#but it’s not a little moon and it’s not a lightning bolt. it’s the bracelet that means her tether to laudna
overnighttosunflowers · 6 months
Thinking about how we all assumed that the Imogen dice would have some kind of lightingy look and instead they have a red thread because Imogen isn’t defined by her powers or her scars, she’s defined by her love for Laudna and her determination to stay tethered to what’s right and good
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masked-kitsune · 1 year
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My designs for the Glamrock animatronics. I mainly based them off in game models and signs with a few obvious design tweaks such as Chica not having earrings. I couldn't figure out how make them work to be honest.
Glamrock Freddy
So for the most part I stayed pretty close to his cannon design, I twitched his color pallet, gave him a vest, and a pair of pants. I also gave him paw pads and freckles. I also adjusted his eye color as well as gave him a tail. I also made the spikes on his bracelets blue. I also gave him a splotch of red hair.
Glamrock Bonnie
For Bonnie I mostly based him off the bowling alley signs. I made his shirt brighter, gave him a couple cyan blue earrings and gloves to match his hair. I also gave him shoulder pads to match the rest of the band along with the star on his face. I also gave him some freckles. I decided to make him a light indigo that's more towards purple. His eyes are a more magenta tone like his fnaf 1 counterpart. I later gave him a ponytail
Glamrock Chica
The biggest change with Chica was her lack of earrings and her hair color. I couldn't quite figure out how to make them work with this design. I made Chica's hair and bangs pink to match an actual chicken's comb. I changed her outfit ever so slightly. I made her bottoms into a skirt and added a lighter pink star to her skirt and a lighter pink lightning bolt to her top. I made her under shirt and her shorts black. I made her gloved a little longer. I gave her a tail as well.
Glamrock Foxy
I based his design mostly off the pirate's adventures poster. I made his coat a bluish green and gave him darker red markings while making him a more reddish orange in color. Foxy is the main attendant at kid's cove, I gave him a poet shirt and a cork on his hook. I made his eye patch brown with a yellow star on it and gave him a tail along with freckles. I kept his design pretty simple.
Monty Gator
Monty's design was tweaked quite a bit here. I gave him a spiked color, fingerless gloves, a vest, and a new pair of pants. I leaned into a more punk design with Monty, I made his tail two solid colors since the stripes made him look too much like a generic lizard to me. I might add in some stripes later on. I turned his Mohawk into scutes that start at his head and go down his back and tail. I made his feet the same yellow green as his the lower parts of his legs. I gave him purple toenail polish.
Roxanne Wolf
For Roxy I made her a bluish purple gray tone, I made her hair into a ponytail and kept the green streak in her hair. I made her gave her a mostly see through under shirt and gave her actual shorts. I made her loop earrings into bar studs and leaned into her being a racer. I made her eyes more of an orangish yellow tone. I also made her a custom racing jacket and made her nail polish purple.
I made Sun more circus themed outfit wise. I made the gold stripes more of an orange yellow tone, I gave him ruffles on his pant legs, waist, and collar. He still has bells on his wrists and he has blue eyes from his poster in the pizzaplex. I made him into a circus lion since he gives me circus lion vibes.
Moon is based off a white lion for the most part. I made the stripes on his shirt silver and made his clothes mostly a midnight bluish purple while the stars, ruffles, and hat brim yellow. I gave him a little mane tuff and pawpads like Sun.
Dj Music Man
I leaned into the spider aspects of his design. I changed his top hat into a baseball cap, gave him some blue and pink face markings, eight legs, and a pair of sunglasses. I made his eyes a blue pink gradient and gave him a bandanna. His headphones are the same.
The last image is the complete design line up for the animatronics
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 10
A/N: I can’t believe I’m already on part 10 for this series and to be honest it’s fun to write. And in all seriousness, the tumblr mobile app needs to allow you to put a read more link. But anyways love you all and let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! Mwah! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language, some violence, and blood
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“Im sorry, did you just say Madripoor?” You blinked at Zemo, dreading the destination ahead of you.
“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam questioned, looking between you and Zemo.
“Imagine Mos Eisley from Tatooine but without the aliens and blasters.” You tried to make an analogy. “In other words, a shithole. And to be honest, I’d rather be in Mos Eisley.”
“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky explained to Sam.
“It’s kept its lawless ways.” Zemo added before turning to James. “But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”
You had a feeling Zemo would suggest all of you going in with different identities, and being the only woman in the group, you already had a wild guess you weren’t going to be ecstatic about yours. You looked to Bucky with a frown on your lips. You knew what Zemo had meant towards him, and you didn’t know how it would affect him to transition back into the person he tried so hard to deviate from. Bucky saw the sympathetic smile you gave him, and he returned it with a look that reassured you that he would be fine.
“Y/n.” Zemo now spoke to you, tilting his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sure you are aware of the conditions.”
“Zemo if you...” Bucky trailed off as he glared at him, silently warning him to watch what he says next.
Sam and Bucky kept their eyes on Zemo, waiting to hear what his suggested persona for you was and ready to beat his ass if he dared to suggest something that would be demeaning to you.
“No way in the pits of Tartarus. I am not going in as an escort.” You voiced with a clenched jaw. “And if it’s eye candy you need, you have Sam.”
Sam gave you a surprised look from your comment, flattered to have you recommend him to be the designated eye candy before going back to the topic at hand. “Hell no Zemo. You’re not having y/n pretend to be an escort.”
“I’m afraid Sam is already going as someone.” Zemo sat back with his hands folded in his lap. “And don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on having you go as an escort, it isn’t befitting of a baron like me. Plus, I figured it would be uncomfortable for you, so I was going to suggest you act as my fiancé, if you are willing of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering on the subject. You were a bit relieved in all honesty. But to pretend to be Zemo’s fiancé and be in close and almost physical proximities with him?
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to y/n.” Sam uttered to you.
“I’ll do it.” You confirmed.
“Are you sure?” Zemo asked you again, making sure you were comfortable with acting the part.
“I thought Zemo might step out of line with this one, but we don’t want you to do something that will make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure. I’ve had to do things I wasn’t comfortable with plenty of times in the past.”
Once you had all landed, Zemo decided to stop by a place so that you all may get dressed. You had already packed a dress and a pair of heels with you just in case for situations like these, since this wasn’t the first time you had to dress up for a mission. The dress you wore was a black, burned velvet silk slip-like dress with the velvet print being dark red roses. The dress wasn’t too tight to be constricting of movement and fit perfectly around around your curves. If the situation should arise that you needed to defend yourself, you needed the freedom to be able to move. Going down, the fabric flared slightly at your hips, brushing barely against the floor with your heels on. The skirt was slightly sheer from the bottom of your thighs and down with the floral velvet print, and had a slit going up your right thigh, perfect for kicking and concealing your dagger. The top torso portion of the front of your dress was a spaghetti strap cowl neckline that stopped just above the curve of your breasts, allowing for just a bit of cleavage. Your back was left bare, stopping at your mid back with thin straps that came across in a pattern. Your dress almost had a Grecian/witchy look from the way it draped over your chest and hips. It wasn’t too formal or too scandalous, it was elegant and classy, and showed just the right amount of skin where it wouldn’t be too revealing.
Even though you completely loathed and detested heels of any kinds, your heels were fairly simple, made of black velvet with straps that came across your ankles and toes. You dreaded heaving to wear them but at the same time you’d stick out like a sore thumb if you wore your docs with these. Perhaps you should’ve brought your nicer sandals, but it was too late now. You kept on your mother’s necklace and wore a set of amethyst drop earrings, throwing on a silver cuff bracelet on each wrist. Your hair was let loose to conceal your short sword that you hid on your back underneath your dress, the hilt resting right between your shoulder blades. You prayed that having your hair down would cover the scars and the sword you had on your back. But you were mostly focused about the scars, you failed to mention them to the guys about it since it was something that was hard for you to share. The only makeup you had on was some eyeshadow and mascara to darken your eyes, very little blush, and a lip tint.
The last thing to do was to put on some perfume, so you spritzed on your favorite oil based one that you had from Olympus on your pulse points. The scent was filled with incense-like scents like dragon’s blood, sage, crushed red roses, sandalwood, ghostly white musk, absinthe, almonds, and heady gardenia. It wasn’t as harsh as the common alcohol based ones, this one was more earthy and ancient, and every time you wore it, the scent lingered and heads turned. You gave yourself a once over when you were done, taking in a deep breath before heading out to join the others.
You became nervous as you saw them gathered together, talking amongst themselves as they haven’t noticed you yet. You rarely ever wore dresses these days, especially of the kind you were wearing now which left you feeling bare and exposed even though the dress wasn’t at all much revealing. So as you approached them, you couldn’t help picking at your fingers in anxiety.
The men turned at the sound of your heels clicking against the ground, and when they laid their eyes on you, they couldn’t help but gawk with their mouths parted open, as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever walk the earth. You chewed on the inside of your cheeks as you saw how they stared at you.
“Wow.” Sam was the first to say something. “You look like a million bucks.”
“What? Never seen a woman in a dress before?”
“No, I’ve just never seen you in a dress before.” Sam answered. “You’re always dressed like some hippie/librarian, with your bands shirts, sweaters, plaid pants and jackets.”
“Haha vary funny.”
“Also since when did you have muscles?” Sam noticed as he poked your bare arm. “And since when did you have a tattoo?” He observed the mark you had on your upper right arm, right below your shoulder. It was the mark that was given to you to signify your Olympian status and what you represented. It was about the color that henna left behind after you wiped the paste off your skin, the color of ginger and bronze. The center of your mark was a lightning bolt, which represented a child of Zeus. Below that was your symbol, the torch and the triple moons.
“Since when did you start asking so many questions? But yeah, I’ve always had muscles Sam, I was trained in combat since I was, you could say 9 years old in human years. Also, technically everyone has them, it’s what allows us to move and lift things. And that.” You pointed to your tattoo. “Is my goddess mark, not a tattoo. Every Olympian god has one and they each have their personal symbol that represents them.”
“Wait, so you’ve been trained since you were a kid?” Bucky looked at you to clarify what he heard as they all started to head out.
“Technically, everyone on Olympus starts training that young. Then, when they become of age, a tournament is held to display their skills, following a ceremony after, to celebrate their victory.” You explained as you walked beside them.
The four of you were currently walking on the bridge that led to Madripoor. You could see the city’s skyline out in the distance, the cyberpunk like buildings lighting up the night sky.
“Do you need my coat?” You heard Zemo say beside you, making you look at him.
“Do you need my coat?” He repeated himself, referring to how your arms were bare against the cool night. “I wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
You stared at him, stunned from the kind gesture as you tried to form words to say. “Oh uh.....I appreciate the gesture, but I’m fine actually. I’m not that cold.” Though you didn’t want to admit it, you actually would’ve liked to try on his coat, because in all honesty it was a damn nice coat.
“We have to fix this.” You heard Sam say with irritation visible in his voice. “I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.”
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing.” Zemo mentioned as he pulled out his phone to show Sam. “The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.”
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.” Sam observed the photo.
“You smell this?”
“Yeah, what is that? Acid?” Sam sniffed the air as you did the same.
“Smells rancid.” You scrunched your nose at the smell.
“Madripoor. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo instructed as a black car pulled up in front of you. “High Town’s that way. Not a bad place if you wanna visit, but Low Town’s the other way.”
“Let me guess. We don’t have any friends in High Town.” Sam remarked as he opened the door for the back seat.
“Y/n. A moment please, if you will.” Zemo uttered to you.
You stopped in your tracks, seeing Bucky and Sam stand on either side of the car doors, looking between the two of you and especially Zemo, with caution. You nodded your head at them, signaling you were fine and that they can get seated. And though they sat themselves inside the car, that didn’t stop them from keeping their eyes glued to Zemo to make sure he didn’t pull anything stupid.
“What’s the issue?” You turned to Zemo, giving him your attention.
“Since you will be portraying my fiancé, there’s a certain key element you will be needing to complete the image.” You watched as he pulled out a ring from his coat pocket, displaying it in front of you. “If I may?”
You stared at Zemo blankly before nodding your head and holding out your left hand for him. You knew this was only for a show, but you couldn’t help but stiffen as he delicately held your hand with his gloved one before slipping the ring onto your ring finger.
“There.” Hi smiled softly at you, his hand still holding yours. “Now you look the part.”
The two of you stood there for a moment, his thumb brushing against your knuckles, leaving behind a trail of warmth as he gazed down at you. Zemo swore he could have gotten lost in the violet swirls and gold flecks of your eyes forever, which now sparkled against Madripoor’s lit up skyline, the neon city and the places he’s visited not even coming close to the beauty he held before him.
You tried not to blush under his gaze as you gave him a polite smile before slipping your hand out of his. “I should probably change my eyes huh.” You remembered, changing your eyes to a normal color known to earth. “Should I hide the scar?” You asked him, referring to the one on your face.
“I think you should leave it. It suits you, and besides, you never know who might recognize you without it.”
Nodding your head at him, you headed to the car and settling in beside Bucky as Zemo followed, getting in the passenger seat in front of you. In the car ride there, you glanced down at the ring Zemo slipped on your finger, it was definitely a beautiful elegant ring, with a rose gold band and a pear cut garnet in the center that had diamonds that accented the bottom. Once you arrived in the city, you walked through the neon lit streets beside Zemo while Sam and Bucky followed behind. You loosened up your body as you went, swaying your hips slightly as you tried your best not to walk like a bodyguard and look threatening as everyone’s eyes followed the four of you strolling through the streets.
“Here we are.” Zemo announced, stopping in front of a bar before speaking to Bucky in Russian. “Ready to comply… Winter Soldier?”
As you went in, Zemo leaned in to whisper in your ear, his warm breath tickling your neck and startling you as he spoke in a hushed tone. “I want to apologize in advance, forgive me.”
You looked at him with furrowed brows to question what he meant until you felt his gloved hand slide across your back before resting on your waist, pulling you closer to his side. You noticed how his hand fumbled after brushing across your sword as he gave you a questioning look. What was that on your back? Did you really conceal a full on sword on your back underneath your dress? On your way to the bar table you saw people stare as you went through, some of them gawking in surprise at Bucky, or the winter soldier as he was now portraying, while the slimy men in the area roamed their eyes over your body hungrily. Zemo noticed your uneasiness from the way your muscles tensed, though your face didn’t show a sign of it, and glared at the men who dared to lay their eyes on you, only pulling you closer to him to prove that you were with him while Bucky and Sam noticed this as well and positioned themselves where you were blocked from the view of your peers, allowing you to breathe a little better as you approached the bar.
“Hello, gentlemen.” The bartender greeted you all. “Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed.” Zemo answered for him. “We have business to do with Selby.”
“The usual?”
Sam nodded his head.
“And for the lady?”
“Um Something fruity.” You answered with a flirtatious smile, silently hoping they had something like that on the menu and that you hadn’t blown their cover by ordering the wrong drink.
The bartender handed you what looked to be a pineapple martini and you internally thanked the gods for your sheer bit of luck, taking the drink and thanking the bartender with another smile. You watched as he went to work on Sam’s drink, pulling out of a jar what definitely was a snake. You gulped, your stomach feeling nauseous as you saw the bartender cut open the dead snake, taking out its guts and throwing it in the shot glass. You were mortified to say the least, snakes were one of your symbols and you had owned plenty of the gentle little creatures. You shot Sam a sympathetic look once you saw his expression.
“Cheers.” Zemo held up his glass while Sam stared at his before gathering the courage to drink it all in one go. If Sam wasn’t going to throw up, you were going to do it for him.
While your eyes were trained on Sam’s expression, you felt someone breathe over your neck before feeling a clammy hand graze across your ass.
“Hey baby-“
Your eyes widened before you grabbed the wrist of the man behind you in one quick motion, twisting his arm to an unnatural position as you yanked it away from your body, causing the sleazy looking individual let out a yelp of pain. You would’ve crushed his wrist like crumpled paper if Zemo hadn’t put a cautionary hand on your arm as he whispered to you. “Careful now.”
You let go of the man’s wrist before shoving him aside like a pile of garbage. If their identity wasn’t at risk of being revealed, Zemo, Sam, and Bucky would have gone over there and beat the guy up after you were done with him.
“I got word from high. You ain’t welcome here.” You watched from behind Zemo as a bearded man approached him.
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me…” Zemo gestured towards Bucky.
“New haircut?”
“Or bring Selby for a chat.”
The man glanced between Zemo and Bucky before leaving.
“A power broker? Really?” Sam turned to Zemo.
“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” You asked.
“Only by reputation. In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
Another man was approaching in your direction, most likely to kick you all out or worse, and after following your gaze, Zemo turned to Bucky, speaking to him in Russian just as the man laid a hand on his shoulder. “Winter Soldier. Attack.”
You stood back, watching as Bucky grabbed the dude’s arm and twisted it back. You refrained yourself from intervening as Bucky took down the men that fought against him.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo commented to you and Sam.
Bucky slammed one of the men down on the counter. And as you heard the clicking of guns being loaded, your defensive mode nearly kicked in as you almost reached for your sword before Zemo stopped you.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered to you both before turning to Bucky and speaking in Russian again. “Well done soldier.”
You let your arm drop back down to your side, not a single change in your expression as you eyed everyone around you.
“Selby will see you now.” The bartender spoke up after getting off the phone.
Zemo gave him a thanks, nodding you over and holding out his hand for you to take as you went to his side again, Bucky and Sam following after you. You went through a back door, going down a dark corridor with Zemo’s hand on your back as he guided you through.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” You heard a woman’s voice speak, turning your head to see an older woman in a suit with short white hair lounging back on the coach with her security around her.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sat down on the couch before waving you over when he saw you standing near Sam. “Come sit schatzi.”
You straightened up, plastering a smile on your face as you went over to him. Selby’s eyes followed you curiously as you placed your hand in his, your eyes rapidly moving in nervousness for what area would be the most appropriate area to sit. Were you......were you supposed to sit on his lap? Is that how couples work? No, that would be inappropriate. Before things got awkward, you quickly plopped down on the empty spot next to him, crossing over your leg in a way so that it draped over his, leaving your thigh completely exposed from the slit in your dress, save for the dagger that still remained hidden. Sam and Bucky widened their eyes at what you just did, while Zemo stiffened at this sudden movement from you as you also draped one arm around his shoulders, bringing yourself closer to him. Were you even doing this right?
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Selby observed the two of you before her eyes landed on your ring. “Who’s this pretty little thing?”
“This.” Zemo looked at you with a loving look, throwing an arm around your waist to draw circles on your bare back, while his other hand rested on your thigh, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on your skin as you felt shivers go down your spine. “Is my fiancé. Gorgeous isn’t she?”
How long has it been since you were this close and personal to someone? The last you could remember, women still wore corsets and people still rode carriages. You felt your body heat up from being this close to him, and from the way he stroked your back. How was a mortal man able to leave you feeling like this? If he was able to send shivers down your spine with the mere touch on your back with his gloved hand, you wondered how it would feel to have his bare hands on you, just skin to skin. And if you were being honest, you never really were a fan of cologne but his smelled of a deeper earthy tones with hints of musk, and you were surprised and almost ashamed to say you liked how he smelled. You returned the same loving look to Zemo, trying to make it as believable as possible as you ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head before placing a kiss on his jaw close to his ear. Sam and Bucky couldn’t believe their eyes at the scene before them, the same you who preferred to be a hermit and didn’t go on dates because it involved human interaction, was cuddling up to none other than Helmut Zemo himself. Zemo’s breath faltered a bit from from your touch as he swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling not to break character. Being this close to you, he was able to get a whiff of your perfume and my goodness, Zemo felt as if he could drown in your scent, you smelled like the heavens, not overbearingly sweet, but dark and luxurious and even seductive. Is this what vampires and sirens smelled like when they lured people to their deaths? You raised a brow at Zemo, your heightened senses were picking up on his breathing patterns and heartbeat. Was he getting nervous?
“Extremely.” Selby commented, smirking at the two of you before roaming her eyes over your body. You could feel her taking you in but you kept your eyes trained on the side of Zemo’s face. “Where did you pick this one up? She looks like a fighter.”
“As they say, why not get a woman who can do both. She was part of the Sokovian armed forces, I met her through there.”
“By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?” Selby added after finally taking her eyes off you.
“People like us always find a way, don’t we? I’m sure you’ve already figured out what I’m here for.”
“You’re taller than I’d heard, Smiling Tiger.” Selby turned to Sam with a flirtatious grin, using her hand in a claw like manner as she let out a purr. “What’s the offer?”
“Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum.” Zemo got up off the couch, going over to Bucky and holding his chin between his fingers. “And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.”
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right. The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor. Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or… condemn, depending on what side of this you’re on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but… things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still in Madripoor?”
“Oh. The bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron. And before you get all cute, don’t think you can find Nagel without me. But.....” She turned you with a sly smile which made your insides turn. “Throw her in with the package and you have yourself a deal.”
Zemo, Sam, and Bucky turned to look at you with dread upon hearing her words. This wasn’t at all part of the plan.
“No, no no. That wasn’t the deal.” Zemo stepped over to where you sat, blocking you from her. “She’s not for sale.”
“Why not?” Selby raised her brow at Zemo. “I’m pretty sure a man like you could pick up someone else to be your plaything or fiancé or whatever. I like this one in particular.” She turned to you again.
“That’s not-“ Zemo started before he was cut off by Sam’s cellphone vibrating.
You breath was caught in your throat and it felt as if the room had dropped in temperature. You could feel the tension floating around the air as everyone’s eyes were trained on Sam now, making you sit up straight and uncross your legs so that they were planted firmly on the ground. Your hand rested on your thigh just above where the hilt of your dagger was as your eyes darted around the room, watching each and every person like a hawk about to swoop down on its prey. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.
Tag List: @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard @on-my-way-to-erebor @thewinterrbucky @mylifeispainandiloveit @fillechatoyante @padmoonyfeorge @montypythonsholysnail
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I don't know how many I had to post for the full one but I am making good progress, just a little mishap here and there.
I had done a collab with @sampoststuff for the part when they realized they are in a different place that is unlike Frank's dimention.
Give her a lot of credit this and more will be coming in. I promise that this chapter will be over in several other posts.
“I got it open…” Frank groaned in distress as he had made a rough landing and lay upside down on a bush in a world that seemed to be dominated by forest and the moon above never seemed to move across the sky but the clouds were. No noise had come from the woods but the air here had smelled stiff and still as Frank rolled off the bush and then dropped down onto the ground with a grunt. He could hardly feel the impact as well as he hardly believed that he survived, “Yeah… This is going to go on the “I shouldn’t be alive” show right now…” as he winces after standing upward, he checks to make sure the camera he had is alright and much to his relief, it is intact. He then felt a pair of two, fake hands on his shoulder, he flinched as he turned around to see something that he believed wasn't a person but an Animatronic bear that is a bit taller than him. This bear had orange and tan fur with cyan lightning bolt planted from blue eyes, one of the ears has a red ear ring with a small black top hat with a blue ribbon, he has a bowtie, cyan blue fingernails on his four-fingered hands and knee high toeless socks with red pauldrons as well along with spiked bracelets. The make-up sky blue and red is similar to an reminiscent 1980’s punk rock style and his “bear” appearance seemed to be more like of a jaguar or a lion due to the teeth looked like a canine as Frank was too shock to be seeing this robotic animal humanoid before him as the bear’s eyes flashed, looking at him down then slowly upward, scanning him, before letting him go with a gentle robotic voice coming from the animatronic. “Scanning complete.” the bear said as he looked at the startled photojournalist who looked at the bear in shock, “Just don’t scare me like that!” Frank said as he patted his chest, “Christ! I nearly died from the fall and you!” “I-I… I apologize for scaring you.” Animatronic Bear answered softly, before tilting his head to the side, “Mind repeating what you said? What did you fall down from? From a tree?” Frank wasn’t sure what to say, but then again, he was talking to a robot so he had a feeling that he would not believe whatever his programming was, “I had actually fell out of the sky.” The bear gave him a confused look judging from the expression, Frank was interested, whoever made this animatronic must've put a lot of time designing and programming into it and he said “Sir, it is unbelievable. There is no way that you can fall that high, you would be dead if you fell from a plane.” “Listen, uh…” Frank said, already he believed he was crazy by this point but rolled with this, “Who are you? Exactly?” “I am Freddy Fazbear,” Bear introduced himself, “I am a model of the original one that originated from the 1980’s, or Glamrock Freddy if you’ll call me.” “Oookay… Glamrock Freddy,” Frank West greeted as he waved, “Will you alright if I just call you Fredy?” “I am fine with that too, sir…” Bear tilted his head to the side again, one upper eyelid half-way closed while the other eye remained open. “It is strange that your database wasn't anywhere in the guest profiles. Who are you?” he said as Frank West looked around the woods before looking back at this strangely friendly bear robot. Freddy looked down and noticed that Frank had a camera, pointed at it with his finger and asked “It’s rather a fine camera you have, do you take photos for a living?” Frank was a little weary but he was interested that he had pointed it out, “Well, yeah I do. Frank West, photojournalist.” He introduced him to the bear. “Good to meet you, Mr. West.” Freddy said as he grabbed his top hat (That seemed a bit about the size of a bouncy ball) and lifted upward a little before putting it back on his head. Frank West laughed a little at the gesture but then looked around the forest and then muttered “None of this is here before…” he then looked up at the night time sky. Moon is still right there, the clouds are moving by but the sky itself is pitch black and stars are nowhere to be found, not a single sparkle of light. Frank was speechless as he looked around once
again, sounds of the forest were nowhere to be heard, the forest itself appeared to be dying; most of the trees had lost their lives, weeds are husks but a very few plant life remained. Frank then remembered something that shocked him and didn’t come to his mind sooner as he mumbled “Oh no…!” Freddy had studied the features on Frank’s face as he watched him yell “Nikolai! Engie! Rabbit Lady!”
Guest facial features: West, Frank Job: Photojournalist Appears to be: Distressed and worried.
“Mr. West, what is wrong?” Freddy asked, Frank turned to Freddy with worry, “I was in a group and with a killer rabbit lady that tried to kill us, we had gone through a door that had an freaking abyss behind it and-” “Frank?” An all too familiar Russian voice spooked Frank as he screamed and turned around to see Nikolai who was also surprised by Frank’s sudden reaction and an animatronic he had never seen before. “Don’t scare me like that!” Frank repeated what he had said earlier, “Where the hell have you been?! How did we survive that!? And…” Frank thought of something and then said “Is anyone with you right now?” “We’re right here!” Engineer shouted from their left, making the three look over and see Engineer holding his shotgun rifle as the Huntress is standing by him, tomahawk in hand and never speaking a word. “Guys..!” Frank waved them to come over to them as Freddy had scanned Nikolai as they walked over to them with caution as they had their eyes on the animatronic who then scanned them as well as his eyes’ pupils glowed a light blue and then finished up as he repeated himself. “Scanning complete.” Freddy then drops one upper eyelid for a bit, “Huh… None of your guest profiles had turned up either.” he said as his ear lowered down a bit. Engineer was interested in the robot they encountered as it was different from the other bots they fought. “Well then, Ah would clear up the confusion here, hard metal.” Engineer said as he lowered the Frontier Justice a little as he walked up to Freddy, he then had to place it on the ground to get a good look at the bear animatronic, he asked “If Ah may?” pointing at his arm, Freddy was used to being checked up by mechanics at the Pizzaplex for routine maintenance work so he did. Engineer was amazed by this, looking at Freddy’s arm as he muttered something under his breath at this. “Good choice of casing, fur but under it is metal… Iron maybe.” Engineer mumbled with a smile on his face. He then looked up to Freddy and asked “Mind if ah ask ya, what man did quite the work on ya?” “Possible anyone that I have yet to look through my files for, but I do belong to a company called “Fazbear Entertainment.” sir.” Freddy Fazbear answered as he continued to let him check his arm before letting go and then took off his goggles, his sea blue eyes revealed under them with a soft smile. “Say, ya said that we are nowhere in the guest profiles, right?” Engineer said as he tilted his head, “I am Dell Cougher, the Russian beside you is Nikolai and a Russian rabbit here is-” “Anna.” The Huntress said in a rough Russian accent as others turned to her, she remained quiet as if she had never said anything but Freddy kinda knew by the way she looked and holding an ax, she wasn’t a good sign in fact, the group he met had weapons. “Anna, Nikolai, Dell, and Frank West, hm,” Freddy said as he looked at the group, “Hold on, I will notify the security guards.” “I don’t think there’s-” Frank has started to say but Glamrock Freddy began to call with a humming sound from within him but then an “error” noise sounded off upon this attempt. Freddy Fazbear lets out a confused sigh. “Connection error. I must be out of range.” “Hold on, let me try, Freddy.” Frank said as he got out a talkie and then pressed the button to let Jessie know he’s calling but a loud infernal screeching was heard from the speakers as Frank yelled, taking it away from his ear where he placed it as it startled the group. His thumb released the button to silence it and placed it back in his pocket. “No good either.” Frank answered from the tempestuous noise, as if someone was going to ask. “Whatever is going on, we can’t contact anyone from here.” he turned to and then went over to a tree and then placed a hand on it, the bark of the tall tree felt lifeless, and cold bitterly.
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[Collaboration with SamPostStuff and Icefir (me)] Others looked around as Engineer had picked up his rifle back in his hands as Frank held the camera as he asked anyone that would know. “Where… The Hell are we?” Nikolai had raised the ax upward since he had lost the rifle in the fall as he looked around as well, “Frank, I wish I knew…” “Whatever is happening, I am sure someone will find us-” “Shh…” Anna shushed the group with a raised ax when putting the tomahawk back, looking around at the tree line like a wolf hunting for its next dinner. She is considering the fact of eating the three survivors’ pieces of meat if this is another trial by the Entity but she also is considering the fact she needs to find out exactly what is going on here. She noticed something between the trees, something that is shaped like a man and holding onto what appears to be a rope wrapped around their palm as the Engineer said “Oh well, nowhere to go but forward.” “We can’t,” Freddy said, “If safety programming had suggested, we need to be in the same place for the rescue team to find us.” “Well, Freddy,” Frank said as he looked at him, taking his hand off the bark of the tree, “I don’t think that falling down from the door in the sky and into a creepy-looking forest with the moon always in the pitch-black skies in mind when someone had done your programming. Staying around for too long can’t be good.” “I had to agree with Frank,” Nikolai said as his hand managed to reach the tall bear’s shoulder, patting it, “I am sorry but we have to get out of here.” Glamrock Freddy wanted to protest but protecting guests is one of his priorities when it comes to the company being too lazy to the safety of those that wanted to be entertained. “Alright, if you insist but first, I had found these when I first got here. Have a look.” Others looked in amazement and bewilderment at Freddy’s chest plates opened up, a stomach hatch with a Wind-up present box revealed to them, Engineer walked over to Freddy with wonderment, as his inner inventive part coming out as he said “Ya can do that, Fazbear?” “Of course I do, I normally give gifts out on birthdays but your situation is a rare one I see.” Freddy replied as he watched Engineer take the present out of his stomach hatch while he observed it. “Ya’re hatch is seemingly big enough for a child to go in.” Engineer muttered as the hatch closed up while Freddy unchonty stated “It’s also reserved for oversized birthday cakes and piñatas.” as he rubbed the back of his head with his paw. Engineer now examines the gift box with the wind-up key before he takes it and then gently begins to wing up the gift as music plays from within it. Frank felt uneasy when the Engineer was doing this. “No no no… I know that I think it is going to do… Are you really doing this?” Frank stated hestianty as he had lifted his hand a little as it seemed forever until the lid popped off with a trumpet noise as Engineer yelped in alarm as a white light came out of the box as others besides Freddy were surprised. Engineer had to place his goggles back on to see what it was. He then takes a jar out of the box, the jar has a white glowing crystal inside of it as the light dimmed a little as he muttered “Now who in the right mind decided to put a crystal inside a jar?” as Anna titled at this, the last time she had found it was pitch black. Engineer had to set the jar down to get something else from the box that had caught his eye as well. A piece of paper with a child’s drawing on it and writing that came from a child.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Once upon a time, there was a little girl, her mom and dad. They all lived together and loved each other very much. The house they lived in was a cottage in the forest, life itself was full of kindness and rewards.
“Well, what is it?” Nikolai asked as the Engineer looked at the drawing, “A child’s drawing.” Engineer said as he gave him the paper to Nikolai to look at. “A child was here, Freddy?” Nikolai looked at the confused Glamrock Freddy who replied “No, I have not.” Anna shouted out for them to come over to the dirt path ahead of the group, they noticed another piece of paper with the child’s drawing again, this time it was a same little girl crying over the two graves with a person wearing black.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Sadly, her parents had died in a tragic accident while driving back home. Orphaned at a young age, she was taken into the hands of foster care.
Just as they read this sentence on the paper and lifted their heads to see another piece of paper had fallen from above gently as a feather onto the ground, they all walked over as the Engineer picked up and there are more papers falling into appearance. With each one, the story progresses more from the children drawing and short sentences.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Soon afterwards, she was abducted into a new family that seemed nice as her old one but...
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
She will eventually realize that these people are not nice at all. They disliked the fact her blood had come from a land foreign to them, with the mix of bullying from school and them verbally abusing her. She was sad and lonely.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
But then one day, she had discovered a jar with a black colored gem inside, when she had opened it; A mystical being painted in black and eyes red as an apple had spouted out of the jar as soon as it was freed. They told her that they will grant any wish she wants for a price of her spirit. She, believing that her new family would love her if she did better, willingly agreed and gave them her spirit.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Since then, her grades have improved. Bullies were overruled and punished. Teachers loved her as if she was their own. Finally, after a long while she was happy.
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Overjoyed by her improvements, she happily told her new family about her new friend and what she had done to be better. Yet... Her new father had coldly yet gently ordered ""Go to your room."
The group was uneasy on the previous page as the story continued and the next pages will not be pleasant.
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[Drawn by Meaghan "Icefir" Halter]
She went to her room and fell asleep that night as her family argued downstairs, something about her no longer a child but a demon instead. Then her older brother said "Mom, Dad! I know but I have a plan."
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[Drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter] The next morning, her family had finally started to be nice to her. They made her a big breakfast and showered with love she was longing for since she was brought into their care. For the first time after her parents died, she was truly happy again.
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Bad Luck Beads
Hey fuckers! So I finally finished the bad luck beads project I’ve been working on since early July, so for about three weeks, and now I finally get to post it! The bulk of it is just two big info sheets, but I also have assorted random headcanons which I’ll put at the bottom.
Original bad luck bead post here for context.
Also so many thank yous to @starman-trashcan​ for helping me with this, you’re the real rock star here. And also thank you to @stressed-depressed-emo-mess​ and @wishiwasthemoon-tonight​ for tolerating me screaming about this in their dms constantly.
Sheet 1:
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[Image description: a sheet of paper reading ‘bad luck beads’ across the top. There are three tables. The first reads ‘Material’ at the top of one column and ‘Notes’ at the top of the other. In descending order it reads: Wood - rarest, sometimes carved Plastic - most common, cheapest Glass - rare, hard to paint Ceramic - also hard to paint Clay/rock - common, often Zone-made Resin - generally not favored, cheap
The second table reads ‘Use’ at the top of one column and ‘Notes’ at the top of the other. In descending order it reads: As bracelets - most common, many killjoys have one As necklaces - less common, takes a lot of beads In earrings - can be impractical, considered showy As anklets - relatively uncommon, more subtle than bracelets Sewn onto jackets - also considered showy, somewhat uncommon Tucked into pockets - most subtle, hardest to lose Hung in dwellings - designates it as a permanent dwelling Hung in vehicles - for good luck driving, can designate the car as a home
The third table reads ‘Desigh’ at the top of one column and ‘Meaning’ at the top of the other. In descending order it reads: Flames - strength Lightning bolts - speed, often gifted to motorbabies Flowers - peace, prosperity Smiley faces - happiness Hearts - love and caring Music notes - success in music, usually for performers  Water drops - rain, luck finding water Stars - finding your way, guidance Sun - long life Moon - peace, rest House or tree - safety, shelter Wings - freedom Dagger or other weaponry - luck in fights, accurate shooting Recipient’s symbol - way to bless that ‘joy in particular Maker’s symbol - way to say “remember me” Killjoy spider - general wish for luck Dots/any abstract pattern - general good luck Wheels - good luck with vehicles
The sun, moon, and stars have a little note next to them which says ‘traditional to paint on beads for children’ and there are little drawings of each mentioned symbol next to the chart.
End image description.]
Sheet 2:
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[Image description: a sheet of paper with ‘bad luck beads’ written across the top. There are several drawings of strands of beads. 
The first is a small, child-sized bracelet, and is labelled ‘Bracelet for a child, mostly likely given to them by their first crew- more beads would be added as they grew’. There are also other labels pointing at the bracelet which say  ‘Zone-made clay beads’, ‘symbols of their crew’ and ‘sun, moon, and stars’.
The second is a stud earring with a strand of six beads dangling off it, and is labelled ‘Earring with a strand of beads, most likely worn by a musician of the Zones’. There are also other labels pointing at the earring which say  ‘music notes’, ‘resin beads’ and ‘musician’s symbol’.
The third is a small, child-sized bracelet, and is labelled ‘Strand of beads likely belonging to a crash queen, given the designs’. The other labels pointing at the bracelet say  ‘Symbol of either the maker or recipient’, ‘Lightning bolt for speed’ and ‘flames for strength’.
The last strand of beads is a necklace, and is labelled ‘Necklace of an old killjoy, likely worn since they were very young and added to over the years, given the variety of beads’. There are also other labels pointing at different parts which say  ‘sun, moon, and stars’, ‘Beads made of pebbles, likely the first strand’, ‘Expensive wooden beads’, ‘Plastic beads of varying shapes and colors’, and ‘Small set of pebble beads, likely made for them by a younger killjoy’.
End image description.]
I’ve added close-ups of varying parts of the sheet under the cut, as well as a few bonus random headcanons!
Extra Pictures (Sheet 1):
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Extra Pictures (Sheet 2):
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Random Bonus Headcanons:
Bad luck beads often have the maker’s symbol on them, but due to the culture of exchanging beads, they often outlive their own maker and original wearer.
If crews can’t find a killjoy’s mask, but they have a strand of bad luck beads that the ‘joy made or wore, they put that in the mailbox instead. It’s not quite the same, but it’s the closest it’s possible to get.
If the crewmates of the fallen killjoy are able to put their mask in the mailbox, instead of also putting the bad luck beads in, the beads often go to whoever was closest to the ‘joy or are split amongst their crew. This is one of the only circumstances bad luck beads will change hands without specifically being given.
Just like killjoys will sometimes leave their mask behind if they know they’re likely to die on a run, sometimes killjoys will leave their bad luck beads with a friend if they don’t think they’re coming home. It’s considered incredibly risky, as now you’re going on a dangerous run without even added luck, but it’s a way of protecting those you leave behind.
Some people do sell bad luck beads, but bought bad luck beads are considered to have less power than bad luck beads you were given. The most common way to get around this is for killjoys to buy beads for each other, which preserves the original intent better.
Selling your own bad luck beads is an act of desperation- no killjoy would willingly give up their beads unless they were in desperate times. Relatively few killjoys will actually take someone’s bad luck beads as a result, preferring to try and help them in other ways, but there’s always someone willing to buy.
Stolen bad luck beads hold no power at all.
Many patterns for beads have specific meanings, but there are quite a few (like dots, the killjoy spider, and other abstract patterns) that are simply more general wishes for good luck.
Some people consider it bad luck to split a strand up, but this isn’t a universal belief and many killjoys do split strands if they don’t have enough strands for every member of their crew. Strands can also be combined into longer strands.
Individual bad luck beads can be (and often are) a gift if the maker doesn’t have enough for a full strand
It’s customary to give new killjoys who don’t have any beads a strand if you have one to spare.
You can tell a lot about a killjoy by the kind of beads they wear and where they wear them; bracelets are the most common and least informative, but necklaces means they’ve been out in the desert long enough to accumulate a lot of beads, and beads sewn onto a jacket or item of clothing often indicates that they like to show off their luck, for example.
It’s not uncommon for desert-born killjoys to wear a necklace or single long strand with all the beads they’ve accumulated in their lifetime, from the very first strand given to them by their first crew to the last beads they ever got. However, many prefer to keep the strands individual so they’re easier to exchange with people.
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do the beads on the fours bracelets symbolise anything? :0
Yeah! There are a lot of different levels of meaning to them- for instance, Jet and Ghoul's bracelet has beads of different sizes because Jet's big and Ghoul's little, and the lightning bolts are references to Jet's helmet and symbol as well as Ghoul's lighting tattoos!
Jet and Kobra's bracelet is because they both like star/cloud gazing, and Kobra has sun and moon tattoos, and my Jet and Kobra have a parallel to them that I haven't explained much yet but it boils down to Kobra having almost been BLi's perfect scarecrow and Jet being, in BLi's perspective, a perfect example of a killjoy (big, scarred, scary, violent, unruly, etc)!
The Venom Siblings' bracelet is all in black and white as a reminder of their escape together from Battery City.
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
Douxie x Reader #4 - Comfort (Part 1)
Reader Recap : Lives in older sister’s shadow, rarely ever acknowledged by her parents or people at school. Has a host of insecurities because of it. Part-time pizza delivery girl on a scooter. A partner in crime when hunting for monsters in the late hours of night with Douxie, Archie, and Zoe. You and Douxie have become close friends. 
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You didn’t know where you going and you didn’t care. All you knew is that you had to get as far away from your house and the people inside of it as you could without leaving Arcadia. 
You floored it on your scooter, fueled by the frustration and hurt pumping through your veins. Eventually you rolled into town and parked the scooter in the park, dismounting and leaning back against the seat, holding yourself. There was a dull sort of ache in your head and you could feel the pressure of tears forming but refusing to fall. It brought you to the ground and you curled in on yourself, rocking forward onto the balls of your feet. It was times like this, when being swept aside became too much, that you questioned your very existence. Why you even bothered sometimes. If your parents even knew they had another child. If you really were just a speck of dirt on your older sister’s pristine image.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed there all balled up beside your scooter, taking deep breathes and crying softly into your arms. You had just noticed a bizarre, prickling rasp in your ear when -
There as a flash of blue and you instinctively ducked, rolling forward and roughly onto your side as some kind of misty, shadowy form took the brunt of a blast of blue. The creature screeched and quickly recovered from the attack. It was about the size of a squirrel and it twitched and jerked about like a glitch. White, ghastly, hollow eyes pulsed against a shape of black and gray smoke, like distorted full moons. You backed away on your elbows, terrified when not one, not two, but what looked like a hundred more of the things manifested from the night, rising like a wave from behind your scooter.
You braced yourself as the creatures descended upon you, squeezing your eyes shut, when a hand clamped around your shoulder and pulled you snug against a familiar bundle of black. 
“Douxie...!” you gasped, looked up at his face creased with concentration. You flinched at the force of the shadowy creatures slamming into the shield of magic Douxie had conjured, his left arm extended, charm bracelet alight with symbols. When they’d dispersed, Douxie lowered the shield and helped you to your feet, checking you over.
“Are you alright?” he asked, patting your shoulders and arms. “What are you doing here? I thought you had something with your family tonight.”
“What...What are those things?” you huffed, wondering how you’d manage to forget what Arcadia’s like after midnight. The flurry of writhing shadows regrouped in the air, a frightening show against the street lights, and were circling back. Douxie moved in front of you, watching them closely with charm bracelet at the ready.
“Hollowsprites,” Douxie said lowly. “Nasty things. Haven’t seen this many since Morgana returned. Drawn to darkness. They feed upon strong negative emotions and feelings. Fear. Anger. Sadness.” His voice lost some edge and his head turned slightly back towards you. “Pain and suffering...”
Sensing a lapse in attention, the hollowsprites spiraled downward, only to be intercepted by a bright flash of pink and a burst of fire. Archie and Zoe were hurrying onto the scene, Archie perching himself around Douxie’s shoulders.
“(Name)! Change your mind about tonight?” Archie asked, glancing back at you.
“So this is where they all went,” Zoe said, pink electricity sparking between her fingers. “Thought you were gonna have all the fun, did you, Doux?”
“Ugh, you’re welcome for finding them,” Douxie retorted. Then he grinned, his charm bracelet flickering as he clenched his fist. “Go on, Zoe. I’ve worn them down for you!”
“Yeah cause more hollowsprites showing up is wearing them down.” 
“Provoking is more like it,” Archie added. “Dramatically emoting?”
“Whose side are you on?” Douxie whined.
“Uh, sorry, Arch,” you say. “I think I was one...er, emoting.”
Archie turned in the air to face you, his white eyebrows creased. “That so? Are you alright, (Name)?” 
Douxie let his guard down even more, slightly lowering his charm bracelet and equally concerned as he looked back at you. 
“Okay not to be insensitive but can we do this later cause we’ve kinda got a situation here!” Zoe lashed the angry hollowsprites with sparks of magic. “Sit tight, (Name). Come on you two!”
“Thought you wanted all the fun, Zoe!”
“Douxie, I swear -”
Continuing their banter, Douxie, Zoe, and Archie got to work blasting and zapping and burning the hollowsprites into submission. The pain in your heart was suspended for the moment as you were fixated on the action in front of you. Several hollowsprites lunged at you, but they ended up barreling into another one of Douxie’s shields. 
“(Name), whatever negative emotions are inside of you, they want to consume them,” he said, looking back at you. “They want to use your emotions to make them stronger and corrupt you. But you can resist them. Don’t let them win!” Douxie shoved the magical shield forward with a loud grunt, the magic bursting and causing the hollowsprites to scatter furiously. 
Corruption. That was a concept that hadn’t occurred to you. But now that you thought about it, it made sense. There were plenty of times the hurt threatened to melt into bitter hatred, to the point where you considered being a nasty person yourself in retaliation. Everything was constantly being taken away from you. Everything. But...There were things within you that your family could never touch. Things no one could touch or take, not if you had any say in it. And right now...It seems you did. 
No one would steal the peace of a bookstore. The warmth of a cafe. Jamming out in a record store. The thrill of cruising on a scooter under a starlit sky. The wonder of literal magic, the kind you thought only existed in movies. A talking cat with glasses and a pair of wings. Headphones over a head of pink hair. Black clothes and golden eyes and that breathtaking smile of his.
The place where you belonged.
The friends you now cherished.
The love you had found.
The pain of understanding now what life could be. What it should have been.
You were constantly aware of the exhaustion of choosing love. Choosing to have grace. Choosing to be strong and steadfast. Choosing to be different. But as tiring as it was, you never once regretted it. And that belonged to you, too. 
The decision, your resolve, to try and be better.
You planted your feet, grounding yourself as the hollowsprites once again took aim at you. As they dove down, Douxie almost conjured another shield but you stepped firmly in front of him.
“Stay away from my emotions you freaks!” you yelled at the mass of writhing shadows. “They’re mine! My feelings are mine!” Almost immediately, the hollowsprites recoiled as if stung, screeching and squealing in confusion.
“That’s it!” Douxie said with a broad smile, summoning rings of magic to attack the creatures further. Archie flew between the rings, setting Douxie’s magic ablaze to amplify his spells. Soon blue flames were raining down like falling leaves from hollowsprites being burned alive.
“Big mistake messing with my friend!” Zoe said, engulfing herself in pink electricity. With two taps of her toes on the ground, she bolted forward, powerful streams of lightning trailing behind her and frying any hollowsprite in her path. The ravenous behavior of the creatures dissolved into frustrated disorientation, members of the shadowy cluster zipping around aimlessly.
You noticed that the hollowsprites weren’t actually dying. Rather the number of hollowsprites began to dwindle as members of the swarm shot off into the night like dark firecrackers. 
Eventually all the hollowsprites fled, an eerie silence filling the town in their wake. All three of your magical friends loosened in exhaustion, Douxie actually dropping to the ground to sit.
“None of them were destroyed,” you commented, looking up into the night where the creatures had vanished.
“Yea, well...As long as negative emotions exist, hollowsprites can’t be destroyed,” Zoe said. “Just shooed away, really.”
You frowned. “I’m sorry...”
“Don’t be,” Douxie said. “We’ve been seeing more and more of them lately anyway.”
“You see, hollowsprites are also drawn to...‘disturbances’ in the realms, so to speak,” Archie said. “We suspect something must be amiss...”
“There’s that, too, yes. But I suppose they targeted you because your emotions were so strong...” 
You locked eyes with Douxie, a moment passing between you both. His eyes were soft with concern. For some reason, looking to those eyes, you felt really vulnerable.
Zoe cleared her throat. “Erm, Archie? Why don’t we make sure the rest of the town is clear of those things?”
“Pardon...?” Archie said. “But- Oh. Oh...Y-yes! Good idea, Zoe!”
Zoe gave you a quick hug. “I’ll text you later. You better answer me! Make sure she gets home safe, Doux.” 
You felt a blush on your cheeks. They were leaving you alone with him? 
“Uh, hold on-” But Zoe and Archie were already hurrying away. You leaned back against the seat of your scooter, fumbling with your fingers and saying nothing. And suddenly extremely aware of Douxie’s presence. You actually jumped a little when he said your name.
“(Name)...Um...” Douxie scratched the back of his neck. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to...But if you don’t mind me asking what happened...?”
Of course you didn’t mind. Douxie was a safe space where the monsters couldn’t reach you. Your place of respite. But even though the tears came easily then, it didn’t mean you weren’t embarrassed.
“They all forgot,” you said, your voice already thick with tears. “They forgot about the dinner I had planned to um...celebrate my dad’s promotion.” With an empty laugh, you wiped your face with your palm. “I mean, I don’t know what I was expecting. I just...”
Douxie got up off the ground, stepping closer to you. “(Name)...”
“I just wanted to do something nice for my dad. For my family. But I’m dumb and I actually thought they’d care. Mom and dad just went out to eat and my sister just stayed in her room and the food was getting cold and -”
As soon as his arms wrapped around you, you sobbed into his sweatshirt. You were vaguely aware that you were probably getting tears and snot and dribble all over your crush but you couldn’t stop crying for a solid three minutes. Douxie just held you the whole time, hand squeezing your shoulder and thumb stroking your back. 
"I’m emoting all over you...,” you whimpered, having settled down into soft sniffling and hiccups.
“Oh stop it,” Douxie said. Then he hugged you tighter. “I’m so sorry they treat you like this. You know you can always come to me...Zoe, and Archie, right? I... We’ll never sweep you aside.”
You almost came undone again. Not wanting to soak Douxie’s sweatshirt further, you moved back and pressed your forehead against his collarbone, still staying as close as you could to his warmth. To his eyes like the sun and moon, glowing with compassion, soft with understanding. To his smile that always made you smile. To his gentle hands. Those streaks of blue hair. The comforting shadow of his presence. His magic, bright and beautiful like he was. 
It terrified you.
“Yeah...” You pulled away to look up at him, still holding his arms. “Yeah, I know you won’t. I...I believe you. I’ll try....”
Douxie gazed at you for a moment before smiling softy, wiping a tear away with his finger. 
“Good,” he said. Then he smooshed your face between his hands, forcing your cheeks and lips to pucker.
He released you, laughing. “Shall I walk you home?”
Blushing wildly and rubbing your face, you managed a smile.
“That’d be nice.”
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There wasn’t any hurry. It was probably two in the morning now but would your family notice your absence? Negative.
You guided your scooter along as Douxie strolled beside you, the two of you chatting about any and everything. Douxie went off a bit talking about how he didn’t understand people who ate fondant and how much of a jerk Shakespeare was. It was the cutest thing. Then you started going on and on about how pretty the moon was tonight and how crescent moons were your favorite. For a second, Douxie might’ve been staring at you, but, no, duh, you definitely imagined it.
“Well uh...This is me.” You took one look at your front door and sighed. “Sadly.”
“Hey.” Douxie placed a hand on your arm. “Remember what I said. Anytime. A phone call, a text-”
“A raven?”
He snickered. “Especially a raven. But seriously...Just say the word.”
Under the moonlight, Douxie was otherworldly. So gorgeous your heart threatened to swell to bursting. How was it that your paths could possibly have crossed? It escaped you, and you had no hope of catching it.
“Okay,” you said softly.
“Okay,” Douxie repeated. “Goodnight, (Name).”
“Goodnight, Douxie.”
Neither of you moved.
“Ah, go on, then,” Douxie said kindly, putting his hands in his pockets. “I’ll stay until you’re inside.”
“O-oh. Okay, thanks.” You parked your scooter next to your sister’s car. Just as your hand touched the doorknob, you were overwhelmed with the urge to just tell him. Heart racing, you tried to say his name, starting to turn back around.
“Uh..Uh D-Doux-”
You paused. “Y-yeah?”
Douxie smiled warmly. “I’m glad that I met you. I’m glad we’re friends.”
It was sweetness followed by a stab. 
“Me, too,” you said, meaning it with your whole aching heart. “You...” A shaky breath. “You guys mean the world to me.”
Before he could say anything else, you hurried inside, up the stairs in the dark, and into your room, not caring if you woke anyone up. You curled up on your bed, face in your forearms. 
You were happy. So, so happy. 
And so utterly crushed.
Just outside, still in front of your house, Douxie’s eyes fixated on your bedroom window. Then he turned and started back towards the town, wondering how he could ease the pain in your life and thinking about the look on your face, the glow in your eyes, as you enthused over the moonlight.
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sol-tinyrayofsun · 4 years
Zutara Week Day 4 - Celestial: Under The Southern Lights
We’re in the middle of Zutara Week and I’m sure you’ve all realized I’m incredibly soft for these two. I just had to make a proposal one-shot, I had to. This took me forever to write because I kept going all over the nitty-gritty details. So I really hope you enjoy this. Also on AO3.
Title: Under The Southern Lights
Rating: G
Summary:  Zuko had it all planned. The location, the time of the day, the - sort of- speech, the jewel… He had been waiting for months to do it. Now, he only had to round up the courage to ask the big question.
Fire Lord Zuko had it all planned. The nerve-racking question was soon to be asked. His strategy excited him, made him feel like a jittery child waiting for their birthday present. Only this time, he was the one gifting something. Proposing something. 
He had been wanting to ask her for quite a while already, but the need to make it just perfect had gotten the best of him. Katara was the love of his life, he wasn’t about to propose to her without making sure every part of the moment was flawless. 
That’s why as soon as the invitation to the opening ceremony of the Southern Water Tribe Waterbending Academy had come along, an idea started to take shape into his mind. Their first kiss had been at the South Pole, during one of his conveniently frequent diplomatic trips down there. So it only seemed fitting to pop the question on that same spot.
Even more, he had done the math, and they would be just in time to catch a perfect view of the Southern Lights. He could already imagine the two of them under the color painted sky. Yes, it would be perfect. It had to be. 
Choosing what to propose with hadn’t been all that difficult as well. He wouldn’t get her a necklace, he knew how much she loved her mother’s one. No, instead, a bracelet would do the trick. He had already taken care of that too. 
The betrothal bracelet would have a velvet ribbon with an intricate burgundy and royal blue pattern that interlaced the two colors into each other - Zuko was very proud of that symbolic detail. It would also feature a blue smelt quartz to which he had carved the emblem of the Fire Nation. Carving hadn’t been easy but, with enough practice and a lot of critique from Uncle Iroh, he had managed to get it right. 
A set date for the proposal, a wonderful bracelet, the most breathtaking scenario possible… The plan was foolproof, right? 
The only detail was, Zuko felt terrified of not knowing what to say when it came to it. What if his speech wasn’t romantic enough or he mumbled too much? Because he knew, he had seen it in action, Katara had the magnific ability to take his breath away. And being out of breath when you’re trying to ask someone to marry you it’s not the most ideal of situations. 
But Zuko had practiced what to say. He had taken note of every worthy romantic thought that came to his mind, marking his love in more than one piece of paper. It looked kind of funny though, all those words, all those potential sentences, all those truths written down. Still, it took him forever to figure out what the best speech would be. 
Something about destiny, a run-through of just how well they worked together, a brief mention of how they had started from scratch - literal scratch feelings wise, after all, they had actually been enemies for months - all about how they understood each other better than anyone, and, of course, how much he had grown to love her. 
Slowly but surely, it had hit him alongside that fatal lightning bolt - yes, as ironic as it sounded like - just how much she meant to him. Feeling the electricity running through him, fighting for his life, Zuko had realized he loved her. Their love had flourished during the following year, being all about baby steps and timid demonstrations of affection, until that first kiss. That incredibly sweet first kiss at the South Pole, where he had finally rounded up the courage to confess his feelings. Luckily for him, she felt the same way. And so their story had begun. 
Now, it was crazy to think that, five years later, he was about to ask Katara to be his wife - his companion, his lifelong partner, his heart living in another body somehow. He had been planning it for months, wanting it for years. Agni, he had always known she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
Needless to say, the possibility of Katara declining his proposal haunted him. It consumed every bit of his soul, giving him a headache whenever the thought crossed his mind. He had even asked his Uncle for advice, in fear of all that planning being in vain. Of course, the old man had reassured him he had nothing to worry about. 
“Zuko, I’ve seen you two together. I’ve noticed your connection before you even realized it yourselves. She won’t say ‘no’. I know it, you know it, everyone who’s familiar with you two knows it,” he had said, a reassuring smile spread across his face. “I’m happy for you, nephew. Your plan seems like a solid one, Katara will love it.”
And with his Uncle words serving almost as a mantra to him, Zuko had eased into the moment. He had the place, the time, the bracelet, his speech all planned out, and a hell of a lot of love for the woman he was proposing to. 
As soon as he left for the South Pole, his plan would be set into motion.
Arriving at the Southern Water Tribe had been easy enough, with Katara waiting for him at the harbor. Seeing her always put a smile on his face. The way her eyes widened as they met his gaze, the warm embrace he would dive right into, her soft giggling as he told her - for the millionth time - just how much he had missed her. It was those moments he longed for. Those little fragments of time when nothing else mattered but the two of them. He wanted them to last forever.
She had told him all about the Waterbending Academy, explaining to him how Master Pakku had taken up the task to become director of the school. She had also remarked her efforts to ensure complete gender neutrality in the teaching. The ceremony wouldn’t be taking place until the next couple of days, allowing them some extra time to spend together before craziness strikes. 
She looks happy, Zuko thought as he listened to her. Agni, I can only hope the same happiness is reflected in her eyes after I ask her. 
Her family had also been welcoming, as usual. They had gotten used to his visits to the tribe, though he was sure Kanna wasn’t a big fan of how much Ambassador Katara had been traveling since they became a couple. Hakoda was never out of political affairs to discuss with him, clearly glad to have the Fire Lord so eager to help all the time. And Sokka… His best friend always threw a little fest when he visited. Constantly busy running the tribe alongside his dad and traveling to see Suki, he still made time for him. Being in a relationship with Katara had only brought them closer. And it had given Sokka some good opportunities to make fun of him. Which, of course, he loved. 
Still, Zuko felt uneasy, eager to carry on with his plan. During lunch, he had zoned out almost completely, making Katara wonder if something had happened back home. He had managed to blame it on the tiredness from his trip down there, claiming everything was perfectly fine. 
And things were fine, but not normal. Not normal at all. How could they be? He was about to ask the most crucial question of his life. Agni, he crossed his heart and hoped for the best. 
Holding onto the little box that contained the bracelet, he knew. He was ready. It was time to carry on with his plan. Tonight is the night. It will be perfect. 
The quietness of the night had taken over the Southern Water Tribe. All that echoed was the sound of ocean waves crashing into the shore. Everyone else had probably been asleep for hours. But Zuko was awake. Wide awake. 
He had waited for hours. Alone in his hut - because Agni forbids Chief Hakoda would be onboard with him staying with Katara at that stage of their relationship - he had gone over every single detail a million times. His heart pounded in his chest, racing even faster than the first time he had said ‘I love you’ to her. With each beat, Zuko mentally repeated his lines. Yes, he had lines. Well thought and kind of poetic lines. He had everything planned. He only hoped he would be able to remember what to say once he was moments away from pleading her to spend the rest of their lives together. 
Alright, I think it’s time, he thought as he unwrapped his body from a pile of blankets. Considering his firebending prevented him from getting cold, he must’ve been on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be longing for the heat that badly. It didn’t matter though, as soon as put on his coat an unexpected rush of confidence took over him. 
Yes, this is it. I’m finally going to ask her. A tender smile spread across his face as he made sure the little burgundy box with the bracelet was safely secured in his right pocket. 
He opened the door of his hut, stepping into the darkness of the night. The coldness of the outside took him by surprise. 
Good thing he had grabbed a pair of heavy-duty blankets. He wouldn’t want Katara to be freezing during such a special moment. No, it was alright, she was used to the cold, and the blankets would help. If anything failed, he could always tug her under his arms - firebending had proven to have its perks down there at the Pole - and keep her warm. Yeah, that sounded romantic, it would work. 
Luckily for him, the walk to Katara’s hut wasn’t a long one at all. It was more of a two-step kinda deal. Pretty convenient if you asked him. 
Zuko stood at the entrance, with a racing heart and all the lovely doodle jitters. He couldn’t believe he was finally doing this. After months of rehearsing in his room back home, brainstorming with Iroh, and stressing over the tiniest details, the time had come.
He knocked on the door, a part of him hoping she wouldn’t be too tired. No, she wouldn’t. She was a moon riser after all. Why was he doubting everything he had planned, all of the sudden? No, he couldn’t let his nerves get the best of him. “Katara,” he whispered. “It’s me.” 
A response didn’t take long to come from inside the hut. 
“Zuko?” Her voice showed a strain of sleepiness, but she sounded attentive enough. “Come in, dork.”
Thank Agni, she’s awake. 
As soon as he went through the door, he was met with the tenderest of blue eyes. 
Katara was sitting cross-legged, still wrapped into her covers. Messy hair, amused expression, and a raised brow. 
“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” she asked. “Not even here for a day and already wanting to sneak around?” A playful smirk framed her face. 
Oh, she’s very awake then. One second and she’s already making fun of me. Spirits, I love this woman. 
He showed off the pair of blankets to her, trying to conceal the nervous grin that threatened to take over his face. 
“Um, actually,” he mumbled. “I had something else in mind. How do you feel about coming outside with me for a while?”
And off they went, with a nervous Zuko leading the way. Katara had rapidly been onboard with the little nighttime excursion. After all, it had always been their thing to go on nocturnal walks or rush to catch every sunset at the South Pole. But most importantly… The plan was working! 
Walking for a few minutes, he finally stopped at the top of a little hill. Right in the middle of the snow valley. The Southern Lights were already visible up in the sky. 
“I see what you’re doing, someone’s nostalgic of our first kiss,” Katara teased, twirling around the snowy ground. 
“Um, yeah, I mean, it was pretty amazing.” Great, the mumbling had already started and he wasn’t even saying his speech. 
“So, are you going to tell me what’s up with you today? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
Darn it. He had tried so hard not to let his jitters show. But there they were. It was time to make his move. 
“I’m fine, I promise,” he managed to say. “Why don’t we sit down?”
Once they were cuddled up amidst the blankets and the snow, Zuko allowed himself to breathe. To soak into the moment. 
Above them was a dazzling dance of green, blue, white, purple, and red light in the night sky. Exactly as he had pictured it. Perfect scenery, checked. If only asking the big question could be as easy as staring at the celestial lights. 
“You know,” Katara finally said, nestling her head at the creek of his neck, her fingers interlaced into his. “I’m glad you brought me here. It’s pretty romantic.”
Yes! That’s the stuff! If she considered it romantic, that meant he had done something right. 
Now, it’s time. 
“That’s what I was aiming for,” he mumbled. “Do you mind if I move over to face you for a second?”
Her blue eyes showed a bit of confusion, still, she complied. “Not at all.”
He straightened up, still holding onto her hand. She was smiling, silently waiting for whatever he had in store for her. Agni, she was beautiful. No offense to the aurora above them, but Katara was definitely a million times more mesmerizing than any dancing light in the sky. 
Zuko cleared his throat, feeling his heart pounding inside his chest - every single beat - and his pulse racing like never before. He squeezed her hand, taking a deep breath before speaking. 
“Katara,” Oh Agni, this is actually happening. “I think it’s safe to say that we were meant to be together. Considering all that we went through, fate kept bringing us into each other. We started as enemies, and look at us now. We make all the sense in the world, even if we are kind of opposites. We are two sides of the same coin, we complement each other perfectly. You’re a part of me I never knew was missing, until I almost lost you. You mean everything to me.”
He blinked, nervously battling his eyelashes. A lump of his throat threatened to mess with his speech at the memory of how the light of his life had almost dimmed the day of the Agni Kai. No, it was not the time to feel sorry for the past. This night was all about moving forward. Next to her. 
“I’ve spent all my life,” he continued. “Chasing after things that were never going to make me happy, never going to bring me peace. But you, Katara, you brought all the light in the world into my life. You make me happy, you bring out the best in me. I think we were always meant to cross paths, nothing that happened between us was accidental. It was all for a reason, I’m sure of it know. Despite all my mistakes, all those times I’ve stumbled along the way, all of that led me to you. And you to me. That is something I would never want to undo.”
Her eyes had become watery, her fingers were brushing his skin as she smiled at him. It seemed like his speech had taken her by surprise. 
“Zuko,” Katara said. “That’s… I love you.” 
“And I love you too,” he replied, eager to blurt out the question once and for all. “That’s why I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You’ve become the voice in my head, leading every step of the way, advising me what to do all day long. I can’t shut it up, and I don’t ever want to. In fact, I’m hoping to have forever to spend with you.” 
Zuko reached into his pocket with his free hand - luckily for him, it was his right one - and grasped the burgundy box he had been clinging onto for months. With a quick move, he opened the lid, revealing the betrothal bracelet he had made for her. 
His eyes met hers, glistening with the reflection of the Southern Lights above them. The skies of the night were alive with those lights, like a thrilling flame. 
“Katara, will you marry me?”
There it went. He did it, he had popped the question without having a nervous breakdown in the middle. Incredible. His plan had turned out to be perfect.
Wait. For it to be perfect, Katara had to say yes. 
Tears of happiness were streaming down her face. “Yes, Zuko.” Katara was nodding excitedly. “Spirits, of course, my answer is yes!” she giggled amidst the tears. 
And Zuko felt his eyes getting watery too, a rush of relief flooding right through him - accompanied by the sweetest of tears. Yes, she said ‘yes’. He felt like the luckiest man alive. 
She threw herself into his arms, kissing every last bit of his face. He carefully put down the burgundy box as he ran his fingers through her hair. His lips met hers into a familiar embrace, only now there was something new to it. They were going to get married. They were going to spend the rest of their lives together. And that was perfect.
For a timeless instant, they stayed there, holding onto each other. Savoring the happiness of the moment. But neither of them had forgotten about the little burgundy box. 
“You like it?” he asked, taking the delicate bracelet of its casing to show it to her. “My carving could be better, but I think it turned out alright.”
The blue quartz glittered with the celestial lights, all the different colors reflecting into its surface. The Fire Nation emblem, carved into a water blue stone. A ribbon that intertwined both of their cultures, together. Above them, a painting of amber, rose, opal, and gold hues. It swept the sky, flickering, dimming, flashing in the presence of their love. 
“I know it’s not a betrothal necklace,” he continued. “But I know how much your mother’s means to you. I wanted to give you something different, so you didn’t have to stop wearing hers... I carved the emblem of the Fire Nation onto the blue quartz, and the ribbon has our colors interlaced… Kind of like us, opposites but together. Stronger together. I wanted it to be something special. Like you.”
Tears started to form back into her eyes. “It’s perfect. This is all perfect, Zuko. I love it, I love you.” Katara planted another kiss on his lips. “Would you?” she asked, extending her left wrist up to him. 
“Of course.” He grabbed the bracelet, brushing his fingers through the stone. 
His hands were trembling, his whole body was shuddering with excitement. He placed the jewel on top of her wrist, with tremendous care. He felt her skin, soft and warm, and he realized Katara was also trembling. He noticed her eyes glued to his as he made sure the clasps were tied together. Finally, the bracelet was around her wrist, holding onto her like a promise. Their promise. 
“There,” Zuko whispered. “I’m so glad it fits,” he chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. 
Katara brushed her fingers against the pendant, eyes still watery and a bright smile tattooed on her face. Then her hands moved up to his face, softly cupping his cheeks. She pressed her forehead onto his, breathing heavily. 
“I love you,” she said, caressing his skin. “And you’re right, we were meant to happen. I hope to have forever to spend with you, too.”
“Forever does sound good, huh?” 
Zuko kissed her, giving away into the moment. That moment. All those months of planning, all those years of loving her. It had all led him to that exact spot - the woman he loved, his future wife, letting out tears of happiness as they kissed. His plan had been more than perfect, it had been so uniquely them that he found himself fighting back the tears once again.
That’s when he knew it. In the middle of the night, under the Southern Lights, and with Katara nestled into his arms, Zuko knew. Looking back, he knew exactly why it had all happened. It was her, it had always been her. And now, it would be them.
----- I hope you enjoyed this! I wanted to jump on this trope and give it my own little twist with the Southern Lights scenario. Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always really appreciated <3  @zutaraweek
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 20 - Death
Toothless takes Hiccup to visit his parents. It's not what Hiccup expected. (1915 words)
cw: spoilers for HTTYD 2
Toothless perched on the edge of a cliff, overseeing a long fall towards the wide, open ocean. Hiccup laid on the night fury's back, staring up at the night sky. The dragon's tail swished back and forth, quietly playing a game with the viking's prosthetic leg, each catching and releasing the other in a tiny game of tag. It was a time of quiet thought. Toothless was thinking mostly about fish. Big ones, little ones, raw and cooked, wriggling in his mouth and dangling lifelessly from a human's hook. He silently wondered if whales were fish, or if they were too big. Perhaps all that differentiates a dragon from a large fish is a breath weapon. Toothless imagined fish flying through the sky, where he would dart down and snap them up.
Hiccup, on the other hand, was not thinking about fish. He was thinking about Toothless, and Stoick the Vast, and Valka. "Hey, Toothless, I just realized: you've met both of my parents now." The thin viking chuckled. "I can't say I ever expected that to happen... any time before it actually did. Do dragons keep track of their parents?"
The night fury made an inquisitive sound, then quickly bobbed his head, nodding a confirmation. He wondered if fish had parents, and if it was better to eat a parent fish or a child fish. Maybe a distraught child fish would make itself easier to catch after Toothless ate its parents. Maybe the reverse was true. Or, the night fury considered, a fish might grow angry and flop ferociously at him in the wake of his piscematricide. An imaginary fish slapped him in the face; an imaginary version of Toothless ate it for its insolence, and also because it was tasty.
Toothless realized Hiccup was talking again, and decided to stop thinking about fish. For now. Probably.
"...so, it would be cool to meet your parents. I mean, if they're not dead. That would be, uh, awkward." Toothless's rider lost confidence and spoke more quietly as he kept speaking. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen any other night furies, actually. I hope you're not the last of..."
Toothless snorted and rose to his feet, jostling his human off. He flicked his tailfin open and wiggled his body, inviting Hiccup to mount up and fly. He had something to show the human. He trusted him more than enough.
The human in question, however, kept talking, mostly stammering as he continue to try to apologize for what might have been a slight but almost certainly wasn't, and several other silly human things. Toothless rolled his eyes, growled for attention, and wiggled again. It was time for Hiccup to be quiet and get on his dragon. And fortunately, Hiccup did just that. Toothless crouched as soon as he felt Hiccup's foot and fake foot slide into place at the controls of his tailfin, then leapt into the air and plummeted off the cliff.
Hiccup couldn't see so well in the dark, so Toothless pulled up early; as he not only expected, but knew in his heart would happen, Hiccup snapped open the fake fin as soon as the black-scaled dragon began to pull up, leaving them shooting off over the water, between a sea of stars and a sea of fish.
They approached the forest of rocky pillars, and Toothless built up the fire and magic within him. The dragon pulled his teeth in to avoid them getting hit, and a ball of superheated gas shot from between his lips, a shock of lightning on its tail. It zoomed into the cluster of stone, burst in a purple, white, and blue explosion, and sent several small sparks of lightning crackling and crawling around and through the pillars. Toothless watched as the lights all but disippated, then approached and vocalized a few noises, their signal for "let me fly." The dragon felt his human's feet disengage from the tailfin mechanism, and he flew silently into the darkened maze of stone. It was a familiar, yet unused pattern. With just the moon and the stars shedding light, the night fury was nearly invisible as he banked left around a few rocks, circled one, dove and rose through an invisible pattern of flight. The dragon landed on a pillar of stone and leapt off it, then ran down another before flaring his wings and zooming through a shallow slalom.
At last, Toothless soared back up, spiraling up around a towering spire of rock to shed speed. He burbled another signal to his rider, and felt the comfort of his partner ready for backup, to once more fly WITH him rather than merely ON him. And, all set, Toothless flapped leisurely out of the maze of stone, directly towards an island that he was certain Hiccup had never seen before.
The island was lit with torches that did not burn, and the weather was pleasant, even in the cool night. Toothless landed in a run, slowing to a trot as he neared the familiar - to him, at least - stone and wood buildings. Hiccup shifted to untether himself and dismount, but Toothless raised his wings up to either side. It wouldn't physically stop Hiccup, but he hoped it would let him know to stay on the night fury. As the brown-haired viking settled back into position on his back, Toothless relaxed and gave a low, approving warble as he walked along the island, headed towards a large house partway up. As he neared it, the night fury opened his mouth and shrieked a greeting. He stopped in front of the large front doors and patiently waited until they opened. Once inside, he let his wings droop, and Hiccup slid off his back, walking side-by-side with Toothless.
From a doorway ahead, a woman peered into the hallway, then smiled warmly when she saw Toothless. "Oh, hello dear," she said, stepping out and opening her arms for a hug, "it's been so long. You should visit more often!" She wore what Toothless remembered her often wearing - a loose, elegant, black shirt with a ribcage done in faint, light blue, and a pair of pants in the same style, long enough to cover even her feet, but never seeming to trip her up. Toothless leaned his head and neck into her as they embraced, the woman's bracelets of bone a stark contrast against both her clothing and his scales. "Your father is off brewing a storm for some big contract he has, otherwise he'd be here to see you too. Oh, and who's this?"
Hiccup was still busy staring, utterly bewildered, between Toothless and this strange woman, when she turned towards him. "You didn't tell me you got a boyfriend!" she said; Toothless hissed and grumbled, and she laughed. "I'm only playing, dear. I suppose I should be thankful one of my children thinks to introduce me to his friends outside of professional matters."
Hiccup awkwardly waved his hand, then offered it out to shake. "Uh, hi. I'm Hiccup. So, you're Toothless's... mother?"
"Oh, is that what he's going by now?" She looked over at her son, who moaned and brought his wings tightly against himself, trying to shrink away from sight. "And yes, though you can just call me Death." Hiccup jolted back, though he immediately looked more sheepish over his reaction than scared of the woman. Toothless rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what joke his mom was about to make. "Oh, don't you worry, Hiccup, I'm off the clock. The only thing I'm interested in killing right now is the stew I've been heating up." Yep, there it was. "Anyway, come in, come in. I'll get some bowls out for you both; I'm sure there's nothing like some fresh mutton stew after a flight, and I always make far too much for just me."
As they made their way into the dining room and to the table, Toothless watched as his viking's gaze went from him, to his mom, then back to him, doing that little thing with his mouth whenever he thought really hard. After a few seconds, he saw him mouth a few words, then his face went slack with shock. "The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself..." he mumbled.
Death returned with three bowls of stew - Toothless's being the widest and shallowest, with a nice, big piece of meat in the middle - and quirked an eybrow at Hiccup. "What's this about my boy being unholy?" she asked.
The viking blanched. "No, not that - he's amazing, trust me, saved my life more times than I can count - it's just, there's this book of dragons we had- have, I guess, but that was only in the old version-" he rambled. Toothless watched calmly after bolting down his meat, keeping his eyes on his rider while he lapped at his stew. "-and most dragons, they had these ratings and descriptions, like 'speed four, strength two, breath seven, extremely dangerous, kill on sight.' But for night furies-" Toothless flicked his focus to his mom, catching a glimmer of satisfaction at the phrase "kill on sight."
"-almost never seen, and certainly never captured - until me - so it was just 'speed unknown, size unknown, never engage; hide and pray it doesn't find you.' And the description it gave was 'the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself,' that was all I knew on it - on him - before I started learning about him from, well, him." Hiccup finally took a break to breathe and try some stew, then finished his thought, "anyway, so that's why I said that. I certainly don't think there's anything unholy about him. In fact, he's sort of the reason Snotlout isn't chief, and I-"
Toothless and Hiccup froze as the night fury and his rider considered the unsaid word, "chief," and the weight behind how Toothless granted Hiccup that title. They and their friends - the riders, for Hiccup, and the Berkian dragons, for Toothless - had spent such a long time trying to help them work through their guilt and sorrow of that event. And, luckily, their efforts had borne fruit. They soon calmed back down, although Toothless found himself much more interested in his lamb stew.
If there could be one saving grace of that moment, it was that both boys figured that they wouldn't have to explain their silence. Death, of all people, would know. "Well," she said, to break the silence and change the topic, "I'm glad my son has found such a 'very good friend.' One he felt was important enough to convince him to visit his mother after so many years."
It worked; Toothless moaned a complaint while Hiccup chuckled awkwardly. "Ah, that's partly my fault. He hasn't exactly had a natural tailfin for a while now, it was lost when he crashed in my net." Toothless helpfully raised the tip of his tail to show off the mismatched fins.
"Ah. Well." Death took a sip from her cup. "All's well that ends well, I suppose. Perhaps it's a good thing your father isn't home; he can be very protective of our scaly son."
Hiccup took another spoonful of stew, then looked back at Death. "Wait, if you're Death, and Toothless is of... does that mean that his dad, who'd be upset at me, is-"
Death smiled. "Lightning, yes. I believe you might know him as... what's that moniker, Thor?"
The viking's eyes unfocused. "Good to know. Now, if you'll please excuse me."
Hiccup fainted.
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What kind of gifts would Kombat Guys like to receive from their s/o for birthday?
Lightening Headcanons! Fucking yes! I included some Kombat Gals as well!
·        Kabal; Isit wrong he just wants you? He just wants another year of being with you, fullof adventures, excitement and you. But he will accept a framed photo of you forhis desk. It’ll legit be the meme of ‘Do it for them’, because you are the onlything pulling him through Kano’s shit show. Which he feels like he’s going to bestuck in forever.
·        Sub Zero(Kuai Liang); He never had a great birthday growing up. Bi-Han would sometimestry and sneak a cupcake for him. But he never really got presents. But he wouldwant something from the heart. Bonus points if its practical.  He wants something he can use, but also hassome sentiment. If you maybe sew him a new headband, that would be great. It’llremind him of you. If you’re a creative, you could literally paint or make him somethingand he’d love and cherish it forever. If you’re not, buy him a fantasy novel,he’d be secretly over the moon.
·        Raiden;He doesn’t really have a birthday. So, when it’s the random day you made himselect to be his, he’ll be surprised to receive a gift. Mortals are verystrange, it’s a custom he’s not accustomed to. When he sees the littlelightning bolt charm, he smiles fondly, curiously looking at it. Watching itdangle, gently prodding it and watching it sway. He loves it. He’ll instantlyattach it to his bracer. God forbid if anybody breaks it.
·        CassieCage; Growing up, Johnny spoiled her, whether she wanted to be or not. Shegot spoiled. But, she’s not overly materialistic. So, if you got her andyourself matching lockets for her birthday; she would lose her shit and lovethem instantly. It would make her smile even more, seeing that you put thegoofy selfie you both took together in it. The one that’s totally herlockscreen for everything.
·        Scorpion (HanzoHasashi); He is a man that does not require a lot of materialistic possessions.So very much like Kuai, he would want something from the heart, if you insiston buying him something for his birthday. He really isn’t fussy and will acceptwhatever you buy/make him.  Even if it’sa handwritten letter, so he can read it over and over again, reminding him ofwhat he has, grounding him. Helping him find the way when he thinks he’s lost.
·        Bi-Han; LikeKuai, he never really had a birthday growing up, no presents or anything likethat. He’s not overly materialistic either. In fact, he’d prefer it if you justbaked him a cake to be honest. He never really had one, he’d always try and geta cupcake for Kuai; often sacrificing his sweets in favour of him. So, if youmade him a cake, he’d be so happy, inviting you to share a slice with him. He’llmake some tea and you can sit and relax together.
·        JohnnyCage; What more could this man want? He’s got you for a partner, a daughterwho’s just as bad-ass as he is, million of followers, nice car and house. Therecouldn’t be anything else he’d want. Well, on his birthday, you debate buyinghim so grey cover-up hair dye for a joke. But, instead you opt to make himsomething a little more special. You make a scrapbook of all his career.Detailing everything. Including, the tickets you kept, from when you went to seesome of his shit movies before you met him. He does love it, because it’s basicallya book on himself and you made it.
·        SonyaBlade; What do you buy her!? She’s so difficult to buy for, do you buy hera new gun? A new hat? What the fuck do you buy her!? Every Birthday is wrackedwith nervousness. In the end, you get her a mug that says some shit like “#1 General”She laughs a little, shakes her head and informs you, that ‘You are such a kissass’ before giving you a kiss on the cheek. Always drinks her morning coffeewith it.  
·        Erron Black;His sweetheart doesn’t need to buy him anything. He literally will love whateveryou get him if you insist though. Because its from you. He’s old as fuck, andhe does mention, that if he receives a walking stick he will not be thehappiest Cowboy in the wild-west. He is joking. But you do get him a seriouspresent. You end up buying him a new bandana. He fucking loves it, wears it everywhere,reminds him that he’s such a sweetheart at home for him. He thinks of it as agood luck charm. That you’ve blessed it with your magic touch!
·        Skarlet; Shegrew up an Orphan, no family to celebrate her birthday, no one to make a fussover her. So, she thinks of her birthday as an ordinary day. So, when youpresent her with a gift, she’s taken aback a little. She’ll look at it curiously,glancing down at the maroon box, tied up with a bright red ribbon. Laments onthe colour and how she loves it. Honestly, thinks the box is her present. A Rubynecklace, deepest red you could find. It looks expensive and makes her feellike a Princess. Something she’s always secretly longed to feel like. Is extremelygrateful, but she’d have been happy with a raw steak, in all honesty.
·        Jade; Notmaterialistic at all. She’s a loyal friend/significant other. But if you wereto buy her matching friendship bracelets for her and Kitana. You know howimportant their friendship is to each other, friendship is key and at the heartof a lot of people. You get to date her. So, Kitana deserves this little thing.She would die on the inside, before telling you to not waste your money on her.You have to tell her, she’s worth every fucking penny.
·        Kenshi; Gethim a subscription to something like audible, it would keep him occupied whenhe’s flying. That, and it would drown fucking Johnny out. Headphones in, Kenshiout. You’ll try and keep it a secret, but he fucking knows what you’ve boughthim. He acts all surprised, but he’s a terrible actor. God dam it Kenshi.
·        Kano; Hedoesn’t deserve shit. Leave him and find yourself a better man. Kabal and Erronare stood right there.
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mexicanbabe1997 · 4 years
Maria the mouse
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Name: Maria The Mouse (Full name: Maria Antonella Gomez Raffaelli) Age: 17-19 Gender: Feminine Date of Birth: March 31 Sign (horoscope): Aries Height: Undefined Weight: Unknown Type of blood: +B Hair Color: Ocre Eye Color: Green
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Food: Muffins, chocolate, pizza, and pancakes. 
Sport: Swimming
Flower: Gardenia
Music: Rock n’ Roll and Pop (classics from 60’s to 90’s) Color: Blue (mainly the aqua/teal colors), pink, and green.
Hobbies: Singing, drawing, listening to music, eating, resting, reading, writting, exploring new places, swimming, collecting cute stuff, playing video games, brushing her hair, snorkeling, daydreaming, being small, making bead bracelets, skating (she’s an amateur), foiling bad guys, practicing the violin, taking strolls, posing in the mirror, playing dress up, and dancing (she’s taking lessons cuz she’s not that good). 
Likes: Music, hot chocolate, books and mangas, pastries, adventures, freedom, tranquility, having friends and family, flowers, animals, Damien, her sister (Dana), shabby chic style, art, perfumes, bubble baths, video games, city lights, comedy-romantic movies, justice, Sonic, Tails, having fun, cute boys, romance, fantasy stories, helping people, bravery, magic (she believes in it), rainy days, brownies, hide and seek (in mouse size), roller coasters, tomboy girls (she admires them), travels, ocean, the beach, aquariums, tours, ballet (when she was little), comfy socks, and cute shiny things. 
Subject: Calligraphy, art and music
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Food: Gherkins, soda, and coffee
Sport: American football Music: Reggaeton
Color: Lilac Dislikes: Mean people, backstabbers, blood (she suffers from hemophobia), being confused for a rat, horror-gore movies, injuries, darkness, algebra books (They always make her fall asleep), disrespect, bullies, snobbishness, braggarts, know-it-alls (but she can make some exceptions, like Tails for example), leeches, balls (she always gets hitted in the face), people messing with her friends, Dana acting overbearing, her hair getting ruined, people fearing her for being a mouse, being taken pictures, being called a “weakling”, not having a family, suffering, injustice, Eggman’s evil plans, cheaters, harassment, cowards, stealing, manipulators, being insulted, getting kidnapped, cold weather, storms, animal abuse, feeling left out, not having friends, getting lost, exterminators, mouse traps, bees (she had a bad experience with one), rice pudding, getting pranked, shallowness, letting people down, and when people say that rodents are nothing but “pests”. 
Subject: Mathematics and physics.
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Personality: She’s a cheerful although very shy girl, curious, kind-hearted, tender, headstrong, and energetic. Despite being shy with those she doesn’t know well (especially boys), she is honest, feisty, passionate, sweet, caring, respectful, and friendly. She tends to be rather clumsy sometimes and can get innocent to the point of being somewhat clueless, but don’t let that fool you cuz she isn’t stupid. However, she also has a very bad temper and is very impatient and stubborn, she can also get sassy or capricious and sometimes throws tantrums when things don’t go her way. She also has a grudgy side, and can become insensible, harsh, unforgiving, and cold if you hurt her feelings a lot or if she feels betrayed. Despites those flaws, she also has a huge heart, is fun loving, sensible, very femenine and never forgets her manners when saying “thank you”, she enjoys the outdoors and likes the flora and fauna as much as her hair, and knows when to apoligize if she really messed up at something. When facing dangerous situations she can act and be pretty serious, tough, brave, tomboyish, and determinated whenever the situation requires it, and always refuses to give up on a friend in danger. She finds family as the most important thing to her as well as her friends and will go to any lenghts to protect them. She’s also either amorous or a hopeless romantic, gaining many crushes on cute guys who get her attention, though she always ends up getting single at the end, but that dosen’t stop her from believing in love and having a good future.
History: She was the youngest member on her family, having two parents and an older sister named Dana. She lived in a sheltered yet comfortable lifestyle, she was dearly loved and cared by her parents and sister, she had a beautiful house and lots of toys to play with. However, she was far from being social, and rather then playing with other kids she prefered to stay at home and either play with her toys, watching tv, drawing, or reading books. She was a very calm yet withdrawn girl, unable to speak with other people or kids. The other kids always thought that she was a snob for the way she acted and often tried to prevent being around her, others also said that she was odd. Both her parents loved her and she also loved them back, she also liked and admired her older sister so much because she always protected her. One day she was sent along with her older sister to visit her grandmother out of town, at a luxurious villa. Maria was a bit sad for leaving her parents but they promised that it would be only for a week. But then weeks passed and the two sisters didn’t heard anything from their parents. Dana knew something was wrong so she went to investigate but never returned. Maria was depressed for sometime but with some help from her relatives she was finally able to move on and live happily, though deep inside she still felt depressed for not having her parents nor her sister with her.
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Powers and abilities: Electrokinesis, good sense of smell and hearing (when concentrated enough), can shrink to the size of a real life mouse and go back in size at will, manipulation and control of machines and electronics, speed, excellent swimmer, good stealth when being small, can climb the walls thanks to static, magnetism and can magnetize any metalic objects, create thunderstorms, Railgun anime-like ability to shoot nuts and bolts like a powerful laser cannon, using her powers she can create weapons out of the metal and minerals of the floor, summoning thunders, create plasma, and can also shrink other people and back to their original size as well.
Weaknesses: Magnets can block her powers and in magnetic fields she is stripped of them. When she suffers from fever her powers are uncontrollable, she becomes overcharged and makes electronics go high wire. Whenever a lightning falls on her, her powers dissapear for at least a week. Since she’s innocent this also gives her a naive streak, as she can get pranked or fooled easily by Phoebe. Since she isn’t an animal of artic weather, this makes her untolerable to cold, and when in extreme freezing temperatures she can get mortally weak or faint due to losing heat. When small she is prone to be highly vulnerable to many things (extreme cold or hot temperatures, hits, falls, or poison), she also has to restrain eating chocolate unless necessary, cuz it grows her back to her normal size which can become troublesome sometimes. Instrument: Violin Romantic Interests: Damien, Blasco, Fido, Sonic and Shadow.  
Best Friends: Phoebe, Irving, Damien, Nova, Serah, Dana, Sonic, Tails, Fido, Clarissa, Cat-O, Lisa, The barker gang, Blasco, Thomas, Jake, Chase, Indigo, and the Freedom Fighters.
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Enemies: Dr. Eggman, Pearl, Crystal Maria, Dr. M, Fallz, Voidless, Edna, Amadeus, Dimensi, Evan, and other bad guys. Paraphernalia: A photo of her parents (her only clue to find them), a comb, and her cellphone. Hometown : Twilight city (formerly)
Family: Silvana (Mother), Salvatore (Father), Dana (Older sister), Stella (Maternal aunt), Rupert (Maternal uncle), and Maternal Grandmother.
Dream: To find her family.
* Maria’s voice (English): https://youtu.be/b3DaGbMBgAY
* Her characteristics and personality somewhat reseamble that of a “Majo-Shojo” (Magical Girl). Also many of her features are mainly inspired by some of them, like Serena/Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon, Sakura Kinomoto from Sakura Card Captor, Momoko/Blossom (Demashita! Powerpuff girls Z), and Doremi Harukaze from Ojamajo Doremi. 
* She’s a very good singer but at first she keeps it to herself due to stage fright. However, she slowly started to get over it and her voice is now recognized by many people.
* Though she likes to be a femenine girl, she also dosen’t mind and is not afraid to do tomboyish stuff either, like climbing trees, playing in the dirt, and doing other kinds of sports (some of which she isn’t very good at, especially when it involves a ball). * She’s extremelly bad at math or anything academical that is related to it. She’s also terrible with computers and dosen’t seem to understand them to that much of an extent then Tails. * She has bad luck with balls, in sports she always get hited in the face, to the point where Phoebe mockingly stated to her that her face was a “Ball magnet”. * Phoebe calls her a “Goofy rat” and Maria in return calls her a “Ruffian princess”. * Her favourite number is 3. * Maria shrinks herself whenever she wants to do things like hidding, eating things in a more bigger perspective, surprising people, helping out, going on adventures and wearing the cute dolls clothes. * When she gets either dizzy or drunk, she has one ear up and the other one is down. * Whenever she goes into a battle, she always takes off her headband to show how serious she is and when it’s over she puts it back. * Maria is a DD bra size. * Her favourite gemstone is the aquamarine. * If her hair gets either cut or burned by someone, Maria goes violent mode and gives a great beatdown to whoever did it. * She is actually very witty when it comes to saving the day, can be sarcastic and is not dumb at all. * She’s allergic to peanuts. * In one of her pockets she always carries around a comb and a compact mirror, while in the other she has the picture of her parents and a cellphone. She also has inner pockets where she stores some coins she finds. * Maria loves animals and can sometimes be found either playing with them or giving them food. She has also went out of her way to rescue them from Eggman. * She uses her own hoodie as a home; she simply takes it off and puts it into place, then she just shrinks and goes in it. She also created her very own bed with some cottons for pillows, a sponge for mattress and a cutted sock for sheet. * Maria and Phoebe’s relationship reminiscence to the one of Serena/Usagi and Rini/Chibiusa from Sailor Moon. * Although Maria is very kind and whatnot, she has several issues when trying to express her feelings openly to the people. She can even be reserved sometimes, including with her close friends, because she feel it is rather complicated to talk to people or she simply dosen’t want to make any squabbles. But the truth is that she dosen’t know how to do it well, since she was not that sociable in her childhood. But she always defends what she believes in, is emotional and is not afraid to spill what she thinks when she feels brave enough or when the situation requires it. * Maria once went to ballet when she was 4 years old, but eventually quited doing it. * She can speak spanish, but just a bit and can say phrases like: “Hola” (Hello), “Amigo, Amiga” (boyfriend or girlfriend) , “Adiós” (Goodbye), “Lo siento” (I’m sorry) and “Gracias” (Thank you). * She always wanted to meet a magical creature. * Maria’s real dream is to have a real home, having someone to love and that loves her back and a family who loves and cares for her in order to have a happy life.
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x1-imaginesreturns · 5 years
The Lightning God - Seungwoo Quantum Leap Part 2
Pairing:  Seungwoo x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Minor Swearing
Word Count: 6,768
Notes: Hello! Did you guys like my teaser for part 2?? Also don’t think that is the last time that I’m going to do that kind of stuff... in fact starting tomorrow...! haha I’m not letting you guys know anything I’m planning! Make sure to check back on this part once in a while, it might give you some insight into where I’m going with this. Also if you pay attention, you can definitely tell that I’m doing some stuff with alternate realities in this part! And I also made a reference to The Fall That Followed by @yvnseong (with her permission of course), go check out her works, they’re really good! And yes I also stopped bolding his name at a certain point, as I felt that it was no longer necessary. Requests are closed!
Song Recommendation: U Got It - Produce X 101
Quantum Leap: The Beginning 
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Your eyes started to flutter open, but once they fully opened you winced at the amount of light. Once your eyes started to adjust, you noticed the light was flooding in from a medium-sized window to your right. The sun was already high in the sky, contrary to when you were last conscious. 
As you sat up, you took in your unfamiliar surroundings. Small globes that likely contained some sort of light source at night hung in each corner. The room you were in wasn’t too lofty, and it had a sense of familiarity to you.
You walked over to the window, deciding to take a good look at your new surroundings. The view wasn’t too impressive, as it was merely looking at a vast forest with diverse kinds of trees. As you looked up thought, you could see some of the tops of the trees were singed. You raised an eyebrow at that, but you ultimately decided the outside wasn’t too impressive.
As you turn back around, you scan the room again, trying to decipher exactly why it looked familiar. ‘Wait I am in a treehouse, right?’ you think, turning back around to the window to make sure you were in fact in a treehouse, ‘Didn’t Raiden live in a treehouse?’
“You’re awake,” a voice says from behind you, making you spin around rapidly to face them. “Sorry, did I startle you?” they say, stepping forward so you can see them. Your body completely freezes once you see who it is.
It’s Raiden. And by tradition, he’s completely topless, the necklace with the lightning bolt charm still hanging from his neck. You even finally see his few tattoos now that he’s in the light.
‘Of course,’ you scream in your head, ‘It just has to be him, it always is!’  He has a nervous look written on his face, and his eyes are astray, not even close to looking at you. “N-no you’re fine,” you say, pausing to consider what you should say to him.
Before you can even think of something to say or ask him, he says, “Follow me, I’ll explain.” He walks out of the intimate room, and you take one more glance out the window before you follow him. You emerge into a slightly bigger room, windows surrounding the entire room, except for the door. Like you observed last time, vines grew all along the house, covering each of the windows except for the front two and the door.
More of the small light globes were hung in this room, and you could tell that this was definitely where Raiden lived and slept. There was a mat laid on the floor to the right of you that was about his size and blankets were strewn about the area. A small wooden chair sat in the corner to the left of the door, and a few books were stacked neatly next to it. 
Raiden was leaning out of the front window to the right of the door. You take a couple of steps so that way you’re a little bit closer to him. “So what exactly happened last night?” you ask, causing him to jump slightly. He turns back around to face you, sitting on the small sill of the window. “It’s been a few days since that night,” he says, pausing to sigh quickly, “Youngho shot you with a bolt of lightning that went through your body completely. And right after that he and I got into a pretty intense battle, but he and the element clan teleported away before I could finish them off.”
You shudder at the sudden memory. “S-so how exactly do I not have a hole all the way through me right now?” you ask curiously. “Because…” he says, trailing off, almost as if he doesn’t want to answer, “B-Because you’re with me.”
“And what do you mean by that?” you ask, your eyebrows raising involuntarily. “Well I don’t really mean anything or am trying to imply anything,” he says, sliding off of the windowsill to walk towards you, “Your bracelet and my necklace link us together. Because you were injured, my necklace has been taking away my magical powers and somehow utilizing them to heal you.”
“I can’t go far from you either. The necklace has some sort of magnetic pull towards your bracelet,” he finishes. Once again, his eyes are nowhere near yours, almost as if he’s guilty. Before you can formulate a response though, your eyes close shut forcefully, and your mind goes white.
You barely feel a pair of arms catch you before your mind seemingly surges backward, passing by picture after picture, exactly like when Dohyon had teleported you up to canyon cliff. Except this time, the images looked familiar. They were your own memories.
Memory after memory flew past you until you abruptly hit a stop, your body floating above wherever you were, just like when Xanthe linked you to Raiden’s mind. The invisible hand that controlled you last time propelled you forward once again, landing you right in the middle of a clearing. One that looked vaguely familiar, actually. And as you got closer and closer to the clearing, your eyes widen at the scene displayed before you. 
You recognized it immediately, there was no doubt in your mind. Clouds were rolling above you, covering even the glowing moon, and once you glanced down, you saw Youngho towering over you and the fear written in your eyes. As the hand pushed you even closer, Youngho was suddenly thrown back and Raiden appeared in front of you.
After Raiden had turned to you, he, of course, walked right over to where Youngho had been thrown. As he walked, the mysterious force pulled you alongside him. You could hear his labored breathing, and you saw his intense glare, his eyes starting to glow a vibrant yellow.
He stood over Youngho intimidatingly, and you saw a smirk promptly appear in Youngho’s face, even though he had just been forcefully launched into the ground. “Heh, I was wondering when you were going to show up, Seungwoo,” Youngho says, laughing, “Knew it wouldn’t be long before you came rushing in to save my Xenia.”
“She isn’t and never will be your Xenia!,” Raiden exclaims, the yellow glow now enveloping his body. Youngho merely laughs again, causing Raiden’s glow to fluctuate again. “Yeah, yeah, we’ll see if that’s true when Xanthe dies,” Youngho replies, his smirk still present on his face, “Everyone knows I’m the one meant to take the Xanthe tree’s powers. Not even you, Raiden himself, the son of Xanthe, could handle the sheer power of the power the Xanthe tree grants. B̶͉͕͚̖̣̮̪̜͙̮̹̬͇͍͈̙̟̘̬̻͖̪̑̈́̾̎̈́̍̋̆͑͜u̴̧͇̲͙͂̀̏̄̍͊͜͝t̵̢̧̹̟͖̭̣̼͇̲̪͍͍͓̥̘͋̀̔̈͗̉̾̀̂͌̒͘̕͠ͅ ̷̨̛̰͈̦̻͙̩͚͍͚͚̿̒̈́̆̌̎̑̌͒͆̍̏́̑̇̂͌͑̆̒̃͆̿̿̎̔͒̃́̋̈́́̈̄̈́̅̚̚̚̕̚͝͝I̶̡̤̹̳̘̯̲̤̣̠̹̪̫͕̬̼̮̠͚̣͕̹̥̭̼̤͉̦̙̟̘͙͖̻̗̠͓̰͇̤͔̤̯͉̠̠̽̾̅͒̍̓̆̓̔͗̒͒̀͌̊͐͒̄̀͛̋̽͘͠ͅ ̷̧̡̧̛͙̣̟͖̺̰̞̭͍͉̞͉̹̤̣̞͎̳͈̙̬̹̳̜̭̮̭̼͎̎̍̐͊͌̆̈́͛̔̽̂̾̈͛́̈́̈́́̈́͗͆́͌̅́͛̄̊̕͜͜͝͠c̷̹̦̲̘͖̥̣̮̥͔͇͕̦̥̰̫͈͗̂ͅo̶̧̗̬̣͚̝̩̙̜͎̟̝̗̣̩̠͍̹͉͈̫̥̗̼̜̥̭̯̗̻̖͎̞̅̑̏̊̔͆̉̊̽͋̉̇̄̌̅̀̿͒̆͆̿͋̌̍̈̈͆̌̅͌̾̇͒̕͜͜͜͝͝ͅͅu̵̧̜̘̲̩̻̦̟͚̯̗͍͇͓͖̣͖̼͓̣̦͉̖͈͙͔͇͖̯͈̹̖̫̅̾̽̅͆̓̉̒̇͌̈̔͂͑̀̌̓͂͛̈́̈́͜͜͠͝͝ͅl̸̨̡̢̢̟̹̰̦͚̻̭̟̲̥̟̖̙̱̪̝͕̭̝̝̟͖̫̣̣̙̤̪̫͈͖͕̻̮̃̅̆̾͋̔̾̓̈́̄̒̏̓̾͌́̈́̍͋̿̑̒̈́͆̕̚͜͜͜͝͝ḏ̴̡͉̤̼̙͉̺͓͓̻͕̹̦̱̪͖͚̝̝̺͓̀́͜…̸̺͉͉̖̬͉͇̣͍̰̺̌̍͛̑̈͘͝ͅ ̴̨̧̡͙̥̩̠̹̲͚̦̦̲̭̰̬͙̦͚̼̰̹̯͈̇͜͜ͅs̷̡̢̨̡̢͉̤̖̹̦̬̮̺̠̜̳͍̲̠̯͖͙̝̪̣̩̘̞̟͎̺͓͍̼͔̳̱̟̳̲͕̳̙̣͙̩͊̈́́̒͗͋͒͘͜͝ͅͅó̸̧̢̰̤̣̖͕̼͕̠̟͔̣̗̰̳͈͙̉̆̀̉̅͂̆̎̿̃̃̍̏̅̀͋̾̏͂̒̆͘͘͝͝͝͝͝m̵̧̢̧̛̛̟̖̭̟̰̫̗̻̩̣̯͉͍̮̯̬̠̪̲̣̯̞̱͓̳̹͔̖̟̣̝̩͚͖͕͚͍̲͖̭̦͙͎͒̆̍̔̈̋̍͆͐̔̀̊̏̈́̍̃̀́̾̋̌̀̍̓͛̆̄̀͋̋͆̉͐͋̐͋̿́̈̎̐̎̕͜͝ë̶̢̨̨̨͕̭̰̲̭̲̲̜͔̼̼͕͕͓̪͔͍͕͉̜̜̪̣͉̪͓͉͈̮̻͍̜͇̱̙͇̤̳́̀̿͆̿̈́̇̐̈͂́́͛͗͌̆͌͌̇̒͂̈́́̈́̉̇͗͆͊̽̓̑͑͐͑͋̈͋̾̔͘͘̚̕͠͝ͅͅở̶̢̧͙̪̻͉̮͇̖̊̈́̿̌̒̈̂̈̈́̓̈́̏̐̂̌̔̿͂̈́́͗̒̆̑͛̍̽̾̍͘͝͝͠͝n̷̟̪̙͎̘͔̙͕̙̹͍̙͔̺̳̮͎͇̹͉͕͓͕̳̣̬͙̥̺̘͗́̎͠͝ͅę̵̨̢̡̡̡̠̘͙͓͍̠̳̹͎̩͚̤̼͚̝̠̜̬̳̜͖̤̝̱̺̘̺̖͚̺͌́̐̈̂̽̔͗̿͛̐̍̚͝ͅ ̷̢̡̛̼͍̭̯͈̳̱̰̞͍̱̦͔͓̯̹̮̗̬̻̗͓̯̜̹̗̙̳̭̫̟̖̣͆́̓̌̿͆́̓͒̃͆͑͌̊̆̄͌̌̊̄̑͆̀͑̿̑̑͗̎̒͘̕͝͝͝ͅẁ̶̡̡̦̦̗͉͍̩̮̫̠̖̖̦͈̭̎͂̈́́̂͆͐̌̌͛͊͑̓̓̽̈́̑͐̀̎̊̈͑̓̈́̃͌̈́́̐̑̃̋͊̓̀͛̆̿̕̕͝͠͠h̶̢̧̢̧̬̺͚̱̻̬͍̹̦̱̗̻̤̳̱̮̗̱͕̫̗̜̱̬̞͇̭̖̼͚̫̻́̓̈́͛̎̈͆̎͒̅̿͜ͅͅơ̷̦̱̳̬͉̺̖̠̼͇͖̹̤̟̝̟͚͇̹̞͌̃͌̅̈́̍͂̋̒͗̈͛̄̾́͋̋́̂̇̉̽̌́̇͑̈̀̿̀͗̀̉̚͝͝ ̴̢̧̢̡͍̤̬̫̲̜͚̼̜̻͖̥̝̪͓̪̝̜̟̖̯̬͇͓̪̯̻͚̫͓͇͈͈̪̩̳̯̞̰̣͓͕͇̄̊͜w̷̨̨̩̳̖̰̺̘̭̥̼̟͖͔̩̭͕̗̦͉̘̫̼̔̂̿̈́͜ͅą̷̗̣̣̱̹̜͚͕̦̣̱̱̼̞̠̥͇͇̩͙̦̝͇͉̿̈́̈́͗̆̆ͅs̴̨̧̛̛͍̺̣͇̹̺̝̠̪̲̥͚͚̯̝̲͍͔̈́̐̀͗̒͆̐̐̇̈́͐̇̏̅̀̎̓̄̎̆͗̀̀̏̀̓̓̓̆͒̑̈́̈̂͜͝͠͠͝͠ņ̴̧͖̣̩̟̯͍̬̝͇͓̩̫͓̳̘͓̣̯̟͕̠̳̬̖͉̼̮͔͕̰̦̄̓̑̎͊̊̏̏̓͐̈͌̌́̑̌̓̊̿̐̈́̀̓̋̈́̐͘͝ͅ’̴̡̨̛͓̝̘̤̗̯̻̤̹̺̝̗͖̀̅̋̂̈́̄̈́́̀́͌̄̉̾́̂͗̂̑͂̈́̑̈̏͋̀̄́̇̌̾͒͐̇̑͘̕͝͝͠t̸̢̨̢̻̖̬̟̹̘͚͖̞̟̟̤̮̮̟̯̥̻̜̰͉̼̫͕̼͉̘̜̦̾̽̈́͌̆͐̄́̋̔̿͛͋̄̚͘͜͜͝͝ͅͅ ̷̛̥̞̺̝̞͚͇̹̝͕̬͚͎͑̃̓̔̑̀̑̿̈́̈́̈́̊͒̀̋̅́̎̋̔͋͆̏͂̆̓̊̓̆̀͂̊̄̔̿͆͂͘͝͝͝ȩ̷̡̧̨̛͇̪̤̳̟͎̙̪̱̟͕͎̬͚̜͍̖̩̠̰̗̱̫͎͔̤̣̩̻̯͌̔̅͂̄̽̑̈̃̆̚̚͜͜v̸̡̡̧̥̮̯͍̪̞̲̞̬͔̱̪̟̳̜͈̰̼͉̞͖̲̱͕̩̙̩̞̤̻̫͔̯̖̲̦̦͈̳̮̹̠͇̙̌̉̀̇͐̈́̂́́̐͊͛͗͑̅̎͌͛͗̓̋͒͛̏͝͝è̵̡̢̡̨̢̡̫̞̖̼̙̳̝͎̦̪̫̰̘̹̟͖̞̱̗͈̣̫̦͓̩̝̪͓̣̱̥̌̀̾n̵̡̡̨̢̡̛̖̥̹̠̜͔̲̫̮̭͖̟̝͔̪͇̹̞̰̯̫̱̞̩̘̫̥̖̩̣̙͚͎̻͓̹̐̏̾͒̐̌̇̋͌̉̊̽̅̍̿͋̉̄̍͊̅́̎̀̐̂̋̀̈́͐̏͒̎͒̀̆̊͘͜͝͠͠ ̸̢̨̢̭̜̦̜̻̘̪̘̭͙̩̤̙̻̥̣̻̝̮͓̜̤̻̟͇͓̠̈́̍̈́̈́͛͛͒͌̽̌̅̏̇̅̓͂̂̍̒̎̍̃̃̃͂͒̆̄͋̑̓͌̅̚̚ͅͅb̵̢̧̢̧̡̢̗̤̗̫͍͓̺͓̥̰̜̳̻͉̤̩͙͖͖̩̹̫̰̣̖͎͖̭̘̜̤̳̠̠̠̺̣̭͆́̈́̅́̉̑̌̏͂̾̀̐̽̋̍̚̚͜͜ǫ̴̛̭̭̼͕̣͚̪̥̝̻̬̻̙̺͍̱̦͇̥̯͖̗̭̣̭̪͚͉̒̒̀́̋͐̈́́̓̋̓͗̎͌̐͒͋̾̊̏̏͐̕̚͜͠͝͝ŕ̴̢̨̨̨̪̜̦͍̜̟̜̤̞͖̫̟̹̻̻͓͇͖̫͉̤̜̟̳̩̳̯̼͔̠̻͇͓̣͎̀́̂̈́͜ṉ̴̢̫̗̦̞̜̺̘͆̈̐͊̉͒̓̍͛́̌̕͜͠͠͝͝ ̷̛̛͉̐͐̉̎̍̂̑̍̔̀͗͐̃̇̏̑̆͛͛͌̉͛̑̄̓͌̃͊̿̃̂̀͑͑͌͒̀͗̕̚̚̕̕͘͠͝i̵̧̢̢̹̲͔̥̯̲̬̱̙̗̘̺̯͔̖̜̞̳͇̗̩͚͔̤̤̙̭̠̾̆̅̀̎͗̆͒̏̂͗̓̓͆͊͛̎̈͌̋͊̔̀͂̏͂̓̕̕̚ͅn̴̢̛̯̞̗͇̭̫̺͖̼̈͆͌͂͆̂̊̎͑̓̂͛̄́̔͠͝t̴̨̧̧̖̦̼̖̣̹̲͎̬̬̙͕̺̟̣̭͓̜̞̗̻͈̗̼̙̣͕̮̳̞͍̲́̓̓̉͗̓̓͂̉̍̓͘͘͘͜͜o̴̡̡̢̡͈̳̜͙̦̬̲͍̠̖̜̤̠̙̬̬͖̞̣͈͉̖̹̿̊̏͌̐̄̎̐͂̈́̓̈́́͜͝ͅͅ ̸̧̛͉̹͈͕̥͉̘̗̬̞͈͖̝̜̝̬͔͓̻̩͔̖͖͔͍̞̻̖̩̤̗͉͔̝͈͈̮͉̼̭̜͗̾͒̆̀̾̈́͌̋͑̿͗͊̔̂̓̇̑̓̔̉͐́̀̀̈́̓͌͛̈͐͆̃̕͜͝͝͠͠ͅͅt̴̡̬̩̗͔̖͎̬̺̞̪̘̜̯̩̹̩͚̮̠͉͖̭͇̟̣̹̦͎͖̣̜͈̓͌̐͂̓̌̂͌́̊̈́͌̅͛̕̕͘̚͜͜͝ͅh̶̛̯͎̤̥͕͖̩̣̬̦͔͚̠̥̤̭̲͓̜̹̰͓̻͓̟̦̗̫̻͔͍͚̜͙̟͖̪͉̗̦̬͕̖̝̱͛̌̽̉̈́̒̀͒̔̊̅̅͋͑̉̔͂̄̃͛̐̋̌̎̿́͒̐͋͋͋̌́̅͝͝͝͠͝ͅȩ̵͍̻̻̈́̅̌͌̊̌̎̔̑̇̿̓̔͒͗̄͛́̿̽͗̏̑̏̎̍̽͑̏̃̆̊͊̽̿͛̋̐͌́̇͛͘̕̚ ̴̡̬̖̹̥̠͖̺̻̠͇̅̔̾̽̄̈́̇͌́͒̾̂̓̉͂̋̉̔͂̈́́͠͝c̴̨̡̡̘͍̣̞̻͍͍͖̱͓̼̤̩̟̳̣̠͉̯͎̰͔̹͍̩̲͕̩̤͔̼̋͜͝ͅơ̸̧̪̰̫̳͖͎͇̤͎̭̰̖̰̝̯̘͕̮̞̯̯͙͙̩͈͗̃̏̋͆̇̆̀́̾̎̑̈́́̚̚̚̕͠ư̷̢̩̖͈̝͚̞̬̜̜̬͓̙͙̳͕͙̠̪̠̹͎͉̭̠̪͎̄̉̍̽̊͊̀͐̑̌̎͒̄̐̉͑̑̂̀̑̃̉̿̅̒̄̐̿̕̕͝͠ͅͅͅͅn̸̢̢̤̞̭̺̰̻̙̭͍̮̠̙̼̭̜͇̞̟͚͙̉̔͐̌͌͠c̶̡̢̹͔̬̗̝̤̬̞̪̱̼̝̫̖͍͓̣̠̻͖̱̤͐̓̋͠i̷̢̡̜͈͓̹͚̗̲̺̯̱̠̲̜̰̾͋͆͐̀̐̾͗̀̾̀̇̌̈̓̅̔̌͂͊̿̀̇̔̋̇͘͘̚͜͝l̶̨̡̨̧̛͇̙̳͍̱̹̯̳̹̤̙̫͈͓͎̘͈̼͙̮͔̘̣̠̦͙̳͕̰̩̰̞̞̮̫̘̬̅͒̆̿̎̒̄͆̔͒̋̐͛̎͘͜͝͝͝’̸̙̙̣̼͙̼̞͙͎̪̿͗̇̏̀̄̉͋͐̽̓̿̌̿́͌̈́̉̐͌̔́̌̍̇̂͛͆̈́̀̄̃̃̐͠͝͝s̷͉̰̰͓̖̗̤͚̯̜͎͐̾̾̂͂̅̅̀͊̈̕ͅ ̵̧̧̨͚̳̟̞͙̹̞̪̘̝̠̲̭̣͖͕̘͍͙͇̬͈͕͎̯̙̊͑̀̒̐͐̉̍̊̍̓̌̏͑̿͑͑̆̆̀͛̑̔̿̿̅͊͛̐̂̄̎͛̈̌͗̚̚̚͜͠b̶̛̬̅̈́̽͑̋̿͌̀͛͗́͗͒̈́͆́̌̌̓͊̈́̊̇͊̏̏̔͘͘͝͠ļ̶̨̭͕̺̗̜͖̫͍͔̝̹̪̜̺̠̞͛̒̍̓̓̓̀̓̕ǫ̷̮͉͎̠̹̤͈̜̜͔̣̲͖̝̘̼̩͍̩̹̖̞̤̩͙͉̩̤͕̯̞͕̝͒͒̐̂̅̉̏́͂̆͆̂̆͗̿́̒͒̄̄̾̐́̅̀́͊̐̍̅̅͛̄͐͋̇͂̄͘̕͜͠͝ơ̷̧̡̖̘̠͓̳͓̮͓̥̑̆̃͆̌̑͂͊͛̌͒̐̊̐̀̂͌̿̽̉̊̂̕̚̚̕͘ḍ̶̢̨̧̹̦̺̖͙͉̙͎̫̮̳̙̰͙̦̮̩̰̳͎̟͓͇͇̹̮͎̦̱̲̦̱̝̮̎̈́̿̀̌̈́̉́͛̊̀͆̐̃́͆͂͂̀̈̀̚͘͠ͅļ̸̧̥͈̙͉̞̥̺͉͚̩̟̟̼̯̘̲̖̱̲̝̤̪̙̬̗̟̪̬͖͔͖͓͈͚̤̟̙̣̤̳̔̋̑͌̈͋́͛̒́͗͌͋̅͆͛̀͋̆̐̀͌͐͆̔͑̇͂͌̅̄̎͗̆̕͜͠͝͝͠͝͝͠i̷̱͍̬͚̫̬͉͚͙͊̽̋̈́̄̊̕ͅn̴̛̛͖̪̫͎̮̞̺͕̺͙͙̭͔̼̞̯͖̜̍̃͒̾̄̑̅̊̃͒̾̆̒́̓̍̆̎̈́͋͛̂̈́̐͌́̾͑̀̋͋͛̏̿͒̃͐͛̐̄̕̚͝͝͠͝ͅe!”
Youngho goes on another laughing spree as Raiden’s aura grows once again. You hear him sigh, the glow around him calming slightly once he does before he says, “Yes, sure, that maybe the truth, But we were both sent away, weren’t we? And what were you sent away for? Betrayal. You took not only the Xanthe tree’s power but also stole the powers of the rest of the village, for your own personal gain,” Raiden says, “And so the Xanthe tree deemed you unworthy, and then selected me as it’s new heir.”
“Which, guess what Youngho?,” Raiden says, a smug smile donning his face, “She’s my Xenia, not yours. You no longer hold the key to her heart nor the Xanthe tree’s power.” Youngho’s smug face disappears, instead being replaced by a solemn one. 
“That may be true Seungwoo,” Youngho says, looking Raiden dead in the eyes so that way he wouldn’t detect him starting to outstretch his hands, “But that doesn’t mean I can’t do everything I can to capture that away from you.”
“TAKE THIS B̸̢̧̧̡̡̥̬̥͈͓̭̼͍̜͕̣̙͍͔͈̘͙̝̮͓̪͎̻̦̳͖̣̠̯̟̝̱̑̏͂̌̏͑́̋͌̒̆͌͐́̋̔̏̿̈́͛͊̀͆̎͌̽̌̿̃͂̓̂̇̆̐̑͋͒͊̌̓͋̒̽́͐̋͋̌́̅̇̀͗͆̌͆͂̍̃̕̕͘̕͜͠͠͠ͅR̵̛̼̥͕̖̻̘͍̙̹͍̺̗̺̱̺͕̰̺̼̪̘̩̖̼̖̓͐̌̓̇́̍̾̋̋̓̐̋̆̈́̑̾̓̽̋͒̀̉̈́̏̅͑͝͠͠͠ͅͅÓ̴͎̦͓̹̦͈͉̰̱̱̻̜͖̀̅̋̃̂̐̎͒̈́͛͒͑͐̊̌̏̽̒̔̈͑͆͐̚͠͠Ţ̸̢̢̢͇̲͎̫̦͎̼̰͕̜͖̝͉̪̳̫̞͚̥̤̜̫̜̬͉͕̰͚̤̼̱̩̰̥͓̬̩̭̙̟̪͈̳̻̦̼̫̭͙̫̦̝͎̤͎͙̩͕̝̰̪̤͎̾̊̄͆̈́ͅH̵̨̡̢̛̛̛̯͙͉̣̥͚̹̱̗̱̜̼͙̮͙̬͓̗̖̙̞͑̾͋̑̆͋͐́̉́̀͆́́̾̄͋͗͑͊͗̃͆̉͑̆͑̓͋̍̓͌̏̄̇̋͛͂̎̀̍̀̎̓̀̉̿̾̐̌̓̎̄̄̈́̽̍̂̅̾̈́͆̔͋̀̔̽̿͘̕̚͘͝͝͝Ȩ̴̛͈̻̰̗͇̜̟͎̠̫̺̮͙̩̫̪͓̻̘͔͉̫̰̫̃̋͐̔̋͂̌̇̇̉̔͝͝͠͝Ṟ̷̢̢͇̯̤̼̺̟̟̹̱͉̣͕̰̞̟̜̹̝͈̲͙͙͔͉̤̦̤̮̪̳̖̝̟̠͇̦̣̭̜̯͉̪̳̟͕̬̰͓̳̗͙̯̜̪̼͉̹͎͉̬̮̰͍̜͚͍͌̈́̇͐͜ͅͅͅ!,” he screams, his magic aiming right at you once again. This time, it tears right through your soul, hurling you back through your memories again, except this time you flew through them, slamming right back into your physical body.
“Please wake up,” you hear from above you. You’re pretty certain it’s Raiden or is it Seungwoo now? But your head feels like crap and is spinning every which way. You hold your eyes closed as you let your senses return to you one by one.
You could now feel Raiden’s arms supporting you, and you could hear his breathing just slightly. Eventually, you let your eyes start to flutter open, your headache intensifying even more as you did so.
The first thing you perceive is Raiden’s concerned face leaning over you, his eyes widening slightly in relief at the sight of you opening your eyes. However before he can say anything, a wave of dizziness crashes over you, causing you to bring your hand up to his cheek, as you were just trying to find something to hang onto.
His face flushes greatly and before he can ask you what you’re doing, you start to mumble, “Who are you exactly? What do you mean by Xenia? I just wanna go home…” you eventually trail off, your eyes looking up back into his tawny ones a final time before your hand slips off of his cheek and you eyes close once again, putting you into another deep sleep.
Once again, your eyes started to flicker open, and just like last time, you were laying the smaller room of Raiden’s house. Except this time, it was nighttime, and the moonlight flooded in the room. The light globes that hung in each corner each now cradled a small ball of light that also illuminated the room in a mild light.
Even though you were laying down, you could see the little fairy-like orbs that floated outside of the window. But soon enough, your eyes started feeling strained from looking up for so long, so you secured them again, your head once again spinning.
Before you fully fall asleep again, you detect the sound of footsteps entering the room. You knew it was Raiden, as you heard the familiar sound of him sighing. Even with your eyes fastened, you could see his necklace lighting up, causing your bracelet to light up as well, warming your wrist slightly. 
Suddenly, you heard him sniffle, but it sounded more like a crying kind of sniffle than the allergy kind. And that’s when you felt a drop of water hit your face, startling you, and jolting your eyes open. Of course, as soon as they were open, you were looking right into Raiden’s tender brown ones. His eyes widen considerably as soon as he processes that your eyes are open.
He jumps back into the wall, and you sit up, scratching your head and yawning as well. “H-How long have you been awake?,” he asks hesitantly. “Not that long,” you say sheepishly, “I had woken up a few minutes before you came in, but I was just trying to get some more rest.” He nods slowly, definitely relieved. “Sorry for crying on you,” he says simply.
“Why were you crying anyways?” you inquire. He looks away from you shamefully before you, “I think Youngho may have placed a curse on us. And,” he pauses choking on the tears that still remained in his eyes, “And I was fearful that I would never know your name or never get to apologize for the way I handled you all of those nights ago.”
You feel your eyes water slightly and quickly bring your arm up to wipe the tears away before they fall. As your arm falls back down to the floor, you can see Raiden’s tears falling down his face, the tear tracks brightened by the moonlight engulfing the room. “W-we barely know each other,” you say softly, your eyes casting out the window, “So why are you crying about that? I don’t even know what name I should call you by. And I can’t even figure out what you desire from me, someone who was brought here from another world. What could I possibly possess that is so important to you and Youngho too? Who or what is a Xenia? Am I the Xenia? What am I meant to do? I just want to go home-” You clamp your hand over your mouth after realizing you had been rambling, a habit that you’ve never really been able to break. 
“Call me Seungwoo,” he says, “That’s my real name. Raiden is just a name given to me by Elder Xanthe.” He sighs, his eyes landing on your own for once. “Xanthe is your mother, correct?,” you ask, observing how his eyes had suddenly adapted a gentle look onto them. Seungwoo nods, fiddling with his necklace before he says, “Yeah, she is.”
“So, what exactly is this curse that has been placed upon us by Youngho?,” you ask. Seungwoo sighs and says, “We already have one curse placed upon us, actually, besides whatever Youngho has afflicted us with.” Your eyebrows quirk up again, and Seungwoo continues, “My necklace and your bracelet bind us together, as I’ve explained before. However, my necklace was given to me by Xanthe after Youngho was banned from the village. It signifies I am the heir to the Xanthe tree’s power.”
“However, before Youngho was banished forever, he had placed a hex upon the necklace. The curse is said in our native language, which is something only the members of the council, I and Xanthe can speak, so I’ll translate it for you,” he says, taking in a deep breath before he continues, “
On this day that I am led astray
Misfortune will discover the captor of this strand
Prohibit this soul from entering our village so
And gradually convert their soul to darkness
Only a visitor from another world can redeem them
A descendant of our precious Xenia
Will save their lonely soul
But shall they fail to fix the wrong
The word shall bow to despair
A silence fills the room when he finishes, the words echoing through your mind. ‘So essentially, I have to save him from this curse, with no freaking instructions on how to do so,’ you think frantically, ‘And does this mean I’m a descendant of some sort of God? What the hell is going on?’
Your eyes subconsciously shift towards Seungwoo’s again, and once you realize your staring at him, you notice every emotion that he’s trying to repress in his eyes. “Seungwoo…,” you say gently, “Why are you so scared? And sad? Haven’t I come to fix things? Does it have to do with Youngho’s curse?”
Seungwoo huffs quickly, a hesitant smile appearing on his face. “I can’t believe you’re able to read me so well, it’s kinda scary…?,” he trails off, quirking his head at you, and you instantly recognize he’s asking for your name. “Y/n,” you say, smiling slightly. “Y/n.” Seungwoo says firmly, smiling a bit more.
“I know this isn’t pleasant but I haven’t exactly figured out what kind of curse he placed on us, but I can tell it has to do with you being around me,” Seungwoo says thoughtfully, “I think his strategy is to try and divide us so that way he can capture you and either kill you or mind control you.” You shudder at the thought, your mind straying back to the council meeting.
“Raiden clearly already likes you,” Makani starts, “He does not simply bring anyone by to our village that he hasn’t been in for many years. If you were anyone else, he probably would’ve killed you on the spot.”  You open your mouth to ask Seungwoo if what Makani had said was true, but you clamped it shut after recognizing the nature of the question.
Seungwoo, however, notices your grimace you make when you close your mouth and says, “Do you have something you want to ask me y/n?” He leans down towards you slightly, and you swiftly look away from his intense gaze.
“U-uh, well,” you start shakily, “When I-I went to the council meeting with Xanthe, Makani had said that if I hadn’t been who I was, you would’ve killed me on the spot. Is that true?” you finish quietly, the gravity of the question hanging over the two of you. Seungwoo sighs and turns his back from you, choosing instead to look out of the window.
“No, it’s untrue,” Seungwoo says solemnly, “Even if I had tried killing you, the bracelet protects you from my magic. I would’ve figured out that you were my Xenia that way.” He turns halfway back to you, his chest and necklace charm now illuminated by the faint moonlight. “What or who is Xenia anyways? And why am I called that? What’s up with Youngho, what’s his story?”
Seungwoo giggles softly at your words, smiling preciously at you. When he finally looks at you, you notice the faint golden glow radiating from his eyes. “W-what are you doing?,” you ask nervously. “I’m looking through my memories,” Seungwoo says serenely, his golden, tawny eyes panning up towards the ceiling, seemingly looking at nothing, “It’s been a while since everything went down.”
His eyes suddenly fly down and lock right onto yours. A gaze settles between the two of you, and your soul slowly starts to slip from your body. However, before your soul launches into another memory spiral, Seungwoo’s soul shoots out of his body as well, grabbing onto your transparent hands before saying, “Sorry, I should’ve told you what I was doing. Your soul came out of your body a lot faster than I was expecting, though.”
“Soooo,” you start, “What exactly are we doing?” Seungwoo smiles at you and says, “We’re travelling to the past, to obtain the answers you seek.” Your eyes widen, and Seungwoo just smirks in response before clutching your right hand tightly, and blasting off into the sky, the vibrant blue light encasing the two of you just like last time.
However, instead of your souls simply passing over the landscapes to your destination, the two of you are sucked into a portal, picture after picture passing you by. None of them look familiar to you, but you do recognize the people in them. Lei, Feng, Van, Makani, Xanthe, and even Youngho pass by you, and you see little baby versions of Minhee, Dongpyo, Dohyon, Junho, Eunsang, and Hyeongjun.
Soon, the memories start to slow, and an actual setting starts to appear before you. You recognize where you are instantly, the broad branches of the Xanthe tree extending over your heads. However, before anything starts to play out, Seungwoo turns to you and says, “You have to hold my hand the whole time. If you let go, you will be flung into a spiral of history, and I may be unable to retrieve you, essentially rendering your mortal body soulless.”
You shudder, squeezing Seungwoo’s hand tightly. As you look up, he smiles at you softly and says, “I won’t let you go anyways, so don’t be afraid.” You look down slowly, a delicate blush creeping its way onto your face, however, your eyes catch onto some movement.
“Seungwoo, look,” you say quietly, using your other hand to point towards the people who were approaching you. His head immediately turns towards the scene, and his face remains expressionless as the two of you focus on the memory playing before you.
Once the figures are close enough, you identify Xanthe and a guy that resembles Seungyoun very closely. ‘Must be his father or older brother,’ you think before focusing on the scene again. “What do you mean you’ve seen a vision where Youngho is no longer the heir? He is your son Xanthe!”
“I am aware Youngchul,” Xanthe says calmly, “But he will betray us in the months to come. Seungwoo will take his place.” Youngchul’s eyes widen again, and he paces forward so he is walking backwards in front of Elder Xanthe. “Seungwoo, Youngho’s twin brother? Your other son who is nowhere near as strong as Youngho?”
Xanthe merely nods, leaving Youngchul standing in shock for some reason. You take a brief glance up at Seungwoo and you notice his face is stoic, but you can see the hurt behind his eyes. Something jabs at your heart, and you force yourself to look away from him.
Seungwoo suddenly steps forward, guiding your bodies towards where they were going. “This can’t be true Xanthe!,” Youngchul exclaims, finally catching back up to Xanthe, “It’s Youngho’s destiny to lead us.” Xanthe shakes her head solemnly, “It is no longer his destiny, Youngchul, he is going to betray us for the Empire.”
At that notion, a foul atmosphere closes between the two of them. Youngchul’s eyes darken, and he lets out a simple sigh. “I’ll trust you Xanthe, but that doesn’t mean I don’t harbour doubts,” Youngchul states simply, “Seungwoo isn’t fit to take the Xanthe tree’s power. We all witnessed it. Only Youngchul could take it, he was the first born of your twins afterall-”
“Youngchul,” Xanthe says sternly, silencing him, “Aren’t you having your first son soon?” Youngchul cocks his head at her but says, “Yeah, in a few months, why?” Xanthe looks up, a thin layer of clouds slowly surrounding them before a light drizzle of rain started to fall.
“How would you feel if you had to banish your own son?,” Xanthe says solemnly, and you swear you could hear regret in her voice. Youngchul’s face pales, and a gust violently explodes past the two of them, even shaking yours and Seungwoo’s souls a bit. “I understand now, Xanthe,” Youngchul says, “What do you require me to do?” However, Xanthe provides no reply and simply walks towards the Xanthe tree which has now appeared on the horizon.
Before you can express anything to Seungwoo, the two of you are once again launched into another time chamber, this one passing by much quicker. However, once you arrive, an event is already taking place. You recognize the village, but your mind finally processes the fact that it is burning.
You hear a sniffle from above you, and you see a singular tear roll down Seungwoo’s face. Knowing you couldn’t do much right now, you simply squeezed his hand. Focusing your eyes back onto the village, you realize you can’t smell the smoke coming from the fires, nor is it burning your eyes.
A familiar yellow aura rises up in front of you, and you know from the subtle pounding of your heart that it’s Seungwoo. He looks only slightly younger, and his eyes are filled to the brim with rage, just like they were when he fought Youngho the other night.
Speaking of Youngho, a deep red aura shoots up from the flames and directs itself right at Seungwoo. However, before he can cause any damage. Seungwoo charges up his fist and slams into Youngho’s rushing body.
It seemingly does nothing, as your eyes spend the next five minutes darting around the sky as the two of them fly around and battle. However, after Seungwoo lands a notably severe blow on Youngho, the two of them stop, almost as if the catch their breath. 
The two of them remain floating in the air, merely holding an intense, fiery gaze between them. “Stand down brother!,” Seungwoo exclaims, his voice echoing through the forest. Youngho’s eyes light up, a deep crimson hue filling his irises. A large, gloomy cloud cover appears over you in a moment’s notice. Yellow and red thunder flashes throughout, depending on where you looked.
Seungwoo’s grip on your hand is firm, and you can tell he definitely wasn’t expecting to relive this memory, nor did he want to. Youngho’s signature laugh suddenly rings out, filling out the empty silence that had been present only moments ago. “And what makes you think I’ll do that? I already have everything I need and want for my plan to pan out, and not even you or Xanthe can stop me now!”
His voice booms outward, almost if he had a megaphone. Seungwoo flinches at his words, a dark look crossing his face. “That’s what you want to believe Youngho,” Seungwoo says sternly, “But you’re too blind to reallize that Xanthe’s known what you’ve been up to for a long time. You didn’t forget she has visions, right?”
Youngho’s face pales, and he takes in a deep breath. “Give it up Youngho! You’ll never ever accomplish what you want,” Seungwoo exclaims, extending out his hand which starts to glow a vivid yellow. Youngho charges forward, thrusting his palm into Seungwoo’s, immediately sending a red blast of power through his hand, knocking Seungwoo back.
Seungwoo looks down to make sure he’s still grasping your hand, before launching forward in the direction that the vision Seungwoo went. Before Seungwoo lands or the two of you catch up to him, you already see exactly where Seungwoo is going to land.
The Xanthe tree.
Despite all of the trees around it burning, the Xanthe tree simply adopted a scarlet look to its leaves. As Seungwoo stops the two of you, the vision Seungwoo slams into the base of the Xanthe tree, causing a yellow ripple to go up the Xanthe tree’s bark, the leaves even flashing gold for a second before returning to the deep scarlet color.
Youngho slams down onto the ground in front of Seungwoo, and the light radiating from his ruby aura enables you to see Seungwoo more clearly. There’s a drip of blood running down from the top of his face, and you can see the numerous bruises that coat his chest and arms. “Ya know Seungwoo,” Youngho starts, “You’re also an idiot… thinking you could persuade me to stand down like that.”
He steps forward, stomping his left foot right onto Seungwoo’s face. This shoves the back of his head right into the Xanthe tree, making Seungwoo cry out in pain. “Look at you now, you’re so weak, even just from one blast of my power.”
“Xanthe’s a damned fool if she thinks you can take my place,” Youngho says, rapidly shooting a piece of spit right next to Seungwoo’s face. Suddenly, Seungwoo’s hand lurches up, grabbing Youngho’s ankle. He then grips it even tighter, and pushes Youngho’s foot off of his face.
Youngho stumbles back a bit, surprised by Seungwoo’s suddent actions. “Ah, so you do have a bit of fight left in you,” Youngho states, finally showing off his signature smirk, “We’ll just see how long that lasts.” He darts forward again, directing his fist right at Seungwoo’s face. 
Seungwoo simply casts his left arm outward, sending out a small lightning wave that knocks Youngho back a few feet. He finally stands up and faces the Xanthe tree before Youngho has recovered from the blow. 
He gently presses both of his palms into the tree and starts chanting in a language you can’t understand. Youngho stands up about 30 seconds after Seungwoo starts and his eyes widen considerably once he realizes what Seungwoo’s doing. 
Youngho rushes forward in the blink of an eye, but a significant rumble from the earth knocks him back once again. A powerful aura is eminating from around Seungwoo, and bolts of lightning are shooting out from the golden glow that’s fixated itself back around his body.
Seungwoo flashes his hand forwards and large gust of wind sweeps from it, somehow managing to extinguish all of the fires ravaging through the village. When Youngho finally stands up, his crimson eyes fade to brown, and his face pales once he sees Seungwoo flying high above. 
“I’m sorry Youngho,” Seungwoo says solemnly, carefully starting to float back to the ground, “I couldn’t allow you to take advantage of our people and mother’s magic like that.” As he finally lands on the ground, the intense yellow glow around him fades, and Seungwoo extends his hand out to Youngho. “Take my hand brother, and promise that you will never do something like this again… and I will not banish you. Choose wisely.”
A silence occupies the space between them, and a force moves you downwards so that way the two of you are standing pretty much in between them. Youngho jumps himself off of the ground, and sets his hand in Seungwoo’s, however, not before he charges up a bright ball of light. He slams his hand into Seungwoo’s, most likely expecting the magic to rip through his body.
However, it does nothing, and the light dissipates rapidly. Seungwoo’s face darkens once again, and he says softly, “I’m sorry brother.” A golden glow starts glowing from the hand that is currently grasping Youngho’s. Youngho seemingly realizes what is going on and frantically tries to pull his hand out of Seungwoo’s grasp.
However, once he realizes he can’t pull his hand away, he resorts to shouting pleas. “Seungwoo, please don’t do this! I know I should’ve listened to you. I still have time to right my wrongs! Please, please, please don’t do this to me!” Seungwoo clearly considers him for a second before saying, “You’re lying.”
The world freezes, if only for an instant and everything in about a 50 foot radius of Seungwoo have seemingly disappeared, including Youngho. After the dust settles, Seungwoo simply turns around, heading back towards the village. The mysterious force pulls the two of you alongside him, and you can see the almost shock-like expression laid upon Seungwoo’s face. 
As soon as he walks back into the clearing of the village, you can see Xanthe waiting along with Youngchul, Feng, a very young-looking Van, a woman who must be Makani and Dohyon’s mother as Makani is right next to her, and a girl who also looks to be about Seungwoo and Youngho’s age.
Seungwoo, who had been showing zero emotion thus far, stumbles over to Xanthe, falling into her surprised embrace, “I-I-I,” he starts to sob out, “I banished him mother, I banished my brother!” He falls to the ground, continuing to sob there. Everyone who’s standing in front of him adopts a solemn and rage-filled expression onto their face. 
‘I can’t even imagine how upset they must be that the future leader to their people betrayed them like this,’ you think, taking another brief glance up at Seungwoo’s face. His eyes are tear-filled, and you can see he regrets banishing Youngho with pretty much his entire being. You squeeze his hand, causing him to look down at you, his expression changing slightly to show a bit of surprise.
You smile up at him sweetly, and Seungwoo doesn’t look away from you, even as you look back down at the scene. Naturally, he’s still in shock from reliving that memory, but once he realizes, a shy, pink blush crawls onto his cheeks. He shakes his head, trying to get rid of it, but your kindness touches him.
Anyways, Xanthe doesn’t say anything, but you can tell she is deeply troubled by this. “You shouldn’t have been able to do that. You have nowhere near enough power to banish Youngho like that.” Seungwoo stops crying for a second and stutters out, “I withdrew some of the Xanthe tree’s p-power. I’m s-sorry.” Xanthe’s face dawns in realization and she says, “Ahh, that’s why this was returned to me.”
Her hand lights up in a pale white glow and Seungwoo’s necklace suddenly appears in her palm. “You should have this my son, it will contain the Xanthe tree’s power until you are actually ready to possess it.” Xanthe steps forward to give Seungwoo the necklace but she is interrupted by a shrill cry. “Did you really banish Youngho, Seungwoo?,” the girl who looks about their age cries out, “How could you just do that without thinking? You’re such a heartless monster Seungwoo!”
“Tomoko, I gave him a chance, many, I swear-,” Seungwoo starts, but she marches right up to him and places the tip of her pointer finger right on his chest, digging her fingernail into his skin slightly. “I’m not standing by this if this ruthless monster is our future ruler. I should’ve just joined Youngho when the empire offered us power. I’m such a fool!”
She removes her finger from Seungwoo’s chest, and a large root grows from the ground underneath her. It quickly grows, propelling her beyond the horizon before anyone even has a chance to halt her. Once she had gotten far enough away, the root had started vanishing. Xanthe had simply sighed and stepped forwards to give Seungwoo the necklace again. She places it in Seungwoo’s hands and says, “When you place it around your neck, it will take all of your powers except for the ones you were born with.”
“Do not take it off until you can confirm you are ready for its power. This is not something to take lightly Seungwoo,” Xanthe says, and you watch as Seungwoo visibly gulps. Nonetheless, he shakily slips the necklace over his head, and his eyes go wide as soon as he sees the massive ball of magic that starts emerging from him. Soon enough, only a trickle of magic is coming out of Seungwoo, and the magic ball suddenly sucks itself into the necklace, disappearing in only a few seconds.
Seungwoo’s eyes are still wide from shock again, and he says, “Things are happening too quickly Xanthe, I-I don’t think I can stay here.” Without hearing her or anyone else’s reply, he zooms off in the direction of what you know will become his future home.
But just as you see Elder Xanthe fall to her knees, the two of you are whipped into a time vortex once again, flying through more memories. It takes a while to reach where it was sending you next, but once you arrive, you immediately observe how the village houses are still in construction and as the force guides you to the location of the Xanthe tree, you see zero of its familiar expansive branches. 
As you enter the clearing, you see a middle-aged woman digging a hole in the soil. She stands up, quickly dusting her hands off before turning around to observe the clearing. “I know Elder Lastias tasked me with planting this tree…,” she says, trailing off, allowing you to get a proper look at her face. ‘She looks familiar… but where or why would I have seen her before? That doesn’t make any sense.’
“Shouldn’t he just ask Xanthe? She is his daughter after all,” the girl says, “But even if I said that, he merely would give me the ‘it’s your destiny Xenia’ crap. Oh well, I suppose I’ll never understand the village folk. I am from the Empire after all.” You and Seungwoo immediately look at each other, stunned. 
You knew you were both thinking something along the lines of, ‘That’s Xenia… and she’s from the Empire?! She’s also not the daughter of the Elder, meaning she’s not the heir to the Xanthe tree’s power… then why is she the Princess??’
The two of you immediately glance back down at her, wondering what’s going to happen next. “I suppose I should just get along with planting this tree thingy,” she says, “But what’s the point, it’s not going to mean anything to me and it’s getting me nowhere close to gaining Okliven as our allies.”
“Plus what if something happens to me?,” she questions, “I won’t be able to go on any more adventures with Xanthe, or even have a moment of free time, cause I’m returning to the palace once again,” she continues, her face displaying dismay at the thought of returning home, “And I’ll have to be Princess Xenia once again, all prim and proper.”
She slowly falls to her knees again, opening her palm to reveal a glowing, golden seed, probably about 3 inches in length. Without dwelling on it any longer, she flings the seed into the hole she dug and shoves the excess dirt back over the hole, sealing it closed.
After sitting there for a few seconds, she stands up and turns around, starting to take a few strides from where the seed was planted before saying, “I was really expecting more from that honestly, like-”
Just as she was about to finish her sentence, a massive outpouring of power started emerging from where the seed was planted. She whips back around quickly, bracing herself against the force of the power. It slowly starts calming down, until only a soft wind is coming off of the area. 
She walks back over to the spot, and all of you observe how the ground there is glowing. Xenia slowly reaches out her hand, and softly touches the glowing dot in the grass. A small white spiral starts to expand from the spot where she touched, and she quickly stands up as it starts to expand. “What the…,” she mutters, “What is this?” Even though the border of the void is nearing her feet, she leans in over the edge anyways, trying to see if she can see anything in it. 
Just as she is about to step backwards, it expands again, completely taking away the ground that was underneath her feet. Before she fell, however, she turned back at the sound of voices coming from behind her. It was Xanthe and who you assumed to be Elder Lastias, running at full force towards Xenia. Before you could even hear what they were shouting, Xenia fell into the blank void now, not even screaming as she disappeared into the white space, a small lightning bolt charm also following her into the void.
J̵̡̨̪̱̐̍̅̏̈́̕u̵̢̢̞̝͕̝̭̩̙͔̳̤̔̂͌̄̒̉̈́̐͋͐̔́̈͘̚ͅš̵͓̣̞͕͓͍͓̜̭̟̫̄ț̵͔̹͇̹͂ ̶̨̟̮͎͎̲̱͍͊̾̽̋̃̂͗̀͆̕͝͝͠͝͠a̵͕̾͛̊̉̽́͊̇̄̽͐͝s̷̢̗̣̦̫̤̣̗̣̹̹̩̖̑̏̽́̀ ̴̛̬̩͈̣͎̪̥̩͉̮͐̒̒s̶̟̣͍̺͈̞͕̖͈̉̈͋͒̐̅́̐̽̿̓͋͂͜h̷̤̱̥̠̝̫͍̲̕ể̵̞̪̰̂̆̇̚ͅ ̴̪̳̂̄͗͌̉͛͑̊͒͗̆̋̾͘͠i̷̧̛͉̣̘̇̊͒͂͂̌̌̄͘s̵̘̺͎̖͎͙̠̬͈̜̠̳̼͛͐̆́̽̊͂͋͝͠ ̵̠̮͓͎̿́͛͒á̵̧͈̪͈̗̪͍͜b̴̼̻̪̤͛͛͊́͝ö̵̹͈́̐͊̈́̂̿̆́̾́͐͘u̶̝̮͑̒̾̍͑̎͋t̷̢̨̢̛͙̻̞̮̠͚̼͚̪͎̆̈̾͜ ̸͉̙̟̆̀̑͌͗̀̈̉̌́̕̕͜͝t̵̛̰̝̺͎̳̙̓͑̊̾̏̒̑̍̕̕ơ̴͈̹̔̏͒̒ ̷̧͇̃͜s̴̠͖͑̅̈́̆͌̍̇̒͊̈́̀̄͗̄͝ṭ̴̛̛͍͙̥̣̭̳̋̓̌͌̀̾̌̽̕͝͝e̵̡̛̖̊p̷̧̡̪̺͓͎͙͚͖͔̩͖̉ͅ ̴͓̱̒́̽̿̈́̈́̑͘͜͝͝b̴̡̻̺̰͂̏̋̄͊͛̇͆͌̃̀̎͘͝à̷̰̱̰̍͒͋͒͐̂̿̌̚͝͝ͅc̷͎̣͖̔k̸̗̬̭̽̏w̴̩̻͍͉̲͚͊̽̓͐͠a̵̢̬̤͍̼͈̥͔̙͙̯̬͇̩̣͌͝͝r̴̥̞͉̙̈͑̀́͗͋̏̄̀̒ͅd̴̢̙̟̗͙̮͎̝̎͂̽̓̕ͅs̵̼̽̔̆̈́̒̍͂̇͋̌̓͌͠,̴̡͎͍͖̖̮̯̝̱̗̮̉̓̈́͑͝ ̴̛̛̛̼̰̲̞̲̹̫͍̹̍̈́͑͂̅̇̀̄̉͝ĩ̷̧̱͕̪̟͙͙͇̯̈́̓̆̈́͆͌̌̓̀͘ṱ̶̦̜̙̺̻̙͑́͂͒̏́̇͗͘ ̵̢̨͚͙̠̗̱͎̙̲̭̩̹̋̐͐̀̉͐̿̕͜ͅẹ̴̳̳̘͎̞̾̏̆́̐̄͒̉̎͗̈́͗̏̈́̚x̴͖̗͔̣͛̍͗͂̓̈͋̂̋̋̎͘͝͝͠p̴̩̬̥͓̰͆͜ͅa̴̧̺̺̟̲̬͖͎̮̖̔͛͑̏̐̉͗͐̕͘͜ń̴̼̠̦̟̙̗́̋͜d̸̡̺̼͉̺̫̱̫̘͈͚̩̝͛̈́͊̐͘̚͜͝͠s̸̢̛̛͇̟͔̅̓̈́̈̄̅̽͝͝ ̸̯̃̀́̓̐̀̿́́͋͘͠ã̷̧̨͚̲̂̉̾̔͛̊̂̍̄́̎͘g̴̢͙̞̻̭̣̦̙͎̱͂̃͛͝a̷̡̢̦̰͍̣̩͚̮̫͍̥͉͙͓̿̌i̵̢̞͉͕̟̪̲͈̥̱̍̃͌͑͒́̊͂͒̑͑͘͝͝n̸̞̟̝̔̓͊̋̈́ͅ,̸̛̝̫͚͈̾̀̀̇̍̽́͠͝͝ͅ 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̴̹̬̰͔̥̗̜͔̦̭̻̫̻̮͐͋̇̏̄͑̄̓͜͝͝ʇ̷̡̼̦̦̘͍̫̤̦̙̣̞̺̪͍̌̑̅̀̊͛͘̚ǹ̷͉͚̂͜ͅỏ̵̘̤̽̅͛̽͝͝ ̷̨̲̯̠̲̭̦̲̹̲̭̺̗͇͊̇͋̉̄ͅɥ̶̛̗̘̝͍̠̍̌̿͂̏̓̃̀̐̍̑̄̐̕ɔ̵̡̛̝̺̝̫͉̩̫̟͎͇͔̩͍̑͆͐̃̑̓̉͋̽̇ʇ̴̧̥͖̭̝͙̰͎̰̬̦̬̋̂͛̍̈́̐̊̾̚ͅɐ̸̨̜͓̟͗̀̊̎̿̔́͒̅̌̃̀̉͠ʍ
Seungwoo (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (An Evening Dance)
78 notes · View notes
officialleehadan · 5 years
Call the Stars
Hello darlings! It's another of the $5+ prompts! This one is for Brandon, who gave me an amazing concept to work with, but that line, the last line of this story, really hit me in the inspiration. 
Darling, it went a little sideways. I hope you don't mind! I just couldn't put it down once I started! 
“Destroy them. They must not escape.”
Talulah curled her fingers around Grandmother’s braided cedar-bark bracelet and closed her eyes.
The stars around her, suspended in the velvet-black of Space, echoed with the voices that, on Earth, were nothing but the gentlest whispers. Now they screamed, blazing through eternity.  They cried out, begging Talulah to reach, to feel for them, to make real the legends that her nation used to promise were true so long ago.
The computer clicked off, the sound of the intercepted message loud even to Talulah’s overwhelmed mind.
But she was not the only person listening. 
“We have missiles incoming!” Yaz cried from her station, hands flying over the controls. She could fly anything, form crop duster to spaceship, and was crazy to boot. Beside her Greta worked to raise their pathetic shields, but they were a research vessel, one of Humanity’s first attempts to escape their own solar system on unsteady new engines. The shields were honestly just a joke, added on by some engineer with a dark sense of humor.
The grand, silver-white ship that had, until now, hidden behind Jupiter’s moon, Io, was not a joke. 
With all of humanity counting on them, with all of humanity watching, their ship coasted blithely into Jupiter airspace, counting on the planet’s gravity to help them onward. 
But the ship, the silver-white ship that glided through space like a hunting seal through dark water, was coming for them. Missiles burst outwards from the hull, as countless as fireflies on a warm spring night, all aimed at one tiny human ship with no weapons and shields made for deflecting space gravel. 
But Talulah had the stars in her ears, and Grandmother’s stories in her heart. 
‘Call for us’ they whispered to her, flavored of distant suns, ready to answer her call. “Use us.”
Without knowing what she did or why, Talulah reached for the stars beyond the silver-white ship and let herself fall into the embrace of the sun which, even now, shone warm through the viewports at her back. 
The stars answered. 
With a beat like Grandmother’s deer-skin drum, pounding like a heartbeat and dancing with feathers, power glided through her hands like a heavy serpent. Horns scraped over her fingers, and when she opened her eyes, every inch of her skin was glowing yellow-gold from within. Fireflies of her own darted around the ship in a cloud that flared to life, a thousandfold and a thousandfold more.
The stars had come to her. With their life-song in her heart, Talulah began to dance, feet finding the steps that Grandmother used to dance before her bones grew too old, and she took up the drum instead, counting the measure.
Talulah could hear her now, could hear the drums echoing off the stars.
When her feet came down on the final, defiant stomp, the stars who came to dance with her to Grandmother’s drum exploded outward in the shape of two magnificent birds whose wingspan was wider even than the silver-white ship. 
Together they flew into the missiles that even now bore down on Talulah. 
The first bird, who left great distortions in the stars as her wings beat, mantled and screamed a soundless cry that shook the ship around Talulah with thunder. The missiles broke on her great wings, and she screamed again, the roll of a storm unlike any Earth would ever see. But as grand as she was, as far as her cry spread, some of the missiles shot past her, spread too wide for her golden feathers to catch.
But her mate, smaller and sleeker, and so fast he left trails of ionized lightning behind him, was there. He crackled around his mate, so fast that his starlit wings, silver and blue against the great black, seemed to vanish, before his talons took the missiles out of the sky with a delicacy Talulah would never expect. 
But the drumbeat of her heart was fading, and the silver-white ship was not ready to back down. 
Great bolts of light shot out from the bow, too fast even for Talulah’s spirit birds, who tried to block the attack on their wings.
Suddenly Yaz was there, singing an old, old song in her native Turkish. Her eyes were full of light, and Talulah knew suddenly that she could hear the stars too. That her ancestors were with her, and that Yaz trusted them to guide her. 
Grandmother’s drum thundered in Talulah’s ears, now in time with the ancient song that rumbled through Yaz’s lilting voice. 
This time, when the stars answered, it was to a different song than Grandmother’s. It was to a song that tasted of hot wind across desert rocks and rumbled like stone grinding one upon another. 
This time, when the stars answered, it was Yaz who glowed, red and gold as light grew in her heart and bloomed up her throat to form the writing of her ancestors. A tale so old that there was no translation to be had. 
This time when the stars answered, they formed giants, as steady as the great mountains they once carved apart to build a long-ago fortress. 
When they joined hands, a wall rose up around them, built of star-lined stone and as unmovable as Fate.
The great beams of light broke on the wall, soundless fireworks that could not burn through a wall of living starlight.
But the silver-white ship was not defeated. Talulah’s birds swirled around the giants, protective. The giants stood, linked into a steadfast wall, but neither they nor Talulah’s birds were born of war. 
And the silver-white ship would not back down while they yet lived.
It wasn’t until Greta’s voice came, her higher voice a harmony to Yaz even though the song she sang was in a different tongue and of a different legend. She joined Talulah, feet pounding to the same heartbeat that set the time to song and dance. 
But when the stars came to her, it was the deep silver-blue of crashing waves. Although Talulah did not know her song, could not know her legends, she felt the sweep of power flow thorough Greta’s blood.
When the stars came to Greta, it was not the roll of thunder, or the strength of stone. 
It was the ancient fear and blessing together. The monster that waited in the Unknown. The tide that tore apart ships caught too early or too late in its jaws. It was the promise of fish, but the threat of a terrible death. 
Blue light, turbulent and silver-blue burst off Greta’s skin, and a monster answered her call. 
Tentacles crept out of the deepest black, lined by turbulent blue-white and born of terror raw and primal. It was the creep of something in the water, just out of sight under the boat. Of teeth that waited for the unwary to get just a little too close.
The tentacles snatched the silver-white ship out of the black with the slightest, most tender care.
A maw ripped out of the black of space, swirling with teeth and eyes that weren’t there, and were at the same time. 
The silver-white ship crumpled as the tentacles closed on it, a small gleaming fish in the grasp of a monster. 
And then it was gone, swallowed whole, with only a single last cry that echoed out of the long-forgotten command controls. 
“The sorcerers have escaped. We’re doomed. We never should have imprisoned them there.”
Star Light Star Bright
Three woman took to the stars. Three women learned that the Stars hold secrets of their own that humanity has yet to rediscover.
Call the Stars
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kaiser-dracon · 4 years
Chapter I: Welcome to Midgand, Mr.? (New Version)
The night was utterly still, silent like a held breath. The ageless moon glimmered brightly as "Sanguine", the crimson longship of the far-continent was sailing in the calm waters of Midgand. The ocean’s surface glowed with sea sparkle in bright blue light. A lone man let out a prolonged sigh as he gazed over the sea from his cabin on the ship.
He picked up a leatherbound journal from the nightstand beside his bed and seated behind a nearby table. He flipped the journal open. Smelling the salt in the air and feeling the boat creaked under his foot were his daily experiences since his journey began a few months ago. He turned the screw on the lantern that was near the table, turning it on. His features glowed visibly by the light; The lush, blond hair was coiffed over his shoulders to perfection. His eyes were pale green, like the hue of spring, bright and soft all at once. But a deep and distant gloom waved behind them.
He dipped his pen in ink, starting to write on a blank page. 
“From the Veritable and Staunch Accounts of Sir Avernus Diphda, valiant Knight of the Hyland Empire.” He stopped as a sudden rumble shook the ship for a moment, eyes darting around the room. “...I have been sailing the ocean for two months before I finally arrived at Midgand waters. If lady fortune smiles at me, maybe I…”
"Having trouble sleeping, your majesty?" Avernus was interrupted by the captain of the ship who was standing in the door frame, an older man, long gray beard, wearing a blue and gold outfit of the Hyland navy, holding a bottle of rum in his hand. His tired eyes sank into his sockets. “We’re already there. Although, I have a bad feeling about this, child.”
Avernus pinned his pen in ink. “Yeah. You and me both, captain. Besides, I can’t stop thinking about home.” He crossed his arms over his chest, glancing back at the ocean over the window. “I hope I can find something in Midgand, otherwise…”
Avernus trailed off into the distance, thoughts hazing by a deep sadness. A sadness that he carried from the far-continent deep in his heart. The captain cast an appraising eye over his equipment beside him; A long silver scepter that was leaned against the wall, an ornamented wooden chest, and two daggers in their sheathes. He favored Avernus with a nod of approval.
“Aye. It seems you’ve come prepared, young lad. Your foresight will serve you well.”
With that, Avernus noticed gray clouds slid in to cover the moon. Another rumbled rocked the ship. Suddenly dread tightened in his stomach. “Something is not right…” 
The captain took off toward the deck, and Avernus followed, picking up his scepter and darted out of his cabin.
"Report!" Captain yelled.
Suddenly they found themselves amid a brewing storm. Shouts filled the air as men rush about the deck. 
Avernus felt the air getting thicked by malevolence; the corruption that took form emanating from the daemons; hellish creatures that roamed the earth, searching to kill and feast on humans and malakhims.
Captain gestured at the front mast as it appeared to be damaged. “Look to the prow! If we don’t fix her up, we’ll be feeding the fishes!”
A violent gust of wind swept across the deck, throwing the sailors and slamming some into the mast and wooden walls. Avernus braced himself against the railing and raised his hand. “I don’t have a malak with me, but I’ll be damned if I die here.” A red, glowing sigil of magic circulated his wrist like a crimson bracelet. It scratched his cuff, and the blood that came out turned into a sliver trickle of mana. “Heaven Bright!”
Rainbow-like magic raced out of his fingers and spread above the ship. The churning sea grew still for a second, but it didn’t last. The whole boat lurched on the choppy waters again. Avernus slammed his arte into his surroundings again, trying to blast the clouds and winds away. “Can you just, like, chill?!”
Suddenly, the vessel listed starboard. Avernus thought it was from a gust of wind, but then a glistening tentacle, wide around as an oak, came hunting upon the deck from the dark depth of the ocean.
"Kraken!” the captain screamed.
The tentacle smashed a group of sailors against the deck, throwing their bodies away like used toys and sending shock waves over the deck. The rest caught up in the surge and fell from the ship. Avernus hit his back to the railing. As he slumped on the ground, he saw the captain dashing at the tentacle and slashed it away with his cuttles. 
The tentacle withdrew, slithering back into the briny waters. Avernus sprang to his feet. Captain waved at him from a few feet away. “I need your help, lad, or we won’t be able to get out of here alive!”
Salt spray mingled with the relentless lash of rain whipped against Avernus’ cheeks as he raised his staff, and the weapon extended itself from the top and bottom. He clenched his jaw in fury. “Show your foul face, if you dare! And I hope you dare!”
The surface water broke with a splashing sound several giant tentacles began rising from seawater, each nearly as long as the ship's mast.
"Ready the cannons, men!" The captain desperately cried as the seawater rained down on them from the tentacles.
"They are going to crash on us!" one of the sailors shouted in fear. Avernus scoped the enormous tentacles that were surrounding them, " No fire, no earth. Only wind and water. My choice is clear then,"
The sigils whirled around his wrists and sucked the blood out of his veins, turning it into mana. "Whirlwind Slash!" 
Wind solidified into sharp mana and flew at super speed at the tentacles. The scales on the monster's skin was too tight, but the arte managed to cut some of the arms. The beast shrieked in pain and started hammering the deck. Avernus dodged the attacks, diving left and right until his second arte charge up, rushing to his hands. "Aqua Sphere!"
A large circular warding shield was appearing above the deck, stopping most of the tentacles in their tracks.
His arms shuddered. "I can't hold them for too long, go to the cannons and fire!" Avernus yelled at the sailors as he held the tremendous force of the Kraken's tentacle at bay. The remaining crew managed to reach the cannons, lighting the fuses.
"Ready... Fire!" 
First, the port side cannons fired, and then the starboard side emptied their ammunition on the tentacles. The steel canon balls drilled into the flesh of limbs, tearing and burning them away. The large chunks of rotten meat fell into the sea.
"We got them! Yeah!" The sound of cheering filled the air as the tentacles began disappearing beneath the dark water.
For long moments, the sea churned only of its own volition, frothing and foaming like a horse’s lather. Avernus probed the surface but saw nothing stirring beneath the angry spume.
"It's not over! Re-arm the cannons, men!" The captain ordered again.
Then, with a tremendous roar like a hundred thousand death knells ringing as one, the colossal daemon broke the surface. Avernus brandished his weapon and whipped it at the monster as it stared with its pale yellow eyes.
"Wind Lance!" Avernus attacked the Kraken with swarms of wind arrows, targeting its eyes. The elemental bolts pierced the monster's right eye, but it lifted a massive tentacle, crusty barnacles clinging to its suckers, readying to strike.
Having no choice as his arte hasn’t recharged in time, Avernus dropped to one knew, teeth clenched, bracing for the daemon’s blow. The Kraken brought its mighty tentacle down upon the deck, showering them with slime and fragments of shattered wood.
Sanguine heaved upon the colossal impact, listing madly to and front.
Amidst the shakings, Avernus saw the captain challenging the beast, running at it with his sword drawn. “Get out of my ship, you ugly piece of sh--!”
Avernus watched in horror as the Kraken brought down an arm and smashed the captain with ease as if he was a little mosquito.
Avernus scrambled to his feet, rage cutting across his face. "Whirl…"
Before he could finish his arte, another tentacle batted him from behind, flooring him against the deck. A surge of burning anguish enveloped his body. Just as he was tried to move, he saw yet another one of the tentacles grab the captain’s wounded body and pulled him off the deck as he was cursing something unintelligible at the monster. Avernus crawled but immediately winced in the pain of his broken ribs, coughing up blood. The Kraken’s mouth yawned, and the body of captain disappeared inside of that infinite blackness, beneath a ring of thousand sharp teeth.
The Kraken reared up, fixing Avernus in its gleaming, beady gaze. It windmilled its flailing arms, beating them upon the angry water. Unbowed by its fury, Avernus blinked away the sting of sea and rain and staggered to his feet.
His body was numbed to the pain. "Abomination... I will show you what real pain is." Avernus raised his arms and clawed his hands. “For all the dreams that are lost!” The sky above them turned red. His breathing intensified. A new weight was pushed into his soul from beyond. “You will come to know my fury, beast, and you will learn to fear it!”
Rumbling, the Kraken surged forward and tangled its limbs all around the vessel. The deck quaked and bucked beneath Avernus’ feet. Its grotesque head loomed ever closer, blotting out the lightning-riven sky so near that Avernus could see himself reflected in the glassy, fearsome orbs of its eyes.
Two dark, purple sigils appeared in front of Avernus, and he pushed his hands into them. “May my face be the last thing you ever see! Begone! Celestial Crush!”
A pair of giant, dragon-like claws tore through the air and grabbed the Kraken’s head and crushed his eyes, pointy thumbs drilling into them. It thrashed its colossal head back and forth, clear ichor seeping beneath the claws that dug deep into its eyes. The Kraken shrieked in a piercing cry, seeking to unknot itself from the hull. But it was grasped onto Sanguine too tightly and couldn’t free itself. Avernus twitched his hands, and the summoned dragon hands mimicked his movement perfectly. 
The rest of his stamina left his body as Avernus put the last of his endurance into one final movement twist of his hands, pressuring them and crushing the Kraken’s skull with a bone-crunching sound. The monster’s large body slumped and began to sink into the sea, pulling down the ship with its lifeless arms.
A massive wave of water hit Avernus, and his consciousness washed into the darkness as his senses blackened.
But as fate would have it, he eluded the hands of death for now.
Among his silent dream, Avernus sensed someone talking to him from a distance. The voice kept getting closer and closer.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." A young and eager voice called to him, kicking his legs.
Avernus slowly opened his eyes. An enormous pain engulfed his skull as the light entered his sight. He raised his head to glance at the man; A skinny, short man with a missing front tooth was smiling at him. His ragged and vagrant outfit screamed one word: Pirate.
 "Great. Thieves." Avernus observed, mumbling.
The pirate smirked. "Boss, the pretty boy is awake!" He exited the room in a rush. Avernus grunted in anguish and tried to move his body, but ropes tied his hands and legs. Destroying his bindings was an easy task for him, but what could he do in the middle of nowhere with pirates?
Another much taller and friendlier figure entered the cabin and opened his arms. "Welcome to the Midgand, traveler." 
The man was wearing a purple coat with a purple hat and a pointy beard. Avernus sneered at his clothing. "Nice outfit. For a pirate."
The pirate turned to his subordinate in surprise. Avernus’ gall seemed to spark some interest.
"Benwick, look! Our man can bark!” He chuckled and turned to Avernus. “Such audacity! Wounded, broken, and tied up, and yet you do not beg for your life." The pirate crouched near him, shaking his head. “You are one interesting fish.”
“Shame you can’t differentiate between a shark and a fish.” Avernus mocked him, glaring from behind his messy hair.
"Even sharks are nothing but herrings in my grasp." The pirate clapped his hands. "Bring in the good stuff!"
Two pirates entered the room, carrying Avernus’ wooden chest and his scepter. Then another tall blond man followed them and sat on a nearby crate behind on the far side of the room. His attire consisted of tailored black trousers tightened with two belts and brown boots and gloves. He also wore an orange shirt, a loose white shirt, and a black waistcoat finished off by the long-dark business type jacket. He pulled a coin out of his pocket and tossed it in the air.
Avernus’ frowned eyes widened as the sensation of earth affinity washed over him alarmingly. The blond guy gaze suddenly fell upon Avernus, and they stared into each other’s eyes. A sense of imminent danger and dread pierced Avernus’ heart. That man had the eyes of death as the reaper himself was digging into his soul. The pirate leader followed Avernus’ gaze. As an average human, he couldn’t see the man, but he chuckled instantly.
"So you can see our ghost. That means you're a special one, pretty boy. Like one of those exorcists! This must be our lucky day, Benwick!"
The blond guy, now identified by Avernus as a malak, quickly took off and exited the room.
The young man shook his head at this coincidence. “Give me a break.”
The pirate captain picked his scepter and swept an endorsing gaze over it. "It's a lovely staff you got there, gold with ruby stones engraved in it. It is yours, I presume?"
"Maybe," Avernus replied in an indifferent tone and maintained his icy demeanor.
"You know I like something about you, and I don't know if it's the bravery or the foolishness.” The pirate captain reached his coat and pulled out a gray and silver pistol.
Avernus sighed at the sight of the gun. "An anti-dragon weapon in a pirate's hand, who would have thought…"
The pirate placed the barrel under his bloody and dirty chin, raising it. "You see, I'm aware of your handicrafts, and I have to say, your weapons are magnificent pieces of art!"
After staring for a few seconds, the pirate smirked and withdrew the gun. "I'm looking forward to adding this beauty of a staff and whatever you stashed in that chest to my collection. So until you can open your mouth and tell me how to use this weapon and the magic password for that chest, you are staying here as our guest."
With the pirates laughing out load, Avernus was left alone, broken and wounded in the dank corner of his cell. But little did they know what a sorcerer was capable of doing. Even without a malakhim bound to his spirit, he had some tricks up his sleeve. The mana that he had built up started to travel through his veins, fractured bones, and beaten muscles.
A day had passed. On the next midnight, the healing spell cured most of his wounds. Avernus conjured a minor fire arte and burned his binding. He raised on his feet and took a glimpse of the shore from the small window. He decided to put his escape plan in motion before the pirate’s ship distanced itself from the coast. Avernus silently trashed the cell's lock, breaking it.
He peeked over the wall: Two pirates were playing cards, oblivious to the fact that their prisoner was now on the loose. Avernus crept up behind them and quickly bashed their heads against the table, knocking them out cold. Avernus spotted his chest near their table, but his weapon was nowhere to be found, although he didn't need to know its location. After all, his weapon was bound to him. Avernus picked up the chest and moved outside. 
Avernus was stopped in his track as he saw the blond malak in black, sitting on the top of large crates, playing with his strange coin, and waiting for him.
"Can't get a night of sleep?" the malak asked, stoically in a threatening tone.
The sorcerer sneered, treating it as a joke, "Nah, didn't like the hospitality nor the smell. Also, it is too boring for me here, and I crave for action, malak."
The malakhim jumped down to the deck in a quick move. "That's a shame, but you are not going anywhere." He bumped his fist together, gazing threateningly at Avernus, "Get back to your room nicely, and I won't have to break your fingers and your nose."
Avernus rolled his eyes and let out a sigh before leveling a challenging stare at him. "Stand aside, malak. I'm not in the mood to play games. Besides, why do you care? They can’t even see you."
“You know nothing, stranger. They are an interesting bunch, and to me, they’re important.”
The Benwick guy ran outside of the crew quarters, watching Avernus standing there on the deck, alone. "What?! The prisoner has escaped!"
Avernus turned uncaringly toward the pirate. He knew that to them. It probably looked as if he was talking to himself.
"Last warning." The malak threatened, prompting Avernus to turn back to him.
Avernus shifted into his battle stance. "Alright, let's dance, malak."
He raised his arm and opened his hand. "Dreamshadow, come to me!"
A thundering sound roared from the captain's quarters. The malak, fully aware of what was happening, rushed and pulled his arm, ready to slam Avernus with his clenched fist. The great staff broke through the wooden walls, twirling like a windmill, it flew back and reached Avernus in time to block the malak’s punch. The force of malak’s fist connecting with the protective ward boomed around the deck. Avernus slid a few feet back.
"Damn it!" the malak gritted his teeth and pinned Avernus under his reaper’s gaze.
The malak threw another punch, and Avernus dodged it in time. Then, a solution crossed his mind.
"He’s powerful, but he is also an earth malak on the sea, which means…” Avernus grinned. 
"Bad mistake, my friend."
The young man's eyes started to glow bright white as magic waved through his body. "Colossal Surge!"
Suddenly, a massive wave towered over the ship and dived onto the deck, causing both Avernus and the malak to fall into the sea. Avernus quickly whipped his staff, and the water solidified under his feet. He turned back, only to see the malak paddling in the water for his dear life.  "Have a nice swim, you stupid malak!”
After a few more minutes of surfing, his mana ran out, in time for him to crash into the shore. His exhausted body couldn’t do more. After rolling over on the sand, he turned on his back and gazed into the sky.
"Welcome to Midgand, Mr. Diphda …" he said to himself, breathy.
Another day had passed—a day of non-stop walking into unknown jungles. With no map and no clue of where he was, Avernus desperately probed the area for any signs of civilization. During mid-day, he came across a small river, flowing with clear water. He dropped to his knees and dipped his filthy face into it. He pulled his head and ran a finger over his messy long hair.
"Water… I wished I had time to bathe myself, but I've wasted enough time already.”
His hearing picked up footsteps nearby. Avernus raised his head and scanned the area. To his surprise, he spotted a small blond girl, wearing white attire and holding a strange umbrella, was standing on the other side of the river, looking at him with a stony face. She glared, her eyes checking his body. 
Again, the vibes of another earth affinity malakhim radiated from her. Avernus squinted his eyes at her. “Is that another malakhim?”
She turned her back to him, looking like she shrugged him off coldly, and with slight disgust, she vanished into the jungle.
"Hey! You! Wait!" Avernus stood up, raising his arm, but it was already too late. As he picked up his chest, a wooden sign close to the river grabbed his attention.
“The village of Aball.” As he read the sign, a glimmer of hope sparked in him. “It seems lady luck is smiling on me--”
A supernatural howl pulled him out of his little comfort. His ears alarmed to an enemy that he fought its kind for the last six years of his life. Six years of untold responsibility would crush man’s soul. 
“A werewolf!” Avernus whirled his head toward the sound and sprinted in haste. He pushed away from the bushes widely to the side and jumped into a wide clearing. He suddenly found himself between several broken pieces of bottles and shattered crates. A traveling merchant had lost their stash.  Avernus raised his head only to lay eyes on a man, appeared to be the merchant himself, twitching and wincing, howling: His breathing became quick and ragged, his eyes turning red. Hooked claws burst through his fingers, dark fur rippling over his skin. Moments later, an enormous, jet-black wolf bared its teeth, howling a challenge toward Avernus.
Avernus stared at the Lycan’s long, vicious fangs. He dropped his chest and readied his staff. Duty called to him once more. He had no malak, and no blood was left in that pale body to fuel his mana. But he wasn’t a man to back down. Never.
His fingers fumbled around the middle of his staff, and the top extended with a metallic bang, and a pair of transparent scythe blades came out in parallel. Their surface was crystal clear and radiated with extreme magic built into it. “This is not a normal staff that any shepherd can wield. This is a gift from a malak.” Avernus heaved a heavy breath. “I shall grant you the eternal rest, poor soul.”
Avernus squared off against the daemon, catching his breath. “Come and meet your salvation!”
The werewolf stamped a gargantuan paw then charged forward, howling. Avernus pulled his long scythe-staff away and lunged to meet his opponent. The beast threw a clawed hand at him. Avernus shifted his body to the side, dodging its attack. Then sprang forward, slashing open the Lycan’s chest. The beast bellowed, blood gushing from two deep wounds. 
Avernus’ heart pounded furiously. Suddenly his sight hazed. His exhaustion finally took its toll on his broken body. He stumbled back. Avernus struggled to control his balance. But he barely caught a glimpse of a young village girl watching the fight from afar. Avernus whipped his arm violently. “Go! Get out of here!” 
Taking advantage of Avernus’ disorientation, the werewolf landed a solid punch on his chest, bowling him over. Avernus slid into the dirt and his body snapped against a rock, and his head cracked against the stone. Another pain surged in his back as he cried in agony. The daemon jumped on him and hammered viciously at his guard, landing blow after blow.
He was sensing his stamina flushing away. Avernus focused a sliver of his blood and streamed it into his weapon. The magic lit up his staff and enveloped it in a beam of light that blinded the daemon. “Veil’s Edge!”
His staff fired up his arte as a rainbow storm into the werewolf’s body. The daemon flew off of Avernus and slammed into the side of a tree, causing it to buckle outward. Avernus pulled stood up, his eyelids heavy and obscured by blood trickling from his forehead. Both adversaries, wounded and out of energy, prepared themselves for final showdown. The forest surrounded their warcries and howls for battle. Avernus launched himself at the daemon and slashed a full cut to the daemon’s stomach. 
They both stood still for a moment, locked into their fighting pose, before the daemon went limp, falling to the ground with a crash that shook the jungle beneath Avernus’ feet.
His staff fell as the blades retracted and disappeared. Avernus’ crippled body faltered, stumbling to the front as the last of his stamina escaped him. The world stilled, and once more and the darkness was his host. His senseless body crumpled to the ground.
Again, he floated in darkness. There was nothing, no light, no ground to stand on. Then, as if a dam had split open, several voices flooded him. He sensed a golden light flaring to life a few feet away. The light grew closer, swelling outward to form a scene. Avernus reached out to the light as it dimmed.
For a mere second, he was taken back to his body. He opened his eyes to see a pair of blazing eyes watching over him. A kind hand put a wet cloth on his forehead. He squinted his eyes at that shining face. “You need to rest, mister.” The warm voice soothed his mind, but he passed out again from the pain.
In the infinite darkness, Avernus looked for that fiery gaze, and his hand desperately reached to the light, to that warm, kind voice before dark consumed him once more.
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mythicamagic · 6 years
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
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Zutara ~
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs!!
How long will they last? - Forever dammit
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Took awhile for them to pin down their feelings. I headcanon that after the war, Katara would stay in the Fire Nation to be a Water Tribe Ambassador, but would also just help Zuko with day-to-day things. He needs the support. I think that after he took a lightning bolt to the chest for her, there would be some lingering questions between the two about what they actually felt, but both knew that the other was important to them. They’d start getting flustered around each other for odd little things, like small touches- and eventually their attraction would just take over and they’d share a kiss- afterwards not knowing what to think about it. There would just be a lot of teen worry about it, but their bond is strong enough that they’d overcome anything. Even teen angst.
How was their first kiss? - I can see Zuko starting to initiate it, getting close to her slowly, before drawing back slightly- as though he’s just thought to himself that he’s unworthy of her- and Katara just reaches up and holds his face as she kisses him. It would be a surprise to both how right it felt, and some hesitant exploration would happen, before the intensity of their attraction scares them off continuing.
Who proposed? - Zuko. He’d stress about it to the point that Katara knew something was up. He’d make her a betrothal necklace but then freak out with worry that it would be taking the place of her mother’s necklace, so he’d make it a betrothal bracelet AND THEN freak out that wait do the water-tribe even HAVE betrothal bracelets?!  
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Random water-tribe and fire-nation children who run around sprinkling flowers everywhere.
Who did the most planning? - Both. Katara knows her fiance can’t plan that big of an event alone. They also get Uncle to help with some plans.
Who stressed the most? - Zuko
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. - I kind of feel like they’d have two weddings though. A very small and personal one at the Southern Water-tribe, and then another for the Fire-nation which was bigger and just for the public really.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Ozai. Azula is a complicated ongoing thing where Zuko and Katara visit her and try to rehabilitate her but it’s messy and angsty, so she wouldn’t be at the wedding.
Who is on top? - It’s very evenly divided. Also the placement of the sun and moon in the sky may have something to do with it.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Again, it’s evenly divided. Katara teases and distracts him from political stuff when he gets too stressed with it, and Zuko repays her whenever he has a spare moment.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - If they have loads of time- then a long time. If they’re pressed for time though, then it’s a quickie. They’re usually a little rougher with quickies and more soft and sensual when they have a large amount of time. 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Yes.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Two or three
How many children will they adopt? - None, but that doesn’t mean Katara isn’t a surrogate mother to all the children in the orphanage she visits. Zuko joins her there when he has the chance.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Both agree to do it
Who is the stricter parent? - Katara
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Katara. Zuko sneaks some fire-flakes in there sometimes.
Who is the more loved parent? - Both are adored, Katara for being an A* mother, and Zuko for being a sensitive, caring father who tries not to raise his voice.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Both
Who cried the most at graduation? - Both
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Both
Who does the most cooking? - Katara, but Zuko does try to help sometimes, even if he ends up burning some of it.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Zuko, but he’ll eat it
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both
How often do they bake desserts? - Sometimes Katara will, but it’s usually for special occasions or if guests are visiting.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Both, they have different ways of going about it though. I can actually see this happening:                                                                                          Katara: ‘hey! Here’s our anniversary dinner~’ *beams as she shows him the table of food*                                                                                    Zuko: …Oh. *rubs the back of his neck*                                                       Katara: ? What is it, what’s wrong?                                                               Zuko: ..I kind of made you one too.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Katara, to get him out of the Fire-lords office
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Zuko
Who cleans the room? - Both
Who is really against chores? - Zuko slightly, but he does it 
Who cleans up after the pets? - The servants. The only pet they have is Zuko’s dragon which hatched from an egg the Sun Warriors gave him.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Zuko
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Katara
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Katara
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Katara, but they very often share, and end up having a mini bending spar with the bath water and lit candles while in the tub…which then becomes a make-out session.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They go for flights on the dragon
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every holiday, they decorate together.
What are their goals for the relationship? - To experience a home and family that isn’t broken, and to have a house filled with warmth, love and laughter even as they try to mend the war-torn world.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Katara, Zuko gets up at sunrise 
Who plays the most pranks? - Katara, but her teasing brings out Zuko’s playful and competitive side.
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels: Creation Part 7 Revelations and Plans
Bryn: Shock doesn’t begin to express what I feel, and I’m not the only one. None of us ever really talked about the lives we’d been recruited from, beyond the bare basics. To hear Sean’s laid bare so matter-of-factly was like having an emotional lightning bolt flash through the image I’d conjured. I’m no empath but it doesn’t take one to read this group. Sean normally leaks empathy like a sieve and helps all of us but he’s put up a wall I’ve never seen before. Adrian’s gone stoic. It figures. Spartan boys were taken from their families young, but that sense of loss never goes away. Sorrow had flashed across Sin’s face before he’d schooled it to settle back into his normal, analytical expression, but it was Zav that worried me. Deep lines had formed on his scruffy face and his eyes….totally haunted. We had secrets among us. The kind that left scars that no one wanted to break open and here we’d gone and done just that. As I walk around the table to Sean, I drop my hand on Zav’s shoulder and give it a brief squeeze so he knows that he’s among family, then drop to squat in front of Sean. 
“There are other places of power Sean. I’ll find another. Let your parent’s power rest until it’s time for it to find the new humans that call to it.”
Sean: Shaking my head, I interrupt her, “No. This is the place.”
I’d been 12 when they died, but I’d already known the responsibilities of power. My parents had raised me to it, and before she’d stood as sacrifice, my mother had told me she was doing it as much for me as for my father. That one day I’d need them, need what they could give, and this way they’d be there. And now they were going to be.
“My parents would want this. My parents both had the sight. They were prophets and before my mother died she told me this day would come. It’s been foreseen. I don’t know the outcome of this fight, but I know that when you screw with prophecy, it always goes sideways. So, yeah, this is the place.”
Easing down the wall I’d put up isn’t easy, but one of my contributions to this group is to help keep emotions from either freezing us up or clouding the issues and right now, I’m pretty sure they’re doing both, so time for me to work. With a deep breath and an effort of will, I put away the memories. If I feel like my mother’s smiling at me right now, I can’t help that, but I can use it to stabilize all of us. It’s a familiar feeling, warm and kind, and I can almost hear her voice telling me to trust myself, just like she used to when I was a kid. I use that now to focus myself on the task at hand, letting it leach out of me towards the others to replace the sadness I am drawing away. The weight of their emotions will stay with me for a brief time, but I’ve got broad shoulders and I can handle it. As the heaviness of the memories leaves each of them it’s like the entire room is taking a breath. Adrian and Zav visibly relax and Bryn, although she’d been very contained, also took a mental inhale. Sin is …well, Sin. Always in control but as I open myself I can feel a subtle easing of his tension. Focusing on the hovering image on the table, I take a breath.
“The power isn’t going to be an easy thing to tap into. I’m not sure it can be used the way you describe, Bryn. Once the megalith is freed it will look for its host immediately, so unless it chooses Sin, he can’t tap it and it won’t stick around. But adding that to Sin’s own strength, the Horseman’s power and stolen souls and Zav’s grace it might be like adding a stick of dynamite to the mix anyway. I’m not sure it won’t all explode even without adding the megalith’s stored energy. Now, the standing stones outside the circle might be useable since they were designed to guard the megalith, but you’ll still have to be careful. If the traps use magic sympathetic to what’s there, it will boost the spell to the point it could take us all down. And if it uses magic antithetical to my mother’s power…it will definitely take us all down.” 
Sin: *I feel the tension ease within me as Sean brings himself back to us, within all of us. We are all ancient creatures and the memories tend to blur, but some, the most painful ones and the most joyous ones, will stay with us until our final deaths. As he allows his gift to lift the sorrow from each of us, though I know he does it at cost to himself, a sense of calm confidence replaces it and it becomes easier to regain our focus. Rubbing my chin thoughtfully…*
There is that. And I think it would be wise to find a way to protect ourselves from the effects of the traps as well. Magick is your area of expertise Bryn, though we all dabble with it. What do you think? Can this be done?
Bryn: Narrowing my eyes as I think. There are options, but what will be powerful enough to combat the traps at the strength I believe I can generate with the help of the power already there? 
“Maybe” I begin thoughtfully… “Protection amulets. Something that lets the power of the trap flow over us, rather than try to repel it, or fight it… No, a bag or a bracelet? Yes, that would do it. I’ll need more than one type of stone and they’ll need to be inscribed with protection sigils or runes…” 
My mind works rapidly as I mentally list what would be needed… 
“Yes. I can do it. But if I need 200+, I’m going to need help. The crystals are just the first step. I’ll need help engraving protection symbols on them. And I’d be damned happier if we could tattoo a few on our people as well. 
Zav: --finally, something I can do besides be a “blood” donor”—
I can take care of both things. I can help with the engraving and I’m good with a needle gun.
-- looking at the raised eyebrows around the table—
What? A guy can’t have hobbies? Sean meditates; Adrian makes weapons; Bryn communes with the moon or something...
– dodges the potted aloe she mentally throws at me but I didn’t need to. It stops in mid-air and gently lowers to the ground—
Sin: *Mockingly chiding, as I mentally catch the plant and set it on the ground,*
Now, now children, Celia would not be happy if the bits of nature she puts around my home were damaged…
*I tilt my head at Bryn as she tries, unsuccessfully, to look repentant and catch her mental hiss as she communicates silently with Zav, declaring she would have nailed him if I hadn’t intervened and quickly put a stop to the repartee I /know/ he will throw back…*
Zav, are you skilled enough to tattoo the symbols clearly? There can be no mistakes if they are to work. Indeed, they could backfire completely if they are not exact.
Zav: --I smirked at Bryn. She’d always been a firebrand. It’d been why I’d proposed her as a recruit to Sin before I’d moved her soul on. She’d tried to spell her way out of being reaped and failing that, she’d tried to skewer me with a Roman spear. That kind of fight you can’t teach. Giving my attention back to Sin at the mention of my name….--
I’m good. You encouraged us to have other things to help us decompress, so in my off time I opened a tat shop in Miami. It’s got a waiting list. Whatever I put on us will be an exact match for what Bryn gives me. But the ink’s going to have to have salt in it for the symbols to last on reaper bodies and that’s going to hurt like a bitch, unless Bryn’s got some magick juju that can make the ink stick without it.
Bryn: Laughing a little at ‘magick juju’, because the Gregori has more magick in him naturally than most people who study an entire lifetime manage to attain…
“Not to keep the skin from rejecting the ink, no. But I can spell the ink to reinforce the symbols so I don’t have to be there to invoke them on each person after the tat’s done.
Sin: You will be there anyway. Not to oversee, or assist, if that is not needed, but you will be near enough to provide aid should an attack come. *Looking around the table, my voice growing low and intent.* From this moment forward, none of you will be without a partner at all times. We are entering very dangerous territory when we leave here and I will risk none of you. 
Sean: Cocking my head at this edict, I gotta ask…
“What about you? You’re the heart of this, Sin. He wants you bad enough to forge an alliance with Lucifer, and declaring open season on reapers includes you. You aren’t invulnerable to this.”
Sin: *A cruel smile grows on my face as my dark eyes grow cold*
The Horseman wants me because he fears me. As he should. And because he fears me he will not make an attempt upon me until he is certain he can win because in his heart he is a coward. When he believes he has the power he will try to trap me. That he has forged this “deal” with Lucifer to allow him to take reapers in return for more souls tells me he is not certain yet. So we will prepare and we will strike first. And no Sean, *sensing his protest and shaking my head* Lucifer will not set his demons upon me. This would not be his first attempt on me and it did not go well for him last time. It was made clear by my allies in the pantheons that they would take it amiss if he were to try again. He is not under their purview, but he has no wish to fight wars on multiple fronts. Yet. I will be quite safe on my own.
Sean: I nod, not quite convinced, but Sin is Sin and I’m not going to argue with him. I’ll just have a private word with those two watchdogs he calls servants.
“So Adrian, if Zav and Bryn are paired, that makes us partners in crime.” Grinning at him. “Mo Chapeton, what’s our assignment?
Sin: I want you two to spend time among the ranks and use Sean’s empathy to feel them out, so we can be sure who will be loyal to us. Tell those that are unable to fight with us there will come a day that you will message them to accept no calls from the Horseman or any being other than one of us. They are to find places to ward and prepare to seclude themselves. I do not want them in the line of fire. For those that will fight, you will arrange times and places to hone their skills as much as can be done in the time we have. Adrian, you are still in charge of preparing the duty rosters? *He nods, watching me intently* Then you can arrange for them to train without it being thought unusual. 
Adrian: I can go one better. I’ll put it out that we’re doing rolling boot camps again because of Bryn’s recent encounter with demons, and I’ll use the same excuse to pair some of those that won’t be in the battle with our weak links so none of them get tempted to try to score points with our internal opposition if they get suspicious of the changes. And if everyone is partnered, our partnering won’t create any gossip.
Sin: *nodding approvingly* A good plan. Once you have that established, the two of you will prepare a place of containment where our “weak links” will all be confined to ride out the battle.
Sean: I raise my eyebrow at this. A ‘place of containment’? He wants us to build a ….
“A reaper prison? You want us to build a reaper prison?”
Sin: *raising my eyebrow back at him, mockingly*
You have sufficient magic to ward a place, do you not? *I almost laugh at the outrage on his face, before taking pity.*
I’m not asking you to create structures. A well-warded cavern would probably be the best, as afterwards they will be dismissed from the reaper corps. *tilting my head at their unspoken questions* If we win, I will own their souls and may dispose of them as I wish. If we lose, they will at least be out of the carnage that I’m sure the Horseman will create among the corps. Which is why I want the rest to have well-warded bolt holes. *grimly* They can’t turn over to Lucifer those they can’t find.
Sean: Huffing a little at the playful jab Sin had taken, but I understand why he did it. He wanted me to remember that I’d brought more than empathy with me. I’d been a druid. The empathy was just a very potent manifestation of my power. But that power could be used in other ways and I’d had the training to be able to do it. I just hadn’t wanted to in a very long time.
“Then I guess we all have our marching orders.”
Sin: Do not go back to your usual places of rest or adhere to any formerly established routines. My safe house in Brazil is protected and has room enough for all of you. We will meet again in four days. I know that is not much time, but we do not /have/ much time. Until then, check in with me mentally every 12 hours. If you miss a check-in, I will assume something has gone amiss. I /will/ find you. That is a promise.
Bryn: Raising my hands over the still hovering image of the Stones of Callanish, I murmur softly
“Leig às Callanish,”
and watch the image of the standing stones shimmer into nothingness. Walking over to Zav, I slap my hand on his shoulder.
“C’mon partner. You need anything from your place? We can go their first, then go to my place to get the tools and materials I’ll need.”
Glancing at Sin questioningly, “I’ll have to rebuild my entire workshop in Brazil. I’ll need it all.”
Sin: *Folding my arms and nodding as I stand* That is not a problem. It is quite large. And if you should need anything do not hesitate to go into the town to search for it. The local populace is already convinced that it belongs to either a drug lord or a bruxa. Between you and Zav, they’ll be sure it’s both. 
Zav: --standing beside Bryn, -- Just a quick detour to my shop in Miami to pick up a few things for the tats. Anything else I need and Sin doesn’t have, I can materialize. Let’s hit it. 
Sean: As I watch Zav and Bryn mist out, I turn to Adrian,
“Well buddy, let’s go find our potential narcs so you can get down to that duty roster.
Adrian:--nodding –
I’m in, but, –looking at Sin— I meant it. Sean as my partner for now is good, but once this all starts, Sean is your wing man. It’s important.
Sin: I understand. *I do not have to like it, but I do understand it. Adrian’s seeing had been quite clear on that point. And because Sean had been correct. When you try to circumvent prophecy, nothing good ever comes from it.*
Fare thee well my friends. Keep to the check-ins and we will meet again in four days’ time.
*After Sean and Adrian have dematerialized I walk to out to the lanai and watch the moonlight glimmer on the waves. I fear that no matter the outcome of this battle my time in my own personal paradise is drawing to an end. After so many years I had found peace here. My thoughts drift back over the years. Certain people and times stand out in my long memory. Bella as a frightened child, and then as a confident young woman, fighting for her powers and finding her true mate, and my friend, Dean. Bast, my longtime companion and goddess whom I had restored to her pantheon. Comforting Danu after the death of her mortal son…. and Freya, severing my link with the Horseman and providing a safe house for me in Valhalla as I regained my purpose. The sons of my human life…Cain who slew his brother, Abel. Seth who rejected us for the twelve tribes’ version of our lives…and Ishtar, my beloved wife Ishtar. The first soul I had reaped, had taken to Elysia. I had looked for her reborn soul for thousands of years before I finally accepted the Fates had taken her from me forever. Would I see her when I, too, answer the Creator’s final call? Or was my eternity with her forfeit because I had sought vengeance for her that final day? And then I realize it is not just my time in paradise that is over. In this moment of clarity I know that my time as a reaper is also coming to an end. What comes next, I do not know. There is only one certainty. Everything dies.
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