#calling it art is insulting tbh
rainbowsuitcase · 8 months
Armys, don’t use AI
"But why? It’s cute!" It also looks realistic and not everyone will want to use it "because it’s cute." AI can be used to create fake porn, harmful and defamatory deepfakes or to spread misinformation.
"I don’t have those intentions!" By giving AI the prompts you do, you are actively helping train it to look more realistic (among other things), which could in the future help someone who does have the intentions to hurt BTS.
The same goes for AI created songs - you are helping train AI to sound more like them which, again, someone could in the future use to hurt them.
There is no middle ground here. There is no "oh, I only make it create nice stuff!" It doesn’t work that way.
Not to mention, that it’s disrespectful to real artists who spend hours working on their pieces, putting actual energy and love into them.
Not to mention, and now this is just my opinion, creating (half) naked pictures of them is disrespectful to BTS themselves. They always choose when they feel comfortable showing us their bodies (ex. music videos or photoshoots in contract with behind the scenes videos).
Arguing that it’s not really their bodies doesn’t make it better in my opinion. Because how do those fake bodies look? Thin and muscular and perfect, by mainstream beauty standards. We know that some members have struggled with their body image in the past, there’s a strong diet culture in the kpop industry in general and you, thirsting over those perfect, fake bodies are only encouraging it.
Say no to the robot. Enjoy the real BTS and support real artists. Please.
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creamecream · 6 months
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“Her name is Penelope, she was a showgirl,
But that was thirty years ago, when they used to have a show,
Now it’s a disco, but not for Penny,
Still in the dress she used to wear, faded ribbons in her hair,
She sits there, so refined, and drinks herself half blind,
She lost her youth and she lost her Vaggie,
Now she’s lost her mind,”
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honeyhotteok · 9 months
hii may i ask for a gun x reader fic, where we just utterly despite our delinquent gun as a normal student, yet he loves us? like, he never makes it obvious but we just hate him, his attitude, his behavior etc, since he always interfere in bloody stuff which we r scared of.. love ya<3
hi anon! thank u for sending in this ask!! tbh writing for gun is a struggle for me but i tried lol also hope u don't mind i went in a slightly different direction with your idea🥹🫶
strawberry milk & cigarettes (gun park x reader)
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summary: gun meets gian high school's #1 student.
"Yamazaki Yuzuru, to the principal's office. Now."
The class erupts into hushed whispers about the summoned new kid - a delinquent rumored to be making his way throughout Japan in order to study different martial arts, a fighting prodigy of sorts.
Gun stands up and makes his way to the classroom door. A turn of his head paired with a cold glare shuts everyone up, leaving a few of your classmates shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
Meanwhile, you're sat there tuning all of this out, head buried in your notebook. Devoting 100% of your concentration to rewriting your notes from the previous class.
Gun is on his way to walking past your desk, but stops in front of it when something catches his attention.
He looks down at your notebook, the pages inscribed with perfectly straight lines of neat handwriting coupled with color-coordinated evenly highlighted blocks. The layers of organization, the penmanship - it's impressive, really.
You feel a pair of eyes on you and notice an inked forearm in front of you peeking through the rolled up black sleeve of his gakuran jacket. Ugh. Great. Another disruptive thug attending this institution, another potential obstacle to your simple goal of pursuing an education.
You finally slowly raise your head to look up at him, unsure why this weirdo is staring at you.
"Can I help y-"
Gun smirks and turns around before your eyes even meet his, walking off before you can finish your sentence.
Leaving you appalled at his complete lack of manners, but with nothing to do but return to your meticulous notes task.
"Okay, everyone, pass your homework up to the front."
You turn to the seat behind you to take Gun's paper and you catch a glimpse of the bottom of his sleeve, still bloodied from the fight he just had before class. Your face scrunches up in disgust.
You glance down at his paper and the absolutely illegible chicken scratch scrawled onto it. You can't help but grimace. "What's wrong with your handwriting?"
"Why is it any of your business?"
You scoff at his reply. "Rude bastard," you mutter under your breath.
He leans forward in his seat, a strand of his slicked back black hair falling in front of his face. "What did you just say?"
You're not sure what it is - maybe it's the irritability from lack of sleep, or the academic stress you've been experiencing tenfold this week, or the fact that this new punk's mere existence in your space is starting to get on your nerves. Maybe it's all of the above.
You whip your head back around to face him. "I called you a rude bastard."
He gives you an unreadable stare. The class suddenly falls silent. Shit, maybe you said that a little bit louder than you had intended.
You turn back around in your seat and pass the stack of papers up, both annoyance and embarrassment coursing through you.
Gun's lips curl into an amused smile at the first words anyone at this school has dared utter to his face while looking him in the eye.
You walk over to the vending machine down the hall during break time, already fishing for your wallet in anticipation.
Your friend catches up to you and nudges you with her elbow.
"What was that?! You just insulted an actual member of the Yamazaki family!" She says in a hushed voice.
You stare blankly at your friend. "The who?"
"Yamazaki family, of the Yakuza."
You pause. "Wait, he's an actual kid of a Yakuza family? I thought he was just a random pathetic teenage thug nobody..." you mumble. Huh. Maybe it would've served you to not have insulted someone with the ties to actually kill you and get away with it.
You glance at your watch with a wave of your hand. "You know what, I don't have time for this. I'm gonna get my strawberry milk and go study."
You frown as your eyes settle on the empty spiral behind the vending machine window before you. "Aw, they're all out."
Your friend suggests you just buy one of the other drinks instead, but you sigh and tell her to forget it.
Gun, who totally hasn't been trailing a few steps behind you or anything, turns on his heel and beckons one of his new lackeys over.
He opens his mouth, then pauses. "Nevermind, I'll do it myself."
Gun's eyes flit between the similar looking white and pink cans of Sangaria Strawberry Milk and Suntory Strawberry Milk sitting on the convenience store refrigerator shelf.
"Dammit, why are there so many strawberry milk brands," he mutters to himself.
He quickly snatches both of them and walks over to the register to pay.
He jogs across the street back to school. He tries to discreetly leave both cans on your desk before the rest of the class trickles back in as break time comes to an end.
You cautiously pick up one of the cans of strawberry milk sitting on your desk, glancing around the room. Uh, what the... Did someone leave these for you?
You lift and inspect the can. "Do you think this could be poisoned?"
Your friend rolls her eyes. "It's a sealed can. Maybe you just have a secret admirer," she says with a grin and nudge.
It's your turn to roll your eyes at her. You shrug and pop open the can. Your spirits instantly lift after your first sip of the creamy fruity beverage.
Gun watches from his desk with his cheek resting in his palm. A faint, extremely weird unfamiliar feeling beginning to stir in his chest.
Gun rests his arms on the railing of the upper section of the roof. He takes a long drag of his cigarette.
The door to the lower level of the roof swings open, and to his surprise, it's you walking in. You don't notice him since he remains out of your line of sight unless you look up.
It's been a long, long school day. After pulling another all-nighter studying last night, you're stressed out and sleep-deprived.
You know you should kick this bad habit, maybe after this exam season ends. Which is also what you told yourself last exam season, but whatever. You fumble your cardigan pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes and begin to light one.
Gun raises his eyebrows then chuckles at the sight of Gian High School's perfect and pristine #1 student of all people smoking, and smoking on school grounds to top it off.
You whip your head around at the noise.
Gun immediately ducks his head under the wall thanks to his lightning-quick reflexes.
Nothing but a blank wall behind you. Huh. Maybe the sleep deprivation has you hearing shit now, too.
After enough moments pass, he slowly lifts his head and peeks over the ledge at the back of your silhouette.
He smiles and puts out his own cig, beginning to make his way back in through the stairway door. Your little secret safe with him.
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Listen to Me
Tsukishima x f!reader | rated E | 5k
Summary: Failing one of your classes, you remember a flyer you saw on campus offering ‘on call’ tutoring sessions. So, in your desperation, you call and develop a crush on the guy’s voice on the other end. Pretty soon, things start to heat up.
A/n: this is very self indulgent porn tbh, pls don’t judge me but I had a craving for a voice kink and the thought of Kei whispering in my ear gave me goosebumps. So~
“Hey there,” the smooth sounding voice on the other end of the phone says, sending a shiver down your spine.
You had seen a flyer on campus for a call in tutoring session a while back and as a joke, you snapped a picture of it for future reference. Well, good thing you did because guess who’s failing chem?
“H-hi,” you hesitate, being completely thrown off by the sound of this guys voice.
“Hello,” he greets again. “Did you need help in a subject, or are you one of those girls who call because they heard I have nice voice?”
“People actually do that? I mean you sound, like a normal guy,” you shrug, fiddling with your pencil.
“I’ve been told my voice is soothing to the ear,” he replies. “Not too deep, but not too high, and with a tone that is both unbothered, yet still attentive.”
“I just meant that you sound familiar, is all,” you scoff a laugh, rolling your eyes at how pretentious he’s sounding.
“I get that a lot,” he chuckles. The sound vibrating through the speaker tickles your ear. “Was there something I could help you with?”
“Oh, right,” you almost forgot why you called in the first place.
Talking you through your chemistry homework like he’s in the same class, he teaches you how to find the compounds and use your graphic calculator with ease. And, yeah, okay, his voice is kind of soothing, but he doesn’t need to know you think that.
“Holy shit, I think I understand now,” you laugh, amazed at how simple it actually is once it was explained in a way you could grasp. “You’re pretty smart aren’t you?” You tease him.
“Well, yeah,” he says, and you can hear him rolling his eyes at your stupid question.
“Okay, nerd,” you playfully insult him.
“This nerd just saved your ass from failing chemistry,” he rebuttals. “And the next time you have to call me for help, I’m charging you. Only the first one’s free.”
“Ugh, fine,” you say, pointedly, ending the call.
Please read the rest on ao3
Also, I’m not sure who to credit for this pic that my friend had saved from Pinterest, the artist is no longer active on Twitter and there is no watermark or signature on the art (I even reversed Google image searched and nothing came up), but if you know who made it pls lmk so I can tag them or link their art!!
Anyway, this is the Kei I think of when I wrote this fic, just to get an idea of why I needed to write this fic 💁🏻‍♀️ (also, my friend said Kei biting on the pen is slut behavior, and I agree I agree I agree)
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socialistexan · 1 year
Y'know, I've seen this argument a few times, but I really want to get my thoughts out there on this.
I just got a youtube short from a podcast by two lesbians, and in the clip one of the women says "Dylan Mulvaney is the Al Jolson of 2023," and like tbh I just kinda saw red.
If you really want to make that comparison, say trans people are the blackface of 2023 (which is just a bad comparion and insulting to both black people and trans people), you could at least know there literally is a such thing that has sometimes been called "female impersonators," it's drag queens, not trans women.
And here's the thing, I love drag. But, I used to not like drag or drag queens because I thought they made things harder for trans people, and "make a mockery" of women, being (mostly) cis men seemingly putting on a costume.
But that's not true, it just simply isn't the case, especially when you look at the history of our community and how foundational drag was to the LGBTQ community. And it's just fun expression and artistry. The "impersonation" is not trivializing or mockery, it's just apart of the art form, which is further emphasized by bio queens.
And that's where the comparison of drag queens to blackface falls apart. Drag is celebratory while blackface is meant to ridicule, attack, and mock and make black people the butt of the joke.
On the other part of the comparison (ie what she actually said), trans people aren't putting on a show. I'm not performing some female character in some places and then go home and take it off like a mask and kick my feet up on the coffee table as my deadname. This isn't some costume I put on for fun, this is who I am. This isn't some bit I do for a laugh.
I am not making a mockery of women by simply existing as a woman. And neither is Dylan or any other woman that exists on this planet that doesn't fit your standards of what it means to be a woman.
You seeing us as a mockery is a you problem, not a me problem. Your disgust is a you problem, not a me problem. You hatred is a you problem, so don't make it mine.
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d0not-disturb · 2 months
Art reqst
Human grumbots
But its all the different grumbots
Oldest is ofc the first, maybe the mentally ill one (cause mumbo and grian locked him up in an island)
Buddy I already posted all the human Grumbot designs dawg
But might as well drop some lore while I’m at it
Oldest- Grumbot (OG from Season seven) “human” name: Luan Ronnie Jumbo (dreamslayer)
For his middle name I picked Ronnie because it means ruler (he pretty much parents his brothers) , and advice (literally his purpose), also Ronnie is such a good name tbh
Middle children- Grumbot Prime and Emperor Grumbot both from season 9, I made them twins since they don’t have a canon age difference unlike Grumbot and Jrumbot who were also made in the same season but have a canon age difference, grian literally saying Jrumbot was grumbots little brother. “Human” names: Parker Charles Jumbo (dreamslayer) for Grumbot Prime, and Emmett Oliver Jumbo (dreamslayer) for Emperor Grumbot
For the twins, their middle names correspond to who they are most like, so Parker is more like Grian and Emmett is more like Mumbo
Youngest- Jrumbot (also from season 7) “human” name: Archie Ryan Jumbo (dreamslayer)
Okay for the middle name he’s named after Scar because he is in fact the only jumbo kid who actually likes him, lazy ik but still
No this isn’t the birds and the bees lesson because THEY WERENT MADE THAT WAY. So Xisuma started to notice how these MASSIVE robots were like conquering the hermitcraft multiverse (which apparently is canon) and killing a crap ton of people, specifically Scar, so he looked into it and turns out! They are Mumbo and Grian’s kids so he walked up to them one day and said, “take care of ya sons” so they go after them, or Xisuma forces them to, they fight and fight, and grian uses this BIG ASS spell that would turn the grumbots into their weakest form, which is human children (low key insulting to us humans ngl)
So they come back and Xisuma sees them like disheveled with like four crying little kids on them and he’s like, let’s take it one at a time mkay? So he takes the younger kids, and makes it so they won’t be ‘born’ until Grian and Mumbo Are ready for another kid because going from no kids to four kids in the span of 2 weeks is crazy
How does he do this? Well he genetically modifies them so that they revert back to just eggs that won’t hatch until exposed to heat, so he keeps them locked up in a freezer until the time is right
Ngl that sounds bad but trust me it’s not
Anyway grian and Mumbo soon realize they can’t really raise a kid none the less four on the hermitcraft server since there are no schools, hospitals, clinics, daycares, playgrounds, etc, and they panic cause they don’t wanna leave, so Xisuma adds a small sub server attached to the hermit craft server called, “the hermit suburbs” were people can live normal lives while still being hermits, and eventually more hermits and even some folks from empires and the life series go and live there and still go on the hermitcraft server.
So that’s where Grian and Mumbo raise the rest of those weird robot human hybrids
also after 2 years of Grian and Mumbo taking care of Luan, they are like, “yeah we can take another now” and then Xisuma gives them the twins and they are like “why are there two” and Xisuma is like, “I want this to be over with as soon as possible so I’m just giving you two deal with it” and so they just deal with it, but they soon realize how much more work it is, since the twins are VERY bad babies, what I mean is they cry all the time, don’t eat food they don’t like, don’t get dressed without a fight , etc, and so they wait 6 YEARS when they are almost teenagers to get the final egg, which is Archie, who is the best by far.
So that explains the age gap if you were wondering
Alright that’s all the lore y’all’s are getting DONT get attached
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beesmygod · 2 years
i had the most unbelievably frustrating conversation the other day over the complete failure of modern criticism to recognize the most basic forms of misogyny, especially in mainstream media, and how the inability to recognize these things was leading to a death in entertainment for young women that wasn’t regressive or insulting to their capabilities. the attempt to rehabilitate “twilight”, a novel in which the protagonist (who i am told has no personality or interests, outside of getting attention to boys, on purpose in order to act as a proxy for the reader) must choose between her family, her future, her dreams, her wants, and her desires or what her boyfriend wants, is an example.
“lore olympus” has drifted significantly from its original central contrived plot revolving around persephone maintaining her virginity (?!) so she can keep her college scholarship, but the original concept appeared to offer the female readership a choice: either stay in school or become the 19 year old object of sexual obsession of a man nearly 3x your age, which is good, because he will take care of you. the protagonist is a waifish, weak, emotional, perpetual victim of the world around her who needs men to com rescue her from even the mildest of situations.
inexplicable cult classic “jupiter ascending” revolves entirely around who she should marry. she does absolutely nothing in the entire movie except get shuffled from set piece to set piece as she must choose whether to marry the heterosexual buff dog man or the effeminate villain. tbh all of these properties are very similar to me in my head; they fail basic sniff tests but are gobbled up by masses who, i had thought, were more capable of discerning these concepts.
the inability to escape properties with these elements contributed significantly to my downward spiral as i became a teen/adult. there was a dawning horror that the number of avenues for success on my own were being deliberately made unavailable to me in order to keep an entire half of the population indebted to the other. that the expectation was not that i would get a job out of school, take care of myself, maybe meet someone along the way, maybe have a kid if it works out. i was supposed to get a degree, as a joke i guess or just to waste my time since i wasn’t REALLY supposed to get a real job, and then immediately i would be used as childcare/a live in maid because my interests were secondary to those of the man i was expected to marry (im also bi so that added another fun twist to it lol). my 20s and 30s were supposed to be used on children and taking care of my husband. this realization made it feel like i was trapped in a box that shrunk and shrunk and threatened to crush me under the pressure from all sides to be something i couldnt even comprehend people wanted to be.
pointing out the existence and proliferation of what, to me, are extremely basic concepts to reject as a feminist, causes people to launch into a type of defense that feels like it comes from another planet. accusations of puritanism, censorship, being the actual misogynist, etc. i dont know how to explain to people that pointing these things out, LIKE I AM DOING IN THIS POST LIKE THIS LEVEL OF DISCUSSION, is not a call for it to be banned or removed or changed or whatever. the purpose of bad art is to discuss it and learn from it. we’re supposed to dissect it and why it came into existence, not stomp out anything that isn’t flawlessly progressive.
if i didnt have anything to complain about i’d get bored lol. how is a critic supposed to criticize without criticism, you know.
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hello hello my loves, it's been a while since I've done a fic rec list and I'm feeling *inspired*
my qualifications are that i'm a loser and have read over a thousand fics so far in 2023
Was Sorta Hopin' That You'd Stay by jaydreamz (8/8)
Minyard Josten rivalry but they actually hate each other. They have a prank war. It's beautiful.
Eighteen Wheels And Three Beating Hearts by Autumnalpalmetto, IKnowWhoYouAre_Damianos (21/21)
Small town AU, Neil is a trucker with a son and Andrew runs a diner. So many found family feels, was giggling like a child the whole time. Connor owns my heart.
Die Free Or Die A Failure by Mickey_99 (54/54)
This one. This one!!! It's so good. Like, so good. It's a Raven!Neil fic, where Neil escapes the Nest and joins Kevin at PSU. It's super dark at times, but so lovely? The found family in this one is just *chefs kiss*
I Guess This Is Where I Say Goodbye by Artificiosus (2/2)
Listen y'all. I bawled like a baby reading this one. Full on ugly sobbing. It was amazing. It's MCD, so be careful. Neil gets in a car crash and calls Andrew, but Andrew doesn't pick up. The whole fic is Neil's voicemail and Andrew's reaction. It's so beautiful and so so sad.
Here And Where You Are by pentagrammed (1/1)
This one!!! It's almost sort-of MCD? But not actually. Read it, I'm begging. There's not much I can say about it without spoilers, so just... read it.
Dating & Other Disasters by lolainslackss, moonix (12/12)
Okok but this one. It's fake dating, the Foxes all go to a fine arts school. Neil is an actor and Andrew is a writer. It's so good !!! Andrew's poem lives rent-free in my head.
Murder Boyfriends by justadreamfox (3/3)
Heathers AU!!! It's beautiful, I'm in love with it. Go forth and read.
Better Than A Night Light by Ominous (1/1)
Literally 7k of fluff. Neil watches one of those alien horror movies and gets scared by it (but Drew is there to help, ofc)
Small Angry Gardeners by SensationalSunburst (8 part series)
Neil and Andrew's adventures in homeowning, gardening, meeting neighbors, owning animals, and other domestic bullshit. So fluffy, so sweet, so fun. Simply adore.
Heimkehr Means Homecoming by This_Witch_Writes (2 part series)
Cass is good! Andrew gets a mom! Family !!!! Literally so good, I cried a lot.
What Does 'Viral' Mean? by darkbluebox (1/1)
Kevin is a sports commentator after retirement, and Neil joins him for a game. So much bickering. Fucking hilarious
In Reel And Rout by maydaykevin (10/10)
Fantasy pirates AU. Vaguely Pirates of the Caribbean? So good though, oh my god. Andrew has water powers and shit. Neil is a pirate captain. I'm in love.
The Exy Team Is Nuts: A Survival Guide For The Uninitiated by Cute Negativity Cloud (Ofelia) (1/1)
The Foxes from the perspective of the other sports team. They have a whiteboard with rules for how to deal with them without being murdered/beaten up/insulted to death. It's fucking hilarious
Kill My Mind (Raise My Body Back To Life) by r3mus (1/1)
Ghostface!Andriel. They're murder boyfriends who kill bad people. It was such a fun read tbh
Queer Eye For The Demi Guy by neilwrites (13/13)
Neil goes on Queer Eye. The Monsters + Allison are the fab 5. it's wonderful, I love it.
Baby I'll Bleed You Dry by priorwalter (2 part series)
The Twilight AU this fandom desperately needed. In which Andrew is Edward, Neil is Bella, and many jokes are made. I spend a solid half an hour cackling
The Gaslights Burn Brightly by This_Witch_Writes (8/8)
Okok so Andrew and Neil were childhood friends, but Neil disappears one day and everyone convinces Andrew that he never existed at all. Eight years later, they meet again at PSU. It was so. Amazing. I love this author sm
A Dad By Any Other Name by SensationalSunburst (2/2)
Coach Wymack being a dad for 5k. That's it. That's the fic. (5+1 Wymack being a dad)
Called It Home by jingerhead (1/1)
Neil is spiderman. Spoilers for No Way Home. Guys it's so good !!
What We Ask by constellationqueen (40/40)
Neil gets hurt. Andrew helps him. SUUUUPER dark guys, like. Super dark. MCD too, so watch out. Really sad but so so beautiful, I sobbed so violently my sibling thought someone had died
The Suit Universe by marie_pothos (17 part series)
Ohhhhhh my god THIS ONE!!! My all time fave series. It's a popstar AU, but Neil is basically Taylor Swift. It's all based off of Taylor Swift songs. Absolute must read, even if you don't like TS that much. It's so beautiful, and funny, and so so sweet, and just- I could go on forever about this one.
Shake My Tomb by exactly13percent_OLD (hymbeaux) (10/10)
Butcher!Neil (sorta). kevin goes to Neil for protection from Riko, so neil goes to PSU. So beautifully written, I just re-read it today. It's so good guys.
Take To The Wing by iceEckos12 (20/20)
Neil signs the contract during his Christmas at Evermore. Surprisingly fluffy for a Nest fic, and there are some absolutely wonderful OCs. I would die for Joshua.
Something In Return by reaching_my_summit (10/10)
Neil and Andrew go to Disney World. That's the whole fic. Tooth-rotting fluff, it's amazing
Funky Happenings With The Fox Family by dobbypussypopper (27/27)
THE Fox group chat fic. It's fucking hilarious, I laughed so hard I started crying.
The Marks We Make by Fortheloveofexy (11/11)
Soulmate AU. Guys, this fic. It's one of my favorites. I reread it all the time. It's so good, and so sweet, and just UGH. I adore it so much.
Falling. by Idnis (16/16)
Art School AU where Andrew is a photographer and Neil is a painter. It's so poetic and beautiful, I'm begging you to read it.
Too Gay To Function by gluupor (1/1)
Mean Girls fusion. Andrew is Regina George. Enough said.
And there you go! This is a very very small fraction of the fics I've read this year, so obviously I have more if anyone's interested.
Go forth and read !
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laneydays · 2 years
ghost boy headcanons
billy showalter
adults and old people LOVE him. take him to meet ur parents, do it
but also hes the type to act way different with ppl his age than adults
kind of a smart mouth.... but in a cool kind of annoying way
twirls his hair a lot LMAO
crosses his arms when he's upset mad sad or annoyed
loves coca cola and root beer
adores dogs, his dog is his best friend
extremely supportive of queer identities even if he isnt queer himself
love language is acts of service
just loves to be helpful
feels bad if people do stuff for him though
griffin stagg
is lowkey a menace sometimes
but also a sweetheart
he likes weird unexpected shit for someone his age
incredibly smart but doesn't rlly know that
great at art
doesnt curse a whole bunch but when he does he curses like a sailor and he does it good
doesnt know how to match his clothes for the life of him
wears bandanas to pull his hair back, gets made fun of and called a girl for it
everyone just wants to kiss and hold him like a little kid, he doesn't understand it
doesn't like when people baby him
love language is gift giving, probably picks up random shit to give to you
"here have this rock" "i got a pretty flower for you" "i found a cola bottle cap"
you keep them all
vance hopper
adhd probably 
pinball hyperfixation need i say more
he's actually pretty chill when hes not angry. if u don't bother him he's real quiet
aromatic and asexual. no he wouldn't be a player
but also is open to meeting someone, whether its platonic or romantic (remember aroace people can still date)
tries to act tough but hes just a big nerd tbh
smoked a cig once. never again, hated it
gets very mad at people when they make fun of his choker, he gets embarrassed 
acts homophobic but he really doesnt care
would probably beat someone up if they made fun of a queer kid
that doesnt stop him from saying "thats gay" as a (joking) insult however
doesn't really have a specific love language, just anything to show you care he appreciates it quietly
not big on physical touch but he doesn't mind it 
collects vinyls
wears a looot of denim
finney blake
also autistic
space special interest
kind of good at drawing
literally wouldn't hurt a fly
his jokes are so unfunny that its funny
sounds like an angel when he laughs and looks like one when he smiles
and its hard to get a smile out of him
carries that little spaceship with him everywhere, freaks out if he can't find it
cant think of anything else for him
doesn't have a specific love language either, just anything to show that u care
bruce yamada
bro is not as good in school as everyone thinks he is
but tries very hard and does his best
really loves history
i feel like this is obvious but he collects baseball cards
flexes them on you every time you come to his house and it gets a little annoying 
is the nice guy of the friend group
probably the corniest person ever
is pretty funny but when he tries to be funny it doesn't work
love language is quality time definitely
also physical touch, just the little things though like touching shoulders or brushing fingers
robin arellano
wears his bandana literally every day and it smells so bad
says its to keep the hair out of his face
bro is gorgeous without it
his wardrobe is 70% sleeveless shirts
a huge showoff and a sucker for praise
laughs at potty jokes every single time
his humor is fake flirting
very protective but he isn't scary at all
fucks up the school lunch like its his last meal
probably complains about it though
can talk to literally anyone and everyone, its really nice
he's.... not great in school but he tries to be nice to the teachers
passes notes in class 24/7 and he gets in trouble so much for it
canon movie fanatic, loves watching them even if they suck
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dropout-if · 7 months
Sorry if this has been asked before, but this one is one of theclassics and I love your ros so I wanted to ask this :> but anyway the ask is what are the homescreen and lockscreen of the ros' phones and how do they save mc's name on their phone? And does that change if they are dating mc?
Thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Jean/Jade- both have always been the same since they got their phone: J's lockscreen is an aesthetic picture of Downtown Heights they thought looked pretty at the moment, and their homescreen is a picture J's dad took when they went on vacation many years ago.
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Uma- can't settle or pick so they tend to change lockscreens and homescreens often. Uma does make them match + it's usually their art^^
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Statler- wants their lockscreens and homescreens to be matching with their partner (so, either Noir or MC). If their s/o isn't comfortable with pictures of themself, Statler is fine with anything that matches tbh.
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Wanda- her lockscreen is an old picture of the friend group^^ It's been that way for years. Wanda's homescreen does change from time to time but it's always her and Gabi.
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Kai- changes them regularly, they don't have a clear theme. It's mostly just pictures of their travels and/or parties.
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Travis- his lockscreen is some dark gothic art^^ and his homescreen is just Byron. Travis rarely changes it (only changed it when Wanda playfully bullied him into it and called him boring).
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MC's Contact Name
Jean/Jade- [Surname], [Name] (lol gkskfk they do that to every contact they have). If J is dating MC: [Surname], [Name] <3
Uma- most likely a very old nickname from childhood! If Uma is dating MC they'd change it to a myriad of emojis (💕🖤🎨).
Statler- Just [Name] Maude (they'd probably forget who MC is otherwise...) If Statler is dating MC, they'd change it to a very corny pet name (most likely Sweetheart or Love + a 💘).
Wanda- MC’s name and some emojis that remind her of them (Wanda likes emojis, like: 🤺🌻⚡🦎🍑). If Wanda is dating MC, they'd change the name to Darling but keep the emojis.
Kai- they don't have much imagination, it's probably going to be a(n insulting) nickname. If Kai is dating MC, they'd change it to Player #1 (+ J would be Player #3 in their poly).
Travis- just MC's name clslkg it doesn't change even if he's dating them either. Travis would most likely let MC pick their contact name for him.
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wulvercazz · 4 months
grimmichigrimmichigrimmichi >:3333 (pairing meme)
heheh okay- so shiP IT ofc 😂 .. but here's the answers;
What made you ship it?
so... I have a very specific list of qualities I look for when it comes to my favorite male characters. And Grimmjow fit them all 😂💕
When I first watched Bleach the only thing I shipped was IchiRuki, bc naturally that was the only way to go for me tbh, but then Grimm appeared and I was obsessed. When it comes to otps for me, first I find a fave character, then I consider the possible pairings. Not any other way. And with Grimmjow... well the only option for me was Ichigo tbh.
Not to discredit any other Grimmjow ships, I've done a few of them myself, but with how passionately these two throw themselves at each other I truly couldn't look any other way. Lol
So tldr; Grimmjow's got slut potential and I dig that, and they're too into each other for me not to see "gay" plastered all over them 💫
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hmmm 🤔maybe how inherently feral it is, canon-wise. Also how harmonious their overall designs are together, there's nothing nicer than a pair that looks good together, at least as an artist. Also how easy they are (for me at least) to write/draw; I have a hard time focusing on one thing for long enough to get good at things (hence the many AUs lol!) so for me to have a ship I draw constantly for more than four years now... is truly astounding lmao. They helped me grow soooo much so they hold a dear dear place in my heart just bc of that alone.
And because of that last one: how easy it is to apply AUs to themmmm ;w;<33333 I can legit think of anything and make an AU out of it and not struggle too much to find the perfect place for them in it.
And also,, sort of fave sort of least fave- that it's not an overly popular ship in general (ik it's popular in the Bleach fandom itself, but rather; not popular like a ship from BNHA or JJK). Why; bc I get to have my quiet space where I draw all the ideas I want and yet have had verY few people throw insults at me for some of my darker stuff 😂 Bigger fandoms I've interacted with (as a viewer mostly) have had issues popping up left and right, people getting upset over dumb shit and letting that grow to huge proportions, "antis" everywhere... yeahhhh no thanks 😖
but also-- it gets verY quiet at times specially for someone who's so picky. Like, if I could find a fandom space like the exclusive bottom Bakugo enthusiasts I followed on twt (and even bought a whole zine about) but for GriMMJOW??? WOOF😭💕 so yeah,,, love-hate situation on this last bit lmaooo
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
A few 😂😭 everyone who's followed my art for a certain amount of time can probs tell how the 'tism really affects how I enjoy ships lmaoooo I have to enjoy them a very specific certain way so... that means I don't partake at all on a good few of the popular tropes for the ship. Some I can think of rn; damsel-in-distress!Ichigo, overly hurtful!Grimm (although this one is more old fandom I think 🤔? I remember, in a lot of fics back then, Grimmjow was portrayed a lot as this violent rapist adgdfddfdff not for me lmaoo), ofc top!Grimm, Grimmjow acting all macho relationship wise, and too much angst (I think this ship (and Ichigo in general lets be honest) can call for a lot of angst in fic so I totally get it- but ...meh, if it's not romaticized/sexualized angst, idc for it adgdfgf I don't like it when they actually suffer 😭)
OOH OH! ALSO --- making them OOC in AUs CAN be great actually (to me at least). I know a lot of people (not just here, but in any ship/fandom/etc) don't love OOC characterizations of their fave characters/ships (hence why it's a tag we use tbh) but I personally love that at times??? I won't do it all the time and all over the place... but AUs where there's space to make Grimm less violent? or Ichigo less friendly/loving??? While still within their canon character potentials--- hecC yes. >:)ccc
Also ofc; that I wish it was still common to tag ships as top-bottom like it is with HoEn/EnHo (bnha), VK/KV /trigun, KRBK/BKKR (bnha) etc or at least tag it some other way along the ship.... it would be sO much easier to filter out stuff i don't want to see instead of having to mute/block a whole person I would still love to see stuff from.
BuT I am aware most have no preference whatsoever lmaO so... yeah nothing I can do there except not follow people pfFFF 😂😭 (and wait until I find peeps with similar tastes aasdfs)
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wildpeachfarm · 15 days
being a twitter transplant isn’t a bad thing at all but i would consider you one because despite lurking you weren’t really active in the dtblr community while you were active in the twitter fandom. i think that’s how most people define it since the tumblr fandom has always been fairly tight knit
To be honest though, that just seems like a way to insult people who weren't part of the "popular club" beforehand 💀
Like I've been posting art in the fandom for a while but because I wasn't getting a lot of likes or attention suddenly I'm a twitter transplant? And when the word is only ever used by blogs to shit on people, it seems like it's only a bad thing to call someone tbh
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imbelfoxxyloxxy · 3 months
Thoughts on Husk and Niffty?
I even drew them over spring break tehehe 🤭
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Long answer:
I’m really interested in seeing more of them, be it with how short season 1 was, wanting MORE RAGH, and being a fan of hazbin since the creators speed drawing days I’m really interested in seeing what’s official now, what changed and stuff yah know? Like husk being an ex overlord??? Oooooo
And like the fact they’re mysterious without having to fully rely on the lore of Alastor, both have their own personalities, back stories, and specific traits that make them stand out on their own in the cast, and from their boss that owns their lives
Back on husk being an ex overlord, that means Niffty was one as well right? and if so I really wanna know what she was like before she sold her soul to alastor, and tbh with how she acts, did she even sell her soul to him? /j
She doesn’t seem as miserable as Husk like what was her trade with alastor, did she loose a bet or was this an honest deal? Why him and not the other overlords?
We got a look into their dynamic in season 1, with Husk seeming to know a lot more about Niffty, making her more mysterious than Alastor tbh, Husk is a okay with insulting his boss to other people but when Niffty signaled him to keep quiet??? And he did???? NIFFTY LORE NOW😩
I just wanna know their human lives as well, and what souls did they own before alastor claimed theirs? In order to be an overlord you gotta own souls yah know? And how did alastor win their souls? We see with Husk he lost a card game, so how did Niffty lose if she didn’t want to sell her soul? Both are younger than Alastor so like did they know his name at least or did they just think he was a random sinner? Since the only ones telling us his lore was Vaggie in the pilot, and Mimzy, someone that knew him personally when they were alive. Husk and Niffty don’t say anything about him from what I remember, just that husk is miserable and Niffty is… Niffty 🌝
And since Husk was an overlord, how did people react when he lost his soul to alastor?? does alastor own his casino now? I get he’s called a fraud and scammer now but like, since we haven’t seen it, is he called that by random sinners? People that lose to card games with him? Or current (but older) overlords? (Since I don’t think the Vs really keep track tbh) 🤷‍♀️
Alastor had a habit of just killing overlords, and since the souls he seems to own seem to be his little henchmen, what did Niffty and husk have specifically that makes him not only keep them around, but also bicker with? Like yes he still views them as benith them but like still they’re has to be more to that contract to prevent alastor form killing them the moment their souls were traded.
Overall I just wanna know more about them, but if the short season eps is a pattern, I’m satisfied with consuming official content and fan art, because tbh there is very little husk and Niffty content in this fandom
ANYWAYS Both fine af and I wont them shiiii leave alastor for me I can fight him off wanna be emo furry vs wanna be emo furry lets go 💥💥💥
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bulletsxlattes · 2 months
This weekend I decided to read Tim Drake: Robin or whatever it's called because I wanted to see what Tim was up to. I dont particularly like new comics. Ok no, im being too kind. I stopped reading comics all together because I hate them. I only read new earth bby. Granted, New Earth comics have their flaws, I just feel there is better chance to run into good writing as opposed to current comics where I have to wonder how people get away with what they publish. But that's besides the point.
Or perhaps, it's adjacent. I digress.
So I read the comic. All ten issues. Perhaps, I was feeling generous or particularly masochistic. And I have to say: I absolutely hated it.
I know, big surprise.
I don't like Bernard. I knew he was a stale cardboard cut out the moment I read the original special where he made his reappearance. Im not even going to talk about how he used to be, who he is now is just boring. He's such a typical love interest - so safe and without risk nor real flaws. The issue with his internal dialogue was so...amateurish. all the cooking mentions, what actually happens in the issue was so ridiculous.
Im not gonna mention the art in the first issues, everyone knows it was...art. it was some kinda art. But art nonetheless.
Tim was written like such a dumbass, its a SHOCK to me he was ever referred to as detective by Ra's. Lol. And look I know Tim can be stupid. But he was so baffingly stupid, I even felt insulted for his stale saltine of a boyfriend when he assumed Bernard had to be even stupider than him.
That issue at the restaurant, i couldn't fathom how tim could come up with such excuses to run away. Not only that, he runs away during moments that are pretty crucial to his relationship. Like, if bernard was as stupid as Tim thinks he is, he would have broken up with him because hes never there. But now that we know Bernard has at least one braincell, its the only thing that he has going for him, even if its ridiculous, he should break up with him for being so brashly looked down on. The dude has no self respect.
I feel there is some issue with the writing when it comes to depicting intelligence that is greater than your own. Its tricky, i know. But its so apparent, I just - Tim was just SO out of character it was making me angry to read it. His mistakes were so obvious and grave. And the mysteries/crimes were also so basic. I roll my eyes at every mention of sherlock holmes tbh. I didnt mind the actual villain cause im a sucker for pseudo romantic /obsessive vibes, but to make it all a sherlock/moriarty thing was just as stale as bernard.
Anyway, that's all I'll whine about. I'll erase it from my brain now. Thanks.
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kurjakani · 5 months
recently i was thinking about the way i perceive myself vs others and i found it very similar to what you said about not wanting to promote this idea that you have to fit certain standards, but holding them to yourself anf your own image anyways. Like i find so many characteristics and mannerisms in other people beautiful or just very fascinating, but at the same time i dislike it when i perceive myself the same way??? (as in, showing those same or similar traits) idk how to explain, but that's pretty much it
YES no i get you fully!!! This is something ive talked about with friends before. I think, at least for me, it is just a very simple experience of wanting to be loved and desired, which is an extremely reasonable, natural human instinct. But sometimes I think it's worth fighting against our natural instincts because not all of them are healthy, nor give rise to a more vibrant, diverse & artful flash of existance.
I sometimes find it really annoying that I can't VENT about how I feel about my looks. I do it pretty often still, on that negative instinct, but i try not to. And it does hurt sometimes! It is nice to be able to express how you feel about yourself, the world, etc. Unexpressed anger feels like heartburn sometimes. But there HAS 2 be a better way and i personally have to learn it. If i call myself ugly/weird/gross looking, someone who looks like me might see it and yeah!!! Thats bad thats awful!!!
It's funny, honestly. I think if I just wasn't me, if i saw my features on someone else, I think i'd be delighted tbh.
This is also why i profoundly hate using any appearence based insults in geeeneral... appearence is a neutral aspect of a person, their actions are what make them.. etc
Rambly, but man, anon. I rly rly wish ypu luck w your journey w self acceptance, and being kind to yourself & others. Im working on it alongside you!!+! We can do this !!!!!
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piratefishmama · 11 months
There are so many 'Eddie doesn't like sports' which is fine I guess but the fandom is sleeping on wrestling fan Eddie. Think about it the theatricality, the drama, the homoeroticism, ext Eddie would take one look at it and be hooked/a fan. Not to mention the Steddie moments that could spring from it I dunno where I'm going with this exactly but thoughts? (or maybe a little ficlet?)
TBH i think... they'd each be into the different variations of wrestling, if Eddie was into it at all. which idk.
Eddie might like the WWE kind, with its crazy shenanigans, theatrics, drama, and sometimes homoeroticisms, he'd probably watch it with his uncle as one of the few sports they could share an enjoyment of watching. if you can even call that a sport.
whereas Steve would be all about the non-theatrical kind. The actual athletic version that looks like it could be gay if you squint but isnt.
Steve, as an actual jock, might find Eddie's version boring, over the top and an its staged fights to be an insult to the athletic art of wrestling, whereas Eddie would probably be a little shit about Steve's version, pointing out all the fruity stuff to rile him up.
i like when they dont share intersts though, like they can try each others here and there but lmao Eddie is never going to be a sports guy, the only reason he's strong is cause Joseph Quinn isnt a skinny little nothing of a man, he's kinda broad and he's tall, he's typical masculine strong, which in Eddie's case, we can HC as Eddie lifting amps and heavy band equipment to have built that strength up.
i dont think he'd ever be a sports guy though. Maybe he'd watch WWE for Wayne and for the stupidity of it, but i think he'd rather do other things.
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