#but i think it would be spectacular if he showed a bit of annoyance
uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (17/?)
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twistedkans · 3 months
Yours - Part One
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→ A Glorious Masquerade Malleus x Reader x Rollo commission for my bestie
Warnings: mild Rollo-typical psuedoreligious content Characters: Yuu (Reader), Rollo Flamme, Malleus Draconia Word Count: 1.6k
Part Two | Part Three
(Also available on Ao3)
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༻ My Heart ༺
“I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.” ― Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
“...Magic is such a troublesome thing. Wouldn’t you agree?” Rollo’s eyes looked through yours, as if analyzing your very soul. There was a fire behind his gaze, waiting to be ignited. It made you feel a bit self-conscious.
He continued without giving you the chance to respond. “I can only imagine how arduous it must be to spend your days surrounded by a gaggle of rambunctious, foolhardy mages.” His body was rigid, and his lips were pursed, curling downwards at the edges ever so slightly to form an almost imperceptible scowl. Expectant of a long-winded tangent, you kept your mouth shut.
“The world would be much better off without magic and the chaos it brings. Surely, you must have had similar thoughts?” As he spoke, he extended his arms out in an almost welcoming yet sorely off-putting manner, like that of a religious figurehead. His voice carried a similar authority that made you want to crawl in a hole and hide, but he almost sounded desperate at the same time.
In his mind, he knew he was right. You were just an unfortunate, magicless human stuck with a bunch of mages. They were nothing but wild animals that could snap at any moment, but you weren’t the same.
You were perfect.
And maybe you could agree with him, to a certain extent. All those overblots you witnessed—and had to deal with—were caused by magic, and plenty of other tricky situations you and your friends had found yourselves in had magic at their forefront. Magic was as spectacular as it was troublesome, but it depended on how it was used, did it not?
You did not say this to him. This didn’t need to be some deep conversation, and really, you didn’t want this to be a conversation at all, at least not with Rollo.
You brushed off his words with a shrug. “I’m used to it.” Though the man before you clearly expected more, that fire in his eyes blooming into something hungry, you didn’t dignify him with a single word more.
Rollo’s scowl morphed into a piteous frown. “Oh you poor thing. You have yet to realize the burden you carry.” His voice was soft and cooing, a stark contrast to the monotonous apathy that always spilled from his lips. It sent a shiver down your spine.
Rollo’s eyes fell shut as he took a single second to internally compose himself. “Worry not, my dear…friend, the pain such practices bring shall no longer reach you.”
There was a pause, and you had your fingers crossed that Rollo wouldn’t open his mouth again so you could leave. You didn’t want to be rude, nor could you afford to be rude and potentially tarnish your reputation and that of Night Raven College, but this conversation was an annoyance at best and panic-inducing at worst.
You didn’t trust Rollo, but you felt that he was already revealing more of himself than he would with others. As much as it deigned you to consider the thought, as little as you cared for anything he had to say, perhaps Rollo was just out of touch, isolated by his own views, and in need of someone he could talk to.
You could be that person for him, couldn’t you?
That was what he wanted you to think, without realizing it was what he wanted.
“I’ll keep you safe, Yuu.”
“Hey, Yuu! You’ve got better things to do than stand around.” You were pulled from your thoughts when Grim jumped up on your shoulder and waved his hands in your face, which caused you to stumble back and land on the ground.
You groaned in pain. “Ow, Grim!”
But Grim was far too excited to notice. He created fireworks with his magic to show you, and you found yourself smiling and laughing with him. Your conversation with Rollo was pushed from your mind.
Rollo, however, could not keep his eyes off of you, for your joy was both a blessing and a sin.
“...Hmph.” Rollo held his handkerchief to his mouth as he spoke, and his sharp gaze was the only indicator of his foul mood.
That gaze of his, critical and filled with the fires of hell, followed you around the square.
And oh the things he wished to say, the things he wished to do, yet he too could not tarnish his reputation. Not yet. No, he could not let you see who he truly was.
They would pay, and you would be saved.
Laughter and dancing surrounded you, vibrant colors filled your vision, and the sweet scent of Fleur City delicacies made your mouth water. Everyone was having a good time, yourself included. Even when you didn’t feel like dancing or jumping around anymore, you were content to sit on the sidelines while Grim showed off.
Fireworks in their abundant colors and rays of spectacularity distracted you from all thoughts, and you were unaware of the presence behind you.
Someone’s breath tickled your neck, and a familiar low chuckle rang through your ear. It was only then you realized who had disappeared from the festivities.
“Hornton?” You tilted your head and were greeted by a pair of emerald green eyes and a toothy smirk.
“Are you enjoying yourself, child of man?”
And for a single moment, one that lasted an eternity, time froze. Your senses were starved, consumed, and overwhelmed by Malleus Draconia. The burning taste of fire, like the hot breath against his neck, or his lips on yours and what you imagined he would taste like. The scent of flames, of the forest, of death, pleasantly so. The lull of his voice, low and deep, melancholic like that of a gentle wind or light rain. The touch of leather as a finger ran along your jaw and grazed your neck in a way that gave you goosebumps.
Those emerald green eyes, brighter than any gemstone, staring into yours as if you were the most valuable treasure in the dragon’s collection.
You masked your nerves with a chuckle, but that didn’t stop the blood from flushing your cheeks. “Yeah, it’s been really fun. I’m just a bit tired…”
Malleus gave you a thoughtful look. His voice dropped to a whisper, spoken like a hidden secret revealed for your ears only. “Follow me, if you so desire.”
You watched him turn with a swish of his cape and walk off to one of the nearby alleys. It took you only a moment to gather your senses as your surroundings flooded them to enter the alley behind Malleus.
The sounds of Topsy-Turvy Square grew more and more distant as you traversed through the dimly-lit alleyway. Every sound put you on edge, but in your mind, you knew nothing bad would happen to you.
Those same emerald eyes were waiting for you, and you could tell the fae wore that same smile as always when you spoke with him. Something pulled you forward.
A hand reached out, and you took it, not thinking twice. “You came. Thank you for accepting my invitation.”
“You knew I would,” you replied with a sweet smile that Malleus cherished in his heart.
There was silence, a comfortable quietude as you took in his features, from the strands of hair that fell past his chin, shimmering even in darkness like raven feathers, to the pale pointed ears with tips tinted pink, to his arms only covered by a sheer black fabric, revealing more skin than you had ever seen of him before.
You dared to step forward. From this position, you had to tilt your upwards just to peer at his face. He wasn’t looking at you, rather, his gaze followed the path through the alley from which you emerged. His voice fell to a soft, melodic murmur, almost as if he were talking to himself. “Indeed I did.”
Silence. Tranquility. Your own heart beating in your ears. Words caught on your throat.
Malleus finally looked down at you. To him, you were a treasure, something so precious and close to his heart that it ached for you every moment of every day. Even before he met you, he yearned for you. You were the missing piece in his heart, the one meant to be close to him, to break through the surface and discover who Malleus Draconia really is.
He was the siren luring you deep into the recesses of his heart, so that you may carve your name into his very being.
“I missed you, child of man.”
You could never realize the weight of those words on his heart. How it yearned for you.
Innocently, you replied, “I’m sorry if you wanted to spend more time with me today. We can go back to the square and hang out if you want.”
Malleus ran his fingers up your arm, stopping at your shoulder, where he gently but firmly gripped. “Do not apologize, it has been my pleasure to watch you enjoy yourself so much.”
The two of you never returned to Topsy-Turvy Square.
Harsh, uncalloused fingers gripped an ink pen with fervor. Sharp eyes followed each word as it was written with elegant curves and curls, with only the bright glow of a crackling fireplace for light. A single sentence was spoken with a soft, pleading tone.
“I love you, Yuu.”
I won’t let him take you away from me.
I can save you.
I will save you.
For all he wanted to say, there was nothing more to be said. He was aware of the dangers of such love, the sacrifice he was due to pay, and the torment he would put himself through for repentance.
And, of course, he was well aware of the horned fae who watched his every movement with piercing green eyes.
Just to spite him, he repeated himself.
“I love you, Yuu.”
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thelonelyempath · 1 year
M!Crush x F!Reader: Home Early (NSFW)
THEME: Smutty Smut Holy Shit So Much Smut
WARNING(s): Masturbation (with a toy), Orgasm Denial, PiV Sex, Unprotected Sex, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Degradation (name calling), Daddy Kink, Hair Pulling, Cum, Creampie
You were beginning to get close to your high. The feeling of the toy vibrating on your clit was amazing. With your boyfriend at work, you decided to have a little "me time".
"Mmmm fuck..." you breathed.
Ever since you and your boyfriend moved in together, you didn't masturbate nearly as often as you did before. You just didn't feel a need to. If you were both home and one of you was in the mood, you would almost always end up having sex. You were almost there. The knot was starting to form in your stomach. Your legs were starting to shake.
"Having fun, babygirl?" a voice startled you, making you drop the toy and quickly pull up the blanket to cover yourself.
"Shit!" you gasped, your face bright red.
Your boyfriend was standing in the doorway, a smug grin on his face. How long had he been standing there? You quickly turned off the toy.
"Why are you home so early?" you asked sheepishly.
"Labor was high." he laughed, kicking off his shoes and walking over to your shared bed. "But I didn't think I was gonna get a show when I came home!"
You were the tiniest bit peeved that he interrupted you right as you were about to finish. He got comfortable next to you and pulled back the blanket. No pants, no panties. You were wearing nothing from the waist down and he loved it.
"Why'd you stop, princess?" he questioned. "You were so close."
You could see the fire in his eyes. He wanted so badly to touch you himself, to see you come undone for him. He quickly stripped his shirt off and reached over you to grab the toy.
"Here." he turned it on, shooting you a wink. "Let me help you, baby."
He put the toy to your clit and turned it up to the highest intensity. It was that one cruel setting you weren't brave enough for, but you knew he would use it on you one of these days. It was indescribable. You felt like your whole body was being stimulated. You couldn't help but pant and moan out loud.
"Is this okay?" he wanted to make sure you were comfortable with what he was doing.
"Yes!" you moaned. "Fuckkkk!"
"Yeah, that feels good, doesn't it? Just wait 'til I'm pounding your pussy with my dick, princess. You're gonna be walking funny for the next week."
His soft, yet dominant tone made damn near every hair on your body stand up. You were in heaven right now. You didn't care if the neighbors could hear how loud you were moaning. C/N pushed some of your hair out of the way so he could attack your neck with his mouth, leaving dark hickeys everywhere.
"C/N ain't here, sweetheart." he growled. "Daddy's in charge now."
He always loved when you called him Daddy. You also knew that whenever he went into Daddy mode, your pussy was in for a beating. The intense, almost overwhelming pleasure you were feeling right now didn't even scratch the surface of what he was going to do to you later. The knot was starting to form again.
"Oooohhhh Daddy..." you whimpered. "I'm gonna fucking cum!"
"I don't think so." he quickly removed the toy from your clit.
This was the second time he didn't let you orgasm. It was starting to frustrate you. You looked at him with a tinge of annoyance, to which he smirked.
"Don't give me that look, princess." he said, his eyes narrowing. "You should have known I wasn't gonna let you cum the second you saw me standing in the door."
You actually loved when he was dominant like this, especially because he was always so gentle and sweet when he wasn't fucking your brains out. He palmed at his crotch, emphasizing the bulge that was already there. He was so hard. You just knew you were in for something spectacular. Without hesitation, he pulled off his pants and his boxers. His rock hard cock bounced out like it was on hydraulics. He stroked it a couple times before glancing to you.
"Shirt off. Now." he ordered.
You obeyed and shed your shirt. You didn't even realize how hard your nipples were. He took both of your breasts in his hands, squeezing them and playing with them. His fingers twiddled with your nipples, which could cut diamonds at this point.
"Oh yeah, baby." he smiled. "One day I'm gonna cum all over your tits. But today I'm gonna cum deep inside your pussy."
He pushed you down onto the bed, his figure towering over you.
"Roll over." he commanded. "I need you face down, ass up for me."
You did as you were told. You felt the sting of his palm slapping your bottom, which was invigorating. It hurt in the best way. You were practically dripping on the sheets, it was making you so wet.
"Impatient little bitch." he continued to spank you. "Couldn't wait for me to get home so you thought you could rub one out without me. Your pussy's gonna be so fucking sore when I'm done with you."
He tapped his member against your entrance a few times before sliding himself in.
"You're so wet for me, babygirl." he hummed, aggressively thrusting into you.
Fuck it felt good! You were panting up something fierce as he started to go faster and rougher. He wasn't moaning necessarily. The sounds he was making were more like animalistic grunts. He gave you another sharp spank, which made you shriek.
"Daddy!" you mewled.
"Yeah you like it when Daddy fucks you like this, princess." he grunted. "You like it when Daddy fucks his favorite little whore."
He grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked your head back, aggressively enough that it got your attention, but carefully enough that it didn't hurt you. He leaned down to press his chest to your back, allowing him to thrust deeper, the tip of his cock almost grazing your back wall.
"Have you learned your lesson, babygirl?" he whispered in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. "Have you learned to wait until Daddy gets home?"
You almost couldn't speak coherently because everything felt too good. But you knew you had to answer him if you wanted him to let you cum.
"Y-yes, Daddy!" you spit out.
"Good girl."
He let go of your hair and took hold of your hips as he leaned back. You weren't screaming yet, but you were on the verge of doing so. Lately, the sex you and your boyfriend had had been rather vanilla. You hadn't felt his dick pounding into you like this in a long time, so it was a welcome change. Your walls were beginning to clench around him as your vision was just barely starting to go white. You were on another planet entirely right now, so close to climax. His grunts were getting deeper. He was starting to twitch inside you.
"I'm close." he breathed. "So fucking close."
"Daddyyyyy..." you whimpered. "Please...Please let me cum, Daddy!"
You were so desperate for an orgasm. And you knew it was going to be explosive if he let you. You were all but begging him at this point. Another spank, which wasn't helping you.
"You want to cum, sweetheart?" he panted, squeezing down on your hips hard enough to leave marks from his hands. "Cum for me, baby. Show Daddy how good he makes your pussy feel."
And just like that. Ecstasy. You howled as your legs buckled beneath you, coming apart all over your boyfriend's dick. Your entire body was violently shaking. It was, hands down, the most intense orgasm you'd ever had. But he wasn't done. He continued to drill your pussy, causing the aftershock of your high to make you twitch. It was overwhelming. It was too much, but you didn't want it to stop until he was done.
"Fuck, baby." he groaned under his breath. "Daddy's gonna cum. Daddy's gonna cum in your pussy. Fuck!"
You felt his warm liquid paint your walls as he pulsated inside you, with one of the deepest grunts you'd ever heard. He stayed inside you for a moment to come down from his high before pulling out. He enjoyed the view of his cum spilling out of you. You both collapsed onto the bed.
"Holy fucking shit, Y/N!" he exclaimed. "Even the most mediocre version of what we just did still would have been mindblowing!"
"Mhm." was all you had the energy to respond with.
You. Were. Exhausted. It wasn't a bad kind of exhuasted, however. It actually felt amazing. You were so relaxed, so loose. You just wanted to curl up on C/N's chest and fall asleep.
"Aw," he noticed how tired you were. "did I wear you out, my love? Come here."
You laid your head on your boyfriend's chest as he wrapped his arms around you. He put a sweet kiss on your forehead, making you feel extra loved.
"I love you so much, baby." he whispered, kissing your forehead again.
"I love you too." you said back.
Not long after, you fell asleep in his arms. He watched over you, never wanting anything to take this moment away from him.
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septembersghost · 1 year
What do you think of the idea that this was PR for SNTV so that everyone would be paying attention to the Nash shows?
oof. okay, first of all, and this isn't aimed at you anon, but everyone has gotten way too comfortable using the term "PR" inappropriately, to the point where it's meaningless, because you get people online saying everything they see ever is PR when that's simply not the case and a lot of things are just...humans living life who happen to do so in the public eye. but the whole point of the concept there is some benefit. this is not an instance where there's benefit of publicity - trolling potential aside, because that would serve a different purpose - all eyes are already on her.
she knows fans pay attention to the shows every week (even the ones like me who aren't viewing the livestreams! i read along with the updates as they happen but haven't watched, others might check in the next day due to time zones or busy schedules, and so on), no matter what we all know what happens and what surprise songs she plays and what she might've said, and we know very quickly. every entertainment and music outlet is paying attention. an album announcement would make spectacular noise and immediately be reported no matter what.
furthermore, stoking romance/personal rumors, if anything, takes *away* from the announcement, it doesn't add to it - hence the internet being in a dither about matty rather than only being focused on excitement over SNTV. why on earth would she intentionally court speculation and rumor that distracts from an important project? moreover, why with someone who undeniably would be controversial and cause anger/annoyance? how does that help her? (answer: it's irrelevant to her if she likes him.) i'd be slightly inclined to think it was a silly joke for the sake of 1989 TV and a potential collab if she'd announced that album instead, but everything about the optics, especially given very recent events and history, has such overwhelming negative downsides with really no upsides as far as press and reactions go. so PR for SNTV specifically makes very little sense to me, versus her being in a do-whatever-i-want-with-whoever-i-want moment (which, let's be real, is not out of character).
it's either a (perhaps ill-timed and unclear) bit of shenanigans between chaotic friends or it's...whatever it is, and we're going to be living with that rebound reality for a bit. he took a very long trip to get to a hometown show for her...we're gonna have to face what that means, particularly after not seeing the person we thought we should have seen on opening night. i didn't want to read into that absence before, but unfortunately information is now what it is. (me @ mr. bowery: you should've been there! you should've burst through the door with that, "baby, i'm right here" smile!)
the announcement of SNTV would've happened last night no matter what, i'd lay odds she's had that planned for the first night of nashville for quite a while. the matty of it all is a wrinkle, not a boost. the only thing i hope is that it doesn't have any negative ramifications for her (not necessarily in the press, but in her personal life. having fun is fine, i just don't want her to be hurt anymore than what's already happened, you know?).
ultimately, what we all have to remember is that boundary - we don't know her directly. we have no say or influence over her decisions or personal life. that doesn't mean we have to like them, but we have zero input into her making those choices. all we can continue to do is what we already do, support her artistry, wish her the best, and cherish her music.
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1147: Start of a New Vacation (SSBU X Wario Ware)
11:34 a.m. on Diamond City's La Glorious Cruise Boat........
Penny: WHAT!?
9-Volt: (Crosses his Arms) Yeah, you heard me.
Penny: (Glaring Down at 9-Volt with her Hands on Both her Hips) What I'm hearing is a heavy amount of bias and hoohaahs! What the heck makes you think Goku would stand chance against Saitama in an on-one-on match!?
9-Volt: Years of challenging, disciplinary training experience, incredibly durability and speed stats, has multi powerful techniques in his disposal, the guy even faced plenty of monsters, planet busters and literal GODS in the runtime of the series! He's easily one of the strongest fighters in the entire universe!
Penny: Strongest my foot! He's not even the Top 10 strongest in his own series! Need I remind you the time he lost to an ACTUAL god once? And some of the wins we DID achieved were thanks to pure luck and close clutches!
9-Volt: (Starts Glaring Back at Penny) At least he gave it his all in those fights! I don't see Baldy-McTwo Fists out there fighting any 9f the foes I just mentioned!
Penny: On the contrary, Point Dexter, not only has Saitama faced plenty of monsters, supernatural beings, and other heroes with planet busting feats, but he also managed to blow up Jupiter into figurines with just one sneeze.
9-Volt: No way he can do thar when Goku could easily do that with a single Kamehame wave!
Penny: Yeah, well look it up, genius! It's a certified fact.
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
Ashley: (Sighs While Watching 9-Volt and Penny Arguing with One Another and Sitting Next to her Boyfriend in the Background) The one time I get to enjoy my peace and relaxation on this trip and this is what I'm welcomed to.....
Lucas: (Turns to Ashley) Have they always get into these heated debates?
Ashley: More or less. One time they spent two hours and a half debating over a duck/rabbit picture. (Shows Lucas a Picture of a Duck/Rabbit Sketch on her Phone) See?
Lucas: Awww~ It look so cute~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Can't tell which one it really is though......
Ashley: No one here has a clue either. But that's neither here nor there. (Lay her Head onto Lucas' Shoulder) How are you enjoying the trip so far?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I'm enjoying it a lot so far! The temperature feels nice out, the ocean looks so shiny and beautiful, I don't even think I remember the last time I rode on a boat before, this is great!~
Ashley: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad to hear it!~ I have no doubt that this week will be even more spectacular from here.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, neither do I. You think everyone back home will be okay without us?
Ashley: (Shrugs) I wouldn't worry too much about them personally. Their chaotic mannerisms are more than enough to keep them busy for a week at least.
Lucas: (Giggles a Bit) I wouldn't exactly say they're completely chaotic, but I will miss them dearly. I hope I have enough to buy them all souvenir gifts....
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas While Pouting at Him a Little) We'll worry about our vaction comes to it's closing point, mister~ You deserve to have as much fun and relaxation as the rest of us here.
Lucas: I know. (Happily Hugs his Girlfriend Back) Thank you.
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Peck on the Cheek Before Smiling Back) You're welcome.
Wario: (In the Distance OI! Lovebirds! Quit having a relaxing hug fest and get over here! Team meeting's about to start!
Ashley: (Groans in Annoyance While Getting Up From her Seat Along with Lucas) He's holding a team meeting in the middle our time off?
Lucas: (Smiles Sheepishly) Let's see what he wants from us first. (Gently Grabs Hold of Ashley's Hand) We can go everything ypu want to do afterwards if you want.
Ashley: Sure. (Makes her Way to Wario and the Others with Lucas Right Next to Her) It probably won't be much though.
Wario: (Stands on Top of a Crate as He Sees Everyone of his Colleagues Arriving Towards his Area) Alright, losers, gather around and shut up! Before this little vacation adventure of ours starts, we need to break a few ground rules.
Dribble: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Ground rules?
Spitz: You serious, man?
Wario: Yes, MAN! I am. I'm your boss, I paid for the expenses, everything I say goes, which is exactly Rule #1. #2: Never ask me to buy you anything! You have money in your own pockets, use it. #3: There's a picture of a map made in the back of your brochures, so keep them close to you at all times. If any of you manage get yourselves lost by the time we head back home and are late get back on that cruise ship before then, sucks to be you.
5-Volt: (Gives Wario a Stern, Motherly Glare) If ANYONE gets lost, we band together to find them no matter how long it takes. No gets left behind on this trip.
Everyone: Yeah!
Wario: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine! We'll set up a search party if that ever happens, moving on! #4: Any hidden treasure I potentially stumble upon along the way, will be mines in advance.
Mona: Always finding treasure, eh Wario?
Wario: Been a Treasure Hunter since day one, it's what I do. And the Fifth and Final Rule for the Day: Until this vacation this done and over with, none of you loser bother me. (Points at Lucas) That goes double for you, Sunflower boy.
Lucas: (Salutes to Wario) Yes sir, Mr. Wario sir! (Lowers hid Posture Down and Forms a Bit of a Nervous Smile on his Face) A-Also I just wanted to say how thankful I am for letting me join you guys this time around. I-I promise not to be a bother to you guys going forward....
Wario: Yeah, you better not, twerp! I didn't get my arm broken and have to pay extra on this trip JUST to deal with a snot-nose crybaby like you all day-
The Fatman starts shivering in fear as he turns to see all of his co-workers giving him dark, soul piercing glares at his direction (with Ashley's hair turned white and 5-Volt turned into her demonic persona, slowly pounding her fist onto her palm)
Wario: Uh- ('Clears Throat') F-Forget everything I said just now. Glad to have you on board.
18-Volt: Look!
The gang turns to see that they've finally reached their destination, Caresaway Island.
Everyone: Hey, we're here!~
Wario: Finally!(Jumps Put of the Boat First) Outta the way, chumps, I'm going first! (Rushes Over to the Island's Staff)
Staff: (Happily Greets Wario) Greetings! Welcome to the island. Please take these precious stones as a hello gift.
Wario: (Smiles Brightly as the Images of Diamonds Appears on Both his Eyes) Ohhh! Diamonds!? Gimme, Gimme!!
Staff: (Presents Two Sets of Somewhat Familiar Looking Stones Along with Two of his Co-Workers) Actually, they're Form Stones! Moving around with these in your hands could bring you good luck.
Wario snatches one of the Move Stones from out of the wooden plate and examines both of them up close one by one before angrily chucking them.
Wario: Stupid rocks! I don't want 'em!!
Both of the rocks manages to hit the top of a parrot's head, causing it to screech in pain and flies away while indirectly bumping one of the tourists and making her drop her drink to the ground. It wasn't long for a blue elephant to slip on the spilled drink and uses his trunk to grab onto a flower coded sign before flipping himself over and accidentally kicking Wario hard enough to send him flying and crash down towards a faraway forest.
5-Volt: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose While Sighing) Of all the lousy.....(Starts Bowing at Everyone Present in the Entrance) We are so sorry about all that, everyone.
Staff: (Smiles Sheepishly) I...take it you all know are acquainted with man in some way.
Ashley: Unfortunately.
Mona: (Smiles Sheepishly as Well) He's out boss from back home.
Penny: (Rolls her Eyes) Just as rude and impatient as he always is......
While everyone else agreeing to that motion, Lucas looks down at Move Stones and picks both of them up from the ground.
Lucas: So.....These Move Stones.....(Turns to Island's Staff) Do they really bring you good luck charm, sir?
Staff: (Happily Nodded) That's right! All you have to do is move around attracted to the grip of your hands and you'll surely be granted with luck in due time.
Ashley: (Lools Down at the Spare Move Stones in Front of Her) Hm.....Can't say I care too much about anything luck related. But given we're in vacation with Wario of all people....(Picks Both of the Stone Up From the Plate) I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put to good use eventually.
Penny: Ooh I'll take one too!~ (Happily Takes the Last Pair of Move Stones From the Other Plate) I can already tell by the craftsmanship of these beauties alone that they're research worthy.
9-Volt: (Starts Jumping Up and Raising his Hand Up) Ooh! Ooh! Can I get one too please?
18-Volt: (Raises his Hand Up as Well) And me too!?
The Gang: And us too?
Staff: (Smiles Brightly) Sure! It'll.....take a while to have the stones up and ready for you all though.
5-Volt: (Happily Bows at the Staff Members Once More) Take as much time as you need. It's the least we can do for what happened earlier. (Turns Back to the Gang) Right, everyone?
The Gang: Yeah./Sure!/ I don't mind waiting./ We can wait.
Staff: (Clasps his Hands Together with a Smile of his Own) Thank you all for your understanding. We'll have them out for you shortly. In the meantime, please, enjoy your stay at Caresaway Islaend! (Happily Waves Goodbye to Everyone Before Taking his Leave)
5-Volt: (Happily Waves Back at the Leaving Staff Members Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay. With all of that out of the way. (Places her Hands on Both her Hips) I say we're all ready to get this vaction up and started!~ Oh and Lucas?
Lucas: (Looks Up at 5-Volt) Yes, ma'am?
5-Volt: (Gives Lucas a Sincere Motherly Smile) We're very happy to have you here with us, as part of our crew even. Please don't let whatever Wario says make you think differently about that or about yourself, okay?
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas' Arm) That goes double from me too, dear!
Penny: (Happily Chimes in) And from me too!~
The Gang: (Chimes in as Well) And from us too!!~
Lucas: (Giggles Ticklishly by all Hugs He's Receiving) Okay, okay!~ I promise not to think any of that get to me. (Smiles Brightly) Thank you all so much!~ (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) But wait, W-What about Wario!? Is he gonna be okay-
The gang looks up to see Wario flying in the skies while riding on a poor parrot's back and holding two of the Move Stones.
Wario: These rocks rock! Get it. WAHAHAHAHA! AAHAHAHAHA!
5-Volt: He'll be fine. This IS Wario after all. But seriously this time....(Raise her Fist Up in the Air) Let this one week vacation adventure begin!
Everyone: (Raises Their Fist Up as Well While Cheering in Rejoice) YEAH!~
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Confession prompt from this list
“Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
It’s late.
It’s a fancy neighbourhood. And Gavin doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing there.
The building is taller than any he’s ever visited, let alone lived in. There’s exotic plants in the lobby and jazz music playing in the elevator.
Trust the plastic prick to manage his finances this well.
Gavin gets to the top floor. He pauses to take in the abstract art on the walls.
They can afford to put Manfred paintings in the hallway? Holy shit. I should turn around and go home right now.
He comes to a stop in front of a double-door. The only one on the floor.
Penthouse? Damn, Tincan…
He starts to reach for the door bell, but then pulls back.
This is crazy. What am I doing?
He spends a few minutes floundering and is just about to walk shamefully back to the elevator when a crashing sound resounds from within the apartment.
Gavin smiles to himself. His clumsiness and colourful language have fully rubbed off on his partner. Cyberlife’s deep learning algorithms were no match for the company of Gavin Reed.
“Janice, you come back here right now!”
Gavin frowns. He’s heard plenty about the feisty cat but never understood why she had a name befitting an old office secretary. He didn’t understand a lot of things about his partner… but he supposed that was part of the appeal.
Another crash. A loud feline yowl. An exasperated groan.
Is he trying to bathe or skin his cat?
Gavin waits it out as the meows and grunts and crashes continue.
He feels a bit like a creep, eavesdropping on his partner through the door, but he honestly doesn’t know what to do next. He’d worked himself up after a few whisky shots with Hank… the old man convinced him to finally go do the deed… and then all his confidence drained as soon as the autonomous taxi rolled up outside the glittering residential complex. His old insecurities came back in full force.
People like me don’t belong within a mile of this postcode…
What was I thinking?
People like me don’t belong within a mile of people like Nines.
The door suddenly swings open violently.
“Jenson, if it’s about the fucking noise again, I swear to RA9! You are two floors down! How the fuck can you-”
Nines breaks off as he registers the identity of the man lurking outside his door. His blue eyes widen in surprise. Gavin stares back in equal surprise.
The android standing slack-jawed in his doorway looks nothing like the stoic, snooty RK900 that Gavin has come to know and love.
His dark hair hangs loose around his face… he’s bare-legged, actually in his boxers… and there’s a long slit ripped into his thin white t-shirt. Gavin is also a cat-owner. He knows the look. But never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined it on Nines.
“Um… hi …”
“Gavin! What are you doing here?”
“I… was in the neighbourhood.”
Nines nods slowly and Gavin kicks himself mentally.
“Just wanted to say hi. And now I have. Bye.”
Cheeks burning, he’s halfway through turning on his heel, when Nines reaches for his arm.
“Hey wait!”
And before either can say anything else, there’s a flash of black fur shooting though the crack in the door.
“Fuck, Janice!”
Gavin drops to his knees instinctively and deftly traps the rambunctious little animal. He stands up with a grimace.
“You sure she’s a cat? Acts and smells like a dog.”
Nines rolls his eyes and takes his pet back.
“She got stuck on top of my kitchen cabinet and fell in the compost box when I tried to get her down.”
“Man, I keep telling you to buy her a treehouse. She likes exploring.”
“It’ll ruin my whole aesthetic.”
“Can’t be worse than the respect Janice shows your decor today. Get one. I’m telling you. Asshole stopped shredding my curtains immediately when he got his.”
Nines shrugs noncommittally but his LED cycles yellow in a manner that tells Gavin he’s ordering a kitty treehouse immediately.
Janice struggles in Nines’ grasp, clawing at his ruined shirt. He glances down and tosses her back into the apartment, shutting the door firmly behind him. He looks back at Gavin, arms folded over his chest.
“As much as I need it, I’m guessing you didn’t come here to give me pet advice in the middle of the night.”
“Then what’s up, Gavin?”
He stares at his feet. The alcohol haze that brought him to Nines’ doorstep is clearing. Under the glow of the crystal chandelier hanging above them, Gavin feels very stupid.
“I… it’s nothing. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
“Gavin, my scans are telling me all kinds of things right now… but I’d rather you tell me yourself.”
“Yeah sorry, I forgot to disable my facial analysis… emotion recognition… and um… pheromone detectors…”
There’s a knowing look on Nines’ face and Gavin feels so damn small.
Guess I shouldn’t bother taking the elevator down. I’ll just jump.
“Tell me, Gavin. Before Janice chews through all the cushions on my couch.”
“I… Nines...”
There’s silence, even from within the apartment. Nines’ eyes briefly dart to the door, scanning right through it to check on Janice no doubt, and flit back to Gavin. A teasing smile is playing on the corner of his lips.
The whole game is up. He already knows. Just tell him.
Gavin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Should I go wash the compost off my cat first… or are you planning on telling me sometime tonight?”
His eyes fly open to see Nines stifle a giggle.
What a cocky prick!
Several moments pass with Nines’ mirth steadily increasing and Gavin’s shyness transforming into annoyance.
“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”
“Goddamnit Nines.”
“You’ve never visited me before. I have no idea why you’re here. The least you could do is give me an explanation for showing up unannounced and interrupting my night.”
“Alright, you prick. Just listen, okay. Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
Nines’ hand actually comes up to cup his mouth as his frame shakes with silent laughter.
“You got a lot of attitude for someone getting their ass kicked by a tiny kitten.”
Nines doubles over and holds up a finger, actual tears streaming down his face.
“Oh my god. You’re such an idiot. I can’t believe I was worried about coming here. Shut up for a second. Shut up.”
Nines props himself up against his door. His chest is heaving and he looks ready to burst into another fit of giggles, but he manages to hold it in valiantly.
Gavin clears his throat. He’s come all the way and he’s going to say his piece, fears and insecurities and everything else be damned.
Just as he opens his mouth… Nines pushes himself off the door and reaches for his face. Then suddenly, somehow, he’s being kissed.
Plush lips cover his own, and his eyelids flutter shut as Nines pulls him in. By the time they part for air, both are panting and intertwined in the entranceway.
Nines bumps his nose against Gavin’s.
“So did I guess right? Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yeah pretty much.”
Their eyes lock for a moment and laughter threatens to bubble up once more. Lips trembling, they both manage to quell it. Foreheads touch and each man’s gaze dips back down to the other’s mouth.
They start to lean back in… and then there’s a spectacular shatter of glass from the other side of the door… an accompanying screech… and absolutely no chance of escaping the hilarity that bursts forth once more. 
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iloveitwhen · 3 years
how about tim and marinette jokingly planning world domination and then accidentally carrying it out (to the annoyance of the batfam)??
this was so fun to write and I hope it makes sense! Marinette and Tim are extremely delirious so it was hard to share their thoughts while also having it make sense to the readers... I hope you like it!
“Dick, stop lying! There’s no way we could have done that. There’s no way we “accidentally took over the world.” Do you really think the two of us could have taken out all seven JLA members?” 
“What day is it, Marinette?” Dick asks instead of answering her question. 
“Tuesday,” Tim answers for her. 
“And the number?”
“Nineteenth,” Marinette crosses her arms and looks at Dick impatiently. 
“It’s Saturday the 23rd,” he declares hotly. “Haven’t you been wondering why you’re so hungry this morning? The two of you have been sleeping for 32 hours and had been awake before that for almost an entire week with maybe an hour of sleep a day. But it’s ok! Because before you fell asleep we got you on camera admitting to everything that you’ve done and we have your notes, which you will have to decipher by the way because for some reason you thought it was a good idea to code everything in your notes and you are in so much trouble right now!” 
“Show us,” Marinette was now understandably a little concerned because she totally did have the weirdest dream last night. And was it really the 23rd?
Five minutes later Marinette is standing side by side with Tim watching a video on the bat computer of the two of them in the interrogation room while Dick is questioning them. 
Marinette’s head is resting on the table, clearly sleeping when Dick slams his hand on the table forcing her to snap her head up in alarm. 
“You are NOT going to sleep right now. The last time this happened you couldn’t remember a thing! Tell me everything and I’ll let you go to sleep.”
Tim who has already been sitting up but was still very much asleep and didn’t seem to be affected by Dick’s outburst snaps his eyes open. 
“How dare you!” he bellows causing Dick and Marinette to look at him in surprise, Marinette’s much more exaggerated than Dick’s, “We will never agree to these terms!”
There are a few moments of silence in the video and Tim makes a noise of embarrassment from the back of his throat while Marinette holds back laughter. 
“I wouldn’t laugh quite yet, Marinette,” Dick admonishes. 
“Wait I’m really tired though… ,” Marinette complains to Tim.
“Great!” Dick claps his hands together and turns his attention to Marinette, “after you tell me everything you can go to sleep.”
Marinette nods very seriously then takes a deep breath and shakes her shoulders as if she’s hyping herself up to start a race or lift some heavy weights. She looks at a point on the wall a few feet to the right of Dick’s head and begins speaking as if she is a narrator of a science documentary. 
Marinette cringes, some of the memories coming back to her like how she had believed she had one more mission, and that was to let the audience know the “trials and tribulations of their story” as she had so eloquently thought about it in her head. She watches as Video Marinette recounts their story remembering that she had believed it was a serious story and that the imaginary audience (that she wholeheartedly believed were watching) must understand this.  Her hand goes to her mouth in horror as she watches herself on the screen go silent and stare at the point behind Dick’s shoulder for several awkward minutes, several times throughout the video. She remembers she had been trying to portray the scene that was passing before her mind’s eye for the “audience” to see as well. Clearly it didn’t work. 
** italics indicate when Marinette is using her narrating voice and is staring into the “camera” 
** dashes indicate flashbacks
“It was an accident.” Marinette starts, “Really, truly an accident. You can’t blame two delirious teenagers with a combined two hours of sleep within 3 days and half a brain cell to share between them. Honestly you can’t judge them, it’s not their fault the Lustice Jeague- Justilea- Just- Justice. League. Fell for it. You just can’t. It’s not their fault the justice league-”
“Marinette.” Dick interrupts.
“Right. Did I already say that? Well, anyways, point is. Not their fault….” 
Marinette pops her head suddenly and looks conspiratorially at Tim, “Hey.”
“Hmm,” not stopping his clacking away at his computer. 
“Did you know Superman’s biggest weakness is Lois Lane?”
Time grunts in response as if saying, “yeah, what about it?”
“Like, he would literally be incapable of doing anything if Lois Lane was in trouble, like if Lois Lane disappeared so would Superman.” 
“Yeah that’s crazy,” still clacking away at his computer. 
“And do you know what Batman’s biggest weakness is?” 
Marinette giggles, “that’s funny. No, his pants.” Tim’s finger’s still as he processes what Marinette just said. “Think about it. If batman has no pants then he would disappear as well. Do you really think Batman would show up anywhere if he had no pants?” A pause. “Batman must really love his pants,” Marinette adds thoughtfully.
Tim begins ferociously clacking away on his computer again. “This is amazing,” he whispers, “we can use this against them! Amazing,” he says, whispering the last word with, well, amazement. 
“I know, right? We could like… take over the world with this information or something.” 
Tim gasps, finally turning to Marinette sprawled on his bed, “we totally could!” Suddenly he looks around and lowers his voice as if sharing a secret, as if there was anyone else besides Marinette to hear anyway. Marinette sits up and leans in excitedly, “we totally could,” he repeats. 
Marinette nods her head enthusiastically, “and we can totally give it back afterwards. Like, it’s no big deal. Just to like, prove we could.” 
Tim’s eyes grow wide and he nods his head with child-like excitement, “let’s do it.” 
“24 hours later, now with 7 hours of sleep between them in four days, Marinette and Tim had developed the most bestestest plan to ever grace the mise of anyone, it was-”
“Mise?” Dick interrupts again, trying to figure out what she was saying. 
Marinette scrunches her face up, “My- mizzzee- my- m- myyy-nnnd. Mind.” She finally corrects then turns her focus back to the imaginary camera, “of anyone who ever lived. It was spectacular.”
“This is horrific.”
“Exactly. So horrible that it worked miraculously. I say that totally seriously. Seriously. No, I am not a miraculous, ask Ladybug.” Marinette then switches demeanor shifts in her seat and asks: “Ladybug?” she shifts in her seat again to slightly face the opposite direction and answers herself, “Yes?” She shifts again. “Are you a miraculous?” Shifts. “No. I am not.” Marinette looks back into the imaginary camera, “See? She says Marinette is not Ladybug….” she trails off for a moment, her head slowly dropping indicating she was very close to falling asleep. 
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Marinette snaps her head back up.
“Oh but it has. Tim and Marinette had targeted every single weak point of every JMLA member, the Jumpstice League stood no chance against the duo. Tim crafted a device that tracked Lois Lane, gathering any and all data on her to mimic her, including her heartbeat and scent so that Superman would be properly duped. Setting the trap in his very own house-” she suddenly cuts herself off and looks between Tim and Dick, “by the way did you know? That man is like, super weak to Kryptonite. It would have been so much easier to know that in the beginning. And also that he has a cousin? She’s very pretty, right, Tim?” She turns to her boyfriend who is looking at her with a soft smile.
“Mmhm. You’re very pretty.” 
Marinette ignores him and continues, “So Tim and Marinette trapped him in a cage of kryptonite-”
“You did WHAT!?”
“-and he totally passed out, the two heroes are still a bit confused why he was making such a big deal about it.” Marinette pays no mind to Dick as he reaches out and shakes his hands like he wants to strangle her neck.  “Tim then crafted a signal miminicking a detest call-”
“Distress,” Dick corrects. 
“-distress call from Themyscira rendering Wonder Woman unavailable. Unfortunately for her and fortunately for us it was her birthday and since I’m good friends with Momma Wonder,” she abruptly turns to Dick and points a finger at him as if he was a five year old in trouble and adds: “that’s Queen Hipopotolia to you, Mister,” before turning back, “they threw her a total rager,” again changing her demeanor and rolls her eyes “which I’m missing right now by the way, so she’ll be gone for a few more days, those gals really know how to party…. 
“Then the Flash. He was easier than the two expected, they meanly- I mean merely, well, meanly too- slapped a speed force inhibitor around his wrists. He couldn’t tap into the speed force to vibrate through it, he couldn’t cut it off, he would definitely die including everyone else in a mile radius-” Marinette swivels her head to Dick and smacks the table,”-nuclear bombs are SUPER dangerous by the way, you really don’t want to mess with them. 
“He couldn't contact anyone, any electric device he came across was rendered useless due to Tim’s genius, once again. 
“You’re so smart, baby, they couldn't have done this without you,” she adds out of the blue looking at Tim with a proud smile 
“Mhmm. You’re so pretty,” he repeats while Dicks drops his head into his hands. 
“They knew the Flash had friends so they did what they had to and locked him in one of those big containers that you sometimes see on trains and sometimes see on big ships and is currently in the middle of the ocean. Also that inhibitor thingy works as a shock collar too so like screaming electrocutes him preeeetty bad.”
“If the JLA doesn’t kill the both of you, I will.”
“The Martian Manhunter, well, you know what they say, show, don’t tell…. Marinette looks deep into the “camera” willing it to see what she was seeing.
“J’onn J'onzz.” The green alien turns around to find two young adults who looked uncharacteristically professional, hands clasped behind their straight backs and serious expressions.
“...Ladybug. Red Robin. What can I do for you?” J’onn places an alien piece of tech down to focus on the two of them. Unfortunately he could not read Ladybug’s mind when she was in the suit and Red Robin’s mind was a mess of noises and jumbled thoughts that made no sense whatsoever, except one that was a bit louder than the rest and was repeated like a mantra. 
Christmas eve, 1998. 
J’onn tensed, “What do you want,” he demanded more than asked, overly concerned about how and why that thought was in Red Robin’s mind. 
“Nothing. Exactly that. Nothing,” Ladybug responded. “We need you to leave, to go somewhere for a few days and to not resurface or interfere in any way, shape, or form. And in return we will delete anything and everything that ever existed on Christmas Eve of 1998. It’ll be like it never existed.” 
“I can’t do that.” 
Ladybug suddenly broke her composure and groaned. “Oh come oooon, We promise no one will get hurt!” she linked her hands together and gave the Martian a pout, “pleeaaseee?” 
“The last time you two were like this you “accidentally” created a multimillion dollar company solely based on cosplay.” Ladybug was not phased and Tim was still chanting Christmas Eve, 1998 in his head, the boy probably wasn’t even aware time had passed since he got there. J’onn sighed, whatever they were up to it probably wasn’t too big of a deal. “Fine. But I want proof everything is deleted.” 
“Yess, it’s a deal, big man. See you in a few days! C’mon Tim.” 
“Can I stop repeating that thing in my head now?”
She breaks and looks at Dick impatiently, “I’m telling a story right now, what do you want?”
“You’ve been staring at the wall for 5 minutes straight, where is Martian Manhunter?”
“Oh I don’t know, he should be back on Tuesday though,” she shrugs and nods at the same time but like a switch has been flipped she is serious again. “As for Aquaman? Well, he has his own problems in the undersea. As you know the detective of Justice is Batman, Aquaman? Not much of a detective at all. But, having a mystery that needed to be solved in the undersea would have to be done with the bat’s assistance. However, Batman had his own problems to mace. 
“Yes. A problem that he will never be able to solve without asking for little help of his own. Unfortunately for him, his pride and dignity was on the verge of devolution- devil- devolve… ded- destru- destruction! Also all communication to Alfred was severed and he was sent to the Bahamas to relax since Tim and Marinette promised that since Batman would not be able to be fight he would be safe.”
“Ohhh is that where he went? No wonder there was no breakfast this morning.” Tim drops his hand supporting his face and looks at Marinette in wonder. 
“Babe we went over this like one time, you should know this.”
“Oh, right, yeah… I still haven’t eaten.” Tim lays his head down on his arm sadly and promptly falls asleep. 
“And last, and definitely least, Green Lantern. Marinette, miraculoused in her all-black ninja suit- wait no- no miraculous involved, it was just black clothes,” Marinette trailed off and snorted. “I really just stole the Green Lanterns ring… It was uhhh, it was actually kind of easy….
“Marinette had slipped the ring from Hal’s hand and put it on her own, quickly and quietly slipping out the way she came but not before taking the battery thing that powers the ring and stealing every single cup in the house. The ring had then proved useful as it assisted in Marinette’s journey.”
“Wait. How?” 
Marinette shrugs as if it weren’t such a big deal when it definitely was. “I don’t know, it actually gave me a little speech about going to Goodwill and then told me I was a lantern. Wait, do you think someone would have bought me if I posed as a lantern…? Oh yeah! I totally had a green suit and everything, it was crazy. Look! I still have it,” she stuck her hand out to show Dick, the thick green ring almost making contact with his face as she practically jumped over the table to show him. “I don’t want to give it back to Hal though it’s like… a really cool ring,” she says sadly as she sits back down, not giving Dick an actual chance to look at the ring. 
“Ok. Ok.” Dick drags a hand through his hair in frustration. “What about batman? Where is he?”
Marinette shoots both of her hands up and points at the one way mirror behind Dick’s head, “Boom! Right behind ya in that there mirror.” Then she again turns to the imaginary camera to continue her saga.
“Batman. The easiest, yet most difficult. The smartest, yet most helpless. And though Marinette and Tim wish they could have said they did it alone, they desperately needed the help of a certain… seductress.” 
Selena Kyle leans a hip into the counter of a kitchen, quietly making tea when a dark red and black tangle of something falls through an open window and crashes onto the floor, bumping into the family dining table and rattling the vase of wilting flowers. Selena curses loudly and goes to flee but realizes what, or rather who the pile of dark red and is. It’s Red Robin and Ladybug, otherwise known as Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
The two groan loudly and clumsily untangle themselves and flop on the ground next to each other apparently too lazy to stand up at the moment. 
“Hey,” Ladybug says, moving her head to the side to look at the standing woman. 
“Hey,” Selena takes a sip of her tea and almost laughs when she realizes that Red Robin had either been knocked out or  had simply fallen asleep. 
Ladybug’s words are slurred together when she says, “we need your help,” while slowly blinking. Either she was on something, very drunk, or very sleep deprived. Knowing the two of them and considering Red Robin was fast asleep on the floor it was probably the sleep deprivation. 
Selena acts as though she’s considering it even though she would help regardless, whatever it was these two were planning she wanted in. 
“Only if you agree to owe me a favor.” 
Ladybug (who had closed her eyes for a moment) snapped her eyes open and grinned, quite evilly, “what we’re planning will be favor enough.” Then, as if the conversation had ended, rolled her head around taking her surroundings in, “this isn’t your house.” 
Selena chuckles, “no it’s not, but you found me here anyways.”
“Ohhhhh, right I forgot about that, do you know the person who owns this house?” Selena shakes her head and Marinette hums in response, wandering her eyes over the kitchen. “So what do you say about the pant situation?” 
“The what?”
“The mystery woman had easily fallen for the trap. With her help, Tim and Marinette had almost succeeded in world domination, all that was left was to carry out the plans….”
Dick pauses the video and turns to the two heroes who were blushing furiously and fidgeting, waiting until they could bolt. 
“I thought you were going to sit there for a few more minutes then start talking again but you just kept sitting there until I realized you had fallen asleep with your eyes open.” He huffed and started to type into the computer again. “You’re lucky none of the JLA members got hurt or that this-” he clicks a file “video did not get out to the world.”
Ladybug and Red Robin stand in a professional stance with hands clasped behind their backs, they were standing slightly off-center of the screen with an empty JLA table behind them.  
“Good evening, world. I am Ladybug.”
“And I am Red Robin.”
“We have single handedly disposed of the JLA.”
“They will no longer terrorize our world-”
“Burn down our cities-”
“Trample us underfoot-”
“Wait-” Ladybug breaks character and turns to Red Robin, “are we describing Godzilla?”
Red Robin furrows his brow for a moment before bursting out in laughter, grabbing onto Ladybug and dragging her down into hysterics as well. They fall to the floor out of view of the camera but their guffaws are still spilling over the speakers very loudly. 
Several minutes later they stand up, wiping their tear-streaked cheeks.
“Anyways,” Red Robin continues, a chuckle still present in his voice, “We totally have taken over the world and you!” he points into the camera.
“Are!” Ladybug repeats his movement.
“Under our control!” they chorus together, pointing their thumbs at themselves as if this were some sort of disney channel ad, some sort of joke and that they hadn’t just literally threatened world domination, hadn’t just succeeded in world domination. 
They held the pose for a moment before Red Robin relaxed, Ladybug held her pose and continued to look into the camera while Red Robin reached up and paused the video.
“Luckily,” Dick begins, “You streamed the video straight to your own computer and not to the entire world, and luckily, you left your computer open on the dining tables for Duke to see it and for the rest of us, minus Jason,” he adds hotly, “to fix your mess.” 
“At least you caught the perpetrator?” Marinette adds helpfully, her voice going up like a question and her face scrunched up hoping that the comment would placate Dick.
It did not. 
Dick has both Marinette and Tim sitting side by side in an interrogation room, Tim is smiling and staring at Marinette with hearts in his eyes and sighing happily every once in a while Marinette is staring intently at the wall a few feet to the right of Dick’s head and talking as if she were the narrator of the documentary of her Tim’s “adventure” of literally taking over the world. 
“This is insane.” Bruce Wayne whispers behind the one way glass with a towel wrapped around his waist, every single pair of pants he owned was still missing. And would continue to be missing until he admitted he needed help, the rest of the batfam had collectively agreed to not help him until he asked for help, much to Bruce’s chagrin. 
Bonus Bonus: 
The video is shaky but clear, it’s facing a dingy empty stage with a lone mic stand in the middle at what seems to be Karaoke night in an even dingier bar. The crowd is mostly quiet save for the buzz of conversation until the start of “Fantasy” by Mariah Carey starts and everyone cheers. The camera violently shakes and Hal Jordan’s voice booms through the speakers,
“Let’s go babyyyyy!!” 
A few moments later and J’onn J’onzz, in his human form, hops onto the stage clearly hammered and most definitely not in control of his actions. He dances awkwardly around the stage until the first lyrics on the screen behind him light up. 
“Oh when you walk by every night, talkin sweet and lookin fine, I get kinda hectic inside,” along with the words he points to someone in the crowd then puts the back of his hand to his forehead to indicate “swooning”. 
“Oh baby, I’m so into you,” he clumsily hops off the stage and staggers over to someone at one of the front tables. The video zoomed in for a bit and focuses on the woman who briefly looks around her table with a laugh and she raises her strong arms, welcoming the drunk martian. 
“Darling, if you only knew,” J’onn’s smile was so wide and he laughed into the mic instead of singing the next few lyrics. He forced Wonder Woman’s chair from the table with his telekinesis, and with an excessive amount of exaggeration he circled the chair, dragging his hand over her face. The other women, more Amazons by the looks of their arms, pounded the table howling in laughter. 
“But it’s just a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby, When I close my eyes, you come and take me,” he circles to her front and boops her nose as he sings “take me” before turning around and facing the stage. 
“On and on and on,” he looks back at Wonder Woman seductively and winks, “it’s so deep in my daydreams,” he hops back on the stage, “but it’s just a-” his foot gets tangled in the mic’s cords and his voice is cut off when he tries to save himself from smashing into the ground. 
He fails. 
Laughter erupts in the bar and the camera is slammed onto a table and Hal’s wheezing is heard above the others before the video cuts off.
phew *wipes brow* that was... actually a loooooottttt, but I hope it made you laugh and i really hope it wasn’t confusing to read! *smiles awkwardly and waves* byee....
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
Kinktober day 4:
Tumblr media
Aizawa x reader- Latex lover
Chapter includes: daddy, Leather/latex, public, fingering.
You honestly thought your hero costume was nothing spectacular. It was a really simple latex bodysuit that allowed you to move easily and didn't hinder your quirk which allowed you to turn your body into water and come back together again. It was a simple costume, the only addition really needed was the first aid kid hanging around your waist.
But despite its simplicity, Aizawa still needed to control himself every time you wore it. It especially didn't help that you worked together in UA and your hero costumes were essentially your uniform so you were always in it. He felt like he was trying to conceal a hard on 24/7 with the new addition of the dorms.
Today was a bit different though.
Aizawa slumped into the staffroom with his sleeping bag dragging behind him and pushed the door open lazily with his chest. He pulled his yellow cocoon into the room and turned around when he saw the familiar sight of you grading papers last minute leaning over the table with your ass sticking out and your hip popped to the side. You always left papers to the last minute but you always got them done, you would never give your students a date and not live up to it.
You turned around hearin the door click closed and waved at aizawa. Now rolling up his sleeping bag and holding it in front of him as if he wasn't going to use it for the rest of the day after noticing the zipper on the front was down past your chest, very much exposing your silky bra cupping your breasts.
"Oh hey aizawa! Are you on break now?" you asked, turning back to the papers in front of you.
"Yeah. break that's what i'm here for" he continued to stare at you entertained by your groan of annoyance as you tried to decipher an answer written in chicken scratches and grammar that made you cringe and you squatted as if being closer to the paper would help.
"It's such a hot day. You have no idea how disgusting it is trying to peel latex off of sweaty skin on a day like this. Literally just painful" you think of zipping up your outfit for the sake of modesty, but Aizawa was a gentleman and a whore, either way you were happy with the outcome. You either got fucked by the hottest man in school, and probably in your life to be honest, or he politely kept to himself.
"I can't say I'd know but It is indeed a hot day" he agreed finally getting a hold of himself and stiffly walking to his desk sitting in the rolling chair and dropping his bag under the table.
"Oh before you get comfortable, can you help me for a sec, I'm trying to decipher Kaminari's, everything the whole entire paper honestly, can we get this kid an Ipad?" you mutter. As a Drama teacher (sorry I'm projecting here) you were honestly slightly confused about how he managed to spell stage wrong. But nevertheless it added more onto the "evidence kaminari is dyslexic and ADHD" box.
He rolled over and held his hand out for the paper and you took your chance. You sat in his lap on the chair wiggling to get comfort and you showed him the paper from over your shoulder. "I think this says he would use a loud volume and broken fluency to show he is surprised by the creatures movement but I can't tell if that says broken or woke" you dragged your hand down your face in annoyance and turned around.
You analyse Aizawa's face hunting for any emotion but he almost looked exactly the same as normal. Almost. You could see from his facial expression he was biting the inside of his lip and focusing too hard on the spot on the wall.
"Aizawaa!" you waved your hand in front of his face moving further back on his seat and he bit his lip harder holding back a moan and snatched the paper out of your hand.
"Sorry. Just distracted" he muttered reading over the page and flipping it over "yeah that says broken" he agreed and passed the paper back. He expected you to get off, that maybe you were only sitting there because your feet hurt from squatting, but no you stayed comfortable in his lap. "I uh, I need to go back to my computer" he says matter of factly.
"Well take me as well I might need more help after all" you smirk and he glances at you not sure what to make of your expression. He rolls over to his computer, the bumps in the carpet shifting you every time a wheel goes over one and making it harder for Aizawa to conceal his desire.
"I might have made this test too hard" you mutter, bending over to use his desk to write notes on kaminar's paper and aizawa messed up his password 3 times because he was distracted by your behind before logging onto his computer.
"The test, yeah" he mutters and you lean back, almost slipping off the chair because you didn't notice how close you were to the edge. Aizawa grabbed you by the hips and pulled you up towards him not thinking about the obvious erection he was sporting until you were practically sitting on it and he grunted quietly. "Shit" he groaned, his hands unmoving from your waist.
"Well hello there" you chuckle and roll your hips against his crotch.
"Fuck ah" he grunted his leg bouncing in his seat and you chuckled darkly bending forward again to continue marking your paper but not failing to notice his crawling hands creeping further towards your zipper.
"Come on daddy, You sound desperate, I'm sure your work can wait right?" you stand up and spin around straddling his hips and rolling against his length. You unzipped your bodysuit further and grabbed his hand leading it to the waistband of your thong. "Underwear and latex aren't friends," you sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I- miss (y/ln) Wait this is Incredibly-"
"Inappropriate? Unprofessional?" you interrupted.
He furrowed his eyebrows and shimmied you off his seat turning you around so you were fully bent over the desk and he leaned over you fanning your cheek with his breath, one of his hands moving your panties to the side and rubbing along your slit, the other gripped the back of your neck forcing your head down and he sighed "I was going to say one-sided as I've done nothing for you." he plunges his fingers inside of you and you grip the desk, muffling a gasp into the table.
"Holy shit you know what you're doing huh?" you mumble and aizawa's fingers move in and out of you curling against your g-spot and his thumb flicks over your button drawing out breathy moans from deep in your chest. It was practically confirmed for you now that Aizawa was the man whore you all expected, no way could a man be so good at finger fucking if you weren't experienced.
And though you thought he was experienced you didn't expect him to be so good, moving his finger in and out at the perfect pace and knowing exactly where to drag his fingers, moving them in a scissoring fashion and you roll your hips against him again grinding against his rock hard dick straining against his tracksuit.
"What did you call me earlier?" he growled into your ear nibbling the shell of your ear and rutted his clothed cock against your ass while slowing his fingers down and reaching for your zipper to pull your latex suit further down and peel it off down to your knees.
The cold air brushed past your soaked pussy earning gasp and shiver and you stuttered out "d-daddy.'' The shuffling behind you was incredibly loud in the silent room and unexpectedly you could feel Aizawa's hot length against your slit, the head just barely poking at your entrance and he rubbed his cock back and forth pleasuring you without even needing to enter you. The frustration was getting to you and you moved your hands under your body trying to reach for Aizawa's cock but he just moved backwards out of your reach. "Please Aizawa I need it" you begged into the table and he tutted letting your neck go and pulling you up so you stood straight and held you against him tightly.
"Use the other name you gave me. Sounds good coming from you" he pushed the tip of his cock in and you gasped only for it to be ripped out of you again.
"Daddy! Please daddy give me your cock I need it" the huffing and wriggling against him only excited him more knowing how desperate you were for him to fuck you. He had to wonder how long you'd planned this, maybe you even made the test knowing Denki would rush through the paper and leave unreadable answers.
"Well since you asked so nicely" he thrust in abruptly and your jaw unhinged. The pure force of his thrust sent you back over the desk and there was no chance of you getting back up again with him plowing into you with so much pressure your back would shatter.
Tumultuous moans fell from your tongue and your eyebrows furrowed squeezing your eyes shut while aizawa's husky voice muttered compliments in your ear moans intermittently breaking into the conversation making you whine and push your hips back in time with Aizawa's thrusts.
It was blissful sin overdosing you on euphoria leaving your hands scrabbling on the table for something to hold onto. "Fuck (y/n) i'm close" his grip on you got tighter denting your skin and you squeeked from the sharpness of his nails dipping into your skin.
"Daddy! Fuck please keep going I'm almost there!"
It sounded so lewd, the slapping skin and overlapping grunts, moans and groans and your latex costume crunching around your ankles. Thank god the door was locked since you had to fully take your costume off to do anything.
The door was locked, right?
"Aizawa..." you moaned and he bit his lip drilling his hips faster into you
"What happened to daddy?"
"Aizawa you locked the door right?"
He looked at the door he'd come in through and tried to visualise himself clicking the lock shut but there was no recollection there. "No, don't think so. Who cares, i'm not stopping now if someone walks in i'm so fucking close" he growled but he hadn't noticed the time. Lunch started in 10 minutes. Students would walk past and teachers would come in.
You quickly picked up the pace of your rolling hips and the knot in your stomach pulled at each end snapping in the middle. "Ah! Ah fuck holy shit!" you yelp and your arms give up, smooshing you into the desk chest first. You caught your breath and shook your head gathering your thoughts pushing Aizawa back with your foot despite his rejections then slid onto your knees.
Just then the bell went and instantaneously Mic and Midnight burst into the staffroom laughing about something and thankfully didn't notice aizawa shove you under his desk and roll his chair forward to hide you completely swallowing his cock with a shocked face.
"Afternoon Shouta, working hard I see?" midnight said but something didn't feel right. He was too quiet and his face was twitching, there were no words on his lesson plan and there was one paper, creased and ripped on his desk. And to add to the point the room reeked of sex and perfume. The female hero raised her eyebrow and bent over to see under your desk, noticing your shoes from the small gap between his desk and the floor.
"Hi (y/n). Having fun down there?" she snickered and mic bent down also noticing your shoes.
"Oh I see you too are busy huh? That's one word for it at least, come on midnight we'll patrol the lunch hall" mic and midnight snickered now holding the information that you had definitely fucked minutes before they walked in in the palm of their hands and it was painfully obvious they would tease you both to it for no end.
With your head bobbing up and down on his cock the whole time it was impossible for Aizawa to hold on any longer and he gripped the table "fuuck" his cock pushed forward and you gagged slightly before relaxing and he came down your throat leaving you with a salty taste in your mouth. From under the table you zipped up your suit and crawled out standing up swiftly.
You glanced at the paper you were marking and frowned.
"Uh... I enjoyed that very much" Aizawa leaned forward and you snickered while sitting on his desk.
"That was obvious from the amount of cum I just drank" he cringed and apologized profusely not knowing what else to say.
"Would you like to do it again. After a date possibly" he offered and you laughed heartily standing up with a wobble.
"That sounds wonderful, Aizawa text me when you'd like to go. i'm going to go find mic and midnight and gossip about the sex I just had and apologise to denki about the paper I "spilled coffee on" he worked so hard on it too" you sighed walking out the staffroom but he didn't miss the wobble in your step as you disappeared to find mic and midnight.
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Go Go Karauno: An Old Rival (Pt. 3 smut)
Warnings: swearing, light teasing, slight angst (maybe?), car sex, hand jobs, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control and clean), breeding kink without the breeding, me living my dreams 
Word Count: 7,000 +
You get ready for the date.
Was it really a date though? Let's call it a reunion.
You get ready for the reunion with Keishin as you slip on some comfortable jeans, a nice top and flats to match. Keishin asked you to meet him at his families store. An odd choice for a reunion you thought but you weren't going to fault him.
You were going into this with an open mind. You were ready to be friendly but also ready to lay down the law if so happened to come to that point. You walked down the streets as you approached the store. Keishin was outside smoking. He looked nice you thought.
You smile as you approach "those things are going to kill you you know." You say grabbing the cigarette from his mouth and stomping it out with your foot.
More like you're going to kill him babe
Keishin smiles as he looks at you "well if you worked with a bunch of hormonal high school boys you'd do the same" he said smugly "by the way you look really nice"
You smile "thanks so do you."
He’s looking at you. Why is he looking at you like that? It's awkward.
"So... your families store huh" you say breaking the silence.
"Uhm yeah my mother's families. I just help out" he smiles as he opens the door for you.
"I hope you don't mind meeting me here. I had to work late so closing up was way easier" he smiles as he locks the door behind you.
"It's not a problem. Actually kind of nice to see domestic Keishin. Never thought I'd see the day" you chuckle as he laughs rubbing the back of his head
"Yeah a lots happened since high school" he says as he leads you to a secluded table in the corner.
"Coffee, tea, water?" He says with a smile
"Beer?" You question
Keishin smiles "coming right up!"
He brings two beers back to the table as you both sit in silence for a few moments. It's awkward and you can sense some tension.
"Keis-" you begin only to be interrupted
"Y/N, listen I know what your going to say" keishin interjected.
You lean back. "Ok hit me" you say as you await his response
"Y/N I was a fucking jerk back back high school. A smug asshole. I know that now. Hell I knew it back then. I just thought you'd like me more if I acted that way" he says looking down at the table picking at a spot.
Your eyes widen "like me more? You think picking on me and messing up my serves would get me to like you more? Keishin I legit wanted to punch your lights out!"
"And I would have deserved it Y/N. Please just hear me out ok" he says as you recline in your chair with a huff.
"Y/N this is going to sound so weird and out of left field but I was so jealous of you and honestly, I had the biggest crush on you" Keishin manages to squeak out hoping you won't flee the scene.
"Excuse me?" you say sharply as your eyes bulge from your head.
"Y/N-" Keishin starts to speak before you interject this time.
"So you invited me here to confess to me? To tell me that the years of torment and annoyance you caused me were because you were too big of a fucking idiot to tell me how you felt?" You say loudly.
Keishins eyes widen as he can see your anger grow.
"Listen Keishin, I don't know what the goal was here-" you say as you start to stand preparing to leave.
"Y/N please just hear me out ok" Keishin grabs your hand as you look at him.
 His face looking the most sincere you've ever seen "I know I was stupid. I know you don't have to forgive me. You shouldn't. I was a complete jerk. I messed up the only good thing I had going on in my life."
"Wait-" you start to speak only to be cut off yet again.
"Y/N I wanted to confess to you for years. All through high school! You'd date those stupid basketball players or those baseball players and I'd be left watching. So I dated girls just to try and make you angry. I knew it never did but I tried to forget about you" he spoke softly.
"The only time I could spend with you was when we were playing volleyball and by that point I felt like you just saw me as a complete ass. Which I'm not denying I was but I didn't want to be" he sighed "I forced myself to be that so I could try and push you away."
You're shocked to say the least. Mad, shocked and very overwhelmed.
"Keishin I- I don't know what to say right now" you speak softly and kindly.
"If you don't believe me ask Shimada" Keishin sighed "he unfortunately knows way more about the whole thing than he should. He spent years trying to get me to move on from you."
It was honestly overwhelming to hear. You took another sip of your drink and just shook your head.
"Y/N I don't expect you to forgive me or go out on a date with me or anything. I just needed to get this out" he says ducking his head down "it's been bothering me since high school. I think about you often and I really do feel bad for what I did."
Now you're starting to feel bad. Had you really thought so lowly of Keishin? You knew you'd been an ass yourself to him.
"Keishin I'm sorry too" you say with a small smile. He looks up at you.
"I was so driven to beat you I just got so upset. It was stupid. The whole thing was stupid" you laugh.
"Listen Y/N, Kageyama and Hinata could use some extra help with their sets. Since your in town for a while and nationals are coming up, would you mind observing them?" Keishin says.
You smile as you nod.
"Honestly I just need another adult" he laughs "they really are something else on and off the court."
"I seem to remember a certain setter who was very similar" you smile as Keishin smiles back at you.
The night continues as you catch up and laugh. You're still not sure how to feel about Keishin but you have to admit, this is a good starting place.
Keishin smiled as he picked you up the next day for practice. You were excited to work with the boys especially with Kageyama and Hinata.
You entered the gym as you heard the sound of balls hitting the floor.
"Y/N!" you hear your name being screamed loudly as a young bright orange haired boy comes bounding up to you.
"Ginger!" Keishin screams as you laugh.
"Oh Keishin stop! The boy is excited! I see to remember a certain somebody who was the same way" you smile softly as Keishin blushes.
"Hello Y/N, coach" Kageyama bows to you both.
"Well I’m here to observe and help anyway I can" you say as you clap your hands together making a loud smacking noise.
You stand by Keishin as you watch the boys repeatedly hit and then miss the falling toss.
It's not entirely that easy of a ball to hit you think to yourself. 
Kageyama clearly has more technical skills then Hinata but Hinata really seems to be a natural spiker. The pair is odd but they do so well together. Hinata is able to keep up with Kageyama’s quicks.
"Hinata you don't always have to hit the ball with such force you know" you say as you walk up to the young boy.
"Y/N it's fun to hit it hard. The smack of the ball and the whoosh whoosh ka plow" he says as he makes jerking movements with his body.
Kageyama is heating up "you idiot she's talking!" He says kicking Hinata in the back of the legs.
"You're going to have opponents that expect you to hit it hard and if you come into contact with a team who is lightening quick with receives, they will adapt" you say smiling.
You look back at Keishin as his eyes widen
"Nekoma?" he says
"Nekoma" you nod.
"Nekoma has always been amazing at their receives. It's why they are a powerhouse. They use them in all aspects of the game. So why don't you try some faints, maybe shooting the ball straight down as well. Heck you could probably pick up line shots pretty quickly as well. That speed is a weapon but you can't only bring one weapon to a war" you say smiling.
Keishin watches as you interact with the boys. You talk to them and show them moves for what seems like hours. Hinata is improving and doing really well. Kageyama is already spectacular but adapting to Hinata proved to be a bit hard.
"It's nice you have a variety of spikers Keishin" you smile as you watch the duo practice in front of you.
"You remind me a lot of the Kageyama and Hinata combined" you giggle.
He huffs "Y/N I was never that insane"
"I beg to differ Keishin. You always drove me nuts with your wild moves! You were always showing off" you laugh.
Before you know it, the boys clean up the gym and you bid your farewells. You and Keishin head to his car as you both get in.
"Y/N you remember the hill we always use to run up when we did joint practices?" He said
"Of course that hill was the bane of my existence because you'd always want to race" you sneer.
He laughs. "Well what would you say to visiting it now?" He smiles
"Keishin my heart isn't up the race" you giggle.
"Nah I'm driving up it. I smoke too much to run up that hill now" he laughs.
You both buckle up as you Keishin drives to the top of the hill.
It's nightfall and the air is calm. It's almost too quiet. The lights from the city burn below as you and Keishin sit in silence.
"Y/N" he says as he looks over to you "Thank you"
You smile. 
 You don't know what this feeling is but you feel like you need to kiss him. It's just feels so out of place. But why do you want to so badly!
"Y/N-" he begins to speak as you cut him off pulling him in for a heated kiss. He doesn't resist at all to your surprise. You pull away staring at him with wide eyes.
"Fuck Keishin I'm so sorry I should have ask-" you say as he grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in once again in for kiss your lips both part as you tilt your head to get a better angle.
Cars definitely aren't ideal for making out you think in the back of your head.
After a few minutes of kissing and felling yourself getting heated you break the kiss, staring at the man next to you.
"Fuck it" he says as he grabs you pulling you into his lap to straddle him.
You staddle Keishin in the driver's seat as you reach over pulling the level of the seat back moving the driver's seat back.
"W-what are you doing Y/N?" Keishin stutters
"If you don't want this, tell me and I'll stop instantly" you say grabbing his face.
You kiss him slowly as his eyes close. His places his hands on your thighs as he rubs them up and down.
You feel your panties getting wet as you leave his lips to kiss his jaw.
"Fuck Y/N" Keishin says as he tilts his neck back allowing better access to his neck column.
"Does that feel good Keishin?" You smirk as you continue to kiss his neck.
"Soo good babe, fuck so good" he whines.
You return to his lips, hungry for more. You quickly gain access to his wet muscle as you both battle for dominance. He massages your tongue with his as you groan and he's able to establish dominance. He leaves you lips to to start kissing your neck. He gropes at your title through your dress as you slowly begin to work up your dress to your hips.
Keishin is hot. Fuck this is actually happening. He's so lost in the moment he nearly forgets he doesn't have a condom on him.
"Y/N baby we can't do this anymore. I don't have a condom. I'm sorry baby" he says as he pulls alway, upset from the loss of your another skin.
You start kissing him again as you lightly grind on the now visible bulge growing in this pants.
"Keishin it's fine. I'm clean and on birth control.  I haven’t had sex in months" you smile as you pull back grinding harder.
He can feel a wet spot growing on his pants.
"You're OK with that Y/N- Fuck yes I need you" he cries as he starts to probe two fingers down by your clit. You gasp as you frantically loosen his belt. You lower his underwear as he finds you clit.
You stroke his hardened cock as he rubs your clit, moving aside your panties.
He looks at you with half lidded eyes "Baby I've wanted to fuck you for so long you have no idea" he says as he increases his pace
Your pussy is dripping strings of cum at this point.  You throw your head back as the unbearable knot in your stomach becomes too much to handle.
You whisper in his ear as you feel the knot tighten.
"Wanna cum on you cock Keishin" you say sweetly as you moan his name. 
"Fuck OK.. OK baby" he says as he helps you line up on his cock, pushing your panties to the side further and your dress up to your stomach. You both groan as his thick head enters your wet cunt.
"Holy shit baby your pussy is wet and so tight- fuck" Keishin growls as you feel his cock begin to stretch you out further and futher
You lower yourself and begin going slowly glide up and down, taking a little more of him with each movement.
Keishin is in heaven. He's trying so hard not to cum but your pussy is so perfect.
"Oh god Keishin, fuck you feel so good" you start grinding and bouncing on his cock.
“mmhmm baby- fuck I can’s believe I finally get to fuck you.  I’m a lucky bastard” he groans. 
"God I feel like I'm being ripped in half" you scream ad you throw your head back
"Aw fuck baby. Let me pound up into you ya? I need to fuck you good" he says as you raise your hips.
Keishin thrusts into you quickly and deeply. You're both losing it. Your pussy is throbbing as you await your impending orgasm. Suddenly Keishin reaches down and starts to toy with your hardened clit.
"Oh shit baby I'm going to cum" you cry pit as the band in your lower stomach snaps and you throw your head back in utter bliss. You can feel the car shake as Keishin thrusts become faster and harder.
"Baby can I please come inside? I need to fill you" he cries as you know he's close.
"Come inside of me Keishin. Fill my pussy with your cum" you screams as Keishin starts moaning loudly as he cums deep inside of you.
You both pant heavily as you come down from your highs. You smile as you both look at each other.
"Still hate me Y/N?" He says with a smirk
"A little less now" you say as you chuckle, leaning into kiss him.
*3 months later*
"Oh hell yeah Y/N you made it" Shimada screams at you as he frantically waves you to the front of the bleacher seats.
"I wouldn't miss the boys going to nationals for anything" you smile as you watched the boys warm up for their first match.
Keishin spots you as you smile and wave.
You had been taking your relationship slow with Keishin. You told him you hadn't desired to leave Tokyo just yet and he supported you. You did come visit often and worked remotely when you could. Your long distance relationship was working well. Plus the sex was phenomenal.
"Hinata looks strange" you say as you tilt your head to the side, observing the boy running strangely around the stadium floor.
“Yeah he lost is shoes at the bus station but Kiyoko is on her way with them” you laugh as you put your head in your hands.
Kageyama and Hinata both see you as Hinata frantically waves and Kageyama bows.
Keishin watches their interaction with you as he smiles to them and back you.
“I’m so proud of you Keishin” you whisper to yourself as you smile softly. 
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eryiss · 2 years
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Summary: Freed is tasked with decorating the guildhall's Christmas tree, and fails in a spectacular fashion. Thankfully, Laxus arrives just in time to help save Freed before he burns the damn thing down.
Notes: This is the first of my holiday drabbles/one shots. As a countdown to Christmas, I'll be posting a short fic for either Fraxus or Gajeed every day, with a variety of universes and ideas. Hope you like them all.
Links: Ao3, FFN, Other Drabbles
Lights, Tinsel & Baubles
Laxus admired the hell out of Freed. He was strong, passionate, powerful, beautiful, relentless, stubborn as a mule and willing to do whatever he needed to so that he could achieve his goals. Everything about Freed, Laxus loved, and he was unashamed to admit that. He honestly could not think of a single thing he would change about his boyfriend.
But Freed could not decorate a christmas tree to save his fucking life.
Every year, the guildhall was decorated by it's guild members through random assignments. This year, Freed had been chosen to be in control of the hall's main christmas tree; a sixteen foot behemoth of spruce that would be the centrepiece of the guild's decorations. When Laxus had heard that it would be Freed decorating it, he had remained silent. He and Freed's Christmas trees at home were always decorated by Laxus, because the only time Freed had been responsible for it, it had not gone well. Apparently Freed's talent in decorating hadn't improved since.
It was awful, and Laxus actually winced when he walked into the guildhall. Some of the lights were a warm orange, while others were an icy blue. Tinsel was strewn haphazardly, barely clinging onto the branches and looking as if it could fall off with a gentle breeze. The baubles were a mess of clashing colours, set in clusters and separated by large, undecorated spaces.
Freed wasn't looking much better. He was clearly stressed, covered in pine needles, and glaring at his creation.
"Hey," Laxus said in greeting. "How's it going?"
"I think you can see quite clearly how it's going," Freed snipped, not looking at his husband. "And I don't believe that it's going to get much better."
"It's not too bad," Laxus lied, looking away from the sparkling mess off a tree that stood before them. Freed looked at him incredulously, and the sight of his ruffled features with a smudge of tree sap on his forehead was kind of cute. The annoyance in his husband's face was less cute. "What? I mean it."
"No you don't," Freed argued back. He sighed and looked at the tree again. "Would you believe me if I said I'd decorated it poorly because I wished to annoy you?"
"Course I would," Laxus said, grinning a little and nudging Freed with a shoulder.
Neither man spoke for a moment, looking at the tree. It didn't help that Mirajane and Reedus had been in charge of decorating the rest of the Guildhall's interior, and their natural artistic abilities meant the room looked beautiful. This highlighted just how… utterly, spectacularly awful Freed's effort with the tree had been. When Laxus glanced to his side again, he saw Freed glaring at the tree with the same animosity he showed the winged fish that he had eaten which made him sick two years prior.
Without saying anything, Laxus wrapped an arm around Freed's shoulders and pulled him so their sides were pressed together. He felt Freed relax a little, which was good. The tree not looking good might feel inconsequential, but Freed was a bit of a perfectionist and got agitated when he couldn't carry out his goals.
But, as Laxus had previously stated, he was stubborn as a mule, so wouldn't simply accept help. Thankfully, Laxus knew how to get his way with his husband.
"Need any help?" He asked.
"No," Freed said immediately, voice firm. "This was my responsibility, I will complete it."
"Sure you will," Laxus nodded, pulling Freed a little closer. "You know, we could always switch our duties if you want. I'd much rather decorate the tree than shovel snow every fucking morning for three weeks. Happy to take over."
Freed thought for a moment. "Shoveling snow is more dignified than this."
"I expect so, yeah," Laxus nodded. "I am gonna need your help with the top of the tree, though. Flying's a lot easier than fucking with a ladder."
"I can do that," Freed nodded. "So long as you're instructing me."
"Always happy to tell you what to do, babe," Laxus grinned a little. "You know that."
Freed chuckled, and Laxus looked up at the tree. Although he would be happy to flirt with Freed until day became night and he could give Freed some very interesting, very adult themed instructions, the tree needed to be tended to. Looking up at it, Laxus was suddenly flooded with ideas on how to fix Freed's mess and make the tree the masterpiece that it was destined to be. While Freed was lacking in decorating skills, Laxus excelled. He blamed his grandfather and his obsession with the holiday.
Pulling away from his husband, Laxus began giving instructions as to how to untangle the mess already on the tree. He and Freed worked side by side in quiet comfort, removing the haphazard tinsel and contrasting light threads, then making work on the baubles, leaving him with an empty tree and a world of possibilities.
Fuck; was he getting as scentimental about the holidays as Gramps?
Over the next two hours, the two men began to decorate the tree under Laxus' instructions. Rather than being a mess of clashing colours and poorly thought out artistic choices, it became an elegant yet homely shrine to their guild. Freed, when being told what to do, was managing to make the higher parts of the tree just as good as the lower parts.
After they finished, they found a seat under the shadow of the tree. Laxus was nursing a large mug of hot chocolate, sitting opposite Freed, who looked considerably less frazzled than he had when Laxus had arrived. He still looked handsome.
"Thank you for helping me," Freed said, and Laxus smiled.
"No need," He dismissed the thanks. "I'd be a shitty husband if I let you present that to the guild."
"I'd argue, but it would have been embarrassing," Freed chuckled. "You know, although we did technically swap our duties for the year, I did help you with putting the tree together. So, in the sake of fairness, I expect you'll be helping me with the snow shovelling?"
"Fuck no," Laxus scoffed. "I saved you from embarrassment, that means we're even," He smirked at his husband. "I'm sure it won't be too bad. So long as you don't focus on the fact you're freezing your balls off while I'm in bed, probably with a cup of coffee."
"You utter bastard," Freed chuckled.
Laxus raised his mug of hot chocolate to toast the sentiment, and Freed chuckled, basking in the light of the decorated tree.
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agent-kihyun · 3 years
[1:28 pm] enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers, Debate Team!Doyoung
You would be more disappointed in yourself if you weren’t enjoying this so much. The pleasure is unimaginable, but it’s coming from the one person you absolutely cannot stand. And yet, you’re not resisting him.
Kim Doyoung was one of a kind. You would describe him as your enemy, others would say he’s your rival, but if you asked him, he would say you were nothing to each other. Both of you were on the debate team, and while you were supposed to work together to defeat opposing teams from other schools, the two of you spent more time debating with one another. Why the two of you didn’t like each other was unknown to others.
You simply hated Doyoung for his arrogance. He was intelligent and sharp, and never failed to show people that he knew what he was talking about. He also knew that he was gorgeous, but didn’t quite take advantage of that over his quick-wittedness. He knew that you hated when he one upped you or debated better than you, which is why he did it often and with ease.
Doyoung hated you...but he didn’t know why. He had more reasons to like you than hate you, in fact the only thing he could think of passionately disliking you is that people liked to listen to you speak and debate more than they did him. You had a particular aura that drew people to you, even Doyoung wasn’t impervious to it. But he hated you...or so he thought.
The both of you frequently denied that there was any sexual tension with the other, but it was quite obvious to your fellow team members that there was something there. They were simply waiting for that sexual tension to explode and turn into...well what’s happening right now.
For someone who seemingly hated you, he held your face gently while he kissed you in the janitor’s closet of the hotel you had a debate competition at. After he obliterated the other team and guaranteed your team’s win, he dragged you off the stage and into the nearest empty room, which happened to be a janitor’s closet. As soon as the door shut, he pressed you up against it and… you already know.
Doyoung’s touch may have been gentle, but his kisses certainly were not. They held a ferocity and passion that left your head spinning when he occasionally came up for air. It wasn’t hunger or desire, it seemed more like frustration and annoyance. You kissed him back with the same ferocity, hands clutching the lapels of his sports coat to keep him close to you. Every kiss was nearly bruising and at a certain point you decided to take a break for some air.
“Fuck you,” you pant out as you drop your hands from his jacket, leaning against the door to regain your balance over the bruising make out session.
“I’m sure you’d love to,” Doyoung smirked and you purse your lips as you stop yourself from yelling in frustration.
“You are...unbearable,” you hissed at him.
“Do you find me as unbearable when I kiss you?” He asked with a smug smile. You don’t answer, which is enough for Doyoung to give you a full on grin.
“I knew you liked me deep down,” he beamed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you crossed your arms and leaned against the door nonchalantly.
“Oh please, spare me the denial. I see the way you look at me sometimes. I see how you look at my hands,” he brought his beautiful, large hands up to your face momentarily, “you say you hate me but your actions tell me otherwise.”
“Get over yourself Doyoung. The only thing impressive about you is your ability to argue. You don’t have anything else spectacular about you outside of that,” you huffed at him.  
“Then I suppose I’ll just have to prove you wrong,” Doyoung leaned in and placed his hands on your hips, squeezing gently, “I think I have a secret talent you might find particularly impressive.”
Doyoung’s lowered voice sends an involuntary rush of heat to your core and you want to punch him in his gorgeous face for eliciting such a reaction from you. You can’t help but feel curious at what exactly this “secret talent” of Doyoung’s is and your face clearly showed it.
“I take it you want to find out, as expected,” he whispered, the cockiness dripping off every word.
“Shut up and just...show me so we can get this over with,” you tried to hide the desperation in your voice, but successfully failed.
“Are you sure?” He asked one more time. You appreciated his sudden and uncharacteristic act of gentlemanliness but you just wanted to know what Doyoung was going to do.
“Yes for the love of— oh shit,” your sentence is stopped short by Doyoung’s hand traveling under your skirt and carefully pressing two of his fingers against your clothed core.
“Well now I know how to shut you up. I think this will become useful in future debate meets,” Doyoung chuckled as he began to press hot kisses on your jaw and against the column of your neck. Slowly, his fingers began rubbing against your core, still covered by your panties. The sensation was wonderful, but you needed more.
As if on cue, Doyoung stopped rubbing you through your now soaked panties and hooked his fingers into the hem of said panties while looking at you with a serious expression.
“Take them off,” he raised an eyebrow at you and for reasons you can’t explain, you followed his command. It was like he had you under his spell and all you could do was follow every word that came out of his mouth.
You held up your panties and Doyoung took them and stuffed them in his pocket for safekeeping. “You’ll get them back later. I promise.”
“I hope...so,” your last word became more of a moan as Doyoung put his fingers back onto your core, feeling your arousal and enjoying that he was the reason for your steady unraveling.
“I didn’t know I could have such an effect on you,” he teased, dragging your slick up your folds and onto your clit, pressing slow circles onto it.
“I didn’t know that getting me wet was your talent and that you’d be talking while doing it. But what else would I expect from someone who basically talks for a living?” You snarked.
“Oh we haven’t gotten to my talent, but I’ll be sure to be quiet so you can hear the results,” he told you, and without warning, he slipped two of his long fingers into your pussy. He watched your face for your reaction, and when your mouth fell open in a silent moan, eyes screwed shut, he knew he’d gotten you.
Doyoung started pumping his fingers at an agonizing pace, wanting to build up your release slowly just to torture you.
“Doyoung,” you choked out, practically banging your head back onto the door, “please...please go faster.”
“I don’t think I will,” he said, still going at his pace.
“Please,” you whined.
“I set the pace around here, darling. May I remind you that you’re the one who asked for me to do this?” He smirked. You didn’t respond, hoping that you not fighting back would make Doyoung go faster.
And you were right, the less you said and more Doyoung heard pretty sounds fall from your lips, the faster he went. Your release was so close but so far, it was just a matter of time before you snapped if he kept speeding up.
Finally he added another finger and curled his fingers up, brushing against the sensitive spot inside you. Your moan was swallowed by Doyoung’s lips against yours. He didn’t lose his pace and technique as he kissed you like it was his last day on earth.
When Doyoung felt your walls flutter around his fingers, he knew you were on the brink of your release. Unfortunately for you, Doyoung was a bit of a sadist. Everything stopped when his fingers left your pussy, and your eyes opened immediately in frustration.
“DOYOUNG!” You yelled in a hushed tone, “what the fuck?!”
“Sorry darling, I just...wanna hear you beg for a change,” he shrugged nonchalantly and you simmered at his behavior. Nonetheless, you complied because you needed that sweet release more than you wanted to admit.
“Doyoung...please help me out,” you begged through gritted teeth.
“Help you out with…?”
“Don’t make me say it, please.” You whimpered and Doyoung grinned.
“I can’t help you if I don’t know how,” he said and you huffed at him.
“Can you please help me out by making me cum?” You finally asked him. Doyoung raised an eyebrow along with his grin and the expression made you want to kiss him until he couldn’t breathe (you still hate him…supposedly).
“Gladly,” he agreed to your request but instead of his fingers finding solace in your pussy, he got down on his knees and bunched your skirt around your hips to get a clear view of your dripping core. You said nothing as you watched him start to press kisses to your thighs. Every now and then he’d look up at you, the look of determination in his eyes making your heart thrum loudly in your chest.
You were about to complain at his lack of action when he latched his lips onto your clit. Your words got caught in your throat and were replaced by a gasp of surprise. Doyoung’s hands hold your hips in place while he begins to eat you like his favorite dish in the world.
You may have hated Doyoung but you had to admit that his tongue was good at other things than arguing or pissing you off.  
He alternated between sucking your clit and lapping at it, then dipped down to your entrance to give you pleasure there as well. All you could hear were the lewd slurping sounds of his eating you out and your moans and whimpers. It was thrilling, being pressed against the door of a janitor’s closet and having your biggest rival basically give you the best head you’ve ever had. It wasn’t until Doyoung brought his fingers back to your entrance and sucked on your clit that you finally got your awaited release. Instead of stopping, though, Doyoung continued to pump his fingers into you and lap at your clit well into another release.
Eventually, he slowed into a stop and removed his fingers and mouth from your pussy and you sadly sighed at the empty feeling. Doyoung wasn’t done with you yet, though. He raised his hand with the fingers that were coated in your juices and smirked at you.
“Open,” he commanded and you hesitantly opened your mouth. Doyoung offered up his fingers and you took them into your cavern, licking your juices off the digits. Something about you tasting yourself off of his fingers made Doyoung remember the continuously growing tent in his pants. He quickly started thinking of other plans, but he’d have to sneak you out of the janitor’s closet and back into his room first.
When you pulled back from his fingers, you licked your lips and looked up at Doyoung, ready to admit defeat.
“You win. You have more impressive talents than arguing...I guess,” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Thank you, but I was hoping you’d be up to see—or experience, rather—more of my...talents,” he suggested and you raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“...more?” You whispered.
“Unless you can’t handle it,” Doyoung struck the competitive nerve in you with those words and you couldn’t help yourself. You roughly pulled him in for a kiss.
“I can handle anything,” you mumbled on his lips.
“If you say so,” Doyoung smirked into the kiss.
Before you could administer another comeback, Doyoung tugged you out of the janitor’s closet, your panties still in his pocket, and to your next destination.
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 3 years
Okay I loved your curvy reader headcanons! If you don’t mind, could you do one with a self conscious reader. Because I have a few more curved than average and it’s super easy for me to fall into a long rabbit hole of self loathing. So if you could write the boys comforting that would be spectacular!
Bby you sound like an absolute 10/10 by the tone of your writing 💜🥺💜🥺 but I can totally relate to insecurities, we all have those moments. 💜
*Warning: negative body/self imagine talk !!! friends, if this is going to trigger you DON'T READ, we all love some pedro writing but if this is gonna trigger a spiral it is NOT WORTH IT, there are so many amazing, talented writers out there constantly posting, you can skip this one if it's gonna possibly hurt. !!!
Warning: 18+ themes mentioned
* Gender Neutral reader
Din Djarin
As Din and you finally finish your riduurok to your shock he just rips off his helmet to set it aside and instantly tugs you to him. Its honestly jarring for a moment, you always invisioned him handsome but this was something totally unexpected. You seemed to be staring perfection right in the face as you feel blood creep up your neck and warm your ears. You hate how at an important moment like this that the little voice in the back of your head starts fucking wailing at you, self projecting feelings on how dissatisfied Din will be with your body. Din can instantly tell your mind has run off from being present in the moment. He always can. As his eyes lock on yours as you seem to have trouble keeping eye contact with him. Partially due to it being so new with him and partially due to your rapidly rising insecurities. Din doesn't want to make you any more insecure by voicing out his annoyance with how you look at yourself as he huffs out a sigh and tugs you towards the bunk. Yeah, he knows you're insecure over your perfectly plush body but he's a man of few words. He'll just fuck the truth from you anyway, thats how he usually gets you to admit shit.
Javier Peña
When you find out the uhm, type of women Javi used to bang (tho he did say it was for info) (lowkey lie but whatever, Javi) you instantly begin to shrink in on yourself. You and Javi are out having a double date with Steve and Connie when Steve thought it would be funny to bring up Freckles. Well it was funny to Steve and Javi. Connie slightly frowned while you excuse yourself to the rest room after a few minutes. When someone knocks and you hear Connie's muffled voice asking if you're okay you instantly unlock the door for her. Unfortunately, you didn't know Javi was standing right next to her so he unceremoniously barged into the single person restroom. Eyes searching yours to find some clue as to wtf was up with you? You eventually admit your insecurities with how different you and girls like Freckles looked in comparison. Javi just heaves a big tired sigh as he gives you a half lidded 'are you fucking kidding me?' look. He kind of gets you with the guilt by asking if you really thought he was that shallow? When you shake your head in disagreement he bends down to your level pressing a soft but possessive kiss.
Frankie Morales
Frankie's gonna look at you like you've grown a second head or somthing. He just can't grasp your insecurities like DO YOU SEE YOURSELF. He kinda gets big loud with his exasperated expression as he tries to drill into your brain for the umpteenth time YOU'RE HOT , deal with it. (Imagine the tired yelling tone of 'tHe FUCKING ANDES mAn)
You share your insecurities with Ezra completely willingly during a night of quiet intimacy and chatting. When you hear Ezra bring up how he has some remaining insecurities about is missing limb all you can do is scoff at him. He always likes to joke you took pity on him and he just happened to fuck really really well. You look at him with so much annoyance he just shrugs and claims a devine perfect being as yourself with a dirty, jaded soul like myself? That really just makes you snap with anxiety at him on how you are no where near perfect. While not having to dive deeper for Ezra to understand his eyes instantly darken with dissatisfaction at you and how you speak of yourself. So what does Ezra do? He's gonna spread you out and have Daddy show you just how perfect you are.
Max Phillips
While Max makes it borderline painfully obvious how much hes into you that still doesnt stop the insecure thoughts from creeping in. You never fear Max isn't into you because he is always so aggressive and proud and public with his affection towards you. So when he finds you hidden in blankets and oversized sweats feeling like absolute shit about yourself? Que Max wolf whistleing while exaggeratingly tugging at his pant crotch. "Get it babe? Babe do you get it? Im tugging on my pants becau-" jesus Maximilian yes, you get the overly pervy come on. But in all seriousness he's gonna tease you light heartedly a bit for being insecure. You're sexy and thats evident with how he constantly is DTF if you are.
Pero Tovar
When you finally confide in Pero your insecurities after you ran away from his grasp as he chased you around the cabin. He's going to get you and when he does oh, game over. Except it's interrupted by your tears. Always such a sensitive little thing, Pero instantly comes to a hault trying to grasp at you from around the table. He thinks you're kind of crazy to have these insecurities as he's activly trying to catch you to fuck and give you all the attention he thinks you deserve as his beautiful strong spouse. He's just going to shake his head after your long winded explication on how you look different compared to some. He picks you up with ease as he carries you back to bed, you whining on how you hate being picked up due to your raging insecurities. He doesn't care that you look different than majority of the villiage. You are healthy, kind, and insanely beautiful, you have nothing to be insecure over with Pero.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch44: Peanut Butter And Poop
Introducing: Baby Rogers!  
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Teeth rotting fluff…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Yeah, I love this chapter. I hope you all do too. And thank @angrybirdcr​ for the edits. They melted me.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 43
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 March 2020
“Is everything ok?” Steve asked, tiredly. For the fourth time in about two minutes Katie had shifted, next to him, rubbing her hand over her distended belly. She was fed up now, and he wished he could help her get comfy, he really did. But until their baby decided to make an appearance, there wasn’t much more he could do. She had been feeling crappy all day and had thrown a spectacular tantrum at the fact Steve had shaved his stubble. His reasoning being that although she technically had another four weeks to go, she was already at full term size, and if their son arrived, who knew how long it would be before he managed to shave again, but she was having none of it. Steve had simply stood there, calmly whilst she’d ranted and raved about that and everything else she was pissed off about before she’d broken down into tears and apologised, falling into his arms and going on another rant about how shitty she was feeling.
His wife was such a strong person normally, the strongest person Steve knew in fact, but over the last week she’d been up and down mood-wise more than any other time during her pregnancy, and he hated seeing her so uncomfortable and upset. And tonight, she was physically the most uncomfortable he had seen her yet. “Yeah, he’s just kicking.” She sighed, rolling over to face him. “Really hard, Steve. It fucking hurts.” Steve gave her a sympathetic smile as he reached out and pressed his hand to her abdomen, waiting, and then he felt another sharp dig, Katie hissing air out through her teeth.
“Maybe he’s gonna be a footballer.” Steve yawned, attempting to make light of the situation. But it didn’t work. “Well I’m not a football.” She grumbled, pressing her hand to her stomach just above Steve’s. “Pack it in, Buddy, please.”
Co-incidence or not, their baby stopped kicking, but Katie was still restless. She moved again, and again, until finally Steve sat up, flicking on the lamp, his face silently asking her what the issue was. Katie had to smile, there wasn’t a shred of annoyance in his face, despite the fact it was almost one in the morning thanks to her sleep patterns being all over the place. Instead, there was nothing but love and genuine concern across his handsome features and coupled with the fact she was hormonal and just felt a bit shit, she started to cry.
“I’m fed up Steve.” She sniffled. “I’m fat, I had to get Natasha to shave my legs yesterday, I can’t see my feet, I need to pee all the time and…” “Sweetheart,” he chuckled, softly looking down at her, taking his face in her hands, “first off, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant. Very pregnant. With our baby.”
“I know but,” she continued to cry, “I just…”
Whatever it was that she just, Steve never found out as she simply sniffed again and moved so that her head was lay across his lap over the covers of their California king, and he gently stroked her hair. And for a moment he thought he’d managed to sooth her until she gave another groan.
“For fucks sake, I just can’t get comfy.”  She sniffled, her sobs coming again as she sat up. “My back and my shoulders…”
Okay, this he could try and help with. Smiling to himself he looked at her. “Assume the position, Doll.” She gave out a watery laugh as she heaved herself over so she was facing away from him. Steve shuffled down so that he was led right behind her and doing the one thing he could to try and get her to feel a little relaxed, he slid his strong hands up her top, his deft fingers gently massaging and rubbing at the spot he knew was sor in her lower back.
“You still feeling funny?” He asked, his fingers working the tight and aching muscles and she nodded.
“Have been all day, but it’s not uncommon apparently. Pepper said she felt iffy for the last four weeks of her pregnancy.” “Four weeks.” Steve mused, his fingers stopping momentarily before he started again. “As if he’s gonna be here in four weeks.” “Well, it could be any time technically. And I hope it is, because frankly, I can’t wait to get him out.” She sighed, as Steve’s hands gently guided her top, well his shirt, over her head so his hands could work at her shoulders and her upper back.
“Hmmm,” he gently swept her hair off her neck so he could plant a soft kiss there. “I can’t wait but I’m gonna miss your bump.” “I’m not,” she scoffed, as his hands crept round to cradle her distended stomach, “and stop feeling him and carry on. Until he’s here this is all about me, remember.” She shrugged her shoulders, emphasizing her message, and he chuckled. “Sorry doll.” Relaxing into his touch, Katie felt herself leaning back against him and then Steve made the best suggestion he had ever made to her in the history of suggestions.
“Why don’t I run you a bath? I know it’s late but Emmy’s at Brooke’s for the evening and it might help.” Katie groaned “God, yes.”
He kissed the back of her neck and threw back the covers, climbing out of the bed, not an inch of tiredness displayed in his body. Despite herself, Katie had to bite back a laugh. He was like a coiled spring at the moment. He had told Rhodey a few weeks ago that he wasn’t travelling anywhere now until the baby was here for fear of missing anything, but as a result that relentless energy which normally went into his work was bubbling inside him, and even his runs every morning and night were doing nothing to help.
Laying back she closed her eyes until she heard him calling and she heaved herself up, taking a moment to steady herself before she rather ungraciously waddled out of the room, one hand pressed to her lower back, the other clamped under the bottom of her bump.
“Give me a hand when you need me to lift you out.” Steve chuckled as he passed her on the hallway and she spun round, glaring at him. “Like last time.” “That’s not funny.”
“No, but it will give me the chance to eye up your naked pregnant body, something I intend to make the most of as it won’t be around for much longer.” “You’re a piece of work, Steven Grant Rogers.” She huffed, as she turned and headed to the bathroom.
Steve settled back on the bed and flicked on the TV. There wasn’t much on but in the end he logged into Netflix and settled for a few re-runs of ‘Brooklyn 99’. The show was absurd, but it was easy watching and he quite liked it, Jake Peralta reminded him in an odd way of a cross between Tony and Thor with his incessant energy and ridiculousness. About halfway through an episode, he was struck with another good idea, and he headed down into the kitchen to make them both a drink, cocoa for him and a ginger and honey tea for Katie. He carried the mug into the bathroom where his wife was slumped in the tub, surrounded by lavender and camomile bubbles, her eyes closed. She looked up at him, one eye open as he walked in, handing her the mug and she let out a soft groan.
“My hero.” She smiled as he dropped a kiss onto her lips before heading back into their room.
It was about another thirty minutes or so when she did call him. He knew she hated this, needing his help, but getting out of the huge tub on her own was simply a physical impossibility.  Once he’d helped her out and she was wrapped in a robe, she dropped on the bed, seemingly pacified for a moment until she suddenly wanted peanut butter. Heading into the kitchen, he opened the cupboard and a cold feeling of dread washed over him when he realised they were out.
Fuck, fuck!
He was certain there had been three jars in there this morning. He frantically searched the rest of the kitchen, just in case Katie’s baby-brain had meant she’d stashed it somewhere else, but there as none to be found. Grimacing, he took the stairs two at a time and winced at the look on his wife’s face when he told her she must have eaten it all, before hastily placating her as her eyes watered, reminding her that the twenty-four hour mart was only a five minute drive away.
Which was why he found himself there at twenty-seven minutes past two on a Sunday morning buying six jars of the damned stuff.
Captain America, buying jars of peanut butter at half 2 in the morning for his wife.
Steve smiled to himself, he didn’t give a shit.
“Missus is Pregnant.” He nodded to the man behind the counter, who gave him a look of confusion as he dropped the jars onto the side by the till. The guy laughed, and nodded.
“It was chow-mein with my gal.” He chuckled as Steve handed over the cash. “That was a pain in the ass at four am on a Sunday. Trust me buddy, you got off lightly.”
Thanking his lucky stars that his wife’s craving was, indeed, relatively simple, Steve headed back home and she nearly cried when she took a jar off him and dug in with a spoon. They sat still for another hour, at which point Steve really was ready to fall asleep, and after eating half of a jar in one go, Katie screwed the top back on and set it back on her nightstand, her eyes drooping slightly.
“Think I’m okay now.” She nodded softly and Steve hummed into her hair, reaching up and turning the TV and lamp off and settling them down. She managed about half an hour before she groaned again and heaved herself off to the bathroom, this time for a pee. When she came back she lay facing him, her fingers gently tracing his jaw and he cracked one eye open and they just lay there, watching one another in the dim light.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“What for?”
“Keeping you awake.”
Steve chuckled and leaned forward to give her a soft kiss “Honey, it’s fine.”
And it was, it really was. He would be tired tomorrow, he knew that, but he didn’t care.
He closed his eyes and he was on the verge of sleep, teetering between dozing and being fully under when…
“Steve.” Katie whispered softly, and he grinned as he knew that suggestive tone way too well. “I’m horny, now.” “You really know how to pick your moments, Mrs Rogers.” He sniggered a little, opening his eyes,  as his mouth met hers again, the slight taste of the peanut butter made him smile even more as both his lips held her bottom one as the kiss lingered.
“Blame your son.” She murmured as she kissed him again, her hands creeping into the back of his hair, eliciting a soft moan from him.
And that was all it took.
Steve was obliging, and kissed every part of her body he could, taking care to avoid the rather tender chest area. It was slow, soft, as their bodies joined in the ever so familiar dance, tangled in the sheets of the bed. As his wife rode him, her large bump not allowing for any other position, Steve’s hands never left the side of her hips, the pair of them groaning loudly as her release took her over the edge and he followed shortly after. They lay there, gently on the bed together, Katie’s back pressed into his chest, for half an hour or so afterwards. Steve’s hand was strong yet gentle over her waist, his hand caressing the place his son was currently dwelling, thumb stroking her stretched skin in soft arcs. And when he felt her finally relaxed, he took a quick glance at the digital clock on the night stand, giving a slight roll of the eyes as he saw it was almost half four in the morning.
****** Katie woke later that morning at little after eight, trying not to groan at the now quite nasty pain in her back. She didn’t even try to go back to sleep, knowing it was utterly pointless. Instead, leaving Steve flat out, exhausted from the nights activities, she headed into the kitchen to make herself a peppermint tea and stuck a heat pack into the microwave, grabbing another jar of peanut butter.
The pains in her back and lower stomach continued to get progressively worse through the morning and along with them so did Katie’s mood. Emmy had called asking to stay at Brooke’s for a bit longer, which suited Steve as it meant he could give Katie his undivided attention, so he agreed and promised to collect her later in the evening.
As they both stood in the kitchen, Katie trying to decide what she wanted for lunch, eventually settling on meatball subs. They began to cook together, something to take Katie’s mind of feeling so uncomfortable, but as she turned to pass Steve the cheese so he could start loading the bread up, a searing pain flashed across her abdomen causing her to give a loud exclamation and clutch at the counter edge with one hand, dropping the packet of grated cheddar from the other.
“Katie?” Steve turned to face her, frowning “Sweetheart?”
She turned into him, curling her fists into his shirt, pressing her head against his chest, with a groan, her forehead digging into his collarbone. He gently held her back, supporting her as she breathed through the pain.
“I - mm.”  Katie’s voice was trembling, a combination of fear and excitement. “I thought it was just cramps but now I think…”
Steve understood immediately. And despite all the classes, all the prep, everything, he suddenly felt really, really nervous “What? Now?”
She looked up into his eyes which were wide, in a combination of anticipation and trepidation and laughed. “I think so, yeah.”
Steve went straight into Captain mode. The maternity bag was loaded into the car, Dr Kellet was called who told them to monitor the contractions in frequency and duration, and a bath was run to try and make Katie more comfortable but it didn’t work.
Neither did a soft walk round the block with Lucky.
Four hours later, Katie was stood, bent over the back of the sofa as Steve rubbed her back, helping her breath through another contraction. They were now coming every thirteen minutes and getting far more painful (thanks to Steve’s impeccable time keeping skills for that one) when Katie noticed him step back slightly as she felt a dampness spread across her legs.
Her waters had gone.
“Baby, I think-“ “I know,” she grit her teeth as the pain subsided again. Steve was already on the phone to Dr Kellet and as he thanked her and placed the phone into his pocket he gently placed his hands on the side of his wife’s hips as she straightened up.
“She’s told us to go in.” A smile flickered on his face and despite the pain and stress she was feeling, Katie couldn’t help but find her heart swelling at the excitement on his face.
Steve called Tony, asking him to collect Emmy, then rang the girl herself who squealed with excitement at the fact her brother was on his way. A quick chat to Jennifer’s mum to explain, the woman wishing them both luck, and Katie was in the car and they were off, making quite possibly the most important journey of their lives. Steve drove carefully but determinedly to the Birthing Centre, his thumb tapping out a nervous rhythm on the steering wheel, casting glances at Katie every chance he got, and by the time they had arrived twenty minutes later the contractions were arriving five minutes apart.
He helped her change and got her settled in their airey room, his hand curling round hers as she lay back on the bed, both of them pleased to see the familiar face of Dr Kellet as she walked into the room just as another contraction hit Katie. Once it had subsided, Dr Kellet smiled moved to examine her.
“Yes, you’re in active labour Mrs Rogers.” The Doctor smiled. “You have a little while to go yet though so, we’ll try and get you a little more comfortable, okay?”
Katie nodded.
“And you still don’t want an epidural?”
“No.” She shook her head firmly, and Steve raised her hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of it. She’d been adamant that there were no needles going anywhere near her back, not after what HYDRA had done to her, which broke Steve a little when she’d said that to him, not only at the memory of what she’d been through, but also a the fact she was going to be giving birth with little relief.
Three hours later, however, Katie was seriously questioning her decision. She was on all fours on the bed, desperately trying to find some release that the gas and air wasn’t really providing anymore as Steve rubbed her back, feeling utterly helpless.
“I don’t like you-” Katie groaned, her voice cutting off as another wave of pain washed over me. “I don’t you seeing me like this. I don’t like it, you should go”
Go? Not a chance, Doll, he thought to himself as he glanced up at the midwife who simply smiled at him. He leant down so his lips were by Katie’s ear and she turned her head, burying it into his shoulder, as his arms supported hers. “Katie Marie Rogers, I have seen you throw tantrums that rival the ones a two year old could produce, I’ve seen you with a face full of blood and a broken nose, I’ve watched you crawl through a dirty hole in the floor to disarm a bomb, and come out trembling. I’ve seen you scream the house down after spotting a damned spider, I’ve seen you half dead,” the words caught in his throat at the memory, “I’ve seen you shit faced to the point of puking, not to mention that I’ve seen you in every single position going.”
Katie snorted loudly, before gripping at his arm as another wave crashed over her.
“None of that could ever make me love you any less. And, seeing you here now, about to give birth to our boy, well I couldn’t love you anymore if I tried. I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
She looked up at him through her tears and he wiped at her face with his thumbs, giving her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, before she let out a gasp.
“I need, I need to push.” The panic tone in her voice made Steve glance up at the Doctor as Katie grabbed athis arm. “Steve, I…oh shit, I want to lay back, please, I need-“
“Okay, okay, I got you.” Steve assured her as the Doctor nodded at him to oblige. He gently helped her onto the back as Dr Kellet stood forward.
“You good?” She asked Katie who shot her a scathing look and Steve had to bite back the snort at the fact the Doctor merely raised an eyebrow whereas most people would be quaking in their boots at that infamous Stark glare. Instead, she merely smiled. “Let’s have a look.” Katie grabbed Steve’s hand with a force he didn’t think possible, and it almost made him wince slightly, but he was damned if he was showing her that she was hurting him. As far as he was concerned, she could break every damned finger he had if it meant she was okay, that their son was okay.
“Yep, we’re in business.” The Doctor said, nodding to the midwife that was in the room. “Okay, Mrs Rogers, next time you feel ready to push I want you to do so gently, follow my lead, Steve is gonna help you with your breathing okay?”
And Steve tried, boy did he try. But after twenty minutes of pushing, Katie was pissed off, tired, in agony and just wanted it all to be over.
"You’re doing so well, Sweetheart.”  He smiled gently, as he brought her hand up to his lips.
“You are NEVER touching me again.” She grit her teeth and he let out a chuckle, wiping her clammy forehead with one hand.
“Alright, Katie.” The midwife looked at her from the foot of the bed. “Next time, I want a big, strong one. He’s crowning. Chin into your chest…”
“Fuuuuuck…” Katie screamed, another contraction hitting her and she let out a yell, gripping Steve’s hand as she pushed with everything she had.
You’re doing amazing, Katie. Just one more.” Steve dropped a kiss to her forehead, his heart was beating so loud he was sure she would hear it. “Come on, you got this, and I’ve got you, okay?” Another yell, one final push and then…
A piercing scream hit their ears as Katie sagged back on the pillow panting before she looked up, relief crashing over her. Steve was beaming from ear to ear, his eyes wet as he looked at his wife, in awe at how simply amazing and strong she was.
“You did it.” His voice cracked as he kissed her head. “Oh, Baby Girl, you did it.”
“He’s here?” Katie asked, dazed slightly as their baby was placed straight onto her chest, where the buttons at the top of her gown were undone, and instantly the warmth she felt was like nothing she had ever experienced before, her chest filling as she held their baby boy tenderly, tears pouring down her face.
“Oh God.” Steve breathed, his voice cracking, as Jamie was covered with a towel, resting on his wife’s chest, his piercing cries subsiding at the skin to skin contact. Steve rest his head against Katie’s, wiping the tears that had pooled at the end of his nose away, and the pair of them looked down getting their first glimpse of their son.
“Hi, baby!” Katie finally managed to speak, looking down through her tears at the tiny bundle in her arms as his head lay against her chest, making little snuffling noises. “We waited so long for you!”
She finally tore her eyes off the precious bundle and looked up at Steve, his eyes swimming with tears of joy as her own continued to fall down her cheeks. "It’s our boy, Steve.”
“He’s perfect.” Steve whispered again and gently smoothed down the towel with a trembling hand so he could see their baby’s face clearly. Steve instantly noticed he small spattering of dark blonde hair on his head, and there was something distinctly Stark-like about his nose. Then his eyes barely opened, but through them he saw a sliver of beautiful baby blue. 
The Soldier’s heart instantly swelled so full he thought it would bust from his chest. He already knew this, but as he looked down at his son, it simply solidified the fact that he would take on the world to protect that little bundle in his wife’s arms, shield or no shield.
They remained wrapped in their own little bubble so much so that neither of them knew what was going on around them. Eventually, their baby was gently taken to the opposite side of the room whilst Katie was cleaned up. He was weighed at 7lb 4, which was, given Steve’s size, rather small but still perfectly healthy. Steve couldn’t help but hover, watching what they were doing with his boy, wincing as they gave him a shot of vitamin K.
“Does he have a name?” The nurse recording his AGPA scores looked up. Steve looked at Katie and she nodded at him.
“James” Steve spoke, his voice croaky. “Jamie.” “Alright.” The nurse scribbled something onto a band which was placed around his wrist before he was wrapped in a clean towel and the midwife looked up at Steve.
“Would you like to take him, Dad?”
Steve nodded, swallowing.“Yeah, yeah I would.” “Okay, well if you’re comfortable doing so, open your shirt, he’ll appreciate the skin to skin contact…”
Steve did was he was told, undoing the four buttons on his dark green Henley and could do nothing but gasp as his son was laid in his arms, tears once more forming in his eyes as he cradled their child to his chest for the first time, awestruck as he brought his lips down to drop gently on his head.
“Hey, Pal.” He whispered unsteadily. “I’m your Dad.”
Katie watched the two of them, more tears springing into her eyes as Steve sat down on the chair next to the bed and she just watched the pair of them, Steve’s eyes not once leaving his boy, who Katie noticed was now trying to burrow into his chest face-first.
“What are you doing, lights too bright for you, Buddy?” He asked softly.
“It’s called rooting.” One of the nurses looked over “He’s wanting to feed. Are you ready to try Mrs Rogers?”
Katie nodded and sat up slightly, as Steve gently handed him over and the midwife helped Katie position him correctly. It took a while, but when he finally latched on and began to suckle, Katie looked down into her baby’s face, trying to memorize the way the tiny hand curled against her skin. Steve leaned close, simply watching, his heart full of a love like nothing he had ever felt before.
“You’re beautiful,” he told Katie suddenly, and she laughed a little, because it was anything but true at that moment in time.
“I think the serum is failing as your eyes are clearly not working properly.” She retorted, glancing up at him.
“I mean it,” he repeated, leaning in to kiss her temple. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And look what you made!”
She glanced down at Jamie, who was feeding enthusiastically and smiled. “What we made…” “Yeah but you cooked him.” Steve’s finger slid under her chin so that she was looking back up at him, and he held her gaze, driving his words home. “Thank you.”
Katie leaned into his touch as his palm caressed her cheek. Carefully, he moved to sit on the bed beside her, guiding her head against his shoulder and gathering his family into very gentle embrace, his eyes not once leaving his baby.
"I love you,” he whispered into her hair - and he didn’t budge from that spot until Jamie was done nursing and Katie was then escorted to the toilet. In there she changed out of the gown and into a pair of pyjamas and returned from the en-suite of their private room, with a tired smile on her face to see that Steve, had dug out a baby grow. Katie watched as he placed their son in the cot by the end of the bed, with infinite tenderness, and the new parents dressed him for the first time.
“I suggest you both get some sleep whilst you can.” Dr Kellet smiled, peering into the cot where Jamie was now yawning, eyes drooping. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. If you need anything though, just hit the call button and one of the Midwives will come in. Congratulations.” Steve and Katie both thanked her as Katie headed over to the bed, dropping exhaustedly onto it.
“You should go get some rest.” She yawned and Steve shook his head.
“I’m not leaving you.” Steve snapped a quick photo of the sleeping baby before settling on the bed as Katie lay her head on his chest. “Not a chance.”
It wasn’t long before she had fallen asleep, exhausted, and Steve sat up slightly, firing the photo off to Tony, Emmy, Nat and Rhodey. The replies of congratulations flooded in, along with a selfie of Tony, Pepper and Emmy on Tony’s sofa with their thumbs up. Steve snorted, it was almost two am now, but he knew that Tony and Emmy would be too excited to sleep. He placed his phone back on the night stand and settled down next to his wife, his hand straying into her hair. A little sniffling noise came from the cot at the side of the bed and Steve sat up, to check on him, but Jamie was sleeping soundly so he relaxed back, taking a deep breath.
He was in way over his head, and there was no planning for this mission, not one bit. But Steve found he didn’t mind. As he dropped a kiss to Katie’s head, he closed his eyes with a satisfied sigh knowing full well that the 7th March 2020 was a date he was never going to forget.
Katie opened her eyes and stared around the unfamiliar room which was lowly lit from a chink of light flooding in under the door. She sat up so quickly that her head spun, and she dropped back against the pillow, taking a deep breath. Then her eyes caught the man in the chair by her bed, and the memory of the night before came back. At some point in the night Jamie had woken for a feed but post it wouldn’t stop fussing and Katie’s half-conscious attempts to soothe him had failed. Steve had at that point stepped in and taken him, insisting that she get some rest as he paced the room with his son, gently rocking him to and fro. Her husband was now leaned back in the chair by her bed fast asleep, their little boy slumbering on his dad’s chest, secured by Steve’s large, gentle hands. Katie felt her heart swell and she grabbed her phone, noting that the time was only a little after 6:30 am, meaning that it was only two hours or so since his feed. She took a quick snap, contemplated taking Jamie back to his crib before she decided he was fine where he was. Steve wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Glancing at her two boys, she sank deeper into her pillow, quietly satisfied, as she drifted back off into a light sleep.
Steve was woken by a soft cry about forty-five minutes later, and despite his best attempts Jamie wouldn’t settle.
“Sorry, Doll.” he looked at Katie as she woke, blinking as she pushed herself up. “I think he’s hungry and I can’t help him in that department.” With a smile she took their baby and began to nurse him again, something Steve didn’t think he’d ever get tired of seeing. Once he was fed, the midwives appeared and offered them breakfast which they gratefully accepted and then Katie positively moaned when she was told she could shower. She was dried off an and in a clean set of Pyjamas just in time for visiting hours which started at ten.
At one minute past there was a knock on the door to their room.
“Hey Mommy and Daddy!” Pepper peering round the door clutching a huge blue balloon as Tony followed, Morgan in her stroller. The tot squealed when she saw Steve who stood up to greet them as Emmy flew into the room, locking her arms around Steve’s waist. He dropped a kiss to her head and looked up as Natasha stepped in hot on their tail.
”Congratulations Cap.”  Tony beamed, shaking Steve’s hand before he pulled him into an embrace. Katie smiled up at her family, Jamie clutched in her arms having just been fed again as Tony moved and stepped up to the bed, kissing the top of his sister’s head as he peered down at his nephew.
“Well done, Kiddo.” he whispered softly and she smiled at him. 
Pepper was next to congratulate her, then Natasha and finally Emmy who gave her brother an appraising look. “Hmmm takes after you, Dad.” She smirked up at Steve. “Where else is he gonna get a face like that?” Steve rolled his eyes as he stood up from where he had been crouched saying hello to Morgan. He glanced at Tony who was peering down at his nephew, a huge grin on his face.
“He’s beautiful, guys.” Tony said and Katie smiled up at her brother and he made a gesture with his arms. “Can I?”
Katie nodded, and moved to gently pass him over, and Tony took him in his arms with a soft chuckle.
“Hey, Champ.” He beamed down as Jamie moved softly in his arms, kicking slightly. “How’s it going?”
“How are you feeling?” Pepper asked, looking at Katie.
“Tired but, I’m good.”
“So, does he have a name yet?” Tony looked at Katie and Steve took a deep breath, his arms crossing over his chest. If truth be told, he was a little nervous about revealing the name they had chosen, Bucky wasn’t Tony’s favourite person, but before he could answer he spotted Katie giving Emmy a small wink.
“Horatio Montgomery Rogers.” Katie nodded. “Monty for short.” There was a pause whilst Pepper, Tony and Nat all exchanged a look and Steve bit on his lip.
“That’s…” Tony began, searching for words as he glanced down at the baby in his arms before he finally settled on, “…unusual”
Emmy looked at Katie again before they but out laughing.
“I can’t believe you fell for that, Uncle Tony!” Emmy cackled. “Such an idiot.”
“I resent that.” Tony pouted and Natasha cleared her throat.
“So what is his name?” Nat pressed. Katie looked at Steve and gave him a nod.
“James Anthony Samuel Rogers” Steve took a deep breath as Tony blinked. “Jamie for short.” “James Anthony Samuel.” Tony whispered looking down at Jamie. “James. Anthony?” His eyes locked onto Katie’s, then Steve’s, before they flicked back down to his nephew. “You actually named him after me?”
Katie smiled. “Yeah, guess we did”
“And I was only joking too.” His voice choked as Natasha, stepped forward to peer down at the baby in his arms. “But the James is after Barnes, right?” She looked up. Steve took a deep breath, his eyes flickered to Tony who was simply gazing down at his nephew with adoration as Katie answered.
“There’s so many people we’ve both known or know with the name James.” She shrugged. “Rhodey, half the Howling Commandos, but yes, Bucky was one big reason, another was Grandad Jim.” Tony looked up at her, smiling, his eyes wet. “Yeah, Grandpa Jim was pretty awesome”
“And so is his uncle-slash-grandpa.” She smiled and Tony gave a loud sniffle.
“Wrap it up Kiddo, you’re killing me” He shook his head as he turned to Natasha. “We’ll call that one a draw.”
Steve rolled his eyes, as Natasha shrugged. “Suppose you can’t be wrong all the time, Shell-Head.”
Jamie was passed around, and Emmy finally got to have a hold as she sat in the chair, Steve crouched by her side as she peered down at the baby. But when it was Natasha’s turn, the red head grew almost as emotional as Tony as she held him and he curled his tiny hand around her finger.
“Good job he likes you.” Katie smiled at her, “you know, seeing as you’re gonna be his god-mother and all…” “Me?” Nat’s head whipped up and she looked at Katie, then Steve, her eyes full of tears. “I mean…” “Well, there’s no one else for the job so it kinda falls to you by default.” Steve teased from where he was perched on the arm of the chair.
“You’re such a douche.”  Emmy muttered, elbowing Steve in the ribs and Tony’s face split into a grin.
“Kid, you have no idea…did you know his nickname is Spangles?” “Spangles?” she grinned and Steve groaned
“No one calls him Spangles other than Tony, because Tony is an idiot.” Katie shook her head.
At that point, Jamie let out a huge shriek and Natasha promptly crossed the room to hand him back to his momma, who placed him over her shoulder and he nuzzled into her neck, his nose brushing against her jaw line. As she looked around the room, her eyes locked onto Steve’s and he gave her, quite possibly, the most affectionate look she could ever recall him giving her. And at that moment, although they were surrounded by their friends and family, she felt like the only woman in the world.
Thankfully as everything had gone as well as expected they were discharged later that day and they could go home. Steve, having practiced about a billion times, expertly clipped Jamie’s car seat into the base of the Porche SUV they had borrowed from Tony a few weeks ago (the Camero just wasn’t baby friendly) and Katie climbed into the back, positioning herself in the middle seat so she was by their son for the drive home.
Emmy had gone back to Tony’s to give them the evening to settle in, and with Lucky also with them, when Katie and Steve walked into the house, Steve carefully carrying the car seat containing the most precious cargo he had ever carried, it struck them that they were suddenly on their own.
With a baby.
Steve set the car seat on the coffee table in the lounge and the two of them sat on the couch, looking at their baby before they looked at one another, neither of them having a clue what to do next.
Thankfully, a piercing scream from Jamie jolted them out of the stupor and dictated exactly what they needed to do. As Katie set about feeding him, Steve headed into the kitchen to make them something to eat and by eight pm the pair of them were whacked and ready for bed but Jamie had other ideas. It took a lot of pacing, frustrated sighs and prayers but he finally settled a few hours later and the new parents crawled between their sheets, exhausted, frustrated and feeling like they were embarking on a mission which was far bigger than any they had faced before.
Steve heard his wife get up, but didn’t register why. Not at first. He dozed for another half hour or so before he heard a cry and he sat upright, looking around. He blinked, saw the empty crib at the side of the bed and smiled to himself. Swinging his legs out of bed he pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed the bag he’d had waiting for weeks out of the back of his closet before he headed down the stairs.
Katie was sat on the sofa in one of his button downs, her bare legs crossed, munching on a piece of toast when he paused in the door to the lounge taking in the scene. The domesticity of it all hit him for a moment and he felt himself welling up, he’d never in his wildest dreams dared to imagine he would ever be this damned lucky. But here he was, gorgeous wife, beautiful baby…
At that point, Jamie started fussing and she instantly placed her hand on his tummy whilst he lay in the wicker Moses basket in front of her, gently hushing him, all the while a look on her face of infinite tenderness. As he settled she smiled, simply gazing at their boy for a moment before she looked up and smiled at Steve. He walked over to her and dropped a soft, lingering kiss to her lips and she smiled.
“Morning.” She whispered and he smiled against her mouth, kissing her again before his attention turned to his boy and he gently reached into the basket, his finger softly running down his son’s cheek.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” “Could you feed him?” Katie grinned and Steve let out a soft laugh and shook his head.
“No, suppose not.” He looked at Katie and nodded to Jamie “Can I?”
“Steve, honey, he’s your son. Of course you can.” He placed the bag he was holding on the coffee table, Katie still not noticing it, as he reached into the basket and gently picked his son up, cradling him to his chest as Jamie buried his face into his neck, still sleeping. Steve gently moved to sit on the couch and Katie watched the pair of them, smiling softly.
“That’s for you.” He nodded to the Tiffany bag. Katie glanced at, blinking in surprise before she frowned slightly.
“What for?”
“Well it used to be a tradition to buy your wife something after your first child and Tony assured me it still was so…”
She beamed at him and reached over for the bag. As Steve cradled his boy close he watched his wife pull out the blue ring box and open it, her mouth dropping open as she looked at the platinum Eternity band which was studded with sapphires and diamonds.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered, turning to him and leaning over to give him a soft kiss. “Thank you.” Steve beamed at her and watched as she rejigged the rings on her wedding finger so she could place it in between her wedding and her engagement ring. She flashed her hand at him to show him what it looked like on.
“Looks good.” He smiled “I clearly have good taste.” “Of course you do, you chose me.” ****
“Come here.”
Steve turned to look at Katie who was on the other side of their bedroom and he frowned. “What?”
“Just come here.” 
Steve crossed the room towards her where she grabbed the bottle of his aftershave and sprayed an amount to his neck.
“What are you…” he frowned as she stood up to take a deep sniff.
“Oh thank God!” She groaned. “I can sniff you again without feeling sick!”
Steve snorted, and shook his head, a grin on his face as Katie began to spray the Hugo Boss around the room, sniffing and smiling to herself before she stopped and grimaced.
“Oh, that’s…” She looked down at the crib and Steve did the same.
“Oh.” Steve wrinkled his nose
“Your turn, Daddy.” She patted his back. “I’m going for a shower.” Steve looked at her, slightly panicked as Jamie began to let out a soft cry “What, alone?” “Don’t tell me Captain American can’t deal with a bit of poop.”
“It’s not that. I might do it wrong or…” “Steve, relax, what’s the worst that can happen?” She eyed him, as he bit his lip, watching his reaction carefully. Whilst he had been amazing that night in the hospital, once they had gotten home and away from the safety net of midwives, she had fast realised that Steve had suddenly grown incredibly nervous when it came to their baby, asking permission to pick him up, wind him, cuddle him and Katie was keen to nip that in the bud right away. She knew he wanted to help as much as possible and she didn’t want him to constantly be second guessing everything he did.
“I err…” Steve stuttered and she cut him off. “You saw me before.” She shrugged, heading into the en-suite. “You’ll be fine.”
Steve watched her go and then peered down at his son, swallowing slightly before he picked him up and took him into the nursery. As soon as the baby-grow was off, Jamie still crying slightly, Steve suddenly felt completely inadequate. Cursing to himself, he laid Jamie gently on the changing mat, wrinkling his nose and trying to shut out the scream that was ringing round his ears. At that point he was seriously starting to believe that this was worse than facing off against thirty HYDRA agents single headedly. Taking a deep breath and telling himself to get it together, he managed to clean Jamie, get a fresh diaper on, and then once he was dressed again, he picked the baby up.
“Come on, Pall.” He soothed softly, his large hand gently smoothing his son’s back as he walked over to look out of the bedroom window “You know, that there is the best city in the world,” he glanced over the Brooklyn skyline, “one day I’ll show you all the places I used to go, tell you all about my life and the Rogers clan, and who you’re named after. Take you to meet your Grandma…”
He stopped talking as he realised Jamie had fallen silent, and was now relaxed completely against him, his face gently pressed against his shoulder.  “Thass ma boy.” He whispered, dropping a kiss to his head. He turned to see Katie was stood in the doorway, her hair damp as she was wrapped in a towel gown.
“See.” she smiled as she crossed the room towards them both. “I told you it would be okay.” She gently smoothed a hand over the baby boy’s head before dropping a kiss to his crown.
“Should I put him down to sleep now?” Steve asked and Katie looked at him.
“Do you want to put him down?”
“Not really.” Steve admitted, with a little smile. “You gonna drop him?” “Shut up.” Steve rolled his eyes. “Of course not.” “Then no, you don’t have to put him down.” Katie smiled “He’s your baby, Steve. If you wanna cuddle him, cuddle him.” “Sorry, I’m fussing again ain’t I?” Steve sighed.
Katie gently stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips. “Fussing is fine, just don’t doubt yourself. I don’t know what I’m doing any more than you do, but we’ll figure it out.”
Steve smiled, as he gave her a soft kiss. “I still swear you can read minds.”
“No, I can just read you.” She corrected. “Now, before you go get Emmy, can I leave you whilst I take a quick nap? He’s gonna want a feed soon and I’m so tired. ”
Steve looked at his wife, then to his son who was perfectly content, his little nose and mouth now resting firmly against Steve’s collar bone. He smiled back at Katie and gave her another soft kiss.
“Think we’ll be okay.”
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 **** Chapter 45
**Original Posting**
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imagineandimagine · 4 years
Ice Blue, Blood Red. part 7
Pairing: Butcher x Reader, Homelander x Reader
Rating: M 
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Behind one of the doors Butcher heard loud music, he put his hand on the doorknob and pushed gently. Turns out someone forgot to lock the door, Butcher opened it just enough so he could peek in and he saw you standing at the foot of a bed while Homelander danced in front of you.
Pony by Ginuwine started playing. You couldn’t take it anymore and you started laughing as Homelander did some Magic Mike-esque moves around you. He sat you down on the bed and started rubbing himself against you, which mostly looked like dry humping.
You were laughing uncontrollably, but you had to remind yourself what you were really there for “Wasn’t there something you wanted to show me?” You said coyly.
Homelander stopped dancing and proudly stood in front of you “I have a big surprise for you.” He said as he nonchalantly tugged on his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. Next thing you know, he’s standing in front of you with his semi erect dick out.
To say that you were taken aback would be an understatement. “Oh! Umm…” you were truly lost for words “That’s not… um…”
“Oh…” he said as he pulled his pants back up, he looked a bit embarrassed but clearly not embarrassed enough after what he did. “I thought you were ready… Never mind. I have something else to show you. It’s not as spectacular but…”
Meanwhile Butcher leaned against the doorframe and breathed out a huge sigh of relief as he clutched his chest like he almost had a heart attack.
Homelander walked to the safe on the wall. He took out a little box and opened it, only to reveal what looked like a shiny blue floating marble inside.
“Here is the asset I’m supposed to present to the shareholders tonight. Apparently it’s supposed to earn us billions and give anyone that has it unlimited power. I already have that so I don’t need it.” he chuckled.
“Ooooh…” you studied the floating orb “How does it work?”
Homelander grimaced “I don’t know. Some science mumbo-jumbo. Who cares. I don’t need it.” He said shutting the box with a snap. He dispassionately threw the box into the safe, not even bothering to close it properly. “Another drink?”
You talked for a while, Homelander kept serving you alcohol. You tried to take small sips but Homelander kept making toasts so you had to keep drinking and you were getting quite drunk. You tried to figure out a way to get the asset and get out of there without Homelander noticing, but it was getting harder to think clearly.
“A toast! To your beautiful eyes!” Homelander egged you on.
You took another small sip but your vision was getting blurry. You decided to cut your losses, anymore alcohol and you’ll most likely black out. “I think I better go…”
“Go where? The party is only beginning! Besides…” he put his hand on your thigh and his icy blue gaze studied your body “There is something I really want to do with you.” He started to lean in.
You wanted to move away but all you managed to do was lean back so far you just ended up lying on the bed. “Wait…”
“OW!” Homelander suddenly shot upright and examined his butt cheek that had a dart sticking out of it. Homelander then proceeded to pass out, this time you had enough sense to move out of the way as he fell onto the bed.
“Are you alright?” Butcher asked as he came running and helped you up.
“I’m fine. What happened?” you tried to steady yourself as you stood up.
Butcher showed you a tranquilizer gun.
“Why didn’t I get that! That’s more useful than some pills!” you exclaimed.
“Because it works quick but it only lasts five minutes. We have to get out of here, now!”
“But why didn’t I get one!” You whined.
“Where would you put it?” he asked as he eyed your tight fitting dress.
You huffed in annoyance but you remembered what you were there for “The asset-!” you said pointing at the safe.
“Got it!” he said grabbing the small box.
You tried to follow Butcher but you could hardly stand, the room seemed to be spinning. Butcher picked you up bridal style and ran out the door.
Somehow you managed to get out of there in record time. Butcher alerted the rest of the gang to get out of there too and get back to the hideout.
Butcher held tightly onto the steering wheel as he speeded through the city “I’m taking you back to my apartment.”
You gave him a quizzical look “You have an apartment? Since when?”
“Since… something changed.” He said as he refused to look back at you.
He was clearly trying to hide something but you decided not to press him, besides, you were too blissfully drunk to get into an argument with him.
“Here, take this.” Butcher handed you a bunch of pills and a cup of coffee.
You sat on the couch, took the pills and sipped your coffee as you looked around the apartment while butcher took the blue marble from it’s box and examined it. The apartment was small but comfortable, there were boxes everywhere, a lot of the furniture was still disassembled “I can see you’ve got your priorities straight” you joked.
“What do you mean?” Butcher sat down next to you and he put the marble into his pocket.
“Almost nothing is unpacked but your bed is all set up and made,” you giggled.
Butcher tried to hide his smile “I’ll take the couch, you can sleep on the bed.”
You put the coffee down and walked over to the bed. You jumped on the bed and started bouncing on it like a child.
“Stop! I just put it together! It’s fragile!” he walked over to the bed afraid that you might fall off and hurt yourself.
“Ooooo! That means I’m the first girl in your bed.“ You plopped on your side and posed seductively “Take me Butcher!” you cried outstretching your arms towards him.
He scoffed “I’ll go to the store to get us something to eat. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He said putting his jacket back on and walking out the door.
You huffed in annoyance, how dare he leave you like this all of a sudden? But you decided to lie down and have a power nap as you waited for him.
A few minutes later you heard the sound of shuffling, it was already pitch black outside, you could only see the outline of someone walking around the apartment.
“You’re back quick. Come here sexy” you laughed.
You expected Butcher to make some snide remark about your intoxication but to your surprise he just walked over to you and sat on the bed.
You decided to push your luck “Gimme a kiss” you said tugging on his lapel.
With no hesitation he leaned in and kissed you. You were surprised at how bold he suddenly was, not that you were complaining. You pulled him in closer so that he was lying on top of you now, his hands were starting to wander all over your body, he reached under your dress and squeezed your ass roughly. You let out a yelp.
“You like that huh?” Homelander said with a chuckle.
You broke the kiss as you scooted away from him to the nearest light switch and turned it on.
Homelander was lying on his side on the bed “Were you expecting someone else?”
“How did you find me?” you asked.
“That little box you stole has a tracking device in it.” He said with a malicious grin as he started crawling towards you. “I’m so angry with you but also… so aroused,” He hissed as he had you caged, putting his hands on either sides of your body.
You stared blankly at Homelander with your mouth agape not sure how to react.
“No one has ever had the balls to outwit me like this. You sure know how to use your womanly wiles don’t you? Hmmm… and I thought I was the one luring you.” He laughed a booming laugh. “But… something like this can’t go unpunished I’m afraid.” He said licking his lips “Tomorrow, you will come to my mansion and we will finish what we started that night you came over and I will make sure to punish you thoroughly. No interruptions this time, otherwise… something might happen to a certain Butcher.“ he said standing up.
“I’ll take this”, he said taking the small box from the counter. “I’ll be seeing you very soon” He opened the window and jumped out into the night sky.
You sat there frozen.
Butcher came back a few minutes later.
You sat in bed staring into space.
“Are you alright?” Butcher asked putting down the groceries.
“I’m fine. Just… hold me.”
Butcher eyed you for a moment, he sat down on the bed next to you and held you in his arms.
You nuzzled your face into the side of his neck.
Butcher started to rub your back “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Mhm.” You mumbled as you pressed yourself against him with a sigh. You looked up at him, you didn’t know what to do. There was no way you were going to tell him about Homelander. There was also the matter of what you were supposed to do tomorrow…
“What?” Butcher asked when he noticed you staring at him.
The only thing you knew was that you wanted Butcher, you wanted him before…
You grabbed onto Butcher’s collar and you kissed him. You held onto him for dear life, you didn’t want to think about what would happen tomorrow. You broke away from him for a moment just to look at his face. Butcher looked surprised but there was a hunger in his eyes, he grabbed the side of your neck and started to kiss you feverishly again. He pushed on you with his bodyweight making you lie down, you let out a small moan when you felt his hand travel under your dress, he took this opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss.
“I need you tonight” you said looking up at him as he hovered over you.
“Wait” he said panting “You have no idea how much I want to but I can’t. Not like this. Not when you’re this drunk.”
You were dumfounded, there was no way he was stopping now “What?” you asked annoyed.
“You’re drunk. This isn’t right.” He said sitting up.
“Are you serious!?” you exclaimed.
“We can talk about this tomorrow,” he said adjusting himself trying to conceal the obvious hard on in his pants.
“Tomorrow will be too late!” you yelled.
“No it won’t-!” Butcher tried to stay calm.
“Yes it will!” you could feel your eyes stinging.  “What’s wrong with YOU! You’re always like…oh, you’re hurting me! Or! What does THIS mean…! I’m always in trouble!”
Butcher tried to make sense out of what you were saying “What? Slow down…!”
“Nothing! It’s nothing! Forget it!” you screamed getting out of bed.
“Where are you going!?”
“None of your business!” you grabbed a jacket and marched towards the door.
“Wait!” Butcher got up trying to capture your hand.
You avoided his touch, “Don’t you dare follow me!” you continued to scream at him.
“What are you going to do? It’s the alcohol-!”
“I’m sober enough!” you yelled slamming the door behind you.
You ran into the street making sure Butcher wasn’t following you “I’m gonna fuck Homelander, that’s what I’m gonna do,” you mumbled to yourself as you messaged Homelander to pick you up.
Author’s note: Get ready for smut in the next chapter. 
Tag list:  @snarky–starky  @cynthianokamaria @random–bxtch @rayray1463 @intototaloblivion @along-the-lines-of-space @adarksoul098 @mysticaltimemachinewench  @justamadgirlinabox @davidbowiehotashell-blog @delicatetimetravelarcade @to-blessed-2-be-stressed @reapertessa66 @art-theatre-and-more @deanscroissant  @spocks-pointy-ears   @fandom–0verdose @zoeychan1125
If I missed anyone that wanted to be added I’m so sorry! I’ll make sure to add you if you message me!
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The Beauty Underneath
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Phillip Carlyle x Reader
Words: 2980
Summary: A new and mysterious performer joins Barnum’s crew. Phillip falls for her, but she keeps herself distant, afraid to open herself up after a life of cruelty and rejection. As protesters become more violent and the bond between them grows, the reader must learn to accept herself, mask and all.  
Notes: Bad summary, but oh well. This definitely is a reference to Love Never Dies, with the title and the mask and I had a blast writing it. Be on the lookout for more Zac Efron and more Phillip. (And as always, reviews mean the world!)
The sparks circled you as the batons spun through the air above you. You cartwheeled across the ground and caught the flaming batons with flare, one in each hand. It was a simple performance, but the crowd was getting smaller every week and people hardly gave you a cent.  You bowed and a few passer byes dropped coins into your jar. As you went to collect your earnings, one man lingered. 
Barnum had watched the performer with absolute awe. The dance was mesmerizing, but it was the crude fabric mask that truly peaked his interest. It completely covered the left side of her face. The mystery alone would be enough to draw crowds. 
A paper fell in front of your face. Barnum’s Circus. You looked up at the man who placed it there. Of course you recognized him. Every street performer was dying to be part of his show. P.T. Barnum. 
“You’re pretty good at that.” He nodded towards your batons as you extinguished the flames in a bucket of water. “Really good.”
“You’re too kind.” You replied, trying not to sound so nervous. 
“What is the mask for, may I ask?”
“If I told you, my act would be ruined.” You shrugged. “My secret helps me tame the flames.” It also kept you safe. Safe from the cruelty of your present as well as the haunted memory of your past. Barnum just chuckled. 
“Right you are.” He flashed you a smile. “How would you feel about performing in my show? I’d need to introduce you to everyone of course, but I think you’d make a spectacular edition.”
“Mr. Barnum, I-” You were at a complete loss for words. “I’d be honored.” P.T. looked down at your jar and meek earnings. 
“You’ll have to discuss pay with Carlyle. He takes care of all that.” 
“When would you like me to start?” You couldn’t remember the last time you had a steady income. You could afford a real mask. P.T. laughed. 
“I was hoping you’d accompany me now.” He held out his arm and you took it, feeling dazed. That little voice in your head spoke, telling you to keep your guard up. Circus or not, you had to prepare yourself for the stares and the jeers. It was an instinct you were forced to develop after years of persecution. You had to expect the worst out of people. It was how you survived. 
Phillip had spent most of the afternoon looking over finances until he decided he needed a drink. Ticket sales were steady enough, but it was difficult to keep up with P.T.’s ambition. He had just poured himself a glass when Barnum burst into the room and snatched the drink up for himself. Phillip just gave him a perturbed glare. 
“You seem suspiciously excited about something.”
“I need new posters made.” Barnum beamed. “Masked Mistress of Fire.” He held up his hands, envisioning the red lettering engulfed in drawn flames. Phillip paused. 
“You hired another performer?” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you ever going to consult me before you do these things?”
“Will you just meet her before you start lecturing me?” He ushered Phillip downstairs to the backstage area where the woman was waiting. She was fixing her skirts so they would only see the masked side of her face. “Miss Y/L/N, allow me to introduce Phillip Carlyle, my apprentice.” 
“Junior Partner.” Phillip corrected. His look of irritation quickly faded into one of awe. Your eyes met and it felt like something inside both of you ignited. Barnum’s eyes darted between the two of you and he said something about checking on the elephants before vanishing. 
“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Carlyle.” Your voice sounded much more frightened than you had intended. He bowed to kiss your hand.
“Please, call me Phillip.” He smiled and you could feel yourself melt into his blue eyes. Until he sees what you really look like. And just like that; guard up, spark stomped out. 
“I should find out where he wants my things.” You concluded bluntly, hurrying away before you could change your mind. 
Phillip’s gaze lingered after you and he was only able to conjure one clear thought. He wanted to know the woman behind the mask. 
“What do you think?” Barnum’s voice interrupted his trance and Phillip scowled at P.T.’s suggestive smirk. Philip just shook his head with annoyance and walked away, hearing P.T. laugh behind him. “Once again, Carlyle, I was right!”
You performed your usual routine for Barnum so he could give you notes and so they could design your costume. Luckily, another performer named Anne would be in charge of that. You also noticed that Mr. Carlyle was there- but of course he would be. He was Barnum’s right hand man. Still, you could feel his eyes on you as you worked with the fire. Those eyes. You didn’t know anything could be so blue. The distraction was enough to make you falter and you had to quickly catch one of the batons before the flames hit the dirt. 
“Brava!” Barnum exclaimed, everyone giving you a round of applause. P.T. pat Phillip on the back. “What did I tell you? Magnificent.”
“It was spectacular.” Phillip agreed, his smile making your heart flutter. You were sure he wouldn’t smile like that if he could really see you. Somehow, the thought pained you more than you cared to admit. The feeling increased as he approached you. 
“I’m pleased you enjoyed my act, Mr. Carlyle.” You said, cold and professional. His smile never faltered. 
“I realized that you know my name, but I do not know yours.” His voice was kinder than any man had ever been towards you. His curiosity was genuine, not based on lust or mockery. 
“Y/N.” You squeaked. “My name is Y/N.” there you go again, melting into those eyes. 
“I wanted to ask,” Phillip gulped. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman made him this nervous. “I was hoping you’d join me for dinner? To welcome you to the circus, of course.”
“I’m sure Mr. Barnum will want me to settle in.” You both looked over at him and he shrugged. 
“Not really. Go enjoy yourself.” He said with a wink. Without an excuse, you had to accept the invitation.
“If you’ll excuse me to change into something more suitable.” You curtsied, trying to hide your nerves. No one had ever asked you to dinner before. 
You cleaned off your nicer dress and borrowed a shawl from Anne. You looked somewhat presentable. Looking in the mirror, your face reflected back at you with an expression of disdain. 
“Here.” Anne handed you a thin paper mache mask. “P.T. will get one for your act, but this will work better than your fabric.” Her smile was so sincere and encouraging, you felt tears welling in your eyes. 
“Thank you.” 
Phillip was waiting patiently outside having put on his evening jacket. He didn’t appreciate the smirk P.T. was giving him so he distracted himself with his scarf. He just wanted to make sure you felt welcome. He knew how intimidating and hectic it all was at first. He just also happened to be quite taken with you. 
“I’m afraid I don’t have anything finer.’ You sighed as you walked down the steps. Phillip offered you his arm. 
“You look lovely.” 
“I, um-” You paused. You convinced yourself he was just being polite. “Thank you.” He opened the door of the carriage for you and helped you up before climbing in himself. The restaurant was nice, but Phillip wasn’t one for highbrow establishments anymore. It was comfortable, yet respectable. It felt like somewhere you would have gone as a child. 
After a glass of wine, you felt yourself loosen up a bit. And considering it was the first good meal you had had in several years, it was difficult to maintain your usually hard exterior. Phillip noticed that you seemed more relaxed and couldn’t help but fall in love with the sound of your laugh. 
“So how does a wealthy playwright come to leave his inheritance and join the circus?” You inquired. Phillip chuckled and took another sip of wine. 
“P.T. approached me about a year ago with the off of a new, exciting life. I, of course, thought he was crazy.” there was that incredible laugh again. “But the more he convinced me, the more I realized that I wasn’t happy where I was. I was trapped. Now I’ve lived more in the past year than I would have in a hundred.”
“How inspiring.” You mused.
“What about you? What brings you to us?” Phillip watched your smile fall. Your gaze clouded, like you were remembering a bad dream. “I’m so sorry, I’ve overstepped.”
“No, it’s fair of you to be curious.” You took a particularly large gulp of wine for courage. “My parents died when I was young. It’s just that-”
“Mr. Carlyle, running around with the riff-raff again, are we?” A man approached the table with a mocking smile. He took a closer look at you and his smile changed to one you were quite familiar with. “My apologies, miss. I mistook you for another circus freak.”
“Miss Y/L/N, this is Stefan Carter.” Phillip smiled with gritted teeth. “We knew each other as children.”
“Come now, Phillip we were as thick as thieves until you joined the freak show.” Stefan’s laugh wasn’t anything like Phillip’s. It was cruel and held little real humor. He turned back to you. “I’m dying to know what you’ve got underneath…” Phillip’s fist clenched around his napkin. “I mean your mask, of course.” 
You stood, looking him in the eye with all of the venom you could muster. 
“One of the freaks.” You couldn’t bear to look at Phillip’s reaction so you kept your eyes fixed on Mr. Carter. “Thank you for dinner, Mr Carlyle. Please excuse me.” You brushed passed a smirking Mr. Carter and didn’t stop until you vanished into the night, Phillip unable to catch you in time.
Your first performance was hit. The Masked Mistress of Fire. A routine that might have caught the attention of a person passing in the street earned you a standing ovation. The applause thundered in your ears and P.T. beamed at you from the side. Beside him, Philip clapped, but his smile was a sad one, longing to undue that terrible end to a wonderful night. You had fiercely put your guard back up. Still, you wished that you could run to him, to kiss him, and for once in your life feel loved. But you knew better. Phillip could never love you. 
Show after show passed and you were sure to keep your distance. Every time he seemed to approach you, you’d scurry away to talk to Anne or Lettie. 
“Why do you always hide from him?” Anne asked once. 
“I’m not what he thinks he wants.” You kept your eyes anywhere but Phillip’s defeated face. 
“And how could you know that if you won’t even let him try?” She was whisked away into the air before you could respond. 
“Y/N,” P.T. bounded towards you with an enthusiastic grin. Phillip trailed beside him. “How’s the new mask fitting?” 
“It’s beautiful, Mr. Barnum.” It was the nicest thing you owned. The ceramic mold fit your face perfectly and the red and yellow flames framed the left side, hiding the skin underneath. 
“Your act is marvelous!” P.T. beamed. “The protestors have even added your masked face to their list of things to complain about, which makes you a real Barnum performer in my book.”
It was true. The awful group of ruffians and drunkards that hung around had screamed at you to show your face on many occasions, but they didn’t frighten you. You had dealt with their kind before. It was the hurt look in Phillip’s eye whenever he looked at you that you couldn’t handle. 
“I can’t thank you enough for bringing me here, Mr. Barnum.”
“The pleasure has been all ours, isn’t the right Phillip?” He roughly pat his partner on the back. 
“Your addition to the circus has been wonderful.” Phillip mimicked your professional stance. His indifferent tone hurt more than it should have. Perhaps he had finally given up. It was for the best. 
You usually went for the late night stroll after a performance, even with the protesters lingering outside. They seemed particularly unpleasant tonight. As you moved towards the exit, a hand gently grabbed yours. 
“I think you should stay in for the night.” Phillip’s previous coolness had gone, replaced by worry. 
“I appreciate your concern, Mr. Carlyle, but I assure you I have learned to handle myself.”
“Y/N please.” He pleaded. “Stay here with me tonight.” The way he looked at you- those kind eyes filled with a kind of caring you haven’t felt in years- made you want to stay. But behind him, you could see your reflection. The mirror may show that beautiful mask, but you knew what was underneath. 
“I’m afraid that we fair better when we are apart, Mr. Carlyle.” You couldn’t hide the sadness in your voice, turning your head when it cracked. “Goodnight.”
“Y/N, wait!” His voice was drowned out by the roaring shouts outside the door. The light of the torches blinded you at first as your eyes tried to adjust. 
“Show your face you freak!” One man shouted. 
“I wouldn’t mind if she showed more than that.” Another sneered. A sweaty hand ran down your arms and you jerked away. You looked for a break in the crowd. 
“Where are you going? The freak show’s right here.” This time, the hand roughly grabbed your shoulder. 
“Leave her alone!” Phillip boomed, making the crowd step back slightly. 
“What’s your problem, boy?” The man who grabbed you stepped forward. 
“Let the lady pass.” He commanded. His arms tensed under his shirt and for the first time, he looked frightening. Another man stepped out from the crowd, this one far more drunk than the others. 
“Mr. Carter?” You gasped. He stalked towards you, nearly tripping over his own feet. He was hardly recognizable, but you’d know that smirk anywhere. 
“Hello again, mystery woman.” He slurred. “Why must you insist on keeping the company of such rabble? Why not spend a night with a real gentleman?” His breath reeked of whiskey and his hair was a mess. You leaned towards him. 
“Sir, if you are what they call a gentleman, I will gladly take my chances with the rabble.” You spat. 
“How dare you-” He lifted his hand, but a fist collided with his jaw before he could strike you. 
“Phillip, don't!” You cried. You reached for him, but somebody shoved you backwards. You were pushed and pulled through the crowd further and further away from Phillip. One person pushed you hard enough that you fell. The hard cobblestone sent pain shooting up your arm when you tried to catch your fall. The sound of the mask shattering was the last thing you remembered. 
You were awakened by a gentle hand on your cheek. Your left cheek. You scrambled backwards, nearly falling out of your bed. You desperately tried to cover your face with your hand, your injured wrist screaming in protest. It was no use. He had already seen you. 
“It’s alright.” Phillip hushed, his hand still holding the bloody piece of cloth. “When you fell, you seemed to have sprained your wrist. The mask broke and a few of the shards cut your cheek and jaw. Luckily, the pieces missed your eye.” The way he looked at you now was the same way he had looked when you first met. He wasn’t repulsed or frightened. His eyes held only… was it love?
“How can you look at me?” You sobbed, your hand pressing against your wounds. Phillip took your hand in his and slowly lowered it, bringing it to his lips. 
A large burn-scar stretched up from your jaw and covered almost the entire left half of your face. While the skin was now jagged and discolored, to him, it didn’t obscure your beauty. Seeing you, the real you, was the most stunning thing he’d ever laid eyes upon. Phillip placed a light kiss on your palm. 
“This face,” He dabbed the cloth to one of the cuts and this time, you didn’t feel any pain, “is the same face that possesses a smile that has rendered me speechless for weeks. It is the same face that holds the eyes that I have lost myself in more often than I care to admit. And it is the face of the woman that I have fallen irrevocably in love with.”
You weren’t quite sure what made you cry- having pushed him away all this time or knowing that he meant his words more than anything he’d ever said before. But sure enough, tears began to fall before you could stop them. In all your years of solitude and living as an outcast, hearing his love out poured to you cracked the mask around your heart wide open. 
Your bodies drew closer and closer until the soft touch of his lips grazed yours. The spark you had been trying to ignore ignited a fire. You loved him. More than anything you ever had before. You loved him. 
You spent the rest of the night in his embrace. You told him the story of the fire that killed your family and gave you your scars. He held you tighter when you cried and kissed your lips to remind you that you were safe and loved. It was more than you could have ever hoped for. And for the first time, you felt beautiful.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto;
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lunarliza · 4 years
JJ Maybank Must Die | Chapter 2: Ping Pong Balls
fuckboy!JJ x Reader
series masterlist | chapter one
JJ Maybank is the island’s most infamous fuckboy- not that you ever cared. But when a group of tourist girls come to your surf shop crying to you about him, you agree to help them plot revenge. Sabotage is all fun and games, until you find that the playboy you were sworn to ruin happens to be falling head over heels for you.
Yes, this is based on John Tucker Must Die lol
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Problem not solved.
You and Sophia eagerly sipped on your smoothies, waiting for the trio to show up to their five-o’clock session the Monday following the party. Alas, they piled through the front door with deflated shoulders. 
“Well?” Sophia perked, eyes gleaming, “How’d it go? Did you make him cry?! Please don’t spare any details!” Her palms clasped together in front of her like a kid who just came up with an evil-genius plan.
“Tell them what happened,” Annalise ordered Arabella, clocking the fiery-haired girl’s shoulder. 
Arabella sighed dejectedly. “Well... not exactly. So I went to the party, hoe clothes on and everything like we planned. Saw him, used my signature look and look away move, and it worked! He came over and we started talking and-”  
“She fucked him,” Maia finished bluntly, prompting a betrayed gasp from Sophia and face-palm from you. 
“Mhm,” Annalise added, “He whisked her away before me or Maia could get the chance to interfere.” 
“I couldn’t help it!” Arabella cried, covering her face in mortification, “He was just so... smooth and sweet. And those eyes! We started talking about sea turtles! You guys know they are my weakness.”
You couldn’t help look on your face. Arabella was sweet, no doubt, but boy, the girl sure was spineless. It was a good thing she was pretty.  
“He is the devil!” Sophia enunciated each word of her sentence and huffed. “This is going to be harder than I thought!” 
“We just need someone stronger! Someone with a heart of steel unlike this one,” Annalise added, smacking her friend on the back. 
“We could give it another go,” you agreed, “but who’d be our guinea pig now?”  
You pondered at the ceiling until you felt all four pairs of eyes practically stab at you. It was like jumping into a vulture’s nest. 
“Oh no, not me!”
“Why not?” Maia questioned, frustrated. “You’re the only available one left. Plus, you couldn’t give two shits about him. It’ll be like busy work to you.” 
“Yeah not gonna happen. Find someone else, please. This is non-negotiable.” 
Out of nowhere, Sophia seized your hand and tugged you into the back room of the shop. “Excuse us for a minute,” she said to the girls before shutting the door of the crammed space.
It was a good thing your supervisor left early for the day, your asses would be toast if he were to witness the scene. 
“I think you should do it,” your best friend urged.  
“Have you lost your mind?!” you yelled-whispered. 
“Oh come on, y/n! Do it for me. For Annalise. No! Do it for all the girls on this island who has ever shed a single tear for him!” 
You sighed heavily. “I can’t do it, Soph. I’m sorry. He’s terrible and Karma has her kiss for him, but not me. Also, you know how I feel about those parties at the Boneyard.” Your look grew to one of disgust. 
“Mhm,” she crossed her arms, “This wouldn’t be because of Pope would it?” 
Yes. It absolutely was. 
So you might’ve maybe use to have a teensy tiny little crush on Pope Heyward-one of JJ’s best friends. It wasn’t your fault he was so cute and smart... and respectful! 
The boy stole your heart and ran away with it when you were paired up for science lab sophomore year. Him, being the genius he was, always did the experiments so gracefully while you royalty fucked everything up. 
One day, you poured the wrong solution into the beaker and the goopy liquid exploded everywhere. However, without an ounce of complaint, Pope offered to stay after with you to scrub down the walls and tables. A modern day romance if there ever was one. 
After months of daydreaming about him, you finally worked up the courage to ask him to the end-of-year dance. Sophia and your other friends hyped you up as you approached his locker after school.
Much to you dismay, he said no. But he did it in such a nice way, you couldn’t hate him for it. If anything, it made you hurt even more that you got rejected so kindly. Ever since then, you never stepped foot near him or his friends, too humiliated to even think of it. 
“You’re a terrible liar, y/n,” Sophia stated. 
She then grabbed onto your shoulders to stare you straight in the eyes. “Look, I know you swore never to see Pope again, but, honestly, fuck him! He missed out on a kick-ass date. But think- you could kill two birds with one stone! Go to the Boneyard, look hot as fuck, dance on JJ a bit and then vamoose! Pope’s jealous and JJ gets a bite in the ass!”  
Your brows furrowed in annoyance. Leave it to Sophia to convince you into her petty ploys. “I don’t know...” 
She persisted further. “Okay, I wasn’t going to tell you this because I knew you’d be super jealous, but my cousin got me front row to Venus Panic in Charlotte at the end of the summer.” 
Your eyes jolted out of your head. “No fucking way!” 
You loved Venus Panic with a dying passion. They were your favorite band who never ever came to the U.S. 
Sophia let out a long breath. “Yes. If you do this, y/n, the ticket,” she paused, “the ticket is yours.” 
It was like pulling teeth from her to make that kind of offer. Damn her for being so conniving! 
“Alright. For Venus, I’ll do it.” 
“Thank the gods!” Sophia leaped up and down in the confined room, hugging you and thanking you a ga-zillion times. 
She looked as if she sealed a million dollar deal when you two emerged from the room. You, on the other hand, were ready to fling yourself to the seagulls. 
“Operation JJ Maybank must die is a go girls!” she announced before the group started frolicking up and down, earning stares from people looking through the glass. 
“Alright, alright,” you said as they settled down, “Now that we have that done, can we please actually surf now?” 
The night of the next Boneyard party, you and Sophia drove to the condo the girls were staying at. Pulling up to the building, both yours and Sophia’s eyes widened. You knew the complex was on Figure Eight, but you didn’t know it was that luxurious and huge. They even had valet at the front, and you were greeted by doorman on your way in. 
Apparently Annalise’s dad was an important rich man in Virginia. He remarried, and was currently honeymooning in some exotic island. Sending his condolences, he let her choose whichever one of his condos she wanted to stay at for the summer with friends. For some unknown reason, she chose the Outer Banks. 
“Party’s here!” Sophia sang when Arabella answered the door. 
You entered into the spacious unit, in awe. The endless kitchen was lined with white Italian wood while the counters were topped with the fanciest marble you had ever seen. The living room was the size of your house with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the island. And the view was spectacular. 
So this was how the other side lived. 
Maia and Annalise squealed when they emerged from their rooms and hugged you and Sophia hello. They had on silk robes with their hair up in rollers. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show had nothing on them. 
They handed you two some seltzers from the fridge before Maia dragged you to the gigantic vanity in her room. Eyeshadow palettes, brushes, and compact powders littered the surface. She sat you down and fiddled with the ends of your hair. 
“So, y/n, what kind of look do you wanna go for tonight?” 
You were taken aback. “I’m not sure. Maybe something natural since we’re gonna be outside?” 
Maia scoffed playfully and shook her head. “Y/n, it’s a party! If you’re not glamming you’re not scamming. Actually say no more! I know exactly what we’re gonna do.” 
And so, she worked her magic as you watched through the bulb-lined mirror. You asked her about the products she was using while she gave you the rundown of the importance of each item and step. She was very knowledgable and swift with her hand- especially when it came to the winged liner. 
You got along with Maia. You learned that she had a successful makeup channel and wanted to start her own brand one day. She also told you about her boyfriend and how he was in Thailand for the entire summer. 
After two hours of searching for lost lip glosses, waiting on Annalise to change for the tenth time, and chugging your fifth seltzer, the five of you finally made it to the Boneyard at its peak hour. 
Linking arms, you all strutted down the beach, ready for your mission. 
The four scattered when you reached the sea of people, leaving you to locate the blonde target. After a few minutes of searching, you couldn’t find a single trace of him or any of his friends. 
Heading over to the keg, you poured yourself a drink in hopes it would loosen your raging nerves. It also didn’t help that Maia’s bikini top was hardly covering your nipples. You knew a nip slip was just waiting to happen at some point in the night. 
You casually sipped your drink and circled the party again, catching a glimpse of the wavy-haired boy at the beer pong area. 
JJ slammed his fists on the table after landing another shot. 
“Fuck yes! One last shot and your ass is grass!” he belted to his competitors: two random tourist boys who were chugging at a ridiculously slow pace. JJ then proceeded to high-five his friend, John B, who you also recognize from school. 
“Don’t be a coward,” you muttered to yourself before striding to the crowd clamoring around a fold-out table. 
From the sides, you attempted a few of the “flirty glances” Arabella taught you but no luck. The boy would much rather bounce a ping-pong ball.
You resorted to crossing your arms and waiting for the game to be over. With no surprise, JJ and John B won as the tourons groaned and withered away to the bonfire. 
“That’s right baby! Undefeated!” JJ gloated with his hands smugly flung in the air. 
“Alright who’s next?” John B shouted, earning no response from the herd. 
Welp... it’s now or never. 
“I’ll play,” you volunteered and stuck your hand up. You could feel JJ staring at you quizzically.
“Alright, alright we have a challenger! But who’s your partner?” John B asked. You wanted to slap yourself for not thinking this through properly.
“I’ll do it,” a deep voice spoke behind you. You whirled around to meet eyes with none other than Pope. He stood cooly behind you with a beer in hand. 
You originally planned to avoid him at all costs during the party. But that all went down the drain as he set down his drink and started ordering the cups in a pyramid formation. 
“You’re going down Heyward!” JJ hollered, taking the first shot. The ball glided into the first cup with ease. John B’s shot followed, but bounced off to the side. 
Your partner grabbed the beer and hurled it down instantly, using his wrist to wipe his mouth. You snatched the fallen ball on the ground while Pope nodded for you to go first. 
So this might have been the first time you’ve every played beer pong in your life. But, in your defense, you’ve done it a million times on your phone. It couldn’t be that hard. 
You tossed the first shot and it wheezed over all the cups. Whoops. 
“This is too easy,” JJ jeered, eyeing Pope as he made the next throw. It landed in one of the back cups and John B swallowed the contents down. 
“Sorry, I’m just off my game today,” you mumbled to your partner. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You wanna know my trick?” Pope raised as another one of JJ’s balls flew into one of your cups. You raised your brows as he handed you the beer. 
“The more drunk you are, the better you play.” 
Guzzling down the liquid luck, you fingered another ball and took your aim. Flinging it towards the mass, you gasped when it actually landed into the center cup. 
“Oh my God!” you cheered as Pope’s face mimicked yours. He high-fived you with both hands as you bounced up and down in glee. 
“That’s what I’m talking about y/n!” 
For the rest of the game you and Pope played neck-and-neck with the other two, continuously making shots and chugging down beer. His tactic worked. You were on fire. 
The flock around you chanted your name every time you scored. You could see your friends hanging around in the far corner hollering your name and sending you thumbs ups. 
It was game point as both teams had one target left. It was their turn. JJ took the stage, chucking the ball skillfully. Much to your demise, it swirled along the rim before plopping in. JJ roared out in victory. 
“Hold your horses,” Pope interjected with a finger in the air, “We still have redemption.” 
“Let’s see it then,” John B panted, worn out from the tension. 
“You got this.” Pope patted you on the back and handed you the ball. 
Your eyes bursted. “W-What? No no no, Pope you go.” 
“Relax, y/n! I believe in you. Just focus.” 
You gulped and turned to the boys taunting you across the table. Saying the quickest Hail Mary in your head, you launched the ball and had to shut your eyes. 
A sudden rush of shrieks alarmed you. Peeling your eyes open, you saw both JJ and John B’s jaws plummet to the ground. 
It went in. 
“Now that’s what the fuck is up!” Pope hurled his fist at this chest. You were frozen in utter disbelief. Maybe the Gods were in your favor. 
Pope added two more cups to your side of the table as John B copied his actions. The four of you went at it a few more times before you were one-and-one again. Both John B and JJ missed and the balls rolled back over to you. 
Taking the first shot again, you slung the ball, but it flew off the rim. You were chattering on your nails as Pope proceeded to make his attempt. 
One swish and the ball landed straight in the hole.  
You both jolted up in the air, doing a little victory dance. JJ shushed you- ready to go for his redemption kill. His ball missed the cup by a hair and John B’s slid off the table, deeming you and Pope the winners. 
In your exhilarated drunken state, you threw your arms around Pope, and he let out a soft chuckle. You hastily pulled away after you realized what you were doing. Thankfully, the crestfallen losers immediately came over to shake your hands and say “Good game.” 
JJ’s hands hung onto yours a moment longer. He studied you with his eyes before treading away towards the bonfire. 
As winners, you and Pope stayed a few more rounds before getting beat out. You noticed JJ come back to watch you for a few rounds, eyes fixated on your every move. 
After shaking hands with the girls who beat you, you waved a confused Pope goodbye and jogged over towards the drink area for water. In the corner of your eye, you saw JJ hurry up to you with giddiness. 
“That was some game you played out there,” he complimented as you swigged down your water. 
“Thanks! Guess I just got lucky back there.” 
He leaned both arms on the table, raising his brows suggestively. “Might just be your lucky night then.”
Oh brother. 
You threw him an uneasy smile and treaded away to the dancing crowd. Of course, he followed you, struggling to keep up with your pace. 
“Hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around before.” 
You scoffed low enough to where he couldn’t hear. Never seen you? You’ve been in the same classes since second grade. 
“I’m y/n.” You slowed down a bit, remembering your sworn duty. 
“Well I’m JJ. JJ Maybank.” He flashed you a toothy smile. 
You stopped amidst the dancers as a popular, high-beat electronic song came on. You flung you hands around JJ’s neck and pulled him close. “Dance with me, JJ Maybank.” 
The two of you rocked back and forth for a while before the music transitioned to a provocative rap song. Both you and the light-haired boy rapped the entire first verse with ease, giggling once the chorus hit. 
“So... how come I’ve never seen you at one of these parties?” 
You shrugged tossing him a look of disinterest. “Not really my thing.” 
He tugged you in so his forehead was on yours. “Then what is your thing then, hm? What’s a cute girl like you up to all summer?” 
“I’m a surfing instructor.” 
“Is that so? You know, I’m a pretty good surfer myself...” His hands traced down to your swaying hips. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you retorted, running your hands up and down his biceps flirtatiously. 
It was probably the alcohol doing all the work, because in that moment, you knew you were being absolutely irresistible to the boy who’s hands were burning to stay in the... respectful areas. 
“Maybe one day I can show you,” JJ rasped. You barely heard him through the booming of the speakers, but still locked eyes with him alluringly. 
“Mmm, don’t really have time for amateurs.” 
“Ouch... feisty aren’t we?” His lips were millimeters from yours. 
“Please, you know you like it.” You decided to close the gap. 
Boy, were his lips soft. His chiseled hands made way to tangle up in your hair as he expertly kissed you amongst the throng of people. He slid his tongue into your mouth, and you could feel how hungry he was. 
You stopped after a minute, purposely cutting it short. His eyes were aching for more, but you refused. You wanted to starve him. 
“Wanna get out of here? There’s a cool place on the beach I can show you,” he asked, fingers toying with the back string of your bikini. 
You shrugged. “Why not.”
Smirking, JJ’s hand snaked around your waist as he led you to the back trees of the Boneyard. You approached a small patch of sand enclosed by a circle of trees, and it all clicked in your head. This was his sex hideout. 
You glanced around the spot. The moon beamed straight into it, and the leaves of the trees hung down fancifully. In its own weird way, it was kind of romantic- if you didn’t think about how many times he’s taken people there to fuck.
He tugged you towards the center, wrapping you in his muscular arms. 
“You’re the cutest girl I’ve ever seen. I could just eat you up,” he muttered seductively, nipping at the sides of your jawline. 
You were beginning to understand it now- his irresistibility. The guy was charming. You let him kiss you for a little bit until you felt him undo your back bikini string. 
You quickly jerked away, tying it back into a bow.
“You know what, I think I’m good,” you said abruptly, backing away. 
JJ looked as if someone offered a kid ice cream and knocked the cone off the second he was about to dive in for the first taste. “Wait! Where are you going?” he urged.
His face flooded in disbelief as he let out a loud scoff, darting after you as you jogged back to the dancing pack.
“Wait! Y/n come back!” he called out. 
“What for? I’m not sleeping with you JJ!” you shouted, making sure everyone around you heard. 
When his face went beet-red you knew you work was done. 
You sped up the sand, out of sight, to Annalise’s car where your friends were circled. They whooped and cheered at your presence. 
“We saw everything!” Maia exclaimed, hauling you in for a bone-tight hug. 
“That was so awesome! Y/n, you’re my hero!” Arabella chimed in while you all crammed into the Mercedes. 
“Ladies, ladies,” Annalise began before pulling out of the parking lot, “Tonight we celebrate the fall of JJ Maybank!” 
The car erupted in drunk glee as everyone swaddled you from their seats. 
As you drove back to the condo, Sophia rolled down her window from the backseat and stuck out her head. 
“Fuck you JJ Maybank!” 
note: dw there is even more D R A M A to come lolz 
chapter 3
tags: @obxlife​ @rudyypankow​ @yeehaw87​ @ilymarkchan​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @tangledinsparkles​ @toloveortobeinlove​ @pixelated-pogues​ @normatural​ @teamnick​ @drizzlethatfalls​ 
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