#bnha bakugou Katsuki
sugarlywhispers · 5 months
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smashboxgirl26 · 1 year
i crumble completely when you cry
ph! katsuki bakugou x fem! reader summary: this wasn't the way it was supposed to happen, but sometimes mistakes yield the best results contains: proposal!! (for @/pityslash <33), kinda ooc soft bakugou but im blaming it on him getting a concussion, mentions of injury, lots of fluff hehe word count: 1.8k words masterlist
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Katsuki awoke to a darkened room with white, tiled speckled ceiling cut into rectangles and an IV in his arm; you were sleeping in the plastic chair at his bedside, head leaning against the wall and your mouth slightly open. It was probably about two or three in the morning, judging by the dimmed light coming from the hospital hallway.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He shifted around slightly under the thin sheets, grunting as he tried to move his (apparently broken) right arm to fit in the pocket of his hero costume. A sigh of relief pushed past his lips when he felt the little velvet box still stashed away, thankfully left untouched.
And god– fuck did his head hurt… but this wasn’t how the night was supposed to go.
You were still dressed up — makeup and all, heels sitting next to you on the floor, the pretty black satin dress he watched you show off before you both left for dinner: now bunched up in your lap between your palms as you slept. 
You were definitely going to complain about the crook in your neck when you woke up from the way your head was angled against the wall. You should’ve just gone home and slept properly in bed: but he knew arguing with you would’ve been fruitless — you’d refuse to leave his side like you always did. 
Katsuki let out a small huff as he stared back up at the darkened ceiling.
This was supposed to be your anniversary. He had it all planned out: flowers, dinner, taking a walk through the park near the apartment to get ice cream, proposing in the little ramada he’d gotten Hanta and Eijirou to decorate with fairy lights and flowers. His mother’s old engagement ring was what he’d nervously tucked away into his suit pocket earlier that evening; she’d given it to him the first time you met her — as if she just knew the outcome of your relationship. 
And yet, not even halfway through dinner he’d gotten a call about a villain spiraling out of control. 
He knew his apology was lacking when he pushed himself up from the table, telling you he’d be back as fast as he possibly could; and he could tell how disappointed you were at the fact he was leaving despite how you playfully urged him to hurry before you ate all the dessert without him.
He’d slipped the ring in his costume pocket thinking he would make it back in time for your walk in the park — but that went out the window the second he was caught off guard and blasted through an apartment building.
You shifted slightly, against your spot on the wall. Katsuki almost thought it was because he was thinking too loud.
Your eyes opened after a moment or two, and blinked once or twice at him before realizing his eyes were also open.
“You’re awake?” you asked groggily, scrubbing your eyes before pulling yourself up from the chair. “Let me go get the nurse–”
“S’fine,” he stopped you before you could get out the door, lifting his head off the pillow because he knew you would come over and scold him for it.
Shit he felt dizzy.
“Don’t move right now,” you chastised him — immediately abandoning your mission to rush back to his side and help him lay his head back down on the pillow. “Is that comfortable?”
“Yea,” he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. “Don’ get the nurse yet… I don’ really want more fuckin’ needles in my arm right now.”
“...fine.” You pressed your lips together, concealing the lecture he knew you wanted to spew: him never being careful when he promised he would be being main point among those you wanted to address — yet you pulled the hard, plastic chair you were sitting in up to the bed and leaned against the mattress.
“...do you feel dizzy?”
“You got a concussion from your fall,” you turned your head to look towards the side, and he couldn’t see your expression anymore in the dimmed light from the lamp next to his bedside. “You also broke your arm from landing on it.”
“You saw?”
“It was on the news.”
You sounded on the verge of tears. He needed to apologize. He’d ruined your night.
“M’sorry,” he let his left hand drift over to where yours was laying on the bed next to him, his fingers catching between your own — grabbing you out of your dazed attention — “M’sorry I ruined our night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything Katsuki,” you shook your head, but he could hear the little edge of pain in your voice. “It’s not your fault… I was just worried.”
“I did, though,” he continued. “Tonight was s’posed to be just us walkin’ through the park n’ getting ice cream.”
“You had it all planned out huh?” You finally faced him again, tired eyes and a small, sad smile on your lips. 
“F’course I did, would y’expect anythin’ less from me?” 
“Of course not,” you humored him, bringing his knuckles up to your lips before planting a kiss over a small scab and pressing your cheek against it — staring faraway, somewhere his mind could never find yours.
“Why didn’t you go home?” he rubbed his thumb against yours. “Could’ve changed and been comfortable.”
You let out a small huff — “I couldn’t just leave you here. I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”
“You didn’t have to worry about me, baby. Y’should’ve slept comfortably at home, come and seen me in the morning.”
You didn’t answer; instead, pressed another kiss against his knuckles before letting his hand come back down to the bed.
“If you saw what I did, you wouldn’t be saying that.” — was all you left it at — you tried to get up to get the nurse, but he didn’t let your hand go. “Katsuki–”
“Just let me be a lil’ longer,” he slurred, drowsily. “Come lay down with me.”
“How could I–”
“Please.” He repeated, and you gave up to the pleading look in his eyes. “Can’t sleep properly without you there.”
He shifted himself over slightly, watching you hold your tongue once again with a little snort, before patting at the spot next to him. You climbed up slowly, carefully, trying to be as light as possible to not let the little hospital bed creak under both your weights — letting yourself melt next to him, your hand resting over his chest. You didn’t say anything, just nestled yourself into his shoulder with a yawn.
Something about the way you were positioned made it feel like you were hesitant to touch him — as he was as fragile as glass. Even with your fingers resting over his abdomen, he barely felt them there.
“What’s got your mind all worked up?” he asked after what felt like hours of silence.
“I know when yer overthinkin’ baby.”
You looked up to him, sad eyes and all. “I was really worried.” You sniffed, burrowing yourself back next to him. “I was just sitting in the restaurant finishing my food until I got a notification on my phone about the news — and I clicked it and saw the video of you being blasted through the building. There was so much debris, I almost thought–I don’t know what I thought… It felt like I couldn’t breathe or–or think… I just ran out of there as fast as I could so I could get to the hospital. And then, when you wake up, your first concern is that you ruined the night?” You huff, angrily and under your breath but you didn’t let him see it. “I can’t believe you sometimes…” 
“M’sorry,” he repeated, this time drowsily— despite the disapproving click you let out in response, he wrapped his arm around you: rubbing small circles in your arm to soothe the tension you continued to let off. These situations were the only times you both switched roles; the only time he was the one who had to calm you down when usually it was the opposite.
“Stop saying that.”
“I am though,” he continued anyway. “For making you worry and cry when I should’ve been careful. I got a little reckless tryin’ to get back to you quickly. I just… didn’t wanna leave you stranded there.”
“You didn’t need to do that,” you almost scolded him. “I’m used to it, I understand what your job is like.”
“Told you though, I had it all planned out n’ shit — stupid bastard ruined it all…”
“It’s okay,” you pacified him. “It was just dinner, we can always go out another time.”
“It wasn’t just dinner though…” He stopped himself from continuing, but looking down at your furrowed brow knew that he’d have to give an explanation. 
“We’ve talked about marriage before—” he started again after a moment of silence. A moment to catch his breath, to let his racing thoughts and heart subside slightly. “—about us staying together like this because we couldn’t really ever see ourselves with anyone else.”
You nodded.
“And I thought–I knew that we were both ready… So I was gonna propose.”
You didn’t say anything, and he didn’t dare look down at your face — not when he could feel the heat rushing up to his face like he was about to pass out.
“I uh, had this whole speech planned out n’ everything,” he stared at the ceiling once more. “Even had Ei n’ Hanta set up flowers and candles in the park near that cherry blossom tree we always picnic near.”
You still didn’t say anything.
“M’sorry for just bringing it up now, and spoiling the surprise ‘cause I could’ve just done it later…”
“...are you really apologizing for telling me that you were going to propose?” you spoke after a moment. 
He could hear the slight crack in your voice, and he looked down to see that his suspicions were correct — you were crying.
“Don’ cry,” he tried to wipe them with fail because he could only use one arm. “You know I get sad when you cry.”
“I can’t help it.” 
 “I know that this isn’t where you probably expected to get proposed to, but everything I said is true — I wanna spend the rest of my life with you n’ get those little moments with you. N’ honestly, as long as we have that, I don’t think it matters where this shit happens.” He shifted around slightly, before you could stop him: sitting up to properly face you and pulling a little velvet box out from his pocket. “Marry me?”
“Of course I will,” you tried to wipe away your tears before falling into his embrace — pausing after he let out a hissing sound. “I’m calling the nurse for real now.”
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yukisshittyposts · 2 years
NOTE: Quirks don't exist in this Hybrid AU! Hybrids rank lower than humans in terms of social statues and are considered to be only good enough as pets.
[WARNING] –> Mentions of NSFW! 👀👀
(Reposting this cause it got deleted by my stupid ass lol)
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who you took in from a shelter a week before his euthanasia due to his biting history and aggressiveness.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who's like a ghost during the first few weeks in your home, only getting out of his room and exploring the house at night and when you're at work.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who after fully realizing that you're not a threat and that you do indeed intent on keeping him, makes sure to make his presence known to you more.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who likes that you don't force him to interact with you. You don't sweet talk him you or make a move to pet him. Never. You simply acknowledge his presence with a nod and a small smile. You keep a respectful distance and even leave notes before you go to work to let him know you made him breakfast and left it on the table.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who makes himself get out of his comfort zone to spend time with you, to actually try and bond with you, something he had never done or try to do with his previous owners.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who after he fully bonds with you, wakes you up for work with playful, harmless bites.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who rubs his fur all over your clothes to annoy and scent you.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who loves belly rubs even though he strongly denies it.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who wags his tail unconsciously when you praise him and tell him that he's a good boy!
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who gets jealous and afterwards ignores you for a day or two whenever you come home smelling like an other hybrid from petting it for too long (*cough* Bunny!Izuku *cough*).
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who helps you cook and clean the house.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who growls and his protector mode activates whenever someone (hybrid or human) tries to approach you.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who steals all your dirty clothes while you shower or work to masturbate.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who secretly throws away all the rut suppressants you give him.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who pees outside and around the house to mark his territory.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who sticks his nose up your clothed pussy and licks it whenever you bend over to pick something up.
Hybrid Wolf!Bakugou who marks and fucks you nice and deep during his rut, his big dick and knot stretching your pretty pussy, making you cry out and see stars.
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aira-writes · 7 months
Love Language
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Warnings: curses
characters are in college
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♡Bakugou's love language is physical touch
♡You guys don't often see each other at school because you're from different departments.
♡ Going on dates and hanging out happens rarely too when you're both swamped with schoolworks.
♡ So as much as you don't like it, the only mini-dates you'd have with each other is binge-watching movies on weekends.
♡ On most days, he'll visit your dorm room after his classes for the day are over
♡ Bakugou would softly knock on your door with his school uniform on and bag loosely hanging on his left shoulder
♡ His ears would perk up when he'll hear your footsteps nearing the door
♡ You'd open the door and the exhausted look on his face would be replaced by a small smile as he'd see your pretty face and extended arms-- asking for a hug
♡ As corny as it seems—but all his exhaustion would be thrown out the window when you'd envelope him in a tight hug and your sweet familiar colgne would invade his nostrils
♡ “Imissedyou, baby.” He'd mumble in a soft whisper and you'd kiss his nose mumbling a “Missedyoutoo, `suki.” as you ushered him inside
♡ From his frequent visits to your room, almost half of his clothes are there too. Some of those are which you stole tho.
♡ He'd take a bath and change into his pajamas as you'd prepare dinner for the two of you.
♡ When all the chores are done and you both are full from eating, Bakugou always looks forward to being spooned by you in bed
♡ His arms encircled protectively around your waist, face buried into your neck—inhaling your scent, and eyes closed as he let the feeling of your warmth and head massages take him to a deep slumber.
♡ On small occasions, Bakugou would have these nightmares and instead of waking up—he'd grumble and whine in his sleep
♡ Since you're a light sleeper, you'd be awaken from this and would see your boyfriend with his eyebrows furrowed and muttering words in his sleep
♡ You'd immediately assume he's having a nightmare from the fact that he seems like he's out of breath in his sleep and sweating like crazy
♡ You'd run your hands through his hair and place your palm on top of his cheek—whispering “am here Katsu.”—to calm him down without the need to wake him up
♡If that still doesn't work, you'd press your face onto his chest and it would immediately slow his heartbeat
♡ Him feeling your warmth would immediately soothe him and pull him out from his nightmare
♡ Without opening his eyes, he'd hold you tighter to his chest, glad that he has you by his side
♡ Your love language is acts of service
♡ You're never the type to ask for anyone's help when you're working on a task
♡ May it be a task you can easily handle or a one that you can't—you still won't ask for help because you've become accustomed to being independent and not relying on anyone but yourself
♡ But the fact that Bakugou would always go out of his way to help you on your tasks always doesn't fail to give you butterflies in the stomach
♡ Or when Bakugou would be willing to help you even when it meant sacrificing his time or his own comfort for your sake
♡ Your boyfriend is such a grandpa and always sleeps early as much as possible so he can get the beauty sleep he needs—your words not his
♡ And being the grandpa that he is, he also has preferences when it comes to his sleeping routine
♡ he likes it dark since the bright lights prohibits him from getting a good night's sleep
♡ But since he decided to sleep on your dorm and accompany you during your exam week—he had to get used to the fact that you'd be reviewing all night and all the lights would be turned on
♡ so poor Suki had bag under his eyes and was sleepy the next morning
♡ "sorry." you mumbled out as you guiltily bit your bottom lip, placing the three stacks of pancakes on your boyfriend's plate
♡ he yawned and cutely rubbed his eyes. “'bout what?”
♡ "the lights kept you up didn't you?"
♡ "it's fine, dumbass." he playfully flicked your forehead and reprimanded you for even thinking that, stuffiny his face with the breakfast you made.
♡ you're well aware of the fact that Bakugou is really an impatient one and does not like waiting too long
♡ but when it comes to you?
♡ since your department has this small ball that will be held next week—you needed an outfit
♡ the theme was superheroes and you knew you could never whip up something last minute with that theme
♡ you were on your way to the mall today and had just finished getting ready
♡ you just left the bathroom and was rummaging through your bag for your phone
♡ "time to go?" you jumped and almost dropped your keys when your boyfriend popped up out of nowhere and snaked his arms onto your waist
♡ You were going to the mall. But you didn't tell Katsuki to come since you know he'll just get bored there.
♡ "I'm coming to the mall with you, babe." he answered seeing you were confused
♡ You stared at your boyfriend like he just grown a third head. "don't you hate sho—"
♡ " Wanna see your try your fits. Now let's go."
♡ you didn't even had time to say no since he already ushered you out and before you knew it you were at the mall
♡ you know deep down that Katsuki really HATED waiting
♡ but to see him here at the mall with you?
♡ carrying all the bags of clothes you bought—in both of his hands, some hanging on his arms?
♡ plus the fact that he's not even complaining and would just patiently follow you and wait for you to finish roaming around—makes you giddy inside
♡ another one of Bakugou's love language is words of affirmation
♡ it's not a surprise that Bakugou likes to be praised especially since he can back up all that boastfulness with his skills
♡ but the only words that matter to him the most—are yours
♡ Bakugou never opens up about his struggles, problems, or things that are troubling him
♡ he's just not the type to sit and talk about how his day went or rant about stuff that made him mad
♡ but knowing Katsuki and him being your boyfriend for God know's how long, you already figured out how his mind works
♡ Katsuki is really not that verbal but you can always see through his facade, either when he's having a bad day, tired, just wanna rest, just want some cuddles, or just want some words that would make him feel better
♡ instead of grilling him on what was bothering him, you always know what to say and would always knew what to say that would def raise his mood in a snap
♡ Bakugou is a fast learner. He really has no trouble learning a thing since he's naturally skilled
♡ But for once, he really struggled learning basketball since he really wasn't a sporty guy and has never dribbled a ball since he was little
♡ you both were in the school gym and Katsuki had an unpaintable look on as he glared at the ring that was a a few feet away from him
♡ The funny thing was—he already learned how to do the different kinds of dribbles, passes, and shooting techniques in one go after spending a good amount of time practice
♡ The one thing he's complaining about right now is that he can't shoot the ball half court
♡ It's funny `cause it took you months and continuous practice to learn the things he learned in one look and he's still mad about not being able to shoot the ball in half court
♡ You were hiding your giggles since you find the situation funny and your boyfriend cute
♡ But to see him frustrated made you feel a bit sad for him
♡ “It's fine baby! You can do it!” your cheer echoed throughout the gym since it was only the two of you there
♡ and him hearing your cheer made his eyebrows furrowed less
♡ Katsuki gripped the ball tighter, took a deep breath and glared at the ring one last time before he took the shot
♡ and it went in
♡ you watched your boyfriend as he watched the ball bounce away looking like he couldn't believe that he actually made the shot
♡ Then he turned to look at you with this biggest adorable grin he could muster. “It went in, baby! Did you see that went in?!”
♡ you nodded and grinned at his smiling face and him looking so proud of himself made you fall in love with him all over again
♡ Another one of your love language is quality time
♡ Due to the hectic schedule in school and non-stop schoolworks, it's almost a miracle you'd see your boyfriend thrice a week.
♡ Bakugou knows that you miss him badly and so does he
♡ so the thing he does is to make sure you'd both get the quality time you need
♡ you're studying up for a quiz?
♡ your boyfriend would knock on your door, carrying a box of pizza in his hand and a bunch of comfort food in his other hand
♡ he'd help you study—even scold you for not eating, and would give you massages to get those knots off your shoulders from sitting and slouching too long
♡ "twangchu forda fwood, Tsuki." You'd say—mouth full with the food he brought and with sauce on the side of your lip
♡ Bagukou would chuckle in amusement and would wipe the sauce off your lip, not with his hand tho :>
♡ “Katsu!”
♡ he'd chuckle some more upon seeing your tomato flushed cheeks
♡ Due to the influence of your boyfriend's friends—Kami and Kiri they're more your friends now than his—you got interested into playing codm
♡ Bakugou also had to learn to play the game so he'd have more time to keep you to himself since Kami and Kiri would visit sometimes and would steal you. Jelly Katsu y'all
♡ As mentioned earlier the only mini dates you both have are when you're both binge watching a series on netflix
♡ With the cramp increasingly shooting its way down onto his leg the longer the time passes—he'd still not move just to make sure he won't accidentally wake you up
♡ It was already halfway of the movie when you started dozing off so he had you lay your head onto the pillow on his lap
♡ You looked so adorable
♡ some of hair sticking in all directions, your mouth slightly agape, a dribble of saliva on the side of the your cheek, your soft snores, and this red mark of your forearm on your forehead since you just changed position
♡ cute. He thought and chuckled
♡ but when you showed signs of waking up since his chuckle made the pillow you were laying on—shake a bit—He stopped chuckling and hummed a tune in hopes of you not waking up
♡ “Katsuki—mine—back off.. ” you whined in your sleep, your brows furrowed
♡ he smiled and stopped himself from chuckling. “Iloveyousomuch, dumbass.” he planted a soft kiss on your forehead and smiled at you lovingly, ignoring the increasing cramps he's feeling on his leg.
A/n: AaAaaAa it's been so long since i last posted! I miss writing and wasn't able to write since I was so busy with school and all. Hope you guys like this one! Sorry for the typos since this is not proofread.
Plagiarism is a crime
©aira-writes 2023
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bbyseok · 1 year
this time, i’m thinking about lifeguard!bakugou. i’m pretty sure i’ve also seen a post or two about him, but lemme get my brainrot out cuz he’s driving me insane..
lifeguard bakugou doesn’t give onlookers a show they don’t deserve, but people will take what they can get with his classic black tank tops and those bright red swim trunks that hang loosely on his hips.
and really, he’s only wearing the red trunks to follow the uniform rules and look the part of being an actual lifeguard. he’s taken up the job over the summer for whatever reason.. and everyone eats it up in the end.
whether it’s at the beach or a pool, he’s on one of those tall, white lifeguard chairs designated for people like him on duty obviously. he’s got his legs spread out, his right knee swinging inward every down and then with his form reclined back as he surveys the water and the area.
there are some days he’s got a towel draped over his neck and shoulders for him to wipe his sweat away, or a pair of tinted sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose to hide his carmine eyes from the world.
it’s sight to see most definitely. and you can confirm—as you’re one of the many people who come to the water solely to look at him. okay, well- that’s partially true. you come with your friends often to actually enjoy a bit of swimming—so what if you know exactly when bakugou’s shift starts and ends?
anyways, it’s not like you’d actually initiate anything from your attraction. you’ve seen the way he’s already turned down multiple flirting attempts from the more bolder people willing to shoot their shot—it wasn’t pretty.
“i’m the fuckin’ lifeguard who’s supposed to watch your asses and you’re givin’ me a reason to drown you,” he had snapped at some particular person who thought that they had a chance. “scram.”
the lifeguard team only tolerates his blunt behavior because he’s actually pretty damn good at the job when he needs to be, and let’s be honest—he attracts a lot of people.
it’s another day of lounging by the water with your friends, relaxing on one of those typical white beach chaise chairs. you spend your time alternating between chatting and reading a spare book you had brought—paired with sneaking glimpses at bakugou, of course.
but something’s different about today. ‘cause you swear he keeps looking at you too.
you don’t wanna get your hopes up too high; perhaps your daydreaming’s getting a little too out of hand or something, but it’s a little too difficult to ignore his burning stare.
perhaps there’s something on your face? is something wrong with your swimsuit? it’s nothing too raunchy or revealing—it’s something you normally wear for these kinds of outings. or maybe he had heard you say something?
before you know it, his shift is ending soon. it’s actually so bad how you’ve got it memorized. he gets replaced with this redhead that’s definitely way more friendlier than him—kirishima, you think is his name, and you and your friends usually linger around the beginning of his shift before leaving.
“psst,” one of your friends nudges your shoulder, sitting up from the chair. “bakugou’s totally looking at you. like—he’s staring in your direction.”
you blink and sit up as well. okay so, you’re not imagining things. “what-? really?” you don’t dare cast your gaze to the lifeguard, refusing to make eye contact. “but- but why would he?”
“i dunno. maybe he-”
you finally glance over and catch sight of the the blonde heading down from his towering seat, and he tucks his rescue tube under his arm. your eyes follow him and his movements as he walks and—oh shit. he’s walking towards you.
your eyes can’t help but widen as he finally reaches your chair and tilts his head down at you, blazing eyes scrutinizing and narrowed. you’re pretty sure you almost drop your jaw on the floor. he’s even more stunning up close.
“oi,” he says gruffly, glaring down at you in some sort of expectance. “quit your gawking at me. you do that way too fuckin’ much.”
oh god, did he really come over to you just to say that? “oh- oh,” you stammer out, “i’m so sorry- i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i just-” you want to drown out of embarrassment, so it’s a good thing that the water’s right there so you’ll just-
“oh, shut your yappin’,” bakugou dismisses you quickly with a roll of his eyes, and you blink up at him, still a bit embarrassed that he had called you out. there’s a pause that lasts for two seconds before he says, “i’m not gonna be workin’ this shift anymore.”
and now you’re blinking up at him in utter confusion because what? why’s he telling you this? did you make him so uncomfortable to the point that he’s letting you know that he’s altering his work hours? “i don’t understand, i-”
“if you still wanna gawk at me, i’m switching shifts with the dude with the red shitty hair who usually works around this time.” the blonde clears his throat and turns his head away, letting you process his words.
wait. wait. he’s letting you know he’s changing his lifeguard shift with kirishima beforehand because he wants you to. he wants you to be there. he wants to see you there. “o-oh.”
bakugou meets your gaze again. a raspy chuckle falls from his lips then, and you let the image of his small smirk settle into your head as he offers it. “you better be there, pretty.”
(you learn later on that the days he was wearing those tinted sunglasses, he was gawking at you too.)
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btxtyuri · 3 months
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officialabortive · 1 year
ok but here me out- bull bakugou who absolutely wants to shred the bull thats temporarily staying on the farm for giving you a hard time
even though they’re kept in separate pastures for obvious reasons- the wired fence doesn’t stop him from jumping over it and ramming the bull in the side for coming up behind you when you weren’t looking
scolding him for it is funny, annoying and slightly flattering. the whole time he’s sitting there like ‘i don’t regret shit, try me again and i’ll do it again. my herd, my love’
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Bakugou is fuming, beyond pissed.
Apparently the farmers thought it was a good Idea to put you in a separate pasture with the new bull. A bull whose ear tag read #24. They placed you with him to be a 'buddy', thinking your adaptable personality would have the two of you getting along in no time.
But they were so wrong. This new bull had never seen a heifer before and therefore was all over you. Constantly coming up to sniff you, or being way too touchy. He was obnoxious.
Unbeknownst to him, another bull -a bigger, stronger bull- watched his every movement. Bakugou was already irritated being separated from you, but when he saw that basterd trying to convince you into mating, all hell broke loose. Eleven farmhands were all swarming around bakugou, trying to hold him back from attacking the new guy who was none the wiser.
It's been a week and the farmhands have been successful in preventing any violence from the blond bull. But there was no stopping him from getting to you when he heard you let out a fearful cry. He ran several acres at what had to be record speed, using his large horns to rip the wire fencing out from the soil below. Now nothing stood between him and this shitty new bull.
Bakugou spotted both of you under a tree, #24 towering over your teary eyed self. Huffing, bakugou stomped his way toward him, gradually gaining speed until he reached a full dash. His head tilted forward, skillfully aimed horns rammed directly into the other bulls side.
To bakugou's anger and your horror, #24 —who now had blood running down his skin— got right back up with a snarl, getting himself into position to use his own horns.
Bakugou used one arm to push you behind him, eyes never leaving his opponent.
They charged at one another, the sound of horns clashing vibrated through the day's thin air. But bakugou obviously had the upper hand, the attempts of the other bull were futile. With a buck of bakugou's legs, hooves met #24's gut forcefully shoving him to the grass.
Only then did panicking farmhands finally show their faces. They all looked to bakugou who did nothing but glare in response.
"I don't regret shit"
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talimlbcnart · 8 months
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▪︎ Childhood Friends AU ▪︎
The universe was very generous to Shouto.
The same can't be said for Deku XD.
Wanna see more art like this? Follow me on:
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peachsukii · 4 months
anyone else ever think about how *attractive* it would be if Bakugo put on eyeliner or an eyeshadow of sorts on under his mask to make it blend in with his eyes??? and then when he takes it off he’s got some emo-ass makeup on? like Batman??
so after a long patrol as a pro hero, he's def sweat and whatnot throughout the day so when he takes it off, he's got washed out streams of black all over his face.......or whenever he puts his mask on his forehead and accidentally gets it all over??
just me?
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sugarlywhispers · 7 months
Katsuki is trying—FUCK, he really is fucking trying not to make a sound, but it's way more difficult than what people think.
And when he hears the door to the hallway open, he immediately reacts covering his bed and himself, bringing the covers almost to his naked chest. He grabs a book that is in his nightstand and he pretends to the best of his ability to be immerse in reading that stupid book.
Two knocks to the door of his room can be heard and he fakingly sighs in annoyance as he says, "come in".
The distinctive red hair of his roommate appears first before his face, "Everything alright, man?" Kirishima smiles.
Katsuki rolls his eyes in real annoyance this time before replying a simple yes. He feels a thick drop of nervous sweat rolling down behind his neck that he is very skilled to hide by simply scratching the back of his neck, but it seems Eijirou hasn't noticed yet. The blond is very proud to admit that he is good at hiding. Stuff. And emotions.
The red head nods before saying, "Hey, Y/N is coming over for dinner. I don't want to bother you, but do me a favor? Be sweet to her. She kinda has a crush on you."
Katsuki pulls up an eyebrow, looking as oblivious as he can, "Oh, really? I had no idea..."
Eijirou rolls his eyes at his best friend, "Of course you didn't. You of all people wouldn't know even if she confessed right at your face."
Katsuki doesn't answer back.
"Anyway, I'm going out to buy some groceries. Need something?"
"Nope," he answers, his attention back to the book he is actually not reading. Eijirou nods as he closes the door again and walks out.
Katsuki doesn't dare to move until he actually hears the front door of the apartment open and close. And that's when he can't avoid the snort that it's stuck at his throat, waiting for desperate release. Next to him, the covers finally move as you peak from under them, frowning in annoyance at him.
"Shut the fuck up," you protest, your hair tangled all around, cheeks cutely rosy and sweat obviously thanks to the thick covers. He can't help but laugh out loud. "It's not funny!"
You try hard not to laugh with him as you climb up, straddling his hips, your glorious naked body making him distracted from his previous amusement. He sits up too, big and strong arms surrounding your waist as you interlace your fingers with his hair at the back of head.
You both smile at each other, your nose caressing his cutely, and he feels like eating you up.
"So you have a crush on me, hmm?"
"Shut up," you say, hips beginning to move to create friction between your naked bodies as your lips find his again. Tongues fitting to gain control as his hands travel down to your ass to guide you in your movements.
A crush? Oh dear... if Eijirou only knew...
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a.n; y/n and kirishima are best friends too. only katsuki and y/n are kinda(?) dating (?) fucking (?) fwb (?) lol idk 🙃
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smashboxgirl26 · 1 year
hello!! i was wondering if i could request a reader who feels alienated and depressed because she is basically a loner at school and bakugou who goes out of his way to spend time with her, bringing her lunch to share and ends up confessing to her?
the days of the week
contains: fluff word count: 2.1k a/n: yes yes yesss,,, only i changed some things bc thats how it worked out in my head. also it's short and sweet, but i had fun drifting off from my wips and getting to put my mind on something new
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"What're you doing here?" you stared up from your book at Bakugou, who'd plopped himself down beside you.
It was lunchtime, and you'd found yourself outside under the tree near the end of the field, alone, as you'd been since the sports festival.
"Why? M'not allowed to eat lunch here?" he gave you a sneer as he raised his eyebrow.
"No," you rolled your eyes. "I was asking why you were here. You don't normally sit here, you sit inside with everyone else."
"So? Do I need a reason?"
"Nevermind," you shook your head, returning to your book.
"Yer not eating anything?" he started again after a moment of silence, and you looked up at him with despair.
"Does it matter?"
"Yeah, it fuckin' does," his eyes narrowed in your direction. "How the fuck am I supposed to beat you at your full power in training if you haven't even eaten anything?"
That's what this is about.
There were going to be one-on-one sparring sessions that day in training, and All Might (very fortunately) had disclosed everyone's partner ahead of time so that everyone had enough time to prepare for their opponent's quirk.
"Listen Bakugou, I'll make sure to put in my all, or whatever. I'm still fine without eating."
You found a part of yourself trying to appease him, despite the weird mind games he was playing. You knew it was just because of what he'd seen your quirk do in the sports festival — and why everyone in your class had practically dumped you, even if they were too scared to admit it — and because he was so obsessed with winning.
A bowl was suddenly nudged in front you, and you had to look up from your book again to see Bakugou giving you another look.
"M'not fighting you if you haven't eaten anything," he announced defiantly.
The look he was giving you made it seem as if you had lost the argument, especially since he was almost gloating as he raised his eyebrows as a way to force you to challenge him.
"Okay," you shrugged before turning back down. "Don't fight me then."
You heard him growl under his breath, and before you could internally celebrate your victory, your book was pulled out of your hands and you looked back up at him in shock.
"Listen here you shitty fuckin' extra," he snarled. "I am not going to miss out on training just because you decided to be a bitch and spite me. So eat yer damn food."
"Give me my book back."
"Give it back, Bakugou."
"Not gonna happen."
"Ugh! Just give it to me!"
"What are ya gonna do, extra? Fight me?" he taunted, and you quickly realized what he was playing at.
"Fucking fine!" you huffed, grabbing the bowl of ramen and downing it in under a minute. It wasn't hot, thankfully, since it'd been out for a while — and you looked back at Bakugou after finishing and wiping your mouth with the back of your wrist.
"Give. It."
He tossed the book back at you without a second thought, and you shot him a glare before letting out a breath when you realized that the page you were reading was still bookmarked.
Only Bakugou didn't leave after that. He sat there and chewed on his onigiri for the rest of the period before getting up a couple minutes before the bell rang.
Fuckin' weirdo.
. . .
"Yer still not eating anything?" Bakugou said as he placed his lunch tray on the grass next to where you were sitting, again.
After your match yesterday (where Bakugou had still won, obviously), you thought that he would leave you alone, since you weren't friends and he didn't have any reasons to talk to you besides your match.
"Why does it matter?" you looked up from your book, surprised. Why was he back?
"Because you need to eat," he rolled his eyes. "Isn't that fuckin' obvious?"
You resolved his statement with a glare that he didn't acknowledge, watching as he instead pushed half of a sandwich towards you before taking a bite of his curry.
"Why are you here?" you glanced between him and the sandwich.
"To eat. Isn't that obvious?"
"No, asshole. Why are you here?"
"Because I can."
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should," you raised an eyebrow, watching as a vein popped out of his forehead when he turned to you.
"Listen extra," he dropped his chopsticks to point a finger at you. "I can sit wherever the fuck I want. Now shut the fuck up and eat your sandwich."
You gave him an unimpressed look before grabbing the sandwich and tearing the paper it was wrapped in harshly. You made sure that you bit and chewed into it aggressively, just wanting him to shut up so you could read your book but still let him know that you were angry about him coming and sitting next to you — but you were still a little hungry since you'd skipped breakfast that morning.
You didn't notice the little triumphant look Bakugou gave himself as he watched you from the side — angrily chewing the sandwich while your eyes scanned the page in front of you.
He'd won again.
. . .
"What's this lame ass book you've always got your nose stuck in?" Bakugou announced as he sat down next to you again, only you weren't as bothered by his presence as you'd been the day before.
You still let out an audible groan though when you looked up, watching as Bakugou slid over a plate with sushi before biting into his own salad.
"Why do you keep bringing me lunch?"
"I've told you this already," he rolled his eyes. "Use your fuckin' brain for once."
"No- Let me just.." you put your book down and stared at him. "I meant, why do you keep coming and sitting with me and bringing me lunch and stuff? I'm fine on my own."
"Answer my question first," he looked up from eating. "You didn't answer me."
"Just a romance," you rolled your eyes. "Now why do keep sitting with me?"
"The best friend was super shitty in that one," Bakugou mumbled in passing when he finally found himself noticing the title of the book, but his eyes widened in an instant to find a cat-like grin stretching across your face.
"How do you know that?" you asked him slyly.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he tried to seem nonchalant about it, looking back with a glare that was probably supposed to deter you from asking any further — but it seemed to have no weight when you willingly scooched closer to him.
"I clearly heard you Bakugou," you raised an eyebrow, watching as his eyes refused to look back down at the book cover again in definace.
"I didn't say anything."
You stared him down, this time watching as he crumbled, putting down his bowl before he spoke.
"I fuckin' read it before, okay?" he threw his arms up. "What else do you think happened? But if you tell another goddamn soul about this, I'm gonna kill you. Got it?"
"Yeah got it — I won't," you shrugged him off. "But what does she do?"
"You said the best friend was shitty. What did she do?"
You watched Bakugou roll his his eyes before finally giving in, slumping against the tree trunk you always sat next to like he was letting the weight fall off his shoulders.
"Remember when she told the main character girl about the second guy liking her and all that."
"You mean Ryu?"
"Yeah that idiot — well she did it because she was trying to get the brother mad at the both of them so she could ask the main guy out instead," Bakugou went back to eating his salad smugly, watching as your face twisted into shock.
"Of course she wanted to get with Haru!" you stared at the book now sitting in the grass. "I thought it was so weird when she told her because it was so obvious she was already jealous about Haru not liking her."
"Yeah," Bakugou barely shrugged, taking another bite.
You'd forgotten about your question this time, but he wasn't sure he would be so lucky if you asked him again.
At least it was fun to talk about something he never got to.
The fact that you were reading a different book today instantly caught Bakugou's attention as he sat down at your usual spot, two bento boxes in hand.
"What happened to the other one?" he gestured to the thicker, hardcover book.
"You basically spoiled it," you shrugged. "So I'm rereading a different one instead."
Bakugou didn't say anything as he slid a bento box over to you, pulling out his chopsticks as you put your book down.
"I didn't see bento's in the lunch room today. I was hoping for pizza actually."
"I'm not yer damn waiter. Just shut up and appreciate the food you're given," he rolled his eyes.
"Where'd you get them from though?" you asked as you opened the bento, a small smile creeping up at the neatly packed food inside.
"...I made 'em," he almost whispered, eyes strained as you took a bite of the salmon he made.
"It's good!" you looked up at him with wide eyes. "I didn't know you could cook so well."
"Of course I fuckin' can," he sneered, turning back to his box like he wasn't intently watching your reaction. "I'm the best cook in our class."
"I wouldn't be so sure," you raised an eyebrow. "Sato's actually really good at baking."
"That's not the same thing you idiot."
"Aren't they similar though?"
And it was silent again, the both of you eating under the tree until you finally spoke again.
"Why do you keep sitting with me, Bakugou?"
It was hard for Bakugou to look up after those words came off your lips in a nonchalant manner — how was he supposed to answer with the truth?
"Does it fuckin' matter?" he deflected. "Why're you always sitting alone then?"
"I dunno," you rolled your eyes as if the answer was obvious, your face scrunching when you realized his question was serious.
"You're being serious?" you asked with an almost gaped mouth.
"Does it look like I'm joking?"
"My quirk," you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Bakugou only gave you a look of bewilderment.
"The sports festival?" you reiterated. "How I had that guy from Class B under my control and stuff?"
"So?" he looked away. "You did okay. It's not even like you won or anything."
"Do I really have to spell it out for you? People think my quirk is villainous."
It wasn't like Bakugou didn't notice the change in attitude towards you after the sports festival and the true nature of your quirk was revealed, but he really believed that the people around him were better than that.
He saw how the media was treating his own outbursts, and while in the tiniest way possible he could understand them — your reaction was unwarranted.
"Don't say shit like that," Bakugou looked up to you seriously. "If no one else around you can see that your quirk's good enough to become a hero, fuck 'em. They weren't worth being in your life anyways. Got that?"
You paused, seemingly unable to speak from the weight his words left hanging in the air — but you finally nodded slightly, picking up your book from where it was still open in the grass.
You didn't startle today when Bakugou found his place beside you, nonchalantly turning the page without registering his existence. He couldn't help but let the silence linger — you looked peaceful while quietly reading — letting himself start eating his own lunch after pushing a plate in front of you.
Your book snapped shut after a couple moments, suddenly, and he could feel your eyes boring holes into the side of his head.
"Why do you keep eating lunch with me?"
But as soon as he opened his mouth to deflect, you interrupted him.
"And I know that it's not because you wanna make sure that I'm in top shape or whatever — and you can't deflect the question like every other time I've asked you this, okay?" You were staring at him seriously.
"Okay, you wanna know why?" he started, putting his chopsticks on his plate before turning towards you straight on. "I like you, Y/N — more than as a friend would."
You blinked at him, clearly startled by his response. "Why?"
"Whadd'ya mean why? Does there have to be reason?" He sneered. Were you being serious?
"But... My quirk..."
"Didn't I already tell you? Anyone who thinks that has shit for brains. Now shut up and eat your food."
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yukisshittyposts · 2 years
Just imagine Bakugou with a daughter that has daddy issues because of him.
Him and you never got married. You were only boyfriend and girlfriend for a couple of months until you got pregnant and he broke up with you.
Bakugou is too obsessed with his career. Specifically, obsessed with achieving the number 1 spot in the hero rankings. "I can't have a kid now. I'm too young and have a goal. Abort it or i'm gone."
You don't and he leaves like he warned he would. What gets him to start coming around is his parents.
At first, he is there for your daughter's big moments, birthdays and other stuff and your daughter loves him a lot, always excited for every weekend at his house and for the weekly trips to his agency. The bakusquad and her grandparents adore her and she them.
Your daughter's six when he gets another woman pregnant and marries her a few months later.
Everything starts going downhill from there.
Bakugou starts visiting less and less. His visits every week become a visit once a month. He also stops responding to your texts and stops calling to see how your kid's doing. Whenever she sees him on TV, talking about his wife and son, she starts crying a river, wondering why he's not around anymore and is there for the son.
It hurts you too, seeing him married to another woman. What's so special about her anyway? You get pregnant, he leaves. She gets pregnant, he stays and marries her on the spot.
Sooner or later, your daughter's sadness and love turns to bitterness and jealousy. Is she not enough for him? Is her quirk not flashy enough? Isn't she a good kid? Why does the other child require so much of his attention?
It not fair and when Bakugou starts playing dad again, it's too late. The damage has been done and is irreparable. Mitsuki and Masaru try to heal your daughter's emotional wounds but their efforts are useless.
She stops calling him dad, for starters. She stops responding to his texts and calls. Whenever he suggests to pick her up from school or to take her to his agency or house to spend some time together, she refuses. She refuses everything he suggests, even quirk training.
She was so excited about quirk training with him when she turned four and got her quirk... he remembers it like it was yesterday.
Your daughter doesn't truly hate him, though. She doesn't stop calling him dad or responding to his calls and texts because she hates him. She just doesn't want to be hurt again. Doesn't want to feel that kind of pain again.
She wants to make Bakugou feel what she felt during the two years he was away. She succeeds that by refusing to call him dad. She succeeds that by refusing to spend time with him. She succeeds that by ignoring his very existence.
She's sixteen and in the hero course, just to prove how better of a hero she's than him. She calls him "Bakugou-san" now and every time he calls to see how she's doing. It hurts, and Bakugou tries not to flinch everytime she calls him that to his face.
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homos-in-training · 1 year
Incorrect MHA-53 (BakugouxReader)
Y/n: Okay I've left you all a set of instructions for while I'm away
Bakugou: Huh? Mine just says Bakugou clam down
Y/n: I want you to apply it to every situation
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bbyseok · 1 year
thinking about boss pro hero!bakugou and being his assistant in his hero agency. i’m sure there’s plenty of posts about it but i can’t just get it out of my head..
you’re at your designated desk, zoning out with thoughts about a certain blonde who so happens to be your boss—the very same blonde who’s interrupting your daydreaming to glare down at you.
you don’t know how long he’s been standing there—and he just stares at you. with a yelp, you straighten and sit up in your chair, wheels rolling against the carpet.
“dynamight!” you greet him hastily and flash up a sheepish smile, hoping you hadn’t embarrassed yourself. “sorry, i- uh, do you need help with something?”
“no, i just-” he clears his throat and that’s when you realize with a startling squint that he’s blushing. “i asked if- if you could take tomorrow off.”
before you can actually form words and reply to his sudden request, he winces very subtly and his blush deepens. “wait, ‘m your fuckin’ boss. you have tomorrow off,” he states matter-of-factly.
you blink in surprise, mind absolutely whirling. “i- i don’t understand?”
bakugou’s face is unreadable; his resting bitch face is present even during this confrontation—but the only difference is the pink dusting his cheeks. “there’s a katsudon restaurant a couple streets down from the agency. you better be there after my afternoon patrol is done.”
you’re pretty sure your jaw almost hits the floor. “what? i- uh, huh?”
he stares hard for two seconds before he’s scoffing and crossing his arms. “you heard me.”
you did. you really did hear him—but you’re not entirely sure that you’re not being delusional with your head in the clouds. is he.. asking you out?
albeit, not directly, as the man was practically demanding you to meet him somewhere out of the workplace.. in what sounds like a typical date setting. (it’s very bakugou of him.)
it’s obvious you’re staring in disbelief because he barks out an impatient “oi!” and you scramble for words. “yes-! yes, i- i’ll see you there, sir!”
his features soften and he looks, dare you say, relieved out of all things. “it’s bakugou, dumbass,” he corrects you in a grunt. “go back to work. you better be there tomorrow or fuckin’ else.”
and then there’s a big dumb smile stretching over your lips as you give him a nod and you swear you see his blush intensify. “i’ll be there.”
his eyes linger on you for a couple more heartbeats before he begins to stalk off. “good.” he then says over his shoulder, “and don’t be late!”
the rest of the office watches the great dynamight leave, dead quiet as the entire floor processes what just happened.
you’re in a daze. did that really just happen?
“holy shit.” one of your coworkers break the silence finally. “i’m pretty sure you just got a date with the boss.”
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relaxedpixel · 1 year
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Dropping all the bnha Doodles I've made here- Lots of love for Tenya. And a college sweethearts DaveMight
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aira-writes · 1 year
A Drunken Mess
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader ft. The Bakusquad
Genre: one-shot, imagines, fluff, crack, humor, college au
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, contains cursing, suggestive, sfw
a/n: This has been on my drafts for months! (i always say that a lot lol) Plus it took me a lotta times to edit and arrange the plot because it was so soooo chaotic. I was confused as well HAHAHAHA. I really enjoyed writing this one, and have always been imagined that the Bakusquad would interact this way.
I hope you'll enjoy it! Some characters may be OOC but meh HAHHAAH i like the way I wrote their dialogues. Here to more oneshots with the Bakusquad! This may contain errors and typos or confusing scenes. I'll edit this again when I have the time.
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Your head’s spinning. Everything’s spinning.
Why is everything spinning?
“Um, Bakugou please don’t be mad—”
(hUH? Why would I be mad?)
You don't know who's on the phone talking to who because your vision is blurry. All you could see is a red blurb, a few faces you can’t recognise— together with the bright lights as your surroundings looked more like a swirl the more you blink. The more you tried to decipher who was on the phone, the more your head hurt— and the fact that your head is throbbing and dizzy didn't help at all.
“Bakubro, just please promise first that you’re gonna keep the explosions to a minimum.”
Explosions? Why would there be explosions?! Are we being attacked?
(What are you on to, red-hair? Just spit it out already.)
“It's my fault for giving her that shot.” — Kami
“I told you we shouldn't!” — Mina
“But y/n kept begging me for it and told me she'll just try one—”
“That’s not the point Kami. Bakugou said no drinks for her and her alcohol tolerance is extremely low!”
“Uhh, guys?—” — Sero
“Sorry, I didn’t even think one shot would already get her drunk—” — Kami
“And it definitely didn't help the fact that you left her alone after I asked you to keep an eye on her while I pee! Thank god I found her and brought her back to our table. Could you imagine if we lost the drunk y/n!?” — Mina
“Guys, we have a small prob—” —Sero
“I just went out to refill my drink—” —Kami
“And since when did 'refill my drink' meant shoving down your tongue in someone's throat Kami!” —Mina
“GUYS!” The black haired shouted to catch everyone's attention—in sync with the loud smack of his hand onto a table. “Good, now I finally have your attention. As much as I don't want to interrupt your little bickering, we got a problem.”
(What's going on in there?) — Bakugou
The red haired covered his phone as he turned to Sero. “Wdym ‘we got a problem’?” confused.
(Oi, shitty hair. The hell's going on?) The red head sensed the irritation on Bakugou’s voice from the other side of the line. And he knew that he can't leave the explosive blonde hanging. He needed to reply back to Katsuki to make sure the guy won't go crazy and blow things off.
Especially when Kirishima's about to drop a big news that they accidentally let y/n get drunk after giving her one shot.
So before Sero could reply back to Kiri, the red head already turned back to his phone to answer Bakugou. “It’s about y/n. We accidentally let her get drunk—”
“—and apparently, she's missing—again.” —Sero cutted Kiri off, loud enough for Katsuki to hear.
“wait wtf! We lost her again? Damn it.” —Mina
“What? She was just here a few seconds ago—” —Kami
“It’s your fault Kami! If you weren't so damn busy kissing some random chick, we wouldn't have lost her in the first place. If you didn't give her the shot, she wouldn't be drunk in the first place!” — Mina
A loud sigh came from the other side of the line and it seemed like Bakugou is trying extremely hard to calm himself. (Lemme get this straight. You let y/n get drunk. And now, you lost her for the second time?)
“Hey, I already know that it's my fault. But you don't have to put all the blame on me.” —Kami
“Because it IS you're fault!” —Mina
“We just let her drink a few shots—” —Kiri
There was a lot of sighs and curses on the other end of the line and was soon followed by sounds that indicated Bakugou was moving around or smthn.
“It is my half my fault and I admit that. But now I think you gotta admit you're acting kinda jealous. Mina, if you actually wanted to be in her position, you could've just told me y’know.”
“Ha! I'd rather die than let you kiss me, you ass!”
(I’m on my way shitty hair.)
“You wouldn't be saying that if you actually tasted me—”
“Thinking about it is already enough to make me sick.”
“Then stop acting like you’re jealous and let me have my fun.”
“I’m not jealous! Get your head out of the gutter!”
“Guys, settle down would you—” Sero
“You def are, babe.” —Kami
“Ha! In your dreams.”
(Find her now. And text me the address.)
“Okay, bakubro. We’re gonna look for her now.” and then the line was cut off.
“Ooo I’d be dreaming about you, alright.”
“You fucking sh—”
“What’s the commotion all about?” Kiri pocketed his phone and turned to the scene.
Kaminari was drunk and chuckling but cringing in pain. Mina’s eyes screamed blood murder and she was rabidly tugging on Kaminari’s blonde locks. Sero on the other hand was trying to pry off Mina from Kami.
Kiri sighed. “You’re all aware that Bakubro’s on his way here right?” The three turned to him. “So if we want to stay alive I suggest to get along for now and find his missing girlfriend.”
Mina finally let go of Kami’s hair and glared at him but nonetheless listened.
“I tried calling her phone multiple times but it just keeps ringing.” There’s worry evident in Mina’s face.
You drank one shot but your tolerance to alcohol is below average. And you also weren't aware the the alcohol content of the drink was extremely high resulting to a drunk y/n. When Mina went to pee, she asked Kami to keep an eye for you for a sec.
Only for her to return to a busy Kaminari sucking someone’s face off and no sign of you. Good thing she found you and immediately bought you back to the table. Only to lose you for the second time, argh.
“She wouldn’t be able to ignore her calls. She set her ringtone to be as embarrassing as ever right?” — Sero
“Yeah, so she’d answer it immediately.” — Kiri
“Umm, I think I kinda convinced her to put it on vibrate for the time being.” Mina exasperated.
They started searching for you with the goal in mind that they needed to find you sooner rather than later especially if they wanted to keep Bakugou’s explosion to a minimum.
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Your hair’s like a bird’s nest. You were giggly and was stumbling a bit but unharmed thank god. You didn’t know how you managed to get out of the bar without face planting on the floor. And you also don’t remember how you got here outside and why you’re sniffing this random flower—
Oh right you were puking.
The last thing you remember was hearing about explosions and then you decided you wanna slip out of the bar before the explosions start. You wanted to call 911 as well but couldn’t find your phone anywhere.
“There she is!” a familiar voice echoed.
“Would you stop taking pictures and help us Kaminari?”
“Oops, my bad.”
“Y/n! We’re so glad we found you.” you were enveloped into a hug by a pink blurb.
“You do know she’s covered in puke right?”
Mina ignored Kami but didn’t fail to send a death glare his way.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” the pink blurb tried to take you back to the car but you pried your body away from her.
You shook your head. “I ain’t *hic* going anywhere with you *hic* people.”
“We’re your friends y/n. We need to get you home—”
“How would I know *hic* that you guys *hic* are actually my friends *hic* and not *hic* some kidnappers, huh?” you backed away from Mina even more.
“We’ll call you to prove it.” Kiri took out his phone and dialed your number. “Check your phone.”
You all turned to Kaminari who was laughing maniacally. He took out something from his pocket—only to reveal it was your phone.
“I found y/n’s phone at the table.”
Mina smacked him at the back of the head.
“What was that for?” he whined and rubbed his sore spot.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier!”
“You guys were busy—and I kinda forgot.”
“KAMI!” they exasperated and yelled in unison.
“That’s mine!” you glared at Kami who looks nothing but a yellow blurb to you. You grabbed your phone from him. “You stole it *hic* didn’t you?”
Before Kaminari was able to reply back, your boyfriend's car arrived at the scene. He got out from his car and immediately ran towards where you guys are upon spotting you and his friends near the bushes.
He was only wearing sleeping clothes on. His black sleeveless skull t-shirt, a pair of slippers and his normally spiky hair—now messily plopped up on his head.
“Bakugou!” Mina shouted.
Everyone’s a bit relieved because worry was the only expression evident on Bakugou’s face and no anger.
“Should we tell him that his slippers are mismatched?” Kaminari whispered, eyes staring at the blonde’s feet.
“Nah.” Kirishima chuckled.
The worried blonde walked towards you. “Baby, let’s get you home—”
“Don’t *hic* touch me.” Slapping Bakugou’s hand away.
“Babe, you’re drunk—” the blonde tried to slowly reached for your arm but you backed away.
“Am not!” You almost stumbled. “Am not *hic* drunk.”
“You def are. I need to take you home.”
“No you’re not! As if I'll come with you, asshole.” you childishly stuck out your tongue at your boyfriend.
Kaminari stifled a snicker and Mina elbowed him.
“It’s me, dumbass, your boyfriend.” Bakugou held out an arm.
You stared at the outreached palm, then to his face, back to his arm and then to his face again. Then you scanned his whole body up and down—your face turning sour. “hAH! My boyfriend’s handsome.”
Bakugou looked down on the floor and chuckled, shaking his head a bit in amusement. “I don’t know if I should be flattered that you indirectly praised me for the first time or be insulted that you don’t recognize your own boyfriend, babe.”
“Leave me *hic* alone.” you whined.
“No, we gotta take you home, princess. You're drunk asf.”
“AM NOT COMING *hic* WITH YOU PEOPLE!” you shrieked and ran.
“Come back here, woman—” the explosive blonde ran after you.
“AaaAaaAaaH! NO!” and you kept running, your boyfriend chasing after you.
He never knew you could run this fast when drunk.
Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Kami just stared at the scene in front of them and with no signs of trying to help. Then Sero turned to the red head. “Should we—”
“Don't have to. Bakubro’s got it under control.” Kiri said with a grin on, eyes still staring at the chasing scene in front of them.
“If you say so.” Sero shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.
“I’m not playing y/n, just come here already and—”
The fact that you're still not caught by your boyfriend up until now—even when you're running with a bit of stumble and bad gait—amazes him.
“Uh—you guys wanna go back to the bar?” Mina asked as he turned to the guys. They all agreed in unison, turning their back against you guys and was now walking back towards the bar.
“Do they serve french fries? I’m craving french fries.”
“Me too.”
“Babe, just stop running already. You might trip and face plant on the floor—”
and then you did.
“Oh for fucks'sake.” Bakugou exasperated, worry evident on his face as he walked towards your lying body.
“No kicking, woman—just—will you just—no you don’t—calm down, babe—”
Then it suddenly quiet down, the four curious as to why.
They all turned back to see that Bakugou has an unpaintable face on and there was an evident sign of redness on top of his forehead. Kaminari failed to hide his snicker.
“I think Bakugou just got kicked in the face.” Sero voiced out and the four laughed and giggled. Then continued to walk inside the bar to resume partying.
“Be careful on the way home lovebirds!” Kaminari shouted out as he raised a hand to wave goodbye, not even turning around.
“That does it.” he growled.
“Stop struggling woman or you'll fall off. Tch.”
But you kept struggling like a maniac, shrieking for help while currently plopped up on Bakugou’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
“I’m never gonna let you drink again without my supervision, shitty woman.”
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