#and he was 22 when given the mission
intheupside · 2 months
Sidney Crosby was his usual humble, appreciative self on Thursday morning after being informed that he was the Penguins' nominee for the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy, awarded annually to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to hockey.
No, he's not overcoming a terrible injury or health issue, and he didn't have to battle adversity off the ice. But with the work he puts into his game, there's nobody else that best exemplifies a dedication to hockey. With his role as a leader on the team, an ambassador to the game and just an overall great human, nobody else best exemplifies sportsmanship. And with him having the season he's having at age 36 -- 39 goals and 45 assists in 76 games, on a mission to drag the Penguins into a postseason spot at any cost, he's a model of perseverance in his own way.
While Crosby may not quite agree with his own nomination -- the second nomination of his career, after he was a finalist in 2013 after his bounce back from concussions -- his teammates sure think he's deserving.
"It's everything he stands for," Rickard Rakell said. "It's about the leadership on and off the ice, the time he puts into getting to the top of his game. It's obviously well-deserved."
"It's the way he carries himself," added Marcus Pettersson. "He represents the game, in a way. He doesn't only represent us, for a long time he's been the face of hockey, too. The passion that he brings, and the love for the game that he brings, he's a very, very well-deserving nominee."
As far as sportsmanship, Crosby is a model of that both on and off the ice. Off the ice, he's an ambassador to the game. He never turns down media, and is almost always available to speak in the locker room after games and practices. He's generous with his time, as exemplified in a story Brian Boyle recently shared of Crosby spending nearly an hour playing bubble hockey with Boyle's young son Declan after a game when Boyle's family was in town during the 2021-22 season, and taking the time to FaceTime with Boyle's kids when they were back home in the Boston area. He's accessible to fans, with Mike Sullivan noting that he's never seen Crosby turn down a kid seeking an autograph or looking to meet him.
"Some of the small gestures for me are the ones that mean most," Sullivan said. "Not everybody gets a chance to see that side of Sid."
Crosby is just a giver too, whether it be for teammates or complete strangers. I've seen him before in front of me on the drive into PPG Paints Arena for game nights, and he's cut across lanes approaching an intersection to get next to the median to give money to a homeless person. One of my favorite stories about Crosby came courtesy of Joseph Blandisi, who recalled what Crosby did for Adam Johnson after Johnson's NHL debut in Nashville in 2019.
"I remember that the day after (Johnson's) first NHL game," Blandisi told me after Johnson's death in October. "Crosby had his tailor in the dressing room and got Johnny a suit from his tailor as a congratulations for his first NHL game. That's a story I always tell when people ask me how it was playing with Sid, I always tell the story that he bought Johnny a suit after his first game. That always stuck with me."
Crosby reflected on Letang's win last season on Thursday, after he succeeded him as the Penguins' nominee.
"Given the fact that he had gone through (the stroke) once before, and then having to go through it again and seeing over the years how hard he's worked and what he's gone through to still be playing to a level that he is, it's really impressive," Crosby said. "It was much more deserving, probably, than my nomination."
sid for masterton 🥹
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opencommunion · 4 months
since zionists want to act obtuse about why we're criticizing a superbowl ad, here's an explanation from before the ad even aired. it was openly designed to act as pro-genocide propaganda. fighting antisemitism is a worthy goal but that's not what's happening here:
"The New England Patriots’ 81-year-old owner, Robert Kraft, writes seven-digit checks to the right-wing Israeli lobbying machine AIPAC, but his personal, political, and financial ties to Israel run deeper than the occasional donation. The multibillionaire married his late wife, Myra, in Israel in 1963 when Kraft, then 22, was older than the nation itself. Together they set up numerous business, athletic, and charitable ties to Israel, a record of which is proudly proclaimed on the Kraft company website. In particular, the Kraft Group boasts of its 'Touchdown in Israel' program, where NFL players are given free, highly organized vacations to see 'the holy land' and come back to spread the word about 'the only democracy in the Middle East.' (Not every NFL player has chosen to take part.) Kraft also attends fundraisers for the Israel Defense Forces, currently—and in open view of the world—committing war crimes in Gaza."
Now, as Israel wages war against the civilians of Gaza—more than 25,000 Palestinian have been killed with at least 10,000 of them children—Kraft is again flexing his financial and political muscles in order to defend the indefensible. His Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) will be spending an estimated $7 million to buy a Super Bowl ad titled 'Stop Jewish Hate' that will be seen by well over 100 million people. Under Kraft’s direction, the ad’s goal is to create a propaganda campaign to counter the reports and images from Gaza that young people are consuming on social media. 
... The content of the Super Bowl ad is not yet known, but FCAS has afforded Kraft the opportunity to make the rounds on cable news saying things like, 'It’s horrible to me that a group like Hamas can be respected and people in the United States of America can be carrying flags or supporting them.'
This is Kraft enacting the mission of FCAS: fostering disinformation. He is far from subtle: A Palestinian flag becomes a 'Hamas flag,' and people like the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets of Washington, D.C., last month to call for a cease-fire and end the violence are expressions of the 'rise in antisemitism.' Without a sense of irony or the horrors happening on the ground in Gaza, Kraft says he is giving $100 million of his own money to FCAS, because 'hate leads to violence.'
Let’s be clear: What Kraft is doing politically and what he will be using the Super Bowl as a platform to do is dangerous. He appears to think any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. For Kraft, it is Jews like myself, rabbis, and Holocaust survivors calling for a cease-fire and a Free Palestine that are part of the problem. Kraft seems to think that opposition to Israel, the IDF, and the AIPAC agenda is antisemitism.
... Right-wing Christian nationalists, with their belief in a Jewish state existing alongside their conviction that Jews are going to Hell, are welcome in Netanyahu’s Israel and Kraft’s coalition. Left-wing anti-Zionist Jews are not. The greatest foghorn of this evangelical right-wing 'love Israel, hate Jews' perspective is, of course, Donald Trump. Kraft, while speaking of being troubled by events like the Charlottesville Nazi march and the right-wing massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue, counts Donald Trump as a close friend and even donated $1 million to his presidential inauguration.
No one who provides cover for the most powerful, public antisemite in the history of US politics should ever be taken seriously on how to best fight antisemitism. No one who funds AIPAC and the IDF and opposes a cease-fire amid the carnage should be allowed a commercial platform at the Super Bowl. But given that the big game is always an orgy of militarism, blind patriotism, and big budget commercials that lie through their teeth, perhaps that ad could not be more appropriate. We can do better than Kraft’s perspective on how to fight antisemitism. Morally, we don’t have a choice."
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy Pride! Can I get some trans content<3
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
He can’t be pregnant.
The curse mark on his arm tells him that he is living in this body on limited time. Eventually, he will die, the string keeping him inside Mo Xuanyu’s body snapping like a string and sending him back to wherever she summoned him from.
He’d let himself forget, a little. The body he inhabits is so different than the one he woke up in. He’s made her stronger, grown her golden core into a fearsome thing, worked and worked muscles until they swelled and hardened.
It had begun to feel like it belonged to him, liked he’d carved his body from Mo Xuanyu’s. The differences from his old body hadn’t felt important, and still don’t, it’s about how this is the body he worked for and made from the one given to him.
But Mo Xuanyu is dead and her body isn’t his to keep.
If he wants to have this baby, then he must betray Mo Xuanyu and her sacrifice. If he wants to bring Lan Zhan’s baby into the world, he cannot kill Jin Guangshan.
Completing the mission she retrieved him for will sever the connection and he will die again and so will the life he’s growing.
His only hope is that maybe, maybe the thread binding him here will hold long enough for him to both deliver this child and kill Jin Guangshan.
He looks from Jiang Yanli to Jiang Cheng, their fierceness and determination the closest he’s felt to home in a long time. He shouldn’t be letting them do this, shouldn’t be sinking into the comfort of their protectiveness when they think he’s someone he’s not, but he can’t help it. It makes him feel even sadder for Xuanyu, to think that they would have done this for her, if only she’d let them. Hadn’t Jiang Yanli reached out to him that very first day while he was a confused and terrified mess? And here she is now, offering to shield him from his husband, offering to help Mo Xuanyu choose her own path and either continue the pregnancy or have it end here.
He takes a deep breath, trying to stem the flow of his tears. Jiang Cheng’s hands on his shoulders feel like the only thing keeping him in place, like he’s pressing Wei Wuxian’s spirit into place in Xuanyu’s body.
He presses a hand against his stomach, thinking of the life shifting in his womb as the first lotuses that had sprouted from muddy mountainside. If he could grow flowers in the burial mounds, he can grow a child in a borrowed body.
But does he want to?
This isn’t what he’s here for. The best case scenario is that he leaves Lan Zhan behind to raise a child alone, the husband and child of the woman who murdered a clan leader. The worst case is he leaves Lan Zhan behind to mourn a wife and child and he dies without avenging the wrongs done against Mo Xuanyu. Or he can end this here, remove the potential child from the equation and kill Jin Guangshan as subtly as possible, something he has the time to arrange when he isn’t pushing his connection to this world to the brink. Then Lan Zhan will only be the widower rather than the husband of a murderer.
There are no good choices.
But he’s used to that.
He breathes in, holding it at the top of his lungs and letting out slowly.
A-Yuan had been the brightest light in the burial mounds. Anytime he wavered, aching for the life and the people he left behind, it wasn’t Wen Qing or Wen Ning of Granny who hardened his resolve once more, but A-Yuan.
He’d loved being a parent. He’d wished he really could grow siblings for A-Yuan like he’d grown turnips.
Wei Wuxian’s legacy is one of failure, of loss, of destruction. All those he tried to protect fell. All those he had protected turned against him. The last thing he will do on this earth is kill again, even if it is a man who has earned it.
He does not want to leave behind a legacy of only terrible things.  
It could all end horribly. But he’s always been foolish enough to hope for better than he has.
He finally meets Jiang Cheng’s steady gaze.
“I’ll talk to Wangji.”
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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THURSDAY HERO: Niuta Teitelbaum
Niuta Teitelbaum was a Jewish resistance fighter in Poland who despite her innocent, youthful appearance was a deadly assassin who shot dead four Nazi officers.
Born in Warsaw in 1917, Niuta was raised in a religious Jewish family. When the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, Niuta was one of the first volunteers to join the underground resistance movement. She said, “I am a Jew. My place is in the struggle against the Nazis for the honor of my people and for a free Poland!” Niuta was 22 but petite and baby-faced, she looked much younger. Wearing her blonde hair in two long braids, she resembled a Polish farm girl, which enabled her to move around Warsaw without arousing suspicion among the Nazi guards stationed around the city. Niuta transported weapons and helped Jews find safe havens even as she put herself in danger repeatedly.
With audacious bravery, sometime around 1942 Niuta approached the Nazi headquarters in Warsaw. Questioned by the officer guarding the front door, Niuta, acting shy and embarrassed, said she needed to see a certain high-ranking German officer. She said it was a “personal matter” implying that she was pregnant out of wedlock. The guard at the door snickered as he told her the officer’s room number and gave her a special pass to enter her supposed paramour’s private office. She thanked him shyly, and walked through the building to her “lover’s” office. Niuta entered the room to find the officer sitting at his desk. Before he could say a word she pulled out a pistol with a silencer and shot him in the head. He died instantly. Calm and collected, Niuta made her way back through the building to the front door and thanked the guard sweetly.
Because her resistance activities were so secretive, information is incomplete. What is known is that in another startlingly courageous episode, Niuta shot three Gestapo agents, killing two of them and wounding a third. Then she obtained a white lab coat and pretended to be a doctor to gain entry into the agent’s hospital room, and shot him again, killing him this time. Niuta landed a spot on the Nazis’ Most Wanted list, and was given the nickname “Little Wanda with the Braids.”
For three years, Niuta evaded her German pursuers and continued her resistance activities, until she was captured in 1943 and imprisoned with thousands of other Polish Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, where she participated in the famous uprising of April 1943. For most of the ghetto fighters it was a suicide mission; they knew they were likely to die but wanted to go down fighting. Niuta was one of the few who survived the ghetto battles and managed to escape. However, in July 1943, her hiding place in Warsaw was discovered and she was arrested by the Gestapo. Niuta was beaten and tortured for several weeks, but she refused to give information about any other resistance fighters or activities. Niuta was executed by the Germans later that year at age 25.
For her heroic resistance activities, including killing four Nazi officers, we honor Niuta Teitelbaum as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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peachsukii · 2 months
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𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
『 ♡ pro-hero fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo; pro-heroes au | friends to lovers 』
#✩.hollowheart status: on-going rating: mature (16+) ao3 version | wc; ~20.6k as of ch.4
꒰ summary ꒱ the dynamic duo of dynamight and deku are unstoppable, climbing the hero charts like they always dreamed of as kids. their journeys were tough, but offered them the world - fame, fortune, protection of their family and friends, a comfortable hero life. the recent increase in crime around tokyo kept their entire sector busy, sending heroes out non-stop, desperate to keep the statistics as low as possible to maintain a clean reputation. when a nearby sector is requesting assistance, the boys are tasked with a mission to inspect a villain's lair in a deserted area outside of the city. reports have noted people going missing, specifically with rare quirks. with plenty of other heroes being unavailable, you're chosen to tag along with the duo for the night operation. everything is going according to plan until the villain lands a surprise attack, resulting in the your kidnapping and whisking you away through a mysterious portal. it's been a month since your disappearance with no help of the hero agency. bakugo and midoriya take it into their own hands and are determined to get you back - no matter how long or what it takes.
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ mentions of blood/violence, eventual & mild smut, kidnapping/abduction, experimentation, physical & psychological torture, PTSD, implied/referenced self harm, cursing, talks of trauma | angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, regret, mutual pining, friends to lovers, insomnia, eventual romance
꒰ chapter index ꒱
Chapter 1 | Hurricane [5,092k] ⇢  prepare for the heartbreaking journey of bakugo battling with his feelings when it's too late...or is it?
Chapter 2 | The Ghost of You [4,799k] ⇢  a month’s time has passed since your abduction and the boys have not given up on finding you by any means necessary. between late night phone calls, midnight confessions, and endless breakdowns, they’re struggling to go on with life as usual like everyone assumes they should. bakugo in particular is struggling with your absence, cursing how he wasn’t strong enough to save you and locking himself away. midoriya has opted for the opposite, spending multiple sleepless nights searching for you on his own.
Chapter 3 | Choke [3,995k] ⇢  you have zero clue where you are after your abduction. white walls, medical instruments, the smell of rust, and hazy memories are all that keep you company during your time in the mystery lab. the horrors that lurk between these steel walls are going to give you nightmares for an eternity. all you can think about is getting home to your best friends and family, back to the life you sorely missed.
Chapter 4 | The Grey [6,756k] ⇢  a glimpse of hope appears out of nowhere, giving bakugo and midoriya the lead they needed to pursue your location. it proves to be much more difficult than they imagine, so they call upon some friends for a search party.
Chapter 5 | The Good Left Undone Chapter 6 | Tourniquet Chapter 7 | There is Fear in Letting Go
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꒰ info ꒱  ✧ All Class 1A characters are 22/23 years old and pro heroes; Dynamight is 4th, Deku is 5th and Reader is 37th ✧ Reader is female with she/her pronouns ✧ Reader has an energy manipulation quirk ✧ Reader's hero type is "The Kinetic Hero" (i.e. - "Explosion Hero," "Gravity Hero," etc.) ✧ Bakugo's "nickname" for reader is Lite-Brite (a pun on her quirk)
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⇢ hollow heart playlist
♡ last updated; 04/17/24
⇢ tag list! @/bakugouswaif @/k1tk4tkatsuki @/bells2319 @/st0nedbitch @/deftonianfr @/musicbecky @/bakubae-by @/berryvioo @/tragedyofabrokensoul @/queenpiranhadon @/simp-plague @/jenn-majima @/dienamights
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kiwioala · 7 months
since early day lore keeps being referenced, here are some good early qsmp lore vods to watch if you're ever curious about what all went down:
any day 1 pov: really good introductory content (obviously), even for the lore. there’s a lot of cutscenes from that specific day iirc as well which i always think are beneficial to watch! also everyone’s first reactions to cucurucho/osito bimbo are fucking hilarious
roier, day 4: explains his and osito bimbo’s dynamic, they spend a large part of the day together.
roier, day 5: the betrayal the day of spreens betrayal, self explanatory. this is also the day we get the book from osito bimbo where it calls roier "0037"
any day 7 pov: egg's introduction morse code transmission about an “experiment,” the day the original eggs got adopted, shows how the attitude toward the eggs has changed since then, possibly could help explain some of the family dynamics?? at least how they function and treat the kids
roier, day 10: osito bimbo makes it's return but now it's different, (sort of) the day cucurucho officially takes osito bimbo's place
slime or roier, day 16: tilin's death the day of tilin's death, ultimately had a lot of impacts on various characters on the island like slime, roier, and quackity, for example.
slime, day 20: avenging juanaflippa slime tries to get flippa another chance at life by forcing a reset of all the eggs lives, meaning he goes after and targets the other player's eggs.
day 21: "save the baby" quest aka the first egg kidnapping/disappearance (continued in day 22 due to server maintenance). a rescue mission given to the islanders via egg tasks to go retrieve their eggs!
day 22 (slime, mariana, roier, bbh, quackity, foolish, jaiden, philza): juanaflippa's custody trial and revival really fucking funny but also a part of the servers history that i feel like got brushed over too fast. confirms the federation can give extra lives to the eggs if they are so willing and some other stuff.
luzu, day 24: final (physical) arin appearance explains why arin was there, what his purpose is, and how the codes are related to him. can also been seen in foolish and bbh's vod from this day.
foolish, day 26: introduction to leo’s “friends” and a few island entities, the founding of the theory bros (now ordo theoritas) which can also be seen in max and bad’s pov that day!
day 27: the funeral a funeral is held for all the dead eggs (trump, tilin, and flippa) and i believe it's the first time the federation allows parents to talk to their children after their death. for this day, most pov's do go to the funeral service, but only parents of the dead eggs (quackity, slime, mariana, and maxo) get to see their children.
anyones pov, day 34: “the countdown begins, 6 days left.” codes intercept the ducks transmission (again?) and alert the parents that the eggs will die/disappear in 6 days. we know now this obviously isn't true but still a lore-ish day
roier, day 34: even more osito bimbo content! the day when osito bimbo tells roier more about the federation, such as the existence of the "host" and how it has a specific set of duties it must follow/complete.
quackity, day 36: quackitys interrogation & las casualonas debut disguised, roier and vegetta interrogate quackity about his plans regarding the eggs (which iirc was a rumor started by roier saying he was going to murder them) and the island.
maxo, day 50: sofias creator visits maxo important for current lore seeing as the person who gave him said instructions is now known to be a part of the revolution etoiles was recruited into.
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hihhasotherfixations · 5 months
Day 22: Phone Sex - Price x Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
CW: Gn!reader, masturbating (in public-ish), spicy pictures :)
I have once again failed to make this a drabble but I don’t care as much this time cause I like this one >:3 Now imma play some codm to blow off steam
Word Count: 1638
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Sitting in the meeting, Price had his head leaned on his hand.
For the past 15 minutes, Norris had been blabbering on about a mission objective that he already knew about. Because he’d written it himself. And the reports that had led up to this. As had he processed all the intel his team had gathered that was now being presented.
With other words – Price was bored out of his mind.
Ever since Urzikstan, it felt as if Norris specifically had it out for the SAS captain. And so he’d asked Price to be here at this mission, given that he was the expert on this topic, yet not once did the colonel ask for Price to speak up or explain.
Taking in a deep breath, he lifted his hand and just blatantly dug around in his pocket, grabbing his phone and looking at the screen, hoping that would provide some distraction or relief, but no. Not a single notification.
Deciding to take action himself, Price opened up his chat with you, sending a quick text.
‘Bored out of my mind. Distract me?’
It was short but simple, and the brunet just put his phone back down after making sure his phone was on silent, pretending to focus back on the meeting, though he didn’t have to for long as his phone buzzed in his hand just a few minutes later.
Opening it up, instead of seeing a text back, there were two blurred photos.
Raising a brow, he discreetly glanced to the man sitting next to him, seeing he was focused completely on Norris, giving Price free reign to shift his screen a little closer to himself as he then opened up the images.
Instantly, blood started rushing down to his crotch as he laid eyes on what you sent him.
You’d given two pictures of yourself, naked and in revealing poses. In the first, you were taking a picture over your shoulder, showing the curve of your ass while one of his holsters was strapped around your thigh – just a bit too tight to make your flesh spill over the straps.
And the second was no better for the poor captain, showing you facing the mirror, your legs spread wide and leaving nothing to the imagination while your back was arched as you leaned one of your arms back on the bed.
Feeling his heart begin to hammer in his chest, Price swallowed, his throat bobbing as he quickly exited the pictures to send a text.
‘Call me. Now.’
Within the minute, his phone began ringing, causing everyone in the room to turn to him. Having strategically turned his phone off of silent mode before, he now held it up.
“Have to take this, sorry. You can continue without me.”
Without waiting for an answer, he turned his swivel chair around, using it to hide the tent in his pants as he got up, quickly marching out of the meeting room as he accepted your call and brought the phone up to his ears.
“When I said ‘distract me’, that was not what I had in mind.” He hissed, hearing a chuckle escape you on the other end.
“It worked, didn’t it?” You said, yet there was something about your voice that was off, making Price narrow his eyes.
“Y/N?” He asked, stopping in the middle of the hall to be able to hear you better.
“Yes?” Your voice sighed out, a little groan in the back of your throat, making the brunet widen his eyes.
“Are you-?”
“Yes, captain.” You whispered directly into the phone, the use of the honorific making Price’s erection push even harder against his boxers. “Join me?” You teased and he had to suppress a groan.
“I don’t have time.” He tried, even though in his mind, he knew it already was a losing battle.
“I seem to recall you saying you can always make time.”
Instantly, his mind shot back to the memory of him pinning you to his desk while he had to leave for work. Despite the time constraints, he’d chosen to take you right then and there, unable to wait. Recalling the way his cock looked, thrusting in and out of you, Price felt himself break.
“Shit. Just a moment.”
With great haste, he made his way through the base, walking through the halls until he reached the bathroom, where he barged in, opening every single stall to see it empty as he then quickly walked to the main door, locking it before he moved to the furthest stall.
Sitting on the closed toilet, Price held the phone between his cheek and shoulder, panting softly as he quickly undid his belt, hearing the squelching of your fingers moving in and out of yourself.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He whispered, pulling himself out and grabbing hold of his shaft, precum already leaking from the tip, slowly smearing onto his hand from how he fished himself out of his boxers.
Not wasting a second, he spread it around, stifling a groan at the touch. The bathroom was empty, he knew that, yet still the thought that he was doing this in what was practically a public place was humiliatingly arousing.
“What are you doing, John?” Your voice sounded in his ear and he bit his lip.
“Just- wetting my cock.” He spoke, deciding to let go of his inhibitors. He was committed to this already anyways. “Thinking about you.” He added as he looked down, watching as he rubbed his thumb over the slit, squeezing his tip after.
“Spit in your hand for me.” You spoke sultrily and Price obeyed, letting go and spitting into his hand before bringing it back down to his cock, starting to slowly pump up and down.
At the sensation, his breath hitched, not having done this in too long. Slowly, he dragged his hand up and down, starting slow before going a bit faster, his entire being feeling over-sensitive.
On the other end of the line, the brunet heard you let out a soft moan, the sound shooting straight down his spine where it pooled in his belly.
“Jesus, you don’t know what you do to me, love.” Price whispered, his body getting hotter and hotter as he jerked himself, listening to the sound of you fingering yourself.
“I miss you.” You panted into the phone, your voice needy and making the man close his eyes.
“Do you?” He asked, wetting his lips as he pumped his fist, imagining you laying before him, making exactly those noises. “Do you miss my hands running down your body? Loosening you up for my cock?” He asked, his voice deep.
“Yes.” You whined out and Price growled, firmly clenching the phone between his shoulder as he brought his other hand down, softly touching his balls, a groan escaping him as his fist sped up even more.
“I want you so bad.” He groaned again, thinking of your lips, how they felt on his neck, how it felt when you ran them down his chest and through his happy trail.
Bucking his hips into his own fist, Price panted, squeezing the head of his cock as his desperation grew, hearing your voice get louder and more frequent as you moaned.
“You really couldn’t wait anymore, could you?” Price teased through a pant. “Sending me those photos. You’ve been waiting, planning.” He huffed, feeling a familiar feeling starting to tense his abdomen.
“No.” He heard you whine but growled your name in warning.
“Don’t lie to me now. I know you’ve been craving me. Those pictures said it all.” He groaned, hearing you whimper out a moan on the other end of the line.
“John-“ You whined, a sharp gaps gracing his ears.
“Two weeks and then I’ll fill you again proper.” Price spoke, his head thrown back as he frantically jerked himself, right on the edge of orgasm.
“Please, I wanna feel you. Want your cum-!” You begged out before moaning loud, a creak of the bed sounding through the phone and Price’s mouth dropped open in a silent moan of his own.
“Gonna stuff you full, watch my cum leak out of you, so pretty-“ He choked on his own words, the image of cumming inside you, his seed dripping out proving too much as he came undone. “Fuck!” Cursing, Price groaned into the phone, having to grab it with his hand before it fell as he climaxed, cum spurting from his tip and onto the bathroom floor in waves, his hips thrusting desperately as he pushed through, his hand squeezing, milking himself of all he was worth.
“Bloody hell…” Price panted as he slowly came down from his high, properly gripping the phone as he held it up to his ear, his cock softening as he let his head thunk against the wall behind him. Shame began to curl in his gut from what he just did, though he chose instead to focus on you. “You alright, love?”
“Yeah.” He heard you, sounding out of breath as your voice became a bit clearer as you also positioned your phone better. “You?”
“Just fine. Just have to clean up a bit.” Price cleared his throat, starting to rip some toilet paper from the dispensers, starting to wipe down his shaft, dropping a few extra sheets onto the floor in advance.
Hearing him say that, you chuckled a bit and Price pursed his lips a little.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing, just endeared that you miss me as much as I miss you.” You quickly said and Price huffed, leaning back against the wall again, clearly knowing you were avoiding actually answering.
“I’ll remember that.”
“Remember it for what?”
At that, Price sat forward, tucking himself back in. “You know exactly for what. See you in two weeks. Better prepare, love.”
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i-m-art-ix · 24 days
Ninjago headcanons #3
Garmadon was very protective of Wu (I wrote this earlier in point seven), although the venom made him think it was Wu's fault that the snake bit him, he was still protective of his beloved younger brother. One time when Garmadon was under the influence of the venom he was a little nervous and very sarcastic they went to town with "friends" and Wu made him a little angry so Garmadon called him an idiot (Wu didn't care because he knew Garmadon didn't mean it) and one of their friends laughed and agreed with Garmadon and it was his mistake (because venom, venom, but no one will challenge his brother, only he can) so he beat up this guy almost killing him, of course it was reported to their father but FSM, after finding out why Garmadon did it, stated that he did not see a problem with it and praised Garmadon for defending his brother's honor. Everyone was in total shock, especially Wu.
Despite popular belief, it wasn't Garmadon who caused trouble, it was Wu. he sneaked out of the monastery many times and generally did many things he shouldn't have done. Garmadon was angry with Wu many times because of his behavior (and that Garmadon won't let his brother go somewhere alone at night) they were often grounded. Usually, when Wu did something stupid, he got a reprimand from the FSM but also from Garmadon (because of course Wu, due to his stupidity and willingness to adventure, exposed himself to danger, which greatly displeased Garmadon and FSM).
FSM as a child and teenager was a little shit. I'm sure his Oni nature made him love to play pranks (on dragons and Oni), kind of like Lloyd did in season 1.
One time Lloyd dyed his hair brown (to look like his father) and Wu saw him and stared at him for a minute and then his eyes watered and he went to hug Lloyd.
After season 3, Lloyd blamed himself for Zane's death, after all, he was the green ninja, he was supposed to defend the ninjago, he was supposed to defeat the Overlord, if anyone was going to die in this fight, it was him, at least that's what Lloyd told himself. That's why he didn't allow himself to mourn like the rest of the ninja, he decided that he didn't deserve it and started overworking himself, he kept an eye on the ninjago all the time, he helped the police and could be seen as the green ninja all the time.
Oni are intersex. Due to the fact that the Oni began to be a dying breed, at some point they began to change their form so that everyone could continue the species (given that Oni are shapeshifters, it was easy to change their biology). For this reason, Onil do not pay attention to gender, with them you can often choose who exactly they want to be, if they want to be someone else, they can change their body to make it suitable for them, when it came to relationships, you could be with anyone you wanted to be with (well, except your enemy) only important is to perpetuate the genre.
After Season 5, Wu began to become more protective of Lloyd. Wu lost his father, brother and twice Morro, at this point he was left with only Lloyd, his nephew, and due to his mistakes, Lloyd became possessed. He began to remove Lloyd from missions, he began training him to be a master so that he would stop being a ninja. All the time he only asked him for help to get him away from danger, and when he had to let Lloyd go, he never let him go alone so that what happened in the museum wouldn't happen again.
When Lloyd first came to the bounty, none of the ninja liked him, and Lloyd was terribly afraid of others because no one ever liked him, that's why he stuck to Wu all the time, he only trusted him because he was his uncle and he kind of remembered that when he was a kid, Wu was really cool and liked Lloyd, so if Lloyd was going to be with others, Wu had to be there, if he wasn't there Lloyd ran out of that room immediately. For little Lloyd, Wu was such a safe place, he was the only person he knew and his only family.
Wu loved to spoil little Lloyd, every time he came to visit, he would bring Lloyd toys, sweets and other things. Garmadon and Misako were a bit dissatisfied because Lloyd had too many toys, Wu always claimed that his nephew was the most wonderful child and deserved everything he wanted. Wu also loved taking care of Lloyd whenever Garmadon and Misako wanted to go on a date, Wu immediately claimed that he could watch Lloyd, According to him, they can even go for a month because he will be happy to take care of Lloyd. And Lloyd loved being left with his uncle because he always got what he wanted.
(I finally did it, I had a little less creative inspiration than with the last parts, but it was still nice to write it)
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nocturnal-world · 8 months
The push - Remus Lupin x female reader
The idea is...imagine Remus witnessing that your patronus has changed its form.
I'm missing older Remus stories, and I need to scroll way down to find them. Tumblr refreshes every so often and brings me to the first post. So I had enough and wrote a few things. Once again, maybe someone will like it...enjoy if you do <3. I plan on making a part two, and we'll see how that goes.
There are no warnings, except a larger age gap (reader is 22, Remus is 38) .
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Imagine Remus seeing that your patronus has changed its shape. You were surprised as well. Whatever has been going on between you two was never given a name other than friendship. A denial of feelings is what I would call it.
For Remus it was also a feeling of not being enough for you. Of being too old for you. What could he possibly give you, he thought. Living from one paycheck to another? Never knowing where you will live next month? Having to suffer all sorts of slurs and insults once people found out he was the creature you chose as your partner? You had a life in front of you. He would not let you waste it.
And yourself? Apparently you were both presuming how the other would react without even asking for the other's opinion. There was a different pattern of thought in your mind, Of course you would not allow him to settle for you. Remus could do better than that. What could you possibly offer him? See, you believed that all your conversations were on surface level (they were not). You thought that once he would try to get to know you on a deeper level...he would find nothing there (Sirius teased him over how enamoured he looked every time you spoke). You did not see much worth in yourself at all. Oh, yes you hid that well. But, if you saw no worth in yourself, how could you possibly believe anyone else would find any. Remus would have spent hours proving you wrong if he knew. Just as you would spend hours proving him wrong.
There was another problem. To be with him would require of you to open up. And that thought alone frightened you. Yes, you two might have spent hours talking about everything. Or nothing sometimes. So, it is strange that it suddenly became something to fear. But perhaps for many it is not strange at all. Anyhow. If you suffered with such thoughts, why would you put Remus through all of that as well? He deserved someone better for himself.
Strange how similar you both were in that regard.
Well, apparently denial of feelings is how it would be between the two. Without a push, nothing would happen except longing gazes, and too long embraces when one came back safe from a mission. Or throwing oneself in front of the other to defend them against a dozen of dementors. It was the strongest patronus you ever casted. A bear that tore down every dementor which tried to get to Remus. Some got to you. Not many. But at least, Remus was safe.
As for that push - Well it just so happened, there was no need for long waiting. It's strange how fate works yes? I wish Umbridge had nothing to do to contribute to this, but sadly she did in a way. After coming to Hogwarts, she did a marvelous job at teaching the students absolutely nothing. With Voldemort returning, the students were vulnerable if there was no one to teach them how to properly defend themselves. Harry, Ron and Hermione had a brilliant idea. Dumbledore's army. Not everyone believed the Ministry's lies. Soon there was quite a few students joining the initiative.
All in all they planned it quite well. But it was always good to get a second opinion. So, when Harry came to the Grimmauld place, it only felt right to ask the three residents of the house for assistance. Sirius was there constantly. He didn't need any convincing. Spending time with Harry, breaking some school rules, aiding in fighting Voldemort...and getting to call Umbridge a cunt as much as he liked. ...He would have done so regardless. But still.
Remus was there at the insistence of Sirius. The last few months have been difficult after his previous colleagues found out what he was. He defended himself when a hex came his way before he left that shop. See, even with witnessing that, he still thought of himself as a monster. After Sirius found out, he would have it no other way than Remus staying with him. And if the previous coworker somehow got too ill from eating one of Fred and George's experiments well...the twins left their things around constantly. It was an honest accident.
The girl? Well, she had a home of her own. Small place. Hidden. Cozy and simple. Sirius insisted here as well. She didn't know why exactly. And she couldn't be at Grimmauld all the time. But she did stop by as often as she could. After finding out about the hexing, it was more than other members of the Order. Good thing that Sirius handled it (it was an accident I swear), or she would have used something far more darker.
With Harry's arrival it was the four of them in the house. Planning which spells would be the most useful ones to teach. Considering they had cleaned the attic, it was as good a place as any to let Harry practice those spells with their supervision. That way he could get a better feeling on what should he pay attention to.
Spell by spell. Expelliarmus. Reducto. Stupefy. Expecto patronum. The push.
„I think that is a break for me. Anyone wants some tea?“ Sirius asked after an hour of dueling. James would be so proud of Harry. Remus was leaning back on one of the tables observing it all. Your dog was begging for food so you kept to the sidelines as well.
„I'm going back in three days. There is no time for breaks. I cannot let them down.“ Harry on the other hand was not backing down. He would not let anyone be unprepared. He would not let anyone lose a friend in front of their eyes. He needed to practice more.
„Harry, you will not be able to teach them anything if you fall unconscious from exhaustion.“
„Then I need to practice more, to endure as much as I can. The death eaters won't stop because I am tired. Voldemort will kill someone else while I am catching my breath!“
The others could only look at each other. One way or another, he would continue. With or without them. So it was decided, that while Sirius went to get tea, they'd practice something other than dueling. It was your time to step to the centre of the room. You agreed that you would cast the patronus. You would make random mistakes, which Harry would have to notice and correct properly. Remus would give him advice in case he missed something.
Considering she did well when casting a full bodied patronus, she didn't think there would be anything unexpected. First try, she moved her hand in a slightly different direction, which Harry noticed quickly. Second time, she didn't cast a powerful enough memory. Harry gave her some ideas. He would do well, they knew it. Third time, she decided to allow for some wisps to flow from the wand. Still not strong enough. Even here, Harry would give words of encouragement. She thought she saw Remus softly smiling in the corner of her eyes. She thought of that. The last time she saw him like that. It was after the Full Moon. Despite Wolfsbane, she found him pale in bed, wrapped up in blankets. With tea on his bedside table, she put a vinyl on. He mentioned he was fond of Cohen. He was a favourite of his mum's. A muggle store had that vinyl. She didn't have to think twice.
He mentioned that vinyl around six months ago.
If he had more strength in him, he'd get up and carry her with him to his bed in that moment. Nothing sexual. Just to hug her closer. To kiss her on the forehead. To nudge his nose to hers, until she gazed at him with that look. A look which left him thinking that it did not matter at all to her that he was a werewolf. Or 17 years older than her. Poor. Broken. At that moment he would know there was more to him. He'd nudge her nose once again until she blushed. Then he would press his lips to hers. And she would brush the hair away from his forehead. No, they would not let each other go. If only he had more strength. And courage.
She thought of him at that moment. At how she still managed to make him laugh to tears, even after that Full Moon. At how they both hummed to the songs. At what could be. The wisps got stronger this time. She saw the outlines of paws, only they were smaller this time. Strange. The whole bear seemed to be a bit smaller than it usually was. Remus's smile faltered, as he noticed what creature was forming in the room. The realisation was slowly dawning on her as well. It was not the bear she has come to expect, it was a wolf. She could lie to herself only so many times, but here was the proof. Right in front of him. A wolf making a circle around Harry. Coming to greet her dog. Harry was busy looking at the beautiful creature to notice two figures standing frozen in the room.
And sure, he hoped that it was him this wolf represented. She would not stop lying to herself, but she still hoped he understood now. What did each of them see though? He saw her carefree look fading. He saw her standing rigid in the centre. Was she ashamed? Angry? What if the wolf was not connected to him at all? He didn't want to meddle in her love life. If only to hide the jealousy of which he had no right to feel. What if there was someone with whom she felt as comfortable as she had with him the night that vinyl played. He had no right to wish it was him alone who would get to see her like that.
She saw him straightening up. She saw his smile fade. The clenched jaw. He was angry. A girl, barely out of Hogwarts fell in love with him. Just what he needed.
Sirius came up with tea. She was quick to apologize, saying all the practice made her a bit dizzy. Remus still stood next to the table. After a moment he excused himself as well. One could sense something went wrong.
„I suppose no one is in the mood for tea anymore. What happened here?“
„I'm not sure. The patronus appeared and right after they both left.“
A push needed to happen. However, that push can move events in any direction. Sirius had no idea what had transpired in that room. But he would do his best to find out.
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john-macnamara · 3 months
PEIP Incident Report Released by ███████ to Tumblr Blog "john-macnamara" 03/13/2024. Subject: General John MacNamara; Elimination of Enemies
Incident #1: December █, 20██. Persons Involved: Colonel Wilbur R. Cross; Major Johnathan S. MacNamara; Lt. Colonel Rosalind B. Schaffer; Agent Xander P. Lee. Location: █████████, NM
At approximately 20:35, a standard mission update was sent in by Col. Cross. Team was instructed to stay put and wait for further instructions. The next two mission updates were unreported. At 22:14, a transmission was sent to Col. Cross. Was picked up by Lt. Schaffer, quote: "Cross is in unstable condition, Lee providing medical assistance. MacNamara in a fire fight with ██████, ███████, and █████. Prepared for further instruction."
The team was left without further instruction. At approximately 1:00, a final transmission was sent. Quote: " ██████, ███████, and █████ incapacitated. MacNamara defied orders under extenuating circumstances, ████ ████████ has been eliminated. Cross has been stabilized. Prepared for extraction. We are sorry."
Post-Incident: Col. Cross was sent to the New Mexico center for emergency medical aid, recovered within one week. Lt. Schaffer given the chance to explain the circumstances, Maj. MacNamara unpunished. Maj. MacNamra also required to take a two-week leave of absence due to his mental state post mission. Viewed this as a punishment.
Incident #2: August ██, 20██. Persons Involved: Brigandine General Johnathan S. MacNamara; ████ ███████; ████ █████████; ███████ ████; █████ ██████; Major General Truman E. Youngerman; Colonel Rosalind B. Schaffer; Lieutenant Colonel Harriet Y. Smith. Location: ███████, ██.
On ████ ██, ████, Brig. Gen. MacNamara disappeared from his station in Point Pleasant, WV. Unresponsive, filed as MIA 48 hours later. On ██████ ██, ████, a message sent to Maj. Gen. Youngerman. Read: "A little birdie told me you were missing a general. Give us the information before he does. You have 72 hours before your general dies."
Maj. Gen. Youngerman provided Col. Schaffer with a hard drive filled with falsified and/or outdated information. She was instructed to swap it for Brig. Gen. MacNamara. Took Lt. Smith as backup. Backup was needed. ████ ███████, ████ █████████, █████ ██████ pulled weapons on the two agents, resulting in a short firefight with all three adversaries eliminated.
Brig. Gen. MacNamara found in a state of half-consciousness, showing signs of heavy torture. Dead body of ███████ ████ found in corner of room. Brig. Gen. MacNamara found clutching the knife. Was sedated and taken to the intensive care unit at MSHS.
Post-Incident: No more information could be found on kidnappers. Brig. Gen. MacNamara made a recovery within 54 days. Retains minor hand tremors, ensure he is still able to consistently aim. Promoted to Maj. Gen. upon his return.
Incident #3: June ██, 20██. Persons Involved: Major Chunhua N. Shào; Major General Johnathan S. MacNamara; Lieutenant Colonel Harriet Y. Smith; Major Ishaan D. Bhavsar; Private Reese G. Dobler. Location: Yellowstone National Park, WY.
Team instructed to remain in cabin and observe impacts of extraterrestrial substances on biological organisms. On May ██, 20██, the escape of a presumed non-sentient substance was reported by Maj. Gen. MacNamara. Previous data had proven a possession of both living and dead organisms. The substance would slowly replace the original matter with it's own. Only able to spread via fluid, however.
Maj. Gen. MacNamara prevented his team from becoming infected in quarantine for twenty days. On June ██, 20██, Maj. Shào reported feelings of dizziness. Throughout the next few days, Maj. Shào showed more signs of infection until it was undeniable. Maj. Shào was a host for the substance. Maj. Gen. MacNamara was given the order to eliminate her. After 17 hours of deliberation, a report was sent in. Quote: "I... I killed her. Chunhua's dead. It was quick, I shot her in the head when *sob* she was sleeping. We burnt her body. There's nothing- *sob* there's nothing left. The threat has been eliminated. Extraction is no longer a risk. *hic* Over."
Post-Incident Report: Maj. Gen. MacNamara and his remaining team members were extracted the next day and given proper medical treatment for minor malnutrition and dehydration. Maj. Shào promoted to Lt. Col. postmortem. Her stipend will be sent to her family, and a funeral will be held on June 24, 20██. For his skills in handling the situation, and following of orders, plans have been made to promote Maj. Gen, MacNamara to four-star general.
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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Hsr age headcanons except I also explain my reasonings bc I read everyones lore to get it more accurate.
(Also, a few things to note that will be relevant to my explainations: Some of these I'm not 100% certain of the age groups I put them in here, so some might not be as specific. Blade will be considered his age prior to being mara-struck for the sake of this post. Imbibitor Lunae is a stand in for Dan Feng.)
Let's begin, shall we?
Child (6-12)
Hook: I believe she's around 7-8. She's very obviously a kid, but I don't think she's like, a toddler or anything. She's smart enought to pull the clever little tricks she does, and has enough awareness to understand some harder topics (like Fersman's declining health and the reality of her birth parent's deaths).
Clara: I originally figured she was around 14 or so, but since one of her stories claim she's of similar age to Hook, and one of Hook's stories has her note Clara is a few years older than her, I think I'd put her around 11-12. Maaaaaybe 10, but that feels a bit too young for her.
Early to mid teens (13-17)
Arlan: Probably around 17 or so. We know he's younger than Asta, who met him when he was a kid and offered him a job for her family, and she also mentions that she took him in during her companion mission. Herta also says in her voice line about him that he's probably one of the "exceptionally gifted" kids Asta gave money to.
Lynx: She's much younger than Gepard and Serval, obviously, but she's also probably around the same age as Pela (who is confirmed to be 16) given how close they are and how they interact. Her companion mission also largely revolves around her trying to escape her older siblings protectiveness, which I feel is relatable to a lot of teens lol.
Late teen (18-19)
Silver Wolf: Tbh I don't have any solid justification for this, mostly just vibes. She's definitely younger than Kafka, but other than that I don't really have much to go off of. Probably 19, but I could see her maybe being early 20s too.
Guinaifen: I'm not completely sure about this one tbh. She's definitely a teenager, she says she's close to but not yet an adult to Bailu after we chase her and the Heliobus possessing her. She's also very close friends with Sushang, (who is confirmed to be around 16-17) so it makes sense for Gui to be a similar age too. The thing that's tripping me up is that one of her stories says she spent all her teenage years on the planet she lived on prior to coming to the Luofu, which would make her 19 at minimum. It could also just be exaggerating, or not counting 18 & 19 as teen years (that one seems unlikely though).
Young adult (20+)
Trailblazer: Well, obviously, Trailblazer is actually like a few months old at most seeing as we start the game by being "born" but, ya know. They're treated as an adult by everyone around them, not to mention they're clearly meant to be around the same age as March and Dan Heng, who are also depicted as adults (Dan Heng has been seen drinking in official art, for example). I think maybe like, around 20-22 would fit.
March: There's what I mentioned previously of course (being close in age to Trailblazer and Dan Heng), but the whole "girls like me/my age all like this and this" thing is a very typical mindset of late teens & very young adults. The way she talks about taking pictures of food in one of her stories also sound very much like how a young adult would explain it lolol. Like Trailblazer, probably around 20-22. Tbh I'm not sure how to explain my reasoning when basing it off of her behaviour without it sounding like I'm saying all girls her age do this, I'm not 😅 but it is common enough I feel like it adds to her feeling that age, ya know?
Asta: As mentioned with Arlan, we know she's notably older than him. I would say her position on the space station means she has a decent amount of life experience for her to do it so well, but this is Hoyoverse and anyone can do anything regardless of age, so that doesn't really work lol. That said, she clearly has had the position for a long time, so even if she wasn't an adult when she started, she definitely should be now. Probably around 23-24.
Bronya: She's been in the Silvermane Guards for long enough to be well-known and trusted for her skills, and with how easily she took up the position of Supreme Guardian, she has a lot of public faith and trust as well. She needs to have been serving for a good amount of years, to get all that. That said, I do think she started young, so I'd put her at around early-to-mid 20s. probably around 23-24 like Asta.
Seele: Canonicly around the same age as Bronya, so probably about 23-24 again.
Luka: Not much concrete to go off of, but he's probably around the same age as Seele given their interactions. He's also obviously an adult, or Hook would've dropped the 'honourary' part and just make him a proper Mole lolol. Around 23-24 again.
Topaz: In her voice line about Bronya she says they're around the same age. March also notes that she's pretty young for an executive, and her character stories explain that she started working for the IPC at a VERY young age. Probably around 23-24 yet again.
Adult (30+)
Sampo: He's a notorious scammer who's being doing his work in Belobog for a long enough time to become notorious, so him being in his 30s seems likely. I don't have any other reasoning besides that, really. probably around mid 30s, like 35-36 or something.
Himeko: She had already finished college when she found the express, so she was already an adult then. It's been many years since then, so she's definitely not some young 20-something year old lolol. probably mid-to-late 30s, like 37-38 or the like.
Gepard: Mid-to-late 30s. He's younger than Serval, so he's below 40 (not that I really thought he was middle-aged anyway) and he's probably older than Bronya, as in one of her stories he comforts her after the first death to happen under her leadership, clearly having already gotten used to it. Also, apparently he has a bachelor's degree? (According to the fandom wiki's trivia section). Anyway. Around 37-38 probably.
Luocha: I couldn't really find anything that indicates anything in particular, so I'm just gonna say he's mid 30s based off of vibes alone. Like 35-36 or something.
Kafka: Her age is only ever stated as "unknown" and, like Luocha, I couldn't find anything that indicates anything in particular. So I'm just gonna say she's mid-to-late 30s like Himeko and call it a day. 37-38.
Argenti: His character stories show a variety of different scenes throughout his journey as a Kmight of Beauty, so he has experienced a great deal. Mid 30s, probably. Like 35-36. I don't have much else to go off of.
Middle aged and beyond (40+)
Herta: We know she's like, really old. Like really really old. I don't know exactly HOW old, but old. I think she's still within a human lifespan though, so maybe like 70-80 or something. Physically speaking though, she herself states that her current puppet body looks "70% like I did as a child" so. Yeah. Baby grandma.
Natasha: She raised Seele and was the main caretaker at the orphanage she grew up in, so she ain't exactly young (despite what hyvs aversion to portraying older people properly will tell you). Probably late 40s to early 50s. 49-50 maybe.
Serval: Canonicaly the same age as Cocolia, who raised Bronya for most of her life. Bronya also recognizes Serval as Cocolia's old friend from when she was a child. Mid-to-late 40 probably. 45-46 maybe.
Blade: Yingxing is refered to as 'middle-aged' in-game at around the time it all went down, and he's shown with visible aging and with grayed hair (that is, assuming Blade's current black hair is his natural haircolor?). Probably late 40s, like 48-49 or something.
Canon age
Pela: 16, as stated by Lynx in her & Lynx's companion mission. People have pointed out that this is a plot hole due to other information we have about Pela, but 1) the only thing that goes against this is the claim she was a founding member of Serval's band, which I can 100% believe is either a mistranslation or a case of a writer not cross-referencing properly. (also, I don't remember where this is ever claimed in-game, so if anyone can point me to it I'd appreciate it.) And 2) her being a teen makes more sense with how she's written, imo, so I don't really care if it's actually a plot hole.
Sushang: One of her stories says she's "around 16 to 17 years old". Obviously, this isn't her REAL age since she's a Xianzhou native, but it is the age she is equivalent to for a short-life species.
Welt: 80+. He arrived in the hsr universe at the time of APHO, which takes place in 2025. Since Welt was born in 1947, this would make him 78. While we don't know exactly how long he's been here, he seems to have been here a quite a while, so, 80+ it is.
Long-life species
(equivalent to) Child (6-12)
Bailu: She's been described as a child many, many times, including by herself (multiple times). Although she's probably older than she looks, as both she and several others remark that she has trouble growing bigger for some unknown reason. I'd say maybe around 10-11.
(equivalent to) Early to mid teen (13-17)
Qingque: She reads to me like a 14 year old being forced to take up a summer job by her parents because 'you need to get experience so you can get a job easier when you're older!'. Actually I think that's literally what's going on except summer jobs don't exist on the Luofu so now she has a full-time job at 14 years old. Yeah I don't actually have anything else to go off of other than the level of control her parents have over her life.
Yanqing: His character stories say he is 1) not yet of age (so below 18) and 2) a teenager. Very simple. Not sure why people are arguing about his age so much when it literally says right there in the game that he is a teenage boy. Probably 15.
Huohuo: Honestly not much to go off of. Probably around 14, based solely on vibes.
(equivalent to) Young adult (20+)
Dan Heng: Depicted as a young adult of similar age to Trailblazer and March, as mentioned previously. Pretty simple. That said, I do want to note that one of Blade's stories describe him as a teen. But, based on the way it's written, this seems to be Blade's first encounter with him, so it's probably not accurate to Dan Heng's current age.
Tingyun: Her stories describe her as pretty young, but the way she carried herself and the sort of businesses she did makes me think she was at least 20. Like 20-21 probably.
Fu Xuan: Once again, not much concrete to go off of. Her stories give me the impression she joined the divination comission rather young, and I think she's been the master diviner for quite a while now. Maybe early 20s, like 22-23 or something.
(equivalent to) Adult (30+)
Dan Feng: We don't really know how old Dan Feng was when everything went down other than that he was older than Dan Heng is currently. I'd put him in mid 30s, solely on vibes. I mean, he got engaged and quite literally made a child, so I'd say 30 fits. Ignoring the fact neither of those things have much to do with his age at all. 34-35 maybe.
Hanya: Honestly I have no clue and her stories just confused me. She has the vibes of a 30-something year old so I put her here. My view on her age will probably change once Xueyi is out if only bc I might be able to figure Xueyi's age out better and Hanya would then be somewhere under that.
(equivalent to) Middle aged and beyond (40+)
Jing Yuan: Listen. He's seen shit. He has lived a long ass time. And it's canon he basically raised Yanqing, he's a dad ya'll. probably early-to-mid 40s, like 44-45 maybe. I don't know.
Yukong: She's old. Like actually old. Technically much younger than Jing Yuan, but since foxians lifespans are shorter than other long-life species, she's equivalent to a lot older than he is. She's 249 and foxians live up to 300. She's OLD. I'd say she's like 70 or something.
Jingliu: Also old. She's like, 2000 years old or something, she's a grandma. Probably equivalent to up to 80-something. Except she looks 30 bc Mara. And also long-life species don't actually age past a certain point, so she physically is not capable of looking above 30.
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astrasae · 1 year
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Miles Morales x f!reader.
Miles and Y/n is both 16.
Alright people, let’s do this one last time.
My name’s y/n l/n, I’m 16 and I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last 3 years, I’ve been the one and only Spider-Woman.
I’ve been given so many names, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Spider-Dust. The last one is quite the best one.
I’ve saved the city, I saved my mom, my dad. Saved the city again. But I couldn’t save my loved one. Miles Morales. After then I stopped making friends. I put distance between everyone and me, so I could keep them safe. Until I couldn’t, my earth-22 got erased from existence because of an anomaly. At least that’s what Miguel says.
Now I’m here, I live at the HQ, Miguel gave me a nice room here, acceptable. I still don’t make friends, I only go on missions, alone. Capture bad guys, fight them, get them to HQ. I’m pretty good at my job.
So yeah, you know the rest.
Now here I am, having dinner at the cafeteria. Burger and potato chips, my favorite. Spider people everywhere, like really everywhere. But three of them caught my eye, two of them I know, one of them I don’t. Gwen and Hobbie has brought someone with them. I can’t really see their faces.
“Do you know that person, the one in the black suit?” I ask someone next to me. Curious about the new person. “No, probably just a new spider person.” They say. Yeah, now there’re gone, probably to the HQ, I finish my food and get going. Where, you would ask, to the HQ of course. My room is close to it and why not visit there. Maybe I could learn something about that new guy.
I can hear them talking from the doors, Miguel shouting, as always. As open the door, Miguel and I daughter eyes. “Y/n, right on time.” He takes a deep breath, pinches his nose. “Hobbie get her out of here, she shouldn’t see.” He adds. Hobbie gets up from the table to take me outside. I stop him, “Shouldn’t see what?” I ask simply. Looking at my surroundings. I see Gwen and I can definitelysee she is hiding someone behind her. “Hi Dust.” She calls me Dust, she says it suits me. And I’m okay with it. Now Hobbie is blocking my view, “Trust me Y/n. It’s for your own good.”
Their behaviors are really starting to irritate me. I push Hobbie aside, softly, I didn’t wanna hurt him. “Gwen get out of the way.” I simply say to her. Not tryna cause any trouble. “What are you hiding?” I look at her up and down, trying to read her body language. Finally she slowly moves, never in a lifetime I thought I could see him again.
“Miles?” His name is the only thing that came out of my mouth. Too many emotions in my body at the same time. Sadness, shock, happiness to see him again, and anger. The only person who knew my past was Miguel because he knows everything about everyone. He sweared to me once, to never tell anything to anyone. But if Gwen and Hobbie were hiding him from me, they probably knew. So he, Miguel, told them.
“How do you know my name?” Miles asks, hearing his name after a long time felt, different. I can’t look anywhere but his face. The face I’ve had feelings for. The person I’ve shared love with, laughed, had fun. With him, I was… I was a kind person, warm and sweet. I mean that’s what Miles used to tell me. But after I’ve lost him. I became, this cold, emotionless person. I am not proud of it, but at the same time I can’t help it.
“Don’t worry about it.” Is the only thing I can say to him. He just met me, he doesn’t have a ‘me’ in his world. So I didn’t want to scare him out with my past. “So you told them? My past?” I ask Miguel, my voice cracking. I don’t want to cry right now.
“I had no choice. When I saw Miles, I knew this would’ve happen.” He simply explains himself. I get it. They were gonna find out eventually. So there was no use of hiding it any longer. I turn my body to Gwen, “How long have you two known each other?” I ask her, just wondering.
“For a year.” She answers my question. “And 4 months.” Miles adds. Huh, he must’ve counted. “Good.” I say looking at her, I felt sad, yeah.
“Look, y/n. I should’ve told you, I-“ she explains while coming towards me. I stop her, “No, It’s okay. You didn’t know.” I simply tell her.
“It’s fine.” I feel empty inside, I look at Miles, his eyes. I take a last glance at him and turn around to leave the HQ. Gwen calls my name, I act like I didn’t hear it. There’s a spot in this building that not many people go. It’s a balcony kinda thing, has a good view. I go there when I feel down.
The balcony is quiet, peaceful. Until I hear some footsteps, Spidey-Senses go off. I can sense who it is, Miles. “Hey, can I sit with you?” He asks, sweetly. I missed his voice so much. So how can I deny him? “Yeah.” My voice cracks, yeah what a great way to show that I have cried a little. But he didn’t seem to notice, great, that means no questions.
“So, from the things I’ve heard. Your past, you probably don’t wanna talk about it, but maybe talking with someone could make you feel better?” He offers, that’s what I love about him the most, he has such a sweet and kind soul. “Thank you for your kindness, you know, you’re not any different from my Miles.” I keep my head down, not having any strength to look at his face. Because when I look at that face, memories come to my mind, and it is agonizing.
“I’m sorry for what happened, it’s horrible. Miguel showed us when he was explaining the canon events and bla bla.” I can sense that he is feeling down. But why? “You feel down, what’s wrong?” I finally turned my face at him, “My dad is going to be captain, means he’s gonna die. And it is a canon event.”
Now that’s horrible, because I know how it feels. I’ve lost everyone that was close to me, I’ve lost my family. “You know,” I stopped taking a deep breath, “I am an anomaly, I wasn’t supposed get bitten by that Spider, my Miles was. But instead of him, I got bit. And then, I fell in love with him. That wasn’t supposed to happen too. All the things I did, my whole life is an… anomaly. And it led to this, my world getting destroyed, erased from existence.” Talking these things with someone who understands me felt great.
“What happens If I stop it,” he looks at me, he has some ideas. And yeah, they are probably dangerous. “I just can’t, let it happen.” He is desperate. I feel bad for him. He doesn’t deserve any of this.
“Miles, we just met. I mean, you just met me but whatever you’ll try to do, I’ll be there for you. I’ll help you.” I take his hands in mine, hold it really tight to assure him that I’m there for him.
We look at each other, hope in our eyes.
a/n: soo, this idea popped in my head while I was in shower. Haha, and I said why not write it. Any yeah, there it is. There may be grammatical mistakes, or it may be boring. Idkk. I’ll probably continue this story if I can. And if people love it, I’ll maybe post it on wattpad. I mean why not?? That’s all I’m gonna say! Bye guys, have fun reading!
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Changing Shadows (Part 24 - Finale)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: You and Azriel just had a steamy encounter in the House of Wind – but you knew it had to be your last. What you weren’t prepared for, was how much it would hurt...
Please enjoy this finale to Changing Shadows!! It’s full of angst and fluff 🦇 💔☁️I hope you enjoyed reading this series as much as I did writing it, I so appreciate all the support along the way 💕
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Image by koike9023
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5* | Part 6* | Part 7* | Part 8 | Part 9* | Part 10 | Part 11* | Part 12* | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15* | Part 16* | Part 17* | Part 18*| Part 19* | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of smut 
Word count: 2,310
Part 24:
You redressed quickly, finding your clothes scattered across the floor. You promised yourself this was the last time, and you meant it.
Azriel pulled his slacks up, his chest still bare when he turned to you.
“Why can’t we?” he asked softly.
“Pardon?” you asked back, surprised by his question.
“Why can’t we do ‘what it is that we do’,” he quoted your from earlier.
You sat on the chaise, your arms gripping the base as if trying to hold on as you prepared for how much this conversation would hurt. “You know why, Az.”
“We could be more,” he whispered.
“Not without hurting our family, not without putting them in danger.” You couldn't help the well of tears that built as you tried to explain.
“Rhys risked everything he had to give me a good life,” you continued. “And even after fifty years under Amarantha’s reign, he would have given an eternity just to keep us safe. I cannot impose any more risk to our family, our court, especially now with Nyx. Not after everything he has sacrificed. I owe him my life.”
Azriel nodded, looking away as he blinked quickly. “I respect your devotion to him, Y/N,” he swallowed, trying to smile. But you caught the pain in his hazel eyes.
You reached out and kissed his hands, tears now falling freely you as your heart broke at the reality of your own words.
“Please, Y/N, please don't cry,” Azriel begged, gentle thumbs wiping away your tears.
“I hate that I hurt you,” you sniffed.
“I hate that I’m hurting you back,” he replied.
Your heart was bleeding from the inside. This had gone on for too long. You had grown to love him too much, and you couldn't bare the pain any longer.
“I can't do this anymore Az.”
Azriel stayed quiet, waiting for you to explain.
“I can’t keep pretending I don’t care for your the way I really do, even if it is to keep our family safe.”
His eyebrows pulled in pain as he stroked your hair in comfort.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
You looked up at him now, sucking in a tight breath. You knew what you needed to do.
“I need to go. For good.”
The loneliness would ruin you, but you would do it. You could continue to serve and protect your family away from home.
Azriel's head snapped down to you, his face torn. “What do you mean go?”
“I can’t pretend any longer, Az. I need leave, I need to –”
“Please, please Y/N. Don’t leave,” Azriel’s voice broke as he knelt down to your level, his hands tightening around yours.
“I can't hurt like this any longer Az. It’s killing me,” you cried, your own voice breaking.
Azriel’s closed his eyes shut as he pressed his lips into a thin line. “Then I’ll go,” he whispered.
“What? No!”
“You shouldn't be the one to leave, Y/N, this is your home, and Rhys is your brother–“
“As he is yours. And this is your home just as much as mine”
“It’s not the same.”
There was silence between you.
“Your devotion to your brother and the Night Court is pure, Y/N, I will not get in the way of that. And if me being here hurts you so, I will leave. And when you’re ready – if you’re ready – I’ll come back, whenever and however you want.”
You swallowed, and your heart ached. “That is not what I want.”
“But it’s what you need,” Azriel replied. You didn't say anything, your silence agreeing for you. This was happening so fast.
“I will speak to Rhys about some long-distance missions.”
Tears flowed from you at the thought.
Stop him! your heart thundered. Say no! You shook your head, shaking the impulse away as you continued to cry.
A soft hand stroked your face. “I will always do what’s best for you, remember Y/N?”
You blinked up at Azriel, his gentle eyes trying to mask his own pain.
“I’m sworn to protect you, even if that means from your own heart.”
And then he was gone. The gust from Azriel’s winnow blew through your hair as you were left in the still of the room, silence the only comfort to you as you cried.
It was only a few hours later that you found yourself pacing the House of Wind. Your heart throbbed in an anxious need for Azriel, his distance already too painful for you to bare. What had you done?
You couldn’t handle it anymore. The torture it was to love this male. From the flirting, to the amazing sex, to the genuine love and respect you had for each other, only to have to give it all up for your family.
It was excruciating, and you finally admitted it to yourself. You clung to the pillows of the chaise, unable to stop your painful cries.
Suddenly, you were struggling to breath between sobs. You needed air.
Pushing through to the terrace, you braced the railing as you took a in deep breath of night, trying to calm yourself as tears continued to spill down your cheeks.
“Y/N?” Rhys asked from behind you.
Fuck. You hadn’t noticed he was at the house.
“I was coming to check in on you. What happened? Are you hurt?”
You couldn’t tell him the truth. You couldn’t let him know how much it hurt you to sacrifice your love for Azriel, not after the promises you had made to your brother to protect him – just as he had done for you.
You wiped your eyes, doing your best to keep your voice even.
“No, I’m not hurt,” you threw over your shoulder. “I just needed some air.”
You turned and started to make your way back inside as quickly as you could. You could not face him right now.
Stop, Rhys said in your mind.
You halted – it was extremely difficult to fight against that talon of power.
Turn, he ordered.
Clenching your jaw, you spun to face him. You looked anywhere but in his eyes.
“Y/N, look at me,” he said out loud. You raised your eyes to him, tears brimming once again. Your brothers face was soft with concern.
“Come here,” he patted the space next to him on the outdoor he now sat on. You breathed, forcing yourself to walk over and sit.
“Talk to me” Rhys said, frowning in concern.
You felt a wave of emotion rise in you – feelings of love and rejection washing over as you started to sob into your hands.
You and Azriel could never love each other properly. And it broke your heart.
“It’s Azriel,” you managed to get out.
Rhys placed a gentle hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. He waited, patiently listening.
“I never want to disappoint you Rhys,” you whispered, head buried in your hands.
“You could never disappoint me,” he replied.
You swallowed, trying to gain some control. “But I will, because I, well, I-“
“You love him?” Rhys offered, a coy smile on his face.
You looked at him now, breathing, blinking once, twice. “Yes,” you admitted. So he knew.
“Of course I knew.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Azriel asked me not to,” he shrugged. You could have killed him for his casualness as he draped one long leg over the over.
You stood up, pacing in front of him. What did he mean Azriel asked him not to?
“So, you’re not... angry?”
Rhys levelled a look at you. “Of course I’m not angry.”
“When you and Azriel visited Feyre and I at the River House – the day before you met with the healers – Az asked to see me privately,” Rhys explained. You remembered Azriel and Rhys making their way outside for a private conversation.
“He confessed he had suspected a bond between you two for quite sometime, but felt he couldn’t act on it. He was confused as to what it meant, saying his love had changed from when you were younger. He felt he was betraying his duties to me if he was to act on it.”
You stayed silent, staring at your brother. So this is what they talked about.
“He then said he was sorry if he was crossing a line, but he loved you so much that he would risk his position in the Night Court just for a chance to be with you.”
Your heart began to race. “He never spoke to me of this,” you said softly, your mind racing to catch up with what Rhys’s was telling you.
Your heart throbbed at the thought of Azriel keeping the bond a secret, all the while waiting for you to realise it too. Gods, it must have killed him to agree to work away from home.
“Azriel asked me not to say anything, and told me he would wait for you to feel the bond yourself. It was important to him that it was your decision to love him, not just because the bond willed it. He always wanted you to have the choice Y/N, to always have the option to say no.”
Your nodded slowly as things finally made sense. So that’s what he meant that he was sworn to protect you from your own heart. He hadn’t even confessed after you told him you could never be together – he let you choose your family over him.
Rhys continued his explanation. “Azriel then kneeled at my knees, swore to always love and protect you, and asked for my blessing should you choose to love him back.”
Tears started to stream down your face again. That male. That honourable, loving, selfless male. He truly was the love of your life.
“And?” you said, eyes pleading with hope.
“And,” Rhys continued, “I said that I couldn’t imagine more deserving people to find love in each other. That I was delighted two of the people I love most in this world had found one another, and would always have my blessing.”
You swallowed, overwhelmed by the enormity if his words. “But brother…,” your voice was barely a whisper. “My duties-“
“Your duties should never get in the way of love, Y/N. And I’ll be damned if they stop a mating bond from snapping into place.” Rhys was frowning at you now. “It pains me to hear you thought you had to give that up.”
You let out a soft cry. “I owe you my life, Rhys.”
“Sister,” Rhys said softly, his face one of shock. “You owe me nothing but commitment to your own happiness.”
You rushed at your brother, jumping into his arms with a cry. You were so relieved, so thankful for his words that you ached with joy.
“Thank you brother,” you kissed his cheek, unable to stop the flow of happy tears that now stained your cheeks.
“You do not need to thank me, sis,” he smiled down at you. “I love you, and I always want you to be happy.”
You sniffed, wiping your eyes.
“He’s patrolling the Rainbow if you’d like to find him,” Rhys winked at you.
You laughed, giving Rhys one more kiss on the cheek before turning to the edge of the terrace, wings extending as you leapt to find your love, and confess what you’ve known for a long time.
You found Azriel perched atop a high building, looking down at the twinkling lights of the bustling riverside shops.
You landed gently behind him, and he turned around to you, his face shocked as he took in the sight of you.
“Y/N,” he breathed, standing now. He sensed the difference in your energy, your scent as you stood there, staring at the love of your life with fresh eyes.
“Y/N, are you ok?” Azriel’s face was now concerned.
You couldn't help the smile that formed as you walked towards him. Azriel matched your pace before you both paused at a distance.
A warm longing brewed in the depths of your heart, and that  familiar tether of rope pulled in your stomach. You knew the reason you couldn’t stop thinking of him, never wanted to stop making love, and what made you both feral in jealousy. It was the feeling of coming home.
“Mate,” you said.
Azriel’s eyes widened, shocked to hear you say it. His face quickly changed to an expression of hope.
“You’re my mate,” you started to smile.
Azriel’s eyes began to well with tears as his eyebrows bunched in relief. You had finally said out loud.
You placed a hand on your heart as it beat and ached – now free to feel his love.
“You’re. My. Mate,” you beamed, taking a few steps closer to him.
“And you are mine,” Azriel swallowed, his voice breaking. “If you’ll have me,” he added shyly.
You ran to him and jumped into his arms as they wrapped across your waist, spinning you around. You brushed his jaw with a soft handand closed your mouth over his, kissing him deeply.
“I wish to have you everyday for the rest of my existence,” you said down at him, kissing him again through the smile you couldn't not control.
You felt his own tears against your cheeks as he pulled you in tighter.
“I love you beyond words Y/N,” he said. “I will give you the world.”
You kissed him harder, soaking him in. You could feel the bond between you forming, growing, a warm, delightful feeling binding you together.
“I love you too,” you beamed, running your fingers through his dark hair. “More than anything.”
Azriel’s face was unlike anything you had ever seen. Your beautiful and selfless mate had finally found true love, his happiness swirling in his hazel eyes as he stared at you, holding you closer.
“Now, are you hungry?” you winked.
You would cook a meal for him. And you would be mated. And you would spend the rest of your lives together, never hiding your love again.
AN: Ok, I’m shedding a few tears of my own posting this finale. These two FINALLY got the love they deserve. 
Thank you SO MUCH for all the support on Changing Shadows. It has been so exciting to write and publish this story, and the best part is chatting to you guys about it. I can’t wait to do it again with fresh ideas and content. 
I’ll be back out with the start of my Lucien series and some one-shots in the coming days. If you’d like to join my general tag list, just let me know :)
I love you guys, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Tags: @slvtherinseeker@judig92@kennedy-brooke@hyacinthoideshispanica@brekkershadowsinger@its-me-meg@acotar-thirst@5moremin@honeyrydernot@azzydaddy @lucyysthings@highladyofillyria@paasrin@starswholistenanddreamsanswered@littleshopofwhoress@blurredlamplight@hanasakr@bookish-dream@fall-myriad@aistheamazing@jazmin2211​ @xenlynn​ @iangelofmusic​ @hades4life@solossweater​ @whatupmydudes01 @mybbyfeyre @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @georgiastars13  @psychobookaholic @theravenphoenix26 @juiceboxreads @itscaitymoore @norse-witch24 @mis-lil-red​ @timecharm
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zehiiro · 8 months
I over analysed the Carol/Daryl promo vids
I'm back again with another over-analysis that no one asked for, but I'm really excited about this one, and I think you guys will love it, too.
Grab yourself a cup of tea because this might be a long one.
These are the two vids I'll be breaking down and discussing:
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Daryl's version on the right came out in August, but I didn't think much of his until I saw Carol's version on the left that came out this week. The puzzle pieces started to come together and a trend emerged.
Firstly, for context, below are the paintings at the start of each of their promo vids respectively:
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Both these Paintings are by Gustave Dore. Carol's painting (left) is called The Angel Appearing to Balaam, and Daryl's (right) is called After the Shipwreck.
Let's start with Daryl's After the Shipwreck.
This painting was made as an illustration of a poem called The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, published in 1875, specifically a scene set at the end of the poem where the Mariner loses his entire crew and is stranded and forced to navigate the seas alone for seven days and nights.
Parallel with Daryl, being taken away from his family/home, getting lost at sea, and being forced to navigate through France on his own, trying to find a way home.
The painting is of the moment the masts of the Mariner's ship disappear underwater, which can be seen in the water to the left.
Parallel with Daryl having to watch that boat that would take him home leave without him.
A pilot and his son see the Mariner in his lifeboat, but they assume he's dead. When the Mariner gets up and grabs the oars, the men think he must be a devil, because they don't believe any man could have survived that.
Parallel with Carol thinking Daryl is dead when she runs into a walker that looks just like him during a scene in 02x01 (according to a leaked script), and later finds out that he's alive and not being able to believe her eyes.
A dark figure is seen at the helm of the lifeboat, presumed to be the Holy Hermit, symbolising the misery awaiting the Mariner on shore.
Parallel with the struggles Daryl experiences in France and his desperation to return home.
Now, for Carol's The Angel Appearing to Balaam.
This painting is an illustration of a story told in the Bible (Book of Numbers, ch: 22-24), which, to summarise, is about a man named Balaam, who, against God's wishes, goes on a mission given to him by the King of Moab, so God sends him an Angel, who meets him on his route and sets him back on the right path that God wanted him on all along. After his encounter with the Angel, Balaam remains faithful to God, ignoring the constant pressures from the King.
There are so many parallels here, and some can have multiple meanings, but I'll point out the ones that seem most evident to me: who the people in this story represent.
God: I think it represents God/Fate/Destiny/[insert whichever divine power you can think of], and God's plan here represents the story that Daryl & Caryl were meant to be on if Daryl wasn't misled, and they hadn't been separated.
King of Moab: This person to me is Maggie; she didn't intend to separate Daryl/Caryl, but she was the one who ultimately sent Daryl on that mission, and Carol couldn't follow, therefore separating them.
Balaam: This one is clearly Daryl; he accepts the mission from Maggie, leaving Carol behind, thinking he'd be back in no time, which, unbeknownst to him, would end up being a mistake he'd regret greatly.
The Angel: It's clear as day in the actual promo video that Carol is the angel. As the image of the angel fades, Carol appears in its place. She will be the one to go out, find Daryl on his lost path, save him, and help him return to where he was always meant to be, with her, with his Home.
That was a long one, but I really enjoyed writing it; thank you so much for reading it, and I hope you guys liked it. My high school art history teacher would be so proud 😅
I'd love to know what you guys think and if you'd be interested in me doing a breakdown of the similar videos released for other characters like Laurent, Codron, and Fallou.
[Codron promo vid analysis]
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teacupcollector · 1 year
Modern Warfare II Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
My Discord
(Please feel free to make requests!)
Fluff Dialogue Prompt List Angst Dialogue Prompt List Smut Dialogue Prompt list
The Art Of Misdirection: Updated 12/7/22 Summary: Joining the 141 was a wild roller-coaster. Everyone had been apprehensive to you joining due to your age, but you are here to prove them wrong. Now as of this mission and maybe your last they are going to figure out what your nickname means.
Part 1 - Part 2
Downtime with Task Force 141:
Playing with Soaps hair Christmas is around the corner
“I am going to tell Price!”  He told Price...
Nikolai Taught Misdi How To Fly...
Misdi Headcannons:
Nicknames Misdi Has Given the 141 + Los Vaqueros - Part 1
Alejandro Vargas
He Broke You Simon Ghost Riley x Reader x Alejandro Vargas
You were the sunshine of the group, and it took you a long time to get to that point, but when something Ghost says sends you in a spiral the 141 + Los Vaqueros have to try a build you up again.
I Understand...
TW: Mentions of Miscarriage, Cheating, and a ton of Angst Summary: Things between you and Alejandro have been rough. In hopes of changing that you make dinner. With an uneaten plate you find that and assumption you have had for a while now is actually true.
Simon Ghost Riley
He Broke You Simon Ghost Riley x Reader x Alejandro
Summary: You were the sunshine of the group, and it took you a long time to get to that point, but when something Ghost says sends you in a spiral the 141 + Los Vaqueros don’t know if they can put you back together.
AUs: Perennial Lovers (Tattoo Artist AU)
Summary: Getting a tattoo was something you have always wanted to do. So when you saw that 'The 141 Cowboys Tattoo Shop' was open to walk in you immediately made your way there. You meet a tattoo artist who picks up on your nervousness and his relaxation methods are interesting, but you like them all the same.
They are open so feel free to request anything!
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frost-queen · 1 year
HTTYD ~ Headcanon (Sis!Reader)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
A/n: I started writing something, saw how little time I had so I whipped this up as it didn't require as much work as a full fic - sorry
Summary: You are Hiccup's little sister. How is the relationship with him and your dad? What is it like to be paired with Dagur? Being a dragon rider?
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Hiccup ⚔️
You are a few years younger then him. Since Hiccup didn't have much friends, he considered you his best friend. lame For years it was just him and you cause he had no one else that wanted to be around.
When he met Toothless, you were the first to know. He even allowed you to meet him second. You were a bit scared in the beginning, but Toothless was very cautious around you. It didn't take you long to play games with Toothless where you chase after him.
Hiccup started to get popular resolting in kind of forgetting about you. His priority became his new friends. Specially Astrid. It pained you. You hated them for stealing your brother from you. Each thing you suggested to do with him, backfired. The same few rehearsed words coming out of his mouth. I have no time, i'm busy or ask someone else. It frustrated you so much, you went dragon searching for your own. Not caring how dangerous it was. Was it perhaps a cry for attention... maybe?
You had fallen down a pit. So much for dragon hunting Ha. Gobbler heard you after hours of yelling and crying. How embarrasing. He brought you straight to your dad. Where he surprise, surprise lectured you on the dangers of going alone. When Hiccup came back, he heard of your misfortune. It led to him visiting your room, asking how you were. It led to you shouting in tears at him how he was neglecting you. Hiccup felt guilty afterwards. He told you how he was never going to forget about you with a hug.
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Chief's daughter 🛡️
Being the chief's daughter, you had a lot of restrictions. Lot's of don't do this and stay away from that. He secretly send Gobbler to keep an eye or as you like to call it spy on you.
Stoick was very protective over you. Being his only daughter, he felt the extra need to be protective. Any boy that came your way, he intimidated into leaving. People were at first afraid to be friends with you due to being Stoick's daughter. It were some very lonely first years till eventually your father eased his rules a bit up.
When dragons first came, he was still very cautious. Wanting you no where near it. Afterall one killed your mother. It took him a long time to entrust you with a dragon of your own. It was hard for him to let you go and accept that you aren't a little girl anymore.
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Dragon riding 🔥
You knew from the first moment you saw them, it was your dragon. It was like something felt right. The dragon of your choice fits your personality purely. Almost identical, twins. Hiccup and Toothless had a great relationship which you envied. It took one stormy night for you and your dragon to truly come together. Your dragon had shielded you from the storm when the roof nearly came down.
After the storm, you had fallen asleep under the dragon's wing, snuggling to the body. From then it was as if you had one mind. Your dragon knew what you were thinking or expected by just one look. Soon you were almost an expert in flying. The harmony you had with your dragon was perfect. It made Hiccup's friends jealous... him too.
You quickly became an expert in flying, taking the lead on missions. You got them out of a lot of tricky situations. When you were older, you'd be given the opportunity to learn younglings how to fly their dragons.
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Dagur ❤️
The first time you were paired with Dagur, you were so annoyed by him. So full of himself and egocentric. To be honest you hated and repulsed him. His interest in killing dragons was a huge red flag. Over time he got an interest in controlling dragons. Making him less full of hate, yet still very dumb and egocentric to you. Always trying to flirt with you in all the wrong ways. No way he was getting through that shield of yours ;)
After an almost fatal incident where Dagur saved you, you had a change of heart. Pop, there your heart went. The more he worked on himself, the more his silly flirts had an affect on you. Slowly you started to fall in love with him. At first you found yourself an idiot for doing so, but then you saw more of his personality it wasn't that big of a deal anymore. Dagur didn't seem surprised when you flirted back, yet screaming on the inside. You started to spend more time with him which led to a first kiss.
He vowed to devote his life to you. Your dad was happy when he told him you were a pair. Hiccup on the other hand, questioned your sanity. At first he thought you might have hit your head. Dagur needed to prove himself a lot to your brother. Eventually he'd accept him when Dagur asked for your hand.
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