#ask gray
grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Okay, here are the few questions I have for your latest emoji asking...
4.🎬 Especially the casting of Phantom(Mingling)
-honestly, I thought she was a lot similar to Bellatrix Lestrange...so the same actor would be a good cast?
I also had a question about the relationships (cough romantic cough ..) between the characters. But decided to ask later because It would be too long. So, would it be okay for you if I ask about them seperately later?
Also P.S: If you have any questions or things curious about me ...feel free to ask!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
If I could change one thing for the canon, I would like something that the third movie could have done better, the way I hear most pandoms used to enjoy, but did later find the plot a bit rushed and had the film become light rather than too dark like KFP 2 did. What I wished to play out in the story was to expand Kai's background story.
Listen. We all know Oogway's story of how he met his yak brother in the war 500 years ago; the two brothers became the most badass warlords who fought battles and bonded their armies together until Kai turned back against him because of Oogway's change and his chi power, he claimed souls for strength, went too close to the sun.
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Kai did say to the Jade Palace masters that he loved Oogway like a brother, and he betrayed him. If there's something that the plothole needs to fill, I want to know why did Oogway betray him for? There must be a reason that caused their brotherhood/friendship to fragment during their warlord days before Kai turned evil, and I want to know more!
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I wish there was more to reveal that Kai discovered something to steal their chi. And. . . hear me on this one. . .
Kai's jombies steal masters, one by one. 95 minutes weren't enough, and I prefer to have around 2hrs and 30mins, maybe closer to 3hrs (if you are Peter Jackson or Zack Snyder), because the Dragon Warrior is dealing with the unknown beast from the Spirit Realm who took his friends, and his family, building several tensions with a few twists and turns before Po can discover what he can do to defeat Kai the hard way.
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There are plenty of fic stories that feature Kai (including mine, too!) and a comic I found. Those books introduce Kai and Oogway during their warlord days and have background stories. I'll reblog with links, and @amateraponzu 's comic fic Wish Upon the Stars on Tumblr.
🏷 (hopefully, this is the tag emote I found) Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Not really. I have yet to search for any fics to catch my eye; I would like to read anything interesting from old fics when I was stuck writing my fanfic series. But of course, reminding me of the tags (stories), I need to catch up with other fics, like @shootbangdang 's The Vale, @mastrrt 's To the Weeping River, and Drags's Mongol fic Winds of Change. All three fics are from FanFiction, and they are worth timing to read!
(Drags! You are the stupendous author, and I must say your fic is well written to see Po, Tigress, and Crane head to Mongolia and grab the secret weapon before anyone gets it! The characters (your OCs too), action scenes, your writing, my lord!)
While I am having a break from writing a sequel book for now, only to start editing my two novels, I highly recommend reading Drags's fic first, Righteous Flame. That goes for all pandoms! His book is stellar.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
There are reasons why I started a fic. I wanted to start writing because it's part of my hobby. Not only a hobby that I would like to be an author of someday (if I could make my own Narnia/Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones worldbuilding with my polar bear character), I write for those who I love and friendships irl. Friends of mine who I am with from high school and Wing Chun class, and families of mine who I grew up with and raised together.
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My first book had me write for my mates and my master from the Wing Chun class. Dedicated to building a kung fu panda fic after I watched KFP 3, I started writing for my real-life companions. It was a rough start to begin there without planning to build a structure (yeah, I was a noob writer), but I could have created layers before I must write. Two years later, I knew where to end my first book. And later on, worldbuilding is the most challenging one for my fic series.
Not a simple task for my fic to name cities, countries, etc., but I'll leave notes on what places have instead of losing puzzle pieces. And trust me, when you plan to write a giant fic, make a plan, build structures with one stone at a time, create vivid characters, and develop tensions. All books should have conflicts featuring a hero and villain. Make your villains play an unfair game! Make your hero's journey and have his struggles to see challenges before achieving success!
Writing is not easy. And it still feels like it, but it rewards you for accomplishments. Even when you finish the book, always edit your first drafts, build some details, and fill in plotholes.
🎬 If a movie or a show were based on your fic, which fic you'd you choose, and who would you fan cast?
A show can be promising for the Mightiest Warriors Series because there are depths and interesting characters to know more about. A movie makes it simple around 2 to 3 hours (depending) for the story, but it might have a few plotholes if my fanfic series would be based on.
Now, I like how you picked my most menacing villain, Mingling. She deserves to have an actress voicing the black bear. Her personality blends with three major characters that I was inspired by, making the most dangerous antagonist so far.
The Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)
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Marisa Coulter (His Dark Materials)
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Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
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*Now I like what you first thought of Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, so that's a huge BONUS for my wildest child because Mingling fits in insanity!*
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Ahem! How will I like to pick the actress? Her character's favorite color is purple (more like a royal, but I prefer her to go aggressive and extremely menacing, like Lord Shen), so my top picks are. . .
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister). She can play out the gruesome character who cares for ruling and satisfaction to attempt to succeed in her vengeance. Compared to what she becomes lethal, Cersei loves her brother. No one else but him. With that sibling relationship, I think of Mingling fonding my bovine character Huoju. Lena Headey can play out her villainous role.
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Ruth Wilson (Marisa Coulter). Oh my!!! If you have seen her in the show His Dark Materials (based on the trilogy novel), please. . . do not test her! Knowing what she does to love her daughter but lacks her parental type, she's brilliant, ruthless, and daring. Bringing Ruth in will fill my bear's affection for Mingling's only mate Huoju, and to be frank, like I mentioned the bear's revenge, she will not be stopped, despite her hostility and anger did startle a few characters of mine.
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Just look at her! Ain't she a beauty? Now, look how gruesome she can be in the show. . .
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Despite how serious Ruth Wilson's character is in His Dark Materials, oh boy!! Imagine you are a child, and you see Mrs. Coulter's smile and fierce eyes; she looks right at you before she can scare you. As I said, please, for the love of the heavens, do not test her! Ruth Wilson is perfect for a villain role!
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PHEW! Lots of questions I answered. Thank you for these emotes, Righteous Flames! I'll be back for some fic links whenever I tag you!
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koheletgirl · 1 year
i feel like at this point if none of my les mis mutuals are online i'm just going to take one of my mutuals who is online and turn them into a les mis mutual. this is a threat
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gray-ace-space · 4 months
interested in sex the same way you can be a sports fan without ever playing a single sport
*reading absolute filth and humming thoughtfully* fascinating.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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nataliescatorccio · 4 months
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graystar-png · 2 years
Awww i didn’t know someone would be sweet enough to send me a trick-or-treat 🥺🥺🥺 anyways heres a funny my friend Val drew:
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 months
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conan gray = sirius black
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hi love!!!! your work is so amazing i love how you write
i was wondering if you could do a corionlanus x fem reader where she’s his tribute and is about to be killed in the game but it’s kind of like that scene in you where she says “no don’t kill me im pregnant” and it’s his reaction and everyone watching trying to get them to end the games? i’d love to see what you could do w that feel free to change anything u want!
Songbird's Plan | Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x fem!tribute!reader
Summary: The presence of a song bird can change everything for one who appreciates them or "if it weren't for the baby" TBOSAS edition.
Warning/s: a bit of angst, Coriolanus Snow being in love, nickname (songbird), mentions of death, mentions of pregnancy, short fic, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: It's finally here. Hope you enjoy.
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The moment Coriolanus Snow met you he knew that he would do everything in his power to protect you from harm no matter what.
Of course he knew that that was going to be a difficult challenge because you were his tribute.
You were supposed to be in the games, you were supposed to literally fight for your life. There was always the chance that you would die, but Coriolanus didn't allow himself to think too long of this outcome. He knew that it would simply drive him to compete and utter madness.
So once the rebels bombed the arena, once he was out of the hospital and once he made sure that his tribute was okay, he sneaked into the arena the night before the games.
He spend more than half of the night searching for the places for his little songbird to hide. He did everything he could, he truly did, and he truly did though that he would be prepared for everything.
Yet as he found himself leaning towards the screen in front of him that displayed the scene of you being attacked by Coral he felt himself automatically freeze. He felt helpless.
He felt like he let you down and that ate him inside out.
Coriolanus felt like his heart was going to simply burst out of his chest as he watched, his throat tightening.
He watched Coral getting closer to you. He felt useless.
But there was something that both of you underestimated. There was a certain connection between you two. Both Coriolanus and you were smart, willing to do anything to survive.
Once Coriolanus remembered that, he forced himself to move. He could probably wipe out Coral with those badly made drones, but he needed some distraction because if Coral sees them, it's over. He could hit you.
"Please, don't!" Your voice broke out of the screen, Coriolanus felt himself flinch at the desperation behind it.
He watched your helpless form glazing away from Coral like you were on thin ice.
Coriolanus felt like he would scream put as Coral raised her weapon against you. But that's when you yelled out something that made his heart completely stop.
"No!" Your forceful voice shouted. "Don't kill me, I'm pregnant!"
Coral stopped for a moment. Coriolanus stopped for a moment. In fact, it seemed like the entire world stopped for a moment.
Coriolanus couldn't move, his mouth slightly agape as he watched you breathe heavily as you waited for Coral to move.
"Stop the games!" Tigris shouted in despair.
Coriolanus felt himself turn around quickly as he watched the mob of students standing up, waving his hands in air as they shouted to stop the games.
Coriolanus quickly turned to the screen and watched Coral still trying to gain her composure. He moved quickly, his body quicker than his mind.
If he doesn't do anything now, it would be over for you.
So as he send at least ten drones into the arena, successfully killing Coral, and as he watched your face twist in relief, and as he heard the cheers behind him he realized that maybe the hope wasn't lost after all.
His little songbird was truly a genius.
@hellonheels-x @especiallythewomenandthechildren @prettyinsatiable @caroline-books @runningfrom2am @10ava01 @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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batbabydamian · 3 months
🕊️/ pssst, your secret will be safe with me, no one can hear us but what wip are you currently trying to grind out right now?
p.s. you’re as pretty as the picture, so do not worry 😥 cute or sad, it will be great, mayhaps do whatever you want to do the most? don’t suck the fun out of it, oh no 🥹
HAHA here's some not-so-secret wips!! rn the one i "grind" the most on is this Dick and Damian wip orz
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and because you're a super sons fan this one's a doodle based on a prompt - Jon amused by Damian's sweater paws lol
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and thank you!! 🥺 i try to remind myself to have fun with these!!
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Ryan Gosling is very handsome.
That’s it.
That’s the post.
Like or reblog if you agree.
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grayzeppelin281 · 1 year
Hey, I have a few questions about the relationships between the characters, as I promised at the last writer ask game...
1. 🔥Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
2. I know that Prince Huoju and Phantom were very close to each other. But what exactly are their relationship? Is it a one-sided adoration and idolizing by Phantom? Or are those two actually in love with each other? If it is, how close were they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
3. Lao and Hong were described as a couple in your story. But since Lao is married with Lady Huiliang. So,what happened between them? If they broke up, how did they?(did one of them tell the other, or did they silently ended it without a word?)
And the most important question...
4. What is the relationship between Po and Tigress in your story? Are they just friends like the canon? I know that Po wrote love letters to Tigress, then is it a one-sided crush by Po? Or are they in love with each other? If it is, how close are they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
Okay! I'll answer some questions!
1. 🔥Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write?
Nope! My books are safe for the general audience. So. . . That's a quick pass.
2. I know that Prince Huoju and Phantom were very close to each other. But what exactly are their relationship? Is it a one-sided adoration and idolizing by Phantom? Or are those two actually in love with each other? If it is, how close were they? just having feelings towards each others or close enough to... mate?
My baddies are (platonic) mates. What started their relationship, Huoju found her (a cub) in a cave, where a group of Huns from Mongolia were attempting to kill Mingling. While I am terrible at romance (I am only good at writing friendship), Mingling has her idol to loving her only Huoju (her hero). Despite the beliefs in fighting for what Mingling could imagine, aside the revenge and hatred with her whole life, slaughtering people without mercy, she has been with the Prince of Darkness for centuries (when a mystery caused her age to be immortality, being a shaman).
3. Lao and Hong were described as a couple in your story. But since Lao is married with Lady Huiliang. So,what happened between them? If they broke up, how did they?(did one of them tell the other, or did they silently end it without a word?)
Of course. . . I nearly forgot about that one.
Hong had her insanity idea to marry one who actually cares. Both of my characters are friends. I think Hong would have wanted Lao to find a lady who is more lovely and spiritual than crazy. Besides, I believe their platonic relationship is ironic, but Hong and Lao are good companions.
They'll likely speak with each other again after his marriage.
4. What is the relationship between Po and Tigress in your story?  Are they just friends like the canon? I know that Po wrote love letters to Tigress, then is it a one-sided crush by Po? Or are they in love with each other? If it is, how close are they? just having feelings towards each other or close enough to... mate?
Their relationship, my fellow reader(s), is friendship. If I remember well from my first book (planning to rewrite and edit A New Prophecy), Po used to write a letter to one of his closest companions that he truly meant to him. Tigress became caring with the panda after Po defeated Tai Lung, thought she was wrong about him, despite jealousy impacted her. She was almost going to be chosen as the Dragon Warrior, but instead, she's proven to be an honorable fighter than reflecting the scroll to greedy (Tai Lung).
(To be open-minded, you have to understand that when you have proven yourself worthy, with all the hard work you have achieved many years, you look at the Dragon Scroll and see yourself. No riddles, no secrets of Kung Fu, no secret ingredient, just you.)
Ever since Shen happened, at the factory, Tigress saw Po get shot from the cannon and blast away (and survived). Even that she has those who are encouraging, unlike her skills that the Five are capable of (Thanks to Po, who replaced the scroll with a list of four ideas than Shifu's red panda warriors. Secrets of the Scroll), she nearly lost Po, who cares Tigress.
With their friendship, I say both Tigress and Po are close friends.
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That's all the answer I can get! Thanks, Righteous!
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saberlight1 · 6 months
my love, mine all mine — lucy gray baird
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pairing(s): lucy gray baird x fem!reader, mentions of coriolanus snow x fem!reader.
warnings: slight tbosas spoilers, mentions of ptsd, trauma, angst, possessive!lucy, Y/N usage, slightly mean!lucy, standard ballad of songbirds and snakes warnings.
authors note: boom! another one. i am so happy you all love my writing! keep sending in these requests, y’alls ideas are so cool and i adore reading them. this fic is based off of this request, and i hope you all enjoy it! much love .
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When your eyes first laid upon Lucy Gray Baird, you were immediately enthralled by her presence. Everyone who had ever gotten the honor to meet her would say the same.
You had grown up in the very same district that her and her family, The Covey, were locked up in after being rounded up by the Peacekeepers. Most people around Twelve talked shit on them for being different, but the thing that drew you in the most to her was the fact that she didn’t give a shit.
She didn’t care what anyone thought, no one in her family did. They loved what they did, and that was singing. You saw this on full display at the Hob, where they performed every other night.
You already knew she was beautiful, but, God, when you saw her on that stage, beaming, you swore Aphrodite was standing before you. Her voice was just as beautiful as her, as she danced around stage, captivating the whole room.
At the end her performance, you snatched a daisy out of someone’s bouquet as you walked by, speed-walking to the corridor you were watching her walk into.
“Lucy Gray!” You called, the girl turning towards your call immediately, a smile still on her face. You held out the flower, a soft smile on your face. “You’re beautiful, as well as your singing.”
She blushed, her laugh coming out. “Why, thank you, darlin’.” She took the daisy, taking it up to her nose to smell. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” You beamed. “It’s a real pleasure to see you and your family around here. You really light it up ‘round here.” You complimented. “Twelve’s a normally dull place, but here.. it’s different.”
“Thank you, truly.” Her hand grabbed yours, squeezing. “I’ll see you around.”
And she kept her word, finding you after her next show to get to know you better.
And just like that, the pair of you were inseparable.
She introduced you to the Covey, and after they learned you had pipes, you were immediately brought into their group. You loved it, it felt as if you had found the people you’d been longing for your whole life.
But you found yourself staring at Lucy Gray for longer than normal, a dopey smile lazily draped across your sun kissed features. It wasn’t until some teasing from CeCe and Billy that you realized that you had feelings for the girl.
“Aye, Y/N, it seems like you got some drool right there…” CeCe teased, a playful smile on his face as they caught you staring at the girl for the 100th time.
Billy butted in from his side. “Yeah, you do. Someone’s fallin’ for the songbird,” He laughed. You rolled your eyes at them, before taking their words into consideration.
Holy fuck, you were falling for her.
I mean, how could you not? She was a beacon of light, her presence alone brighting up every room she walked into to, and she had treated you wonderfully, even going as far to include you with her family.
You were caught up in your love daze, not realizing the crushing realities that came with your feelings. But when you did, it left a sour taste in your mouth.
The butterflies swirling in your abdomen stopped in an instant, replaced with an oozing, grueling feeling of worry. Lucy Gray could find you repulsing— and the whole Covey would leave you as well.
It left you wishing you had a factory reset button to forget your feelings at once.
“Y/N, what’s with the frown?” Lucy Gray suddenly appeared in front of you, her signature smile on her cherry lips.
Your eyes snapped to hers, your nerves only growing. “Oh, nothin’. Just thinkin’.”
She sat down next to you. “Oh, really? Didn’t think you was capable.” She joked, making you lightly shove her with a smile.
Your breath caught in your throat when you realized how close you were to the girl. Her honey eyes stared up into yours, and you struggled to not look at her lips. All you wanted to do was close the space between the pair of you.
But you decided on that day that you would settle for this. After all— having her as a friend was better than nothing.
It wasn’t until the reaping of that year that you decided to throw caution to the wind.
It was the Covey’s first reaping, and it was for the annual 9th Hunger Games. Your nerves always got the best of you during this time of year, but it seemed that you weren’t the only one.
You sat in your room, Lucy Gray sitting at your desk in the corner. She said she was trying to write, but you could tell by the bouncing of her leg and her tense body that it wasn’t going well.
You licked your lips, putting your book aside. “You alright, Gray?”
She turned her head, her eyes meeting yours from over her shoulder. She sighed, turning back to the paper and rubbing her temple. “No,”
You stood up, coming to stand next to her, your hesitant hands rubbing her shoulders, the tense muscles deflating under your touch. “What’s wrong?”
“I.. I just really miss my mama.” She let out a sad breath. “And this reapin’ stuff is got my nerves wrecked.”
“I know the feelin’.” You bitterly chuckled. “You won’t get your name drawn, Lucy, none of you will. Your names are only in their once, your chances are slim. You should be okay. I miss my ma, too. I know it hurts.” You tried your best to calm her.
Her hand came up to grab yours that was resting on her shoulder, lacing your fingers together. “You know, you are about the only good thing in this District,” She smiled up at you, her worry lines faded.
At her words you felt those butterflies return, as your eyes flickered down to her lips, your teeth pulling in your bottom lip as you tried to talk yourself down.
Lucy Gray noticed this, however, and with a smile still plastered on her pretty face, she leaned up ever so slightly and captured your lips with her own. Your eyes widened in surprise, before they fluttered closed, your hands coming up to cup her face.
You let out a happy hum against her lips, the girl standing up to get a better grip on your hips, her lips never leaving yours. When you broke apart for air, a giggle left her slips at the sight of your lips stained with her lipstick.
“I’ve wanted you to do that for so long,” You admitted with a smile.
A smirk grew across her face. “I was waitin’ for you to grow the balls to do it first. Turns out you were too chicken.” She teased, her arms wrapping around your neck as she left small pecks on your lips.
You didn’t even pretend to be offended by her words, instead rolling your eyes playfully before kissing her again.
“Be my girlfriend,” She whispered against your lips. You pulled back slightly at her words, before jumping into her arms.
“Yes, yes.” You chuckled, as the girl hugged you back just as tightly.
That led you to now, where you smiled at the same brunette that was laid in your arms. She was different, anyone who had been what she went through would be, but she was also still your same Lucy Gray in all the best ways.
After you got her back from the games, you vowed to never let her go again. The turmoil you felt in the weeks that she was away from you, not knowing if you’d see her again or not— you never wanted to feel that again. And she felt the same way.
“You got a starin’ problem, girl?” Lucy Gray teased with that southern drawl you loved, seeing that you were lost in thought.
A warm smiled crossed your face at the sound of her voice, your hand going to play with her hair. “If it means I get to look at you, then yes, I do.”
She giggled, snuggling deeper into your arms. “Yeah, yeah, you sap.”
“You love it,”
She rolled her eyes, playfully. “I do,” She looked at you seriously now, leaning up to kiss you softly. You smiled against her lips, the feeling of her expressing her love for you in such an intimate way always making you smile.
You would proudly admit that you were head over heels in love with your girlfriend to anyone. But you knew you couldn’t— hell, the only people that even knew you were together was the Covey and her mentor, Coriolanus Snow. People didn’t seem expect, nor accept your type of love.
She had told him during her time there, during the nights they spent together talking through the cage bars. She talked his ear off about you, a love-sick smile on her face the whole time, the girl forgetting that some people weren’t accepting of your love.
But to her surprise, Coriolanus didn’t care if she was with a girl. In fact, he was thrilled, which confused her to no end. (She didn’t know this, but the only reason he was happy was because he now had something that would fuel her to win.)
You thanked every star above for the Snow boy for bringing your girl back to you, even if she was brought back with sharper edges. You didn’t care, you had her back in your arms. And you wanted to thank him.
But, Lucy Gray was a different girl than what she was when she left, even if she tried to pretend that wasn’t the case. She was more paranoid, more protective of the people she loved— especially you. More than you anticipated.
So the next morning when you set out to find the boy who was currently serving time as a Peacekeeper in your very district, the one goal in your mind was to thank him, the thought that this might be upsetting to your girlfriend not even crossing your temple.
You decided to bring him a rose— Lucy Gray mentioning to you that his Grandmother grew them, and you just happened to as well. It wasn’t like the pure ones his Grandmother grew in the Capitol, but you deemed it good enough.
You caught a glimpse of his platinum buzzcut, a smile growing over your ruby red lips. “Snow!” You called, jogging up to him in your cowboy boots. He turned at the call, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw it was you.
“Y/N?” He questioned.
“Hey, Coriolanus.” You smiled, holding out the rose for him. “Lucy Gray mentioned something about your Grandmother and roses, and just as a thanks for you bringin’ her back to me, I’d like to give you this,” You motioned to the rose.
To your delight, his hard face warped into that of a smile. “Thank you, Y/N. Truly.” His hand came out to squeeze your forearm affectionately. “I appreciate it, and you don’t have to thank me for that.”
“I do.” You assured him. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t get her back. You saved her… so, truly, thank you, Coriolanus. I mean it.” You felt eyes on you, but you shook the feeling off.
He nodded sheepishly, not used to the type of compliment you were giving him. “Of course.. Thank you for the rose. Let me know if you need anything, I’ll see you around.” He smiled, giving your forearm one last squeeze before he turned.
“You’re welcome, Coryo.” You flashed him one last smile before you turned on your heel yourself. What you didn’t expect to see was to see those honey eyes you loved staring daggers at you.
You cocked your head to the side as she began to stomp her way towards you. Once she reached you, she grabbed your wrist with a hard grip, and without word dragged you back to your now shared home.
“Lucy, what’re you doing?” You asked, just as your neared the front lawn of your home.
She clicked her tongue, a sign she was mad, and shook her head, continuing to lead you to the house in silence. Once the pair of you got in, she threw her bag on your shared bed, crossing her arms.
“What the hell was that?” She asked, her tone hard.
“What are you talkin’ about, Lucy?” You asked, stepping closer to her. She only backed away, her head shaking once again, while you visibly shrank at her rejection.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N. You know better,” She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I been runnin’ around, lookin’ for you like some fool, while you were off with my mentor, lettin’ him touch you. Why were you with him, huh?” She pressed. “What, you think I’m stupid or somethin’?”
“Coriolanus?” Your eyebrows furrowed, still not quite catching on to what she was so angry about.
“Yes, damnit, him.” Her voice slightly raised as she walked up to you, her gaze lowered as she glared at you. “Why were you givin’ him a rose, huh? Why were his hands on you?”
You licked your lips as you took in her state. Her pupils were blown out, her jaw slack— God, she looked so hot when she was angry. You shook your head at your thoughts, trying to be serious.
“Aye!” Her fingers snapped in front of your face, angrily. “Answer me,”
“Lucy, I— I was goin’ to thank him..” You whispered, your voice dying in your throat as you submitted to her fiery gaze.
“Why?” Her voice was low and raspy, sending shivers down your spine.
“For bringin’ you back t’me.” You admitted, looking at the floor guiltily as it sunk in that how much you truly had upset her. “I never got the chance to properly thank him, and you said he liked roses. So I brought him one, I thought it would remind him of home. I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear,”
Her eyes softened. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry..” She whispered, one hand coming up to cup your jaw, rubbing softly. “I.. My mind went somewhere completely different when I saw him touchin’ you.. It just made me angry,”
A sly smirk came over your features. “I think you mean jealous, Lucy Gray.” You whispered teasingly.
“Only you could make me this crazy,” She smiled. “But, I am sorry.” She said, guilt swirling in her eyes.
“Hey, it’s alright.” You reassured her, seeing that she was beating herself up. “Even I get a little jealous seein’ Billy drape hisself on you when he’s shitfaced, it’s normal, baby, I ain’t mad.” Your goofy smile mixed with your southern accent making her smile come back.
But just as it returned, it was replaced with a serious look. “Just.. stay away from him, alright? I don’t fully trust ‘em.”
“I won’t go near him again, I promise. I just wanted him to know I was thankful for bringin’ my best girl back t’me,” You tried to cheer her up, your lips ghosting over hers.
“Good. ‘Cause your mine,” She smirked, closing the space between the two of you as her lips kissed you hard, her teeth nipping your bottom lip as you let out a gasp, granting her access to your mouth as she deepened the kiss.
You smiled against her lips, thanking the stars above that you had the pleasure of being hers.
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k1ll3rqu33n · 3 months
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puppetmaster13u · 27 days
Throughout the years, Danny and Ra's get into fights. Unfortunately for Ra's, Danny's a biter. Unfortunately for Danny, biting immortals are never a good idea. Especially when your own DNA is beyond messed up
Imagine the look on Ra's face when they guy he likes fighting shows up with a baby in hand and says, "congratulations, you're a father"
Repeat it two more times because Danny just doesn't learn
Ohohoho, now this is quite fun. And this could be completely new children, or, this could be the three Al Ghul children. Which if it is? Is hilarious. And hey, Dusan even has Danny's white hair and green eyes!
But seriously I love this. Logically, Danny should learn to not bite, in fact? He knows how to fight, and can do so without biting. He's just also a petty little shit who will go feral when fighting this one asshole [insert relationship here].
Even more hilarious if Danny shows up throughout time too. And it's not like they exactly explain to anyone on the outside of their [insert relationship here], which definitely leads to so many misunderstandings and rumors.
Love the idea if this is even a semi-normal ghost thing. Just, usually the mixing of ecto is done on purpose, and not usually having to be worried about happening via blood. But Danny? Is a halfa, meaning that he is half human. And if he bit anyone else, it would probably have no effect, except for the fact that the human mouth carries quite a bit of bacteria and en ecto-contaminated one more so. So for anyone else, biting is an actual good option, but Ras? Also ecto-contaminated via Lazarus Pit.
Which is a different type of ectoplasm, like comparing saltwater to freshwater, but is still ectoplasm. If anyone else bit anyone else, it wouldn't happen. But no, Danny just has to have the habit of biting his immortal sparring asshole of a rival-buddy. And said buddy better be fine with co-parenting otherwise he's taking child support.
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ohheyitsgray · 21 days
What i wouldn't give to see more green haired / old Anti drawings in your style again.. EATING IT UP AND PAWING AT YOU FOR MORE TABLE SCRAPS!! LOVE UR EGO ART SOOOO MUCH
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Thank you so much! I’ve redesigned this guy a lot over the years- so here’s some random green haired antis for you :]
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glassroo · 7 months
wait can you draw feral danny as this
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its about time i drew the lil scrimblo bungus
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