#and found out it went so far beyond Instagram
quillyfied · 2 years
Oh, also, because I haven’t seen a warning on my dash yet so imma make one:
If you have an iPhone or another Apple product that has apps that have location tracking enabled, GO CHECK THEIR SETTINGS AND TURN OFF “USE PRECISE LOCATION.” Apparently this new nifty little number that recent iOS updates have quietly rolled out is able to identify your exact location rather than the general area. Which is not great for a variety of privacy reasons.
Any app—ANY app—that uses location, check it in settings. Instagram. Facebook. Pokémon GO. Starbucks. Target. If you don’t want your precise location known by your phone and any entity that might have access to it, turn the feature off NOW.
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rebelfell · 6 months
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writing about going to the gym instead of actually going still counts…right? 2k 18+, MDNI
eddie munson x fem!reader (implied plus-size)
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The gym at Eddie’s new apartment complex wasn’t so bad. 
It had just undergone a big renovation by the time he moved in, so it still smelled faintly of paint and some of the machines had that protective plastic film over the monitors. It was on the small side, but had enough room for a row of treadmills and ellipticals that faced a big window, looking out on the grassy knoll of the courtyard behind the leasing office. 
Eddie never went on them, though. He was mostly there for the weights, following the regime Steve had put him on a couple months prior. It wasn’t as rigorous as the one his friend followed, but it was demanding enough that Eddie needed an occasional break, elbows resting on his knees as he tried to catch his breath and pushed sweaty tendrils of hair from his face.
His shirt was old and ratty with the cutoff sleeves and drooping armholes stretched far beyond their natural elasticity. Truthfully, it did make him look a little douchey. But he also kind of liked the way it showed off his arms, the edges of the tattoos on his ribcage, the tops of his obliques.  
Especially now that he actually has obliques.
He’s not yet worked his way up to the full-blown gym-bro attire Steve wears when he’s posting his little thirst traps all over Instagram. The videos are the worst—him planking shirtless or flexing his biceps as he curls a weight or swinging weird giant ropes with his arms.
Eddie’s only filmed himself lifting a few times now. Partly because Steve keeps demanding he send him videos so he can “check his form” but also because…he just looks good, okay? 
He never dreamed he’d be the type. Aside from a (very) brief skateboarding phase, his main source of exercise when he was growing up was running from local law enforcement. 
Now here he was lifting three days a week, considering adding a fourth.
He was still slacking on cardio—the smoker’s lung capacity really hindered him there. But Steve had suggested they try boxing, and a free pass to hit Harrington certainly held some appeal…
Eddie found he actually kind of liked the gym now. It was quiet and peaceful. It gave him an hour or so to turn his brain off and focus on nothing but counting sets or reps. He felt good when he walked back to his place a little sweaty and sore, feeling like he’d done something.
And he liked it especially when you showed up.
He’d seen you a few times around already, mostly walking with your dog. Or dogs, rather. By his count there were a couple different ones. 
There was a Corgi who would stomp his stubby little legs like he was mad at the concrete; and a border collie you liked to take to the dog park and toss a frisbee for him to catch; and an elderly chihuahua he often saw you lift into your arms and carry for the end of his walk when he grew tired and looked up at you sadly with those big, pleading eyes. You were powerless.
Spotting you out and about whenever Eddie was going to get his mail, or taking a walk to stretch his legs after sitting at his computer too long, catching a glimpse of you from his balcony when he sat out there in the morning or evening, had started to become the highlight of his day.
He still had yet to, you know, talk to you.
If he ever had the fortune of walking past while you were out, his words immediately failed. And he couldn’t even count now the number of times he’d walked past the dog park while you were there and wished desperately he had a dog just so he had an excuse to go in and talk to you.
He wondered, regretfully, if you could tell he was a cat guy just seeing the smattering of light hairs all his black clothes attracted like a magnet.
But now you were here. Physically present in the same room as him. Close enough for him to reach out and wrap his hands around you. Looking so fucking delectable in your workout clothes.
Your shape was mostly concealed by a baggy hoodie that just barely covered the roundness of your ass and skimmed the tops of your thick thighs—both of which were only accentuated by the tightness of your black Lycra shorts.
He might have dredged up the nerve to finally say something—even a meekly muttered “hi” would have been an improvement on the nothing he’d been slinging. But your headphones were resting snugly over your ears and he generally took that as a firm sign not to bother people.
They were nice ones, he noted. Not a pair of the obscenely expensive Apple ones Steve liked to wax poetically about, but you’d probably sunk a decent amount into them for the sound quality.
 Or maybe they were a gift from your boyfriend, Eddie thought bitterly.
You smiled at him as you passed, giving a little wave that almost made him drop the weight in his hand. Honestly, a broken toe would have been worth it. He tries not to ogle you, honest he does. But he can see you in the mirror as you step up onto the treadmill directly behind him, despite every single one of them being free. All he has to do is tip his head slightly to the side and his view is pristine. He won’t stare, though.
He won’t, he won’t, he won’t.
At least not anymore…
He did his best to concentrate on his workout as you got yourself situated. Absently, he wondered if you were here because you thought you needed to be, and he really hoped that wasn’t the case. Because from where he was sitting, there wasn’t a goddamn thing on your body that needed any improvement.
You don’t seem to be taking it too seriously, though. Starting out at a slow walk, flicking through your phone to choose your music as you amble along. Eventually you must settle on something and set it down before you start to hike up the incline on your machine. 
He figures out pretty quickly you're doing one of those “strut” workouts he’s seen floating around, where you increase your speed with the switch of each song.
Except you’re doing more than strutting—you’re performing.
It’s subtle at first. You start out simply walking at a steady pace, but then he catches a couple motions of your arms, a few flips of your head that send your hair flying. In the reflection of your face on the window he can see you’re lip syncing along to the song, your closed fist becoming a microphone for what looks like a long belt.
He bites back his own smile as he watches you, his eyes drawn to your shape in the mirror over and over. It makes him forget what rep he’s on every time, his workout little more than a charade at this point.
As your pace increases, your breathing gets harder and sweat starts to slicken your brow. You pause just long enough to pull off your sweatshirt and drape it over the guard rail. It drags up the bottom of your shirt, revealing a flash of your bare back that sends Eddie reeling. 
He can’t help but imagine himself flush behind you, kissing down the delicate curve of your spine, gripping desperately at the meat of your hips and ass, molding them with his hands as he thrusts with abandon and the fronts of his thighs slap wet against the backs of yours. He would beg you to let him go down on you just like this—breathing in the smell of your musk and sweat, tugging down those shorts to bury his face between your thighs until they were trembling like his did on leg day, brushing off your complaints about being too gross or dirty.
He’d show you what dirty really was. 
Eddie jolts as the dumbbell he’s holding slips from his clammy palm and he just barely moves his foot in time. It hits the ground with a dull thud, but if you notice you don’t give any indication.
Ears buzzing now, shame radiating at the back of his neck, he set the weight back on the rack and dropped to the floor, twisting into something resembling a yoga pose he saw Nancy post once. The temptation to get on the treadmill next to you is so strong, but he’s afraid it might make you too self-conscious to keep going with your little show.
Plus, he’d probably end up tripping over his own feet and face planting on the machine. Kinda tough to put the moves on a girl when you’ve got a smashed face that’s bleeding like a faucet.
Instead, he drags out his stretching, hoping he can time it right so it won’t seem too weird if he leaves the same time you do. He’s already stayed longer than he normally does, but the promise of finally getting to talk to you is too enticing.
If he was a smarter man, he might have tried thinking of something to actually say if he got the chance, but that’s a whole other issue. 
At last, the machine you’re on started to whirr as you lowered the incline to normal and slowed the speed of the belt until it stops completely. Eddie’s chest heaves as he watches, his pulse racing so fast it’s probably going to trigger the smartwatch on his wrist. You catch his eye in the mirror as you wipe down your machine with a disinfectant wipe and his head snaps forward.
Best of all, when you’re done, you tug down your headphones so they rest around your neck.
This is it, he thinks, his heart pounding harder than it ever had during a workout. Now or fucking never.
“So, uhh, how many dogs do you actually have?”
As pick-up lines go, it’s…not great. But it gets you to stop next to him on your way to the door, tilting your head and smiling as you do.
Fuck, you’re pretty.
“What was that?” you ask.
Eddie scrambled. He ran his hand across the nape of his neck, resisting the urge to smack himself in the back of his head. All of a sudden, his body is unbearably hot and he’s never been so embarrassed of his douchey shirt now that your eyes were scanning him up and down.
Wait…were you checking him out?
“I just…I’ve seen you walking them,” he chuckled. “I was wondering how many you have.”
“Oh, none,” you laughed. “It’s kind of a side gig. I walk them for some other people who live here.”
“None of them are yours then?”
“Nah,” you said, sheepishly looking down at the floor and then flicking your gaze back up to meet his, a smile curling across your lips. “I’ve got a cat, though.”
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lila-lou · 7 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 1/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language, Soldier boy being too rough
Word Count: 1394
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You were currently lying on your stomach on the sofa, completely engrossed in your phone.
It's been a year already.
12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another.
Of course, the job in the field, as you always affectionately called it, was extremely dangerous, but damn interesting and exciting. Until today, you didn't know why Butcher wanted you on his team so badly, but after a few unsuccessful attempts to get him to talk, you finally gave up. You weren't particularly talented when it came to fighting or stuff like that. You also had no idea about technology. Of course, you knew the quickest way to track down and locate Supes, but the other 11 girls on your team knew that too. So, you didn't know why you were chosen, but now you didn't care. Finally something exciting happened in your life and you were more than grateful for that.
Your love life on the other hand, was still a complete disaster. You're 20 years old and still single as fuck. It wasn't that you didn't have chances, certainly not, it was more that you wanted a man who could flash you. You wanted magic. A crackling and burning when he looks at you. But so far, all the men you've met have been the exact opposite. And if your mother taught you anything, it's to never settle for less.
So, here you were. In shorts and a crop top in the living room of your shared apartment.
Since the Team around Butcher has expanded with you, the Team got a new apartment. Not particularly luxurious, but not completely crappy either.
However, since the heating in your room is currently broken, you had to make do with the couch in the living room. While everyone else was already asleep, you scrolled through Instagram, checking out what your old coworkers were up to and what lies the media was currently spreading.
"Why aren't you sleeping, doll face?".
It was Soldier Boy's rough voice that startled you. When you turned your head to the side, you could see his eyes glued to your bare legs. But typical, he didn't care that you caught him staring. He plopped down on the sofa next to your feet and took a sip from his whiskey bottle without averting his gaze. There was nothing you could do as the blush rose to your face. You cleared your throat before sitting up.
“I don’t know”, you mumbled before looking at him for a second. “Somehow I’m not tired”, you added, looking away again. It was impossible to hold his gaze for much more. Despite the fact that you were the only person Soldier Boy was nice to, nice by his standards, you found him extremely intimidating. Even now, as he sat there, almost like a normal person in his gray sweatpants and black hoodie, he radiated this strong superiority.
When it became clear that there was no way Soldier Boy could be locked up again and Butcher could use all the help he could get against Homelander, he convinced Soldier Boy to rejoin his team.
Nobody knew how the hell he did it, but he did.
Butcher had recruited you and Soldier Boy almost at the same time. You were both the ‚new guys’ so to speak. Maybe that's why you got along somewhat.
“Well, I know fucking ton of ways to make you tired, Sweetheart”, he winked at you, making you roll your eyes. “Are you going to stop trying at some point?”, you mumbled, reaching for your Ben & Jerry’s on the table. “As soon as I can finally spread those pretty legs of yours”, he grinned cheekily.
You didn't think much of it. Ben was Ben and fucked everything that came his way. You knew that by now. Well, everyone on the team knew that. It wasn't even two weeks before Butcher banned him from bringing women home. The sounds those girls did, sounded like something out of a porno and kept everyone awake for two weeks.
“You’re disgusting,” you remarked quietly before putting the first spoonful in your mouth.
“Whatever”, he took another sip.
"Why are you still awake?", you asked. "I've slept enough", he replied almost bitterly. “Besides…if Everyone is sleeping, I hear your every little movement. Every tap on your phone. Every fucking breath you take… Try sleeping like that”, he murmured.
“Sorry”, you mumbled.
“Yeah, whatever doll face”.
You spent the next 60 minutes staying quiet and watching TV. In between, Ben couldn't help but mutter derogatory comments about women from commercials or the actual Movie you watched and its plot. At some point your nerves were on edge and you couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan.
“Do you have a fucking problem over there?”, Ben mumbled, looking over at you.
"You're repeating yourself! ‘Everything used to be better’ – that’s annoying”, you imitated him.
Without meaning to, you started a discussion. Neither of you was angry or aggressive, but both of you wanted to be right and keep the other quiet. However, the discussion quickly became heated. After a few minutes, the mood changed completely. Ben absolutely wasn't having neither your attitude nor your - in his eyes - disrespectful behavior towards him. Soldier Boy. Americas fucking first hero.
You could see Ben tense up. He got up from the couch and stood in front of you, building himself up. He clearly was about to snap.
“Know what the fucking best part was? Nobody was a fucking cocktease like you! No woman would dared to dance around with such tight little panties in front of me and just not let me fuck ‘em!”.
You just sat there and looked up at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
"Ben, I...". With your eyes still on him, you searched for the right words, but you hadn't found any. All these months you thought Ben was just kidding. You never took his lewd comments, compliments or his staring seriously, quite the opposite. By now you thought it was just one of his traits. He held your gaze with his arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow expectantly. His fingertips tapped his upper arm. Knowing that he wouldn't rest until you gave him an answer that was acceptable to him, you tried your best.
“I didn't think you'd mind. I… I´m not your type at all? I thought you`re into older women”. You now looked at him a little confused.
“Oh, don’t act fucking dumb now! I know women like you. Act all innocent at first, make men horny and then don't let anyone touch you! This is actually a lot worse than a slut admitting she's a slut!”, he spat.
Unfortunately, your hand was faster than your brain as you lashed out, hitting him on the cheek.
Your breath hitched as you saw Ben raise both eyebrows in surprise before his jaw twitched in anger.
"Shit! Ben… I…”.
You couldn't stutter any longer because Ben was already pushing you firmly against the wall by your upper arms.
Thousand thoughts ran through his head and they all revolved around you.
Ever since he first saw you, he was torn. Soldier Boy didn't know if he wanted to kill you, fuck you, torture or fucking marry you. He couldn't understand his own feelings. He didn't know what the fuck he felt. Even now his fantasies fluctuated like hell.
You were only human. With the blink of an eye he could squash you like a puny fly. But then he would never be able to look into those beautiful (y/e/c) eyes again. He would never be able to hear your voice again. He had dreamed so often of you lying beneath him, completely exhausted, shaking and moaning. Screaming his name in sheer desperate.
Just like that his intrusive thoughts won. Without any warning, he smashed his lips into yours, followed by his body.
A/N: I was wondering if anyone would like me to make this into a multi-part story. Pls let me know 🥰
Part 2
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pulisicsgirl · 1 year
take the pain away - mason mount
summary: Y/N gets hurt, and Mason is immediately at her side, doing anything he can to take the pain away
pairing: Mason Mount x reader
word count: 3.1k
warning/tags: hurt/comfort, mentions of an injury, sickeningly sweet, tooth-rotting fluff, established relationships, also I wrote this in an airport and it all feels like a fever dream, so tbh I have no idea what any of this says... enjoy!
requested: yes!!
notes: here is another request! so sorry it took so long to get out - nursing school has been kicking my butt these last couple of weeks. thank you so so much for requesting! (and I'm already working on your other one :) )
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It was a beautiful day at Cobham as you stood pitch-side, a rare warm March day in London. Your camera was raised to your face as you watched the Chelsea boys practice through its lens, snapping a few photos. Due to the nicer weather, both the men’s team and the Academy players were outside training in the afternoon, and you had jumped at the opportunity to get a few photos that could be used later on Chelsea’s Instagram.
These were your favorite days, when you got to spend time around the teams, watching them interact and doing your best to capture the chemistry between them with your camera. It surely beat the alternative: spending the day indoors, in a corner office, your time consumed by editing photos and sending various emails.
Plus, you would never turn down getting to watch your athletic boyfriend work his magic.
You panned your camera to the left, catching a few of the boys standing in line to wait their turn for a shooting drill that Potter was having them run. Your lens found Mason standing in the back of the line, and your heart fluttered as he looked straight at you, pulling a silly face to try to make you laugh.
You dropped the camera from your face, giggling slightly as you pressed a couple buttons to look at the pictures you had taken. Maybe you would keep those for yourself.
You looked back up at him, shaking your head slightly at his antics. Mason, with a satisfied grin on his face at succeeding to make you laugh, turned back to the line of boys in front of him, bouncing on his toes to prepare to run the drill.
After a few more minutes, Potter divided the boys into three groups, running a new drill with only a couple of the groups at a time. This left one of the groups to take a short rest, and Ben and Kai approached you, after grabbing their water bottles, to greet you.
One of the things that you loved about both working for Chelsea and dating Mason was that you had developed a close friendship with many of the players, having been able to hang out with them outside of work more and more as time went on.
Ben greeted you with a short pat on the back, refraining from hugging you so he didn’t get his sweat on you (which you greatly appreciated). Kai placed his hand on top of your head, ruffling your hair as he laughed mischievously. You scowled at him playfully, attempting to fix your hair as they began asking how you had been recently. You quickly got lost in conversation with them, raising the camera to your face intermittently to get a few photos of the boys still on the pitch.
Behind you, the Academy boys were practicing, running a scrimmage before they concluded for the afternoon. With your back to the group, you hadn’t seen the Academy player dropping to the ground in a slide in order to keep the ball in-bounds. You hadn’t seen the way that he misjudged his speed, sliding far beyond the ball and the sideline of the pitch, right toward where you were standing.
Ben and Kai saw it, though, as if it was happening in slow motion, but still too quickly for them to do anything about it. The only warning you had was a split second where the their eyes both went wide, reaching their arms up to try to pull you out of harm’s way. They tried to shout a warning to you, but it was too late.
The young boy slid into your ankles and you heard a sickening crunch as he knocked you to the grass.
Mason’s head whipped around quickly as he heard you cry out, a chill rushing down his spine as he immediately recognized it as your voice. He saw you on the ground, along with the Academy player as Ben and Kai rushed to your side.
You were confused—disoriented to say the least. Your back had hit the ground abruptly, knocking the wind out of you and leaving you gasping for air. You saw the boy getting up to his knees next to you, rushing out some apology you couldn’t focus on. You saw Ben drop to his knees at your side, and it felt like your head was spinning. You tried desperately to regain your breath, draping your arms over your face as you lay on the ground.
It was then that the brief rush of adrenaline wore off, and the pain set in quickly. A shooting pain tore through your right ankle, causing you to cry out again. In the frenzy of the whole thing, you could hear people trying to speak to you, but they seemed distant, and you couldn’t make out anything that they were saying. You grit your teeth, hating that there were so many people here to see your vulnerable state.
A pair of hands on your sides grounded you back to reality, and you moved your arm, squinting against the sunlight to see that Mason was at your side, kneeling next to your face. His eyes were wide with concern, and his voice started to pierce through the ringing in your ears.
“You’re okay, baby. You’re okay.”
You tried desperately to blink back the tears you could feel springing to your eyes. In most any circumstance you refused to let anyone see you cry, determined to maintain a tough exterior, but the throbbing in your ankle proved to be more than you could handle.
The Academy player that had tackled you was now on his feet, still desperately trying to apologize for his actions. Mason turned and shoved him away from you, shouting something about backing away from you. You saw Reece grab the boy by the shoulders and talking quietly to him, no doubt trying to defuse the situation while also reversing any damage done by Mason’s shouting. He was, after all, just a kid, and he hadn’t intended to hurt anyone.
“Mase, please.” You grabbed a fistful of his training shirt, bringing his attention away from the young player and back to you. He looked back at you, his eyes softening as he heard you whimpering in pain. He helped you sit up halfway, pulling you into his chest. You buried your face in his neck so that no one could see the tears that slid down your cheeks, still holding his shirt tightly in your fist.
Mason slowly stroked his fingers up and down your arm in an attempt to soothe you as Ben explained what had happened. Your leg was still throbbing, leaving you unable to focus on anything that was happening around you. Mason pressed a kiss to the top of your head, whispering soothing words in your ear. He desperately wanted to take the pain away from you, but he didn’t know how.
You felt Mason’s muscles tense up, as he suddenly felt that there were too many people crowding around you. “Everyone back up!” he shouted, startling you. “Back up! Give her some space!”
Several people took a couple steps back at his sudden outburst, but Kai rested a hand on Mason’s shoulder to calm him. “They’re the physios, mate. They’re trying to help.”
When Mason lifted his eyes, getting a better look at the two individuals who were now coming to your side, he realized that Kai was right, recognizing the physios from times that he had spent in recovery after being injured.
One of the physios, a middle-aged woman with a reassuring, gentle look in her eyes, told you she was going to take your shoe off and waited for your short nod before she began undoing the laces.
Mason’s heart clenched in his chest when you gazed up at him with red-rimmed eyes. He did his best to give you a comforting smile, despite the sickening feeling in his gut at seeing you in so much pain.
The physio did her best to removed your shoe without causing you any more pain, but the slight movement of your foot still caused you to whimper out in pain. You grasped Mason’s bicep, and he hissed slightly as your nails dug painfully into his arm, but he didn’t dare to let on that you had hurt him.
When your sock and shoe were both removed, Mason could see that your ankle had already become swollen, beginning to flush a deep shade of purple.
“We’ll need to bring her up to the facility and wrap this,” the physio spoke, more to Mason than to you. She placed a hand gently on your knee, trying to bring your attention to her. “Do you think you can try to walk on it? I don’t think it’s broken.”
You nodded, trying your best to be tough. You let go of Mason’s arms, and he untangled his arms from around you, moving to stand in front of where you were sitting. You took his hands, letting him pull you to your feet as you kept all of your weight on your left leg. The breeze chilled the thin layer of sweat that had formed on your neck.
Mason still held tightly to your arms, standing in front of you and intensely watching your eyes as you tried to settled your foot to the ground, putting some weight on it. Your face contorted in pain immediately as a shooting pain radiated from your ankle up your leg, and your knee gave out. Mason was quick to catch you before you fell. You shook your head vigorously, letting out a quite “I can’t”.
Mason swept you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style as he followed behind the physios and walking as gently as he could so he didn’t cause you any unnecessary pain. With your arms wrapped around his neck, you instinctively buried your face in his shoulder again, finding comfort there.
When you finally made it into the training facility, Mason followed the physios into the treatment room, setting you down on a cushioned table so they could wrap your foot. You noticed then that Ben had followed you all inside, carrying your shoe and camera, which had, remarkably, remained unharmed in the clash. You smiled at him in thanks, and he walked over to you on the side that Mason wasn’t standing to give you a short hug and a kiss on top of your head before he went back out to rejoin training.
The whole ordeal had drained you of any energy, and you let out a sigh as you dropped your head onto Mason’s shoulder. The pain had faded slightly, into a dull throbbing, and his fingers rubbing gentle circles into your back was helping to calm you.
“You doing okay?” he whispered, checking in. Your eyes slipped shut and you nodded into his neck, too tired to say anything in reply.
The physios looked over your ankle, deciding it wasn’t a break, but rather a very bad sprain. They gave you some pain medication, put your foot in a boot, and instructed you to take it easy for a couple of days before you returned to your normal routine.
Mason took you home, waiting hand and foot on you for the rest of the day. He even took the next day off of training to look after you, despite your insistence that he didn’t need to. Though the pain had been miserable, you couldn’t pretend you didn’t enjoy the extra attention that Mason gave you as a result of your injury. He was already a very touchy and affectionate person, but it had been dialed up to 10 ever since that day at Cobham.
That Friday, several days after your injury, Kai and Sophia were hosting a game night at their place. The boys didn’t have a game that weekend, and they wanted to use it as an opportunity to get together and just spend a chill night hanging out.
After reassuring Mason numerous times that you were still up for going, the two of you walked into the house, you wobbling slightly as you were still getting used to walking in the boot. The room erupted with noise as everyone shouted greetings as you entered. Several of the boys came over, patting you on the back or pulling you into a hug, saying how they had missed seeing you at Cobham since your injury. Your heart swelled with affection as you returned their hugs. Sophia came over, pulling you to the couch so that the two could catch up while the boys were talking to Mason.
The night went on, and you learned several new card games and board games. Being with everyone did wonders to lift your mood after a fairly dull week following your injury. Mason was still attentive, constantly touching you in some way at all times, whether than was an innocent hand on your thigh, or an arm wrapping securely around your shoulders and placing a kiss to your forehead every couple of minutes. But you could tell that he was glad to be out with his group of friends.
The rest of the group didn’t miss the extra protective air surrounding Mason as he kept an eye out for you the whole night. It was endearing to see how much he cared about you and the comfort that seemed to wash over him at being able to have you around with the rest of the team again. None of them had ever seen Mason be this way with any other girl—you all definitely had something special. But although they were happy for him, it didn’t stop the boys from poking fun at him periodically for it anyway.
The evening continued, and you began to grow more tired, but you refused to say anything to Mason because you truly didn’t want to leave.
Sophia brought out a new game as the time passed 11 pm, and the game night was showing no signs of slowing down. You opted to sit this game out, waving it off when Ben asked if you were alright.
Despite your best efforts to hide your exhaustion, Mason still noticed, ever the attentive boyfriend. He leaned back on the couch, wrapping his arm gently around your shoulders as Kai and Sophia set the game up on the table in front of you. You sighed in content, resting your head on his shoulder.
You closed your eyes as Mason pressed a kiss to your forehead and mumbled a short, “you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you nodded, turning so you could look him in the eye.
“Are you sure? Do you want to go home?” you could still see the concern in his eyes as he searched your face.
“No, no, I’m okay, really,” you smiling to try and reassure him. “I promise.”
Mason searched your face for a moment more, seeming to finally accept your answer as you laid your head back on his chest. He turned and continued talking with Ben, and as you looked back toward the table, Sophia held your gaze with a knowing look. She grinned at you, and you felt the blush rushing into your cheeks. You hid your face in Mason’s chest and suppressed a giggle.
Despite having been in a relationship with Mason for several months, he never ceased to make you giggly and giddy with his affectionate gestures. Sophia was always the first one to tease you about how flustered he made you.
The game night resumed as soon as everyone understood the rules, and you untucked yourself from Mason’s side so he could lean forward to play the game. You sat quietly, content to watch as everyone else played and joked with one another. But the longer you watched, the more your eyes began to droop. Like there was a magnet pulling you, you felt drawn toward Mason as you began to slump over from exhaustion, and you laid your head on his shoulder blade. Without turning from the game, he reached behind him, pulling your arms so that they were wrapped around his waist.
You held to him tightly, soothed by his breathing and the sound of his soft laughter every now and then. Mason kept one hand on your arms, where they met in his lap, stroking his thumb softly over the back of one of your hands.
After several minutes of silence from you, he grew suspicious of the fact that he hadn’t felt you move in a while – not even a slight shift.
“You doing okay back there, Y/N?” he asked softly.
He was met with no answer. He furrowed his brow, turning his head to look at you, but he couldn’t move far enough to see your face without shifting you.
“Y/N?” he repeated.
“I think she’s asleep, mate,” Ben commented, sitting on your other side, where he had a clear view of your face. Your cheek was slightly squished from where it was pressed against Mason’s shoulders, lips parted as the muscles in your face relaxed completely.
Mason couldn’t help the warmth that flooded his face as he unwrapped your arms from his waist, pulling your legs so that they draped across his lap and he could hold you in his arms. He kissed the top of your head as you stirred before settling into his side.
“You lovebirds can’t keep your hands off of each other, can you?” Kai teased, grinning at the smitten look on his friend’s face.
“Oh, give it a couple years,” Ben chuckled from the other side of the couch, jumping at the opportunity to get under Mason’s skin. “They’ll be sick of each other soon enough.”
Some of the guys laughed at his remark, knowing he didn’t mean it at all. Mason just kept looking down at you as you laid on his chest, a loving look in his eyes.
“Nah, a couple years from now, I’m gonna marry her,” he replied matter-of-factly, not an ounce of hesitation in his voice. The rest of the group smiled, silently coming to the decision to let you all be and continue playing their game.
With your face tucked into Mason’s chest, he couldn’t see the smile that curled your lips as you heard his words just before you fell back to sleep.
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Picture source: @its.my.shoez Instagram account
Chaze loved his Converse sneakers. He had them for a long time as anyone would be able to tell. So far, they have held up over the years on the outside, but inside was different. The insoles were badly worn out. Wearing them was sometimes uncomfortable, but he really loved these sneakers. He could try replacing them with insoles, but in time, they would wear down just like the one inside them now. He needed insoles that would never wear down and last for ages.
One month later, Chaze had created an indestructible formula that could be applied to make indestructible insoles, but it would only work on living matter instead of normal insoles. The only way to make such an insole was to transform a person into one. He needed to test his indestructible formula on two tests subjects. He knew exactly who to try it on. There were two such individuals he had in mind.
Chaze invited Tommy and John over to one of the private break rooms in the office to have a chat with them. They didn't suspect anything odd about another coworker inviting them to a private conversation. They showed up exactly on break time. Chaze had three drinks in front of him. Two were laced with a special paralyzing concoction along with the indestructible formula. One was a normal drink. He made sure to mark the normal drink so that he didn't accidentally drink out of the wrong cup.
"Tommy and John, we haven't talked much, and I just wanted to get to know you two." Chaze paused, seemly quite friendly with them. "It's often we work together, but never socialize beyond work talk. Here, have a drink with me." He handed them both a cup.
"This is great, actually. Just to have a normal chat for a change." John commented as he took a drink from his cup. "Yeah, I totally agree. We never had outside of work conversations with you." Tommy added as he took several gulps from his cup as well. "This drink is really good," Tommy added as he finished the whole cup. "It's so tasty. What is it exactly?" John asked back.
"It's something special I made for the three of us." Chaze told them with a friendly smile, knowing that the two formulas should take effect any second now. He was ready to put these two in a new position on the job; a position that best serves his feet.
John felt strange. He suddenly found himself unable to move. He tried to speak and even was unable to do that. He did notice a sadistic smile appearing on Chaze's face.
Tommy was mentally panicking. He felt trapped in his body. Unable to move or speak was highly uncomfortable. The sadistic smile on Chaze face said all he should know at that moment. This chat was all a clever rouse for something he had been planning, and the two of them fell for it.
Chaze was pleased that his plan worked perfectly. He brought out his TF device. The setting was already in and ready to turn his two unsuspecting coworkers into the very insoles that would make his sneakers comfortable again. "I needed us to be alone so that I could make you two into a pair of indestructible insoles to make my sneakers more comfortable. You would be much more useful that way." He fired the TF device at both of them, so ready to put them in the bottom of his Converse.
Both Tommy and John watched in horror as Chaze and their whole environment grew in size. They were shrinking and were forming into insoles. Their bodies soon were flat yet with a soft cushioning effect. They were laying in the very chairs they were once sitting in as human beings. They saw Chaze grab them up. Tommy was forced into the left shoe, and John was put into the right shoe.
After placing in his new insoles, Chaze put his Converse back on his feet. He instantly felt comfort under his feet. The new insoles were working out perfectly. He didn't have to get rid of his favorite sneakers thanks to his new insoles. It was true his new insoles were former humans, but they were repurposed to a much better use. He went back to his office to continue working.
John was disgusted by the odor he was trapped in. To make matters worse, he could feel the worn-out insole beneath him. It was painful being pressed down on it. The pressure from Chaze's foot wasn't helping much either. The socked foot had a slight odor to them as well, but not as bad as the sneaker he was trapped in. All of his senses were stronger than when he was human. His senses had him in a hell beyond words could describe. He mentally begged Chaze to let him go. Even though it had only been a few minutes, it felt like an eternity in a stinky pit.
Tommy wasn't having too bad of an experience. The worn-out insole was definitely a pain in the back to be pressed down on. The foot odor in the shoe was bad, but he had a foot fetish. This was one of his fantasies. He was now a living insole trapped in a shoe. To him, it didn't matter whose foot he was trapped under. He was loving every moment that Chaze stepped on him. He didn't want it to ever end. Chaze was his owner, and he would gladly serve his foot forever. He was loving the strong foot odor of the shoe. It was his Master's foot odor. He found himself in foot fetish heaven.
At the end of the work day, Chaze was amazed at how comfortable his feet felt. His new insoles were just perfect. He didn't know if his former coworkers were loving their new existence or hating every moment. And he honestly didn't care at the same time. They were objects under his feet and nothing more. He heard that their coworkers were looking for Tommy and John. He was even asked if he saw them. He told them that he had lunch with them and that was the last time he saw them. He lied and said that he didn't know where they went after lunch. Soon, people will forget about them. But he would always be grateful for the sacrifice for them to make his feet comfortable.
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What is the poll you've had the most votes on?
Oh, that's an easy answer. That's a poll I made a week into starting this blog when I had maybe 200ish followers that blew up. That I now know people shared the link on X/Twitter and a few other social media, which probably explains why it went crazy. Plus, it started a meme that I still get hate messages about. I'll also go ahead and link it because the comments on that post are a treat to read
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If anyone wants to know what it's like to deal with so many notifications. I didn't have notifications turned off when I posted that poll because it was the highest amount of notes a poll had gotten up until then. It was maybe 500. Most of them only got around 100, if that. But my phone would buzz every time I got a reblog. Because of that, it woke me up out of a dead sleep. It was vibrating that much, and I changed those settings very quickly.
Now that it's over, I have found screenshots on Reddit, Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook, you name it. Plus, the Polygon video that featured it as a backdrop was shared on TikTok, YouTube and the rest of their social media.
That probably explains the activist essays because some of the polls have spread far beyond just Tumblr. I mean, my cousins have shown me my polls, not knowing I'm the mod of this blog, and they casually watch anime. Plus, I know they don't know I'm the mod because if they did, I would have gotten a call from my grandmother already
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sugarsnappeases · 3 months
microfic - marytunia!!!!! | 1.7k words | i don’t think there’s anything to warn?? so enjoy <3
“Smoke?” Mary asked, shaking the pack in her hand, an eyebrow raised. 
Petunia was already halfway out of her seat, picking up her jacket and leading the way out to the alleyway beside the building where they worked. She’d been waiting for Mary to ask for the last half an hour, fidgeting in her seat and staring blankly at her computer screen. 
A far cry from when she had first started working there, four months ago, trying to stand dead in the centre of the ring of boundaries she had built around herself and making herself as small as possible so that she wouldn’t have to press up against them any more than she already had just by being there, by working in that call centre. 
(D’you wanna come for a smoke?” Mary leaning against her desk, their first day on the job.)
She had been so sure that this job would be temporary, that she would do it for a month at most before she found something better, something that was an actual career, something that paid more than minimum wage and would make her parents proud.  
(Petunia frowning up at her from her chair, “I don’t smoke.”)
They were always proud of Lily, the youngest child, the special one, now in her second term at Oxford, always smarter and prettier and funnier and better than Petunia in every conceivable way, a prodigy, the perfect daughter, the one who had potential. Petunia who didn’t, always average and trying to be satisfied with that, the afterthought, never mind how she had been born first, not bad, not a complete failure but disappointing nevertheless in how she didn’t excel, the sister who was left behind.
(“Will you come anyway?” Mary insisting, those big brown eyes, something nearly desperate in them, and Petunia reluctantly acquiescing.)
Mary had been left behind too, Lily’s best friend all throughout secondary school. Petunia used to think they were more than friends even, but she’d never had any proof and she didn’t like to think about it all that much. Mary wasn’t going to university either, but at least she had actual dreams - Lily may have left them both behind, heading for greener pastures, a new group of friends with summer houses in Tuscany, a new best friend in all her instagram pictures, one that she called a sister, but at least Mary knew what she wanted from the world. Had plans beyond the four walls of the call centre and memories of when a girl with red hair used to smile at her. 
Petunia’s plan had always been to get married, to have a child or two, to spend her time tidying the house and cooking and being unexciting and uneventful, average and disappointing but enough, maybe it would be enough. 
Then Vernon, her long-term boyfriend, had found someone newer and shinier and more interesting and Petunia hadn’t even had the self-respect to leave him, no, he’d had to break up with her after three months of cheating on her and two months of her knowing about it. It was a bit pathetic really, because it wasn’t like Vernon was anything special anyway, in fact, he was fairly awful, but he was security and Petunia always liked to play it safe, no potential, no risks, no surprises. 
She had been surprised to find Mary there, on that first day four months ago, sat at the desk next to hers, friendly as always even as Petunia tried to ignore her, tried to focus on the job (which was mind-numbingly boring and also quite possibly her least favourite thing in the world, calling people up and trying to get them to buy things). It was familiar now though, nice even, especially when they went out to smoke. 
Petunia leant carefully against the brick wall, holding out a hand for one of Mary’s cigarettes. They’d been doing this every day that they’d been at work together for the last four months and she still refused to buy her own pack, she didn’t smoke, you see, but if Mary was offering, then who was she to say no? There probably weren’t many things that she would say no to if it was Mary who was asking.  
Mary huffed as she always did, settling in next to her against the wall and fishing her lighter out of her pocket, placing a cig between Petunia’s waiting fingers.
Once it was lit, Petunia took a long drag, tipping her head back against the wall, eyes closed and breathing out slowly as Mary took it from her so she could take her own, their fingers brushing.
“Lily texted me last night.” she said after a few quiet moments, passing the cig back again. 
Petunia cracked one eye open. So, it was going to be that kind of smoke break, “Oh?”
“She said she wanted me to go and visit her,” Mary continued, “In two weeks.”
Petunia frowned. Two weeks was Mary’s birthday. They had both booked the day off work so they could go into town, do something to celebrate together. 
“Oh.” she said, taking another drag from the cigarette, trying to ease the tension she could suddenly feel in her shoulders.
“Yeah.” said Mary. Then she laughed, a little bitter, a little sad. “Silly, really. All the times I’ve asked her if I could come up and she’s said that she’s too busy, but the first time that she asks me - I’m the one who already has plans.”
Petunia felt herself slump further against the wall, relieved, pleased maybe. Mary nudged her with an elbow, “Hey. Did you think I was gonna just cancel our plans?”
“I don’t know,” Petunia sighed, letting Mary take the cig again, “It’s Lily.”
And really, that could mean any number of things. 
It’s Lily and Lily always gets what she wants. 
It’s Lily and everyone always picks Lily over me. 
It’s Lily and if Lily wanted me to visit, I think I might’ve cancelled our plans.
“Yeah,” Mary replied, blowing smoke out into the crisp February air, “It’s Lily. And of course, I would love to see her. But you’re Petunia.”
“I’m Petunia,” she echoed blankly.
“You’re Petunia,” Mary agreed, a smile in her voice that she could hear now, “and I’ve been looking forward to our little outing for ages,”
Petunia turned her head to look at her, met with those brown eyes much closer than she was expecting, that warm smile, shoulder to shoulder out in the bleak cold. And there was something in the air, more than just cigarette smoke and the intermingling scents of their perfumes, something that made Petunia want to take a risk. 
“And it’s not just because you’re pissed at her?” she asked, because that would be worse maybe, Mary just using her to get back at Lily in some way, even if that was somewhat how Petunia had rationalised their… friendship, at first, or maybe it wouldn’t really make much of a difference, she didn’t know.  
“No,” Mary rolled her eyes, taking another drag before handing the cigarette back to Petunia, “It’s not because I’m pissed at her. Not everything is about Lily. Even if she had replied to every single message I’d ever sent her, I would still wanna go with you.”
Petunia paused, lips pursing around the end of the cig in her mouth, because she was sure there used to be a time when not everything was about Lily, back before she was born maybe, red hair and bright green eyes and immediately special, immediately the centre of attention (not that Petunia was jealous, she didn’t want to be special, she didn’t want the hot heat of the spotlight, but, it would be nice to have something, maybe, she didn’t know, maybe she was a little jealous). Now, and for as long as she could remember, everything had always been about Lily, it felt strange that Mary should say something like that, refute that absolute intrinsic truth of the universe, so casually, as if it wasn’t an earth-shattering revelation. 
Because Mary wanted to go with her. 
Not Lily. 
Petunia Evans. 
Mary was still smiling a little, blinking up at her, earnest, honest, brown eyes that Petunia would probably follow anywhere, brown eyes that were making her brave, making her want to burn down the boundaries she had placed around herself, or at least climb through the hole that Mary had been steadily cutting into them over the course of the last four months. 
They were standing close, and Mary’s shoulder was warm against hers, and Mary wanted to go with her. 
And Petunia wanted to go too. Wanted to float off into this alternate reality where not everything was about Lily, and people chose Petunia because they wanted to, and maybe Petunia didn’t play it safe, maybe she took a risk. 
Maybe she watched as those big brown eyes flicked down to look at her lips for a moment, still wrapped around the end of their cigarette.
Maybe she brought up a hand and tossed the butt onto the floor.
Maybe she moved that hand to Mary’s cheek, soft skin, cold in the winter air.
Maybe she leaned in and pressed their lips together, something far out of the bounds of what she had thought she was or could be, something exciting and eventful, and maybe still disappointing to her parents but maybe that didn’t matter as much as she had always thought it did. 
Maybe what mattered was Mary.
Mary who was kissing her back, a hand on Petunia’s waist and pulling her so they were properly facing each other. 
Mary who wanted to go out with her on her birthday and probably get drunk and come into work hungover the next day and spend an excessive amount of time on smoke breaks. 
Mary who Petunia shouldn’t want, had tried and failed to convince herself that she didn’t want, but who had a smile that could melt glaciers and a gaze that felt like a spotlight and a way of working her way into your life until you looked forward to seeing her more than you had ever looked forward to anything. 
Mary who was there, in the alleyway beside the call centre with Petunia, kissing her in a way that she had never been kissed before, like she was the most precious thing in this universe, like she had potential.
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magenta-embers · 7 months
Hi! Nice to read you.
I've been in Tumblr for years, and this is the first time I send a message. I mostly use this app to read, and I'm usually just a ghost because I don't comment or anything else besides read, lol.
Well, the reason I felt like I needed to send you a message is because this channel of yours is new and I have read all your posts so far and I am absolutely intrigued to read more from you in the future because you already made me laugh a few times plus you have a psychology degree and although I don't have one because funny enough, I hated reading so much when I took psychology classes that I couldn't fathom getting that degree.
I do have a way with humans that is not common with the bast majority. I'm very intuitive and empathic as well, which makes my interactions with people deeper than I sometimes would like it to be. But that's a different story... I digress...
I found BTS this year because of K-Dramas. All of a sudden, I don't know how my Instagram went from KDramas to BTS. They are all over my explore feed, lol.
(Well it's not that difficult for IG to full my feed with them since once you like KDrama stuff, the whole South Korea country shows up in the algorithm lol, I just find it funny, sorry again I digress...)
The way I got to "meet" BTS was with the Run Episodes mini Reels in IG. Again, they are all over my feed. So eventually I found out they sing, and found a song I liked, searched it up, found out it was from them, got obsessed with the song, and now I have a few more that I like a lot so far.
I do not consider myself an Army, and I don't think I ever will. I do think BTS is absolutely talented and great performers and I may like more songs in the future if I go over all the albums because so far their songs find me in reels and that's how I have come to like the ones I do. But I do think the fandom is very toxic in my opinion, I'm not saying that all the people in there are, but overall from all the experience I have so far from them, that's the feeling I get as of now from most of the fandom. so I don't see myself connecting that far.
I like all the members. They each have something that I like about them, but what I have come to find out is that Jimin is out of this word. I don't know what that man has, but for God's sake, he can get people obsessed if they are not careful.
Do I consider myself a PJM? No.
However, the man can convert me at any minute to be honest, and I won't notice.
Well, my main reason to write to you is because although I've known about them in more detail the past few months, I'm really new to them. The past month, I got to know what shipping means, and like you, the first thing I saw on Instagram was the JK and TH one. I did not understand what was the romantic side of the videos I was being shown because I couldn't see anything beyond a great friendship. Then, I don't know how, but a video of JM and JK showed up. It was a compilation of them staring at each other and another one of JK walking to any direction JM was going to, and let me tell you...
I felt like I was spying on a couple that were in their private room and I just happened to be in the closet looking through a small hole because I got trapped there before they showed up and shut the door and I could get out. I FELT SO INTRUSIVE THAT IT MADE ME TURN MY HEAD SIDEWAYS MORE THAN ONCE, like I shouldn't be watching such a intimacy without consent. JESUS!!!
The feelings were deep. Let me tell you that much.
So, I, as a romantic person that loves LOVE and anything related to that, such as movies, and again K-Drama, well... I came to Tumblr to investigate this situation, hahahaha... and let's just say that in the past 2 weeks, I have consumed an insane amount of BTS shipping posts than what I would be proud to admit. It's very bad, I need a break. But I'm a binge watcher, and the content seems infinite (WOW), I'm the type of person that watches a K-dramma in one sitting because I can't do it anyway else.
Well, I have told you too much irrelevant sh*t sorry lol
My reason for the message was because I would like to read more posts of JM and JK from the perspective of people that that have follow them for a while and watch original content and express their thoughts on what they see and why they think of them as they do because of what they see.
I am interested in reading how people evaluate what they see without my personal thoughts about what I see as bias. I have been finding the posts I have read like that entertaining. But unfortunately the past weeks as well most of the things I see is people asking bogglers why they think JM and JK are still together and a constant fighting about recent things like video leaks, JK meeting too much with his friends but no with JM, this or that, and it's getting boring seeing these bloggers intelligence wasted on those questions.
My opinion is this: I won't assume they are a couple unless they say so (highly unlikely) or when definite proof gets leaked or posted by Dispatch or something like that. (Which I really hope it never happens, they don't deserve an outing like that if they are not ready) but I find it very concerning that these so called fans, and shippers just want proof that they are together so bad, that they don't care how that proof gets to them, which may hurt their so called bias. That's honestly SICK behavior! And then they wonder why people joke that BTS fandom is full of 12 years old. Again, I digress...
So, as I was saying, I won't assume they are a couple because I respect people, and I don't want to assume their sexuality or relationship. But I don't judge those who assume in a respectful way, I just personally don't want to cross that line.
In my personal opinion, they make me feel like they have feelings for each other and that they are aware of them. Have they crossed the sex line yet? Maybe.
The vibe I get is that they are aware of their feelings towards each other and might be scared to cross that line for the sake of their friendship or the group. Though, that doesn't stop them from being as physical as they show to be on screen.
They're like, "we know we have feelings for each other, we won't cross the sex line, but we will play with fire." And one thing is for sure in this life, intimacy goes beyond the sex act.
They are probably more intimate than what sex could make them be. I don't even know how to explain it in a coherent way to those who just see sex as the way of being fully intimate.
Also, I don't know why people have to assume that they are gay if they are proven to be with each other. I can never get disappointed enough of humans and their limited intelligence, like sometimes two people have a connection so strong that even if they have been only in a heterosexual relationship their whole lives, and there was this one instace where they were in a homosexual one, it automatically doesn't mean the person is part of the LGBTQ+ community, it's just means that there was a person, possibly what they would consider their "soul mate" that happen to be their same sex. But otherwise they have only been attracted to the opposite sex and will find themselves only attracted to the opposite sex if that person no longer exist in the picture, because they will never feel somethig like that again.
I've seen it, that's why I get mad when people don't see that, in this world there's so much that can be possible without putting a pre-existing LGBTQ+ label on it, that's why there's a + in it I guess. But AGAIN, I digress...
Now, even if JM and JK come out saying that they never have had anything going on, that they are with other people in a relationship or whatever else. I won't ever doubt that they had feelings for each other up to 2023. That much I am sure of, no matter the outcome of their relationship. These two had a mini encounter on a live a few days ago, and they both malfunctioned at one point lol they don't know how to control themselves.
But I just wanted to say that I hope you share more of your thoughts of what you see and saw on content where they are part of, like the youtube video you shared, (which I will watch once I have almost 3 hours to spare because once I start that, I won't stop until it's done lol) so I hope to read your opinions on those contents, your thought process as you watch those things. That would be entertaining for me as a new person viewing this shipping world, and those new like me that want to read stuff like that as entertainment or to learn more about them.
People here write as if all the readers are old in the BTS world or, more specifically, the Jikook world and not all of us are. I caught you doing some comments like that too so far, like "if you know you know," or like "you know what I am talking about," and I'm like... "But I don't know, I want to know but don't know lol" so I'm left clueless lol
Please, I hope that if you are here for a long run, remember that people like me will always exist and we may find your blog in our way to discovery and won't know sh*t lol. Also, I hope you tag more words so your posts are easier to find for people like me. Like when a post is about Jikook, you can also tag JM and JK tags since it is about them anyway. I was just following the Jimin tag, and now I will follow the Jikook one because some posts don't make it to the Jimin tag even tho the post includes him. But you may have your reasons, so it's totally fine if you don't.
Sorry for the long message. It's my first one ever, and I took it seriously, apparently lol.
I'm a millennial, I use lol a lot...
Att: The LOL Millennial
P.S. Any possible grammar/spelling mistakes are expected for my old age lol, thank you :)
God, I love a good, long message. Hi! Hope you don't mind me sharing your story and thoughts. It was a good read! I've also been a lurker until recently.
I'll try to respond in order.
"But I do think the fandom is very toxic in my opinion, I'm not saying that all the people in there are, but overall from all the experience I have so far from them, that's the feeling I get as of now from most of the fandom. so I don't see myself connecting that far."
It is absolutely okay to be a casual fan. It's healthier even. About the fandom, it's big enough to be a country, and as we know, a country holds many perspectives, personalities, religions, opinions, factions, moral/political alignments, criminals, and creeps, but also mostly just regular folk trying to make it through the day. That's how I see ARMY. It's simply too massive for everyone to get along. I think the toxicity has gotten much worse since the solo era started and the fandom is more divided than ever.
However, I believe that once BTS returns as a group, all of the garbage that's happened or been said this year will be forgotten. Solo projects have rotted the fandom's brains and yet were absolutely vital to the artistic growth of each member. It's a necessary evil, and BTS will be way, way stronger for it. We, the regular folk here, just keep our heads down and weather the storm. Amazing things are coming.
"But unfortunately the past weeks as well most of the things I see is people asking bogglers why they think JM and JK are still together and a constant fighting about recent things like video leaks, JK meeting too much with his friends but no with JM, this or that, and it's getting boring seeing these bloggers intelligence wasted on those questions."
We're getting a lot more fan interaction from the members during this hiatus than I thought we would. So it was surprising to me to see people whining about Jimin and Jungkook not posting about each other enough. Some people seem to think those two need to communicate solely via public social media otherwise they hate each other. Some people have entire narratives on how/when/why jikook broke up based on the stupidest shit you can imagine. As I said, solo era has been painful. My brain cells are dropping like flies.
"but I find it very concerning that these so called fans, and shippers just want proof that they are together so bad, that they don't care how that proof gets to them, which may hurt their so called bias."
Because to them Jungkook and Jimin are dolls to smash together while making kissy sounds. They just want to "win" their little ship war. As far as I'm concerned, there is no war because jikook is an actual possibility and the others are not. End of story. Any explicit "proof" getting out would be disastrous for them at this point in time.
"In my personal opinion, they make me feel like they have feelings for each other and that they are aware of them. Have they crossed the sex line yet? Maybe.
The vibe I get is that they are aware of their feelings towards each other and might be scared to cross that line for the sake of their friendship or the group. Though, that doesn't stop them from being as physical as they show to be on screen."
I think this was pretty much my opinion too until I started my deep dive and observing the timeline. The "state" of them of being aware of their feelings for each other but hesitant was late 2015/first half of 2016, in my personal timeline, it's one of the big shifts I saw. Their relationship has several developments after that too. So if they're currently in a romantic/sexual relationship, they have been for years. If they're not, then it's not likely to happen.
"in this world there's so much that can be possible without putting a pre-existing LGBTQ+ label on it"
Sexuality is a spectrum and people shouldn't have to define themselves if there is no label that quite fits. The more labels and distinctions we make, the more we box people in and become less inclusive. Jimin could be bi, Jungkook could be gay, but we don't know. We can't know. What I do know is that they really find each other really, really attractive.
"But I just wanted to say that I hope you share more of your thoughts of what you see and saw on content where they are part of, like the youtube video you shared"
Thank you for your support! That's the plan! It was painful to be so undetailed in the intro post.
"People here write as if all the readers are old in the BTS world or, more specifically, the Jikook world and not all of us are. I caught you doing some comments like that too so far, like "if you know you know," or like "you know what I am talking about," and I'm like... "But I don't know, I want to know but don't know lol" so I'm left clueless lol"
I know that's annoying, it was for me as well when I was starting my journey. But the "if you know you know" stuff I'm referring to is pics/info that leaked and we weren't supposed to see. More "evidence' I suppose. Nothing that would ruin their lives, obviously, but far far more telling than any dumbass clip/pic we've gotten for their other dating "rumors." Maybe you've already seen them. I'm not going to gatekeep these things, since they're out there anyway and you can find them, but you can reach out to me if you'd like and I can tell you in private.
"Also, I hope you tag more words so your posts are easier to find for people like me. Like when a post is about Jikook, you can also tag JM and JK tags since it is about them anyway."
The reason I didn't tag them individually is because solos, akgaes, and taekookers (jk tag) lurk in those tags and they're eye-twitchingly annoying. Especially right now.
Nonny, thank you so much for listening to my story and sharing yours. It was lovely to wake up to. I appreciate the interest a lot. I hope to hear from you in the future!
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 6 months
Halloween (chapter 2)
Book: Open Heart
Chapter: 2/7
Characters: Jensen Valentine, Aliyah (OC)
Rating: Teen
Words: 865
Chapter Summary: Moving backwards in the timeline (as this story is in reverse chronological order), we're now at the chemical attack to see who was there for him when he needed it.
Not necessarily who should've been there.
A/N: casey, who is mentioned briefly, belongs to @jerzwriter
It's an ode to the hole that I found myself stuck in
A song for the grave that I dug
There's a murder of crows in the low light off Boston
And I see your face in each one
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Hands halfway in his unpacked bag, Jensen was watching out the window. It looked down to the courtyard as leafless trees swayed in the wind and sprinkling of snow. A crow ruffled its feathers, flapping the snowflakes off, then settled once again. Next to it was a smaller crow, hopping closer to it on the long branch until they were nearly touching. It hopped away, then the other hopped closer, and that went on until the larger of the two flew out of the tree and long gone into the city.
Jensen hadn’t been outside in a number of days now, impatiently watching the nights and days pass until he was healthy enough to leave. Both physically and mentally, that was.
While a surprise to others, he was ready to go. It was over, and, though there was still aftermath to address, he was ready to be done with it. He was surprised he ever made it this far, honestly. Throughout and even before undergrad, anything beyond was a fleeting feeling. Usually people like him didn’t make it out of the gutter, and when they did, it was short-lived.
He thought it was all over months ago when the ethics hearing happened and his reputation was tarnished with a false accusation. Making it past that was a miracle, and, though he probably shouldn’t mention it to his therapist, it made the attack feel inevitable. Like he had missed his deadline and it was coming back to get him worse than before.
He was nearly done packing his bag, grabbing his phone and Switch charger from the wall.
“Knock knock,” he heard from the door, a familiar but unexpected voice as its source. 
He whipped around towards the door, Aliyah standing there with a sad sort of smile. Opening his mouth once, then twice, both times failing to get anything out, he took a breath. “What are you doing here?”
She invited herself into the room. “Oh, I don’t know. I mean, when your best friend almost dies, you’d think it’d be nice of him to give you a call. And maybe you should come see him, considering that nobody else would.”
He could hear the tension in her tone, but her being there was enough to prove it didn’t matter. They hadn’t talked in a number of months—not genuinely in years—so to see her there was a shock.
He couldn’t manage more than a guilty look, apology on his face. She crossed the room to meet him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He tensed for a beat but settled only a moment after, breathing out the shakiness and wrapping his arms over her shoulders.
“Thanks,” he said. He meant it, but it still felt forced. He knew he never had to force anything with her, but it felt right considering their time apart. 
She pulled back only a second later, giving him a characteristic smile before motioning towards the door. “You good to go, I’m guessing?”
He nodded, shouldering his bag and following her out.
He avoided eye contact with others in the hall. Namely, Casey’s parents, who were hovering nervously around her room, and Raf’s Vovo, filtering in and out of his room since Jensen had been up and able to wander freely.
Maybe he should’ve called Liyah from the start. It felt wrong, considering that their recent conversations amounted to no more than an Instagram story reply or chatting about a new album from their favorite artists. But she cared. More than anyone else had—more than certain people should. 
But he felt he didn’t deserve it. He had practically ghosted her through med school and didn’t even offer her a proper goodbye when he left. People had left him for less so what was he doing that was keeping her around?
He should’ve had somebody to call. He should’ve known someone would give a shit, but the lines had always been so blurred that he could never tell if it was sincere or if it was out of obligation. With Liyah it was sincerity. The same way when she picked him up when he was high and drunk, waiting on some street corner in the pouring fucking rain because his phone died and he decided to hook up with a stranger that didn’t give a fuck if he stayed or left. The same way when she told him to get the fuck out of the band because she knew if he pushed himself any harder he’d hit the end of the road. The same way when she showed up unannounced after not talking to him seriously for nearly five years to take care of him when nobody else would.
It was sincere, and maybe he had such a hard time telling it because he had never seen it before.
Outside, she packed him into her rental car. She slid into the seat behind the wheel and started the drive to their home for the next week: a mediocre hotel with enough space to breathe but not enough to feel too hollow. It was a practiced sort of art, and if anyone would know what he needed, it would’ve been her.
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tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @choicesficwriterscreations
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loulooser · 3 months
Hi wife!!(ilysm mwah)(you are so handsome by the by)
Could you inform me bit more about this new TØP album perhaps???
Im genuinely going to explode.
1) the theme.
So, as always, the boys changed their hair. It happens every era and i love it. Now from some screenshots from the Super Bowl where they where wearing hats, the fan base figured that Josh went red again and Tyler shaved his hair. Now from Josh’s pfp on instagram, we can see that we were right:
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And I’m very happy about it.
Also, people have been calling it the ‘fire era’ or variants of that and I’m digging it icl it sounds AMAZING. The theme is- obviously- mostly red but I’m guessing its red+black. Funny thing is, there’s a few MASSIVE ties to their other album Trench (my favourite, which we will get into) and the trench theme was yellow+black. Yellow (in the lore so far) has always been a sign of the good guys or the banditos if you like to name them, and red has always been the bad guys (Dema, blurry face/nico, the bishops etc). The contrast is FABULOUS.
2) Release date.
So BBC radio 1 has leaked that they will be playing ‘the new hottest record’ from said album on the 29th of February 2024 at 6pm English time. Obviously this means that it will release the same day, being two days away from the making of this post (I am going FERAL.)
3) Details
Sadly I have no details along the lines of album title, song titles, how many songs are on it etc, but I think it’s only going to make the first listen better imo.
4) Trench links
There are a few main links, one of them being in the actual music as Paulmeany, who had a VERY big influence on the sound and contents of trench, posted a mildly cryptic photo on Instagram not too long ago.
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As we can see, the people’s eyes in the photo are covered up with red (tape) which has already been seen in the teasers leading up to release covering the eyes of those on the main album covers. This is an obvious hint that he’s come back to collaborate with TØP for this new album, and also that it may sound as if ‘returning to trench’. This is important for reasons in my next point.
Aside from the tape, the letters, and the social media changes, the big way we found out a new album was on the way was through the Instagram video. This video basically gave us a run down on all of the lore up until now, confirmed that Tyler is Clancy, and also mentions at the very end that Clancy (the main character of the lore) will be ‘returning to trench’. This is said in the last few seconds of the video where he states:
“I am a citizen. I am an escapee. I am an exception. I am returning to trench. I am Clancy.”
This. Is. MASSIVE. I’ll leave the link to the video at the end of the post so you can see why, but mostly it’s that this is likely to lead to a massive showdown/rebellion and a huge turning point in the lore. This could literally go any which way and I- like every other fan- am hyped beyond words. (Get it? The Hype is a song in Trench hehe)
That’s all I have to say at the moment, but as soon as I find out more you already KNOW I’ll be posting about it for days.
Instagram video:
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nifilmgirly · 19 days
My First Film Job😊
Welcome to my first post...Its all a bit cringe, but as I'm currently unemployed again I thought I would speak about how I got to where I am now.
Starting way back at the beginning, my A-Levels, which were four years ago now... crazy... I studied Performance Art, Moving Image Arts, Politics and Government and finally History. I have always been very interested in film and was massively influenced in my taste by my dad. A staple of my childhood was watching movies with my dad, which at times was questionable, see examples such as; watching Forest Gump aged eleven and not understanding any cultural references, watching pulp fiction and that.... scene and also getting far too much enjoyment out of a good shitty apocalypse sci-fi.
Truly my fascination started when I was studying for my Moving Image Arts A-Level. This was a film studies subject and to go beyond the level of active viewer to being given the tools to analyse and think more deeply about how and why these movies were created was revelatory [pardon the dramatics]. I found myself unable to watch media anymore without thinking about the techniques that were used, why they were used and how they made me or were supposed to make me feel. I think this was the first time i considered genuinely pursuing a career in film and performance. Whilst it was always something I was passionate about I thought I had to study something more ''serious'' or attainable, which now I can look back at and laugh. People will always tell you that you won't be good enough, whether that be your peers or your careers advisor, but if you're passionate then I would say go for it... I did.
Time jump now, I went to University of Bristol to study theatre and film. Firstly, moving to England during the covid era was a... choice. I wouldn't change it for the world now but that is not to say that it wasn't extremely difficult. I thoroughly enjoyed my three years of study[and working my ass of in a pub to pay my rent] but have since moved back to Northern Ireland. The industry here is thriving and more and more projects are popping up all over the place.
Which brings me to... MY FIRST FILM JOB. I managed to wrangle my way on to the set of How To Train Your Dragon live action, which was being shot in Belfast.[ Shooting has since wrapped]. Look, trying to get into this industry is all about who you know... and I don't know anyone, therefore some serious grafting was in order. The level of stalking I did here is slightly psycho, however it paid off, so, we can ignore the unhingedness.
I loveeee the HTTYD series and because of this follow the director, Dean on instagram. He posted about shooting in Belfast and I took notice, the way I was scouring the internet for job postings about this project was obsessive. I knew where they were shooting and that it was starting in January but not much else. I half considered just appearing on the set and asking if I could help them out for free. However, through reddit posts and a fortunate coincidence of a sister of a friends flat mates uncle [girl...] working on the building the set, I finally found a job opening for a [drumroll] barista. So, not exactly what i wanted to do but with about 5 years of hospitality experience behind me I thought, fuck it, a wins a win.
So, I was in, I worked on this set from the start of January until they wrapped last week. I can not speak highly enough of my time on the catering side of film production. It has given me a real insight as to how a set works and just how many cogs are turning to make it work. This crew were some of the most lovely people I have ever worked with and from watching the way the set works it has definitely cemented to me that I want to work in this world. Through this experience I have met numerous new people involved in production and learnt about what exactly it is that they do.[yay for organic nepotism win]. I have also heard insights to what is being filmed and possible job leads near me. I would highly recommend that if you're trying to break into this world [which admittedly is cliquey] getting in via catering. It is an amazing starting point as an entry level role.
<So there it is, my [very condensed] journey to where I am now. The downfall of this industry is of course, that there can end up being breaks in employment when there is no shoot to move on to. That's where I am now, which is why I decided to write this blog. I want to document if i can break into the production world on a deeper level, what I learn as I work and maybe show people how I've done it as a girl from the middle of nowhere in Northern Ireland with zero connections. If I can do it, you can probably do it too :] >
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
A Love like Disney
On your second date Steve told you that he’d never seen a single Disney movie you’d been, shocked. You’d grown up watching Disney movies, from the classics to new releases you’d always enjoyed a Disney movie. Even now you watch the new releases in Tony’s state of the art theatre in the tower the moment that you can get your hands on them. Thanks to Tony that’s usually the day the movie comes out and the team has started to join you for opening night movie nights.
Steve had enjoyed Frozen so much that it hadn’t taken long to convince him to watch every, single, Disney movie you could find. You started with Snow White and went down the line.
Some of the movies were, well, you fell asleep so really they just weren’t your cup of tea. You’d made sure to play The Fox and the Hound when you’d been barely able to open your eyes because you don’t do dog movies, they make you cry too much. When Disney had found out the the Avengers had Disney movie nights they’d started to invite you all to the premieres and you and Steve had gone to a few, the best one so far had been Lightyear, if you didn’t know better you’d have sworn that the actor who voiced Buzz was Steve. When you’d mentioned this to him he’d murmured, “To infinity and beyond.” Into your ear in an almost perfect impression of Buzz that it’d made you laugh.
“Hey Belle,” Steve calls one morning as he came into the library. He’d given you the nickname after watching Beauty and the Beast due to your powers, you read it and you’re an expert on it. You don’t forget a word if you decide to recall it.
“I’m in cooking.” You tell him and you hear him chuckle then make his way toward you. When he rounds the bookshelf you see he’s got a bag over his shoulder. “Do you have a mission?”
“Nope, we have a vacation. I had Wanda pack you some stuff in this bag. Come on.”
“Wait, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” He tells you holding a hand out for you. You give him a little shrug, a wide smile and then take his hand. You take the Quinjet and after a few hour flight it lands in Florida.
“Disney world?! Really?” You ask with a little bounce and Steve laughs and nods.
“Yep my pretty little bookworm! We’ve got four days, one park a day, I watched all those video blog things you’d told me to watch and I have a plan for everything.”
“Vlog, they’re called vlogs and I love you.”
“I love you too, now, let’s go!” You start at Magic Kingdom, an excellent choice to really throw you into the magic on day one. You take a video for your instagram of Steve getting his first glimpse of the castle down Main Street and then you take photos off to the side of the castle. You do as many rides as you can and eat as many snacks as you can stomach. You meet many of the characters, Mickey and Minnie are a must, Goofy is amazing with Steve pretending to be a super hero too, you both cry at the fireworks show and then fall into bed at the end of the day thrilled and exhausted.
Epcot is the second day, you try a drink in each country that you can and FaceTime Thor when you’re in the Norwegian part to show him the area that they have about him, Odin and Loki. The water, music and firework show Harmonious brings you to tears it’s so beautiful and wonderful.
Hollywood studios in the next day, the Star Wars area is incredible and Steve decides to make a droid and you go with to watch. You ride Tower of Terror six times, and when a little girl recognizes you and Steve you get swarmed for a bit and end up taking some photos with people until security comes and insists on giving you the VIP tour for the rest of the day. You hadn’t wanted to do a VIP tour but you also don’t want to cause the park any issues.
You start at Animal Kingdom bright and early, starting at the safari ride the guide offers to let Steve help feed the lions. You don’t get the same offer but since you’re not a super soldier that doesn’t surprise you much. The animal walk is really cool, and so are the other rides that you do Expedition Everest being your favorite of the day. There’s something about a roller coaster that you can’t help but love. After you watch the tree of life’s little light show you head back to the Quinjet in your silly matching tee shirts and the Minnie ears Steve had bought you.
“Steve, this was amazing.” You murmur as you settle against him on the flight. You know you won’t be awake for long.
“I’m thinking Disneyland next month.”
“Yea, how does that sound to you?”
“Like a fairytale.”
Thanks for the prompt @pagina16ps I hope this was okay :)
Tag list:
@pokey-hedgehog @foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll
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alchemists-eve · 10 months
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You woke up slowly that morning. This space was new. But, it afforded you a lack of responsibility you sorely needed. You found yourself in a large canvas tent filled with empty cots identical to yours. As people came and went, you would pretend to drift back off to sleep.
You took solace in the time you were given to rest. Personal items, jumpers and jackets littered the various beds; marking the territory of each sleeper. It smelt like a changing room.
Along one of the long sides of the tent the entrance was rolled up, allowing a breeze and fresh sunlight in.
It wasn’t long before someone arrived for you.
“I noticed you were awake. You might enjoy some of this.” He said, handing you a tall cup of black coffee. A bold choice to make regarding someone’s coffee preferences, but his risk paid off. 
“Thank you. It’s a nice place you’ve got here.” you remark as the stranger sat across from you. 
He shrugged, “You know how it is. Best we can do with what we’ve got.” 
Looking out over the makeshift courtyard, you felt a sense of familiarity. The camp is set up very similar to Kata and Sexcrus’, albeit more sparsely filled. However, what stood out to you was how alive it felt. Thirty-something people populated the space, talking, mingling and doing their own thing, all together. The space was abuzz with noise and activity.
You drank deeply from the fragrant tar. Your headache melted away, dripping streaks of relief down your back. It sent shivers up your spine. Sinking into the business of your newfound space, the white-noise of humanity pulled you deep into your cot. 
“So you’re the one Josi found, right?” the kindly man inquired. 
“Oh umm. My name is Erstwhile.”
The man was visibly surprised. “You don’t hear a name like that every day. I’m Toby. I work with Josi and the rest.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m from town. I had no idea so many people were out here.” you remark.
“Well, we’re a serious research crew hoping to perform some serious research. But you know the rest. It’s such a shame, though. I would still like to study that meteorite.”
“Yeah, actually I was curious about that. What’s the big deal with it? Looked like just a rock.”
Tobi’s face lit up with excitement. The metaphorical seams which kept him stitched together were positively bursting as he tried to restrain his excitement. “It’s from space!” He erupted, quickly covering his mouth. 
Someone from outside the tend heard this and returned his volley with a “Hell yeah, space!” 
“What’s space?” you ask. 
Tobi pointed upward with an expression of pure delight. All you saw was tent.
“It came from the sky! Far above. All that blue is actually an endless void. Filled with other worlds and giant balls of fire called Suns. And this rock came from there!”
The hairs stood up on the back of your neck. The idea rattled you deep to your core. The world inverted and, for a moment, you weren’t a person standing on Earth below a dome of sky. You were an insect clinging to a surface above an endless void. You were a child first setting foot into the ocean. You were a shipwrecked sailor staring into the oncoming storm.
“Fucking hate that.” you said.
“It’s a lot for someone to take in at once.”
“So what’re you all planning to do to take it back?” 
“If there is a plan, I don’t know about it.” He said, dejected. “But I’m sure Josi’s concocting some shenanigans. She’s the only one brave enough to touch the place.”
You laid pensive in your cot. Your line of sight looked far beyond the man who sat beside you. You stare further than the walls of the tent. Beyond the sky, the stars, and straight into the eyes of revenge. A fire burned in your throat as gears began to turn. A devilish smile crept its way across your face. 
You threw your bedding aside and jumped to your feet. Your belly fire ignited with a further righteous fury. 
“Where is she?”
Don't forget that Alchemist's Eve is now on Instagram. If you've enjoyed the story, please reblog and tell your friends
***Next Part******Previous Part***
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the-arcadian-0125 · 2 years
A “brief” summary of the future.
Hello everyone.
I’m sure by now most of you have noticed a slight decline in the quality of the content and artwork I am currently production and posting.
I will be the first to admit that while I still absolutely love Max and Chloe and the original Life Is Strange universe, I have found myself wanting to branch out to something else. Not something someone else has created but something I have created, something I can call my own.
Over the past year an a half I have focused much of my talent and time into a project I created back in 2013 when I was in high school, that I created purely as part of a early online class which quickly fell in love with as an idea for a book and took to spending most of my time writing.
After I graduated in 2015, I fell into the same thing most people did back then (cringing at saying that) and became board quite fast, I missed the routine of class and my ability to have a desk all my own at which I could work on school stuff and misbehaved with creating my new book and it’s universe and so I did what most people did. Turned to call of duty.. just kidding! Actually I found this amazing little Indy game on the Xbox live store called Life is Strange and fell in love with the original teaser trailer and downloaded the game immediately.
At first I played it like any other game (tried to figure out where the shoot button was!) but as I progressed I quickly learned that this game wasn’t something I was use to and I actually had to start over to fully invest my time in exploring and learning and enjoy every time that it had to offer, and so after a year or two of having fun with it and learning how to create 3D artwork in a program called Daz Studio I decided to try to recreate Max and Chloe… and I’m not kidding when I same those first dozen or so renders were absolutely a dumpster fire, and I was scared to even post them but I finally decided on one and posted it to deviant art (Instagram and Facebook groups where far beyond my understanding at the time)
So I did what anyone would do after posting several fanart renders online…. I completely forgot I did it.
Now quick back story about me, HI my name is Nate and two years after finishing high school I did the unthinkable… I went to work for my Dad and became a carpenter. Luckily I was able to work for him during the day and spent way to much time at night playing games and working full force on Life is strange renders in a program I was just scratching the surface of. Over the past 7 years I have helped build over 25 homes and worked on several remodels and consider myself and expert carpenter.
Now for the future stuff. Over a year ago my Dad told me that this next house we were getting ready to build would be his last (he’s been in the business for 40+ years) and at the time I didn’t care, I was sitting on easy street for the most part running a pretty good side hustle that actually hasn’t made me any money and has cost me well over $2,000 in virtual assets but hey I was getting paid good money by him to do the job he taught me and I did it with a passion. It was at this time while vacation, I decided it’s time to bring the book idea back and I did the same thing I did when I got into LIS and went full force into it, not only redoing the characters but also the story of my book in order to bring it to life.
Now for reality. As of July 7 I have been unemployed, my dad and I finished our last house together and managed to sell it for more then he expected. Normally that would be cause for celebration but while he gets to retire I am left with the question of “what’s next for me?” I can’t make a living off of doing LIS content as I don’t want to make money off of someone else’s creation and I’m nowhere near ready to get my book published as I’ve only cemented in the first 3/4 of the story and yet to have an ending that I like and want.
Luckily I have another option, I’m not going to get into the details here but I’ll be starting the next chapter of my career next week Monday. It’s going to be a pretty intense change for me and it’s basically a 100% guarantee it’s going to effect what my abilities to create content for this community going forward. However I will be making more money then I am now and be able to make purchases for things I’ve always wanted like a new computer and upgraded components that I’ve wanted for a very long time that would help me be able to not only bring better LIS content to the table but also content I have created based off the ideas I have created.
With all of this having been said, I’m hopeful for what the future might hold for me. There are many stories and renders I can’t wait to share with you all, and let’s be honest. Max and Chloe’s story isn’t over yet, I have tons of ideas for renders of where their lives might take them following my own idea of events in the first game and I really can’t wait to share them all with you along side my own self inspired content.
Sincerely, The Arcadian 🙂
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Lonely Thoughts of an International Student
In search of stability and belonging.
I doors ding open and I walk in, scanning for a seat. A window seat, by the corner, as I tend to like, was available. I sat down, pulled my phone out from my pocket and peeled off my coat. Every morning during my thirty minute commute to the campus, I listen to music and scroll through Instagram. It has only been three months since I last saw my family in Singapore but that feels like a lifetime away. I swipe through the endless Insta-stories of my family members, friends I have long lost contact with, and the many others in between. Every day, the same routine. Every day the longing to learn more about their lives beyond the glimpses of fifteen-second videos. 
Over the last five years living abroad, I have missed many births, dinners, laughs, movie nights, weddings, and concerts with the people I love. There is something very lonely about being an international student. In a constant state of transition and liminality, no personal connection or relationship ever feels concrete or permanent. I do have my lifelong friends, close family members, and my partner dear to my heart but the constant state of transition is something I find I don’t share, can’t share with many dear to me.
I swipe, and swipe, and swipe.  There, I saw the familiar silhouette of this girl I used to share a flat with in my first year living abroad. She’s dyed her hair and looks a little different, dressed a little differently, posed with her new boyfriend, sharing about their little vacation. I haven’t talked to her in years now. I think back to how close we used to feel to each other. Having most of our lunches, dinners, and party attendances together. Now she is nothing but a distant memory. I cannot tell you more than that she’s a lawyer and she has a new boyfriend. She looks happy though, and that’s nice to know. 
I continue swiping through more faces of people that have briefly encountered my life but permanently remained in the periphery of my mind, showing up every time I swipe through social media. 
A little video of my niece laughing and running down the mall’s corridor into her father’s arms shows up. The next video shows her having food and practicing using a fork. At least that’s what my cousin’s captions said. A wave of sadness and love comes over me. I have so much love for these people. Yet, they only exist in clips of videos. I have met her once. The last time I went back to Singapore at a family party. What even entitles me to say I love her? I miss my family. I hate that I watch them grow up online and learn about their likes and dislikes through captions curated by their parents. I have only ever seen them through the lens and perceptions of someone else as though I am looking at them through a piece of glass. Well, I mean, it’s not that far off.
A message notification pops up. It’s my partner telling me something about their day. 
They are flying over to Manchester to see me in a few days and I miss them all the time. I know they are proud of me but sometimes I wish they had told me to stay. To not pursue an academic career through a prestigious, well-funded doctoral program. But alas, they are a good partner and naturally they encouraged me to pursue what’s best for me and our future, even if it means we live apart for four years, shuttling between borders on cramped airplanes and excruciating lines at airport security. During the two years I lived in Vienna, I found a home in and with them. Even then, it felt temporal. Not the relationship. The feeling of stability in a locality. It constantly felt like I was in a state of movement. I found somewhere I felt comfortable to call home, with someone I called family, and again, I moved. We have talked about settling in together after I finish my doctorate programme, but a part of me cant shake the feeling of insecurity in not knowing where that meant and how long it might be before I have to move again.  Sure, I am very privileged that my constant state of liminality and transition is one of high prestige and comes with much economic and cultural capital benefit. But this sense of intense loneliness and disconnectedness I feel from the people I love can sometimes be very isolating. Sometimes, I fear making new friends, or deeper connections for the temporality of it all. Perhaps some might enjoy this temporality but in me, it induces deep feelings of loneliness. Some people see my life as ‘’glamourous’’ or ‘’admirable’’ but I don’t think I see it that way. At least not anymore. 
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dabi-the-burnt · 2 years
K I gotta rant. ITS driving me crazy.
So I've been in a long distance relationship for nearly two years. Known him since we were just fresh into high-school.
Bla bla bla.
Bro goes to prom without me in May. While we're dating. He says he's going with friends. And I'm like. Eh that gives me the ick.. (he lives an hour away and has turned down every opportunity to meet up) but I accept it. He's gone the whole day. Doesn't say shit right. Promises to show me pics. I try to be happy for him. Tell me why I just found the pictures by mistake on someone else's Instagram? TELL me why he didn't mention that he wore a matching suit to the dress of his closest best friend who he always blows me off for and is moving in with in a few months. You know, the friend he's told me he will always put over me and would never cancel on for me for anything. The one he can stop talking to me to call with but can't even text me when he's literally doing nothing with them. Yeah.
And then this weekend he told me how I'm just in the computer. And he doesn't want to be on his computer. He wants to go out and live his life. Fair enough man, I get it. But maybe don't insult and degrade the person you chose to be in a relationship with? He genuinely makes me feel like I'm this massive burden that he doesn't want around.
He never told me about this one person either until last week when WE were supposed to be able to talk before he went out of state with the prom friend. He never told me about this new person until he was a few minutes away from getting coffee with them. And apparently how he met them. Was. And I quote, "they looked cool and gay so I asked for their Instagram".
It's sketch because this was last minute. But I can't ever even CALL him because he's "busy." And "can't make last minute plans." And "his parents have to know all details even if he's 18" and they apparently can't know about me. Which I get it. Parents can be strict. But like.. if they're cool with your Starbucks stranger why the hell am I an issue if we've been together this long?
Also. I'm not allowed to tag him. Starbucks bitch can tag him though! And they can comment things like "aw can't wait to see you x" but I'm not allowed to comment on his posts because what if someone sees. But literally anyone else can.
I'm toning this all down. He literally goes out almost every single day to go on date like activities. And I'm like you know what, I'm not gonna be controlling. As long as things are cool it's fine.
But we've been together for this long. And he only just told his friends about us in about April. OF this year. With no prior mention of me. Ever.
He gets mad when I try to work things out with him. Mind you, I'm a total pushover about it. I let him do anything.
But the moment I decided to wait until after his Starbucks date to politely ask if we could go over boundaries because this made me uncomfortable, he went off on me. Made it about something else entirely. Mentioned my sh (which was just a total weapon. I've been so clean and so good.) AND made the comment about how I'm just in the computer. And he doesn't want to spend his life at the computer.
Which again, fair enough. But. Then he proceeded to watch Netflix. On his computer. You see the issue?
Also, I never have his undevided attention. He quite literally only talks to me when looking at Twitter or whatever else. AND it's very few words and very far in-between.
It just hurts me. I literally sobbed texting him and I flat out said I just wanted to be loved half as much as he loves his friends. And he literally just told me how he wants to spend time with his friends and I need to not bother him.
Why are we dating then? If you hate me and cannot spend time talking to me, why string me along?
His good moments with me are so few in between now. And I'm hurt beyond repair. But he's away on that trip. And I'm waiting until he gets home to talk about all this. But I guarantee he's going to be mad over it. No matter how I present it.
I'm sorry, but I've been so lenient and so patient. And I can't keep being guilt tripped and treated like less than literal feces.
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