#but idk. she also said he was top of the class at his last school and for motivation and kindness? yeah. not for maths.
dontwanderoff · 6 months
oh toilet cry, i have not missed you
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jellyfiishatr · 1 year
Being friends with them!!
a/n : just some friendly hang out sessions with the great spider four >_<★!!
Characters : Miles Morales / Gwen Stacy / Pavitr Prabhakar / Hobie Brown
content : headcanon / fluff / platonic / pure silliness
Miles Morales!! (Small Ganke mention!!)
☆ study sessions with these two ofcourse
☆ ^and by study sessions I mean Miles is doing work and Ganke's been done and has been playing videos games since you came over to their dorm
☆ Miles asks for help with English, and you ask for help with whatever you're missing
☆ if not study sesh, then definitely out and about spray painting a new wall
☆ ^I can imagine late night talks with him after he's finished a piece are very heart to heart, he loves to speak his mind to you and hopes you do aswell
☆ I can imagine you meeting his parents are a little nerve wracking since he's mentioned that they didn't like ganke or Gwen
☆ so you tried to be as respectful and kind to them as you possibly could (probably also kissing up to them idk I would too)
☆ if you also do art, you guys compare drawings and give eachother advice on what you need to work on
☆ ^definitely the type to steal your notes and draw in them during class
☆ ^will also steal said notes for a week and forger he has them till your banging on his door in the middle of the night before your assignments due and those notes are very much important to you
Gwen stacy!!
☆ it took a long time for her to actually consider you a friend, a lot of the time you just stayed following her and talking
☆ ^anything you said in those few months prior to her considering you a friend, went through one ear and out the other
☆ She's definitely a teaser, making fun of you in a friendly manner
☆ movie night, or weekly sleepovers at one another's house is a must with her
☆ ^she says she's into horror/action but is really into romcoms, she won't admit that outloud though
☆ I feel like she's really bad at cooking so teaching her how better her cooking skills has definitely happened once or twice
☆ ^she loves when you make her lunches, she usually buys you lunch for the next two days in return
☆ when she's playing the drums you usually sit right outside her window with headphones because she's likes to have her room shut off
☆ ^but she still wants to hang out so she makes you wait outside for about an hour till she's done and has you back inside for dinner
Pavitr Prabhakar!!
☆ Study sessions pt2!
☆ he's a straight A, top of the class student. He doesn't really need to do homework because he does it in class
☆ he does help you with yours though, especially if you're failing
☆ early morning walks, he's an early bird and makes you walk with him because "It's good for the mind!"
☆ if you're not an earlybird, you're grumbling the entire walk about how it's a "weekend" and how "you do this everyday pavitr" and how "you need to stop making me do this"
☆ he doesn't understand whatever you're trying to say and pushes you lightly the rest of the walk (that last part definitelywasnt written by pavitr, no definitely not)
☆ he loves to rant about his girlfriend, talking about how they sneaked out and went on a late night walk that week
☆ if you have an s/o you're definitely talking about them with pavitr, telling him all about them
☆ he's definitely a dog person, he always has a dog following him no matter what
☆ you guys are walking to school? There's a dog right behind you. Hanging out at his house? There's a dog right outside his bedroom window. LITERALLY IN SCHOOL?? A DOG HAS WALKED IN DURING THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM WHILE THE TEACHER WAS AWAY
☆ ^everyone think he just has some sort of dog treats on him always but it's really from just recognizing his face from him always feeding them, such a sweetheart
Hobie Brown!!
☆ draws on your hand a lot
☆ ^you always have faded sharpie on you no matter what because of him
☆ you tease him for his accent constantly, saying "pip pip cheerio," or "ello luv." In the most horrible accent ever
☆ You have to go to protests or big government events with him, whether you're political or not he's dragging you along
☆ Always has little trinkets for you everytime you hang out
☆ hang outs in an abandoned building are a daily thing
☆ ^he's probably made you carry a big couch for him to put in a new hang out spot because he said he "knew a place."
☆ he did infact know a place
☆ the playlist guy, he's the one with fire songs to hype everyone up at rallies/protests
☆ knows how to design, outfits, or banners whatever. He knows how to do it right
☆ you'll always have heart to heart conversations with him, early in the morning, mid-day, or late at night
☆ if you ever bring up the topic, "you think we're friends in another universe?" He just looks at you and nods (I've mentioned this before in my hobie hcs)
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fandoms--fluff · 8 months
Road Trip
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Flufftober, October 1st.
Vampire female Salvatore reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Lizzie and Josie set you and Hope up on a road trip, knowing the wherewitch (unactivated vampire side) has had a massive crush on you since she was nine.
Reader goes to the school only to look out for the twins and to throw insults at Alaric, otherwise, you wouldn't be there. You don't actually do any work...or go to any classes either or teach any classes since you got turned at 21. You're also there to look out for Hope, as per request from Klaus before he died. Considering you and Stefan are the only ones in Mystic Falls he actually liked and secretly cared about.
Warnings: swearing,
a/n: Even though it's basically irrelevant to this fic, Stefan is alive and no one took any cure. And Damon never gave his car to the twins - this one kinda is, idk. And the other side was never destroyed.
Hope stares at you as you're reading Peter Pan, across the library. "Subtle" Lizzie says from behind her.
"Did you know, she's reread that book three times already this year" Hope says, aware of how stalkerish she sounds. "So the girl likes Peter Pan, she probably met the author in the fifties when it came out." Lizzie shrugs, smirking at her frenemie
"It came out in 1911 actually, and there's nothing saying I can't read a book more than once" You look up from the book and over to them.
Hope immediately blushes, knowing you were listening to their conversation. She pulls Lizzie out of the library with her quickly. "You knew she could hear us, didn't you?" Hope whisper yelled to the siphoner.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It's so obvious you like her!" Lizzie explains, whisper yelling back. She walks up to her and Josie's room, leaving Hope standing there embarrassed.
Lizzie walks into her and Josie's room. "That's it, I can't take it anymore. We need to get Hope to admit her feelings to y/n before my head explodes!" Lizzie exclaims. "Finally, let's do this" Josie stands up from her desk. She walks over to Lizzie's bed, where they start planning.
"Lizzie, why did I have to pack a bag?" Hope asks her, duffle bag slung over her shoulder. "You'll see" Lizzie smiles as she leads Hope over to Damon's car, that which is here without his knowledge, thanks to you.
Josie walks towards them, also with a bag slung over her shoulder. "Are we going on a trip or something?" Hope asks, confused.
"Well, we aren't," Josie tells her and points to herself and her twin. She drops the bag on top of the trunk.
"Where exactly did you need us to go again?" You ask eyebrow raised. You have the keys to the Camaro in your hand.
"Oh, right, here" Lizzie hands you a map with a location circled in black marker.
Hope's eyes widen slightly, figuring out that she and you are going to be on a road trip. Together. Alone. She wants to kill Lizzie and Josie right now, she groans in her head. She already knows somehow she's going to make an utter fool of herself. Why did she get out of bed this morning, why? she thinks before zoning back into the conversation taking place.
"A campsite? In Atlanta?" You ask with an eyebrow raised. "Yep, mhm" Lizzie nods her head.
"You know, if I could tell when you were lying when you were a child, I still can, right?" You cross your arms.
Lizzie and Josie share a surprised look before quickly leaving. "Love you, auntie y/n" Josie says before slipping into the school with her sister. You roll your eyes playfully at her way of trying to be cute so you don't hunt them down and lecture them later.
"..We don't have to go if you don't feel like it" Hope hesitates before speaking. "No, it's fine. Besides, you and I both need some time away from this damn place. I can tell. Plus I don't know how much longer I can take having to see Ric's face every day." You unlock the car, and open the trunk, placing the bag Josie packed for you in it. Hope softly chuckles at the last part you said as she also places her bag in the car.
"Okay, Atlanta here we come," You say once you're both inside the car and you start the ignition.
The radio plays as Hope looks out the window, watching as everything seems to fly by as you're driving. It's been around three hours since you guys left. Hope's calmed down a bit, knowing all she has to do is make it through the next 2-3 days at most and then her secret is still all safe.
However, it doesn't help that you look absolutely beautiful as your eyes concentrate on the road and your fingers sometimes lightly tap along to the song playing. She's been trying her hardest to not just flat-out stare at you for the past two hours. You're wearing a black fitted v-neck top, dark wash jeans, and a leather jacket. And she can't stop thinking about how good the outfit looks on you.
By hour four, you pull over into a gas station. You're not stupid, you know exactly why the twins set you and Hope on a road trip. You've known for a while about how the youngest Mikaelson has a crush on you. Now you could always just confront her and all that, but you're not going to make it that easy. You're seeing how long it'll take until she finally spills it out to you.
You've been smirking on the inside most of the drive, noticing the not-so-hidden looks and eyeing Hope's been doing.
"Why don't you go pick out a couple snacks while I fill up the tank" You smile. You pull your wallet out of your pocket and hand her a twenty dollar bill. "Y-yeah, okay" she grasps onto the bill and walks into the small store.
Once you pay for the gas with your card, Hope is back in the car, a bag of snacks in her lap. She stopped in the bathroom there, making sure her face wasn't bright red from blushing. The good thing is her cheeks were only slightly flushed, so wasn't as bad as she thought she looked.
You guys munch on the snacks for the next leg. Hope soon realized that having something in her mouth to constantly chew on is settling her nerves a bit. Thank god she got a pack of gum at the counter before paying.
"You look glum...Wanna know a secret that your father and my brother would most definitely kill me for if they find out I told you about it?" You look over to her at a stop light. Why are there so many stoplights here? You guys are the only ones on the road for petes sake.
"Really? Yeah" Hope looks up at you, her eyes widened. Before you spoke, she was staring at her shoes with an expressionless face.
"Well, Chicago, 1920's, Nik and Stefan were close. Too close it seemed to me, so I did some investigating one night. Let's just say when I broke into Stef's apartment because he wouldn't give me a key, my precious eyes were traumatized. There I saw, my baby brother and my good friend, Nik, naked on his bed in the middle of a hook-up sesh" You tell her, you smile seeing the disgust on her face.
"You just told your friend- enemie's? daughter about him and your brother having sex! Why?!" She exclaims, a disgusted look on her face.
"Because you said yes you wanted to know something" You smirked, happy to see her no longer glum. "I thought you meant something like, I don't know, an embarrassing story where they were drunk and had a stupid conversation, not a- wait, were they like...together?" Hope broke off from her sentence.
"Ah, now I was hoping you'd ask that, this will tell you all you need. Probably in a more censored way," you reach into the backseat and pull out a worn-out leatherbound journal. "My baby bro's journal, doesn't know I have it, so keep it on the hush and don't tell anyone." You wink at her. "I nicked it from him when Klaus came to town to sacrifice Elena. Such a dork, even when he was humanity-less, he still freakin wrote in a diary" You playfully roll her eyes and her the old diary.
"Do I even want to know how much blackmail you have against basically everyone?" She asks you, opening the diary. "Oh, sweetie, you don't even want to know who and how much" you chuckle.
Hope immediately feels butterflies in her stomach when you call her 'sweetie'. It slowly falters off though, "Wait, do you have anything on me?" She asks, alarm on her face.
"Hmm, good question" You pretend to think for a second before pulling off a very damon-impersonating smirk.
"I'll make sure not to get on your bad side then" Hope says. "Good idea, your uncle didn't do a very good job with that. Oh what am I saying, he still doesn't. If you're ever pissed at him and something to hold over his head, I've got you."
"You know uncle Kol?"
"Yep, we crossed paths in 1872 and just stuck together since then, even when Nik decided to dagger him for a century," you tell her. "And when he died...twice" you both chuckle at the way you held off on the dying part.
"He's never mentioned he knows you," Hope tells you, not remembering her uncle ever bringing your name up.
"Has he ever mentioned a 'she-devil' or 'crazy scary woman'?" You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, a bunch" she tilts her head. "Then he has, wow, so rude of him to never actually say my name and just those disgusting ones," You tell her in a joking tone.
"That makes so much sense," Hope says, earning her a flick to her thigh from you.
"Uh-huh, I bet it does" You smirk at her gasp. "We'll be there in forty-five minutes, so you might want to read that or I can give you a very detailed version instead," You tell her, turning without signaling because you guys are the only ones on the road. still.
"No thanks...I thought we had another two hours left?" She started reading until your info fully sunk into her mind.
"I mean we should, but I have no mind for speed limits, and we'll get there before dark. That means no bears or coyotes to sneak up on us in the dark." "What?!" she looks alarmed again.
"Just kidding, there's no bears or coyotes within 10 miles of the campsite unless it changed in the past year" you reassure her. "Oh, okay, thank god" she lets out a relieved breath, continuing on the page she was on.
Hope looks up from the page she's on as you park the car in a clearing beside a massive pine tree. "There are things in here that a daughter should never know about her father and ex-lover? best friend? friends with benefits? I don't know, but it's gross" She puts the diary on the backseat where you grabbed it from earlier.
"I'm surprised you made it that far, honestly" You chuckle, getting out of the car.
Hope follows you to the trunk and pulls out her bag. "So where exactly are we going in here?" She asks as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
"A site that was abandoned twenty years ago and no one has visited besides me. I never thought there were any bad reasons to tell my wonderful nieces, but they for some reason want us here, so I'll just go along with it" You answer her question.
Hope's stomach fills with butterflies again, knowing that she and you are going to be the only ones here. She watches where she's going, not wanting to trip and then you probably going to ask her if she's alright and then she'll most definitely say the stupidest answer, and then you'll probably figure out her huge crush on you. How is it that her mind can rant like this whenever she's around you, is her question.
Hope's eyes widen when she looks at the place you guys stop at. It's a beautiful clearing with no trees littering the circle and the clear sky shining down. There's a river a couple hundred meters forward and it just seems so peaceful.
"This looks amazing" She finally says. You chuckle at her ogled state, "Yeah it does, there's a barrier around us that'll only allow people I want in here. So there are no enemies and now only five others know about it, you, Josie, Lizzie, Kol, and Katherine" You explain, and motion for her to place her duffle bag down on the log, beside your bag.
"That's so cool," she says, looking around again. "How long are we staying here again?" she asks.
"Maybe like two or three days before heading back if that's alright with you," you say while pulling a tent to assemble out of your bag. "That sounds good" Hope smiles, walking back over to you.
"I hope you don't mind sleeping in the same tent, it's the only one I have that's not broken, thanks to my brothers, but it's fairly big" You lead her to around the middle of the site and start taking all the pieces out of it's bag.
"N-no, I don't mind" on the inside, she's screaming. This is literally too good to be true. She going to be sleeping in the same tent with you, for three nights at least. She's literally jumping up and down on the inside, she's so happy. No way her overthinking is going to stop her from feeling joy, not at this moment at least.
You smirk to yourself, knowing exactly what's going on in Hope's head, maybe she'll realize that it's okay to tell you about her crush during this time before Josie and Lizzie plan another surprise trip or plan for you two.
You build the tent, giving Hope instructions for some parts considering this is her first time building one. It's up and ready not even fifteen minutes later, all the pegs hammered into the ground and all the zippers working.
"And we're done before sunset, good job us" You give her a high five. You guys bring your things into the tent and set up the two sleeping bags that were in your bags because Josie packed them both in your bag. Probably so Hope wouldn't get too suspicious before leaving.
It's been two days, you guys are leaving tomorrow. And Hope can't even count the number of times she just wanted to go up to you and kiss you. But her self-consciousness stops her before she gets up to do it. every. single. time.
Not this time though. They can go fuck off while I go make a stupid decision, but it'll hopefully be worth it, Hope fights with herself. She stands up as best she can in the tent and walks over to where you're sketching.
You look up at her, but before you can utter a word, Hope goes on her knees and presses her lips to yours. She pulls away, eyes widened.
Hope cannot believe she just let herself do that. How stupid can she be?!
"I- uh, s-sorry. I have no idea what I was thinking" She goes to stand up, but you pull her back to you and bring her into a soft yet passionate kiss.
"You knew exaclty what you were doing. And I'm glad you did. It may have taken you a while, but you did and I'm proud of you, and I might just also have a huge crush on you too" You tell her everything going on in her scrambling mind.
"You do?" She asks, shocked. "One hundred percent" you smirk.
It takes her a second to realize, "Wait, you knew I had a crush on you this entire time and just let me almost make a fool of myself countless times over the years?"
"Pretty much, yeah" You nod with a faux thinking face.
"I guess it's worth it though" She mumbles, looking up at you this time. "Yeah, I strongly agree. Why don't you try being my girlfriend to find out for yourself though" You set your sketchpad and pencil down and place a hand on her thigh.
"Really? Yes!" she smiles, lighting up her face.
You bring her into another kiss, and it ends with you both doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day besides cuddling and you telling her embarrassing and some disgusting (she thinks at least) stories about her family and yours and some of the mystic falls gang.
There's no doubt that Klaus is watching from the other side and sighing as his daughter falls for you even more. At least he doesn't despise you, and you never tried to kill him. You better not corrupt his sweet daughter too fast, he thinks, knowing it's bound to happen, just hopefully not all at once.
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avatarmerida · 10 months
So Dana tweeted this and I’m not sure what to label this AU but basically Willow is a baddie skating in the halls and Hunter is a student council member who is always on her case. Do they have magic? Idk. Am I obsessed? Yuh. Also based on this art and this art by @turquoisespace35 this art by @smallpapers and also this art by @gravityfying. Anyway, here’s some huntlow fluff thanks for the inspiration guys! Hope ya like it!
Hunter was simply minding his own business, trying to identify the bird in the tree above him and having a rather pleasant afternoon as he tried to destress from his eventful day. To be fair, every day was eventful for him. As a student council member and top of his class, he was responsible for making sure Hexside' reputation stayed pristine. This had earned him a rather unfavorable reputation himself. He was a legacy, he had high expectations, so he needed to do everything in his power to bring everyone to his level. In his mind, he was strict but fair. But the students saw him as a glorified hall monitor.
Which is why he always walked home alone.
As he admired the red bird that seemed to be calling out to him, the pleasant sound of silence was interrupted by a panicky echo.
“Look out!” came a familiar voice, but before Hunter could attempt to ‘look out’ as the voice had advised, his world went blurry and the next thing he knew he was pinned against the tree. When he regained focus, having a few choice words at the ready, he was stunned to find the culprit was one of his classmates.
His rebellious classmate with the most dress code violations. His resilient classmate who always had holes in her stocking and scars and bruises on her knees from skidding and falling so often. His carefree classmate who was the reason he carried a first aid kit with him. His breathtaking classmate whose bright peridot eyes somehow managed to shine through the yellow tint of her safety goggles. His classmate who was… a classmate, and nothing more.
Does she skate everywhere? He thought, knowing her skates were the cause of their… position. Skating in the hall was one thing, but this path was all downhill; even a pro would have a hard time stopping.
“Hunter! Hi! What are you doing here?” Willow casually asked the boy she currently had pinned against a tree, her hands resting naturally on his chest. Even with the height her skates gave her, he was still so much taller than her.
“Well I… I have a life outside of school, you know,” he replied, somewhat lying, his face positively beet red. Her skates made her so much taller, but she had never been this close to him. She had flipped back her signature yellow shades to see him better, apparently he was so close that he was in focus without them.
“I know,” she said plainly. “I just thought you had that big presentation today.”
“Oh that, no that’s tomorrow.” he said, his composure returning at the mention of business. “Really? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s where Amity is,” said Willow, backing up to give him space. “I thought it was the 4th.”
“It is,” he said. “On Wednesday.”
“No, Hunter today is the 4th,” said Willow.
“Wh- a-are you sure?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Don’t you remember when you wrote me up on Friday? You said ‘this is the last one of the month’ because the next day was the first and that was Saturday, so then Sunday was the second and then yesterday-.”
“Oh no,” he said softly, the color draining from his face as he realized she was right. His breathing became faster. “Oh no, oh no, oh no! H-how did I mess this up?’
“Hey, it’s okay! It doesn’t start until 4 so you-.”
“It’s almost 3:45 and the school is at least a 35 minute walk,” said Hunter, beginning to spiral. “A-and we always start right on time and I’m supposed to go first and if I don��t go then my proposal won’t be considered and if my proposal isn’t considered then that means I’ve spent weeks preparing for nothing and not to mention if my uncle hears that I-.”
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey,” said Willow, waving her hands in front of his eyes to get him to snap out of it. She placed her hands on his shoulders to direct his focus on her. “Just breathe, okay? Look at me and breathe. Count with me 1,2,3 in and 1,2,3, out. In and out.”
She motioned him to follow as she counted with her fingers, not removing her eyes from his until he felt safe to follow her instructions. Hunter would normally feel silly but it actually helped him. He focused on Willow and while his anxieties did not disappear, they definitely felt less heavy.
“Good,” Willow said gently when she could tell his heart was no longer about to explode. “Now, let’s think of a solution, okay? There’s always a way to help. Now, you’re right; the school is about a 35 minute walk from here-.”
“I know, it’s useless to even think that-.”
“-but I bet we can cut that in half on skates,” she finished with a smile.
Hunter looked at her like she was insane, like there was a punchline coming, but she remained unmoved. She was serious.
“What? Are you gonna carry me to the school on your skates? Y-you’re just gonna scoop me in your arms, and whisk me away as we speed off together into the sunset like you’re some kind of beautiful knight who reached me o-or something? Is that what you’re saying?” The way Hunter said it made it seem like he didn’t believe it was possible but also that he had had this impossible thought before. More than once. He didn’t seem against it.
“Um, not quite,” she smiled. She turned to remove her backpack, a blush gracing her cheeks (though it was nothing compared to the one Hunter currently wore) as she pulled her solution from her knapsack.
“You brought extra roller skates?” Hunter said, somehow not really supposed.
“I literally go nowhere without them!” Willow exclaimed in a bright, bubbly one, as she handed them to him. “They’re my dad’s old pair and I was gonna give them to Gus but they’re too big, but they should fit you! How lucky is that?”
“What, you expect me to do the presentation in roller skates? That’s worse than not showing up at all!”
“No, we can put your shoes in my bag and you can change when you get there,” she said simply. “We can totally get you there in time, I know a short cut.”
She seemed so sure, so genuine, so sweet. Hunter found it hard to keep up appearances as he let out a dramatic sigh as he snatched her skates from her and he leaned against the tree to start putting them on.
“Well, don’t think this means I’m gonna stop writing you up,” said Hunter as he carefully slipped off his shoes.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she smiled, gently rolling her eyes endearingly as she went to place his shoes in her bag. She fought back a grin when she noticed the red cartoon birds that decorated his socks, but she kept that to herself.
He watched him struggle with the laces for a moment, they were loose on his ankles but the edges were frayed and were hard to get through the holes on the very top. She leaned down to help him, and when their fingers touched briefly Hunter pulled his hands back like he had just touched lava. Willow said nothing, knowing how prideful he was as she felt his eyes on her as she wordlessly tightened his laces.
She couldn’t help but hope that he was speechless the way she had been the day she had fallen in the hallway. It was the usual game, she was teasing him beckoning him to chase her to give her the citation in person and she had been overzealous and lost her balance skating backwards. But he didn’t taunt her or laugh, but rather rushed to her side riddled with concern. She remembered how there were no words in her head as she watched him drop the cold persona that she had long suspected was an act to lecture her on safety, not because it was a rule or because he wanted to say “I told you so” but because he cared about her.
Willow suspected he wasn’t used to someone caring about him the same way.
“I know you’re just doing this so you can tell everyone how uncoordinated I am,” he muttered after a minute, not knowing how to maneuver the silence. He didn’t really believe Willow would be so ruthless, he was just embarrassed that he needed saving.
“What?” said Willow, genuinely surprised by his harsh tone. It wasn’t his usual harsh tone, it had a twinge of hurt beneath it.
“Well, why else would you be so nice to me?” He asked as she finished the bow. “No one likes me.”
Willow giggled.
“What?” asked Hunter, not used to being laughed at in a way that didn’t feel condescending.
“Boscha’s always saying I’m no one,” she said, rising to her feet. “So maybe I’m the perfect person to like you.”
“Don’t say that!” He said sternly, as he quickly stood up as well, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “You’re not no one.”
He said it with such conviction and anger, as though the idea of her believing she was any less than she was inspired a fury in him unmatched by any uniform infraction or social injustice. He didn’t need to add “because” or “to me” because he felt it was so obvious. She was too vibrant and kind and strong to be no one.
As she searched her mind for a response, she saw Hunter begin to lose his balance and quickly leaned forward to catch him.
“I’m guessing you’re not much of a skater?” she asked lightly, not knowing what else to say.
“I uh don’t have much time for leisure or recreational activities,” he said, clearing his throat as he was overly aware of her hands on him, one on his back and the other gently on his chest. It was difficult to remain professional in such a stance, but if anyone could try it was him.
“Well, consider this a crash course,” she teased.
“Oh no, sorry,” she laughed nervously. “We’re not gonna crash. Well, probably not. Well… we’re gonna try.”
“Oh this is a bad idea,” said Hunter, his legs shaking.
“Hey, don’t worry,” she said, helping him regain his balance until he stood by himself. She held out her hand to him and gave him a sweet smile. “I won’t let you fall.”
He carefully took it and allowed her to lead him.
She did not seem opposed in the slightest to be holding his hand, to be seen holding his hand. He mainly focused on keeping his skates facing forward and not knocking into each other, but Willow had a natural balance. He knew it came from practice, that if he wasn’t here holding her back she’d be doing elaborate spins and jumps, but still he felt safe beside her. If he wasn’t in a rush, he felt like he could do this forever.
He just wished he had a helmet.
As they descended down the bumpy street, there was so much for Hunter to be nervous about: falling on his face, being late to his presentation, showing up to his predation with a face that had clearly been fallen on, but the most pressing matter at the moment was whether or not the stunning girl holding his hand could feel how sweaty it was. His heart was racing but not from the cardio. It was a good thing Willow knew where they were going because his eyes certainly were not on the path ahead of them.
This was the longest silence that had ever passed between them, Willow wasn’t sure what to make of it. She had seen Hunter concerned before, but these nerves were new. She tried to lighten the mood.
“These are your fault, you know.” She said, adopting her normal tone as seen in their hallway encounters.
“My rollerskates.”
“What? Me? How? I never-.”
“Do you remember my most common infraction before you were always hounding me about my skates?”
“Tardiness,” he said without hesitation.
She smiled, wondering if he remembered everyone’s violations so quickly. “Yeah, I was always running late because Bocha needed to make sure she tormented me before first period.”
“Ms. Park, I assure you if I had known that was the reason I would’ve handled the situation with more-.”
“I know,” she said simply. “But still, you said something once that gave me an idea. I didn’t tell you that Boscha was the reason, I just said I kept getting lost and you said ‘well then, find another way.’ So I did.”
“You heard that and got ‘rollerskate everywhere?’”
“Okay, I might’ve put my own spin on it,” she giggled as they turned a corner, and she felt his grip tighten . “But it worked, didn’t it? I haven’t been late since.”
“Yes but roller skates are still against school safety and dress codes,” Hunter pointed out.
“But they get me there,” she said simply. “And they got me off Boscha’s radar and onto yours.”
He looked at her with wide, worried eyes. “Miss Park, I hope you’re not suggesting that I am on a level with Boscha,” he said seriously and another smile tugged at Willow’s lips as she couldn’t help but notice the disgusted way he said Boscha’s name. How he didn’t even bother to grace her with formality. “I know I may be strict, but I hope you know I would never want to make you feel how she makes you feel. I know she used to sit on the council, but If I ever-.”
“No, no nothing like that,” she laughed. “It’s just, I much prefer being on your radar is all I mean.”
“Oh.” Was all he could say. It still didn’t add up, she liked being in trouble? “Huh.”
Willow saw and understood his confusion. “You’re really into your position on the student council,” she said as though he was unaware. “Sometimes it feels like breaking the rules is the only way I get to talk to you.”
Did she know how every morning he held his breath, worried today was the day she changed her ways? That he wouldn’t feel her breeze as she zoomed by him in the hall, her braids coming undone as she maneuvered through other students like a maze? She had never injured anyone (besides herself) and she technically wasn’t running and hadn’t damaged any school property, but Hunter had scoured the handbook for something to say about it. Because he just wanted an excuse to talk to her.
“And you… like talking to… me?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she said simply. No hesitation, no eye rolling, no sarcasm. How could that be true? “Ya know, you’re not as uptight as you want everyone to believe you are. I think you’re secretly a big sweetheart.”
“Me?” He scoffed, he had certainly never been called that before. Not even ironically. “How am I sweet? I write you up every day!”
His voice shook as they quickly moved to avoid a pot hole but Willow never let go of his hand.
“Well, yeah but,” Willow couldn’t help but laugh. “I mean, you make a big show of writing me up and threatening me with detention but you never actually follow through.”
“What? I-I have! I mean, I must have at least once er-”
“No,” she said, shaking her head, “You always say you could but you never do.”
“Well, t-that’s because it goes straight on your permanent record.”
“Uh-huh,” she said, obviously unconvinced. She was pretty sure those didn’t even exist. She also knew it wasn’t because he didn’t have the power to, because he sent Boscha to detention literally all the time.
She had her theories, but right now probably wasn’t the right time to voice them.
“I… well, the thing is I…” he offered her a soft look as he tried to find the words. Something in his eyes made her think maybe he was about to confirm her theories. “I think I actually might…”
But before he could finish, the hill became too steep and Hunter promptly lost his balance. He unwillingly surrendered Willow’s hand as his arms flailed to his sides trying to save him from tumbling forward. Willow rolled beside him, keeping her eyes on him as she tried to grab his hand again. When she realized she couldn’t, she improvised and reached out to grab in an embrace, trapping his arms at his side as she clung to him tightly. They continued to skate down the hill at increasing speed as Willow tried to ease gently into the breaks so they wouldn’t go flying.
Finally, they reached flat land and when they did Hunter arrived deeper in Willow’s embrace, his cheek pressed firmly against hers as she shut her eyes, focused on keeping them safe. All he could focus on was how close they were. She lifted him off the ground, not knowing her own strength and all he could do was just be lifted by her.
Their faces were touching, oh Titan their faces were touching!
He swore he wasn’t breathing, he swore time stood still as he floated in some parking lot being held tightly by Willow Park. He could smell the sweet scent of her shampoo, a collection of jasmine and mango.
“You okay?” She asked, opening one eye to make sure no damage had come to him.
“Never better.” He squeaked. He wondered if he even weighed anything to her.
“We made it,” she declared gleefully, and he was so close he could feel the smile on her face. He was so lost in the euphoria of being so close to her he had totally forgotten the reason for it. Then his eyes registered where they were.
And in record time too.
“We made it,” he breathed as she set him down. How had he ever doubted her?
“Not quite yet,” she said as she took his hand and led him once again. “C’mon!”
They slid through the side entrance and something about it made Hunter feel oddly… giddy. Willow sped ahead of him like a bullet, her brow furrowed in determination as she raced against the clock.
“Move aside!” She announced to a few lingering students walking through the halls. “Precious cargo, coming though!”
He laughed, in spite of himself, feeling like he was in a dream. Being with her in the hall now instead of against her felt… right. This was how she saw the world: fast, exciting, scary. Normally he was just a mere star she passed by, close for only a brief moment before her orbit spun her elsewhere. But now he was fully caught in her gravity, hoping to be a moon, a sun, a comet; anything that followed her closely. Anything she’d let him be.
All too soon, they were outside the classroom where Hunter was to give his presentation. Willow could see they were still setting up and Hunter would get his chance to do his presentation.
“We did it!” She declared victoriously, wiping the sweat from her brow. “We did-.” She looked up at him in excitement but was taken back when he didn’t share her elatement. Instead, his focus was on her. He was looking at her like she was some precious jewel he had been searching for his whole life. “What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face or-.?”
“You’re amazing,” he said like the phrase took all the air in his lungs.
She gave a tiny chuckle as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. It wasn’t what she had been expecting to hear but she certainly wasn’t complaining.
“Well hey, don’t waste all your charm on me, student council,” she teased. “Getting here was the easy part, you still have a speech to give.”
“Right,” he said with a rare smile. Willow wondered why he didn’t smile more, he had such a pretty smile. “Anyway, thanks for all your help. I… really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” she said, and Hunter swore a rosey halo surrounded her. As he was admiring just how picturesque she was, a mischievous smile crept onto her face, as she allowed her wheels to bring her closer to him. “Um, excuse me, student council member Wittebane, but wearing roller skates in the hallway is against school policy, in case you weren’t aware.”
He offered her a shy, playful smile, running his hand through his hair as he leaned against the lockers, absentmindedly sending a chill up Willow’s spine. She caught him off guard and for a moment he was a little silly. Like he felt safe enough to be.
“Well, I guess I have to make an exemption today,” he said, his voice possessing a lighter tone that Willow was certain few people had ever heard. She liked it. She watched him quickly sink to the ground as he began to undo the laces on the skates as she handed him his shoes from her bag.
“Tomorrow morning though, no roller skating in the hallways,” he said, mocking himself as he wagged his finger at her. They both knew she wouldn't listen.
“But what if I’m running late?” She said innocently as she helped him back onto his feet once he had returned to his shiny dress shoes. “I have classes on opposite sides of the school, how else am I supposed to get there in time?”
“Well uh, I’m sure I could assist somehow,” he said, clearing his throat. He owed her one after all. “I could get you a special hall pass or help you plan a route or-.”
“Maybe you should start walking me to class,” she suggested.
“As punishment?”
She shrugged. “If you wanna call it that,” she said, brushing some invisible lint off of his shoulder. “Here, lemme fix your tie. Can’t have you beating my record for dress code violations, now can we?” She made sure he didn’t reflect the journey too much, adjusting his pin as well. Even after all that, he still managed to look so pristine. Maybe it was his posture, or his height, or the sharp definition of his jawline but his demeanor just seemed like it was permanently studious. Like he had a shell that extended to his heart. Like the cracks in his composure could only be seen up close and Willow wanted more than anything to have them memorized. Willow had caught glimpses of these cracks before, when she made a joke that caught him off guard and summoned a smile or dared him to joke back before following up with policy and procedure. These cracks didn’t make him foolish or fragile as she knew he worried they did, no: they made him shine.
The classroom was becoming louder as Amity tried to gain control so they could start and Hunter knew they’d be starting soon. But all he wanted to do was watch her fuss over his tie like she just wanted an excuse to be close to him.
“Willow, I-,” he started and her eyes instantly darted up to him. He then realized that that may have been the first time he had used her first name. He said it so gently, like he was worried he wasn’t worthy of it. She looked at him with wide eyes, like she hoped he’d say it again.
“I uh… I guess better head inside,” Hunter said, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice. Both because he didn’t want to leave and because that wasn’t what he wanted to say.
“Guess you’d better,” she echoed, though she did not release him.
“But thank you again,” he said. “For helping me, for getting me here. No one’s ever done something like that for me before.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I have plenty of experience with being a no one, huh?” She said coyly. She knew he was about to protest, but before he had the chance to, she rose up and slyly pressed a quick kiss to his check. “Good luck, Mr. Student Council,” she whispered with a playful wink, doing one more small spin before skating away, leaving him stunned by the lockers.
She knew she had left a faint lipstick mark on his face, and from the corner of her eyes she noticed that he could not bring himself to wipe it off before finally heading inside.
Must not be a dress code violation, she thought to herself. Good to know.
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strwyofthesun · 11 months
forgive me, goodbye [pt. 2]
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pairing: re2r!leon kennedy x intern!reader
synopsis: after settling into the uk, you learn of the raccoon city incident and suffer a great loss. after graduating from med school and starting up your internship, you meet someone who you thought you've left in the past.
word count: 3.7k
cont: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, mentions of death, mentions of blood, hurt/comfort, there's so much stuff goin on idk anymore
a/n: i did not expect to write a part 2 of this but my best friend bitched about not liking the ending so i did this out of spite <3 also! this takes place after the re2 events and before operation javier. i did alot of research on the re timeline and other medical related things mentioned T_T last, leon looks so cute in the pic i choose that bc his outfit there is similar to his operation javier fit
part one here !
A week has gone by since you’ve moved in the UK and you had been feeling homesick. Even though you had settled into your dorm, made new friends, and gotten acquainted, nothing beats the company of family. Not only have you been missing family, but also Leon. Feeling distressed, you decided to call your family to see how they’re doing.
You go through your contacts and scroll down to find your Mom’s contact. You spotted her name and pressed dial. The phone lets out a ring that lasted for only a couple seconds as your mom had picked up the call.
“Hey mom… Is dad with you?”
“Hey honey! Yes, he’s over here!” Your mom called for your dad and you hear his voice in the background shouting back to wait for him. You let out a laugh hearing your parents shuffle around. “What’s up hun? How’s everything going there?” Your dad asked.
“Everything’s fine dad, I’m just a little homesick…”
“Aww, hun… We miss you dearly too… You’ve grown up into such a fine, successful, smart, and independent young lady. We couldn’t be any more proud of you. Call us anytime, we promise we’ll always answer the call at the first ring.” Your mom said.
“Hey mom…?”
You gulped down the lump you felt in your throat, “How’s Leon doing?”
“Oh… I heard he’s out of town.”
“…Is that so?”
“You know who I miss?” Your dad suddenly chimed in.
“Who dad?” You asked curiously while smiling.
“You and Leon. You remind me of you and your mom back in the day.” Your smile dropped hearing those words from your dad. It made you miss him even more and your parents could tell by the silence on your end of the line.
Your mom nudged your dad and scolded him, “Hun! Come on! She’s trying to move on, don’t make it any harder for our baby.”
“I’m fine mom, really. I just wanted to know…”
“Well, alright… If you say so.”
“I’ll be going now, I have a class in a bit.”
“Okay, call us if you need anything!” Your dad reminded again.
“I will, I will. Love you guys…”
“We love you too hun.” They said in union and dropped the call. It was nice hearing their voices again. You opened a box filled with pictures, looking for ones of you guys together when you were suddenly greeted with tons of pictures of you and Leon together on top of the pile. A certain picture caught your eye and you grabbed it to take a closer look. It was a picture of the night you, Leon, and your parents celebrated your graduation from pre-med. Tears fill your eyes and drops of it landed on the picture, slightly damaging the ink. You try desperately to remove your tears stains from the picture but ended up smudging the photo and getting the ink over your parents’ faces. You threw the picture back in the box and curled up at the foot of your bed and sobbed silently.
You didn’t regret your choice of pursuing your dream of becoming a virologist but God, did you really have to go through this just to reach it? You tried controlling your heaving and sniffled as an attempt to quit crying because you had a class in a few minutes. You stood up and walked yourself to the bathroom to wash yourself up. Looking into the mirror, you realized that you’re already here and it’s too late to quit now. You’ve sacrificed so much of your time, effort, and relations for this. Quitting isn’t an option.
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Days passed by and you drowned yourself in your studies. You were currently one of the best in your class and according to your professors, you had the most promising potential. Meanwhile, Leon was out of town just as your mom said and was wasting away in God knows where. All he wanted to do was get away from that town and escape the memories it held. He drank his sorrows away but no bottle of alcohol could ever fill the void in his heart. It’s as if you took a piece of his heart and left with it and there was no chance of ever getting it back.
During one late night, he received a call from his co- officer telling him not to go back to Raccoon City even though there was a current crisis, but Leon didn’t listen. He sobered up and immediately headed back to Raccoon City. The following events that unfolded are to be summed up and named “Raccoon City Destruction Incident” from then on.
While studying in a café with your earphones on, you realized that it’s been awhile since you’ve called your parents. You ring them up but they don't picked up.
“Weird, they usually answer at the first ring…” You mumbled to yourself. You try again and to no avail. “Again.” you said but call after call they didn’t pick up. Now you were really worried. Out of frustration, you take your earphones off and take a sip of your coffee when you start picking up on the sounds of the café. But what caught your attention made you drop the coffee cup in your hands.
“The US government declared Raccoon City 'beyond saving' from its residents that have turned aggressive and zombie-like. They ordered a missile strike to wipe out the city and later at dawn, it is reported that two non-nuclear missiles hit the city, clearing all of its 100,000 citizens, and completely wiping it off the map.“
Ringing filled your ears and your hands trembled at the news you had just heard. “This can’t be happening…” you thought. A waiter walked up to you demanding you pay for the broken coffee cup but you couldn’t hear him well. His words sounded like it was being drowned out by water. Your body went on auto-pilot and you grab whatever amount of money you had on you and shoved it into the chest of the waiter. You grabbed your stuff and exit the café while calling for a taxi cab.
You rushed back to your dorm and packed your stuff immediately. Things weren’t properly processed in your mind and before you knew it you were on a flight back to the US. You took a cab to the outskirts of what’s left of Raccoon City before you were blocked by multiple hazard signs, barricades, and police tape. You tried to get passed it but police stopped you before you could even step past the barricade. You stare at the massive crater left by the missiles and what remained of your old home. Streams of tears run down your face and you couldn’t stop it. The police tried calming you down but it was useless. They couldn’t do anything except escort you back to the hotel you checked in.
Once you were at your hotel room, you drop to your knees and wailed. You couldn't fathom the intensity of all the feelings that you were experiencing all at once. Everyone you knew and loved were turned into those… monsters you saw on the news. They were killed, wiped out, with no trace left. Your friends, family, mom, dad, and Leon, all gone. You cried even harder now that things have finally started sinking in. You recall your last call with your parents, them saying how proud they were, and them saying they love you, it was agonizing. And Leon... Oh Leon… you left him alone and heartbroken in Raccoon City. You blamed yourself for their deaths. You imagined your parents worried sick for you because you haven’t called them in awhile as well as Leon who was probably grieving still over the breakup. The image of them worried and scared for their life, was all you could think about. Tears didn’t stop flowing and you’ve lost your voice from screaming. You asked yourself, was this punishment for leaving? Did you deserve to suffer this much?
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It's 2002 and four years have passed since. Not a single day went by where you didn’t think of your parents and Leon. You’ve let yourself grieve, gotten therapy, and took a break from med school for awhile. But in the end, you pushed through with it because you knew they would’ve wanted you to push through. You were a step closer to becoming a virologist and its something you’ve worked extra hard on this time. You promised yourself that once you finished everything, you’d dedicate the rest of your life studying the viruses that caused the Raccoon City Destruction Incident and find a vaccine for any virus that could turn people to what the Raccoon citizens became. But for now, you are currently taking up your one year internship.
It was a regular day at the hospital, nothing out of the ordinary. You examined patients, spent your time in the laboratories, and conduct medical procedures along with other doctors. Soon, the mundane day of yours came to an end, or so you thought. As you were about to clock out, a fellow intern called for you.
“Hey [Y/N]! Wait up!” They said as they grabbed onto your shoulder, puffing out heavy breaths.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” You asked in concern seeing that it was most probably urgent based on the face your colleague made.
“There’s someone out there asking for a CBC.”
“Okay and? You do it. Can’t you see I’m about to leave? I’m about to be overtime.” You replied feeling annoyed from being interrupted as you were about to leave.
“C’mon, do me a favour will ya? I’ll do your stool examinations for a week. Pleaseeeee…” your colleague said while giving you puppy eyes. You cringed at the sight of them and finally gave in to their request.
You rolled your eyes and gave an empty threat. “Fine, I’ll do it. You better stick to your word or else.”
They nodded their head ecstatically and hugged you before they left. “Ugh…” you thought to yourself. If you had just declined, you would’ve been home by now doing anything as long as you weren’t here in the hospital. You grabbed a folder and headed to the counter whilst keeping your head down.
“Hello, good evening, I heard you came in for a CBC?” You greeted.
“Yes, how long do I have to wait for you [Y/N]?” A familiar voice asked. You stopped fiddling with the folder and furrowed your brows. Where have you heard this voice before? Then, it clicked. It couldn’t be…
You looked up at the person opposite to you and met a pair of piercing blue eyes you know you’ve seen before. The tall frame, muscular build, dirty blonde hair. You couldn’t believe it. It was like staring at a ghost. The blood drained from your face as you step back in horror, refusing to believe that the Leon Scott Kennedy was standing right infront of you, alive.
“Woah, hey, are you okay?” Leon asked as he held his hands out.
“Am I okay…? Okay?! I thought you died?!” You screamed which caught the attention of other hospital staff and patients. You look around and apologized and looked back at Leon. “Look, I’ll do your CBC. But you have explaining to do.”
“I know I do, I’m sorry [Y/N]…” Leon apologized and looked down, feeling ashamed from being away from you all these years and suddenly popping out of nowhere.
You scoff and led Leon to a room to extract a sample of his blood. He took off his jacket revealing his more muscular figure. He looked different now. His eyes were as captivating as ever, but it lost its shine. You didn’t want to pry now, but if he escaped the incident back at Raccoon City, he must’ve seen some fucked up shit. You grab the tourniquet and start to tie it around his arm.
“Tell me if it feels too tight.” You instructed Leon and he nodded in response. “Is this alright?” you ask to which he nodded again in response. You start feeling around his arm trying to locate a vein. Your touch sent shivers down Leon’s spine, painting him a shade of pink. You'd almost miss it if his long hair blocked his face. You chuckled at the sight of Leon, “I’m barely doing anything. Did you miss me that much?” you teased.
“You have no idea.” He replied smiling.
Once you’ve located the vein, you did the standard procedure and in a blink of an eye you had a sample of his blood. You took of the tourniquet off his arm and patched him up. He stood up from the seat and put his jacket back on. The silence was deafening, as an attempt to break the ice, you asked, “So… Why do you need the CBC?”
“Just an excuse to see you to be honest.”
You quickly turned to face him, “Are you crazy?” you spat.
“Borderline. It’d be nice to know if I’m healthy or not though.”
“You wasted my time and equipment Leon.” You said while crossing your arms.
“Okay, okay, I’m kidding. I need it to update my health information for the government.”
“Hmm, okay. Do you want the results now or tomorrow?”
“It can wait. Come on, let’s head out now. My treat.”
“Don’t rush me!”
You finish up whatever’s left to do and finally clock out. You and Leon left the hospital and walked up to the parking lot.
“Here, put this on.” He tossed you a helmet and wore his as he started his motorbike. You put on the helmet and sat behind him.
“Hold on tight ‘kay?” You barely held onto Leon, still feeling off. He sped up on the road which made you nervous. Leon felt that you weren’t holding on properly and suddenly stopped, making you jerk forward and wrap your arms around his torso. “I told you to hold on tight didn’t I?” He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes at him. “Won’t say I told you so.” He said his final warning and revved the bike.
The streets were almost empty which gave Leon the opportunity to drive faster. This made you hold onto him tighter and Leon smiled at this under his helmet. “Not a fan of thrill rides huh?” You could barely hear Leon over the sound of the wind going past you. “I swear to God Leon, if you speed u—“ Before you could even finish, he drove even faster. You had a strong grip on Leon at this point and you could hear his muffled laughing.
Sooner or later, you arrived at a hotel where Leon was staying for the meantime. He parked his motorbike and the two of you got off. You punched Leon hard on the arm you took the blood sample from.
“Ow! What the fuck?” he said laughing.
“I hate you.” You said to him with a straight face.
“Aw, cute. You know you could never hate me. Even from the grave.”
“Haha, very funny Leon.” You said sarcastically.
The both of you walked into the hotel and entered the restaurant inside it. You both sat down and ordered food. And while waiting, Leon finally tells you about what happened four years ago.
“I want the truth Leon.” You demanded.
“Okay, please, keep an open mind alright?” You nodded in response and Leon recounts the events of the Raccoon City incident. You listened to him intently. It was hard to imagine him go through all of that. You were feeling thankful though that he is still safe and sound now.
“My parents, Leon? Do you know what happened to them?” you asked desperately wanting an answer. He shook his head and said “I’m sorry, but I don’t know. I really am sorry I didn’t save them…” You muttered a small “Oh…” and reassured Leon that it was okay. “I just wish I called them a bit more often… I think they were worried about me even up until their death…” You say quietly.
“[Y/N]… You are their only daughter, of course they cared. I’m sure they’re glad to know that your strong, healthy, and most importantly, you're safe now.” Leon said while holding your hand. You felt a tear run down your face and Leon used his other hand to wipe it off. He kept his hand on your cheek and gently caressed it. “I’m so sorry for the way things ended Leon… I didn’t want to… But—“ you were cut off by Leon.
“It’s okay… I forgive you [Y/N].”
“But I don’t forgive myself! There wasn’t a single day where I didn’t long for your presence by my side. I wanted you near me again.”
“I felt the same way too....”
No other words were said. You looked into each other’s eyes and reignited a spark that you thought died a long time ago. The moment was short but it felt longer than that. Too bad it was actually cut short by the waiter that brought you your food. You grinned from ear to ear and Leon let out a laugh. The both of you enjoyed the fine dining and soon you escorted him to his room.
“I’ll… be off now…” you said awkwardly to Leon while he stood leaning on the door frame.
“Do you really have to leave? It’s late at night. Stay with me for the night. It’s not safe out there.”
“For old times sake…” Leon pleaded. He moved closer to you, grabbing your waist and leaning into your ear. “…Please?” he whispered.
You look at Leon, heat running through your body. He was a burning candle, and you were a moth that just couldn’t resist. Your lips crashed onto his and he slammed the door shut behind you. The both of you make it to the bed and swiftly take off each other clothes and threw it to the bedroom floor. Leon sat upright, back on the bedframe, while you were on top of him. You grinded on him slowly making him groan.
“Fuck, you don’t know how much I’ve missed this.” Leon breathed.
“Tell me Leon… How much did you miss me?” You said as you run your hands through his hair, tugging at it. You teased him, running your wet cunt along his hard dick. Leon breathed even heavier, you could feel his dick twitch as it longed to be in you.
"I'd think of you, when I touch myself... I missed you touching me, making you screaming my name, being inside you. I missed it all. Please, let me fuck you..." Leon begged. You held yourself up and positioned his dick under you.
You and Leon both moaned when he entered you. It took some time for you to adjust to Leon again. "So tight... You haven't been fucking anyone else have you?" He asked. You shook your head and he started thrusting into you, catching you off guard. You moaned and whimpered from Leon suddenly fucking you.
"Come on baby, use your words." he demanded.
You tried to speak but your words were slurred. "O-only... you... Leon. I've only f-fucked you..."
"Mhm, that's right. You're mine, got that? And I'll make sure people know that." Leon sucked onto your neck leaving hickeys on it, marking what's his.
He quickened his pace leaving you a moaning mess. Sounds of skin slapping against each other echoing in the room. You moaned his name over and over again like a prayer. As you feel your climax coming, your walls tightening around Leon's dick. He moaned your name into your ear. "You feel so fucking good baby."
"Leon, I'm close..." You managed to get the words out of your mouth. "Cum for me baby." Leon said as his thrusts get sloppier and rougher. A scream escaped your lips as you came. Leon finished inside you making sure every bit of cum filled you to the brim.
Leon looked at you and cupped your cheek. "Why don't we make up for lost time?"
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The sunlight peaked through the gaps of the curtains and you find yourself in bed beside Leon as he sleeps peacefully. You admire Leon's beauty for a little while and brushed his hair to the side. His eyes flutter open and he greeted you in a raspy voice.
"Good morning love, did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby." You replied.
"Mhm, that's good. Come closer."
You move closer to Leon and lay on his chest. "There's something I didn't tell you last night." he said and you could hear his heart beat faster.
"Tell me..."
"I was recruited by the USSTRATCOM shortly after the incident at Raccoon City, and I'm a government agent now. These past 4 years, I've been training intensely. And in a few days, I'll be leaving for North America to my next mission."
You lay in silence, taking in the words Leon had just said.
"Say something please, [Y/N]..." Leon pleaded.
"Do you... want us to get back together, Leon? I want you to be realistic. If you're an agent, who goes on missions that you could possibly never return from, would you really want to be tied down to me?" You asked.
"I do want us back. God knows how much I want us back together. And I don't care about all that mission shit. I will return from every mission just for you."
"Are you sure Leon? Because this time, I'm willing to stay. I've lost you once, and I'm not making the same mistake again."
"I'm always sure when it comes to you. We'll make it work this time, I promise. I love you [Y/N]..."
"I love you too Leon." Those words coming out your mouth after years of longing for him gave you a feeling of euphoria and nostalgia all at once. Who knew that this time around, we'd fall right back into each other's arms.
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possibilistfanfiction · 4 months
What are your domestic headcanons for Bea and Ava in your surgeons AU? And how did Ava realise that they are not cis? And how/when did Beatrice realise she wanted top surgery?
these are great questions i will now come up with answers to bc they're mostly vague in my mind before the actual timeline starts! lmfao
a domestic thing -- ava is obviously, like, incredibly gifted at charming people anywhere, at any time, doing anything. i think bea is a little terrified at first when she starts bringing ava to stuff — trivia night, the climbing gym, even just over to mary + shannon's for dinner — that everyone will immediately love ava way more. or, even worse, that bea will suddenly be expected to be the same kind of charming, to love attention in the same way, to laugh as quickly. but it's not like that at all, obviously: everyone is Delighted by ava & also delighted by bea — quietly, in a way that's still comfortable & happy for her. at the climbing gym ava tried adaptive climbing, like, one time & was like 'no ty lol', but he still loves to come & watch. bea is... quite serious, but ava isn't, so in like ten minutes ava's made friends w all of the people bea enjoys climbing with. the next time bea comes to climb, no one expects anything differently from her, but they ask after ava, a few of the boys tease her for having such a cool, hot partner (fondly, & she loves it), they invite ava out with them for beers saturday. i think they open up each other's worlds in different ways but the crux of it is the same. love them! as @princington said 'they're so tangible' & like they rly are
another domestic thing -- bea can't cook. she's abysmal at it, even after cooking classes. she tries to cook for ava One Time & it truly is so inedible ava just kisses her & orders pizza. she can make eggs, barely, & that's about it. ava tells her they're the best eggs, though
last domestic thing -- they're a big slipper household. at first ava thought it was kinda cute that bea was partial to a nice pair of teva slippers (also, of course, had to tease her) but the second ava tries them he's like oh fuck yah, i get it. needless to say, as he justifies bc of his difficult circulation system but rly just for fun, he gets... a Lot of slippers lol. also bea steals all of ava’s beanies. it’s only fair
in the context of this au, i don't think ava's ever rly been sold on being cis lol. even as a little kid before the accident, ava was happy to just play & imagine & sing & dance. their mom never forced them to Be A Girl, & ava didn't mind, really, when they were in the orphanage, but it never felt like it truly fit. not in a dysphoric way, but just that it was limiting. ava's body was confusing, was hard to come to terms with in that it wasn't the same anymore, they couldn't feel all the things they used to love. so when they finally had the opportunity to like go Be Queer, be in community, her world Opened Up in the most beautiful way. ava LOVES the playfulness & expansion of gender & the body, the control she has over not having to fit in a box. the world is so, so big & so, so lovely, & u know ava also HATES colonized ideas of anything lol, so it just makes sense. in undergrad they had some good trans buddies but also like... drag? LOVE. so it's rly fun for ava, especially with good people
hmm i think bea probably wanted top surgery from day 1 of puberty on but didn't realize until late in college. after a lot of reassurance from her friends that she didn't have to be a Trans Man to want to try a binder, she did, & p much that first night she knew bc she just felt so much better, like her body made sense & she could just relax. idk if bea ever rly feels gender euphoria but she does feel a lot of peace & so that's cool. probably she tells cam first, maybe lilith & cam together, that she wants surgery. by that time they're already in med school & also... they both know lol & so they're rly happy for her & they make her lots of snacks & take care of her afterward. lilith keeps her out of the gym for months even tho bea complains that she's bored & will be so out of shape, cam makes a bunch of food frequently. they're a little family & it's a rly joyful, quiet, happy time; she feels very lucky
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cleostoohot · 2 years
So as y’all know I did the 3 days or less challenge along with my ROE technique. Well the 3 days are over and here are my results <3 (I’m feeling pink today)
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ᥫ᭡ | MY CRUSH TO TALK TO ME MORE (less than 24h)
Little back story: We were always partners in Spanish class because of our seating chart. He was literally the finest boy I seen in a long time whew😮‍💨. Chocolate skin, tall, he wasn’t the best in basketball but his sexc lips made up for that. We had each others number incase we wanted to exchange work but never texted on some friends shit until Friday. He randomly just hmu saying “yo” & tried to act like he didn’t know who number he was hitting but nahhh boy you know what you doing lolllll. We ended up just joking and reminiscing about school moments & I told him I’m taking culinary class again next year and he said he want me to cook for him 🌚 it never gave personal chef but I damn sure said I would lmfao
My main affirmations:
“Regardless of everything SP always finds a way to talk to me”
“Regardless of everything SP is always communicating with me”
“Regardless of everything SP loves talking to me”
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ᥫ᭡ | RESEMBLING MY DESIRED FACE (more everyday)
I’m not going to say who my desired face is since I’m basically gonna end up looking like her completely (but 10x better). But since I wanted to resemble her like 50%, I had an idea of how that was going to look and I look exactly like that now. She has doe eyes and my eyes got rounder, her chin is kinda sorta boxy and mines got more squared, my lips got got bigger and wider and my nose is more pointy. I also love the way her mouth moves when she talks and my mouth has been moving the same. Plus when I talk mostly my bottom teeth would show but now you can see more of my top teeth like hers. I’ve only been around family since school been out and none of them knows who my df is (she’s only has over 100k on TikTok) so I’m guessing that’s why nobody said I look like her but my sister definitely said every morning I look different.
My main affirmations:
“Regardless of everything I be looking like DF”
“Regardless of everything me and DF look alike”
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I’m going to visit New York and New Jersey in 2 weeks and what I look like spending my own money? My mom asked my dad to give me money for clothes, food, and just spending money but for some reason he acted like he didn’t want to. But, he ended up sending my mom 500 DOLLARS for me and said he might give me more when the trip comes closer. As you should mf. The hell.
My main affirmations:
“Regardless of everything my dad always gives me money”
“Regardless of everything I always receive money out of the blue”
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Me and my sister was walking to Starbucks (and btw it was my first time having a drink from there! i got this drink i seen on Pinterest shit was so good i damn near chewed the cup). Anyways, otw there it was literally somebody selling cake pops. He has so many flavors but guess which one in particular he had… red motha fuckin velvet cheesecake!! My sister thought it was sus that some random man was selling cake pops so she wasn’t gonna get it at first but I KNEW it was my manifestation and that it was safe so I insisted. He actually gave us each one free (pretty privilege maybe 😗) but it was 100000/10 so we bought 4 more each lmfaooo.
funny side note: those cake pops been on my mind since i had them so i tried to make my own today and they’re not doing so good lmfao. but hopefully the last step will bring it all together idk🌚
My main affirmations:
“Regardless of everything I always get red velvet cheesecake”
“Regardless of everything I have red velvet cheesecake right now”
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ᥫ᭡ | LOSING 5LBS (3 days)
There’s no story behind this one. I just lost weight lol. I mostly affirmed when I was eating. Before I was 133.?lbs and now I’m 126.2lbs. I didn’t check my weight until the 3rd day so idk which day it manifested exactly but that doesn’t matter fr.
My main affirmations:
“Regardless of everything I always lose weight”
“Regardless of everything I lost 5lbs”
“Regardless of everything food doesn’t make me gain weight”
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unreal-unearthing · 2 months
Hi, I know you like the character of Benson Kwan from Grey's Anatomy, I like him too and I would love for you to tell me your opinion about him and what you understand about him based on what the show has shown us and that clearly adds up to the things you assume and believe about him or any headcanon as well.
And sorry I know it says there ask a question and I didn't really ask anything, but I think it is understood that it is a request and you can refuse it. Also I'm sorry if what I write doesn't make sense or is poorly written, english is not my first language and I do what I can.
Haha, no problem. Thanks for asking, I love talking about grey’s. And I’m really enjoying the new intern class, but I think with blue the show and fandom are doing him pretty dirty.
I’ve posted some thoughts about him before:
I’d add to this that I think eventually the show is going to have to reckon with that contradiction in his character. He can be a bit of a shark (to use the show’s terminology) with the other residents, but is almost always kind and empathetic with the patients and their families. I think he’s going to have to really work thru how much his mom’s death changed him.
Other thoughts I’ve had about him and where I wish they’d take his character:
I think he’s probably a profoundly lonely character. He said it was always just him and his mom, so I don’t think he has any other family after she died.
And in the most recent episode we found out he went to Yale before having to move home (wherever that was?) when his mom’s cancer got bad. And then the only med school he could go to was in the caribbean and then he moved to Seattle for his residency. He’s moved around a lot and seems to keep people at arms length. So I don’t think he has any friends, really? When we wanted to check out a new bar in his neighborhood it seemed like Jules was the only person he could ask, and she said no.
I’d like to see them write him a good non-romantic relationship - either with a mentor or a friend. He needs to have arcs with someone besides Jules (I actually do like their relationship, I’m just tired of it being the only thing he’s got going on.) Him/Schmitt/new peds attending could be an interesting dynamic, now that we know Schmitt wants to do a peds fellowship. I also think him and Simone could be good friends if the show would let them (they have so much in common- they were both highly competitive, top-of-their-game types who had a sudden fall from grace)
(Also, idk if you watch station 19, but they’ve announced that it’s their last season, and I think they’re probably going to find a way to write Ben back into grey’s. I think they might have him come back to finish his residency, and I think they’d be a funny duo (think of how ben was with Edwards, for example)).
Also, I actually can’t remember if they said anything specific about his dad (if he died or left or whatever) just that he was raised by a single mom, so I think that could interesting as well. Like his dad coming in as a patient and him having to confront how angry he is at being left to deal with his moms cancer on his own would be classic grey’s.
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harus-simp · 10 months
Surprise me
-Keita x reader-
Genre: angst (fluff ending),comfort
Warning:lots of cursing, horrible parents (just worry about your grades)
Word count: 1.6 K (aprox)
Requested: hihi! is requests open? 😶‍🌫️ i honestly found your account like only an hour ago and read a few of ur fics and i can sense that you're really good 😭 i really like that wumuti fic where he and the reader got into a argument LMFAOO moving on urm.. if requests are open i'd like to request a keita angsty (?) fic where he and the oc/reader are academic rivals.. let's say the oc/reader is competetive because she is pressured meanwhile keita only wanted to be her rival to get her attention?
prompt > “your last test grade says otherwise.” (HELP ME IDK IF THIS FITS SO PLS EDUCATE ME) (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, thank you so much for requesting this, I had a really good time writing it ngl :D
Also sorry for the long wait, but I was so busy lately:((
I hope it's similar to what you were asking, please enjoy it 😊
You and keita had been rivals for a really long time now, always fighting over who had the highest grade. However, maybe a test was precisely what would bring you both closer.
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The life of a high school student may seem simple too many, you just have to pay attention on class and then nail your tests. However, in your case that's far from the truth, I mean your life wasn't miserable but it sure was hard for you.
Specially when you have someone called Terazono Keita annoying you non-stop and being all competitive without any fucking apparent reason.
You guys had been on the same class throughout all highschool and at first he wasn't that much of a bother, in fact he seemed like a good guy.
But life can be surprising at times, and soon after he became the most irritant person on this fucking world. He didn't pay attention to be on the first place, he just wanted to be better than you.
He scored higher by one point? Boom. The first he did was to make fun of you for it.
It didn't matter how bad he did, but rather how worse YOU did.
"Alright class, you may be dismissed now. Mr/Mrs y/l/n? Could you please stay a little longer?".
Oh great! Just what you needed, your teacher talking with you privately about your grades. How nice was that?
You waited for everyone to leave till you could finally approach her desk.
"Mr/Mrs y/l/n, I am beginning to worry a little about you, your grades on my subject have been dropping recently. Is there something bothering you recently?"she asked
"No, just a rough week. I promise this was a one time thing. I'll do better next time"
"Alright, don't worry darling, just make sure that you don't fall back, you may be dismissed"
You were finally getting out of class and going to take your lunch, until you were stopped by someone's voice.
"You pissed off Mrs Kim or something?"
You rolled your eyes at his comment.
"No keita, I didn't"
Leaning on the wall looking at you with a smirk was keita, his eyes dark and piercing, his hair dark brown looking all soft and his hands holding his backpack over his shoulders.
"Then your grades pissed her off"he said laughing
"My grades are doing just fine for your information asshole"you said annoyed by him leaving him there
"Your last test says otherwise dear"
You suddenly turned around looking at him with despise.
"And how would you possibly know that huh?"you asked sarcastically crossing your arms
"Well, leaving your test on top of your desk and then going to the bathroom isn't so slick babe"
"Mind your own fucking business"
And while you hated how annoying he could get at times you couldn't help the blush that crept onto your ears and cheeks.
Despite all your bickering and your hate relationship with him you wouldn't deny that when he wasn't being a dick to you he was one of the most handsome people in the room.
The confident and charming aura he exuded could be perceived from miles away. His gummy smile could light up any dark room and his cute height always made you melt instantly.
However, you didn't want to admit that out loud and feed his ego much more than you already had.
Coming home was by far the worst part of the day. And you may be wondering why keita isn't. Well that was simple. Because the pressure and rigidity from your parents was what actually made you sick.
They wanted you to excel in everything and not by a little, they wanted you to be practically perfect. Do even if you got an amazing score or even a perfect one,they weren't satisfied. They always wanted more.
And you were getting quite tired of it honestly, you couldn't take it anymore. How were you now supposed to tell your parents that you were starting to fail on a subject? You had already to cope with the daily unsatisfaction from them.
While you were having dinner with your parents you decided to just drop the bomb, what was the worst that could happen?
It actually seem like a lot.
"Um, my grades on Mrs Kim subject have been decreasing a little bit, sorry"
"Sorry you say? They weren't even perfect on the first place, and you call yourself a smart student? I'm really ashamed of you y/n y/l/n"said your father
"Yeah, how are you supposed to finish your studies in this condition, you can't let your guard down on such an easy task"
Now you were starting to get irritated because how could they say those things so easily? But what really made you incredibly furious were the next words.
"I'm embarrassed to call you my daughter"
That was the last straw.You were just gonna let it slide but you wouldn't let your parents talk to you like that.
"Excuse me? Are you being serious right now? You are telling me that I work my ass off and do my best to get good grades and make you proud, but you act like this? I'm the one who should be offended"
"You call that good grades? Those are nothing. And do your best? Please,let's be serious right now you are a complete failure for this family"
"Well then take all your perfect grades and expectations and shove it up your ass"you shouted as you stormed out of your house.
You run and run till you couldn't see practically anything due to the tears that were starting to form in your eyes, so with a blurred vision you decided to stop for a moment and take a break to cool off.
You found yourself on a park that didn't look familiar at all but you decided to seat on a bench and calm yourself a little bit.
It wasn't of any help as all the hurtful words you had just heard were starting to get to you. You swore you were a strong person, however being called a failure and a disappointment to the family wasn't something that could leave your mind quickly.
And your luck seemed to increase each minute more and more.
"Well look who's here, if it's not my dear y/n"
You decided to ignore keita's existence as it wasn't what you needed at the moment but he wouldn't stop.
"Now now, look at me honey, don't try to-"he stopped himself as he saw your puffy eyes and your reddened cheeks from the crying.
But what had actually shocked him was the look in your eyes, hurt. That was a state he had never seen on you.
"Wha- what do you want terazono?"you said as you looked at the floor
"He- hey, are you okay y/n?"he said while crouching down to get on your level and putting a hand on your shoulder for support
"Clear- clearly not"
"Sorry um- you wanna talk about it?"
He sat besides you with his hand still on your shoulder and looking at you with the softest gace you had ever seen him with.
You hated yourself for falling that easily for this different treatment he was giving you but having someone to vent all your emotions on would be a pretty good way to loose a little bit up.
"It's just i- I am tired. Really tired of my parents, they want me to be this perfect like robot that get the highest marks and that doesn't have flaws. But the truth is that I am not perfect, and being called a literal disappointment and embarrassment for them feels like all the effort I've put all these years had leaded me to nothing"
"Wow those are some harsh words, i- I didn't know your parents put so much pressure on you"
"Well now you know I guess"
He looked directly into your eyes and holding your hands in his.
"You kinda made it hard as well keita"
"I know, but i didn't mean to actually, i- i just wanted to get your attention"he said as his voice slowly became a whisper.
"My attention?"you asked curiously and slightly embarrassed
"I didn't know how else to talk to you, you seemed quite unapproachable and you didn't even spare me a glance so I figured out that picking on you would get it somehow"
"You are a complete idiot! Of course I looked at you, but not when you were looking dumbass. Wouldn't want to make a fool of myself!"
"Oh, um- wow. I- I don't know what to say now"
All the confidence he exuded was nowhere to be seen right there, he looked like a complete different person, but you found it cute.
"Well you could start off by asking me out, but at the moment I really need a hug because I still feel like shit"
And there was that smile that you so loved to admire from afar and those welcoming arms that engulfed you in a comforting hug.
"I'll definitely consider your first option when you are feeling better,babe"
"You aren't letting that go are ya?"
"Wouldn't even dream of it"
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Taglist: @terazono-keita
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seidenbros · 2 years
hi, how are You? I really like your writting, i'm new here and this is My first request ever and i think you're the right person to ask this to lol. I can't stop thinking about cheeky Eddie Munson having a crush on his substitute teacher who graduated back in 84' (i think he was supossed to graduate that year too) and listening to Van Halen's "hot for teacher" and thinking about her or he sings it to her in front of everyone when she goes to the hideout idk have fun with i trust You. Thanks<3
Hello my love 💚 I feel flatteres that you're sending me your first request, that's also why I wrote it today to not let you wait any longer (I'm slower with requests at the moment due to a new job and now being sick). I loved this the moment I read it, and this has so much potential! For more parts, but I tried to put as much in this as I could for now. I really hope you like it and thanks for trusting me with this 💚
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader (Substitute Teacher) Word count: 5278 Warning/Tags: mutual pining, fluff, maybe a little angst, teacher-student-realtionship (not completely), first kiss, Jane Austen and The Hobbit references (let me know if I missed anything)
Read on AO3
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Hot for Teacher
Coming back to Hawkins High was strange. Strange in a good way, because you weren’t back here because of something you’d done or because you had to go back to school. No, you were here because you were going to work here as a substitute teacher. You’d finished your courses for the semester, had handed your essays in, and had gone home for Christmas - and now you were staying for the rest of the school year. Your work at school counted for that semester, because you needed to get some experience actually working as a teacher. That meant that you’d be working alongside some of your old teachers, but you’d also chip in in case someone got sick - and you were watching over the students in detention.
Setting foot back into your old school after one and a half years was exhilarating. You knew most of the teachers, and some of the students as well, since you’d tutored them, so you were excited to see them, see how they were doing. What you didn’t expect to see, though, was a familiar face that had sat next to you in English, one of the courses he actually had attended, because books were something Eddie Munson loved. Maybe not exactly the ones you’d had to read in school, but some of them at least, and you distinctly remembered him reciting something from Hamlet standing on top of the table in the cafeteria.God, you’d had the biggest crush on him, but had never said a word to anyone. Because as much as he was a sweetheart towards you, always greeting you with a smile, he was also intimidating in a way you couldn’t describe. Not scary or anything, just… a little unapproachable. You’d talked about stuff during class, had shared some book recommendations, but he’d still always seemed so in his own world, that you hadn’t thought you’d fit into this world. You’d taken what you’d been able to get, the casual conversations, the books you’d swapped before the last summer you’d spent at home. You still had that book, had kept it as a memory and also as a lucky charm. It was an edition of Tolkien’s The Hobbit with notes and thoughts Eddie had written on the pages. He’d gotten your copy of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice with notes as well, because he hadn’t wanted to read it at first. But you’d made a deal, that you’d read The Hobbit if he gave Austen a chance. It had just been a funny little deal you’d made, but it still made you smile. Before the summer was over, you’d met again for a brief moment, and when you’d wanted to give the book back to him, he’d told you to keep it. Something to remember him by.
You could still feel the butterflies when you remembered the look on his face. That had been that moment, the time when you could have been able to tell him just how you’d felt about him, but to what avail? You were just leaving for university and he was still staying in Hawkins, because he had to repeat the year. You’d always thought that it must have been for the best, but you’d never forgotten about him.
And now, he sat in your English class at the back of the room, scribbling something down, and all the butterflies you’d thought had vanished in that time, were back suddenly, making your head spin. Having him around would make working here a lot more difficult.
School had just started again after Christmas break, so Eddie thought that he could at least try to attend every class. After all, he wanted to finally graduate this year, and even though he’d been through the courses twice, there were still some alterations here and there, especially when it came to English. Last year, they’d read pretty much the same books as the year before, just one had been different, but this year, it had already started out differently, and it was intriguing for Eddie. That’s why he was here, because he wanted to know what they would continue with.
“Alright, some of you might remember her, because she was a student here up until two years ago when she graduated. She’s gonna work with me a little bit, and she’ll work here as a substitute teacher. Please welcome Miss Y/L/N.”
“Hi! It’s nice to be back, and I do remember some faces!”
When Eddie heard your voice, he immediately looked up, because he knew that voice, remembered it, because it had appeared in his dreams more often than he’d like to admit. And there you were, all smiles just like he remembered you. Your hair looked different, but apart from that, you were still the same beautiful girl he remembered - or should he say woman?
God, he’d had the biggest crush on you, but had never really said anything, because he’d been too shy. Sure, he’d talked to you, and he’d probably had the opportunity when you’d talked about your favourite books, but he hadn’t gotten the words out. By now, he was a bit more confident than he’d been two years ago. But he still remembered everything - and he still kept your book on his nightstand to read a few pages now and then. And while he wondered, if you still had his book, you held exactly that one up to the class. His mind was reeling. This almost felt like a dream, but he was pretty sure that he’d gotten out of bed this morning. He pinched his own thigh beneath the table, the slight pain all too real, so he knew that he hadn’t conjured you up in his dreams once again.
“I know what you’re thinking… The Hobbit is a children’s book and it is. At least, it was written for children, and you can see that very clearly in the onomatopoeia Tolkien uses.” Confused noises were heard through the room, but Eddie just had to smirk. You’d really chosen the book he’d given you as the one to work on with the class, and you’d clearly gotten to the bottom of said book, otherwise you wouldn’t have said what you’d just said.
“What’s that mean?” One of the other students asked.
“It means that he describes sounds, so instead of writing that the doorbell rang or something, he writes that it made dingdongelingdang.” Eddie was surprised with himself that he’d spoken up, when he usually tried to lay low and just make it through the day. The others seemed surprised as well, but you smiled. Because you knew that he’d get what you were talking about.
“Mr Munson is right.” Eddie cringed a little, you calling him that so foreign to his ears that it sounded rather strange, but he’d probably have to get used to that. “That’s what we’ll be looking at. Recurring themes as well as the quest plot. I won’t say anything more about this, maybe you can find out what I mean until next time.”
Oh, Eddie already knew what you were talking about, but then again, he was more than familiar with the book. But he was pretty certain that he’d have a hard time concentrating with you in the room, because he already felt the longing he’d pushed down years ago return.
When the lesson was over and everyone filed out of the room, Eddie stayed back. You saw him out of the corner of your eyes, had to bite your lip when he approached the teacher’s desk, your supervisor already gone, so you two were alone.
“So… you’re back at Hawkins High,” Eddie said, pushing his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. He looked so much like a little school boy when he stood like that, that it was almost comical.
“Yeah, and you’re still here.” There was no accusation in your words, just curiosity. You knew how clever he was, he just lost focus sometimes way too quickly. It had been like that two years ago, and was probably the same now.
“Yeah…” Eddie didn’t really want to talk about it, because there was not a lot to say. “I see you kept the book.” That was a much safer topic for him, for both of you.
“Of course I did!” Had he really thought that you’d get rid of it? Maybe even throw it away? You couldn’t tell him how much that book meant to you, especially not considering that you were his teacher now. “It’s inspired me a lot, otherwise I wouldn’t have chosen it for the class.”
“I’ve still got yours as well.”
“You did?” You hated the way your heart picked up its pace at his words, because a tiny part of you believed that he’d kept it to remember you by, just like you’d done with his book.
“Sure did. Still read it every now and then. I never told you, but I actually really enjoyed it, and all your little notes.”
“Miss Y/L/N?”
Glad for the interruption because it kept you from giggling like a teenager, you looked up at your supervisor and nodded. They were waiting for you, you knew that, but… with Eddie around, you kind of forgot about that.
“I’ll be right there.”
He nodded and turned back around to leave. Your eyes landed on Eddie again, on the smile on his lips, on the curls that framed his face perfectly, but you made the mistake of looking into his deep brown eyes that you could get lost in. Quickly, you shook your head.
“I hope I’ll see you around in my class then,” you said with a smile as you took your bag and headed for the door.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Eddie called after you, his words turning that smile into a big grin.
“Have you seen the new substitute teacher?” Gareth asked once they were sitting at their table in the cafeteria. Of course that had to be the topic. They’d already talked about how their holidays had been, but your arrival at the school was their topic number one.
“Yeah, she used to be my tutor.” Jeff took a bite from his sandwich as he leaned back.
“Heard she’s talking about the Hobbit in your class?” Dustin asked, his eyes set on Eddie, because that was a topic they both obsessed over. Lord of the Rings even more, but The Hobbit was always worth talking about as well.
“Yeah…” Eddie leaned back, grabbing a handful of pretzels to shove them in his mouth. “Guess who gave her that book.”
“No way!” Dustin’s eyes widened, curiosity shining in them. “Were you two…” He made a gesture with his hands that made the others chuckle.
“No!” The finality in his words made their chuckles die down, but Eddie sighed. “Well… I’d say we bonded over books but nothing ever happened. Once I’d nearly worked up the courage… she was gone. Or as good as gone. Whatever.” He sighed once more, because he still wondered what could have happened if he’d only had the courage to ask you out, even before you’d graduated. But it didn’t change anything, did it? In the end, he wouldn’t have wanted to hold you back anyway.
“But you did like her…?” Gareth inquired, because now, he was curious.
“I guess.” It wasn’t exactly something Eddie wanted to talk about. He’d already said enough, and he knew that some of the guys would probably tease him about it, so it was better to not get into more detail. He diverted the topic to the next Dungeons and Dragons campaign, because he knew that they would all get excited about this and probably forget all about you in the meantime.
All of them did, except for Dustin, who stayed back for a moment when everyone else left for class.
“Just so you know… Miss Y/L/N ist also watching over detention.” The grin on Dustin’s lips told its own story, and Eddie couldn’t deny that his words made him get a couple of ideas. Not that he wanted to get stuck in detention, but with you there… it was probably worth it.
Your first days passed by rather pleasantly, and you were enjoying yourself. Most of the students were eager to learn, were participating in your classes, or they at least had the decency to not disturb you. Maybe, because you’d been one of them not long ago. It didn’t matter in the end because you were just glad that it was like this. And so far, you hadn’t had to watch over detention. Today was the first day, but you could use that time to get some reading of your own done, or look through the tests you’d been given.
What you didn’t expect, was one Eddie Munson sitting on top of the table when you entered the classroom. Your steps faltered, but you caught yourself again. It was one thing to see him in class with other people around, but a different one when you were here alone for a whole hour. Because you knew that it was just one student. Eddie Munson. Next time, you should make them give you a list so that you were prepared for what was to come.
“Mr Munson! What brings you here?” You put down your bag on the desk, busying yourself with a bunch of papers.
“I’ll never get used to you calling me that,” Eddie said with a chuckle before he leaned against the desk. “Do you really wanna know?”
“Probably not.” You couldn’t help but laugh. There were a couple of reasons you could think of, but in the end, it didn’t really matter.
“Anything I can help you with?” He leaned over the desk to get a glimpse at what you were getting out of your bag. When you looked up, your faces were so close that you could feel his breath tickle your cheek, and you suddenly straightened up.
“No, I… I think I’ll just do all that later and read a little bit. Do you have any homework you need to get done? Could use the time right now.” You took a step back from the desk, smoothed your plaid skirt down and quickly took the book out of your bag.
“Nope. No homework. Maybe you could read to me?” Eddie kept his eyes on you but walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. He enjoyed seeing you get so flustered, because it meant that he definitely had some kind of effect on you. He was a little bolder now than he’d been back then, but he needed to find out what you thought, how you felt, before he came right out and told you what he was thinking about, how he’d been feeling for you, because these feelings had come back with a bang.
“You want me to read Persuasion to you?” A look of surprise crossed your face as you turned the book over to show it to him. Another Austen book, you’d read it a couple of times before, but you wanted to start your year with a re-read of her books
“You know, I’m normally the storyteller, so it’s nice for a change. Totally fine if you don’t want to.” Eddie leaned back, his eyes still fixed on you. You remembered that he played D&D, that he was the Dungeon Master and came up with the campaigns, and while you weren’t into that game yourself, you certainly knew what it was about.
“No, it’s alright. I just haven’t read out loud in a while.” And it made you nervous to read to him. The whole class? No problem. But just to Eddie? That was different, even though you didn’t like to admit it to yourself. But he still had the same effect on you that he’d had back then, could still make you nervous when he winked at you or even just looked at you a moment too long. But you were his teacher now, so that was a completely different situation.
You sat down in your chair and opened the book. Another look at Eddie before you started reading it out loud. Your heartbeat slowed down the longer you read, and you began to enjoy yourself. Eddie just sat there, watching you, listening to you. It was the best thing he’d experienced this week. Sure, Wayne had read to him a couple of times when he’d been younger, but nobody did that anymore when you were an adult. So it was extremely soothing for him to listen to you.
“A man does not recover-” you started only to be interrupted by Eddie.
“- From such devotion of the heart to such a woman! He ought not; he does not.” Eddie sighed as he got up from his chair and walked over to you again.
“You… You’ve read Persuasion?” Genuinely surprised, you got up from your chair as well and put the book down.
“Not only Persuasion. After I was finished with Pride and Prejudice, you had me intrigued, so I read Austen’s other books as well. Find out what makes you tick, because I always saw you with an Austen book around.” Eddie stopped right in front of you.
“You did?” You hated how high pitched your voice sounded, but you couldn’t deny the way he made your heart race, his mere presence made your skin tingle. You knew that you should step back, but you were frozen in place.
“Mhm… Always wanted to ask you out, but I was always too nervous. Too shy.”
“You? Shy?”
His fingertips danced across your cheek, your eyes fluttered shut, and you leaned into that touch.
“Worked past that as it seems.” Eddie’s chuckle made you open your eyes again, and when you saw him leaning in, you finally snapped back. Taking a step back, you ran both of your hands over your face and through your hair.
“This is not a good idea,” you said weakly, reaching for the book to put it back in your bag. You had to get away from here, away from him. Technically, you were the same age, but you were still in a position of power as his teacher - even if you weren’t a real teacher yet, you were still the one teaching him.
“Why not? I mean… nobody had to know about this. It’s not like we could have had something before you started here as a teacher.” He was right, yes, but you didn’t want to get anyone in trouble. Eddie wanted to graduate this year, and you were not going to fuck this up for him.
“Eddie, this could get you expelled and I could lose this job.”
“Then tell me that you don’t feel the same way I do, and I’ll leave you alone.” His words were soft, his hand reaching out for yours. He was asking the impossible from you, because you couldn’t lie to him.
“Go home Eddie. Detention is over.” You pulled your hand free from his, took your bag, and practically ran out of the room and out of the building, finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden. You should have lied to him, should have told him that you didn’t have any feelings for him, but one look in his honest eyes and you hadn’t been able to tell a lie.
The next few days were rather uneventful, but you couldn’t help looking at Eddie - and found him staring back most of the time. You exchanged looks all of the time, but he didn’t show up in detention anymore, so that was good for you. With someone else around, it was always alright, you just couldn’t be trusted when you were around him alone.
Tonight, you wanted a little relief, so you went to the Hideout with one of your old friends. Sandy was still living in Hawkins, and you’d met up during the holidays, and even now, you were spending your time together. You’d told her about what had happened - or nearly happened -  with Eddie. She’d known about your crush even back when you’d still been in school, so that story had gotten her all giddy. She’d told you back then to tell him, to go out with him, do something at least, but even her words hadn’t changed anything in your behaviour. Known now that Eddie had the hots for you made her want to lock you two up in a room together.
“Sandy, we can’t do anything about this!” you said to her once again while getting ready to go out.
“I know, I know, it’s inappropriate, but you’re not even a real teacher!”
“Thank you…” You rolled your eyes before you applied some lipstick and fluffed up your hair a bit more.
“You know what I mean. And Eddie is technically not a student anymore. Only on paper.”
“Yeah, and that’s the problem!” You squeezed your eyes shut, taking a deep breath. You had no idea how you were supposed to get through the rest of the year with him constantly there - because unlike two years ago, it almost seemed like he went to every class now.
“You could keep it a secret!”
“Yeah, but then you know, the Hellfire Boys will know as well, and only one has to spill the beans and everything’s screwed. Who will trust me with their children when they know that I had something going on with a student?” A question you didn’t need an answer for, so you kept on talking. “Let’s just… forget about it for tonight, okay? I just want to have a drink, enjoy some music, and then get some well deserved sleep.”
“Alright.” Sandy squeezed your shoulder. She never meant any harm, only wanted what was best for you, but sometimes that wasn’t exactly the very best thing.
The Hideout wasn’t exactly packed, but there were still enough people, so that it took some time for you to get your drinks, but once you had them, you could find a spot from where you could see the stage. When you saw the band’s banner on stage, though, you nearly choked on your drink.
“Are you kidding me?” You turned to Sandy, a look of bewilderment on your face.
“What? What’s the matter?”
“Corroded Coffin are playing tonight! You could have told me that!”
“So?” She looked at you until something in her brain clicked. “Oh fuck! Y/N, I really didn’t think about that! Shit!”
“Fancy seeing you here!” His voice send shivers down your spine immediately, you didn’t even have to see him. Now, it was too late to just turn around and leave, because he knew that you were here.
“Hey Eddie…” You turned around to face him, trying your best to smile at him.
“Oh, so it’s Eddie now?”
“Want me to call you Mr Munson?”
“Ahh that hurts me.” He put a hand over his heart and stumbled back a little, making you chuckle. Always the drama-king.
“You remember Sandy?” You tried to divert his attention to your friend, but they just nodded at each other.
“Sure so, she comes here quite often.”
“There’s not exactly a lot of places to go in Hawkins.”
“You got a point.” Eddie laughed before he looked at you again. He reached for your hand and you let him take it, didn’t pull back this time. “Got a special song for you, so I hope you’re staying?”
“Of course we are!” Sandy said over your shoulder winking at Eddie, while you held your breath. You couldn’t answer, didn’t even have to right now.
“Good. You’ll know the song when you hear it.” He raised your joined hands to his lips to brush a kiss across your knuckles, before he turned around to get back to the stage to finish setting up.
“So… and you’re telling me you want to resist that charme?”
“I have to try at least.” You heaved a sigh before you raised your glass to your lips, and drained it in one go. You had to, though you knew that he really made it hard for you to resist him.
Eddie was nervous because of you. They’d been practising Van Halen’s Hot for Teacher pretty much ever since you’d appeared at the school, they’d pretty much perfected it, but you being here made him nervous as fuck. He knew what he was doing, they all did, but he still missed the first note of their first song because his eyes were glued to you.
Somehow, he made it through their show, and even managed to look at other people apart from you, but in the end, his eyes always found you again. Your smile encouraged him, so when they started the last song, his eyes never wavered from your figure.
“I’ve got it bad, so bad, I’m hot for teacher,” he sang, and he could swear that he saw your eyes widening at that. You knew the song, of course you did, but Eddie singing this song for you made you tingle in all the right places. For a moment, you were able to forget that this could not happen, too blissed out on the feeling he gave you by singing this song for you.
Still, once it was over, you felt your chest tighten, all of it suddenly too much, the room too hot, and so you turned to Sandy.
“I’m gonna get some fresh air. Need to clear my head a little.”
“Want me to come with you?”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll be back in a minute.” You gave her a smile before you headed out the back door. The cold January air hitting your face, making you aware that you’d forgotten your jacket inside. It didn’t really matter because you were just out here for a moment. There were some other people around the corner talking loudly, so you weren’t completely alone, but you were still able to clear your head. At least until you heard the door behind you and saw Eddie walk up to you when you turned around.
“You okay?” He asked, brows drawn together, because he was worried about you.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Just a little hot in there.”
“And now you’re freezing out here?” He couldn’t help but smile as he ran his fingertips along your arm, making you aware of the goosebumps that were there due to the low temperatures, but were only getting worse when he was touching you like this.
“Here…” Eddie shrugged out of his leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders, leaving him in a black shirt. His hair was damp with sweat, the curls clinging to his forehead.
“No, Eddie… What about you?” You looked at him through your lashed, already feeling your heart begin to race again, the butterflies turning into a whole tornado in your stomach by being so close to him.
“Oh, I know a way or two to get warm.” His voice dropped to a low rumble in his chest, and you could feel his eyes on your lips. That was the moment when you should pull back, put some distance between you, but you couldn’t. You were frozen in place, stuck in this moment with him, and you couldn’t tear yourself away from him - because you didn’t want to. Instead, when he pinched your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, you leaned into him to meet him halfway. Still, when his lips met yours, it felt like electricity suddenly ran through your whole body, down to your toes, into every fibre of your body.
Your fingers curled against his chest, grabbing a handful of his shirt when he angled his head to deepen the kiss. His hand slipped from your chin to the back of your neck, tilting your head to his pleasing so that your lips opened up beneath him and he could slip his tongue past them to taste your mouth. He wrapped his free arm around you to pull you closer.
You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning into his mouth, because it felt so good, he felt so good and tasted even sweeter. When he eventually pulled back, he left you breathless, longing for more, and your head felt almost empty. It was perfect.
You blinked your eyes open, slowly letting go of his shirt. You could feel his heartbeat beneath your hands, that was beating as fast as your own.
“You believe me now that I’m serious about this? About you?” Eddie cupped your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone, eyes fixed on yours, trying to convey that he was absolutely sincere in his intentions.
“That’s not it, Eds…” The fog in your head slowly cleared, and you started to realise what had just happened. Panic started rising in your chest and you quickly broke the embrace, took a step back from him.
“Here we go..” Eddie mumbled, cursing himself for believing just for a moment that this could have a good ending, that you could commit to him. In a way, he understood you, but his longing for you overshadowed all his rational thinking.
“We can’t do this! This…” You shook your head, licking your slightly swollen lips that bore witness to what had just happened. “We cannot happen. We have to forget about this.”
“So, you’re not even giving this a chance?”
“That’s not it, Eddie, I already told you!” Oh, you wanted to give it a chance, give him a chance, because that kiss had already sent you to heaven. “But we can’t! This cannot happen again. Not as long as I’m your teacher!” 
At that, Eddie’s ears perked up. “So… once you’re not my teacher anymore… we do have a chance, right?” “What?”
“That’s what you said, didn’t you?”
“I mean… yes. But I’ll be here for the rest of the year.”
“And I’ll graduate then. So I won’t be your student no matter what happens.”
“Well… that might be true, but…”
“Alright. Just can’t promise you that I won’t try now and then.” The way Eddie smirked at you made you press your legs together. He really had an effect on you that nobody else ever had.
“Just… this cannot happen again.”
“Do you hear me, Mr Munson?”
“I do.” But the grin on his face told you that he wasn’t exactly listening to what you were saying. This wasn’t going to be easy at all.
“Good.” There was no use in trying to talk to him right now. Not when his eyes roamed your body again and his hands reached for yours. But this time, your head was clear enough to pull back from him, put some distance between you. “Thank you for this.” You took off his jacket and handed it back to him, before you slowly back up towards the door again. “I’ll see you in class.”
“Have a good night Miss Y/L/N.” Eddie said with a wink, arms crossed over his chest, while his eyes dropped to the swell of your butt when you turned around to open the door.
That was really going to be a long couple of months until the school year was over, and as much as you just wanted to forget about it, you knew that what had just happened would fuel a lot of dreams. At least, you could talk to Sandy about it, because she knew what had happened the moment she saw you come back through the door. Eddie would be your downfall, you were sure of that.
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Tag-list: @violetpenguinkris @tellhound @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @spideyanakin-interacts @bellamy-barnes @beepisbeep @snapefiction @hardysbitch @give-em-hellfire @sadbitchfangirl @ravenclawkimmi @lacrymosa-24 @ruinedbythehobbit @samlealea @hacker-ghost @kirsteng42 @princesseddie @anaisweird @harringtonfan4 @ethereal27cereal @theywitchsblog 
Let me know (send me a message) if you want to be on one of my tag-lists. I have one for the Promises Series, Eddie x Reader, Steddie and Steve x Reader 💚
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imalwaysinconfusion · 11 months
this is gonna be about Nebuya’s parents and how he came to be born, and is my first time doing HCs so please bear with me :)
His dads name is Andwele/Andi and he is from Tanzania 🇹🇿 and his moms name is Alisha (idk, it’s giving that forme) and she is a black american and they met in middle school (american school system)
Alisha would bully tf out of Andi bc he was the new and he was not having so he kept the same energy but cussed her out in Swahili that shut her up
she liked that and tried to be friends with him afterwards AND IT WORKED by the time they hit 7th grade they became friends and he also taught her a bit of Swahili actually
When they got high-school they gained feelings for each other freshman year and they both knew this, Alisha was waiting on Andi to make the first move but she got impatient and just straight up asked him to be her boyfriend
he said yes while standing in shock like this: “😮”
they got together and became INSEPARABLE, you couldn’t see one w/o the other <3
After graduation and being awarded valedictorian and salutatorian (i’ll let you decide which one got what) Alisha, being the baddie she is, joined the Army and Andi went to college for Software Engineering
When Alisha when to basic training it was hard on them bc it was the first time they have been separated like this without any contact but being the strong willed people they are they got through it
After she got back from basic Andi surprised her with a trip to California Disney for completing the grueling training she went through (she cried up a storm) and he just needed a break from classes
On the last day of the trip they went to see the fireworks show at the castle and he proposed to her and she said yes 🥹
Right after the proposal Alisha got right to work on planning the wedding, Andi had no say in the wedding because he said he didn’t want to “ruin her special day”
BUT she made him pick the color scheme which was blue and white (WHICH ATE BTW)
After a 1 year and 6 months of planning, preparing, and being perplexed about the wedding and about being engaged they said “i do” and went straight into the honeymoon phase
BUTTT that didn’t last long because she got orders to be stationed in Tokyo, Japan which they were both very excited about.
They had 3 months to learn as much Japanese as they could and they learned enough to hold a small conversation
When they arrived to Japan, Alisha found out she was pregnant!!! (they wanted to keep the gender a secret) so she had to go on leave and stayed home which she could handle by herself
Andi at the time started a engineering job for one the top 7 software companies in japan, but don’t worry he still made time for Alisha and took care of her any way she needed
but he still felt bad about not being home enough so he bought a dog to keep Alisha company ( she was an Akita named Star)
By the time her 3rd trimester came they were very nervous about the birth
when i mean “they” i just mean Andi, Alisha had to smack him a couple times to get him to calm down and act straight
then one faithful morning Alisha’s water broke but she was didn’t notice so she was just peeing thinking she just drank too much fluids
Then Andi was like “girl your water broke” and she said “oh that makes sense🧍🏾‍♀️” and they went to hospital
When they got to the hospital (they are both fluent atp) and told the staff what they needed to get for Alisha
And mean like 9 pounds 9 ounces big, he was a chunky baby (the BEST babies btw)
After the birth one of Alisha’s commanders said that they could move back to the states since Big E (yes that is his nebuya’s nickname)
But Alisha said “i am not about to leave a country when i spent months cramming the language in my head… we staying”
The end :)
a/n this was just random and this is cannon ( i was Alisha’s left big toe) hope y’all enjoyed it!!
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twicesserafim · 9 months
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Falling for you.
-Twice, school au-
-y/f/i = your first initial-
Third Person Pov:
Sana was a year older then you in school, although she had friends ranging from all ages, grade 9 (her age), grade 8 (your age) and grade 7, she was also friend with some grade 6's since it all relied on maturity.
You just admired her from a far, she was like your hallway crush, although you knew her name and followed her on social media, she didn't even know who you were, or so you thought.
You had your best friend though, he was gay, yes. but he still helped you with your relationship problems, more like telling you if they would be a good partner or not. Ryan, or what you call him, 'the gay one'.
You weren't the most attractive person in the school but you were pretty up there, there was multiple people that liked you, three guys and two girls but you didn't want any of them, you wanted sana.
It was summer break but it was almost over so you had about a week to plan this out, you talked to ryan about it, he said to do whatever you want, your original plan was to go up to her with flowers but that's too.. bold for now.
So you came up with a plan, a note. youre putting a note in her locker, you wrote it down and took a look at your hand writing before re-writing it a few times just so it'll look better.
'idk if you're into girls at all but, honestly i've had a hallway crush on you since last year and i'm not sure how to feel, plus i'm a year younger so i don't feel like a have a chance but im still gonna shoot my shot here, anyways, enjoy the rest of your day :)
You had made a playlist, not exactly for her but filled with songs that you would want to listen to with her. You put in your airpods before letting out a soft yet quite sigh, leaning back in your chair.
"damn, you've got it bad-" "How. the fuck. did you get here?!" you asked as you threw a pillow at ryan's face, "you know a 'hey ryan! how've your been?' would've been perfectly fine! also, your window is open in rain, what a dumb idea."
"i love rain, what do you mean? now leave!" "so you can simp for sana? sure" he chuckled as you pulled him to the front door and pushed him out. You bit your bottom lip before thinking of what to do after that.
You decided to just let things happen in their own, if it works out then it works out, if it doesn't then- fuck. Now, it was the first day back to school. You kept an eye on her, now that you were sure of where her locker was.
You slid in the note at the top of the locker, you let out a shaky breath before continuing to walk to your first class, which thankfully, was with ryan. You told him that you did it and he freaked.
"SLAYYYY" "shut your ass up! who the fuck still says slay??" you grumbled before opening your book, "girl- you're gay, you don't do math" "okay just still, opening it makes it look like i'm doing something- i'm still good at math! i just don't like it!"
"ew, i forgot you like math" "shut your mouth, you whore, i like english more" "whatever, nerd." You rolled your eyes before putting your airpods in, completely ignoring what the teaching it talking about.
You opened a book you bought with you, heartstopper, volume 3. You started reading it but placed volume 4 on your desk to read it after, once you had looked up there were a few math questions on the board so you wrote them down.
Solving the questions before closing your math book and continuing with heartstopper, ryan chuckled making you look over at him, "over there dummy" he mumbled as you looked at where he pointed.
You pulled his hand down as you saw Sana sitting on top of one of her friends desk, of course she was skipping. you wondered how she even got good grades but you ignored it, you just gave ryan a little glare before looking back at your book.
Taking small glances at the girl you had always looked at in the hallways, you saw her holding a light beige note in her hand, it looked like old vintage paper.
You knew immediately, that was the note you slipped into her locker. She looked like she was talking to her friends about it but when they asked to see it, she shook her head and backed away from them.
Hiding it in her hand as she opened it, you saw a smile grow on her face as a light blush covered her cheeks, you were still looking at the book but was mainly looking sana's reaction.
You saw her mumble "cute.." making you look back to your book with a small gulp, "i don't get it" you heard ryan say as he looked at the math on the board, "dumbass" "shut up nerd" "ha, i have more friends then you"
"you're friends with like our whole class (8d) 8a, 8b and half of 8c and like 9a and 9b!" "yeah, exactly, you just got me, that's it" "shut up, at least im not a nerd" "at least i have friends" "Sana! go back to your class!" your teacher said as sana groaned.
"fine." she grumbled, and that's when you noticed, she's been sitting in a chair behind you, not even a desk, it's almost like a beanbag. It's only 2-3 feet away from you, which means she could hear everything you two were saying.
You heard her chuckle before ruffling your hair, "see you later miss popular" you froze for a few seconds before nodding, "yeah.. see you- who tf still says that??" sana ignored you and continued, "oh yeah, are you getting drinks for lunch? if you are, do you think you could get me one?"
"sure" you agreed as she sent you a small smile before leaving, "what the hell has my sad single ass just witness." "shut up, you could get someone if you wanted to" "oh really? who!" "any gay bitch, the fuck?"
"ugh, the homophobia" he muttered before you turned your attention back to the music, after listening to it for a little, the first bell rang, which meant the first period was over.
But you had english, which to you, was lucky. You grabbed a paper from your backpack before cutting a small square and scribbling down another note for sana, quickly looking to see if any of her friends were there. Nope.
So you put it in her locker as you walked to yours which was only a few steps away from hers, you saw her laughing with Momo, Mina and Nayeon before going to her locker. "i need to check my schedule, it changes every year."
Sana complained before you saw her opening her locker, the note immediately fell down as she caught it, putting it in her pocket before any of the others could see.
"ew, english, the class is.. 9d?" she muttered before placing her schedule back and grabbing a pencil, "should i just skip?" you silently prayed she wouldn't because your class was also 9d.
"no, you skipped last period" "but nayeon unnie!-" Sana was cut off by Jeongyeon who was now behind her, "go to class, sana" she groaned but locked her locker and walked into the room.
You also grabbed a pencil, walking in after her, you were assigned to sit in the corner. Well. guess who sat beside you, sana. You peeked at the note that she was reading, definitely yours.
You sat down making her slightly jump, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you" "it's okay" she smiled before you raised an eyebrow, "what's that?" "well.. a love note?" "oh really? from who?" "don't wanna talk about it"
"..okay?" this time, this note had both of your initials at the end (exp: r. jeong), about 30 minutes you saw sana peeking at your work before a smile spread on her face, "what?" you asked before she shook her head.
"meet me at the rooftop after school" "what why?" "you'll see" you were confused but nodded anyways, gym was next. All grade 8's and all grade 9's had gym together.
You grabbed your phone before sending ryan a text, 'ew gym is next' 'ikr, disgusting' you put your phone it your pocket before adding the last sentence to your paper.
"i'm done- you haven't even started" you mumbled over to sana as she shrugged, "whatever, i don't care about english" "really? why?" "don't know, ugh this is so boring.." "wanna skip?"
You swear you saw her eyes light up as she nodded, screw it, there was only 15 minutes left anyways. You walked up to the teacher, handed in your paper and as she looked at it, you sent sana a signal to run.
Sana ran out without getting caught before you asked to go to the washroom, the teacher said yes before you left after her, "since when were you the type to skip?" "i always skip, i just don't skip like you do" "yeah, whatever, nerd"
"i'm not a nerd?" "sure" she chuckled before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the stair case and going under it before she planned on just sitting there, "what are you doing?" you asked as she sat down.
"not getting caught, duh?" "no dummy, ive been caught there before, stand up" you pulled her up before grabbing a key from your pocket, opening the door that was only for staff. "what the? how do you have a key to here, most teachers don't even have it?"
"listen, being a good student makes it easier to steal things like this" "damn, you really aren't a nerd or a good person after all huh?" "shut it." you chuckled before pulling her into the room.
"what the, there's like nothing here." she muttered as you shrugged, "it's like a small square too.. what do they use this for?" "probably nothing, or when they need extra space for supplies?" "huh, makes sense"
Sana paused before continuing, "do you wanna skip gym with me?" "seriously?" "they don't care about one thing of attendance missing" "i know but like, with me? we barely know each other" "so? i like being with you."
"um.. wouldn't your friends worry about where you are?" "nope, they know already, i always skip gym" "but you go see them" "nah, it's fine, i prefer being with you, is there too little space over there? come over here."
She patted the spot beside her as you moved forward before sitting beside her, she placed her head on your shoulder making you pause confused, "goodnight" she muttered as you furrow your eyebrows.
"don't sleep on me" you chuckled as she rolled her eyes, "fine, then i'll do this" she laid her head on your lap before taking your phone out of your pocket. "still on me you know" "shut it." she chuckled before giving you your phone.
"hey, how about we make a deal" "what?" "you wanna skip with me, right?" "mhmm" "then, how about, you go to english for the rest of the month, no skipping more then half of the class and then, i'll skip gym with you for the rest of the month"
"ugh.. why english?" "and you have to do the work" "seriously?" "yup" "..fine whatever" she sighed before looking down at you, "i'll do it" "yay!" Sana shook her head with a light smile before leaning back, slowly drifting off to sleep.
"sana" you mumbled as her eyes fluttered open, a soft yawn left her lips as she sat up, "bell rings in 2 minutes." "i don't wanna be awake.." she whined as you chuckled, "well, it's lunch now"
"are you hungry?" "no" "okay, then goodnight" she muttered before laying back down and sleeping in your lap, "wait, sit here" you muttered as she sat up, sitting in between your legs.
Her head fell onto your shoulder as you hesitated but wrapped your arms around her waist before pulling out your phone, just scrolling on it, listening to music with airpods until lunch was over.
The bell rang as sana groaned, "you kept me warm.. thank you" she muttered as you sent her a small smile, "of course, now, what class do you have?" "i'm not sure, i think it's photography 9" "oh, i have photography 8"
"oh hey, since we're both doing photography, let's just hang out, we're in different classes but we're aloud to leave the school grounds to take photos.. let get some food, we skipped lunch, im hungry"
You rolled your eyes, "what? we can take pictures of the food, it's not like we're skipping, we're aloud to do that" "fine" "let's get chicken and cheese balls? please?" "huh? am i paying?" "yeah" "no way"
"pleaseee" you stared at her for a few seconds before sighing, "i am spoiling the fuck out of you today" "thank you!" "okay, hurry, let's go to our classes to get our attendance before leaving" "okay" sana mumbled as you two went to your classes.
"oh! we meet up at the main entrance" you nodded as you both opened the door and went inside. About 5 minutes later, you grabbed your wallet, phone and keys before going to the main entrance.
"took you long enough" "sorry but i was grabbing my wallet because a specific SOMEONE wants me to pay for their meal" you replied as she chuckled, "let's go, im hungry" "okay, okay"
"y/n, give me your number. we won't have to meet on the rooftop" you complied and typed in your number before returning your phone as sana smirked a bit, "we should get going back to school soon" "alright"
You opened up your locker as a note fell down making you slightly confused as you opened it and read what the note said.
"i know your initials, darling. i like you too. i have for a while now so.. text me later <3
-M.S, btw our last name is Minatozaki, love.'
Your jaw dropped, you turned to her locker, she wasn't there, until you saw her, just walking out the school doors, she had left. You would go to her but she's with too many friends right now. "holy shit."
"you know our deals over right?" you asked sana as she sat down beside you with a soft smile, "i'm not skipping this class anymore" "why not?" "i wanna be with you" "i'm gonna go to gym again though" "me too"
You were a little shocked, you've known sana, not personally but just as someone who went to the same school for about 2 years and she's only gone to one gym class. "what?" "i'll be with you."
You softened, "thank you" "for what?" "caring about your studies again" "who said i did? i care about you, not my studies." "and i care about your studies.. you'll listen to me right?" sana grumbled a bit as you pecked her cheek.
"do your work" "yes ma'am" she mumbled as a blush filled her cheeks.
2 months later..
"sana go to class!" "no way!" "what class is it?" "the teacher i hate" "honey, you go to study not to talk to the teacher" "you're not in that class" "sana." you scolded as she groaned. "fine.. you owe me!"
"no i don't!" She pouted but turned into the room making you smile a bit, "she really loves you" You heard Nayeon say as you turned around. "we've been trying to convince her to go to that class for the past 4 months"
Jeongyeon continued as you looked at her sit down and pull her phone out. you sent her a text. 'focus. phone away, now.' You saw her lean her head back complaining but shoved her phone in her pocket.
You had a free period, you were aloud to go in so you were going to in maybe 20 minutes? you just needed a small break outside you left. After 20 minutes, you slipped into her class. You saw her on her phone.
You snatched it out of her hand and put it into your pocket cussing her to glare at you as you just raised an eyebrow back. "babe, give me my phone" "nope" "please? i won't go on it" "liar." Sana pouted but complied as she picked up her pencil again.
She finished writing as she handed it in and went to you, who was sitting on the side of the classroom. "hey baby" sana mumbled as you smiled a bit, "good job, sha." "can i have my phone back now?"
"hm.. i'm playing on it" "what? what about your phone?" "it's charging over there" "oh, well then what do i do?" "stay with me" "wont say no to that" you chuckled a bit as sana wrapped her arms around your waist.
Standing in between your legs. "i love you.." she mumbled as your eyes widened, "you don't have to say it back but-" "i love you too" sana's eyes lit up at your response before lightly kissing your jaw. Before burying her face back into your neck.
3 months after the day:
"y/n?" "sha, what's up?" "i need to tell you something and i'm so sorry.." "what? why?" "you.. it was a dare. but i really did fall-" "don't say a word. i don't wanna hear it." "im sorry" "don't be, it's fine." "wait y/n-" "no."
2 weeks later break up:
"i'm sorry" "huh?" "i still love you." "sana-" "no. let me finish, please. i love you so much it hurts. it might've been a dare but i really did. fall for you. I fell so hard for you, when i look at my future i don't see you as the person in the background. You're there. With me."
You stared at her for a few seconds as tears streamed down her cheeks, before she bit the inside of one and continuing to speak. "please. it wasn't a dare, not to me. Give me one more chance. I love you, so much more than you know."
"are you being honest or is this another dare?" she shook her head frantically. "no! never a dare. not anymore, no more dares. never again." "good" "wait- does that mean?" "one chance, don't fuck up" Sana pulled you into her arms before kissing the top of your head.
"i love you."
"high school sweethearts?" "yup" "that's adorable" "thank you" sana smiled. "when's the wedding" "oh we actually planned on just having a elope and a party" (elope is getting married in private, can even just be the two of you.)
"oh? how come?" "her idea, i liked it. we went with it" "where's the ring?" "we both have one, she's at home right now but i'm wearing mine" "that's sweet. elopes are better then weddings, and less expensive too"
"i agree" sana said as the guy spoke up again, "what about kids?" "we're looking at it" "how long have you been together?" "10-11 years" "wow" "yup. i was 15-16 and she was 14-15" "that's amazing" "thank you, but i really have it go now. i'm sorry, she's texting me"
"nono, it's all good. Go to your wife, sana" she blushed at the word wife before she got into the car and drove home. "hi honey" she mumbled as soon as she got into the house. "sha" "yes?" "where were you" "catching up with a friend, why?"
"nothing, just wondering" "something on your mind?" "nope" "are you jealous?" "no? why would i be" she smirked a bit, "i love you, remember that" "love you too? why're you saying this"
"you're jealous aren't you?" "no? i'm not" "liar" "..maybe a little" She chuckled a bit. she pecked your shoulder, "love you more than anything" "i love you more, sha." "impossible, love you most" you hummed before you melted into her embrace.
"i'm glad that your friends forced you to do this dare" she scowled at your words, "bring that up again and i'll kill them" you chuckled a bit, "you're more mad then i am" "i made you cry." "you did" "i don't like doing that.."
you smiled slightly, "i'm supposed to make you smile, not cry, never cry" "you've made me cry a few times, not including that, when we were arguing.." you raised an eyebrow, "you know i'm sorry" "i know, i'm just teasing"
"you cried and i stopped talking immediately and pulled you into my arms! even when you pushed me away" "you yelled at me!" "i said i was sorryyyy" you both laughed a bit before sana pecked your lips.
"i love you and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." "i love you too, sha."
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suiana · 10 months
So to give to a little context first. I have a friend whom I met from my old online school. We have a enemies dynamic. We've each other for 2 years now. When we first met I was the one who talked the most, which he used to see as "annoying". Ever since I left the online school and became busy with my new irl school, I started messaging him less and when I do, he acts more and more nicer and chill than before. To the point he stared flirting with me but I always brushed it off as I also flirt with everybody. Did I forget to mention we are the complete opposite of each other. He's extremely introverted online while I'm literally just putting out my phone number for everyone to see. Irl tho I'm introverted and scared of people unlike him who suddenly has the ultimate rizz and getting into fights with other boys.
One time he messaged me while putting on his just as he got out if the shower. Lemme tell you I was dense af back then. He literally asked for shampoo recommendations. I didn't know anything about men's hygiene so I told him to use a flower scented shampoo. He left for 15mins which I thought was because he was drying his hair. No he was running to the store. He asked for which shampoo brand I use. I didn't want him to know that much about me so I said any sakura scented one.
Another time was when we were talking about a game we like and he thought about cosplaying the character I liked and I thought of it as just some teasing between friends and went along with it by saying I prefer the female characters.
I'm always questioning my sexuality so I'm always joking around that I'm gay and I think that's the reason why he hasn't been straight forward.
He started his own irl school last week and a girl kept looking back and forth at him and when he was about to go home she stopped him saying he could always ask her for help about studies and the school.
And again with a different girl but this time is his deskmate. Apparently every single girl he has met had asked him if he has a gf to which he responded with "not ur business" and I already knew something wasn't right at this point because I have seen his face before and he is mid. Sure ig some girls r into tall boys but he's a freaking emo.
And did I tell you about my suspicion about his deskmate not even being a real girl because the Coincidences if them being neighbors and having way too much in common is too suspicious. Did I also mention "her" personality is completely unreal. She says she's "not like the other girls" and HE him out of all people fricking agreed
And his description of her sounds exactly like me. Short wolfcut, gets mistaken as a boy, kinda tall. Even her behavior is like mine, Just randomly zoning out. And the last thing that completely threw me off guard was her grades. She's the Top of the class. I'm literally part of the student council.
But then I wanted to meet her too if she was comfortable with it but y know what he said.
Idk I can
He thinks I might accidentally hurt her feelings. He has known me for nearly 3 years.
And his response to me was
"Didnt mean it but since she has many mental issues and tried to suicide her self because of got bullied and mocked,i just don't want to makes her feel bad and depressed"
I relate to her so now im always telling him to protect her even if her stories might be worse than mine.
But now that I'm rethinking about it
I think he's lying to me
I heard getting advice from random strangers on the internet is better than getting actual help /j
I actually really like him and I don't have the courage to confront him directly about it
There's a very high chance I'm just being delusional and should continue being some wingman
But I don't have any other friends to tell this and I really need to get it off my chest and get other ppls opinions so I hoped I didn't make too many Grammer mistakes
don't worry about making grammar mistakes it's totally ok
u should subtly try to egg him on for answers
like asking what's Ur ideal type, what would u do if u date me, do u think we'll be more than just friends etc
if he hints that he does like u maybe u can shoot your shot lol haha, and don't be disheartened if he rejects u, there's plenty of fish in the sea :3
imo u probably have a good chance of getting that because he probably likes you ++ no guy I've seen would do such things for someone they just call a friend :)
I hope everything goes well for you bae and all the best
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loveandscience · 4 months
been in and out of intense anxiety the last couple days, so maybe writing it here will help
Okay so my old dentist who I loved retired, and gave his practice over to a new guy. Tuesday, I went to try out the new dentist and very loudly in the next room while I had my teeth cleaned, he was telling someone how they didn't need a crown or something because God designed the perfect teeth system?????
And as soon as he introduces himself to me, he out of the blue goes on about a "beautiful sermon I heard" on the way to work, and how this really ill woman had so much faith that she would just get better, and that she "touched Jesus" and was instantly healed. I'm sitting there with his sharp tools in my mouth and he's going on a religious rant and what the fuck am I going to do? He does tell me I have 2 cavities, then overcharges me for the cleaning and "exam."
Decided I really needed a new fucking dentist, and thankfully my friends suggested some to try. So Wednesday, I called a place and they got me in, and they were so nice and professional and I really liked them! They did another exam on me and apparently the last dentist (maybe the one before, too) had missed an entire fucking dead tooth???? It's been discolored for years but old dentist never thought it was an issue... Apparently it's dead and needs a root canal. Who the fuck knows how long it's been dead. Terrifying. Also they say it's 3 cavities not 2.
Anxious about the root canal, I've never had one, and it's so expensive. The same day I have my root canal, I also am driving somewhere I've never been an hour away to see my new liver doctor, and that's also terrifying.
On top of those expenses, I'm hoping to sign kiddo up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lessons bc I think it'll be really good for them and they are really interested.
But I've also had several clients transition to every other week or end, which is good they're doing better. I also have less income though so need to market again for new clients. Husband was planning to increase his income by taking classes paid for by work, but the classes are taking so long that I wouldn't be surprised if it takes all year, which is not what we'd hoped for a timeline.
Pet Day at kiddo's school is coming up and last year's Pet Day, we brought our cat who ended up dying shortly after. He had cancer which obviously wasn't caused by Pet Day, but I do think he picked up a virus which might have exacerbated the cancer. I'm planning to make sure every kid sanitizes their hands before touching the cat we bring this time, and bringing the young healthy one instead of the old frail one. Still some anxiety.
Wanted to take kiddo to this snow place in FL this weekend, but tickets plus parking are 100 dollars, yikes. So been incredibly anxious about that. Just before clicking buy I checked and it's supposed to be thunderstorms that day, so texted the friend we were planning to go with and hoping we can put that off... Really anxious they might have already bought tickets even though they said they'd wait til after I bought ours (maybe they could pick up on my anxiety around committing, idk).
So the common theme, laying these all out, seems to be financial. Which is sad, because I wanted to scale back on work and be able to rest more and focus on my health, but with husband not likely to be making much more money any time soon, it means I need to work more hours. Which is hard with the amount of dr appointments I'm going to have to be having.
At least... I got a little while of getting to work out almost daily and rest up.
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nikibae · 1 year
my peace — lookism gun ff
lookism park jong geon × childhood friend
authors note: um idk I just woke up and wrote this LOL. super random and not edited. not much of a storyline either. tried to make it somewhat cannon, but . . . IDK OKAY. just enjoy <3
the two grew up together.
while yang jihan excitedly ran around her backyard in a princess-like dress, making up fairytale stories with happy endings, park jong geon (or gun) would stand in place wherever the girl directs him, as he somehow finds himself in the tangles of her imaginations. there would be times where gun would play a tree, or a palace guard, or even a peasant (he almost said no to this). but times where he would be tasked to act as her prince were times where he suddenly didn't mind being her play-thing for the day. then the sun would go down, her parents would send her in, and send gun home next door, and the whole thing would repeat throughout their childhood memories.
soon they grew up, entering middle school and starting life with a mind of their own. jihan stood out amongst their class, gaining favor and popularity from her peers due to her delicate and sweet nature that seemed to exactly match the pretty features she had grown into. gun stood out as well, though for all the wrong reasons. the fights began happening more frequently, and getting into some sort of trouble everyday had become routine. gun hated school, hated the teachers, hated the people — but if he stopped going, who would walk with jihan to school and home? gun had began unconsciously looking forward to their 7 minutes of peace everyday — where it was just the two of them, like before. no loud teachers, no one trying to pick a fight, no one trying to get attention from jihan. just the two of them.
she would often scold him during these walks.
"just because he looks at you weird doesn't mean you have to get up and punch him."
"do you even have a backpack? where do you put all your books?"
gun didn't mind in the slightest. they seemed to live different worlds in school, and gun wouldn't dare interrupt her talking if it meant not hearing her voice again for the rest of the day.
more growing up happened, and jihan had to leave in the middle of highschool.
"what? why?" gun didn't get it. he didn't want to get it. if she's not here anymore, what's the point of going to school?
"my dad got a job somewhere else gun. it's okay, I'll call you. you'll answer right?"
gun always answered.
for nights, they would get lost in time, spiraling into their own world.
but gun had a life ahead of him, a life that he didn't see coming.
things got bad when she left. whether it was her departure that set things off, gun often wondered. but the lies over the phone about his whereabouts became more frequent, until guilt swallowed him so much he stopped answering.
eventually she stopped calling.
now it's the last year of highschool — gun was dangerous, involved with all the wrong people, and lost himself almost completely. he still went to school. the smallest memory of her he had left kept him there.
he laid his head down on his desk, completely oblivious to the chatter that suddenly bubbled in the room.
"remember? she left at our 2nd year but she's back!"
gun was about to snooze off completely when a hand lands a blow on the back of his head, and the room goes silent.
immediately he sits up, eyes narrowed and ready for the first fight of the day.
but he stops. he thinks he's dreaming as yang jihan looks down at him with her arms crossed and eyes angry.
the tension in his body leaves.
"class hasn't even started yet and you're already asleep!? also what's with your uniform? are you a thug?"
he doesn't flinch as she moves her hands to the unbuttoned parts of his longsleeve. he keeps his eyes on the surreal girl infront of him. she wears the same colored uniform as he does, signaling that she's back and here to stay. her hands land softly at the top of his head when she finishes buttoning his uniform. her eyes are now sad, and tears threaten to fall. gun hates himself even more upon the sight.
"why'd you stop answering?"
he didn't know how to answer the question.
his life was a mess, yet he wanted nothing more than to be selfish and drag her in — to tell her everything, to tell her what hurt and why, to tell her how lost he is, to beg her to stay, beg her to continue being his peace.
at that moment, gun decided to act on this selfishness.
he often wondered what jihan's life would have been like had he pushed her away the day she came back.
but nothing seemed to matter when he would get home years later, bloody and tired, and find his princess sleeping peacefully on his bed. he would sit and watch her, his hands gently coming up to play with her hair. eventually she would wake up and immediately panic at the sight of his body. they would then spend all night in the bathroom, laughing together as she tended to his wounds, sharing stories of how their day went. gun would not leave out a single detail about who he had met, what fight broke out and where — as he made her a promise of complete honesty the day he dragged her away.
that day, he also made a promise to himself, that if she ever wanted to leave, he wouldn't stop her.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 7 months
so as I was mentioning in a previous post about staying in touch with other people, even those that may not be important... there's this "friend"/neighbor which I haven't been talking to for so long. I could say we lost each other slowly cause of life, and even if she moved back in my neighborhood not long ago, we didn't really got closer again. like, at all. I think we just grew apart, and that's okay: at first it hurt ofc but now I totally accept it.
let me explain.
as I started healing recently, I understood it wasn't just her not considering me that much, but also me having said lot of no's to her (more or less openly), for my own fears (parents' overreaction mostly: I wasn't that aware of this habit of mine back then, so I couldn't speak about it and so she didn't know -but probably got something anyway since she often said how tough to deal with they seemed to be). all this ofc made our bond to just become looser and looser as we moved to uni and she moved to other cities and countries, until it basically became inexistent.
despite having shared the same classes and/or school for most of our lives, we also had different backgrounds/upbringings, different friends (despite some common ones), different habits, different characters (she's always been way more extroverted than me while I used to shy away, even if I often followed her doing weird/funny stuff for others), different lives and goals, different personal problems too... even different views on things especially these days (again, it's fine! we met different people and had different experience since when we used to play and talk together as kids and teens, that too formed us into different human beings). I think we were just different and many times she had been pretending... but ofc, I have no objective proof about this: it could be just my (wounded ego) impression nowadays.
anyway. a couple of months ago she gave birth. ofc she didn't tell me (not even when she got married a couple of years ago to a guy I know as well). I found out by chance after our mothers met, despite having been talking a bit with her hubby in the previous months (he didn't tell me anything about the pregnancy as if it was top-secret). I could have decided this was the last time that she/they closed me off, and honestly at first I felt this way while I was saying "Idc, her/their decision". but talking with an external friend I realized: maybe I could just give her a present for her baby and not make all this and our past matter too much. just see how it goes. we're adults and neighbors now, and that's how I can look at us these days. we can turn the page.
so, even if I felt a bit uncomfortable and part of me didn't feel like (especially for the fact that I wanted to feel as our friendship was definitely closed, and I needed to close with the past abruptly), I texted her asking how she was doing and if she had 5 mins for me to go see her and bring her a little thing for her baby. she replied inviting me for a walk. we went out, both pretending everything was fine and nothing ever happened. we kinda had fun talking about the baby, his quirks, about a neighborhood's problem (as adults do) and remembering a few events of our childhood. I felt more grounded than I thought (despite I couldn't always recall all the words I wanted to say, but I haven't been speaking 1:1 irl for a real lot of time now, except for a few words here and there in specific contexts); she was kinda calm too but I think the pregnancy also made her. she has changed especially in her voice, and it felt weird to see her holding a baby and feeding him. she also asked me to help her with the baby carriage when she had to hold him which ofc I did. and then we went back home after an hour or so, I gave her the gift and we both told each other we could have met for a walk another day (I am kinda sure this won't happen -unless it will be me asking? Idk-, it's just one of those sentences you say out of courtesy, but it felt coherent with how that hour went) and that we'll keep in touch anyway about the neighborhood's problem (more likely?): at the end of the day, I asked about her but she didn't ask anything about me and my life/family anyway, not even when we ended up staying silent for a while (it wasn't uncomfortable for me btw, can't say for her).
once I arrived home I was literally freezing cause the sun was gone and it got pretty cold; I had the feeling she kinda wanted to suddenly run away at that time and find another place to go (maybe, Idk), but I was feeling good. I had a nice interaction, out of all the past context we had been through. it helped me start to get back "out there" again, in a kind of "known" environment (in the end, we still have known each other since ages), to be hugged and hug again (even if it wasn't too felt probably, but it works as practice too heh). and also it reminded me that not everyone has to stay in our life forever and we're not supposed to be in everyone's life forever; and that feelings and bonds can change and evolve in something different as well, if we let them too. they can turn calmer, less profound, and more patient and respectful of each one's new life and boundaries. ofc it's not for everyone, for every relationship: there has to be a *silent* agreement between the parts, at least. not saying I agree with why I wasn't told about the baby or other good news or why I wasn't asked about me out of courtesy even on these terms, but... it was her/their decision and I respect and accept it now. as I will respect their spaces and boundaries from now on without really caring. at all and for real, this time. I know where I stand (and where she stands for me), and that's okay: not because I submissively accept it as her/their decision, but because I understand and agree there's no other way.
this meeting really helped me to see things under a new perspective and actually gave closure, in a way, to my past hurt feelings. differently from how building a wall or cutting cords has ever. now I'll just let things be and really not care much, and treat each other politely as random acquaintances/neighbors. but I can say I really feel much more eager to meet new people, to get out there and test myself after all those years of isolation I put myself in while healing (which made me so rusty and didn't help much, even if I kept talking online at least and learning about boundaries here... but that's not the same). I know now I can bear with that stress, no matter how it'll turn out. I feel stronger and more in touch with myself than ever. it's true: what you make other's decisions and behaviours mean about yourself, only depends on you. I was probably *unconsciously* making it all mean that I was not good enough, not even as an acquaintance/neighbor. but even if it is so according to her/them, I decide to not make it mean anything about my present and actual worth: I have been working on myself so hard and so much that I'm far from being the *scared* girl I used to be in the past and they have no clue about it. and I don't need or want to show them anyway as there's no reason for it. I am closing with the past anyway, whether past people will acknowledge it and come with me in my future or not or in what measure/form they will/won't. it doesn't matter. it only matters what I do and think of my path until today. and what I will decide to do and think about it (and me) from today on.
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