#bc it's just my partner and i and our kid and he cant take off work to help me recover
blurred-antics · 5 months
i hate that the medical industry doesn't take reproductive health seriously when you have a uterus/ovaries. i hate that the only solution for 99% of issues is birth control unless you visually have an immediate complication, and even then sometimes the answer is still just birth control. i hate that companies don't let you have paid time off. i hate that asking for help is seen as weak or that you're lazy for being unable to do it all alone.
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aromanticautiesworld · 7 months
hi! how do you think finn would take you out for a romantic date? i bet hed be super nervous, even dressing up in a suit that looks really nice (but a little stifling and definitely not his style)... hes really bad with words at times, not even mentioning romantic endeavors, but you know hes really trying and putting so much effort into this, bc hes really serious about you! the thought of finn, super tough hero of Ooo, wrestling with the strongest and most elusive foe hes ever faced (butterflies in his tumtum), makes you laugh and smile so hard. hes doing all this for you and you love him, stuffy mushy junk or regular goofster boy ;u;
ohh goodness youve grabbed my heart…i shall give you some hcs…as a gift
How Finn would take you out on a date HCS
(not mushrooms related cuz that’d be spoilers)
-so it’s both yours and finn’s first date
-like you said he definitely gets a suit with jake after panic reading through all the books on dating he has (he even takes off his hat so you know he’s serious)
-you guys aren’t going to any fancy restaurants or anything, as two scruffy kids you both would feel out of place
-so you both go to a nice pizza place by your hometown
-he gets there first, and he’s anxiously fidgeting by the door waiting for you to arrive, and when you do, oh boy
-you weren’t super dressed up like he was, but you’d made a little bit of an effort to wear something other than your regular clothes
-you are soo amazing, oh my glob. He’s so happy you’re his partner
-he holds your hand, eyes basically sparkling, and leads you to the seat
-you at this point are just in awe of your goofus of a boyfriend. like this is a pizza place it’s not that fancy
-but like you said its this kinda stuff that you love him for. hes trying sooo hard and sooo does not know what he’s doing and you cant help but smile at that
-You two try to have a normal conversation, but cant get through a sentence without giggling and blushing
-however this is a date with finn. and who is finn if not a chaos magnet
-a dragon bursts through the roof of the restaurant, interrupting yours (and maybe another couple’s) pizza
-and the rest of the folks in there run
-but you and finn? oh, no no
-you both take on the thing, finn still hatless, and you still dressed up
-believe it or not the dragon actually does put up a bit of a fight before you two slay it, without getting into specifics neither of you will be able to wear these outfits to another date unless you went to a tailor. and it has to be a really, really good tailor
-you did, however, get a nasty cut on your arm, and now you and finn sat by the wall that has been reduced to rubble
-he crafts a makeshift tourniquet with his suit around the cut, trying not to make it too tight
-normslly, he’d love beating up a dragon, but now he just he feels really bad about all this
-“Man. I’m sorry I donked up our first date,”
-“Don’t worry about it! I had fun tonight, Finn” you smile at him
-And now you both sat next to each other, one with a dress shirt torn and partially unbuttoned after a button came loose in the battle, and the other’s outfit ripped up and partially stained in blood (was it the dragon’s? was it finn’s? was it yours? it was hard to tell)
-He smiles back, his grin still missing teeth, and his face grows red
-you two lean in, closer, and closer
-until suddenly, you’re both having your first kiss
-the jolt of adrenaline pulls you two away from each other in suprise, you putting a hand to your lips and finn seemingly ceasing to function
-you tap him on the shoulder, asking silently if you can go in for another kiss, and he responds by embracing you again, nothing suddenly shocking either of you away this time
-you both pull away, and then you hug him, burying your face into his shoulder
-“I love you, ya doofus,” you say, voice muffled.
-“I love you too….” He says, returning the hug.
-“…w-we should really get going though. The cops are gonna show up any minute about the dragon,”
-“Alrighty, doofus, let’s bounce. Your place?“
-“Yeah,” Finn smiles again, a very giddy one on a still very red face, “my place,”
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awellboiledicicle · 11 months
Just realized The Young Master will have to pick a name at some point and all I can imagine is this fuzzy hulking adolescent space bat insisting it should be Mr. Case because of the upper and lower cases on printing presses.
This is generally fine but Pages feels it's too broad, unless it aims to mean all cases. Like luggage. You know, hoping to stir some more ambition in its child.
This prompts the Most Offended Rant about how it doesnt WANT to be broad, but too many things have the same WORD in English and how english is STUPID and it cant be Mr. Words because that is only vaguely related and it cant be Mr. Type because it wants phonographs too. And sure, if its handling type writers its not going to have the cases in the same way but, see point one: English is stupid.
This results in both bats pouting for a few hours. Young Master bc its frustrated and Pages because its overwhelmed with the realization that its child threw out Mr. Words without even hinting it wanted to take Pages job.
"Fourty years of raising and our young won't even consider deposing me!" It moans, head eclipsing its partners lap as it reclines in their nest. Its expression is distraught, though its partner is not entirely sure why. Another cultural thing, he assumes. A soothing pet between its horns seems to relax it a touch. "It should be planning to outstrip me in wealth and status-- instead it plots to lend..."
Its eyes narrow as if something sour had crawled through its teeth.
"... cooperation."
"Not embellishing tonight, love?" He ignored the withering look shot up at him and took to scratching slowly through Pages' neck fluff in small circles. "I think its sweet, our pup wanting to help."
Pages expression hardened and gripped his wrist, eyes suddenly fierce.
"Sweet does not have a place for us. It is weakness to act this way before its place is established!" It shook his arm a little as its voice managed to rise in pitch. "If it is to survive, to maybe one day see the Wilderness--"
Here it sat up and hunched, back firmly to him. It took a few measured breaths before turning back to its partner, eyes now full of an alien misery that took it whenever it thought too long on the High Wilderness. When it continued, its voice was hard.
"It must never assume kinship will mean friendship, safety." A beat of silence, followed by a wry look stealing over its muzzle. "It is more human than I... anticipated. You thwart me again."
Shaking his head, he took Pages' hand in his own, fingers tracing the boney joints.
"Kids will be what they will-- best we can do is steer. One day you'll get back to your Wilderness and it'll be with you." Pages opened its mouth, but was cut off with a knowing look and a squeeze. "You will see it again, love, even if I can't go with you-- our pup can. I know it's hard, teaching them how to be a curator when their human comes out. But you're doing great, for having to teach someone that's half me."
"You, too, are too soft." The statement lacked the heat of any actual admonishment. It gently ran a claw along his cheek, seemingly lost in thought for a long while. "Perhaps an alliance is not as disastrotrophic as I feared."
"There's my Pages." A warm smile helped ease the Master back into his lap, though the mood was now more solemn than tense. He restarted his slow scratches and earned a hum, Pages' eyes drifting almost closed. "It'll be fine. At worst we tell it to treat everyone like they're Fires after the union pamphlets."
"That.. might not be a terrible course of action."
Meanwhile Young Master is debating if Mr. Ink would be too close to Pages deal or no. Mr. Mechanism, because... mechanisms? No, no, that's not it. Maybe Case is fine, actually. And maybe it could branch out later to detectives because they work cases-- wait, parent has Reliables. Fuck. Names are hard. It gives up and steals a watermelon from Apples.
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krismckrismckris · 6 months
silly school stories bc theyre off topic and i want to share them but i dont have an excuse to
in 4th grade i became friends with this one kid who seemed nice, until recess time when i was playing on the swings and she was talking to me, some of my other friends came up and asked if i wanted to play with them, she immediately yelled at them and started saying things like shes my only friend and i cant have any other friends, i tried stopping her but they kept cutting me off until the next day whe i confronted her abt it, she called me an "ugly idiot", so i told the teacher and she didnt get her 4 skittles of the day lmao
one time we were watching a movie with all the 3rd grade classes, and this one boy asked if i could be his friend, i ignored him until i got annoyed and said yes just to shut him up, then a couple seconds later the teacher pauses the movie, and calls out the boy next to me, his friend was next to him and called him out by saying that he was trying to touch my butt?? he got moved so he wouldnt be a distraction then after class the teacher picked us up and said "[my name] i heard you were a hot tamale" and i stayed quiet for the rest of the school day
in 3rd grade i had a boy confess to me on the playground, on those monkey bars whatever you call them idk, what did i do? i ran around the playground, told my friends, told his friends, one of his friends told the TEACHER, so now the whole GRADE knows, then, i used his crush on me to manipulate him into doing stuff for me, like telling me his secrets and making fun of him for his crush
this is related to the last story just a year later, a year later, in 4th grade, we got put in separate classes, but, who did i get in a class with? his best friend, and i wish i was making this up but his best friend kept getting closer and closer to me as the year went on, whenever we got to choose our partners, we were together, whenever we got to choose our seats, we were together, and honestly he was a good friend
these are just little things i wanna tell others but it also never comes up but its not a story:
i stole a dinosaur toy in kindergarten
my kindergarten class had a fight over "the" and "the"
when i was in kindergarten i scolded a boy for liking my pink shoes bc they were only for girls apparently, I WAS RAISED UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT BOYS LIKED BLUE AND GIRLS LIKED PINK IM NOT SEXIST I SWEAR
uhh TW for puke/vomit/whatever tf its called
my sister puked in my hair when i was a kid, i had to take a 2 hour shower just to get it out, ofc with my dads help since i was 4-6 and my mom was helping my sister
idk how to use tw but puke/vomit/whatever tf its called can apparently trigger ppl and idk if it applies to text but im doing it just in case, i dont want to harm anyone i swear
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
We are on 3x06! 1/2 ‘HE IT PUTTING THE DRUGS IN THE TUSHY AGAIN!’ ‘Wait why are cops outside the clu- EW EW EW EW EW EW EW WHY WOULD THEY SHOW ME ETHAN AND JUSTIN IN THE TUB?!’ He put his hands over his face and fake gagged, now he knows how i feel. ‘I know another cool game you could play Justin, it’s called GO BACK TO BRIAN! Please tell me this concert is the thing that takes him OUT OF MY LIFE. Oh god *pauses tv fast* what if he stays around for another season?! I CANT DO THAT. He wishes Justin could be there? Why cant- oh right he’s straight now..A RING?! HE GOT HIM A RING?! Justin wipe that look off your face, Brian got you school tuition’ ‘what the fuck Brian? HES WORKING WITH A COP? Why are we getting so political? Ha brian hates it! Just like i do! Call him a twat and move on, HES ACTUALLY GOING TO WORK WORK WITH HIM?’ He paused the tv and went out to smoke. He is clearly feeling a certain way about Stockwell/Brian. ‘MY ASS he built model airplanes as a kid. (Stockwell says he doesn’t mind the truth even if Brian uses it as an assault weapon)…oh damn that’s actually kinda good description of him at times but i don’t wanna agree with a cop so fuck you. DUDE STOP HELPING HIM WIN VOTES! WHAT THE FUCK? I get he loves money and power and its his job or whatever but this is just ew. There’s no way he’d help him, i mean he hates *points to himself* heteros’ ‘AH ITS BRI AND JUSTIN!! no he saw the ring, BRIAN I SWEAR IT MEANS NOTHING! HE KNOWS ROMANCE, he just struggles with it.‘ ‘fuck even Bens intervention is boring. MIKE DONT FALL FOR THIS BULLSHIT.’ ‘BRIAN CMON WHY ARE YOU HELPING A COP? I mean i know we all have our flaws but i thought we agreed his was dancing?! (Brian tells the camera guy to keep filming stockwell bc abs) ha! His whole work strategy is “make it gay” respect. (Stockwell looks back at Brian after he calls him tom cruise) Is he gay? He gives of a *does the gay wrist bent thing* certain vibe’ Justin and Daphne show up during the interview ‘COUSIN?! GIRLFRIEND?! COUSIN?…Daphne hate him even more now, please. YES DAPHNE, BRIAN NEVER DID THAT! YES HE DID HAVE HIS ENTIRE FUTURE CAREER AT- ARE YOU DUMB?! DID WE FORGET PARTNER, VERMONT?! Go Daphne!! HE ALMOST DIED!!! YES DALHNE HATE HIM! BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN!’ ‘AH JEN! MY GIRL JEN! She’s so pretty, why cant i get more of Jen? (ted and ems neighbor describes the neighborhood) fuck, I wish Brian was here, he would actually vomit at the idea of living in a place like this.’ ‘Okay who cares about Ben, give me Brian!’ Literally a second later stockwells ad shows ‘OH COME ON! I cant have a god damn thing going for me on this show! HE IS LITERALLY DESCRIBING BRIAN! THIS MAN WOULD HAVE A HEART ATTACK IF HE KNEW THE REAL BRIAN! BRIAN CANT YOU SEE THIS BULLSHIT, oh please turn him into a joke Bri! bullshit! How can he not see that he is literally against what and who Brian is’ the scene where Ben pushes Brian is about to happen! ‘Oh Benny Ben, you got caught! Wait why did his dad say 3 times 7? He made him do math? What an ass. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?! HE JUST PUSHED HIM! AND CALLED HIM A WHORE AND IS ANGRY THAT HE ISNT POSITIVE?! DUDE FUCK YOU! DONT SLUT SHAME! We’re all just vibin *does that surfer/thumb-pinky finger symbol with his hand* and you are ruining the vibes! WHY WOULD THEY IMMEDIATELY AFTER SHOW ME ETHAN BLOWING JUSTIN?! SO I GOTTA SEE BRI GET HURT PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY? *mocks Ethan in a childish voice* it was the interview. Well congratulations sherlock! You sure are one step away from being the new cop in town (justin asks if from now on itll be lies and immediately pauses tv)WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! I thought that was some shit only Brian could do, oh wait no. Bri AWAYS TELLS IT HOW IT IS! please go on a world tour, i will literally buy all the tickets just for you to go. HE HAD AN AMAZING LIFE WITH BRIAN! He is so jealous of Brian, its sad. I swear he competes with him every second of his day. I get Justin needed a new boyfriend or whatever for some reason that im sure is *waves his hands* somewhere BUT DID IT HAVE TO BE ETHAN?’
Justin wipe that look off your face, Brian got you school tuition IS SUCH A MOOD. Tuition >>>> cheap tacky ring
I am living for his reaction to Stockwell. He's so right.
Even Ben's intervention is boring - LOL
His reaction to Daphne is everything. We love Daph.
HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?! HE JUST PUSHED HIM! AND CALLED HIM A WHORE AND IS ANGRY THAT HE ISNT POSITIVE?! DUDE FUCK YOU! DONT SLUT SHAME! I couldn't have said it better myself. I have probably screamed the exact same things at my screen.
Did it have to be Ethan - YES! this exactly. They were cruising for a break up, fine, I get it, story arc etc. But Ethan is so unbelievable. Also your brother screaming about how Brian always told the truth. I am dyinnnngggg about it.
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
I-bRO your what the Haikyuu bois would say is so awesome! Could I request that but for Kuroo? I'm literally such a simp for the roosterhead! Thanks so much ♡
Thank you 🥺 that means a lot.
i love kuroo 😖 i hate fannon kuroo ngl, so many people think he’s a sex god (well even cannon kuroo is probably a sex god once he figures out how to work his willy but u know) and he’s honestly just a dumb chem nerd.
Let us just say that you work for him as a personal assisten 
“Hey, honey... Breakfast is ready.” (5:00 am)
“No dont worry, i didnt make it... You know I cant cook to save my life.”
“I just went down the street to buy you a coffee and some sweet bread.”
“You always wake up earlier than I do to get me something, so i just thought to repay you back...”
“Why do you always think there is a catch?”
“Fine, you caught me... I need you to help me make an itinerarie for our upcoming not-so-vacation, vacation.”
“I would have told you yesterday but we where, busy~”
“Ow! Do not hit me, I’m your boss.”
You: “More the reason!”
“More the reason my ass, hurry up and get ready, we gotta get to the office.”
“Oh yeah, we also have meetings all day today so wear something comfortable.”
“You ready to go?” (6:30 am)
“Give me a little twirl baby.”
*will slap you ass when you pass him to leave your home*
*he is def laughing past you and you’re like alright bet*
you: “Hey baby come here, give me a kiss”
“Oh now you wanna give me a kiss, you gotta reach for it, honey ~ ”
*you pull on his tie so he’s at level for a kiss but you only give him a peck before giving his ass a good smack and running to the passanger side of his car*
“Hey! Get back here, I want a decent kiss!”
“Who tought you how to smack so hard?”
“Me? I would never~”
“Come on give me a good kiss.”
“I’m gonna park the car, you go ahead and get a head start without me.”(7:30 am)
you: “What took you so long?”
“What do you mean what took me so long, I was getting you flowers”  
*gives you the bouque of flowers and kiss on the cheek*
“Duh honey~”
“Stop blushing and lets get to work.” (8:00 am)
“Have you seen my pen?”
“Can you go get me some water?”
“Come on give me a kiss before we get to the next meeting.”
“Hey, just because their an assistant doesn’t mean you get to boss them around like that.”
“Says who? You ’re fucking boss and her husband you dibshit- get out my office and I want you to apologize, but don’t you dare look in their eyes because a low life like you doesn’t deserve to.” 
“Oh and ask her to come back in, will you?”
“Hey honey, is it lunch yet?”
you: “You did not have to be so rude...”
“Didn’t have to be rude, my ass. No one gets to talk down to you like that- not even me... Well, I do... But only if you want me too~”
*he do be leaning in for a kiss but you shove your hand onto his face*
you: “Whatchu want for lunch Testu and do not say me because I will quit.” 
“Awe.. Honey you’re no fun...”
“Just order me something and get it to go because we don’t have time to go out right now, I’ll make it up to you next time tho.”
“It’s just Y/n with my lunch. Let them in will ya?” (1:00 pm)
“Hey, honey...*whispers* book me an appointment with my chiro will ya? My back is definetly gonna need it... Do it for friday night since we have the weekend off.”
“You’re dismissed.”
*will pat you your thigh before you walk out the door*
*is a very firm believer of not teasing you around co-workers. no pda around the office unless it’s his and the blinds are shut and the door is locked*
“Honey~ let me take a nap on your lap.I’ve got thirty minutes and I’m tired.” (2:30 pm)
“Hey- We have a dinner meeting so I need you to go home, freshen up and get me a new suit- I’ll get ready in the gym bathrooms, I’ll be fine.”
“Let me know when you’re on the way so I can just take a quick wash- hold on give me a kiss before you go.” (3:20 pm)
“You’re on the way back? Pick me up some iced coffee, yeah?”
“You here? Hold on let me put on a towel.” (6:00 pm)
“What you lookin’ at?”
“Oh? Sorry- I’ll cover up~”
“You look real sexy by the way... Give me a kiss.”
“Mmm, if I keep kissing you, were gonna have to head home right now baby~”
you: “Tetsuro, this meeting is literraly about keeping your company and making it a bigger establishment... We are not gonna drop it to go fuck.”
“But honey~”
*smaking the back of his head*
you: “I will leave you high and dry next time you try it.”
*Kuroo def becomes a little pouty after you say that*
*while at dinner a conversation about you breaks through while youre in the restroom*
“So, you’re married to your assistant... How’s that like?” The man in front of him asked, with his own wife absent at the moment. “Oh, um... They’re really great- Y/n a great partner and theirs nothing more I could ask for.” He man scoffs before taking a drink, “Did they work for you before you got marries?” Kuroo nods, “I met them a fem years ago during a one on one interview, they have been working with me ever since.” The executive nodded, clearing his throat. “They a good fuck?” He asked, shocking Kuroo. “Excuse me?” He asked, making sure he didn’t hear him incorrectly. “I asked, are they a good fuck. Someone like that seems too good for our work, bet their probably a sleazy bitch who-” Kuroo go up from his seat a reached over to grab the mans collar. “Speak of my spouse with that manner ever again and i wont hesitate to ruin your life. You know what they learned about you before we got here. They found out that you’re having an affair- and they just happen to be pregnant... Seems to me that your hush money wasn’t enough. How about we tell your wife and kids that you just happened to start a new, hidden, life without them.” Little to Kuroos knowledge you where a few steps behind the table and happen to hear everything your husband had just threatened to spill. “Tetsuro...” You mumbled, setting your hand on his shoulder. “Sit down...” You looked back at the executive and smiled sadisticly, “You heard my husband... Finding about your second life wasn’t so hard.. Maybe I could send it to your wife in a matter of seconds if you don’t get up from this table, agree to our side of the contract and then leave. We’d like to enjoy our dinner in peace.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Right... Let’s just forget this ever happened and enjoy the dinner we deserve.”
“That was so, so, delicious” (8:00 pm)
“Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“Good, let’s get a bottle to go, yeah?”
“Home, sweet fucking home.”
“Come here, we’ll open the bottle later.”
*ya’ll accidentally fall asleep on the couch bc you guys work so hard together... its a cute sight*
you: “Kuroo wake up, someones trying to get in.”
“No one is trying to break in.”
Kenma: “No she’s right I was trying to break in... I forgot my switch charger here and I need it.”
More of Husband Kuroo: here
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Fred Weasley x Reader
 Prompt: The three times Fred knew he fell for you, and the one time he told you he loves you.
A/N: I absolutely love this prompt, I’ve seen it a couple times before but if your the creator of it please let me know so I can give you credit. Also credits to the owner of this gif!
Warnings: My longest fic ever, So many commas, Fluff, maybe angst but not really, Fred being cute, you being cute, both you and Fred being oblivious to your feelings, swearing bc its me, I think that’s it
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It all started sixth year. Fred was sitting across the room from you in potions, one of the only classes you had together. You knew each other pretty well, being in the same house and year as each other, but you didn’t really get to know each other until year five, when a certain incident brought you together.
You were working on a potion, trying to read the directions as you simultaneously poured in your ingredients, before looking up and seeing you were accidentally putting in dragons horn instead of dragon claw. You started flipping through you book frantically, causing Snape to walk over.
“Something the matter Y/L/N” He said in his monotone voice, but before you could answer, your potion exploded, causing thick purple slime to cover the both of you.
The class went completely silent, not daring to speak, except for Fred, who after a few seconds was kneeled over laughing.
“Ten points from Gryffindor, and both Y/N Y/L/N and Fred Weasley will be spending the rest of the day in detention” Snape said, dismissing the class before excusing himself to exit to his office, leaving Fred to look at your purple covered self, only to be surprised when you let out a chuckle.
“He’s a lot less scary when he’s purple” You said to Fred, which caused both of you to fall into a new wave of laughter, before you pulled out your wand and muttered a quick cleaning spell.
Fred watched noticing you had missed a spot in your hair, making Fred cross the room over to you and reach to remove the last bits of goo out of your hair, which was surprisingly soft.
You laughed before thanking him and going to collect your things so you could go do whatever tasks Snape had in store for you. Fred watched as you moved your hair behind your ear, and couldn't help but notice how his heart rate picked up.
The next time Fred knew he had fallen for you was much more obvious. You and Fred had become good friends since the potions incident, and he had even let you help with some of his and Georges pranks every once in a while. You three were beginning to get along very nicely.
One night though, Fred and George were up late working on a new type of fire work in the common room, which involved using just the right amount of possibly explosive materials.
This obviously ended badly, sending fireworks flying around the room and causing quite a bit of noise. You probably wouldn’t have noticed if you were asleep, a good bit of soundproofing between the common room and your dorm room, but because you were already awake, having had trouble falling asleep, you heard the sound and assumed the worst, running out of the dorm and down the stairs.
“What's going on?!” You said once you reached the common room, eyes landing on the two boys who were ducked behind one of the couches, and covered in a bit of ash.
“New project” George said smiling looking over to Fred, expecting to join in on his explanation, but Fred was just staring at you. You had run down in a rush and didn’t bother to get changed, so you were still in a tank top and short shorts, causing Fred's brain to pretty much short circuit.
He had always found you attractive, but he had never really seen you in anything accept your robes for classes, so suddenly seeing so much skin was certainly a change.
You didn’t notice Fred's staring, but George certainly did, coming to his brothers rescue and elbowing him, snapping him out of his trance.
“Huh? Oh yes, fireworks, got a bit carried away” Fred said, trying to recover from the seemingly obvious ogling.
“Working with dangerous explosive without me” You said, putting a hand to your chest and putting on a fake sad face “and here I thought we were friends”
“We were planning on inviting you but-” Fred said, suddenly flustered over that he may have hurt your feelings.
“I’m kidding Fred, sheesh what's gotten into you?” You said smiling and shaking your head. “Maybe all that gun power has finally gotten to your head”
“Yeah probably” Fred said, trying to laugh it off.
“Well, I’m off to bed, try to keep it down” You said, before saying goodnight and heading to your room.
“That was painful to watch” George joked, causing Fred to look at him
“How do you mean?” Fred asked
“You’ve got it baaaaad” George said, causing Freds face to heat up before he wacked his younger brother on the shoulder.
“Shut up” Fred said, causing a laugh to erupt from George
After that night George was doing everything in his power to get the two of you together. Leaving the room whenever it was just you three, tripping you so you would fall into Fred, on top of many other things. Sure George thought you two would make a good couple, but to see the flustered look on his brothers face whenever you were near him was enough to keep it going, despite you being completely oblivious to him liking you.
The weekend had finally rolled around, and you and a few friends, including Fred and George, were headed to Hogsmeade to do some shopping and just to have a few hours away from the school grounds.
You were walking with Fred and George, doing some window shopping just as it started to snow.
“Ah shit” You said, looking at the falling particles. You loved the holiday season, but you did not handle cold well. You were already wearing two sweaters and could already feel yourself starting to get cold.
“What's the matter Y/N?” Fred asked, looking down to see you wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Its nothing” you said, trying to seem like it wasn’t a big deal, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were cold.
“Speaking of nothing, I need to go get some supplies for some new prototypes, so I’ll leave you to it” George said, quickly parting from the group, but not before sending Fred a quick wink, noticing how George was holding his wand.
“That little” Fred muttered to himself, finally figuring out that George started the snow in the first place.
“What was that?” You said, looking up at Fred, a slight red tint starting to dust over your cheeks as the air got colder. Fred couldn’t help but look a few seconds longer than he should have, thinking about how cute you looked.
“Oh nothing” Fred excused, continuing to walk next you you past the shops. 
After a few more seconds, he noticed your arms wrapping more tightly around yourself, slightly shivering as a particular gust of wind shocked your body with cold. Without thinking, Fred put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
You started warming up, his body heat surrounding you almost instantly. You could feel the muscles of his arm underneath the fabric of his sweater as he pulled you even closer to him, causing your face to suddenly heat up. Quidditch practice really had its rewards.
“Is this ok?” Fred asked, noticing your changed expression. you nodded
“Yeah, its actually really nice” you said, wrapping your arm around him as well and leaning your head on his shoulder a bit.
You spent the rest of the day like that, snow falling around the two of you, arms around each other, feeling butterflies swarming your stomach. You had always found the older Weasley twin attractive, but you hadn’t really thought of him romantically until now, and you didn’t completely hate it.
“Warmer yet?” Fred asked, causing you to snap out of your haze.
“Much, thank you” You said, looking at Fred to see a mischievous look on his face. 
“Good” He said, before suddenly plopping a snowball on your head. where had he gotten that?!
“Oh... so this is how its going to be” You said, kneeling down to form your own snowball, picking it up and looking at Fred.
“Now Y/N, lets not get to hasty” He started, before he was dodging a snowball aimed right at his face.
“Get ready to pay Weasley!” you yelled, chasing him, throwing snow balls at each other, laughing the whole time before you suddenly fell flat on your back.
“I cant, I surrender” you said through laughs, trying to catch your breath
“So what you’re saying is that I’m the best snow ball player in the world” Fred said, making you roll your eyes.
“Shut up and help me” You said, holding out your hand for Fred to help you up, but as soon as he grabbed it you pulled him down, causing him to land next to you, causing you both to fall into a fi of laughter.
“That was so evil” Fred said from beside you, after you had both finally composed yourselves.
“Nah you love me” You said, causing Fred to tense a bit beside you at the sudden realization that, he actually might. Before he could say anything tough, you had slapped another snowball to his chest, getting up and running in the opposite direction.
“Race you back!” You said, causing Fred to laugh, before standing and chasing after you, all the while thinking about what the hell he was supposed to do.
The next year you were closer than ever. You had visited each other dozens of times over the summer, and just as you were headed back to school and getting used to the old routine, it was time for the Tri-Wizard tournament. You watched as Fred and George attempted the aging potion, laughing as they both flew back as old men, but also visiting them when they had to go to the hospital wing.
You were in class with Fred, potions once again but this time you two were lab partners. You sat at your desk, talking with Fred about something random when Snape walked in, telling us to open our textbooks and prepare for the lesson.
As you were reading you suddenly felt a piece of paper fall by your hand. You looked at it and then over to Fred, who was already looking at you, nodding to make you open it. you reached for it but before you could open it, the note was snatched out of your hand by Snape.
“No, note passing in class” He said before throwing the note in a trash in the corner.
You looked back at Fred, who glared at Snape as he walked away before bringing his attention back to you. He put his book down and looked to make sure Snape wasn’t looking.
“Do you... want to go to the ball... with me” He mouthed, creating pretending to dance before pointing to himself.
You instantly felt your face heat up. Over the summer your feelings towards Fred had certainly grown, but you didn’t think he would feel the same way about you. You quickly snapped out of your trance though, smiling at Fred and nodding.
“What am I going to do?!” You shouted as you landed face first into your pillow, Angelina and Katie looking at you, rolling their eyes at your dramatics.
“Go to the ball with him you dim whit” Katie said, causing you to glare at her.
“He probably only asked me as a friend anyway” you muttered.
Both Angelina and Katie knew about your crush on Fred. They both also knew Fred had a crush on you, Angelina finding out from George, who was a whole other love story waiting to happen.
“Or... maybe he asked you out because he likes you” Angelina countered.
“I don’t know, I’m just freaking out” You said, sitting up to look at the two girls.
“I have a perfect solution” Katie said, causing both you and Angelina to look at her.
“Y/N, you have a crush on Fred, Angelina, you have a crush on George-”
“I do not-!” Angelina started, before Katie cut her off.
“You do too, now shut it and listen” Katie said. She was pretty close to George and Fred, being on the same quidditch team and all and knew for certain that the twins liked the both of you.
“Angelina, you’re going to go to the ball with George, Y/N with Fred, now if at any point they don't seem interested, you can just ditch and hang out with each other the rest of the ball.” She said, matter of factly.
“That's a stupid plan” You said, earning a pillow to the head.
“It is not! And you wont even need it because they like you you idiots!” Katie said throwing her arms in the air. Literally everyone could see that You and Fred liked each other, except for you two.
“Were doomed” You said, causing both you and Angelina to fall backward onto your beds, Katie rolling her eyes.
Two days later, you were sitting in front of your mirror getting ready for the ball. You had chosen a beautiful blue and silver halter top dress. It hugged your body until it reached your waist when it fanned out a bit. You matched it with some silver shoes that you found comfortable, and had Angelina help you with your hair.
“You look amazing, he’d be stupid not to see that” She said, finishing your hair.
“Says you, you look like a goddess!” you said, looking at her purple dress.
“We all look great now lets go” Katie said impatiently. She had gotten a date from Durmstrang and was excited to say the least. You all shared a laugh before heading out to the ball.
Fred was a nervous wreck waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He was trying not to show it, trying to mask his nerves with his usual goofy attitude but George could see through it.
“You’re going to be fine, chill out already” George said, causing Fred to shoot him a look.
“I’m completely chill! I’m the most chill person in the world, I’m-” Fred’s rambling was cut off when he saw George suddenly looking at the grand staircase behind him. Following his eyes, Fred turned to see Angelina, Katie and you. All he could see was you.
Suddenly all the nerves he had, all the things he practice he was going to say, all the worry, left his head. You were Y/N, you were his best friend, and he couldn’t believe how absolutely head over heels he was for you.
“Good evening sir” You said, doing a little curtsey, causing Fred to smile.
“Madam” He said, doing a deep bow and causing you to laugh. “Shall we” he said, holding out his arm.
“We shall” You said, taking his arm and following him to the ball room.
You spent the whole evening either dancing, or talking when you needed a breather. You would drink punch and people watch, trying to guess what people were saying to each other.
Suddenly the music changed, starting a slow song. You looked at Fred to see he was already looking at you. Wordlessly he held out his hand, causing you to smile while you took it. You walked out to the dance floor and started to sway to the music, suddenly very aware of the feeling of his hand on your waist. 
“You look amazing Y/n” Fred said, leaning down so he could almost whisper it in your ear, causing chills to run down your spine.
“You don’t look to bad yourself” You joked, not wanting to get caught u in the moment and forget that you were only here as friends. Right?
“Can I take you somewhere really fast?” Fred asked. you felt your cheeks heat up at his sincerity but nodded none the less, allowing him to lead you out of the ball room.
He lead you to the outside of the castle. You walked side by side, just taking in the scenery before Fred suddenly stopped, causing you to as well. You had stopped at the bridge, being able to get a full view of the Black lake, the moon reflecting off of it. 
You were too busy looking at the water to notice how Fred was looking at how the moon fell on your face, and made your eyes seem to glow. Or how he felt like he was suddenly seeing you for the first time all over again. Or how badly he wanted to just lean in and-
“Thank you, for asking me to the dance” You said, snapping Fred out of his trance.
“Of course, they ’res nobody id rather go with” He said looking at you, but you refused to meet his eyes.
“I’m sure that's not true. I’m sure there's someone here that you fancy” You said.
Fred looked at you confused. “How do you mean?” He asked.
“George told me that you liked someone... over the summer” You said. Fred mentally face palmed. That idiot! Of course he was talking about you, but Fred guessed George was just trying to get you to confess, which you obviously didn’t.
“Well, yeah... I do like someone” Fred said, an idea coming to mind.
“Oh... well who is she” You said, trying to mask you disappointment.
“Well, she’s in Gryffindor, she’s the absolute funniest person I’ve ever met, she has this smile where you see it and you can’t help but smile yourself, she's able to just walk into class and make the whole room brighter, ya know?” He said, looking down at you, trying to hide the sadness on your face.
“Is it Katie? Because I can talk to her and-” You started
“Oh my god, its you dumbass!” Fred suddenly exclaimed, causing your head to shoot up to meet his eyes.
“Wait, you like me?” You asked, Fred nodding, turning his body and gently grabbing both of your hands, holding them in front of him.
“Yeah, I have since last year” He said. Now it was his turn to not meet your eyes. “I knew I liked you from the moment you turned Snape purple, and ever since I’ve just fallen for every part of you, and I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier, I was just worried that-”
You cut off his rambling, quickly lifting yourself on your tip toes and quickly pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted less than a second, and you couldn’t read the expression on his face, causing you to panic a bit.
Meanwhile, Fred was wondering if what happened actually happened, or if he suddenly died and went to heaven, he didn’t see your worried expression though.
“I’m sorry, I-” This time Fred cut you off, moving one hand to cup your face while the other went to rest on your hip. You reacted quickly, closing your eyes and moving to wrap your arms to rest around his neck. 
This kiss lasted much longer, the two of you moving in sync as you finally did what he had wanted to do for almost a whole year. After a while you both finally pulled away for air, smiling at each other like idiots.
“I think I might be in love with you” Fred said, causing you to blush
“I think I might be in love with you too” You said, causing you both to laugh a bit before leaning in to reconnect your lips, but not before-
“Its about bloody time!” George shouted, causing the both of you to jump apart, fearing it might have been a teacher, but as soon as you both saw it was only George and Angelina, Fred started fuming while you just laughed.
“No thanks to you, arsehole!” Fred yelled back, causing George to laugh, before you suddenly realized the situation before you.
“Wait what are you two doing out here?” You asked, causing both George and Angelina to stop laughing, a slight tint forming on their faces.
“Well we were just going to... um...” George started, trying to find the words
“We were going to snog” Angelina said bluntly, causing George to look at her with a look of shock on his face, while you and Fred just laughed.
“Well Its about time yourselves then!” You yelled, giving Angelina a quick thumbs up before they left towards the Gryffindor common room.
“How did that not happen sooner, its so obvious they liked each other” You said, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
“completely oblivious, the both of them, couldn’t be us” Fred joked back, making you giggle before reconnecting his lips to yours.
A/N: I'm still in the denial faze of grief because Fred Weasley is my dream man but he doesn't exist, so please feel free to enjoy my coping mechanism :)
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter III
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
   After a couple minutes of some surface level research Tim pulled out his phone.
Replacement: The boy is Adrien Agreste
Replacement: His dad is Gabrielle Agreste
Replacement: *Gabrielle
Replacement: Fuck autocorrect
Replacement: *Gabrielle
Replacement: *Gabrielle 
Replacement: Ok I give up, the dude version of Gabriel
Replacement: *Gabriel
Replacement: *Gabriel
Replacement: What have I ever done to you autocorrect??
Gunz Blazin’: you a bit late there, mr tim todd
*Gunz Blazin’ renamed Replacement, Tim Todd*
Demon: Stop messaging so carelessly through this group chat you imbeciles!
Gunz Blazin’: (insert emoji spam here)
Gunz Blazin’: Hey tim, can you do some research on marinette dupain-cheng?
Gunz Blazin’: And maybe a lila who is probably in her class
Replacement: Sure, gimme a bit of time.
   Regardless of how careless he seems to be, Jason is concerned. Thinking from what he could piece together, “The boy (Adrien Agreste) thinks that the girl (Marinette Dupain Cheng) is ignoring his advice and doesn’t like it. He also thinks Marinette is jealous of another person (Lila?), he thinks she is specifically jealous of how much time he and Lila spend together. But Marinette says she is not jealous.” Jason, deciding to gather more information before taking drastic measures, plans to approach Marinette calmly and act as though he had not seen what he had. 
   Whatever flames his plans held are immediately extinguished by the highschool blondie that should have been behind him, rather than in front of him bolting towards Marinette. “Marinette!” Chloe grieves as she wraps the small bluenette in her arms. “It’s okay, we’ll get them all. I won’t let them get away with this. You will never have to fight alone. Ever.”
   “Thank you,” is the single phrase Marinette has the fight to utter before she closes her eyes and falls into a deep slumber. 
   A few minutes after Marinette falls asleep Chloe reaches into Marinette’s pocket to stop the recording on her phone. Then she looks up at Jason, “You better find Marinette a place to sleep before I light your ass.”
   Jason reluctantly sighs in defeat. “Fine.” He bends over and picks Marinette up before turning around and walking to Bruce Wayne’s currently empty office.
   Our dear Brucie had been in quite the jam for the last couple weeks. Today, finally he returns home to Gotham after his final business trip, for what he hopes to be a couple months. He walks through the front doors of Wayne Enterprises and sees the french class (who won the chance to come to Gotham because of one of their student’s spectacular essay) prepare to head back to their hotel. Aside from one student on her phone, dialing like a madman, everything seems completely fine.
   Bruce walks past them and to his office, outside his window he could see it was already pitch black, aside from christmas lights. Bruce is content, he is free, at peace. Until he got closer to his office and heard ringing. “There shouldn’t be anyone calling me now, and if they would they would be calling my personal phone…” Bruce begins to think before it struck him. “BOMB!”
   Bruce runs straight into his office, which in hindsight would be an extremely bad idea (listen kids, never run into a bomb infested area. plz, i don't want my readers to go kaboom) looking to defuse a bomb. But when he looked around all he found was a girl sleeping and her ringing phone. He waddled closer to the girl and poked her shoulder, kinda freaking out. “Oh fuck. She needs to wake up. Selina’s gonna castrate, then kill me. I can’t have any rumours going around right now. I’m finally free.” 
   Before he knew what was happening… WHAM!
   Chloe is frenzied in fear. “Where the fuck in Marinette? Where the fuck is the tour guide?” Chloe scurries to our dear friend, front desk Andrew and asks. 
   “Yea. He’s gone.. Probably to pick up his younger brother from school.” Andrew replies. 
   “If you find Marinette, please call this number and let me know,” frantically, Chloe scribbles down her own number and hands it to Andrew who carelessly pockets it.
   Chloe is aflame. In the crime capital of the world, where is her best friend? Is she in danger? Where is Marinette? Chloe keeps calling her partner as the class boards the bus. As she sits alone in the back of the bus Chloe quietly prays “Please be safe,” she prays quietly.
   “Don’t worry, she’s the ladybug. Not much can hurt her. She will be fine. Before the tour guide carried Ms. Guardian away, Tikki and Kaalki hid in her clothes” Pollen comforts from inside Chloe’s handbag.
   Chloe visibly relaxes, just a bit. 
   Marinette just woke up has no idea where the fuck she is, but there is a dude poking her shoulder and she does not like that. At all. WHAM! 
   Marinette now standing up, looks down at a grown-ass man. Recognizing him she thinks, “I just assaulted Bruce Wayne!”, it did not sink in. She stared at him for a couple seconds. “FUCK! I just assaulted Bruce Wayne!!!!!!!” (Kinda sorta prompted by RoselynFey on AO3)
   As Marinette begins to uncontrollably apologize, Bruce interrupts her, “Daughter. You are my daughter.”
   This sentence now leads to Marinette sputtering like a madman. (Bruce please stop adopting random children it ISN’T HEALTHY!)
TAG LIST: @jeminiikrystal @demonicbusiness @i-am-ironic @woe-is-me0 @miracleofadisaster @clumsy-owl-4178 @onmywaytoloveyou @nathleigh @jeminiikrystal @blueslushgueen @intelligent-raccoon @aestheticpoetic @dood-space
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ivyuns · 4 years
love me in a year ✰❆♣♞
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bang chan
genre: angst, fluff 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: kidnapping, restraints, y/n gets pregnant, grinding, drowning, weapons, a bit suggestive. if i missed anything lol oops
A/N: another shet show + from 365 dni (the ending isnt exactly like the movie btw)
for my gurlieeeee + happy birthday to @stanstraykidswoo​ <3
mafialeader!bangchan x fem!reader
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enjoying the summer breeze on the islands of hawaii, next to your friend made you feel relaxed. from all the work and stress you did, you finally earned yourself a vacation.
opening your eyes, you see your boyfriend (in a unhappy relationship) walks towards you. taking off your glasses and sitting up next to the pool, waiting what your boyfriend had to tell you. “i just got back from seeing the volcanoes babe! you shouldve seen it-” “we were supposed to go look at it together, dumbass” you cut your boyfriend off.
“w-wait y/n-” running away before he said anything, you got lost in a dark area. wasnt just sunny? seeing a group of guys look at you while trying to come closer. damn these outfits. your outfit consist of a short flowy, off the shoulder dress with heels. running with shaky legs, you looked around and saw everything get dark.
“are you lost babygirl?”
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waking up in a soft bed, you look over and look at the unfamiliar room youre in. “where am i?” you whispered softly. walking towards a door to the hallway, the door wont budge open. shaking the door knob, it still wont burst open. giving up, you go lay back down on the bed.
closing your eyes to relax, you hear the door unlocking. quickly putting on your heels, you open the door and see nobody. following to which ever door took you, it seem endless. the endless numbers of stairs and doors you went though, you came across to a massive painting of a portrait of yourself hanging on the dinning room’s wall.
“oh my god”
continuing to follow where your legs take you, you were yanked away from seeking to your freedom. “are you lost babygirl?”. feeling someones presence behind you, you see a man. someone who you never seen.
“who are you and what do you want from me” you say and slowly back away from him. “chris is the name. you see, five years ago, i saw you on a beach. then suddenly i got shot and all i could think was you. these pass five years, ive been trying to find you and now” chris pauses his sentence and walks to a cup of ice, making you suck on it. “now i have you”
spitting the ice out, you got angry. “so what? you think kidnapping me is some kind of way to have me?” chris gets angry after your tone of your voice you gave him. he pushes you on a chair and chokes you lightly.
“i will give you 365 days to make you fall in love with me. and if that doesnt work, i will release you.” chris slowly lets go of your neck and continues talking. “i promise i will not touch you without your permission.”
chris gets interrupt by his phone. reaching his pocket, he sees his mafia friend who works with him calling him for help in the front. running to where to meet him at, you gave a few minutes before running on your feet again, trying to escape.
finally outside with a big open field in front of you, where you will be free. running, you stop midway as you see chris kill a man. witnessing what happened, you pass out due to pressure from everything.
the next morning, you wake up in the same room before but a whole different dress on you and a shirtless chris sitting in a chair in front of you. “let me out of here now” you shouted at him. “i need to get back to my family, my boyfriend!”. “you really think he still loves you? take a look at this” chris says and throws a small stack of pictures. pictures of him fucking another girl.
“a-are you serious?”
“yes im serious. oh and we’ll be leaving this place tomorrow. be ready” chris says and exits the room. “where are we going?” you quickly grab his wrist and stops. “to australia”
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landing and going to the hotel. chris stops you and gives you the keycard to your room. “my room is next to yours if you need me”. nodding your head a yes, you enter your room and place your bags down and sighed. what is happening right now.
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chris walks out of his room to see you look like a goddess. “y/n” chris calls out. turning around, chris grins with his dimples showing and grabbing your hand to head to the place you two are meeting with. chris opens the passenger door for you and makes his way to the drivers seat after youre in. while driving, he places his hands on your thigh, making you want more of him. avoiding his hand, you close your eyes.
arriving at your destination, it turns out to a bar. entering the bar, chris leads you to a room. seeing people, you hide behind chris bc youre antisocial as fuck
“y/n, this is aeyeong. ayeong meet-” “y/n. yes i know her name” aeyeong says, looking at you then back to chris, seducing him. “you know y/n, me and chris used to talk.” walking up to you. “and fucked each other” aeyeongs whispers into your ear. feeling chris wrap his hands around yours, you push him away and left the room.
“this happened a long time ago-” feeling tense, chris was about to turn and find you til aeyeong grabbed his wrist. “i thought you said we would last forever hm? took you long enough to find her. even of all our messages.” aeyeong grabs her phone and pulls up their naked bodies in photos. sexting.
“enough aeyeong.” chris grabs her phone and throws it onto the floor. running out of the room to look for you, leaving aeyeong to laugh.
“mr bang!”
chris turns around and sees his partner running to him. “y-y/n. shes with aeyeongs boss. i just got a call from him-” “shut the fuck up and tell me which room” “room 325.”
chris runs to room 325 and sees you grind on the boss. “y/n” chris growls. not paying attention to chris, you feel aeyeong’s boss grope your ass and suddenly putting a knife towards your neck.
suddenly feeling someone pull you away from the man and unable seeing things, chris and the rest of his members pulls out their weapon.
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opening your eyes and see yourself on a yacht, you walk around and find chris. seeing chris talk shit about you to his other partner. “she just really had to run away-”
“im sorry chris” you spoke out. chris turns around and tells his partner to leave for a moment. “this is all your fault. youre the one who left the room and potentially tried to seduce him. do you not know what he couldve done?”
arguing on the boat and heading to the railings, you slip off and fall into the water. panicking, chris falls into the water and saves you. taking you out of the water and goes to lay you down on the bed and stands by your side.
a few minutes later, you wake up with water coming out of your mouth, coughing. chris turns around and goes to you with worried eyes. “y/n, i-im sorry. please dont leave me, i need you” chris softly says and strokes your hair with tears starting to fall down his cheeks.
lifting your weak hands up to caress his cheeks, you pushed him down and began kissing him roughly. regretting as soon as you saw the red in his eyes. “so now you want it?” chris growls and begins to attack you with kisses and hickies. feeling your clothes ripped away from you.
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a few weeks later, youre back in korea. chris leaves you for the day, saying he has business to attend to and will call you later. but hours flew by and still didnt have any calls. sighing, you call your best friend, minyeong who yells at you though the speakers after the first ring.
“are you kidding me y/n? you cant just leave me behind at hawaii?!”
“i know i know, ill explain if you come over”
after she hears you say the sentence, she hangs up and runs to your place. opening the door for her, she starts speaking nonsense and you just laughing at her.
“y/n, this is serious. stop laughing and tell me what happened.”
sitting down next to her, you tell her everything. even when you love him back. minyeong at first didnt like what chris did to you and what his job it, but you beg her for you to have happiness atlas. with minyeong wanting you to be the happiest, you two go to the bar.
feeling someones eyes on you, you told minyeong you were going to the restrooms as she continues dancing. almost at the door, someone slams you onto the wall. “y/n, baby. i missed you so much. im sorry-” feeling tears streaming as you remember the past events and pictures. you forced him to let go of you and run back to your place.
he follows you back to your apartment without you noticing and as you take a seat with his loud voice scares you. “baby please” he goes closer to you and tries to kiss you until a voice rang.
“im pretty sure she wants you to leave”
he looks at chris then back to you then slaps you. “you fucking whore. youve been cheating on me when you left me didnt you” shaking your head a no and the tears uncontrollably falling as you try to shield yourself from another slap.
receiving nothing, you look up and see chris holding his wrist to prevent him from hitting you. “if theres someone else who was cheating is you. now leave you fucker” chris whispers in his ears and runs away.
chris looks down and sees your shaking figure. he goes next to you and wraps his arms around you so you can start feel calm. reaching to that point, chris picks you up and lays you on the bed.
slowly kissing you from your lips to your chest. chris begins undressing you til you stop him. unbuttoning his top, you see the semi open wound from his business. grazing your fingers over it as you hear chris slightly whimper.
“chris, im in love with you”
chris smiles widely. “im in love with you too”. you two continue the heavy make out which turns into a passionate sex for you both.
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waking up with you on chris’ chest, you feel him showing a smile. he turns to the nightstand and grabs something small but worthy.
“y/n l/n, would you please marry me?”
nodding your head yes a bunch of times, you kiss chris on the lips.
heading back to hawaii, youre back into the palace where chris kept you in. waking up from your slumber, you go outside and talk to chris. chris sees you and tells his partner that he’ll be right back.
“hey hey babygirl, what happened? you alright?” chris leaves his seat to go to you as you start feeling shitty. “chris, i dont feel goo-” your eyes are shut closed and almost falls on the hard concrete til chris caught you.
“c-changbin! help!” chris yells out to whoever is out. your lips are slowly turning pale. changbin runs to chris with a blanket to cover your cold body and helps him carry you to the car. changbin speeds to the hospital with chris’ tears falling onto you, holding your hands and kissing the back of it. “please be okay, please please” chris whispers.
changbin parks at the emergency lot and chris grabs your body and puts you on the stretcher as the nurses sees you two. “please save her” the nurses all nodded their head and disappeared into the doors with a chris on the floor, sobbing his heart out, praying for you to be okay.
finally hours passed by and chris was left alone as he told changbin to go back to the palace. eyes all red and puffy with his legs shaking, full of anxiety. “mr bang?” the doctors call out chris. he stands up too quickly, making him almost loose his balance but the doctor helps him balance for a few seconds. thanking him, he follows the doctor to your room.
chris runs to your side as he sees your eyes open, with all type of wires attached to you. “y/n baby are you okay?”. nodding yes with a small smile, chris looks at the doctor.
“it looks like miss y/n was 1 month pregnant. and also looks like she wasnt taking care of herself either so mr bang, do y/n a favor and help not only her, but the baby”
you and chris nod your head, understanding as the doctor leaves you two. chris turns into his soft self. “i love you” he giggles. “i love you too chris”. scooting further away from him, you pat on the empty spot on the bed for him. chris smiles widely and goes to lay down next to you. you fall asleep from the warmth of your fiance as he hugs you. “and i love you too baby” he whispers and puts his free hand on your growing stomach. kissing your head and falling asleep next to the love of his life.
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END <3
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littlenekosfan · 3 years
bazz is an idiot, truly the biggest idiot jugo could ever befriend, but i love him so much despite it all, when i was making my child prodigy post, i digressed a lot but didnt write about it, so here i am developing about it, its about bazz and jugo’s first encounter and how much i love that idiot (its not a full breakdown, otherwise it would be much longer haha)
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“you stink!” “you white leek face” “you’re pretty sly” “a pitiful kid like you” these are all the names bazz call jugo with, although they feel like insults, they arent, its just a poor usage of words to call jugo as such, they arent actually mean (you can tell by how he wants jugo to reply bc he feels like he’s being the bad guy there, he thinks he’s sweet, he wants to be sweet) but they can be taken badly from someone who lacks self-esteem (ahem jugo),  and he goes on like that until jugo agrees that he IS pitiful, which bazz does not take well, he excuses his lack of skill by saying he, bazz, is just great, greater than other kids, he didnt mind calling jugo with names (bc is wasnt an insult), but when jugo insults himself, he cheers him up saying its okay to not be good at your age (also, that’s just bazz being stupid, but the way he said his own name and said jugo has potential for figuring that out (bc i dont think bazz is mocking him, he really said his name without even realizing it) and he compliments jugo just like that, and i think it’s really cute considering bazz’ character/personality)
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and this part, they way this part gets me, the whole time bazz was talking with jugo he was super loud and obnoxious, even when he was insulting himself, he continued to talk with the same loud attitude, but when jugo admits he has no friends, he completely changes, he listens and even starts to empathize with him, and i dont use the word empathize lightly bc bazz doesnt have any friends, so he knows how jugo feels like about that. how can i tell bazz had no friends back then? its simple, he never mentioned he had any and you can tell with how he mentions “nobody our age can make something like this, none of your friends can, right?!” that not only implies he thought jugo had friends (so they really met for the first time and their village are not close enough for them to have met sooner) but also bazz didnt take the time to flex as usual to say he’s better than his friends, there are kids of his age (otherwise, how can he tell he’s a genius for his age?) but he’s not friend with any of them... they can be many reasons to why he never befriended them (he’s a noble, he has a loud mouth/not very approachable, he prob doesnt even like kids in his village) and yet, he picked jugo... he saw something in him the moment he was watching him, but when he heard he had no friends aswell, that really made bazz want to connect with him 
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look how his eye glows and the complete change in his look and even attitude, im gonna cry....
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and here.. oh my god, i cant with that one, it just breaks my heart, if you read that page quickly, you dont notice the discreet motivation that drove bazz to help jugo, he found him interesting and fun to be friend with, but not to take him as his “underling” (i have to admit, i dont really like that word.. i would have preferred a partner or even better a friend, or just took him as his student, saying he’s an underling implies there is a rank and ju is serving bazz which never really felt like that, there was that power imbalance yes, that bazz thinks and is more skilled than jugo, but it was more about helping him out, not making him his right hand or anything like that... that feeling changed after the 5yrs, but in that specific moment, underling feels off tbh) back to my point, the motivation that drove bazz to help jugo out are his bruises on his arm, im still surprised and amazed how quickly bazz caught up on that (he could have thought he just fell or is so clumsy he hurt himself like that), its not easy to caught up on abuse esp if you never witnessed it (im not implying bazz lived nor witness it before, the worst thing his parents could have done is neglect him attention bc he wanders so much in the forest like that.. then again, bazz is a punk so he could have do it anyway, plus who gave him that armor? probably not abusive parents) and yet bazz did! and he never had to address it to ask about it or anything like that, he straight up when to help him, and his reaction to frowning with anger i just, i cant do it... also, later he mentions how jugo shouldn't listen to adults and they will be the greatest, really melts my heart and touches me personally, i just love him so much
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bfkunimi · 4 years
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♡ helloo, so i said i was feeling better but i got sad again and ended up writing a long chapter lol hope you guys are liking this series, it’s been ironically comforting for me to write this so please love it a lot!
pairings: Kuroo x Tsukishima, Tsukishima x Yamaguchi, Kuroo x Kenma
genre: angst, hanahaki disease au, pain
warnings: will make you cry, made me cry lol, hospital setting, cheating, thoughts of suicide
notes: hanahaki disease: a fictional disease born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will throw and cough up petals and flowers. but this isn’t a typical hanahaki au, in this story.. the main character (in this case it’s kuroo) finds out that his partner (aka tsukki) doesn’t love him anymore  because he started developing the disease.
if you want to be added to the taglist just send me an ask! ♡
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒. 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, & 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
kenma was right when he said he’ll be with me always. he hasn’t left my side ever since i was brought here, and it’s already been two weeks.
luckily he brought all his chargers for his phone and game consoles, so at least he wont be bored. but im sure he’s sick of this.
who knows how long i’ll be here in the hospital, im honestly not getting any better. everyday it gets harder to breathe, every time i cough it feels like my throats being ripped off my neck, and there’s always this heavy feeling in my chest. almost like there’s a gaping hole in it.
there’s still no sign from kei. but i know when kenma thinks im asleep, he calls him to give him updates everyday. most of the time kei doesn’t answer, but kenma still always leaves him a voicemail.
that thought. it still hasn’t left my mind.
as more days pass, the more i want to do it. it’s so tempting, the thought’s so addicting. maybe this is my cure.
the sweet relief of death.
these past two weeks, i’ve been thinking of how i’ll do it. it’s kind of impossible because kenma never leaves my side, he doesn’t sleep much but when he does it’s a small window. i have an idea bu-
me and kenma look up at the same time, seeing kei at the door.
“kenma, can me and kuroo talk privately?” 
“mhm” kenma looks at me sincerely, squeezes my hand, and mouths “i’ll be back” while smiling at me. i smile back at him and he then steps outside.
kei looks so good. i fucking missed him so much. i'm glad he’s finally here.
but as sits where kenma was, the first thing i see is a ring on his finger. 
my heart stopped. god can this get any worse?
he catches me staring at it. he meets my eyes and says, “that’s actually why i came today.”
“kei.. don’t.. please.” i'm begging him to not say it.
he takes my hand, sighs, looks into my eyes and says...
“im here to say my final goodbye to you.. me and tadashi got engaged recently and i think it wouldn’t be fair to you to keep you hanging or lead you into thinking we still have a chance to be together again. this is why i havent been visiting or contacting you.”
im starting to feel that hole in my chest again.
“i know i’m a dick for doing all this, but i know you’re already suffering enough and i don’t want to make you feel any worse. that’s why i asked kenma to take care of you for me, i know you two share a special bond since you were kids and that kenma would do anything for you. so i thought it was perfect. he’s been giving me updates on you everyday but later im gonna ask him to stop. me and tadashi decided to move back to miyagi and start our life together there. im sorry for saying this tetsu but this will be the last time you’ll see me.”
it’s getting emptier.. and emptier..
 “i want to start fresh with tadashi and being here in tokyo, won’t help any of us. even you. i want you to be healthy and recover from this, so please forget about me. find someone new or just focus on yourself and your goals, but don’t hold on to me. it will only make you worse. but thank you for everything for these past five years. thank you for loving me wholeheartedly and for always being there for me. i’ll never forget our time together. just please take care for me okay? do everything you can to overcome this hanahaki disease, recover and live happily, it’s the one thing i ask of you.”
it feels like he’s stabbing me.
he pulls me in for a hug, and i grab onto him tight not wanting to let go.
but i love the pain.. i love him. fuck I can't live without him..
“i love you kei, please.. don’t go..”
he pulls away from the hug and looks at me for the last time.
“goodbye tetsu, im sorry.”
he leaves and tries to find kenma.
blood, tears and petals scatter the bed, as i cough and bawl my eyes out.
- kenma’s pov -
(bolded italicized is kenma’s internal responses to tsukki)
“can you just leave and live your life the way you want?” god im so fucking pissed, how could do that to kuroo?
“leave kuroo alone. and don’t bother coming back to his life because you’re the sole reason why he’s suffering right now. if you care about him even a little bit, don't lead him on, don’t give him hope, just cut him off.” he’s probably devastated right now, ah i gotta check on him. 
“it’s what's best for him.” right after i deal this shithead.
he grabs my hand and says, “okay i will, but please do me a favor.” 
“take care of him for me? don’t ever let him go.” i will never be like you
“never. i would never make that mistake.” bc unlike you i love him so much
he finally left.
ugh kuroo doesn’t deserve that jerk, he threw him away when he needed him the most. i cant leave him alone, i need to stay by his side. but...
he’s gone. as i walk back into his room, all i see is an empty bed, nothing but blood, tears, and petals.
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gvnchvcks · 4 years
A few days or maybe a week into being hired is when Fiona finds out most of the crew live in the penthouse with Geoff, at which point she immediately demands a sleepover. Nails will be painted, hair will be braided, boys will be talked about, nobody is safe
Fiona gets this idea because she wants to know more about the crew as a whole and she wants to hang with her newfound family, and what better way to get to know someone than when it's 4 am and you're all tired as hell telling secrets or something?? So she calls Geoff up and is like, "Hey dad can I have a sleepover?" (Yes she actually says that, you cant convince me otherwise) and Geoff is like ?? What? And so she explains her plan to him and he's automatically on board. They have no jobs coming up for at least a month, why not let loose? So she makes a huge group chat for the entire crew to let them know, and also she's like, wait why dont you guys have a group chat already wth
So now everyone is ready and hyped!! She shows up at the penthouse super early that morning to help Jack and Ryan prepare for having 11 people in it for one whole night. (We all know Gav isn't finna help, Geoff is asleep, and Michael and Jeremy are helping as well, but mostly with cleaning up a bit and finding entertainment) By 2 in the afternoon, things look great!! The furniture in the living room has been moved around a bit so there's enough room in the middle, where a bunch of pillows and blankets are likely gonna be placed. There's a Switch and an X-Box by the tv, ready to be played. Board and card games like Twister, Uno, and Monopoly are set to the side, ready to cause trouble. Snacks are spread throughout the room, unopened sodas, beer, candy, and chip bags. It all looks great, and Fiona is so excited!! The first one to arrive is Matt, Switch and two boxes of donuts in hand. Then, the Twins, Trevor and Alfredo. Wearing matching adult sized onesies they picked up along the way! And finally, Lindsay. She's a bit latez but nobody questions it because it's well. It's Lindsay.
Everyone is finally here!! The livingroom and kitchen are full of people chatting and playing games. (Lets say they're playing Animal Crossing bc I'm obsessed lol) and Geoff is even out of bed now too. Everyone went all out on this, and Fiona couldn't be happier. All wearing pajamas and sitting on the floor or laying on the couches and chairs, like the children they all are on the inside. Eating candy, even making a bit of a mess, but they'll just clean it up later. It's around 10 pm when Lindsay calls for everyone's attention from her spot on the floor.
"So, as you all know, I was a bit late today. BUT do you know why that is?"
A few wrong answers later, she digs into a backpack she brought with her and out comes a slew of makeup, brand new, and a ton of face paint and nail polish. Fiona squeals and is like, "You actually brought it, yesss! Who's our first victim?"
Michael and Geoff immediately nope out of there and head to the kitchen, but everyone else seems game. Especially Gavin and Alfredo, who practically jump in front of the two girls, tripping over people along the way. Gavin occasionally wears a bit of makeup or nail polish here or there, so he wants his face painted! His mistake? Asking Lindsay to do it. 30 minutes later, she's done with her masterpiece. Gavin looks in the mirror, expecting to see a mess, but he actually doesn't hate it? A gold drips painted from his forehead that go over his left eye, and a small gold heart under his right eye. He actually looks really cool! Then, he turns around to show the others, and they laugh?? Why are they laughing? He looks pristine! He looks again. Oh. That's not a heart. It's a dick. He let's out one of his signature loud squawks of shock and disappointment, with a "Lindsayyy!!" Thrown in for good measure, and jumps over the others to run to the kitchen sink.
During all of this though, Fiona and Alfredo arent laughing. Fiona is laser focused on making Fredo the hottest person in the room. And she does. She stares at her work, nearly an hour after she started, and is proud. Alfredo is loving it too, making kissy faces at the other crew members, posing and showing off his red nails while Jack takes pictures of him using a Polaroid she bought just for this occasion.
Anyways, that's all done. Nobody else wants to get their faces done, in fear they'll end up like poor ol Gav, so they move on (tho Fredo and Gav do keep their looks, Gav is just missing the "heart") Things calm down again for a bit, and everyone is telling stories. Fiona is in the middle of talking about what her life in France was like before moving to Los Santos, when she realizes she's been subconsciously braiding Matt's hair while he sits in front of her on the floor. She stops and is joking like, "aw dude wtf I've been touching Matt's hair" and then Matt is like, "Yeah but this is actually not a bad look if I'm being honest" and the others agree with him! Michael says it makes him look a bit less like an animal (I swear I love Matt lmao but you know they'd bully him during this, nobody is safe) and then Trevor is like, "you should do Ryan's next!! He has long hair too!!"
Ryan is against it at first but eventually is forced to take Matt's spot on the floor, and by the time Fiona's story is done, so is Ryan's new look, and lemme tell ya. That boy can ROCK a braid. Everyone is like, "Daaaamn, Ry, look at you GO" and "Of course he looks better than Matt, the dude was a model" and this actually makes Ryan kinda happy!! He likes his friends giving him validation, sorry I don't make the rules.
The night continues as normal. More stories are told, and they slowly start to get deeper as it gets later. Stories of their past lives, their first kills and first crimes, and romance too. They talk about their worst and best past relationships, what they're looking for in a partner, things like that.
(This is about to get a bit shippy, so I'm sorry if you dislike any of these ships, they're just the ones I personally like and wanted to write about, with my own headcanons for each character and their sexualities. If anybody is interested in me talking about my personal HC's for that, send in an ask tho cause this is already kinda long lol)
At one point, Trevor actually draws attention to himself. Things are quiet and more chill now. Everyone is being supportive, so this is good as time as any-
"Uh, actually, I kinda wanna tell you guys something since we're on the topic. I'm..bisexual."
Everyone is silent for a second, and he actually starts to get nervous, then Lindsay pipes up with
"Dude, hell yeah, bi gang! Love wins, what's up!"
Everyone smiles and laughs, and Fiona highfives Lindsay. Geoff is the next to speak up, "That's great news, Trevor. When did this realization hit you, bud? I've known you for a while now, I had no idea."
"Oh, it was actually maybe..a few months ago? A year maybe? Yeah. About half a year ago I'd say."
Michael chimes in next,
"Wait, isn't that also when you found Fredo and introduced him to Geoff?"
A few oooooh's ring out and Trevor tries to hide his face by looking down and chuckling.
"Uh, yeah. It is.. Anyways! What about you guys? Jeremy, what's your type?" He looks to the shorter male who's lounging on a beanbag near the tv, trying to divert everyone's attention from himself. Jeremy thinks for a second and takes a sip of his beer.
"Hm. Not sure. I like tough people who have a soft side usually, just like me.."
As he names off a few other things he finds attractive, Jack shoots a knowing look over to Ryan. Ryan's had a thing for Jeremy for a while now, and only she knows about it. When you're the crew mom, your kids tell ya everything.
This continues for a while longer with more almost-confessions, before people eventually start slowly passing out. (After a few games of Uno of course. The Monopoly stayed untouched, and they started a game of Twister but were to drunk to stay still and kept toppling onto each other painfully.)
This is a bit longer than I intended and I left out a LOT I wanted to put in but I don't wanna make these too long aishsijsjs I'm not good at writing lol I'm sorry, but I hope you like this!! I could elaborate on other aspects of anyone is curious, I'll be accepting these asks all day so keep em coming 💚💚💚
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acdeaky · 5 years
my melancholy blues
warning: angst
note: i was in a mood for angst? and now i’m sad? because i’ve written angst?
word count: 1.4k
2A - ‘you aren’t who i thought you were’
4A - ‘why can’t you look at me?’
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“love, what was that back there?” john asked as he closed the front door of your shared apartment as you walked straight away from him towards the kitchen. one of freddie’s magnificent parties had, once again, ended abruptly on your part. something was said about you and john, initiating your early departure. you didn’t reply to him, only filling up and turning on the kettle, standing with your back against the kitchen worktop.
john followed you, turned into the kitchen and pulled out your matching cups, placing them next to the empty teapot. he mirrored your body, resting back against the kitchen worktops. you stayed still, looking ahead of you to not meet the deep hue of john’s eyes who’s spell you would easily fall under.
“why can’t you look at me?” he asked, looking down towards his feet, pushing his hands into the pockets of his light blue jeans. “love, you haven’t looked at me for weeks.”
“i have.” you choked out, instantly defending yourself at his words.
“not in the way you used, too. you used to look at me like i was the only person in the world, like there was no one else but me. why don’t you look at me like that?”
“things change, john.”
“like what?” he knew something was wrong instantly; you never called him john.
“you aren’t who i thought you were.” you whispered, scared at how john would take it. before john could reply, though, the kettle finished boiling. you instantly turned around, grabbing your cup and placing it back in its place, leaving john’s cup all alone. his back was still against the counter, still digesting the words you had just spoken to him.
you moved away from him, dragging your feet behind you as you stumbled across to the sofa, dropping yourself onto it. leaning all the way back, you closed your eyes and basked in the silence.
“who did you think i was?” he sniffed, shuffling around in his space, back still pressed against the countertop. your eyes opened and looked forward as the inevitable came towards you.
“not the john i know. i thought you were someone completely different, and i cant believe it’s taken me ten years to figure you out.”
“figure me out?” john’s voice was low as he asked this, almost as if he was afraid of the answer.
“freddie described you as everything i wanted in a partner. and you were. still are in some respects. but i just can’t help but feel like there’s something missing. i won’t give you the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ crap because i think it is you. i think there’s something about you, john, that i will never know, and that you will never understand. i put it off for years because i love you,” as soon as you said that, your head turned to john. he was still looking down, his hands still in his pockets. “but, like i said, you aren’t who i thought you were. and i don’t want to continue this if it feels wrong.”
“it’s been ten years,” john looked up, seeing you staring at him with glossed over eyes. “ten years i’ve loved you through everything, and you’re telling me now that i’m not who you thought i was?”
“things change, john. and i think you’re one of those things.”
“i’m guessing i’ve changed for the worse? because this is the first time you’ve looked me in the eyes for weeks. and this is the first time in weeks that we’ve had a proper conversation.”
“i’m sorry, john. it’s just-”
“what?” he interrupted, taking his hands out of his pocket and walking over to the armchair that resided across from the sofa you were laying on. “you don’t love me anymore?”
“no, john, it’s not that it’s-”
“what else could it be, love? you’ve said i’m not who you thought i was, i’ve gathered that you think i’ve changed for the worse and now the only thing i’m playing over and over in my head is that you don’t love me.”
now it was your turn to be quiet. you couldn’t look at him anymore and let your head drop. your eyes closed again, tears threatening to spill at any second. the pair of you sat in silence for a few moments, causing fear to rise in john’s chest and guilt to rise in yours.
“i do love you, john. i have done for ten years. i don’t think i could stop loving you.”
“there’s a but there.” he stated matter-of-factly, knowing that there was more to your statement.
“i think i painted a picture in my head,” you sighed, pulling your head up and looking at john again. feeling a tear cascade down your cheek, you left it there, sniffling instead. “i think when i heard about you, i painted a picture of having the perfect relationship with you: getting married, living together, having kids, being together for the rest of our lives. so, when i met you and got to know you, i think i stopped myself from knowing anything that didn’t fit my picture which, consequently, made you shut off a part of you to me, which i had never noticed until now. i was so wrapped up in my daydream and your love that i didn’t realise until as of late. i’m sorry, john. i never wanted to do this to you, or me, but i think it’s better if we go our separ-”
“don’t say it. please,” he begged, this time, his head dropped low. “please can we just talk about this more and understand what it is. i can’t lose you.” john practically choked out his words, surprising himself that he didn’t mess up and break down.
“i don’t think i can do that, john. i’m sorry.” the back of you hand wiped away any tears that had fallen during that short space of time. you pushed yourself off of the sofa, grabbed your bag and made your way to the front door.
“wait,” john called, jumping up from his seat and rushing over to you. he lightly grabbed your wrist, giving it a little squeeze. “before you go, just know that i love you. and if you want to come back, i’ll be here. i don’t want to lose you and i definitely don’t want to see you walk out of that door right now, but if you have to, you have to. and i don’t want to stop that.”
“i love you, john. but i just think we need time to ourselves. truly, i don’t want to walk out of this door either, but it’s the best thing to do.” all john did was nod. his hand was still around your wrist, keeping you in place near the door.
you raised your hand to lightly cup john’s cheek, smoothing over his skin with your thumb. he leaned into your touch, basking in the softness which he may never experience again. his hand moved from your wrist and slipped into your hand, your fingers intertwining perfectly like they had done for ten years.
as a tear fell from his eye, your thumb caught it, not allowing it to stain his slightly stubbly cheek. the gaze between the two of you was so strong, it made you question why you were even leaving at all. those gorgeous green eyes that you had fallen in love with were calling, begging you to stay.
but you couldn’t. you knew you couldn’t. it was too much for you.
“deaky, i have to go.” you whispered, desperately not wanting to.
“i know.” he simply replied in a hushed voice, releasing your hand from his grasp. you moved backwards, allowing your back to hit the door. skilfully, you grabbed the door handle, pushed it down and opened the door, all while still looking in john’s eyes.
the door was pulled fully open as you stood in the threshold, leaning against the frame, gaze still locked on john. finally, you gave him a small smile, looking down at the floor and pulling the door shut.
that night, john’s heart broke a little more.
special dedication to @deakysbabybooty bc it’s her birthday 🥳 *insert lil happy dance*
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @mrsmazzellotaylor @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized
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choujiro · 2 years
i feel like im at a VERY odd spot in life right now, and it’s a very weird feeling because i feel like this atleast once or twice a year, more specifically when seasons are changing. adding on, its because i can feel myself changing?  anyways
recently my manang gave birth and my older manang is currently pregnant! its crazy bc they’re starting a WHOLE NEW chapter of their lives.  and now they’re going to raise a lil human for the rest of their lives. and i just find that so crazy. just not too long ago we were talking about how WE ourselves were raised by our immigrant parents but through toxic means and we’re still learning to navigate our lives that don’t follow their traditional beliefs and actions. i think it’s wild that they are raising a child (or going to be) while unlearning harmful behaviors our parents had shown and done to us. not saying that my cousins WILL follow their patterns but when I, MYSELF, think about the possibility of raising a child, I would be scared to death if I were to treat my child the way that my mom treated me. i hope it doesn’t seem like im projecting myself lmao 
i really living my life filled with hope yet with so much uncertainty. my manangs are established women who finished college with their amazing partners and I wish I could also envision that for myself. not saying that i need a partner in order to feel fulfilled in life but sometimes its really hard to imagine myself with someone. mainly because i feel like im still learning to be at peace with myself and learning how to take care of myself.
on the topic of self-care, i also find it completely wild that you really gotta get yourself together in order to raise a baby, it’s the number one reason why i currently think i should not have a baby in the future. like i cant even bring myself to eat one meal a day sometimes and i really allow myself to wallow in laziness, fear, and sadness. sometimes all 3 in one day. i cannot imagine myself raising a baby with so many negative thoughts about things that may not even happen. im struggling to stay alive, what makes me think i can keep another human alive? additionally, i got too many health conditions that id rather not pass on to my offspring that would be so evil : (
my older older manang asked me if i wanted to have a kid in the future, because everyone else has one and im the youngest left in the family. i did not hesitate and said no because ~trauma~ and she was just kinda like oh just think about it. and i mean yeah, im still young (quarter age crisis baby) but with the pressure of my family having babies and trying to convince me to have one when i find a partner, its just kinda like .... iono. im trying to block it all off but its kinda hard to 
another weird feeling today was tht i could feel myself changing. probably socially but also like thinking more abt the future, more of what i really wanna do, more of envisioning being more outspoken and more confident of anything in general? idk. i feel like there are many things in store for me, its the matter of if i want to accept it, how to accept it, experiencing things in the moment and see how things play out. idk !!!! its so odd. 
and thru the midst of it all, i still have to come to term with my parents. its not like we’re fighting or anything, maybe yes to fighting cuz i do be battling the trauma they have inflicted on me as a kid, and even as i was growing up. i feel so sad for my dad. but part of me is like he did u dirty tho, he really left u alone. and then another part of me is like he was only capable of doing so much and he didn’t know what to do because his father also left him at an early age. BUT AT THE SAME TIME im just like my feelings are valid and im allowed to feel hurt, sad, angry and all the emotions at the same time!
i got to eat lunch with him today and he was saying “your mom brought the divorce papers and didnt say anything so i was so sad.” and it got me so mad because mans really spent thousands on this woman who was almost the same age as me in the philippines and cheated on my mom. so yes its valid that i was so angry!! i didnt say anything because i really did not think it was the right time. he also talked about how he has this disease on his leg.. and i just. felt bad. and idk . i felt numb. sad, angry, was i supposed to think “oh karma got him!” or  my dad is hurt, im sad” idk !! i guess ill figure it out later
anyways pt 3
there was something bugging me for the past few months. i think it was a lil later i broke it off with ed. i felt sad but more of relief. i couldnt really think why but it wasnt necessarily bad. i dont hate him, i dont feel any resent towards him. in fact i feel so grateful bc he really taught me many things about self love and just being a healthier version of myself. but i think there was one thing i could not stand for, and today i finally learned what it was: false promises
false promises did not occur when i was with him. it was what i had seen and experienced through my parents. my dad promising things to me like protection, my mom promising “we’ll get things next time” and things that i have always looked forward to, promises made by them, and those events not ever coming true. so false promises became a HUGE traumatic experience for me, even now. me and ed were in a LDR, so i always had things to look forward to when we saw each other, whether it was in la or sac. i would always mention, lets go here next time or lets do that next time, and it didnt happen. i didnt dare bring those things up again  because after few times of voicing it out it was shut down. so i learned just to go with the flow. and then i learned that it hurt me but i kept it inside because he seemed happier that way. but it was a huge disappointment and it snowballed into something that i hated even more. 
so now im just careful not to have this happen again. and thankfully its something i have realized and learned because now i can name what has been bothering me and i can and WILL avoid this in future relationships
anyways pt 4, im looking forward to seeing and feeling myself grow. i really hope things work out for me :)
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madestrcng · 6 years
tagged by: @dcputyrook​ tagging: whomest ever
Name: Bee ;w; Age: 22 Pronouns: they / them Sexuality: Gay Zodiac sign: Capricorn  Taken or single: single pringle Four Things About This Blog: ✘ I originally made it to be a John Seed blog while I was still playing through the game, but after considering and playing more of it, I decided on Staci instead.  ✘ Partly why I decided on Staci was because he was similar to a muse I use to play that I missed, and mostly because I found @badwclv​‘s blog in the tags while I was on my personal and I just ???? wanted to have a reason to write with them and I hadn’t seen any blogs for Staci when I looked. So I was the first to write him on here. ✘ uuuuuuh, a lot of Staci’s backstory is based on previous characters I played from other fandoms that I thought were similar, my own personal experience (see below), and some fanfics I had read about him. His secondary verse (cult verse) is heavily influenced by a fanfic actually. Embarrassing to admit haha I just found the story concept and Staci’s development interesting and I wanted to see where I could go with that. ✘ I write Staci as being Native American and had grown up on the Rez. Mostly because I myself am Native American and grew up and lived on an Indian reservation all my life before moving for College. I decided to do this partly because of how Staci looked (nonwhite, dark hair, etc), and also based on the general area of where this might all take place. Montana is home to a lot of different Indigenous tribes, like The Cheyenne, Crow Nation, Bitterroot Salish, Blackfoot, just to name a few. I decided on Blackfoot because their reservation is North of where Hope County is supposed to be set. Idk if that is really that interesting but I just ??? wanted to do it, because not a lot is known about Staci before EG, and I found it as a way to build his character and connect to him more personality. Like, if he and I shared experiences even if they were mundane and small, it would make writing him more real to me?? Idk f that makes sense, but point is that bc of this I created like 5 other FC5 OCs or Other Characters (Wheaty) on my multi who are also Indigenous and I get to thrive??? writing native characters??? Thanks I suck lmao
Three Mun Facts: ✘ I will go the fuck off about character theories or headcanons for the most minor characters ever. I only really do it on discord because I fear being annoying and spamming but, I got some deep ass metas in my head. ✘ I wanted to be a filmmaker since I was 4 years old, and I made some short films in middle school and high school. So when I graduated I moved across the country a month later and went to film school. I graduated with a degree in film & cinematography, and every time I watch Inside Eden’s Gate or any of the shorts made for Far Cry, I cry because I wanna make some shit like that. Super wild. ✘ I can play bass guitar and use to be able to play piano like a mf but I stopped and now I’m really rusty. Anyway, hire me to be your bassist in your punk band ;3c
How’d you start: I rped Naruto over texting with my best friend in Middle School. Platforms you’ve used:  I pretty much jumped right into tumblr after that, never did the forums or anything. I think for awhile we used skype :0 but I only really rped over skype, email, facebook, and texting on and off for awhile with her. But I found uuuuuh, a Durarara!! rp group randomly like two years later and was like oh???  Anyway, so I’ve used skype, email, tumblr, aim??, facebook, and I now RP on Discord a lot more. Best experience: honestly hard to say, I think when I just met people I really hit it off with and we just meshed well is always the best. But if I have to be specific uuuuh, I once joined an RP group about Gods or something, and I eventually got my best friends to join which is what got them into Rping. Also through it I met another girl who became like, my best friend online for YEARS after that, from age like, 13 to age 20?? And also bc I was a big gay, I fell in love with her which uuh, didn’t end well but point is that, the best part is just making friends who you love and adore who stick with you even after the group or fandom you were in together dies.  Worst experience:  fuck ok honestly, I had someone who would hound me to ship all the time, and would follow me every time I moved blogs. They would constantly hound me to write smut with them (even tho I was underage) and if I said no they would just be like oh well too bad and would start writing their character doing some shit with mine and get really fucking mean to me if I didn’t reply. Also would constantly bug me to reply to them and guilt trip me, even if I wasn’t home to reply or if I was at school, they would get really mean and vicious about it. And would post horrible shit about me on the dash and stuff when I wasn’t home to reply to our threads.
And they would constantly like, play if off like I was the bad guy and the abusive one and was overall just really toxic and super mean to me and my friends? Pushed away my other shipping partners, forced me to tell my best friend I cant ship with her anymore or else??? And we were all like, 14 or 15 at the time when we met them, and they were like, 36 and had a kid and was married. I didn’t get away from them until I was like, 18 :))) and they had made so many people dislike me and shit because of the dumbass stuff they said about me, so I had to leave tumblr for awhile. Anyway when I came back like, months later a bunch of people had come out of the woodwork who I don’t even remember to apologize to me and be like wow some shit went down and this person showed their true colors and everyone kinda realized they were toxic and a liar bc I guess they tried to do it to some other people. It was wild.
Original or canon: Canon usually Favourite face: oh geez uuuh, i guess Rami Malek since I’ve used him A LOT, or Erin Richards. Least favorite face: idk man, I guess people who use FCs who are dead irl makes me uncomfy. It just feels weird to me :/ Or people who use White FCs for nonwhite characters, sometimes its up to interpretation though like a video game character or something. But when it’s super obvious a poc and they use a white fc it’s super weird for me. Multi or single: both, but I have trouble maintaining a multi.
Plots or memes: plot usually, sometimes I don’t know what to do with memes or I don’t know what the other writer is comfortable with. I like to hash things out and make a game plan so I don’t screw something up. Best time to write:  I usually write at night, but sometimes I crank out replies during the day if I have time or if the muses suddenly strikes. Do you like your muse(s):   I love all my muses so much it hurts wowie How long (months/years?): uuuuuh, started in 6th grade so uuuuh, 11 or so years now?? Something like that, I feel like my writing peeked in high school but then again, if I look back at it, it was probably all cringy and dark bc I was a little edgelord.
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botanyshitposts · 7 years
Please tell us more stories about the corn!!
brief preface: i live in iowa, one of the united states’ largest producers of corn (as in maize for those overseas), and worked at a corn breeding research facility. these guys are in charge of creating new lines of seed for farmers to grow; i took the job because it was the only plant science-related job i could, and it sucked but it wasn’t the worst job ive ever had and i made bank because it sucked and no one wanted to do it. there were two parts to this job: data collection and pollination. i wrote out a huge thing on the details of these and then decided it was too long and rambly so imma just gonna skip that stuff and get to the Weird Liminal Space Corn Stories:
-for data collection, our job was to take plant an ear hights in fields all around iowa, meaning that we would get to work in the morning and they would load us up into transit vans and drive us out to a random small town with a test field for testing. once we got there, we had 16-foot-tall wooden measuring sticks we would unfold and bring into the field with us, and the instructions from there were simple: 2 people on each side of the breeder. you measure the line of corn behind you by sticking ur stick next to an average looking plant and reading off first how far up on the plant the first ear of corn was, then reading off how far the base of the flag leaf was. then, you turn around to face the line of corn behind you, and while youre turning around and sticking your measuring stick into the ground on that side your partner reads there numbers, you read your second line of numbers, your partner reads their second line, and then you walk into the nearest alley and march up two lines of corn while the people on the other side of the breeder go. you read the two data points on one side. your partner reads and u turn around. you read the data points behind you. your partner does. while you are going, your breeder is walking up the field typing in the numbers on a data logger and the other team is walking up two rows. once you reach the end of the field, your breeder stops you, you walk two plots down and turn the other direction. you read off your data points, ect, you do that all the way down the field. you do this for hours until your set is done. all told, once your team of 5 people gets oriented and going, it should sound like this to you:
stick. 65, 102. turn. stick. 68, 104. pick up stick. walk down two rows. stick. 85, 102. turn. stick. 84, 103. pick up stick. walk down two rows. ect. you have to annunciate yourself and not talk to your teamates so the breeder can hear you through the corn. on windy days, you have to shout. you dont have time to stop and talk; you actually barely have time to do anything but focus on the manual task of number, turn, number, walk, number, turn, number, walk. when we were done, we would come out covered in sweat and dirt with our sticks, pile in the transit van, and drive like, the 2-3 hours back. work days were about 9 hours with 5 in the field, meaning that you worked 40 hours a week and could do overtime on weekends doing pollination (which was actually really fun). 
-no headphones. at first i thought that rule was stupid, but like, once you enter a cornfield you realize that this is because 1. if someone is screaming your name you need to be able to hear and 2. corn touches everything; when you’re in the corn, there is always something touching you. we wore special hats with veils, long pants, long shirts, eye protection, and closed toed shoes because the corn leaves are sharp and will cut you up; i have scars from this. your headphones would get ripped out within like, .3 seconds, because like corn just snags and slices up everything. 
-one time, on the hottest day of the summer, we were doing the number-turn-number-walk routine and heard someone yelling for our breeder guy. he stopped us short and called back, and like, this is the scary part about cornfields: like i said in the tags of that one post, corn swallows up sound more than anything. it’s impossible to tell where you are and impossible to hear anything, even if you scream, so its best to stay close to your team unless your doing solo work, and if you’re doing solo work like, for the love of god, keep walking in the direction youre supposed to be walking until you’re finished. trust that theres something on the other side, even if you cant see it. but anyway; hes yelling, and shes yelling, and suddenly she bursts through the corn after searching for us and says that this one kid is having a seizure. queue both of them running out of the corn and we’re just standing there. eventually we hear one of the other breeders yelling “___’s group, where are you?!” and we’re like “over here! we’re over here!” and put our sticks up, and the other breeder comes into the alley and we keep doing data points. we had like, 6 kids go home that day because of how hot it was (over 100 degrees) and we ended up not finishing the field because they decided it wasnt safe for us to work anymore. (also, kid was predisposed to seizures and they took him home, he was fine and came back to work a couple days later)
-i kind of talked about this in the tags of that other post, but i think the scariest day was the day we were in a test field a little ways away from the research center. it was kind of stormy but we were like ok whatever, we’ve gotten rained on before with no problem, queue us starting the data collection for the day. its…..really windy. like. i wish i could recreate that feel in art or something or even film it someday, because 1. when the wind blew, the whole field-which, remember, this is our whole world when we’re in there because you can’t see anything but corn in every direction- moved. like, bended, which is typical of corn because like yeah duh it does that, but its like if you were standing in a hallway and suddenly all the walls bent with the wind and so did the cieling. it was that disorienting; i actually stumbled a few times because the only steady thing was the ground and 2. it was loud, like a weird roar in the background. everything is rustling all around you at once. we had to scream our numbers for the breeder to hear us, and when i moved my measuring stick would catch the wind and drag me back a little. then, we heard thunder in the distance. our breeder was like “okay guys we’re gonna finish this field because we’re only like 4 ranges away from the road” and we’re like ok yeah, 40 plots, we can do this. the wind picked up, we kept moving at like twice the pace to get out of there, and when we reached the end it was really close and our breeder was like “come on we have to go now” and we like, picked up our sticks and ran through the corn bending around us with the thunder and everything, can i say midwestern gothic because ive never experienced midwestern gothic more than 4 teenagers with corn sticks and a dude with a data logger running through a discombobulating corn haze at 11am with thunder rolling in. we get to the edge of the field, scramble over the barbed wire fence because we are not running through the rest of the field. in a hot second more teams emerge from the field at various speeds just as it starts storming. we pack up our sticks. our team of four gets in our breeder’s pickup truck and we drive back in the rain. it was a look guys ngl
-throwback to when i just finished doing solo tagging of the ranges in the corn in a field three hours away from the research center. our breeder said to meet him back at the truck when we were done, so when i reach the end of the field having stapled on tags for around 100 ranges (about ten minutes of walking and stapling alone in a single line; these tags will help orient harvesting in the fall), i turn around and start heading straight back, because like again, when you’re in the corn alone its best to know exactly where you are and the way out is always a straight line. i start following my tagging trail back. about five minutes into walking i hear rustling near me. y’all, i was not ready, started jogging and checking behind me and after a little bit i slow down because i feel like i lost whatever it was. rustling continues like its following me. hellno.jpg, not today, i run out of the corn into the alley on the other side, decide i must have imagined it, and start walking towards the truck. as it turns out it was another one of the guys who didn’t know where to go, saw me from his row, and was following me to find his way out of the corn. almost died that day y’all
-occasionally we would visit fields to do brittle snap count, which is lining up, walking a plot, stopping, and yelling out how many broken stalks of corn we counted in the plot we just walked through, then continuing. the whole thing is that farmers understandably hate it when all their corn breaks and dies. we went to this one field that had been hit by a wind storm; it was a really hot day and we were all like dying. this is where my aforementioned scarring comes in. in cornfields, there exists a thingy called corn rash. this is where the corn hits your skin so much that it makes tiny cuts all over you, and then pollen from said corn gets in the cuts along with sweat. it is the worst time i have ever experienced in my life like literally nope would not recommend. eventually we realized that half this field of test crop was broken. like, we stopped counting the amount of plants with broken stems and instead started counting the amount of plants still standing. i was wearing all the protection i needed/that was required (so was everyone else), but it was so hot that literally all of us had corn rash and i was bleeding, big yikes. eventually our super nice breeder for the day realized that we were Struggling™ and was like ok listen we’re going back this isn’t worth it and all the corn is literally dead inexplicably anyway and then took us to get gas station ice cream after bc she felt bad for us lmao, a blessing
-talked to the breeders a lot and asked a ton of questions. learned that sunflower breeding is a thing that happens and that they’re bred to be larger to bear more seed for like, those bags of sunflower seeds you see at gas stations. the more u know
-zoo corn
-the corn in the pollination fields (the corn being bred into pure, genetically identical lines for testing….*insert Corn Discourse Concerning Loss Of Genetic Diversity Here But Not Gonna Talk About It In This Post Bc Its Already Super Long*) gets really weird mutations that i’ve talked about before
-this post got so long im sorry
tl;dr: corn is a terrifying liminal space
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