#anon thank you for informing me what i missed today
as a fellow deluyuyu looking out for another deluyuyu.. do NOT look at Yunho's Saitama Day 2 pictures 💀🧎🏻‍♀️🕳 we don't have the hotteok health insurance!!
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sp1d3rzz · 1 month
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pt.1 here
WARNING !! : Pervy drawings and fantasized descriptions, and mention of a boner. Let me know if I missed anything.
Summary : Bullying Midoriya was meant for fun, purely to keep you entertained. That is until he begins to fantasize about your actions.
A/N : Thank u so much for the req anon (о´∀`о) Keep sending in requests my loves !
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It's horrible of him, and he knows that. To obsess and fetish over the one thing in his life that keeps him on a constant edge. His bully.
When you first began to pick on Midoriya, he figures that he'll just keep a safe distance. He doesn't bother you, and you don't bother him.
But once it becomes a daily game of cat and mouse, he realizes there must really be no escape to this. And he especially realizes that when he begins to fantasize about all you do to him.
The way his name sounds coming out of your mouth gets him hot all over. Immediate goosebumps that become easily noticeable if you pay attention.
Or when you throw an insult at him to hurt his feelings and ruin his self esteem, but it only gives him a boner because he likes the feeling of you putting him where he belongs.
You don't even notice till the day you snag his journal.
"What's the deal with this notebook of yours, huh?" your arms reach over from behind him and snatch the burnt, rusted notebook. You can tell he's had this for awhile.
Caught off guard, he quick fwips! around to grab it back. "Wait! Don't-" his face falls when he sees the spine bend open as your eyes scan over a page.
His cheeks gets red to the point his freckles are barely visible, and he scrambles to stand from his seat and take back his journal.
Though you quickly stop him with a hand to his chest to push him back down. "So defensive." You huff with a shake of your head.
You flip through a couple more pages as Midoriya stares at you in horror. He really hopes you dont get to the one page, he'd die if anyone were to see it.
His heart is racing, and his hands are trembling, anxious to know what you might do. Maybe you'll throw his book away? Maybe slap him and tell the whole class about his dirty secret?
The world is against him, because as soon as he thinks that, he sees your grin curve into a face of disgust.
Your eyes widen as you now go over every page more carefully, taking your time to actually analyze it. And he swears he's going to dig his own grave if you continue.
But when you slowly close the journal, and clear your throat with a flushed face, he gets confused. Why aren't you mad at him?
"Dork.." you mumble before shoving the notebook into his face and walking away.
Your friends follow behind you, asking why you let him off so easy this time. Though a small, 'felt nice today' leaves your lips so they quit pestering you.
But what they don't know is how Midoriya has written pages and pages all filled with you and your information. From the sketches of you when you don't notice he's there, to anatomy practice of your naked body he had imagined.
The top to bottom pages filled with filthy theories on what you might taste like, how you prefer sex, and the toys you may use.
The most noticeable thing was a drawing of you at an angle behind his head. Mouth agape with eyes teary and stained with mascara. He had you on his lap, green hair tangled from your hand clenching it.
One things for sure, you'll never see that nerd the same again.
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lipglossanon · 10 months
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puppy!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (one shot)
Shoutout to all of those who gave me the inspo! There are many anons and mutuals; the few I can remember are 🐶 anon, @rusty-phasma, and 🪷 anon
big kisses to everyone not listed as well; you guys are all amazing and thank you for encouraging me! 😭 💜
Warnings: 18+, puppy!leon, hybrid!leon, pet/owner dynamics, eager Leon, switch Leon, kissing, licking, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), collar and leash play, mounting, knotting, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, reader says no but doesn’t really mean it so slight noncon if that’s triggering
Not proofread ✍️
Title from Because by Alice Cooper (cover of the original Beatles version)
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“He’s so cute!”
“Oh, he’s just adorable.”
“What’s his name?”
You let the chatter of strangers disappear into the background when bypassing the mall’s pet shop window as you walk to the parking garage. 
“Thinking about adopting him?”
High pitched laughter, “With those list of issues, no way!”
“Thought you said he was cute!”
“He is, just not that cute.”
Frowning to yourself, you turn to see what new addition they added to the storefront to garner so much attention. 
He is cute. 
You glare at the retreating backs of the group of people laughing and giggling as they walk away from the window.  You step closer, now that you’re able, and just watch the hybrid as he tinkers with something in his hands. He looks really sweet, blue eyes almost shielded by his sandy blonde fringe. 
You step a little closer and he tilts his head to the side before raising it all the way to look up at you. He smiles, floppy ears perking up on his head as his tail wags. Internally, you’re yelling at yourself not to do it, but you find yourself looking down at the little page of information taped to the glass. 
“Leon, huh?” you murmur, eyes glancing over at him before going back to the paper. 
You can understand why they were snickering to themselves; he’s never had an owner and looks like there’s still a lot of room for improvement since he’s not fully house broken yet. Your eyes skim through the rest, but it’s just height, weight, etc. 
Turning back to him, you see that he has moved closer to the glass, eyes watching you excitedly. 
“Leon,” you mouth at him and he nods, stepping up to the window and placing his hands on it. 
Sighing to yourself, you hope you don’t regret this later, you place your hand on the glass with him repeating the gesture. 
You smile at him and his tail wags back and forth so fast it’s almost a blur. 
You adopt Leon on the spot, probably the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done in your life. The clerk helps you with all of the paperwork, happy the hybrid wouldn’t be stuck here too long. He informs you of the do’s and don’ts of hybrid care, giving you a folder full of information as well as a little duffle of items.
“He’s excitable so you’ll have some issues with him trying to run off. I’d keep him leashed til you get home,” the clerk hands you a leash, leading you to the back where Leon was taken as you filled out the application. 
“Hi,” his smile makes one appear on your face. 
“Hi, Leon, you’re coming home with me today.”
He dashes across the room startling you as he pulls you into a bear hug. 
“I’m so lucky, you’re so pretty and smell so good, and—“
“Leon,” the clerk’s firm voice cuts him off, quickly slipping a collar on his neck. 
Leon’s ears droop and he scuffs the floor with his shoe, “Sorry miss.”
“It’s okay,” you murmur where the clerk can’t hear, “I know you’re just happy.”
His ears perk up and tail starts to wag, “Yeah, yeah I really am.”
Leon bares his neck to you for you to snap the leash clip on his collar. He preens as you lead him out of the store and through the mall. Luckily you were headed home to begin with, so taking Leon straight there isn’t an issue. He behaves the entire drive home much to your relief, a little worried about what the clerk meant by excitable.
You find yourself falling into an easy pattern with Leon; he’s a fast learner, so he adapted to your routine pretty quickly. The housebroken issue resolved itself (he just never lived with anyone before so they had to say that on the form). He enjoys having his own separate room and loves taking baths. 
Leon even helps with chores around the house so by the time you’re home from work, you can cook a light meal for the two of you and relax on the couch. He always waits for you by the door, eagerly pressing against you and licking your neck and face in greeting. 
Today’s routine jars you when coming home, there isn’t a happy Leon waiting at the door. Frowning to yourself, you kick off your shoes and drop your bag on the counter. 
“Leon?” you call out.
Walking further into the house, you pass by your half closed door and hear whining. You pause and peek past the door frame, surprise making your eyes wide. 
Discarded knotting toys from the pet shop lay scattered all over the floor— obviously used recently as they’re all dripping with jizz. Looking over you can see Leon completely naked on the bed, buried in a pile of your clothes as he ruts into a toy. He looks fucked out already, hazy eyed and tongue lolled out, panting. 
“Leon,” you murmur, stepping inside the room. 
“Miss owner,” he whines, tail thumping against the bed, tears making his blue eyes seem bigger, “‘m sorry for making a mess. Hurts.”
Your heart beats fast as you take in his pitiful face. 
“It’s okay, it looks like a rut or heat of some kind,” you keep your voice soft, stepping up to the bed to ruffle his ears. 
He whines again, pressing up into your touches as hips keep humping into his toy, before looking at you with big eyes, “Oh no, oh I’m—“
He growls and you watch as his cock knots the toy, cum bubbling out of the sleeve until it’s spilling down the sides and coating your shirts and panties underneath. 
“Leon,” you watch dumbfounded as he ruts down, smearing the cum across your underwear specifically. 
“Smell so good, miss,” he moans, dilated eyes staring at the hem of your skirt, “makes me wanna—”
“No, Leon,” your voice is firm, “the toys are okay, but you can’t be… doing this every time, okay? This is my bed and clothes and it’s just inappropriate.”
He whimpers, head ducking down as he shrinks in on himself. 
Your hand hesitates but you softly brush his fuzzy ears, “Hey, I’m not mad, Leon. We just need to learn boundaries, okay? This is a very,” you pause trying to think of a way to say it. 
“Personal moment,” you gently move his head to look up at you, “I don’t want you to feel bad for something natural.”
“Not mad?” he sniffles, tail sluggishly wagging. 
You smile and pet him more, “Not mad, baby. You’re such a good boy for me.”
He smiles through his tears, “Love being your good boy, miss.”
Your eyes drop to the mess covering your sheets and he flushes hotly. 
“I’m gonna clean it up, just,” he trails off embarrassed, “I have to wait for my knot to go down.”
“That’s okay,” you stroke his ears one last time and step back, walking to the door, “I’ll go make dinner, just clean up and meet me at the table.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he murmurs, tail beating against the bed. 
A week goes by and there isn’t another incident, although you’re sure you’re missing some clothing items but you can’t for the life of you figure out what. 
Leon’s whines and whimpers can be heard throughout the house late at night, disrupting your sleep but you don’t have the heart to tell him to stop. He’s already mentioned how painful it can be if he goes too long without any relief. 
After endless google and Reddit searches, you’re at your wits end on how to help. The answers are all over the place but all agree that the toys are a temporary fix. You stumble across a thread run by hybrids themselves with much more informative and helpful answers. You bite the bullet and post your question to the page under a throwaway account. In no time at all, you have dozens then hundreds of replies. 
Aside from the silly joke or meme answers, you get a lot of information, all of it basically saying you should offer your hybrid help with his rut. A simple handjob can stave off urges for weeks at a time. You bite your thumb nail as you read the more steamy answers, feeling a pulse of arousal throb in your clit at picturing Leon in such a way.  
You hold off but by the end of the second week of Leon looking miserable, you finally cave and offer to help him (your own bubbling arousal and curiosity peaking). His eyes light up and you gesture for him to sit down on the couch. 
“Only my hand, Leon. And if you misbehave then you’re going to be sent to your room.”
“Promise I’ll be a good boy,” he nods so hard one of his ears flip backwards making you giggle. 
He smiles at you and licks your cheek, “So pretty, miss owner.”
“Leon,” you roll your eyes feeling shy, “sit next to me so I can help you.”
He quickly undresses and sits down, thigh pressing against yours, legs easily falling open as his cock bobs and leaks everywhere. 
Whining, he nuzzles into your shoulder, “s’this okay?”
You hum, “Yeah, you’re okay, Leon.”
Your hand reaches out and grasps his hot throbbing dick, making him arch up with a sigh. Biting your lip, you try to ignore how much you’re getting turned on from this. 
“Thank you,” he mouths at your skin, “thank you so much, promise to be so good for you.”
You suppress the shiver those words give you and slowly stroke along his thick cock. 
“You’re really big,” you mutter out loud before thinking twice. 
He groans, “That’s good, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you laugh softly, “it’s very good, means you’ll feel good inside someone.”
His cock kicks in your hand, globs of precum dripping from the tip to coat your fingers. You lick your lips and tease across his fat tip, coaxing more precum to dribble out. 
He pants and whines into your shoulder as you tease him, dragging out your quick handjob into something that edges him for hours. 
He’s slurring and whining against you, shoulder and neck soaked with his spit as he laps and licks at the skin he can reach. 
“Miss owner, I wanna cum, I’ve been such a good boy,” he whimpers, “wanna knot your hand, please. You said I could.”
“Not yet,” you’re so turned out, your panties are wet and sticky with slick, “wanna see how long you can last.” 
He growls and whimpers but lets you keep teasing his cock, playing with the head before feathering your fingers across his balls and knot. 
You watch as tears drip down his cheeks when he clenches his eyes shut. Feeling a little bad for him, you pick up your pace and jerk him off, getting a little rougher in your movement. 
“Oh, oh, that’s so good,” he mumbles, “gonna knot you, gonna knot my sweet owner.”
Your thighs clench together trying to alleviate the want building in your core. He growls and grunts as he pushes up into your fist, knot bumping against your fingers as it gets bigger. 
Snarling against your shoulder, he humps the tight tunnel of your fingers until sticky cum spurts from his tip, coating your hand as it drips down onto his knot and sac. 
“Good boy, Leon,” you keep your voice warm and soft, “you did so good for me.”
He keens in the back of his throat and nuzzles your spit covered skin.
“Thank you, I feel better,” he sighs happily, ears drooping as he yawns, “gonna take a bath.”
“Okay,” you reply as he shuffles to his feet and makes his way to the bathroom. 
You listen for the door to click before you bring your hand up to your mouth. Just pure curiosity is what you tell yourself as you press two cum covered fingers into your mouth. A moan slips past your lips as Leon’s salty flavor coats your tongue. 
Your phone buzzing jolts you from your illicit deed, arousal and shame warring in your chest as you quickly head to the sink to wash your hands. You look into your own eyes through the mirror; you were just curious that’s all, you project to yourself. 
100% nosey curiosity. 
So what if you got even wetter at tasting Leon’s thick cum. 
Now that you know what it’s like in your mouth, you’ll never have to think about it again. 
Totally not a big deal. 
Hours later as you lay in bed, glaring at your watch face reading 2:37am, that little voice of doubt chimes in that maybe it was a big deal after all. 
You muffle a groan into your pillow, tossing and turning until you can find a comfortable spot. That Reddit page said you could offer a lot more than just your hand.. is the last thought you have before you finally succumb to the sweet embrace of sleep. 
The next morning Leon is rousing you much too early for four hours of sleep. 
“But you said we could go to the park today,” he pouts, his blue eyes pleading.
“I did, didn’t I?” you sigh to yourself, scrubbing a hand over your sleep filled eyes, “alright, I’m up.”
“Thank you,” he jumps onto the bed, tongue lapping at your cheek making you giggle. 
“Leon!” you laugh harder as he crawls completely on top of you, pinning you down to lick across your jaw and ear. 
“Thank you so, so much,” he hums against you, mouth panting as he licks across the seam of your lips. 
“Leon, don’t—“
Your words are drowned out as he licks into your mouth, sloppy puppy spit dripping all down your lips and chin. Whining, you try to push him off but he has your arms pressed down into the blankets. 
He hums louder, tongue now slowly lapping into your mouth making you squirm underneath him. Moaning, you go limp as his tongue flutters against yours, drooling all in your mouth so much you swallow it down before you choke. He takes it as a sign you like it, making sure to drip even more puppy spit into your mouth. 
Your nipples tingle as he deepens the sloppy make out, Leon rocking his hips down onto you as he keeps up the slow motion of pressing his tongue in and out of your mouth. When you shift your thighs, you can feel how your wet panties cling to your cunt. 
Moaning, you start to suck on Leon’s thick tongue, crossing that imaginary line you drew for yourself. You want this so why not let yourself have it? Leon notices the change and excitedly presses his mouth closer, now using his lips to messily kiss you instead of just licking into your mouth. 
At some point, Leon shifts enough for you to move your arms, but you only bring them up to tangle in his hair—being mindful of his soft ears. You sigh and mewl as he gets more aggressive, teeth nipping your lips before fucking his tongue roughly into your mouth. After deep, sloppy, spit filled kisses, Leon finally pulls away. 
“God, you smell so good,” he pants and chuffs against your neck. 
“W-what,” you clear your throat, feeling all out of sorts, “what about the park?”
“Can we still go?” his ears perk up, making you chuckle. 
“Yeah, but I need to get dressed.”
“Will you wear that pretty dress?” Leon leans up to look at you bashfully. 
You squint up at him, a confused smile on your face, “Sure, I guess. If the weather is nice enough.”
His tail wags, “It is! I’m gonna go get my collar.”
He scrambles off the bed and beelines it for his room, leaving your door open. You sigh and stare up at the ceiling for a moment, feeling like you should take a cold shower. 
Lugging yourself out of bed, you grab your change of clothes and head into the en suite bathroom. You finish your ablutions and change—shooting yourself a thumbs up in the mirror as you leave the bathroom. 
Stepping back into your room, Leon’s already crowding you, collar on as he presses the clipped leash into your hand. 
“You’re so pretty,” he gives you a wide smile, blue eyes gazing down to your dress hem, “smell so good.”
He drops down onto his knees and presses his face under your dress, burying his nose against your panty clad pussy. 
“Leon!” you gasp, hand tangling in the leash and pulling, but he rears against the pressure, tongue lapping at the thin lace gusset of your panties. 
You pull harder and he groans, bringing his palms up to press on your hips, sending you stumbling back against the wall. He quickly shifts with your body, nosing your thighs before sloppily licking against your cunt. 
You shakily pull up the edge of your dress until you can see Leon’s face. His dilated eyes flicker up to yours, hair ruffled and messy, ears twitching. 
“Leon,” you whimper, feeling his teeth tug and nip the fabric until he’s able to rip a hole into it. 
His tongue slips into the tear, making it larger until you’re basically wearing crotch less panties. Tugging on the leash just makes him grunt and moan into your pussy, tongue licking up the slick dripping from your hole. 
“Fuck,” you rock your hips making Leon growl, tail wagging behind him as his tongue flutters in your clenching hole. 
He moves up, tongue dragging through your pussy lips to circle your sensitive bundle of nerves til you’re whimpering.  
“G-good boy, Leon, right there, oh god,” you grind your sensitive bundle against his mouth as he suckles it between his lips. 
He whines and teases your pudgy clit with his lips and tongue as you yank his leash to keep his face right where you want. He pants and moans, moving his mouth against your pussy, tongue fluttering in and out of your hole. 
You tighten the pull on his leash and ride his face with a moan. You can hear how wet you are from the messy sounds of Leon’s mouth. He moves back up to lap and suck at your clit, tail thumping against the floor as he groans against the sensitive bud like he can’t get enough of your taste.
He finally pulls away with a huff, mouth swollen and shiny with slick. Before you can say anything, he’s standing up so fast you lose grip on the leash and he’s shoving you over the edge of the bed and flipping your dress up. Your panties are ripped in half and you feel his thick cock pressing into your hole. 
“Leon,” you try to raise up but he snarls and boxes you in, sinking his cock into you fast and deep. 
You wail and thrash as he grunts, rocking his dick deep into your soaked pussy until the tip grinds against the opening to your womb. 
Clenching and moaning, tears bead your water line, “S’too much.”
He licks the shell of your ear making you shiver, pulling halfway out of your pulsing walls to fuck back into your cunt. 
“Been wanting to knot your pussy for ages,” he whines, the sound of skin slapping together making you clench against his dick. 
“So naughty, letting me fuck your hand, cumming all over you, letting other pups know you’re all mine,” he mouths and lick all over the back of your neck and across your shoulders. 
“Just wanted t’help,” you mumble, feeling your pussy throb as he bullies his cock against your g-spot, bottoming out on every thrust.  
“Mm but you are helping now, miss owner,” Leon chuffs the back of your head, hips flexing as he ruts his dick into your greedy cunt, “sweet pussy all wet and willing for my puppy knot.”
You clamp down hard on his thick cock with a loud whine, “Oh, f-fuck.”
He picks up on that instantly and growls low, “Like my puppy knot? Wanna feel it lock me inside your tight wet hole?”
Hot arousal curls in your abdomen, clit throbbing at the thought of Leon knotting you. 
“Leon,” you mewl, fingers twisting in your sheets, cunt squelching loudly around his dick as you get even more wet and tight. 
“That’s it, miss owner,” he rumbles low in his chest, sloppily licking your shoulders, “get that pussy nice and slick for my knot.”
You’re coated in puppy spit and precum at this point, nipples hard and pointed as Leon drags you back onto his cock. 
“Gotta show you how good of a mate I can be,” he nips at your neck, “show you I can fill you up how you need, give you lots of pups.”
“Leon,” you whine as he bullies into your soaking wet hole over and over, “n-no pups, you gotta pull out.”
“But I gotta give you my knot,” he licks across your shoulder blade, “gotta breed your pussy deep.”
Shuddering, your arms give out, forcing your back into a deeper arch allowing Leon to fuck your pussy harder. 
“Gonna make you my bitch,” he growls into your ear, drooling all over your neck, “gonna mount you whenever I want, knot you so good you’ll beg for it.”
Hearing him call you a bitch in that low growl makes you press back harder into his thrusts, pussy squeezing his cock like crazy. 
“Leon,” you drag out his name with a moaning pant, “we can’t.”
“Why? Tell me one good reason why and I’ll stop, miss owner.”
“Cause,” your mind’s foggy with arousal, “cause…”
You shiver as he ruts deeper into your slick pussy, bullying that spongy spot in your cunt that makes you clench on him repeatedly. 
“Why?” he licks your ear, “cause you like it too much? Don’t want my dripping puppy cock filling you up? Giving you a thick creampie to make you feel nice and full.”
“Yes,” you moan, “I shouldn’t—“
“Miss owner, just let me do it one time, just so we both can see how it feels,” his voice is sweet making your thoughts syrup thick, “just let my fat puppy cock knot you one time.”
You shudder, pussy pulsing and fluttering around him as slick leaks down your thighs, “Just once?”
He growls in satisfaction, “Yeah, just once. Promise.”
You both know as soon as he knots you, you’re going to like it too much to stop. It’s why he laughs into your shoulder making you moan. 
“Can’t wait to empty my balls in your fat pussy,” he grunts. 
You wail as his tip knocks against your cervix roughly. 
“Love the way you sound,” he nips your neck, “love the way you smell, love how sweet you taste,” his voice dips into a deeper octave, “love how your hot pussy grips me so fucking tight. She’s really working for that puppy knot, huh?”
Drooling into the sheets, you whimper in reply, walls fluttering and clenching around his thick cock. The way he’s thrusting into your hole grinds your clit against the bedspread, orgasm steadily building higher and higher to its peak. 
“G’nna cum,” you slur out, toes curling as your hips shake, “gonna cum, fuck, Leon!”
You bury your face in the sheets as you cry out, cunt pulsing and milking his cock as he keeps railing you into the bed. 
“Yes, yes,” he snaps his teeth over your shoulder, “feels so good, gonna make me pop my knot early, fuck, take it, take it, miss owner, take my fucking cock.”
You keen pitifully as he bares down over your body, pressing his knot past the wet, clenching hole of your pussy with a low howl. Feeling his knot seal you together, your cunt clamps down around him tightly squeezing around his cock and knot. 
“Mmm so perfect,” he huffs against your ear, “doesn’t that feel so good? So warm and sticky inside? So much puppy cum filling you up.”
You mewl pitifully as he rocks against you, cock grinding all against the spongy spot in the front of your cunt making a second orgasm wash weakly through you. 
“Can knot you all day, miss owner,” he kisses the side of your cheek, “instead of going to the park,” he licks the corner of your mouth, “can I? Promise it’ll feel so good.”
You turn your head to suck his tongue into your mouth. He moans and eagerly licks into your open mouth. 
“S’fine, Leon,” you pull away with a sigh as he grinds your clit against the bedspread, “this’ll help, right?”
His tail wags happily, “Uh huh, help me out so much. S’okay to knot you again and again right? As much as I need?”
Brain feeling like thick syrup from the best orgasm of your life, you nod, “As much as you need.” 
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xxblairexxss · 10 months
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Ice cream date
Theme : Fluff
Thank you so much for your request, anon! 🩷🫶🏻 A short break from angst before I start writing for another angst request! I loveeeee writing for dad!charles soo adorable! 🥹
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“Charles?” You tilted your head to your side once your husband picked up the call.
“Yes, honey?”
You looked back facing your nail lady and pointed at the pastel lavender colour before bringing your phone back to your ear. “Can you pick up your little daughter from the daycare today? I don’t think my nail appointment would end in 15 minutes.”
“Yeah, of course. Don’t worry about her. Enjoy your day out with your friends, okay?Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, honey! I love you!” You ended the call and went back picking different charms for your new nails.
“Hey, baby! I missed you.” Charles crouched down and picked up his baby girl into his arms and nodded as an act of acknowledgement and gratitude to the daycare worker as he turned away to make their way to the car.
“Sir, may I have a word with you?” He turned back and raised his brow in question to the sudden interference.
“Yeah? Yeah, sure. Is there anything wrong?”
Charles was told how his little girl was caught scribbled on her classmate’s notebook using her crayons. The notebook was actually used for kids and tutors for daily activities which required paper and pencils. Not only did his little girl scribbled on her classmate’s notebook, she also shred a few pages.
“We left the children a few minutes and came back to see the other student crying. And this is what she did.” She handed him the proof of crime and Charles was astounded. He had to continuously apologise on behalf of his daughter while Y/D/N kept on hugging his neck and giggling in his arms, completely oblivious to the informal parent-teacher meeting.
“Dada, I want choco this time!” She squealed in her car seat, elated for her daddy and daughter ice-cream date which had become a ritual every time Charles picked her up.
“No ice cream this time, baby.”
“Eh? Why? But, dada, I want ice-cream!” She stopped clapping her hands and caught Charles’s gaze on her through the rear view mirror.
“You were not a good girl today so you don’t get ice cream. We are going home and there’ll be no movie night for you too.” Charles saw she jutted her bottom lips out and whimpered.
“Did you say sorry to your friend?” Charles looked back into the rearview mirror and saw she was wiping her tears off with her arms. “Baby, dada’s asking you. Did you say sorry?”
She didn’t reply as she kept on sobbing but she actually nodded to his question but Charles didn’t catch that so he thought she was ignoring him.
“No cartoon after this and go straight to your room. I’m telling mommy what you did today and she will scold you even more.” He had always been very gentle with her before she was even born. He never had a sister nor any girls from his family members. When you told him you were pregnant with a girl, you knew right away he would make her the centre of his world.
When you came home, Charles was in the bathroom while your daughter was nowhere to be seen. You usually would always came home with your husband and daughter cuddling on the couch watching Disney movies.
“Baby?” You had found her in her room with puffy eyes. Sitting on her little bed, you brushed her hair away from her face and she hugged your middle. “Who made you cry?” You cupped on her chubby cheeks and softly rubbed your thumbs across her cheekbone, wiping the freshly tears away.
“Dada hates me…”
“Who said that? He loves you so much, baby.”
She ended up telling you everything that happened, which made her cry again and you had to continuously wiped her tears and told her it was fine. You had learnt that she was upset because she was looking forward to her little ice cream date and was turned down by her dad without being told why. She was upset because she had never seen her daddy being so mad at her and she didn’t understand why.
“I missed you.”
You were making dinner when Charles hugged you from behind and you could smell the scent of lavender from his shower gel when he dropped trail of kisses on your neck.
“Did you get into a fight with your other girlfriend?”
“What?” He broke the hug and went to your side, leaning against the kitchen counter with a frown. “Did she complain to you? Honey, she ruined her classmate’s notebook. How can I not ground her.” He stole a slice of mango that you were cutting and you slapped his hand away.
“Did you actually ask her what happened?” You raised your brows when he looked dubious to the questions.
“Did she tell you what actually happened?”
“Yeah, she did. And I think you are in trouble this time, honey.” You took a slice of mango and put it in your mouth, chewing it while looking very thrilled meanwhile your husband looked like he was going through every single possibilities in his head.
“Oh! Hi baby! Are you hungry?” You exclaimed when your little girl approached your little time with your husband with her fluffy friend, Mr. Boo.
“Baby, do you want to set the table with dada? Like always?” He crouched down and stretched his arms, expecting her little girl to come running as she usually did but she didn’t. She went to your side instead and hugged your leg, struggling a little when Mr. Boo almost slipped off her little arms.
“Oh, shit.”
“Language, Charles!” You glowered at him. “Baby, let daddy set the table alone while you helped me stir the soup, alright?” You picked her up as she shrieked with laughter, leaving a peck on your cheek and tried to grasped on the ladle, completely ignoring your husband.
“Can I get a kiss too, baby?” Charles went to her side and leaned in to kiss but she quickly turned her head away, hiding her face in your neck. “Honey, help me here.”
“Don’t involve me.”
Charles didn’t get a kiss and he stopped asking when your daughter got into a fit crying as she got annoyed from the constant bugging. When she walked to the dining table, Charles pulled the chair by his side, as she usually wanted to sit by her daddy but this time, she went straight to your side. You had to hold your laugh seeing your husband looked defeated with the constant ignoring game.
“Baby, say ah!” He cut the steak into a smaller piece and stretched out his arm that was holding the fork to feed his little girl but she shook her head without looking at him.
“No thank, dada.”
“Wow, I just got rejected over and over. Honey, can you–“ You shook your head without letting him to finish his questions.
“I can’t help you, Charles. Serve you right.”
You had left your little girl alone in the living room while she got busy munching on her animal shaped biscuits as you went to the kitchen to hug your husband from the back while he was washing the dishes, your head leaned against his body.
“Did she make you upset, honey?”
You heard him heaved a sigh which made you chuckle. “You are so silly. Just go and apologise, she’ll be fine.”
“Flirting you was way easier. Ouch!” He winced when you slapped him on his back. “Honey, she’s 2! Where did learn how to sulk like a literal teenage girl?”
“She probably learned it from me.” You leaned away when he turned his body around as he properly engulfed you back in his arms.
“Why did you teach her these bad things. Where is she, anyway?” Charles slanted forward to try to look for Y/D/N and you pulled his face closer to peck on his cheek.
“She’s eating her snacks. Go and talk to her, baby. I don’t think she’s still cranky.”
“Wish me luck.” He tilted your chin and brushed his lips on yours, patting your bum as he left the kitchen.
“Hi, baby. Can I get one?”
Her small hand was in a fist, full from grabbing the biscuits along with her little chubby cheeks. When Charles took a seat by her side and asked for one, she was contemplating, her other hand opening and closing as she looked on her little plate back to her dad. Once she came to a decision, she took two pieces of the biscuits and handed it to him.
“Can you feed daddy instead?”
She lifted up her hand and put the biscuits into his mouth, giggling when Charles tried to chomp on her hands.
“Are you still mad at daddy?”
“Not much. A little bit, I think. Is dada still mad at me?” She pinched her chubby fingers together and scrunched her nose while answering the question.
“Daddy’s not mad at you, baby. I’m sorry, okay? Can you forgive me?” He swept off the crumbs on her cheeks with his hand as she put another biscuits into her mouth.
“My friend ruined my book first, dada.” She wept the back of her hand against her cheeks and Charles immediately leaned in to stole a peck on her cheek. She looked like a little chipmunk, he couldn’t not kiss those little face.
“What else did your friend did, baby?”
“She threw my book away and I was upset so I did bad things back to her. But I said sorry to her.” Charles’s heart was swollen with guilt when he saw her little pout.
“Next time, don’t do that to others. Just let daddy knows if someone’s being mean to you, okay? Are we good now, baby?”
“I think so.” She wiped off her hands once she was done eating and grinned. “I finished!”
“Can daddy get a hug?” She pushed her little chair back to move closer to her dad and wrapped her arms around his neck. Charles stood up with her in his arms and began attacking her face with kisses, making her laughed.
“Oh? You guys are back to best friends now, I see.”
“Mama!” She ducked down and pecked on your cheek as Charles pulled you closer by his freehand.
“You got crumbs all over your face, darling. Did daddy say sorry already?” You brushed off the leftover crumbs on her face and fixed her bangs.
“Yeah, dada said sorry to me.”
“Dada owe you an ice cream date, right, baby?” You poked on his waist, causing him to twitch.
“I want chocolate ice cream!” She squealed with exhilaration, causing both you and Charles to chortle.
“Can mommy come too?”
Charles shook his head immediately and turned your daughter away. “Mommy can’t come. It’s only for us, right?”
“That’s mean!” You scowled and slapped on his arm.
✧.* tags! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @aundercover
please let me know if you would like to be removed or added in the tag list!
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devildom-moss · 4 months
Can we get some headcaons for the dateables with a MC who was really aggressive during their highschool years but has completely mellowed out and the only way that they find out is when a family member or friend of MC just brings up as random moment where they just broke someone’s leg cuz they were bullying someone, or something along the lines of that? ^O^
Thanks for the request and about 3 months later, I hope you'll like it, anon. Also I read it as MC breaking someone's leg because that someone was the one bullying (so a kind of righteous violence), so I added that in there. I went ahead and added Luke since this can be a pretty platonic ask.
Finding out chill MC used to be aggressive headcanons (the dateables + Luke)
(a little suggestive for Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon)
Word Count: +1,200
Laughs because he can’t imagine you doing that now, but also because you’re full of surprises. That’s new information, and he’s delighted by it. “You’ve changed so much since then, haven’t you? Haha. How amusing. Tell me more.”
He’ll try to get every little detail he can squeeze out, chatting with your friend or family member for hours if you allow him to. He just wants to learn more about your past.
He might not be as entertained if you hurt someone much weaker than you, though. Part of the appeal of the act is your ability to dominate and overcome. Still, he’s not preoccupied by the morality of you hurting another person – especially if you felt justified doing it.
He finds it so endearing, thinking about younger you picking fights. Even if you broke someone’s bones, which he wouldn’t normally condone, he finds it oddly adorable. A feisty human willing to fight for something, what’s not to love?
This man crushes on Lucifer – and that includes his angel era. I think it’s safe to say he has a thing for an aggressive streak.
Again, let’s be real. The thought of your aggression is a bit of a turn on, and he wouldn’t mind experiencing that side of you. When he gets you alone, he might try to tease and provoke you. “Should I be grateful you don’t ever try to punish me?” / “Would you mind showing me a bit more of that defiance? That is, maybe you could rough me up a bit. I know you’ve changed, but come on, indulge me. I’m the prince of the Devildom, I’ll be fine. Please?”
His face will change for a brief second – so brief that you might miss it if you aren’t watching him. A polite smile will return to his lips, and he’ll ask you calmly for confirmation. “Oh? Is that true?”
Honestly, he’s more surprised – well, actually, impressed – that it never popped up on your records than he is about discovering that information. Suddenly, you appear all the more interesting.
Barbatos would pet your head gently, as if he’s trying to praise you for learning to mellow out. He’ll tease, “Should I be keeping a closer eye on you?”
I wouldn’t put it past him to bring it up every once in a while, when you inevitably get a bit angry – just because he finds it amusing. “Feeling fiery today?” / “Hmm? So, you do have a bit of aggression left in you.” / “Shall I help calm that temper of yours?” He’ll probably run his fingertips along your face and neck with a soft, expecting smile.
He’s definitely trying to get you riled up so that you might take any suppressed hostility out on him. He’ll be so good for you – even if you bring out the whip. He likes seeing a different side of you.
However, he won’t tease you if it seems that you’re ashamed of your past aggression. He understands being ashamed of parts of his past, so he wouldn’t want to hurt you by bringing it up again.
He’s worried and completely blindsided.
What do you mean his supplemental parent best friend used to get in fights? He’ll probably accuse your friend or family member of lying to him because he just can’t imagine you hurting someone. You’ll have to admit it for him to believe them. “Really? MC, how could you break someone’s leg?! That’s terrible!”
He’s the only one who finds no amusement in this at all. Even if you hurt someone for a reason you believed in, he still has trouble accepting it. It doesn’t matter if you were young and hasty. There’s a naïve part of him that doesn’t want to condone violence in any manner.
It takes him a while to come to terms with it, and in the meantime, he acts a bit weird and probably avoids you. Inevitably, it takes him thinking about what he might do if someone tried to hurt his loved ones to understand that part of your past. He argues with demons all the time on behalf of his values and loved ones – and maybe if he was stronger, he would get into physical fights, too.
He’ll probably run to find you once that realization hits him and apologize for not understanding. He’ll hug you. “I’m sorry, MC. I think I get it now. I know you’re a good person. I’m happy that you are who you are.”
His brows furrow, he shuts his eyes, and he brings the back of his finger to his lips. He’s trying to imagine it – drawing on every time he ever saw you get irritated or angry.
He just tilts his head and nods. He’s surprised to hear it, but it’s not especially shocking. “Yes, I suppose that tracks.” Aggression can mellow, but sparks of it don’t completely disappear – small signs of a steady flame leftover from a raging fire long extinguished.
He doesn’t pry too much, but if you felt that what you did was right at the time, he won’t judge you for it. And let’s be honest, he would accept that part of you even if you regret your past haste to quarrel and get physical. The shift away from fighting – is proof enough that you’ve learned and grown.
A part of him deeply respects your ability to fight for something you believe in. (Not to get too angsty, but) Simeon sometimes wishes he had that kind of strength, especially back then.
Learning about this side of you makes Simeon more curious about your past. He’ll wait until he gets you alone and take your hands. “There’s a lot we don’t know about each other. Perhaps it’s selfish, but I’d like to learn everything about you.”
He wants to know every iteration of you, unpack every layer. He wants to appreciate your transformation into the person you are now. He wants his affection to encompass your whole existence. For that, he would be willing to be completely understood in return.
Thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world. He’ll immediately laugh and ask all about it. He won’t even ask you; he’ll ask the friend or family member. If you’re all in the same room, he’ll turn to them and practically beg them to give him every detail. If you’re talking on a call or something, he’ll interrupt your call just to ask. He needs to know everything.  
While he’s at it, he might as well prod them for any other juicy information he can get about your past. There’s a part of him that falls to pieces thinking about how someone else saw sides of you that he will never see for himself. He knows that’s foolish, but he’s still going to get whatever information he can from that friend/family member.  
Honestly, he strikes me as someone who likes seeing people get a little angry and fierce – especially aggression for a just cause. He thinks it’s kinda hot.
“I could show you how to handle some of those violent urges.” He’d seductively stress the words “handle” and “urges.” Yes, he’s trying to flirt, but he’s also serious. You think this man hasn’t developed a multitude of ways to cope with his anger and aggression? I think Solomon has spent decades in his past constantly seething. Like Simeon, he understands that it can come back – that as much as you mellow out, the passion that causes that kind of aggression remains. If you ever need it, he’s willing to help you channel it.
“If you’re ever in an aggressive mood again, you could always take it out on me.” Shameless.
A/N: Don't forget that the February poll will still be up for a few days. Vote and/or add your input if you want. (And check out that depraved poll fic from January if you haven't yet.)
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slayfics · 1 year
could you do muichiro x reader whos in her period
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You teach Muichiro about periods.
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You struggled to keep up with Muichiro as usual, but today had an added challenge. You were having exceptionally painful cramps, your period was relentless.
You took in a sharp breath to try and block out the pain. If you were on a mission, it wouldn't matter if you were on your period you'd still have to fight demons, so you made an extra effort to push through.
Muichiro noticed you being slower than usual, and the sharp breaths you were taking.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, with concern in his voice.
"Mhm" you nodded, and continued sparring with him, but it wasn't long till another sharp cramp hit. You blinked hard squishing your eyebrows together but continued sparing regardless of the pain.
"Are you sure? It seems like you're in pain," he said pausing his attacks.
"It's just you know... girl stuff..." you said, trying to hint at what was going on without using the word, as you felt a bit embarrassed to talk to him about it.
"Hmm?" Muichiro tilted his head curiously not understanding what you meant. His mother had passed when he was young, and he hadn't been around other girls much in the demon slayer corps, so periods weren't something he was educated about.
"Umm... I'm on my period," you said quietly not looking the Hashira in his eyes.
"What is that?" Muichiro asked eyes widening.
"Oh... you don't know?" you asked, feeling yourself become nervous. Were you really going to be the first one to explain periods to Muichiro? Muichiro shook his head and put his sword back in his sheath, eager to learn what it was you were talking about.
"Well umm...  you see girls' bodies prepare every month to be pregnant, and if they don't get pregnant then their body rids itself of the old stuff and prepares again... so basically once a month if a girl isn't pregnant she bleeds," you explained. Muichiro eyes widened further than you've ever seen.
"You bleed once a month?! That sounds awful does it hurt??" he exclaimed.
"Not the bleeding part particularly, but the body makes cramps to help push all the stuff out and that hurts. Today seems to be the worst for me."
"You mean you're training with me despite being in pain, and this happens to all girls... Miss Kanroji... Miss Kocho...?" Muichiro thought out loud processing the information he just learned. 
"Yep. It's a little different for every girl. Some get cramps, some don't, some have other symptoms too like feeling nauseous, or getting headaches." you further explained.
"Wow... and in the face of that you all continue your duties without a complaint. Women really are amazing, I have nothing but admiration for you all." Muichiro stated, making your cheeks blush at his praise. "Let's take a break and I'll make you some tea." he offered.
"Really Tokito, it's ok I can keep going." you protested.
"No, we are taking a break. Consider it a thank you for educating me. I'll show you my favorite place to rest and watch clouds," the Hashira said smiling sweetly at you.
"That does sound really nice. Thank you, Tokito." 
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I’ve gotten this request a few times, and found some inspiration to write it today as I happen to be on mine... yay haha. Thank you anon and @mytokitohusbands for the request! I’m sorry if this wasn’t the super comfort reader you’d want but I hope you enjoy it. I think this is something Muichiro would need to be educated on, but after would be super understanding and want to support you any way he could!
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rottenrosethorns · 11 months
I see your looking for request, so I was more than happy to show up in your inbox
I came up with this randomly - anyway. Leon plans a weekend getaway/vacation for him and the reader. Somewhere where they can go swimming (beach,lake etc etc). Leon needs to relieve some tension. Leon and the reader share romantic night swim together totally on a whim, and just enjoy each other’s company, and tiny bit of smut just to top it all off.
much love x
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x afab!reader 
Genre: Fluff, Smut 
Synopsis: Disaster after disaster, Leon’s weekend plans seem to come to an unfortunate end; however, you convince him to try one last resort at a secluded campsite off the side of the road. 
Word Count: 4.4K 
Warning: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; swimming, bugs, unprotected sex, vanilla romantic sex 
A/N: all of my a/n are like “sorry for taking so long” and “it’s longer than expected” lmao. Thank you anon for requesting, i hope you like it! I really hope i got the romance translated through the story (if its subpar, im sorry, im tragically single LMAO) 
- masterlist - 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” You reached across the center console to cup Leon’s cheek and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “Everything’s going to be okay, alright?”
Your voice hushes into a comforting whisper as you rubbed Leon’s cheek with a sad pout. Thankfully, your kiss seemed to soften his disarray of emotions as his frustrated wrinkles eased away as he let out a quick huff. Leon’s eyes were set looking through the windshield, avoiding your eyes at all costs as he wanted to avoid you picking up on his embarrassment. But, even without looking at him, you always knew what emotion he was feeling. You could clearly tell that Leon was disappointed in himself despite your attempts at reassurance. Leon sighed loudly, resting his elbow on the driver’s door as he looked down with his forehead resting in his left hand, “Everything was supposed to be perfect.” 
Optimistically, you tried to offer him a smile, but even you knew that you couldn’t argue with him about that one. Nothing was ever perfect, but this weekend trip was far from smooth sailing. Leon – being the vacation desperate man that he is – took the first chance to get out of town and booked a picturesque shoreside cabin for the extended weekend. It’s been way too long since he’s had a break, and all he wanted to do was spend time with you while reconnecting with nature. Well, the latter part was more so a suggestion from Leon’s therapist to which you essentially forced him to start seeing. Although he deemed it unnecessary even with his success of departing from the hardships of his trauma, Leon only agreed to comply with the treatments if you were doing them with him which included you enjoying the calmness that nature offered as well. A win is a win, you suppose. 
However, not everyone could be winners without losing once or twice, and Leon seemed to be on a streak today. With the cabin site a hefty four hours away from home, you were bound to run into some mishaps. But those mishaps quickly turned into mayhem as you faced the tribulations of Leon losing and finding his wallet, changing a flat tire on the highway, getting pulled over and let go with a warning, nearly missing a deer kissing the front bumper, and much, much more. Leon felt like he was fighting for his life more so on this road trip than being on an actual work mission. The only difference being that his enemy was the invisible universe instead of the normal mutated creatures and undead humans. 
Upon struggling to reach the cabinsite, Leon was relieved to pull into the parking lot of the front office and finally settle down after the hectic events of the day. But as if his trip couldn’t get any worse, the receptionist at the cabinsite pitifully informed you both that Leon’s booking confirmation never went through and that there were unfortunately no vacancies for the rest of the weekend. So now, you were both back in Leon’s car as he tried his best not to blow a fuse from the abundance of misfortunes. 
Just as you were about to respond back to him, your eyes shifted from Leon towards your phone screen that just lit up from being drained of its battery. Leon mistook your untimely silence as if you were condemning him at fault for being the reason why this trip was so disastrous. As he went to shift away from you, you quickly reached out and embraced his hands in yours, “We’re still going to have fun, okay? We’ve got a couple hours until sundown and I think I have an idea.” 
“You sure? If you don’t want to, we can go back home,” Leon offered with a downward turn on his lips. As much as he hated the idea of going back home and sitting idly within those same four walls of the house, Leon didn’t want you to feel as if you were being forced along with him to share the unexpected hardships of the road-trip. 
“Didn’t you say you wanted to reconnect with nature?” You laughed to yourself, already finding the imagery of Leon frolicking in the grass like some Disney princess amusing, “Let’s go here, I saw it on the way.”
Leon leaned over to look at the location you’d pull up on your phone, showing a small and secluded campsite hidden on the side of the road. Leon inspected the images with a skeptical look, “Are you sure? Those pictures seem kinda old, what if it’s not what it looks like anymore?”
You shrugged, “Then, we’ll find out and see.” 
“We don’t even have camping supplies.”
“Then, we get them.”
You and Leon stared at each other in silence as the proposition sunk in. After a moment, Leon sighed and started the car’s engine to drive off wherever you directed him to go. A part of him hoped that you wanted to tell him to turn around and go home, but the other part of him still wanted the weekend events to work out. After a bit more convincing, you managed to dissipate all his doubts and initiated yourself to take the responsibility for the rest of the trip. Although he was disappointed that his plans fell through, Leon couldn’t bring himself to put in more effort in the trip. During the ride, you constantly reassured him that nothing bad would happen although you both knew you really couldn’t promise that. It didn’t stop you from believing nonetheless. 
You directed Leon for a while until the car stopped at the nearest department store where you gathered all the necessary camping supplies and whatever food you wanted to last you the weekend. Thankfully, Leon’s mood started to brighten up as he chose your favorite snacks and even offered to buy you a cute stuffed teddy bear to keep you company. Was he slightly jealous that you were beaming at the plush? Maybe. But, he’d buy you anything to keep that smile on your face. 
Once satisfied with the purchase, you both departed the parking lot and drove until you found yourselves going down a tiny dirt path. The further you went down the road you started to second guess whether or not this was a good idea. It was a good half of a mile drive from the main road, and you were skeptical if there was even going to be a nice scene at the end of the road to settle in. The dirt road quickly started to disappear as the path became more and more overgrown as if no one had driven over it for quite some time. You cringed at the sound of the tree branches scratching the sides of Leon’s car as the edge of the forest got narrower. You really didn’t want the campsite to be bad and dampen Leon’s mood even more. You knew how much he needed a break, and you wanted to help make that happen. 
As you progressed deeper into the forest, the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach worsened. Leon seemed to notice your skepticism, “You sure this is the right place?”
You let out a nervous giggle, tightening your hold around your teddy bear, “Yes?”
Leon shook his head, unsure whether or not to believe you, yet he continued to drive forward blindly. You felt yourself holding your breath in anticipation as the thick trees looming over the road started to clear up. You lurched forward in your seat, rubbing your eyes from thinking that you saw something in the distance. As Leon approached, a laser flash of the sun’s reflection flashed your squinting eyes before you started to piece shining ripples on a water’s surface, “Is that a lake?”
Upon completely entering the clearing, your eyes were welcomed with a wide yet humble campground peacefully secluded from the main road. The campsite was equipped with a circle of rocks acting as a firepit with a small path leading down towards the sandbank and access to the lake from a wooden dock at the shore. Utterly breath taken from the sight before you, you awed the sheer capacity of the view. The lake was essentially crystal clear surrounded with rocks, cliff ledges, assortment of lush green trees, and a mountain. It was exactly what you’d see in a painting.  
Leon pulled off to the side, parked the car, and hopped out eagerly to deeply inhale the fresh scent of pine. You quickly followed after Leon and leaping into his arms for an open hug while laughing, “Is this okay?”
Leon snuggled into you, feeling happy for the first time today, “No, this is perfect, maybe even better than the cabin.” 
Leon tightened his arms for a moment as a silent thank you for your suggestion before putting you down and turning to soak himself in the view as well. While he was looking away, you couldn’t help but put yourself at ease from watching the smile on Leon’s face grow as the relief washed over him. 
You kissed his cheek and glanced at the campsite again, “Let’s set up for dinner before the sun goes down.” 
You and Leon tagged team setting up the tent and making dinner before sitting yourselves at the edge of the dock to eat and relax. 
“Can you believe that there’s places like this that actually exist?” You breathed a sigh of awe as you watched the reflection of the setting sun shimmer against the breeze induced ripples on the lake's surface. 
Unfortunately, your moment was partially ruined by some flying insects invading your vision and coming a bit too close for comfort as you swatted them away chaotically. Just as your bravery was set to dissipate, Leon aided in swatting the small swarm away. Shivering from the imaginative feeling of bugs crawling on your skin, you groaned in discomfort while rolling your eyes, “My knight and shining armor.”
“Is this your token of gratitude?” Leon feigned hurt by putting a hand over his heart dramatically, “Even after I aided your distress?”
You pushed him away with a laugh, yet your arms returned to rub them over your skin subconsciously. Even when you knew you were safe, you still felt vulnerable, especially out in the open, “I hate bugs.”
Leon hummed in acknowledgement as he intensely peered out into the scenic lake before perking up suddenly, “I have an idea!”
You eyed him suspiciously, moving your torso away and holding your hands up cautiously, “Uh-oh.”
“It’s not even dangerous,” Leon rolled his eyes, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
You blinked, “Yeah, I don’t know about that one.”
“When have I ever put you in danger?”
“Let’s see,” You pointed each finger up, counting off the events as you recalled them, “Vegas, New York, LA – oh, don’t forget China too!”
“Alright! Alright!” Leon huffed with an exaggerated pout, “You have a point.”
“I always have a point,” You smiled in triumph, “Now-”
Leon cut you off by suddenly standing up and offering you a hand. You peered at his hand for a moment before shifting your eyes to his as you both silently communicated. Eventually, you decided to take his hand and let him lead you to wherever he planned to; however, instead of helping you stand up like you anticipated him to, Leon had pulled you forward and used the momentum of your imbalance to throw your body against his as he engulfed you in a hug and threw your bodies into the lake. 
Closing your eyes and holding your breath, you were completely submerged in the cool water. As quickly as it happened, you felt Leon’s hands grab your waist and help you break the surface and take a deep gasp for air. 
“Seriously, Leon?" You wiped the water droplets off your face and pushed your hair back,  "What are you like ten?" 
Leon’s hands moved from your waist to the back of your thighs and guided them to wrap around his waist as he floated around in the water. Leon smirked as you securely wrapped your arms around his neck, afraid to drift too far from him although you were safely near the shore’s edge, “Feels nice, doesn’t it?”
You were about to question what he meant by that before you realized that the cool sensation of the water wore off the icky feeling of the bugs crawling on your skin. Upon seeing your face, Leon laughed in satisfaction, knowing that he was right. 
“Shut up,” You mumbled. 
Leon leaned into you closer, teasingly hovering his lips near yours, “What was that?”
“I said-” You took your chance to release his neck, cup a pocket of water in your hands, and splash Leon in the face. 
Leon released you, giving you a chance to swim away before becoming a victim to his revenge. You can’t remember how long you were in the lake for, but you definitely are going to remember the memories of laughing and smiling with Leon for the rest of your life. Before you knew it, the sun was barely over the horizon as the black and blue sky began to overtake the pink and orange hues. While distracted from looking at the sky, Leon swam towards you. 
“Come on, you’re getting cold,” Leon helped you gain your footing as you both trudged towards the firepit soaking wet. 
You squeezed out the hem of your shirt in efforts to reduce the amount of water on you; however, you remained drenched no matter how much you twisted and wrung the fabric. Turning towards Leon, you meant to ask him which bag he packed the towels to retrieve them but was promptly stopped upon seeing him sling off his shirt and wringing it out. You gulped as you watched the veins trailing down his arms to his hands enhanced as he tightly gripped the fabric of his shirt. Now with the moon high in the sky, Leon’s bare skin seemed to glitter as his muscles flexed. 
You felt like you would’ve stayed there forever had your thoughts not been interrupted from Leon’s chuckle, “Can I help you?”
Adverting your eyes and clearing your throat loudly, you awkwardly pointed towards his car, “Um, I'm gonna get the towels. Which – uh, which bag did you put them in?”
“I didn’t pack towels.”
“You,” Your jaw slacked, “You what?”
Leon shrugged, taking a nearby stick and propping it upwards in the ground near the fire and hung his shirt to dry, “I figured the cabin would’ve provided some, so I didn’t pack any.” 
You stood there dumbfounded, knowing that Leon did have a point despite his lack of preparedness, “We can’t stay wet like this, we’ll get sick.”
“There’s a fire right here,” Leon stated like it was obvious before hooking his thumbs around his waistband and stripping himself from his pants and undergarments. 
You gasped loudly, turning your back towards him as your wide eyes did their best to avoid being flashed, “Leon!” 
Your voice echoed out into the forest as Leon’s boisterous laugh filled the air as he slung the rest of his clothes over another stick, “Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.” 
Heat flushes your face as you bite the inside of your cheek from the imagery of Leon being completely unclothed, most times from events when you both were getting intimate, “T-That’s different!” 
You knew Leon rolled his eyes from the tone of his voice, “You can turn around now, I’ve got clothes on.”
Slowly, you peeked at Leon, making sure he was telling the truth before committing to fully view him. True to his word, Leon had dressed himself with his previous outfit hanging near the fire. He handed you your clothes he managed to grab and set up another row of sticks to set your wet clothes to dry. 
When he noticed you were still frozen in place, Leon asked, “What’s wrong?”
Quietly, you mumbled, “Can you turn around?”
Leon paused his movements before a wide smirk flashed across his lips, “What was that?”
“I said,” You huffed, annoyed, “Turn around!” 
Leon snickered at your embarrassment but ultimately complied as he turned his back towards you and patiently waited until you handed him your sopping clothes to be hung on his makeshift clothing line. Once you finished dressing and hanging your clothes to dry, you noticed Leon shuffling about inside the tent. You watched as Leon basically disassembled the bedding setup and placed it outside near the campfire, “You know those are supposed to go inside the tent, right?” 
For a while, you tried to decipher what he was doing while urging yourself not to scold him for placing the sheets on the dirt. Leon would set the sheets in one spot, crane his neck upwards before moving the sheets to another spot before doing the same thing again and again until he settled on a spot to his liking. He was a bit of a perfectionist and his wide smile proved that point even more as he sat down and patted the spot next to him eagerly. Playing along, you seat yourself next to Leon and follow suit as you both laid on the sheets to look up at the night sky. There you saw the blanket of darkness with billions of stars that seemed to glow brighter than it did in the city.
“See the big dipper?” Leon took his hand and placed it over yours with your pointer outwards as he stretched your arm out towards the sky and traced the shape of the constellation, “And, there’s the little one.” 
Leon continued to look up at the stars and educate you about the history of each constellation and the mysteries of outer space. You listened intently, soaking every story and fact that he had to tell, “Since when did you know all this stuff? I thought you hated astronomy and horoscopes.”
Leon shrugged, “I do, but then I watched this documentary.”
You laughed incredulously before returning to awe at the glittering specks above you, tracing the constellations’ patterns over and over again. From the forest to the lake to the stars, you felt at peace in the countryside and a part of you wondered whether you could make a life with Leon out here far into the future. While looking at the stars, a quick linear flash of light darted across the tail end of the Little Dipper, “Leon, a shooting star! Make a wish!” 
Instinctively, you brought your hands up to your chest in a mock prayer while dragging Leon’s hand in yours as you closed your eyes and made your wish. After a moment of silence, you turned towards Leon, only to be surprised that he was looking at you the whole time. Leon chuckled at your reaction, “What’d you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you, silly, or it won’t come true.”
“Fair,” Leon said without glancing away at you, “You want to know what my wish was?”
“It won’t come true if you tell me,” You said in a hush just above a whisper, noticing the twinkling in Leon’s eyes became brighter than the stars above you.
“What if it already came true?” 
Leon’s eyes traced the features of your face as the campfire’s flames illuminated your complexion. Slowly, Leon brought up a hand to cup your cheek as his thumb softly traced your bottom lip, “Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask,” You whispered. 
Immediately, Leon pressed his lips to yours in a loving embrace, only moving his lips slowly as if to slow down time and relish the feelings of this moment. You melted into his kiss much like all of his others, but you yearned for more as you broke the kiss to straddle his lap. Sitting up, Leon rested his hands at your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kisses you gave him. Grinding yourself onto Leon’s hardness, you helped each other take off your shirts before Leon dove forward to pepper kisses along your neck and collarbone. You arched your back, easing access for Leon to leave a few marks behind. Leon trailed his hands up and down your exposed back before dipping them into the hem of your shorts and gathered the fabric of your underwear in a gentle tug, causing the friction to rub against your clit. 
Leon pulled back for a moment, chest heaving from lust, “Are you sure you want this?”
“This isn’t our first time,” You giggled, running your fingers through his messy hair. 
“I know,” Leon said with his eyes flickering from your eyes to your swollen lips, “I’m just checking.”
“If you want this,” Leon hesitated, pressing his lips in a fine line, “If you want me.”
You sat back, arms dropping to your sides as you peered at your lover confused. Leon rarely ever questioned your reasoning for staying with him despite all his history and his flaws. But, it was when the crackle of the fire paired with an extra large flicker of flame flashed the raw emotion of uncertainty in Leon’s eyes when you understood that it was the insecurity of all his history and all his flaws which clouded his mind with doubt. You had to step back and see things from his perspective for a moment. Of course, Leon was used to disasters in his everyday life, but now with all the great memories he’s created today, he was scared to lose it all now that the night was coming to an end. 
Knowing this, you smiled at him, holding his jawline with both hands as you pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. Leon responded with equal passion, but you could still sense a twinge of doubt within him. You pulled away, just enough to hover your lips over his as you rested your foreheads upon another, “Let me show you that I want this, that I want you.”
Leon gulped, eyes flickering between yours before slowly nodding and letting you take the lead. Taking his hands off your hips, you slid off his lap to fully undress yourself and guided him to do the same before reclaiming your place. You sat back, allowing enough space for you to dip your hand between your legs to grab Leon’s dick and slowly pump him at the base. Leon took a sharp inhale, eyes focused on your working hand. It didn’t take him long to get fully erect before you trailed your hand further up his shaft to drag his tip and spread your lubricant from pussy lips to clit. You spread the slickness along his shaft, causing him to hiss from the ease, “Don’t you need to prep? I can-”
You hushed him, “I’ll be fine, I need you in me right now.”
Leon twitched at your words, salivating from your eagerness. He didn’t want to lose his composure so quickly especially since you seemed to be holding on so well, but he was just as desperate to be in you and you were for him. Taking him back in your hand, you raised your weight in your knees and positioned yourself to take him in. Slowly, you sank down, allowing yourself the luxury of the initial painful stretch before using your body weight to bottom out. Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, using every ounce of self control that he could muster not to move your hips up and downwards as you took a moment to adjust to his size. Leon closed his eyes, taking shaky deep breaths in and out. 
You knew it was evil, but you purposefully prolonged your adjustment just to see Leon in this state. You found it endearing to see him so frustrated as you essentially cockwarmed him, but you knew you couldn’t keep this up for too long before Leon would turn the tables on you and make you regret testing his patience. So, with one last look of desperation on his face, you finally pumped your hips against his and took all of him. You hugged his wide shoulders and bit down on his skin as you dragged your walls against his veiny cock. The heat of your core plus the heat of the fire ignited a flush within you as the ember glow filled the air around you. 
Leon chose to show his appreciation by gripping your waist to push you back and leaving open mouth kisses on your breast and nipples. You arched your back, using his shoulders to hold for leverage as you continued to pump yourself on him. You could feel yourself beginning to tightened as you approached your finish and surely Leon could feel it too; however, Leon repositioned his hands to lift you off of him and on the blanket, so that you were lying on your back. 
“I was almost done,” You looked up at him with a pout from your stolen climax before a moan from your lips pierced the air as Leon entered you again. 
“I know, baby,” Leon hovered over you, lips on the shell of your ear as he whispered, “I just wanted to show you how much I wanted you too.”
With newfound passion, Leon rose back up and relentlessly pounded into your cunt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head with pleasure as you gripped his veiny forearms to keep yourself from shifting away due to his force. You cried out into the night air as your moans and whimpers became lost in the wilderness. Lost in the feeling of Leon’s heavy thrusts, you hadn’t realized he took your hands in his as he continued his pace. 
“Please,” You gasped, “I’m almost there.”
You felt the familiar clench in your gut as Leon aimed at an upwards angle, deliciously pressing against your g-spot. You gripped his hands harder as you begged him not to stop. Leon edged you on by whispering more dirty thoughts in your ear as he groaned between his speech. Once again, Leon’s lips found your their way up and down your neck before leaving hickeys around the soft skin of your breasts 
“Cum, baby, cum for me,” Leon thrusted one last time into you, hips stuttering as he held your hand and pushed himself impossibly deeper into you. You moaned loudly as you wrapped your legs around his sides and clenched around him as he pumped into you. You both laid there, taking a moment to catch your breaths before removing yourselves, cleaning up, and laying covered up to bask in each other’s after sex glow by the fire. 
“Thank you for a memorable weekend,” Leon caressed your cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You kissed him lovingly and snuggled into his side to share his warmth. Although the fire was more than enough, it could never compare to the warmth and comfort that Leon gave you. 
“What should we do tomorrow?”
“Probably, get that tire properly fixed.” 
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cultofdixon · 9 months
At least there’s no bears
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • Usually Daryl can see where the traps lay…but then you got caught • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Blood Loss / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl slowly sat up in his bed knowing he has the hunt today and that his partner will be joining him. Which meant he had to get ready and then drag their ass out of bed so they could get ready.
Once they both were ready, Y/N stretched their back out waiting for the archer who was currently informing the early bird Rick on their whereabouts for the morning.
“Hey, eat” Daryl startles them out of their thoughts as they tiredly take the protein bar handed to them and started to dig in while they walk to the gates.
It was a cold and nice morning for the two to go on foot for the entirety of the hunt. Even if Y/N does miss his bike to at least go a bit further out.
“You still waking up?”
“Meh.” They shrug adjusting the rifle on their back as they held onto the strap while looking around. “Why do we have to hunt early? Like. It’s what 5AM?”
“Have a watch to confirm that?” Daryl laughs a bit only to be hit with a pebble in the back of the head. As he quickly whips back, Y/N pretended like nothing happened only for him to playfully glare. “I’d be careful of any left behind traps. Don’t think there’s anything as serious as a bear trap but better to be aware”
“Why do people hunt bears? Some of them may be stupid, then others just want to steal your picnic baskets”
Daryl stopped once more only for Y/N to run right into him from not paying attention. He gave them a confused look.
“For someone who had a brother with only a few working brain cells. He didn’t watch cartoons? YOU didn’t watch cartoons?”
“Yogi bear”
“Merle only watched cartoons or fights”
“Sounds very Merle coded” Y/N laughs a bit as they branched off a bit into a different direction to check out a bush with fruit on it.
The archer kept an eye on them for the most part, not like they would need the extra set of eyes since their first response in danger is to fight or find the closest hiding spot. They were also one of those adventure types from the old world and would almost always be outside so he knew that they knew about certain signs of danger and especially what’s poisonous or not.
“Those berries good?”
“Nah. But it could be good bait for small critters that can have it” Y/N plucked a handful as the two quickly turned to the sudden scurry that was too quick for a walker and Daryl went to follow.
When the tracks came up empty, Daryl was hit in the head again and turned to Y/N who had just caught up to him.
“Did yea hit me with a berry?”
“No but thanks for the idea” Y/N laughs kneeling down to grab the acorn that fell, also grabbing the few acorn caps off the ground. “You ever wear these on your finger tips? As a kid?”
“And pretend your fingers were friends or some shit”
“That’s incredibly sad. If only I lived near the forest in Georgia then we would’ve been friends. Always find me in the trees”
“City kid?”
“Yeah but my sister always took me to the park to get outside and yknow, also not to hear bickering soon-to-be divorced parents” They laugh a bit as they took one of Daryl’s hands to put an acorn cap on one of his fingers before finding another bush in their peripheral to go investigate.
Daryl looks at the little acorn cap they put on his finger and thought it was cute of them, but before a smile could even grace his features. Fear shot right through him.
“son of a—-FUCK!” Y/N yells as their voice echoed through the forest followed by the thud of their body hitting the ground. They looked down to find the bear trap latched onto their left ankle. “Fuck fuck FUCK” they were too afraid to move and once Daryl finally came over.
The color in his face drained as he knelt down to assess what happened.
“You should’ve watched where you were going”
“Seriously?!” Y/N snaps at him for stating an annoying yet obvious response. Only for the sudden jerk to worsen the pain as they couldn’t look at their blood drain from their body or they might pass out. “Oh god”
“Jesus fuckin’ christ—-We gotta get this shit off yea without taking the foot”
“Oh?!” Daryl stops messing with it to lock eyes with Y/N a moment as neither exchanged a word. “What the fuck is happening right now?! Did I hurt yea further or—-“
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE THE WALKERS HEAR YOUR YELLING” Y/N snaps only for Daryl to cover their mouth waiting for the snap of twigs he heard to just be a critter and not what they had said a few seconds ago.
“I wish yea didn’t adapt your feelings to the situation when you’re the goddamn one that’s injured.”
“Freaking out to my full potential will only make me sob and the pain a whole lot worse” Y/N squeezed their eyes shut to fight back the tears as it was starting to get way worse. They carefully took their belt off even if it meant shifting, a wince, and Daryl flinching to the pain response. “Tourniquet”
“Smart. Very smart” Daryl takes the belt from them and got started applying such above their ankle before assessing what he should do next.
A lot of blood.
A lot of fucking blood.
It’s a 2hr window before they might lose it even with a tourniquet.
Y/N watches as Daryl thinks too loud in front of them. They were worrying about him even if they are the one bleeding less now. They clear their throat to get his attention as his expression instantly went to stress and worry thinking something worse was happening.
“Take the bear trap off, wrap the wound in your bandana, then carry me home so Denise can patch me up” their voice was shaky after silently crying a bit to themselves. Daryl did exactly what they said, a bit confused why they were so clear minded about it.
Next thing they knew, Daryl was carrying Y/N on his back all the way back to Alexandria.
“This shouldn’t have happened…”
“D, come on…”
“I knew this area had fuckin’ traps last time I was out. Should’ve taken them out before dragging you out here”
“You didn’t drag me out here” Y/N frowns. “And you would’ve gotten yourself caught in a bear trap. It just happens by accident”
“You shouldn’t have come…”
“I wanted to. You asked and I said yes…even if you didn’t I would’ve come out to find you if you’re didn’t leave a note like you usually do” They rest their head on his shoulder trying not to let the blood loss beat them with the exhaustion. “Shits unpredictable sometimes…”
“You’re too optimistic sometimes” Daryl sighs, listening to them hum in agreement as he felt their body shift against him. Making his anxiety pick up the pace to get to Alexandria.
It’s been a few hours and Y/N woke up exhausted but at least patched up and in the infirmary. They noticed they were alone but at least there was crutches to help them get around.
As they managed to get up and out of the building, Daryl was starting to head back to them carrying something when he noticed them on the crutches.
“You’re supposed to stay in the fuckin’ bed”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Y/N scoffs. “I wanna be in my bed. With you. Thank you very much” they were about to move past him when Daryl took their crutches leaving them still in a flamingo pose. “Daryl. Don’t be a dick”
“Let me set shit down inside and I’m carrying yea to bed. And ain’t taking no for an answer”
“Then can you hurry up? You or Denise or whoever took my jacket and I’m cold” Y/N frowns waiting for Daryl, watching him go inside the house leaving them out there longer than they had wanted.
But Daryl came back out in a little bit of a sprint with one of his sweaters, helping them get it on before picking them up bridal style and going toward the house.
“You gonna be nurse back to health?”
“Ain’t leavin’ yea that’s for sure”
“You’re sweet”
“You’d fall down the stairs if I left yea alone”
“I think I’m gonna take back calling you sweet” Y/N laughs resting their head on his shoulder as he pushes every door he had to open with his foot. Eventually getting to their room and setting them on the bed.
The archer carefully propped up their ankle using his pillow and covered them with his blanket. Y/N got comfortable watching Daryl move around the room moving a few things but then he left to grab something.
When he came back a moment later, Y/N had fallen asleep given their body was still wiped out and the drugs Denise gave them still floated around. Daryl set the glass of water on their nightstand along with fresh bandages for when they wake up so he could put new ones on. In the mean time, he moved to his side of the bed taking his boots off before bringing his whole self beside them.
Y/N opened their eyes a sec to see him beside them as they carefully moved their self close enough to bring their head on his shoulder. Daryl rests his head on top of theirs taking the time to finally relax.
“At least there wasn’t any bears”
“Shut up and go to sleep”
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babyjakes · 10 months
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greedy. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | august '23 general requests blurb night
summary | lloyd loves making you cry and cum.
pairing | dark!daddy!lloyd hansen x little!reader
warnings | ddlg. lloyd feels pretty dark in this so probably non/dubcon. smut!!: restraints. crying kink. fingering. the black exam gloves :^). toys: magic wand. implied?? multiple orgasms. overstimulation. lil bit of choking. petnames. mocking/degradation. forced eye contact.
word count | 299
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requested by anon | I miss your dark Daddy Lloyd! Can we get crying kink + vibrators? I love when you use toys in your fics 🤤
an | ooh yes, i was kind of hoping to write something filthy for lloyd today hehe >:^) and he has quite the selection of toys, i just know it!! hope you enjoy, and thanks for your request!! <333
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Lloyd's laugh is laced with a dark sense of cruelty as he finally sees what he's looking for: a thin layer of tears building in your droopy eyes as you grind your teeth and struggle. He flicks the magic wand up a notch, holding it steadily in place as you writhe against the ropes holding you securely in place. Your daddy has set you up like this on purpose, with your thighs tied to your calves and your hands up over your head as you lay so prettily on his leather desk chair; he prefers to give you just the tiniest bit of wiggle room, simply because he loves seeing you squirm.
"There you go, princess. Took you long enough to give those pretty tears to Daddy," he croons as he forces two of his thick digits back up into your tight little cunt. The black nitrile gloves he's wearing only add to the slick, hot friction, and before you know it, he has you throttling towards another climax with no chance of slowing down or bracing yourself.
"Look at that, there you go again," he grins sickly as he swirls the head of the wand right up against your poor, aching clit, ripping his fingers out of you just in time to grab you by the throat as you tumble over the edge.
"Look at me, baby. Look Daddy in the eyes as you cum," Lloyd growls, his smile growing as more tears burst from your eyes. Your whimpers and babbles fail to form words as your dripping pussy clenches around nothing. "Good, keep cumming," your tormentor instructs as your juices crackle against the relentless buzzing of the wand. "Keep cumming and crying for me, sweetheart. That's all you gotta do, just keep giving it all to me."
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
fandom social justice history anon here - aaah, thank you, early fandom being dominated by academics definitely connected the dots I was missing, thank you! Yeah, now looking at it with this in mind, it's pretty obvious how the tone of the meta essays from that era, while often snarky or even outraged, definitely sounds more like the tone of people who are used to passionately arguing in a setting that doesn't allow you to just throw whatever ad hominem accusation at your opponent's head. In contrast, tumblr's (and as a result, twitter's and tiktok's) style of fandom drama now reads to me even more blatantly like a catfight between high schoolers who have just recently learned some Big Words they only care to use as ammunition. I've read multiple older fans (including your invaluably informative blog) talking about how tumblr definitely reshaped fandom and brought in a TON of new people, and how slash was far from the "mainstream" of fandom even in the livejournal-ffn.net days, and I'm having a feeling that, for all the imperfections of this first tumblr generation of fans' activism ("let my gays marry" etc etc) the thing that got slash to be "mainstreamed" within fandom the way it currently is, also has to do with this pretty sizeable influx of new fans being mostly teenagers. As in specifically, overwhelmingly teenage girls who were having their first sparks of interest in romance during the height of the "I'm not like other girls" era + everyone shitting on twilight & "girly" musicians, because if you look at the posts from that period, they often contrast being a slash reader with being the slutty partying "other girl" or annoying hipster & at my school too slash kind of spread as a "not like the other girls" alternative to mainstream romance. Yes, not the healthiest attitude either, and it's good we've mostly grown past that, but like I said, there's a good chance that was what buffed up the numbers of slash fans to the point where today people are surprised fandom ever even was hostile to it, and at least in my environment, fandom activism, for all its flaws, was most people's first exposure to any sort of "-rights" activism at all. But (as is probably obvious) I did not experience most of even that era personally (I joined tumblr fandom in 2014). Anyways, excuse the rambling, if you feel like adding anything to confirm or deny my hypothesis, I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you have a nice day/evening!
M/M still isn't mainstream in plenty of fandom contexts, just not the ones I hang out in, and "not like the other girls" of the type you describe was already big in the 90s among people who'd heard of fanfic. It's just that fanfic was harder to stumble across overall.
I think the two biggest factors are the changing attitudes towards gayness in mainstream culture in a number of countries and... well... AO3 getting popular.
FFN was the big place in the past, though not for my crowd. Now, AO3 is taking a massive bite out of not only its market share but now, in the last few years, Wattpad's.
When the visible institution around which fanfic revolves puts filtering out het front and center, it sends a strong message that previous fandom platforms did not. You had your m/m-only archives and your f/f-only archives and your places that let you filter for those but that treated het as an unmarked default.
Look at early discussions of AO3. There's an undercurrent there that we all assumed it would be one of a number of archives and that we didn't expect it to get this big.
Nobody could have foreseen the Het-Is-Eternal-Default Wattpad crowd being forced by their own platform's suckitude to come camp on the thing built by slashers. Now, we are the admins and they are the also-tolerated. That never happened before.
The thing that makes people not report gay hand holding as evil porn that must be eradicated is simply AO3 putting its foot down.
Anyone who thinks that virulent slash hate is gone just hasn't looked at other spaces.
This is not about individual fans behaving better: it is about institutional power.
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toporecall · 27 days
Nice Little Wife - Chpt. 2
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As requested! Tamlin POV of "Nice Little Wife." Thanks for the request anon, love where your head is at 😘
Extremely NSFW so be warned xoxo
Read chapter 1 here if you haven't yet or on AO3.
Tamlin paced his room at the Dawn Court, ears ringing with anger. Seeing Feyre today, dressed in that night court garb—she looked beautiful, cold, cunning, powerful and it did nothing but enrage him. That her mate had named her High Lady did nothing to ease that burn in his chest.
He poured himself a glass of liquor, at least his third since the end of the meeting, knuckles whitening as he gripped it tightly and drank it all in one go before pouring another. Images of Feyre cycled through his mind. He’d gotten his fair share of digs in today but he’d been almost equally humiliated in return. Rhysand had made him look sufficiently weak when he’d taken his voice. He’d proven his fucking point. They all knew, unequivocally, that he was the single most powerful being living among them.
The room was empty, silent. 
And then he heard voices.
Muffled voices, through the floor. He focused his acute fae hearing on it, curious what other courts were talking about in the wake of that tense meeting. Maybe he could gather some advantageous information before they reconvened at breakfast in the morning.
But what he heard from the room directly below him was Feyre’s voice—sweet, breathy, a little sorrowful. “Just make me forget. I don’t want to think about them.”
 Rhysand’s came next after a beat of silence. “Is that what you want, darling? Do you need someone to remind you how good you can feel?”
“Yes, High Lord,” she squeaked. 
Tamlin was seething. Seething at the idea of his Feyre supplicating to that slimy fucking High Lord of Night. Seething but also…unable to stop from listening in as his almost-bride, the woman he once had in his hands, whimpered for his enemy.
“That’s right. Lay back, darling.” He heard rustling sheets. “Hands up.”
More motion, rustling, then a quiet clink of metal. 
Rhysand’s voice returned. “Pretty little High Lady Feyre. All mine to play with.”
Feyre gasped, whimpered again. Tamlin’s heart was hammering in his chest, his breathing labored. He was uncomfortably aware of his cock hardening as he listened to the sounds he’d missed so much. The sounds that he heard in his head as he fucked his own hand, trying to get to sleep at night.
“You’ve been holding out on me, Feyre. I didn’t know you’d enjoy this sort of thing.”
“Well you never asked.” She sounded confident, flirty, happy. 
Tamlin downed the rest of the liquor before hurling the glass at the stone floor, watching as it shattered.
Rhysand held the end of the belt, admiring the way the leather wrapped around his mate’s throat, relishing in the bright pink blush covering her cheeks. They needed this, they both needed this—a distraction, a game, a reminder of what they were fighting for. The rage and fear and lack of control was all already fading slowly into the recesses of his mind.
Rhys’s fingers skimmed up her smooth, taut abdomen ghosting across the underside of her breast before he pinched her nipple. She gasped, her pretty pink lips parting. He smirked, fingers tracing across her chest, and pinched her other nipple harder. She whimpered and he thought he could drown in the sound.
“You’ve been holding out on me, Feyre. I didn’t know you’d enjoy this sort of thing.”
She looked up at him through her lashes, batting them like a little princess. “Well you never asked,” she said in a sweet saccharine voice. 
And then he heard glass shatter. Feyre didn’t seem to notice the sound but in an instant, just to be safe, he cast his power out, assessing any threats. His own companions seemed content within their rooms. Below them seemed to be empty but above, where the sound had come from…
Above them, he could sense Tamlin’s presence. He slipped into Tamlin’s mind and saw that he was listening, could hear what they were saying to each other in this room. Rhys growled under his breath. He thought for a second of putting up a shield, giving them some privacy. But then he thought of the things Tamlin had said earlier that day, the things he’d implied about himself and Feyre. And Rhys had a better idea.
“So fucking beautiful,” Tamlin could hear the muffled voice of Rhysand through the floor. Feyre cried out and Tamlin’s cock twitched. He could picture, clear as day, Feyre making that sound. Feyre beneath him in her bed at the Spring Court, her pale skin and pink nipples and tiny frame that looked even smaller pressed against his own body. He groaned in frustration and hurled himself on the couch, closing his eyes. He wanted to shut out the sounds of them but couldn’t quite bring himself to do it.
“So fucking beautiful and so fucking wet for me. Do you like all this, Feyre? Do you like being my good little wife? Do you like knowing that Tamlin is somewhere here? Probably thinking about me doing this to you right now?”
Tamlin’s eyes flew open at the mention of his name. He heard Feyre groan and he gave into temptation, palming his quickly hardening cock through his pants.
“Answer me, Feyre,” came Rhysand’s voice through the floor.
Tamlin waited, holding his breath, for her response.
“Yes. Yes, yes I like it,” she could barely get the words out through her own pleasure. And it was enough for Tamlin to completely lose control. He undid his belt, pushing his pants off enough to wrap his hand around his cock and stroke, imagining himself standing over Feyre as she touched herself, making circles on her clit and letting loose all of those little noises he so loved.
“I don’t even mind knowing he has memories of you to keep him company. Because right now he’s probably stroking himself, all alone, wishing that he was here doing this to you. I don’t even mind because you’re all mine, isn’t that right?”
Tamlin was actually shocked enough to stop his hand—shocked that Rhysand somehow knew exactly what he was doing. Or at least guessed. Or was this just some sort of game the two of them were playing? 
Then Feyre moaned her reply. “Yes, High Lord.”
Tamlin growled under his breath, fisting his own cock again. The thought of Feyre, his Feyre, calling Rhysand High Lord, moaning for him, coming for him was enough to drive him nearly insane. And he could hear all of that—he could hear Feyre through the floor crying out, trying not to scream—and he could perfectly picture her back arching off the bed, the pink blush staining her cheeks and chest, the way her mouth would look wrapped around his cock that was becoming harder and harder under his hand. 
And then, as if he had conjured it with his own thoughts, he really could see, clear as day, Feyre in front of him on her hands and knees. Her skin was flushed, a black belt wrapped around her throat and her pretty lips parted around two fingers. Tamlin groaned, sinking into the image, moving his hand faster over himself.
“Keep that pretty mouth open, Feyre darling,” he heard float through the floor at the same time he heard it in his own head. 
And that was when Tamlin realized what this was—not his imagination, but Rhysand in his head. Rhysand fucking broadcasting what was happening directly below.
Fury coursed through Tamlin as he watched Feyre being pulled by the belt onto Rhysand’s cock, taking it deep in her throat. Whether his eyes were open or closed, Tamlin couldn’t stop seeing as she eagerly let Rhysand fuck her mouth. Tears sprung to her eyes, drool coating her chin and Tamlin couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help himself as he once again wrapped his hand around himself and pumped.
He felt wretched, furious, but he couldn’t help the groan that escaped his throat as he watched Feyre moaning around Rhysand’s cock. Feyre debasing herself. Feyre submitting in a way that he had only dreamed of —and he had dreamed of it—when she was living with him at the Spring Court.
“My good, nice little wife, aren’t you?” Rhysand said to her, voice gravelly. “No one else gets to have you like this. Tomorrow we’ll be at breakfast with all those other High Lords and their courts and they’ll all know what we did in here tonight. They’ll all wish it was them with their cock in your throat but they’ll know that you’re. All. Mine.”
Not wrong. Not wrong at all.
And then Tamlin was watching as Rhysand pushed Feyre back on the bed and sunk himself into her. Kissed her, bit her, made her cry out as he took what Tamlin hated to admit he still wanted so badly. Feyre’s back arched off the bed as she cried out loudly enough that he heard it both in his mind and through the floor and he tried to ignore the Rhysand of it all and imagine his own teeth sinking into the flesh of her shoulder as he fucked his hand they way he had once fucked her.
Feyre was moaning incoherently now, starting to come completely undone. Tamlin was close to doing the same, something within him winding tighter and tighter and tighter. 
“Fuck, Feyre…” Tamlin groaned through gritted teeth as Rhysand told her to relax, told her to open her mouth, to not hold back.
Feyre let out a near animalistic sound and Tamlin came with a groan, just a few moments before the image of them vanished from his mind. He laid on the couch, panting and reeling from the come down. He dragged a hand over his face and growled. Feyre. His Feyre. His fucking Feyre. 
And somewhere in the back of his mind, he swore he heard Rhysand laughing.
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blueywrites · 1 year
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As of now, all blogs that interacted with the illegal content discovered on Monday have been blocked by me and will never be unblocked. If you see someone you expect to be blocked interact with my blog content, it is an unintentional oversight on my part - please DM me and let me know. There were over 400 URLs in total across multiple posts (some repeated), and I may have missed someone.
I will now be beginning to vet my followers. If you are an adult follower of mine and you do not have your age or age range in your description or pinned post, you will be blocked. There will be no exceptions to this.
Please make sure to allow Mature Content to be shown under your Account settings before Friday 4/21, otherwise, my explicit 18+ content will be hidden and inaccessible to you.
I greatly admire all in this community who have spoken up and continue to take measures to protect adult spaces from minors and, by doing so, help to protect our vulnerable children.
Bluey 💙🌻
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As I'm sure many of you are aware, there have been some concerning situations brought to light in the fandom these past couple of days. Many writers like myself are concerned about how people - specifically minors - are interacting with our work that has been clearly labeled 18+.
If you are an adult follower of mine, I want to make you aware of some changes I will be implementing to my blog this week so you don't miss out on my content. If you are a minor, remove yourself immediately from my blog before I do it for you.
First, I want to be clear on my stance in terms of the vile, horrifying content that came to light yesterday. It does not matter to me whether someone interacted with that content purposely or, as some claim, mistakenly. Everyone who has liked or commented on those posts that were tagged with illegal content will be or has already been blocked by me, and I will not be reconsidering this. At the very least, this should be taken as a lesson in being conscientious about what content you attach yourself to without fully reading it. I will be taking this action based on factual, reliable information. It is not a witch hunt.
Second, since the moment I first created this blog, it has been labeled 18+ only because I do not want anyone under the age of eighteen to interact with any of my writing or blog content. As a former educator, I know that kids don't always make the best decisions and will ignore our wishes, so I will be implementing the following changes that may impact you as an adult interacting with my blog.
I will not be fulfilling anonymous requests for smut prompts submitted in response to my 1k fic prompts entries from last month. If you want to resubmit your request off anon, you are more than welcome to.
My writing with sexually explicit content will be community-marked as sexually explicit starting Friday, 4/21. If you do not have 'Mature Content' in the community labels set to 'Show' under your Account settings, you will no longer be able to see much of my writing. If you want to continue reading my stories that have sexually explicit material in them, you will need to adjust that setting.
I will be removing all blank blogs and all underage blogs from my followers starting today. If you are an adult and you do not have your age listed in your blog, you will be removed. Please add your age or age range if you do not want to be removed. This will take time, but if you are a minor and you are following me, I will find you and I will remove you. If you'd like to see yourself out, please be my guest.
I will no longer be compiling tag lists. If you want to read a story of mine, please follow me if you are an adult. I typically announce drop dates and reblog several times, so you are likely not to miss it. If you are concerned about missing a drop, DM me directly.
While I know that some of these changes are inconvenient, it is important to me to maintain a blog that is a safe, comfortable place for all adults.
Thank you for bearing with me on this. This is a fandom full of many special readers and creators who love a very wonderful and special character, and I want to keep it that way. 🌻💙
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l8rs-gat0rs · 9 months
A Vampire Romcom
Pairing: Juliette Fairmont x AFAB!reader
Warnings(s): Pining, Smutty smut smut, lowkey a bit of angst and fluff at the end, *kinda* slow burn, Vampire stuff (blood sucking, blood lust, etc.), some y/n use, ONE POV change to Juliette, Juliette being a big fat Lesbian and attempting to flirt :)
Summary: You're a transfer student at Lancaster academy and you bump into a cute girl, what are the odds she's also a cute Vampire?
(Edit) DISCLAIMER: An anon has brought up that In the show, Juliette is canonically 16, and the fact that it says "Minors DNI". I know that she is 16 In the show, but in this fan fiction Juliette and the reader are in their senior year which would make them both 18 (or 19 in some circumstances). Also, ofc I'm not gonna go hunting after you for interacting with my post if you are a minor, but I have to put the disclaimer.
Word count: 4.2k
I'm back baybeeee!!! My summer was so busy and fun I didn't really have motivation to write but now it's back to uni and we are ignoring being homesick and all of our stress and problems by writing😎 Also, I know, I know about the requests, I'm working on them right after I finish that captain Marvel smut I was talking about (it's almost done dw) My brain won't let me work on requests until I finish my own ideas cuz it's weird like that lmao. Anyways I hope at least some of you enjoy this one and the next while you wait for your fics. I am terribly sorry about making you wait <3
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~~~~18+ minors DNI~~~~
You walked into Lancaster Academy and looked around.
It wasn't too bad compared to the other schools you've been to. It was actually quite nice if you were being honest, it felt more like a college campus than a high school.
You followed signs that pointed you to the main office. Classes had already started a month ago, but since you had just moved to Savannah, here you were, joining one month late, much to your perturbation.
You tried to convince your parents to let you skip the year and join the next one but, of course, they had absolutely shut that idea down.
Well, it was worth a shot.
You walked into the office and were greeted by the classic: an old lady with curly hair and glasses sitting at the desk.
"Hello, dear, how can I help you?" She smiled kindly at you.
"Hi, uh, I'm supposed to talk to Principal Waters? My name is y/n l/n, I just transferred here."
"Oh, yes! Miss l/n, you can go in, he's in there." She directed you.
You said "Thank you", giving her a small smile before walking into the principal's office.
When you walked in, he looked up and recognition filled his face.
"Ah, y/n, welcome! Please, sit." He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk.
"Thanks." You said as you sat down, Principal Waters mirroring your action.
"So, today is your first day of classes. Here is your schedule, some information about clubs and whatnot, and lastly your gym uniform, which your parents already paid for." He handed you the things as he listed them off to you.
You organized them in your hands and nodded.
"Would you like me to give you a tour of the school and show you where your classes are?" He asked you.
Your eyes widened at his question.
"Oh, no no! That won't be necessary, I can find my way around." You quickly responded, shaking your free hand in the air in front of you in a waving motion.
He chuckled at your quick response.
"Alright, I get it. Well, your first class will start soon, so you should get a move on. Welcome to Lancaster Academy, y/n." Principal Waters smiled as you both stood up.
"Thanks." You shot him a crooked smile before leaving his office and subsequently the main office.
However as you were leaving the main office, you bumped into someone, dropping all of the papers and your gym uniform Principal Waters had given you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" A voice said as both of you dropped down to pick up your stuff.
"No, it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was..." Your voice trailed off as you grabbed your things and looked up, meeting eyes with the girl you had bumped into.
"...going." You finished.
Holy shit she was cute.
She gave you a small smile as she handed you your gym uniform and schedule.
The two of you stood up and you awkwardly adjusted your backpack strap.
"U-um, are you new here? I've never seen you around." The other girl asked you sheepishly.
"Uh yeah, actually, I just transferred in today, I moved here recently." You responded, taking in her gorgeous blue eyes.
"Oh, cool, cool...Can I see your schedule? I mean, if you don't mind." She added quickly.
You smiled at her, oh she was absolutely adorable.
"Sure, here you go." You handed her your schedule.
She scanned over it before looking back at you.
"Oh, you're actually in my English class! I was just heading over, I mean, if you want to come with." She added nervously.
You smiled brightly at her.
"Oh, of course, it's not like I know the building anyway." You chuckled.
"Well, I could show you where all your classes are... I mean if you wanted me to, obviously!" She quickly added again, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, sure, that wouldn't be too bad, thanks." You smiled.
This was way better than Principal Waters showing you around.
She returned the action, melting your heart with her own smile.
"Alright, shall we head over?" You asked.
"Oh! Yeah, let's go." She said, starting to walk towards the classroom.
As you walked alongside her, you looked over to see her fiddling with her fingers and looking anywhere but at you. She was nervous.
"So… you gonna tell me your name or what?" You smirked as you spoke up.
Her eyes widened as she lifted her head to look at you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, I'm Juliette, what's your name?" She asked.
"Y/n." You responded with a relaxed smile.
"Y/n..." She repeated softly with a smile.
You would be lying if you said your heart didn't race at how delicious your name sounded coming from her mouth.
"You have a pretty name." You said as the two of you finally reached your classroom.
She blushed and looked down.
"Thanks, I really like yours, too." She smiled.
"Well, after you,” Juliette said, gesturing for you to walk through the door first.
"Why, thank you, madame." You thanked her with a slight bow, causing her to let out a giggle that was like music to your ears.
You grinned widely as you walked past her. You looked around the room in search of an open seat but pretty much all of them were taken.
"Um, you can sit next to me… if you want?" Juliette said shyly, slowly making her way over to her seat in case you wanted to follow.
"Sure." You smiled, following her to her desk.
You sat down, keeping your backpack on the floor next to you and taking your notebook out.
Right as you did, Mr. Porter, your English teacher, walked in. You were slightly disappointed you didn't get the chance to talk to Juliette more.
"Alright, class, good morning." He said as he quickly entered the room and set his things down on the desk.
He then stood in front of his desk and leaned on it, clapping his hands together before speaking.
"Before we begin, I have a little announcement."
Oh god, here we go.
You hid your head in your hands.
"As most of you might have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Would you like to introduce yourself?” he gestured to you.
Isn’t this high school? Nobody introduces new students these days!
Regardless, you stood up, much to your embarrassment.
You looked back over at Juliette, who gave you an encouraging, starry-eyed smile before you started speaking.
"Um, alright… hey guys, my name is y/n. Great to be here, I guess…" You muttered before sitting down, successfully earning a few laughs and snickers from your classmates, including an adorable giggle from Juliette at your poor attempt at a joke.
You smiled to yourself as Mr. Porter begrudgingly accepted your introduction.
He moved on to the lesson and you felt Juliette's eyes burning holes into your skin.
When you looked over at her though, she quickly looked away and you saw the tinge of red that coated her cheeks.
You smiled as you tried to pay attention to the lesson, but all that was on your mind was Juliette next to you.
You looked over at her and your small smile disappeared as you saw her head in her hands. She closed her eyes tightly and you could see her chest rising and falling quicker than normal. You put your arm around the back of her chair and leaned in to whisper into her ear.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, concern laced in your voice.
You pulled back a little, but not too much, as her head shot up and displayed her wide eyes and heavy red blush.
Your faces were close and you noticed her looking at your lips before she answered with a nod.
"Yeah, I just get bad migraines sometimes." She whispered back before reaching into her bag and grabbing a container of red pills, popping two into her mouth and swallowing.
You leaned back in your chair and watched her reaction. It seemed to imply instant relief, mixed with a bit of euphoria, as she closed her eyes and her heavy breathing gradually slowed down before she opened her eyes to look back at you with an uneasy smile.
Now it was your turn to be flustered. You quickly looked away, feeling your face heat up.
Holy shit, how could someone look hot just taking pills?!
For the rest of class, you tried not to look at Juliette too much, in fear of her noticing your bashfulness if it had returned, completely forgetting about how strange it was that the pills had worked instantly.
When the bell rang you quickly put your things in your bag and got up from your seat.
"Well, I got pre-calc right now, I noticed we passed the room earlier actually, so I guess I'll see you around?" You cocked your head at Juliette.
"Yeah, yeah, for sure! Um- I'm pretty sure we have lunch together, too, so I'll see you later I guess." She let out a nervous laugh, gripping her backpack straps.
Your eyes light up as you answer her, "Okay, great! Then I'll definitely see you later." You winked at her before quickly leaving the classroom.
The two other classes you had before lunch went pretty well. Surprisingly, you managed to make some friends who also had the same lunch period as you. You smiled as you walked to lunch with them, enjoying the mindless chatter going on between the lot of you, feeling a sense of normalcy for the first time since you moved to Savannah.
~~~Juliette's POV~~~
"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Juliette ducked her head down and glanced around the lunch room, looking for any sign of you.
"Well, you can't blame me! You never talk to any of your crushes, you usually spend weeks trying to talk to them." Ben chuckled. Juliette however, cringed at the thought.
"Well, I was kind of thrown right into it, she bumped into me coming out of Principal Waters' office.” Juliette folded her arms.
"Woah, bitch, you had a whole rom-com moment!" Ben said excitedly.
"What? No..." Juliette blushed intensely.
"I don't even know if she likes girls, or if she likes me, for that matter..." Juliette confessed.
"Girl... does that girl seem straight to you?" Ben looks at Juliette pointedly, causing her to laugh.
"Hey, you can't judge a book by its cover." Juliette shrugged and played with her food, not actually eating it.
She was a prime example of that saying, she thought, with a feeling of guilt.
"I guess..." Ben shrugged.
"Hey, isn't that her?"
Juliette's head whipped around, her heart racing fast as she looked around to see your face.
She heard Ben laugh loudly behind her and she slapped his arm as her face turned red for probably the seventh time today.
"You suck." She rolled her eyes, a small smile teasing at her lips.
~~~Your POV~~~
You walked into the cafeteria with your friends and immediately looked around, trying to spot Juliette.
You spotted her facing a boy with his head thrown back in a fit of laughter.
You excused yourself from your friends for a moment, promising to find them in a bit, and made your way over to Juliette and the boy, causing the boy to perk up when he noticed you.
"Now she's actually here," Ben said as you approached them.
"I'm not falling for that again." Juliette said, crossing her arms.
"Falling for what?" You said, causing Juliette to jump up in surprise and turn around to look up at you quickly.
"Oh, y/n! You're here!" Juliette said, her voice cracking a bit and her face red from her seemingly constant blush.
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and sat down next to her.
"Um, y/n, this is my best friend since childhood, Ben." Juliette introduced you to the boy sitting across from her.
"Ah, nice to meet you." You greeted him with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, too, I've heard a lot about you from Juliette over here," Ben said, smirking.
You caught Juliette giving him a death glare before turning to you and chuckling nervously.
"He's just joking, I talked about you a normal amount." Juliette quickly clarified.
"Hey, I'm not complaining! It's nice to be remembered." You said with a smile.
"How could anyone ever forget you?" Juliette said softly, causing your heart to race.
You felt your face heat up and you looked down with a smile before looking back into Juliette's eyes.
"That's very sweet, thank you." You expressed genuinely.
Juliette blushed heavily and mumbled "It's no problem…" before looking at Ben who seemed to be trying to wordlessly tell her something.
"Oh! Uh, there's this party tonight at Noah Harrington's house. I'm going to be there with Ben… if you wanna come, too?" Juliette asked hesitantly.
You think about it for a moment before responding.
"Sure, why not?" You say, smiling as Juliette's eyes light up, with Ben silently celebrating in the background.
What a great wingman you thought to yourself.
"Alright, I made some friends today and I promised I would sit with them, so sadly I've got to go, but I guess I'll see you guys at the party tonight?" You said as you got up from the table.
"Yeah, definitely!" Juliette said, nodding.
"It was nice to meet you, Ben!" You said, nodding at the boy.
"You too!" He said with a smile.
As you walked away from the table you heard Ben speak up when you were a considerable distance away.
"You wanna fuck her so bad it makes you look stupid." He laughed.
"Ben shut up!" You heard Juliette yell, causing you to chuckle to yourself.
When you arrived at the party you went to get a drink right away before looking for Juliette and Ben.
You finished half of your semi-full cup before finding Juliette and Ben talking to each other with smiles on their faces.
Juliette looked adorable in a semi-short, casual form-fitting dress, and platform boots.
You make your way towards them and catch Ben's eye.
"Oh, y/n, hey!" Ben greets you.
Juliette turns around as you wave at Ben.
"Hey guys, what's up?" You smiled at both of them.
"Hey, you actually came!" Juliette said.
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" You asked her.
"I don't know actually..." She said sheepishly.
You laughed a bit before speaking again.
"There could’ve been a multitude of reasons why I wouldn't have come, actually, but I wouldn't leave you hanging, of course." You nudged her with your elbow gently, causing her to blush.
"Well, ladies, I think I spot a cute boy over there, so it's time for me to go work my magic." Ben said, wiggling his eyebrows and hips.
"Oh god,” Juliette said, chuckling.
"Woooo go Ben!" You cheered as he bowed and made his way over to the boy.
"Well, that's Ben for ‘ya." Juliette giggled causing your heart to soar.
"So... how are you liking Savannah so far?" Juliette asked, watching you take a swig of your drink.
"Hmm, I miss home obviously, but it's not too bad here. I've met some pretty cool people…" You winked at her.
A light blush seemed to coat her skin for the millionth time since you met her. It was endearing.
You suddenly felt a burst of courage. You couldn't tell if it was from the alcohol, or if you just couldn't take it any longer, but you chugged the rest of your drink and grabbed Juliette's hand, causing her to let out a little surprised yelp.
You quickly guided her through the party into a closet and pushed her inside, closing the door behind the two of you.
"Y/n, what-"
You cut Juliette off by pressing your lips to hers.
The kiss was full of passion as well as a bit of hunger and desperation.
Your hands cupped her face, feeling heat radiating from her cheeks.
You pulled away for air, your forehead pressed against Juliette's. The space didn't last long though, because Juliette pressed her lips back against yours, her body pushing your back up against the door.
"Jules..." You gasped lightly in between her breathtaking hungry kisses.
"Fuck, say my name again." Juliette groaned.
You grabbed her waist, flipping the two of you around and pushing her up against the door.
"Juliette." You whispered into her neck, starting to leave open-mouthed kisses on her neck.
She moaned, her back arching, causing her to push her body up into yours.
You had no clue how you were doing this in nearly complete darkness, with only a sliver of light coming through the closet; there was just enough light for you to make out Juliette's face. You didn't care, though.
All you could focus on was the fact that Juliette's hands were running all over your body, squeezing your ass and pulling you up against her.
Your hands, which rested on her hips, started to move downwards, squeezing her ass, earning a loud moan from Juliette.
"Shhhhh, we don't want anyone to hear us in here." You chuckled into her neck as you slipped one of your hands under her dress.
She whimpered lightly as you teased her, feeling her wetness soaking through her underwear.
"All this for me?" You pulled back from her neck and asked her teasingly, applying pressure to her core through the soaked fabric.
She gasped out, and maybe it was a trick of the light, but you could swear she had fangs.
You continued teasing at her core, gently applying pressure.
"Fuck, stop teasing." Juliette hissed.
"What if I don't feel like it?" You smirked.
"I swear to-"
You cut her off by pressing your lips to hers as soon as you quickly pulled her underwear down and plunged two of your fingers into her.
You swallowed her loud moans and smiled against her lips.
You slowly thrust your fingers in and out of her as you moved your kisses down her jaw and back up to her neck. You felt wetness rushing to your core as you listened to her moans and whimpers in your ear, feeling her breath hot against your already warm skin.
You used your knee to spread her legs apart a bit more, and your fingers sank deeper into her.
You could tell she was struggling to keep quiet as you sucked at the skin on her neck, definitely leaving a mark as your fingers moved at a steady pace.
Your free hand that held onto her hip snaked up her body under her dress, pulling it up along with your hand. You let out a shaky breath as you finally reached her breasts, slipping underneath her bra and slowly running your thumb over her nipple as you squeezed her breast lightly.
You felt her head fall against your shoulder as she breathed heavily, her body seemingly shaking as you added another finger and curled all of the digits inside her.
"You smell… so good…" She panted, and you felt her warm tongue lick the side of your neck.
You felt her hands that were gripping onto your jacket for dear life loosen a bit as one of her hands snaked its way into your pants and underwear, her fingers collecting your wetness.
"Juliette," You moaned her name into her neck, the pace of your own fingers inside her faltering as pleasure wracked your body.
"Shhhhh," She cooed.
Suddenly stars exploded in your eyes as you felt what you could only describe as her biting your neck as she plunged three of her fingers into you.
The pain of the bite, and sudden stretch of her fingers, lasted only a second before it morphed into pleasure.
She moaned against your neck as you felt a euphoric sensation, your head feeling a little light.
You groaned, resuming a quicker pace with your fingers, Juliette matching yours with her own fingers.
You dropped your hand from her breast and went back to holding onto Juliette's hip, this time for your own stability.
She pulled her head away from your neck and threw her head back at the same time as you, both of you quickening the pace of your fingers.
The heady, dizzy feeling left after a couple of seconds, leaving you feeling a bit confused, but yet again, you ignored it, focusing solely on the pleasure.
The closet was filled with heavy pants and breaths as the two of you worked your fingers inside each other.
You felt Juliette grab your face and bring her lips to yours.
You tasted something metallic as she pushed her tongue into your mouth.
"Jules are you-"
"Shhhh wait... I- I'm so close," She moaned.
And she was, you felt her walls clenching around her fingers, causing your own climax to grow nearer.
"I want you to cum with me." Juliette panted.
You nodded, your eyes struggling to focus on her face in the darkness, and your brain struggling to form any words through the haze.
Juliette quickened the pace of her fingers and curled them inside you just as you did earlier. You moaned and bit your lip hard, mirroring her actions.
"I'm g-gonna cum." You called out in a hushed tone, afraid of someone on the outside hearing you.
"Do it, cum with me, baby." Juliette responded breathily.
Her words pushed you over the edge, the two of you simultaneously coming undone.
Your legs shook as both of you stilled your fingers but still kept them inside each other, while Juliette leaned her back against the door and you leaned against her for support.
As the high from your orgasm wore away and you listened to both of your heavy breaths, you held Juliette, who felt so right in your arms.
Suddenly you remembered the taste in her mouth from earlier.
"Wait, Jules, were you bleeding or something earlier?" You asked her worriedly.
"Wh-what? No?" She said quickly, and now that your eyes had adjusted once more in the darkness of the closet, you could see her eyes widened.
"Are you sure? I tasted-"
"I'm a vampire." She said quickly.
The silence was deafening as you slowly stood back from her.
“Wait! Let me explain!" She burst out.
"Okay..." You said cautiously.
You saw her shuffle a little bit before finding the light switch and flicking it on.
You both blinked a couple of times before your eyes adjusted to the light.
"Okay, so..." She sighed heavily before continuing.
"Like I said, I'm a vampire. And, that blood you tasted... that was… your blood." Her face cringed.
You slapped your hand over your neck, your eyes widening.
"I knew I felt you bite me! Wait..." A confused expression dawned on your face as you tried to feel for the bite mark.
"The bite mark disappears. I'm... a different kind of vampire." She confessed. You heard a bit of guilt in her voice.
"You didn't drain me..." You said, confusion lacing your voice.
Her eyes widened once again, "I would never drain you, I would never drain anyone! I don't kill." She said firmly.
"I don't want to hurt people, and I would never ever hurt you." She continued sincerely, putting her hand on her chest.
"Then why did you bite me?" You asked her, your heart racing.
"I- I couldn't control myself, it's just..." She looked down for a second trying to collect herself before her eyes met yours again.
"I have heightened senses so, I could smell your arousal and your blood racing through your veins, I could hear your heart beating fast. My… bloodlust has been out of control recently." She cringed at the word bloodlust.
"My family is part of a long line of vampires called Legacy Vampires. We're day walkers. After my 16th birthday, everything started getting worse, and my family started pressuring me to have my first kill. That's the only way to stop everything from getting even worse. But I don't want to kill anyone! That's why you've seen me taking those pills. They help me, but… it's starting to not be enough." She looked away from you once again.
You felt your heart sink. Juliette clearly didn't want to hurt anyone, but she was struggling to fight against her own nature because of that.
You moved closer to her, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her tightly, seemingly catching her by surprise.
“I'm sorry you have to go through this, Juliette," You said, holding onto her and closing your eyes, taking in the smell of her shampoo.
"You're not a monster. And I don't care that you bit me. You didn't choose to be a vampire." You affirmed.
You felt her body slightly tremble against you and you pulled away from her, but still kept your arms around her.
Tears were steadily falling from her eyes as her bottom lip trembled.
"Thank you. That is honestly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I thought you would hate me forever after this and be disgusted."
"Never. How could I ever hate you? Much less disgusted by your adorable self?" You smiled lightly, wiping the tears from her cheeks with your thumbs.
She let out a broken noise that was between a sob and a laugh as she smiled, holding onto your hands. You kissed her softly as you cupped her face in your hands, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“What do you say we get out of this closet, ditch this party, and go somewhere? Just the two of us." You asked her.
"I'd like that." Juliette said softly.
"Then it's a date." You smiled.
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bubblespalace · 23 days
Can you do the diaboys react to their s/o who was killed by one of the others(Diaboys) because they drank to much of her blood
Love your posts btw 🫶🏼
If their S/O was killed by another diaboy taking too much blood
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Bubble: OOH! I like this idea! If ya'll didn't know, I'm great at angst. ;) Thanks for the request anon! <33 And thank you for your support!!
I only did the Sakaboys for this post, if you want a Mukami version, feel free to request again!! <3
TW: Death, Suicide, Blood, Gore, Language.
Under the cut:
It seemed to be a normal day for Shu. He woke up, to his dismay, and went to school as usual. As he was laying with his back to the wall in one of the school hallways with less light, he listened to his music, eyes closed in his exhaustion. However, he couldn't remember the last time he saw you. Were you even in the car with him when the rest of his brothers and him were on their way? It was strange, since you normally sought him out during this time of the night, when you had some extra time between classes. It made Shu wonder what it was you were doing.
He quicked up the faintest sound of footsteps on his left side, immediately knowing it was his younger brother by the way they sounded. "Here to scold me again for how I'm not in class?" He asked with a sigh. "Bothersome..." Reiji's movements came to a halt and Shu opened his eyes and stared up at him. There was something different about how his brother looked down at his face. "Why are you here?" He questioned, raising a golden eyebrow.
"It has come to my attention... that I must inform you of something..." Reiji muttered, holding his hands behind his back. His eyes darted to the floor, unable to make full eye contact. "This morning, Miss Y/N came into my laboratory." He took a breath that seemed unstable. "I may have bit into her with the mere intention of drinking some of her blood but..."
As he trailed off, Shu's half-lidded eyes widened, looking up at his younger brother in shock. "D-did you...?" Reiji shut his eyes and looked at the blank wall. "You bastard. I know that you despise me, but there was no reason to ki-" He voice broke, the hall was so silent you could hear his labored breathing. With his supernatural speed, he got up and pushed Reiji against the wall, squeezing his neck in his fist. The dark-haired man's eyes widened and his glasses slid down his nose, looking at his older sibling in terror as he tried to breathe. "I should fucking snap your neck. But no, that would be too good for you, wouldn't it?" Warm tears rolled down his face as he blinked them out of his vision and glared at the vampire between him and the wall. "I'll get you back for this, I swear to God." Shu quickly teleported back home and stormed into the empty lab, there you were, your crimson blood all over the table and floor, some of it already dried. The normally wonderful smell made the blonde feel disgusted as he stepped closer, you beautiful face was covered in red and your eyes were wide open. Blood dripped from your slashed neck like a waterfall while Shu held back more tears and brushed your soaked hair out of your face. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled down to you as he held you, your blood staining his uniform. "I really am..."
School was giving Reiji a headache today, his focus wasn't as good as it was regularly. He could barely pay attention to the equations being written on the board, variables started to jumble with other numbers in his head, causing a pressure to form on both his temples. When the bell finally rang, it came to his tired mind that he should have you in his next class. You were always a wonderful study partner, and what is even better is that having you around might boost his mood.
However, that class had come and gone without you seated next to him. So during his free period, he searched for you. But when he couldn't find you, worry hit him like a bus. Thoughts of you escaping and leaving him empty attacked him. He became slightly more frantic until he came across a closet. The scent of your blood filled his senses, alerting him. He opened the door, missing the elegance and grace he normally held himself with.
You were laying on the concrete floor in a pool of your own blood, Reiji could tell you were just hanging on so when he slammed the door shut, he quickly got down on his knees. "Y/N... Whatever in the world happened? Who...?" He trailed off, his eyes zeroing in on the bite mark on your neck. "Shu" He spat with venom, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
You met his eyes and forced your hand up with all your strength so you could touch his face. "Reiji, there's nothing you can do. You're not going to be able to save me, he hit an artery..."
"Don't tell me there's nothing I can do. I'll say when I can't save you." He retorted, his magenta eyes misty. "I'll save you. If not then-"
"Rei." You muttered, brushing his hair out of his face as he looked down at you. "You really have to learn to let things be... I love you."
The light faded from your eyes immediately and Reiji held back a sound of despair. "I'll bring you back... I don't care about that woman anymore, I'll bring you back to me..."
"Chichinashi! Time for my takoyak-" Ayato cut himself off when the scent of blood filled his nostrils, your blood. It filled the air like a sweet aroma, but Ayato knew them and there was something wrong.
That's when his emerald eyes fell on a hand peeking out from behind the island in the home economics room, he hurried to teleport behind it. You were sprawled out, bleeding from a large bite in your collarbone. It seemed you were even fading in and out of consciousness. "Chichi- Y/N! What? Who...?" Ayato's voice cracked and he slid down on his knees, pushing his arms underneath you and bringing your head up on his lap.
"Ruki tried to bite me, and I tried to fight him off... Didn't really work so well." You coughed, wincing at the pain. Ayato's expression was twisted into worry, and as your vision blurred, you thought you saw tears forming. "I'm sorry, I really tried, Ayato." You whispered, closing your eyes.
Ayato held back a sound of despair, gripping onto your now cold body. "I should be sorry..."
As soon as Kanato noticed your absence in history class, he stood up and walked out the door, not caring what the teacher thought. He gripped Teddy against his chest, the thoughts for everything you could be doing flooding his brain. Was someone else touching you?? He would kill them, dispose of them and then show you why he claimed you. His senses immediately focused on the sweet smell of your blood, his irises swirled with rage as he storms into the otherwise empty women's locker room. You were leaning against a locker, a tired look on your face as red liquid dripped down your neck. Kanato flew into rage, screaming as loud as he could. "Who touched you?! Who?! Why did you let them hurt you?!"
You weakly looked at him and grabbed his hand gently, throwing him off. "Kana, trust me, I didn't want it. I wouldn't do that to you." You muttered, pulling him closer to you, which luckily, he allowed.
"But why!? Why would you let..." His eyes glanced at your neck, recognizing the bite mark. "Azusa of all people! Am I not enou-" Quickly, you pulled his lips to yours, letting him take his anger out through kisses one last time. It felt intense, like two waves crashing against each other one last time before the ocean stopped moving completely.
After a second, you pulled away, a tear falling down your cheek. "You've always been more than enough." You whispered, resting your forehead against his. "Don't yell, spend our last moments together holding me, please."
Kanato dropped Teddy to the floor carelessly and held you carefully until you became just like his other dolls, emotionless, soulless, and dead. "My poor dolly..." He sobbed, burying his face in your blood soaked hair. "I love you."
"Bitch-chan~ Ooh! How fun to find you in the Biology classroom! You sure thought that out well~ Did you want to have some study time with your Laito-kun?" Laito chuckled as he peaked into the doorway, only to find you haphazardly spread out on a desk, your blood staining the light wood a dark shade of crimson. His face and stomach dropped and quickly rushed in, placing a finger to your wrist to check your pulse. "Bitc- Y/N, wake up please." He muttered, a rare terrified look on his face.
Your eyes fluttered open and met his green ones. "Lai?" You said, your voice strained. "I didn't want it... I swear, I'd never leave you-" You were cut off by Laito placing a finger to your lips, brushing his thumb against them softly. It was rare to see him like this, it was like he was acting like a normal teenager who was concerned, not your Laito.
"I know... I know, you would never try." He paused, his voice wavering. "You love me, you actually love me, right? You taught me the real meaning..."
You closed your eyes and parted your lips as he pressed a soft kiss to them, his nose grazing yours. "I love you, truly..." You muttered, just before you felt your own body go limp before you could do anything else.
Laito was left, a tear running through his eyelashes and down to your cold cheek. "I do too..."
Subaru laid, next to you, a knife in his hand. You looked at it sadly, before your eyes darted to his. "Subaru, no please. You will be okay without me." You muttered, too low on the energy and blood to raise your voice.
His expression was not something you could read at the moment. You had been unable to focus since Kou had drained you a little too much, your vision was slowly starting to go, and touches were getting fainter, like you were drifting away from reality, from the love you had only just found. "I can't... I can't stay on a plane without you."
"Then it's my last wish..." You pleaded, biting your lip as you touch his hand that was holding the dagger. "I'll be heartbroken if I see you up there the moment I leave."
Subaru exhaled, shutting his ruby eyes before hugging you to his chest, water pouring like waterfalls down his face. As your body untensed, you thought you would leave this world knowing your darling would fall in love again. But before you lost your hearing, you heard him mumble shakily. "I'm not going up there anyway..."
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w1ldthoughts · 8 months
A Duck’s Dynasty
A/n: Anon requested!
This is a work of fiction so bear with me on the royal family details! Happy reading!
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You didn’t grow up the way most kids do. Some people’s parents are married and raise their family in a happy home where there’s laughter and warmth and…love. Your parents were in love, but they weren’t married when you came along, quite the opposite actually. Your father had just been caught up in a messy affair with your mother, his longtime “friend.” Then he divorced his wife, the people’s princess, who passed away mere months before you were born. It was not the most ideal time for Prince Charles to give the world another reason to despise him. So you were hidden away, raised by your mother’s favorite lady-in-waiting, Georgie and her husband Oliver. They couldn’t have children of their own so they loved you with every fiber of their being, cherishing your firsts like they were miracles sent straight from heaven. But there was always a reminder that you weren’t truly theirs, you had gifts sent from your parents, every holiday without fail, extravagant toys and clothes that were painful moments of reality, just as real as the royal blood pulsing through your veins.
The queen had always known of your existence and insisted that even though you were hidden from the public eye, you would live as one of her grandchildren. You attended the finest boarding schools in the UK and became fluent in three languages by the time you had hit the third grade. Everything was falling into place to introduce you to the world as the daughter of Prince Charles of Edinburg and Camila, the Duchess of Cornwall on your 18th birthday. At age 16, your roommate Violet, who was from Seattle, Washington in the United States, introduced you to the vast world of college applications. College sounded so much better than an uncomfortable dress and shaking hands with people who had dedicated their lives to hiding your existence. You spent the next two weeks before your break gathering information to present your argument.
“What if we just postpone my introduction to society until after I graduate? If I remember correctly, you both have always said you want me to experience the wonders of the world. What better way to do that than to actually explore and see what’s out there?” You practically begged.
“I even have the perfect major picked out, journalism. I want to use my media training for good, to study the ins and outs of everything that is out there in order to be prepared for when my name is trending on Google worldwide.”
A year later, you were all moved in to begin your freshman year at the University of Oregon. College was probably the single most fun time you’d ever had in your life, the parties were legendary and you’d really built a family with your roommates. And your job on campus, going over stats and highlights, recapping Duck football games was honestly pretty fulfilling.
“Hey y/n, I know it’s short notice but I need you to cover for Bradley this afternoon. He’s got an interview with Justin Herbert but he just found out has strep so we need you to step in. We’ve got the notes and all the questions ready, you just need to ask them. Can you do that?” Your boss asked, pleading for your help.
You had to admit the opportunity was exciting. Everyone on campus wanted to talk to the starting quarterback and pick his brain so you figured, why not give it a shot. Media coverage in the PAC-12 was an institution of its own, you barely got your two questions in and the rest of the time was spent recording and taking notes in order not to miss anything. Of course when you were walking back to the office, you dropped your phone.
As you bent down to pick it up, someone swooped in and grabbed it before you had the chance.
“You might need this.” Justin says with a smile, holding out the device that looked much smaller in his hands.
“Thank you, I’m not used to carrying all this stuff. My plans kind of changed today when Tyler asked me to cover for Bradley. Got to interview the starting quarterback today, he’s kind of a big deal around here you know?”
He rolls his eyes and grabs some of the notes out of your hands. “Careful, you might make your boyfriend jealous of this quarterback guy.”
“You know…come to think of it, you kinda look like him.”
“Do I?” He asked with a smirk on his face. You loved to see the little dimple peak out.
You tilt your head, grabbing his chin to turn his face from side to side. “Yeah, you look…exactly like Justin Herbert. It’s crazy.” You let out a laugh, looking around to make sure the two of you are still alone.
He nods his head slowly, stepping forward and closing the distance between you. Softly pressing his lips against yours, he smiles into the kiss, quickly losing himself in it. He didn’t have to be anything for anyone when he was with you, he could just…be. A sense of peace washed over him as he relaxed and pursed his lips, resting his forehead against yours to catch his breath. “I um—I have to ask you something.”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Well my parents are on this ‘final countdown’ thing before I leave and they’ve been hearing about you and want to meet you for dinner later this week. If you’re up for it?”
His face dropped when you didn’t answer. “Justin um, I think we need to talk.”
“Oh great. Just the words every guy wants to hear after telling his girlfriend that—”
You could tell where his mind was going, the plummeting confidence that he had in your relationship that very few people were aware of, especially not your “parents.”
“No it’s not about us! I would love to meet your mum and dad, but—can we just talk about this somewhere else? I really need to tell you this before we bring any more people into this.”
“Okay yeah, let’s go upstairs to the quarterback room, no one will find us there.” He digs in his pockets for the keys as you press the button on the elevator. The two of you rode in silence and you could practically hear the gears in his brain turning.
He led you over to his favorite chair, one that he’d spent countless nights with you watching film as you did your homework. This was home…and you were about to ruin this little fairy tail you’d created with your very own Prince Charming.
The tight lipped look on your face made him nervous. He knew from your accent that you were going to be heading back to the UK eventually, maybe sooner than he’d hoped and you wanted to rip the bandaid off before things got too messy and feelings were involved. Little did you know, it was way too late for him.
“Justin I—am different. I told you I’m from London, which I am technically, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. Oh bloody hell this is a lot harder than I thought. Um basically…I’m a princess. My parents had a very public affair years ago and then when Princess Diana was gone they didn’t want to bring more drama into a grieving country so I didn’t grow up with my half brothers. I was raised—”
“Wait.” He mutters out. “Your family is…the royal family? The actual royal family?”
You let out a humorless laugh, anxiously waiting for his shock to settle. “The very one. I know it’s a lot but I didn’t want to meet your family without telling you the truth. I only came here to study media and understand the ins and outs of gossip sites versus real journalism and I would never want to put you in a compromising position. I mean, you don’t even have an Instagram.”
His laugh calms you both a bit, the tension that you felt brewing was slowly melting away. Justin had always had this special ability to make the chaos seem so calm. “Thank you for telling me, but this isn’t going to scare me away, I like you a little too much to just let you go.” He held your face in his hands, peppering soft kisses anywhere he could.
“I like you too, a lot. So much that I don’t want to ruin your life by destroying your privacy. You have so much to look forward to, I don’t want your accomplishments to be overshadowed by—”
He shakes his head with a chuckle, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, don’t worry about it. For right now we just need to make sure that you’re ready for a Herbert family dinner. My mom will be pulling out the baby pictures, no doubt.”
“Oh I cannot wait for that,” you pinch his cheek, releasing a breath you hadn’t even noticed you were holding, “thank you for being so understanding. I know it’s a lot to take in.” Justin gave you a simple nod and welcomed you into his arms for a comforting hug.
Present day…
You always knew this day would come. The car was waiting for you outside, a life filled with countless demands, photo ops and so many decisions that would involve none of your input. Justin insisted on saying goodbye the night before, there were tearful promises not to forget the last four years and blatant lies that breaking up would be for the best. It was like you’d just lost a piece of your soul and you were signing your life away to the devil. Nothing would ever be the same.
Were you ready for this? Did you really want to give up your life in LA for your “familial duty” and “loyalty to your country?” What did that even mean? Was any of this actually worth giving up your happiness?
“I’m so sorry, can you make a quick stop before we head to the airport, please?”
The driver nods and puts in the address you provide, sending an array of butterflies in your stomach.
When he opened the door, your heart skipped a beat. It felt like you were seeing him for the first time…all over again.
“Y/n? What—what are you doing here?”
You closed the door behind you, suddenly feeling like you’re out of breath. “I have felt more joy in the last few years with you than I have in my entire life. I always felt like I wasn’t enough and had to hide but with you? There’s so much to look forward to and if you think I’m going to let some stupid little crown get in the way then you’re sadly mistaken. The only title I want is to be yours, until the wheels fall off.”
“Justin, I am not a fucking princess. I’m just me…so here I am, telling you that I love you and I’m not going anywhere. My life is here.”
“I fucking love you,” he whispers onto your lips after kissing you softly. Your hand finds it’s way into his hair as you lean in again, basking in the glow of being home. This time you knew it’s be full of laughter, warmth and so much love.
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redheadspark · 1 year
#15 and #21 with az x reader pleasee 🥹🥹 (reader sings to az) 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
A/N - YAY for Azriel! Thanks for the request, anon!
Summary - It was the gentler moments that brought you and the Shadowsinger together
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Warnings - none, just some cute fluff
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Ariel had a reputation in Velaris, in all of Pythian actually.
Being the Shadow Singer in Night Court, a fierce warrior and spy for High Lord Rhysand, Azriel was never one to show his softer and vulnerable side to anyone, at all. He always had his walls up at all times, needing to deal with the other courts with neogications and safety, going on spy missons in the dead of night to gather information, aiding Cassian in training the new warriors at the Illryian camp.
He never minded being busy for Rhyasnd, he rather enjoyed it. But it left little to no time to have his walls come down and simply be relaxed and himself. Sometimes he wished he had time to not think about work or the other courts and their gossip and delegations that could be against Night Court. Mainly, there was no one to help him and get his mind off work.
Azriel never considered having a mate of his own, mainly because he never thought he was worthy of having a mate. After mending things with Mor and realizing they were both better off as friends, a romantic relationship was not really Azriel's priority.
So for you to come into his life, it was not what he expected.
Azriel tentatively opened the door to your little house, poking his head in and seeing the front room was already lit by the fireplace and the sweet scent of herbal tea coming from the pot sitting on the coffee table next to two cups. He knew he was coming a little bit later than usual, though you were never one to scold him on his punctuality. But he heard your hummnig from your study, the door cracked opened slightly to the right down the little hallway. Azriel grinning, locking the front door behind him and tip toeing off his boots and his leather jacket.
You were the calm to his storm and his chaos. He met you in Velaris, working as one of the head weapon manuifactorers in Velaris alongside your Uncle. He's welded and created swords, daggers, shields, any weaponry one could imagine, for centuries and centuries on end. You learned under his tutoilage before he let you take over the shop, wishing to start his retirement and live the rest of his days in peace by the sea. You had no intensions of finding a mate yourself, and you never thought you would. But when Azriel stepped into the shop, slightly neededing to duck his head because of his height and his shadows follwing right behind him, it was game over for the pair of you.
You both felt it instantly: mates.
"Darling?" Azriel said softly as he poked his head into your study, seeing you look up from the drafts on your small table. You grinned, rubbing your lower back and placing your pencil on the table to get up from the chair. Your study was filled to the brim with weaponry books and novels, some academic and some from other fictional fantasy books thanks to Nesta gifting them to you from the House of Wind. There were other trinkets and smaller baldes dispalyed on the wall and over the fireplace mantel, your favorite pieces you never wish to part with.
Azriel slipped into the study as you moved around the desk and melted in his arms. He hummed, the scent of ashes and smoke in your hair as he felt some of the smudges along your fingers against the back of his neck. It was a calming trigger for him, one of the first things that brought him peace when it came to physical contact.
"I've missed you today," Azriel said against your hair, "I'm sorry I'm late to come home,"
"Nonsense," You replied, pecking his jaw as you pulled away and pointed to the papers on the desk, "I was struck with an idea for a new blade, a gift for Rhysand for his birthday. Come check it for me,"
"Me?" Azriel asked sheepishly as you grinned, tugging him along to the desk and pointing to the paper on the top of the stack, "I only know so much--"
"You know enough because it's Rhysand, and it's a blade like Truth Teller," You explained, seeing the small amused look from Azriel as you rolled your eyes, "Not exactly, Az. Almost though! Feyre asked for a new blade for him as a birthday gift, and she wished to pay me plenty for it,"
"And you said no to the payment, I believe?" Azriel questioned you with a raised brow.
"I never wish to take money from them, you know that," You reasoned, "However, given the circumstances and the time frame she has given me, I took some of the money she offered to pay me,"
"That a girl," Azriel replied happily, kissing your cheek, "Never be afriad to take some money for your hard work,"
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Azriel was your number one advocate, even before coming a mated couple officially. After you two found out you were mates, it was all a whirlwind of questions and concerns. However, it was you that suggested you two take it slow, to get to know each other as friends first before jumping into anything that was serious. Azriel liked that idea, and your friendhsip begun and blossomed over time.
He would visit your shop every day in the early afternoon, browsing all of the weaponry you made yourself and asking you about the metal and supplies. He was also polite and chivalrous with you, offering to take you to lunch or dinner after your shift, or even a walk together in the local parks on your off days.
Azriel loved listening to you sing, hearing you sing a softer melody as you were working away on a sword in your back room and hunched over with a hammer at the blade. The softness of your voice, the slight tremor with the words that were flowing out with ease, he was memorized with you. After hearing it a few times, he asked what the song was when you two were walking together hand in hand through the shopping district one summer afternoon.
"My mother sang it to me as a babe," You explained as you stopped to breathe in some of the daffodils that were being sold in front of the florist shop, "She died when I was very young, pnemonia took her in her sleep. But I remmeber her with long brown hair, and her voice singing the song would lure me to sleep at times. I sing that song when I'm happy, truly happy, because my mother always brought me happiness,"
Azriel's own busy schedule and a stressful job working for the High Lord had him more private and secluded, not wishing to have you too wrapped in his life to the point of your life being in danger. Azriel even taught you how to fight in the backyard behind your shop, bringing up your self-defense knowledge from elementary to lethal. You never minded it, mostly because you would see him covered in sweat and shirtless with his daggers in hand. Yet all you could do is wink at him to distract him, then to have him on the ground and you perched over his body with a knife to his throat.
He grinned, falling for you harder.
Of course when he told you that, you understood, so your friendship that blossomed into a relationship was mostly quiet and private. Hidden dates and rendezvous on date nights, Azriel whisking you away to the moutains on the weekends to go camping, you've enjoyed them all. Azriel was showing a new side of himself to you when it was just the two of you, the tension was off his shoulders and wings, the bright smile on his lips shinned as brightly as the sun, you wished that he had that more in his life.
Even being cradled in his arms, both of you bare under your sleeping packs to look at the stars during one camping trip, you felt that love seeping out more and more. Loving Azriel was one of the best feelings in the world, the first time you ever felt this with another person was both scary and thrilling all at once.
"I wouldn’t trade you for all the stars in the sky,” Azriel vowed to you as you both were looking at the constellations high above you. It was his way of telling you he loved you, and you never thouht your heart would be as full as it was in on that moutain top.
When he wished to ask you for your hand in marriage after years of courting you, he went to your Uncle for his blessing. Although your Uncle was petrfied of Azriel, he admired the Shadow Singer and how he placed your happiness in love in front of his own.
Your Uncle walked you down the aisle to your awaiting fiance, the Priestess marrying you two under the moon and stars with the Inner Circle as witnesses.
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"This is great," Azriel voiced as he took the paper and looked over the design, you were waiting on bated breath as he was analyzing the drawing, "Rhysand will love this!"
"Truly?" You asked, "You're not saying that because you're my husband?"
"Cauldron no!" Azriel replied as he palced the paper back on the table and kissed you sweetly, "He's gonna love it. The blade he uses now is just for show and it's nearly over 2,000 years old, so this will be a great upgrade for him,"
"I thought so too, since the handle on his blade is a bit rusty and loose for him to use in battle," You said in a snort, Azriel laughed as you then lokced fingers together, "Come, let's have a bath together and turn in for the night,"
Azriel felt that warmth again, that warmth that he never thoghut he would have with another. Through all the trials and joys, you stood right next to him. Even when Pythrian was in jeoprady with a battle on the horizons and King Hybren bringing pain and chaos, Azriel wished to keep you safe and away from the battle. You were his priority, for the very first time he placed someone in front of himself and he was simply fine with it.
So as you two stripped off your clothes and sunk into the water of your bath, Azriel having your back to his front and hearing you sing the very song your mother sang to you, he was insanely and utterly happy with all that he had.
It was in his arms, as precious as a jewel but as strong as a blade.
The End.
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Spring Prompt Session
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