#but hey that’s why these are headcannons
lizlovestofangirl · 3 days
"hey, baby"
ln4 x reader
headcannons about little daily things with lando
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first, the nicknames
he loves to call you things that reflect how much he loves you
"hey, baby"
"whatever you want, babe"
"of course love"
"come here, angel"
he would also 100% buy into the pookie trend
his love language is mainly physical touch, but also words of affirmation and gift giving
he loves to have a hand on you at all times
if you're cooking, he will wrap his arms around you and hold you while you cook
loves to hold you while you're sleeping or watching a movie
he's one of those guys that holds onto your left whenever you're sitting too
hand on your thigh or knee in the car>>>
playing with your hair (especially if it's curly) or playing with your clothes (especially dresses)
for words of affirmation, he is constantly telling you how much he loves you
it's his favorite thing to say and the thing he texts you the most
whenever you feel down, he always knows what to say to make you feel better
if he ever sees you looking at yourself in the mirror and not liking the way you look or talking about yourself badly, he takes the time to remind you why you're his favorite person
compliments 24/7
gorgeous, stunning, angelic, cute, hot, sexy, perfect, lovely, amazing
obviously, he has money
and he loves spoiling you with it
nice makeup, clothes, accessories
especially sunglasses and bags
he also loves to get you clothes for different events you go to together
(he also loves to match you a little bit, even with jewelry)
his absolute obsession is buying experiences for you
spa treatments and travel, but especially travel
he takes you anywhere
he has an album on his phone of pictures of you, not you and him just you, in places you had gone together and is probably getting a coffee table book made
when you two aren't traveling for fun, you're traveling for his job
if you wanted to keep working he would make that happen for you but if not, he would let you travel with him and explore your hobbies and passions
he loves having you in the paddock with him
he'll definitely gotten dragged into a few interviews, but only if you're okay with it
if you want to keep the relationship private, he will happily oblige because all he wants is you
but if you are okay with a public relationship, he will constantly be posting you
you're a sensation on tiktok because of the cute videos of the two of you
and there's tons of paparazzi photos of the two of you on the internet
the comments on the photos of you both are about how in love with you he is and how perfect the two of you are
pictures if you guys that aren't posed are filled with laughs, smiles, and just an overall amazing mood
he is happiest with you, truly
he is even happy to sit in silence with you
silence has never been so comfortable with someone
but he will also yap and yap and yap to you because of how comfortable he is
as already mentioned, he totally loves your hobbies and passions
whatever your music taste is, he is taking you to concerts and buying you merch and putting it on in the car
you like to read? he's building you a library (beauty and the beast coded)
you play an instrument? he will sit and listen to you for hours
he would especially love to hear you sing if that's your thing
always having the biggest smile on his face when you start singing in the car or while getting ready for the morning
if you like to cook or bake, he will make sure you have all the best ingredients and equipment
even going as far as to have the kitchen redone in your shared apartment
speaking of apartment, it is a perfect blend of you guys
artwork that matches both of your taste
comfortable couches to lay on
shelves of lando's trophies and old helmets
his and her vanities with each of your favorite products on the top
speaking of vanities, he loves to watch you get ready
he has no idea what you're doing, but he is mesmerized
he would definitely learn how to curl or straighten your hair for you
he's just very sweet and attentive, which is what makes your relationship work
when things get rough, he still manages to be soft and kind
you both make an effort to communicate well instead of yelling
if he ever yelled, he would cry
if he ever made you cry, he would kick himself for the rest of the month
he's made you cry tears of joy a lot, and tears of sadness only a few times
mostly when you're just feeling emotional already and aren't in the mood for anything
he immediately apologized and went to hold you
if you stepped back, he would burst into tears too
overall, he is everything you need and will ever need
he's the best best friend and boyfriend, and will be the best husband when the time comes
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valkyriexo · 15 hours
Not sure if this is a hurt/comfort request but, I worked out too hard despite my body telling me to stop and ended up throwing up....if y/n did that, bff/bf SKZ would be so upset but probably comfort her right? That's what I'd like to think 🩶
They comfort you when you overwork yourself | OT8
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ᑉ³pairing; Boyfriend!OT8 x Reader
ᑉ³genre;comfort, Headcannon
ᑉ³warnings; Implied female reader, nausea (not described just mentioned in Bin's and Seungmin's), fainting, mentions of food, mentions of pregnacy, mentions of anxiety, use of petnames.
ᑉ³authors note; I didnt know if you wanted this to be texts or a drabble so i did them as small drabbles/headcannons. i tried to make it short and sweet! Hope you enjoy :)
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╰┈➤ Chan
BF!Chan comes home exhausted after a long day of endless schedules and responsibilities. All he wants now is to be home, to find comfort and peace in your arms. As he unlocked the door to your apartment, he expected to be greeted by your familiar sounds of your laughter or the soft hum of music playing in the background. He knows your always home at this time.
But instead, there was silence.
Frowning, Chan steps inside, immediately noticing the unusual quiet. "Y/N?" he calls out, his voice echoing in the stillness. He puts his stuff down, waiting for a response.
When he hears nothing, worry starts to eat at him. Concern grows as he searches the apartment, his heart pounding faster with each empty room. He checks the living room, the kitchen, and finally heads down the hallway. Then he finds you, huddled on the bathroom floor, your body curled in on itself as tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N?" Chan's voice is full of concern as he knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he reached out to gently touch your shoulder. "What happened baby? Are you hurt?"
You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, your face contorted in pain. "Chan," you choked out, your voice thick with tears.
Chan's heart races as he cups your face, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Hey, hey, it's okay baby. It's okay..." he coos. "Tell me what's wrong. Are you in pain?"
You shake your head weakly, trying to find the words. "I'm just... so tired. I pushed myself too hard, I think….."
His worry turns into a mix of panic and frustration. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? I could have helped you," he says.
"You should have taken it easy." He scolds gently, his love for you clear in his eyes. "Why do you always try to handle everything alone? Ask me to help you. You don't have to do anything by yourself."
You flinch slightly at his words, and he immediately softens, guilt hitting him. "I'm sorry, love. I just... I can't stand seeing you like this."
Chan quickly helps you up, supporting your weight as he guides you to the bedroom. He lays you down gently, covering you with a blanket before sitting beside you, still holding your hand.
You look up at him, tears still in your eyes. "I didn't want to worry you. I thought... I thought I could handle it."
He sighs deeply, brushing your hair back from your face. "Your health is more important than anything baby. Please, promise me you'll take better care of yourself." As he speaks, he intertwines his fingers with yours, gently caressing your hand with his thumb.
You nod weakly, and he leans down to kiss your forehead. "I'm going to get you some water and medicine, yeah? Just rest, baby"
He returns with a tray delicately balanced in his hands, bearing not just water and medicine, but also crackers and a bowl of sliced fruits. Setting it down beside you, he arranges everything with care, making sure it's within your reach.
"Here, my love," he says softly, offering you the water and medicine first. "Take these, they'll help you feel better."
As you take them, he sets aside the tray and pulls off his shirt, revealing the warmth of his skin as he climbs into bed beside you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, ready to snuggle and provide you with the comfort and warmth you deserve.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N," he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine tenderness. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart. All I want is for you to be happy and healthy. Please, let me take care of you. I'll do anything to make you feel better."
╰┈➤ Minho
BF!Minho whose heart raced as he practically ran to your apartment, his footsteps echoing down the hallway as he approached your door. Without hesitation, he knocked urgently, the sound repeating through the quiet corridor.
You're taken aback by the forcefulness of the knocking, and hurried to open the door. Your eyes widened in surprise as they see Minho standing there, a mixture of relief and concern evident on his face.
"So, it is true. You went home early," he says, his voice filled with worry as he takes in your tired appearance. He steps closer, his hand gently lifting your chin so he can look into your eyes. His touch is gentle yet firm, as if trying to read your emotions and assess your well-being in that moment.
"Are you okay? What happened?" he asks softly.
You hesitate for a moment, but the concern in Minho's eyes prompts you to open up.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I got really dizzy during practice, and they sent me home."
Without a word, he steps into your house, causing you to stumble back a little. He turns to face you, his gaze gentle but firm. 
"Y/N," he begins, his voice stern, "I know you're passionate about what you do, but pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion isn't healthy. You need to take better care of yourself."
You lower your gaze, feeling guilty at Minho's gentle scolding.
"But I just wanted to be as good of a dancer as you," you admit softly, your voice filled with sincerity. "I see you always working so hard, and it's like I have to work twice as hard just to be as good as your mark."
Minho's expression softens at your words, his heart sinking lower and lower.
"Oh.. baby.." he says softly. "I never wanted you to feel like you have to measure up to anyone, especially not me. " He pulls you into a comforting embrace, holding you close as if to shield you from any further self-doubt or guilt.
"You know," he continues "I work so hard because I want to impress you, to be someone worthy of your love and admiration. But you, my love, you don't have to do anything. You just breathe, and I'm in awe."
As he holds you close, he brushes his lips against your forehead. "Besides… you're my favorite dancer, and nothing can change that," he murmurs softly.
"I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you're not enough," he adds. "Please don't ever feel like you have to prove yourself to anyone, especially not me. You're enough, more than enough, just as you are."
With a gentle smile, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you," he says softly, his voice warm and reassuring. "Why don't you rest while I cook something delicious for you? You deserve to be pampered, my love."
╰┈➤ Changbin
BF!Binnie whose eyes would light up with excitement whenever you mentioned joining him at the gym. He'd practically beam with joy as he eagerly planned out the workout session in his mind.
Eager to impress, you dive headfirst into each exercise, pushing your limits with fervor. Each movement was deliberate, fueled by the desire to match Binnie's pace. With every set, you pushed yourself further, determined to keep up with him. But as the intensity mounted, so did your breathlessness. Your heart raced, and a dizzying sensation began to cloud your focus.
Finally, as you finished another grueling round, he couldn't stay silent any longer.
"Hey, slow down," he said. "You're pushing yourself too hard." With a gentle touch, he placed a hand on your shoulder, his touch both comforting and grounding.
Despite his gentle urging, you stubbornly waved off his concern, convinced that you could handle the intensity of the workout. Ignoring the protests of your body, you pushed through each exercise, wanted to impress him and prove him wrong.
But as the minutes stretched into hours, the strain began to take its toll. Your muscles burned with exhaustion, and a dull ache settled in your joints.
Then, without warning, a wave of nausea hit you, causing your stomach to churn uncomfortably. With a sudden urgency, you broke away from the workout, stumbling towards the nearest bathroom.
Afterwards, You barely had a moment to collect yourself before you heard Bin's voice outside. "Y/N, are you okay?" he called out anxiously.
Your breaths came in ragged gasps as you leaned heavily against the bathroom sink, the cool porcelain providing a small measure of relief against the relentless churning in your stomach.
Summoning every ounce of strength, you managed to call out in a strained voice, "I'm... I'm okay, just... just need a minute." Each word felt like a struggle as you fought to maintain composure in the face of overwhelming nausea.
As the feeling began to subside, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable conversation awaiting you outside the bathroom. With shaky legs, you straightened up, using the sink for support as you prepared to face him.
As you opened the door, you were met with his concerned gaze, his brows furrowed with worry.
"I told you to slow down," he scolded. "Why didn't you listen?"
Your throat tightened with a surge of remorse as you struggled to find the right words. "I... I wanted to keep up with you," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I could do it."
Bin's concern deepened at your admission, his eyes searching yours. But as you faltered under his gaze, his scolding took on a more urgent tone.
"What if you got hurt, Y/N?" he pressed, "You can't do that. You can't put yourself at risk like that."
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the distant hum of the gym. "I really didn't mean to..."
His expression softened at your apology, his features relaxing as he wrapped his arms gently around you, pulling you close against his chest. He pressed soft kisses to your forehead, your temples, and your shoulders.
"I know you didn't," he murmured, his voice softening as time went on. "But please, don't ever do that again. I'm your boyfriend, Y/N. I'm supposed to protect you, but I can't do that if you don't listen."
Yet, beneath the worry, there was an unmistakable depth of love. His touch was gentle, his presence comforting as he held you close
"I just want to make sure you're safe and happy and okay," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I love you so much, Y/N."
╰┈➤ Hyunjin
BF!Hyunjin who sat inside the dimly lit restaurant, the soft glow of the lights casting shadows across his tense features. He checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time, his fingers tapping anxiously against the screen as he scrolled through his messages.
"Where are you?" he texted again, his words tinged with worry. "Are you on your way?"
After what felt like hours he sighed. With a heavy heart, he abandoned his seat at the restaurant and hailed a cab, his mind racing with a million questions and worst-case scenarios.
When he arrived at your doorstep, the knot of worry in his chest tightened. With trembling hands, he knocked on the door, his heart pounding in his ears as he waited for a response.
"Y/N? Are you here?" His voice echoed in the quiet stillness of the night. He knocked again, the sound repeating through the empty hallway. "We were supposed to meet for our date. Did you forget?" he said, his voice full of frustration. "You never forget..."
But there was no answer, only silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Hyunjin pushed open the door, his voice trembling as he called out to you.
"Y/N? Where are you?" Panic began to bubble up inside him as he stepped into the interior of your home. 
And then he saw you, lying on the couch, your face pale and drawn, your body shivering. Relief flooded through him at the sight of you, but it was quickly overshadowed by a surge of concern.
Hyunjin's heart leaped into his throat as he rushed to your side, his hands trembling. "Baby, what's wrong?" he exclaimed. "Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?"
His eyes scanned your pale face, taking in every detail with a frantic intensity. The sight of you lying there, vulnerable and unwell, sent a surge of worry coursing through him, drowning out any other thoughts or concerns.
"I'm sorry about our date," you whispered, your voice filled with remorse. "I didn't mean to ruin it..."
But Hyunjin shook his head, his expression softening with understanding. "Forget about the date," he insisted, his voice gentle yet firm. "What matters is if you're okay."
Hyunjin's hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring as he looked into your eyes. With a shaky breath, you met his gaze, a silent plea for forgiveness shining in your eyes.
"I was working out and overdid it," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't listen to my body telling me to stop."
A crease formed between Hyunjin's brows as he absorbed your words, his concern deepening. "You should have known better than to overdo it like this." His tone softened slightly as he continued, "I care about you, Y/N, and seeing you like this worries me."
"Promise me you'll listen to your body next time," he implored. "I can't bear to see you hurting like this again."
"I promise," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. 
With a tender expression, Hyunjin reached out and gently pulled you into his arms. "Come here, my pretty girl," he murmured softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
He gently wrapped a cozy blanket around the both of you, ensuring that you were snug and warm against the chill of the night. "There, that's better," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
As you nestled closer to him, the warmth of his embrace enveloping you, you couldn't help but shiver involuntarily, the cold of the night still seeping through despite the blanket.
Feeling you tremble, he tightened his hold around you, his arms a comforting barrier against the chill. "I've got you, baby," he murmured softly, "It's okay, I've got you."
╰┈➤ Han
BF!Han who watched with growing concern as you attempted to eat the food he had brought over, only to see you struggle to keep it down. The worry lines deepened on his forehead as he observed your distress. 
"Y/N, what's happening?" he asked gently, his voice tinged with concern. "You can't keep anything down. Are you feeling sick?"
You shook your head, a frustrated sigh escaping your lips. "I don't know, Han," you admitted, feeling defeated. "I've been feeling off lately, but I thought some food might help..... I guess I was wrong."
His brows furrowed with anxiety as he took in your pale complexion and the way you wilted before him, your body clearly unable to keep down even a bite of food. "Are you in pain?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with worry. "Do you need to see a doctor?"
When you didn't reply, he was even more concerned, his mind racing with worry for your well-being.
After a few moments of tense silence, his concern reached a breaking point, and without thinking, the words spilled out of him in a rush of worry.
"Are you pregnant?" he blurted out, regretting it seconds later.
The shock of his question reverberated through the room, your eyes widening in surprise at his unexpected question. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of his words sinking in.
"I... no, Han," you stammered, shaking your head in disbelief. "I'm not pregnant. I just... I've been overworking myself, that's all."
A mixture of relief and embarrassment washed over Han as he realized the gravity of his assumption. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. I just... I'm worried about you, Y/N."
Your heart softened at his genuine concern, and you reached out to gently place a hand on his arm. "It's okay, Hannie," you reassured him, offering a small smile. "Thank you for caring. But I promise, I'm okay. I'll take better care of myself from now on."
As you spoke, Han's concern only deepened, feeling a bit guilty for not being able to ease your discomfort or offer a solution to your distress.
"How can i help you baby?," he asked softly. "Seeing you like this... it hurts, Y/N. I hate feeling so powerless."You could hear the anguish in his voice, and your heart squeezed with empathy.
"Han," you said gently, "you being here for me means more than you know. Sometimes, just knowing that you care is enough."
His eyes met yours. "I do care, Y/N," he whispered, his voice laced with sincerity. "More than anything. I just want you to be okay."
Seeing the exhaustion in your eyes, he gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "Maybe you should rest," he suggested softly. "I'll make you some tea."
He stood up and tucked the blanket more snugly around you, ensuring you were warm and comfortable. As he moved toward the kitchen, you could hear the quiet clinking of the kettle and the rustle of tea bags, his actions filled with tender care
╰┈➤ Felix
BF!Felix whos heart drops when he receives a text from you saying you wouldn't be able to make it tonight. Felix stared at his phone screen, reading and rereading your message, trying to make sense of it. His mind raced with confusion. He knew how much you had been looking forward to the evening. You had been expressing it to him all week, and now there was a sudden change of plans.
You had been the one eagerly counting down the days until tonight, talking animatedly about the plans and the fun you would have. Felix couldn't understand why you wouldn't want to go now, especially after all the anticipation.
After a moment of hesitation, he decided to give you a call, hoping to get some clarity on the situation.
With trembling fingers, he dialed your number, each ring feeling like an eternity as he waited for you to pick up. Finally, on the third ring, he heard your voice on the other end, though it sounded weary and subdued.
"Hey, it's me," Felix said softly, his concern evident in his voice. "I got your message… Is everything okay? I thought you were excited about tonight."
"Yeah, I'm just not feeling well," you explained.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Felix asked gently. There was a hesitant pause on the other end of the line before you responded, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I appreciate it, Felix," you replied softly, your words heavy. "I just... I don't want to ruin everyone's night"
Felix's heart ached at your words, realizing that you were trying to protect him and his friends from whatever was troubling you. He wished he could take away whatever was weighing on your mind and make everything better.
"You could never ruin anything," He reassured you. There was a long pause before you responded, and Felix held his breath, waiting anxiously. "Do you need me to bring you some soup, or maybe some medicine? Is it your head, or...?"
He was desperate to understand, his mind racing through all the possibilities. He couldn't stand the thought of you suffering alone.
Before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him, your voice barely above a whisper as you finally let your guard down. "I just... I overdid it today," you admitted, the words heavy with exhaustion and regret. "I'm sorry, Felix. I pushed myself too hard, and now I feel terrible."
Felix's heart ached at your confession, and he could hear the strain in your voice. "Oh, Y/N," he murmured softly, his concern deepening. "You should have told me sooner. I would've come to help you. Don't apologize, okay? Just focus on resting. I'll take care of everything."
He paused, then added with a gentle firmness, "I'm coming over with some soup and medicine. And I'm staying to make sure you get some rest. "
There was a hint of surprise in your voice as you responded, "You don't have to do that, Felix. Don’t cancel your plans. I know you were also excited to go."
But Felix wouldn't hear any of it. "I want to be there for you, my love," he insisted. "Nothing is more important to me than you. I'll be there soon."
Before you could protest further, Felix was already making arrangements, his mind set on ensuring you were taken care of. The thought of spending the evening out with friends paled in comparison to the need to be by your side.
╰┈➤ Seungmin
Bf!Seungmin who had been looking forward to his lunch break all morning, eager to spend some time with you and enjoy a meal together. But as he made his way to your workplace with lunch in hand, he was surprised to find your desk empty, your coworkers looking equally puzzled by your absence. Concern gnawed at Seungmin's mind as he approached your manager, hoping to find some answers.
"Excuse me," Seungmin began. "Do you happen to know where Y/N is? I brought her lunch, but she's not at her desk."
The manager's expression shifted as they replied, "I'm sorry, she called in sick today."
Seungmin's heart dropped at the news, his concern for you growing stronger by the second. Without another word, he hastily left the office, determined to find out what was going on.
His footsteps quickened as he rushed to your apartment. With each passing moment, his concern for you only grew stronger, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest.
When he arrived at your apartment, he was met with an empty space, devoid of any signs of your presence. Panic began to set in as Seungmin frantically searched every room, calling out your name in desperation.
But his efforts were in vain, and there was no trace of you to be found.
Pulling out his phone, he dialed your number repeatedly, each call going unanswered. He then decided to reach out to your friends, hoping that someone would have some answers.
One by one, he called each of your closest friends, his voice trembling as he asked if they had seen or heard from you. But each call yielded the same result;
No one knew where you were.
Just as he was starting to lose hope, a familiar voice answered the phone."Seungmin? Is everything okay?" the voice asked, " You dont usually call me."
Seungmin wasted no time in explaining the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush as he desperately sought answers.
"I... I don't know where Y/N is," he admitted. "I went to her work and her apartment, but she's not there. Do you know where she might be?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before your friend spoke up.
"I'm so sorry, Seungmin," they said softly. "Y/N was admitted into the hospital last night. She's was really sick."
Seungmin's heart stopped at the news. Without another word, he hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital,
He burst through the hospital doors, his eyes scanning the crowded lobby until they landed on the reception desk. He approached the receptionist, his voice urgent as he demanded to know where you were. The receptionist's expression softened at Seungmin's distress, and they quickly pulled up your information on their computer. With a sympathetic smile, they directed him to the room where you were being treated.
He wasted no time, his heart pounding in his ears as he made his way through the maze of corridors until he finally reached your room. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.
There you were, lying in the hospital bed, pale and weak, but still undeniably beautiful. Seungmin's heart clenched at the sight, anger and concern hitting him as he took in your fragile state.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" Seungmin demanded, his voice full of frustration and fear. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why did you let me worry like this?" He's fighting the tears from falling form his eyes as he rushed to your side.
"I was so worried," Seungmin confessed, his voice breaking. "I thought... I thought I had lost you. No one knew where you were and i..i-i," he stuttered.
Your heart ached at the pain in his voice, and you reached out to him, pulling him into a gentle embrace. "I'm so sorry, Min," you whispered weakly, your own tears mingling with his.
He held you close, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he buried his face in your hair, breathing in your familiar scent. In that moment, all the anger and fear melted away, leaving only the overwhelming relief of having you safe and sound in his arms.
"I... I overworked myself," you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "I pushed myself too hard, and I didn't take care of myself like I should have."
Seungmin listened attentively, his grip on you tightening as he absorbed your words.
"I was so stressed and exhausted," you continued, your voice trembling with emotion. "I ended up throwing up so much that I fainted, and... I woke up here."
He held you tighter, wanting to protect you from any more pain.
"They're giving me IV fluids and medication, and I already feel much better," you confessed, trying to ease how bad the situation w as. "But I'm so sorry for not telling you. I didn't realize it would worry you this much."
Seungmin's eyes softened as he pulled back to look at you. "Y/N, you never have to apologize for needing help or for being honest with me," he said gently. "I would rather know what you're going through, even if it's difficult, so that I can be there for you."
"I'm just glad you're okay," he continued "I don't ever want to go through something like this again. Please, promise me you'll always tell me when something's wrong."
You nodded against his chest, feeling the weight of his words settle in your heart. "I promise, baby. I'll never keep anything from you again."
╰┈➤ Jeongin
BF!Jeongin who's eyes widen when you text him a list of medications you need while hes out at the store. He immedicantly texts you back, concerned.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, tapping away at his phone, "why do you need all of this stuff? Are you feeling okay?"
Your response was slow to come, and when it did, it was vague and evasive. "I'm just not feeling great. Please, can you just grab everything on the list?"
Jeongin frowned, his worry growing with each passing moment. He knew you well enough to sense when something was off, and he wasn't about to let you brush off your health concerns so easily.
"I'm on my way," Jeongin replied firmly, determined to find out what was wrong.
But not before picking up what you need, of course.
When he arrived at your place, his arms were laden with bags filled with every type of medicine imaginable. He barged through the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on you sitting on the couch, looking pale and tired.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Jeongin demanded. "Why do you need all of this stuff? Are you okay?"
You tried to brush off his questions with a weak smile, but Jeongin wasn't having any of it. He knelt down in front of you, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"I just feel... nauseous," you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I feel sick."
Jeongin's brows furrowed deeper, his concern intensifying as he listened to your vague explanation. "But why, Y/N? What happened? Was it something you ate? Or do you think it's a stomach bug?"
Your evasion only seemed to frustrate Jeongin further. He had come prepared to help you, but your reluctance to share the full extent of your troubles was testing his patience.
"Y/N, please," Jeongin urged, getting more frustrated by the second. "I need to know what's going on so I can help you. You can't just brush this off like it's nothing."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt the weight of Jeongin's worry. You knew he only wanted what was best for you, but the thought of burdening him with your troubles felt overwhelming.
"I... I pushed myself too hard," you finally confessed, your voice barely audible, "and got sick."
"Y/N," he said gently, after a few minutes. "why did you push yourself so hard? You know you don't have to do everything alone, right?"
Tears fell from your eyes as you nodded. You knew he was right, but the pressure to succeed and meet expectations had driven you to ignore your own limits.
Jeongin reached out to gently wipe away your tears. "You don't have to be perfect, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity. "and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. That's what I'm here for baby. "
His arms enveloped you with a tenderness that was almost palpable. His touch was gentle, as if he feared even the slightest pressure might cause you discomfort. With infinite care, he cradled you against his chest. Feeling his lips against your skin, you couldn't help but close your eyes, savoring the moment of intimacy shared between you. 
With a soft sigh, Jeongin finally broke away, though his touch remained gentle and reassuring. He reached beside him, grabbing hold of a multitude of bags and packages, their contents carefully chosen with you in mind.
"I brought you this," he said softly, as he began to unpack the items he had brought. "And this... and this... and... well, a lot of things, really."
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the array of items spread out before you. There were medications and remedies for your illness, carefully chosen to help ease your discomfort. But amidst the practical items, there were also thoughtful additions—a plush teddy bear, your favorite snacks, and a variety of drinks to keep you hydrated.
"Jeongin, you really didn't have to do all this," you murmured.
But Jeongin simply shook his head, his eyes filled with sincerity as he met your gaze. "I did it because I love you, Y/N," he said softly, his voice unwavering. "And I always want to make sure you're okay."
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ainnur · 2 days
Hey man!! :D
Since you asked me, what are YOUR FrozenFruit headcannons???
I need more FrozenFruit content in my life 😔
Hey bud :D
Sorry for late answer. I kinda not really hc kinda person so my hc kinda limited. That why I asked you. To steal yours hehehhe.
Here some I have
•Bai He hates cold food while Wukong hates hot food. When visits Bai He always bring ice pop or smoothie for Wukong. She made them herself :D
•Bai He kinda pick up making tradisional medicine because she wound herself and Wukong treat it using medicine that he made himself. She kinda amaze by that.
•Bai He once have mental break down cutting her own hair because all she see in LBD. It went badly. She went to Wukong to fix what left
•Out of petty Bai He kinda like remind Macaque of LBD even Wukong said no many time. One time it went to far Macaque almost attack Bai He for it.
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primalmagic · 18 days
rock-a-bye baby
It was empty. It was black and empty and she was alone.  
Until she wasn’t. 
Emma hesitates, taking a step black on an old, tattered tile that’s only vaguely familiar. 
She can barely recognize her own voice. 
She tries again. 
“Hello? Is anyone-” 
She’s interrupted by a blood-curdling scream, disassociated and hers. 
“Damn it, damn it,” she panics, her heart beating a thousand times faster than what was probably normal, “Fuck, stay away from me, you- you-”
It comes closer, cocking its head onto the side, cold wind brushing against her extended, shaking leg. It’s unlike anything she’s ever seen before, but like something she has seen before. Because she knew. 
God, she knew. She had met this creature before, someplace- somewhere- at some time she somehow couldn’t remember…
It’s empty, hollow, smiling face leaned closer to her, and she suppresses the urge to giggle. 
She’s so done. She’s so, so, done. The girl in her stomach kicks her again, but she’s not paying her any attention. The shock is gone, replaced by slow, slow, slow agony. 
“What do you want?” She demands, her voice wavering around the wisps of black wind curling across her vision. “Why are you here?” 
It doesn’t answer. 
She doesn’t expect it to. 
But it grins wider, leans closer until it’s in her personal place and just barely touching her. 
“S-stay back,” she swallows, “I, uh, I have a husband!” The previous panic creeps back into her mind, slowly but surely. 
It doesn’t react. 
It leans closer and closer and closer until Emma can feel it everywhere. 
Around her, encompassing her, inside her, just… her. 
She gasps out wordlessly, eyes squeezed shut, a single teardrop drawing a small squiggle down her face. 
She can feel it. 
And she understands.
A thousand years of suffering run through her head, a thousand years of abandonment, of hatred, of the same agony she’d felt seconds ago. Centuries of ignorance and exile, decades of planning and surviving. 
The slow trickle of hope, falling, falling, falling, as the hourglass greedily takes the last piece of sand. 
Of fear and worry, or terror and humanity. So old and grainy that she can hardly grasp it. Because it was taken from it, taken so long ago. 
And want. 
So, so, so much want.
And then it’s gone. 
Her eyes open up wearily, studying her surroundings, but it is nowhere to be found. 
But out of the very corner of her eyesight, she sees a blob run through the dark. 
She can’t speak, she realizes. She’s so tired, so drowsy… so sleepy… 
But then it speaks. 
It speaks. 
And it says, 
“Emma? Love, are you alright? Emma?” 
Her eyes jerk open, tear-stained cheeks flushed red, her hands clenched as they lay dead on the mattress. 
“What’s wrong, Em?” He sits up on the bed, leaning closer to dry her eyes, which are somehow still wet. “What happened? Bad dream?” 
Yes, she’s about to say, but then she’s struck by the realization that she can’t… remember? Why was she crying? 
“No,” she frowns, “I’m- I’m okay.” 
“Are you sure about that?” he asks as she leans on his shoulder and sits up, grasping his hand to stay grounded. 
She flicks on the lamp on the bedroom table, relishing the way the dim light fills the room. 
“I love you,” she whispers, holding one hand to her stomach and gazing softly at her husband. Her baby has stopped kicking, she realizes in the back of her mind. 
“I love you too, Em,” he smiles, “But it’s one AM in the night and you just started crying, love. Did something happen?” 
“No, I- no, I’m alright,” she decides, turning her eyes away. She’d tell Mike if she knew, she thinks. But what… what just happened? 
“If you say so,” he chuckles, eyes crinkled in slight worry, “Baby keeping you up all night?” 
“Something like that,” she answers truthfully. “She’s alright, though.” I think. 
“How are you so sure it’s a girl?” Mike nudges her affectionately, “I bet it’s a boy.” 
“It’s a girl,” she said definingly, grinning, “But I wouldn’t mind betting with you on it.” 
“50 bucks?” 
“I’m so gonna win!” 
Emma shakes her head, her mind erasing any lingering fear of whatever’d just happened. She was safe. She was at her house with the love of her life, making stupid remarks and she was safe. 
“Mother knows best,” she giggles, like she’s a teenage girl again. 
“How dare ye, Mother Gothel! Stay away from my wife and my son!” He waves his hands dramatically, and Emma knows he’s trying to make her feel better. 
“Daughter,” she corrects, before he can protest, “It’s too late for this. You have work tomorrow! Go to sleep,” she flicks him on the head and smiles. 
“Alright, fine.” 
“You sure you’re okay?” 
She sighs exasperatedly, but with no heat, “I’m fine, I swear. Thanks though.” 
“No problem, love. Good night.” 
He tucks her under the covers, and then flicks off the lamp. 
“Good night, love you too,” she whispers back. 
The silence stretches, comfortable and calm. 
One sheep. Two sheep. Three sheep. 
“Hey, Mark?” She asks, using the nickname that had inadvertently stuck since she mistakenly called him it when they'd first met.
“Yeah, Em?” 
“If it’s a girl…” she hesitates, unsure of why she’s so adamant on this herself, “Can we name her Ashlyn?” 
“Only if I can name him Edward,” he jokes. 
“Never mind,” she rolls her eyes in the darkness, but Mike definitely gets the point. 
“Yeah, love, we can.” 
“Yeah. I like it.”
“Wish I could say the same, but no child of mine is going to be named Edward.”  
“Hey! You don’t want a little vampire baby?” 
Her mind catches a glimpse of something, something familiar, and she shudders involuntarily, “I’d like to stay away from anything supernatural in this life, if I can.” 
“Alright then, what about Bob?” 
“I hate you.” 
“You love me.” 
“Yeah, I do love you. Now, good night, Mark,” she huffs, still smiling, “For real this time.” 
“Alright, alright. Good night- for real this time,” he chuckles. 
She loves him so, so much. 
As she drifts off, she feels another small kick, and lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Good night to you too, Ashlyn."
on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56080381 guys there is not a single emma banner / mike banner on ao3 COME ON they were such a power couple
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
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moralpuppet · 9 months
I need to make an audio/video post of Orel and Clay saying “golly” because even though Clay only said it once … oh boy I’m headcannoning that’s where Orel got some of his little sayings from
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dead-end-draws · 2 months
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WOF tribe Merchant/Trading booth concepts:
Hey folks! This one was the recent winner of this WOF poll, so here’s my concept art that headcannons trading in Pyrrhia.
Read below cut for close-ups of the individual booths + the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
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Skywings: The Sky Kingdom’s mountain ranges provide plenty of pasture for raising sheep. As such, Skywing shepherds benefit from traveling to sell their wool, dyes, fabric, and woven tapestries. Many of these merchant tables also include herbs grown exclusively in the mountains, or ibex drinking horns that can be strapped on a dragon’s shoulder & carried in flight.
Along with goods, Skywing merchants may offer sewing services to fix tears, burn marks, or other fabric damage. They are sought out for their quality clothing, and most fabric across Pyrria originated from a Skywing’s talons.
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Mudwings: Mudwings’ abundant food & cooking skills are envied almost anywhere in Pyrrhia. Their swamps have fertile soil, responsible for hosting diverse crops which can be purchased as produce at merchant stalls. For those lucky enough to find a traveling Mudwing merchant, the promise of a delicious dish can be whipped up and served at the stall in no time. Along with produce goods, Mudwings sell weaved baskets, spices, and cooking ware.
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Sandwings: Sandwing booths offer luxuries of the desert: It’s most common to find accessories such as gold carved jewelry or musical instruments such as drums, lyres, & mandolins for sale. Though, even more sought out across Pyrrhia is Sandwing tattoos/piercings, which are done within the merchant areas. Ink etchings on papyrus paper are stationed outside their tents to showcase designs. All which can be selected, and poked into the skin with a tapping stick and plant dye ink by a trained talon.
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Seawings: SeaWings sell a variety of ocean related goods; taking a share in the fish market with Icewings. Outside of food, there are den decorations like driftwood carvings, accessories such as seashell & pearl jewelry, and rope nets weaved by expert Seawing sailors. Some Seawings even sell fishing equipment, canoes, or offer sailor knot tying instructions to curious dragon buyers.
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Nightwings: During the war, it was near impossible to find a Nightwing merchant. Most refused to participate in merchant territory, mostly as a way to keep up with their tribe’s mysterious nature.
Though in the more shady, unground parts of the market you can buy from a huge selection of obsidian weaponry, the sharpest in Pyrrhia. No one knew initially how Nightwings smithed so many weapons, or why, until their secret volcano kingdom and the intention to invade the rainforest was discovered. Then forging armor & weapons became clear. Along with a vast armory, for the right price, some Nightwing merchants offer Prophecies & Nightwing Literature (not always guaranteed to always be reliable) and assassin services as well (very reliable).
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Rainwings: Though Rainwings haven’t been part of Pyrrhia trading for years, they have a vast hold on dragon medicine. An apothecary of herbs, salves, and remedies are all offered for various ailments due to the rainforest’s abundant resources. Along with medicinal goods, many Rainwings are fruit vendors, promising to any hesitant meat-eating dragons that such an array of flavors isn’t to be missed. Though, their fruit selling pitches often fall flat to most other predominantly meat-eating tribes.
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Icewings: Icewings have everything a dragon could need to brace the cold, with a selection of goods only found in the most frigid regions of Pyrrhia. Furs, bone jewelry, and fresh fish (thanks to frost breath) are served on ice. Though Icewings themselves don’t require fur to withstand the cold, it’s considered fashionable and common in upper ranks to wear fur as a status symbol. Since metal is hard to smith without fire & in cold temperatures, fur and bone are more accessible to Icewings for clothing statements.
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
♡ younger! s/o x bakugou headcannons !
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you first meet each other when your mom invites his family over for lunch due to her and his mom working together. (yes this is gonna be a moms friends son trope bc thats whats happening to me 😈).
you walk down to greet the family- completely expecting to see the ugliest boy youve seen in your life. only to find out hes a ua student, built, and ofc... super fucking hot...
bakugou just stares at you blankly as you walk up and say hello to his parents and him.
recognizing his mom, you give her a hug with a big smile as she does the same.
"y/n! meet my son katsuki! hes a year older than you, but you two should get along just fine!" introduces mitsuki happily.
all you manage is a nod in response as you meet his gaze again. "um... nice to meet you bakugou.." you say smiling slightly. "just call me katsuki..." he responds gruffly as he stuffs his hands further into his pockets.
"y/n.. why dont you take katsuki upstairs and let him play on my ps5?" says your dad jokingly as he nudges your shoulder. you roll your eyes with a grin before motioning him to follow you back upstairs.
as you turn on the ps5 you hand him the controller, "we only have cod right now..." you say apologetically. "so, i heard you go to ua right...?" you ask questioningly as you sit on the other side of the couch facing him.
"yeah im in the hero program" he responds focusing on the game playing in front of him. you nod you head thoughtfully at his response "what year are you in katsuki..?"
"im in my final year, what about you...?" he says finally glancing back at you with his carmine eyes. "uh... im in 3rd year" you say fumbling over your words slightly.
"damn your young.." he chuckles as he shakes his head slightly, "hey at least im not about to go to college.." you retort with a small smirk.
bakugou cant help but grin at your response, "you calling me old shorty?" he asks with a slight smirk.
you internally melt at the sight but remain composed, "hey, im just being realistic here.." you respond as you raise your hands up.
"realistic my ass.." he mutters quickly turning back to the game, "what ass are you talking about katsuki?" you ask with a laugh.
suddenly, you hear the sound of laughter and turn to see his head thrown back as he struggles to keep himself composed, "you- you should not being saying stuff like that shorty..." he says in between chuckles.
throughout the rest of the time you and bakugou start talking more and more, almost as if you two were old friends reconnecting. heck, even his parents were surprised to see him actually talking to you like a normal person.
just before they leave you stand by the door quickly responding to a friends message. "shorty.." he calls, making you look up to see him handing you his phone. "lets stay in touch so i can keep an eye on ur bratty ass.." bakugou gruffs blushing slightly.
you widen your eyes but quickly agree as you type in your number. "ill text you soon shortcakes.." he grins before ruffling your hair and walking out right beside his parents.
All you can do is stand there rooted in your spot with flushed cheeks, grinning like a delusional idiot
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t0rturedpoets · 2 months
wife!ellie headcannons 𔘓𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ
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:: my first time<3 anyways, i don't think anyone has wrote abt wife!ellie so i got no refrence i just hope this doesn't suck !!! (P.S. english is not my first language)
TW:: swearing, smut, pet names, 18+ mdni, maybe kinda shitty
Wife!ellie being a big fat tease when she's having dinner with your family. And not tease as making fun of you as a joke. But sexually.
Wife!ellie would Grab your thighs, slipping her hands into creveses under the table. thats why she tells you "i think the skirt suits the top better than the pants"
When Wife!ellie cross the line with actually slipping her hands in your damp panties.
Wife!ellie gets too much so you slap her hand gently signing her to stop. Sometimes she stops and sometimes she doesn't.
Wife!ellie would kiss you on the forehead and rubs the back of your head mumbling to herself "m' fucking pretty wife" "i love you s'much" and sometimes... "i wish i could get you pregnant" she mumbles with a raspy voice before going to bed.
Wife!ellie would stay up all night being so fucking horny.
Wife!ellie that doesn't want to wake you up, so she takes matters into her own hands.
Wife!ellie would roll her wrist into her poor neglected aching cunt. mumbling your name silently so you wouldn't wake up untill she curls her finger inside and lets out a loud as fuck moan.
Wife!ellie would turn to you, bit concerned. "E-els?" You open your eyes still sleepy. "A-ah uh, hey princess" she tucks your hair behind your ear. "Ellie were you-" she puts her pointer finger on your lips "shhh... go to bed, its late"
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cute-sucker · 20 days
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note: this is a continuation of ex-husband rafe headcannons !! please send requests about this relationship! would love to write more about this <3
rafe cameron being your ex-husband made nothing easier and you hated every bit of it, specifically when you started to date again. it was like alarms went off in his head, as he started to show up more. you hadn't told anyone about dating anyone, but your therapist had recommended it.
she'd eased you into it, telling you maybe it was time to put yourself out there into the market. you had shook you head, and laughed at the suggestion, who would want you? a single mother with a obsessive ex-husband. but then suddenly you started to consider it. there was nothing wrong with it, so you accidentally brought it up to rafe.
you had been a bit tipsy, after downing a few fruity cocktail at rafe's work party. you still went to them even though the two of you weren't married. you tried not to notice the way rafe was still wearing the golden band around his neck, and the way his hand travelled to the low part of your back.
"hi," you whispered to him, leaning on him. he looked surprised, of course he was, anytime you saw him you were either scolding or glaring at him, and for you to be giving him your prettiest bright smile? that was something.
"hi sweets," he replied back softly adjusting your dress before dropping his gaze to your lips, and quickly back to your eyes. "what's on that pretty mind?"
you giggled, feeling happy as you looked up to him, "i think i'm going to start dating again. i think it will be good for me, what do you think rafe?" you asked him, before sipping your drink again.
you missed the way that rafe's eyes narrowed at your confession or the way his arms got tighter around your waist, hand going up to touch his nose. yet you felt a little uncomfortable, as you tried to wiggle away from his tight arms.
"yea? what gave you that idea?" he asked you quietly, yet his words felt razor sharp as he gritted his teeth, "who put that silly idea in your head?"
here you frowned, absentmindedly twirling your straw in your pink glass, "um," you started feeling your throat clogg up, "i don't know i thought-? why you think i'm not pretty enough? that i'm ugly now that i've had a baby."
"no, of course now sweets. but i just think it's a bad idea," he said biting his lip, tilting his head in that innocent way. it grated on you, and you rolled your eyes and you felt yourself sober up.
"fuck you cameron. fuck you," you whispered, tears welling up in your eyes, before sniffling and you shoving your drink into his hands.
you tried to forget that. after all the both of you pretended it never happened, practically tip toing after one and other. he still came around once and while, trying to be sweet on you before you muttered something with an annoyed expression to get him off you.
and for a while you didn't see him, untill the day you were going on a date. you had a pretty dress on, dangly earings and a diamond necklace. all dolled up, you absentmindedly hummed under your breath feeling a bit nervous, only to hear the front door click open.
there he was. rafe cameron staring at you as you were making your breakfast. he quickly made away to put his arms around your waist, taking a deep breath of your perfume. "you smell good. all of that for me?" he teased, and you made an uncommitted hum.
"hey baby," he said to your baby girl with an easy smile, winking at your little girl who ran into his arms.
"aww you've grown, haven't ya?" rafe cooed to your little girl who jumped nodding furiously. she was holding some flowers in her hand, and had little pigtails. then she told him she had to show him how high she could jump, and he nodded raising his eyebrows in interest, but you didn't miss the way he scanned you and your party dress.
you wanted to give him a dirty look, but when he made your daughter happy like that there was nothing you could do but smile under your breath hoping that he wouldn't notice. you continued to prepare the pancakes, licking the chocolate batter and tossing in a few blueberries.
finally, he seemed to pluck up the courage to ask you. you felt your body tense up feeling anxious.
"where are you going?" he asked softly, eyes watching you move in the kitchen, "you look too pretty to just be dressed up." you closed your eyes, letting out a tired sigh. you could almost feel your throat clog up as you balled up your fists.
you had to tell him. couldn't lie, because rafe cameron would figure out anything he wanted. there was a reason he was a good business man it was because he continued to go for what he wanted leaving other things in the process.
"i have a date today," you said slowly, sprinkling powdered sugar on the warm pancakes, and before he could open his mouth you quickly started to speak again, "daisy, come in sweetie! breakfast is ready."
the look he gave you told you things were not done.
"so who's the guy?" he asks you with a measured look, and you try to ignore the way he's gritting his jaw, and the way he's eying you in that predatory way.
you sighed, putting away your plates. daisy is gone playing with the new toy that daddy got for her. how convenient, you thought, it was almost as if what was going to happen. as if he had planned this all.
"just a random guy."
"lucky guy."
"alright, rafe, just say it!" you hissed out, spinning to look him the eye. "just say what you came for."
rafe closed his eyes, running a hand over his hair, "listen. if it was up to me you would live with me, we'd still be married, and there wouldn't be a random guy!"
"well good thing it's not up to you then huh?" you spat back, pointing an accusiatory finger to his chest, "you made a decision when we were married. you. not me. you were gone for nights and nights for work, it felt as if i was drowning and, you screwed this up."
"you think i don't know that?" rafe muttered back, throwing his hands in the air, "you think i don't wake up every day knowing i lost the best woman in my life."
you felt tears well up in your eyes, "no, you can't say that. you can't say something like that. not after everything."
"fine. have fun in with your date."
and then he's gone again leaving you with your shattered heart.
rafe cameron being your ex-husband made nothing easier yet when you came back that night crying over the phone, telling him how he screwed up everything for you, he still picked up. he came over, nursing you back to health, his soothing warm hands on your back as you sobbed into his chest.
the two of you stay like that, a parallel of what could have been.
taglist: @bouearis , @kys4-20 , @rafeecameronsbitch , @mrsbarnesblog , @slytherins-heir
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bethsvrse · 3 months
“one time Sirius and James walked in and Remus was too into it to stop so you had to throw a pillow at them so they leave”
Oh, now you have to write it, for the love of god now I’m begging you to write it
PAIRING marauders x fem!reader
A/N very short lmao
original fic - remus lupin nsfw headcannons
WARNINGS basically just filthy smut 😔
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Remus was desperate for you. He needed to taste you, to make you his and him yours. As it was nearing the full moon, you understood that he got a lot more… sexual during that time.
The two of you have skipped class, currently in Remus’ dorm, making out on his bed, your shirt unbuttoned and his shirt off. He started to kiss down your body, his hand pulling your underwear down you leg. When he reached i between your legs, his tongue barely grazed your clit, your fingers flew to his hair tangling themselves in it. 
Remus wasn't sure what was sweeter, your taste or the sounds falling from your lips. He knew what it took to push you over that edge and enjoyed feeling your body shake. He continued to lap at your clit until you pushed his head away, gasping. He leaned back from you, slipping a finger into you to replace his tongue. You clenched hard around his fingers, cursing lightly when he added a second and curled them up to hit that spot inside of you that he knew would have you seeing stars.
Your hands gripped the sheets tightly, the sound of his name being moaned from you was everything. He could feel when you were close right, right as you were reaching the climax suddenly the door was slammed open. “Hey Remus, why weren’t you in class-“ Sirius started to say but stopped when he saw the view in front of him.
Remus’ face in between your thighs with his fingers in deep. “Oh my god.” James muttered, also being hypnotised by the scene in front of him.
When you heard voices, you glanced towards the door and your eyes widened. You tried to pull Remus away from you but the boy only attached his lips to your clit once again causing you to moan out loud.
Sirius and James stood frozen, their hearts pounding as they beheld the sight before them. For Sirius, he has been crushing on you since third year; for James, it had started in fourth. When Remus revealed he was dating you, jealousy was the only was to explain their emotions.
In this moment, they longed to be in Remus' shoes, but you throwing a pillow at them had snapped them back to reality. Hastily, they retreated from the room, the door slamming behind them.
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A/N idk if it’s just me, but I feel like the teacher from 10 things I hate about you when writing smut 💀💀
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sturnsdoll · 1 month
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pairing: chris x (gf) reader, some reader x bsf matt and nick <3
summary: how chris would support his girlfriend before, after, and through wisdom teeth removal, as well as being under the influence of anesthetics!
warnings: fluffy!headcannons, dentist, mention of teeth pulling, little blood, slight mention of needles, anesethetics, established relationships.
authors note: kind of a blurb more than hc's tbh? it was a little rushed! sorry!
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₊⊹⤑ you had been talking about how nervous you were for a couple weeks now..
₊⊹⤑ so it was no surprise when the whole car ride there, you were holding your boyfriends hand and avoiding the topic of what you knew was coming.
₊⊹⤑ chris had been reminding you everyday that besides the needle, the rest of it you wouldn't even remember. he ensured that him matt and nick would be there the entire time if you needed a hand or two.. or three to hold.
₊⊹⤑ with some encouragement (and chris lending you his grey zip up to wear for emotional and physical comfort) you did manage to enter the building just to get it done and over with.
₊⊹⤑ while the IV was intruding your skin, chris stayed next to you, asking about what flavour of ice cream you'd be getting after as a distraction from the needle.
₊⊹⤑ from there on, the process itself you had no memory of but chris stuck close by the entire time incase you needed anything or for some reason woke up.
₊⊹⤑ "hey sweetheart how'r ya feeling?" chris would ask while gently holding your hand when you come to your senses
₊⊹⤑ confused, your instinct was to sit up but chris would immedietly usher you to lay back down, letting you know that they're done working on your teeth.
₊⊹⤑ "why dtha fack is this bullshit still in my fucking arm then HUH?" your words wonky from the cotton in your mouth and the haze of anesthetic.
₊⊹⤑ "shh, were in public stop cursing like a sailor" "dude, nobody under like 100 says 'cursing like a sailor'" "yeah, what he thsaid!"
₊⊹⤑ chris would of course glare at you for agreeing with matt. but his thumb soothingly rubbing your hand tells you that he's obviously not too mad.
₊⊹⤑ you would leave later then you should have because everytime a password was given to you, you'd forget less than five seconds later..
₊⊹⤑ "it was ass right?" "no, it was GRASS sweetheart...."
₊⊹⤑ everything that came out of your mouth had the doctors and the triplets giggling.
₊⊹⤑ when it came time to take the IV out, chris thought that a 'got your nose' joke would be funny to distract you with. it was... definetly distracting at least???
₊⊹⤑ usually you were sweet to your boyfriend but something about anesthetic had you more than arguementative today.
₊⊹⤑ chris would try complimenting you "you look pretty even like this"
₊⊹⤑ "i KNOW i do. stop being corny you sthtoopid fuck" chris's jaw drops like he's offended but you don't care because nick's contagious laugh brings out your own laughter out as well.
₊⊹⤑ "i thought i was supposed to be the stupid one right now, not you"
₊⊹⤑ "maybe YOUU need to see the dentist about all those terrible jokes that come out of your mouth."
₊⊹⤑ you had no filter, just having fun rebelling against your usual niceness to your loved one.
₊⊹⤑ then finally the car ride came.
₊⊹⤑ now you leant on chris' shoulder to take a nap
₊⊹⤑ "thought i was stupid?" he questions, arm coming around to pull you in closer. "shhhh i'm sthleeping" the inpedament on your speech makes him giggle. "I SAID SHHHHHH" "jesus. my bad sleepyhead"
₊⊹⤑ the whole car ride he was making sure you didn't need your gauze changed, asking if you need water, offering you chapstick. you had to tell him to shut up at least 100 times before he'd relax, telling him you could put your own damn chapstick on. (you ended up asking him for help two minutes later...)
₊⊹⤑ the whole rest of the car ride was filled with you zipping up and down the zipper of your boyfriends sweater you had on, mixed with your favourite artist playing as you attempted to sing along
₊⊹⤑ the second you entered the triplets home, you rested on the couch with your legs over your boyfriends lap, singing a song that everyones pretty sure doesn't exist..
₊⊹⤑ "i love... YOUUUUUUU, i lovovovovovee YOUU, all three of YOUUuUuU-" "someone sedate her again." nick jokes while handing you an ice pack you'd previously asked for.
₊⊹⤑ "want me to hold it on your jaw for you bab- oh" before he can finish speaking you're gripping his wrist, leaning toward him "wanna know something?" you ask eagerly "hm?" "I LOVE YOU!" "i love you more"
₊⊹⤑ matt and nick didn't enjoy the next 30 minutes of the predictable arguement at all. ₊⊹⤑ once the delusion of the anesthetic wore off, you were just plain tired. nick and matt had both chosen to chill in their own rooms by now.
₊⊹⤑ the second you mentioned wanting to lay down, chris curled up behind you with a blanket over the two of you. he held you tight, muttering in your ear about how good you did today and how proud he is that you went.
₊⊹⤑ "sorry for calling you stupid" you apologize with a sweetly apologetic smile.
₊⊹⤑ "aw, it's okay. i know you didn't mean it-" "wellll sometimes.." "nevermind i don't forgive you."
₊⊹⤑ he'd make sure your favourite cartoon was on and that he held your ice pack on your sore jaw till you eventually drifted into sleep.
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tags ᥫ᭡: @pettydollie @mattsrod @sturncakez @sturniololovesss @sturniolosstar @sstvrnioloo @watercolorskyy @sturniol0s @6ix9inewiturmom @sonicsmacks @orangela
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vivvangel · 5 months
fantasize | sim jake (extended ver.)
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synopsis: nerd jake who's known to be quite self reserved, but he cannot seem to get you and your skirt out of his mind. › pairings & contents: nerd!jake x classmate reader, dom!jake x sub!afab!reader. smut with plot ✧ warnings: kissing and teasing!! - perverted thoughts, jealousy, fist-fucking (jake), blowjob, doggy position, guided mastrubation, jake has a thing for skirts, heavy degradation.
can be read by itself, however, reading the headcannons is advised !
wc: 1.5k
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ever since he jerked off to the imagination of fucking you in that pretty skirt — jake thinks he's lost his mind. jerking off so often, getting horny so often, that wasn't his thing before, but you absolutely ruined his brain wearing that skirt.
"ah, fuck" he hisses, rubbing his tip. every time he closes his eyes and strokes his cock just a little faster, jake can't help but fantasize about the ways you probably would swallow all of his cum, maybe even whimper his name,, how your pussy would be throbbing, dripping wet for him only. he didn't even know he could crave someone so much, so desperately, so fucking desperately.
with his swift hip movements, jake continues to thrust his cock into his tight fist, in desperate hopes of recreating the sweet tightness of your perfect cunt. he was mentally cursing at myself for fucking his fist so many times at just the mere sight of you, but nonetheless, he tightens his grasp around his cock to mimic the tightness of your, what he imagined to be your perfect pussy, his head falls against the bed's headboard of his bed, as literal shocks of warm satisfaction blurred his peripheral vision — "f-fuck", jake grunts, letting his eyes roll back.
this can't be this way. he has to have you, one way or another. he scoffs, thinking to himself that this is completely ridiculous. why would someone like you even look at someone like ... him? he brushes his thoughts off, and goes to his desk to finish some assignments off.
the day after went as bad as it could. he was sitting in his usual place, a row or two behind you, and what does he see? he glares at the guy next to you, with his arm around your shoulder. he wants to approach the guy in question, and do something he would regret. he groans to himself, and as the lecture continues, he grows more and more restless, and if it was even possible, even more jealous. once the lecture finally ends, he's the first to get out of the room, and to his other class. that night, jake didn't get off to you, resulting in him being extremely, ungodly, horny the next day.
he can't bring himself to approach you, knowing you might have a boyfriend, but he gets over his nervousness and goes up to you — and holy shit, you're wearing a short skirt again. "hey, uh y/n -- do you have-" he pauses, his eyes travelling down to your legs and thighs, but he looks back at you. "uh, yesterday's notes?", you tilt your head, as a smirk spreads on your lips, but you play dumb to his sudden question, you nod. "you could've just texted me, jake", you softly say, taking out your notebook out of your bag. he has no idea how he's keeping his cool, but you know his name? oh fucking hell. "u-uh, i could've but, i don't have your number" he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, making you chuckle. "give me your phone, i'll put it in if you need me next time" you smile, giving him your notebook. jake almost hurriedly takes his phone out, motioning it to you and letting out a dry chuckle, "t-thanks" god, he felt fucking stupid. how did you have him stumbling over his words? little did he know, you thought he was so fucking cute.
you grab his phone from him, putting your number in, saving the contact as "y/n baby💋" and when jake reads that, his eyes widen. "y/n baby?" he hesitantly asks, "yes?" you respond, the smirk never left your face, and his jaw drops. "no, i meant --" he's unsure of what to say, he's literally flabbergasted. you let out a chuckle, "i'm messing with you, i get it" — "don't you have a boyfriend, though?" he abruptly asks, his tone almost coming off as protective. "me? what?, no" you tell him, completely confused as to how he came to that conclusion. "the guy, yesterday, arm around your shoulder and all-"
"you were watching me yesterday, too?"
"that's not what i asked"
"so, you were watching me yesterday, too"
"for god's sake, y/n — wait, what do you mean 'too'"
you stand up, crossing your arms. "do you think i don't see you staring at me, jakey?" you smirk, and he's trying to form a coherent sentence. "i'm not-- 'm not staring, just.." he trails off, unsure how to end that sentence. you break the silence, "jake, i have another class in a bit, i'll see you later today? i'll text you! bye?" you wave, rushing out of the room to get to your class. all while jake stood there, dumbfounded.
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jake has no idea how he was in deep inside you and you on the other hand, had no idea how someone that cute could be this hot. you felt almost stupid for thinking he'd be the submissive type. boy, were you so so wrong. you didn't know that that a mere skirt, and some teasing was all it took jake to smash his lips onto yours, and pulling you onto his lap — in his dorm, may i add. you were flustered, how could someone who looked so innocent be so . . . sexy?
and what exactly followed afterwards?
his hands explored your body under your crop-top, and you couldn't help but let out a moan into his mouth, in the heat of the moment, riling him up further. he pulls out of the kiss, slapping your thigh, making you whimper. "what a fucking slut, do you just let anyone touch you, huh?" you shake your head, signalling a no — you expected him to be nicer with your response, but you earn another slap on your exposed thigh. (you think to yourself, "maybe wearing a skirt is useful after al"l)
"wear skirts these days intentionally, don't you? you like the attention you get? what a desperate slut" he scoffs, resulting in you biting your lip. how was he degrading you so bad, but you liked it? "j-jakey.. please do something, anything" you breathe out, and he lets out a dry, almost dark, chuckle. "anything? mhm, you'll take anything i give you like the good girl you are, right baby?" you nod your head, feeling your panties drenching by the second. "hmm, 'm not gonna let you off so easily, earn it, slut" — your eyes widen,, "are you okay with this, pretty?" he asks, his tone coming off more kind and soft, it's almost like a whisper. "treat me like the slut i am, jakey" — "is that so?"
you don't understand why, but his voice makes your core keep tingling. you choke over your own words, making jake smirk. "on your knees, pretty girl" he demands, and you reciprocate immediately, getting on your knees on the floor, as jake slouches on the couch, you can see his raging boner under his sweatpants — and holy shit. your hands hurried pull down his pants, quietly gasping at his length, making him smirk. "too big for your pretty little mouth, mhm? too bad, baby". you wrap your hand around his cock, jake's own hand enveloping yours, "fuck slut, cmon, it's all yours" he uses your hand to stroke himself up and down, jerking himself off while you look up at him with glazed eyes. "f-fuck baby, your hand feels so good, mind letting me how your pretty mouth feels?"
you would never ever deny, wrapping your lips around his cock, your tongue eagerly licking and teasing his cock, making him grunt. "d-don't tease, baby". jake suddenly felt your lips sliding up and down the head of his length, feeling his cock hit the back of your neck. jake groans when you take him deeper, and deeper into your mouth. he brushes a strand of hair out of your face, his hands then going to the back of your head, holding you as he starts thrusting his hips unintentionally. you almost gag, but you control it. as jake pushes his dick down your throat for one last time, he lets go. his cum filling your mouth, and dripping down your chin, "fucking hell, baby. you look so pretty my baby" he says, picking you up. you'd think as a nerd, jake wouldn't have time to work out, but you were so wrong. he was rather . . . strong, to your surprise.
taking you to his bedroom, he wastes no time. "i'm asking just to be sure, though you're clearly more than ready, but-- can i do this, baby? fill your cunt to the brim, baby?" he asks softly, putting you down on his bed. "please, jakey, please..." is all you could say, and that's all it took him to undress you, not taking your skirt off, you tug at your skirt, but he puts your hand away. "what?"
"want the skirt on" he simply answers,
"you have a thing for skirts?"
"just on you, i guess" he awkwardly chuckles.
"should wear them more often"
"that-- that, you should"
he kisses you, "day dreamt about this, baby, got off to the thought of you so many times" he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "on your stomach for me, please, pretty?"
what can he say? he can't get over the thought of fucking you in a skirt
and, let's just say, assignment completed !
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viv's note 💌: thank you for waiting so patiently for this, lovies. hope yall like it. and before u complain about the ending!!! i wanna give you guys a separate smut drabble of that instead of having it here! hope you all aren't disappointed:/ love u guys sm<3
taglist: @strayy-kidz @raelyaa @myspamera @spabrin @ikaw-at-ikaw @kenzory @yaatrickyaaa @nakedsim @heelvsted @isa-2007 @keepingupwithjaeyun @jellyporo @woooooya @sussyjake @jaeyunology @maryismad @maoyueze tagged some of my moots too ♡
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sinning-23 · 1 month
Bikinis On Top (OPLA Bikini Headcannons)
Seeing their bbygrl in a bikini opla headcannons
THis gets a lil RISQUE soooo 18+
Hey youguys i know its been a while lol I've been s swamped with work and Enjoy this in honor of hot girl summer approaching lmao I promise I'm getting back into eh groove of writing!
alos pls excuse spelling errors yall know me lmao
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-It’s hot and his shirts are open 9 times out of 10 so
-He was a bit stunned to see you with one of Nami's bikini tops adorning your chest with a nice pair of jean shorts.
-Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
-He's really trying to act normal but you can always tell when those big brown eyes start shifting from your face to your chest. And he always has that goofy grin on his face
-Strongly believe he's the type to impulsively bite them. lmao like literally grab two handfuls and CHOMP.
-He always was more of a boobs guy.
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-"Where's the rest of your shirt."
-He’s got his eyes skillfully flickering from your chest to your eyes then to you collar bone and again.
-“You don’t like me showing them off?” You question, slipping past him with a smile
-the funny thing is, you’re not talking about your boobs. You’re talking about the bites and hickeys he skillfully placed along them
-crazy how near the end of the day, the only thing the crew can seem to find as a trace of you is the discarded bikini top
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-He helped you tie it this morning when the sun had first been shining to brightly into your room, heating both of you up.
-personally, Sanji likes it when you wear the full piece, the straps of your bottoms just barely peaking out from the low-rise jeans you've got on.
-He also is one to pull your strings when you're also so the top just falls down to reveal the girls
-Is the type to lift you up out of the pool and set you up to sit on the steps like the goddess you are and just admire.
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-matching swimsuit set matching swimsuit set matching swimsuit set
-He always likes seeing you in a nice brown or sage green two-piece.
-won't say anything but wow when he sees you and smiles.
-Keep it polite but just know his hugs from behind will always end with him pulling at your bottom straps and letting them snap against your skin.
"USOPP!" You yelp, narrowing your brows at him while you massage the spot.
"Ok ok, i'm sorry mommas" He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the affected area, his large hands massaging the flesh of your thighs.
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-Strictly a bikini gf and wifebeater+swim trunks gf duo lmao
-This can go either way actually. If she feels like a bikini kinda day it's gonna be a bright orange or a pure white with a sunhat and a nice flowy cover-up
-A she can't and won't make it easy for you to keep your hands off her,
-If YOU are in the bikini and she's in the swim trunks she REFUSES to keep her hands off you. She knows her girl looks good asf.
-Expect to have your ass smacked.
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-Is definitely keeping you on his lap while everyone else is splashing around. It was a pretty chill day and everyone decided hey why not go for a swim
"Can I please get in the water Shanks?" You sigh, pulling the strings of his swim trunks as he smiles and gives a quick "Nuh-uh"
-"Your ass looks too good. Just stay here a little longer hm?" he asks, squeezing your thighs, pressing kisses to your shoulder.
-He doesn't waste time taking you somewhere secluded to pull those bottoms to the side, somehow loving the way your ass looks in those bottoms every time he thrusts
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-He personally likes it when you wear one of that cute pinup like 50's monokinis? And some wedges with a bandana. UGH he's gonna be right there with you avoiding the sun under the umbrella (that pale ass skin lmao)
-Will 100% lather you in sunscreen and just paper your shoulder with kisses.
-He's not taking you to eh pool he's taking you to the beach and you're just sitting together, enjoying one another company
-"I'm fucking you within an inch of your life after this." H admits in monotone, skin already starting to darken in a tan
-"Yes splendid." You reply still resting, enjoying the faint heat of the sun.
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-HAHAAAAAA this man will tear it off and then feel bad and get you another one...just to tear that off too
-is a sucker for the bikinis with anything on the boobs lmao he thinks they look like targets
-I like to think that ocean water is the only thing like that is an issue lmao so it is safe to say he's in the pool every summer, roughhousing with you and the rest of his crew
-I mean just a bunch of fucking kids lmao, macro polo, chicken fight, pretending to be a shark, you name it
-accidentally caused a nip slip tho and yelled for everyone to look away while shielding his girl.
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phenphoenix · 3 months
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The gals, look at them go.
Lore tiiime
Alright, so Lute! Still fiercely loyal and a bit much- just not as sadistic anymore. Now, here's the fun part, she's still kinda an exorcist. Just now, instead of being under Adam, she's under Sera and Emily. And is in charge of keeping Adam distracted as well as the rest of hevan.
Decided to kinda mess around with the whole exorcist army and split them into like two halves. One half stays up in hevan, creating this image of the exterminations as though they were just going down into hell to try and "save souls." The half that Emily leads, and Lute helps command. The other half is what we see in the show. The half vaggie took part of and Sera leads. Adam knows about this, and is even suspicious about the whole "saving souls" deal. But keeps a blind eye because he trusts Lute so much.
Emily! Still sickly sweet, but give that missing sadistic nature from Swap!Lute to her. She's not as intense as Cannon!Lute but still enjoys going down to kill sinners once a year. All the while looking cute and innocent the whole time. However, she doesn't fully know that she's just further damming them. Sera is the only one who really knows what they are doing. So, while Emily is still killing them, she's thinking that their souls are being set free to get reincarnated or something like that. (Which can also lead to her disbelief is redemption, and the whole "hell is forever")
Of course, this is all based on headcannons. I'm going off of an apparent post made in the past, where they said that "when a sinner is killed, they become a mindless part of hell. That's why there are so many eyes in the walls and why hell seems "alive."" Or sonthing along those lines. Idk if that is still cannon. Or if reincarnation is even a thing in this version of the afterlife. But for the sake of this AU, I say all of it is.
So, in a way, all 4 of the angels are kinda swapped and meshed together. But hey, this is my AU, and it's all for fun and games, so whatever, lmao.
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deadghosy · 4 months
prompt: you were found digging in their trash and they took you in
(I got covid😭 so me posting xreader will be kinda slow)
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You were digging for some food ever since you fell from heaven because you kept fighting people over trash…I mean damn reader…
You fell with a blank look as you had a rotten banana in your mouth as you looked down to see pentagram city…so what did you do? You pulled out your fire sword and slash the ground to soften your fall which worked. You changed it to a bat for protection as you found a dumpster!
You dig in the dumpster not hearing a person whistling. The person dropped the garbage bag shocked to see a….? Whatever you are digging in the dumpster. Your face was completely dirty as you lift it up to show you found a cool old watch.
Charlie didn’t know what to do. Are you homeless? Is what she thought as she takes you out the garbage as you blankly stare at her “•_•” “uhm sweetie are you okay?” “……” “not much of a talker huh…” you just stayed quiet as Charlie introduced herself and shook your hand bringing you to the hotel so you can have a place to stay.
I feel like you were a new angel and only stayed for like 1 month…(free trial ass shit…) and so when you didn’t act holy and proper. That’s why you mostly got kicked out
Vaggie will know you are an angel because of your angelic look and golden eyes as you just stand there minding your business. You tell her you fell because you fought over your treasure….your trash practically. So Vaggie tells you what happened to her and you hugged her making her feel safe about herself a bit.
You two have matching bracelets you made from an exercise Charlie did.
Okay I headcannon that Lucifer is already in the hotel living with his daughter. And he felt your presence and he would be like. “Fuck are you doing here”🤨 “I fought for my life.”
Vox one time put you on air with him because of your golden shining eyes….i think he was flirting with you as you ate some gift cookies he made for you…
Velvette tried to make you a model, but you kept wandering off somehow. Literally she got tired of you but never of your face as she at least posted you wearing some nice 2000 makeup
Carmilla had a gut feeling about you being an angel. She wanted to kill you but then you gave her a ring you found in a dumpster because you said she reminded you of your earth mother/parent. Yeah she wanted to adopt you
You help sir Pentious, or who you call penny for his project builds. You dig in dumpster’s, trash bins, and garbage dumps
Angel dust and you sometimes just be on your phones all the time which is obnoxious. But hey, I don’t make the rules. Being on your phone makes it seem like you don’t want to be talked to which is true.
Lucifer made you a duck as he notciced how lonely you are….(you don’t give a fuck, you only need trash as your friends) so Lucifer made you 20 ducks that are based on your favorite things or like idk just ducks
The egg boiz follow you around as you literally calling you the, “TRASH BOSS!” Not in a bad way more like in admiration as you give them stuff from the garbage.
Your golden eyes shining in the night scaring husk as he didn’t even see you in his hind sight. Like he is a cat, but he didn’t even see you?!
You and alastor’s both eat weird things, like he is a cannibal….and for you..either trash or just normal weird food combos
Alastor would definitely try to get you to eat cannibal meat, but to be honest you can tell the difference between human and regular meat. You always know.
Niffty is the kind of person who would give you a trash flower crown, kinda like how she made a crown for Alastor ✨🦆
I headcannon your angelic/demon form to be a raccoon 💀
You send dumbass memes in the hazbin hotel gc…
You are quite the feral person tbh, but who didn’t know when you literally fought people for your damn trash.
You definitely had bit Valentino once as Angel dust brought you to a club and you were digging in trash to find something cool. But Valentino found you adorable in the face and wanted to make you a sex worker. And what did you do when he tried to hurt Angel?
Yeah..you definitely had blood dripping from your mouth when Angel dragged you out of the club
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