#camera quality is so low shits and dies
marcusagrippa · 4 months
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spotted him in the wild today
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teabiscs · 9 months
Any Kai/Tyson headcanons?
I'm glad you asked.
I don't see them getting together until post-GRev, BUT if they did. Holy shit would I rewrite GREV to be the most angst broken up TyKa fic ever where they eventually get back together.
So that being said. Post-GRev.
I think post GRev, Kai would be able to open more to Takao. But that’s not to say that Takao accepts that initially. He has trust issues and Kai constantly leaves. He’d have to prove to Takao that he’s here for the long haul. Also its always a looming thought in the back of Takao's head that Kai is going to leave. He always leaves.
And maybe Takao needs a lil bit to figure out his sexuality. He’s always had some type of feelings towards the phoenix, but now it’s putting more clarity on them. It’s definitely more than just a rivalry for each other. They’re so… they’re each other’s opposites.
Communication is their big issue. They both have trouble expressing themselves. Takao explodes, while Kai disappears. The world could burn down from their arguments. they’re both so headstrong and neither want to admit to being wrong, even when the blame is equally shared. 
When they’re alone, Kai is so soft for Takao. His guard is down and its so easy being open and exposed. Vulnerable. Kai resting his head in Takao’s lap, reading a book, while Takao is playing some video game, cARDING HIS HANDS THROUGH KAI’S HAIR WHEN HE DIES AND IS IN A LOADING SCREEN. Kai giving these special expressions and smiles that are for Takao’s eyes only. 
They can be each other’s rock when they’re feeling low. Some days are more of a struggle than others. Takao struggles with his insecurities and Kai struggles with his anxieties. Wiping tears in dark on hoodie sleeves. Or kissing away salty tears. Reassuring kisses all over. Also. Takao kissing Kai’s post Brooklyn scar over his eye.
Them playing out their rivalry for the cameras, then going home together with trophies and checks, wrapped up around one another. one. Laughing about their battles. Them working on their blades together and getting secretive about their upgrades when it comes time for tournaments, because they will always be each other's greatest rival. Them doing a doubles tournament and running away with the whole thing because they play off of each other so well. ALSO just think about Dragoons winds feeding Dranzer’s flames. (They might get a little carried away and again they need to break out the fire extinguishers, and Hiwatari Enterprises is writing another check to fix the damage that Kai has caused)
Them going through photo albums and Takao making fun of Kai’s clothes and Kai smuggling going, but you were still in love with me back then, so it couldn’t have been that off putting. And Takao flushing HARD.
Also I hc their love languages as: 
Takao- Physical Touch and  Quality Time
Kai - Physical touch
So they're always touching in some way. Takao holding onto the tail of Kai’s scarf. Kai standing next to Takao with his arm pressed up against Takao’s. Sitting practically on top of each other. When they go out to eat, their feet are always touching. Kai rubbing his foot up Takao’s leg, looking nonchalant as ever, while Takao is fumbling and red. Takao kissing all over Kai's exposed shoulders. Also Takao marking Kai as his, because hickies look so pretty on Kai's fair skin, and Takao just DOES not bruise, much to Kai's displeasure.
Kai doesn't understand Takao’s need, at first, for him to go with him for errands. Doesn’t understand why Takao wants him to sit next to him when he’s playing video games. But slowly he gets it. And then he’s the one offering Takao the opportunity to do mundane things with him. Going to a konbini together to get drinks and snacks. The parts store. Walks. Kai’s new go to reading place is Takao’s bed, with Takao playing video games or watching anime. And Takao convinces Kai to watch anime with him, and just sit still.  
(Also hear me out. Hiromi AND Max plotting together to get these two together. But it backfires. 
Hiromi is always hyping Kai up to Takao, so Takao is like okay>????? And? Want me to put a good word in for you?
Max does the same to Kai. He hypes up Takao to Kai. And Kai is all raised eyebrows, and is like if you like Takao you should ask him out, but I thought you were with XYZ.
And eventually Hiromi and Max are fed up and are like you two need to get together and stop this nonsense, but TyKa is like oh were already dating”
And Rei being like you two didn’t know? Is that why you two were being so weird?)
(Another idea I like is, Hiromi recognizing that the two of them have feelings, but Kai is too shy? To do anything about it, and Takao is too dense, and is fighting some internal demons [his bisexuality] so when Takao asks her out, out of obligation, idk he feels like he should be with her. Everyone is saying so. Trying to push them together. And it's tiring, so he does.
And HIROMI. AN ALLY. Just like metaphorically holding his hand through his revelation that it’s okay to like guys and want to kiss his teammate.  There’s a TyKa fic I would love to read. Also her just like gently nudging Kai to do SOMETHING. And hes so confused bc Hiromi and Takao are dating? And How does she know?????)
Also. They’re Verse.
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wolftheghost · 1 year
because im bored and listening to mcr heres which mcr music videos i can and cant watch around my family (like on the tv)
(lol long list warnng)
vampires will never hurt you- not too bad but its a low quality video of bullets era mcr screaming so probably not
helena- actually probably yes, as long as they can get over the emo twinks having a funeral its alright
im not okay (i promise)- no. theres for one thing the title and also its a bunch of emo twinks at a school and there are several scenes where its implied people are fucking. also the bit where gerard's screaming directly into the camera
the ghost of you- not too bad just the fact that mikey dies so actually probably could watch it
i dont love you- i could watch this one i just might end up crying
welcome to the black parade- other than the scene where gerard throws the mic stand its not too bad, just the whole afterlife thing
famous last words- no. just plain no, id get too many questions about what theyre doing and why shit's on fire and why the lead singer is writhing around on the floor and screaming
teenagers- not too bad, just the shit in the chorus (im referring to the literal "scare the livin shit outta me")
desolation row- i mean the worst bit is where they're getting arrested but otherwise its not that bad in terms of swearing and sexual bits but still probably not
nanananana (nananananananana)- ive watched this around them before, its a pretty good option, its just the bit at the end where they fake their death and party has red shit on their neck
sing- probably not the worst but they do all get shot and id end up crying
every snowflake's different- i should do this. i should be like "imna watch a music video now" and just start fuhkin vibing to the yo gabba gabba song
lemme know if i forgot any, i think i got them all
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[SP] Someone keeps knocking on the door of your submarine.
Waking up to the unceasing knocking at his door Tod finally gets up. Mood ruined from being woken up at such an early hour and from the fact that who ever is on the other side of that door is annoying enough to keep knocking after Tod spent a solid 15 minutes purposely ignoring them.
Tod stomped across the room still sleepy yet seeing red. He turned the hatch as he opened the door already mentally noting all the curse words he would use on the persistent pest of a visitor.
Unfortunately before Tod could start his barrage of colourful vocabulary that included yet wasn't limited the things he were going to do to their hands if they even dared touch his door again as well as detailed descriptions and comments on the visitor's entire family tree.
Water BURST through the slim opening in the hatch as it soaked Tod in salty water and submerging his slippers fully underwater along with his carpet and some 'interesting' magazines under his bed.
The hatch closed. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Tod was still covered in saltwater as he tried to meditate. Ah yes... How on Earth could I forget... I'm in a goddamn submarine... I really need to drink coffee before making any decisions in the morning, don't I?
His meditation was interrupted by a flip-flopping at his feet. Looking down he could see a large fish for who the 10-ish centimeters worth of water all around his room where clearly not enough.
Well at least I'm having a fancy dinner today... and judging by the size of this thing the 10 or so following dinners as well.
Tod clicked a button on the side of the wall as water started being drained out and he grabbed a knife to make sure the fish died as quickly and humanely as possible.
Tod was about to go back to sleep now that the fish who was knocking at his door was dealt with. Yet before he had the chance to fully lie down the knocking started again.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Tod was on the verge of breaking something as his eye ticked praying that whoever that pest was would JUST LEAVE ALREADY!
Finally getting up Tod made his way to the hatch as he screamed he pressed the intercom button that was similar to the one he had in his old apartment. It was made for contacting divers and other single submarine pods on solo missions. Now he was going to use it to scare off some fish.
The screen only showed empty ocean yet the microphone clearly conveyed the persistent knocking on the other side. The fish must be out of sight of the camera slightly.
Taking a breath in Tod let out the loudest yell he could muster that wouldn't make his ears hurt "Stop knocking on my god damn hatch already and leave me alone! YOU UNRIPE LIVING, PISSING, SHITTING SUSHI DISH!"
The knocking stopped. Tod let out a a sigh on relief before promptly sucking it back in as he saw his assailant move in towards the camera and microphone.
Oh dear Poseidon what did I do to make you unleash your wrath upon me? Through the intercom Tod could see a young woman with long black flowing hair a bra made of shells and the main course that was a long green scaly fish tail that seemed to glisten as it reflected light off of it in a rainbow pattern. Evidently was a fucking mermaid or rather a siren... this was bad. No diver, fisherman or sailor didn't know who these sly vixens were.
"Oh, why hello there Ms. Mermaid. Anything I can help you with?" His tone unamused as this wasn't Tod's first time interacting with their kind.
"Hello to you too Mr. Sailor, mind if I ask you some questions?" The siren shot Tod a smile that if not for the low quality of the intercom camera would have most likely made Tod's heart skip a beat or two.
See sirens were real scary when you met them whilst swimming or sailing on a ship but they were rather harmless if you were hunkering down inside a submarine.
"Sure go ahead Ms. Mermaid."
"What was all that screaming about?"
"You were bothering me and I really wished you'd leave."
"Aww but why would you want a cutie like me to leave you here all alone~?" That was the problem with sirens who went after him whilst he was in a submarine. They obviously had fuck all better to do than to play games on him and the last thing they were doing was leaving.
"Any other riveting questions that you may have for me Ms. Mermaid?" Though this was annoying it was less annoying than the knocking which was on the verge of making him go insane. Besides he was hoping that if he were to answer all of the siren's questions she would leave him alone.
"Yep, would you like to listen to my song Mr. Sailor?" There it goes. The bitch was blatantly admitting to wanting to control his mind. What. A. Day.
"Sure, go ahead, I'll listen."
"Hmmm, you know I'd really love to buuuuut... My singing sounds way better in person you know?" Of course she'd say that, afterall a siren can only use her powers if you listen to her song 'live'.
"No, I think I'm fine with listening through the door, any other questions?"
"Awwww but c'mon! I promise I sing really, really, really, really, really good!"
"Fine then. If that's how you're gonna be then you've left me no choice!" The siren did a pout as she feigned anger and Tod was sure he would've seen crocodile tears if not for the fact that she was already covered in water.
"I really didn't wanna do this Mr. Sailor. This is all your fault!" Tod continued to stay silent as he idly agonised over what the siren could possible do next to make his stay in the submarine even more painful.
"Here it goes... Ahhh-" the mermaid pretended to take a big breath of air as if she were an opera singer-
"Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo! Baby Sha-"
The siren's voice was cut short as Tod closed off the intercom. His face redder than a tomato and smoke practically sizzling off of him.
The annoying knocking came back once again curtesy of the far more annoying siren. Yet in comparison to what she had decided to sing the knocking sounded as sweet as a lullaby as Tod went back to sleep to the never ending sounds of:
Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Botched Mission
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, dubious consent, degradation, daddy kink, mutual masterbation, dirty talk, voyeurism
Summary: You work for the Empire and are tasked with spying on Mando. You don’t do a great job at concealing your efforts.
A/N: Please message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list!!
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You were born and raised in the Empire. Your mother was an admiral in the Imperial Security Bureau under Moff Gideon and your father died in battle during the Great Purge. The more you grew up, the more you questioned the Empire’s actions and ideology, but it didn’t really matter. There was no getting out for you— your entire livelihood was supported by the Empire.
Your commanding officer has given you a mission on Tatooine. You are to go undercover as a mechanic and surveill the Mandalorian Din Djarin. It was known that he knew of the force-sensitive child’s location and had dealings with other Jedi, thus, he was of great interest to the Empire.
The Mandalorian’s ship is scheduled to undergo maintenance for two days on Tatooine. You stand in the hangar and watch as the beat up Razor Crest lands. The ship’s hatch opens and there standing tall is the Mandalorian, covered from head to toe in shiny silver beskar. He walks confidently down the ramp and towards you.
You open your mouth to introduce yourself when he tosses a bag of credits to you. “I need the repairs completed by tomorrow afternoon.” He says in a deep voice, towering over you and gazing into your eyes.
Shit. You’re….you’re really attracted to him. The way he carries himself is so hot— his assertive demeanor, his voice. “Yeah, absolutely, no– no problem sir.” You stutter out. “Um, I’m y/n.”
Mando nods his head and then walks right past you, leaving you standing there with your panties damp.
He exits the hangar and all he can think about is you. Fuck, since when were mechanics so beautiful?
You shake your head and try to focus. Heading into the ship, you begin installing hidden cameras all over. An actual mechanic employed by the Empire meanwhile gets to work making repairs.
You consider waiting around for Mando to return for the evening, just so you can interact with him more, but once it gets dark, you head to the inn that you’re staying at. Mando arrives back to his ship a little after you return to your room.
Your boss made it clear that she wants you to watch him whenever he’s not sleeping. Which honestly is stupid, it’s not like he’s going to talk to himself and reveal important information? You lie back in your bed with the screen on your lap and watch the live feed of the cameras in the ship, already bored out of your mind. The camera’s are super high quality; the picture and audio are both crystal clear. A few minutes later, you see the hatch open and watch Mando enter the ship.
Mando notices the cameras almost instantly. To be fair, you always half-assed your missions; you really don’t care about advancing the Empire’s agenda or doing your job well. Mando lets out a long annoyed sigh. He knew you didn’t look like a mechanic!
His first thought is to take down all of the cameras, apprehend you, and turn you over to the New Republic. There are only a few lodges in town and it wouldn’t be hard for him to track you down. On the other hand...he figures he could have some fun with this.
Pretending he isn’t aware of the cameras, Mando puts his weapons away in his arsonal just like he does every night.
Shit, you think to yourself. His collection of weapons is massive, he could kill you with such little effort if he wanted to.
Mando heads up to the cockpit and slumps down in the pilot’s chair. He stretches his legs out and takes a deep breath. Bringing his hand down to his crotch, he starts rubbing himself over his pants.
Your eyes widen and you sit up in your bed. Is– is he doing what it looks like he’s doing? You feel arousal shoot to your pussy as you watch a tent form in Mando’s pants.
Mando knows you’re watching him, and he saw how nervous he made you earlier today, so he knows that you’re too curious and horny to turn it off. He unbuttons his pants and releases his long, thick cock. He takes his length in his hand and spreads his precum around up and down his shaft, letting out a moan.
Your panties are soaked at this point and your pussy is begging to be touched. You bring your hand down and start rubbing your clit over your shorts, your eyes are glued to the screen.
Mando starts pumping his cock up and down, faster and faster. You’ve never been so turned on in your entire life. You trail your hand into your pants and start circling your wet clit. You know this is super creepy of you, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Mando’s breathing picks up as he fucks his hand even harder.
“Ah fuck.” He spits out.
Ugh his voice is so sexy–
“Fuck, y/n. Yeah, that’s a good girl.”
Your heart drops and your hand freezes. He just said your name...He’s jerking off thinking about you. Did you even tell him your name?
“That’s right, y/n, ride my cock, pretty girl.” He breathes out.
You’re shocked and your cunt starts throbbing. Mando has the biggest cock you have ever seen, like...holy shit. You can’t handle how horny you are right now. The fact that you can’t hop on his lap and start bouncing on his dick makes you want to cry. You start whimpering as you glide your fingers along your slick and watch Mando growl your name.
Mando grips the arm of his chair as he feels his orgasm approaching. He’s so hard knowing that you’re watching him.
“Ahhhhhh fuuuckkkkk, yyy/nnn” Mando moans as you watch his cum spew out of him.
Feeling your own orgasm coming on, you quickly turn off the monitor, close your eyes, and start pumping your finger in and out of your hole. It takes you less than twenty seconds to cum, thinking about Mando saying your name while jerking off.
You don’t bother to turn the monitor back on for the rest of the night. You go to sleep replaying those images of Mando in your head over and over again.
The next morning, Mando leaves his ship for the day at dawn and you head over to the hangar a few hours later. The mechanic is finishing up the final repairs when you arrive.
In case Mando asks you about the repairs, the mechanic gives you an overview of everything she did. You listen intently....for about a minute, but then end up inadvertently tuning her out, thinking about what you witnessed last night.
“Got it?” She says, jolting you back to reality.
“Y-yes totally.” You lie.
The mechanic leaves and you grab a seat at a table in the hangar, waiting patiently for Mando to return.
A few hours later, Mando struts into the hangar. He strolls right past you up to the Crest. “The ship done?” He asks shortly, not even looking back at you.
“Yes, everything is in order sir, have a good flight.” You say nervously, turning around to exit.
“Wait.” He says, stopping you in your tracks. “I have a few questions before I depart.” Mando says as he opens the hatch.
“Um, s-sure.” You say, following him into the ship.
Mando starts up the Crest and does a lap around the first level, examining all the areas where work was presumably done. The ship is in great shape, but he knows that you didn’t do any of it.
“Are the front deflectors operating at full capacity?” Mando asks in his deep, modulated voice.
“Uh, y-yeah.” You respond. You’re standing against the wall trying your best to keep cool and act like you know what he’s talking about.
“Did you fix the leak in the carbonite system?” He asks.
“How did you get the ion acceleration chamber running again?” He questions without looking up, continuing to walk around and inspect the ship.
“Uh, um–”
Mando turns his gaze to you. “Did you rewire the calcinator or instal a new thruster nozzle?
“Um I did it by rewiring the– the thunder novel...”
Mando begins walking toward you. “How is the repulsor grille functioning?”
“I– I um...I just, I– the ship–”
Mando is now standing directly in front of you, staring into your desperate intimidated eyes. “What’s the matter, little girl, don’t know the answer?” He says moving even closer to you.
“N-no I know–”
“Can you tell me about the work you did on the engines?” He interrupts. “Or why don’t you tell me about these cameras you installed first.” He says, reaching over you and yanking one of the cameras out of the wall above you.
Your heart drops. “I-I didn’t put those there.” You stutter out.
“Drop the act, y/n. I know you’re not a mechanic. I know you work for the Empire.”
Fuck, you are so busted–
“And I know you watched me last night. Sweetheart, it’s written all over your face.” He says lightly, grabbing your chin and pulling your head up so that you’re looking directly into his visor.
Your heart is beating out of your chest and you can feel your face is bright red. You’re trembling with fear but you are also so turned on. Your pussy is throbbing as your breath heavily and stare into Mando’s visor with doe eyes.
“Tell me, pretty girl.” He interrupts you again. “Did you like watching me jerk off?” He asks in a deep tone as he runs his other hand down your body to your waist.
“Y-yes.” You whisper with humiliation.
Mando brings his hand between your legs and dances his fingers on your crotch. “Did you touch yourself while you watched me?”
You nod your head slowly.
“What a fuckin naughty girl.” He says pushing you hard against the wall. He pushes your shorts to the side and slides his fingers into your panties. You let out a high-pitched exhale, still maintaining eye contact with him
“Damn. So wet already.” He says in a low rough voice. “You’re a desperate little thing, aren’t you? Those Storm Trooper boys can’t fuck you good, can they?” He says mockingly. “Maybe I should turn you over to the New Republic.” He utters as his other hand lightly grabs your throat. “Or, maybe I should come up with my own form of punishment for you.” Mando says as he thrusts his middle finger up inside of you.
You let out a gasp and your mouth falls open as he starts pumping your hole. “I’ve never fucked a slut from the Empire before.” He says, tightening his grip on your throat. You’re so wet you can hear his finger moving in and out of you.
“What do you think, you little criminal?” He says in a sultry tone.
“Ahhh!” You moan out. “I– I think you should– ahh– punish me, Mando.” You whine, batting your eyes at him as he drives his finger in and out of your cunt.
Mando grinds his bulge against your stomach. “Yeah? Then you’d better be an obedient little whore for me.”
Mando pulls his fingers out of you. He abruptly shoves down your shorts and rips off your top. “What are you–”
“Shut up.” He snaps as he turns you around and shoves you back against the wall. “Hands against the wall.” You do as you’re told.
You hear your shirt rip again and all of the sudden your vision goes black as you feel Mando tying fabric around your eyes. You’re naked except for a thong and blind fold, with your cheek and palms flat against the metal wall. One by one, you hear pieces of Mando’s armor hitting the floor. *see gif* Then you feel his bulge grind against your ass and one hand wrapping around your throat while the other grabs your tit.
His lips come to your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a fuckin week.” He breathes in your ear. “Your pretty little cunt is gonna be overflowing with my cum when I’m done with you.” He growls, roughly kneading your tit.
“Yes daddy” You moan in response.
Mando loves that you called him daddy. He grabs your hair and pulls it back and down, tilting your head back and making your back arch while your hands stay flat on the metal wall. With his hold still on your hair, you feel his warm lips plant onto yours, his facial hair rubbing against your skin. His lips move down your cheek to your neck, and he sucks on your smooth skin while pulling your hair back. Pulling away, he can already see the bruise of the hickey forming on your neck.
Mando pulls away from you and steps back, taking a moment to admire how vulnerable you look, blindfolded and panting against his wall. Then you feel his hand smack your ass check, and you let out a yelp. He does it twice more against the other cheek and you can’t help but cry out.
“Shut up, slut. I told you I was gonna punish you.” He says as he pulls your g-string up, making its fabric drag and pull against your clit. He spanks you again. Arousal shoots to your cunt, and it is dripping wet.
Mando spins you around again and slams your back against the wall. He once more grabs your hair and pulls your head back, exposing your neck so perfectly for him. Mando grabs your ass and pulls you up against him. “Open your mouth.” He commands in a stern voice, still pulling your hair down.
Your lips part wide and Mando bites your bottom lip before spitting in your mouth. “Swallow.” He orders. You close your mouth and swallow his sweet saliva down your throat.
Mando picks you up and you instinctively wrap your legs around him. He sets you down on a metal table and rips your thong off of you. Your legs are wide open, your pussy splayed out on the table for Mando to admire as he pulls his shirt over his head. He runs two fingers up and down slick and then shoves them in your mouth. “You gonna be a good girl and show me how needy this little cunt is?” He whispers in your ear while you suck his fingers.
He removes his fingers from your mouth. “Yes.” You breathe out.
“Yes, what?” Mando says slapping your outer thigh.
“I– I’m gonna be a good girl for you, daddy. And sh–show you how– how needy I am for your cock.” You stammer out.
Mando hums in response as he lines his tip up with your entrance. One of your hands is wrapped around his neck and the palm of your other hand is flat against his warm hard chest.
You feel his warm precum against your tender skin as he pushes the head of his dick into you. Your mouth falls open and you gasp. He does a few thrusts with half his length and it’s already more than you can handle.
“Fuck!” You spit out in a high pitched voice.
“Shit–” Mando snaps. “How are you so fuckin tight?” He says, seeming genuinely frustrated.
You’re being so stretched out you can’t form a response. You just sit there, wrapped around Mando, breathing heavily with your mouth agape, trying your best to adjust to his size.
“You’re squeezing the shit out of my cock. Ah you feel so fuckin good.” Mando groans in your ear as he pushes more of his member inside of you. He then abruptly snaps his hips and thrusts all the way inside of you.
You scream out “Fuck!” And dig your nails into his back.
Mando starts pumping in you slowly. “You’re doing so good, baby girl, taking my big cock in your tight pussy so well.”
He brings more of his length out and picks up the pace.“Ahhhhh Mando! Fuck!” You cry.
“What’d you call me?” He says, snapping his hips into you hard.
“Daddy!” You squeal. “Daddy! I–I’m sorry! Daddy fuck your cock is– is so big!” You wine between thrusts. He puts his lips on your mouth.
“I know, pretty girl” He whispers in your mouth. “You’re doing good.”
He starts thrusting faster and you lose control of the moans that escape your lips. You’re holding onto him for dear life as he pounds into you, his hands clutching your hips. Mando pushes you down so that you’re lying on the table and swings one of your legs up on his shoulder, providing him an even better angle, allowing him to drive his cock right into your G-spot.
“Ahhh daddy, yes! Fuck! Right there, please!” You scream.
Mando holds your leg against his chest with one arm and brings his other hand to grip your throat.
“Do– do the Imps know they have a filthy– ahh– filthy fuckin cockslut working for them?” He mocks. “What would they say if they knew you agreed to be your target’s dirty little fucktoy? Huh?”
All you can do in response is scream and moan. Mando removes his hand from your throat and drags it down your stomach. He starts circling your clit and you begin to see stars. Your whole body starts shaking and your cunt clenches down on Mando’s cock. “Fuck, I– I’m gonna cum!” You exclaim. Your pussy starts pulsing like never before as you feel your orgasm overtake you.
“Yes, ahhh fuck! This pussy was– was made for my cock, shit.” Mando says as he rides you through your orgasm. He loves watching you come apart on a table in his ship, blindfolded and helpless.
Mando can feel his own climax nearing and he clasps your hips tight. His fast thrusts lose rhythm and you can feel his cock getting stiff in your cunt. He pumps his cock a few more times and then you feel his warm cum surge inside of you. “Fuuuccckkk.” Mando grunts as his white juices fill your hole.
He pulls out of you and scoots you to sit further back on the table as he redresses. You can feel his cum trickling out of your pussy onto the cold metal table beneath you. You close your legs— without him pressed up against you and without your sight, you feel so exposed and awkward.
You hear the hiss of his helmet and then feel his hands pushing your legs back open again, displaying your abused and leaking cunt. Mando unties the makeshift blind fold, and you see him standing fully clothed and armored in front of you. He wraps one hand around your waist and pushes your thigh further apart with his other hand.
“You look so pretty like this.” He says in his deep, modulated voice. “Come on.” He says with his hand still around your waist, motioning you off the table. You hop off and your legs immediately give out, your body falling to the floor.
Mando scoffs and pulls you up. “I told you you wouldn’t be able to walk.”
“You’re a man of your word.” You say sarcastically.
“Guess that means I’ll have to uninstall all the fuckin cameras you hid all over my ship.” Mando says as he sweeps you off your feet. He carries you into his sleeping quarters.
“No. Keep them.” You say with a side smile as he lays you down on the bed. “I like watching you jerk off. Especially when you jerk off while moaning my name.” You pull the blankets to cover you.
Mando sits on the bed that you’re lying on “Fuck.” He says caressing your cheek. “If you didn’t work for the Empire I’d take you with me.” Mando says bluntly.
“Take me with you, Mando!” You say sitting up. “I don’t wanna work for the Empire. Fuck the Empire. I’ve been looking for a way for so long.”
Mando smiles underneath his helmet. “Well, good thing you did such a shit job at your mission.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425
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vanillann · 3 years
unsolved (spencer reid x reader)
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a/n: i was watching buzzfeed unsolved when i came up with this idea so enjoy. also i know it’s not exactly right but i didn’t feel like going back and watching the ep so.
warning: swearing, talk of cases, and sexual innuendos
word count: 3.3k
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“Hi, Welcome to Buzzfeed Unsolved! We’re your host Ryan and Shane.”
I sat in a spin by chair between the two, my legs crisscrossed as I spun as fast as I could with Shane picking at arm.
“This is (Y/N)-“ when I heard my name I dramatically grabbed Ryan’s arm chair, smiling at the camera “a good friend of ours.”
“I had never spoken to either of them before today,” I spoke directly into the camera, the widest smile on my face when Shane gasped.
“She exposed us!” He pointed an accusing finger at me, Ryan slowly reaching out and grabbing his hand.
“We need her for this case,” Ryan spoke mysteriously, as if he was in a mob of some sort.
“Yeah why is that?” I rested my elbow on the chair, placing my chin in my open hand as I looked between the two.
I would normally be shoved in the corner of my desk trying to avoid another weird product video. I didn’t want to wear another weight blanket that made me almost fall to the floor.
“We are doing a case today and from the gossip around the office, you’d be pretty familiar with it,” Ryan said nothing more as he held a picture up to the camera.
I looked to the viewfinder, my eyes going wide as I recognized the mugshot immediately.
“That’s the Reaper!” I pointed at the picture, grabbing Ryan’s wrist so I could get a better look.
“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Shane added, looking over my shoulder at the picture in my hand.
“No, the BAU worked in this case!”
I didn’t know my intense knowledge of BAU cases would make it around the office, but I suppose when you have a printed article of you standing with Agent Gideon and Hotchner word moves fast.
“You actually know a lot about BAU cases from what I hear,” Ryan almost smirked at me and I was close to attacking him.
“Yeah-“ I turned to the camera, thinking I should explain myself before people thought I was crazy “so when I was young my mother had a stalker.”
The room suddenly went from light and breezy to scary and stuffy, something I hated.
“Anyways, when my mother died he disappeared into thin air. I then got an internship here at Buzzfeed and suddenly I was being mailed pictures of myself.”
I felt Shane give a knee a quick squeeze, which made me smile but I said nothing about it.
“It is really bad, I’m not going into detail, that the FBI got involved. Gideon was my savior that day, Hotchner too. Since then I’ve kept up with their cases and Gideon still sends me letters even after he left,” I finished my story, smiling down at the case file Ryan held between his fingers.
“Enough sad story, let’s talk about murder!” I clapped my hand, Shane laughing at my excitement.
“Okay, before we get started with this video I would like to clarify this isn’t a normal unsolved case. While the case was pinned to a murderer, the real unsolved piece is what happened to him,” Ryan got into character, slowly opening the folder and reading off the first words.
“On June 5th, 1996, Tom Shaunessy was called to investigate a murder in Boston. It was a couple, laided into their chair with multiple gun shots to their head and torso-“
“Wait, in the car in Boston?” Shane asked.
“That’s what I just read,” Ryan replied.
I smiled to myself, already knowing the editing that would take place with the black screen and the blue and yellow words floating across.
“Isn't Boston super busy?”
“It has like 700 thousand people,” I spoke up, wondering what color my words would be in.
“How do you just know that?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows raised.
“If you saw the article I was currently writing you would understand,” I shrugged, moving in the chair so I could get a better look at the case file.
Ryan coughed, looking back down at the file to continue.
“When another set of murders came in, this time an older couple, Shaunessy, panicked as he found the first victim, Harry Goodwill, watching at the scene.”
“That was his signature,” I held a hand up like a child in class, smiling as I already knew what came next.
“Bingo!” Ryan pointed to me, smiling at my excitement.
“When this happened again, this time alone woman, Shaunessy called in the BAU-“
“You mean the love of (Y/N) life,” Shane cut in, smiling when I hit his shoulder.
“If you saw a picture of them you’d be in love too,” I shrugged, not thinking much about my words.
“Agent Aaron Hotchner joined the team and worked closely on this case with Shaunessy.”
“So this man just texted the FBI,” Shane started laughing before he could get his words out.
“I’m pretty sure there are rules,” Ryan looked over at Shane, looking at me when we tried to understand why he was laughing.
“I’m sorry, death shouldn’t be this funny,” Shane took a breath, making a hand motion for Ryan to continue. I started laughing at that, keeping it low so Ryan could continue.
“After 18 murders, there were no leads. The only consistent thing was he mostly killed couples and he left an item from his last victim at the crime scene. The BAU conducted that he was most likely killing the couple because of his own failed marriage or possibly one close to him.”
“So he started killing because he hated to love? I bet he hates Valentine’s Day,” Shane shrugged, his smile breaking across his face when I spoke up.
“Nah, he seems more like a Halloween type guy,” I shrugged, laughing when Ryan hit his elbow on the table.
“Okay okay, back to the good stuff,” I pointed at the file, laughing when Ryan rolled his eyes.
“Now victims 19 and 20 is where the story starts to twist. Amanda Bertram and George Foyet-“ I shivered at the name “we attacked by the Reaper.”
“Did you say attacked?”
“Yes, while Amanda Bertram was killed in the struggle Foyet manages to survive with serious injuries.”
“So this dude just accidentally forgets to kill him?” Shane almost yelled, reaching for the file to read himself but Ryan moved it back.
“He saw the ghost of Valentine and just ran,” I played on the joke earlier, which made the two laugh.
“The heart-shaped boxes of chocolate really made him shit himself,” Ryan barely got the words out, his laugh slowly turning into a cough.
“We shouldn’t joke about a murderer when we don’t know his whereabouts,” I laughed along.
“Wait, you’re telling me they lost him!”
“Yep,” I popped the “p”, smiling when Shane looked to Ryan who only shrugged,
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Was all he said before he continued the case.
“After this no new leads were found, it was later discovered that The Boston Reaper sent Shaunessy a note that if the investigation was shut now he would stop killing,” Ryan read the words off.
“I bet he ended the letter with “xoxo from your worst nightmare” with a lipstick stain,” I spoke without thinking, covering my mouth when I realized what I said.
“Oh he’d definitely come at you now,” Shane pointed at me, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.
“No way! The BAU will save me,” I shrugged, smiling as I imagined the team busting in the door at the last minute like they always did.
“Oh yeah the one dude, what’s his name,” Ryan started snapping his fingers as he thought over his words “Sp-“
“Spencer Reid!” I practically yelled the name, my smile only growing large at the mention of the handsome Doctor from the BAU team. While he didn’t work my case, I heard a little about him and he called my house phone trying to reach Hotch.
To say I was infatuated would be a small understatement.
“Him?” Ryan pointed at him, smiling wider at me.
“Who is this Reid boy and what are his intentions?” Shane folded his arms on the table like a father, looking between Ryan and I.
“I hope it's dirty,” I blurted out, covering my mouth again as I looked at the camera.
“Cut that out,” I started laughing when I heard Shane wheezing beside me.
“No we’re keeping that, that was quality content,” Ryan was laughing, pushing my chair slightly as I slowly joined in.
“I’m so grateful he works a busy job and will never see this,” I started coughing, which made Shane pat my back.
“Please take the obsession back to murder, please and thank you,” I nodded to the case file once everyone has calmed down.
“Okay okay, the cast went cold after that. No new murders ever appeared and the BAU left the case.”
“Spencer went to (Y/N)’s house,” Shane commented quickly.
“Until 2009 when a murder took place right outside of Boston, a couple killed on a hill. While this seemed like nothing at first, an eye was painted on the side of the door and glasses were found on the victim’s face. The glasses belong to Foyet,” Ryan read in his special voice.
“So the dude got bored and was like “Fuck my promise”?” Shane looked between both of us.
“Let him finish,” I patted Shane shoulder, looking at the file again.
“It was later announced to the public that Shaunessy was dead,” Ryan read, looking at Shane with raised eyebrows.
“Ohh, you should have led with that!”
Ryan rolled his eyes, going back to the file in front of him.
“Hotchner took up the case with his BAU team-”
“Spencer had to leave (Y/N)’s house early to get there in time,' ' Shane pushed my shoulder, my finger slowly starting to play with the little ring on my finger.
“I wish,” I spoke up, smiling at Shane when he shook his head.
“The team quickly gathered all the information possible, slowly putting the eye signature on the car with the sign off on the letter.”
“He didn’t sign it xoxo?” Shane asked, I shook my head sadly.
“Sorry to get your hopes up,” I spoke gravely, my mask cracking when Shane started smiling.
“I was readying for him to sign A like that show!”
I started laughing, my hand covering my mouth as Ryan tried to explain the show he was talking about.
“Why do they have to be pretty liars, am I pretty when I lie?”
“No,” I said the words so seriously I was shocked with myself. We all three started laughing suddenly.
I hadn’t been at Buzzfeed long, I had only made a few friends and I pretty much got dragged into the video when they needed a test dummy. This was my first video that didn’t make me want to rip my eyes out, I actually was having a great time with Ryan and Shane with the jokes and all.
“Okay,” Ryan coughed, finally reading the file again,” Many tried to brush it off as a copycat but Agent Hotchner refused to drop the case.”
“That’s my bestie,” I smiled, remembering the photo I had with him when the local news decided to take pictures of us standing outside the station. The photo was awkward and I doubt he even remembered my case but I didn’t really care.
“Then a few hours later an older couple, Arthur and Diane Lanessa, were found stabbed and shot. When the earlier victim, Nina Hale, was found on Diane's wrist, people started to worry.”
“Wait I thought he left the one dude glasses, who is still weird to me,” Shane spoke up again.
“That’s what I’m saying! He had his glasses yet he’s a copycat? Cops can be so stupid,” I rambled, still pissed about that to this day.
“The BAU split up to find Foyet, who went into hiding after his attack, to get more details. Agent Hotchner and Agent David Rossi found him staying in a house in Boston.”
“Why would you stay in Boston?” Ryan was the one to speak this time, his nose scrunched up as he thought it over.
“Right, like yes I almost died here let me stay,” Shane mocked Foyet, which made me laugh.
“Later that night The Reaper boarded a busy bus and killed the occupants of it. Many had theories on why he changed his MO but nobody will confirm or deny.”
“I think he was made at Hotch,” I spoke up. I had thought about this alot.
“Why do you think that?”
“He didn’t quite like Shaunessy, I don’t blame Shaunessy, but still. He stuck around even when he could have walked away,” I crossed my arms, slightly proud of my theory.
“You think he gave the same deal?”
“You don’t?” I looked at Ryan, his arms shrugging before he went back to the case.
“There was a cryptic message left on the side the bus along with the Reaper eye,”
“Cryptic message? Is this real?”
“Unfortunately,” I nodded, looking back to Ryan as he spoke.
“The BAU managed to decipher the code into a line of Foyet addresses-”
“Spender did it!”
“And how would you know?” Shane looked to me, raising his eyebrow at me with a little smirk.
“Because he had an eidetic memory and has an IQ of 187,” I spoke proudly, as if I actually knew the person I was talking about. Okay maybe I searched them on the internet one too many times.
“How do you know that?” Ryan asked, laughing at me now.
“Google,” I shrugged, laughing when Shane looked up from his hands.
“What does he even look like?” I held up my finger, fishing my phone out of my back pocket. I quickly unlocked it, placing my thumb print and moving on, and tapped the searched bar. I quickly typed in his name, thankful it didn’t pop up in purple because I couldn’t handle that much teasing.
“Here,” I placed the phone on the table, laughing when Shane moved closer.
“He has a Wikipedia,” Shane looked over his shoulder at Ryan and I, speaking like a kid on Christmas.
“You both have Wikipedia,” I shrugged, not seeing the appeal of the whole life on display.
“You don’t,” Shane pointed out. I jokily pouted, acting all sad as I looked up to the ceiling.
“We can make you one,” Ryan patted my shoulder laughing when I smiled.
“Can we say I’m married to Doctor Spencer Reid?”
Both nodded at the same time, my hand going over my hand and I laugh at their telekinesis response.
“Okay finished this case so (Y/N) and I can stalk Mr. Reid,” Shane patted Ryan shoulder and I lightly smiled to myself.
He seemed like nothing but I finally made some friends, I mean friends I could talk to outside of work.
“Once they arrived at Foyet house they found gallons of blood pulled from the back of the house.”
“So they killed him?”
“Just wait,” I held my finger up, smiling when Shane deflated slightly.
“Multiple police were attacked, even Derek Morgan with the BAU. The specific are not out to the public but a nurse claimed that The Reaper stole Morgan credentials,” Ryan read off the paper, smiling when Shane gasped.
“That’s insane, this case is insane!”
I laughed along with Ryan, all of ours eye scanning over the paper now and we waited for the next bit of information.
“After looking over past cases filed, the BAU were confused on why The Reaper would kill Foyet. Their tech analysis did research to induce that Foyet had multiple aliases, claimed he had them to feel safe from The Reaper, actually had multiple assault charges, and his parents were killed when he was six.”
“Oh my, he killed them didn’t he!” Ryan and I both nodded, Shane’s hands flying up to his hair as he looked between us.
“It was him the whole time! No way!”
“That’s what I said,'' I looked into the camera for the first time in awhile, it felt nice and easy with them. The video was coming easy unlike trying to do awkward yoga poses with strangers.
“They managed to trace everything back to Foyet, concluding he was The Reaper. After more research, Foyet’s phone was tracked to Roy Colson's house. A journalist would recently wrote an article on The Reaper.``
“This feels like a Scooby-Doo mission at this point,” Shane sounded out of breath, looking to the camera with wide eyes.
“We got some work to do now!” I jokily sang the theme song, making the two laugh lightly before moving on to the end of the case.
“The local police arrest Foyet at the house, Colson thankful survived. Foyet was taken to prison immediately after arrest.”
“I thought they lost him?”
“If you don’t let him finish,” I joked, Shane laughed as we finally let Ryan finish.
“Foyet was found in his cell later throwing up blood and convulsions. As being rushed to the hospital, the ambulance was ambushed and Foyet escaped. No more information has been released on the whereabouts of Foyet.”
“They really lost him!”
Shane was in shock at the discovery, my hand covering my mouth quickly before I answered.
“I bet he’s working for the FBI, they hire people when they’re too dangerous.” I tried my best to be serious about the theory but I knew my smile was peaking thought.
“He’s probably the BAU’s personal hitman!”
I laughed with Ryan, my chair had slowly moved closer to his as I kept leaning to see the case file.
“Where do you think Foyet it?”Ryan spoke into the camera, talking to the people that would watch this in a few weeks.
“I think (Y/N) should call her smarty-pants husband and ask,” Shane spit out his last joke before the video ended.
“Yeah, Doctor Spencer Reid please call me with information about the case.” I pointed into the camera like Uncle Sam and winked dramatically.
“He doesn’t have your number,” Ryan reminded me. I let my finger fall, thinking over my words before I pointed back at the camera.
“Email my business email,” I nodded. Shane and Ryan both hit my shoulder. both hands going to my arm to cover them.
“Say bye to our favorite guest ever,” Ryan waved in my face.
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I laughed as the video played on my laptop, laughing when my voice was replaced with light green words floating on the screen. I scrolled down lightly, reading a bunch of comments. I smiled when most were asking if I would ever be on another Unsolved.
My phone went off beside me, my hand reaching for it as I paused the video and moved to my email. I was waiting for an email about an article I was writing and I couldn’t stop hitting refresh.
Shane: i’ve seen two ship edits of (y/n) and spencer reid on my instagram already
Ryan: i saw an edit of shane fall out a chair
I laughed at the messages, the group chat the three of us had formed titled “The Reapers Bitches” never stopped as we had grown a close bond.
I heard the little ding from my laptop, also most screaming when I slammed the refresh button and screamed when I saw an email with a little unread dot beside it.
I didn’t think twice, pushing the email and reading over it quickly.
Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I recently saw a video of you mentioning me and my team about a case we worked on a few years back. While I legally can’t share any details with you in this case, I would be open to speaking with others. Please email me back!
I was going to scream, maybe cry, maybe both at this point. I read the email two or three more times, trying to comprehend what I just read.
He did see, shit he did see it. I heard my phone going off beside me, my hand picking it up and typing without reading what they were saying before.
Me: Spencer Fucking Reid just emailed me
I let my phone fall to my lap, reading the email one more time.
“Thank you Buzzfeed Unsolved,” I whispered under my breath.
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it wasn’t power i coveted; it was acceptance.
Titans 3.06
y’know, i was just thinking the other day that 1.06/1.07 and 2.06/2.07 were the best episodes of their respective seasons, so i have great hopes going in to this one. fingers crossed!
as always, typing this up as i see the episode.
1. oh! um... that was a Cold Open, all right. *nudges* get it? cold? because it’s snowing? and two people got murdered in cold blood? eh?
... oh, i’ve just started.
1.5. i wonder if “i want to be sipping pina coladas on a beach with you” is the new “i’m just one day away from retiring.” i was so on edge after that--i kept expecting that car to explode. even so, the way they died wasn’t an anticlimax: brutal, and quick. 
1.75. so i’m assuming that’s the titular lady vic! this show better bring up why this doll was important or why these two cops needed to be killed, and not leave it to the ether like jericho’s little mindscape jaunt in 2.08 (i’m still dying to know what that was about???)
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i love how deliberately unappealing wayne manor is. 
(sorry for the pic quality. i don’t have hbo max! ssshhh.)
2.3. i love the many references to “home” and “our house” when they’ve been here for less than a week and saw one of their friends get blown into pieces. i mean, i unironically love it: home is where family is, after all!
2.5. i’d like to say that kom is playing some sort of long game here, especially given the build-up we had last season and some of the more niggling details this season: why did kom choose now to use her bond to lure kory when she’s been on earth for months? why did justin call kory now, just around the time that she started getting kom’s visions? and what about kom’s ability to exactly imitate other people? hmmm.
2.75. the reason i wrote i’d like to say is that i’ve made the mistake of assuming plot complexity where there is none; i was so invested in the jason todd orchestrated his own death theory for instance, when it turns out that oops! ra’s al ghul just happened to leave a little lazarus puddle in gotham, and oh yeah! scarecrow just happens to have a network of henchmen working for him on the outside and a fully functional laboratory and a weapons cache fit for a new supervillain in the basement of the high security psychiatric unit/prison that he’s in! 
(no i’m not bitter, why do you ask)
2.8. iiiii don’t know what to say about the implications of sex slavery being a thing on tamaran, so i’m not going to say anything at all. for now.
3. gotham, six years ago... wasn’t it five years before s2 that jericho died and the titans disbanded? and when was the flashback from 1.06 where dick let zucco die? i think it was after the events of 2.08: jericho? i can’t seem to find any transcripts or reliable information online, so i’m going to have to rewatch 1.06 at some point. 
(i love the old-fashioned batman music in this heist scene)
3.5. “security is a joke... it’s my way of keeping my dad on his toes”. what you’re an ethical thief now, like an ethical hacker? i don’t think that excuse is going to sell, barbara, on the day you do encounter a decent security system and your father is forced to arrest you.
(then again, gotham’s security is piss-poor. did you know that you could just walk into arkham asylum without any official clearance, ply one of its most dangerous inhabitants with contraband, and said inmate could get away with having an entire laboratory and weapons cache--NO I’M NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO)
3.8 so that flashback between dick and barbara was really cute! and also illuminating:
a) dick sounds so light, so... um. look. i have some apologies to tender to mr thwaites, because while i’ve always thought he does a fine job as dick grayson, i’ve never been terribly fond of his cadence as he delivers dialogue. it’s often monotonous, i thought, but then again, he’s usually delivering exposition or dealing with one soul-crushing crisis or the other. so i was pleasantly surprised to hear dick sound so carefree and alive in his conversation with barbara, laughing frequently, his emotions so bare and bubbling to the surface. it’s really a fantastic contrast to the traumatised and world-weary dick grayson that we see now, even more so than the costume department just bunging a backwards-baseball cap on mr thwaites’ head and hoping that will convince us of his relative youth. 
b) and god, when he wakes up from that memory, all alone in his bed, bleeding from bullet holes in his shoulder (bullet holes that are--in a somewhat convoluted way--barbara’s fault)? yikes. it’s great. you have my apologies, mr thwaites!
c) can you imagine dick just... crawling back to wayne manor, trying not to be seen by anybody, shedding his suit and just... collapsing onto his bed without even tending to his wound? the sheer emotional and physical exhaustion of it? 
d) it’s so interesting to see how barbara and dick approach the idea of legacy--a big theme on the show!--in this flashback. barbara is the one bucking the idea that she should follow in her father’s footsteps, while dick seems pretty content with the batman-and-robin setup, and even tries to get barbara to join their team (robin-girl. pfffft). obviously after this several traumatic things happen wherein dick ends up questioning and then resenting his role as robin, his relationship with batman or even returning as a vigilante at all. and barbara... ends up replacing her father as commissioner. it’s tragic, really. 
e) the dynamic between dick and barbara in the flashback reminds me of how it was between dick and donna in 1.08 and even between kory and dick in early s1. it’s like having an older, strong-willed woman by his side means he gives over the steering wheel for a while and lets himself... unspool, a little bit. it’s kinda endearing.
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*pinches his cheeks*
3. you know, we talk about dick and Eldest Daughter Syndrome, and that’s definitely valid, but here gar seems to me the embodiment of it, with all the emotional gardening and firefighting that he’s expected to do. he’s kind of the guy expected to keep his shit together and take care of everyone else while they are falling completely to pieces, unable to carve out time to process his own trauma. he’s also picked up dick’s and kory’s tendencies to bottle up their struggles and shun appearing vulnerable, and he’s struggling in the shadow of both dick and kory undergoing acute crises, his best friend (and frequent confidante) on the other side of the world, and seeing hank die, utterly helpless to stop it. 
i’m glad that he got a chance to tell dick even a smidgeon of what he really feels, and i hope this is at least a semblance of a wake up call for dick to actually sit down and work with the people he repeatedly calls family.
3.5. it’s heartening to see that dick immediately makes it his priority to go talk to gar. but don’t blow off kory in the process, man!
4. i’m really loving this dynamic between kom and conner--i get the idea that both of them consider each other as Unknowns, alien two times over. but conner’s only ever known the titans, who embrace being different, and kom’s only ever known... well. 
anyway, kory is Really Stressed, and honestly? #relatable. 
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when you’re forced to bring an estranged family member to hang out with your friends...
4.5. i love that the titans are spending so much time in the kitchen. a real family!
5. jonathan crane is a creep and i absolutely cannot stand him.
5.25. how did he get a whole lab setup (in the basement of a hospital...?) with a bunch of whitecoats to work for him? how did he just waltz into the viewing room of an operation theatre when he’s one of the most wanted men in gotham right now? why is jason wandering around maskless when--presumably--as the adopted son of the most famous person in gotham he’d be a tad more recognisable than your average joe?
why do i expect this show to answer anything anymore?
5.5. that’s not necessarily a criticism, mind; i’ve said since season 1 that titans is very comics-like in this aspect, all about the Aesthetic and the splash-page splendour rather than the niggling unimportant details of how or when the characters got to said location. like. the camera gliding over the operation being set-up, lady vic bursting in and doing her murder dance (imagine the luck of the poor intern who chose this day and this surgery to assist) and jason, shocked and slack-jawed, framed by blood.
5.75. it’s a sobering reminder for jason that, though he chose this path in order to gain control over a world that seemed like it was rapidly spinning out of his grip, he’s only succeeded in handing over even more control to a man with an agenda that is very clearly not aligned with his own. he’s in too far to stop now, though.
5.9. i have a lot more thoughts about jason! saving it up for the end of this recap, though.
6. more kitchen time! i better see dick do some cooking soon...
(”our kitchen”! it still delights me! kitchens are So Important)
6.25. so much of dick’s issues have revolved around his relationship with bruce, so it’s completely understandable that in the wake of a huge crisis where bruce literally asks dick to replace him and be a “better” him, dick would default to all the worst things he learned from the man. and i’m glad kory’s having none of it, but come on, guys. the woman’s literally fetched her fratricidal sister out of a hole in the ground with no idea what said sister is going to do next and experiencing a burgeoning sense of guilt far, far beyond her history with the titans, and dick’s too far into his autocolonoscopy that he can’t see that she needs help.
6.5. “he services your urges”--well, as far as we know, kory is the last person he had sex with...
7. “i hope [gar] isn’t angry with me...” SIR! i thought you’d already spoken to him! smh, as the kids say. kory wouldn’t be needing to reassure you if you just took the effort to build two way emotional relationships with the rest of the team. @superohclair​ was taking about dick’s relatively low emotional intelligence? i agree.
7.5. “i got my own problems [...] you and barbara? fix it.” YOU TELL HIM, KORY
8. man i really like this weird, sad tension between dick and barbara--this sense that both of them are approaching the other based on how they remember them and are ultimately disappointed by the truth. barbara thought she could trust dick to... well, be a better batman, but dick has not only failed at that in her eyes, but repeatedly undermined her while exploiting the authority that she gave him. in dick’s eyes, this is nothing like the barbara that he knew, rebellious and ready to do whatever it takes to find something. 
like. this show sometimes really hits me in the chest about the ways it shows kids grow into adults and into caretakers, and the way it’s stop-start, the ways nothing can happen at all for a long time and then it’s Crisis Central all at once and there’s no space to breathe. the weird sort of sadness that comes with nostalgia. 
8.5. oracle name drop! i agree with barbara, any system that can just randomly tap into gotham phonelines is a monster.
8.7. (i don’t know if it’s my imagination, but is dick holding himself... differently in this episode? like that wound is definitely bothering him, and he’s running on fumes)
9. man, that was a really sweet scene between kom and conner. “feeling alien in your own world”... “not quite here nor there”
honestly this team runs on conner and gar’s faith in their value as a family, and it’s a sign of conner’s generous heart that he extends that opportunity to blackfire. this arc of maturation for him, where he’s now able to consciously choose which parts of himself he can use to do the thing he wants to so--save people--has been so fulfilling to recognise. this baby’s grown with the titans! and what he’s learnt is that people can get fucked up, but the titans is a place where they can be fucked up, and grow.
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10. oh man i’m drinking in the gar-dick interaction in this episode like i’m three days into the desert and it’s the only source of water for miles around!
a) gar is absolutely not dealing with dick’s bullshit this episode and I LOVE IT. it’s such a far cry from the man who was idolising dick/robin back in s1 and expecting him to solve all their problems. dick is fallible, dick is fucked up, but he Tries His Best and that’s ok.
b) dick, huffing and puffing through that vent, unable to put any pressure on his left shoulder, trying to have a heart to heart with gar... fuck i love this asshole. 
c) bruce took in a kid who was suffering... “and made him into a weapon”. well. i absolutely agree with dick that it was bruce who put these kids into these horrible situations with him and they came away with a bucketload of trauma to add to the one that they already had. but we know that bruce was really trying with jason, and at the end of s2, dick was coming to acknowledge that bruce had offered him something that wasn’t just darkness. jason’s death and bruce’s reaction to that shattered that fragile progress.
d) “gotham got to me too.” i feel more sympathetic towards dick running off on his own than most, and it’s not just because i’m an unapologetic stan.  we’ve seen before that dick... devolves when overwhelmed, and he lashes out and makes ill thought out decisions and just Does Not Deal. it happened after hearing the news that deathstroke had returned in s2, and it didn’t help that everyone around him was reeling at the news, either. this time, however, he has his salvation in his family, and despite some stupid decisions like running off and kidnapping supervillains without telling his team, he’s been really on the ball this season. thinking clearly and logically, holding it together and working on a plan, thinking two steps ahead of the villains... yes.
e) gar needing to believe that jason isn’t beyond redemption... there’s a lot of blood on his hands, too, from when he was manipulated by cadmus last season. it makes sense why he’d relate to jason’s predicament, and i hope dick picked up on that.
f) my head just added a plaintive ow after dick jumped feet first into the storage room
i need, crave gifs of this scene!
11. *sits on hands* i’m going to talk more about red hood, i promise!
12. more gar and dick! is it my birthday??!!
(actually, according to the tamil calendar, it is my birthday! my “star” birthday)
12.5. excellent. dick using some implausible training that bruce taught him to solve a mystery? passing some of that knowledge onto gar? that proud smile when he sees gar perfectly execute moves that he taught him? MY HEART IS EXPLODING
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13. aw, i love flashback!dick and barbara, they’re so cute <3
13.25. why does it not surprise me that the way he proposes a relationship to barbara is by saying “we make sense”? this guy can deduce exactly who was present where and what weapon they were holding from a garbled audio recording but other times he’s utterly clueless, and that’s a consistent character beat right from s1
13.5. so.... that’s why lady vic has it out for... barbara....? i don’t get it. it’s flimsy. but hey! the fun thing about titans is that i don’t have to get it. the payoff has nothing to do with the plot.
14. i can’t believe that barbara fell for that, but at least that wheelchair fight looked awesome, so.
15. oh yeah, i forgot that red hood bullied the mob into helping him and scarecrow... at least that explains the whitecoats and the elaborate set-up.
15.5. honestly i love how this dynamic between kory and kom is developing, though i wish more of the team would pay attention to it. time to call justin, i think!
16. i wonder what happened after that second flashback where barbara got hurt during that heist. did she give up on doing any more (maybe jim caught her)? was it because dick was called away by bruce and then the titans and got caught up in his own issues? maybe barbara froze him out because she wasn’t looking for the relationship that he was looking for? maybe the idea of doing that with someone turning into batman-lite was just... unappealing? scary?
whatever it is, it doesn’t look like dick ever processed the end of that relationship. it’s very intriguing to see where their dynamic goes next.
17. so.... what, did vic deliver some fear toxin to barbara? i... what?
17.5. and i TOLD YOU that they would never explain that doll or why vic attacked those two cops at the beginning! oh, titans. never change. 
18. did jason just randomly have tim’s restaurant burgled? god, i’m feeling a bit nauseous... are they going to kill tim’s father?
18.25. i feel like the rest of the season is going to wrestle with jason’s culpability in the horrible stuff he’s doing and i’m already seeing that prospect divide fans. on one hand, his story is taking a lot of oxygen away from other equally interesting story arcs, and he’s done some truly awful things, like indiscriminate murder, threatening to kill children, blowing up hank, and potentially killing tim’s parents. 
there’s something to be said for the kind of hold that crane has over him, and the so-called ‘anti-fear’ drug that he keeps plying jason with--he’s alone, drugged almost constantly (to the level of dependence), fresh from the trauma of being bludgeoned to death. he hasn’t conquered fear; he’s ruled by it. on the other hand, given that he’s the one character on the show given an obvious and identifiable ‘mental illness’ arc (maaaaybe dick too), one can argue that it’s irresponsible to show this progress into such violence: jason was vulnerable because he was struggling, and that left him vulnerable, but it took only a push before he became a fucking serial killer.
but that could mean we underestimate the degree of that vulnerability, and the mechanics of this universe where he fell into the clutches of the one supervillain perfectly designed to exploit that vulnerability. that helpless spiral into further and further self-destruction is all too real. it’s valuable to know that someone who has sunk that low can still seek help--actual help--and get it. 
18.5. i don’t know. it’s not a question i’m going to resolve at the end of an overlong recap at 1 in the morning. i don’t believe it’s even a question that titans can resolve. but i am interested in where they’re going next with jason.
19. this episode was genuinely great! i’m pumped for the rest of the season!
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
Sitting Front Row at...(On a Budget Obvs): Lookbook no.15
Hey to anyone reading!
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And welcome to my fave lookbook I’ve done in a longggg ass time! Yes, that’s partially because it involved making collages and doing the low effort work of scouring Vogue Runway for “research purposes”, but I promise, that statement wasn’t made out of COMPLETE laziness-I am super happy with it too. It’s been a good use of pre-part-lockdown-lift time in the interim between that brief period of Christmas celebrations and eateries finally fucking opening again because let’s be honest, I always knew I was gonna get distracted by oat milk vanilla lattes and veggie all day breakfasts once I could actually sit down with them at my fave local cafe. You could say I was very much operating on a self-imposed deadline.
The “what I would wear to sit front row at...[insert designer here]” TikTok/Instagram reel trend was something I wanted to get on board with ever since I first saw one and whilst the option of doing my own live action take-I really cannot bear the thought of having to edit footage of myself awkwardly attempting to sit nonchalantly in front of a camera for hours on end-was off the cards considering my complete lack of screen presence, I decided a Tumblr text post would work just as well, and if not even better in a way. Given the absence of the time limitations you face when you’re making a reel or a TikTok I thought it’d be cool to present the looks as part of a mini moodboard for each designer which adds a bit of context to each look even if you aren’t familiar with their past collections and establishes the general vibe of the brand I’m attempting to replicate. Not to sound snotty or as if I am the font of all knowledge on anything high fashion related but even with my amateur knowledge I noticed that as the video trend took off and was adopted by big name influencers, it became less about the average person putting their own personal spin on the aesthetic of the labels we can’t ordinarily afford and more about them building outfits that only vaguely resemble the general public perception of the brand around the real corresponding (and often gifted and thus inaccessible to someone who doesn’t makes thousands for a sponsored post) pieces they own SO I thought I’d take the trend back to its roots and get a bit resourceful. All that being said, in no particular order, here are the outfits I would wear to sit front row at Gucci, Vera Wang, Miu-Miu, Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana, Brock Collection, Alexander McQueen, Etro, Burberry aaaand Saint Laurent based on their past collections and guess what? They didn’t cost a shit tonne of money :-)
-disclaimer: will include an asterisk before any new purchases if from a high street store though to be honest, I don’t think there are any, we shall see! I do include where I got old purchases from in case anyone wants to search anything on Depop/Ebay-
1. Saint Laurent (formerly Yves Saint Laurent)
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-blazer from identityparty on Depop, pleather trousers from Zara, jewellery from Dolls Kill-
I know technically abbreviating Saint Laurent to YSL doesn’t really make much sense anymore given the brand’s name change in 2012, but I’ll always think of it as that in the same way I’ll always associate it with the slightly dishevelled yet simultaneously glitzy rock n’ roll aesthetic. The thing is, whilst YSL hasn’t done anything wildly out of the box for a long time, it’s rare they put a look on the runway that I wouldn’t wear; they never end up being a fashion week standout but the Parisienne take on grunge we’ve seen Anthony Vaccarello establish as his go-to will always have a place in my heart. 
2. Alexander McQueen
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-embroidered leather jacket from Ebay (originally Topshop), harness from Amazon, dress from ASOS, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
Alexander McQueen is a brand that is pretty much universally liked, from the historically extravagant and groundbreaking shows the man himself put together to Sarah Burton’s more toned down but still beautiful collections. Obviously I didn’t attempt to do justice to the former, so I tried my hand at putting together a look inspired by Sarah’s blend of delicate femininity and nomadic edge, and it went...okay? Like it’s definitely not my favourite of all the looks because it does give off slightly cheap copycat vibes buuut outside of the context of this lookbook it’s cute.
3. Brock Collection
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-boater hat from Ebay, midi skirt from morganogle on Depop, corset top from ownmode_, heels from amybeckett1, bag from Primark-
Brock isn’t as well known a brand as most of the others in this list but I adore everything Laura Vassar Brock does and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to try and channel the vision of one of the OG pioneers of the cottagecore vibe through my own wardrobe. I mean fr, this woman’s work as a steady provider of meadow photoshoot worthy dresses and corsets and skirts is v slept on and I will not stand for it. I will sit in front of a camera and then write a paragraph in my blog post begging anybody who reads to give LVB (an abbreviation I acknowledge is unlikely to catch on because Lisa Vanderpump anybody?) some form of acknowledgement for her services to period romance novel inspired moodboards everywhere.
4. Marc Jacobs
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-coat from House of Sunny, white shirt from Retro World Camden, co-ord from Sugar Thrillz, bag from Poppy Lissiman-
If there’s one thing Marc Jacobs always does, it’s COMMITS. TO. HIS. THEME. I just KNOW he has a secret Pinterest with separate boards for every fashion era of the 20th century and he is putting those boards to good use providing us with collections that are as immersive as they are eclectic year in year out. 
5. Miu Miu
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-beret from H&M, hair clips from H&M, jewellery from Primark, coat from mollyyemmaa on Depop, shirt from YesStyle, sweater vest from YesStyle, skirt from Depop, diamanté belt from Brandy Melville, shoes from Koi Vegan Footwear-
We all like to talk about Bratz dolls and Monster High dolls and Barbies as fashion inspo but can we all focus on Cabbage Patch dolls for two secs so as to acknowledge the fact that a Miu Miu collection is basically all their fits grown up? And made boujie as fuck? If I want my fix of Wes Anderson meets Scream Queens (what a combo) inspired outfits, if I want prissy and girlish but also glam, if I want to look like a bratty rich girl whose one redeeming quality is her eye for vintage clothes, I know where to look and that is the Miu Miu section of Vogue Runway. 
6. Vera Wang
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-blazer as in no.1, velvet bralet from catdegaris on Depop, harness from Amazon, skirt from Ebay, knee high socks from Ebay, lace up boots from Ebay-
Vera Wang’s RTW aesthetic, a blend of the ethereal, ultra-feminine bridal designs she’s known for and British style punk rock influences, is something I feel has only become firmly established in recent years but it is everything I ever wanted and more. I always find myself trying to balance the part of me that loves everything girly and delicate and pretty and the part of me that would love to be in a biker gang and Vera’s collections are always an inspirational reminder of just how well it can be done.
7. Burberry
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-coat from charity shop, suit from emmafisher3 on Depop, top from simranindia, shirt underneath from Zara, jewellery from ASOS-
Now I’m not gonna lie, I’m not the biggest fan of Burberry but there have been a few looks over the past few years I’ve really liked and as someone who owns numerous trench coats, high necks and way too much plaid, I thought it’d be an easy one to replicate. Plus, if you can count on Riccardo Tisci for nothing else you at least can rely on him giving you some layering inspo which is very much needed in a country where it literally just snowed in April and where my plans for today have just been cancelled because the iPhone weather app did a Karen Smith and didn’t predict rain for today right up until it started raining so thanks for that one British meteorologists. Your incompetence strikes again.
8. Etro
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-corset from Urban Outfitters, vinyl trench coat from Topshop, boots from Ebay, black slip dress from kaoanaoleinik on Depop, fur trim afghan coat from louisemarcella-
Like with Brock Collection, Etro isn’t a hugely well known brand, but it is always one of my favourites-to add a spanner into the works of any attempts to cultivate a firm sense of personal style, I live for the ornate Bohemian look that Etro does so well just as much as I love both grungy and girly pieces, and so I really wanted to include a brand whose collections go down that route. It was a toss-up between this and Zimmerman, the flirtier, free spirit counterpart to the dark romance of Veronica Etro’s designs; her vision really shines through the most when it comes to the brand’s winter collections, imo, and given that I live in a country where winter or some weather state resembling it does seem to take up 70% of the year, I did decide on channelling her work rather than that of the equally talented Nicky and Simone Zimmermann this time round.
9. Dolce & Gabbana
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-flower crown from ASOS, tiara from Amazon, earrings from YesStyle, dress from alicealderdice1 on Depop, opera gloves from Ebay, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
D&G is a brand I felt really conflicted about doing-I don’t include their current collections in my fashion week reviews based on the actions of designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce over the last few years because I don’t want to mitigate the collective effort of fashion critics to push them towards irrelevancy. Though people like to claim the brand has turned a corner since Lucio Di Rosa was brought on board as the manager of celebrity and VIP relations last year (they are as prolific a force on red carpet fashion as ever), we haven’t seen any real meaningful apologies or reparations made by Dolce and Gabbana themselves which once again leaves us in the all too familiar quandary of whether or not we can separate the art from the artist especially when it is far too much of a simplification to only credit the two men for their work given there’s a whole design team behind them. There are a LOT of shitty people working in fashion, the whole industry is a bit of a cesspit if we’re honest, but I don’t think that should stop us from at least being able to appreciate old collections if we make sure we aren’t engaging in any kind of promotion of current works whilst doing so. D&G are a brand of high highs and low lows, with looks that range from hideously ugly to showstoppingly beautiful in a single show-when the looks are good, they are GOOD-and their presence in the fashion world is most definitely felt whether we want it to be or not. It would just be shit to refuse to recognise the existence of some real iconic runway moments, the practical work that went into the ornate detail and opulence that helped cement D&Gs place in sartorial history, the styling that’s made goddesses and fairytale queens out of modern day women as they’ve glided down catwalks, the far more extravagant and, let’s be real, sexier version of our world D&G shows have transported us to in the past. Will I talk about D&G ever again? No, and if you Google the scandals their brand has faced over the past few years, there are more than enough reasons why, but just this once I did want to pay homage to some of the collections, the snippets of which I saw on my Tumblr dashboard back when I was about 13, that first got me into fashion.
10. Gucci
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-fur coat from Topshop, clips from Zaful, glasses from Ebay, dress from gracewright246 on Depop, shirt from Boohoo, blazer from charity shop-
Now last but, if you ever read any of my fashion week reviews (the likelihood of someone actually having read one of them and reading this is incredibly, incredibly slim lol, I wouldn’t read me either) you’ll know, definitely not least, is Gucci because Alessandro Michele comes through every!! single!! time!!
The man is truly the king of quirky throwback maximalism and it hurts my heart that a lot of people seem to think of it only as a brand associated with ostentatious displays of wealth. Year after year since Michele was made creative director he has released purposeful, fully-fleshed out collections which unravel themselves to us on the runway like time capsules containing the belongings of the rich and whimsical and yes that can sometimes result in outfits which are *ahem* a bit mismatched but it doesn’t matter because through fashion he manages to take us to a vivid version of the past where people could dress as freely and lavishly as they wanted to, into the wardrobe of a person unaffected by the side-eyeing of others. You get the impression he doesn’t design so much as plays around with some kind of enchanted dress up box and takes inspiration from there and to give that impression is only a credit to his talent-to make outfits so kooky and extravagant look like they were meant to be takes a boldness and genuine love for clothes that I do tend to feel a lot of the big name designers have lost in the pursuit of profit and the necessary placating of the dying customer base that keeps that coming in. Of course I'm not for a second saying Gucci does not care about profit, but at the very least, they have on board a creative director who genuinely has fun with what they’re putting out there and wants to make a statement too and that really shows; you can rest on your laurels and sell tweed boucle jackets to rich old white women for eternity but nobody’s going to mention your brand name and the word groundbreaking in the same sentence ever again unless they’re talking about what it was a century ago, you know (mentioning no names...unless...did I hear someone say Chanel)? That feels like such a shady way to end, lol, but I’m sure said brand will survive-to be fair, they’ve been included in every other What I’d Wear to Sit Front Row At video I’ve seen so although I’m always slagging them off for doing the saaaaame thinggggg year after year, for that same reason their aesthetic is instantly recognisable and so will always be a source of imitation. There are obviously pros and cons to being a brand which constantly reinvents itself but I think it’s totally possible to do that whilst maintaining an overall mission, and Alessandro Michele’s work at Gucci demonstrates that with ease.
Anyway, if you got to here, thanks for reading! I know I’m super behind on this whole TikTok trend and I know a Tumblr post instead of a video is a bit of a cop out but all the real, physically awkward ones out there know that watching yourself back is excruciating lmao, so I hope this does the trick. After this, I’m gonna get back to the reviewing S/S21 collections post though knowing me I’ll probs take a few days to get back into that because I feel like since I left full-time education (RIP me going back in a few months) writing continuously like this for any longer than about 15 mins fries what brain cells I have left. Again, thank you for reading and if you are, sending many good vibes your way! Stay safe!
Lauren x
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allthingsfern · 3 years
More info about my reason for choosing my Sony a7r3
So, @mirzans​, replied to my “From my own experience switching from Nikon DSLR to Sony mirrorless,“ asking about why I did not choose a Nikon Z camera, which is a great question and something I should have explained/added to my post: context. It is important to know when I bought my a7r3 and what my choices were.
Here goes.
I bought my Sony a7r3 back in December of 2017, on the 26th, to be exact. Sony, at the time, was the mirrorless full frame leader and neither Nikon nor Canon had yet released their equivalent mirrorless cameras. After much research, I wound up deciding between the D850 or a7r3. BTW, there were a couple of Fujis I liked, but none was full frame; yes I strongly considered the Fujifilm GFX 50S, which was almost twice as much as the D850 and the a7r3 but had 50 mp (the D850: 45.7mp; a7r3: 42.4). However, from my research, it was rated as a good camera, but more for a studio setting, and did not autofocus as highly rated as either of my 2 final choices, plus the a7r3 was celebrated for its uniquely accurate, for that time, eye recognition focus. So, when I walked into Mike’s Camera, I knew it was either the D850 or the a7r3. Let me add that in 2017, Sony was making big (mostly) positive news with its a7r3. The previous 2 a7r models were promising, but had issues like overheating and horrendous battery life, but the a7r3 had improved on those issues and was then highly recommended. At about the same time that year, Nikon’s D850 was being celebrated as a great improvement of the already superb D800.
A little background about my camera ownership history may be useful here, too, so all y’all understand why I was looking at Nikon and Fuji, and not Canon or any other brand, well, except Sony.
In 2012, I bought my D50 used form a friend. It was already 5 years old at the time. I owned 2 SLRs before that, in the mid 70s and early 90s. Both were cheap, no-name cameras and my photography sucked shit through a brick, but not because of my cameras. I just never bothered to really learn photography, thinking it was just a matter of liking the way something looked and then taking a picture of it.
Oy vey.
However, I owned my baby, my D50, for 4 years. Then I bought a new Nikon D3500 w/ a used 24-200mm lens (sorry, I cannot recall which one, but it was highly recommended by Ken Rockwell and was a great lens)  a lower end starter Nikon DSLR and a used Fuji X100s. I absolutely loved both cameras. Since I figured that I was going to be trading up to a more complex model and I would, in effect, have to learn a new camera system, I knew I wanted to stick with Nikon and Fuji. And yes, Canon and other makes are good to great as well, but I figured I would stick with what I knew.
Except for the Sony. But really, since I needed to learn a new system, I figured I would go to the camera store and give them a feel, then make up my mind.
Now, to a certain degree, the D850 was slightly ahead because earlier in 2017 I got to use a D800 for a photo shoot for work. It was set up for me (the studio was ready for me, all I had to do was point and shoot; it was a special project that I got permission to do the photography for and, sadly, the portraits never were used) and let me tell you, as soon as I grabbed that D800, the ergonomics, the familiar feel, were perfect. That was one sexy camera, at least to me. Still is.
However, when i walked into Mike’s and held the even heftier d850, it also felt good, familiar, but as soon as I held the a7r3, even before I raised it to my face and looked through the viewfinder, I knew it was the one for me. It felt right and was lighter, and with the advanced eye focus, my decision was made immediately. And as I mentioned in my previous post, my camera guy soon realized I knew the specs and was looking at the 2 best choices for me, so he just left me alone and only was there to provide support, if I requested any.
Now, I believe that things are meant to happen, that time and Life give us signs that we are going in the right direction. And when I bought that first a7r3, I wanted the recently released 24-105mm f/4 G Sony lens. If I recall, it had just started shipping in late November, early December, so it was hard to get. And Mike’s had just one, that was pre-ordered, but the person who ordered it did not pick it up, and since it was sitting in the store (and not paid for) for about 2 weeks and was hard to get, my camera guy decided to sell it to me.
Talk about meant to be.
And yes, for any of you who know me who are reading this, I did get all teary eyed and freaked out a bit. I was able to drop so much money on camera equipment because a friend had recently died and left me enough money to pay off half my student loans, my almost $40K in credit card debt, and buy the cameras. (I did not mention I have 2 a7r3 bodies and a lens for each one: the 24-105mm f/4 and the Zeiss 55mm f1.8 made for Sony.) To me, the whole changing lenses thing is crazy making and as a professional photographer friend of mine said (my coworker who was the staff photographer and was always willing to talk about camera gear and was very supportive), I should have a zoom and a prime, and since I could afford the 2 bodies, I should just fucking get them. No regrets.
And to add to the “meant to be” coincidences of that day I bought my first a7r3 and the 24-105mm, while I was paying for the camera and my camera guy was explaining several perks and deals and things Mike’s Camera offered, he mentioned that there was a Sony mirrorless workshop, given by a Sony expert, coming up on January 19, 2018 at the store. That was when I knew my camera purchase was the right thing to do, since that was the anniversary of my friend’s death and I already planned to visit their grave site that day, but the workshop was at night and I could do both.
And fuck, yes, again I got all teary eyed there at the counter of Mike’s Camera.
Finally, you know that friend of mine who was the staff photographer at work, the one who was so supportive and helpful? And, BTW, who actually has a degree in photography? Well, after about a year of my buying my a7r3, I showed him some photos I took handheld at 1/30 sec in very low light w/ high ISO. He was so impressed with the quality of the images, that he ordered an a7r3 and a couple lenses for work. I think he got the 24-70mm GM and the 70-200mm GM, both f/2.8 and both with stabilization, and either the 85mm or 135mm GM. He wound up using the a7r3 for events and outdoor shoots and kept the D800 for studio portraits. That D800 is such a cool camera. But then again, I have another friend who owns a Canon 5D (also a pro photographer) and it is awesome, too.
Anyway, sorry I shared so much, @mirzans. Guess you can tell I just love this shit.
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10kiaoi · 4 years
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For the 007 Fest Anon prompts: Magical realism
Scav hunt item #55: Create art using a prompt from the MI6Cafe Weekly Art Prompts + “Mayday”
Notes: Unbetaed as always. Canon typical violence.
"Mayday, mayday, mayday-!"
The city is caught in a deluge when he arrives. 
Traffic is backed up for miles, vehicle after vehicle trapped in complete  frustrating gridlock. 
He's walked the two miles to his destination, leaving behind an irate cab driver with a generous tip for his trouble.
Along the way, a young nymph looking to be no more than 10 summers old, offers a flower garland weaved of fresh white Heather from the shelter of a narrow porch. He eyes the fresh cut hanging over the front door. 
He purchases two, to the girl's cheery delight. 
“We've lost three engines! Requesting immediate vectors to the nearest airfield! Mayday, mayday, mayday! Shit, Number 4's go-"
One mile in, he stumbles across a heavily flooded street.
Earsplittingly loud lighting cracks overhead, an occasional flash that lights the street up. 
The flood waters are ice cold. With the water level at thigh height, his wellies do nothing to keep them from gushing around his equally frozen feet. He resigns himself to a hot bath later.
Here, no cars are able to pass through at all. 
Despite the hazards, there are people out and about in front of their buildings. There are merchants desperately hauling their merchandise to higher ground, attempting to salvage what they can from the havoc. Some are putting up brightly coloured banners and decorative displays. At every door, a stalk of white Heather hangs, children gleefully arranging whole seashells in intriguing patterns around them. 
The mood, though dampened by the terrible weather, borders on festive. 
There are neighbours exchanging sweet breads, a friendly trade of roasted poultry, a shared fish or two in covered dishes to shield the food from the downpour. 
Their joy is a distant consideration in comparison to his inner disquiet. 
An elderly man catches sight of him standing and staring openly at the activities. He glances down to his hand, to the two Heather garlands cradled protectively.  The old man tuts reprovingly and wades through the waters towards him. 
"Shells," the old man tuts as he offers two perfect clam shells, canine tail wagging, "Intention means nothing without it."
He crosses the street, with his gifts in hand. 
"Mayday, mayday, mayday! We've lost all four engines- Christ, we're not going to make it back to land-!" 
He hears the adolescents well before he sees them. 
In a deserted street, dull with old street lamps and filthy storefronts, the hooded teens giggle with cruel delight as they rip down fabric banners and shatter the crystal glass figurines of various marine creatures. The lovely shells and stalks of white Heather meet the same dismal fate.
Amidst their destruction, one of the teens happens to look up, forked tongue flickering out to taste the wind. Their eyes drop to his arms and they elbow their companions. The group sneers, wisely backing off momentarily and not doing anything as foolish as engage him in a fight. 
Given his state of mind, it is more than likely that the teens will not come out the other end of the fight unscathed despite the protection of armoured scales. 
"The sea witch's a fucking sham anyways!" the kid yells over their retreating backs, "ya'll nuts for believing that shit!" 
When the last teen disappears round the street corner, he sighs, taking the moment to sweep the glass shards to the side with his foot instead of leaving them in the middle of the pavement for some poor sod to injure themselves on later. The rising waters will take care of the mess soon enough anyways. 
The glint of light on glass draws his eye to the ledge, where several pristine figures lie untouched. He is irrepressibly drawn to one in particular- a carving not of an animal but a floating feather caressed by an invisible wind. 
His eyes surveys the street warily for a moment. The glass feather slips unnoticed into the depths of his jacket. 
In the distance, the sea churns with rage. 
"Mayday, mayday, may-"
There is little else he can do but scour the shores, buffeted by strong gusts and blinded by sea spray. 
The boats are all docked away, no skipper daring enough to take on the sea in her volatility. The worst of the storm is miles away from land, but its effects are felt all the same. 
A set of files arrives in his email courtesy of Q Branch and Tanner- maps and coordinates and prediction models, all of which he studies intensively in the comfort of his temporary safe house. The glass feather sits prominently besides his laptop, a silent but steadfast companion to his activities. 
It, along with the Heather garlands and clam shells, bear witness to him smashing his ceramic mug in a fit of fury. 
The lone image glares accusingly at him from his laptop screen, a low quality shot worsened by the movement of the camera it was shot with. 
The object is a blurry mess, details rendered indistinct by the rolling waves and heavy rainfall. But enough of the form remains for the item to be identified- its implications are what trigger his episode of temper. 
A lone tail fin, ripped from its place at the rear of an aircraft, is a death sentence. 
He's on his fifth bottle, drowning his sorrows with a vengeance. Outside, the deluge lets up a little into a light patter against the balcony. 
The helplessness weighs heavily like an albatross around his neck. 
Squeals waft up from the street below, a pod of local mers grasping the opportunity the flood waters present and taking the chance to explore streets they have never traversed before. Their melodious cries of astonishment and wonder, once music to his ears, prove too much for the dark cloud hanging over him. 
He throws back his head against the couch and guzzles down more bitter ale. 
He comes to in his tiled bathroom, curled over the toilet seat with acidic sick stinking up his nose. It's no gentle thing, he wakes up with a jerk, disorientated and without memory of how he has gotten to the bathroom in the first place. Adrenaline rushes through his veins. 
With the fog in his head clearing up, he notices the rattling coming from his balcony, accompanied by quiet curses. 
He gets up, hand curling around the walther under his arm. He creeps towards the source of the commotion, feet as light as a cat's paws. Whatever and whomever the intruder is, he's of no mood to be gracious. 
The rattling pauses, an indignant squawk of frustration follows it. 
It speaks volumes of his training, both military and 00 that he does not drop his piece from shock. 
There on his balcony, his Quartermaster scowls angrily at the offending lock while looking like a drowned rat. 
In his chest, his heart leaps. 
His movement draws Q's attention and it's then he's hollered at to "open the bloody doors before I kick them down!" 
There's no word vast enough, deep enough to encompass the depth of his emotions as he swiftly undoes the lock and throws the double doors open. Heather and shells are sent flying but all he cares for is pulling Q into a bone crushing embrace. 
The rain picks up, droplets soaking through the cotton of his shirt. The front is already soaked through, thoroughly pressed against a sopping wet Quartermaster as he is. 
He pulls them inside, away from the storm, away from the windows. Disbelief and hope war within his chest as he studies Q with an anxious eye, warm towels in his hand to replace soaked clothes. 
He says nothing of the massive bruising on Q's torso, a large swath that belies the extent of physical trauma its owner has gone through. 
Belatedly, he registers the noticeable lack of glasses, the raw scrapes and bruising over pale cheeks and knuckles. 
The hulking set of white wings tipped with black and dusty grey. 
"Albatross," he breathes reverently.
He'd assumed from Q's presence in the tunnels of Q Branch, the way he draws comfort from his underground haven, that his Quartermaster is a member of an underground species of sorts- a Null even, rare as truly non-magical folk are amongst the general population. The personnel file certainly hasn’t provided much insight either given their propensity for obfuscation when executive members of staff are involved.  
"Yes, well, turns out I was just a late bloomer" Q sniffs, squinting at a dust speck on the wall through the conspicuous lack of glasses, "you're not on the water all the time either." 
Bond smiles indulgently though offers no contest. 
With his parents and kin long gone, there was simply no incentive to remain near his family’s seat of power all the time. The murky depths of the loch holds no interest, lacking in the thrill and constant entertainment cities like London offer. Besides-
First M, a hawk, now Q, an albatross - he's always been drawn to the sky much more than his peers. 
He feels out Q's wings carefully, stretching one out to examine the feathers and bone. The appendage trembles under his tentative scrutiny, morphing into a full body shiver that goes right down to Q's toes. The first wing passes muster, so he moves on to the other. 
Q yelps loudly as his fingers prod a particular sore spot. 
It has him relaxing his fingers immediately, though he does not cease supporting the injured wing. 
"I don't think it's broken," Q whimpers, fingers twisting anxiously. 
Like a dam, Q's hard won composure crumbles. "Couldn't get them out," Q sobs, "They were too far forward, I barely got myself out-" The frantic babble dies away into hitched sobs. 
He croons lightly in response, a soothing rumble he's heard mers sing to their fry. He runs his fingers through mussed curls, letting the grief and guilt run its course. 
The kit he has isn't stocked for treating winged individuals or traumatised ones for that matter, but he's a witch- he'll make the best with what he has. He'll get them both home. 
In the distance, the sea finally calms.
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kaediisarchive · 3 years
Final thoughts on the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.
LOTS of spoilers under the cut! Do not look at this post if you don’t want to see spoilers!
And remember, this is all just my opinion. It’s not like an actual in-depth review because I’m not a film student; this is just my perspective on what I saw as a fan of this franchise.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion were great. Opening fight was great.
“Eddy Tobias” namedrop lmao
I love the snow preceding Sub-Zero’s attack. Very foreboding.
Score is AWESOME. My favorite soundtrack is probably the one that plays when Sub-Zero is attacking them in the city towards the beginning.
Sonya rigging her house with a secret bunker and trap doors is smart and fits her character.
I like that the dragon logo has an integral meaning to the story.
Loved Jax vs Sub-Zero. Not mad about the origin change of Jax’s arms. I like that he had to work through his feelings of inadequacy and failure; people don’t just immediately bounce back after something that traumatic. I also like that his arcana manifests to protect Sonya rather than in the heat of battle. It shows his emotional priorities and what separates him from people like Kano who manifest their arcana in a fit of rage.
Sonya “Throw Hands on Sight” Blade lmfao. They nailed her fighting style too and I am happy.
Kano is the best thing about this movie. No competition.
Kotal reference!
Nightwolf reference!
Shang Tsung’s soul magic being black and wispy and foreshadowing Noob Saibot.
I love Liu Kang in this. He is 1000000% a Wholesome Boi. I like that he’s younger and unhardened and not the fully realized champion version of his character yet. Let him grow into it so it feels earned later on. I like that he’s the underdog, and I like what they’ve set up for him in the future. Also, the casting for him was perfect and they nailed his fighting style, too.
That little “the FUCK” that the Kano actor improvised(?) in the middle of Liu Kang’s lines made me laugh more than it should have. I don’t know why that moment got to me so much but it did.
I love Kung Lao. And they nailed his fighting style, too! Great to see variation that represents the characters (though there were less shining examples, which I’ll touch on later).
Egg roll scene is best scene.
Kabal! I love his dry humor. And his voice reminds me of Duke Nukem, which I’m not mad about. It complemented his dialogue well.
Not mad about Kung Lao’s death because it was meaningful. His fatality on Nitara was sick, too.
Liu Kang taking the ribbon from Kung Lao’s hat and wearing it in his honor, giving an origin for his signature headband is FANTASTIC.
Sub-Zero was a GREAT final boss. They really built him up appropriately to make him feel like it.
Scorpion’s fatality! And his skull face!
Not sure how I feel about Sub-Zero being wholly evil and there being no involvement from Quan Chi. It’s more straight forward for sure. It makes him an interesting (and badass) character, and I’m really behind this portrayal in that he is one of the most believable characters in the movie, but I’m not sure if I like the implications for later films in how this has simplified the dynamic in the entire Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei plotline. Having Quan Chi be the Machiavelli was always one of my favorite MK twists. And how do we eventually end the feud now? If Bi-Han / the Lin Kuei were wholly responsible, why should Hanzo EVER make peace with Kuai Liang down the line? The complexity feels like it’s been stripped down a bit, but I do love this iteration of Sub-Zero. I truly do. That’s why this is in the neutral category and not the negative XD.
Why didn’t Jax tell Cole when he saw the mark? Why wait until his family gets attacked? Maybe he didn’t want to do it in front of his family to keep them out of it, but that ends up endangering them more. Not a gripe, just a curiosity.
Sound editing was a bit too intense at times for my taste. I have tinnitus, so...big boomy bass with very mild voices is a chore for my ears to switch between. My ears were ringing within the first twelve minutes.
Torn between “fuck you Reiko” and “Reiko deserved better”. He deserved just a little bit better, but Skarlet says “get fucked” anyway.
I don’t like the “shaky cam” used in the fight scenes. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to visually process at times.
Whatever cosmic force is picking the champions for Earthrealm is doing a shitty job at it.
Why did they change the location of the Sky Temple to a desert? Again, not a gripe, a curiosity.
“We will not see another full moon before the tournament begins” THEN WHERE IS THE TOURNAMENT BUDDY???
Not sure how I feel about the “arcana” concept. It’s an okay plot device but kinda hammy.
Kitana’s fan! But why? Why is it there? I could understand the Kotal and Nightwolf references because Sonya has been researching, but why is Kitana’s fan randomly in an Earthrealm temple? Purely cheap fanservice.
Nitara was really cool. Shame she had to die, but her death was cool and there have to be some characters that get killed off. Wish she had more screentime though; feels like another instance of fanservice just having her show up basically as a namedrop and a quick kill.
The phrase “Are you okay?” was said WAY too much in this film. So much that I actually notices how often it was said, and I usually don’t pick up on these things.
Pretty sure a camera operator fell at one point in a Sonya scene because the camera jerked around violently all of the sudden then stabilized. Whoops.
How did Sub-Zero know to take Cole’s family to the gym? WHY did he take them there?
Opening scene was awesome, but it’s emotional impact felt stunted. I feel like the order of events should have been twisted a bit. Hanzo find his wife and son should have been the big emotional climax of the scene, but it felt like a passing moment and gave him no time to mourn and no time for the impact to truly set in with me. It was an “oh no they died” moment instead of an “ OH MY GOD THEY DIED THIS IS SO FUCKED FUCK YOU SUB-ZERO” moment. I dare say that the Legacy web series did it better in spite of their lower budget and overall quality; the series of events had better pacing and gave more emotional impact because of it. I said what I fucking said don’t @ me.
Wish we got more Scorpion. I love Sanada, I love him as Scorpion, but they didn’t give us the time we needed with his character to truly get a grasp of him.
Cole Young is like white bread in a parade of decorative cakes.
Raiden, a normally passionate and protective character whose fatal flaw is that he involves himself too much in events because he cares about the people in his realm and ends up fucking things up because of it, now seems to not care in the slightest. He feels completely uninvolved save for an occasional pop in to give a nod of disapproval. I don’t like this unemotional take on one of the most emotional characters in Mortal Kombat.
Small complaint from my perspective as a martial artist but uh...”Throw your uppercut!” was a bullshit line in a bullshit scene. If you’re locked up with someone like that and the guy has his arms around your neck, you physically cannot uppercut. You cannot fit your arms between his arms because they are cinched tightly around your shoulders/neck. YOUR HEAD is between your fist + bicep and HIS HEAD. In that situation, the guy has also left his body completely unguarded, so the most logical thing to do since you CANNOT reach his head is to go for BODY BLOWS. Beat him until he lets go to protect himself, catch his floating rib with double strikes, or punch the dude in his fucking liver as hard as you can to DROP HIM. Cole is supposed to be an experienced fighter, yet he makes one of the most rookie mistakes a fighter could ever make. Normally I wouldn’t care to point out mistakes in fight choreography or whatever because it’s MK and I expect ridiculousness, but this is the WRONG kind of ridiculous. It’s just NONSENSE.
I have SO MANY issues with Mileena. I’ll make this as short as I can. I don’t like the design of her mouth. I don’t like her weird stacked voice. She shows NO personality, not in her acting or even her fighting style, just an evil minion that got angry because she almost got her ass kicked. The turned one of the principle characters of the entire franchise and a fan favorite into a GRUNT. There is NO mention of Kitana outside of literal “fan”-service. Not even a reference to one of the most important plotlines in all of Mortal Kombat. And then they KILL HER OFF!!! When they do inevitably bring in Kitana WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO SINCE THEY KILLED OFF MILEENA???? I’m heated and biased and they did my girl dirty.
Speaking of doing characters dirty, poor Reptile. They turned him into an actual animal. What a waste.
Why are they so mean to Sonya if she doesn’t have a mark? She wouldn’t be as much of a “liability” if they would take the time to prepare her and teach her how to defend against fighters that have unlocked their arcana. Mind-numbingly stupid logic.
This movie relies A LOT on prerequisite knowledge to work. It’s like they want fans to fill in the blanks for them. But not everyone watching is already a fan; this isn’t an obscure release, this is a blockbuster movie released worldwide. These gaps in lore and prior knowledge don’t make sense for such a broad audience.
Cole Young literally could have just been Johnny Cage.
Where was Raiden when his temple was being assaulted?
No but for real that’s the most boring decision they just ripped off Jax’s MK11 heater effect and Baraka’s blades (I know they’re tonfa and they aren’t attached and I DON’T CARE). Also, now he’s suddenly good at fighting again? After being dog shit this entire movie??? And tanks Goro?????
If Raiden is an Elder God in this continuity, why is he allowed to help Earthrealm AT ALL? It seems like favoritism and bends the rules that the Elder Gods are supposedly bound by way too much. They really just shouldn’t have made him an Elder God; I honestly think they just said it to introduce the concept without a fuck given towards the actual lore of the Elder Gods.
Cole REALLY should not have been involved in that last fight. Especially not after Scorpion shows up. It should have been Scorpion vs Sub-Zero ONLY for the final fight. Cole tag-teaming Sub-Zero with Scorpion cheapens Scorpion’s revenge.
Camera work in the final fight was not good, especially in the first portion. At one point Cole gets thrown into a fence, but it cuts to an awkward inverse angle that makes him look like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline. This continues to happen and ruins several shots for me.
Honestly Scorpion should have just possessed Cole. Permanently. No switching back and forth. No more Cole, only Scorpion.
Lots of dead characters come back as revenants and / or with upgrades.
Kano comes back with cyber eye.
Mileena comes back with full teeth.
Liu Kang becomes MK champion, wins tournament, and kills Shang Tsung. As it should be.
Cole Young helps Liu Kang become champion somehow idk maybe he sacrifices himself or something just please don’t make Cole the champion I will start a riot.
Next movie will start IMMEDIATELY at the tournament since there was supposedly less than a month until the tournament starts in this movie.
New characters coming in will be Kitana, Shao Kahn, Jade, Quan Chi, Kuai Liang, Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Johnny Cage.
This movie was good, bloody fun! It’s not an A++ Oscar-winner, but if you expected that going into it, you played yourself. It was Mortal Kombat; it was stupid, it was gory, and I had a blast watching it. Kano and Liu Kang were the best parts of the movie for me, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero tied for third. Also I popped a lot for the cheap nostalgia hits. I’m overall satisfied with what we got in spite of my complaints, and I only complain so in-depth about the things I love lmao so trust me when I say I’m not actually mad, just nitpicky. I’ve watched it twice now, and I would watch it again. It’s like a 6.8/10 for me.
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jpat82 · 3 years
Secret World
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Chapter 17
I sat on the steps of the high school, backpack leaning up against the step. After the talk I had had with Bucky the night before I knew I had to try. Try and do what I wasn't sure but I knew the first thing I needed to do was apologize to Peter for bolting yesterday. I had done so much running in my life it was easier then facing the truth. And the truth of it was I had never processed everything that had ever happened to me.
From the creatures, to the echoes, to my Auntie's death, the betrayal of my uncle for not being there. I never processed the shit that was done to me in the cement room. I didn't want to run anymore, I finally had someone who seemed to care about my well being, people around me that didn't want me to suffer, who wanted to have my back. And for that fact I needed to stand my ground, even if it was against myself.
This morning as twilight hit I left the compound. I needed to walk, to get my thoughts together. Now, I waited, watching as other teens got off the buses. They bustled together, backpacks hanging low on their backs, walking past me.
Peter stepped off the bus with Ned, he was smiling and laughing at something his friend said. They walked in step as he came down the sidewalk and turned toward the building when his eyes landed on me. Peter tilted his head slightly and a coy smile played across his face. He nodded lightly to himself as he came over.
"Uh, I'll catch you later." Ned stated when he looked at me and then Peter. I knew in that moment Peter must of said something to him. I watched as Ned sprinted up the steps and I looked back to Peter.
"Sorry about yesterday." I stated openly looking up at him.
"It's alright, though you really confused my Aunt." He stated with a chuckle.
I sighed and thought my next words carefully.
"It's not alright though." I stated, my voice shaking lightly. "My Auntie died when I was younger, I was barely a teenager. I miss her, her voice, her face."
Peter sat down next to me, I could see him out of the corner of my eye staring at me but I couldn't look at him.
"Every now and then I hear someone that might sound like her and it makes me pause. But yesterday, that was so different." I looked over at him, concern in his eyes as he focused on me. "I'm not related to the woman I call my auntie. It was just what she wanted me to call her. And you have to understand she was the only person in my world that would of even remotely been family to me. Her name... her name was May Parker. And in a million years I never thought I would see that face again, or hear that voice."
As I spoke I watched as Peter's jaw slowly lowered, I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. Just like that, I felt a weight slowly start to lift.
"And it wasn't till I saw your Aunt May did I realize that I have never had the chance to deal with her death. I never dealt with losing the only person I considered family. I panicked yesterday."
"Echo," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him, and allowed myself to relax as I felt the warm tears roll down my face. "I'm so sorry, I can't even begin to imagine what that must of been like. You know what, let's skip today."
"What?" I asked pulling back, looking into his eyes.
"It'll be fine, come on." He said, grasping my hand and pulling me to my feet with him.
"Won't you get in trouble?" I asked as he started to pull me down the street.
Peter turned his head toward as a small coy grin pulled at the corners of his face. He gave a light shrug as he pulled me along.
"Sir," a brisk knock came with the voice as the metal door pushed open. The man at the desk lifted his head from the computer, eyes squinted for a moment as the ruddy haired man stepped in. "I looked into that girl you asked about."
"And?" His British accent filled the room, it was short and crisp much like bull whip cracking in the silence.
"She's not in any data base. The earliest recorded image we have of her is literally appearing some how out of no where on a street corner." The man replied walking over, tension was in the young man's body as he brought the thumb drive over to his bosses computer. He pushed it in and leaned over the keyboard, the British man's annoyed face looked up at the him as he leaned back allowing the young man to bring up the street camera.
Before him the screen changed the grainy quality of the video reminded how little the city spent on security. The young man was true to his word, one minute nothing and then the video blurred a bit and came back to focus and there she was laying in the street. A boy, teenager from the looks of it, came around the corner and rushed to her upon seeing the girl.
"We've caught her on video since then, she seemed very confused most of the day after she was found." The young man explained showing his boss camera footage of her running from him and his buddies, then to a newspaper stand, she left there seemly lost. "The last place she was seen was at this school. Midtown High School."
"Interesting." He replied, the young man exited the archived footage and brought up a camera in real time. He watched as the same kid came up to her and sat down next to her.
"I've done a bit of looking into this other kid, his name is Peter Parker." The young man stated as he stood fully and stepped away from the computer. "He's student enrolled in that high school. Stellar grades, lives with his Aunt, seems to have had ties to the late Tony Stark."
"Thank you." He replied, the young man walked out knowing that was his dismissal, the British man sat back and laced his fingers together and watched as Peter gave the young woman a hug. A slow grin spread across his face as he watched them. A couple minutes later he watched as Peter pulled her to her feet and start to lead her away from the school. "Finally, I got you, Echo."
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bimboficationblues · 4 years
So I’ve been running through the FROM Software games over the past month, here’s thoughts:
Dark Souls (Remastered)
The original Dark Souls really agitated me at first because of the one-two punch of the third and fourth bosses on the standard route, but once I broke through that wall I got really into it. I love the interconnected world and the tactically oriented combat; it really captures a great feeling of both adventure and foreignness. 
Thematically I think it’s pretty interesting, even if I’m not sure the narrative is communicated in the best way possible. The player-character is essentially a sacrificial lamb for the powers-that-be (often without even realizing it as the player), and the boss encounters and world-building reveal the ultimate hollowness that stand behind thrones and crowns. Also, the bosses are great! I’ve been keeping track of which ones I’ve enjoyed most throughout the series and the vast majority of my favorites are from DS1; there are some serious low points (most of them in the Demon Ruins), but the high points are incredibly high. It makes me sad that the Remaster didn’t include anything new, like DS2′s Bonfire Ascetics, to allow me to refight Quelaag, Ornstein and Smough, or Artorias the Abysswalker.
The main things that keep me from lavishing DS1 with praise are certain tedious design choices (kindling bonfires, the inability to warp to any bonfire after unlocking warping, the incentives towards turtling up, and the incentives for finding cheap and unexciting ways to defeat bosses) and the truly disappointing last third of the game. The Duke’s Archives is a great level and I have mixed-but-positive feelings on the Tomb of Giants, but the Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith are hideous and full of boring encounters and bad bosses, and the New Londo Ruins is a slogfest from beginning to end (died to the boss? have fun on your way back to it, which requires going down an elevator, up a staircase, across a bridge, past five dragon enemies, through swaths of quick-attacking humanoid enemies that wear black in low lighting, all because there’s no bonfire in the vicinity).
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Dark Souls II is not as bad as it’s made out to be and I disagree with the substance of most of the traditional complaints, but it is still pretty underwhelming. The enemy placements can be frustrating but are generally a good change for people already familiar with DS1′s approach to encounter design; the Shrine of Amana is singled out for this, but it’s really not that bad, especially if you summon for it. 
The narrative--a falling into darkness, the cyclical decay and disappearance of states, the direct and observable involvement of Nashandra and the Emerald Herald in the plot--is arguably more interesting than DS1′s, though it takes longer to get off the ground. New quality-of-life changes, like the revised system for weapon durability, are also good. The introduction of new healing items was also helpful, although I disliked having to farm for them sometimes (the inevitable result of a very hard game tying healing items to currency, which is also an issue in Bloodborne). 
“Dudes in armor” bosses are good, and DS2 does have some great dudes in armor (specifically the Fume Knight and the Looking Glass Knight), but the problem with DS2′s bosses (irrespective of whether they’re humanoid or monstrous) is that they are not well-served by the game’s camera direction, the arenas they’re in (which are consistently and observably just big empty circles), and their visual designs (which are generally drab). Ornstein and Smough felt like forces of nature, pale shadows of themselves who nonetheless tower over you and will wreck your shit through sheer inertia; their rough equivalents, the Throne Watcher and Throne Defender, feel like beefy standard enemies. Overall I think most of the bosses are “boring but practical,” which is not really what I wanted.
One thing I consider unforgivable in this game is the ruining of the parry system; not only are the timings very weird and hard to pin down, the changing of riposte attacks from a quick, desperate counterattack to a slow, arduous process of executing a prone enemy is really annoying. I would probably have made a parry-centric character as I did in DS1 and taken the time to learn the new attack timings, if it were not for how unrewarding it feels to riposte in DS2.
Dark Souls III
DS2 also makes changes that carry into DS3, namely the ability to warp at the start of the game between any accessed bonfire, the use of a hub world, and the need to regularly return to the hub for leveling up. These are all bad choices imo. Immediate access to warping is probably a good thing, but it instills a sense of relief at being done with a chore, as opposed to the unique atmosphere of curiosity and dread that DS1 instilled. In DS1 I was always excited and fearful to see what I’d run into next; in the sequels I was often hoping to barrel through to the next bonfire. The hub world also contributes to this lack of curiosity, and having to return to it to level up means you never really feel like an adventurer in a strange and terrifying land because you can--and must--just nip back home if things are getting too rough. DS3 is a little better about this with a slightly lower number of bonfires, but not by much. At the same time, DS3 abandons good ideas from its immediate predecessor such as the ability to refight bosses, lifegems, and the “power-stance” for dual-wielding weapons. 
DS3 also introduces a god-awful mechanic; in DS1, there’s pretty much no real downside to being Hollow, while in DS2, remaining Hollow after repeated deaths will steadily decrease your max HP. DS3 instead puts a hard cap on your max health. (This is framed as losing a 30% HP “bonus” from being “Embered,” rather than a 30% cap, but they achieve the same basic effect, especially since being human is supposed to be the “base” state. If DS2 did this shit, people would be mad about it.) In general I dislike when these games punish players who are having a difficult time with a section or a boss by making the game even harder (which is also why I’m really not a fan of the PvP system).
DS3 also accelerates some of the frustrating things in encounter design from DS2; not only are there many areas with insane swarms of enemies, but those enemies are all often obscenely fast and hit like a truck. The new Silver Knights (who were some of my favorite foes in DS1) are the worst offenders so far; they were slow and methodical but punishing, but now they’re used as a gank-fight.
Finally, DS3′s narrative is mired in nostalgia-bait. While DS2 asked about Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, “who’s that?”, DS3 acts like Anor Londo was the most important kingdom to ever exist, undermining both previous games’ themes. It doesn’t really feel like it’s telling its own story. So even though DS3 is more technically polished than DS2, and I think definitely has a better selection of bosses and levels, I think it’s the inferior product overall.
Bloodborne is definitely the most moment-to-moment fun alongside DS1 imo, but is less visually interesting so far compared to the hideous muck of Blighttown, the splendorous ocean of Heide’s Tower of Flame and grim industry of the Iron Keep, or the terrifying, frostbitten beauty of the Boreal Valley. But I also don’t own a PS4, so I only got a third of the way done playing on my friend’s. However, the new approach to warping, the streamlining of the weapons system, the emphasis on parrying, the rallying system, and the increased speed and flow of gameplay are all great developments and I’m excited to explore the game more in future when I’m able to.
Demon’s Souls and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Demon’s Souls is next if I can acquire a PS3 copy (or if one of my friends gets a PS5), and while Sekiro strikes me as very different in kind from the rest of these games, it’s still on my to-play list.
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kaythewriterx · 4 years
The Flex Brothers
Plot: A young man, Alex Flex (Charlie Hunnam) who deals with life as he is diagnosed with a disease that causes him to go blind at the age of fourteen. Richard, (Tom Selleck) Alex’s father lets him grow and learn on his own, but his mother, Monica (Courtney Cox) wants him to follow into her footsteps. One day, out of curiosity, Alex joins a gym, then wants to be a boxer. His bigger brother Brady, who has a very close relationship with Alex, finds out and is forced to be quiet. The Truth always be told. Richard and Monica finds out and lectures him, but with Alex wanting to finally be on own, he makes a deal. Lose and Quit. Or. Win and Stay.   
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                                                                                       Dallas, Texas.                                          22 years ago
"Alex! Look at mommy." a woman laughs as she shakily filmed the little boy who stood in front of her, the child had paid no attention to his mother, but instead the bubbles. The woman zoomed over at another boy, a bit older with his father that had been throwing him gently in the air. She chuckles, pushing her black hair out of her face, squinting at the two as they seemed to be on cloud nine. The summer sun beaming on the family of four, enjoying quality time with each other. "My Richard and our first born, Brady." She lightly whispers still filming the father and son, twirling the blue shirted boy with little demin jeans to match perfectly Monica thought. The woman finally looks over at her younger son, her black hair getting in the way from the precious moment that was being half caught on camera. "You like the bubbles?" Monica places a free hand on her hip, the confused boy looks up with the wand in one hand and the bottle in the other. "Yeah." Alex half squinted at the short woman, he quickly smiles causing her to lightly chuckle, suddenly a squeal escaped her mouth. "What are you doing?" Richard asked his wife lifting her up in the air for a quick moment. "I'm filming our boys-well our family." she smiled looking up at her tall husband, "Ah, well." he frowned and before she could speak, he takes the camera into his hands and pointed it himself. "Hello world, I'm Richard, this is my beautiful, wonderful, smart-" Monica blushes and covers her face, "Stop." Richard laughs and points the camera to the two boys who were standing side by side. "And these are our boys. Brady and Alex, say hi boys." Monica was in awed as they waved towards their father, she quickly picks up Alex as Richard sat Brady on his hip. "And we are the Flex's" the little family smiled at the camera.
The deep green colored grass glistened as the sprinklers lightly doused it, with the American flag blowing perfectly every time the light breeze came and gone in the summer Texas weather. "Alex! Brady!" a woman's voice yelled through the well opened house, she listened for answered before she continued with cutting the carrots. The woman wipes her hands on the red and white apron, pushing her black with a touch of grey hair as she entered the living room where laughter could be heard. "I thought-" she gasps covering her mouth, her eyes went to the tv and straight down to the two men sitting on the brown couch, they turned their heads. "Hey, ma." Brady smiled at his awed mom. Her green watery eyes went to her little boy's, "Hi, mama." Alex's lips curved into a smile. Monica walks over, seeing Richard's crow feet peeking more and more. Her little body made a small thud as she bounced on the couch in between her sons, they all chuckle to see her so lost in the TV. "Ma, you alright?" Brady's fingers lightly touched his mother's arm, "It's been so long, since I've watched this." her hands finally rested on her black slack covered thighs. "When was the last time you did?" Alex reposition himself to carefully listen to her sweet voice, the two sons looked over at their father as he suddenly spoke. "I think it was before Alex turned fourteen." he frowned thinking for a brief moment before looking back at the TV screen. "Yep, my baby boy." Monica lightly squeezed her son's knee causing him to lightly drape his arm around her neck. "I love both of my boys." She giggled looking over at Brady who sat on her right side, she pulled on his stubble chin to bring him closer, carelessly pinching his cheeks. "Ow, ma." he winced in pain, she pressed both of her hands on their knees before she stood to her feet. "Come on, help me set the table." Brady grunted as he stood turning the TV off, Richard quickly got up as he saw Alex, "Need help, son?" he offered a hand, Alex kindly nodded. "No, dad I got it." he grabbed his cane before standing to his feet, Richard put his large hand on  Alex's shoulder guiding him into the kitchen. "So, what are we having?" Alex says as he walks in the kitchen hearing the cutlery as it hit the table. "Well, birthday boy. Your favorite of course." His mother smiled taking the hot steamy foil covered dish out of the oven. "Lasagna? Steamed Vegetables? Bread? And Chocolate cake with no icing?" Alex guessed making everyone in the room laugh to themselves. "You're so weird with the no icing thing." Brady shook his head at his younger brother who sat down at the kitchen table. "I iced half of it for you, Brady." Monica interjected, Brady sudden clapped causing Alex jump. "That's why you are the best mother in the whole wide world." He complimented her before sipping on the iced tea. "Okay, now let's say grace." Richard told taking a hold of his wife's and Brady's hand.
"You can let them in now, Brady." Monica says as she scraped the dirty plates into the trash can. "Sweet!" He chuckled going for the side door of the house, letting a black and yellow Retrievers in. "Sunny! Joey! Oh, how are my boys?" Brady said sweetly to the dogs, bending down to hug them around the neck. "You been good?" He asked rubbing Joey's black and grey fur, "Say, 'Yeah, I missed my bubba'." Monica says watching her son playing with his childhood pets. "I missed ya two." Brady kisses the side of both of their heads before he stood to his feet. "You know, I've been thinking about getting a dog." Brady says facing his mother as she was still cleaning the kitchen. "Oh yeah? How come?" she furrows her brows scrubbing the dishes. "Just getting lonely in that apartment of mine." He says taking a hold of a plate drying it off, "What kind?" she looks over at Brady.
Alex hummed as the light breeze hit him in the face, closing his eyes with the sun warming his slouched body. His relaxing time soon ended as he heard the front door open and close behind him. "Sure, is a beautiful day." Richard exhaled with his hands in his pocket, "Yep." Alex says hearing the porch steps creak as Richard took a seat next to him. "Been enjoying your birthday, son?" He looks over at Alex who was staring at the white stairs, "Feel's like any other birthday I've had." He said honestly stirring his feet around hearing the door open again. "Hey." Brady looks at the men sitting down, "Hey, Brady." Richard looks over at his oldest before he leaned on the railing. "How's the oil field going?" Alex spoke up, Brady grunted towards his brother. "It's going. Lot's of hours, you know?" Brady chuckled as he looked up at Richard, nodding to him. Brady takes his seat as he went into the house. "I bet, all that hard labor." Alex shook his head, "Man, you don't even know the start of it, you gotta keep up with a lot of shit, you know? And dad being my boss? Geesh." Alex chuckled more with his brother's humor. "How 'bout you?" Brady's laugh died down turning his head to him, "Seriously? You for real asking me that? You asked me that all the time." Alex sighed with the question he had been given. "And all the time I expect an answer. You’re my brother, A." Brady pursed his lips. "B, I'm blind. Ain't no one want to hire a guy like me." Alex blurted out causing him to furrowed his brows with his younger brother's face expression saying it all. "You don't know that." Brady says with hope in his voice, "You better get home before traffic beats you." Alex suddenly switched the subject. "I'm staying the weekend, you know that." He told, "And why is that exactly?" Alex furrowed his brows in confusion to Brady. "We've been together our whole lives on each other's birthday, why should that stop now?" Brady was taken back at his harsh words. "Because you moved out, that's why." His eyes fell to the ground as Alex grabbed his cane in anger and went back into the house.
The warm lighting hummed as Alex turned on the bathroom light. A low growl escaped his mouth, completely annoyed by the sound above him. He quickly closed the creaky door, setting his cane up against it. His hand slapping anything within reach, tapping on the smooth surface indicating it was a mirror. Alex sighed deeply before running his hands through his longish dirty blonde hair, opening the draw in front of him taking a hold of the razor. His knuckles becoming white as he gripped tighter and tighter. Alex let it fall making a loud thud, his grunts became shaky in frustration. A hot tear escaped falling onto his hand as it was gripping onto the draw, he quickly wiped it away before setting it back on the wood. "Ma?" His hard stare never left when the door opened, Monica looks over at the razor and soon looks up at Alex's watery faded green eyes.  She didn't say a thing, she pushed up her black robe's sleeve before grabbing the shaving cream.
The birds chirped into the foggy humid morning air, grey clouds slowly passing by the sun. A man's voice was a light background sound as Richard and Brady were in the kitchen. "More coffee?" Brady looks up seeing him holding the pot. "Oh yes, thank you." He nodded letting the hot steam warms his face as he took a sip. A light creak from footsteps caught the two men's attention. "Holy shit." Brady looked to his left as his father did the same. Alex smiled with his mother right beside him, admiring her work. "Nice haircut, son." Richard raised his coffee mug to his mustache. "Coffee?" Monica asked as her hair bounced in the messy bun she slept in. "Yes, please." Alex replied walking towards the table, his hand hovering over the pink box. "Which one you want?" Brady asked opening the box, "White sprinkle." His hand being opened for his brother to fill with a donut.
As the grey clouds were dusted away by the sun with the early afternoon creeping up, the family of four headed into town. Richard smiled down at his wife as they held hands walking the sidewalk with their sons following behind them. "Is this the store you wanted to go into, Alex?" Monica turns her attention back, seeing the two brothers engaging in their own conversation. "Is it the one I told you about?" Alex raised an eyebrow, his ear rising as well with a bell going off suddenly. The light music echoed through their ears as they looked around the shoe store, Alex's hand slowly ran through the row of shoes. "These are the ones you were talking about. Red, black and white." Monica says holding the shoe in her hands. "Yes." Alex pursed his lips fixating his shoulders. "Okay, great." She smiles as she looks at him, but soon the smile fell as his eyes painfully reminded her. "Thanks, mama." The corner of his lip curved a tiny bit. Monica silently sighs and puts the shoe back in the box and walks to the cashier. A heavy stump got Alex's attention, his cane stopping at the steel toed boot. "Whatchu lookin' at?" Alex asked, Brady grunted as he sat back down at the small black bench. "Well, I need some more shoes. The ones I'm wearing are worn out, so." Brady looked up at his brother who seemed preoccupied. "We'll meet you guys in a bit, okay? I'm going to go look at some house decor." Their mother came into the conversation, they both nodded as Richard guided his wife out of the store. Alex no longer felt Brady's presence, he tilts his head up at the ceiling as something caught his attention. His red tip cane made a light tap as he walked towards the side of the building. He pressed his ear up against the cold wall, his eyes squinting as he tried to figure out the sound that could barely be heard. The sound of the bell going off again didn't faze Brady as he focused on the pair of boots. Grunts, loud rock music, yelling and ropes hitting the floor filled Alex's ears. No one batted an eye towards the lost man as he entered the new building. Alex's squinted to himself as the heavy metal rung in his ears, he lightly gasped as he ran into something hard, "Oh, excuse me." he chuckled waiting for a response. His hand rose up feeling a hard material, he slowly made a fist and punched it lightly. Alex stood there for a moment realizing it was a punching bag. He stepped back and exhaled before punching it, again, again and again till he was out of breath. Alex then clung onto the bag. "Hey, kid, you got a card?" a raspy voice said making Alex jump and grab a hold of his cane, suddenly his heart drops when he couldn't find it. "Uh, I-no, I'm sorry no, I don't." He panics searching for the long plastic tube, his hand reached in front of him feeling a familiar piece. "Looking for this?" the voice asked, "Y-Yes, thank you." Alex nodded to the person as he grabbed a hold of it and turned to his feet. "What's your name?" he stopped in his tracks as the man asked, "Alex... Alex Flex." he turned his head, following the voice. "Well, Alex Flex... you wanna tell me what's a blind guy doin' in a gym?" Alex then chuckled turning completely around. "I-I was just curious-that's all." the man chuckled to himself, "Curious, huh?" he looked up at Alex who had his hands resting on top of the cane listening to him. "I'm Eddie-" "Alex! I've been lookin' all over for you man, what the hell?" Brady's voice echoed through the building getting everyone's attention, "Come on, mom and dad are waitin' on us." He pulled on his younger brother out of the gym. "Why were you there in the first place?" Brady looked over at him holding onto a white bag, "I was bored." "Bored, eh?" He chuckled in disbelief walking up the hill where he could see his parents steadily waiting.
Sounds of crickets could be heard throughout the field. Stars decorating the black sky to go along with a bright full moon, shining through the rooted trees shadowing a two-story house. "Alright man, drive safe." Alex's hand slapped onto Brady's, gripping it tightly. "Bye, ma." Monica squeezed her son's waist not wanting to let go. "I'll see you tomorrow, son." Richard nodded as Brady did the same. His calloused hands scuffing up the two dog's fur by his legs. "Be good boys, take care of Alex for me." He told them as he walked down the steps waving a last goodbye before getting into his truck.
Alex let a deep sigh as his tired body hit the mattress, running a quick hand on his face setting an arm behind him. His heavy eyes looked forward, slowly falling into a deep slumber.
                                                        9 years ago
"Can you read this, sweetie?" A younger Monica asks Alex as he lifted the glasses to rub his tired eyes. He squinted trying to focus on the extremely blurry white board. "The-The? Dodge?" he sighed knowing that wasn't right, his mom gathered up the poster boards and pushed them aside and looked at the frustrated young teen. "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Monica reassured him, lightly squeezing his hand before standing up to go into the living room where Richard watched. He looks back at his son as he sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. Monica sighs grunting out as she slumped on the couch. "The drops aren't working, the doctor said it should be helping him." The couched dipped when he sat down beside her, "He also said it might not." he exhaled not wanting to say the words. "I don't get it! He's not getting any better! It's getting worse!" She yelled standing up throwing her hands in the air, Alex lifted his head up, hot tears falling onto the table. "It's not fair, Richard!" she turned to face him, "No, it's not." He shook his head. "I give up, nothing is happening, nothing is getting better." Monica crossed her arms pacing around the room. "I hate to be the one to say it, but yes. Unfortunately, it looks like there's no stopping this disease." Richard explained rubbing his hands together. Alex got up from his chair and ran up the stairs, falling onto his bed hugging the pillow soaking it with his tears. As the morning came, Alex's grey clouds became black. Loud screeching scream hurt his throat as he opened his eyes, blackness.  
A loud door slammed behind the teen, echoing through the huge building. The red tip cane meeting the freshly waxed tile with his feet scrapping against it causing friction. As the building stood still, not a single sound could be heard made the hairs on Alex's forearm stand. Suddenly, he grunts out, making the books in his arms fall to the ground as he puts his hands on his ears. Students came out of their classrooms like a herd of bulls, the bell finally stops but it kept ringing in Alex's sensitive ears. "Ow!" Alex hissed at the pain when his hands made contact with the floor. "Can someone help me?" his arm reached out for a hand. Alex whimpered as it was slapped away from some kids that laughed. "Awe, what a wimp!" One chuckled, "Poor baby Alex! You gonna cry?" the group of bullies mocked the child that tried to stand. The kids took off as the bell rung once again, Alex pushed anyone who was in the way as he tried to run forward. His ears perked up hearing a familiar voice, "Good morning." Monica says as the last child entered the room, she gasps out as a loud thud hit the wooden door. "Alex?" she furrows her brows seeing her son in such a state of emotion, his breathing was rapid trying to catch his breath. "Mama." Alex's eyes tried to search for the woman with his arms. "Who's this freak?" "That's Alex, I think he's blind." "Oh, my gosh, what a freak!" Those harsh words circled around his brain, "Class, that's not nice, stop laughing." Monica ordered, grabbing a hold of her sons’ shoulders. Alex squealed not knowing who was touching him, "It's okay." she reassured him. "N-No it-it's not! I-I can't see!" His breathing quickens, heart pounding against his chest like it was about to explode. Laughter grew and grew causing Alex to panic through tears and turn around only to run in the door, he had no time to react as he ran out of the room. Loud chattering, doors slamming, lockers being shut and footsteps all rang through his ears. Alex grunted out, scraping his body against the concrete rushing out of the building. Droplets of tears left a mark on the ground when he finally stood to his feet, bloodshot watery eyes following up to the sounds of chirping.
                                                                                                                Now Alex blinked out of concentration when a car passing by honked, the man huffs turning back to where his attention was before. He grips the silver door handle and walks in. "Can I help you?" a youngish man asked. "Yes, I'm looking for Eddie?" Alex furrowed his brows setting his hand on the desk, "Eddie. Who?" the man nodded his head in confusion. "Jason, go make yourself useful and clean the bathroom." Alex turned to the familiar voice he heard not too long ago. "Hey, Alex, right?" "Yes, sir." He smiles towards the presence that stood in front of him. "What are you doing here?" Alex sighs, putting his head down for a second before speaking. "I want to join your gym." Alex waited for a reaction, more or so a laugh, but it confused him when he didn't. "Follow me." He was shocked as the man seemed okay with it. Alex follows Eddie into an office, he reaches out and feels the cold metal, taking a seat. "Let's get to know one another before anything." The older man grunts as his knee’s pops scooting up to his desk, "Why do you want to join my gym?" Eddie bluntly says, Alex folds his hands together. "Well, I didn't know this place even existed till about a week ago and I've always enjoyed staying fit." Eddie leaned back into the leather chair, and hummed. "I can see that." He glanced at his body, as he seemed well feed. "I'd really like to join." Alex smiles, hearing a pen click. "Alex Flex, age?" "23." "Okay." Alex furrows his brows, "That's all?" Eddie chuckles before standing up and walking out. He soon follows behind, feeling weird stares as he came to a stop. "Johnny and Andy clear out." Eddie snaps his fingers, Alex hears the Velcro coming undone. "Come on." Alex sets his cane on a table nearby before entering the ring. "Andy, wrap this gentleman up." The man ordered, Alex soon felt gloves being tugged on. "Now, Johnny I just want you stand there." The tall man looked over at him in confusion, "Why?" "Because I said so, smart ass." Eddie grunted. Alex felt a hovering body in front of him, soon smelling Eddie's musk on his right side. "Now, Alex. Fight Johnny." "What?!" The two men said in sync looking at the man, "Dad, I'm not fightin' no blind guy." Johnny chuckles for a second before getting smacked in the head. "Yeah, why is he even in here?" Andy also blurted out with other men agreeing. "Quiet!" Eddie roared, everyone stood still as he started to pace around the ring. "If I hear any of you talking shit about this man, so help me God I will throw all of you sorry sons of bitches out. He can be here just as much as you can and last time I checked, it's called 'Russo's Gym'. Not 'Johnny's', not 'Andy's. Mine. So, if you have a problem with it, get the fuck out, are we clear?" "Yes, sir." Everyone including Alex replied back to his announcement. Alex's hands were raised in front of him, "Just punch." Eddie calmly told. Alex nodded and began to hit the man in front of him, one punch at a time before getting dizzy. Eddie gripped the gloves and pulled onto his head, "Listen, you're getting ahead of yourself. You're breathing too quick, too hard. You need to slow and focus on your breathing, focus on what's in front of you, on your feet, your opponent’s feet. Mute everything around you and fight." Alex exhaled, registering his encouraging words. He planted his feet in front of the larger man, closing his eyes and breathing in the cool air. Soon, turning off any sound, but Johnny's footsteps. Boom, Boom, Boom, hit in the stomach. "Good job, Flex." Eddie cheered the younger man. Alex and Johnny circled around each other, some hits and misses, mostly hits. Johnny grunted as a glove met his face, "Damn!" everyone yelled at Alex. Clapping and laughing at the hurt man. "Shit Alex, you got me." Johnny hissed at the pain in his lip, but quickly smiling at him soon, touching gloves with him. "Thanks." Alex smiled listening to the room cheering him on.
"This looks wonderful, honey." Richard smiled up at his wife when she sat down the dish, Alex snickered at the comment. "Thank you." She sighed finally taking a seat after a long day of teaching. "Father we thank you for this wonderful food, that a woman you blessed me with has prepared. Thank you for keeping her and my son safe, we love you. Amen." "Amen." Monica and Alex nodded, letting go of hands and digging in. "So, how was your guy's day?" Richard asked before taking a bite, "It was good, thank goodness every one of my students were on their best behavior." she chuckled. "Wasn't the principal supposed to come today?" He thought as he wiped his mouth off. "Yes, that's why they were so good." They both shared a laugh, Alex just barely showed a smile. "How about you, sweetie?" Monica looked over at her quiet son, "I got a job today." he flinched as two forks scraped the plates. "Sorry, what?" Monica raised her brows, "Yeah." he simply says siting back against the chair. "Where?" She was wanting answers, obviously in shock. "At a store." Richard furrowed his brows when he looked at his wife, "Care to explain more, son?" he shook his head. "It's in back of the store, I'm not actually in the store." He looks to his mom who sat on his right side. Richard frowned, surprised how Alex got the job, let alone wanted one. "I thought we talked about-" "I know, but I think this is better, for now." Monica pressed her tongue against her cheek before going back to eating. "Because I want you-" "I know, ma." He interjected raising his palm up from the table. "Well, I think this is a good thing." Richard raised his glass, Monica squinted her eyes at the man and shook her head. "Thanks, dad." Alex smiles getting up with his plate and went into the kitchen, leaving Monica and Richard feeling different.
The car rumbled through the bumpy street, causing more tension with the mother and son. Monica sighed running her free hand through her hair, Alex stayed silent throughout the ride. His ears perked up, the brakes squealing underneath. "Have a good day." Monica muffled, not bothering to look at him. Alex exhaled, taking his hand away from the handle. "What's so bad about me getting a job?" He turned his head to the left, "We've talked about this, months ago Alex." "Yeah, months ago. I changed my mind." he told, leaving her silent. The handle clicks as he got out, he bent down resting his forearm on the window. "I'll think about it, okay?" She smiled finally looking at her son, "Okay." Alex backs away from the car, waving her goodbye. He looks over, the wind blowing through his spiky hair. "So, today we're just focusing on the punching bag, alright?" Eddie told, standing behind it. "But just the other day I was in the ring?" Alex netted his eyebrows with a light chuckle in his voice. "Yes, but you're still having trouble focusing." "Ah." Alex nodded instantly, Eddie's feet scraped against the flooring, soon stopping behind the man. "Breath, focus on what's in front of you." He obeyed and began to punch the bag, he got twelve hits in before slowing down. "I can't focus with this damn music and these guys working." Alex motioned with his hands before setting them on his hips. "Music and the other noises ain't the problem, son." He stopped pacing feet, "What's really on your mind?" Eddie asked, staring at the young man. Alex sighs, bending his neck back. Contemplating on whether or not to speak truth. "I am a twenty-three-year-old blind man, who still lives with his parents- that begs him to become a fuckin' teacher, but is afraid of doing something else just because of what people will say." Alex sighed, heavy weight practically lifting off his shoulders. "What do you want, Alex?" Eddie blinked, soon meeting his green eyes. "To become a boxer."
A group of men yelled to each other, raising hands to their ears as the loud machines were much louder. “Son of a bitch!” One man grunted, slipping in the mud. “She ain’t bunging!” The man on his knee with a tool wrench told, “Brady!” he looks up at the man who was much cleaner than he was. “Thank you.” Brady nods to him, taking his hard hat off.  “Yeah, boss?” Richard scuff. “You don’t have to call me that.” Taking a seat behind his desk. “How can I help you, my father?” Brady laughed sarcastically, turning a chair to take a seat. Richard folded his hands together before he spoke, “Alex got a job.” “Really? That’s great.” Brady smiles. “Your mother doesn’t think so.” Brady took his hand off of his thigh, “Why?” “Brady, I have no idea what’s goes on in your mother’s mind sometimes.” Richard sighed. “He’s a fucking grown ass man.” He shouted, “You don’t think I already know that?” he looks up at his now standing son. “Sir, Morrow is at it again.” The two men look at the new one that appeared, “Fucking hell, tell that son of bitch to get his ass up here now!” Richard pointed at the guy who nodded in response. “I swear this job is gonna kill me one of these days.” Richard sits back down, Brady looks back at his father. “I want you to do me-your mother a favor.” Richard corrected himself, “Which would be?” he motioned his hand. “To check on your brother as much as you can.” “What?! Why can’t she fucking do it?” Brady furrowed his brows, “If she does it, Alex will be furious with her, so.” Richard waved. Brady grunted, rubbing his aching neck, “I got over eighty hours this week.” “You can take off when I tell you.” Brady looks over when the door opened, Morrow was covered in mud. “Do not take one fucking step in my office, you do and I’ll kill you.” Richard told, Brady put back on his yellow hat and walked past the filthy man.
Alex’s phone vibrated through his grey sweatpants, “Hello?” “Eh, little bro.” Brady said making Alex chuckle as he walked down the sidewalk. “What’s up?” “Oh, you know, nothing much. Just got on break.” He could hear his cane sliding on the rough concrete, “What bout’ you?” Brady asked. “I just got off, from work.” Alex snickered hearing his brother’s coos, “Yeah, I heard, pops told me.” Alex heard the microwave beep on the other side, “It’s just a bunch of packing and whatnot.” “It’ll put a couple of bucks in your wallet, yeah?” Alex sighed in agreement as he took a seat on a bench. “That’s what’s it’s all about.” Brady chuckles taking a seat as well, with his dinner in his free hand, “Alright, well, I just wanted to check on ya.” Brady swallowed, “You don’t need anything, do you?” “Nah, Brady I’m good.” “You don’t need me to beat up anyone, do ya?” Alex chuckles, lifting his head up. “Nah, B.” Brady looks down at the dark colored carpet, “Alright, take care, A.” “You be safe out there.” “You too, man.” Brady sighs ending the call.
“Kick! Kick! Kick!” Eddie shouted, watching Alex lifting his leg towards the punching bag. Alex grunted, sweat beaming off of his skin, music blaring in the background. “Stand, punch!” Alex jumped, planting his feet on the ground and punched, “Dodge, dodge!” he swiftly moved his shoulders side to side. “Focus, turn and kick with a punch!” He exhaled, turning on his heel, lifting his left leg grunting coming in contact with the hard bag. “Argh!” He fisted, swinging his arm into the bag making it bounce back from the chain. “That’s what I’m talking about!”  Eddie squeezed his shoulders as he rested against a cold beam. Alex moved his jaw, taking in the ice-cold water, “Good work, Flex.” Johnny complimented the tired man. “Thanks.” Alex smiled, wiping the sweat before it got in his eyes. “Brady!” He looked up from the ditch, the hot blazing sun staring down. “Go.” Richard nodded off, Brady’s hands landed on his hips and looked at the men that surrounded him, “Get back to work, fellas.”. He took off his gloves and hard hat, listening to the beep noise coming from his truck. Brady grunted lifting himself up from the handle and started the engine. “You’re doing great, kid.” Eddie told, taking a seat by the man, “I appreciate it.” Alex nodded taking one last sip. “Andy and Johnny your son’s?” He asked, listening to them laugh just a few feet away. “Yeah, they got some smart mouths on them but, they’re great kids.” Alex lightly chuckles, “It’s been hard for them, ever since their mother died.” he sighs, “Oh shit, man, I’m sorry I- ““No, it’s okay, I don’t mind talking about it-Hell I haven’t talked about Helena… damn has it really been that long?” Eddie sighs, thinking to himself. “Andy was a mamma's boy-that boy got away with anything around that woman. Now Johnny? That boy has a mouth on him, he is one tough son of a bitch, reminds me of myself back in the day.” He chuckles, making Alex smile. “How that woman put up with me, I’ll never know.” “I can tell you really loved her.” Eddie looks over to him, Alex looked up. “How?” “Your heart… it picked up when you started talking about her.” Eddie did a double take at the man who seemed happy, he scuffs in disbelief. “Even when gone, she still puts butterflies in my stomach.” He smiles before standing to his feet, “Awe, Ed, I didn’t know you had a heart.” Alex chuckles. “I don’t care if your blind son, I’ll kick your ass.” Alex threw his head back in laughter, “Come on, on your feet.” Eddie slapped the punching bag. The brakes eased as Brady tapped them, slipping off his seat belt and turning the key. His steel toed boots meeting the black road, fiddling with his keys before putting the in his pocket. Loud rock music being muffled by the building next to the store, he chuckled taking a quick look at the men working out. His boot scrapping against the concrete as he came to a sudden stop, “What the…” “Go! Go!” Eddie clapped, Alex grunting his feet coming full force at the bag. “Breath, focus and hit!” He exhaled, closing his eyes, sending multiple hits to the hard material. Alex twirled on his right heel and swung his leg into the air, “Hell yeah!” Eddie cheered with the other men. “Hey! Hey! Whoa!” Brady whistle, waving his hands in the air. The room went silent, everyone looked at the new man, “Brady?” Alex huffed. “Alex, what the hell going on?” His older brother furrowed his brows as Alex chuckled nervously, not knowing where to put his shaky hands. “Um…” “Um? Go on, spit it out.” Brady tuck in his bottom lip, watching Alex struggle to speak. “I’m sorry but, who are you?” Eddie spoke, “I’m his older brother, who the fuck are you?” “Whoa!” “Hey!” they all shouted. “Oh, shut it.” Brady flared his eyes towards the others, “You care to explain to me why you’ve been lying to me?” Brady ducked his head down and into his brother’s eyes.
“You’ve been busy.” Brady started, looking around the quiet office. "Yeah." Alex nodded, as he sat beside his brother Brady who scuffed in disbielf. "Why are you in here?" "Why do you ask?" Alex shook his head, "Because when I see my blind baby brother in a gym, I have the right to know!" Brady stood, "This is the first time I've felt alive, Brady!" Alex matched his brother's loud yelling. "What are you talkin' bout, A?" He furrowed his brows, worried what was going through his brain. "Every since I was fourteen, everyone did everything for me. I couldn't do anything without someone there, but here... I feel free, not trapped." "You feel trapped?" Brady's soft voice caused Alex to sigh, "Lately, I have. And with mom trying to get me to-I don't wanna be no damn history teacher, man." "So, what do you want to do?" Alex paused for a minute, his hands digging into his pockets. "I wanna box." Brady scuffed and lifted himself off the desk he had been leaning on and started to walk. "You gotta be fucking crazy, man." "No, Brady, wait." Alex slammed the door shut, "Alex, really? Fighting? Blind?" The younger brother flinched at his words, "You don't understand, I love it and I'm good at it, Brady I'm actually good at something! Please?" Brady looked at his faded green eyes and exhaled, "What does mom say about this?" Alex ducked his head, "Right, cause mom doesn't know." Brady nodded, "And it needs to stay that way." "What?" "I don't want her finding out about this just yet." Brady looked their hands still on the metal door handle. "Please, B?"
Monica hummed as the summer breeze made her red and yellow sundress flow. She clicked the button, locking her car before entering the market. Light background music filled her ears as she shopped for what she needed, Monica smiled as she saw Alex's favorite snack and placed in the green basket, "I love your dress, it's beautiful." an old woman complimented as she walked by, "Thank you." she smiled back. Monica checked her list, noticing she's still missing one item, "Excuse me, ma'am, where is the soups?" a woman in a white shirt turned around as she was unpacking. "That'll be on aisle 3." Monica smiled, "Thank you." "You're welcome." Monica saw her named tag said 'Manager'. "Oh, I just also wanna ask, how is Alex doing?" the woman furrowed her brows, "I'm sorry?" "Alex Flex, my son, he works here." she nodded her head. "No one under that name works here." "There has to be some kind a of mistake, he works in the back." She pointed, "No ma'am, I'm the manager, I know all my employee's." Monica felt the basket suddenly get heavier, her eyes squinting at the information she had received. She gasped as she felt a hand on her arm, "Oh! Girl I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Another woman says chuckling, "Julie." Monica holds her hand to her chest, exhaling. "I saw you and I wanted to check in on you and see how your family is doing." Julie told, Monica gulped nodding her head and smiled. "They're good, Richard is working hard as a boss." "How does Brady feel about his dad being his boss?" Julie giggled, "He loves it, he loves working hard, always has." "And your baby boy?" Monica silently sighs, tugging on her necklace. "Alex is good." Julie was confused at how blunt she was, "Didn't he just turned twenty-three?" Monica shook her head, "Yep." "Any plans on him moving out any time soon?" "Not that I know of." Monica chuckled, "But what do I know?" Julie chuckles along with her. The dark wooden table dinning table glistened in the warm lighting as Alex sat. He chewed on the sandwich in the early evening, enjoying the peace and quiet, but it soon ended by a loud slam. Alex heard heels click against the flooring, growing louder till they reached the kitchen. The crinkling sound of bags made a thud on the counter top. "What is wrong with you?" Alex was taken back at the harsh words his mother told, "What?" "Don't 'what' me, Alex." Monica hissed back. "I'm sorry but, I'm confused." He squinted, wiping his hands on a napkin. "I know, Alex." Monica placed a hand on her hip, "Know what?" "I know." Alex gluped. "Listen-" Alex placed a hand in front of him as he stood, "No! You listen." Monica started walking closer to her son, who hung his head. "Why did you lie about working at a store?" Alex looked at her in almost relief, "I thought you would be proud of me.." Monica furrowed her brows and crossed her arms. "So, lying to me, your father and brother about getting a job that you don't even work at is suppose to make me proud of you? I'm sorry but that's complete utter bullshit." Alex sighed, "Why do I even have to tell you anyway?" Monica's jaw dropped as he started to walk back to the table. "Excuse me? Last time I checked you still lived under my roof and I have the right to know why you lied to me!" "Well maybe I don't want to tell you every fucking thing that goes on in my life, alright?!" "Whoa, Hey, what's going on here?" From all the yelling, Monica and Alex didn't hear the front door open. Richard looked at the both of them, Monica looked at her husband and stood on her tip toes. "Your son lied about getting a job." Richard looked at Alex, as his hands were lost in his pockets, "Son, why would you lie about that?" Alex hated to tell a lie, especially to his father. "Are you on drugs? Drinking?" Monica blurted out, "What? No." Alex grunted in frustration, "Ugh! I'm not doing drugs or drinking! I've been boxing." "What?!" Monica yelled, leaving Richard silent, which made her even more furious. "Are you serious?" Alex opened to his mouth to say something but nothing came out, "Richard, aren't you gonna say something?" Monica looked up at her husband, Alex looked towards his father's voice, waiting for him to say everything that was wrong with the idea. "What can I say? Honey, Alex is twenty-three years old, I can no longer tell him what to do, even if it's stupid. I'm not going to treat him like a child, he's an adult and he'll learn like one. Plain and simple." Monica scuffed at the words that were coming out of his mouth, Alex was surprised but certainly happy that his father was on board. "I cannot belive what I'm hearing." She threw her hands in the air, "My first fight is this Saturday, I would love for you to be there.. both of you." "You're crazy if you think I'm going." Monica told, "Please, mama?" She shook her head, without Alex not being able to see, he knew. "Look, I'll make you a deal." Alex walked towards his mom, "If I lose, I won't fight again and I'll go to college." She smiles, "But, if I win, I'm gonna stay and become a boxer." Monica looked up at her son, who had a smirk on his face that she couldn't say no to. Alex had his eyes closed, his neck arched as he sat on the bench in the locker room. He snickered as he heard the crowd cheer through the thick brick wall from the next room over. Eddie quickly caught Alex's attention when he entered the room, "You nervous?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Nah." He shook his head, standing up. "It's okay to be, you know?" Eddie told, Alex nodded adding a smile. "Nerves fuel the body." Eddie sighed under his breath, watching the young boy punch the air in his red gloves. "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be." Alex jumped. "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending tonight's fight. I'm your host, Fred Coan." "And I'm co-host, Jerry Kline." "It's going to be a great one as two young men go head to head. Conner 'Buster' Collins and Alex Flex who doesn't have a name yet, as this is his first ever fight." "I think I hear some music, Fred." Jerry smiled, looking over his shoulder as the lights shined on the man who entered the arena. "You're right, Jerry. Here comes Conner 'Buster' Collins, ladies and gentlemen. This is his third fight, with one win and one lose. So, expect his score to change after this fight." Fred chuckled into the microphone, turning back to watch the fighter enter the ring. The music fades out and the bright lights shadow over the two men. "There's the new kid in town, Alex Flex. I say it again this is his first fight, Jerry." "I heard ya, my friend. Now, there's something you should know about Flex, and this has never happened in the world of boxing, now has it?" "No, it has not." "The fact is, Alex is blind, yes you heard correctly. The first ever blind boxer in American history, does it say in the rule book that this is allowed?" "We have checked all the rules and it does not say you can't be blind and compete, Jerry." "Alright, well you heard it ladies and gentlemen. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Eddie's rough hand's were placed on Alex's sweaty, smooth shoulders as they walked up the steps and into the ring. Alex stretched his arms, cracking his neck, bouncing on his tip toes. "Do you see my parent's?" Eddie paused what he was doing and his eyes darted to the crowd and landed on the familiar green orbs. "Your brother." Alex sighed silently, bowing his head. Heels and a pair of boots clicked on the concrete, Richard's hand were on Monica's side as she was rushing into the building. Heavy boots continuously tapped on the floor, finger placed on lips and eyes focused on his baby brother. "Brady!" He looked up waving his calloused hand in the air, motioning his parents to sit next to him. "Did we miss anything?" Richard asks taking the empty chair by his wife who had been silent the whole ride. "They just introduced them." Brady told, the room became quiet as the announcer stood in the middle of the ring. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to tonight's fight. I'm Ralph Fletcher and on my left is Conner Collins, and standing here to my right is, Alex Flex. Let's get ready to rumble!"   "Okay, men. You know what to do, no rabbit punches, now low blows. I want a clean fight, alright? Tap gloves and stand back." The referee ordered, he blew the whistle. "Fight." Alex walked forward, circling around the man in front of him, his feet stayed swift and quiet, focusing on the other movement Conner made. Alex's glove touched his left cheek, earning a cheer from the crowd. Conner brushed it off, dodging one hit and smacking Alex's head. Spinning circles in his mind, he blink, getting one good in the opponents face. "Good job, A!" Brady yelled out, cupping his hands together. Monica's worried eyes went in many directions as the two fight danced around the box. The bell rung, Alex grunted, "Damn that's loud." Eddie gripped on his shoulder, "Remember what I told ya, what'd I say?" "Mute everything around you and focus on the other guy's feet." Alex shook his head. Alex turned, placing his gloved covered hands in front of his chest, Conner landed a hit on his side, "Come on hit me!" Alex backed up his arm, forcing a jab to hit, nothing. Alex's body flew onto the hard floor, hearing the 'Get up's.' 'Come on.' 'Not fair.' and even laughter, moved him to stand up. "Let's go, boy!" Conner threw out, pressing his blue gloves together. Alex sighed, closing his eyes and walked around with him, Alex flew a hard jab to his nose, causing him to back away. The bell rang, he smiles, bowing his head and walked back to Eddie. "Did I mention your parents are here?" He quickly rose his head, "They made it?" Alex smiles. "Go put him down, son." Eddie rubbed his head, sweat beads falling off his glowing body. The two boxers continued to circle around each other, hitting and dodging one another, hearing the boo's and cheer's. Fourth round, Alex's tired body swayed side to side, huffing and puffing. "Come on, brother!" Brady yelled, "You can do it son!" Richard clapped, standing up. He looked down to his wife, arms crossed and teary eyed. "Monica, he's our son. He's not our baby anymore. He found something, something he truly loves. It may not be what you thought, but for him to really shine, you have to be his light, not his darkness." Monica's red painted nails wrapped around his fingers, standing up. "You can do it, Alex!" Suddenly, everything stopped for him. Alex looked towards his mother's words, she smiled at him as he smiled back. Alex barely let the floor make a peep as he danced around Conner, bloody and in pain Conner looked up at him, watching as Alex backed his arm, coming in contact with his temple. Alex made a left jab in Conner's right cheek making him completely go down. The whole crowd roared through the building, Eddie ran to his side, as well as the media and the ref. "Congratulation's to Alex Flex with his first win!" "That was amazing!" "Since this is your first win, do you think you could make a career out of it?" Alex let a small, tired sigh, smiling with his arm around Eddie's shoulder. "Come on, champ." "Wait, there's something I gotta do." Alex told, Eddie knew and guided him out of the ring. "Great job, brotha'!" Brady laughed, picking him up. "Thanks, B" Alex chuckled, "I'm proud of you son." Richard shook his head, "Thanks, dad." Monica looked up at her son, like it was the first day he was born. "Ma?" She engulfed him in a hug, not caring he was in pain. "I love you too, ma." He hugged back.  Alex sat on the bench, relaxing after the big fight that happened yesterday. He listened as the other men in the gym worked out, "Hey, fighter." Eddie walked up behind him. Alex chuckled, his bones still aching, bruises peppering his skin all over. Eddie looked at his 'barely there' black eye, "So, what's on your mind?" Alex flicked his finger on his lip as he thought. "To be honest, I'm surprised I won that fight, Ed." "I believe most first time boxers think the same." Eddie replied, grunting as he sat across from him. "Do you think I have a chance in this world?" Alex looked up, Eddie looked him in the eyes. "As long as your hearts in it kid, you have a bigger shot than anyone else." Alex smiled but, quickly faded as he heard the front door open, "Thanks, Russo." "No prob-" "I'm sorry to interrupt but, is a Alex Flex here?" A girl's voice asked, Eddie and Alex turned their attention to her. Eddie stood up, "Who's askin'?" the girl chuckled nervously. "I'm CeCe Stewart, I work for the newspaper and I-" "I'm sorry but, I don't want my boy's face plastard all over the media." Eddie crossed his arms, frowning at the young girl. "I understand, I just thought someone like Alex, would maybe inspire some people like him." Eddie sighed, "Hey, I got it, man." Alex nodded his head, Eddie looked up and down at her and pointed a finger. "Don't get in his head." CeCe placed her shoulder bag beside her as she sat down, "Hello, I'm CeCe." she held out her hand and her cheeks rose in red. "You stuck out your hand out, didn't you?" Alex rested his palm on his knee, "I-I am so sorry, I feel so embarrassed." she giggled, Alex joined her. "You'd be surprised if I told ya I get that a lot actually, people tend to forget." CeCe looked up at him, the sunlight glazed over his green eyes, she'd be lying if she didn't think he was kind of cute. "Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions?" CeCe asks, taking out her notepad and a pen. "Ask away." "Okay, so you're Alex Flex and you're?" "Twenty three." "Only a year older than me." CeCe chuckles. "When did you loose your eyesight?" "Completely loose it? I was fourteen. I had been diagnosed with it when I was twelve." "Ah, I got you." CeCe understood, writing it down, saving the information. "Yeah." Alex nodded. "I heard you won you're first fight last night." "Indeed I did." Alex chuckles. "Unfourtantly I wasn't there, I had no idea about it, I'm not really into the fighting thing." CeCe frowned, putting her stuff away. "Then how come you're interviewing me?" Alex scuffed, confusion was written all over his face. "I heard some of my co-writters talk about it, and I'm the one who writes what's new or a story." "Ah." Alex nodded, still confused. "Could I write a small paragraph about you?" Alex looked in front of him where she sat, and thought. He didn't know if he wanted to be a public figure, or if he was ready to be one. Alex had already gotten some looks, and harassment from life, he didn't know if he was willing to go through with this knowing it might get worse. "Keep it short." Alex pointed, his tone was firm. "Yes, I will." She stood up, gathering her bag. "Oh, one more thing." CeCe said, picking up a camera. "We writers have to include a picture." Alex shook his head, looking in front of him, a click went off
                 The Daily News
                   Blind Boxer?
Meet Alex Flex, a 23 year old who lives right here, in the heart of Dallas, Texas. Alex has a passion for boxing, despite his disability (blindness) which he was diagnosed when he was just twelve years old age. Flex won his first fight last night against Conner 'Buster' Collins, in case you missed it, check it out! (next page).
 "How does it look?" Alex asked, standing behind Eddie as they were surrounded by the whole gym. "You're drop dead gorgeous." Johnny joked, gently pushing his shoulder. "I do try." Alex joked back. "It looks good, Alex." Andy told him. "I was kind of scared of what that girl was going to put." Alex told the room. "Alright, everyone go back to what you were doing." Eddie said, walking away from the group of men, the sound of crinkling filled Alex's ears. Eddie sighed as he walked in his office, dropping the newspaper on the desk. Alex leaned against the door frame. "I'm guessing you're not a fan of the media?" "No, never have been." Eddie fisted his hands together. "Care to explain why?" Alex asked, walking in and taking a seat. "They spread bad shit, kid." Eddie told a little too harshly, looking at him. Alex stayed silent, not knowing what to say to the man who had his own opinions. "It's not a good idea to stay in it. Just keep fighting, stay out of the media, Alex." Eddie ordered, Alex nodded.
The night came sooner than later, bright lights glowed over the roads. As three men walked the city, engaging in their conversations. "I can't believe you've never been to a bar." The tallest in the group said. "Yeah, like what do you do if you're bored?" Andy looked at Alex who walked in between the men. "Go to the gym." Johnny and his baby brother burst out in laughter, Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "We'll show you some fun, man." Andy wrapped his arm around his shoulder as they walked into a bar. "Hey! It's the Russo brother's!" The owner yelled out, slapping his hand against them. "How are ya, Tommy?" Johnny asks letting go of his hand. "Running this joint, what bout you?" "Working hard in the gym, pops is training this guy right here." Johnny pointed at Alex who stood with his hands in his pockets. "You're Alex Flex, right?" Tommy asked, before Alex could answer him Johnny interrupted him. "Oh yeah, he's a bad ass." Johnny chuckled, looking at the quiet man. "Sit, sit." Tommy told, grabbing a couple of beers for the gentlemen. "So, Alex, how'd you get into boxing?" Tommy opened his beer.
The door swung open as the three wasted men slummed out, holding onto one another. The empty sidewalk echoed with laughter as they walked. "Aannd that's how I-Johnny Russsso, lost his virginity to a worthless, cheating-ass, fuckin' bitch." Johnny slurred his words, getting angry with each word. "Ahhh, I-I'm sorry, man." Alex said, looking up at the tall guy. "Hey! Alex, my brother is a big boy, he's fine!" Andy told, his feet stumbled. "Yeaaah, I'm the biggiest, baddest boy there is!" Johnny yelled, rising his shirt sleeve up to flex his biceps. "Impressive." Alex nodded, "That ain't nothin', check this out!" Andy mimicked his brother, Johnny and Alex burst out in laughter, causing Johnny to fall onto the concrete. "Fuckin' dumb ass. You're so stupid." Andy laughed harder, holding his stomach. The three men continued to laugh as they stayed on the sidewalk, Johnny layed against the brick wall, Andy held onto a newspaper stand as he threw up. Alex struggled to stand still, his body moving back and forth, rubbing his palms on his forehead. "Look at these assholes." A voice appeared in the darkness. "Is that Flex?" Another voice said, the street light hovered over Alex as Johnny and Andy were in the dark. "What's up, cheater?" Alex squinted his eyes, focusing on the three new voices that belonged to men. "Who the fuck you callin' cheater?" Alex asked. "I am, remember me?" A face finally appear into the light. "Conner?" "Damn right." Connors's tone was forward and harsh. "How did I cheat?" Alex snarled, his nose wrinkled in anger. "Because, you're blind. People feel sorry for you, you rigged the fight somehow." "Yes, cause I have the power do so, you're fuckin' crazy." Alex scuffed, shaking his head. "What'd you call me, asshole?" Conner walked towards him, Johnny quickly stood up, Conner stopped in his track. "Get the fuck outta my way, you freak." Conner looked up from his pecks and into his face. "Nah, I'm good." Johnny snickered. "Fine." Conner attempted to push him out of his way, but failed. "Hey! Get the hell off of my brother!" Andy came out of the darkness and punched Conner in the cheekbone. "Agh! You bitch!" Conner hissed, holding his now forming bruise cheek. Conner's friend pushed Johnny out of his way as Conner walked towards Andy and began to punch him. Alex heard his groans, and reached for Conner's shirt. "Hey! Hit me, I'm the one you want!" "How about I just beat the both of you." Conner told back. Andy punched his neck, causing him to move backwards into Alex's hold. Alex jabbed him in his back, Conner yelled out. Johnny took on the two other's with ease until one of them hit his knees, his weakness. "Johnny!" Alex gasped out when the tall man went down. Conner grabbed Alex's shoulder, giving him a black eye and began to continuously hit him in the ribs. Andy took of hold of one the men's leg and dragged him on the concrete, scraping the side of his face. He then turned the hurt man on his back and broke his nose. Johnny stood up as the guy was on his shoulders, Johnny reached up, grabbing his head and slammed him into the sidewalk. Conner held onto Alex's shirt collar, while his face was covered in blood, no sound could escape his mouth. Johnny's knees stumbled, he fisted his hands, rage filled his veins. "Leave. Him. Alone." Johnny's big hand fisted around his skull, pinching his hair as he stood him up and threw Conner's body against the brick wall. Johnny picked up Alex as he struggled to breath, carrying him away from the group of men. "Come on." Johnny tapped his foot on his brother's side, making Andy stop hitting the unconsciousness man.
"Turn to the right." Flash. "Face forward." Flash. Alex let his arms fall to the side as he held onto the board, his face burned from last night's event. The jail cell opened, Johnny and Andy sat waiting for his return from the nurse. "Your face isn't that bad." Johnny comment, his face twitched as he looked at the bruises on Alex's swollen cheek. "You couldn't tell a damn thing with all that blood." Andy looked over at his brother, Alex sighed heavily as he sat down, pinching his nose. A headache from drinking was forming, getting worse by the second. It grew silent between them, the only thing you heard was phone's going off and chatters from the police officers. A familiar voice echoed through the small building, making them raise their heads. "There's my boys." Eddie raced to the cell, Johnny and Andy ran to greet him through the bars. Eddie looked at Alex who was still sitting down on the cold bench. "Come on, son." Alex raised his head up, furrowing his brows. "Let's go home." The car ride through the night was silent, street lights passing by as Eddie drove. Guilt and hopelessness filled the energy around the young men. Eddie finally broke the quiet, "I don't care who started or ended it. I'm just glad that they're not pressing charges against any of y'all." he gripped the steering wheel, looking back at his boys. "They're not?" Andy spoke up, "No." he shook his head. Johnny was dissapointed in himself, even if his father wasn't, he was. As the oldest of the group, he thought he should've been more mature about the situation. Andy was just a baby compared to Johnny and Alex, protecting his brother and best friend. Alex felt like this was the most awful thing that could've happened, especially now. The car came to a stop, Alex looked to his right, seeing the dirt road that lead to his home. The handle clicked as he got out, Eddie greeted him. Johnny and Andy watched as the two talked outside the car. "If you think that this ruined your career, it didn't." Eddie looked at the boy who had guilt written all over. "Shit like this happens, and it sucks. But, Alex, you have to be smart about it. You can't just beat up a couple of guys beside a bar." "We weren't, it was-" "Self defense I know. It's okay, I'm not mad at any of you. Just be smart, let that shit go and keep doing what you're doing, alright?" Eddie met Alex's eyes, the crickets beginning to fill the silence. "Thanks, man." Alex hugged Eddie tightly. "You bet." Eddie slapped his back before letting him go. Johnny and Andy waved a goodbye as he began to walk into the darkness.
As days, weeks and months went on. Alex fought over twelve guys, wining all of them. His fame rose to the top, everyone knew who Alex 'Daredevil' Flex was. Johnny and Andy began to also fight along side him, earning Russo's Gym more money. Richard and Monica were proud of their son as he became better and better not only as a fighter, but a person. Brady was always right there in the front row for his baby brother, constantly telling him how great of job he did. The press followed him, always asking him question where ever he went, when Alex promoted Eddie as his manager, he hired his own son to become the bodyguard for certain occasions. "What a knockout!" "Look at that jab work!" "Another win for Alex Flex." "This is Alex's fifteenth win of his career!" The red glove that held against Alex's hand, met his opponent's temple causing him to go down within seconds. The crowd stood to their feet, as the referee counted to ten, he was out. Alex raised his arms in the air, sweat droplet's fell to the ring. The corner's of his lips formed a smirk as his fans cheered him on. Johnny and Eddie pushed aside the press as they made their way to his locker room, "Not now!" Eddie's voice roars to the people before Johnny shut the door. "You did fantastic tonight, kid." Eddie told, he slick back his grey hair as he took off his beanie and sat down. Alex smiled at him as he pulled a shirt over his head, "Going to go celebrate tonight at Tommy's." Alex offered. "Ah, no. I think I'm just gonna head home, don't drink too much, gotta train tomorrow." Eddie said standing up, "Come on, Russo. You never want to hang unless it's at the gym, which is not hanging out by the way." Alex pointed, chuckling. "Alright, fine-" The door opened which caught their attention, "Sorry to intrude." a voice said. "CeCe?" Alex furrowed his brows, questioning the girly voice. "Hi, how you doing?" She smiled, tucking her things under her arm. "I'm good." Alex shook his head, hands resting on a chair. "That's good." Eddie crossed his arms together once again, not liking where this was going. "May I ask what you're doing here?" Eddie asked politely-which was hard for him. "I wanted to write about you in the newspaper for tomorrow." "Again?" Alex asked, "Well you've grown a lot since I last talked to you, you're practically famous now." CeCe chuckles, Alex liked the word famous beside his name. "Sure." He agreed, Eddie stuck out his watch, "If we wanna make those reservations, we better leave now." "Oh shit, yeah." Alex gasped lightly, "Hey, why don't you come with?" CeCe looked up, "Oh no, I don't want to bother your party." "No, it'll be fun. The more the merrier." Alex smiles. The bar was filled with loud music, chatters, tv and bottles clinking together as the night was about celebration. Friends and family cheered on Alex as he walked into the small building, his back was tapped with pats for his success. "Good job, buddy!" "Hey, way to go brother." "Here's the real champ." Alex smiled as he walked down the aisle, nice encouraging words filled his ears, something he earned for. "Thanks, everybody." Alex nods to the people he was close to, "First round is on me, fighter." Tommy told, wiping the clean mug with his rag. "Wow, it's nice to be famous." Alex chuckled, taking his first swig of beer. "Can I have a hug or are ya too famous for ya brother?" Brady laughed, coming up behind him, "Ah, shit. Come here." Alex gripped onto his brother. "You did good, A. I'm proud of you." Brady told, rubbing his dirty blonde hair before he pulled away. "Thanks, B. Thank you for always being there for me, couldn't have done it without you." Brady smiled at his brother, his faded green eyes sparkled for once. Brady knew he was happy, it was a long time coming for the young man. "No problem." "Have time for the little people?" Monica asks, "Get over here, ma." Alex kissed her hair. Monica looked up at her youngest son, it almost made her eyes well up with tears as happy he seemed with his life. It was dawning on her that, if she never let him be who he is truly supposed to be, it'd killed her with the guilt it would've caused. "I love you, baby." "Love you too, mama." Alex smiled down at her before hearing his father's grunt. "Couldn't be more proud of you, Alex." Richard squeezed Alex's shoulder, "Keep up the good work, alright?" "Will do, pop." Alex nodded. "Now is it my turn?" CeCe giggled, raising her eyebrow at the man sitting at the bar. "Ah, I'm sorry." Alex sighed, "I'm all ears." he smiled. CeCe took a seat beside him, taking out her notepad and pen. "And that's how my brother and I fell into the pond and wrestle a bass, gotta scar to prove it." Alex smirked, quickly laughing along with CeCe. "Wow, I didn't know you used to wrestle." She said, sipping on her water, Alex chuckled before finishing his beer. CeCe silently sighed to herself as she counted the seventh bottle, not including the shots of tequila that was on the house. His hand going up once again, ordering another one. "You like to drink don't ya?" Her face was questioning, she was glad he couldn't read her mind. "Nah, I'm just celebrating that's all." Alex shook his head at her before taking a swig. "Yeah, I know Tony, we were just talking about that yesterday." "Now, don't get me wrong, Wayne. Alex Flex is a great fighter, but up against Jake Hammer? Guy doesn't stand a chance." Alex furrowed his brows as he listened to the voices, he turned his head to the right. "Turn that up would ya?" Tommy pressed the button, turning up the volume on the t.v. "I have to agree with you there, I mean they don't call him 'Shatterproof' for nothing." Alex snarled at the laughter that filled the air, the alcohol pumping through his veins. Alex looked down at the counter, his grip on the glass became tighter and tighter until it broke. "Whoa!" Tommy's eyes grew and started to clean up the mess, Alex didn't apologize as his anger worsen. "Jake is a monster, I mean take a look at this knockout!" "And that was only in round one!" "Alex Flex is nothing compared to this man." The chair squeaked back, causing the room to become quiet. Alex craned his neck to the t.v that hung on the wall, listening. "I can take on that guy no problem!" Alex yelled, chatters filled the tension. "I ain't nothing!" His voice rose more with anger, "I'm Alex Flex, I can fight whoever the fuck I want!" Johnny touched his tense shoulder, Alex swatted at it. "Don't touch me!" Alex looked behind him, the stares he got didn't phase him nor did the whispers. The angry man turned his attention back to the screen, gripping the edge of the counter top with his fists. "Jake's score is twenty four, with no loses! Can you believe that?" "Could you turn that off?" Eddie asked, leaning over the bar. Alex pushed himself off the counter in quick motion, his footsteps slammed against the hardwood floor. "No, No. Don't turn that off!" Alex roared, "Come on, turn it back on." "I'm sorry-" "NOW!" Alex pointed, making everyone in the room shake in fear of the what to be appear a drunken-angry boxer. "Let's go, Alex." Eddie told in a soft voice, careful not to tip him off any more. "I'm good, I'm good." Alex grunted through his teeth, walking back to his seat by CeCe who was wide eyed about the scene. The room watched as he hung his head, holding himself against the bar. Music continued on, people went back to socializing and drinking. Alex muted everything around him, his knuckles were white, the words spun around his brain like a merry-go-round. Alex squinted his eyes shut as it kept going, he felt a hand on his forearm, he flinched at it, causing CeCe to gasp at his reaction. Alex's fingers gripped what was closes, he smashed the black bar stool into pieces. "Fuck you! Fuck all of you sorry sons of bitches!" Alex spat at ceiling, Johnny and Andy got a hold of his arms, Eddie sighed at what was unfolding. "Let go!" "Calm down." Johnny tried, struggling to stay still with his moving arms.  "Don't mess with me!" Alex got out of the strong hold and pushed the tall man away. "Come on, man. Don't be like this." Andy voice was worried, "What? I like who I am. I'm Alex Fucking Flex! Who the fuck are you?" Alex spat. "Hey!" Eddie's voiced roared, causing to Alex look behind him. "Don't talk to anyone like that, you hear?" Alex chuckled, his breath hitched. "What do you know, old man?" "What do I know?" Eddie laughed under his breath, walking closer to the man. "I know that you don't have a manager anymore, boy." Alex glared at Eddie as he passed him, "Fine, go! I don't need you! I don't need anybody!" Alex screamed. A hand grabbed a hold of Alex's collar, pulling him out of the bar and into the night. "Hey! Get yo-" Alex gasp as a hand met his sore cheek, he hissed at the sudden pain. "Have you lost your damn mind?" Alex closed his eyes as his mother's words, Brady's grip loosen as he seemed to calm down. "What is wrong with you Alex? What happened? Tonight's was supposed to be about you celebrating for becoming a professional boxer, not about you becoming the world's biggest jerk." Monica yelled, her words piercing his body like if he was in the ring. Alex lifted his head, Brady looked at his brother, his eyes read anger and disappointment like his mother's. "They were talking shit on my name." Alex spoke softly, his hands finding the pockets of his jeans. "And is that true? All those words true about you? No they're not, if you keep this act up, it will be true, you will be nothing. I agreed to you fighting and winning. I didn't agree for you to let that fame get inside your brain and make you cocky. You need to get your head straight, Alex. Stop acting like a damn child who doesn't like what a couple guys say about him." Alex sighed heavily, Monica crossed her arms and walked closer to him. "You know, Alex. I can't tell you what to do, or even what to say. You're a grown man who should know the right's and wrong's about this world. You wanna fight? Fine go ahead, I'm right there with you. You wanna act like a cocky, arrogant, always angry drunk? Go ahead, but you're gonna have to do it without me." Alex felt a breeze as she passed him and into the bar, Brady looked at Alex as he seemed feeling aside from himself. Alex heard his heavy boots scrape the concrete, "I don't know what's going inside that brain of yours." Alex scuff, chuckling. "Brady, you don't what it's like to be in my shoes. You don't know what it's like to win." Alex snarled at him, his nose wrinkling in anger, they shared a look, the mixture of worried and hurt filled Brady's eyes. "No, Alex, I don't. But, I do know what it's like to lose somebody who is so lost that he doesn't even know who he is anymore." Brady took one last look at his little brother before disappearing in the night.
The locker room felt colder than usual, there wasn't any jokes or advice being thrown at him to make the fight easier. No arm to hang onto as they walked in the spotlight, no one to call him 'kid' or 'son'. Alex struggled to tighten his own gloves on, his teeth gripping the tape around his palm. The world didn't seem to bother him at the moment, his mind was clouded with one thought and one thought only. It wasn't his parents, Eddie, the girl he struggled to remember her name, his best friends or his brother. Alex was determined, had a drive to do this one task and he wanted the whole world to see it too. Put it in the books, newspaper, take your pictures, ask your questions, but just please watch me do this one thing and it'll all be okay. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for what you all have been waiting for. Alex 'Daredevil' Flex against Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer." Jerry Kline told the crowd through the microphone. "It should be great one, Fred." Richard frowned at the screen in front of him, he looked to his right, seeing Monica practically beg through the t.v for Alex to stop with her eyes. Richard's hand landed on hers, "You've done all you could." he kissed her temple. "Here comes the champ of twenty four wins with no loses, Jake Hammer!" "I'll say, Jerry. This guy is a beast!" "That he is, Fred, that he is." Johnny flipped through the channels, as Andy sat next to him. Eddie grunted when he sat down in his chair, Johnny looked at his father, who hasn't talked much to him since the night everyone departed. Andy barely spoke a word, unless it was about Alex or the night, or both. Johnny stayed strong for his dad and brother, he was the glue that held them together, much like his mother did. "Leave it." Johnny's finger hovered over the button, he watched as Eddie sat up from his recliner to watch the young boy he trained. Jake cracked his neck as he stood in the ring, his dark eyes looking over the crowd, his black attire flowed as he bounced on his feet. The music stopped as it skipped to the next. Half of the stadium began to cheer him on as he entered the room. "Here comes, Alex Flex. It appears that he doesn't have his manager Eddie Russo with him." "He sure doesn't, hopefully it doesn't effect his fighting." The dark room was lit by the colors of the t.v screen, the leather couch glowed by the light. The sound of a dog barking echoed through the apartment, "Agh! I'm coming." Brady grunted in the kitchen and sprinted to the living room. "I didn't miss anything, did I Rex?" Brady pet the black Great Dane as he sat beside the massive dog. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm your announcer, Ralph Fletcher. On my right stands a two-hundred-fifteen pound, six-four, Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer!" "And, weighing at one-hundred-fifty pounds, six-one, Alex 'Daredevil' Flex!" Johnny and Andy's nails were in their mouths, nerves chomping away. Eddie mumbled words to himself about how crazy Alex was. "Touch gloves and back away." Jake smirked down at Alex, pushing down his red gloves harshly. "Good luck, blindy." He laughed as he began to walk away, Alex grabbed a hold of his shoulder, but Jake pushed him back causing him to fall. "What was that?" Richard leaned forward watching as the referee tried to break the two up before the bell rung. Monica sighed, shaking her head. "Break apart!" "What's wrong Alex? You getting worried? Trying to catch me off guard?" "Man, fuck you." Alex spat in his face. "Round one hasn't even started and the men are already going at each other's throats." Jerry told, looking over at the ring that was filled with people trying to separate the boxers. Eddie groaned, his head falling into his hands. Johnny's eyes went to the screen to his father, knowing there was no words to say to make it okay. "Alright. You calm? You calm? You two good now? Save it for the fight, boys." The referee said, the end of each hand touching the air between the fighter's chest. The bell rung. "Fight." Alex lifted his shoulders, his gloves hovering over his chest, listening to the sounds Jake made with his feet. "You're going down, chump." Jake told before hitting Alex in the eyelid, Alex hissed at the pain, looking up at him. Alex darted at giant, Jake slid to his right, dodging Alex's body. The crowd boo'ed the two fighters, Alex adjusted himself, stretching out his arms before circling around the ring. "Why isn't he doing anything I've told him? Haven't you learned anything I taught you?" Eddie told Alex through the t.v, he folded his sweaty hands as he study his movements. Jake pounced on his heels, jabbing a hard hit against Alex's forehead. Alex's feet stumbled underneath him, causing him to lose balance and fall. "Man, give me a challenge!" Jake shouted, his body shadowed over him, Alex grunted as he struggled to stand. Jake chuckled to himself as put his hands on his hips, Alex swayed his body, "Come on, hit me." his mouth guard showed. "Don't mind if I do." Jake sprinted to the hurt man, Alex gave him his own medicine and dodged it. "Nice one, A." Brady shook his head, he rested his chin on his knuckles. The light glowed on his worried face as he watched the boxer's continue to hit one another til the bell rung. "Wow, that is the end of round one, ladies and gentlemen. What a sight to see with these two." Jerry's voice echoed the building, watching them go to their own corner's. Jake's manager talked into his ear as his crew indeed to his one cut. Alex bowed his head when he stood back facing to the opponents, his arms dangling on the rope. "Come on, just let it go, Alex." Monica whispered to herself, twirling the necklace the wrapped around her neck as nerves settled in. The bell rung in Alex's ears, he slowly turned around, hearing Jake's unstoppable feet. Alex furrowed his brows as he tried to mute the sounds around him, voices began to fill his mind with words. "You are nothing!" "This guy has no chance." "You're gonna have to do it without me." Jake watched as Alex's face read confusion, his gloves reaching for his ears. "Shut up." Alex told himself, Jake looked around him, wondering. He shook it off and made the perfect opportunity to punch Alex, multiple times in the ribs. Alex held up his forearm in defense as Jake jabbed him, Alex yelled in pain and caught onto Jake's arms. "Get the fuck off of me!" Jake pushed off of him, and punch him in cheekbone. "I'm not your manager anymore, boy." "Don't be like this." "Alex, calm down." Alex raised his body up as his skin was pulsing, he could feel blood dripping down his face. Sweat poured from his hair, he could see Jake's form from the bright light. Alex's left eye was swollen shut, his chest rising as he struggled to breath from the hit in his lung. Jake was forming a jab, until the bell went off and the referee saved Alex. "Man, that was a close one!" "I'm not sure how long Flex can last, Fred." "I really hope this ends soon, it's a bloodbath." Alex's knees hit the floor as he lost control, he gripped the red rope in between his glove. Blood, sweat and tears running down his swollen face, his breathing was abnormal and his legs wobbled against him. Alex silenced a whimpered, the stadium was too loud to hear Alex's cry. "Let it go, baby. You don't have to prove anybody." Monica whispered, her palms touching as she looked up at the ceiling. Richard placed a warm hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently before kissing her head. Jake punched his black gloves together as the bell for the third round to began. Alex used to the ropes to lift himself off the ground, his face covered in cuts and bruises. "Don't do it, Alex." Brady begged, Rex moved his elbow from underneath him. "It's okay, Rex. My brother has to find who he is, even if it means losing everything he's got." Brady brushed the dog's head with his fingertips. "Round three." "Fight." Jake's dark eyes never left Alex's green ones, his body swaying as Jake danced around the young man. "Put em' up, Flex." Jake told him, Alex looked at nothing, but forward. Jake landed a hit on his shoulder, "I'm right here, let's go." Jake screamed at him. "What's he doing?" Andy's voice was filled with worried as he watched Alex stand there, Johnny hung his head as he already knew. "He's giving up." Eddie whispered. A moan left Alex's throat as Jake earned a hit to his ribs, Alex held onto his body. The world became silent, no audible could be heard from Alex. Jake's hot breath didn't phase Alex as he screamed in his face, blood and saliva left Alex's mouth causing his mouth piece to fall to the floor. Alex's feet stood still when he came back up, Jake closed his eyes, with full force and power he landed his last hit on Alex. "Oh, my god." Monica gasps loudly, covering her mouth. "Alex!" Johnny and Andy yelled at the screen. "Shit!" Brady ran a hand through his beard. Alex's body completely stood still, his unconsciousness body fell hard and fast onto the ring, causing a loud thud through the stadium.
The flowers brought life to the cold hospital room, machine's beeped continuously throughout the weeks. Alex's plum colored face stung when he would wake up from the nightmares, sweat poured down as his chest rose and fell. The i.v was cold, but the loneliness was far much colder. Alex listened to the rumbling of the nasty weather that would flicker through the small window. No familiar face will show in his room, only the nurses and doctors that checked in every now and then. Tears filled his swollen black eyes, soaking the blanket that laid across his bruised body. Voices from the television was background noise for whenever his past flashed in his thoughts. Alex's knuckles cracked as he down the painkillers, chasing it with water, his throat was hot and course. Three weeks felt longer than any fight, than any conversation, longer than those long days with the eye doctor.
The gown was untied as he sat up on the bed, cracking his neck before standing to his week feet. A plaid shirt pushed back his blonde locks, he winched as it stung his still healing face. Alex hung his head, yellow and purple decorated his rib when he buttoned the shirt. Alex stood up fully clothed, a heavy sighed escaped his lips before walking out of the room. The sun warmed his cold, stiff body when he walked outside, the familiar sounds and smells surrounded him. Alex's hand found his pockets and started to walk on the sidewalk. A yellow cab eased the brake as it came to a stop, his finger left his lip and fell onto his thigh. "Here's your stop." The man told, he fiddle with his jeans before the man spoke again. "No need to pay, it's an honor, Mr. Flex." A frown turned into a quick small smile, the car drove off, leaving Alex standing in front of a tall building. The sound of a dog barking, echoed through the apartment. "What is it Rex?" Brady questioned the dog that stood in the kitchen. Rex's deep bark rumbled as another knock at the door filled his ears. Brady's furrowed expression soon fell when he came face to face with his brother. "Alex?" Brady's green orbs danced on his unrecognizable body, "Hey, Brady." his voice croaked as he hasn't spoken much. A scruffy face Alex entered the apartment, he flinched at Rex's barking. "Hey, Shh." Brady assured the animal, "You got a dog?" the older sibling looked at him, his voice made his throat hurt. "Yeah, his name is Rex." "That's cool, I'm happy for you." Brady sighed as he looked down at his pet, "What are you doing here, Alex?" his swollen eyes met the green ones a few feet away. "Came here for no judgement." Brady licked his lips before crossing his arms, and shook his head. "How long have you've been out of the hospital?" Brady asked, leaning against the white counter top. "How'd you know I was in the hospital?" Brady scuff at the man who stood with his hands in his pockets. "Did you see the fight? Have you seen yourself?" "Is that supposed to be a joke?" "No! Alex, it's not." Brady told, he sighed and crossed his arms, "I came and visited you." he mumbled loud enough for Alex to hear. "I'm sorry." Alex started, "I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong." Brady darted his eyes to his. "Don't give me that guilt trip bullshit." Brady shook his head, "I'm not! I came looking for help and I found you!" Alex shouted through the stinging tears. "I am sorry for everything. I'm sorry for losing that damn fight, for being a dick at the bar, for going off on you and mom. I'm sorry if I ever let you down, Brady. I-I'm sorry for being a damn burden on you guys." Alex struggled as a sob was forming. "Hey. Hey." Brady walked towards his brother, Alex collapsed into his arms as they fell to the floor. "Hey, it's okay." Brady hushed him, "I-I'm s-sorry for losing m-myself." Brady closed his eyes as the harsh words slipped out of his mouth. "It's okay, A. I have you."
The light of the t.v over took the darkness of the apartment, soft voices that came from the show that glowed on Alex's tired body. Brady leaned up against the frame, watching over his slumber. The steel toed boots lightly tapped on the wooden flooring, Brady ducked down his head. "You're never a burden to me." His whisper lingered as Brady and Rex made their way to the bedroom. Brady ran a hand through his beard as his grey sweatpants swept the dark hallway, the morning light warmed the air through the sheer curtains. Brady looked at the couch, he furrowed his brows as it was empty. "A?" He called out, his eyes went to the bathroom, no sign of him. A paper laid on the coffee table between the t.v and leather couch, it crinkled as he picked it up. "Morning, Brady. Sorry for ditching early, need to take care of some more things. I wanted to thank you for always taking care of me and never judging me for anything. I'm glad you're my brother, I love you." Brady smiled at the note, "Love you too, buddy."
The gym stood quiet as Eddie swept the concrete, sipping on his third cup of coffee to help him clean in the early morning. A slam of the front door echoed the small building, "We're closed." Eddie told as he wiped the board. When he got no response, he grumbled and put the eraser down. "What are you deaf? I said we're clos-" Eddie turned his attention around. "No, but I am blind." "Alex?" Eddie squinted at the figure in the sunlight. "Hey." Alex softly spoke, "Like I said, we're closed." he repeated himself as he walked passed him and into the office. "I came to talk to you." Alex followed him, "My ears have suddenly became closed too." Eddie grunted as he sat. "Come on, man. Don't be like this." Eddie shot Alex look, "Funny, my son said the exact same thing to you before you left us." "Left you? You left me." Alex shot back. "What did you just say? If I recall, you were so lost in yourself that you forgot who was really there for you." "Mr. I am Alex Fucking Flex." Eddie added, grumbling as he flipped through the paper. Alex sighed, hanging his head. "Look, Eddie. I'm sorry for being selfish, I had no right to be an asshole to my manager or my friends. I wasn't thinking, but I am now. I'm the same old Alex you once knew." Eddie looked up and down at him. "Damn, son. He really did a number on you." Alex shook his head, "I just wanted to say how sorry I am, man." "It's alright. It takes a man to own up for his mistakes. I'm proud of you." Alex smiled, "Okay, well. I gotta go own up to my mistakes to a couple other people." he sighed headed for the door. "Good luck, kid." The bell rung throughout the building as Alex entered. Sounds of keyboards clicking, people chattering and paper being printed. "Can I help you?" a voice asked, the person gasped as Alex turned his head. "Oh, my goodness. Sir, are you okay?" Alex furrowed his brows at the lady, "I'm fine, ma'am. I'm actually looking for someone." the lady nodded, she ducked her forward, wondering why he stopped speaking. "Continue." She told, "Oh, her name is CeCe Stewart." "That will be down the hall, last room to your right." Alex coughed nervously, "Could you guide me there? I-I'm." Alex pointed at his eyes. "Oh, of course." Alex followed the sounds of her heels click on the floor, "Here you are." "Thanks." Alex hummed. "Oh, might want to go to a doctor, get those eyes checked out." Alex chuckled, nodding his head. "Will do, ma'am." Alex leaned up against the frame of the room, hearing a keyboard being typed on. "Yes?" CeCe asked the figure she saw standing in the corner of her eye. "Hello, my name is Bob and I have a friend, who says he would like a story made about him in the newspaper." CeCe stopped her typing, and grabbed a pen. "Okay, what would he want?" "He says, he's really sorry for making a fool of himself in front of a beautiful girl he wanted to get to know, but he feels like he blew it and thinks she doesn't want to speak to him ever again." CeCe furrowed her brows, dropping her pen before standing, "I'm sorry, who are you again-" CeCe covered her mouth with her hands. "Alex." She breathed out, "Are you okay?" her hand reached for his face, but she remembered and pulled away. "I meant what I said. I'm sorry, CeCe." Alex stood straight, her lips departed, "Don't worry about, Alex. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you know.. after the fight and all." Alex sighed. "I made a huge mistake, everything I've done. I feel like I really blew it with everybody. CeCe, I just want you to know that I'm not an jerk, I was drunk-and that's no excuse. I've changed, I'm not like that anymore." CeCe smiled at him, "You're a good man, Alex. Don't be so hard on yourself. I think us normal people understand, and it's okay." "Really?" "Really." Alex sighed in relief. "So, does this mean you'll give me another chance?" "You're way too cute not too." Alex stood in front of his childhood home, everything felt like it used to, the summer breeze when they would play, the smell of fresh cut grass that Richard did earlier. Alex went up the steps that was connected to the two-story house. Alex stretched his hand out and felt the wooden door, he made a fist, but before he could knock, it opened. "Alex." Richard spoke, he looked up and down at his son. "Hey, dad." Alex looked up, "Come here, son." Richard engulfed him in a hug. "Who was at the door, honey?" Alex pulled away, Monica gasped out. "Ma-" Monica didn't care that he hissed at the pain when she hugged him tightly. "I came to say I'm sorry." Alex's chin rested on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for being a horrible son and going off on you guys." Monica pulled his shoulders off, "You're not a horrible son, Alex. You just got away from yourself and us." "I don't want you to say that because I look like this, I know what I did was wrong, don't feel sorry for me." Alex pointed at his face, Monica eyes watered at the sight of the bruises, cuts and bandages. "It's okay, son. We are all human." Richard squeezed his shoulder, "We're just happy you're okay." Monica added. "Thanks guys." "We love you." "Love you guys too." Alex chuckled for the first time as they all three hugged.
Lighting strike through the grey clouds with thunder rumbling the ground. The wind blew the door shut behind Alex as he entered the gym. It wasn't silent, the old sounds he used to hear everyday was once heard again. Alex cracked his knuckles, his feet glued to the floor, inhaling and exhaling before punching the bag. Eddie entered the room, hearing the grunts that left his mouth. Alex continued his moves, his kicks and jabs like it never left. Eddie would have to lie, if he didn't say he missed it. Alex pulled away from the punching bag, "I would understand if you said, you don't want to be my manager." Alex lifted his head at the man, "I didn't say anything." Eddie shook his head. Alex turned his attention back the bag and continued on. Johnny and Andy came rushing in from the weather, "Well, so much for running." Johnny gasped for air as he was bent over. "Yeah, totally." Andy agreed, rising up from the floor. Alex's eyes met Andy's for a brief moment. "Alex!" Andy rushed over at the man working out, "What?" Johnny exhaled before seeing his best friend. "I'm so-" "Shut up, man." Andy hugged him, Alex sighed, gripping his back. Johnny waited until his brother pulled away, Alex looked up. "I would hit you for being a dick, but looks like Jake already did that." "I deserve that." Alex nodded in agreement, he grunted when Johnny engulfed him in a hug. "Ain't this a sight to see?" Eddie smiled at the trio, "Good to have you back, son." Alex shook his hand. "Hey! Guys, might want to hear this." Jason spoke up as he turned the t.v up. "We actually have Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer with us. How's it going, Jake? Welcome to the show." Tony looked over at Jake sitting beside him. "I'm awesome, thanks for having me." "It's an honor. So, question. I understand a lot of people of been asking you to do a rematch with Alex Flex. What's your thoughts on that?" "Well, Tony. I'm all for winning yet again, so, yeah." Jake chuckled. "Great, that's great news. I just hope Flex is ready for you, if not, he better start training." "Ain't no training gonna save him, sir. You can train all day and night, but that doesn't matter once you're in the ring, all you gotta do it beat the other guy. That's all that matters." "I can agree with you there, Jake. Alright, we'll go more in depth of Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer's career after the break." Eddie, Johnny and Andy watched as Alex listened to the show, no anger was shown across his face. "You okay?" Eddie asked as he turned his body towards the three men. "Yeah, why?" "They were talking about you, Alex." Andy told, "Yeah, and I can't change that can I?" Alex moved away from them. "You're going to change everything, son." Eddie walked up behind Alex as he dug into his bag, "How?" he turned around. "You saw what he did to me the first time, Eddie." "I can't let that happen again." Alex shook his head, passing him. "It's not going to happen again." "How?" "Because I'm going to train you and you will win this fight." Alex stopped in his tracks, his lips parted as he thought before turning around. "What do you say, Alex? Move pass this or, train harder than you have before and make history by defeating him?" "Come on let's go! Keep it up! Keep it up!" Eddie shouted, watching Alex whip the ropes in his palms. "One more mile. One more mile." Johnny exhaled looking down at his watch. "I wanna see more sweat!" Andy laughed as he jumped rope, watching as Alex picked up his pace. "Push! Push! Push!" Alex grunted at the wagon he was pushing with the two young men who sat comfortably encouraging on. "Wow! Just look at the left hook by Jake Hammer." "It's his twenty-eighth win!" "Unbelievable!" "Come on, son." Eddie rubbed Alex's head as he listened to the t.v in the gym, Alex sighed and continued to punch the bag as hard as he could. "Alex, come on! My wife could lift more!" Eddie roared, sweat beads were a waterfall on Alex's face as he struggled to lift the weight over his head. Two-forty he lifted, "Agh!" Alex grunted out as he droped the bar. "That's what I'm talkin' bout!" Johnny slapped a hand onto his, Eddie nodded. "Good job, kid." The birds chirped on the thin tree limb that was rooted in the parks ground. Warm summer sun shined down on the picnic that was layed out on the green grass, the two rested their hands on their stomachs as they enjoyed the peace and quiet. CeCe let out a breath and opened her eyes at the blue sky. "Alex?" Her voice was a whisper, not wanting to bother the man who seemed relax. "Hmm?" "Do you remember what the colors looked liked?" CeCe furrowed her brows at the question she asked, feeling a little dumb for letting it slip through her lips. "What do you mean?" CeCe switched her position to her side, so she could look at him. "Like, do you remember what the colors of the rainbow looked like?" Alex grunted as he rolled on his side, ribs still sore. "No, why don't you tell me?" Alex breathed out, his green eyes shined just right from the sunlight blaring on his skin. CeCe propped up her elbow, resting her head on the palm of her hand before speaking. "They put my hands in their pool. They told me that sensation I felt while swimming, the omnipresent coolness, that's blue. Blue feels like relaxation." Alex smiled, "Kinda like now." CeCe hummed in response. "What about red?" "They had me stand outside in the sun. They told me that the heat I was feeling is red. They explained that red is the color of a burn, from heat, embarrassment, or even anger." CeCe looked at Alex, noticing his eyes were on the plaid blanket underneath them, his hands fiddling with it. "I feel like that way during a fight." CeCe sat up and looked down at him, his blonde lock's gently flowing in the wind. "You ready for your big fight tomorrow?" "I can't answer that right now, CeCe." Alex focused on the feeling of grass between his fingers. "Well, no matter happens, you did your best. It takes a man to get back in the ring with another man he once almost lost his life to." Alex nodded, lifting his head up. "You're an amazing guy, Alex." "I'm who I am because of the people I surround myself with." Alex and CeCe smile. "What's your favorite color?" CeCe exhaled deeply, taking in the sent of the fresh air around them. "I held soft leaves and wet grass. They told me green felt like life. To this day it is still very much my favorite color." "I'm startin' to think green is my favorite now." Alex chuckles, "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." he hummed in agreement, letting CeCe rest her head on his chest. "It sure is."
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host, Fred Coan." "I'm the co-host, Jerry Kline, we have yet another amazing fight tonight, don't we?" "Yes we do, Jerry. Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer will be fighting-again Alex 'Daredevil' Flex. We all remember that one, don't we?" "I'm afraid we do, it was a obscure scene for sure, I don't think Alex got more than a hit on the guy." "I don't think he did either, hopefully that'll change tonight as Alex's manager, Eddie Russo has been training him hard for weeks on end." "We shall see, Jerry." The stadium that held over three thousands fans listened as the two men in suits spoke, spotlights dancing around, waiting for the boxers to make their entrance. "How's the knuckles?" Eddie asked as he wrapped the gaze around his palm, his bones cracked as he flexed them. "Still a little out of place, I'll say." Alex started down at his hands, listening to the press talk outside the door as it opened. "Hey, honey." "Mama." Alex looked up, hearing his mother's voice, "We want to wish you good luck, tonight." Alex snickered. "You beat that son of bitch, you hear?" Monica slapped Richard's shoulder, "Good luck, son." his father tapped on his back. Alex listened to his mother's unsteady breathing, her heart was beating faster than usual. "You don't have to be scared, ma." Alex shook his head, "I'm not scared, darling." "I can hear you heart." Monica sighed, her hand met her head. "I could never lie to you." Alex's lip curved into a smile, "I'll be alright." her arms wrapped his neck as he clutched onto her. "I love you, ma." "I know." The door handle creaked open, heavy steel toe boots hitting the floor. "I wasn't invited to the party?" Brady chuckled, "Hey, B." Alex lifted his chin. "Come on, hands up." Eddie told, slipping on the red gloves. "Ready?" The arena could be heard through the thick white wall, "I think they're more ready than I am." Alex chuckled. "Let's win this fight." Eddie told, Alex stood. "Wait." CeCe spoke up from the corner next to Johnny and Andy, she lifted her camera. "I need a picture to put in the paper." "Oh, yeah." Alex nodded, he gaze around the room before standing in front of the camera. CeCe squinted her eye, "Hang on." Alex lifted his glove up and turned around. "I want everybody." The room shared a look with each other and gathered around the man in the middle. "That means you too, C." Alex told, "What? But who's-" "Come on, babe. I can't be late to my own fight." he groaned in laughter. "Okay, okay." CeCe giggled turning on the timer and ran to a spot. Flash. 
The hard metal blared throughout the crowd's ears, golden spotlight shadowed over the tall man. He lifted his black gloves in the air, a hard stare laid across his face. "Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer, everyone. A man who holds the record of twenty-eight straight wins and no loses." Fred told, watching the man jog up the steps to enter the ring. "That's incredible for a guy his age, only twenty-one and already at the top of the list? Just wow." Jerry shook his head in disbielf as he looked down at the card. "Flex. Flex. Flex." The crowd cheered. "The fans are ready to see Alex, aren't they?" "I think see him coming out, Fred." "How about that? Alex is coming out with his whole crew, what a special moment for the family." Alex smiled at his mother who held him close, "I love you, Alex." "I know." he kissed her temple. "You fight with your heart." CeCe told, holding onto his right arm, Alex looked at her with every emotion, like she was the world in front of him and he wanted it-no, he needed it. "What?" She furrowed her brows as he continued to stare, "I..I." he jumped when Eddie slapped his shoulder. "Let's go." Monica and CeCe untangled their arms from him and walked to their seats. "Alex." Brady spoke up behind him, "Yeah?" the hot light took it's place on the brother's as they stood in front of each other. "I want to tell you somethin' that helps me. I'm passing it over to you, okay? Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power, you understand? Because at the end of the day, he's just a man. He will fail. You will make sure of that. As your brother, I will always be there. I'm right here. Now, put this motherfucker to the ground where he belongs."
Eddie, Johnny and Andy stood behind Alex in the ring, watching closely as Jake eyed the four men, humor was written all over his face. Alex felt a new presence enter the ring, the microphone rung in his ears before he spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending tonight's fight, I'm your announcer, Ralph Fletcher. On my left, weighing at two hundred twenty pounds, he's an ultimate medium weight championship in the world, Jake 'Shatterproof' Hammer!" Alex snickered as the crowd roared for the opponents who jumped for the attention. "One my right, weighing at one hundred forty pounds, coming back for a rematch, Alex 'Daredevil' Flex!" "Go Alex!" "You got this, babe!" "Let's go, A!" "Kick his ass, Alex!" Alex focused on the encouraging words from his family, he smiled as Eddie raised his arm up. "Let's get ready to rumble!" "Alright, men, welcome back. You know the rules, no low blows or rabbit punches, we need a clean fight. You ready?" "Always." Jake instantly replied. "You ready?" "Yeah." Alex nodded slowly. "Touch gloves and get in your corner's." The referee ordered, Jake's stare never left the smaller man as they both walked backwards to their spots. "You remember all your training? Take is easy, no rush, alright? We have fifteen rounds, you got plenty of time to take him down. Use it wisely." Sweat blared off his body as the spotlight made his body hot, Alex nodded to his manager before hearing that familiar sound. Ding, Ding. "Fight." Alex could feel the rumbling of Jake's feet that bounced continuously just a few feet away from him, Alex squared up as he walked forward. "You ready for another beating?" Jake mocked, tapping his gloves together. "Obviously you didn't finished the job." Alex jabbed back, "Ha, you got a mouth on you boy." "Come shut it, champ." Jake grunted under his breath and darted to him, raising his glove. Alex ducked and landed a hit on his ribs, hearing the audience's reaction and Jake's low groan. Alex's feet slide across the smooth surface, Jake's feet slapped against it, anger was behind it as he walked in circles with him. "Stop running and start hitting, Hammer!" Jake's manager yelled, Jake got closer, costing Alex to become distracted and earn a hit on the eyelid. Alex hissed at the pain, he jabbed his right arm in the air, but Jake was too quick and punched the no longer existing bruise on his rib. "Agh." Alex yelled out, shutting his eyes tightly as he belched over. Ding, Ding. "Open." Johnny ordered, pouring water in his mouth as Andy got to work on the bleeding cut. "You know what you did wrong, son?" Alex nodded, grunting his teeth together. "Don't focus on anything else, but his voice you're excellent at that. Listen to the sound of his feet, follow where he leads." "Round two." Jake stood up in a quick motion, running over to Alex and hitting him in the nose, "You should've stayed home." he whispered. Alex roughly pushed his shoulders, blood dripping down his lips. "Fuck this, shit." Alex snarled, his feet slapped against the ring as he took off running, Jake quickly dodged and Alex stopped in his tracks and got a hold of his arm. Alex wrapped his legs around his waist as he tackled him to the ground. "You fuckin' bitch!" Jake's shoulder was pulsing when he landed on it, he pounded on the ring and elbowed Alex's face, causing him to fall back. "Get up, get up!" Eddie roared, Alex spit the blood out of mouth, feeling Jake hovering him. "It's over, Fle-Agh!" Jake yelled out, grabbing a hold of his knee, "No, it's just beginning." Alex jabbed a hard hit onto his cheekbone. A frustrated grunt escaped Jake's throat as the bell rung. "Great work." Eddie rubbed his head. "That's the first time I've seen him hurt." Andy told, watching Jake's crew tend to his body. "You got him where you need him to be." Eddie nodded. Ding, Ding. Alex tapped his red gloves, cracking his neck before walking in the middle. He relaxed his body, closing his eyes and listened to the sounds, but it never came. Alex furrowed his brows, arms dangling on his side as the confusion grew. Jake's eyes watched his own feet, sliding ever so soundlessly, he looked up seeing Alex's back. A gasp left his throat, black material touching the tender spot he just hit, knees made an echoed sound as they fell. No sort of emotion could be let out, the sudden pain was far too loud. "Oh, my god!" CeCe covered her mouth, watching as Jake was on top of him, beating him continuously. "Stop!" Monica stood with the rest, the referee held Jake back as Alex layed there. Blood covered his face, black and purple taking over his left eye. Eddie, Johnny and Andy sat him down in the corner, "Alex.. he's onto us. He knows now." Eddie sighed, looking up at him. The cold water and the color red mashed together as the sponge was being dabbed gently on his wounds. "I-It's alright, I can take him." Alex struggled to get out, his sweat and blood covered chest rising with each breath. Johnny gave his father a look, a look with many words not spoken out loud. "Round four." Alex pushed his best friend and manager out of his way, Jake looked at the crowd in the front row. Jake's stare burned a hole into CeCe's, he flashed a evil smirk before looking away. "That's your bitch out there?" Alex's lips scrunched up in anger, Jake chuckled. "Thank god, you're blind." Alex made a left hook against his jaw, Silvia and sweat leaving Jake's body. A pop filled Alex's ears as Jake adjusted the sore bone. "Hit me." Alex was taken back at his sudden words, "Hit me!" Jake screamed. Gloves bouncing back as he continued to do so, Jake stumbled backwards and into the corner. Alex sighed in exhaustion, his hits were no longer painful to the tall man. Jake widen his shoulders, black gloves hovered over his face, dark eyes casting over him. "You did this to yourself." Punch. "You're nothing." Jab. "You're just a burden." Grunt. "You don't even deserve to be here." Hit. "Go back where you belong." The stadium stood still, no noise could be heard, not even a whisper. Thud. "Alex!" "One." "Get up!" "Two." "Stop the fight!" "Three." "Come on, A!" "Four." "Stand up!" "Five." Alex blinked, the air in his lungs strained for a breath of air. The world, his mind, the pain in his body, twirled around in circles. Alex cluched onto nothing, nothing was in reach, but hope. "Six." "Please!" "Seven." "No!" "Eight." He stood. "Fucking hell." Ding, Ding. "Alex.. son.. you can't continue on." Eddie sighed, Alex's one orb looked down at his. "Come on, let's forget about this. Let's go home." Alex's mouth was parted as he never looked away from the older man. "I am home." "Round five." Tears were split on the black flooring underneath the family who watched, watched the unrecognized man they knew. His glove couldn't stand up for even a second before it was interrupted by the black one, blood coated the boxers feet, almost losing their balance. It was a miracle Alex was standing. "Why aren't they stopping the fight?" CeCe asked, Monica looked at her as her mascara was streaking. "I-I don't know, honey, Maybe.. he's too scared to stop it, scared of the loose of hope. Or, maybe... he doesn't want it to be stopped because he's used to numbness." CeCe let out a shaky sigh as her eyes were begging. "Why?" "Because he feels something when he's in the ring, it's not pain, it's not anger. It's to keep the depression at bay." Ding, Ding. CeCe stood up, the heels of her shoes clicking away as she walked to his corner. She could hear Alex's abnormal breathing, his left side of his face looked like a balloon, and was about to burst. "Alex!... Alex!... Alex!" The four men looked down at her direction, "What are you doing?" she let out. "I don't know, it's something I have to do." Alex shook his head, "No you don't." her voice was harsh, but begging. Johnny stepped down, and guided her away from the scene. "Please, Johnny you can't let him do this." He sighed, shaking his head. "CeCe, I would love for him to stop, I'd give anything for it to stop. But, sometimes people do things for themselves, maybe not in a selfish way. Alex is in his own world right now and not even Jake is going to stop him." The two turned their heads as the bell went off. CeCe hung her head, "Just be there for him, be understanding." he told before running back. "Round six." Alex stood to his feet, a waterfall of sweat and blood shedding away from his bruised body. Jake bounced on his toes, his brown hair drenched as it was slicked back against his skull. "Surprised you've lasted this long." Alex felt his hot breath on his face, "I guess you haven't given it your all, I suppose." Jake flared his nostrils and swung his arm. Alex ducked, and pushed his gloves onto his chest, and jabbed a hard hit into his ribs, cracking them. A gasp left Jake's throat, he touched the tender spot before at Alex. "I'm gonna kill you!" With full force, he drew a hit at his temple, Alex held up his gloves to the sides of his face as Jake attempted to cause him more pain. A loud whistle blew, piercing both of their ears. "Let me have him! Fuck off!" Jake yelled, being pulled away by the Referee. "I'm alright." Alex told, already answering Eddie's question. "Your face, its worse." Johnny gave his father a worried look, "Well how bad is it?" Alex sighed. "I wouldn't go on." "Fuck that. I'm fine, I don't care what happens." He stood in anger, "Well I do! I don't want you to fucking die in this fucking ring, Alex." Eddie shouted in his face. "That's for me to decide, not you. Not anyone." Alex looked in front of him, the feeling in his body was indescribable. It wasn't pain, it wasn't pulsing him into the ground, it was simply something he never felt before. Eddie's watery eyes looked the young boy he'd come to love and care for, he was another son he wanted for his boys. Eddie wished he just wasn't so damn hardheaded, he was afraid it was going to cost him his life, no control of what was coming next. "I have nothing to lose." Ding, Ding. "Alex? Alex!" Alex turned to face Eddie one last time, he smiles. "Tell CeCe, I love her." "Alex... Alex, what are you doing?" Soulless eyes stared deep into Alex, no pain was written anywhere, no emotion could be read. The world went silent, everything went slow motion, and time simply didn't exist. Alex stood his ground, gloves steady as he waited for his prey. And no weapon, for his protection. Alex was ready. He longed for this moment for a long time and now, it's here. It wasn't about being right or wrong. It wasn't about proving anybody, not his family or his small group of friends, nor the media. Blood dripped down his lips as he walked to stand in front of Alex, he wasn't in pain anymore, it had came and gone. Punch, right in the cheekbone, by Jake's giant hand. A hard hit into Alex's chest, any air in his lungs escaped right then and there. You could hear the slaps against the glove on his swollen face. Blood, sweat, tears, and spit was just substance to the men. Alex's chin went straight up, not caring if it was broken or not. His back touched the rope, Jake had hit him so much he didn't know he had been walking backwards. The light shined down on his barely opened right eye, blood was begining to fill the white parts. Jake watched as Alex lower his head and he looked right at him, he could've sworn that he saw him. Alex laughed, the color red coated his teeth. Jake's eyebrows furrowed. Alex tilted his head back, with all his might, forehead to forehead. Punch. Jab. Hit. Kick. Punch. Jab. Hit. Kick. Punch. Jab. Hit. Kick. Thud. It was about beating his mind.                                                     The crowd stood to their feet, mouth gaped open at the first ever beat down that wasn't caused by Jake. But Alex. "One." "Two." "Three." "Four." "Five." Alex swayed, his body trying to repair it's self. He watched as Jake laid on the hard, wet floor. His face finally read something. Pain. Blind or not. He knew. "Six." "Seven." "Eight." "Nine. Alex's knees hit the ring, belching over, the soft material of the gloves felt like a cloud. Tears fell down his purple face. "Ten." He did it.
The warm lighting above the kitchen table glistened onto the dark wood. Laughter filled the air, as food was being passed around. The dining room sat everyone together for dinner. "Alright, folks let's say grace." Richard started, nodding and grabbing his wife's hand. Fingers were beginning to intertwine with one another. "Dear, heavenly Father. We gather here to day for the celebration of our son, Alex. Thank you for providing this lovely food prepared by my amazing, beautiful family you blessed me with. We also want to thank you for, keeping my son safe during his career he has chosen. Please continue to heal him as he is still recovering. Thank you and Amen." "Amen." Silverware hit the plates as they began to eat, "I think that plastic surgery really helped him." CeCe said, looking over to her right. Alex smiles at her as he chewed. Distant shades of purple and yellow decorated his cheeks, knuckles cracking every time he flexed. "I think it did too." Monica agreed, "How does that make you feel that your boyfriend got plastic surgery before you did?" Johnny chuckles, sticking a fork in his mouth. They laughed. "Very funny." Alex shook his head, "She's too beautiful and I needed work done." CeCe gasps, "No you didn't. I think you're very handsome." "Thanks, babe." Alex licked his lips before giving her peck on the cheek. "I think I'm gonna yak." Andy jokingly says, "Boy, have some manners." Eddie warned, scuffing. Alex laughs, his smile was permanent. He was indeed happy. This was the moment he lived for, his parents, brother, friends and his world right beside him. Alex was living for his future, his past had dissapeard like a faded memory. He wasn't worried. He knew everything he needed and it was right here. In this room, the people he loved the most. "Honey, can you grab me that plate?" Monica reached for the empty plates scattered around the dinner table, "I'll help you." CeCe smiles. "Thank you, sweetheart." Monica touched her shoulder. "Fellas, let me show you around." Richard stood, motioning to Eddie and his boys. "Brady." Alex asked out loud, "Yeah?" he looked up from Joey. "Come here." Pictures hung perfectly in the brightly lit hallway, the two figures admired the old memories forever inbeded in their minds and hearts. A flat palm layed against the white door, pink knuckles on full display. Alex smiles and chuckles. "Remember when we carved out named into this door?" Brady looks down, seeing his name and his brother's messily carved into the door. "Mom and dad were so mad at us that day, I thought we were doomed and forever grounded." Brady breathed out. "They told us they were gonna replace it... and they never did." Alex shook his head, "I think they secretly love it." Brady laughs. Alex's hand dig into his jeans and they began to walk pass Brady's old room. The familiar hum from the light from the bathroom light filled Alex's ears, it felt more warm than ever before, not so dark. "Mind doing something for me?" Alex asks, opening the drawer and grabbing the razor. "Yeah, sure." Brady nodded, taking the wire in his hands and plugging it up. Alex lifted the shirt off his body, little specks of purple and yellow laid across his skin. Alex rested his hands onto the counter, and lowered his head. You see, from the start his light became darkness. His family was his light and it was swept away by this horrible disease. It had taken over his mind throughout his teenage years to early adulthood, dealing and struggling with the fact his couldn't see what he loved and cared for. When he found what he could do, everything turned. It was like he could see what he never could with the use of his hands. The feeling of hitting something, letting go of his thoughts for a moment. Control was a dangerous, but beautiful tool to have, the need to do it for yourself, and your world. Depression was his enemy, and he needed to control it by defeating it himself. Darkness was his depression. So, fighting was his release, not his frustrations, not stress or a distraction from what he could never have back. Beating the darkness that had taken over. And now, he could see the light, darkness was nonexistence because he defeated... Himself.  
Blonde hair slowly fell onto the floor by their feet, Brady guided the razor against his skull gently. Alex felt his head getting lighter, he blinked and lifted his head back up. "Oops." Brady gasps, Alex flinched at his words. "What? What'd you do Brady?" "Uhh.." Brady trails off, "Brady..." Alex huffs out. "I'm just fuckin' with you man. I didn't mess it up." Brady bursts out in laughter, a hand landed onto Brady's demin jacket. "Ouch." "Don't ever do that again." Alex pointed at him before dipping his head back down. Brady got back to work with cutting his hair. Silence filled the air for fifteen seconds before laughter replaced it. "You should've seen your face!" "Fuck you, Brady." Alex shakes his head. "Love you too, A." "Love you, B."
          The Flex Brother's
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Never Touch Him Again
Summary: Barbara finds out what Tarantula did to Dick. She takes justice into her own hands.
I originally wrote this for Dickbabs week but didn’t quite finish it. Also, not really shippy at all. The prompt was “touch.”
Word Count: like 3,000 ish
Characters: Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Catalina Flores
Pairings: Gen
“Don’t…touch me…”
Babs slammed the pause button and shoved herself away from her desk. Her skin flashed hot and cold until she was shaking and she felt like she was going to throw up. She lashed out and hit her books off the desk. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, but it was futile. It was times like these she desperately wished her legs worked; she needed to get up, to pace, to kick something until it was broken beyond repair and her foot was bleeding.
Instead, she yanked her hair up and wheeled over to the punching bag in the corner, where she picked up her escrima sticks and started mercilessly beating the shit out of it. If the punching bag were a person, it would have been dead, the muscles and skin pounded to bloody oatmeal sticking to splintered bones. When the back of her shirt was soaked with sweat, she threw the escrima down in a corner and reluctantly forced herself back to the video. She owed it to Dick to find out the truth.
She’d already found the truth that Bruce wanted: Dick hadn’t killed Blockbuster. He’d been there, and he’d watched it happen, but he hadn’t been the one to kill him. 
She hadn’t been surprised when Bruce came to her. “I need your help; I think Dick may have killed someone,” he’d said. Babs had been horrified, but not surprised. Dick had been very, very… off…  for a while. As soon as Bruce had brought it up to her, she knew that whatever she found would explain Dick’s behavior.
And it was explaining more than she’d expected. Right now, she only needed to watch far enough in the tape to see if Tarantula listened to Dick and left him alone, or if she didn’t and raped him. Babs considered Dick’s recent self-destructive spiral, and her heart sank. She was pretty sure she already knew. After steeling herself with a few deep breaths, Babs watched the next few seconds of the video, then turned it off. Her heart sank down to her stomach and sat there stewing, making her nauseous. Tears burned her eyes and left hot tracks down her cheeks. How selfish, she chided herself. Dick is the one who has the right to cry, not you.
Babs started putting herself back together, piece by piece. She did it, as she always had, with a plan of action. Her eyes still burned as her mind whirred. She had everything on Tarantula, and nothing on Catalina Flores
She had a recording of Tarantula shooting a man in the head. The man was universally hated. Tarantula was wearing a mask.
She also had security footage of Tarantula attacking and trying to kill her while she was at dinner with Dick. Again, she was wearing a mask.
She had evidence of Tarantula bribing police officers. No one cared—not in Gotham, and certainly not in Blüdhaven. 
She had footage of Tarantula raping Dick. Again, she was wearing a mask. If she were ever put on trial, Nightwing couldn’t very well show up to testify. Plus, she had connections. It wasn’t going to work.
Clearly, Babs would have to take things into her own hands.
She didn’t tell Dick what she knew. She didn’t tell Bruce, either. She didn’t tell Helena and Dinah. She could do this herself. She’d beaten Tarantula once before, and this time, Oracle would be the one catching Tarantula unprepared, and on her turf.
The plan was to do this the Bat Way: Lure Tarantula to Gotham, get her to commit a crime here, and let Commissioner Gordon handle the rest.
Babs knew just the crime: attempted murder. Of the commissioner’s daughter, no less. Babs allowed herself a grim smile. She had her work cut out for her.
The next time she went to see Dick, she wasn’t sure how to act. She worried that she was overcompensating by goofing off because she didn’t want to seem too serious, and she also worried about overcompensating with coldness or rudeness to avoid pitying him. She honestly wasn’t sure what he was up to recently; their conversations were concise and infrequent. She figured she had the best chance of cornering him into talking in the Batcave. She asked Bruce when Dick would be there and then used a software security update as an excuse to be there when he arrived.
“Nightwing!” She called, grinning nervously.  “Long time, no see! Get your butt down here!”
It was no longer “get your cute butt down here,” for which she allowed herself a gust of sadness.
He didn’t swing over using the bars around the cave. Instead, he click-clacked down the stairs and over the walkway to her, his leg brace altering his gait just enough that Babs probably couldn’t recognize him any longer by his walk alone.
He gave her a bow with a hand-twirl. “At your service, oh great Oracle.” 
Now that,  at least, was normal. While the theatrics didn’t have as much heart as usual, they hadn’t disappeared. 
Babs had thought over her next words and planned them out to the letter. “I’ll get straight to the point. I miss you, Dick.” He was wearing the Nightwing mask, so she studied the rest of his face for a reaction. All he did was tighten his lips to not give anything away. This close, she could also see that he looked deflated, like one day he’d just decided to shrink half a size, but only his skin had gotten the memo; It was stretched taut, making him look hollow and angular.
He waited for her to continue.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact as much. That’s on me. And…I miss my best friend.” She tilted a sad smile at him. “Can I take you out to dinner this week?”
He just stood there blankly, like she’d caught him off guard and now he didn’t know which expression to paste on next. Babs ached at how worn down he looked, and subtle anger squeezed her heart. Dick didn’t deserve this. She sighed. “That’s okay if you don’t-“
“No, no, that’d be great. I… miss you too, Babs.” He still looked diluted, like not all of him was there, but now he was smiling. 
“Great, I know this really good place a few blocks from my place. Big yellow M on the front, you might have seen it before. Called McDonald’s.”
It was a pretty low quality joke, but Dick let out a huff of laughter anyway. 
“I’m kidding,” she said. “This weekend?”
Everything she’d said was genuine, so she refused to acknowledge any guilt she felt over her ulterior motive.
Tarantula’s night of crime had taken some careful planning.
First, she’d had to stick surveillance on her to get some manipulation material.
Then, she’d had to find a place to rent with a good insurance policy. She’d also faked documentation for the past few months, just to be safe.
Then, she’d gathered evidence of Tarantula’s crimes in Blüdhaven and planted a file on her in the GCPD’s system.
After finishing the paper setup, she’d enlisted Batgirl as her eyes, ears, and knight in shining armor. Cass had installed the camera system in Babs’s new decoy apartment. Cass had also been the one to deliver the blackmail letters.
Now, all she had to do was go to dinner with Dick then come home to the new apartment and wait for Flores to come try to kill her.
Dick picked her up. He would also give her a ride back. It wouldn’t do for Flores to try to kill her before she got back to her heavily-monitored-and-filmed apartment. Babs had planned everything out to the last letter so she could focus on dinner with Dick, but she still needed a moment to steer her head out of Oracle mode and into friendship mode. While Dick helped her into the car, she methodically threw out any thought of her impending attempted murder.
Dick wasn’t very talkative so far; he didn’t even question her new address, but Babs explained anyway. If her explanation was a little embarrassing, hopefully it would only serve to show Dick her candor and openness with him.
“I’m only here for a week or so. I punched a whole in the wall with my escrima last week, and when they came to fix it, they found a rat infestation. I can’t be there while they’re fumigating.”
Dick maneuvered the car into the left lane, then shot her a glance, clearly disgusted. “Rats? That’s horrible!” He exaggerated a shudder. Babs had another explanation planned for when he asked why she wasn’t staying with her dad or even Bruce, but he didn’t seem to question it. Her heart squeezed; Dick was still dazed and not quite right. She’d already planned to be the one carrying the conversation, though, dinner would be fine.
“Believe me, I know that better than you do at this point. First hand experience.”
“Seriously, that is so disgusting.”
It was Dick, so she couldn’t help but mess with him at least a little. “Yeah,” she said. “They came scurrying out of the wall all together. They were this big,” she said, leaning to show him her hands measuring about the distance of her forearm. “Their noses left little greasy prints on my wallpaper. I thought I could handle it, until one night I reached to untangle the computer chords and I grabbed one of their tails.” She added an authentic shudder. 
Dick gaped and made a gagging sound. Well, not the best expression, but at least he was a little more animated. “You’re kidding! Babs, yuck! Please tell me you’re joking!”
“Kidding!” she said, laughing. “Don’t worry, Dick! I hightailed it out of there the moment I heard the word ‘rat’. I’m not going within a mile of there until every last one is exterminated.”
“Thank goodness. You had me seriously worried for your health and sanity for a bit there.”
“Aw, you do care!” she crooned. It was so easy for Babs to slip back into their old rapport, but the conversation died there. She had to remember that they’d broken up and also that Dick was very traumatized and probably wouldn’t be his old self for a while. She felt a sudden, sweeping melancholy as she realized that things might never go back to the way they were. It wasn’t fair to feel upset right now, she knew that. So instead, she pursed her lips grimly and reminded herself that at least Tarantula would be arrested later that night.
They made a nice little scene walking into the restaurant, Babs in her wheelchair and Dick in his click-clacking leg brace. No less than 4 employees and 3 non-employees offered to help them. Dick just glared, expression blank and flat, while Babs politely reassured them that they could manage. She did not roll her eyes even once.
It was a nice restaurant. The food was good, and the service was good. The conversation was not that good, but Babs hadn’t really been expecting otherwise. Nostalgia stung her the whole night, like lemon juice on a forgotten paper cut. 
She tried to diffuse the awkwardness between them with casual insults, a Barbara Gordon specialty. Dick reacted slowly and gave his chuckles and smiles a little late, but when they left and were once again seated in his parked car, he sighed and apologized.
“I’m sorry Babs, I’ll drop you off. Thanks for dinner.”
Babs locked eyes with him fiercely and fought not to show her anger at Flores. “Don’t apologize. Don’t you ever apologize. I can tell you’re going through some stuff right now. It’s not your fault, okay? Dick? Look at me. It is not your fault. I’m here as your friend, don’t think you owe me anything. I care about you. I-” don’t back down, Babs— “I love you. I’m not going to push you into telling me anything, but just know that I’m here for you, okay?”
Dick wasn’t looking at her, but the passing headlights of the highway reflected bright in his teary eyes. He cleared his throat. “Thanks. I… appreciate that more than you know.” He blinked hard, and drove her back to the makeshift apartment. By the time they got there, he was able to give her a normal, dry-eyed goodbye, and offer his help for her rat situation. Babs squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile before waving a goodbye. 
The next part made her feel like an idiot, but it was necessary. As soon as Dick was out of earshot, she scooted closer to a potted plant that she knew was bugged and murmured sweet nothings in a low voice. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stop the laugh that bubbled up, then made some lip smacking sounds and moaned a little. It wasn’t a very high quality bug, so it wouldn’t be strange that it only recorded her voice because she was supposedly closer. Breathlessly, she said, “you naughty boy, you know I have to work on my thesis tonight. Tomorrow.” She followed up with one more smack for good measure, then left her apartment and closed the door.
The moment the bug was out of earshot, she had Cass on the comms.
“Bait taken?” Babs asked her.
“Yes.” Babs was having a hard time not giggling. That was probably the stupidest, most embarrassing thing she’d ever done.
“Estimated time frame?”
“One hour.” The gravity of the situation settled on her, and there were no more giggles. 
“Thank you. Oracle out.”
Babs let herself back in, and, once again, she wanted to pace. Just as well that she couldn’t, she didn’t want to tip Tarantula off that she was expecting her. Instead, she changed into pajamas and erased the last 10 minutes of footage from her security cameras.
The dinner with Dick had gone okay from an interpersonal perspective, and from a make-flores-want-to-kill-me perspective, it had gone even better. It was pretty obvious from the dinner where Tarantula attacked her that she was jealous of Babs’s relationship with Dick. It should be just the little extra nudge that would get Flores over here to deal with her personally. The day before, Babs had delivered blackmail letters via Batgirl. Dearest Catalina, she’d written. It’s obvious that you’ve got half of Blüdhaven in your pocket, but I know for fact that the other half is in the pocket of Roland Desmond’s only surviving relative. She’d be very interested to know about this. Here, she’d taped a disk with footage of her shooting Blockbuster in the head. If you want my copy destroyed, get in touch. Much love, Barbara Gordon.
This was not Oracle style. When Oracle wanted to blackmail someone, they had no way to trace her, and she usually only did it to get criminals to up their paranoia and sabotage themselves. This time, Babs wanted Flores to track her down. She wanted to look like an easy target. Really, the only thing that "Dearest Catalina” could do now was kill her. It would be too much of a risk for a commissioner’s daughter to have that knowledge, even if the disk were destroyed. Sure, Flores would feel bad about it, but she’d know it was necessary. But, that wasn’t enough for Babs, so she made Flores angry. Batgirl had tailed Flores from Bludhaven yesterday and watched her plant a bug in Babs’s newly-placed potted plant, and the day before, Babs stood right next to it and gushed about her date with Dick. Flores would show no remorse, no hesitation. 100% premeditated murder. Batgirl was ahead of Flores now, and would be waiting for Babs’s signal to jump in and help her out. 
Now, all she had to do was wait. 
15 minutes, and she decided that waiting was the worst part.
15 more, and she was so glad she didn’t actually have a rat problem.
She hoped Dick was doing okay.
Fifteen more minutes, and Cass buzzed in to tell her Tarantula came armed with a knife and zipties but no gun. Good. Tarantula was going to get personal, maybe even tie her up and blabber even more condemning evidence. She got ready and pretended to be asleep. Ten minutes later, her window creaked open. She sighed softly and shifted in under her covers, keeping her eyes closed even though her heart was pounding. She struggled feebly when Tarantula grabbed her wrists and tied them together, feigning disorientation. She held off until she was already tied to struggle with her full strength.
“What do you want! Who are-” Babs was cut off with a slap to the face. Ouch. She tried to wipe blood off her face with her shoulder, but only succeeded in smearing it. It dried there, making her skin feel dry and crackly.
Flores sighed. “You know, I have nothing against you! I would have just let you be!”
“Is this about Dick?” 
“We could have made this quick and easy, but you just had to keep causing problems!”
“Oh, good. So this is just boy drama. Not about you shooting Blockbuster. I thought you were going to kill me.”
“Oh, I’m going to kill you, alright,” Tarantula snarled. 
Babs sneered. “I’d like to see you try.”
Tarantula punched her in the gut. She kicked, hard. One landed in her gut again, but most on her lower torso and upper legs. Hah. All of her spinal nerves down her legs were non-functional. Silver lining.
Babs squirmed but didn’t fight back. She needed to lull Tarantula into thinking she posed no threat.
Finally, Tarantula pulled out the knife. “I hate you. I thought I didn’t want to do this, but for you, I really don’t mind.”
Babs held still until Tarantula grabbed her by the hair to bare her throat. By this point, she was done pretending. She sliced through the zip tie and swung her fist directly into Tarantula’s nose. She grabbed Tarantula’s broken nose in her right hand and twisted, getting a scream. As her hands went to her face, Babs grabbed them and twisted again, breaking wrists and fingers. She kept one of Tarantula’s hands, squeezing it so the bones crunched slightly. She squeezed tighter, feeling Tarantula’s metacarpal bones grinding together, then screamed directly into her ear, rupturing her eardrum and signaling Batgirl. 
Babs leaned to Tarantula’s other ear and hissed, “This? This was nothing. Never. Touch him. Again.”
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penninstitute · 4 years
CASE #0100310
Statement of Daniel Brewer, regarding his secondhand refrigerator. Original statement given March 10th, 2010.
This is really fucking weird, so I apologize in advance. I mean, y’all deal in the supernatural right? So this shouldn’t be too weird, I’m sure you’ve gotten stranger statements. I don’t know. I don’t know anything after this bullshit!
So I live in a house with a bunch of others from my college, right? I mean, it’s not a bunch, there’s a total of four of us, including me. There’s Joshua, Cody, and Ken, and me. We aren’t like a frat house or anything, just some guys trying to make it through college that also happen to be good friends since middle school. I’ve known these guys for ages and I can’t tell if one of them is doing this on purpose or not but it’s really fucking nasty. 
So we had to buy a new fridge, right? Our old one bit the dust, and God, it was probably just as old as the house, built maybe in the late 70s? Don’t know but it finally died and we needed to buy a new one. 
Now, as previously mentioned, we’re a couple of broke college students. We couldn’t afford a brand-spanking new fridge, all shiny with a built in water dispenser. No, we had to look for Craigslist ads online. 
After some digging, we found a somewhat decent looking fridge in not the best photo quality, but it looked functional. Not too old either, and the seller must want it gone for such a low price. So Josh emailed them. 
They were this guy named Jax or some shit, I don’t know, but when the four of us met him at the meetup spot (a parking lot of a Walmart) he gave me the creeps. 
He was a really imposing guy. 6’4”, built for heavy lifting and beating people up. He had black hair that was just long enough to keep tied back, and a permanent scowl on his face. He had some tattoos if I can recall. He had like, this slab of meat on his right forearm, and a knife on the other. I’m 6’2” and rather fit, but this guy looked like he could snap me in half if he wanted. 
He handed off the fridge and we handed off the cash, and struggled for maybe 25 minutes to get it in our van. 
We got it home and installed it, and everything seemed fine. We had some groceries we bought from Walmart and we shoved them in. It seemed perfectly normal enough. A couple days passed, everything was fine. But then it wasn’t.
I got up one morning to get the milk out of the fridge so I could make my daily bowl of cereal. But when I opened the door and the fridge light flickered on, I was hit with the sight and smell of a sack of meat. It wasn’t like a trash bag full, but it was a decently sized bag. Blood was leaking at the bottom and the smell purely surprised me. It wasn’t rotting or anything, it was just bloody.
I immediately slammed the door closed, and waited for my roommates to get up so I could question them about the meat. All three of them looked at me like I was crazy until they saw it for themselves, and were promptly also nauseated and confused. We just tossed the sack out without even bothering to look in it. 
Then a few days passed. Another couple of sacks appeared and we just threw it away. What were we supposed to do with it? Keep it, make steak? We didn’t know where it was coming from and we even set up a camera to see if we could catch someone doing this. It wasn’t like we could contact the police- like, “Hey officer, we’ve been having random sacks of meat appear in our fridge and no one who lives here is putting them here, we don’t know why, but it won’t stop.” What are the cops supposed to do?
We were lounging in the living room one night when we smelled a sudden odor waft its way into the room from the kitchen. We were confused, a bit concerned, and of course I was the one voted to go look.
I got up and shuffled into the kitchen, only to step in something wet. I didn’t bother turning the light on when I walked in, so I assumed someone spilled some water or something. Mistake number one.
I walked to the fridge, where the smell grew stronger and stronger. I lifted up my shirt to cover my nose and mouth in an attempt to shield myself from the stench. It didn’t just smell like blood, but like wet rotting meat. I gagged when I got within a few inches of the fridge. It was horrible. I hesitantly opened the door and I really wish I hadn’t opened it.
There was meat. But not in a sack, it was lining every inch of the interior of the fridge. Mismatched, sewn together, throbbing pieces of meat. Each individual piece pulsated at its own rhythm, giving the whole ordeal an even more overwhelming sense of chaos. I couldn’t even tell what most of these slabs were- like if it were thighs or whatever, there was just so much. Blood poured from the bottom, and I realized I hadn’t stepped in water before. 
I threw up almost instantly as I slammed the door shut, sick from the sight. My friends decided to take their own peek at it, despite my warnings, and we all decided it would be best to just throw this fridge away, and that’s what we did.
We found a better one on Craigslist later and got it from a middle aged woman that was not nearly as intimidating as that muscular bitch. I also found out about you guys, and here I am, writing about the weirdest thing in my entire fucking life. It was something I don’t wanna ever talk about again after this. Just the memory of that pulsating meat just...
But I think… What makes this whole thing worse to recall was that when I looked at the meat… I think some of the meat was looking back at me.
- Unfortunately, follow-up on this case was limited. Mr. Brewer did not respond to our efforts to obtain a follow-up interview.
- I had Temperance and Blair do some searching online, but unfortunately due to the lack of details in the statement, neither of them were able to find anything about the fridge.
- We were unable to discern who this Jax figure is, as a lack of a last name makes it incredibly difficult to find someone, despite Kelly and Caesar’s best efforts.
- While I doubt the existence of a fridge that magically refills itself with rotting meat, it is interesting just how often meat itself comes up in statements. I’m not sure how to feel about that, but I don’t think I like it.
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