#anyways. im gonna go take a shower and start working on planning out a bus route for the thrift store run
nerdie-faerie · 13 days
This has got to be the worst move out yet
#packing perils#student living#Uni shenanigans#ace is a mess#oh my god. okay so we start on Tuesday ive been gradually moving my stuff over to my friends house#cus were moving in together in September and shes staying in her place over the summer so well have everything in one place to move in#so take some stuff over to hers on tuesday before her shift then we walk to work together i collect her keys and say bye#go back to mine pack up some more stuff warned her i planned on doing 2 trips while she was working so start figuring out whats going#end up with two tote bags a crate a box and a large bag of boxes decide ill take the heavier tote bag and the box on the first trip#as i cant really carry much else with the box due to its awkward size even though its not particularly heavy and cut through the park to#shave off some time feel pretty good when i get there it wasnt unbareable esp after Saturday when carrying 4 heavy shopping bags ended up#covering me in bruises and scratches and messing my back shoulder and neck up so i feel like underestimated myself on this trip and like i#can take everything on the next trip well its already late in the day cus my mate does evening shift so by time i get back its half 9 so i#decide to cut through the park again to save time but the large shopping bag with my saucepans casserole dish etc is difficult to carry due#to how bulky it is and the crate tho it has handles is also unwieldy so my arms are being bruised and scratched up i cant waste time carryin#everything back home just to put one thing down at this point but im considering putting the biggest bag down in some overgrown plants in#the park speeding to my mates and coming back for it its a stupid and risky idea but its getting dark the sun is almost completely set and#no matter how often i rest i just cant manage it and my damn brain starts worrying about being murdered so i ditch the bag and i can move#much quicker now so rush to my mates and rush back reassure her as im leaving hers that i am bringin her keys back its just after 11 at this#point cus its over 35 minutes to get to hers i get back to the park in just over 20 my bag is still there! and i dont get attacked get my#stuff to her room then hustle to get to her job before she finishes at 12 get there a few minutes to spare shes not ready to go yet anyway#she tells me shes not comfortable with me walking back in the dark i should stay at hers i cant ive got an assignment so she says shes#walking me to mine then going to her boyfriends 5 mins down the road get back to mine shower have dinner and crank out my Wednesday 4pm#assignment by 7am go to bed get about 2 hours sleep before tge fire alarm is tested and then ive got to be up for a meeting with our new#landlord anyway and ofc its raining come back from our meeting grab food and start packing up some more sht get buses over to hers this time#together come back pack some more hope the rain dies down a bit but it doesnt look like its stopping and i somehow fcked my foot carrying#stuff earlier so she texts a coworker asking if they can pick us up they agree so organise a few more things but then a puddle causes their#car to break down the next bus is in over half hour so mate decides shes gonna run to her boyfriends to charge her phone while we wait for#the next bus to be due while shes gone i finish sorting things she then calls asks me to book a taxi cus the rain has only gotten worse when#taxi arrives realise that student accom is basically flooded deciding what to do while at hers cus the weather is unbareable she goes to get
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
okay i think i got like the best first gig ever bc i got like $80 for 4-ish hours of work
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pinkja · 4 years
Sports, Crushes, College and All Other Things Stressful (Nora x Black Female Reader)
AU where Nora is a stressed out college student and you are a simple black girl who has no time management.
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Nora felt like she was a simple person.
She grew up in a small town near Salt Lake City, made it through the akward teenage phase, and graduated high school with honors.
Does it matter that she was always so close to pulling her own hair out in frustration? She doesn’t think so.
She liked to think that her high school years went swell.
She was captain of the swim team, played in both tennis, chess, soccer, and volleyball. She was also co captain of the debate team, won the Reading Bowl in TOME for three years in a row (she didn’t join freshman year) and did a bunch of community service at the homeless shelter every other Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
Yeah, Nora was a simple person, she thinks.
Does it matter that she barely had time to sleep? She doesn’t think so.
She got into college with a full ride scholarship (which her family celebrated for two days straight. It practically turned into a block party.) She was on the Pre-Med track, wanting to become a pediatrician like her grandmother had been, and like her mother had been, and like her older sister had been as well.
Wait…who exactly was she doing this fo–
Doesn’t matter!
She got to get an apartment on the campus housing first year with her best friend, Abby, who’s a biology major of all things, when Nora was pretty sure she was gonna be an English major. Her room was pretty average, but Abby often made comments about how it really needed some personality.
“You don’t even have a poster!” Abby remarked one day while she was laying on Nora’s bed. She had an old copy of Lord of the Flies in her hands, read and re-read about eight times.
“Not everyone needs a poster, Abby.”
“Yeah, they do. Especially when you don’t have a book or a video game, or even something to play music on-”
“Isn’t it enough that I have a phone?” Nora placed her head on Abby’s lap. Abby rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed so Nora would be more comfortable.
“And you had to beg your mother for it. Now hush and let me finish this chapter.” She leaned against the headboard and made a comment about how she was going to buy her a poster for Dirty Dancing or something.
Now that freshman year was almost over, and tennis season for the school had started up again a month prior, Nora, being captain of that and many other teams, was starting to feel even more stressed. She has to aid the coach in training the less athletic recruits, plan their next meeting, and prepare for their next game which was in two weeks, which was a few days before a big biochemistry test.
She was out by the track, the slightly warm early April air hitting the side of her sweaty face after almost an hour of staying out in the sun. There was another hour of practice left, and with a clipboard, a pen, and a timer in her hand, she watched the baby-faced girls run laps around the field.
“Ok, the game is on a Saturday, it takes around 30 minutes to get there by bus, so 30 minutes to get back… but the game ends at 6:30 so I have to give at least another 30 minutes to an hour for traffic, not including the time it takes to shower and pack our stuff up so the latest I’d get home is around…” She looked up from her clipboard, tapping her feet on the floor. “Jackson! If you want to play in the next game you gotta beat your record! Pick up the speed!” She called out to a red haired girl.
God, I really hope I’m not sweating out my hair, she thought, brushing a few stray hairs back in her ponytail. Nora went back to muttering.
“Ok so that means I’ll be home by 8 at the latest, and if I lock myself in my room and pull an all nighter, I could probably get all my studying done by 6-ish? Maybe… I would have to stock up on coffee. I’ll stop by the store on the way ho–”
Nora’s quiet rambling was interrupted by a voice.
“Hey, Captain!” Nora didn’t turn around, already knowing who it was by the voice alone.
(Y/n) (L/n).
Ah, Nora’s feelings for you were…complicated, to say the least. But we’ll get to that later.
“Sorry I’m so late.” You rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish smile.
“Fourth time this month, (Y/n).” Nora’s voice was stern, exasperated and a bit annoyed.
“I know. I know, but–”
“You know the drill. 10 extra laps and you have to beat your record or else you don’t play in the next game. Go.” Nora didn’t look up from her clipboard, but knew you were pouting anyways.
Your footsteps echoed in Nora’s ears as you ran to the field, smiling at your teammates as they passed you. She marked off your name on her clipboard and wrote “Late” next to it, again, with furrowed eyebrows and annoyance tickling the back of her brain.
When 4 o’clock came, the girls all filed out of the field and towards the locker room, feet tired and sore. You were still running, of course, doing the 10 (plus 10 extra) laps you were assigned. Although you weren’t, Nora felt like you were taking your time, acting as if you hadn’t a care in the world.
“God, I have to get home and study…” Nora whispered and rolled her eyes, even though only 5 minutes had passed. By 4:15, you were done, walking back to her while rubbing your left thigh.
“How’d I do, Captain?” You asked while wiping the sweat off of your forehead. You balanced yourself on the balls of your feet. Nora clicked the button on her timer once again and finally looked at you.
You had sweat stains on your blue shirt, and you picked at the edge of your shorts that rode up your thigh just a little bit.
“Two minutes under your last time. I guess you get to stay in this time around.” Nora said curtly, pursing her lips while doing so.
You smiled as if you already knew the answer. “Aw come on, Captain. Have a little faith in me, yeah? I’m not all bad.” Your nose scrunched you as you pouted.
God your lips were so cu–
“But I do stink though. Imma hit the showers real quick. You coming?” Nora gulped, mind going a little to the left as she snapped out of her thoughts.
“Yeah.” Was all Nora could say in response.
They walked into the locker rooms, all of the girls clean and gone. Nora placed her things on one of the benches, opening and looking into her locker for clean clothes. You did the same.
“Jeez, all that time I put into doing my hair only to sweat it out in less than 10 minutes. I don’t know how you do it, Captain.” You remarked, looking in the mirror of your locker. Nora hummed, but didn’t respond. She grabbed some fresh clothes from her gym bag and started stripping.
Nora peeked into the mirror in her locker at you. Yours was diagonal from hers. You were still looking at yourself, not at her. Part of her wanted you to be.
Once she was done, she wrapped a towel around herself and grabbed some soap and a rag. She showered in silence, only being interrupted by the pat pat of your footsteps on the floor as you hopped in the showers next to her. You tied your hair up and put a bandana around your head before starting the shower, and Nora looked away before she could see anything else.
She thanked whatever god there was that there was a wall between you two.
But what if there wasn’t?
Nora started to feel very self-conscious all of a sudden. She started to take note of the stretch marks and too thick hairs on her stomach and arms and legs.
Oh my god, is my hair presentable?
She went to smooth out her hair with a (thankfully) not soapy hand, but stopped herself. She wouldn’t want to ruin her hair now. She spent all morning getting it together.
Wait? Why am I worrying about my appearance? My body is fine.
After her little realization, Nora started scrubbing really hard at her arms and legs, preoccupying her mind with the upcoming test.
Nora finished before you did, wrapping a towel around herself and waiting until she was out of your sight to start drying herself. She put on some lotion and deodorant, got dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a green shirt and sneakers before grabbing her stuff and going to leave.
“Captain!” Your voice stopped her.
Dammit! She was almost free!
“Yeah?” Nora took a few steps back but didn’t look in your direction.
“Can you…um…stay?” Nora’s spit got caught in her throat. “I mean, until I’m done. I really don’t like being in the locker room by myself. My mom always told me don’t let myself be in a room alone.” You let out a laugh, albeit a bit nervous.
Nora nodded, spitting out a stuttered, “Sure.” She hopes she didn’t sound too excited. She leaned against the outside wall of the showers, facing away from you once more. Nora waited (im)patiently, suddenly remembering how she forgot her glasses at home and that’s why she hasn’t been able to see well all day. She also remembered the stain on the coffee table that she was too busy to clean up because she was rushing out of the house because she had slept through her–
The squeak of the shower faucet snapped Nora out of her thoughts as the rush of water stopped. Nora kept her eyes on her shoes as you passed her, suddenly very interested in the speck of dirt on the toe of her left shoe.
I should clean it later, Nora thought.
“Captain?” Nora’s head snapped up, looking towards you with large brown eyes. You brought a plump lip into your mouth before giving Nora a smile. You were done getting dressed, snatching the now-wet bandana off of your head.
God, is it hot in here? Nora feels like she’s been sweating oceans.
“Thank you for staying. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”
“No problem.” It’s not like she doesn’t have a test she has to study for or a meeting at 6 for a club that she really couldn’t remember the name of now which was really concerning, but Nora couldn’t bring herself to care because you were smiling at her and Nora’s heart was not working anymore.
Although part of her wanted to be mad at such a carefree attitude and your seemingly lack of schedule, she settled on scolding you instead.
“Practice is next Monday at 3. Try not to be late next time.” You nodded before grabbing your stuff from the bench behind you and walking out of the locker room in silence. Nora followed before you both split off in different directions.
Nora’s weekend was filled with nothing but meetings and studying and homework, with the constant repetition of “Game on a Saturday, test on a Monday” leaving her mouth. She started her mornings at 4 am, going for a 2 hour run around campus. At 6 she went back home and took a shower, answered a bunch of emails about things that Nora couldn’t bring herself to care about anymore, and then she spent a good 3 hours studying old material from her classes, read a book she was assigned for Lit, then she was back studying again.
Wait, did she eat anything?
She wouldn’t have if Abby hadn’t practically shoved a piece of turkey bacon down her throat because, “You literally haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon” which she should be grateful for her friend’s willingness to remember the important things for her when she forgot them. She had meetings for Spanish and French Honor Society, Creative Writing, the school’s green club, and she also had to tutor a bunch of kids who were failing their math classes.
And to top it all off, you were late to practice, again! God, Nora wanted to be mad at you. You were being selfish at this point. Didn’t you know that if you were late she had to stay with you until practice was over?
Well, technically, she didn’t. She could leave practice whenever she wants to but honestly she didn’t want to leave you to practice alone. Plus, you might slack off!
Nora’s eyebrows twitched at the thought. It’s like you didn’t have a care in the world! You just walked around wasting her time, your time even!
You arrived 15 minutes late, better than last time, but still late.
You were already preparing your excuses, but Nora shushed you, telling you to go and practice on your serves. You did just that. Nora had already completed her drills, now just waiting for you to show up. She wrote your name down and the word “late” next to it once again before she went back to observing her team.
Once 4 o’clock rolled around, the girls rolled out and into the locker rooms, while you stayed behind. Your serve was good, Nora thought, you were just a heavy hitter and would forget to try and get the ball into the court first.
After watching the ball fly past the court for the 3rd time, Nora sighed and made her way over to you. You spotted her and gave her a smile.
“Hey, Captain! You need something?” You asked as you threw the ball in the air. You hit it across the net and watched as it flew straight into the wall. You grabbed another ball from the basket next to you and went to do it again until Nora gently grabbed your wrist and pulled it back down.
“You hit too hard, (Y/n). Try it again, but with a little less force.” Nora stated, backing out of the court to watch you once more.
You tried again, only for the ball to land just outside of the court.
“That’s ok, (Y/n), just try again.” Nora encouraged you. You tried again and again, only for you to keep hitting it out of the court.
You let out a huff, frustrated. “Captain…” You whined, turning to her with dragged feet. “This seems pointless. I just keep hitting out of bounds.” Nora raised a brow, not taking you for the type to give up so easily.
“You know we can’t leave until you get it right.” You pouted at her answer before going to try again. Nora stopped you, walking up to you and grabbing the hand you were holding your racket in. “Here. Make your hand face the net. That always helped me serve better.” Nora turned your wrist. “Now plant your feet so they’re in line with your shoulders.” You listened. “Now breathe in, slowly, and as you breathe in, toss the ball into the air and as soon as you exhale, swing. Don’t focus on the force. Focus on how your hand moves to hit the ball.” Nora realized how close she was to you, how weird this must’ve looked to others and what they might think.
She was starting to get self-conscious again.
Nora cleared her throat and backed out of the court again. Once she was far enough, you served again, the ball just making it into the court. You jumped up in excitement, coily hair bouncing with you. Your eyes darted towards her, a wide smile on your brown face.
“Captain! Captain I did it! Did you see?” You spoke with the giddiness of a child with a new toy, and, suddenly, Nora’s anger at you disappeared. Nora nodded with a smile.
“I saw. Good job, (Y/n).” You smiled wider at her praise, going to pick up all of the balls you managed to drop. Nora helped.
After cleaning up the mess you made, you both walked to the locker rooms. You repeated your routine from Friday, with Nora finishing earlier than you once again. Nora remembered how you had asked her to stay, and decided not to leave you behind. She walked to her locker in silence, getting dressed in some jeans, a graphic tee, and her same pair of sneakers she always wore before leaning against the walls of the showers like she did once before.
She was still facing away from you.
“(Y/n)?” Nora called, despite the lump in her throat about having to talk to you while you were naked.
“Yeah, Captain?” You answered, stopping the humming you were previously doing.
“May I ask, um, why are you always so…late?” Nora tapped her fingers on the wall and hoped she didn’t offend you with the question.
You were silent for a moment before answering. “I just lose track of time, y’know?” Nora’s eyebrow twitched again. You spoke as if you knew what she was thinking. “Yeah, yeah. I know that’s not a good excuse. However, I get so caught up in the little things that I just forget to remember the big things.” Another twitch of the eyebrow.
God, was it gonna get stuck like that?
You turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around yourself as Nora moved to sit on the bench. She preoccupied herself with her shoes again and waited for you to get dressed. The buzz of your phone interrupted the silence between you two. You grabbed it from out of your locker and looked at the bright screen before scowling and placing it back in your bag.
“I wanna know, Captain.” You started, as you put underwear on. Nora cursed the human evolutionary habit of looking at anyone and anything that made noise, as she had turned her gaze towards you as you were putting on a dress and oh my goodness you weren’t wearing a bra. Nora’s face burned as she quickly turned back around to look at her shoes. “Have you ever had Mr. Lance before?” It took a few seconds for Nora to register your question, and once she did, she shook her head no.
“U-Um… no. No I haven’t, um… Why do you ask?” Preoccupy yourself with the test, Nora. Focus on the test.
Game on a Saturday. Test on a Monday.
“I wanted to thank you for once again putting up with me and helping me in practice. Other captains would’ve just left me there.” Now she felt bad for thinking about leaving. “You wanna go?” You turned to her with another smile, not caring that Nora wasn’t even facing you.
“You don’t have to. It’s really no problem.”
Game on a Saturday. Test on a Monday.
“Come on, Captain. Please. I promise you it’ll be worth your time!” Nora finally gained the courage to look at you, and you were pouting. Good god you were pouting and it was so adorable and Nora really has to learn how to focus again.
Game on Saturday. Test on Monday.
Nora was in a trance. Your eyes had caught her in a trance and she couldn’t get out but she had to. So she agreed to your little adventure. You jumped up again in excitement and Nora was once again reminded of the fact that you don’t have on a bra. You both walked out of the locker room and you led Nora down the street to one of the coffee shops about 7 minutes away.
“Mr. Lance is just a few minutes from here.” You started as you put your phone in your bag after checking it again. “And I know the name seems kinda boring, however, they serve the best ice cream there is.” You gave Nora another beaming smile to reassure her, even though Nora didn’t need any reassurance.
Once you both arrived at the little parlor, you opened the door for Nora and she was immediately hit by the cool air and the smell of mint. Nora scrunched up her nose a little bit and sat at one of the red chaired booths. You sat opposite of her and folded your hands on top of each other.
“What do you usually get here?” Nora asked you, pushing her glasses up to her face.
“I either get the triple chocolate milkshake or the extra cookies and cream ice blizzard. But that’s my personal preference. Get whatever you want.” You said nonchalantly, not even looking at the menu.
Would it be too embarrassing for Nora to admit that she didn’t know how to choose? Nora thought that yes, it would be. However she couldn’t just not order something after you had brought her all the way here. That would be rude! But it would also be rude to sit there and order something she wouldn’t want and then sit there and pick at it because she had never really had time to–
“And what about you, miss?” Nora jumped at the voice. She looked up from her death match with the colorful menu and at the waiter who was standing there with a notepad in her pale hands.
“Uh…oh! Oh! I would like a…” What the hell was that first thing you said? “A triple chocolate milkshake, please.” Nora’s face burned at her awkwardness. Maybe she didn’t leave that weird teenage phase at all.
“Coming right up! I’ll just take these off your hands.” The waiter grabbed the menus and walked off to the kitchen.
Nora tried to act like she didn’t feel your gaze on her while you waited, and felt grateful when your phone buzzed for the third time that afternoon.
“Guess I’m popular today, huh Captain?” You let out a chuckle as you turned your phone off.
Nora smiled back and she hoped it wasn’t crooked.
You pulled at a curl on your head and frowned. “I’m so glad tomorrow is wash day. My hair’s been so uncooperative lately.” You pulled at the same curl again and watched as it bounced back into place. “Captain.” You called her. Nora answered. “What do you think I should do with my hair? Twists or plaits? Ooh maybe I can do box braids instead.” You shot out ideas to her, hoping she would choose and make your life a bit easier.
“Um… I think you’d look good in–in twists.” Frankly you would look good in anything.
Wait, what?
“Don’t you have to set out the whole day for that? You have classes tomorrow, don’t you?”
“I have one class in the afternoon but it shouldn’t be a problem. I can catch up easily.” You said nonchalantly.
She looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. 5:45 p.m. She cursed how fast this day was going.
Their treats came a few minutes later and you popped open your straw and dug in. Nora did the same, eyebrows raising at the onslaught of very, very sweet chocolate attacking her taste buds.
“See. I told you it was good!” You said, licking a little bit of chocolate off of your lips. You swirled your straw around your glass. “I’m glad you decided to come with me, though.” You said offhandedly.
“Why did you decide to bring me here?” Nora didn’t mean for her voice to sound all nervous. She would roll with the punches.
“Hmm. I already told you earlier that I wanted to thank you for putting up with me.” You took another sip and stuck your tongue out a bit. “But also, and forgive me if I seem rude but, I thought this would relax you.” Nora raised an eyebrow. “You always seem so…pent up. Like a stiff. I just noticed that you might need some sort of release or something, Captain. That’s all.” Nora realized that you were the only one to address her as Captain after practice, and in that moment she started to feel very…different.
Was she uncomfortable?
No, Nora wouldn’t exactly describe it as that.
It was just that the heat creeping up her neck and the sudden realization that you were right and the idea of getting some sort of release, as you put it, was making her feel very, very weird.
It didn’t help that Nora’s gaze went back to your lips and eyes and hands and chest and the realization that you weren’t wearing a bra hit her again and–
Why the hell was she so focused on that? Of all the damn things to focus on? It’s not like the concept of not wearing a bra was foreign to her, she did it from time to time herself but what the fuck was so different when you did it?
Focus on something else, Nora. Focus on something else.
Like the test!
She had a game on a Saturday, and a test on a Monday.
Game on a Saturday, and a test on a Monday.
Game on Saturday, and boy were your eyes cute.
Game on Saturday, test on a Monday.
It’s not like she had a problem with it.
Game on Saturday, test on Monday.
She was fine. Nora was so fine. Nothing to worry about here.
Maybe she did need a release. A time for herself to relax.
Game Saturday, test Monday.
Oh god was she staring at you?
Game, test. Saturday, Monday.
Were you smiling at her? You look so sweet.
Monday. Saturday. Monday. Game. Test. Relax. Release. Relax. Relax. Game. Test. Saturday. Monday. Relax. Release.
Her glass was empty and you were smiling at her and UGH.
Nora stood up, her knees knocking into the booth as she did so.
“Is everything alright, Captain?” You expressed concern over her. Your eyebrows furrowed as your smile went away.
“I gotta go.” Nora managed to choke out. She reached into her back pocket for her wallet as you stared at her with confusion.
“What? Are you sure?” Nora threw $20 on the table and grabbed her bag from the floor.
“Yeah. I gotta… I gotta go…” Nora turned and sped out of the shop, leaving you alone.
She made it back to her apartment and unlocked the door with shaky hands. Abby greeted her from the couch, hair in a low ponytail instead of its usual braid.
“Hey, Nora you–“ Abby stopped herself when she finally looked at her roommate. “What’s wrong?” She turned to her and grabbed her before Nora could sped past the couch. “Come on. Around the couch you go.” Abby pulled Nora by her belt loop around the couch and made her sit down. “What’s up with you. And don’t say you have another test to study for because you’ve already studied enough.” Nora scrunched up her nose and looked away from Abby.
“There’s no such thing as too much studying.”
“Nora…” Abby’s voice was stern.
“Fine, fine… There’s this… this girl and she… she said I was a stiff and treated me to ice cream today and I can’t focus around her and also I can’t stop thinking about her and also–” Nora plopped herself face first into Abby’s lap, groaning loud enough for her roommate to hear.
“Does my Nora have a crush?” Abby teased at her, poking the back of her head. Nora sprung up.
“What! No! Of course not!” Abby didn’t believe her. “I just can’t focus around her, that’s all. And it’s frustrating me.” Nora defended herself, slumping against the couch.
“Hmm. Sounds like a crush to me.” Abby retorted, leaning her head on her hand.
Nora couldn’t have a crush! I mean, when has Nora ever had time to think about crushes? Or dating? Hell, with boys or girls!
“I don’t have time for crushes, Abby.” Nora slumped some more until she sat on the floor.
“You don’t have time for anything, Nora! All you do is work, work, work. And I know we’re in college but that doesn’t mean you have to give yourself to the seeds of capitalism just yet.” Abby kicked Nora in the thigh as a way of telling her to get off the floor.
Nora got up with a pout.
“All I’m saying, Nora,” She started, propping her feet on the coffee table, “is that maybe this could do you some good. You got to enjoy life, and you can’t enjoy it if you’re stuck hunched over a book all day.” Nora rolled her eyes before retreating to her room to take a cold shower.
The next morning, after her 4am run and a long shower, Nora got dressed for the day and sat down at her desk to study. She didn’t have any classes today, her professor for the day sending out an email to cancel class the night before. She opened the giant biology textbook that never left her desk and tried to remember where she had left off last.
I was writing notecards, she remembered as she searched her desk to find them.
Her search was interrupted by the loud ping of her cellphone. Nora chose to ignore it, thinking that it was probably just Abby trying to remind her to eat something. Her phone vibrated again and Nora rolled her eyes with a loud sigh and got up to check it out.
She walked over to her bed and picked the phone off the pillow, squinting her eyes at the sudden light hitting her face as another notification came.
“Hi, Captain!” It was you. You texted her.
Oh my god you texted her!
“I know you said only to use your number in case of emergencies but I guess this would qualify as an emergency because you kinda left in a hurry so!!!”
“Are you ok, Captain? I wanted to check up on you afterwards but I didn’t know whether you’d want me to use this number or not so I didn’t text you but I didn’t know what happened and I was getting nervous so I texted you.” God did you ramble.
“Sorry for rambling.” You sent a few seconds later. You added a crying emoji for effect.
It was then, in that moment, that Nora realized she didn’t know how to respond to you.
Why weren’t her fingers moving?
Why was she just staring at her phone with a stupid face?
Move, dammit! Move!
With a deep breath, Nora let out a big, long groan of, “ABBY!” Said friend was at her door within seconds, hair in a frenzy and protein bottle in her hands, ready to attack someone.
“Nora! Nora what is it? Is someone dying?” With wide eyes, Nora handed Abby her phone, to which Abby lowered her guard and grabbed it out of Nora’s hands. “Nora are you fucking kidding me?” Abby deadpanned after reading the messages, seeing it was only someone expressing concern over her friend and not like…cyberstalking her or some shit.
“I don’t know what to do please help me.” If Abby wasn’t so mad at her she'd tease her for her inexperience and compare her to a lamb. Abby flopped on the bed with a groan and started typing away.
“Wait, wait, wait! What are you doing?” Nora asked frantically as she tried to snatch the phone out of her hands.
“I’m replying. Duh!” She said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, but Abby! What are you saying to her?” Nora whined, attempting to grab it again only to fall on Abby’s lap.
“You know, for someone who denies that this is a crush you aren’t really helping your case all that much.” She continued typing, and Nora thought that whatever she was typing would be long and embarrassing and stressful.
“Abby!” Nora dragged out her name as she tried to reach for the phone again. “Come on! I know you’re gonna put something embarrassing!” Nora gave Abby a pout and made no move to move off of her friend.
“I’m not! I swear!”
“Then read it to me!”
“Read what you wrote to her!”
“Ugh, you’re so childish.” She said as if she wasn’t the one typing something to Nora’s…Nora’s…well…Nora’s whatever. “Hey, (y/n).” Abby paused. “Such a cute name by the way. Good choice.” She continued. “I’m fine. Thanks for checking up on me. I was wondering if we could meet up later and–” Nora started to protest, reaching up for the phone. Abby held it away from her. “And I could, hey quit that–” Abby smacked her hand away. “I could explain why I’ve been acting so weird lately, if that’s alright with you–Nooooooo.” Abby whined like a child when Nora snatched the phone away and deleted the text message. “All my hard work! Wasted! Oh the inhumanity!” Abby fell on the bed, fake fainting.
“I don’t wanna meet her.” Nora muttered as she stared at the phone with a glare.
“And why not? I told you, this is good!” Nora looked at her in disbelief. “This is good! You need a break, Nora. If you don’t slow down now next time you have time for yourself you’ll be a bag of bones!”
“Not a bag of bones…”
“Yes, a bag of bones! So you are going to take this phone, text this girl back, and you are going to talk to her or by god I will throw your planners away. And I know where you keep them. All of them.” Abby pushed the phone up to Nora’s face.
“Even the Scooby Doo one?”
“Especially the Scooby Doo one. That goes first. Now type.” With a cry and a wail about how hard Abby was making her life, Nora started texting you back, giving the phone to Abby for approval.
“Hey, (y/n).” She started typing. “Abby please don’t make me do this.” Abby didn’t budge. “I’m fine. Thank you for checking up on me. I promise I’m ok and you don’t need to worry about me–”
“Don’t put that. You're invalidating her feelings.” Abby interjected.
“…I’m happy you checked up on me. If you want I’d like to meet–”
“Abby I’m nervous! Please can’t I just go back to studying?” Abby told her no.
“…up with you again. Maybe sometime this afternoon. Or whenever you want to it doesn’t have to be today it could be tomorrow or next week or–”
“You’re stalling.” Abby warned her, already reaching for her Scooby Doo planner hidden under her mattress.
“…Is this afternoon good?” Nora closed her eyes and hit send.
You replied within a minute.
“Sure! How about around 5. I should be done with my hair around then.” You sent a bunch of emojis afterwards and Nora plopped down in the bed with a groan after she agreed.
“See? You see how good things go when you listen to me?” Abby put the almost destroyed planner back in its place and patted Nora on the head. Nora groaned even louder. “Now. I want to know what time you’re going so you can have time to look nice.” Abby added emphasis on that last part. “And I mean it. No sweatpants or oversized jackets. I want you looking nice.” Nora’s face dropped at Abby’s constrictions.
“You’re already making me suffer by going outside but now you’re making me dress nice? You’re killing me, Abby!”
“No, I’m helping you. Now hold on for a second. I need to text the group chat about this historical moment.” Nora's eyes widened as she watched Abby get up and run back to her room before she could stop her.
When 4:30 rolled around, Nora patted herself down nervously and stared at Abby with a confused face.
“Come on, Nora. You look fine.” Nora stared at herself once more, her black jeans, light blue t-shirt and black shoes seeming too…boring for this.
“I-I don’t know, Abby. Maybe I should just cancel and say I got sick. Is it too late to hit myself with something?” Nora held her purse in shaky hands.
“No! You’re doing this. Now come on.” Abby dragged her from out her room and to the living room, where their friends, Manny, Owen, and Mel were hanging out and watching tv.
“You guys! Abby’s forcing me to go outside! Help me!” Nora tried to plead as she dragged her feet on the floor.
“Hmm… I don’t see a problem with that.” Manny spoked, looking at her with amusement clear on his features.
“Yeah, Nora. Owen and I for sure thought you were going to turn into a vampire or something if you stayed inside any longer.” Mel agreed while Owen nodded his head.
“That’s not how vampirism works and you know it!” Nora planted her feet into the ground and groaned. “Owen! Hide me! Help me! Save me!” Nora pleaded as Abby pushed her along to the door.
“Sorry, Nora. My expertise is animals not humans.” He said with a shrug and put his head on Mel’s shoulder.
“Traitors! Traitors! All of you!” Abby finally got her to the door and pushed her out with a huff.
“You be back no earlier than 6. Got it?” Abby ordered. Before Nora, could protest, Abby interrupted her. “If you wanna save the Scooby Doo planner you better start walking.” Nora closed her mouth and glared at her before calling her a muscle head and walking away. She heard the chorus of bye’s and have fun’s as she walked down the hall. You both had agreed to meet up at the campus park, and as Nora walked up, she saw you sitting on the bench with a book in your hands. Nora recognized it as Pride and Prejudice, something Abby had read a thousand times.
You looked up and spotted her. With a smile, you said, “Hi, Captain!” You placed the book beside you and waved at her. You had twists in your hair, and it went down to just below your shoulders.
“Hey, (Y/n).” Nora sat down next to you and placed her hands in her lap.
“I’m glad you decided to meet up! I was really worried about you yesterday.” You tried to keep the smile on your face despite the concern present.
Nora’s face burned as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“Yeah, um, sorry about that I…um…” Nora couldn’t really explain herself in that moment.
“No need to explain yourself, Captain. I’m just glad you’re ok.” Your smile never faltered and Nora decided to smile back.
“But-But thank you! For, um, taking me to the ice cream place yesterday. I really appreciate it.” Nora didn’t know why she was stuttering so much. If the group were here they’d be laughing at her.
“No problem. I like going there a lot. Not just for the treats but…it’s calming. Gives me time to get away.” Your phone buzzed and you checked it with a frown.
“Is everything alright?” Nora felt kinda sad when your attention wasn’t on her.
“Yeah. It’s just my stupid ex.” EX? Ex as in ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend? Ex-partner? Oh my god what was Nora thinking? She didn’t have time for crushes! Let alone any time for exes or dating of feelings or–
“Hey, Captain.” Nora perked up.
“Y-Yeah?” She could run. Nora could run and hide and go back to the apartment Scooby Doo planner be DAMNED.
“You remember when I told you about getting caught up in the little things?” Nora remembered, yes. “This is one of those little things. Just relaxing in the park, or going to the ice cream parlor, or staying after practice with you.”
Wait, what? Nora must’ve misheard.
“I could never share those little things with anybody else. Not even a person I had thought I liked. But I can with you.” You turned to her with a smile, moving a stray twist from out of your face. “I’m glad I was able to show you the things that relax me. Hopefully, Captain, they can relax you too.”
“Nora.” She blurted out.
“Hmm?” You titled you head to the side.
“You can call me Nora. I-I don’t mind.” You smiled at her, and Nora started to feel her heart burst in her chest.
“Ok…Nora.” Oh.
Nora liked you.
Holy shit. She liked you.
“I-I’m glad you thought about me so much.” Nora played with her fingers as she spoke.
“Well, Nora. How about we go see a movie? I hear there’s this new mystery movie that’s so intense that people lost their senses when they left the theater!”
Nora laughed at your giddiness.
“Sure. I’d like that.” You stood up and grabbed your book to place it in your bag. You held out your hand to Nora and she took it, although a bit hesitantly.
“Cool. Let’s go, then.”
Maybe, just maybe, Nora could learn how to handle a crush this time around.
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warmau · 5 years
Love Struck!AU x Monsta X
me: im not love struck. hyungwon: _____ me: pause 
you walk by and shownu sees it in slow motion, rose colored background and angel hymns playing in his ears
the food on his chopsticks falls right down because he’s still staring at the spot you where just in and jooheon gives him a weird look
when confronted with the idea that he sees you as something more than just a friend he short-circuits
“uh....well....that....well it....that....well...”
minhyuk: it’s ok, take your time
you catch him off guard one afternoon, reading a book recommended by one of his friends
you slip in beside him, pointing at one of the lines 
“isn’t this a little too poetic for your taste, hyunwoo?”
his lips part, glasses threatening to slide down his nose as he forgets how to string together a sentence
you smile and a warmth bursts through his huge body that he’s never experienced before
you don’t notice his neck go pink as you lean in even closer
he’s so scared you might hear the white noise blaring through his mind as your arm brushes his 
“do you like romance novels?”
you question, curiously and shownu wants to say one thing but all he can do is give out a curt
“i like you.” 
doesn’t know where to look when you’re in a room
eyes go this way and that way and he starts bothering hyungwon for attention or picking at the lint on his sweater
when you address him, smiley and sweet, he knows his ears are on fire
and that if he makes a quick escape you might not notice 
so he always has some outlandish excuse
“kihyun needs me to crack his back - he’s getting so old these days!” “i made plans to go to the market.........in busan” “ouch! i think im having a heart attack - talk to you later?”
closes his eyes and the first image in his mind is you - every time
shakes his head like a confused puppy like: stop thinking about them!
but he can’t,,,,,he’s stuck
“i don’t get it - why do i keep thinking about them?”
kihyun deadpan: “you’re in love”
changkyun: “oh i was just gonna say he’s sick, but i guess that’s the same thing.”
for some reason you’re at the gym before him and wonho debates just turning around and dipping
so he keeps going in and out of the changing room with his duffel bag and everyone is like ..........?
until you spot him and wave and boy damn near drops this heavy bag on his foot out of surprise
you show him that you’re getting stronger, flexing up your arm and wonho just can’t control himself
“you’re so cute”
“I MEANT........the dumbbells are just getting cuter........huh............”
suaveness backfires on him very hard
“the weather is so hot today and so are,,,,,,,,,” “and so is?” “and ,,,,,,,,, so are ,,,,,,, these pants why’d i wear jeans in the heat hahaha i need to go”
pickup lines he can never finish and you just look at him quizzically as he tries to save face
will not admit it to anyone but practices greeting you in the mirror 
gets caught by shownu who blankly watches kihyun posing in front of the mirror until it’s been fifteen minutes and shownu is like dude, get out - i need to shower
loud and confident usually, but somehow it becomes a little awkward when you’re around 
voice cracks on two or three occasions
you get invited to the summer barbecue kihyun is throwing and of course he plans everything perfectly
except for the fact that this is a beach and so everyone is showing up in,,,,,,,beach attire
and when you come running down the beach toward him, kihyun drops the burger he was in the middle of flipping and nearly burns himself on the grill
and you’re like oh shit are you ok and he’s like what do you mean im dandy ,,,,, as he almost puts his hand down on the grill AGAIN
and you have to catch him and scold him for not paying attention
and he whines because “it’s hard to pay attention”
and you’re like why??? it’s easy - just don’t put your hand donw on the fire-
but he’s like no no it’s hard to pay attention because,,,,,,,because
you: because???
minhyuk strolling by munching on his watermelon: because you’re in a swimsuit and kihyun has the mind of a dog
you: wh-
OOP too late, kihyun is chasing minhyuk down the beach with his skewers 
won’t shut up about you 
“anyway they were playing the piano with me and they were doing so well even though they said they hadn’t played in YEARS!” “i think they cut their hair a little shorter, it looks nice did you guys see it what did you think?” “oh look they have the game they were telling me about-”
it’s like he’s the daily news alert
but all the news is about you
and when he talks about you - his eyes gleam with sparkles, he almost goes into a day dreamy like trance 
if hearts could start swirling around his head, they would
but when he is (rightfully so) accused of having feelings for you 
he’s like 
everyone: our ears hurt because you haven’t stopped talking about them once so ,,,,,, maybe ,,,,,,,, that’s the damn evidence 
refuses it before jumping back into a long rant about how adorable and perfect you are
one afternoon, hyungwon decides he’s had enough, so he tells you that you should try beating minhyuk at talking
so you and minhyuk play the compliment game - spewing sweet and corny things about each other back and forth
until you inch close enough that your noses almost brush 
and you go
“minhyuk, you’re so pretty far away but up close it’s even better!” 
he’s so shocked, flattered, and over the moon that he stares at you speechless
and hyungwon is like “finally. silence”
you start to wrry when minhyuk is frozen for ten minutes straight and you’re like “how do i get him to function again”
hyungwon: idk. kiss him. 
faints every time you lay a hand on him 
both metaphorically and physically
like you were accidentally pushed against his chest during the bus ride home and next thing you knew he almost blacked out and hit his head on the hand pole
obliviously, you always assume it’s because he’s dehydrated or tired
minhyuk: looking into the camera like he’s on the office
gets all tingly and giggly when you touch his shoulder
makes squeaking sounds when your hand brushes against his
basically becomes a big mushy puddle of heart eyes 
and mumbling incoherent sentences of affection
you: omg i think he might be having fever delusions or something
hyungwon: no,,,,,,,,,that’s definitely not it,,,,,,,,,
hates being told he should “just confess” like what the fuck do you mean “just confess” bold of you all to assume he can “JUST CONFESS”
everyone wonders what will happen when you two start dating and jooheon gets to kiss you
like will he just,,,,,,,,turn to dust? probably
you want to join the guys for lunch after their practice but the table is so cramped so you jokingly ask jooheon if “this seat is taken?” will pointing to his lap
never in your life have you seen someone flip their whole plate over to make room for yours and nod so hard you think it might snap their neck
you, embarrassed: o-oh i was just,,,,joking,,,,but,,,,um,,,if it’s ok,,,,,?
jooheon getting ready to just, turn to to jelly when you sit  down: 
changkyun: if he dies i get the rest of his rice 
hard to read expression when you’re around but sirens are going THE FUCK OFF in his head whenever you as much as smile
anything you ask him or any questions directed at him from anyone else is just answered with a “hehe,,,,yeah”
can’t formulate much of a thought outside of: holy shit they’re so cute holy shit what do i do holy shit just lean up against the wall it’s fine holy shi-
minhyuk: bro what do you wanna eat?”
hyungwon looking over his head at where you’re talking with shownu: hehe,,,,sure
minhyuk: cool hyungwon machine broken
his nervous habit is chewing on his bottom lip and you think he’s just concentrating on music or on something
but head empty. just you. that’s it.
you ask hyungwon to teach you a little about turntables and being a dj
and he’s like “oh sure” but then you stand directly in front of him, back almost against his chest as you play around with the different switches
and he like,,,,,,,seizes function
and you’re like “oo can i try these on?” pointing to the headphones around his neck
and when you reach out to take them off, he just takes a hold of your wrists and you’re like “oh? i shouldn’t touch them?”
and he’s just like hyungwon, c’mon say something cool. say something that won’t be embarrassing like hehe yeah. this is your moment!
“you can touch me anywhere”
“............i mean hehe sure.......”
in capital L love with you but pretends he isn’t 
crosses his arms and tries to keep a straight face when it’s obvious you’re doing something adorable and everyone else in the room is like ahhhh cute!!!
changkyun, scoffing: it isn’t even that cute...........
wonho: you shouldnt lie with the lord watching changkyun
changkyun: what
when you’re not looking, he steals glances and lowkey hates the fact that later he’ll be trying to work on something
and he’ll remember how you looked today and it’ll make him pause and just,,,,,,,kinda wish he could just walk over and talk to you
there’s really no reason he won’t just ask you out - he’s just being a big baby
you think he doesn’t really like you all that much so you get a bit anxious when asking him for a favor
but you really wanna throw a surprise party for another member so you end up asking changkyun for some help
but when you do, you accidentally hiccup in the same sentence
and you’re like oh no im a fool but
but changkyun just breaks
“how are even your hiccups cute????????”
changkyun, reaching his breaking point over a damn hiccup: “oh my god im in loooooove with you”
changkyun, laughing without stopping as he pulls you into his arms LOL
jooheon later on in the day: so you’re telling me you confessed to them because. they hiccuped?
changkyun: yeah. im also contacting the genius world record to ask them to put it in as the cutest hiccup to have ever been hiccuped
jooheon: ok. whipped much. 
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#33)
I’m back, I’m back! So here’s what happened...I watched 5x10 on October 1, never edited my note about it, then ended up taking an inadvertent break from watching until now. Idk why, but i needed a break from like...watching tv i hadn’t seen before. Anyone else have that habit of watching things you’ve already seen when you’re going through an anxious period? Starting a new job in the same month as the 2020 presidential election fit the bill, and i wanted to really immerse myself in the final three episodes of this amazing show properly so i decided to wait until i was feeling it! Anyway to the like three people who enjoy my recaps, i hope you enjoy these last four recaps.
So without further ado, aforementioned Oct 1 recap, now edited and underneath the cut:
5x10 yoooo I have never been so amused by Buddy Garrity in my life + TIM so here we go:
TIM RIGGINS RETURNS?! Yay!!! (This is my reaction just from seeing him in the “previously on.”)
Eric’s getting recruited at a ~fancy~ restaurant! Oh shitttt
“That, right there, marks the end of the East Dillon Lions football program led by Coach Eric Taylor.” “...It’s a crate of oranges.” “Yeah, and it’s from the sunshine state. From Florida! And that can only mean one thing—year round sunshine and college funding.” Lmao alarmist Buddy is hilarious and actually not wrong here. Lol incredulous Levi: “you got all that from a crate of oranges?!”
#OperationGetTimOut!! Is Eric going to speak for him as a character witness?
I *knew* that phone call from Oklahoma Tech wasn’t gonna be good. Ohhhhh Vince you should’ve listened to Eric~~~
Oh shit everyone’s buzzing about “losing their kingmaker” and it’s playoff time! Love a good car radio scene. “So how was it honey, are we moving to Florida?” Lol
“Dad, maybe we should just talk to Coach. I need to be focused on this game on Friday night, getting my spot back.” Yes Vince stand up for yourself, take a break from those meetings! I am fearful of his dad’s true reaction tho.
“Expelling Epyck, that was a good start.” Omfg some of these teachers are too cruel! That is a severely traumatized child, ma’am!
“Impromptu speeches...” “Impromptu means not planned, Buddy.” “Okay, then promptu.” I’M LIVING for these Buddy and Levi interactions omg hilarious.
“A man can’t leave if you erect a statue in his honor.” “A plaque?” “You got money for that?!” I cannot omfgggg Levi and Buddy should take this show on the road!
Tami’s “Oh Levi you are too much.” That’s a nice way to say “fuck you” for making her take a personal day to go speak on a panel he TOLD her she’s speaking at? Smh this is why staff needs unions.
Lmao Buddy is being so extra with Eric, I can’t
...and enter Billy, here to ask Eric a favor...
“Tim Riggins? One of the best fullbacks in the great state of Texas? The boy my girl fell in love with? Yeah I’ll do that.” Damn Buddy has a crush on Tim Riggins too!! I get it dude same.
“I believe in loyalty, Billy. Sticking with your people, through good and bad.” SO EXTRA LMAO
“Hey coach you going to Florida?” “I was planning on going home and I suggest you do too, Tinker.” Ugh poor Eric having to deal with all of these rumors and the team being endlessly curious right before the playoffs!
Awww Tami’s excited about the Florida houses. “Three years with a two year option.” Damn. Aw the way that Eric looks at Tami and you know he wants to give her everything she wants 🥺
Omggg now Buddy is making the players talk up Eric Taylor 😂 his scheming truly kills me
Becky and Luke tossing a football, so precious!
Ah, there’s more to life than college football, Luke! “No one wants me.” “I want you.” Aww Becky.
Aw Billy is getting so frustrated trying to write his speech for Tim. “It sounds ridiculous.” “No it doesn’t. You’re a good brother.” Oh Mindy 🥺 fuck prisonssss he should not feel like his words have so much bearing on his brother’s literal freedom!
Yes to Vince going to Eric and agreeing to earn his way back! That’s the Vince we know and love!
I love Eric telling Tami about Tim’s parole hearing. “You going to do it?” “You bet i’m going to do it.” My heart! The way there’s no question about it 🥺
Andddd Vince’s dad predictably refuses to let up with the recruiters. But this time Vince is standing up to him!
Yesss Vince, walk away! Especially after his dad yelled at him like that; this is not your life, it’s Vince’s!
“Don’t whack her. Just a little love tap.” LMAO Luke, Tinker, Becky, and a pig. Luke is giving Tinker pageant advice for Tinker at a competition with the pig?? I can’t, that’s weirdly so cute. Becky clearly finds it cute.
Omg Tim in his all-white prison uniform I HATE THISSS
OMGGGG “I don’t want Billy to speak, he’s done enough damage.” Fuck this is gonna fuck Billy UP. But also fair...I mean, Billy DOES tend to be a fuck up?? Isn’t that how we got here?
Yessss Tami going off explaining that standardized testing isn’t the end all be all!!
“what would you have us do, meet with every kind in the state?” “Yes I would.” to a round of applause. GO OFF QUEEN TAMI TAYLOR
Yes Coach Taylor! Give us one of your epic speeches!
Poor Tim looks like he has a lot of self hatred sitting here listening to Eric talking about him 🥺
“I asked him to be an assistant coach because of his character off the field.” YES
lol Buddy Garrity getting up to speak even tho he’s not on the list 🤣
“He’s like family to me.” OH BUDDYYYY he’s coming through with a full time job for Tim when he comes out?????? Tim’s smile of relief.
“It’s time for you to let Tim Riggins come home.” YESSSSS
AW Tim sent Eric letters from prison?? My poor babe. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit more.” “I’m sorry I let you down.” “You didn’t and that’s not why I’m here.” IM EMOTIONAL
Holy shit Vince’s dad is STILL not letting up? “I’m your father. I know what’s right.” “that is enough! Get off his back!” “He needs a father, not an agent!” YES REGINA GO OFFFFF she finally snapped!
(It’s wild how Coach possibly leaving is being used in this fight in Vince’s family. Oh, Dillon!)
Oh shit Billy is yelling at both Becky and Mindy, clearly very affected by what Tim said at his parole hearing. “You did everything you could and that makes all the difference.” Aww Mindy, and Billy apologized! Too much stress for such a young family! Also unrelated but Mindy looks mad hot for the athletic banquet.
Awww I love getting to see the other teams stand up. Yeah cross country, yes girls volleyball!!!
Man, playing a sport in Texas that’s not football must suck, look at that insane applause for football vs. weak for everyone else
Buddy giving Gracie a lil t-shirt and saying, “clear eyes, full hearts...you know it?” And they’re all like “can’t...lose” and Gracie giggles! Ok that’s cute af
Omg the tension between Jess and Vince!! “Jess, I miss you. I miss you.” 🥺 aw yeah she blew him off for her brothers
Wow they made it to the playoffs for the first time in 25 years?? Well here comes Buddy’s All Hail Eric Taylor pageant. Lmao
Awww these heartfelt addresses from the team members on how much Eric Taylor has changed their lives??? Manipulative, Buddy, really. He knows what he’s doing.
Yesss Eric, give Tami that massage. See y’all, this is what being a good man looks like.
“It had the desired effect. It sure made you think twice about leaving Dillon.” “It’s a hell of an offer. I’d own that building. They have funding.” “Mmm and oranges. Don’t forget about oranges.” “Mmm that pool.” They wanna leave.
“You know what I want more than anything right now? I wanna bring these boys to state.” “I know you do.” “They deserve it.” “I know they do. But after you do that, this offer is something to think about. Because you deserve that.” Ugh I know I say it a lot but since we’re in the final four episodes now and I’m mostly talking into the void anyway — god, what a model of a wonderful and gentle and loving and communicative marriage! I am continually floored!
Becky with cowboy boots at Luke’s farm works. And ooh Luke’s mom said hi to her?? Progress!!
Aw they’re talking about how pretty they find Luke’s farm as he tries to imagine a future here in Dillon. “I have an amazing imagination. I see your next game, and you’re winning.” Awww Becky is such a cute girlfriend.
What a cute shot of Luke and Becky on the farm, “you ever think you could imagine living on a farm?” “Sure.” AWWW
Vince at Eric’s door on game day?!!! He’s asking Eric not to take the offer to Shane State when he’s supposed to already be at the field house!?!
“Having you as a coach is one of the best things to happen to me. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Either in jail or in a ditch somewhere.” Damn forget Buddy this shit is from the HEART
Eric tells him to get in the damn car and tells him he’s starting!! “You know what your problem is? You ask too many damn questions.”
AHHHHH TIM IS HOME! Showered in a flannel! My heart! He salutes Becky with a beer!
Aww Billy is so excited to have his brother home.
It seems uneasy in the home. Coming back from prison is hard.
And here they go, heading onto the bus with signs and cheers!
“I’ll tell you, this is an away game, but you look around here at the community tonight and the young players that I have playing for me, and the character they got—no matter where this community goes, that’s home.”
Damn Eric just announced he was planning to stay home in Dillon to the press. “you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” says Tami. “I love you.” and with the FNL theme song playing aghkliyb I’m not ready for the final three episodes ahhh!!!
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(Prompts with boxes have been taken, highlighted have been written.)
I have requests and ideas for all of the prompts, so no more requests from this card will be accepted. I’m planning on writing and posting all of these within the month of December and probably a bit into January. If you don’t want to see these stories, block the tag #false bthb, if you would like to be tagged in future stories shoot me an ask!
This prompt got away from me a bit so it’s split into two parts. The prompt comes into play in the second part. Requested by @atlasistryingherbest​ I hope you enjoy it, the second part will be up tomorrow!
General tagging: @im-an-anxious-wreck (you're gonna be tagged in mostly bthb this month as that's the project I'm working on, so if you'd like this changed to only the multichapter fics or general one shots please let me know. Thank you again for the interest!)
My Sunshine Part 1
Summary: Patton thinks he’s finally caught the break he needs when he finds and falls in love with Roman. Ignoring the warning signs until it’s too late Patton ends up losing more than he had dared to gain.
Warnings: more for part two but story contains human trafficking, implied non consensual sex and starvation
Prompt: Denied food as Punishment
Ships: Royality, Patton x Roman
WC: 4, 166
Patton skirted around another group of students, clutching his rather heavy school bag and trying not to bump into anyone in his rush to his bus. The college campus wasn’t exactly large but the crowds remained a nuisance no matter how small the classes were. Seeing the bus start to pull up to the sidewalk for its hourly trip into the downtown area he quickened his pace, desperate not to miss it again. Thankfully getting to the back of the waiting line with time to spare he took a breath and finally managed to zip his bag closed, hoisting it over his shoulders and looking around to see if he could recognize anyone from his classes.
Having just moved into town for school a month ago Patton didn’t really have any friends yet, just people who would occasionally ask him for a pencil only to not give it back- but that was fine! Whenever he ran out of pencils to give he could just ask them for one and he would know they’d have one since he had given so many of his away. If nothing else he figures a missing pencil was as good an ice breaker as any to start a conversation with somebody.
Lost as he was in his thoughts he immediately snapped out of it when he caught sight of one of the cutest men he had ever seen. Tall, dark and handsome didn’t even begin to cover it when he saw the stranger laugh at whatever the person next to him was talking about and reach up to push longish, curly hair out of his eyes. The stranger seemed to suddenly become aware that he was being stared at, turning his head and somehow immediately locking eyes with an extremely flustered Patton. Offering a king smile and a small wave Patton was sure he turned at least ten different shades of red before he managed to tear his eyes away and trip up the stairs to the bus to plop tiredly in the first empty seat he could find.
Burying his face in his hands he groaned at his own stupidity, lamenting the fact that he had been caught ogling someone he didn’t even know or recognize from any of his classes. He had seemed so nice though, not even seeming fazed at being stared at- though with such a confident air that he seemed to have Patton thought maybe he was used to it by now. All he could hope was that he’d never see the stranger again and if he did he wouldn’t remember Patton as that creepy guy in the bus line who probably looked half dead for as much coffee he consumed to keep up with his life.
Deciding not to dwell on it too much he grimaced as he hoisted his pack up yet again as his stop came into view, dreading another afternoon spent on his feet trying to hear people’s orders and write them down correctly while the general noise of the restaurant made it a challenge to get his own forcibly friendly “Hello, what can I get for you?” to be heard. Shuffling off the bus with everyone else he quickly jogged down the block and around the back of the restaurant he worked at, swiping his apron on in the same motion of throwing his bag down and scooting it under a table and out of the way. Smoothing his hair bag and rubbing what he hoped was most of the tiredness from his eyes he put on his best smile and waltzed his way out onto the main floor, tagging out his shift swift for which he was barely acknowledged before they gestured to a family just getting comfortable for him to service.
Squaring his shoulders and taking one more deep breath he began walking over to them. It was just a five hour shift, he could handle a five hour shift.
He could barely handle a five hour shift.
Frowning down at his bag that contained his barely started on homework his fingers fumbled with the knot of his apron as he desperately tried to work it off. Huffing in frustration he bent his neck painfully to get the top part off and shimmied hip hips while yanking the bottom part until he was finally able to kick it into a wall. Dragging a hand over his face he snatched it up and hung it up rather aggressively before getting his bag and hurrying out the back door to catch the bus back to his run down apartment. The ride was as uneventful as ever but he almost missed it when he finally reached his apartment only to see a corner of an envelope sticking out from under the door that would undoubtedly contain the rent bill he would have to scrape together enough change to meet again.
Although he was grateful to be away from his family and that he had been able to get into college in the first place it was an expensive path in life that he had to work hard at two jobs to maintain, still barely managing to scrape by each month. Since switching campuses to be closer to work opportunities it had only seemed to get worse. If he had a roommate it might be different, at least taking some of the financial burden off his shoulders but he didn’t know anyone in this town enough to ask and he definitely didn’t want to invite people he didn’t know into his life with an ad in the newspaper calling for a roommate- who knew if they’d even pay rent or pick up after themselves or leave his things alone. No, Patton was a little too paranoid for that. Flopping face down onto his couch he wormed his way half under the back cushions and seat cushions until it was just a little too tight and sighed contently, letting his eyes finally drift shut as he gave his legs a rest. His stomach growled not ten minutes later however, making him groan and debate whether making something would actually be worthwhile. Realizing he still had work to do anyway he carefully got up and rolled up his sleeves, wondering if that frozen pizza in the freezer was still good.
A little while later with pizza in one hand and a pencil in the other he worked his way through his math and science homework, stacking them to the side as he made way for the english paper he had yet to start. He was still trying to work through basic classes before he got to...whatever it wsa he would decide he wanted to major in, though sometimes he was intimidated but the already nearly overwhelming workload he had to tell himself it would all be worth it. He just had to smile through it and push through until he came out the other side with a bright a nd shiny degree and an even brighter future. Of course, that optimism could only take him so far as he stared at the book report he was supposed to be at least outlining, a quick glance at the clock telling him that if he wanted to shower, now would be the time if he didn’t want to be late for his stocking job. Working at a warehouse form one to seven in the morning definitely wasn’t ideal but it paid well and it was just enough to keep him floating while he worked his way through school. Wincing as he stood up on wobbly, half asleep legs he dumped his plate in the sink and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower before he had to be at the warehouse for his shift.
Stumbling out of his apartment complex still struggling to get his jacket on he happened to look up and see an unfamiliar car parked across the street. I wonder if someone else is moving in, he thought, squinting in the darkness of the early morning to try and make out details. He thought he saw movement in the drivers side but the beeping of his watch let him know he had a very limited amount of time now to get to where he was going, so turning on his heel he booked it to the warehouse a few blocks down, any other thoughts drowned out by the apprehensionsion of the promised monotony to come.
Patton was dead on his feet by the time his shift ended and he made it back to his apartment. Making side eyes at the couch wit his notes still scattered on the coffee table he shook his head and went down the short hallway to his bedroom instead, peeling off his shirt and pants as he went and flopped onto the box spring, flopping his arm around for his treasured dog plushie before curling onto his side and beginning to snore within minutes. When he woke up to his insistent alarm five hours later he groaned and threw the plushie at the offending machine to no avail. Stretching out his stiff muscles he reached over and pressed the button to get the thing to shut up while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Another day, another...well just another day really. He had half an hour to make himself somewhat presentable and make coffee, maybe try to scratch out part of that english outline before heading off to class and repeating the daily routine of rushing around and catching quick ten minute naps when he could. Thankful today was Wednesday, meaning he had two more regular days and then Saturday he only had to get through his warehouse shift before he was free for the weekend. He made a face at the dust clinging to nearly every surface in his room.. Maybe he’d use that weekend to clean a bit.
Coffee brewing, face washed and toast wolfed down he did actually manage to get a quarter of his outline done before he had to gather everything up and leave. Taking a thermos of caffeine for the road he made it out in record time to catch the bus, idly noting the car from last night was still parked across the street, though it was clearly empty now. A dark blue Sudan with tinted windows from what he could. Shrugging he went to wait in line with everyone else; what he wouldn't give for his own car.
It wasn’t until the following week that he saw the car in a different place, this time parked in front of his restaurant. The only reason he really noticed it was because he had honestly been wondering when the thing would be toed considering it never seemed to leave the same spot from across the street. Shrugging the fleeting interest off he quickened his pace and got his apron on, shimmying the bottom part over his head since he hadn't got the knot undone and bending his neck forward to properly don the front loop. Smoothing himself out while shoving his bag under the table and fishing for his notepad and pen he stretched his face into yet another believable smile and pushed his way out of the kitchen and to his shift switch, only to freeze in place when they gestured to a table with a lone figure sat at it.
This cannot be happening, he thought with dismay. At the table sat the very stranger who had smiled at him after catching him staring last week. He was just as cute as ever and had a relaxed, easy smile on his face that Patton instantly felt himself melt for. Now is not thee time Patton, he scolded himself as he straightened his apron and walked over, palms sweating an embarrassing amount with knees he hoped to God weren’t visibly shaking.
“Hello, what can I get for you?”
The man looked up and his smile only grew wider as he cupped his chin. “Have we met?”
Sputtering, Patton clutched his notepad to his chest as he struggled to string a coherent thought together. He knew! He knew and now he’d get to tell him what a creep he was and-
“I’m certain I would have remembered the name of a person as cute as you if we had.” The man leaned forward practically purring. “Patton is it? That suits you.”
Patton barely heard the other half of what was being said to him, the word “cute” bouncing around in his skull too many times for him to properly concentrate on the actual conversation. He turned his incredibly red face away from the others gaze, not quite sure what to say back, thankfully the man saved him from having to respond by finally leaning back and taking the menu up again. “I’m very sorry, where are my manners? I’m keeping you from your job aren’t I?”
He was but heck if Patton was going to agree with that statement. The kinder he was the more this person might tip, and besides, he actually was very cute especially up close. He didn’t mind a bit of casual flirting especially since the other didn’t seem to have anything against him.
“You’re fine sir! I um- I don’t mind.” That being the closest Patton could get to actually accepting a compliment he quickly moved on. “Are you ready to order?”
“Yes actually! I’d like a chicken sandwich with tomato and a chef’s salad on the side.”
Nodding, Patton looked back up from his scribbling. “And to drink?”
“Water would be lovely.”
Taking the menu, he nodded again. “It’ll be right out sir.”
“Thank you, Patton.”
The use of his name set him on edge for a second but he quickly brushed it aside. He was just being nice, sure maybe overly nice- but this was the first full blown kind of conversation he’d held with someone who wasn't his landlord or boss in weeks. If the stranger wanted to use his name that was fine. He’d just have to learn his!
Busy as the restaurant was in the afternoon he was slightly disappointed he hadn’t seen the man leave but made his way over to the table to start cleaning up while he had a free minute. Lifting the check book his eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the tip that was left. A solid fifty dollar bill lay next to the receipt, and on the latter a phone number was written along with a name.
“Roman.” Patton breathed out. He realized he was holding a third month's rent in his hands, he could get groceries this week...proper groceries! Like...Patton pursed his lips in thought, maybe fruit and vegetables? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bitten into an apple that hadn’t gone completely soft from sitting in the cafeteria for far too long. With stars in his eyes and a name in his heart he pocketed the tip and went about the rest of his shift in a daze, not even noticing the dark blue Sudan still parkly in the parking lot as he made his way back home.
Roman was absolutely charming- in every sense of the word. After their first phone call where Patton had thanked him endlessly for the very generous tip they had been texting and calling nearly nonstop. The flowery, flirty way he spoke, the way he looked at Patton like he was hung on the moon, even the way he said his name like he was cradling something precious, it was almost too much. Patton’s workplace had become a regular place for Roman to eat, always sitting at the same place and getting there seemingly right as Patton’s shift started. Tired still though he was, he found the monotony broken at last by a welcome smile to greet him every day of the week, and he was absolutely living for it.
Patton was ecstatic when Roman asked him on a date the following week, securing Saturday as the day they’d meet up at a different restaurant and hang out. He felt like he was floating, like finally something was sliding into place and everyday that it got close to the weekend just made him even more motivated to finish his shifts and homework so he could talk to the one who had so quickly captured his attention. The days flew by, and when Saturday finally came he rushed through his shift at the warehouse to go home and sleep, wanting to be well rested for his first date in years.
Despite his excitement, Patton ended up oversleeping and rushing in vain around his apartment, throwing together a haphazard outfit consisting of a soft blue, non-work polo and light jeans. Sliding his feet into his usual tennis shoes and running quick fingers through his hair he could only hope that was enough as he ran out of his apartment and down the stairs to the street below. The restaurant wasn’t far thankfully and he was able to jog there in no time at all, hoping he didn’t look like too much of a sweaty mess to the other man who always looked impeccably out together. Spotting him at a table on the far side of the joint next to the windows Patton made his way over and sat down nervously.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! I overslept and I tried to hurry but-”
“Please, don’t worry about it.” Roman lain a hand on top of Patton's leaving him to fight to contain his blush. “I wasn’t waiting that long and besides, this place has a lovely view.”
Turning to look out the window, Patton had to agree. The restaurant had a wonderful view of the local park, families playing with their children or pets as the Saturday afternoon wore on. He watched the families almost wistfully, almost but not quite missing his own as he watched one play hide-and-seek while another helped their child across the monkey bars. He was so enraptured by the sight before him he didn’t notice Roman’s gaze turn calculating before his easy smile slid back into place, placing his chin in his hands as he joined Patton in people watching.
“Someday, when I leave this town, I’d like to be settled with a family like that.” Roman’s voice brought Patton out of his own thoughts, making him turn to his date with a smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, I’d like to have someone to take care of and love, and have them love me back. It sounds perfect doesn’t it?”
Patton flicked his eyes away for a second before smiling again. “It does. To be stable and settled down with kiddos, that’s the life I want.”
Seeming to sense his hesitation Roman cocked his head to the side. “Got a bad experience with families?”
“I-” Patton again was slightly put off by the stranger's forwardness and apparent skills of perception but he brushed it aside, finding it nice to be listened to. “My family and I didn’t get along very well I guess. We don’t talk at all now.”
Roman’s eyes flashed as he nodded. “I understand that. My family doesn’t talk to me much anymore either. It happens.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Patton looked away again as the waitress walked over with water and menus. Quietly thanking her Patton skimmed the list of items searching for something cheap. Settling on a club sandwich with a side of coleslaw he closed the menu just in time for the waitress to come back. Taking their orders she quickly left them alone once again, Patton trying desperately to hide a yawn behind his fist.
“Am I boring you already?” Roman said teasingly, and Patton’s face burned in embarrassment.
“It isn’t that I swear I-”
“It’s okay! Tired from work, I take it?”
Patton nodded gratefully and scratched his neck. “I work two jobs with school and I just- I’m a mess.”
Roman chuckled and shook his head. Hardly! That’s quite admirable of you actually, you work so hard for what you have.”
Patton smiled a bit at the table, blush dying down a bit as he breathed. “I guess so yeah.”
“Well I know so!” Patton flinched slightly as he raised his voice but Roman didn’t seem to notice as their food was placed in front of them and they dug in.
“We should really come here more often, this was exquisite!” Patton’s eyes shot up as he heard that. We? More often? Did that mean-
“You think entirely too loud for my liking my sunshine. Please forgive my forwardness, but would you like to do this again sometime?”
Patton beamed at the other man, twisting his fingers nervously under the table. “I’d love to, Roman.”
The next couple months went by in a blur, having dates when they could manage them and extended phone calls when they couldn’t. Then a weekend finally came when they could go out again, deciding meeting at the same restaurant was fine since it was so good last time. Thankfully Patton wasn’t late again, sliding in a chair across from Roman and taking the menu in his hands.
“Hey Roman!’
“Hello my love, it’s good to see that smile again.” Face heating quickly Patton hid his face behind his menu and ignored Roman’s soft chuckles, deciding to order the same thing for simplicity's sake. Giving their orders and receiving their drinks left the two alone and Roman took the opportunity to lean forward with a serious expression, making Patton squirm nervously in his chair.
“Patton, I have something I want to ask you, and you can absolutely say no if you wish to.”
Pressing his lips together Patton nodded for him to continue.
“I know how hard you work, what with two jobs and school on top of that; you’ve told me you sometimes struggle to meet the rent. We’ve been dating for a couple months now and I was wondering, would you like to move in with me?”
Taken aback by the question Patton could do nothing but gape at the other man, silence stretching between them as he tried to comprehend what he was hearing.
“I understand the hesitancy but I feel like it makes more sense. I could pay most of the rent while you contribute the rest, we could trade off making dinner, it’s a bigger apartment I’m sure so you could get out of that run down building. Plus it's closer to your campus so you wouldn’t have to take the bus, and I could always drive you to work.”
“Roman- that’s incredibly generous of you but I can’t ask you to do that.” Declining drove a stake through his heart but Patton was determined to stay firm. He wasn't a charity case, and even if the answers to nearly all of his problems were sitting right in front of him he knew he had to refuse.
“Patton, you aren’t asking, I am.” Roman looked imploringly into his eyes. “You do so much, let me take care of you.”
Biting his lip, Patton looked back at Roman nervously. This was an incredible thing that had just landed right in his lap- he wanted to say yes so badly but what if they didn't work out? If they broke up Patton would be on the street, he didn’t know anyone besides Roman and his bosses and the latter he knew wouldn’t think twice about some poor college student living on the sidewalk. Plus he felt like the relationship was moving so fast, though he didn’t really have much to compare it to other than little high school flings so maybe he was just paranoid. But it was so difficult to keep up with the rent, and if he had the security of Roman- not quite the roommate he had imagined but definitely better, maybe everything was finally looking up.
Squeezing Roman’s hand he took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Only if you're sure and I’ll of course help out around the apartment in any way I can!”
“I don’t doubt it my love.” Their food was placed in front of them, as Roman nodded. “We can move you in today if you like. It wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Smiling giddily Patton nodded. Yes, everything was certainly turning around for the better.
As they left the restaurant with Roman leading him to his car so they could start packing up his apartment, Patton nearly froze on the spot but managed to keep walking like nothing had happened. He climbed somewhat nervously into the car he had been seeing outside of his apartment, outside of his restaurant and even sometimes outside of the rather remote warehouse where he worked. He shut the door to the dark blue Sudan carefully and buckled his seatbelt, pushing the buzzing in his ears aside as he settled in his seat and listened to Roman’s idle chatter.
Everything was looking up. It would be fine.
This work is also available on AO3!
Part 2 here
5 notes · View notes
iwritesickfic · 4 years
1/2 Aaaaah I’ve fallen quickly in love with your writing, I love your style. A couple of prompts, since you asked for them: Peter thinks he’s recovering from a bad illness- genuinely so fed up of being ill that at this point he’s willing to pretend to himself and everyone else he’s feeling better. Meanwhile he’s still staying up late working, and one day he gets stuck in the rain on the way from class and needs some help... and Ashlyn is closest...
First, thank you!!!!!! Second, this is long as hell and I also got sucked into the DRAMA of it all so I hope you still enjoy it :) might write a second part if we’re feeling it? anyway, enjoy and thanks for the kind words and prompts :)
It seems like it’s been forever since Peter hasn’t felt like shit. It’s like his body is trying to make up for all the years he spent avoiding every cold and flu that went around. He has to admit though, the main reason he’s still ill is because he won’t really give himself the time to fully recover. As soon as he’s feeling halfway decent, he dives back into life as normal - which for him, is 6 hours sleep and living on coffee - and within a week he’s back to being practically bedridden.
Leo is fed up with it. Big time. At least that’s what Peter’s gathered. Leo’s never said as much, but Peter figures he must be getting tired of it by now. So much that Peter’s stopped telling him how he’s feeling. At first it was just lying by omission. Now it’s lying-lying.
Today, everything’s concentrated in his head. His sinuses are throbbing, and his eyes hurt to move. He’s been swapping between chills and feeling too hot all day, and he’s pretty sure everyone in his lecture class hates his guts for his constant sniffling. He ran out of tissues about an hour into the six hour course, so he’s stuck wiping his nose with the crumpled leftovers and the few napkins he finds in a pocket of his bag.
By the time there’s only an hour left in class, he’s lost all ability to absorb anything the professor is saying. He’s shaking so badly he can’t take notes even if he wanted to. He’s considered leaving early, but to be honest, he’d rather put off his walk to the train as long as possible. He decides when he gets home, he’s chugging some nyquil, taking a cold shower, and going the fuck to sleep. He’s got a date with Leo tonight but he’ll need to make some excuse.
When the professor finally ends the class, he gets a rush of dopamine at the thought he’s only a 15 minute walk and a 30 minute train ride from some relief.
He stares at his phone, trying to think of something to tell Leo.
something came up, can i see you thursday?
Leo texts back almost immediately.
we already rescheduled twice are you sure you cant make it?
Peter bites his lip.
it’s a thesis thing. im sorry i promise thursday night.
He starts to pack his bag, and his phone buzzes.
ok, good luck love x
He pushes down the wave of guilt he feels and slings his bag over his shoulder. His heart drops into his stomach when he gets to the building’s lobby. It’s raining. Really raining, not just drizzling, but pouring. He swears, and sits down on one of the benches. He can wait.
Ten minutes later, the rain still hasn’t let up, and he knows if he doesn’t get up now he’s going to end up asleep on this bench whether he likes it or not. When he stands, the world starts to spin, and he has to bite back a whine at the way his headache worsens.
He pulls his hood on, even though it won’t make much of a difference, and takes a step outside. It’s not even five minutes before he’s soaked. At first, the rain almost felt nice on his fevered skin, but now he’s freezing. The cold’s worsened the way his nose is running, there’s mess all over his upper lip, and he can’t stop sneezing. His hair is stuck to his forehead, water gathered in his eyelashes. It’s another five minutes before he realizes he’s not getting to the train. His knees give out, and he has to catch himself against a bus shelter. He manages to make it to the bench inside, and sinks down, hyperventilating. He looks around aimlessly, hoping something will catch his eye and give him some semblance of a plan. And it does.
He’s on 110th and Amsterdam. That’s a block from Ashlynn’s apartment. Less than a block. He stands up, waiting for the world to stop spinning before making an attempt to walk. He tries not to think about the cold, or the way he can’t feel his toes, or the pounding in his head. Just focuses on one foot in front of the other.
He finds himself at her building. He presses her buzzer with shaking fingers, praying she’s home. He doesn’t have to wait even 30 seconds before the lobby door opens.
he steps inside, unable to hold back the heavy sigh of relief at the sudden warmth. He stands there for a moment, swaying slightly, before making his way to the elevator. Somehow, he finds himself at her door, and knocks. he hears her footsteps padding closer and closer before she’s standing right there, in front of him.
“Peter?” she looks puzzled until the world starts to tilt and he grips the doorframe to stay upright. “Whoa, hey, are you alright?” He opens his mouth to speak but three harsh sneezes come out instead, and he buries them into the wet sleeve of his hoodie. “Ok, c’mere.” She pulls him inside, and before he really knows what’s going on, he’s sitting at her kitchen table.
“S’raining,” he mumbles, and she hums in response.”M’cold.”
“I can tell. Here -” She starts to strip off his hoodie, which is totally soaked through. His shivering worsens, and she palms his forehead. “Shit, Peter.” She takes the hem of his t shirt and hesitates. “Can I...?” He nods, and she peels it off. She unties his sneakers and pulls off his socks, then bites her lip. “I can grab you a pair of my roommate’s sweatpants and you can change in the bathroom, yeah?” He shakes his head. There is no way he’s walking anywhere right now. She goes red. “You want me to...”
“M’gonna pass out if I try to stand up, Ash.”
Carefully, she unbuttons his jeans, tugging them off until he’s sitting in his underwear. She disappears for a moment before coming back with a towel, and wraps it around his shoulders. She places a box of tissues on his lap, and sits down in the chair across from him.
“What’s going on?”
“M’sick.” She laughs softly. Peter gingerly starts to wipe his nose, wincing at the raw, chapped soreness. He blows, and a spike of pain hits him between the eyes.
“Yeah, I can tell. Why were you -”
“Walking home from class,” he mumbles, and she nods. She stands up, and reappears with a thermometer. “Can we not?”
“If you wanna stay here then you’re gonna have to let me baby you,” she says, and if it didn’t hurt so bad he’d roll his eyes. He lets her stick the device under his tongue, and while she’s waiting for the reading she starts heating up water for tea. The thermometer beeps and she removes it gently. She frowns.
“What?” She takes a deep breath.
“It’s high, that’s all.” He raises his eyebrows at her. “102.2.”
“Not so bad,” he murmurs. He’s struggling to keep his eyes open. Sitting here in the warmth of the kitchen his body is finally deciding it’s had enough. The sudden warmth is also making his nose run. He sniffles.
“I’m not even gonna comment on that. C’mon, you can lay down on the couch. I’d offer you my bed but I don’t think you’ll make it that far to be honest.” He nods, and she pulls him upright. He manages to make it the few feet to the couch, and lands heavily. She swaps the towel for a blanket, and he’s never felt something better than the way it feels on his freezing, damp skin. Dry and warm and heavy. He curls up on his side, holding a tissue under his still-leaking nose, and he doesn’t last 30 seconds before falling asleep.
He’s awakened suddenly by the harsh ring of his cell phone. His headache is worse, despite the rest, and though his nose has stopped running it seems, his head is fully, hopelessly congested. He digs through his bag to find his phone, and frowns when he sees it’s Leo. He considers letting the call go to voicemail, but that’s before he sees the 5 previous missed calls.
“Hello?” He hates the way his voice sounds - sick and congested and torn up.
“Peter, what the fuck is going on?”
“I’m uh...I’m home working on thesis.” It takes him a moment to remember his lie from earlier.
“Oh yeah?”
“Why then do I see a photo of you, shirtless, on Ashlynn’s couch?” Peter knows immediately that he has fucked up, big time. “Do I really need to explain to you why that makes me upset?”
“Leo -”
“You better have a good fucking explanation for this.” Maybe it’s the fever, maybe it’s the fact he hasn’t seen Leo in weeks, or maybe it’s the build up of all the guilt he’s felt lying to him, but Peter feels tears start to fall. He breaks into sobs, and they make his headache exponentially worse.
“Leo, p-please, I -” He can barely speak around his tears. “Please don’t be mad.”
“Mad at you for what?” His voice is cold. “Tell me. I want to hear you tell me.”
“It’s...it’s not -”
“Tell me, Peter.”
“I didn’t want...I didn’t want you to be mad at me.” His fevered brain can’t quite string together the right words.
“How would...” He trails off. “How would sleeping with Ashlynn not make me mad?”
“I didn’t - we...it wasn’t...I know you’re tired of taking care of me, so -”
“What?” Leo’s tone has shifted.
“I know you’re sick of me being sick, so I was gonna just go home and sleep and then it was raining, and I was so fucking dizzy, and I was on 110th street -”
“Wait. Stop. Let me get this straight. You’re ill?”
“Yeah,” he says, and the guilt is absolutely eating him up. “I didn’t want to bother -”
“Love, why would that be bothering me?” Leo sounds almost sad.
“You-you’re so busy, and -”
“Peter, I don’t know what kind of miscommunication happened here but I’m not...I wouldn’t be bothered if I knew you weren’t feeling well. I mean, I’d be upset but just because I don’t want you to feel bad. I wouldn’t be mad at you or angry with you or something like that. Why would you have that idea?”
“I’d hate me if I was you,” he chokes out, and Leo sighs.
“Peter...Look, can I come get you?”
“You don’t have to.”
“I know that, that’s not why I asked.” He pauses. “Where’s Ashlynn?”
That’s a good question. Peter isn’t sure. At class, maybe?
“Not uh...not here.”
“Ok, I’m gonna call you back. I love you, ok?”
“Mmhm. Love you too.”
“Ok, just relax. Everything’s alright. Hang tight.”
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theres-no-paradise · 6 years
Sorry not Sorry
Chapter 10
Summary:  A random number wakes you up early on a Saturday morning. But it doesn’t stop there. The stranger keeps on sending messages, and you have no idea what is happening, when you start to develop feelings for the unknown person.
Pairings: Tom Holland  x Reader [submit your name: How it works]
Y/N your Name Y/F your Friend
Word Count:  2289
Warnings: none (just a little use of alcohol and making out but thats it lol)
A/N: THERE MIGHT BE MAJOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES - please tell me if you find them, I’m a little tired. You are also allowed to dislike me for waiting so long. I deserve it I guess. But motivation lost me and then I’ve been hella busy and kinda didn’t find my way back to this ff. But here we are with a new chapter. I wanted it to be a little longer BUT the stuff that happens after this chapter would kinda break the mood of this one. Also I’m sorry what I made you do in this one. Don’t be offended. :’D I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1  •  Chapter 2  •  Chapter 3  •  Chapter 4  •  Chapter 5  •  Chapter 6  •  Chapter 7  •  Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 
The Spiderman: What’s going on in London town?
 You: Not much. Im going out with Y/F
The Spiderman: Oh, fun night out!!
You: More like: She’s getting wasted and I’m being a babysitter
The Spiderman: Sounds a little like Haz…
You: lol we should hook them up
The Spiderman: absolutely haha
You: How’s work?
The Spiderman: Exhausting but fun! We’re on a little break now.
You: Don’t overwork Mr. Holland
The Spiderman: I’ll do my best 
You: Good. I gotta go now. Y/F just arrived ttyl 
The Spiderman: text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.
You: I try not to forget!
The Spiderman: You better do
Going to clubs with your friend happened quite frequently the past few weeks. Usually you were the person to stay in but dancing was quite fun and as long as your friend wouldn't get extremely wasted, you had a good time nonetheless.
One evening you were sitting in your favourite pub, having some beers before the actual night out. It was a nice and relaxing atmosphere but that would change soon once the partygoers would get their pre-drinks.
“Did you know that Tom and Zendaya are a thing?”, Y/F suddenly asked, throwing you off from your previous topic about work. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s been on the internet for a while now”
“So? I’ve known him already when the rumours spread. He would've told me”, you countered.
“Not sure. He’s an actor after all. If he doesn't want it to be public-”
“I don't believe in these rumours”
“He even flies to LA regularly”
“Yeah… He’s an actor, as you said. And in LA are all the studios, of course he flies out there.
“Just don't get too attached.”
“I won't!”
Suddenly the mood dropped and you girls had no proper topic to talk about. “Shall we head to the Club?”, you threw in and Y/F answered: “Yeah.”
 That night something happened, which you didn't plan in the first place. Something, you wouldn't even think of planning any day. Y/F’s words still repeated themselves in your mind and trying to get rid of them, you drank. You drank a lot and without realising it, you ended up being utterly wasted. Alone in the crowd, you danced to the loud music banging from the speakers, not caring about the people around you, moving with you. At some point, you didn't know when, a stranger approached you, but you couldn't care less, you just kept on dancing. Your vision was blurry and you only enjoyed the music. With the alcohol in your blood, you did things that you didn't mean to do. Once the guy who danced with you, put his lips on yours, you just couldn't stop. The kiss became more intense and the guy, whose name you didn't even know, dragged you out of the club.
You didn’t remember much after that.
The strong headache was the first thing that woke you up the next morning. You were disoriented, not having any idea where you were at first. The guy from last night lay still next to you so you crawled out of the bed as quiet as possible. Trying to find your clothes was a real struggle. His place was a mess and everything was laying around and it made it harder for you to find your stuff. Once you gathered all of it, you threw it all on and left the place as fast as possible, not leaving a message at all.
Sitting on the tube in the early morning, reality slowly hit you. Not only did you sleep with a guy you didn't even know, you felt like shit. Not because of the drunk accident but more because of Tom. Even though you weren’t dating, you felt regret wash over your body. Obviously a sign that it was a mistake what has happened last night. The walk of shame, after a crazy night out, became the walk of horror for you. Barely any people were on the tube, so there weren't many sneaking looks but the moment you phone started buzzing, you knew immediately what was going to happen.
The Spiderman: Guess who just landed in London.
 Nausea struck you immediately. Did he tell you before that he planned to come home? You scrolled up the whole conversation, no sign of any mention of home. Slowly gulping down that lump that has formed in your throat, you typed in the response.
 You: No way you're in London?
The Spiderman: Actually yes. It’s my mom's birthday, wanna join?
You: I don't know. I don't even know her, isnt that weird?
The Spiderman: Not at all. My mom’s easy going
You: Okay…
The Spiderman: It's gonna be at their place, 7pm. Want me to pick you up?
You: No its cool. I’ll be at the train station
The Spiderman: Can't wait!
You: See you
The Spiderman: xx
 The feeling in your guts could've been described as awful. Just some horrible, unnecessary feeling building up inside of you.
As you approached your station, you left the train and walked the long way back home. Thinking about how you’re gonna meet Tom later, not sure if you should tell him what you did.
Maybe you shouldn't tell him what happened? You were not dating anyway so is it his business to know who you slept with? Well, yes if you are romantically involved with him, but are you? You ask yourself a thousand questions, not knowing the answer for it. Asking Y/F for advice was not a good idea either, not only because she might also have a hangover, but after last night's conversation she wasn't really fond of helping you with Tom anyway.
You spent the day laying on your sofa, drinking tons of water and eating some cheeky Nandos from around the corner. You still felt awful about what has happened the night before and you even tried to think about what happened. You didn't remember a thing, only that some random guy kissed you and dragged you to his place. What happened after was a blackout. You couldn't recall anything, that has happened in his sheets and that made it even worse.
‘Maybe nothing happened and I’m overreacting’, you thought, trying to calm yourself down. Unfortunately it didn't work and you rolled around on your sofa, blanky nearly falling off of you.
Checking the clock you realized, it was getting late. You stood up quickly and pulled out some clothes. Luckily you took a shower once you came back home after the walk of shame in your neighbourhood. Now it was time for some decent clothes. You pulled out a dark jeans and a nice dark grey Sweater, which you pulled over a white shirt. It looked casual enough for a ‘parent - birthday - party’, you thought.
When you arrived at the train station, with flowers you just got earlier for his mom, you could see Tom standing on the platform with Tess, just as the last time he picked you up.
“Hey”, you greeted him, pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s been ages”, he said, once he pulled back, taking in your figure. “You look pretty”, “likewise, handsome”, you countered, smiling slightly. As you slowly walked to his parents house, you caught up on recent events which you haven't talked on the mobile.
“Oh, I got you something”, Tom said suddenly, opening his backpack and taking out a little, dark red Box. “Why do you have a bag with you?”, you wondered, as he held the little package into your direction. “Presents for mom”, he answered smiling and pulled the zipper closed. While he did that, you stared at the little box in your hands. “Open it!”, he laughed, having a very demanding tone in it.
You did as you’ve been told and once the box was open, a little beaver with way too big teeth grinned at you. It was holding a little plate in its hands, saying Montreal on it. “You got me something from Canada?”, you asked surprised. “I told you I would”, he grinned, running his hand through his hair nervously. “You didn’t have to-”, “I know, but I did”, Tom countered and smiled. You thanked him and suddenly that terrible feeling in your stomach was back, signalling you of the mistake you made last night. Should you tell him or keep it to yourself? You weren't sure and the worst about this situation was: Your friends words still lingered in your mind, waiting to be spoken out.
 Nikki’s Party was better, than you originally imagined. Of course, there were many people that were a lot older than you but Tom and his brothers had been great hosts. They hung out with you, joked around and played silly games. Of course, there was some alcohol too but you tried to keep it to a minimum. A wine here and there maybe. After a few hours, around two in the morning, Tom decided that it was time to go home. You said your goodbyes to the family and friends and left with the Actor. “I’ll check if there's a bus coming”, you said, trying to figure out the app on your phone that had all the details in it.
“Leave it. I’m not gonna let you drive home at this time of the night.” “I’m not a child, Tom”, you said sternly, as you scrolled with your finger on the display. Tom just pulled your phone out of your hands and walked away with it. Leaving you stunned for a second. “Hey!”, you shouted after him and followed his figure, but he decided to take up the pace and ran away. “You son of a-”, you didn't say it out loud but sprinted after him as fast as you could, only to accept the fact, that this spider boy was way faster than you. As you arrived in front of his door, holding your sides because of having the stitches, he grinned at you, giving back the mobile device.
“You’re staying here, I dont want someone to kidnap you”, Tom explained, as he opened his door and let you walk in. Annoyed at his behaviour, you walked in and got rid of your shoes, walking to the living room. Sitting down on the couch, you looked around. Nothing has changed since the last time. A little more merch here and there (Obviously Spiderman Stuff duh) but other than that, same old living room.
Tom came over with two beers in his hand, joining you on the sofa. The night wasn’t over yet, you knew that. It basically just started for you too, but hoped to not get as drunk as the night before. As time went by, you kept talking with Tom about all the things, that annoyed you at work the past few weeks. And even he’d complain about certain days, when nothing would've worked for him at all. Just as you were telling him about some differences with your best friend, you didn't mention what she said. Just that you wouldn't agree with her opinion. Tom listened closely but laid down on the sofa, his head resting on your lap. You felt your cheeks heat up a little at this sudden change of position but kept on telling him all the things. When you finished complaining, a warm feeling in your stomach grew, pushing aside all the negativity from the day.
“Can I kiss you?”
 Well, that was unexpected. And even worse, it came out of your mouth. Tom only giggled slightly at your outburst, which made you insecure, so you tried to save the situation. “I’m so sorry, that was rude. It's the alcohol and I know that you have a girlfriend and-” you stopped suddenly when Tom shifted positions and sat across from you again. “Why would you think that?”, he asked, voice filled with concern.
“Uhm, the internet is all over with it?”
“Z? We’re friends! She’s like family to me”, Tom explained, a serious expression on his face while he looked at you. “Really?”, your voice wasn't more than a whisper. “Positive. So… Didn't you want to kiss me?”, Tom joked, a smug expression on his face. Oh this boy definitely had a drink too much tonight, you could tell.
You really wanted to kiss him though, but something kept you back and as you were struggling to find the courage, Tom took the opportunity and kissed you first instead. Usually a kiss like that would end after a moment, checking each others reactions out but this wasn't the case. The innocent kiss became an endless make out session which lasted more than just a few minutes.
At some point your mind started to scream, telling you to stop, which unfortunately lead to an end of this wonderful experience.
“I slept with someone”, you blurted out as Tom was trying to recollect his thoughts. It took him a little to think about your words but then, to your surprise, he just shook it off. “Yeah, I guess that happens when your single”
“I didn't mean to though. It felt wrong”
“Because of you, I guess”
There was tension in the air and the sudden silence felt heavy on your shoulders. Was he mad?
“I admit, I’m a little jealous that someone else got a taste of that sweet bum of yours”, Oh alcohol, you thought but couldn't help and laugh at his words. “We surely can change that”, were your last words, before you kissed Tom again with a big smile on your lips.
The enormous guilt you were struggling about was over for now, and you let your thoughts spin back to Tom and his lips.
Taglist:   @hollandorks  @hollywoodgonzalez @ilivefortomholland @casualprincess77 @agirlwithpointlessideas @isabellamozarella03 @MENDES-HOLLAND @thiswildfire @wastedheartnat @hollandbaby @moonofmy-life @smileylaurens @random-fandom-lady @heartoftheadventure @blackazkaban @augurydemon @homecomjng @punkass-potato @unfoldingdaydreams @thefriendlyneighborhoodspidey @rivedale @tiffanypooh@claraholland @tohollandback @letsmcflytobritain
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blissedoutphil · 6 years
To Live In Clover Part 6
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Dan needs to escape his hell life. Anthony has a rather extraordinary offer. But what does it entail for Dan?
aka an AU where Anthony is a sugar daddy to both Dan and Phil.
oh god it’s been a month since I updated this I’m sorry. I hope this chapter is worth the wait! and thank you anons for your prompts! they fit the idea I had for this chapter perfectly :)
4713 words of Dom!Anthony, sub!phil & sub!dan, sexting, punishment, nipple play, cbt, predicament bondage
~Part 5~
~Part 7~
or read on ao3!
“Anthony said he might be home late again,” Dan announced sadly as he read the text from his dom. Anthony had been working overtime almost everyday for weeks, and their sex life has plummeted as a result.
“Seriously?! Tell him to stop being a workaholic. There’s more important things to do, like us,” Phil answered from the kitchen.
“Done,” Dan grinned and went to help out with dinner.
A few minutes later, their phones dinged.
“Too bad, Phil,” Dan read the text aloud.
Phil huffed. “Time to take matters in our own hands.”
Phil looked thoughtful for a moment. “Take off your pants.”
Dan looked incredulous for a moment before he squinted his eyes in suspicion at Phil. “What are you planning?” he asked.
“You want Daddy to come home quicker and play with us or not?”
“Why don’t you take your pants off?”
“It’ll be more fun if you do it, trust me.”
Dan huffed out, but he found himself getting up to remove the only piece of clothing he had on anyway. Phil grinned at him and got out his phone.
“Alright, do a nice lil pose for Daddy,” Phil said cheekily, opening the camera.
“Phil...I don’t wanna get in trouble,” Dan said, unsure about Phil’s idea.
Now it was Phil’s turn to huff. “We haven’t come in like, 3 weeks. Don’t you want to do something about it?”
“First of all, stop exaggerating. It’s only been 2 weeks tops. Second...yeah of course I wanna but not if we have to be bad. We shouldn’t disobey our Dom.”
“Stop being such a goody two shoes, where’s the fun in that! What’s a lil spanking anyway? Just think about the amazing sex we’re gonna have after that! That we’ve been missing out on for weeeeks,” Phil tried his best to convince Dan, getting up and closing the space between them.
Dan mulled over Phil’s words, wondering if a punishment really is worth the sex. He supposed he could handle it, he might even enjoy the punishment since he’s been neglected this long and he was so used to having sex almost daily before the past couple of weeks. But it was the fear of disappointing his Master that was giving him doubts.
Phil sensed that Dan needed more encouragement, so he leaned forward, catching Dan’s lips between his. He pulled on Dan’s bottom lip with his teeth, hearing a small moan escape Dan. He cupped Dan’s ass, smiling into the kiss when Dan leaned into him instead of trying to pull away from the embrace.
Dan broke the kiss and groaned when he realised he’s now half hard. They weren’t allowed to help each other out, so he’d have to either take a cold shower or go through with Phil’s plan now.
“Fine,” he muttered and plopped onto the sofa, wondering what pose he should do.
Phil smirked, satisfied that his plan was going to work out. Without warning Dan, who was still trying to make himself comfortable on the sofa, he snapped a picture of his sub brother. Phil hummed approvingly of his own photography skills and sent the picture to Anthony.
“Hey! You could’ve told me you were gonna take it, did I even look good?” Dan squealed.
“Don’t worry darling, you look absolutely dashing,” Phil said dramatically and waved the phone in front of Dan to show him the picture.
Dan blushed, and noticed that his boner was on full display in the picture. He hoped Anthony wouldn’t get too angry that they were being naughty. The phone dinged and he scrambled to read the message.
“Behave, you two. Don’t be naughty and influence your brother, Phil,” Phil read the text, grinning.
Phil reached out and caressed Dan’s thigh. He took a photo, capturing his hand dangerously close to Dan’s hard cock as well as Dan’s flushed face.
Phil: but dan looks like he rly needs help, Sir!
Sir: im warning u phil, u better not misbehave. and dan just be patient, i’ll be home soon enough
Phil smiled wickedly. “Time for the finale, baby,” he announced.
Dan had no time to ask what the finale entailed because Phil’s lips were suddenly on his neck, and he moaned brokenly when Phil began sucking on his sensitive skin there. His cock twitched, but he refrained from touching himself.
“Phil, you’re making this difficult for me,” Dan whined breathlessly, “how’m i gonna control myself?”
Dan knew he should stop Phil, he knew they’ll definitely be in lots of trouble if he came. But instead, he gripped the back of Phil’s head and kept Phil in place.
Phil hummed, happy that Dan was encouraging him through his actions. After he sucked another hickey, Dan tugged Phil up and pressed an urgent kiss to his lips.
“Phil,” Dan moaned when Phil broke the kiss, and he dropped his head to Phil’s shoulder. He tried his best not to buck his hips up against Phil’s thigh, but the way Phil kneaded his ass made him hornier and more desperate.
“Your soon isn’t quick enough, Daddy,” Phil whined, voice small and childlike.
Dan lifted his head to see that Phil was recording a video, angling the phone camera to show how Dan was desperately clinging onto him, how hard and needy Dan was.
“Daddy please,” Dan begged breathlessly.
Phil stopped recording and sent the video to Anthony, smirking triumphantly. Then he turned his attention back to Dan, who was nipping at his shoulder.
“Anthony will definitely come home on time today,” Phil smiled, “now do you need help? I mean, we’re already in trouble anyway so...no difference if you come or not now right?”
Dan still wanted to be as good as he could; just because he did a small naughty thing doesn’t mean he should go all out. And honestly, he’s rather appalled at how bad his self-control had gotten. He decided to blame it on the fact that he hadn’t come in like 2 weeks.
Dan wanted to say it’s okay, really, he could just stop his boner. But Phil had begun stroking him slowly, fingers gently moving along his length, and goddamnit they’re going to be in big trouble.
The boys were so busy jerking each other off that they didn’t notice their Dom replying to their little video. They didn’t think to check their phones chucked away carelessly. They barely heard the front door slam shut, only hearing each other’s ragged breaths as they grinded against each other on the bed.
Dan had already come, and his hand was tugging Phil’s shaft expertly, knowing from Phil’s whimpering that he was close. He broke their kiss to gulp in some air, opening his eyes to look into those beautiful blue irises. But the corner of his eyes caught something odd by the door, and he glanced in that direction to see what it was.
All breath left Dan’s chest when he saw his Dom leaning against the doorframe, anger written all over his face. Like a reflex, Dan’s body moved before he could even think. He bumbled off of Phil’s body, leaving Phil confused.
“Dan wha-” Phil began, but when he saw Dan’s expression, he knew what happened. He didn’t even need to look where Dan was looking. Internally, he groaned. At least Dan had gotten off already, his own orgasm was building rapidly but now he definitely won’t get the sweet release.
But externally, he put on an innocent expression. He was prepared for whatever punishment Anthony would give, maybe even looking forward to it.
“Daddy, you’re finally home,” Phil said, voice sweet as he slowly turned to Anthony with doe eyes.
Anthony’s jaw was clenched, lips pursed in a tight line. He held Phil’s gaze with a fiery stare.
“Where did my good boys go?” Anthony’s voice was steady, but Phil could hear the hidden anger.
“We’re right here, Daddy,” Phil replied, voice small, pretending to be confused. Behind him, Dan was peeking at Anthony with big, scared eyes.
Anthony’s frown deepened as he made his way to the edge of the bed and towered above his subs.
“Dan,” Anthony’s voice boomed, and Dan cowered a little, “did you come? Without my permission?”
Dan’s mouth opened but he couldn’t find his voice to answer. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint his Dom, but there was no way to deny what he’d done. To make matters worse, his mind started playing unwelcome flashbacks of angry men in his past.
Dan squirmed a little under Anthony’s stare. He knew Anthony won’t hurt him, not like all those monsters in his past did. He honestly deserved a punishment from his Master, he wouldn’t put the blame on Phil for making him come. And he knew that lying would only make things worse. So, he swallowed down his irrational fears.
“Y-yes, Sir,” he whispered brokenly.
With that, Anthony turned his attention to Phil. “What a bad influence you are,” Anthony scolded, “you’re in for a tough night, boy.”
Phil didn’t seem bothered, but Dan didn’t want to throw his sub brother under the bus like that.
“It’s not Phil’s fault, Sir. I should’ve known better, I could’ve controlled myself but I didn’t. I’m sorry,” Dan’s voice was steady as he defended Phil and shared the blame.
Anthony crossed his arms and looked contemplative, while Phil turned around to give Dan a what are you doing? look.
“Alright then,” Anthony began after a few moments of silence, “I was about to let you off, Dan, because I know this was all Phil’s idea. But maybe you deserve to be punished too.”
“I do, Sir,” Dan answered, despite Phil shaking his head at him.
The two boys watched their Master walk over to the chest of toys with bated breath.
“Kneel up, face each other,” Anthony instructed when he returned and the boys scrambled to do as they were told.
Anthony had lots of rope with him. He first made the boys grip their elbows behind their backs and tied their forearms securely. He then waved a couple of nipple clamps in front of them, not even trying to hide his smirk when he saw the nervous looks on both subs.
The clamps were connected by a short 6 inch chain. Anthony tweaked and rubbed the boys’ nipples, getting them hard and stimulated. When they started moaning softly, he stopped and connected Dan’s right nipple to Phil’s left with the clamps, then did the same for their other side.
Dan hissed at the pain of the clamps pinching his nipples hard, and he had to shift forward closer to Phil to keep the chains slack. Anthony flicked one of the clamps on Phil, making Phil groan. He then stepped back to observe his boys. They were kneeling so close to each other to make sure the chains won’t go taut. That won’t do. He wanted to make sure the chains were as taut as they could get, have the clamps pull on their nipples as hard as possible without falling off. 
Anthony lubed his finger and slid it past Dan’s rim without much warning. Dan moaned slightly at the intrusion. Anthony didn’t bother to add another finger to stretch him properly, it was a punishment after all.
After hooking his finger and thrusting for a bit, Anthony removed his finger. He spread Dan’s ass cheeks with one hand, and with the other he slowly pushed an anal hook into Dan’s tight ass.
Dan jerked slightly when he felt the cool metal intrude him. When the hook was secure inside him, Anthony made a knot with rope on the end of the hook and tied the other end of the rope to the hoop at the top of the bed(**) right above the headboard. The rope was far too short to have even a little slack, and Dan found himself in a rather awkward position where his chest was still close to Phil to keep the chains loose, while his ass stuck out to reduce the tension on the rope connecting to the anal hook as much as he could.
Phil bit back a moan when Anthony started fingering him; he wasn’t supposed to be enjoying his punishment. Anthony had left him in predicament bondage before, but now with another person, he felt like it’s on a whole other level. He hoped they could take the strain that he was sure they’d soon feel.
And soon enough, Phil found himself in the same position as Dan, chest leaned forward and ass stuck out. If he moved forward to reduce the tension on the chain, the hook would dig deeper into his ass, but if he moved backward to relax the rope, the clamps would tug painfully on his nipples. It’s even worse than being in predicament bondage alone since his every move would affect Dan, and if Dan moves, he’ll be in pain too. If either of them wanted to relax, it’ll be at the other’s expense.
He looked at Dan, seeing the younger boy’s face scrunch up in concentration to stay still. They both have leaned forward as much as they could without getting themselves hooked deeper or losing balance, but the chains on their nipples and the ropes from their hooks have gone fully taut.
Anthony stepped back to admire his work. Phil shuffled a little and groaned when the hook in his ass grazed his prostate.
“Should I tie your balls to the bedposts too for good measure?” Anthony asked, and he chuckled when the boys frantically shook their heads.
He walked over and started stroking both his boys’ dicks. Phil moaned gratefully, he was still hard. Dan jerked a little, cursing in his mind as the clamps tugged on his nipples. In turn, it tugged on Phil’s as well, making him groan. He stroked them both to full hardness, until they were panting and breathing heavily.
“Almost forgot,” Anthony said, a smirk playing on his lips. He got out two ball weights from his pocket.
He hooked one weight onto each chain, delighted by the boys’ whimpers. “Don’t drop them,” he warned.
The weights swayed about, moving the chain and causing the clamps to tug the boys’ nipples down. Anthony tapped on the ropes tied to both their anal hooks. Like a butterfly effect, they both jerked backwards and caused the chains to go fully taut, tugging on their nipples painfully. They groaned and whimpered pitifully.
“Such naughty, horny boys...getting so hard even though it’s a punishment,” Anthony tutted. He smacked Phil’s cock at the last word and Phil jerked in surprise, in turn pulling on Dan’s nipples again.
“Well...good thing you have each other huh? You don’t need me. Guess I’ll leave you two to help each other get off again,” Anthony shrugged and left the room.
The moment Phil was sure Anthony was out of earshot, he whispered, “What was that for?”
“What was what for?”
“You could’ve gone without a punishment but you had to open your mouth and be such a good boy.”
“I couldn’t just let you take all the blame, I was in the wrong too. It’s not all your fault,” Dan said, trying to be as still as possible so the weights on the chains wouldn’t move.
“How long do you think he’ll leave us here?” Dan asked when Phil didn’t continue the conversation.
“Dunno...it always depended on how bad I’ve been and how pissed I made him,” Phil mumbled.
Dan whimpered, noticing that even breathing, a movement so small on his chest, can cause the chains to go rigid and the clamps to bite down harder on his nubs.
Phil moved forward, letting the chains go a little lax. The hook sunk deeper in his ass, but he was suddenly consumed by guilt for getting Dan into this mess, so the least he could do was help Dan suffer less.
Dan looked up at Phil questioningly, but he didn’t object. He gave a small smile as a form of thanks, and they stayed in silence that way for a bit.
“My turn,” Dan spoke up after a few minutes and leaned forward, biting back a groan as the hook forced his ass to stay in position.
“No, I’ll take it,” Phil replied, refusing to relax.
“It’s okay Phil, you should relax now and let me,” Dan insisted.
Phil let out a little wrecked noise, hanging his head in defeat. “Why are you so nice,” he mumbled, almost inaudible.
Dan was honestly a little worried by Phil’s sudden distress.
“I don’t want you to strain yourself so much, I can take it too,” Dan reassured him.
Phil looked up and Dan was surprised to see a tear rolling down Phil’s cheek.
“How are you not mad at me? First you’re sharing my punishment, and now you want to help me,” Phil sounded sad and confused, and if Dan wasn’t immobilised he’d hug Phil in a heartbeat.
“If I were you I’d be so pissed at me right now,” Phil admitted softly, “Would’ve pushed all the blame, would’ve taken the first chance at escaping punishment. I’d hate me.”
“Well,” Dan began, “I want to be here for you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to deal with the consequences alone since we both broke the rules. And I don’t hate you, I deserve this as much as you do.”
“But it was my idea...I’m sorry I dragged you into this, I shouldn’t have done that in the first place,” Phil bit his lip guiltily.
“Sure this isn’t the spanking you said it’d be,” Dan chuckled a little, “but you’re forgiven, okay? Don’t worry, I’m not mad at all. I just really wanna make it up to Anthony now. I can’t stand being the reason he’s upset.”
“You’re a much better sub than me; I’m always a brat to him. Anthony deserves you and not me,” more tears were slipping down Phil’s face and Dan’s heart wrenched hearing Phil.
When Dan first moved in, he’d feared that Phil wouldn’t like him because he now had to share his boyfriend. But over the months, he’d seen how Phil cared for him as much as he cared for Anthony. He’d learned how Phil was such a confident boy, fully enjoying the idea of having two boyfriends. Unlike Dan himself, who sometimes had irrational thoughts on how they might dislike him for randomly invading their life.
He looked up to Phil, despite Phil’s playfulness that sometimes got him into trouble with their Dom. He wouldn’t call it being bratty, plus Phil’s right when he says there’d be no fun at all in being perfectly obedient all the time without any playfulness in a relationship like theirs.
So he never once thought that Phil could be insecure. That Phil would even think Dan was better than him, or that Anthony would prefer Dan over him.
“No don’t say that, Phil. You’re a brilliant sub for Anthony! I lack in what you’re good at. You’re an amazing cook, you bother to do the chores. I’m too lazy for all that. Anthony needs you. And I bet he’d be bored with a goody two shoes like me. He needs a cheeky sub like you,” Dan said, happy when Phil smiled softly at his last statement.
“And he doesn’t only need us, he wants us. Okay? Us. He doesn’t favour me over you, he doesn’t deserve me more than you. So quit crying, you spoon, and help me remind him how much he loves us, show him what he’s been missing out on,” Dan continued and Phil blinked his stray tears away as he laughed hearing what Dan called him.
Phil finally leaned back and whispered a quiet thank you, only then realising how his ass was in pain from the strain.
Dan was so busy helping to reassure Phil that he forgot about the pain. His hook had sunk in deeper, and now that his mini speech was over, he was suddenly all too aware of the uncomfortable sensation in his ass. Not to mention how sensitive his nipples were caught in the clamps. But he didn’t move. Phil had let him relax, and now he was going to return the favour.
So there they remained for the next half hour, taking turns to feel the strain while the other rests. Both of them had sweat sheening their bodies. Despite the mini breakdown, Phil’s cock was leaking precum. He was always a painslut.
Dan was only half hard, getting tired from keeping his muscles tense as he stayed still in position. If not for the hook occasionally brushing his prostate, he was sure he’d be soft. He tried to shift his focus away from the sharp pain on his nipples and in his ass, but it only made him aware of the dull ache in his knees, the pins and needles in his arms. But he didn’t regret asking for the punishment. Besides needing to be there for Phil, he also needed the punishment for himself. He needed to feel forgiven by Anthony.
A little over a half hour later, Anthony appeared by the door again. Neither of the boys dared to look at their Dom as he slowly walked up to them. Dan’s chest heaved a little as his heart began beating rapidly, causing the weights to sway. Anthony merely stood by the bed silently, observing his boys as they grew anxious under his gaze.
“Dan,” Anthony suddenly spoke up, making the boys jump a little, “your sub brother got you off, isn’t it a little rude not to return the favour?”
Dan bit his lip, unsure of how to answer, and Anthony smacked Phil’s hard cock. Phil jerked back and Dan sunk his teeth into his lip even more to stop himself from groaning as the clamps tugged harshly on his sore nipples.
“S-sorry, Sir,” Phil stuttered, knowing full well that Anthony doesn’t like his subs being hard when he punishes them; punishments aren’t meant to be enjoyed.
Dan watched with wide eyes as Anthony continued hitting Phil’s reddened cock. Phil tried his best to stay still, he didn’t want to jerk against the chains and cause Dan any more pain. Phil’s groans were soft, and as precum leaked from his cock, Dan knew that Phil couldn’t get soft even if he tried. He only gets hornier the more torture his cock receives. Anthony obviously knew this, and he probably wanted to make it difficult for Phil.
“Because you were naughty, I had to leave work early,” Anthony stated, removing the weights on the chains. The clamps immediately felt lighter on the boys’ nipples, and Dan gave a small sigh of relief.
“And because of that, I’ll have to stay in the office even longer for the next few days,” he continued angrily. He yanked the clamp off one of Phil’s nipples, causing Phil to yell out in pain as blood rushed to his sore nub. Anthony pressed and rubbed the aching nipple, making Phil groan loudly.
Dan whimpered as the clamp tugged his nipple down with the chain swinging around. His own nipples had gone numb and he feared the moment Anthony would take his clamps off. Phil’s reactions certainly weren’t helping.
“But of course,” Anthony paused to let Phil thrash around as he freed his other nipple, “I can’t let this happen again when I’m in the office.”
Phil looked down to see his erect nipples red and sore, and his abused cock an equal shade. He panted, hoping that at least the worst was over. He shuffled back to reduce the tension in the rope connected to his hook.
“I don’t know if I can trust that you boys won’t disobey me when you’re alone again,” Anthony said disappointedly, and it broke Dan’s heart.
“We’re really sorry, Sir, we promise not to do it again. You can trust us,” Dan spoke urgently, making sure to include Phil in the apology.
Anthony looked Dan in the eyes, and Dan confidently held the gaze until his clamp was roughly tugged off. He squeezed his eyes shut in pain, unable to hold back the scream that ripped from his lungs. The pain grew as Anthony rubbed the blood flow back into the abused nub.
“You’ll have to earn my trust back,” Anthony stated, face emotionless as he waited for Dan to calm down.
Dan tried to calm his breathing, but it was hard when he knew the pain was going to be repeated when Anthony inevitably removes the other clamp. Despite anticipating it, he still couldn’t help but scream again when his other nipple was finally free. He blinked back tears and groaned when Anthony pressed on his erect nubs.
Dan looked up when he heard Phil sniffling. He followed Phil’s line of sight to Anthony’s hands holding out a couple of cock cages.
“P-please Sir, punish me but not Dan. He tried talking me out of being naughty but I dragged him into it. I’m so sorry and I deserve to be punished more, but Dan doesn’t,” Phil sobbed.
Anthony softly carded his hand through Phil’s sweaty hair to calm him down, but Phil continued.
“I’m sorry I’m such a bad sub you don’t deserve, you deserve a good one like Dan.”
“Phil,” Dan said in a mix of surprise and disbelief, saddened that Phil still harboured those thoughts despite his efforts to reassure him earlier.
“Phil,” Anthony echoed, “you’re a very good sub for me, okay? Everybody makes mistakes and I don’t expect you to be perfect. And you know that every action will have consequences, you need to take responsibility for your misbehaviour. Even though it was your idea, Dan still misbehaved too. I discipline you boys when you need it. I still love you both equally, I won’t prefer one of you to the other. And I’m proud of you for taking your punishment well so far.”
Anthony had moved to hug Phil while speaking, and Phil rested his head on Anthony’s shoulder, wetting it with his tears. When Phil had calmed down a little, Anthony pulled back. He moved behind Phil and slowly pulled the hook out of Phil’s ass, making Phil moan quietly.
Anthony did the same for Dan, and Dan moaned gratefully. When he was done, he moved back in between his subs and silently held out the cock cages again.
“I want to earn your trust back, Sir, please cage me,” Phil said earnestly. His boner had reduced during his breakdown, making it a little easier for Anthony to slip the cage on.
Phil smiled gratefully once his cage was on, he knew that he needed Anthony’s disciplining. He understood why Dan insisted to be punished, because just like Dan, he also needed it to get rid of the guilt of misbehaving and disobeying his Dom and feel forgiven.
“Until I don’t have to work overtime anymore, so 3 or 4 days, we’ll see,” Anthony told Phil who nodded firmly. He’d gladly wear it for as long as Anthony deemed fit.
Then, Anthony turned to Dan and locked his cage on as well. “Two days. Just to learn to improve your self-control.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Dan replied, genuinely thankful for Anthony’s discipline.
Finally, Anthony untied his boys’ arms. He hugged them, and the boys snuggled into his warm embrace. He kissed the top of Phil’s head.
“I love you both, no matter how naughty you may be,” he chuckled as he held his boys tight.
“We love you too,” Dan answered softly, and Phil nodded.
“And we’re very sorry,” Phil added.
“I know you are, I’m glad you took your punishment well,” Anthony said as he booped Phil’s nose and ruffled Dan’s hair.
They’d have to wait even longer to finally have sex now, but Dan and Phil didn’t mind. Because the rest of the night was spent receiving the attention and care from Anthony that they’ve also been missing.
After a nice warm bath - Dan’s still impressed by how it could fit all of them in - they had dinner then a good cuddle in bed, where Dan giggled at Phil and Anthony joking around. Like everything was back to normal.
fun fact I originally wanted their balls tied to the bedposts but then anon suggested anal hooks and that’s way better so thank u anon xo
~Part 5~
~Part 7~
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a-splash-of-stucky · 6 years
A Messed Up Place | Eleven
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Truths are revealed.
Warnings: Lots of shouting — an extremely heated argument takes place. Lots of name-calling and swearing. Excessive use of the word ‘fuck’.
Notes: Written for @hellomissmabel’s birthday/2k celebration.
It is honestly a relief to finally be able to write this chapter. This was the first scene that popped into my head all those weeks ago, when I first planned AMUP. I have been dying to write it ever since. Anyway. Much angst ahead. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
AMUP Masterlist
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Bucky takes a hefty swig out of his water bottle. The icy water is a cooling salve as it trickles down his throat.  He takes a few more sips as he towels off his wet hair and glances around the empty, dimly lit gym.
It’s a quarter past two in the morning. Bucky had gone to bed at around 10, only to be woken up by his own screams a couple of hours later, his skin covered in a layer of cold sweat, sheets tangled around his legs and heart thundering against his ribs.
The nightmare had been about Steve, of course. Bucky doesn’t allow himself to dwell on the details.
Fully aware of the fact that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep with his brain feeling that wired, and unwilling to spend several hours tossing and turning in bed, whilst waiting for the sun to come up, Bucky had changed into a tank top and a pair of loose shorts to hit the gym. Even if he couldn’t tire himself out, at least he’d be able to occupy his time.
Bucky ends up spending nearly two hours in there. He does three rounds of his usual routine on the machines, before spending a ridiculously large amount of time pummelling the shit out of the reinforced punching bags. It’s a strangely cathartic activity.
After taking a shower, he changes into a clean sweatshirt and a pair of black joggers. Bucky dumps his gross-smelling gym gear and damp towel into the laundry basket they keep in the corner of the gym, before heading to the kitchen to make himself a midnight snack. He’s got a craving for macaroni and cheese.
The compound is in darkness, as would be expected at this hour of night. Bucky doesn’t bother asking FRIDAY to turn on the lights. He passes by the entrance to the common room-lounge area on his way to the kitchen and frowns when he hears the unmistakable sound of hitched sobs and stifled sniffles. He pauses, cocking his head to the side. Who could it be?
Keeping his footsteps as light as a feather, Bucky creeps inside. Though it’s dark, his enhanced eyesight picks out the silhouette of a figure huddled up on one of the couches, lying on their side with their back towards Bucky. He’s got a pretty good idea of who it could be.
“Y/N?” Bucky whispers.
The darkened figure startles, simultaneously uncurling and twisting their body, pushing themselves up onto their forearms. “B-bucky?” you ask, your voice croaky and thick with tears.
“FRIDAY, d’you mind getting the lights? Keep ‘em dim, please,” Bucky murmurs, as he crosses over to the couch and plops beside you, on your right. A few of the ceiling lights come on, casting pale yellow circles around the periphery of the room.
“Hey, hey—doll,” he croons, holding his arms out and letting you curl up against his side. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, as he tucks your head underneath his chin and loops his arms over your shoulders and around your waist. Your body is trembling uncontrollably, breath coming out as uneven sobs. Bucky strokes his hand up and down your back, whispers mindless babble into your hair. The front of his sweatshirt is quickly becoming damp as a result of your tears.
“Hey, now—what’s wrong, doll?” he murmurs, “Why’re you out here all alone, huh? Talk to me.”
“I-I-I,” you stammer, breaking off with a loud hiccup,as you fight to get your lungs to take in a deep enough inhale so that you can talk properly.
Bucky hums sympathetically, settling back against the couch and leaning away from you, to give you some space. You brush the backs of your hands over your cheeks, using the sleeves of your hoodie to wipe away the snot and tears. You glance at Bucky through the corner of your eye and let out a half-strangled sob. “Bu-ucky,” you hiccup, “I-I’ve gotta te-ell you something.”
“Mmm? What is it, doll?” he asks, only half-listening to you. Bucky’s more concerned about trying to get your lungs working the way they should. You sound worryingly like you’re about to have an asthma attack — and Bucky would know what those look like, given the number of times he’s had to help get Steve through one, back in the day — and Bucky’s not sure the extent to which asthma attacks and unborn babies go together.
“I-um. I-I still lo-ove—,” you bite your tongue, cutting yourself off and turning to look away from Bucky.
“Steve?” he offers, “You still love ‘im? S’okay, doll, that’s—,”
“That’s not what I was gonna say,” you interrupt, voice coming out surprisingly sharp, despite your tears. You wipe your nose one more time before turning to look Bucky dead in the eye, paralysing him with the intensity of your gaze.
“I was going to say you, Bucky.”
If this is a dream, Bucky’s not sure whether it’s one he wants to wake up from. He swallows nervously, before forcing his jaw to move, to shape the words. “M-me? I-I—but, Steve?” he stutters helplessly, brain unable to process what it is you’ve just admitted to.
“You, Bucky,” you repeat, turning your body so that you can look at Bucky directly, without having to crane your neck around. “I’ve always had feelings for you, okay? And I know—,”
“Wait, what?” Bucky squeaks, head spinning in confusion.
“Will you listen to me? Let me finish?” you ask impatiently. Bucky snaps his jaw shut and nods fervently, gesturing for you to continue with one hand.
“I—yeah. I’ve always had feelings for you, and you’ve—you always ignored me when I tried to show you. So—it didn’t look like things were even gonna work between us, no matter how hard I tried, which is why I started dating Steve—I—to…but now Steve’s dead, and a twisted, horrible part of me can’t help but feel g-glad, because I don’t think I would’ve been fully happy in that marriage and—but—I—shit this is so fucking messed up, and—but I feel so guilty for leading him on and I fucking hate this shit!” you hiss, your voice rising to shriller tones with each word that tumbles out of your mouth.
“I hate it, I fucking hate it! You made me do this!”
Bucky’s mind has gone from confused, to stunned, to completely dumbstruck, all in the space of about ten seconds. He’s speechless. Completely, utterly at a loss for words. There’re so many things that you’ve just said that he needs to question, to examine, to pick apart and analyse — in fact, there’s almost too many. He’s not sure where to even begin. Although you seem delirious, and even though you’re probably sleep-deprived, there’s no mistaking the solemnity in your tone. You mean every word you’ve just said.
There is one statement that stands out, though. One that is screaming for more answers, for a further explanation.
“Y/N,” Bucky says softly, fighting to keep his anger in check and hoping that it doesn’t come through in his voice. “What-I—Steve? Why Steve? Did you—what? I don’t understand — were you actually in love with him?” he asks, “Did you—did you use my best friend against me? Did Steve ever mean anything to you?”
Bucky needs to know. No matter how much he may love you, no matter how much he may want to love you, there is one unwavering fact when it comes to Bucky and Steve: he’s with Steve ’til the end of the line. And if someone messes with Steve, by default, you can be goddamn sure that Bucky’s getting involved too. If there is one person he would die defending, it’s Steve Rogers.
You’re silent for a minute, chewing over your thoughts. Bucky’s words have apparently struck a chord. You stare off into the distance, fiddling with your fingers and biting on your bottom lip. Perhaps your silence should be alarming, Bucky thinks — if you truly loved Steve, wouldn’t your answer be an immediate, resounding ‘yes’?
“Not at first,” you admit softly, keeping your eyes trained on Bucky’s knees. It means that you don’t notice the barely-restrained fury in Bucky’s expression. “I mean…okay, so what happened was he asked me out on a date, back when you and I were still…yeah. He asked me out.”
You pause, running your fingers through your hair. “I will admit, at first, I wanted to say no, because like I said, I had — have — feelings for you. And I was still hopeful about us. But…but he asked so nicely, and he looked so hopeful that I—I didn’t have the heart to say no,” you murmur, your expression turning wistfully sad as you recall the memory. “I loved you, but…but—god this is gonna sound so bad,” you chuckle mirthlessly, “Some fucked up part of my brain rationalised that maybe…you seeing me with Steve would kick you into gear, or something—,”
“Y/N, I swear to god—,”
“I’m not done,” you say sharply, fingers clenching into fists in your lap. For a second, your entire body is tensed up, before you take a deep, calming breath, relaxing once more and continuing on with your story. “My point is: fucking sue me if you want to, but initially, I got with Steve with the intent of making you jealous,” you admit.
“Fucking hate me all you want, okay? Hate me because Steve’s not here to do so. I-I deserve it, yeah? I get it, I deserve your hate, your anger — call me a bitch, a coward, an asshole, a liar, whatever you want. I’m all of the above. I get it. Hate me, Bucky,” you growl brokenly, vicious venom lacing your every word.
Somehow, despite what you’ve just admitted to, Bucky can’t quite do that. He’s—a part of him hates you. Loathes you, in fact. But another part of him — the irrational, stupid, lovesick puppy inside him — still believes in you. He’s—torn. Conflicted. He’s fighting a warped internal battle between what is right and what is less right, because, as he’s come to realise, ‘wrong’ is simply a matter of perspective.
You take a deep breath and continue, your voice calmer, softer now. It sounds almost eerily detached, even. “I started dating Steve despite being fully aware of the fact that he had feelings for me on a level which I did not reciprocate,” you say. There’s an undertone of bitterness and self-hatred to your words. “I knew that I wasn’t being fair. I was being mean. But—the thing is, Bucky, please, please, please, believe me when I say this…I never, ever meant for things to get this far.”
“Yeah, right,” Bucky scoffs.
Bucky feels…a lot. He’s enraged, mostly. His entire perspective of you has changed. You’re not the person he once thought you were — that is the glaringly obvious fact that’s staring him in the face, right now. You’re not the person he made you out to be, the woman he fell in love with.
“You could’ve put a stop to it, anytime you wanted to, right?” Bucky points out, not bothering to conceal his pain and anger. In fact, it’s a relief to finally allow those emotions to bleed into his words, a relief to finally voice the thoughts that have been clamouring for attention inside his head.
“You weren’t under any obligations to stay with Steve. And—and besides, if you were done waiting around for me, instead of trying to make me—make me jealous,” he spits out, relishing the way you recoil at the word, “Why didn’t you ask me yourself, huh? Why couldn’t you come to me and ask me out?”
“I—I fucking didn’t want to pressure you, okay?” you snap, your gaze meeting his once more. There’s a heat in your eyes that makes Bucky want to smirk — he’s fighting fire with fire, and as irrational as that may be, it feels good.
“You—I didn’t know for certain if you felt the same about me,” you explain. “And I—look, I knew that it was overwhelming for you to have to adjust to all this,” you say, flapping your arms and gesturing wildly around you, “So I didn’t want to…to add my own pressures on you. If you fell in love with me—great, but—but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to date me, or love, or take pity on me, just ‘cause I had feelings for you.”
“And, I guess,” you sigh, your shoulders deflating and losing their tension as you drag a hand down your face, “I thought that with time, I could — maybe, fall in love with Steve and get over you. The heart can only hold so much love in it, right?”
You laugh dejectedly, shaking your head as if you can’t believe how stupid you were. “Fucking wrong,” you snort, crossing your arms over your chest. “I was — am, still am — in love with Steve, but in love with you, as well! I ended up falling for Steve, because who in their right mind wouldn’t do the same?”
“You’re right,” you say, nodding your head slowly, “I was under no obligation to be with him, but I couldn’t end out relationship because I didn’t want to.” You lift your eyes to meet his gaze. Bucky’s breath catches when he catches the glimmer of unshed tears in yours.
“I love him, I love you, and I couldn't decide between you two. I’m a fucking selfish bitch, okay?” you huff, tightening your arms around yourself defensively. “There. I said it. I’m a fucking selfish bitch, who didn’t want to leave Steve even though,” you pause, gulping audibly. “Even though I knew I was hurting you.”
Bucky’s jaw tenses in anger. “You knew you were hurting me and yet you kept on doing it anyway.”
“Fuck you,” Bucky hisses, “Fuck you, fuck your manipulative games, fuck you for fucking with me, with my head, my feelings, do I—do I mean nothing to you?”
“You do!” you protest, “Bucky, I swear, please—,”
“Could’ve fucking fooled me,” Bucky continues, bulldozing onwards, as if you’d never interrupted him. “What with the way you treated me, and all.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Barnes,” you growl, your own anger finally making your composure snap. “You’re not perfect either, jerk. Look, both of us are in the wrong—,”
“But we wouldn’t even fucking be in this position had you put an end to things with Steve when you could!” Bucky shouts, not caring if he wakes up half the compound in the process.
You swallow, blinking rapidly to clear the tears that are on the verge of spilling from your eyes. “I—I never meant to get engaged, or anything,” you whisper, “I—it was only ever meant to be a couple of dates with him, and then I was gonna put an end to it and tell him it wasn’t gonna work out between us. I swear on my life, Bucky, that’s what I fully intended to do. But—,” you laugh deliriously, “You can’t help but fall in love with Stevie. I didn’t do anything to deserve him, but he—he loved me. A lot. And I—I found myself responding to that.”
“So did I love him initially?” you ask, straightening up and raking your fingers through your disheveled hair, “No. Probably not. Not the way I love you, at least. But do I love him now?” you pause, tipping your head back to stare at the ceiling as you consider your next words.
“Goddamn it, I’m not sure. I love him, in some capacity. I care for him, and I’m—I’m brokenhearted because he’s dead, but—but it’s still not the way I love you. And…and I feel so guilty about the fact that—,”
“Don’t sob to me,” Bucky growls, cutting you off when your voice begins to waver and your eyes start to become teary, once more. Your mouth pulls into a tight line. Before you can say anything else, Bucky jumps in, wanting to share his own thoughts.
“I thought the world of you,” Bucky says softly. His tone is low, surprisingly calm, despite the roiling anger inside him. “I thought you were an angel on earth, a goddess among men. Turns out, I was wrong. Stevie should’ve had better than someone like you.”
You snap your head towards him, your eyes ablaze with rage. “Well fuck you, Barnes!” you shout, “Here is my fucking apology for not being good enough, for not meeting your—your unreasonably high expectations! And—and what the fuck? There are more dimensions of love than just the romantic, okay? Can’t you see that?”
“I—I still care for him, Bucky,” you explain, your voice more than a little bit hysterical, “And—I dunno, I have a feeling that he knew something was up. Steve—he knew…something. About—about…you and me.”
Bucky thinks back to Steve’s video and can’t help but agree with you on that one.
“But—he died with a lie,” you say, your voice cracking at the last word. You clear your throat. “I was gonna come clean and tell him, I really was, but I—but now he’s gone. He’s fucking dead, and he never got to know the truth.”
“No thanks to you.”
You snort indignantly. “Oh that’s rich, coming from you!” you snap, “Mr ‘I keep a million secrets up my sleeve’. You could’ve come clean to me, to Steve at any point and yet you didn’t. Do you even love me?”
Bucky inhales sharply. He closes his eyes and takes a moment to calm his thoughts.
It’s now or never.
“I do,” he says quietly. “Y/N—doll, I do, Ido love you. Trust me, sweetheart, I’ve loved you for—for as long as I’ve known you.”
Now that he’s started, there’s no stopping. He’s taken that first step — they say the first step is the hardest for a reason — and it’s all downhill from here. It’s like the dam inside Bucky’s mind has finally been burst. The words that he’s been holding back all this while can finally come rushing through. They spill out of his mouth in a mad, uncontrollable torrent.
“I—I need you the way I need oxygen, baby,” Bucky continues, “I love you, I swear, I love you. My heart belonged to you before it ever belonged to me, before I even knew what it was to love!”
You squeeze your eyes shut, biting your lip and turning to look off into the distance, out of the window. Bucky drinks in your profile, which lately, has been more gaunt and waif-like than normal. “Don’t say that,” you whisper tightly, “Don’t say words like that if you don’t mean them. Don’t just say them just for the sake of saying them—,”
“I do mean them!” Bucky says urgently, his hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder. You turn to face him, your gaze locking onto his. God, the trepidation and fear in your eyes is enough to make his heart break all over again. “Y/N, I—we’ve done some stupid things, but I mean it. I love you.”
You shake your head sadly, shoulders slumping in defeat. “I thought—I thought hearing those words from you would be the best thing to ever happen to me, but—it’s not,” you say, sighing dejectedly. “It’s not what I needed to hear, right now. Now—now, when things are like this, when I have to have Steve’s kid—,”
“It might not even be his,” Bucky blurts, unthinkingly. His eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he catches onto what he’s just said. What he’s just implicitly admitted to.
Oh so slowly, you turn to face him, your eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What?”
It’s just one word, but one word is more than enough to instil sheer terror in Bucky’s bones. “I—Nothing. Nothing, forget I said that,” he stammers.
“What d’you mean, it might not be his?” you ask, your voice barely masking the threat lying beneath.
“Fucking tell me!” you screech, lunging forward and grabbing fistfuls of his sweatshirt. Your expression is positively feral. “How in all of fucking hell could this baby not be Steve’s and why on this goddamn planet would you fucking know?”
Bucky licks his lips nervously. “It’s not Steve’s,” he repeats slowly, “Or…at least I don’t think it is.”
“Why?” you breathe, voice wavering with wrath, “What makes you say that?”
“You’re—um,” Bucky swallows again, tries to remember how to make his mouth work.
“James Buchanan Barnes,” you growl menacingly, yanking him closer towards you, “This is my body we’re talking about. If you know something that I don’t, spill it.”
“In KL,” Bucky says quickly, “In—in KL, on that mission, on—on that night, that last night, uh—you were drunk. And—um. And so I brought you back to the hotel and you…you wanted to have sex.”
“What?” you breathe, letting go of his sweatshirt in shock. Your eyes are as wide as saucers. “Why didn’t you—,”
“I tried to stop you—I, okay fine, I admit, you have no reason to believe me on this, but I swear on Steve’s head that I’m not lying to you!” Bucky says vehemently, “I tried to stop you. I told you no, I was gonna leave, but you—but you kept pushing, and I—I couldn’t,” Bucky pauses, blinking away the tears that have suddenly sprung to his eyes. “I couldn’t do anything to stop you.”
“So we fucked,” you say flatly.
“We fucked,” Bucky confirms. “I—um. I didn’t think it was gonna happen, so I didn’t pack any condoms with me.”
“We had unprotected sex,” you murmur, burying your face in your palms.
“I—I did pull out,” Bucky says. “I did! I promise you, I did!” he repeats, throwing his hands up in surrender when you arch an eyebrow in disbelief. “I—I uhh, I really did pull out, but it—it was uh, kinda at the last second, so stuff could’a…y’know…it might’ve been too late.”
Bucky runs his tongue over his chapped lips. His throat feels unnaturally dry, perhaps due to the nerves. He watches as you slump against the back of the couch. You’re gaze is blank and you’re making no sounds. It’s beginning to unnerve him.
“Y/N?” he asks tentatively.
“Fuck you, Barnes,” you say, your voice eerily cool. “Fuck you for doing this to me.”
Maybe it’s your choice of words, maybe it’s the tone with which you’ve spoken, maybe it’s the cumulative effect of the events of the last week, but for whatever reason — that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“Oh, now I’m the only bad guy in this equation?” Bucky snorts, “Need I remind you which one of us is the manipulative bitch?”
Your jaw drops open in shock. “I—fuck you, Barnes, you’re one to talk about bad guys — you fucking slept with me when I was drunk! Taking advantage of me!”
“I said no!” Bucky roars, “I pushed you away, I told you I didn’t want it! You’re as much of a rapist as I am, in this situation!”
You blink rapidly, grinding your teeth together as your hands clench into fists. Bucky holds his breath, waiting for you to lash out, to land your next blow, and is surprised when it does not come.
“You’re—okay, you’re right,” you sigh, rubbing the heel of your palm into your eye tiredly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forced myself on you, I—I can’t imagine how shitty I made you feel. I’m sorry I put us in that situation, I’m sorry I acted like an idiot, I’m sorry for dragging you into this drama, I’m sorry, okay?”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me, but it’s there. I’m sorry,” you murmur. You sigh heavily, removing your hand from your face as you look towards Bucky once more.
“But that doesn’t change how I feel,” you continue, your tone sharpening as your rage resurfaces. “The issue’s still there: I’m pregnant, and this might be your baby. Were you ever gonna tell me about this, by the way? Huh? Were you ever gonna tell how we fucked whilst I was drunk? How you broke all the rules we ever put in place?”
“I—,” Bucky sputters, at a loss for words. “No, you know what? Yeah. Yeah, I did break all out rules. And I’m sorry. I truly am sorry for that. But I came clean in the end, but—but what the fuck? You can’t be telling me that what you did was any less worse.”
“That’s not what I’m saying—,”
“Then what the fuck are you trying to say, Y/N?” Bucky asks sharply, “Because my patience is running thin and I am fucking done dealing with your bullshit.”
You clench your jaw. “Right. Okay, you know what I wanna say? You wanna know the real reason, the reason deep-down why I got with Steve? Wanna see how blackened and fucked up the innermost parts of my soul are?” you snarl. “I got with Steve because I wanted you to fight for me, Bucky.”
“I wanted you to goddamn fight for me,” you hiss, “Are—are you blind? Are you an idiot, or something? Could you not see what I—if you truly loved me like you say you do, you would’ve fought for me, asked me to stay.”
“What kind of jacked up logic is that?” Bucky sputters, stunned. “Am I blind? Fuck you, Y/N, you’re the one that’s blind! Could you— could you not see? Could you not see how obvious I was? I adored you, clung to you like a needy puppy, but you had no clue, and I don’t know how that;s even possible! I was so fucking obvious! Smiling every time I saw you, laughing every time you talked to me — you didn’t see that?”
“You didn’t see how much pain you put me through?” Bucky continues, his voice harsh. “I’m pretty sure I was — am, probably — fucking depressed. When you told me you were dating Steve, when you told me that you’d gotten engaged, when you—,” he breaks off, laughing hysterically, “When you asked me to fucking pick out your lingerie, like— I was in pain, okay? The entire time! You hurt me!”
“Every time I saw you two together, happy together — whether or not you were pretending — it hurt like someone was stabbing a million knives into my gut, okay?”
“I was wrong about you,” Bucky spits, “I thought you were an angel, I though you were better than this.”
“No one told you to idolise me, Bucky!” you scream, lashing out, fighting back just as hard. “I’m fucked up! I am fucked up in the head, okay? I didn’t ask to fall in love with both of you, I didn’t ask you to fall in love with me, I didn’t ask for any of this to happen!”
Bucky leans back against the armrest, runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends slightly. “You know what? Fuck it, I’m done,” hey growls. He pushes himself onto his feet and moves to stalk past you.
Your fingers catch hold of the sleeve of his sweatshirt, pulling him to a stop. “Barnes, sit your ass down—,”
“No,” he hisses, shaking your hand off of him. “You don’t fucking get to tell me what to do, Y/N. I’m heading up. Goodnight.”
Maybe it’s the finality in his tone that sends you into a panic, but whatever the case, you leap up at that moment, your hand gripping onto Bucky’s shoulder. He grits his teeth and resists the urge to brush you away.
“Bucky—,” you whisper, “Please, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please sit down, please—let’s talk.”
“Oh, we’ve talked plenty, Y/N,” Bucky snarls, whirling around to face you. The expression on your face — a cross between on heartbroken, sorrowful and apologetic — gives him pause. The heated words he was going to hurl at you die in his throat.
Bucky sighs heavily as rakes his fingers through his messy hair. “Okay, look. Let’s—I think we need some time to cool off. To…to process everything that’s just been said.”
“We can talk. I’m not—now. Sometime later, not now,” he mumbles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his joggers. “Now…this is too much. I—need some time to process all…this,” he says, gesturing wildly between the two of you.
“Okay,” you whisper, dropping your hand to the side, letting go of him. “I—I do love you, Bucky. Still. Even—even if you…even after—I do. I love you.”
Bucky turns away, not wanting to let you see his expression. Something in his heart aches.
Those are the words he’s wanted to hear from you, the words he’s always wanted to hear falling from your mouth for as long as he can remember. Hearing you say them should be a salve on the wounds of his broken heart, but…they’re not. They’re anything but.
They don’t have the same meaning, the same symbolism, the same weight that they used to. The no longer hold the same promise.
He loves you, still. Fucking hell Barnes, will you get a grip on yourself? he chastises.
Bucky loves you, even though he probably shouldn’t, at this point. Maybe it’s a different kind of love, maybe it’s not to the same extent — he doesn’t know anymore. He hates you and loves you in equal measure and if that doesn’t summarise how screwed up his life has become, then nothing else will.
The thing is, there’s more to the picture now, he has to remember that. How can he abandon you? He can’t just love you, not only because of his promise to Steve — as misguided as that may have been — but also because you’re potentially carrying his child in your womb.
Bucky feels like an absolute shit hole.
All he’s ever wanted in this life is for you to want him, to love him. And, as it turns out — you do. You do love him, but you probably hate him, as well. It’s fucked up, is what it is.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Bucky says tightly, as strides out of the common room. “I’ll—see you.”
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A Journey.
This isn’t the least bit of easy to write. For years I’ve said that one day I’ll sit in front of a camera and tell the world about my struggles with mental health, but showcase the fact that it’s all behind me and I can live a normal life of joy. But as time passed, I’d tried to record that video up to 30 times and for some reason I simply could not do it. I’d open my mouth and the only thing that would come out is choked back tears because I knew I was not better. I was lying. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make a little girl, going through the same, believe that one day she’d wake up and her life would no longer be filled with constant regrets and worries. 
So here I write as I listen to the saddest songs possible conjoined together in a sappy Heartbreak spotify playlist. I can’t say when it started because I genuinely do not know, but I can tell you what I do know. My whole life I was never like any of the other kids, I knew I was different. I towered over everyone (my growth spurt hit fast and out of nowhere) in 7th grade, which is the first time a boy on the bus grimaced as he pointed out my stretch marks that had began peeking through my tank top that’d slid up my side just a smidge. And that was the first time I looked at my body and hated it. I googled quick fixes, browsed around on “Pro Ana” sites, and began counting my calories. I wore long sleeves and when it was too hot for that I’d stack 20 bracelets on each wrist to hide the harm I’d done. I hated crowds. I hated people looking at me. I hated the THOUGHT of people looking at me.
     August 2017 -    I had just eagerly started my senior year of highschool. I’d come so far and I had so much to prove to those who doubted me. Starting out, I had built a stable school-ationship. Everyone knew me as the slightly shy yet bubbly girl, I was accepted on to the varsity cheer team, my grades were well-leveled, and before I knew it I fell in love. He was a football player, I was a cheerleader; I mean things couldn’t have been more Netflix teen romancey. I had never been in a relationship, at least not a serious one. I had given him everything I had to offer. But he cheated. And I took him back, every single time. But each time, I’d lock myself in the bathroom and stare into the mirror until I pointed out every single flaw, every reason why his infidelity was justified. I grew a hatred for eating and a love for workout apps. I’d stay up until 2 AM making sure I knocked out enough sit ups. Before I knew it, I’d lost 30 pounds.
January 2018  - I left him. I left for good and in doing that, I got involved with someone he knew. He found out. Everyone found out. Instead of walking into school excited to speak to people, I started coming as late as possible to avoid as much interaction as possible because the only thing they knew how to do when they seen me was whisper. Just that fast, I was no longer the shy bubbly girl but instead I had random people jokingly ask if I’d let them be next. I had girls threatening me for no apparent reason except for the fact that they knew my ex. Again, I stopped eating. Instead of staring into the mirror I’d sit in the tub with the showerhead pouring on to my head as I cried as loud as I possibly could. It was a constant battle on whether or not I should harm myself again. But one night I got a call, from him. Telling me how there had been a video taken of me that everyone had seen. And I saw my world collapse around me. I didn’t know what to do and the only thing I could think of was how there was literally no way i could show my face ever again. I grabbed a bottle of antidepressants and swallowed every single pill. AND DIDN’T DIE !! I remember waking up the next morning thinking about how I couldn’t even kill myself correctly. The pills numbed any source of emotion I had for days, until I had learned how to block out the memories.
     February 2018  -       I met someone. I felt as if i was walking on eggshells trying to avoid the pain I’d just been through. But he’d reassured me he was nothing like my past. 
I was pregnant. If you went to school with me, you know that already. Since you know, everyone was asking everyone but me if I knew who the father was. But as for family, I nearly didn’t add this because of you. I nearly didn’t write this because of you. Not all of you, but you get the point. ANYWAYS, I was pregnant. After 4 weeks had passed, I got used to the thought. I was excited, had no idea what I was gonna do, but that didn’t matter because nothing was going right for me and I finally had something, someone to live for. I had a miscarriage 11 weeks in. Everyone either treated it like it was nothing or treated me like I was a piece of glass. I got pulled out of school. I no longer went on campus like everyone else, instead I sat in the back of an empty room and did my work for the day. Until that grew to be too much and I had to do my work from home. I thought my life no longer had a meaning, I was only a burden at this point. I started heavily drinking and smoking because it was the only thing that could numb the pain, even if only for a few hours.
May 2018  -     I did it. I graduated. I walked across the stage, got my diploma, and I graduated. I should be happy. But yet in the back of my mind, I wondered who actually cheered for me from my class when my name was called. I looked around as everyone posed for pictures with their friends, and I was huddled in a corner getting flustered about lunch reservations with my family.
July 2018 -      School starts August 13th. I have my classes planned out for the next two semesters. I AM going to be a Pediatric Registered Nurse. I AM going to get my drivers license along with my first car. I AM going to put 4 months rent down on my dream place. And I am on a journey to healing. To growth. To getting better. And no one can take that away from me. I’m still not okay. Sometimes I don’t comb my hair for weeks, sometimes I’ll go days without showering because I literally just can’t pull myself out of this fog that engulfs me at random times. Sometimes I make excuses to avoid social situations, even if it’s family. Sometimes I cry in the shower. But that’s okay. Because when I get out of bed, take a shower, clean the house, or brush my hair, I’m proud. I’m proud that I’m still here and i’m still fighting the chemical imbalance in my brain. I’m able to step back and see how strong I’ve become. If those antidepressants had worked, I would’ve never been able to choose my career path. I would never be able to feel this joy of school starting because it’s something I’ll be able to control. And im okay with it. I’m okay with all of it. Because it weren’t for my lows, I would’ve never been able to achieve these highs.
This is for every brown girl that is told that her feelings are invalid. That is ridiculed for something she can not control rather than helped. It’ll all be worth it in the end. And this is for EVERYONE who has ever been laughed at whilst dealing with anxiety/depression while in highschool. Highschool sucks! And not just as a “Oh everyone goes through it, get over it.” No. This needs to be more than just shrunk down to small highschooler problems. Listen to us when we speak up. 
Thank you.
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swagirii · 7 years
NY JM Concert
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was really tired to begin with because I do not live in NY. I live 3 hours away from NY. So I just planned a whole day to be spent at NY. This part is like annoying probably so you can skip it if you want HAHAHA but I had to work until 1 am on Friday night and slept for like 3 hrs and caught the 7 am bus to NY. I slept for another 3 hrs in the bus and got there. Ate dim sum MMMmmmm my first time :-) but how do you not get the liquid to be all over your plate. I’m such a noob. and went shopping at soho WHERE SWINGS AND GIRIBOY WERE THE NIGHT BEFORE but I was shook because a shirt was like $50. so I left and went to time square and went to line store remEMBER this is all new to me because I’m like a country girl who raises cows for a living. loljk. idk. pls ignore. anyway so... after that I was pretty exhausted and it was like 4 pm ish. Met up with another friend (so now a party of 3!!!) and decided to head over to the concert place.!!! omg so excite. I wasn’t really excited at first because I was pretty tired from the whole day but while walking to stage 48 like I was getting excited LIKE HELLO I WILL MEET JM IRL AND NOT ON COMPUTER EVEN THO IT FEELS LIKE A DREAM RN
So I got there and the line was pretty long even though it was like 6:00 well I guess I don’t know how long concert lines are because this was my first concert. ;-; and meet&greet people got to go in at 6:45 pm. So we went in. and they did this extra search of our bags and touched under my boob to see if I had a gun. (even tho nochang can just kill me with his chingchangchong) and threw my water bottle and my friend’s hard boiled eggs away (LOOOOOL). we got there and the meet&greet was some booty tbh. OK BEFORE I WAS GONNA SLEEP IN THE BUS WHILE GOING TO NY, I WAS THINKING OF EACH THINGS I WAS GOING TO SAY TO EACH MEMBER OKAY BUT THAT WAS ALL RUINED BECAUSE IT WAS LIKE “meet&greet” and just take a group picture and gtfo. ._. So it was our turn and my friend was the first in line for the group so she went in all awkward like “hi...” BECAUSE IDK C JAMM LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE C JAMM ON THE INTERNET. LIKE THEY ALL LOOK THE SAMEEEEEEEEEEEE I CAN’T. IT’S TOO REAL. and she stood next to C Jamm and he was like “wassup wassup” HE’S SO NICE AND HUMBLE like he’s the cutest potato thing. and I think I was standing next to Swings? I don’t even remember, because I was wildly searching for Giriboy like I CAME ALL THE WAY TO SEE YOU WHERE ARE U I need to hold your hand IDK ASDKFLASDJFA;SDF. and Swings was just trying to make us stand so we can all be in the pic. then I saw Giriboy behind me like on the step kind of thing AND HE DIDN’T HAVE HIS GLASSES AND WAS WEARING A BLACK BUCKET HAT and kinda looked like 
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THIS WITHOUT THE GLASSES and like hello every1 he was NOT WEARING GLASSES !!!! I CAN’T so I was like omg.......... and he just kinda looked at me so I was like “I’m a big fan of yours!!!!!!!” and THEN ALL OF MY FRIENDS GOT ENCOURAGED AND WAS LIKE ME TOO me TOO and he just kinda nodded as a thank you multiple times. :( I WANTED TO HEAR HIS VOICE ok sike. im gonna chill. but still highkey regret that i was not being extra during the “meet&greet” because the staff were like don’t bring ur phones no selfies BLEHLAHELBLEHLA BLEAH ok whatever good bye and i didn’t notice any1 else during the picture bc i forgot abt them soz
and the concert didn’t even start until like 8:00 pm and i was mad bc they kept playing hiphop music other than JM like i was ready to go rain shower idk and some ppl blocking the view in front of me my friend asked if they could squeeze us in bc we couldn’t see and they completely ignored me after the first word. :-) well they moved after that so its ok but anyway... like whatever :)... the show started with osshun gum and im sorry but ive been out of this scene for so long like i forgot who he was like i know hes from high school rapper but i didnt even watch the show :-) rip but he was so cute i know hes 1 year younger than me like HES A BABY (bgm: shes a baby zico) and he was dressed “normally” too so he looked like a normal person and it was just cute ok but i didnt know his songs so i felt bad. 
the next person was han yohan OMGGGG U KNOW I ACTUALLY LOVE HAN YOHAN BECAUSE IDK LIKE IM INTO THOSE ROCK THINGS NOW and he played curt cobain BECAUSE IM CURT COBAAAAAAIN 300 km, I’m Sorry, and then later super saiyan with black nut OMSDFKLASJDFKLASDJFASKGJSD F ok. Enough said. This is better explained with the live. goodbye. I just love. and hes the only one who actually sticked w the schedule that was pre released before concert lol
and then it was the love of my life giriboy and he was supposed to perform zoa... wybh and then hogu but he started doing mix it up but whatever i was shouting like crasy so WHATEVER OK and he did all these weird cute moves... like icant believe it happened in front of me. i feel like its a dream. :( i hope he does it again in my dreams. and did hogu then ended. 
i was proud to shout all the lyrics (NOTICE ME)
then it was nochang like omg i love him because for the longest time i thought he didnt wanna be on stage because idk... gossips and his interviews... but he was the best on stage he looked like he really enjoyed and we were like TUUUURNNNNN UUUUUP ok but tbh no one knew his lyrics... bc they’re too sophisticated4us but he did emancipation, ching chang chong, and turn up and he was wearing all black again. but took his hat off a couple of times. his head is pretty. he actually stuck to the schedule too omg i feel like giriboy was not feeling well or something :( or he was more concerned about his single 
then it was black nut omg YOU GUYS KNOW HOW I HAVE A THING FOR SKINNY GUYS im just kidding but i love black nut and he killed it today with his porn hub shirt on hahahahaha first he did honmono which i dont rly kno because i been living in a cave for so long and then it was silky bois like BOIIIIII HE DID THE AUTOTUNE THING LIKE HE SANG IT but it was good and hes the only one that was all smiley throughout the concert and remember he always used to wear sunglasses but like no sunglasses today and like... he was the best eye contacter :’) omggg so cute and then he did 100 like kill all of em i was screaming
then it was bill stax OK LIKE I KNEW NONE OF HIS SONGS IM SORRY BUT I FORGOT HIS NAME CHANGED TOO RIP :’( I NEED TO BE GONE FROM THIS WORLD and then we did giddiyup? like that song with the horse with c jamm and nochang it was lit because that’s like an old song and everyone knows that EXCEPT NO ONE SCREAMED  수컷말쉿 except me like WHERE ARE YALL but anyway... then it was c jamm he did know and puzzle which was like... idk those songs... i really need to get on my game maaaaneeesss
and then swings was being v soft today and was like this is for the ladies and did 듣고있어? and some other SONG THAT I DON’T REALLY KNOW THE NAME OF BUT THOSE WERE SWEET SONGS AND IT WAS NICE BECAUSE HE WAS BEING FUNNY WITH ALL HIS GESTURES LIKE KISSING FROM HIS HAND like where all this confidence come from i need some and then he did bulldozer which was #lit i kinda wish he did 양아치 or 괜찮아 but it didnt happen its ok
then it was da whole crew with sushi rain showers and carnival OMG WHEN CARNIVAL STARTED WITH GIRIBOY i cried ok i didn’t but i almost cried because just. like. IM HEARING IT LIVEEEE HELLO i was shook. and sushi was ok except they added some extra lyrics for the live i guess and i kinda didnt hear the lyrics and rain showers was lit as alwaaaaaays
they didnt really talk like esepcailly giriboy because i know he doesnt talk in general but its like in american so i guess he was done. i hope hes happy
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 13 -"Bang Voyage" - Mo
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Im upset, Bryce was like my closest friend and apparently I threw someone under the bus which I don't recall talking shit about anyone?
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Like what's even the point of having a heart to heart apologizing to me for lying if you're just gonna lie again like that's so fucking dumb y'all are dumb
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Im alone
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I feel so bad!!!!! This tribal is going to be so hard to clean up!!!! Now 3/4 INFPs are in jury. With my luck I'll be next. Gotta win that immunity tho! Oh my I'm so stressed. Thankfully the only person other than the Gal Pals and Ali T that I spoke to was Bryce, and now I can't talk to him!
And now Mo has gone awf in the tribe chat asking who he threw under the bus!!! YIKE!!!! AND NOW RUTHIE IS RESPONDING ADKFNJDAFKADS I love tea I love tea I love tea! Oh but now Abbey is fucked because she claimed the Mo vote was hers fadfkadj oh my god this post-tribal is going to be so messy. But the good thing is, with this vote, I didn't have to do any damage control among the others. Mo, Will, and Ruthie are all people I'm not close with and I don't have to explain myself to them. The others do. And I can sit back and watch while the others target one another. Here a nut, there a nut, everywhere a nut-nut!!! I hate myself for using the slang term nut but idk what else to say at this point!!! This is great for my game. :-) Hopefully we can get Mo out next!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
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Congrats to Emily for winning this game, since Abbey and Amanda Lynn decided to join the losing side. Like you really think that Rafael, Bryce, and Amanda G would vote for either of them? I mean... come on... really? Dumb. So dumb.
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Will lied, Ali T lied, Ruthie lied, Bryce was honest and now he's gone. Im sad that Will chose to trust 2 people who have previously lied to him and he was aware of it, rather than helping me and Bryce. I need that next immunity, or at least the idol.
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What the HECK just happened?  None of the girls are talking to me and I'm SURE AS HECK not going to talk to any of them first. I'm going to keep pretending I voted with them before and just go with it and maybe blow up a little that they did THIS if any of them try to confront me! I have to win immunity!
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Its gonna be nearly impossible for me to be around for all the post-tribal strategy that takes place right after tribal especially since it's already difficult for me to make tribal this week if I could at all. The plan seems to be: keep Ali voting with us and target Mo next. I still feel too out of the loop. ik Ruthie told me to just enjoy my vacation and not worry about it but like, the farther this game progresses the more important it is for me to stay active because I don't want to sit on the sidelines while the rest of my alliance strategizes and inactivity can make you a target (see: Will). I'm trying to be active but this time difference is....not helping at all
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YASSSSSSSSSS *spits drink* *dances hard* I thank god I have this idol this game had been a roller coaster and I'm so happy I have this I need to be smart about it tho I don't need to tell anyone, if I even tell Amanda Lynn and emily they might make me play it so YASSSSSSS YASSSSS I wanna be smart and not play it right away so I'm gonna and lie and say it's not in the 1300s but I'm shook I have it I'm legit dancing in circles it's surreal I think I can win this game now and do some damage
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So now that I've slept and calmed down I'd like to formally apologize for some of the uh... harsh things I may have said in  my previous recent confessionals. But at this point I think my ideal final three is me, Ruthie, and Ali, and I think that we could make it there. Because if Emily, Mo, or Francie get to the end they're gonna win plain and simple, I could maybe beat Mo but definitely not Emily and who knows about Francie. I don't know if I trust Amanda Lynn and Abbey enough to go to the end, plus they have the votes of the girls probably. This isn't to say that I could necessarily beat Ruthie or Ali for sure but I think I'd at least stand a chance against them. Unless I'm a total idiot and I'm being dragged along as a goat but we'll see about that.
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The thing I'm gonna miss most about this game is Ali's confessional thirst. Also I'm a flop at individual immunity challenges but I was better at challenges pre-merge alsjdbdbakakahska
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I swear to GOD there aren't any GOD FORSAKEN idols on this ISLAND!!! What the FUCK!!! I just want to find an idol. Come on my dudes. I just want one. I feel like the people in our idol hunting group are lying - I mean, I wouldn't tell them if I found it. So I don't blame them. But. I just... why can Amanda G find both her idols like so quickly and I have been searching,,,,,, EVERYWHERE and I can't find anything??? Like oh my god. I am frust-er-8-ted. I say it like that because three syllables isn't enough to convey my frustration. I need four. I want this immunity tonight but I really haven't been studying the symbols as much as I should. After I shower, I'm going to auditions, and I could possibly have down time then where I could just run through the symbols. If I can do it from memory right now it'd be like... plus sign, ..., smiley face, equals sign, multiplication sign, and a heart. I forget the second one. And I'm not sure if all of these are in the right spots of what I'm even supposed to do with them!!! I have a bad memory!!! But I'm excited for the comp nonetheless. I have fun doing these comps (but I have more fun when I win!!!). Hopefully I win my third immunity tonight!! If I don't, I'll expect some votes coming my way. May as well add on to that one vote I got two tribals ago, she's lonely. She needs friends. Much like I'm lonely because my friends are gone. Well, I voted one of them out. And the other was out of my control ... well we could've split the votes but we didn't because I didn't think we would need to lmao. Oops. So not really out of my control. But ANYWAYS! I'm hoping we can get Mo next! He seemed very shook when Bryce went home. Let make him shook-er!!!
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Ali held me at gunpoint and threatened my family so I would write this. But in all seriousness I'm glad that there was like an actual reason for Amanda Lynn and Abbey lying to me and I would like to (somewhat) redact my previous confessionals calling them dumb. I was bitter, you'd do it too. But I do think I could beat them at the end, and I definitely don't want to go down easy now. That could all change soon but we'll have to see I guess!
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I am so nervous about this comp!!! I just want to win. But I am doubtful I will win tonight :-/ ugh. I hope for the best! But will I get it? Doubtful. While I really want to win again, I also don't want to make my target bigger. But I like being immune... And I'm already a target so... The more I win the merrier? I don't know. Wish me luck anyhow.
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I'm next
I'm almost confident about the fact that i'm getting the boot tomorrow.
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That was embarrassing I'm usually so good at challenges but not memory ones lol I literally need Emily to stop winning because as soon as she loses she's gone unless she has an idol and then I'll be ready to die
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AHHHHHHHH idk what's more embarrassing, getting out on the third shape or being in that hangout with all the girls that turned on me last week! I still don't know what happened and I want to get to the bottom of it but at the same time URGH.
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but for real my reasoning is this: I didnt tell emily because she lied to me but I still trust her and Amanda lynn shes been upfront with everything with me, she might use it against me but im really happy I told her
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I'm going to have such a big head by the end of this game. I need to stop winning. But also I don't want to stop winning because it's FUN!!! I love it!!! I love not having to worry about going home at tribals. So cute. But I need to recognize that I will  lose sometime and I need to keep a leveled head. But right now I'm just going to celebrate!!! I'm so happy :-) and now I can try to get Mo out this round!!! Then Will probably. But then... final six. I need to get Amanda Lynn out before she goes too far. I need to figure out how I can do that. I'll probably need to convince Ali, Ruthie, and ... Francie? I think most people know that they can't beat Amanda Lynn in the end AND she's great at words and convincing people. It's not that I'm not confident in my game and wouldn't be hopeless next to her at tribal, but I think it would be better if I was not next to her. And it would be a great move on my part orchestrating her tribal. So we'll see how that goes. Anyways, I'm going to relax for the night and hope game talk doesn't start too terribly soon. And tomorrow I GET MY BRACES OFF PREPARE FOR A VIDEO CONFESSIONAL TALKING ABOUT GAME AND NO BRACES!!!! Yay!!!
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I feel worse about voting out Mo than just about anyone else in this game but everyone has to go at some point and he started acting acting shadier towards Emily and Amanda lately and whatnot. I am still going to vote him tonight I just feel really bad about it is all.
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Ugh I hate doing this but I'm sorry mo mo you're leaving unless you have an idol but I have an idol aswell lol 8th: Mo 7th: Will 6th: Francie 5th: Emily 4th: Amanda Lynn Final three with myself, Ruthie and Abbie I hope this happens pls god!
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Well this might be my last confessional. Who can never be sure?
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SO Amanda and I are on track for finals IF everything goes well. We've finally got an alliance with will that seems to be working! If everything goes well Amanda I and francie or Ali are gonna be at f3
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I'm really like not about to force a tie in the F8 vote that seems so unnecessary like why do we want things to be difficult? It would only be good for me to vote out Amanda Lynn in terms of a challenge threat, backstabbing her now would result in me burning a jury vote and losing a loyal ally I had in the game. If we're being honest I don't think I really have a chance to win against most of these people, but all I can hope for is that I get to the end with people who are less liked, since I basically controlled the pre-merge and saved my ass when I needed to most. But I'm not about to bring goats to the end, I want win fairly.
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Okay so I definitely should have been making confessionals throughout the round, because tribal is 90 minutes away and a lot has happened. So first, I apologized to Will. He was cool about it he’s fine. So I formed an alliance with him and Abbey and presented him a plan to get us 3 to the finals. And it kinda goes like this… First, we vote out Mo bc thats what everyone is looking to do anyway so dont rock the boat. Next, vote out Ruthie, but Will cannot vote with us. It needs to look like he is not voting with us so they don’t suspect we are together. Then at f6, we vote out Emily. Bc girl is too good at this game. She keeps winning immunity and she’s just genuinely good at this game. Then from there we pick off Ali and Francie. All of that is what I actually want to do up until the point we vote out Emily. After she goes, I planned to go to Ali and tell him why Emily had to go at f6, make up some lie about how her auction item was a Legacy Advantage that she would use at f5, and therefore she needed to go now. Then we take that opportunity to vote out Will. And then at f4 vote out Ali, so that its me, Abbey, and Francie in the f3. I feel like I could beat Abbey (sorry girl) and I feel like I could beat Francie, so that is the best case scenario. This seemed like a fool proof plan. BUT THEN. Freaking HURRICANE MO decided to blow through and start throwing my name around. So I’ve been in full panic mode for the last 2 hours bc I’m just starting to work with Will so idk how much I can trust him, and like… Emily is a smart girl. She’s got to know that at this moment, I’m her competition in the end bc I keep matching her in challenges. So I’m running around to like Ali asking for his idol (yeah, he has the idol and I’m the only one he told. So naturally, Abbey knows too), asking if people would go to rocks for me, point blank asking Emily if she’s flipping bc she and Francie have been talking about how they dont want to vote for Mo, and going to Ruthie for the first time since the Bryce vote and UGH. After 2 hours of panic, I still feel a little up in the air, but Ruthie is telling me she was going to vote for me but since I messaged her decided not to, and Emily is assuring me that she and Francie both are voting Mo, and blah blah. I’m having Ali play his spyglass anyway, but it looks like its gonna be 7-1 (I hope). I’m trying to trust my alliance… worst case? It ties, and Ali, Will, and Abbey all said they would go to rocks for me, and I’m hoping this last minute bonding between me and Ruthie would cause her to flip. In case I am voted out, I gave Abbey my auction item, which is to call any eliminated player. I was going to use it to call Ricky and apologize, but I can do that after the game, and if I am voted out, she can use it for something better. I just… really hope I survive this round.
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http://youtu.be/R48dONv4Qd8 http://youtu.be/SckQyWHrgkc
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If Amanda Lynn is trying to trick me again I'm going to throw my computer out the WINDOW. i mean i deserved being told the wrong way to vote once yes because of the Will thing but THEY DIDN'T KNOW I KEPT HIM I'M STILL SO SALTY, me being the bottom of the totem pole of girls? not cute.
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Bang Voyage
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LAST WORDS: That was so fun, I had such a blast and it honestly made my secluded summer much more exciting. I wanna say thank you to the hosts for having me and hopefully I'll be able to return one day on another season (Heroes Vs Villains) ANYWAYS. I made a bunch of new friends and I will continue to kick it and make puns with all of them.
Mo becomes the fifth member of the jury and the eighth placer of Survivor Athena: Azores
1 note · View note
elliotthezubat · 6 years
WE DID IT! WE MADE IT TO TRIPLE DIGIT! *insert flailing Kermit here*
in this installment, we start the dead apple plot (finally), and shura stuff
once again, thanks to @soul-dwelling for taking part in this long ass story/series and for being super awesome
 Lewin: "Not a bad group of students--really organized. Wish I was that good at that age..."
shura: i guess. so how's your living situash?
Lewin: "Messy! It's, like, as soon as I clean things up, it gets gross again and I can't find stuff."
shura: ^^;
Lewin: "You training that Pheles kid?"
shura: yeah, and i heard bon and rin visited your office again?
Lewin: "Yep, Bon visited." *smiles* "...Wait...Huh. Which one is Rin?"
shura: the one with the tail and the koma sword?
Lewin: "..." *holds up the Koma Sword*
shura: D8 WHERE DID YOU-
*there's a piece of furniture bouncing in the hallway*
shura: ._. um....
Rin: *from inside the furniture* "LET ME OUT OF THIS CURSED THING!"
Lewin: "..." *hands the sword to Shura* "Huh. I forgot one thing...Whoopsie."
shura: *sweatdrop*
Kafka: .\\\\. *staring at the floor, in front of a table at a cafe, with two cups of coffee in front of him* "So..." *mutter mumble mutter*
etta: hmm~ OuO~?
Kafka: "..." *staring down* "...Those shoes look comfortable." ("...IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN SAY?!")
etta: hmm? oh yeah! i got the mail ordered the other day ^^
Kafka: "Ah...It's a good purchase. You always have excellent fashion sense."
etta: *giggle* why thank you, franzy~ ^^
Kafka: "..." *smiles* "Have you thought of any new performances?"
Konro: "So, we're supposed to watch this thug?"
kabuki: i suppose so...
Mantis: -_-; "I liked it better when it was the two girls..."
kabuki: hmm? did you say something? ^^
Mantis: -_-# "I said 'Get me something to drink before my benefactor stops by.'"
*a bus stops, and four girls get off*
Mai: *looking around* "..."
Lina: "Okay...Let's plan.”
mio-chan: *tapping her foot*
Lina: "We are seeking the target. She'll likely go where someone her age can fit in..."
mio-chan: so we check everywhere then!
miyako: *nod*
Lina: "Hang on, Mio! We can prioritize which locations to survey first--"
Mio-chan: but what if she gets away, huh?!
Lina: "She won't, okay?!"
Miyako: O~O "L-Let's not yell, okay?"
mio-chan: *grumbles*
mai: i cant blame her for being angry, after what that bitch did to futaba...
Lina: "I know--and we will stop her. Let's consider first: at this time of day, where would a girl like her go?"
mai: hmmm...
Miyako: "...Somewhere for after school activities? Like a mall or a park?"
mai: that would be a good place to look.
mio-chan: i'll try and find the parks, maybe a cafe too.
Miyako: "O-Okay..." O~O;
Meme: "And this is one of the classrooms..."
*NOTers are milling about*
fani: i see....
Saria: *waves at Mio, Meme, and Fani* "Hello!"
mio: hey um.....sweater girl?
Saria: ^^; "I'm Saria! And you're the weapon Mio?"
mio: yeah, that's me.
Saria: "Neat! I'm a weapon, too!" *looks at Fani, smiles*
fani: !!! 7-7
Meme: "We're giving our, um, visitor a tour!" ^^;
Saria: "Neat! Where are you from?"
fani:.... elsewhere...
Saria: *nods* "My family's from Oregon..."
fani:....that's nice.
Saria: ^^; "Yeah...So, are you touring before enrolling?"
fani: e-eh?! O_O
Meme: "We're...just giving her a tour." ^^;
Rin: *shaking, with scratch and bite marks all over him* Q~Q "D-Damn that dresser..."
kyouko: *patching him up*
Rin: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I never want to see furniture ever again." *turns his head, looks at credenza* "..." Q______Q
kyouko: *sigh*....
Rin: "H-How has your day b-been?"
kyouko: same old...did you see yukio today?
Rin: *shakes his head* "Nah, he wasn't in class. Something about 'special training.'"
kyouko: ....
Rin: "I guess he'll be starving when he gets home."
Yukio: *standing on a balcony in an abandoned building, looking out at the city*
konekomaru: *working on something*
Shima: *leans...*
-seems to be a tutorial on how to program a smartphone app-
Shima: "That's looks confusing. What's it for?"
konekomaru: i'm trying to make an app to use photo recognition to identify demons and call up their death verses and weaknesses in battle, for those who arent as good at memorization. kind of like a pokedex.
Shima: "??? Can you give it a sexy woman's voice?"
konekomaru: -_-;;;
Bon: "Leave him alone, Shima..." *coming inside from the bathroom, rubbing his face with a towel* "It could be useful..."
konekomaru: ok-.....*double take* O_o ?!?!?!
Shima: "?! Stranger!" *knocks Bon in the head with his staff*
Bon: "OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!"
konekomaru: b-b-b-b-bon! y-y-yo-your hair!!!
Bon: -_-# "Yeah, I cut it and dyed it back..."
konekomaru: oh jeez....you startled us.... you even shaved the mustache...
Bon: "Yes, I did."
Shima: "...Good, 'cause you looked like a dirty old man--"
Paku: "??? Izumo? What's wrong?"
izumo: w-whaddaya mean?
Paku: "Well, suddenly you stood up straight, started sweating, and you're red. Do you have a fever?"
izumo: *voice crack* im just fine! im gonna shower good night!
Paku: "...Night? Watch the doors..."
mio-chan: *muttering*
tsukuyo: oh, hello.
mio-chan: who're you?
tsukasa: would you be interested in joining the wings of magius?
mio-chan: never heard of ya.
tsukuyo: we think you'd enjoy it.
mio-chan: i think i'll pass thanks, i have business to do anyway.
tsukasa: oh?
mio-chan: know anyone by the name 'sasa yuuki'?
tsukuyo:.....we may, what of it?
mio-chan: she killed one of my teammates, and we're here to take her out.
tsukuyo:.......i see.....*looks off behind her*
mio-chan: now if you excuse me, i'll just be going-
tsukuyo: we're afraid _you_ wont be going anywhere...
mio-chan: what do you mean by that?
???: "Hello~"
mio-chan: *freezes and looks behind her, eyes wide with fright*
Demongo: *griiiiiiiiiin*
mio-chan: !!!!! *opens her mouth to scream*
-one mio captured-
tsukasa: hmm, i suppose we'll just have to search for her friends then...
Justin: *looking at produce at a fruit stand*
komaki: *staaaaares*
miyuki: um.....why are we here? ^^;
komaki: he's the guy who was with those weird girls from yesterday.
Akira: *tapping something on her phone* "Um, why is he hanging out with girls? That seems...skeevy."
miyuki: you dont know that, maybe he could be one of _those_ kinds of guys? not that there's anything wrong with that, because there isnt...also i need new material for my fanfics-
komaki: guys! focus! he has info on why they're here, i know it!
Akira: -_-# *snaps a pic of Justin, pulls up an online search*
Justin: *looks up* *he's not wearing earbuds* "I can hear you."
komaki: OxO;;;
miyuki: EEP! >x<;;;
Akira: ._.;
Akira's phone: *DING*
Akira: *looks* "...Oh! He's a priest!"
miyuki: WE'RENOTSTALKERS!! >///<;;;
Justin: "...That is DWMA business."
komaki: DWMA, huh? oh yeah, i had my contracted officiated there.
Justin: ^^ "Then I'm surprised you don't get along better with Kirika. After all, you're all magical girls."
miyuki: oh, akira and i arent. ^^;;
Justin: "Oh? Sorry. I didn't mean to assume."
komaki: 7_7;
oriko: oh, there you are. ^^
Justin: *waves*
komaki:....?? (that blonde girl again.....)
oriko: ^^ hmm? oh, you're....um....
komaki: it's komaki.
oriko: right right. my name's oriko.
komaki: ?! wait, oriko? as in, oriko _mikuni_?!
Justin: "???"
Akira: "..." *taps DUN DUN DUN phone button*
oriko: i think that's right? i'm sorry, i've actually lost my memory, you see. but i've been getting better, little by little.
komaki:....is that why you're here? to remember?
oriko:....*she nods*
komaki:....i think i know where your house is...
Justin: "!!!"
oriko: really?
komaki: yeah...
oriko: oh that's wonderful!
Justin: "Which way?"
Akira: *pulling up a map on her phone*
Kanin: *waiting at the bus stop* "..."
amelia: *has a backpack* ......
Kanin: ^^ "Bringing plenty home for studying?"
amelia: mr barrett told me not to sleep in the school.
Kanin: "...Wait...You were...Oh, Amelia..."
amelia: as of right now, i'm pretty much homeless.
Kanin: "..." *shakes his head*
amelia: maybe i can sell the blanket and pillow and rent a hotel room for the night?
Kanin: "No! You can't do that! Not when...Not when..."
amelia: when i'm so young?
Kanin: "Not when...everyone deserves a home..."
{*there's a small wolf pup, shivering in bushes*}
{Pup: *shivers, tries to hide...*}
{Pup: *whimpering, small stomach growl*}
{???: *reaches out hand* it's alright, i wont harm you, little one...}
{-her voice seems like that of an old woman, but she sounds friendly enough-}
{Pup: "..." *sniffs*}
{???: *smiles*}
{Pup: "..." *lick*}
{???: *soft chuckle*}
{Pup: "..." *closes its eyes, lies down...and starts turning into--*}
{???: oh my...}
{*it's a baby, maybe 2 years old*}
{???: ....*picks him up* poor dear, are you alone?}
{Baby: "...M-Mama...gone..."}
{???: hmm....come along now, let's get you back home.}
{Baby: "??? Home?"}
{???: *she smiles* i'll look after you, child.}
{Baby: "..." *holds onto her*}
Kanin: "...You have a home."
Kanin: *pulls out his bus card and some dollar bills as the bus comes* "Come on. We're going home."
amelia: ?? we?
Kanin: *smiles* " 'We.'"
amelia:....*faint smile* ok....
Kanin: *smiles, leads her onto the bus*
jirou: *getting her room set up*
Jirou's Mother: "Hey, anything I'm missing for food and drinks?"
jirou: do we have popcorn?
Jirou's Mother: "Yeah--want it sweet or buttery?"
jirou: do we have movie theater popcorn?
Jirou's Mother: *nods* "On its way...How many you have visiting?"
jirou: just a few people, mostly the usual crew.
Jirou's Mother: "Mina?"
jirou: *nods and smiles*
Jirou' s mother: *smiles back* "Well, I'll get popping..."
*knock knock*
jirou: *goes to the door*
mina: we're heeeere!
momo: hello.
Kaminari: "Let's get things started!"
jirou: sweet ^^
Lina: *looking around* "..."
mai: see anything yet?
Lina: "No...Where is Mio?"
mai: ..... ????
tsukasa: good afternoon, girls. ^^
Lina: "..." *stares*
tsukuyo: so you're magical girls as well, yes?
Lina: "!!!"
tsukasa: have you heard of the wings of magius? they can grant you protection without the need of the DWMA.
mai: *aims her weapon at them* lina, i dont trust these two, they seem suspicious.
Death the Kid: Lina: *frowns, shaking her head slightly* "We have no business with you--go away."
tsukuyo: is that so?.....that's quite a shame.....maybe _this_ will convince you? *snaps fingers*
Demongo: *smiles*
mai: !!????! what the hell?!
Miyako: "M-Mio..."
mio-chan: ........*lunges at them*
Miyako: "?!!!" *blocks* "Mio, stop!"
Lina: "What did you do to our friend?!"
tsukuyo: oh, she's relatively fine. how about we offer you a deal; if you join the wings of magius, we'll release your friend back to normal.
Lina: "..." *takes her baton, shoves it at Tsukuyo*
tsukuyo: !!!
Lina: *electric blast*
tsukuyo: *screams*
tsukasa: TSUKUYO!! *playing her flute, causing music notes to manifest and attack lina*
Lina: *swings her baton, knocking as many away as she can*
tsukasa: *charges, attacking*
Lina: *blocks, taps it against Tsukasa's arm, trying to get away*
tsukasa: hn?
Lina: "Free our friend. NOW!"
tsukasa: if you want her free, then why not join the magius, as we asked of you?
Lina: "Not happening." *swings--a light shines around her, though...*
tsukasa: (her soul gem looks cloudy....and not the normal kind either.....is she perhaps....?)
kirika: .....
Komaki: "...So, what's this all to you, really?"
kirika: a way to help oriko regain her memories....
Komaki: "...That's a pretty close relationship..."
kirika: well, she's kind of my sister....*sigh* guess im gonna have to tell the story again, huh? well here goes. when i was really young, i didnt live with the best of families. my birth mother died giving birth to me, and my birth father was an abusive bastard. i was hit, yelled at, had my things destroyed again and again. i often found myself running away and hiding out in the subways. it was during one of those incidents that i met oriko. she got me some food and we kind of became friends after that. this kept up until i was about 8 or 9. my dad ended up dying in a car accident, and oriko's family took me in.
oriko:.....i think....i kind of remember that....
Komaki: "...Oh."
yuma: ....*pats kirika's shoulder*
kirika: i'm not asking for sympathy here =3= just stating the facts.
yuma: i know, but i can relate. *lifts up her bangs, revealing faded cigarette burns on her forehead* my mother used to abuse me a lot too.
Komaki: "?!!!"
yuma: when i was around 9, a kishin egg killed her and my dad, and i thought i would die too, but mr mifune saved me.
Komaki: (" 'Mifune'...")
yuma: he brought me to child services to locate my grandparents, but by then, they were too old and sickly to look after me, so mifune decided to take me in and i've been living with him ever since.
Komaki: "...Oh..."
kirika:....here it is....
-before them is an abandoned house-
oriko: .....
Lina: *swings*
tsukasa: *dodging* (it's darkening faster and faster....if she really becomes a wraith now, it'll be a problem....)
Lina: "You did this, you did this, YOU DID THIS!" *swing, swing, swing*
tsukasa: (looks like i dont have much choice..... *pulls a small orb from her pocket and smacks lina with it*
Lina: *chokes on her own breath, falling back* "Wh-Wha--"
-some kind of creature has now appeared before lina-
Lina: *fearful* "Wh-Wh..."
mai: ?!?!?! what the hell is that thing?!
tsukasa: *smiles* that, is the power of doppel.
Lina: *shudders* "St-Stop this. Stop this! I didn't--"
tsukasa: oh, this isnt a bad thing. it was either this or become a wraith, miss illegal contractor~
mai: ??!!!! what?! lina is this true?!
Lina: *silent...tears falling*
tsukasa: the power of doppel allows magical girls to weaponize their 'other self', their despair, their wraith
Lina: ...I just...wanted to spare her..."
mai: ??
Lina: "My mother...I didn't want her to remember...my sister Mana's death..."
Lina: "So...I'm this now." *smiles sadly, shivering* "It's not my fault...I did it for Mom...For Mana..."
tsukuyo: if tsukasa didnt use that orb on you, you would have become a wraith. that's the ultimate fate of illegal contractors......but it doesnt have to be.
Lina: "...What do you want..."
tsukuyo: the wings of magius can save illegal contractors and give this power to all magical girls. so, what do you say?
Lina: "..." *shaking* "It's not up to me..." *looks at the others*
mai:.....*looks at miyako*
Miyako: "...Will you release Mio?"
tsukuyo: as per our agreement, yes.
Miyako: "...Okay."
mai:....very well then....
Lina: *nods*
tsukuyo: i see. demongo, if you would please...
Demongo: *sigh* "Very well..." *takes the skull--and crushes it in his hand*
Miyako: "!!! Mio! Mio, calm down!!"
mai: she's fine!.....i think....
mio-chan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh...... huh? wha? what happened? *looking around* guys?
Miyako: "..." *hugs Mio*
mio-chan: O//O; m-miyako! jeez, i just had the freakiest nightmare of a shadow monster or something...
Demongo: *waves* "Hi~"
mio-chan:.......welp, goodnight. *faints, frothing at the mouth*
tsukasa:.......she's gonna be fine.......maybe......
Miyako: *holding her* O_O;
Demongo: .w.;
Lina: *frowns*
Spirit: "Eat up!"
Asher: "..." *picks at the food*
izumi: *noms* ... ?? you ok?
Asher: "...Yeah. Sorry. It's good." *nom* *looking out the window*
cassidy: thank you for inviting us over.
sachiko: oh, it's no trouble. ^^
Spirit: "The more, the merrier! Need a refill?"
Justin: *watches*
oriko: *looking around* ...... out in the garden....my mother planted such lovely roses...and there was a kennel where father raised rescued greyhounds.....
Justin: "..."
-the rooms of the mansion are dark and covered in a layer of dust and cobwebs....one room, the sitting room, has furniture knocked over-
oriko: and this is where-.....*she starts shaking* the....the yakuza.....
kirika: *fist tightening*
Justin: *sympathetic look, focused on Oriko*
oriko: they....they killed them....and....my head......ah....*she collapses to her knees, everything flashing before her before she breaks down screaming*
kirika: *hugs her*
Justin: "!!!" *hugs her as well*
kirika: im sorry....im sorry....im sorry.....
oriko: *sobbing*
Justin: "..."
kirika: i thought you died too.....and all i did was fucking run away.... please....please forgive me....
oriko: i-it's ok...im not mad at you....
Justin: "...Let's get you a seat..."
yuma: .......
Justin: *holds her hand*
oriko: .....*sniff*
Justin: *offers a tissue*
oriko: t-thank you....
Komaki: "..." *holding her axe*
???: ......so you've come back here after all this time, huh, mikuni?
oriko: !!?? a-aki?
Justin: " 'Aki'?"
oriko: she's the daughter of the yakuza group....
kirika:....*magical girl mode and lunges at aki* you BITCH!!!
aki: !!! *blocking*
Komaki: "Hey! Cut that out!"
aki: please, let me explain-
kirika: what the hell do _you_ have to explain?! because of your actions, you ruined our lives, our family, EVERYTHING! and for what? your own selfish gain!
aki: i understand that you're angry, but i had my reasons, and i can see how you may think im selfish, it was for my family's sake.
Komaki: *grabs Kirika* "Okay. How about you let her talk first?"
kirika: after what she did?! it's because of her that oriko's parents are dead, and that she even went into that coma in the first place!!
Justin: "Kirika, please, this isn't--"
aki: ...maybe if oriko's father didnt embezzle yakuza funds, this could have been avoided.....but i suppose you're right....i only wanted to punish hisaomi mikuni for his actions.....i never thought that oriko would get hurt as well....
kirika: WHY WOULD _YOU_ CARE?!
aki: oriko is....or was....my friend, and my classmate....after she was confirmed comatose, i felt so much guilt for what happened, and i just....i could barely live with myself....
kirika: oh dont go thinking you can go acting all innocent just to get off the damn hook!!
Komaki: "Will you shut up?!"
aki: do you even know _how_ she got out of her coma?!
kirika: ??? what are you trying to say?
aki:....it's the reason i made my wish to become a puella magi. i used my wish to give her a second chance at life. she awoke, but her mind was completely wiped, she couldnt even speak.....i left her in death city to protect her from her uncle.
Komaki: "..."
kirika: *brandishing claws* i'm going to fucking cut you into ribbons and make you feel every bit of pain we felt!
Komaki: *wrap her arms around Kirika*
kirika: h-HEY!! LET GO OF ME!!
kirika: HEY!!
*a bubble encases Kirika, floating up and attaching her to the ceiling*
aki:....i understand she's angry....i would be too in her position.....*hands komaki a small orb...the same kind the amanes had* give this to her later... *turns to leave*
oriko: aki, wait!
aki: .....
oriko: your actions were unfair to us....my parents are dead, i was left in a coma, and then i woke up unable to remember anything, and kirika was left alone....but despite all of that.... *tearful smile* i forgive you.
kirika: ???
aki:........i see......*flees*
Komaki: *sighs*
kirika: .......
yuma: um...miss komaki?
Komaki: "What."
yuma: i-i think you can let miss kirika go now.
Komaki: "...Oka--"
Justin: "On floor level."
Komaki: -_-# *slowly lowers her and releases the bubble*
kirika:.....i dont get it....
oriko: kirika-
kirika: how the hell can you just forgive her like that?! after everything she did?!
oriko:...i know you're angry with my decision, but i think it's better to forgive them if they cant forgive themselves.
kirika: w-what kind of logic is that?! y-you can be real frustrating, y-you know?! *sniffle* i was seriously so....i-i...i....*sniff, hic* *sobbing* YOU STUPID JERK! I-I WAS SO SCARED AND ALONE! *crying*
oriko: *hugs her* shh, it's ok...you can cry if you need to.....
Komaki: "..."
Justin: "..."
kirika: *hic* *awkward chuckle* look at us, faces all covered in tears and snot...hehe...so gross, huh?
oriko: ^^;
yuma: *offers tissues*
Justin: *small smile*
Komaki: >_>;
kirika: so...you really remember everything now?
oriko: *she nods*
Justin: *smiles, holding his hands together*
kirika: well....guess we can go home now....
oriko: *nods* we should probably get back to the hotel, it's getting late.
kirika: oh shit seriously?!
Komaki: "Gee, fun..." >_>;
kirika: you should probably run home so i dont have to use your phone to call your mom to pick you up again—
Komaki: *GLARE*
kirika:.... >->; shit.
Komaki: "Next time you act up like that, I'm knocking some sense into you..."
kirika: how old even are you?!
kirika: you didnt answer the question.
Komaki: >_>; "...15."
kirika: that makes me 4 years your senior.
Komaki: "...Jeez, you're hardly that much more mature--"
kirika: uuugh, you sound just like my brother, he's a major hardass like you. maybe you could be friends?
oriko: ^^;
Komaki: -_-# "How many siblings do you have?"
kirika: well, from my birth family, none, from oriko's family, just oriko, and from my current family, two older brothers and a baby sister.
Komaki: "...Then you better take care of them."
Yukio: *takes a deep breath* "...” *staring out at the city* "..." ("...I'm scared...but not as scared as before, when...Is it true that I'm a demon, too? ...I need to know...") *stands on the edge over the banister*
-looks like a long drop down...-
Yukio: ("...Either I'll die...or it'll happen again. Either way...This ends. I must...") *takes a step forward...* *leaps to his fall*
Yukio: *looks to be unconscious*
*flames start to go out, as Yukio lies on the cement*
Yukio: *groans...* *looks up...it's fuzzy without his glasses, which fell off and cracked*
*he sees the last of the flames*
Yukio: "!!! No!" *slams down a fist*
-his phone rings-
Yukio: "..." *answers* "Hello."
kyouko: yeah, where the heck are you?!
Yukio: "...Running an experiment at the lab."
kyouko: well, at least call us if you're going to be working late, it's just common courtesy!
Yukio: "I'm sorry!"
kyouko: *sigh* just....we worry about you...
Yukio: "...Okay. I'm leaving now."
kyouko: get home safe.
Yukio: *grabs his broken glasses* "I will. Thank you."
amelia: ....
Kanin: *opens the door, revealing a small living room with a couch and a credenza...and a blanket in the corner*
amelia: it's nice....
Kanin: ^^; "I know it's kind of small..." *hangs his keys on a hook next to the door*
*the credenza has photo frame, trophies, and framed certificates*
amelia: *examining*
*they look to be a mix of participation trophies, 1st place awards, and other prizes for spelling bees, basketball, honor roll, science fair...the photos show an older woman with Kanin as a child in both human and wolf form*
Kanin: "...You can take the bed. Let me just change the sheets..." *opens a closet, pulls out sheets and a blanket*
amelia: *sits on the couch with her backpack next to her*
Kanin: *making the bed, calls out from the bedroom* "Need the bathroom? There's new towels, soap, shampoo..."
amelia: where should i unpack?
Kanin: "Um...I guess the bedroom? The bottom drawer is empty."
amelia: ok then.
Kanin: "After that, I can heat up some dinner..."
amelia: ok.
Kanin: *finishes making the bed, walks to the kitchen* "Eggplant?"
amelia: ._.; eggplant?
Kanin: "Eggplant. I could grill it, serve it with some rice..."
Kanin: *smiles* "What do you like to eat?"
amelia: chicken salad.
Kanin: ^^; "I'm afraid I don't have chicken...I could make veggie-chicken salad?"
amelia:...i guess.
Walter: "...He's just been sitting there are an hour."
Tachihara: "Weird..."
higuchi: ?? what's up?
Kafka: *frozen in one spot with a dumb smile on his face*
higuchi: is....is he ok?
Gin: "He may be comatose. We should check..." *pulls out a needle weapon--*
pushkin: *sneaks up.....blows airhorn*
Walter: *covering his ears* >~<
Tachihara: "SHIT!"
Gin: "!"
higuchi: AGH!
Kafka: O_o *collapses, scurrying under the couch*
pushkin: job's done! ^^
Walter: "Hey, he's back to normal!" ^^
shiemi: *humming and watering plants*
Shiemi's Mother: "All set to watch the shop?"
shiemi: *nods*
Shiemi's Mother: *looks at the books* "..."
shiemi: ?? is something up?
Shiemi's Mother: "Shiemi...You aren't really going through with this exam, are you?"
shiemi: eh?
Shiemi's Mother: "It's just...so dangerous..."
shiemi: ....
unagi: .....so, this mission....
Rin: "Just stick with me--I'm an expert at this kind of stuff!"
unagi: *nods* ok.
Rin: "Just something nice and easy to get you started...No plant monsters or something."
kawanaka: ah, so you're the support exwires, eh? nice to meet you
Rin: "..." *staaaaaaaaaaare*
kawanaka: um....c-can i help you?
Rin: *holds up a finger to say 'wait’, as he dials a number on his phone* "...Yo, Old Man? I found your clone!"
Fujimoto: *shouting into the phone* "WAIT, WHAT?!"
kawanaka: um... ._.;;;
Rin: "Yeah, some young guy, called Kawanaka--"
Fujimoto: "..." *nervous laugh* "N-No, just a new exorcist..."
kawanaka: ._.;
unagi: um.....
kawanaka: aaaanyway, there's a house infested with coal tars that needs to be cleaned out.
Rin: "??? Why would the person want to keep something that infested?"
kawanaka: fan of old houses i guess....
Rin: *looks up the street* "...Is that house leaning to the right?"
unagi: ._.;;;
kawanaka: i'd love to stay and help, but duty calls elsewhere, good luck!
Rin: "Huh?! What, they overworking you this much?!"
unagi: ....mr okumura....
Rin: "??? Yeah?"
unagi: i know im not very experienced or strong but... i'll do my best!
Rin: "..." *smiles widely* "That's the spirit!" *holds out his fist*
kirika: *yaaaawn*....*sniffs* ??!!??! *steps out of the room* O^O
oriko: *making pancakes* good morning. ^^
Justin: *waves* "Sleep well?"
kirika: tired as hell, but are those pancakes?! like, the type your mom made?!
oriko: yes. justin and i decided to look around the mansion for anything i wanted, and i found mother's old recipe book. ^^ i'll probably transfer the recipes to a new book when we get back to death city.
kirika: *nom*.... QwQ
Justin: ^^ "Good, yes?"
kirika: some of the best pancakes ever.
Justin: "Oh, good."
yuma: so i guess we're going back home today?
Justin: "As soon as we finish packing."
stocking: *knocks on shura's door* miss shura? i'm here!....
*no answer at the door*
stocking: *knocks louder* miss shura??
*still no answer*
stocking: hmm..... *dials shura's house phone*
*the phone inside is ringing*
stocking: ......
*no other sounds from inside...*
stocking: hmm.... *flies to the other side of the building, where her balcony is* *tries the door*
*it opens*
stocking: *looking around* shura?? you home? it's just me, stocking! sorry for intruding like this!
stocking:....*looking around the rooms* hmmm.....
*looks like something on her printer*
stocking: ?? *examining it*
*it's a plane ticket reservation--destination: Aomori Airport, Japan*
stocking: .....*calling mephisto*
Mephisto: *answers* "Hello, sweetie~"
stocking: hey dad, say, did shura mention anything about going on a trip?                  
Mephisto: "??? No...."
-she explains what she found-
Mephisto: "Well, we can't have that--she didn't even put in for time off!"
stocking: i just hope that she's ok...
Mephisto: "Come back to the school, and let's go over the next steps..."
stocking: right, i'll be right over!
Kanin: *curled up--in wolf form--on the blanket in the living room corner*
amelia: *staring up at the bedroom ceiling*....
Kanin: *dog yawn* *smacks his lips, looks around* "..." *closes back his eyes, reverting to human form...stretches, pulls on a shirt he took off in the night*
amelia: ......*looking at the picture she put on the nightstand; of a younger amelia and a woman, presumably her mother.*
Kanin: *walks into the kitchen, takes out cereal bowls*
amelia:.....*getting changed*
Kanin: *pours some cereal and almond milk, then pours some glasses of orange juice*
amelia: good morning…
Kanin: "Morning! Sleep okay?"
amelia: it was nice.
Kanin: "That's good! I hope cereal's alright."
Chuuya: "Need any help?"
sonia: will you brush my hair, papa?
Chuuya: "Happy to!" *takes the brush* "Have a seat."
sonia: *sitting down*
Chuuya: *carefully brushes* "Excited for today?"
sonia: i guess. is anything happening?
Chuuya: "I heard Kajii mention a new experiment..."
sonia: i see.
Chuuya: "...Did you want to do something special after school?"
sonia: i dont know...
Chuuya: "We could take a walk..."
Chuuya: *sad smile, as he continues brushing*
fani: ......
Lord Death: "So we will be dropping security on you."
fani: ..........
Lord Death: "You'll remain in the overnight room...Anything you want added? Maybe a stereo?"
fani: .......some blankets would be nice.
Lord Death: "Can do! I have some here--" *reaches into his sleeve--pulling out a pink unicorn blanket*
fani: ...............
Meme: ._.; "Um, sir? Maybe Fani also would like some activities to keep her busy?"
Lord Death: "Oh?"
fani: like what?
Meme: "Maybe...classes or clubs?"
fani: you mean...enrolling me as a student?
Meme: *nods*
Lord Death: "Well...Give it some time! Maybe a walk around town would help."
fani:.....do you really trust me? for all _you_ know i could try and break lady liluye out.....
Lord Death: "Yep, you could!"
Meme: -_-; *behind Fani, doing a 'cut it out' gesture at her own neck*
fani: do you have proof that i wouldnt?
Lord Death: "Nope! But in times like these, I go with my gut."
Lord Death: "So, care to see one of our many parks?"
fani: ..........
Meme: "...Fani? I trust you..."
fani:.... 7_7
Lord Death: ^w^ "Yay! Now, you go out, you two..."
fani: .......
mio: um...hi fani?
Meme: ^^; "It's...a start..."
Tsukiyo: *standing guard* -^- "I totally got this..."
fang-hua: .....
Mantis: -_-;;;
Tsukiyo: "..." *small giggle*
fang-hua: ... someone's coming...
Tsukiyo: "R-Really--ha ha ha!" *doubled over, laughing*
Mantis: ._.;
*a sound of a match being struck*
fang-hua: .... *protective stance*
Joker: *somehow inside Mantis's cell* *puffs*
Tsukiyo: *giggling* "He-He got around me! I'm so disapp--HA HA HA!" TwT
fang-hua: tsukiyo? tsukiyo?! are you alright?!
Joker: "Not a problem--it's just what I'm smoking. Sorry for the secondhand..."
Tsukiyo: *shaking with laughter, growing quieter as she passes out...sleep giggling*
fang-hua: !!!!! *covers her mouth and nose*
Joker: "It tends to work on only certain fire people--otherwise Mantis here would be inconsolable."
Mantis: "...I don't know what that means."
fang-hua: ....what do you want?
Joker: "Could you ask Commander Benimaru to meet with us? We'll stay here to keep an eye on your comrade."
True Cross Tech: "If Shura didn't want to be found, she didn't do a good job: her phone's GPS was still on..."
Mephisto: "Hmm..."
seiya: what do we do now?
Mephisto: "What else--track her down."
stocking: .....i volunteer.
Mephisto: *claps* "Wunderbar! My assistant will get your flight booked..."
Amaimon: *hunting-and-pecking on a computer keyboard* "...Wait, I misspelled..."
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Mephisto: "Oh, and assemble a team for backup."
stocking: right.
Rin: *looks a bit worse for wear* ^^;
madoka: sounds like you've had a rough morning! but i'm glad you're alright.
shiemi: *patching him up* ^^;
Rin: "Heh--same! OWIE!"
unagi: im sorry i wasnt much help, mr okumura...
Rin: "??? What're you talking about? If you weren't there, I'd be more injured!"
unagi: .....i could barely lift the tanks myself...and i didnt know what to do....
Rin: "...Hey. Remember when I called the old man earlier?"
unagi: ??
Rin: "That's my dad--and he got injured protecting me."
unagi: !!!!!
madoka:.... *holding rin's hand*
Rin: *small squeeze* "He's...pretty messed up now. Not as fast, not as strong...And I don't want to let other people get hurt trying to protect me." *smiles at Unagi* "So, I think, 'I got to protect others'--because I never want to do that to someone else ever again!" *smiles*
unagi: ......mr okumura?......do you think i made the right choice? becoming an exorcist?
Rin: "..." *shrug* "Beats me. But it's worth trying to see if it works for you, right?"
shiemi: ......
unagi: i guess......but i think the reason i came here was.....because i wanted to be with you and the others again. you were all...my first friends.
Rin: "..." QwQ "D'aw! That's nice! ...But if that's the case, maybe think of your training as something to do to _protect_ friends?"
unagi: ....i guess so?
Rin: ^w^ "Okay, friend! I think you'll be a great exorcist!"
mai: so we're going to kamihama city?
tsukasa: that's right! we have a friend who will get you a place to stay~ ^^
tsukuyo: indeed. she got us our home and takes care of any expenses for us.
mio-chan: lucky you. =_=
Demongo: "What about sus-sus-sustenance?"
mio-chan:... Q_Q *hiding behind lina*
Lina: *her eyes look dead and unfocused* "..."
Miyako: "...This is not what I thought..."
tsukuyo: it'll all work out for the better, in due time.
tsukasa: in due time~! ^^
???: excuse me. you're part of the 'wings of magius' right?
Lina: "..."
tsukasa: why do you ask?
girl: *stands at attention* my name is chihana masumi! my friend, hikari ayano, was murdered by an individual known as 'the ripper', i'll be glad to join your cause if you help me find them!
Miyako: "??? Um...I mean..."
tsukuyo:....very well, we'll have the magius look into it.
Lina: (" 'The Magius'?")
-a girl with silver hair stares out over the city, before silently returning to the shadows-
Justin: *carrying down luggage*
kirika: so, you came to see us off, eh?
Komaki: -_-; "More like make sure you don't make trouble on your way out..."
kirika: *glare*
Justin: ^^; "How nice!" *hands luggage to Komaki* "You can help us load the vehicle*
Komaki: *buckles under the weight* O~O
yuma: ^^;
kirika: *sneer*
Komaki: *muttering*
Erika: "Excited to go home?"
kirika: i guess. feels so surreal, these past few days...
Komaki: *groans, dropping the luggage into the van* "What, your home not exciting enough?"
kirika: its not that, we live in death-freaking-city for crying out loud.
Komaki: -_-# "Surprised you can handle it on your own..."
kirika: >XP
Komaki: "..." *snatches Kirika's phone*
kirika: HEY! D8<
Komaki: *texts something on it to her phone* "Bam. Now you got my number." *tosses the phone back to Kirika*
kirika: ....why?
Komaki: >_>; "Given how I saw you handle things, you'd probably need help from a more capable magical girl..."
kirika: why yes, because i totally need help from a jr high school student.
Komaki: "Yes. Yes, you do."
oriko: oh right, you attend shirome academy, right?
Komaki: *ignoring Kirika* "Yeah, my sister starts there in the fall."
oriko: i was a student there a long time ago... *sad sigh*
kirika: ....
Komaki: "..." *nods* "It's...a good school."
Erika: *looking at Kirika* "..."
kirika: yeah, i lost an eye. the patch aint just for aesthetic...i mean, it _fits_ the aesthetic, but....you guys wanna see it?
Komaki: ._.; "WHY WOULD WE WANT--"
Erika: "I-I'm sorry--I didn't mean to stare..."
kirika: nah, it's all good. erika, im gonna warn you, its kinda freaky.
Erika: "O-Oh?"
kirika: *lifts up eyepatch, revealing the empty socket*
Erika: "...Oh..."
Komaki: "..."
kirika: it doesnt really hurt anymore. hell i hardly feel anything, but it freaks kid out a lot. kid's the name of my brother btw. but it freaks him out for way more skewered reasons.
Komaki: "What other reason would he need? It's freaky enough you're up for sharing this."
kirika: two things; one, he's a symmetry obsessed weirdo. and two, i've developed a numbness to fucked up shit like this over the years.
oriko: kirika....
Erika: "I'm so sorry."
kirika: hey, it's fine.
Komaki: >_>;;;
yuma: we should probably head back now.
kirika: right right... *hugs erika* you take care of yourself, ok?
Erika: .\\\\. "O-Okay?"
Komaki: "!!!"
kirika: and erika, you're a good person, ok? you've made mistakes, but you just got to pick yourself up and keep going. *thumbs up*
Erika: "O-Okay..." ^^
Asher: "Yo."
izumi: morning!
Asher: *sits* *looks at the front of the class* "...Why are there extra chairs down there at the podium?"
hibiki: i guess we're starting the mentorship program.
Zeke: "Sweet!"
Kanin: *walks into the classroom with Amelia*
amelia: good morning.
Duncan: "Oh, aren't you two chummy."
Kanin: "..." *sits next to Amelia*
genny: .....
Sid: *enters with other students, staff, and some non-DWMA members*
lukas: *whispers* who are those other people?
Saria: *whispers* "I don't know...I think that one's a Death Scythe...Not sure about the tall one..."
Black Star: *chatting with Soul and Kilik* "So, kids doing alright?"
Kanin: "..." *sniffs* "...!"
soul: yeah, they're doing good.
kilik: maybe one day i could bring fire and thunder over for a play date?
soul: im sure they'd like that. ^^
Black Star: "Probably better behaved than mine..."
Free: *arms folded, looking around--looking silly sitting in such a small chair*
soul: speaking of, arent those three some of yours?
naho: *in the student crowd, waving* ^^
lilac: ._.;;
Kazue: *suddenly in-between Axel and Zeke* *sign* <Hello.>
Sakuya: "..."
Black Star: ^^; *waves back*
genny: l-lots of people... ._.;;;;
Tezca: *sitting next to Free with Enrique* "So, when do we get paid for this?"
kirara: -_-;
esther: my my, quite a lot of students who signed up for this course. ^^
Patty: "Hello, fresh meat!" *waves* "Who's ready to learn about combat, mayhem, and bloodshed?!"
lukas: ._.;;;
genny: b-b-bloodshed?!
Zeke: *shiny eyes* "Those are the Thompsons, and that's Tezca Tlipoca, and that's--"
axel: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosfhjkalfjlnjk
hibiki: *chop* boys, chill.
Zeke: XwX
Sid: "Okay, let me introduce you to your mentors..."
Tezca: *waves* "Tezca Tlipoca, Death Scythe, awesomeness."
nygus: settle down you two.
Black Star: =_=#
Tezca: "You're lucky I didn't have Enrique throw something at you."
Free: *waves* "Free."
soul: nah, that's his name.
Free: *grunts*
Patty: "I'm Patty! And this is my big sis!"
liz: liz evans, pleased to meet you.
Sakuya: *looks at Kirara and Esther*
kirara: my name is Kirara Zukimura, and this is Esther Mortes.
esther: a pleasure to meet you all, dears ^^
kilik: kilik lunge, and these are thunder and fire.
fire: hel-
thunder: -lo....
Kanin: OwO;
naho: SO CUUUUTE! >w<
Duncan: "Tch. I'm cuter."
lei-lei: *PUNCHES DUNCAN IN THE FACE, not even looking at him*
Duncan: *down* X____X
Asher: *whispers to Izumi* "The Soul guy again..."
soul: .....*awkward wave to izumi*
izumi:... *awkward wave back*
Asher: "..."
Sid: *passes out sheets* "Here are your assigned mentors and groups..."
naho: owo oh genny! we're in a group together!
genny: yaaay. [#3 of things that give genny a heart attack; the concept of working in groups]
Black Star: *stares at his sheet* "..." *folds it up* "...CHANGE!!!"
Sid: -_-# "It's final."
Kazue: <I don't judge, especially when there's so little _to_ judge.>
Black Star: *ANGRISH*
tsubaki: ^^;
Kanin: *looking nervous at the names on his sheet* "..."
amelia: are you alright?
Kanin: "It's...just surprising."
Free: *looking silently at his own sheet* "..."
amelia: oh, seems im with kazue.
Kazue: <Hello.>
amelia: *nods*
Zeke: *vibrating happily*
axel: OwO
hibiki: mind my partners, they're a bit excited.
kilik: i can tell. ^^;
lei-lei: hey genny! genny! im on your team too!
genny: swell. .w.;;;
Saria: OwO;;;;;; "...H-How does he function with that in his head?"
lukas: that....looks painful....
Stein: "You get used to it."
Tezca: "We begin with a group hug!" *holds out his arms--and hugs only Enrique*
genny + naho + lei-lei + kirara: *sweatdrop*
Sid: "Instead of class today and tomorrow, you'll be meeting with your mentors for lessons they've designed, then going on weekend patrol and work with them."
students: yes sir!
Kanin: "..."
Free: "..."
Kanin and Free: "..." *sniff each other's behind*
genny: D8
Kanin: "...So...Which clan are you?"
Free: "Can't remember. You?"
Kanin: "Baileyi. You...kind of smell like the Ligoni?"
genny: ._.
Free: "...Huh....Well, let's go." *picks Duncan over his shoulder*
Duncan: X____X
Kanin: -_-; "I'm so glad Duncan was unconscious for that...So embarrassing..."
Rin: *walks into Mephisto's office* "Sorry I'm late--a house fell on me."
stocking: ._.
Yukio: "Hardly an excuse, Rin."
Mephisto: "Unless you're a witch~"
Rin: -_-#
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Rin: "So, what's up?" *takes a seat*
stocking: shura's gone MIA.
Rin: "?!! The hell?! She's not in town? Maybe at a bar..."
stocking: i found this in her apartment.
Rin: *looks* "Japan? Why'd she fly out there?"
Yukio: "Likely family there."
stocking: i guess, but i didnt see any particular family photos....
Mephisto: "Curious...Well, we can't have that. She didn't fill out her timecard, so, please fly to her location and retrieve her."
stocking: hmm...
Rin: "Sweet! We get to go on a plane again!"
Yukio: "Who is on this team?"
stocking: you two.
Yukio: *looks at Rin* "...Just us?"
Rin: -_-#
???: i'll….come too
Yukio: *turns to look*
gilda: i'd like to......be of some help......
Rin: "Hey, that's great!" *nudges Yukio* "See? Useful people!"
Yukio: -_-;
stocking: wait.........YOU CAN TALK?!?!
Rin: ._.;
gilda: *nods*....i dont.....usually.....have much to say.....
Mephisto: "Still waters run deep~"
gilda: ^^
Mephisto: *holds up tickets* "I made sure to have your flights booked. It includes 1 drink ticket for those who are of age."
stocking: will we need anything at all?
Mephisto: "Summer wear, I'm sure."
Yukio: *reviewing a map of Shura's path* "Good walking shoes..."
stocking: *checking up on aomori in the google search* huh, according to news articles, there's been a mysterious blizzard in the aomori area....weird.
Rin: "At this time of year?"
Mephisto: "Oooooo...So much for the swimsuits. Best find a parka."
Hot Spring Manager: "Welcome! Checking in?"
shura: yeah. surprising weather you've got...
Manager: "Great for business, though! And our accommodations are the best you're going to find! Comfy sheets, hot springs..."
shura: sake?
Manager: *nod* "Vintage ones available, too!"
shura: thank you~ ^^
Joker: *smiles* "Hello~"
Benimaru: "..." *nods to Fang-Hua* "Open the cell."
fang-hua:.....*opening it*
Joker: "Greetings. My subordinate came here to--"
Benimaru: *charges his fist--and slams it at Joker's face*
Joker: OwO;
fang-hua: !!! *picks up tsukiyo to get her to safety*
Tsukiyo: *hanging on in her sleep*
fang-hua: commander!!
*the wall to the jail cell is demolished--and the force of the blast knocks down 5 more walls in multiple buildings*
*the smoke clears, revealing Benimaru standing, his fist on fire...and Mantis curled up in the corner of the cell*
Mantis: Q_Q
Benimaru: "If you hurt my soldiers, I do not hesitate to kill."
*a sound of a lighter striking is behind Benimaru*
Joker: *appearing in the smoke behind Benimaru* *puts a lit cigarette into his mouth* "I knew you had some power--but I didn't expect to face it head-on. Lucky I can move fast..."
Benimaru: *turns, swings his fist again*
Joker: *dodges, doing a back-flip to land atop crates* "And I only seek the most powerful--"
Benimaru: *silent, kicking through the crates, splintering them, before he grabs Joker by the collar and flings him into another building--*
Joker: *lands on his feet against the building's wall, looks up...and sneers widely, before leaping forward to stand next to Benimaru*
Benimaru: "..."
Joker: "..." *holds his empty hands up* "Sorry. I didn't mean to cause damage."
Benimaru: "I'm the only one who caused damage here. My city, my buildings, my destruction."
Joker: "..." *looks behind him at Fang-Hua and Tsukiyo* "Is he always like this?"
fang-hua: ^-^; well....
fang-hua: *sweatdrop*
Benimaru: "All in good time."
Joker: QwQ;
Benimaru: "Why do you rely on crude hallucinogenic tricks and dodging?"
Joker: "Because...that's how a hero should behave."
Benimaru: "...You're no hero. You're that creepy old fart Kusakabe and others informed me about."
Joker: "...Wait, what? They weren't supposed to--"
Benimaru: "They told me. I know who you are. So, no surprises here. Get out." *turns around--*
Joker: O_O; "Th-That's not how this was supposed to go! Someone, convince him to talk with me!"
Mantis: "???" *looks around* "Who went 'ring'?"
-it seems to be coming from joker's phone-
Joker: -_-; "Damn it..." *flips open his phone...It has a Fire Raider superhero charm on it* "Hello."
ivy: i found the commander's residence. i can see his wife sleeping all pretty, how sickening.
Joker: "..." *smiles* "Very good. I'll be sure to tell him."
ivy: why not put me on speaker phone~?
Benimaru: "..." *turns* "What the hell..."
Joker: *taps speaker phone*
ivy: hello mr shinmon, you have a nice house, and quite a cute wife too, kirei, her name was? and rumor has it, you're expecting! oh it wooold be a shame if something were to happen to her~, she's fast asleep, she wouldnt even see it coming~
Tsukiyo: "!!!"
fang-hua: !!!!!!
Joker: "...I know, I know. Not 'heroic.' But, when you have dickwads like Endeavor running around, 'hero' is dragged through the mud, am I right?"
Benimaru: "..."
Tsukiyo: "How dare you--"
Benimaru: "TSUKIYO, NOT NOW!"
Tsukiyo: Q_Q;
fang-hua:.....what do you want?
Joker: "First, some drink, and a chance to talk."
fang-hua: if we hear you out, will you leave kirei alone?
Joker: "If Shinmon hears me out, I'll leave Kirei alone."
fang-hua:.....and that woman on the phone?
ivy:....*rolls eyes* fine fine, i'll leave her be....for now...
Joker: ^^ "See? I'm reasonable...Now, how about that drink, ma'am?" *winks at Tsukiyo*
Tsukiyo: -~- "Gross. Old geezer."
fang-hua: *sweatdrop* (i guess even tsukiyo has standards....)
Benimaru: -_- "Get him a drink. The cheapest we have."
Joker: "Now, let's sit--" *looks at the jail cell* "...You have an actual office? This place seems run-down."
Mantis: "...Can I leave now--"
Tsukiyo: *mallet smash*
Dabi: *looking at a photo board* "...This sucks. This one doesn't even have a person in it." *taps a photo of just a pair of gloves*
himiko: hmmmm, boring, boring, boring, oh she's cute, boring, *sees a picture of mineta*... ew.
Dabi: "No argument there..." *tosses a photo of Todoroki*
banshee: *examining a picture of eijiro* .....
{???: just you wait, sis! i'll be the greatest hero yet!}
banshee:.....*bites her lip*
Dabi: "So stupid...Shigaraki freaks out over All Might, freaks out over his kid or sidekick or whatever, then--Himiko, stop kissing that photo."
himiko: OwO wut?
Spinner: *looking at Banshee* "???"
banshee:... !!! i-i'm alright.
Dabi: -_-; "Sometimes I think I'm the only normal one here..." *rips up a photo of Endeavor...keeps ripping it up even after it's in tiny bits*
banshee: .....
Dabi: "Anyway, we found what he wants at the museum--just need to know when to go for it."
twice: right!.....what did he want again now?
Dabi: -_-; "It's a painting. Behind the painting is a message. It's like a game. So play along and FOCUS."
twice: oooh, cool!
Dabi: "Step 1: distract the guards. Step 2: switch the paintings. Step 3: sneak the painting out. ...Oh, and Step 0: turn off cameras."
Friz: "--and that's why I joined!"
Inka: *snoring*
Bee: ._.;
sasori: ....i.....see....
Friz: "So I have made it my mission to help my friend with...with...Bee, why did you join?"
Bee: "Outfits."
Friz: "Outfits!"
sasori: *sweatdrop* (i guess the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree....)
*in a snowy forest, a snake slithers over the field of whiteness*
kurome: *coloring*
Kurogiri: *cleaning the bar*
kurome: *holds up her picture; it's of them, and a woman...*
Kurogiri: *smiles* "That's...very nice, dear."
kurome: ^^
Kurogiri: "Where shall we place it?"
Asher: *sitting on the bus, looking around* "...This is how you get around too, huh?"
soul: till i get an actual car, yeah.
Asher: "...Same...in, like, 50 years."
izumi: ^^;
Asher: "How old are they?"
soul: one's 10, the other's 8. they lost their parents in a kishin attack, and i took them in...
Asher: " 'Kishin'?"
soul: yeah, one of the things you'll be fighting someday.
Asher: "..." *slight shiver*
izumi: *pats their shoulder*
Asher: "...Thanks." *weak small smile*
soul: here's our stop.
Asher: *stands and follows Soul*
izumi: (a school?)
becky: *waiting outside with damon*
soul: hey kiddos.
Damon: "Hi, Dad!"
soul: ^^ *picks him up*
izumi: um.....hello.
becky: ?? dad? who's that?
soul: oh, this is izumi and asher, the two students im mentoring, remember?
becky: ooooh.
Damon: *hides behind Soul*
Asher: "..." *wave*
izumi: it's ok, we wony hurt you, promise. ^^
Damon: "...Hello." >_>
Saria: ^^; "It's all kind of intimidating..."
Stein: *checking a specimen in a jar*
lukas: Q_Q;;;;;
Saria: "...So, Professor, you were a student here like us, right? What was it like?"
Stein: "A lot of fighting. Tried to vivisect my weapon partner." *looks at Lukas* "...You like vivisection?"
lukas: *shaking* Q______Q;;;;;;
Saria: "N-no, sir--we don't do that kind of thing. We just want to learn how to improve our meister-weapon relationship--"
Stein: "Aside from looking directly into the heart of your partner--"
Saria: .\\\\\.
Stein: "...I mean, the physical heart. Aside from that, meditation helps."
lukas: *gulp*
Saria: "We've done that. In class. With the candles already--although, that was for soul perception, not-"
Stein: -_-; "Fine. I'll wield you."
Saria: ._. "...No offense, sir, but you creep me right the H out."
lukas: (scarydoctorsscarydoctorsscarysoctors)
Stein: "...Well, could you categorize my screws, bolts, and wrenches?"
Black Star: "So...Amelia? Meister or weapon?"
amelia:...meister. i suppose.
Black Star: "Great! Now we'll make you a powerful meister by following my strict regiment--400 PUSHUPS!"
Kazue: <That'll kill most people.>
amelia: i shall do my best.
Black Star: "THAT IS THE SPIRIT!!!!!"
Kazue: <...>
Black Star: "And you too, Harpo!"
Kazue: -_-; *begins*
Patty: "HELL YEAH!"
Yafeu: "HELL YEAH!"
liz: ^^; they're getting along well.
preston: indeed they ahr.
Patty: "Now, let's talk target practice." *hands Yafeu and Preston straws and rolled bits of paper* "Aim for the target, and blow that paper spitball!"
Kid: *tied to a wall, blindfolded* "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!"
Free: "Hello, kiddo!"
milia: papa! *HUG*
Free: *picks her up*
Kanin: "..." ("A witch?")
milia: *giggles*
eruka: ^^
Duncan: "What a weird outfit."
eruka: wow rude. =3=
Kanin: "He's...like that."
Duncan: "What are you, some magical girl?"
eruka: i'm a witch, thank you very much.
Duncan: "!!! They let you live here, not kill you?"
eruka: well, there's a long story to that, but yeah, there are a few witches who live here.
Duncan: "After the awful things witches have done, like that Medusa Gorgon, I'm surprised."
Free: >_>;
Kanin: ^^; "Miss Milia, how's school?"
milia: ??
Free: "Well...We're, um, working on that?"
Kanin: "???"
Joker: *sips sake* "...Hm. Not bad..."
Benimaru: "..."
kabuki: ._.;
Joker: "Now, onto business: I sent my man here because I heard the Church of the Holy Sun was giving you lot trouble."
Benimaru: "Hmph. Nothing we cannot handle."
Joker: "You think they'll stop at just sending some meddlesome priests to knock over noodle bowls? I know how they operate--and it's only going to get worse for you."
kabuki: worse how?
Joker: "Have you considered the logical conclusion? A religion, that sees itself as the one true religion...What do you think they _do_ when they have enough power to make sure other religions--smaller religions--are quashed?"
kabuki: .......
Benimaru: "There's not one religion in this city--you're just trying to scare us into helping you."
Joker: "Fundamentalists are nothing to sneeze at--I would know. Especially when they have Lord Death's ear. And they are operating a black ops mission to destroy your shrine."
kabuki: !!!
Benimaru: "You lie."
Joker: *looks* "Have I given you any reason to think I am tricking you? After all, I _was_ Holy Sun black ops."
kabuki: ?!?!
fang-hua: ?!?
Benimaru: "...I need proof."
Joker: *smiles* "Follow me to see it."
fang-hua: ....commander-
Benimaru: "When?"
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: *looking around*
Chuuya: "Not too hot out."
sonia: *nods*
Chuuya: "...Ever see rainbows when water pours out?"
sonia: ...sometimes.
Chuuya: "We could try it when watering the garden..."
sonia: ok. uncle kajii said it was something to do with how light reflects off the water...
Chuuya: "Yes--the water acts like a prism..."
sonia: ah...
Chuuya: "Like when the light comes through the window in different colors--and Mito pats at it on the carpet."
sonia: *small giggle*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Maybe we could make a light prism for the window..."
sonia: that would be nice.
Chuuya: "I'll add it to the shopping list."
Fujimoto: "...So, she finally ran off, huh?"
kyouko: what do you mean?
Fujimoto: *sigh* "I was hoping she would wise up--she was always so stubborn...When she was young, Shura was put into my care for training. But she had a death wish."
kyouko: ??
{A young priest is walking through a mountainous village, bundled up}
{Fujimoto: *shivers, bundled up* "How do you all deal with this cold?"}
{priest: <mr fujimoto, thank you for coming here on such short notice>}
{Fujimoto: *pulls out a cigarette* <Explain this to me again--you think it's a Baba Yaga?>}
{priest: *nods* <it's highly likely, but the villagers are too afraid to investigate further...>}
{Fujimoto: <I see...Well, thanks for letting me know where it strikes. We'll wait here for it to pop up, assuming it comes.>}
{-a figure suddenly appears, cackling-}
{Fujimoto: <I see...I'll handle this.> *from his backpack, pulls out a bazooka, aims--*}
{???: OxO}
{*it was a holy water cannonball*}
{Fujimoto: "...Nuts." <I was hoping they would fall closer. That's going to be a long walk up the mountain...Hope that thing doesn't wake up any time soon...>}
{Fujimoto: "..." *picks up the child he hit with the water cannon with her own scabbard...she's soaking wet*}
{girl: *shivering* <OI OI! LET GO-A-ME!> >3<# }
{Fujimoto: "???" <Japanese? So, not a Baba Yaga...Ugly enough to be Asura--just not sure which Asura, there's like five of them...>}
{Fujimoto: <Not until you return what you stole, brat. I don't-- ...> *looks down* "...Why does my shadow have _four_ heads?"}
{girl: !!!!}
{Fujimoto: *carries the child away* "Damn! What the hell is that thing?"}
{???: <the girl is OURS!>}
{Fujimoto: <Really, now...> *tosses the child away* <Go fetch!>}
{girl: AIIIIEE!!!!}
{Fujimoto: <Sword won't work...Gotta do this low-key...> *aims the bazooka--fires*}
{girl: !!!!!}
{Fujimoto: *fast recitation* <God Ninoyaginayawo, I ask of thee, exorcise, purify--QUEEL THE GOD OF MISFORTUNE!>}
{girl: .....}
{Fujimoto: <...> *rubs his shoulder* "Ow..." <I can't deal with these things--I'll be old before I'm retired...> *glances* <...The hell you looking at, Asura?>}
{Fujimoto: -_-; <I have 2 kids to deal with already--do I look like I'm made of money?>}
{girl: <hachirou, can he teach me how to do that thing?! pleeeeeeeeeeease?!>}
{???: <that weapon....what was that?>}
{Fujimoto: "...'Bazūka.'"}
{???: <strange....it's the first i have heard of this....>}
{Fujimoto: <I could show you again.> *aims*}
{???: .....<child, it seems this human has knowledge beyond ours. learn from him, then come back once you've gathered as much knowledge as you can.>}
{Fujimoto: "?!!! Wait! I didn't agree to this!"}
kyouko: so you kind of adopted her?
Fujimoto: "Yep...So, was raising Rin and Yukio as babies while dealing with a 9- or 10-year-old who was great at the sword but raised like a neanderthal."
kyouko: that sure had to be fun. ^^;
Fujimoto: *nods* "She had little impulse control. Always had seconds, always had snacks and desserts, over-partied, over-drank...over-studied."
kyouko: ....
Fujimoto: "...I'm scared whether she's burning herself out to die young...or whether she's coming back this time."
kyouko: hmm.....
???: "So, that's how it is."
kyouko: !!!
stocking: sorry for the intrusion.
Rin: -_-; "Why don't _I_ remember Shura hanging around here?"
Yukio: "You were little when she moved to the True Cross dorms--and you weren't studying with her."
Fujimoto: "...Well, now you know."
stocking: so, this demon....
Fujimoto: "A hydra named Hachiro, found around the Aomori Prefecture, near Lake Lowada."
stocking: i see. do you think it could have something to do with the weird blizzard?
Fujimoto: *shakes his head* "Hydras like Hachiro regenerate--that's most of their power. He just stands out because he also can generate swords from his body. But weather manipulation? Not his forte."
stocking: hmm, then maybe it's something else? like a yuki onna?
Yukio: "Possibly...I don't know why one would collaborate with a hydra, though."
kyouko: then again, they could be separate incidents altogether.
Rin: ._. "...'Yukio Na'?"
Yukio: *Yuki-Chop with a fieldbook* "Read."
Rin: -3-#
stocking: let's see. 'yuki onna', also known as 'snow lady', are a type of youkai native to japan, but have been spotted in other regions such as canada, the artic, and russia. they typically inhabit cold, frigid areas and are highly active during the winter, but hibernate during the summer.
Rin: "Well, that's helpful for my exams--but what is she, an insomniac?"
kyouko: your guess is as good as mine.
Yukio: "Let's stock up on items we'll need for these classes of demon."
stocking: right.
Justin: *driving*
yuma: *asleep*
Justin: *light smile, looking at the road signs* "Just a little further..."
oriko: *nods*
Justin: "...Is there anywhere we should stop first? I know it's late..."
oriko: maybe some dinner might be nice.
Justin: "Plenty of options...Fast food or something healthier?"
oriko: i think there was a family restaurant on the way back.
Justin: "You got it." *smiles*
oriko:...*slightly resting on his shoulder*
Justin: .\\\\. "..." *slight nod*
Kid: -~-
stocking: im back- ....
Kid: Q_Q "...Hello."
stocking: oh my. ^^; need help, hun?
Kid: *nod nod* "I-I blame target practice..."
stocking: ^^ *helping him out*
Kid: "Th-Thank you...How was your day?"
stocking: well, i got a mission to aomori.
Kid: "??? Oh? When do you leave?"
stocking: first thing tomorrow morning.
Kid: "So soon...Do you need help?"
stocking: a little bit to get the supplies i'll need.... *hug*
Kid: =\\\\= *hug* "Be safe."
Saria: *walking home from Patchwork* Q_Q "...I am traumatized for life..."
lukas: scary doctors.....scary....
Saria: "A-At least we survived it...R-Right?" *holds his hands*
lukas: y-y-yeah.... .///.;;;
Saria: "... ... ..." O\\\\O; "D-Dr Stein sa-said that s-s-s-sometimes meisters and weapons resonate better b-by phy-physical contact...Like handholding?"
lukas: i guess.... .///////.;;;
Saria: "...Is this weird? It's weird. It's weird, isn't it? I'm sorry--I-I just wanted to, and Dr. Stein said, and your hands are soft--"
lukas:.... .////////.
Saria: .\\\\. "...I have to go east to get home..."
lukas: good luck!
Saria: "You too good night--" *walks fast--still holding his hand*
lukas:... ./////.;;;
Kanin: *sets down chicken salad*
amelia: thank you for the food. *nom*
Kanin: *smiles* "Anything we should add to your room?" *nom on eggplant*
amelia: i dont really require much.
Kanin: "You sure? Bathroom, food, anything to charge your phone?"
amelia: ....i thought you meant in terms of decor.
Kanin: "Well, that too. Is there anything missing for your stay?"
Kanin: ^^; "Any music you like?"
Sakuya: "How'd your mentee experience go today?"
naho: pretty interesting i guess.
Sakuya: *nods* "Esther and Kirara had a lot to say about missions...What about you, Lilac?"
lilac: i-it was.....ok....miss esther's kind of.....s-scary....
Sakuya: "??? Really? How so?"
lilac: ... Q__Q;;;;; scary...scary.....*shaking*
naho: do you want your blanket, lila?
lilac: *NODS*
Sakuya: "...Sorry." *hands Lilac the blanket*
lilac *breathing a bit more easily*
fani:....lady liluye? are you there?
Liluye: "Fani? Fani, is that you?"
fani: it's me...
Liluye: "Oh, thank goodness...Did you escape?"
-she explains everything-
fani:....im scared, lady liluye....
Liluye: "Be not afraid...This is not the end of us."
fani: .....these humans....they're trying to get me to trust them, especially that meme girl....i feel....conflicted....
Liluye: "This is how they deceive. You know what they are capable of--and what they can do, especially their weapons."
Liluye: "Just wait. I'll let you know when I'm ready...Until then, please, survive."
Liluye: "..." *reaches her hand out through the barred window*
*footsteps are heard*
fani: !!! *squirrel mode and flees*
Liluye: *hand held out...slow brings it back, closes her fist*
Guard: *shines a flashlight* "..."
Benimaru: "..."
Joker: "..." *presses a hand down on the bed* "Not very comfortable. You let all your prisoners sleep in such shabby conditions?"
Benimaru: "We don't usually take prisoners--we execute them."
fang-hua: ._.
ivy: .x.
Mantis: .~.;;;
Benimaru: "Kabuki, Tsukiyo, stand guard." *exits*
fang-hua: sir, wait up!
Benimaru: *still walking*
fang-hua: *jogging up to him* sir!!
Benimaru: *turns...he looks furious*
fang-hua: !!!
Benimaru: "This cannot stand."
fang-hua: i understand that you're upset, sir.
Benimaru: "You're damn right I'm upset--the Sun Church can't control its priests, some lunatic threatens my family and my home--and where the hell are the other brigades to manage this mess and keep it out of my home?"
fang-hua: .....
Benimaru: "..." *points at the prison* "What kind of person comes here, trying to blackmail me for help? What is their goal?"
fang-hua: ....im not sure, sir....
Benimaru: "..." *sighs* "Neither do I...If we tell the Eighth, then they'll tell the First..."
fang-hua:....then i suppose we'll have to handle this ourselves...
Benimaru: "..." *nods* "Just...keep this between us only."
fang-hua: you have my word, sir.
zhanna: *sitting in the chair in her hotel room* ahhh.... <nice and comfy...> ...... <better review my notes for tomorrow...> *examining files* hmm...... *levitating the newspaper over to her*
*headlines: "Fitzgerald donates $2 million to rebuilding efforts; rumors continue about organized crime connections" " 'Maze of Kirby' on display at Death City Museum"*
zhanna: hmm.
*headline: "Ability user suicides in double digits; newest case in Houston*
zhanna:..... *sigh* (aleksey, please be ok wherever you are...)
pushkin: you sure about this tachi?
Tachihara: "Sure I'm sure! Just hold that giant rubberband!"
Walter: *recording on phone* "Do it for history!"
Motojiro: "Do it for science!"
Q: try not to get killed~ ^^
pushkin: um....i may be having second thoughts-
Tachihara: "RELEASE!" *slams an axe through the rubberband holding the office chair back*
pushkin: oooow, my pancreas... TT~TT
Tachihara: @~@
Walter: "...Wait, I didn't hit record..."
Yumi: *standing outside* "..."
-a car is pulling up now-
Gopher: OwO
kirika: im home.
Gopher: "Yes, you are!" >w<
Yumi: "How are you? How did it go?"
kirika: it went well...
Yumi: "..." *hug*
Yumi: *strokes her back*
Gopher: *hug*
kirika:....im gonna go to bed now....
Yumi: "Okay..."
Gopher: "..."
banshee: *walking*
Guard: *looking at security cameras*
banshee: *walks to front guard* um, excuse me, can you give me directions to this park? *points to a map*
Guard: "???" *looks at the map* "Yeah, you're going the wrong way...You want to head back, then make a right--"
banshee: i see, sorry, im new in town. ^^;
Guard: "Happens to the best of us." *smiles*
banshee: say, do you have any places you'd recommend i'd visit?
Mustard: *pops up at the guard station, out of view of the guard...plugs a USB into the monitor, causing the monitors to blink before they start looping the same past 45 minutes of footage...*
Guard: "Well, the museum is closed, but there is a theater nearby--think they got some classy Shakespeare or something."
Dabi: "Careful--don't drop it."
himiko: i knoooow.
Twice: "Never fear, for I am always careful. OH NO, IT'S SLIPPING!"
himiko: OxO;;
Dabi: *leading the way, not even looking back at this trainwreck* "It's that one, on the wall."
*the painting shows a maze-like structure, with an odd mess of dots along its background*
himiko: ooooooooh.
Dabi: *glances the sides of the glass frame around the painting* "Hmm...Need something to loosen the sides--"
himiko: it looks like pacman! *holds up a screwdriver*
Dabi: "Hang on..." *attaches a device to the wall--which blinks, as infared lights around the glass frame turn off* "Okay, so ahead."
himiko: *prying the sides*
Twice: *holding the painting* "Right, I know what to do! WHY ARE WE HERE?"
Dabi: "Slide the fake through on the right while I pull the original out through the left..."
Twice: "Right! LEFT?"
Dabi: *death glare*
himiko: *thumbs up*
Twice: ._.; *follows instructions*
Dabi: *slides the painting out* "We're done..."
himiko: pshh, that was easy!
Dabi: *looks back as a warp gate appears*
himiko: yay! ^^
Twice: "Onward!" *takes the original painting, moonwalking backwards into the gate*
Dabi: "Himiko, go through--I'm covering..."
himiko: *skips on through*
Dabi: *looks behind* "..." *into an earpiece* "Mission accomplished. Depart." *goes through the gate*
Mustard: *behind the guard, still out of view, gives the signal*
banshee: well, i should be going now, ta-tah~
Guard: "Okay--enjoy your visit to Death City!" *waves*
banshee: ^^ *walking away*
Mustard: *pulls the device before leaving*
Guard: *turns back to the monitors, just missing view of Mustard*
Saria: *hugging a pillow* =_=;
saria's dad: feeling alright, bugbear?
Saria: "Hmm...I had a weird day at school, Dad..."
saria's dad: how so?
Saria: "Well, Lukas and I were assigned to a teacher for a mentor program...He's a little strange."
saria's dad: *listening as he makes some hot cocoa*
Saria: "He seems...kind of crazy? I know that's mean to say..."
saria's dad: who did you get?
Saria: "Dr. Franken Stein..."
saria's dad: oh him. i've heard about him on the news. i hear he's quite brilliant, if a tad eccentric.
Saria: " 'Eccentric' is a screw in the head?"
Mori: "Zzz..." *small whine*
{elise: ......}
{Mori: "...Elise? It's you..." *wiping his eyes*}
{elise:.......come find me.}
{Mori: " 'Find me'? How can I..."}
{elise: come find me, rintarou. i'm in the city.}
{Mori: "City? Death City? I'm already here!"}
{elise: no....im in the city itself}
Mori: *his eyes break open* "..." *he tosses the sheets away* "..." *he looks at the sheets, the door, the chair--* "..."
kirika: *whine*
Yumi: "Are you okay?" *rests a hand on her forehead*
kirika: im sick as shit, how do you think i am? =~= my head's on fireeee......
Yumi: "...Lie down and rest. I'm getting you medicine, a cold cloth, and water--then I'm calling a doctor."
kirika: *grunts and shuffles under the blanket*
Kid: "Stay bundled up--and be well armed: hydras are manipulative but respond well to swords."
stocking: we will. *smooch*
Kid: =\\\\= "Please be safe..."
stocking: always am.
Yukio: "..." *grabs his bag*
Rin: ^^; "Should be fun, though--get to travel!"
gilda: ^^
Fujimoto: "Please...bring Shura back."
Mephisto: "Yes, indeed--she needs to fill out her time card."
stocking: =_= have you no concern for her wellbeing?
Mephisto: "I am concerned--if she's dead, I'm out another teacher."
kyouko: if you guys get hurt, im coming over there and kicking your asses, ya hear?!
Rin: "I'd like to see that..." *fist bumps Kyouko*
kyouko: you're on.
felisia: ^^; anyway, i made scarves for you all that should protect you from the cold. ^^
Rin: "Thank you, ma'am!"
stocking: sweet! thanks mom!
Yukio: "...Thank you."
atsushi: *walking around town* ok, that should be everything now-
*it's a text alert on his phone*
atsushi: ._.; (WHEN DID I GET THAT RINGTONE?!) *opens it*
Lucy: [u needed a better ringtone so you actually HEAR IT FOR ONCE]
atsushi: ^^; [thanks lucy] (i think. ^^; )
Lucy: [you're very welcome <3 ]
atsushi: [no prob, brb kunikida texting] *checks*
atsushi: *sigh* oh boy. -_-;
-and so-
Dazai: *sitting atop a tombstone* "..."
{odasaku: listen. You once said that “If you immerse yourself in a world of violence and blood, perhaps you would be able to find a reason to live on.” …}
{Dazai: “…Yes. But that sort of thing now–”}
{odasaku: you wont find it. You should know this yourself. No matter whether you’re on the side of killing people or saving people, there will never be anything that can surpass your mind. There is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness. You will linger in the darkness forever.}
{Dazai: “…” *holds Odasaku’s hand* “…What should I do?”}
{odasaku: …be on the side that saves people. if both are the same, then be a good person. save those who are weak, protect those who are orphaned. good and evil have no real meaning to you, but doing that would be better. }
{Dazai: “H-How can you know this?”}
{odasaku: I know better than anyone else….*smiles* because i’m your friend, osamu.}
Dazai: "..." *smiles broadly, waves* "Hello~"
atsushi: i figured i'd find you here...so, who's buried here? someone you loved perhaps?
Dazai: "...Let’s say, if it was an attractive lady, I would have committed to a double suicide with her."
atsushi: *sweatdrop* of course you would. -_-;
Dazai: *taps the tombstone* "This is the grave of Odasaku. Thanks to him, I quit the Mafia. If not for him, I would still be killing people for them. Instead, now I'm with the Agency--and, let me guess, Kunikida sent you to find me."
atsushi: yeah, he said there's an important meeting-
Dazai: "PASS."
atsushi: EH?! b-but daza-
Dazai: "I recently discovered a brand new method of suicide--and I'm excited to see where it takes me!"
atsushi: *siiigh* (odasaku, do you think you can possess me and convince him?)
odasaku: sorry, but that's not on my job description.
atsushi: -_-; (some guardian spirit _you_ are.)
odasaku: *shrug*
Ivan: *pushing a breakfast cart through the hall* ^w^
elizaveta: *peeeeek*
Ivan: "Hello~ Care for a muffin?"
elizaveta: *nods* ^^
Ivan: "One chocolate chip muffin!" *sets it on a plate*
elizaveta: *nom* yum! ^^
Ivan: *knocks on Yana's door* <Young Master, yummy breakfast!>
Ivan: ^w^; <Young Master?> *knocks again*
-no reply-
Ivan: "Yana?" *tries the doorknob--*
Ivan: "..."
elizaveta: maybe she's sick?
Ivan: "Perhaps..." *shakes the knob*
-no response-
Ivan: *looking worried* "...With Master out...it's up to me!"
Kunikida: -_-# "...You have to be kidding me..."
atsushi: yeah. *sigh*
Kunikida: "A man expecting a child, with his priorities so out of order, has no business calling himself a man..."
atsushi: *sweatdrop*
yosano: dont we have a meeting to discuss?
Kunikida: "Yes, yes--follow me into the conference room..."
Kyoka: *waves to Sylvia*
sylvia: *following*
Kunikida: "If you have followed the news, you know that there are reports of the sudden deaths of ability users..."
ranpo: *putting his snacks into a safe*
Tanizaki: "..."
naomi: *HUGS* bro dont you dare kill yourself and leave me all alone! >3<
Tanizaki: ^^; "Thank you...I appreciate hearing that..."
Kyoka: *glances at Sylvia*
sylvia: .~.;;;;
atsushi: surely there's got to be some kind of connection, right?
kenji: yeah, there's a fog, right? nankichii mentioned it in the reports that salamander got.
Kunikida: "Correct. Now we need to determine the person connected to that fog and these deaths..." *he advances a slide to the name 'Tatsuhiko Shibusawa' and their photograph*
atsushi: ?! *remembering the strange person on the train before seeing a vision of a large door*
Kyoka: "Atsushi...?"
atsushi: hmm?
Kyoka: "What's wrong?"
atsushi: n-nothing, just...thinking is all. ^^; ... (that weird person from the train....i feel like i've seen them before. but from where?)
Fukuzawa: "If this person is related to these deaths, then we will investigate."
atsushi: *nods*
Kunikida: "Yes, sir."
Tanizaki: "..."
Kyoka: "..."
pushkin: anything good on tv?
*looks to be some morning talk show*
TV Host: "Welcome back to 'Death City Insider'! The paranormal. Bigfoot. Loch Ness. Eldritch creatures. What fascinates us about such urban legends and strange phenomena? Our next guest may have answers. She is the author of this book--"
katya: huh....wait a second....WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!
pushkin: *spots it* *SPITTAKE*
Tachihara: >~< "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Host: "Zhanna Pushkin!"
Tachihara: *picking Pushkin's masticated oatmeal off his face*
pushkin: ^^;
zhanna: thank you very much for having me today. *smiles*
Host: "What is it about the unknown that interests you so much?"
zhanna: well for me, i suppose it was always the stories my uncle vasily told me and my siblings. they were always so fascinating that i decided to study them myself.
Host: "That fascination has taken you all over the world. How does Death City stack up compared to other cities when it comes to the paranormal?"
Tachihara: "...Why does she look familiar?"
zhanna: to be honest, this is the first time i've been to death city itself.
Tachihara: "...Wait, your last name is 'Pushkin'? I thought it was 'Pull-kin.'"
katya: good one.
Host: "We've had our share of odd occurrences: ice pillars, infernals, ability users, witches. Where's your next project taking you?"
zhanna: well, right now, i've been researching the white eyed witch.
Host: "Oh? What's her story?”
zhanna: the white eyed witch is said to be a young woman with white eyes with the ability to draw things and give them life.
Host: "Must be handy at an art show. Where is she usually found?"
zhanna: it's believed that she travels in a teleporting castle, however, due to a recent discovery that we made in st petersburg, there may be more to the case than meets the eye. *holding up a notebook with a strange symbol on it* from what we learned in this notebook, it seems the witch has ties with the order of dragonia, AKA, the shibusawa clan.
Host: " 'Shibusawa Clan'?"
-in a white colored bedroom, a young girl is drawing-
miyuri: *drawing and humming to herself*
-her drawings include an elephant, a dog, a cat, and a rabbit...the art is squiggly and two-dimensional, it doesn't have much detail, but the outlines are obvious what the animals are-
miyuri: ^^ hehe ^^
-on the page...the elephant's trunk starts to wiggle...-
miyuri: *smiles* today's gonna be the big day! hehe! im so excited!
Elephant: *small trumpet sound*
miyuri: *giggles* *looks at the bunny* you have a big job today lil friend!
Rabbit: *twitches its nose--before leaping off the page*
Doctor: ^w^ "Greetings! Are you..." *checks paper* "'Riki'?"
kirika: kirika. whats it to you? you the scrub mom sent?
Doctor: "Ha ha ha! 'Scrub mom'--good one! No, silly--I'm your doctor! Name's Robin."
kirika: joooy.
Doctor: "So, your mom told me you have a temperature?" *removes thermometer* "You're in school? How is it? Say 'ah'!"
kirika: =_= (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-)
Doctor: "You're about my kid's age--she glowers, too, just like that--only she has--"
kirika: *GLARE*
Dr. Robin: "...I was going to say 'braces.' Hates them so much. I get that--can't have gummies or cold food. Sucks, right?"
Dr. Robin: "Hmm...Yep, that's a temperature. Been traveling?"
Dr. Robin: "Really? Where to?! A summer trip?!"
kirika: none of your business *hides under blanket*
Dr. Robin: "...Oh, dear..." *reaches into her bag* "I'll need to pull out my secret weapon..."
kirika: *groooooan*
???: *mechanical voice* "HEELLLo kiddO! I--" *sounds really robotic, like it's falling apart* "--wanna beeeeeee your fri--"
kirika: *peeeeek* O_____________o
*Dr. Robin holds up a cuddly puppy talking plush...that has seen better days*
Plush: "--eeeeeeeeeeend..."
kirika:....um, yeah, from what level of hell was that retrieved?
Dr. Robin: "Yard sale! You like him? I've used him since med school. His name is Patches!"
Patches: .__________.
izumi: so.....where to first?
Soul: "We had a report about a pick-pocket. We're checking the basketball court..."
izumi: ok.
Asher: *looks* "...Lot of graffiti..."
Soul: "It's been like this since I first came here--" *passes a wall with a giant star on it* -_-;
izumi: isnt this one of mr black*star's?
Soul: "Yeeeeeeeep...He used to put these there after any b-ball game..."
izumi:....that's nice i guess......
Soul: "...Yeah. It was."
Asher: "..." *spots something in the bushes* "Hold up..." *reaches in*
izumi: ??
Asher: *pulls out a basketball* "..." *tosses it to Izumi* "Catch."
izumi: wah!
Soul: "???"
Asher: "Now pass it!"
izumi: ok. *toss*
Black Star: "Okay, Amelia, try picking them up."
amelia: ok. *grabs hold of the weapon*
Kazue: *in wakizashi form* -_-
Black Star: "There--was it that hard for you just to say you're a weapon?"
*a ribbon with a message falls from the wakizashi's handle: <Yes>*
amelia: .....what do i do now?
Black Star: -_-### "Amelia, bend at the knees a bit and hold the sword like a bat..."
amelia: um.....ok....*doing so*
Black Star: "Now, slowly bring the sword down so the tip of the wakizashi just taps the floor--*
Ribbon: <Not too fast--don't break me.>
amelia: like this?
Black Star: "Right, like that! Now, lift your right arm, rotate your right wrist, so the blade is away from you..."
Ribbon: <Huh--he doesn't completely suck at this...>
amelia: *doing so*
tsubaki: she's pretty good at following instructions...
Black Star: *nods* "Helps when the student cooperates--glad we didn't get some stubborn loudmouth."
amelia: .....*sweatdrop*
Sakuya: "So, I got to know--what's up with that guy in the bear mask who hangs out with you?"
kirara: he's a coworker.
esther: are you sure that's all~?
kirara: esther, dont encourage any weird thoughts! -_-
Sakuya: *hands up* "Hey, no judging...Were you also students here?" *opens a yearbook at the library*
kirara: .....later in the year, yes.
esther: we hit it off right away. ^^
Sakuya: *nods* "I started late in the year...Where are you from?"
kirara: a small village from japan.
esther: hmmmm.....i dont really remember~ ^^
Sakuya: "??? What kind of missions did you have? Like how did you learn to use Miss Esther's weapon form?"
kirara: it's....a long story.
oriko: *helping with making lunch*
Justin: "How's the new recipe?"
oriko: it's coming along well.
Justin: "Indeed..." *sniffs* "The thyme was a good choice."
oriko: ^^
Justin: *looks at her* "You are an amazing cook."
oriko: thank you. ^^
Justin: *pours some water, sets the table* "...So...after this trip..."
oriko: it's....a lot to take in...
Justin: *nods* "If you ever want to talk about it..."
Justin: "...I'm sorry. I know it's not the time."
oriko: i-it's alright. *small smile*
Justin: *smiles back, as he takes the gratin to be served* "Let's eat."
Tezca: "So why did you scamps join Dub-Wuma?"
lei-lei: well, i am a weapon, so i thought it would be fun ^^
genny:....my parents said i needed to make more friends.
naho: it's a secret~ ^w^
Tezca: "I hear those same answers all the time--and they're the same I had when I joined! ... Wait, do the meisters and weapons here have partners?"
lei-lei: not yet!
naho: i'm neither!
Tezca: "Well, I can train you--" *points at Naho* "--but Enrique and I need a meister-weapon pair, so, you two are now partnering."
genny: EH?!
lei-lei: YAY!! ^w^ *hugs genny*
Tezca: ^w^ "And with that, we begin your practice--" *summons a mirror on his arm* "I'm going to fire lasers at you."
genny: Q-Q;;;;
Saria: *with a butterfly net* "Bug hunting?"
lukas: i guess so...
Stein: "We will find specimens to observe their behavior. Death City has rare species, given our different climate as well as Lord Death's interest in preserving some species..." *hands each of them a pamphlet* "Document what we find."
lukas: um.... ._.; erm...
Saria: *looks* "Oh, wow! And some of these are cared for at the zoo?"
Stein: *nods* "We have a graduate who works there..." *pushes bushes aside into the forest*
lukas: *peek*
*looks like cicadas are already out*
lukas: *WHAP* >~<;;;
Stein: "Oh, large one...Put it in the cage."
Saria: *holds out the cage* "That's one on the list...What's a 'gorilla beetle'?"
lukas: Q_Q;;;;; (scary creepy crawlies, scary doctor, scary....)
Stein: "Our next target..."
Stein: "..." *looks over his shoulder* "Oh, look..."
lukas: OxO;;;
Saria: O____O;
Gorilla Beetle: *BIG BEETLE, STARING AT THEM* "..."
Stein: "...Well, have fun." *leans back against a tree*
lukas: *SCREAMS AND RUNS....falling down a hill* WAAAAAH!!!
Saria: D: "Lukas!" *runs after him*
Gorilla Beetle: "Kuu?" O_O;
lukas: n-no! s-stay back!
*The Gorilla Beetle is not moving*
Gorilla Beetle: O_O;; "Kuu kuu?"
Saria: "I-I think it's...not charging at us?"
lukas: i didnt mean that! please j-just dont look at me!
Saria: "...O-O-Oh?!"
-lukas is tied up in vines-
lukas: TT///TT;;
Stein: *walks down* "..." *covers Saria's eyes*
Saria: "H-Hey!"
Stein: "I'll let you down..." *tosses a scalpel*
lukas: TT~TT i wasnt made for the outdoors...
Stein: "Few are...Saria, keep your eyes closed..."
Saria: "I-I-I am!" >\\\\<
Stein: *cuts Lukas down* "So, why even come here if you can't handle it?"
Saria: "!!!!"
lukas: ....it's better than being with my parents...
Saria: "..." *turned around, but listening*
Stein: "...Not too different from a lot of us...So, you're running away...But what are you running towards?"
lukas:............may i please go back inside now?
Stein: "...We're not done with this discussion. Grab your items and go back in." *whistles at Gorilla Beetle* "Follow me, beastie..."
Gorilla Beetle: "Kuu..." *follows like a puppy*
Kanin: "How long have you been in Death City?"
eruka: a few years, give or take.
Kanin: *nods* "Your soul has a lot of magic around it."
eruka: ^^
Duncan: "Surprised some weapon hasn't claimed you."
eruka: ._.
Free: *slaps Duncan across the room*
Duncan: X_X
stocking: here we are.
Rin: "Wee! Now to find the cab to--" *falls asleep*
stocking: ._.;
gilda: ^-^;
Yukio: "Maybe get some rest first..."
stocking: sounds like a good plan.
tanizaki: *slight shudder*
Kunikida: "Easy..."
tanizaki:......our informant should be here soon, right?
Kunikida: *checks his watch* "They are late..."
tanizaki:......*looks inside one of the warehouses* ....!!!!!!!!
Kunikida: "???" *takes his gun, approaches carefully...* "...Oh no..."
tanizaki: *checks the man's pulse*.....
Kunikida: "Is he...?"
tanizaki:....he's dead.
Kunikida: "...Damn it!"
tanizaki:....?? kunikida? *points to something; an apple?*
Kunikida: "What the hell? A knife in it..."
tanizaki: i have a bad feeling about this.....
sonia: ......
*she has a copy of 'Alice in Wonderland'*
sonia: *reading the part with the white rabbit's first appearance*
sonia: ?? *glances*
*it's a white rabbit*
Rabbit: *nose wiggle*
sonia: *blinks* *looks around*
Rabbit: "..." *hops away but still visible*
sonia:.....*she finds herself following the rabbit* (what...what am i doing?)
Rabbit: *continues hopping...*
sonia h-hey! wait up!
Rabbit: *continues...until reaching--*
sonia !!!!
*it's a door in the middle of the woods*
sonia: (it's just like in the dream....)......*pinches herself* ow!......(it's not a dream this time....)
Rabbit: "..." *bounces to the door*
sonia:......*gulps and reaches out for the handle....*
*it opens easily*
sonia: *going inside* huh?
*inside is a hall, like a cathedral*
Rabbit: *hops down the hall*
sonia: where....is this place?...ah! *runs after the rabbit, her footsteps echoing*
*the rabbit continues hopping to a door...nuzzles against it*
sonia:.....*opens the door*
miyuri: ?? *turns* ah! you're here!
Rabbit: ^w^
Sonia: "?! Who are you?"
miyuri: *GLOMP* hiiiii! i'm miyuri! whats your name? OwO
Sonia: .\\\.; "...Sonia?"
miyuri: nice to meet you, sana! ^w^ miyuri was looking forward to this for such a long time!! hehe!
Sonia: " 'Looking forward'..." *looks around* "Where are we?"
miyuri: *getting a picture of a sheep out* mommy told me in a dream that you'll help me find the nice person in the outside world!
Sonia: ("A sheep...") "Oh? Your mother speaks to you in dreams? ...I..."
miyuri: you'll help miyuri look for the nice person, right? tacchan says im not supposed to leave this room, but miyuri really really reeeeally wants to thank the nice person! >3<
Sonia: " 'Tacchan'? 'Nice person'? I...I'm really confused. How can I help?"
miyuri: mommy said that you would help me look around in the outside world!
Sonia: "...Okay. I will help."
miyuri: yaaaaay! thanks sana! i can tell we're gonna be best friends! *opens the window*
Sonia: "Um, what are you--"
miyuri: it's the way out, sana! ^^ *offers hand*
Sonia: "...What about Papa?"
miyuri: can we meet your papa outside? OwO
Sonia: "I would imagine?"
miyuri: YAY! today's gonna be the fun-est day EVER! *jumps out with sonia* WEEEEEEEE!!
Sonia: "EEEEEEEK!"
miyuri: *connects one last line on the sheep, summoning it off the paper. it's quite big, and the girls land on it's back safely*
Sonia: "..." *pats the sheep's back* "..." *sits up* "What is this power?"
miyuri: oh! miyuri almost forgot! mommy says i have a title! she said it was 'white eyed witch'. i guess its cause she and miyuri both have white eyes, see? ^^
Sonia: "Oh." *looks around her*
miyuri: *looks out at the city* woooooooah!
Sonia: "...I haven't seen the city like this."
Dazai: *sits alone at Bar Lupin...except for the glass next to him* "So, what shall we toast to today, Odasaku?"
{odasaku: anything on your mind?}
{Dazai: "...Suicide apples."}
{odasaku: hm?}
{Dazai: "Like in fairy tales. A beautiful maiden eats an apple, falls to sleep, is near death..."}
{odasaku: ah, sleeping beauty, right?}
{Dazai: *chuckles* "No, I mean 'Snow White.' Remember? The witch presents her the poisoned apple?"}
{odasaku: oh right. the witch was the queen in disguise, wasnt she?}
{Dazai: "Yes, Snow White's stepmother. Imagine what that apple may represent. Perhaps Snow White actually was trying to kill herself, out of despair that her own mother wanted to poison her."}
{odasaku: hmm....}
{Dazai: "But beyond the symbolism of it, I did hear that there was an ability user who kills with 'apple suicide.'" *smiles* "Wouldn't that be something that should be popular in Death City?"}
{odasaku: you sure have a interesting way of thinking.}
{Dazai: "Not as interesting as you."}
{odasaku: ....ango's late again...}
Dazai: "He's not coming."
*the melting ice in the glass next to him clinks*
Dazai: "You're right, Odasaku. It's wonderful to save people…that is, if I'm even alive to do it...." *opens his hand, revealing between his fingers is a pill, which he places in his mouth* "..." *stands, leaving behind two untouched drinks...and an apple with a knife in it*
??? dazai.
Dazai: "You're late."
ango: ...
Dazai: "Care for a drink?"
ango: sadly im on business right now. according to reports, shibusawa has you listed as a person of interest.
Dazai: "..." *looks behind him* "Evidently..."
-a fog begins to form-
ango: ?!?!
Dazai: "So, you’ve finally decided to show yourself...Very well. I surrender."
shibusawa: *smirks*
ango: dont let them get away!
Chuuya: "Sonia?" *opens the door*
-no one's inside-
Chuuya: "Sonia? Sonia?!" *exits, walking through the hall*
-no sign of her-
Chuuya: "Sonia!" *checking the living room* "Have you seen her?!"
naoya: i thought she was outside?
Chuuya: "I did--she's not there! Where is she?!"
naoya: im sure she's not far!
higuchi: hirotsu! w-we have a situation!
Hirotsu: "What's wrong?"
higuchi: mori's gone!
Hirotsu: "!!!"
Chuuya: "..." *the ground is shaking*
higuchi: c-chuuya?
Chuuya: "He took her!"
higuchi: *her stomach drops*
Akutagawa: *walks in* "I heard yelling and the ground shook. What happened?"
higuchi: ....mori might have kidnapped sonia
Akutagawa: "...Who let him out? How could he escape--"
Chuuya: "Grab others! We're going to find out..."
pushkin: h-huh?!
higuchi: chuuya?
Chuuya: "We need to find Sonia!"
higuchi: i know, but the warrents-
Chuuya: "Fuck the warrants! Sonia needs me! And if I find Mori with her--I'LL KILL HIM!"
higuchi: ...
Akutagawa: "...I had still promised not to kill--"
Akutagawa: "...Very well. Come along..." *grabs Pushkin by the parka...grinning maliciously*
pushkin: OwO;
atsushi: grk-
{Orphanage Headmaster: "What are you doing?!"}
{atsushi: shut up, you're not in my head, so shut up!}
{Orphange Headmaster: "Is that all you can say? Where are you going? What was the point for me to save your life?!"}
{atsushi: .......... ??}
{*behind Atsushi appears a door*}
atsushi: WAH!
sylvia: *opens the closet door* m-mr atsushi-
atsushi: *SHRIEEEEK* *PUNCH*
sylvia: OW!
atsushi: *affected by sylvia's ability* OW! >~<;;
Kyoka: "Atsushi. Sylvia. Outside."
atsushi: ._. im so sorry, i didnt mean it syl, you startled me!
sylvia: im sorry Q_Q;;
Kyoka: "OUT. SIDE."
atsushi: ._.;;; *looks out* ?!?!?!
*a fog is outside, covering the entire street*
Kyoka: "Mapping shows it has spread everywhere in the city..." *pats Sylvia's face with a tissue*
atsushi: no way...
Kyoka: "Given these conditions and the report we saw, we need to meet with others at the office."
atsushi: right. can you call them-
Kyoka: *checks her phone* "...No bars."
atsushi: darn.
sylvia: i-i-i'll stay here....its too scary for me outside.
Kyoka: "...Will you promise to be safe?"
sylvia: i-i'll do my best!
-and so-
atsushi: .....sure is quiet out....
Kyoka: "Even with this fog, you would think someone is out. Stay on your toes...And if it gets rough--" *holds up her taser*
atsushi: right......
Kyoka: "...Wait...Something's wrong..."
atsushi: yeah. not a single person....
Kyoka: "No...Something dangerous."
Kyoka: "...Your phone has service again?"
atsushi: um....that wasnt me....
Kyoka: "...It wasn't my stomach..."
*both look behind them*
atsushi: ?!?!
Kyoka: "!!! Hope this work..." *flips open her phone and--* "...What?!"
*it's a tiger...a white tiger!*
atsushi: *battle stance....nothing happens* ?!?! what the heck?!
Tiger: *ROARS, LEAPS--*
Kyoka: "Move!" *grabs Atsushi's hand, pulling him away*
atsushi: ah- *running with her* what the heck? i couldnt transform...
Kyoka: "And I cannot summon Demon Snow, even though the lack of reception shouldn't have affected her, I don't think..."
atsushi: so then that must mean- WOAH! ow!
Kyoka: "What did you trip ove-- ..."
atsushi: !!! kunikida!
*Kunikida is lying on the street, bleeding from his side*
atsushi: kunikida, are you alright?! well, duh you're bleeding but, can you move?
Kunikida: "Stop yakking...Get me out of here--I know the source of the suicides..."
atsushi: !!! you do? *helping him up*
Kunikida: "They aren't suicides...People's abilities are attacking their possessors..."
atsushi: what?!
Kunikida: "Lone Poet...Shot me..."
atsushi: ...come on, we better get somewhere safe....over there!
Kunikida: "Ah!"
atsushi: *bandaging kunikida with a first aid kit* alright, we need to get to the agency office...but we'll need a way to get there safely.
Kyoka: "On it." *pulls out a screwdriver, opening a panel under the wheel*
Kunikida: "Gah...Th-That's illegal..."
atsushi: i think we have bigger things to worry about right now.
Kunikida: *grumbles* "This fog...These 'suicides'...Abilities disembodied...This madness, it has to be--"
atsushi: ._____. LIKE THAT.
*Demon Snow has broken through*
Demon Snow: *stares at Atsushi and Kunikida*
atsushi: um...kyouka?
atsushi: *grabs kunikida and runs into the car*
Demon Snow: *lifts her sword to bring down onto the car--*
atsushi: FLOOR IT!!!
Kyoka: *slams her foot on the pedal, the car managing to avoid the slice of the sword--but the wind knocking into them as they drive out the entrance*
atsushi: *SCREEEEECH*
miyuri: *looking around* woooow! so cool! so cool! its not as scary this time!
Sonia: "??? When were you here last?"
miyuri: it was a while back, it was a lot scarier then because miyuri never left the castle before. but then- *GASP* oooooh! *presses her face to the window of a bakery*
Sonia: "..." *looks at the door* ("It's listed as 'open,' so why is it empty inside?")
miyuri: *goes inside and begins eating a rollcake* mmm...MMMMM YUM! >w<
Sonia: "Miyuri. You can't eat something you didn't buy."
miyuri: *looks at her*....bai?
Sonia: "With money..." *opens a coin purse* "Papa gave me some for emergencies." *holds up a five-dollar Death Buck bill with Lord Death's face on it* "It's currency traded for items for purchase, and the currency represents buying power backed by the authority of the Treasury of Death City--"
miyuri: munny? what is that? hehe, you know a lot of funny words, sana ^w^
Sonia: "...I'm going to put this paper here, as is custom when going out and taking food that they offer you." *sets the bill on the counter*
miyuri: oooooooooh.
Sonia: "...Is it tasty?"
miyuri: it's super yummy! ^w^ miyuri never had this before! what is it? it smells yummy, and it tastes really sweet!
Sonia: "You've never had cake?"
miyuri: THIS IS CAKE?! miyuri thought cakes were round and had sticks in them like in the picture book!
Sonia: "Like a birthday cake?"
miyuri: birf-day?
Sonia: "The day when you are born."
miyuri: ooooh. cool!
Sonia: "...You haven't had a birthday either?"
miyuri: miyuri doesnt remember, but tacchan says that im 11 and that i was born on march 3rd. miyuri's not sure what march means.
Sonia: "Do you ever look at a calendar?" *takes a piece of the roll cake*
miyuri: what's a ca-lan-dar?
Sonia: "I...don't know how to explain? Maybe I should explain it another way...'March 3' is a day. It's yours. It's when you are celebrated for being alive."
miyuri: wooow, you're so smart, sana! ....oh right! that nice person!
Sonia: "Who?"
miyuri: the nice lady that helped me the first time i was outside!
Kyoka: *opens the ADA office door*
Kunikida: *gasping* "Atsushi, Fukuzawa's office..."
atsushi: (empty...) *opens the door to fukuzawa's office*
Kunikida: "Under the desk..."
atsushi: *looks*
*there's a communicator*
Kunikida: "Turn it on..."
atsushi: um ok.
???:....-s thi-....-ng on?
Kunikida: *grumbles* "Kunikida, reporting. Over."
-the signal stableizes-
ango: yes, good to see you, Armed detective agency. as you can see here, shibusawa has arrived in death city.
Kunikida: "Yes--and coincidentally our abilities attacked us."
ango: so it's started already. good news, we've tracked shibusawa's base to the outskirts of death city. *showing the coordinates* the bad news, dazai's been kidnapped.
atsushi: what?!
Kunikida: "?! The hell do you mean kidnapped?"
ango: .... we tried to secure him, but....
{ango: dont let them get away!}
{-grunts try to approach shibusawa, but are attacked with lightening-}
{ango: what?!}
{???: "My, my, my..."}
{shibusawa: why thank you lux. *putting a cloth over dazai's mouth*}
{Dazai: "URK!"}
{nox: shall i provide the exit?}
{shibusawa: yes nox, please do be so kind.}
{Lux: *charges lightning*}
{nox: understood. *opening a portal*}
{ango: !!! DAZAI!}
{Dazai: "...Od-Oda..."}
ango:.....i could have reached for him...but i failed to save him....but now's not the time for regrets. you must capture shibusawa at all costs.
Kunikida: "Understood...We'll bring in all we can find--AH!" *clutches his side*
Kyoka: "Where _are_ the others?"
kenji: woah!
*a muscular man tosses a car at Kenji...he has...a cow's head?!*
kenji: well this sure is a pickle!
???: fufufu~
Tanizaki: "St-Stay back! I don't know what the hell is going on! I don't know why you took Naomi's face--but stay back!"
-something grabs his neck-
light snow: *a female figure resembling a yuki onna* fufufufufu~<3
Tanizaki: "GRK!" *swinging his arms* "Let go!"
yosano: *swinging her cleaver*
???: "Really?" *it's a woman in an old-fashion nurse's outside, with a butterfly head, dodging* "How uncouth. Still, a butcher is a butcher..." *a butterfly lands on her knuckles* "Broken psyche, dear?"
yosano: *SLASH*
*Butterfly Nurse's arm is sliced off*
Thou Shalt Not Die: *antenna twitches...before the arm breaks apart into multiple butterflies--aiming for Yosano*
yosano: !!!!
all are created equal: *taking the form of a younger fukuzawa* tch- is that the best you've got in you, old man?
Fukuzawa: "..." *smiles* "Hardly. For what I lack in speed and strength at my old age, I have gained much you haven't yet..."
Kunikida: "Let's move...We find our colleagues, find this Shibusawa, then--"
atsushi: ?!?!?
lone poet: *taking the form of a child kunikida* hehehe *takes a page that says 'hand grenade' and throws the grenade at the building*
Kunikida: "Son of a..."
Kyoka: "...Retreat. We can't stop him with that many pages..."
atsushi: crud crud crud what do we do??!!
Kunikida: "Here." *shoves something at Atsushi*
atsushi: um.... .___. is this a g-g-gun?!
Kunikida: "What does it look like?! AAH!" *clutches his side* "Get out! Find Shibusawa. Stop them."
Kyoka: "..." *spots a sword on Fukuzawa's wall* "..." *takes it*
atsushi: ._. but what about you-
katya: *kicking a stone across the street* .....where the fuck is everyone?!
Chuuya: *calling out* "SONIA!"
pushkin: *shivering* chilly.
katya: oi, akutagawa, how's shit on your end?
Chuuya: "Then just move faster."
pushkin: listen, i know you're freaked out, i mean, i would be too if it were one of my siblings-
???: ....A5158, do you read me?
katya: (the fuck?)
Chuuya: "..." *snatches the walkie talkie* "The hell you calling for?"
ango: it's time to repay your debt to professor spectacles.
katya: ????
pushkin: ??????
Chuuya: "...Now...of all times..."
pushkin: um, chuu—
Chuuya: "Where are you?"
ango: the underground base.
Chuuya: "...I'm in the middle of something--"
ango: it can wait, right now, death city is in danger-
pushkin: oXo;;;
ango: what could be so important to you right now?
pushkin: we're trying to find his daughter!
Chuuya: *punches Pushkin's head*
Chuuya: "YOU HELPING ME FIND SONIA OR NOT?! NO? THEN I'LL KILL YOU!" *slams his foot down*
ango: we can help you find sonia, that is if you arent too busy with infighting.
Chuuya: "...And as usual, you want payment..."
ango: yes.
Chuuya: "...I'm on my way."
pushkin: we'll keep looking for sonia.
katya: *grumbling*
Chuuya: "Find her."
pushkin: we will!
futon: fufufu~
-cables are attacking at katai-
Katai: "Yoshiko, stop!" *armed with a spatula*
yoshiko: i wouldnt be holding metal if i were you~
Katai: "Huh?"
-exposed cords try to grab the spatula to shock him-
Katai: "EEEK!" *trying to swing away from the cords*
Katai: "AAAAAH!" *lets go*
Poe: *throwing book after book* "Back, you foul creature!"
black cat: *HISSSS*
Poe: "Begone! Lana!" *running away*
Fitzgerald: *sips his drink*
Fitzgerald: *knocked down* "Ah! Blast it...You made me spill!"
TGF: *fighting stance and grins*
Fitzgerald: "..." *tosses the glass behind himself, letting it shatter* "When I find that insane upstart, I'm going to wring him dry." *old-boxer pose* "Bring it, Old Sport."
Dumas: "Would you two SNAP OUT OF IT!"
marquis: zzzzz
Dumas: "There is no paradise, you goofball! You're suffering from your own hallucinations--"
windmill monster: *ROOOOAR*
Dumas: "See?! It's just your imagination--"
-the windmill then opens its mouth, pulling them in-
Dumas: "...Oh, son of a--" *trying to claw through the air as they're pulled in*
Walter: "Spooky...It's like Scooby Doo, and I have my mom's van, so all we need is a team pet, like a dog, or a cat, or a cockroa--"
Kafka: *GLARE*
Walter: OwO;
leroux: Q.Q;;;;
etta: ^^;
george: *sweatdrop*
Kafka: "We're here to find Sonia, so let's get on with this. George, can't you warp her here and we be done with this?"
george: it doesnt work like that, i dont think. im still getting used to it, and even then, she'd have to be near water.
Kafka: *grumbles* "Perfect..."
Walter: "I could make some duplicates to help find her faster!" *closes his eyes...grunts...clenches...* "..." *opens one eye* "...Where are Walts 1, 2, and 5?"
-something hits the side of the van-
etta: EEK!
george: what the heck?!
Kafka: "Can't you drive properly?!"
Walter: "WE'RE PARKED!"
Kafka: "Bother..." *looks in the rearview mirror--*
Kafka: "...What the hell?!"
leroux: what's going on?!
etta: *being pulled up to the ceiling* AH!
Walter: "Etta!" *reaches up--*
*the door flies off the hinges, as hands drag Walter away*
Walter: "EEEK!"
Kafka: "Walter--!"
leroux: !!!!
george: *runs out to follow them*
???: "Hello, Gaston~"
Kafka: "George! Get back here! We don't--" *follows--then is knocked down by something big and foul*
leroux: *his stomach drops* n-no...
*The ability of Leroux looks like Christine*
"Christine": "Never fear, my love...I won't let you go~"
???: "And neither will I, child..." *tightens the puppet strings around Etta's limbs*
etta: grk- RORO, RUN FOR IT!
leroux: *frozen on the spot in shock*
"Christine": *takes his arms* "Shall we dance?" *spins him out of the van*
leroux: AH! *skids slightly along the road* o-ow...
"Christine": *dances towards him* "Oh, we will have such fun now."
Mori: "..."
???: rintarou....
Mori: "?!" *spins around*
-a female looking figure with long blond hair, covered eyes, and exaggerated feminine features staggers toward him, flashing a grin full of teeth-
Mori: "!!! What-what?!"
-the figure lunges at him, claws out-
Mori: "You-You're not Elise!" *pulls a scalpel out of his sleeve--stabbing*
figure: *SCREEEEEEE*
Mori: "What the hell are you?!"
figure: vita....sexualis....*hissing*
Mori: "...Like hell you are. What have you done with Elise?!"
-it's head twists, now displaying elise' face-
elise?: RiNtArOu~
Mori: *stops himself, frozen* "..."
katya: .....?! *pulls out her pistol* pushkin, you armed?
Pushkin: "Always!" *shows*
-something is thrown at them-
katya: *dodges and shoots at the assailant*
Pushkin: <The hell was that?!>
-a figure is shuffles towards them, it looks emaciated save for a bloated stomach. it seems to have a plague doctor's mask on-
katya: <the fuck?>
-another figure looks to be in a military uniform-
Pushkin: <...Kati? That one...it's ticking?>
katya: nyeh? ......?!?! oi... can you use your ability right now?
Pushkin: "..." *grabs her arm* "...You infected?"
katya: <dont think so, but i cant use my ability for some reason!>
Pushkin: <So that means...>
Soldier: *TICK TICK* *pulls back their gas mask...revealing--*
10 seconds: *their face is clockwork*
katya: well <shit>
Pushkin: >_<# <YOUR MASK LOOKS STUPID, YOU BLOATED JERK!> *picks up Katya, runs*
Dazai: "Hmm..." *groans* *opens his eyes*
-it appears he is in a room, and now wearing a white suit, with his regular clothes folded on the chair next to his bed-
Dazai: “...” *shifts in the clothes* “Comfortable enough. The socks are a little tight, though.”
nox:...this way, please.
Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Well, hello~ I have you to thank for this trip?"
nox: -_- master shibusawa is expecting you.
Dazai: "Lead the way to 'master'..." *follows*
-in a dining room of sorts, shibusawa smiles-
shibusawa: i hope the accommodations are to your liking, mr dazai.
Dazai: "...The socks are tight. Why the new attire?" *sits*
shibusawa: aesthetic, for the most part.
Dazai: "I prefer comfort to aesthetic..." *looks at the symbol on the wall* "And you prefer giant symbols to clarity."
shibusawa: oh this? it's the odal rune. it translates to 'heritage'.
Dazai: "I see...Showboating your family's status?"
shibusawa: perhaps. my father was always quite dramatic. but let's skip the history lesson for now, you want to know what it is i want, yes?
Dazai: "I'm nothing if not eternally curious. So, what is it?"
shibusawa: i would simply like to add the abilities of death city to my collection. i was told by a mutual acquaintance that the ability i've been searching for resides in this city. a city of second chances, a city where anything is possible.
Dazai: "Not sure that answers all of my question: why do you seek abilities?"
shibusawa: quite simply, i'm rather bored. there is hardly anything that surpasses my expectations. and i believe this particular ability will do so.
Dazai: "Hmm...Familiar. Still, sounds quite dull."
shibusawa: indeed.
Dazai: "Perhaps your expectations are not realistic."
shibusawa: you're quite foolish if you think you can read me so easily, mr dazai. it's also foolish to assume that i cant read you.
Dazai: "And we're back to expectations: as expected, you require salvation. The question is, who is here to save you: an angel, or a devil?"
shibusawa: speaking of 'devils'...
Dazai: "...Typical."
Fyodor: "Greetings." *sits* "Let's cut to the chase: I already know your intentions." *looks at Shibusawa*
shibusawa: is that any way to go treating your benefactor, mr dostoyevsky?
Dazai: "Well, out of the three of us, he’s the most likely to turn traitor..."
Fyodor: "Exactly."
shibusawa: *light chuckle* as i said, there is nothing that surpasses my expectations, so i look forwards to working with you both~ ^^
nox: master shibusawa!!
shibusawa: hm?
nox: the girl, s-she's nowhere to be found!
shibusawa:....you and lux go retrieve her then. it will be too dangerous for a child her age to be wandering around unattended.
Dazai: "..."
shibusawa: hmm? is there something you'd like to say, mr dazai?
Dazai: *smiles* "Parenting is challenging, is it not? Not everyone loses a child."
shibusawa: .....that's quite the interesting subject to bring up here of all places.
Dazai: "Did I? I suppose it's on my mind."
shibusawa: oh?
Fyodor: "Because he got some woman pregnant."
shibusawa: is that so?
Dazai: *smiles* "Any different than the woman _you_ impregnated, Dostoyevsky?"
Fyodor: *smiles back* "A coincidence."
Dazai: "Hmm...At least the mother of my child is in her right frame of mind. Not broken by you."
shibusawa: ....
Fyodor: "I suppose you're the paragon of parenting? Do you even have parents?"
Dazai: "I doubt either of us is the authority. Perhaps a third party?"
shibusawa: you're both clearly doomed to fail as parents, so you'll get no sympathy nor advice from me.
Fyodor: "..."
Dazai: "Fair."
katya: i think we lost them for now...
Pushkin: *nods* "Right...Just one thing..." <WHAT THE EVER-LOVING CRAP WAS THAT?!>
katya: <hell if i know!> *grumble* <i'm seriously gonna need a cig after this shit.>
???: aleksey?!
katya: hnn? .__.
Pushkin: O_____O;;;;
zhanna: *HUGS* you're ok! i'ts been too long!
katya: ._______. (t-tall.....)
Pushkin: ^^; "You're looking well. What're you doing here?"
zhanna: well, i was on a TV interview this morning, but now, i dont know where i am, but i was being attacked by a strange being. even odder, im not able to use my ability.
Pushkin: "Hey, same here!"
zhanna: hmm....in any case, it's dangerous to stay out here.
Pushkin: "R-Right...Let's find somewhere. You got wheels?"
zhanna: *she nods*
katya: ._.
Pushkin: "Great! Let's roll! ...Oh, and this is Katya!" ^w^
katya:...nice to...meet you...ma'am.....
zhanna: ?? is she alright?
Pushkin: "My friend is fine--she just noticed we have tall genes!"
katya: im not jealous.....totally not....*shaking* =A=
zhanna: *sweatdrop*
atsushi: ......
Kyoka: *leading him* "This way--no one is here."
atsushi:....*shaking a bit*
Kyoka: "...You have to stay calm. What's wrong?"
atsushi: just feel uneasy......this shibusawa....i feel like i've seen them before, and not just on the train either, no, i think it was before even that, but i dont know where i met them....
Kyoka: "Then perhaps your knowledge about them could help us locate--"
atsushi: !!!!
Demon Snow: *slashes at them, Kyoka just managing to shove Atsushi out of the path*
Kyoka: "!"
Demon Snow: *faces Atsushi*
atsushi: !!!!
Demon Snow: *rushes*
atsushi: *aims the gun*
Demon Snow: *approaching*
atsushi: *tries to shoot* !! oh no, the safety's still on!
Kyoka: "Atsushi!"
Demon Snow: *raises sword--*
atsushi: ??!
Demon Snow: *just stunned--as someone lands in front of Atsushi*
atsushi:..... .___________________. *INTERNAL SCREAMING*
Akutagawa: "...Weretiger. Kyoka."
Kyoka: *nods* "Hello. There's a warrant out for you."
Akutagawa: "I am aware. I also see that your ability is not under control."
atsushi: *SWEATS*
Kyoka: "If you haven't noticed, abilities are attacking others."
Akutagawa: "I know." *thumbs behind him...where Rashomon is rushing at him*
rashomon: *LUNGES*
atsushi: O_O;;;;
Akutagawa: *sighs--grabs Atsushi, leaping away*
Kyoka: *follows, as Demon Snow slices at her*
rashomon: *following suit*
Akutagawa: "Where is your ability, Weretiger? And what are you seeking to risk your lives like this?"
atsushi: its a bit complicated to explain right now!
Akutagawa: "Hmm...I'm seeking Sonia, Chuuya's child. Have you seen her? Also, I still have not killed--"
Kyoka: *slicing at Demon Snow*
atsushi: sorry, i havent, also thanks for the update. -_-;
-tiger growls-
atsushi: OxO
Akutagawa: "..." *small smile* "Well, this is interesting..."
atsushi: *turns and looks* OxO;;;;
rashomon: *attacking the tiger*
Kyoka: "...Universal constant: you two are always at each other's throats."
atsushi: maybe we should run now?
Kyoka: "Agreed."
Akutagawa: "This way..."
atsushi: *following*
Akutagawa: "The Port Mafia maintains bases throughout the city. This way..."
"Christine": "Hee hee..." *swings Leroux around, dancing...twisting his arms*
leroux: *yelps*
"Christine": *dips him* "You're still the handsome man I remember...But...Why didn't you come back for me~?"
leroux: ...
"Christine": "Did you...want me to die?"
leroux: of course i never wanted for that! y-you arent really christine, are you? you're just....wearing her face...
"Christine": "Oh~? That's not all I'm wearing..." *her hand slides down his abs...*
leroux: .////.;
Christine: "Fufufu~ All fired up? How appropriate. How adorable...My doll..."
leroux: ?! *looking down*
leroux: ??
*his hands are...pillowy*
Christine: "My possession..." *holds him, as his body turns into a doll...*
leroux: !!! *jumps back* NO!
*he reverts*
Christine: "You _dare_ scorn _me_?!" *the side of her face is chipping away* "After you let me die?!"
leroux: *panting, shaking* no... you're not her, though i must say, that is quite a dirty trick, phantom.
Christine: "..." *wicked smile* "It took you long enough...Master..." *the facade falls away...*
leroux: ....
Phantom: "What would you have left without me? Without your memories...Without that ability you had gifted to you, what are you worth, anyway?"
leroux: *looks around*
*there's an antique shop...with a sword on display...but it's late and the door is locked...but there is the display window...*
leroux: allow me to show you. *takes a rock and smashes the window, taking the sword* allow me to challenge you to a duel.
leroux: at least, i can give her the peace she deserves.
Kafka: *running as fast as he can, clutching his arm, dislocated from his shoulder* "Goddamn it..."
roach: *following after him, screeching*
Kafka: ("Think--think! Okay--I always have problems in tight spaces...") *ducks into an alley*
roach: *HISSSSS*
Kafka: ("Damn it! Still following!") *studies his surroundings--then spots a back door in an office building* ("Yes! And the entrance is narrow enough to slow it down...") "Right this way, you ugly bastard!"
etta: *running as fast as she can go*
Nutcracker: "Return to me, dearie..." *launches strings...out of its mouth*
Nutcracker: "Etta, dearest lady...You can do still more for me..." *strings latch onto her wrists, as well as around her waist*
etta: *screams*
Nutcracker: "After all, you are my instrument. What would you be without me? A subpar dancer, a flighty little girl who flirts and cajoles to get what she doesn't deserve...A murder, who killed her own father."
etta: *struggling to pull away*
Nutcracker: "Stubborn...I'll have to discipline you yet again...Why can't you just do as you are told?"
etta: *making her way to the elevator* because im not just a doll to be played around with! im...not...property!
Nutcracker: "?!! Stop that! You'll slice your limbs off!"
etta: *reaching for the elevator button*
*ding* *the doors open*
etta: yes!
Phantom: "Isn't this far more preferable? At least this way, you're not alone, love~"
Phantom: "!!!"
leroux: HAH!
*the slash knocks the Phantom into the elevator cables*
Phantom: "!!! Gaston! M-My love...Please! Don't--"
leroux: *STAB*
Phantom: "GRRRK! ...Ga-Gaston..."
-the sword pierces the red gem on the phantom's mask-
*The Phantom starts shaking--as the ability leaks out of her to Leroux...Her convulsions electrify the elevator cables--until they sever...*
Kafka: *leading the roach through the building's halls* ("Just this way...Come on--COME ON! I can't die like this! I...I still have too much to do, like--")
-like what?-
Kafka: "..." ("...Like tell Etta I love her...and fix my mess of a life...")
*the elevator is in front of Etta*
etta: yes!
*SCREECH* *CRUNCH* *the entire elevator car, cut from its cables, drops like a rock*
etta: ..... <son of a BITCH!>
*something is crackling down in the elevator shaft...it's a fire!*
etta: !!!!!!!!
Nutcracker: *wraps strings around her neck* "Let's finish this...once and for all, child!"
etta: no....
Nutcracker: *chokes her*
etta: grk-
*Etta can see someone coming around the corner, running at her*
etta: f-fran-
Kafka: "ETTA! DUCK!"
etta: *gets down*
Nutcracker: "?!" *turns* "What the devil are you?"
roach: *charges* SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Kafka: *growls* "Just a lowly bug..." *collapses--as his space on the floor lets the roach trip over him*
roach: O-o *slams into the nutcracker, sending them both down the shaft*
Nutcracker: "NOOOOOOOoooo..."
*the sound of something like wood splintering and crackling in the fire is heard, along with the horrifying shriek of a dying insect...*
-when they land, the red gems shatter, allowing the two abilities to return to their owners-
etta: *coughing* f-franz!
Kafka: *clutching his side, where the roach triped over him* "Gah..." *looks down at the bruise...it's healing* *looks up* "Etta..." *crawls to her...* "...Your wrists..." *takes her hands, where there are cuts along them*
etta: *winces* o-ow....
Kafka: "I-I'm so sorry..."
etta: i...it was so scary...i...i....uuuu....*she sobs*
Kafka: *holds her, crying as well* "It's okay...Y-You're safe...Thank God."
etta: *hic* *shaking*
Kafka: *holds her close, stroking her head*
etta: *sniff*
-the walkie talkies crackle-
leroux: is everyone alright?
Kafka: "..." *calls in* "We're alive. We have retrieved our abilities. Leroux?"
leroux: oh thank goodness. did you destroy the red crystal then?
etta: red crystal?
Kafka: "...Whatever it was, it likely burned in the fire."
leroux: yes, that's the thing controlling the abilities.
Kafka: "...Then any other ability users who don't know this...Have you been able to contact anyone else? Walter? George? The others?"
leroux: i just contacted them, but walter said he was in the middle of something...
Walter Prime: *staring down Walters 1, 2, and 5* "So...it's come down to this..."
walter 5: indeed.
walter 1: lets do this.
Walter 2: "Right..."
*All four Walters reach into their back pockets, removing...Nintendo 3Ds*
walter 5: i call dibs on meta knight!
Walter 2: "D'aw! Fine! Falco!"
Walter Prime: "What?! How cliche can you get?!"
walter 1: no way. all fox. final destination. no items.
Walter Prime: -_-; "What did I just say about 'cliche'?" *picks Jigglypuff*
atsushi: .......*ahem*....so.....akutagawa....how's it going?
Akutagawa: "Sturm und Drang treats us well. We have locked up Mori for our own protection. I have not killed Pushkin."
Kyoka: =_=
atsushi: i....see......so....been a crazy 6 months, huh?....*SWEATING*
Akutagawa: "Yes. It has. ... ... ..."
Kyoka: "...If I remember the floor layout, our floor is just 8 more below--"
Akutagawa: "When do we go out?"
atsushi: *COUGH COUGH*
Kyoka: "I just said--8 more floors."
Akutagawa: "Right. Thank you."
Akutagawa: "I have communicators for you. Rashom-- ..." *reaches into his coat to remove them himself* "Here."
atsushi: oh, um... thank you. ......
Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." *faces forward* "Underground, the fog won't reach us. But to reclaim our abilities, we have to defeat them."
atsushi: oh?
Akutagawa: "Yes." *taps an earpiece* "I overheard members of Sturm und Drang say so. There is a red crystal on each ability that must be shattered or otherwise destroyed."
atsushi: i see. thanks for the info then.
Akutagawa: "For now, we are allies, only because we have the same goal: to stop Shibusawa."
atsushi: did you get in contact with mr sakaguchi too or...?
Akutagawa: "Chuuya did."
atsushi: ah...did he mention anything about dazai? we heard he was kidnapped...
Akutagawa: "You fool."
atsushi: eh? o.o
Akutagawa: "Dazai _let_ himself be kidnapped, willingly."
atsushi: ....well, m-maybe he has a plan. his plans have worked before in the past, like with cannibalism, and the incident with the guild.
Akutagawa: "You have such faith in him?"
atsushi: i guess so, yeah. I know, he's done some really bad things, but i think he is putting effort into being a better person...
Akutagawa: "...Hmph."
*elevator ding*
Kyoka: *leads them out...*
Dumas: O___o "...This is why I don't smoke that shit anymore..."
-two hands cover his eyes-
???: guess who, alex. ^^
Dumas: "..." *shakes* "M-Mer?"
mercedes: ^^ hehe
Dumas: *surprised laugh* "Hi! H-How did you..."
mercedes: covering your eyes isnt exactly rocket science, you goof. ^^
Dumas: "N-No...How are you _here_?"
mercedes: ?? why wouldnt i be? we live here, remember?
Dumas: "...Cadaqués..."
mercedes: it's beautiful, isnt it? *she smiles and rubs her stomach*
Dumas: "..." *smiles, rests a hand over hers* "Yes...Think there's enough room for the little one?"
mercedes: i think so.
Dumas: "..." *hugs her* "Oh, thank God."
mercedes: !!....*hugs him.....as a shadowy arm emerges behind dumas*
Dumas: "Wh-What's wrong?"
mercedes: just relax....we can stay like this....forever...~
Dumas: "Y-Yes...And we can find a name..." *rests a hand on her stomach...* "Maybe...Miguel? Marcus? ...Wait..."
-the shadow prepares to strike-
Dumas: "...N-No...Where are they? Where--ARG!"
cervantes: dumaaaaaas! you there buddy?
Dumas: (ಠ_ಠ) "...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"
cervantes: you're alive! thank goodness!
Dumas: *clutches Cervantes by the neck* "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
cervantes: OwO;;
marquis: *cuddling dumas' side* =///w///=
Dumas: "..." *lets go of Cervantes, buries his face in his hands, small whimper*
cervantes: ...*pap pap*
Dumas: "Wh-What even happened?"
cervantes: long story short, our abilities went coco loco.
Dumas: "...Was that all? So, why aren't they 'loco' now?"
cervantes: *shrug* for now, lets get somewhere safe before they attack us again.
Dumas: -_-# "Where's 'somewhere'? What even caused it?" *looks around*
shibusawa: *leading fyodor and dazai into a room*
-the room they enter is a large, circular room with what seems to be an ornate golden well in the center, and the wall containing several hundreds of red crystals-
shibusawa: welcome to the room of draconia.
Dazai: "Shiny." *looks around* "Impressive collection."
shibusawa: it wouldnt be nearly as impressive without mr dostoyevsky's information. speaking of, how _do_ you get your intel?
Fyodor: *smiles* "Rats tend to be everywhere."
Dazai: 3: *deadpan* "Meow."
shibusawa: and it seems another one has been added to my collection.
Dazai: "So, one wants to acquire abilities...and one wants to kill ability users..."
Fyodor: *smirks*
shibusawa: still, they have no value if i cant find that specific ability.
Dazai: "...Oh, I see. You're lonely and want a friend."
shibusawa: please, to me, human beings are nothing more than walking bags of flesh. their daily actions are always so predictable and simple to understand, but there is one person i dont understand; myself.
Dazai: "Monologuing--always a helpful method for self-understanding. So, is that it? You bring in these abilities to learn more about yourself?"
shibusawa: if i can find that specific ability, then my search will be complete. tell me, *head tilts back to look at him* do you think there is someone who exists that can defeat their own ability?
Dazai: "...I see. When the Ability kills its user, you get that Ability in that crystal...and Fyodor eliminates another 'sinner.'"
shibusawa: precisely. although i wouldnt put it so biblically. i simply wish to see the light beyond the void.
Dazai: " 'Light'? 'Void'? Hmm...Speaking of, where do you think your assistants are?"
miyuri: *skipping along and humming* ^^
Sonia: "What is that song?"
miyuri: something mama used to sing to me. she had a nice singing voice...
Sonia: "..." ("...Had...") *looks around* "It's still empty here..."
miyuri: hmmmm....hmmmmmmm.
???: there you are, lady miyuri!
Sonia: "!!!"
miyuri: oh hi lux! hi nox!
Sonia: "!!!"
miyuri: oh hi lux! hi nox!
nox: lady miyuri, we're here to return you to your room. it's dangerous out here.
miyuri: but i havent thanked the nice person yeeeeet. >3<
Sonia: "Um..."
Lux: "Just come along, my lady..."
nox: ?!?! who-
miyuri: nope! sana and i are gonna look for the nice person first, then miyuri will go home.
Sonia: "..." *inches behind Miyuri* "Who are they?"
miyuri: owo oh, this is lux and nox, they work for tacchan!
Sonia: " 'Tacchan'..."
Lux: "You are coming with us, now!"
miyuri: nuuuuuuuuu! >n<
Lux: "Nox, ready?"
nox: you leave us no choice. *opens a portal*
Sonia: "?!"
nox: *reaches for miyuri*
Sonia: "..." *picks up a rock--and throws it at Nox*
nox: GRK-
Lux: "Nox!" *glares at Sonia* "You little shit!"
Sonia: "...Maybe this was a bad plan--"
Lux: *releases lightning*
miyuri: *grabs sonia's hand and runs*
Sonia: *follows, as Lux aims--* "Damn! I can't risk hitting the young lady..."
nox: urg...*touching their forehead, which is now bleeding* damn, that brat throws surprisingly hard...
Sonia: "What are their abilities?"
miyuri: well, lux can use lightening, and nox can use portals! it was one of nox's portals that miyuri fell into the last time by accident! and _that's_ how miyuri got outside the first time!
Sonia: " 'First time'? Th-This is too much--they're going to kill me at this rate..."
Lux: "Lady Miyuri, this is for your own good..." *aims*
Sonia: ("Think...Lightning rod...Usually made from aluminum--so...") *spots a can* "..." *kicks the can--into Lux's forehead*
Lux: "GAH!" >~<#
miyuri: *runs with sonia*
Sonia: ("Papa...Mr. Kajii...I hope I did the right thing...") "Miyuri, duck into here!"
miyuri: ok!
Akutagawa: "Stop this immediately." *dodges*
rashomon: *GROWLS*
Akutagawa: "I said stop!" *punches*
Weretiger: *ROARS*
atsushi: *shooting*
demon snow: *SLASH SLASH*
Kyoka: *blocking with her blade* ("I need an opening...I need something...")
Kyoka: "?!" *the cord tying the phone to her neck is sliced, causing the phone to fall to the floor*
demon snow: *SWINGS*
Kyoka: *eyes widen* "..."
{man: "Where's Kyoka?"}
{woman: she should be playing outside.}
{Kyoka: *a small child, bouncing a ball outside a traditional Japanese-style house*}
{Mr. Izumi: *smiles* "It was worth coming home early..."}
{???: *a figure rushes in with a knife in hand*}
{???: *collapses with a knife in their throat*}
{Mr. Izumi: "It's best to keep work and home life separate." *had tossed the knife*}
{mrs izumi: fufufu, indeed. ^^}
{Mr. Izumi: *removes the gun from the assassin--and shots into the ceiling*}
{???: *falls down dead*}
{???: ....}
{demon snow: *slashes the grunt behind mrs izumi*}
{Mr. Izumi: *looks around* "..."}
{Mr. Izumi: "???" *taps his cheek*}
{mrs izumi: ?? is everything alright, dear?}
{Mr. Izumi: "...I've been cut..."}
{mrs izumi: oh dear-}
{demon snow: *blade block*}
{mrs izumi: !!!!!!}
{Mr. Izumi: "?! It-It's not me! My body is moving on its own..."}
{-the door opens-}
{mrs izumi: !!!!!!!!!!!! k-kyou-}
{Kyoka: "Papa?"}
{Mr. Izumi: "..." *his body rushes at Kyoka* "STRIKE ME DOWN--NOW!"}
{Mr. Izumi: *collapses...he's not moving*}
{Kyouka: *stunned*}
{mrs izumi:....*feeling the blood on her cheek slide into her ear* ?!?!? *involuntarily picks up a knife* demon snow....please....}
{Kyoka: *stares*}
{mrs izumi:....protect kyouka...}
Kyoka: "..."
{-in a green field...-}
{Kyoka: "..." *looks around*}
{-nothing but clear skies and fields for miles...-}
{Kyoka: "Demon Snow...It is the embodiment of slaughter...Even so..."}
{mrs izumi: even so....you want to use this ability to help people....right, kyouka? *she smiles*}
atsushi: *holding a block which he used to block demon snow's blade* KYOUKA!
Kyoka: "..." *determined look* "I'm sorry." *readies her blade* "Let's finish her."
demon snow: *slashing*
-the red gem on her forehead shines a bit-
Kyoka: "There!"
Weretiger: *ROARS, leaps at Atsushi*
atsushi: GAH!
-he drops the gun-
Kyoka: *slashes at Demon Snow--*
demon snow: *blocking*
Kyoka: *presses further* "You...are mine!"
demon snow: ~i belong to no one!~
Weretiger: *lifts its clawed paw to bring down onto Atsushi--*
atsushi: *shoves the block into it's mouth*
Kyoka: "Do you forget?! What you promised?!"
Weretiger: OxO "ROAR?!"
demon snow: !!!! *stunned*
atsushi: *jumps onto the tiger's back, yanking the crystal off and throwing it to the ground, shattering it*
Kyoka: "What did my mother ask of you?! Will you refuse?"
Weretiger: *ROARS...before collapsing*
demon snow:....
Kyoka: "..." *suddenly has the gun Atsushi dropped, aims--*
Kyoka: "...Return."
demon snow: *reappears* ~...kyouka....please....forgive my behavior...~
Kyoka: "..." *small chop on the head* "Don't let it happen again."
atsushi: *collapses, panting* holy....freaking....dingus....*sigh*
atsushi: *looks up*
rashomon: *blink*
atsushi: *bolts upright* FHIHKJSKJKJFSKUHJBVFLDKSHBV!!!
Akutagawa: *petting Rashomon* *stares at Atsushi*
atsushi: um....hi. again.... ._.;;;;
Akutagawa: "...Well? Are you bringing the tiger forth again or not?"
atsushi: g-give me a sec ok.....*inhales* tiger-formation!..........................go tiger go!............heeeenSHIN!
Kyoka: "..."
Akutagawa: "...You can't summon it, can you?"
atsushi: i said give me a sec, jeez!.... HRNNNNG.....phweh.....*panting* GRAAAH WHY! ISNT! IT! WORKING?!
Akutagawa: "This is ridiculous--it's not working because you're not honest with yourself."
atsushi: what do you mean by that?
Akutagawa: "What are you?"
atsushi: ??
Akutagawa: "An ability user. A tiger. A beast. Until you accept what you are, you cannot utilize your gifts..."
atsushi: ..........i guess im not worth killing then, huh?
Akutagawa: "You insult me?"
atsushi: i-i didnt mean it like that- i mean.....it _has_ been six months since our agreement.......
Akutagawa: "...So, you haven't forgotten."
atsushi: *shakes head*
Akutagawa: "...I lost my home. My base. But you know what I didn't lose?"
atsushi: ??
*Rashomon leaps forward, flicking Atsushi hard on his forehead*
atsushi: >x<
Akutagawa: "An understanding of what I am. Reminders of what I have done, can do, and will do...If you won't stop Shibusawa, I will." *turns* "...And that's 'stop.' Not 'kill.'"
atsushi: .....
Akutagawa: "Have you forgotten what you have done?"
atsushi: i-
Kyoka: "Atsushi is more powerful than you realize. You're one to talk about forgetting the past."
atsushi: .......
Kyoka: "He's stopped you enough times--because he never gives up."
Akutagawa: "...Then why is he still standing there?"
atsushi: ........
Kyoka: "...Atsushi..."
Akutagawa: "Take the step forward or don't. But I will press on."
Kyoka: "...Rest for a bit."
atsushi:....*sitting down, closing his eyes*
0 notes
in-paradox-space · 7 years
very long rambly text post, you know the drill
you’ll get nothing out of reading it, you may as well scroll.
It’s fucking painful. 
I barely even know her
but I can’t stop thinking about her
I’ve met her once, I shouldn’t feel this way about her.
I can’t concentrate on anything.
I just really really want to be around her.
I miss her.
and its really fucking painful to think she probably just wanted to get away from me 
I need to work on improving my skills before college starts. I need to be able to pick myself up, eat the right foods, shower and sleep at the right times
I can’t. I can only think about her
and its weird. I have had crushes before, painful ones, for girls and guys.
and I’ve spent nights awake because of it
but this is making me really sad
to feel like I’ll never be with her and she’ll probably never approve of me
she probably thinks I’m really weird
and that I just want a hookup
because our mutual friends made it out like that before they invited her
she’s a regular girl
I met her one night
and I don’t understand.
It would make sense for me to enjoy being around her and wanting to chill with her again
but it does not make sense that I feel like this
that she comes into my mind every single minute
and she makes it hard to focus on anything
I want to look at all the units on my course, and visualize how I can get the best grades in each one
I want to research some shit to buy 
I need to choose a good cheap bag to order from china or somewhere cheap
I can not concentrate on any of it. 
My mind is only interested in thinking of her
I’ve been waiting for a camera for weeks, it arrived today
I unboxed it. 
the tag and the plastic was still there
I need to format an SD Card and change the date/time settings
the box had the big bubble wrap 
why am I not excited? 
I don’t give a shit 
I don’t.
I only seem to care about her right now
and it feels like a drug craving
like im low
I need her to pick my serotonin up
and I think, relationships, crushes, love, affection, sex, all that shit
it kind of is like a drug 
not in a poetic way
but its basically the same release of chemicals in the brain
and you think about it every day
you look forward to it
and you feel highs and lows
pick me ups and comedowns
the rushes, the emotions
you change and shape your life to suit it, you make compromises
and its all for a release of the chemicals your brain creates
i know im not the first one to point this out
but im growing aware of it
and I’ve always been aware its just chemicals
an illusion, a distraction from what is important
and I know in reality it doesnt mean shit. I should move on and get on with whats important
but heres the thing
its making me low, because somewhere along the lines my serotonin or dopamine or one of those kind of things has been thrown off balance
and thats basically what happens when you want more cocaine, but it would be more extreme with cocaine of course
I want to see her again.
I dont want to ask my friends to invite her out again, its embarrassing that im interested
and i feel sort of uncomfortable knowing my friend fucked her that one time
i dont even care what we do
i just want to be around her
and i am well aware of how creepy this is 
considering i dont know her
and I spent one night with her
and if anyone spouted this shit to me, I’d think they were just being really dramatic
and they just wished they lived inside a movie
theres not really a pattern to when I think of her
and i find it so strange, because I really really dont know her
but I feel so strongly about her, like I would with a crush from high school
it just does not make sense, logically, to me.
but I will be thinking of anything and I’m suddenly overcome with this unique feeling
a reminder through my whole body
that I really really fucking like being around her
and I just want to be around her again
a feeling exactly like seriously craving a certain drug which you haven’t done for a day or so, but its less physical pain and more feeling emotion through a sense of weakness in your  body
 i wont tonight because i might not be thinking straight
but im considering just talking to my friend about it
and trying to see her again
and i want her to like me, but authenticity is important
but i wouldnt want them to set me up
and honestly i dont think she wants any of this
even if she did date me it’d probably be for 3 days and she’d move on
and she is the kind of girl I’d be friends with
but I really don’t consider people like her as anything more
she liked blink 182 and generic pop rock
i didnt even care about that
you can like whatever you like, but a part of my interest is usually dictated by that
i just liked her more
simply because I was learning more about her
and my god
I would fucking hate anybody who was talking like me right now
I will get over her. 
but for now I’m enjoying hearing her voice as I sleep
I think it happens to most people, it almost always happens to me after doing ecstasy 
the next few nights have mild hallucinations 
kind of abstract and psychedelic 
rarely scary but I have had very very fearful nights of paranoia a few days after in the past
they’re mainly voices
its like certain phrases keep being replayed in your ears over and over
not thought out but heard
like theyre really there
and you know theyre not there
but you feel as if these people are really around you
and youre in the same place
and you dont question it at all
you believe they are there
and its not imposing, it doesnt raise any questions. you’re physically in your bedroom but you look around, you hear them, youre really in the place you were the other night
and eventually when youre really drifting off
it becomes lucid visual
and you see them but you also dont
and its just certain things being replayed
and it has the potential to turn into a bad trip but its mostly pleasant and soothing
and I can still hear her voice
I still hear my friends and his girlfriends
but I hear hers too
I love it
I don’t want it to go away
I cant think of what she says
well theres one phrase
and again it makes absolutely no fucking sense
shes just a completely regular fucking girl, with her own interests and experiences
some we share. some we dont
and i met her fucking once, spent one night high with her. we didnt even kiss. hugged once
she didnt express any interest
didnt show any signs of it
and my heart feels fucking weak
and my body is released with, is it endorphins? 
it feels like when something release endorphins
an opiate effect.
im going to see her again
i wish my brain could take that in
so it will stop distracting me with thoughts of her at this crucial part of the year
the version of me from a year ago would feel disgusted by these posts
and I’m sorry, old me
I’ll always be me
ill feel that same way about love again
i dont know what this is
i think im physically dependent on codeine again
and that might have influenced me being sick before
i took some when i got off the bus but it didnt change much
im going to go cold turkey anyway
i was planning on taking some at a gig but i begged kek, bargained to not be sick until im off the bus
and i made a sort of deal that i will sacrifice taking codeine at the gig
then bargained some more and said id stop
idk if it was them who helped me 
but a deal is a deal
and it will still be a fucking good show
would probably love it more if I was high though
im gonna have to forget that
and I feel sick again
im going to wash my hair and sleep
I started college today
I got up at 6am, and I would’ve made it on time but I was almost sick on the bus ride.
I didn’t want that to be my first impression so I went home.
I think it’s because of the weekend. I don’t take alcohol very well, even a little. Or cigarettes. I just get migraines from anything slightly unhealthy. 
I think its more of a delayed hangover/comedown though. 
If the pills are 200mg each, I did roughly 700-900mg of MDMA on over two different days.
I started one day, rested the next and continued the day after that.
to some thats a lot. 
To others it’s a milestone they’re way past. 
It’s the most I think I’ve done in that timeframe though though. 
I’m still very tired after sleeping through the afternoon and very weak. 
I want to make it tomorrow but I don’t think I will. 
It’s a shame. I want to ace the first project and make a good first impression. 
I told them I get ill a lot, they should understand but I think they’ll be suspicious that I just happen to be seriously ill on the first day
especially after talking about how much better I am compared to the start of the year in the interview
Now im going to think of a personal tag for her,
one memorable that isnt her name
0 notes
0225pm · 7 years
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lmaO he probably knew i took these photos but yaaAsss look at this fine specimen *_* honestly i kinda wanna shoot him one day like for real with a proper theme and all i think it'll be fun!!!! anyway time check, it's 3:15am right now and i'm so damn bushed!!!!!! i just had a quick shower and removed my make up and shit. honestly im not sure if it's bc of my acne medication but my skin is becoming really dry so my foundation ends up looking really shitty and cakey at the end of the day. it just looks like my face is cracking and breaking apart wtf. i just moisturized using my nature republic's aloe vera soothing gel tho. idk if it'll help but i literally slapped on a rather thick layer and i'm just gonna head to bed in a bit, hoping that when i'm awake later my skin will be less inflamed and hydrated. so the beginning of my day started off really shitty and i legit almost broke down (though i still ended up tearing anyway wtf) when i finally reached lasalle. i guess maybe this is my fate? i don't know.......... i honestly have no idea where life is taking me right now and all i can hope for is for my parents to continue being as supportive of me as they can. in the meantime, self reminder to source for upgrading courses to enroll in, etc!!!! i asked han whether he had his lunch already and he shook his head no, so we decided to walk to bugis to grab a bite together. we didn't really have a plan in mind and han finally!!! picked something that HE wanted to eat (instead of always giving in to my tastebuds) which was wok hey and i ofc couldn't say no bc tbh wok hey's pretty darn good and their portion will keep you full till your next meal of the day. besides, i really wanted to try their shanghai fried rice after i got their egg fried rice the very first time. it was sOoooo good!!!! way more flavorful than the egg fried rice. we got some drinks at cold storage and then we walked back to bugis+ to sit down to eat (there's these area with red seats for people to sit down/rest for a bit). i bought a top and bottom today!!! i'm regretting the top a little now that i actually am home but unfortunately for temt they don't offer any refunds :( so i guess i'll just try to make it work one day! han was so tired he kept dosing off throughout the day and i felt so bad knowing he could have just head home and slept after going for the talk but instead he came all the way to meet me and keep me company T___T aiyo where to find such a wonderful bf like this i am so lucky!!!!!! also he was lugging around his uniform and boots that weighs a ton!!! after we were done eating, he suggested to accompany him back home so he can put the stuff down and then catch a movie after! he also suggested catching spider-man homecoming since we didn't manage to watch it the other day (ya ikr he actually suggest a lot of things today i am so proud and happy he actually took the lead HAAHHAAH). we took the downtown line towards bukit panjang and then took the bus back to his place before taking the train to woodlands to catch the movie at causeway point. i suck at giving movie ratings but i have to say, the starting was a little bit too slow for my liking and in some parts throughout the movie i actually found myself losing a little bit of interest until something cool happens. the real mvp of the movie is ned tho!!! his lines in the movie suits his character really well it's funny ^_^ but overall it was an ok movie, didn't really make me gripped my seat nor glued my eyes to the screen 100%. and then after the movie, han sent me back!!! we took the train to bishan and there was this weird dude who apparently was staring/glancing at me???? idk if he knows me or smth but i didn't realize that even han observed it bc he told me that the guy kept looking at me and then look away when han stared back at him. strange and the whole situation just makes me feel uncomfortable knowing that he probably knows me from God knows where, but i don't even know him at all. then we took 59 back (it felt so quick!!!) before dropping off and transferring to 60. we dropped off one stop before my block to get some takeout at the 24 hours indian shop. i got myself mutton chop and han got nasi pattaya. it tasted really good and i thought i wouldn't be able to finish it but lmao i literally swallowed every last bite and i felt like i could have eaten more. my eating habits are getting out of control and this happens every damn month when it's nearing that time of the month. it's annoying bc that's the period where i also gained some extra weight which i don't want wtf go away fats!!!!! :( han then took a nap and even snored haahah he must have been super frikin tired. i kept asking him to quickly book a grab so he can go home, rest and sleep at the comfort of his own place instead of feeding mosquitoes and becoming victim to other bacterias and flies that comes out at night. grab was so hard to book so i booked his trip home via uber!!!!
0 notes