#also ed and em have a crush on the same person
eulasaurus · 2 years
My Astrology Observation ⁵
If you wan re-post, gimme the credits.
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Asteroid Nessus(7066) conj. Ascendent are pure chaos.
Especially in their early years, they might have been very violent physically or mentally. Even Sexually in some cases . Many of those who have Nessus conjucts have been abusers,killers, etc.
But in come cases it is also seen as someone being sexually abused or abused in some manner or allowed themselves to be abused, this possibility exists more in the cases of women.
These women most likely had their self-esteem ruptured and programmed their brains to hate themselves.
Just so you know. Violent behaviours in kids are a result of the pain inflicted on them by adults or trauma caused by their growing environment.
Scorpio Mars and Capricorn Mars are good at business or are very business minded people.
Water moons just want to feel appreciated y'all, they do so much for their loved ones and if they can't do anything about it, they'll try to atleast make you feel better about the situation or they'll overthink about the feelings you must have. But if you constantly depreciate them , they'll cut you off or shut you out, they won't give a single crap whether you live or die. Also they hype you up out of no where like🤷🏻.
Venusian Suns are soo attractive dude. No i am Not joking. Taurus Suns have really hot bodies and Libra Suns might've really pretty faces. Most females have an hourglass shape and guys have good muscles and V shaped body. But you're rising plays a part too so be mindful of this one.
Virgo in the big three are either very short or very tall. Both genders.
Aries Suns are soooo Confident y'all but please guys keep your ego and arrogance in check. And don't go bullying others just cause it's fun. It is not. But otherwise y'all are pretty confident and intimidating people.
Moon-Mercury hard aspects, y'all are those emotions Vs. Logic people. Might be confused while choosing between brain and heart when Making a decision.
Virgo & Scorpio energy in anyone's chart🥲 nah I ain't messing with y'all. So analytical and obsessive. They be taking vengeance on someone who hurt them for years.
My brother has Scorpio Sun & Virgo moon and let.me.tell.you he made his first girlfriend want him back but he just never got back and he has this kill 'em with success kinda vibe. And bro do he has dirt on every person he meets.🤦🏽‍♀️
(16+)Also, my friend has Scorpio & Virgo stellium in his chart and he had a crush on my bestfriend for a long time but she didn't want to ruin their friendship even tho she had feelings for him, so she dated a bunch of annoying pricks and after her last break up they became FWB and even ended up having s** but they still ain't gon date. Mutual decision, and f***ed up.
Pluto/Scorpio in the 4th have bad family environment. It's just sad, one of their parents might be very insecure, parents might be divorced or their parents or family might've abandoned them somehow. Hug them y'all.
Venus in Pisces in 7th house don't rush into relationships.
Many guys or gals love you and want you but that doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship with them. If you really love them romantically then you would feel it's better to keep it in and not ruin the existing friendship until it's too late.
If you're in relationship with someone you met a month ago, you just like them platonically and think yourself into loving a version of them you made up in your mind.
These people lowkey have a hypnotising effect on people. People just get mesmerized by them. Opposite sex might love them while the same sex might hate y'all for hoarding all the attention.
Look at your dominant element. If you're water dominant, you'd be better of with Earth dominants and vice versa. If you're Fire Dominant you're better off with Air dominants. People usually only look at their Sun sign's Element and say astrology is fake if they don't jam with the elements compatible to their Sun sign's. Sweetheart, that's not how it works. Just look at your whole chart element.
Moon in harsh aspects with Uranus/Saturn/Mercury or Moon/Saturn/Pluto/Mars in 6th house can make someone very prone to anxiety & stress. (Personal experience talking here.)
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fandom-monium · 2 years
BFB AU - Hunter
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BFB AU | BFB!Willow
Yall seem to enjoy my BFB AU and so do i!! so heres more headcanons mainly on BFB!Hunter:
Hunter can't stand baggy or oversized pants. hes a pretty tall and skinny boi so they just swallow his figure. although it's not something he realizes until his 1st year high school when Luz called him a lump of coal as he came out of his room dressed in black cargo pants. Camila Noceda scolded Luz while trying to stop Hunter from burning the article of clothing. They settled on donating it.
Contrary to pants, he LOVES oversized sweatshirts, jackets, and sweaters. They just appeal to him in some way. He can't explain it; maybe it has something to do with his obsession with capes when he was younger??
(he still loves capes. It's one of his best kept secrets)
Do not get his varsity jackets dirty. Once Luz spilled juice on the (leather) sleeve during breakfast in a rush to get to school. The next day her hair was a horrendous shade of green. She took the L.
Yellow was not his favorite color. Not at first. Before Camila adopted him, he didn't really have one, the orphanage bleak and monotone, walls of off-white, eggshell, and cream making up his early childhood.
When Camila meets Hunter, one of the first things she notices is his tattered, worn boots, too big for a toddler to be waddling around in, so the first gift she gives him as soon as she takes him home?? A pair of yellow sneakers. They're chunky, low-cut and school bus-yellow, but the second Camila helps Hunter out of the boots and into the sneakers, yellow becomes his favorite color. (And Camila his favorite person.)
He wore the shoes until he grew out of them. Now, they sit in an old shoe box in his closet.
Since then yellows become his color (aside from black ofc). His outerwear, his shoes, his accessories. He's even got gold studs, another gift from Camila after he pierced his ear (he can only wear one but she didn't think he'd chicken out half way)
A part of him regrets piercing his ear. Initially he did it to better fit in with the other kids. That's not to say he had no friends. He does, but he knows he's not the easiest to get along with, knows he's a little different than his classmates, so in his 2nd year of middle school he decides to get piercings, a trend that recently blew up. Something he can have in common with the rest of his class. But the singular black stud did little to help his situation, adding on to his bad (but sad) boy image.
He doesn't consider getting helix piercings until meeting Ed and Em, who adamantly insist he'd look "hotter" if he got more. and when he overhears a certain someone shyly admit his piercing makes him look "cute", he storms over to the Blight household, busts into Ed and Ems room, and (politely) demands they help him get more piercings.
Hunter doesn't use slang a lot. Has something to do with the militant upbringing when he was in the orphanage.
He loathes Boscha. He doesn't care if she herself has stuff to work through it's no excuse to take it out on someone as chill and sweet as (his girl) Willow.
A while after the Noceda siblings first transferred the Hexside Academy, after he finally meets Willow, the first time he witnessed Boscha picking on her it, he'd slipped himself between the two, making an excuse to pull Willow away. It was a small incident, or at least that's how Willow addressed it when he brought it up to her. Like it was normal. And it was. More than once Luz had to stop Boscha from taking things too far. He was distraught to learn this has been going on since they were little. That Willow’s learned to take this abuse. She doesn’t deserve this. No one does.
And though they dont always agree on everything, Luz and him agree on one thing: Boscha needs to be stopped.
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natromanxoff · 3 years
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Record Mirror (July 14, 1979): 119/?
WITHOUT DOUBT Queen are among that elite number of bands universally hated by the rock press.
The rancour is, make no mistake, mutual which is understandable. If you find yourself on the receiving end of an inveterate dislike at the outset of your career and watch it being nurtured and carefully cultivated over the next six years you’re bound to retaliate.
Queen’s hatred manifests itself by their continued habit of ignoring the music press i.e. refusing to give interviews. There is the occasional token “chat”, pointless as it is innocuous, but in the main it amounts to a blanket “No.”
One of the last interviews Freddie Mercury gave was the last nail in the perspex coffin. Under a headline which boldly asked ‘Is This Man A Prat?’ the king of the leotards was demolished by one of the old school Queen haters and Freddie obviously came to the conclusion, in its wake, that interviews in future would be both superfluous (he was popular enough) and detrimental.
The curtain, velvet naturally, closed.
Roger Taylor, a little wary, a little weary, sits stiffly in an armchair. The juggernauts rattling the Chelsea Street outside create a sonorous buzz bomb hum in the room.
You expect a member of Queen to look elegant. In fact Roger is only wearing a wine colour mohair jacket, black shirt and blue jeans.
He apologises for being a little late and explains how he went to the wrong address. Roger seems to be the only member of Queen left who is prepared, albeit rarely, to open his mouth in the presence of a hack. A question springs to mind . . . why?
“We all sat around a table before I flew over from Munich to discuss the press situation and we agreed I should be the one to represent the band. Freddie is very uncompromising and refuses to have much to do with journalists.
“Obviously, he’s had a few raw deals with them in the past,” observes Taylor.
Roger himself has a rather low view of the music press.
“Most of it is rubbish. There was something I liked recently, a piece on Malcolm McLaren, but in the main I think I’m the only one of Queen to actually read the music papers.”
Why does he think the band are systemically slagged?
“I think it’s because Queen have always come across as being a rather confident band. We seemed, to other people at least, to be very sure of ourselves. I think the press may have misconstrued the confidence, mistaking it for a form of arrogance. Hence they became wary of our motives which bred a dislike for our music.”
Now that’s what I call a neat conclusion.
At the risk of being sent to Coventry by my colleagues I’d like, if I may, to come clean. I love Queen (you’re fired, Ed).
I think it all began with a simple pre-packed but indisposable line – “Dynamite with a laser beam” and has continued uninterrupted (despite the occasional flaw) right through to ‘Queen Live Killers’.
A combination of reasons, Freddie Mercury’s lascivious lisp – the most attractive intonation known to man . . . Brian May’s reel ‘em off rococo riffs that would, in his capable hands, transform the theme music for ‘Waggoners’ Walk’ into a meisterwork . . . John Deacon’s almost stoic stance, incongruous yet integral . . . Roger Taylor’s intense power, so unexpected from one so slight . . . the ability to go over the top without failing into the trap of caricature . . . a desire to give the punters what they want without pandering . . . that cast iron confidence . . . those nine glorious winter weeks of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ which kept the cold away from my soul . . .
Yes, I love Queen.
Roger explains the story behind ‘Killers’ which features just about every Queen classic which ever found its way into a silk lined memory bank.
“We always knew that one day we would make a live album. I think it was well planned. About 90 per cent of our last European tour was recorded on a mobile unit and we then spent weeks sitting through the songs in the studio.
“The result is a 100 per cent LIVE album. Nothing has been touched up in the process of selection, I think that’s pretty rare these days. Many ‘live’ albums are tampered with.”
The choice of single is unusual – ‘Love Of My Life’. “It’s not so unusual when you hear the way it came out. The song seems to have such a wide appeal. Everywhere we go the reaction to it is the same. The audience are just bursting to sing along.”
The result is Queen’s best single since ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ (that was their LAST one crawler, ED)
As I mentioned earlier the band are currently residing in Munich where they are “experimenting” in the studio.
“We are recording in a totally different way for us,” says Roger who speaks with a delicate London accent only typical of cockneys with dramatic training and David Essex.
“Every time we entered a studio in the past we had a good idea of what we were going to do. This time we started from scratch and the result is amazing. The music is nothing like anything we’ve done before, I guess you could say it’s much simpler.”
And this novel approach to their music also extends to their shows. On their next British tour – in the late Autumn – the band will be playing much smaller venues than they are accustomed to.
“In London for example we went to play to audiences of about two or three thousand in different areas. I think it’s much fairer to the fans.”
But won’t this affect their stage show which is after all a crucial factor for any powerpomp outfit?
“Not really. We will just scale down the show accordingly. Besides,” he says taking another bite out of the biscuit, “we haven’t used dry ice in years.”
The monkey on Queen’s back, as corpulent and cantankerous as ever, has been put there by those who firmly believe the band can never emulate past achievements. Roger is cognizant of its presence but refuses to unpeel its bananas.
“That all began after ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. When it stayed at number one all those weeks we were kindly informed that we would never be able to make another single to rival it both artistically and from the point of view of sales.
“Yet ‘We Are The Champions’ sold a great deal more and has since become the biggest selling single in the entire history of Elektra Asylum – our label in the States.
“We don’t do the amazingly complex things any more because we’ve moved on from that. We concentrate on the music we are doing now and we intend to do it the best we can, it’s ridiculous looking behind and and what you’ve done.
“There’s nothing like going back on the road to re-unite the bond between the four personalities and strengthening our belief in the band. We are a real working unit and, in my experience of the music business, one of the most democratic bands around today.”
A statement like that cries out to be expounded.
“People think every member of all the bands, not naming any names, are treated equally that is get the same money as their colleagues. That’s rubbish. In many bands there are a couple of guys that get all the money. The rest are on wages. Queen share the profits equally.”
And they don’t have a manager taking his cut either, John Reid departed a couple of years back and now the band themselves make all the major policy decisions. Why did they decide to dispense with the services of a manager?
“Basically because we were fed up with giving other people money. Y’know it never ceases to amaze me how naive those guys are in bands who have just had their first hit. After all this time I’ve forgotten just how naive we must have been at the beginning.
“I mean, everything seems so great when you get into the charts for the first time. You’re living on cloud nine and nothing else matters. But in truth that hit means absolutely nothing. So few people achieve any amount of financial success in this business.
“Oh, you think, you’re really living . . . for a while. Somebody gets you a flat in Chelsea and it’s all free. But one day the rent stops being paid for you and you realise you’re skint.
“Since John Reid has gone the four of us have always made a point of discussing everything together. We have various people working for us but all the important decisions are made by us alone. That way we get freedom of choice – and financial independence.”
My attention is suddenly diverted.
“FORTY-LOVE!” Wimbledon, the Persil White opiate for the hoi polloi squashed in a strawberry crush wrings out its perspiring petticoats on the TV in the next room.  Roger’s girlfriend, an extremely attractive French girl called Dominique, is engrossed. The couple have lived together for two years. Crippled old marriage questions permeate the air.
“I don’t believe in marriage,” says Roger. “It’s simply a contract and the fewer contracts I enter into the better. If you get on well with someone then there isn’t any harm in living with that person – but marriage is something else again.”
They live in a six bedroomed Victorian house just outside London, which is set in 20 acres. Roger has a “tiny” town house in Barnes as well. What’s it like having a bank full of money at the age of 29?
“I don’t hide away from life. Queen have never been one of those ‘being grabbed in the street’ type bands. It may happen when the four of us are together – but when we are out alone we are seldom bothered. That gives me the opportunity to enjoy myself. I go to clubs a lot. I like having a good time. I don’t think you could describe any of the band as leading sheltered lives.
“But I have completely lost touch with how much things cost. When you find yourself living in hotels for so long you never really deal in money as such. Everything is available whenever you want it – but you never see the cash actually being handed over.
“I’ve forgotten what it was like to be penniless which Queen were for years. I guess that must happen to many successful rock bands.”
Another thing that happens to many successful rock bands – they quit the country. But not Queen it appears.
“We have always based ourselves in England and I see no reason why we shouldn’t continue to do so. We could leave at any time but we choose to stay. People believe we are tax exiles because we spend a lot of the time out of the country recording in studios all over Europe and touring.”
And what will happen when the band finally trudge wearily down the road leading to that  ivory strewn elephants’ graveyard . . . ?
“I know it’s bound to happen one day. I suppose I’d take a long, long holiday . . . and then make a solo album.”
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Something I thought of with your Luz-Otter-bread post, I sort of feel the same with flustered gay panic blights. I mean everyone has their hcs and that’s wonderful but it seems somewhat ooc? I mean not with a mity. But her siblings aren’t her so who knows how they’d act with a crush? I’m not trying to start an argument. I love your writing and how you write them :)
I’ll politely disagree with you there, anon ^^
Yes, it’s true that we don’t know what the twins are actually like around their crushes, but that also means every interpretation is fair game. There’s nothing wrong with writing the twins as a flustered mess—and I feel like this appeals to so many people especially because of how much it clashes with what we usually see of them.
From what we usually see of Edric and Emira, they seem very confident and flirty. But we’ve also never really seen them around anyone they were seriously interested in—just around Amity and friends, never around other kids their age.
I personally love the concept of them being very calm and collected as long as flirting is casual or it’s a minor crush, but the second they’re seriously interested in someone, they get super nervous and scared to mess it up. (This has nothing to do with Amity blushing around Luz, I’d have the same opinion if Amity didn’t even exist, just because “confident flirty character turns into flustered mess around their crush” is a thing I’m very soft for, and the twins check all the boxes).
At least partially, this is because of the environment they grow up in. Blight Manor isn’t an environment that leaves space for mistakes. Mistakes aren’t treated as chances to grow and learn, they’re flaws to be punished. If you’re raised with that mindset, of course you’re going to be super anxious as soon as anything is important to you. The twins try to counter this by pretending that nothing is important to them, but that can only get them so far. Their confidence isn’t completely real—to an extent, it’s a mask, used to cover up their actual feelings, because joking around is easier than facing those. (I personally read Ed as way more insecure than Em, I’ve gone into how I interpret the twins and their relationship with each other here for anyone that’s not read it). Once they have to admit to themselves that something is important to them and that they’re scared to lose it? I feel like it makes a lot of sense for them to get nervous.
And a part of the reason that Amity is so easily flustered around Luz, even from things like a hug (including in Understanding Willow, before she fully falls for her) is that Amity is really really touch-starved. If you’re not used to touch, it’s always more likely to fluster you, and I feel like to an extent, that can also be applied to Edric and Emira.
I also think Edric accidentally sending a poem to his date’s mom definitely qualifies him as nervous disaster when it comes to his crushes, so yeah, I feel like him blushing a lot around them would make a lot of sense.
Not saying you can’t hc the twins behaving in a totally different way around their crushes, that’s perfectly valid too! As you said, we really don’t know how they’d act around a crush because we haven’t actually seen either of them in a situation like that. There’s a couple of very fun confident twins fics too! But sometimes confident people act totally different around people they like, so I don’t think it’s ooc to go with this interpretation of them, I personally rather like it :)
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sostanotes · 3 years
A Timeline of Lumity
So I’ve been thinking about Lumity; honestly, I’ve been pondering this meta since “Escaping Expulsion”. I’ve seen some people that said that Luz’ blush was the moment she started crushing on Amity. I’m with all the people yelling at them that ‘no, it’s not’. But when did it start?
I’m going to try and break down both of their feelings and how they’ve grown and developed. I’m going to use a plant metaphor to talk about the stages (Willow would be proud of me); details of the metaphor and the analysis are under the cut.
The metaphor is nothing new, really; people have been using plant and seed metaphors for feeling (especially romantic ones) for a long time. Still, I’m going to define my terminology just to make things clear:
Tilled: At this stage, we don’t have a seed yet. This is the foundation for the seed, the moment when friendship begins/is possible; or the moment that one sees the hidden qualities of the their future crush that will become the foundation for that crush.
Planted: At this stage, we still have a seed. This isn’t a crush yet, but that nebulous stage between friendly feelings and something else. I don’t know if other people feel attraction this way, but *I* certainly did. This may be the same as what some people call ‘puppy love’.
Sprouted: At this stage, it’s a real crush; but it’s small, vulnerable, and easy to overlook. The person isn’t blushing yet, in fact, they don’t even realize that their feelings have changed yet.
Budding: At this stage, we start to get blushing. This is the point the person with a crush REALIZES they have a crush.
Blossoming: At this stage, it’s something more. Now, we can sit here and argue all day about ‘can a 14-year-old feel ‘true love’ (whatever THAT means)’. Regardless, what I mean by this is that this is the point the person moves *past* blushing and being awkward, and starts taking real steps towards establishing something. It’s also a process: plants produce a lot of buds, and they don’t all open quickly or at the same time; but we can certainly identify certain buds-to-blossoms moments in these two.
So I’m going to take this timeline for them both; I’ll list episodes below that I think show development from one stage to another (bolding my keywords), and color key names just to make it clear who we’re talking about.
1.5 “Covention”: This is the moment that things get tilled for Luz. She was making an attempt to patch things up with Amity after the event in “I Was a Teenage Abomination”. I wouldn’t even say she was trying to befriend Amity yet, just smoothing out the misunderstanding, trying to get back to 0. But at the end, she see’s Amity’s facade crack, realizes there’s someone quite different under the face she puts on for the world.
1.6 “Hoot’s Moving Hassle”: No real development here, just furthering tilling for Luz. She learns the fact that Amity and Willow used to be friends. Combined with her knowledge that the Amity the world sees is a mask, Luz probably starts to think that Willow’s childhood friend is still in there; given how cool Gus is, and that Willow is willing to be friends with her, Luz must feel that befriending the ‘real’ Amity is possible, and worthwhile.
1.7 “Lost in Language”: Hoo-boy. The—first—big one. This could easily be the place where the seed of Luz’ crush gets planted. At a minimum, her urge to develop this friendship kicks into high gear; she see’s more of Amity’s vulnerable side and learns that Amity’s just as much of an Azura nerd as she is. As for Amity, this is the tilling stage for her; I can even pinpoint the to major points: 1) Luz makes her laugh as they run from Otabin, and 2) Luz offers Azura 5. At this point, they’re friends, its new and tenuous for both of them, but I’d argue they are definitely friends by the end of the episode (regardless of what Amity says out loud).
1.12 “Adventures in the Elements”: After the previous mini-arc of development, we the audience haven’t seen Amity for a while; Luz has been in contact with her at least once, since they arranged a meet-up for Amity to return Luz’ Azura book. Now, if the seed of Luz’ crush wasn’t planted in “Lost in Language” it definitely is here; specifically, I’d say when Amity put up the barrier; yes, Luz was down in the dumps at that moment for all sorts of reasons, but subconsciously, she likely picked up on the care in Amity’s warning of “You’ll only get hurt”. That’s not what most people say in this sort of situation, and that may have trickled back into Luz brain. And I’d say Luz heroism after meeting up with Amity in the cave, and or the cuteness of her proposed Azura Book Club, is what likely planted the seed of Amity’s crush. Yes, she blushes near the end, but that’s as much embarrassment at Ed and Em’s teasing as anything else.
1.13 “The First Day”: Maybe Amity’s crush as sprouted, maybe not, but it’s explicit proof that there is one.
1.15 “Understanding Willow”: Our second big episode. This is our first Amity blush; even though I put blushing with budding, I’d argue that Amity is still in the sprouting stage at this point. Amity blushes from embarrassment and is *not* used to physical affection. So if we don’t claim “The First Day” as the sprouting, then it happens here; otherwise, you could argue this is the first sign of budding. Possibly more important (as much as I love watching Amity blush), I think *THIS* is the moment that Luz’ crush sprouts. It’s somewhere inside Willow’s mind, possibly in the second-round cleanup we don’t get to see, and I’ll talk about why in later episodes.
1.16 “Enchanting Grom Fright”: And here comes big one #3 immediately. Amity’s crush is definitely budding at this point; she’s trying to make her moves, but is mostly too embarrassed to do it, only overcoming it in the face of Luz’ encouragement, and even then ducking out of the full reveal. And Luz definitely shows signs that her crush has sprouted. She’s always thrown herself completely into helping her friends, but her energy here just seems, higher. Maybe it’s just me, but the tone of her enthusiasm seems to have changed. But if you don’t buy that, maybe the dance is the moment that her crush sprouts.
1.17 “Wing It Like Witches”: And big episode #4 completes a trifecta of episodes. We get blushing disaster Amity showing off her crush in full bud; she’s like some of our rose bushes at this point: full to bursting with buds, but no sign of the color in the blossom yet. And then Luz; you can argue the previous episode, but there’s no denying that she lights up when Amity comes into view—there’s a freaking musical cue—so her crush is officially sprouted.
2.2 “Escaping Expulsion”: And season 2 continues to come out swinging. Amity shows the first signs of blossoming here, like a rosebud that’s still closed, but you can see the color it will be starting to peak out. She’s making moves: some, like the fairy pie, she couches in other contexts, and others, like her Big Damn Hero moment swinging in to protect Luz being field by adrenaline; either way, she knows how she feels, she just can’t usually bring herself to act on it. And we get Luz’ first blush; this is the moment Luz *realizes* she’s smitten, this is the moment the crush begins to bud.
2.5 “Through the Looking Glass Ruins”: And now Luz is a blushy mess around Amity. And everyone but Amity seems to have realized how Luz feels; even Gus, who seemed mostly oblivious to Amity’s feelings last season. Luz is full in the budding stage at the beginning of this episode; she KNOWS she has a crush on Amity, but her own self-worth too low for her to admit it. And things start to go so wrong. But then, the end. Amity looses herself in the moment again and we get that cheek kiss. This is our first full blossom from Amity; but consider Luz’ reaction. Luz doesn’t blush, like Amity does when she realizes what she’s done; Luz is just… stunned. And her eyes grow wide and sparkle, as we’ve seen them do while blushing. I’m fairly sure that was Luz realizing that Amity like her back, and that pushed her own feelings into their own blossoming.
So that’s what we’ve seen so far, but I’ve got some further speculation. The next move is Luz’; whether that���s a clear confession, or at LEAST a reciprocal cheek-kiss—likely at the end of “Eclipse Lake”. I fully believe that they are going to be *TOGETHER* before the end of the season; best possible world they start dating at the end of “Eclipse Lake”. I don’t want to get my hopes that high, though.
So that’s my thoughts. I’ve run 4 pages of text so I’m stopping here. If you have thoughts, feel free to add them on or send them to me. I welcome the discussion.
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cartoons-babeyyyy · 4 years
Happy Bi Visibility day!!! Heres some reminders about our beloved Luz Noceda<3 (Non bisexuals can and are encouraged to rb)
-Reminder that Luz's bisexuality is shown loud and clear via her crushes on both Ed and Em all within the same episode which executed her sexuality FLAWLESSLY. The fact that Edric and Emira look and act almost exactly alike and Luz likes both of them,, it screams of "THIS CHARACTER IS BI AND SHE LIKES BOTH MALES AND FEMALES AT ONCE BABEY!!!"
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No seriously Name a more blatant way of confirming a character as bi without the character directly saying "I'm bi." I'LL WAIT. (Would love to see Luz actually come out in the show tho!! Fingers crossed.)
- Reminder that Luz's attraction to males is still wonderfully queer and we stan
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"This quest is questing in alllll the right ways." See also: the instance where Luz had a prince character shipped with her self insert character Luzura within "Luzura's Awakening."
- Reminder that Luz casually uses she/her pronouns when saying she has a crush on "education"
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"I've got a new crush and HER name is education!" You go girl! Saying it so casually and within the context of not having a literal crush makes this line so wonderful. Its just so,, miniscule and yet oh so loud and proud.. gOD. We love to see it.
- Reminder that Luz dressed to Grom like this: donned in a tailcoat + tutu
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Her gender expression and balance of "masculinity" and "femininity" screams Bi energy and also vibes with the fact that bi people (like other queer sexualities) often have weird feelings in regards to gender conformity, presentation, and gender as a whole. See also:
- "I'm a bad boy!" YES AND WE LOVE THAT BAD BOY.
- Reminder that not only is she bi but she wholly as a character is written with the bisexual experience bc of Dana Terrace and as such, her bisexuality is expressed beyond just in her sexuality,, its in everything about her. It shapes her as a character.
-Reminder Luz owns a bi flag and has it in her room:
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The fact that Luz owns a bi flag also.. I mean its clear that Luz's bi-ness is a integral part of who she is but its little details like these that make my heart SOAR.
- Reminder that Eda too is bi and has a bi flag pasted to her Cheat box (indicating her bisexuality is also something she is proud to express) meaning Luz's adoptive mother figure/mentor is also bi!
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This to me is so important and special and amazing bc OF COURSE Eda, who Luz aspires to be, who Luz looks up to and adores, is a older bi lady who is also considered "weird" and doesn't conform. Its a little thing but that to me is SO important.
- FINALLY reminder one of the main themes of the show,, being different and not fitting in anywhere can also be connected to being queer (as well as any other deviancy irrationally frowned upon by society) but especially in the case of bisexuality bc both within and outside the queer community bisexuality has been shunned and silenced and slandered and it makes us feel as though we really don't belong anywhere.
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This whole concept of not fitting in, feeling strange and not correct is a part of the bisexual experience, and its something Luz canonly faces. (This is also attributed to her being nd-coded as well as a POC, its all part of those experiences.) Knowing this was something Luz struggles with and knowing that shes bi and that this show is written by a bi person just makes the whole thing make more sense. The theme of the show is the way it is for a reason!
(I also may or may not have fixated on this post and neglected my project due tomorrow and my several failing classes but shhhh we don't talk about that. The important thing here is Luz!!!! Is!!!! Bi!!!!<3)
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Lumity Soulmate AU
(Woooow another person with a soulmate au)
Concept: Everyday you are assigned a percentage of how happy you can be. You can choose to donate your happiness to others. Person A gets a glitch in the system where they can see their soulmate’s percentage on their wrist and can choose to donate to their soulmate.
Soulmates aren't really a concept on the Boiling Isles
There has been rumors of witches being born with ink on their wrist, or a red string, colors suddenly appearing
But, Amity doesn’t know anyone with a soulmate
It's more of a human concept
Imagine her surprise (and horror) when she's 13 and her chart asks her if she wants to donate to her soulmate
A soulmate
She doesn't believe it
She looks at her wrist and to her shock she sees in black ink
God, she's gonna be sick
Everyone in the human world has a soulmate
Your soulmate's first words are inked on your body
Everyone has one
Everyone except Luz
Not a single letter is marked on her
Not even the generic "Hi"
She gets bullied and ostracized for it
"Wow, looks like you'll be alone forever"
"No one loves you"
"Even your soulmate doesn't want you"
Kids are cruel
Due to this, her happiness meter slowly sinks down
70% one day
54% the next
Until she gets to 9%
Amity has always had a high percentage
The lowest it ever got was 87%
And why should it be any lower?
She's smart, loved, popular, talented, funny
And most importantly, she's a Blight
And Blights don't have soulmates
But she does
She confides in Emira and Edric
Shockingly they don't tell
They are supportive
And actually think it's cool
Then Amity tells them how low her soulmate is
"I mean if they kill themse-"
"Just saying"
Amity has a big heart
She sees she has 98%
Her soulmate has 9%
She doesn't hesitate to donate half of hers, 49%
It isn't much, her soulmate will only have 58%
But, it has to be better than 9%
From then on Amity donates
And donates
And donates
Her stomach sinks when she sees 0% on her wrist
She donates all of hers
It's so weird
The numbness
It's so lonely
Being so low
God, this is what her soulmate use to feel?
Never again
From then on she donates all of her happiness
Ed and Em try to donate to her, but she always sends it back
It's a battle with them
Some days she caves and lets them give her percentages
Luz is constantly at 98%, 94%, even 100%
She doesn't know it's all donated
She just assumes she's finally happy again
It's so amazing
Even when she stumbles into the Boiling Isles, her percentage doesn't falter
The first time she sees Amity
She sees that 0% above her head
Her heart drops
Luz has been there
But the way she treats Willow makes Luz hesitant to donate
It really isn't until the library incident does Luz donate
And she continues to donate to Amity everyday
But always within 10 minutes, she gets her percentage filled again
She donates it back
And soon they go back and forth with it
Amity is so stubborn
Amity's soulmate is now becoming stubborn
She watches as the two percentages go back and forth most days
She finally caves and they both settle on half and half
It feels nice to be able to feel happy again
She doesn't think much of it when she notices Luz's percentage is lower
She also doesn't notice that her wrist is oddly the same number as Luz's percentage
Luz doesn't mind sharing
And she refuses to tell Amity
She likes seeing her happy
One day Edric lets it slip that Amity donates to her soulmate
It breaks Luz's heart, but also warms it
She’ll just have to bury this crush she has on Amity
It all comes to light when Amity spends the night at The Owl House
She has always woken up fairly early
She wakes to 99%
She sees that Luz's percentage is at 27%
She looks down at her wrist and sees her soulmate is also 27%
Amity donates 10% to Luz
Luz is her friend and she deserves it
She glances at her wrist and stops
It can't be
She donates 5% to Luz
She watches as both her soulmate's and Luz's percentages increases to 42%
There's no way
She does 17%
Both percentages go up, 59%
Oh god
Luz is her soulmate
Luz is her soulmate
Good thing she was already crushing on the human before this
This makes everything less complicated
She fakes sleep when Luz wakes up
Luz is surprised to see Amity is at 67%
She's at 59%
She still donates 10%
49% and 77%
Amity deserves it
Luz goes downstairs and Amity is left in a gay puddle
She wants to tell Luz
She needs to tell her
She just doesn't know how
"Hey Luz, I know you said you don't have a soulmate in the human world, well it's cause I'm your soulmate"
That sounds stupid
Amity can’t just tell her
Showing her would be best
Luckily it’s just her and Luz
Amity is sweating buckets
Now or never
Luz watches as Amity pulls up her donation chart
“Amity, what are-”
“Just, watch please?”
Luz does just that
She can see the list
Emira and Edric Blight are on there
Even Willow
God, why does Amity have to have a soulmate?
She watches as Amity goes to a box that just says “Soulmate” on it
They lock eyes as Amity donates all of her percentage
“Amity! Why would-”
“Look at yours.”
Luz pauses
Luz about bursts at the seams
She tackles Amity into a hug
and of course donates half
Luz has a soulmate
And not just anyone
But Amity Blight
She has someone
Luz Noceda is Amity’s soulmate
Amity has a soulmate
She’s a witch with a soulmate
As they stand there hugging each other
Neither girl couldn’t be happier
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Hands you a soap box and a megaphone: pls rant about beta au
Y’all gonna suck my ideas dry
“If we straighten your hair and dyed it blonde, you would be Regina George.” “How dare you think I can have straight things near me.” “Well your eyeliner ain’t.”
Luz has a bunch of nicknames for Amity & they’re mostly all in Spanish. Princesa/Princess, Cabrona, Bonita, Bruja, Malicossa, Puta/Perra, Belleza, Niña Rica, Ella, Kitty, etc. Amity just calls her human or a pain in the ass.
Witches, despite living in the human realm, avoid them like the plague and often know very little about them. Since they live in restricted areas with certain spells that drive humans off. So when Luz shows them anything they’re astounded. Gus calls himself an expert bc he has a human friend. Amity calls herself an expert bc she fights Luz at human places.
Skara is the only person of Boscha’s group the gang likes bc she’s nice and only sticks around cause her dad makes her and also it’s good for the Tea. Amity wouldn’t call her a friend but she’s a nice person to talk to every once in a while. Skara and Willow run the betting pool on everyone in the school.
Ed and Em are seniors n constantly cause problems on purpose. As stated earlier, their personalities are basically swapped. Viney and Jerbo remain mostly the same, just a bit more feral and ready to throw down. Which is an interesting change to their dynamics because now Vinira is “dumbass sweetpea who fails at flirting with the mildly trouble-making wild animal girl” and Jerbic is “the twink bastard prick who has very sadistic flirting tendencies at first and the other twink who is too tired to put up with this shit but does anyway”
There are different kinds of teef. There are regular teef that are just a bit sharp, vampire-looking mfs, shark teef, dog teef, four big sharp teef, two big sharp teef, overbites, underbites, etc. Amity’s are abnormally large dog teeth. Boscha’s are shorter but twice as sharp vampire teeth, and the twins have longer but not as sharp vampire teeth, which they get from their mother. Alador had big dog teeth but he took out the bigger ones and replaced them with thinner gold implants, and Odalia did something similar only hers are just tipped in gold. She plans to have Amity’s teeth ripped out when she’s older and replaced with more ‘refined’ and smaller teeth, as bigger teeth are attributed and stereotyped to the ‘brawlers’ and aggressive witches. Amity combats this by being just that, aggressive and snappy bc of her mothers views. But she still gets good grades and hopes that if she gets good enough her mother won’t see the need to make her get gold implants. For those wondering, Willow has small shark teeth and Gus is currently growing in an underbite but it’s not noticeable at the moment.
Eda is the most feral of them all but somehow Camila still has a crush on her. Nobody knows why, especially not Camila.
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sepublic · 4 years
Luz’s Denial of her Feelings
           You know what? I LOVE the idea of Luz actually low-key being in denial of Amity’s feelings towards her… Because Luz is in denial of her own feelings towards Amity! We know from Dana that Luz hasn’t noticed Amity’s crush yet, because she’s busy with a LOT of things in general (not to mention she’s ADHD-coded so her mind is constantly buzzing with a million thoughts at once no less)…
           But once she DOES have time to start noticing, how would she react? Would Luz get nervous, because she’s never been someone’s crush, ever? The girl has a subtle tendency to undervalue herself, and how much she means to people… This can result in Luz being selfless and not expecting anything in return, and while on her own she’s already that compassionate, this lack of self-love could admittedly jeopardize that. It’s why it means so much to Luz, whenever someone tells her outright –like King did for example- that she means a lot to them…!
           …But a crush? A romantic crush? This is Amity’s first big one. We don’t know what Luz’s love history is, if she’s had one… But either she’s not used to having a crush on an actual person that she personally knows, and/or she’s afraid of rejection. I feel like Luz is someone who probably DID try to be emotionally open with people besides Camila in the past, with fellow kids… Only to get shut down. To be closed off… Maybe someone DID get to know her, and was interested at first- But then they saw the ‘true’ Luz, and got turned off, and it broke her heart!
           Luz is always concerned about what she can do for others, about not judging them… And while she knows to be herself, there is this potential concern that, what if this causes her to deliberately undervalue the opinions of others about her as a result? Luz doesn’t let criticisms from other people get to her, but it also means she’s not sure how to handle when someone is really genuinely interested? Luz is too used to not letting others’ feelings about her affect how SHE feels… And while this has worked in the past because a lot of feelings towards her were negative, how does she handle ones that are positive?
           And I can see Luz just… running from this. Kind of a hilarious and a little angsty parallel to how Amity runs from her feelings for Luz. Kind of like how Luz runs from her fears during Grom, which was ALSO a rather Lumity-centered episode no less…! Luz doesn’t want to admit that Amity has a crush on her, because she really undervalues herself, and doesn’t know how to handle such an intimate opinion? Maybe Luz becomes afraid of letting down Amity, of losing her love and being rejected… So Luz overthinks how to be whatever makes her so lovable to Amity!
           Of course, Luz learns that Luz being herself is exactly what makes Amity love her… That Luz doesn’t need to focus on being this or that in particular, that her own existence as-is is already perfect, whatever she chooses for herself! On another note, I imagine Luz being in denial of Amity’s feelings and thus vice-versa, because aside from rejection; Maybe she thinks she isn’t good enough for the girl? Maybe Luz thinks Amity is too good for her… Luz wants the best for Amity, and sadly, she doesn’t see herself as that? To Luz, it’d be doing a disservice to her friend as well.
           Especially since she knows how harsh Odalia and Alador can be, Luz might not see herself as strong enough to protect Amity, either directly or by earning the Blight parents’ approval! Being in love with Amity would further complicate this dilemma, it’s easy to not care what THEY think… But they’re Amity’s parents, Amity has a lot of emotional stake in Odalia and Alador! Luz can’t just disregard that, so either she DOES acknowledge the feelings, or she doesn’t. Not to mention, Luz might be afraid of jeopardizing the hard work Amity has gone through, by convincing the girl to throw away everything she’s done just for Luz…
           And Luz would HATE to ask that of someone, as well as to make someone feel like they have to do that! She didn’t want Eda to lose her magic for her, so I can see Luz denying her and Amity’s mutual feelings, so she doesn’t encourage Amity to throw away her life’s purpose for a ‘loser’ like Luz, whom Amity may fall out of love with anyway! Because surely Amity doesn’t care THAT much…! Not to mention Luz is probably critical of how she’s hurt Amity in the past, maybe she’s afraid of hurting Amity’s feelings again…
           Perhaps for her AND Amity’s own good, the two shouldn’t be romantically involved- Even if Luz will of course be close friends no matter what! And while I see Amity also being content with that as well, it’s not good if this option is done in blatant denial to both parties’ true feelings. These girls need to be upfront about how they feel.
           Regardless, Luz pretends not to notice how Amity feels… Because taking cues from Ordinary, she’s afraid of having to go back home, and she doesn’t want to ‘let on’ Amity by ‘tricking her’ into thinking that Luz cares back- When in reality Luz really DOES, but she’s afraid of her own ability to provide romantically, of losing everything she’s had with Amity and jeopardizing that, instead of being content with the friendship they already have! She’s afraid of how much more it’ll hurt when she DOES have to go back home, and how much it’ll hurt Amity in turn… So why not deny both of their feelings, help Amity admit that this isn’t a thing?
           Maybe this could lead to something drastic on Luz’s side in a worst-case scenario, where she tries to avoid Amity… But of course, she remembers Grom. Not only did Luz not confront her worst fears, but Amity’s worst fear was Luz rejecting her… And there’s a difference between helping someone confront their fear, and forcing them to live through it. In the end, Luz knows that she’s being crueler to Amity in the long run by not acknowledging how she feels… And she’ll learn to be selfish for herself, and Luz will see how she’s being cruel to herself as well for not acknowledging these feelings!
          Like Eda dismissing the curse so Luz and King wouldn’t get worried about her, this is just putting a bandage and ignoring an issue… The sentiment is sweet, but in the end it’s best to be honest with your loved ones and not hurt them, and address things together. I mean, look at Lilith- SHE was in denial over her own issues with Eda, and didn’t want to openly confront the curse she’d cast… And look how badly THAT messed things up! If there’s one thing Lilith taught her, it was to acknowledge an issue and face it, to be honest with yourself and your own shortcomings, and only THEN can you overcome them…! If you try to hide the truth, even if it’s for the other’s own good… In the end, you’re only hurting every party involved, and being a coward in the process.
           With encouragement from her friends, such as Willow, or Emira and Edric (who are TOTALLY Lumity shippers, the OG ones and know of the crush), Luz can learn to be selfish. To get this thing she wants for herself, that she ISN’T confusing fantasy with reality this time –because that’s how she’ll try to dismiss it as first- and it CAN work out… And even if it doesn’t, there’s no way Luz and Amity can know unless they try, and even if it fails, that shouldn’t keep them from remaining close friends regardless! Regardless, Luz’s friends will remind her how brave and defiant she is, how she’ll always ask for it all both on her own behalf AND others’, just as Luz demanded multi-track learning for not just herself but the Detention Track kids as well!
           If Luz can do that- Well, she can give it a try with Amity, for both girls’ sake, right? She’s not alone in this… She’s not Amity’s sole connection, Luz’s help has ensured that Emira and Edric are there for her, and Amity is likely rekindling things with Willow, or at least both girls are willing to provide solace if not outright friendship. Maybe while dealing with the issue, Luz will try to reflect by getting Amity some other friends… And while that DOES help, there’s also an ulterior motive of trying to distance Amity from her, maybe even get Amity to fall in love with someone else who’s way more worthy! But in the end, Luz is actually being selfish for herself in a different, more harmful way, VS admitting her and Amity’s feelings for one another and acting on it. Don’t try to undervalue yourself, Luz, nor should you try to make Amity reconsider her feelings…
           After all, Luz values Amity’s agency, so if this is Amity’s choice, then it is! Amity HAS been indoctrinated, and I can see Luz being afraid that she lowkey ‘manipulated’ Amity into being in love with her, into being dependent… But in the end, that’s not at all what she did, and she already has other friends with their own input, who can put Luz back to reality- Such as Eda, King, Willow, and Gus! Maybe even Lilith, who ALSO learned to confront reality herself…! It’d be an interesting parallel to have Lilith’s willful ignorance of her issues with Eda, and the corruption of the system, VS Luz’s willful ignorance of her and Amity’s love for one another.
           Nevertheless- This is making me imagine a scenario where Emira and Edric are pursuing Luz to make her date their little sister, and force her to confront the truth, because they’ve got personal stake in this as well amidst wanting the best for Amity… And Luz is just running away from her feelings and in denial! It’s like that meme of a dude being chased down the hallway by a floating T-poser! Except it’s Luz who’s running from Ed and Em, who are emblematic of the truth of Amity’s feelings- And in the end, they’ll make it clear to Luz, that she’s breaking Amity’s heart more THIS way, than if she were to at least attempt a relationship with the girl and then have it fail. Because, at least both parties tried with one another, instead of deciding any attempts weren’t worth it nor had a point!
           And Luz… Well, you know the girl. She’s been learning more and more how much she’s been loved. Romantic love isn’t the same as familial love, nor is it better or worse… But still, if Luz can give familial love a try, having experienced it with Camila and with Eda and the rest; Maybe romantic love isn’t out of the question, either!
           Basically- You know those I won’t say I’m in love animatics for The Owl House? Imagine those, but it’s LUZ who’s singing, while being cheered on by Emira and Edric and/or Willow and Gus! Maybe even Eda, King, AND Lilith, for that matter…! Why not even throw in all of Luz’s other friends, because they’d be supportive of her as someone who’s definitely worth it… And it’d be hilarious if Amity herself joined in as well!
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
So the 90's were a crazy time for us growing up! Lets start with Music.. Were You A Fan Of? The Backstreet Boys The Spice Girls STEPS No Doubt N*Sync Oasis Weezer The Vengaboys TLC Destiny's Child Hanson FIVE Madonna B*Witched S Club 7 M2M 98 Degrees Ricky Martin Sonique Sugar Ray Billie Piper Vitamin C Play
What about 90's Movies.. Were you a Fan of...
Clueless Jurassic Park Pulp Fiction Titanic Home Alone The Lion King Pretty Woman 10 Things I Hate About You Empire Records Space Jam Dumb and Dumber Aladdin Wayne's World Ace Ventura American Pie Hocus Pocus Matilda She's All That Bring It On The Craft Cruel Intentions Never Been Kissed Jawbreaker Spice World Can'y Hardly Wait I Know What You Did Last Summer Romy and Michele's High School Reunion Drive Me Crazy
90's TOYS, Did you have or want these?
YoYo Play-Doh Super Soaker Betty Spaghetty Gameboy Colour Tamogotchi Bop It Furby Moon Shoes Hit Clips Mouse Trap Koosh Balls Sky Dancers Slammer Whammers Spice Girls Dolls Slime Etch a Sketch Easy Bake Oven Pokemon Trading Card Game Littlest Pet Shop Street Sharks Mighty Max Sylvian Families Beanie Babies Silly Putty Brain Warp Atari Jaguar Groovy Girls Nintendo 64 Magic Mitt Slinkies Polly Pocket Poo-Chi Rainbow Brite GakSplat Doodle Bear Skip It Trolls
How About 90's Fashion.. What did you think of...
Crop Tops I was just a kid in the 90s, that wasn’t my style. I also remember thinking I didn’t want to show my stomach. Studded Belts I had one in the 2000s. Scrunchies Loved ‘em. Still do. Butterfly Clips Loved those as well and still do. Chokers I don’t like things around my neck like that. Plaid, Pleated Mini Skirts Not my style, personally, but I liked some of the looks. Slip Dresses I didn’t wear stuff like that. Long, Leather Jacket Blazers Didn’t wear ‘em, but they’re cool. You look badass in a leather jacket haha. Chain Belts Not my thing. Boob Tubes Is that the same as a tube top? Not a fan. Hip Hugger Jeans Again, I didn’t wear that stuff as a kid but that was the popular style and I probably liked it when seeing celebrities wear them and whatnot. Camo Pants Nah. Mood Rings Those were cool. Scarf Tops Definitely not my style. Bandanas I didn’t wear them. Crushed Velvet Nah. Platform Sneakers I thought they were kinda cool. Spaghetti Straps Cute. Corsets Not my thing. Pedal Pushers I wore ‘em. Were you a fan of these 90's Television Shows Spongebob Square Pants Animaniacs Dexters Laboratory Hey Arnold Power Puff Girls Barbie Rocko's Modern Life Batman Ren and Stimpy Ed, Edd and Eddy Johnny Bravo Sesame Street Arthur Ducktales Doug Catdog Angry Beavers As Told By Ginger Tiny Toon Adventures Looney Tunes Aaahhh! Real Monsters Talespin Daria Beavis and Butthead The Wild Thornberrys King Of The Hill Futurama Digimon Pokemon Captain Planet The Simpsons Cow and Chicken Blinky Bill Rugrats Sylvester and Tweety Sonic The Hedgehog Dragontales Clifford The Dog Random 90's things. Thoughts on... Checkered Kitchenware Nostalgic Every restaurant had that it seemed. Cartoon Character Coffee Mugs and Cookie Jars Cute, I like stuff like that. Celestial Prints around the house Nah. Lava Lamps I had one; I thought they were cool. Candle Holders I don’t really have any thoughts on that. Coca Cola Tins Or that. Blonde Wood Furniture I don’t know what that is. Tape Decks Discmans to play music It was the cool thing at the time. Oversized Headphones They hurt my ears. Cd's (Singles) I loved CDs back in the day. Pastel coloured plates Cute. A fancy dish for the butter Nice. A Miracle Mop Elizabeth Taylors 'White Diamonds' in your mothers room I don’t think she wore that. Picture frames that were also photo albums Cool. a fancy decorative plate that sat in the kitchen and no one was to use it We didn’t have one. topiaries It’s pretty cool what you can make out of shrubs and trees. a basket for the mail Useful? crazy patterned bed sheets Fun. an ab isolater your parents kept in a spare room or the shed Didn’t have one. McDonalds collector cups and disney figurines Loved those. We still have a lot of ours. slime time on nickelodeon I always wanted to get slimed as a kid. MTV actually had music The good ol’ days. I loved watching TRL.
video hits on television Good times. bath oil beads Didn’t use ‘em. overalls and doc martens I liked overalls. super mario Loved Super Mario. Still do. bubble beeper I didn’t have one. nokia brick mobile phones Didn’t have one either. Man, we’ve come a long way with cellphones. pogos bangles I liked those. mary kate and ashley olsen I was a huge fan, I watched all their stuff and had all their movies on VHS. glow worms hair crimper machine It was cool at the time. I styled my hair for picture day in elementary school one year. hair straighteners Liked those as well. clarissa explains it all I liked it. barbie happy meal toys Those were fun to get. I was obsessed with Barbies. gel and glitter pens Loved those. animal shaped erasers Those and scented ones were fun to have. echo microphones puppy surprise (the dog toys that had puppies in its belly) I had one, such a freaky thing. Goosebumps novels I was obsessed with Goosebumps. My Little Pony Wasn’t into that. 
Baby Born Dolls I don’t think I had one. Barbie Dolls ObSESSED. I had to have everything and would play for hours and hours everyday. Crayola Mini Stampers Cool. Snake on mobile Nokias I think I might have played before. Carebears Cute, I liked Carebears. Still do. I find myself relating to Grumpy Bear nowadays, ha.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Jokers Wild Pt 1
This is rated T for Violence and Blood
Luz is sitting at her desk, working on her homework from her plant track class.
She has a pretty easy time in plants, it’s a lot like gardening most of the time, though the plants have a lot more eyes… or teeth...but she digresses. She has Willow too, who is at the top of the track and is always willing to repeat spells for her so she can try to glean glyphs from them. She’s managed a couple, she’s still working on perfecting them so it always does what she wants, the part that makes plant magic so hard is plants are living things, and the ones on the Isles sometimes have wills of their own if you don’t exert the right kind of control. She’s had a few go haywire and nearly strangled herself with vines last week trying to get them to form a net.
That one still needed work…
All part of living in the Isles though. With every week that goes by in the Boiling Isles, she finds herself more and more acclimated to it, sometimes it feels like she's lived here all her life.
Her bedroom, which once was just a spare room where she slept on the floor in a sleeping bag, now looks like she's been there for years.
All of Eda's junk is gone, replaced with a bed and a desk, covered in framed photos of Gus, Willow, King, and Eda; even Lilith. Her photo of her and her mom sits on the bedside table, close by, along with the photo of her and Amity she took on their first date and a new one of all of them on the beach at Amity’s birthday a couple of weeks ago.
A dresser sits in the corner, filled with new clothes because she could only keep wearing the same ones she brought for 'summer camp' for so long, especially now that fall is here. She's pretty sure she's having a growth spurt too. She realized last week she now has no problem reaching the cabinets in the kitchen, unlike almost five months ago when she first arrived.
For the foreseeable future, she is a permanent denizen of the Isles, so it only makes sense to pick up on her home's history too.
She’s started taking extra lessons with Lilith about the general history and culture of the Isles while they all learn glyph magic together. Lilith will lecture about the history of things and Luz is enthralled by it, which is probably the only reason Eda only rolls her eyes and lets her go on. Though she does throw in her own brand of commentary often. Usually saying why something Lilith is saying is dumb or outdated, much to the older’s annoyance, but they very rarely get into anything truly heated so it's become a kind of Sunday night routine at the owl house. King usually joins them too. Adding in his own two snails whenever he sees fit.
Much to her delight, when she can, Amity has started to join them. She's started practicing some of Luz's glyphs; the portals are especially useful.
Things are still very tense between her and Lilith, who keeps trying, and Amity mildly accepts the efforts, she's still very terse and short with the older witch much of the time, which makes Luz frown, but she keeps it to herself.
She and Amity have had this talk. Amity will try, but by no means has forgiveness been given, which Lilith seems to understand and accept.
They had a private talk after Amity's birthday weekend, she doesn't ask Amity about it, much as she wants to, and Amity doesn't offer an explanation.
Sometimes she wants to talk, and sometimes she doesn't, that's fine. She and Amity have come to that understanding well over the last two and a half months they've been dating.
They know the other is there and will come if they need them.
It's weird to Luz sometimes, having someone she knows is always in her corner, that she can come to without question.
Before she came to the Isles, she had her mom, even though she never really understood her and was gone a lot, and now she has Eda, but that's different. She knows Eda will always back her up, protect her, but it's different from Amity. She looks up to Eda, and while it's not that she doesn't admire Amity, she does, it’s just in a different way.
She would try to protect Eda just as much as she does for her, but it's just a different dynamic, she's not sure how to put it into words other then Eda is like her mom, while she and Amity are equals, they depend on each other, Eda, as much as she loves her, doesn't depend on Luz.
She has Gus and Willow too, and that’s a lot closer but still different. She can’t really explain why. Eda says it’s because she doesn’t make out with her other friends, which makes her make a face. While that’s true, she’s pretty sure that’s not it either. As much as she trusts Gus and Willow, which is a lot, sometimes she just doesn’t feel comfortable sharing some things with them, or anyone, except her girlfriend.
Something she’ll have to puzzle out another day.
“Hey Luz, Amity’s here!” Eda yells up the stairs and Luz grins, jumping up.
“Coming!” she yells back as she pulls on her shoes and grabs her new Hexside hoodie off the hanger on the back of the door before she runs out. Her jeans make loud scratching noises as she runs down the stairs, not that her loud thumping wasn’t going to alert everyone in the house she was coming already.
She hops over the last few steps to land on the floor and smiles at Amity who is standing in the living room with her arms crossed but smiling at her in black pants and a matching black hoodie with a bright purple pentagram on the front surrounded by runes.
“Hey, cutie.” She grins, trotting over to kiss Amity hello before she pulls her hoodie on.
“Ready to go?” she asks, her blush at the complement tempered by watching Luz struggle to put her head through the right hole. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the hem, helping right the blue hoodie till Luz’s head popped out with a grin.
“You two have fun, don’t do anything I would do, and if ya do, don’t get caught!” Eda smirked and the two grin.
“Bye, Mom.” she only pauses slightly when the word comes out of her mouth but Eda just smiles and gives them a little two-finger wave from the couch.
“See ya later, Kids.”
They leave the owl house, walking away quickly before Hooty can really get going about the squirrel he ate that morning.
Luz takes hold of one of Amity’s hands and shoves the other in her hoodie pocket, it’s chilly today and the leaves are falling from the trees more and more every day.
“So…, do you want to talk about that?” Amity asks after a few seconds, that’s the first time she’s seen Luz make that slip in person, though she knows it's happened several other times. Luz just shrugs. She still feels selfish for it, thinking of Eda as a parent, for never wanting to go back to the world of her birth, regardless of whether or not it's actually possible at the moment, but she's working more and more every day to come to terms with her feelings about never wanting to leave the Isles; about considering this her real home.
“I mean, I still feel a little bad when I do it, but it’s been happening more and more lately… and I dunno, I guess I’m just starting to get used to it? Seeing Eda like an adopted mom. She is a lot like my mom… I mean, you know, kinda,” she laughs.
“Your personality would make more sense if Eda was your mom.” Amity smirks.
“And what does that mean?” Luz grins, nudging her playfully.
“Your general disregard for rules and danger are very ‘Eda’," she says matter of factly with a grin.
"I don't know what you're referring to," she says with mock haughtiness, sticking her nose in the air.
"Oh? I have a list prepared then." Amity clears her throat dramatically and holds up her free hand and begins counting off on her fingers.
"You broke into the conformatorium to steal a paper crown when we first met you snuck into Hexside pretending to be an abomination…"
"You're the one who almost got me dissected that day, otherwise it would have been fine." Luz cocked a brow at her. Amity pursed her lips.
"Okay, I'll give you a by on that one, but then you animated the entire owl house and took it on a joyride, you tried to fight Odabin as 'Luzura'." She smirked, glancing at her out of the side of her eye, and Luz pinked. "You tried to steal from the Emperor, then fought him and Lilith, challenged Boscha to a grudgby match when you didn't even know how to play the game, you stole…"
"Borrowed!" Luz corrected.
"...my training wand and shot a Slitherbeast with a fire spell…," Amity continued as though she hadn't been interrupted. "Speaking of Slitherbeasts, you almost got yourself eaten picking thornberries for my birthday cake!"
Luz chuckled, guess she was still mad about that one.
"Then you deliberately put yourself in danger by taking my place as grom queen…"
"You let me!" Luz accused.
"I didn't want everyone to see my worst fear was getting rejected by you and know I had a crush on you!" she argued while Luz just grinned at her.
"Aw, you had a crush on me."
"We are literally dating…" Amity gives her a deadpan look and holds up their intertwined hands.
"Yeah, but still…!" she laughed as Amity rolled her eyes, but she's smiling too.
"So, yes, you have a tendency to ignore danger and rules, just like Eda."
"Well, I guess I picked the right teacher and adoptive mom then." She grins. Amity just shakes her head as they walk through the woods toward town.
"Where’s Ed and Em?" She asks as they get closer to town.
"They said they'd meet us there." She shrugs. She tries not to worry about all the trouble her siblings have a tendency to get into when left to their own devices.
When they're just outside of town Amity reluctantly pulls her hand out of Luz's and misses the warmth immediately. Luz pouts and shoves her hand into her pocket with the other.
They meet Ed and Em just outside town on the main road.
"Hey, Luz," the twins call in unison as they approach and Luz grins sticking up a hand to high five both of them.
The twins view Luz like another little sister, she’s good to Amity and means a lot to her, which means she means a lot to them.
They also like to privately tease Amity that they may as well start now since she's gonna be their sister-in-law someday. They delight at how impossibly red she turns when they say it, but say nothing about how happy the idea seems to make her simultaneously even as she yells at them that they haven’t even been dating a year yet.
It's a chilly Saturday as they follow along behind the twins through the market. It's not their first choice, their first choice would be of course, to be able to go anywhere they want and be an obvious couple, impossible as that is right now, but they wanted to go to the market, and they'd been to town alone together several times this week already and the twins needed some stuff anyway, so it makes a good cover.
They decide to stop and eat lunch at the Redstone bakery, which also sells a variety of sandwiches. Luz still doesn't know what's in it exactly, but she's had it several times and knows she can eat it, and it's tasty; so it really doesn't matter to her. Amity still stands by, watching her carefully anytime she tries something new in case she has some kind of reaction, which really, has only happened three times but it is a possibility, and Amity is nothing if not prepared, and one has to be extra prepared when it comes to Luz.
Both Clawthorne sisters think she might grow more tolerant the longer she lives here and her body grows accustomed to it.
She hopes so, for all the weird foods, there are just as many tasty looking ones she wants to try. It's not like she didn't have allergies in the human world, being lactose intolerant.
They eat and talk, Ed and Em talking animatedly about a prank they played on two other upperclassmen earlier in the week.
Apparently they embarrassed them in front of the entire illusion track during a presentation that had them running from the room to the entire classes laughter.
Amity rolls her eyes at that and Luz nods along, half-listening, distracted by her food and her girlfriend, who's holding her hand under the table, slowly running her thumb back and forth across her knuckles.
Luz is stuffed by the time her sandwich is gone, as well as the second half of Amity's, she'd slid to her when she was done. Where Luz ate like a horse, Amity did not, but she still has the thornberry muffin sitting in front of her, and as much as she wants to eat it, she might pop if she does. It won't go to waste though.
She slides it across the table to Amity, who looks at it before smiling at her and takes it. They must be looking at each other in what Eda calls 'that gross gooey way' because Emira pipes up.
"You two need more couple friends," she says, rolling her eyes at them.
Amity frowns at her.
"Ignoring the fact that we literally can't tell people we're a couple, why do we need more couple friends?" she looks at her sister skeptically. Before she can say anything Edric jumps in with a witty remark, or at least what he thinks is witty.
"Because you're on a double date with us," he teased.
Amity scowls at that and Luz smirks. Normally, she stays clear of these back and forths between the Blight siblings, she's not as quick-witted as the twins or Amity, but today she can't help herself.
"Well, if this is a double date, you're the only one here on a date with their sister," she shoots back.
Edric's face drops, while Amity and Emira burst into peals of laughter.
They laugh at him for a solid minute before they can even speak.
"Oh, that was a good one. You walked right into that," Emira cackled, wiping at a tear. Edric crossed his arms and pouts.
Amity is still snickering when she glances back at Luz, who winks and Amity's hand squeezes hers under the table.
"Anyway, I was going to say, so Ed and I don't have to watch you two be so sickeningly romantic, but now I think I just need to meet someone so I don't have to be Ed's date," she snickers and Ed scowls at her.
When lunch is finished they wander back out into the market. It's crowded the way it usually is on Saturday.
Just as they cross a street Edric stops and smirks, looking at something across the street.
“See those guys over there?” He points across the market at two guys standing at a stall looking at something. One is tall and blonde, the other a little shorter but he has a bright green mohawk that Luz doesn’t know how she missed, but then again, this is the Boiling Isles. Just ten minutes ago she saw a guy with wings and a briefcase shopping for pet demons, so…
“What about them?” Amity asks.
“Those are the guys we embarrassed Friday,” Emira laughs.
“Oh boys!” Edric yells waving and the two look up and see them. The twins just grin and wave as the other two scowl darkly at them and walk off into the crowded market. The twins snicker and Amity shakes her head. Someday her brother and sister are going to give themselves problems with their tricks and mean pranks.
They continue browsing for a while, looking over the different wares offered at the stalls, there are a lot of regular merchants in the same spots every day but there are always a bunch of new ones too, selling all manner of weird and exotic things that some days Luz can’t even guess at. It's become a game for her and Amity to wander around and Luz to guess at the uses for things and Amity to affirm or correct her. Just something fun they like to do together at the market.
Some large guy with horns and two mouths is shouting across the market, advertising his wares for something that makes light with no magic.
“Pfft, I have glyphs for that.”
“That’s still magic, Luz.” Amity glances at her.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t take energy like when you cast spells. I can make glyphs all day long so long as I have paper.” She goes to emphasize this by pulling out her pad, but as she pats her pockets, she realizes she doesn’t have it.
“What’s wrong?
“I guess I left my glyphs and pad at home, didn’t think I’d need them for our date,” she says with a shrug and then grins. “I know you’d protect me.” She nudges Amity who rolls her eyes even as she smiles and nudges back as the four walk along the street.
There are few people in this section of the market, so they don’t have to whisper to each other.
“I thought you were MY fearless champion?” she teases, and then snorts as Luz stops suddenly to pose, one fist on her chest and the other on her hip, chest puffed out.
“Amity Blight, I will always be your fearless champion!” she declares and Amity giggles at her even as her heart flutters in her chest.
“I guess we’ll just have to protect each other.” She smiles adoringly at her and Luz grins back.
“Congratulations,” Edric says suddenly, crossing his arms. “You two are officially, that couple.”
“What couple?” Luz looks at Ed over her shoulder.
“That nauseatingly, romantic couple who are always doing cute things,” Emira explained, hand on her hip.
“At least I have a girlfriend…,” Amity huffed at them, arms crossed and nose in the air. Luz stuck her tongue out at them.
The twins frowned before smirking and simultaneously twirled their fingers.
Both their hoods suddenly pulled down over their heads, drawstrings pulling tightly closed, making Luz yelp and Amity snarl as the twins laughed.
Amity yanked the hood off and glared at the two as Luz’s head popped out of her hood.
“We’re going to the bookstore…," she growled, grabbing Luz’s arm and turning them in the right direction before having to drop it again.
“We’ll meet you there in a little bit!” Edric called after them, still grinning.
Amity grumbled to herself, fixing her hair before looking at Luz, whose dark brown locks had been mussed as well.
They were nearly alone now, and she reached up and carefully smoothed it out, making Luz grin as Amity fussed over her. She was fine if it was a little messy, but it was easier to just let Amity do her thing. Besides, she very much liked the feeling of her fingers running through her hair, and the warm affection it made tingle across her skin when Amity fretted over her.
She wanted so badly to take her hand but held back.
“I heard the bookstore got the newest Azura book in just yesterday,” Amity says after a minute and Luz brightens.
“I’ll race you there!” Luz suddenly shouts, taking off down the sidewalk, laughing. Amity grins, taking off after her. Luz turned the corner up ahead and Amity pushed herself to go faster but when she turned the corner her girlfriend was nowhere in sight. She stops, looking around.
Luz is fast, she knows, but not that fast.
“Luz?” She walks a few more feet, passing an alley as she looks around.
Suddenly a hand on her shoulder drags her roughly into the alley and she yelps.
Amity grimaces as she falls to the ground on her backside. She looks up and finds herself staring back at the snarling face of the upperclassmen with the green mohawk her brother had pointed out earlier.
She turns toward the call and her face pales.
Luz is pressed back against the alley's stone wall, while the other student, the blonde, holds her there, a hand fisted into the front of her hoodie, but Luz is looking at her.
She looks like she starts to move over toward her but the blonde, draws a spell circle with his free hand and flames erupts from it, which he shoves next to her face, making Luz flinch back against the stone.
“Don’t even try,” he snaps, and Luz glares defiantly at him.
“Luz!” She jumps up but stops short of dashing over when Mohawk steps right in front of her, blocking her view of Luz and the blonde witch.
“If it isn’t the twin's precious baby sister and her little human friend, what a coincidence," he hissed, quite literally as a serpentine tongue flicked out between his lips.
Amity glared right back. Her arm starts to shoot up, index finger extended but stops short as she catches sight of Luz, back up against the wall, helpless against the other student without her glyphs as he teasingly shoves the fire closer to her face. Slowly, she lowered her arm and swallowed; If she fought back Luz would pay for it. She clenched her fists.
“What do you two want?” she growled.
“To get back at your rotten shit siblings!” he snarled, stalking closer to Amity, who takes a step back for each of his, till they've stalked past Luz and the blonde toward the back of the alley until she had no place left to go.
"It's not enough they're top of the class, they have to harp on the rest of us all the damn time too with their stupid jokes and pranks!"
His arm shot out and he grabbed Amity's wrist, tight, and she cried out in pain as he yanked her forward and she slammed to the hard ground, it bit into her palms as she tried to cushion the fall. Her knees still knocked hard against it and Amity glared up at him.
"They think they're so funny and clever?" he spat, standing over her. He spins a finger and a dark blue spell circle appears before fire crackles in his palm. "We'll see how clever they are when we send their little sister home fried!" He kicks her for good measure making her yelp.
"Amity!" Luz jerks forward but the fire crackling near her face is shoved closer and she can feel the heat licking at her cheeks and swallows thickly.
"Don't even try human, or I'll cook you!" The guy barks. She stiffens, but she’s focussed on Amity, lying on the ground. They've both turned to look back at her and blondie, and Amity's pained expression turns scared as she stares back at her, and it's like ice water running down Luz’s spine when she realizes that Amity isn't scared for herself, she's scared for her. Scared to fight back because Luz might get hurt; she knows Luz doesn’t have her glyphs.
Her fists clench, white knuckled.
Maybe she doesn't have her magic right now, but if they think she's going to stand by and let them beat up her girlfriend, she's going to introduce them to the good 'ol human version of a ‘witch’s duel’. She takes a deep breath and too fast for blondie to react, her fist flies upward and she connects, fist cracking against the underside of his jaw.
Blondie reels backward, stunned, the fire in his hand dissipating but Luz doesn’t wait for an invitation, and jolts forward, swinging again, ignoring the pain in her hand and nails him in the nose.
“Argghh!” She must have gotten Mohawks attention again because despite her heart pounding in her ears she hears Amity’s voice somewhere behind her,
“Abomination rise!”
She wants to go to her, but Luz knows damn well that so long as she has her magic, Amity can defend herself; and she has her own hands full already.
The guy looks up at her, eyes filled with rage and suddenly Luz’s world is awash in pain as his fist connects with her face and she stumbles backward. She rights herself quick enough to see him coming, but not to stop the next punch that topples her to the ground, and then he's on top of her, a hand fisted into the front of her shirt.
Adrenaline is coursing through her veins and Luz kicks him in the gut.
He doubles over and she kicks him again, sending him sprawling to the ground before she turns toward Amity, who has an abomination shielding her from the fire spells the other upperclassman is firing at her while she rapidly draws spell circles, flinging back spikes of ice.
She runs forward but only gets two steps before she's yanked back roughly by her hood.
Blondie swings her by the hood into the alley's stone wall. Her face and hands scrape against the stone, but she manages to cushion most of the blow with her arms. His hand grabs the back of her head and grinds her face into the wall and Luz winces under the pressure, crying out.
“Get away from her!”
A spear of ice fires down the alley out toward the street, and Blondie lets her go, jumping out of the way before he's impaled. Luz has to capitalize on the opening.
She turns and flings herself at him, toppling them to the ground, and she just starts swinging, he raises his arms to fend off the wild, rapid punches. She knows she needs to keep his hands busy because she isn't going to be any match for his spells without her glyphs, though in a fistfight she can, apparently, hold her own.
A few of her hits connect, but then he hits back, getting in another punch that sends Luz reeling and her head spinning as he throws her off and she thumps to the ground.
She only just managed to scramble to her feet, still a little dazed, her face is throbbing and she can taste blood. He grabs the front of her shirt in both hands and lifts her off the ground, feet dangling.
“You shoulda just kept quiet you stupid, little bit-”
Anything he was going to say is cut off as Luz flings one of her legs up, hard as she can, nailing him where the sun doesn't shine and he groans, dropping her instantly and falling to his knees. He’s curled up in the fetal position, cursing.
She spins around, looking down the alley where Amity is still fending off the upperclassman, but he’s backed her into a corner. The sleeve of her hoodie is burned away and she’s favoring her left arm; she’s hurt.
With a strangled scream of rage and fueled by adrenaline, Luz sprints down the alley and throws herself onto his back.
“Leave her alone!” She wraps her arms around his neck and he chokes staggering backward.
“Luz!” Amity yells as he thrashes around, clawing at her, trying to get a hold of the human as she squeezed her arms tightly around his windpipe. He finally gets hold of her hood and hauls her over his shoulder, back smacking the ground with a sickening smack. She groans, rolling into her side.
Blondie is back, his face is covered in bruises and blood is dripping from a bloody nose and a gash over his eyebrow as he runs toward them, but before he can get there a blast of magic shoots him in the back sending him to the ground, followed by several more as Edric and Emira appear in the alley’s entrance, scowling and drawing spell circles furiously.
The twins heard Amity’s yell as they were passing by on their way to meet them at the bookstore. The twins move down the alley against the wall, firing spells so as to maneuver themselves between the two younger teens and their classmates. The two battered witches turn tail and run, outnumbered. The twins give chase.
Amity lets her abomination fall as the twins continue to fire off spells at their attackers retreating backs as they race toward the alley's exit, and quickly turns, looking wildly at her girlfriend.
"Luz!" She shouts the second her eyes land on her.
Luz groaned, blood is coming from somewhere, she's not sure where, but she's watching it drop to the ground, in blotches on the dirt, staining it crimson beneath her as she tries to right herself, stumbling to her shaky feet. The adrenaline has begun to fade and the pain in her entire body makes itself known in throbs, in sync with the quick beat of her heart, but especially her face.
Amity races over to her, eyes wide with fear, hands raised in the air but she's still lost in an adrenaline-filled haze that makes it hard to think straight, and she doesn't even know where to start with Luz's injuries as she looks at her.
Her left eye and the skin around it is starting to turn a deep, ugly purple as it starts to swell shut. Her bottom lip is split open and blood is running freely from her nose.
Luz's legs begin to tremble as the fight induced adrenaline leaves her and she lets them give, dropping back to her knees in a heap. Amity's hands shoot out to grab her arms, trying to slow the fall as she kneels next to her. She shakily digs through her pocket and pulls out a handkerchief and starts gently wiping at the blood still coming out of Luz's nose, but it just keeps coming and soon the thin white material is stained crimson.
The twins run over once they're sure the other witches are gone.
"What happened?!" Emira shouts.
"Why were they attacking you?!" Edric looks wildly between the two.
Anger flares up in Amity like demon fire as she turns to glare at her siblings, lips pulled back in a snarl.
"They were attacking us for what you two did to them at school!" Amity practically screams at them. "They were after me and they were trying to use Luz so I couldn't fight back!" She spits and the twins' recoil, complete surprise, and horror are painted across their faces. Amity wants to yell at them more but she has more important things to do. 'Take care of Luz.' is her prevailing thought.
She turns back to Luz who seems to finally be responsive after hearing Amity scream at the twins.
She reaches up to grab the hand dabbing at her face, her one still open eye on her. Amity glimpses the bloody knuckles as she does.
"I'm okay…," she says, squeezing it.
"You are not okay, Luz, you're hurt!" She chokes as the rest of her emotions start catching up to her, drowning out her anger with a sea of fear and Pain.
Fear for herself and for Luz, and pain, in her arm and in her chest as she looks at her beaten bloody girlfriend.
"I know… but I'll be okay. Are you okay?" Her one open eye roams over Amity and lands on the burn on her arm. The skin is red and looks raw with dried blood and soot around the edges from where the left sleeve of her hoodie had been burned away to create the injury when a fire spell had struck home.
"Forget about, me! You're bleeding everywhere!" She holds the crimson handkerchief to Luz's nose and pinches it shut. Luz winces.
"We need to get her home…," Edric says quietly as he walks up and kneels down to help pick up Luz but Amity snarls and shoves him away. He falls back, looking at her with wide, surprised eyes.
"Don't touch her! This is your fault, both of you!" Tears are dripping down her angry face.
"Amity…" she hears Emira's pained voice.
Luz grabs her hands, forcing her attention back to her.
"Shhh, mi amor…," she soothes, which only makes Amity cry harder as Luz tries to comfort her with blood still running down her lips and angry purple bruises blooming across her face.
"Please, Amity, we need to get Luz home, and you're hurt too." Emira's voice is tight, sounding on the verge of tears as she kneels next to her sister.
Edric bites his lip turning over onto his knees.
"Please, Amity…," he begs.
The hands wrapped around hers squeeze and Amity looks at Luz who nods tiredly.
"Let them help."
Amity jerks a nod and Luz let's go as Edric wraps an arm around her back and holds her arm over his shoulder to help her stand.
Emira moves to help Amity but she flinches away from the touch and stands on her own. That stabs at Emira's chest.
Luz winces with every step. It's a long thirty-minute walk to the owl house, made all the worse by the intense stifling quiet, as no one says anything.
Amity's burnt arm hurts, badly, but it's overshadowed by her intense worry, watching Luz wince. It looks like her nose has stopped bleeding but her face is a bloody, black, and blue mess and though she makes no sound, tears are still dripping down her face. Emira trails behind her, watching her carefully but says nothing.
When they finally arrive Hooty sees them coming and stretches quickly around the house, sticking his head in one of the windows for a minute before pulling back and a few seconds later the door slams open and Eda and Lilith come running out.
"What happened!?" Lilith yells first.
Eda meets them in the yard, but other than the panicked expression on her face, says nothing as she takes Luz from Edric, gathering the beaten girl in her arms and hurrying back into the house. Lillith takes one look and Amity and ushers her toward the house as well.
The twins move to follow but Amity stops.
"Go home," she sniffles, barely looking at them over her shoulder.
Ed and Em just stand there, they say nothing, just looking at their sister sadly as Lilith looks between Amity and the twins, before turning to them.
"I will tend to her injuries," she says, before continuing to lead Amity into the house. The door shuts on the twins still standing in the yard.
Luz is sitting on the couch when they walk in just as Eda hurries up the stairs, still not saying anything. Lilith leads Amity to sit next to her and looks over her burnt arm and the bruise forming around her wrist in a distinct hand-print shape before she also hurries to the kitchen, leaving the two teenagers alone in the living room.
The front of Luz's new hoodie is spattered with blood, the hood is ripped and theirs some small tears in other places, as well as on her jeans, while Amity's is singed, the whole left arm burned away to reveal her burnt arm. Ash and soot cling to the skin around it and the front left side is blackened.
They don't say anything, and soon enough both sisters return and Eda, face tight with anger and worry, begins gently cleaning Luz's face.
Lilith helps Amity gently pull off the ruined hoodie and starts cleaning her arm, making her tears start anew as she wipes at the tender and raw, burnt skin.
Luz's hand finds hers on the couch and holds it. Amity sniffles and runs her thumb over bruised knuckles.
When they're finally cleaned up and bandaged Eda leans back and lets out a long, tense sigh.
"Someone tell us what happened, now." She finally speaks, looking between the two teens.
They spend the next fifteen minutes explaining the events of the afternoon to the sisters. Eda looking, angrier and angrier with every word as Lilith's frown deepens and her brows pull together between her eyes.
"Those stupid little…!" Eda growls
"Edalyn" Lilith stops her with a word, drawing her sister's angry gaze but she's looking at Luz and Amity. "Why don't you two go upstairs and we'll call you when dinner is ready?" They nod and head for the stairs, the sisters watching them go.
Luz plops on her bed tiredly, back against the headboard. Her whole body hurts, but not nearly as much as her head, she's got a headache.
Amity sits next to her, leaning her head on her shoulder and they sit there quietly for a while.
Luz never could stand the quiet.
"Aren't you glad now I have that general disregard for danger?" Luz smiles weakly, trying to lighten the oppressively, heavy mood. Amity looks at her sadly, glassy eyes roaming over her face. Her left eye has finished swelling shut and it's an ugly black color. Her split lip has stopped bleeding but it's swollen too, closed with dark, dried blood. She has a rash of scrapes on the right side of her face from being slammed into the wall and several dark bruises dot her face, and Amity's lip trembles.
"I'm sorry…," she mumbles thickly, tucking her face into Luz's neck.
"Hey, it's okay. This wasn't your fault," she says, wrapping her arms around her and holding her tight.
At that Amity's anger returns stronger than ever, and she pulls away, scowling.
"No… it was my stupid brother and sisters fault!" she spat through fresh tears, looking away.
Luz wants to argue with that, she really does, but can't, because it's true. If the twins hadn't needlessly pranked and then provoked those two upperclassmen in the market, this wouldn't have happened.
"They didn't mean to," she tries weakly, but it sounds feeble even to her own ears.
"That doesn't make it any less their fault, them and their stupid pranks!" she rages. "They're always provoking someone, and now you're hurt because of it!"
"So are you," Luz reminds, her one eye flickering to the bandage wrapped around Amity's left arm from wrist to elbow.
"That doesn't matt-"
"It matters to me," Luz cuts her off sharply. "I'm supposed to be your fearless champion… and you still got hurt… you had to save me," she mumbled, looking down. She hears Amity sigh, and the bed shifts and Amity's head tucks back into her neck, arm around her tightening.
"You were my fearless champion," she mumbles, snuggling into her and Luz squeezes back, burying her nose in mint hair.
"And you were mine."
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stuckonscenarios · 4 years
what would the girls of homestuck (both beta and alpha including the trolls[beta and alpha]) do/act if they found out a girl had a crush on em
for a short answer: i personally hc all the human girls as being attracted to the same gender on some level and it’s canon that trolls don’t really have sexualities the way we do. so! assuming they like the girl back, i think all the girls would be receptive and happy with a girl liking them. for a more specific headcanons, see under the cut. 
(i would have put this in the tags but i dont want it to get buried: for future reference can we keep the character count to like... four per request)
💜 rose tries so hard to play it cool, she really does. she has all these really cool one liners and suave pick up lines saved, but the minute you begin talking to her all bets are off. emotions and sincerity are really not rose’s forte, but she does make an effort for you. she’s very flustered whenever you broach the subject, but tries her damndest not to show it. this may result in rose coming off as colder and more verbose than usual, but don’t be put off! she’s just nervous, ha ha. 
💚 jade is really surprised when she finds out you like her. she’d been trying to subtly flirt with you for a while, but that had mostly turned into her getting heart eyes whenever you talk and looking like--well, a lovesick puppy. as soon as she catches wind that you like her, she’s ready to confront you and hopefully move from there. despite her previous unlucky relationships, jade tends to tread on the side of optimism and has high hopes for your future together. 
💙 jane is completely beside herself. we see how flustered she gets when the subject is brought up with jake, but when she’s being confessed to?? her brain short circuits. after the conversation, jane might avoid you for a little bit due to embarassment, but with a little reassurance she’ll come around. at the end of the day, she’s just so overwhelmed and happy that you like her back. 
💗 roxy is immediately stoked. she’s got so much love to give, and cannot wait to share it with you! prepare for lots of affection from roxy; cuddles and wonks are frequent. you can’t really blame her though. she’s smitten and thrilled you like her back. don’t expect her to be very public about your blossoming relationship, though. while roxy may gush and be lovey-dovey when the two of you are alone, she prefers to keep matters of the heart more private. 
❤️ aradia’s all smiles. she’s visibly happy, probably taking your hands tightly between her own. she’s not shy in verbally confirming her excitement either. aradia starts opening up a little more; she’s showing off one the more impressive bones in her collection when you realize this. it wasn’t bragging. it was an invitation into aradia’s world, so to speak. at any rate, your interest makes aradia feel warm inside. 
💚 nepeta is beyond thrilled. she immediately updates her shipping wall to display her newly canonized otp. deep down, nepeta is very lonely; that’s the entire reason she’s so invested in relationships. knowing you like her is like a dream come true! if you haven’t already confessed, rps will probably start getting suspiciously flirty, lol. subtlety doesn’t come easy for nepeta, and it’s even harder when she likes you so much! 
💚 kanaya has to do a double take. she hadn’t really thought that her attempts at flirting had… worked?? but here you are. liking her. blood rushes to kanaya’s cheeks at the very thought. anyway, kanaya’s all in at the thought of being with you; dates are planned quickly. assuming you’re on a planet with non-lethal sunlight, happy sunshine picnic dates with your vampire girlfriend are frequent.
💙 terezi likes to play around before getting to the heart of the matter, so she’ll probably flirt with you for a little bit before officiating any relationship with you. terezi just loves the scent of your chagrin when she teases you! it might take a while for her to actually open up to you though. terezi’s had a difficult past where romance is concerned, so be patient with her. 
💙 vriska will probably try cajoling you into making the first move. except she’s not exactly subtle, so it’s super obvious that your crush on her is reciprocated. there are probably a lot of shenanigans leading up to the actual confession: that just comes with the vriska package. kinda random but later on in your guys’ relationship i could see vriska bouncing her various plots and schemes off of you. intentionally or not, you’ll become the person who makes sure all her irons in the fire aren’t getting too hot. 
💗 feferi is SO GLUBBING -EXIT-ED!!! 38D it may take a few moments of giggling before feferi’s calmed enough to really talk. but when she does, it’s all about you. she wants to know what you’re thinking, what’s going through your head. feferi’s just a bit concerned is all. her history of dating cagey, grumpy boys has forced feferi into a habit of being pushy about feelings. bare with her, though, she means well. also probably a big hugger.
❤️ damara is suspicious, at first. she’s been severely jilted in the past, and this has negatively affected her outlook on future relationships. damara will come on super strong to scare you off make sure you’re serious about her and not in it for the wrong reasons. once she’s decided that you’re trustworthy, damara will take things very slow. she’ll want to spend a lot of time with you, being soft and getting to know each other. 
💚 meulin is excited, but inside she’s a little nervous. similar to damara, meulin has been unlucky in love in the past. for as much as she loves love, she had made her peace with it not being in the cards for her future. your confession definitely makes her happy, don’t get me wrong! but she’s also worried and waiting for some tragedy to befall the two of you. be patient with meulin; she just doesn’t want to lose somebody she cares about as much as you. <3
💚 porrim is much happier than she lets on. secretly, she’d worried that her.. salacious reputation had scared you off. she won’t need much reassurance, though. just your presence is enough to comfort porrim and remind her that others’ opinions don’t matter. you ground her, in that way. i could see porrim being a little protective of you too; she might fuss over your scarf when it’s cold out or be really into helping you time manage or something like that. 
💙 latula’s knee jerk reaction is to throw up a palm for the r4dd3st high five, but thought better of it when she remembered her steel palm. if she trusts you with her heart, then latula will likely trust you enough to at least partially drop the cool girl facade. latula’s ultra supportive, too. whether it’s verbal encouragement, a hand on the small of your back while walking, or even just a smile, latula never lets you forget that she’s got you, through thick and thin. 
💙 aranea is a bit smug. she was sure this day would come sooner or later, it was only a matter of when. that doesn’t stop her from being elated, though! which she immediately begins to wax poetic about, haha. aranea probably keeps a diary or two, in which you are a recurring theme. this is a little random, but in private i could see aranea being a fan of giving & receiving surprise kisses.
💗 if aranea is a little smug, then meenah is smug as fuck. of course you like her back; what’s not to like? homegull’s got it going on! the two of you will quickly become partners in crime (if you weren’t already), with you as meenah’s right hand gal. despite the bad bitch/take charge attitude meenah has, yours would be pretty much the only opinion she values higher than her own. though she may have a reputation to uphold, meenah thinks of you as her strongest ally.
-mod lux
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
What I Thought About “Enchanted Grom Fright”
Salutations random people of the internet who probably won't read this. I am an Ordinary Shmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
When I started doing reviews, I told myself to stay limited to specials, movies, seasons, and even entire T.V. shows. I didn't want to do reviews for regular episodes of a show, mostly because there wouldn't be enough to talk about in a single post. For me, an episode has to either be astounding enough or important enough to warrant a review. And low and behold, The Owl House did just that with the episode "Enchanting Grom Fright." Keep in mind that I am going to be spoiling everything that happens in this episode. So if you somehow haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend that you do so. And if you haven't seen The Owl House yet...what the hell is wrong with you?
With that out of the way, let's get started with-
Luz independently looking for new glyphs: This scene is excellent for two reasons. Reason number one: It shows how dedicated Luz is to learning magic. So far, we have yet to see Hexide teach Luz anything regarding her unique way of doing magic. This is why it's great to see Luz try to find glyphs on her own so she can at least attempt to catch up with everyone else. There's also the implication that it's not an easy task for her, given the multiple crumpled up pieces of paper, which must have been failed attempts to make the plant glyph. This scene adds continuity from "Adventures of the Elements" as well, proving that Luz had learned her lesson in said episode. As for reason number two for why this scene is excellent: It sets up how Luz and Amity defeat Grom. Luz could have used her other two glyphs to destroy Grom, but doing so would take away some neat symbolism with the tree that was grown (more on that later). Therefore, Luz finding the plant glyph was a great set up with a proper pay off. Which is what I love about The Owl House. It takes things you wouldn't think twice about and actually makes something beautiful. Case in point: A 'Grom Night' poster was shown in a previous episode, hinting to the glory that is this episode.
Luz barely texting her mom back: I like this because it finally addresses Luz's conflictions for lying to her mom (Something I may or may not have toyed around with https://archiveofourown.org/works/23321692/chapters/55864000). These scenes present moments of how Luz isn't always the happy go lucky teen that she is. And I like that because it adds layers to a character who is already engaging enough.
That Gromposal: I made a post of all the things Disney has approved of before approving Lumity. I guess you can add to the list a character presenting an anatomically correctly drawn heart with the word 'Grom' written in what I can only assume is blood!
(Jokes aside, I legitimately like the dark humor in this scene, as well as Skara saying yes to the poor boy. It was adorable, damn it!)
Amity’s hostility swapped with being friendly: Here's a nice bit of character development for ya! It's just a few seconds, but those seconds show how far Amity has come since episode FIVE! Which is why Amity is one of the best characters in the show. Her development is so impressive that it's legitimately jarring to compare the Amity who was angry to see Luz, to the Amity who immediately apologizes, to Luz. But she still has years of conditioning from her parents to deal with, so of course, Amity's first instinct is to bare her fangs. And I'm more than positive that that instinct is going to leave her pretty soon.
Eda: While we're on the topic of great characters, let's take a moment to talk about Eda in this episode, shall we? Eda, throughout "Enchanted Grom Fright," has fully embraced her role as a maternal figure for Luz. The way Eda attempts to warn Luz about the dangers of Grom is a testament to how much Eda truly cares about 'her human.' And it's not like Eda doesn't acknowledge Luz's efforts at survival. She knows Luz can take care of herself, but that won't stop Eda from drawing the line when she knows Luz is in over her head. The best part is that when Luz admits that she was wrong, Eda doesn't respond with anger or even with a smug "I told you so." Instead, Eda's reaction is calm and nurturing. A response that Luz needed at that moment. It's sweet and genuinely heartwarming to see.
(And I love how Eda constantly admires her own beauty throughout the episode. Which is something I'm sure most fans can relate to.)
Luz and Amity’s talk in the forest: There is a lot to love about this exchange, due to how adorable it is. So here's a quick list: The clearly romantic music playing in the background. The way Amity slipped in the mud and was inches away from accidentally kissing Luz when getting pulled up. The fact that Luz sits down into the mud so as not to make Amity feel self-conscious about being filthy. Luz's sweet, sincere, and instant "I would" when responding to Amity wondering who would take her place as Grom Queen. The fact that Amity was surprised that someone would be willing to take her place in the first place. The payoff to Luz learning that she really did have a spider on the back of her head (Alright, that one wasn’t adorable, but it was definitely hilarious!).
Amity “destroying” Hooty: While I do enjoy seeing Amity act all sweet and gushy, I will admit that feisty Amity is still best Amity. Plus, this scene was remarkably funny.
Training Luz for Grom: This scene was a fantastic showcase for each of the Blight siblings. Now, because I've talked a lot about Amity (and will continue to do so), I want to start talking about Edric and Emira first. When first introduced to Ed and Em, my initial reaction was that they were meanspirited versions of the Weasley Twins from Harry Potter. Sure, Fred and George are known to cause mischief, but they do realize that there's a line you don't cross when it comes to family. That is something that Ed and Em ignored during their debut episode, where they tried to reveal Amity's diary to the world. Luckily, the writers picked up on this quick and made a subtle detour in terms of Ed and Em's personalities. They're actually decent supporting characters, and it's legitimately sweet with how they willingly help Luz. As for Amity, it's great to see that she still takes things seriously despite crushing on Luz. Most shows fall into the trap of making characters a nervous wreck when around their crushes. And while Amity does have those moments, there are still scenes like this that prove she isn't just some smitten kitten-and I hate myself for saying that. Amity is the voice of reason to her and Luz's relationship. And I'm glad that the writers mostly focus on that aspect of her personality rather than write her off as a flustered girl with a crush.
Those boys dancing together: While it's nice to see Luz and Amity's relationship blossom, that doesn't mean we should sleep on great representation such as this. While it's great to see so many romantic pairings between females in the last few years, it's rare to see two boys liking each other, especially in animation. Sure, male pairings exist, but I haven't seen them as celebrated as often as female ones. This is why it's nice to see that The Owl House crew sprinkled in these two boys dancing with each other. Representation matters for everyone, and this little acknowledgment is something worth mentioning, even if it isn't the main ship.
The hallway scene: But let's face it, this is what we came to see. Now when you think about it, there's nothing all that special with this scene. It's a typical romantic moment with a heart to heart discussion followed with witty banter, all while a romantic melody is playing in the background. You see this in multiple types of media, especially in Disney cartoons. The only difference is that this scene features a same-sex pairing and that what makes it amazing. It's essentially normalizing something that has been seen as inappropriate for years. And the fact that Disney of all companies is the one that greenlit a scene like this? That just makes this moment all the more impressive. Plus, I mean, c'mon. You have to have a will of iron not to think these dorks are adorable with this little exchange.
Splash zone: There's not much to talk about or analyze here. I just think the dark humor of a kid waiting in the 'splash zone' is funny. Because what does the splash zone get used for? Grom? The fighter? I don't know, but the fact that a splash zone exists for either of those reasons is what gets a chuckle out of me.
Skara and her date getting hyped for Grom fight: That's it. Skara is officially the best background character. I'm sorry, but a character earns that title when they immediately switch from wanting to kiss their date to "WHOO! BRING ON THE GORE!" 
I don't make the rules. I just abide by them.
Luz’s greatest fear: This is something fans could have seen coming due to rewatching and reanalyzing the promo that dropped a little over a month ago. But for fans who ignored the promo, the episode did a great job of setting up this reveal. From the two times that Luz practically ignored her mother's texts, it can be pretty clear that Luz's fear would be something involving Camilia. However, before the episode premiered, everyone jumped on the idea that Luz's greatest fear would be Camilia forcing Luz to come back home. Instead, the scene portrays Luz's greatest fear as her mother's negative response to Luz lying for weeks. That idea is much more interesting to me because it reveals how much Luz cares so much about what her mother thinks of Luz. And unlike Amity with her parents, Luz's fears are much more justified due to Camilia actually being a good mother. A mother who planned to send her daughter away to summer camp, sure, but still a mother who would do that type of thing out of love rather than to protect an image. Which makes me hope to see more of Camilia in the future, just to witness the mother/daughter relationship she has with Luz. Because honestly, it feels like I've been working triple time with portraying that relationship myself.
Amity’s greatest fear: Ah yes, the one thing none of us could have predicted...ok, that's not true. Some of us did predict this, but most of us didn't take those predictions seriously. And BOY, were we wrong to do so. Because the idea that Amity's greatest fear is being rejected by Luz is both sad, yet kind of adorable. It proves just how much Amity has come to care for the same human she nearly got dissected, in episode THREE. It's a nice bit of character growth that I just can't help but gush over how sweet it is. But again, it's also depressing knowing that Amity is afraid by being rejected by Luz of all people. Luz! The girl who's sweeter than honey and would absolutely let Amity down gently if Luz didn't feel the same way (Which she does. She just doesn't realize it yet.). What's even more interesting is that it makes so much sense as to why Amity is more afraid of showing her fear to the school. Not only would Grom reveal that Amity has feelings for Luz, but it also has the problem of outing Amity as a lesbian, presumably long before she's ready. And seeing how her parents reacted to Amity's friendship with Willow, imagine what would happen if word got out that Amity had a crush on a human girl. Yeah, let's just say that Amity must be really grateful that Grom morphed into a vague, shadowy figure.
(Speaking of, can we PLEASE calling Luz oblivious for not knowing that Grom morphed into her? Yes, to us, it's painfully apparent who Grom was supposed to be. But it also looks vague enough to the point where it isn't unbelievable for Luz to not know it was her. Because from where Luz is standing, the only similarity is the height and body shape. If the crew stuck to using Luz's more apparent traits, then I'd say it's fine to say Luz is oblivious. But as is, it's not too far of a stretch for Luz not to know it was her.)
That dance scene!: Remember how some fans have been hoping for a slow dance between Luz and Amity? This is better.
From the choreography to the smooth animation, to their expressions, to even pure epicness of this scene. Everything about this dance is just so astonishing that I am convinced that several fans have watched it over and over and over again since the episode's release. And you want to know the best part? This scene has so many problems that I don't care about due to how great it is. Why does Eda just stand there and do nothing? I don't know, and I don't care. Why does Grom stand there and do nothing? I don't know, and I don't care. How did Luz and Amity come up with this perfect plan without communicating? I don't know, and I don't care. How did Luz catch Amity, even though it looked like they jumped off of the abomination at the same height, and would've landed at the same time? I don't-Ok, you get the point by now.
Don't get me wrong, these are all valid criticisms. But that's the testament of good writing to me. Because if a scene can make me forget/ignore the problems within it, then it's ok in my book!
The cherry blossom: And now we get to that symbolism that I've mentioned before. Because according to a five-second Google search: The Chinese describe the cherry blossom as a symbol for feminine dominance and, of course, a symbol for love. Now the feminine dominance part is clear, but I'm confident that The Owl House staff concentrated more on the whole "symbol of love" thing. Because how else are they supposed to hint that Amity and Luz are meant to be the endgame relationship? Reveal that Amity's gromposal was meant for Luz? C'mon. That would be-
It’s revealed that Amity’s gromposal was meant for Luz: ...You know those moments that are so awesome, iconic, and downright perfect that you just can't help but give a grand old cheer to it? That's this moment right here. Speaking of which: WAH-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!
Seriously, some of you have no idea how big this scene is. It would have been so easy to cut the scene short at Amity throwing her half of the note, and leaving it up to interpretation for who the whole thing was for. But the fact that we get to see that it was meant for Luz, thus confirming that Amity has a crush on her, is absolute perfection. Not only is it because this is a big step for Disney in terms of representation, but to me, it seems like a normalization of gay culture. This type of reveal is something that would be done for several heterosexual relationships. So to confirm that Amity has a crush on Luz as if it was nothing...that's...that's just awesome. It's awesome, and I am so happy that Disney even greenlit this decision. And I'm not even gay! So I can not comprehend how some of you are feeling about this moment!
(Also, this does not mean that Lumity is canon. But it does at least mean that Lumity is going to be canon. Only now it's a question of when rather than if.)
Luz’s Text to Home: This was just a sweet moment. You get a better understanding of the love Luz has for her mother within these few seconds, then you did throughout the entire series so far. I also like that this implies that Luz is going to try being more honest with her mom about being in a whole new dimension. Which is again, is something I've been playing with.
Speaking of my aforementioned fanfic, during this entire scene, I was thinking to myself: "Man. Maybe I don't have to write a chapter based on this episode, after all. It pretty much did the job for me. I'm just glad that show didn't do anything that would make what I wrote completely worthless. Because that would just-"
Camilia is getting LETTERS?!: “...Well shit.”
Ok, gags and goofs aside, I honestly love this reveal. Because this presents a whole lot of questions. Like, how is Camilia getting these letters? When did she start getting them? And more importantly: Who the hell is sending them?! This is another thing that I enjoy about The Owl House. Just when you think you're satisfied with the episode you're given, the writers throw in something you could have never expected in a million years. This is why lately, it's a toss-up between The Owl House and Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts for the best show of 2020 for me.
Those Grom pictures: These were just cute. Especially the last one.
...Uh...Oh! I know!
King’s B-plot: A small complaint that I have for The Owl House is that most of the b-plots in several episodes just feel unnecessary. Episodes like "The First Day," and "Adventures in the Elements" had b-plots that were pointless and not as engaging as the a-plot. What's worse is that they seem like padding for time, when most of that time could be used for significant moments in the main plot. And honestly, King's story in this episode is the worst one yet. It's filler that is poorly paced and wasn't really all that funny (aside from the other b-plots which at least offered a few good jokes in them). I don't know. Maybe it's because I have Lumity brain rot and wanted more moments between those two, but I just could not get engaged in King's story.
And...yeah, that’s about it.
This episode deserves a well earned A+! Sure it has its fair share of problems, but the many, MANY, things it does right outweighs what it does wrong. On top of that, its one of the few episodes of any show I've seen that kept me up at night. Why? Because I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it was. "Enchanted Grom Fright" is a worthy contender for the best episode of the season, and probably the entire series. It was heartwarming, engaging, and quite possibly the most important thing Disney has made in years. What else could you call it other than Enchanting.
(And no, this doesn’t mean I’m reviewing episodes of The Owl House from now on. Just the ones that are worth talking about.)
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ambenya · 4 years
Lumity Month 2020 Day 1 -Crushing Hard
So I decided to join in on @lumity-month. I really love Luz and Amity and I just love how precious they are. I will be uploading this to AO3 and maybe fanfiction.net. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys this. Luz doesn’t really show up in this one but is of course mentioned. Also I really wanted to write about Amity and her siblings. 
Amity was in her room pacing back and forth while mumbling to herself. It had been weeks since everything happened, and Amity’s leg healed completely, and she had seen Luz a few times since then.
However, every time she spoke to Luz, she became a blushing mess who could barely say anything without embarrassing herself.
“Why can’t you just talk to her like a normal person? Just because she’s cute, funny, and sweet that doesn’t mean that I have to act like a mess around her all the time.” Amity let out a frustrated sigh.
Amity had small crushes before Luz came around, but she could usually keep her cool and it would go away eventually.
When it came to Luz though she was absolutely smitten. Amity knew that she would do anything for Luz and that this crush was different than any of the others.
Suddenly her bedroom door opened making her jump and turn to see her siblings.
“What do you two want?” Amity asked annoyed that the two barged in.
“We were just coming to check on our baby sister,” Edric said as he and Emira walked in.
“Yeah, Mittens, we could hear you and we wanted to make sure you were okay,” Emira said putting her hand on Amity’s shoulder.
Amity blushed since she didn’t think she was being that loud and that her brother and sister might have heard her rant.
She debated on telling her siblings that she was fine but at the same time Amity knew they would not leave her alone until she told them how she was feeling.
Amity sighed, “Well… Here recently every time I have tried talking to Luz, I have made a complete fool of myself. I never had this problem before. What if she thinks I’m weird?” She said sitting down on her bed expecting Ed and Em to laugh at her.
The two older Blights exchanged a look before sitting next to their baby sister.
“It’s okay, Mittens. I’m sure doesn’t think anything bad about you.” Emira said with a soft smile.
“Yeah, this is Luz we’re talking about. I doubt she will stop being friends with you just because you have a hard time talking to her.” Edric patting Amity’s head.
Amity pushed Ed’s hand away and smiled back at her brother and sister. “Thank you both. Luz is the first person to make me feel this way. When she smiles, I smile, and when she says my name, I feel my heart pound, and the blood rushes to my face. She has the cutest smile and she is such a dork. I wish I could tell her all this but when I see her, I just turn to mush. I’m rambling, again aren’t I?” Amity felt her cheeks turn bright red.
“Wow I knew you had a crush, but I never knew were crushing that hard,” Em said shocked at everything her sister said.
“You really like Luz, don’t you, Mittens?” Ed said with a smirk.
Amity’s blush deepened as she nodded her head slowly. The twins exchanged a look before sighing and each putting a hand on Amity’s shoulder.
“It’s okay. We won’t tell anyone about this if you don’t want us to.” Emira said in a soft tone surprising Amity.
“Feel free to talk to us as much as you need, and we’ll try to help as best as we can. Also, remember that Luz likes you enough to be your friend and I’m sure she’s not bothered by your behavior. She cares deeply for you as well.” Edric said with a small smile.
“Thanks, I will keep that in mind,” Amity said with a smile back at her older siblings.
Ed and Em pulled their baby sister in for a hug. They pulled away and got up to leave their sister alone. The two stopped at the doorway and turned to look at their sister.
“Oh, and before we go. If you need help confessing to Luz, let us know.” Emira said with a smirk.
“Yeah, we will help as best as we can. Okay, smitten Mittens?” Edric smirked as well.
The two quickly closed the door barely being missed by the pillow Amity threw at them.
“Those two are hopeless,” Amity said grumbling to herself as she sat back down.
Amity picked up a picture she had of her and Luz. It was easy to see she was blushing in the photo. Amity held the photo close to heart and smiled. She really was crushing hard and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Survey #400
“it’s an age-old story: the first will be last, and the last will be kings  /  the small will be great, and the great will be weak”
Who was the last person you sincerely thanked? My mom; I thank her every time she cooks for me/us, and I really do mean it. What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house? Somewhere around a month. What was the last thing to really surprise you? My brother has a fiancee and is having another son! :') Have you ever found out that you have been sleep walking? No. Have you ever tried making something from one of those short cooking videos? How did it turn out? No. Have you ever written a review for a product you bought online? No. What was the last thing you had the urge to do? Idk about anything notable. Is there anyone you feel that takes you for granted? No. What is the last thing you had a craving for? A donut. Do you ever read the comments on social media posts? Sometimes. What was the last thing you felt like you wasted money on? It's so rare that I buy things with my own cash that I really don't know. What was the last thing you wanted to buy, but couldn’t afford? Venus' terrarium on my own. Mom has to help me with buying it. What is a recipe you’d like to try to make for yourself? I don’t cook, so. What goes through your mind when you look back at old photographs of yourself? More than anything, I get sad over how much weight I've gained. I was so healthy once upon a time. It also just makes me miss my childhood. What was the subject matter of the last email you sent? I believe it was about setting up an appointment with my therapist. How do you get your news? Facebook articles, really. What do you think about lizards? I love them! I was that kid that always tried to catch them when I saw 'em. Now I just observe because I don't want to terrify them by trying to pick them up. Have you ever done consumer testing (testing products before they come out on the market)? If not, would you ever want to? No, but sure, I'd do it. Have you ever received anesthesia or morphine? Both. The time I received morphine, it did jack-all for me. If you had to choose which video game to be in, which would it be? Hmmm... I would say Azeroth from World of Warcraft, but too much shit goes down, ha ha. Perhaps the top of the temple in Shadow of the Colossus? So long as I could have someone I love with me, I'd be in Heaven. Although... I doubt there's WiFi there, so I might drop that answer, lmfao. I really don't know. Between the two, would you rather live in a place where it’s only night or where it’s only day? Day. I need the natural light of day sometimes, and if I wanted to sleep, I could just find shade. If you had to be an actor/actress in a movie, what genre of the movie would you be best at? Fantasy. Out of fire, earth, water, wind, light, and dark, which element appeals the most to you? Dark. What’s one thing that you wish was real? Friendly dragons, haha. Is there anything (show, comedian, etc.) that you constantly quote or make references to? No. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have absolutely no idea. I don't even remember almost any of them. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? Yes. Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Yeah, sometimes. I genuinely don't mind her. Do you still make Christmas lists? Yeah, because I'm asked to. Do you watch the show Dexter? Never seen it. Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? I'm torn between the violin, harp, and piano. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom, by a year. Do you and your parents like any of the same bands/singers? A lot, actually. Is there any food in your bedroom? What? I have these tictacs I keep in my purse in case of a dry mouth. Medication makes me have that severely, and my psychiatrist recommended me to always have a hard candy available to suck on since it forces salivation. Do you know anyone who has road rage? Who? My younger sister, badly. How far away do your grandparents live from you? They're all dead, but they lived in far away states. Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? No. What kinds of chips are in the cupboards? None. It's a bad idea to keep chips in this house, haha. Do you have your mom's or dad's hair? Well, I was born with dirty blonde hair like my dad, but my hair is thick and more similar in color now to my mom's before the cancer completely drained the color. If you were going out with your celebrity crush, what would you wear? OH MY GOD LA;KSDJFAKLWJE I DON'T KNOW I LOOK AWFUL IN EVERYTHING. Have you ever cried when a teacher retired? Teared up, yes, multiple times. Do you swear and yell while playing video games? I might swear under my breath, but that's the extent of it. If you were adopted, would you want to know? At this point in my life, I don't really know. I kinda find myself leaning towards no. Has a best friend ever ditched you for a girlfriend/boyfriend? Pretty much. Do your pets chase after bugs? Roman sure does. When’s the last time you were so excited you couldn’t sleep? Why? I want to say that was the night before I was getting my tattoo redone. Do you own any flip-flops? Yeah, considering they're like... all I wear, ever. Did you ever really believe that the stork brought babies? I don't believe so, no. Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) It was the only lucid dream I've ever had and I'm not complaining about it lmao. Have you ever had a dream that upset you or made you cry? Oh I'm sure. Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Not to my recollection, no, and I don't believe you should ever adopt that mentality and say that to someone. Do you own a laser? No. Is there anything you like to put on a sandwich, that some might find odd? Nah. I do enjoy a layer of potato chips on some sandwiches, like ham and cheese, but I know that's like an actual thing some people just like. What colour are the shoes you wear most often? They're black flip-flops. When was the last time you were required to put on a mask? In the morning when I go to the TMS office. And what colour was the last mask you wore? It's one of those normal blue and white medical ones. The last time you were in a queue, what were you waiting for? To see the woman who would give me my APAP mask. Have you had your Covid vaccine yet? Which one, if you have? Yes, Moderna. If you've had your vaccine, did you experience any side effects? None for the first shot, but my second shot bruised badly and I felt seriously shitty the following day. I was perfectly fine afterwards, though. Can any of your friends sing well? Which one has the nicest singing voice? Sara has an AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING voice. When was the last time you wore make-up, if ever? What shades/colours? I don't even remember, but I'm sure it would've been black. What is something that seems popular, but doesn't interest you personally? Fashion, various TV shows, etc... Are you clumsy or graceful? I am STUPID clumsy. Like it's just ridiculous. Do you like gloves? I like fingerless gloves. Does your sibling(s) have braces? My older sister did as a kid. Do you ever say "OMG" in person? No; it's a random pet peeve of mine, "Internet talk" irl. What was the last thing your parents got mad at you for? Dad, no idea. Mom, uhhhh. Not "mad," but "annoyed" probably better fits how she felt about me leaving the heating pad I use for my cramps on the floor. Do your pets have favorites? I'm definitely Roman's favorite seeing as he is my literal shadow, and I'd assume Venus trusts me more than anyone else, but realistically, she's in contact with almost no one else, so. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Why did you break up? The first guy to have the title of "boyfriend" was Aaron, and I broke up with him 'cuz I just wasn't as romantically into him as I thought I might be. It was puppy-dog love, and I feel I knew that. My first *real* boyfriend was Jason, who broke up with me because my mental illnesses began to affect his wellbeing. Which I now accept is fine, but he seriously coulda gone about things differently... When was the last time you got a new bed? Is your bed comfy? Late into my teenage years; idk the exact age and don't feel like doing the math. Teddy kept peeing on the bed to where it was just unrecoverable and needed to be thrown away. My current bed is comfy enough. What kind of games did you play on the playground when you were younger? My absolute favorite was digging tunnels in the sandbox, pretending to be a meerkat. The only trend I ever created, haha, seeing as my classmates got into it with me, allowing us to make huge tunnel systems. It was really cool. I also liked playing 4 Square (which I now don't even remember the details of) on the basketball court. Do you remember the first time you ever drove a car? Who were you with? Yeah, my driver's ed instructor and the guy who was on the same route as me. What’s your favorite thing to do when drunk? Would you do this sober? N/A Are you a fan of dogs? Do you have any as pets? I'm picky with dogs. I like interacting with any dog, but I don't plan on ever owning another. I don't like how hyper they can be, and I prefer more independent pets, like cats. Basically, I'll be hyped to meet a random dog on the street and give it some loving, but I don't want to take it home to be my own. Are you an elitist (even a little bit) when it comes to anything? What? No. I cannot stand elitists. Is just being fond of something enough, or does it take more than that to be a ‘real fan’? And I hate gatekeeping in fandoms even more. There are varying intensities of "being a fan," but regardless, if you like something, congratulations, you're a valid, "real" fan. What type of fabric is most comfortable for clothing? I don't pay attention to this, honestly. If you wear one – bras with or without a wire? I'll wear either, but without is way more comfortable. If you wear one – are you able to find cute bras in your size? God no. What length do you like your shorts to be? I don’t wear shorts. What was the last disappointing movie you saw? Warcraft, but not because it was bad. I've talked before how in the theater, the orcs' voices were just so fucking baritone that I couldn't understand almost ANYTHING they said. Kinda ruined the experience for me. What was the last disappointing book you read? Don't recall. Do you ever watch compilation videos? Of what? Very rarely. If I do, they're mostly of animals being silly. Favorite Disney character who isn’t royalty? Probably Dory, but idk. There's WAY too many options to fish through.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 59
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The lake had been fun. It was initially awkward, but after we loaded into the boat and were underway it got better. I snagged a spot up front in the bow. I was joined by three girls, now women, I’d known well in high school. We started by talking about our current lives and by the time we'd found a spot to anchor we were telling old stories and laughing through our memories. Once the four of us had reconnected the others were easy with conversations and groupings overlapping. An hour later it felt like old times. There were lots of pictures taken and we were texting them to each other immediately. I posted some on Instagram and sent some directly to Sebastian. I had no problem posting bikini-clad pictures of me in a group, but solo went only to him. I've never been one for posting me. It's usually an activity with people.
There was a dock near the southeast border of the lake for gassing up and they had a sandwich shop. Sandwich included hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, and onion rings. We decided to eat at the picnic tables. Stowing food was more to pack up and could stink. We were relaxing and waiting for the last ones to finish when my notification went off. Chris Evans was asking permission to follow my account. Interesting. Approved. Not a minute later so was Chace Crawford. Also approved, but with a snarky DM about his pickup lines. He'd hit on me at Kirk's wedding. Very unsuccessfully.
Emma ~ Tell Chris hi and nice to meet him.
Sebastian ~ We’re not talking about you. Much. Ok, we are. Sebastian ~ We're mostly looking at pictures.
Emma ~ The ones on your phone are much better than IG
Sebastian ~ Chace will be the one to figure that out.
 Chris DM'd me, “Can't wait to meet you in person. Hearing very sweet things.”
I sent back, "A few are true. He exaggerates."
"Yeah, he's got a huge crush on you."
"Nice to know."
We watched sunset out on the water. It was beautiful. The haze and clouds made for muted pinks, purples, blues, and grays. I took a dozen of those hoping to catch the perfect one. I was in a group of people, but the sunset had me feeling lonely. It was fleeting and I was back into the party spirit quickly.
Amy thought it was a good idea to take everyone back to our house for a pool party. I did not agree. Our parents were home babysitting their granddaughter and we were about to invade with a hoard of drunk friends. All of whom were inviting more and asking them to pick up booze. It felt very high school and in need of at least a phone call. However, it was Amy’s idea and no one wanted to hear from me last night. I wouldn’t be calling ahead.
I went inside to go to the bathroom and ran into dad. "What's all that noise we just got Katie in bed?"
"Amy invited some friends back to the pool."
"You’re teenagers again."
"Seems like it."
"Try and keep it down."
"I will tell her." Not my party. Not my crowd control. I did my business and went back outside. Amy was making out with Max in the pool. I tapped on her head, breaking their kiss, "Dad said to keep it down."
They went back to kissing. I'd deemed my message delivered and headed to the bar, putting in the code and retrieving a bottle of tequila. When I stood up, I was surprised to see Kai on the other side of the bar. Kai was the boyfriend who broke up with me after rehab. Kai's hands were shoved in the pockets of his swim shorts. He nodded toward the group, "Amy said you'd be ok with me coming. I wanted to check."
My current plan for Amy’s death was drowning. She was already in the pool after all. I pasted a less than genuine smile on my face, "It's fine, Kai. It was a long time ago. How are you?"
Kai was very southern lawyer attractive. Thinking back, he always had been. "I’m good. I did become a lawyer. Work for a firm here in Alpharetta. I got married three years ago. Her name is Melanie. We're expecting a baby in January."
"Congratulations. That’s wonderful."
He nodded, "Thank you. What are you up to?"
"I teach first grade, love it. I play in a volleyball rec league. My best friend's in a band so I go into the city and visit. My boyfriend lives there too."
Kai laughed, "I might have heard about him."
"I bet. He's a good guy. Lots of fun and good to me.”
"Better than I was, I’m sure."
Ah! This was going to be some sort of apology. I cringed and pulled up my shades for a second, "Well Kai, you did break up will me three days after I got back from rehab. You kinda failed at supportive boyfriend."
"Yeah, I did. Sorry. In hindsight, it was a shitty thing to do. Bad timing and a lie of a reason."
"I knew that."
"Sorry. I’ve always felt guilty."
I smiled, "It was a long time ago, Kai. We've grown up. We're both doing well."
"I wish we could go back to friends again. We were friends since middle school."
I don't think he realized that made it worse. We’d been friends before we were anything else and none of that mattered when he left me. It didn’t matter to me now. “I stopped being angry with you a very, very long time ago, Kai. Forgave you for leaving me when I needed you. But there’s no reason for us to be friends now. I come back a couple of times a year. You and I are strangers now. And while I have forgiven you, I’d never trust you again.” His guilt is not a reason for me to welcome him back into my life.
“Wow.” He looked surprised.
I smiled, “I wish nothing but the best for you.”  I leaned back to see under the bar and brought up a couple of glasses. “Drink to old times?”
He looked surprised again. “Yeah, Em.”
“Good.” I poured the tequila and tapped my glass against his. “To happy memories and years of fun times.”
We both drank and he walked around to my side of the bar. It was my turn to be surprised when he hugged me, “I wish nothing but the best for you too, Emma.”
I patted his back, “Thank you.”
Kai let go and walked back toward the pool.
I tell you what, this has been the strangest visit I’ve ever had and that’s saying a lot. I’m starting to get paranoid about what the next three days are going to bring. I poured another tequila and questioned my decision to not hop back on a plane last night. I could be home in my bed or in the city tucked into Sebastian’s bed waiting for him to get home or out with Eli and Angie. All preferable to this mixed bag of what the fuck.
I hung out for another hour before letting Amy I was heading to bed. Family day was supposed to start at about noon. That gave me time to sleep in a little, go for a run, and shower before arrivals started. Of course, because I had time to sleep in, I woke up at my normal time. I texted Sebastian, saying good morning, and was pleasantly surprised when his face showed up on my phone.
“It’s morning, but good is a stretch.”
He looked a little rough, but still handsome. “Good night with the boys?”
Sebastian nodded then winced, “Very.” He filled me in on his night. There’d been lots of laughs and he gave me back story on any conversations. I liked watching him talk. In his hungover state, he was less animated than usual, but his expressions and eyes still conveyed a range of emotions. I laughed at the late-night stories. My favorite was Chris edging between Chace and Sebastian in the bathroom, sharing a urinal with Seb because he couldn’t wait.
My stories weren’t nearly as funny. It’s possible things got out of hand after I’d gone to bed. I’m sure Amy would fill me in. I told him about the conversation with Kai.
“Ouch, you’re tough.”
I rolled to my side, putting the phone against the pillow, “It’s not my responsibility to ease his guilt.”
“If we were going to be around each other my response might have been different, but there’s no reason. Haven’t seen him in twelve years, likely won’t for at least that long. We talked at the party, laughed. We’re just not going to be friends.”
“No, no, I get it.” He was shaking his head. “I think you might still be a little angry.”
I laughed, “Maybe I should have been less direct. I wasn’t expecting to see him. More indifferent than angry.”
“I don’t know if you should have. I just don’t want to be on the receiving end of your directness. The indifferent version.” He smiled with his using my word instead of his “angry”. “You were pretty direct with Drew in the bar too. I like you having a little bite.” He looked like he was thinking and I stayed quiet. “You are incredibly kind until you’re not. I mean, I think you give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but once they cross over the line where you don’t trust them you have no problem putting them in their place. That’s a good thing. Sometimes people don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.”
“Ed tells me I let people get away with too much.”
“Do you think so?”
“Sometimes. I can give too many chances. It all depends on how much I care about someone and the size of the bad behavior. I think I’m usually direct and kind at the same time, but when I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough.”
“I tend to sugar coat too much. Then get pissy when nothing changes and sometimes it’s because I wasn’t clear.”
Now I had a question. “Are you sugar-coating and think I was mean to Kai?”
“I was imagining being on the receiving end. I wouldn’t have liked it, but, no, I don’t think you were mean.”
“You’d have to fuck up a lot.” Sebastian’s opinion was important. “I’m direct with the good stuff too.”
“I know you are.” His blue eyes lit up with his smile. “I always know where I stand, how you feel.”
Not always. Not right now. “You read me bedtime stories when I’m sad.”
“And you ask me what I need when I’m anxious.”
“Quite the pair.”
“Yes, we are.”
We just looked at each other for a long time. “Your flight is at three.”
“Twelve, moved up to squeeze in a dinner tonight.”
I looked at the time on my phone, “You need to get to the airport.”
“Yeah.” He turned the camera where I could see his bags. “All packed. I’ll call you when I get back to the hotel for our date.”
Our phone sex date. I smiled and kissed my screen, “I’ll talk to you later.”
I laid in bed for a few more minutes, just enjoying being happy, before I got up and got dressed to go for a run.  Mom and dad were already downstairs having coffee. I walked around the table, kissing both of their cheeks, “I’m going for a run before everyone gets here.”
Mom nodded over her cup, “How late was everyone here last night?”
I shrugged, “I went to bed about ten. Long day in the sun and then old friends showing up. I was done. Kai showed up. That was less than fun.”
“You left your sister to manage all your friends?”
Notice how they failed to ask how I was after an unexpected visit from my ex-boyfriend. I know I did. I thought about the conversation with Sebastian and what he’d said about some people not deserving the benefit of the doubt. The other night was the first time I’d been so confrontational with my parents in a very long time. Like since I was sixteen right before I moved to Seattle. I took a deep breath and tried to pull in some of the calmness I’d had upstairs in bed. “Guys, we’re almost thirty, not thirteen. Hopefully, we’ve grown out of getting so drunk we knock over patio furniture and throw up in the pool. If not, they are Amy’s problem. They are her friends, not mine. She invited them over. I haven’t seen most of these people for over ten years. And are you telling me in addition to not talking too much about my boyfriend or anything else that makes me happy, I am also expected to babysit my sister?”
“Emma, you’re overreacting.”
Again, with the fucking overreacting. I’m not an overreactor. If anything, I’m an underreactor. I’m positive I’m not overeating here. I guess it’s nice to know it’s not they don’t like Sebastian and don’t want to talk about him. They don’t want to talk about Kai either and I know they liked him. I muttered, “Unbelievable”, as I headed for the front door.
I ran far longer than I'd planned.
It took a long time to calm my mind and get into the zone. What often happens once I let go of my thoughts and get into a rhythm is that the thoughts organize themselves. When I stopped or during cool down I could see things more clearly. What I saw when I slowed my pace to a walk wasn't pretty. It had been my choice to leave rehab when it was no longer good for me. It had been my choice to call Ed to get me away from here when it was no longer good for me. I don't remember my parents favoriting Amy before that summer. Twenty-three days that strengthened me and weakened Amy. Broke my family and gave me a new one.
Choices, even ones that are good for you, have consequences. A tangled web of choices and consequences have led to now. This isn't my home. My parents' focus, as it had been since I went to Seattle or before, was Amy. I didn't agree with how they sheltered her, but I hadn't been here. In their view I was strong, I was fine, and they didn't have to worry about me. I had another family to worry about me. When I thought about it like this, it made sense. I'd left because being here was a threat to me. Now me being here was a threat to Amy. The situation was fucked. We'd all done the best we could. We still were. If what I'd told Sebastian was true, I wouldn't change anything if it meant I didn't know Ed, Jill, Olivia, and Harper. I had to accept the negatives too. I don't know what that means for the future, but as Ed tells me I put up with things too long sometimes.
I arrived back at the house as everyone was finishing breakfast. I'd separated myself from family time by taking a run. Or maybe I'd taken a run because I was separate from my family. I poured a cup of coffee and joined them at the table, helping myself to the container of Greek yogurt and covering it with berries. Blueberries for Sebastian and raspberries for me. That made me smile.
After I showered Amy and I went to pick up my grandparents. Amy told me what happened after I'd gone to bed, including her and Max having sex on the big round double lounger. I told her... nothing. I didn’t tell her about my fights with our parents, I didn’t tell her about the conversation with Kai. I most certainly didn't tell her about my phone sex date later with Sebastian, the early morning just woke up FaceTime, or how he'd read me Winnie the Pooh until I fell asleep. I hated it. I hated how yesterday we were back to talking like sisters and today it was not. Again, my choice, but I knew she’d tell our parents, which under any other circumstance would be fine, but I could not take any more. I could, but I didn’t want to.
The back yard easily held the gathering of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Kids played in the pool while adults talked with glasses of sangria and bottles of beer. The last stragglers were finishing their drinks when Katie crawled into my lap. She wanted me to take her to bed and read her a story. When the book was done, she curled up next to me, looked up, and said, "I love you, Emma."
I kissed her nose, "I love you, too.”
I joined my parents and sister in the family room. Amy explained they hadn't known how long I'd be with Katie and had started a movie without me. I lied and said it was fine, I'd seen it. There couldn't have been much left when “Dancing Queen” started playing from my phone. I stood up, "That’s Sebastian. He's in Canada. I'm going to take it upstairs. See you in the morning."
Mom yelled after me, "We need to leave at nine-thirty."
"OK." I connected the call, "Hey, baby, how was your flight and dinner?"
"Which one?"
"Both." His laughter was a balm that smoothed away the roughness of the day. "How was the barbeque and why can't I see you?"
I shut the door behind me and switched the call to video. "I was waiting until I could get you alone."
Sebastian put his arms across his chest, "What kind of a boy do you think I am?"
"A very handsome one." The top three buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned and his tie hung loosely around his neck. "Damn, you look good."
"So do you."
I was in a plain peach t-shirt. He didn't care. To him, I looked good. I went back to his question, "It was fun. Caught up with lots of family. Watched kids in the pool. Mostly sat with my grandparents. Granny was happy to hold my hand and tell me I’m beautiful."
Sebastian's mouth dropped open in a gasp, "I like doing that too." He turned his head to the side looking over my face, "You don't look sad, but you don't look happy either. What's going on with you?"
I looked up for an answer, "I am accepting the reality of the situation. This isn't really home or really my family anymore. Their priority is Amy."
His face fell, "I’m sorry, baby. What can I do? What do you need?"
I smiled a real smile, "Nothing I don't already have." I could see he was struggling to believe me. "Since we were sixteen, they took care of Amy and Ed took care of me. I didn't realize exactly what that meant. Amy is doing better than she ever has. I always thought that when Amy was better." I stopped myself to figure out how I wanted to say this. "It took me coming home while things are good to realize it doesn't matter. Even if she is fine it's all a house of cards. I expected at some time things would be normal, but it won't be. I am changing my expectations."
"How do stop expecting your parents to support you?"
Good question. "You know why Jimmy and I broke up."
"He cheated."
"My parents do not. Amy didn't until Friday."
"Why not?" Sebastian's sadness for me was tinged with anger.
The list of things my parents didn’t know was long. "Just telling them we'd split. I felt like I might drown. The way they wanted to baby and take care of me felt like an anchor around my neck, like I was incapable of surviving a breakup. When I came here for Christmas, they had all these ideas for my life, but they never asked what I wanted. I knew if I told them he'd cheated it would be ten times worse. Does this make any sense?" It wasn't completely clear to me so how could it be to him.
Sebastian rubbed his fingers over his beard, pulling at the grey patch. "I hurt my knee once. They told me to take it easy for twenty-four hours, ice it, stay off it. Then I had exercises and had to move. Walking hurt like hell but it was the best thing if I wanted to heal. Your parents wanted you on bed rest when what you needed was PT. Support to get on your feet. Support should help, not cripple you."
"Exactly!" I smiled and ran my fingers over the video version of his face. "So not having their support isn’t new. I am working on accepting that's not going to change." I watched Sebastian bite his lip and let it slip free. "What's that about?"
"I feel lucky to know you. I'm so fucking proud of you. You don't get stuck in self-pity; you dig yourself out. It's the difference between seeing yourself as a victim or just someone who had something bad happen. They keep Amy stuck and Ed taught you resilience."
My heart stopped and I forgot how to breathe. Not in the good way. In the almost a panic attack way.
"I can do that with work, most things. Relationships." He scrunched up his face and rocked his head from side to side. "I'm learning."
"I'm not always good at it either." Sometimes I needed my ass kicked.
"That’s ok. I'll be here to help. You're still learning too."
I felt a slow smile form across my face and Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to be teaching me something tonight?"
I fought back the laugh at the way he squeezed his eyes shut and scrunched up his face. It took a good ten seconds for him to come back to me. I let go of the lip I was biting, "You ok there?"
"You cause me physical pain." He chuckled and smiled looking at me.
I don't think he minds all that much. "Where's it hurt, baby?" I dropped the tone and volume of my voice.
He made the face again and pointed his finger at me. "Turn off the camera."
My eyes went wide, "Why?"
"The first time I watch you get yourself off is going to be live."
"You have a lot of phone sex rules, Bastian." Still, I switched the phone to voice only. My screen went dark. I pouted. Not that he could see.
"Stop pouting and tell me what you're wearing."
I resisted the urge to tell him if he let me turn the damned camera back on, I'd show him. I didn't need to be taught how to do this. I was confident I could wing it just fine. What I didn’t know was if this was to be purely descriptive, giving each other instructions, or a role-play. It didn't matter. Any would be fun.
"I have on a peach t-shirt. It's not tight, but it fits against my body. Soft. My shorts are white. If you listen close, I bet you can hear me unzip them," I moved my phone lower to make sure he could. I left the phone by my hip, "I'm going to go ahead and take them off. My legs are smooth against my fingers."
"Take off your shirt too. Tell me about your bra and panties." His voice had taken on the timbre it gets when he's turned on.
"Nothing special. No one to see them. Simple white cotton. They do look nice against my tan."
"Next time we're together I’m licking those tan lines."
"Mmm, I'm looking forward to that. Tell me about you."
"Dressed from dinner. Black pants, long sleeve white shirt, black tie. You saw. Tie undone. A couple of buttons open and sleeves rolled up."
"Unbutton them all, but leave your shirt on. I like you undone. What’s going on with your pants?"
"They're tight. I’m not completely hard."
"Take them off. Rub yourself over your boxers. I love feeling you grow in my hand or my mouth. Your skin is so soft."
"Spread your legs. Touch yourself. Over your panties. I want them wet.” I heard a change in his breathing. Subtle. “I’m hard. Had to adjust my boxers. My cock's up toward my stomach where I can rub the underside. Feels good." He let out a little moan and I could easily imagine the little smile on his face.
"Take your cock out. I've got my hand over my pussy. Massaging myself. Warm. Panties are a little damp. I can tell I'm wet though. I can feel it."
"What's it like, Emma?"
"All the blood’s rushed between my legs. There's an ache, a throbbing, almost like I can feel my heart beating. An itch I need to scratch."
"My hand's around my cock. Slow strokes along the whole length. I flip my thumb over the tip every so often." His breath caught. "Hits the spot, you know the one, sends a jolt, like a shock through me. Feels even better when it's your tongue."
"Fuck. Your talking has me squirming. My hand is in my panties. My middle finger sliding from my clit to inside me. So slippery. How tight is your grip?"
"Tight. Not stroking my length anymore. Turned my hand around where my thumbs against the vein. Holding tight above the middle to the edge of the head. Feels good. Thinking about you touching your clit."
"Moving up and down, kind of slow. Tightening my muscles like you're inside me."
Words stopped, but it wasn't quiet.
Our breathing had synced up and there were these little catches, sighs, and soft moans.
"Faster and firmer now."
"Me too. I'm close."
I might not be able to see him, but I knew exactly what he looked like. His face, his body, were starting to tense.
"Feels good. Not as good as you touching me. Not even close."
"If I was there, I'd put my hand over yours. Feel how you like to be touched. So, I can match it. I'd kiss along your neck, taste you. My other hand, my fingers, barely touching your side, over your hip, across your thigh." The last word was interrupted.
" Em... fuck... yes..." Then a few seconds of silence followed by a long sigh.
"Where are you, baby?"
"Unhooked my bra. Nipples so tight."
"Perfect for me to suck on. I'd use my teeth. Run my hand up your inner thigh. Touching close. I can look down and see you touching yourself. God, how much I want to shove your hand away and taste you. Make you come."
"Oh fuck... Bastian." Everything tightened up then let go.
His voice was in my ear, "Turn your camera back on."
When I picked the phone up off my chest his face was already there. I hit the button and saw my face appear in the small rectangle. "Now you want to see me." I stretched with a contented sigh.
"I always want to see you after you come. The way your mouth is open and you lick your lips. Beautiful."
I rolled to my side, "What's an orgasm feel like for you?"
"Tonight. Mmm, for a while it just felt good. Like any touch, nothing special, except the where. Only more. Then it's like a switch. Goes from feels good to oh shit this is amazing. Starts where I’m touching and spreads down to my balls and lower stomach, base of my spine. It's like tightening a spring until it can't anymore and just let’s go."
"Is sex different? The orgasm."
"Oh yeah." His smile and eyes told me he drifted away a little. "I'll tell you all about it next time we have sex." Sebastian raised his eyebrows expectantly.
"Similar. Like you said just feels good. More of a building for me though. Sometimes it's a slow steady increase. Other times like stair steps. I have to remind myself to relax or I clench my butt and thighs too much."
"I've noticed this. You start to rise off the bed and I have to hold you down." He was clearly enjoying the memory. "Does it change how it feels?"
I nodded, "Tightening up takes the focus away. Eventually, everything gets warm, tingly, and tightens up. Finally, it's like a wave breaking on the shore with muscle contractions."
"I feel those."
"I like the resistance of having something to hold onto." His eyes had questions. I had to search for a workable metaphor. "If you're sitting in a chair and lift your foot you can feel your thigh tighten, but if you're on a leg machine with weights you feel that muscle more."
Awareness hit him, "Really?" I nodded again. "I knew you liked, but I like knowing the why." He laughed, "I love these talks."
I joined in his laughter, "It is fun."
"Hang on a sec." He laid his phone next to him and I could hear him moving around.
"What are you doing?"
Sebastian picked his phone back up, "There was a mess to clean up."
It is so sexy that he told me this. The whole conversation is sexy. Lying in bed a thousand miles apart having a casual chat about a not at all casual topic is sexy as fuck.
"What did you use?" I was amused.
He looked at me with disbelief. Not sure if it was the question or that he was going to answer. "My underwear. They were nearby." He stood up and lifted the tie as he walked. "Can I get rid of this now?"
"Do I get to see your bare chest?"
"Do I get... ok well, there we go. Thank you."
I'd shifted my camera lower and flashed him naked breasts before he finished asking. I moved back to my face, "You're welcome."
He held his phone out where I could watch him free his arm and be shirtless. I made an appreciative noise and he asked, "Enjoying yourself?"
"I am." I hadn’t intended to lick my lips. "I'd like to lay by a pool with you. Or a beach."
"Easily arranged." He stretched out on the bed. "What haven't we done that you want to do?"
"In general, or sex."
He shrugged, "Sex is the topic. Tonight anyway."
"I want you to give me a full body massage that veers off track to a happy ending."
"That will be just as much fun for me." His face showed his interest. "I want you to tie me to the bed, blindfold me, and do whatever you want to me."
I sat up enough to take my bra off, giving him another peek "We're going to need a weekend locked in one of our bedrooms."
"My weekend is free. I think I have company coming Thursday."
"My departure time keeps creeping up to get to you sooner.”
He sang, "Oh what a lucky boy."
“Pretty soon I’ll get there before you, waiting on the floor outside your apartment.” I got hit with a memory, "We need to talk about your birthday. What do you want?"
"Well, that depends on how you feel about birthday sex? I like birthday sex. Not a deal-breaker, not my preference, but fun for a change."
He stretched out on the bed and stuck his phone to his leg. I could see chest up. I propped my head upon my hand and adjusted my phone. "I'm speaking from limited experience here." Sebastian tried very hard not to smile. He failed, but he tried. "You're such a man."
He stopped trying, "You're such a woman." His laughter was a wonderful sound.
"Less than good experience the first time because neither of us realized the amount of prep work required." He winced. I shrugged. "Next time I’d researched. I liked it, he didn't. He was too in his head, worried about being dirty. Then there's you. I knew what I was doing more in theory than practice."
"You should feel free to practice on me anytime you want." He cocked his head to the side. "You can come in and brush your teeth while I pee, but that's as far as I want to go there."
"Women have complete conversations while trading places in a bathroom."
"The group bathroom break cracks me up."
"We don't want to stop talking or want to talk about a cute guy in private."
"Mostly the last one." He wasn't wrong. "Oh..." he shook his head and pulled his eyebrows down, "not into period sex. But you've got an IUD. Do you even have a period?"
"Nope, happy side effect." Condoms eliminated the need for the birth control talk. "How do you know I have an IUD? Can you feel the strings?"
"My fingers are up there a lot."
I smirked, "You're dirty."
"About to be dirtier. Turn off your camera."
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