#but it was wild watching the bull get a double kill
chamoemileclown · 7 months
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Bull carried!!
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
In 1994, we discovered that it isn’t unusual for brothers to wage war with each other. In 1995, Ian and Axl Rotten turned their brand of brotherly hate into a Feud of the Year. Man, did this get ugly…and gory!
It began in ECW a few days into 1995. After the Rottens lost to The Pit Bulls, Ian brutally attacked Axl, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood. Ian had been pinned, but he blamed his brother’s carelessness for the loss. Ian’s assault on Axl started one of the bloodiest and most vicious feuds ever. They contested anything -goes matches in which all weapons were legal, bouts in which both wielded baseball bats wrapped in barbed-wire, and matches in which thumbtacks were scattered on the floor outside the ring.
As brutal as those conditions were, most who know the Rottens well believe the settings were appropriate.
“The harsher the matches, the better those two lunatics liked it,” said The Sandman. “They enjoyed grinding each other to a pulp, and they didn’t mind getting themselves ground up while they did it.”
“Definitely the goriest stuff I’ve ever seen,” wrote Chris Fishman of Berwyn, Pennsylvania. “There’s a lot of nasty stuff in ECW, but what the Rottens did to each other was the worst I’ve ever seen. Just watching it was painful, but it was fun, too.”
 Their last match in ECW may have been the worst of all. It was a “taipei death” match. The stipulation: Both men had shards of broken glass taped to their fists.
“Talk about winning at all costs!” wrote Gia Kredke of Columbus, Ohio. “Were they trying to beat each other or kill each other?”
Even after both men left ECW, the intensity of their hatred for each other did not wane. Axl recently returned to ECW after a stint in the USWA, and Ian competes in several independent organizations, but they constantly threaten each other with a renewal of the violence.
“It’ll be a long time before this one is really over,” said 2 Cold Scorpio. “I’m surprised they haven’t started going at it again.”
If they do, the brothers who hate each other may soon discover they have a common goal: to win back-to-back Feuds of the Year. But how much bloodier can it get?
First runner-up: The amazing feud began late in 1994 and continued until Slamboree, when the Nastys won the WCW World tag belts, and beyond. In their Texas Tornado match at Uncensored, the two teams brawled into the concession stands. If the Heat’s manager, Sherri Martel, got too close to the action, the Nastys were happy to shove her face into their smelly armpits.
Second runner-up: Ramon might not have hated Jarrett so much if it weren’t for “Double-J’s “ sidekick, The Roadie, whose attack on Ramon’s leg caused Razor to lose the Intercontinental title to Jarrett at the Royal Rumble. Their ladder matches were always intense (as were the rest of their encounters), and they traded the I-C belt twice in a three-day span in May.
Third runner-up: Flair got the “Macho Man” on his case after he and Arn Anderson attacked Savage’s dad, 70-year-old Angelo Poffo, at Slamboree. The highlight of their months-long feud was a wild dressing room brawl at Atlanta’s Center Stage Theater. Savage shut the “Nature Boy’s” match (at least temporarily) with a clean win at Bash at the Beach in July.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Cactus Jack vs. The Sandman, Diesel vs. Sid Vicious, Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven, The Gangstas vs. Public Enemy, Eddy Gurrero vs. Dean Malenko, Hakushi vs. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan vs. Big Van Vader, and Kama vs. The Undertaker.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
*walks on in tiredly while utilizing high heels, stares at the chaos, shrugs, offers you tea then sits down with biscuits to watch the world burn* I have zero context about what I just walked into, but darn it if it ain't entertaining after a long week of bull, hope y'all are doing good and getting enough rest plus doing good today! May existence treat you decently.
I would honestly feed you more mythological lore right now but it's unfortunately the middle of a storm with lightning and my brain is tired, so maybe in another ask, but a fun little factoid here: Cú Chulainn once broke a divine sword made by the gods themselves after using it precisely two times, so I personally find it funny if the reason Fi breaks down in TOTK is because Fia/Seraph pushed her too much and didn't take her to a smith before he died and then she just ended up in Wild's hands which wasn't any better, unintentional and probably not a true parallel but just thought I'd share. Plus an excerpt of what he looked like during the Riastrad according to Thomas Kinsella's Tain:
"The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tangle of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage."
Just some fun facts.
Lora fic is 45% complete, song of choice is under wraps but I can send in an excerpt when it's not storming outside?
Player's Newly Gifted Wolf Vs Wolfie for the role of best doggo, fight! That or the wolf and horse are immediately Player's besties and help them get up to shenanigans, Legend being overly suspicious? Horse pushes him down with their head and the wolf walks on by at the precisely convenient time, Player wants to play a prank on Wild? Wolf is there as a distraction while the horse helps Player get away with the promise of sneaking them meat bits during dinner, plus I can see Seraph/Fia just LOSING it in the afterlife. On another note, Seraph/Fia noticing neither Wild nor Hyrule are teaching Player how to handle weapons, sighs and immediately goes "Fine I'll do it myself" by pulling a Hero's Shade and teaching them whenever they're in fairly isolated areas, look he respects their view and approves of it, but he also was a Gladiator and had to kill his shield brother so I feel like him teaching anyone self defense is a must, next time Dink comes by the Chain he just gets immediately shanked by Player who at least learned how to use daggers efficiently, or throws down hand to hand with Dink on the ground while Seraph is practically hollering proud comments like a coach or something, or lends them a bit of his strength/magic in a semi-Riastrad state temporarily to help, idk I'm tired, might dive into it later.
Also I have discovered what's arguably a rare Link variant, and that'd be Sir Raven aka Legend's Ancestor, double agent hero of Labrymna from the OOA Manga and Time's descendentant
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My sleep deprived self personally thinks it's important more people know he exists.
Something something, au where everything is the same but Player is a Herscherr, or more aptly has a Herscherr personality that's either more like HoV or HoS from Honkai, or au where Player is basically Shin Shin Yuseung from ORV. I only have half an idea how that would work, but let's just say Dink would have a bad day either way, FD would probably be intrigued and First and Sky would once again be divine bait.
Anyway that will be that for today, hope you're having a nice time of the day and existence!
-A Very Awkward and Tired Summertime Musician.
He's such a handsome man.
The idea that the reason Wild breaks weapons so much is passed down from Fia/Seraph makes me cackle- like ancestor like descendant I guess OIBDEWOICEI.
ALSO HERO'S SAHDE SERAPH TYPE BEAT I LOVE IT- sure he's gotta deal with Player screaming the first time they see him but it's a very enlightening experience seeing someone dead in your dreams so mans just gotta suck it up. At least Player gets to shank Dink, that's all they care about.
Wolf and Horse duo! We love to see it! Player's little buddy with too much sharp teeth and the horse who people wish wasn't a predator! Their main focus being Player is cute too.
I'm not very informative about Honkai, other than what my friend has info dumped on me but I do slightly remember a herscherr so good luck with that Dink OHBEOIEO
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chaozsilhouette · 3 years
Moonlit Musings
The night is such a perfect time to face one’s darkest truths. Shrouded in the moon’s light what can one do but admit to their flaws. It can be a time of rejuvenation and rebirth, only if you let it.
It was a quiet night.
The full moon hung high in the heavens accompanied by millions of stars. Not a cloud to be seen, an ideal night for passions to run wild. Normally people would be taking out their telescopes or arranging romantic picnics.
Sadly, nights like these only filled Sun Wukong with dread. It was a night like this when he was finally able to return after the Journey. That was the night he learned he had lost a precious treasure.
When he returned, he expected to be greeted by his subjects until Macaque showed himself. He expected to be strangled as the pale furred monkie admonished him for his recklessness. He expected to watch as fury transformed into tearful joy as they embraced one another for the first time in over five hundred years.
But that wasn’t what happened.
The moment he set foot back onto Flower Fruit Mountain, he sensed something was very wrong. Like his previous return trips, his subjects greeted him with loud celebrations. The new mothers showed off their infants. The young ones wasted no time climbing all over him, taking in the scent of their king.
The immortal elders, however, looked concerned.
That was when he realized Macaque’s scent on the mountain was far too faint. Even the magical signature of his clones no longer felt fresh.
Macaque was nowhere to be found. The monkeys reported Macaque had returned a few years after he stopped by the mountain earlier in the Journey but not as his usual self. He didn’t respond to any of their questions. He didn’t even take time to check in on the infants. He didn’t say a word.
He just entered the mansion, but no one saw him leave.
Entering the mansion, Wukong dashed to their room desperate for answers. Opening the doors, he saw the room was horribly empty, sure all of his belonging were exactly as he remembered them, but all of Macaque’s stuff was gone. Macaque’s closet was empty and all his books had vanished. Despite his desperate hopes, there wasn’t any signs of a struggle or hidden messages to be found.
Macaque left of his own free will, but why?
He couldn’t bring himself to sleep in the bed they shared so many nights together. Every time he dared, he awoke expect to be greeted with the comforting warmth of familiar presence, instead he opened his eyes to a cold emptiness.
The lack of answers broke his heart, but he didn’t have time to start tearing the landscape apart trying to find him. Now that he was back for good, he had so many responsibilities to catch up on. He was determined to be a good king for his subjects and that meant ughthinking things through. Plus, he wanted to spend as much time with his master and brothers as possible.
Then there was the concerning fact all his previous allies had severed their alliance with him.
Apparently after all the fuss with the Demon Bull King, word had spread that Wukong broke their alliance by disrespecting protocol and attacking the royal family. Plus, his new position as a defender of humanity annoyed more than a few respectable demons. Combined with the sheer number of powerful demons he killed on the Journey cemented the idea that having an alliance with him would only end poorly.
He was banned from court meetings and the other kings in the surrounding areas wanted nothing to do with him. The chaotic nature of his past had finally caught up to him and in the worst possible way.
He was still recognized as the Monkey King of the Sun Court but was effectively blacklisted. No one wanted to mess with him, but they also didn’t want to interact with him. Not good for his mental health to say the least.
Simians are naturally social creatures. Wukong was used to constantly being around other people and learning new things. His time imprisoned was not kind. His first year of freedom had him constantly climbing over his brothers and master just to reassure himself that this was real.
And now that he couldn’t reconnect with old faces unless it was through a battle to the death…It forced him to delve into old memories. Memories that while sweet only made the emptiness more pronounced.
Sun Wukong smiled as he watched Macaque’s reaction.
The six-eared monkie was furiously pinching the bridge between his eyebrows after he shattered a boulder with a careless headbutt as though it would make his life mercifully easier. “You’ll have to explain it to me again. What did you mean by ‘no longer under Yama’s jurisdiction’?”
“Exactly what I said. I was napping. Having some time to myself, when out of nowhere some idiots tried to take my soul to the afterlife.” Wukong explained as though having entities of death rip out your soul to drag it to the underworld was no big deal.
“Bet you weren’t happy.” Macaque couldn’t help but smirk at the flippant tone. He just made it so difficult to stay mad.
“Not in the slightest. I barged my way to the top brass, bunch of cowards called the Ten Kings (totally undeserved titles by the way) and demanded what the fuck was going on.” He was still ticked off even if the payoff was sweet. Seriously! Did immortality mean nothing to these cowards? They couldn’t even play it off as him dying in battle. He was in the peak of his youth! “Can you believe they tried to play it off as a misunderstanding? Should have smacked the loudmouth when I was there.”
“So, through a series of ridiculous events, you erased your name from the records of the dead.” Macaque could easily piece together the rest from there. No matter how ridiculous the odds. He learned never to bet against his friend when a problem could be handled with brute strength or intimidation. If it didn’t look like such an answer was possible, clearly, they hadn’t experienced the force of a determined Wukong. Something about facing a ticked off monkie of practically infinite strength and invulnerability left harden conquerors pissing themselves.
It was hilarious.
“Not just mine. In my infinite wisdom, I erased the names of several of the monkey inhabitants of esteemed Flower Fruit Mountain, including yours.” Wukong playfully booped Macaque’s nose.
Turning away to hide a light blush, Macaque scoffed to cover his embarrassing response. “Typical. I can’t leave you alone for five minutes without you doing something insane.”
“I know. I’m just that awesome.”
“So what? Are we now double immortal?” That was the question wasn’t it. Due to their master’s instructions, they were immortal and ageless, so what exactly would this give them? He didn’t feel any different. He couldn’t sense any new powers or changes in his instincts.
His counterpart, however, had other things on his mind. “Who cares. All I know is that those idiots have no control over our souls anymore.” And with that the King took his rightful place across Macaque’s lap as the other returned to his scrolls.
Wukong instead took the time to examine his friend, who finally gained enough confidence to fully drop his glamour and embrace his true appearance.
He still couldn’t believe Macaque actually had six ears. The weird part was how natural they looked, almost as if seeing him with only two was bizarre. The coolest part was how each pair softly glowed a different color. Blue. Purple. Red. Sometimes Wukong would just stare at them, imagining that he could see glittering stars emanating from that glow.
Suddenly those magnificent ears twitched. Macaque didn’t bother looking up from the bamboo scroll. “A trespasser...multiple, boar and vulture demon. Another hunting party”.
“Again. Ugh. Don’t these idiots ever give up!” Don’t get him wrong, Wukong loved a good fight. What better way to prove how superior you are to others than to steal what’s most precious to them? But even he was starting to grow bored with the sheer number of hunters that thought kidnapping his subjects was a quick cash grab.
After the fifth army he returned in pieces to the surrounding upstart lords, you’d think they’d take a hint.
Thankfully he wasn’t the only powerhouse on the mountain. “I haven’t tasted blood in a while. Why don’t I defend the kingdom while your highness enjoys a show?” Macaque set aside his reading material, eyes glittering with bloodlust.
Wukong returned the smirk with one of his own. “I’m always up for a good thrashing. One request: make it glorious.”
“Don’t I always.” Macaque joked as he retrieved his spear from his own shadow.
Wukong summoned his cloud and claimed a good vantage point. Once again, he marveled at his friend’s hearing. Judging by the distance it would have been at least three hours before he would have detected their presence.
Kicking back, he transformed some hair into a fruit platter and waited for the screams.
To this day, Wukong knew Macaque was alive. Thanks to his efforts combined with the intense training, the monkie was double immortal. Besides, that monkkie was way too stubborn to die. He would survive purely on spite if he had to.
Macaque left, but why?
While he may have effectively isolated himself, that didn’t mean he didn’t hear about the other courts. A few centuries ago, he heard rumors about the formation of a new court by someone under the title of the Macaque King. Supposedly they were a powerful monkie who knew way more than he had the right to. For a brief moment, Wukong dared to hope it was his old friend, but it didn’t last. The few recounts he caught described him with black fur. Besides, he knew how much Macaque hated the title of King. Even when Wukong offered him the position as co-ruler of his kingdom, the pale monkie adamantly refused.
Still, he was curious.
For a few weeks he could have sworn he detected a familiar scent hiding underneath Mk’s. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed. A few of the immortal monkeys questioned him on the mango infused scent and what his plans were. It was almost too much to take in.
To think he returned to teach his student instead of showing his face. It hurt just to think about it. He chose to ignore the beckoning scent until it became impossible to ignore MK’s leap in progress. Then it just vanished like it hadn’t been testing his patience. Like it hadn’t brought him to the brink of shaking the kid upside down until he confessed where his old friend was hiding. The kid probably grew wise, or someone told him to change his bathing habits, and by the next training session it was all but gone.
Dragging his hand down his face, Wukong tried to reevaluate his thoughts.
Getting mad at the kid wasn’t going to solve anything. He knew he hadn’t been the most attentive master. Hell, the whole hammer exercise at its core was a desperate attempt to remove a painful reminder of better times. His master would be disappointed in how he was running away from his problems, but would encourage him to take the steps to be better. Zhu Bajie would be a sarcastic little shit, trying to get him riled up so the monkie would prove him wrong. Sha Wujing would sit him down and wouldn’t let him leave until they talked everything through.
He had to make things right with the kid. He deserved a better master. And this New Years he was gonna get one.
He spoke, praying the winds would carry his voice to his Warrior.
“Macaque. I know it’s been a while, but…I-I want to talk. I know you’re out there, somewhere I can’t reach. I miss sparring with you. I miss lazy days napping in the shade by your side. I miss defending the mountain as we held contests to see who could take out the most trespassers before their common sense kicked in. I miss you. Please come home.”
The moon was high in the sky. Stars danced in the heavens as the faintest hints of vibrations pulsed through the concrete from the late-night dance clubs. MK lay awake, his mind struggling to make sense of it all.
Ever since Macaque disappeared in order to remain undetected, he kept thinking about his relationship with the Monkey King. Sure, he was being trained and he was definitely making progress. The monkie was still on his case for supposedly cheating on him with another mentor. Nothing MK said or did could make the monkie think otherwise. Thankfully, he was no longer shooting him suspicious glares, but the underlying tension remained.
The sad truth is they just weren’t that close.
He would have expected to learn more about the Monkey King on a personal and emotional level, but he just couldn’t get past that wall. Their training sessions felt more like just the Monkey King arranged just to get it over with. There was no passion at all.
Okay, perhaps that last bit was an exaggeration.
When you peered past the arrogance and pride, you found one socially awkward monkie. It was similar to Red Son the more he thought about it, both seemed to find it difficult to talk to or relate to others in a friendly setting. Sure, Monkey King projected a friendly demeanor and called him “bud”, but if he didn’t know any better he could have sworn the monkie was afraid to take that final step.
The last few sessions had taken a bit of a turn in a positive direction as Sandy would say. Maybe Monkey King decided it was time to make a change? Maybe this was all a trick so MK would lower his guard and reveal Macaque’s identity? Maybe he was just tired and should have conked out an hour ago?
Reality was so different from the legends. When Tang first introduced him to the Monkey stories, he was hooked. He loved listening to the tales of the infamous trickster that flipped off every major religious figure with unbridled confidence. Meeting the Great Sage in the flesh was like a dream come true until he was exposed to the King’s less pleasant tendencies.
Mk couldn’t help but wonder just how much confidence the Monkey King had in his training skills. Did he ever train someone before? Could MK talk to someone about this without appearing even more ungrateful than he already looked? Why didn’t he stop Red Son from unsealing his father when he was there? Why didn’t he simply seal the entire family when they were reunited? Why did the five times immortal sage decide that now he needed to train a disciple? Was Monkey King not telling him something important?
He had so many questions and not even the foggiest idea of where to start looking. Or perhaps he did?
The truth was he missed Macaque. The dark-furred monkie may have only taught him for a month, but the progress he made and the level of care he was exposed to made him feel as though he had finally unlocked the ability to fly.
He missed the regular grooming. He missed learning about the demon community. He missed learning new ways to mess with Red Son through appropriate court manners.
Watching the fire user freeze up at the term “honorable prince of the Iron Bull Court” just made him laugh, when his hair combusted it really matched his face. Now that he thought about it, were those horns starting to peek out of his forehead? And maybe the slightest hint of a tufted tail swiping the bottom of his coat? Seeing the demon frantically compose himself was a treat he didn’t know he needed. He still had the video saved as one of his favorites, didn’t hurt that Mei caught it at the perfect angle.
Oh yeah, he missed that.
With any luck, New Years would be the start of something better.
On an island that remained surrounded by unquenchable storms, a single black-furred monkie sat cross-legged in a secluded part attached to the palace. All around him fruit trees and bushes bore a hefty bounty releasing an intoxicating scent of life.
Ears twitched.
Macaque opened his eyes, aroused from his meditation. It was odd. He had the faintest sensation that someone had been talking about him. Now that wasn’t exactly unusual, he made plenty of allies and enemies across the centuries. What was odd was that the voice sounded like someone he once cherished.
But that couldn’t be right.
The deceptive silence of his personal orchard gave him no answers. Not that he really expected it to.
For some reason he refused to identify, Macaque turned to the single peach tree in the grove. A tribute from his past and a reminder of his mistakes. But it was also a valuable resource once he learned the truth about the peach’s properties. He used its powers to protect many happy relationships, if only it could have helped him so long ago.
No matter.
He still had many projects to work on, including one successor just rife with insecurities. He honestly felt bad ducking out as he did. If things were different, he would have offered him a new life. His Stars were always happy to welcome a new member into their budding community.
As a bonus, his presence would have interrupted their constant attempts to set him up with new dates. He adored their efforts but being paired with partners who only wanted power or he would view only as friends was not something he enjoyed. Although watching them mentally destroy those they didn’t find suitable for him was quite entertaining.
Either way, New Years was coming up fast and he still needed to approve a few changes. His Stars were determined to make sure this event topped last years in every way possible, but they had to make sure they didn’t set the orchard on fire again. Or worse, they could launch the fireworks into the storm barrier. He wasn’t sure why or how, but the tornadoes and clouds turned different colors as explosions rang throughout the night.
It was beautiful but lost its charm after the third day.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Ball’s In Your Court
Paring: Steve Rogers x Reader, (platonic tony x reader)
Summary: Steve and Y/n have been playing games for years. But now that Rogers is acting like a little bitch, Y/n throws him a curve ball that will either make them or break them.
Words: 2.7k
Warning: None man. Its fluff and angst. Language (?)
A/N: I was experimenting with the third person P.O.V for reader. Hope it’s to your liking.
For as long as Steve could remember, their life together had been a game; bet after bet, challenge after challenge. He had met her when she was just entering her teens, a little girl with a lost wild look in her eyes. She was in all respects Tony’s daughter, rescued by him from the wreckage of his own weapons. He had almost done a double take when Tony had introduced her to the team.
“This is Y/n, she will stay with us from now”
The compound was not used to the pitter patter of little feet or their furniture appearing embellished overnight. She had lost everything, including it seemed herself. So, their first game ironically had been Hide and Seek. She was small and he lost count of how many times she had bested him by crawling under the cramped spaces of desks or vents (Thanks for teaching her that, Barton).
When Tony had complained about the hundredth time that she just wouldn’t eat, Steve would challenge her that whoever finished their breakfast first could choose the movie for tonight. When she refused to let them leave for missions, he would challenge her to a game of cards. She was too young to win against him but her stubborn streak never turned down a game.
Their every interaction had been a game. They could get each other to do anything by playing chess or softball or a game of Horse that drove everyone else up the wall. He got her to open up about school bullies by besting her at Pictionary and she had effectively gotten him to shut up about healthy food by kicking his ass at video games. They dealt with drama via games (Whoever tosses the least paper balls in the bin tells Bruce we fucked his experiment ), they dealt with humor via games (let’s see who can manage to steal Nat’s gun without getting caught), they dealt with grief via game (if you beat me at Heads Up I’ll let you choose the gravestone).
Growing up, she was Tony’s daughter and Steve’s best friend. While Tony raised her, Steve gossiped with her. They were pals and all was fun and games until she grew up from a little girl into a young woman. Steve didn’t know when things changed but the first he noticed it was when she had run into his arms bawling because some idiot boy broke her heart. It was when he found himself conflicted between anger at the boy and jealousy that this shit started.
He had tried, he had really tried to keep it in check. He had tried to keep up with their game’s night ritual, their silly bets and ridiculous challenges. He had tried his best to be a friend, but this was one challenge he lost. She was no more the 14-year-old girl asking him questions for her history project or the 16-year-old nightmare who would put cockroaches in his bed as revenge. This was a young woman in her 20s with curves for days and an attitude that raised hell. It was a classic falling for your best friend story (if only he weren’t old enough to be her dad or was her dad’s best friend).
He had of course been under the impression that he was being subtle about his change in feelings. He tried not to stare when they went out for a swim, he resisted the urge to lick her lips after a nacho eating contest. He was trying so fucking hard, but as anyone could have told him, “Steve, you don’t have a subtle bone in your body, you frisbee throwing maniac”. She was Tony Stark’s daughter; she was not raised to be stupid. She was smart and observant and almost as quick a study as her father. It was no surprise then that she figured out what had Steve so wound up around her.
Maybe it would have creeped her out had it been anyone else, but Steve was her person. He was her one constant, from kissing her boo-boos to getting her home after she drank herself silly, Steve was there. It shouldn’t have surprised Steve so much then when she cornered him one evening and planted a wet one smack on his mouth with a muttered, “This sexual tension it killing me, gotta do something about it because you won’t”.
He wished he could say he clutched her body to his and dragged her to his room for a wild night of passion. But in reality, he chickened out like a bitch and ran away. Not just from her, but he completely disappeared from the compound for two weeks. When he came back, it was with the intentions of telling her they couldn’t do it, it was wrong and a betrayal to Tony. But Steve needn’t have worried because he came back to the compound to find her introducing the team to her boyfriend.
As far as others know, Steve didn’t deliberately break those glasses that night or push the idiot boy in the pool. It was an accident, and if such accidents kept happening around men she dated then it was purely coincidental.
It was a new kind of game they played then, a more dangerous one and if one’s being honest, a very sensual game. She would date someone; he would scare them away. One of them will find the other, have a passionate make out session, probably end up straddling the other on a desk and then one of them will get up and leave with the same lie “This can’t happen again”. Repeat.
Gone were the days of challenges and competitions, in its place was a sexually charged game of Tag. A cat and mouse game where they always chased each other, touching fleetingly before retreating again. Neither would be the one to make a commitment, neither would concede to being the person who would put their hearts on the line. They were two bulls who were made to butt heads (who occasionally took time off to play a quick game of tonsil-hockey).
Steve had known there had to be an end to this. It had gone on for so long that he could bet other people suspected some shit. He had honestly expected for Tony to sucker punch him half a dozen times by now. Right now, he would have taken those punches to the news she had just given to the team.
“I am getting married!” She announced, offering her left hand so others can admire the gorgeous diamond ring that sat on her ring finger. She looked happy, absolutely radiant and it was all Steve could do to stop himself from dragging her out of here by her hair and throwing that offending ring into the garbage chute. What the fuck kind of game was she playing?
He waited until everyone was asleep before he broke into her room. Well, breaking into would suggest it was forced but truly only him and Tony had the authorization to enter. Their relationship may have changed from ‘you’re my best friend’ to ‘I want to be your best lay’, but they still knew each other the best and cared just as much as before, if not more.
She was under the covers in her bed, a small nightlamp on. It had been a while since Steve had been in her room and it was like taking a big gulp of nostalgia. Her room was her sanctuary, so it reflected her heart’s desires. Every surface of the room was littered with one of their memories together. Her pinboard was still holding the notes he would write to her in school, the birthday cards he made himself and the portraits he would sketch for her. On her desk stood the numerous gifts he had gotten her, each well taken care of despite the years between. Right beside her on the cabinet was a picture of them together, both of them holding hands and smiling at each other in what could only be called as “lovesick smitten idiots”.
He was cautious as he lowered himself next to her on the bed, her face so peaceful he felt like he would taint it by his touch and presence. He had looked at her for years, sketched her details hundreds of times and yet each time he beheld her, he felt his heart skip a beat. She was a memory that he tried to forget and yet it emerged every time he closed his eyes. She was in his skin, a part of him in a way that defied all laws of nature and social customs.
“Are you going to keep staring at me and be the creep from Twilight or do you plan on getting inside?”
Her voice made him jump because she hadn’t opened her eyes. She was smiling that lazy smile of hers when she would catch his bluff in poker. He chuckled and shifted the sheets, climbing under them and curling his body around her. It may as well have been cliché to say that they fit like a puzzle, but it was true. They were molded to fit against each other perfectly, like that lid you close over a box and the satisfying ‘tick’ sound it makes when it clicks into place. That’s what being with her felt like. Fitting in. Coming home.
“Why are you doing this Y/n?” Steve asked and she pushed her body into his so he could hug her tighter.
“Because you won’t do anything Steve. We’ve been running around in circles for so long now, and every time I think that finally we’ll be together, you abandon fort and run. I can’t do this anymore.”
Steve took her left hand and watched her ring twinkle in a taunt. It could have been him. It should be him.
“Don’t marry him. He will never give you what you want.”
“I know that Steve, no one can give me what they want because they aren’t you. But I can’t keep waiting for you in the sidelines hoping you’ll pull your head out of your ass. I want to be loved, preferably in this life.”
His arms were like tentacles around her, but she didn’t complain. Every embrace and moment between them was so fleeting, a stolen moment that she enjoyed what she could get. This was probably the longest in a few years that they had held each other without one running for the hills.
“I love you, you know that.” He whispered in her ear, longing evident in his voice.
“I know that, as much as I know that you won’t do shit about it. Loving someone is not always enough Steve. It’s just the beginning. I – I won’t keep my love a secret. I don’t want ten angry sensual minutes in the broom closet. I want walks in the park and two dogs and a cat. I want picnics with our family and pictures that are not restricted to my room. You can’t give me that. You won’t.”
She had run out of tears. Her fiancé may not be Steve Rogers but at least he was an honest man who tried his best to love her the way she deserved. She had met his family and they had met hers; they could post pictures on social media with cheesy captions and hold hands as they drank coffee from a cheap corner place.
“You can never love anyone like you love me” It was a sulky declaration by a hurt lover and she almost cooed to him like a mommy consoling her baby. Steve may have been older to her in years, but when it came to love he was an immature brat.
“That may be true, but I will try. I am not Penelope waiting in the balcony for Odysseus to return. I love you, and that love may never fade away. But my life will go on. It is your choice if you want to be a part of it.”
She faced him, her eyes open and clear. He didn’t know when the little girl who needed help to reach the jar on the shelf had grown up in this headstrong woman who could beat a sailor when it came to cursing. But he couldn’t bear the thought of her staying like this in someone else’s bed, looking at them the way she looked at him. Steve rarely coveted something in his life, but he didn’t realize until now how much he coveted her love. If he lost that, he feared he would lose himself.
“Your father is going to kill me” Steve groaned, and she laughed. Her head was on his chest and an arm around his torso.
“We can elope, you know. Run away and get married. It will be too late to do anything then. You’ll be stuck with me.”
“Did you just propose to me?” Steve questioned and she nodded, her eyes naughty.
“I’m always a step ahead of you Captain. I figured you would take another month at least to ask and I have wasted too much time already.” She whispered against his lips. He leaned up to kiss her deeply, unhurried for the first time. It was like their first kiss all over again, like two star-crossed lovers smashing through their final obstacle and uniting. Steve didn’t know how he had survived so long without having her like this, but as his hands found her soft curves, he swore he can’t go a day without it.
“Stop stop!” She said, pushing his chest and rolling away from him. “We’ve waited this long. You’re not getting your dick wet until you finally commit to me.”
Steve looked more dumbfounded than offended and responded by finally taking off the ring on her finger and throwing it away carelessly.
“I’ll steal the Quinjet, meet me in the hanger in half an hour. Don’t pack shit. We’ll make one stop for the rings and get the first officiant I can find to marry us. We’ll probably be back by breakfast. And then,” His arm wound around her waist “I will lay rest to the sexual tension of years by getting my dick wet. Repeatedly.”
It was to be expected that Tony’s daughter wouldn’t do anything halfway through. A flair for dramatics was her inheritance and she and Steve walked into the compound newly married in rumpled night clothes and shit eating grin. They found everyone eating in the kitchen, and greetings stopped halfway when the rest of the team noticed their clasped hands.
“What the fuck…” Bruce said, half eaten celery dangling from his open mouth.
Y/n flashed them her award-winning smile and showed the matching rings on her and Steve’s hand. It was a riot under a minute, chairs scraping as they crowded them, trying to see if it was a joke. Then just as suddenly everyone stopped and Tony stepped forward, a spatula in his hand that to Steve looked as threatening as a gun.
“You sick son of a bitch!” Tony shouted and Steve flinched. He looked at Y/n but all she did was wear a smug look on her face that should be illegal in about three continents. “You little bitch! You are supposed to be from the 90s! You were supposed to ask her hand from me like a gentleman you sick little fuck!”
Steve blinked in confusion while she laughed, hopping like a little girl to hug her father.
“Pay up, daddy! You owe me 500 bucks.” She said and Tony groaned, pulling out his wallet and handing her crisp five 100s.
“I – what? What happened?” Steve sputtered, still surprised he wasn’t being beaten by the Iron Legion.
“You weren’t supposed to elope you bastard. Always knew chivalry was dead!” Tony huffed then went back to cooking. “Congratulations by the way. Fucking finally. I’m not surprised my girl had to do everything anyway. She’s taken after me.”
This was a plot twist Steve never expected and he looked at his new wife with a look of horror on his face that could only be translated to as ‘what the fuck have I gotten myself into’.
“I told you baby, I’m always a step ahead of you.” She said, trying and failing to blush like a bride.
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americachavez · 4 years
did cas really tell dean to kneel before their new god? did that actually happen? i thought him beating the shit out of dean in that alley was the most unrestrainedly horny thing this show had ever done ACTUALLY you know what scratch that new question: top horny moments from the cw's supernatural (2005 - 2020)
getting this ask feels like my sins of the last week have been weighed against the Trials I Have Gone Through since the premier of supernatural on the wb in september of 2005 and I’m not sure if it is a punishment or reward
some notes before we begin:
the ep with dean’s male siren was like, conceptually horny but not actually that horny because the dude was uglie. I’m sorry to this man
all you sam girls out there. I respect you but I do not respect jared padalecki who is JUST tall and has zero sex appeal. but those eps where he’s like, drinking ruby’s blood and then eating her pussy are. you know. I’ll give you that
I am ONLY UP TO SEASON 10 so fair warning this is not comprehensive but the horniness does seem to drop off sharply after the mark of cain is no longer in play lol gotta love a good demon murder tattoo plot
this is easily the most insane thing I’ve ever done, including the destiel manifesto
S1 EP12: the scene where dean gets healed by the faith healer, on his knees with a hand in his hair and looking somewhere between religious ecstasy, brain death and an orgasm. starting this list off great
S1 EP22: azazel possessing john winchester. no I will not explain further if u know u know <3
S3 EP10: dean being taunted by a dream version of himself, this is where we first got the daddy’s blunt little instrument line. still burned in my hippocampus a good 13 years later thank yew
S4 EP1: dean crawling out of his own grave covered in grave dirt. hot. the HANDPRINT. HOT. also tangent but this reveal after the s3 finale was WILD back in 2008 I hollered in my dorm room after canvassing for obama. simpler times man
S4 EP 1: cas’ intro scene. the barn. the shadow wings. the hair??? getting stabbed in the chest by the man you just pulled out of hell. getting aaaallll up in that personal space. his little eyebrow. “you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” OUTRAGEOUSLY FLAMING
S4 EP02: “I dragged you out of hell I can throw you back in.” <<< this angel tops. mark dean down as scared and horny etc
S4 EP16: this ENTIRE EPISODE but specifically the part where dean tortures alastair as some kind of foreplay and then alastair kicks his ass. carved you into a new animal. jesus.
S4 EP16: wait I forgot about the part where cas also gets his ass kicked and looks all....hm. dazed and covered in blood while he’s on his knees and about to die. yeah.
S5 EP4: I mean this entire ep is unfairly horny considering everyone is dying of a zombie plague and hasn’t showered in like, 4 years but if I had to pick one hmmm. the dean/dean interrogation scene with the panty kink yeah I know it’s not original but hm. it happened. also misha collins just being able to convey that CAS IS A FLEXIBLE SLUT with a single roll of his shoulders. who SAYS this man can’t act!!!!!
S5 EP18: when cas locks dean in the panic room to stop him from saying yes to michael and “well cas not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” I hate this show. wait I think the blow me cas line is in this episode too what the fuck were they on here
S6 EP5: the scene where dean gets turned into a vampire. between the old dude who I think calls dean a pretty boy (??) and soulless sam....watching??? no ******* but there were just some absolutely foul energies in that scene and I still do not understand WHAT they were thinking
S6 EP20: cas doing a double smite on two demons by slamming them to the ground and then shoving another demon back in its vessel and then smiting him in the same motion. TOP. ENERGY.
S6 EP22: season 6 is possibly cas’ horniest season because he’s like, going through angel puberty after getting his first boner for dean, but the final cas eps are. whoof. cas eats a bunch of souls and proclaims himself to be a new god in order to handle said boner, and then the season ends with cas telling them to bow down and profess their love to him, their new lord, or he will destroy them. note: the way this is framed makes it look like cas is only staring at dean while he says this, even though sam and bobby are also there. the season ends with dramatic zooms on both cas and dean’s faces respectively. this made me actively regret ditching this show after s5 lol
S8 EP??: literally EVERY SINGLE PURGATORY FLASHBACK. cas dean and benny are all purgatory hot in the “pop 10 cranberry pills and risk the UTI” kind of way but also. dean being the hot girl bottom between two tops who hate each other. I really. whew. I need to go take a shower.
S8 EP17: if I get canceled for including the crypt scene on this list I blame you bud. but dean on his knees begging a brainwashed cas to stop killing him WAS sexy. how many times has dean been on his knees in this list wait there’s another one coming up next jsldjfsldkjf
S9 EP2: abaddon getting dean on his knees (YEAH) and pulling his hair and praising him for always coming when called HELLO???? the only thing that ruins this is dean says “I can’t tell if we’re gonna fight or make out” because this is the CW and they won’t let him say fuck
S9 EP6: ah. this entire episode is Emotionally Horny but the horny horny part is when they’re in the car and dean is telling cas to unbutton his shirt and. watches. I know this was on my destiel manifesto but I need it here too
S9 EP9: cas, covered in blood, slitting another angel’s throat and eating his grace after getting tortured. that shot alone made me understand why this website was so goddamn horny for misha collins for nearly a damn decade
S9 EP11: MARK OF CAIN BABEY. cain watching dean beat up a bunch of demons as an audition for taking on the mark, while crowley also is a fucking voyeur to the whole thing. cain is also a hot silver fox with daddy energies. I said what I said
S9 EP 16: dean getting the first blade. he’s chained to a pillar and being menaced by a foppish dandy who wants to add him to his “collection” (WOW). dean then kills him with the blade and whew. murder is sexy sometimes
S9 EP21: dean being pinned against a wall by abaddon’s power, then using the mark of cain to break her hold, calling the first blade to him psychically and then killing her. god the mark of cain is hot
S9 EP23: dean waking up with the demon eyes NUT
S10 EP2: demon dean beating up that dude with the boring backstory and kicking his ass. really was a go on baby I got your flower moment because I hated that dude and I love demon dean
S10 EP3: demon dean being chained up and taunting sam about how his brother is gone, then hunting sam through the bunker. demon dean in general was VERY fun for me, someone who loves trash
S10 EP9: dean going berserk and killing a bunch of pedophile rapists/child abusers. I’m sorry I know this show is trying to preach morality at me about monsters and unnecessary murder and humanity or whatever but we blew past that like 8 SEASONS AGO. also the mark of cain is sexy
S10 EP14: the rest of this list is really gonna be mark of cain stuff isn’t it look I’m here to have fun. cain and dean’s fight. cain continuously tossing his mane of hair back and taunting dean with the picture of what he’s going to become, who he’s going to kill. dean begging cain to tell him that he can stop, and then ultimately killing him. rip daddy.
S11 EP4: again I have not watched this however. every shot of this episode is PRESTIGE TELEVISION because driving a muscle car is sexy. and especially the shot of dean all beat to hell and begging his car to start and giving her a little kiss from his fingers to her dash. ugh. masculinity.
S12 EP10: the bearded salt-and-pepper daddy look returns, only it’s an angel this time and he’s wearing a vest and shirtsleeves and he swordfights with a hot redheaded lady in a suit and an eyepatch. this show is good sometimes!!! and oh fuck lol I just realized this is the same guy who played krissy’s hot hunter dad in s7 probably the first guy who’s hotter as an angel than a hunter. huh.
S12 EP 11: dean riding larry the mechanical bull to “broomstick cowboy.” I have no idea where this factors into the ep but I have seen. the youtube clip
S13 EP23: from what I can tell s13 is way more emotionally horny than boner horny, although dean burning cas’ body was sexy. but the horniest part was dean saying yes to michael and then michael taking over and saying “thanks for the suit.” we are going to ignore the silliest fight scene in existence as well as the final shot ending on a FREEZE FRAME like a goddamn tiktok
S14: not gonna pick a specific moment because I have not watched yet!!! but michael dean is hot. idk why michael is weirdly hot and I cannot stand any iteration of lucifer on this television programme. it should be the reverse but I’m forever an older sibling stan apparently. someone who is catholic could probably explain this better.
S15 EP13: genevieve padalecki and danneel ackles fight flirting as ruby and anael I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HELD OUT ON THIS TILL THE LAST SEASON
I know I am missing things but this is already an absolutely incomprehensible screed. I know I’m missing shit from the latter seasons but give me time I’m pacing myself
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter 1:
Picking Wildflowers
“Ohhhh Leo! Oh Leo! Leo! More More!”
“Please Leo I’m soooo cloosse! Ah! AH! AHHHH!”
Laughing both Finn and Logan were clapped on their shoulders as Thomas and James came up behind them. Red faced Logan and Finn laughed a long, a little more awkwardly and stiff, but much more relaxed than they were at the beginning of the trip.
They kept poking fun and walking beside each other to bump shoulders. Finn, who had a mild limp, and Logan , who still has a bite mark on his ass cheek, walked into the locker room. Everyone had heard the two of them moaning last night with their angelic cowboy so the chirping wasn’t a surprise. Then again, when everyone noticed Finn limping instead of Logan they couldn’t help but stare in wild amusement.
No one on the rest of the team got to meet Leo so they all thought he was some scrappy hick who is into threesomes. Which he is, but he also is one of the sweetest people Logan and Finn had ever met! He gave them a goodmorning/goodbye kiss. What an angel, but they don’t know that, or that he snuggled with them all night even when Logan thought he was a comforter in his sleep and tried to kick him off the bed. He held them just as close as they have held each other for years.
It brought a lot of feelings to the surface that Logan didn’t want to acknowledge yet. Finn knew he was got to daydreaming about Leo’s sweet words he whispered before they even got him into bed, all day.
“Is this all we are going to hear about today?” Logan sets his bag down in his stall and starts undressing. Huffing annoyed as he looked in his bag for his practice jersey.
“You think we would talk about anything else when your moaning of a hillbilly’s name is still fresh in our brain?” Sirius walks past them and bumps Logan playfully with his hip so he jolts forwards a little having to catch himself with his hands in front of his face so he doesn’t faceplant into the locker behind him. The shorter guy glares a little and sticks out his tongue in a show of true maturity. Taking off his pants and changing before anyone sees the bite, he turns around to sit and put his socks and tape.
He feels a tap on his thigh and looks at Finn who is holding his phone so only they can see it, and there is a text from Leo. They had both sent him good morning texts and added him to a group chat because they honestly really liked him, they literally talked about Leo as they got dressed that morning, but they weren’t for sure he would actually answer them.
Text From: Cowboy Sweet Ass
8:15 am
Y’all want to come help me with something later <3
I want to see you again before you leave :)
They share a look of equal excitement and slight arousal from what this implies, Finn texts Leo back, both having this dazed almost soppy look on their face, especially when they looked at each other. Leo was having an effect on the guy and everyone on the team could feel it. Chirping aside, they were happy for them. Maybe this would get them to finally talk to each other.
They could hope.
Leo was dressed for success, overalls without a shirt that were pretty baggy on him and his square-toed work boots, he was sweating in the summer heat as he pushed his hair back under his ball cap to keep the sun out of his eyes as the ranch hands worked with the horses and he worked on fixing the baler. It was nine am and over 80 degrees, sometimes he doesn’t enjoy Louisiana as much as he thinks. But nothing could ruin his mood, humming cheesy love songs to the radio, tapping the rhythm on the machine. Smiling, he takes a step back from the bailer and wipes the sweat off his forehead with the rag from his pocket.
He sees a light blue 1967 Chevy C/K10 pulls up the dusty driveway and parks in its usual spot next to the main house. Who else but Clayton, the man of the hour, hop out of the truck wearing one of his stupid short ass crop tops that stop just below his nipple, making it easy for Leo to tweak them when he annoys him, with his jeans, belt, and boots that are falling apart. Strutting over to Leo he smiles bright and meets him by the bailer.
Leo smiles and they dap, tapping their foreheads together.
“Sooo, how was last night? I saw you leave with those two buffies and I knew you were getting double.” Clayton smiles and hands Leo the wrench he needs when Leo holds out his hand and laughs a little. Leaning on the machine and tipping his head back to soak in the sun.
Leo and Clayton have been friends since kindergarten, having never been apart for more than two days, they told each other everything. They were so close that their parents think they are going to end up together someday. They feel different about it. But they tell each other everything, everything, maybe even too much sometimes.
Traveling together for rodeo has gotten them so close that people just assume they are related somehow. It gets weird when they drunkenly kiss sometimes though. Clayton roping calves and Leo riding bulls has made them a hot commodity with the ladies but they make it clear that they aren’t interested… or that Leo isn’t interested. Clayton would still tap that.
“Dude, they were amazing! Fuckin Montgomery Gentry got me laid.” Leo waits a second for Clayton to catch on, then when it clicks that he is talking about Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, when he stands back up from where he was squatting next to the baler to fix the belts and gets a slap on the back as Clayton whoops. Jumping around he shakes Leo’s shoulders.
“That's fucking hilarious! They took that song literally! Damn, you gotta try and keep ‘em, are you seeing them again? Or was this one of your hook ups that could work but you don’t want it.” Leo narrows his eyes at Clayton and grabs him into a headlock, struggling to get away from the 3” taller man. Clayton falls to the ground when Leo lets him go.
“I don’t do that! Plus, I want them to go out to secret with me tonight.” Leo looks at him while wiping the grease off his hands and squinting a little as the sun gleams off the metal right into his eyes. The red creeping down his neck doesn’t go unnoticed by the dusty friend and he smirks at him.
“Playboy Leo going on a real date… damn they must have really had an impact on you.”
“Well they rode me at the same time, so that left an impression. It’s funny how I feel more comfortable with two people rather than one.” They start walking towards the house to grab some water and tell Eloise that Clayton is here, so when Judy calls they can tell her that her son is indeed still here.
“One on the dick and one on the face or something weird?” Leo smiles and shakes his head as he gulps down a glass of water.
“How do you just always know?”
Text From: Cowboy Sweet Ass
6:01 pm
I’m outside Sweethearts
6:01 pm
Comming out
6:01 pm
I’m gey
Leo laughs a little as he reads the texts, he hasn’t stopped smiling all day after he gushed about the boys to his mom and sudo-brother. Texting them when he could he didn’t have time to change before he came to pick them up, but knowing how they react to him… it will be just fine.
Logan gets into the truck first, sliding into the middle and planting a kiss on Leo’s cheek making them both smile brightly and dopey. Finn gets in and leans over Logan to plant a steamy kiss on Leo’s slightly dry lips, taking him by surprise but he melts into it, pulling away until they are still close enough to bump noses.
“Hi” Leo can’t help but laugh as Finn smiles a blushes before sitting back and buckling up, Logan grabs his face looking a little excited and gives him a kiss as well, a bit more possessive and sharp but when they pull away Logan gets buckled while Leo is still blinking in shock.
“Nice to see you too.” He smiles stupidly and relaxes into the seat before switching gear and starting to drive, the rink is close to the outskirts of town. “Alright, tomorrow is mama’s birthday! So.. that means I need to get her some of her favorite things, like wildflower, smooth rocks, and some honeysuckle. I’m taking y’all to a place only Clayton and I ever go, and it has all of those things… and we can go skinny dipping because I like seeing y’all naked.” Leo smiles innocently at them for a moment as he pulls onto a gravel road and starts driving.
“You don’t plan to kill us right? I mean we could probably take you but… I’d rather you take me” Logan bites his lip and leans into Leo’s side, Leo takes his hand off the steering wheel to wrap it around Logan’s shoulders and takes one of Finn’s hands.
“Ditto.” Finn smiles and is looking out the window in awe, as someone who has grown up in the city and really hasn’t been outdoors much he isn’t used to seeing all of the thick trees and wild plants. He squeezes Leo’s hand in excitement.
After a half hour of driving and listening to some oldies music on the radio, they pull over to the side of the road and Leo turns off the truck. “Okay, one more kiss” He leans over and kisses Logan with hand on the back of his neck, humming in contentment before smoothly pulling away and kissing Finn in one smooth motion. He pulls away and sighs happily leaning his head back on the seat, when he opens his eyes he sees Logan and Finn kissing and his heart skips a beat watching them. “Okay, we have a job to get done before we get into some sexy stuff!” Leo is more so reminding himself than the other two who pulled away and are looking at him the same way they did last night.
Getting out of the truck Leo walks toward the woods he pulled up next to and notices the boys aren't behind him, turning around he sees Finn looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes through the window. Oh yeah, the door is sticky.
He can’t get the door open.
Laughing Leo walks over to the door and opens the jammed door with ease, bowing slightly. “Your majesty” Finn snorts and gets out of the truck before patting Leo’s head and moving out of the way for Logan to hop out.
Logan takes Leo off guard by leaning his full body weight into him after he closes the door, Leo being the sweetheart he is, just scoops Logan up like he weighs nothing and smiles when he lets out the most manly squeak. Finn sneaks a picture smiling as he moves to their side.
Leo leads them through the thick woods and only sets Logan down when they reach a Grove with a crystal clear small lake and flowers everywhere. It was beautiful.
“This is what we call Secret, because we don’t think anyone really knows about it but” He shrugs “Maybe someone does.” He walks forward and sits on a stump, around the stump is a bunch of small white flowers that are two lipped and smell very strong.
Finn walks towards the water and sees a bunch of minnows socializing in the shallows, crouching down he feels the water, taking note of how warm it is. Logan was mesmerized by all the flowers growing, all different colors of shapes. Bee’s buzzed around the surprisingly silent grove and Logan watched them before picking a couple handfuls of flowers.
Leo looks up at Finn first and smiles as he sees him picking out rock he finds because Leo mentioned they needed some, and then his eyes move to Logan who is holding armfuls of beautiful flowers and even has a couple of leaves and petals in his extra curly hair from it drying in the humid heat. Leo felt so at peace with the whole situation. It felt natural.
Logan hears someone walking toward him and looks up with his arms just overflowing with flowers, Finn is carrying handfuls of wet rocks that keep falling out of his hands and he keeps bending to pick up to just… drop more. It was funny and Leo seemed to agree as he was taking a video of Finn dropping and picking up stones.
“Here” Leo holds out a cloth bag and catches the rock that just fell out of Finn’s hand to finally stop the cycle. They put everything in separate appropriate bags before setting them on the stump Leo was sitting on before.
Turning to the boys and smiling, Leo unbuckles his overalls and drops them after he kicks off his boots, so he is just standing there in his tight teal boxer briefs that have dumplings on them. His smiles turns into a teasing smirk as he turns to face the lake having his back to his boys and takes his underwear off before looking over his shoulder at them and then running into the lakes and driving in. Fin and Logan strip so fast, tossing their clothes wherever and following this Casanova into the water.
Two hours of dunking, kissing, splashing and holding each other close. They decide to lay in the short grass of the grove where the flowers don’t reach, sprawling out in a circle, the top of their heads facing each other. They pass around a spliff that Leo brought in the pocket of his overalls. Relaxing in the setting sun as they air dry.
“What day do you guys leave?” Leo has his eyes closed as he is relaxing holding his hand out for the spliff as Finn shotguns Logan, handing it to Leo as they end up sloppily kissing each other before pulling away to answer.
“A week, so you can call us up anytime.” Finn smiles and rolls onto his stomach propping his head up on his hands as he watches the smoke fall from Leo’s lips. His eyelids feel a little heavy as the exhaustion from practice and the cbd from the weed soak into his nerves.
“Are we going to have sex tonight?” Logan also rolls onto his stomach bumping into Finn’s shoulder as he clumsily does so. Leo opens his bright eyes and tips his head back to look at them. “I am really tired but… I also kinda want to suck you dick.” Leo huffs out a laugh and flicks the roach into the lake where a fish slurps it up later.
“I would not say no to that, sweetheart.” Leo bites his lips a little as Logan flushes pink and crawls over to him sliding between his legs leaving light kisses and nips on the tops and inner of his thighs and watching him get hard. Then Logan notices it.
“Do- do you have a worm tattoo with a lasso on your inner knee?” Logan can’t help but laugh as Leo nods smiling. Finn, who has been in heaven watching, joins Logan between Leo’s legs and notices the small tattoo as well and kisses it.
“I have a bunch of little ones. Can you blow me now?” Leo props himself up on his elbows, an adorable blush spread across his cheeks and nose make him look so delicious. Finn and Logan share a look before smiling and licking up Leo’s shaft on opposite sides causing Leo’s head to fall back and his knees to spread more. “Fuck.”
Logan and Finn continue to mirror each other as Logan massages Leo’s taint and balls while Finn sucks on his head, Logan on the base.
Leo is a mess.
His back arching, his jaw tense from making himself hold off from fucking up into their mouths or grinding back onto Logan’s hand. He is gripping the grass so his hands will be stained tomorrow, sweat beading on his hairline and chest. Moaning every once in a while when he can find his voice.
Finn takes him down as much as he can as Logan squeezes just right causing Leo to cum hard, throwing his hands in his hair and tugging it. Once he finishes riding out his orgasm he just flops down all boneless.
“Give me a minute and I’ll get you off.” Leo exhales slowly and props himself up to look at them and a flush of want rushes through him. Finn had gotten himself off on Leo’s leg, how he didn’t notice he didn’t know, Logan looks like he hasn’t moved but his face was blissed out, he came untouched and if that wasn’t the sexiest fucking thing Leo has ever seen. He didn’t know what was.
Cleaning themselves up with some lake water and getting dressed they carry their treasures back to the truck. They all slide in and make their way back to town. Leo sings some shitty old songs with his hand on Logan's upper thigh as Finn has his head on his shoulder drifting in and out of sleep, by the time Leo makes it to the hotel they are staying at, both of them are asleep. Kissing their foreheads he slowly shakes them awake.
“We’re here, come on darlings, let's get you to bed.” He gets them up and smiles as Finn stretches like a cat and snuggles into his side as he supports them on either side. Walking them to their room he waits for one of them to unlock the door and hears a couple of guys yelling around a ‘cheater in go-fish!’ and Leo can’t help but wonder what it's like to travel with a team like Logan and Finn’s.
After a few tires Leo just takes the key from Logan and swipes it to unlock the door. Leo stumbles a little as they both lean forward. He sits them on the bed and get them undressed.
“What do you like to sleep in?” Leo asks as he located their bag in the corner of the room. Logan mumbles something about Finn’s shirt and Finn just mentions boxers. Leo gets them situated, having Logan lift his arms so he can put Finn’s shirt on him. It's baggy and makes Logan look so sweet that Leo can’t help but lean down and give him a sweet kiss.
Tucking a smiling Logan into bed he moves to get Finn under the covers and see him pouting.
“Wa kith” Leo tries not to groan at how these two beefy boys can be so sweet and cute that it hurts his chest. He gives Finn a kiss and pulls away, watching the two snuggle into each other.
Leo realizes he wants this, every night.
Swallowing down the sudden fear that crashed over him he turns to leave, forgetting to put the hotel key on the night stand he doesn’t realize he still has it until he is getting ready for bed himself in his room that's too large for one person.
Now he has an excuse to see them again.
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crackinglamb · 3 years
You Have Chosen Nydha To Be Your Companion!
Hopping off @little-lightning-lavellan's idea to take a DA:I OC and turn them into a companion, may I present Banal'ras Nydha (from Hope Is a Fragile Thing) and her wiki page.
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Banal'ras Nydha looks human, although there is something that doesn't seem quite right about her. She has dark hair and skin and startlingly green eyes, and speaks with a low, raspy voice. It is often difficult to find her in a room. Nydha first appears, and is available to recruit, in the Temple of Sacred Ashes before attempting to close the Breach. She offers knowledge and combat tactics against demons. If dismissed, or never spoken to, she will then be spotted in Haven behind Solas's cabin. She will not be available to recruit at that time, although once the Inquisition is relocated to Skyhold, she will make an offer to travel with the Inquisitor. If dismissed again, she will become a non-interactive NPC in the Rotunda, usually found near the mural or atop the scaffolding. If she is never recruited, she will disappear from Skyhold after the final battle with Corypheus.
Nydha is not romanceable by any Inquisitor, but can engage in a relationship with Solas if a female Dalish Inquisitor has not done so. She is friendly and bonds well with most of the other party members, especially Cole, Dorian and, of course, Solas. She prefers diplomacy and tends towards mediation rather than confrontation. If a Dalish Inquisitor has romanced Solas, and has high approval, Nydha will offer comfort and sympathy upon termination of the relationship. If low approval, Nydha has nothing to say.
She has strong opinions on the plight of elves, slaves and mages. She is supportive of any measures that would improve the lives of them. Her early banter with Dorian revolves around debating Tevinter's practices and trying to get him to see a better way. She will also speak with Iron Bull about the shortcomings of the Qun, although never with the same level of disdain as Solas. While she never openly mocks the Chantry or Andrastianism, she isn't a strong supporter or believer and has no opinion on who becomes Divine.
In Haven, Nydha can be found behind Solas's cabin, usually in the darkest corner. Once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold, she can be found in either the Arcane Library or the Rotunda.
Nydha's approval level is based upon empathy. An Inquisitor who is helpful, respectful and curious will gain approval. Nydha has no opinion on quests such as Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts or the outcome of Here Lies the Abyss, but approves diplomatic resolutions to judgments. She will greatly approve allying with the Free Mages, and only slightly approve conscripting the Templars. Conscription of the Free Mages or allying with the Templars will result in full disapproval. She will greatly approve Iron Bull becoming Tal-Vashoth and keeping Cole as a spirit. Actions that are ruthless or cruel will lose approval.
A high approval Inquisitor will learn that Nydha was born in another world and 'crossed over' through the Veil when the Breach opened. She will tell the Inquisitor that her name was given to her as a gift from someone she met in the Fade. She does not, however, say that it is Solas (see below for unique Trespasser dialogue). She will say that her name means 'Shadow of Night', according to her translation. A Dalish Inquisitor can have special dialogue to recognize the name as being Elvish and can question how a human came to have it. Nydha will answer that it is because the native language of the Fade is Elvish, a remnant from when elves held all of Thedas before human arrival.
A low approval Inquisitor will not learn this part of her history and she will remain an enigma. If approval falls to zero, she will refuse to speak to the Inquisitor, although she does not leave and is still available as a companion.
Survivor In the Shadows – the quest for meeting Nydha initially at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. It begins upon speaking with her, and ends with either recruitment or dismissal.
From the Ashes – only available after either In Hushed Whispers or Champions of the Just, but before completion of In Your Heart Shall Burn, Nydha will ask the Herald to accompany her back to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to search for her few belongings. The Herald will find a journal, a bundle of unusual clothes and a single unmarked vial. Nydha will approve completing this quest.
A Better Form – Nydha will ask for help in stabilizing her corporeal body if Dagna is brought into the Inquisition. Resolution of this quest will involve having Dagna create a unique amulet that will act as a permanent grounding source, rather like a lightning rod. Components for this amulet are: 1 blank rune stone, 1 wisp essence, and either 5 dawnstone or 5 volcanic aurum (both imbue constitution bonuses). It will act as an Amulet of Power, granting Nydha an extra skill point. This is the only time such an ability will be available to her. This will also allow her to wear other amulets throughout the remainder of the game. She, and Solas, will greatly approve completing this quest.
Twice-Born – available during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. Nydha, if in the party, will ask to speak with the Augur of Stone-Bear Hold once relations with the hold have been established. If she is not among the Inquisitor's party, she will be found in the main scout camp near Professor Kenric. What the two speak about will be unknown, but at the end of the quest, Nydha will inform the Inquisitor that she has been given the legend-mark Twice-Born from the hold's 'gods'. Cole will greatly approve completing this quest, regardless of whether or not he is in the party.
Note: This quest is not dependent upon approval, but is the only time she will speak with a zeroed out Inquisitor, should that level of low approval be reached.
Ability Tree/Specialization
Nydha is technically a rogue, and can utilize either a bow or double daggers. She has an autolevel preference for the Subterfuge tree, and has an additional, unique starting skill in Fade Cloak. This does not require further leveling to be active. It is the only skill that cannot be deactivated from her skillset.
She can specialize in either Tempest or Rift Mage, due to her nature as a being from the Fade. She is not otherwise a mage. Her decision on specialization can be influenced, as she will ask the Inquisitor's opinion. If no opinion is given, she will default to taking Tempest.
Combat comments
“Come get some!”
“Catch me if you can!”
(If specialized in Tempest) “Burn, baby, burn.”
(If specialized in Rift Mage) “Ooh, the stuff of nightmares.”
Kills an enemy
“Another one bites the dust.”
“Cool story, bro.”
“Then perish.”
Low Health
“This was not on my agenda today.”
“A little help?”
Low Health (Companions)
For all general companions: “I have your back.”
If in a romance with Solas: “Take a breather, fenorain.”
Fallen Companions
For all general companions: “I'll make them pay!”
If in a romance with Solas: “NO!”
Location Comments
Hinterlands: “Why is it so big? Why is everything so big?”
Fallow Mire: “I have mud in unmentionable places. Can we go now?”
Storm Coast: “I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky.”
If companions question her: “It's just from a poem I once read.”
Exalted Plains: “So much death. Can't you feel it?”
Emerald Graves: “This forest is old. Very old.” [laughs] “I always wanted to say that in proper context.”
Emprise du Lion: “Stay away from the bloody lyrium. And wear a hat.”
At Suledin Keep after Imshael, if Solas is in the party: “Ir abelas, lethallin.” (If romanced) Ir abelas, fenorain.”
Solas's reply (only translated if the Inquisitor is Dalish): “Ma serannas. Ea lam'an.” (It is in the past)
At the Pools of the Sun, regarding the trio of dragons: “Can't we just leave them alone? They really won't hurt anyone if we keep our distance.”
Hissing Waste: “You know, if you ignore the endless vista of sand, it's really quite beautiful. In a bleak kind of way.”
Western Approach: “Hot. Hot and blighted. I need a drink.”
Forbidden Oasis, upon reaching the second camp: “That's it, I'm never leaving.”
Arbor Wilds: “Mind your footing. This place is full of secrets.”
In Val Royeaux: “Pretty place.”
Frostback Basin: “I could stay here forever. Even with the varmints.”
The Descent: “Nice and dark, just the way I like it.”
At the Wellspring: “Wow...that's amazing.”
Trespasser: “Now it all ends, my friend.”
If the Inquisitor questions the statement: “You'll see soon enough.”
Companion/Advisor comments
Varric – Gotta watch out for Spooky, there's something about her I can't put my finger on.
Cassandra – She is an able fighter, but I would not trust her out of my sight, which is far too often.
Solas – She is secretive by nature, but I would assure you that she means no harm.
Iron Bull – She's a tricky one. Good fighter, lotta secrets. Good at keeping them too. I don't think I've cracked a single one that she didn't tell me herself.
Dorian – She's fascinating. I am not at liberty to say why, of course, if you don't already know.
Cole – Bright as the sun and scattered as the stars. She wants to help, just like I do.
Vivienne – She seems capable enough, my dear. But I would not dare to trust her. She is an accomplished player of the Game, for all her smiles and good cheer.
Sera – She's as bad as Creepy, although she's better at jokes. She's better at hiding than I am!
Blackwall – She knows something. She knows too many somethings.
Josephine – She keeps to herself and has caused no diplomatic incidents. I wish I could say the same for some of the others gathered here.
Leliana – I find it curious that I cannot find any solid evidence of her existence before the Conclave, but that does not automatically mark her a spy. However, her nature makes me no more inclined to trust her. I would be wary of her.
Cullen – Who? Oh, the...shadowy...person. I hear she can handle herself. I can't say I've spoken with her, so I don't have an opinion.
There is a unique dialogue tree available to the Inquisitor while speaking with Solas if Nydha was recruited as a companion.
“Did you know about Nydha?”
“Yes, I am the one who gave her her name. I found her while I yet slept, and she became corporeal after the Breach.”
(First branch) “Is she one of your agents?”
“No. She has only ever been my friend.”
(Special, if not romanced) “Your friend? It seemed to be more than that.”
“In another world, perhaps.”
(Second branch) “Is she joining you?”
“No, I would not wish her on this path.”
(Third branch) “She knew this whole time. Why didn't she tell me?”
“She had her reasons for not telling you. (If high approval) I hope you will not hold them against her.”
Regardless of approval, Nydha disappears after the Exalted Council. She settles in the Frostback Basin among the Avvar. A high approval Inquisitor will receive correspondence from her from time to time, but she will refuse to come back to the 'civilized' nations of Thedas, preferring privacy and isolation.
If in the party during Here Lies the Abyss, the Nightmare demon will speak to her in Elvish. Her reply is a scoff and nothing else.
Nydha can be a third option at the Vir'Abelasan if she is in the party. If she is chosen to drink from the Well, Abelas does not object, although he will still point out that she will be bound as they are. If Nydha drinks, she will summon Flemeth and work with the Inquisitor to tame the dragon for the final confrontation with Corypheus. If she is in the party during Trespasser, she will be able to provide the password to the spirit guards, preventing a fight.
If Morrigan is allowed to attack Abelas, she will attempt to defend him and will argue that the witch is not worthy of the knowledge she seeks if brutality is her only way to get it. If there is a peaceful alliance with the Sentinels and Morrigan is chosen to drink, Nydha will slightly disapprove but hold her tongue on the matter.
If the Inquisitor drank from the Well, and succeeds in finding enough clues to determine that Solas is Fen'Harel, Nydha will appear saddened when the Inquisitor rebuts to the Viddasala that they already know. She will state that this was what she'd been waiting for. The Inquisitor will have the option to accuse her of knowing the whole time. She will answer yes, but she won't explain.
If Nydha is never recruited, and remains an NPC in the Rotunda, one will hear her occasionally speak with Solas. These conversations range in topic from books they are reading to the mural. Never about Inquisition business. There is a slight chance to hear them speaking in Elvish, and their words are not translated, regardless of Inquisitor's race. Solas's replies appear to be noncommittal.
Nydha will remark upon the Inquisitor's romantic choices, usually with something supportive and a hope that they are happy together. She will also comment something generally pleasant about each companion if asked. The exception to this is if Iron Bull remains Ben-Hassrath. Nydha will caution the Inquisitor to be careful of telling him too much since his loyalty is now unknown.
It can be implied from various interactions and from high approval conversation that Nydha was in fact aware of everything that would happen during the course of the game. She never gives a reason for keeping her silence on matters pertaining to what foreknowledge she had, although any input given during the game events is sound and often given in such a way so as not to risk suspicion.
It can also be implied that regardless of what Solas says during Trespasser, Nydha has actually left the Inquisition to join his ranks, or at least does not stand opposed to him. This is not confirmed, however, and according to her epilogue card, she is enjoying a quiet life in the Frostback Basin with no intention of ever interfering with Thedosian politics or events again.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Marigold Baby Raquel Buchanan
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Authors Note: It's me and Dallas Buchanan's ( @slashersins OC) Daughter!
Name: Marigold Baby Raquel Buchanan
Nicknames: Mari, Baby, Rocky, Eagle, Terra, Goldie Locks (Not advised to call her that), Columbiana (She loves that movie)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual and Bisexual
Nationality: American, Romanian, German, Hungarian
Languages: English, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Russian
Voice: Marigold has a much classic American accent that could be described as a Californian one; her voice has a calm husky feminine tint, that tends to get deeper if she speaks passionately about certain opinions or believes. When her temper hits hard, her Romanian roots hit hard into the accent and her voice could be described then as the loud chirping of a mighty eagle before its hits their prey.
Occupation: Horse Riding Instructor and part-time independent Tattoo Artist
Hair: Her long blonde hair reached down to her hips, curly and wild, usually, most of the time its put into beautiful double dutch braids, but she also wears it from time to time in different styles. On some basis, she will wear flowers through her braids.
Eyes: Blue with a speak of greenish tint if you look closely, kind of like how the planet earth is viewed
Height: 5'5
Body: Slim Fit from Horse Riding. She may not have the biggest upper strength, but she does have quite the stamina. Also, her body (full-sleeve arms, hands, and legs) are covered in many tattoos; nature-based ones, ancient ones, quotes with deep meaning, and her most beloved tattoo is the one of Horus, an Egyptian God.
Clothing: Marigold loves warmer colors and likes ones of all shades of grey, pastel blue, white, light, or dark beige, maybe some baby pink accents, but she also loves to wear medieval-style clothing in darker shades of colors like black, dark brown or midnight blue, but she prefers the calmer colors. She likes comfortable and practical clothing; knitted sweaters or white turtle-necks, leggings or jeans, knitted cardigans, medieval-style boots, and warm UGGs. She also loves to wear pastel blue or grey jackets.
Weapons/Fighting style: Automatic Crossbow, Classic-style bow with arrows, bowie knife (she uses it mostly for woodcarving) but if times call for drastic measures she won't hesitate to use it, Judo-style fighting and combat fighting, Her Horse Lightning
Motive of killing: She is more of a creator than a destroyer, but that doesn't mean she will close her eyes when injustice has been done; like animal/child abusers or people who use nature for their selfish gains, along with outsiders who hurt her family
Preferred Method of Kill: Her favorite way of killing is definitely not a fast one; she will shot arrows through the knees of her victim, automatically incapacitating them, then she will ride with her horse, Lightning, to the said victim and stomp the person to death with her horse. Horses are powerful animals, heavy and strong legs, crushing the said person's bones and muscles with the hoves until they are nothing but a pile of flesh and bones.
Scent: Top notes tingle with fresh and sweet accords of bergamot and raspberry tea. A heart is floral and opulent with intensive, sweet, and pure Sambac jasmine, seductive Centifolia rose, freesia, and Cattleya orchid. Musk and patchouli in a base wrap her with an oriental scent, while its milky and powdery notes gently fondle her skin.
Marigold is a calm, collected, and creative woman with a wild freedom edge, more so a creator than a destroyer.
Ever since she was little, she showed strong independent traits, not necessarily being antisocial, but more so independent by asking her father, Dallas, to teach her all sorts of stuff; from cooking to building all kinds of constructions (like a stable for her horse), teaching her woodcarving and how to handle and use a knife.
To the outsiders, she may seem very sarcastic, blunt, and brutally honest. If she has a certain opinion, she will make it known, she isn't the type to beat around the bush. To her family, friends, and close relatives she is warm and caring, and she will always be there to give them advice and to support them during hard times. If she will sense a non-right being down, she will be the first one to step in and correct it. She is the type of woman 'who fights for the rights of people' if you can say that.
Marigold is the type of woman that isn't bothered or afraid to get her hands dirty; most of her activities being archery, horse riding, exploring the nature and collecting all kind of things like pinecones and acorns for her arts and crafts. She is definitely an outside person and you will rarely see her inside, even if it's raining. You will see her entering the house all wet and muddy from riding her beloved horse into the rain.
She is a creative creature by nature; loving to create tattoo designs (she has shelves upon shelves in her bedroom with sketchbooks sorted by tattoo types), she also makes wooden roses and paints them (the shelves in her bedroom are adored by many bouquets she created), using pinecones, acorns, bells, and wires to create natural windchimes and let's not forget about woodcarving.
The blonde also beholds quite a dark bad temper that rarely explodes, but when it does, a rain of arrows shall fly. Usually, it happens when guys are flirting with her and she bluntly tells them to 'fuck off', only for them not to catch it, then she won't hesitate to pull out the heavy artillery.
She can be described as confident in her abilities, especially archery, but one thing she is insecure about is displaying her feelings for someone she likes/loves. She can get very shy and flustered around a guy she truly likes and will have a hard time trying to confess, but once the relationship is established, she will be loyal, caring, and absolutely devoted to said relationship. She may not display it through long speeches of love, but more so through actions. She is a woman of action.
Favorite Drink: Raspberry Lemonade (Non-Alcoholic), Funkwerks Raspberry Provincial 6 sour based beer infused with fresh raspberry puree, which gives the beer a tart, refreshing finish (Alcoholic)
Favorite Food: Texas-Style Barbecue and Raspberry Pie
Favorite Movies: Marigold has quite a taste for adventure movies along with the Disney movies she watched as a child and still does as an adult. Her favorite movie that brought her passion for archery is Brave; other favorite Disney movies being Mulan and Spirit, which brought her love for horses. She also enjoys the movie series Pirates of Caribbean, the action movie Columbiana. She also watches the Avengers, mostly because of the character Hawkeye, which she had a crush on in her earlier teenager-years.
Favorite Music Genre: Country-rock, Pop-Rock, Post-Grunge
Her relationship with her parents:
Her relationship with her parents it's one based on love, affection, and communication, always there to guide Marigold through her life when she needs it and spending as much time with her in forms of all kind of activities.
She has a special bond with her father, Dallas, always there to teach her all kinds of stuff; how to build stuff, how to cook, teaching her how to ride a horse. She may not ride bulls, but she does ride horses; the rider's gene running through her blood. She also adores when Dallas braids her long golden hair, and especially when he puts beautiful flowers through her braids.
Dallas is basically making all her wishes come true, but also making her responsible and work for what she loves. A prime example would be when Marigold stated that she wanted a horse; Dallas didn't say no, but he did tell her that they will build the stable together and she will have to take care of the horse because it's hers and her responsibility.
Both parents support and encourage her passions; horse riding, archery, tattooing. They want to see her glow in the most beautiful way through what she loves and they will always be her cheerleaders.
Marigold loves her parents dearly and will display it by giving them wooden bouquets of roses, spending time with them, and wanting to learn from them. As I said, she displays her love through actions.
Her father holds a special place in her heart.
Eagle- As a powerful animal, the Eagle is most frequently associated with wisdom and freedom, and Marigold values these things with her full heart. The feeling of freedom is something she enjoys each day, exploring and setting her passions out to display her skills. She can be quite a wise person, always telling someone if they are doing wrong, like a warning, to prevent the said person to get hurt (This mostly applies to family, friends, close relatives).
Horse- courage, and freedom are the main characteristics of the horse, and that only doubles Marigolds hunger for being free, seeing her ride her horse through a forest with targets, doing archery is something to take in and behold. Her courage is displayed through her honest and blunt demeanor because she is not afraid to speak her mind. This majestic animal is a being of power, independence, freedom, nobleness, endurance, confidence, triumph, heroism, and competition. Marigold can get quite competitive, especially when it comes to her primary skills, and most competitive with herself, with each day wanting through hard work to get better.
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thekytchensynk · 3 years
Ain’t No Picnic (9/9)
Summary: They were just supposed to head over to the island real quick, just to see what was going on. After all, if pirates were trying to ambush and kill the Straw Hat crew, how could Coby NOT go? And how could Helmeppo let him go alone? It should be simple enough, but nothing can be taken for granted in the New World, and when things go awry, Helmeppo finds himself separated from his captain on an island chain full of pirates who probably won’t be too happy to see a Marine if their paths cross.Oh yeah. And one of those pirates is the infamous “Surgeon of Death,” Trafalgar Law… Warnings: Occasional strong language Read it on AO3 
Helmeppo opened his eyes to find a curious-looking animal staring down at him, half lit by flickering firelight. He blinked groggily. The animal blinked back.
“How are you feeling?” it asked.
What an adorable voice, he thought muzzily. After taking stock for a moment, at least one thing was clear. “I don’t feel great,” he said aloud.
“Any acute pain? Your breathing sounds good, but if you feel something like a stabbing pain, let me know.”
Stabbing pain? “Not right now,” he replied as he started to wake up a little more. The stabbing had been before he fell asleep.
The furry creature disappeared from his vision as a familiar voice reached his ears. Despite the sleepiness still struggling to reclaim him, Helmeppo slowly propped himself up on his elbows, and took in the immediate surroundings.
He was back in that accursed open space where they’d all started at the beginning. No melee there now, thank goodness, but somehow it had definitely become night (sleep will do that, he supposed), and the bonfires here and there were doing little to push back the inky black. Just a few people remained in sight, talking in small groups, or doing things singly. Helmeppo seemed, unsurprisingly, to be in a sort of medical area. Across from him he could see a man … a bear?... a guy with his arm in a sling arguing with a guy in an oversized hat. Bear guy clearly did not want to stay on the makeshift bed he’d been given. Hat guy disagreed.
The next person, he recognized from the wanted posters and wild tales from Coby. Nico Robin lay sleeping, a careful swath of bandages encircling her middle. He was keeping some esteemed company today it seemed.
To his left, Coby stooped a good dozen paces away, speaking with the little fuzzy creature who, Helmeppo figured, had to be the Straw Hat crew’s doctor. The wanted posted said otherwise, but Coby had told Helmeppo it was the doctor and his questions of a moment ago would seem to confirm he had the right of it.
The doctor was speaking to Coby in earnest tones that Helmeppo could hear but not make out, since the doctor’s back was to him. But he heard Coby’s polite, “Understood. I will.” Then the doctor said something else, this time accompanied by one hoof shaking sternly at him. With a sheepish grin, Coby nodded and said, “I won’t. I promise. Thank you.” The two parted, and Coby headed toward Helmeppo’s makeshift sickbed, face shadowed and growing serious.
Oh. That’s right.
He sat all the way up and looked down. His leg was wrapped in bandages. The wrapping looked more or less white, not thoroughly stained red, so it seemed things could definitely be worse. Of course, he hadn’t tried standing on it yet. His shirt had been similarly replaced with at least a double measure of fabric covering the knife wounds and stabilizing his ribcage.
He experimentally tried a deep breath. Oooh. Bad decision. The surge of pain wasn’t unexpected, and didn’t rise to the level of stabbing pain that he assumed the little doctor meant, but what was unexpected was that the pain dragged everything else back, momentarily bright and clear.
The fight. That last fight.
At the time he’d been too concerned with surviving, but now, with the benefit of hindsight, he felt nauseated. How had he failed that badly? He’d talked a big game -- more than once! -- about how he was going to find his dad and beat him, big strong Marine that he thought he was. And instead he’d gotten his ass handed to him. It hadn’t even been a contest. He should be dead. Utterly dead. He’d been too weak, and got in over his head, and he should be d-
Startled, Helmeppo’s head snapped up to look at Coby, who’d stopped a couple feet away. After taking in as much of a slow, steadying breath as he could and offering what had to be one of the shakiest salutes he’d performed in recent history, Helmeppo replied, “Hi, Captain.”
Coby rolled his eyes at that. But as Helmeppo put his hand on the ground and started trying to get up, he put out his own hand to stop him. “Wait, wait! Don’t get up. Dr. Chopper says you need to rest. And if he can keep the members of his crew in their sick beds, it’s probably best to listen.”
Settling back to his seat on the ground, Helmeppo glanced over toward the doctor. He looked about as threatening as a plush toy, but then again … New World.
“He said I’m not to keep you from resting when you need to, and that you’re supposed to take it easy for the next week or so,” Coby continued, glancing over toward the bear man and his hat buddy. “And see the ship’s doctor when we get back, to keep an eye on your leg, but he said it should heal cleanly if you take care of it, though there will probably be a scar.” He slowly looked back, as though he didn’t really want to look at Helmeppo, and said, “So … you okay?”
“Still breathing and in one piece,” Helmeppo said with a self-deprecating laugh. “Feels like a win today. How about you?”
“Same.” He cracked a small smile, but the solemnity quickly overtook it. “Sorry. This whole thing really did turn into a mess. After I had to-”
“Hey. It all worked out, right? So let’s leave it at that?” Helmeppo interrupted. “The mermaid’s safe, and your … those pirates are safe?” Coby nodded so he continued, “Then it was just a heck of a training mission, I guess. And we are not telling Garp about this place.”
“No? I kind of feel like we should make a report to him.”
Helmeppo sighed. “Coby, if I have to come back here again, my body will probably shut down on its own to save this place the trouble of killing me. So you can tell him whatever you want, but just make sure you’re OK with that being on your conscience.”
Another brief smile at that. “Fine. If I make a report, I don’t know what the island was called or much of anything about it. Just some island. That work?”
“I’ll take it,” Helmeppo said.
“All right. So, do you want to chat? Or you want to go back to sleep?”
Helmeppo considered. He was definitely still tired -- his body felt leaden -- but he was waking up now, to some extent. Plus, watching Coby interact with Luffy and the rest of that crew was kind of adorable to watch, even if a bit predictable -- how excitable and flustered he got. Not to mention, now that he was up, the idea of being asleep and vulnerable sounded … well, not great. Not if there were alternatives. “Think I’ll stay up a while,” he said.
Coby dropped smoothly to a sitting position and glanced first at the sleeping woman, then the bickering pair again, before saying again, “Sorry about all this.”
Exactly what he’d been trying to head off before. Ah well. “I didn’t have to come,” Helmeppo reminded him wryly.
Coby came back with, “Well, it definitely wasn’t boring.”
“You’re telling me,” Helmeppo muttered. Then, since he could just about see the question Coby was getting ready to ask, he hurried to add, “So what happened with that guy you were fighting. Was he the other twin?”
“Hm? You heard about them? Yeah, I guess.” He reached back, fidgeting with his headband, as he said, “Really all I did was keep him off Luffy and his friends most of the time. They handled the bulk of the fight. I thought the one guy had blown everyone over there up for a while, but…” He chuckled, and Helmeppo did too. The idea of trying to wipe out part of a New World pirate crew with a simple explosion -- even on this island -- sounded about like trying to stop a charging bull with a piece of paper.
“So you just fought him to a draw until you got help?”
“No. I beat him eventually. Just not in time to be much more use,” Coby said, saying it like it was something he felt ashamed of.
Which was dumb. That guy might not have been the most powerful person fighting, but he’d been central to the group’s plan. And he wasn’t weak -- not by a long shot. Too hard on himself again, Helmeppo sighed.
“Sounds like it was a whole thing. Glad it all worked out.”
Coby nodded his agreement, then asked, “How about you? Looks like things got rough for you too.”
Helmepppo knew exactly what he was asking about, but he wasn’t really in the mood to talk about it. Maybe if he just forgot about it now, he could forget about it forever. So feigning a carefree tone, he replied “Well, getting dropped into the sea the first time wasn’t too bad. But then I got cornered by a group of pirates in a cave.” He started ticking things off on his fingers one by one. “Got glared at by the Surgeon of Death -- not recommended, in case you were wondering. Another dip in the ocean to pull someone out. Another round with those pirates. Had to be saved, that time. Then back over here for the tail end of your epic fight. And for being called a castaway by some random lady pirate.”
He looked down. The bandages in place of a shirt, barefoot, missing a weapon, hat and sunglasses gone, one pant leg cut off at the knee to make way for more bandages. One hand went up to his hair and … yup. Salt-stiff and tangled. “I guess I have to give her that one,” he finished. He desperately needed a shower and like a week’s worth of sleep. He felt today’s adventure to his bones.
“Saved?” Coby frowned.
“That Law guy helped me out.” Helmeppo said. Coby’s eyes narrowed at the name, and he glanced out into the darkness. “Guess I got lucky.”
“Well, either way I’m glad,” Coby said.
Quiet fell between them. Distantly, Helmeppo could hear other lives going on around them -- people talking, laughing, shouting. The wind through the plants. The lapping of the waves. Bear guy and hat guy had stopped arguing at some point and were sharing a meal. After the wild tension of earlier, it all felt very comfortable.
“Why’d you decide to take them on alone?” Coby asked.
Briefly, Helmeppo wondered if he could ignore the question and pretend the concussion had damaged his hearing. Nah, he wouldn’t buy that. And it wasn’t exactly what he wanted to avoid. So he said, “Honestly? I thought I could beat them. They didn’t seem like big-bounty sorts. And it seemed like taking that other twin guy out was the right move.”
“Yeah,” Coby agreed. “I mean, he was throwing things off. Messing up the fight for a few people. Luffy’s shipwright can shoot missiles, but they were going all over the place, and whenever anyone tried to go find the source, they got headed off. How did you get through?”
Well, that was easy. “Because of Trafalgar Law.” He said, grinning. “It would be like if I’d showed up with … with one of the admirals. One of us is definitely going to draw the attention. Plus, I think he used his power to kind of help me along.”
It was absurdly kind of Coby to sound doubtful in that one word, as though he thought they should have considered Helmeppo -- no slouch in combat broadly, but still only a lieutenant commander and only a couple years removed from abject uselessness -- a threat anywhere near on par with an infamous pirate.
And then he realized what Coby might be thinking. After all, hadn’t he wondered it himself, in reverse, at the start of this whole thing, about Coby himself being a target? Ugh. That stupid fight. The smile dropped from his face.
“Trust me, it wasn’t anything to do with me,” he said, tone going flat. “He was as surprised to see me as I was to see him.”
Some tension in Coby’s face relaxed at that. “Okay,” he said. “But if-”
Yeah, no. He was not going to do this. “I think I need to lay back down for a while,” he interrupted. Coby’s mouth snapped shut, and his eyes widened. Helmeppo’s stomach clenched at the look. But Coby just nodded and got to his feet.
“All right. Get some rest. Our ride should be back early.” He smiled, and there was nothing forced or false in the look. It felt so earnest that despite everything, Helmeppo did too. “So we can get back and you can do something about that hair.”
“Hey, it’s a trophy of my struggles,” Helmeppo retorted, laying back down.
“Sure, sure. Rest up.”
He didn’t intend to go back to sleep. He didn’t want to. But in the face of a really bad day, sometimes neither intent nor want matter very much. He thought he heard the little doctor walking past. Before the footsteps faded away, dreams swallowed him again.
The next time he woke, night remained, but most of the fires were down to embers and all but the nature sounds had faded. At first, he blinked sleepily around, trying to get his bearings. Then he saw the empty space around him, the massive flat island, and all the memories of the past day sent a jolt of adrenaline through his body. He sat up in a rush, eyes wide in the dark. The other patients were gone. Quiet lay heavy around them. How long had he been asleep this time?
“Mmm… Helmeppo?”
Coby’s voice, a little slurred and slow, came from the darkness to his left. He searched the shadows and finally saw a form standing up from the ground and walking toward him.
“Uh .. yeah. Sorry. Did I wake you?” he asked.
“No. I was keeping watch.”
There were probably questions about how well he’d been keeping watch, given the sleep in his voice, but Helmeppo felt a stab of guilt. This was exactly what he wasn’t supposed to do. He was supposed to worry about Coby, not make him worry.
Stretching and trying to blink the sleep away, Helmeppo said, “Well, I can take over if you like. Feels like I’ve been asleep all night.”
“You were hurt. You should be sleeping,” Coby said.
“And I did,” Helmeppo replied, slowly standing up. Basically every muscle protested this move, all of them sore and wound tight. As he got to his feet, he swayed a little. Putting weight on the injured leg let him know that while it might be well bandaged and expertly treated, that big gash wasn’t gone. He said, “I can-”
“Stop!” The word came out partway between a plea and an order, and froze Helmeppo in his tracks. The quiet of the island fell over the pair for several long seconds.
“The others left. We swept the area for enemies. Everything’s fine. It’s just us two until the kid comes back,” Coby continued. “Please? Just rest. You don’t have to prove anything. I’m planning to keep watch until we’re on our way back.”
Helmeppo watched his friend, barely outlined in the remaining light from the near-dead fire. He was serious about this. And Helmeppo had enough experience with him to know there was no talking him out of things if he was serious enough. Helmeppo had tried. He knew better than maybe anyone.
“In that case, want company?” he asked instead.
He could see Coby’s shoulders relax a little as he said, “Sure, if you want.”
At best estimation, they were maybe an hour from dawn, which put them about two hours from their ride home. Rather than stick around here, they formed a pair of makeshift torches that they lit in the coals of the nearest former bonfire and started walking back toward the spot where they’d be meeting the kid. Helmeppo had only the vaguest idea what direction that lay in, but Coby seemed certain of his way, so Helmeppo simply followed. They came out, a few minutes later, at a place which he supposed might be familiar. Maybe. They both wedged their torches into the scant earth near the shoreline, letting the flickering light cast broken trails of glitter across the choppy black water.
Helmeppo had been moving slow, taking each step gingerly -- the island was light on crutch-appropriate branches, and stepping on a weak spot meant wet shoes before, but he had a feeling wet bandages over an open wound would be a whole lot worse. Coby never hurried him, just kept pace, and let him get himself along, but stayed nearby just in case. Once they got to the shore, he took up a spot against one of the massive leaf stalks, while Helmeppo found a dry spot to ease himself to the ground. The quiet fell between them, as it often did, but this one felt … uncomfortable. Helmeppo stared at the light on the water, waiting for the start of the sunrise to add paleness to the sky.
“Was it really him?”
Helmeppo kept staring out over the water, debating whether or not to answer. At length, he relented. “Yeah.”
Quiet fell again.
“Can I ask what happened?”
He pulled his knees up and crossed his arms across the tops, resting his chin on them. Sighed. “I’d really rather not talk about it.”
Helmeppo tensed up. “I just don’t want to.”
He expected Coby to press the question, but instead the quiet returned, vengeful and accusatory. It felt like the surroundings themselves were judging him for shutting down so blatantly. Coby was worried, Coby was trying to be nice, and he was just being terse and rude in return. Just like before. Like he hadn’t improved in any way that mattered since … since then. Helmeppo tried to think of something, anything to say to break the silence, to make it less awkward, but with every second, he felt the weight of it more. He’d been an idiot. He should have kept his mouth shut, should have-
“You know, I was sure I was too late.”
“Hm?” Helmeppo turned his head, looking over at Coby in the half light. His friend was looking out across the ocean, face solemn.
“When I got there. After we heard that awful racket, that-” Whatever he’d been about to say, he bit off, and continued a moment later with a hint of heat, an emphasis on the name, “Trafalgar Law told me to go, you might need help there, and-”
“Wait. He sent you over?”
“Yeah. Since you two showed up at the same time, I thought maybe you’d come up with some plan. So I went with it.”
Huh. Yeah, Helmeppo definitely had no idea what was going on in that pirate’s head. But he had yet another reason to be grateful to him. “Well, he wasn’t wrong.”
Coby looked over and caught Helmeppo’s eye for the first time in the conversation -- Helmeppo’s own fault, he supposed. “What was that noise, anyway?”
“Something the Straw Hats’ sniper gave us,” Helmeppo said. “It was … you know? I’m not honestly sure. Really loud grass. In a handy pill. He said to snap it if we needed to get some distance. I can see why.”
Coby chuckled a little at that. “Sounds useful. Certainly helped me find the place.”
“Yeah. I think my ears are still ringing. I feel a little bad for the pirate who got the brunt of it. She just ran off, screaming. I think. I mean, she looked like she was screaming. I couldn’t hear it one way or the other.” He waggled his fingers in as close to a dismissive gesture as he could manage without unfolding from his current pose.
They both laughed, and for a moment everything was normal. Then Coby sobered abruptly, and the good mood drained away from Helmeppo too, replaced with dread. He hated the look on Coby’s face, even hidden as it was by the deep shadows from their small torches. Forget it, he’d take the uncomfortable silence for the next hour, or day, or week, if they could just … just forget everything here. Or at least his part in it.
But, as Helmeppo had figured, Coby wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Sorry. But it really scared me. When I got over there, and I saw him standing there, and you bleeding, and I was still so far away, I was sure there was no way I’d get there in time. I was honestly sure I’d gotten you killed.” His voice wound down to little over a whisper, that would have been lost if anything more than the nighttime nature sounds surrounded them, and he finally chanced a peek in Helmeppo’s direction.
“Yes, well, I should have been more careful.”
“It’s not like that! I just … I’m trying to figure out how to say this. I’m not really wording it right at all.”
This time it was Coby who fell silent until Helmeppo raised an eyebrow. On seeing that, Coby squinched his eyes shut -- a childish but familiar gesture -- and steeled himself before blurting out what was on his mind.
“You can’t let this get to you? OK? And-”
“It’s fine, seriou-”
“And I’m so sorry I let you face that by yourself! That I unintentionally put you in that position.”
Coby was clearly fighting to find the right words, which Helmeppo appreciated, because he wasn’t sure he was going to deal very well with the wrong ones right about now -- even from his best friend. The last day had been awful, top to bottom, and now that it was all over he just wanted to try to forget all about it and pretend he hadn’t abjectly failed when faced with a true challenge. But Coby was here just raking through it with both hands. Steeling himself against an urge to snap at his superior officer, he said, “Listen, like I said, just forget about it. It doesn’t matter.”
“It does, though.”
The plaintiveness caught Helmeppo off guard. “Why?” He asked.
“Because it’s bothering you,” Coby said.
“No, it’s not!” Helmeppo protested, but he could hear the lie in his own words.
“Ugh, why is this so weird to say? Listen. I’m not saying you’re dad’s not awful. He is. He’s really awful, and you’ve already surpassed him in every way that matters. I guess I’m saying, it’s okay to feel …” He paused, debating, before continuing with, “conflicted. Because I know you can’t just stop feeling how you feel. No one can. That’s all.”
Yeah, this was definitely not what he needed today. Bitterly, Helmeppo said, “So, what, you think I should-”
“I don’t think there’s a should,” Coby said quickly, pushing away from the leaf stalk. “It’s just, I think it’s OK to be horrified by what he did and to bring him to justice and to still be sad about it coming to that and wish things were different. You don’t have to just see him as an enemy. Because he’s not just an enemy for you.” He finally looked over at Helmeppo again, a guilty, furtive look. “Sorry. I know I should have said that a while ago.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“Back when you first told me, Helmeppo. Remember? I felt bad, later. Because it was the first time you trusted me with anything.”
A while ago? What was he talking about?
First time you trusted me with anything.
That sparked a memory, of those first few weeks as a chore boy. Of hating every minute of it. Of rejecting everything he could about Marine life without getting himself kicked out. And each day’s list of chores just reinforced that he really was just as weak and stupid and useless as his dad had said, and that made him hate everything even more.
And this guy, this guy had continued to be so damn nice, cloyingly nice, after everything. He never seemed to get how he just made it harder. Being in the Marines was what Coby wanted, after all, while it was basically the only road Helmeppo had. The kid already knew how to wash dishes and scrub floors, things Helmeppo himself struggled with at first.
Plus, Coby had been sixteen, just coming into his own. Helmeppo, at twenty, was ostensibly an adult and found himself serving the whims of the same Marines he’d been an asshole to for so long. He’d been sure they were all laughing, watching him struggle and enjoying every moment of it. Some of them had been, of course. But a greater part of that feeling, he figured now, had been in his head. Still, at the time, it had felt so real that it was all he could feel.
And watching Coby take to the whole situation as though it were completely natural had felt like salt thrown directly in a very raw wound.
It had been maddening. Helmeppo felt like he was drowning, and as a drowning man will, he lashed out and nearly dragged others down too. But despite every attempt to get Coby to either give up the goody-two-shoes act and show his own awful side or just leave Helmeppo alone, he kept just being there. Friendly. Kind. Trying to make him keep going.
To be honest, it had worn Helmeppo down. And it had just been so difficult to pretend nothing bothered him, every day, when everything did. His entire life had been upended. He had no place anymore than felt like home. The work was awful and hard and he couldn’t do any of it right. And his father was going to-
He’d never felt more cowardly than at that moment, crying in front of some kid over his father’s well-earned upcoming punishment. But on some level, it had made him feel better. And even that took him a long time to accept. What was it Coby had told him, when he finally confessed all this? It took a moment to dredge up the words -- not even the words, just the message. He’d wondered if they’d kill his father, and Coby had said he didn’t know.
Had that been bothering him?
“Ah.” Helmeppo honestly wasn’t even sure what to say to that.
“I’m pretty sure that’s why you only read the newspaper when you think you’re alone,” Coby said, causing Helmeppo to blanche. He’d figured that out? “And I know you sneak down to check through every new batch of wanted posters. I’ve seen the look on your face when you do. Like you’re so angry at the world, until you get to the end and it’s just … you go still. So please don’t tell me it’s not bothering you. All right?”
Huh. So apparently all this time of thinking he was doing a good job of being discreet, he’d actually just been lying to himself. Just perfect. It was a really good thing that Coby couldn’t see just how red he was turning. One more reason to just forget today and-
Oh, right, Coby had been pouring out his thoughts and Helmeppo had been sitting here like a lump. “Sorry,” he said, struggling to find words that would assuage Coby’s worries. “It didn’t bother me, you know. What you said back then. I think that was what I needed to hear. Just someone to acknowledge that it was happening, and that there wasn’t an easy answer. As for today-”
What about today? How did he even begin to explain it all? Or even the heart of it? On the surface, it was simple. But more broadly…
“I screwed up,” he said heavily. “You shouldn’t have had to come flying to my rescue, but I stopped paying attention to the fight I was in. I noticed him, before I knew who he was, but I lost track of him during the fight. Until he cut me off when I tried to get out of there. Found him then.” He laughed, bitterly.
He chanced a look over at Coby. He was looking at Helmeppo, paying full attention, and there was something in his expression that Helmeppo was kind of glad he couldn’t see more clearly. He didn’t like seeing his friend sad. Especially not over something like this.
And like that last time, alone like this, something about Coby -- hell, maybe just him being willing to be here, and so clearly willing to listen and wanting to understand -- let Helmeppo finally break down.
“I know I said I was going to find him and bring him in. And I meant it. But it was like…” He groped for the right words. “It was like when I was there, in front of him, he looked at me like he was seeing the person I used to be, and I … I felt like it. Sure, I wasn’t exactly in great shape, but part of me didn’t even really want to try. When he looked at me, my first thought was just to get away from him. And when I couldn’t do that, I was just hoping someone would come help me, because he seemed so impossible to face. And-”
His fingers tightened on his elbows. Just talking about it was dredging the vision -- his dad big as a mountain, eyes hard and mouth in a thin line, his voice just the same -- He apparently thinks he’s a grown man. Never was willing to do what needed to be done. You never belonged on the Grand Line. You barely belonged in the East Blue.
“I felt trapped,” he said, startled out of reverie and into verbal motion again by Coby’s voice. “And I felt like … a fraud, you know? Like, I’ve been so full of myself, so sure that I’ve grown into a better, stronger person. But the moment I get tested, really tested, I find out I’m just the same self-important, oblivious coward that-”
He couldn’t stop a rueful laugh. “No?”
“Listen, Helmeppo … today was a mess. You can’t just judge yourself by the worst of it. Come on. You think the you from before could have even stood up to him? Much less doing so when you were already injured? Even when I got there, you weren’t backing down or running away.”
Why did he have to sound so reasonable? “Maybe I should have,” Helmeppo said. “He even told me to, you know? Said if I dropped the weapon and begged him for mercy he’d let me leave.”
“And you didn’t,” Coby said firmly, as though that were the end of the conversation.
“It was weird for him even to say it though,” Helmeppo said. "I never would have thought he of all-”
But… wait. He’d been lying about the offer, Helmeppo was certain of that. But he’d said no, and maybe … maybe that was what had caused that hesitation at the end? The one that both he and Coby had noticed.
“You’re right, you know,” he said slowly. “He had me down, had me dead to rights, and he didn’t … he was just standing there and waiting. I was even thinking, why didn’t he just end it? But he didn’t. And then you came, and he lost the chance.”
“I didn’t know him,” Coby said. “Can you think why he might not press an advantage?”
“No.” Helmeppo laughed a little. “Mercy was never one of the virtues he particularly liked.”
“That’s why I wondered.”
“Maybe he … ugh. No. That’s dumb.” It couldn’t be.
“I just wonder if he’s such a … you know, so wrapped up in his whole power and strength schtick that that was the only way to ever get through to him. Like back when he escaped. Remember? He could have killed us, or subdued one of us and tossed the other. But he tossed us both overboard. After we both stood up to him.”
He was overthinking this. He had to be. Until now, he’d never given it a second thought. He’d been sure it had happened because they had been too big a pain in the ass to control and the Marines would have been happy to add another charge to his rap sheet if he’d killed them. But would he really care about that?
“So you’re thinking he might have been impressed enough with you standing up to him that he didn’t want to h… well, kill you?”Coby mused.
“I told you it was dumb.” How many of those attacks had been aimed, not at something immediately vital, but an arm or leg?
“I don’t think it’s dumb. It kind of makes sense with what you’ve said about him.”
Well, he had not been expecting that. And now that he had, the idea felt … uncomfortable? He’d spent two years trying to convince himself the guy was just a monster. And yeah, he still was. But the idea that he was a slightly more complicated monster didn’t work well with those thoughts.
But there was some relief there as well.
Maybe I can hate him, and still miss some version of him and not be a monster myself. He thought about how his dad admitted that he had changed, in a tone that sounded so similar to approval that it had actually felt viscerally wrong to hear it come from the man’s mouth. What a mess. He’d have to thank Coby for this later. Again.
“If that’s the case, I bet in his head he’s taking credit for it all” he joked, as much to bring himself out of his own thoughts as anything. “Like threatening to kill me finally made me turn into the sort of son he might have been a little proud of, even though I managed it way too late.”
“Well, if he tries, let’s just ask if he was also responsible for all the whining you did when we got started,” Coby teased.
“He’ll never admit it, but yeah, that was definitely him too,” Helmeppo said with all the mock-seriousness he could muster.
Something crackled and crunched as Coby pushed away from where he’d been standing and walked over to sit by Helmeppo. He felt something press his left shoulder. As he looked that way, he felt a presence on the other. Coby was putting an arm around his shoulders, which was unexpected, but also kinda nice.
“You’ll get him next time,” Cody said with conviction.
“Just gotta make sure I got shoes next time.” Helmeppo said. “That was the real problem.”
“Hey Coby?”
“For what?”
Helmeppo laughed at the genuine puzzlement in Coby’s voice, but he didn’t answer. And the silence that fell between them now, as they waited for daybreak, finally felt familiar.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years
Why Skitty is absolutely brutal in pokemon mystery dungeon DX
So I got the mystery dungeon game and decided to play as skitty cause I have always wanted to use a skitty, and it seemed like it’d make the game harder cause of the fact normal types have no advantage to any type. Also the quiz said I was pikachu and I really don’t like pikachu so I said no.
Problem is I was wrong, Skitty is too strong, and so is any other pokemon that knows double slap here’s why. 
First let me explain the move double slap in full. It is a multi-attack which means it hits multiple times in one turn. Now the number of times it can hit in one turn is randomly selected. The minimum number is 2, the maximum is 5. Most enemies you encounter in the dungeon will go down in 2 hits as long as your’e level is where it should be for that dungeon. The thing is whether one of the hits lands or not is also randomized. Also every hit has a chance to be a critical. So you could get lucky and be able to hit all 5 times, even luckier having all max 5 hits be critical, BUT every single one of those 5 hits can miss, which yes is a painful experience.  So sometimes a battle can be done in a turn sometimes it takes a painstakingly long time cause of all the times you’re missing.
Now I know this doesn’t sound like a selling point at all so far, but let me get to the part where things start to break. 
Another thing this game provides is ‘rare qualities’. These work like abilities, but any pokemon can have one of the rare qualities. They can also learn, be taught, or change one of these abilities if given a gummi. These qualities can also affect the entire team, so if one person has an advantage everyone does. 
One of these qualities is called Rapid bulls-eye. What this does is take any move that is a multi-attack move such as water shuriken, bullet seed, fury attack, DOUBLE SLAP, and make it so every time it hits it doesn’t miss. Keep in mind the minimum times double-slap hits is 2, and most enemies will go down or at the very least be in the red by 2 hits this becomes a 100% kill move but with no risk of ever missing.
If you think that’s wild it gets better. 
Sometimes the pokemon will ‘use it’s move very quickly’ after already using it’s move. This allows for the pokemon to move again in the same turn using the move it did prior. So yes you can use double slap, and then have a chance of using it a second time once again with every hit having a guarantee on landing. Keep in mind the chance of a critical hit counts for every hit, so you can in fact land an absolute maximum of 10 hits being used in ONE TURN and all of them are critical. 
But let’s push this FURTHER. In these games the more you use a move the stronger it becomes. So just play the game, only use double slap, and watch as your skitty’s little slap becomes the strongest thing in existence.
‘But the number of times you can use double hit is 13 without any boosts, and I’m going to encounter WAAAY more than 13 enemies in a dungeon’, I can hear you saying. But oh don’t worry, this is not an issue. There are 2 rare qualities in the game that aid in saving PP which you can have your partner learn. To add to this there is an item which also allows for you to sometimes use moves and not have them cost pp. Thus minimizing the number of ethers you need to carry significantly.
‘But what about moves like harden?” A valid critique but in my numerous tests while this may lessen the impact it only draws out the inevitable by a turn. Which is a dismal extension that only works about 90% of the time for your foe.
“Ok but ghost types aren’t affected by normal types, and fighting types are strong to normal types.” Again there is a counter to these strategies. I present the rare quality steamroller which allows for, and I quote,”Even moves that have no effect or are not very effective due to Abilities or bad type matchups will be able to steamroll opponents and deal damage.“ Now yes the main pokemon are you and one partner that you choose at the start of the game, but you are not limited to this. Through the majority of the game you can take yourself, your partner and THIRD POKEMON. Find the pokemon that compliments you and your partner, teach them steamroller and smack around all of the ghosts and fighting pokemon you want. 
Early game this issue can be avoided with ghost types because GUESS WHAT SKITTY CAN DO!? Skitty can learn foresight at level 4 thus allowing for them to hit ghost types with normal moves. It can even learn zen headbutt, and DESTROY it’s only opposer of fighting types.
Now two things that in particular make skitty a force to be reckoned with are heal bell, and cute charm.
There is no gender in this game, EVERYONE can fall to cute charm. 
Skitty can learn heal bell meaning you can save EVEN MORE on bag space since you no longer need heal seeds, or any berries besides oran berries to heal status conditions. Skitty heals ALL even things the berries can’t heal such as effects of block, disable, slow speed, etc.
So go out there and get your skitty’s attack stat to max, fight the biggest and baddest enemies with your smiley pink cat that never opens it’s eyes, and has one slap happy tail 
.....after all....
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Lost (B.Barnes) (Pt. 2)
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Characters: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Buck having one of his triggers. Tony being Tony. Steve being Steve. Some Buck and Sam fight as per usual? 😅 But, with his favorite knife involved. Uh-oh. (Btw, I suck at action and there's probably lots of errors and such. 😢😂)
Words: 2,000+
A/N: I feel so loved by you all! THANK YOU! ENJOY THIS SECOND PART OF ‘LOST’! 
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
Tag list for this oneshot: @justlovelifeblog​ @wolfiegal98​ 
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"H-Help..please," Dirt, grime and blood. You were covered with bits of glass that scratched your clothed body. Your suit ruined and slashed from the bombing. Everything that happened was too fast, catching you completely off guard.
"Go, Sam. I'll catch up." You shouted, running in a fast pace. Your partner, Sam Wilson flying above you. "Wha-What?!" He did a double take, and before he knew it you were gone in a flash.
"Damn it, Y/N." He uttered through the blue tooth. Flying back towards the Quinjet as he saw Natasha carrying Clint around his waist. All bloody and wounded. Sam could hear your staggering breath turn louder as you run back towards the underground compound. "What are you doing?!"
You huffed, breathing out of your mouth as you saw the little girl whom was trapped inside a small cage who was named Nadia that had a tattoo of a red octopus on her tiny, frail arm. Hydra. "Saving a little girl's childhood, Wilson!"
"Barnes is gonna kill me when you ain't here with me!"
"I can manage, Sam! I'm capable of taking care of myself!"
"Y/N--" The line was getting choppy and so was your eye vision. No. You couldn't faint right now. Not in the middle of a battle. The little girl sobbed harder when the both of you heard the earth rattle above you. "Shh, shh. Don't cry, little one. I've got you,"
"Get out--" Then the line went dead and so was your signal. You grabbed onto the little girl who was sucking her thumb, her violet eyes all red and completely swollen from crying all day.
There was something about Nadia that made you go back.
Thus, it was a huge mistake because there was only a second before the bomb went off.
"C-Cap?" You whispered so quietly that even one single word could pain you inside. Every move that you wish to do was left undone because you were wounded, weak and bleeding as you laid on the rocky ground, holding Nadia in your arms.
The kid was still alive, had a pulse but she definitely fainted from the shock and impact.
"J-James?" The tiny shake of the ground made your broken hopes heal, followed by faded foot steps which made you peacefully enter a different rialm that had Bucky, you and Nadia in it.
The snow made everything difficult for the hunt. Yet, nothing can stop Bucky Barnes when he was in the hunt for you. Especially when he knows you've been bombed and probably wounded or to make his heart shatter..you were already dead without him knowing.
"Barnes," Sam landed with a thud after the three of them did. Barnes couldn't help but scowl as he heard his voice. He was her partner. He trusted her that he'll be with her by hook or by crook but what happened? "You don't get to talk, Wilson."
Bucky unclasped the parachute and dropped it with a loud thud. The scowl turning nastier when he felt Sam walk closer to him. "I couldn't contact her--the signal's been jammed--"
"I trusted you with her, Sam!" He barked back, glaring at the Falcon with a nasty glint in his eyes. Oh, he was in rage. "Jesus Christ! I fucking trusted you with her because you've been her partner since day 1!" Bucky spat with venom in his words. Completely heedless that he was grabbing onto the body of his knife that he kept on his pocket.
Sam was unaware that he was grabbing onto his beloved knife, he was entirely focused on his fiery Steele blue eyes that suddenly turned a shade darker, in a blink of an eye, he could see that the person in front of him wasn't Bucky anymore and that made his heart skip a beat in the most frightening way.
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Bucky was entirely kept uncompromised and so they didn't saw how fast he went to attack their co-Avenger, gripping him by the neck with his metal hand that made him growl as he fell on the ground with Bucky's weight on either side of him, tightly clutching onto him like a wild cat. Choking him and wanting nothing more than to stop him from breathing. The sharp tip of his knife right above his pulse, dipping it in the right amount that made it ooze blood.
It wasn't Bucky who was acting all hostile right now and they were all too shocked from the sudden change of character.
"S-Steve...N-Not--" Sam groaned, tugging onto his metal fingers wrapped around his neck. Groaning out the pain he could feel as Bucky was pressing his knife on his pulse, dripping more blood. Every second turning like he was drowning in hell because Bucky was also choking him tighter. "--B-Bucky!"
"Buck, stop!" Steve began to intervene, about to pull him away from his friend Sam but the man in front of him was faster to hit his core with his elbow, making him back away from the impact. "Damn it," Steve muttered beneath his breath and he noted how Tony finally decided to jump in and help after minutes of being awol.
"Language, Rogers." Tony spoke through the intercom, making everyone hear what he said. "Momma' will be so disappointed in you, Capsicle."
Steve could feel him get thrown on the ground, making him whimper. Bucky had him by the neck now, leaving Sam coughing out air as he tried to recover. "You're my mission,"
Tony was flying above the air, trying to search for you as well, however he got too distracted by what Bucky said because he could sense that Bucky wasn't entirely Bucky right now and it made him roll his eyes. "Oh, God. Not this again," Steve screeched from the sudden attack that Bucky did as he was his next target aside from Sam. Everybody who was in his way was like a Bull being taunted with a red cloth in front him. He was in for the kill. His fingers tightened around Steve's neck, using his legs to unstabilize Steve's right hand, pinning them on the ground with his knee that made him cry from how it was insanely twisted.
"It's amusing to watch him murder you, Cap." Tony uttered with amusement. Trying hard not to laugh out. "Damn..you..Tony! He's not...Bucky right...now!"
"I could tell," He mused, slightly chuckling as he watched the fight  from above. "Hey, Natasha--" Tony started, but was immediately cut off with a quick message as Natasha turned the intercom's after. "Not now, Tony. Get them to stop while I find Y/N." Toot.
Well, what a chirper.
Tony sighed, enthusiastically having his best hero landing beside Bucky who was planning to murder his 100 year old best friend. "Manchurian Candidate, step away from the grandpa," Iron man welcomed before he was kicked on the core, making him fly towards a dead tree.
Tony began to gather himself, standing up in a hot second like nothing happened. Guess he wouldn't turn back that easily. "Why do you always have to be so hostile, Barnes?" He asked more to himself, immediately detecting where Bucky was before he came to attack back.
Tony propelled forward till he pushed Bucky away from Steve. Bucky instantly rolled on the ground with an angry growl that made the snowy ground shake.
"Cap, will you do the honor? Or you're still going to be a little pissy because I basically ruined your moment with your best friend?"
Steve gathered himself, standing up from the ground and helping Sam go up on his feet, lending a helpful hand to pull his friend up. Tony eyed Bucky who seemed to had the 'I'm going to murder you' gaze that made him cuss in the back of his genius mind. "He's not stopping," He stated the obvious. Glancing back at Steve and Sam who were dusting the cold snow off their clothes. "Bucky, you gonna stop or??"
Apparently, Steve sounded so unamused. "He's not gonna stop, Tony."
"And you're letting him kill me next?"
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Bucky was marching towards his way, grudgingly marching towards the man of Iron while stretching his metal arm that made a satisfying sound. Tony rolled his eyes, feeling the fatigue hit him hard. They were battling for days and now they didn't need another one of Bucky's triggered, Winter Soldier phases. "Christ. I'm blasting him off to bring him back,"
"Tony--" Steve started, stretching his twisted, slightly injured wrist, yet he was too late to react.
"Yep. Totally blasting him off."
He brought his armoured hands halfway, the familiar sound of his blasters turning on. "No--"
"Sleepy-bye, Barnes." His target turned red, and before Steve knew it. Tony just blasted his best friend off out in the air, making Bucky fall inside a hill full of snow that made him blackout. Well, he'll wake up any time soon. So, it was definitely not a problem.
He heard a loud sigh came from Sam's place and Tony knew it was Steve and he was trying his hardest not to give him a little of his scolding. "Precautionary measures, Cap." Tony quickly saved himself from the long scolding from the famous Captain America. "Atleast, I didn't blast his robotic arm off,"
"Tony," Sam begun to start for Steve, and Tony opened his mask to see them face to face. He had a ridiculous look that made the both of them shook their heads in disappointment. "What? What was I supposed to do?!" Tony responded, pointing towards where Bucky flew and it was only a few meters away from them. "He was giving me the murder gaze!"
Steve tried to turn on his intercoms, tapping his ear as he tried calling out for Natasha. About to ask where she was because she was suddenly gone in a flash. "Nat?"
Tony decided to answer for him. "She turned the blue tooth off. Noting that I finish your kiddie games with Barnes and Noble over there." They could hear somebody's feet scratching the snowy ground, in their peripheral vision. The three Avengers could see a metal armed man lying prone on the cold, hard ground.
He stood up on his own, groaning at the same time as he grudgingly dragged his feet to where they were. A skeptical look on their heroic faces. "What the hell?" Bucky rasped, his head pounding from the fall. "What happened?"
"You were being the terminator again, Barnes." Tony answered for the three of them. "Oh, God. Was I?"
Their intercoms went static, it screeched that made the group of heroic walking testorerone wince from the sound. Something was bugging up their connection from Natasha.
"Nat?" Bucky decided to talk through the static connection, ceasing once he did.
"Winter was triggered that your princess was hurt, Barnes." Natasha breathed through the intercoms, her breathing loud before it quickly faded and turned normal. "Never worry, though." She added lightheartedly, "Cause I already have her in my arms,"
She promptly stood up from her position, as she knelt beside you a while ago. Caressing your bloody hair with pity and dread. "But she isn't in a very good condition," She spoke through the intercom, sounding like she was in a hurry.
"As well as this kid,"
Bucky's heart fell because he knew Natasha wasn't exaggerating and he'll be facing the consequences once you'll be brought back to the headquarters.
It will be one heck of a consequence that could break Bucky's healing soul.
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dream-of-wanting-me · 4 years
Hype Williams directed the MTV of my childhood
Erick Sermon – "Hittin' Switches"[2]
Positive K – "I Got a Man" (version 1)[3]
Mangu – "La Playa"
K7 – "Zunga Zeng"
M.O.P. – "How About Some Hardcore"
K7 – "Come Baby Come"
Poor Righteous Teachers – "Nobody Move"
Mysterme – "Unsolved Mysterme"[4]
Sam Sneed – "U Better Recognize" feat. Dr. Dre
Craig Mack feat. Notorious B.I.G., LL Cool J, Rampage & Busta Rhymes – "Flava in Ya Ear" (remix)
Wu-Tang Clan – "Can It Be All So Simple"
Jodeci – "Feenin'" (Co-directed with DeVante Swing)
Mic Geronimo – "Shit's Real"
Da Bush Babees – "We Run Things (It's Like That)"
Gravediggaz – "Diary of a Madman"
Craig Mack – "Get Down"
Wu-Tang Clan – "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing ta Fuck Wit/Shame on a Nigga"[5]
Miss Jones – "Where I Wanna Be Boy"
Casserine "Why Not Take All of Me"
Mary J. Blige – "Be Happy" (co-directed with Sean "Puffy" Combs)(uncredited)
Men At Large – "Let's Talk About It"
Usher – "Think of You"
Usher – "The Many Ways"
Snow – "Anything for You"
Naughty by Nature – "Craziest"
The Notorious B.I.G. – "One More Chance" (version 2: remix)
Warren G – "So Many Ways"
LL Cool J feat. Boyz II Men – "Hey Lover"
LL Cool J – "Doin' It"
Brandy – "Baby"
The Notorious B.I.G. – "Warning"
The Notorious B.I.G. – "Big Poppa" (co-directed with Sean "Puffy" Combs)
Brandy feat. Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, & Yo Yo – "I Wanna Be Down" (version 2:remix)
Adina Howard – "Freak Like Me"
Montell Jordan – "This Is How We Do It"
The Notorious B.I.G. – "One More Chance" (version 1)
Guru & Chaka Khan – "Watch What You Say"
Montell Jordan – "Somethin' 4 Da Honeyz" (version 1)
Boyz II Men feat. Treach, Craig Mack, Busta Rhymes and Method Man – "Vibin'" (version 2)
Brandy – "Sittin' Up in My Room"
Blackstreet feat. SWV and Craig Mack – "Tonite's the Night" (remix)
Hodge – "Head Nod" [Remix]
Mic Geronimo – "Masta I.C."
OutKast – "Benz or Beamer"
Ol' Dirty Bastard – "Shimmy Shimmy Ya/Baby C'Mon"[6]
Solo – "Where Do You Want Me to Put It"
Lin Que feat. MC Lyte – "Let It Fall"
Immature feat. Smooth – "We Got It"
Double XX Posse – "Money Talks"
A Few Good Men – "Tonite"
Little Shawn – "Dom Perignon" (feat. The Notorious B.I.G)
Brownstone feat.Craig Mack – "If You Love Me (Street Vibe Remix)"
World Renown – "How Nice I Am"
Tupac Shakur feat. Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman – "California Love" (version 2: Mad Max, version 3: remix)[7]
D'Angelo – "Lady"[8]
R. Kelly feat. Ronald Isley – "Down Low (Nobody Has to Know)" (version 1)
Busta Rhymes – "Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check" (version 1)
R. Kelly – "Thank God It's Friday"
Maxi Priest feat. Shaggy – "That Girl"
Nas feat. Lauryn Hill – "If I Ruled the World (Imagine That)"
Nas – "Street Dreams"
Nas feat. R. Kelly – "Street Dreams (Remix)"
A Tribe Called Quest – "1nce Again"
Blackstreet feat. Dr. Dre & Queen Pen – "No Diggity"
R. Kelly – "I Can't Sleep Baby (If I)" (remix)
Brandy feat. Wanya Morris of Boyz II Men – "Brokenhearted" (Soulpower Remix)
A Tribe Called Quest – "Stressed Out" (version 1)
Jay-Z feat. Mary J. Blige – "Can't Knock the Hustle"
LL Cool J featuring Total – "Loungin'" (remix)
Foxy Brown featuring Blackstreet – "Get Me Home"
R. Kelly – "I Believe I Can Fly"
Group Therapy feat. Dr. Dre, RBX, KRS-One, B-Real & Nas – "East Coast West Coast Killaz"
B-Real, Coolio, Method Man, LL Cool J & Busta Rhymes – "Hit 'Em High (The Monstars' Anthem)"
Mista – "Blackberry Molasses"[9]
The Isley Brothers feat. R. Kelly – "Let's Lay Together"
Total – "No One Else"
Babyface feat. LL Cool J, Jody Watley, etc. – "This Is For The Lover In You"
LL Cool J feat. Keith Murray, Prodigy, Fat Joe, and Foxy Brown – "I Shot Ya"
R. Kelly – "I Can't Sleep (Baby If I)"
R. Kelly – "Down Low remix (Blame it on the Mo)"
Missy Elliott – "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)"[10][11]
Puff Daddy feat. Faith Evans & 112 – "I'll Be Missing You"
R. Kelly – "Gotham City"[12]
The Notorious B.I.G. feat. Puff Daddy & Mase – "Mo Money Mo Problems"
Mary J. Blige – "Everything"
Busta Rhymes – "Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See"[13]
Missy Elliott feat. Da Brat – "Sock It 2 Me"[14]
Jay-Z feat. Foxy Brown & Babyface – "(Always Be My) Sunshine"
Busta Rhymes – "Dangerous"
Mase – "Feel So Good"
Wild Orchid – "Supernatural"
Will Smith – "Gettin' Jiggy wit It"
Usher – "Nice and Slow"[15][16]
Refugee Camp All-Stars feat. Pras and Ky-Mani Marley – "Avenues"
Scarface – "Mary Jane"
R. Kelly – "Gotham City Remix"
Snow – "Anything for You" [All Star Cast Remix]
DMX feat. Sheek Louch of the LOX – "Get At Me Dog"
DMX feat. Faith Evans – "How's It Goin' Down"
Faith Evans – "Love Like This"
Mel B feat. Missy Elliott – "I Want You Back"
Jermaine Dupri feat. Mariah Carey – "Sweetheart"
Mýa feat. Noreaga & Raekwon – "Movin' On"
Kelly Price feat. R. Kelly & Ron Isley – "Friend of Mine"
Busta Rhymes – "Gimme Some More'"
DMX, Nas, Method Man, and Ja Rule – "Grand Finale"
R. Kelly – "Half on a Baby"
R. Kelly feat. Keith Murray – "Home Alone"
Taral Hicks – "Silly"
Taral Hicks – "Ooh, Ooh Baby"
112 feat. Lil' Zane – "Anywhere"
TLC – "No Scrubs"
Q-Tip – "I Can Do It"
Ja Rule – "Holla Holla"
Ja Rule – "Holla Holla (Remix)"
Ja Rule feat. Cadillac Tah & Black Child – "Murda 4 Life"
Ja Rule – "It's Murda/Kill 'Em All"
Ja Rule feat. Ronald Isley – "Daddy's Little Baby"
Ja Rule – "How Many Wanna"
Method Man feat. D'Angelo – "Break Ups 2 Make Ups"
Busta Rhymes – "Tear da Roof Off/Party Going on Over Here"
Busta Rhymes feat. Janet Jackson – "What's It Gonna Be?"[17]
Nas feat. Puff Daddy – "Hate Me Now"[18]
Missy Elliott – "She's a Bitch"[19]
Mase feat. Blackstreet – "Get Ready"
Noreaga – "Oh No"
Puff Daddy feat. R. Kelly – "Satisfy You"
Mobb Deep feat. Lil' Kim – "Quiet Storm" (version 2: remix)
Dr. Dre feat. Snoop Dogg – "Still D.R.E."
Q-Tip – "Vivrant Thing"
Ol' Dirty Bastard feat. Kelis – "Got Your Money"
Missy Elliott feat. Big Boi & Nicole – "All n My Grill"[20]
Kelis – "Caught out There" [21]
Mobb Deep feat. Nas – "It's Mine"
Mobb Deep feat. Lil' Kim – "Quiet Storm" (version 2: remix)
Puff Daddy feat. R. Kelly – "Satisfy You"
Sisqó – "Got to Get It"
Missy Elliott feat. Nas, Lil' Mo & Eve – "Hot Boyz"[22]
So Plush – "Things I've Heard Before"
Q-Tip – "Breathe and Stop" (version 2)
Jay-Z feat. UGK – "Big Pimpin'"
No Doubt – "Ex–Girlfriend"
Busta Rhymes – "Get Out!!"
Macy Gray – "Why Didn't You Call Me"
R. Kelly – "Bad Man"
DMX feat. Sisqó – "What They Really Want"
LL Cool J – "Imagine That"
Wyclef Jean feat. The Rock – "It Doesn't Matter"
Busta Rhymes – "Fire"
Jay-Z feat. Memphis Bleek & Amil – "Hey Papi"
Mýa feat. Jay-Z – "Best of Me (Holla Main Mix)"
Funkmaster Flex feat. DMX – "Do You?"
Roni Size & Reprazent – "Who Told You"
Ja Rule feat. Lil' Mo – "Put It On Me"
The Murderers – "We Don't Give A %^#$"
The Murderers feat. Vita – "Vita, Vita, Vita"
Kobe Bryant feat. Tyra Banks – "K.O.B.E."
The Murderers feat Ja Rule, Vita, Black Child, Tah Murdah, Memphis Bleek, & Busta Rhymes – "Holla Holla Remix"[23]
Crystal Sierra feat. Stylez Skillz – "Playa No More"
Outsiderz 4 Life – "College Degreez"
DMX – "Ain't No Sunshine"
Busta Rhymes feat. Kelis – "What It Is/Grimey"
Snoop Dogg feat. Tha Eastsidaz, Master P & Nate Dogg – "Lay Low"
Eric Benet – "Love Don't Love Me"
Babyface – "There She Goes"[24]
Vita – "Justify My Love"
Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes – "The Block Party"
Jessica Simpson – "A Little Bit"[25]
Ginuwine – "Differences"
FUBU feat. LL Cool J, Keith Murray, and Ludacris – "Fatty Girl"
Busta Rhymes – "As I Come Back/Break Ya Neck"
Shelby Lynne – "Killin' Kind"
Stella Soleil – "Kiss Kiss"
Method Man – "Party & Bull%#!*"
Aaliyah – "Rock The Boat"
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overdrivels · 4 years
This is a sort of prequel to an old fic of mine, On Guard. Mostly talks about conspiracy and the stuff that led up to the events of that fic. I wrote this long, long ago, but just never finished it. Apparently the last edit was back in 2018, so I’m actually happy I got my ass back into gear to finish it up.
It’s basically just a tangent of potential lore-weaving and what-if Sojiro Shimada wasn’t an asshole and knew Gabriel Reyes.
「Sapporo, please.」
The two men waited in silence for their respective drinks to come. They sat side by side at the counter in the furthest seats away from the door with a great view of the dinky ramen shack that could barely seat ten people. One was obviously a foreigner to this place. The other patron was obviously from the area, dressed in nothing but jinbei, and personally greeted by the shopkeeper warmly in his thick dialect (「Welc–oh! So-chan, long time! How are th'boys?」)
Their drinks were placed in front of them not too long, and they each took a pull, relishing in the relief the liquids brought them in this humid weather. The cicadas were loud, and combined their voices with the cheap electrical fan overhead, almost enough to make up for the simmering silence in the shop. Though, one of the patrons decided that cicadas make for terrible conversationalists, and that perhaps the man next to him would be better.
“Are you a perhaps a tourist?” Sojiro asked coolly in near perfect English, eyes crinkling in mirth. Gabriel’s eyes swept the shop before focusing on the man. There were very few who would know English in this part of town. Both were able to speak freely in this nearly abandoned shop. The shopkeep himself was tending to his broth unhurriedly.
Gabriel took a sip of his water, condensation already forming on the side from the hot summer air.
“Yeah, something like that. You a local?”
“Something like that,” he repeated cheekily. Gabriel snorted. His new friend had a sense of humor.
“Are you here for business, then?”
The air shifted briefly when Sojiro said that, and Gabriel had to grin. It reeked of danger and shady dealings. “I’m just here for…sight-seeing. Heard that Hanamura was quite…magical this time of year.”
Sojiro mirrored his expression, a knowing look in his eyes. “Of course. Hanamura is very beautiful. You’ve come at a good time, friend.” He jerked a chin at the shopkeeper behind the counter.
「Ay, So-chan? What can I do fer ya?」
「My new friend here wants your Tonkotsu special. Double eggs, extra firm noodles, make them wavy. Oh, and don’t forget the garlic. Two heads of it.」
With a knowing nod, and a curt, 「Sure thin’,」 the shopkeeper clicked off the fire to his broth, provided the two a pitcher of water to drink at their leisure, and disappeared into the back, leaving the two customers by their lonesome. The lights above their heads flicked momentarily, and a dull buzzing current that Gabriel could feel crawling up the back of his bare neck. Neither of the patrons moved until they could hear the wooden door to the shop click shut, and a body leaning heavily against it–basic assurance that no one will come in.
In the privacy of the shop guarded by a man who’s paid to keep secrets, both men were able to drop their pretenses.
“Where are my noodles, Shimada?” Gabriel gestured grandly at the kitchen just behind the bar table they sat at. “You promised me noodles when I got here.”
Sojiro laughed out loud. “You’ll get them, Reyes-san. Where is your hat?”
The Blackwatch commander ran a hand over his bare head, seeming annoyed now that he was reminded that he was bereft of his signature beanie. “At home getting tossed ‘round like a toy by some ingrate. Probably.”
The Japanese man had to raise an eyebrow at that. “Oh? A dog, is it?”
The image of Jesse McCree as a dog–the correct analog was a roadside mutt, really–wasn’t entirely wrong, but Gabriel waved it off. “Something like that. But enough of this bull.”
“Yes,” Sojiro said coolly. “Welcome to my Hanamura, I am very pleased you were able to make it.”
The possessiveness does not go unnoticed—a dual invitation and a threat.
“’was getting tired of talking to you through stupid cigarette paper.” From one of his inner pockets, Gabriel tossed out a rolled up piece of scrap onto the table, which Sojiro picked up, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, amused.
“I had assumed you liked my style. Apologies.” The paper disappeared into the inside of Sojiro’s sleeves as he crossed his arms.
Gabriel snorted in disbelief. “If you were really sorry, you’d get your ass on one of our comms already and not send one of your mechanical birds. You’re a damn hack, Shimada,” he said, pounding the table just once to get his point across.
“You flatter me.”
“That ain’t a compliment.”
“Then I’m afraid I misunderstood.” He pressed a mocking hand to his heart. “Forgive the ignorance of this old man.”
While the runaround was annoying, Gabriel could appreciate the sarcasm, it’s much better than listening to the straight-laced Jack Morrison all day. “Just get on with it. You said you had a favor to ask Blackwatch?”
“Ah, yes.”
Sojiro leaned against the bar counter with one elbow, suddenly donning the posture of one more fitting of his actual position. Comfortable, unhurried, but menacing. “But first, allow me to tell you the tale passed down from our family throughout the generations.”
The Blackwatch commander drained the last of his water, and waved the bottom of it at him, willing him to continue. He had a feeling that he’d be forced to hear it whether he wanted to or not.
“My family tells of an ancient legend about two great dragon brothers…”
By the time the story was over, Gabriel was leaned over the counter, his palm digging another crater-sized dimple into his face. "And? What does that have to do with your clan?”
“We, the Shimada clan, descended from those dragons,” he paused, looking thoughtful for a moment before he looked at Gabriel with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "or so it’s said. Though, some have interpreted the story to mean that the two dragons were once the rulers of the Shimada clan. When the Dragon of the North killed his younger brother, he did not fall to the ground. He fell on a Shimada.”
The image of a multi-ton mythical snake falling onto some poor soul made Gabriel laugh out loud, and he slapped the table, shaking the empty glasses in his mirth. Sojiro was not particularly bothered by this, and let him laugh it out–he’s dealt with worse, he has two sons that could disappear at a moment’s notice (one of which does it on a nearly bi-hourly basis).
Gabriel finally calmed down after a couple of minutes, he was clutching his stomach, tears at the corner of his eyes. By that time, Sojiro has already drained the last of his alcohol. “That’s hilarious, Shimada.”
His lips quirked upward and he shrugged far more casually than a man who just had his family legacy laughed at should. “There’s more–”
“Did he fall on more than one?”
“–to this theory. When the elder Dragon was asked to descend, he did not descend onto any land, but into a Shimada. Possessed a human body.”
“That interpretation’s a stretch, isn’t it?”
Sojiro shrugged again. “Regardless, these dragons are in our family. And the Shimadas have the ability to control them.”
“And? If you have those mythical dragons running around, why do you need our help?”
Sojiro laughed humorlessly. “Because, Reyes-san, you are a smart man. You should understand.”
“Flattery gets you nowhere, Shimada. I’m not making my people do your dirty work for you.”
“Of course not, and this request is not without adequate compensation.”
Sojiro poured water into Gabriel’s empty glass and then into his own. Gabriel watched quietly as the man turned away from him and ran a hand through his hair slowly, the streaks of grey a testament to how difficult his life must have been. The man’s chest expanded with a deep breath, unwilling to actually sigh, before he faced the Blackwatch commander again.
“They killed my wife, Reyes-san,” Sojiro said solemnly. “Now they seek to kill me to control my sons.”
His eyebrow raised. “The news said she died of heart failure.” Not that Gabriel believed everything he heard in the news, but he was admittedly not very concerned with Japanese politics at the time. The Shimadas always kept their affairs to Japanese soil, though there were always rumors of the clan being seen in various areas of South and East Asia.
The widower scoffed, downing his new glass of water as though it’ll cleanse him of this reality.
“They lie,” Sojiro huffed bitterly. “They killed her. Because she was a strong woman. She frightened the clan elders.” A flash of fondness crossed his face. “She was beautiful. Powerful. But then…”
He gnashed his teeth, and Gabriel could’ve sworn he was imagining it, but something beneath the clan leader’s clothes seemed to glow. “The filthy cowards. They thought I would not discover it.”
“Discover what?”
“They did something to her. She became different.” The older man’s hazel eyes became hard, glaring holes into the wooden counter. “It was still my wife, but she—she began to lose sight of herself. She looked the same, but she…” He shook his head roughly. “I do not know what happened, but only that the clan elders were responsible.”
“You said something about killing you to control your sons?”
“Yes, yes.” He waved a hand, nonchalant, as if his life was a trivial matter. “My sons are still young. In the case of my eldest, Hanzo, I’m afraid his burden is a much heavier destiny than he can bear.”
“How so?”
“The eldest’s role is to lead the clan.” 
“So, he’s just a you 2.0.” 
Sojiro shakes his head. “It would be my greatest joy, but my greatest sorrow if he were to become like his father.” 
“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” 
“If only my second son fell nearer. Wild and rambunctious; capricious.”
“Why? Second son belongs to the milkman?”
Even Reyes knows when he’s crossed the line, regretting those words the instance they left his mouth. There was a threatening crackle in the air, every sense in his body running rampant and screaming danger was near. Sojiro’s face remained carefully neutral, but there’s hardness to his eyes that even Reyes, a hardened soldier and having given the look himself many times, felt compelled to retract his statement. 
“My bad.”
Sojiro nodded. “Do you know our clan’s symbol?”
He’s seen it several times before in pictures of the mobster in the reports he’s given occasionally. Sojiro normally wore it proudly on his back during the day, unlike now, in an unassuming set of the equivalent of lounging clothes. The two dragons like an ouroboros–eating the other rather than itself. Normally, an ouroboros signifies the cycle of creation and life, all as one. Ana had taught this to him before among other things during their times of idleness.
But two of them trying to eat the other? Gabriel could fathom a guess, but he’s sure it’d be a poor one. He’s not much for this sort of philosophical thinking. (It was honestly more of the space gorilla’s favorite pastime.)
“It is rare that both dragons, North and South, are born together in the same generation. Both my sons have received the blessing of dragons.” Sojiro swirled his glass, the water formed a mini-tornado within. “It was supposed to be joyous. The strongest generation, the elders claimed. Finally, the two dragon brothers have been reunited.”
“Isn’t that a good thing for you guys?”
“But there is a problem. My son, Hanzo, has two dragons.”
The meaningful look Sojiro gave him forced the truth upon him so quickly, he got figurative whiplash.
“So they only require one of the brothers, then.”
Sojiro’s eyes were downcast, the grip on his empty glass so tight, it was clattering against the table. “Once they have Hanzo, they will have no need for Genji.”
“Didn’t know the dragon legend had a third brother.”
“Not explicitly. But if one were to read between the lines of text, you could infer the existence of an East and West Wind. But that is hardly relevant. Who would believe such a thing?”  
Gabriel shrugged. It’s true. If it’s not mentioned anywhere, there’s no reason for anyone to believe such a thing. “But why kill your other son? Isn’t the more dragons the better? More auspicious, isn’t it?”
“No. It has to be two dragons, or one of the two.”
“In that case, Genji has no use. They could just oust him or something.” 
Sojiro slammed his glass against the table in anger. “It is because Genji still has a use that the clan elders want him dead. They cannot control him, so they will seek his death.”
It would be easy for another faction to challenge Hanzo’s legitimacy. Hanzo may have two dragons, but they could argue it’s the result of some defect—one dragon split into two. It’s a stretch, but a very compelling possibility. Genji, on the other hand, is whole. If a branch family were to rally behind Genji and claim him as the true heir, the clan elders would either be forced to recognize it or forced to have a civil war. Neither options were desirable.
Genji, from Sojiro’s account, is a force of nature; untameable and unflappable. A cheeky young thing with no regards toward tradition or hierarchy. A walking nightmare for a band of traditionalists stewing in their own filth they call “order”.
“Should you really be leaving your sons alone, then?”
“My eldest cousin, Asahi, is guarding my youngest, Genji. My other cousin is guarding Hanzo. I trust them both to watch over my sons properly.”
Gabriel took a contemplative sip of water, staring off into space. “Cousins, huh? So they’re branch members?”
The unspoken implication hung heavily over their heads, but Sojiro responded, “Reyes-san. I trust them.”  
“Glad someone does.”
It’s not unheard of for the branch members of a family in the middle of a power struggle to take sides or drastic measures. It’s natural, even. Some members may even want to lay claim to the Head seat themselves. But the case of the Shimadas, whose worth was determined by the family’s dragons, they could only make due with manipulating the leader. Gabriel has seen more than his fair share of skirmishes over seats of power, and the inevitable mess of an aftermath. 
Gabriel tapped the counter. “I don’t see why I’m here, though. If we’re talking allies, Talon should be higher on the list than us.”
Sojiro’s lip curled in derision. “They do not know their place.”
“Oh, and we do?” 
“You’re much more preferable to work with. And many times more trustworthy than Talon.”
“Well, I’m honored,” Gabriel answered sarcastically, putting a hand to his chest. “That you think we could do something that even you or Talon cannot do.” 
That Sojiro spoke of his sons and the sticky matter of his clan’s politics to an outsider was extremely telling. It’s a weakness that Gabriel never thought he’d ever get to see. 
“It must be funny to you that the head of the Shimada clan–ruler of all Hanamura–can’t even protect his own children,” Sojiro spat out bitterly. “It is shameful for me to ask an outsider this, but…”
Gabriel did not expect the man to suddenly get on his hands and knees, pressing his forehead to the ground. “Please, protect my sons. I beg you as the father of these two children, please.”
“Get up, Shimada.” Despite his words, the Blackwatch commander was already trying to pull him up. This look does not suit the head of the Shimada empire. Such a powerful man grovelling at his feet when he was only stomping around on things unmentionable just the week before was unsettling.
The man refused to budge, as though the weight of his request and the lives that rested on Reyes’ answer kept him glued to the floor. 
“I beg you.” 
“Don’t be an ass, Shimada.” 
“When I die, I have no power to protect them. They are too green. They lack power.”
“Isn’t that your damn job as a parent?”
“I cannot!” Sojiro shouted. “I have failed as a parent. I cannot hope to pretend to be one now. I can only entrust this to someone I trust.”
“You’d trust an enemy, Shimada?” 
It was a peculiar thing that most people would never understand. Multiple encounters of their teams clashing, outsmarting each other, outmaneuvering the other forged an ironclad trust that many people would never have the privilege of experiencing. Someone who knows all your weaknesses, your strengths, morals, and respects the rules which you play by. It’s how they were both able to meet in such a place, neither with weapons or additional guards. This was a peculiar bond that perhaps only enemies would ever know. 
Gabriel sighed, dropping his ass onto the ground. “You’re a real piece of work, Shimada.” 
“So I’ve been told,” Sojiro replied, a hint of a smile in his voice. He slowly raised his head from the ground, a red mark maring his forehead. “Is that a ‘yes’, then?”
Again, Gabriel sighed. What Sojiro was asking of him was not only going to be difficult, but risky as well. It could put Overwatch (and Blackwatch) at serious political risk with the Japanese government. Even worse, it would make them the target of the Shimada clan and all of its affiliates and stakeholders. Jack would definitely be opposed to such a plan. 
Even if they managed to protect the two brothers, the only thing Blackwatch would get out of this is the lukewarm gratitude of two brats who would not know the desperate lengths to which their father went to protect their lives and future. And they would likely never understand or appreciate it. 
High risk, low reward was not how Blackwatch liked to operate.
But Gabriel Reyes was a different story. 
“We’ll need a proper plan. Can’t guarantee it’ll work out, but we need your cooperation if we’re going to maximize our chances of getting either of your sons out of this in one piece.” 
“Of course. You have my thanks, Reyes-san.” 
The deal was sealed with a handshake and the ramen that Sojiro owed Reyes. Both men made small talk for the rest of the night before leaving to don the mantle of their respective roles. 
When Gabriel returned, the details with Sojiro were confirmed. Blackwatch’s mission is to keep a watchful eye over the two brothers and ensure they stay alive. If possible, get them out by force. 
He assigned you to Hanamura under the pretense that you will be gathering information about their arms trade by becoming the bodyguard of a Shimada heir. You will get close to them, get them to divulge their secrets. While it’s true that the Shimadas were involved in the exchange of weaponry, he did not disclose to you the real reason—it’s better if you didn’t know. You will protect them anyway, keep an eye on both brothers regardless.
After all, it goes without saying that in order to fool your enemies, you must first fool your allies.
The implant goes without a hitch, at least, from his part.
Sojiro continued to communicate with him through the tiny scrolls delivered by his robotic birds—entirely indistinguishable from ordinary ones. His coded messages were short, but expressed his gratitude and trepidation.
The news of Sojiro’s death does not surprise him. 
What did surprise him was your insistence on leaving. 
“I’m with the wrong Shimada!” you hissed into your communicator, and Gabriel stopped himself from telling you just how wrong that statement was. 
Instead, he carefully considered your words. If you were to leave, there’d be no one around to report on either Shimada brother. It was hard enough for Sojiro to get you accepted in their fold, and it wouldn’t do to waste such an opportunity.
But on the other hand, the oligarchy surrounding the new Shimada head would be considerably less cautious if the outsider finally leaves their midst. Their guard might even be down for a short while as they take the chance to eliminate you which meant a short window of opportunity. 
It might be worth taking this chance. They could get you and one of the brothers out alive. From your reports, you’ve built a fair amount of trust between yourself and your charge. A few words and the promise of freedom might convince the younger Shimada to go with them. 
“Jack, we’re storming Hanamura.”
“What? Gabe! We don’t have jurisdiction over Japan! What are you thinking?”
“I have an agent who wants out. This departure is going to turn the Shimada’s inside-out, I can’t imagine the clan will let a foreigner leave so easily.” 
Moments of silence later, Jack heaved a shuddering sigh. Gabriel could just imagine the man rubbing his forehead, trying to formulate a speech for the media when this all goes to hell in a hand basket. “When?”
“A week from now. Dead of night.”
Little did he know, a week from now, they’d be storming Hanamura for very different reasons.
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lilhemmo · 5 years
35 and 96 AU for sweet pea
send me two au’s from THIS list + a ship/character
a/n: this one ended up being pretty long so read more under the cut!
It’s not unusual for you to come home bloody and battered.
You spend your nights at the Southside boxing rink, racking up a reputation and moving your way to the top. You end the night with a busted lip and some bloody knuckles, but it’s worth it.
The cash that lines your pocket makes the bruised ribs and split cheek much easier to handle.
“I can’t believe you won’t just friggin’ listen to me,” he grumbles, tossing some epsom salt into the warm bath water to help dull the ache. He made you a glass of water as well, a few ibuprofen on the counter to accompany the drink. You try not to laugh; it’ll make your ribs hurt.
Sweet Pea has been your only constant in life ever since you’ve been in the Southside. He lives in the trailer next to yours, so he always offers to drive you to and from the gym because you’re never in any shape to drive yourself home when the match is over. Pea also is the one to take care of you because your parents couldn’t be bothered to stick around after your teen years.
“Can we skip the parental speech tonight, Sweets?” you ask through breathless pants. You wince as you try and get into the tub without reopening every wound on your body. 
He glances over at you once you’ve tapped on the edge of the tub to let him know you’re in, “But that’s my favorite part - I love how you don’t ever listen to me.”
“Save the self-righteous, hypocritical bull crap, Pea,” you scoff, tilting your head back. “You and Fangs are out at night, beating up Ghoulies and protecting your own. Don’t act like I don’t hear your motorcycle rev up at night when you leave.”
Sweet Pea licks his lips and rubs his hands over his face in exasperation. You don’t ever let him get away with anything, that’s for sure.
You wave your hand, “I can take care of myself, Pea. If it bothers you this much, then just go home.”
“I can’t leave you,” he says quickly, grabbing the first aid kit and a couple of rags out of the drawers. Pea gets down on his knees beside the tub and gets to work on scrubbing the crusted blood from your wounds.
“How’s things going with Jos?” you ask, looking over your shoulder as he cleans the split skin on your shoulder. “You sleeping together yet?”
You’re sure that when he runs the sponge over the cut that he’s being extra thorough. You wince, but he speaks, “I saw Josie and Archie making out in the music room the other day. It’s pretty clear how she feels - or doesn’t.”
“Pea,” you turn to face him, your wet hand cupping his cheek. You feel your eyes soften the longer you look at him, “She didn’t deserve you. She made that abundantly clear the second she called you a fling.”
“That’s all it was,” SP shrugs, a mundane look on his face. “Maybe Andrews can help her out, he likes music and all that. I’m just a Serpent.”
You grab him by the jaw and force him to look you in the eyes, “Don’t you ever let someone else define you. Not anyone, and especially not Josie. You’re so much more than just a Serpent, Sweets.”
His eyes dart downward but you don’t make it out to be anything special. You release him and let your hand fall back into the bubbly water. You sigh, “I don’t know how people can treat one another like that, Pea. I’m sorry you had to be on the receiving end of it all.”
“It’s okay,” Sweet Pea shrugs nonchalantly. He doesn’t look you in the eyes as he cleans the wound on your cheekbone. It’s leaking crimson and he winces as he rolls the rag against the open cut.
“If this is about money, I-”
“This ain’t about anything, Pea. This is about me. It’s what I want.”
“You and Andrews make quite the pair,” he scoffs, replacing the bloody rag for a clean one.
You choose not to respond, and he finishes mopping up your blood, cleaning it out and watching as the water slowly turns red.
“Time for stitches.”
He walks out of the bathroom long enough to let you drain the water and dry yourself off. Pea even laid out fresh clothes for you on the counter. How he has time to do these things for you, you’ll never know. What you do know is that all you have in this life is each other now. Toni has run off to be with Cheryl, to partner with the Pretty Poisons to clean up the Southside. Fangs has been missing for years, ever since the Farm chose their ascension night. FP and Jughead moved to the Northside years ago, and Pea can’t fault them for trying to give Jellybean a better life.
The thin t-shirt you’re sporting was Sweet Pea’s at some point in life. It’s threadbare, but it’s perfect to wear after a match because it doesn’t suffocate you in your sleep. The arms are cut out, so it makes it easy for the both of you to apply bandages and wraps to the various parts of your body that usually end up battered and bruised. The neck is wide, stretched from use, and it’s fraying at the edges.
SP unloads a decent amount of the medical supplies, ready to get to work on the cuts on your face first. He takes a q-tip with ointment laden on it and starts to smear it onto every inch of broken skin that mars your face and neck.
“Sooner or later you’re going to have too many scars to count,” he mutters, cinching together a butterfly stitch on your forehead. Sweet Pea brushes your hair away from your face, his fingertips lingering on your jaw and neck.
“Scars are cool,” you shrug, dismissing his worried tone. “All the Serpents have them.”
Sweet Pea shakes his head, “You don’t have to do this, you can make more of yourself in better ways. You don’t have to just punch your way out.”
“S’the only thing I’m good at, Sweets.” You look up at him through your lashes. His brown eyes are warm, asking you silent questions just with the colors swirling around in his irises. 
His thumb brushes over a bruise on your jaw, “I can’t watch you kill yourself for the rest of your life.”
“Then don’t watch,” you snap, your voice steely and quiet.
Sweet Pea’s teeth wrap around his bottom lip, trying hard to keep his commentary to himself. Instead, he moves on to wrapping up your knuckles in gauze, taping them at the wrists.
He puts away the supplies in your cabinet and then turns to walk out the bathroom door, but you limp towards him to grab his wrist.
“Pea?” You cough at the exertion. “You don’t wanna stay and watch a movie like always?”
The last person you have in this world licks his lips and shrugs his shoulders, “You told me not to watch anymore. I’m just listening to your advice.”
And then he leaves without another word.
Weeks pass, and you throw yourself into your boxing matches. You fight opponents much stronger than you, you take hits harder than you ever should have. You don’t care because you don’t feel anything until you land inside that ring.
“Come at me, c’mon!” you scream, slapping your gloves together and bearing your teeth. “Is that all you got?!”
She rages at you and manages to get a good uppercut in before you slam into her chest and throw her onto the mat. Her back cracks and your body heaves in exhaustion.
“Yeah, that’s right! Stay down!” You seethe between your mouthguard, stalking her in circles, praying that she gets up so you can lay into her again.
Moments pass, and the referee declares you the winner.
The crowd goes wild, you receive your wad of cash, and then you trudge home.
It’s harder to ride your motorcycle with your injuries, but you manage. There are nights that you want to miss Sweet Pea’s truck, but you force yourself to wince and bear it. 
That’s how your days replay. You have nothing but your fists, absolutely nothing, but you have to be okay with that because it’s your own fault.
It takes another two weeks for a fight to get too violent.
The girl has you against the ropes, her fists drilling into your abdomen. You can hear your ribs crunching as she piles into you. The crowd is so loud that it hurts your ears, but the throbbing in your head drowns most of the sound into a blur of screams. You shout in pain and double over, giving her a clean shot at your head.
Your body flounders to the ground and the ref pushes her off to the other end of the ring so he can count you down. With every number that he rattles off, you feel a piece of your soul die. Tears are streaming down your face as you force yourself to slam your fists into the mat and push your body upright.
“You can fight?” the referee asks you.
“I’m good.”
He doesn’t look like he believes you, so you scream at him, “I’m good, ref! Now let me go!”
The referee claps his hands together and you’re back at one another’s throats. You get a string of punches in, surely she’s hurting, but it does not stop her from slamming her knee into your gut.
You hear someone scream out in the crowd, but you barely have time to take notice of it as she grabs you around the waist and throws you down onto the mat.
“Get up!” she screams in your face, spit and blood flying all over you. You wince at the contact, but she screams at you again.
Her foot connects with your ribs, again and again, but you can’t find it in you to tap out, to tell everyone that you’re finished.
“Stop the fight!” you hear from the stands. It gets closer as it repeats itself, “Stop the damn fight!”
You reach up to try and punch her in the face, but instead she is straddling you and pinning your arms above your head with one hand and continuously punching you with the other.
“Get off her!”
You recognize the voice, turning your face just enough to catch a glimpse of his brown eyes. A tear drips down your cheek and the final punch lands across your face.
All you see is darkness.
When you wake, your whole body is weighted, tied down to a bed that you cannot escape from. Your eyelids are heavy, your breath is short. You want to sit up, but find that you aren’t in control of your own limbs.
You push yourself until finally your eyes are unglued and you can blearily glance around the room you’re in.
It’s very bland.
The room is painted white, the curtains made of fabric that looks like it is from decades past, and the scent of antiseptic fills your nostrils until they burn. There is a blanket covering your body, a machine beeping in your ear as it tracks your vitals. You’re not sure how you got here or how long you’ve been out, but as soon as your eyes focus, you zero in on the figure sleeping on the couch next to your bed.
You want to laugh, but your chest is in catastrophic pain. Instead, you focus on examining your roommate as he sleeps curled in on himself, a blanket laid over the top of him but still unable to cover his tall form.
His hair is a mess, covering his forehead and falling in his eyes. His cheek is pressed into the pillow, lips full and parted as he breathes steadily through them. The tattoo on his neck draws your attention and you find your eyes drawn to it like never before.
He is dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, the sleeves cut off to expose his tan skin and cut muscles. You wish that he were closer, but you’re glad that he’s not as the tears begin to leak from the corners of your eyes.
As if he has some sort of super power to sense whenever you’re in pain, Sweet Pea stirs from his sleep and sits up on the couch. He grunts as he stretches out his limbs, pops echoing in the room.
You sniffle against your will, the movement making you cry out in pain, and in a flash, Sweet Pea is by your side.
“Hey,” he reaches out and grabs your hand. “Hey, you’re okay now. We got you here in time.”
Sweet’s gentle fingers brush over your cheeks and he wipes the tears away. He smiles but you can tell he’s in pain himself, “Don’t cry.”
The doctors separate you as they flood the room, rattling off medical terms to one another so much that they make your head spin. Sweet Pea is constant, holding your hand tightly in his own no matter how inconvenient it may be for the nurses who are hovering by your bedside.
They leave, eventually, and the two of you settle into an uncomfortable silence. His thumb brushes over the back of your hand and it makes you tear up all over again. All of the nightmares and the anger come rushing back at once, overwhelming your soul and forcing a bubble of fear through your throat.
“I’m so s-sorry, Pea.”
You break down into tears, your shoulders shaking despite the pain. Your sobs echo in the hospital room, the walls doing little to dim the noise. You sniffle, shaking your head, “I should have never said that to you. I-It was stupid and it was selfish and I was angry.”
“I know,” he brings your knuckles to his lips. “I forgive you, okay? It’s okay, just-”
“No, it’s not okay! It isn’t okay. I pushed away the only person who cared for me, who put me back together after I was done tearing myself apart. I-I can’t believe,” your voice falters and you fear it may break. “I just want to go home.”
Sweet Pea nods, chewing on his lower lip. “I know. Just give it some time.”
You throw your head back and stare up at the ceiling, wonder just how much longer that may be.
You’re tucked away in your bed when you hear him pacing in the living room. You sit up, your sleeveless shirt pooling at your waist. You stand, holding onto your side as you make your way to where Sweet Pea is mumbling to himself the next room over.
“Hey,” you murmur, leaning into the doorway.
He looks up from his pacing, his hand covering his face. His eyes wander over your frame and you try your hardest not to blush. He’s seen you practically naked before as he washes your wounds and stitches you back to your whole self. How is this any different?
“Hey,” Pea echoes. He takes a few steps towards you, “Why aren’t you in bed?”
“Couldn’t sleep. Heard you in here, figured I’d give you some company.”
Sweet Pea reaches out and runs his thumb over the scar on your cheek bone. You watch as his eyes soften the longer his touch lingers. You lean into his fingers and he catches you with his hand.
“I’m sorry I left that night,” he whispers as if afraid of breaking the atmosphere. “I should’ve stayed.”
“I should have never told you to leave,” you admit, turning to kiss his wrist. You take a deep breath, “I-I was scared, and I didn’t like what you were saying and so I pushed you away. That’s not how you treat people - definitely not the people you love.”
His eyes connect with yours, a certain electricity running through them now. The touch of his hand expands to your neck, the base of your hair, and your fingers tremble as you press your palms to his chest. He smiles, a rare sight, and he cups your cheeks in his hands as he brings his lips down on yours.
Sweet Pea’s mouth is warm, his touch gentle, and he captivates you in a way that you know you’ll never find in anyone else. Your body aches as you sway in his arms, but you disregard the strain as you push yourself onto your toes to kiss him harder.
Your hands travel to his shoulders, fingernails digging into his back as you desperately try to convey your feelings through your lips. You can’t help but gasp as his teeth sink into your lower lip. Your fingernails bite further into his shoulder blades at the action and then it is his turn to wince into your touch.
“I missed you,” he breathes against your neck. His lips trail over your jugular and you find yourself ready to fly. Your back is pressed to the wall as his confessions fall over you, “I thought that you were dead that night, that I would never see you again. I thought I would never get the chance-”
His tongue presses flat against your collarbone and you press yourself closer to him. You drop your forehead to his chest in just enough time to hear him say, “I love you.”
As soon as the words are free, it’s like the two of you cannot get enough of one another. His hands travel your body like his kisses, unable to be satiated as they map out the contours and edges of your bones and skin and muscle. Your lips tangle together and your teeth clack against one another. You do not care how sloppy this is because this is all you’ve ever wanted.
Sweet Pea maneuvers the two of you back towards your bedroom, hoisting you up onto the bed as he runs his hands over your thighs. He hooks his hands under your knees and pushes you back so your head is close to the headboard. The look he sends you makes your blood boil and your cheeks burn.
“Wait,” you grab him by the nape of his neck, “I-I love you too.”
His index finger travels over the scars on your chest. He stops at a few, investigating them further. His thumbnail trails along hairline scars, his pinky finger dipping over deeper cuts. The pads of his fingers dance across the bruises on your ribs, staining them purple and yellow.
You reach up and cup his cheek in your hand, your own thumb brushing over the scar that mars his lip. He catches your finger between the bite of his teeth and playfully smirks down at you as you try to force him to release it. You burst into laughter and tuck your head under his chin, feeling him pull your body closer.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” he whispers into your hair. He kisses the top of your head and burrows his nose into the crown of your head. “I’ve wanted to, for years, but I never could force myself to do it.”
“It’s okay, it’s my own fault for being so stubborn.” You look up at him and he steals a kiss from your lips. His palms are flat against your back, fingerprints finding the scars on your back as he continues his exploration.
“I love you,” he smiles as he looks down at you. The expression lightens his eyes, darkens his cheeks. He kisses your lips and murmurs the words again and again, “I love you, I love you, I love you-”
You laugh against his mouth and he does not relent as he slips his tongue between your teeth. Your bodies are flush against one another under the sheets and you’re not sure why you ever put this off.
Sweet Pea kisses his way down your jaw to your throat, “I love you.”
“I-I love yo-you too,” you manage, your eyes shuttering closed as his lips make swift work of your body. His hands are all over you and suddenly you’re drowning in him and you don’t want to come up for air.
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sonofkhaz · 4 years
For Old Time’s Sake
Tantus Silvervale and his fellow bandits prowled through the misty woods, weapons in hand as they lay in wait for their next mark.
The aftermath of the Phoenix Wars had still plagued the people of Quel’thalas, but the agonies of war had brought fresh opportunities to an elf like Tantus. Once little more than a common cutpurse, he found himself scavenging the remains of battlefields for anything of value. In his hands he carried a crossbow of dwarven make, a revolving contraption that could fire several bolts before having to reload. Once he found more like-minded associates he then found himself sticking up refugees too weak to defend themselves, followed by caravans that were lightly guarded. The bandit smiled to himself; it was like a never-ending treasure trove. Once he amassed enough of a fortune he intended to retire his life of banditry and purchase an estate near the ocean. Maybe he’d carve out his own little duchy.
Of course, he’d have to kill his ‘friends’ in order to tie up any loose ends before they got any funny ideas. They were dregs, opportunistic vultures whose eyes glinted with the thoughts of greed and cruelty, but they were easily controllable. But even so, if one of them decided they wanted to start walking tall, it could only spell out trouble for the self-proclaimed kingpin.
“Eh, er, boss?” one of the bandits said, snapping Tantus out of his fantasies.
The underling gestured behind him. “I think we’re being followed. Followed by something dangerous.” He looked away from Tantus, averting his gaze. “Maybe, um, we should scatter outta here. I got a bad feeling.”
Tantus scowled in exasperation at the crony and waved one of his hands at him in exasperation. “Then keep your eyes open.”
“I don’t know,” another one spoke up. Underlings, Tantus believed, were like lemmings, but if one started to speak up for themselves, then the others would find courage to do so as well. “This fog is good for cover, but what if something wanted to get the jump on us?”
Tantus felt one of the veins near his left temple twitch in irritation. Was he surrounded by cowards? He looked down at the dagger on his belt and felt the urge to give one of them a second smile as an example. “Listen, you chicken shits, there’s nothing out here. No one is dumb enough to venture into these woods lest they want to get quilled, so shut up and keep your eyes open.”
Time passed as they waited. The caravan Tantus had heard about should be arriving soon, but despite his previous bluster he couldn’t help but feel uneasy at what his ‘comrades’ had said. He begrudgingly admitted to himself that they had a point.
The elf heard a twig snap, and he whirled around with his crossbow raised, the other bandits following suit with their weapons. The group was in an undisciplined, disorderly circle as they scanned their horizons. Tantus could feel his heart hammering in his chest as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up straight. A tingling feeling went down his back, and for a moment he thought someone was going to stab him in the back.
Nothing, he told himself. It was nothing.
He exhaled and looked over his group, fear in apprehension apparent in their eyes, and a cold chill went through him.
One of the bandits cried out and began to frantically gesture, and as Tantus turned his head to see where she was pointing, it was too late.
A massive blur of steel and black fur crashed into the disorganized group with bone-shattering force, and two of the brigands were knocked off their feet and sent hurtling. Tantus fought down the urge to soil himself and flee as the monstrosity gored another bandit on his horns, flipping the unfortunate woman over his head and sending her to the earth.
“Scatter, dammit!” Tantus shouted over the chaos as he readied his crossbow. “Scatter and fire! Bring him down!”
Their assailant, a tauren, was a bull of his kind, armored from head to hoof and carrying a massive tower shield with the remnants of a mammoth skull fused to its surface. Despite his massive frame, he had managed to sneak up on the group, and he fought in silence as his arcanite axe flashed, beheading another elf clean in a single swing. Another bandit got his courage up and charged at the warrior, his rust-splotched swords merely rebounding off his thick plates. The tauren brought his hoof up in a swift kick, causing the elf to double over in wracking agony which was swiftly ended as his shield came crashing down. Tantus heard a hideous cracking noise as the bandit crumpled to the forest floor.
Tantus and the remaining bandits fired their bows and crossbows. The bandit chief’s bolt managed to punch the tauren in the shoulder, but the latter merely flinched and appeared to shrug it off as he raised his shield to block the remaining projectiles. The tauren tossed his axe at one of the combatants; though it was clearly not weighted for throwing, his strength compensated for it and the weapon flew head over haft, striking another bandit in the chest and killing her. He retreated back into the trees as Tantus growled and fired his bolts at the tauren, each one whizzing past as the tauren’s long legs gave him stride.
Tantus cursed and produced another cartridge from his bandolier, his hands shaking as he loaded it into the stock of his mechanical crossbow. One of the bandits ran over to his axe-stricken compatriot and tried to pry the weapon free. “Stop, damn it!” Tantus ordered. “Pay attention!”
His commands fell on deaf ears as he heard the tauren bellow behind him. He turned and saw their assailant leap from a small incline, the eye sockets of his shield glowing a dark orange as it slammed into the earth with terrific force. A thunderclap rang out across the woods, and a shockwave erupted from the ground, hurtling into the remaining bandits and sending them off their feet. The crossbow was ripped from Tantus’s hands, vertigo overcoming him as he crashed into the earth. He laid there stunned, a ringing noise filling his ears. Every rib in his body felt cracked. His vision swam, the elf seeing double as he tried to roll onto his stomach, but every limb ached as he tried to sit up.
A shadow fell over Tantus as his eyes widened in terror.
“No, no!” Tantus pleaded, raising his arms to cover his face. His legs churned the soil, the adrenaline of fear propelling him backwards as he tried to retreat in vain. “I’ll...I’ll give you anything you want! I’ll let you be my second-in-command! No, actually, I’ll let you be in charge! I’ll reform! I’ll go to the university in Silvermoon, get an education, donate to the church!” Tantus had a moment to think of his dreams of kingdom-making dissolving through his fingers as a hoof came crashing down towards his head.
Muroco Rockhoof sat in the back of a covered wagon. He idly ran his grindstone against the curve of his axe as he watched the rolling grasslands and hills of the countryside pass by.
It had been fortuitous; he had left his kodo in Orgrimmar for this journey back to Quel’thalas, and had been forced to travel on foot. He had taken the bodies of the bandits he killed and laid them out by the side of the road, and once a caravan had come by, he insisted to its master that he should let him tag along in exchange for protection against any potential attacks. The owner had agreed and let the tauren climb into the back of one of the empty wagons, relieved that the tauren’s weight did not force it to do a wheelie down the road once he climbed aboard.
It had been months since he had been back to this land, and he was not surprised that it wasn’t faring any better since the end of the Phoenix Wars. He had received an urgent missive from a former colleague pleading for his aid, promising him the prospects of battle. While he was certainly not one to shy away from a fight, its premise did not amuse him and he nearly tossed the letter into a bonfire. He didn’t care about the squabbling of lordlings fighting over parcels of land as they schemed in their precious gilded towers. For all their talks of the burden of leadership, nobles never had to fend for themselves, never understood the value of survival or a hard day’s labor.
“See that giant of a tauren?” Muroco overhead one of the caravan guards say, “I bet there’s plenty in the Alliance who would want him dead. I heard he killed an entire clan of druids by himself.”
“Yeah?” another said, “Forget druids, I heard he went over to one of those islands near Gilneas and injured one of their wild gods in battle.”
“You don’t know?” yet another asked, “he used to fight under one of our banners. He was a complete terror in Feralas and Ashenvale to the Alliance before Teldrassil burned.”
“Did you know that he once stopped an endless wave of demons from destroying an orphanage for seven days and seven nights?” “War’s over, wonder what he’s doing back here.”
Muroco rolled his blue eyes as he overheard the conversation and how the tales of him became more and more embellished as time went on. All of them were true but it was apparent that his exploits were becoming hammed up. Seven days and seven nights? Physically impossible, even for someone like him. He may have wounded gods but he certainly did not do it alone. Infact, most of what he had done he had not done alone.
Elves, from his experience, turned their noses up at virtually any aspect of life that wasn’t a part of theirs. Even though their society was a hollow shell of what it used to be, their pompousness still remained, and elves had a tendency to be narcissistic, egotistical, never satisfied cynics who threw tantrums over the slightest grievances. In their own folly and arrogance, they would gladly rip out the foundation under them by its roots, hurtling themselves towards their own demise. 
Muroco wasn’t that much better. He wasn’t vain or egotistical, but he was a killing machine. He may not kill defenseless civilians and children, but he killed their soldiers without hesitation to fuel the art of war, leaving widows and widowers, mothers and fathers without children, sons and daughters without parents. Lives were shattered and irreversibly damaged wherever he went. A living, breathing inconsistency on two hooves. 
Perhaps, at the core of it all, it was the reason he decided to return to this shell of a land. The elves, for all their faults, accepted him for who he was. He was not Muroco the Savage Hero, the Butcher of Feralas, the Terror of Tirisfal. Not the Muroco who smashed through ranks of knights and soldiers, a mighty beast who gored his enemies upon his horns and crushed their bones beneath his hooves. They looked past all of that, beyond his titles and reputations, the intimidating aura he emanated, the many kills to his names. 
He was just Muroco. Just Muroco, the friend who raised his shield in defense of his allies.
The tauren exhaled and leaned back in the carriage, eyes still watching the horizon. Maybe this was just a matter of swatting gnats, or maybe there was some dark force at work. Time could only tell.
@thepilgrimofwar @retributionpriest
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