#and yoongi is like OJO
seokjinsonlyone · 11 months
oh you know what i remember what it was as i usually am these days super behind on content u know and the like so i was just watching lee mujin’s service with jimin up there and i was cracking up at the scene where mujin called jimin oppa and then i started thinking about how the tannies would react if u started calling them oppa and obviously this is on the basis that you actually are younger than them
and i think jk would make the ojo face specifically
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something along those lines like somewhere between shocked and amused like lowkey he’d eat it up bc we all know he on his “i’m 26!! i’m not a baby!!!” kick even tho he’s literally everyone’s baby also i have this
moment saved in my favorites bc it just i just yeah <3
ANYWAY i think jimin wouldn’t be as shocked as he was at mujin calling him oppa but there would be a kinda❗️moment followed by giggles he’d be like 😯🤭😏 so i’m oppa now and then you’d always have to refer to him like that
i think tae gives the vibe like he really could not care less like ion think it does anything for him you call him oppa and he’s like 😶 yes? like it ain’t no thing to him but if you were in a relationship with him you absolutely couldn’t refer to another guy as oppa
i think for jin it’s literally just a title just like hyung and he’d use it the same way he does when he’s like “hyung’s got it” “let hyung do it” he’d be the same way “oppa’s here” “oppa’s got it” “wait for oppa” he’d probably refer to himself as it more than you
hobi would probably do like he does when the members compliment him and be like 😳 don’t say these things like i don’t think he would actually mind but he 100% would believe you have a crush on him like if you two both weren’t firmly clear that you liked each other or family zoned he would start talking REAL formal to you in return aksksksks
it would throw mr kim daddy kink namjoon through a loop for sure like if u just randomly called him oppa he’s gonna fumble through a couple sentences before he’s able to recover especially if you were a foreigner who’s fluent in korean bc then he knows you know how it could be taken and idk if he would ever directly speak on it but he gon think about it from time to time for sure
yoongi would love it without a doubt in my mind i know he does he can try to act like he doesn’t but oooo i know his youngest sibling self does for the same reason he shows us his hands and his teef and how he grew his hair out and enjoyed us barking at him and how he ended his tour with longest shibals ever like it just activates that special part in his brain that likes to be liked and wanted like again he may not ever speak on it directly but you call him oppa and he’s gonna get that little smirk on his face and stick his tongue out do a little snort and in his brain he’s thinking wow she wants me
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multidol · 1 year
✽ Situación: [vampiro] En una fiesta, boliche, etc. huelen tu sangre y apenas pueden resistirse
✽ Advertencias: Ninguna.
✽ Pedido: @jessiedrew19
✽ Nota: Cometarios, likes y reblogs son muy apreciados, ¡ojalá les guste! ♡
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Estaba sentado cuando captó un olor fuera de lo común, uno que provocó que su interior estremeciera y cambiara a modo caza. Paseó la mirada por el lugar y amagó a levantarse al no hallarte, pero frenó y sonrió liberando un suspiro cuando una de las coloridas luces de la fiesta lo ayudó y te enfocó.
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Apenas captara tu esencia, YoonGi, elevaría un poco el mentón para observarte andar a unos metros completamente inconsciente del peligro en el que estabas. Su instinto diría que fuera y empezara a atraerte para obtener lo que quería, pero el impacto lo dejaría en el lugar hasta que pudiera organizar sus pensamientos y planear mejor.
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JUNG HOSEOK [j-hope]
El primer instinto fue acercarse y sonreír para invitarte a bailar, aquella siendo la mejor forma de crear contacto considerando que estaban en un club. De todas formas, la proximidad haría que tuviera que enfocarse en manejar la sed lo mejor posible hasta que pudiera aislarte de la multitud.
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Sería un tremendo impacto y debería irse a los limites del boliche para calmarse, al lograrlo decidiendo caminar por las zonas menos atestadas hasta encontrarte. Se recostaría en una pared y te observaría de forma intensa, inevitablemente mordiéndose el labio inferior cuando la ansiedad lo golpeara y su garganta doliera.
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Entre la gente, el calor y los perfumes un hilo de tu esencia logró llegar a él como el más dulce manjar, provocando que lanzara la cabeza hacia atrás y jadeara sin pudor por el placer que lo recorrió.
La mente se le pondría en blanco y detendría cualquier actividad para analizar qué lo rodeaba, su lengua lamiendo los carnosos labios antes de empezar a buscarte.
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El club poseía varios salones con distintas temáticas y TaeHyung se encontraba pasando el rato en uno de sus favoritos, la noche yendo de maravillas hasta que caminaste cerca.
Al oler tu sangre giraría y observaría como te alejabas, enseguida apoyándose en el espejo que ocupaba la pared para mirarse a los ojos tratando de volver en sí y evitar hacer una masacre.
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No tenía nada especial planeado y estaba ocupado en tener una noche normal hasta que el pasar rápido de unas personas movió el aire y desvió tu aroma hacia él, ahí despertando el depredador que en realidad era.
Acecharía con urgencia y al encontrarte se te quedaría viendo unos momentos, al final yendo hacia donde estabas sabiendo muy bien lo que quería incluso si no tenía muy organizado cómo conseguirlo.
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denimini · 7 months
hi there! sorry if you’ve answered something like this but haven’t seen all the asks yet - but was just wondering regardless of all the ✨drama✨ floating around right now, what was/are your opinions on jungkooks live where he appeared happier! for instance the live eating chicken and asking to Jimin to come over (looking like OJO) and also the famous bed live (I can handle it) in relation to his interactions or attempted interactions with Jimin?
to me, I think before RM commented on some of his lives and maybe also yoongi? And whilst JK was happy to reply to them, for me the interactions always seemed different. Whilst clearly it was obvious jungkookand Jimin were not spending every second with each other and they did seem to be having more obvious time apart, up until now I didn’t really notice such a visible change in “normal” jikook? when we saw them together (albeit brief) at both jhope MS btb, Yoongis concert, clips from New York and JM/JKs happier comments and responses in their lives, to me they seemed ok. Idk what to think of it!
also thanks for all your answers - interesting read!
I think JM and JK were definitely spending a lot less time than they used to in the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 , but they were still on very good terms. It was weird they weren't meeting much, when previously were attached at the hip and JK hanging out a lot with Tae was also unusual, but the affection between Jikook was still there, in my eyes.
It's no surprise to me that Jk seemed the happiest when it was JM commenting in comparison to other members. Jungkook was missing seeing JM (obvi), and they've always had a special bond.
They definitely were not a couple in my eyes back then, but there was no bad blood. Otherwise, JM wouldn't have posted so sweetly, as he did. That being said, none of what JM was saying was especially flirty towards JK, albeit very fond and cute. Even if someone could take JK's comments as attempts at flirting, Jimin wasn't giving in.
That wasn't the case in the live from July. While we saw the typical behavior from JK - being very happy that JM was commenting, asking him to meet up, etc, it was Jimin who flirted first with that "I can handle it" line. That surprised me because I have become unused to this type of vibes coming from Jimin.
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bubmyg · 9 months
JUST WIKE YO TO FIND OUT JUNGKOOK WAS AT THE CONFERT jealously is a disease and i am dying of it 😭
jeongguk begging him via live to come back and making some elaborate plan to drop through the rafters as if he couldn’t just stand in the wings like OJO 🥺 for yoongi to be like alright come on….
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biaswreckmepls · 5 years
You Sound So Pretty (When You Say My Name)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17926412
Author: infinitesoleil (jennalmighty92)
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Min Yoongi/Jung Hoseok
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (9564 words)
AU where Hoseok rubs one out every night before bed because it "helps him sleep better." One night, he accidentally dials Yoongi's number and Yoongi answers the phone to hear the sound of Hoseok moaning his name.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17926412c
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Ya know, I’m such a slut for those ffs where BTS are like mafia or like bad boys, and they’re only soft for their wife or girlfriends and stuff. And ya know WHAT???? I would love like a daechwita based one shot or Drabble where it’s like evil king Yoongi and like he’s just vibing with his flow and beheading people and shit, but at the end of the day it’s just him and him coming home to his wife and like some soft fluff and like a fluffy smut maybe like ughhhhjjddgrsbh🥴🥴🥴🥴🥺🥺🥺🥺💜💜❤️❤️💜❤️
honestly like- i can totally imagine Daechwita yoongi being so so soft for his pregnant wife whose always bothering him over his health- and like- yoongi coming home after a day at court to your hidden little part of the palace compound where he can just like- sit next to you and forget the horrors he’s seen and done.
 begging you to sit in his lap and lean into his chest so he can touch your baby bump and just like- be calm with you. maybe enjoying a cup of tea with you talking to you about whatever is on his mind. his whole being melting when you touch his face, feeling beautiful even when you touch his scar. 
the way he’d lie you down at the end of the day and softly touch you too- hoping you feel even half as whole and beautiful under his stained hands as he does when you touch him. moving slow and soft and gently his hair spilling out around you. he’s all soft and gentle with his movements, mindful of your pregnant tummy, his hands gently guiding you into riding him. 
you’re his better half- and when you’re in court all of the nobles give a sigh of relief because they know he won't be nearly as horrible to them if you’re there. you’d even cuffed him over the back of the head once when he’d yelled at and threatened to behead a hapless attendant. saying “that's not kind my king” everyone kinda just looking OJO thinking that yoongi was about to go into a rage before he apologized. 
all in all- you’re the only one who makes yoongi soft and i think even the like- resistance movements and rival political groups know it’s better if they don't try anything with you- because they knew the second you where hurt or not there to temper Yoongi’s impulses he would fly off the handle and become even more murderous. 
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mikrokosmcs · 4 years
❛ ❪ ♡ PLOTS 。 ❫
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as  always,  traigo  la  wishlist  renovada  con  plots  específicos que  me  interesaría.  todos  cuentan  con  una  descripción  y  un  link  para  la  bio  de  mi  personaje,  si  nada  les  interesaría  me  ayudarían  a  llegar  a  otras  personas  con  un  reblog  <3
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sang  deoksu [bio]
Yoongi  (bts)  &  Moonbyul  (mamamoo): La  relación  de  amistad  entre  un  vampiro  y  una  bruja,  los  cuales  se  han  ayudado  a  través  de  las  épocas  y  los  años.  Mantienen  una  fuerte  amistad,  además  de  ser  ella  a  quien  más  confianza  le  tiene  y  con  quien  habla  de  absolutamente  todo.  Es  un  vampiro  reservado  y  que  acoraza  su  corazón  demasiado,  ella  es  la  única  persona  que  llega  hasta  él  con  sensatez  y  palabras  certeras.  
Yoongi  (bts  )  &  Namjoon  (bts):  El  típico  cliché  de  la  relación  de  un  vampiro  y  un  hombre  lobo.  Estoy  abierta  a  idear  cosas  desde  que  no  se  llevan  bien,  que  tienen  problemas  desde  el  inicio  de  los  tiempos  o  la  alta  tensión  y  un  deseo  carnal  que  se  joderá  cuando  los  feelings  ataquen.
Yoongi  (bts)  &  Jungkook  (bts):  Jungkook  es  un  licántropo  joven  que  fue  separado  de  su  familia  ya  sea  porque  cazadores  humanos  mataron  a  toda  su  manada  o  se  vio  envuelto  en  alguna  pelea.  El  plot  es  básicamente  que  Deoksu,  un  vampiro,  le  encuentra  herido  y  decide  curarlo,  cuidarlo  e  inclusive  criarlo  (si  es  que  Jk  era  muy  pequeñito  cuando  sucedió  la  masacre).  A  pesar  de  la  rivalidad  constante  entre  las  dos  razas,  su  camaradería  crecerá  y  serán  como  familia,  incluso  podemos  meter  los  feelings  románticos  para  darle  drama.
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sang jaeseong [bio]
Namjoon  (bts)  &  Hwasa  (mamamoo): [tw:  heavy  shit,  like  mafia, asesinato,  etc)]: Medios  hermanos,  del  mismo  padre  y  madres  diferentes.  Jaeseong  era  el  hijo  de  la  amante  favorita  de  su  padre,  y  a  quien  buscó  hacer  convivir  con  sus  dos  hijos  legítimos,  uno  de  ellos  siento  Gyeonghye.  Crecieron  como  hermanos,  los  dos  tienen  una  relación  manchada  en  sangre  y  traiciones,  haciéndolos  a  los  dos  "los  dragones"  del  SsangYong-Pa.  Dos  muchacho  que  lograron  asesinar  y  aniquilar  a  todos  sus  demás  hermanos  y  medios  hermanos  hasta  alcanzar  el  trono.  Ella  es  el  cerebro,  él  es  el  instinto.
Namjoon  (bts)  &  Seokjin (bts): [tw: heavy  shit,  like  mafia, asesinato,  etc)]: Un  capo  y  su  doctor,  un  hombre  a  quien  Jaeseong  encontró  fascinante  y  encantador  desde  que  puso  sus  ojos  en  él.  Podría  pertenecer  a  la  mafia  por  propia  convicción  o  simplemente,  porque  a  Jaeseong  se  le  ocurrió  la  idea  de  que  lo  quería  para  él  y  obligarlo  a  estar  a  su  disposición  cada  que  algo  gordo  suceda  en  los  encuentros  entre  el  crimen  y  la  policía/otras  bandas.  Dije  que  Seokjin,  pero  podría  ser  cualquier  otro  FC  que  no  sea  BTS.
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min taeim [bio]
Jimin  (bts)  &  Taehyung/Namjoon  (bts):  Ex  mejores  amigos  (que  provenían  de  familias  amigas)  y  ex  novios  que  ambas  relaciones  fueron  destruidas  por  el  desliz  del  otro.  Fueron  muchas  de  sus  primeras  veces,  también  eran  como  uña  y  carne  que  naturalmente  evolucionó  a  una  relación  de  pareja  que  no  terminó  bien  por  [inserte  aquí  infidelidad/peleas/falta  de  tiempo/constipados  emocionalmente].  Por  alguna  razón  nunca  lograron  enmendarla  pero  tampoco  darle  ningún  cierre.  Después  de  un  par  de  años  se  vuelven  a  topar  en  algún  lugar  donde  tienen  que  trabajar  juntos  o  bien,  compartir  tiempo  otra  vez  en  conjunto.  
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athena hwang [bio]
Heize  (solista)  &  Yoohyeon  (dreamcatcher):  La  relación  de  una  bruja  blanca  y  su  familiar  llamado  Minerva,  una  serpiente  albina.  Tienen  una  relación  cordial  y  agradable,  donde  Athena  le  respeta  y  admira  pero  de  todas  formas  suele  tratarla  como  una  mascota  frente  a  los  clientes  de  la  tienda,  logrando  enfadar  a  Minerva.  A  pesar  de  eso,  trabajan  perfectamente  bien  juntas  y  tienen  juntas  desde  que  Athena  era  una  niña.  Le  puse  como  FC  a  Yoohyeon,  pero  cualquiera  idol  femenina  con  cabello  platinado/rubio  me  sirve.
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eun yurim [bio]
Siyeon  (dreamcatcher)  &  Sua/Gahyeon  (dreamcatcher):  Yurim  asistió  a  una  escuela  de  puras  mujeres,  proveniente  de  una  familia  conservadora  n  stuff.  Este  plot  sería  su  primera  novia  que  iba  con  ella  a  esa  escuela,  viviendo  el  sueño  lesbico  de  cualquiera.  No  obstante  se  separaron  por  cuestiones  de  la  vida,  me  gustaría  que  ahora  vuelvan  a  verse  luego  de  años  y  tal  vez,  que  ese  romance  por  experimentación  se  vuelva  algo  más  fuerte.
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winterflower45 · 4 years
- Le dirías que eligiese el la película
- Obviamente elegiría una romántica, cómo The Notebook
- Terminarías llorando los dos a pesar de que habías dicho que no te gustaban las películas de amor
- Te pasarías toda la película abrazando a jimin like a koala
- JM: “jagi... ¿no habías dicho que no ibas a llorar porque todas estas películas son iguales y aburridas?” dijo riéndose mientras te limpia las lágrimas
T/N: “déjame en paz Park Jimin”
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- Decidiríais ver La Casa de Papel, ya que es la primera serie que os había aparecido en recomendaciones y la verdad es que te llamaba la atención
- YG: “t/n-ah los de la serie suenan exactamente igual que tú cuando insultas es español” dice riéndose y dándote un pequeño golpe en el brazo para molestarte 
- Te comenta todo el rato que le gustaría ir a España para así poder escucharte hablar español todo el rato
- Te avergüenzas cuando te pide que digas algo en español 
- T/n: “yoongi... para por favor que me da mucha vergüenza...” TT
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- Al abrir la puerta de tu casa te encontrarías con tu novio, sosteniendo cuatro CDs en sus manos mientras sonríe con esa característica sonrisa cuadrada que tanto te encanta 
- TH: “He pensado que sería buena idea pasar esta tarde tan lluviosa tu y yo juntos mientras vemos una película romántica, acurrucados, comiendo helado y palomitas ¿qué te parece? ¿eh?” dice mientras se acerca poco poco a ti para darte un beso en los labios 
- Como taehyung lo había dicho, ahí estabais los dos, en el sofá con una manta tapados y comiendo helado
- En las partes románticas te abrazaría y apoyaría su cabeza en tu hombro
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- Habías planeado mucho este día porque por fin verías a Namjoon después de tres meses
- Tenías pensado ir a dar un paseo, cita romántica rodeados de naturaleza pero lamentablemente ese día estaba lloviendo mucho así que tus planes se estropearon y tuviste que pasar al plan B 
- Plan B: tarde de películas, plan simple pero bueno, estarías con joon así que sería especial
- Preparaste todo, la comida, las películas y decoraste el salón para que fuera más acogedor, hasta pusiste luces y velas aromáticas
- NJ: “¡t/n! dios mío esto es increíble” dice mientras ve con ojos abiertos toda la decoración que habías preparado “es que wow, de verdad que no deberías haberte molestado... muchas gracias cariño” dice mientras te da un beso en la frente para después abrazarte 
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- No es muy fan de los maratones de películas, puede aguantar dos o tres pero pasarse toda la tarde viendo pelis no es exactamente su idea de “plan perfecto”
- Estaría todo el rato haciendo preguntas para no aburrirse y así no quedarse dormido
- T/N: “hoseok ¿puedes centrarte en la película y dejar de hacer preguntas por favor?” le preguntarías entre risas
HS: “mmm... ¿quieres que pida algo para cenar?” 
- Terminaríais cenando pizza y dejando de lado el plan del maratón
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- A jungkook no le parecía mala idea el plan de tarde de películas, es más estaría emocionado
- No comentaría nada durante todo lo que durase la peli, estaría muy concentrado 
- La verdad es que te haría mucha gracia y al mismo tiempo te parecería muy tierno, así que no podrías evitar mirarle a cada rato para ver sus expresiones 
- JK: “Jagi ~ ¡por qué me miras! me estas poniendo nervioso...” diría mientras coge una almohada para taparse la cara 
Al decir eso jungkook estallaría de risa 
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- Tardaríais mil horas en elegir la película porque literal que le sacaríais pegas a todo 
- T/N: “Jin mejor vemos esta que me llama más la atención, además el actor principal es guapísimo”
SJ: “¿Vamos a ver esa película solo por qué el actor es guapo? t/n si la historia tiene pinta de ser aburrida” diría poniendo los ojos en blanco 
- Al final terminaríais viendo la película que habías elegido
- Seokjin se quejaría durante toda la peli para al final quedarse dormido abrazado a ti
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daechvita · 4 years
❛ ❪ ♡ wishlist 。 ❫
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as  always,  traigo  la  wishlist  renovada  con  plots  específicos  y  con  parejas  de  faceclaim  que  me  interesaría.  como  siempre,  si  no  pueden  darme  algo,  un  reblog  sería  cool  <3
❛ ❪ ♡ PLOTS 。 ❫
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sang  deoksu [bio]
Yoongi  (bts)  &  Moonyul  (mamamoo): La  relación  de  amistad  entre  un  vampiro  y  una  bruja,  los  cuales  se  han  ayudado  a  través  de  las  épocas  y  los  años.  Mantienen  una  fuerte  amistad,  además  de  ser  ella  a  quien  más  confianza  le  tiene  y  con  quien  habla  de  absolutamente  todo.  Es  un  vampiro  reservado  y  que  acoraza  su  corazón  demasiado,  ella  es  la  única  persona  que  llega  hasta  él  con  sensatez  y  palabras  certeras.  
Yoongi  (bts  )  &  Namjoon  (bts):  El  típico  cliché  de  la  relación  de  un  vampiro  y  un  hombre  lobo.  Estoy  abierta  a  idear  cosas  desde  que  no  se  llevan  bien,  que  tienen  problemas  desde  el  inicio  de  los  tiempos  o  la  alta  tensión  y  un  deseo  carnal  que  se  joderá  cuando  los  feelings  ataquen.
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sang jaeseong [bio]
Namjoon  (bts)  &  Hwasa  (mamamoo): [tw:  heavy  shit,  like  mafia, asesinato,  etc)]: Medios  hermanos,  del  mismo  padre  y  madres  diferentes.  Jaeseong  era  el  hijo  de  la  amante  favorita  de  su  padre,  y  a  quien  buscó  hacer  convivir  con  sus  dos  hijos  legítimos,  uno  de  ellos  siento  Gyeonghye.  Crecieron  como  hermanos,  los  dos  tienen  una  relación  manchada  en  sangre  y  traiciones,  haciéndolos  a  los  dos  "los  dragones"  del  SsangYong-Pa.  Dos  muchacho  que  lograron  asesinar  y  aniquilar  a  todos  sus  demás  hermanos  y  medios  hermanos  hasta  alcanzar  el  trono.  Ella  es  el  cerebro,  él  es  el  instinto.
Namjoon  (bts)  &  Seokjin (bts): [tw: heavy  shit,  like  mafia, asesinato,  etc)]: Un  capo  y  su  doctor,  un  hombre  a  quien  Jaeseong  encontró  fascinante  y  encantador  desde  que  puso  sus  ojos  en  él.  Podría  pertenecer  a  la  mafia  por  propia  convicción  o  simplemente,  porque  a  Jaeseong  se  le  ocurrió  la  idea  de  que  lo  quería  para  él  y  obligarlo  a  estar  a  su  disposición  cada  que  algo  gordo  suceda  en  los  encuentros  entre  el  crimen  y  la  policía/otras  bandas.  Dije  que  Seokjin,  pero  podría  ser  cualquier  otro  FC  que  no  sea  BTS.
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jun sakwon [bio]
Taehyung  (bts)  &  Namjoon  (bts):  El  típico  plot  del  muchacho  popular  y  con  muchos  amigos  y  el  chico  nerd  que  tiene  solo  afecto  por  su  circulo  de  compañeros.  Sakwon  recibiría  una  apuesta  para  conquistar  al  chico  nerd,  aquel  que  pasa  mucho  tiempo  en  libros  o  que  tiene  gustos  específicos  y  cero  intensiones  de  interactuar  con  la  gente  "popular".  El  plot  twist  es  que  entre  más  logra  acercarse  Sakwon  a  él,  los  sentimientos  se  vuelven  verdaderos  hasta  que  whops,  la  apuesta  sale  al  aire  y  Oc!Namjoon  no  quiere  volver  a  hablarle.  Slow  burn  n  that  shit.
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min taeim [bio]
Jimin  (bts)  &  Taehyung  (bts):  Ex  mejores  amigos  (que  provenían  de  familias  amigas)  y  ex  novios  que  ambas  relaciones  fueron  destruidas  por  el  desliz  del  otro.  Fueron  muchas  de  sus  primeras  veces,  también  eran  como  uña  y  carne  que  naturalmente  evolucionó  a  una  relación  de  pareja  que  no  terminó  bien  por  [inserte  aquí  infidelidad/peleas/falta  de  tiempo/constipados  emocionalmente].  Por  alguna  razón  nunca  lograron  enmendarla  pero  tampoco  darle  ningún  cierre.  Después  de  un  par  de  años  se  vuelven  a  topar  en  algún  lugar  donde  tienen  que  trabajar  juntos  o  bien,  compartir  tiempo  otra  vez  en  conjunto.  
❛ ❪ ♡ SHIPS 。 ❫
Negritas:  Es  el  fc  que  roleo     Itálica:  El  fc  que  podría  rolear     *:  Es  mi  nivel  de  urgencia  con  la  ship.
m  /  m
Yugyeom  &  Jackson  (got7)  |  *******************************
Hongjoong  &  Seonghwa  (ateez)  |  *********
(ship)  Yoongi  (bts)  &  Kihyun  (monsta  x)
Namjoon  &  Hoseok  (bts) | **********
Seokjin  &  Yoongi  (bts)
Soobin  &  Yeonjun  (txt) 
f  /  f
Yuri  &  Yena  (izone)  |  *****  
Irene  &  Wendy  (red  velvet)  
Sana  &  Tzuyu  (twice)
Yuna  &  Ryujin  (itzy) | **********  
Dami  &  Handong  (dreamcatcher)  |  **********    
Doyeon  &  Yoojung  (weki  meki)
Yves  &  Chuu  (loona)
m  /  f
Irene  (red  velvet)  &  Seokjin  (bts)    
Yiren  (everglow)  &  Beomgyu  (txt)    
Hongjoong  (ateez)  &  Minnie  (gidle)  y/o  Chungha
Yuna  (itzy)  &  Hueningkai  (txt)  |  ***********
Yoongi (bts) & Wendy (red velvet)
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ao3feed-jinkook · 3 years
A Taylor Swift Playlist
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gHfqrZ
by seokjindrugs
Se sintió diferente. Tenía mucho sin sentirse así, deseado, y dejó, dejó que todo aquello que pesaba en su interior, que lo consumía y lo sobrepasaba, dejó ir todo el estrés, todo lo malo, todo lo negativo, dejó que Él se fuera... Dejó que absolutamente todo lo que lo seguía uniendo a Él se fuera, lo sacó de su sistema, y cuando la música paró, suspiró mirando hacia el piso para lentamente subir su vista a Jeongguk donde el menor lo miraba fascinado, lo miraba fijamente con una sonrisa descarada que implicaba muchas cosas las cuales el mayor no sabía y poco le importaban, pues después de tanto se sentía ligero, en paz consigo mismo, menos despreocupado y se lo debía a ese par de ojos oscuros.
donde la icónica línea de taylor swift: "I once believed love would be, burning red, but it's golden, like daylight." tiene sentido.
Words: 7735, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, idk que estoy haciendo solo disfruta, esto surgió por la foto que seokjin posteó en twt en mayo pasado, HAY UNA PLAYLIST PARA ESTO, Sex, Kim Seokjin | Jin & Kim Taehyung | V are Related, Kim Seokjin | Jin-centric
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gHfqrZ
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seokjinsonlyone · 4 months
omg bff ive had a list of what states bts would be from in my notes app for months now and i love sharing it with people so here u go
- jin : florida
- off putting vibes
- doesnt even bat an eye at the mention of a hurricane
- fucking LOVES zaxbys
- yoongi : new york
- born in the BRONX FYM, he has a big black puffa jacket he wears timbs he goes to the deli and pets the bodega cat he takes the subway to work, met spiderman one time
- hoseok : california/hawaii
- hes 🤙🏽 personified
- absolutely knows pidgin
- namjoon : vermont/washington
- new england vibes
- went to princeton (idk where princeton is)
- jimin : upstate new york
- like in gossip girl (i’ve never seen gossip girl)
- hes got that old money rich girl vibe
- taehyung : texas or louisiana
- a southerner that wishes he wasnt one
- its all that jazz he be listening to
- kinda serves new orleans or houston
- jungkook : one of the flop states like nebraska or iowa
- you’d befriend him on like discord or twitter and then one day u realize u dont know where hes from so u ask and he says nebraska and ur like who the fuck lives in nebraska?
also im from jacksonville and you said jin is from jacksonville so basically what ur saying is me and jin are married with three kids?
first of all lemme clear this up i would NEVER say that my man is stepping out on me much less having a whole other family so lemme POP that bubble 🫶
SECOND i’m soooo glad we can agree that jin would be from florida like the off putting vibes is taking me out LOL bc that’s exactly what i was thinking like jin 100% be from a place where you’d see a headline that someone got married to a squirrel on lamppost or something wild like that
AND hawaii was literally my second choice for hobi like it really is the 🤙 he’d def be the one to have a surfer arc like that one penguin movie with shia lebeauf!!!
and louisiana was my second pick for tae too!!! like he gives gumbo and jambalaya i think its the prince naveen pipeline that was drawing me there
also why does meeting jungkook on discord seem canon like i feel like that’s how i’d meet him today id accidentally join some server and they’d be on a voice call and he’d be ranting and raving about something and i’d recognize his voice and be like jungkook? and he’d hit the OJO do i know u????
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lavandermin · 5 years
honey & a blue moon, aka jeongguk is hopelessly in love with a goddess oc that doesn’t know how to love
+note: mostly fluff drabble for a soft idea I’ve been itching to write,, kinda getting a feel for how absolutely whipped i can possibly make jeongguk 
drabble 2
Several times in a day, no, within the hour, sparkling, crescent eyes and a toothy grin popped in your mind, or popped up at your door. At night, under messy covers, you stared out at your heart in the sky. The pale moon was in its first quarter, and it reminded you of his starry eyes, how they light up when he talked to you. You didn’t need to sleep, but it was nice to do so. He was a comfort you didn’t want to admit, though you initially wanted nothing more than to get him off your back. The moon glowed a little more softly at your mixed feelings.
[4:26 am] You: Hey stinky
[4:26 am] You: are you up??
You tossed your phone aside and sat up, hugging your knees. Jeongguk was probably asleep but you opted for the chance he might text back. He had you under favorites, though he didn’t know you found out. It was cute and you wanted to save him the embarrassment. 
[4:39 am] gguk OJO: d yuo reali ze what time it is .?
[4:40 am] You: Watch the stars with me :(
[4:43 am] gguk OJO: gods dont need sl eep but I do
[4:49 am] gguk OJO: youe lucky it’s sundaa y
[4:49 am] gguk OJO: yuore*
[4:50 am] gguk OJO: youre*
[4:51 am] You: there was an attempt
[4:53 am] gguk OJO: i trying t keep eyes ope n
[4:55 am] You: poor baby :(( Give me 15 minutes and I’ll bring hot chocolate
[4:57 am] gguk OJO: you’re bribing me nd it’s workin g 
You shrugged on some black pants and some sandals, pulling over a black hoodie you stole from Jeongguk’s closet a few months ago. He had 7 different black hoodies, so he wouldn’t mind one less getting dirty on his messy floor. 
Within 10 minutes you were at his apartment, black face mask bunched under your chin. There was shuffling from the other side of the door, fumbling with the locks no doubt, and a sleepy Jeongguk finally opened the door. You heart was warm, and you couldn’t help but grin at his goofy, love-struck smile. 
His hair was longer, coming down over his eyes in waves and loose curls, bed hair sticking out in different directions. Last month you commented on how nice he looked with his hair growing out, a passing comment that didn’t mean much to you. But being the lovesick boy he was, he stopped trimming it. It suited him, a heartthrob kind of vibe, but you kept that to yourself.
“G’mornin’,” he mumbled, voice husky with drowsiness.It was still dark outside.
“Morning. Sorry for being annoying,” you apologized while slipping off your sandals. 
“‘S okay. Yoongi’s not home?” Jeongguk asked. He knows you get restless when you have the house to yourself for more than a weekend.
You grabbed two mugs from the kitchen cabinet. “No, he’s been out of town with Hoseok for the past week. I think he gets back tomorrow.” He hummed, plopping down on a bar stool and resting his face on the cold granite counter.
“What does the god of war do these days, anyway?” he mumbled into the counter, starry eyes following you working around the kitchen.
“Yoongi? Normal lazy-people stuff. Road trips with Hoseok mostly. Not many people know gods live like normal people, or that we’re not just textbook stuff.” You stretched over the counter and tapped his nose, “Except for you, sleepy bunny-boy.” 
He broke into a lopsided grin, practically melting at your every gesture. You slide a mug of steaming hot chocolate towards him, and watch him sit up so fast he almost falls off the stool. He was a dork at heart. After an eager, tiny sip he made a face and winced at the uncomfortable temperature. 
“How come you’re not gonna drink hot chocolate?” he asked, blowing on his drink.
You shrugged. “Warm honey milk is just nicer on a cold night.”
“Lame. You just really love Ponyo, you weeb.” 
You stick your tongue out at him. “Can’t believe that in this day and age a mortal boy can call me a weeb and get away with it when centuries ago people feared me.”
“You sound like a vampire, old man.” You strode over and hit his arm, narrowing your eyes playfully at his giggling. 
“The disrespect. You’re lucky you're cute, Jeon Jeongguk,” you poked his chest with playful chastising.
Jeongguk’s cheeks lit up with faint reds, his eyes bright with playful mirth and embarrassment.
“You can’t just say that and not-” He fanned his face, lips in a ceaseless grin. You couldn’t help the snort you let out at seeing him so flustered. “You- Agh! You just- just- Ugh! It’s hot in here! Let’s go see your goddamn stars.” He took you by the arm and dragged you out to his balcony, your laughs sweet as you followed behind.
On his balcony you snuggled up on the patio couch, enjoying the crisp cold of the night. A pile of blankets and pillows were thrown at you, burying you in a heap of warmth. Jeongguk let himself fall on the pile, earning a jab to the ribs for crushing you. The cold night air was filled with hushed giggles and sleepy voices too eager for the ungodly hour that passed. It was warm next to him, warm in your chest, and you liked the pleasant feeling it left. The feeling of having another half to complete your whole. To him, you were a puppy-love crush, but to you he was a grey area whose company you enjoy. A lot. And those were feelings you didn’t want to complicate, preferring the numbness that accompanied centuries of roaming the Earth.
All of your friends knew Jeongguk had the biggest crush on you, the spitting image of a lovesick boy. It wasn’t a secret between both of you either, and you humored his efforts. Finding out you were a god, as disastrous as the events were, ended up in him clinging onto you more than before. Fear and ill-intent were expected but not received. Instead, he became a little bunny that burrowed his way into the heart of the goddess of the moon and hunt. And though at first you hunted him down to make sure your identity was safe, he ended up hunting you down without much effort for the following week trying to ask you out on a date. No date, but he got your friendship (semi-reluctantly on your part).
Jeongguk’s sleepy voice pulled you out of crowded thoughts, “Something on your mind?” You hummed and burrowed your body closer to his body, his warmth more comforting than the blankets piled on both of you.
“Mostly you.”
“Oh?” He raised a brow.
“You make me… confused.” 
“Confused how?” he prodded.
“Not sure,” you shrugged. Jeonguk gasped dramatically.
“Confused as in- you like me back?!” he joked with a throaty laugh. You pondered it for a moment, let the thought wallow in your thoughts.
“Yeah, maybe.”
At that he sat up, nearly spilling what was left of his drink all over both of you. “Shit, wait. Seriously?” You shrugged, your face quickly flushing and your gaze averting to the mug in your lap.
“Gods don’t really do relationships often, much less with mortals. But you- Being near you is nice. It’s warm and I like it.” 
You lifted your gaze, meeting his love-struck eyes with your weary ones. He didn’t say anything else, a loving, endearing gaze with a soft, tired smile. Neither of you spoke a word, the soft sounds of crickets filling the pleasant silence. 
Jeongguk broke the silence with a yawn, face relaxing into a content smile with drooping, sleepless eyes. He stood and pulled you up with him.
“Time for bed?” You nodded, a pleasant warmth blooming hot in your chest. 
“Time for bed,” you repeated with a yawn.
In the warmth of his covers you laid on your side, facing him. The moon’s faint glow cast into the room and you could just barely make out his half-lidded, doe eyes, a boyish grin still happily on his lips. From the dark his groggy voice spoke up softly.
“Did you know your eyes hold unborn stars in them? They’re beautiful.” 
In the dark, dozens of tiny twinkles reflected off your eyes, and for the first time you became flustered. He spoke mostly from sleep, and within the next minute his breathing softened, the lovesick boy deep in sleep. Your mind was still awake, now drifting off. Through fleeting, sleepless thoughts, you considered you might actually fall in love with him, and the moon began to glow brighter outside in tune with your fluttering heart. 
You didn’t want to hurt him.
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acc3ssdenied · 4 years
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SUMMARY: After being suddenly forced out from her entertainment company, SVPPHIRE, YN LN is forced to accept the help and advice of an old friend, Kim Namjoon. “hitman” bang allows her to take on a temporary contract in which she must collaborate with one of BIGHIT’s artists.
PAIRING: yoongi x reader (ft. taehyung x reader)
GENRE: angst, fluff, crack, social media au, idol verse
WARNING: ex-fwb taehyung, moody and angsty yoongles, explicit language, mentions of alcohol and drug misuse?, (minor) sexual content
TAGLIST: @rjsmochii
A/N: HELLO! PLEASE TELL ME TO UPDATE MY F O U R T E E N DRAFTS INSTEAD OF MAKING A NEW MASTERLIST!! Anyway, official chapter updates for The Human Condition will not begin until Sunshine Studios is finished, the maximum i will update is the profiles . PLEASE DROP ME AN ASK IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TAGGED <3 Also, please let me know what you would like to be updated first out of: BRUISED, MAP OF THE SOUL SERIES, HOGWARTS SERIES, HOUSE OF CARDS OR SUNSHINE STUDIOS OJO
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PROFILES | [01] [02]
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bubmyg · 5 years
wait how would each of the boys react to surprise kiss attacks like anon mentioned 🥺
jinnie: red ears. trying to pretend that he’s not trying to subtly wiggle away from u. soft and squeaky “whAT WAS THAT FOR—“
yoongi: face scrunches up. looking at u but like from under his eyelashes. lowly mumbles “u missed a spot” and taps his lips.
hoseok: loud giggles and wHaT ArE yOu DoInG?!?!. won’t stop squirming around. trying to replicate what ur doing to him WHILE ur doing it sjfjdj
namjoon: hums quietly, “oh? what’s this?” let’s u do it w the X) smile on his face. probably squeaks out a ticklish giggle in there somewhere.
jimin: does that full bodied scrunch he does when offered affection. clingy, tries to grab your waist or face. Can’t See Smiling Too Hard.
tae: tries to make it harder once he figures out what you’re doing by moving his face around. goes oohhhHHH in between each kiss. tiny voice, “my turn?”
guk: freezes at first OJO face but in tiny so ojo. tries to swat at u because Embarrassed. suddenly decides this is a game and he’s going to win by Gently Wrestling You No I Was Never Blushing Take It Back Before I Tickle You
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saharasnowfall · 4 years
so vmin fought over dumplings, jimin went to drink with yoongi then they met at the park at 4am, he was drunk and taehyung took a video of it and still keeps it till now, he wrote 4 O'clock after that and they're telling us about it now, 4 years later... no this is not an au
so the dumpling incident is how yoongi and jimin became drinking buddies.......
jimin: [drunk asf] and THEN taehyung said he didn’t *hic* CARE bc he’s *hic* HUNGRY yoongi: [sipping his beer quietly] that’s rough buddy 
never forget how they look at window dramatically during carpool when they reminisce that dumpling incident
Thinking abt how vmin quarreled & ran to their hyungs & joon sat with tae & had a Session of Thinking About Feelings ™ & they made 4 o clock while yoongi was out there downing shots with jimin being like "listen to me!! u're park jimin. who are u?" "IM PARK JIMIN!!" "HELL YEAH."
meanwhile jungkook being like "OJO they're fighting " 
2seok: now this wouldn't happen if they just repressed every negative emotion for the sake of others & had a healthy cry session every now and then while watching national geographic. 
jungkook: what 
2seok: aha nothing
And when they started fighting the others went “fvkn take yalls love hate thing OUTSIDE!”
The way i have this whole scene pictured out.... Here's a sad, comforting scene between joon and tae, and the camera suddenly transitions to a chaotic yoonmin drunk in a club  A whole ass romcom i think dkdldkfklgd
things the vmin Dumpling Incident is (probably) responsible for: 
 — 4 o’clock by taehyung 
— friends by vmin 
— jimin and yoongi being drinking buddies 
— the end of mandaggo, vmin’s vlive show 
— vmin’s marriage 
The Dumpling Incident seems like one of the most crucial events in Bangtan history
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
17 & 21??? 💕💓💞💖❤💗💞💖❤💕❤💗💗❤💓💞💖💖💗❤💞❤💗❤💓💖
17. Whose fashion style do you like the most?
Honestly I love Jungkook’s style but I definitely end up emulating hobis the most in my own fashion because I cannot be trusted with pastels. Gonna get some new clothes soon though because I need them!
21. Name the feature you like the most about each member!
Taehyung- that mother fuckers eyebrows!!! So plush!!! And expressive!!! I love them with every fiber of my being!
Jimin- god his lips- I know that’s like- expectable But! They just look so plush and ready to be kissed
Hoseok- this is spesific But the way his hands move I don’t know what it is about it but it makes me wanna melt
Yoongi- his eyes, they’re so haunting when he wants them to be and other times they’re just so open!
Namjoon- needless to say- his dimples! Anyone elce notice his whole face and jaw tenseness looks different when he’s speaking English vs Korean? I love watching him speak
Seokjin- The ease in which he carries himself, I feel like Seokjin is such a delicate comforting man, big and bulky but never does he try to make himself smaller or use his broadness to his advantage.
Jungkook- his nose! It’s so soft looking and Litterally all you have to type is OJO and that’s it! That’s kookoo’s face!!!
💕💖💕❤️💓❤️ to you too!!!
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