#but this is the first time ive done a color animation with sound
maxillo · 5 months
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escapismmaxing · 4 months
icewing redesign and headcanons!!
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this is kind of a jumble sooooo
physical traits
i think they are so huge. easily the biggest out of all the tribes on average 
huge not just in height but they also tend to be chubby and fat like blubber
furred at hatching, but can lose fur as they age, often ending up with partial fur (mane, down the spine, trailing at ankles, etc)
also perhaps “beards” (genderless, duh)
(my imagination for this is kind of traditional unicorn esque, like those fuckass tails + hair around their feet and their mane. yeah)
speaking of fur,,, they have little toe pads with fur sticking out between their toes!
tiny little baby ears to prevent frostbite
antlers instead of horns!! or at least horns with many branches like antlers
kind of smallish wings compared to their body size, so they tend to be slowish, lumbering fliers but they still get the job done
this “style” of flying lets them be very sturdy despite high arctic winds
icewings hunt underwater, so they’re somewhat partially aquatic and can hold their breath for long periods of time (also hence the blubber)
their “spines” aren’t spines connected to their skeletal structure, but quills connected to their skin, so they fall out and regrow a lot, and also get embedded in opponents skin during battle
colors,,, im always conflicted on. for sure natural arctic animal colors (all greys, whites, beiges, yellows and browns during summer months) but also like. fuck it they’re dragons so blues, purples, and pinks too
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i don’t remember when i originally did this, but i gave them a pronounced throat sac thing to produce sound and music? so yeah. we’re sticking with that because ive been drawing it for like a year
on the topic of their throat sac! i love to imagine what the tribes individual voices/languages sound like. i think icewings are very veryyyy scary according to other tribes, with deep growling, warbling, and clicking (like a leopard seal). and really throaty hoots and high pitched screeches like a snowy owl!
just saw a video of a caribou (?) fucking screeching. so yknow what icewings do that too (but not in normal communication it’s explicitly like an “uh oh!” noise)
frostscales! and also frostless. warmscales? i don’t really know but they exist to me. they’re kind of a lot less,, harmful than firescales, especially when kept within the ice queendom, because they just add more ice to existing ice
so even though snowfall broke down the physical tracking of the circles, that hierarchy persists and there is for sure a hierarchy of dragons with closer relationship to the queen etc
now it’s just less concrete so it’s easier to move up and down etc
i wouldn’t think it matters any less though, like social standings persist
i think the social climate within the castle is insanely different to what it is outside the castle
inside the castle: cold, cutthroat, fuck you
outside the castle and outside the circle: living in a really harsh environment, so an insanely strong sense of community and togetherness, still with distinct familial groups, and icewings probably have one of the more common rates of monogamy/marriage
formal school settings depend on the town, some towns have them,and these towns also tend to be more formal in general and carry more remnants of the circle system
what’s more common is apprenticeships
speaking of apprenticeships,, jobs
hunting is taken on as a community activity, and there isn’t much to grow so there’s not a lot of agriculture
but there ARE a lot of traders/merchants in the border villages
also a lot of icewings who focus on hide/leather preservation, clothing and fabrics, sculptures,, lots of artisan work
lots of holidays, like holidays allll the time (high stress environment creates a need for frequent relaxation)
just for shits and giggles,,,,, some examples
celebration of first snow melt
celebration of first flower buds
midsummer celebration 
summer ending celebration (heralding in a kind winter)
probably during the winter a celebration every biggest full moon or something
you get the idea
i forget if this was confirmed at some point in the books, but i think “royal” instruments are just straight up like woodwinds carved from ice. so they’re royal because they can’t leave the tippy toppy coldest place of the continent otherwise they’ll melt
i think there’s a lot of legends related to like dragons trapped beneath the ice and lost in snow storms etc, just because water beneath ice makes some crazy terrifying sounds
as for population distribution, i think icewings are kind of concentrated at the castle, and then closer to the sandwing border. the tundra is kind of just meant to be traversed rather than lived in
they’re very friendly with sandwings and seawings! also eventually friendly with mudwings because of crystal, and probably at least somewhat friendly with skywings as well
although they did have a history of fighting with skywings for the northern mountain territories, they’ve come to an agreement now
also, of all the pyrrhian tribes, they’re one of the most friendly w the pantalan tribes since the icewing queendom is the hub for travel
so there’s a lot of mixtures with sandwing culture! drums and woodwinds, shawls are popular, beads braided into manes and tails
furs and leathers are common (using all parts of the animals they hunt) and carvings made from ivory are also common art + jewelry
i think other jewelry would consist of like really thin strands of metal looped around their face and antlers (so inconvenient but so pretty)
royal vs commoner
wow these categories are getting,,,, messy. sorry!!
royals have really political weddings still, related to rising in the circle ratings and whatnot (lowkey so much incest within the castle,,, save them)
it’s getting better, and dragons are marrying outside the nobles but still
monogamy would be commonly practiced but i don’t think they’d hold the “nuclear” family model i think all generations would help raise the hatchlings and instill family values into them or whatever
i think it’s similar for commoners, with generational but not communal raising, but obviously marriage is isn’t as pressured, so it’s less common
i generally think marriage isn’t the norm amongst dragons even if a couple is monogamous
as for commoners' view on royals,,,,, very very icy and unkind. royals tend to be really only concerned with royals.
i think they’re so unconcerned, actually, that there’s a whole separate “cabinet of diplomats” setup that live closer to the sandwing border and handle all the dealings with the other tribes. they send a report to the queen every first moon cycle. fucking maybe
royals and nobles tend to have more fun/thick and long fur because fur is really hard to maintain, keep healthy, and keep clean so a royal with a lot of clean and beautiful fur is a really clear sign that they put a lot of effort into their look
versus most dragons don't have the time for that, so over time they’ve lost fur (not completely)
i think they’re insanely superstitious!!
the amount of ermines or stoats they see in a winter correlates to how fast spring will come (more = faster)
also to herald in spring, icewings collect flowers and seeds, dry them, and hang/sprinkle them around all the entrances to their house
polar bears and leopard seals are bad omens. they’re some of the only other animals that can take on dragons. icewings avoid them
(they’re seen as highly holy or a bad omen. or both. depends on who you talk to)
i think icewings think fire bad. you see smoke in tundra? bad. run
however. still. light is rare in the arctic, especially the winter, so it’s bad luck to snuff out a light and often is thought to mean inviting death into your life. this is also bad! 
so coming across a fire? bad. PUTTING OUT THE FIRE? worse. get outta there
i think there’s a lot of myths of seeing apparitions in the tundra and during the winter (that’s just snow being kicked up by the wind,,,, but also what if it’s not)
most common are: a giant dragon-like creature with a horn on its forehead and a finned tail, following this creature is debatable
still with the apparitions: crowd of small rodents (ermines, stoats, lemmings) scurrying about. decidedly don’t follow these, but they do often point to an early spring
i could go on forever.
(i also think icewings use water to “scry”) ((in general i headcanon magic to be a bit more present in the world. not just animus have it))
holy shit this got so long 👁👁 i hope these were somewhat interesting. dm or send an ask if you want more info on any of them i love spinning these guys around in my head i think icewings are so interesting fr.
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
Sooooo ive been wanting to Write smthn abt my oc Gavin and his backstory bc he makes me SO INSANE. This has been in the works for maybe like 2 weeks and ITS FINALLY DONE SO Without further ado, here’s this lmao (this is my first time tryin 2 do smthn like this, any critiques r very welcome!!)
an oc story. by meeee :3
tw: parental abuse, detailed depictions of gore, disturbing imagery, death, animal harm, substance abuse, vomiting, possible dermatillomania trigger, religious trauma, etc
disclaimer!! Part of this story takes place in a fictionalized, static version of the 1950s-60s where racism/transphobia/etc don’t really exist/exist as they do now. Putting that there to clear up any confusion. I swear there’s a worldbuilding reason for this I’m not just doing it to get away with having a trans MC in a story set in the past i prommy-
word count: WHO KNOWS but its kinda long lol strap in
What would you do if you found out everything you thought about how the world worked was was wrong? Would you freak out and retreat back to your comfort zone? Or would you take it as an opportunity to escape, no matter how much pain it caused you?
A sunny April afternoon in a cookie-cutter American suburb. Rows of houses, some with trash cans kicked over, or dented/nonexistent mailboxes. Egg stains on the brightly colored vinyl siding. Lousy teenagers.
The house on the back end of Maple Street, in the sleepy old town of Lockroot, Who-The-Fuck-Cares America was a tiny yellow shack with a beat-up blue roof and dark stains running down the siding. Behind that wooden door with its chipped, blood-red paint, a calendar on the wall read April 14th, 1956.
The buzzing fluorescent kitchen lights shone down on an eleven year old child with wavy brown hair and sunken black eyes. It reminded him of divine light, but there was no god waiting for him that day. All the lights did was accentuate the frown painted across his pallid face. His mother sat across him at the table, looking livid, as per usual. She was always mad at something.
“Chie, do you appreciate all that I do for you?” He stared at the dusty white lucky cat on the shelf, its eyes vacantly staring into space, golden coin growing dull, a painted grin upon its wooden face.
Mocking him.
He always hated cats.
“Yes, Mother.”
She stared him down, her perfectly ironed poodle skirt and white blouse a betrayal of her anger. God, please just let me leave. Let this go fast today. “Are you sure, Chie? Because last I recall, attempting to go into the forest that I specifically told you not to visit wasn’t the way to show it.”
He suddenly became hyperaware of the dirt on his knees. The forest was on the edge of town, blocked off by a barbed wire fence. No one thought about it. It was like it didn’t exist.
“Do you want us to look like a family of ruffians with no self control? Do you want to disgrace our name? Does that sound like fun to you?”
The child shrank back in his cracked leather chair, suddenly finding a great degree of interest in his scuffed brown shoes. He’d gotten them for 3 dollars at a neighbors garage sale, the very same sale they’d gotten the chairs at.
“Rich of you, calling us a family since Father’s gone.”
The child knew he’d made a mistake the moment the words came out of him. He didn’t even know why he’d said anything to begin with. Me and my big mouth. However, what was said could not be taken back. He would just have to live with it.
The color immediately drained from his mother’s hollow, freckled cheeks. Her eyes narrowed into piercing blue slits. “What… did you… just… say to me…?”
Her son braced himself, making himself small, preparing for what he knew was soon to come.
“What did you just FUCKING say to me? You ungrateful little RAT?”
The cold, bony hand came at him like so many before, grabbing him by the hair, yanking him up. His scalp felt like it was on fire, his long brown hair coming out in chunks. pleasestopimsorryiloveyoumommy. After this, he’d chop it all off in front of the spiderweb cracks of his bathroom mirror.
“I do EVERYTHING for this family! I buy your food, your clothes, I send you to school, I brought you into this world!”
Thank you, Mother.
“What have you EVER done for me? NOTHING. ZIP. All you ever do is take from me. Youre just like your no good, mangy dog of a father.”
He thought back to the family portrait that had stood on the mantel of the house, until around 4 years ago, when his dear Father up and sped off in that shiny red Mustang convertible. God, how the child had loved that car.
Afterwards, Mother had taken all the photos of him and burned them in their backyard with the trash. He suspected she wanted him to forget what he looked like. Well, too bad, since in the bottom of his junk drawer, he’d saved the family photo, from their mantel. Aiko. His fathers name was Aiko Nakamura.
At seven, he failed to notice the wild look in his eyes, and how much he tended to glance at the fenced-off woods. But at eleven, it was all he could think of as he nursed his brand new shiner and stared at the cracks in his bedroom ceiling. He knew he’d seen a shape in the darkness that day. It almost looked like a matted, skeletal gray cat. Smiling at him. Just like the lucky cat in the kitchen.
Father got out. He knows the secrets of the woods. Of a life beyond this. Maybe one day I will too.
7 years later, the child, now called Gavin, opened his eyes to that very same ceiling, covered in posters for horror flicks, stolen from the newly opened theatre. No matter, he liked the old drive-in more anyways. His mother was always threatening to take them down and throw them out, but she knew that even if she tried, he’d always bring home more anyways. At any rate, she wasn’t home right now. He rolled out of bed, taking a moment to stare at the autumn leaves outside his window. Orange was always his favorite color, but he didn’t have a time to linger. The phone was ringing.
He wandered out to the living room, picking up the shiny red rotary telephone. “もしもし, Nakamura household.” His mother never answered the phone with this greeting, but his father had taught it to him as a child, and he liked it. “Gavin, babe! Hows tricks?” He could hear the smile on the other end. “Hi, Valley.” His face lit up along with hers. They had started dating almost a year ago. “That doesn’t answer my question, but its no matter, you can answer it in around 10 minutes from now!” He was puzzled, for a moment, but hearing sound of a key jangling in the background, he got it. “Val, you don’t have to. There’s barely any food in the fridge, hasn’t been full for weeks. You got your own posh little house to sit up in, don’t ya?” Gavin didn’t like Valley coming to his house. Its not like there was anything to do outside of watch their outdated cabinet television or throw his old baseball around, and Val was rich. He didn’t want her to feel like she owed him anything.
“Too late, doll! I brought snacks for the both of us, anyways. Catch ya later Gav!” “Val, wait just a-“ She blew a kiss into the receiver, and the call disconnected. Gavin rolled his eyes, hung up, and threw on his favorite brown bomber jacket. Val had always been so caring.
I don’t deserve her.
He didn’t have time to wallow, hearing the sound of a window opening. He ran up to his room and opened the door, right as Valley fell through the window, landing on her butt with a loud thump, along with a case of strawberry soda. My favorite… At the sight of the chubby, dark skinned girl in his bedroom, Gavin ran to help her up. “Ever the gentleman, ain’tcha?” She set down the basket she was holding and situated herself on the bed. Her matching red skirt and cardigan, and floor length locs that must’ve taken ages to style, were already gathering dust. Why’d she have to come here?
Gavin suddenly became aware of the mess in the room. Dirty clothes on the dresser, books stacked near the bed, and dozens of loose papers strewn across the floor, each adorned with sketches, paintings, collages, poems, anything his mind could conjure up when he couldn’t sleep. Blushing, he attempted to sweep them away, but not before Val took notice, and picked one up off the floor. “Your art is so lovely, Gavin. What’s this one?” Taking it from her and stashing it away, he responded “Nothing in particular, just couldn’t sleep. You know me, haha!!” He was bright red this point. Change the subject, will you, dear?
That she did. “Sooo, what are we gonna do for your birthday this weekend? You’re gonna be eighteen! Far out, huh?” Oh. Right. Eighteen. He didn’t know how to feel, if he was being honest. “I dunno, maybe we can go out and see a movie.” Val put her head on his shoulder and laughed. Gavin winced. The shoulder was bruised. However, thats what love was. Wasn’t it? “That’s what we always do!” Val chirped. “Ain’t much else in this town, is there?” Gavin quipped. But, if he was being honest, he knew exactly what he was going to do.
Gavin sat up and stared out his cracked bedroom window, past the pretty orange leaves, past the cheesy Halloween decorations, past the shops and diners and gas stations. All the way to the forest surrounding their little town.
Nobody thought much of it, which was true. Nobody that is, except the kids. While the adults were content to sit back and live their monotonous American dream, the children would whisper across the town, stories of what could possibly be on the other side of that barbed wire fence. “My cousin said there’s monsters out there. He says they have no skin, and they’ll cut you up and eat you bit by bit while you’re still alive. They start with your eyes.”
“My sister said that if you fall asleep out there, you’ll never wake up again and have horrible nightmares for the rest of your life. The spirits out there keep you asleep so they can eat your dreams.”
Run of the mill horror stories. But among the bolder, or perhaps the more beaten down, those with less to lose, the woods offered something else. A fortune beyond comprehension. Godlike power. Freedom. A new life, a new start. All sorts of wonders, waiting for those who knew where to look.
Maybe that’s what the adults were afraid of, because every once in a while, a new person would get this look in their eyes, like they knew a good secret. They would become more and more withdrawn, or excitable, or any suspicious change that could happen in a person. Then, after a little while, around a few days to a year, they would disappear. Sometimes it was a business trip, an inheritance, a need for a change of scenery. And sometimes they would just.
Vanish. Without a trace. They were there, and then they weren’t. Of course, they would send out search parties to comb the town for them, and reassure everyone who asked that they were doing the best they could. But of course, everybody knew. The seductive call of the woods was not to fall of deaf ears. After a while, their “MISSING PERSONS” posters were taken down and discarded, and they lived in the town only through the gossip of the children. Gavin had quite a collection of salvaged posters on his bedroom wall, hidden behind his dresser. His mother would blow a gasket, he thought.
When his mother wasn’t reading him the Bible, Gavin’s father used to tell him old Japanese folktales about fox spirits, yokai, kaibutsu. He recalled his stories of creatures known as Kaibyo when-
“Hey, spaceboy. Whatcha thinkin about?” Valley waved a hand in front of his face, bringing him back to reality.
“Nothing, doll. Absolutely nothing.”
Laughter. Then, a kiss. Warm hands caressing his cheeks, on his waist, through his short brown hair. It was 1963, the love decade was soon to kick off, there was a girl in his bed and the world was beautiful, if only for a little while.
At some point, Valley left, and Gavin picked up the piece of paper that she’d asked him about. Clinging to his tarnished silver first communion rosary, a chill ran down his spine, for no reason he could discern. On the paper was a sketch of an emaciated gray cat, with a wide, yellow toothed grin.
Two days until his birthday.
He fell asleep rather quickly that night, which was unusual for him, but it was a shallow sleep, dreaming of nothing but black water, fur, and two piercing, blue eyes.
Waking up in a cold sweat, Gavin rolled over in his creaky bed. He looked over at his alarm clock. 2:18 AM.
for fucks sake.
Staring at his beat-up wooden desk and the piles of paper and pencils sitting at it, it occurred to him that he didn’t feel like drawing that night. It was a pretty night, with a lovely moon in the sky.
Some fresh air would do me good.
He’d fallen asleep in his clothes. Motor oil stained white T-shirt, frayed black pants, and of course, his brown leather bomber jacket. It had seen a lot in all the years he’d owned it. It had been patched twice, one on each elbow, in different colors. He wanted to paint something on the back, but he didn’t know what he wanted yet. He hadn’t thought about it.
Tiptoeing as not to wake his catatonic mother, who was sleeping on the couch in front of the TV, Gavin almost stepped on a shard of broken glass.
Beer bottles.
The living room floor was carpeted in them, in sparkling amber and green, casting moonlight all over the room, in the multifaceted reflections of the tired faces residing within it.
Beautiful… so beautiful…
He’d never drank alcohol before. He knew a lot of kids at his school who would. Theyd throw big parties at their parents houses while they were away, cut into Daddy’s brandy, and go rampaging around the neighborhood, TPing trees, streaking through the park, smashing windshields, all kinds of juvenile delinquent shenanigans. It was always the worst on Halloween, which was coming up. It was October, the month of playground rumors, teenage pranksters, and a chill of anticipation in the air.
Gavin put down the bottle, grabbed a bolt cutter and walked outside.
A cold wind immediately blew into his face, making him shiver and sneeze. A shower of damp orange leaves fluttered into his hair. As he plucked one out, he glanced toward his favorite thing he’d ever owned, his escape from all of his troubles.
A shiny motorcycle sat in the driveway, waiting. He’d rescued it from the scrapyard a few years prior and had it painted red, just like his father’s old car. His mother was always telling him to scrap it.
“Lets go, old girl.” Revving the engine, stepping on the gas, and taking flight. Wind in his hair, leaves in his face, he drove, and for a little while, he forgot all of his troubles. He passed by each and every cookie-cutter house, with their perfectly trimmed lawns, covered in tacky Halloween decorations. Bright, glowing jack-o-lanterns. Wispy plastic spiderwebs. Cartoon witches and ghosts.
Snarling black cats with brightly colored eyes.
Blue eyes.
Gavin looked away and kept driving all the way up until he reached his destination.
The edge of town, and the entrance to the forest, the sign-covered fence surrounding it, like a dare.
It had an eerie air about it. While the trees in town were decorated in all the fiery reds, oranges, and yellows of fall, the trees of the woods were all painted in the strange shades of evergreen leaves. They seemed to fade from green to what looked like blue the further you looked. The bark was white, like birch wood, but with an odd, almost pearlescent sheen if you looked too hard. And were those… eyes…
Jerking him out from his troubled thoughts, was a voice, from behind. Human. What else would it be, silly? He turned around and almost fell backwards at the sight of a silhouette of a woman, we standing over him. “SHIT!!” he declared. A giggle in response. Oh…
“Hi, Valley…” Gavin exhaled. It hadn’t occurred to him that he was holding his breath at all. She took his hand and squeezed it. He smiled. Her hands were warm. “Why do you look so afraid? Did you think you were the only kid who came out here?”
His heartbeat slowed. Maybe she would understand. Maybe she wants to go with me. Maybe we can see whats on the other side together.
He glanced at his motorcycle, at the bolt cutters, and began to speak.
“Remember when I told you i didn’t know what I wanted to do for my birthday?” A puzzled expression danced across Valley’s face. Exhale. “Val, how would you like to see whats on the other side with me? We can get away from all this. Together. Just like we wanted, right?” His eyes shined in anticipation.
Valley’s expression changed to a warm smile. She leaned towards him and kissed him. Her lips were soft and she tasted like the strawberry soda she brought him the day before.
His heart fluttered. His face got warm. Was this happening?
She pulled away.
His hands felt so cold all of a sudden.
“Oh, Gavin, doll. You know theres nothing out there, right?”
“There just isn’t. All the folks that go out there just die. Everybody knows. Please don’t tell me you believe all the stories the kids tell. I love you and I support you, but I can’t agree with you on this.
Don’t you remember what happened to your father?”
The mention of his father made his blood run cold. Sure, he left him and his mom to fend for themselves, leaving them poor and hungry, but whatever was on the other side of that fence had to be worth it, right? He wouldn’t have done all this for nothing, right?
He can’t be dead. He’s out there somewhere. He has to be.
He hadn’t noticed that that familiar haunted look had passed over his own face, the way Valley had. He felt a strong, warm hand gripping his sleeve.
“Gavin, please. I know you want to find out what happened to your dad, but I’m really worried about you. I’ve been trying to support you no matter what, and I know you’ve been going through a lot, but I can’t let you go in there-“
“let go of me.”
“please, I-“
“Gavin, you’re scaring me. Please come back with me, I love you-“
Gavin pulled away with such ferocity that Valley fell backwards against his motorcycle, toppling it over. Breathing hard, he turned back towards his girlfriend. The look in her eyes was indescribable. There was so much hurt, so much fear, so much worry for him.
He couldn’t handle it. He had to run. Gavin knew he probably should have just turned back and ran home, but he just couldn't deal with the anger of his mother, the worry of his girlfriend, and everyone, all of Lockroot watching, knowing. Seeing the look in his dark brown eyes.
There goes another one.
He dropped his bolt cutters and clambered over the fence, ignoring the barbed wire digging into his hands and the warm blood gushing down his cold wrists. Ignoring the sobs and begs of his girlfriend. Ignoring them as they stopped completely. Getting to the top of the fence, he threw himself over, no hesitation. Landing hard on his side, a shot of pain burst through his hip, causing him to let out a moan. It didn’t matter. He just needed to get away. Gavin got up with a pained grunt and took off, deep into the mouth of the dark, cavernous woods, not daring to look back.
As he ran, searing pain throbbed in his side and the deep gashes in his hands left an obvious trail of blood behind him. Gavin’s injuries were getting harder to ignore, threatening to throw him back into the rotten leaves and worm infested dirt. He had to keep going. He didn’t know what he was running from or where he was trying to get. He just knew he didn’t want to fall. He was afraid that if he did, he’d pass out, never wake up, and rot alone out there in these God forsaken woods, his lean, sallow body slowly falling to pieces and filling with maggots, beetles and flies. Picking at his soft flesh. Eating him, bit by little bit.
The air had grown moist, tepid and suffocating. Gavin started to gasp and heave for breath. Wasn’t it October? The eyes on the tree bark were growing sharper and darker. Scrutinising him.
Stop looking at me.
He couldn’t fall. He couldn’t surrender. There were whispers in his ears, so faint that he didn’t know if he was really hearing them. The voice was indescribable, neither male nor female, young or old, but filled with desire, desire for something beyond what it had. Something it shouldn’t be allowed.
lie down here with me, will you? you’re a handsome one. why don’t you stay a while…
He felt paws all over him, grasping at his thighs and his stomach, pulling at his hair. It felt familiar.
In the end, his undoing was a regular old, run of the mill, medium sized gray rock. The kind you’d find in your backyard. His foot hit the stone hard and he went down, right on his bad hip. Crack. He lay on the ground for a few minutes, not even mustering up the energy to scream. The only thing that came out of his dry, cracked lips was a soft, pathetic moan, followed by a choked-back sob. What had he been thinking? Valley was right, there was nothing out here, and now he was lost and all alone. His girlfriend was gone, his mom was gone, and now he was going to die out in these horrible woods just like his father.
Blood gushing from his hands and tears flowing from his eyes, Gavin slowly sat up and tried to brush the dirt off of his soiled leather jacket. At that moment, he noticed a horrible smell.
Like a garbage dump. Like rotting meat. Like death.
The stench was overpowering. It assaulted his sinuses and made him gag. Gavin swayed, doubled over and vomited what little was in his stomach. The smell of it mixed with the nauseating air, threatening to make him throw up again, when all of a sudden, a shadow fell over the forest.
Gavin looked up, and his eyes met with a monster.
ねこまた nekomata
It was hard to discern in the pitch dark woods, but it must have been around 15-20 feet tall. The space around it rippled with what looked like dark, matted fur, two impossibly long, mangy tails danced behind it, and its drooling, slavering mouth held rotten, yellow teeth the size of small trees. A deafening buzzing noise could be heard near and around the monster, with Gavin realizing that this demon was shielded in a dark, undulating cloud of flies.
The worst part was it’s eyes.
Two soulless, pitch black holes, deep as an abandoned well, with two piercing pricks of bright, nuclear blue in their centers. The creatures gaze was blank, filled with nothing but hunger. Staring at Gavin like a bloody slab of steak. Like a tiny mouse in a trap.
It began to move towards him, calmly, and ever so casual. Gavin couldn’t cry out. All he could do was sit, stunned, in a rancid puddle of his own vomit. This can’t be real. God wouldn’t let this happen. At that moment, he realized that he had lost his rosary. The monster drew closer, until it’s head was just inches away from Gavin’s, it’s breath blowing into his face. He noticed large chunks of rotting flesh festering between it’s teeth, being fed on and burrowed into by the army of insects surrounding the creature.
I guess that explains the smell…
Gavin was frozen. He wished he had a weapon, wished he could attack the thing waiting in front of him. He wished he could move, so maybe he could try to escape. But instead, he was still as a stone, unable to do anything. How many times have you been in this position?
Gavin tried to brace himself for his death as the monsters mouth began to open. He waited to feel claws to rival his monster movies on his body, cracking his bones in half. He waited to feel teeth ripping his skin away from his muscles. He waited for the feeling of bodily fluids mixing and flowing and filling his lungs and his eyes and smothering him.
It never came. Maybe it would’ve been better than what followed.
Instead of devouring Gavin and leaving his bones for a stray dog to chew on, the monsters eyes rolled back into its head, and it’s face began to split down the middle. A viscous black liquid gushed out of the seams.
It almost looked like motor oil.
Gavin almost gagged as the creatures face slowly tore apart and peeled away, revealing a shiny white skull filled to the brim with millipedes. The oil-like substance dripped onto his clothes, further staining them, the black mixing with the red and green of the blood and vomit. One of the millipedes crawled out of the monsters gaping mouth and fell onto Gavin’s arm. He watched in horror as the insect burrowed into the gash on his hand. He could see it moving under his skin. He could feel it’s little legs poking at his muscles.
do you understand?
Gavin promptly blacked out.
The next morning, at the end of Maple Street, the sun shone through the small yellow house’s windows. The birds were singing, and the paper boy was making his rounds as if nothing had happened, nothing at all. The calendar read October 16th, 1963. A certain young man’s 18th birthday.
Gavin woke up, at home, in his own bed, with his mind full of fog and the worst headache you can imagine. It felt like a jackhammer was being drilled into his brain.
Was it all… a horrible dream?
His jacket and t-shirt were lying on the floor next to his bed, but his jeans were still on. I need to stop sleeping in my clothes.
His side hurt. His hands hurt. It's nothing. I probably just fell, maybe cut myself on one of Mother's beer bottles...
As he rolled out of bed to get a shirt on, he noticed his drawings, rather than being scattered across the floor, were stacked up next to his desk. Looking through them, he saw they were all of shadowy, grey cats.
"Ugh..." He wondered if he'd been drinking, and that was why his head hurt so bad. Never mind that he didn't drink. That was his mother's habit. It's just that there was no other way to explain what had happened the night before.
Speaking of which...
"Gavin. Get down here. We need to talk."
A "Happy Birthday" would've been nice.
Ambling down the stairs, Gavin braced himself. Did she find out where he'd been, somehow? That would mean he'd actually ended up going, and the events of last night had actually played out. He wasn't ready to accept that truth.
His mother met his face, standing in the middle of their glass covered living room floor, which no one bothered to clean up. Her auburn hair looked like it hadn't been combed in weeks and her green sweater was covered in stains. She looked like she hadn't slept a day in her life.
"The sherrif found your motorcycle down by the outskirts of town, and your little girlfriend wouldn't say anything, but she seemed pretty damn shaken. Is there anything you'd like to say for yourself?"
no... it was a nightmare... nothing more...
"I don't know what you're talking about."
under his skin, something moved.
"Oh, i think you do. For eighteen years now, i've fed you, clothed you, provided for you and the ONLY THING i've asked in return is for you to STAY AWAY FROM THE WOODS. This is how you thank me? For EVERYTHING IVE EVER DONE FOR YOU?"
The woman was livid, blue eyes burning with rage, face locked in a snarl. She grabbed Gavin by the hair and pulled his face up close by hers. There was a distinct stench of alcohol on her breath. He'd heard this song before, many times over.
"You were looking for your father, weren't you."
He felt something running down his scalp. Blood? Something more viscous, perhaps? Motor oil?
Your father is dead. Maybe the "evil spirits" in those awful stories he told you did him in. At any rate, it doesn't matter anymore. Go into the woods if you want, because you're not welcome in my house anymore. If you want to be like your father, then be like him. Leave. Don't ever come back."
"JUST GO!" The woman threw her son backwards, landing hard with a sickening CRUNCH into the floor's coating of broken glass and booze bottles. His mother's sorrow would find yet another way to hurt him, he thought, as he felt the shards dig into his back. This was it. Gavin would need to find someplace else to go. Wincing as he got up, blood rushing down his back, he limped back upstairs, grabbed his jacket and was just about to leave before he noticed several full beer bottles from her mom's stash. Nothing left to lose...
His mom couldn’t punish him for anything anymore. It was oddly freeing. He took a couple bottles and stowed them away. With everything he needed stored in his bag, there was one more place he figured he could try. If it didn't work, he would have to find someplace else.
Valley had spent the entire day up until that point talking to the police. They wouldn't get anything out of her, she didn't even know what had happened herself. Besides, everyone in town knew that these investigations were for show anyways. No one ever came out of the woods, and after a while, everyone forgot. Valley would have to as well.
At that moment, lying on her blue silk sheets, the doorbell rang.
"Listen Officer, i already told you i haven't got anything for you-"
Her eyes met not with a blue clad member of the force, but with a ghost. If possible, Gavin looked even worse than he did the night before, when she watched him jump the forbidden fence like a man possessed, seemingly sealing his fate. His clothes were covered in bloodstains, some looking old, some looking new. Valley couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"H-how? You’re not... no one is supposed to... I saw..."
"Hey again, Val."
How could he just show up on her doorstep like nothing happened at all? This wasn't how these cases were supposed to go. The posters would stay up for a while until they got taken down, and no one would ever talk about the missing person again. Maybe it was messed up, but that’s how it had always been.
"Gavin, i can't believe you're..."
"Alive? Yeah... i'm having some trouble believing that too."
Valley rubbed her temple and sighed. It was obvious she was very stressed. And why shouldn't she be? Her boyfriend of almost a year had seemingly gotten himself killed right in front of her, she'd spent the entire day talking to the cops about the incident, and now he'd showed up on her doorstep out of nowhere? Maybe it'd have been better if he hadn't come back at all. Maybe he should've just stayed gone. All he ever did was hurt others anyway...
Valley looked up, finally. "Okay, what do you-" Nothing. He'd already gone. It was like he hadn't even been there to begin with.
I’m such an idiot.
Val walked back upstairs to her room, flopped down onto her expensive silk sheets and screamed into her pillow. “That fucking ASSHOLE! How could he be so casual about this? I thought he died!! And now he leaves me all over again, with no explanation??” Valley was tired. This wasn’t the first stupid thing Gavin had pulled, and now he was crossing into genuinely dangerous territory. “That’s it. I’m done. I don’t need to worry about him anymore. Let him go back into that forest. See if I care.”
She decided it would be best to try to go to sleep, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
“You wouldn’t actually go back there… would you?”
Meanwhile, Gavin knew he needed to find his motorcycle. It could have either been taken by the police, or it was still out there by the woods. Somehow he doubted the cops had touched it. There was probably yellow tape around it or something. He didn't want to go back to the forest, but somehow, some way, he knew he had to.
His hand itched, and there was still something squirming beneath his skin. It felt like it was trying to get out. To go back into the forest, and take him with it.
Was he marked?
At that moment, Gavin remembered the bottles he’d taken from his house, if he could call it that anymore.
Maybe it could help me get my courage back.
He took one swig, then another. The first drink was awful. It tasted like hatred and burned his throat, but he kept forcing it down, because he was desperate to feel SOMETHING. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea…
He kept going anyways.
After a while, it started to get better. Or maybe this was what being drunk was like. Before he knew, he'd burned through nearly half of the bottles he'd stolen, and each sip sent fire down his throat, burning away his inhibitions. How did i never try this? How do people not do this every day? His head swam and his thoughts blurred, and all he knew was that he felt good, and that a new chapter of his life was about to begin.
Follow me.
A voice rang out from seemingly nowhere in particular, taking his hand, dragging him along for the ride. Whatever was under his skin felt like it was trying to tear it’s way out and lead him to the woods. Maybe he was marked. Marked for this journey.
Follow. I know what you’re looking for. I can take you there. You’re going to see something beautiful…
And what else could he do? The alcohol in his system was preventing him from thinking straight anyways. Gavin felt himself almost being pulled forward by some external, seemingly invisible force. He felt fur all around him. It was almost nice. Comfortable. He could hear disjointed voices, seeming far away.
“Hey, isn’t that…” “It can’t be. He should be dead...” “They never come back.” “Is he okay?”
Pay them no mind… we’ll be here soon.
Two glowing blue pinpricks. Jack o lanterns outside of cookie cutter houses. Follow the lights. This is your destiny.
Gavin had never thought of destiny before. When he found his motorcycle, that felt like destiny. When he started dating Valley, that felt like destiny.
I guess none of that matters now.
Everything itched.
Suddenly, he was back by the fence, in the outskirts of town. Didn’t it usually take longer to get here, especially by foot?
There was a hole in the fence, seemingly cut out just for him. Did I do that? And right in front of it, there it was.
His motorcycle. It hadn’t been moved since the night before.
There was a path slicing through the forest. He didn’t remember that from the last time he was there.
The bike was fueled up and ready for him. Gavin knew what had to be done. Whether or not this was real or an alcohol induced haze didn’t matter to him. Getting on the bike and finding out what was on the other side of those woods was all that mattered.
Any horrible monsters or demons be damned.
He revved up the motorcycle and back through the woods he went, and with his inhibitions drowned out of his body, Gavin could finally see how pretty it was out there. The almost supernatural blues and greens of the tree leaves complimenting the pearlescent bark. He could see the shadows of impossibly large creatures rustling behind the trees. This time, the atmosphere of the woods felt less like a warning and more like a new beginning. But sometimes, new beginnings can be just as terrifying.
He didn’t see the cat until he’d already hit it. He’d been swerving through the path, and had come pretty close to a crash several times over, just barely missing any stray trees or rocks. However, his drunken reflexes weren’t going to be enough to save him for long.
A jingling bell. Glowing, fearful blue eyes on gray fur. A animals shriek. A thud, a splat, and a swerve. Too late. The damage had been done, and both the bike and the boy were thrown aside by something that seemed far larger than a roadkill cat. Something that threw them a long way before they landed, and they landed hard on what seemed like pavement. why would there be pavement way out here in this forest?
Gavin skid across the ground, feeling something pop out of his face theysaidmyeyesweresobeautiful, well, what was left of his face, as he felt his skin scraping off the side of his body pleasemommyitburnsitburns, and as he felt the shattering of bones upon impact that’smorethanjustmyhipisn’tit and the broken glass shards embedding in his flesh feelslikehome, it all came to him. It came to him as he realized his bike was pinning him to the ground, as he felt his limbs bend the wrong way, as blood and piss and oil flowed from seemingly every opening on his body.
I guess this is it. I’m dying.
I didn’t even get to see what was on the other side.
Was there even anything on the other side?
Was this what happened to Father?
I can feel the glass in my back.
All I am is glass. I want to go home.
I want to see Mother. God, maybe, if I’m lucky. Something tells me if I’m not lucky.
招き猫 maneki-neko
All I am is glass.
The last things Gavin heard as the black washed over him were a pained, stilted meow, a blood gurgle (my first victim’s? my own?), and the skittering of something crawling out of the cavity where his eye used to be.
all for nothing…
all for...
Fur. Fur, all around him. Again. He was beginning to get sick of this feeling. Or was it becoming comfortable? He didn’t know. The feeling reminded him of his mother’s old habits. Not like he had any time to dwell on her, because the moment he opened his remaining eye, he was met with a massive feline skull, seemingly coming out of and from the darkness around him, with two blue pinpricks for eyes.
Welcome, old friend.
I know your voice. Who are you?
That doesn’t matter. You want to get out of here, don’t you?
Yes. I never got to see… I never got to see what was…
I can do that for you. I can bring you back. I can get you out.
A massive paw with claws like butcher knives materialized in front of him. What was the saying? Don’t deal with the devil?
Was this even the devil? Or was this something else entirely?
Take my hand. Your transformation will come with pain and hardship, but it will help the both of us. I promise.
Gavin didn’t want this to be for nothing. He didn’t want to go back into the darkness. He really didn’t.
You don’t have to. You can always just stay where you are. Forever.
His journey, his pain, his losses, his discoveries. He wanted to know where it all would lead.
What is your final decision, old friend?
He needed to know.
He put out his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then forcefully connected it with the gargantuan paw splayed out before him. No going back now.
So it shall be. Thank you, Gavin.
The gray fur melted around him and gathered into his hand. It began to spread and grow from there, covering each inch of his body. His arms, his legs, his torso, his face. It blinded him, and as he lost his senses one by one, he felt it flow into the cavernous empty eye socket left by his recklessness.
Curiosity killed the cat.
But satisfaction brought it back.
After hours, or days, I can’t tell anymore, Gavin woke up changed, someplace else. Everything hurt. He felt like every part of his body was bleeding. His injuries might have healed by some supernatural force, but it sure didn’t feel that way.
He opened his eye and the first thing that struck him was that instead of a forest, he was met with a sprawling junkyard, filled to the brim with piles of garbage as tall as buildings, against a stark red sky. An all manner of dilapidated mechanical gadgets. People’s weeks-old trash. Horrible smelling organic matter that Gavin didn’t want to look at or even think about. Salvage heaven? He couldn’t tell, but it felt like everything anyone had every thrown away ended up here.
Have I been thrown away, too?
Gavin attempted to get his bearings and try and survey his new surroundings, but every move he made felt like a thousand knives as hot as the sun were being inserted into his flesh. He knew he had to do SOMETHING, though.
I need to see what happened to my body. I need to see the results of this “transformation.”
There was a reflective pool of a familiar black, viscous liquid seemingly a few feet away from him, his estimate as his depth perception had all but disappeared. Maybe that would work. Abandoning all dignity he might’ve still kept at this point, he put his death-razed arms out in front of him and dragged himself to his goal.
Is this what I’ve come to? Is this the culmination of all my 18 years of life? I never even saw my senior prom.
Gavin would see something else, however. Mustering up all his strength, he made it to the metallic puddle and attempted to stand. A thousand sickening cracking noises resonated out of his body, as if he was 81 rather than 18. The pain was so unbearable he almost puked his literal guts out into the looking glass puddle he’d just worked so hard to reach.
However, what he saw in it made him hurt in a different way. He didn’t know whether or not it was worse than the pain of all the injuries he’d agreed to endure. Whatever I just struck a pact with must not have been powerful enough to get rid of any pain I might be feeling, even if I’m now able to live through it.
Before him was a face he didn’t recognize, a face he might’ve expected from the horror movies he used to sneak out to see. His skin appeared ash white, like all of his blood had drained from his body. The skin he had left, anyways, as the right side of his body, the side he’d landed on after the accident, had barely any at all. He’d never really thought of what human muscles looked like underneath skin, but now was as good a time as ever to find out. If he could even still be classified as “human”. His teeth were an odd red color and had seemingly all been replaced by canine incisors, giving him a terribly offputting grin on top of everything else concerning his new appearance that might scare a person off.
His jacket sleeve was completely torn away, his black pants ripped to shreds, and his hair had turned that same familiar shade of gray, with no trace of the brown his loved ones had run their fingers through. His remaining eye was glassy and pale, with a jaundiced yellow look to it, and the cavity where his other eye used to be was so badly shredded that some of the bone could be seen. His eyelid seemed to have suffered the same fate, leaving the gaping hole in his head open for all to stare at and wonder about. His limbs had grown bushy, tangled gray fur, and at his fingertips were retractable, cat-like claws.
The most noticeable new features, however, were marked by new weight at his back and on the sides of his head. Two large, alien looking, cat-like ears had grown over Gavin’s old human ears, with lumps in places were imperfections seem to have occurred. His right ear was deformed and stunted, seemingly due to the damage he had suffered in that area. It gave him the look of a stray cat that lost the tip of it’s ear in some kind of turf war. And at his lower back danced two long, ratty, almost mangy gray tails. They seemed somewhat non-Euclidean, appearing longer and shorter depending on where you looked at them, and adorning them were two concerning markings that looked a bit like teeth.
As the boy stared into his reflection, the heavy realization settled over him like a wet cotton blanket. The old Gavin, the one that had listened to his fathers folktales and eaten at the local diner and gotten into fights at school and drawn on his arms and snuck his girlfriend into movies, was dead. He had died in an accident in the forest like so many others before him, and his replacement was this ungodly chimaera-like creature.
For the first time since he was in elementary school, Gavin knelt to the ground, threw his gaze to the red, smog-filled sky, and let himself cry. Heaving, painful sobs. The culmination of all of his life’s mistakes. No one would be there to see him, anyways.
Who’s going to love me, looking like this?
Will God forgive me for becoming something so unholy?
Was any of this even worth it?
A familiar voice rang out inside his head. Something told him that this was where it lived now.
You’re not ungodly, my disciple. In fact, you are far from it. You came back from the dead, something many saints couldn’t accomplish. There’s something divine in that, is there not?
Is that who you are? Are you God?
Laughter. And with that, the voice in his head, in his heart, went dormant.
Gavin strained and threw up a little, but managed to get up. Looking around the endless expanse of the junkyard, he noticed something, standing out from the rest of the wreckage.
A cherry-red Mustang convertible, smeared with long-dried blood. Laying next to it, a page out of fairly recent looking calendar, with the date reading April 14th, 2163.
Suddenly, the junkyard didn’t seem so endless anymore. Gavin could see what looked like a cityscape in the distance. Mustering up all the strength he could, he began to walk.
I guess this is my new beginning.
For a brief moment, the spirit’s voice came back into his head.
There is no god but you.
A young girl tacks a missing persons poster to a telephone pole. What have you seen? What have you found?
Would she ever find out? Who else did?
the end LMAO ✌🏻 I hope you liked this I worked my ass off on it. If you didn’t that’s okay!! I’m not sure if I like it, either!! But at least it’s done. YIPPEE. Now go drink some water.
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sharks833 · 6 months
Soul Eater Secret Santa
I was lucky enough to be @not-so-scandalous Secret Santa so here is their gift. I had fun writing and I hope everyone enjoys reading it @sesecretsanta
“Soul, you failed another written test!” Sid said, holding Soul’s test out in front of him. Soul put his hands being his head and leaned back in his chair. “So what?” he shrugged, “iv already eaten enough souls to transform into a death scythe, why does it matter what I get on a stupid written test?” Sid shook his head feeling defeated. “Theres more to being a death scythe than collecting souls. The first thing you learn is that a sound soul dwells in a sound mind in a sound body. You won’t graduate if you can’t get your grades up.” Soul, as nonchalant as ever shrugged Sid off. “Are we done here? Class has been over for five minutes already. Besides Maka knows it all and she’s my mister so why do I have to know it also? She knows enough for the two of us.” “It’s not fair to Maka that she should have to work twice as hard for your sake!” Sid shoots back. A silent moment passes before Sid turns back to Soul. “Look if you can’t get your written work up to at least a passing level then Maka is going to graduate without you…”
“Soul!!” Both Soul and Sid look over to see Maka standing in the doorway to the classroom. “What’s taken you so long?” Maka walks into the room and sees a concerned look on Sid’s face. “What the matter teacher is everything ok with Soul?” She looks over at Soul who has a big frown on his face. It’s unusual for Soul to look so animated, what’s going on here? Maka thought to herself.  “I’m glad you hear Maka I have an assignment for you.” Sid said, turning to the meister. “Soul failed another test, so I want you to touter him.” Maka turned to Soul and pulled out her book before slamming it on his head. “Maka Chop!” she yelled as the spine of her big blue book collided with her weapons skull. Nothing? She thought to herself as Soul maintained his frown. Maka turned back to Sid before bowing slightly. “Don’t worry teacher I’ll make sure he passes with flying colors!” She reached out and grabbed Soul’s hand, dragging him behind her as she made her way to the door.
Soul followed behind Maka, who despite being half-way home was still holding onto his hand. It’s not fair to Maka... if you don’t pass, she’s going to graduate without you... He couldn’t get Sid’s words out of his head. This is so uncool. *thud* Soul walked into the back of Maka who had stopped walking. “Sorry…” Soul said slowly while looking up from the ground. Maka turned around and hugged him. “What’s this all about?” he asked while returning her embrace. He was a bit taller than his ashy blond haired meister and could easily wrap her whole body in his embrace. This isn’t like her, she’s far quicker to hit me than hug me. What’s going on? “Is everything ok?” She asked with a concerning tone. Blush quickly filled Soul’s face as he let go of Maka. “Yeah, I just have to do better on this stupid test.” Man am I really concerning her this much...? how uncool. Maka released Soul from her embrace and raised his hand as far up as she could reach, which admittedly wasn’t very high up for soul. “Well don’t worry about a thing I’ll make sure you pass with flying colors! You just need a little help getting motivated is all.” “Well, you don’t have to worry about that.” Soul said while awkwardly scratching the back of his head. “Why? What could Sid possibly say to get you motivated? You wouldn’t get out of bed if the apartment was on fire.” Maka laughed trying to lighten the mood. “He said that if I can’t pass our partnership would be over.”
“I won’t let that happen!” Maka yelled unflinchingly.  “But if I don’t graduate, you��ll move on without me.” Soul looked up for the first-time sense talking to Sid. “Then I guess well just have to make sure you pass. Besides, no one can stop us from being partners.” “But if you move on, they’ll give you a new partner.” Soul said now staring into Maka’s eyes. Her green eyes gleaming with determination. How could she be so sure? “You really think I’d take a new partner? Cool guys don’t cheat on their partner. You taught me that remember?” Soul thought back to their encounter with Blair. How he tricked that believed witch into thinking he would be her partner. How much they have been through together. “Yeah, your right,” Soul began, “as if we’d let them break us up anyway!” Soul sighed a breath of relief, feeling confident again. Maka smiled seeing Soul return to his old self. “Now let’s hurry back! We have a lot of studying to do!” With that, Maka dragged Soul the rest of the way home.
Soul slouched down into the couch nervously tapping his finger on the arm rest. Man, I have to study, and remember the things I study? I still don’t understand why I have to know it when my partner already does. Soul watched as Maka dragged her finger along the row of books on her bookshelf. “Hmm, lets see here.” She thought out loud to herself. “Where to start.” She passes by book after book looking for the perfect find to help her partner learn. “What do you think you struggle with?” she asked, turning around to face Soul who was now nervously sweating. “Uh, I don’t know… I guess all of it?” Soul said, his voice with a slight shake he was hoping Maka wouldn’t pick up on. “No problem!” Maka replied in a cheerful tone. “Let’s start where all things do, at the beginning.” And with that she pulled out the towering blue book whose spine had become all too familiar to the top of his head. “I have to read that?” Soul asked. The page count had to be over 1000 by the weight alone. “Not all of it silly, just the part on the Soul.”
Soul stretched out across the couch putting his arms behind his head and his feet up over the arm. “Can’t you read it to me? By the time I get to the end of the paragraph I’m going to forget how it started.” Maka walked over to the couch clearly upset by how nonchalant Soul was being. “That’s why you have to pay attention, and not think about anything else.” Soul looked over at a now all-to-close Maka for how defenseless he was. “And if you forget what you just read, as sad as it may be, you have to reread what you just read.” Soul let out a deep sigh before sitting up. I have to do this, he thought to himself. He looked over at Maka who had was holding the book out for him. I have to do this for her… “Ok!” he yelled, taking the book from her. “Compared to taking a sword to the chest this should be easy.” “That’s the spirt!” Maka yelled matching Soul’s enthusiasm. “You just get comfy and ill make some tea. Oh, and you know it wasn’t until the Middle Ages that people read in their heads. If you want, you can read out loud, it might help you remember.” Soul turned the book over in his hands.  The complete collection of works by Plato. He turned it open to the table of content, containing each work and the page it began on. He looked over a few of the titles that caught his eye. Symposium, 22. Ion, 55. Gorgias, 300. Republic, 650. Some have stars next to them, others a small T, some nothing at all. Soul felt the weight of the book in his hand and started to feel overwhelmed. “Where do I start again?” he asked, peering into the kitchen to see Maka setting a teapot on the stove. “Righhht here!” she said, thumbing through the pages to the section on the soul.
Soul sat back down, crossed one leg over the other, and started reading. Not surprisingly he had done none of the readings for class. He always hoped Blackstar would fill him in, who hopefully would have been filled in by Tsubaki. Blackstar always turned down Tsubaki’s retelling of the reading, hoping instead to get it from Soul who would have hopefully gotten it from Maka. Soul didn’t dare read out loud per Maka’s suggestion, as this was going to be hard enough without trying to pronounce everything. A few minutes went by, and the first page was down. Not to bad Soul thought to himself, but he was surprised, this was just to people talking back and forth like a play, not the tertius or essay he was expecting. “When do they get to the soul?” He asked Maka who had started cooking. “Just keep reading!” she yelled over the sound of running water as she filled a pot. A few more minutes later and Soul had finished the first five pages! A new record, he thought to himself. Just as he turned the page, he heard the tea pot start to whistle.
Maka quickly came over with a tray containing two cups and the tea pot. She sat down next to Soul, admiring how studious he was being. She poured two cups of tea and took a sip. “Nonthin’ like a nice cup ‘a tea!” she says in her best British accent. Soul takes a sip and notices how close Maka is. “Careful it’s hot.” She says as Soul quickly leans back as he burns his tongue. Maka giggles to herself as Soul quickly tries to swallow the hot tea so as not to make a mess. “How’s the reading coming along?” she asks, throwing an arm around the back side of the couch.  “Gooood” Soul answers trying to blow on his own tongue. Maka sips her tea before turning back to a red Soul. “Sorry, I hope it’s not too hot” she says apologetically. “It’s fine” he says trying to play off how much his tongue actually hurt before quickly turning away from Maka. “Okay, well ill let you get back to reading, dinner is almost ready.” “What are you making?” Souk asks, watching Maka as she walks back to their kitchen. “Pasta! Fettuccine with alfredo sauce to be exact.” “Need any help?” Maka turns around shocked, “you? Want to help cook? Is the book that bad?” She says in disbelief. “I’ve read a good five pages I think iv earned a little break.” He stands up to join Maka in the other room. “Oh no you don’t” she says, putting her hands on his chest, slowly pushing him back onto the couch. “This is serious you have to read, no distractions.” Soul, now firmly planted back onto the couch, let out a big sigh before turning the page back to where he left off.
“Okay the pasta is ready!” Maka yells to Soul, still trapped on the couch. Finally, now I can eat. I don’t think I can read much more, and they still haven’t really said anything about the nature of the soul. “You read this whole thing?” Soul asks, sitting down across from Maka who already set him a plate with noodles. “Iv read all of this section, as it was assigned, but I haven’t read the whole book if that’s what you mean.” Soul slurps down some creamy noodles covered in parmesan cheese. “So, what have you learned so far?” Maka asks while grabbing a piece of garlic bread that she also baked. “That the real treasure is the friends we made along the way” Soul says in a sarcastic tone. “Very funny.” Maka responds in an unamused tone. “I haven’t gotten to anything important yet. This is going to take forever, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to remember the important sentence when there are a million of them.” “They are all important! Think about when you’re trying to write and you don’t know what to say, well these are the things that your supposed to say! If you pay attention, it will help your own writing.” Can’t you just tell me the important parts? I’ll remember it way better if it’s coming from you.” … “You promise you’ll remember if I tell you” Maka says after a long pause. “Way more than if I just read it in a book, when I’m reading, I’m thinking of all these different seniors and random thoughts that I never think, but when you’re talking, I can’t help but focus on you.”  Maka blushed and looked down at her pasta, unable to maintain Soul’s gaze. “Fine! But you better pay attention!”
Soul cleaned the kitchen while Maka took the book back quickly scanning the section to review, not that she needed to of course but just so she could remember exactly how the book had it. “Okay I’m ready.” Soul says walking into the living room, making his way to the couch before he plops down in his all-to-familiar spot. Remember you said you’d pay attention.” Maka says as she sits down on the other end of the couch throwing her legs over Soul’s lap. “If you don’t, you’re getting a good kick!” Soul gulps feeling very venerable, staring at Maka’s long legs that he loves to admire. “Carful where you throw those big ankles!” Soul teases trying to play it cool. “Maka Chop!” she says lifting a leg up before letting her heal fall onto his leg. “Ouch, alright lets just get this over with.”
“So, as you know a sound soul, dwells in a sound mind, in a sound body, but do you know why that is?” “Umm, because you say so?” “No. its because the soul, like its human counterpart, has three parts. The three parts of the Soul are the desiring part, the spirited part, and the rational part. A sound soul is a one in which each part is in resonance with the other. And when two people resonate with each other they become one in their soul. That’s why its important to have a sound soul, for both you and your partners sake.” For your partners sake huh, I guess if its for her it wouldn’t hurt to get things together… “Alright, but how do you get your soul to resonate with itself?” Soul asks, trying his best to remember everything his partner was saying. “Well pretty much everyone is ruled by one part of their soul, so you have to train the other two parts to get yourself back in balance, or find someone who has the qualities you need, so that they can rub off on you, and you can help them with whatever part they struggle with.”  “Well, you’re obviously the rational type.” Soul said half mockingly “but what part do you struggle in?” Maka thought to herself about whether or not she lacked desire or spirit. “Well, they say desire is about bringing in good things, and spirit is about pushing away bad things, while reason is knowing what’s good and what’s bad.” “You’re definitely lacking in spirit then.” Soul laughed; you’d be full black blood crazy right now if it wasn’t for me pulling out of that evil stuff.” Maka frowned, she doesn’t like having her flaws laughed at, and fired back, “Well good thing I’m here because you don’t give anything any thought!” Soul looked over at Maka who was now staring at him. He smiled before saying “then I guess it’s a good thing we have each other, ill keep you safe from evil, and you just tell me what to do.” Maka blushed for what felt like the thousandth time that day before smiling back. “Well, we do make a good team, thank you Soul.” Maka’s sudden boldness caught Soul off guard, he turned red before giving a big smile and saying, “you’re the best partner ever.”
They spent the rest of the night there on the couch with Maka explaining the nature of the soul, with her partner listening closely. “And that’s everything you need to know for the test!” Maka exclaimed, the book making a loud smack as she closed it shut. “It’s late, and you have a test to retake tomorrow.” She said offering Soul a hand off the couch. Soul grabbed her hand as she pulled him up off the couch. “woah” Soul yelled as he fell into Maka. “I guess my legs fell asleep with yours on top of them for so long.” “Why didn’t you say your legs hurt!” she yelled, holding him upright. “I guess I was so focused I didn’t notice.” Soul said while clinging onto Maka for dear life. “Yeah right, well whatever.” With that Maka picked her partner up before dropping him off in his bed. “This is so uncool…” Soul sighed as Maka carried Soul like a baby.
“Well, I’m impressed Soul, you really turned things around, I'll be honest, I didn’t think you could do it, but I guess Maka’s a real miracle worker.” Sid said handing Soul his test back. “This was too easy why don’t you give me something tough next time.” Soul mocked, laughing to himself as he looked over his test. “Well, it looks like you got it together, I'm proud of you.” “Well, how did it go!” Maka says busting into the room. “How do you think it went? I passed, of course,” Maka runs over and hugs Soul “I knew you could do it!” “You two will be happy to know you can go back to hunting witches and all other kishen souls. I hope now that you have a better understanding of the soul, you’ll be able to resonate with Maka better.” “I guess so, I’m just going to follow Maka like always… but I guess knowing what we each need from the other is helpful.” Soul begrudgingly admitted. “Knowledge is power Soul, remember that.” “Whatever, Maka let's get out of here.” With that, he grabbed his partner’s hand as they walked back home together.
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
hi hi! ♡
for the event, if possible, please:
character gender: any gender;
a little bit about me: i prefer staying away trom crowds, not necessarily indoors, but most of the time i do stay in. im camera shy, but i love taking pictures of other things (especially animals). ive been studying hard to become a librarian because i think books are cool and i like organising things. ♡ i also have a bunch of pet chinchillas that i love with all my heart ♡;
prompt i chose: rainy days;
have an excellent day or night, luna. take care!! <3
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i match you with..
✿ jean
the patter of rain against the glass windows fills the pace throughout the quiet library, light and welcoming for a productive and comforting day nestled between the bookshelves helping lisa put away all the books that had luckily been returned on time. the rain came out of nowhere, even if it wasn't unusual for this time of year, but you didn’t mind and maybe it would still be going once your task was done so you could sneak away for a rest in the lovely sound and smell of the wet earth outside the open window.
you were still sorting through the books, organizing them on your cart, when your attention was drawn from the spines and your thoughts of where they belonged in the giant library. a dark blue gloved hand grazed yours as you reached for the last book on your desk, the one that laid atop the pictures those familiar slender fingers were reaching for.
“did you take these?” jean asks with fondness in her tone that draws out warmth in your cheeks as she looks through the pcitures with care.
even though she was constantly busy, the acting grandmaster always seemed to make her way into the library on days you were working and it wasn’t the first time she’d found the photos you’d taken of life in mondstadt, pictures that drew out a beauty she often found within you.
“i- i  did.” you straighten as she looks up from the photos and her blue eyes meet yours. in the gray sky reflecting in the windows they look magical and captivating, like you could get lost in them and she’d take you by the hand through a field of glowing dandelions planted just for you, meant to carry you to the fatherest lands and back. you try to shake it off but find yourself weak to the way she looks at you, the deep rise and fall of her chest, like there was something she wanted to say but whatever it was, she still chose to keep it close to her chest.
“they’re lovely,” she says and even in the darker light she can’t hide the way the apple of cheeks burst with color when you try to hide your smile. words she can’t seem to hold back start to spill from her lips, though messier than she would have liked. “y/n.. i.. you..”
you swallow, your heart rapid at the sight of jean fumbling for her words, your own cheeks burning at her tone that sounds more than just friendly, laced with the same emotions and nerves that have sat on your tongue for a while now. but surely someone as grand and amazing as her-
before you can finish your thought, brace yourself for the truth you’ve been avoiding or think of a worthy reply, jean interrupts you with a blooming smile and an honest heart on her sleeve. “i find you so lovely too..”
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authors note: hii babes! 💞💖 im so sorry this took me a while to do, thank you for waiting patiently!🥺 ive never written for jean before but i gotta say this made me all mushy for her cute face hehe i really hope you enjoy and are having an amazing week!💕
main masterlist | blooming love match ups
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getallemeralds · 1 year
doip. / 2.21.23
first doip of the new year! aaaand i wish i was asleep. <- woke up early for physical therapy joined vc while jorb was rehearsing the intro. OOPS. gives me time to reread my notes! OH YEAH ALSO THIS SESSION IS SPECIAL. alongside doip., our gracious dm jorb has been running a one-player campaign with @bahamutgreen! which is taking place in the same area and time period as doip., and seeing as we're down a guy and green's been having fun in her solo campaign, she's joining in! Chaos Ensues.
me: [talking abt how im tired] jorb: don't worry, the binturong can drive the bus me: yeah, i'll give the binturong my keys, why not
[still farting about before the session starts] jorb: chaos, chaos! i can do anything! me: i roll to do anything. where is my dice [one dice-finding montage later] me: 60! jorb: you can teleport up to 60 feet away that you can see. me: cool. i teleport 60 feet straight up
me: i've already misread some of my flavour text as "you can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gay." green: amen. jorb: 50 shades of gay. me: NOOOOOOOOO
jorb: alright it is 4:20 in my timezone- me: nice. jorb: -are we ready to begin?
LAST TIME, ON DRAGON OF ICESPIRE PEAK! After reutrning from Neverwinter with new supplies in toe, our heroes . i have fucked this up so bad. we beat up the rats, fixed donjon's ratness, and then tobias journeyed off into the wilderness. farewell my guy. time to go to dragon barrow! Will they be able to brave the dangers alone? Find out… today!
nyx: fun fact: binturongs smell like popcorn. green: this is the best animal ever.
nameless has depression! TIME TO GO FIND A SWORD. [me getting stepped on by pepper while jorb and nyx do narrative]
nyx: i turn into binturong form and climb up on alidaar. me: alidaar is grateful for his cold resistance. nyx: nameless has wet little hands. me: alidaar does not have wet resistance. nyx: does he have little hands resistance? me: no.
ran into a hobgoblin on the way! (jorb faked us out into thinking it was green's character. rude.) apparently there's lights over the barrow at night! green: yooo, aliens pog me: WHAT DO I ROLL FOR UFO nyx: anything can be a ufo if it's unidentified and flying. you could throw a pancake REALLY FAST
hobgoblin: once you're done in the barrow, could you help me with something? alidaar: yeah, sure, i love throwing out helping hands to anybody that crosses my path- that. sounded more sarcastic than i meant it to. I'D LOVE TO HELP! [..] me: OUR GUY THAT TALKS GOOD AT THINGS TURNED INTO A RAT, I'M DOING MY BEST
apparently the hogbogling . fuck. the hobgoblin . hoblin. the hoblin (targor bloodsword) had a bad run-in with the followers of talos and his whole squad died (HE DIDN'T LOSE 25% OF HIS SQUAD. HE DIDN'T LOSE HALF OF HIS SQUAD. HE LOST HIS ENTIRE SQUAD. sorry ive been overtaken by demons) so we're gonna help him out after we check out the barrow
green: i can chat as barrel crab.
the lights have vanished! definitely not spooky. I ACCIDENTALL Y ROLLED AS THE BARREL CRAB adventure paused while i draw my cat. NYX'S ROOMMATE ALSO HAS A CAT NAMED PEPPER pepper distraction time
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alidaar: i throw nameless [up the slope] and run up. jorb: IT'S 30 FEET! alidaar: ok i don't do that YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KEPESK! kepesk!! kepesk is trying to do.. something?? there's a bunch of stone spikes on the barrow and kepesk is messing with one of them. and failing. alidaar and nameless just kinda Watch
kepesk: IS THAT A BINTURONG? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE alidaar: i heard there was a cool sword, do you need help? nameless: [turns into a bear] kepesk: THAT IS NOT A BINTURONG
with the power of teamwork (two lizards and a bear), we have nat20'd this bitch open! kepesk: i'm just here for fun! jorb: roll a deception check. me: [STARTLED LAUGHTER] kepesk: i'm not here for a sword and i can share very good.
[derail about halfling!nameless climbing all over alidaar like weevils and kepesk thinking they're alidaar's kid]
after hearing alidaar talk about wanting to kill a dragon, kepesk handed over the map of the barrow! apparently he wanted to steal the sword bc he thought it sounded cool but figures we'll get actual use out of it. alidaar's chill with it though
me: is this place empty? i probably should've checked for traps or something- jorb: as you round the corner you see- me: AH, (it's a will-o-wisp! they're little bitches and resistant to a lot of things. a lot of things including "just about everything alidaar can do and most of what nameless can")
nameless decides to approach the willowisp! nameless: i step.. more- jorb: ok you fall into the pit [...] nyx: i have a spell called 'find traps', why didnt i use it?! me: we haven't had traps before-- green, desolate: i did. [...] kepesk: you think they're ok?? alidaar: no. [walks in]
rescued nameless! thankfully alidaar has rope. and also thankfully nameless has not gotten fantasy tetanus. or fancy tetanus kepesk: i have a potion of healing, if you need it - not that i. care or anything me: great, the lizard is tsundere (affectionate)
new plan of action: THROW NAMELESS. jorb: just gotta do some googling real quick.. me: where there's a will there's a way! nyx: where there's a will there's a wisp
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nameless tried to thorn wip the willowisp in mid-air and missed. and also getting yeeted did 1 damage to the wisp, who takes half damage, so it took no damage. and then nameless got bonked from being thrown.
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nameless turns into a dog and is awkwardly crammed into a tunnel. also kepesk poked the willowisp with his magic sword and evaporated WOLF WEARING GOGGLES. BOTTOM TEXT the sequel to teen wolf: scene wolf
made it through! there is a whole-ass dragon skeleton embedded in the wall, and on top of the skull is a sword! nameless as a direwolf walks up and hormfs the sword jorb: let me get something here… me: [worried] did the music change? AW FUCK THE MUSIC CHANGED HM. NAMELESS GOT ATTACKED BY. SOMETHING. AND WE ARE NOW IN COMBAT. WITH SOMETHING. HELP
[alidaar vaults over nameless and then spends 5 minutes remembering how his mechanics work] nyx: ..so alidaar, you are standing on the sword right now that i am holding me: [looks] OH. I AM, nyx: which is going to make the thing im going to do next a little difficult, me: im doing the dark link thing.
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jorb: does a 29 hit you? me: [looks at my 17 ac] me: Y EA,,,,
oh hey kepesk is a barbarian! RAGE TIME! also storm aura! We Are Now On Fire (we're fine)
jorb: you could try to take the sword- nyx: no. fuck you. me: alidaar makes grabby hands at the sword and nameless turns away nameless: rrf. >:( (NAMELESS'S CURSE IS ACTING UP. AAAAAAAAAAAAA THE SWOOOOOOOOOORD)
nyx: i swing the sword again. jorb: against all odds, that's a hit I AM TRYING TO WRESTLE THE SWORD AWAY FROM NAMELESS. IT IS NOT WORKING fuck it breath weapon time BREATH WEAPON NOOO </3 (it did not do much)
once again, nameless is a dog with a sword nameless is no longer a dog with a sword. nameless is now holding the sword in their mouth as a halfling "i could try to take the sword from nameless again but i'd feel bad bullying them" NAMELESS ROLLED A 20 ON THE SWORD BUT WE HAVE DISADVANTAGE SO INSTEAD IT WAS A 6,, MEAN
THROW THE INVISIBLE BEAST IN THE TETANUS PIT (this is not possible) alidaar grabs the sword, stabs the beast with it, and then nameless GRABS IT BACK jorb: it is the invisible stalker's turn! me: is it gonna steal the sword? jorb: it doesn't look like it's doing anything. kepesk? green: i take the sword. [...] me, a couple tiles away: i take the sword back. jorb: from over there??? me: i reach over and i make grabby hands at the sword.
oh we have been stabbing at nothing for the past few turns. lol. lmao apparently once i got a hit in with the sword, the whatever-it-was went away! me: who has the sword again. i want it back nyx: uh, you me: i take it back from myself. […] kepesk: so do you think that thing is valuable? alidaar: oh yeah for sure, this is primo shit nameless: 8(
nameless gave kepesk the pole of collapsing! and also threw tobias's mystery key at him. still holding onto the sending stone though. time to explore the rest of the dungeon! ah fuck more wisps nyx: i take a step forward. jorb: you fall in the pit.
nameless, at 2 hp: i am going to leave. nameless goes outside, pulls out a blanket, and curls up and goes to sleep kepesk: mammals, am i right? Alidaar And Kepesk's Terrible Dungeon Raid (we found the other two wisps, but decide to go to the One corridor that DOESNT have a wisp because i am SMART and remembered there were 3 and. then i got a faceful of poison for my troubles. bro this sucks) alidaar misses with his sword, then instakills the wisp with his axe. "alidaar is looking from the sword, to the axe, and is clearly doing math on how worth it this trip was" KEPESK HAS BEFRIENDED A SKELETON HORSE
me: i have so much blood and most of it is outside me now (i am at 4 hp) jorb: [at green] do you want to rage? me: PLEASE NO,, jorb: you could get the sword…………… green: nameless looks up and sees me ride past on a skeleton horse holding the sword and cackling and goes "where's alidaar?" me: alidaar is facedown on the floor. in the family guy death pose.
wisps have an ac of 19 jesus christ. but also it just fucked off mid-battle so kepesk gets to loot everything (alidaar is Very Injured lmao) nameless was crying and then kepesk rides his honse up the stairs and meanwhile alidaar is literally crawling his way up super bloody and agonized kepesk: didja see my horse? :D kepesk cheerfully asking everyone if they like lutes (alidaar: i like flutes! its like lutes but it has an f in it! kepesk: that's so true! we should start a band!) nameless gets the lute. kepesk lowballed it to them because if he threw it full force he would kil them instantly
alidaar: [dizzy] oh right,, there was,, a man,,,,,,,,,, alidaar walks to the side of the hill, lays down, and rolls down the hill oH MY GOD ZODIARK (THE HORSE) IS HUGE back to tagor's camp! he's a bit worried abt zodiark bc. skeleton horse. kepesk: the horse was dead when i found it. [..] tagor: you went in one man and an animal and came out three men, no animal, and a.. skeleton horse.. nameless: bold of you to assume the binturong didn't turn into the skeleton horse. we are trolling the SHIT out of tagor lmao. this poor man has no idea what's happening.
backstory: tagor went off on a hunting party with his squad of goblins and hobgoblins, but got ambushed by followers of talos! 2 or 3 of them and a wolf vs like a dozen talos-ers. they were cornered, had no choice but to fight, and tagor was the only one left standing out of the whole scuffle. he went back to get reinforcements, but everybody in the castle was dead and he assumed the talosers did it. (it was kepesk. kepesk did So much murder.) our trek to find a talos outpost lead us to falcon's hunting lodge! so far it's a warm reception OH NO HE'S HOT time to team up with falcon the hotguy! he's ALSO dealing with the followers of talos and would like us to do murder. wahoo! we are good at that! also he's gonna give us cool boots
nyx: can i ask a question? jorb: sure, in character or out of character? nyx: i'm a binturong, i can't ask a question. jorb: oh. jorb: if you're gonna ask if you can wear two pairs of boots, you cannot
talos! god of storms and war, big stinky. gruumsh was an evil god that made the orcs do evil etc etc, but gruumsh's son tempus, god of honorable war, got fed up and killed him + freed the orcs. orcs are now, like, fucking Normal. and then talos showed up! some believe talos is gruumsh, having somehow survived, and the followers of talos believe that very intensely and seek to reinstate him as chief god of fuckshit. this entire thing is to try and work around the fact that we keep having to murder orcs left and right. the orcs we're roughing up are specifically shitty, but outside of that orcs are just like. a normal part of society now. oh hey nameless lore, potentially? nyx was checking something with jorb. hrrmmmm
new boot goofin! kepesk: man, these guys are treasure magnets, i'm stickin' with them [..] alidaar: i'm good with the guest house, we're all friends nameless: [looks at kepesk] [looks at alidaar] [shrugs] alidaar: [shrugs] kepesk: i'll be friends with anyone for a free room!
it is 11:30 pm. i am so tired. ALIDAAR IS NOW LEVEL 5! aaaaand roll20 does stuff differently now. what is a charactermancer. son of a bitch jorb and nyx booped off to dm chat to talk about Doing A Scene as nameless levels up which is. definitely not worrying at all. oh well not my problem i've got a cool sword (and also got to chat with green about how stuff's going so far) OH RIGHT THE MYSTERY INVISIBLE FOE. yeah we were fighting an air elemental and alidaar killed it when he hit it with the sword. alidaar is not a special chosen one he's just very proficient in swords
and that's game! what a fucking mess. i love doip. [goes directly to bed]
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reficu1 · 1 year
hello i was wondering if i could get matched up (harry potter, male character)
im a girl, my prefered pronouns are she/they, INTP 9w1. the house i would be in is ravenclaw.
im filipino and chinese. im 5’2 and my skin is like a medium-light tone. i have black hair with curtain bangs and it goes a bit past my shoulder. i have brown eyes, theyre not dark but not light either, and i wear glasses that tend to stay at the tip of my nose. for my style, i wear a lot of sweaters or jackets, cropped shirts, and jeans with either converse or docs. i prefer dark, muted, or neutral tones over brighter colors. my style is kinda like the downtown girl aesthetic.
things i enjoy are reading, listening to music, playing video games, watching movies, and studying. my favorite books are schoolgirl by dazai osamu and our happy time by gong jiyeong. i dont read as much as i did before, but i do it here and there. ive been really interested in japanese literature and also manga, though, and ive always loved the works of dazai osamu and junji ito. i listen to music almost all the time since it sort of blocks out everything when it gets too loud. i wear my headphones even if im not listening to music since simply having it there kind of comforts me (i also have really bad sensory issues since im autistic. its not only with hearing but all of my senses in general). i listen to a variety of artists, but my favorites are laufey, mitski, lamp, tyler the creator, and childish gambino. besides listening to music, i also play the piano. i play a lot of video games, but its mainly genshin and osu, but i love horror and mystery games. its similar with movies, i love horror and psychological horror, mystery, and action. studying is what i enjoy the most even if it sounds odd. i love learning new things especially if its something im interested in.
personality-wise, im a very quiet and calm person, but im also very observant. i dont talk to a lot of people, but when i find someone interesting, i’ll most likely talk to them first. it also takes me a while to grow comfortable towards people depending on how they are. but once i get comfortable with someone, i become more talkative. i go on and on about what i find interesting and my passions. im also a good listener and im willing to listen to people ramble to me as much as i do to them. im open with my friends venting to me and i tend to only listen since im not the best at comforting people, but if they need it, then id try my best to comfort them. i have a really difficult time expressing emotions. i wouldnt call myself emotionless, i feel a lot of emotions to the point where it can be overwhelming for me sometimes, but expressing them it very awkward for me. im intelligent and i love all kinds of science (its my hyperfixation), but i despise english and history. im not bad at either of them, i just dont find them at all interesting.
just random facts abt me: i have the worst memory its actually concerning, im the youngest in my family i have two older siblings (a sister who im extremely close with and a brother), i love animals especially cats, i love the sky and i always take pictures of it.
(also dont know if this was necessary but just wanted to add it: stargazing, cafe, museum, park/flower garden, or study/library (except we wouldnt get anything done and we’re just in our own world) dates are my fav and my love language is acts of service!)
SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO MUCH HAHA but thank you so so much if you actually respond to this! i hope you have a wonderful day/night!
I match up for you...
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Ron Weasley. And I'm talking about Ron from the book, because in the film he is shown as a coward, stupid, weak and only likes to eat. But in the original, Ron is quite smart, he has a lot of "beyond expectations". Yes, he lacks perseverance. Ron has a strategic mind, if you remember his interest in chess. But damn, his game didn’t end with a checkmate, it was a check and the enemy could be blocked by a queen_._._ Your love of reading and studying didn’t bother him, he would probably sit next to you and listen to you if you want to discuss something, otherwise as he has many older siblings, he has a lot of experience that they passed on to him. But because of them, he would be less likely to express his thoughts or knowledge. Ron is very insecure, due to the fact that his mother always set only the older ones as an example, and Ron is the only younger one. But every year the guy learned from his mistakes and admitted them! This is a wonderful quality in people, it helps us to improve ourselves.
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels i was scrolling through my dash and then i caught a glimpse of your new fallon drawing and i want you to know that i went absolutely buckwild and then i scrolled further to see the whole drawing and i'm pretty sure i squealed. kels ever since ive started following you and your art and fallon have slowly nestled yourself inside my brain its amazing how excited i get whenever u upload a new drawing. also ive noticed that i'm slowly but surely starting to sound more and more unhinged and wild like you. how the fuck do you have so much influence on me. 
ALSO i love the new fallon drawing!! you are so right blue gold and white are just her colours they fit her v well!! and i love how much texture you used throughout the whole drawing and her shoes are AWESOME!! also love the whole winter fairy-ish vibe <3
ALSO i was wondering if you could like sort of,, idk explain your drawing process on this drawing? like if you did the colouring first or the lineart and stuff bc i just love how it turned out and id love to try something similar!!
AW!!! i am so hype for my awful girl to be Enjoyed so much!! she is my favorite dressup doll i love to play barbies with her most of all heheh. also i am THRILLED that my Unhinged and Unwell nature have rubbed off on u. i know i am a Strong personality and it makes me V POLARIZING (i am either LOVED or LOATHED i havent met many ppl who are just like meh abt me. i am an Experience) and its always a DELIGHT when someone finds my feral animal traits endearing or positive and kind of picks up on them. i think because life is short that we should all be as bananas as we please at any point in time. PURE ID HERE BABY
AND TY TY!! my girl has a strong aesthetic and this piece kind of went a liiiiittle against some of that (its a lot of hard angles vs i normally give her a lot of ovals and rounded edges) but for the setting its appropriate bc im trying to give her a bit more of a """"harsh"""" or """"severe"""" vibe (like as harsh and severe as she can possibly look which isnt very). i LOVE to use texture brushes they are such an easy way to get out of drawing details myself because i am SO lazy!!
okay i “”answered”” this i GUESS technically because i typed words in response but its a whole lot of jack shit so like. here ya go. SORRY PAL. 
here are some more shoes as u can see i basically draw her in the same ones always except when i draw her in a plugsuit
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OKAY THE DRAW IN QUESTION i kind of cheated on bc i literally just traced over one of my older draws i did for a very obscure au i made of who made me a princess (i am always doing such ridiculously niche shit i love to sit in my little sandbox and have no one else understand my barbie rps) BUT the process is the same as basically every draw i do like this. it is very simple so dont worry (or do, maybe)
i use 1-3 layers at a time and then immediately merge when i feel like im done and LIVE W MY MISTAKES if not!! anyway prepare to be massively underwhelmed heh
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this is so funny i cant believe i literally traced my own drawing im a fuckin FRAUD im the laziest bitch i know. anyway. my sketches are way messier than this but it always starts out either scratch ass lines or color blocking w this bright ass magenta bc thats what feels right!!!!!!
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HERES THE LAYERS I USED LOL i do all textures n shit as a clipping mask so actually i used 4 layers for this bc id set down one texture or pattern that was gonna overlap on a diff layer so i wouldnt have to work harder to erase and then BLINDLY MERGED to make things more difficult if actually i fucked up before that!!! work smarter not harder except when it is absolutely braindead to do otherwise is my motto
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IF IM DOIN SMTH NICER like this then i usually make sure all my lines connect (this is also why i do a lot of angles and simple clear shapes when i draw) so i can set that layer as reference and USE THE FUCKING FILL TOOL BAYBEEEEE!!!!! this also makes it easier to fuck around with COLOR imho bc you can just rapidly swatch with zero efforts. i Love to take shortcuts. i Love to be lazy. i HIGHLY rec this, if i have colored smth that stays in the lines then its bc i connected the lineart and used the bucket fill underneath. if my lines dont connect sometimes ill make a temp line and erase after i filled. im dedicated. ALSO u can see here that my patterns layer is all overlapping and fucked up bc i didnt check and erase fully but i use p limited palettes in general so... IT DIDNT MATTER THIS TIME!!!!!!!!. 
anyway after all that i lock the lineart layer if i havent already and color some of the lines for some PIZAZZ. easy way to immediately fake effort i do love to do that
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 i do all of my fucking draws on the same canvas bc im a horrible little beast, so the only reason i didnt erase the sketch and use it for the colors layer was bc there were others on that layer already and i didnt wanna scoot them so i could cap the finished draw. i did NOT connect my lines for this one i colored like a toddler. who gives a shit we all die in the end anyway!!! 
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YOU DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BUT LINELESS MY LOVE... i just color blocked for this one alas i do not have process caps, i will do that next time i draw i guess if anyone wants that!!? i typically only use a single layer for lineless- block out the shape, alpha lock, then color and carve from there. EASY PEASY!! ive shown it before but i spent all my formative draw years on v limited feature programs (mspaint, oekaki, TEGAKI MOST OF ALL) so i dont explore tools much and do what seems easiest and most intuitive to me... im sorry i dont have any sick tricks or real process i am but a feral little clown drawing in the DIRT. also here is the tegaki overlay i use whenever i am Blocked or fatigued w procreate layout. it makes me feel NOSTALGIC and INSPIRED so i do this instead of like, actually getting on tegs2
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this ended up long as fuck and FOR WHAT?? its just 10 images and several paragraphs of “sorry im the laziest fucker ALIVE”
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summer reading/writing/arting tag
Tagged by @inkysqueed (thank you so much, fellow Jumpluff and Oblivion enjoyer!)
1) Describe one creative WIP you plan on working on over the summer.
Of course, even though I have many ideas in mind (a one piece/crossover fic, an oblivion fanfic and a story about an AU me and my friend @zombinafonfrankenstein came up with) I'm going to continue writing Dark! I'm giving it my all because my goal is to publish it and see it on shelves!!! But for now the english version is available on ao3 (it is updated a bit irregularly because of life and other stuff, but some friends said that it's good nonetheless)
A description of it? Magic amnesiac guy and friends travel across the Afterlife to retrieve books and save the universe from some kind of eldritch creature. It sounds like pure crack and in some way it is. It's also brutal.
2) Recommend a book!
Oh, this is a tough one! But if y'all haven't done it yet, go read The Book Thief. That story changed my life, and it made me cry so much. I loved Liesel and Max's friendship, and also Rudy... He was best boy. And Hans deserves the title of best father ever. Oh god I'm crying again, it's been years since I last read it and it's still a fresh wound! A masterpiece.
3) Recommend a fic!
Another tough one, since there's so many fics I'd like to share! I can't name less than five though, because I absolutely adore them and I wish people of the respective fandoms would read them. Sorry.
Honor bound by penwarrior11 (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion) (this one is part of a series and it is the first fic of it. It follows the story of the game alright, but I love the scenes with Mara and Martin, and also Baurus. A precious little gem.)
Everything by nonman (Half Life: Alyx) (this one began in 2021 and proceeded slowly, as of now I'm waiting for the last chapter but guys, it is great! It gives continuation of the cliffhanger at the end of HL:A and it is written masterfully)
No more dreaming of the dead by @mina-murray-harker (Re-Animator 1985) (I love the style of this one, safe and disturbing and full of movie and music references. I think the Re-Animator fandom would love it to bits just as yours truly does)
Candlelight by @clichejoe (Encanto) (this is still my comfort fic and it is very beautiful, colorful - and the main character is the most lovable oddball researcher ever)
The fear of the ocean by FishingLure (JoJo's bizarre adventure) (this one emotionally scarred me - it's been two years and I still haven't recovered)
4) Recommend music!
Pat Metheny Group's discography. But also Seventeen's discography... No, I have to choose a single song. I must choose a single song or else I'll be here all night! Alright, here we go: Haru No Maboroshi by Superfly. It sounds like a sunset. I used to listen to it when I ended uni lessons late in the afternoon, it gives me a comforting feeling and restores my spirit a bit.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Hmmm, I'd say to never forget yourself. Other people may leave, but yourself is the only one who will never leave you. Some people might see this as insensitive wording, but I truly mean this with all my heart. There's time to be spent in introspection, there's love to be found in ourselves, for ourselves. There's a certain kind of healing that can only occur when you are with yourself. Also, to everyone reading this, regardless of shape color gender and preferences regarding tea - tell people who are dear to you how much you love them and hug them. Spread good stuff, hugs are the best drug - and they're free!!
Tagging @koumeowkami and @stardusteyes and also the other beautiful people I already tagged are totally free to copy this and post their own answers!
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taichouu · 2 years
Everything moved so fast .. I feel like I blinked and it was over !
My takeaways:
-> SO Incredibly saddened we did not see the Captain's or Lieutenants meeting before the sternritter arrived. They seem to be cutting out a lot of things I felt were important for atmosphere, attention to detail and character interactions .. (like at Sasakibes funeral, the meetings, little interactions). I was really looking forward to seeing Izuru talk at the meeting, and we didn't get that.
-> Quilge's """" Voll Stern Dich""" ... lol, was wonderful!! I'm so excited about the new sounds they added for the effects, it was so wonderful. His voice actor is superb, I've not been disappointed by him at all.
-> The vibrancy of the colors is amazing as always. I'm really enjoying the actual experience of watching it! The colors, the sound, the ost, the animation, it's.. unreal that this is even "Bleach".
-> and of course. Bazzy-B (and the other sternritter ofc)..... what an entrance. The gate of the sun scene was so oumph.. stunning, wonderful.
Ive seen the entire manga and yet.. the scene with 3rd division happened so suddenly, I felt so shocked! I was FOR SURE that the invasion would happen in next week's episode, but it seems they have the pacing at mach 4 speeds .. I don't entirely mind it but I hope they don't cut out more of my favorite scenes. The first invasion impacted me as a young teenager reading bleach for the first time.. and I just hope it gets done justice. So far, I'd say it is. I can't wait for next week's episode!
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flugmunk · 2 years
fuck it let me tell yall little story here. so for highschool the place i went to was off the norm for different schools in that there was internships shoved in so that every thursday kids can go out to the Great Big World and. do shit. get job experiance nd ll tht. to get aheaad of the curb. WELL me being an art nerd thinking my life would revolve aroun art stuff so OBViousLY i gotta do an art thing for internships. couldnt find shit for ninth grade so helped round with the cafeteria. free food. 10nth grade i was approched by two kids who haad plans to work on a film at some place and asked if i wanted in. they would do everything else and my role would be just to work on a small little animation segment for the film. i had no plans by then so well. fuck it. i agreed and joined. better than stuck in classrooms. now the thing about me nd animation is that i had. NO prior knowledge. sure i made a few gifs but thats. that is still comparable to nothing. and the animation was JUST ME. storyboard, character design. background. timing. colors. sound. JUST ME. except for the voice. i didnt know shit fuck all. and i only had one school years worth- once a week of that- and 5 hours out of THAT. to do my shit. for free mind you because it was a school based internship program. and while the other two are doing whatever else for the film, they check on me every now and then to see how progress is going along. and im a shy quiet introverted fuckermother back then and im all like "oh im fine im fine immmm fiiiiiiinnnneeee" because i didnt wanna let them down. meanwhile as i stand in their way to block the view of a burning shithouse. things were not fine. only halfway through did the internship place offer me someone WITH animation experience to guide me. guide. not helping. guide. because help would imply that now here is two people to share the work of this animation bullshit. nah that person was just there to be all "and heres what you click if you wanna do this thing in this overpriced program". eventually the thing ends, shit is ready to get wrapped up. final day. i thought i lost everything nd stayed like a couple hours searching through all the files. THANKfully i didnt actually loose the project. now i can just give it to the other two film people. i dint know shit what they were doing for the film the entire time, i was busy with wrangling the stuff of this damn animation. wanna know the best part of all this? i never gotten to watch the final product of the film. i dont even know if my animated segment is even in there. i dont have the file for said animation with me. and frankly i dont care. its over. but thats only the beginning. heres what i did for 11-12th grade for the intern program. under a read more cuz this post is already getting long.
those two years i combined because i ended up stretching the project. this time i managed to find a place all on my own. coincidentally a place that is responsible with some big film festival thing that i never attended. now the thing bout school based internships, is there the students gotta make a project for the benefit of the place. so no it could not just be normal (unpaid) office/grounds work. done with under the mentoring of a person who works at the place. the first few weeks i was just helping sort through mail, thinking of what to do for the project^tm.
motherfucker do yall wanna know what me, the mentor and the teacher that showed up to check up, came up with for the project? guess. thaats right. another goddamn animation. ALLLL ON MY OWN RAWDOGGED. huwehh. this animation was to be of "how to get tickets for attending the film festivals." sounds good enough. surely i could use the experiance ive gained only one year prior right?
listen. my memory was absolute shit. i didnot learn jack shit bout how to make animation. wanna know what my process was like? what i actually did in ordder to create a moving image? open ph*toshop. draw everything. everything. in there. savve everything as a png. put each damn png into whaatever program was to replace flash. slap the sound file atop. resist the urge to toss the equipment out the window. save final file as finished product. THAT is what id did for the internship animation the year prior. i knew that thats the worst way to go about things but its the only way i knew how. for the 11-12th grade thing, i did tht shit again. the revious year was for around 1:30 minutes long i had to do. this time was around 2 minutes. thats extraa more for me to do. alone. unpaid. again. and again it was just me on the animation. the mentor person had other things to be busy with. but this time i felt even more shitty because its already looking like shit and i still didnt want to let anyone down. the end of the year was coming up, things had to wrap up. i knew i wasnt gonna be finished. the school and job people allowed me to take the designated laptop with me to do what i need to do. i spent half way through the summer bullshiting my way through. i finished, sent the people the final file. got on the bus. went to the job place. returned the laptop. and said the final goodbyes to whoever was in the building. after that i also, didnt see what became of the animation. i never bothered checking the website. i dont even know if they even HAVE the file anymore. the mentor person got dropped out of the job halfway through anyway but at least there was a backup mentor so that i could stay around. all this just for a grade. all this just for experience. all this for experiance tht i would then forget and regret. I SHOULD HAVE GONE FOR FUCKING NATURAL ENVIORMENT WORK OR SOMETHING. restoration work or cleaning up or or. ANYTHING. theres surely pleanty of that needed. but alas time machines dont exist.
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
Justice League x RW/BY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen (Part Two)
dear god it opens with a quirky exposition dump/summary of the first part. ueghhh. its a little shorter at least. man i hate the sunken cost fallacy.
"classic superhero stuff right?" i think its better to just do the trope than it is to acknowledge the trope and then do it anyways without any twist or subversion. like, just going "its pretty funny how [x] always happens" and then doing [x] isnt like. anything. tropes are fine and you dont need to make any self aware jokes to try and get permission to do a trope. 2 full minutes of ruby summary. sigh.
they cant go a single scene without teenager level jokes, so since they dont have any teens theyre having black canary deliver those sweet sweet lines i guess. oh killer croc looks like shit huh. they really cant do anything but anime teens huh.
rw/by can do decent fight scenes, that was always where most of the appeal came from.
is batman dead. cmon itd be funny. let rw/by movie kill off batman itd be funny. then smth smth rw/by girls fight over nothing. this time the ptsd flashbacks are animated!
[left for a bit, came back with cookie dough and a cup of margarita mix]
barry going thru it or smth. why does black canary just have all the worst traits of team rw/by. whys the old man weiss calls for advice got color changing eyes and 3 personalities. cross dimension video call. why does diana have the worst makeup ive seen. oh i forgot that every weapon in rw/by is a weapon + a gun.
oh bruce is meow meow huh. pathetic dying man. the costumes are cool but why couldnt blake keep her ears smh. "a massive grimm attack!" before they even see the state of the alert. "grows tentacles to silence her" huh?? why tentacles??? oh for choking ok. also is canary usually airheaded comic relief orrr.....
man blake just looks like a huntress knockoff. and theyre really laying the flash angst on thick. flash villains are fun dont be mean guys. oh god weve hit the bruce/weiss junk. hopefully it stays footnote-y like the stuff in the first part.
fight scenes are cool if you like fight scenes. im not that big on them so. kinda bored. oh weiss ur the only bitch i missed from ur series. i dont think we really saw this group finish their fight but theyre done and joining a different one. its just fight scene after fight scene. on and theres the other group whose fight we dont get to see the end of. exposition of all of rw/by's big bads that could be involved. oh we're back to still image flashbacks.
the action scenes are. normal. the story is boring. team rw/by just gets more annoying the more i watch this. pep talk time for reasons. oh they even call it an awkward pep talk! i guess barry really is the main character of part 2. and he has trauma :). man he sounds like me talking about my dad.
id think the JL would have uh. more advanced training sims. than cardboard cutouts. more pep talk stuff. onto bruce n weiss again. daddy issues bonding time. heart attack? cy casually having mari electrocute him. killg%re reaches out to JL for something. barry continues to have ptsd.
movie i would like to sleep thru. 16 minutes left. then i am freed.
man this sure would be impactful if i cared about ruby. now back to fight scene. barry panic attack. fight scene. they went back to team rw/by's normal outfits and abilities for reasons. every once in a while i remember how rw/by didnt really cast voice actors and just used the employees and personalities that they had at rooster teeth.
the final fight strategy is all over the place. no explanation for where the dust is coming from. arent they still supposed to be on earth? oh cool they do the thing where they turn the villains against each other by having one monologue about how they used the other. problem solved?
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mindrole · 8 months
just wanted to say i like your attitude in general, fandoms can be really aggressive over "canon" so it's nice to see you take the attitude of "i don't care whether this is in character or whether "canon" contradicts it, this is fanwork and i think it's funny so that's all that matters". i also love your oc azuma, a fragment oc is a concept i've never seen done before but you love him so much and it's so nice to see. cringe culture is dead!! you should post more of him!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND MESSAGES NONNIE!!! i try my best to have fun with stuff and can be a bit individualistic in that way. i like to take a very laissez faire approach to my interpretation of characters because tbh ironically i feel that focusing on the details leads to flanderization. zooming out and seeing the big picture, probably still abstractly in character <-guy who flanderizes fictional characters like its his job saying some kind of nonsense to sound smart
also, azuma is not my oc ^^ hes a real character from the series! but he does not appear in person and is barely mentioned so its completely understandable he is obscure. im telling you his existence is practically debatable to the point where sometimes i wonder if im participating in some kind of mass hallucination, but he undoubtably exists. and i am an insane person. you are the normal one here.
i actually was not sure what you meant at first until i got the second message <-guy who struggles. but i will be answering in one message...!
im not sure how much spoilers you are ok with (probably fine since you scrolled down my blog but i want to be careful) but i can say as a baseline that azuma is one of those entities that are mentioned in the background of the story that don't matter. until they matter, like the mutsushikas or ditasword. azuma himself is an interesting case because of how deep the rabbit hole goes. like. its actually quite ridiculous how many pots he has his hands in. and no one even knows if azuma is two different characters or if he just changed names at some point (since fragmentation=not aging)
im just not good at ascertaining what is a spoiler and what isnt so just let me know how much i should lower the filter. but azuma really is special compared to the others fragments.
since azuma does not have a design i ironically try not to get attached to any mental image of him i may think of (because i hate being wrong) but i did edit a cap of bad anime sasami-san slightly as you possibly saw because i thought it was funny. i really needed a stand-in for the last chara in the photo redraw so i went fuck it, i'll use the barely edited design thats just sasami's brother (who holds a briefcase over his face at all times) but with a pink shrimp ahoge
yeah that's all we know about azuma's appearance aside from the obvious color combo. he has a shrimp ahoge. i think i might collapse
ill be reblogging posts ive made about azuma that are just my personal opinion so you can see what level of delusional and desperate im operating on
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
How are you? I just want to try and get some sleep, so I’m waiting for my pain medicine to kick in.
What's your preferred name? Stephanie or Steph. Have you ever sit under a bridge? No. Do you ever go fishing or do you find it to be cruel? No, not my thing. What's your favorite kind of donut? Glazed and maple. 
When was the last time you went on a date? It’s been about 6 years. What flowers look best in a bouquet? I don’t know. Do you like chia pudding, if you've ever tried it? I’ve never had It. 
Have you ever put the blame on someone for something that was your fault? I’m pretty quick to take the blame for everything.  Do you have trouble remembering people's names? Not usually.  Do you separate your laundry or just throw it all in there and hope for the best? I don’t do the laundry, I have help with that from my mom. What is something you want? Right now at this moment? To get some sleep. What I really want is to get to the point where I can finally go home. I just know it’s not anytime soon. :( Have you ever been in a castle? No. Can you sing well? Nope. I wish I had that talent. Sadly, I don’t have any talents. Are you currently procrastinating? No. When was the last time you kicked a ball? Never. What age did you learn how to tie your shoes? I think when I was 4. I remember going around the house and tying all the shoes once I learned how, ha. When did you last change clothes? Yesterday. I’m sick of these hospital gowns. I wish they had different ones for some variety at least. What all have you done here recently that you found to be fun? There hasn’t been anything fun here. Do you ever like to watch the clouds? It’s not something I really do. Have you ever tried to make your own bread? No. Mmm, fresh bread sounds lovely. Have you ever shut your hand up in a door? Omg, yes. That is excruciatingly painful. How did you get your last bruise? Getting lab work done. What's your favorite kind of tree? Pine. Do you like to collect rocks you find outside? I used to do that when I was a kid. It was something my Nana and I did when we’d go on walks together. She and my Papa used to travel during the summer and wherever they went she’d bring me a rock from each place. In recent years people in my town started this thing where they’d decorate rocks and hide them at various places for others to find and either keep or hide them somewhere else. It was fun finding one, I collected a few. People got really creative and showed off their artistic skills it was cool. Do you collect anything or would you like to? I used to collect rocks. My current collections are giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks, keychains, and merch from various things I’m really into, like Baby Yoda stuff, Sanrio stuff, Stars Wars stuff, Marvel stuff... What's something you find hard to believe? I can’t believe I ended up here, going through all this. I knew I had health issues that weren’t doing well and I needed to get things taken care of, but I didn’t think I’d wind up in the hospital with a trachea tube and all the other issues that I’m dealing with. When I first came I thought I’d have to stay for a little while, maybe a couple weeks or so, and receive IV fluids that would help me get on track health wise and put on some weight. Then I thought I’d be able to continue recovering at home. I was admitted back in May and here we are mid July. I still have a ways to go and have no idea when I’ll finally get to go home. I wouldn’t mind keeping the feeding tube I also had to get because it’d be a big help in gaining weight and I could also still eat and drink actual food and drinks. It’s this damn breathing tube that sucks.  What color is your favorite pair of socks? I don’t have a particular favorite pair. What makes you sensitive? I’m just sensitive. Does your town have a lot of graffiti? Yes. Do you like mozzarella sticks? I do. Have you ever tried to fit inside of a suitcase? No. Do you like mullets or wish they were a thing of the past? I’m not a fan of the mullet. What's a current trend you do not like? Crocs. Like, why?? Have you ever stepped on glass barefoot? No. What's your opinion on The Beatles? I like a few of their songs. What's sitting on your dining room table currently? We don’t have a dining room table. What do you hear right now? Boy Meets World, the sound of the humidifier from this breathing tube, beeping machines, nurses’ chatter. Do you ever argue with people online? Nah. Have you ever caught someone doing something they shouldn't? Yes. Do you ever pluck your eyebrows? Yes. Last time you ran into someone you know in public? It’s been awhile. What is for supper today? Feeding tube supplements.  What is a tv show that you find annoying? Big Bang Theory and Two Broke Girls. Tell me about an embarrassing thing you've said to someone so I can feel less alone in being weird. 😅 Nah. What's a music video you enjoy? *shrug* I haven’t watched a music video in a longgg time. How long do you spend in a bath or shower? Like 30 minutes. Are you accident prone? I have my clumsy moments. Name a song that reminds you of summer. Summertime by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff. What did you last use a microwave or air fryer for? To make a tv dinner thing, most likely. What's your middle name? I’m not sharing that. Have you ever regifted something? Yes, but they were aware of it. I didn’t have use for said thing and knew they would be interested. Have you ever been scared of something you've seen on the internet? what was it? Yeah, like back when you’d be tricked into clicking a link and something would pop up and scream really loud. Do you share any of the same favorite bands as your parents/guardian? Yeah. What kinds of cereal do you have in your pantry/cupboard? I don’t think we have any. What's the last thing you spent more than $20 on? Clothes. Do you enjoy maple syrup? Yes. Do you or anyone you know want to run for any political office? No. Have you ever used a kerosene heater? No. What's your favorite outfit to wear? I like wearing my graphic tees and leggings. Do you own any purple clothing? I have a couple purple shirts, I think. Do you currently see anything shiny in the room you're in? No. How many pairs of jeans do you have? Just a few. It’s honestly been a few years since I’ve worn jeans. Like 5 years at least.  Do you have any alcohol in your house? Yeah. Could you easily wake up at 5am every morning? If I actually got sleep and was sleeping when 5AM came around I’d have a hard time, but most likely I’d be up anyway.  Are you allergic to any foods? Just tangerines as far as I know. What's something you've owned for more than 10 years? A lot of things. When was the last time you were excited over something? I haven’t felt that in a long time... Is there a tv family that reminds you of yours? Yeah.  Were your parents/guardian very open with you about stuff? Yes. If you had to create a character for a book or whatever, what would they be like? I don’t know, that’s something I’d have to really think about and it would depend what type of story it was. What's the weather like where you are? Hot. Chapstick or lip gloss? Chapstick. Do you get annoyed over pda? No, unless they’re just being very inappropriate and obnoxious.  Have you ever been in a wedding? No. Do you or anyone you know constantly stay on their cell phone? Yes. Do you know how long your screen time is? I could check that app on my phone, but nah.
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liquidstar · 4 years
mlp ran for almost an entire decade and 7 months after its over im just now learning how to draw ponies despite the fact that i watched it since i was 10
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diavolosthots · 3 years
I'm sorry if you've done this before but how about hc of the demon bros ans how they sleep alone/with the mc, do they prefer it cooler or warmer and positions they sleep in and such
Also I hope you have a good day!!
I don't think ive ever done this before but now I want to do it before I go to sleep myself lol
THE BROTHERS and how they sleep alone vs. with MC
Lucifer is… an odd one. Firstly, the guy works himself to death so there’s a 90% chance he’ll fall asleep at his desk. On the off chance that he does make it to bed, he prefers to sleep naked, or with boxers on at MOST. He also prefers his room colder than his heart. JK, he actually prefers the heater on, or at least the fireplace. Cuddles up in his blanket and sleeps with like 4 pillows because he’s lonely, but no one will ever know because his door is locked shut to the max. If he decides to take the next step with his MC and invite them to sleep with him, he’s very reluctant to let them into his personal space, at first. Don’t expect cuddling right off the bat, okay, they have to let him ease into that. Once he’s comfortable, he actually prefers to sleep on his back and have their head on his chest, one arm wrapped around them, that way, if something happens, he can quickly get up. Oh… and he stays naked. 
Homie is a different breed okay. He sleeps in his boxers, mainly, sometimes a loose shirt if he forgot to take it off. His room is usually a little bit on the cooler side, and he doesn’t really mind it. Mammon falls asleep on his stomach but he moves around a LOT during the night and he may find himself waking up in a starfish position, or even hanging half of the bed, which is actually really funny to see. Sadly, none of that changes with his MC. As a matter of fact, he’s sure to drag them with him. They fell asleep safe and sound in his arms? They better be prepared to wake up on the floor holding onto his big toe or something. It’s weird, like, genuinely, but here’s the weirder part: they’ll never notice. He’ll miss having them close at some point and wake up, pulling them back onto the bed only to restart the process. 
Much like Lucifer, he’s more likely to fall asleep at his desk, in the middle of an anime episode, if he even sleeps that is. Now, he has a bathtub that he sleeps in, which is cushioned and actually very sleep-able. His room is usually at room temperature, sometimes a bit warmer because he has this ridiculous fear that Henry might get cold (kinda cute honestly). He usually sleeps in sweats and a t-shirt and is ALWAYS holding something, usually his Ruri-chan pillow. He’s a fairly light sleeper and the slightest noise could, potentially, wake him. With his MC, he’s very stiff at first, barely getting any sleep because now he has to get used to someone beside him. Tries being the big spoon, but figures out he prefers being the little spoon. Being the little spoon kind of.. Makes him relax more, ya know? Another position he really likes is when him and his MC are just facing each other, holding each other lazily, their foreheads touching. 
Satan has a surprisingly good sleep schedule, even with the amount he reads. He gets a good 7-8 hours most nights. His room is on the colder sides, although the fireplace is always on, and he prefers sleeping in pyjama sets, so pants and a nice button up. Usually they’re one color and made of silk (a little fancy up in here), but he also has several plaid and polka dot ones. Sleeps on his back and doesn’t really move a lot. With his MC, he tries to somewhat accommodate them and may turn the heater on in his room, although he secretly hates it lol. His sleeping position changes from his back to spooning them. He very much likes being the big spoon and holding them in his arms. His bed is also the only space that is relatively free of books; perfect for cuddling! 
Of course, he has a whole beauty routine before bed and his sheets have to lay just right. His room is at room temperature; not too hot and not too cold. Depending on his mood, he might join Satan in the pyjama set wearing squad or he may opt for a nightgown, depending on his mood. He likes to sleep on his sides, holding a pillow or clutching his blanket, but he always finds himself waking up on his back. With his MC, he kind of leaves it up to them. If they want to cuddle? Fine by him. If they want their space, also fine by him. If he had to choose, he’d probably just hold their hand, or put his head on their chest. One thing they will figure out pretty quickly though, is that he does snore. It’s a flaw he’s super ashamed of and having someone sleep with him shows that he trusts them enough to expose that flaw. 
He’s super simple. He either puts on his pyjama set or just the pyjama pants and sleeps shirtless. Of course, he does have a burger plush he sleeps with every night that totally, get this, smells like a burger. His room is on the colder side, since he shares it with Belphie and Belphie prefers it cold. He drools in his sleep and moves around a lot but all of that changes with his MC. He’s very much a cuddler so his MC has to be okay with that. Doesn’t matter how they cuddle with him, he just wants them close. Their head on his chest, spooning, facing each other, etc… just something that has him knowing they’re there. Probably gets a second blanket just in case they get cold. He also snores so his MC has to get used to that lol but it’s honestly kind of cute. 
Well you’ll never have to worry about him not coming to bed lol. As mentioned above, he prefers the room a little chilly so he can snuggle up in his sweatshirt/hoodie and a nice warm blanket. He cuddles with his pillow, of course, and much like his twin, he has to hold something in his arms at all times. Sleeps in fetal position mostly. With his MC, that doesn’t really change. His MC has to be okay with being the big spoon more often than not, and or be okay with his head on their chest. He already has a lot of blankets and his body heat is immaculate so no way his MC would be freezing, even with the room set so coldly. His pillow stays, by the way, like he may hold onto you, but that pillow is either still in his hand or under his head. No exceptions to the pillow. 
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