#also wow experimenting with da colors
krakrac · 16 days
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cyno quest pt 2 was fine i guess (<- will never stop thinking about it)
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mejomonster · 1 year
Justice in the dark, finished ep 2:
I am just so beyond overwhelmed I'm watching it honestly. I was lucky to experience Guardian a year after it came out, which got me into cdramas and cnovels and studying chinese, which got me into priests writing in particular, and i never had to anticipate or hope for guardian. I was lucky to just find it's cdrama version as my first experience period of a cdrama and of the story. It was everything I loved personally (just the perfect niche choices for Me). I never had to anticipate or wonder or hope if an adaptation would exist or be good. Because for me it was already perfect on first watch (yes even horrifically bad cgi cat da qing - I have a particular fondness for awful cgi at times especially in campy shows like Xena and Doctor Who so the low budget only added to my enjoyment personally lol).
Then Word of Honor came out. After id studied chinese for a year, worked a lot to drag myself through reading 28 chapters of tian ya ke and my first significant chunk of reading a priest novel in original chinese. I had OPINIONS. My biggest being they NEEDED to be morally grey fucked up people, needed to lie and put on acts like in the book, and Gong Jun was my dream casting for Wen Kexing but I'd have settled for anyone with a decently fitting performance. My expectations of a live action drama were absolutely blown away. The cast was actually my specific dream cast, Gong Jun pulled a better performance than I've Ever seen him do prior (just perfect in WoH specifically he really did amazing), Zhou zishu is SUCH a hard character to act much like Zhang Qiling in dmbj in that he is quiet and keeps himself private so an actor NEEDS to be really good at the performance to the audience to get across the characters internal world and get the character to come off correctly. He did it. So absolutely blown away by performances as good as Bai Yu and Zhu Yilong did for Zhao yunlan and shen wei, when I had no expectations they'd be As Good only hopefully sufficiently good. So acting was WOW. the side cast actors also absolutely blew me out of the water. The entire show team did honestly - the costumer showed how MUCH can be done with costumes and wig regardless of budget (compare WoH wigs to The Untamed or Eternal Love - just more unique designs for everyone's wigs in woh). The sets are simple but distinguishable and again while it's just a simple X setting in woh I still found the sets more memorable than the Eternal Love sets overall, the fighting is choreographed GOOD (1 I heard by the same person as Ultimate Note which would explain a lot as both have fun action scenes, 2 I love The Untamed in many regards but also there's fight scenes where extras swing at nothing so fight choreography wasn't quite as strong u know), the color design in post production isn't like ideally natural but it shows off the costumes and further makes the limited budget look distinguished as it's own fully realized concept. Way Better than I ever expected honestly (guardian had limited set budget too and honestly it DID look cheap it only was beloved by me because they make it so Ridiculous in certain aspects it Crosses into Doctor Who level weird sci fi design). And finally the script - handled by a good writer, I felt, that kept the core story elements I wanted and added some more. I didn't like the "knew each other as kids" element which if you know me you know why. But since I always treat live action cdramas as Alternate Universe stories? I could appreciate they didn't bring up knowing each other in a like "we are connected cause of it way" but more as a "strangers who briefly crossed paths once and so have some experiences they both somewhat relate or connect to" which let the script writer mostly keep the original novel relationship vibe. Basically? I'm still absolutely stunned and blown away we got a GREAT drama, let alone a good one.
I knew Sha Po Lang had a drama filmed and DONE. I hadn't read it so I thankfully had no great attachment to the story being done right. I was excited because I love priest stories so I know it'll be based on good source material, and I LOVE the idea of steampunk historical. I had no idea on what to expect though besides potentially horrifically bad cgi for the steampunk elements if they didn't cut them out completely? Or cheap but functional cgi like Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain (it'll be miraculous if it's like The Lost Tomb Reboot or Utlimate Note or Love Between Fairy and Devil in terms of quite Decent nice cgi). I had no expectations until an actor I admire was cast as one of the leads. Then I figured: well this will be a GOOD show to watch. Because that actor is worth watching Just by being in it since he'll give a great performance, and the source material came from priest so it can only be so bad. I figured THAT drama was what to mentally prepare for! Then it didn't come! We're still waiting.
Now finally to Silent Reading. It's my favorite priest novel. Of any adaptations to have expectations about, it's this one for me. I made edits for this one. I watched bilibili fanvideo edits for the book and had opinions on which aesthetic choices worked best. I cared. I saw it (like a couple other novels I'm excited for adaptations for) was getting adapted too! After sha po lang, way later, casting dragging on. I assumed okay temper yourself you won't even see it until Immortality 2ha is out (lmao ;-; ). I also decided BECAUSE it's my favorite? I figured I would be disappointed and let down. So I tried not to even hope itd be good. I hoped, desperately, decent actors would be cast who could do a good solid job. I got immensely lucky when Fei Du was cast cause I know from Go Ahead that guy can ACT so at least fei du would be wonderful to watch. I had no idea about anyone else and again tempered my expectations to please please just be Decent. (So Tao Ran being Perfectly cast and acted is blowing my goddamn mind nonstop). I also hoped, for an expectation, a visual aesthetic like Under the Skin or some video edits I'd seen on bilibili. Just a sort of Beyond Evil, Flower of Evil, The Guest, sort of gritty thriller grounded somewhat in reality but at the edge kind of. A detective show with a psychologically heavy lean to it. Possibly a little stylistic even in color choice cause I personally like shows that visually look like Their Own thing (even if it looks less natural - like I love Goodbye My Princess and Heroes visually even though it's such extreme color editing). And finally I hoped for a serviceable bare minimum... bare minimum... solve murders and stick at least basically to the book cases script. I really had no idea what to expect of writing wuality except a "PLEASE be Decent you're working with great source material, it's already got an audio drama with a script u should barely have to work to make this Decent just don't make it awful." So yeah. Low expectations. I probably could have been happy with Granting You a Dreamlike Life level writing quality, visual quality (except dear fuck please with blues instead of that yikes yellow gyadl used a ton), and passable actors.
Instead I got way better than my expectations and it's breaking my mind a little. Color grading? Blue greens and I'm sure some people hate it I fucking love it to pieces. (If I'd give any visual critique it's that I think they're over smoothing actors and I love gritty real looking skin but I recognize a lot of cdramas generally make the choice to face smooth and use filters so it's going to crop up in some stuff I watch :/ it's not totally awful in that I can see Luo's stubble and sometimes Fei Du's cover-up powder on his little nose, but overall the contrast intensity and color grading they chose makes the skin look less gritty in combo with I imagine some skin smoothing filters). I personally Love the cgi I have seen, which i assumr either means cheap cgi came up EONS since guardian or they got bigger cgi budget for a crime drama that shouldn't need them than I would've figured. The city bits that I imagine are fake establishing shots look way better than guardian and in line with Ultimate Note quality at times (at least they're not too noticeably bad is my point). The extreme lighting choices are unnatural for sure but I really like them since there's a heavy metaphor right now of Luo as the light and Fei Du in the dark, and seeing that visual metaphor play out with actual bright lights/intense shadows frequently in scenes is so visually satisfying to me, you can read their mental states just by the lighting (one scene Fei Dus emotions drop and it goes from sunny to storming which is REALLY on the nose and funny but also I love how thoroughly this way of using light is through the entire show). Green and blues also seem to be being used for light and dark, life and death, warmth and cold, Luo and Fei. I never had the expectation so Much detail would be put to visuals and I'm so beyond grateful.
Next, the music. Oh my god the music. So far it's not like Life Changing to me the way Guardians soundtrack was (I love Chen Xuerans music - he also did some Tomb of the Sea music I also love). But I didn't expect the music to even be more than servicable, yet I'm enjoying it enough I want to go look up the tracks? (Also WoH had a banger soundtrack forgot to mention that). I love the choice of piano instruments frequently in the background music, it's extremely fitting of this particular story with priest naming chapters after famous literature and just the vibe of old detective stories. At the same time? Again there's this comparison between a very piano and western orchestra background ost, and the very modern English song that's kind of pop music that Fei Du plays often and with Tao Ran and sometimes plays in scenes with Luo. It's like the light/dark lighting, the music juxtaposition. It's such a noticeable choice, and it really adds to how effective the scenes are. I did not expect the music to shine to me. It's not like WoH levels yet in terms of any particular song lyrics, but the music playing when Fei Du was young seeing his mom, and the music playing at the end of ep 2 as Luo talks to Fei Du about his mom, were both impactfully used.
Writing: not much to say except oh my fuck I can't believe I'm seeing these scenes I love acted out. Acted out properly, like I pictured them. ;-; I'm amazed how much they're sticking to book honestly. I. Am just incredibly overwhelmed moving on. It feels like coming home honestly, a new scene starts and I know exactly where I am from the novel. I actually happen to enjoy when cdrama adaptations change story (Alternate Universe story) so id be just pleasant too if the story Does happen to change, but at the moment this is maybe the most faithful (*except the little sci fi intro note) adaptation I've seen of any book in general in my life. I am so so happy. I loved the scene in Tao Rans car. The scenes of Fei as a child is better than anything I could have possibly ever imagined (Luo coming from the light to cover his eyes and stop the horror, pulling him safe to the light, just the visuals and music absolutely <3 ;-; ). The scenes with Fei Du, Tao Ran, and Luo Wenzhou are just like I imagined them (this may not be true for everyone though lol - I read with the feeling they really were cold and bristly while caring/pushing into each other's business, but not even seeing each other as friend or romantic options at the start - this is coming off just like I imagined, with Tao Ran exactly just... right out of my brain perfect kudos to the guy playing him he's singlehandedly changing my life damn). I saw some people mentioning not seeing much chemistry between Luo and Fei. I may change my mind later but... as of ep 2? I'm happy to say I'm seeing exactly what the novel gave me at the same points in the plot. I actually think the shows giving a Touch more because it's really Really hammering home how Luo and Fei have revolved around each other 7 years, are stuck together in a situation they can't move past, are yin yang light dark warmth cold passion logic alive dead, and those kind of fucking parallels really hammer very obviously that as lovable as Tao Ran is it's really Luo/Fei who are the main characters and who have effected each other's lives most greatly. Yes Tao Ran is Luos best friend and was his partner since their first case of Feis mom - but Luo is who reached out slightly More to Fei Du, who made it his entire purpose to help this kid, who this kid Blamed for being unable to help, who chose to keep trying to take care of Fei for 7 years ever since (Tao ran also doing so because he was involved). Yes Fei Du crushes on Tao Ran as a safe outlet, because Tao Ran won't reciprocate (for a variety of reasons from being straight to thinking of himself as someone taking care of Fei like an older brother - and that emotional position of his is uniquely why he can give such direct advice to Fei that Fei wouldn't take as kindly to as from an actual romantic option like Luo). Fei Du acts emotionally more open with Tao, and certainly tries harder to try and live healthier by associating wirh Tao (and Tao indulges it because it does make Fei feel more human and connected). But it's clear Luos the one who makes Fei face his fears directly, who cuts through the shield entirely, the one who's words actually genuinely shake Fei Du. Tao Ran can call Fei out but on some level Fei won't break from it since it's Tao saying it, can close back up if he does open enough to take it to heart. Luo is fundamentally a person thats Too important to Fei for Fei to control how he handles him. Luo changed his life, was his hope then his hopelessness. And still remains both. The show is absolutely hammering that. Whereas the book? If you didnt know Luo was going to be the main character, you'd figure Fei/Tao was going to be at least an initial ship. Or Tao/Luo if only it was friends to lovers (just me then lol). My point is the shows clear irs got a very specific "bromance" angle and it's hammering it as much as Merlin/Arthur got hammered with 2 sides of the same coin he's your destiny. And more.
Acting again. I also love all the side characters so far. Love the casting choices all around. Zhang Donglan was not how I pictured lol but I liked his actor, the core investigation group is just like I pictured.;-; <3
Luos actor. So eyecandy in a screencap he is not particularly. In motion? He's looks wise passable for Luo. Which is like... when I read the book Luo was traditionally handsome like some superhero (Captain joke from the book and all) but in regular man's roughed up clothes of regular financial means, basic work haircut, could tone himself down if needed. So Zhao Yunlan, while I love him (good job Bai Yu) is too "pretty" to be Luo - the leather jacket too flashy, the whole look just too flashy. Luos styling in the show is acceptable as it looks like an everyday man's less flashy version of Zhao Yunlan, which is about where Luo lands. I imagined a more Model handsome type for Luo just because I imagined him more Abruptly in your face handsome hero (think Captain America) compared to "blends into the background next door neighbor cute" that is Tao Ran (and tbf show Tao Ran is Perfect.... I imagined Yang Yang but dressed/styled toned down, and this actor visually is like a 96% match to an actual fancast edit I made so.. he's perf). Luos actor instead also has a similar "everyday man next door" handsome. On the upside its probably realistic given he qnd Tao Ran should feel on the same level. On the other no its not mu mental picture of Luo - I couldn't even fancast him because he's SO specific in my mental interpretation. But back to the point: as an actor he does look suitable while playing the role. His actual acting? That's where it really matters. When I read, Luo was SUCH a specific character to me if an actor can't pull it off it'll hurt. His actor is doing Perfect. I'm beyond grateful. He's just like Luo in my head. His voice is a touch different but it's acted great so it's fine. The only scenes that jar me are ones where I can clearly know someone edited a scene or added a thing to his costume to make him look like Zhao Yunlan lmao, just because it feels less like Luo and I know it? Like his scene saving a girl from a mugger on a bike was so reminiscent of show Guardian Zhao Yunlan getting off the motorbike. The glasses and leather jacket in ep 1 on Luo screamed "similar to Zhao yunlan" but toned slightly down, and the scene he talks to get into the crime scene felt very echoey of Zhao yunlan doing that to get into the first crime scene in Guardian. The actor made it flow fine, and he Feels like Luo so I'm happy as peaches. But there were some moments in ep 1 I think lol either director or writer or someone wanted to reference Guardian or rely on that similarity to give the watcher a familiar impression. The actor is Really nailing the small moments of acting with his team, and the emotional moments with Fei are just so well done.
Anyways in summary? I had so few expectations and they've been far surpassed. I'm amazed how much extra stuff I didn't even want to hope for is also lovely in this. I'm so !!!!
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jagjitveeradadhaba · 7 months
Different Types Of Food Offered By Veera Da Dhaba
Punjabi food is celebrated across the globe for its bold flavors, aromatic spices, and hearty dishes. The Punjabi Restaurant In Nani Daman is known for its wide range of dishes. In this article, we embark on a culinary journey to explore the charm and gastronomic delights of a Punjabi restaurant.
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Different Types Of Food Offered By Veera Da Dhaba 
Tandoori Delights: Tandoor-cooked dishes are a hallmark of Punjabi cuisine. The use of a clay oven, or tandoor, imparts a smoky and earthy flavor to dishes like tandoori chicken, naan bread, and kebabs.
Rich Gravies: Punjabi curries are famous for their rich and creamy gravies, often made with a base of tomatoes, onions, and a blend of aromatic spices. 
Wholesome Bread: Punjab is known for its diverse bread selection. Alongside the ever-popular naan, you can relish tandoori roti, parathas, and kulchas, each with its unique taste and texture.
Sweet Endings: No Punjabi meal is complete without a sweet treat. Desserts like gulab jamun, jalebi, and phirni offer a sweet finale to your culinary journey.
The Punjabi Restaurant in Daman goes beyond just the food; they offer an immersive experience. The ambiance is often lively and colorful, reflecting the joyous spirit of North India. Their staff is friendly, eager to share their culture and help you navigate the extensive menu. 
A visit to a Veera Da Dhaba is more than just a meal; it's an exploration of culture, flavor, and tradition. It's a journey that takes you to the heart of Punjab, where every dish tells a story, and every bite is a celebration. So, the next time you seek an unforgettable dining experience, step into their restaurant. It is an assurance that you won’t be disappointed with their food. To know more about them, you can visit their restaurant without any delay. 
About Veera Da Dhaba
Veera Da Dhaba is one of the leading names in the city because it offers a wide range of Punjabi dishes for various events. The team of professionals who are working with them always ensure that everything is done according to the preference of the individuals. To know more about various items on the menu you can connect with them. They also organize various events. So, why wait? Connect with them, and they will deliver you the best dishes that will make you go wow! Visit them and taste various flavors of Punjab and other north Indian food. 
Credit:- https://penzu.com/p/c97c532f540dbb4c
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phoenixpalassio · 2 years
Phoenix Palassio Is Set to Become the World’s Largest Shopping Mall in Lucknow
After Phoenix Palassio’s breathtaking debut just a few years ago, Lucknow’s shopping habits for the top luxury and international brands changed. Palassio has since become Lucknow’s shopping capital, with over 200 brands, delectable dining, and enthralling entertainment.
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Phoenix Palassio brings along the best shopping experience for the shoppers. It has brands like Aldo, Allen Solly, Westside Lucknow, AND, Gant, Armani Exchange, ASICS, Biba, Bata, Carpisa, Da Milano, Daniel Wellington, Fossil, Gas, Go Colors, Kazo, MAC, Mango, Only, Puma, Rado, Reliance trends in Lucknow,Tanishq and so many others. The brands that you find at Phoenix Palassio are the ones that you will not find anywhere else in Lucknow.
You can find a wide variety of food options at Lucknow’s Phoenix Palassio. Dine at the best restaurants this Christmas, including Punjab Grill, Wat a Burger, Fishlee, Sky Glass, The Big Grill, Kareem’s, Asia 7 Express, Wow Momo, KFC, and others are some best restaurants in Lucknow.
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Phoenix Palassio has ultimate décor at the atrium that keeps changing every few months. All the installations at Phoenix Palassio are a great attraction for most of the shoppers. As they not only get to shop but also stop by to see the décor. The patrons stop by it to click pictures with their loved ones.
Phoenix Palassio also has timely deals and offers to make the shopping spree a better experience. The End of Season Sale, Flat 50 % and Upto Flat 50% are some of the common deals and offerings that happen at Phoenix Palassio.
The workshops and events are also something that you can look forward to. Different celebrities come to perform at the atrium and different workshops like food, make- up and more keep taking place.
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Everything about the Phoenix Mall makes it the best place in the whole of Lucknow. From ultimate retail therapy across the best shopping malls, dining across the best stores, events, workshopss and so much more.
Well also the Timezone and Inox- the phoenix mall theatre, are the two places at Phoenix Palassio where you go and unwind.
0 notes
salaciousdoll · 3 years
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Gojo Satarou x Fem!reader
Warnings: Reader has piercings and Tattos( minor detail), Fluff, Teacher!Nanami, Sukuna, Toji, Gojo, Choso, Geto, and Nanami all friends in this universe, cursing, I never took a pottery class a day in my life, so bare with me.
Your friend walked through the door with a flyer in their hand, “ We’re going.”
“ Hold on, going where?”, You asked, putting down your paint brush.
“ Take a look at this, this is a pottery class. Someone named Nanami Kento is teaching it. I don’t know how he looks but he sounds fine and that’s why I want to go. Plus, I want you and I to try something new.”, Your friend says handing you the flyer.
You looked at it and saw beautiful colorful designs and letters on it, “ Whoever printed this, did a magnificent job.”
“ That’s not what you’re supposed to be focusing on da Vinci, now focus on the place.”, They say as you look for the place.
You gasped, “ That place is expensive as fuck to rent out or even buy. Wow! It’s big inside too.”
“ Then let’s go today in 45 minutes, since the class starts at 4:50, it’s now 4:05. So get your ass in the shower and put on some nice clothes so we can experience the feeling of pottery.”. They say, practically jumping up and down.
“ Wait, why does it say there’s food, drinks, and smoking allowed and catered to us. Is this a fucking party?”, You asked before your friend snatched the paper from you.
“ Gimme that, no, it’s not a party. It’s a get together plus an opening. So come on.”, They say, grabbing your hand and dragging you up.
You stomped your feet in annoyance before shrugging your friend off and walking upstairs alone.
You cleaned yourself up good, wearing your favorite clothes with your favorite shoes.
Your tattoos were showing all down your arms due to your friend picking out the shirt for you. It was the sleeveless shirt they brought you.
You didn’t mind because your tattoos were the official icing while your snake and nose piercing was the cherry for you.
“ Let’s go, we're already a minute late, wait let me get a jacket. It looks cold today.”, You say before grabbing your jacket, walking out your house.
“ This might be an embarrassing experience because we both don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing when it comes to pottery, but I want you to have fun and enjoy yourself, maybe even discover a new passion.”, They said, smiling over at you as you pulled out of the parking space.
You laughed while keeping your eyes on the road, “ You’re acting like my mother and Grandmother! I’ll be fine, you enjoy yourself too.”
“ Hey, she told me to say that, so blame her!”, They laugh at your annoyed expression once they told the truth.
“ She’s so embarrassing.”, You mumbled.
Your friend laughed, “ That’s not even the embarrassing part, while you were in the shower, she told me to tell you to hopefully find a man and give her some grandbabies. She ain’t getting any younger.”
You sighed loudly as you pulled into the parking lot of the place, “ That woman is always going to pressure me to have her some grandbabies when she has three other sons and four other daughters, who are all old enough to produce babies.”
“ Maybe she just wants the best for you while also getting the best side out of it. The grand baby she always wanted.”, Your friend says, getting out of the car.
You slammed your car door in annoyance, “ She needs to wait until I’m ready. I’m in my 20s, this is the age for me, not me and a child that can wait until my late thirties.”
“ Late thirties?! That damn old.”, Your friend says loudly.
Some people in the parking lot looked your way at their loud Burst.
“ Shut the hell up, and yes that old. I need to be financially and mentally stable for a child. I refuse to be like my dad. He should be diagnosed with delusion because that’s what he loves to do.”, You say almost bitterly remembering your last conversation with him just two days ago.
“ Can you get diagnosed with that?”, Your friend mumbled in confusion while you ignored their stupid question.
You both walked into the building showing the receptionist the flyer, paying 20 dollars each to get in, before she let you two past. You were surprised it was that easy as you both got on the elevator to go to the 99th floor.
“ This is a long ass elevator ride, damn!”, Your friend says while looking out of the elevator at people and equipment.
“ Yeah, no shit dumbass. It’s the 99th floor. Luckily we’re now on the 17th floor because no one has been getting on.”, You say as you were now on the 18th floor.
The doors opened on the 18th floor to reveal a group of men walking in.
You and your friend looked at each other before getting on your phones to avoid conversation.
“ Gojo, don’t fucking ruin Nanami’s big opening day by trying to get laid while taking this class.”, The man with a bun on top of his head with one string hanging down in the front.
You looked straight ahead as the one with white hair started talking, “ Hey, you shouldn’t be talking and besides I’m not going to ruin his day. He specifically made me vow with my hand on the table to not mess up his day.”
“ Yeah, I would’ve too if I was him. Your dumbass don’t know how to keep it in your fucking pants.”, A man with a deep sultry voice and short black hair said.
“ Shut the fuck up, Toji, because you are the main whore of this group.”, A man with two space buns in his hair.
All you could see were the back of their heads, so you were in the clear.
“ Look at this shit.”, Your friend whispered while showing you their phone.
You looked over and saw your associate/ neighbor with your ex dancing and kissing on each other, all over social media. I mean, she was practically someone known across social media platforms due to her elegant body in front of a camera.
“ Yeah, now what am I supposed to do with this information? His ass is a goner anyway.”, You whispered.
You both didn’t realize that the men's voices were heard and their eyes were now on you two.
“ You right but it’s still shocking since he said you didn’t need to worry about her, but let’s not focus on that anymore, I apologize for that.”, Your friend says, causing you to smile at them.
“ It’s fine.”, You say before looking to the floor level only to find pairs of green, brown, blue, and dark brown eyes looking at you.
“ Uh, can I help you all?”, You ask.
“ Hi, I’m Toji Fushiguro. What’s your pretty girl?”, Toji says, take your hand in his and kiss it.
Gojo and Geto sighed while Choso did the same to your friend's hand.
“ I’m y/n, nice to meet you.”, You shook his hand and just as you’re about to drop it, he held on and brought it to his lips.
“ Nice to meet you too, y/n.”, Toji says before Gojo snatched his hand out of yours.
Gojo tilted his glasses with a huge hand and smiled at you, “ I’m Satoru Gojo, you can call me Gojo. We’re going to be great friends.”
You were honestly confused because who the hell was he to declare being your friend.
You took your left hand out of his before you heard a deep somber voice, “ I’m Geto, which stop are you ladies getting off of you don’t mind me asking?”
You turned to him and smiled, “ Why stalker?”
You were joking with him and from the looks of it, he caught on.
“ Maybe I should stalk a pretty girl like you but then again who does that when I can just talk with you instead.”, Geto says, licking his lips, showing a glimpse of his tongue ring.
You laughed, “ We’re going to the 99th floor, which means we’re about to get off now.”
“ Great, we’re getting off at that stop too.”, The guy with space buns says in a slow rhythmic voice. You almost melted by every last one of their voices.
“ I’m Choso by the way, it’s nice to meet gorgeous faces every once in a while.”, Choso says, making your friend smile widely while you gave him a cheeky smile before turning to the other three men, who were staring you down.
The elevator dinged and everyone filed out one by one.
They let you two pass and watched you both walk away.
“ She’s mine by the end of the night.”, Toji says, referring to you.
“ She’s not an object Toji and don’t you have a wife?”, Geto says.
Gojo laughed, “ I don’t know why you mentioned that when he’s cheating on her with multiple other women. He’s a dog.”
“ Shut the fuck up and let’s go before we have to the old man mouth and did any of you inform Sukuna dumb ass what today is?”, Toji asks while they were walking to the door where Nanami’s event was.
They still can’t believe that he managed to buy this entire building.
“ His dumbass said he’s going to be late, by late it means he isn’t coming until the end.”, Choso says, aggravated by the thought of Sukuna. He and Sukuna never got along just on certain occasions.
“ Yeah, but hold on. I just noticed that out of all the people , Toji called Nanami an old man, when he’s ancient compared to all of us. Tell you about the ancients.”, Gojo says, making geto and Choso laugh.
“ Shut the fuck up Gojo, damn! Talk too much!”, Toji semi-yells in irritation. Toji hates being called old because in his eyes, he still has it even if he has a teenage son and daughter now.
Meanwhile in the studio….
“ Y/F/N, don’t you think this may be out of our league even if it took 20 dollars to get in. I mean, what if we make a fool out of ourselves.”, You say looking around the big spacious room with a view to correspond with it.
“ It’s pottery, not no damn wipe-out. What’s the worst that can happen? Now sit down.”, Your friend said before they dragged you down on a seat beside them.
You grabbed your apron off the table your other supplies were at as Nanami walked in waving at the crowd.
It was too small and it wasn’t a giant crowd. It wasn’t a perfect size either, well not to you. You hated crowds.
“ Hello, everyone. You can call me Nanami or Kento . Welcome to Kento Crafts. I want to thank you all for coming to support me. I greatly and highly appreciate this. Please remember to have fun and enjoy yourselves with doing things you love. And for those who haven’t done pottery, You got this. I believe in you. Thank you all again and let’s get started.”, Nanami says before putting on his apron.
“ He's a sexy one.”, Your friend says, making your eyes widen.
“ Y/f/n! He’s the instructor, show some respect.”, You whispered, almost making them burst into laughter.
You two didn’t even notice the 4 men behind you eyeing you two in curiosity.
They were fascinated by you two.
“ Alright, are we all ready? You’re all going to turn on the pottery wheel and put the clay into the opening here. Are you all following along?”, Kento boomed throughout the room.
You smiled before pouring clay into the machine first and then turning it on meanwhile your friend was already trying to put her hands into the moving clay.
“ Hey, it’s not time for that yet. Pay attention.”, You whispered.
Nanami smiled once he saw you two talking before clearing his throat loudly making the room fall silent, “ Are you ladies done or do you want to take my job from me?”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment before you tried to form a sentence but nothing came out.
“ We’re sorry Mr.Nanami, please continue.”, Your friend spoke for you.
The entire time she was speaking his eyes never fell from you. He was mesmerized by the way your shyness illuminated you. It was refreshing to see, really.
“ Alright, now let’s continue. Now, when you shape your sculpture or art, you have to be careful or you’re going to fumble it completely. Gojo! Pay attention and stop staring at the woman in front of you.”, Kento yelled, annoyed with Gojo
Gojo smiled widely, “ Kento! Don’t be like that, can’t you see that she’s beautiful and besides I know how to do it already. You taught us a million times, didn’t he Geto?”
“ If by a million you mean 1 time, yes, yes he did.”, Geto says, making you laugh until you realize you were in front of Gojo.
“ Just be quiet and let me teach my class in peace. Please excuse my friend, he’s a bit troubling.”, Kento says before going back to teaching.
You felt eyes on the back of your head, several eyes really and started to feel your palms sweat.
Was there something in your hair? Did it mess up? Is your lace showing in the back?
“ Alright, did you all watch how I did that? Now I want you to sculpt your own piece. Bring your imagination to life through clay.”, Kento says before walking over to a person who had a question.
He really didn’t have a question because the whole time Nanami was speaking, he was ogling. You honestly couldn’t blame him.
Your clay started to build up, which meant it was time to sculpt.
You put your hand in on it to sculpt your vase and it completely went left because it was now clumped up making you frustrated as you try to fix it.
“ How the hell did you mess up that quickly and you just started?”, Your friend says, laughing at you trying to fix it.
“ I don’t know but help me!”, You whispered in a loud tone.
Gojo leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “ May I?”
“ Huh?”, You asked stupidly.
Gojo laughed, “ Here let me help you. You are panicking, I can see it in your body language. It’s quite funny, if I’m being honest.”
“ How is this funny?”, You asked him as he pulled a stool up to get behind you.
“ You twitching and turning your body is funny to me. Now may I?”, Gojo says, wrapping his arms around you.
You nodded as he laid his chin on your shoulder before taking your hands into his long hands.
“ Let me show you how to do it, princess. By the way, you smell so amazing.”, Gojo says.
You tried to hide your smile from him muttering a quick “ thank you”, but he caught on and smirked.
His hand was on top of yours guiding you to make your vase. Your fingers dance over the clay making a long cylinder out of the clay. You smiled at the result and Gojo smiled at you smiling because you were so pretty, beautiful to him.
“ Now, here comes the part you’ll mess up if you don’t curve right.”, Gojo says, lacing his finger inside of your hand on the outside making you choke on your saliva.
“ I’m sorry, do you have to hold my hand like this?”, You asked him.
His chuckles sent vibrations on your back, “ It’s the point of the entire thing called “guidance in pottery”. We can stop if you want?”
You shook your head no, “ No, it’s fine keep going.”
Gojo smiled before moving your hand to make the curve of your vase.
You went over that curve about 3 times before you made a cyclometer shape again.
“ You got someone in your life already?”, Gojo asked suddenly.
You turned to him before turning back to your art, “ Um, if I say yes, what’s going to happen?”
“ Nothing, you don’t want to happen.”, Gojo replied quickly.
You sighed before speaking again, “ No.”
“ No what?”, Gojo says slowly into your ear with a deep voice. His voice made you want to melt into a puddle of sex.
“ I’m single. Isn’t that what you’re asking me?”, You asked.
Gojo laughed, “ Yes, that’s exactly what I was doing, wait, there we go, you almost messed it up princess.��
You chuckled nervously before focusing again. “ Let's say If it comes out the way that you want completely, you repay me by going on a date with me, only if you want to.”
“ What happens if I say no?”, You asked cautiously.
You felt Gojo shrug, “ Then it’ll be a No. I wouldn’t pressure you to go on a date with me.”
You sighed before looking over at your friend who nudged you and nodded her head.
You thought about how long since you haven’t been on the scene. It has been 6 months since you haven’t been dating someone. Oh what the hell, why not?
“ Fine, we’ll get to know each other a lot better than just bonding over clay.”, You say. Gojo smiled, “ Great, we’ll talk more but right now, do this.”
He took your hand and bright it inside of the vase before taking the other hand and creating patterns along the vase.
“ That’s it, good girl.”, Gojo says once he sees the outcome of your vase lines. They were perfect.
You coughed hoping that’ll get rid of the heat in between your legs. Knowing damn well it can’t.
You both were covered in beige clay, just on the arms.
“ You say you did this only one time?”, You asked him. Gojo smirked, “ Yes, he showed me 1 month ago, it was pretty easy for me since I’m good at everything I do.”
“ Cocky much?”, You ask.
“ No, just confident.”, Gojo said before you looked at him only to find him staring down at you. His eyes were so blue and Crystal like, it honestly scared you a little.
“ Scared?”, Gojo says, moving your left hand up and down your vase.
“ No, just amazed. It looks like you got a layer underneath your eye, it’s cool.”, You say smiling at him.
To everyone else, you two looked like a couple taking this class together.
“ Okay, Gojo. I’m sure she knows how to do it now.”, Toji says in annoyance.
Geto held in a laugh as he saw Toji squint his eyes at Gojo. He was obviously mad Gojo got to you first.
“ Gotta go make my own vase, you keep doing what I taught you. Use your fingers to go inside of it and move them slowly inside while you stroke the outside to create more limes and from that, you just shape it and decorate it how you want to, when it dries of course.”, Gojo says while wiping his hands clean with the towel and soap on the side of your pottery wheel.
You looked away and nodded before he took a pencil and paper from the empty seat next to you and wrote his number down, placing it on the side of you.
“ Call me when you want to talk and I’ll let you know when I will take you out on the date.”. Gojo says before picking up the stool and setting it back to his area.
Gojo sat down and got a smile from Geto, a mean mug from Toji, and got ignored by Choso who was too focused on his vase.
Your friend gave you a look, the look you knew too well.
You looked away and did as you were told until the doors bust opened, hitting the wall with a loud bang.
“ I’m here, Ladies and gentlemen.”, A man with tattoos all over his arms and on his face says.
He was honestly scary looking, but he was captivating at the same time.
“ Sukuna, sit down, matter of fact, keep standing because the class is over in 3 minutes.”, Nanami said in a monotone.
You guessed that the pink-haired guy always showed up late.
“ Don’t be like that Nanami, I was just doing what people do to release stress, you should take my lesson and apply it to yourself old man.”, Sukuna says, strolling to Kento, messing up his hair.
Sukuna walked back with women and men staring at him like he was the last piece of cake.
“ Hey, you peasants are here. When did you make it?”, Sukuna says before turning his focus to you.
“ We’ve been here, dumbass and stop being so damn loud.”, Space-buns whispered.
“ As for the rest of you, you can all turn off your machines and clean yourselves off. It’s been a pleasure to spend time and get to know you all. I hope to see you all in the next class.”, Kento said in an authoritative but calm voice. A dangerous combination with a man.
You touched up your vase for the last time before turning off the machine and cleaned your hands.
“ Who’s the gorgeous ladies in front of you dicks?”, Sukuna said loudly, making your friend laugh while you tried not to laugh at his way of being quiet.
“ Don’t speak to them, you know how you ge-”, Gojo says before he realized sukuna was already in front of him when you were walking to the bathroom to wash your hands.
“ Hey, hey, hey, where are you going? I wanted to introduce myself to you and your friend here.”, Sukuna says with a wicked smile on his face.
Your friend wasn’t having it and walked around him occasionally stopping, waiting for you. You were about to walk around but every step you took, Sukuna took with you.
You were getting pretty annoyed but kept a little calm, “ Excuse me.”
Sukuna wasn’t about to move until he saw five men giving him their famous death glares behind your head. He smiled before putting his hands up, backing off, “ The name’s Sukuna princess. You too, beautiful.” He was referring to your friend, who gave him a tight smile before pulling you along.
You walked off with your friend while Sukuna faced five men who were tired of him already.
“ What?! She was fine as hell and I’m sure you all know it. I was just trying to get her number.”, Sukuna says
“ Yeah, well, she wasn’t interested and neither was her friend. Now where the hell have you been?”, Nanami says before pushing up his glasses with two long fingers.
“ I was fucking some chick in the bathroom, damn!”, Sukuna shouted. The five men were used to his ass being dramatic, so it didn’t faze them when he threw his arms up.
“ You were in the bathroom fucking when you should’ve been here. This is what I constantly talk about, I’m not inviting you to nothing els-”, Nanami said before he saw you come into view, your friend not too short after.
“ Thank you for the class today, we had fun.”, Your friend says as you nodded while taking off your apron.
You put back on your jacket before turning to find the men already gawking at you.
“ See you all next class.”, You say before walking off.
You suddenly stopped and turned to the men, holding up the sticky note smiling before walking off.
Gojo was internally screaming and on the outside he was red as hell. Everyone was shocked because he never blushed like that.
“ If she’s got you all like this, I’ll definitely be in the next class. When is it again?”, Sukuna asked after analyzing everyone’s faces while watching you walk away with your friend.
“ Not telling you.”, Nanami says before walking off.
Geto snickered while watching sukuna chase after Nanami yelling, “ Oh come on! Why?! She’s pretty, the friend is pretty. It’s really a win- win.”
“ The answer is no.”, Nanami said.
Everyone helped Nanami clean up except for Gojo, who was staring at an empty doorway.
“ Hope you call, y/n.”, Gojo whispers with a smile on his face.
“ Gojo, fucking help! Why is your dumbass just sitting right there, you dumb-fuck!”, Toji yelled, making everyone else laugh.
“ You can tell he’s mad at Gojo over the sweet lovely, y/n.”, Geto says, chuckling.
“ Shut your mouth you gremlin motherfucker.”, Toji says, making everyone laugh again.
The old man was losing his shit and everyone was enjoying it.
Taglist: @dejwrites
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
Would you be alright with writing some HCs about the brothers and a MC who's a trans guy? Sorry if it's a tall order or too vague, they're a big comfort for me and I'd like to see what ideas you have bcs your headcanons are fantastic ;w;
HELL YEAH DUDE!!!! IM ALSO TRANS!!! AH!!!!! demigirl rights :3 but i also find a huge comfort in the boys and i hc all of them as trans because no one can Stop Me •• but i really hope you enjoy these and remember you’re valid and i care u so much! Also i hope you don’t mind but i kinda made it gender neutral so every trans folk could enjoy!
The Brothers With A Trans MC
He didn’t know until you came out to him honestly. He knew all his other siblings were trans but with all the work Diavolo gave him and adding new students from different realms on top of that he hadn’t really had time to notice any minor changes in you.
He feels guilty about this and immediately makes sure(like everyone else)to ask for your pronouns, name, and how you would like to present yourself from now on.
Fixes your ID cards and your papers with Diavolo right after dinner
God. He’s such a dad and he gets you things that have your new name on them. You wake up to see you have a new pencil case with your name embroidered on it with matching pencils. God.....he’s so weird i love him so much
Asmo does most of your clothing shopping but for formal wear he takes you shopping! He’s not about to buy you some cheap tux or gown ok it’s gonna be over 2000 grim and he’s gonna get you three of them STOP HIM
He’s not the best with verbal affection so he writes down notes that are like “you looked very handsome/pretty today.” or when he first starts writing them they’re like “you’re a boy/girl/kid. i’m proud of you.” Thank u mr morningstar
You want surgery or to start hormones??? He will stop all his work with Diavolo and spend forever looking up things for you, he wants you to be as safe as possible(pls he almost fainted after he realized you’d have to give yourself a shot like everyday dhdhdhjdhd hc that demons/angels don’t have to do hormone therapy i’m so JEALOUS)
Practices saying your pronouns in his study when you first come out. He just wants to make sure you feel as safe as possible in his care(and he remembers how terrible it felt to be misgendered)
Guess what....he loves you no matter what :)
You’re blind as hell if you couldn’t see his top scars but I respect it
King DOES slip up on your pronoun change but always immediately corrects himself. Satan has a spray bottle that he sprays Mammon with when he does it. Mammon is NOT amused but the same can’t be said for Belphie.
Gender affirming activities??? Oh yeah like robbing a bank?? That’s pretty gender neutral and trans right?? Yeah!!! Wow such a good supportive brother.
If you want you can wear the formal wear Lucifer bought you to the said bank heist. Boom trans rights
You can practice painting his nails or doing his makeup if you’re too nervous to do it on yourself first!! Dw if it’s bad he also can’t do makeup or paint nails so once you let him return the favor you’re both laughing and Asmo is distraught.
KING at dying hair he will get you whatever you need and if you want an entire different hair cut entirely he’s ON it
Very used to being Loud and Brash but if you need someone to talk to about anything really he always calms down and sits down to listen to whatever you have to say.
Lots of gendered gifts from him. This said for men??? Oh ok adds to cart. Oh pink??? For ladies??? yeah that can go in there too
You’re never gonna believe this.....But he loves you and supports you :)
He was the first one to come out to you at the house!! He was just so excited! Same hat!!!
Gets literally any video game where you can design the protag/have custom pronouns and will play games like that with you for hours
Would you like a pride flag.....for u.....He has too many.....Please take the trans flag please he has no room....he bought in bulk for a pride event and didn’t consider the consequences of his actions
Miku binder but irl. He will get if for you but unironically.....thanks King. He just likes binders with patterns and i respect IT
Dysphoria?? He gives you his hoodie bc that was his trademark dysphoria hoodie and i GUESS for you he can share............he would give u anything just ask nicely he’s sensitive
Reads any character that matches up with your gender and is like!!!!! That’s you!!!! OMG!!!! You in da IRL
Goes back and edits his tweets if they use your old name or pronouns(also has he/they in his bio. this is for nothing just makes me :D)
If you haven’t chosen your name he’s gonna suggest so many fictional characters. POV levi kin assigns you.
You listen to music together that just has Trans Vibes.....maybe u cry together but there’s no judgment!! It’s just nice :)
God it’s wild but! He loves u and thinks ur great :)
Enby Satan. That’s all :)
He’s very quite about it, he supports you! He’s just not loud like his brothers
He brings you book about gender studies and LGBTQ history that he thinks would interest you(there some of his favorite books and they’ve made him feel the most comfortable in his gender)
Gives you a name list if you haven’t named yourself yet! He cares about you and wants to make sure you have the right name that suits you
He’s the one that tells you that it’s ok if you’re still figuring it all out, learning about yourself is a very tricky process and if anyone knows that it’s Satan
Any of the brothers would kill anyone who misgendered you but with Satan that shit is ON SIGHT
Asks you how you know and what were the signs that gave it away to you, but only if you’re comfortable telling him!! He just finds everyone’s experience interesting and would like to know yours as well.
Spells for fucking DAYS Satan personally kills body dysphoria the best he can(mainly bc he’s HIGHKEY afraid of you getting surgery he hates knives so much)
Makes your comfort food for you when you’re feeling down about yourself and will read whatever you want to hear outloud to you.
!!!!!! GET THIS !!!!!! He loves YOU :0
Fucking excited!!!! This means you two are going to buy so much clothing together and he gets to style you let’s GO
Buys you whatever you want but he will make you try it all on so be CAREFUL what u wish for.....ur gonna be there till the store closes yeah......
Paints your nails with the trans pride flag!! Also does your makeup and gives you tips on how to look more masculine or fem!!
He will help you lower or raise the pitch of your voice if it KILLS him. It eventually becomes like a mini class after school
Helps with internalized transphobia! Hes dealt with his fair share and knows how awful it can be and he will NOT being having you experience that as well we r practicing Self Care now
Picks apart any one who misgenders you until they’re crying he has NO fucking time for that behavior in this HOUSE
Sometimes self care is eating whatever you want and sitting in the dysphoria hoodies while watching chick flicks with Asmo
He likes dressing you up but he’s always sure to set boundaries so he never puts you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable
ALSO edits his posts and takes down anything that makes you uncomfortable!!
He loves you so much!!!!
another one to hand you The Dysphoria Hoodie and it’s very large and comfy!
he’ll help you make out a work out routine that will help you get the body you want and it makes him really happy to work out with you :)
he’s gonna hold your hand if you have to take shots and will give you puppy eyes if you don’t let him. He’s just worried!!!! He wants to help
stands behind you whenever you’re nervous about coming out to someone, he will NOT have someone making you feel bad or misgendering you
he’ll see food with trans pride colors and gives it too you, probably doesn’t even know what it is half the time but it made him think of you so he makes sure to get it for you
he doesn’t trip up on any of your new pronouns or name and makes it seem like he never even knew them. dead name???? what’s that??? a type of sauce?????
will let you vent to him whenever needed and will always make you a sundae after you’ve finished. it’s comically huge but it’s tasty and does make you feel a lot better, thanks beel
makes sure you remember to take off your binder if you’ve been wearing it for more than eight hours! and if you’ve been wearing heels to feel more fem he reminds you to take those off too and has a pair of slippers for you in his room that you can wear instead
hey! get this! He loves you so, so much :D
you’re trans? ok kid join the club. he doesn’t make a big deal at all
are you still gonna cuddle with him and join him in his quest to make lucifer’s life difficult? yeah? ok then cool what’s ur name 
if he hears someone misgender you he waits till you’ve left the room and just kills whoever did it, dude’s unhinged what did you expect from him honestly
he’s actually really curious about any hormone therapy you’re on and likes listening to you rant about it to him. he likes seeing your face light up and it partly reminds him of lilith
calls your hormones something stupid like “oh dude, your gamer girl juice arrived.” or “hey your little man potion is here.” ...thanks belphie
will NOT let you sleep in a binder or push up bra!!! not healthy!! let ur chest breath guys 
like mammon, he gets you gendered gifts but they’re so fucking weird? you didn’t need a girls version of a collectable hot wheels set???? he got you blue lightning mcqueen sheets?????? those EXIST here????!!!!! when does he even shop......
introduces you to new people like “this is our resident boy/girl/human. they don’t do much but i think they’re cool.”
he really does care about you but he remembers when he came out he just didnt want people to make a big deal about it so he’s just doing what would have made him feel the most comfortable, but you can still see how much love he has for you when you look into his eyes
he loves you, so, so much :)
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atsumiyass · 3 years
Bakusquad during christmas
here’s a lil something for christmas since i’m feelin in the spirit - venus
warnings: fluff, platonic relationships
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Katsuki Bakugou
Bakugou would definitely take on cooking duty.
We all know mans can cook BOMB ASS FOOD.
He literally wouldn't let anyone else take on the job so...
But I feel like if you tried to help out he wouldn’t care as much
Bc he has a soft spot for you, ofc.
Also bc he knows you can cook pretty good as well.
So you both spend the afternoon cooking together.
Which turned out to be fun...
Apart from when you almost burned down the whole dorm building but we dont talk about that.
Once you finished putting away the food for tomorrow, you had the amazing idea of watching a Christmas movie to get into the spirit and relax after all your hard work.
it took some begging, but he finally agreed.
as long as you watched whatever he wanted, of course
but i mean who were you to say no to Bakugou
you made your way to his dorm since he had a tv and you didn’t
lucky prick
he put the disc in and you both settled on the wall where his bed was, a few feet apart from each other
but you’re y/n, and you’re in desperate need of attention
and it was cold
and Bakugou just happened to be a couple feet away
so the only logical option would be to snuggle up next to him
it took some courage but when you did, he surprisingly didn’t mind
he actually put his arm around you.
you took the chance and snuggled in closer.
soft Bakugou was a once in a lifetime experience, you had to take advantage of it.
especially since he would never act like this in front of the others
“so do you think they’ll like the food?” you asked, looking up at him.
“hell yeah they will, we made it didn’t we?” He replied, not looking away from the screen.
you smiled and turned back to the movie.
This Christmas was gonna be one to remember, thats for sure.
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Eijirou Kirishima
This baby is on christmas tree duty
he asked you to tag along tho, for support
and bc he has a lil crush on you but you didn’t hear it from me (;
you both get to the common area and take a look at the empty Christmas tree
its huge.
as tall as the ceiling huge.
you might have to call Uraraka for this one
you looked at each other like
“this is gonna take awhile.”
so you both get to work, first stringing the multi-colored lights around the tree
luckily they didn’t get all tangled up in the tree, so it didn’t take that long
(you actually ended up calling Uraraka to help you since it was so high up)
Once that was done, you continued on with the tinsel.
which ended up in it all getting tangled from you both fooling around.
in the trash it goes.
Next was the ornaments.
They varied from red, to white, to even hero themed ones.
you started from the bottom this time, not wanting to get Uraraka again
you decided to turn on some christmas music to set the mood since you both were just sitting in awkward silence for a hot minute
i hc that kiri get shy around his crush pls
so once you got the perfect spotify playlist going you went back to working on the tree, humming along to the song.
little did you know Kirishima was on the other side of the tree, having an internal conflict.
does he talk to you? does he make a joke? does he not say anything? does he-
“hey do we have anymore red ones?” he heard your voice, making him breathe a sigh of relief.
“yeah here..” he said going to grab one.
but ofc you didn’t hear him
so you also went to go grab one
and just like those cheesy romance movies
your hand landed on top of his.
you both looked up at each other and quickly pulled your hands back.
You felt your face heat up as you nervously laughed and picked up the ornament, making your way back to your side of the tree.
my shy, oblivious babies tsk tsk 
Soon enough you finished all the ornaments and stood back to observe your work.
it honestly looked really good.
“wow Eji, it looks great dontcha think?” you asked, turning towards him.
“Yeah we did a super good job! great work y/n!” He said, giving you his signature sharky smile along with a thumbs up
your heart: doki doki
Suddenly a light bulb went off in your head
you had forgotten the star!!!
the most important part!!!!!
wtf y/n smh do better
you dug around in the christmas box for the star, which you soon found.
“hey could you go get Ochaco again? we gotta put up the star.” You called out to him.
“I think she’s out training with the other girls, i’m sure we can handle it.” he said confidently.
you guys couldn’t handle it.
somehow you ended up on top of him after falling off his shoulders.
could this get anymore cliché srsly.
luckily the star hadn't broke, so with the help of Ochaco this time, you got it up all nice and snug.
You plugged in the cords and the tree lit up, the rainbow lights and golden star illuminating the room.
your eyes sparkled in admiration, as the whole class gawked at you and Kirishimas work.
“You’re such a good team guys!” Yaoyorozu said, clapping her hands together with a smile.
and that, you were.
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Denki Kaminari
Denki our electric boy would be on presents duty.
how did you end up tagging along with him? 
you offered to go, like the kind person you are.
you actually wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t accidently break something or pick up the wrong presents.
either way
you both arrived at the first store to pick up Mr. Aizawas present, since the whole class chipped in to get him something as a thank you.
you got to the counter and gave the clerk the receipt, and they went to the back to get the order.
what you didn’t know was that while you were there, Kaminari was wondering around the store touching everything he possibly could.
it was only a matter of time before he broke something
you soon realize he isn’t behind you so you go to look for him since the clerk is still in the back
“Kaminari? Where did you go?” You call out to him, but hear no response.
You continue in the store, searching every rack to see if he was hiding inside (yes Denki is childish what about it)
you do end up finding him though
just, not in the way you would imagine.
“Denki what happened?” You asked, speed walking over to a stupefied Kaminari
you saw two batteries on the ground and connected the dots.
of course.
you sighed, picking up the batteries and putting them back on the shelf.
“c’mon you big oaf, lets get back.” you sighed again, guiding Kaminari back to the front
once you got back to the counter the clerk had already come back, present in hand.
they looked at you like “da fawk are these bitches doing”
you grabbed the bag from the counter, thanked the clerk, and left. 
(yes you paid smh you aint no robber)
Hand in hand with Kaminari you made it back to the dorms in one piece thankfully and by that time he had gotten back to a somewhat normal state
as normal as he can be
When the rest of the class asked what happened, you told them:
“just Kaminari, being Kaminari.”
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Mina Ashido
you and Mina would def go ugly sweater shopping together.
both of you would force the guys (Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero) to wear them all throughout the Christmas party.
so you headed over to the nearest mall to pick some out for everyone, since (in Minas words) you both have “exquisite taste in fashion”.
which you dont, but they dont know that.
Once you entered the shop you both sprinted and got yelled at to the sweaters section and started to look through the racks.
“Ouu this one just screams Bakugou!” she exclaimed, pulling one from the rack.
It was red, covered in stars, ornaments, and ugly santas with orange words that read ‘Merry Christmas’ across the sweater in cursive.
yeah he would hate it, but then again thats the whole point.
“definitely, lets get it.”
After about an hour or so of picking out unique (ugly asf) sweaters for each of the boys, you paid and left the store.
The day of the party soon rolled around and you got your sweaters on, heading over to the boys’ dorms to give them theirs.
Bakugou: Hell no!
Y/n: pretty pleaseee *puppy dog eyes*
Bakugou: .....fine.
Kirishima: aw yeah cool! I'm gonna look super manly in this!
Sero: I have a bad feeling about this, eh whatever.
Kaminari: we’re gonna look so stupid in these hahaha!
Once they all came out in their sweaters, you and Mina had a whole ass FIT OF LAUGHER 
like I'm talking a good 10 minutes on the floor.
After getting yelled at by Bakugou, you headed over to everyone else.
but not before fist bumping Mina in victory.
“We’re so doing this next year.”
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felassan · 3 years
Thoughts on Dark Fortress #2
(This post is under a cut due to spoilers.)
So late with this one! some stuff irl was keeping me really busy and hyper-distracting me lately, but it’s finally over now so I’m back on my bioware bullshit. :D
Overall there were a lot of beautiful or awe-inspiring scenes in this issue, and a lot of great, meaningful / poignant character interactions and moments between characters. It’s pretty impressive actually how much was able to be packed in. I posted some of my favorite panels here. also omg! the action sequences! the big reveal! the ending!! woww
cool scene-setting, panned out shot of Neromenian and behind it, the Dark Fortress, to immediately pull you back into the world and ‘where we left off’. the combination of ruined dead trees, red lights, lightning and fire/smoke is very atmospheric and hints at what’s ahead
“From this... city, if we can call it that” is a sick burn and reminds you that the Qunari are technologically more advanced than most of the rest of Thedas, from their cannons to their aqueducts
more individually distinct Qunari soldiers, sth I again appreciate
! last issue there were big ‘You haven’t seen the last of Tractus!’ vibes, naturally, but I didn’t expect him to escape by stabbing and killing the Qunari using a chair-leg..!!
the last panel on the first page of Karasten is really good. the way it’s colored, the way it’s lit, the light and shadow, the fiery backdrop, cinders floating, the details of his expression.. 👌 it also makes me think to the possible future, to DA4 when mainland Thedas may be continuing to face the entirety of the Antaam
in Vaea’s acrobatics scene on the bridge, I know rationally that she’ll be fine but couldn’t help but worry for her. again I like how they don’t shy away from showcasing Vaea’s specific abilities. also the attention to detail - you’d think some rocks are just some rocks, but it highlights the risk she’s undertaking that if she falls it’s into rough seas which could dash her against the jagged rocks :’S. Vaea, gooooo!
Fenris’ “Enterprising girl” line has big “Clever girl” meme energy :D
my heart can’t take Fran and Autumn leaning over the edge after Vaea in worry ;; or Aaron looking back in concern over his shoulder ;; or Fran’s tender reassurance ;; or Autumn’s Worried expression ;; the care and bonds which have grown between this group of characters ;;
notice Aaron starts drinking when Vaea’s away from them and they’re beginning to grow worried about her safety. the poor man’s nerves and stress levels
Fran touching the vegetation while she’s considering if she could use her magic to open the entrance from the outside is a nice touch
did Marius leap in front of Fenris and Fran there when the entrance opened?? damn, he’s quick. and the three of them look all scary and formidable here ready for combat. notice how the curve of the door and the spikes that go into the ground, and the composition of this panel, make it look like they’re standing in front of an opened dragon’s maw? ‘teeth’, a rumbling ‘roar’.. some nice foreshadowing here.
the reunion panels are so cute. Autumn’s lil tum as she jumps and Fran and Fenris’ lil smiles of relief and at Autumn’s reaction to seeing Vaea, then a rare happy beam from Aaron.. feel.. the love ;__;
red lighting in the tunnel sets a dangerous, dramatic build-up mood
👀 more info on Fenris’ past, on the specifics of the process which gave him his markings. in the panel where he says that it took a long time, his shadow on the wall behind him reminds me of the shadow of his past that has dogged him for so long :(
Fenris and Marius height difference
discussion of the process shows the power difference between blue and red lyrium. blue lyrium took a long time, red lyrium is almost instant
Autumn is such an intrepid little explorer and alert scout, tail and ears up, head forward. good girl!
“I just... worry about you, my girl”  ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚  I’ll be so sad if these are death flags for Aaron and he doesn’t make it out of here. also note Fran in this panel, who recently had to kill her own father and is still dealing with that, watching the strongly paternal moment between Aaron and Vaea :(
love Vaea’s faith in Aaron and her sense of humor. also I don’t know why, maybe it’s because Vaea met Sebastian, but her “Maker, no!”, although in a completely different and light-hearted context, reminds me of Sebastian’s “Maker nooo!” at the end of DA2 hh
the reference again to Hawke, who Fenris saw haunted by what they tried to do - save their mother - and couldn’t :’(. also with the shadow in this panel, here’s another person struggling with the shadow of his past qq. this is later emphasized again in Aaron when he continues to talk about his past and in the panel is a chain and manacle. smart visual metaphors, a must in the comic medium with limited space
mushroom skull 💀🍄
“It isn’t about what I’ve done. It isn’t about my failures. Or my choices. It’s about their impact” - he’s misty-eyed here as he thinks back to Ostagar.. does this line btw seem almost meta to anyone else btw? :D it feels like a meta reference to the experience of DA players and PCs, who are always having to deal with the impacts of their choices
I wanna point out that I was right on reading issue #1, when I said “I’m positive that in panel 2 here, it’s the exact moment when he sees Cailan die” ;;
So Aaron is also a veteran of the Battle of Denerim
reference to the Hero of Ferelden - “Those were someone else’s battles”. I’m being captain obvious here but I can’t help but [heart pitter-patter] at any and all references to the HoF
I like the.. parallel? is that the word? Aaron’s stories were him trying to inspire people to make a change, or him trying to convince himself of that. and now here’s Vaea, inspiring Aaron with her words in these panels. the little guys can make a difference! in the world of Thedas, you don’t need to be a big bombastic hero or a Player Character to have an impact 
lmao Fenris right on cue. the moments of humor/light-heartedness are nice because they break up the tension and are sprinkled throughout without derailing build-up or taking away from dramatic story impact. yknow?
yeah Aaron!! leave it behind. leave it to rot with mr mushroom skull (and hey the mushroom skull was there for a reason). again tho if this is a death flag i 
Fenris straight down to business with the tactics
its cute how close Autumn has been sticking to Fran
Tessa checking in on Fran again, as she did in issue 1
Could Vaea’s “Well, shit” be an homage to Varric? :D they have met
I also wanna point out that I was right on reading issue #1, when I said “My guess is that the thing Tractus shows Marquette and Nenealeus is probably a chained up dragon or similar”
the poor dragon :’( big dragon the Qunari had in Trespasser vibes
the sword has a really cool design, kind of reminds me of something a samurai might be depicted wielding
👀 lore-drop! so ancient elven arcane warriors used lyrium-infused swords. this seems to confirm the sarcophagus is an ancient elven artifact, no? makes sense, wasn’t it said that the sarcophagus’ design was based on the architecture/outfit-design type elements of a specific faction, and that this was done intentionally? it looks kinda ancient elfy in make, right? also about the lyrium-infused swords of the arcane warriors, well well well.. remember that the Evanuris and the ancient elves mined the bodies of Titans for lyrium, for power and to use as a resource. here’s an example of that use
as I read through this portion I became increasingly concerned for my boy Shirallas.. we really are in it now aren’t we 😭
the Qunari are launching STRAIGHT-UP ROCKETS ohhhh
pretty ‘lightshow’ over the wall in the “Let’s hope the fortress is as secure as Danarius boasted” panel hh
protective older brother Fenris, impish younger sister Vaea. love that dynamic, we love to see it. sheepish and exasperated Fenris is so cute
the Bone Pit dragon fight with Hawke and co reference!
I wonder how long the dragon has been captive here, and how Danarius/Tractus was able to capture it
lore-wise what are the implications here? when Fenris’ ritual was being undertaken, the sword and the sarcophagus were bombarded with magic, fire spells. in this one they aim to have the dragon bombard it with fire-breathing. is it just fire that makes it work/powers it, or is there magic in dragonfire, in dragons? it reminds me of “Your heart beats with the old blood, as well. Where do you think it comes from? It sings of a time when dragons ruled the skies. A time before the Veil, before the mysteries were forgotten. Can you hear it?”
purple color for the dragon’s growling sounds/typeset is a great idea
lets.. goooo!!!!
Marquette is such a nerd. later on when he activates the sarcophagus he has mad scientist vibes
the dramatic reunion face-offs begin!! as the prophecy foretold!!!!1
true to form, Marius DOES have nothing to say ahahaha, even at this, his personal climax. maybe Marius dies in the next issue, but Tessa lives and gets to go back to Charter
these Venatori look almost Star Wars
Shirallas my boyy.. nooo... don’t do it 😭
ah ah ah! try casting magic with no ARMS
Francesca a beacon of blue light and goodness
the splash combat page is masterful. everyone playing a part, so much going on, everything happening at once. a thing that sticks out to me about it is Aaron’s outstretched hand and alarm as he watches Fran fall 
Autumn with her lil hackles raised
“The Venatori have returned” dun dun dunn
goodbye Shirallas 😭😭😭
the composition of the second to last page with triangle/diamond-shaped panels and the framing of dragon wings is awesome
the Dread Wolf rises, “the Tevinter Imperium will rise again”.. on-point on-point cohesion
there he is, the red wraith
Super Saiyan Shirallas
what a note to end an issue on
wow wow wow!!
and separate to the above, some speculation based on the cover of Issue 3: the piece of metal looks like a broken collar coming off Shirallas, like the one there was on the cover of Issue 2 coming off the dragon. also he’s all bulky now with draconic talons/claws (reminds me of in-world legends of Reavers who dug too deep of their own power after drinking dragon blood and whose bodies consequently began to manifest subtle reptilian traits actually). I’ll be interested to see what results of this allusion between Shirallas and the dragon!!
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senjuushi · 3 years
Translation: Cutlery’s Fantastic X-Mas
Another translation in very good time! o3o Despite being eleven pages long, I got this done pretty quickly, somehow? It’s hilarious. Nothing like Hokusai shaking a bomb in 89′s face because he doesn’t realize that most other people do care if they die. XD Also, 89′s crush on Mikhael (and tendency to form crushes, in general), is the cutest thing. I love his brief moment of hope... 
Also, Cutlery and Kunitomo are two of the Antiques. Don’t mind them. 
Episode 2: Strategy on the Eve of Christmas Eve
89: Ugh, it’s cold... I seriously can’t do missions on days like this.
Hokusai: For someone so weak to the cold... Ta-da! A present made special by me, hot-hot bomb number three!
89: The fuck is that blue thing? A tennis ball?
Hokusai: Nein! It contains a particular chemical developed by me~
Hokusai: Just rattle it around, give it a shake, and... amazing~! In the blink of an eye, it gets piping hot! And just like that, I’m nice and warm!
Hokusai: Since it’s still in the prototype phase, every so often, the chemical reaction will increase to an excessive degree, and it’ll explode~ Ahahaha!
89: Damn it, don’t laugh... Tell me that part from the beginning...
. . .
Soldier A: ...hm? Hey, is there no one over that way?
Soldier B: A resident? ...no, can’t be. There aren’t any people left in the ruins of a town like this.
Soldier A: ...ah! He’s escaping! Hold it right there!!
Soldier B: Here he is! This way!
Cutlery: Hah... these guys are persistent. This is bad, but I can’t let myself cause trouble for everyone again—!
Soldier A & B: Aaaah...!
. . .
89: ...hey, what the hell’s that noise?
Soldier A: W-We pursued a... suspicious individual... and... he fought back...
Soldier A: ...th-the enemy has a small-sized gun... A knife...
Hokusai: Uh-oh~ Did he just die?
89: He passed out, that’s all. Anyway, are we supposed to chase that other guy?
Hokusai: Yep, yep, roger~!
89: A small-sized gun... and a knife, huh? I feel like I heard something about that recently...
...maybe I imagined it.
Episode 5: Turn-Around Victory
89: Tch... The snow is so intense, I can hardly follow the footprints in it. This fucking cold shit’s such a pain...
Hokusai: Well, it’s useless to just wander around. I wanna go home and get back to my experiment... and give it another try!
89: Agreed. Let’s hurry up and go home.
Hokusai: ...oh? It looks awfully crowded over there, huh? 89-kun, before we go home, let’s go have a look~!
Hokusai: Woah! So cool! But it for sure loses points for all that red. Prussian blue is best, after all!
89: ...that’s right. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve...
Hokusai: Oh, what’s this~? What’s the matter, 89-kun?
89: Nothing at all.
89: ...ah!
Woman: Aah! I’m so sorry! You’re not hurt, are you?
89: N-No... That much isn’t gonna—
Man: Whoah there! Are you okay, my sweetheart? Here, hold onto my arm. Don’t fall again, alright?
Woman: Hehe, thank you. I love you, darling. ♡
89: ...........
89: Damn it... I hate Christmas bringing out all this gross, sappy shit...! Normies should all go die...! Normie guns too...!
Mikhael: Such a resentful voice right before the holy night... such a lack of peace.
Hokusai: What’s this!? Mikhael-kun! Quite the coincidence to meet you here. What’cha doing?
Mikhael: I came here to decide on Christmas ornaments. Ones to offer to our Master for the upcoming piano reception.
Mikhael: If the venue has an enchanting atmosphere, won’t the guests enjoy it even more?
89: Huh... You’re doing something real refined there, I guess.
Mikhael: Yes, precisely... And these are written invitations for you two. Here you are, 89. Hokusai.
89: Wha...! I-Is that really okay!? Wow, this is insane... A Christmas piano concert....!
Hokusai: Mikhael-kun’s piano, hm? It’s been quite a while since I last heard it, so I’m sure this’ll be fun~
89: ...’kay! For the sake of tomorrow, let’s hurry up and catch this guy who escaped!
Hokusai: Oh, you’re suddenly motivated, aren’t you? Well, we can have a good look around here too. Let’s go~!
Episode 8: A Meeting in the Same Town?
Mikhael: A rose ornament the color of blood in the midst of a pure white mall.
Mikhael: ...yes. This one appears to be quite high-quality. May I have it?
Kunitomo: Of course. Thank you for your business!
Soldier A: Here’s the payment. Please, pack everything up quickly.
Kunitomo: Thank you very much for your payment. I’ll have all of your purchases loaded onto this truck right away~!
Hokusai: Hey, Mikhael-kun. What sort of song are you going to play at the reception?
Mikhael: A requested one, composed by Bach. It’s a classic song for Christmastime.
89: Haah, this is useless. We’ll never find him. Anyway, couldn’t he have just frozen to death in the cold already?
89: ...that’s a believable story. Anyone wanna say that’s what happened?
Hokusai: What’s this, are you giving up now, 89-kun?
89: Yeah. ...fuck, I can’t keep doing this. Everywhere I look, all of these disgusting couples are ogling each other...
89: Thanks to that, my life points are dropping...
Kunitomo: Welcome in~ Are you looking for something, in particular?
89: You... Are you Japanese? That’s pretty rare here.
Kunitomo: H-Haha, that’s what I’m told~
89: Do you live here? Or what—
Mikhael: 89? The shopping is taken care of. We were about to return to the castle, but... You two are still lingering here?
89: Oh... Wait a s-sec, I’ll be right back...!
Kunitomo: ..........
Kunitomo: Th-Th-That gas mask... Could he have been one of the Modern gun Musketeers!?
Kunitomo: Aaaah, he didn’t realize I’m a Musketeer too, right? Haah~ That was so scary...
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hoedameron · 3 years
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typically i don’t talk about the gifs that i make for myself but i am in a chatty mood so we’re have a socratic seminar right now.
also, before i get started, you can use these headers if you’d like! literally everything you see on this blog are freebies tbh. just a forewarning that the cas one is not the standard 640 px width because i was experimenting with something so just...be mindful of that <3 no need to credit unless you feel inclined to! just know i spent...quite awhile on them xx
i get most of my ideas for spn gif headers by seeings gifs on the tl that make me go “you know what? this would make for a great header” and run with that. i do pray that the op put the season and episode in the tags and if they don’t...SHH don’t laugh but if i’m desperate enough, i actually go through the tags to see if any hardcore stan knows the exact szn/ep. other times, i write some scenes down in my journal that i think would be great but again, those written down are definitely from scenes i saw in gifsets. call me unoriginal idc i’m just making things that make me happy and i know would be hella sexy.
let’s talk about how fucking LONG it takes to down/load an episode of supernatural like....i deadass spent five hours downloading plucky pennywhistle’s magical menagerie and around three hours to download the man who would be king....is it just best to t/orrent the whole ass season or WHAT like i’m deadass about to do that for any spn gifs i wanna make because that ajsdajksldjksla RIDICULOUSLY FUNNY. i’m not even that mad like it humbles me and it shows how dedicated i am to the craft. if anybody has tips for t/orrenting old spn episodes, please hmu because i would like to make more content in the future but this is a big hurdle on why i hesitate to create content for this show (among other things BUT this is one of the biggest reasons). you could have the fastest wifi speed the world has to offer pero if that bitch has no seeds...
for the castiel header: i had three different colorings for him. i really wanted to bring out his eyes because that is what drew me to make the header in the first place. y’all know that as a gifmaker, i really like making my gifs warmer and using pale/aesthetic coloring is so out of my wheelhouse and not my forte...but i do try to branch out of my comfort zone. back to the eyes, i went through a lot of psds, tinkering with their settings, and came out with three of them: the warm one that i did end up using and two pale-ish ones. the other third one isn’t here because i ultimately determined that it’s basically this one here but a lot lighter. the coloring made cas almost a ghost so i’m like...we still need to keep SOME of his skin tone even if it’s a lack thereof...okay, the reason why that this one doesn’t have the typical 640 px dimension is because i wanted to keep...how do i say this...i wanted to keep some of his facial structure? because the scene is really focused on cas’ face so it’s the entire frame. because tumblr is the way it is, it cuts at a weird spot where he looks like that bitch from doctor who all stretched out. so in an attempt to prevent that, i made it in this dimension where it’s basically me free handing the crop but ultimately it didn’t do anything lol. so i basically went back and made an entirely new gif with one of the colorings i saved and ta-da!
for the sam header: going in, i knew it was going to be a dark lit scene. i knew i had specific spn colorings that have been useful for shows outside of supernatural so i was like...i mean, tried and true, eh? i went through about six colorings until i finally settled on like...four. the first two of the six, though colorful, really made sam’s skin a bit...washed out. the next two were...basic. one of those basic coloring was the dark spn coloring and though it looked okay, there wasn’t any flavor to it. if i can be colorful in a gif, i will definitely climb up that tree. i love and admire vibrant gifs so if i can do that, oh man, it’s such a fun feeling because it’s like WOW i actually did that! then there were two colorings that were really, REALLY good because one of them was vibrant but it also had a subtlety to the gif. the other one was vibrant and brought out the blue in the background. it was a hard decision but i did save both of them and was like well, this is a problem for future me. i was actually surprised that the glitter on sam’s jacket and shirt didn’t up the mb because it definitely had me worried there. i also thought about making this gif header as another scene but realized it was a little too short for my liking (it was when he was surrounded by clowns but they magically disappear into thin air, leaving glitter in their wake). really love how this gif turned out :)
and yeah, that’s all i got to say about them. everything went smoothly with the sharpening, no problems on that front...i thought about opening up my inbox for suggestions of what scenes i should gif pero i’m afraid that 1) nobody will respond, 2) i will get some strange requests, or 3) i will get a lot of them. i would love to create more but i am like..creatively stuck. i don’t typically make those fancy edits with templates, i am more of a practical gifmaker aka i just stick to the original material. who knows...maybe i’ll be pushed and motivated...thanks for taking the time to read this !!
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keywestlou · 3 years
My life has changed.
The 412 days of self-quarantine responsible.
I have been out of quarantine for 10 days. I couldn’t wait. It would be back on the street again. Before coronavirus, I was out almost every night. In my recent 10 days of freedom, only 4.
The quarantine changed my way of life. I prefer remaining in than going out. Can’t believe it. Not healthy. Funny, but I obviously have to work at returning to my old ways.
The first 3 nights out, each evening lasted 2 hours.
One thing I must admit. I am uncomfortable being close to people.
Last night was a biggie for me. Out 4 hours! With 6 other people. Wow!
Guy deBoer was having a small get together at his home. Cocktails at 5. Like Cocktails at 7, except more people.
Started at 5. I assumed we were going to enjoy each other and a drink or 2, and I would be home at 7. Didn’t work that way. I was up late. The party did not break up till 9.
Good company! I had met Fred a few nights before. A New York labor lawyer. Met his wife Joanne last night. Attractive. In fact all 3 of the ladies were attractive.
Dave I had met previously also. A retired anesthesiologist from the New York area. Wife EB. Enjoys being called EB. Short for Ennid Berger.
EB and I have a lot in common. Retired lawyers. A Fordham law grad. She in the business/corporate world. I the enviromental.
Mimi. Unfortunately, her husband passed on 2 years ago. Did not spend enough time chatting with her. Hopefully, if their is a next time.
The two married couples and Mimi own homes in Key West.
The conversation was light and funny. The atmosphere easy going. Nothing heavy. The way it is with retirees in Key West. They come here to play. To leave their other lives behind. Playing means reverting to their younger days.
We had that type of gathering last night. We did not turn out the lights after a while, however. Even if we wanted to, the sun never went down. We were seated outside the whole evening. Guy’s home is on the Riviera canal.
All of a sudden, it was eating time. All easy. We ordered Chinese delivered. Then pigged out.
I enjoyed myself.
When out again is the question. I know I will be out monday night with Jean and Joe Thornton. We are having dinner at La Te Da. I look forward to being with my friends who saved my life during Hurricane Irma. It was their home I escaped to in Birmingham for 12 days. It was also that experience with them that formed the basis for my book Irma and Me.
Seems like everything gets out of hand at some point in life. A systemic racial discrimination debate was held at UCLA earlier this week. The observations from the floor as the final point in the program interesting.
A black female student rose and said that high tech soap dispensers were systemically racist against black people.
Would you believe?
The story.
The dispensers being discussed are those found in public rest rooms. The tiny machines on the wall that emit gobs of liquid soap when you place your hands under them.
The first black woman said the dispensers “don’t see her hands” because of her dark pigment. Another black female student said the dispensers force “black and brown persons to show their palms” because their palms are the “only light areas of their skin.”
Black students at UCLA were not the only ones to express concern. The event was zoomed. Some 80 other blacks joined in agreeing that the dispensers represented “systemic racism and white supremacy.”
Some claimed the dispensers were part of a “conspiracy.” The conspiracy theory pops up in most things involving racism these days. The belief expressed by many was that systemic racism exits everywhere and involves everything.
Those who spoke at the event itself called it their”lived experience” as proof.
The facts completely negate the systemic racism theory. Sensors of soap dispensers don’t see human hands. The dispensers do not have eyes. They work by using a simple device called a PR sensor which recognizes infrared light which is emitted by all people, regardless of color.
Blacks and other persons of color are on a role. Things are swiftly moving positively in their direction. They should beware lest they move so fast that there is a fallout which will wipe out the achievements being gained. That which has been gained in not yet set in stone.
Example. Post trial happenings related to George Floyd’s death have already moved a step too far. The fallout occurring is the kind of activity that will encourage reaction.
A “zone” has developed in the area where Floyd’s death occurred. Signs have been placed advising the area is “sacred space for community, public grief, and protest.”
Special rules are listed which are “for white people in particular.” Yup, “special rules” for whites. The message to whites is abide or get out or perhaps we’ll throw you out.
The “zone” is beginning to resemble something akin to a “religious cult encampment.” Baptisms are publicly being performed on the street in a large metal tub. Some blacks involved with the “zone” claim miracles have occurred.
The “zone” and everything associated with it is unhealthy in my opinion. Gains can be lost. Aggression develop.
The world has changed to the good for blacks in certain regards. Recall they once were considered “property”. Even by the Supreme Court.
The Key West Citizen has been  following the life of William Healy in the Key West world of 1856. On this date in 1856, Healy recorded the following in his digest: “John Geiger has sold the Longa to Manuel Farina for a negro boy valued at $600 and $800…..Drew up a bill of sale for the boy.”
Enjoy your day!
KIDS AGAIN was originally published on Key West Lou
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 13 - A Work of Art
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Varian was just putting away the last piece of the portal when Honey Lemon burst through the lab door. He and the rest of their friends were packing up his stuff to move into his new private laboratory. Having disassembled the device yesterday, he planned on moving everything today and to start rebuilding upon the morrow. If all went well, he could have his invention up and running again by Friday. 
Honey Lemon however took no notice of the task her friends were currently busy with. She was far too excited about the news she had to share while she waved two small slips of paper in the air. 
"Guess what I have?!" She exclaimed in a singsong voice and, before anybody could answer, blurted out, "Tickets to the newest exhibit at the San Fansokyo Art Museum! Who wants to come with?!" 
"Ah...gee, that sounds great, Honey Lemon buuuut…." Hiro searched the lab looking for an excuse, his eyes landing on Wasabi who stood next to him, "Wasabi and I have a group project to do this week."
"We do?" 
Hiro gave Wasabi a nudge in the ribs.
"Oh! Oh, we do!" Wasabi caught on and collaborated with his friend's lie. "Big project. We'll be busy with it all this week and possibly the weekend." 
Honey Lemon narrowed her eyes and gave them a pout, clearly not believing them. They however could only nervously laugh and held onto their plastered grins. 
Honey Lemon shrugged. "Oh well, I'm sure someone else will go with me, liiike my best friend, perhaps?" She leaned in close to Gogo as she said this and gave her a big smile. 
But Gogo wasn't having any of it. 
"No." She said and turned back to packing. 
Honey Lemon's face fell. She looked about the room to see who was left. "Freddie?" 
"Sorry, Honey Lemon," Fred answered. "I'd love to, but after the museum found out I was the one behind the water fountain incident I've been banned from the building." 
"Won't anyone go with me to see the Da Vinci exhibit?" She wailed in exasperation. 
Varian's ears perked up. "Da Vinci? As in Leonardo da Vinci? The famous painter and inventor!?" 
Honey Lemon inhaled in renewed excitement as she began to regain hope. "Yes! They have a bunch of his paintings on loan from Paris." 
"Oh, oh, do they have his blueprints for a flying machine on display?" Varian asked, his own excitement now beginning to match hers. 
"Uh huh! They even have the Mona Lisa!" She squealed. "Do you wanna come?" 
"Would I?!" He breathlessly laughed. 
"Yaaaay!" Honey Lemon hopped up and down repeatedly, barely unable to restrain her excitement. She then grabbed Varian into a big hug catching him off guard. He was still in a daze when she pulled away. 
"We'll meet up at the bus stop after school tomorrow, okay?" 
"Okay." Varian agreed hazily. He still hadn't gotten used to the girl's exuberant nature. 
"I can't wait!" She gave another squee and hurried off to her next class.
 Varian and Honey Lemon stood in line at the exhibit, waiting to get in. 
"Wow! There sure are a lot of people." Varian commented. 
"I know right?" Honey Lemon agreed. "The exhibit is only here for this week and then it's going down to L.A. I had to rush to get the tickets before they sold out. Everyone wants to see the Mona Lisa." 
"The what?" 
Honey Lemon looked at him in surprise. "Only the most popular painting in the world! It's a portrait of a noblewoman named Lisa Gherardini and its sooo expensive. They hardly ever let it out of the Louvre. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I can't believe I'm going to see it in person!" Once again Honey Lemon squealed with joy, clapping her hands and jumping up and down repeatedly. 
Varian still wasn't sure what the big deal was, but he found her enthusiasm infectious anyways. An enthusiasm which only grew as they made their way into the exhibition hall. The line wrapped around the room, stopping at each picture, and ending at the famed painting that everyone came to see. 
Varian stared in breathless wonder at the various sketches and notes that lined the wall. He had only heard about most of them through reputation and through a small misprinted copy of the artist's notebook that he managed to snag off a traveling spice trader when he was thirteenth. Some of the pages had been smudged in the printing process and there were surprisingly few illustrations by the original creator within. 
But here he could see them in person and up close. He marveled at the blueprints for an underwater breathing device, swooned over the detailed anatomy studies, and practically cried with joy when he came upon the sketches for the infamous flying machine. The inventor could never get it to work, but the concept itself was fascinating to Varian. 
He continued to drool over the diagram, trying to commit it to memory, until Honey Lemon pulled on his arm excitedly. 
"Oooh, we're next! Come on!" She exclaimed. 
They were only behind about three or four people and Varian could peer over their shoulders to see a portrait of a well to do woman, with dark hair, sitting in front of a landscape. 
"I don't get it," Varian questioned out loud, "all of these magnificent inventions and scientific studies and all anyone cares about is a painting of some woman? Did she do something important or something?" 
"Hmmm...honestly not much is known about the real Mona Lisa. She's mostly famous for the painting itself." Honey Lemon answered. "But I think that's the point. She's so… mysterious. Everyone wants to know why she has that small smile on her face. Is she happy? Is she sad? Is she in love and putting on a brave face because she can't be with the handsome painter she's fallen for ‘cause of class division?" 
"Or is she just constipated?" Varian snarkily interjected, snapping Honey Lemon out of her romantic musings. Honey Lemon gave him a frown, clearly not appreciating his attempts at humor. He cleared his throat in embarrassment and was about to say sorry, when the people in front of them moved and they now had a clear view of the picture. 
All of Honey Lemon's annoyance melted away as she became enamored with the painting once more. 
"I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Mona Lisa!" She squeaked. She quickly pulled out her phone and took a quick snap of it with both him and her in the photo before turning back to gawk at the portrait. 
"Look at the craftsmanship, the colors, the detail! How could you not love this?" She fawned over the image.
"I mean, yeah, it's well made. But at the end of the day, it's just something a rich person paid him to paint." He gently pulled her out of the way of the next group of people who wanted a turn to look at the portrait, and walked her back over to the blueprints of the flying machine he had been admiring earlier, careful not to get in the way of the crowded line. 
"Now this… this is a masterpiece." He breathlessly said and now it was his turn to geek out. "This is something that the artist wanted to draw; to create! No commissions, no annoying noblemen telling him what to do, just pure science and discovery." 
He looked back and saw Honey Lemon tilt her head and give him a curious look. He suddenly felt self conscious, even though she herself had been practically bouncing off the walls just a few moments ago. 
"I think I understand." She said thoughtfully, "you admire it cause it's a reflection of the artist's innermost thoughts and you can relate to him, right?" 
"Uh...yeah I guess." Varian rubbed the back of his head. He hadn't ever thought of it that way before, he was just interested in the potential applications of the device, or so he thought. But upon considering her words it made some sense to him. He always did admire famous scientists and inventors because he felt a certain kinship to them. No one else in his village had understood his love of science and he had often wished to meet such masters of the craft if only to have someone to talk to about his interests. 
Honey Lemon flashed him a knowing smile, and Varian suddenly felt like an ass. Here before him was such a person. Someone who was genuinely trying to understand his point of view and how had he repaid her? By dismissing her passion for something she loved.  
"Look, I'm sorry if I insulted your favorite painting. It's cool if you like it, even if I don't understand it." He rubbed the side of his arm, not looking directly at her, unsure of how she'd respond. 
"Oh it's okay." She cheerfully chirped. Varian looked back at her in surprise but she only gave him a warm smile and continued on. "I'm just excited to be so close to such an important piece of history, but it's not my favorite." 
"It's not?"
"Nuh - uh" 
"Then what is your favorite?" 
Honey Lemon bit her lip as if unsure she should answer. 
"Do... Do you really want to know?" She asked hesitantly. 
Varian nodded his head encouragingly. She stood there undecided for a moment more before quickly grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the exhibition hall. Varian was surprised at the sudden action but he allowed himself to be led along down the various winding hallways of the maze-like building. 
She pulled him into another gallery room, this one far away from the crowds. She let go of his hand and ran up to a large long painting up on the opposite wall. 
"Ta-da!" She sang and gestured wildly at the picture indicating this was the one she had wanted him to see. "City Rising by Lenore Shimamoto." 
Varian walked over to join her and to gain a better view. The picture was a landscape painting of San Fansokyo. Only the city looked to be under construction and was silhouetted against the sunset. 
"Lenore Shimamoto is kind of my hero." Honey Lemon explained. "She was also an inventor and painter just like Da Vinci. She helped to rebuild the city after the great earthquake of 1906." She then paused and sheepishly added. "An earthquake she may have, kind of, caused." 
"Wait, she destroyed a whole city!?" Varian incredulously asked.
"Weeelll, she didn't do it on purpose." Honey Lemon excused. "She was experimenting with new kinds of energy and it went...wrong. She spent her whole life trying to make up for her mistake, but in the end she did wind up making things better for a lot of people." 
Varian looked back at the painting with a newly found appreciation. 
"I now instantly relate to this woman." He exclaimed. 
"You mean because of what happened Monday?" Honey Lemon asked, referring to the flooding he had caused with his portal. 
"That and... other … things." He swallowed, unable to explain further than that. 
"I get it." She sympathized. "One time I stained the whole bathroom pink." 
Varian snorted with laughter. "What!?" 
Honey Lemon let out a sigh before explaining. "I was trying to quickly break down metals using chemical compounds. You know, a bit of cobalt, hydrogen peroxide, some perchloric acid all super heated together and it can turn a hard substance like tungsten carbide into ash!" 
Varian's mouth hung open in awe. Disintegrating a hard metal into dust in an instant was a break-taking feat of chemical engineering and he was reminded just how smart the tall girl truly was. He now had a billion questions to ask her but the only thing that would come out of his mouth was a statement of admiration. 
"Amazing." He breathed. 
Honey Lemon blushed at that before continuing with her story. "Only the bit of metal I was working with kind of exploded when I touched it and it splattered all over my mother's bathroom. Everything is now stained pink; the walls, the sink, the ceiling, the bathtub. You name it, and it won't come out. I must have scrubbed the whole room for days." She bemoaned. "Mama was furious." 
Varian could only laugh. It wasn't as though he found her misfortune funny, so much as he found it relatable. It sounded so much like something that could have happened to him at some point. 
Honey Lemon didn't seem to mind though and joined him in his merriment. "You should have heard her." She said through her laughter. "Amanda, what did I tell you about experimenting in the house? !Sinceramente, ¿qué voy a hacer contigo hija? No more beakers in the bathroom!" Her accent became stronger as she wagged her finger in the air and tried to mimic the woman who raised her. This sent them both into another fit of giggles.
Once Varian had caught his breath he gave a mock groan. "Ooooh, I know how that is. Sometimes I think my dad would be much happier if I never touched a chemistry set again." 
"But it's not like you can ever just... stop." Honey Lemon said quietly. She was no longer looking at him but at the painting, as if musing over some great fundamental truth. 
"It's like there's, just this, this itch that you have to scratch. You get an idea and it just goes around and around in your brain in circles and if you don't make whatever is in your head right then you'll just... explode!"
It was a bit of a hyperbolic description, but it struck a chord with Varian nonetheless. He followed her gaze back to the painting before hesitantly adding his own commentary. 
"And … sometimes when you're in the middle of creating your idea you just... get lost, and don't fully realize what else is going on around you." 
"Yeah! And you just can't wait to make it real so you can show it off to everyone." The words were tumbling out of her now. "Cause it's not like anybody can see what's in your head, right? But you want everyone to know, to see, because… well because…" 
She was beginning to fumble as she searched for the right words to conclude her ramble, however Varian finished for her. 
"Because maybe then they'll see you too." He said quietly, still looking at the painting. 
She stopped in surprise and turned to look at him, as if just now noticing he was even there. He finally turned back to her and their eyes met. 
"Uh...yeah." She breathed, now at a loss for words completely. He had hit upon something very raw and real that she didn't like to normally think about too much. They stood transfixed for a moment more before Varian broke the silence. 
"Wow!" He whispered and gave a little breathless laugh. "I.. I never met anybody who could put it into words before, what it's like, to just...just be an inventor and to love science so much...and explain why." 
Now it was his turn to fumble over his words. She blushed at the sudden declaration and began to self consciously play with a strand of her hair.
He trailed off, still unable to look away from her. It was as if he was truly seeing her for the first time and all he could do to express his new found admiration was to give her a dopey smile. 
"I'm not making any sense am I?" He laughed awkwardly. 
"Oh, no, you're making perfect sense," She reassured, "well as about as much sense as I am. Which, according to some people, isn't a whole lot admittedly." She joined in with her own awkward laugh. "Abuelo is always calling me his little soñadora." 
"Abuelo?" Varian asked, confused. 
"Oh! My grandfather." She explained. "It’s Spanish." 
"Ahh." Varian slowly nodded his head as realization dawned on him and Honey Lemon continued on about her family. 
"Yup, it's just me, my mama, abuelo, and my three younger brothers." 
"Sounds like you have a big family. That must be nice." 
"Yeah, it is, though it could sometimes get crowded in just our three bedroom house. Hence, why I always snuck in the bathroom to do experiments. Otherwise my brothers would never let me get anything done." She rolled her eyes at that, mentally recalling all the times her siblings crashed through her work space or got in the way of what she was trying to do. 
"Yeah, now, there I can't relate. I never had siblings growing up. It was always just me and my dad, and the big old empty castle we lived in." 
Honey Lemon gasped and brought her hands up to her face in excitement, "You grew up in a castle !?" She squealed. "Oh, what was it like!? Were there any tapestries? Did you hold dances and banquets? Wait, are you a prince! ?" 
"What?!" Varian exclaimed, completely knocked for loop by her questions. “Uuuh… drafty, a few, usually never, and no, just, no.” He listed off the brief answers before explaining further. “Old Corona used to be the capital hundreds of years ago, before they moved it to the island port. My dad is the leader of the village, so we live in the old castle, but it’s nothing special or fancy or anything. There’s no servants, just us, and the whole place is kind of worn down. There’s always something that needs to be cleaned or repaired. You’re more thinking of the palace in Corona itself. That’s the ‘new’ capital. It’s got all of those things, except replace ‘prince’ with ‘princess’ and there ya go.” 
“You met, a real, live princess?!” Honey Lemon blurted out. Like many young women, Honey Lemon had grown up on stories about fairy-tale princesses, castles, knights in shining armor, and charming princes. She couldn’t help her romantic nature from taking over and filling her head full of picturesque images of balls and courtly chivalry. She could just imagine Varian kneeling before a beautiful girl in a long flowing gown and declaring his undying love and loyalty, just like in all of the old movies she’d seen growing up.
“What was she like?” Honey Lemon asked eagerly.
Varian pouted and mulled over the question before answering. 
“Not very nice.” He finally said. ”Not as nice as she pretended to be, anyways.”  
He left things there and declined to explain any further. Honey Lemon’s face fell and she could have kicked herself for being so stupid. Of course Varian wasn’t some fairy-tale prince. He was a real person and so was the aforementioned princess, and sometimes real people didn’t get along. There was no telling what had transpired between the two of them; a bad breakup perhaps, or maybe she was just a rude individual since the start? But whatever the reason, it was clear Varian had been deeply hurt by what had occurred as he looked off to the middle distance forlornly.  
Honey Lemon racked her brain for a way to cheer him up. 
“Hey, you know what?” She said, “We should go get some ice cream after this.”  
“Ice cream?” Varian asked confused, ”What’s ice cream?”
“You’ve never had ice cream before!?” She asked incredulously and he shook his head.
 “Oh my gosh, it’s only the best thing ever!” And with that she once again grabbed him by the hand and excitedly pulled him along, eager to share with him the frozen treat that was always sure to make things better.
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“...Annnd that’s how I got kicked out of student housing.”Honey Lemon finished her story about another chemistry accident she had had. They had come to the bus stop and were now waiting for the public transit to arrive as they finished their ice cream. She took the last bite of her own dessert and threw the cup away in the trash. She turned around and then asked Varian if he had any stories to share.    
Varian was caught off guard once again. He didn’t want to delve too deeply into his past, so he offered up one of the lesser damaging scenarios.
‘Ummm...I once set the barn on fire. I was trying to make an automatic plowing machine for my dad, but turns out grease fires and hay shouldn’t mix.’ He joked sarcastically.
Honey Lemon gave him an empathetic smile, crinkling up her nose and closing her eyes in that adorable way that she sometimes did. Varian felt his pulse quicken at the sight and he quickly shoveled the rest of his ice cream cone into his mouth to stop himself from saying or doing anything foolish.
Fortunately the bus then arrived, interrupting their conversion.
Varian stepped off the bus and turned around to wave goodbye to Honey Lemon. The public transport had arrived back at the college where they had begun their day together, but she was going to continue on and head back to the apartment she shared with Gogo.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” She yelled through the window as the vehicle pulled away.
She continued to wave at him until the vehicle was out of sight and Varian found himself holding his breath and mimicking the action. Once he could no longer see the pretty redhead and was sure she was out of ear shot, Varian let out a whoop of laughter and joyously spun around.
He’d never had an experience like the one today. He’d had crushes before, sure, but not like this. He’d never met someone he could relate to so much and the time spent with her was exhilarating. It was certainly the most successful conversion he’d ever had with someone near his age.
He made his way back to the dormitories, humming a cheery tune as he went and grinning like a maniac. Maybe she'd like to hang out again sometime, just the two of them, like today. Varian began to think of things he might invite her along too, but he soon stopped in his tracks as a nagging thought encroached upon his mind.
What was the point of trying to get closer to her, to anybody, if all he was going to do was leave soon.
You don’t have to leave you know. Another more tempting voice told him.
But Dad.. he argued.
Varian just stood there in the middle sidewalk at war with himself, unsure what to do now. Until a third thought entered his mind. Why not both? Why couldn’t he go back, rescue his dad, and then return with him here? It wasn’t like either of them had anything left in Corona now, and if he could find a way to reconnect the two worlds a second time, why not a third?
The nagging voice of doubt tried to tell him he was being overly optimistic, that people didn’t always get what they wanted, that reconnecting the worlds was proving to be more challenging then he initially had thought, but he stubbornly shoved it down. He wasn’t willing to let go of this near perfect day, not just yet.
Sure he’d done some bad things in his past but didn’t deserve just a little happiness? Didn’t he deserve a chance at a normal life after over a year and a half of horror and misery? Why couldn’t he have an education, friends, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of romance? He was sixteen after all, and even if it wasn’t with Honey Lemon specifically, as he didn’t know for sure how she felt about him, he was still old enough now to start dating.
With his decision made he continued to head back to the dorm, now marching along with new resolve and running over plans in his mind.
He opened the door to the dorm-room and was met by the sight of Wasabi and Ruddiger fighting again. His pet was wrestling to get out of Wasabi's grip while the taller teen was covered in claw marks and feathers from one of his pillows. Now ripped to shreds and lying discarded on the floor.
Upon seeing him, Wasabi stormed over holding Ruddiger by the scruff of his neck indicating that Varian should take the raccoon away from him.
“Look, I love you, man, but I hate this raccoon.” He glowered and then deposited Ruddiger into Varian’s arms. Wasabi then stormed out of the room without further explanation.
Varian gave his pet a stern look. So much for a perfect day.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 End Of Year Story 2019: Friends Meet!
Part 1: Friends Meet!
Part 2
Woman: We're finally here for our shrine visit. There's still lots of people around.
Woman: Hey, someone told me they saw celebrities around there! I wonder who they were.
Woman: I've met a celebrity before!
Woman: Wow! Who?
Woman: Mitsuki-kun from IDOLiSH7! I ran into him before the grand re-opening of Zero Arena!
Woman: IDOLiSH7!? I'm so jealous!
Woman: Ehehe! I told him I was a fan, and he thanked me!
Woman: Mitsuki-kun was really nice. I don't think I'll ever forget the  face he made back then! I hope I get  to see them a lot again this year!
- - - -
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...I can't believe it! They found Ryu-aniki out right away.
Mitsuki Izumi: And we got separated from TRIGGER. Maybe we should've joined them afterwards so we wouldn't have stood out?
Riku Nanase: I wanted to walk around with Tenn-nii... But we wouldn't want to deal with a crowd.
Sogo Osaka: What should we do? The line to the shrine is pretty long...
Yamato Nikaido: I'm hungry, so let's check the food stalls first. The gods won't be mad if we go see them a little later.
Iori Izumi: That might be the best course of action, if we don't want to stand out.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! Then let us experience our first takoyaki, our first cotton candy...
Mitsuki  Izumi: Shh! He just said we shouldn't stand out!
Nagi Rokuya: Sorry, sorry!
Riku Nanase: Ahahaha! This happens every time.
Iori Izumi: You're laughing too loud, as well.
- - - -
Girl: ...Huh?
Mother: What's wrong?
Girl: I feel like... I heard a familiar voice...
Older Sister: It's probably your imagination. Be careful not to drop your candy apple.
Girl: Okay. Onee-chan, what did you wish for at the shrine? I wished  that I would meet Riku-kun!
Older Sister: I wished for ŹOOĻ to become more famous and do a concert in Zero Arena...
Older Sister: And I'd randomly bump into Torao-kun on the way home from there, and he'd tell me he was watching me from the stage, and suddenly, he'd take me to his sports car...
Girl: That's really detailed.
Mother: You shouldn't get into a stranger's car like that, even if they're from ŹOOĻ.
Older Sister: ŹOOĻ's bad in a gorgeous way, so it's fine! Ah, I bet they're all having champagne together right now or something!
- - - -
Torao Mido: This is a candy apple? This?
Haruka Isumi: Yep.
Torao Mido: It's basically just an ordinary apple. I have to say, this is a really desperate business idea.
Candy Apple Seller: I didn't come up with it, so don't blame me... Are you buying, or not?
Minami Natsume: Inumaru-san.
Toma Inumaru: Hm?
Minami Natsume: Buy me a candy apple.
Toma Inumaru: Have you ever talked to me that sweetly!?
Haruka Isumi: Toma, buy me one, too.
Toma Inumaru: You, too!? Aren't you asking the wrong guy? We've got a rich heir right here.
Torao Mido: Sure thing. Give us four of these big ones, then.
Candy Apple Seller: I can't do anything with that card. Don't you have cash to pay with?
Torao Mido: You don't have a cashless option? You need to get with the times.
Toma Inumaru: I guess I gotta pay. Excuse me, how much?
Candy Apple Seller: Thanks, come again.
Haruka Isumi & Minami Natsume: Yay!
Torao Mido: It's so unbalanced... Are we supposed to lick these? Or bite them?
Minami Natsume: Whichever you prefer.
Torao Mido: My mouth will get dirty.
Haruka Isumi: I told you it was messy. That's the good part. Besides, look! It's kinda like a microphone.
Minami Natsume: It suits you, Isumi-san.
Haruka Isumi: That's because I'm an idol!
Toma Inumaru: Haha, be careful with that. It's pretty easy to drop. ...Oops.
Woman: Ah, pardon me.
Toma Inumaru: No! Pardon me...
Haruka Isumi: Ahaha! Toma, you're the one who almost dropped it.
Woman: "Toma"..?
Toma Inumaru: Ah...
Woman: ...Ah..! No way! Are you guys ŹO...
Minami Natsume: Shh. Please keep this a secret.
Woman: ........
Minami Natsume: Happy New Year.
Woman: H-Happy New Year..!
Haruka Isumi: Happy New Year! Seeya!
Toma Inumaru: Let's eat in front of that tree. Tora's such a newbie at this that he can't eat while walking. We need to teach him how to do it.
Torao Mido: Newbie, my ass. Eating and walking at the same time isn't that hard. ...Where am I  supposed to start with this thing...
Haruka Isumi: Hehe, it's pretty difficult. If you bite too hard, it'll fall.
Torao Mido: Covering an apple in sugar and sticking it on some wooden chopsticks. Whoever first thought of it must've been pretty stupid. Didn't they realize how hard it would be to eat?
Minami Natsume: Fufu... It's very adorable to see a lady killer like yourself struggle so much with a candy apple.
Torao Mido: Show me how to eat it then, Minami.
Minami Natsume: ........
Torao Mido: Come on.
Minami Natsume: Hey...
Torao Mido: Come on.
Minami Natsume: Even if you shove it in my face like that, I...
Torao Mido: So, you're having just as much trouble as me.
Toma Inumaru: Ahaha! Cut it out, it's gonna fall.
Haruka Isumi: It's because you try to eat it all neatly. You're supposed to tear into it like a rude monster, with your middle finger up.
Haruka Isumi: Like this. Look! .......!
Haruka Isumi: Chomp..!
Toma, Minami, & Torao: Ooh..!
- - - -
Woman: ...Hey! You won't guess what I just saw!
Man: What?
Woman: It's a secret, so I can't tell you! But it was something really great to start the year with!
Man: Did you see a white snake or something?
Woman: A white snake?
Man: Apparently they're good luck. I saw something incredible just now, too.
Woman: Like what?
Man: TRIGGER. They were wearing disguises, but I saw them waiting in line to get to the shrine.
Woman: What!? You must've been seeing things. There's no way there would be two idol groups here.
Man: Two..?
- - - -
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: ...I'm a little worried that someone might recognize us standing in line like this...
Tenn Kujo: It's definitely easier to disappear into the festival crowd.
Gaku Yaotome: We're here for a shrine visit. Gotta go see the gods first.
Tenn Kujo: Fair enough.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: They say that whatever you do on New Year's represents what will happen to you in that coming year! Let's make sure to be polite!
Gaku Yaotome: Yeah. After we're done with that, let's draw fortunes. I'm obviously hoping to get 'excellent luck'.
Tenn Kujo: You're not hoping for all of us to get that?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I think my year will be just as lucky as long as either one of you gets it. I'm okay with just getting 'good luck', though I'm still afraid of getting a 'bad luck'.
Gaku Yaotome: Haha, true. We're all in the same boat for this next year, too.
Gaku Yaotome: If one of us is lucky, then all of us are. Thinking about it like that makes it pretty reassuring to have you two around.
Tenn Kujo: We can always help each other get over misfortunes. But we can't do that with illnesses or injuries...
Tenn Kujo: We need to be careful.
Woman: ...Did you watch TRIGGER's countdown!?
TRIGGER: ........
Woman: Totally! They were so cool! I wish I could've been there to count with them...
Woman: I'm going to ask the gods to give TRIGGER lots of new work.
Woman: And that Tenn-kun, Gaku-san, and Ryunosuke-san stay healthy through the whole year, so they can do their lives and that musical.
Woman: I want more people to like them... And even if they don't, I want them to be able to have fun singing.
Woman: Ehehe. But I'll also wish that I get a ticket to see them!
Woman: Ahaha. Let's both do that. TRIGGER had a hard time last year. I hope they get to be a lot happier.
Woman: Yeah! I've been their fan ever since I saw them at that charity live!
TRIGGER: ........
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: ...I'm speechless...
Gaku Yaotome: Same here...
Tenn Kujo: ........
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: ...I just feel so grateful... They could've made a wish for themselves, but they're wishing for our happiness, instead...
Gaku Yaotome: ...I feel like I might not need that 'excellent luck' fortune anymore...
Gaku Yaotome: We've got these amazing fans to watch over us. If we ask for any more, we'll be punished.
Tenn Kujo: I'm even more in the mood to draw an 'excellent luck' fortune.
Gaku Yaotome: Tenn...
Tenn Kujo: I want us to have the best luck we can, for the sake of all the people who care about us.
Tenn Kujo: I want to take both of you and our fans under dazzling spotlights.
Tenn Kujo: We'll make the best performance with the best moments for them with our hands. We won't lose ever again.
Gaku Yaotome: ...Right.
Gaku Yaotome: Let's do our best to get 'excellent luck'!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Let's!
Tenn Kujo: Stop yelling.
- - - -
Woman: We finally managed to buy yakisoba~! Let's find a less crowded place to eat!
Woman: Yeah! Ah...
Momo: Oops, sorry. Are you okay?
Woman: .......!!! Re...
Momo: It's Momo-chan~. I'm on a private shrine visit date today. Don't tell anyone.
Woman: A da...!?  What..!?
Yuki: Momo.
Woman: Yu.....!?
Momo: Huh!? Could this handsome gentleman be...
Yuki: Who are they? Were they hitting on you?
Woman: No, we weren't..!
Yuki: Yeah, right. Sorry, but we've already got plans tonight.
Momo: Yuki... You said you couldn't come because you had work. Did you run here just for me..?
Woman: O-oh no, they've started some kind of routine.
Yuki: I'm glad I made it... Let's go. I'm going to sweep you away.
Momo: Sorry! I'm being swept away!
Woman: O-okay! Thank you for the married couple act!
Yuki: You're welcome. That yakisoba looks good.
Momo: Eat it while it's still hot! Bye bye!
Woman: Ah... That was so overwhelming that I didn't even get a chance to ask for a picture or handshake...
- - - -
Momo: Where's Okarin?
Yuki: He'll come one he's done with a work-related call.
Momo: Let's buy food for him, too. What did he say he wanted to eat, again?
Yuki: Imagawayaki. ...Ah, daruma dolls.
Momo: You're right! And they come in so many different colors, too. Look, there's even a pink one!
Yuki: It looks like you. Let's buy it.
Momo: Okay! Are there any that look like you? We could put them on the shelf at our agency.
Yuki: Do you see any green ones..?
Momo: Hmm... Ah! There's one, but it's really tiny.
Yuki: It's closer to Yamato-kun's color.
Momo: You think so? Come to think of it, isn't the pink one more like Tenn than me..?
Re:vale: ........
Yuki: Oh well, they've both done a lot to help us, so let's buy them anyway.
Momo: Let's decorate these later, so they look more like them!
Kaoru Anesagi: Excuse me. I'd like that biggest daruma over there, please.
Momo: Kaoru-chan!
Kaoru Anesagi: Huh..? .....! You two! What are you doing here!?
Yuki: Shrine visit.
Momo: A shrine visit.
Kaoru Anesagi: It's rare for you to be doing these sorts of ordinary things. My boys are here, too. They're at the shrine right now.
Yuki: Huh. Maybe they could pray for our share, too.
Kaoru Anesagi: Why?
Daruma Seller: Here you go. Have a happy New Year!
Kaoru Anesagi: Thank you.
Momo: You bought a big one! You must be really fired up!
Kaoru Anesagi: Of course. This is going to be a fighting year for the boys! What about you?
Momo: I got a Tenn lookalike daruma!
Yuki: And I got a Yamato-kun lookalike daruma.
Kaoru Anesagi: So you gave up on finding your own colors... I know the feeling.
Re:vale: Ehehe.
Momo: Since TRIGGER's here too, we'll join up with you guys later. Do Gaku and Ryu stand out because they're so tall?
Yuki: They'll be fine if they pretend they're volleyball players.
Kaoru Anesagi: IDOLiSH7 is here, too.
Momo: Seriously!? Is Ban-san with them!?
- - - -
Tamaki Yotsuba: This is bad, Ban-chan. Me and Nagicchi are too big to stay hidden.
Nagi Rokuya: We nearly got crowded earlier.
Banri Ogami: It'll be fine. Pretend you're volleyball players.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Volleyball?
Woman: Hey... Isn't that Tamaki and Nagi from IDOLiSH7..?
Nagi Rokuya: Hey, you! What was that receive from earlier today supposed to be!?
Tamaki Yotsuba: You got a problem with my receives!? You're just a crappy attacker!
Woman: Or not...
Woman: I guess we were wrong, let's go...
Sogo Osaka: They gave us frankfurters on the house. My hands are full, so everybody grab one.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, thanks. ...The one that's covered in so much mustard that it can be mistaken for a banana at first glance...
Sogo Osaka: That one's mine.
Yamato Nikaido: Yep. Thought so.
Mitsuki Izumi: We've got takoyaki! We bought so much, they gave us a little extra! Ah, I forgot to get chopsticks.
Yamato Nikaido: Can't we use the frankfurter sticks as skewers once we're done eating them?
Mitsuki Izumi: You think that'll work?
Yamato Nikaido: Totally. Riku and Ichi said they'd buy yakisoba, so we might also get chopsticks from them...
Riku Nanase: We're back!
Mitsuki: What's going on, Riku!? You've got at least 10 cotton candies on you!
Tamaki Yotsuba: That's so funny! You stick out a lot!
Iori Izumi: I tried to stop Nanase-san, but he insisted...
Riku Nanase: We were waiting in line for the yakisoba, but someone almost recognized us, so we bought cotton candy instead!
Iori Izumi: One of them is for the president.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Thank you! What do we do about the chopsticks? Should we go buy some?
Yamato Nikaido: There's a stick attached to the cotton candies too, so I'd say we're fine.
Iori Izumi: A stick?
Yamato Nikaido: We don't have any chopsticks.
Sogo Osaka: But we do have frankfurters.
Iori Izumi: What are we going to do with frankfurters? Besides, that one has way too much mustard on it.
Sogo Osaka: We're planning to combine the frankfurter sticks and cotton candy sticks into makeshift chopsticks...
Iori Izumi: That's not a plan I would've expected from someone with your family background.
Yamato Nikaido: Right. I don't know who gave him such a stingy idea.
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah, turns out the takoyaki came with toothpicks.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, seriously? Problem solved?
Mitsuki Izumi: Problem so... Mmhp!
Riku Nanase: This cotton candy is so sweet! And since it's freshly made, it's not all sticky yet. Open your mouth, Mitsuki!
Mitsuki Izumi: ...You should've said that before shoving it in my face!
Riku Nanase: Your hands are full with the takoyaki, so I thought I'd feed you.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! Would you like some frankfurter, as well?
Tamaki Yotsuba: What about takoyaki?
Mitsuki Izumi: Hold on, don't give me all of them at once!
Woman: ...Hey, could those people be...
Tsumugi Takanashi: ...Shall we go somewhere else? How about the shade of that tree?
Banri Ogami: Sounds good.
Yamato Nikaido: But there's some shady-looking people there... Are they local hooligans?
Tamaki Yotsuba: You're right...
Mitsuki Izumi: They don't look like drunks, and they're only eating candy apples. I think we're fine, but if anything happens, I'll settle it.
Tamaki Yotsuba & Yamato Nikaido: So cool...
Banri Ogami: Let's rest up over there, then.
To be continued...
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renee-writer · 4 years
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One Shot Moodboard challenge. Thanks to @molecularstardust for the beautiful moodboard.💓💓💓💓
It is her favorite time of year. With the beautiful colors and the crisp but, not yet cold, air. She doesn't like the common name for it, fall. Autumn more describes the taste of cider, the sound of crunching leaves under her boots, smell of the coming winter.
Besides, autumn is when she meet him. She was sitting on a bench in the park, her head laid back, doing nothing more then enjoying the feel of the breeze against her skin. Between classes, she can't handle being inside.
“May I join you lass?” She looks up into the bluest eyes, the color of the cloudless sky above her and a head of hair as red as a changing maple leaf.
“Ah sure.” He sits beside her, drawing his long legs under the bench.
“Jamie Fraser.” He offers his hand.
“Claire Beauchamp.” She takes it. He gently squeezes it.
“Beauchamp? French but your accent is English.”
“I had a very unusual childhood. I am surprised you picked up the English Mr. Fraser. Must people hear the many combined ones and can't quite place it.”
“Jamie. I've an ear for the English accent.”
“Growing up in Scotland?”
“Aye. I guess we are both outsiders here.”
“Yes. My Uncle said Harvard was the best so..” she shrugs.
“My da said the same. What is your field of study, Miss Beauchamp?”
“Claire. Medicine and yours Jamie?”
“Law. Seems we are two ambitious people, eh Claire?” She thoroughly enjoys the thrill that runs up her spine at the way he says her name.
“Seems so. Oh, I must be off. Have class. I will see you around Jamie.” She stands and he stands with her.
“Wait lass.” He places something in her hand. She looks down to see an small index card with his name and number on it. “So we can stay in touch, eh?”
“Thank you Jamie. Not much of a caller but will text you.”
“That will be fine Claire.” She walks to class on lighter feet.
She does text him later that day. She had returned to her little apartment, a mile of campus and pulled the card out of the front pocket of her jeans where it had been all day. She smiles as she enters his number in her phone, saving it under Jamie, the scot. She then kicks of her boots and, curling up in her favorite chair, she text him.
“Hi Jamie. It is your favorite future doctor.” She then turns to her course work. She is in the midst of studying the names of the bones in the hand, when her phone dings.
“How do you know you are my favorite future doctor, eh?”
With a smile, she replies,” So I've competition?”
She watches as little dots appear and disappear, as he changes his mind. Then.
“No.” A few more dots. “No in no way Claire.”
She stares at the phone. What she had meet as a tease, he had made serious. How was she to respond?
“I was teasing.” She decides on honesty.
“I wasn't. Don't..” Dots appear and disappear again. “Run Claire. I know... Bloody. Can I call?”
She debates only a second. “Yes.” Her heart hammers as she waits for it to ring. Finally.
“Hi Claire. Have I scared you? Will you block my number?”
“I wouldn’t have answered or even gave you permission to call, if that were so. I am puzzled though.”
“At what?”
“I was really teasing. Your response..”
“Yah. I thought about joking back but… I know we just meet and hardly know each other but I feel a pull between us that won't allow me to be nothing but less then honest.”
“I do too. What is this?”
“I don't know but I know I want to see you. Want to talk with you. Want, well, a lot. But will start with dinner. Will you let me take you out?”
She is in a semi panic state as she gets ready that night. She hasn't had a serious boyfriend for years and that was in upper school. Never as an adult. This feels serious. As serious as they come.
She pulls her hair up then lets it back down. Slips on slacks then changes into a dress. “Get a grip Beauchamp.” She firmly orders herself. Finally she decides hair down and a red dress that shows her figure to perfection.
He knocks on her door right on time and she almost trips over her heels getting to it. She will never make it through dinner if she doesn’t get her nerves under control. So before opening the door, she takes several cleansing breaths.
She opens the door to find Jamie in kakis and a blue button down shirt that shows off his eyes. Lord, he is gorgeous. She finds him staring at her.
“Lass, God you are so beautiful.”
“You are quite handsome yourself. Shall we go?”
“Ah yes before I.. Yes let's go.” She locks up and he takes her hand. It feels good and she links their fingers. With their wrist resting against each other, she can feel his heartbeat. It is as fast as hers.
The restaurant he chose has a stunning view of the changing leaves. He pulls out her chair and she glazes out the window at them. They bring her some much needed peace. After their drink orders are taken and the hostess leaves, she fully turns to Jamie.
“You like the changing of the colors.” He states.
“I do. It is my favorite season, Autumn. With the cool but not cold nights, the beauty of the changing leaves, hot cider and sweaters. Truly what is not to love.”
“Aye but you missed one.” He is smiling mischievously at her and she can’t resist the bait.
“That is?”
“It is also cuddle under a quilt or tarden weather. Cuddle weather, eh?”
“Yes.” Her breath is coming short again. His hand reaches across the table to cover hers. Their waitress arrives with their drinks and take their orders. Jamie asks her to come back as they hadn't even taken time to look at the menus yet.
“Shall we decide and then talk?”
“A good idea.” She agrees.
He looks down at the menu then up at her and finds her doing the same. She blushes and he smiles. After they order, he reaches out to take her hand again.
“Shall we talk about it?”
“Yes let's. This thing between us, it is quite powerful. I've never felt anything like it. I dated a bloke in upper school. Went as far as to sleep with him but never felt like I do when you simply rest your hand on mine. I am fascinated and scared. Thrilled and terrified.”
“There has never been anyone who made my heart pound with just a touch, a look. Never been anyone I can see sharing a life with, children with. Grow old with. There is heat, aye. But it is more then the urge to join bodies. Oh, and it scares me to death too.”
“Oh!” she is breathless and speechless. To know it isn’t just her is reassuring. But, he is talking marriage and babies on their first date. It is all a bit overwhelming.
“Not that I am proposing anything but dinner right now.” He is quick to add when he sees her face. “We need to go on dates. Get to know each other.”
She lets out her breath and he smiles. “That is what we will do. So Jamie, tell me about your family?”
“I've a big brother William and sister Janet, called Willie and Jenny respectively. Willie runs Lallybroch, our families estate since my da, Brian retired. Jenny married my best mate, Ian, five years ago and they have three bairns, Jamie, Maggie, and Kitty.”
“Three, in five years?”
“Aye. Jenny wants a large family and none born after she is 35.”
“Sorry, go on.” He grins at her. They still hold hands across the table. He starts to run his thumb over her palm and she lets out a deep sigh.
“Jenny stays at home with the bairns. Ian runs Lallybroch Distillery. You see, Lallybroch is many things, a working farm, a historic site( it has been in our family for over 300 years), and, the extra grain is made into spirits.”
“Sounds fascinating.”
“It was a good childhood.”
“Your mam?” That he hadn't mentioned her didn’t escaped her notice.
“Ellen. She passed two years ago from cancer.”
“Oh Jamie!” She moves to his side of the bench seat and draws him into her arms. He buries his face in her neck and let's her comfort him. That is how the waitress finds them when she delivers their orders.
“Is all alright?”
“Yes. Thank you.” Claire replies. She gives them a concerned look before setting the food down.
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“Claire, tell me about yours.” He needs a distraction. She stays on his side and tells him.
“I am an only child. My mum and daddy tried after me but.. So, I was fairly spoiled. My dad and mum are both doctors. My dad a surgeon. My mam an OB/GYN. Growing up, I knew a lot more then I should about the human body. When I was ten, my parents, Julia and Henry, let me spend summer holidays with my dad's brother, Uncle Lambert, who I call Lamb. He is an archeologist, so I spend my summers all over the world. It was wonderful.”
“Wow. That is quite nice Claire. That you was able to experience so much.”
“It was.” They stop talking to eat.
“What was the most unusual thing you saw? When with your Uncle Lamb?” He asks as he walks them back to his car. He holds her hand and she leans against him.
“Hmm, I guess it would be a completely intact room. He and the others uncovered it in Israel. It was a kitchen. The table was still set. It was awesome and strange at the same time. Like the people were just lifted out. Uncle Lamb and the others were quite excited. I was 13 and just wondered where the people went.”
“Did they figure it out?”
“Yes. Seems that it dated to the time of the Roman occupation. They fled and left everything as it was.”
“Wow.” They had reached his car and he opens the door for her. She grins and enters. He joins her. “Is that what fueled your desire to be a doctor, all you saw those summers or was it more your parents?”
“A bit of both. Seeing all the needy people. People dying from lack of simple meds, simple hygiene and clean water. My parents have always done what they could. They have did medical missions, volunteered at free clinics. So yes, both I would say. How about you? What drew you to the law?”
“”Well, I was always argumentative as a child. Had an answer for everything. My sister would tell me,’ You should be a barrister, Jamie. A joke between us, at first. As I got older, I started to see the appeal of it. At first, it was just the idea of getting paid to argue. But, as. I started to research it, I was drawn to the since of fairness, rightness. The idea of justice. Of setting things right again.”
She smiles at him as he starts his car. “A romantic not just monetary draw. Something else we have in common.” She lays her hand beside him and he covers it with his own.
“Aye. Anyone who gets into the law just to get rich, is in it for the wrong reason. Whether on the prosecution or defense side, you are serving the public good. That should be the motivation”
“I feel the same about medicine. You can't be in it for what you get out of it. A public good, as you say.”
“Aye.” He links their fingers as he drives off. He doesn’t want this date to end but knows it must. They need to do it right. This, what is between them, is to important for less.
“I feel it too, you know.” He turns quickly to look at her. “The hesitation about ending this date. I want to..” she trails off with a blush,” But, it is far to soon.”
“Aye, I was thinking the same. You are worth more then that.” He had arrived back at her place and they both sigh. He parks and gets out and opens the door. Taking her to the door “I really want to kiss you., which is why I mustn’t.” Another sigh. He bends down and brushes his lips across her forehead. He then lifts her hands up and kisses them.
“I've classes and then a test to study for tomorrow night. But, the next night can I take you out?” she asks him.
“Aye lass. Can I text you tomorrow?”
“Yes please.” She stands on her toes to reach his own forehead. “I will miss you way to much if you don't. Good night Jamie.”
“Good night Claire.”
She wakes up to a text from him.
'Good morning beautiful.’'
She smiles as she responds.
'Good morning my handsome scot.’
She is making the bed when her notification bell rings.
‘My. Like that.’
A flush covers her face. She had claimed him and isn't sure if it was intentional or not.
‘We do belong with each other.’ She text back, recalling what he said about honesty.
'Aye. And to?’
She swallows hard as she stares at her phone. He is right but, it had been just three days since she meet him.
'Claire, I'm sorry. Don't run.’
She feels the fear coming through his text. Her heart gives a lurch as she quickly replies.
‘You are right. And to each other. I am scared Jamie.’
A few seconds later.
'Don't be. There are two of us.’
'Coffee? Before class. I need to see you.’
‘And I you. Coffee aye.’
Her heart slows as soon as she sees him. He sees the relief reflected in his eyes too. He draws her into a hug, unmindful of the other people waiting.
“Better.” She says against his chest.
“Aye. Much better.”
She giggles. “How are we ever to do this Jamie. Not able to go a day.”
“Coffee and talk, eh?”
“Yes.” They order and he takes her to the table farthest away from the others.
“I've a crazy solution.” She looks at him with a head tilt. “Hear me out. Okay?” She nods. “We could get married.” Her mouth starts to open and he reaches across and covers it with his hand. “I know insane. But so is this. All of it. I am not saying jump into bed. Just join names and households. So we can live together.”
“We can do that without marriage.” She replies under his hand. He moves it. “It is 2019.”
“Aye. It is just not how I was raised. We are heading there. We both know it. So, keep doing this. Longing for each other. Or. Marry. Share a house and a bed, when we are ready.”
“Give me a day or so.”
“I guess I can do that.” She grins at him, reaches over to kiss his cheek. “Have class. I love you Jamie.”
“I love you Claire.”
“Marry!” her mind screams as she tries to focus on her classes. “It is crazy. Insane.” But, it has a strange appeal. A pull. To wake up in the same place, the same bed, well, it makes more sense then this crazy longing. Then finding herself unable to go a day without seeing him. Touching him. But, on the other hand, should she be running from the strange power of this? Shouldn’t it scare her? It does but in a thrilling way.
“Did I just propose, to a lass I've known for three days, at a coffee shop?” Jamie thinks in a kind of fascinated horror later. “Have I lost my mind?” Aye, his mind, his heart, his soul, his future, everything important to him, is hers. Totally and completely hers. They are heading towards marriage. Despite how crazy it is. They were made for each other. So, in that regard, it makes sense. He shakes himself and refocuses. He decides to do it right. Well, as right as he can now. He will get a ring and ask her proper.
His last class is over an hour before hers. He hurries to his apartment and takes out his lock box. He opens it and takes out the ring that is inside. A silver and gold mix that has a diamond crown cut in the middle. It had belonged to his grandmother. At her death, his mam had gifted it to him. “Fot the woman who will be my daughter-in-law.”
He bounces in his hand, the ring that his grandpa Simon had placed on his grandmother’s Vivian's hand when he asked for her hand 60 years ago. He wonders if they would approve of his choice. Yes, he thinks. Claire is a lot like her. Has the same intellect and ambition. He smiles. She had reared five children while taken night classes to get her business degree. She ran Lallybroch while grandpa served in the military. Yes, they would like her.
She meets him where they first meet mere four days ago. She is nervous so is he. “Claire, I am sorry. I should have never blurted it out like that. Right before we both had class.”
“No. It made concentrating hard.”
“Sorry babe. Besides the place and timing and place, what did you think?”
“There is a kind of logic to the illogical idea of it.”
He laughs aloud. “Christ Claire, your way with words. That is a perfect description.” She laughs with him. “Does that mean yes?” She looks deep into his eyes and sees all she has ever dreamed of. With a deep breath she nods.
“Yes, as crazy as it is, yes.” He drops down before her. He slips the ring out of his pocket. “Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, I know it is crazy but there is no one else I want to hold hands with, the only one I want to wake up beside, the only one I want to see in our children’s faces, the only one I want to fight with, make up with, laugh with and cry with. Will you do me the honor of stepping into the future with me. Will you marry me?”
“Yes. Yes Jamie!” He slips the ring on her finger. It fits perfectly. “Did you go out and..”
“No. It was my grandma's. Does it suit because I can.”
“No. God Jamie. It is beautiful.”
“Like you.”
“You know we have yet to even kiss.” His fiancée reminds him.
“Hmm we should remedy that.” He stands up and pulls her to her feet. Placing his hands on her face, he meets her eyes before lowering his head.
Neither are sure what to expect but are not prepared for the power behind it. She clings to his shoulders to avoid falling. He holds tight to her back to prevent the same. She feels the power he is holding in check. He feels the trust she is given him and is exquisitely careful with it.
They both look awed as they come apart. She rest her head against his chest. His arms come tight around her.
“So, do you want a long engagement.” He asks against her head.
“No. I think a short one would be best.” He chuckles.
“I agree. You want a church wedding?”
“I think simpler is better. Maybe a church wedding later. Like on an anniversary.”
“Okay. Claire I don’t even know if you are a Catholic?”
“I am. Nominal but yes.”
“Good. That is good. Children, you want children?”
“Boy are we doing this backwards.” She says with a laugh. “Yes, I want children.”
“We are. Okay Claire, let's go..”
“To your place. And talk.”
“Aye. My place it is.” They join hands and the feel of the ring does strange things to Jamie, and he takes her to his flat.
His place is tiny but neat. He was verra glad he followed his mam's advise and always kept it straightened. “Yah ne' ken when you will want to bring a lass home.” She had advised,” so always assume you will.” Because he followed that rule, he knows he won’t be embarrassed by wet towels on the floor or dishes in the sink. This is not just any lass, but his fiancée. He is thankful for the good first impression.
She smiles as she walks in. An efficiency, with the living room/ bedroom together. The perfectly made bed is off to the side. The sofa has a tarden style blanket over the back. A bookshelf is filled with both law books and novels. The kitchen is clean with just a few dishes in the drainer.
“I am impressed. Mine isn't this neat.”
“My mam. She always told me to leave the house as if I would be bringing someone back to it.”
“A smart woman.”
“Aye, you would have liked her and she you.”
“Yes. I think so.”
“Come Claire, let's talk.” She takes a seat on his couch and fingers the soft fabric of the tarden.
“Your families colors?”
“Aye, the Fraser colors.” He takes it and spreads it out over their laps.
“Beautiful.” She runs her hands over it.
“Aye.” But he isn’t talking about the tarten. He meets her eyes and they both swallow. “Talk. We need to talk.”
“Yes. How many children do you want?”
“Two or three. Siblings teach you a lot, I've found.”
“Yes. I always wanted one. So, are you a ‘attend mass every time the doors are open' type or..”
“Or. I should go more. But..”
“Ah, that is me too.”
And so, they slowly get to know their future spouses for the first time. They discuss family, their own and what they expect for the one they are building together, values and mores, and then they get to the more intimate stuff.
“I was 16. He was 19. I was in Paris with Uncle Lamb. He was sweet, and very French. We were at his flat and I felt myself very grown-up. Well, until I missed my cycle.” His eyes get comically large, “I wasn’t. Just nerves. It was only a week but put me off the whole idea for awhile. Besides, I couldn’t figure out what the attraction was. It seemed a messy affair that only brought pleasure to the man.”
“You didn’t..”
“No. I hardly ever do. I know it is harder for a woman but..”
He is shaken his head. “The man must take his time and pay attention. Though, my first probably didn’t get much out of it either. I was seventeen, a bit older, eh. She was also. We were out in the barn, fumbling in the hay loft. I took her in three strokes.”
“Three.” She is giggling.
“I've gotten better.” It is without thought that there lips come together, that there hands fumble under the tarden that still covers them. Hers land on his thighs. His glaze her breasts. Their moans blend together. She finds herself under him as he kisses down her neck. Her hands twisted in that wonderful hair.
“Please,” she whispers, as his hands work under her sweater.
“Are you sure?”
“Very. I want you.” He eases it up as she pulls on his. He lifts hers off and then his own. She watches his eyes as he looks at her. Her breasts are one part of her body she is insecure about. To small, she has always thought. But, the awe she sees in his eyes makes her start to think differently.
“Claire, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.”
“You don't think them to small?”
“No,” he lowers the bra straps. “God no. You are esquist.” He reaches back to take it off before moving his hands to the front to cup her. She shivers at the contact. “With nipples like cherries. Shall we see if they are as sweet?” Her eyes drift closed as he lowers his head. Only to fly open with his first deep suck.
“Oh god!” It feels so good. So very good as his pulling mouth works her nipple deeper in. His fingers pull on the other one. He then switches sides. Her left is even more sensitive and she cries out as he starts to love on it. The thought that he is to be her husband and her breasts will have this type of attention all the time is what causes her to tear up. He feels them fall on his neck and looks up.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No. I just realized that, as my husband, you can love on my breast, like that all the time.”
“Ah lass, and we have just begun.” He pulls her jeans off and kisses down her belly.
“Where? What?”
“I think you know.”
“Yes, it is just..”
“Aye?” he rests on her hip bone and looks up at her with raised eye brows. “Ah, there is an odor.” She is blushing.
“True. You smell of your desire for me and it is intoxicating. Please Claire, let me bring you pleasure. “ She nods and tries to relax as her eases her panties off. He kisses back up her legs, easing them open. He licks up her inner thigh, and she starts to shake with anticipation.
He kisses her mound before opening her with his hands. She closes her eyes as he starts to lap her, up and down. He hits her clit with every swipe and she is soon panting for more. He fully turns his attention to it.
“Ohhh!” She had never felt anything like his mouth holding her in place as his tongue pulled at her. His hand comes up and finds her left nipple and she is gone. Pulled almost out of her body by the surge of pleasure, her legs start to shake and quiver, her body bows up and over him. He keeps a hold of her breast and clit and waits for her to come down. When she does, he pulls her back over with a deep suck and a gentle squeeze. This time she screamed.
“That,” he breathlessly tells her. “Is what it is supposed to feel like.”
“Yes! Oh yes. Thank you.”
He grins from her belly where he had worked his way too. “Shall we continue? We don’t have to. Can wait if you want.”
“Sweet man, I want you. Let's go mess up your bed.”
“Oh aye,” He pulls off his clothes before taken her hand and leading her into his room. “Claire, are you on something?” he asked her.
“No I, well I've not been.”
“Right. No worries I've,” He reaches into his bedside drawer. “My da taught his sons to always have rubbers around. That you will never know and.. well, I listened.”
“Thank God you did.” He grins in agreement before pulling one out of the just opened box.
“Aye.” She climbs on the bed. He joins her and runs his hands down her body. “You are so very beautiful, my wife-to-be.”
“Soon Jamie. I wish to be married soon.”
“Aye, me too.” He is playing with her breast and she starts to gasp and keen. “Claire, may I?” In answer, she takes the rubber from him and slips in on. Her hands on him are almost his undoing. He groans and then gasp as she guides him between her legs. “Oh God. “ The feel of her, surrounding him, he knows he was exactly where he was born to be.
“Yes, Jesus Jamie, yes!” her hands hold tight to him as he starts to move. He watches her, gaging her reaction so he can find the rhythm that suits them both. The slow slide, in and out, that has her clawing at his back, seems to be it.
“Close. Oh God. Jamie I think..” he smiles and lowers his head, drawing that wonderfully sensitive left nipple in. It is all she needs and, with his next slide in, she gasps, and cries out as she clamps around him. “Oh!”
“That's it, my love. “ he sooths as she comes down. He had stopped as she came around him, not wanting to cum himself, just yet.
“Oh wow!” He kisses her deeply before picking it back up. He moves a bit faster and her legs come up to hold him in place. “Jamie!”
He is determined to bring her there again and lifts her wonderful bum up, drawing her closer. Her pants and gasps get more frantic and he feels it build back up in both of them. “Come baby. Cum with me.” She starts to move with him and a minute later whimpers and groans as the pleasure runs back through her. He follows within seconds, crying out her name.
“Well okay then,” She says after a few more hundred heartbeats that slowly return to normal. “That is what it is supposed to feel like.”
“Aye.” He lays breathless and sweating beside her. “Aye but that is making love. Was new to me. The intensity.”
“Good. Good to know I am not alone.”
“Never again.” He rolls over and faces her,” that is my vow to you. You will ne' face another day or night alone.”
“God Jamie. I so love you.”
“You are my world. When do you wish to make the wedding then?”
“Do you wish your family here?”
“We can have ceremony for them later. Just you and I is fine for now. Unless you wish your family here?”
“No, just us sounds perfect. Can we just go to the register tomorrow?”
“Aye, my love. We can if that be your wish.”
“Yes please.”
“Then that is what we will do.”
That is what they do. After stopping to purchase simple gold bands, they walk into the registers office, hand in hand.
“We would like to be married, please.” He tells the lady at the counter.
“Excellent. Need you to fill out this license. You have ID?” They hand it to her. “Very good.”
“So, we can get married now?”
“Yes you may. In three day.”
“Three days?” Claire complains.
“Yes. We have a three day period from when the license is filed and when it is picked up. Gives us time to see if you are married elsewhere and you time to cool off, not to marry in haste.”
“It is only three days. I am going nowhere.” Jamie tells her.”
“Right.” She smiles at him. “We can be married here though?”
“Yes. The day you pick up your license.”
“Thank you. We will be back.”
“I bet she thinks I am pregnant.” Claire teases as they leave, still hand in head.”
“Undoubtedly. Well it matters not what she thinks. We know why we wish to be married so fast.” She smiles at him. “Because I canna live another day without you.”
“Nor I, you. Well, it is only three days and with classes and all.”
“Time will go fast. Aye.”
“And it doesn’t mean we can’t be together. Neither of us have class until tomorrow.” His eyes shoot up.
“Well then, future Mrs. Fraser, your place or mine?”
“Oh, we have to figure that out. Later.”
They stand before the judge three days later. Holding tight to each others hands and looking deep in each others eyes, they repeat the words that bind them together. They slip the rings on and kiss. They take a selfie with the marriage license and their ringed fingers. They send it to their families and then hide in her apartment for a week, waiting for the explosion to die down. Their families eventually come to understand and except the marriage.
A year later, August Julia-Ellen Fraser is born. The grandparents and aunts and uncles come to meet the chestnut haired blue eyed lass. When they see how in love her parents are and how the are making it work, still keeping up with their classes still on the right track, the last of their doubts fade away.
They return to Scotland after finishing school. They build their practices as their children grow. Every Autumn, they take a week, just them, and go camping. Exploring the monros, making love under the stars, keep warm by her husbands heat, reminds Claire why it is her favorite season.
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enbyleighlines · 4 years
For your modern au prompts, how about Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang best friends going on a shopping trip?
Oooh, sounds good to me!! I hope you don’t mind that I took liberties with what constitutes as a shopping trip! This idea popped into my head, and I wanted to explore it~
The bell on the front door gives a twinkling little jingle as they enter. Immediately, the familiar aroma of Wei Wuxian’s favorite arts and craft store rubs against his nostrils like an affectionate cat.
Beside him, Nie Huaisang walks with a spring in their step. In the crook of their elbow, they carry a small but finely crafted handbag, as though they’re a rich socialite on a shopping spree in the big city. “Here we are,” Nie Huaisang says, excitement giving their voice a fun lyrical quality, “Where shall we start, Wuxian-xiong?”
Wei Wuxian can’t help the wide grin that breaks across his face. He scoops up one of the shopping baskets by the entrance. “We should start from the ground up,” he decides, logically, “Let’s go see how sturdy their poster board is.”
“We can always glue a layer or two of cardboard to the base,” Nie Huaisang points out.
“True, true.”
The two friends make their way towards the poster aisle. They’re on a mission, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have fun.
They’re making a diorama as their final project for freshman biology. Thankfully, they were allowed to pick their own partners, and since they’ve become quick friends over the course of the year, it was a no brainer.
Their plan is to create a miniature factory, with its walls, machines, and workers, but then label everything as though they’re the parts of a human cell. Wei Wuxian is certain that it will appeal to their teacher’s quirky sense of humor, and earn them a grade worth bragging about. Nie Huaisang is less convinced, but they’re just happy for the opportunity to show off their talent for arts and crafts.
They sift through their manyu options, poster boards of all different sizes, material, colors, and even textures.
Nie Huaisang pulls out out of the rack and gasps delicately, as though they’re holding a precious treasure. “Wuxian-xiong,” they say, “Feel this one. Isn’t it just like the gritty texture of cement?”
Wei Wuxian runs the tips of his fingers over the rough surface. “Oh wow, you’re right! But won’t that make it difficult to glue things to it?”
“Ah, I hadn’t considered that!” Nie Huaisang gives the poster board another longing-filled stroke. “Perhaps we can use little metal stands for the figurines, and stick the metal through the poster?”
Seeing that his friend’s heart is set on the poster board, Wei Wuxian nods. “Yeah, that could work! We’ll definitely need to add some cardboard to the base, though. We get a bunch of cardboard boxes at the restaurant from shipments and stuff. I’m sure Jiang-shushu won’t mind if we take one.”
Nie Huaisang eagerly takes the paper board and rolls it up. It’s still too long to fit in the basket, but at least they could carry it one-handed. “What next, Wuxian-xiong?”
“Metal wire for the stands, probably,” Wei Wuxian answers, “And maybe some of those things they use in gardens, with the names of plants on them? We can use those to label stuff. Would they have those here? If not, we can probably make our own...”
“There’s a gardening store around the corner,” Nie Huaisang says helpfully.
Wei Wuxian nods sagely. “That’ll do. Oh, and we should probably be keeping track of how much everything costs. How much did Nie Mingjue give you to spend?”
Nie Huaisang gives Wei Wuxian an incredibly self-satisfied smirk. They dig into the handbag and fish out a stack of folded bills. “Oh, we don’t need to worry about money,” they assure Wei Wuxian smugly, “My Gege gave me more than enough.”
Wei Wuxian whistles.
Nie Mingjue, Huaisang’s half-brother, took over management of the family business recently. He’s also been the one looking after Huaisang ever since their parents retired to travel the world. Mingjue likes to pretend that he’s a strict disciplinarian, yet he spends money on Huaisang like it’s going out of style.
To hear Nie Huaisang tell it, they’ve always been a spoiled child. But it seems as though it’s gotten even worse ever since Nie Mingjue became Huaisang’s primary guardian.
Nie Huaisang giggles behind their wad of cash. “So, yeah,” they say, “Money is not an issue.”
Wei Wuxian might be jealous if he was the type of person to get jealous. Instead, he only laughs in delight. “That’s good to know! Let’s take proper advantage of your Da-gege’s generosity, then!”
They quickly fill up the basket and have to upgrade to a cart. They take their time choosing the plastic figurines. There aren’t any factory workers, but there are some crossing guards, and a man in an astronaut suit, and they figure they can just pain over them. Nie Huaisang already has a decent collection of paints, but they also grab some new brushes, along with a fine point pen.
Then it’s off to the gardening store for some plastic plant markers, with tips sharp enough to pierce through paper and cardboard. While they’re there, they also grab some short two-inch fences and some mesh to use in constructing the cell walls.
They bring their haul back to the Jiang residence, because it’s closer.
The Jiang house is unusually quiet. Jiang Cheng is at soccer practice, and Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan are both at work at the restaurant. Jiang Yanli is home, though. She greets them at the door, and then immediately moves to prepare tea and snacks for them.
“Your supply run went well, I see,” she says, as she putters around the kitchen.
Wei Wuxian makes sure to plant a big, loud kiss to her cheek before he starts unloading things onto the dining room table. “It went great, actually,” he says, “Jiejie, you have to see all these awesome things we found!”
Nie Huaisang hovers a tad awkwardly in between the kitchen and dining room. It’s not the first time they’ve been to Wei Wuxian’s house, but it’s not a routine experience, either.
Glancing over her shoulder, Jiang Yanli examines the enormity of their haul with a worried expression. The cause of her concern becomes clear when she says, “I hope you didn’t have to use up all of your allowance on this school project, A-Xian.”
“Nope!” Wei Wuxian beams at her. “I didn’t spend a penny. Huaisang-xiong’s rich Gege footed the bill.”
“That... was probably not the best way to phrase that,” Nie Huaisang murmurs to Wei Wuxian, “Please let your Jiejie know you meant my actual Gege, and not an older guy who spends money on me like I’m his sugar baby.”
Wei Wuxian blinks. And then he starts snickering loudly. “She’s not going to assume that,” he assures them.
“What will I not assume?” Jiang Yanli places a plate of rice crackers on the kitchen’s island, and raises one of her brows at them.
Nie Huaisang grabs Wei Wuxian’s arm to stop him, but it’s too late.
“Huaisang-xiong doesn’t want you thinking they have a sugar daddy,” Wei Wuxian confesses, “So they want me to emphasize that, in this case, I used the term ‘their Gege’ to refer to Nie Mingjue.”
Nie Huaisang looks like they want to melt into the floor.
But Jiang Yanli only giggles, demurely, behind the cover of her hand. “Well, I’m glad you clarified that,” she teases both of them, “Both of you are too young to have sugar daddies, anyway. Come, and have some rice crackers while the tea steeps.”
The two freshmen each hop up onto one of the stools obediently. Wei Wuxian stuffs his mouth without thought, while Nie Huaisang carefully nibbles at their cracker like a timid mouse.
There’s a bit of companionable silence. Jiang Yanli pours them each a cup of green tea, and then moves the sugar bowl within their reach.
Then she sits on one of the stools opposite them, and asks, “How are your other final projects coming along?”
Wei Wuxian heaves a dramatic sigh. “Bo-oring,” he singsongs, “It’s all essays and making flashcards for the exams. The same old generic stuff we did in middle school.”
“I get to make a poster for home ec.,” Nie Huaisang offers.
“Ooh, about what?”
“We have to try to design the food pyramid,” Nie Huaisang answers, “Other kids are just making collages out of newspaper clippings, but I want to try my hand at painting the food. I’ve never had a reason to paint food before, except for maybe an apple, back when we were learning how use shading.”
Jiang Yanli smiles. “That sounds fun,” she says, “Just don’t get so caught up in your fun projects that you don’t leave any time for the boring ones.”
“Right,” Nie Huaisang answers automatically.
Wei Wuxian is more lax. “I’ll be fine,” he assures his Jiejie, “Besides, I get my best work done at the last minute.”
Jiang Yanli gives her Didi a look. “That’s not how that works.”
“It is how it works! That spike of adrenaline really helps me get things done,” Wei Wuxian insists, and taps the edge of his nose with a cheeky little smirk.
“But it doesn’t leave you much time to go back and edit, does it?”
Wei Wuxian shrugs. “I make less mistakes on my first drafts than everyone else does on their final copies! If I start turning in perfect papers, then people might think I’m just showing off.”
“You ARE showing off,” Nie Huaisang snips.
That makes Jiang Yanli giggle again. She shakes her head at Wei Wuxian, but in a fond sort of way. Neither try to continue the argument.
“What about you, Jiejie?” Wei Wuxian asks suddenly, “Any fun final projects?”
“Just exams,” Jiang Yanli answers. She’s a high school junior, two years ahead of them. “Though, my math teacher said that anyone who already has an A in the class doesn’t have to take the final exam.”
“Let me guess,” Wei Wuxian says with no little hint of pride, “You have an A.”
Jiang Yanli hides her mouth behind the rim of her teacup. “I do,” she confirms, and her smile is audible in her tone. “So that’s one less thing for me to worry about.”
“That’s my Jiejie! Smartest girl in the whole world!”
“I’m glad you think so.”
“Think so? I know so!”
Nie Huaisang smiles at that. Though the dynamic between Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian is completely different from their relationship with Mingjue, there’s still something vaguely familiar about it.
Just like Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang, really. They’ve got completely different temperaments. Wei Wuxian is a natural leader, charismatic, bold, and optimistic. Nie Huaisang tends to follow the herd, being as indiscisive and anxious as they are. Yet the two of them are often on the same wavelength.
That’s probably why, even though they only met for the first time that year, it already feels like they’ve been friends for a long time.
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felassan · 4 years
So from the tease that we got so far, I think the south is doomed,it looks like red lyrium has spread so far and wide destroyed everything on it's path (like that second picture of the Ferelden styled ruin/building) do you think blight and red lyrium will destroy or at least ruined some part of southern continent like Ferelden? And what about red lyrium in tevinter? Is the red lyrium growth in the north as bad as the south?
Hi Nonnie. This became long so I put it under a cut. TN spoilers beneath
My takeaway from it was bit different in some respects. I would guess that the WIPs were less of a “here’s what’s happened in Thedas between Trespasser and the next game”, and were a bit less specific on the major/main storybeats front than the DWR trailer and than a normal proper trailer would be. I would guess that the WIPs are more like a mini tech demo (a tiny slice of next gen capabilities), a nod to fans to show the franchise is still alive and a reel put together to act as an example of environmental stuff that looks cool while also being something which was suitable/safe to show at a corporate event like EA Play.
I took it as telegraphing the following:
‘Hey guys! DA is still a Thing. DA4 is still coming and it’s in development. Here’s a little snippet to reassure / feed / excite you [delete as appropriate lol] and keep the tiny spark alive. Haha lol we still can’t formally announce the game because top-level leadership rules and NDAs’
‘Wow omg! We’re excited about our next-gen stuff. Get a load of that raytracing (and so forth)'
‘Check it out! It’s red lyrium and stuff. These segments are Noticeably, Recognizably Dragon Age™’
‘This is conceptual. We’re still early in development and can’t show you anything more specific than this’ (compare to the similar early conceptual teases of MEA and Anthem)
In terms of major plot aspects*, I took it as:
Indicating or setting the kind of tone, aesthetic and overall feel the next game will have (‘Ooh ominous - dark - creepy.’), like set pieces or color swatches or a free sample/taster session of something
red lyrium is dangerous and the threat of it and its spread will feature in the plot of the next game. (‘The red lyrium threat shown in the background of DAI as in Emprise is returning, and with a vengeance’; ‘Expect to learn more about red lyrium in the next game’)
‘Omg!! What is that beating mass? Ooh!’
I don’t think we can say for certain that the WIPs are set in the south. It can probably snow in parts of the north of Thedas for one thing (see all that Equator stuff), and since several of the assets in the WIPs such as the bearded statues and skull-topped urns are straight out of DAI, it could be a case of asset reuse. If it’s simple asset reuse, devs were probably just making use of what resources they currently had available or were able to currently show, not trying to telegraph a specific location. Given the statues and urns, it’s possible that the buildings were also reused assets, and so not necessarily specifically Fereldan despite the resemblance. It’s also possible that given the nature of the WIPs as a mini tech demo and as a ‘tone setter’ of sorts, that they weren’t created with any specific location in mind. The game was also rebooted and is still far out from release - things could change and such scenes might not even make into the game (see the Crestwood scenes from the DAI marketing cycle). 
About the far and wide and destroying everything in its path, stuff. I don’t doubt red lyrium has spread some and is destructive, but it’s worth mentioning I think, that the three shots we saw look to have been ‘connected’. They seem to have been ‘taken’ in the same place (that place could either be a specific place in Thedas, or just the same ‘set piece’ made for the teaser), going by the similar lighting and how it looks like snow is tracked onto the foreground of the second shot. Example: The mass in the third shot seems like it’s located inside the fortress which is in the top right of the second shot. So it’s possible there’s a tighter ‘focus’ in terms of the spread of red lyrium in the surrounds than what we think.
This is all speculation of course and so I could easily be wrong, but: so, I am unsure about the south being doomed. I do think we’re leaving the south behind, that red lyrium destroys what’s in its path, that it will have spread more by the time of DA4, and that it is a serious problem and is going to be a grave threat faced by Thedas and the PC and crew in the next game. (This was shown in the background plot in Emprise.) Just more like, the threat of red lyrium dooming whole regions is something we will be contending with and trying to stop in the narrative, or at the very least is something which will be part of the backdrop to plotbeats (like why Solas is doing his thing). Would they change whole nations so dramatically like that off-screen between-games, effectively removing or drastically ‘reducing’ those nations as settings? That’s a lot more of a radical change than “And now the Qunari are invading.” They might, that would be something different to what’s been done previously and so be dramatic and new, and you could potentially have an updated south which amounts to ‘Red Lyrium Future Ferelden and Red Lyrium Future Orlais’, but idk. The south doesn’t have to be doomed to cause a narrative move north. I’m thinking about how in DAO, the Fifth Blight threatened to spread across and ruin all Ferelden, but it was stopped and only really properly environmentally scarred parts in the far south near the Wilds. If they did do this, I would expect the story to have a big influx of refugees from Ferelden and Orlais travelling north to escape the issue. I feel like that’s something we’ve already seen before, that was already explored in the Fereldan refugees crossing the Waking Sea and the effects of the influx on Kirkwall in DA2.
I think red lyrium is a major threat to the world (a threat of doom, to all nations, north and south), and that it will have spread further than it had before by the time of the next game. This was seeded as a beat in DAI (literally in the nodes of lyrium in the land and metaphorically in the lore in codexes and such). I think this spread would at least ruin or seriously damage certain regions in the south and possibly elsewhere before the next game, like what we could expect to have happened as a result of the expanding spread in the region of Emprise despite the Inquisition’s efforts. I think it’ll feature prominently in the narrative and that we’ll learn more about it in terms of Dramatic Lore Reveals (considering the intersection it has with the Taint/Blight and the corrupted fleshy sacs in the WIPs). I’m hesitant in thinking that the south more as a whole has been doomed by red lyrium by the time of DA4, and in thinking that’s what the WIPs are saying. Hope this makes sense. 😰 Ofc, all any of us are doing when speculating about the trailer is guessing, so who knows really. 😄
About red lyrium growth in the north: We know less about its growth in the north than we do about its growth in the south. It does seem that it is worse in the south, because after the Breach opened, nodes of it began appearing throughout the surface of the south. The aforementioned Emprise du Lion is the best example of this so far. Makes sense, aside from the Breach it’s in the south that the red lyrium idol was found and in the south that the red templars were largely operating. I do think it’s still a big threat to the north though - it’s clear from stories in Tevinter Nights that some Magisters in Tevinter are messing with it (e.g. the Wigmaker’s experiments) and that remnants of the Venatori are still active in parts of Tevinter. In DAI we saw the Venatori just like the red templars messing with red lyrium: poisoning the well in Wycome, trying to start a supply line in Antiva, trying to smuggle it from the Storm Coast to Minrathous in order to convert the Imperium's slaves into an unstoppable army to turn the tide in the war with the Qunari for Seheron.. (TN was also careful to present us with similar instances of Tevinter nationalism and Tevene desire to restore the glory of the Imperium..  And here we note that both Antiva and Minrathous are northern locations). Stupid behavior like that is exactly how this kind of dangerous thing gets out of control and spreads. And so, I’m sure we can expect to see red lyrium threatening the northern regions in a serious way in DA4.
* I mean I still have been and am gonna speculate wildly and overanalyze, but primarily because doing so is fun for me
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