#because that was supposed to be the more rom-com-ish one
fictionadventurer · 2 years
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All I'm saying is, I've watched three Capra movies this week and we're three for three.
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welcometololaland · 2 years
Do you have any future Tarlos fics planned?
thank you for this question, anon!
okay, so I wasn't sure if this meant me writing more tarlos fics or tarlos in the future? I went for the first one - hopefully that was right.
the answer is...too many. I have 4 x rwrb fics I've started and not finished and tarlos keeps sticking their damn pretty heads in my business! abbreviated wip list is below, would be keen to know anyone's thoughts!
💜 Post epilogue Love Game fic (20k ish), 95% written.
❤️ Post epilogue Love Game one shot (5k ish maybe less) 20% written.
💛 New AU!!!!! That I've got a full 12 chapter outline for but scared to start because it could end up being like 33837933738 words. Rom com. Pretty ridiculous concept but I think it will be really fun to write (and hopefully read). Will involve all the usual suspects.
💙 AU co-written with @rmd-writes (sorry if I wasn't supposed to spoil this lmao) using our powers combined and our particular set of skills 😏🚨
🧡 THE CROSSOVER!!!!! I actually added to this last night. Obsessed with the idea more than ever. 4 chapters (still writing ch 1 right now).
💚 Update another 7 ways fic! I put this down for way too long but I keep getting distracted.
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takorossi · 1 year
obligatory self-intro first post
hello interwebs, i'm tako! (you can think of this as my special tumblr nickname.) i'm afab and identify as female, aged 18 and above but i'll keep the exact number a secret because #forever18. i'm not new to the fanfic-writing scene but i am new to the tumblr-writer scene. previously, my works were all published on the A Triple O (read: ao3).
i became a uni very recently but am now wholly invested. for those who are curious i actually found out about pentagon back in 2021-ish when i watched 潮音战纪 (chao yin zhan ji) for zhou zhennan HAHAH then came across the utter beauty that was The Yan An and went to search his group up on google + youtube. i recall watching the "feelin' like" and "dr. bebe" stages on youtube back then and being very impressed by the pink-haired rapper who could act crazy really well and whom i now recognise as one jung wooseok. i've never really been a kpop person per se, more of cpop/jpop and korean indie artists, which probably explains why i didn't get into pentagon back then. however, because i was obsessed with cpop boy groups and there has since been a lack in chinese survival shows as of late, i decided to watch boy planet one day and came across the immensely talented hui ... which led me back to pentagon. so now, while i'm still not really a kpop person, i am a proud pentagon person!! cue: end of my word vomit about my history of becoming a uni.
if i had to pick a bias in pentagon, it would probably be adachi yuto because it's adachi yuto. how am i not supposed to stan him :( close seconds are wooseok, shinwon, and kino. but also i love them all.
i speak english and chinese, feel free to drop me an ask/request/let's talk or a message in either language, but i'll only post writing in english. pentagon is my korean ult group but my chinese ult group is r1se. i watch anime — favourite genres are primarily rom-com and sports but i've also enjoyed shows like bsd, jjk, tokyo revengers, etc.
other than posting my writing, i might also ramble/rant about relevant things at random points in time so i hope you don't mind. for now, i'm likely to focus on pentagon writing specifically but will probably branch out to my other areas of interest in the future!
well, it was nice talking to you! that's about it from me today.
tako x
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akwardlyuncool · 4 months
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Class Favorites: Movie Ranks! (Part 1)
This is a ranking of all the movies I saw for the first time in 2023. Since the writers and actors were on strike for a good chunk of he year, I only did one full length movie review in 2023. I was also a little burnt out from the last few years where I "made" myself write full reviews for almost every new movie I watched, so I took the strike as my okay to for the most partjust consume.
That freedom led me to watching 40+ "new" movies this year and I wanted to just come rank and rant at you for a minute. And thanks to very short mostly 1 lines on Letterboxed I don't have to rack my brain too hard. I will say though before we get too deep into the explainers, just know that a lot of how I ranked these films is based on re-watch-ability, so don't get mad that some of the better made films fell shorter than you'd like.
I decided to break it into 2 parts cause the post would be too long otherwise.
PS: Not in backwards order cause I can't be bothered.
1) Can't Hardly Wait (1998)
Let's wait 4 years to tell the girl you're in love with, that you love her, while the grad party before the rest of your lives takes place.
I know I'm behind on this one, but I made it and we're it's supposed to be lol. Yes, there are movies that I ranked higher than this one because they were probably just better overall movies, however good or decent 90's always shows my bias. But also Ethan Embry 😍. Can't Hardly Wait just fits with all the other classics of it's time and I think that's what ultimately does it justice. Obviously it didn't age great, I'm acknowledging it's faults, but neither did some of its peers and knowing where it came from we're letting that part slide. It is what it is with this one, sorry not sorry.
2) Alabama Moon (2009)
*Based on a book of the same name by Key Watt. Your father doesn't trust the rest of the world, so you learn to not trust it either and now that he's gone you have learn how to survive in the world outside of your woods.
Not 100% but I'm pretty sure this movie made me cry and that's partly why it made it to the top of the list. I'm a sucker for a spunky "family" movie and this one just tugged at me. There were some parts where it was a little silly in the "bad guy" area and I also called the ending "disingenuous" but all that aside, I was here for everything else. I probably liked it more than most but again I'm a sucker for a lot of this ish and it wasn't bad by my standards. It also does a little ACAB, which doesn't hurt lol.
3) Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. (2023)
*Based on a book of the same name by Judy Blume. When changes arise in Margaret's life, she starts talking to God to see if she can find the answers.
I read the book several years ago and had planned to re-read it before watching the movie, but didn't get around to doing that, so I can't remember if it was accurate to the source material or not, so going beyond that, I can say that I liked it. I liked how awkward and coming-of-age it was. I like the questioning and I liked all the prayer for the big and the small, to the silly and the honest. I also really loved the parents relationship, they were just super cute. There was a bit of confusion at the end with my understanding of the conclusions Margaret came to, however setting that aside, it was still rather sweet and would totally recommend to the young and the old.
4) Leap Year (2010)
When another year passes and your boyfriend has not proposed to you, you're obligated to take matters into your own hands and do the proposing yourself. Obviously like all romantic comedies, accidents will happen along the way.
Another one I'm late on, but y'all that was actually rather cute. It's one of those ones where you're not sure in the beginning and then it does the thing and drops the feels and you can't deny the fact that it did what it said it was going to do. It's a 2010 rom-com and I think it did that era justice.
5) A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
*Based on an autobiographical book of the same name by Dito Montiel. Dito returns home after his mother's request because his father is sick and relives why he left in the first place. A bunch of kids who don't have much, but are fighting for what little they do have.
I thought this was a very decent movie. It kept me engaged and the acting was good. Now I never want to hear Channing Tatum shout racial and homophobic slurs ever again, but outside of that, for those into raw indie movies I think you'll like this one. It's good outweighs the bad. I'm not sure but I might have also cried a little during this one too. All I know is that it dug a little bit and that was enough for me. This is also one of the lesser known films for this cast, but worth the watch cause they got some strong folks in here and I don't think they'll disappoint you.
6) Runt (2018/2021)
When you're bullied, eventually, sometimes you fight back. TW: For violence, sexual violence and animal abuse.
I had a little moment of Cameron Boyce movies this year and of the few that I saw, Runt was the best one. This was his last movie before his passing and I could for sure see why people liked him so much. Cameron pulls you in and is so likeable. I know Cameron Boyce being in it wasn't enough for everybody, so do with that information what you will. Now beyond Boyce, this movie could have been better and more fleshed out, but I was for sure engaged in what I was watching and that was good enough on my end.
7) Mystery, Alaska (1999)
A small town in Alaska bets it's home town heroes against the New York Rangers.
I've watched the trailer for this movie in front of several VHS tapes for most of my life and because of that it was always on my to-watch list. Several years ago I found a sealed VHS copy and this year I finally unsealed the thing, because #NoSealedTapes. One thing to know about me is that I'm not big on sports unless you put it in a movie and preferably in the family movie era of the 80's, 90's and mid 2000's. So did it live up to the hype? Only once you take away the misogyny and leave the hockey and the underdog tale. Despite it's faults it did alright and plus I saw so much "crap" this year, that I'd take a few 90's misogynistic comments over some of the other, way more offensive things I consumed this year lol.
It also won me over because they were correcting people on not using the slur for Inuit people back before I knew it was even a slur. Like folks been tryin to tell us.
8) A Look Back: Dog Town & Z-Boys (2021)
A short documentary follow-up to the original documentary Dog Town and Z-Boys and it's impact.
This didn't rank higher mainly because it was less than a half an hour long. I love the original documentary and this addition brought attention to some of the things that I wondered about after seeing the full documentary, like the lack of girl skaters that were highlighted, so it just furthered the love. When the people involved also see falls and aren't denying them, I say that's a little stand-up-y and I support it. Now could they have just done better the first time, absolutely, but it is what it is. I also watched this during a re-watch of the Hollywood film which sparked me to watch other little skating docs on YouTube and I just gotta say, man do I love skateboarding culture!
9) Ashby (2015)
Ed Wallis has the high school assignment of interviewing an older person, so he chooses his ex CIA neighbor (didn't know that at the time) and stuff goes down.
I watched this on YouTube one night and it wasn't a waste of time. I gave a lot of 3 stars this year and this one truly was decent. It might have been a little far fetched in some places, but it really tried and I enjoyed it. Also father figures are all around us.
10) Keith (2008)
Popular vs unpopular, smart vs slacker. Rich vs poor. Let's pick on you because we like you. I just want to save you, but I don't know what from. A tale as old as time.
I thought I'd seen this one before, but apparently I hadn't. Well I've seen other iterations of the same story before, but no I had not seen Keith in particular. Yes there are so many other movies that tell the same tale, and came before and after this one, however as long as it makes an attempt at being decent I'm gonna watch it. Of course it does the feel-y thing and makes you root for the underdogs. It also gives does the thing where we want to chuck the current ideas about our future away. Oh and you're always saving someone lol. Essentially there have been plenty of movies post 2010 that do the same thing (I counted 6 in under a minute) and we've never turned away, so if you watched and remotely liked any of the "new" guys, you'll most likely enjoy the older stuff.
PS: I kept it a little vague only because I didn't want to spoil a big plot in the movie and the thing that makes it a common theme in teen movies today.
11) Blind Dating (2006)
Let's get literal and take a Blind man on blind dates. The dates aren't good, but that doesn't mean his hunt for love is over.
I'm not saying that the representation wasn't iffy or that it's not filled with ableism, but I can say that in the problematic era of 2006, I thought this romantic comedy was cute. There are better made movies, even on this list, but when I think about what would get the easiest of re-watches, this beat out a lot of the other ones. Sorry.
12) Whiplash (2014)
Andrew wants to be a drummer and he wants to learn from the best, but at what cost.
Obviously this was a prime example of a better made movie than some of the other films that proceeded it, however it didn't hit as hard as I would have liked it to. The day I watched it, there was a lot physically going on in the room, people moving in and out, talking about the movie, not about the movie, and that most likely soiled the viewing experience. Now I think it probably just needs a solid less-distraction filled re-watch because it was good in all of it's depiction of toxicity, it just didn't get a fair shot. Also I like the roles Miles Teller plays and he also needs more of a fair chance with this one.
13) Eagle Eye (2008)
The supposed sins of your identical twin brother get you mixed up with the Feds and a woman who you've never met, so now youre tied to her and his past, because of an all seeing AI woman.
This was my distraction movie the night that I watched it and I had been avoiding it because I knew that I didn't want to watch a military/war movie with everything going on, but somehow it's what I ended up choosing. The acting was good and the running and the car chases do keep one entertained, but not a movie I'd suggest you watch at this time, again with everything going on.
This was also another Cameron Boyce movie I knocked off this year. He's not the main character, like we don't see him a ton, but he was there so it counts lol and he did well.
14) Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012)
*Based on a true story. Carlina was abducted as a baby and now as an adult finds out she might be a missing person and the woman who raised her isn't telling the truth.
First we support Keke Palmer in this house! Now that that's been addressed let's talk Lifetime/Straight to DVD Movies and how they're all rated on a curve. Even when these movies aren't that good, they keep me interested and I will always come back for more and that's how I watched 9 or so of them this year. The Carlina White Story was definitely the best one that I saw though. I gave it a three because it was decent and I enjoyed the performances. Obviously there was also conversation at my screen, which always helps these films. Yelling at the screen is half the fun. Although based on a true story, remember this is Hollywood and Lifetime, so do with that what you will.
15) Fun Sized (2012)
Change of plans, you can't go to the party you were invited to by your hot crush, because you now have to take your little brother out trick or treating and spend the night in charge of him. But hey, what could go wrong.
This was Nickelodeon/Paramount's take on the semi-raunchy teen party movie. I thought I had seen it before, but apparently I hadn't and I'll say that I didn't hate it. I think it would have given me more post high school feels of nostalgia had I actually watched it in 2012 and then did a re-watch now, but with the formula being mostly fill in the blank you're gonna get some of them regardless. Now although it was the funniest part of the whole movie and the part that isn't okay in real life, like don't do that ish, was taking an 8 year old to do illegal stuff, as a sad adult. I laughed, but again don't do that. Also I hope the kid who dressed up as Aaron Burr got to see Hamilton a few years later lol. It's another teen party rom-com in the list of other teen party rom-com's, so if that's your thing just go with with it.
I feel like any time I watch a Thomas Mann movie, I have to watch multiple, so I ended up watching 3 this year and this was my favorite.
16) Unaccompanied Minors (2006)
Stranded at the airport during the holidays, the kids who were riding solo decide to make friends with one another and mischief ensues.
Unaccompanied Minors is basically The Breakfast Club meets Home Alone, if both were set at the airport. It wasn't bad... It's a family movie with Grinch-type adults and kids who's goal is to be happy. If that's not your thing, I get it, but for those who do enjoy one of these films every now and again, you're gonna have a decent time.
17) The Pact (1999)
A teenage boy witnesses the murder of his parents and now must go into hiding. While in witness protection he makes a friend, but will his secret be kept for long.
I picked this tape up one day at the thrift store because it had Rider Strong in it. I thought it was going to be way more thriller-y and just overall hit harder, to the point where I thought it would trigger my anxiety, however it fell a little short of that expectation. I still gave it 3 stars for doing what it did, but it wasn't something I needed to be truly nervous about lol. The punch just really didn't hit hard enough.
18) Fight Club (1999)
*Based on the book of the same name by Chuck Palahnuiuk. I can't really talk about what Fight Club is actually about, so I'm just gonna talk about the vibes and some takeaways.
My nephew said this was his favorite movie, so I went and bought a VHS copy for him and we watched it one day. Now the reason that this movie is this far down is simply because I had so many thoughts after watching the movie but I still don't know what I was supposed to get out of it. What is the moral, what are we supposed to gain?
I read somewhere that if Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt's character) is your favorite character, like you want to be him, that's a red flag and I agree. You should not want to be him and if you do, seek help lol. The other red flag for me was the fact that in a section in the movie, I could potentially see how some men are convinced to join that alt-right and even hella far-right pipeline in the real world and it gave me all of the heebie-jeebies.
David Fincher who also directed The Panic Room, which I absolutely love, makes intense movies and Fight Club was no different, so it's not the fact that the movie wasn't made well, just that I was so uncomfortable and confused at times, that I don't know when I will ever subject myself to another watch. Not saying I'll never watch it again, I kinda even want to read the book with my nephew which is supposedly worse, just that it's gon be a minute, a very long minute lol.
19) Fifteen And Pregnant (1998)
* Based on a true story. When Tina Spangler gets pregnant at 14, she starts to realize that not everyone is gonna stick around and how much she actually has to show up in the world.
Again Lifetime movies are graded on a curve, so based on on that criteria alone, it was okay. That being said the movie was hella religiously conservative coded in terms of teen pregnancy and just like sex in general. I felt like it wanted to do sex education, but didn't lean hard enough into that desire because of how coded it was and that's what ultimately failed the telling of this story.
Also yes Tina is more than a little bit selfish. Not in the getting pregnant part, but in a lot of her attitude and the way she moves afterwards.
20) Emily & Tim (2015)
Emily and Tim's romantic relationship is being told through 6 acts with different actors representing their different stages, as well as different time periods.
The cast across the board is very wonderful and the movie itself had an interesting set up, but at the end of the day it was just alright. I think I had started this movie once before, but it didn't keep me engaged enough to see it through. This time however I pushed, probably in a few sessions for that same reason but I got to the end and that's the win here. This set up and the charm the movie does have, will definitely win some people over and if that's your thing, enjoy.
If you made it this far and are still into it, come back for part 2 as I finish out the rest of the movie rankings. Spoiler alert I watched one of the absolute worst movies in 2023 and now have 2 movies on my worst movies of all time list.
There's also more ACF 23 content to come, so be on the look out for that too.
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anasyrma · 2 years
i think barbarian is one of those movies that’s more fun to think abt than to watch for me. actual good script but sort of weird style choices. but also i think it has better themes than actual plot…what i’m still wondering is what the fuck was keith’s nightmare about? idk, seemed strange to add that in and not get into it.
also i went into this completely blind and i thought it was going to be a ‘fresh’ scenario where the initial set up is rom com ish and then it would turn out that keith was the owner of the property and had the dungeon and etc. despite the misogyny (because every male character in this movie is besides andre i suppose) he was a little cute. that says nothing about me by the way.
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝟓 | 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞
a/n: this isn't proof read beware also, in case you couldn't tell, i just watched a shit ton of rom coms so i was in a mood
word count: 1751
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, underage drinking
read: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 6
You reapplied your blush for what felt like the 3rd time this evening, sighing as you placed the brush back into its container. Staring into the mirror you took a second to observe yourself. Your lashes were curled, your highlight was sparkling and your eyeliner and eyeshadow made your eyes gleam. Yet something still felt missing. Rummaging through your makeup bag you searched until you found the one thing you needed. Lipstick. Pouting your lips as you applied the mauve-ish shade you once again stared at yourself. Perfect. Now you just needed to find something to wear. It was around 7:35. You would definitely have time to pick something. I mean you've been getting ready since noon, you could take as long as you wanted.
You pushed through the racks of dresses in your walk in closet until your eyes settled on the perfect dress. It was a dark burgundy wool Alaia dress, that reached just above your knee. Sultry, but not too revealing. You quickly discarded your clothes, trying it on carefully. You remembered when you had bought the dress. It was supposed to be for a date with Steve during Christmas. You never did end up going on the date because of Nancy. Speaking of which, you should call her. You didn’t really hate her that much. And if you did call her, you could also probably irritate Steve even more. You made a mental note to check in on her later. All that mattered now was your date with Billy. You found a pair of red Charles Jourdan heels that would match and grabbed a dark coat with a small leather handbag, just to top off your outfit. You moved in front of your full length mirror, adjusting your sheer, black, stockings. You wanted to be as perfect as you could for this date.
You entered your bedroom once again. You felt like you had butterflies in your stomach, and you felt dizzy with anticipation. This time being with Billy was different. It wasn’t just sex. It was a real date. You would have to talk and interact and he’d get to know you and you would get to know him.
You went back over to your vanity, grabbing a bottle of Aviance Night Musk, and dabbing it lightly on your pulse points. You felt restless. Like you couldn’t do anything until he arrived. 7:50. You stepped out of your room heading to the front door to unlock it. You wanted to make an entrance.
“It’s open!” You yelled from your bedroom.
Billy opened the door and stepped inside your home.
You slowly walked down the stairs, purposefully avoiding Billy’s gaze until you reached the floor. You felt like you were floating on air. Billy was wearing a plain white button up, though he had half of the top buttons undone as always. You had clearly overdressed for the occasion, but you pushed your thoughts to the back of your head. You had said you’d give him a chance, but it would all be on your terms.
“You look stunning.”
“I always do, Hargrove.”
Billy chuckled and slipped an arm around your waist.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it doll. It’s a surprise.”
You watched as Billy set up a blanket on the hood of his car. The sun was starting to set in front of the freezing Lover’s Lake. It wasn’t a terrible date in your opinion. It was sweet, in a way. Either way, what were you two supposed to do in the middle of Indiana?
Billy steps up to your door, opening it for you, and giving you his hand for you to hold on as he steps out. “You ready gorgeous?”
“When have I not been?”
Billy smirked as he helped you out, inviting you to sit on the hood of the Camaro. He reached over to the side and took out a bottle and a glass.
“Wow, I didn’t expect for you to actually get the good stuff, B.”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Of course. You're not drinking?”
“Champagne isn’t really my thing.”
You nodded, as Billy poured you a glass and then took out a beer for himself.
“To us.” You offered as you raised your glass.
“To us.”
You sip the drink. You’d be lying if you said it was good. It tasted, well, cheap. But still, it was the thought that counts. You were trying to push away every snarky comment about everything and just enjoy the moment. “So, you ever gonna tell me about yourself.”
“What do you want to know?”
Jesus, this boy was making it hard for you. “I don’t know. Anything. What’s California like?”
“Sunny. Bright. Hot. Even in the winter.”
“Are there any good ragers?”
“What did you like to do in California?”
“I uh, I used to surf.”
The idea of Billy surfing makes you giggle.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing it’s just… of course you were a surfer.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
You turn to look at Billy. He’s smiling a little, it’s a nice look on him. You dig your elbow into his side. “I just, it's such a you thing to do. I can’t explain it.”
“Is it an insult?”
“No silly. Just an observation.”
The two of you laugh, and you feel Billy wrap an arm around you, pulling you closer to him, the feeling sending shocks up your spine.
“It’s your turn now.”
You look up at Billy. “Really?”
“Yeah, c’mon I told you a bunch of shit about me, now you got to tell me something. When did you move to Hawkins?”
“I moved here about two years ago. My parents thought I needed a break, and so they sent me to this hellhole of a town. And although they supposedly live with me, they’re never really home. It’s always business trip after business trip, after business trip.”
“At least they don’t nag you about shit, right?”
“I guess so. Them never being here means I can do whatever I want then.”
“That and the fact that you’re like- mega rich.”
“Shut up!” you exclaimed, a smile spreading on your face. You don’t think you’ve ever laughed or felt this happy in a long time.
There’s a pause, as you and Billy simply look at each other. You’ve never felt so… seen in a guy before. It’s a strange feeling.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Harrington?”
Seriously? Even when he wasn’t here Steve was always ruining your mood.
“We dated.”
“I know that. I mean why did you break up?”
“I found out Steve cheated on me in like, September. He was going out with Nancy behind my back.”
“That’s a really shitty thing to do.”
“I know right.”
“And I know just the thing to get your mind off it.”
Billy gets up from his seat and starts walking back to the driver's side of his car.
“If whatever you’re planning involves me naked, I’m not doing it tonight!” You yell out after him.
You look at Billy as he fiddles with the radio, inserting a cassette, the moment he seems to accomplish whatever his goal was, he walks back to you. “As much as I’d love that, it’s not that. C’mere.” Billy holds out his hand and you take it, letting him lead you to a mostly clear spot on the ground. You start to hear the notes of Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream It’s Over”, playing from his car, slowly realizing his plan.
“This might be the stupidest, most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done. And you‘ve done a lot of stupid and ridciouls things.”
“Maybe. But I know you’ll enjoy it.” Billy places your hand on his shoulder, leaving your other to hold onto his arm as he slides a hand down your waist.
“You know, when I first met you, I never would’ve thought Billy Hargrove himself would be a romantic.”
Billy scoffs as he gently guides you to the music. You both know very well, you aren’t paying attention to the music, all you care about is him.
“I’m really not, god, I try to be nice-”
“I know you are but this is so-”
“The only reason I’m doing this is so you take me seriously. I mean you act like- like I’m some type of idiot, who doesn’t mean anything he says.”
Ouch. You didn’t expect this to be a call out session.
“Well then, I’m sorry. It’s just you’ve gathered a bit of a… reputation around the school. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“I just wish you would’ve taken me seriously the first time. I mean, you and I both know about keeping up appearances, right?”
“Huh, I guess we do. And like I said, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. You know I’ll always forgive your pretty face.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, “Way to ruin the moment.”
“Oh come on, if anything I made it better!”
The two of you laugh and you feel Billy pull you closer as you sway to the song. You rest your head against his chest, trying to slip away from any judgments you still held. You would never admit it, but you were having a good time. Billy made you genuinely happy, much to your dismay. Now you just had to see how long it would last.
“Don’t I get a goodnight kiss?”
You turn around to open your front door, and Billy’s grasp on your shoulder makes you face him.
“You are so desperate.”
“Only for you.”
You shake your head as you lean into Billy kissing him, smiling as you do so.
“Goodnight Billy.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You better.”
You finally walked into your house, shutting the door behind you. It was now just starting to be around 10.
To say you were happy was an understatement. You felt like you were glowing. As you walked up the stairs you thought of him, smiling as you ran your hand over the banister. It felt like a dream and you didn’t want to wake up just yet.
Letting out a sigh as you kicked off your heels and jumped onto your bed, you stared at the phone on your bedside table. You wanted to call him up already.
As much as you hated to admit it, you knew you were in love with him. And you could only hope he felt the same way.
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
A Lesson In Romance #1: Meet-Cutes
Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.1k
Plot: Reader keeps getting caught in rom-com situations with Spencer Reid. This time, they meet in a coffee shop.
A/N: Succumbed to my own desire to write a really long blurb-ish series. Emphasis on ish. Heavily heavily heavily inspired by Joselyn's if criminal minds was a rom com series on tiktok. Sometimes I just go back to rewatch them because they give me so much serotonin.
Masterlist | All chapters here!
It wasn't that you didn't believe in romance, you were simply a sceptic. A critic of love, if you will. Unlike your peers who fell in love swiftly and fully, you never believed in the grandiosity of love at first sight nor the sordid exchange of pick-up lines. You certainly never tried online dating, and believed even less in destiny and soulmates.
So could somebody explain to you why you were touching hands with a cute stranger who was stealing your coffee order?
You turned to shoot him an accusatory glance, but he was staring back at you with a similar frown across his face. "Ok, this has got to be a misunderstanding," you let go of the cup first, trying to make peace. "She just called out my coffee order."
"She called mine too." He insisted, but still mirrored your action as a peace offering. He pulled back his hands to wring the straps of his messenger bag instead. It was then that you noticed his curly brown hair, the type that looked messy no matter what you did with it.
"Alright, before I pull out the fists,” you joked, “there is an easy way to solve this." You flashed him a small smile, moving to grab the cup and turning it around to reveal... not your name.
You stared at the cup in your hand, frowning. You swore she called your order, but it seemed like the stranger was right: somebody else in the world shared your extremely specific, sickly sweet order of coffee.
"I guess I win," he said matter-of-factly, and you couldn't help but smile as you handed him his rightful prize.
"I suppose you do," you laughed, sticking your hand out to introduce yourself, but he kept a distance and raised his hand in greeting instead.
"My name is Dr. Spencer Reid. Uh, you can call me Spencer." He blurted out.
From that simple interaction, you noted that he was probably a little germaphobic, definitely awkward around crowds. His body visibly stiffened as a fresh wave of customers entered the coffee shop, but he wasn’t rude enough to leave mid-conversation.
Then you heard your order being called out. This time, you double checked that it had your name on it before turning back to the weird stranger you just met.
"I guess we're both winners now," you grinned, raising your cup in victory. "Do you wanna get out of here?"
Spencer choked on his drink and you immediately got the mixed signal, hastily correcting yourself. "I mean, like, just leave here. The shop, I mean, I didn't mean it sexually at all. I hope you didn't—"
"Yeah, let's." He cut in mid-sentence, signing his agreement by starting to move towards the cafe entrance.
You realised then that he was tall. More than one head taller than you, easily. For some reason, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the back of his head until you exited the building into the windy, exhaust-polluted air of Quantico, Virginia.
The street had much fewer people and you noticed his stance relax immediately. For the first time, he looked into your eyes without wavering.
Your heart skipped a beat at the eye contact, and you felt something you hadn’t felt in years, maybe over a decade. But you quickly squashed the emotion, knowing that there was someplace far more important you needed to be right now.
“Sorry about earlier, um, I really need to go.” You began excusing yourself.
"Oh, no, no, I'm sorry for holding you up. You should go." He said, breaking his gaze to glance down at his shoes.
"Sorry again, and uh, it was nice meeting you, Spencer." You flashed him one final smile before run-walking to your next stop.
In hindsight, you should have known that you would see him again. The odds of meeting somebody that attractive with the exact same coffee order as you at the coffee shop near your place of work was so low, that the entire combination of events was a probability miracle.
But you didn't believe in destiny, so you kept walking.
It turned out that your brain, even under the threat of unwanted emotions, had impeccable timing because you arrived at the FBI compound exactly on time, not a minute too early or late.
The lift doors to the Behavioural Analysis Unit opened to a bustling crowd, and you briefly wondered what time these people woke up every morning, and where you could get the kind of caffeine they were on. That's when you spotted the person you were here to meet.
"Agent Hotchner," you greeted, sticking out your hand for the second time that morning.
"Nice to see you again," he replied, shaking your hand. His expression was serious, but you wouldn’t expect anything less from a BAU agent. His team was renowned around the country for their ability to solve cases that everyone else deemed impossible.
Last month, when you received a job offer to join said team, you had almost squealed with glee — and now that you were officially done with your previous job, you couldn't wait to jump right into the BAU and help fight some of the evil in this world.
Amid your excitement, you vaguely registered the lift dinging behind you, as Agent Hotchner's eyes glanced to the side. "I see you've already met Dr. Reid?"
You head whipped around to see none other than the man you met that morning, looking as shocked to see you as you were to see him. He was wearing FBI credentials, specifically BAU credentials, that weren't there before.
"Yes, uh, we met briefly this morning." A light blush dusted your cheeks.
"Good. I'll introduce you to the rest shortly, but I have some paperwork I’d like you to sign first. Would you mind following me to my office?"
"No, sir. Definitely." You replied.
"Just Hotch is fine." He said, already walking towards his office.
"Hotch. Of course." You said, following behind him while you suppressed the urge to scream.
Meanwhile, if you had glanced backward for even a moment, you would have seen that Spencer shared your sentiment. Except, anybody passing by could see it too.
His pale skin had turned an uncharacteristically bright red, and he remained rooted in place as his gaze followed your movements until you were completely out of sight. Only then, the breath returned to his body and his expression transformed into a look of distress.
Spencer Reid had a crush and he had no idea what to do about it.
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baby’s first blind date
have a lil kagehina ficlet, starring the kageyachi friendship we all deserve!! they’re like... college/freshly out of college age in this one, and it’s about 2000 words-ish
“It’s not that funny.”
There’s wheezing on the other end of the phone.
When Yachi finally manages to compose herself enough to speak, she says, “Oh, it definitely is.”
“How is it funny?” Kageyama knows he’s pouting, and Yachi isn’t even in the room to see it. “How in the hell am I supposed to survive this?”
She giggles. “I don’t know, Kageyama. I don’t think I would have gotten myself into that situation.”
Kageyama’s lips twist toward a frown. Not only was Oikawa Tooru’s attitude toward him - really, attitude in general - not his fault, but neither was Kageyama’s complete lack of dating life.
Granted, he never sought out a relationship. Even his friends tended to be coincidental rather than intentional - he met Yachi in high school and when she joined the volleyball club as team manager, they formed an unusual sort of bond. Most people they knew assumed they were dating, which is funny for numerous reasons. Not least of which being that Yachi Hitoka could not be attracted, romantically or sexually, to a man if she tried. 
The point being he had never sought out a relationship because no one had sought one out with him, which meant that he’d never been on a date, much less a blind date, much less a double blind date, much less a double blind date with two strangers and Oikawa Tooru, whose love/hate relationship with Kageyama confused both of them daily.
He is in no way prepared.
And he only has one friend, so… blackmail it is.
“Yachi, if you don’t help me, I will not be bringing you coffee on Tuesday.”
Yachi gasps dramatically.
She’s covering for her coworker - specifically the coworker who brings out the strongest “useless lesbian” vibes in Yachi of anyone Kageyama’s ever seen - who works the opening shift. The restaurant opens at 6am, which means Yachi has to be there at 5:30am, which means that by the time she rolls out of bed, she will not have time to make coffee before work. Especially not her favorite kind of coffee, which is made at a coffee shop near where Kageyama lives so it’s convenient for him to pick up and take to her.
If he doesn’t bring her her coffee, she’ll survive... probably. But she’ll after to drink the house coffee, or gods forbid, water.
“Fine, fine, fine. No need to threaten me. I’ll help. When is this date?”
“Oikawa said this weekend, probably Friday night.”
“Are these blind dates to both of you, or just to you?”
“Both of us.” Oh, and the panic really sets in now, and suddenly, he’s rambling. “This is going to be so bad. I’m such an idiot. I don’t know how to date, and Oikawa’s gonna make fun of me and my date’s not going to like me and the person who set this up doesn’t even know me, so the person probably will be entirely incompatible and-”
“Kageyama Tobio!” Yachi shouts, and Kageyama quiets. “You’re being ridiculous. It’s just a date. Do I need to remind you about the time that that one guy tried to convince me we were dating while we were working?”
No, she doesn’t. That whole interaction had infuriated and confused Kageyama to the point of violence, and only Yachi’s stern, unrelenting determination had allowed the douchebag to escape unscathed.
“Bad dates happen, alright? We don’t live in a rom-com. Sometimes, people aren’t compatible. More often than not, blind dates barely make good stories, much less work out perfectly. You’re going to be okay, alright? I promise.”
“What if he wants something… more?” Kageyama stutters, because he is not good at intimacy. Hell, Yachi hugged him after a game once and he actually had a panic attack because he thought he’d somehow coerced her into doing something she didn’t actually want to do, and then that he’d hurt her because he’d recoiled so hard. 
It’d taken a long time for him to believe she wasn’t hurt, and hadn’t done it for any reason other than she wanted to.
He’s better at it now, because Yachi is really careful and really, really good to him, but the memory of that panic sticks with him, every time someone touches him. That surety that he has scared someone into doing something they don’t want to do.
“Kageyama Tobio, when have you ever struggled to tell anyone no?” Her voice is firm yet gentle. “You are good at letting people know when your boundaries have been crossed. You’re not as good at telling people your boundaries in advance, but you’re getting better every day. Remember, yesterday? That fan who showed up at your practice? You had to tell them no, right? Because they were invading your privacy? I heard from several of your teammates that you handled that like a champ.”
“Yeah…” He had been panicking the entire time, but he’s glad someone thought he was coherent. “What if it’s a woman?”
Kageyama is not scared of women. He is just incredibly indifferent to them in a romantic capacity, which is a shame, because they seem to be rather attracted to him. That, and he’s terrified of making a woman cry. Yachi had cried when he told her he got onto a college team and he’d nearly called the coach back to tell him he wasn’t taking the offer until she’d gotten a handle on her emotions and explained them to him.
“Oikawa Tooru would not set you up with a woman,” Yachi giggles. “He can be a jerk, but he’s not homophobic, and I guarantee he’d find more satisfaction in setting you up with someone you could potentially end up going out with again than he would setting you up for failure.”
That… that checks out. Kageyama swallows. “Yachi… I don’t know how to date!”
“It’s not that complicated,” she chuckles, her voice at its most soothing. “You don’t need to know how to date. All a date like this is, really, when you get right down to it, is a chance to make new friends and get to know people. Romance and wooing and all that nonsense comes later, right?”
“I’m not good at making friends either!”
“Breathe,” Yachi says. “Breathe, and remember. A date is just a conversation. You’re talking. Not always with words, but with choices and actions. It doesn’t have to be perfect - it just has to be real. And you’re the realest person I know.”
He shivers, but nods again. “If I text you-”
“If I get a text with the word crow in it, I’ll be calling you wailing for help in no time. I promise.”
He nods, though she can’t see it. “Okay.”
“Show up a little early - five to ten minutes. Wear your white jeans and that cable knit chunky navy blue sweater my mom made you. If you’re feeling fancy, gold earrings and that locket you found in your grandma’s attic. A little eyeliner and some mascara would also be a look, if you’re feeling up to it.”
He takes a deep breath. That is the cherry on top for what he needed from her. Clear, simple instructions that make sense, and come from someone who always dresses right for the occasion. “Okay.”
“Do not wear that dumbass watch your idiot father got you - ugly hunk of junk-” Yachi is never going to forgive his father for that, which is more comforting than he’d like to admit “- and do. Not. Use. Too. Much. Cologne. It’s a classic mistake, and easy to make when you’re nervous, but trust me. Just use your normal amount.”
“I don’t own cologne!” He yelps, and Yachi sighs in what sounds like relief.
“Perfect - don’t get any. Just don’t. Stinky dates are the worst dates. Just do what you normally do and don’t be stinky.”
He makes a mental note, and says for a third time, “Okay.”
“My last piece of advice, and this is coming from your best friend, not just someone who happens to have more dating experience. Be yourself, Kageyama. If someone doesn’t like you, then that’s their problem. You’re a good person and you’ll make a great partner to someone who deserves you.”
He swallows, not expecting such a compliment. “Thanks, Yachi.”
“Anytime. Now, do something to get your mind off this weekend. No matter how it turns out, you’re going to be fine, and I’ll be here for you.”
Kageyama scrambles to lock the stall door behind him, gasping. His heart could outrace a rabbit’s, and he isn’t sure he likes how unsteady he feels. He calls Yachi.
“What- I didn’t receive a text! What’s up? Am I having an emergency?”
“Yachi! Unexpected problem!” He whisper-shouts.
“He’s… Yachi, I like him! He’s cute and small and super sweet and he’s got a great smile and he doesn’t mind if I say weird things and he plays volleyball and he got mad at Oikawa for bullying me even though Oikawa wasn’t being as mean as he is sometimes-”
“Tobio, I didn’t expect you to fall victim to gay panic.”
“Well, first of all, this isn’t a problem. A problem would be you suddenly developing diarrhea, or realizing you’re straight, or him not respecting your boundaries even after you make them clear. What this is, and this is me being generous, is a new experience for you. You like him! That’s good! You’re on a date!”
“But what if he doesn’t like me?!” 
“Then he doesn’t like you. You’re sad for a while, and then you get over it.”
“He smells like mangoes, Yachi. He shook my hand and his grip was so strong. I could feel all of his callouses. I don’t… I don’t want to lose him.”
“You don’t even have him yet, dumbass,” Yachi laughs. “First, get back out there and keep being yourself. Don’t think about what he thinks of you. It doesn’t matter. You have a crush on someone! You’re allowed to be unsure of yourself! But if you pretend to be someone you’re not, you’re never going to make headway that matters, right? You have to be yourself.”
“I’m not…”
“You’d better be careful what you say, mister, or Muse is going to be mysteriously unavailable for the next couple weeks.”
Muse, Yachi’s cat, being unavailable would be the worst thing.
“I’m not confident.”
“You’re overthinking this, Tobio. I promise. I promise. Just… go back out there, alright? Go back out there, and breathe, and make conversation that you’re interested in. Talk about volleyball and cats and those turtles you saw at the pet store. Hell, even talk about your family reunion last month. Just… Just make it fun for you. Or ask him questions! Make him talk! You’re a really good listener!”
“Okay? Now shoo! Go! Flirt and woo!”
His heart is racing, but he calls Yachi again. She answers without delay, again, because she is the best person Kageyama knows and he should really get her flowers. 
“Well?” She greets.
“Yachi, he kissed my cheek and I didn’t punch him!”
A moment of silence, then, “Good? I didn’t realize punching him was on the table.”
Kageyama wilts. “I didn’t want to punch him, I just…”
Understanding seems to strike her then, and she says, “Were you worried you’d get overwhelmed?”
“Yeah,” he admits. “I didn’t… I’m just not… not good at touching. But… but he touched me! And I didn’t freak out!”
“Good,” she says. “I’m glad! Did you get his number?”
“He wouldn’t let me leave until he had it. He stole my earrings as a hostage, until I let him have my phone.”
She snorts. “Why your earrings?”
“Because he liked them best,” he says quietly. “He said they were really pretty, and made me look even more handsome.”
“Oh my gods,” Yachi squeals. ��That’s adorable! Please, please tell me you’re going out again!”
“Next week.”
“YES!” A pause, then, “if it turns out he’s pranking you, Kageyama Tobio, I will absolutely kick his ass, and you can tell him that. I may be small and cute but you’re my best friend and I will not stand for you being harrassed.”
He yelps. “Hinata wouldn’t! He’s not like that! He’s… he’s really nice, Yachi. He’s funny too! And he likes to tease me, but I know he’s just teasing, and did I mention that he plays volleyball? He says he’s a middle blocker, even though he’s only barely taller than you are-”
“Good,” she says, sounding satisfied. “Don’t forget to tell him I’ve got your back though. I’m not kidding. That boy better treat you right.”
“He will,” Kageyama says with a smile. “He will.”
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clairecrive · 3 years
"Rock my world" - Sirius Black x reader
A/n: I was thinking of making this a series but idk, let me know what you think. The band in the picture, Maneskin, are my inspiration for the marauders' band music and aesthetic. Check them out cause they're really good. They're going to represent Italy at the next Eurovision contest.
Here's their Instagram and Spotify.
Tags: Muggle AU, so ofc no magic, no Hogwarts, Marauders in a rock band, no Peter but Regulus instead, jily
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.2K ish
Summary: When y/n finally agrees to check out this band that her best friend was always talking about, she's in for a pleasant surprise and one hell of a night.
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It had all started in the cheesiest and most cliscé of ways, really. Y/n had made a bet which had made you go out of your comfort zone that one night and for your bravery, you were rewarded with the most amazing boyfriend ever. It sounds like a story out of a rom-com or a romance novel, doesn't it? Well, yeah, it felt like a main character moment but, unlike what we see in those stories, it wasn't always fun and games.
But let's start from the beginning, shall we?
Y/n's best friend Jules had been nagging her about this rock band who was apparently the new sensation of the year according to her, for the longest time. So, one Friday night, when Jules had informed her that that very band was playing in a bar not very far from her workplace, she agreed to go for drinks there.
Worst case scenario, she thought, the music will be terrible but at least I get to tease Jules about it.
Still clothed in the floral dress she had chosen this morning, but adding a few glittery touches and graphic eyeliner to make her look more nighty, y/n headed towards said bar where Jules was already waiting for her.
"Finally," she huffed when y/n rounded the corner and entered her field of vision. 
"Sorry, it was my turn to close tonight," y/n shot her an apologetic smile before hooking their arms.
They made their way inside looking for a place to sit. The bar was already crowded but not in an unusual way. Maybe it was the hour or the fact that it was a weeknight, y/n didn't know but felt grateful that it wasn't packed. She really wasn't a fan of crowded places.
They got their drinks and caught up as they usually would about their week. They were almost finished when the band walked up the stage and music started playing. Even before the first note, one look at their outfits made clear what kind of music they were going to play. 
They had an interesting aesthetic, y/n had to admit. They wore the same colour but each member had their own style. The band was made up of four guys, the bassist had long straight hair and he looked a lot like the singer who instead had curly hair, the drummer had short curly light brown hair and y/n couldn't see what he was wearing past a black vest while the guitarist had black hair that was all over the place and wore glasses. 
They had an androgynous aesthetic, each of them with beautiful makeup in tones of black and grey and the ones y/n could see clearly were wearing a sort of body. They looked stunning. Y/n had decided she liked them based on this alone. She had to admire anyone who had the guts to express themselves freely especially when it was in such an open and unapologetic way of going against gender norms.
After half an hour, the music stopped and after the singer wished everyone goodnight and they all climbed down. As she expected, they played rock music ranging from soft rock edging pop to hard rock that made her think a lot of ACDC. Y/n wasn't an expert in music but she had liked what she heard and wouldn't mind listening more from them. She was sure that she was going to catch some of their songs on the radio in the future. 
However, Jules picked up the conversation where they had left it before the concert and decided that it was the time where she'd complain about her recent love interest. Each of their weekly meetings had one of this moment. Unfortunately, it looked like Jules didn't have a lot of luck when it came to guys. And as it always would, she wondered if she was the problem asking y/n if the reason every one of her relationships failed because she was unlovable. As if.
"That's not true, I truly believe that you can learn to love anyone. Lest you get to know them, of course."
"Of course you'd say something like that."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you truly believe that, then you're not going to say no to this." Jules wriggles her eyebrows suggestively and y/n knew that the night is either about to become very interesting or about to go very wrong.
"The expression on your face is telling me that I should definitely say no to what you're about to say."
"Oh c'mon, it's just an innocent dare. Nothing too crazy, I promise."
"Which is?"
"You see that guy leaning on the bar? Long black hair with the black leather jacket?" Y/n turned around indulging her friend and eventually spotted the guy she was talking about. She took her time to look at him until she realized something that made her whip around to face Jules again.
"You mean the singer of the band?" y/n asked incredulously.
"Isn't he handsome?" Jules smiled wide completely ignoring the look y/n was giving her already knowing what was going through her friends' mind. "I want you to go to him and ask him out."
"C'mon", Jules complained reaching out to y/n over the table, "didn't you say that it was possible to love anyone? Can't you see yourself loving him?"
"That's not the point," y/n exclaimed still not believing that her friend was suggesting something so outrageous. "Can you see him loving me?" Because that man over there had "heart breaker" spelt all over him. And okay, y/n had to admit that this was a rush judgment she was making and it wasn't exactly fair but there was no way that a guy like him could be interested in a girl like her.
And yes, we could stay here and discuss all the reasons why that statement is wrong but still, if she were to put herself out there -something that was not like her at all- she wasn't going to go over someone so out of reach for her. And that was that.
"Listen, do you remember that video you sent me the other day?" Jules squared her shoulders, now looking fully serious at y/n. Unfortunately, y/n did remember the video Jules was talking about. She would have never guessed it would come back and bit her in the ass otherwise she'd never sent it.
Sighing, y/n looked down at the drink in her hands and thought about it. The video basically encouraged the viewer to go up to what they believed was the most beautiful person in the room and tell them exactly that. It may sound a little silly but at the time y/n had appreciated the sentiment. Going out of one's comfort zone. Challenging yourself. Because, what was the worst that could happen? That person shotting you down? That didn't sound life-threatening. Now though, y/n wasn't so sure. 
"Worst case scenario, just tell him I'm calling you and head back here." Jules offered, almost as if she could tell exactly what her best friend was thinking.
Looking at her best friend, something snapped in her. Jules was right. What's the worst that could happen? She already knew that the guy was going to shoot her down. She was prepared. It was a dare, a silly thing that could give her a story to tell to her nephews one day. 
What the hell, y/n thought squaring her shoulders. 
"You know what?" she downed the rest of her drink and got up from her seat, "I'm doing it." Looking in the reflection of the tissue box on the table to check how she looked, she fixed her smudged lipstick and ruffed her hair before nodding solemnly at Jules and turned around.
As she made her way to the bar, she could hear Jules cheering on her fueling her sudden confidence. 
The man of the hour was there where she saw him last. Her steps faltered as she realized that she had no idea how to approach him. What was she going to say? Oh my god, she was totally going to make a fool of herself. If she was not going to die for his rejection, she sure is going to die of embarrassment. 
She was almost about to turn around and abort the mission when his eyes met hers.
Well, fuck. There was no way she was going to back down now.
She regained her confidence and smiled at him while closing the distance between them. She smiled at him. Who was she? Did someone drug her drink?
He smiled back at her, turning so that he'd be facing her once she reached him and she almost stopped to pinch herself to see if she was hallucinating or something.
"Hey," she said once she stood in front of him. Good, she thought, let's start with something simple.
"Hi," he smiled back at her.  
Okay, okay, it's going good, isn't it? He hasn't ignored me, that must mean something, right? Yes, that he wasn't a rude asshole was her sobering thought.
"So," y/n started trying to take to time while she figured what to say, "I saw a video the other day," was what she ended up with. 
The handsome stranger lifted his eyebrows in amusement and took a sip of his beer. Y/n took that as a "go on then".
"There was this woman that basically dared anyone watching to go up to the person who they thought was the most beautiful person in the room and tell them exactly that." Well, let's just get it out of the way, I guess, she thought. "So, here I am," she added as if it wasn't clear enough.
However, as she saw the man's smile widen, y/n suddenly realized how really screwed she was. This man was way out of her league.
"Well, now that I'm here, I should also mention that you've really good at what you do too." 
"Not to sound rude or anything," he spoke for the first time that evening and y/n had already decided that he had been the gods' favourite in another life before he opened his mouth but now? as he heard his low and raspy voice? she was sure he had been at least a demi-god, "did you lost a bet or something?" he asked, his grey eyes boring into hers like he was looking into her soul.  
Who was this guy? and why was she feeling like this? Get a grip, y/n, she scolded herself.
"Is it that obvious?" y/n's shoulders slouched as some of the tension left them, a nervous laugh leaving her mouth. 
"I saw you downing your drink like it was some kind of bravery potion before you came here," he explained with a light scroll of his shoulders. "Not that I mind though," he added with what should be an illegal smirk. Smug.
"Yeah, I'm sure you've heard it countless time only tonight." Let's joke on it, she thought, there's still a chance I can come clean out of this mess. 
He chuckled and, not leaving her eyes, he slipped a hand through his loose hair pushing it back. "I meant that if you hadn't come I would probably found an excuse to come up to you too." He leaned back onto the bar looking completely unbothered, not as if he had said something that made her feel on fire. 
"Looks like I've to thank your friend for my luck." Looking over your shoulder, he held one of his hands up and lightly waving at Jules, y/n figured.
"Yeah, let's not tell her that or I will never hear the end of it." Rolling her eyes, y/n also leaned on her arm resting on the bar next to him. Whether it was the fact that all the cards were on the table or that what he said meant that he had to somewhat like her, she felt more relaxed than a couple of minutes ago.
"Before I make this solemn oath, I think it would be appropriate to know your name, don't you think?"
"It's y/n," she held her hand up for him to shake. However, he had something else in mind since when he took hold of her hand he turned it and held it up to his lips to leave a soft kiss on it. Y/n  almost rolled her eyes at the gesture if it wasn't for his eyes. They didn't move from hers and she found that she didn't want to stop looking at him. Like she was in a trance. Yes, he was handsome, even more so up close, so of course he was nice to look at but that wasn't why. It's the way his eyes glimmered as they watched her, the gentleness with which he was holding her hand, the softness of his lips on her skin. What would they feel like on her lips, she wondered.
"I'm Sirius." 
And that's how it all started. A silly video sent almost automatically to her best friend and an outrageous bet made y/n's night definitely interesting. To her luck though, Sirius became a permanent presence and not a one-night sensation.
Tagging: @seldomabsent
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
new fic you say??? 👀
BAHAHA yesssss
it's? slightly different to what i usually write too! like. idk. my mental health hasn't been the Best lately and this fic is just going to be very easy and happy and rom-com ish (even tho it definitely does not start out that way) and i am !! literally so excited for it
also sidenote: this fic starts as a high school au but the majority of it is actually going to span over college years and into adulthood (i have no idea how long this is going to be yet but oh well)
the basic premise is:
jack has a mental health break at the end of his junior year. medda owns a cabin near the Buffalo area, so Jack amd Medda spend the summer there- a good 6 or so hours away from NYC.
the cabin is just a few minutes away from this small town- very touristy, very Hallmark-y, very cute- and the town is where Davey has lived all his life!
the first few chapters kind of go into davey and jack's beginning friendship; how they meet, how much time they spend with each other, the underlying feelings and the fear that comes with having a stupid crush on a friend.
the end of the summer comes around and davey and jack really don't want to say goodbye, so they make vague plans for the "what if" scenario of Jack coming back the following summer.
spoiler: jack comes back.
it's not something they've actually talked about, especially considering they don't talk much throughout the rest of the year, but surprisingly that summer kicks off and it's like jack never left. they're instantly close again, and now that they're both older and both getting ready to go off to college in the fall, they're both a bit more reckless.
SIDENOTE: jack goes to The City College of New York and Davey goes to Stanford in California !!
they basically "date" that summer- hooking up, kissing, doing coupley stuff- but they never actually make anything official. it's just a summer fling, there's no point in putting a label on it.
but during the week before Jack goes back to NYC, they decide that this- sharing summers together- should be their thing.
so, they make a rule: they both promise to barely talk to each other over the rest of the year (unless it's just One Of Those Things where they have to) and refuse to follow each other on social media, just so they have an entire year's worth of stories to talk about that following summer.
and, oddly enough, they keep this thing going until they're both about to graduate college.
and that's when it hits them that their summers are about to be too hectic for each other.
and their summers are coming to an end.
but, the thing is, neither Jack or Davey want to say goodbye.
you may be wondering how does jack work in the summer if he's constantly Not Home? how does jack afford to live somewhere for three months out of the year (whether it be at the cabin near the small town or in California once david gets an apartment and isn't living in the dorms? how do either of them function like real adults and do real adult things if they spend every second of their time together during the summer?
and my answer to that is: i don't know! and i don't care! this isn't supposed to be realistic because it is supposed to be cute and fun and stupid!
i'm unironically SO excited for this because like. idk. it feels like a good mix of jack's spontaneity with david's more controlled personality, and it's just ?? idk !! it's cute to me and that's all that matters aha !!
tysm for the ask !!
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cosplayingwitch · 3 years
"Presentation is Everything"
Part two of "Finding My Way Home" series
Takes place 6-8 months after the last chapter
Prompt: flowers
Pairing: f!reader x Poe Dameron
Summary: Reader has graduated with their masters and had to leave their roommate/best friend/(crush?) behind as they go on to a doctoral program at a different university. Reader is about to present her work at a professional conference and an unexpected surprise calms her down.
Triggers: panic attack, slight stalker-ish behavior, these two being complete idiots, swearing
Tags: @make-me-imagine
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It’d been over six months since you’d seen your best friend, Poe Dameron. You were successful enough with your thesis (even while practically teaching a field class for Professor Solo) and graduated with your Masters degree. And with the help of Professor Solo’s recommendation, you'd gotten into your dream school for your PhD.
Which meant moving two states away from your best friend/roommate. Not exactly something you’d wanted to do, but this wasn’t an opportunity you could turn down.
When you’d told Poe, he was very supportive, but still sad about the whole thing. You’d definitely stay in touch, you insisted. There was social media, zoom, all of that.
“Plus we could always meet up somewhere between us!” you told him. “It wouldn’t be more than a couple hours for each of us.”
That didn’t mean you didn’t miss him. His random breaking into song at what could be described as the worst possible times. What he always described as his ‘fact of the day’, which always dissolved into a random string of thoughts. (He still sent you his ‘fact of the day’ via text, but it wasn’t the same without his commentary.)
Remembering the night you spent stargazing, you also realized you missed your chance to tell him how you felt. To outright ask him out on a date. You always rationalized the urge away as not wanting to ruin your friendship, as him probably not feeling the same way as you. Who knows if he was even into girls (or anyone at all). In the many years you’d lived together, he’d never brought someone back to the apartment you shared.
(That’s because he wanted you, your heart shouted at you, you’re an idiot to let that go. But your brain insisted there had to be other reasons.)
Either way, the research you’d done with Professor Solo didn’t just get you into your doctoral program. You’d be presenting at a research conference soon. On your own. (That was a theme with Professor Solo. He’d help you start something, then insist you do the rest of the work.) This was your first time even attending this conference, let alone presenting at one. My god, you thought. How am I supposed to do this? Alone?
This will go down in flames, the voice in your head continued. You’ll fuck it up and ruin your academic reputation. And then never get your doctorate or a job.
When you get to your hotel the day before the conference was set to begin, every worry you’d ever had was spinning through your head. All the ways you could screw up nearly had you in a panic attack. Oh god, you thought, please let me get to my room before I start hyperventilating.
But then, you entered your room to find flowers. Yellow roses with a hint of red. Your favorite.
There was only one person on the planet who knew that. Poe Dameron. But how did he know where to send the flowers? Was he stalking you? The card read:
‘For my friend who I haven’t seen in forever,
My friend who is likely in a panic attack,
My friend who will kill it with her presentation.
You don’t need it, but good luck.’
God, he could write. And it’d been six months and hundreds of miles, but he still knew you well enough to anticipate what you were feeling right now.
In an instant you had your phone out and were calling him.
“Well look who finally called. I guess the flowers did the trick?” Poe answered.
“How did you even know where to send them? I never told you where I was staying! Are you stalking me or something?”
Poe explained, “Well, while you didn’t tell me the hotel you were in, you did tell me every other detail about the conference. And their website had the ‘official hotel’ of the conference, so I figured you’d stay there. The office there wouldn’t say if you were, but did tell me I could get flowers delivered there and he’d make sure they went where they needed to go. I took the chance. Obviously it worked, you called me and I didn’t even leave my name on the card.”
“You could say that. Thanks, by the way. You were right, I’m starting to freak out. I’m presenting my research tomorrow. The stuff I did for my masters. All these other presenters already have their doctorates.” you reason with him. “Maybe I’ll get there someday.”
Poe about exploded through the phone. “MAYBE? MAYBE you’ll get that degree ‘some day’? I did NOT lose my best friend to another university three states away to ‘maybe’ get a degree. You WILL get it. Not tomorrow, but eventually.”
You couldn’t tell if he was angry, joking, or trying to encourage you. A mix of the three? Somehow it did feel like he was trying to give you a pep talk. Break you out of the panic setting in and focus you back on the goal. He knew how much you wanted this and he would never discourage you from going after it.
“Okay then. How about you tell me about what’s going on back home and take my mind off this whole thing.”
Oh god, you thought. You referred to where he was as home. I mean the university, you rationalize, the place where I just lived and studied for six years. Poe’ll probably think that’s the case anyway. You certainly did not mean him.
“Well, you know while you’ve been gone, I went and knocked off another thing on my bucket list. I’m a few weeks away from having my pilot’s license!” Poe stated, which sent you into a small laughing fit. You knew he’d always wanted to, but with his awful driving skills you never thought it’d actually happen.
“Good for you, I guess. Just be careful- I definitely don’t need my best friend dying in a plane crash.”
When you finally got off the phone with Poe, it was late. You’d had room service delivered while you were still talking, him likewise with delivery. In some ways, it was like you were back together again, having dinner on the coffee table while gossiping about the faculty and staff at the university. Who was having an affair, who was being suspected of plagiarism, whatever the next big scandal would be and how the university would cover it up this time.
It was just the thing you needed to make you relax. Your boyfriend best friend supporting you.
You stopped yourself. Not again. Poe was not your boyfriend. He was a friend and nothing more. And you certainly weren’t screwing that up.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, or maybe the bottom of your heart, you couldn’t help but think of him in a romantic way. That maybe your relationship with Poe could evolve into something more. Maybe even hope for that happy ending. After all, he could have just texted you good luck, but he chose to send your favorite flowers and a beautifully written card.
That would count as a romantic overture in your mind. If you were in some kind of cheesy rom-com with him, that is.
Friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Friends. You remind yourself.
Poe kept running that conversation over in his mind for days. I was a fucking idiot for sending her flowers, he thought. The note was even worse. Both were definitely something romantic, but he didn’t want you to know that he felt that way about you.
Then you asked about ‘what was going on back home’. Home. Poe asked himself if you meant the university as home, you’d been there for more than six years. Or did you mean him? Your formerly-shared apartment? Was your intention to say you considered the apartment, and him as an extension, as your home?
God, Poe thought. I’m way over thinking it.
But what if she meant that in the same way I meant the flowers? He asked himself. Some kind of idiotic slip of the mind that was only there because of underlying feelings?
Her slip of the tongue wasn’t as bad as his flowers, but it gave him some kind of hope that someday you might actually be a couple, growing your friendship into something more. But he pushed this hope out of his mind as best he could.
After all, they were only friends. Friends only. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just really good friends who know each other's favorite flowers and things that could send them into panic attacks. Friends who lived and studied together for long enough to practically be family.
Home? Just the university they went to. And where he just happened to live, too.
Author's Note: So I used this type of flower because they are my personal favorite, but then I decided to look up the 'meaning' behind them... I suggest you do the same... (not intentional, but a really nice coincidence for this)
Also, I'll be updating this again next weekend with posts on Saturday and Sunday. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
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thefamilycryptid · 3 years
Analyzing Miraculous Ladybug, Episode 1: An Analysis of the Love Square
My friends on discord found out I like analyzing people as both a way to ensure people cant hurt me and as a way to figure out what kind of gift they would like, so they asked me to analyze some of the things in the Miraculous Ladybug Series no clue how many parts of this I’ll do so submit me asks and I’ll work on them :D
@username8746489 asked me my opinion on the Love Square, more specifically if I thought it was healthy or not.
The short version of my answer would be no, I do not believe the Love Square - as the show portrays it - is a healthy relationship. Now I see you Adrinette stans about to reblog this claiming ‘its true love’ but think about it like this; yes they have the possibility to be an amazing ass-kicking couple but their writing is horrid. Lets dissect them individually so we can comprehend how their relationship would function in reality.
Marinette is a canonical stalker, we witness with several times, from Marinette breaking into Adrien’s household (that most likely has a high security system due to the Agreste’s influence) on several occasions.
And instead of intervening and stopping her “bff’s” toxic behavior so she doesn't get arrested later in life Alya enables her behavior and offers her more ideas on how to get with the person she’s ‘meant to be with’. 
As mentioned before she broke into Adrien's house and even went through his locker to steal his phone over nothing more than an embarrassing voice message. She also harassed Kagami because she liked Adrien, and caused her akumatization after calling a fencing match (keep in mind the fact that this is Mari’s first day doing fencing and she barely know’s the rules) in her crushes favor even thought it was obviously a tie. 
She also constantly berates Chat Noir, who - as we already know - is Adrien, if you cannot love all aspects of someone, even the messy and  chaotic sides then you should not be in a relationship. Now this can be justified by the fact that Marinette doesn’t know Adrien is Chat Noir, but it is also no excuse for the way she treats he partner, constantly berating him for every little mistake he makes and treating him like a tasteless sidekick. I get that this is a show about girl power but Ladybug and Chat Noir are supposed to be equals to keep the Creation and Chaos thing in balance right?
And then there is the thing with the pictures, I would understand having one or two pictures of your crush (or maybe more if you are close friends and have taken several photo’s together) but none of the ones in her room are actual photo’s of him, they’re just cut outs from magazine covers Adrien is the center piece of. This isn't anything outright criminal, but it is very odd that instead of making more personal photo’s of him to hang up (maybe them having fun or on a hang out with friends) she chooses to hang up photos of him in his ‘actor mask’.
Now the photo’s are a bit odd but nothing crazy, but what is crazy is the fact she has his whole fucking schedule in her room, like first of all where the fuck did she get it, follow up question why the fuck does she have it. This is extremely alarming and could possibly lead to a court case in reality if someone (like Gabriel or Natalie) were to learn of its existence, Marinette would have a permanent black spot on her record if she didn’t end up being sued (or maybe even arrested) for her actions.
I could bring up plenty more points here such as when she dug through his trash and responded to a poem he had disposed of (then broke into his house to deliver), how she cant even hold a proper conversation with him without foaming from the mouth (something she admits to during the ‘steal Adrien’s phone’ moment), how everything she knows about him most likely comes from A. stalking B. the internet/gossip magazines or C. Alya telling her, how she told Alya to stop taking photos of Adrien unless she sent them to her, and that she confessed her love to him on the anniversary of the day his mother went missing.
But thats enough about Marinette lets move onto Adrien.
Now Adrien has a bit more of an excuse for his less than ideal behavior, he was isolated his whole life and the few relationships he did witness (Chloe and His's Parents) were probably not the best seeing as Gabriel has a tenancy to neglect his child in favor of work it wouldn’t be too surprising if we learned that he neglected his wife as well which was why her condition worsened until she was unsavable and the fact that Aubrey cannot remember her own daughter’s name.
He probably grew up watching rom-coms where the lead love interest bullied/blackmailed/harassed the girl into a relationship and they got married in the end and everything was always ok with no repercussions for their behavior.
Plus Gabriel looks like the type to give the 'its legal if you dont get caught' advice for all the wrong reasons, that accompanied by Chloe ( and later Lila) constantly draping themselves over him like fucking skin shawls, leads to this kid probably having no clue what consent is. 
So far he hasn't done anything too drastic for me to fully pull apart and wack with a stick minus the over-the-top flirting, but a lot of boys his age flirt so thats fine so as long as he doesn't touch Ladybug in a non-consensual way he's mostly ok in my book. 
All-in-all they would be 100% better people if A) They were with other people B) They seek help for their issues or C) They spoke to one another like normal people, until this is shown in the show I deem it a toxic ship.
(Note: Before you come on my case about there being less for Adrien, please keep in mind that Marinette is the main character of this series not him so of course there would be more to dissect about her. We are walked through her daily life, so we see every misdeed and every creepy stalker-ish moment, while we only see Adrien without her a few times, almost all of which are him transforming, or doing something that with offer a chance for Mari to shoot her shot. Please also keep in mind that this isn’t my entire opinion on the matter, I love the characters but I hate their writing, I also encourage to formulate your own opinions on the matter.)
(note for people who may want to ask for analysis’s, please remember I am just a human and I’m not 100% used to typing out whole paragraphs on fictional stuff and my brain tends to wander a lot, this was written during my ‘big brain hours’ sorry if your request isn’t as well done as you would like it to be)
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wigwurq · 3 years
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You guys! I finally watched the lesbian holiday movie!! Though when I texted my mom to tell her I was finally watching this, she thought I was talking about The Prom and I laughed for a real long time about it (mainly because it will take me an even longer time to get around to hate watching that!) It already took about a month to get to this one. There is a lot to discuss here - and also one wig!
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So this is the first (big budget) holiday lesbian movie, which I am very here for. However, most of the movie feels like a combination between My Best Friend’s Wedding, Meet the Parents, and The Family Stone but with lesbians. Those movies were made between 1997 and 2005 and this movie feels like it should exist somewhere in that time as well. The whole plot of the movie is basically that Kristen Stewart (Abby) has to pretend NOT to be Mackenzie Davis’s (Harper’s)  long-term girlfriend for the sake of Harper’s conservative family with local political aspirations while also spending 5 days with them during Christmas. It’s a conceit that exists solely in these brand of garbage holiday rom coms but definitely one that feels bizarrely antiquated as well. 
Anyway! There is only one wig in this movie which belongs to Davis, who had a vastly superior lesbian wig in that one episode of Black Mirror that made us all cry. We first see this under this hat where it should have hidden for the rest of the film! 
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Sadly, the next scene involves the full emergence of this wig and truly: NO. This thing is dried out, bent, and disheveled in not a cool way (Stewart’s actual hair is disheveled in a cool way, though). The entire presence of this wig bothers me because: just have her have whatever hair she has? This is not a historical recreation (that I’m aware of?) and she is not playing a real person! This feels like when SNL cast members wear wigs in sketches for similarly non-existent reasons. However, SNL wigs are vastly superior to this mess!
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So anyway, Harper invites Abby to have Christmas at her parents’ house in the heat of the moment during a very romantic (?) Pittsburgh Christmas lights tour which is apparently something that exists. Abby conveniently, and completely for the sake of this plot to work (?) does not like Christmas and also is an orphan, getting rid of any possible Christmas plan conflicts. And then literally on the way to visiting Harper’s family, she is all: by the way, they don’t know you’re my girlfriend or that I’m a lesbian and you have to go along with it for sake of this movie to exist even though this is absolutely a terrible thing to ask of anyone, periodt. But we are beginning to find out that Harper’s character is as full of garbage as her wig. 
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So we meet the parents, who are Victor Garber, Mary Steenbergen, and also Mary Steenbergen’s iPad which vulture correctly identifies as the star of this movie AND IT IS. Especially during the end credits where we get to see all the pics the iPad takes! But I’m getting ahead of myself. The parents live in one of those cavernous houses that is definitely a mansion but tries to feel homey even though it probably has about 12 bedrooms and usually only exists in a Nancy Meyers movie. Despite its amount of bedrooms,  Abby has to sleep in a basement bunker which also doubles as a well organized rubbermaid storage unit. For the rest of the movie, Abby is treated like a subhuman trash person much in the way Ben Stiller is treated in Meet the Parents and Sarah Jessica Parker is treated in The Family Stone, except they don’t also have to pretend to not be in a relationship with the family member they arrived with. This conceit becomes so degrading that you honestly wonder why these people are still together!
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Abby endures scene after scene of total nonsense and still looks better than the wig on her terrible girlfriend. Which starts actually looking better in a few of these scenes but still is very much a terrible and noticeable wig which is on par with Rachel McAdams’ wig in Mean Girls in that we are constantly told that these women are gorgeous and every single time I ask “YOU MEAN WITH THAT TERRIBLE WIG ON THEIR HEADS????” I suppose this wig was “necessary” because Harper’s two sisters also have long-ish brown hair so they were going for some sort of familial consistency except one daughter has a terrible wig and the other two have hair. Also one sister is Alison Brie, who plays a harpy so awful that she starts to make Harper look palatable and one sister is Mary Holland, who also cowrote the script, and definitely wrote herself the only character who I’d like to meet in real life. 
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Along the way, we also meet Aubrey Plaza, who I usually hate because she is just one-note sullen, but here is actually great as Harper’s high school ex-girlfriend who Harper outted and allowed to be bullied and wow Harper - you have been terrible for decades!! Also compared to Harper, Aubrey has beautiful (real) hair, doesn’t lie to her entire family, and has actual chemistry with Abby. I very much wanted Abby to end up with Aubrey and I am not alone! Harper somehow avoids Abby for most of the time they are both staying in the same (albeit huge) house and there is even a dumb subplot about Abby being framed for shoplifting while trying to buy a gift for the parents’ very important white elephant gift exchange during their very important Christmas Eve party and I wonder if any of these people really knows what a white elephant gift is or how to exist in society? Meanwhile, as Harper reverts to being more falsely  heteronormative at her parents house, I started to wonder if her wig was trying to serve a larger purpose in showing how fake this character is but: no it’s just a bad wig. Also this movie really does the impossible: it makes me care about and feel bad for Kristen Stewart! 
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Although I did find it highly questionable that though they are the stars of a romantic comedy, neither Kristen Stewart or Mackenzie Davis is funny AT ALL. Like not even a little! Which makes the “comedic” plight of Stewart all the more upsetting! All comedy is left to the one good daughter (Mary Holland) and also all gay men in the movie. This is mainly Abby’s bff and national (Canadian) treasure, Dan Levy and also Drag Race faves Jinxx Monsoon and Ben De-La-Creme in this one gay bar scene which is honestly truly inconceivable and except for further cementing the fact that Abby and Aubrey really should get together. 
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In the end, Alison Brie finds out Harper’s TERRIBLE SECRET THAT NO ONE IN 2020 COULD POSSIBLY FATHOM (that she’s a lesbian) and they have a fight in the middle of the white elephant party which reveals that all the family has been competing for years for each other’s love which is really really messed up and now I kind of hate everyone in this family. And also Harper is outed to her entire terrible family and also Ana Gasteyer (and also a room full of other randos). And she denies her lesbian truth!  I recently watched Uncle Frank which is essentially everything Hillbilly Elegy wanted to be but is Shakespeare compared to that mess, and a similar scene occurs but that character bravely faces the truth - and in 1970s SOUTH CAROLINA!! I don’t know what time or space this movie thinks it exists in but it is baffling. Still, Dan Levy gives an emotional monologue about how no one can decide when anyone else is ready to come out of the closet so: FAIR. And then Harper does come out and the entire family kind gives absolutely no reaction to this until Victor Garber says it’s ok?? ABSOLUTELY AND TRULY BIZARRELY PATRIARCHAL. And then Harper and Abby get back together in the parking lot of a Love’s convenience store which is as cheesy and clunky as any garbage holiday rom com so I guess this is definitely a new holiday “classic” which I’ll probably watch 100 more times and hate Harper and her terrible wig each time about as much as I hate Laura Linney’s terrible life choices in Love, Actually. AS CONFOUNDING AS HARPER’S WIG OR THE CHOICE TO GIVE HER ONE AT ALL!
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superpixie42 · 4 years
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Day 7: Home // Green
Canon-ish: anytime after episode 82/ chapter 224
Words: 1160
Rated: T for language
Tags: @lavendertwilight89​ @kazeinori​ @mayarab​ @inukag-week​ (thanks for the banner love!) and also a huge thanks to @kirrtash​ for this post that inspired the concept :)
It was late and they really should have been asleep an hour ago, but instead they were up and watching what Kagome called a "rom-com". The future was always thinking up these weird compound words trying to make things more complicated than they needed to be. In his time there were two kinds of plays- Noh and kyogen- and everyone got on just fine. Just because you could watch a play whenever you wanted instead of waiting for a festival there was a sudden need for fifteen different types? It was stupid. The future was stupid. And this play was even stupider.  
They were getting to Kagome's favorite part: the bold declaration. Human courting was so ... intricate. Demons were much simpler. Head of an enemy. Supply of winter meat. Blood for blood. Direct. Simple. Although he would say he was impressed with the "apartment key" concept. Sharing a den made sense, and since people in Kagome's time seemed to live alone it was an obvious sign of protection and providing. But this one seemed... unimpressive. All the guy had done was empty a drawer. He had a whole home to himself, a giant futon, a fridge full of food… and all he gave his intended was a dresser drawer? 
"I don't get it."
"Don't get what, Inuyasha?"
"Why is she so excited? It's a drawer. The last time you made me watch this shit it atleast made sense when they shared a house. This is just making a big deal out of nothing." 
She twisted on the couch to face him, her brows drawn together in concentration. 
"Well, they aren't ready for that yet, not with all the craziness in their lives. Moving in together is a big step- not as big as it used to be because they aren't automatically married- but it's still a huge change. Clearing out the drawer for her says he still wants her to be there as much as possible and even stay the night, so she'd need spare clothes and a toothbrush. It's not moving in together but it's something." 
Hmph. It still didn't seem like a lot, but he didn't argue. Kagome turned back to the tv with a yawn, letting her head lull to the side and rest against Inuyasha's shoulder. She'd been doing that a lot lately. While he wasn't completely sure what it was supposed to mean he did know he'd rather have Sesshaumaru's hand through his guts again than stop her. 
By the time the play ended Kagome was sound asleep, a small bit of drool threatening to fall out of her mouth and onto his suikan any second. He turned off the TV and scooped her up, his belly filling with butterflies when she unconsciously nuzzled her face into his chest. He slowly carried her up the stairs and placed her on the bed, setting her sleeping form on the side closest to the wall. 
Up until recently he would have put her right in the middle and then taken his own rest under the window. But as he spent more time in Kagome's era she'd insisted he share the bed with her. He'd refused, saying it wasn't proper. But then she reminded him they'd done it before when he fell asleep accidentally and nothing bad had happened - her mother had even walked in on them and said nothing. The future was weird, but the bed was really comfortable. 
Sliding off his suikan and kosode he took the three steps to cross the room and opened the top drawer of Kagome's dresser. He ran his hand through the contents. It wasn't much - a pair of dark grey slacks, a green t-shirt, his red hoodie, some pajamas for when he was washing his hakama, and a baseball cap. There was even a fundoshi made out of modern fabric. Sota kept trying to convince him to try something called "boxers" ever since the first time he went out in modern garb. He'd borrowed clothes from both Sota and Gramps, but neither was actually his size. While it was one thing to borrow their clothes he was not going to borrow their underwear, so his fundoshi remained firmly in place. He saw no reason to change that now. 
He claimed the tshirt - not being comfortable with the idea of sleeping in just his skin in Kagome’s bed - and took a quick sniff of the thin fabric. It smelled like a mix of both him and Kagome.
 It smelled like home. 
The sudden realization smacked him in the face. Here he was, staring at a drawer filled with his own set of clothes - clothes that smelled like home. And they were his. It wasn’t his like he had his side of the bed or his favorite cup in the cabinet. --Although, now that he thought about it, when had those things entered his life?-- But these weren’t borrowed, or shared, or handed down. These were just his. He’d never had something that was just his own before and now he had enough to fill a drawer. His drawer. 
He remembered what Kagome had told him earlier and started thinking. Maybe they were just like the couple in the play. As much as he might want it, now was not the time to ask Kagome about starting a life with him. There was too much they still needed to do; too many people depending on them. But even still, Kagome had made it clear she wanted him around as much as possible. 
Was this… was Kagome courting him? Had he been oblivious this whole time? In his era it was the man’s responsibility to court the woman, and in all the modern plays he’d seen it was the same. The man gave the woman a drawer. Or a key. Or … or clothes. 
Holy fuck.
He stood there, still shirtless, in the middle of the room staring wide eyed at the half-occupied bed. She’d said sharing the bed was pragmatic. Her mother had seen them sharing. Did her mother know about the drawer? Stupid question, she’d seen him in the clothes half a dozen times. So… did that mean Mama approved? 
Holy fuck.
Slowly, Inuyasha pulled the shirt over his head and walked over to the bed. Pulling back the covers on his side - a blush splashed across his cheeks at the newfound implications of that concept - and settled onto the mattress. His weight never seemed to move the bed the way Kagome’s did, and he was able to slide in without waking her. Emboldened by his new realization, he draped his arm across her waist, nuzzling his nose into the crown of her hair. He took a deep, slow breath through his nose letting his brain completely cloud over with her scent. The future was definitely weird, but in that moment it mostly just felt like home.
That’s it.
That’s the end of InuKag week. I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep up this crazy posting schedule the whole week and with one exception I did! 
Pats on the back for everyone! Now please excuse my three remaining braincells while we go take a serious nap. 
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Should have my (technically) final InuKag week story - Instinct - done next week. 
I will also be posting all 5 one-shots on AO3 and FFN in the next day or so. I’ll post a link once they’re live.
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lustresky · 4 years
all i ask [peter parker x f!reader]
summary: You question your true feelings for Peter after missing out on five years of your life.
wc: 2400ish.
themes: angst(ish), fluff, happy endings, best friends to lovers trope, mention of dermatillomania, existential questionings...
a/n: this is the first x reader that i have ever written, so sorry in advance if it’s awkward:’’’) english also isn’t my first language, so please do hit me up if i make any mistakes/some things sound wrong! still, i hope that some of you out there will still like this lil thing. i just want to keep peter in my pocket gawd what a bby:’’’’’’’( p.s. title is a song by adele! just had to name this that cuz it unexpectedly came into my playlist while i was writing this and the song just fit so well that it shocked me haha
requests are open! & pls don’t forget to like and reblog, thank you! c:
available on ao3.
The rom-com flickered on the screen in front of your and Peter’s eyes, the only light illuminating the small living room.
Your legs were sprawled on top of Peter’s own, your arms becoming a bit numb from the fact that you haven’t moved them from their cramp inducing position for the past fifteen minutes. It wasn’t your fault— the small sofa could only leave you and Peter enough space to lounge about.
He had invited you over for some much needed “hang out” time. Considering the fact that both of you had missed out on five years of your life, you had suggested you both catch up on all of the movies the two of you had missed; but one thing led to another and now you were both watching late 90’s and early 2000’s films. 
You were surprised, and maybe even mildly offended, when Peter had said that he had never watched Mean Girls nor Clueless. The boy who spew out pop comic references every other second had never watched the classics for every teenage girl? The blasphemy!
You fiddled with the fluffy throw covering your legs and partially, Peter’s. Your attention wasn’t really on the movie anymore, you’d seen it multiple times. Could probably recite it by heart, you thought, if you concentrated hard enough.
Speaking of concentration, your eyes inadvertently found their spot upon Peter’s face. It was quite funny, and maybe even adorable if you wanted to go that way, how concentrated the geeky boy was over such a cliché film. You had never once thought, with all of the years that you had known him, that he would listen and take Cher Horowitz’s words to heart.
Peter didn’t notice your gaze, and so you took that as an unspoken permission to roam your eyes over his features: the small lines already appearing beside his eyes, a tell-tale sign of how much he smiled— or at least, tried to, these days. There were those chiseled cheeks and the sharp jawline that he somehow managed to maintain despite eating delivery food every other day. (You can’t blame May, she tries her best, really; but sometimes Thai or Chinese is just way more palatable.) His nose, a bit crooked, from an ”accident.“ (You still don’t really know the exact details about that one, and frankly, you think it would hurt just hearing about it.) Soft curls of his brown hair fell over his forehead, messy and barely brushed.
Truly, you could probably spend a whole hour just staring at him. It’s weird, you know, who the hell stares at their own best friend for long periods of time? Well, MJ probably does, but then again she draws people most of the time so that’s socially allowed... and well— she’s MJ. She just… does that. You suppose.
Maybe she does have a point, you mused. People-watching seemed fun, seeing the way that people processed information was interesting, but you couldn’t really imagine doing that to anyone— anyone else but Peter, at least.
You loved Peter. It wasn’t even a question. Truly, you did— he was family. However, after the Snap, you started to question how you truly felt about him.
Did you ‘love’ him? You had asked yourself that question multiple times already. Then again, he was cute, goal-oriented, stubborn, loyal, smart, geeky, strong... (not just physically, between his difficult childhood and what you both had just gone through, you think that he may just be the strongest person that you know, mentally.) He knew how to make you laugh, how to make you feel safe… God, he was your exact type. 
However, you had always put your feelings aside ever since you came back from the dead. What if it was just your mind craving for affection, afraid that you would never be able to experience the love that you had always wanted? Were you just terrified of the thought of not living your life to the fullest, that you started to ’love’ the first person to have ever given you warmth, just because the choice to do so was taken away from you? 
Did you actually love him in that way? Would you still have loved him in that way, even if that purple fucking raisin didn’t come out of the fucking sky and take you both away from reality without even asking? Were you just blindsided? Were you wearing rose-coloured glasses?
What type of love for him did you feel, exactly?
It didn’t really help that Peter was way more clingy and touchy now. Sure, you were best friends even before then, but you never really touched each other so often before. His actions only further spiraled your pondering.
His hands seemed to linger more on your shoulders, nowadays. Now, he would, absentmindedly, lay his hands on your thighs while you were talking. Now, his hugs were tighter, warmer, and always included both of his arms— unlike those casual, one armed hugs that you would give each other while saying goodbye after school, right before you both ceased existing.
While talking, his eyes seemed to stare straight into yours, which always made you falter with your words before you shook his gaze off. Once, you saw him fixating his eyes on your lips while you vented to him about a mathematical formula that gave you a hard time. 
He never really did that before— whenever you didn’t understand something, he would always just give you a small grin before shaking his head and finding a way to better explain the topic to you. At first, you thought that maybe he just had a lot on his mind, that he was just staring into space… 
Or maybe, just maybe, he loved you. In that way.
Though, now that you thought more about it, maybe he just craved affection like you did. He went through a lot. His life was never devoid of danger, and it wasn’t questionable to want comfort after all of the things that he had gone through. Did he truly feel that way about you, or did he only see you as a comfort tool? You wouldn’t be angry if he did, out of all the people that you knew that deserved more reassurance and love, he was definitely on top of the list. 
You didn’t mind. You understood.
Was he in the same boat as you? 
You startled yourself away from your thoughts when Peter suddenly retracted his body further back into the couch, as if he wanted to bury himself in it. His brows were furrowed, nose scrunched, lips curled up in disgust; though to your relief his eyes were still glued to the screen and he hadn’t just seen you checking him out. You chuckled at the unexpected reaction, “What’s gotten you so worked up?”
Peter shook his head from side to side, as if that would help him from his current situation. “I get that they aren’t really related, but it’s just— weird.” He replied. 
Intrigued, you shifted your eyes over to the screen, and was welcomed by Cher and Josh kissing. You laughed at Peter’s disgust.
“How is it weird? They’ve had— like, very evident tension for half of the movie, Pete.” You replied, eyes watching the way Josh held Cher’s face in his hands. As much as you would never admit it, your stomach fluttered at the scene. “Don’t tell me you didn’t expect it to happen.”
Peter groaned. “It’s not that I didn’t expect it to happen, it’s just— Josh is what, almost twenty or something? And Cher is our age!” He rattled off. “I’m having flashbacks to when I learned that Luke and Leia were actually related.” 
You shook your head and let out a snort. Typical Peter, always finding a way to reference Star Wars.
“It’s just a lil’ kiss scene Pete, don’t get so worked up about it.” You chuckled. You let out a dreamy sigh, your lip unknowingly curling into a small smile. Truth be told, you've always wanted something so passionate yet so soft like that to happen to you. 
You couldn’t help but let the next words tumble out of your mouth. “Isn’t it romantic though? The fact that the person that Cher has been searching and looking for so hard was actually just right there.”
“Always there…” Your voice slowly found itself becoming quieter, until it was only a ghost of a whisper. “Right by your side.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot. What the fuck was all that sudden sentimental bullshit, Y/N? You thought to yourself.
You hoped that Peter just didn’t pick up on what you had just said. The movie was loud enough to cover it, right?
With a reassuring breath, mostly to yourself, you turned your gaze back to Peter’s face.
Only to find him staring back at you.
Fuck, what were you thinking? With his enhanced senses, of course he would’ve heard what you had said.
Your breath got caught in your throat as your brain almost short circuited from the unexpected eye contact. His stare was unrelenting; from the dim light of the television, you can see his dilated irises, swimming with what you can only assume was longing… and hope.
The air suddenly seemed thick with tension. What kind it was? You weren’t really sure, but the movie and its noises were now just background noise and lighting. From the corner of your eyes, you see Peter’s Adam apple bob up and down as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Y/N…” He started, slowly, seemingly unsure of how to word his sentence. You mustered up a small bit of courage and sent him a small smile, patiently waiting for his brain to catch up with his mouth. It was one of his quirks that you adored so much, how much he struggled with the right words to say, because he knew the gravity of them; even if he did end up just spewing them out in the end.
“I— I don’t really know how to say this exactly, but,” Peter chewed on his bottom lip. “God I just— I just need to man up and say it because it’s been on my mind ever since I came back and I don’t think I can put it off any longer because I’m scared that you’ll disappear again and that I’ll never have the chance to say the truth and I—“ He stopped in his tracks, seemingly running out of words to say. His head dropped to look at his lap, as he started fidgeting with his hands and picking at his cuticles. A nervous tick that you recognized.
You straightened up from your lounging position, and slowly reached out your arms to lay your own hands on top of his, effectively gaining his attention and stopping his quite destructive habit. Bit by bit, he faced you once more; albeit now his eyes seemed to be more glassy.
“Y/N,” He took a shaky breath. “You— you mean so much to me.“ His eyes stared straight through you, and by now you felt your eyes start getting teary too.
“When it was happening I— all I could think about was how I felt about you. I— I felt so fucking selfish. I didn’t even think about Aunt May— or Ned, or MJ. All I thought about was how much I regretted not telling you how I actually felt about you sooner— that I’ll never be able to tell you how much I actually fucking loved you—“
Instinctively, you cut him off with your index placed on his lips. Now it was your turn to let out a shaky breath as your hand descended and found itself laying once more on Peter’s own.
Peter loved you. Even before the snap. Even before you disappeared.
The sight of Peter in front of you: vulnerable, hair ruffled, cheeks and nose and the tips of his ears red, his eyes watering as he poured his heart out to you was the moment that answered all of your doubts from before.
That was when you realized that you loved him, too. Truly. Without a doubt.
You loved him before everything went to hell, you still love him now, and fuck, you would still love him even if you hadn’t died. You weren’t wearing rose-coloured glasses, hell, far from it. You were seeing everything clearly. You were seeing everything just the way that they are.
You opened your lips, and a strangled but genuine giggle came out. “Pete, I love you too. I’ve loved you since— fuck, I can’t even remember when I actually started fucking loving you. You’ve been such a constant in my life that I questioned myself whether I truly loved you romantically, because I’m also a fucking idiot that thought that the type of love that I had for you was only platonic. Turns out they’re both one and the same.” You were laughing now, with a few hiccups here and there from the hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
“And shut up— you aren’t selfish,” With a new wave of courage, you lifted up one of your hands again and cradled his face. He leaned into it, impulsively, sniffling. “You’re one of the most selfless people that I know, hell, you put yourself in danger for people that you don’t even fucking know. I… I honestly think you could use more selfishness sometimes.” You laughed, softly, trying to regain a bit more composure with the tidal wave of emotions washing through you.
Peter, thankfully, found your quip funny. He snorted, shaking his head, as he lifted the sleeve of his Midtown Tech hoodie up to wipe at his tears. He wiped yours too, and you thanked him with a genuine smile.
All hearts now bared, you both just stared at each other, not really knowing what else to say nor do. From what you could tell, the movie was over now, the ending scene just slowly rolling in as it always does.
You opened your mouth, about to break the silence, when Peter beat you to it.
“Can I kiss you?”
A chuckle escaped your mouth before you could reply properly, and a huge grin overtook your face as your cheeks heated up once more. You squeezed his hands, and nodded.
Peter leaned in, and you had never felt more at peace.
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spaceyantique · 4 years
five’s a crowd [beatles x reader] part eight
chapter summary: You’re just trying to get through this whole Tinder girl business because it’s NOT affecting you in the slightest. John nurses a particularly cranky hangover, and Paul is the kind of person that drinks milk straight from a glass, apparently. George’s pajamas don’t make this business any easier and Ringo’s heading out for mystery reasons early this Sunday morning.
word count: like 2.1k of i don’t even know what
warnings: sexual implications. drinking, a hangover, general bad language
asterisks correspond to footnotes!
parts one | two | three | four | five | six | seven (oh my!)
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“Care for a drink? You’re sulking.” Paul’s standing over you with a shot glass in his hand. As always, he has a talent for seeing straight through people.
“Course. And I’m not sulking,” you say, taking the glass from him. Paul scoffs. 
“Sure, Jan. If looks could kill, that poor girl would be dead.”
God, if only they could. Paul would definitely be right. 
You’re holed up in a booth at the back of the Cavern Club Bar, gripping an empty glass a little too tightly for comfort. George and Maureen are both standing around a table just across the room, his arm loosely draped over her shoulders. Ringo’s on her other side and they all look like they’re having too much fun. You think of how it felt when he put his arm over your shoulders and try to ignore how they practically feel frostbitten now in comparison. She’s not even mean, you think. Hating on some girl you don’t know because of a boy is not good feminism.
“Can I sit?” Paul asks, and you’re forced to tear your eyes away from the happy couple.
“What?” You ask, but he’s already shoving you aside. 
“Lovely place, isn’t it? Much nicer than most of the nightclubs ‘round here. Always thought it would be a treat to perform up there.” Paul nods to the bar. You follow his gaze with a confused look, and he sighs with a smile, then props his head up on his interlaced hands to look at you expectantly.
“What?” You repeat stupidly.
“Drink up,” Paul says, and you do, shuddering at the burn. Tequila.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You say. “You’re usually giggling over John by now.”
“I’m being the best friend in a rom-com. The gay best friend, nonetheless. And I think you should go talk to that guy at the bar.” Paul gestures to a man standing near the stage. He’s tall, but not unnaturally so. He’s wearing a jean jacket and sporting a mess of dark hair to rival John’s untidy mop. 
He’s no George, your brain sneers immediately, and you almost want to scold yourself out loud. 
“Look, dahling.” Paul affects a flamboyant upper-class drawl, and you crack a smile. “There’s no reason you can’t have fun too.”
“You sound like Freddie from upstairs.”
“‘S true,” Paul replies, back to his normal self. “I know how you feel about George--”
“I don’t know what you mean--” you start to say, but Paul holds up his hand to stop you.
“Please let me finish my cliche speech! I know how you feel about George, but you haven’t had anyone to spend the night away with in a while, if you catch my drift.” Paul raises his eyebrows at you and the Pout transforms into a smirk. “So get over there. Don’t make me get John to force you to.”
“God, no. I’ll talk to him,” you say, and Pauls grins, before heaving himself up and disappearing behind a clump of people, probably to suck John’s face off.
As you make your way across the room, George can’t help but notice. He tells himself it’s because the bar is relatively uncrowded, but it’s more than a passing glance. He feels his cheeks heat up as his stomach erupts into butterflies, but Maureen’s laugh from beside him draws him back to reality with a shockingly sobering effect. Still, that cold feeling in the pit of his stomach only gets stronger when he notices where you’re headed.
The man at the bar flashes you a smile as you get close, and you put on your best one in return. 
“Hey,” is all he says.
“Hey,” you say, immediately cringing at the general awkwardness. Okay, so you’re out of practice.
“What’s your name, dolly?” Dolly, really? Still you give him your name and ask for his.
“I’m Eric Clapton. Are you a student around here?” 
All in all, Eric’s sweet, and despite seeming a little like an overgrown fuckboy at first glance, he seems to drink his respecting women juice now. He laughs at your (terrible) jokes and teases you in that flirtatious way, but each time he speaks you find yourself slightly disappointed at the lack of Scouse accent in his words.
Sure, Eric’s sweet, but you don’t take him home that night.
The following morning begins much like plenty of others. You’re munching on a bowl of cereal in the kitchen with one of your new textbooks open on the table in front of you and a safe distance from the coffee machine. Ringo shuffles around making his breakfast, his mightily messy hair floating in a cloud around his head. John’s also at the table, severely hungover, his knees to his chest, wrapped in a blanket like a gremlin. He’s wearing dark sunglasses and bitching about the noise anytime anyone speaks.
“Fucking bullshit,” Ringo declares out of nowhere. John hisses at the noise while you turn to see him attempting to mount the countertop. “George keeps putting the fucking sugar in the top cabinet. How ‘m I supposed to get up there?”
“Grow longer bones,” John mumbles helpfully*. Ringo shoots him with a glare and continues trying to climb onto the counter.
“Spent all me growin’ power on my brain, thanks.” 
“And what a big brain it is.” John cracks a grin at his own joke and you roll your eyes.
“Where is George, anyway?” You say, trying your hardest to seem nonchalant. John wiggles his eyebrows at you anyway, grinning like a chimpanzee. You slam your textbook shut and he winces at the sound. For a few seconds, you’re engaged in an intense war of making rude faces back and forth.
“Oh, maybe writing in his diary?” Paul’s entered the kitchen now too, looking overall far too bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked for the volume of alcohol he consumed last night.
“Does he really have a diary?” You ask, and John and Paul share a meaningful glance that you don’t have time to decipher. Ringo’s breakfast sandwich (toast, tomato, and cheese) is done, and when he places it on the table, John lurches forward with a hand over his mouth.
“Oh fuck,” is all he says before he disappears towards the bathroom. Paul, cheerily pouring a glass of milk, makes a sympathetic face at John’s retreating form.
“I should make sure he’s alright,” he says, before going to the cabinet to pick out a cereal. 
“Are you going to?” 
“Well, y’know, I don’t really want to.”
You’re about to repeat Paul’s y’know back to him to tease him before you see which cereal he’s picked out.
“Do NOT touch my goddamn Rice Krispies, you fuck!” 
“Just one fuck,” Ringo says, mostly to himself. 
“But I want them! I’m hungry!” Paul pleads, using the Pout and his droopy eyes to their full potential.
“But I paid for them! And there’s plenty of other cereal!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t see your name on them!” 
“Look again, bitch!” You demand, and he does. Sure enough, you’ve Sharpied your name onto the top flap.
“Fucking ridiculous,” Paul mutters, placing the Krispies in their rightful place.
“John’s fine,” Ringo announces. “He’s just sent me a TikTok. And he also told me he’s changed my contact to “Mango Bongo,” so I suppose he’s alright.”*
You and Paul both scramble for your phones to change his name to something equally ridiculous. You settle on “Dingo Presto: Magician Extraordinaire.” Not your best, but it’ll do.
Paul settles at the table where John was sitting before, grouchily eating Cap’n Crunch.
“Paul,” you say. “Why the hell are you eating cereal with milk and drinking a glass of milk at the same time?”
“Strong bones?” Paul shrugs.
“You’re a heathen,” Ringo says, straightening up and brushing the crumbs from his lap. “I’m going out, so I’ve got to get ready.”
“Where the hell are you going on a Sunday?” You ask.
“I’ve-- I’m-- I’ve started dog walking on Sundays,” Ringo stutters out.
“Interesting,” Paul comments before loudly slurping on his milk.
“That’s a job from a damn sitcom! That’s like one of Spencer’s jobs on iCarly!” You call after Ringo, but he’s already disappeared into his and George’s shared room. You almost catch yourself trying to peek inside to see if George is asleep there. Ringo wouldn’t go in if Geo had company, would he?
“That’s odd,” Paul says, and you’re a bit surprised to see he’s as confused as you are. “Wonder if he’s going to see someone.”
“Maybe,” you agree. “The university doesn’t have any classes on Sundays, too.”
As you contemplate Ringo’s departure, John shambles back in with even messier hair. He’s still wearing the sunglasses, but looking less pale and overall gargoyle-ish.
“So, how was that guy last night?” Paul asks, and the look he gives you is indecipherable.
“We left separately, if that’s what you’re asking,” you reply, before adding,  “John, you’d better still those fucking eyebrows before I tear them off your face.”
“Aggression! You wound me, birdie.”
“Why didn’t you go off with him? You looked like you were having a good time,” Paul asks, taking another gratuitous sip of his fucking milk.
“Who are you, my mother? I just didn’t want to,” you say, perhaps a bit too harshly. You open your textbook again to a random page and start reading, more to make a point than anything else. 
“George left alone too, in case you were wondering.” John’s comment affects you more than you’d like to admit, zapping through the early morning fog in your brain and making you feel electric.
“Why would I wonder about that?” You ask, but John just smiles that rat-bastard smile. Paul’s sly grin matches John’s, and you slam your textbook closed a second time, again for emphasis.
“You two fuckers are up to something. And you’re not good at hiding it,” you huff.
“Up to no good, my pretty?” John cackles in a spot-on impression of the Wicked Witch of the West. 
“Yes, you’re up to no good! I don’t like it.” You place your cereal bowl in the sink and hoist your stack of textbooks into your arms. As you leave the kitchen, you catch snippets of their conversation.
“You’ve butchered it--” Paul’s hushed whisper.
“Well, now we’ve got them both--” John’s pointed drawl. “So don’t worry--”
Fucking assholes, the both of them. You pass the tiny living room to head to your bedroom and nearly run straight into George.
He looks like he’s just rolled out of bed. His eyes are still a bit swollen from sleep, and you can see the imprint of the creases on his pillow on his right cheek. His curls are smashed on that side too, while the hair on the other side of his head sticks out like half a halo, glowing in the morning sunlight that streams through the living room window. You also notice almost immediately that he’s shirtless, and the pajama bottoms he’s wearing are untied and loose around the waist. They sit low on his hips, exposing a trail of hair on his abs and the top of a v-line that leads--
You exercise every bit of willpower you have to reset your gaze to eye level.
“Good morning,” you force out, trying to sound casual.
“Morning,” he says, and you feel a fluttering somewhere underneath your collarbones at his deep, gravelly, morning voice. Neither of you speaks for a moment, and you’re suddenly thankful to be holding your books over your chest because they provide a shield between George’s gaze and the deafening thumping of your heart.
“Ringo’s just gone out,” you blurt, if only to break the awkwardness.
“On a Sunday?” You shrug and nod at the same time in reply. What the hell is wrong with you? Speak! He’s your friend!
“John and Paul are in the kitchen, so I’m going to do my work in my room.”
George nods, glancing towards the two bastards. You nod again (idiot) and start to make for your room.
“Did you--” You turn back at the sound of George’s voice, already feeling breathless. “Were you here all night?”
“Yeah,” you say. “You?”
“Yeah.” He gives you a little smile and nod before you continue to your room. Once inside, you close your door and lean back against it, feeling almost dizzy with relief. 
Little do you know, George is still standing exactly where you left him. The strange cold feeling that settled deep in his stomach as he watched you talking with Eric is starting to thaw now in the bright morning sunlight. Still, if you could see his face, you’d agree that the smile on his face is a thousand times brighter.
*from this post
*This joke is partially from Finding Nemo. Nemo is called several different names throughout the movie by Dory, including Fabio, Pedro, Harpo, and Elmo. I shall not be accused of joke stealing!
five’s a crowd tag list: @1-2beeble​ @beatlevmania​ @theclassicsl​ @withthebeables​ @thasbooooooi​ @geostarr​ @report-abuse​ 
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