#and also humans that aren’t human
npdvamp · 3 months
guys what if i was a Large Entity and you were a Much Smaller Entity and you were Inside Me. and then we kissed.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 279
Now Danny didn’t mean to make a Bootube channel. He’d meant to send that sleep deprived ramble to Tucker, but he had clicked on the wrong app and yeah. Apparently people enjoy his space rambles- or it could have been the ghost blob-cats that had decided to flop onto him. (Honestly he wasn’t surprised they would start to mimic the shapes of things in their surroundings)
Tucker? Found it hilarious, as did Sam and Val and… um, okay this has become their shared channel now, nice. Though there are some strange comments on some of the videos. Really, what do they mean green sky and crazy tech???
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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whatever happens, please don’t break
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jeansvoid · 7 months
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More Adventure Time doodles
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vrronica-sawyer · 2 months
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Soul Eater Trigun au doodles except none of these idiots would be able to soul resonate early enough into their relationships to be assigned partners in school sorry shipper nations
Do NOT look at these weapons pls I hate drawing guns
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twinstxrs · 4 months
the gorgug-porter conversation is interesting to me because like. yea for the overwhelming majority of the conversation porter’s being shitty & trying to fit gorgug into a box that gorgug just does not fit into by trying to make gorgug’s relationship with his rage more focused on the aggression aspect of it. but then there’s also this specific thing that brennan brought up again in the ap, which is that gorgug’s relationship with his rage is wholly “this is a tool i use to protect my friends.” which isn’t a bad thing! but that’s his Whole relationship with it, & gorgug seems to place next to no value on his rage in relationship to himself. which is problematic, because it’s first & foremost his rage.
being raised in a household with a sort of toxic positivity largely meant that, whether or not it was his parents’ intention, gorgug internalized the message that more traditionally “negative” emotions such as anger are the wrong response to something. part of the reason he prioritizes his artificing is probably because it’s “fixing” things. in comparison to being a barbarian, which gorgug associates with “breaking” things. good vs. bad behavior, in his eyes.
it’s a totally unacceptable bar to measure a 16 y/o by, but i do think part of porter’s reasoning for not letting gorgug multiclass is him recognizing that gorgug generally does not value anger as a valid emotional response to something, at the very least for himself. & that directly conflicts with what being a barbarian is, because whether you like it or not, that rage is what fuels you. but again, barring a kid from pursuing something they deeply care about in part (not entirely, porter has a lot of more bullshit reasons) because of their fundamental values & world outlook is crazy.
so yes, 98% of porter’s reasoning is pretty shitty, immature, rife with a toxic view that there’s only one proper way to access rage, & generally not a good thing to do as a teacher, but also within that reasoning is the 2% of ‘there is a fundamental part of yourself that you only value if you can use it to take care of other people & you need to accept that as something that can take care of you, too.’ but that’s something to discuss with a therapist or a guidance counselor, not something that should hugely impact gorgug’s academic future.
#gorgug thistlespring#fantasy high#dimension 20#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#btw these r just my personal opinions u r 100% free to disagree#gorgug & his rage interest me so deeply because of how deeply that rage existing seems to be against gorgug’s own will#like mechanically classes are choices & you can switch stuff around any time. but gorgug as a barbarian always felt like an unwilling choice#like that 14 y/o kid did not want to have rage. & that really interests me.#i’ve seen people before be like ‘what if gorgug dropped barbarian & went full srtificer’ but i feel like that simply can’t happen??#mechanically yea sure but it always felt like a core part of gorgug that the rage will always be there & it’s a matter of how you channel it#idk. dnd classes narratively being treated as ‘you can not lose this part of you’ even though you technically can#gorgug could be lvl 19 artificer & he’d still have 1 level of barbarian. because that is part of who he is.#btw i don’t think porter truly cares about gorgug valuing his rage only as a way to be a human shield#i think porter just sees that as ‘wrong’ but like. not as in ‘you need to take care of yourself’ & more ‘you aren’t conforming’#he thinks it’s wrong for the wrong reasons. the nastier ‘this is how you should be’ reasons#ppl being like ‘we r being too hard on porter. it’s an 150% courseload gorgug will be overwhelmed’ i think r missing the point bc like.#that is 100% a valid reason to not approve gorgug for multiclassing! but that’s also 100% not the reason porter rejected him.#that whole interaction was basically porter shoving his percieved version of conformity down gorgug’s throat. was v neurodivergent kid coded#no hate to anyone saying that last point btw these r all just opinions#thinking about last ep wilma & digby being like ‘you’re a great barbarian. you’re so great at it. but look at what you made!!!’ like.#they would never mean it like that. but when you only understand half of your son he is going to prioritize the half you do.
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chaoticcultist · 12 days
I notice that with humanized Angel Dust, he's either a natural blonde in the proper time period or a bottle blonde in a modern setting. I know the canon design he had a while back was blonde, but I personally headcanon him as having dark hair and dark eyes (I've seen several people design him like that, but not many).
I like to think that if the cast got temporarily turned human or something, Angel would both look exactly and nothing like what the others assumed. He’s tall, obviously, and thin in an unhealthy coke-addict way. He has an undeniably pretty face with a smattering of freckles on his cheeks, but a nasty scar over his left eye (I like to explain his black scleral eye as the eye he lost while he was alive and replaced with a glass one). He has dark eyes and nearly black hair that he tries to keep slicked back out of his face.
Angel loves looking femme, but the guy did live in the 1930's and 40's and likely had to live closeted from his family. I think he has major scary-guy potential. Put him in a regular non-pink suit, and you'd never guess he's a twink.
This was a blessing in life, but Angel would be devastated if anyone pointed it out at the hotel. Alastor comments that Angel looks surprisingly masculine in his human form, and Angel breaks down sobbing on Husk’s shoulder.
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indecisitivity · 22 days
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“his teeth are not soft” pt. 2 electric boogaloo
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shaykai · 5 days
Happy over the garden wall 10th anniversary!
i know you from your Beast and Enoch arts 2 years ago and continue being fascinated by your arts ever since 💙 ✨️
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I’m a little late to this, but thank you so much!! I’m glad you’ve hung around for my other stuff, it’s very flattering <3
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smply-sktchng · 25 days
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why won’t you fly away?
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badolmen · 1 year
hey you guys know that even if the people inside that submersible are rich billionaires, dying in that metal tube at the bottom of the ocean is a horrific way to die right. like. yeah stupid choices were made by the people in there signing off on a waiver that says the sub is not approved by anyone and they could die. but it’s the fault of OceanGate for knowingly putting people into a Home Depot DIY sub rigged up with an Xbox controller all to make a profit on people’s curiosity.
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ihhfhonao3 · 18 days
Just a reminder that fanfic authors don’t owe you anything.
We don’t owe you updates. We don’t owe you explanations. We don’t owe you more chapters. We don’t owe you a sequel. We don’t owe you a certain amount of words. We don’t owe you certain tropes or writing styles. And we definitely don’t owe you more fanfiction.
We are not content creators, we are creative writers who do this for free just for fuck’s sake. We do this in what little open time we may have, in lieu of having families and friends and jobs and obligations and of course, burnout.
It’s okay to ask for more. It’s okay to want more. We like it when you’re engaged! But the second you think that we owe you something? The second you start “expecting” something from us? You’ve forgotten one of the very baselines of fanfiction- writing it because it’s fun.
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puppetmaster13u · 14 days
Prompt 315
We all know the idea of Danny getting adopted by one of the batfam. But hear me out: Danny gets adopted by Vampire Dick Grayson. 
Danny honestly, did not mean to dimension hop, nor did he mean to get this injured in the first place, where his vision is spinning and there’s greenRedGreenGreenGREEN spilling from his body like he’s melting from the inside. He didn’t mean to get caught, he just didn’t want Dan to happen again, not again and the GIW had seen him flying and- 
And now he’s here, wherever here is, smoke in his lungs making it even harder to breathe than it was before. And there’s a shadow approaching, a flicker of crimson in his blurry vision, and there’s claws tilting his head and then something burns- 
Dick? Call it nostalgia perhaps, seeing this small child, so much like his little wing and baby bird once were, white streak and corpse-pale skin and all. He just wished for his dear brothers to join him, that’s all he wanted, and perhaps Damian won’t be so bitey if he got a friend…
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I actually love Vulcans’ self control and I love it when they’re portrayed as very purposely composed and level headed, like there’s just something about them appearing emotionless because they put in so much effort and discipline into it
But I do love jokes about the small things getting to them, like they’re perfectly in control of themselves after getting hit with some weird pollen while everyone else is affected but then later on you do a stupid lil pun and they have to walk away quickly so they don’t show any emotion
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reminder that famous people are also just some guy, don’t put them on pedestals, be aware that they are not perfect and remember, men ain’t shit
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vrronica-sawyer · 27 days
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@re-l Legally had to give her a domina
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