#also what are cowboy hats why does he wear that thing .i looked at one (1) reference for approximately fourteen seconds if u ouldnt tell
foryouthegays · 28 days
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idk is this anything
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hihihihi, in case ya remember me, im the Pain-sensitive anon, and in case i will request again remember me as BigS, because my requests are as big as my S, but enough about that.
Poor you, so many requests. Drink water, be stronger that those 637181 requests, don't let them kill you!!!
But im here to torture you with another one~
So i have an album with 3814 Asmodeus screenshots(I FKIN LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!), and i had an idea "dam, if Asmo became real, it would be very hard to explain why i have 4k pics with him... " So here is request!
Brothers, finding out that MC's new hyperfixation is... them?
Apparently MC is neurodivergent or something like that, and as many neurodivergent ppl, they have a hyperfixation! They just randomly becoming very interested in something specific and collect stuff with it, talk with everyone about it, and remember every single detail about it! Like Levi with TSL.
But one day, brothers realise that MC stopped talking about their past fixation and was less interested with it. They think that "Oh, they probably just found something new!". But one day, they take MC's phone just to find that... They have a giant album in their gallery that is dedicated only to him????
The album has every photo he posted on Devilgram, every photo that he send MC, some unique photos that MC shooted themselves, even some chat screenshots with times when he said something cute to them! They even was photographing thigs that "reminds of him". Like some cheeseburger with "Beel vibes", Blue flower that "Looks like Luci" or gorgeous mannequin that "feels like Asmo".
If its someone like Asmo, he would also notice thta MC started buying their fanclub's merch! Like "Asmo lover #1" shirt or "Lucifer best man!!"cup(Luci is very popular, he probably also has some fanclubs! i hate this guy tho)
I think Levi and Mammon would die from embarrassment. Asmo would die out of happiness and Satan with Luci will try to pretend like thay never saw that. and idk about other ones. :P
I think that would make a cute fluff and a very scary situation if it was real uwu
Thats all
Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
-BigS aka.AlgophobicDude
hey! great to hear from you again :)
haha thank you! been slowly knocking out requests one at a time and let me tell you it's a lot more fun than it might look haha
i wrote this while wearing a pink cowboy hat. i just wanted to share that
you got it! enjoy!!
Mc with a hyperfixation on the brothers
is this a human thing?
he's happy to indulge you as long as you're not too loud about it out in public
especially please don't share those pictures with anyone, like mammon. he will sell those, especially the ones he only intends for you. please
he's happy you don't hate him, actually. you make this old man very happy haha
he would never tell you, but he's also got a photo album dedicated to you
also has a note on his D.D.D. full of all the things he never said to you but hopes to be brave enough to one day to tell you
he doesn't tell you he's got that though, not in a million years
he really loves that you're hyperfixated on him because that just means you care about him just as much as he cares about you
as expected, he's very flustered
he knows what it's like to have a little blorbo and he would give anything to be able to see them daily in person and live with them
he's over the moon once he realizes this and despite his embarrassment, he pushed through to spend more time with you
he's so dedicated <3
he's probably the most puzzled
he's always learning new things about humans even when he thought he knew everything
he knows and trusts you so from time to time, he'll take a picture with you in mind that he knows will remind you of him
all in all, he does think it's a little strange but won't stop you since he's never seen you happier
like they said, you're literally about to become the number one member of his fanclub!
lucky for you, once he finds your asmo photo album, he's feeding into your hyperfixation
you get lots of exclusive privileges, such as early morning selfies and all his merch for free, including prototypes
he's always ready to pose for a picture for you. every side is his good side!
he's a little confused but he's happy to make you happy
he listened to you talk about your hyperfixations the most beside levi so he's quick to pick up on this shift
to make you happy, he decides to make a handmade adult bib just for you haha and at first he's a little sad but then he finds it while digging for your snack stash
you've never worn it once because it's hanging in your closet next to your fancy outfits <3
you what? is his initial reaction
from the outside, it seems like it doesn't bother him or that he could care less
but, on the inside, he's elated since he thought after how he tricked you, you'd never want to be close to him again
now, you're the very thing that makes you excited to wake up every morning by his side
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wardenparker · 3 months
Heeeeyyy. Congratulations on 2.5k followers. Great Milestone you got there just know we're all proud of you.
Anyways, can I request an angst fic from the propmts "Wait! Please don't go!" and "There is no 'us'." for none other than the slick cowboy, Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels?
I can wait. Thaaaanksss!
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels. 1,373 words. "Wait! Please don't go!"/"There is no 'us'." (Warnings: angst) Co-written with @absurdthirst
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The house is a disaster when he opens the front door. Making his heart drop and his instincts take over, reaching for the side of his hip even though his pistols aren’t there. He never wears his guns home. “Sugar!” He calls out, eyes searching and trying to make sense of the items strewn around.
If he follows the sounds and the trail of items that have been moved around and messed with, he'll find most of the commotion centered in the bedroom. That's where the most things have changed. Where they have been torn apart and not put back into any semblance of what they were before. Where the center of the heartache really lives.
“Baby! What the hell is going on?” He’s relieved to find you, bag opened and shit being shoved into it like you have thirty seconds to evacuate. He’s also confused as to what is happening. There’s been no alert, no word from Statesman.
"What does it look like, Jack?" You don't stop moving, spitting the words out at him while you shove some rolled up jeans into a travel bag. "I'm packing."
“Why?” His hat is off his head, a frown on his handsome face and his hands on his hips. “Where are you going?”
"I don't want to tell you that." If you tell him, he'll inevitably show up there in a day or two, and you might be weak enough from missing him to undo this stance that you're taking and come home to him again. Your mother said you could come home, so that's where you're going. Your old home. The home where you don't go crazy wondering if Jack is safe or what it is the two of you even are despite the fact that you've lived together for months now and been sleeping together far longer.
“Well sugar, how in the fuck am I supposed to accept that?” He asks, frowning deeply. “Talk to me. Everything was just fine and dandy when I left for work this mornin’.”
"Everything was not fine and dandy." Throwing the jeans down in anger, you whirl around on one ankle to face him with tears pricking at your eyes for only the fourth time today. The decision to leave wasn't an easy one to make, but you've convinced yourself it's for the best. "It hasn't been fine and dandy in weeks, but you refuse to see that. The issues don't magically go away just because the arguement is over, Jack. Or did no one ever teach you that?"
“We talked.” Jack defends, huffing. “What more do you want? We said our piece, what more was there? Did I miss something?”
"We talked but nothing changed." Angry steps seem to be the only ones you have in you today, and you storm across the bedroom to sweep your books off the dresser on the other side of the bed. Your side of the bed. Or it used to be. "If we have a fight because things aren't going well and we talk about the things we need to fix, then we actually have to fix the shit we talk about afterward." There are four novels in your hand, but you notice one of them is a Louis L'Amour novel -- one of Jack's -- so you put it back down and stalk back to your suitcase. "You never fix anything I ask you to unless it's a Honey Do chore. The apartment and the relationship aren't the same thing. Hell, I don't even know what our relationship is anymore."
“This is why you’re mad?” Jack sputters and then huffs. “Because I’m not jumping up and down to talk about my feelings?”
The books follow the jeans into the bag you are haphazardly filling, and you groan at the disbelief in his voice before facing him again. "Yes." You tell him flatly, hating that you let it get this far in the first place. "I'm allowed to be upset about the fact that you are never willing to talk about how you feel about me. I am entitled to be mad about that."
“I show you how I feel.” Jack manages to flash you a grin and waggles his eyebrows. “As often as you let me.”
"Jesus fucking Christ." The groan that rips out of you is downright angry, which holds well enough in line with how you're feeling that you don't bother to stifle it. "That's exactly what I'm talking about. Right there."
“Sugar….” Jack lifts his hands, helpless as he realizes that you aren’t taking his little act as something cute. Not like you had before. “What do you want me to say?” He asks seriously.
You pause in your steps, sighing heavily and shrugging your shoulders with so much defeat that you feel like you might just collapse backward on the bed. "Nothing," you admit after a long pause. "I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to let me finish packing so I can go." As much as it makes your heart break, as much as you feel sick to your stomach, this is the decision that you've made. You can't give all of your love to a man who refuses to acknowledge that love even exists.
Jack’s brows pull down, knitting together and he shakes his head. “I don’t want you to go.” He admits quietly, a shiver of dread rushing down his spine as he hears the quiet finality in your tone.
"It's too late." A last sweeping look around the room says that you've packed everything from the bedroom that you care to. This room was last, and then that's it. You'll walk out of this place for the last time and battle with your regrets on your mother's couch for however long it takes. "Maybe the next girl will avoid having her heart broken for a little bit longer because of me, maybe not."
The panic, the fear that he has been avoiding when it comes to emotions starts to set it when you pick up the bags and start to walk out of the room. Jack waits for you to stop, to change your mind like you have before. Never actually going so far as packing before. “Wait!” Jack rushes out of the bedroom when you don’t turn back, don’t come back. He chases you down the hall and into the living room. “Please don’t go!” He begs, his eyes wide and worried.
There are a few things to gather along the way, but your car is almost full and you have your arms full when you pause in the front hall to turn and face him one more time. "Give me one reason to stay," you challenge, knowing you won't forgive yourself if you don't at least let him try. If you don’t give it one last ditch effort. You've been in love with Jack Daniels since the day you met him, but this is the last chance you're going to give him to disappoint you. Unless he's ready to actually say something about real emotions, you're walking out that door. "Tell me why I should."
“You belong here, with me.” Jack tells you stubbornly. “You’ve practically moved in and I’ve - we- we are good together.” Saying the words, truly saying them, has scared Jack to his core. Even with the boss ordered therapy. Afraid the world will rip away another person he loves if he says those words, so he doesn’t.
“If you can’t even muster up the words when I’m about to walk out the door, I think that just proves my point,” you murmur sadly, reaching for the door handle. “Have a good life, Jack.”
“Baby girl, wait.” He reaches out and takes your hand, heart pounding and he feels like he’s about to throw up. Swallowing harshly, he stares into your eyes, trying to say the words you want to hear. “But I have plans for us.” He promises seriously. “Big plans for us.”
“There is no us, Jack.” You whisper, hand on the knob and tears in your eyes. “Goodbye.” His hand falls away and his world crumbles as you walk out the door and out of his life.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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Wait, how would Cooper feel about thigh high stockings with some of those heels? Possibly a garter belt too? Or even just knowing that his partner has them on underneath whatever they usually wear? My mind goes blank when I see them on a pretty lady (or a man or anyone else really, I'm bisexual) Something about wearing them also makes me feel super hot but also powerful? Is that weird?
Oh, they feel very powerful, Anon. That's definitely not weird. In fact, I'd argue that that's one of the main selling points of them. It's very empowering and confidence-boosting to feel desirable and sexy.
That's why Cooper would absolutely adore seeing you in the entire get-up. He'd also like seeing you be so confident...
I think it would start small, maybe him gifting you your first very nice set of lingerie for your first Valentine's Day together. To you and your current financial situation, nice lingerie is simply defined as "a cute-ish top and bottoms that match and aren't completely ratty".
It's been about a year since he and Barb officially divorced, and about four months since you and Cooper started dating. You're both still quite low-key about it, not wanting to deal with the drama or the guilt of making Barb feel bad, but you're wild about one another. Coop likes being with someone who is more down-to-earth like he is, someone who he could really see raising chickens with him. You enjoy the older man's kindness, his generous nature, all the things he can show and teach you from years of life experience.
You aren't inexperienced, sexually, but the things you've tried aren't exactly adventurous. He catches you reading a steamy novel one evening, though, and suddenly you're getting quite the interrogation about what naughty things you like while he tickles you and kisses at your neck. And trust me, you will be divulging that information; he's a patient man, and if he has to wait until the next time you have an extra glass of wine with dinner to ask again, he will.
One of the things you eventually mention, lips loose after too much New Year's champagne, is how you've always liked the idea of dressing up in sexy lingerie, high heels and all, parading around a tied-up man like a prowling seductress.
So, naturally, you're over the moon when, a week before Valentine's Day, he gives you a gorgeous satiny bra and panty set and some stockings to go with. The sizing is perfect, of course, because he's so wonderful about attention to detail. The garter belt confuses you when you try it on, but eventually you manage to wrestle it all into place, and you're blown away by your reflection in the mirror. Cooper insists you don't show him what it looks like on until the day of, and you keep to that. But after your romantic dinner together that evening, you find yourself almost overly giddy to get out of the nice dress you'd chosen for your date. He's been shooting you heart-stopping glances all night, running his eyes up and down your body like he knows what you're hiding underneath your clothes.
Which, of course, he does.
When you finally get home, he takes great pleasure in slowly peeling you out of the thing, revealing the black satin and silk and the little bow between your breasts. Your feet have much less traction than usual against the hardwood floors in the stockings, but you're sure in your step as his eyes on you give you a huge confidence boost. Leading him to his bedroom, you push him down on the bed and kiss him for a long while before telling him to stay put, disappearing from the room and reappearing with a few lengths of rope in hand, his white cowboy hat on your head.
A few minutes later, his arms are outstretched just enough to keep him from being able to reach his body with his hands, the knots around his arms and the headboard posts nice and secure. He taught you the knots, and you'd really enjoyed learning them, but you still didn't think it had been fair of him to test your knowledge on them while he made you cockwarm him. But that's a score to settle another day.
You enjoy taking your time teasing him, running your tongue and nails along his chest and stomach, noting the way he shivers as you run your fingers along the waistband of his slacks. After he pleads a little, you free him from his open fly and tease him with your lips and tongue until he's pleading again. You smile wickedly at him as you move back.
Balancing on your rear and your palms, you lean back as far as you can while still staying upright between his knees, slowly and intentionally running your silk-clad feet all along the planes of his bare chest, appreciating his physique as you tease all the way up to his collar bones. A giggle leaves you when he cranes his neck to allow himself to nibble at your ankles, but the playful little kick you give him to the forehead sends him staring you down with a heat in his gaze. When he's settled down, you move your feet back down to the trail of hair that leads to his twitching, throbbing erection.
"Dirty tricks, little lady." he growls when you start to gently rub your smooth sole back and forth across his cock. You've managed to sniff out this particular kink of his between all the "secret" little glimpses at you after you take off your heels at the end of the day, the glut of compliments about how pretty your feet are, the regular pedicures he happily pays for. The massages where he can barely conceal his growing erection. You'd thought it a little strange at first, but he didn't judge you for your stranger proclivities, so you tried your best to grant him the same grace.
Plus, it was really quite hot how worked up he got about it, and you certainly didn't mind all the gifted shoes.
Since you've already been working him up and teasing him, he quickly reaches his end. You're both a little shocked by exactly how hard he cums, and how much, jet after hot jet spattering across his chest, his stomach, and your stockings, a low, guttural groan leaving him as you continue to gently pet at him until he pleads with you to stop. You can't help but notice that he seems like he's having a hard time meeting your gaze.
The whole display is incredibly erotic to you, despite what you may have thought about this sort of thing before. You'd never considered how much you could enjoy having a man you actually liked and trusted thinking your feet were very, very sexy, and now the whole thing has you ready to plant yourself down on him and never get off.
"Well, are you gonna untie me so I can return the favor, darlin'?" he asks eventually, face and neck still pink as he finally seems to gather up the courage to look over at you. You grin, slinking forward to lean in and kiss him deeply, running your fingers through the cooling rivulets of semen painting his toned chest.
"Mmm, I dunno, cowboy." you tut, pulling his hat from your head and giving your hair a seductive shake as you place it onto his. "I sorta like you like this. I'm thinking about maybe taking you for a little test ride."
His muscles flex against his restraints as he grins impishly at you. You have him under your control, and you intend to keep him that way for quite a while. Your pretty lingerie will definitely be destroyed by the time you're finished with each other, but no worries; he's got another of the exact same set hidden in the closet, ready to replace it so you can have one to actually keep.
He's just thoughtful like that. 😈
To the innocent anon: I'm sorry I used your submission to write foot job porn. :( Well, I'm kinda sorry.
I do feel at least a little bad, scout's honor.
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klaprisun · 2 months
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley) (Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 10: Haley's POV
“What are you looking for, Haley?” Alex questions me.
“Hm? What do you mean?” I retorted back. We are standing in our usual ‘Egg Festival spots’ which is at the other end of the town square and in the grass.
“You keep looking over there,” Alex points to the pathway leading west from town square.
“No I'm not.”
“Yes you are. I literally see you looking right now.”
“I think you’re seeing things, Alex.” 
I turn and give him a frown before he can even begin the rest of his sentence. Instead, he begins a different sentence that I let him finish, “Are you waiting for Farm Girl Danny?”
“No! And don’t call her that! She is more than just a farm girl, Alex. She is also more than a personal comedian,” I cross my arms and daze off for a second, not realizing I am staring right at the pathway I said I wasn’t.
“Um… okay? Not just a farm girl and not just a… personal comedian… Got it,” Alex gives me a confused thumbs up. Sometimes I think there is just air inside his head, but I tolerate him. He has gone through a lot in his life and needs someone there for him. His grandparents took him in when his mom passed and dad walked out. Evelyn and George are very kind people and did a great job taking care of him through his life. He is very kind to both of them in return, and does a lot for them since they’ve gotten older. I love visiting their house and eating Evelyn’s wonderful cooking. However, they make a lot of leek salad for George which I’ve never figured out. Every meal he has to have either just a leek or a leek salad!
Alex wraps his arm around my torso, and I lean my head against his side. We’ve been on and off a lot as a couple. A couple years now at least. Sometimes, I’ve caught him cheating on me when we take trips into Zuzu city but I can never actually see who it is he is with and if she looks like me or not. That’s always the question. OR! He moans a different name when we have sex. Whoever ‘Taylor’ is. Other times he is just plain rude. I don’t know why I stick around though. I think it’s just a small town and I feel trapped. Another reason is I really do feel for him and understand all he has gone through.
Finally, not that I’m looking or anything, I see Danny come into sight over at the west pathway. I immediately stand up straight and stop leaning on Alex. He notices my reaction and moves his arm away, half expecting me to bolt over to her.
She is wearing those overalls she wore like 4 times when she first got here. She has on a purple shirt underneath that looks like it has yellow flowers on it. Perfect for the Egg Festival. Her chestnut brown hair under her cowboy hat has been chopped off though! It’s about shoulder length and shaggy. She no longer has the long braid that I thought was pretty cute on her. 
I reach for my own hair that I braided this morning for the occasion and start fiddling with it anxiously, unsure of what to do next. 
Everyone is crowding Danny as she enters town square. All talking to her, introducing themselves to her if she hasn’t met them already, and Vincent and Jas are hugging her legs. I can’t seem to peel my eyes away from them all. I feel a pang of jealousy rising in me.
“Do you want to go over there, too? Say hi?” Alex snaps me out of my trance.
“No. Let’s just stay here.” I continue watching from a distance. There is no need to go over there. She seems busy with everyone else anyway. That is until she looks my way. She raises her hand in the air as a hello gesture. From here, I can still see her bright, big, charming smile.
The crowd is still swarmed around her, but she is only focused on me. She doesn’t break her gaze after gesturing hello, but she doesn’t walk over here either. Instead, she finally turns to Mayor Lewis and nods her head.
“Everyone participating in the annual egg hunt, get into your positions!” Mayor Lewis announces.
“Eat dust guys. You all know I win every year,” I hear Abigail brag. Vincent and Jas look visibly upset as she says that. Danny noticed their reactions and started smirking.
“We’ll see about that,” Danny says to Abigail who is staring daggers at her.
“On your marks… get set… GO!” Mayor Lewis chants.
Sam, Elliot, Vincent, Penny, Jas, Abigail, Maru, Leah, and Danny all take off around the town.  Alex had walked over to his grandparents to socialize with them which I don’t blame him for. I’d do the same thing. I’m left standing around a couple bushes that I've noticed earlier had an egg hiding in them.
Danny is now grouped up with Vincent and Jas, helping them find eggs. They are laughing and playing around searching every area imaginable. Danny points out the eggs for them and they run over and throw them into their baskets. Danny hasn’t put a single egg in her own basket. 
The three of them get closer to me and I decide to speak up. 
“Pssst,” I whisper to them.
3 pairs of eyes make direct eye contact with me. I tilt my head in the direction of the bush that has the egg in it. Danny gently taps Jas to go over and get the egg. In a fit of giggles, Jas runs over.
“Thank you ma'am,” Jas politely thanks me.
“Yeah, thank you ma’am,” Danny smirks and tips her hat slightly at me. I immediately feel my face get warm. The short hair really suits her.
Danny doesn’t even realize the two kids took off looking for more eggs. She is too busy standing all high and mighty with her arms crossed, staring at me. I notice her look me up and down a couple times, and I feel my stomach lurch. 
“Look at you,” she takes a step and takes my long, blonde braid gently in her hand, “you look like a princess.” 
My face gets even warmer and I can only manage to stutter, “I-... ye-... uh-...”
“That’s time folks! Bring your eggs to me so I can count them!” Mayor Lewis announces across the town.
“See you around, princess,” Danny mutters before catching up to Jas and Vincent.
“Abigail with 8 eggs!” Let’s see if anyone can out do that this year!” Mayor Lewis calls out.
Everyone who knew they didn’t have over 8 eggs shyly backed down. However, Jas and Vincent went running over to Mayor Lewis with their baskets. Danny is standing proudly a couple feet behind them.
“Would you look at that! Jas AND Vincent with 10 eggs each! We have the winners folks! Here is your prize… sorry…we only have one,” Lewis says shamefully.
The two of them run over to Danny with their prize. It was a straw hat. They hand it up to her but she just takes it and places it playfully onto Vincent's head, purposely covering his eyes with the brim. She looks behind her and notices a daffodil growing from the ground. She bends over, picks it from its place, and hands it to Jas. However, there is still another daffodil growing in the same area and she picks that one too. She starts walking over to me.
“For you. For helping with finding an egg,” she sings as she hands me the daffodil.
I do a small gasp. “For me? Thank you!” but before I can take it out of her hands, she tucks it behind my ear.
“Matches your outfit,” she points out. I had totally forgotten I threw on a yellow and green sundress today. 
“Oh…yeah…you’re right,” I mumble while smoothing out my dress.
“Did you enjoy the Egg Festival?” Danny asks.
“This festival is alright... but what I'm really looking forward to is the Flower Dance.” I reply as I raise my shoulders and tilt my head.
“Ahhh the flower dance. When is that exactly?” 
“It’s on the 24th. You’ll be able to see it on the calendar at Pierre’s,” I pointed over to the wall of the store where the bulletin board is. Part of me wants her to look at the calendar so she knows it’s my birthday tomorrow.
“I guess I’ll have to look at that before I go home today, eh?” 
“You could.”
We stand around in awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say next.
“Well I better get back home and keep working. I have to rack up some more money so I can expand my house and actually get a kitchen and a bedroom,” Danny chuckles, “I have nowhere to put my groceries… or all those ladies you think are in love with me,” she sneers jokingly.
“You need to forget I ever said that! I mean look at you, I don’t know who would ever love a big mutt like you,” I say a little meaner than intended. Danny’s face drops. I didn’t mean to say it! She seems easy to love and she isn’t a mutt! I don’t know why I just said that.
“You just had to ruin it. I have to go Haley,” Danny storms off to the west path and disappears. I’m left standing alone, holding my hand up to my mouth and choking back tears.
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stevenose · 6 months
hi there :) I just wanted to say how much I love love love your cowboy!steve series! It has brought back my Steve obsession in full force.
I'm southern, and one thing it made me think of was the cowboy hat rule- wear the hat and you gotta ride the cowboy. Definitely didn't make me think about reader innocently putting the hat on and proceeding to drive Steve crazy...
this is so sweet i’m SO glad this brought your obsession back. steve is my angel and when ppl aren’t obsessed w him i get upset KEJDKEKE
steve would be all >:| gimme that hat back. and you’re like “why. you look better without it anyway.” and he’s like “do you even know what i means when you put that hat on?” and (even though you do) you’re like “what? does your dick shrink? can’t imagine it getting much smaller :/“ and he’s like “>:| ok smartass! come sit on it and tell me that again”
also maybe ur so mad at him for something silly because you’re both petty in my canon so you throw it down in mud or stomp on it and he’s gotta really teach you a lesson
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maccreadysbaby · 9 days
Project: Killcode
batfamily + oc insert
tw: none
wanna read more? here’s the table of contents!
want to read the first fic in the hundred days series so you understand what’s going on here? here it is!
okay, so, keep your eyes open for a possible varian origin story that may come out today… haha. also bentley is about to get right back on the bad decision train he loves so much
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part eight
And that was how he, Asten, Bentley, Rockie, and a very grumpy-slash-sleepy Koa ended up piled around the dining table so Varian could try to teach them how to play Phase 10.
Bentley was completely and utterly lost. Phase 10 was complicated, and at the Manor, they much preferred Uno or slapjack. You know, card games that didn’t take a terrible amount of thinking.
Bentley was sitting on the left bench beside Asten and Varian, straight across from Koa, who looked like the state of California incarnate. He had this really uniform golden tan that couldn’t even be achieved by the most religious suntanners in Gotham, and nearly fake looking sun-bleached blonde ringlets on his head. (They weren’t even that messed up from him sleeping under the blanket.) He had his chin resting in his palm and his cards sprawled out on the table, his strangely crystalline seafoam greenish-blue eyes fluttering closed every now and then. He even had one of those bright white shell necklaces on, and a very, very orange shirt.
“No. Once you finish a phase you move on, but no one else does. That’s how you win,” Varian explained. He’d been explaining the game to Asten for at least ten minutes now, and Bentley had been trying to learn as much as he could, but it was still kind of hopeless. He had no earthly idea what he was doing. 
Rockie seemed bored by the whole thing, and had taken up staring at his phone instead. (How did he use it with those gloves?) Really, the room was quiet apart from Varian.
Until a door squeaked open. 
Bentley glanced up to the bedroom right across from his and Asten’s just in time to see their second to last roommate — Valor — emerge. He looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, wearing a bulky, oversized black hoodie and some gray gym shorts. He had this sort of long brown hair that hung down in funky waves past his ears, grayish eyes that looked sort of like Bruce’s, and an honest to goodness cowboy hat on his head.
A cowboy hat.
“Morning, Val!” Varian called from his seat, but all he got in return was a muted grunt.
“Don’t talk to him before he has at least four energy drinks. He punched me yesterday,” Rockie muttered, eyes not leaving his phone screen.
Bentley watched Valor go to the minifridge and pull out a vibrantly colored can, popping the top open with a loud snap. 
“I only get aggressive for you, Rockie,” Valor said with a sly little wink, which made Asten, Rockie, and Koa chuckle, while Bentley and Varian stayed quiet. Valor had a thick accent — British, if Bentley’s sort of skewed accent instincts were correct. Why would a British kid be here? Didn't Varian say he was from Arizona?
Valor took a sip of the bright drink and tugged his hoodie off over his head.
Bentley’s lips parted.
Sitting folded up on Valor’s back was a pair of absolutely massive wings that were poking through some makeshift holes in the back of his white t-shirt. There had to be thousands upon thousands of feathers there, and they were all a silvery, shiny platinum that glistened when he moved. He extended them outward (they had to be at least five feet long, which would mean he had a ten foot wingspan at least, holy crap.) and after a minute, he shook them out, and Bentley saw thousands of minuscule feather particles float out into the sunlight.
Varian groaned, frown deepening. “You know I’m allergic to birds.”
Valor’s icy eyes cut to him. “And I’m not a bloody bird.”
He didn’t sound exactly like Bentley had thought — his voice was deeper than everyone else’s, which meant he was probably older, too. That made sense; he was by far the tallest of them all.
“I am physically unable to play this horrendously complicated game,” Asten said finally, with a big sigh, putting his cards down on the table.
“You’re making them play that?” Valor said, scrunching his nose, coming to the table and sitting down next to Rockie. Bentley couldn’t take his eyes off of the massively massive platinum wings that were on his back. The one on the right hung sort of limp, nearly touching the floor, while he wrapped the other around Rockie’s shoulders and poked a pretty much sleeping Koa in the face with the tips. Koa startled awake and batted the feathers away with a groan.
“Who’re the new guys?” Valor questioned, ignoring Koa completely, his icy eyes now bouncing between Asten and Bentley’s faces. 
“This is Asten, and this is Bentley,” Varian introduced them before they could as much as speak, flicking a hand to them both as he spoke. “Bruce Wayne’s kids!”
Valor nodded to himself. “Cool.”
“Since we can’t play Phase 10,” Varian started, plopping his cards on the table. “Let’s play, like, a get to know you game.”
“Okay, mom,” Rockie snickered, shaking his head. “Like what?”
“I don’t know. Like… I don’t know. Let’s go around the table and talk about our superpowers!”
Rockie and Koa groaned. 
“We do this every semester,” Rockie muttered.
“Why stop now?” Varian said with a smile. “I’ll go first!”
Varian reached forward and dragged one fingertip across the bare tabletop. Deep purple crystals bloomed there like flowers, growing out of nowhere, exactly where his finger touched. 
“I can materialize crystals. Anywhere, really, and I don’t have to be touching it. It’s not very useful unless I’m, like, trying to stab someone in the feet, though,” He said with a shrug. “Next!”
He pointed over at Asten. Bentley wondered if Varian was always this excitable. He didn’t mind, but he did wonder. Maybe it’d be nice. It reminded him a little bit of Dick.
Asten, with no real expression on his face, held his hand out. The whole thing lit on fire with a loud whoosh and a wave of intense heat, like matches to gasoline. “Fire.”
“Whoa! That’s so cool!” Varian chided while the others looked on with only mild interest. “Next!” 
He pointed over at Valor, who stared at him, blankly, sipping his drink. “Seriously?”
“Okay, fine, I’ll do it,” Varian said with a huff, looking between Bentley and Asten. “Obviously Valor can fly, but he also has super strength and can pick up big stuff. He once shoved a bus off a crosswalk in Times Square.”
Valor shrugged. “It was in my way.”
Varian pointed at Rockie. “Rockie kind of has a weird superpower, like a not superpower superpower. He can take other people’s superpowers away from them and use them. But he can’t give them back, and they wear off after a while and disappear. And it only happens when he touches with his hands — that’s why he has big ol’ gloves on.”
Rockie shrugged to himself, propping his elbow on the table and laying his chin on his metal-covered hand. “More of a curse, really.”
Varian nodded in agreement. “Yeah, he can’t touch anybody with his hands, which makes him sad.”
“I’m not sad,” Rockie snapped.
Varian shrugged. “And Koa kills people with his voice. But only if he hums or sings. Like a siren.”
Bentley glanced over at Koa, and he was already asleep again.
“Makes sense. He’s from California,” Varian continued.
“What about him?” Bentley questioned, pointing toward the only closed door left. The one that said Bellamy.
Varian hummed to himself. “I don’t know. We haven’t met him. He’s a first year, I think, so just eleven. What about you, Bentley? Superpowers?”
“Oh,” Bentley started, thrown off by the sudden change of subject. “Uh, I control liquids.”
“All liquids?” Varian questioned, and Bentley shrugged.
“Pretty much,”
“That’s so cool,” He stated, gathering up the Phase 10 cards and shuffling them, supposedly for fun. “I wish I could do that.”
“What kind of accent do you have?” Bentley questioned, in an attempt to flex his socializing muscles. Varian looked at him with a little smile.
“Russian. I grew up there,” He replied simply, doing a fancy trick where he flicked a card back and forth between his hands. “I was taken from my parents when I was really little and held there to fill this big ol’ mine with crystals, because apparently the ones I make are really expensive. A couple years ago, Batman and his friends broke in and got me out. Brought me home.”
Bentley blinked and looked over at Asten, whose green eyes were wide, and he also blinked.
There was no way this was the kid from the team’s trip to Russia.
Bentley couldn’t forget it, it was literally a few days after he was formally adopted — every single person but Barbara, him, Alfred and Asten were swept off to Russia when they got a call from a contact about a metahuman child being used as a product slave in the mines. Reportedly, he had an American-like accent and looked eerily similar in age and appearance to a missing child from Brooklyn.
It couldn’t be Varian.
Oracle, I have the boy — around little B’s age, I think. Looks malnourished, and possibly diabetic. There’s a blood tester on the floor and the last test is only clocking in at nineteen, Dick had said. That was the only part of the mission Bentley had heard over the comms.
Russian accent. Diabetic. Saved from the caves by Batman.
Holy crap.
“Oh,” Was what Bentley replied. Varian waved him off.
“Don’t be like that. It’s fine — I’m normal now. Plus, I got to meet Batman, which makes me really cool,” He said with a bright smile, despite having literally just dropped a I-was-kidnapped-my-whole-life bomb on Bentley and Asten’s faces, with a little sprinkle of oh-yeah-by-the-way-your-dad-saved-me added on.
Of course, no one else knew that.
Bentley wouldn’t ask about accents anymore.
Asten reached around Varian and tapped Bentley on the shoulder, and then, once he had his attention, put his hands beneath the table and signed: I can’t believe B didn’t adopt him.
Bentley snickered.
“Don’t worry, Val’s just from London. No weird accent story there,” Varian said with a lighthearted chuckle. “But yeah, I really like America. Anyways, what about the-“
Bentley’s attention was drawn away from the table of conversation when he began to feel, in his own veins, someone’s heartbeat, their blood beginning to pound loudly and fast, booming in his ears.
He sent a glance to Varian, but it wasn’t his. Varian’s was a bit slower than the one that had forced itself into his mind, and gentler. 
He went one by one around the table — Asten’s heartbeat was slower than Varian’s, and steadier. Valor’s and Rockie’s were, too. Koa’s was the slowest (because he was asleep with his head on the table.)
Whose was it, then?
The blood wasn’t pumping at the table, it was pumping from somewhere else. Not the hallway. Not the dorm next to theirs. Not outside. 
Bentley let his eyes travel around the room one little bit at a time, and after two full sweeps, it finally clicked.
It was coming from Bellamy’s bedroom.
Not a second later, something joined his pumping blood — something thinner, something more freely flowing that Bentley could feel, could hear.
Bellamy was crying.
“-ley. Bentley.”
Bentley snapped back into reality and glanced at Asten, who was watching him warily, waving a hand in front of his face. Actually, everyone was looking at him now. Even Valor and Rockie.
“What’re you staring at?” Asten continued, glancing over at Bellamy’s door.
Bentley shrugged, looking down at his own lap, face burning a little from all the eyes. “He’s crying. Bellamy. I can feel his tears.”
A moment of quiet passed.
“Remind me not to cry myself to sleep anymore,” Rockie muttered, and Valor snickered, elbowing him lightly.
Varian tapped his fingertips on the table, near the crystals that were still sitting there. “I brought a bunch of board games. Why don’t we pick one and ask if he wants to come play? I was really scared my first year, too, so I can imagine what he’s thinking, especially since he’s the youngest in the dorm.”
Everyone shared eye contact, silently considering their options, and they seemed to get the sentiment — after all, they all had to have had a first year at Redwood, too, right?
“Yeah, go ahead,” Valor replied, his voice strangely gentle compared to what it had been earlier. Rockie reached over and shook Koa’s shoulder, with a not-so-gentle half-shout of get up, idiot, we’re playing a game!
Varian rose from his spot between Bentley and Asten and made his way to the little kitchen area, opening one of the cabinets, which was full of games instead of groceries. He pulled out a pile of brightly colored boxes and brought them back to the table, then made for Bellamy’s door.
The only game out of the, like, seven that Varian brought over that Bentley knew how to play was monopoly. There was one called Sorry, and one called Life, and one called Risk, and one called Chutes and Ladders. Bentley had never played any of those. He had to move his head to see the ones on the bottom, which the boxes revealed to be Candyland and Yahtzee. He didn’t know those either.
He glanced back up when Varian knocked softly on Bellamy’s bedroom door.
“Hey, there, Bell! My name is Varian. I’m just coming to tell you that we’re all about to play a board game together, if you want to join us,” He said with an audible smile. (He was really good at that.) “I’ll even save you the coolest pieces.”
Bentley closed his eyes and listened hard, everyone’s differing heartbeats thumping into his mind before he was able to single out Bellamy’s. It was…
… getting faster.
… and faster.
He swapped from the blood to the tears, which were also coming faster, bigger. He wasn’t crying anymore, he was sobbing. But he was silent all the same.
It was when Bellamy’s heart rate reached a solid hundred-and-forty that Bentley opened his eyes. “Varian, stop. It’s making it worse.”
Again, Bentley felt everyone's eyes. Varian immediately took a step back.
“Oh… okay. Well. Uh. If you change your mind, you can come out here with us,” He finalized, then moved away from the door hesitantly, eyes lingering there for a few moments.
Bentley frowned, glancing down at the table, keeping Bellamy’s heartbeat audible in the back of his mind.
Rockie frowned, too. “That sucks. My first year was rough, too,” He muttered, clicking his phone off and letting it drop to the table. “I hope he takes it better than I did.”
“Bellamy?” Koa asked with a yawn, glancing over at the door Varian was retreating from.
“Yeah, dude, we've been talking about this for, like, ten minutes. Wake up,” Valor replied. Koa rolled his eyes.
Bentley glanced over at Asten, who was looking at Bellamy’s door.
And suddenly, the heartbeat in the back of his mind was drowned out by something else — his phone ringing.
He glanced down, pulling the little device out of his pocket and glancing at the caller ID. He half expected Bruce, half expected Dick, maybe Tim. It wasn’t any of them.
It was Vera.
With a cringe, he hit the green button. 
Vera’s face appeared on the screen, and she was smiling slightly, her black and purple streaked hair tied up into these intricate looking braids. He could see a pair of bunk beds identical to his and Asten’s in the background. 
“Hey there, Red. Heard you’re in Aristotle,” She smiled brightly. In the background, Bentley heard a small voice say: hey, is that Bentley? And not a second later, Layla appeared on the screen, her blonde hair only halfway secured in a ponytail with a hair tie in her hand. “Hey!”
Bentley glanced up, and thankfully, only Asten and Varian were looking at him. Rockie and Valor were preoccupied with their own phones, and Koa was falling asleep again.
“Hey,” He replied, turning the volume down since they were basically yelling.
“We’re in Columbus, right next to you,” Vera smiled. “Let’s go do something.”
Bentley blinked. Girls asking him to go do something? Something like what? Something like leave his dorm something?
“What do you mean?”
Vera scoffed. “I mean they don’t take attendance on moving day, and you’ve never been to New York before. Let’s hit the city for a while.”
Bentley blinked, again. Just a bunch of kids going out into New York alone? The little Bruce in the back of his mind didn’t think that was a good idea.
“Oh come on, I can see all the hesitant on your face. You’re a big boy now. Bring some of your roommates, I’ll bring some of mine,” She smiled. Then she turned her head and yelled: “Georgia! Get Summer, we’re breaking out!”
It was that point that Asten leaned over, suddenly very, very interested. “Georgia?”
Vera glanced back at the camera. “Yeah, Georgia Vallie. She said she saw you guys at the diner the other day.” 
Bentley glanced up at Asten with a little smirk, and Asten looked back at him, narrowing his eyes. “I mean, if you’re going out into the city I can’t let you go alone.”
Bentley snickered. 
“I’ll go too. I love New York,” Varian said with a smile, bouncing a little in his seat. “What about you, Val?”
Valor shrugged. “Someones gotta stay here with the little guy,” He stated, pointing to Bellamy’s door. “Plus, it’s hot, and I can’t leave without my massive hoodie.”
Varian frowned. “Poo. Rockie?”
“Nah. Can't leave him alone or he’ll probably punch something,” He replied blankly, not glancing up from his phone. 
“Koa?” Varian asked, and when Koa didn’t budge, he shouted: “Koa!”
“What?” He grumbled back, lifting his head off the table.
“We’re going into the city with Summer. Wake up and get ready,” 
Koa grumbled again, but surprisingly, pulled himself off of the bench. Varian snickered, leaning in close to Bentley. “He has a massive crush on Summer.”
“Shut up, Var,” He muttered as he staggered toward their room.
“Everyone knows it!”
“So, is that a yes?” Vera questioned, and Bentley glanced back down at the screen, where she and Layla were smiling in anticipation.
Bentley silenced the little Bruce in his head that kept saying that wasn’t smart. He was a teenager now, right? And teenagers break rules and stuff. So it was normal. And normal was what he wanted.
“Where are we meeting?”
dedicated to @sassenashsworld ❤️
tag list! (If you want me to remove or add you, ask in comments!)
@fleur-alise @sarcopterygiian @flyrobinflyy @skylathescholar @gayboss-too-close-to-the-sun @xiaonothere @beatyoutothatusernameloser
10 notes · View notes
henswilsons · 2 years
to love you, for god’s sake
buck/eddie | 4k+ | ao3
Mr LAFD Updates Man meets a popstar. aka bad s6 spec. aka im so sorry.
“Wait, the Palladium?” is the first thing Buck says when Bobby gets off the radio. “As in, the Hollywood Palladium?”
“I can imagine so,” Bobby says, as he starts the firetruck engine. They hadn’t even gotten back to the station before they’d been radioed for an extraction in the local area; next to Eddie, Chimney is frantically guzzling the coffee Ravi had fetched for them only seconds before. “Why, are you familiar with it?”
“I wonder,” Buck starts, and then nothing else, ears flaming red. Eddie touches their knees together. It’s mostly grounding, the way he always does whenever Buck gets cagey, but also—he knows that look.
That’s the I think we’re about to bump into an ex type look.
Eddie normally tries to pretend that Mr LAFD Updates Man is one extensive bad dream, but when he’s dating the most good-looking man in America, who has also probably hooked up with half of millennial Los Angeles, sometimes the fact he’s a semi-famous public figure comes in handy. Namely in that he watched a TED Talk about powerposing and is not necessarily above evoking the Wonderwoman stance at Buck’s shoulder if someone ever gets a little too familiar.
(Besides. He did not suffer through multiple shirtless of pictures of himself being memorialised on what Ravi has explained to him is gay Twitter for people to think his boyfriend is on the market.)
“You wonder?” he prompts mildly.
He’s expecting Buck to maybe shyly duck his head, admit that he once dated a concession girl who worked at the Hollywood Palladium, or maybe even that he hooked up with a roadie in one of the bathrooms there—but then fucking Ravi looks up sharply, too. “Did you say Hollywood Palladium?” he says.
Bobby frowns in the rearview. “Is there something I’m missing here?”
“No,” Buck and Ravi say, at the same time. Then they both wildly hold each other’s gazes like they’re daring the other to say anything.
“Wait,” Lucy says. “Isn’t that country guy doing a show there tonight?”
“Country guy?” Chimney says.
“Yeah, you know him. What’s his name—Gary something? He’s the one with the…” She does an ambiguous gesture, snapping her fingers to remember. “Glitter. And cowboy hat. Right?”
The image vaguely rings a bell in Eddie’s head. To Buck, he says, “Don’t you listen to a singer who wears glitter and cowboy hats?”
Buck’s face has steadily gone redder and redder and he’s stoutly avoiding eye contact, and oh, yeah, he so does, and yeah, this is so him. “…No.”
Eddie is delighted. “Yeah, you do. He sings that one song about moonlight, right, that you always play when you’re cooking dinner?” Cowboys Don’t Dance, is what it is. Eddie will never forget it—it’s the song they had their first kiss to, over a half-greased muffin tin and an attempt at bran cupcakes. “What’s it called again… Dancing Cowboys?”
“Oh, fuck you,” Buck says, cheeks scarlet. “You know what it’s called.”
“You’re right,” Eddie says, to be an asshole, snapping his fingers. “Cowboys Do Dance.”
“Cowboys Don’t Dance,” Ravi blurts, and then claps his hands over his mouth. Lucy looks like the cat who just got the cream. Chimney is glancing between everyone like he’s watching a ping-pong match and grinning maniacally. “It’s called Cowboys Don’t Dance and it’s by Gerald Rhinestone and he’s literally my favourite singer of all time and he’s got a show at the Palladium tonight.”
Everyone stares at him. Buck points a shaking finger at him. “You’re a Rhinestone?”
“Of course I’m a Rhinestone,” Ravi snaps. “I have a Twitter account.”
“His name is Gerald Rhinestone?” Chimney says. He looks like he’s trying not to burst into laughter. “Is that a stage name?”
“Yes,” Buck says, “obviously. His real name is Dom Simmons.”
Eddie is so, so fucking charmed. “Obviously.”
“Don’t even start with me,” Buck says to him. “I know you know what that song was called.”
“Now, I’m not insinuating anything,” Chimney says, “but all I am saying is that that name sounds like it belongs to a gay pornstar.”
“Are we about to meet Gerald Rhinestone?” Ravi says, panicked. “Cap, did they say anything?”
Bobby’s voice is bubbling with laughter when he says, “No, dispatch did not let me know if there was a popstar there as well.”
“He’s not a popstar,” Buck says, “he’s a country star.”
“There’s a difference,” Ravi says.
“Man,” Lucy says. “I did not think the inside of his firetruck could possibly get any gayer after Buck and Eddie got together. And yet here are.”
Ravi maturely sticks his tongue out at her, and she sticks hers out in return. Hen says, “Oh, Karen loves Gerald Rhinestone. She always plays his music around the house when she’s cleaning.”
“What does she listen to?” Buck says.
“Her favourite is that one about horses. What’s it called—Ride?”
“Ride Until We Die,” Buck says. To Ravi, he mouths, basic, and Ravi nods gravely. Hen catches him and kicks him. “Sorry, but it is!”
Before they can start squabbling, the truck comes to a stop. “Okay, we’re here,” Bobby says, and then, before any of them can get out, he turns around in his seat, hooking an arm over the back of it, and looks at Buck and Ravi. “If—and I mean if—your Gary Rhinestone—”
“Gerald,” Ravi mumbles.
“—is in there, I want you to remember that we’re professionals and we have a job to do. I understand being starstruck—goodness knows when I met Scott Hamilton I blacked out—but we’re going into an active medical scene here, and I need you to keep your heads on. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Cap,” Buck and Ravi say. Eddie squeezes Buck’s knee.
“Who’s Scott Hamilton?” Chimney says.
Bobby frowns at him. “You don’t know Scott Hamilton?” Chimney shrugs. Bobby looks at everyone in the truck, and is greeted by blank faces. “Scott Hamilton? He won the Olympic gold in the 1984 Winter Olympics?”
There is a pause. “Oh, that Scott Hamilton,” Chimney says, feebly. Bobby just huffs a laugh and climbs out the truck.
Everyone follows suit, Hen and Ravi still hotly debating at how many songs and which ones they are can someone claim themselves a fan, but Eddie lingers to the back, with Buck, whose feet slow on the sidewalk outside the truck as he gapes at the big neon GERALD RHINESTONE sign across the front of the venue. He looks completely awestruck, and even though they’re at work, Eddie can’t help but nudge their hips together, just a little, coming to a stop beside him: Bobby’s at the front, anyway.
“You doing okay?” he teases, softly.
“I think I’m about to die,” Buck says. “God, Eddie, what if he’s there? What if I meet Gerald Rhinestone?”
“It’s two in the afternoon, sweetheart,” Eddie says. “You really think he’ll be there this early?”
“I don’t know! Maybe!” Buck presses a grieved hand to his forehead. It’s kinda hysterical how nervous he looks. If Eddie were any less secure in their relationship, he might have started getting jealous. “How’s my hair?”
“It looks good,” Eddie says; means it, because of course it does, because it’s Buck, who’s beautiful even when it’s curling and hanging over his forehead, but who also takes care to gel and comb it into place every morning. Buck smiles, a little surprised, anyway.
“Yeah?” he says.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Of course. You always look good.”
Buck’s smile comes a little softer. “You knew the name of the song, didn’t you? In the truck?”
“I’m not going to forget something like that.” He means that, too, because it’s not every day you kiss the love of your goddamn life for the first time, yanking open the front door, still in his dispatch uniform, Buck having beat him home by twenty minutes and stress-baking muffins for Christopher’s bake sale that Friday, barely getting a “hey” out before Eddie had strode across the kitchen, taken his face in his hands, and kissed him fucking silly—but also because the song is called Cowboys Can’t Dance. That’s the name of the song they had their first kiss to. Cowboys Can’t Dance.
It could have been worse, is how he comforts himself. He knows Buck unironically has Wonderwall on that playlist.
“Buckley! Diaz!” Bobby calls, halfway up the steps to the entrance. “You coming?”
“You’re a romantic piece of shit sometimes, Diaz,” Buck says, but he gets in an ass-pinch before he’s dancing up the steps, laughing delightedly as Eddie chases him up. “Hey, this is workplace harassment!”
It appears he’s mostly forgotten about Gerald Rhinestone, but it doesn’t last long. Someone harried greets them in the foyer, leading them into the mostly-empty auditorium, which is predominantly populated by venue and tour staff carting around wires and roadcases. “He must have completely misjudged the end of the stage,” the woman is explaining as she hurries down the aisle, the 118 close at her heels. “They were just rehearsing for the set tonight and then he fell into the orchestra pit. He’s okay, I think, he’s talking and awake and lucid, but I think he’s done something to his ankle.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Bobby says. “We’ll take it from here.”
She nods gratefully, clasping her hands into a worried knot beneath her chin, and steps back, allowing them to all peer over the edge of the orchestra pit.
To Eddie, it just looks like a regular guy on the floor, surrounded by people all still carrying instruments, but from beside him Buck lets out a squeak and Ravi mumbles something that sounds like a prayer for help. Eddie glances at them, but then Bobby is calling down, “LAFD, sir, just hold on for us a little longer,” and is herding them all down staircase on the side of the pit to enter in.
“How are you boys doing?” Hen teases as they descend.
“I think I’m about to die,” Ravi says faintly.
“I heard you praying,” Chimney says. “I didn’t know you were religious.”
“I was blaspheming and hoping God would just kill me.”
Eddie hides a smile. “There’s something kinda wrong with both of you.”
“Okay, funny, Mr Breakdown,” Ravi snits, and Eddie says, mostly on instinct, “LAFD Updates Man, actually.”
Ravi glowers. “I liked you better when you were straight.”
Buck lets out a hysterical giggle.
Eddie’s eyes adjust when they get to the bottom of the stairs. He’s never been one for live theatre—why see people from far away onstage when you could just watch a movie?—but he had definitely misjudged how big orchestra pits are. In his head, they’d always been huge, but this one is small, and crowded—both enough so that there’s really nowhere for Buck to escape to, though Eddie can tell he wants to as they all shoulder their way through what presumably is the band, still holding their instruments and looking worried.
And then—
“I told y’all,” says the man, still on the ground. He looks relatively okay, aside from his ankle, which is twisted at a nasty angle and beginning to go purple. Someone’s elevated it on a chair, and there’s a person behind him helping him sit upright. “You didn’t need to call 911.”
“Were you expecting to play the set with a snapped ankle, Dom?” a lady holding a banjo says to him.
“Well, no, but we could have just driven me. I’m so sorry about the inconvenience,” the man adds to Bobby, at the front of the group, and though he’s not talking to him directly Buck goes a pretty pink all over. “Thank y’all for coming all this way.”
“Not a problem,” Bobby says. “We were in the area.” He nods behind him. “Hen, Chim, can you check his ankle? Eddie, check for any head injuries.
“Cap, yes, Cap,” Chimney says, because he likes to think he’s funny, and then they’re swanning over, Hen and Chimney settling beside his elevated ankle and Eddie crouching next to him, pulling out his penlight.
“How’s your head, sir?” he says. The man turns to look at him, and—yeah, okay, Eddie gets the hype now. He’s more into the stocky guys himself, hence Buck, who is built like a barn, but he can’t deny that this is a beautiful man in front of him, all green eyes and dark hair. He can imagine this dude probably makes a killing on dating apps, especially if he looks at people the way he’s looking at Eddie. Damn, Eddie can’t imagine what he’d be like if he actually turned it on.
“Oh, all good,” the man says. He does a once-over of Eddie, probably verifying that he’s LAFD. “I didn’t hit it when I fell.”
His banjo player sighs somewhere above them. “Yeah, because you landed feet-first like an idiot and crumpled like a Coke can.”
“I’m just going to check your pupils, to be safe,” Eddie says, and flashes the penlight at the man’s eyes. (Or—he’s not really the man, considering Eddie knows who he is, but what does he call him? Gerald Rhinestone? Dom? Just Gerald? He feels as though Gerald Rhinestone must be in all capitals whenever he says it in his head.) The man’s eyes look more than fine, though his pupils are a little dilated. Eddie frowns, putting the penlight down. Maybe it’s just a little dark in here. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Gerald,” the man says, which at least saves Eddie the panic of deciding what to call him in his head. He holds out his hand, even though Eddie hadn’t been introducing himself. “And yours?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. “I’m Eddie.”
He shakes his hand. Gerald holds on for a little long. There is a choking noise behind them.
“Say,” Gerald says, finally. “You look kinda familiar.”
“Just one of those faces, I guess,” Eddie says. “Can you tell me the date?”
Gerald ignores him, squinting. It’s not until his friend holding him up sucks in a breath and says, “Holy shit, are you that Twitter guy?” that he seems to land on where he recognises him from.
And of course, it’s Twitter. It’s always fucking Twitter.
“Yes,” Eddie says, a little resigned. Whichever influencer slid into his DMs to reassure him that the internet’s memory was fleeting and he’d be back to his normal life in a manner of weeks was talking from their ass, because it’s been nearly a year and he’s still getting this sort of shit. (He supposes it doesn’t help that Josh is apparently still milking his likeness all over Twitter for dispatch interaction. Not that he knows this, because he deleted Twitter.) “Can you tell me the date, Gerald?”
“November twelfth,” Gerald says, and his eyes do another deliberate drag down Eddie’s body. It’s not until what definitely sounds like Buck from behind him makes a wheezing sound that Eddie realises, with a sudden start, that he thinks he might be getting hit on. “You’re impressive up close, Mr LAFD Updates.”
Eddie cannot be getting hit on by the man who wrote the song he had his first kiss with Buck with. This can’t really be happening.
“You should see him from far away,” Chimney jokes, from still beside his ankle. “Gets so much more handsome when you can’t see his face properly.”
Eddie is a professional, so he doesn’t flip him off, but then Gerald says, “Mm, I don’t know about that,” and he nearly chokes.
“Uh,” he says.
Thankfully, Bobby, his guardian angel, unknowingly descends on them, placing a hand on his shoulder. “How’s our friend, Eddie?” he says.
Eddie bluescreens for a second longer, Gerald still smirking at him, before he remembers, oh, yeah, technically in a workplace, and snaps back into action. “Doesn’t look like he obtained any head injuries—I think it may just be the ankle that got injured.”
“Good,” Bobby says. To Gerald, he says, “Our paramedics are just splinting your ankle so we can lift you onto a stretcher—you’ll be out of here in no time, sir.”
“Thank you,” Gerald says, though this is more of a leer to Eddie than anything.
To Eddie’s surprise, Bobby doesn’t move away at this; he stays, hand still on Eddie’s shoulder, as if deliberating something. Then finally, he leans forward a little furtively. “I have two firefighters behind me who are big fans,” he says, lowly. “Do you mind terribly if they come say hello? I think they’re both jumping out of their skin.”
Gerald laughs. “Of course. I love meeting fans.” He winks at Eddie, who feels himself traitorously blush a little. (Look, he can’t help it, okay? Gerald Rhinestone is a handsome dude.)
Bobby hasn’t even properly straightened before Buck and Ravi are making beelines, Lucy swaggering behind them, snapping at her gum with her arms folded. Eddie feels Buck’s hand dust across his shoulder, and he reaches up to smooth a hand over it before it then basically pushes him out the way and Buck settles in next to him, eyes huge and wide. “Hi, Mr Rhinestone,” he squeaks. “I’m a huge fan.”
He holds out his hand. Gerald laughs warmly and shakes it. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “What’s your name?”
Buck evidently did not anticipate getting this far, because he just kind of gapes. Eddie magnanimously steps in.
“This is Buck,” he says, and Gerald’s smile gets a little smirkier. “And that’s Ravi.”
“Hi,” Ravi manages, still stood. “I really like your vest.”
Gerald looks down at himself like he’d forgotten what he was wearing. For the first time, Eddie properly registers the pink sparkly waistcoat, unbuttoned to show off a lot of his tanned hairless chest. “Oh, thank you,” he says. “I like your… gear.”
Ravi giggles. (Fucking giggles!) Buck just keeps kinda gaping.
“I was just getting acquainted with your coworker here,” Gerald continues, and oh no. “He was just telling me about his stint as Mr LAFD Updates Man.”
“Oh, I wasn’t,” Eddie says, but it falls on deaf ears.
“I have to say, I’m a big fan,” Gerald says. “I turned on post notifications and everything.”
“Wow,” Ravi says, dreamily.
“That’s nice,” says Eddie.
“And when I saw him today,” Gerald continues, “I almost couldn’t believe it. It’s not every day you meet a celebrity.”
Buck and Ravi are nodding so intently Eddie’s a little afraid for their necks. “Sure isn’t,” Buck agrees, as Ravi says solemnly, “So true.”
Eddie laughs nervously. “Ah, well. I wouldn’t call myself a celebrity.”
“Mm,” Gerald says, still smirking. “Say, Mr LAFD Updates Man, I don’t suppose I could get a photo?”
Eddie—blinks. “Of me?”
“Well, sure,” Gerald agrees easily, “but I was hoping with you.”
Eddie glances at Buck. He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but it’s certainly not for Buck to be looking at him like he’s stupid. “It’s rude to keep someone waiting, Eddie,” he says.
And—okay. Well, then. “Uh, sure,” Eddie says, thrown. He’s had to get good at selfies, unfortunately, considering after the first one was posted online he has been exponentially accosted with more people asking for them, and due to the nature of his job this wouldn’t be the first that’s been taken on a medical scene—his personal favourite was with the girl who had accidentally been shot in the leg with a crossbow—but it is the first that he can see, in his peripheral, Buck and Ravi desperately trying to get in the frame of in the background. Gerald leans a little too close as he takes the picture—Buck’s eyebrow and birthmark makes it in, as does the flick of Ravi’s hair—and then, to Eddie’s surprise, passes the phone to him.
“To put your number in,” he says.
Eddie gapes at him, and then turns to frown at Buck. Buck prods, “Eddie, give the man your number.”
“Oh my God,” Eddie says, but does as he’s told. He doesn’t put a name, which maybe was a bad idea, because Gerald does so himself when he passes it back, as Mr LAFD Updates Man and a—Christ alive—eggplant emoji—yeah, after dating Buck for a year Eddie now knows what that means.
“I’ll text you, cowboy,” Gerald says, with a wink.
“…Okay,” Eddie says. This is bizarre. This whole day is bizarre. Buck vibrating next to him is absolutely bizarre.
“Can we get pictures too?” Ravi pipes.
And so Gerald fucking Rhinestone takes photos with both Ravi and Buck, and then also Hen for Karen, and records a video for Ravi’s Twitter followers, and then his manager asks if they want to take a group picture for his social media and Eddie somehow ends up between Buck and Gerald—who is still on the floor with a broken ankle, may he add—and feels like he’s stepped into an alternate dimension.
This is the weirdest fucking day of his life.
Finally, Hen and Chimney help him onto a backboard, and Buck and Chimney carry him out the auditorium and into the ambulance. By now, they’ve garnered company, and Bobby as well as the venue staff are standing shoulder to shoulder trying to keep the fans back. Gerald doesn’t help, waving to them from his backboard like a king on a dais, and then someone shrieks, “That’s Mr LAFD Updates Man!” and Eddie pretty much makes a run for the firetruck.
“Holy shit,” Ravi says, once they’ve all climbed in. “What just happened. I think I blacked out.”
“I cannot believe you got his fucking number,” Lucy says, with a laugh.
“Yeah, neither can I,” Eddie says, and knocks his knee pointedly into Buck’s. Buck is still vibrating a little—it’s kinda adorable, how fucking psyched he is, like a kid with an ice cream, but also Eddie needs some clarity here. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Uh, because Gerald Rhinestone was hitting on you?” Buck says. “Baby, I wouldn’t even be upset if you left me for him.”
Eddie gapes. Fucking gapes. Ravi says, “Word,” from behind his phone, probably live-Tweeting this whole conversation. Eddie wonders if it’s worth it to fall out the truck into moving traffic.
“What?” he says. “Why would I do that?”
He’s dismayed, actually, that Buck would say that, and Buck must notice, because he quickly takes his hand. “Hey, I’m kidding,” he says. “If you left me for him I’d be fucking devastated. Like, the kind of devastation I don’t think I could ever recover from.” The rest of the truck are politely pretending not to hear this. “It’s just… you know. He’s Gerald Rhinestone. I’d let you.”
Eddie is so, so confused. “Let me what?”
“You know. Have sex with him.”
Chimney barks with laughter and Hen elbows him. She is looking so pointedly out the window that her neck is almost at a full one-eighty turn. Eddie repeats, “Have sex with Gerald Rhinestone.”
“I’d be ashamed of you if you didn’t.”
“What the fuck,” Eddie says. “Why would I want to have sex with Gerald Rhinestone?”
Buck owlishly blinks at him. “Did you not see him?”
“I mean—yeah, I was there.”
“He’s hot like burning.”
“I mean, I guess,” Eddie says. “But why would I want to have sex with anyone who wasn’t you?”
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Lucy mutters, and Chimney starts rolling down the window, probably to make his escape, but all Eddie can focus on is Buck, the way his face softens, eyes growing soppy—but also so in love Eddie aches a little.
“You sweet-talker, you,” Buck says, softly.
“I’m serious.”
“I know, and I’m mad, because if our positions were swapped I probably would have sex with Gerald Rhinestone.” Eddie elbows him. “I’m joking!”
“You’re so not,” Eddie says, and Buck grins at him, kinda guilelessly. Big burly overcoats and seatbelts be damned, Eddie throws an arm around his shoulders, and Buck obligingly tips, head on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’d probably have sex with Ryan Reynolds if he asked.”
Buck bites a little at his shoulder. “Asshole,” he says, but his fingers find Eddie’s anyway, link together even when he sits up. They don’t hold hands much at work, at most just a quick squeeze, but here, neither of them let go.
Bobby says, from the front of the truck, “That was information I didn’t need to know about either of you.”
“This whole thing is going on Twitter, by the way,” Ravi says. “So you know.”
Buck squeezes his hand and smiles at him, bright-eyed and pink-cheeked. For the first time, Eddie can’t say he cares.
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richierambles · 2 months
Cartman's system: headmate list 2.0
Been thinking thoughts idk
This list would be their alters when their body's 15yo (sorry it's long I might make a shorter one later-)
Thanks to @mischieviousmusic and @everythingwasnormalhere for standing my infodumping about this au XD
6 yo
Loves playing tea party (main fronter during it)
When it's the other littles playing, she mainly roleplays as the Polly Prissipants doll
Sometimes cofronts when they're at class, but isn't allowed to talk to their classmates
Almost always at cofront when Love's fronting
After they come out, she's closest to Stan and Butters
They're not out to Karen, but Anne's spent time with her too
Whenever she talks to Kenny she asks him how she's doing<3
Ginger in headspace (it felt important to mention this don't ask why)
Main fronter almost all the time they're playing
Roleplays as most of the other toys when they're playing tea party though
Loves playing cowboys
Frienemies with Artemis, they'll either hate each other or be best friends all the time
After they come out, he's closest to Kenny (but will much rather hang out with his sysmates)
Looks and acts like a Typical White Boy™
Introjected from Artemis Clyde Frog (the stuffed animal), but lost almost all his connection to it since the day it died (and exclusively goes by Artemis, hates his other names)
Roleplays himself when playing with the other syskids, never a main fronter while playing
Spent a long while (2-3 years) dormant, only came back after they came out, one day when the system was hanging out with their friends
The gang were all like "wtf who's this idk this alter-" but finally figured it out (mainly Kyle did)
SUPER close to Kyle
Actually whenever Artemis fronts they'll text Kyle first thing no matter what
Also close-ish to Butters
Has dark skin in the innerworld, his iw appearance is human but he always wears a frog hat
The meaner, stronger Cartman
Is also a protector besides a host
Split from Collins on the Kenny Dies episode
He's the one who used fetuses to built the pizza place because otherwise the guys would've thought he was weak (his thought process is fucking crazy)
One of the few alters who remembers Kenny's deaths
He also knows there's something weird going on in their brain, but has no idea what
Used to cleaning up after everyone else's messes (like acting as if Jenni was Mitch Conners and as if all the Henniffer Lopez thing was just a joke (which backfired so bad...))
After they come out, he hangs out with everyone the same way they always do
Insys, he's trying to get close to 8
^ completely idolatrizes Hitler
Huge on the antisemitism (and general bigotry tbh)
Split from Sam on the Kenny dies episode
He did want to use the fetuses to save Kenny, and he does consider Kenny his best friend
But he switched out when they got the news Kenny was dead (he was unable to cope with that) and so that's why Sam did what he did
Acts much more like a normal kid than Sam
Actually he's pretty normal for South Park standards
After they come out, he's best friends with Kenny but still friends with the rest of the gang as usual
Not as bad as Sam but definitely not good either
Kyle doesn't hate him as much as he hates Sam (but he'd never say this)
Cartman-sonas (idk how else to call this category):
Grand Wizard King
Fronts mainly while playing SoT (but not every time they do)
Definitely their most responsible alter
^ the others often ask him for advice and stuff
Mildly connected to source
The first time he fronted it was during a SoT game, he found all of it normal (his memories are of the SoT universe) but when they stopped playing he was so weirded out by everything since he's used to a fantasy world
"Cartman stop rping we finished 2 hours ago" "who trapped those guys inside that box 😰" (they were watching TV 💀)
Now (after they came out) they don't play SoT as much, so he only takes full control on special occasions or when Kenny is on a Princess shift (otherkin Kenny 💯)
Only actually close to Kenny because of that, doesn't talk much to anyone else
it/raccoon neos/he
The Coon
Physical protector
Formed because of Cartman's hero persona, but that was long before they started going out as The Coon (they made the first concept for that sona when they were around 4-5yo)
But one day it fronted and decided why not go out fight crime
The others didn't know about this at first
They just knew they had a weird fixation on that "Coon" hero (which, they didn't know where they saw him either but wtv)
But one day Sam decided to go out as Coon (in a rp manner) and found he looked exactly like him
Grim fronted in the middle of it and yk Coon'd for a bit
And Sam did remember that time
So what made more sense is that he'd been The Coon since the beginning
(which wasn't exactly a lie-)
After their syscovery, they assumed Grim formed after they started going out as The Coon
Grim has never confirmed nor denied this
Every single time Kenny's in his Mysterion shift fur gets yeeted to front just so they can argue for a while 💀
Talks to pretty much all the gang but mainly Mysterion'd Kenny
Gets called a furry 24/7 by both his headmates and Kenny (and the rest of the gang sometimes, not as much tho). He fucking hates it.
Sexual protector
Metrosexual Cartman
But he's a full-on homosexual
Cartman's metrosexual phase lasted longer than anyone else's because "it's not a phase mom it's who I am 🙄💅"
It was a phase for everyone but Adrian
He's still in that phase
Has hooked up with half the system and even a couple guys out of it
Nothing serious though
Before they came out he respected Cartman's image and didn't flirt with their friends, but after they did there's not a conversation in which he's not telling them the gayest most explicit shit ever
The gang are between confidence boost and absolute utter cringe fucking kill me pls
Persecutor (misguided protector) + academic
Formed during Tsst, he's the nice submissive version of Cartman
Would let basically anyone boss him around
Good intentions all the time
Won't do anything bad on purpose
All his submissiveness has gotten them in trouble though
To the point the others try to avoid him fronting as much as they can
He switched in when they were going to kill Liane though, that's good
Goes exclusively by Theodore, some people have tried to call him Theo but he hates that
After they come out, the gang are kinda uncomfortable with him, but Butters warms up to him eventually
(the reason why they're uncomfortable is because Theodore has such a Not Cartman way to act, and also because he's kinda really fucking lame)
(also a bit because Sam has told them all about the times Theodore has messed up)
love-related neos
Cupid Me
Sexual protector
When heart's at front, heart'll flirt with Kyle so much it's insane
Is it because fluff's in love with him? Is it because fluff ships kyman? Is it because of a secret third reason? Who knows
Btw everyone else (/sys) was so confused about it at first, like, "...wdym I was acting weird yesterday? I was flirting with you?? And calling you Ky-boo??? Good one dude but quit the bullshit I never did that"
Then when they had the syscovery nobody associated that with some alter doing it
Until a few months after they came out Kyle connected the dots and almost instantly told Sam (who was so pissed off at Sunny 😭)
Love's mostly close to the girls (Nichole, Bebe, even Wendy), but a lot closer to Collins and Anne
Also 💘's never stopped flirting with Kyle, and will never stop (slay)
Hitler factive, really connected to source
Protector + Prosecutor
Formed soon after they learnt about Hitler's existence
Fronts at times in which they have to act commanding, such as The Passion Of The Jew or Ginger Kids
Also fronted during some of Tsst, and was who planned (and tried) to kill Liane
After they came out, he didn't front much in front of their friends (he found them lame)
But one day something Bad happened when they woke up and he got triggered to front, so he had to go to school
When the gang noticed he was acting different, they asked who he was
Well, Kyle did, but Eight refused to answer
Stan asked again and H told them his name was Adolf Hitler
Kyle refused to even look at him the rest of that day (and rightfully so)
When someone else switched in, Kyle told them that if 8 didn't at least change his name he'd never talk to any of them ever again, so that's why he goes by Eight/8/H (that was the most he'd accept to change it)
When he's at front (not often) Kyle has to resist the urge to beat him up (he doesn't wanna hurt some of the others), but to find them both in the same room is practically imposible
Jenniffer Lopez factive
Talks in spanish sometimes, it's horribly incorrect but she doesn't care
She's the one who does most of the drag
Also the other one (besides Adrian) who hooks up with random guys
She's mostly at cofront rather than full front (talking with the hand because it "looks less weird"), but she's been at full front sometimes too :3
Fucking hates Mitch
After they come out, she hangs out with Bebe sometimes (but not really too often, she'll much rather go with celebrities)
Mitch Conner:
Sam first made him up so he could "get rid of" Jenni without looking too insane
But then they actually split
Jenni and Mitch fucking hate each other, Jenni because he steals her identity and Mitch because he thinks she's annoying
Whenever they front they'll find out everything they can about the other alters (and everyone in general) just so they can get stuff from them later
Kyle is so annoyed by his existence for some reason
Other (idk where else to put her soo):
Originally split when they were a little kid (3-5), to take care of them when Liane didn't (she was kinda neglectful back then)
Also to have them grow up in a hopefully healthier environment
But she started obsessing over growing up and maturing to the point she actually made them unsafe
Such as in 1%, when she mutilated their stuffed animals and almost killed them (by burning down their house) in the process
Now she almost never fronts, and only Irick knows where she is and is allowed to talk to her
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lee-writes-things · 1 year
☆ the hawthorne brothers+ avery, max, libby, rebecca, and thea during the eras tour ☆
a/n: co-written by @nutellani and i. this was originally just going to be stored in my notes app because i had a big brain thought but then i decided that tumblr doesn't have enough tig content and i needed to help change that. i got stumped on a few things, so i of course asked my lovely mutual nova for some assistance <3 (tysm!!)
aaaanway, enough about that, here you go:
they obvi went to the concert in texas. they probably got tickets for both arlington and houston bc rich people yk
nash wore a sparkly cowboy hat and so did libby
(idc what you say, in my head, he likes glitter and i will stand on that hill)
in fact they all wore sparkly cowboy hats (xander forced grayson), but nash and libby's were matching
grayson ofc is wearing all black, very rep era but he's secretly a lover girl at heart. he also likes midnights because let's face it- who doesn't??
but everyone convinced him to get his jacket embroidered with "ts" and a few snakes along the sleeves and back to pull together the whole rep look
i don't think i finished talking about nash and libby?? anyway, matching sequin cowboy hats, nash wore a flannel with patches from different albums
him and libby spent a whole night designing it
libby wore a tee shirt from the midnights album
and the night before, nash and libby painted her favorite lyrics on some black cargo pants and some cute lil doodles
nash totally wrote N+L on one of the pockets inside a big red heart because i said so
very cute couple moment
thea is in her rep era because she's a badass so she wore all black with some maroon to make her outfit pop, she got her nails done and everything
girl was drop dead gorgeous
rebecca went with a more simplistic look, lavender flowly dress just under the knee, with a cardigan. yes, the cardigan. rebecca gives off very mellow and soft vibes so i think that's why she went with an evermore themed outfit
now, onto avery. i think her favorite albums is midnights and rep because of the vibe of the songs and overall it is just SO HER and i feel like she wore a shirt with the midnights album cover on it. she also wrote her favorite lyrics from the album on the front of the shirt with a fabric pen or something of the sort. i can also see her wearing a rep outfit too tho!! she is rich so since she could go to two concerts and wear both outfits ig lol
jameson is a total swiftie!! xander is too but we'll get to that next this boy would really like 1989 and a good handful of songs from lover because they remind him of avery
he would wear something 1989 themed but also something sorta flashy, i think
now moving onto max
she for sure loves the love triangle in folklore/evermore but also enjoys midnights
she radiates night owl energy because she'll stay up until 4am to finish a really good plot twisty dark romance novel and the whole track (midnights 3am edition) reminds her of her favorite ships. she makes edits and you can't convince me otherwise. although max does love evermore, she would totally love speak now era taylor and therefore would wear that really pretty purple sparky dress on the album cover!!
xander totally bought it for her
and with max looking like a literal princess, he would be mad blushing
and when he snaps out of his daze, he would tell her how pretty she is because let's face it- max is beautiful
now, as mentioned before, xander is a hardcore swiftie and i will always think this
he is a lover lover, so definitely went with a hat of the colors on the album
totally bitch-slapped toxic masculinity in the face by wearing pretty pastels
and definitely had the jacket from the yntcd MV!!
their favorite eras (and moments i suppose) on tour:
nash: debut, fearless
we love his nomad cowboy vibes
he also definitely vibes along with whatever libby likes too because he's down bad-
grayson: red
definitely shed a few tears during all too well ten minute version even though he tried to hide it
cus it reminded him of emily
i hate her with a passion
this isn't about her though
he loved the song and performance for 22 since he's in his 20's and his family is always telling him to loosen up
attending this concert definitely helped him
jameson: 1989
screaming along to style for sure!! me and nova were talking a bit about how he fits the description-
Exhibit A, "you got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes" is so him!!
Exhibit B, because i said so
me and nova totally weren't fangirling over this, i have no idea what you're talking about-
xander: lover
xander fs would start dancing with max and singing softly when taylor sang lover
and nash caught it all on camera
such a cute candid moment
i love xander+max with everything in me
libby: midnights
more specifically, WCS because she could relate to "give me back my girlhood, it was mine first"
fuck drake
i know that she wasn't a teen when they were in a relationship but she was still young, and he was toxic asf
aaaanyway, she would also love when tay performed vigilante shit
tay slayed so hard (i had to tell myself to turn down the gay because my mom and sister were at the concert with me lmao)
everyone felt things when taylor did that performance, to say the least
ik thea and practically everyone else would be in awe~
thea: reputation
would scream along to don't blame me
and she would sound amazing because there's nothing she can't do bffr
and rebecca would be like "damn how'd i get so lucky"
thea would also love karma from midnights because i feel like she's the type of person to not give af about other people and their opinions cus she knows that bad things are coming their way
"me and karma vibe like that" is so her
but she could also shit talk and stand her ground (and also fight)
i also think that that one part of don't blame me, "don't blame me, love made me crazy if it doesn't, you ain't doing it right" and "my drug is my baby" she would sing while making eye contact with rebecca
rebecca: evermore (and folklore obvi)
she would sing and sway softly and thea would take such a beautiful candid photo of her while she sings aksjaja
and when cardigan plays, she would grab thea's hand and dance with her, foreheads touching
this time, xander would take a photo of them like that and it becomes thea's homescreen
thea would also love champagne problems omfg-
rep gf x evermore gf is such a cute dynamic and they slayed so hard
and nowww avery: rep and also midnights!!
would love getaway car with a PASSION
it's just so her <33
"you were driving the getaway car" is very averyjameson even tho the rest of the lyrics aren't lol
she would love mastermind and especially the lyrics "you knew that im a mastermind and now you're mine"
and Paris!!
both songs are so averyjameson coded
"im so in love i might stop breathing drew a map on your bedroom ceiling" and "no i didn't see the news cause we were somewhere else" ajdjjahd
it's THEIR song and i will defend that till the day i die
bonus: i almost forgot to include oren and alisa, im so sorry, im very sleepy!! anyway, oren refuses to wear anything other than his usual attire meanwhile this concert is one ofbthe very few instances where you see alisa in casual clothes. not many people know (other than the hawthornes of course) that she's a swiftie because she always acts so professional. she wears that one red letters shirt that says "who's taylor swift, anyway? ew." and everyone does a double take cus she also has her hair down and doesn't look formal lmao. during some songs avery looks over her shoulder and swears she could see oren have the slightest smile and head-bumping along to the music.
and also a little extra because me and nova were having big brain moments and i HAVE to include it, it would be a crime if i didn't
They would all scream to paper rings but guess what else?? a PROPOSAL!!
my nashlibby brainrot needed to be included even more:
"i love shiny things but id marry you with paper rings" is so them because even tho they're rich, they value the little things <3
libby is so into the performance, it takes her a minute to realize that the stage screen is on her
she's confused because why would the cameras be on her??
and then taylor would point just behind her to where nash was on one knee
the ring wasn't shiny, it was literally a paper ring
nash didn't have a full on speech planned out
but of course libby would say yes
they kiss, it's on the big screen and everyone (taylor, backup dancers, everyone) cheers
it was caught on camera by practically everyone which leads to their engagement going viral all over tik tok and other media platforms!!
after the concert, back at Hawthorne House, they made a resin/epoxy(i think that's what it's called) mold to preserve the ring, and keep it from getting damaged
and the end because not only can i not think of anything else, but it's 4am while i save this to my drafts-
p.s. huge thank you again to @nutellani, you helped me with this so much when i was having a brain block. you have wonderful input, and i owe you big time!!
(majority of how we got more ideas was thru incoherent fangirling over taylor and tig haha)
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voltrixz · 1 year
 Why YOU should go vote for Montana/Shocker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Once again, this is the first time I have managed to get Shocker into a competition which once again is a crime in itself 
And like before you guys might be familiar with Shocker or Montana (even if they are a bit less known then villains like Electro or Doc Ock) (especially for Montana)
You see in TSSM, Montana is Shocker, not Herman as he’s known in the comics. Montana and Herman are different people in the comics but here Montana is essentially Herman but cooler and more skilled.
Montana is your usual merc hired by the big bad guy (or the big man as they call him) that runs a lot of the crime in NY. In episode one he’s hired to defeat spiderman along with his partners and they’re known as the enforcers 
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(The enforcers as seen in ep 1) (From left to right: Fancy Dan, Ox and of course Montana) 
and well they’re defeated of course but Montana never gets capture and manages to run off
So when does Montana get that funny pineapple patterned suit? Well in ep 4, Market Forces, Montana is seen stealing that exact funny pineapple patterned suit and handing it over to his boss before about to go on his merry way and putting on his cowboy hat again before being stopped and told to wear the suit and stop spiderman as he still owes them (visibily pissed off at being told to not wear his hat (which is silly to me) (LET HIM WEAR HIS COWBOY HAT!!!!)but grins when being told about his new assignment)  
and so peter is led over to where shocker is by flint and alex (2 criminals who will become major villains later) 
and well shocker does what he does best, FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!
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and whats funnier is his first line to Spiderman is “I reckon that came as a bit of a real SHOCKER eh bug” He fuckin starts off a fight with a fuckin PUN (I love him for that)(its in his subtle himbo coding) and you want to know what else? When asked who exactly Montana is by Spiderman, Montana comes up with a villain name right on the spot and well guess what he chooses? He chooses his INITAL FUCKIN PUN (still love him for that) and well he absoutely destroys spiderman and even picks him up like a wet cat 
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either spiderman weighs like nothing or shocker is just REALLY strong 
and well Montana goes off to his bar, just to enjoy a game of 8 ball with a job well done 
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(hehe look at him, just enjoying a game of pool ^^ )
that is until well obviously spiderman isnt just gonna say down so Montana is stopped by his boss (cant believe he interrupted his game of pool, you cant do this to him) and he’s sent right back to fight Spiderman 
and well you know how it goes, he’s defeated (SPIDERMAN LITERALLY DROPS AN ENITRE BUILDING ON THIS GUY LIKE??? OK????) but yeah off to jail ig
So what happens next is basically 
- Thanks to Doc Ock and his plan to form the sinister six, he breaks out of jail and joins the sinister six by orders of his boss
- is defeated once again by Spiderman and taken to jail
- doesnt join the next formation of the sinister six sadly (crying coping tossing everything)
- however he comes back with his enforcer partners, now with his partners rocking new suits too 
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(as seen here) (they’re robbing a bank btw) (cute things to do with your boyfriends: rob a bank!)
- but yeah once again defeated by spiderman and all of them are tossed to jail
- seen in big jail breakout scene but sadly does not escape 
- and who knows maybe we could have seen Shocker rejoin the sinister six or get up to new silly things (criminal activity) with his partners but erm
Tssm got cancelled as I mentioned before in my electro post so yeah (crying dying coping sobbing kicking everything tossing everything RAGHH)
but yeah shocker is cool as hell and gives me immense gender envy 
like LOOK AT HIM!!!!
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need to be him so so bad (the gender envy he gives me is INSANE)(also has made me realize hm i may be queer aroaceflux) 
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(he has a resting bitch face and its so silly to me) (yes im just using this as an opprtiunity to show you images of him)
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sigh sigh LOVE YOU SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also he is gay and polyam coded as hell!!!!!! um something something why do you work in such a man dominated field? Do you want to be dominated by men? And also um that one thing of “detectives will always go: here’s my partner. erm ok???? 🏳️‍🌈???? but its just “mercs will always go: here’s my partner(s) like ok???🏳️‍🌈??? (not kidding he almost always refers to dan and ox as his partners and also just look at him, he is THE gay cowboy merc ever
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verdemoun · 11 days
timewarp au going to pride:
jake adler has bi wife energy set to his ringtone. king of bead bracelets. he made them himself and hands them out with dangerous enthusiasm. will see somehow hitting on sadie (who is very thank you cutie but i'm married) and be like hello friend i also think my wife is beautiful stunning perfect human being have a bracelet. sadie is also dressed like a cliche tucked in plaid shirt cuffed jeans doc martens finger guns sweeping her husband off his feet and kissing him
bill has the tiniest pride flag but absolutely glared and intimidated his way to the front of the barriers and forgets to blink while watching the march. malfunctions when men actually flirt with him and has to sit down like his self-esteem is so low pls help him. gets called handsome and has to hold a water bottle to his head because world is spinning, does not know how to respond.
kieran and javier are taking turns annoying people with 'whats in your pants' memes intentionally put the weirdest things in their pockets like someone asks their gender and 'oh look three buttons a can of tuna and an opened pack of gum. who wants gum?' labels are too overwhelming they both identify as queer there is nothing cishet about either of them. crying over margaritas together why are we single when every single person in the world is so hot?
arthur and charles keep going on stranger missions to help find lost pins, escorting the youth to the <18 events and handing out water bottles. arthur does struggle with getting mistaken for a right-wing protestor because big scowl-y muscle tall white man with old timey cowboy hat and needs charles to rescue him from getting yelled at because he is too polite to interrupt people.
hosea and bessie were meant to be supervising dutch and bessie had way too much fun explaining this is my husband and my husband's boyfriend. hosea fumbling trying to explain he's not my boyfriend i love my wife. meanwhile dutch escapes and bessie and hosea both just sit down like oh no. this is. bad.
dutch is attracted to the sound of angry shouting like a moth to flame. micah (who does support the gays because his grand-nephew is gay (kai is not gay but is glad the misunderstanding has lead to micah being a better person)), isaac, jack and dutch all put aside their differences for one day and will get arrested for assault and 'infringing on the right to protest' while physically fighting bigots.
annabelle and susan are wearing their 'dutch van der linde made us lesbians' shirts while also holding 'we exist' banners and people think they assume they're referring to vintage lesbians but of course they mean lesbians throughout history including 19th century and long before they have always existed and always will go sapphos
abigail is going out of her way to break hearts she is calling people gorgeous and kissing their cheeks before running off like a manic pixie dream girl to continue the mission to fight whoever it was that gave john their number. john does not understand phone numbers he's being given scraps of paper with numbers on them wondering if it's some kind of encrypted treasure map. also he's genuinely afraid of furries. hiding behind his wife what the fuck are those.
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squeakyclamart · 1 year
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ok hold on. Ok guys hang on wait listen hear me out. Ok listen guys hang on, wait, wait -- guys wait listen to me
actually I don't really have a way to explain myself here . Yes I turned the pizza guys into animals I'm sorry. You don't understand i'm having a moment here, this has been driving me insane for days
I CAN explain my design choices however
Pizzahead - fox - I think "triangle head," my brain goes immediately to fox. Foxes just got that Shape, yknow? I almost went for a hyena for funny laugh, but outside of hyenas having a bit too stocky of a build (and not quite the tail I wanted), I figured foxes also make silly little noises so hey. Whatever
Peppino - tasmanian devil - You already know why .I mean come on. But also the color scheme worked out rather nice, with the white patch being his 'shirt'
Gustavo - little owl - I wanted him to be small and relatively round but also some creachure that has a natural rivalry with rats/mice. I could have gone with cat, but decided Nahhh and went with funny little owl instead. Brick meanwhile is still a rat because I think that's funny
Pepperman - capybara - Ok listen. He looks awful here. He looks downright terrible. But also I want to keep him that way. The stem does not help but without it he looked bald . Anyway I had a rodent theme going for the tower gang initially, and even if that changed as Noise became a rabbit, I still liked Pepperman being a big fucking capybara because I think it's Silly. Also because capys are one of the few rodents that come in a reddish color in certain lights. So
Vigilante - guinea pig - He is small. He can tuck his legs in under himself and look like he's got none. He's not threatening in the slightest. The most he can do is squeak really loudly at you. And I think he should stay that way. He is a leftover from the tower gang having a rodent theme Also look up guinea pigs wearing cowboy hats. you will not be disappointed
Noise (and Noisette) - rabbit - Ok everyone listen. I know it's a popular thing to turn this man into a rat, and I'm totally on board and I agree, and I originally had him as a rat, however. It created a sorta Pluto and Goofy thing between him and Brick, which would be funny and fitting, but I just didn't vibe with it. Plus that one comic with Pepperman calling Noisette's hats "rabbit ears" has stuck in my head like some sort of parasite and I can't get rid of it
Fake Peppino - he is just peppino but his anatomy is fucked up and he's goopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerome - cat - there is no intrinsic value or reason for this I just wanted to turn him into a small cat
Mr. Stick - heron - It was beamed into my mind like a prophecy. Tall lanky ass bird (to fit with Gustavo also being a bird) with big long beak. what else could you ask for
anyway. um. Yes. Sorry . I can't really explain myself for this one outside of that . yea. ok. bye
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
It's me again with a new idea, just imagine, a reader who ABSOLUTELY accidentally finds all the zones of the SCP…. Just watch: Some Fund employee: SHOOT THIS MONSTER, WE HAVE TO CATCH HIM Also, a reader who accidentally went to the wrong place: mister, I'm sorry, you don't know where the restroom is here?? Foundation employee: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL WHO Reader: I was passing by and decided to see what was going on here. Oh, and that thing also ate those two guys. Foundation Employee:WHAT- Reader: so where's the bathroom here?????
The reader simply appears in any zone of the Fund in some abnormal way. And it's also simple..
Reader: Good morning Dr. Glas: Good morning! stop...Then he turns around to find the reader, but he's not there, my God… the reader probably understands that something is wrong here, especially when he enters some camera with the number 682-
By the way, I recently drew your Demon!the reader along with his character…. Your demon!reader is so good!!! If I ever get up the courage, I could show haha
PLEASE SHOW !!! THATS SO AWESOME ANON AAA im so glad people like my work that muchj grikjagl
✦ Your anomaly is weird. You don't even notice it happens when it does, nor you are able to control it.
✦ For some reason it really has a strong bond with the SCP Foundation and it's personnel.
✦ Once you were drinking a smoothie, walking around and out of nowhere the scenary changed, you were on some white halls of some odd building.
✦ You said hello to a few people that looked at you like you grew 3 heads, and then you were back in the streets.
✦ Or when you were paying for a coffee, and when you turned around someone almost puts a bullet through your head, this person was yelling at you saying why te fuck are you there, you were confused.
✦ Until you turned around again and you saw a big ass monster, you didn't even have to run tho! you were now in your house.
✦ That would happen a lot, and the Foundation was going nuts. They couldn't contain you because you don't stay that long and they don't know if you are doing it at will or not.
✦ One day you met Clef, the guy was eating some gummy worms and you swear he was wearing the silliest set of clothing, a cowboy hat, a hawaiian shirt, bright pink booty shorts, white socks and pink crocs. It hurted to look at.
✦ "Hey! You must be that person that comes in and out" He said, mouth full of candy.
✦ You two talked for a bit, he told you to go and get him more candy because his 'ass was banned from the cafeteria after he got those'.
✦ When you opened the door and steped out of the room, you were face to face with a giant,,, thing.
✦ It was swimming in acid and it looked at you like it wanted you death, so naturally you started looking for a way out.
✦ Doesn't matter, because now you are in another office, your confusion being enought to keep you from crying. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME"
✦ Kondraki looked at you weirdly. "How did you got here? Yknow what, doesn't matter. Care to take these to Bright? I need him to sign some shit."
✦ You took them but before you could say anything, you guessed it, you were in some weird ass place again.
✦ And that's how you got your 'Dr. Reader' title, because in that place that shit is free to have, I don't think fucking Iceberg qualifies as a Dr.
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philtstone · 6 months
for Spotify wrapped prompts: lotr characters of your choice + #11?? (trying my luck to see if I somehow don’t land on a Bollywood song but will be thrilled no matter what!)
#11 -- main hoon na (I'm here now) so funny story my spotify wrapped playlist does NOT include numbering. no numbers. god knows why. and i am not counting my way thru that list. which means i will simply be selecting an inspiration song from the list for each of these prompts, but that still is not saving u from the bollywood of it all. so, to really hard launch things, im splicing the goofiest most spy kids ass incredibly sweet movie of all time with -- of course -- the hippie camp counsellor au
Aragorn's headache has been building since well before lunch, but the relative absence of any sort of real amenities at this truck stop has only made it worse.
First: because outside of a measly bag of chips, which he insisted be shared by Arwen (prone to blood-sugar-related headaches), Eowyn (technically still growing her frontal lobe), Frodo (looking too solemn for a thirteen year old, also still growing), and Sam (who immediately offered his share to Frodo), Aragorn has not eaten anything since their stop at the forlorn Wendy's last night.
Second: because, in pursuit of something more sustaining than said measly bag of chips, Merry and Pippin went investigating. Alone. And now they've been misplaced.
“Under construction! To be replaced by what? A corporate behemoth without any soul?! Without a whit of warmth? Grand oak tables! The ambiance of a fine dining experience! My cousin Balin’s restaurant was no ordinary truck stop facility! The spaghetti bolognese alone made it worth the detour! How many a road trip did I take as a boy –”
Gimli is only twenty one, so this is not so significant as all that. 
“Do you think we wouldn’t have misplaced them if we tried to find another Wendy’s?” Legolas asks philosophically, as if Gimli is not standing beside him on the verge of tears.
“We haven’t misplaced them,” Aragorn says. They definitely have. “We must simply ask around – they couldn’t have gotten far. At worst, they have squirreled their way into one of these trucks, and we would definitely notice that.”
The obnoxious horn-blowing alone, Aragorn thinks.
“They could have been kidnapped,” says Legolas, all pragmatic cheer. “Or run over. Or they could be trapped in one of the toilet stalls – the locks stuck on Gimli for a good five minutes when we were in there.”
“Gone!” wails Gimli, who gets very theatrical when upset. “Erased! An institution of road-side relaxation! Oooh, how could Balin not have told me? And for it to be replaced by a barren Travel Center with nothing but a few vending machines! I wasn’t prepared for this kind of tragedy to happen in my lifetime …”
“Legolas,” Aragorn grits out, “some optimism, please.” Gimli is going through multiple stages of grief, so Aragorn lets him be. “Let us put our heads together and do something constructive.”
Canvassing the truckers seems as immediate a solution as any, so that is what they do.
“We’re looking for the cousins of my father’s friend’s nephew,” Gimli describes emotionally to a confused old woman in a cowboy hat and her somewhat tree-shaped husband. “If anyone would have appreciated the smoked smash burgers of my own cousin’s menu … but it’s all lost now! Could you’ve seen ‘em?”
“We’re looking for two very small children,” Legolas says solemnly to the biker gang Eomer had serendipitously known from university, but who eye them with suspicion nonetheless. “You know, the kind you look at and immediately think, oh God, small children, if you’re the sort to not like children much.”
“We’re looking for two pre-teen boys,” Aragorn clarifies at every interval, feeling desperate. “Aged twelve and eleven, with fair hair, coming up to no higher than my hip. You couldn’t miss them if you tried; one of them is wearing a Super Mario t-shirt.” 
“Oh, that will be Pippin,” Legolas confirms from behind him. “Terrible taste in video games.”
Gimli dabs tearfully at his eyes with a large checkered handkerchief he pulled from the back of his jeans.
It’s not that he’s truly worried Merry and Pippin have been kidnapped – they do have a rudimentary grasp of stranger danger – only Aragorn is supposed to be exercising leadership on this trip. He is the driver, after all. Even if he still isn't wholly confident in his grad school options.
“Maybe you could do MSF or something,” Legolas wonders aloud, as they look underneath a particularly rusty-looking sixteen-wheeler for their runaway tweens. “Next year I mean, in between things. I’m sure Uncle Elrond would consider that a viable career. You had the pamphlet in your backpack last month and everything.”
“You need a medical degree to do MSF, Legolas,” Aragorn says tiredly; it’s not that he hasn’t thought about it.
“What if you started your own version of MSF, with herbal medicine,” Legolas continues, undeterred. “I’m sure that would be popular amongst middle class white moms. And you’d be an entrepreneur.” 
It would somewhat defeat the whole point, but Aragorn appreciates the brainstorming. 
Back to Merry and Pippin – technically they are Gandalf’s responsibility – but Gandalf is in the bathroom, so they feel like his, and, furthermore, Aragorn’s getting a bit nervous about leaving Frodo and Sam in the van all alone for so long. Two days ago they found a feral possum in the trunk who they kept on because it has an uncanny sense of direction (it will scratch at random points on the map when it’s not screaming and hissing from the back seat), and though it won’t stop chewing on the hem of Frodo’s jeans, Frodo refuses to let them toss it out of the car; he insists he and the possum can communicate. Aragorn would think he was lying if not for Sam also insisting they can communicate – he has absolutely nothing good to say about the Possum’s personality – and, well, Sam’s a stoutly practical kid. So certainly they must be being truthful.
But the poor possum could bite them, left unattended.
Aragorn decides to try the biker gang one last time.
“Please,” Aragorn says, “they’re like our younger brothers; we can’t just leave them to fend for themselves.”
“Hmm,” says the gruffest of the lot, after a prolonged bout of contemplation. “There was a fist fight or something by the portapotties — I saw a kid’s backpack lying around afterward.”
Of course it had to be a fistfight, Aragorn thinks, as Gimli goes pale and Legolas places a delicate mourning hand flat upon his breast. They march over to the portapotties, accordingly. Sure enough, the backpack is there, but Merry and Pippin are nowhere to be found.
Aragorn kicks at the side of the nearest portable. His toe clips it awkwardly, so he has to sit down for a minute, limping, and resist the urge to bury his head in his hands.
“Oh,” he hears Legolas say. “Oh, alright. Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh.”
Aragorn looks up. 
“It's Eowyn,” Legolas says, holding his phone up somewhat unnecessarily. “She says they’re in the van.”
“This whole time?” asks Gimli, slow of voice.
“Well, no. They’ve got deli sandwiches with them. Real ones. Apparently the honey ham is pretty good.”
“Give me the phone,” Aragorn says; Legolas does.
“Hello,” it is not Eowyn, but Arwen’s musical voice on the other end of the line. Aragorn wonders if she perhaps anticipated his mood from the other end of the truck stop and so had the forethought to rescue an unwitting Eowyn from it. Arwen does occasionally demonstrate a telepathic sort of vibe when it comes to him. “We heard your yell from all the way over here – is everything alright?”
Oh. Right.
“Put Merry and Pippin on, please,” Aragorn says, because he couldn’t bear to be rude to his girlfriend and his toe really is throbbing, so he can’t trust himself. “Are they – there, yes. Yes. Well I can hear them in the background. Arwen –”
“Hullo Aragorn,” comes Pippin’s voice, after a staticy smartphone handover.
“I will leave you here next time,” Aragorn says.
“No he won’t,” says Legolas.
“No he won’t,” says Gimli.
“He’s just a little hungry,” chimes in Arwen, a muffled distance from the receiver.
“Well, that’s alright!” says Pippin, before Aragorn can protest. “We got you sandwiches, didn’t we?”
“Oh, yes,” adds Merry, just as close to the phone. “We picked one up just for you. Saved it and everything from that biker gang and Frodo’s possum.”
“Oh, he’s named it now. Calls it Smeagol.”
“I thought he said it introduced itself.”
“Oh, yes, it did do that. Sam disagrees though, says it’s named Gollum.”
“Terrible name for a possum.”
“Don’t you think so? But anyway, your sandwich is safe with us.”
And, despite it all, Aragorn finds that he can do absolutely nothing else but laugh loudly, fondly, and for a long while.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Colors: Micah Bell X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’, ‘boy’, and dresses masculinity Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Near sexual encounter, language Warnings: Admiring each other, kissing, references to sex, Micah being possessive in a loving way, sharing clothes, the etiquette of cowboy hats but it’s gay Summary: Micah really can’t think straight when you wear his colors, let alone his clothes.
The rush of wind on your face hits all at once as you face forward in your saddle again. The law is gone now, fallen behind, and you can focus on keeping pace with Micah and Baylock. You holster your weapon as you follow them into the trees and dismount in the safety they provide. Micah chuckles as he comes over to you, placing one hand on your waist while the other pulls your mask from your face. He pulls you in by the thin red fabric to kiss you, letting his hand move to hold your face as his lips attack yours in the rush that comes on from a successful robbery.
He looks over your face when he pulls away, his hand going back to your mask to run the fabric between his fingers as he hums. “Quite a color on ya, darlin’. I like it.”
“That right?”
Micah lets a lopsided grin cover his face. “Ain’t sure if I wanna stare at it er rip it off…” He trails his hand down to your chest, covered by a familiar black dress shirt. “Yer still missin’ somethin’.”
You admire him as he does you. Micah is certainly the possessive sort, the kind to claim what is his without apology. Usually it takes the form of protectiveness and public displays of his intimate affections, but it’s also making sure you look like you’re his. That means wearing his colors, sometimes his clothes. You have no problem with it, especially in moments like this when he looks at you like he wants to take in the dirt without a care in the world. He bought you the bandana, it’s his shirt you’re wearing, but he still thinks there’s room for more. So, in a fluid motion, he swats your hat off of your head and replaces it with his own.
Micah steps back, admiring you as you adjust his hat to fit properly on your head. It’s not the first time you’ve worn it. He came onto you, like he does with many people, but you took his hat off of his head. Not in the way most men would, to irritate him and start a fight, but to carefully put it on yourself and give him a look that made his breath hitch. So seeing the sight again makes him feel just the same way. You settle it crooked, like he does, and meet his stunned eyes. The implications of taking a man’s hat are clear, but Micah just wants to look at you.
There you stand, wearing his usual colors. His shirt, his hat, a bandana around your neck that he bought you. He can feel that growing need as shivers shoot through him, but he doesn’t want to take a single thing off of you. He wants to stare at you like this forever. You are so undeniably his that he can’t believe it’s true, but when you smile at him he’s reminded that he is also yours. He may have you clad in defining clothes that hide marks he’s made all over your skin in moments of passion, but you have him so completely subdued. That’s why he doesn’t move an inch when you pick up your hat and carefully place it on his head. He watches you every inch of the way and his chest tightens when he can feel the snug grip around his skull.
“Shit…” He mutters, mind racing at what he really wants to do with all of this.
He wants you, he really wants you. He doesn’t care if he takes you against a tree or you take him down in the dirt, he just wants to feel you. But he doesn’t want to ruin this. The intimacy of this moment is different from any he’s ever had. It’s belonging, it’s care, and it’s such a new feeling to Micah that it scares him a little. He doesn't want it to stop. So he’s glad when you step back instead of pulling him closer because he couldn’t have held it in if you had.
“Y-Ya look real nice…” Micah finds himself lost as you tilt your head, hiding your face with his hat just like he does.
“Wow, Micah.” You chuckle. “Not going soft, are you?”
Micah shakes his head, trying to get a thought that isn’t you to the front of his mind and hiding his red face from you. “Watch it, cowpoke.”
“I love you, even if you are.”
Micah snorts when he laughs. “I ain’t soft.”
“Look at me then.” You say, taking a step closer to him. “If you’re not yellow.”
He looks up, fast, and is met with a devilish smile on your face. “Ya tryin’ ta start something, darlin’?”
“With you? Of course.” You shrug, turning to your horse. “A race. To the hotel in town”
Micah gazes at you for a moment, your sheer audacity hitting all of the right places. “I love ya, but I ain’t losin’ just ‘cause ya look nice in my stuff.”
“Whatever you say, Micah.”
“Damn right, whatever I say.” He pulls himself onto Baylock and turns towards the road. “I win and yer in fer quite a night, cowboy.”
Micah grins, taking off before you can start anything properly. You follow behind as closely as you can, not really wanting to win this time anyway.
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