#blossom tva
cartoonbudartz · 17 days
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Presenting @lune-redd’s PPG versions in all their glory!
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lune-redd · 26 days
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Gettin' ready for a date!
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This is to the TVA girls: I wanna know, how did you balance between school and crime-fighting? I'm pretty sure it must've been very stressful considering how High School is different compared to Kindergarten!
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Armand, having his priorities in order and being highly relatable in TVA:
I looked off, wanting the quiet, dreaming of bowers suddenly, not in words but in images, the way my old mind would do it, wanting to lie down in garden beds among growing flowers, wanting to press my face to earth and sing softly to myself.
"They could see nothing green here, and it's spring outside, southern spring. I can smell it through the walls. I want to look just for a moment on flowers. To kill, to drink blood and to have flowers."
I also love anything that tells us about the way Armand processes the world (i.e., how his 'old mind' used to think in images only). We know the 'Marius & The Flowers' chapter in PL and his gardens in B&G pretty well, but flower imagery and symbolism actually come up quite a bit with Armand also throughout TVC.
The rather erotic illusion he projects to Lestat in TVL:
Hell and heaven, or both made one, vampires in a paradise drinking blood from the very flowers that hung, pendulous and throbbing, from the trees. I felt a wave of disgust. It was as if he [Armand] had come into my private dreams like a succubus.
Perhaps my favorite, the mental garden he creates for Daniel in QotD as the last thing he'll ever be able to share with him through their telepathic connection:
Their voices carried over the garden. Such roses and chrysanthemums, how enormous they were. And light poured from the doorways of the Villa of the Mysteries. Was there music playing? Why, the whole ruined place was brilliantly illuminated under the incandescent blue of the night sky.
"So you would have me break my vow. You would have what you think you want. But look well at this garden, because once I do it, you'll never read my thoughts or see my visions again. A veil of silence will come down."
"But we'll be brothers, don't you see?" Daniel asked.
Armand stood so close to him they were almost kissing. The flowers were crushed against them, huge drowsing yellow dahlias and white gladioli, such lovely drenching perfume. They had stopped beneath a dying tree in which the wisteria grew wild. Its delicate blossoms shivered in clusters, its great twining arms white as bone.
Armand in TVA describing the disintegration of his relationship with Daniel as he saw it, with love as something that blooms like a flower (and something that sometimes fails to do so):
There was never any innocence for us, there was never any springtime. There was never any chance, no matter how beautiful the twilight gardens in which we wandered. Our souls were out of tune, our desires crossed and our resentments too common and too well watered for the final flowering.
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dspd · 6 months
I'm sure like 300 people have already had this idea for a Loki s2 fixit fic but here it is anyway
Loki, with his power infusing every fiber of every branch and limb and barest wisp of thread of the multiverse, sits lonely upon his golden throne and watches his friends move on. O.B. and Casey and B-15 and, surprisingly Renslayer, all blossom and grow and evolve and are happy. But Mobius.
Mobius is static.
He's an unnatural knot in the trunk of the Sacred Timeline. A blemish in the flow of time and choice. An itching, unhealed sore that stings and taints Loki's peace for ensuring his friends' - and by extension, the world's - survival.
All of Loki's power goes into the Tree but, every once in a while, he gathers the smallest scrap and sends it racing with a message pulsing eagerly throughout the tree, bark creaking and leaves shivering, the loudest silent sound of his love and commitment.
Even strangers, those born before his time, or never met him when he walked freely, or heard of him after his time was done, feel its passage. The sun revitalizes, the cold reinvigorates, the water tastes like life, and-
Mobius is stuck.
Loki watches Mobius until he can watch no more and then he...visits. He stops spending those glimmers on wordless messages and saves it. He spins it like yarn on a spindle and creates something new - a beautiful, shining thread with just enough juice to slip away from his carefully crafted cage for a few minutes.
And he slides along one branch to the next and pulls himself into the half reality on the edge of a dream. He tugs a little and the scene, a multistory super mall with shops selling wilted Loki crowns and pink pineapples and too-green key lime pie, shifts. The lights flicker from a bright, shaded afternoon and the noise of the crowd fades into the barely there two-toned hum of the TVA.
Mobius is already there, smashing his third piece of piece into an unappetizing ruin, muddling the crust and filling into a grainy, mush.
Loki's hands twitch, excitement and hope and joy and trepidation fizzing down his palms to his fingertips and hopes this will help.
"Hello, Mobius."
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twh-news · 8 months
Loki season two review – by far the best Marvel TV show in years ★★★☆☆ | The Guardian
Tom Hiddleston’s lovably narcissistic Norse god is back with Owen Wilson for a spectacular time-hopping caper that may just save the MCU from certain death
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If ever there was a time for a second season of Loki, it’s now. The first outing was a witty romp through time and space, in which Tom Hiddleston’s lovably narcissistic Norse god charmed the pants off viewers. There were wild cameos (Richard E Grant as a weird alternate Loki!). There was sizzling chemistry (the bromance with Owen Wilson’s Agent Mobius!). There was even the tender blossoming of love (with Loki’s metaverse alter ego Sylvie – almost certainly the most poignant romance a TV character has ever conducted with themselves). So, naturally, the Marvel Cinematic Universe chose to follow up this televisual triumph with a disastrous series of flops, culminating in June’s Secret Invasion: a slog of a show that felt like the death knell for the franchise’s entire TV future.
[Possible spoilers ahead]
Luckily, Loki’s action-packed return suggests it is more than prepared to rise to the challenge of shaking off Marvel’s track record of TV tedium. We’re taken to the exact moment the previous season left off: the aftermath of Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) killing He Who Remains – the shadowy figure behind temporal police the Time Variance Authority (TVA). There are slow-mo chases, car crashes in flying vehicles and Loki constantly running into effigies of He Who Remains. One thing is instantly clear: you really can’t avoid season one if you expect any of the following to make sense.
A good chunk of the opener consists of Hiddleston vanishing into another timeline. His body briefly turns into something that looks like it belongs in Stranger Things’ Upside Down, while he makes the sound of a man who has eaten some seriously out-of-date scampi. “It’s horrible,” quips Wilson’s Agent Mobius. “It looks like you’re being born, or dying – or both at the same time.” There are temporal loops, baffling causality chains and the establishment of what will be a series-long plot about stabilising a “temporal loom” – whose explanation is so convoluted the characters may as well be repeatedly chanting the word “MacGuffin”. Compared to the first season’s simple thrills, it’s all a bit overcomplicated – a disappointing choice of direction, if predictable.
Less explicable is the decision to do away with the beating heart of season one – the surprisingly lovely romance between Loki and Sylvie. This time, they’re on very separate paths, with Di Martino’s character reinvented as a time-hopping assassin, while Hiddleston moves ever further from his character’s mischievous past to buddy up with Agent Mobius in a bid to fix the McTimeWotsit. This makes for more zingtastic back-and-forth between Hiddleston and Wilson, but it robs the show of emotional heft. And with Loki proving ever less of a bad cop to Mobius’s good cop, there’s less edge to that sparkling comic chemistry too.
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Nonetheless, the performances are as excellent as ever. Hiddleston is fantastic in every mode, from debonair to monstrous or ashen after a brutal insult from Sylvie. Di Martino is a bubbling pot of empathy, eyes constantly dewy with sadness, when she’s not spilling over into murderous rage. Wunmi Mosaku’s reprisal of her role as a TVA agent is ineffably intense – from taking down fugitives while wearing a tangerine ballgown to subjecting goofy colleagues to a Paddington-esque hard stare. And Owen Wilson is … Owen Wilson: a twinkle in the eye in human form.
When it spreads its wings, Loki’s second season manages to have plenty of fun. By episode two it feels like a time-travel thriller, with Loki and Mobius being shot into period-specific missions. There’s a retro spy caper in 70s London, our heroes suiting up like extras in Gangs of New York for a hot pursuit through 19th-century Chicago and an attempt to track down Sylvie in a 1980s McDonald’s in which romantic tension simmers over retro cash registers. The design is spectacular throughout, particularly the gloriously stylised TVA building in which every computer monitor looks like a microwave’s great grandparent, corridors are lined with tarnished aquamarine filing cabinets and even their IT guy (played by Everything Everywhere All at Once’s Ke Huy Quan) is dressed in a Ghostbusters-esque boiler suit that drips with vintage cool.
A few episodes in, things are settling into an enjoyable enough – if not tremendously exciting – groove. Then there is a gigantic cliffhanger that upends the narrative, wrongfoots the viewer and blows the show wide open. The final two instalments aren’t available for preview, so it is hard to say whether this will kickstart the show into scaling the heights of its first season. But either way, one thing is certain: this is easily the best Marvel TV series in years – for all that’s worth.
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I Can't Stop Writing Post-Season Ficlets
I have another one queued for tomorrow (though if you follow my AO3 account, you may have already seen it). Here's another one. Spoilers for episode 5 and a still from maybe episode 6 that I don't know the source of.
So basically I saw this photo and because I'm a fool and in utter denial about the implications of Sylvie's expression oh my god, I wrote this fic. (The fact that it looks like she's crying is really upsetting me, so I said "You know what? No, she's not.")
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Going Home
He watches Loki, a past Loki or a future Loki or maybe just a different Loki, speak to himself in these memories he doesn’t remember, in this time he hasn’t been part of for who knows how long. He hears Loki quote his own words back to him, watches the god help him through a temperamental, experimental Time Door, sees even from this distance the way Loki looks at him, like he holds all the answers when he can’t even remember Loki’s name. 
“Are you ready?” Sylvie asks.
No. Not even close. “What am I doing?” He whispers, voice raw as it scrapes against his throat, speaking more to himself than her. Loki couldn’t even bring himself to come with them, bidding Mobius goodbye at the TVA instead, muttering some lie about having too much to do there.
But it’s clear now, as Mobius watches their past or alternate selves stumble through a meeting there isn’t time for, but that Loki is clearly taking great care at trying to get right. He had been so angry with Loki earlier, when the god had declined taking him back to the timeline, instead asking Sylvie to escort him. He had felt like nothing, like some odious chore being pawned off onto someone else to take care of. But he sees now it was nothing like that.
Loki asked Sylvie to take him back, refused to accompany him, because he couldn’t, because he would not be able to say goodbye again. Loki respects Mobius’s choice to return to his time, but doesn’t trust himself to let Mobius go if he comes with. Because… because…
Mobius’s past self turns to look at OB’s past self, and Loki continues to watch him. Mobius thinks of Loki time-slipping into the War Room, yelling his name like just the sight of him will make everything better. He thinks of crash-landing into the TVA after Loki flew out of the time stream at the last possible second, the relief blossoming in his chest as Loki’s arms tightened around him. He thinks of Loki’s surprised smile in the automat when he suggested tricking Brad into giving up Sylvie’s location. He thinks of Loki turning to look at him as Timely descended the stairs, searching for him immediately in what must have been (he realized later) the moment Loki returned from the past. 
“This is where you belong,” Sylvie says gently, in answer to the question he scarcely remembers uttering. 
“He loves me, doesn’t he?” Mobius whispers, finally tearing his gaze away from the scene before them to look at Sylvie. 
She looks at him, eyes sympathetic. She nods, and says softly, “But this is your place.”
He shakes his head. “No,” he says, just as quietly. “It’s not. And it shouldn’t have taken me this long to figure it out.”
“Mobius–” She starts, but he pulls out his TemPad and programs in the TVA.
“Are you coming?” He asks her. She shakes her head, holding up her own TemPad.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’ll see you around.”
She watches him for a moment, and then she smiles. “You’re going to make him very happy, you know that?”
“I hope so.” Then he turns away from her and walks through the Time Door.
He walks into Analysis, but of course, Loki isn’t where he left him. B-15 looks up from a monitor and smiles with surprise.
“You’re back,” she says.
“I made a mistake.” He replies.
“I’ll say.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“OB saw him walking toward the automat a while ago.” She doesn’t have to ask him who he means, and he sees her smile widen.
“It’s that obvious, is it?” He asks. He’s been an idiot.
“Kind of, yeah,” she nods. “Go get him.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, taking off in the direction of the automat as fast as his legs can carry him.
He’s there, thank God, head in his hands and long legs splayed where he sits in the small, metal chair. His shoulders shake and it breaks Mobius’s heart, but the sight of him is gorgeous and perfect and he has no idea how he walked away from this man in the first place. His feet carry him forward, not even pausing in the doorway for a moment. 
When he’s a few feet away, Loki looks up, tears tracking their way down his cheeks and eyes awash with sorrow. They widen when he sees Mobius. 
“Mobius, you’re back. What are you–” Mobius doesn’t wait for him to finish his question, taking him into his arms and kissing him firmly. Loki melts against him with a whimper that makes Mobius ache. Mobius pulls him close, threading fingers into his raven hair, wiping away the tears that still fall from his closed eyes. 
At last, they pull away, Mobius gazing down at Loki, hands framing the god’s wet face. 
“I’m sorry,” Mobius says, hoarsely. “I’m sorry I left you. I don’t belong on the timeline. My place is here, with you. I want to be with you. I want to stay,” his voice cracks, then, and he feels the tears begin to fill his own eyes. “If that’s what you want and I haven’t completely misinterpreted everything, but I–”
“I love you.” Mobius says in a rush, before Loki can say anything else. And then, because it wasn’t nearly as difficult to say out loud as he’d expected it to be, he says it again. “I love you.”
Loki lets out a noise that sounds heartbreakingly like a sob and presses his face into Mobius’s chest. Mobius holds him, stroking his hair. “I’m sorry that for a moment there it seemed like I didn’t. I’ve never…. I’m not used to this, Loki. You’ve turned my life upside down, and I’m not talking about helping to cause the multiverse and conspiring to kill my boss.”
Loki snorts a laugh, which seems like a good sign, so Mobius goes on. “I thought I’d figured it out, but everything was happening so quickly. And then when we finally had a minute to breathe, you said I should go back to my past. And I’m not blaming you; I probably would have said the same thing, but I thought, okay, that makes sense. And I thought maybe what I had thought was happening wasn’t really, because I had no experience with anything like this so what would I know about falling in love? It’s not like OB put it in their guidebook or that workplace romance is a TVA-sanctioned training. 
“And then you wouldn’t even take me back to the timeline, and I completely misunderstood your reasons for that.” Loki pulls away then, looking into Mobius’s face. Mobius can’t seem to stop touching him, though, but that isn’t exactly new. He strokes Loki’s face, and Loki leans into his fingertips.
“I’m sorry.” Loki whispers. “I should have realized how that would look to you. I should have been able to go with you. Just the idea of watching you walk away from me was so painful I could think of nothing else.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Mobius murmurs, stroking his thumb across Loki’s cheek. “I understand now. 
“Sylvie took me back to the moment you took my past self with you, and I realized…. You were just so careful. You spoke to me so gently and helped me through the Time Door.”
Loki startles him by letting out a huff of laughter. “I learned that from you,” Loki tells him. “You’ve treated me like that from the moment we met.” He looks down at Mobius’s hands, still framing his face affectionately, then back up into Mobius’s eyes. He smiles, and Mobius returns it.
“You couldn’t stop looking at me.” Mobius says. Loki’s green eyes, still wet with unshed tears, sparkle with mischief. 
“I learned that from you, too.”
Mobius’s smile widens. “Well, maybe that’s why I knew what I was looking at when I saw it.”
Loki kisses him. “I love you, too,” he says. “Did I say that already?”
“I think you were too busy reacting to my saying it, but I appreciate you saying it now.” 
“You’re staying? Really?” Loki keeps his tone casual, but his face pinches slightly with worry, and it makes Mobius ache. Both intentionally and not, he’s caused this fear of loneliness in Loki. He will work the rest of his life to assuage it. Loki is worth it. 
“Yes,” Mobius says. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
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jupitermelichios · 9 months
rejected riverdale fic ideas
sam and dean winchester hear about the gargoyle king and assume he must be supernatural and spend three weeks chasing a sentient teleporting pile of sticks around the woods before figuring out it's not actually teleporting there's just like 6 different people all concurrently wearing the costume and murdering people
the teen wolf gang take a vacation in riverdale and get trapped in the town's temporal vortex (personally I like to think of it as the timehole but many disagree) and have to figure out how to escape
chose your own adventure fic where you have to stop archie from becoming aware that he's in a fictional narrative and going on a murder spree (again)
jughead jones makes a deal with bill cipher and unleashes weirdmageddon and the gang have to defeat him
the gang discover FP made a deal with bill cipher and unleashed weirdmageddon years ago and that's why riverdale is Like That. no one defeats him, they figure out the mystery and then just go on with their lives because they're all used to it
betty cooper and hannibal lecter team up to fight the trashbag killer
instead of going to hell when he dies, dean winchester accidentally takes a wrong turn and ends up in the great big diner in the sky, riverdale's canonical afterlife, and cas has to figure out how to get him back before someone notices that he lost the michael sword
the same except it happens instead of going to purgatory rather than hell, and benny is the new line cook at pops. he's still a vampire. this is never explained.
instead of whitby, dracula lands in riverdale and the gang have to stop him lucy westernra-ing cheryl
betty the vampire slayer
a tokyo ghoul fusion where it's revealed that half the cast are man-eating monsters disguised as humans. surprisingly little changes except that they resolve the farm plotline by eating edgar evernever.
cheryl's parents are revealled to be hydra agents and they try to use the winter soldier to assassinate hiram lodge but the power of friendship and milkshakes restores bucky's memories
mystery inc investigate the gargoyle king and reveal him to be clifford blossom after a series of light-hearted slapstick chase scenes. the riverdale gang are fully aware that mystery inc are opperating on cartoon logic, and are deeply disturbed by this
instead of washington, warlock's parents move to riverdale, and aziraphale and crowly have to live there while they co-parent the antichrist. (they both notice that tabith is an angel but assume she is aware of this and are much too polite to mention it to her)
cheryl blossom joins the x-men
cheryl blossom joins the brotherhood of evil mutants
toni topaz is given the outsider's mark after empress cheryl is murdered and must rescue britta from the loyalist conspiracy
betty is recruited to the beareau of control
the doctor visits riverdale and reveals that it's actually one of the time war battlefields, hence the timehole, and the gang are all daleks, except reggie, who is a timelord
Cheryl's russian spy parents open a gateway to the upsidedown in the palladium mines under riverdale and unleash a demogorgon on the town
archie is superman and veronica is lex luthor and riverdale is smallville
the entire show is revealed to be evelyn evernever's dream, and also evelyn is confirmed to exst in the tommy westphall universe
what if riverdale but a harem anime
archie is bella swan and veronica and betty are edward and jacob.(jughead is alice. obviously).
stranger things except instead of the upsidedown the dimensional gateways open onto rivervale
just the show loki except instead of the junkyard people the tva pruned go to riverdale. richard e grant loki becomes the new principle at the high school
after archie becomes aware that he's in a fictional narrative, he gains the ability to enter the white space between comics pannels and joins the x-statix
jughead is revealed to be entirely in archie's head, ala fight club
inception fusion where archie and the gang have to go inside hiram's mind to convince him not to bulldoze riverdale to make way for more paladium mines
dilton doily moves to nightvale to work with carlos the scientist and finds to surprisingly peaceful
regency au where alice cooper has to find respectable husbands for betty polly and ethel before anyone finds out about her husband being a serial killer and they become socially ruined
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itismissswann · 9 months
@conjurerandking || Continued from here
Watching James get ripped away, Loki felt the reality of all of this set in. And just how attached he had become to the people he had met along this journey. If he could even call it that. It was a selfish attempt to stay alive and stay hidden from the TVA, but not a single one showed up, no one plucked him out of this timeline. What kind of sick game was this, really? 
He couldn’t think about it for too long, another tentacle barreled between himself and Elizabeth momentarily before ripping yet another random crew member overboard. 
“We have to try!” He joined her side once again, his blade slicing through a smaller appendage that the Kraken was feeling around with that got dangerously close to grabbing her. He quickly pulled her close to him, “Don’t leave my side, you’ll make it out alive.” He told her before urging her to the starboard side, a rough ocean and monster awaited. But hopefully they could blend in with the rest of the debris crashing into the endless sea below. For a moment, he tensed when he saw a distant life boat bobbing up and down in the surf, already a considerable distance out. His blood boiled, and he held onto Elizabeth a bit tighter. 
“Jump!” He shouted just as heavier cargo fell past them and into the water below. Holding her hand, he followed, falling into the dark blue sea beneath them. 
It was hard to comprehend that even in this life threatening situation, Loki's movements were still so effortless and elegant. Then it dawned on her, she was staring at him, glad that he had been too occupied to even notice the way her eyes had studied his every move. "I wont" Elizabeth whispered as they stood on the edge of the ship, watching the horizon apprehensively. The waves broke around the ship and debris, their foam crests becoming chaotic lace over the grayish blue. And then, they jumped. The waves had pulled her under several times, her legs tired and struggling to bring her back toward the surface. Desperately, she was trying to hold on to Loki's hand, but eventually they got separated. Under water there were no more screams and sounds of destruction anymore. With effort she broke the surface again, gulping at the humid air and then with barely a splash she was under again. This time she sank faster,the current to strong, and the panic had her heart hammering against her ribs. When she could no longer hold her breath the cold water rushed in, all illusions of surviving were gone. Soon the oxygen deprivation took away her thoughts. The touch of sand underneath her fingers, made her gain consciousness again. A breathtaking sunset greeted her. Was she dead? No black ship decorated the blue sea. The agonizing screams replaced by the rhythmic sounds of waves. The view was breathtaking and for a moment she thought she was dreaming. "Loki?" She spoke quietly. Horror crossed her features when she though about the most horrible outcome. When she managed to draw her attention away from the pink blossomed clouds, his face aglow in the gentle orange rays of the setting sun, relief brought a smile to her lips. Immediately she got on her feet and rushed towards him, eagerly sliding into an embrace. 'I almost thought I lost you too' her words barely more than a whisper. In that embrace, for a moment, she felt her worries loose their keen sting. Her arms enveloping him with a force that bordered on discomfort. “Are there more survivors?” Elizabeth asked when she finally pulled away. The warmth faded and she almost regretted that she had ended the hug so soon.
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cartoonbudartz · 3 months
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Road trip gone wrong
Inspired by @lune-redd’s powerpuff girls AU! Thought this would be fun for a gag.
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lune-redd · 2 months
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Updated lineup for Townsville Alternative's versions of the Powerpuff Girls
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˗ˏˋ 𝓐𝓼𝓴 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓟𝓟𝓖𝓼 & 𝓒𝓸.ˎˊ˗
Characters available:
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I'll add more characters in the future, these are the starting selection.
Please specify which versions of the characters (teen or adult) you're asking your question to, the answer may depend on the version you're asking
(P.S. Beauty isn't available because she isn't able to speak yet. If you'd like to ask questions about her, please forward your questions to other members of the Believe family (i.e. Bubbles, Berry))
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charbear177 · 1 year
Here’s What You Need To Watch In March
The great thing about streaming services is that there are endless options for movies and shows to watch. Whatever your mood, you have options. You want romantic, they got it. High drama, no problem. And of course, the dark and mysterious or chills and thrills are always an option.
Most of the shows on this list can be found on Netflix, but Apple TV, Hulu, and Amazon also have some great offerings. Here are my viewing picks for March.
Truth Be Told - Apple TV
A true-crime podcaster tries to solve the mystery surrounding a family patriarch's death. - IMBD
Starring Octavia Spencer, each season follows podcaster Poppy as she tries to solve a new mystery. There are currently three seasons of Truth Be Told available on Apple TV.
I have really been enjoying this show. Poppy is a meddler but aren’t all fictional mystery solvers?
You - Netflix
A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by. - IMDB
Crazy Joe is back and as usual, he cannot seem to stay away from murders. All four seasons of You are available on Netflix. If you enjoy sexy, dark suspense you will not be disappointed.
Firefly Lane - Netflix
Tully and Kate support each other through good times and bad with an unbreakable bond that carries them from their teens to their forties. - IMDB
These two besties are complete opposites but have a wonderful sisterhood. Season two is now available on Netflix.
Jack Ryan - Amazon
Up-and-coming CIA analyst, Jack Ryan, is thrust into dangerous field assignments. - IMDB
Whether it’s Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin, or John Krasinski, I love the Jack Ryan character. Amazon’s Jack Ryan series now has three seasons
This is a great, action-packed show, filled with nail-biting moments, and suspicions of everyone. I highly recommend it if you enjoy espionage-type drama.
Accused - Fox/Hulu
Chronicles ordinary people getting caught up in extraordinary situations, where one wrong turn leads to another until it's too late to turn back. - IMDB
Anthologies are great. Accused in particular, is unique because each episode starts off with the main character already in custody and facing a trial. The episode shows you how they got there and boy are there some twists and turns. The episodes do not wrap up nice and tidy but instead leave you wanting to know more, and asking, “what happened next?”
Will Trent ABC/Hulu
Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest clearance rate. - IMDB
Based on a book series, Will Trent is my new favorite show. Will is quirky, but still very likable, and kind of sexy. The character is very intriguing and so are his relationships with his on-again-off-again girlfriend and his new partner.
Somewhat procedural but it is worth a watch.
Dead To Me - Netflix
A series about a powerful friendship that blossoms between a tightly wound widow and a free spirit with a shocking secret. - IMDB
The Final Season of Dead To Mean premiered a few months ago but it is such a fun, dark, and touching show, I had to plug it. Christina Applegate and Linda Carellini are great together and represent an amazing display of friendship and sisterhood.
There are always so many viewing choices when it comes to network television and streaming services but I am here to help you narrow down your search for quality television watching. Enjoy!
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il-predestinato · 2 years
Ah yes, VER and MSC with the unexpected Benetton 1-2:
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Time traveller Charles Leclerc better not step on a butterfly’s wing...
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simplystevies · 3 years
oh no! I don’t remember exactly what i sent in but I know it was loki and i think tva!reader idk it was definitely loki tho???? probably something with a mix of fluffy and smutty? any thing you remember from it work be fine
I hate when I accidentally delete my stuff so don’t worry about it if you can’t remember (Bc I also can’t with scatter brain)
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pairings || loki laufeyson x servant!f!reader
summary || you loved loki all your life, why does he seem to, only now, care about you?
warnings || 18+ minors dni, public sex, unprotected sex, sir kink, breeding kink, slight angst, oblivious mutual pining, pet names (princess, my love), lots of fluff, loki puts his hand over readers mouth, loki has a big cock.
note || yes i am using this ask, yes i am stupid for deleting the fic, yes i am in love with zee, yes i created this with her kinks in mind, yes i cried when i deleted the other fic, who says im not doing well? I HOPE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED, IM REALLY PROUD OF IT!
wc || 3k
you grew up around the allfather and his two sons, your mother was a servant for odin so you three were kept tight together most days. as you grew up, your mother started to distance you from the boys, confused why you asked, “but mother, they are my friends!”
“you are growing, my little love, you need to focus on yourself, you can see the boys on the weekends.” your mother was right, as always, you were growing. you were gaining curves, your chest had grown, you felt moody.
most days you didn’t even want to leave your bed. you always did when you heard the loud roar of loki’s screaming voice from outside. each morning loki would come and wake you up so you two could sit in the garden reading books.
you had grown to like— love loki, he was a nice man to you. he appreciated you and the time you two had together while you had it. thor on the other hand, you felt he lived in the moment.
loki lived for tomorrow, he went to bed at night thinking of what he would get up to the next day, thor went to be thinking how he fulfilled what needed to be done and that he was ready to go then and there.
you and loki had a simple relationship, sitting in the quietest spot of the garden as you two read a book, some days you would watch the children playing in the grass.
that all changed when you became loki’s servant. he was asked by his father to hire one himself, so he chose you to spend more time with you. to say you weren’t excited would’ve been a lie.
you got to be around loki almost all day and night, you could sleep in his bed if he needed you to. your little girl crush was blossoming into so much more.
some days loki would just ask you to spend time with him, taking a day off meant loki wanted to be around you, not have you washing his laundry.
those days meant sitting in the garden and enjoying the presence of each other as you read. with the amount you two read together, you were surprised there were still books to read.
you knew loki loved you, but you also knew he didn’t love you the way you loved him. you could see it in his eyes, the way they brightened at the sight of someone else.
her name was sylvie, she wasn’t royalty, but she definitely wasn’t help either. she was sweet, she was loveable and kind. that only made you hate her more. the way she smiled around loki.
it made your stomach turn in knots. you could tell she was in love with him, because you smiled like that too. you wanted her to feel how you feel, to be envious of you.
you didn’t quite understand your feelings for loki until you were a teenager, you just knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. of course, just because you had feelings for loki didn’t mean you were completely devoted to him.
you realised that your body was something of lust, men wanted you for your body and you were sure as hell going to give it to them. sometimes you even used a few men for a quick orgasm.
they wanted it too, so you didn’t see an issue with the situation. if you both wanted it, then there was no problem. the only problem you ever faced was making it out of a house quietly before everyone woke up.
loki knew of you relations with random men, often helping you pick a few out. this only made you believe that he didn’t feel the same for you at all, because he was so okay with you being with someone else.
sometimes loki would joke and say “well just do me.”, but you never accepted even though your heart screamed at you to. you knew he was joking by his loud laugh after he said it.
working for loki was usually a breeze, he would help you while you cleaned and help you with his laundry, he left barely any work for you, feeling like he would be taking advantage of you.
“loki, let me do it.. c’mon it’s my job.” you huffed, grabbing his bed sheets from him. “it’s only your job because i gave it to you.” he protested, fixing the pillows.
you sent him a glare before finishing the bed, waiting for him to finish the pillows before doing them yourself. loki sighed and picked one of the pillows up, throwing it at you.
“you are just giving me more work!” you groaned. loki smiled and walked out of his room, clearly waiting for you to walk with him. once you were finished you fixed yourself before rushing out to him.
loki smiled as he saw you, walking with you towards the front of the castle. “where will we be heading?” you asked, putting your hands behind your back. loki scoffed at your curiosity.
“only to the gardens, of course, as we usually do after work.” loki said, leading you to library. “but, i still have a few more hours, i have to wash the clothes and—“ loki stopped you by turning in front of you.
he looked you up and down, with a look you couldn’t figure out. “i said, as we usually do after work, meaning, you are free for the day.” loki said, cocking his head to the library.
you sighed and walked in with him, knowing there was no way to get out of this. you two picked out a book each, walking to the garden. you two sat in the perfectly green grass.
your head was on loki’s shoulder as you two read through the books. loki looked up from his book, looking over at the children running around. “i would love a family, of my own.”
you looked up at him confused. “you have a family, loki, your brother? your father? your mother?” you sat up slightly. loki chuckled and shook his head. “have they not told you? i was adopted.” he said.
you pouted and looked into his eyes. “i’m sorry loki, i didn’t know.” you whispered, giving him a sympathetic look. loki shook his head and watched the children. “it’s fine, honestly.”
he gave you a wide smile before shrugging. “i want a family, with a woman, like you maybe.. with two children, a boy and a little princess, that i would spoil.” you zoned out completely.
he said he wanted a family.. with a woman like you. you didn’t hear anything he said after that, you were too busy being completely love drunk.
loki continued speaking about his dream family, while you were hopelessly falling in love with him more and more, nodding occasionally. you loved it when loki spoke about what he loved.
loki eventually stopped talking, looking at you like he asked a question. “sorry, i completely zoned out, could you repeat yourself please?” you asked, leaving over his lap. “would you like a family?”
you smiled slightly, biting you lip. “yeah i’d love one, especially with a guy like you.” you nodded. loki seemed disappointed, looking down slightly. “what?” you asked, sitting up.
“you have feelings for thor, don’t you?” he asked. you looked at him confused, shaking your head. “what? where did you get that from?” you asked. loki shrugged and bit his lip.
“you always hang out with me, but when you’re with thor you’re completely different and quieter and you always blow me off when i ask to hook up.” he explained. your mouth hung open in surprise.
he was asking you to hook up. he was jealous of thor. he liked you. you gulped. “i don’t really have feelings for anyone, especially not thor.” you said, going back to your book.
“will you go to the ball?” loki blurted. your head snapped up to him. “what? as your partner?” you asked, shock laced in your face. “no, i’m taking sylvie but.. i want you to be there.”
your heart broke as you nodded, chewing on your lip. “i have to go home.. to get ready.” you said, putting the book in loki’s lap and walking away. loki watched you confused, you never left like that.
you always walked back to the library with him, you never left your book with him. he brushed it off, getting up and going to the library by himself to put the books back. it felt weird.
as loki was getting ready, the room felt empty, your loud laugh wasn’t there, your small commentary on what he wore wasn’t either. you weren’t there. he felt lost without you, like a piece of him was missing.
he got up from the chair, walking to his room. he peaked out, hoping to see you, but instead he found sylvie smiling widely. “oh! hi! i was about to knock.” loki prayed his disappointment wasn’t shown on his face.
he gave her a flat smile before nodding. “shall we go then?” he asked, sticking out his arm. sylvie smiled and took his hand, walking with him to the ball.
loki searched for you, looking through every crevice of the area for your sweet smile and beautiful voice. he couldn’t find you, which made him more and more nervous that he did something.
eventually, fandral showed up with a massive smile on his face. loki watched him closely, waiting for anything to happen for some reason. then, a hand slid around his arm. he knew.
he knew by the painted fingernails, the bracelet around her wrist, how the dress sat on her shoulders, how it fell under her knees, how the necklace around her neck was shining in the light.
how the colour of her lipstick made her lips look more kissable, the colour of her blush complimented her eyes, the colour of her eyeshadow brought his eyes to hers.
she was you. she was the perfect definition of you. you were standing next— clung to fandral. loki wanted to walk over and strangle him, taking his anger out on the glass in his hand. he squeezed and squeezed.
a loud smash was heard and loki’s hand almost immediately turned red from his blood. “oh my gosh! loki, your hand!” sylvie panicked, grabbing a napkin and covering his hand.
he didn’t care. you were looking at him, that’s all he cared about. your eyes were glued to his as fandral ranted to you. loki felt his hand being cleaned up, as well as the glass around him.
the only person that mattered to him was you. the entire room went dark as you two started to float into the darkness. you walked over to him slowly, placing your hand on his shoulder.
you looked between his eyes and his lips before leaning up and placing your lips against his. “loki!” sylvie shook him. he snapped out of his day dream, looking down at his hand being wrapped up.
“you were out of it for a bit, are you feeling unwell?” sylvie asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. he looked over at you, you were gone. you weren’t standing there looking at him anymore.
loki nodded and looked back down at his hand that was now fully bandaged. “i’m going to.. i’m going to go out and get some fresh air, i’ll return soon.” he mumbled, backing away from everything.
he walked to the entrance, looking back down and instantly making eye contact with you. he clenched his jaw. you were watching him and he knew. he nodded slightly before leaving the crowded ballroom.
you sighed as you looked back at fandral. “fandral, i need to go out for a breath, could you excuse me?” you asked. fandral nodded, kissing your cheek before letting go of your waist.
almost instantly, he attached himself to another woman. you should’ve felt bad, but you felt a sense of relief as you walked out to loki. he was standing in the moonlight, leaning on the balcony balustrade.
they used to be white, now they were slightly stained a light beige. loki turned around, his eyes widened for a quick second but you caught them. “you look— hi.” loki smiled.
you gave him a small smile as you rubbed your arm. “if i said something earlier—“ he started, putting his hand out. “no, no you didn’t i’m okay, you just.. it was me.” you said, trying not to tell him about your feelings.
loki gave you a warm smile, something that was rare from him. “i missed you, when i was getting ready, it was boring without that and— and i realised something.” he spoke.
you looked at him confused before he walked over to you. he took your hand, putting it on his shoulder. you were even more confused now. he leaned in slowly, placing his soft lips against yours.
the kiss was soft, slow and passionate. loki’s hand moved to your cheek, pulling away to look for any sign to stop. you have him none, so he leaned in and kissed you again.
you sighed into the kiss, putting your other hand on the side of his neck. “loki..” you whispered as you pulled away. loki shook his head and put his forehead against yours. “i realised i’m in love with you,”
you bit your lip and looked into his eyes. “i have been in love with you ever since we met, i love you, y/n.” he finished. you smiled and kissed him again, feeling like you were in heaven.
before he knew it, loki was back in the same place of darkness with you lighting it up, your lips on his and he was the happiest he ever was. he was brought back to reality by you pulling away.
loki shook his head and lifted you up by the back of your thighs, walking you to the balustrade, placing you on top of it. loki kissed down you neck, pulling the straps of you dress off you arms, pulling the dress down slowly.
“fuck.. where’s your bra baby? hm?” he asked, his lips connecting with your left nipple. you threw your head back, moaning slightly as you shut your eyes. loki smirked as he moved to the other.
his teeth rolled against your nipple before he licked around it. you squeezed your legs around his waist. “loki, we are in public, someone could see us.” you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“call me sir, princess, i need to hear you say it.” he whispered, his lips attaching to your chest. you nodded and pulled on his long black hair. “yes sir, need you inside of me.. please.”
loki groaned at how needy you sounded, how you begged for him. it made him weak. who was he to deny you something you both wanted? he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants.
you both looked down at his underwear, watching his hard cock spring out. “oh fuck sir.. you’re going to rip me apart.” you gushed. loki smirked, his hands moving to your back to keep you propped up.
your hands were gripping his shoulders, waiting for him patiently. loki moved one of his hands down your chest, moving it to your thighs before up to your dripping cunt. he laced his fingers around the string of your thong.
“a thong? for fandral?” he teased, pulling it down roughly. you gasped, pulling him into your body. “oh, look, speak of the devil, hm?” loki looked over the ledge to see fandral chatting with some women.
you blushed and looked over with him. it was a long drop, one you were not willing to take. loki moved the thong over the ledge, giving you a wide smirk. “loki, no!” you gasped as he dropped it.
loki chuckled and lifted you from the balustrade, bringing you to the other side. “we don’t want them to suspect us, now do we?” he teased, pushing into you almost immediately after the sentence.
you moaned out, throwing your head back as your hand pulled loki in to your chest. the two of you sat in silence, your small gasps and the wind blowing was the only thing being heard.
loki moved his hips slowly, making sure you were okay with everything. “f-faster, sir.” you begged, pushing your head into his shoulder. loki obliged with your command and started to thrust harder.
“w-we need to hurry.. sir, people would be— they would look for you.” you moaned, only making loki chuckle. “the only one looking for me would be sylvie, but she doesn’t matter, you’re all that matters.”
your cheeks grew hot as your mouth gaped, loki had bottomed out, effortlessly hitting every spot where you needed him the most. you wanted to scream but you knew you two would get caught and probably banished from the planet.
loki’s hand covered your mouth, allowing you to moan into his hand. your eyes rolled to the back of you head as loki continuously thrusted into you at a rough and quick pace.
“so desperate for you, i need to— i need to bury myself inside of you.” loki whimpered, his head resting on your neck. the moment felt so right, your hands pulled him in closer, begging for more.
loki provided, his hand going down and rubbing your clit roughly. your legs began to shake as you felt your orgasm coming on. “sir.. sir!” you cried out, making his hand press on your mouth harder
“shh, i know, i know my love, i know.” he cooed, rubbing your head as he quickened his thrusts. “fuck!” you squealed, throwing your head back as you came against his hips.
loki nodded, slowly thrusting his way to his own orgasm, thrusting it inside of you. once you two calmed down, loki placed his forehead against yours, making you smile.
“loki! loki! where are you?” sylvie’s voice sounded from the door. loki groaned and pulled away, pulling his underwear and pants up before looking back at you.
“i love you, please, come to my chambers after the ball, i shall see you then, my love.” loki said, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. you bit your lip and nodded, watching as he walked away.
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bxckybarness · 3 years
What I Missed - Loki Laufeyson
summary: while in custody at the TVA, loki realizes what he misses from the future, only to be surprised by what he gets in the present
word count: 2100+
warnings: a little angsty, a little emotional, mention of loki’s death, episode 1 spoilers
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Today was certainly not Loki’s day.
Over the course of a few hours (or more, or less, this is the TVA, afterall) he had been in the custody of the Avengers, had happened upon the Tesseract and escaped from New York. It seemed too good to be true, and it was. Just when he thought he had truly outsmarted the Earthly heroes again, he was imprisoned and taken again.
Now here he was, under the supervision of the Time Variance Authority and one, Mobius, a bizarre administrator in charge of tracking down the most dangerous of variants. It all seemed like madness to Loki. He was used to silly games and grandiose tricks but this story of timelines and space lizards seemed beyond even his own trickery. It seemed downright absurd. And annoying.
He had been subject to what he would call an interrogation. Mobius, however, called it a simple conversation. A slideshow of his life, his “greatest hits” as Mobius had called it and a relentless fire of questions, the memory of which continued to burn in his memory:
Should you return, what are you going to do?
King of Midgard? Then what, happily ever after?
King of Space?
Why does someone with so much capability just want to rule?
Do you enjoy hurting people?
That one had burned most of all. Did he enjoy hurting people? Hardly. And it was upsetting to him that anyone would think that. But he also understood what he appeared to be to every other living creature. He had just relived the moment in which he killed that daft agent and his mother. His mother. He refused to believe he was at fault for that. Frigga was the only person who truly saw him and whom Loki cared for deeply. But it seemed so clear in the moving picture, he had led them right to her.
It was in that moment, with tears and rage in his eyes, he knew he needed to get out of the disastrous time circus. He no longer cared to be a monkey in this ring. If he could find the tesseract, he could escape and be free once again.
That plan had gone almost perfectly. The only thing that went wrong - there is no magic in the TVA. No matter how many times he held the tesseract in his hands, wishing it to take him back to Midgard or Asgard, he was met with nothing but the bland walls in this TVA Time Theater. There was no hope in escaping.
Feeling exhausted, Loki slowly moves toward the table in the center of the room. He sits down and admires the machine in front of him. As grim as the stories it held could be, it was still quite fascinating that it could replay the highlights from his life - in a weird way, at least. He reaches out and turns the knob, searching for the moment his mother dies. He finds it and watches in silence for a while, tears beginning to fall down his face.
He turns the knob again.
He sees a future version of himself sitting next to his father and Thor. He watches as his father declares his love for his sons. Sons, plural. Both Thor and him. A small smile graces Loki’s face before Odin disappears, leaving the two men behind. Loki holds back a sob as tears continue to flood from his eyes. His father did love him, did see purpose for him. He wasn’t just the mischievous son. He’s sad that it took this long to understand that, and sad that he never got to experience this himself, even if a future version of him did.
Another turn of the knob.
This scene immediately feels different. He sees a garden, full of life, beautiful flowers blooming in every direction. He sees himself, sitting under a tree smiling next to a young woman. As the scene progresses he realizes this version of him is smiling at you. He lets out a small gasp when he watches the pair share a kiss and wipes the quickly falling tears from his cheeks. He had always loved you, but had never gotten the chance to tell you. The two of you had met through Thor, when he brought both you and Jane to Asgard. He had taken to you quickly, enjoying your similar sarcasm and humor - something that was scarce within his home realm. You, like his mother, had always seen the good in him and had understood his struggle. It was something he would never understand, you being of Midgard. You knew what he had done and had been there to see the destruction, but still saw him not as the God of Mischief or Earth Enemy #1, only Loki. He aches for the fact that he never got to feel the happiness his future self did, especially when it was happiness with you.
Turn the knob.
Loki and Thor stand in a room together. Loki lets out a small laugh in the midst of his tears, wondering how his oaf of a brother managed to lose an eye. Maybe a dumb bet between the two of them, maybe there was a battle amongst the nine realms. He’s quickly pulled from his thoughts as he hears Thor speak.
“Maybe you’re not so bad after all, brother.”
“Maybe not,” the future Loki responds.
“Thank you,” Thor replies, “If you were here, I might even give you a hug.”
“I’m here.”
Loki smiles and nods to himself. From where he’s sitting now, it’s a wonder that he and his brother ever made up. He realizes now that the fighting and the sibling rivalry may have all been in his head. He, again, curses himself for leaving New York and allowing himself to miss these moments that he’s been waiting his whole life for.
He and you lay in a room, seemingly on the same ship as the previous scene. You lay snug against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. You hum softly before speaking up.
“I love you, you know.”
By the look on both of your faces, it’s the first time this has been said out loud. There’s nervous tension in the room, Loki can feel it through this screen. He somehow knows the words his future self is going to say before he hears them.
“I love you too, darling. You bring out the best in me.”
You snuggle closer to him, if that’s even possible, and there’s a comfortable silence for a few seconds. Loki takes a moment to admire this picture. It was something he had wanted since he had first met you on Asgard. You had stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed in your casual Midgardian clothes. He couldn’t have missed you even if he tried, nobody could have. And boy was he glad about that now.
“Promise me something,” he watches himself say.
“Anything,” you whisper. “Anything for you, Loki.”
“Promise me, no matter what, you’ll always help me see the good in myself. I’ve too long suffered at the hands of those who desperately wish for me to see the bad.”
You let out a laugh and the Loki stuck in time laughs with you, “Oh, Loki. I wish you could see yourself as I see you. But I promise.”
“Thank you, my love.”
“You, Loki, may be a God, but you will always just be the man I fell in love with. The good, kind, and honorable man I call mine.”
Turn, again.
Loki sees himself kneeling and before he can question why, he watches as his future self moves to attack someone in front of him. When Loki realizes it's Thanos, he’s quickly on his feet, moving closer to the screen. The tears are gone now, and a silent rage burns behind his eyes. There was nothing from Loki but hate for the purple titan. He watches in horror as Thanos picks Loki up from the floor, a death grip on his neck. Loki wonders to himself how he would get himself out of this scenario had he been there. He assumes an illusion would do the trick. However, he notices your distraught figure behind the mad titan. He can hear your screams as you kneel next to Thor, who is imprisoned in cuffs. He hears you call out to him and he knows this will not end well. His suspicions are right when he watches his death. A shocked gasp comes from his throat as the tape in front of him runs out, nothing left to show.
Loki quickly sits back down and closes his eyes, trying his hardest to process the vision he saw. To one version of him, these would have been experiences and now memories. To him, though, these were all subtle tastes of a life he lost. He lost a touching moment with his father and a long awaited declaration of love from him. He lost the reconciliation with his brother and the confession that they had been more partners than rivals. Even though to him it had not yet happened, he missed it all, and it upset him deeply.
What hurt Loki the most was the idea that he lost his chance to feel his love reciprocated. Loki had never had much luck with romance. He was often seen as the sly younger brother and was usually too occupied to try and compete with Thor for the maidens at court. When he met you, he thought he had a chance. You were the first woman who saw him as his own person and not just as Thor’s brother. The relationship between the two of you had blossomed quickly and he found himself always sneaking away from his princely duties to see you. He had shown you his favorite places in Asgard and had opened up to you in ways he had never done before. He loved you and wanted you to be his. His one regret was not initiating a relationship before you had left for Midgard. And he thought his chances had been ruined by his actions in New York. Oh, how wrong he was.
Before Loki can dwell on his future more, Mobius comes bursting into the room.
“Ah Loki, glad you made your way back here. I have something for you,” he says.
“If this is another one of your tricks, I’m not currently in the mood,” Loki responds coolly.
“Just trust me on this one.”
Mobius shouts over his shoulder for someone to “bring her in.” Loki eyes the guards who walk in suspiciously until he notices who they bring with them. He can hardly believe his eyes. The gods in all the realms must be smiling down on him today, after all, because there you stand. He takes in your hideous red and white space suit, emblazoned with the Avengers logo, and he’s at least thankful he missed whatever battle this suit was required for.
He quickly stands and rushes over to you, a smile quickly gracing his face. You meet his gaze with a smile that is just as big and tears begin to flow from your eyes.
“Loki,’ you start. “Is that really you?”
He nods and speaks, although his words are barely audible, “It’s me, my love.”
“God, I thought I lost you forever. That’s why I went back in time to find you.”
Loki nods, now, unable to believe what he’s hearing, “You went back to find me?”
“Yes, but look what good that did me,” you say with a smirk. Loki’s heart pulls and he feels he could fall over right there. Norns, he missed you and your witty humor.
“Well,” he says, reciprocating your sly attitude, “You found me did you not? I might not be the same Loki as you knew, but I am still Loki.”
“The good, kind, and honorable Loki that I call mine.”
Loki smiles and you move forward to give him a hug. You’re cautious, though, because you aren’t exactly sure what part of the timeline this Loki came from. Maybe you had already been dating, maybe not. That was something to figure out another time though.
“Alright then,” Mobius says from behind you, “Let’s get you two caught up on what you missed with each other.”
Today was certainly not Loki’s day. And he had cursed all that was good that he had ended up at the TVA, taken from the life he knew. But now? He didn’t mind. He knew the relationships that were broken with his brother and father had been mended, he knew that one version of him had sacrificed himself for good and he had you, not only in memory but in the flesh. And sure, you had lots to rediscover within your relationship, but you would do that together.
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