#and it felt too right to just leave straight away without waiting for more conversation
hyak-wixgar · 29 days
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You ever skip so much dialogue because it makes more sense narratively to just go "fuck you in particular" . Like when you're already going to kill the kaiser and the fucking guy won't tell you shit
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kingkatsuki · 1 month
One day Bakugou will tell you how he feels about you, but today is not that day.
No but really, why do girls always type the most filth with the straightest faces while the guy on the other end is probably losing his shit😭😂
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“Why do you even bother with this shit?”
You don’t even attempt to shield your phone, it’s nothing that your boss hasn’t seen a million times before. Your face is bored as you swipe through the options, leaning against your desk with your coat and bag on ready to leave the agency for the day as you wait for Bakugou.
To most it was probably peculiar for you to be leaving at the same time as the number two hero, but it had become almost a tradition for you to both grab gyoza at the small ramen bar down the street each Thursday after work. It was a place that Bakugou had found by chance one evening when he stopped a petty villain stealing the cash register off-duty. An act that wasn’t forgotten by the kind owner who offered him free gyoza for life— but he’d always leave his money on the table. The food was good, and the atmosphere quiet, just how he liked it. And you had too the first time he’d invited you after your train home was cancelled.
It almost felt like an unlabelled date night, the two of you laughing over gyoza and asahi away from the stress of the outside world for an hour before he’d walk you to the station and wait for your train before making his way to his platform. A slew of food photos and selfies saved in your phone that could indicate a blossoming relationship if they were posted on your socials, and not saved in your camera roll. And perhaps it could be a date— if Bakugou would ever admit his feelings for you.
“Look at what he said to me the other day,” Your fingers scroll up on your phone screen and Bakugou takes the opportunity to look at the way the light shines off your cheeks, feeling that familiar warmth begin to burn like it always does when he thinks of you, “It was so embarrassing.”
Bakugou squints at the screen, trying to read the text without his glasses as his face swiftly contorts to disgust. He doesn’t need to read the whole message to know the guy is an absolute fucking douchebag—
“He wants to what?!” Bakugou’s blush tickles the tips of his ears as he pulls back to make eye contact with you, “How would you even get in that position?”
“You’d be surprised—” You laugh, light and airy, and it has Bakugou leaning against the side of your desk to stop himself from tumbling forward.
“I refuse to believe that works on anyone.” He snorts as he shrugs his own coat on, switching the light off as you both walk towards the elevator.
“Call it the best of a bad bunch,” You laugh, stepping into the lift as you show him the screen again. This time it’s a conversation that has his throat dry as he immediately focuses on your messages. Just the right amount of innocence piled high with implication as he thought about you texting him like that.
“Guy sounds like a fuckin’ loser,” Bakugou plays it off, jabbing the ground floor button with a little more aggression than necessary as the doors close behind you.
“He seems okay,” You mumble, “He works at Deku’s agency.”
“Definitely a loser then.” He sneers.
“Stop.” You grin at him, and Bakugou has to stop his heart from leaping from his chest from how hard and fast it beats.
“What rank is he?” Bakugou scrunches his nose. He better be at least top twenty before he even thinks about having a chance with someone as perfect as you, and even then that wouldn’t be enough.
“He’s still a sidekick, actually.” You laugh, “I got enough Pro-Hero stress dealing with you.”
“Ya better not be thinking about jumping ship.”
“You know I’d never.” You reply truthfully, “I’m a Dynamight girl til I die.”
Bakugou’s cheeks flushed pink at your admission, heart swelled with pride as he let your words stroke his ego.
“Yeah, ya better be.” Bakugou watched in amusement as you kept a straight face as you texted him back, wondering whether you were keeping the conversation sweet or suggestive. Would you look the same if you were texting him like this? Bored and uninterested as you spewed word after word of crass dialogue. He hoped you’d enjoy it like he would, sending flirty messages that would have him grinning at the screen.
“You’re replying to him wantin’ to eat you out with a straight face.”
“Yeah,” You scoffed, “The best of a bad bunch, I guess. At least he hasn’t asked for any nudes yet.”
Bakugou scrunched his nose in irritation at the thought of anyone getting to see that. The selfish part of him wishing that he could be the one that you’d send those photographs to. Posing in the prettiest mesh and lace as you posed for the camera, or maybe sending him a video of you strewn back against tousled sheets. Fingers buried inside your wet, warm heat as you cried out his name.
“You’re textin’ the wrong people,” He shakes his head, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets, “You deserve better.”
“Where am I gonna find better?” You smile over your phone screen towards him, “Especially in this city.”
“I think you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Wherever I look I just find the same stupid guys.” You sigh, shoving your phone away as you walk towards the exit, giving a smile and wave to the evening security guard as Bakugou nods his head.
Holding the glass door open for you to walk through first, “Yeah, we suck.”
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mercurycft · 20 days
## leah williamson & awfc x american!reader !!
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contains implied themes of domestic abuse
next chapter - series masterlist - account masterlist
under 1k words.
“no you don’t fucking get it, bradley!”
“maybe i just don’t care!”
“grow up, brad.”
you walked away at that, grabbing your car keys off the hook and leaving the house - slamming the door behind you. it had happened quick, a comment thrown into conversation at the wrong time and it had gone down like a lead balloon.
you were in the kitchen, packing away the dishes from the dishwasher when he had come downstairs - phone in hand and still in his pjs from the night before. you weren’t trying to argue, asking him when he was going to get dressed and ready for your evening plans when he had snapped.
it had been brewing for days, hiding in the corners of your flat and shadowing your every move around the city. you could feel it at home, at work. you spent hours of the day trying to justify it to yourself, sighing and heaving deep breaths about how ‘every couple fights’ - but in all honesty, it felt like you and brad did nothing but fight. each of them starting and ending almost identically. he would snap at something you said, you would get pissed off and storm out and then you would go days without speaking.
the argument was three weeks ago. you didn't go back that night, or the next day. not for an entire week. you were done, mentally and physically.
you tried to justify it to everyone around you, divulging into how much he had on his pla te with work, but the constant bickering had been slowly eating you up inside like a bacteria feeding on your energy. until eventually, you realised that it wasn't normal how you would spend at least fifteen minutes outside the house every day after work, composing yourself with a few tender breaths from the safety of your car - dreading what may lay across the threshold. it wasn't normal how you would flinch when his hand raised above him too fast and too high. it wasn't normal how you felt a weight lift off of your shoulders at the thought of never, ever seeing him again.
you weren't really a 'party' girl as such (and as encouraged as your friends), after college you decided to settle into the life you had started to make. you got a job, a nine to five - spending every day talking to people about their problems and ways they could fix it. you got a house, pumping thousands and thousands and thousands into rent and essentials. when brad got his promotion, he decided it would be better for you to take a step into a more 'traditional' role. so for him, you stayed home. you cleaned, cooked and cleaned some more - until the copious amounts of bleach and detergent could no longer wash away the messy smudge of life.
you had come to terms with it now and had made peace with the fact that this specific chapter of your life was closed. buried. burnt and sent straight into the belly of hell.
so after the breakup, as any good friends do, they waited. they waited until you were ready. then they dragged you out of the house and into their favourite bar, a bar you had never stepped foot in and promised you would be forgetting all about brad.
in some ways, they were right.
well, in every way they were right.
so, so right.
chapter one will be here shortly, enjoy, love always - RGx
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maidragoste · 1 year
I Care About You
Aegon II Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra)
Summary: You remind Aegon that there are people who care about him.
First one shot of the 1k followers special. Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. reblogs and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. I'm also posting this while I'm half asleep.
This is part of the universe of "the queen and her husbands" but can be read independently
Masterlist Serie
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Aegon woke with a grunt. The sunlight hit him straight in the face. Surely the maid who took him to his room was new and he didn't know that he had to let the curtains open before leaving. Now he had to get up to draw the curtains… Or he could cover up to his head and continue sleeping. Clearly, that was the easier option so he chose that one.
"Good morning"
Aegon quickly got up from the bed at the sound of your voice. He instantly regretted it as he felt dizzy. He stood still for a few moments waiting for the dizziness to go away and took the opportunity to observe his surroundings. He was not in his chambers. The room was a bit smaller. The curtains were blue instead of green. The furniture didn't seem to be just for decoration, like hers, and it had a purpose. Your desk was full of scrolls, I supposed that you were answering your brothers' letters last night when he entered your chambers drunk. You could have kicked him out but instead, you let him sleep in your bed. Not only that, but you had also gotten him clean clothes because his clothes didn't smell of wine.
"You should break your fast," you said without looking at him. Your attention was on whatever you were sewing. You were sitting by the table, which was laden with Aegon's favorite fruits along with some slices of bread and cheese.
The prince sat in the chair that was at the end of the table, closer to you. You still weren't looking at him. Aegon knew you were angry. You weren't yelling at him or insulting him or hitting him like his grandfather and his mother did every time they found him drunk. But I could feel your anger. I didn't know he told you last night to get you upset. No matter how hard he tried to remember, the only thing that brought him back was a headache. He couldn't help but tense up. You're the only person who seems to tolerate it. And now he probably ruined the good relationship between you because of his big mouth. In the end, his mother is right, he always ruins everything.
You saw that Aegon wasn't eating anything so you left the new cloak you were sewing for Jacaerys leaning on another chair. You moved closer to the table to grab a slice of bread and spread some cheese on top. You repeated the procedure with more slices, then placed the plate in front of the prince.
It was just a small gesture but for some reason it made Aegon feel warm and at the same time a small lump rose in his throat. You were mad at him but you still worry about him eating. You ordered his favorite fruits. He wasn't even sure his own mother remembered it.
"You can eat. I swear it's not poisoned" you said making your uncle smile. You couldn't help but smile too when you noticed that he wasn't tense anymore. You didn't like seeing him tense around you. Reminded you of how he got when the hand of the king or queen was present in the same room.
"I apologize for last night," Aegon said even though he didn't remember anything.
Your smile disappeared. "Why?" you snorted as you saw the prince remain silent, confirming your suspicions. "You're apologizing for something you don't even remember. Do you want to know what you told me?" You didn't even wait for an answer from him and you kept talking because you needed to have this conversation with Aegon “You said you didn't mind ending up dead. I found you drowning in your vomit" you felt a lump begin to form in your throat remembering how scared you were when the first thing you saw when you returned to your room was him lying on the floor. For a moment you thought he was dead "I made my servants will help me, when we finished cleaning you I began to tell you that you were irresponsible and that you could have died." you hid your hands under the table to prevent him from seeing how they were shaking "Then you told me to stop pretending that I care about you and that you didn't care about ending up dead because you knew that nobody would miss you because nobody cares about you"
Silence. Aegon couldn't bear to see the heartbroken look on your face so he turned his attention to the plate of bread.
“Do you really think that?” you asked in a whisper, fearing you already knew the answer.
"You are wrong" Aegon's silence had been enough to know his answer so you decided to make him see how things really are"Daeron cares about you. If he didn't care then why does he keep writing you letters?"
You can't blame him for thinking that. It wasn't all in his head. He knew it was true. It was no secret that Viserys Targaryen didn't give a shit about any of his children other than Rhaenyra. For a man who had always wanted a son, the king hardly paid attention to him.
His grandfather and his mother didn't really care about him either, they only cared that he lived up to his expectations and prepared to occupy the throne. Always demanding that he should be more like Aemond. If he did turn up dead, he was sure they would feel relieved not to have to carry him anymore and now they would have the heir they wanted so much: Aemond. His brother wouldn't miss him either, he knows he thinks he's a drunken idiot good for nothing but trouble for his and Helaena's mother. His sister would be better off without him, she always seemed uncomfortable around him.
"For formality" your uncle answered without hesitation, surprising you because you didn't understand how he couldn't see what was more than clear to you.
"Daeron writes to you every week. He is interested in you, he misses you. If it were a matter of formality, he would bother to write to you every three months and his letters would be short. Do you know? When you take too long to answer his letters, he asks about you" you smiled to see the surprise in their eyes"Your children love you too. Maelor laughs more at your grimaces than at mine. You didn't hear it from me but Jaehaera likes it better when you sing to her and Jaehaerys would rather fly with you and Sunfyre than Dreamfyre "You released one of her hands so you could caress her face as you saw the tears start to well up in her eyes. "Your other siblings love you too. Helaena may not be as demonstrative but she does. Aemond cares for you too if she wasn't so then he wouldn't bother to come looking for you every time you're late coming back from your adventures in the city. Aegon, you really do have people who care about you and love you. So you have to start being more careful. Please, Aegon I couldn't stand to lose you" at the end you couldn't help but break your voice. He had been your greatest support along with Aemond after your father's death. The brothers had been the reason you stayed in King's Landing. They are your house.
You rose from your chair so that you could kneel in front of the prince and took his hands. You needed to be close to him.
Feeling your touch Aegon turned to see you. Your eyes were painted with pity. It felt strange to see that look in your eyes. He remembered when you were little and you used to look at him with nothing but admiration and adoration. Now he was so pathetic that you looked at him with pity.
Suddenly you found yourself with the prince clinging to you. His arms hugged you tightly and you could feel his tears wetting your dress but it didn't bother you. You cling to him with the same force. It broke your heart that he would think he was worth so little and no one would miss him if something happened to him. You hoped you wouldn't have another scare like the other last night. You really hoped that your uncle would change his behavior. You didn't want to wake up one day and find out that Aegon had been found dead somewhere.
"I care about you, Aegon" you stroked his hair lovingly "I love you. Never doubt that" you kissed his cheek "King's Landing would suck without you" Aegon's laugh made your chest vibrate.
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kyokikia · 6 months
Dine and dash!
Pairings ; Portgas D. Ace × fem!reader
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Request from @luvfzw : heyy can i request a female reader and any one piece char of your choice with a platonic partners in crime trope? (With a smidge of romance if you want)
(thank you for the request! And my night is going great, ty for asking as well!)
Type, fluff and platonic, partners in crime trope
Warnings, cursing (both in dialogue and in the actual story) and thats about it, y/n is used 2-3 times
Likes and reblogs are very appreciated!
alr so ik the main storyline is dine and dashing, but ive never actually dine and dashed.. so uhm, i'll just work with what i think is how it works! Im really sorry if i got it wrong, feel free to send over an ask or a message if i did anything wrong and i'll fix it!
You and Ace were what some people would call partners in crime. Did that mean you guys committed crimes together a lot? Yea of course, you were his best friend after all. You and Ace had each other's back unconditionally, and everyone could tell. You both were always together, honestly knowing he knew your weaknesses better than you did your own, and vice versa. Both of you also seemed to be in sync, so much so that it was worrying. You both always knew what the other wanted when together, which meant you mostly knew what the other felt most of the time, and this included whenever you both felt hungry. Which led you to today.
You and Ace walked around an island that the ship decided to stay in for a day and a night, just to resupply some necessities, take a break, the usual. And you and Ace took this time to wander around the island's city, turns out this island was quite well-of and sort of large, a few shopping districts, good housing, very nice restaurants, an actually nice hospital, and good-looking hotels. Walking all over the city had both of you hungry after a few hours, so both of you started looking for restaurants to eat in.
Both of you agreed not to go for too much of a fancy restaurant, but not too bad of a restaurant either, you wanted good food after all. The pair of you chose a restaurant that was kind of crowded, and thankfully it wasn't those kinds of restaurants where you needed reservations and all that. You both found a table and after ordering, you both didn't wait too long before getting your food served.
You were both seated at a table not too far from the exit, but not the most easily noticeable or seen by the staff. You contentedly watched Ace as he was satisfying his near bottomless stomach while you also ate to your heart's content. The two of you conversing about stupid stuff, and also more silently, talking about how you're gonna get the fuck out of there without paying this time. This wasn't your first time committing these kind of not so harmless shenanigans with him.
The food was good in your opinion, but you both made sure not to spend too long there and when you both finished up, you got up, and left, after telling Ace to come in a few minutes, which he did not listen to. "Ace what the hell!" You whisper-shouted with no serious anger laced in your voice as you watched him exit out of the diner's doors just a minute after you left.
"Why'd you leave so soon!" You whined, bickering with him with a slight teasing manner. He looked at you while smiling with his usual grin, before replying with, "well, because i know I wouldn't get caught!" His response got him an obvious facade of being offended, "I? You deadass think only you wouldn't get caught?" You remarked, with a fake scoff leaving your mouth right after.
His grin grew larger at your scoff, before he quickly answered with, "Yea well I don't think you would get caught but I'm ju—" "just better than me?" You interrupt him, with a knowing smile on your face, before he looks straight in your eyes, "yea. i'm better than you." You look at him and his eyes as he says that, before deciding to turn away frohe freckled man, and you started distancing yourself and walking away from the restaurant and Ace, with him quickly trying to catch up, "hey! y/n! you know i was only joking!"
After he says that, you stop walking and say, "Yea yea i know! But—" the last part of your sentence, you purposefully pause and whispered. Before continuing it with a, "Last one to the ship actually has to pay for the next restaurant visit we go to!" You exclaim with a joyful grin before taking off, running back to where you came from. Ace takes a moment to register what you said, and why you're running off, and what'll happen if he loses. And once he does take it in, his eyes quickly widen before he takes off after you.
"y/n! This is unfair! You got a headstart!" Ace complained, running after you as he quickly tries catching up, the two of you running back to the ship. Eventually, you run out of stamina and start to tiredly walk, Ace not as run down on stamina as you are. "Alright alright Ace! We're done with the race—" you mutter while out of breath, the both of you were close to the ship anyway.
He slows down to match your pace, letting you regain your breath and you both approach the ship, "well, looks like i win!" Ace exclaimed cockily, "yea yea whatever." You replied in frustration at having to pay for the next meal, especially with his bottomless stomach.
"Don't worry about paying for the next meal, i'd rather not pay at all" he assured, "but.. you and me, we go out and steal for a hefty load of berry the next stop we have, alright?" He declared, and to which you gladly accepted. It's free money, and you get to commit crimes with Ace, win win for you all the way!
Alright so sorry this is kinda trash, first one shot i really finished that i'm actually gonna post! I dont know how dine and dash works so i also apologize for that, and im also sorry if you wanted something more intense in the sense of partners in crime! I'm really sorry if you wanted something like robbery or something like that, my brain just couldn't figure a storyline for anything other than this. Please let me know if its to your liking!
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loudblonde · 1 year
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Male Reader
Summary: Simon and his husband have a fight that makes (Y/N) leave in the middle of the night for a drive, unbeknownst to Simon he gets kidnapped along the way, as Simon rushes to save (Y/N) he discovers many hidden things about his husband that no one was supposed to know.
Disabled reader, wears a leg brace due to a work accident.
Warnings: Cod typical violence, reader with military past, miscomunication, kidnapping, skiing accidents.
word count: 2 K
+18 themes, minors do not interact
Simon placed his glass down harsher then he should, juice spilled over the edge of it. “I am not being reckless.” He said. 
(Y/N) glanced over from where he was cleaning up the kitchen, Simon had cooked so (Y/N) always insisted on cleaning, the other way around applied as well, one cooked one cleaned. 
“You were shot 3 times and are now on leave until you are good enough to go back, one of the bullets missed a main artery by a few millimeters.” (Y/N) didn’t bother hiding the clear anger in his voice. “I could have lost you, Simon.” 
Simon looked away. “I did what I had to, everyone got back safe.” 
“But you didn’t, you would go on the next mission right now if Price called you in, I made my peace with that, I will always wait and you know that but 3 bullets, Simon.” He said. 
Simon winced at the use of his name, (Y/N) rarely ever used his actual name over any shortened version of his name or pet name. “I get you are angry.” 
“Oh do you?” (Y/N) asked as he placed things away. “Because I recall you almost breaking your arm and being sent on forced leave by Price just last month because he was concerned about you.” 
“The mission-” “-wasn’t that bad, I get it, more than you realise. I-” (Y/N) interrupted only to get interrupted himself. “-You don’t know anything about being out in the field, you work a desk job because your youth was filled with spoiled trips to austria to ski in the mountains and you got too reckless as a young adult.” Simon said, not thinking about his words. 
(Y/N) looked down at his leg, the brace on it and how the injury still hurt, it wasn’t that story but not Simon nor Ghost would ever find out about the true reason for it, that mission was classified beyond anything most people would ever see, a mission gone right despite the casualties and soldiers who were forced to retire early, (Y/N) included. 
Seething hot anger flashed through (Y/N) but he took a breath. “I am going for a drive, we need milk.” (Y/N) didn’t look back, knowing Simon, his Simon was already regretting his words, this conversation or rather this fight was far too common for the both of them to have, everytime Simon came home with too bad of an injury or from being too reckless. Price always called him, always told him how the mission had gone.
(Y/N) grabbed his keys and jacket before getting into the car, pulling his injured leg in, it would never fully heal, it would always ache on good days and be too painful to even touch or look at on bad days. He had more bad days than good days. 
(Y/N) drove to the gas station across town, without really needing to, they didn’t even need milk but that was always the excuse, always the reason. (Y/N) usually made some kind of cake with it the next day, if he could walk. 
As (Y/N) excited the car and filled it up, a van pulled up besides his car, on the pump on the other side, he didn’t pay attention, simply finished pumping the gas before he looked to the side where a man was standing with a gun, pointed straight at him. (Y/N) scowled and held his hands up. “If you want my wallet I don’t have one, only my card.” 
“Get in the van, Mister Riley.” Simon and him had gotten married earlier in the year, something small at the courthouse. 
“No.” (Y/N) said as he knew he could take a bullet wound, not that he wanted to. It would drastically decrease his chances of survival. 
He felt a gun pointed at his back. “My partner didn’t say you had a choice.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes widened, he couldn’t handle both with his leg after that drive, it would not end well, he would get killed, but going along with them would also get him hurt. He made a quick decision and nodded. “Alright, please don’t hurt me.” He whimpered, fully satisfied with how convincing it sounded. The men placed a hood over his face and cuffed his hands before putting him in the van and taking off. 
‘Okay, people taken to a secondary location always have a decreased chance of surviving, however they are most likely enemies of Simon who don’t know about me… Depending on how many there are I can get out… hopefully.’ (Y/N) thought as he started fake crying and whimpering, he needed to act scared even if he wasn’t being watched. 
Simon knew something was wrong when half an hour passed and (Y/N) hadn’t come back home, though for the sake of making sure, he waited 10 more minutes before calling his husband, no matter what, no matter how angry (Y/N) always answered, Simon never wanted his past or an enemy catching up again, he couldn’t handle losing more people. Not again, not like his family. 
When it kept ringing and went to voicemail, Simon cursed and called Price. It was picked up quickly. “Ghost, what the hell do you want it near midnight.” Price said. 
“(Y/N) isn’t answering the phone.” 
Price cursed on the other end. “How many minutes since you last saw him?” 
“40 but he should have been back between 10 and 20 minutes ago, we had a fight, Price, I… I was… I can’t…” 
“I know Simon, I will contact Laswall, see what we can do on our end, you can’t do much on your own, you are still injured, so stay steady and have your phone ready.” Price hung up. 
Simon just sat still for hours, staring at his phone before it rung, (Y/N)’s face and toothy smile showed up. Simon lunged at his phone and picked up. “(Y/N) I-” “-I am afraid this isn’t your husband.” A voice interrupted, someone Ghost was too familiar with. 
“What do you want?” Ghost asked. 
“I will send you my7 location where you will show up, alone and unarmed, if you get that pretty little team of yours involved I will slice your husband's throat and send you a video before letting the rats feed on his corpse.” The man said.
Ghost growled. “Fine.” He said. 
“Don’t do it Si!” Ghost could hear in the background of the call only for (Y/N) to cry out in pain. Simon’s blood ran cold as the call hung up. He just needed to get there. 20 minutes passed and he got a location, a factory a few hours out of town. He got into his car and took off, not even thinking to inform the team. 
His emotions were numb and he wasn’t wearing his mask, yet he kept going, he couldn’t stop, if there was ever even a chance of saving (Y/N), of not making the same mistake again, he would take it, he would always take it. Their fight played in his mind over and over again, torturing him as he drove, he vaguely registered the music in the radio as something upbeat. 
It was early morning when he came to the old factory, he vaguely registered the open door and vehicles parked outside as he walked straight up the door and inside, to his shock, bodies upon bodies of people laid spread out as though a fight had broken out, blood covered large areas of the factory floor. His blood turned ice cold as he ran inside, hoping to find (Y/N) alive only to find a chair with robe by the back, loosely tied together, whoever did this underestimated the prisoner. 
Simon pulled his phone out as it began vibrating. He answered. “Ghost here.” 
“... Ghost, come to base, (Y/N) is here… there is something you need to know. He is alive, injured but alive.” 
Simon let go of a deep breath. “I… how did he even get there… car probably, erm, I will get there.” The base was a few hours away. He hung up and drove in silence to the base, barely even registering anything. He was confused but also relieved, the only man he had ever loved enough to fully see Simon, to make Ghost into Simon again, had somehow escaped and was at his base, the base no one was supposed to know about. Things weren’t adding up. 
He drove onto base and got out, not remembering a mask, not even thinking about a goddamn mask. 
He walked past a confused Soap and Gaz, ignoring them gaping at them as he walked to Price’s office, knocking before he entered. In one of the chairs, a heavily beaten up and bruised (Y/N) sat and Price, with a dark look in his eyes, was sitting behind his desk. “I will let you talk.” Price said and left. 
Simon sat down and looked to (Y/N) who refused to meet his gaze. “What happened?” Simon asked. 
(Y/N) winced before looking ahead. “4 years ago I was in a skiing accident that left me paralysed in both my legs, it took me a year and experimental surgery to get feeling back in them though one is permanently broken.” (Y/N) began.
“Yes I know this..” Simon said. 
“It wasn’t hobby skiing. I was a soldier in a mission I can’t tell anyone about, not even my most trusted person, 2 teams of 20 people each, including a team of 3 were dispatched to take out a base of enemies that were holding high value targets.” (Y/N) didn’t look at Ghost. “Out of the 43 people, 10 of us made it out alive, the place was rigged with trap after trap, I was amongst the many injured on the way back, we successfully managed to get 4 out of 6 hostages with us.” 
“You were forced to retire.” Simon said and looked away. “Were you reckless?” 
(Y/N) shook his head. “No, I wasn’t, we were safe as we could be, yet I was paralysed, nearly died.” (Y/N) sighed. “I am sorry Si, for never saying this or telling you anything but I couldn’t, sure I could talk bootcamp and my various deployments but after I got onto a task force every single mission became confidential, much like your missions and then with my forced retirement, it just wasn’t something I looked back on with you. I lost a lot of good friends that week, a lot of really close allies. I had been out for a year and a half before we even met.” 
Simon looked away. “Was anything else right? Or has everything been a lie?” 
“You met my actual family, my mother does love you and even they don’t know much about my work, hell, they think after bootcamp and my deployments that I enlisted in a private security company in austria and on my off day, I got into an accident.” He said. “Except my cousin, she knows the truth because of her work.” 
“Right, the medic, understandable…” Simon said and looked to the man he once trusted above all else. Someone who had promised to be there for him always, no matter what. His whole perception of the man had been a lie. “You made me teach you self defence.” Simon mused. 
(Y/N) chuckled. “Yeah… that day is among my fondest, you wanting me to be able to protect myself with you away, it did actually help last night.” (Y/N) said. “I wouldn’t have gotten out this lucky if it wasn’t for it… I am sorry for lying, Simon but you must understand, I didn’t have much of a choice.” 
Simon took his hand and gave him a small smile. “For better or for worse.” 
(Y/N) leaned over and kissed Simon's cheek. “Your captain is a real scary man.” He said and chuckled. “Laswell had to clear me for him, she found my discharge papers.” 
“Hmm, honourable discharge with a file that is mostly redacted.” Simon said. “Sounds like my future file.” 
“Well I do like the sound of that, planning for a future with me, eh?” (Y/N) said. 
Simon smiled a bit more. “You are the only reason I want to grow old.” 
(Y/N)’s smile softened. “I love you too, Si.”
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
stuck by you from the glue ㅡ park gunwook (requested)
for my dear separation issue anon, i'm sorry it took so long </3
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park gunwook x gn!reader
genre : fluff
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hearing the multiple notifications on your phone, your eyes fluttered open. when you woke up earlier that day, you realized you were feeling too sick to go the school. you were so tired that you forgot to tell gunwook about it.
gunwook and you were friends. like, really good friends. the type of friends that are always sticking together at school. you two walk to school together, you share the same classes, you eat together, and you go home together. there is not a minute not spent together in the day and you even see each other on the weekends. really good friends, right? good friends can hold hands under the tables, in the streets, on the bus like you do...
good friends can crumble dramatically against your door when you tell them you won't be at school today because you're sick.
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gunwook put his phone in the pocket of his jacket, comtemplating the mess he was in (mind you, it was just a school day without you). but gunwook just hated when you were separated for too long, and it was the same for you. at least, you were in the comfort of your bed, but he had to go the school...
gunwook let out a heavy sight, getting up from the doorstep to make is way to school. he walked alone to the bus station, waiting for it. when it came, he find a place, once again alone, and he sat. his friend junhyeon got in at the next stop, making its way to gunwook with a genuine smile.
"where's your soulmate?" asked junhyeon teasingly. dramatically, gunwook let his head bang against the window.
"is this how life is supposed to be...?"
"what? y'all broke up?"
"we were never dating but i feel like they broke up with me today..."
"uh?? damn, i was saying this as joke and didn't expect it to be true. what happened?"
"they are...sick."
junhyeon, who was worried about his friend, was now wearing a straight face. gunwook turned to look at junhyeon when he didn't hear any reactions from him. "what?" he gently asked.
"are you kidding me? they are just sick they didn't give up on you!"
"i still come to school to see them when i'm sick..."
"and that's because you're a freak!" stated junhyeon.
gunwook didn't respond, letting his head fall on junhyeon's shoulder. he closed his eyes to try and get some sleep. junhyeon let him on his shoulder, but didn't stop talking.
"well. you can spend the day with me today."
"you will leave me once taerae comes around."
"no, i'm not like you and y/n... plus, taerae and i are actually just best friends."
"y/n and i are just friends!" said gunwook, pulling away from his friend shoulder.
"because you're scared to ask for more."
gunwook pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. he knew junhyeon was right. but it wasn't the subject for him! the problem here, was that he had to spend an exhausting day at school without you. he absolutly loved junhyeon, but it was not the same as staying with you.
that day went incredibly slow for gunwook. sure, he laughed a lot with junhyeon and taerae. the "you're in love with y/n conversation" didn't come back around because junhyeon tried his best to help gunwook think about something else. but during the lunch time, when gunwook realized he unconsciously looked for your hand under the table, the train of thoughts named you couldn't stop.
"what's wrong gunwook? you don't seem to be with us" asked taerae with an evident worry in his voice.
"oh, nothing. i was wondering if y/n felt better."
junhyeon sighed heavily, realizing his mission have failed. but taerae had a smile on his face. he just find you and gunwook so cute.
"maybe you should text them. they'll probably be happy of hearing from you."
indeed, you was wondering if gunwook was mad at you. how come he didn't text you at all and it was already lunch time? gunwook was actually thinking about texting you the whole morning, but he just didn't want to disturb you. if you were sick to the point you were missing school, he wanted to let you rest.your face lit up when you saw the text. you were craving to be with gunwook as much as him and you were glad he finally texted you.
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"why don't you go see them after school? just to say hi. i'm pretty sure it's gonna help them feel better." proposed taerae.
"you think so?"
"yeah! bring them their favorite snack or something."
gunwook saw this as an amazing idea. all the means were good to see you! he feels like he forgot your face since it's been so long... (24 hours he is just a dramatic ahh simp). so, after school, he rushed to the convenient store to buy you you're favorite snack and a little plushy he find there. he felt kind of nervous for some reasons. what if you rejected him? what if you didn't want to see him...
what are you on, gunwook? it's not like you're gonna confess, right? you're just... checking up on them.
soon enough, he ended up in front of your door. gunwook tapped on his own shoulder to give himself comfort, before knocking three times on the door. your parent came to open.
"oh! gunwook, you're here. how are you doing?"
"hello! i'm fine, i wanted to check on y/n, actually"
"this is gonna be such great news for them! they complained about not seeing you today"
your parent only nodded with a smile, letting gunwook in. no, he was not blushing, his cheeks were rosy because of the cold weather. that's it.
he made his way to your room, knocking gently with anticipation.
"y/n, can i come in?"
he heard a loud noise in behind the door, and loud footstep rushing somewhere. after a few seconds, gunwook dared to ask again.
"uh... you're good? i heard noise? can i come in?"
"y-yes you can!"
hesitantly, he opened the door to find your room completly in the dark. you were tucked in bed.
"were you sleeping?"
"uh, yes."
you were absolutly not sleeping. you just rushed to pull down the certains because you didn't want him to see the way you looked right now.
"i'm sorry to disturb you then, i just wanted to see you... i bought you something!"
he made his way to your bed, sitting next to you on the corner. gunwook gave you the back with what he brought for you. "you didn't have to..." you shyly mumbled as you took out the surprise. your eyes widened when you saw your favorite snack and the cute plushie he just bought you. "that's so sweet! thank you"
"y/n why are you still in the dark, it's too late for that!" your parent entered the room and went to your curtains, pulling them to let the light enter in your room. gunwook was glad to finally see the face you were hiding for him, while you felt the whole contrary. your parent didn't say much more, leaving the room and closing the door behind them.
gunwook could see you were sick and in bed the whole day. you were still wearing pajamas, your hair were messy, and you had dark circles. gunwook scrutinized your face with a tiny smile he was restraining, and you felt uneasy at the idea of him finding you ugly. to your surprise, gunwook took your hand in his.
"how do you manage to look good when you're sick" he sighed. "what?" you said.
"i said you look good."
feeling your cheeks warm up, you let go of his hand and lied back under the blanket, hiding your face up until your eyes. gunwook chuckled.
"you're all red. is it the fever?" he asked, taking his hand to your forehead.
"yeah, it must be it... anyway, how was today?"
"terribly long." he simply said.
"you missed me?" you asked in a singing tone.
"you wouldn't believe me! i was eating lunch with taerae and junhyeon and i was looking for your hand before realizing you're not here."
you laughed the nervousness away.
"oh, you're being dramatic." you stated.
"i'm not. did you not miss me too?"
you simply nodded to say yes, too shy to say it out loud. gunwook smile widened, and he dared to sneak his hand under your blanket to take your hand again. he gently pulled it out of under the blanket to drag it to his mouth, planting a soft kiss.
"you better recover soon, i hate it when you're not here."
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alezangona · 4 months
The Shadow of Khansar (Salaar Fic)
Part 2 - In the Silence of Night
Part 1 | Part 3
“I met him at a party my father hosted for Radha Rama’s birthday. I must’ve been fifteen or sixteen at the time.” Varadha stares straight ahead through the window, his body settled on the ground, leaning against the bed with an arm thrown across casually, swiveling his drink in hand. Deva observes him from behind, laying atop the bed, body stretched out and propped up on one arm.
“I was bored Deva and lonely too. I had been for years at that point if I’m being honest with myself and you know how my step siblings are. Mahit was different though. He was never a follower, never succumbed to Rudra’s will. He always did what he wanted and what he thought was right. So he came up to me, started a conversation, snuck us out of Kotagada, and we spent the rest of the night driving around the city. No one noticed us, and if they did, they didn’t care enough to bother us. I think that was the first night I felt like myself again, after you’d left.”
Deva’s heart clenches at the humorless pull of Varadha’s lips. His first instinct is to apologize for ever leaving him, for making him feel as if he was alone. He wanted nothing more to tell him how he felt the same in Varadha’s absence, where true happiness was nothing more than a distant memory. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to admit it. Not yet, not when Varadha’s voice trailed off into a hum that meant he had something more to say.
“We were just friends at first and he was just so different from everyone else in my life that it felt easy to confess to him any doubts and insecurities. It felt easy to tell him about what brought me joy and happiness. Somehow what we felt for each other became more and well…” Varadha trails off, his head turning slightly up towards Deva, teeth digging into his lower lip. “That was all for a short time though. He enlisted in the military and I had my own duties to attend. We hadn’t seen each other for years till he got promoted a couple of years ago and was stationed in the city. By that point, we’d outgrown whatever friendship we had, but he’s him and I’m me. Which is to say that everything since then has been casual. He has no claim to me, nor I to him.”
“Hmm,” Deva grunts as Varadha places his drink on the floor and turns his body to face him, crossing his arms on the frame of the bed and resting his chin on top. He tilts his head slightly, making direct eye contact with Deva, a haze settling in as the alcohol flows through his system.
“That’s all it is now. Casual. Even then it’s been months since I hooked up with him.” Varadha stresses once more, as if he needs to somehow make it absolutely clear to Deva that there is nothing between him and Mahit. Then, softly, his voice starts again. “What about you? You said earlier that you have girlfriends from back home. I didn’t drag you away from anyone special, did I?”
“No, no you didn’t.” Deva’s voice comes out in a hushed tone and he gestures to Varadha to refill his glass with the rich bourbon. “The last girlfriend I had was from a decade ago, not that it amounted to much. She wanted to get married but there was no point to that. My life is tied to Khansar and I don’t think I would have ever wanted to bring her here. She wouldn’t have liked it.”
“Oh,” Varadha looks away, gripping the bottle and taking a gulp without bothering to fill his own glass. “Do you regret it? Leaving her behind?”
“Maybe I should, but I don’t. She was a good woman, she deserved to have someone better than me. Someone who was capable of loving her the way she loved them.” He found himself admitting.
“You didn’t love her?”
“I think she was just a place holder at that point in my life.” Deva sucks in a breath, suddenly nervous as he debates whether to continue or not. “Ever since Amma and I left, I’ve been waiting for you to call me back. I don’t think any moment since then has felt real to me, it was just some haze I was living through till I was needed again.”
A heaviness settles in the room as Deva shifts his position, sitting cross-legged on the bed. For a moment, the only sounds that could be heard were the chatter from the night market below. If he listened closely, Deva could hear the high pitched voice of a woman bartering with a vendor, a man laughing wholeheartedly at a joke his friends must have made, and of course the vehicles that honked periodically as if trying to drown out the voices of humanity. The room however, stays silent for a while longer.
“I’m sorry,” Varadha starts and Deva looks down at his friend in confusion. Varadha tilts his head back up to Deva, allowing their eyes to meet once more. He takes a deep breath, the movement drawing Deva’s attention towards the thick necklaces adorning Varadha’s neck and catches the slightest glimpse of the scar behind his ear. He resists the sudden urge to run his finger across it.
“I wasn’t lying before in the cell– if you were anywhere else but here, you would’ve been okay. It’s because of me you had to give up so much in life.” Varadha’s gaze snaps to the electrical scar that runs up Deva’s arm. Slowly he reaches out, a rushed breath of air passing from his lips as he turns Deva’s hands over. His thumb brushes lightly against the raised skin, his shoulders slumping.
“Rey, mentala neeku?”
“You can’t pretend it’s not true Deva,” Varadha scoffs. “This scar? It’s proof of just how much you’ve done for me. Whatever the conflict was, it was between Rudra and I. I shouldn’t have come to you for help. You could’ve died that day, and all for what? Some grudge he had against me?”
“Not to mention that my father is the reason why you’ve lost your family, your people, the reason why you had to leave this city. I couldn’t do anything but watch. I should’ve known better, I should’ve done something to help you-”
“And worse? I find out today that after all these years, you’ve been putting your life on hold, waiting to fulfill some promise you’ve made to me all those nights ago. That you’ll come when I call. You deserve better Deva. You deserve to not have me holding you back at every turn and that’s exactly why I didn’t call you back all these years. You’ve lost so much because of me and I… I can’t be this selfish.”
Deva’s breath catches in his chest and he slides down immediately, seating himself on the floor besides Varadha, their bodies closer than before. Varadha’s thumb doesn’t stop its exploration of Deva’s scar and Deva can’t bring himself to take his arm back either.
“You’re officially drunk, because that’s not how I remember any of this happening.” Deva whispers, afraid anything louder would agitate Varadha. Except he doesn’t pull away like Deva expected, chuckling lightly instead as he leans in closer to Deva.
“No, tipsy maybe. Definitely not drunk. And in my senses enough to realize this needs to be said. In my senses enough to know that I need to stop making decisions for you and let you make them on your own.
“When the rest of Khansar was gathering its forces, I didn’t know what to do. Baachi, Baba, Bilal… everyone was looking to me for guidance and all I wanted to do was run away. All I wanted was to not have to deal with this insanity anymore– and I should’ve been strategic. I should’ve made alliances and brought in armies enough to protect me and mine. But I was selfish. It didn’t matter to me anymore if we won or lost. I was tired of the burden, tired of facing all of this alone.
“Ever since you left, I’ve wanted you next to me but was too ashamed to ask after everything you had given up because of me. I shouldn’t have come back to ask you for more, but I missed you so much. Whether we survived or not, all I could think was that I needed you back at my side. Now there’s a bounty on your back, all for what? You do too much for me Deva. You always have. I don’t deserve this– I don’t deserve you.”
“Done with your nonsense yet?” Deva covers Varadha’s hand with his own, head shaking in disbelief.
“Everything I’ve done for you, I’ve done because I wanted to. I know I’ve been away for twenty-five years, but the time, the distance? It hasn’t changed my reverence for you.” Deva takes a deep breath, feeling the shift in the atmosphere as he prepares to continue. His gaze falls once more to the scar behind Varadha’s ear and he swallows hard before lifting his hand slowly, a slight shake in his fingers. Finally, his finger comes to rest against Varadha’s warm skin, and Deva’s body relaxes when he doesn’t pull away from the touch.
“Reverence? Really? Your ex turned you into a poet?” Varadha tries to sound confident, he really does. But Deva knows him well enough to sense the slight hint of apprehension.
“I didn’t make that promise to come back when you needed me because I felt indebted to you for what you did. I made the promise because having to be without you for even a second scared me. I was worried if I didn’t say anything then, you would’ve forgotten me and that I would’ve never seen you again. I was selfish too. I was selfish that night and I was selfish all the days following when I wanted nothing more than to return to you.
“Everything I faced between the night Amma and I left and when you came to Bharuch was a placeholder, not because my loyalty to you was a burden, but because it was–” Deva stops suddenly when Varadha’s hand wraps around his wrist, grip tightening.
“Deva,” Their eyes meet once more and Deva is taken aback by the emotion in his eyes. An explosion of guilt, fear, hope, and so much more that he couldn’t name even if he wanted to. Deva moves his palm away from Varadha’s face, wrapping his fingers around Varadha’s, and bringing their intertwined hands to his chest.“I need you to understand that I’m here because I want to be, because there’s no other place that I would rather be. And before all of this, you said that you didn’t deserve me? That is a load of bullshit because Varadha Rajamannar,” He emphasizes, “Naa meedha intha hakku unadhi nee okadike, ra. I am yours, whether you want me to be or not.”
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Should Vs Want - Andy Barber x Reader
A/N: This one shot takes place in the same Universe as Wildest Dreams, and is the story of how they started their little arrangement!
Summary: Being forced to share a bed with the man who you had a hopeless crush on is awkward enough, but it’s even worse when he’s your boss... and he’s married
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning: Bit of Angst! Bit of Fluff! SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! Language!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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You let out a long and shaky breath, bracing your hands down against the cool marble counter trying to centre yourself. Glancing up at your reflection you could see how flushed you appeared, heat practically radiating off your skin despite the thin vest and shorts you wore.
Turning on the tap you let it run for a moment before splashing the cold water on your face and neck. Feeling relief almost immediately. Looking back at your reflection your eyes drifted to the closed door behind you. You had to go out there eventually, you couldn’t spend the night in this bathroom.
You never in a million years would have imagined yourself in this situation. Hiding in a hotel bathroom, your very attractive married boss on the other side of the door, waiting for you in the one bed. But you only had yourself to blame, all because of one split-second decision at the Christmas party a couple of months back.
Despite the copious amounts of alcohol you drank that night, you still remembered it painfully clear. You and Andy ended up striking up a conversation, which wasn’t unusual considering you were his PA, but the conversation never stopped. It carried on for hours, long past the time everyone else went home. The longer you spoke the deeper the conversation and the more skeletons were revealed like how Andy’s marriage was dead in the water.
What started with a comforting hand on his shoulder, turned into a tight embrace and then into a heated kiss. One you knew you should have stopped but you couldn’t, you were too lost in the feeling of Andy’s lips on yours, his hands exploring your body. And you just knew if you had the privacy of his office instead of a dark corridor in a bar, it would have gone a lot further.
The next day nothing was said about the kiss and you didn’t know if that was better or worse. Especially since something had definitely shifted between you and Andy. You felt his eyes on you more, and if you caught him staring he wouldn’t look away, instead he’d smirk and you’d avert your eyes. He was more charming, winking at you, dropping coffee at your desk.
It would have been perfect if he wasn’t married. The gold band on his finger was a constant reminder of how wrong this all was. You couldn’t be the other woman, you couldn’t be the reason the marriage broke down, no matter how dead it already was. It was wrong no matter how much you wished it was right, any relationship with Andy had to remain in your mind and your dreams.
And yet here you were, about to share a goddamn bed with him because of a mess up in the system meaning this was the only room left. You almost laughed out loud at your bad luck when Andy walked over with an apologetic smile and one key card.
You told yourself you could do this though. You and Andy despite being employee and employer, were also good friends and good friends can share beds without it being an issue. But you knew it wouldn’t have been so simple, because as you talked, laughed and relaxed after dinner you felt the sexual tension building like it had at the Christmas party. Leaving you in your current predicament, locked in the bathroom trying to get control of yourself.
Taking a deep breath you steeled your nerves and got ready to step back out of the bathroom. You were going to go straight to your side of the bed, climb in and say you were tired and fall straight to sleep. Nothing more.
It was a good plan, a great plan. Until you opened the door, your eyes instantly landed on Andy and you forgot how to breathe. He was reclined back against the headboard, one arm resting behind his head making his bicep look even bigger. The white cotton tee he had been wearing had been discarded leaving you with an unobstructed view of his bare chest.
“Hey, you okay? You’ve been in there a while” Andy asks putting his phone down on the bedside table.
You were frozen in your spot, your mouth parted slightly as you stared back at him. You tried to think straight but it was impossible, all you could think was how you wanted to be trapped beneath that chest, wanted to run your fingers over every muscle, commit it all to memory. But you couldn’t, you shouldn’t.
Andy’s gorgeous blue eyes scanned your face, his brow furrowing slightly in concern “sweetheart c’mere, what is it? What’s wrong?” He asks holding out his hand towards you.
Without thinking you took a step forward, taking his hand, putting one foot in front of the other until you stood by his side.
“Hey whatever it is, let me help” Andy presses gently.
Your gaze dips from his face to the hand he held. Watching as he gently brushed his thumb over your knuckles.
“I just-“ you start your gaze returning to his eyes “I’m just trying to work out whether I should do what I want to do… or what I should do”
The corner of Andy’s lips twitch upwards “I think” he says pausing as he looks up at you “you should do what you want to do”
You hummed nodding your head in agreement but made no attempt to move.
“And what is it that you want to do,” Andy asks.
Your gaze meet his and you knew this was the last chance you had to back out. You should step back and go climb into your side of the bed and go to sleep. But….
Fuck it.
“This” you mutter, finally moving, climbing up onto the bed and straddling his hips, your hands resting on his chest.
His eyes widen in surprise before a lopsided smile, his hands moving to rest on your hips. His thumbs gently ran over the exposed skin from where your vest had ridden up.
“Good, because I want this too,” he says his voice low.
He reaches up to cup your cheek, guiding your lips down to his. The kiss began slow and hesitant as if he was giving you one last chance to back out. But you weren’t, you were all in, there was no going back. So when you eagerly responded Andy let out a grunt of appreciation.
As you explore each other’s mouths you could feel Andy’s erection growing beneath you, pressing against your core. The feeling sent shock waves through your body, straight to your core which was getting slicker by the second.
You instinctively rolled your hips, grinding down onto Andy’s erection. A moan escaped your lips, a grunt leaving Andy’s and the grip he had on your hip tightening. He began guiding your hips against his, his own thrusting up to meet yours.
“That’s it, sweetheart, I want to see you come undone” Andy pants pressing his forehead against yours “ruin those panties” his hand on your hip slides backwards underneath your shorts and grips your ass.
You nod your chest heaving because you were already close, you just needed a little more. Andy seemed to read your mind as he shifted underneath you, adjusting the position so your clit now rubbed against his pubic bone. You instantly gasped at the sensation and it wasn’t long until you hit your peak.
You were still coming down from your high when Andy flipped you onto your back, making quick work of pulling your vest over your head. As soon as he had access his lips travelled down your body, nipping, sucking, marking your skin as he explored his body.
When he reached the waistband of your shorts he sat back in his ankles. He gently pulled down your shorts, licking his lips when his eyes met your soaked panties.
“Fuck I need to get in there” Andy muttered shaking his head.
“Rip them, they’re ruined anyway” you gasp your back arching.
“Oh no” Andy mutters his long fingers hooking into the waistband of your panties “I need to save these, keep them safe,” he says as he slowly and gently pulls them down your legs.
Once they were free, Andy brought your panties up to his nose, humming in appreciation as he inhales deeply. He then toss them across the room to where his suitcase sat open.
“They’re mine now” he hums as his gaze drops to your exposed dripping core, a lopsided smirk growing on his face.
He kneels down, your breath catching when he presses a gentle kiss to the inside of your thigh. He glances up, his eyes meeting yours and the lopsided smirk grows. You squirm beneath him as he slowly gets closer to where you want him most, his beard scratching against your skin.
You let out a strangled gasp when you finally feel his lips wrap around your sensitive nub.
“Don’t hold back sweetheart, I want to hear it all, I want to get noise complaints because you’re so loud” Andy murmurs against your skin, his voice sending vibrations through your body making you moan loudly “that’s more like it” he grins
He dives in like a man starved, and in a way, he must have been. You’d heard all the struggles in his marriage after all, but right now you didn’t care. Especially when his hand reached up to cup your breast, making you gasp and arch your back. Your hand met his and gripped it tightly as your second orgasm rolled through your body.
Your vision was slightly hazy but you could see Andy holding himself above you, licking his lips. Reaching up you grabbed hold of his cheek, crashing his lips down onto yours. You moaned against his lips as you tasted yourself on his lips.
“I need you Andy” you whisper, your thumb brushing over his beard.
A wide warm smile grows on his lips as he nods down at you “you have me, sweetheart, I promise” he grins pressing another sweet kiss to your lips.
He goes to pull away but you grab the nape of his neck “wait- I’m clean and on birthday control” you tell him.
He looks back at you in surprise “I haven’t had- I’m clean too” he says blinking a couple of times.
You swallow quickly, you knew what he was about to say before he corrected himself, that he hasn’t slept with anyone else besides Laurie. But you pushed that thought from your head, you were here to enjoy time with Andy, nothing else and no one else mattered anymore.
You could see Andy’s hesitation in his eyes, scared that he’d scared you off. So you cupped his cheek and kissed him sweetly.
“I want this Andy” you whisper, resting your forehead against his.
Andy’s smile returns as he presses another kiss to your lips. You feel him shift above you as he pushes his boxers down. You gulp when you see the sheer size of him, you were excited and scared and excited.
When he began to press into you any feeling of hesitation vanished. It hurt but in the best way possible, in a way that made your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You had to try so hard not to come undone straight away.
“Fuck sweetheart” Andy groans “I’m not gonna last long if you keep squeezing me like that”
“Me neither” you mutter your hips rolling to meet his, desperate for friction.
“Well, no sense in delaying the inevitable then” Andy smirks kissing you deeply as he begins to thrust into you, making you moan deeply.
He starts slow, but it didn’t take long for the pace to pick up. Encouraged along by your pleas for him to go faster and harder.
“Fuck sweetheart please tell me you’re close” Andy grits, his face flushed in determination.
“Yes, so- so close” you gasp throwing your head back.
Andy growls gripping the back of your thighs, lifting your hips slightly so he could thrust even deeper into you. It only took a couple more thrusts for you to come undone, screaming out his name.
Andy followed soon after collapsing onto you, his weight enveloping you in the best way possible. You wrap your arms around his shoulders to keep him there, smiling when he pressed kisses to your neck and cheek.
A few minutes passed before Andy shifted, moving so he was lying on his back, you curled into his side. You’d never felt so at home with your head resting on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Something you found terrifying because who was to say this would continue past tonight.
“Sweetheart? What are you thinking?” Andy whispered his fingers running up and down your arm.
“Hm? Oh, nothing” you hummed, you didn’t dare tell him what you were really thinking.
“Would it help if I told you what I was thinking?” Andy offered making you look up at him in confusion “I have wanted this” he says gesturing at the two of you “for months now, and I don’t think I’m ready to let you go yet”
Your jaw falls slightly, blinking a couple of times in surprise “but- but what about-“ you stutter.
Andy shushes you, gently pressing his finger to your lips “it’s complicated I know, but this is something I want to explore, see if it’s something” he explains.
“Oh” you mutter, your voice barely above a whisper.
“So what do you say? Wanna explore this further?” He murmurs against your forehead as he presses a gentle kiss there.
You glance up at him, your eyes searching his. You knew what you should say, you knew what you wanted to say. And for the second time tonight, you gave in to your wants.
“Yes,” you whisper.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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lotrefcp · 10 months
Hidden Away - Chapter 17
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pairing/AU: Javier Peña x female!reader
summary: When the DEU fails to catch Escobar you are sent to Bogotá to help the team.
warnings: I don't understand this so just gonna say mature content, 18+
word count: 3000+
Hello guys. My life has changed in the last few days and I'm always tired and, because the interactions are getting less and less with every chapter I'm thinking about ending this fic with two more episodes after this one, I have ready for a while now. So, you guys enjoy these last 3 chapters. It won't have a definite ending but well. Thanks for all who read it.
Chapter 17
When you woke up, you took your hands to your eyes to rub them and then stretched to remove the weight you felt on your shoulders. When you shifted in the chair you let out a small groan.
“Ouch, I'm all crooked.”, you said taking a hand behind your back.
“That's what happens when you sleep in a chair.”, Javi said, making you realize that his gaze was on you.
“Well, I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep.”
“Apparently you really need my company to sleep.”
"It seems so. Listening to you talk makes me sleepy.”
“Yeah right, it was me talking.”
“Apparently it's not the fact that I'm snuggling up to you because I fell asleep far away.”
“You did, but your hand only let go of mine now when you woke up.”, Javi replied with the beginning of a smile that made your skin crawl.
“What?”, you replied with your face turning pink with embarrassment.
“You have to admit it, you can't rest without feeling my skin on yours.”
“Or maybe I was tired and fell asleep, after having been thinking for so long that I had to find a new partner for the working trio. Now that I've started to be able to put up with you, I don't want to have to get used to someone else.”, you said to divert the conversation.
"I'll pretend I believe it."
“Seriously, even here you can't stop complaining about each other?”, Steve's voice sounded from the bedroom door.
“Steve, I completely forgot to tell you that Peña had woken up.”, you reciprocated.
"Don’t worry. The hospital called the embassy. But I was surprised not to see you there today. Did you come here straight away from home?”
"From home? Hmmmm...”
“So you don't know that the girl here hasn't left my side? She complains a lot but she can't live without me anymore.”, Javi said with a laugh that was still a little painful.
“Didn't you get to go home? You promised me you would rest.”, Steve grumbled in your direction.
“And I was going home. But then I didn't go.”
“Wow, how eloquent. You were going home but then you didn't.”
"Exactly. You see, simple and concise.”, you ended up answering.
“But look, Messina wasn't happy with the fact that you didn't go today. She needs your report.”
“The report... I never thought of it again.”
“Yes, but Messina did. And she's waiting for it so, if I were you, I'd go there as soon as possible.”
“Yes, I will. Well,”, you said turning to Peña. “You have Steve's company now so you already have someone to hear you moan.”
“Does he hold my hand too?”
"Say that again and I will hold just a finger, in the air."
“From you I accept everything.”
“I'm leaving before I send you back to the OR. See you later Steve.”
"See you later."
You left the room and went to the telephone to call a cab that took you towards the embassy. You still thought about going home first to take a shower but your car was still at your workplace and you didn't want to have to call another taxi to take you from home to the office. As soon as you arrived at your desk, Messina's assistant called for you.
“Y/N, you better go inside right now. She really wants to talk to you.”
"Seriously? Is she that upset?"
“You better get in quickly.”
"Ok, thanks." You knocked on the door and a voice told you to come in.
“So now you arrive when you feel like it?”
“I'm sorry but I was at the hospital with Peña. I lost track of time.”
“You were at the hospital with Peña. But are you a nurse now?”
“I am asking if you are a nurse. That would be the only reason for you to spend hours with Agent Peña at the hospital instead of being here, working.”
“Agent Peña was injured on a mission. I was the one who found him. I wanted to know if he was going to be okay.”
“Steve also wanted to know if his partner was going to be okay and he was here.”
You started to get unnerved by all the questions that were being asked.
“I know that for you we are mere instruments. When one stops working you get another. But for me Peña, Steve and everyone else I work with are people, some of them are friends. You value the bureaucracy of a report more than the life of an agent.”
“Who do you think you are talking to?”
“With the responsible for all those who work here. With the person that should consider the well-being and health of all of us and not the number of papers we fill out each day.”
Messina looked at you with eyes full of anger, although she understood your position.
“Go fill out the report on yesterday and then I want you to go and question La Quica.”
“After everything I've told you, do you really think it's a good idea for me to interrogate that guy? I think Carrillo is more than capable of making him talk.”
"He is. This time I’ll let it go. But if you repeat this type of behavior, you are sent back to where you came from.”
"I understand. But then you'll also understand when I tell you I'll be going back to the hospital when I finish the report. Have a nice day.”, and so you turned your back and walked out of Messina's office before she could answer again. After today you had to be careful with what you did. You couldn't give her any reasons to send you away. At least until you catch Escobar. You went to your desk and filled in what you had to fill in as quickly as possible and, handing the documents to Messina's assistant, you left the building and got into your car towards your house. Closing the door, you tossed your bag onto the sofa and dropped down next to it. A long sigh left your lips and your eyes closed in weariness. Still sitting, you took off the t-shirt you had been wearing since the day before. You got up and went towards your room where you took off the rest of your clothes and finally went to take a shower. The sensation of the water running through your body made it relax and unwind a little. You risked closing your eyes with the feeling of relief but quickly opened them again, when the black was replaced by memories of Peña's body falling, the metallic scent of the blood that covered him, his expressionless eyes. You got out of the shower again and chose an outfit to wear. Taking a bottle of water and a piece of fruit, you grabbed your things again and headed towards the hospital. When you got to Peña's room you started to hear Steve's voice complaining to Javi.
"So I can't leave you two boys alone that you star arguing right away?"
“Y/N, can you tell poor Javi here that he needs to eat?”
Y/N, can you tell blondie here that I can't even stand the smell of food here?”
“Okay, let's see. Peña, you're going to have to eat whether you like it or not. You lost a lot of blood and even with the transfusion you underwent, you are still very weak and if you continue like this you will never leave here.”
“And what's wrong with that? It’s much better to lie here for the rest of my life resting than having to eat this.”, he said pointing to the board in front of him.
“Come on, it can't be that bad. Let me see that.” You approached his bed, picked up the fork and brought a piece of food to your mouth. Soon your face contorted with the taste of what you had just eaten.”
“I can see you're loving it.”, Peña said seeing your expression.
“What kind of food is this?”
“You can now tell Steve why I don't eat that shit.”
"You're right, but you still have to eat something."
“Yes, but what? We can't bring anything from the bar because of the diet they put him on.”, Steve continued. You thought for a while.
"I know what we’re going to do." You went to your suitcase and took the piece of fruit you had brought from home. “Eat this.”
“A banana?” Javi asked.
“Why, are you afraid of putting long pieces of fruit in your mouth?”
“No, but I would rather see you putting it in your mouth.”
"I bite. Hard.”
"Ah, always so violent.", he replied taking his free hand between his legs, with an expression of pain in his face.
“Don't shit me. Eat the banana that has iron and you need it to replenish your blood levels.”
“You know a lot about recoveries...”
"Do you think you're the only one here to lose blood in raids?" And Peña suddenly remembered the file about you and all the injuries you had suffered, regretting what he had said.
"Of course."
“Then eat.”
“And by the way, Messina let you out so quickly?”
“Hmmmm, I don't know if 'let' is the right word. She didn't stop me from leaving”, you said looking around. “Let's just say that in the near future I'll have to walk the line if I don't want to get my ass kicked before we catch Pablo.
“Seriously, did you risk yourself just to be here with me? I already feel the love from here.”
“Don’t make me regret it. I'll shove that banana down your throat.”
“Well, since you're here again I'm going back to the embassy. I don't want to be a victim of the same fate as you. And you,” Steve said turning to Peña “do whatever she says to get back to work quickly. Anything, just call me.”
“Will do.”
And between serious conversations and some silly things, the hours went by, until night came and Peña was discharged from the hospital and sent home, with the recommendation not to make any effort, it being even necessary to have a nurse with him 24 hours a day. And you imediately called the embassy to inform them of this need, for the very next day.
“I don't need a 24/7 babysitter.”, Javi complained.
“I thought you would be happy. You will have a young nurse at your disposal, for whatever you want.” Javi didn't change his expression of displeasure. “You won't be able to get out of bed or do anything alone for the next few days. You have to have someone to help you.”
“And why does it have to be a nurse? Why can't it be you?"
"What? Are you mocking me?"
“Haven’t you been by my side all this time? Don't you know what needs to be done in recovery?”
“Yes but...” You didn't know what to answer. You didn't even know what to feel. “The nurse can help you much better than I can. And I have to work. I know you miss the action and you're not a cooped-up person but it's what's best for you. At least the nurse doesn't complain to you. She might even be as beautiful as you like them.” His gaze dropped from your face to the sheet covering him.
"You're right. I don't know what I was thinking.” Your heart broke a little.
“Okay, we’ll do it like this. The nurse is with you during the day and, when I come home from work, I take her place. It that okay for you?"
"Of course. Thanks."
“You don't have to thank me. I would do the same for any other friend.”
"Sure. I know..."
“So apparently I have to start today because the nurse will only be coming from tomorrow on. I'm just going home to take a shower and I'll be right back to prepare something to eat. I mean, do you have anything in the kitchen?”
"Yes. I have plates, cutlery, glasses, some beers,...”
"I get it. I’ll bring something from my kitchen. I don't know how you can live with nothing to eat at home.”
“I've always eaten a lot here at home but...”, Javi replied, laughing.
“I'm screwed. Well, I'll be right back." And so you did. A short time later you were back, in your pajamas and with some ingredients to make a quick soup. You took a plate for Peña to eat and sat on a chair next to his bed.
“So, did you get anything from La Quica yet?”, Javi asked while eating.
"Not yet. It looks like he locked his mouth and threw the key into the river.”
"Don't tell me I got shot for nothing."
“Don't worry, he'll talk. Sooner or later he will realize that being silent will only hurt him.”
“I've been here for so long and Escobar always manages to escape me. Sometimes I think we will never win this war.”, Peña began to confess softly.
“Hey, don't think like that. He is not special. He just surrounded himself with a lot of very loyal people. But they are becoming less and less, he is more and more alone, and he will be caught, he will fall, and it will be at our hands.”, you ended up saying while you took your plate with just one hand and placed the other in his leg, next to where you had your chair. Peña smiled softly and nodded as he finished eating.
After tidying up the dishes and the kitchen, you went back to his room to ask him if he needed anything.
“As a matter of fact I do, but I don’t know how to ask you.”
"With your mouth. Tell me, that's why I stayed here.”
“I need to go to the bathroom.”, he replied with a small laugh.
“Ahhhh, yeah. I hadn't thought about that. Did they not let you come home with the pee bag?”
"Unfortunately not. Even because it hurt like hell to come out.”
“Okay, I know how it is. You don't need to remind me. But what do you want me to do?”
“Take me there?”
"That’s it?"
“And hold me while I piss.”
"No way. I'll take you to the bathroom and help you sit on the toilet. You don't need to pee standing up. When you're ready, call me and I'll help you up.”
“Might as well be. But I really need you to take me right now.”
"I’m on my way. Don't wet the bed, it's even worse if I have to clean you up and change the sheets. This is why I will never have children. Let's go." You got close to the bed and helped Peña slowly drag himself up until his feet were on the floor. Sitting down next to him, he put his left arm around your shoulders and, slowly, you got up with him leaning on you. You took him to the toilet and left. “When you're done call me.” He, at great cost, dropped his boxers and did what he had to do. Soon he was calling your name. When you opened the bathroom door, you lowered your head and raised your hand to your face with your fingers squeezing the bridge of your nose.
“You do this on purpose, don't you?”, you asked seeing that he kept his boxers down. “Don't you think I've seen your penis enough times?"
“Not all the times in the world will be enough.”, he replied trying to hold back the laugh he kept from the moment he saw your face when opening the door.
“Look, I’ll leave you there to sleep.”
"Sorry. The stitches are pulling too hard and I haven't been able to bend over the scar to pull them up. Can you help me?"
"In a while I'll have to start charging for my services." You went over to him and, crouching down between his legs, grabbed his boxers and pulled them up to a position where he could reach them with his arms. Looking at you from above, he could see your head between his legs and he began to feel the heat run through his skin and, to his and your terror, he began to feel the veins in his member pulsating. He tried to avoid his thoughts as much as possible but he couldn't stop himself anymore.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Sorry. Next time I won't look down when you have your head between my legs."
“What next time? I'll tie a string to your boxers and you'll manage to pull them on. Oh, and when you get to bed, make sure you don't burst your stitches by taking care of that matter. And do whatever you have to do quietly, I'll be right there in the living room and I don't want to hear anything.” You picked him up again and, without looking at the swelling that was now hiding inside his boxers, you put him on the bed and covered him with the sheet. “Poor nurse. I mean, maybe she doesn't care. That's why you should stay with her all day. She might even want to help you with that.”
“Don't worry, that won't happen with her.”
“You haven't even seen her yet. Do you want me to ask for someone specific, with tall legs, blonde? I thought it was enough for you if they had a hole between their legs.”
“Do you still think that about me?”
“So just because you saw a bunch of hair next to your penis you got like that. What am I supposed to think?”
Javi thought a lot about what he should say.
“Nothing, it won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Okay. Well, try to sleep. If you need anything, just call.”
"Thanks again."
“Thank me by masturbating in silence. See you tomorrow. And don't break any stitches.”, you ended up saying as you closed the door of his room and headed for his sofa where you layed down, ready to spend the night, with your own desire filling your mind and making itself felt inside your panties when you imagined Peña hard because of you.
TAG: @ttupelohoneyy @random-fandom-lady @appleperson2 @kirsteng42 @thelittleames @smashcrabsblog @viraghideg-blog @brendacookie13 @josiequantterbirk @anxiousbeech @omgbubble @feyredarling92 @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @ihave7wings @bees-fart-too @hoesheartme @itsyassbitch @xyz32 @beboldbebravethings @hopelessromantic727 @iamsenamentes94 @a-e-i-owe-you @xohmygosh @noelwen @longagoandfaraway @snowglobz @kiaradaniell @beanie513 @avenget @ermalicious @hermionelaufeyson @merlin-harry-percy @blueseastorm @welcome2my-darkside @hxpburn76 @pedroschmedro @hxpburn76 @amaraluvsyou @imherefordeanandbones @76bookworm76 @dandilionbuttercup-blog @nice-nice-dazey @friedbasementwonderland @morallyinept @lizette50 @cadedecides
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officialgleamstar · 6 months
hi trevally! could I get a uuuh 13. group hugs and/or 14. cuddle pile with marloakworthy.. <3
hiiii @silverlistenstothings :] <3 i ended up going for cuddle pile, but like. tbh it doesnt QUITE fill that in my eyes but hjbfjgbhjbdhjdbhj it just gave me a cute idea so i went for it even if it wasnt exactly what you asked for. its close enough to count i think!!! anyways
woke up young in lovers love
word count: 876 | ao3 link
When Hermie woke up, it was with a gasp, their heart pounding in their chest. It was hard to place exactly what they had been dreaming of, their thoughts foggy as the dregs of sleep lingered in their mind. Without their input, their hands started grasping for the bedsheets around them, trying to swaddle themself in warm blankets—
And instead, they hit soft flesh and a sleepy groan of annoyance. They jolted back in shock and landed straight on another body, and when they let out an odd squawking noise of surprise, a head popped up to accompany that body. Normal blinked at them, barely able to keep his lids up as if he was already dozing back off. Someone thumped them in the back of the head and when they whipped around, Scary was frowning at them, looking just as exhausted.
“What’s wrong with you,” she said flatly, sounding less like a question and more like an insult, and Hermie stared at her as they tried to figure out what was going on. Their heart was still working hard enough that they could feel it in their ears, but their brain was starting to slow, clarity creeping in around the corner.
Their nightmare was still escaping them, becoming more and more fuzzy - something with fire, fire, and little other than more fire - and reality seeped in in its place. They were at Normal’s house. The clock on his bedside table read 2:14 AM. They had Normal on their left and Scary on their right, all of them piled close enough that their thighs were pressing against one another. They didn’t have a blanket to grasp onto because Normal was swaddled in a tight cocoon of every blanket on the bed, leaving Hermie and Scary with nothing.
“Hermie,” Scary prompted, jabbing their side to bring them back to the conversation, and they groaned.
“Normal took the blankets.”
“In my sleep! I didn’t mean to,” Normal defended himself, still just sitting there without unwrapping himself, and Scary clicked her tongue. She sat up as well and reached across Hermie, starting to drag the blankets off of Normal while he squirmed. “Wait, stop- I’m cozy! I’m cozy, Scary, quit it!”
“We need to be cozy too, dumbass!”
Hermie sighed and fell back against the pillows, rubbing their face as Scary wrestled a blanket away from Normal. They were fine. They were in a safe space, tucked away in their boyfriend’s bed between him and their girlfriend. It was late at night, everything was warm now that Scary was tucking the blankets around the three of them, and they were starting to feel stupid for being so afraid in the first place.
Scary leaned across them again, pressing a kiss to Normal’s cheek, and Hermie finally realized that they were no longer bickering. Normal was still pouting, but the expression melted away at the kiss, and he tilted his head to catch her lips. Hermie watched quietly, unsurprised when they felt Normal’s hand find their own and squeeze it as Normal pulled away.
“You want a kiss, Hermie?” Scary asked and they shook their head. She settled back against the pillows, nudging their side until they rolled over. As they followed her quiet command, rolling over so they faced Normal, Scary draped an arm over their waist and curled up into them. She pressed her forehead into the back of their neck, a soft bump that reminded them a little of how Taylor’s pet cat greeted them whenever they visited his house. They smiled, small and private, and Normal gave them a bright grin back.
“Do you want a kiss from me?” Normal asked, using a tone that Hermie knew meant he was just trying to taunt Scary. Hermie rolled their eyes at him at the same time that Scary scoffed and he giggled, squeezing Hermie’s hand again where their hands joined between them. “Can’t fault a guy for asking.”
“I definitely can,” Hermie replied dryly.
Despite their words, when Normal scooted closer and turned over so his back faced Hermie, they let him drag their hand along with him so that their arm would drape over Normal’s side. They kept their hold on him looser than the way Scary clung to their back, leaving some room between them rather than burying their face in Normal’s hair. They honestly weren’t sure how Scary could stand it, but they rubbed their thumb in circles against Normal’s hand to make up the difference. By the soft happy hum Normal let out, the small gesture more than made up the difference.
Hermie let their eyes fall closed, taking in a slow breath. Everything smelled like Normal mixed with Scary’s perfume, and while they wouldn’t exactly call the mixture pleasant, it was soothing in a way they would never have guessed a few months ago. It was calming in its familiarity. They were safe and warm and fine, despite the nightmare, despite everything. Normal was tucked under their arm. Scary was clinging to their back. Their head was growing foggy with sleep again.
Belatedly, they realized they were happy. As they fully succumbed to their dreams once again, it dawned on them that feeling wasn’t as foreign as it used to be.
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I'd Burn the City Down (To Show You the Light) - Chapter One
Pairings: Chrissy Cunningham x Reader, side Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
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Work Summary:
All you wanted to do for your senior year of high school was keep your head down and scrape by, but a certain blonde in a very short skirt gets in your way.
Chrissy Cunningham x 'badgirl'!reader
Chapters: 1 2...
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2045
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info
hello my loves, here's the start of a Chrissy series that's been rolling around in my head for a while. Forgive me if there are any typoes, I've proofread like three times but I'm tired.
general series warnings for homophobia, eating disorders, violence, abusive parents, abusive relationships, also reader is a runaway who drinks and smokes weed, and she definitely has some internalised misogyny
Summer was dying, and you, who wore black jeans no matter how hot it got, couldn’t have been happier. Your trailer had no AC and you hated leaving your windows open at night.
Being a teenage girl living alone in a trailer park had made you cautious, and not without reason. In your experience, even men who seemed kind could turn out to be a threat.
Speaking of which, Eddie Munson was sitting on the front steps of his trailer, smoking a cigarette, as you stepped out of yours. With your schoolbag hanging off one shoulder, you locked your front door, and then shook the handle for good measure.
You avoided Eddie’s eyes, but he still called out to you. “Hey! Do you need a ride to school?”
“No, thanks.” He asked this on most days that he saw you, but usually you left so much earlier than he did that he didn’t have the opportunity. You would rather take the bus than get into the vehicle of a near-stranger. Particularly as you didn’t have anyone at home to notice if you went missing.
Usually Eddie knew better than to try and make conversation with you. You had made it very clear that you didn’t want to talk. But this morning, he stood up and began moving down the stairs towards you.
“Are you sure? It’s gonna be hot today. I’d hate for you to be stuck on a crowded bus-”
“Munson,” you interrupted as you drew level with him. He was still standing on the steps, so he towered over you.
“Fuck off.”
He raised his hands in surrender, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Fine. I was just trying to build bridges here, from one freak to another.”
You bristled. “Get fucked.”
His face fell at the anger on yours. “Wait, I didn’t mean-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you stalked away, your boots stomping heavily on the dry ground.
Eddie had been right about the bus. As the heat of the day rose, you found yourself sweating in a cramped tin can full of gross teenagers all trying to get to school. You closed your eyes and tried not to think about how pleasant it would be to stick your head out of the window of Eddie’s van and feel the wind in your hair.
It just wouldn’t be worth it.
When you got to school, you went straight to the restroom to spray yourself liberally with deodorant. You walked past a group of girls who were all wearing short skirts and low-cut tops, which was admittedly a much more practical way of dealing with the heat.
You tried not to stare. You weren’t about to be caught watching the sweat roll down into the crease of some cheerleader’s cleavage. Even glancing for a moment too long could be social suicide. Not that you weren’t already somewhat of a pariah. But at least, for the most part, the popular people left you alone.
Your first class of the day is English. That wouldn’t be too bad. As long as you kept your head down, the teacher didn’t bother you. Your grades weren’t great, but you kept up.
That was what you were hoping for, at least. This time, as you made for your usual seat at the back of the class, the teacher stopped you.
“You’re all going to be pairing up for a project, so you’ll need to sit with your partners.”
You felt the bottom fall out of your stomach. You hated group projects. You hated being forced to interact with people, and rely on them to get work done, and even worse, have them rely on you.
Your eyes scanned the blackboard, looking for your name in the list. You were paired up with Chrissy Cunningham.
That made your stomach clench. Not that Chrissy was particularly unkind, but she was a cheerleader, and she was friends with other cheerleaders, which meant that you were suddenly in their line of sight. That was the last thing you wanted.
Chrissy was sitting in the middle of the classroom, and the seat beside her was free. She was very pretty.  Of course she was pretty. She was head cheerleader. It was practically in the job description.
Her blonde hair was scraped up into a ponytail, held together by a green scrunchie. She was wearing her cheerleading uniform – why did cheerleaders always wear their uniforms to class? – and pulling her books out of her backpack.
You didn’t say a word as you slid into the seat beside her. She glanced up at you, and almost imperceptibly wrinkled her nose. But you saw it.
It was probably the two cigarettes you’d smoked after getting off the bus. Of course she didn’t smoke.
Her expression brightened, but you could tell her smile was fake. “Hi,” she said. “I guess we’re partners for the project.”
“That’s what the board says.” You turned back towards the front of the class, not looking at her. How had she managed to piss you off already?
“I have cheerleading practice after school, so do you wanna meet up at lunch to get started?”
You groaned internally. Lunch was your time to go and find a private spot and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. Still, you supposed it was better than staying late.
“Sure. Whatever.”
Some worksheets were handed out with details on the project. You had to research an author and give a presentation on their work. The presentation part would be easy, you supposed. Chrissy was pretty and charismatic, and clearly not shy, since she spent half her time doing flips in a tiny skirt, so you were sure you could persuade her to do the talking.
“Any ideas on who we should research?” Chrissy asked.
You shrugged. “I don’t care.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw her frown. “Okay.”
The rest of the lesson passed without incident. You hardly talked, which suited you just fine. At the end of the class, as you stood up to leave, Chrissy turned to you.
“Meet at the library at one o’clock?” Her tone indicated a question, but you could tell this wasn’t one.
“I’ll be there.”
You grumbled all the way to your next class. All you wanted to do was keep your head down and stay out of trouble for your senior year. Scrape by with C’s and graduate right in the middle of your class.
Group projects made that harder. You were sure Chrissy wasn’t going to be satisfied with your bare minimum of effort. She was never going to be valedictorian, but she was reasonably smart, and got above average grades.
Her parents probably would’ve paid for her to get a tutor if there was even a whiff of falling behind. Everything had to be perfect with girls like her.
For your next couple of classes, you resumed your spot at the back of the room, which you were grateful for the opportunity to do. You kept your mouth shut and teachers ignored you. Just how you liked it.
In Math class, which was your final period before lunch, you groaned at the sight of Eddie Munson sitting in your usual seat.
Although Eddie, like you, favoured the back of the class, it wasn’t usually an issue, because he skipped so much that you hardly saw him.
You resolutely avoided his eyes as you passed him to sit at the back on the opposite side.
“Hey neighbour,” he said, but you ignored him.
At lunch, you had a few minutes before you were supposed to meet Chrissy, so you made your way around the back of the school building and sparked up a joint.
You didn’t usually smoke weed during school hours, but you figured you were going to need it if you were going to deal with Chrissy for forty-five minutes. You sat on the grass with your back to the wall and ate your sandwich between tokes.
Once the hazy, relaxed feeling had set in, you sprayed yourself down with deodorant and made your way back inside.
As promised, Chrissy was waiting for you in the library. You were a few minutes late, so she appeared to be getting a start on some different homework, exercise books spread out in front of her.
She looked up as you approached, and frowned. You wondered if she could smell the weed you’d been smoking. You scowled at her defensively.
“Hey,” she said. “I had some thoughts about who we could do our report on, if you don’t have any ideas?”
“Sure, whatever,” you said, sitting down in the seat beside her.
“I want to research Alice Walker.”
“She wrote The Color Purple. I read it last year, and, well, it was really good.”
“I haven’t read it.”
“The library probably has a copy of it. It would help if you read it.”
“Mm,” you said, non-committally.
As it turned out, the library did not have a copy of The Color Purple. Chrissy seemed unfazed.
“That’s fine,” she said, breezily. “You can borrow my copy.”
You balked at the idea. Last year, some jewellery had gone missing from a girl’s bag in the locker room during gym class, and the girl accused you of taking it. The teachers had searched you, your bag, and your locker, and found no evidence of the theft. It turned out that the girl’s friends had taken it from her as a prank.
Maybe it was because you dressed like a punk, or maybe it was because you lived in a trailer park, but it wasn’t the first time you’d been accused of stealing. The idea of Chrissy lending you her book made you nervous.
As she pulled it from her bag, you noticed how battered it was. The publishing date on the inside cover read 1983, so you knew she couldn’t have even had it that long. This was evidently a prized possession, which only made your nervousness worse.
“You don’t have to-”
Chrissy waved her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. This project will be a lot easier if we both have a reference point for the writer. Unless you have any other ideas for authors?”
Begrudgingly, you shook your head. In truth, it had been a long time since you’d read a book outside of English class.
As a child, you’d loved to read. Whenever your parents’ screaming matches became too much, or you needed to stay out of the way, lest their anger be turned on you, you would take a book and go out into the woods to read.
You read your copy of Alice in Wonderland so many times that the spine was falling apart, and sometimes the pages fell out, so you had to slide them back in.
You hadn’t taken much with you when you’d run away from your parents’ home, but that battered old copy of Alice in Wonderland was still in a box under your bed in your trailer. You’d put it there when you moved in and hadn’t touched it since.
“No, no ideas,” you said. “Thanks.” You took The Color Purple and slid it into your bag.
“I was hoping we could get as much of this project done as possible this week, because next week I’ve got cheer practice most days.”
You gathered that there was some big football game coming up soon, not that you paid much attention to that kind of stuff. You weren’t exactly overflowing with ‘school spirit’. “…Right.”
She looked back at you thoughtfully, her head tilted to one side. “Do you wanna come to my house to work on it this weekend?” Your mouth fell open. “I know it’s not ideal but the school library is closed on the weekend and it’ll be an opportunity to get a big chunk of work done. My parents won’t be home on Saturday, so you don’t need to worry about them.”
“…Sure.” Your stomach twisted uncomfortably.
She scribbled her address down on a piece of paper and then handed it to you. “Alright, I’ve gotta go. My friends will be wondering where I am. See you this weekend.”
You sat there, watching her leave, feeling like you’d just been steamrollered.
Next Chapter
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babychoko · 5 months
𝔸 𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥
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Part 16
Hi everyone, I can hardly believe that after almost a year I'm actually posting something again😳. So as not to throw you all in at the deep end, this chapter will be about togetherness. I'm not going to drop a bomb after a hiatus. So, no worries^^ and I am very sorry.
“And when are you actually moving out?" My neighbor, who lives right below me, asked me with a worried look. I only saw her in the stairwell from time to time. Nevertheless, we somehow had a good bond.
"Still this year. I actually wanted to move out straight after graduation. But we're bringing that forward a bit." I replied to her question.
"With the nice little young man?" She asked delightedly and laughed. "Oh, two people can't bear to live so far away from each other!" Embarrassed, I just smiled. Because what she said was true.
"I'll be very sad when you're no longer my neighbor. Not everyone your age is so calm. That makes you very worried about new neighbors." She sighed and held her granddaughter's hand tightly. The little girl looked very bored. She must have found a conversation between two adults very boring. That's how I felt back then too. I waited for ages until my mother had finished chatting to neighbors or friends in the store. I would have loved to lie down on the floor.
"I hope you get very nice new neighbors." I wished her.
"Oh dear, what am I going to do without you? Well, have a nice day. Say hello to him for me, will you? I'll miss him."
"I will."
He hadn't realized until today that he had quickly become the darling of my neighbourhood.
I carried the small box that I had fetched from my apartment outside with me. There were tubes of acrylic paint. I was planning to use them today. But not to paint any paintings. I wanted to embellish some furniture and white candles with motifs.
Flowers, birds..
But no cats. Venti swore to me that even the sight of cats would give him a sneezing fit. Besides, there were a hundred other things that could be painted. He even offered to recite the hundred things to me. Luckily for him, I had no intention of painting cats on dressers. I was thinking more of plants.
My bus arrived at the minute and I got on. I used the bus ride to get some rest after my work. There hasn't been much going on recently, but just being at work makes you feel tired. Yesterday I also arrived home late because my work colleagues invited me for dinner. It was still draining on some level to be somewhere that wasn't my home. I checked my cell phone after a few minutes. It still took me a long time to get to Venti, of course.
The thought of him made me think of my last encounter in a dream, but I didn't mention it to him until today and kept it to myself.
Maybe I should talk to him about it today and be honest with him. Because I can't lie to myself anymore, I've been clueless since last year.
That's true... I had been aware for a long time that there was much more to his past. But there was a problem.
When I think about it, I get headaches and dizziness. It hasn't gone away yet. I'd better find a tactic to communicate with him about it.
After the long bus ride, I walked along the small wooded area to his house. The trees were no longer bare, but very green - full of leaves. It looked very peaceful when a few rays of sunlight peeked through the gaps. The small daisies also embellished the pebbled path.
I rang the bell once before opening the door. And before I opened the door all the way, Venti fell in my arms. I almost dropped the little box of acrylic paints on the floor.
"Why didn't you call me! I could have picked you up!"
"I can stand it on a bus. Besides, you're not my chauffeur." I countered as I took off my boots and put the box in the living room.
"Buhh...! I'm so bored!"
After resting for a while with a cup of tea, we started putting the pea-sized acrylic paints on a pallet and placing old newspapers under the chest of drawers. This allows the floor to be unharmed by the paint. If we're going to use paint, then let's do it properly. Even our shirts were ones that we no longer wore and were allowed to get dirty.
I tied my hair up and only now realized how much longer it had become compared to then. Venti smiled at me. "It suits you!"
"Do you think so?"
"Mhm!" Maybe I should let them grow a little longer?
As soon as I grabbed a small brush and dipped them in the green paint a little, I started on the motifs. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary that I painted on the brown wood. It was just herbs or garlands. When I looked over at him, I saw him painting a little white bird. It was holding a clover leaf in its beak. I thought the bird looked cute.
We spent the rest of the evening decorating more furniture with little patterns and then some candles with flower patterns. When we got bored - I mean, when HE got bored, Venti attacked me with paint. It started small and innocent with a few little strokes on my cheeks, hands or shirt. Then with much larger spots and at some point the fun stopped before we should have washed ourselves off completely.
As a peace offering, Venti drew a little heart on my cheek. Judging by the look on my face, this was apparently not enough. So he lifted my chin and pressed a kiss to the heart he had drawn. Now he had a red mark on his lips. With a slight grin, I wiped his lips with my thumb. Of course, the stain didn't go away.
"What stupid ideas you come up with sometimes..." I sighed and looked at us in the mirror. "We should go to the bathroom."
Fortunately, the acrylic paint came off very easily and we walked out of the bathroom clean. I'm sure there's no more paint on us. I hope so.
As it got darker, the clouds gathered a little. I looked at the ceiling as I lay on the sofa. All the lighting in the living room was a certain shade of blue. It fell more on the darker, more grayish area. Then I looked at the window. What did they call it again?
When the sun went down, there was the golden hour... so is it the blue hour now?
Anyway, it looked very... calming. A touch of mystery. Especially because the branches of the trees were no longer green and brown, but looked more like a silhouette.
I turned onto my side and my gaze fell on Venti's naked back. He hadn't moved for a few minutes and was lying quietly on the sofa. Fortunately, this sofa could be converted into a bed, which I had only recently learned. He wasn't aware of this either.
I watched quietly as he breathed in and out softly. Then I stroked his back with my index finger. This caused him to contract his body. He murmured slightly.
"Venti, are you asleep already...?" I whispered in wonder. He answered me by shaking his head slowly.
As the window was open and the cool evening air was fresh, I moved over to him and put my arms around him. He seemed to have noticed.
"(Name), are you cold?"
"Yes... but only a little." I replied meekly. Venti turned around and pulled the woolen blanket up to my waist. Then, with a tired smile, he put his arms around my upper body.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk... of course you're cold when you're lying there without a blanket - better?"
I nodded. "True enough. You're sweet."
I played a little with the strands of his hair, some of which came undone as a result. Venti said nothing and closed his eyes, reassured.
"You are tired, aren't you?" I realized and stroked a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"I've used up my stamina, that's why." He replied with amusement, which then silenced me. Instead, I then placed my hand on this large turquoise mark that was between his chest. He opened his eyes and turned onto his back. I then lay over him with my upper body. The ends of my hair fell on his face.
I continued to inspect that turquoise mark he was born with. "I think it's beautiful." I whispered honestly. Venti smiled and closed his eyes as I placed a kiss right on the center. As I looked at him again, I wondered how long I would get to experience this sight of him. It was the way he always beamed at me or looked at me calmly, the way his hair fell in his face and his eyes lit up. A tinge of sadness flooded over me briefly. Venti noticed it.
"(Name)..." I took the coming words out of his mouth by pressing my lips to his. He placed his hands on my upper arms and we slowly changed positions. Now he looked down at me from above.
"What were you thinking about just now? You just looked unhappy." He asked me. I shook my head.
"Don't you want to talk about it?"
I wanted to, but I couldn't. How could I tell him that sometimes I felt like I wasn't going to see this sight forever?
"You can just tell me." He encouraged me. "Yes?"
I exhaled slightly. All right then.
"Are you planning... to stay with me forever?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know... but I want you to stay with me." I said, looking at him in a slight blur. Venti wiped his thumbs across my eyes.
"I want it too." He whispered, resting his forehead on mine.
Sometimes I wished moments like this would never end and I wanted to make the best of it. It hadn't been long since I'd even gotten intimate with him. Somehow it worries me what it will be like when we live together. This boy has the energy of a kindergarten child.
But at least I don't live alone anymore.
For this reason, I was grateful for every nice experience and wrote them down in a notebook. I hoped so much that I hadn't forgotten my notebook at home.
So where did I put the notebook?
Venti rolled back on his back away from me, giggling.
"What was that about..." I grumbled and looked at him in confusion. Just then, he squeezed my cheeks tightly and pressed a kiss to my lips, leaving me breathless for a few seconds.
"You looked too peaceful. I had to help you out."
"Weren't you the one who didn't have any strength?" I asked.
"Yup, had!" He sat up once and stretched. Then he got up from the sofa and walked out of the living room.
"Don't you want to wear anything? You'll catch a cold." I remarked.
Venti just looked into the living room with his head. His big eyes glittered at me.
"Want a shower... you can come with me." He smiled innocently.
When I flung a pillow at him, he dodged it, giggling, and left.
"You can take a shower yourself. I know damn well how this is going to end. I'll go in after you."
"You meanie...~" I heard his voice from the hallway. I turned back on my heels and scrolled a bit on my phone. Seeing how much I missed on the internet, it actually meant I spent a lot less on my smartphone.
Internet dramas, discussions that went on for hours in comments.
No. I will never want to waste my free time like that. I actually only used the internet for inspiration, for university or to watch some stupid videos. Lately, more for university.
I then put my phone aside and sat up.
Maybe Venti really did feel lonely in the shower? But if I get into the shower with him now...
After a few scenarios from him, I had to sigh slightly. What a clingy boy. Oh well. You should enjoy any time you have, right?
I grabbed a shirt and pulled it over me and immediately took the other clothes with me before making the short walk to the bathroom. A little steam was already billowing out of the bathroom and I could hear Venti humming softly to herself. I leaned against the door with a smile and listened to him for a little while. He had the voice of an angel and harmonized every note of a song.
After a few seconds, he sang so quietly until there was nothing left to hear.
"Eheheh, do you want to keep peeping or come in?" Ahah, gotcha. I peeked my head in.
"I'm not peeping... I figured you might be feeling lonely or something. But it looks like you're fine."
Venti shook his head. "I don't feel lonely. But I'd feel better if you could be with me. We haven't bathed together for a long time, (Name)."
"Well, I'll come in then." Actually, I didn't mind at all. I left the door open a crack, threw our laundry into the laundry basket and took a hair crab from a small basket by the sink to put my hair up. I kept telling myself I would have to cut my hair again. But somehow it never happened... I was already enjoying wearing new hairstyles. Even if it was more work.
When I was about to take off my shirt, which I had on effortlessly, I could still feel Venti's eyes on me, even though I had my back to him. I undressed very slowly and still had the shirt practically in front of my front body, almost acting as a curtain.
"You're staring..." I mumbled, a little embarrassed.
Venti, who was now leaning against the edge of the bathtub with his upper body, giggled amusedly. "I think you have a very nice body." This comment made me wonder what he found so beautiful about my body anyway. I was never really satisfied myself. Was it my legs? Maybe my shoulders? I knew so many ideals of beauty that made me wonder.
"What do you find so beautiful about me?" I asked curiously, yet with uncertainty. I then put the shirt in the laundry basket and fixed my hair in front of the oval mirror that hung on the wall above the sink. Next to each mirror was a lamp on the side that glowed a warm orange. The whole bathroom was dimly lit, but you could still see everything clearly. I looked at myself in the mirror and had a self-image up to my décolleté. I could still see Venti in the background, looking up at the ceiling and thinking.
Ah, so he must be thinking?
"Hm, since you ask... what I like is that I feel secure when I'm near you."
I looked over my shoulder at him in amazement. Oh... so that's one way Venti perceives bodies? Like how it makes him feel? Normally you hear that your partner likes your thighs or prefers your hips... but something like that? That's the first time I've heard that.
"I'm not lying when I say I'm attracted to you. The way you look at yourself now, unclothed in front of the mirror, with this lighting - it reminds me of a portrait. If I were a painter, I would have fetched my materials quickly!"
Oh... I could clearly feel my cheeks warming up. I think that's one of the nicest compliments I've ever received.
"So don't get shy and turn around." He said normally.
"Now that you mention it, it's even harder... best look away when I get in the bath, okay?" I hid slightly with my arms around my bust. Venti giggled and leaned back.
"Well good! But it's not like I've never seen you without clothes..like now."
"T-That's different!"
"And you me! You've seen it a lot, haven't you?" He looked at me with a sideeye, amused.
"You mean... uh, yes. A lot, actually." I sighed and got into the tub. The water was still nice and warm, very pleasant. It was like being enveloped in a warm hug and never wanting to take it off. It may still be spring, but it's certainly not going to be very pleasant in summer.
"How's your driving lessons going?"
"It's all going well so far. I'm still worried about the practical part of the test." I confessed and leaned against his shoulder. He smelled good.
"Mhm, I've also heard that it's supposed to be more difficult than back then." The way he spoke, he sounded like an older man. But if my assumption was correct... then I wasn't surprised.
"Back then... when did you actually get your driver's license, Venti?"
"Let me think for a second... five years ago? Huh- why are you looking at me like that?"
Over the next few days, we continued to take care of my move to his place. We replaced furniture or improved it. Fortunately, I hadn't had very much in my old apartment. I can still live there because my tenancy agreement is still valid. It's not easy to move out of an apartment, but if the move to the new surroundings is nice, then it's certainly much easier to settle in. I have to admit that I'm already excited about living with him. But first we had to get through the stress of moving.
Heavy furniture such as my bed, closet and anything else that doesn't fit in his car will be brought here by a transport company in the near future. As soon as I get my driver's license, the journey into town won't be any more complicated. Everything seems to be well planned so far. A little too perfect to be true. It almost worries me when I tell him about my 'dream'. I didn't want to ruin anything. But many questions were running through my mind.
Would I really ruin everything if I confronted him? But knowing Venti, he would never get angry. I never saw him angry either. He was a person who could filter out a lot.
But a person as resilient as Venti must have experienced a lot of grief.
He never voluntarily talked about his family or mentioned his childhood. All I knew was how he got back on his feet a few years ago.
What actually pushed him into alcohol abuse? From someone who liked to live like a nomad and let his future fall on him unplanned, who could now pull it together?
I copied this train of thought from my mother. Sure, we had our arguments back then, but .
...when she asked me if Venti had a difficult past without really knowing anything about him, I didn't doubt her knowledge of human nature.
My mother liked to write novels all her life, which she never published. She preferred to stick to correcting other works to keep us afloat. In her spare time, she translated children's books into Braille, providing opportunities for children with disabilities. Out of my father's love, she learned the language. I still respect her for that.
And for these reasons, I'm sure I wouldn't be wrong if I asked Venti about it. A feeling tells me that I should do it as soon as possible.
One afternoon, I approached him as he was watering some herb plants on the windowsill in the kitchen. He didn't take his eyes off them.
"Are you taking a break from your thesis? How is it going? I might be able to help you."
"All good, thanks. I thought I'd give my eyes a rest for a few minutes." I went to the fridge and took out a carafe of homemade iced tea. I immediately took two glasses. It was only natural for me to pour a glass for him too.
"How sweet of you!"
I then put the carafe back in the fridge.
"Venti... have you ever had a twin?"
He jerked in surprise and let out a confused sound. Then he looked at me, frozen. Oops.
"Twin, you say? May I ask how you came up with that?"
I picked up the glass, but I didn't take a sip. I was a little too nervous for that. This question must have really surprised him.
"I had a dream not long ago about someone who looked exactly like you. He was just there."
"That's funny...I'm an only child." He scratched the back of his head, perplexed. "Nothing else was there?"
Before I could tell him anything, my mind seemed completely blank.
"No. Nothing at all." I whispered, holding my forehead. "I think I just saw you in my dream..." That headache again.
"Oh... I see." Venti then walked up to me and held a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Maybe you'll remember it later and you could tell me more about it."
"Yeah... maybe." If only I didn't have this block. If only I could figure out a way to-
Weird. Wasn't there something I wanted to ask him? I grabbed the iced tea and sat back down to work on my thesis. And even though I tried my best, I couldn't shake this restless thought. He seemed to have noticed it himself, because I couldn't find peace to sleep at night. No matter how often I changed my sleeping position. It wasn't too dark in the room. The curtains were closed and a night light gave us a little illumination, but not so much that it was disturbing. I then sat up to turn my pillow over to the cool side.
"Are you in pain?" He whispered.
"You're still awake- ah, no. I just can't fall asleep." I then turned to his side. Venti had a few notes in his hand that he had been reading over and over again. Apparently he hardly slept either. He then put them back in a drawer of the bedside table and turned to me as well.
"Hehe, me neither."
We're in the same boat.
We both turned back onto our backs at the same time and looked up at the ceiling, sighing.
"Why can't you sleep, Venti?"
"Because I slept a lot during the day. And how about you?" Okay, that makes sense.
"Don't hold it against me, but somehow I've been worried for a while. Although I'm actually happy with the current situation." I confessed, fixing my hair so that it didn't fall in my face.
Venti looked at me in surprise. Of course it's not nice to hear your partner say something like that.
"Are you scared?" He asked.
"What should I be scared of?"
"Maybe of me?"
"Nonsense. Why would I be afraid of you?"
I smiled at him. He may be a person with unique abilities. It still doesn't change my view of him.
"I think it's more about the future. Things have been going a little too perfectly lately, you know. The thought that this can't be forever.... Is just awful."
I paused and looked at Venti's gentle face. He put his hand on the mattress. I then placed my hand on his.
"(Name), I don't want this to get lost either. What we can do is continue to be there for each other and make the best of life."
"Yes, that's true."
"But maybe something is actually missing in our lives... ah! More plants? Maybe a pet...?"
"What makes you think that?" I said with a laugh.
It's not uncommon for us to have late-night conversations like this.
"You're right. But what if we suddenly had a pet? Completely by accident, of course."
I raised an eyebrow at this comment. He was definitely up to something.
"It definitely won't be a cat." I reassured him.
"Nope... it's out of the question! Not even a cat would dare stray here. What's more likely is a child." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "With the amount of time we've spent being so productive, it wouldn't be surprising- eh? Are you asleep yet?"
I was already turned around with my back to him. The best way to reduce this chance is to just sleep now and do nothing.
He nudged me a few times.
"No goodnight kiss?"
Reduce chance..reduce chance...
"(Naame)." I turned only slightly and halfway to face him. Venti looked at me teasingly. "I know you can't fall asleep that fast."
I lifted a finger. "Okay... but just one."
"Mhm... Okay!"
Our lips touched gently once. I closed my eyes and tried to take in the moment. When we parted, I opened my eyes halfway.
Venti looked at me doe-eyed.
"Again..." I whispered, already admitting defeat.
Again and again, our lips found each other. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter... after each kiss, I could clearly feel how weak I actually was after him. And I was the one who set the limit. After all, I'm a joke.
At one point, I turned completely onto my back because otherwise my back would ache. Venti clasped his hands in mine and I did the same.
I have no idea how this happened again. Once it got to the point where we were sharing kisses, it took time to stop. They were often gentle, innocent and soothing.
And yet sometimes.
We breathed a sigh of relief when we broke away from each other. Slightly out of breath, we looked at each other. He brushed away the thin thread of saliva from the corner of my mouth with his thumbs. Perhaps we were already feeling guilty because we hadn't just had one kiss, but several. As always, we took this with humor.
"Well then - good night!"
Venti threw himself back on his back and closed his eyes. He then snored softly.
Confused, I sat up and looked at him. He's really asleep..?
I burst out laughing and covered him up properly. An he said, he had slept a lot during the day? I lay down next to him and hugged him tightly. I made sure not to let him go.
Fate can be a mean traitor.
It wasn't long before that day actually came.
The day the universe betrayed me once again. And I stared motionlessly at the dark sky with dull eyes.
You'll live only once..? What a lie.
Is my contract already over?
Part 17 (coming soon)
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platonicphoenix · 1 month
Aero's Lore (Partyrockers oc au)
Aero, the guitarist and the silent seeker of her band: the Partyrockers, she was one of the only members without a party-based alt mode.
(this is kind of older writing so sorry if it's lowkey dookie water. content includes violence, some swearing, and Overlord- He's his own trigger warning. This is mainly non romantic, and more of just angsty. Writing and Aero's design beneath the cut vv)
Aero: (rip to the height difference Aero is ~27ft tall and overlord is ~44ft 💀❌️)
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Overlord (IDW art):
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Aero's p.o.v:
Bombs noises, gunfire, and explosions could be heard from everywhere I was. Disko was setting off explosions on the buildings and watching in joy as organics ran free of their abusive 'owners.' This civilization was known for keeping organics like pets or peasants and torturing them for their sick amusement. It was wrong, it was disgusting. Someone had to punish them.
So Disko and I took that initiative.
The punishment came extra for any Autobots running by. Disko was still loyal to the Decepticon cause, I just follow. Though, nothing is perfect, right? I got caught by the Autobots and detained. Such acts couldn't go unpunished I guess.  How sick though, the Autobots are defending them!?! Those sick bots who treat organics like toys and not sentient beings? What did we even fight for!?!? Disko managed to get away. Whispering into my comn-link that he would come back for me.
Hopefully- I’ll be back. But I was sent to Garrus-9, that horrid prison.
As a few mega-cycles passed by, 'Overlord' came along, rampaging throughout the whole place and leaving only destruction in his wake.
Luckily, I was a Decepticon. So of course, I had been freed from my cell and managed to recover my guitar. (P.S. Aero's modified guitar can unsheathe spikes to use as a melee weapon, and be a gun.)
Although it was 'nice' at the new Garrus-9, I still miss my old band. I still want to escape and get back to Disko, to have a conversation with Partylock again, to take pictures with Barbwire, and to pole dance with Partybomber and teach him the guitar. Also to meet that rat sack of a youngling he illegitimately adopted.
So, to escape. I fought in the arena. I Fought and murdered numerous poor bots just for Overlord's sick amusement and other bots to watch and enjoy. I wanted out.
Hoping Overlord would keep the promise of freedom he made to everyone. I fought and fought until I reached the top, and seized victory by its throat.
The moment I won that final battle, I looked at Overlord straight into his optics and waited, just for him to tell me, "Meet me in my quarters" So I did. I wonder, why did he want me in his quarters? To drink a cup of Engex as a reward or something?
When the time came, I went in. Just for him to say:
3rd person p.o.v:
Overlord: "Welcome, Aero.. that sweet, sweet victory of yours must've felt amazing! Knowing that you now get the chance of freedom, correct?"
Aero nodded, waiting for him to get to the point.
Overlord: "Well… Too bad. 
Aero, my dear. You don't think I don't hear that retched guitar of yours? Every time I try to recharge, I hear the strumming of chords and different melodies! You're lucky, so, so lucky that you're good.. Cause I'm feelin' nice today, so I'll give you a 3rd option."
Aero's p.o.v: 
What was he on about!?? I was confused. Options?? What did he mean by options??
Oh, frag…
Oh, fragging no-
Don't tell me...
This slag licker lied???
Overlord: "Fight me, suicide, or... Be a ‘personal music player.’ I wish to hear all sorts of melodies you have in mind.."
my optics widened and I may or may not have a disgusted look plastered onto my face plates.
Overlord: "You see, recently I have been growing bored, bored and stressed and tired. I need something to... Soothe me."
he strummed the chords on my guitar, I jolted back, not wanting to be near this disgusting wrench. Overlord cackled as he watched me jump back.
Overlord: "Oh, don't be so scared... I won't exactly kill you~! Unless, you chose otherwise.. or, frag up.."
I'm so fucked. 
..I held my urge to go batshit crazy on this mech, but this is OVERLORD we're talking about, I would die in an instant. So here I am again, forced to sit and wait for a miracle, as I slowly wilt away and lose my sanity every fragging second.
"I don't want to die." I mumbled "..... I choose the music option, I'll play my music, every melody you ask until I can't..!"
Overlord: "Or until I get bored." he said with a sadistic grin plastered onto his faceplates
Shut the fuck up for fuck sake.
"I'll make sure you won't get bored, music never bores!" 
Hope that wasn't too cheesy...
Overlord: "Oh really?" he chuckled "-and one last thing... You can't leave this room, don't forget. You're supposed to be 'free'." his sadistic wheezing echoed through the room and made my audials sting, almost like the sound of nails on a chalkboard.
This just got even worse. I should've chosen suicide. Too late now! Urgh. Overlord sits on his recharge slab, elbows resting on his knees as he hunches over, and looks at me in the optics.
Overlord: "Well, songbird? What are you waiting for? Get playing."
Songbird?!?! I think I just gagged. I sit on a nearby chair. Tune my guitar, and strum the cords of the first song...
Welcome to your new life Aero!
(P.S. If Aero strums the wrong cord, he would whoop her ass, and Overlord would make sure she isn't dead, just to torture her, and to make this funner. In the Partyrockers Au Overlord is a bit less ‘kill-oriented’, sometimes he takes bots with potential and crushes their will just because he finds it funny.)
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(Silly sketch)
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viktheviking1 · 9 months
Helluva Boss Fanfiction- The Pompous and the Prick
Sneak Peek at my StolasxBlitzø Fanfiction! Full Version on Archive of Our Own (AO3) or WattPad
Their last conversation didn’t end well. This was a rather common thing for Blitzø and Stolas, but it had been particularly awkward and Blitzø was feeling a little nervous approaching the mansion’s front steps. All day as he worked in the living world, the full moon had loomed overhead; an unwavering reminder of the promise that had been made and the deal that had been struck. Time waits for no demon, and a deal was a deal, so he was determined to make Stolas forget all about his f**k ups and woo the pants off of that big bird . . . For the book, of course.
One hand held the book, while the other sported a rose. It had come from Stolas’s own bushes of course, but even if he figured that out, it’d probably still have the desired effect. Blitzø stood in front of the door, checking his coat for blood. There was a lot, but it was all dry, so he wouldn’t be staining the carpets with it. He practiced leaning on a pillar, and putting the rose in his mouth. Blood began to fill his mouth as the thorns pricked his gums. Well, not a great start. Gritting his teeth, he began taking the thorns off the stem one by one.
“Come on you little-” he stopped as the door suddenly opened in front of him, revealing a very sad Owl in a tattered old robe.
“Oh, uh . . . Hi.” Blitzø said, quickly standing up straight, and shoving the rose into Stolas’s face.
Sh*t, I wasn't ready.
The prince plucked the rose from Blitzø's hand, but no smile appeared on his face. Without a word he turned around and went back inside, leaving the door wide open with Blitzø standing on the other side. He gave a nervous gulp, and followed him in.
Stolas led him to the fancy-*ss dining hall where there was already a bottle of wine and glasses. Okay, Blitzø thought to himself, not too late to turn this around then.
"So, Stolas. . . What's cooking, good looking?"
Stolas took a seat at the head of the table, and began pouring himself a drink. It was then that Blitzø noticed the one already empty wine bottle on the floor. Ah. So maybe not salvageable after all.
"You know, if this is a bad time-"
Stolas gestured to the chair next to him, "Please, sit."
Blitzø complied, but found himself getting more nervous as he got closer to Stolas, who was staring at him with such sad eyes. He sat a couple chairs down.
". . . Did you get into another fight with your wife? That b**ch. I barely know anything about her, but she's seriously got a few screws loose. Whatever she said or did, you shouldn't take it-"
"It's not about Stella." Stolas interrupted, now looking like he was about to cry.
"Sh*t. Well, teenagers are tough. She probably just needs time to cool off-"
"Via is fine." Stolas said, looking away.
"Well, shoot. I'm out of guesses. Uh-"
"Really?!" Stolas stood from his chair with a burst, "Really. Is there no one else you can think of, in all the circles of hell I might care about enough to cry over?"
Ah, so he had been crying. What was Blitzø meant to say? What name was so important for him to know? What words could he give to Stolas that might comfort him? He'd say whatever he needed to if it brought a smile back to his face. . . So they could f**k and then he could keep the book, of course.
Stolas let out a long, weighted sigh, "Of course, not. It's my fault I suppose. Oh Blitzy, if I could go back and do it all again, say the right things, do things in a better order . . . I would." He reached out and touched his hand, "But no matter how much I can manipulate space, time will forever escape me; slipping through my fingers." He let go of his hand, and Blitzø felt like he was missing something that was staring at him in the face.
"I- I don't understand." Blitzø said, his eyes looking concerned.
“The deal is off, Blitzø. No more favors, comfortable lies, no more promiscuous nights tangled together, only to end in loneliness once more. I think I- we need a fresh start. Because . .  I just can’t do this anymore. ”
That came as a surprise. Sh*t . . . Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t! No! D*mn that stupid owl and his royal privilege. Of course he could change his mind at any point, Blitzø knew that going into this, but he didn't expect it to be this sudden. He had assumed there'd be warning signs of him getting bored or becoming interested in another demon. He thought he'd have time to change his mind, to devise a plan. Maybe he'd woo him again, or play hard to get, or introduce him to a new s** toy or just something. He had to think quickly, else that book was as good as gone.
Blitzø began blabbering, "Look, I know we haven't talked since . . . Well, you know. But I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. I- uh- f**k. Maybe I could sub more often? Or Dom? Whatever you want. And I'll stay for breakfast like you're always asking me too. If you're really set on it, we could come to a new arrangement-"
"Oh for Satan's sake, Blitzy! You can keep the d*mn book!" Stolas slammed the table, knocking over the wine glasses, " . . . Sh*t."
Without thinking, Blitzø took out a bloody rag from one of his pockets and began wiping it up, a little too desperately, "I got it. I got it- wait . . . What do you mean I can keep it?"
Stolas took a deep breath, "I mean that you can keep the grimoire as usual, and I'll hire someone to fetch it from you once a month. I just can't have you coming around here anymore."
". . . F*ck, Stolas please tell me you're not getting back together with princess b**ch face."
Stolas couldn't help but giggle a little, ”No. Fool me once or however the saying goes. No, I want someone who truly loves me. And who will let me love them openly without shame or guilt or feeling of bitterness. I want . . . a real relationship, Blitzy." 
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superblycaffeinated · 7 months
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For more Nebraska, Ace, Bombshell and Wise Guy stories (and other Gallagher Girl fics), see my GG Masterlist
Summary: the one where Abby is pregnant
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and conflicted feelings by many involved
3.4k words
A/N: This was originally posted on my old account // it has been edited slightly since my original writing - I appreciate any new notes left for it! 💙
You Get Me Too:
Abigail Cameron / Edward Townsend | Abigail Cameron & Zach Goode
She sits on the edge of the bathtub, trying to control her breathing. 
The thing is, she’s usually kind of a pro at the whole breathing thing. You bring air into your lungs and you exhale some out - easy peasy. And, like, her whole line of work sort of relies on being able to keep it in check. She’s literally trained in breathing, she’d ace breathing 101 if such a thing existed (and well, it kind of does). 
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However, when she hears the footsteps on the stairs, any sort of progress she’s made with the breathing in this particular moment flees, balls itself up, and hides behind the shower curtain. 
“Eddie?” She’s honestly shocked his name is somehow able to be pushed out calm, what with the aforementioned breathing issues. 
A deep sigh can be heard from behind the cracked bathroom door. Edward’s voice calling through it, “Abigail. We’ve talked about this. In fact, I perfectly recall a conversation in which you held up your right hand and swore to never call me Eddie ever…”
When he trails off, she knows he’s frozen in the doorway and probably having a whole lot of breathing problems of his own. 
Her heartbeat is in her ears, her fingertips, her throat as he whispers and searches for the right words. “What…what is that?”
He’s staring and referring to the little stick held aloft in her fingers. He’s a highly trained operative, he knows what that white and blue stick is. He knows what the tiny pink lines mean. But he’s going to make her say the words out loud - make her speak it  into existence. 
Her brain is doing some sort of impressive trapeze act, she’s sure something is trying to connect to another something to make the words come out of her mouth, but they just aren’t. 
Edward clears his throat, “Abigail, is that…”
She looks up at him to find his bright, blue eyes blinking. Posture horribly straight, tense, even more formal than normal which she truly didn’t think was possible. Has this man even heard of the word slouching? Her heartbeat starts a one man show of being the loudest thing in the room, like it’s tap dancing against her ribcage. 
She purses her lips and just nods as she returns her gaze to the two little pink lines. 
For once, she’s speechless. Abigail Cameron has no words. No jokes, no sarcasm. 
She can’t be a mother. She’ll be a terrible mother. 
Tears start to prick behind her eyes, wetting the corners and she blinks them away furiously. Edward kneels in front of her, his fingers gingerly cradling her chin. 
He waits for her eyes to meet his and then he whispers the two words she can’t bear to think about any longer. The two words she simply can’t answer. 
“You’re pregnant?”
The tears release down her cheeks without her consent. They pull something horrible out of her chest - the kind of sobbing no amount of training can prepare you for. The kind of fear that demands to be felt and you just have to ride it out. 
This wasn’t the plan, Abigail. Do you ever do anything with care? Do you purposefully run through the world with the intent to leave mayhem in your wake? You let Matt down, you’re gonna let this kid down even more. You can’t even take care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of a baby?
The words stream through her mind like horrible song lyrics you just can’t get out of your head. She shakes her head, pushing her fingers over her ears to drown it out. She curls in on herself, waiting for the words and the crying to stop so she can focus on breathing again.
The soft pad of his thumb brushes against her cheek and she blinks her eyes open, heavy and swollen to find his head turned sideways to meet hers. 
Maybe it’s all just a dream, maybe none of it is real. 
But she knows, from the cold tile of the bathroom floor against her body, that if she sits up, that test will still be there, and it absolutely is real. 
Oh god, what’s she going to tell Rachel.
Oh hell - how will they tell Zach?
Edward’s lips move, and despite being trained to read them, she shakes her head - confused as to why she can’t hear suddenly. 
His hands move up, slowly, his eyes watching her careful and anxious, like she’s a deer he might spook. His fingers curl around hers and pull them from her ears gently. 
“I said, good morning.”
Morning. It’s morning?
Sure enough, as she sits up, the soft halo of golden morning light is filtering in through their cream colored curtains like they do every morning.
It seems unfair that the world keeps turning, keeps moving, another day gone, when she’s still processing something so monumental. 
She wipes her nose on her sleeve, sniffing hard and he grimaces, handing her a tissue. 
Her chin trembles as her voice wobbles with a question, “You slept on the bathroom floor with me all night?”
Edward pushes a curl behind her ear, fingertips grazing down her jaw as he nods. “I did.”
She pushes her palms into her eyes, shaking her head. A watery laugh choked out before she says, “But, our heads were by the toilet all night. The bathroom floor is disgusting.”
“It sure is,” he murmurs, “I tried to move you, but you were not having it. I guess I fell asleep waiting for you to calm down.” 
Poor man, he could be waiting a lifetime for that. 
She drops her hands, back against the tub as he frowns at the ground, his hands reaching for hers impulsively as he speaks carefully. Always carefully - calculated - like he’s too afraid to speak without thinking through every reaction to his words. 
“I don’t understand why you were…are…so upset. I know I’m already not so great at the dad thing, but you have to give me some credit here. I didn’t know about the kid for eighteen years.” A furrow begins to crease in his forehead, lines of deep worry and thought present, “But, I really didn’t think the thought of having a baby with me would amount to you sobbing on the bathroom floor for hours, Abby.”
To anyone who may not know Edward Townsend, they’d think this was a jab at her, they’d misread the situation completely. But to Abby, it’s a joke at his own expense, trying to approach a complicated situation in a way that makes her feel better. And for the life of her, she can’t figure out why. As if trying to reign in Abigail Cameron wasn’t a hard enough job. As if finishing Matthew Morgan’s final op wasn’t stressful enough. She had now added a tiny, chaotic, unpredictable party to the mix. 
And he was being far too nice about it. 
Pulling her fingers up to his lips, he leaves a soft kiss to the back of her hand before fiddling with it and her chest tightens. Edward Townsend doesn’t fiddle or fidget or dilly-dally. He is straight to the point and can’t relax. 
Abby looks down, tugging on a loose thread of a towel he must have managed to get under her head as she whispers, “This wasn’t a plan. A baby is…a lot. And I won’t blame you if you need to leave or…or I don’t know. I’m careless and messy…” She looks up at him, and despite being thoroughly tapped of her tears, she feels that familiar sting behind her eyes as she admits, “I’m a terrible person and I’m going to be a terrible mother.”
Edward doesn’t hesitate to drop her hand, both of his finding her cheeks as he leans in closer, speaking with conviction, speaking with promise, “Abigail Cameron, you are many, many things, but a terrible person or terrible mother will never be words used to describe you.”
“You’re not…upset?” Her chin trembles again, the threat of more tears imminent. 
His hand drops to her stomach, shaking his head with a smile. “I promise you, I’m the furthest thing from upset.”
A wet laugh engulfs her question, “We can do this?”
He presses a kiss to her jaw, to the corner of her lips. “Of course we can.”
“We can have a baby? We can take care of it? We can…we’ll be good parents?”
He nods, foreheads bumping as he lets out a shaky exhale. “We can.”
It’s silent for a blissful minute until she bumps her nose against his. “How do we…we have to tell Zach. And Cam. And Rachel. And…Joe.”
Edward’s mood shifts completely, closing his eyes and backing away. Something in his voice choked and unsure, “Yeah. That. I’m not so sure I can do that. How about we just change our names and-”
He sighs, fingers rubbing at his temples before he opens his eyes. “Yeah,” his brows furrow deeper until he nods once, “We should tell Zach first. Alone.”
Biting her lip, she shakes her head, unsure. “I don’t know…don’t you think Cam should be there? I think it’d make telling him easier.”
“Telling me what would be easier with Cam there?” Zach stands in their bedroom doorway, a to-go coffee cup in his hand and a deep frown present on his face that makes him look too much like Edward.
“Nothing!” Said too quickly and too in sync for anyone to believe. A rookie and awful mistake for trained professionals to make. 
Townsend’s fingers move to cover up the stick as the horrible lie is told, but he misses, little piece of plastic skirting and spinning across the tile. 
Zach stares at it, then promptly turns around without a word, stomping down the stairs.
Edward’s head falls back against the wall, hands in his hair as he mutters, “Shit.”
“I’ll go talk to him,” she offers, squeezing his hand. 
She stops halfway down the stairs though when she sees Cammie at their kitchen counter. Her head is tilted as she stares at something, someone, Abby can’t see, but can hear.
Cabinets and drawers open and close loudly and quickly, slams of wood against wood and clanking of silverware as it slides back into place harshly. 
Cam puts her coffee cup down, setting the tray with two other cups next to it as she purses her lips. “Hey, Zach, wanna tell me what you’re looking for?”
Another slam of a cabinet and then a horrible, horrible sound of a sob. “It’s not fair. It’s not…fair.”
Cammie’s face shifts from curious to concerned, but she doesn’t interrupt him. Another drawer, then the sound of the fridge. 
“It’s not fair.”
It must have been the freezer actually, because the next sound is a crack of an ice cube tray, the crunch of ice meeting the floor and shattering. 
“I mean, Christ, does he know how fucking condoms work?!”
Cam’s eyebrows furrow as she bites her lip and the front door opens. 
“Hey, are they not…Zach what’s going on?” Joe steps into the kitchen and Rachel pauses at the doorway, looking up the stairs at Abby’s frozen body. 
Zach is loud, louder than she’s ever heard him as he shouts, “We were just starting to…and now, now I have to watch them grow up and get him and what did I get? And they get her and I got…It’s not fucking fair!”
She’s surprised the glass of the back door doesn’t shatter with the way he slams it. 
Edward is barely behind him, rushing down the stairs and past all of them without a word and she falls onto the step, head in her hands. 
“You’re…” Joe starts.
“Yeah,” she sighs, voice muffled in her palms. 
It’s unbearably silent until a slow scrape of a chair, the clink of ice cubes being thrown in the sink. The sound of the back door again. 
There’s a creak on the steps, then another, each one closer to her until a thigh rests next to hers. 
Rachel’s voice is quiet as she asks, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really, Rach.”
And so they sit there. 
Eventually, Abby lets her head fall to Rachel’s shoulder, cheek squished to it like she has done so many times before, and Rachel’s fingers lace with hers. 
Mustering up some sort of strength, she begins to think out loud, “I’m not cut out for this Rachel. You…you were always made to be a mom. You’re a great mom. I’m the crazy, unstable, unpredictable aunt. I thought it was really working for us, you know?”
Rachel’s other hand starts to brush through Abby’s curls, untangling gently. She doesn’t say anything for a while before laughing quietly. “Oh my god. I get to be the crazy, fun aunt now.”
Abby starts laughing too, despite herself, wiping at her eyes before more tears can fall. “Oh please. You’re the kind of aunt that helps them open their first bank account and buys them a helmet to wear while riding their bike because their mom can’t even keep track of what day it is.”
“See, we have a plan.” Rachel squeezes her hand encouragingly. 
It takes a beat of silence before Joe’s voice calls from the kitchen, “So, does that mean I get to be the fun one?”
Rachel rolls her eyes and stands, Abby and Joe laughing. Rachel pulls her up, turning her to head down the stairs and face everyone. 
Joe is tossing a broken ice cube tray in the trash, pointing at it. “We’ll get you some new ones.”
Abby waves her hand at it, looking out the door to see Cam sitting on the back steps. Her arms are curled around her legs, and she makes no moves to interrupt what she’s watching. 
Zach is screaming, bright red cheeks and a vein in his neck standing out even from this distance. He bends down and yanks fistfuls of grass, throwing them at Townsend. He kicks a few rocks, then their tree gets the brunt of it. 
Edward is just standing there, hands in his pockets, nodding. He’s just taking it all, not saying a word. 
Joe is next to her, and he taps his knuckle against the door frame. “He’s taking it pretty well. Good practice.”
She hears the words he doesn’t say - Zach is throwing a tantrum.
Which is when she realizes the true weight of his words.
They get him and her and what did I get?
He never got to throw a tantrum. He never got to cry and stomp his foot to try and get his way. He never got to yell at his dad, and he certainly never got to yell at his mom, because, god, who knows what would have happened. 
Zach’s cheeks begin to shift from red, to pink, to pale again. He swipes at his eyes and gestures to the corner of the yard. Edward finally opens his mouth and says something and she decides it’s safe to head outside. 
She brushes Cam’s head as she passes her, whispering, “Thank you squirt,” when she offers a quiet congratulations. 
Zach and Ed look towards her and Zach shakes his head, wiping at his eyes harder and turning away, clearing his throat. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to break your ice cube trays. I can buy you new ones.”
“Zach, yell at me.”
“What?” He laughs a little, facing her and swiping at his nose.
“Yell. At me.” 
Edward looks at her like she’s crazy and Zach matches his expression almost exactly and it takes her breath away a little. Will this baby look like him too?
“I’m…I’m not mad at you Abby.”
“You’re mad at something, or someone. Yell at me.”
His jaw clenches as he bites, “I don’t want to yell at you, Abby.”
“Do it.”
“Abby! Stop!” He makes a fist next to his side, voice a little louder.
She just keeps her voice calm, “Come on, didn’t you like yelling at Ed? You’re going to feel better, I promise. Yell at me, this baby, your mom, the world. Yell some more.”
“Fine! I’m mad that this kid gets to have you as a mom! And they get to have Rachel and Joe! And of course, I’m gonna love the stupid little thing and so will Cam and that’s not fair! They’re going to grow up being loved by so many people and I had no one! I had her! I had empty stomachs and no hot water and I was alone for so long!” He’s sobbing by the end of it. “And the worst part is, I can’t even be mad at her, right? Cause she tried, I think she really wanted to try! Or maybe she didn’t and that’s stupid! And it’s not fair, that they get you!”
He falls to the ground, shaking from his tears as he takes a sharp breath in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…I’m sorry.”
She takes several careful steps through the grass and kneels next to him. As he cries, she slowly moves her arm around him and the force that he turns into her shoulder and sobs steals the air out of her lungs. She presses a hand to his spine and another in his curls and breathes deeply, closing her eyes. 
She just holds him, as Zach cries and Edward sits down across from them. 
The sun shifts, the shadows change, and Zach just keeps crying. It’s heavy sobs, ones that have built for a long time and he can’t control them anymore. They come in waves, she knows they do, when you think you’re done and they’re fading, reaching the shore, but then another big one comes. So she just keeps holding him, her shirt and neck soaked in tears as her fingers scratch his scalp and her other rubs his shoulder. Because he never got to do this, he never got to yell and if he never got to yell, he never got to be comforted after it either. And she has a feeling he’s needed both for a really long time. 
His head slowly falls into her lap, and the crying becomes quieter, his shaking, heaving breaths start to even. 
She brushes his curls softly, his cheek pressed to her thigh as she watches tears roll down the one she can see. She kisses his temple as she promises, “You get me too, you know? I’m sorry I was late, but you get me too.”
His body curls, arm wrapped over her leg as his face pinches, more tears falling silently. 
The sun is starting its descent on the opposite side of the sky when his breathing is deep and even, his face finally relaxed. That kind of crying requires deep and intense recharging. 
She looks up when Edward whispers, “Zach suggested a swing set over there.” He gestures to the opposite corner before his gaze returns to his sleeping, grown son. 
Her fingers haven’t stopped running through his hair and she nods. “Sure.”
A tall shadow overtakes them as a deep, but quiet voice asks, “Little guy is tuckered out finally, huh?”
She laughs, wiping at her nose from where her own silent tears are finally drying up. 
Joe continues, gesturing to Zach, “So, he was supposed to get stuff for the apartment today…”
Edward nods, standing before crouching in front of Abby. She blinks, surprised, as he picks Zach up, like he’s a baby and not a fully grown, heavy, eighteen year old. 
Zach curls into him, head pressed to his shoulder and Edward smiles as he looks at Joe. “We’ll go with Cam, mind staying here and watching him?”
It seems like a joke, but they all know it isn’t. 
Joe and Abby watch him slowly bring Zach inside. Joe looks down at the grass. “Abby, he’s probably gonna run. And you can’t let him, okay? He needs you to come after him, and if you can’t do that…”
She squeezes his arm, walking towards the house.
“I’m not going anywhere Joe. He waited long enough.”
Once she’s inside, she pauses in the doorway, watching Edward cover Zach up with a blanket on the couch. He hesitates, and then kisses the top of his head before jogging up the steps. 
Zach’s eyes open, watching him disappear up the stairs, before they start to blink closed again, his body curling deeper under the blanket. 
She steps into the living room, leaving a kiss in the same spot, but when she turns, his fingers are wrapped around her wrist. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, his eyes still closed, squeezing her fingers. 
“Of course, kiddo.”
And when Zach returns to his apartment that night, there’s a box on his counter, filled with ice cube trays and a note from her, reminding him she’s always around if he needs to break something and needs a person to yell at. 
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