#and then to immediately hug him after finally reuniting with one another
heartbeetz · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈♡ GAY OLD MEN ♡🏳️‍🌈
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dante-mightdie · 2 months
how bad is it i just want some heartbreaking angst with viking!Simon for him to finally realise his wife is IT for him and how his feelings have developed into love and adoration
sorry this sucks I wrote it on the train home from work 😭
c/w: kidnapping, happy ending
it happens when someone tries to tear your precious family apart. another raid on the village and he’s piled away from the heat of battle by his little wife’s bloodcurdling scream. his heart is pounding when he finds you and you immediately drop to your knees in front of him, sobs ripping their way from your throat
his hands make a home on your elbows, trying to keep you up as your knees just give out in agony,
“our son! they took our baby, simon!”
his blood runs could when he hears this, his hands trembling as his own stand nearly gives out. he cradles your head to his chest, shushing you. he never knew the sounds of pain could make his heart stop in his chest like this
but it’s you. it’s your son. his family. everything that you had both worked so hard to build together. he’ll die before he allows those scavengers to take this from him. he hands you off to price, telling him to look after you before saddling up on his black stallion. he spares you one last look before he sets off,
“I’ll bring him home to us. where he belongs, I promise you that.”
the next few days are torture for you. you refuse to leave your home as the clan try to comfort you. bringing you food and trying to coax you to eat but how can you eat when you have no idea if your husband and son are okay
you sit by the window all day and all night, waiting to see that familiar steed trot back up to the village. it’s the middle of the night when you finally do. the sight of your husband cradling a small bundle to his chest makes you sit up instantly, wiping the tears that had been falling all day
you’re up on your feet instantly, darting out the door before simon can even plant his feet on the ground. when he sees you running towards him, he holds your son out instantly for you to grasp. you hug him to your chest as cries of relief leave your mouth,
“thank you, oh thank you, simon!” you wail, falling against him as he takes you both into his arms. the sight of your reunited family brings tears to everyone’s eyes as simon wastes no time shuffling you and your son back into the house
even once your both settled into bed, your son bathed and changed as he feeds from your chest, the tears don’t stop falling. simon understands, you’re a new mother who had her son snatched from her arms. you’re terrified of losing him again
“it’s okay, love. he’s home with us. where he belongs…” your husband grunts, grasping your chin and placing a kiss to your forehead. affection is still sparse in your marriage but when it happens, it’s all natural
he doesn’t sleep that night. he sits up all night, one arm hugging you to his chest and the other cradling your sleeping newborn. and simon realises that this is what his duty is. not protecting the clan, not being the most fierce warrior but rather, protecting you. his darling with and the precious son that you gifted him
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garoujo · 2 years
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feat : nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, mikage reo & kunigami rensuke.
♱ warnings — sfw ! some minor making out, f!leaning petnames, all characters written as pro players. / note. i have finally come w sum bllk sfw ! im sorry ive been mia all day it’s scara day so ive been buried in genshin < 3
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nagi sighs as he tries to control the sudden race of his heart — almost there, he thinks as he makes his way through the gates at the airport. the pillow he stole from your side of the bed is still tucked under his arm and he still looks drowsy, no doubt from the nap the landing has just woken him from but he still brightens when his lidded gaze meets yours.
his feet are carrying him to you before he can even realise, completely cutting off whatever reo was grumbling about as a soft sort of smile threatens to curl at the corner of his lips, because although he wasn’t the type of boyfriend to swap spit with you in a crowd, he’s the type who’d always find you in one.
“seishiro?” you grin as nagi finally comes to stand infront of you, giggling at the way he reaches to let you wrap around him like he knows you want to as he presses a few gentle, drowsy kisses along your face. “welcome home, i missed you,”
it’s subtle, the way he loves you but it’s never felt like a sacrifice of the finer things because when you feel his arms squeeze around you tighter you know he missed you too.
nagi almost takes you both down with the way he lets himself immediately melt into you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck like he’s burying himself into a pile of blankets after a long day, sighing at the familiar warmth he feels surround him as you both sway.
but you bat him away playfully as you try to drag him back to the car, making the striker pout down at you as you really take in the drowsy look on his features — moving to smooth his bangs out of his eyes slightly before you watch him nuzzle and lean into the touch. “we have to leave, sei. we can relax when we’re home.” you laugh and his shoulders drop with a sigh, a little grumpy he doesn’t get to cuddle up to you yet, but his eyes still flutter closed at your touch again.
“eh, but thought you missed me, was such a drag ‘m tired — just lemme be clingy, pretty thing. please.”
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bachira is already grinning when he takes his first step through the airport gate, bringing him a moment closer to you for the first time in what’s felt like forever as he longs for your touch.
his hairs a little messy from his nap and his headphones are haphazardly hanging around his neck, your shared playlist playing quietly through the speaker as he teases the rest of his teammates. his suitcase wheels behind him but suddenly it feels weightless when he catches his first glimpse of you.
“baby! did you miss me?” bachira sings before he immediately makes his way towards you, giddy smile in place as his luggage lays long forgotten on the ground behind him because when you run to meet him, his arms are already outstretched and you both would’ve went down hard onto the airport floor if it wasn’t for his balance.
his lips find yours almost immediately, shamelessly but there’s love in his words despite the way they come out in small pants into the kiss. “gotta tell me you missed me, baby. mhm—been waiting to hear it.”
“i did miss you, bachi!” you reply, quickly and it only seems to make bachira hug you even tighter as he giggles, peppering your skin in quick presses of his lips like he’s making up for lost time. but it’s even faster the way he casts a quick wave over his shoulder, eager to get you back home so he can finally wrap himself in you like he’s been longing to as he bids his teammates goodbye.
but then he turns to press another quick kiss to your lips as his hand intertwines with yours and he swings them by his side with a cheekier sort of smile.
“did you see me play for you? i was good, hm.. was all for you, you gonna reward me for it?”
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rin sighs as he tries to control the way his heart seems to kick at his ribs with every careful step he takes towards the exit gate, towards you. his eyes are a little darker than usual, he’s a little more uptight and his muscles ache more than usual — he’s told himself he should stretch more after training but he knows it’s because he really only rests best beside you.
he readjusts his training bag across his chest as his eyes take in his first glance of the crowd waiting on the players arriving, before they finally land on an all too familiar smile that has his feet carrying him closer before he can even register the movement.
rin’s gaze doesn’t leave yours once with every step and he always found it harder to hide the way his lips threaten to curl at the mere sight of you. he thinks you’re even prettier than the day he left you, there’s still love in your gaze and you still feel warm when he lets his hand reach out to brush along your cheek.
the touch is subtle, but it guides you into him as he leans into meet you — exhaling with the first, soft brush of his lips along your temple, because you still feel like home to him when you reach out to pull him closer.
“did you have a good time?” you ask, a little giddy hes back with you and you feel the soft smile on rin’s lips when he offers you a grunt in return, subtly reaching to intertwine his hands with yours before he’s stuffing them into his pocket and luring you away from the rest of his rowdy teammates.
“i’m glad to be back.” he breathes and you know he means to tell you he’s missed you when it accompanies a pretty little blush on his cheeks, his gaze still locked on the path ahead before he’s squeezing your hand in his and clearing his throat as he continues. “you watched, didn’t you?” he hopes.
“ofcourse i did.”
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it was charming the way you immediately watch sae’s carefully neutral expression soften as he makes his way through the gates with the team. but what you don’t see, is the restlessness in his hands as he longs to reach for you, to hold you as he ignores the long journey ache the flight has left him with.
he notices the reporters, the ones waiting to catch interviews with the team but he couldn’t care less — not when you’re standing all pretty and waiting for him, just how he left you as he doesn’t even spare them a glance.
sae’s missed the feeling of your skin against his, the warm press of your body against his chest as he slept — maybe that explains the crook in his neck and how cold his hotel bed felt, like it was missing something, someone.
but then he’s suddenly standing across from you as you send him a starry-eyed sort of look that makes him breathe out a chuckle, his fingertips tilting your chin higher before he’s pulling you in for a quick kiss. it’s one that makes him melt slightly, some of the tension leaving his body as he exhales against your lips — it’s not long enough, but he’s always been especially careful about keeping you safe from gossip.
“have you been good, sweetheart?” sae asks as he pulls away, his thumb smoothing along your skin as his sharp gaze remains on yours and his free hand presses against your lower back.
“aren’t i always?” you reply, teasing and that makes him breathe out a real laugh when he watches you lean into his touch after, making something warm burst in his chest before he’s tilting his head at you with another soft smile.
“yes, you are. so let’s get you home, i want to hear what you’ve been busy with.”
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reo yawns drowsily as he stretches his arms above his head, he’s sore from the flight and he wants nothing more than to melt into his bed but there’s still a grin on his lips because he knows you’ll be wrapped up right beside him.
“there’s my bunny.” he breathes, mostly to himself when he catches his first glimpse of you and he gives his teammates a quick, eager goodbye before he’s making his way towards you — sending you a teasing sort of look as he watches the way your own grin mirrors his.
reo’s arms wrap tight around your figure as he nuzzles himself into the crook of your neck, mouthing at the skin as you giggle and twist in his hold but it only makes him realise how much he missed you, this, when he finally pulls away to press his lips against yours.
it’s eager and a little messy the way he kisses you, but he couldn’t care less because you’re here and he’s home and he’s waited to have you back with him. he feels your fingers graze through his hair, twitching into his roots and the touch makes him groan against your lips before he pulls back to raise his brow at you, taunting.
“did you miss me, hm?” reo grins despite the way he knows the answer, leaning in closer to press more kisses along your jawline as you reply with an eager little yes that makes him laugh — squeezing his arms around your waist even tighter before he presses a final kiss against your cheek.
his chest is tight against yours as he lets his lips graze along the shell of your ear, like he’s making sure he can still draw those reactions out of you, making sure you’re still his.
“yeah? so cute, bunny. i hope you were cheering extra loud for me.”
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kunigami groans as he feels every hour from the long journey grind and ache through his muscles, stretching out his neck before he’s rubbing the sleep from his eyes. he wants nothing more than to feel you in his arms right now, his hands twitching from where they’re longing to hold you as he looks around the crowds at the exit gate.
but despite his fatigue, he moves quickly when he finally finds you — shrugging off his luggage in favour of holding you instead as you rush your way into his hold, throwing yourself into the muscled chest that you’d missed pressing yourself against every night.
you feel one of kunigami’s palms rest against the back of your neck before the other wraps tight around your hips and he’s pulling you in eagerly for a kiss. you hear his gruff i love yous mix with yours, exchanged between rough presses of his lips against your own but it’s feels so very him and so very much like home that you can’t help but eagerly drink up everything he gives to you.
he kisses you dizzy, but still manages to hold you upright as he keeps you pressed against his chest — only pulling away when he’s breathing deep and he’s letting his palm press against your cheek, soft despite the way he’s just stolen your breath away from you.
“did you miss me or something, kuni?” you giggle and you watch the way kunigami’s rolls his eyes despite the way a grin twitches at his lips, not very well disguised by the frown that tries to nestle its way onto his handsome features.
“course i fuckin’ did, princess.” he grunts, low and rugged as he lets his fingers pinch at your cheek and you huff before you shake him off — making a deep croon of a laugh fall from his lips before he’s pressing his lips against your forehead once more.
“come on, gotta get you home. gotta make up for lost time.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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hhonghu · 1 year
(Reader is immortal)
I can imagine Scara being embarrassed of his past sex obsessed self, Kabukimono, he claims that he is so much better than that now, and much more mature, that is what he tells his subordinates. He is such a liar.
If only his subordinates knew that Scara still begs for your cock almost everyday.
If only his subordinates knew that he jerks himself off at the thought of you, and owns various dildos that he always imagines are you.
If only his subordinates knew just how much of a cock slut their leader was before and how he is a bigger slut now.
If only his subordinates knew that he moans and cries like a cheap whore when you fuck him with just the tip of your cock.
If only his subordinates knew just how crazy he gets when he sees the bulge on his stomach that is formed by your cock and begs for more.
Moral of the story, is that Scara is a slut. He was before, and he still is now.
anon you are heavensent !! adsfkjhkjgh my brain can't handle this so i sprinkled a bit of angst teehee >:)
let's say that reader thought they lost kabukimono, stumbles upon scaramouche who was on a mission. you didn't hold back, you cried for him, running and embracing him, twirling him around in your arms in happiness as you tell him that you missed him, that you've been wandering the entirety of teyvat in search of him. as you were lost in your feelings, scaramouche was at awe. you kept looking for him? even if he left you for your own good? and here you are, embracing as you've now found him, out of all times. he was happy really! but this wasn't the right time! he planned to reach godhood then find you, to finally reunite with you once again once he's stronger, better.
while all this was going on, his subordinates stare in shock as some random person just shouted out in happiness and hugged their lord? does this fool not know what the hell they're doing? they know so much as glancing the wrong at scaramouche would send them early to their graves, so the absolute horror seeing being so casual and intimate with scaramouche was amusing. scara snapped out of his trance, immediate trying to pull away from you. you notice and frown, "darling? is there something—", "shhhh! be quiet for a bit!" he slaps his hand over your mouth and glare over his shoulder, eyes deadly glaring at his subordinates. "well? what are you waiting for? get back to work! if a word about this gets out, you'll never hear the end of it." they all scramble away, already fearing for their lives. after he's sure everyone has left, he turns back to you and finally hugs you back. he missed you so much.. your face, you kisses, you touch.. he misses them all and he is just as overjoyed as you are.
although, you were confused. what happened to your kabukimono? why did he shout out to those soldiers? spat out such cruel words? you let him go and set him down, about to ask him what happened to him before he grabs your hand and drags you to his private quarters, saying that you two can talk there. he knows you already had questions and he was nervous but he hoped you'd understand. after you two settled down next to one another, you began to ask him questions; where has he been? why did he leave you so suddenly? and why did he act so differently, so mean? "kabukimono, you've changed." you cupped his cheek, worry in your features. he melts to your touch and takes a deep breath, answering your questions. he explains to you his plans to obtain a gnosis and reach godhood, he explained once he became a god, he'll find you, so both of you can be together. he told you how he felt weak and that the betrayals he's experienced made a fire of helplessness burn inside him, he hated it.
"[name], i am no longer kabukimono. i have long dispose of this identity of weakness. i am now scaramouche, the sixth of the fatui harbingers."
to say you were devastated was an understatement, you were completely shattered. your kabukimono was gone? the boy you love was now a different person, discarded his entirety just like that. scaramouche sees the sadness that lingered in your face, he knew what you felt. you sweet, caring, naïve kabukimono was gone and you tried to wrap your head around it. were you not good enough? had you done something to have him utterly leave you alone with the memories you shared? had you not tried to protect and strengthen him in this cruel world?
"so.. this whole time of me wandering every nation in search of you no— kabukimono, was all for naught?" oh, how the feeling in his chest felt crushed when you said those words. silence falls for a moment, none of you talking as the situation comes crashing down. "i have changed for the better, [name]. i am no longer the weak, naïve,—" his face flushes, "sex obsessed boy you once knew.. i swore that human needs won't get in the way of my plans..", "if the sex was overwhelming you, you could've told me.." you muttered in response, "i can't tell you what you can't and can do, tell you what you should do or shouldn't do.. but, you can't just have left me like that, you know? when i found out you were, i waited. hours turn in to days, days turn in to months, months turn in to years. i caved in to emptiness. you were all and everything to me and hurt me that you were gone from my life just like that."
tears were flowing down your face and and caress his cheek, knowing that this will be the last time you'll see him. "then.. i won't get in your way. i understand on what your goal is and why you changed.. so.. i believe this will be the last time we'll ever be together." he felt fear go through his body, last time? "[n-name], you misunderstand—" you can't go, he can't let you go. he didn't think this through, he thought disposing of himself as kabukimono and becoming the balladeer, scaramouche, will free him of shackles human emotion. but why is it he can't let you go?
you get up and stand in front of him before he grabs your clothes as if trying to stop you from leaving. "i must go.. my journey to find my lover has come to an end, as he is no longer here. i apologize for disturbing you." he cries out and shakes his head, don't treat him this way! he wraps his arms around your neck and pulls you close, refusing to let you go. he begins to sob into you clothes, "nonono, [name], you can't leave! i—" he swallows the lump in his throat. "i am afraid of becoming kabukimono again.. i don't want to be weak, i don't want to entangle you living a life of eternity with someone who cannot handle himself. if i become weak, then i'll crumble.."
you hug him tighter and comfort him as he cries out to you, hands roaming all over you as if you'll disappear if he lets go. "please.. stay with me.." he cups your cheek and kiss you, "if you stay.. i'll be kabukimono once again, just for you.. so please, don't go."
you ended up staying, even you can't leave him even if you say so. scaramouche ended up having to make up a story so that you'll be able to stay by his side. he told his subordinates that you were his right hand and they were to follow your orders or they were as good as dead. of course, you struggled at first doing pretending (you were a crafter, tf do you do carrying out orders a bunch of fatuis?) but after time, you began to get used to it as you were treated just as supreme as scaramouche.
remember when scaramouche said he's changed? in front of the fatui, you both were just lord and his right hand. but behind closed says otherwise.
so imagine your surprise when he can't get his hands off of you, pawing and whining for you. once his subordinates has left the room after a meeting, he jumps on you, mumbling how he needs something from you and how he needs it now. he unbuckles your pants, drooling down at your already hard cock. "someone seems desperate, huh?" he huffs, lapping up down you shaft. "you can't keep this away from me, [name], that's just mean."
you would be sent away for missions (much to both of your dismay) and he would be left absolutely frustrated without you. you only let him get a taste of your cock in his mouth and never cum inside, always finishing off on his face (you're petty like that lol) and even if he lets you, you know he is displeased because of the way his nails dig down your thighs. while he works, he thinks of you and your cock. he would rub his thighs together to try and get some relief to no avail. he would stomp his way to his private quarters that he shares with you (his subordinates averts their eyes whenever you come out of his room instead of your own) and toss himself to the bed, grabbing a pillow that was yours and bury his face in it, inhaling your scent. damn you and the godforsaken mission you were doing, he shouldn't have sent you away so he could've had you in his bed instead, fucking him into oblivion.
he undresses and grabs a box under the bed and digs out a dildo closest to your size, he just can't take it anymore! he begged your cock to be inside him before you left, saying how he missed it but instead just used his mouth, teasing him how he said he was a changed man and that sex without you shouldn't bother him (it does). he laps the dildo up, coating it in his saliva and shoving it into his mouth while he teases his hole with his fingers. lewd noises echo in his room as toys with himself, wishing it was you who was doing it. he then shoves the dildo inside him, squealing at the sensation before thrusting it in and out in a fast pace, his impatience getting the better of him. he needs to cum.
"hgnnngh—fhuck! [name], [name]♡! fuck me, please— nghh, haa♡! harder!", "yesyes— fhuuuuck! yes, right there♡! " no matter how the dildo hits his prostate, no matter how fast and hard he shoves it deep inside him, he can't cum without you.
and when you came back? oh, you were in it for a ride. literally.
he drags you back into your shared bedroom, kissing you roughly and almost tearing off your clothes and his. he pushes you the bed and straddles you, lustful eyes eying your body as you grab his hips and grind him down on your cock making him moan. "[naaame].. you'll fuck me, right? just how i like it? you'll fuck my hole nice and deep, right?", he drags his hands across his chest, tempting you as he flicks and pinches his nipples. "hmm, i don't know, scara." you tease. he whines, eyes glaring at you with a pout on his lips, don't call him that! "mind you, you've changed." you grab your cock and align it with his hole, teasing it. he tries to grind back down on you, to fully put in your dick inside him but you stop him, you grip on his hip tightening. "don't." you rock your his back and forth, only letting your tip inside him and he sobs, wiggling his hips to try to get you fully inside him. "[name] unghh—! don't.. don't tease! please put it inside! i need your dick in me, please!"
was fucking his hole finally after years of waiting worth it? every second of it. skin slapping and scara's moans reverberates in the room, your hips plunging back and forth in his ass. "don't stop— fhuuuck! fuck! don't stop♡!", "your cock hgnnnh— fhuck! it's all the way in my stomach♡! moremoremore♡!" you can feel him clench around you as you fasten his pace, knowing his orgasm is fast approaching. you're making him see stars, his back arching as your cock his prostate continuously. "make me cum, please, unghh— make me cum! i want to cum♡!", "go on ahead, kabukimono. go ahead and cum like the slut you are." and his body shakes uncontrollably, his orgasm overwhelming him as his dick spurts out cum. he cries out, your thrusts unrelenting and not stopping, his nails scratching you back and legs wrapping around your waist. "ooooohhhh— yes♡! i'm your slut, [name]! fuck me like one, fuck your slut, [name]♡!".
such a fucking slut.
guys i lied why is the angst longer lol JDFKASDGH keep ya'll thirsts coming everyone i'm drooling at your brains <33
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ianales · 1 year
High Infidelity (Lo’ak x Omatikaya! Reader)
a/n: my first time writing so im sorry if this is kinda shitty.
after 5 years with the Metkayina clan the sullys finally returned to the forest bringing along tsireya and ao’nung. Reader reunites with lo’ak her promised mate, to find out he already has one.
Warnings: angst, cheater?Lo’ak (sorry yall)
disclaimer: past lo’ak is 19, (cheater! lo’ak is 23)
part 1 ——— part 2 (tbc)
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The horns were blaring indicating that there were someone coming, people rushed to the landing area to see who is was.
“TORUK MACTO AND HIS FAMILY HAS RETURNED” someone yelled. That caught my attention immediately, it’s been five years since the sullys brought the love of my life away, it's been hell but i managed.
According to your friends and family, you two were a match made in heaven, initially it was an arranged marriage, the plan was to fake it for one year. However slowly it turned real, it was the best thing that happened in my life.
When the sullys announced that they were leaving, i was devastated, i spent the last days with lo'ak, i couldn't leave his side.
"i'll come back for you, i promise, me and you against the world yea?" his hazel eyes staring deep into mine never failed to make me feel safe. "me and you against the world." i smiled.
I rushed to the landing zone, abandoning the necklace i was making, it felt like my legs were flying off, when i finally arrived i pushed my way to the front of the crowd, my heart fluttered at the sight of him, "LO'AK! i yelled on the top of my lungs, it only took him one second to look over her, i was as happy as i could get, however his expression wasn't mirrored, but replaced with a expression i can't read.
It was until then i saw someone behind him, a girl, my expression faltered, it's okay maybe she's his friend. my eyes flickered down to her arms, wrapped around his waist, she had beautiful curls, light blue skin, her eyes were these captivating baby blues, she was beautiful.
"(name)!!!" my eyes left lo'ak's and connected with Tuk's. she jumped off of Neytiri's ikran and rushed over to me, i immediately took her in my arms and gave her a big hug, "i missed you Tuk!" closing my eyes, "me too! lo'ak look it's (name)!".
"yeah i know i saw..". i was too focused on hugging Tuk to realize that he was already right in front of me, god he was so different, much more taller, muscular, he smelled different, his braids were longer, filled with new beads but he was still lo'ak, my lo'ak.
i stared into his eyes, my smile appeared again, i was just so happy to see him, i leaned forward and hugged him, my arms wrapped around his neck, he returned the favour and wrapped his around my waist. after a while i let go, staring into his eyes, i leaned in for a kiss but he dodged it, leaning his face to the right allowing my lips to land on his cheek.
i frowned, and let go of him, "whats wrong?" my eyes flickering to the girl i assumed to be his friend, "who's she?", she noticed my attention was on her, she was walking over here, why was she walking over here?, "hi! my name is tsireya! you must be one of lo'ak's friends, he talked a lot about his friends back home, i just can't wait to meet them!". "im sorry? what? friends??" i chuckled, "no, no, no im lo'ak's m-", "best friend! she's my best friend" he dryly chuckled cutting me off. "(name)! tsireya is my uhh my uh..", "lo'ak? are you okay?" tsireya questioned.
"(name) tsireya is my mate.." he finally said. i didn't know how react, i was frozen, tears filled my eyes, the surrounding omatikayans’ chatting with jake and neytiri looking around shocked, there were quiet gasps and murmurs all around. "lo'ak why are they reacting like this?...". Tsireya questioned uncomfortably. before lo'ak had the chance to come up with another lie, i gathered upp all my feelings, and couraged up to say,
"because he is, was my mate”
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Kiss me more
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
Summary: This is the first time your friends are meeting your girlfriend and you're excited about it.
Disclaimer: I've been gone for a while because a few things are going on in my life right now. This is pure fluff, by the way, and inspired by Florence being in my country a few days ago. That said, English is not my first language, so be kind.
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You were putting the chopped onion in a bowl when you heard a quick honk coming from outside. You knew, without having to look through the window in your kitchen, that your friends were there, and it immediately brought a smile to your face. It has been a long time since you managed to reunite your best friends all at once for a nice dinner to chat and laugh together, after all.
You dried your hand with a dishcloth that you usually draped over your shoulder when you were in the kitchen and, before you could go to the front door, you heard the knock announcing that you had been right on your assumption before. While you walked there to open the front door, you gave a quick glance around the living room to make sure everything was still in place after your almost manic cleaning during the afternoon. Your eyes ended on the dog walking lazily from his laying spot to sit by the door trying to act like a guard dog when he was yawning every few seconds. It made you smile as you leaned down a bit to pat his big head, making his tail wiggle happily.
“That's okay, Billie,” you said. “Stay, okay?”
Billie wasn’t exactly trained but the large dog knew when he was being dismissed and he started to make his way back to his bed in the corner just as slowly as he had come out before. You shook your head in amusement before finally reaching out to open the door. As soon as you did, you saw five people standing at the other side, all smiling and waiting for you, and you found yourself letting out a happy squeak.
“Hey, guys!” You greeted as you pulled the closest person to you for a hug. That turned out to be your best friend since school days, Anne, who gladly hugged you back while her husband, a nice guy you've met since they first started dating seven years ago, raised his hand to show the bag they had brought. You laughed when you saw the Monopoly board sticking out of the bag and, quickly, you all shared hugs. Your other best friend, Jack, had also brought his boyfriend with him, Danny, and the last person in your little friendship group, Hannah, was the first one to teasingly complain about them still standing outside.
You laughed as you took a step to the side, waving a hand to call them in. “Come on in!”
Your friends all came inside while removing their coats to hang behind the door and Jack shut the door behind all of them while talking about the upcoming rain. They all knew your small house, had been there numerous times before, so they were all pretty comfortable scattering around. It felt like decades since you all managed to be together and it brought a warm feeling inside your chest to see all of them there again.
“How have you been?” Anne asked as she put the Monopoly down for you guys to play later on in the night. That was something the four of you have been doing since college when you all came together, even if it always ended up with Jack and Hannah threatening to throw the board across the room. From all across the room, Billie didn’t seem interested at all in the people he was seeing for the first time as he easily slipped to take another nap.
“I'm great,” you replied. “I'm so glad you could all make it!”
“We wouldn’t miss it,” Hannah declared with a shrug, hands inside her pockets. “It's been months since we last got everyone together.”
“Months?” Jack scoffed as he placed a hand dramatically on his chest. “More like years.”
Hannah rolled her eyes and, playfully, shoved his shoulder. “You were all too busy getting married and shit.”
As they all shared a laugh, Jack threw his arms around her to put her in for a side hug that Hannah tried to escape in vain. “Don't be jealous. You will find someone to marry you,” he joked before making kissing noises close to her face just to see her squirm.
It worked like a charm and you shook your head when Hannah finally managed to push him away while huffing. “I missed you guys,” you commented when you saw Hannah flipping him the bird.
Anne, who had moved to hug her husband, Ben, turned her attention back to you. “Where is your girl?”
You felt your cheeks growing hot even though you knew it was ridiculous to feel prude suddenly. It's not like they didn’t know you had been dating for the past seven months - it had been a big occurrence in your group chat when you told them, after all - but they had yet to know your girlfriend. You hadn’t been dating just anyone. You were dating one of the new Hollywood darlings, which made it a bit hard to arrange a meeting between her and your friends.
Florence had only shown excitement, though, and you knew she had been trying to clean her schedule for months now to make that happen. Between shooting her new movie and living her life between different cities in the USA for work and her hometown near London to see her family and friends, it took some time but you finally set up a date and that’s how that dinner came to life. And then you had to find a day that your friends could make because they all had their own lives going on between work and their personal lives, but you eventually found a date that worked for everyone. That was the first time your friends would meet Florence and you had been barely containing your excitement all week. Now, however, your friends were there and your girlfriend wasn’t.
“Oh, she asked me to voice her apologies,” you ended up saying with a small grimace.
“How british of her,” Jack teased you lightly and earned another eye-roll in his direction.
“She's going to be late,” you explained, remembering the text you had received from your girlfriend about an hour ago. Florence seemed very sorry in her text and she added several apologies that you quickly brushed aside. You knew she didn’t mean to be late. “She got stuck at the studio.” That was something that had happened before, so it wasn’t exactly news. Usually, Florence was able to be in and out of shooting at the same time every day, but there were times when things got delayed and she had to stick around. That was her job, something she had been dedicating all her life to succeed at.
“Liar,” Hannah retorted with a glint in her eyes. “I bet you told her about us and scared her away.”
You tilted your head to the side and pretended to think about it for a moment. “I did tell her to book a ticket and get as far away from the city as she could so she wouldn’t have to see your ugly face.”
Anne complained with a fake groan of annoyance, looking at Ben and Danny. “It’s like watching kids, I swear.”
“Come on, you can all come with me to the kitchen,” you said after you all chuckled at her, ready to turn on your heels to go back to the kitchen. “We can talk while I cook.”
“You're going to cook?” Hannah asked in disbelief as they all followed you back.
In the kitchen, you put yourself behind the counter again to keep cutting the ingredients while your friends find places to sit or stand around you. It felt like old times and it made you smile to yourself.
“Yes,” you replied after picking up a carrot and doing some silly movement of throwing and grabbing it to show off. “Florence was going to, another reason why she apologized for not making it on time.” Your girlfriend had offered to cook something for you and your friends when you first said they all agreed to meet up at your place, and you immediately agreed but now you had taken over the kitchen. You were glad to have, at least, learned some stuff with Florence over the months.
“I thought you would have people cooking for you now that you’re dating a movie star,” Jack teased you happily as he moved around you to try to find a corkscrew to open the wine he had brought with him. You knew he hadn’t said that to be mean or anything, but you couldn’t deny that the fact that you were dating someone as famous as Florence Pugh had been a big deal among your friends. They teased you about it non-stop ever since you told them, but they did it out of love.
“Jack, I still live in my old apartment,” you declared with a glance at him, smirking lightly when the rest of your friends laughed.
“Fair,” he replied as he pointed the corkscrew at you before handing it over so his boyfriend could do the work.
“Besides, Florence likes to cook and she's great at it too. Her father owns a restaurant and all,” you told them, even though you were sure that conversation had come up at some point. It felt like you hadn’t been able to shut up about your girlfriend ever since you met her. “She likes doing most things around the house, actually, which works fine with me because I hate doing the laundry.” Jack nodded along with that, pointing at himself as if to say he also hated that chore.
Ben decided to jump in to offer you some help while Danny poured everyone a glass of wine. “What can we do to help?”
“Just sit there,” you told him with a smile. “I got this. I was going to say I can open some wine if you guys want to start drinking, but Jack beat me to it.”
Jack quickly lowered his wine glass to say: “Honey, I always want to start drinking.”
After that, the six of you fell into easy conversation trying to catch up on all the things going on in your lives. Anne and Ben talked about plans for the holidays, Hannah was excited about her new job, Jack and Danny were trying to find a new place to live, and you jumped in to talk about your life too. It felt like old times when you would all have dinner during college, before Ben and Danny became part of the group as well, and you honestly wished more than anything that Florence fell into your group as easily as they had done before her.
Just as you thought about her - again, because that was just something that you seemed to do all the time - you heard your phone ringing from where it was placed on top of the counter. Anne helpfully turned your phone so you could see who it was and, as soon as you read Florence’s name on the screen, you moved on to wash your hands to pick it up.
“Oh, damn, guys. I need to answer this. Sorry,” you told them, knowing that your girlfriend wouldn’t have called if she didn’t actually need to talk with you. You pressed your phone on your ear and, upon hearing Jack catcalling just to mess up with you, you moved to stand beside the fridge to pretend to have some privacy for the conversation. “Hey, Flo.”
“How late am I?” You heard Florence’s voice coming out a bit out of breath, but her accent rolling up the words made your heart swell inside your chest and a smile soon blossomed on your face.
“Just a bit,” you replied and waved a hand to shush Jack and Hannah when they started to make a chorus of ‘aww’ loud enough to be heard. “Are you done filming?”
“Yes. I'm leaving the studio right now and I’m going to make a quick stop before heading to your place.” As she said that, you heard an alarm going off and a car’s door opening, so you guessed she was already at the parking lot when she called you. “Getting some wine to make up for my error.”
“You don't have to do that…” you started but then your eyes landed on your friends pouring more wine in their glasses and you rolled your eyes before adding: “but Jack is going to be the happiest man on Earth if you do.”
Florence’s husky laugh met your ears and, like a charm, your lips curled up. That was the sound you loved the most in the world. “Don't worry, I’m getting something good.”
“Great. Remember to use your key,” you told her. “I'll be waiting.”
“See you, darling.”
You ended the call right after that, put your phone away and went back to cooking. You had just started to throw things inside the pan when Hannah wiggled her eyebrows at you. “She has a key, huh?”
You blushed because that had been a new development in your relationship with Florence, something you hadn’t shared with your friends yet mostly because you were too busy and ended up forgetting about it. “Yeah.”
“So this is pretty serious,” Anne commented and, suddenly, every eye landed on you.
“It is, yes.”
“How serious?” Jack insisted with a smile.
“Enough for her to have a key to my apartment. Enough for me to have a key to her place even though I’m never going to fly to London without her,” you told them, adding a shrug in the end to play it off as nothing even though you all knew it was a big thing.
“Do I hear wedding bells?” Danny was the one to speak next and you half wanted to tell him he was spending too much time with Jack already.
“Shut up,” you groaned, turning your back at them to hide your blush. “Flo always says she’s too young to get married and that she’s not doing that before she’s thirty.”
Jack laughed the loudest of all of them as he moved to fill your cup again. “Oh, you can't wait, can you?”
Now smiling, you tilted your head to look at him and said: “I take the fifth.”
For the next few minutes, the conversation returned about everything while you cooked and you all drank wine. It didn’t take that long for you to hear another car pulling up and, a couple of minutes later, the door opening again. You glanced over your shoulder to see that Florence had just walked in while carrying what looked like a wine box that you just knew was more expensive than half of the things you owned. Your friends gracefully pretended not to notice that she was there until walked to the kitchen with a polite grin.
“Hello,” she greeted everyone while putting the wine on top of the counter to give everyone a big wave. Billie, who had been asleep ever since they got there, got up to greet his owner, wiggling his tail and bumping his head against her leg. Florence made sure to give him some pets and a quick kiss to his snout.
“Hey!” You heard all of your friends say back as your girlfriend approached you.
You took a step away from the stove and placed a hand on her cheek, smiling when you felt her arm curling around your waist before you leaned in to give her a quick peck. “Hi, babe. I'm glad you could make it.”
Florence was smiling when you put some distance between your faces, although your bodies were still touching. “And I brought the wine.” She pointed over her shoulder and then took a step to the side to face everyone else more easily.
“That is a damn good wine,” Jake whistled, clearly impressed, and earned himself a slap on his shoulder from Hannah, who also tried to quietly communicate with him to tone down his jokes for now.
Florence, who has heard all types of stories about your friends already, only smiled. She got closer to shake Ben’s hand first, over the counter since she had moved to stand beside you, before moving on to do it with everybody. “Hello, guys. I'm terribly sorry I’m late. I got stuck at work,” she told them, shaking Danny’s hand last. “I’m really sorry.”
“No worries,” Anne quickly appeased her worries with a wave of her hand. “We've all been there before. I’m Anne, by the way.”
She started a round of quick introductions that ended with Florence, in that cute way she usually did, saying: “Nice to meet you all, I’m Florence.” which, of course, made you grab her hand to put her close enough to press a kiss on her cheek. That was enough to get a small conversation going on between your friends while Florence returned to the stove with you. “Looks like you have everything under control. This looks great,” she said while looking inside the pan.
“I learned with the best,” you smiled and turned your head to look at her to see her smile but you ended up hearing her chuckle and receiving a kiss on your temple instead, which was totally fine to you.
“Sorry I wasn't here to help you before,” Florence whispered quietly.
“Stop beating yourself for that.”
She squeezed your waist where her hand was resting against you and kissed your head again. “I love you.” And, God, you had no idea if you would ever get used to hearing those words coming from her. “Go talk with your friends, I can take it from here.”
Florence knew how much you had waited for that dinner and how much you missed having all your friends over at the same time, and her offer made you very thankful for having someone as comprehensive as her beside you. Thanking her with a peck, you soon moved on to pour her some of the cheap wine that was left in the second bottle you guys were drinking before pouring the rest of it to yourself. You handed her the glass, heard her small “thank you”, and joined the conversation your friends were having.
They all made a clear effort to include Florence in the talk even if she was busy finishing dinner and, for that, you were also thankful. They were all receiving her with open arms to your group, something you were fairly sure was happening because you had told them all types of histories in the last seven months. You never hid how important she was to you, though you were sure they would’ve easily seen right through you if you had tried to pretend it was nothing.
Since you met Florence, your life has changed for the better. Being her girlfriend was the best thing that happened to you and you didn’t hold back while saying that to your friends. They were just now meeting her, but they all knew how much you loved her. Now, they got to see it in person too.
“When can we open the expensive wine?” You heard Jack asking when you and Anne were setting the table, and you both exchanged a look before rolling your eyes at your friend’s antics.
“Any time you like,” Florence laughed, stirring the food in the pan.
“You do it. I’m afraid I might break the bottle and be depressed for the rest of my life,” Jack replied and their easy conversation made you smile.
“Guess we’re giving you wine for Christmas,” Florence joked but, when you turned around to the kitchen again, she was already opening the wine while Jack waited with his glass already raised.
“Girl, you do that and you will become my favorite person in this group.”
“Traitor,” Hannah shoved him with a firm hand, making all of you laugh again.
“Darling, dinner is ready,” Florence told you once Jack grabbed the wine again.
“You heard the chef, folks,” you clapped your hands once. “To the table!”
While all of your friends found a place to sit - a bit squeezed together so you could all fit around the table - you went to help your girlfriend move the food to the plates so you could serve everyone. You were standing side by side in front of the stove when you moved your hip to bump into hers, biting your bottom lip to hold back your smile when she bumped you back.
“What?” She asked with her throaty chuckle.
“Nothing,” you replied with a shrug. “I’m just happy.”
Florence chuckled again and turned her head to kiss your cheek. “I’m always happy when I’m with you, so I’m not surprised by the confession I’m about to make.”
“What confession?” You played along with her teasing.
“I’m also happy,” she whispered as if telling you the biggest secret ever and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I love you,” you declared as a matter of fact as you kissed her quickly and moved to take the first two plates to the table.
It was a fact. A clear one, one that left no doubts. You loved Florence Pugh and you had never been happier than how you were feeling at that moment about to have dinner with your girlfriend and your friends.
As you walked over to the table and saw all of your small group smiling knowingly at you, you thought back about what Jack said about marriage before. You knew it was still too soon to think about it, not only in the relationship but also considering that both Florence and you were still pretty young, but you just knew that’s where you two were heading to. Apparently, all of your friends knew it as well.
“Here we go, darling,” Florence said as she walked behind you to hand two more plates.
“Guys, I don’t think I ever told you guys this, but Florence never played Monopoly before,” you found yourself saying suddenly and, just like you expected it to happen, they all jumped in to start voicing their disbelief about that little fact.
While they started making plans to play the game as soon as they were done eating, you returned to the kitchen, leaving Florence behind to deal with it, but not without kissing her again.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
i neeeeeeddd a part two to confidential 🥺🥺 maybe where matt gets in contact with reader to give her tickets to fly her out to the next show and she's his partner in the show. they win and he fucks her good after the show and finally kisses her. he asks her out on a date and shit and it's just so cute and rough and smutty.
Confidential Pt. 2
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt reaches out to Y/N after almost a year of not seeing each other. He purchases her tour tickets, and well brings her backstage 🤭
Warnings⚠️: This is Smut. There’s some spit and some hair pulling, and uhhh that’s it. It’s just SMUTTY SMUT SMUT🤞🏽
Song for the imagine: Confident- Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
There’s absolutely no way this is real….I have to be dreaming…..is the Matt Sturniolo DMing me on Instagram right now??
I rub my eyes and make sure this is actually him and not some fake account fucking with me.
-Hey Y/N….cant believe it’s been almost year since I last seen you
-Hey Matt….uh yeah it’s crazy. I seen you guys are about to go on tour again
-We are! I uh actually got you pre show small talk, photo op and backstage passes and tickets to fly out to our first show
-never! And you will be my partner this time….I don’t make the rules
That was about three weeks ago, and right now I was in LA getting ready for their first show that Matt paid for…..this is not real life AT ALL.
Pre show meet and greet started at 3:30, so I got there at around 1:30, and was just waiting around honestly so nervous to see Matt again
By the time I was called it was 4:30. I met Chris and Nick first, and immediately got so nervous meeting Matt
“Hiiii” I said giving him a hug
“Hello again! How have you been gorgeous” he said as he signed a poster for me
“I’ve been very good actually” I said
“That’s good. Can’t wait to see you backstage tonight” he said winking
“Oh…yeah I’m so excited too. We’ve been reunited” I said laughing
“God I miss your pretty face” he said smiling at me causing me to blush
“Shhh” I said rolling my eyes
“And the dress…..whew that dress looks so hot on you” he said looking me up and down
“Thanks matt” I said giving him one last hug
We did the photo op and now it was time to wait for the show to start, so like last time I chatted with some people got something to eat and drink, and just chilled
I was Matt’s partner so at some point they brought me backstage to meet the other two girls. The whole time I was competing I felt Matts eyes on me, and it was making me so fucking nervous.
However this gave him some confidence because we won the first show.
“I have to thank my amazing team member because without her I would’ve lost” he said into the mic
“Thank you LA for an amazing first show! While we set up for backstage enjoy our friend Tril!!” Chris said
After the show, and Tril performing it was time to line up for backstage, and I felt like I was going to throw up…we’ve been through this before why the fuck am I about to throw up
I was the last group once again….Im sure Matt did that
Once again I went in and spoke with Chris and Nick, and filmed a tik tok with Matt because even though I’m sure he was going to fuck my brains out….I needed this tik tok with him
“You know the drill, stay in the back, and I’ll come grab you” he said lowly to me
“Got it” I said smiling
I went back over to Chris and Nick, and chatted with them…I wonder if they knew Matt blew my back out last tour….probably but oh well
“Alright guys! Thank you so much for supporting us and coming out here! Hope to see you guys at our next one” Nick said waving bye to everyone
This time the after show photo op was after backstage, so Matt’s security guard brought me back to another room like last tour, and I just sat in there
Me and my thoughts running wild, and I was so fucking anxious
About an hour and a half later I heard the door opening, and Matt came in locking the door behind him
“There’s that beautiful girl” he said winking at me
“You’re too kind” I said waving my hand at him
“Do you know why I brought you back here?” He asked me
“If it’s not to fuck me….then we have some issues” I said running my tongue along my teeth
“Ouu she knows what she wants….I like that” he said winking at me
“Well I assume that’s why you did what you did. You want to fuck again” I said
“Of course I do. Couldn’t get enough of that pussy” he said walking over to me
He ran his fingers along my bottom lip
“Oh Matt” I said sighing
“I need you so bad, you’re all I thought about these past 10 months” he said licking his lips
“Well I’m here, and I need you bad too” I said smirking at him
He leaned down ghosting his lips over mine
“Well come on then baby” he said before pulling pack, and helping me stand up
“I would love for you to suck my dick again, but I want nothing more than to fuck the shit out of you right now” he said leaning me up against the table
“Fuck Matt” I said moaning at his words
Matt started to kiss my neck to my collar bone, and then looked at me
“I hope you know-“ I cut him off
“Yeah yeah no kissing I got it” I said rolling my eyes, he looked at me and laughed. Going back to kissing my neck
“Fuck Matt I need you now” I said running my hands through his hair as he kissed my neck
“I know baby” he said
Matt then pulled away and helped me hike up my dress. Ghosting his hand over my pussy
“Oh” I sighed
He got down and started kissing my stomach all the way to my clothed pussy. He slowly slid my underwear down
“Fuckkkk” he said biting his lip
“So fucking sexy” he said looking up at me
Before I could answer he delved straight into my pussy, attacking my clit, licking sucking….just doing it all
“SHITTTT MATT” I moaned out my hands immediately going to his hair and pulled causing him to moan into my pussy
He was lapping at me, from my entrance backup to my clit. His nose bumping into my clit
“Fuck Matt I’m going to cum if you keep doing this” I said to him biting my lip
He pulled away and looked at me
“You’re cumming on my dick” he said before backing away
Matt brought his hand up and smacked my pussy causing me to shudder and whine out. He rubbed my pussy to soothe the ache, and then spat down onto my pussy
He pulled his dick out slowly stroking it
“You make me so hard” he said looking me up and down
Matt came up to me and started to rub his dick up and down my pussy
“Oh god” I said letting my head fall back
Slowly he started to push the tip in causing us both to gasp at the feeling
“Fuck I missed this” He said running his hands over my body
“Your dick feels so good….none like this back home” I said moaning
“Oh you fuck other guys?” He said as he bottomed out
“One other guy, but that’s it” I said
“I’m not sure that I like that” he said thrusting into me
“Fuckkkk…..I’m sorry baby I was just so horny and chasing after someone who could fuck like you” I said moaning out
“And they couldn't, right?” He asked panting
“They couldn’t” I said throwing my head back
“Good” he responded
And with that his hips snapped into me, pounding into me at such a delicious rate. All that could be heard was our moaning, the table creaking and skin slapping together
“Oh god Matt” I moaned out lifting my head up to look at him
“This pussy was made for me. You just take me so well” he said as he thrusted into me
As he kept pounding into me he looked ahead of him and saw a full length mirror
“Ohh baby I want you to watch me fuck you” he said biting his lip
He flipped us over, so my stomach was against the table, and he was pounding me from the back
“Look at yourself” he said pulling my hair make me look into the mirror
“Fuck” I said as my jaw dropped as I watched Matt watching us fucking in the mirror
He kept looking into the mirror the whole time while pounding into me
I was clenching down on him nearing my orgasm
“You gonna cum baby?” He asked while panting
“Yes yes yes please” I said looking at him through the mirror
“Whenever you want…go ahead and cum” he said while gripping onto my hair and furiously pounding into me
“FUCK MATT IM GOING TO CUM” I screamed out as I clenched down on him
He kept pounding into me, and suddenly I was shuddering, my mouth fell open as I looked into his eyes while I came all over his cock. Brows furrowed as I shook with ecstasy
“Mmm so fucking good to me” he said grunting as he kept thrusting
“I’m gonna cum baby” he said and suddenly pulled out
Stroking his dick a few times before he painted the back of my thighs in his cum. Moaning and staring into my eyes through the mirror…..god this was so fucking hot
After we caught our breaths he pulled his pants back up. Walking over to the counter and grabbing napkins before wiping me down
He helped me up, and picked up my underwear for me handing them to me
“Keep them” I said winking at him as I shimmed my dress down
“I like the way you think” he said before pocketing them
He was looking at me for a moment before he suddenly pulled me in crashing his lips to mine. Sparks and explosions were going off in my stomach
He pulled away
“I thought you didn’t kiss” I said licking my lips
“I didn’t, but you’re different” he said smiling at me
“I’m glad” I said fixing my hair
“Hey, we have two days to kill in LA. Could I maybe take you on a date?” He asked me
“I’d love that” I said
“Good. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon. We can do lunch” he said
“Sounds great” I told him
We actually walked out together this time, and went our separate ways when we got to the exit door
“See you tomorrow” he said
“See you tomorrow” I said back winking at him before walking off
The End
Hope yall enjoyed this one, and I can’t believe I’m at 397 followers this is insane 🖤🖤
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piichuu · 9 months
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“don’t be so nervous, ‘gumi. it’s our friends, nothing new,” you squeeze his hand as the two of you are standing outside the restaurant. he’s been fidgeting with his fingers ever since the two of you left to walk to where you are now gonna meet your friends. “i know, i just haven’t seen some of them in a while now, so it feels a little weird.”
you place a kiss to his cheek and flash him a sweet smile. “it’s gonna go well, i promise,” he nods and takes a deep breath before the two of you finally enter the restaurant where your friends are already sitting. nobara, yuji, maki, panda, yuta, toge, satoru, suguru, kento, shoko, everyone’s here.
their eyes turn to the two of you and gojo is quick to get up from his seat, opening his arms up to embrace megumi first. “i’m so glad you’re here!” he speaks before turning to you, pulling you in for a hug as well. “thank you for coming here, i’m really happy that you of all people is his girlfriend now-“ “we’re not-“ megumi tries but gojo shakes his head. “don’t try to avoid the obvious.”
he leads you towards the table where everyone is sitting, talking to one another as they’re waiting for waiters to arrive with the menu. “i’ve missed you so much,” maki says as she wraps her arms around you to pull you in for a hug. megumi who’s been by your side for days now sits down in the middle of you and gojo who begins to talk to the nervous boy in an instant.
you giggle as maki holds you tightly and yuta who’s beside her taps on the shoulder. “you’re gonna squeeze her to dea-“ “i don’t care, i’ve been without her for days now, i’ve been so sad without you. not even yuta has been able to cheer me up,” she whines and yuta rolls his eyes but smiles as he watches his two best friends reuniting again.
“it’s been a long time since i’ve seen you megumi, have you been doing okay?” geto asks from the other side of the table and megumi nods, slightly smiling. “yeah, i’ve been doing good,” he replies, immediately searching for your hand to hold as eyes are already landing on him, wanting answers to their questions after not have seen him for a long time.
a waiter comes to the table with plenty of menus in hand. maki eventually lets go of you to look at the different choices of food, but megumi keeps holding onto your hand as he gazes down at the many meals that are written down on the pages.
“are you feeling okay?” you whisper, squeezing his hand as reassurance while he nods, the corners of his lips slowly curling up into a small smile. you reflect the smile on his face and press a quick kiss to his cheek while he looks back down at the menu.
after everyone has made their orders, it’s back to talking with one another again, but you can’t help yourself from glancing towards the kitchen every once in a while as they’re preparing the food for as many people as you are at the table and a few more who are spread out throughout the restaurant.
“i’m hoping you’ll come back to class now, y/n. maki has been a little too annoying for her own good when you haven’t been there,” gojo says which causes maki’s ears to perk up. “are you saying that, satoru? the most annoying man of all,” she speaks and the man with bright blue eyes puts a hand to his chest, acting offended. “me? annoying? i think you’ve got the wrong man.”
“nope, definitely the right man,” shoko speaks, nanami chiming in with a light chuckle. gojo gives both of them a glare, but that look on his face doesn’t stay for long as the food finally arrives.
yuji who’s sitting further away by the table smiles brightly as he receives the food he ordered and looks towards megumi. “you ordered this too, right? this is what we always eat when we come here,” the smile on his face never vanishes and the boy beside you nods as he also gets the food he ordered placed in front of him. he thanks the waiter before looking back at yuji. “of course, how could i not?”
everyone eats their food as laughter is exchanged during conversations. megumi has let go of your hand now that he’s eating, but his mind seems more at peace now that he’s finally back around his friend and once again gets to socialize after so many days in his dorm. he may have been outside sometimes, but that has definitely not been enough for him.
perhaps things are truly getting better, you are however aware of the fact that the depressive episodes will most likely come back sometime, but when they once again appear, you will be there to support him and not allow him to push you away again. it’s all gonna be okay again and things are not too good to be true, this is how it’s supposed to be.
“are you okay?” megumi suddenly asks, ripping you out of your thoughts as you soon realize that you must have been staring at him for a good while. there’s a smile on his lips and his eyes are kind, just like they always are when he looks at you. “yeah, i’m good, ‘gumi. are you okay?” he nods and leans in to kiss your forehead. “better than ever.”
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PAIRING: fushiguro megumi x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: itadori yuji is behind the account “the one and only cupid” where others in tokyo can anonymously ship two people they think should get together. what happens when you’re suddenly shipped with fushiguro megumi whom you’ve never talked to before and why do you all of a sudden have to see him in the school hallway every single day?
WARNINGS: none i think
AUTHOR’S NOTE: thank you so much for reading this smau and for all the love i’ve been given. my writing hasn’t been the best and many chapters have been rushed, but i’m happy to see that it has still seemed enjoyable! i will take a break from smaus for a while now but might make a new one in the future! i hope you will keep reading my works and once again thank you for the love on this smau <333
TAG LIST (CLOSED): @krissyoxox @kaitfae @kitorin @mysuperrainbow @hanmasdolly @kasumitenbaz @yuzurins @tsukishimarawr @stardusthyuck @satoruskitchenrag @lvryeager @hellothere9597 @pumpkindudeishere @dailyghosting @chillichopsticks @jaynawayna @mave-in @hisheadismountfuji @whatamidoing89 @flwrdia @livelaughloveisagiyoichi @usermins @marga-j @kennmaii @rintarousgirl @moonmalice @matchablossomsss @saiewithakatana @adhdduckie @bluekryptonitepatrol @saturn-alone @theweirdfloatything @7haze @buggy-cj @giannitaa @itoshiexx @aeongiies @becsmarvel @sukisprettyface @haitani-22 @mellozhi @satoryaa @ris-krispie @coastalll @jjkwritingss @rijhi @nerdybananabeliever @yourmumsthings @jtoddwife
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spqcebunsforever · 9 months
Finally Reunited
Pairing: LA Buggy x Reader
Summary: Y/n and Buggy used to be best friends when they were little but time split them apart but because Y/n is a part of a crew that contains a certain stretchy pirate who stole something that the clown pirate wants he and Y/n will be reuniting sooner rather than later.
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Y/n's Pov
Me and Luffy have known each other from the very beginning. I was friends with Shanks and for some reason, Luffy admired him so he and I got very friendly and I grew to be very fond of the boy. Luffy since he was very little had always said that he wanted to be a pirate and join Shanks crew but he would always get turned down and always for the same reasons. I was there when he tried to poke his eye out to show how determined he was to be a pirate. I along with Shanks got him cleaned up and bandaged after it was tough trying to get him to realize that he was only a child and children couldn't be pirates.
I also remember the day Shanks had gone away to try to find the one piece he had come to say goodbye to me after he had spoken to Luffy and I remember him saying how devastated he was that he was never coming back. Shanks had always been brave even when we were growing up but along with that, he had always been stupid as well. "I can't believe you are going to really do this it's like you have a death wish" he just gave me a small smile "Yeah but just think about how cool I'll be when I find it". With tears in my eyes, I gave him the tightest hug I could give. I knew that this would maybe be the last hug that we ever share so I wanted to at least make it different from the rest.
A few years later Luffy had come up to me and told me that he was leaving to become a pirate and that he was going to create a crew and find the one piece. I was not about to let this boy that I had grown so fond of just leave so I packed all my stuff and told him that he had his first crew member. His smile was huge when I told him I was coming with him and that's what we did set off to go find the one piece. And that brings us to the present with Luffy jumping around on this boat that we stole and Nami trying to get the map to the grand line out of the safe.
When she finally opened the safe Luffy couldn't have been happier. Nami opened up the map and we all looked at it Zoro who had been taking a nap in the back had also come out to check out what was going on. Luffy asked Nami where exactly the grand line was so we followed her to the back so she could explain but while she was explaining we all heard bangs. Our first thoughts were that the Marines had caught up to us but when we got on the deck to see what was going on instead of cannon balls hitting us it was red smoke. Before I could even think about what was happening I felt my body go stiff and fall to the ground.
When I woke up I realized that I was on a bed and a very comfy one. Once my eyes had fully opened and were adjusted to the light I started looking around the room. It was a very nice room it had lots of gold stuff all around it, it looked like whoever owned the room was trying to impress someone. Before I could take another look around I heard the door creak open and I immediately moved back into the bed getting ready if I needed to fight. What I didn't expect to see was blue hair and a red nose from someone who I hadn't seen in years.
Buggy came into the room with a straight face I didn't like that whenever I had seen him he had always worn a smile but now it was completely different. "Ah, your awake good" I just continued staring at him so confused "Buggy is that you?". He walked further into the room and shut the door "Oh so you remember my name I'm surprised I thought you would have forgotten". I just again shot him a confused look "Of course I didn't forget your name why would you think that". His mood immediately changed from straight-faced and calm to rage "Why because you left me to go with Shanks!". I felt my eyes open in shock "What you know that's not true I didn't leave you for Shanks".
"Yes you did you left me for Shanks and betrayed me and to think that I ever liked you!" He realized what he had said and for a second we just stared at each other both our faces pink. Buggy put his hands over his face and slid down the bottom of the bed frame trying to hide himself. I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face he was still buggy.
I carefully moved closer to the bed frame still sitting on the bed. "Hey, you remember when we were little and we used to see how much food we could steal without getting caught by the chef". He didn't say anything but I knew he was listening "I remember because one night you had stolen 3 cookies from the boat's kitchen and I really wanted to beat you so I went down and tried to steal 4 but that's all that was left so in the morning the chef was so angry because he knew someone had stolen and before I could confess even though you knew I had done it you said you had done it and got toilet duty".
He still wasn't responding "Or I remember when you tried to open a door for me when we were younger but instead of opening you hit me with it and I ended up with a nose bleed and you started acting like I was dying asking if I was going to faint or if I was going to puke remember you carried me back to my bed after that as well you told everyone you didn't care but that night you brought me soup to make me feel better".
I started giggling at the memory but he still hadn't moved from his position hiding at the bottom of the bed frame. I started to think of something that I could say and then it hit me. "But my favorite memory from when we were little was when we were stargazing on the ship I think that one is my favorite because that night was actually the night I admitted to myself that I liked you". I felt my face again turn pink finally admitting that to him but I heard him move and his head popped up making eye contact with me.
"Is that true did you really like me". I just playfully rolled my eyes "Yes of course I liked you and listen I'm really sorry if I made you feel like I ditched you for Shanks and I'm sorry that I left you in general I should have stayed with you". Buggy then moved onto the bed with me sitting in front of me. "As long as you say you like me more than Shanks I will forgive you". I touched his cheek with my right hand "I like you way more than I like Shanks hell Bugs I love you". He accepted my touch and put his hand on mine. "Now could you please tell me where the rest of my crew are" Buggy rolled his eyes "Why are you a part of their crew come join mine we can be happy just us together".
I really thought about it I really did but I had to shake my head. "Not now bugs I need to make sure that he stays safe if the offer still stands in the future I'll of course join but I just need to make sure that he doesn't kill himself first". Buggy looked a little bummed but still gave me a smile "The offer will always stand for you no matter what". I gave him a quick peck on the cheek "Well now please show me to my crew so we can as nicely as we can kick your butt". Buggy got up and opened the door for me and this time I didn't get hit. As we were walking out buggy put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a smirk. "Yeah, I'd like to see you try sweetheart".
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shionstepsonboys · 4 months
| ! Poem ahead ! |
(for post Shibuya accident Nanami where he has become incredibly insecure of his looks. And you readers made a lil poem for him which led to one thing and another c;)
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"Everything about you, I was born to love. Just your gaze in my direction can be oh so breathtaking, so never think that I will ever want to look away from you. All your imperfections, I will kiss, So that the gods above can envy my lips. Never doubt yourself for I come to you for inspiration; My muse, my beloved.
Perfect just the way you are, everyone is bound to admire- Your very existence that has brought me to where the gods above reside. So please, let me kiss your tears away and you shall continue to shine for endless todays."
Tears swelled up from the corner of your husband's eyes, his hands softly trembling from his feelings completely overwhelming him. "elskede.."
Ever since that terrible accident, he was left with nothing but trauma and a hideous burn that completely enveloped the side of his face- Or so he thought.
It had taken a lot of time for Kento to become fully comfortable with your presence once again. He knew better than to jump into conclusions that you were going to stop loving him once you saw his new appearance. But still, he had trouble accepting that his once fair skin now turned into burnt, red and flaky outer layer of his body.
But of course, just like the person he chose to love, you always exceeded his expectations. He already prepared himself for the look of horror he'll receive from you once you saw him. But he was met with a longing gaze, eyes that cared deeply for their lover, it was.. full of love.
You immediately almost went in and jumped right at him if he hadn't caught you in time. Your hands immediately wrapped around his neck and pulled him to the tightest hug filled with such intense longing for him.
He felt all the pain, the trauma, suffering, doubts and troubles lift almost immediately once he was finally engulfed in your warm, familiar hug. He felt like bursting into tears when he finally felt the comfort he sought after all these months. It was priceless
His lips immediately clashed with yours, it was hungry and desperate, but so were you. You immediately reciprocated and felt the charred texture of his lips, but you paid no mind. The important thing was that your husband was finally home, and that was all that matters.
You didn't know how or when you got carried to your shared bedroom, but you found yourself laying down on the warm familiar mattress with his presence enveloping you.
Your desperation and longing won against your rationality and you found yourself pinning your husband to the bed, placing both his arms above his head before kissing him roughly yet passionately.
For the first time in months, Kento felt wanted, craved for, loved for. The way you looked at him never changed, you still loved him even when he looked like this. You truly were someone he would never ever let go of.
Clothes were thrown and kisses were shared as the two lovers finally reunited and loved each other in each other's arms. It was a precious moment in time that Kento could never afford to forget. That night, he swore to the heavens above that this person, was the first and last person he'll ever love.
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frost-queen · 10 months
I was promised to you (Reader x Geralt of Rivia)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia,  @elllie-does-the-posts, @alex--awesome--22, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @imagines-by-her, @vviolynn, @melsunshine,  @evilcr0ne,
Summary: You are Ciri's older sister and promised to Geralt. When you get seperated from your sister after Cintra get's attacked you are saved by your guardian who you are hesitant off at first. Not liking each other at first, you begin to warm up to one another. Finally reunited with your sister she teases you for liking Geralt leaving you flustered. Geralt and you confront each other in an heated discussion which leads to an intimat kiss. [I changed the end approach a tiny bit]
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“Cirilla!” – you screamed out the moment the impact hit. Bricks crumbling down, crashing down hard. Cirilla fell back. You immediately started scooping up bricks to clear your path to her. – “Are you hurt? Cirilla are you hurt?” – you called out in a panic, throwing bricks behind you. – “No…” – hearing her faint voice made your heart ease just a little bit. The bricks rolled down making you jump aside before they could hurt your feet. – “Cirilla!” – lifting your head up you saw your sister. You went across, throwing your arms around her. She hugged you tight back panting at what was happening around her.
“We…we have to leave.” – you told her taking her by the hand. Cirilla nodded as you led her on. Cintra was under attack, and you needed to leave the castle and city immediately. Hearing a scream or agony followed by a soldier stumbling in sight at the end of the corridor with a sword inside of him made you stop frantically. The one who had stabbed him came in sight as well, kicking the soldier out of balance.
The soldier tumbled to the ground as his blood smeared the stone floor. – “Close your eyes.” – you told your little sister not wanting her to see it. Cirilla squeezed her eyes shut, clamping onto you. Knowing you couldn’t stay here, you searched for a way out before they would notice you. On your right there was a door as you took the rash decision of opening it.
Quickly shutting it behind you. Cirilla let go of you while you barricaded the door with some chairs. Sounds from outside filling the empty space. Cirilla slowly walked up to the open window gap hearing the commotions louder. Her eyes widened with fear the closer she got. Screams of terror and slashes reaching her ears. Standing close enough she gasped loud, covering her mouth with a hand at the sight of the fires. Everything burning as the smoke reached the skies rapidly.
“Cirilla!” – you called out not seeing her around you immediately. The moment you spotted her, you ran up to her. Turned her around whilst covering up her eyes with your hand. – “Don’t look at that!” – you said loudly. Staring out of the window as well, you suddenly felt your palm wettened. Lifting your hand off her eyes it was clear she was crying. Kneeling down in front of her, you wiped some tears away. – “Don’t be afraid Cirilla. We’ll make it.” – you reassured her.
The loud banging on the door startled you. Cirilla panicked as you jumped up. The thumping got louder. The wooden door splintering. – “Y/n!” – Cirilla cried out tugging at your hand. Having to think quick, you looked around the room. The room was very simple. A table, some chairs, a fallen closet, and a bed.
The thought came so naturally you rushed up to the bed. Grabbing the blankets in a haste. Returning to your sister you almost fell tripping over a blanket that brushed the floor. – “Take these!” – you told her shoving them in her arms. Cirilla was staring in a panic at you. – “Start tying them!” – you ordered under the command of thuds on the door. You knew the chairs weren’t going to hold that door forever. Cirilla started to tie the ends of the blankets to one another. There was no time to be certain if it was long enough or even strong enough to hold you.
Grabbing the blankets frantically you were finding the end of the knotted one’s. With a soft pant you held the free end up. – “Keep tying!” – you told her as you rushed to the bed. Tying the free end around the pole. – “Done!” – Cirilla said out of breath. The thumping got louder and more rapid as it made you hurry over to her. Taking the knotted blankets from her you threw them out of the window. The fabric fell gracefully in place. – “Ciri!” – you grabbed her by the shoulder shoving her forwards. – “Go down now!” – you ordered her being chased by the loud banging.
“Wha…what about you?” – she wondered as you practically shoved her out of the window. – “I’ll be right behind you.” – you replied helping her out of the window. Cirilla held on tight to the blankets, hanging out of the window. – “Hold on tight, go down and run as fast as you can. I’ll be right behind you.” – you reassured her. Cirilla nodded with teary eyes. You watched her slowly go down. The door got kicked in as it made you gasp loud.
Two soldiers rushed at you, grabbing you forcefully by the arms. – “No!” – you screamed out kicking your feet for freedom. – “Y/n!” – Cirilla cried out wanting to climb back up. – “Go!” – you shouted loud as you were getting dragged away. – “Save yourself!” – fighting against their grip. The last thing you saw was Cirilla’s frightful eyes peeking over the window watching you get taken away. She nearly fell down from screaming in terror. Underneath of her Cintra was burning. The city was burning, and she needed to get out quickly. Sobbing loud she lowered herself till she came at the end of the blankets.
There was nothing else to do then jump. She let go of the blankets with a gasp, falling down. She imagined she’d break her bones once hitting the ground. Yet the hard impact never came. Instead of bruising herself on the cobblestone she got caught by sturdy arms. The person who caught her going briefly through their knees from impact. Opening her eyes she met up with two yellow one’s. The man stared briefly back at her as if trying to recall something. After a few seconds he set her down. Just as easily as he had caught her, he put her down for only to take his leave.
“Wait!” – Cirilla called out impulsively. The man kept walking not taking a moment to stop and hear her out. – “Who are you?” – she said loudly going after him. When she rounded the corner there was no sight of him. Not far ahead of her neighed a horse loud as fell to the ground, the soldier on it crushed underneath the weight. Cirilla gasped loud, turning quickly around to avoid getting taken by two soldiers that had come to take Cintra. She started running. Running like she’s never done before. Heading straight for the woods.
Geralt grunted deep walking casually between the fights. None affecting him as they were occupied with fighting each other. He kept eyeing both sides in search of something. A soldier had broken free from the fight coming his way. Geralt drew his sword slashing the soldier down before it could even come near him. Ashes falling from the sky as it had turned a dark orange. The smell of burnt and dead lurking around every corner. There much not much left of the courtyard as he looked around. Grunting again he pushed on making his way through the smoke.
The two Nilfgaard soldiers kept dragging you through the corridors. – “Let me go!” – you shouted fighting with every might for freedom. They rounded the end of a corridor as you heard the faint sound of an arrow. The soldier on your left loosened his grip on you making you turn to look at him. An arrow had penetrated his neck as it made you scream loud. Before he could drop to the ground, the other one was taken care of as well. Both dropped lifeless to the ground. A pair of hands grabbing you.
You flinched, panicked, screaming loud in defense, and jumping around for the hands to let go of you. You got pushed against the stone wall, a hand silencing you. – “Shhht princess.” – the man spoke as you recognized him from the council. – “We have to get you out of here.” – he said lowly removing his hand. He grabbed you roughly by the arm, guiding you through the castle. – “Where is your sister? Where is princess Cirilla?” – he asked wanting to know her whereabouts. – “She’s out… I got her out.” – you told him. – “Let us pray she is unharmed.” – he whispered pulling you through a door.
With his help you managed to get outside. – “I’ll go fetch a horse, stay here.” – he said getting in motion. – “Wait!” – you shout-whispered pulling him to a stop. – “You can’t leave me here alone. I am defenseless.” – you made very clear. The man pulled out a dagger handing it to you. – “Pray you may never need to use it.” – he said before heading off leaving you alone in the dark.
Stumbling a bit as if you were about to pass out, you felt the adrenaline leave your body. The dagger in your hand you looked up to the skies as they burned. You so hoped Cirilla would be alright. You didn’t care for your own life as long as your sister lived. You jumped out of your skin, holding the dagger tight for only the man to return with a horse. – “Princess get on.” – he ordered. You hurried over getting on the horse. The man didn’t sit behind you as you thought. – “Are… are you not coming with me?” – you asked scared.
The man shook his head. – “You’ll be faster on your own.” -  he said forcing you to grab onto the reins. – “But… I… I…” – you stuttered out unable to find the words. – “You have to leave Cintra, princess!” – he called out slapping the horse. The horse neighed loud startling you. The horse ran off as you clamped onto the reins for dear life. The horse sprinted off leaving the castle grounds behind it.
A soldier tried to come up to you but got knocked back by the horse. You felt like the horse was more leading you then you were leading it. It galloped around avoiding any obstacles. The closer you got to the city, the crowder it became. Gasping loud you heard another set of neighs. Looking over your shoulder a soldier in all black came in pursuit.
Running underneath an archway your eyes met up with a man going in the opposite direction. The contact was brief as he passed by like a blur. More soldiers began to swarm around you making the horse search frantically for a way out. It knocked some soldiers over whilst running off. You got bounced around as the horse kept making sudden moves and change of directions. A line of Nilkgaard soldiers blocked your way, swaying with fire at your horse. The fire made your horse threw you off his back, hitting the ground hard.
You called out to the horse, but it ran off. The soldiers came swirling around you, closing in on you. You got up to your feet with shaky legs, holding the dagger with a tremble. – “Stay back!” – you said trying to sound bravely slashing the dagger around to keep them away. The pressure of a hand on your shoulder made you flinch, screaming frightened. Having spun around there was another hand on your shoulder. You tried moving away from it as a hand clenching around the back of your neck held you in place.
You got pulled back feeling the fingers squeeze into your skin. – “Look what I got!” – the one holding you said laughable. – “I have the princess!” – you kept squirming your body to break free. Before you knew it there were several hands grabbing at you. Tugging and tearing at your clothing to get a piece of you. – “I’ll kill her!” – you heard a voice say but couldn’t see who was speaking. Calling it out you got suffocated under the swarm of soldiers.
Their armor thick and heavy. The slashing of a sword filled your ears as it seemed to give you some breathing area. The hands were slowly letting go of you one by one. You couldn’t see what was happening it was if a shadow was moving across. Slaying your enemies one by one. Swords clashed in a continuing battle. Screams of pain left and right. Gasping loud you pushed the few remaining hands off you. Sudden silence as you opened your eyes. Getting up you could see your enemies slayed. Their bodies scattered around. Slowly turning round your eyes fell upon a soldier… no a man kneeling.
His sword dangling in his grip covered in blood. He slowly lifted his head to meet up with your gaze. Eyes as bright as yellow staring back at you. Your eyes widened at the blood on his face. Not entirely sure what his intentions were you took a run for it. He could’ve easily killed them to walk away with the credit of killing you himself. Looking over your shoulder, you saw that he was coming after you. Screaming loud it panicked you that he was. Making your way out of the city and towards the forest.
He was closing in on you, heart beating out of control. Panting loud you kept running till. Your foot hit something hard forcing your body to get flung forwards as you tripped. A quick scream filled the air before you fell to the ground. You rolled over gasping loud when the man came leaning down on you. Hands pressed beside your head. Afraid you started scratching your hands around.
“Stop!” – he grunted out grabbing for your hands with one of his own. – “Let me go!” – you called out not wanting to die like this. – “I’m not going to hurt you!” – he called out with a deepness in his voice. You still didn’t believe him, using your feet instead. He groaned when you hit his stomach. – “I’m saving your ass!” – he called out rudely having enough of your protest. – “As if I would believe you.” – you replied loudly using your hands to punch him on his shoulder. He removed himself from you getting up. You hadn’t heard the soldier come up, but he did.
He drove his sword inside of the soldier. You got up when he pulled it out hesitant if you could take a run for it. Before you even took two steps he grabbed you by the wrist, dragging you with him. You started slapping his hand to get it off your wrist. – “Let me go!” – you groaned annoyed as he only tightened his grip. – “No!” – he shouted roughly in your face. It made you swallow and turn to silence. – “Who are you!” – you wanted to know. He didn’t answer till he was in the woods with you.
You blinked surprised seeing a horse tied up by a branch. He untied the reins ordering you to get up. – “Not before you tell me who you are!” – crossing your arms you demanded answers first. He sighed loud briefly looking up. – “Geralt.” – he answered gesturing for you to get on the horse. So you went saddling up. – “Wait… do you mean Geralt as in Geralt of Rivia the witcher?” – you asked as he got on the horse behind you.
You swallowed nervously when he rounded his arm around you to get to the reins. He remained silence as the horse got in motion. – “I am princess Y/n.” – you told him. – “I know.” – he grunted out making you scoff. – “Well of course you know I was promised to you.” – you said out loud as Geralt quirked his eyebrow up. – “All my life I’ve been told about the witcher I was promised to.” – you continued till a sudden thought crossed your mind. – “Does this mean I am to be your wife?” – you questioned bluntly. – “No.” – he responded with force.
A bit offended you crossed your arms. – “Good, because I didn’t want to be your wife in the first place.” – you responded bothered. Annoyed you kept silent till you couldn’t help yourself but speak. – “So if I was promised to you does this mean you are like a guardian to me?” – you asked. He only hummed once clearly not eager to talk with you. Admittingly you got a bit excited about that. – “Does this mean you have to get things done for me?” – you went on. – “If that is the case I don’t have much to ask for just.” – you moved your hand forward to start counting on it.
“One find my sister for me, two a new place to live and three can… can you find me a lover?” – you requested. Geralt huffed loud. – “I’m not your errand boy.” – he responded. – “But as my guardian you can make those things happen. I don’t ask much. If you can a few done of these I’d be happy.” – you happily expressed. Geralt came closer to your ear, whispering in it. – “No.” – his breath tickled making you rub your ear. – “Guardian… pfft guardian my ass…” – you mumbled to yourself.
“Y/n!” – Ciri screamed out at the sight of you. Your breath shocked seeing your sister run over to you. – “Cirilla!” – you screamed back getting up frantically. Tears swelled up in your eyes as you ran over to her. Arms wide to greet her in a warm hug. Ciri crashed against your body, wrapping her arms around you. Feeling the warmth of her body against yours made you cry. Geralt slowly rose and approached slowly. Ciri and you stopped hugging. – “I didn’t think I would ever see you again.” – you told her wiping your tears away.
“How did you make it out? Survive for all those months?” – you asked wanting to know every detail. Ciri’s eye fell on Geralt behind you. – “Oh.” – she said surprised pointing at him. Her surprise made you look over your shoulder to him as well. Geralt bowed for Ciri. – “He…he caught me when I fell out of the window.” – she said. – “He did?” – you responded to her seeing her nod. – “That is Geralt my guardian. Remember everyone talking about that promise. Well it is true. I am promised to him.” – you explained to your sister.
She smiled at him. – “He’s handsome.” – she whispered to you. – “Maybe a bit.” – you whispered back teasingly. – “Oh it is so good to be reunited with you.” – you took her hands leading her to the fire crackling. You sat her down on a log as you sat on the one close to her. – “Where… where have you been sister? How… how did you find me?”
Ciri took a deep breath looking a bit away. – “I’ve been lonely without you.” – she said softly. – “Your promise kept me strong. The promise that we would meet again.” – she reminded you. Geralt puffed soft finding it the silliest thing ever. – “Don’t mind him he’s like that.” – you told your sister ignoring him. Geralt glared briefly your way making your sister giggle loud. You looked over your shoulder with a glance full of attitude at him. Ciri looked between the two of you smiling shyly. – “Y/n.” – she patted you on the knee for your attention. – “Did he save you?” – she asked as it made you look shyly down.
“I did.” – Geralt replied making you look annoyed behind you to him. – “She was helpless even with a dagger. Couldn’t even stab someone properly.” – he continued. – “Oh, did you have a dagger?” – Ciri called out. You hummed loud turning towards her. – “Someone from the council gave it to me for protection.” – you told her completely ignoring Geralt. Feeling a bit left out, he started to mingle himself in the conversation. – “I am the one that brought up the dagger, so why are you talking to her.” – he didn’t mean to sound desperate but it kind of showed.
Ciri only smiled further noticing how smitten he clearly was with you. You sighed loud. – “People who are in each other’s presence can conversate with each other.” – you told him without looking at him. – “People?” – Geralt responded funnily. – “You aren’t here with one single person. Look at me too and Roach.” – he called out finding you unbelievable. You turned more to your sister. – “So how did you find me?” – you asked her again. – “What did you say again?” – Geralt said bothered. – “How dare you mock me like that when I’ve been so tolerant towards you ever since I saved you.” – he continued in a deep voice. Ciri pressed her lips together to hide her wide smile as you got up to face him.
“Who’s fault do you think it is I was promised and got this stupid cut.” – you said to him annoyed. Geralt leaned in pulling your hair up to reveal the cut in your neck. – “What do you mean stupid cut? It’s pretty.” – he answered loudly letting go of your hair. You gasped loud, touching your hair. – “Did you just hit me on the head?” – you called out as he smiled sarcastically at you. – “I think you like him.” – Ciri teased. You shot her a glare for teasing you like that. – “I think you should be nicer to him.” – she added as Geralt smiled her way.
“He was like that from the start towards me!” – you told her. – “You are not to be my wife! I am not your guardian!” – you started listing them up. – “You thought you were nice to me when you said those things back.” – you continued sarcastically. – “I said all that for your sake.” – Geralt replied. – “If you really want what’s best for me go find me a lover!” – you shouted at him. – “A new place to live and a lover. What kind of promised guardian are you even!” – you started listing again counting on your fingers.
“Your lover is right here.” – Geralt answered loudly. – “Where? Where I don’t see him!” – you replied looking around as if one would appear. – “Right here! In front of you, me!” – he shouted pointing firm at himself. Your eyes widened at the sudden confession as a flush went up your cheeks. He was panting loudly staring harshly at you. Ciri felt like interrupting, so she kept quiet and turned away. Geralt laid his hands against your cheeks, pulling you close. Heart beating loudly he brought your lips to his.
The moment his lips kissed yours, you surrendered completely to him. The kiss was soft at first till he demanded more. Kissing you rougher as you just had to follow his pace. He only stopped kissing you when Ciri cleared her throat loud. – “As I was saying you like him.” – she told you with a wide smile. You could throw something at her for being so obvious.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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jordanswwe · 7 months
you’re perfect
grayson waller x reader
summary: y/n and grayson are bestfriends, until it turns into something more. with a fight breaking out, a love confession arouses.
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y/n and grayson have been bestfriends since grayson had been on survivor. they met through indi hartwell. it was a windy day and indi was having a celebration on winning one of the most prestigious titles on the independence scene. y/n finally arrived to the party and that’s when she saw him.
when y/n walked inside, grayson’s attention immediately went to her. she was the most beautiful human he’d ever seen. he decided to keep it cool though and not make it known.
“hello beautiful” he said to her. with his shoe in his hand. you had remembered that indi told you one of their friends were obsessed with doing shoeys.
“mind passing me one of your shoes, i would use mine but shit cost money” she said laughing.
grayson handed her his other shoe and laughed at what y/n just said. “i love your humor lad.”
grayson and y/n hung out the whole night. doing shoeys, talking, and exchanging numbers. indi saw all of this and she was very intrigued.
“we’ll i have to get going, but it was lovely getting to know you y/n” grayson said.
as soon as grayson left y/n was no bombarded by a curious indi hartwell. “omg, what was that” she asked excitingly. “just another hot man, but there’s something specifically special about him” y/n said laughing.
over the years the friendship that was going on between grayson and y/n only grew stronger by the day. then they reunited in wwe.
“hello stranger” grayson said approaching y/n.
“omg” y/n said excited as she jumped in grayson’s arms. “i can’t believe you’re finally here” she said.
you had knew that grayson made it into wwe, but due to covid, he has to wait for the travel ban to be lifted.
“i’ve missed you so much” he said continuing to hug his bestfriend.
— later that night —
grayson was having his first match and he wanted to completely show everyone what he was made of. as la knight was lying on the barricade behind the announce table grayson had the bright idea to try to make a long jump from the top rope. this being his first match, he missed and went flying into the second barricade behind la knight.
after the match grayson was rushed to the trainers room where he was met by y/n and indi. she seemed so worried about him and she looked so concerned for someone she cared about, someone she loved.
“what were you thinking” y/n said with a shaky voice. indi must’ve been able to read the room because she immediately left. “you could’ve gotten more hurt and it could’ve been more serious.” she added.
“you need to be more safe with what you do in the ring gray, if you would’ve gotten seriously hurt i don’t know what i would do.” y/n said.
grayson threw his ice pack, not at what y/n was saying, but at the fact he had a slip up in his debut match. “i don’t know why i’m here, i couldn’t even do that simple move that i’ve done plenty of times on the indies.”
“it’s okay, you’re still an amazing wrestler and you learn from your mistakes. you’ll get it next time.” y/n said.
“you don’t understand, slip ups don’t sit well with fans. they judge you on everything you do and slip ups lead to many hate comments.” grayson said fuming.
“why should it matter. you should know your worth gray, you’re one of a kind” she said.
“i don’t know why you’re trying to be so positive. tell me i suck for the mistakes i made in that match, tell me i suck because i almost got injured in my debut match.” grayson began to ramble on and on. as he kept saying negative things towards himself. y/n had heard enough.
“you know what gray. i literally love you so much that it physically hurts me. my stomach ties into knots whenever i’m around you and i can’t think of anything by you. whenever you’re around me i feel comfort. you’re my home.” y/n said practically on the verge of tears being bursted out like the floodgates. “you ask why i keep saying positive things about you, it’s because there’s nothing negative about you. you’re perfect grayson. i wish you could see yourself the way i see you.” y/n had loved grayson for so long and it upset her so much to see him so upset with himself.
grayson just sat there for a moment shocked at what y/n had just said. at what she basically just confessed “y/n, my love. you have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to say that y/n. i love you more than life itself. ever since i saw you years ago at indi’s party. i knew you were going to be something special in my life.” grayson said to her smiling with all his worries away.
grayson looked at y/n with pure emotions and he leaned in for a kiss. he was met with the lips of y/n. years of love, want, passion, and affection was put into this kiss. both of them had known all along that they were each others forever.
since then, grayson has became a human highlight reel and he didn’t care about anyone’s opinion about him. the only opinion he loved and appreciated was yours.
i had to write a grayson waller post because he’s literally the hottest man on earth and he deserves way more of these.
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tenabrye · 1 year
your nicholas and vash request got me thinking of their reaction as a drabble when they’re reunited with their crush after being separated for some time and finding a new wound/scar on their crush?
He honestly thought he'd find you after you both had to flee town, but things didn't quite go that way. Sadly, the separation lasted a year and a half. A year and a half without you by his side, without seeing your lovely smile, your adorable laugh, your reassuring and gentle touches. It was horrible. The absolute worst time in his entire life, so far, that is. But when he found you?
The man was, at first, stunned. Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or was it his brain that created your image out of thin air? He didn't believe it at first, yet the second your hands took his, the thumb gently rubbing little circles on the back of them, he knew. The reunion is filled with tears of joy, mostly from him, because he never thought he would be able to see you again. He held you close, face buried in your neck, breathing in your familiar scent.
"How have you been?" It's the first question he asked, followed by, "I missed you so much." He really can't contain his emotions after finally seeing you after so long, so he cries. His tears soak into your clothes, and you rub his back, letting him get it all out. "I tried finding you," he said, "I never stopped. Town to town, city to city, I kept looking."
You frowned. It hurt you seeing him like this. You then pulled out of the hug and cupped his face with your hands, now smiling softly at him. "Vash," you started, voice soft and calming, "you're okay now. We found each other." Your voice brought a familiar calmness to him and reassurance took over in the form of a small smile that was present on his face. "C'mon, let's go catch up."
He liked the idea of being able to catch up with you, alone, in a hotel room. Such privacy allowed the both of you to indulge the other with your journeys. You learned that after the incident that separated the two of you, Vash had gone back the next day in hopes that you had somehow returned, only you didn't. He spoke of how he waited for you there for two days before finally leaving, talking himself into believing that you'd be smart and head to a different town.
When you weren't in the first town he reached, he trekked to another, and another, and another. He kept repeating this cycle, often asking if anyone had seen someone matching your description. The string of bad luck was constant, slowly making him believe he was never going to find you, slowly having him think you were already gone. You frowned at that, holding his flesh hand in yours and sending him a soft smile.
You then spoke of your travels, and how you immediately went to a different town in the opposite direction he had gone. Vash felt rather silly now knowing you had been in the opposite town, to which you chuckled softly at. He understood why you couldn't ask around for him, knowing full and well that folks would have automatically assumed you to be involved with him and his supposed wave of destruction throughout the lands.
You stood from your seat at the small table in the room and stretched, soon raising a brow after hearing the man let out a small, surprised gasp. "What is it?" You asked.
"What is that?" He responded with a question of his own, the pointer finger of his flesh hand poking at the marking he could now see, caused by your shirt raised when stretching. Your lips pursed and you averted your eyes. "That's a scar..."
"Vash," you started, wanting to tell him that it wasn't a big deal. People got scars all the time, right? Right. "It's nothing, really--"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounded hurt, and it caused a sigh to slip from your lips. "How'd you get it?"
"Escaped a bounty hunter," you told him, lips curled into a slight smirk. He chuckled at your expression. "Luckily for me it was just one, but the guy somehow found out I knew you and, well, y'know the rest."
The blond shook his head at you. "I'm sorry," he said, "he was hunting me and wanted to use you to find me." You shrugged your shoulders and stayed silent before running a hand through your hair. "Oh, but guess what?" You cocked a brow at him, watching as he lifted the left side of his shirt, revealing a scar that almost matched yours. "We match now."
The grin plastered to his face caused you to chuckle as you shook your head at him. "You're such a goofball, Vash, but at least you're my goofball."
It nearly killed him when he couldn't find you among the debris. He kept telling himself that you weren't dead, that he knew you weren't dead. He saw you make it out of the building. He saw you...didn't he? He bit down on his cigarette in frustration, instantly cutting it in half in the process. He spit the end that was left in his mouth out and took the time to sit down on flattened rubble, eyes glancing around the area. Did you die? Were you really...gone?
He was frustrated for five months after the incident, still having the slightest bit of denial that you were truly dead. Alas, none of the citizens in the various towns and cities he visited could identify you from the description he gave them. Failure after failure of trying to locate you slowly turned into a sad realization for him. You really were gone from this world. You had to be.
His walking came to an abrupt stop as he removed the large firearm he carried, shoving it deep enough in the sand so that it stood upright without the slightest notion of falling over. The man then sunk down, ass hitting the sandy floor as his back leaned against his gun. Wolfwood wasted no time in whipping a cigarette out, taking a quick drag after it lit and blowing out the smoke.
The man was at the end of his ropes. His denial over the few months of you being dead having been pushed back, although he now felt as if he couldn't continue doing it. He needed to face the facts. You were dead. His jaw clenched at the thought, careful to not break his cigarette as he hung his head, defeated. Any passerby, if anyone was to be seen in this vast desert, could say he looked downright pitiful.
Footsteps could be heard from in front of him, yet he didn't bother looking at whoever it was. The stranger would no doubt glance at him and move on. They always did. Until this one didn't. Wolfwood stared at the shoes belonging to the person that stood before him, eyes widening at the immediate recognition of them. His head snapped up, jaw unclenched as his mouth hung open, letting his smoke fall out.
Was he dreaming? He had to be. Maybe the desert heat finally got to his head? Either way, he really couldn't believe what, or who, he was seeing right now. Standing right in front of him with a familiar, sweet smile was you. The man was quick when rising to his feet, specks of sand flung around from the rapid movement. He tilted his head as he stared at you, soon taking a hand and moving it forward, only to bring it back in hesitation. It couldn't be you. It wasn't...was it?
"Nicolas," you called to him, voice as soft and sweet as he remembered. He moved his hand forward, again, his body freezing once he felt your own hand grab it, fingers intertwining with his own. You let out a small, surprised gasp as he immediately pulled you into his body, arms wrapped tightly around you, holding you.
"I thought you were dead," he breathed out, body slightly shaking as he pressed his forehead against your shoulder. "I looked everywhere, they all said they didn't see anyone like you." You could hear the hurt in his voice, the slight crack, and it tore you apart. "I didn't want to think you died, I couldn't."
"Nicholas," you spoke his name, again, slowly pulling out of the hug, "I'm sorry." The frown on his face broke your heart, and he certainly looked like a puppy that had been kicked. Until you saw the way his face scrunched up, causing you to furrow your brows at him. "Are you--"
"What's on your face?" He asked, his brows now furrowed in annoyance. It amazed you at how quickly his mood could change, but then you frowned when he reached a hand out and touched your cheek. "The hell is this? Who did this to you?" It's as though he forgot about the fact that you were alive and not dead, because with the way his jaw clenched, you could tell he was angry.
"Ah, well, you see--"
"Are they still alive?" He cut you off with his question. "So I can kill them myself."
"No, no," you told him, "they're not alive anymore. Don't worry."
Wolfwood sighed. "Five months apart and you've gotten into trouble. Then you go and get a reminder of that trouble." You playfully rolled your eyes at him. "I didn't see you make it out of the building."
"I thought I wasn't going to, at first," you started, "but I guess I had lady luck on my side that day."
He hummed in response, his anger now having dissipated and a frown on his face. "I'm glad you lived."
"I'm glad you never once stopped looking for me," you smiled.
"If I had to, I'd search this entire planet for you." His lips curled into a grin and he pulled you in for another hug. "Until death took me."
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Part 23
Illumi x Reader x ??????
part 22
part 24
A/N: so feitan may seem OOC and that’s only because he’s already gone through most of his character development. The next few chapters will delve into Reader and Feitan’s backstory :3
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @sxyriii @merinfawleygoestohogwarts @shidoni-san @living4tomrua @lemonslut @honeylunalove
if you’d like to be added to the taglist, comment a ❤️, make sure you can be mentioned/tagged, and have your age in your bio!(this fic is 18+)
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(Name) steadied her basket against her hip, humming to herself as she walked down the street. She stopped every few minutes, pretending to check the wares of a market stall, but she was focusing on tracking auras.
Her grumpy friend had told her his friends were tough, but she didn’t think she’d have that much trouble finding them. She’d been walking around for an hour, slowly reaching the edge of town before she had noticed.
(Name) looked over the vast expanse of empty land, stepping off of the paved path to venture out. She made sure the lid of her basket was firmly shut before she began walking.
If a band of thieves would be anywhere, it would be in the middle of nowhere.
(Name) hadn’t ever asked what his group was called, and she didn’t really want to know. Being friends with him was easy when she didn’t know the extent of his crimes, and she wanted to keep it that way.
Was it selfish, and morally wrong? Maybe, but (Name) wasn’t one to judge people for their ways of life, unless it was someone like Hisoka. Now he gave her the creeps.
The farther she walked, the more sure she was that she could sense one of the men’s aura. He was the boss of her friend, a man named Chrollo.
They had first met when Chrollo came to fetch her friend. He said he owed her, but she refused to accept that. After all, saving her friends life wasn’t something she saw as a debt. Even if she hadn’t befriended the grumpy man, she didn’t view people’s lives as transactions.
(Name) saw a building in the distance, the aura growing stronger with each step she took. She kept her own aura calm, not performing any nen.
When she finally reached the building, (name) felt a hand on her shoulder.
“What are you doing so far from town, Miss?”
(Name)’s grip on her basket tightened. The voice belonged to a woman, one she didn’t recognize. She’d only met male members so far, so the woman wouldn’t know her either.
“I’m a friend of Chrollo.”
The woman’s grip on her shoulder loosened for just a moment, before returning. “I see.”
Pakunoda had looked into the girl’s memories, and knew she was telling the truth. She kept her grip on her shoulder as she led (Name) inside. “Don’t make any sudden movements.”
(Name) nodded her head in response, allowing the woman to lead her to the center of the building.
“My name is Pakunoda. Your friend will be arriving tonight.” She informed (Name).
“I know. I’m a bit impatient.”
“I can see.”
Light trickled into the dark room, a few figures visible.
“Oh, Pakunoda- wait, who is that?”
A blonde man approached the two, leaning down to get a better look at (Name)‘s face. She backed up a bit, Pakunoda squeezing her shoulder lightly to get her to stay still.
“She is a friend. Pakunoda, you can release her.”
Pakunoda did so immediately, (Name) reaching up to rub her shoulder. The woman must not know her strength, because (Name)’s shoulder ached from the pressure of her hand.
“Chrollo! Oh it’s been ages!”
(Name) waved, walking forward slightly before someone stood in her way. Another blonde, taller than the previous one, stood between her and chrollo.
“(Name).” He stated, staring down at the girl. She gasped, a smile appearing on her face.
She gave him a quick hug, laughing. “Did you get even taller? Oh my gosh!”
She pulled away, happily patting his arm. The man didn’t react much, only giving her a small smile. “You shouldn’t get too close to the boss, some of the members don’t know you well enough yet.”
(Name) glanced around the room. There were a few faces she didn’t recognize, a small creature, the blonde from before, a man covered in bandages, and a girl with short black hair.
Then there we another familiar face.
“Uvo, is that you?”
She left Phinks side, the beast of a man stepping forward. “The one and only, doll face. Forgiven me yet?”
She scoffed, pulling out a bag containing 10 large cookies. “You ate three of my chickens. Alive. It’s not that you aren’t forgiven, I’m just still perplexed on how you didn’t get salmonella.”
The man took the bag, cheering childishly. “Ahh, (Name)‘s home cooking. What’s the occasion?”
He had ignored her statement, deciding to toss multiple cookies into his mouth at once. She put her hands on her hips, a grin on her lips.
“Can’t I just treat some friends to some snacks?” She asked, before pausing.
“Oh, wait. I need to introduce myself!”
She set her basket down, making sure it was out of Uvogin’s reach.
“Hello, I’m (Name). I met one of your comrades after he was injured. I took care of him, and we became friends. He told me you would be meeting up in York New, so I decided to visit! Oh, and I brought treats!”
The girl busied herself with pulling out the various baked goods, not noticing the people around her whispering.
“Pakunoda, is she really not a threat?” Bonolenov asked, glancing at the girl. Pakunoda nodded, leaning against the wall.
“She tells the truth. The girl is not to be harmed, unless you want to piss off the boss and-“
Shalnark watched as (Name) cleared off a section of the floor, Uvogin lifting and tossing large debris at her command.
‘Interesting, she knows quite a few of us. The boss seems to like her as well.’
He watched her spread out a pink and white checkered picnic blanket, humming to herself as she set out several plates of treats.
“(Name), I assume he told you to wait to see him until tomorrow.”
The entire group quieted when Chrollo spoke. He had approached the girl, standing a few feet away. (Name) looked up, pursing her lips.
“Well… I may have gone against his wishes and followed your aura here…”
Chrollo smirked, crouching down in front of her. “Oh, have you learned nen? Is he aware of that?”
She nodded, lifting a plate of cookies to him. “Yes, but I haven’t told him my ability yet.”
The troupe watched in mild shock as Chrollo took a cookie, taking a bite before continuing.
“Mm, that’s probably for the best. It’s smart to keep your ability and class a secret. Some people can use it against you.”
Chrollo finished his treat and peered into the basket, (Name) noticing and opening it wider.
“Don’t worry, I brought the jam you like. I made it just before I left home, so it’s fresh!”
Chrollo took the jar, nodding in approval. “Thank you. I was surprised when he called me saying you sent me a package of jam and syrup because you heard my birthday was in autumn.” He hummed, giving her a once over.
She was an interesting girl, and he owed her a great deal for saving a fellow spiders life, even if she didn’t want to be repaid.
Uvogin laid out across the blanket, snacking on the various baked goods, but there was something else in the basket she hadn’t taken out.
“(Name), what else is in the basket?”
Chrollo already knew, having seen it when she’d opened the lid.
“Oh, it’s a birthday cake, but that’s off limits, so don’t eat it. That means you, Uvo.”
The large man waved his hand dismissively. “I won’t. Rather not get beat with your shoe again.” he teased. (Name) turned red, smacking his thigh lightly.
“Ugh, I told you not to tell people about that. I still feel awful! Though you did deserve it…”
Shalnark took a seat next to the girl. After witnessing Chrollo be so calm around her, he saw no need to be weary.
“So, tell me, who exactly are you here for?”
As the sky darkened, the late group began approaching the designated building for their hide out.
“I sense another presence in the building, one that doesn’t belong to any of the spiders.” Nobunaga stated, his hand on the hilt of his sword.
Machi hummed. “Probably a hostage. Maybe that’s why we were summoned. Feitan, looks like you have some work to do.”
The man was quiet, simply following behind the two. He could sense the presence as well, but it felt weirdly familiar. Maybe it was someone out for revenge? Oftentimes when the troupe stole, many lives were taken. A loved one of the deceased could have come seeking revenge.
The soft sound of laughter could be heard through the building, Feitan recognized Uvogin’s hearty laugh almost instantly. There was also a soft feminine voice speaking along with him. It was just soft enough that he couldn’t place who it belonged to, but recognized it.
“It seems they’ve arrived.”
Chrollo closed the book he’d been reading, causing (Name) to jump. She had been exchanging numbers with Shalnark before he spoke, the two becoming quick friends.
“Oh!” (Name) turned around, looking out the door to see several figures standing in the doorway.
As they stepped into the light, (Name)’s face lit up, jumping up into a standing position.
“Oh, does that presence belong to this girl? Hmm.” Machi stated, giving her a once over.
Feitan stood a few feet in front of her, his eyes wide and confused. Why was she here, and why was Shalnark sitting so close to her?
(Name) stood and brushed off the skirt of her dress. It was a plain white summer dress, but it hugged all the right curves and showed off a bit too much cleavage, something that hadn’t gone unnoticed by some members of the troupe. Including Feitan.
She walked forward, pulling Feitan into a hug and giving his a light squeeze.
“Feitan! I missed you so much!”
The entire group stated on in shock as she planted a kiss on his cheek, squeezing the man tightly.
‘Oh dear, she’s dead. And we just became friends too.’ Shalnark thought, getting ready to delete her contact from his phone.
But no one was ready for what happened next.
Instead of ripping her heart out or throwing her to the ground, Feitan’s hands awkwardly patted her back, a tired sigh leaving his lips. He was obviously flustered from the kiss, but hid it well enough.
“Missed you too.”
It took everyone a minute to recover, their attention kept firmly on the girl in front of them.
“Told you to stay at condo.” Feitan mumbled, rubbing his cheek. “Dangerous.”
“You know I hate waiting. Besides, I got here fine on my own, didn’t I?”
She gave him her signature smile, the man sighing. “We talk about it later. Introduce yourself, they don’t know you.”
The girl nodded, approaching the middle of the room.
“Hi, I’m (Name). Some of you know me already, but I’m Fei’s friend. We met a few years ago after he was injured in a battle. I found him, nursed him back to health, and now we meet up when we can!”
She smiled sweetly. It was a lot to take in. Feitan was a quiet and cold man, ruthless in nature. It was hard to imagine him befriending such a sweet girl. Especially when she seemed so… soft. In both the physical, and emotional sense.
Feitan kept the girl close to him. Although he didn’t touch her, his eyes stayed on her figure, only glancing up when Chrollo began to speak.
“Treat her like one of our own. (Name) has my respect.”
(Name) blushed, waving her hand dismissively. “Oh, Chrollo, I told you I’m not worthy of your respect. I didn’t do anything special.”
Chrollo shook his head, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Taking care of a person for three months isn’t something to sneeze at.”
He addressed the troupe, smiling. “(Name) has prepared snacks, they are safe to eat. Enjoy them while we wait for Hisoka.”
(Name) froze at the mention of Hisoka’s name. ‘Hisoka will be here? I mean, I knew Fei and him were connected somehow, but I was hoping he wouldn’t show up.’
She sat down, handing out cookies and chocolates to the members that approached. Shalnark was the first, sitting next to her again and taking a cookie from her hand.
Feitan didn’t sit down, but he stood near (Name), watching over her interactions with his fellow spiders. Just his eyes on them was enough of a warning to not try anything funny. It’s not like they would, considering Chrollo gave her such high praise, but Feitan… worried.
He hadn’t planned on EVER introducing (Name) to the entire Troupe. Sure she’d met a few of them out of necessity, but that was where he wanted to leave it.
“Fei, are you gonna try some?”
(Name had scooted closer to him, offering him a piece of dark chocolate.
“Try later. Tomorrow.”
She gave him a small pout, but her expression quickly changed when the chocolate was eaten out of her hand by Shalnark.
“Man, Feitan, you’re missing out, this is great!”
He reached over her lap for another, but quickly pulled away when he made eye contact with Feitan.
‘Hmm! He sure is giving me a good death glare!’
Feitan, brushed his hand against the handle of his umbrella, his eyes never leaving (Name). She seemed oblivious to the staring, chatting along with Shalnark and Uvogin.
“Yeah, she finally had her babies! Fei, do you wanna see the pictures?”
“Already showed me.”
(Name) had pulled out her phone and started showing the group pictures of her cat Tammy and her kittens. Pakunoda seemed particularly interested, (Name) promising the woman that she could meet her cats someday.
Feitan had already received his fair share of pictures and videos.
“Aww, but this one looks just like you!”
Feitan raised an eyebrow at this. Shalnark gasped, pulling her phone closer. “Oh wow, it really does. Haha, Fei we’ve found your twin!”
Feitan rolled his eyes, strolling over to (Name) and holding his hand out. “Oh? Here.”
She handed him her phone, the man scrolling through her pictures to see the cat she had been talking about.
It was a small black kitten with a white puff on its chest, resembling a skull. It had the prettiest gray eyes, stretched out on its back to expose its tummy.
He kept scrolling, pausing when he came across the image of her with another man. He was tall, with long black hair and piercing dark eyes. The man had a hand on her waist, pulling her in closer, (Name) smiling.
“Who this?”
Feitan turned the screen to (Name), trying to hide the jealousy bubbling up in his chest. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes to get a better look.
“Oh! That’s the guy who kidnapped me!”
“Kidnapped?” Chrollo asked with a tilt of his head. “I wasn’t made aware that you had been kidnapped, (Name).”
She laughed, Feitan huffing. “Oh, well kidnapping is an exaggeration. We fought in the exam, he threatened to kill my friend, I was like NOO! Then he knocked me out and I woke up in the infirmary. He was like “grrr you owe me a favor”. And well darn, I don’t really wanna be in debt to an assassin, so I went with him!”
She said this as if it were the funniest thing in the world, but the troupe just stared at her in a mix of shock and intrigue.
“(Name), I think you were just kidnapped.” Shalnark stated, flicking her forehead. “And an assassin? How exactly did you become indebted to him?”
“Oh, he saved my panties. Wait! That was someone else…”
“Didn’t tell that part.” Feitan said, pinching her cheek. “How that happen?”
“Ow! Okay so… the assassin trained me, and one morning he woke me up by throwing me in a river.”
He pinched harder. “Left that out too.”
“Hey I don’t have to tell you everything!” She swatted his hand away, crossing her arms over her chest. “Anyways, I hung out my clothes to dry and had to walk around in a sports bra. Super uncomfortable but hey, not every outfit can be a winner.”
“Idiot.” Feitan slapped a hand over his forehead, groaning. He knew she was a bit ditzy, but he had assumed his sweet friend would at least have enough survival instincts to not walk around half naked during a Hunter exam. Now part of him wished he had joined her… of course to protect her, not for any other reason.
“Rude. So, of course, I had to hang my underwear up. The assassin said I shouldn’t, but gosh, maybe he shouldn’t have thrown me into a river! I saw a big fish, do you know how scary it is to come face to face with a fish underwater?? I don’t think so!”
“Off track.”
She blinked. “Oops, sorry. I met up with a friend of mine I made during the exam, and his badge was stolen, and so were my panties! Him and another guy I became friends with left and took back his badge and my underwear. It was my lucky pair, so I was really glad to have them back!”
She smiled triumphantly, brushing her hair out of her face. The building filled with laughter, none other than Chrollo himself being the source of it.
“Ahh, interesting as always. It’s never boring when you come around, (Name). Do you have any more stories of the exam?”
(Name) nodded excitedly. “Oh, plenty!”
“And then Hisoka was like “tell anyone and you’re dead” or something! I don’t know I wasn’t really paying attention cuz my wrist hurt!”
She made a motion of grabbing her wrist, mocking Hisoka’s voice.
“… he hurt you?”
(Name) froze, sensing a change in Feitan’s aura. She’d only ever felt something like that once before, when she’d been attacked in her home when she was caring for Feitan.
“Already dislike. Should teach him a lesson.”
The man’s aura calmed when Chrollo spoke up, flipping a page of his book. “You know the rules. I’ll talk with Hisoka about his behavior, so don’t worry about it.”
Feitan just nodded, staring at her wrist. It had healed completely, but just the knowledge that she’d felt pain because of Hisoka made him sick.
“Fei, don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt.”
She said this in a whisper, leaning closer to him. He’d finally taken a seat at the picnic blanket, though he wasn’t exactly relaxed at the moment. It was hard to concentrate on her words however, when she was so close to him. The man only tsked, pushing her head away. “Whatever.”
As the night went on, (Name) started to become visibly tired. Her eyes fluttered close and her head began to lean forward before she’d jump awake, answering whatever question Shalnark had asked.
Although weary, most of the group didn’t seem to mind (Name)’s presence. She had that kind of magnetic personality that pulled people closer to her, the kindness she gave out so freely being the pulling force.
Several of the spiders had joined the picnic, including Pakunoda, Shizuku, and Nobunaga(due to Uvogin’s urging). (Name) stayed by Feitan’s side, partially because she wanted to and also because he was keeping a good grip on her arm.
Her, Pakunoda, and Shalnark were getting along great. She had even exchanged numbers with Pakunoda like she did with Shalnark, immediately sending the woman all the pictures of her cats she had available.
As she once again dozed off, she was awoken by Feitan catching her, the man growling. “If tired, go home. Late.”
“Mmm…” she nodded, sleepily leaning against his shoulder and passing out again.
Phinks couldn’t help but snicker. I mean, who wouldn’t laugh seeing their usually cold friend being used as a pillow by a girl he was obviously interested in.
Feitan moved (Name) so she was resting her head on his lap, allowing himself to run his fingers through her hair for just a second.
After Hisoka joined and they had their meeting, (Name) stirred, opening her eyes.
“Ah, what time is it?”
(Name) looked up to see Feitan, the realization that she was laying in his lap dawning on her. “Oh no. I should probably head home.”
She stood, collecting her basket, but leaving everything but the cake behind. “I’ll visit again some other time, please enjoy the baked goods. I have more at home, so these are all for you!”
(Name) yawned and began walking out the door, before being stopped by Hisoka.
“Going alone?”
The girl paused at the sound of his voice, glancing in the magician’s direction. “Yes?”
“Mmm, that’s unfortunate. I heard that York New is swarmed with the mafia because of the auction. Could be dangerous for a little thing like you to be out and about.”
(Name) turned slightly to meet the magician’s gaze. “I’m not defenseless anymore. I can handle it.”
“I go with you.”
(Name) hadn’t even noticed Feitan had snuck up behind her until he was grabbing her basket. “You don’t have to, I’m-“
“Shut up. Not busy tonight.”
“I thought you would be busy the night of September 1st?”
“(Name). It’s August 31st.”
She paused. “Oh. I knew that.”
Shalnark watched the pair leave, turning to Phinks once they were out of earshot. “So… is that his girlfriend or something?”
Phinks let out a laugh. “No, not even close, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Feitan wishes she was. You saw the way he was watching her, right? Never seen him look at a person like that before.”
Shalnark hummed, looking down at her contact. “She’s cute. What do you think she sees in Feitan? A girl like her doesn’t seem like the type to hang around criminals.”
Phinks stopped laughing. He leaned against the wall, peeking out the window to watch the two walk into town. “You just met her, so keep your thoughts to yourself. (Name) ain’t the type to care about whether we steal or not. She’s got a good heart, and it seems she’s willing to let Feitan take up some space in it. I think he deserves to have someone care about him like that.”
Shalnark rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, closing his phone. “Oops, my bad. I guess I don’t know her.”
The blonde smiled. “But I think I will by the end of our stay.”
“Fei, don’t walk so fast!” (Name) whined out.
The two had finally reached town, and despite it being late the streets were crowded. Feitan wasn’t a big fan of people, so he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Because she was rushing to catch up with Feitan, (Name)’s foot caught on an uneven patch of concrete. She fell and scraped her knee, struggling to get back up before she got trampled.
The feeling of a hand grabbing hers caused her to look up. Feitan looked down at her with an unreadable expression, pulling her to her feet.
“Always trip. What, I gotta hold your hand like kid?”
(Name) huffed. He really seemed to enjoy teasing her. “No. I can walk by myself.”
Despite saying this, she kept her hand in his, allowing him to guide her through the throngs of people. He could feel her body heat through her hand, stealing a glance at her smiling face.
Once the pair finally arrived at her condo, she opened the door and invited him in. “Chrollo said you aren’t busy tonight, so why not stay? The bed is b-“
“Not sleeping in same bed.”
Feitan took a seat on the couch, crossing his legs as she set her basket on the table. “Aww, but you didn’t have any trouble sleeping with me last t-“
The man shot her a glare, silencing her. “You the one scared by storm.”
“Yeah, but I seem to remember a certain someone holding my hand while I slept!”
“You grabbed me. Strangely strong grip for girl.”
(Name) was the one to glare at him this time. “Whatever. That doesn’t matter, but…”
She opened the basket to reveal a small cake, covered in vanilla frosting and topped with big strawberries. “Happy Birthday!”
Feitan froze as a memory replayed in his head.
“You don’t have a birthday?”
“No. Don’t remember.”
The two sat on the porch of (Name)‘a home. Feitan relaxed against the porch swing, staring at the river. “Oh. That’s unfortunate…”
A few days passed, (Name) being weirdly secretive about something. She’d been coming to and from town, baking something she wouldn’t allow him to see.
“What are you hiding?”
(Name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Feitan whisper into her ear. “Hey! I thought I told you to stop sneaking up on me! I’m gonna pee my pants one day and I WILL make it your problem.”
He only rolled his eyes, glancing over her shoulder to peek at what she was making.
It was a small cake, with the words “Happy Birthday Feitan” written in messy icing. He was taken aback, physically backing away.
All he could do was ask her why. He hadn’t been the kindest to her during his stay, so why did she feel the need to make him such a thing? He couldn’t understand.
“I just felt like it. Everyone deserves to have a day where their birth is celebrated. I’m happy you were born, Feitan.”
Those words went straight to his heart, the man immediately leaving the house. He had trouble processing the way he felt, walking alongside the river until long after sunset. The cool night breeze helped to cool off his red face.
When he returned, the house had been decorated, with his favorite meal set out on the table. It was late, but (Name) sat at the table, looking up with a big smile when he returned.
“Happy Birthday, Feitan!”
flashback end
Feitan was much more relaxed with (Name), but her affection and care for him still unnerved the man. She quickly set the cake on the counter, sticking a few candles into it.
“Ah, darn. Forgot a lighter.”
Before she could rush out the door to go find one, Feitan flicked his own lighter on. “Have one.”
He lit the candles, (Name) offering him a seat after he finished.
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to youuu~ Happy Birthday dear Feitannnn~ Happy Birthday fo you!”
He waited patiently for her to finish her song before blowing out the candles.
“What did you wish for?”
“Not supposed to tell. Said it yourself, remember?”
She gasped, nodding before pulling out the candles to cut the cake.
He only had one wish, and that was…
‘Keep this idiot safe.’
(Name) walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and wearing a nightgown. Feitan wore a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie, lounging around on the couch after his own shower.
After his long stay with her, (Name) packed a few pairs of his clothes with her whenever she left to meet up with him, knowing he didn’t often pack extra outfits himself.
“Mmm, Fei, imma head to bed. If you get hungry there’s food in the fridge. Goodnight!”
He watched her close her bedroom door behind her before he responded.
Feitan rested his hand against his cheek, his ears turning pink. He didn’t want to admit how much he liked the lingering feeling of her lips, but now that he was alone he could allow himself to enjoy it.
“Stupid girl. Doesn’t understand how much I restrain myself.”
He laid down, pulling the soft pink blanket she’d provided him up to his chin. Hearing the sound of her soft breathing in the next room lulled him into a peaceful sleep.
“Do you think you’ll ever find the one?”
Feitan stared at Shalnark from the corner of his eye. “The one? Meaning?”
The blonde laughed, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand. “The one you’ll fall in love with. Like, a girlfriend.”
Feitan scoffed. He turned the page of his book and frowned. “Don’t believe in that.”
“Hmm, really. That’s a shame.”
“Feitan, Feitan!”
Feitan opened his eyes to see (Name) leaning over him, her finger poking his cheek. He was quick to slap her hand away, the girl yelping. “Okay, rude. I’ve been trying to wake you up for like 5 minutes. Breakfast is ready.”
He groaned, lifting himself up into a sitting position. “What’s the time?”
“It’s only 7 am. I know you like to wake up early.”
She set a cup of coffee and plate of pancakes in front of him before sitting down and starting on her own serving.
There was a small bowl of chopped fruits in between the two, which (Name) dipped a spoon into. “Get as much as you want. I’m not gonna be able to eat all of this.”
He didn’t say anything, his mouth was already full of pancakes. She tried not to giggle at his big cheeks, turning her attention to her food.
“So, what are your plans for today?” She asked.
“Nothing. Walking around town.”
(Name) glanced up, a smile pulling at her lips. “Oh? Then you’re free?”
“If boss doesn’t need me, yeah.”
She clapped her hands together, smiling down at the man. “Let’s go on a date, then!”
A/N: the next few chapters will go into feitan and (Name)’s history!!
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anthemof-gvf · 6 months
Naughty or Nice
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Summary: It’s holiday season and your best friend is hosting a christmas sleepover! Oh, and her older brother will be there too ;).
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI!! oral (f!Recieving), f!ngering, unprotected sex, rough sex, dirty talk, choking, overstimulation, mentions of alcohol.
Walking up the driveway to your best friends house, you were careful not to slip as your feet made contact with the icy pavement. A feeling of nostalgia overwhelmed you as you walked up the steps to the front porch, decorated in an array of colorful christmas lights.
Christmas music and conversation filled your ears as you knocked on the door. It only took a few seconds, but you knew Ronnie was coming by the sound of her bare feet hitting the ground. The door swung open and you were immediately engulfed in a big Ronnie bear hug.
“Y/n!” “Ronnie!”
Ronnie had been your best friend for as long as you could remember, and these sleepovers were something you did together annually. After moving away for college, you rarely spoke to Ronnie, so to say you were excited would be an understatement.
“It has been way too long, I was starting to think you forgot about me.”
She crossed her arms and gave you a sassy look. You couldnt help but laugh, always having adored her spunky personality.
“I’d never dream of it.”
You pulled her into another hug, unable to contain the excitement you were feeling, finally being reunited with your other half.
“Mhm, come on, the others are waiting.”
She grabbed you by your wrist and lead you inside. It looked and smelled exactly how you remembered it, and it warmed your heart.
Making your way to the kitchen, you were able to see a group of your old high school friends sitting around a table, entranced in their own little conversation.
“Guys, look who’s here!”
Ronnie announced. You exchanged a series of “hello’s”, “so good to see you’s”, and so on, before taking your respective seat next to Ronnie.
Hours felt like minutes as you reminiced on your high school days with the girls. Angela, a friend of yours you’d known since 6th grade, was currently on the topic of her obsession with Jake.
Jake was one of Ronnie’s older brother’s and was totally gorgeous. You’d never admit it, but you’d secretly also had a crush on Jake during your adolecent years. How could you not? He was a rockstar babe, gorgeous brown hair and a smile that would make you melt on the spot.
Unfortunately for Angela and yourself, Jake always had a girlfriend. Not that you’d had a chance with him anyways. There was always this unspoken rule between Ronnie and her brother’s that each other’s friends were off limits, so you were forced to admire from the side.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Ronnie’s gagging and wretching.
“If I have to hear one more thing about my brother I will throw up on all of you.”
You all laughed as she rolled her eyes and sipped at her empty budweiser.
“Y/n would you be a doll and get me another drink please?”
She bat her eyelashes at you and pouted.
“Why me?” You retaliated, crossing your arms.
“Because you love me, and this is basically your second home so it makes more sense for you to do it.”
You pretended to ponder, already set on doing it for her. You finally agreed, earning a slobbery wet kiss to the cheek.
“Thank you! Love you! You’re the best!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You rolled your eyes at her playfully as you got up out of your seat and made your way to the garage, where the alcohol was stored.
Approaching the garage door, you could hear the soft melody of a guitar playing from the inside and you stopped dead in your tracks. ‘I didn’t know he was here.’ You thought to yourself.
You stood outside the door like a deer in the headlights. You considered turning around and telling Ronnie they were all out of beer, and you almost did until the sound of a raspy laugh interrupted your contemplating.
“Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in?”
You wanted nothing more than to disappear. You’d been caught. Awkwardly opening the door, you made eye contact with him. Jake Kiszka. The Jake Kiszka you were just daydreaming about a few minutes prior.
“Hi Jake, uh sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
You mentally cringed at yourself for feeling like a teenage girl all over again, but he was gorgeous. Even more so than before. He’d grown his hair out, so it reached his collarbones, and the shirt he was wearing left a good portion of his chest exposed. He looked older, he looked good, and you were practically drooling at the sight of him.
“Ronnie didn’t tell me you were coming.”
He wasn’t looking at you, but you knew he was talking to you because there was no one else in the room.
“Hm thats weird.” You responded as you made your way to the fridge.
You didn’t know how to act around him, and it was apparent in the way that your hands trembled while holding the fridge door open. He was staring at you, you could feel him.
You found the pack of budweisers resting on the bottom shelf and you bent down to retrieve them, arching your back ever so slightly. You stood up slowly and turned back around to face him, a smug look plastered on his face.
The way his eyes scanned every inch of your body sent shivers down your spine. He’d never looked at you like that before and you didn’t know how to proceed. You felt the need to say something, anything.
“So uh, how are things with Hannah?”
Stupid question. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He watched you with a look you’d never seen before, and opened his mouth to speak.
“We broke up.”
The bluntness of his voice was like a strong gust of wind. You felt like a mouse in a snake cage with the way he was looking at you.
“I’m sorry”
You genuinely were. As much as you envied the girl, and spent hours on end daydreaming about being in her position, Jake seemed to really love her, and you could imagine the split having some sort of affect on him.
“I’m not, she was a bitch”
He shrugged and placed his guitar next to him on the couch. He stood up and began to approach you. You could practically see your heart beating out of your chest as he got closer. He made eye contact with you as he began to reach behind you to open the door.
“After you.”
He motioned for you to exit and you did, him following close behind. You made your way back to the house and he followed you, the only thing breaking the silence was the sound of feet hitting the snow that rested on the ground.
The door to get back into the house was a glass sliding door that liked to get stuck sometimes. Praying that this time would be different, you slipped your fingers into the handle and gently tugged. Your prayers went unanswered and the door didnt budge. You continued to tug in hopes of it giving in but it just wouldnt.
“Here let me help-“
Jake placed one of his calloused hands over yours and the other on the glass. You were boxed into him and your breath got caught in your throat. You tried not to think about how close he was as you continued to pull at the door, but the feeling of his breath on the back of your neck made it difficult.
He had to press up against you to get the door open, and you made your way inside with flushed cheeks and a burning sensation between your thighs. Walking back to the kitchen, you tried your best to compose yourself as the group of girls looked at you.
“Took you long enough” Ronnie complained as she took the pack of beers from your hands. She gave you a weird look as Jake entered from behind you. You averted your gaze, careful not to look at either Kiszka while the other girls giggled and whispered amongst themselves.
You hadn’t seen Jake for the remainder of the night, and you honestly didnt want to. That didn’t stop you from thinking about the interaction you’d had with him though.
Laying on the floor of Ronnie’s bedroom, you found yourself unable to sleep. The room was filled with the sound of soft snores and shuffling around, but that wasn’t what was keeping you up.
Giving up on trying to sleep, you quietly got up from where you were laying and went to the kitchen, hoping a drink of water could calm your racing mind.
As you faced the sink, allowing yourself to ease into the feeling of the cool water rushing down your throat, you caught something in the corner of your eye. You turned to see Jake rummaging through the fridge for something and you jumped, sending yourself into a choking mess.
He watched and laughed at you as you tried to recollect yourself and you flipped him off in the process.
“Jesus Jake you scared the shit out of me”
You managed to get out in between coughs. He mumbled a quick apology, still smirking at you as he pulled a slice of cold pizza out from the fridge. He leaned against the counter next to the fridge, wearing nothing but sweatpants that hung low on his waist.
“What’re you doing up?” He questioned, taking a bite of his cold pizza.
“Couldn’t sleep, you?” You lifted yourself onto the counter opposite of him. Little did he know he was the reason sleep refused to come to you.
“Couldn’t sleep either.” He shrugged, chewing the last of his food before swallowing. You couldn’t help but stare at the way his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. He laughed, and you realized you’d been caught yet again. You laughed too, you mustve looked so ridiculous fawning over him like that.
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You started blushing profusedly. The boy you’ve wanted since you were a little girl just called you cute. You were internally screaming.
“I must be if it’s coming from you.”
You weren’t sure where your sudden confidence came from, but the near incoherent hum that escaped his lips let you know that he liked it. He approached you, placing his hands on either side of the counter where you were sitting.
You made eye contact with him, and he held it, a smirk threatening to form on his lips. He let his eyes flicker to yours, but only for a moment before looking back up. You couldn’t tell if you were dreaming, but if you were, you never wanted to wake up.
You don’t know who made the first move but before you knew it his lips were on yours. The kiss started slow and hesitant. This was new territory for the both of you and it was dangerous. You let your arms rest on his bare shoulders while his wrapped around your waist.
You deepened the kiss, parting your lips for him to enter. He wasted no time in exploring your mouth with his tongue, grunting into the kiss. He slid his hands up and down your thighs a few times before taking hold of your hips and pulling you into him.
Your bodies were flush against each other and you could feel his growing erection against your clothed core. You wrapped your legs around him, wanting to feel more of him, and he practically moaned. He pulled away from you, and struggled to catch his breath before he spoke.
“Fuck y/n, you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that”
His confession made you smile and you pressed your forehead against his, running your hands through his hair. He pecked your lips roughly before moving down to your jaw, and then your neck, making you moan softly.
“I need you Jakey.”
He moaned into your neck. It was as if he’d never heard anything so beautiful before. He swooped you up off of the counter and carried you up the stairs to his bedroom.
He quietly shut the door with his foot before placing you down gently onto his bed, climbing on top of you and caging you in between his arms, returning to his spot on your neck.
You were growing needier by the minute, and he was taking too long. You arched your back into him and moaned out of frustration.
“Needy are we?” He teased, as he placed wet kisses down your neck.
He toyed with the hem of your shirt and began to lift it before looking up at you, silently asking for permission. You nodded slightly, and he wasted no more time in yanking your shirt off and tossing it somewhere behind him.
He paused when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra, and if he’d allowed himself to stay frozen like that for one more second, you wouldve grown self concious. He didn’t though and instead dove down to explore the newly exposed skin.
He started lapping at your left nipple while using his calloused fingers to pinch and rub at the right one. As good as it felt, you needed him, and you couldnt wait much longer.
“Jakey please.” The desperation in your voice was pathetic, and under any other circumstance you’d be embarrassed. Tonight you didnt care though, you wanted him, and you wanted him badly.
“Tell me what you want baby, what do you want me to do?”
You could listen to him call you ‘baby’ forever. You whined as he continued to leave open mouthed kisses down your body, stopping at the waistband of your shorts.
“I- fuck Jake, just touch me, please.” You choked on your words. You were about to cry and he was starting to feel bad for you.
He pulled your shorts down to your ankles along with your underwear and groaned at the sight of your soaked pussy.
“Fuck y/n, you’re dripping.” He was in awe at the sight of you. Fully naked and soaked, sprawled out over his bed, eagerly waiting for him.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good baby. Gonna make you cum so hard you’ll forget your own name. You want that pretty girl?”
He began rubbing small circles over your clit and you cried out, finally getting some sort of friction.
“Answer me y/n. Is that what you want?” His motions started to slow and you began to panic, gripping his wrist to keep him there.
“Yes, Yes! Fuck yes Jake I want that, just please dont stop.”
He hummed, satisfied with your answer. He began running his middle and ring finger through your folds, collecting some of your wetness before sliding them into your entrance.
He pumped them in and out of you, gradually picking up the pace with every thrust as he placed gentle kisses over your swollen clit. You moaned softly trying your hardest not to wake your friends, who were completely unaware of what was going on.
He began sucking and licking at your clit while he quickly pumped his fingers in and out of you. It became harder and harder to control your moans as he quickened his pace. It didnt take long for a familiar knot to form in the pit of your stomach.
“Jake i-“
“I know baby, I know. Be a good girl and stay quiet for me yeah?” He cut you off before you could finish, and started pumping his fingers into you even faster than before. You had to cover your mouth with your hand to silence the ungodly sounds that were escaping you.
Your legs began to shake and you threw your head back as the long awaited orgasm washed over you. You expected him to slow down, or stop, but he didnt. He maintained his same pace and lapped at your clit more aggressively than he was before.
You started to squirm under him, and couldn’t hold back the loud moan that escaped you as he sent you immediately into your second orgasm.
He lifted his face up to look at you, his chin glisening in your release. He had a cocky smirk plastered across his face as he licked his lips.
“Sorry baby couldn’t help myself. You just taste so sweet, taste yourself.”
He removed his fingers from your throbbing pussy and placed them into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his fingers, humming as the taste of your release hit your tastebuds.
He let out a shaky breath and chuckled. “Naughty girl, enjoying the taste of her own release.” He pulled his fingers from your mouth and put them into his own, sucking the mixture of your release and your saliva off of his fingers.
He kissed you roughly, his erection rubbing against the side of your thigh. You reached down and began to palm him through his sweats, causing him to moan into the kiss.
He was painfully hard and you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside you. You tugged at the waistband of his pants, signaling you wanted them off. He slid them down to his ankles, cock springing free and resting against his lower stomach. It was thick, tip swollen and leaking pre-cum.
He pumped himself a few times, then aligned himself with your entrance, running himself through your folds a few times.
“Are you sure you want this?”
You thought it was cute that he constantly asked for consent, even after he’d already been in you. You nodded, but it wasn’t enough.
“Words baby girl.”
‘Fuck, could he get any hotter?’ You thought to yourself.
“Yes Jakey, please”
That was all he needed to hear, and he began pushing himself into you. It stung a little, and you winced. He haulted immediately and searched your eyes for any indication that you wanted to stop, but there was none.
Once he was all the way in, he slowly thrusted in and out of you, allowing you to adjust to him before picking up the pace. You moaned silently, never taking your eyes off of him. Strands of hair were stuck to his forehead and he was flushed a bright red.
He pounded into you suddenly and roughly, causing you to let out a high pitched yelp. His hand immediately flew to cover your mouth, eyes wide and body stiff.
“I thought I told you to be quiet.” He was pissed, you were in for it now. He removed his hand from your mouth and wrapped it tightly around your throat. He started pounding into you rough and fast, using his free hand to rub vicious circles around your clit.
The sensation was too much, and if it werent for his hand wrapped around your throat youd’ve woken everyone in the house. You started to cry from overstimulation and you were becoming lightheaded due to the restriction of air.
“Aw is it too much for you? Shouldve thought of that before you tried to get us caught you little slut.”
His change in demeanor was unexpected to you. You’d never seen Jake so mean before, and you certainly didnt expect to like it as much as you did.
Your third orgasm came crashing into you like a wave from the north sea. Your vision went blurry and your brain forgot how to function, you’ve never came so hard in your life. You squeezed around him hard and his rhythm began to faulter, signaling his own approach.
“Fuck y/n, i’m close. Where do you want it?”
He was panting heavily, face scrunched and fully concentrated.
“Inside.” Was all you managed to get out, still coming down from your high.
Within seconds he was filling you up with his warm release, collapsing on top of you. You both were panting heavily, sweaty and high on sex. You ran your hands through his messy hair as he caressed your side.
It hit you then, you just fucked your best friends brother. Your childhood crush that you could’ve sworn you had no chance with, was laying on top of you with his cock still burried inbetween your legs.
Wet kisses on your collarbone pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked down at him. He was already staring up at you with a smirk on his face.
“What’re you thinking about?” He looked into your eyes, genuinely curious.
“You.” You brushed a strand of hair away from his face and he kissed your hand.
“What about me?”
The look in his eyes gave you the sense that he knew, but you decided to humor him anyways.
“Just that i’ve spent a good portion of my life convincing myself I’d never have a chance with you, but here you are.”
“Here I am, and i’m not going anywhere.” He smiled and kissed you, a silent reciprocation of feelings.
The ray of sun shining across your face pulled you out of your sleep. You were still in Jake’s arms, and you looked up to see the peaceful boy still asleep. You’d gone another round after your confession, though it was much gentler the second time. To say you were sore was an understatement as you slipped out of his bed and gathered your clothes off of the floor.
You struggled but managed to get your clothes on and snuck out of his room. Tiptoeing your way down the stairs, you quietly opened the door to Ronnie’s bedroom.
You slipped into the covers of the bed you were supposed to stay the night in and let out a relieved sigh, no one knew a thing.
You heard the sound of shuffling coming from Ronnie’s bed and you shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep. The movement continued for only a moment and then it stopped. Pure silence took over the room.
A/N: Hey guys! This was my first fanfic ever, so i’m sorry if it sucks. I actually had so much fun writing this even though it’s my first smut so it’s probably bad. I love feedback so feel free to tell me anything I can change or do in the future :)) xoxo
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - Epilogue
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The Way Back Home (Spencer Reid x Reader) - Epilogue Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 3707 Warnings: major angst, major fluff, mentions of murder, graphic descriptions of dead bodies, crime scenes, near-death experiences, slow-burnish romance, death, canon violence, rape, swearing, guns, knives, prostitution, canon cuteness of the team. Spoilers: Maeve's death, mentions of previous cases or canon events from seasons 1-10.
Spencer and you have an unspoken connection with one another. Nothing has ever happened between you two, especially since everything went down with Maeve, but your love has grown and overcome and is now clear as day to everyone. However, just when Spencer builds up enough courage to ask you out officially, you're requested on an undercover mission that halts your budding relationship in its tracks.
Months go by without a word from you until bodies of prostitutes start showing up in New York and the BAU is brought in to help. Spencer and you finally reunite as both your cases collide, but your lives and your love are both on the line now.
Will you and Spencer be able to find the way back home this time?
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
The water ran hot against your skin as you lathered your body in soap. The bubbles formed quickly from how fast you scrubbed yourself. You didn't like taking showers. Actually, that wasn't entirely true. Showers were both simultaneously the best and worst part of your day since returning home from the hospital.
Your fingers barely brushed across your skin, swiping the soap over and back a few times before you washed it off. You didn't like the feel of fingers lingering too long on your skin. Objectively, you were much better than you were before. The first time the nurses tried showering you, you almost screamed the hospital down as flashbacks and phantom touches invaded your brain.
You turned the shower off and stepped out of it. You didn't look in your mirror, immediately reaching for a towel to cover yourself up with. The towel helped you feel less... vulnerable, even if you were all alone.
Only then did you look in the mirror. It had already been one month since you'd left the hospital after being cooped up in there for two weeks. Today actually marked the day you were told you had to leave for the mission - exactly one a year ago. You were now back in your old apartment in DC - Hotch had pulled in a favour from the FBI to keep paying your rent until you came back, and you had almost choked him to death with the strong hug you'd given him when the team had brought you home.
The word brought a smile to your face. Well, it wasn't so much the word as it was the images that came to mind with it. Your apartment, the BAU, the team, the Italian restaurant downstairs you always used to visit before you left. A certain genius with unruly hair and the brightest smile in the world...
After this weekend, I'll be seeing that smile everyday, you thought as you quickly dried off and rushed to pull some casual shorts and an over-sized gym t-shirt on. Just the thought of being exposed for too long freaked you out.
You walked out to your lounge room where you were greeted with the afternoon light that would no doubt be setting soon. For a moment, you just allowed yourself to take in your street, standing so close to your floor-to-ceiling window that if you leaned forward you would bump your nose against it. The golden light of the setting sun reflected in fragments off the windows of other apartments; people were already home from work and walking the streets with their loved ones or dogs. The hardware store across the road was closing up, but the lights for the Italian restaurant downstairs flickered on, telling the world they were ready for business.
It had been killing you to stay away from work - Hotch and Penelope had made it very clear they didn't want you anywhere near the office until you had taken your month off to recover and readjust back into life. But, in hindsight, you were glad they had. You'd found a new appreciation of where you lived, reacquainted yourself with what you liked to do and liked to eat and liked to go watch at the movies.
This past month had almost wiped Serena Vanderguff from existence... and you couldn't tell if you liked that yet or not.
A sudden knock at your door knitted confusion in your eyebrows as you looked curiously at the entrance to your home. You spared a glance at the clock hanging on the wall. What's someone doing here at quarter-to six on a Friday afternoon?
You softly padded over to the door and peeped through the spyglass that allowed you to see whoever it was that knocked at the door. You couldn't stop your wide smile of delight at who greeted you outside. Without wasting another second, you unlocked the multiple locks on your door and swung the blasted thing open to welcome the one and only Dr. Spencer Reid.
'Spence!' you exclaimed. 'What a lovely surprise!'
'Hey!' he replied just as enthusiastically. 'I was on my way home from the office and thought I'd stop by.'
It was only then you noticed he was holding a big and beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers. 'Goodness, Spence, you didn't have to bring me flowers again.' He'd been bringing you flowers once a week every week since you'd been found. Even when you were still in the hospital, those two weeks he had brought you the same flowers, the ones you loved.
He just smiled that adorable smile of his before responding. 'I read somewhere that florals can produce a high level of endorphins and serotonin,' he explained as he offered them out to you, lips still upturned in a crooked, adorable smile. 'And ever since that sewerage pipe break in your building, there's always been a lingering smell that I thought you could use help covering up.'
'That was over a year ago, though!' you argued weakly, but took the flowers from his hands anyways. Your fingers briefly brushed, and it sent a jolt of electricity through you. It was gone as quickly as it came.
You gestured for him to come inside and he did. From your front door the kitchen was easily accessible, which is where he walked to and leant against the counter. You quickly closed the door and followed after him, heading straight for your flowers from last week sitting wilted in their vase.
'And in all that time, they still haven't managed to fix it,' Spencer added jokingly, but the upward pull of his lips wasn't as high now.
You heard what he really meant as you pulled out the dead flowers, filled the vase with fresh water, and placed the new flowers in. All that time...
A lot has happened in that time. Upon your release from the hospital, Khan had been put in jail alongside many of his goons. Madame Lacroix and the other New York club managers were found guilty of human trafficking and dealing in illicit drugs and contraband, and were all thrown in jail and their clubs were shut down. Turned out it was a national operation that Khan was running, and other units of the FBI in other states were currently hunting them all down.
What made you happy though was that the girls you saved were going home, and for those that didn't have homes, they were being found homes of their own. The older girls that worked at the clubs were a different story. Some packed up and left town, wanting to travel or find new work elsewhere. The rest bought up the clubs and were rebranding themselves, taking ownership of their lives. Now they were the ones in charge.
You looked at Spencer, leaning casually against your counter, the light of sunset haloing him as it reflected off the opposite building into your apartment.
And a lot still hasn't happened.
'So, what's the occasion?' you asked, turning to face Spencer, finally finished with the flowers. You crossed your arms and couldn't help the soft smile that pulled at you lips. 'To what do I owe the pleasure of the great Dr. Spencer Reid in my apartment this evening?'
He chuckled at my posh delivery, and the loose curls dangling across his forehead bounced with the sound. It had grown in the time since he'd found you, but he'd cut it once or twice since then to keep it at that perfect length of long-short - long enough to style gorgeously but short enough to be considered clean-cut and suitable for work.
The urge to rake your fingers through the curls itched at your fingertips, and you were so glad your hands were crossed under your armpits.
'I was meant to come in earlier this week like I usually do,' he started, pushing off the counter to wander past the kitchen and into the lounge, ultimately ending up looking out the window as you had been just before. 'But the amount of paperwork we've had piling up this month has been ridiculous, even I was starting to hate looking at endless towers of paper to read then sign.'
'Oh no,' I drawled out, following him to the window with a teasing smirk on my lips. 'Has the great Dr. Reid finally met his match?'
'Not quite,' he replied, still staring out the window.
It was hard not to look at him as the sunlight lit up his amber eyes,. He was simply... ethereal.
'I finished it all, finally,' he continued, 'and thought I'd pay you a visit. Seeing as it's Friday and there are no new cases, I'm not expected in the office tomorrow.'
I blew out a low whistle. 'Wow. A whole weekend to yourself? That's unheard of.'
'Yeah.' His voice was breathy, and you noticed the emotion in his gaze shift as he turned away from watching the world to look at you. A sad smile appeared on his lips, eyes glazing over with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. 'I've missed you.'
'You saw me last week,' you countered, like a mother placating a child. 'And we text and call like everyday.'
'I know. It's just like old times again, but...'
He paused, as if gathering his next words carefully. Spencer always thought about his words so that people understood him the best possible way. It was one of the things you positively adored about him.
'The office is, I don't know, empty somehow,' he said finally, slowly. 'I know that's a silly thing to say when Morgan and JJ and Penelope and everyone else is there, but... Your desk still sits there, waiting for you to come back. And I kept it clean for over a year, almost willing you to come back any of those days.'
You smiled softly at him. 'Well, you don't have to wait much longer. Monday morning, bright and early, I'll be at my desk ready to go.'
Your eyes met and you could tell he was holding back tears. Your words came out quiet but true. 'I've missed you too, Spence.'
You had always been attuned to each other, the team sometimes joking that you both shared the same brain cells (even though, as Spencer claimed continuously, that was not anatomically possible). The sentiment remained true as you and him reached out to one another and wrapped your arms tight around each other.
Reflexively, your breath caught in your throat, and you were thrown back to that night where Khan defiled you in the most brutal of ways.
Spencer noticed you tense, and he pulled back slightly. 'Is this okay?" he asked gently. He had been there when you had your meltdown at the nurses; he knew what Khan had done to you, and how you would never be same because of it.
His arms were warm and gentle around you, and that horrible memory disappeared. You were with Spencer. You were safe. You were home.
You took a moment to catch your breath, to stabilise yourself in the present once more, and pulled him in tighter. 'Yes. This is okay.'
After your permission, his arms tightened around you, and there you stayed for a while longer. Just hugging while the rest of the world passed you by. With your ear pressed to his chest, you knew both your hearts were beating in time with one another.
Synced. Linked. Two halves of a whole.
Your heart practically screamed for him when he and the team had found you, saved you. It had been screaming for over a month since that day, and you knew it would never stop screaming for him.
I would've said yes.
Neither of you had said anything about what you'd said, what you had confirmed. Everything had just happened so quickly, and then Spencer had been busy with work since the team was a man down until you returned.
You'd stolen what you could in your brief touches, the laughs you shared, the scent of the flowers that hung in your apartment for a week before he brought a new set. And despite all he had done to get you back, despite that night at the Chateau - What would you have said? - you'd just been too much of a coward to see if he still felt that way for you.
Because nothing had changed for you. It never would.
You had two days before your life would go back to semi-normal, and by then it would be too difficult, too complicated. Oh screw it, it's complicated already.
You pulled apart from Spencer, disentangling yourself from him completely. As much as you wished to hold him forever, you needed to have your space if you had any hope of finally getting the words out.
'Hey, you okay?' he asked, noticing your tensed form, your fidgety fingers.
'Yeah, I just...'
You took in a deep breath, closed your eyes, and let out that breath. Now or never, Y/N.
Opening your eyes, you spoke. 'I just don't think I've ever thanked you for checking in on me. I know how busy you can be.'
'There's no need,' he replied, a soft smile adorning his face. 'I'll always come to your aid. You're... so dear to me, Y/N.'
Hope sparked in your chest, the only driving force for you to keep speaking. 'I mean it. You literally saved my life in the Warehouse. I had resigned myself to my fate: that I would never see you or Pen or Derek or JJ or the rest of the team again. I knew you'd find me, but I had made peace with dying before that point.'
You sucked in a steadying breath as the dark memories started to claw their way back into your brain, into your heart. Phantom fingers ghosted over your skin, causing you cross your arms again in attempt to protect yourself from them.
'And then Khan... used me,' you managed to get out, words strained and voice croaky as tears formed at the rim of your eyelids.
Spencer's expression turned into one of concern. 'You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, Y/N,' he offered, amber eyes scanning me all over for signs that I would breakdown.
I shook my head. 'No. I need to tell you this. I need you to understand.'
'Understand what?'
'That this past month I have had to learn to re-love myself again, to re-love my body and what it did for me that day.' I forced my arms down beside me, opening myself up completely to Spencer. 'It hasn't been easy, and sometimes... I've hated myself, instead. And the scars run deeper than my skin shows and may last for a long time - possibly for the rest of my life.'
You tell yourself to be brave for a moment, and you look directly into Spencer's eyes, which shine with unshed tears and something else you can't quite figure out.
'But you... Dr. Spencer Reid,' you started, tears finally falling from your eyes as the brightest smile spread across your face. 'You have made me believe in hope again. Hope, that I might one day be rid of this hatred for myself and my body. Hope, that I can carry this trauma and still live a full life. Hope, that I can be more than what Walter Khan made of me that night.'
A hysterical chuckle escapes you, and you wipe some of the tears away. There was a silent voice in the back of your head saying how ridiculous you are for crying over this. But that voice was all of hatred, of jealously. It has been the voice you've let dictate your feelings for over a month.
But, today, you were done listening to it.
'Hope, that... you love you me as much as I love you, Spencer.'
There, you said it. Relief bombarded the space where the weight of those words had held a huge place in your heart for the longest time. Since before the mission, before Maeve, before you even knew you were in love with him. It was out there, now. There was no going back.
Spencer remained silent, staring at you like you had three heads. Slight panic coursed coldly through you, and suddenly your mouth was motoring, words just flying out one after the other.
'That's not me asking you to say it back or anything. I just... oh my goodness, screw it. I have been in love with you forever, Spencer, and I just wanted to let you know because you have taken up such a huge part of my heart that will never belong to anyone else, and-'
'You love me?'
You paused at Spencer's question, locking eyes with the boy genius and seeing a mixture of disbelief and that same emotion again, the one you couldn't put a finger on. Perhaps it was terror, and that one thought had your heart sinking like the Titanic.
'Yeah,' you replied quietly.
'...How long?'
'How. Long.'
You rubbed at your eyes, suddenly avoiding his gaze by looking simply anywhere else. It was all going so horribly wrong. But he'd asked a question. And you would do anything, answer anything, if he asked.
'I think I've loved you since the day I met you,' you said, and it was only when you'd spoken the words did you realise how cliche you sounded. A humourless laugh escaped you at your misery.
'I didn't realise until a few years later, though,' you continued. 'But by the time I did, I found out you had a secret girlfriend in Maeve and you were just so happy I couldn't possibly ruin what we had because of that. And I never tried after because you were grieving and I didn't want you to think I was rushing you or pushing you too soon. But then you asked me, and I was so happy, but then it all just went downhill from there. Goodness, this is all coming out horribly wrong-'
'Stop talking.'
'Wha- Mph!'
Your question was swallowed by Spencer Reid's lips as he cradled your face in his hands and pulled you to him, pressing his lips passionately against yours. He tasted like Halloween sweets and fresh air, and that just made you close your eyes and melt into him more. The kiss wasn't frantic. Rather, it was sweet and loving and you couldn't get enough of him. Even as you weaved your fingers into his luscious hair and tugged on them gently, eliciting a deep growl of approval and want from deep within him.
As he kissed you, your doubts faded away, leaving only your love for another that could not be any clearer now. As he kissed you, another mental, emotional scare healed and vanished.
You both finally pulled apart, heaving for breath as your noses brushed one another's. When you looked up at his eyes, you finally recognised the mystery emotion that had been burning ever since he'd stepped into your apartment.
A relieved, genuinely happy smile split his lips wide as tears of joy ran down his cheeks. His thumb swept over your own tears, causing you both to chuckle at your silliness.
'If you hadn't guessed already,' he said, his words only for you, 'I love you, too. I know that's an odd thing to say before you even date someone, but I do, and I have for a while even if I didn't know it before. I'm just so so sorry for making you wait, for being an ignorant, stupid coward.'
You brought your hands up to wipe away his own tears, heart immensely full for the man in front of you. 'Dr. Spencer Reid stupid? Now you're just making stuff up. I thought you didn't do that.'
That pulled a laugh from him, and he pulled you into another hug, this time more bone-crushing. As if he couldn't express how much he loved you enough. You hugged him back just as desperately though. It seemed as though you shared the same sentiment.
In another moment of bravery, you spoke over his shoulder where your chin rested. 'You know... my answer still stands. That is, if your offer still stands.'
Dr. Spencer Reid. Are you asking me out on a date right now?
Spencer pulled away from the hug, with the biggest smile on his face. 'It will always stand for you, Y/N. Always.'
What do you say, SSA Y/N L/N? Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
It was you this time that pressed a bruising kiss on Spencer's lips, the kiss being answer enough for what you had been holding onto for exactly a year.
Sweet, sweet music wafted up from downstairs, the faint sound of a beautiful violin sparking an idea in your head. You forced yourself to pull away from Spencer and said, 'I know a great Italian restaurant that is super close, by the way.'
'Sounds perfect,' Spencer replied, kissing you quickly again before crouch and picking you up by your underarms and twirling your around in the air. Laughter echoed through your apartment as you clung to him but also rejoiced at the feeling of flying. For the first time in over a year, you were finally feeling like yourself again.
Spencer eventually put you down, saying, 'As much as I find you the most beautiful girl in the world, I don't think t-shirt and shorts are going to cut it downstairs.'
'Oh. Right.' You quickly dashed into your room and put on something more suitable.
And finally, one year after being asked out, Spencer held your hand in his and took you downstairs to have your date, where you both had the best night you'd had in a long time. It might've taken a few twists and turns to get to where you both belonged: with each other. But as you ate your pasta, drank your wine, danced with and laughed with and kissed Spencer, you realised it had only made your bond stronger, that it had been worth it.
You'd finally found your way back home.
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