant for me are you sure you don’t want a reward?
The familiar coil in your stomach was about to break causing you to thrash your head back and forth. The burn was becoming painful, you didn’t know how much longer you’d last if he kept denying you. Sukuna noticed, forcing your hips to grind faster. 
“Oh? Is the little sorcerer close? Tell me, do you want to know what it’s like to cum from somebody other than you, hm?” He hummed keeping the brutal pace, watching as you heaved for breath, your eyes glossy and almost rolling back. A twisted grin morphed onto his face at the sight. 
“Don’t tell me I’ve fucked you dumb already,” he bit his lip to keep from groaning out into the domain. The reflection of the water only made you look more wrecked. “Tell me, is this what you’re going to look like when you're stretched out on my cock?”
The image alone had your toes curling. You couldn’t fight it anymore. You needed release. “M’close. M’so close. M’gonna cum. Gonna ngh gonna cum Sukuna. Sukuna,” you babbled, slurring your words.
You were almost there all you needed was one more extra push. 
Before you had time to process what was happening your hips stilled. A loud sob ripped it’s way from your throat. You couldn’t handle being denied anymore. All you could do was struggle in his hold and curse the king in front of you for torturing you like this. That’s when it registered, he was going to kill you like this. That must’ve been his plan all along.
You were about to speak, to tell him to just kill you already when he leaned closer towards you. His lips ghosted against yours. Without thinking you leaned in, desperate to feel his lips against yours, but before you could he pulled away and gazed at you.
You could see your reflection in his eyes, the way you were drooling for him, you were a mess, your eyes glossy from crying, you didn’t recognize the person staring back at you. You couldn’t remember how many times he edged you, but it was unbearable. 
“Beg me.”
Your breath caught in your throat even though you’d been expecting that. Part of you, the desperate want that curled itself into your skin and set your heart aflame wanted to cave in. Wanted so badly to finally get the release you’ve been craving all this time, but rationally you looked at the demon and whispered, “I, I can’t.”
As soon as the words were out you wanted to take them back, disappointment swam within you. You wanted to know what it was like, but the sorcerer in you couldn’t yield. You reminded yourself that you were doing this for them, but that would’ve been a lie.
 You expected Sukuna to tear you to shreds or leave you like this but instead he shushed you.
Your eyes snapped open, not even remembering when you closed them. He only rubbed your back with one of the hands that was on your hip while the other hand holding your arms set them down.
“Such a brave sorcerer, aren’t you? Even when you’re so desperate you still hold so much strength, but don’t you want to be ruined? Don’t you wish you would just be able to let go and have somebody else take the reins?” His voice was uncharacteristically soft like he was talking to something fragile, something that could break. 
You couldn’t deny that it sounded nice, to be out of control for once, to just let yourself be ruined by Sukuna. You craved release so bad it hurt. You shuddered against him at the thought of finally being able to lose yourself in pleasure while the cool air of the domain caught up to you.
Without hesitation, Sukuna embraced you in his arms, bringing you close to his chest. You imagined that if he was human, you’d be able to hear his heart beat pressed against him like this. He caressed any inch of your body his hands could reach as he placed a chaste kiss to your temple. You settled in the warmth.
“Shh, just let me take care of you little one,” he squeezed you close before placing two set of his hands on your shoulders to pull you back. It took everything in him not to smile. He had you, he knew he had you judging by the way your face was going from conflicted to completely lax. 
“I’ll ruin you for anybody else,” the hands on your shoulders dropped down to barely touch your waist, tickling you. He began to kiss down your jaw, moving to your neck. “You could rule by my side and stay with me in this space forever, you wouldn’t have to worry about curses,” he sucked a mark causing you to whimper. “Or saving people,” his other hands moved to play with your nipples. “Or those pesky sorcerers.” 
Your mind was reeling, unable to concentrate on any coherent thought. The difference from being so rough to being soft was messing with your head. You were losing yourself, but still tried so desperately to hang on, to not give in. You had friends you needed to protect, but all of that was fading away. 
Sukuna noticed and as he sucked on your earlobe, he used the hands tickling you to meet your hips, positioning you over his cock. “All you have to say is-”
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thegeminisage · 4 years
john abused both dean AND sam, just differently. in this essay i will
prove that the abuse manifested in different ways for each of them because that’s how abuse works in real life. this is based on the fact that john saw dean as mary’s surrogate but once he found out about the deal and sam having demon blood he blamed sam for her death. ok let’s fucking go
dean as mary’s surrogate
there are loads of parallels made between dean and mary in early season spn and late season spn. in season 12 dean directly calls himself sam’s mother, but even earlier than that we see him doing the cooking and child rearing. compare that to all the parallels made between sam and john (both of them losing their blonde woman significant others in a ceiling fire) and it’s clear that dean was meant to more resemble mary. it’s not a stretch to say that if we can see it as viewers this is how john saw it in his actual life. i do think john loves dean for being dean but he loves him more for being mary.
sam as the reason behind mary’s death
i think once john learned that sam had demon blood, some part of him must have always been waiting for the other shoe to drop with sam, not ever fully believing this kid was human, and maybe not even knowing if this kid was HIS. a popular theory back in the day was that YED fathered sam (something they had to actually address in season 4 to stop the speculation), and if WE speculated that hard, surely john must have too. i’m sure he loves sam as an extension of mary, and keeps and raises and protects him BECAUSE he’s mary’s, but similarly (or maybe inverse) to dean, i don’t know if he ever fully gave himself permission to love sam for being sam. in fact, i imagine john harbors a lot of self-loathing for failing to save mary. if we directly parallel john and sam, that means by some extent he would also hate sam.
john trusted dean with far too much, and sam with far too little
dean knew about monsters; sam didn’t. dean had memories of their mother and the night she died, and shared that trauma of watching her die with john; sam didn’t. dean knew when john was supposed to be home and who to call if he wasn’t; sam didn’t. dean was given the money and the guns and the CAR ITSELF; sam wasn’t. dean was taught to drive; SAM WASN’T. 
dean was expected to do everything john was supposed to have been doing in his absence - he was to be a mother and father to sam, he was supposed to protect sam from evil, he was supposed to see to sam’s meals and homework and getting to school on time. and he was put under an EXTRAORDINARY amount of pressure not to screw this up even a little bit, despite the fact that he was only a kid. sam on the other hand was kept on a strict need-to-know basis for his entire life, right up until season 1 when they reunite at last. john didn’t trust sam with ANYTHING, and sam knew it. this contributed to his lifelong anger issues because he didn’t DO anything to warrant that kind of mistrust and probably got gaslit about it a lot of times either by john himself or dean (unknowingly, by parroting/believing the things john said). even in the pilot sam says very casually of his mother “she’s gone,” because her memory doesn’t hold the same place of reverence for him - best guess is that john didn’t talk about her much to sam because he didn’t trust sam with emotional stuff either. in s14 we learn that dean was the one who told sam stories about mary, including her terrible casserole - and their attempt at recreating it infuriated john to the point of him throwing the entire concoction in the trash.
john relied on dean for everything, and refused to rely on sam for anything
canonically dean was the one who comforted john after a bad hunt, looked after and fed his brother when john wasn’t around. dean knew how to use a shotgun; sam didn’t. dean knew who to call in an emergency; sam didn’t. dean knew about monsters; sam didn’t. this was done under the guise of “protection for sammy” but turn it around and it’s also protection FROM sammy. think of how angry john gets when he learns sam has been having psychic visions. he’s not just angry that dean didn’t report it to him, he’s angry that the demon’s plans for sam are coming to pass, and that sam is becoming less human. again, he can’t TRUST sam if sam’s not human, and it proves to john that he was right all along to keep sam in the dark as much as possible.
john gave dean too much freedom, and sam no freedom at all
“watch out for sammy.” sam was under constant supervision by either dean or john; john made sure of it. again, it’s protection FOR sam but also protection FROM him, in case he did something inhuman or evil. dean on the other hand was left alone without any supervision at all for days or even weeks at a time - he resorts to stealing bread and peanut butter and (according to jackles) turning tricks for money. he had to make it work and got up to whatever the fuck he wanted when john wasn’t looking. sam had to LITERALLY run away from home before he got the simple pleasure of eating pizza and having a dog by himself, independently. dean was given too much independence and freedom but sam was kept on such a short leash he had none at all.
john made dean feel unworthy, and he made sam feel unclean
when dean fails to protect sam from the shtriga in the season 1 flashbacks, he says his dad looked at him differently after. he also implies that john physically beat him when sam ran away in flagstaff. whether he meant to or not, john made it abundantly clear that his love for dean was not unconditional; it depended very much on how well dean performed the multitude of tasks john assigned him. dean grew up believing that his only worth was in what he could do for other people. he demonstrates this an an adult over and over and over, from letting his possessed family members beat him up to refusing to take care of his own needs, emotional and otherwise, and snapping at people who try to talk to him about his own feelings.
on the other hand, sam talks in season 8 about how even at a very young age he felt impure and unclean, even before he knew that he had demon blood, even before he knew that there was any such thing as monsters. kids aren’t stupid, and sam picked up on the vibes john was putting off - that john didn’t trust him, might not have loved him, and might not have considered him human or even his own child. without even knowing why, he spent his entire life feeling unclean and inhuman, not worth of being loved by his own family. even dean, who we all know loves sam unconditionally, admits in season 14 that he often took dad’s side on arguments because he had “his own stuff,” further leading to the alienation that was sam’s constant companion growing up. 
john saved dean after their shared trauma of mary’s death. dean says in season 1 that the reason he stopped talking was that he was scared. iirc john’s journal implies he was mute for over a year, and dean in season 2 says that when he was 6 or 7 his dad took him shooting for the first time. if mary died just before dean’s fifth birthday, the timeline works out to dean talking again because john took him shooting. i believe that dean hero worships his father because after mary’s death, and dealing with the terror that something like that could come in and take his family away by killing them horribly at any time without any warning, john learning to fight back against the darkness - and teaching dean to do the same - is what gave dean his voice again. BOTH of them saw and carried the memory of mary burning on the ceiling for the rest of their lives. “watch out for sammy” and “get the thing that killed mom” were dean’s reasons to get up in the morning, because they were john’s reasons to get up in the morning. these things were LITERALLY his reasons for living. john gave dean a way to fight back against fear and gave him a cause to keep him going. abuse or not, dean never stopped being grateful for that, and he was the only other person in the whole world who understood the unique horror of what john went through that night. even all the way into season 10, he tells other people that john did right by him. it’s borderline brainwashing. part of dean’s self-worth will always be based on how good of a son he was to john.
on the other hand, knowingly or not, john did everything possible to alienate sam. he kept him on a short leash while also keeping him at arm’s distance. he didn’t trust sam with emotional things like the memory of mary, he didn’t trust sam with the truth about monsters and what they did for a living, he didn’t trust sam with his plans, he didn’t trust sam with the truth about demon blood. canon STRONGLY suggests john knew YED bled in sam’s mouth as a baby, but instead of telling sam or even dean about that, sam had to learn about it in a horrible flashback recreated by YED himself. when sam wanted to go to school, john told him no, and when he left anyway, john told him not to come back.
this is an equal but opposite kind of abuse. john totally fucked up BOTH his kids in complete inversions to each other.
which means that, no matter what john did, it caused sam and dean to fight. this isn’t an interpretation. this is straight up canon.
again, dean says in s14 that he frequently took dad’s side in arguments because he had his own stuff to deal with, and he was trying to keep the peace. dean, a victim of emotional (and implied sometimes physical) abuse himself, was not able to shield sam from all of john’s bullshit. he could stop sam from getting hit and having to see john during the worst of his drunken rages, but he couldn’t trick sam into thinking john loved him unconditionally, because john didn’t love either of his kids unconditionally.
when john acted in a way that was not befitting of a parent, sam rightfully took exception, which forced dean (who was ALSO BEING ABUSED, almost brainwashed) to jump to his defense. that led to john getting to do whatever the hell he wanted and sam and dean arguing about the effects. when sam ran away in flagstaff, DEAN was punished, leading dean to resenting sam for that incursion, even though sam was perfectly right to want to get away from an abusive household. when sam did a normal thing wanting to leave for college at age 18, he left, and dean resented him for that because that meant he was alone to bear the brunt of john’s anger. 
sam repeatedly made logical, emotionally healthy choices in attempting to break the family dynamic, but because of JOHN’S BEHAVIOR, not sam’s, those choices wound up causing dean harm. JOHN HIMSELF was the ultimate wedge between sam and dean growing up and beyond.
and let’s not forget the biggest sin - john spent 22 years impressing upon dean that taking care of sammy was EVERYTHING, and then without any explanation at all, he asked dean to kill him, and then he DIED, which meant dean had to carry that weight by himself (because again, he’s been trained not to trust sam with things). like of COURSE sam got angry when he found out - that’s fucking fucked up! once again sam is being treated like a ticking time bomb for absolutely no reason - he didn’t ask to have demon blood or psychic visions or a dead mom or an abusive father. nor did dean ask to be saddled with the upbringing of an entire human at four years old who he then might have to kill. because dean will always feel gratitude towards john, and sam will always feel resentment, and because based on john’s treatment of them BOTH OF THESE FEELINGS ARE JUSTIFIED, john continues to cause fights between sam and dean long after he’s dead and gone, and that will never change.
on a final note: i’d like to bring this around to season 13.
after cas, mary, kelly, and crowley all die (or are presumed dead in mary’s case) in the season 12 finale, season 13 opens with nobody but sam and dean and jack. dean directly blames jack for these deaths. he says so multiple times. he says where jack can hear him that he knows jack is evil and impure and cannot be saved and calls jack a freak. when jack tries repeatedly to kill himself dean says to jack’s face not to bother, because WHEN jack does go bad, dean will be the one to kill him. dean does NOT see jack as castiel’s child - he sees jack as someone who brainwashed cas and kelly both and got them killed. dean does not even see jack as a human person worthy of life. from the get-go, all he wants is to put jack down. jack is born into a world shaped by pain and grief and anger, where people hate him simply for what he is and who died to get him here. 
and again, sam identifies hard with jack. he justifiably protests dean’s treatment of him. jack is a kid and didn’t ask for any of this. jack is terrified of dean. sam reminds dean that john said all these things about sam that dean is saying about jack. john is still causing a rift between his sons over a decade after his death.
eventually, after jack uses his powers and brings back cas from the empty, dean pulls his head out of his ass and admits that he was wrong. he calls jack his kid more than once, and jack refers to dean as one of his dads. but the damage has already been done. jack struggles multiple times with his powers, accidentally hurting people and then wishing himself dead after. he also struggles without them; even when using his powers means using up pieces of his soul, he does it, because dean taught him that he’s only worthy of being loved and trusted if he’s “good.” even when he has NO SOUL, when jack does something bad he panics about it and seeks to undo it at any cost. that’s how deep the damage runs.
i see a lot of people remarking that in the arc of 13.01-13.05, dean became john, and i agree that he did. but dean didn’t do to jack what john did to him. dean did to jack what john did to SAM.
[spn masterpost]
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tomurasprincess · 3 years
Okay but have you ever considered Yandere Hawks going into rut and kidnapping his poor, overworked secretary, taking them home to his lovely nest, and breeding them. I mean, come on, it's spring. If they didn't want to be Keigo's breeding bitch then why did they stick around for so long? 🤔 None of the other secretaries cared enough to last this long. Clearly their still at his agency because they L O V E him~ 😏 Won't they just be so pleased to carry his hatchlings and be his pretty mate? 🥵🙏
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Warnings: Noncon, oviposition, forced breeding, forced orgasms, mating rut, kidnapping, drugging, yandere Note: Sorry this took so long to fill, but uhhh...I went crazy with it and this is a 1.2k monster of a mini fic. 😂
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When you wake up, it takes you several seconds to realize exactly what happened. You were working overtime as per usual when your boss Hawks came in. His pupils were full blown, sweat dripping from his body like he had just run miles, and he couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
You didn’t realize the danger until it was too late and he had you in his arms, pressing a sweet smelling cloth to your mouth and holding you until you passed out. And now, you’re tied to a bed naked, legs spread wide as an even more feral looking Hawks stares at you with hunger in his eyes.
“My pretty little bird,” he whispers as he climbs into bed with you. “You’re finally awake. I didn’t want to do this while you were unconscious, that makes it no fun at all for either of us.”
“Hawks, what is the meaning of this?” You try to sound calm, rational to try and talk some sense into him. “You need to let me go.”
“Why would I do that?” He slips up your body, slotting himself in between your thighs and grinding the bulge in the front of his pants against you. The rough fabric of his jeans pushes against your clit, and you let out a soft gasp. “See? You want this.”
“Whatever this is, no I don’t want it!” You snap at him, but instead of looking angry, the corners of his lips turns up into a smile.
“Of course you do, pretty bird. It’s breeding season for me, and you stayed around like a good little bird. You wanted to be bred by me, filled up with my hatchlings until you’re big and round.”
Your eyes widen in horror. “What - no, I don’t -”
You had heard rumors of Hawks, speculation on just how bird-like the number two hero truly was. But you had no idea of this, not even an inkling. “Your breeding season?” You ask hesitantly.”
“I’m in a rut.” And then he’s unzipping his pants, pulling them off and revealing a truly large, impressive cock that’s already rock hard. “And I can’t wait, my baby bird. I need to be inside of you, need to breed you until you can’t handle any more of my eggs.”
“Eggs? No no no, Hawks, please think about this - “
But he doesn’t answer, sheathing himself inside of your unprepared pussy in one firm snap of his hips. You whine at the painful stretch of your tight muscles around his length, and tears form at the corner of your eyes that he promptly kisses away.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’ll feel good in no time,” he coos at you as he begins to thrust. “Fuck, you’re so tight - you were saving yourself just for me, weren’t you? Of course you were.”
You begin to argue, but then you feel something at the entrance of your pussy, trying to force its way in. He said eggs, you remind yourself with dawning horror, that must be an egg -
“Hawks please, please think about this! I don’t want this!”
“Yes you do, little bird,” he grunts out, as he begins to make sharp, shallow thrusts into you as the egg forces your pussy to stretch even further. “You wouldn’t have stayed if you didn’t want this.”
You scream as the egg enters you and he fucks it up into your pussy with more sharp thrusts. You feel it press against your g-spot, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cum hard around it. 
“See? I knew it, you fucking wanted this. You cumming around my eggs is so fucking hot, baby bird,” he groans out as he fucks the egg up into you. He reaches the barrier of your cervix, pausing for one second as he reassures you. 
“This will hurt at first,” he admits, “but then it’ll feel good. And it will all be worth it when we have our precious hatchlings.” And then he gives one massive thrust as he forces your cervix open.
The blinding pain takes your breath away, the feeling of the egg pushing past into your womb agonizing. You feel a pop as your cervix gives way, and then the egg is filling up your once empty womb. Suddenly your body is on fire, pussy gushing liquid around his cock as more eggs push inside of you easily now that you’re more stretched open.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you mindlessly babble as the eggs move along your walls, pressing hard against them and causing more orgasms to wrack your body. “Oh fuck, Hawks, oh god, it feels so good - I can’t - “
“Keigo,” he corrects you, “call me Keigo, my beautiful mate, the mother of my children.” He presses against your stomach, rolling the egg around in your tummy and causing you to scream from the sheer pleasure.
More eggs plop into your womb along with the other, and your belly begins to swell and stretch and you’re only able to lay there limply as your body is wracked with more orgasms. “Please, no more,” you whimper pathetically, Keigo, it’s too much - ‘
“Shh, this is the last one, I promise,” he whispers to you, forcing one more egg through your wide open cervix. You glance down at your belly, shocked to see that you look 9 months pregnant already. You can see the outline of the eggs, and you marvel at it for a second before you reach down to touch one.
You give a broken moan as you feel the eggs inside of you, realizing that maybe he was right - isn’t this what you were made for? To be bred and full of eggs? It’s not so bad, you think, and in fact it feels amazing. How were you able to live, being so empty before?
“I knew it,” he smiles happily, “you realize this is what you were meant for.” He begins to thrust again, several sharp movements before he’s cumming against your cervix, shooting hot ropes of cum directly into your womb to fertilize the eggs.
He lifts your hips up, keeping his cock snugly inside of you until your cervix closes again, ensuring that no eggs slip out and all of his cum stays inside of you.
He picks you up gently, placing you in a large ring of pillows and blankets before tucking you in. “This is your nest, little bird. You’ll stay here until the eggs are ready to hatch, okay? Don’t strain yourself, you’re so delicate right now.”
You wouldn’t be able to move much even if you wanted to, you realize. Your belly feels so heavy and full, and you’re unbelievably sleepy. But before you pass out, you hear your mate distantly say something.
“We’re going to be such a happy family, baby bird.”
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
break my mind’s eye I — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal. 
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle) 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings: drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution 
Authors Note: finally i was able to conclude that bmme can be reposted!! please welcome back this precious gem of mine 
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The first time she saw was before one of her fashion shows. Small event compared to the likes of Gucci or Louis Vuitton but for her the biggest night of her life was about to happen. Unfortunately minutes before the show started, Belle got a call from her uncle to pick Taehyung up from their place and his tone sounded utterly bleak.
Walking away from a highly angered manager she rushed off to pick him up only to find him sitting outside on the porch in the cold wind, laughing a little to himself before swearing at no one. It was the first day Belle found out the things he had been taking.
Weed, ecstasy…she even found a small bag of cocaine hidden in his hoodie after getting him cleaned up.
“Where the hell did you get money for cocaine?” Belle tried to search his expression but Taehyung was too busy stumbling as he finally fell onto her bed.
“I know a guy. I promised to pay him back soon.” Taehyung mumbled turning to rest on his back, his limbs refused to stay still to a point where Belle started to get annoyed.
“Tae, how much do you owe this guy?” She asked, heart thumping a little knowing cocaine especially was not inexpensive and that mixed with other drugs…
His body being ruined was one heart-wrenching thing but she dreaded the amount of money this all cost.
Her brother stayed silent closing his eyes to let out a few breaths which caused her blood to boil even more.
Belle understood why Taehyung turned to something so putrid to relieve him of their recent troubles. There was a moment in time where she even thought to do so, maybe to ease some of the pain of they both went through. But it was getting out of hand.
The next morning Belle fixed him up a proper breakfast to distract him from taking another dose of the things he bought. Or was loaned anyway since he didn’t have a job or savings to pay for any of the products she found.
Taehyung didn’t even come to the table.
Instead as she walked towards the bedroom, she found him shirtless snorting something up his nose as he quickly threw his head back. Just hearing his sigh of relief made Belles’ stomach churn to near sickness.
Fuming, Belle grabbed whatever pieces of his stash she could find on the table and threw it in the bin pushing it away when he tried to savor anything that could be fished out. She saw his eyes widen so much that it almost seemed his eyeballs were going to fall on his hand.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Taehyung yelled, voice growly while his nose still had remnants of white powder dripping and his eyes bloodshot more than ever. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to get shit like that?!”
“I don’t care, you’re done with this!” Belle stood her ground but kept her voice calm, her own glossy eyes fixated on his.
“You don’t fucking get it!” Taehyung winced, face contorting it looked like he was about to cry. “I need it, okay? And I got that shit from a guy that works in the Jeon Cartel!” He gestured over to the entrance of the apartment. “I can’t ask for anymore, I haven’t paid for anything.” He yanked at his hair whining under his breath like a spoiled child not getting the toy he wanted.
Belle shook her head slightly, tears forming at the brim of her eyes. “Tae…” Her voice grew shakier now. “How much do you owe them?” Her bottom lip quivered watching his chest rise and fall heavily.
He stayed silent averting his gaze.
“Taehyung.” Her tone quickly turned firm though her heart pounded painfully. “How much do you owe them?” Belle truly hated acting like the oldest between the two.
Taehyung used to take care of her every single day almost more than her own parents since they mostly focused on their oldest son because he had ‘a lot more potential’. Her stomach ached looking at all the potential slowly going down the drain right in front of her eyes.
“A few hundred…six…maybe seven…” Taehyung muttered trying not to look directly at her when he spoke. He probably knew exactly the kind of shock gripped her face and he was damn right.
Belles’ entire body turned cold, her fingers almost wanting to fish out the substances herself just knowing how much money it cost to get it. But she curled them up into fists wanting to look strong. “I don’t…know how it feels…I do know it hurts and I know why you’re doing this but…I can’t lose you too.” She whispered, vision getting blurry as a lump grew in her throat. “You’re my big brother, you’ve always looked after me.”
Taehyung bit down his bottom lip lowering his head in slight shame.
“Please let me look after you.” She pleaded in a whisper trying to search his expression, to see any sense of softness or thought.
Her brother sobbed a little, running his shaky fingers through his matted hair before nodding but still trying not to meet her gaze. “Okay.”
Belle let out a trembling sigh of relief, a tear escaping slowly down her cheek when she finally relaxed. “I have savings you can use to pay for the drugs you asked for.” She stated in a gentle tone this time as Taehyung stared at her, shaking his head.
“That’s your boutique money, you can’t—”
“Yes I can.” She forced a smile across her face to reassure him. “My boutique can wait. I want you to get better.”
Taehyung gulped down carefully padding over his sister before leaning his head on her shoulder at an attempt of a lazy hug. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered against the fabric of her sweater, a light whimper under his breath. “Thank you.”
The chill that spread through her body now warmed up as she wrapped her arms around her brother, feeling like the younger sister if only for a second. “Who do we have to pay?” Belle asked sniffling a little.
“My debts’ too high…” Taehyungs’ grip tightened around the girl. “…the guy who gave me the drugs tells me I need to go straight to the boss for questioning if I come back again.”
Oh god, Taehyung…what did you get yourself into?
Much to Taehyungs’ discontent, Belle insisted on coming with him with the envelope of the payment in her hand. She figured cash would be more believable instead of bank transferring especially since there was so much money piled up for just debt. Her older brother looked at her a little surprised at how well she knew how to maneuver these things. “Being in the fashion industry doesn’t just mean I draw and sew clothes, you know.” She replied simply as she drove the both of them to the address Taehyungs’ guy told him to go.
During the trip she wanted to mention how sneaky it was to just give them the address and not come along. But then again…this wasn’t exactly an ethical business to begin with.
Of course it wasn’t difficult in the slightest to find the Jeon household considering it was on the outskirts of the city. A large sandstone colored mansion with vines growing off of the sides and golden detail on the windows and pillars. They drove in front of the closed entrance where Taehyung told them his name and that he was being expected which thankfully caused the large gate to slide open with a painful screech sound.
Heart pounded so hard it could have ripped out of her ribcages, the hair on the back of her neck stood up and her palms a little sweaty. The guards lined up in front of the door with their suits and shades making her homemade white floral dress look like peasants work. Even from here she could recognize that those uniforms were not made from some random ordinary designer. Even though the design itself was quite ordinary.
Taehyung walked out of the car first before Belle followed suit.
As soon as she walked out, one of the guards held his hand out.
“Ma’am, the boss requests that you give away your car in the duration of the meeting.” He spoke in a robotic tone.
Belle wasn’t even sure if he was looking at her directly since the shades were so dark but she gave him her car keys anyway. The feeling of emptiness eerily seeping through her already nerve-wracked body. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how Taehyung must be feeling around all of this.
They were led into the mansion by three guards. The entrance was really just a big hall that stretched across the whole expanse of the building. When they passed a large open archway then Belle could see the furnished details; a few couches circled around in the middle of the large space with the fireplace behind the sitting, a bar on the far right with some maids tending to the dust while there were stairs on the left leading to the upper level.
Why would they want meet them personally for a few hundred dollars? It looked like a small loss looking at the quality of this whole building down to the outfits their guards were wearing.
Maybe it was more greed than the amount of the money.
“Please be seated. Master Jeon will speak to you shortly.” The same guard declared before moving back to his post and standing there like a statue.
Taehyung and Belle sat at the couch that faced the fireplace. Thankfully the maids were kind enough to turn it on since she hadn’t realized how cool it was going to be in the house. They offered them tea which they both turned down. An empty stomach meant less likely for her to throw up from the anxiousness. Taehyung, on the other hand, lost interest for food altogether barely eating anything but crumbs.
She noticed the hollowness of his cheeks and the darkness under his eyes. How long had it been since she saw a smile stretching across his lips? Taehyung used to be filled with light and passion beyond anything Belle had ever seen. He was the reason she pushed herself to pursue her own dreams despite the side-eyes from their parents. He defended her passion. He protected from unfair treatment always giving her shine he thought she deserved.
Now Belle had to repay the favor. She needed to encourage her brother to restart his path back to one that made him happy instead of one that slowly destroyed him to the core.
Footsteps brought her back out from her thoughts, eyes trailing over to the stairs. A tall built figure dressed in an all-white suit with a button-up shirt to match, loosely done up so his gold necklace could glimmer in the light. Belle noticed the gold cufflinks shimmering from his wrists. Hair styled somewhat neatly with a side part and strands hovering his eye when he moved, lips a rosy hue and his face looked for younger than she expected.
When people said ‘drug lord’ she imagined a stumpy old creep with similar attire except traditionally unkempt with facial hair and untrimmed chest hair that hung over their shirts.
Despite his pleasant appearance, Belle was not going to be blinded to the fact that this man thrived off of her brothers’ suffering.
The man finally met her gaze after only glancing a little at Taehyung before sitting down on the couch in front of them. Legs spread apart ever so slightly, he leaned back with one of his arms extended out. “Mr. Kim.” He spoke in a soft tone, eyes going back to her older brother now. “Do you recognize who I am?” He searched his expression.
Taehyung kept his head lowered but nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Who am I?” He pressed on like a father calmly scolding his child.
“M-Master Jeon Jungkook…” He muttered helplessly almost glancing up to meet his gaze but quickly looking down once again.
“So you do know…” Jungkook nodded, pressing his lips together. “Here I was thinking you consider me a joke. Taking bags and bags of my products while assuming I won’t try to track you down. Is that you what you thought of me?” His tone grew firmer.
Unlike Taehyung, Belle kept her head up, maintaining her gaze on the stranger. It seemed like Jungkook had a good eye for noticing when he flickered over to look at her instead.
“No, sir.” Taehyung shook his head frantically. “I-I just n-needed to get my money together.” He explained in a shaky voice not noticing that his precious ‘sir’ was staring at Belle a lot longer than she was comfortable.
Maybe he was waiting for her to duck her head down like her older brother.
The urge to do so was stronger than ever but Belle persisted. Until Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung again.
Her brothers’ fingers trembled violently at this point. Belle itched to comfort him somehow but she wanted him to try and face on his own to some extent. Coming here and sitting next to him was already being far too lenient but she couldn’t let him do this completely alone. Not when the healing process was so fresh and people like Jungkook would do anything to make sure he stayed addicted.
“Where’s the money?” Jungkook gestured towards him.
Belle took a small breath, placing the envelope on her lap onto the glass coffee table. “One of your men said he owed seven hundred.” She spoke up now trying to keep her voice as steady as possible even though her heart was beating out of control. “The envelope has eight just in case he wasn’t accurate.” A chilly feeling brushed over her body when her savings just sat there on the coffee table. Nothing but petty money for Jungkook but to her, it was the only way she could afford the vacant building in the city for her boutique.
“And you are?”
“His sister.” She muttered, glancing over at Taehyung who let out a deep sigh.
Jungkook stared down at the thick envelope for a few minutes with a raised brow. “Jongho…” He curled his fingers in towards a guard who quickly rushed over to stand beside him. “Please escort Mr. Kim to the second living room for a moment. I’d like to have a word with Ms…”
“Belle…” The corner of his lip curled up before he gestured again towards the man called Jongho and he immediately led Taehyung away from them.
Belles’ heart raced seeing his helpless face looking back at her not sure if he was trying to apologize or if he was terrified of why they were being separated. “Why’re you taking him away?” She asked, being as polite as possible but her tightening fists told a different story.
“I’m not going to hurt him.” Jungkook murmured. He leaned in to rest his elbows on his knees, eyes searching her expression closely. “I thought it’d be better if I had a private conversation with a more steady minded person rather than your brother.” He nodded behind her.
Her brows furrowed glancing down at the closed envelope before staring up at him. “We got you the money, why do we need to have a conversation?” Belle’s voice was low just enough for only Jungkook to hear and no one else. Not that she could raise her voice even if she tried from how closed up her throat was.
“Because I’m honorable to an extent but I also hate people taking advantage of my kindness.” Jungkook shrugged lightly. “Your brother had been freely given all the products he consumed and he waited three months to give me my payment.” He let his sentence linger in the air to add more effect. “Three months of losing product and receiving no profit in return is not a risk I like making, Belle. Nor do I want to make it again.”
“So…what’re you saying?” Belle thought of the worst possible scenarios. Would they take Taehyung away and punish him? Or kill him? Was he being punished right now and Jungkook was just lying to prevent a scene? She watched his soft eyes trail up and down her form trying to be subtle but Belle caught it immediately feeling the urge to hide away into the couch.
“I’m saying the deal’s changed.” Jungkook declared in the most casual way like you would cancel a simple outing to the mall. “Look I can get money anytime I want to…you know that, don’t you?” He tilted his head a little searching her features. “I asked for this personal meeting on the basis of principle. Taehyung and many people like him need to understand that we stand by codes just as much as anyone. I’m not a money pig that just drools and accepts cash when it’s given to me.” He raised a brow.
Belle winced lightly, shaking her head. “Then why are we here? What do you want?”
Jungkook did nothing for a minute and gave her a soft smile. “Something he can take a little more seriously than cash…well—someone.”
Blood drained from her body from her aching head to her toes. Belle pierced into his smug gaze hoping…praying that he didn’t meant what she thought. The last thing she ever looked to be afraid of but now became the ultimate bane of her visit.
A visit thought to be quick and sweet with cash exchanged. How could she be surprised? These people wanted so much but still asked for more. What more could she expect from the man that took just to have the power to take some more? “Taehyung’s a good man.” She whispered. “He won’t do this again.”
“That’s what a lot of people tell me for years about their relatives or friends, Belle.” Jungkook murmured under his breath keeping the conversation to themselves despite the maids and guards standing around. “My grandfather heard it…my father heard it…every single time those people come back begging for more and then we get blamed for the dead bodies.” He sighed in slight defeat but she didn’t buy it in the slightest.
There was nothing noble about this request. If he were any other man gaining the audacity to say something like this, he would expect a hard punch on his nose. Except now it wasn’t just her own safety in question. Nor was Jungkook any ordinary man who could be taken by police or a punch looking at his build. “What am I supposed to do?” Belle murmured, heat flushing in her body making her more exasperated than grateful at the running fireplace.
Once again, a smile stretched across Jungkooks’ rosy lips. If it were taken out of context you’d think he was some sweet boy admiring something. But the reality was far from that lie. “You’re not going to be my prisoner, if that’s what you’re asking.” He smiled a little wider, eyes glimmering. “I’m not that evil.”
“You’re a lot more intelligent than you let on.”
“You just met me.”
“But I meet a lot of people…a little too many. So I tend to rely on first impressions and hope I’m right.” Jungkook shrugged.
“And if you’re wrong?”
He chuckled under his breath gesturing over to his guards. “They’re not there for decoration…and I don’t always negotiate like this. I’m just having a good day.” She saw his expression grow dark but the smile still remained making him look utterly sinister.
Visions of Taehyung tied to a chair, sobbing flashed across her mind making her mentally slap herself back to reality. She couldn’t look weak in front of him of all people. That’s what he wanted…for people to cower in front of him as he spewed his threats around to get everything he asked for. But denying him completely and storming out wouldn’t exactly be the smartest decision either considering she didn’t actually know where her brother was. The mansion was still mystery to her and Jungkook could easily hurt any of them as he so subtly stated with that stupid, fucking smile.
“So…what do you say, Belle? Do we have an accord?”
Taehyung was led back into the main living room, slightly yanking off of Jongho’ grasp and giving him a glare when he walked away. He looked over at Belle, her back facing him standing in front of Jungkook. “Belle?”
Belle looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile as she walked closer. She let out a sigh of relief seeing no sign of injury on the older male.
“Did he do something to you?” After the longest time, Taehyung sounded like an older brother again looking after Belle whenever she looked the slightest bit distressed. “What did he say?” He whispered.
She stayed silent, gaze lowered to look at his T-shirt before flickering up to force a smile at him. “It’s going to be okay.” Belle murmured. “He even offered to pay for your rehabilitation and get you back on your feet.”
Brows furrowed now gaining the urge to glance over at Jungkook but he couldn’t seem to stop searching his sisters’ expression. “Why would he want to pay for—”
“I told him to.” Belle gulped, smile fading away into a small frown.
“Belle, we can’t pay him back for all of that.” Taehyung held onto her bare arms feeling the cold skin underneath his.
She nodded. “Yes we can. He’s only asking for one thing.”
“…What?” He whispered.
Belle bit down her bottom lip, chin quivering a little before she smiled again even though her eyes grew glossy. “He wants me.”
Taehyungs’ heart plummeted making his whole body feel heavy. “No…” He shook his head, grip tightening around her arms as if she was going to disappear if he let go. “He can’t do that.”
“I agreed.”
“Belle!” It was more a loud whisper than anything but it managed to turn a few heads. “He’s going t—”
“I know what he’s going to do.” Belle rubbed his chest soothingly. “But this is the only way I can help you.”
“You have the money, why won’t he take it?” He gestured towards the envelope on the coffee table which now looked long forgotten.
Belle lowered her gaze. “Because he thinks you’ll just do it all again. He doesn’t trust you.”
“And you trust him?” Taehyung retorted causing heat to bubble up inside Belle.
“I trust you to do your part in this promise.” She tightened her jaw, wincing as the lump in her throat grew painful. “Unless you have a better idea to escape a pissed off drug lord then you will do this.” Tears flooded at her eyes threatening to escape but her gaze persisted on him. “Please promise me you’ll try to get better from now on.” Her lips quivered. “I didn’t know how else to help you. But now you need to help me. You need to heal and get back on your feet.”
Taehyung brushed against his fingers through the hair rested on her shoulder. “What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me.” Belle shook her head as an attempt to reassure him but he didn’t look at all convinced. “I’ll be fine.” She smiled faintly, a few tears escaping down her cheeks which he wiped off gently.
“I’m so sorry…” He whimpered, fingers curling around her hair. “This is all my fault, I should’ve just come here on my own.”
“He would’ve killed you.”
“But you’d be happy.”
Belle chuckled sadly. “You really think I’d be happy if I lost you?”
“But you wouldn’t be here.” Taehyung side glanced over at the guards who looked completely unfazed by the whole ordeal while Jungkook had his back turned to them, gazing out into the garden outside.
“Everything’s going to be fine.” Belle wasn’t sure if that was directed at her brother or herself. Was this meant to be her big fork in the road? The path she was supposed to determine her whole life. Maybe her parents were right. Maybe she was amount to only one thing… but she’d be caught dead before she cowered begging before people like Jungkook. If he wanted her then he could have her. But he’d be an idiot to think she wasn’t going to use that to her own advantage one day. “We’re allowed to see each other so you’re not losing me, okay? I’ll be there whenever you need me.”
Taehyung sighed in frustration averting his gaze, boring holes in the back of Jungkooks’ head with his glare. “I want to kill him.”
“Then we’ll never get out of here.” Belle replied simply.
Finally Taehyung succumbed to his sisters’ wishes, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead before letting go, physically deflating as he was led out of the mansion by one of the guards.
One of them, same Jongho walked over to her. “I’ll drive him back safely, Ms. Kim.” He gave her a reassuring smile before following Taehyung out of the mansion.
The double doors closed blocking out whatever light that came from it leaving her empty.
“Taehyung will call you when he gets home. So you know he’s safe.” Jungkook spoke up now in a gentle tone but Belle kept her back to him. “And your personal belongings will be moved here in a few days.”
She licked her lips before lowering her gaze, letting a few silent sobs before wiping the tears away. “Where can I freshen up?” Belle looked down at her fingers seeing the light mascara smudges, trying to wipe at the corners of his eyes to wipe any traces away.
Jungkook seemed like he gestured towards one of the maids because a kind looking woman padded over and touched her on the shoulder.
Her grey hair wrapped up in a bun and the smile lines around her face showed when she gave her a sweet grin, making her look like the only person that seemed somewhat trustworthy in this building. “Let’s go upstairs, dear.” She held onto her arms and led her towards the stairs. “I’ll get some new clothes sent up as well.”
Belle didn’t glance at Jungkook but she could feel his gaze on her when she was led up the stairs to the now shared master bedroom.
Similar to what a hotel suite would look like, the master bedroom adorned a modern design with an opaque black curtains drawn to keep the room cool and ambient with the warm lights. A king-sized bed with classic white sheets with some gold detail matching the aesthetic of the whole mansion itself. There was a marble partition that had a small gap on the bottom with a modern looking fireplace on to keep the room warm, situated on the immediate left when they walked in.
On the other side of the partition was a desk with a closed laptop and some files. Another open archway on the right that led to a walk-in-wardrobe with lit up shelves that accentuated all the different shoes and shirts.
Upon walking through the archway into the wardrobe, on the right, there was the private bathroom just as big as every other small area in the monster of a bedroom.
Belle was led into the bathroom by the kind maid where she saw a shower that could have been the size of her laundry room, a sink just in front of it with a bathtub on the far end. The white bathtub contrasted against the grey marble floor with a large window that showed a forest-like view.
“It’s an illusion.” The maid explained as if to reassure her that her baths were not going to be displayed out into the world. “The Master asked for a glass case that held shrubs but the foggy forest is an intricate painting by one of the familys’ personal artists. He likes the feeling of being disconnected from the modern world when he’s relaxing.”
Normally the design would impress her greatly. The idea of having the illusion of a calm forest without the hassle of actually moving to one was genius and the greyish light gave the bathroom a relaxing morning feel. Right now however it made her feel more trapped than ever. Even the view outside was just an illusion in her new cage. Nothing felt solid and real at this point like Belle was a ghost floating around in a dream that never seemed to end.
“Your towels are over on the stand there, dear. I’ll have robes and a change of clothes brought to you outside soon.” The maid smiled patting her lightly on her arm. “Don’t fret too much, darling. I don’t think the master has any intention of hurting you.”
“It’s not him hurting me that’s making me nervous.” Belle smiled sadly, grateful that the woman even cared to reassure her somehow.
“Ah…” The maid smiled and nodded knowingly. “I’ll get you some of my special tea…it calmed me down on my wedding night.”
Belle’s heart sank seeing the woman smile at her a little sadly too. “Is the secret ingredient whiskey?” She tried to lighten the mood which successfully made the woman chuckle. Somehow seeing the way the woman helped her in her own way reminded her of why she was in this glass case in the first place. She remembered Taehyung smiling again, throwing away all the things that tarnished all the peace in his heart and being free. She needed to be strong.
“Not really but…I’ll see what I can do.” She whispered the last bit with a cheeky smile before turning on her heel to leave Belle in a few moments of solitary freedom at the very least.
It may have been dark by now.
At least when Belle peeked the slightest outside the curtained window, the sun had been dipping into the hills to give the sky a pinkish hue. Her heart pounded at the lack of notifications from her brother. Her body felt fresher now that she had a comfortable long white nightie with a thin robe to keep her arms somewhat cozy. But skin still heated up significantly with her anxiety.
Then minutes passed before her phone buzzed and her heart released a thousand sighs of relief seeing Taehyung’s name.
“Yes it’s me.” Belle whispered with a biggest grin on her face from the sheer relief. “You went home okay? They didn’t hurt you?”
“No, no they were just… fine.” Confusion trailed in Taehyung’s voice. “That guy has way too much fucking power, they just dropped me off and left saying they’ll come back to drop me off at the rehab center. Normally his men tried to rough me up whenever they saw me.”
“That’s because they knew you’re the guy that doesn’t pay.” Belle cringed mentally hearing herself defend their actions but…she was a little too good at considering perspectives, she guessed.
“I guess…also I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking you if you’re okay.” Taehyung corrected but Belle let his words linger in the air for a moment.
Sitting in the luxury bedroom wearing a clearly quality robe with people working at her beck and call, in a first glance people would call her lucky. Digging deeper into the surface and seeing that Belle was manipulated into being in his position then people would call Jungkook a monster.
Was it only one of them? Was it both? Was it neither? Was this just a game that Belle had no choice but to play for a time until her brother got better? How far did Jungkook even think this through? Why was he so interested in manipulating Taehyung the most? Did he do this to every sister, brother or parent that came around? Did they even come this far?
“Belle, you still there?”
“Yeah…yeah, I’m okay. I’m just sitting.” She quickly explained.
The thoughts crowded in her head making it ache but thankfully the maid—her name she found out was Nana—gave her a piping hot cup of tea apparently laced with some herbs that helped calm anxiety and nerves. It was an ancient herb given to young girls so they could go through their wedding night without having an anxiety attack or breaking down. Blowing away some of the steam, Belle took a few sips ignoring the bitter taste on her tongue.
“I don’t know what he wants yet but I think I have an idea.” Belle spoke solemnly.
“You really don’t have to do this, Belle.” Taehyung whispered desperately.
“We don’t have any other choice.”
“You could just come back home and I’ll just handle it.”
“You had three months to handle it.” Her voice grew firm quicker than she even expected but she kept her head cool. Silence ran on the other end of the line making Belle sigh to calm herself down. “We just need to keep our heads. We’ll be fine.” She didn’t mean to make her tone sound so dreary but this wasn’t exactly the cheeriest of moments in her life. Her fingers absentmindedly played with the fabric of her soft nightie trying to empty her mind for a little while. “I need to go, okay? I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“…I love you. Be safe.”
The lump in her throat grew again suffocating her when she forcefully swallowed it down. “I love you too.” Belle whispered before hanging up. Taking longer sips from her tea now, it took a few seconds for her feel her limbs loosen like ice melting near a fireplace. Her body cooled down from her heated anxiety to a comfortable warmth she could melt into without the worries of the troubles around her.
For a moment, she could close her eyes and relish in the new found relief wanting to silently thank Nana for providing her this cup of momentary tranquility.
The door opened with the familiar white-suited man walking in giving her a glance as he shrugged his blazer off. “Nana got you some clothes…good.” Jungkook muttered, walking into the walk-in wardrobe and placing his blazer back before taking off his cufflinks when he walked back in the bedroom. “Is it comfortable?”
“Yes.” Belle replied, brushing her palms across the smooth sleeves of the robe. She never worked with satin a lot but whenever she felt it under her skin it gave her the tingle of pure luxury. “I just spoke to Taehyung…he came home safe.”
“I told you he would.” Jungkook murmured, unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his shoulder before placing into a hamper for the maids to take care of.
Belle noticed the stencil like silhouette of a phoenix etched into the right side of his chest as he walked over to his side of the bed. “You kept to your word. Thank you.” Not that you deserve it but…common courtesy.
She caught a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips while he unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor.
“Do I sense a little bitterness, Ms. Kim?” Jungkook mused.
“Why? You don’t like a little bitter taste on your tongue?” Snakes must get used to it by now, she thought.
“I know you’re not a fan of me.” He stated the fucking obvious. “But you could say no anytime. I’ll just deal with your brother without bothering you again.”
Belle tightened her jaw, gripping onto the fabric of her nightie averting her gaze forcing a long silence to plunge into the room.
Jungkook finally sighed. “I didn’t mean that.” He muttered but Belle was mostly trying to focus back on the relaxation the tea gave her again. “Our accord is as solid any other contract so I’m not allowed to touch your brother…while you’re still with me anyway.”
“Is this how you get all your girls?”
He chuckled walking over and standing in front of Belle, forcing her to look up at him. “Would you be pleased if I said no?” Jungkook placed an index finger under her chin while his thumb hovered for a moment over her lips.
“Only if it’s the truth.” Belle replied simply, her knees melting into the surface of the bed.
Jungkook smirked moving his hands into her hair. “I don’t invite just anyone in my bed, no. But you’re not just anyone.”
“Why do you think that?” She asked as he slowly leaned in closer, fingers sliding down the crook of her neck letting the sleeves of her robe and nightie slip down with a mere touch.
“Because you were the only one brave enough to come this far.” He whispered pushing down the other side of her sleeves to leave her shoulders exposed. “Girls love the bad boys but never seem to understand what they’re asking for.” Cold fingers brushed against her collarbones, across her chest up her neck until he finally caressed her bottom lip with his index finger.
They want a fairytale. Beauty and the Beast. But eventually they find out that the Beast was never a prince in the first place. They realize that a mere kiss won’t break the curse.
“You know exactly what you’re asking for… don’t you?” Jungkook asked in a tone of a warm coo.
I’m not asking for this, Belle bit her tongue. But I do know what I’m getting myself into. What you gave me no choice but to get into. She stared at him determined to keep his gaze no matter how much she wanted to close her eyes. He wasn’t going to overpower her, not in that way. I received a beast instead of a prince…but you’re not getting any vulnerable fucking princess either. Keeping her eyes on his, she parted her lips and took his finger into her mouth barely waiting for Jungkook to make any move before she began suckling on it.
“Of course you do.” The mere action was enough of an answer for the male as his smirk grew darker. Jungkook took his finger away pushing down her nightie and robe further down until her breasts were displayed to him.
Belle was grateful for the warmth from the fireplace spreading through the room at his point. But in mere seconds Jungkook used his glistening finger to brush across her nipple causing it to stand erect almost instantly. A light gasp caught in her throat as she pressed her palms on the surface of the bed making her chest push out a little. When she threw her head back a little, he quickly took the opportunity to devour her lips, tongue pushing against her teeth which she kept clamp shut.
Long enough for him to get impatient and bite down her bottom lip a little. Then she allowed him to push through and explore her mouth. Jungkook knelt down but kept their lips locked as he sneaked his hands under her nightie, pushing the soft fabric, nails grazing against her skin causing a tingle down her spine.
Belle lifted a little to let him push the dress further up until he completely pulled both pieces of clothing off over her head. Before she could even comprehend her exposure, he picked her up a little and shifted so she could rest her head on the silk pillows. Her heart raced against her ribcages but she stopped being sure of why at this point, instead she thought about the herbs Nana gave her. Maybe thinking about how it can help would psychologically increase its effects? Stupid but maybe.
When she looked down at the male out of curiosity, she saw him discard his pants and boxers before climbing back onto the bed.
Belle kept her legs closed loosely before he pushed them apart, hands gliding down her inner thighs to her panties. His thumb pressed against the clothing right against her hiding nub making her jerk her hips a little at the suddenly awakened nerves.
He didn’t waste any time to hook the hem of her panties and strip it off her before dipping down in between her legs. His mouth feasted on her clit, tongue licking around her slit before sliding in teasingly slow and moving back to suckling on her bundle of nerves.
Her chest rose and fell as her eyes focused more on the ceiling, biting onto her bottom lip, light whimpers emitting from under her breath.
Jungkook released her clit with a pop sound before settling his hips between her legs. His already hardened shaft teased her slit a little more, wet sounds tickling her ears before she felt him stretch her out.
A moan finally erupted from her throat, clenching around him making him groan.
“It’s okay…” He whispered in her ear when she turned her head to the side. “Does it hurt a lot?”
Belle’s head felt like it was trying to find a straight line in a completely scribbled piece of paper. Her core ached for a moment. She felt Jungkooks’ thumb rub at her clit making her walls relax a little as she focused on the light wash of pleasure rushing across her lower body. Slowly she shook her head moving back to face him again. “No…it’s okay.” She whispered, meeting his gaze when he still wasn’t moving. Leaning up she pressed a shy kiss on his lips.
It took mere seconds before Jungkook began moving in and out of her, still slowly rubbing circles on her erect clit.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, their foreheads pressed against each other as he grinded into her slightly nudging the spot that sent sparks through her body.
His pace quickened, both hands pressed down on the surface of the bed as he thrusted into her in a steady pattern letting the sounds of skin slapping linger in the air.
Belles’ skull felt numb, her mind locked up all her thoughts and allowed her body to succumb to his consistent pounding. Head threw back against the pillow as he chased his own orgasm, her own juices spluttering onto his lower belly. She hummed lightly under her breath which seemed to encourage Jungkook to go faster until the bed started to shift.
Jungkook lowered down a bit more, pressing wet kisses on her neck, trying to muffle his moans against her skin as his thrusts grew sloppy.
Belle felt a gentle wave of pleasure before Jungkook quickly pulled out with his release splattering all over her belly. She let out a small sigh, rubbing circles on her clit again to prolong her small climax before her bundle felt too sensitive to touch making her legs close up again. She watched the other male catch his breath still kneeling in front of her before crashing on the space beside her.
Whatever piece of physical satisfaction swirled around her body melted quickly into her chest clenching painfully. It didn’t take too long for her to notice all too clearly what spilt on her skin but Jungkook had already pulled out a wash cloth and wiped her clean. The traces still burrowed in her mind now.
Jungkook threw the wash cloth away before resting back on the bed again, shutting his eyes for a moment. Both of them catching their breaths and finally dwindling back to their fucked up reality.
“I can’t break this deal.” He murmured looking up at ceiling similar to her. “If I do, I’ll have to kill your brother.”
Belle swallowed the lump in her throat, a small tear spilling from the corner of her eye. “Am I supposed to be your sex toy until you’re done with me?”
“Contrary to popular belief, I’m not allowed to have…sex toys.” Jungkook sighed. “There’s another reason why I changed the deal.”
She finally turned her head to face him, brows furrowing. “What did you not tell me?”
The male took a deep breath before meeting her gaze. “My uncle and aunt have been forcing me to get married to someone of their choice. It’s gotten so pressing to a point where they’ve paid them to seduce me so it doesn’t look arranged.” Jungkook explained, running his fingers through his hair before resting on his head on his arm. “My rejections have stopped working. So I thought I should get a courtship with someone I choose before I’ll have to succumb to my uncle and aunts’ wishes.”
Belle could practically hear her own heart slamming out of her ears, more tears burning in her eyes. “So… you just…saw me and decided that you were going to make me your wife?”
“Did you want me to ask for your parents’ blessing or something?”
She averted her gaze back to the ceiling. “My parents are dead.”
“…I didn’t—”
“Of course you didn’t fucking know, we don’t know each other.” Belle inhaled a shaky breath before closing her eyes to calm herself down.
You are a fucking beast.
“Darling I gave you a chance to turn back.”
“So you wouldn’t hurt my brother.”
“Your brother was already dead if he kept going the way he did.” Jungkook winced a little before sighing in frustration. “I told you I’m not trying to be evil. A lot of people look at me when they want to see power. The world I live in chews up people who are too merciful.”
“My brother is innocent.” Belle sobbed lightly, forcefully biting down her bottom lip.
“He’s vulnerable to what I offer. Did you really think he was going to stop taking drugs just because he paid the money?” Jungkooks’ question lingered in the air for a while. “Correction: just because you paid the money.”
“So you want me to be your wife…” She swallowed thickly. “…or you’ll kill my brother.”
“When you say it that way, I do sound evil.” Jungkook pondered. “But yes. Everything else in the deal still stays the same. You’re free to do whatever you want.”
“Except leave you.” Belle corrected.
“Except leave me.” Jungkook confirmed in the most casual fucking tone ever.
Belle did nothing but stay silent and turn to her side, back facing him making the male sigh in slight defeat. She felt his hand on her shoulder squeezing slightly as if it was going to give her any kind of comfort.
“A lot of marriages can be worse than this, you know.” He squeezed it again. “You’re going to have to work with me for this to run a lot smoother, yeah? You did so well today.” Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “I promise it won’t feel so bad after a while.”
She knew now. Kissing the beast didn’t break the curse.
It made one.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: It’s not a secret that Corpse prefers taking care of his hair himself rather than going to a hair salon to get it trimmed and/or tampered. However, he only has so much knowledge of how to properly do it without having to obliterate his budget. Luckily, his girlfriend comes to his rescue.
Requested by Anon. Hi lovely! Thank you so much for the incredibly fluffy request! I’ve been very pumped to write it and now here it finally is - so sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but I still hope you come across it and give it a read! Love, Vy ❤
“Um, what are you doing?“
I just walked into Corpse’s apartment to find him barricaded in the bathroom, giving himself a hair appointment. We were supposed to have a chill night in watching movies, but it seems to me like those plans will either have to be delayed or canceled, given the chaotic state both Corpse and his bathroom are in. I mean, how dumb was I to expect he was actually doing his hair justice when he told me he styled it himself? Why didn’t that immediately raise an army of red flags in my head and lead me to question his methods?
I’m honestly quite jealous of Corpse’s hair. It’s always so soft and silky and no matter how much or how little effort he’s put in it, it always looks good: either evidently carefully styled or boyishly messy, it leaves me with heart-eyes regardless. But to see him massacre it like this, it makes me wish I could report it as a crime.
“Ain’t obvious?“ He sounds rather frustrated and I feel at least slightly better due to this fact. He deserves to be as frustrated as I am by the sight of the crap he’s doing. “Sorry, you’re gonna have to wait for me for...a little while. I just need to get this under control and, um, clean the mess. Sorry for ruining your night like this, babe. I-I really wasn’t planning on it to take this long but I forgot to buy one of the products and I thought I could wing it without it but...I very clearly can’t so...“
“Please, stop talking. I don’t need to know what sins you’ve committed - if I do I’ll probably have to give you the silent treatment for like a week or so.“ I call out to him as I quickly skip over to the kitchen to leave the food I bought on my way over before returning to the bathroom and carefully taking a step inside, mindful of where there are hair strands on the tiles. Even severed, his hair is beautiful and I have a ton of respect for it - ok fine, I adore it. Corpse definitely doesn’t appreciate it properly. I walk over to the shower, reaching out to the two shelves inside which are lined with different types of hair products. “Oh fuck...“ I let out the whisper without even realizing it because I’m so stunned by the brands I see on those shelves. “Corpse, um, what the actual fuck?”
He turns to me, eyes wide and terrified because of my menacing tone. “What? What is it?” His gaze searches the spot where mine was just pointed at, looking for anything that could’ve provoked such a reaction from me. Seeing nothing but the hair products, he meets my deadly glare yet again, “What’s wrong?”
Alright, this man-child needs some serious help
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.“ I say, stomping towards the exit of the bathroom, “You’re gonna stay here and wait for me to come back and don’t you DARE, even touch your hair, let alone bring a pair of scissors or any chemical near it. Copy?“
“Copied and pasted, ma’am.“ He salutes me, knowing better than to ask questions when I enter my commander role. There are quite a few things that set me off into this bossy-ass persona, and hair mistreatment is most definitely one of them. Thing is, Corpse doesn’t know that. Well, he didn’t know that, pretty sure he’s guessed it by now.
Feeling myself soften at his obedience and trust, I give him a smile and a wink over my shoulder as I go to grab my bag and leave the apartment to complete my mission, “Good boy.”
                                                              *  *  *
“Isn’t that a lot better?“ I ask, gently running my fingers through Corpse’s freshly cut, washed and dried hair. I’ve spent a good five minutes just smoothing through it with my fingers. I bet he’s expecting me to say ‘my precious‘ at any moment now, and trust me it’s tempting, but I still don’t, I won’t give him the pleasure of predicting my actions. Wow, we’ve really reached that level of being familiar with one another that I predict that he’s predicting what I’m gonna do next. While I’m a guessing game for him, I tend to think of myself as more of an open book. You just gotta be fluent in the language it’s written in to understand it.
I’ve gone off-topic, my bad.
“Yeah, you’re a lot less scary now.“ He tells me, his hand finding mine in his hair and taking it to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles.
We’re positioned so that we’re in front of the bathroom mirror with Corpse seated in a chair in front of me and I’m for once in my life towering over him from behind. Our height difference was threatening to be a hinderance in my work on his hair, but we easily figured it out.
I can’t help but laugh, “You know what I meant.“ I curl one of his already curly strands around the pointer finger of the hand that’s still wandering around the soft dark curls while the other remains in his gentle hold, resting on his shoulder.
“And you know what I meant.“ He shifts in his seat to look at me directly, not via the mirror, “Since when do you have a hair infatuation?“
I roll my eyes and retract my hands, defensively folding my arms over my chest, “It’s not an infatuation with hair, dummy. It’s an infatuation with your hair.” I correct him, doing quick work of styling the stray strands that fall over his forehead and eyes. “I really like your hair, you already know that. I can’t handle the thought you’re doing such a shitty job taking care of it.”
He shrugs, furrowing his brows, “Hey, I was buying top-shelf products, cost me a fortune every month, my hair was being treated like royalty.”
I roll my eyes once again, “High price doesn’t always equal high quality, Corpse. Did you ever stop to read what was in those products?” I don’t let him answer, I don’t need him to confirm what I already know. “Even if you did - which you didn’t - you wouldn’t know what each of those ingredients do to your hair. You see, taking care of hair, especially hair like yours, takes patience and knowledge. It’s practically an art form. It’s not like you can just buy any product that has ‘suitable for curly hair’ on it. There’s a lot more to that.”
It’s only after I finish my monologue that I realize he’s looking at me with amazed amusement in his gaze, almost like a parent listening to their kid talk about their wish of becoming an astronaut. “Since when do you know so much about hair? You’ve been using the same shampoo and conditioner since I know you and now you wanna lecture me on hair care?”
I raise an eyebrow at him, exasperated by his stubbornness on the matter, “Who said being consistent with your hair products is a bad thing? You know, frequent changing of brands has the potential of being damaging as much as aiding.” I explain with the most amount of patience I can muster, now taking over the parent role myself, “And as for your previous question, I know so much because my mother is a hairdresser.”
His eyes widen in surprise. I can practically see the gears in his brain turning as he tries to recall if I’ve ever told him this before.
“How come I don’t know that?“ He asks finally after a long moment of silence. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“You ask that as though I just tell you things like that on the regular. Did you also want me to drop the info that my dad’s a mechanic in passing conversation about video games? Cause that’s a little hard to shoehorn in....“ He cuts off my sarcastic rambling with a brief peck to the lips. He’s the only person allowed to shut me up, and only like that. Anything else will earn him either an earful or a silent treatment. 
Just kidding....unless...
“So, does that mean you’re continuing the family business?“ he asks when he pulls away, “I mean, you’re technically my personal hairdresser now.“
I furrow my brows playfully, “Wait, what? Since when?”
“Since I hired you approximately an hour ago.“ He beams up at me, satisfied that I’ve fallen in his trap.
“And what about my payment?“ I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks to be contemplating for a second before he stands up from the chair, taking my hand in his leading me out of the bathroom, “Well, each appointment you’ll give me a different price, Miss Y/L/N. But, considering today was your first day, I choose to pay you with dinner.“ He sends a wink my way, laughing when he’s met with an unamused expression on my part as I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt his movements as well.
“You really plan on paying me with the dinner I bought?“ I raise an eyebrow at him, freeing my hand from his so I can put both my hands on my hips for the complete 'I’m far from impressed’ look.
“Yeah...? Problem?“ He asks, faking nervousness and guilt as he closes the distance between us, once again returning to the default of towering over me instead of it being the other way around.
“Several actually. First of all...“ I raise my finger in the air accusingly, ready to go off but the arm that wraps around my waist and lifts me off the ground causes my words to die down, evaporating in a frightened squeal, “Corpse no!! Put me down!“
Of course, he ignores me, carrying me into the living room while I don’t know whether to thrash or stay as still as possible. 
Tsk, so much for gratitude
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