#check that english ''THE bake off''
Random Obey Me! Headcanons
Belphie doesn't know how to swim and is too lazy to learn. The brothers have tried to teach him multiple times, but he always ends up giving up before he can make any real progress. He even fell asleep in the water while Satan tried to teach him once, and after that, the brothers just collectively gave up and accepted he'd probably never learn how.
Lucifer is terrible at baking and making any kind of sweets in general. This is funny, considering he's one of the best cooks in the house when it comes to preparing literally anything else. And Satan absolutely thrives off of this, as he actually masters all areas of the kitchen and will brag about how it's one of the things he's better at than Lucifer.
Beel loves rock and metal, they're his favorite music genres to listen to and motivate him when he's doing his morning run, practicing for future games, or going through his workout routine. He actually learned how to play drums because of it, and even performed in a concert when a friend's band was doing a show, and the friend called him a few hours earlier saying he couldn't make it and needed him to take his place. That day, multiple videos of the concert were posted to DevilTube and went viral. Everywhere, people were discussing how talented Beel was, and the brothers even encouraged him to enter the music industry. He refused though, saying he wanted to focus on sports as it was his main passion.
Satan was born a baby, though he grew faster than any other demon or angel. The way I picture this is that he would stay the same age for a few months and then jump to another out of nowhere, for example: he'd be 3 years old for a few months, and then suddenly jump to 5, staying that age for another set of time till he jumped to 7 and continued the cycle. This only stopped when he reached the age he'd originally have if he had born when first formed as an emotion in Lucifer's body. And so he now ages normally, as any other demon would.
There's a magic barrier around the House of Lamentation that stops any demon that's not one of the brothers, Diavolo or Barbatos from even passing the gates. But as mentioned, it only works on demons, hence why Luke was able to sneak in without the others even noticing during season 1. And this is the same for the Demons' Lord Castle, that also has a magic barrier around it.
Mammon smokes. It's his way to relax after an especially stressful day, he'll stand on the balcony staring at the view outside, alone in his thoughts for as long as he needs to. The brothers understand, as they all have their own ways to cope with stress, and always make sure to check on him at some point while he's there or after. Sometimes though, on very rare occasions, Lucifer will actually go and join him. They'll vent to each other about work, their day in general, and whatever is on their mind while smoking together. Those times are very special for both of them, as they can just chat and relax together without worrying about anything else, knowing they'll always have each other.
The characters' speech gets jumbled when they're drunk, they just start speaking multiple languages at the same time and it only gets worse the more drunk they are. For example, Levi will start spilling Japanese words and sentences in the middle of conversations, Solomon will talk in Old English and confuse everyone, and Lucifer, as the affectionate drunk he is, will just start mumbling I love yous and a bunch of soft praises in Infenal to his brothers and MC. It's a mess.
Levi is one of the most popular streamers in the Devildom when it comes to gaming, anime reviewing, and weeb content in general. He's everyone's favorite, and the one people go to for opinions before purchasing anything. He gets sent games before the official release, merch, figurines, etc. And although most of his streams involve just him, sometimes a brother will join. Mammon and Beel for the most part, but the others have all participated at some point. ( Fun fact: Levi broke his record of views when Lucifer accepted to join him after years and years of pestering. They played Minecraft together, chatted about random stuff, and the viewers were blown away seeing a new side of the eldest, as they only viewed him to be intimidating and unapproachable. To this day fans beg for another stream between the two, but Lucifer always refuses, saying that was the first and last time. )
Lucifer taught Satan how to play piano when he was younger. The fourth born however grew to resent the instrument, lumping it together in the long list of things he'll never pursue again because of how it only makes him more similar to the eldest. He does miss it sometimes though, and very rarely, when he's alone at home, he'll play one or two songs to himself and think back to the lessons Lucifer gave him long long ago.
Beel gives the best massages ever for some reason. You'd think not because of his size and clumsiness, but he actually knows how to control his strength and be a perfect mix between gentle and rough. Oftentimes Beel uses his skill on his brothers, mostly Lucifer and Levi as they're usually the ones staying sitting for too many hours at a time and end up stiff as rocks afterward.
Asmo has an OnlyDevil account where he shares spicy pictures/videos of himself that his fans go absolutely crazy for. His account is very popular and he's actually one of the most sought creators on the platform. Needless to say, the amount of money he makes out of it is no joke.
For some time after lesson 16, Beel didn't know how to interact with Belphie or how to even feel about what had happened, making him avoid the twin completely. It got to the point where he couldn't even stand sleeping in the same room as him, seeking Mammon every night to sleep with him instead. The second born never minded, as sharing a bed with the younger one kept the nightmares of MC's death away.
Satan has always been extremely sensitive to certain sounds, textures, and tastes. For example, there's a brand of milk he absolutely despises for how weird it tastes, despite all the brothers ( including Beel ) insisting that it tastes the exact same as any other milk they've had. There's also a certain type of fabric he can't wear because of how it feels on his skin, numerous foods he can't eat as they give an unimaginable ick, and noises that make him physically cringe at how uncomfortable they sound. The brothers have been aware of these things ever since Satan was born, and although they don't completely understand it, they always have it in mind when buying something for him or finding themselves on cooking duty.
In the Devildom, birthdays are celebrated every 100 years. Diavolo however is an exception to this rule, as he is of royal blood, and his birthday is made into a huge annual event across the entire kingdom. Following this, the brothers only began celebrating their birthdays annually once MC came into the picture, as they wanted to experience as many birthdays as they could while they were still around.
Lucifer regrets not accepting Satan as his son from the get-go, cursing his past self for denying responsibility for the blond when he was first created and the poor way he treated him. But he didn't know any better, he had just fallen after facing a war against his own problematic father, and the last thing he wanted was to label himself as someone's parent. But now he really wishes things had been different, though he's already accepted that it's far too late now, as thousands of years have passed and he believes he's lost his chance to make things right an eternity ago. It still pains him to this day though, to see the change in Satan's expression whenever someone makes the even slightest suggestion to them being anything more than brothers.
I've already made a separate post about this one, but the brothers can sense their sins on other people and feed off of it. Also, demon blood is dark black, while angel blood is bright gold.
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onmyyan · 2 years
A/N: First Yandere OC he’s a big baby n i love him❤ TWs: Yandere shenanigans, Smut, reader has a coochie, word pussy used to describe genitalia, cis fem reader, ”Good Girl”, breeding kink, feeding kink, cum eating (reader doesn't know) oral (f receiving), shower sex, cursing
Lemme know what you guys think!!
Caspian Delmont HC's
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25 year old beefcake
The biggest guy in the room no matter where he is. Absolutely massive individual, standing proud at 6'4 a wall of muscle shaped like a man, definition of scary dog privilege
Smells like cinnamon and warm chocolate
Likes to take Sunday drives in his granddads 67 Chevy Impala, oldies blaring through the speakers he'd put in himself(the only thing he changed about the car)
Old fashioned in the way where he'd lay a man out flat in the street for disrespecting you, then take you to dinner as an apology for having to deal with that crap.
He has an accent, a thick Bronx twang that comes out heavy on certain words, bilingual, speaks fluent Spanish and English, he's mixed with Filipino and Puerto Rican, has a huge family so he wants one with you. If you don't however he'll settle for a small army of animals.
Drinks his respect women juice like water, sees you as his equal and at the same time holds you on this goddess like pedestal high above him.
Boxes in his free time to release pent up aggression, and he's good at it.
Early on in the relationship he is quite hesitant to show you this side as he's insecure about how you view him.
Everyone has always had some ulterior motive when it came to him, he's used to people befriending him out of fear or to use his intimidating stature to their advantage, so when you don't he's both incredibly warmed and confused.
You're genuineness only draws him in further, as tough an act he puts on our boy falls fast and hard.
First time he saw you he was a goner, you were elbow deep in some toffee cookie dough, the tip of your tongue poking through your plush lips in the cutest form of concentration he'd ever bore witness to.
His brain worked a mile a minute as he sped walked his way to the desk next to you, shoulder checking the smaller man who was previously beside you. You looked up at the sound of his body meeting the desk in his scurry out the way of Caspian’s impending mass.
His red eyes widened as they met yours, the smile you gave him was real, he saw it in the way it reached your eyes. The small 'hi' you said as you went back to your work had butterflies erupting in his chest the entire hour of class.
Not one to shy away from his wants he quickly comes up to you after the lesson eager to help you clean up as his own station was miraculously cleared in moments.
He lays on the charm thick, all the while making sure not to come off as too pushy, he visibly lit up when he got you to laugh that first time.
Wants to ask you out immediately but knows he loves a lot harder than most and the last thing he wanted was to scare you away. Forces himself to hold back even though he knew you were the one after about one and a half classes.
Remembers everything you share about yourself, down to the most minute detail about how you like to stay home when it rains because it always makes you sleepy, or how you like when your partner can protect you because people in the past have failed to.
Absolute sweetheart to you, treats you like you deserve to be, 100% worshiped.
Can and has knocked some teeth out to protect your honor, if someone made the fatal mistake of making you cry?
Oh he's calling his sketchy cousin who owns a junkyard on the edge of town and having him leave the gates unlocked for him where your offender may or may not be tied up in the trunk of their car, he doesn't give em' a speech or tell them why he's doing what he is, in his mind they should know. Their muffled screams would be drowned out by the metal jaws and teeth of the compactor his cousin let him use from time to time, he'd have to bake him some macaroons as a thank you- ooh he could ask you to join him! It be such a cute date.
Major sweet tooth, loooooves hand feeding you especially if it's something he himself made it's a physical representation of his love!!
Calls you sugar, pumpkin, honeyy(specifically drawing out the y at the end so its more like a whine) babycakes, muffin, basically any food you can call your s/o he's doing it
He wakes up an hour or so before you so he can stare lovingly without you getting all flustered and hiding from him.
His favorite days are spent waking up late with you on top of him, his big arms holding you securely to his chest, neither of you have work or classes, you'd wake up to him humming some unnamed tune, the timber in his voice lulling you gently awake, he won't leave the bed without at least one kiss, first words you hear are usually something like "Mornin' sugar" followed by the kinda toe curling kiss that shakes all the sleep from your system, I'm talking he only pulls away to breathe kinda kiss, "I'm the luckiest bastard in the world gettin' to wake up with a woman like you warming my sheets." If you two don't immediately go at it like rabbits he'll twirl you both into the kitchen where you'll cook breakfast together, the radio softly filling the morning air, makes you sit in his lap while you eat, he'd be so focused on watching you eat he'd forget to do it himself so naturally you take the time to feed him as well, cue his heart exploding and him getting so excited he all but tosses you on the table, hand cradling your head because he'd never hurt you, eventually you'd be able to keep your paws off each other long enough to get ready, although if he's in the room it will take twice as long.
Nsfw under here❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
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Doesn't matter your height or weight this man is throwin you around in the bedroom
His hands are surprisingly soft for how rugged he looks, he's obsessed with trailing them along your body, stares at you like you're artwork.
On one hand he wants to take his time, start at the bottom work his way up your body, kissing, licking and biting everywhere he could. He wants to tease you, taste you get drunk off your sent until you tug him away from your sex, then he'd slide his way up the sweet smile on his face not matching the debauchery he was about to commit.
On the other hand he wants to lay on the bed and have you sink onto his face so he can eat like the starved beast he is, any fears or insecurities about the ordeal fly out the window when you look down to see this titan of a man with tears beading his lashline, begging to eat your pussy, whining to just do it already and he could take it if you'd pleeeease just give it to em'
Feeder kink on max, it all starts when one day your hands are full and you innocently asked him to feed you, all was well and good until his finger lingered in your mouth a second too long, your tongue teasingly flicked the appendage as it retreated, now every time you're eating all he can think about is sitting you in his lap and feeding you. If he could he'd spend every meal with you cockwarming him and his fingers in your mouth.
Service Top? Service Top.
Can and will eat you out until you're a whining, blubbering, mess. More often than not you have to pull him by his hair to catch your breath, of course the light sting from your yanks would only spur him on,
"One more honey? C'mon good girl give it to me. I know you can baby- that's right ride my face." Absolute menace
Shower sex that leaves you feeling dirtier than when you went in
Definitely the type to talk you through it.
"There we go- that's it honey jus' let go f'me." He loves to moan in your ear and see the pretty way your face twists up, loud as hell too, it's a good thing he has a house cuz the man is a screamer.
Always makes you cum more than once, competitive bastard makes it a game between himself to see how many times you can unravel before you tap out.
Can you say Pussy drunk? He wants it as sloppy and messy as he can get. Eats you like its his last chance, i'm talking moaning into your skin, pulling your hips down to get you as close as possible, grinding himself against the bed while he thanks you for letting him have his favorite meal.
He's definitely came in your food before sorry
It's just so romantic to him!! The idea of being inside of you-even just a small piece, quells the possessive monster he keeps leashed. For now
Is willing to try anything you want in bed except hurting you, some choking? Sure, impact play? If you asked him real nicely, but anything like degradation he just can't make himself be mean to his baby!!
You could be mean to him though, there's a small genuine part of him that likes when you get a little rougher, he thinks he doesn't deserve you- any of you, so dig your nails in his skin, mark him with your teeth, show him who he belongs to.
Breeding kink breeding kink breeding kink- you get the picture.
If you indulge him once he'll never wanna cum anywhere else.
"Please baby-fuck, please lemme' cum inside please please fuck me fuck me yes- oh god m'gonna fill this pretty pussy so deep yes, yes- oh god baby girl feels. So. Fuckin. Good." He'd thrust as hard as he could at the end, his face scrunching up in the most blissful fucked out expression. Absolutely cried because of how good it felt.
All in all you give him an inch he'll give you eight
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linkemon · 2 months
Imponderabilia (Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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— Good morning, my lord! — [Reader] opened the door.
The view was the same as almost every day. The young lord was sitting in a navy blue, plush armchair and looking through the morning newspaper. He didn't take his eyes off it. He knew she would come. She was punctual. The same couldn't be said about the rest of the residence's staff.
— How are we feeling in the morning?
— Fine — Ciel replied quietly.
For him, it was an extremely elaborate statement. If Sebastian asked him about it, he usually told him to mind his own business. And when the other inhabitants of the estate did this, he preferred not to say anything because they began to get so happy that they would not leave him in peace for the rest of the day.
The girl grabbed the porcelain teapot and started making tea. The amber liquid sparkled in the decorated cup. The girl placed the saucer on a small table.
Phantomhive waited a moment to hear the sound of the door closing but to his surprise he didn't hear it. He looked at the maid. She stood with her back to him, leaning over the silver tray. When she started to turn away, he hid his head behind the printed pages, pretending to be reading.
A plate appeared next to him. An elegant plate full of cookies.
— It's too early for dessert — he said.
— Nonsense! — [Reader] rolled her eyes. — Sebastian is the one who keeps saying things like that. However, I think there is nothing wrong with sweets before dinner. Occasionally.
Ciel looked at the dessert. The baked goods looked average. Crispy, with chocolate pieces. However, their scent tickled his nostrils pleasantly. He felt his mouth water at the thought of tasting them.
— Did you make them today? — The question hung in the air, even though he knew the answer.
— I got up a little earlier. The lord had a hard day yesterday so I thought it would cheer him up. — She smiled.
The boy felt strange for a moment. He knew how much she had to do every day. She woke up long before him to take care of his house. In addition, she also had to correct the mistakes of Baldroy, Mey-Lin and Finnian. Tanaka wasn't that harmful but then again he wasn't very helpful either. Sebastian could arrange everything but she didn't like asking him for help. They tended to stay out of each other's way. Especially since the demon has been getting other tasks lately. Someone finally had to investigate in the queen's name.
And yet the maid denied herself the sleep to make these cookies for him. He felt a tightness somewhere around his heart but he decided to dismiss the ridiculous thought. Nobody cared about him. She did it because it was her job.
— You can take them. — His words were cold. So contrasting to how he felt inside.
— The lord won't eat even one? — She raised an eyebrow.
He shook his head.
For a moment the room was filled with silence. She was interrupted by footsteps. Suddenly, the newspaper paragraph was replaced by a girl's hand and a plate.
— Let's play a game. — That caught his attention. He became even more angry with himself. She knew him that well. — Please, taste them, my lord. If you don't like it, I'll leave the residence. Otherwise, I'll bake them whenever I want and you will always have to eat them.
— How do you know I won't lie? — He reached for the cookie.
— I'll take the risk. — The corner of her mouth turned up.
Ciel took a bite. He expected something extraordinary. Sophisticated taste. Secret spice. Amazing texture. None of these things! They were normal. As average as they looked.
As he took another bite, he had an epiphany. He was tricked like a little child. It wasn't about confectionery skills at all. He lost because he expected to fight on a completely different front than the one on which it actually took place.
— They're virulent — he growled.
— I knew it'll be like this. — Her smugness seemed to light up the entire room. For a moment he thought that she looked really nice in the bright light. The glow reflected in her eyes, reminding him of the radiant sun just outside the window. What was he even thinking about?
— Really? — He gritted his teeth.
— You like me too much to throw me out — she said.
She hit the nail on the head.
He felt a blush rising to his pale cheeks. For the first time in a long time, he was lost for words. Ever since she started working here, she had done and said things that made his heart beat faster. She was annoying. At the same time, he didn't want her to stop. He was stuck in a vicious circle and somehow he was in no hurry to change the whole situation. Yet he could fire her at any time.
He couldn't stand her smug expression as she headed towards the exit. He hated losing.
— Play chess with me.
— Chess? — she asked.
— Yes. How many times do I have to repeat? — he sighed irritably.
He placed the pieces in the starting position. If she thought she could just leave after all this, she was sorely mistaken.
[Reader] sat down hesitantly in the chair in front of him. He was pleased to see her slight confusion. She didn't expect this.
The game was going his way. However, he had to admit that his opponent was quite a challenge. The girl thought logically much better than he expected. Once she even managed to trap him in a bad situation. It took him a few moves to realize the trap. However, he managed to recover and was on the way to victory.
Chess was much simpler than life. They had clear and explicit rules. They rewarded the better and punished the worse. Only those who deserved it felt the taste of defeat. Completely different than in reality. A place where nothing was black and white, only shades of gray. Just like their strange relationship.
He moved the knight.
— [Readerrr]! — The door to the room opened with a bang.
Mei-Lin ran through the doorway. Red hair flowed behind her as she crossed the distance between them. Her glasses fell off her nose. She hurriedly picked them up from the floor. Even the carpet couldn't save them. One glass cracked, creating an ugly spiderweb on the surface.
— Oh my, my, my!
— What is it this time? — You could hear the tiredness in [Reader's] voice. The head of the Phantomhive family had no doubt that she had been through this hundreds of times, just as he had before Sebastian showed up. — Garden?  — She got a shake of her head. — Living room? — Same answer again. — So the kitchen… — [Reader] said. She didn't have to look at her co-worker to know she had nailed it. — It was very nice to play... — She was about to get up when the young master's hand gesture stopped her.
— We're not done yet — Ciel said.
— Ah, but... the kitchen! — Mei-Lin said.
— Find Sebastian. He will take care of it. — The lord moved his rook, thus indicating that he considered the conversation to be over.
— But I don't know where he is — the maid whined helplessly.
Phantomhive took a deep breath. Sometimes he really wondered why he kept all these people here. Maybe he should hire someone new?  He exhaled slowly through his nose.
— You worked with him in the living room today, so start in the living room. And if it's not there, keep looking until you find it. Have I made myself clear?
— Y-yes, of course! — The woman ran out, stumbling.
Maybe he was doing something stupid. After all, the kitchen was on fire. He shook his head slightly. Everything in the mansion burned down at least once a week, so it didn't really matter. Besides, why did he have his one hell of butler?
Ciel looked around the board, studying his options. It was basically a formality now but he still waited for her next move. However, only soft snoring answered him. He looked up from the black and white board. [Reader] rested her head against the plush headrest of the chair. Closed eyes and a steadily rising chest could only mean one thing. She fell asleep. How did sleep overwhelm her so quickly?  He had no idea. She must have been really tired. She had been helping him with his documents at night for the last week. However, he didn't think it would bother her so much.
He almost woke her up but then stopped himself. He brushed away a strand of hair that had escaped from her updo, then reached for the blanket lying on the backrest and covered the girl with it.
— Maybe I really like you too much...
He quietly moved towards the door and closed it.
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scoutsbabygirl · 10 months
I would like to see headcanons from you about how your favorite mercenaries realize that they fall in love with the reader :333
my first request! hi my little meow meow! i wrote for all the mercs bc why not?! fluff below the cut! also written in headcannon form! idk how to write for soldier (i just don't see the appeal)
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-why did ms. pauling have to be lesbian???
-when you came along he was immediately drawn to you, maybe it was because you were new and young
-he's way too cocky around you and acts like he doesn't care about you
-after a stern talking to by spy, jeremy decides to ask you out
-other than sports, jeremy loves to paint and draw and is surprisingly good at it. he asks you to make some art with him and of course he draws you
-this melts your heart and you've fallen for him. he's just waiting for the right time to confess and ask you to be his
-man has zhanna
-hearing you say "you're all good! no worries!" after he lights the hem of you shirt, almost burning you alive. he feels a spark...literally
-pyro slinks around you where ever you may be. in the kitchen baking? pyros throwing flour all over the kitchen. working out? pyros cheering you on. got some spare time? pyros got some crayons, colored pencils and a bunch of coloring books
-spending time with a masked man that the team fears has him drawn to you. the mercs warned you about him, you never felt intimated by pyro yet understood yet you could understand why he was treated differently
-if you're ever sad he will give you the best comfort. he's never shown himself to the mercs but once he sees you cry the mask is coming off and expect kisses to be planted over you
-its a very intimate moment and he just admits it then. he's never had anyone love him back, he's always been depicted as a monster.
- won't approach you first. he waits for you to make a move. he knows his size is intimidating in itself and doesn't want to scare you away.
-he's a gentle giant. he's very careful with his words and movements. he's so paranoid that you'll view him as something he's not on the inside.
- one night you cooked with him and he told you all about his life back home, showed you photos of his sisters and taught you basic russian (assuming you don't know any already)
-if you speak russian he'll be over the moon or if you use the simple russian he's taught you he loves you just a little bit more. he adores your accent when you stumble over certain pronunciation. he knows you're the one for him
-when he decides to confess he handwrites you a long poem with an russian to english translation on two separate pages. after he signs his name he writes that he won't bring this up unless you do
-please don't break his heart. he's so sensitive
- when he confesses he's drunk as fuck. he doesn't even remember when you bring it up the next day.
-is so embarrassed. he's hungover and groggy. he plays it off by acting defensive. "i was just drunk! i meant nothing by it!"
-in the inside he's freaking out. he wanted to plan it out. it's only been 7 or 8 months since you've been at teufort but he fell so quick for you.
-3am outside pointing at the constellations, telling you about old celtic, scottish myths and folklore, shit talking the other mercs, and an accidental kiss on the lips he caught feeling for you right then and there.
- he's willing to give up scrumpy just to have you reciprocate the same feelings for him. 🤞
-lord, he used so many pet names with you; "check this out, sweet pea", "you look beautiful, darling", "i made pancakes, you want any hon?"
-he knows his voice with a combination of his pet names do something to you. he loves when you call him those names back!
-compliment his cooking! bbq is his specialty! he'll gladly eat up anything you make. hungry boi :3
-he loves when you spend time with him in his workshop, working on his little metal trinkets warms his soul. he tries to teach you about the intricate parts of engineering. it's okay if you don't understand, he's more than willing to break it down for you and teach you a bite-sized version quantum mechanics
-friday night. a few beers in. a lot of work finished. "(y/n), i know i'm a bit older and dusty at the whole romance thing but" he pauses "you ain't seeing anyone right now, are you?"
-he either falls in love with you the second he lays his eyes on you or it takes many, many months for him to catch feelings for you. regardless, of how long the process takes his love for you becomes an obsession.
-you begin lingering around his office, inquiring about his tools and weapons. he finds it very interesting that you're not startled by him and his... unethical ways of "doctor assisted suicide"
-internal battles with his conscience. does he want to rip your organs out and shove them in the wrong places? he wants to slice your arteries one by one. yes, he wants to cut your jugular and see how much you bleed before dying. alas, he won't. you're too beautiful to be cut up into pieces. he doesn't want you to die by his hands, he doesn't know what he would do with himself.
-"guten morgen, wie gehts?!" has him weak. just a simple phrase you've rehearsed a few times. you though he would appreciate you taking time out of your day to learn his native tongue. he thinks this is your way of flirting with it (and perhaps it is).
-occasionally he'll call you into his office, not for a checkup by any means but rather just to chat (on company time). he removes the gloves and runs his hands over the scars on your face and neck. "schätzelein, i have been feeling some way for a while."
-he is such a cunt. he's so rude and bitchy to you. his attitude causes you to avoid contact with mick at all costs and he avoids you like the plague. he spends a lot of time in his van anyways so staying away from you isn't too hard.
-seeing you hurt breaks his heart. he decides to visit you in medbay after your broke your arm. the baboo uterus experiment procedure wasn't finished by the time you got hurt. you notice how out of character it is but appreciate it regardless. he brings you a little necklace made with animal teeth (him making jewerly with animal bones is the most canon-noncanon headcanon.)
-after you get a cast you ask him to sign it. next to his name he writes a little heart. then scribbles it out. and draws a skull underneath it.
-butterflies in his stomach when he lays eyes on you. he hates that he's gotten feelings for you. you're his teammate, not his partner. not yet atleast. no? why is he thinking like this.
-it's obvious that mick is touch starved of attention, he want to be validated and appreciated. he's also getting shit from his teammates so when you begin to stand up for him and complimenting him he looses his mind.
"scout, you're being mean. no wonder you have no dad, i would leave too. " "he's not ugly at all. you're old and its evident enough in those wrinkles of yours."
-oh god. who knew a petite little thing like you could spit venom. he wants to tell you how he feels so badly but he doesn't want to loose you as a friend.
-he'll flirt with you before even developing feelings for you. always trying to court you, inviting you over at late hours. he just wants to get laid tbh.
-you're playing hard to get. it excites him a bit but he's much older now so if anything he's annoyed that you won't sleep with him. he tries being more romantic and pushes idea the idea of getting with you sexually and takes a different approach.
-smoking on his red velvet couch until the sun begins to rise, sharing cigs together. he has a small stash of weed (he stole it from scout) but coughs when he smokes it, earning a plethora of giggles from you. now he's smiling and laughing with you despite his lungs being filled with smoke.
-stacks of guy de maupassant on his table near the red couch, he reads the love poems to you and translates it to you. please snuggle up into his chest and try to read the french words yourself. your pronunciation is horrible and your accent is awful. you sound so cute yet so pathetic at the same time.
-he tries to keep his feelings hidden for as long as he can. of course, it slips out. he's stopped wearing the balaclava when around you (and only you, even his own son doesn't know what he truly looks like) so the bright red blush is evident on his face. he tries taking back what he said but there's no use as your already face first into his chest.
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roseofdarknessblog · 7 months
Taking chances (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 4 540
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: A year after the Rumbling, Levi finally has the chance to open the tea shop he always wanted. But due to his lasting health issues, he doesn't think it's a good idea.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Taking chances
„Thank you so much, have a lovely day,“ you said and smiled at the elder lady, who handed you a piece of cheese wrapped in brown waxed paper. She already knew both you and Levi because her amazing selection of cheeses made you come back to her little stall every single time. „Here, you can cross off another item from the shopping list.“
„It's still ridiculously long,“ Levi muttered, taking the cheese from your hands and putting it in your favorite wicker basket you loved taking to the farmers market. When he came with you, he always kept it in his lap while your shopping list was in his hand with a pencil he used to check off the things you've already bought. „Do we really need all of this?“
„How do you expect me to cook if we don't have food at home?“ you teased him lovingly, before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. When he was sitting in his wheelchair, he simply had to put up with this cute little habit of yours.
While he wasn't a huge fan of PDA, you loved showing him love and affection anytime and anywhere. But only if it didn't make him feel too uncomfortable. After all, with a husband so handsome and charming, you simply couldn't help it. You wanted the whole world to know just how much you loved him.
Even more, because he didn't think of himself as handsome and charming.
„Right, you need lots of things because you keep messing up,“ he teased you, looking over his shoulder to see your reaction.
„Oh, stop that! I'm getting better at cooking and baking. Just ask Onyankopon, he's very proud of my progress.“
During your life in the Survey Corps, you never had time to learn your way around the kitchen. Cooking and baking were foreign territory to you, so now you had to learn almost everything. All you could do by yourself were the most basic things. But Onyankopon was so nice that he agreed to teach you. While on Paradis, he never mentioned just how great of a cook he was, so it was a huge surprise for both you and Levi.
He used to come over whenever he had some time, commanding you around in your small kitchen. With all the patience in the world, he explained everything and helped you prepare many delicious sweet, and savory dishes. The bad thing was, that they almost always turned out good solely when he was there. When you tried doing some of them alone... the kitchen ended up looking like a battlefield and the food was questionable.
„And hey, if you don't like my cooking, how about you take over? I'll gladly stand by and comment on everything like you always do it to me.“
„Not that I would be standing around...“
You chuckled when he tilted his head back and looked at you. It was such a shitty thing to say, that only Levi would do it and make fun of himself. And to be honest, he didn't do it often. Only on very rare occasions, which came once in a blue moon.
„The point is, I'm making progress. Soon I'll be the better cook of the two of us.“
„Yeah, only in your dreams. Learning how to prepare tea the way I like it took you almost two decades,“ he scoffed.
Sometimes it really made you upset. The fact, that your husband, who was missing an eye, two fingers and had trouble standing or walking without aid, was a better cook than you. It seemed that he knew his way around the kitchen naturally, while you felt like a fish on the shore – disoriented and full of panic. While Levi handled everything with grace, you were a walking disaster.
„The funny thing is that you hated cooking in the past. In the Underground... you hated that shitty little kitchen we had.“
He nodded slowly. „That's why Furlan was the one in charge.“
You smiled upon hearing his name. It's been so many years since he, Isabel, Levi and you lived together under the Capital of Paradis. Despite that, you still remembered the day the three of them left and you stayed behind. It took Levi almost a year until he came back for you – after Furlan and Isabel passed away during their first expedition beyond the Walls. Since then, it was only you and Levi. Through thick and thin, leading the Survey Corps by Erwin and Hange's side, and surviving the Rumbling, which wiped out 80% of the population.
It was a true miracle, that you two were still alive and now living a completely different life after so many years of fighting for the sake of humanity.
The Rumbling happened more than a year ago and since then... well, countless things changed. For the better and for the worse. Leaving Paradis behind, managing Levi's health, getting used to so many new things in the outside world, getting engaged and married just half a year later... Too many things were completely different from a year ago.
Both of you were still suffering and recovering at the same time. While you only mentally, Levi was still dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort. On top of all the mental health issues, he had to face himself as well. Nightmares kept coming and going for the both of you, while your own anxiety was sometimes threatening to suffocate you. Although it wasn't as bad as before, when you weren't even able to walk down the street due to the fear of the new place and people, you were still having a hard time with many things.
Healing was simply taking... too much time. At least that's how you saw it. Yes, you got to survive and have a future, but this still wasn't the life you so desperately wanted. Not for you and not for Levi. His disabilities... hurt you in a way you had no idea you could hurt. Ever. It was a brand new kind of pain you didn't know even existed before. It was coming from your own inability to help him be the man he was before. The man he wanted to be again.
„You okay?“ Levi asked after a long moment of silence, as you were making your way through the farmers market of the little seaside town you were living in now. Early Wednesday mornings were the best time to come – many great deals that would be available throughout the whole day, but still just a few people.
Everything looked very pretty and calming in the soft morning lights. All the colors of everything you laid your eyes on. The sellers were nice and friendly, many of them already knowing who you and Levi were. Some of them liked to chat with you a little every time you came here, others simply said hello and gave you a bright smile. It looked like... it looked like they were truly grateful, that thanks to you and your comrades, they still have all of this – their homes, jobs, families, friends, and their lives.
But despite being grateful and happy, that you found such a nice place to live, sometimes it got too much. All the noises from the people, who were watching you and who knew your identity. Sometimes... it simply didn't feel right to you.
Forcing your lungs to take a long and deep breath was suddenly too hard. You could feel the familiar uneasiness rise inside your chest, making it feel uncomfortably tight. „Yeah, yeah... just got a little lost in my thoughts. I'm fine.“
„Don't go down the rabbit hole again.“ You nodded even if Levi couldn't see you. He was right, tho. Getting drowned in your own memories and worries would only end up in falling back into depression once again. And avoiding that was your main goal every single day. You didn't spend so many years fighting to be killed by your own mind when the war was finally over. „Focus on what we need to get next,“ he said in a calm tone. „Breathe and try to stay in this moment with me.“
You tried taking a deep breath again, succeeding this time, as you continued walking forward, pushing Levi's wheelchair in front of you. For a moment, you stopped looking around and kept your eyes on the top of his head in front of you, focusing on breathing as calmly as possible. „Okay, what else do we need? You have the shopping list.“ Keeping your body busy and mind distracted by the truly important things was the key. Your past didn't need you, but the present moment did. And with it, Levi needed you as well.
And after all... nothing was happening at that moment. Nothing. Everything was completely okay. You were safe, had your husband close and together you were doing one of the most mundane tasks of an ordinary life. All you had to do, was keep yourself grounded and slow down your racing heart, that was freaking out for no logical reason.
Levi looked at you for a moment and after you gave him a reassuring smile, he started reading all the things you wanted to buy – onions, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, rice, bread, eggs, apples, and cherries. You nodded at every word he said, slowly letting go of your memories once again and focusing on shopping.
You kept your mind busy by looking at the different stalls once again, taking in every little detail that caught your eye. All the vegetables, fruits, spices, and many more things needed for the kitchen, or other parts of the household. You focused on how the sellers arranged their products, on the prices written on little blackboards, or on the fresh flower decorations some of them had put on. You took in the whole atmosphere of the market, letting it pull you back into reality.
Within the next hour, you got everything you needed and also a little something that was not part of your shopping list. You simply couldn't say no to a couple of incredibly smelling herb bars of soap and to a nice straw hat with a yellow ribbon. Your last stop was a little stall, where a young man was selling different kinds of teas or homemade fruit juices. Without a doubt, this stall was Levi's favorite and you had to make a stop every single time and get at least one thing. So by the time you were truly done shopping, the basket in Levi's lap was almost completely full.
„Ready to head back home? It's about time we eat some breakfast.“ your husband asked, while you were pushing his wheelchair away from the farmers market.
„Not quite yet,“ you said, smirking a little for yourself.
„What? Why not?“ He sounded a little annoyed, but when you didn't say anything else, he decided not to ask and simply trust you. The additional journey you were making was just a short one. Your surprise stop was just a few doors down the street you lived on.
When you stopped in front of a small and empty shop next to a toy store, which was very popular with all the kids in the town, Levi looked over his shoulder with furrowed brows. You smiled at him, squeezing his left shoulder lovingly.
„What the hell are you smiling about?“ he asked, placing his hand on top of yours, his warm skin coming in contact with the cold metal of your wedding band. It was simple but held so many beautiful memories. Your wedding was small, but all the more precious and simply perfect. The calm and warm atmosphere, that your closest friends helped to create, was exactly what you were looking for – on your wedding day and in your marriage as well.
„Onyankopon said, that there used to be a caffé. It closed down around the same time we moved here,“ you stood next to him and started explaining, your voice calm but with a tiny hint of excitement. „It's for sale now and it seems nobody is really interested.“
„And?“ Levi asked, still not understanding why you were telling him all this.
You took one last deep breath, fairly afraid to continue. „What if we bought it?“
He furrowed his brows even more, pulling his hand back and putting it around the basket in his lap. It seemed that he had a truly hard time finding the right words for your offer.
„Are you out of your mind? What the hell would we do with a place like this?“ he spoke finally, his voice surprisingly cold and flat.
„We could open that tea shop you always wanted,“ you said quietly, locking eyes with him, when he looked in your direction again, his hand once again finding yours. His confused expression seemed almost too cute. „I mean... we still have some money left and... well...“
„Spit it out!“ he commanded, his grip on your hand getting stronger.
„I went to the Town Hall and asked around about this place. They said that if we wanted to open our own business of any kind, the town would lend us money, to help us set everything up and actually start earning. Eventually, we'll have to pay it back, obviously.“
Despite this little risk, it still seemed like an amazing opportunity. You knew how much Levi wanted his own tea shop. It was his dream for many years and now it was finally close enough to grab and turn into reality.
„What do you think?“ you asked him when he didn't react to your previous words. Sadly, everything was written all over his face, which became blank and almost sad.
„I don't think it's a good idea, Y/N. Not when I'm like this,“ he said almost too quietly, letting go of your hand.
You immediately shook your head. „Hey, hey... listen, don't talk like that!“ Even if he tried his best to adjust to the new reality, you knew Levi was suffering every single day. He wasn't able to find peace with how things turned out for him. Not even after a whole year, was he truly content with his disabilities. Not after being active throughout his whole life and being known as Humanity's strongest soldier.
When it came to walking, he was able to do it – with the help of his cane or while you were holding one of his arms, to help him with stability. But bearing his own weight for a longer time was simply too much for his left knee. Walking and standing caused him excruciating pain almost every single time, so he really had no other option except to use his wheelchair.
That fact alone wasn't even what made him so angry. It was the reality of appearing weak and vulnerable. Something he was never used to. Not, when during your time with the Scouts he was always the one people relied on. He was a living and breathing legend everybody knew about – people from all branches of the military and civilians as well.
„We would manage. I know we would, darling,“ you said, interlocking your fingers again and lovingly kissing the top of his head. „We need something to do. Something that will give our lives a new meaning. Something that will keep us busy.“ Money was always needed, but it wasn't the main reason now. All you wanted, was something that would help you and Levi heal further. Something, that would help you find a new purpose.
Levi shook his head without looking at you. To be honest, you weren't expecting a reaction like this. Wide smiles and loud cheers weren't his thing either but.... you truly felt disappointed in the lack of interest he showed. The lack of will to turn his dream into reality.
„Levi, having a place like this has always been your dream and...“
„Enough, let's go home,“ he hissed through gritted teeth, looking down the almost empty street, which was illuminated by the warm sunlight. It looked like today was going to be another beautiful summer day.
„I said enough!“ he repeated himself a bit louder, his right hand, which was missing two fingers, curling into a fist. „Let's go home.“ You could hear the pain in the tone of his voice, but you did obey this time. With one last look at the empty shop, you took hold of his wheelchair once again and started walking towards your little apartment on the ground floor, which was just a few minutes away.
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The day went by rather quickly. Maybe because you spent half of it in the kitchen. You managed to prepare a pretty good pasta salad and your cherry pie also turned out edible. A little sour because of the cherries and the lack of sugar, but you liked it anyway. It was probably one of the best things you've ever baked.
„May I come in?“ you asked after knocking on the bedroom door. Levi spent the whole day inside, reading and trying to appear busy, so he didn't have to talk to you. He barely even said anything while you were eating together.
When he stayed quiet, you rested your forehead against the door with a silent sigh. Communication was the most important thing in every single relationship. Romantic or not. And while both you and Levi knew it, sometimes it was simply too hard to sit down and open up about what was troubling you.
„Darling...“ you said quietly, keeping your hand on the door handle. „I'm really sorry if I made you feel upset or angry with that idea. That wasn't my intention at all.“
Some days it was very hard to find the right words. Hurting him or making him feel sad was the last thing you wanted. That's why sometimes it was better to stay quiet and simply wait it out. Give him the space to grieve the past, present, and future.
„I'll go make something for dinner, then. What would you like?“ you asked after another moment of painful silence. It seemed, that backing down was the smartest move to do.
But just before you walked away, you heard Levi's voice from behind the door. He said your name quietly, maybe hoping that you had already left. That's why you waited for a second and only then slowly opened the door. You found your husband sitting on the edge of the bed, a closed book put down next to him.
„Can we talk?“ you asked, not sure about what was going through his head when he looked up at you. His face seemed much more tired than in the morning, even though last night was full of nightmares. For the both of you, unfortunately.
For the past few nights, you weren't able to escape one of the worst memories of your life – leaving Hange behind, while they held up Eren's Titans. Having Hange in your life felt almost natural since the very first day you spent aboveground. They were simply always there, for you and for others. Accepting their fate felt as if somebody was ripping your heart out of your chest, while you were screaming and begging them to stop torturing you.
„Look, I'm sorry about the way I reacted earlier,“ Levi said, gripping the edge of the bed with one of his hands. It almost seemed that looking up and into your eyes took all his energy. „I know you only meant well. You always do.“
With a loving smile on your lips, you came to sit down next to him. „I thought you would be excited at least a little bit,“ you admitted, very carefully inching your hand closer to his. Any kind of physical contact was a hit or miss in these kinds of situations so you always tried to be as careful as possible. „Did it scare you? The possibility of truly turning your dream into reality?“
„It made me feel upset... angry, even.“
He took a deep breath, searching for the best words to use so you would understand his inner conflict over this whole situation. „How am I supposed to run my own business like this?“ The way he looked over at his left leg broke your heart. The tone of his voice was so cold and angry. So disappointed.
„You know more than well, that I would have your back. It would be our responsibility, not solely yours, Levi,“ you tried explaining, while the tips of your fingers brushed against his skin. When he didn't pull his hand away, you very gently grabbed it. „I know it's difficult, I really do. I try to understand the best I can. And you know that I support you in everything. But... not now. You're going to regret it, if we don't buy that empty store and put in all the work, to make your dream come true.“
Levi closed his eyes with a heavy sigh, his body tiredly leaning against yours. He pulled his hand from your grip so he could wrap his arm around your waist to keep you close. Confused, you leaned your head against his, waiting for him to say or do something.
„I'm beyond blessed to have you by my side after all the shit we went through. Sometimes... I still think it's a dream. I think about how I'm going to wake up back in the Scout's HQ with your death report on my desk.“
„Levi...“ You felt a lump form in your throat upon hearing his broken voice. You had a few close calls with death, but you always pulled through, thankfully.
„And when I finally realize, that we made it out of that hell alive, I feel like... like I'm not allowed to ask or wish for anything else.“ His grip around your waist tightened a little, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. „I have you, we're married and we have a fairly nice roof over our heads. Why should I ask for anything else?“
You swallowed hard, battling with your emotions, as your right hand started rubbing his back comfortingly. „Because you can. And you really should, you deserve it. Every good thing this world has to offer because you were the one, who sacrificed the most to save humanity.“
„No, you don't get it...“
„I think I do,“ you interrupted him. „And I don't agree with you. Most people in your place would be selfish and take everything that was offered to them. Every single thing, without thinking about it for more than a few seconds. They would take every chance to do something for themselves to feel good and happy. To put their wants and dreams before everything else.“
„I'm not most people.“
„I know, but I think that right now, you should try being like them. For this one thing, you always wanted so much.“ You could tell he didn't like the tone in which you were talking to him, but you kept on going. All you wanted, was for him to be happy and have everything he ever wanted. Absolutely everything. „If you're scared about looking selfish or anything similar, you don't have to. I want this too, Levi. For us. Owning and running such a place will help us heal even more and that's what we want, right?“
When he took a deep breath but didn't actually say anything, you knew you hit a very sensitive spot. Unfortunately, this was how healing looked like for you and Levi. Constantly getting uncomfortable and being forced to face your darkest and most painful emotions and thoughts. Admitting, that you simply weren't the same people as last year. Accepting, that this was your reality, your life.
„I know it hurts, Levi. I know it, I see the suffering in your eyes every single day, even if I sometimes don't say anything. But if we don't force ourselves to...“
„I can't fucking walk!“ he screamed out, putting all of his anger and frustration into those four words. You could feel his whole body shake a little, while he was still leaning against you, his breathing becoming a bit heavier.
„I know,“ you said almost inaudibly, your hand traveling from his back to the back of his head. While you could feel your eyes filling up with tears, you tried staying as calm as possible, letting your fingers run through his silky soft hair.
What broke your will to stay strong, was when you noticed that Levi was crying. Tears were running down his cheeks, his lips pressed into a thin line so as to not let out a single sound. Since the Rumbling, you have seen and heard him cry more times than throughout your entire time together. And despite that, you still felt unimaginable pain, when tears rolled down his cheeks again.
„We promised each other that we'll be happy,“ you said after a minute, pressing a kiss into his hair. „And opening that tea shop is one huge step closer to that happiness. It will work out, I know it will. I'm sure.“ No, you weren't. But you had to lie to yourself and him, to keep your true emotions in check. „You don't have to give me an answer right now, just promise me that you'll think about it.“
Very gently, you pulled away from him and held his face in your warm hands. Your thumbs wiped away every single tear, while you forced your lips to form a smile. Seeing him so broken and sad was the worst possible punishment for a loving wife like you. For someone, who was with Levi since before he joined the Scouts. He suffered a horrible amount of pain throughout the years, and yet nothing broke him like this. Nothing left him feeling so powerless.
„You are still you, Levi,“ you whispered, pressing your lips to his forehead. Keeping your own tears from rolling down your cheeks was becoming harder and harder, almost impossible by the time you pulled away. „And I really hope you'll let yourself be truly happy one day.“
„Nothing will ever make me happier than having you by my side,“ he said, when you wiped away the last of his tears, before leaning in for a sweet long kiss. Your foreheads ended up resting against each other, as Levi kept his eyes closed, focusing on calming down his own emotions, taking slow deep breaths alongside you. „Thank you for giving me this opportunity.“
„You know I'll do anything for you. Anything.“ In the past, you killed for this man. You killed Titans and humans to keep him alive. And if it came down to it, you would do it again. Without any hesitation.
When silence fell over the bedroom, you knew the discussion was over. At least for today. When Levi wrapped his arms around you and when he hid his face in the crook of your neck, you finally let some of your tears fall. Holding him tight as he started crying silently once again, you hoped with your whole heart, that today was another step forward and closer to happiness.
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stevesjockstrap · 2 months
It’s Inertia
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Steve/Eddie • Rated M • No UD, childhood friends, idiots to lovers, misunderstandings, pining • cw: underaged drinking and some fooling around • read on ao3
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@stcreators event 5: tropes
@steddiesongfics Inertia - AJR
A box on my bingo square c/o @lucassinclaer
“Promise we’ll be best buds forever?”
Steve looked up from the mud pie he was squishing in his hand, finding Eddie stationed at a fallen log to ‘bake’ their pies. They’d been playing together like this all summer, since Eddie had moved to town. He was a few years older than Steve but scrawnier, ‘gangly’ his mom would call it, so he looked younger than his age.
They’d quickly bonded over shared horror stories of their parents, both getting left home too young. Eddie’s stories had put a lot of his own to shame though. But now he was with his Uncle Wayne and he seemed to be doing better. Gaining weight and his eyes weren’t as sunken in as they were earlier in the summer.
“What do you mean? Of course we will.” Steve walked over to plop his pie into the line of them on the log. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
“School starts soon… and I don’t know anyone. We’ll be in different classes and stuff.” Steve watched as Eddie drew in on himself, making himself even smaller in his crouch by the log. Steve hated it. “Kids don’t usually like me. Even when I went before- I mean, I’ve always been the weird kid.”
“It’s Hawkins,” Steve shrugged. “Everyone’s weird. You’ll make friends. And even if you don’t, we’ll still hang out. We’re going to be best friends forever.” Steve felt better when Eddie’s shoulders dropped and he smiled at him. “Who else is going to make world famous pies with me?”
They laughed and Eddie wrote their initials into the mud pie he made, adorning it with leaves and rocks. Eddie put twig candles on it and they both pretended to blow them out, making wishes.
Steve closed his eyes, wishing hard that they would be best friends forever. He’d never had a friend like Eddie before.
“It’s just me.”
Steve started as cold hands pulled his blanket from him before relaxing, not even bothering to open his eyes. Eddie frequently scaled his trellis and crawled in his window, claiming nightmares or weird sounds in the trailer park were keeping him up.
If his parents were in town, in the mornings Eddie would quietly get ready with Steve and sneak to the front door and they’d both wait for the bus outside. More often, they got the run of the house, giggling at each other over burnt toast in the kitchen.
They got through middle school this way, Steve trying his best to look out for him at school but always seemed to turn the corner too late, Eddie’s nose bleeding or hunched over from a gut check. Eddie always waved him off afterwards.
“It is what it is, Stevie. Maybe a few more broken noses will make me pretty,” he joked as they walked to the trailer.
It was on the tip of his tongue to say that he already was, but he just laughed along instead.
“For I never saw true beauty til this night.”
Stepping backstage to a mild applause and a lot more snickering, Steve blinked into the darkness and came face to face with Eddie. He was clapping slowly but loudly with a teasing look on his face.
“Nice job, Romeo. All the practicing really paid off.” Eddie had jumped right into helping him prepare for this torture when Steve’s English teacher had suggested he perform the monologue at their eighth grade talent show to earn enough points to pass.
Steve rolled his eyes at him. “I missed an entire line. But thanks. You’re up.”
They exchanged a sardonic grin as Eddie shouldered his guitar and walked past him onto the brightly lit stage.
He was transfixed as he watched Eddie immediately take over the stage, singing and jumping around and meticulously hitting the chords. He’d similarly watched Eddie practice this song unendingly, but seeing it now live and in front of a crowd was astonishing.
The song came to an end and Steve clapped extra loud and whooped, earning a huge grin from his friend as he ran towards him for a hug.
He thought maybe Shakespeare had actually known a thing or two.
“Oh, oh!”
He was having a good dream. A very good dream. Then suddenly he was cold, and a hand was shaking his shoulder.
“Wha-? Eds?” He croaked.
“You, uh, it’s okay Steve. Um, I think I’m gunna go. I-it’s, uh, yeah-“
Steve shook his head and tried to reach out for him. They’d always slept all curled up together. It was fine. But once he was finally able to focus on Eddie’s face, he felt like he’d been dunked under in his freezing cold pool. He looked terrified.
“Hey, what?” Steve tried again, finally sitting up and realizing the issue. “Oh fuck,” he gasped.
“It’s fine, Steve. I-it’s normal and everything, you know. But,” Eddie blinked at him from practically across the room, jumping into his jeans. “I’ll see you later.”
He was gone before Steve would fully wake up.
He sat there glaring at his awkward boner until it finally went away. Eddie would probably never want to talk to him again. He pulled the pillow over his head and tried to force himself to go back to sleep.
His dream had been about sharp hip bones and dark curly hair.
“Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Tussling with Buns of Steel didn’t seem to go very well for you, huh?”
He moved the bag of ice he was holding to his face to peer through his good eye (well, better than the swollen shut one, but it was still pretty blurry) to find Eddie propped against the doorway. He had Steve’s pile of books and notebooks tucked under an arm. Eddie must have saved them from the hallway.
Steve sighed. “That’s what I get for sticking up for our kids, huh?” Billy always seemed to have a problem with Lucas and by extension the rest of the party, but now that Max had finally told him they were dating, he seemed to be even worse. Steve had finally had enough and thrown the first punch, but as Henderson usually reminded him, he didn’t win fights.
Eddie nodded shortly before coming over to help him stand. “Let’s ditch the rest of the day, man. You’ve earned it and you need a chauffeur.”
Back in his empty house, Eddie procured him some mystery pills to take (he hadn’t asked questions), and they cuddled up on the sofa.
As the pills started to kick in, his body started reacting to Eddie’s close proximity and the muscle memory of what seemed to keep happening when they got high or drunk together. It had started the first summer after Eddie hadn’t graduated on time. Just blowing off some steam and making his friend feel better. That’s all it was.
But now Eddie was sober, laughing lightly at the dumb movie they’d put on, rumbling Steve’s body with it since they were pressed so close.
Steve sunk his hand into Eddie’s hair and something in his chest relaxed when Eddie hummed at him and settled impossibly closer, laying his head on Steve’s chest.
Somehow their legs shifted and Eddie’s was between his. There was a small gasp from one of them before their mouths met and he had a lap full of Eddie.
He smiled into the kiss, feeling better than he had in a long while. Maybe since the last time he’d been drunk and this had happened.
Waking up on the couch the next morning, Eddie still wrapped around him, he realized he never felt this light or content with any of the girls he had fooled around with.
He mentally shrugged and made himself try to go back to sleep, it was probably just because he had known Eddie for so long.
“Chug chug chug!”
He finished shotgunning his beer and tossed the empty at Tommy who let it drop to the floor, laughing hysterically at him.
Steve had thrown a huge house party again because Eddie had told him he could charge everyone triple rates and he needed a new guitar.
But now as he watched him laugh and lean into Chrissy Cunningham from his perch in the dining room, Steve’s stomach clenched. He tried to blame it on the shit beer he’d just downed.
He spun at the sound of Eddie’s voice a while later, a zing going up his spine.
“I’m gunna, uh, take Chris home. Jason’s been all over her and she needs a ride. Sorry I can’t help clean up.”
Steve tried to make his face remain neutral. He knew that was Eddie’s covert way of saying he wasn’t coming back. Every other party he had thrown, Eddie stayed. He just nodded and Eddie sent him a wary smile.
Ignoring all the garbage and spilled cups, he lined up shots in his empty kitchen. Hopefully that would be enough to let him pass out so he could sleep in his big bed all alone tonight.
He tried not to let himself think about the real reason he’d thrown the party, or what Eddie and Chrissy were getting up to.
“Where are you gunna go?”
Eddie was packing. Decided today was it. Called Steve to come help. Steve’s throat hurt, like there was glass stuck it in. There must’ve been some in his chest, too.
“Probably Indy, maybe Chicago if the van will make it. I gotta get to a bigger city and start playing at bigger clubs, where someone important will actually hear. Could try to save up some money and record a demo.”
Steve knew Eddie’s dream of being a rockstar had been steadfast but unattainable in their small town. He knew that. But seeing it now, right in front of him like this was different.
“There’s nothing here for me.”
It felt like a physical punch to the gut and he almost sunk to the floor, instead allowing the doorframe to hold more of his weight as his knees threatened to give out. “Oh.”
They hadn’t been spending as much time together since Steve had graduated and Eddie hadn’t (again). Steve was dating Nancy, working at the dumb mall with his dumb ice cream outfit. Had met Robin and spent the summer irritating Eddie and Nancy with their dumb antics. But he still made sure Eddie was included, Robin and Nancy helping him with studying and essays. Steve hadn’t been able to get into college with his grades so he wasn’t a great candidate for that, but he was there for moral support.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded. Swallowing past the shard of glass in his throat and nodded, helped Eddie load the boxes and garbage bags into the van. They stopped for a quick tight hug before Eddie got in and drove away.
He didn’t let himself cry until he was alone in his bed.
“You’re really marrying her?”
The abrupt question sunk in his stomach like a heavy stone. Steve wasn’t sure who had told him. They’d stayed in touch over the years, Eddie sending postcards from his travels and calling when he could. Steve knew he spoke to the kids from time to time. It must’ve been one of them who spilled the beans.
“That’s the plan. She’s the niece of the Wallace Investments’ CEO. It’ll, um, open a lot of doors for me. And for dad’s businesses.” An ultimatum from his dad. It was the story he didn’t really want circulating, but it was the truth. He could never lie to Eddie about anything. Well, anything except for one big thing.
“You make it sound more like a business merger than a marriage,” Eddie scoffed.
“That’s because it pretty much is.”
Steve quickly changed the subject to his new album and a new tour starting. They exchanged some more small talk before someone was shouting at Eddie and he had to go.
“Good talking to you, Stevie. I’ll send you a postcard from the next place.” It sounded exactly like the write off Steve knew was coming sooner or later.
He brushed off the questions from his friends and new fiancée as he shut himself off the next few weeks, only breaking out of the fog to check his mailbox.
If his Corroded Coffin cassette got extra attention in his car for only his ears, that was neither here nor there.
“What the fuck?”
Steve looked around at all of his friends, then turned back to Robin when his eyes landed on Eddie across the room.
“This is an intervention, Steve. We’re all tired of you both moping. You’re staying in this room until you work it out-“
“Or you kill each other.” Dustin piped in. There were some muffled laughs from around the room.
“Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but yes. Sort out your shit, dinguses.”
Something she said finally processed in his brain. “Wait… both?” But no one was listening to him as they all filed out.
Jonathan and Jeff patted him on the shoulder as they passed.
Once they were alone, Eddie threw himself into a folding chair with a sigh.
“You didn’t send any postcards,” Steve found himself saying. Of all the things he wanted to say to Eddie now, he wasn’t sure why that had stung the most.
Eddie shrugged. “I couldn’t.”
Frowning, he approached him. “Why not?”
Eddie watched him sink into his own folding chair. He assumed they’d both been tricked into thinking this was just dinner. But they’d been lead back into this private room instead.
“I didn’t think you’d want me to, really. And I sort of fell into a pit of despair after you told me…” he swallowed hard like he couldn’t say the words.
Steve clenched his jaw. He couldn’t be upset over that. Really.
“It’s, um, off. You know, the wedding. The marriage. We, uh, I- I guess everyone involved sort of saw it wasn’t going to pan out.”
Eddie looked hopeful now, and Steve stopped to actually take in his appearance. He looked terrible. Big dark circles on the bags under his eyes. He was paler than he’d ever been and his hair somehow looked both greasier and drier than he’d ever seen it.
“It’s not happening. I think-“ he chuckled dryly. “Well, I sort of fell into my own pit of despair. And my dad and my fiancée let me off the hook.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s eyes were wild.
“You’re not getting married?” He asked like it meant everything.
Steve shook his head and suddenly Eddie was very close, standing between his legs with his hands on his shoulders.
“You’re not getting married?” Eddie repeated.
He cleared his throat, looking up into Eddie’s bewildered face. “No, Eds. I’m not getting married.”
They blinked at each other for a long moment before Eddie’s hands came up to cradle his head and he looked deep into his eyes for a moment.
“Can I kiss you?”
Steve gasped but nodded and before he could close his eyes, his mouth was overtaken by Eddie. Kissing him when they were both sober and after all the years spent apart was earth shaking.
Finally, when his brain caught up, he pulled back.
Eddie’s face closed off and he moved away so he was no longer touching him. Steve couldn’t have that, so he reached out for his belt loop and pulled him hard so he fell into his lap.
“Eds, I- I’m just, what is happening?”
Eddie took a deep breath before cupping his face again. “It’s you. It’s always been you for me. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize.”
“Forgiven,” Steve sighed before capturing his lips again.
He wasn’t going to let him go now that he finally had him.
“Well I think they figured it out,” Jeff quietly chuckled from the doorway.
“Thank fuck, they’ve been driving me more insane than usual.” Robin grinned at him. She held her hand up and Jeff high-fived her. “We make a great team. C’mon, you’re buying dinner for everyone, hot shot. And we’ll have to work out a visitation schedule, this doesn’t mean I get zero Steve time.”
Jeff rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but laugh as they walked back down the hall together. “You got it, Buckley.”
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Is it okay if i request how yan!twisted wonderland characters act on how to handle f! Yuu when she got her period and practically in pain, i woild be happy too if you can do the teachers and staff but platonic yandere but if you don't want to it's fine
(This idea just comes to mind while i was in pain in my period right now, also sorry if my english not good)
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Period Pain | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Riddle Rosehearts
“What could constitute that you have to lay around all day!?”
*Whimper* “Becasue the pain is actually unbearable…”
“Oh…I didn’t realize you were suffering. Ace, Deuce, why didn’t you offer to help them before!?”
“But we just found out!” 
“Quick, it is on the Queen’s orders that we care for our lov–I mean friends! Get them soup immediately!” 
His various studies done in his childhood will probably include the female anatomy at one point
But he’s never witnessed it until now
And learning what your like during this time not only is this an awesome learning opportunity 
(Which he’s telling if anyone asks)
But this is the perfect time to take care of you
And flex his husband bone a bit
Directing your friends and the students of Heartslabyul to help with various tasks you need to get done
He’s worried for you 
More than usual 
Treating it like a sickness if your debating if you should go to class
“I suggest that you take the day off! While I know more than anything that you don’t want to miss assignments but your health is of utmost importance.”
And if you do decide to stay
He’s checking on you after and in the middle of class 
Often asking for your ratings of pain
When it comes to more comfort he’s hesitant
Mostly because he’ll burn up in a blush the moment he makes contact with you
Don’t even think about if you show your slightly upset with someone
It's not even in your control but Sam just so happens to run out of your preferred pain medication
Face redder than your blood
you can usually count on the dormleader’s anger scaring who ever bought the last pack into offering it for free as long as he doesn’t burn the building down
At the end of the day he’s pleased that he can provide for you…
“In the future…Let it be known that you can call me at any time. It’d be concerning if I couldn’t do this..”
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Trey Clover
Probably informed by Ace complaining about your odd behavior he’s hurriedly rushing into action
Even though his sister is still young Trey is the type of guy to just know that this happens 
Showing up with your favorite treats specially baked by him
“Figured you were feeling a little under the weather–so I brought some of your favorites.”
He’s not going to invite everyone to help him out like Riddle
Taking into account your integrity and privacy 
He’ll keep it between the two of you
Heating pad, pain relief, tampons, pads he’s got it if he suspects you need it
Observing your behavior puts him ahead of everyone else
“It's alright (Y/n), you can rest on my shoulder. I’m sure its rough going through that by yourself.”  
He offers himself as someone you can confide in especially more than usual
Willing to be a bit bolder the more you rely on him
He’s willing to give you a massage or to rub your tummy while you doze off
It gives him so much more leeway than his typical…drugging scheme plans 
“There’s no need to worry (Y/n), I’ll be here for you the whole time.”
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Cater Diamond
“Whoa this is like the worst thing ever, for you I mean!” 
He gives you a hard time at first but ultimately he’s there to help
But don’t expect him not to document the whole thing
You can’t tell me Cater isn’t going to heavily allude on his socials that your dating
‘Going to buy painkillers for Pumpkin-bae’
If you at some point bring it up, he’ll just say that's a nickname he uses for you it doesn’t mean anything it does
He’s more than willing to rub your back and tummy 
But beware should you find yourself sleeping off the pain he’s taking so many pictures
With no regard to the fact that you just feel your worst 
he’s archiving and posting like this is Crewlchella
“Ah, isn't my babycakes the cutest!?”
Despite his willingness to share online all about you he’s hesitant to let the curious but helpful students in to help. 
When he does he’s secretly mulling with a smile on his face
But believe him when he finds a way to casually dismiss everyone
Being sure to be your sole confidant at one point or another
“Well well aren’t you miss popular? No worries you’ve got me all to yourself and I’m definitely made of boyfriend-material!” 
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Deuce Spade
“Oh? Oh. OHhhh!” 
Either you or one of his seniors is going to have to spell it out for him
And even when he gets it he still doesn’t understand
Acts like your bleeding out 
Trying desperately to stop the internal bleeding that isn’t happening
“I-I got you ice! I hope this will help. Its what my mom would give me when I was in pain.”
He doesn’t understand your mood swings but he’s going to back you up nonetheless
Yelling at someone randomly he’s either hopping on your rage train or just standing out of your way
He’s really confused but he wants to help 
And he’s willing to throw punches if it comes down to it
If you need something from him you’ll have to ask 
He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed
“I’m here to help (Y/n), just tell me what you need!” 
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Ace Trappola
“Uhhh that's gross!” 
“Sorry sorry, fine we’ll help you.” 
He’s willing to help if only to avoid your wrath  
He starts acting fussy when Deuce or anyone else gets asked to help
Or when you flash a thankful look at anyone but him
That's when he starts really putting in the work
And that is truly what gets him motivated to help
Bragging rights and something to hold over you head
But when its boiled down to it and you two were all alone
He’d sigh before offering to rub anywhere in particular
His hands may wander but for the most part he’s there for that insatiably warm feeling that burns his insides when you genuinely thank him
“H-hey y-you know you owe me right? Okay, okay fine, you don’t but at least let me do this…it’d be a pain if you came out of this and thought I was a jerk right?”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Don’t bleed all over my bed, herbivore!” 
He probably knows it's here before you do 
Groaning as he starts making preparations for you to keep laying in bed
Just because nature decided to beat you up doesn’t mean cuddling is going to stop
No no in fact it's going to increase because on the worse days your bed-ridden anyway
He’s hardly leaving your side but he’s not taking actual care of your needs
That's Ruggie’s job
But he’d be darned if he let your scent spur any of his students into insubordination
“She’s mine. If you really want to test that out I’m more than happy to leave you incapacitated for the rest of your life. Grr!”
He’s comforting in that he is a literal heater pack,
That holds you tight while wrapping his arms possessively around you
He makes a bigger deal of ‘hating’ it when your on your period
He doesn’t really care, blood isn’t going to stop him from having a good time~
He’s more annoyed with the fact that he has to relentlessly drown you in his scent so you don’t get unwanted trouble
He’s no doubt willing to personally bully whoever to get you your comfort foods 
“C’mon herbivore be grateful I thought of you on the way over.”
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Ruggie Bucci
“Eek! Already!?”
He does keep track though 
He includes you in his monthly budget
Prepared to satiate whatever you may need during this time
Especially some painkillers that will help you cart through the day without him
He’s a busy hyena
He typically won’t be able to drop everything for you
But no doubt when the moment arises he’s got groceries and anything you need
“Take it easy (Y/n), you’ll be more able to score more deals if you're actually not fighting cramps. So just rest.”
He’s really respectful 
And he may not have the luxury of staying over the whole time
But if not the night than the early morning
After all he has to take care of Leona 
“Geez you’d think I should pay for my services with how often I’m doing this.”
“But you already do…”
“Then where's my paycheck?”
“Uh you get yours in hugs and kisses?”
“...okay with interest, right?”
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Jack Howl
“I am prepared for this! Steel yourself (Y/n)! Hold out just a little bit longer.”
Once again may have picked up on it much sooner than you
Will be especially vigilant, fully taking the environment into account
He’s not going to scent you directly unless he outright asks
Otherwise major guard-dog energy
Such a cheerleader
He realizes there isn’t much he can do other than offer his body heat and general comfort
“So this is the true power of being a woman? Truly admirable!” 
He’s getting whatever you need by any and all means necessary
That's his job as your mate
He must be your protector, your provider
“Leave it to me (Y/n)! I’m here for you. As I’ll always be.” 
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Azul Ashengrotto
“I-i see uhm I’ll uh-help you with that. Contrary to belief I am prepared for this.”
He’s really not lying
Upping his own research about women and how to impress them 
Left him with a quite a lot of knowledge about the female anatomy
He’s fretting all throughout the day as he prepares a little care package
His anxiety is on an all time high as he debates if he should give this to Jade to deliver
But true to nature he’ll laugh and come up with some arbitrary excuse
Forcing Azul to do it himself 
Red in the face as he's stumbling over his words he’s truly not used to seeing you so vulnerable
But once he pushes down his initial embarrassment 
He’s more than happy to do whatever you wish because he likes being useful to you
“Hey Azul can you pass me–”
“The heating pad? Already have it.”
“Oh thanks!”
He does get a little concerned when others help more than him 
So he might just buy or threaten for whatever someone is bringing you so that he can officially hand it to you himself
“Just know I’m more than capable of doing this and so much more. S-so be at ease around me okay?”
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Jade Leech
”Oh my! Well I guess it is that time after all.”
Pretends this is a surprise when he finds you hunched over somewhere
He totally keeps track 
But he thinks it's amusing to see you struggle with handling your mood and dealing with the cramps
He’s helping all the while 
With front row seats to your most vulnerable moments
He’s enjoying it until he’s pulled away or you begin relying on everyone else
Working in the Monstro Lounge during your week of pain has him stinking up the place with his terrible mood
Bordering Floyd levels of strangulation encounters 
he’s relentlessly trying to burn off his explosive anger from being away from you during this time
Call him instinctually motivated but the moment he gets the chance he slinking back to your side
“Don’t stop me from going to them…otherwise I will stay…and see exactly how fragile your ribcage is.”
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Floyd Leech
“And you’ll just be laying around because of cramps? That sounds boring!”
He’s not much help in the realm of comfort 
Unless your yelling at him during a particularly intense pain cycle 
He’s not going to do anything
But he is in a bad mood
“My shrimpy won’t talk to me…They’re in such a bad mood…it puts me in a bad mood!”
Watch out without you there to maintain some semblance of balance he’s practically on a rampage
No one is safe
And in that mentality everyone is catering to you so you can entertain him for a short awhile
He won’t completely abandon you if you very seriously explain or your crying from the pain/frustration
“Shrimpy…you're really hurting aren’t you?”
Only for you
Only for you will he settle himself down to cuddle you 
Holding you tight against him 
No one will bear witness
And if they do they will wish they hadn’t
“It's not so boring laying with my shrimpy…and it certainly won’t be boring when you’re not breathing.”
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Jamil Viper
“I have just the recipe for this.”
He’s a caretaker 
Has been all his life so this is no hard feat
Although he’s not used to caring for a girl on her cycle 
he's still one of the best
He’s cooking for you, giving you a heating pad, massaging you if you’ll allow it
He’s more than willing after all you’ve done so much for him
Yes, he’ll have to juggle Kalim but he can handle that just fine
This is you and he actually doesn’t mind caring for you
Afterall it further proves how capable of a man he can be for you
“I’m here for you, (Y/n). Obviously It’d be most convenient if you just married me.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Oh my gosh are you bleeding!? We have to call the teachers!”
Jamil has to sit him down and explain it to him
And even then he still has a hard time grasping it
But he’s more than willing to drop everything to provide whatever help he can
Which is mostly just Jamil actually relieving your discomfort
His way of helping is just buying the highest products 
And then trying to somehow “Party up” your period
“Hey (Y/n)! Let’s try playing a game to distract from the pain!”
He’s really trying 
And even when you or Jamil kick him out for awhile 
He feels the pressure of how many others are successfully helping you 
And decides he needs to get better
Or at least have a better understanding
So he will ask you about your ailment
Lending a listening ear whenever you want to ramble, rant, or complain
“Tell me all of it (Y/n). I can’t ever get tired of you.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“Oh dear…well I guess it can’t be helped.”
He was aware that this time would come 
And while he’s not usually one to indulge in endless cuddling he will do it if only to satisfy you and him too
Already there with the best products 
Heating pads, painkillers, and whatever high quality products that will come on short notice
He is definitely verbally bullying who ever came to help
He might insist on putting make up on you if your not a fan of it
What are you going to do, when you’re busy curled up in pain
If you try to get him to go away or not see you because he is a supermodel celebrity
He’s shutting that down real quick
“Don’t think I’d let you rely on some potato when I’m the one who cares.”
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Rook Hunt
“Right on schedule madamoiselle!”
Totally kept track and if you didn’t come open the door he let himself in
He’s actually really amicable with anyone who wants to help 
Saying ‘it's a beautiful display of friendship and love for Madamesoile Trickster'
Comfort food? he’ll get it
Massage? He’ll do it
Pain Relief….the natural way? PLEASE LET HIM
“Blood is not deterrent for me, muya lyubov.”
You’ll have to get him to leave with how…unafraid he is with your blood
Need to insert a menstrual cup? He avidly volunteers
Have to change a pad? He’ll help you change into a new one
No? Fine. He’ll throw out the other one for you
It never even made it to the trash
He fully is able to get whatever size you prefer
You never told him
You really didn’t have to though
“Rest easy Madamemoiselle Trickster! I will happily take care of you with great pleasure for it is an honor to see your beauty uncontained!” 
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Epel Felmier
“I’m on it! Leave it to me!”
Doesn’t really understand but he’s here to help
While I’m not confident he’s going to really know what he’s doing
He’s trying with that determined look on his face
This actually makes him quite happy 
He can provide for you without having insane muscle mass
At least your mood can be a bit better when Epel concocting an apple tea that fills the space with such awesome smells
He’ll now start trying to keep track of it 
Showing up at your house hair pulled bag and care package filled to the brim
Hiding behind his determination to grow he’s absolutely ecstatic on the fact that you have to rely on him
“I..want to be really good at this, (Y/n)! So please let me help!” 
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Ortho Shroud
“I’ve scanned my archives and have deduced that this will be the most effective during your menstrual cycle.”
The moment you groan in pain he is on it
What kind of little brother would he be if he couldn’t do this at the very least
Portable heating pad, Massager, personal pharmacist
You name it he’s got it
After all as your future little brother it's only natural he help you with that stuff
“No worries (Y/n)-san, I’ll take care of you during this major happiness debuff!”
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Idia Shroud
“This is…the prophesied otome nightmare! The period!” 
He’s not coming near you for awhile 
This is uncharted territory for him and he’s debating if he wants to challenge that
He no doubt sent Ortho to help if you 
Now the question is does he end up making an appearance
On one hand he’s sure to build up on relationship points if he goes
But if he doesn’t go his rivals will no doubt up their statuses with his absence
He’d still be watching on all the cameras, so he’d know if they really were making any progress
But what about you? 
For the possibility that you look at him or thank him for helping
Even going so far as maybe leaning on him!?!?! 
Your touch alone could boost his morale significantly 
Not to mention sending him in an absolute frenzy
In the end he’ll stick it out…if only Ortho enters with him
“From my research, something that's helpful for dealing with pain is a distraction…so would you want to watch me play?”
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Malleus Draconia
“Child of man? Are you…dying?!”
He’s very confused and incredibly scared
Whether you're clutching your midsection in pain or having bled through your pants
He’s in hysterics
Weren’t you supposed to live longer!? 
He’s in a panic teleporting you to a teacher or the Diasomnia dorm 
Where he’s urgently informing Lilia and staff about your situation
If your not already crying from embarrassment he’s eventually told the reason why this is happening
“You’re not dying but you’re still in pain? How…peculiar of the human body to plague you in such a way.”
If your period was a person he would have brutally murdered them a long time ago
Sneering at the mention of it while your groaning about it
Don’t let him know about how to make it stop
Otherwise your going to have a hard time convincing him this isn’t worth getting you pregnant for
A good way to is to give him another way to help
Maybe removing the pain with pleasure?
“If this spares you the pain of that wretched cycle then I will give you everything you desire.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Ah, that time is here. Well then guess I should be making you my special recipe!”
“No, please! Anything but that!” 
He’s one who may not keep track but he’s able to notice the signs
You’re so vulnerable he can get away with so much!
Like every situation that involves you he is amusing himself
He’ll help you with remedies he’s experienced through his many travels
Providing exotic painkillers that magically transform all your pain into something alse
Uh oh! Now you have something else bothering you, oh what will you do?
“Oya you seem to be struggling. No worries! I’m more than prepared to help you with this pleasurable side effect. No worries, I'm no stranger to blood!”
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Silver Vanrouge
“Bleeding!?!?! Stand back! I need to put pressure on the wound!”
As soon as you get him to stop trying to put pressure on your…yeah
You’ll have to specifically explain the science behind your cycle 
Alas his support is immediately garnered
“Alright! Fath–Lilia said I could aid you in this endeavor. Saying it’d be a good experience for my future as a guard to Master Malleus.”
He’ll do all that he can with due diligence
And he’s more than happy to curl up to take your naps with you
But when all's said and done you’ll try and send him away
Keyword: “Try”
“Okay thanks for all your help Silver. Have a good night.”
“Are you heading to bed?”
“Alright then.”
“So you're not going to leave?”
“Of course not. My job is to guard you after all, I can’t possibly let you go through this on your own as your suitor”
“Oh oka–wait suitor?”
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Sebek Zigvolt
He’s alarmed 
He knows humans are fragile but to be bleeding so much with no prior warning
Your akin to glass
He’s ultimately going to ignore your reservations until your loudly explaining the science of your cycle to this man
Eventually he will so gracefully take it upon himself to provide his help to you
Doesn’t matter if you never asked he’s helping
You’re so much weaker than him it's natural that he expertly help
With no surprise to you he’s quite bad at this
Misusing your pads/tampons/other 
Throwing away your pain killers because they were ‘weak person’s crutch’
And overall just not making this a good time
So you’ll have to explain everything to him 
Every tool, every step has a meaning so if he wants to help he’s following your lead
And for you to be so stern and serious…
“I no doubt misjudged your expertise!! Show me your ways so that I may aid you in our future together!”
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Dire Crowley 
“Oh…uhm, right…what does that mean again?”
He’s trying…kinda
You need to ask him for permissions to deal with it anyway 
And it would be especially gracious of him to supply everything that you need
…so that you’re not bleeding everywhere
It’d be concerning if that were that the case 
So he’s totally following your lead with this one
Even though he’s not a fan of the fact so many of the students are swarming around you during this time
For all he knows you may need many people to help you deal with it
He really doesn’t like seeing you in pain so if you do at some point complain about it 
He’s frantically sending you home
“Whatever you need (Y/n). I’m so gracious I shall help you with your condition.”
“It's not a condition, it's a natural bodily function for me that just so happens to come every month.”
“E-every month?”
“Yes…don’t look at me like that! It is entirely normal and healthy!”
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Crewel Divus
“Do you have everything you need? I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam didn’t have that.” 
He’s on top of it like Donkey Kong 
Making sure you have everything you need 
The only problem is the various boys that are ‘willing to help’
“I should have had Jack install those removable boards on Ramshackle’s windows…now the unruly curs will slink in.”
He’s wordlessly setting some magical traps for those who want to reach Ramshackle
His puppy is vulnerable and they’re surrounded by a bunch of other pups that are much bigger and rougher
If anyone asks about you he’s misleading them so hard
“Stay away from (Y/n) pups especially this week!”
“Good boys. Now let’s continue working.”
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Mozus Trein 
“I see. How’s your pain tolerance? Will you still be able to attend class?”
Seasoned veteran right here
He’s not freaking out because he knows you probably know best
But if you couldn’t get something on campus or in the town he’s willing to do what he can
He’s mostly being the reasonable voice when everyone just doesn’t understand
Depending on your own situation he’ll give you a written list of remedies he’s followed
While silently sending Lucius to watch after you
And I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually joined Crewel in putting protections on Ramshackle 
“For once we’re in agreement. I doubt the students will be able to comprehend, let alone actually be of service to her.”
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Ashton Vargas
“What, why would that stop you from exercising? Don’t you know pushing through the pain is how you look like me!?”
“No no you don’t understand this pain is much different.”
“I fail to see why you should stop even still!”
“If you don’t get me off this field I’ll bleed all over it.”
“O-okay. To the nurse you go!” 
“Thank you.”
He’s not sympathetic because he doesn’t understand
And unless you phrase it as some type of training or exercise he will cheer you on
“Ace that period, (Y/n)!! You’ve got this!”
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“Well that’s why I just stocked up on it, just for you!”
Really the MVP when it comes to comfort
He likes to pretend he doesn’t need to but he definitely did research about it
He wasn’t about to turn his favorite baby sis-student away unsatisfied
He also knows your harem will probably come soon and he can’t wait to play matchmaker
“And here’s that (f/f) you ordered in advance and for you some (h/f). Happy eating or rather gifting.” 
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whitedemon-ladydeath · 8 months
for all intents and purposes Rhys + Cassian somehow died or Feyre divorced him and Cassian just disappeared off into the sunset with him idk. Feyre isn't high Lady, it was given to someone more qualified (and bec I want to keep her true to the wanting a quiet) and/or she didn't want rhe responsibility of taking care of an entire court by herself or whatever idc
Nesta, Elain, Feyre and Nyx all live in the Spring Court solely for the aesthetic of an English Countryside with sunshine and wildflowers in a big white house with plenty if room for all 4 of them
Mor spends years courting Elain and Eris + Azriel + Lucien (why not) spend years courting Nesta bec they're all Immortal and it's weird how SJM pairs immortals with each other in *checks notes* like a few months
Tamlin and Feyre actually communicate for once and settle the air between them and let their relationship, or rather lack thereof, be put to bed. They don't get back together, but they are civil and amiable with each other
Tamlin granted the sisters land in his court to do with as they please and he doesn't trespass and only shows up if he's been invited for some reason
Elain gardens to her content and bakes and provides homegrown veggies. Feyre paints and takes care of her baby and processes and heals and comes to term with how her relationship with Rhys wasn't healthy. Nesta reads, she has balls and events wiry the surrounding people but isn't forced to sell herself and can dance because she loves dancing
Eris and Lucien, in their process of Courting Nesta, get closer and mend their relationship as brothers. with Eris as HL, Lucien becomes emmessary and builds a lasting relationship between the Autumn Court and the Day Court
Mor and Az actually get over their shit and talk and put their whole thing to bed and build a healthier, lasting friendship that doesn't reek of resentment and unhealthy attachments
the end
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girliestwomaninstem · 8 months
introductory post (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*
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Hellooo <3 I've been on Tumblr for a few years now, however, lately I have become a bit of a slacker in terms of my student and professional life and a lot of y'all have inspired me to get a studyblr + accountability blog to help keep myself in check, focused and driven
🌻 about me ♡
name: tofu
age: 23
pronouns: she/her
zodiac: ⊙ aries, ☽ scorpio, ↑ scorpio
languages I speak: english, hindi, japanese (beginner)
🌻 my favourite subjects ♡
- academic: chemistry, cybersecurity, creative writing, biology, personal finance, physics, discrete math, intro to programming (the easiest part about a cs degree yet daunting)
- non-academic: cosmetic science, psychology, literature, ancient/modern history, physics, astronomy, linguistics
I'm trying to once again pick up hobbies that I used to have as a child, such as reading, singing, gardening, cooking/baking, scrapbooking
In my free time, I love watching asian soap operas, Studio Ghibli, and sitcoms that I'd like to call my comfort shows and video essays related to all my non-academic subject interests
I'm an undergrad student currently enrolled in a computer science/fintech double major and I'm preparing either to enter the workforce or pursue a masters in either quantitative finance or bioinformatics engineering or data science (wow, the existential crisis that came with typing up that sentence). I could also talk more about my interests in the above-mentioned subject areas, or new ones as they come up. My goal is to create a routine for myself that I can actually stick to, and spend each day having learnt at least something, no matter how small. I feel like the only way to achieve that is by comparing myself to my peers (I know that is v toxic but hey it helps). Additionally I really want to learn how to drive this year, learn to crochet and keep up with new technologies, do some art journalling to take my mind off stress.
I'm so excited to meet new people on here and keep myself busy and productive! ❤️
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marie-swriting · 8 months
Baking Therapy - Emily Prentiss
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Summary : Emily has a lot of things in mind but she can always count on you to notice it and make her feel better.
Warnings : set in season 12 so mention of Reid in prison, hurt/comfort, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 1.8k
French version
Song inspiration : Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift
Still in her office at the BAU, Emily finishes the paperwork about the last case with tiredness in her eyes. She fights the sleep off as best as she can to have the strength to go through Reid’s case once she’ll be over with this one. However, the fatigue takes over her body a bit more when she yawns loudly. Emily stops writing and closes her eyes while stretching, hoping to feel more awake. As soon as she thinks she is better, Emily takes her pen and resumes writing her sentence. When she finishes it, someone knocks on her door. Without looking up, she lets the person come in. Hearing Rossi’s voice, she draws her attention to her colleague. 
“You’re done ?”
“Almost. I just need to complete some passages.” she informs, pointing at the file.
“You’ll go home soon then.”
“No, I want to take a look at Reid’s file.”
Upon hearing Emily saying this, Rossi sighs before getting closer to her desk.
“Emily, it’s 9 P.M. I thought you were supposed to spend the night with Y/N.”
“I told her I’d come home late.” Emily specifies and Rossi gives her a look. “What ?”
“You should go home.”
“And I will. I just want to find something to help Reid first.”
“Look, I want the kid out of prison as much as you do but you won’t be of any help if you pass out on his file. Go home to your wife and get some rest. Like this, you’ll be able to work better.” David orders, putting his hand on her shoulder.
“Sure but-”
“No ‘but’. Trust me on that. Finish this file and go home.” he insists.
“I will.” Emily concedes, sighing.
“Have a good night Prentiss.”
“You too, Rossi.”
Once Rossi is gone, Emily doesn’t waste a second and gets back on her file. The last period on the paper, she glances at Reid’s file on her desk then at the picture of you two. She wants to listen to Rossi’s advice yet she wants to take advantage of every second to help her friend. However, when she yawns until her jaw drops, she has to accept the fact she needs to rest. Reluctantly, she turns off her lamp desk, takes her bags and leaves the building.
On the way home, Emily pays more attention to her driving, aware of her level of tiredness. Upon arriving at your place, Emily sighs in relief. In the elevator, she stretches her neck while checking her phone. As soon as she opens the door of your apartment, a smile makes its way on her face whilst she puts her bags on the ground. You’re in the kitchen humming the refrain of Eternal Flame by The Bangles, Emily goes to join you and as she gets closer to you, she finds you making fresh pasta. Emily wraps her arms around your waist and puts her chin on your shoulder. As soon as you feel her, you’re slightly startled then you turn your head towards her. You peck her lips and focus back to your pasta.
“You’re home early.”
“Rossi convinced me to leave.”
“Remind me to send him a text to thank him and to reprimand him, too. I wanted everything to be ready when you come home.” you explain, smiling.
“It’s okay. What is it that you’re making ?”
“Pasta alla carbonara alla Rossi.” you exclaim, trying to say it with an Italian accent. “I know, I mispronounced everything.” you add while Emily holds back a laughter.
“It was cute.” she affirms, kissing your cheek. “You need help ?”
“No, thanks, I love my kitchen too much.”
“Hey ! I’m not that bad.” Emily says, offended and she tickles you.
“You’ve improved, I have to admit.” you tell her whilst continuing to cut the pasta. “You have time to take a bath and put on some comfy clothes. Go !” you order and you push her toward the bathroom.
You’ve just finished cooking, when she reappears in the kitchen. Emily’s hair is in a bun and she wears leggings with one of your tee-shirts. She sits at the table and you put the food on the plates. At the same time you set the plates on the table, Emily pours you a glass of wine then another one for her.
Whilst you’re eating, Emily asks you about your day. You tell her about your class and some funny sentences your six-year-old pupils told you, she laughs at some of them. As you keep talking, you notice she does everything to avoid talking about her day, but you don’t say anything about it. You know Emily needs some time before explaining the horror she sees in the field. Guessing it was a pretty tough case, you distract her until the end of your meal.
Once you’ve cleared the table, you see on Emily’s face she won’t be sleeping, despite how tired she is. Her brain is working too much to allow her to rest. You give her a compassionate smile before taking her hand in yours. Emily smiles at this contact.
“You want to bake some muffins ?”
With your sentence, Emily understands what you’re insinuating : “you want to bake while we talk about what’s on your mind ?”
It’s a habit you’ve naturally picked on. The first time you did ‘baking therapy’, as Emily calls it, it was at the beginning of your relationship ; you had been dating for a month and that night, the case had been hard emotionally speaking. When she came home, she found you baking a strawberry charlotte. She helped you with it as much as she could while she was explaining what she was feeling. The baking moment ended up in tears though, Emily felt better afterwards. Therefore, it quickly became your tradition and currently, Emily needs a lot of ‘baking therapy’.
After taking all the ingredients, you start baking the muffins whilst Emily weighs what there is to weigh and hands them to you when you need it. At first, Emily stays silent, lost in her thoughts. You notice it right away because she doesn’t hear you the first time you ask her to give you the flour. You give her a few more minutes before asking the fateful question.
“You want to tell me what’s going on in your mind ?”
“I’d need more than some muffins to tell you everything that worries me.”
“Fortunately, we have a whole day off in common tomorrow. For once. It’s your last case, isn’t it ?”
“It was a tough one, yes. Everytime I think I’ve seen it all, a new UnSub proves me wrong. You know you’d think I’m used to it by now but it’s not the case. No matter how much I try to be emotionally distant, sometimes it’s complicated.” she admits with sad eyes while handing you the sugar and the baking powder.
“It’s not the only thing.” you add and Emily avoids your gaze for a second.
“I can’t stop thinking about Reid. We’ve been searching and still, we can’t find proof Scratch is behind all of it. If Spencer could remember what happened in that motel, it could probably help us. Besides, I can’t help but imagine Spencer in prison and how it must be complicated and it breaks my heart. He needs to get out of it and I have to admit I’ve been wondering if we’ll be able to do it this year.”
“You’ll find what you need to help him, Emily.” you affirm, putting your hand on the top of hers.
“I hope. Either way, I won’t be resting until he is with us again.”
“Em’, don’t forget to not overwork yourself.”
“He needs my help.” she steadfastly contradicts. “I should be doing more, I feel like I’m not doing enough.”
“It’s not true and deep down you know it. You’ve done everything you could and you and your team are still helping him. But Emily, you have to rest. You won’t be able to efficiently help him if you’re exhausted. I know you go through his file when you can’t sleep at night.” you confess and she looks at you, frowning. “The parquet floor creaks when you get out of bed.” you add, laughing lightly before mixing together your preparation. “Emily, I’m sure you’ll find a solution for Spencer. You’re the best BAU team, I don’t care if I’m not objective for saying this. The fact is, you will clear his name. I have faith in you guys. I have faith in you. And stop doubting your skills, you are a good Unit Chief.” you state looking her straight in the eyes. 
“You’ve known for too long.” Emily falsely complains while you beat the egg whites until stiff. 
“And knowing so many profilers helps too. I’m serious though, Em’. It’s true you have a lot of things to handle, the cases, the new responsibilities as Chief, Reid’s case with Scratch, it’s a lot of pressure and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed but do not think you don’t have the skills to deal with all of it. I know you and if there’s one person who can handle it, it’s you.”
“You always have the perfect words. Thank God, you’re here.” she smiles and she gives you the chocolates chips. “Without you I wouldn’t be able to feed myself properly.”
“Am I only useful for this ?” you question, faking being offended whilst you mix again.
“No, I couldn’t have dreamed of a better wife. With you, I can be vulnerable without feeling bad about it so thank you.” she says softly and kisses you.
Emily butters the tins then you fill them with the mix. You put the muffins in the oven while Emily sets the timer, not without stealing the rest of the preparation at the bottom of the bowl. You put the dishes in the dishwasher before sitting on the couch. Emily’s back is against your torso and your arms are around her body. You stay like this in silence, enjoying each other’s presence. Sometimes you whisper sweet nothings, wanting to make sure her mind is free from all the stress before falling asleep.
Once the timer rings, you tell Emily to go to bed whilst you take the muffins out of the oven. You let them cool down and go change in your pyjamas. As soon as you’re ready, you go to your room to ask Emily if she wants one muffin or two and when you see her fast asleep, you smile. You make sure every light is off and the main door is locked before making a detour to the kitchen. You take a small plate and put a muffin on it then you go find your wife in your bedroom. You set the plate on her night stand and lay next to her. As soon as you’re laying down, Emily’s arms find their way to your waist. You get closer to her, kiss the crown of her hair before closing your eyes, Emily’s regular breaths, lulling you to sleep. 
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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iheartchv · 4 months
Hi could I request a COD Matchup?
I’m half Italian and half Austrian, I speak Italian, German, English, Spanish, French and I’m a ENFP, my hopes are ballroom dancing (specifically Viennese waltz) and cooking/baking. I have brown hair and brown eyes with a curvy but realively muscular figure. I can make friendships with a lot of people and always try to be nice and it’s either because I’m a people pleaser or because k just don’t care if I embarrass myself.
Thank you in advance❤️❤️❤️
🤔I match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley💀
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You two are opposites, almost like soul mates
Ghost would be smitten with you...
Not straight away, though
He crossed paths with you many times during his times off duty
You had taken notice of Ghost every now and then; he wore the same balaclava and hoodie everytime
One time you bumped into him and apologized
Another time you gave him a small smile and a hello when he looked like something was bothering him
When he didn't reply or do anything you had thought him to be rude or a jerk
"Just trying to be friendly. You looked like you needed it..." you had said, not thinking he heard
Over some time, he studied you, watched you, trying to get to know you more
However he would avert his eyes if you happened to look his way
Soap would most likely be the one to get you and Ghost to talk, with you mostly doing the talking
He finds himself wanting to be around you
He'd make excuses to "See you for a moment" or "Have a word with you"
After having his private moment with you, Soap would tease him
Of course he'd be annoyed, but wouldn't let anyone know about his growing feelings for you
When he gets deployed, you'd tell him that you will be waiting for when he gets back
For what feels like months upon months, he thinks about you
He wonders if you're safe and sound...
When the mission is done, and he's back home, he goes to check on you
He's actually relieved that you are okay
He feels something inside him when you tell him that you worried about him the whole time he's been gone
"I sent a few texts to you but... I figured you would be sleeping or something when you didn't respond."
He had read your texts but didn't know what he could even reply back with
When you were sure that you really cared for Ghost, you told him how you felt
Secretly, he had cared for you, too
He's glad to finally tell you how he feels for you, too, and not question it anymore
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linkemon · 9 months
Valentine's Day 2023 headcanons 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Consider supporting me on Ko-fi.
Other headcanons from this series can be found here.
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Vil Schoenheit
• Valentine's Day with Vil was planned long before anyone else thought about it. At least on his part. That's why you were surprised how far in advance he discussed them with you. An actor's job requires him to anticipate many things in advance to be able to create a schedule.
• You were very excited about your trip to the spa. You were counting down the days until it arrived. That's why when Vil's manager announced over the phone that he had to show up to record a commercial on the day of his departure, you felt tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. Schoenheit just announced loudly that he had more important things to worry about and took your suitcase. You didn't think he'd leave his favourite potato alone, did you? You don't believe in him enough...
• Of course, a round after all beauty treatments was mandatory. Masks, massages and much more.
• Photos, photos and more photos. He has to make sure that his Magicam account doesn't die during your weekend trip. If you don't feel like being there, he will understand but he will still take a selfie with you and save it in his private gallery.
• You weren't entirely sure if he would like your gift. You bought a new tiara for him because the old one was very damaged and worn. You spent almost all of your savings at Sam's on it. One look at Vil was enough to let you know you'd found the right thing. He hasn't been separated from it since then.
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Riddle Rosehearts
• Rule 958 of the Queen of Hearts says that if you have a significant other, you should spend Valentine's Day with them. Riddle, of course, has read all of them and also intends to adapt to this particular one. But know that if it wasn't a rule, he would still spend the day with you.
• You knew perfectly well that you would spend Valentine's Day together, so you asked Trey in advance to teach you how to make a strawberry tart. On Valentine's Day, Riddle received a handmade and freshly baked cake from you.
• The picnic took up most of the day. You had to admit that the place by the small river was nice. You were even more happy that the boy took care of Grim during this time. Under the watchful eye of the people of Heartslabyul, there was no way he could make any mischief while you were gone.
• During the picnic, you found some hedgehogs that Ace was supposed to take care of. Apparently they escaped him. Riddle promised to refrain from using his special spell for your sake for the time being.
• He found the sight of you with the hedgehogs extremely cute. Especially your smile as you stroked them gently. This is his favourite memory from that day.
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Idia Shroud
• It would be bold to assume that Idia even remembers such a holiday. It's the first year of your relationship and everything was still new and fresh to him. The fact that he has a a significant other doesn't quite get to him.
• The fact that Cater accosted him when he had to leave the dormitory sent him into absolute panic. One of the most talkative people on campus making a survey? Double tragedy! The question was what he would do on Valentine's Day. He froze, trying to say anything. Luckily, you were nearby and saved him from trouble. He always knew his other half was the main character but now you showed off your best skills.
• When you left Cater, you said that if he wanted, you could have a game night at Ignihyde. He agreed to the proposal. At the same time, however, while eating dinner, he thought that he would like this night to be at least a little more special than usual.
• Shroud suppressed the overwhelming urge to send his brother to the school store for decorations. He went there himself. He kept telling himself the whole way that he was doing this for you. He ended up decorating his corner with hearts and laying out a ton of food. For a moment he had the urge to take it all off because it looked strangely out of place and actually in his head this idea was better. That's when you walked in, so he had no choice but to stand embarrassed in the middle of the room.
• You were really impressed that Idia managed to make such a gesture because you know he doesn't like such sweet things. Especially when you got it out of him that he had to go outside and did it for you. You were very happy and played until the morning, which made you late for class.
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auckie · 3 months
Ok no actually I wanna hear your Trader Joe’s opinions I’m really into the orange strawberry banana juice, the bruschetta sauce, the cranberry lime juice sparkling water and cinnamon schoolbook cookies
You and I agree on the CLSW (cranlime sparkling), haven’t tried the others but I’ll look into them. The normal lime one is also amazing on its own, as well as a mixer for both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. Summer must!
There’s so much shit I’m obsessed with, I’ll try and list the most important ones
English crumpets
Mango kefir
Brown sugar oat creamer
Chocolate oat milk
Simpler wines brand sparkling white canned wine
Chocolate babka
Brioche sliced bread
Danish Kringle
Pinks and whites shortbread cookies
Joe Joe’s gluten free classic Oreo knock off cookie
Madras lentils (boxed kind is good too)
Canned giant baked beans in tomato sauce
The non joes brand oat milk coffee and kombucha but you can get those anywhere
Their candles, two in one grapefruit mint hair wash (I despise two in one products but this one doesn’t foam and is more of a cleansing conditioner I use in between shampoo and regular conditionings), and many other non food items. I’ve bought their towels, seasonal decor (usually those felt garlands), face lotions and oils. Loved all of them. Usually I only restock on the lotion, hand soap, and lavender laundry bags. Their detergent is nice tho, and I’ve also gotten their wool laundry balls but you really only ever gotta buy them like once. They also usually have pretty cute cards at the checkout! I like their cheaper flowers too, but there’s also a lot of very cute seasonal items they carry that I just can’t justify buying bc of price (have you seen their felt sunflowers? So adorable)
Simpler times potato chips
Crispy Crunchy Champignon Mushroom Snack
Fruit leather bars
Dried orange rings
Lox (labeled as smoked salmon iirc)
Both their Tunisian and kalamata olive oil
Vodka sauce
Roasted red pepper and tomato canned soup
Canned vegetable soup
Gone bananas chocolate covered frozen bananas (gone berry crazy strawberries are good too but like a dollar or two more expensive)
Jasmine rice in the frozen isle
Lime popsicles
Steak and stout meat pie
Pastry Bites Feta Cheese & Caramelized Onions
Canned tuna*
*especially with the gluten free microwaveable mac n cheese (I’m not gluten free if you’ve noticed, I literally just prefer some of their gluten free products. Same with the oat milk. I’m not lactose free but I just really like it)
Most of the frozen wontons I’ve tried
Chimichurri rice (goes great with the aforementioned roasted red pepper box soup, and chopped onions, green peppers, and spinach cooked in a wok)
Chicken sausage
Butternut squash gnocchi, iirc the potato gnocchi is good too
Most of their dried pastas
Almond and chocolate filled frozen croissants
The bars of chocolate you find at the check out that come in packs of threes
The weird meat sticks at the checkout too
Frozen hashbrowns
For whatever reason, their frozen green beans and asparagus is so much better than other generic brands I’ve tried
Any of the canned olives but esp the kalamata
Sun dried tomatoes
The produce is okay, a little pricey but they had brown Mexican tomatoes once that fucked hard. The herbs trustworthy too but really where is it not
Any of their chocolate covered nuts
Their fucked up chocolate covered chips, sometimes found in their snack mixes
Peanut butter pretzel snacks
Their dried seaweed isn’t my fav, but it’s not bad. I think it’s overpriced tho but tbf I usually get huuuge, less flavored packs from Costco
Pine nuts but good Gd are they expensive
They have cute, weird heirloom hybrid squashes during the fall a lot too that are pretty tasty
Things I’ve gotten from there that I hated? I didn’t like their orange chicken, ANY of the cereals I’ve gotten from there oddly enough, their pecorino Romano only comes grated and mixed iirc and I didn’t care for it. Some of their beers have made me scowl but also those are all random brands. But their wine (yes, even SHAW. But shoutout to coco bon red blend and blue fin moscato RIP!) has never does me wrong…except for any other flavor of the simpler wines canned ones. I can only do the sparkling white and literally no else I've forced to drink it has liked it! some of their salads have done me wrong. the canned chickpeas and dolmas were off. and some of their pricy juice mixes left me a bit disappointed.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
🕷Power of Suggestion🕷
Eddie Munson x Reader, one shot 
5.3k words
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Summary: His seer dark eyes drag across the courtyard crowds, the preps, the band kids, the dweeby nerds. Like he’s searching for something amongst the bubbling crowds of many.
His eyes find their way to yours and it’s a clap of lightning that stuns and stings.
Because he smiles right at you
You see Eddie at school after he gives you a lift home. There’s definitely something you need to resolve. It’s mind over matter and there’s something you’re both after. 
“Trig is kicking my ass. I got a D on my last paper. I swear to god, Mr Taylor actually like fucking hates me.” Linda whines as she plucks another chip from your open packet in front of you. Flipping open her pink framed sunglasses. Purple bangles clack on her arm.
“Can’t help you there. I’m useless at trig.” You sighed in agreement as you reached for your fruit cup. Ripping off the lid.
“But maybe you shouldn’t keep blowing off his class to make-out with Jonny under the bleechers. Just an idea.” You point out. Picking over your fruit with the little fork.
“God, you sound like my mom.” She throws a splinter of a chip at your knee.
You grin. Pop the plastic straw of your juice box in your mouth. Clicks right between your teeth. Suck on it all smug.
“Glad one of us does.” You beamed. She huffed and set herself out on top of your table. Hitching her acid washed denim skirt up a little, and laying down so she could work on her tan.
Wiggling her off-the-shoulder pink top down her neckline even lower. Her legs dangling off the table, swaying as she laid there basking, like she was at the beach. And not on lunch break.
It’s one of those days in school where it’s all stuffy humidity and too bright buttery sunshine. The breeze block grey hallways inside stay cool, but outside the heat is vicing.
You decided to take your lunches outside for today. You’d found a spot on a table, swallowed in the shade of a pillar.
Linda was the opposite. Out there for the whole school to see. Skirt hitched up. Soaking up the rays. Which really said it all.
Where you sat you could both listen to the track team warm up for training on the field. Must be sweating bullets by now in this heat.
She didn’t want any lunch other than a diet soda. Watching her figure apparently.
She just bitched her usual, and picked off your plate. Stole your chips and still found the energy to give you a whole earful of shit about ditching her at the party.
She hadn’t shut up about it. In fact. She’d only just stopped scowling your direction.
As if she had every right to be pissed at you, and not the other way around. It made for a pretty tense pickup when you bounced your rusting yellow capri into her driveway this morning.
She stomped across her lawn and got into your passenger side with a grimace slapped on. You threw the keys at her head which she narrowly caught.
Where the ever living fuck were you? We were looking for these for over an hour.
You’d grinned.
Yeah, well. Turns out I had spontaneous plans too.
The resulting glare she gave you could’ve blistered skin.
As you let her steal more of your lunch, you flick idly though your English homework. Book report. Rereading it for the thousandth time, tapping your pencil against the table. You were pretty wired when you finished it last night. Too much coffee, you suspect. You want to check it doesn’t read too jittery.
Whistles blast from the field, cheering team mates and friends comes bubbling across from the bleachers. The air is all wet grass baked dry by sun.
A couple of Jocks who walk past your table wolf-whistle and make typical jeering comments seeing her tanned legs all laid out on the table top. Tiny skirt so far up her toned thighs.
She flips them the bird and they laugh all the more.
“Blow me, sweetheart.” One of them leers.
This causes her to huff and sit up. She rips her shades down and gives them her most scathing stare. Under her pretty packed blue eyeshadow and peachy pink blush heavy on her cheekbones, her eyes were set to her particular brand of pure ice-cold loathing.
“I don’t work with small equipment.” She grins all sickly at them. Heavy emphasis on her last word.
“Yeah we heard about that.” One of them smirks suggestively. They lumber away to the track field. Sniggering with each other.
“Those guys are such assholes.” She comments with a derisory sniff. Laying her head back down. Mushing her blonde curls.
“They’re wearing letterman jackets.” You state. As if that should speak for itself. Not looking up, keeping hunched over your lunch and your ever-mounting pile of homework.
She twists to turn around and look at you as she slips back on her glasses.
“We get it. You hate jocks.” She says like she’s bored of your well deserved hatred of them.
“Only ones that stand or breathe.” You glean sarcastically.
“You know, you shouldn’t be so picky. You’ve not exactly got guys lining up.” She slings one of her thoughtless jabs at you.
You’re used to them now. The acid slice of her insults land on your numbed ears.
“Because dating and boys has to be the most important mark of my personality?” You ask. Flicking through your book. Knowing full well her answer will be in the positives.
“You need to stop being so square and pop that cherry, babe. Trust me. Don’t wait til you’re in college.” She points her manicured finger at you. Like she’s handing out some sort of sage bullshit wisdom. Warning you off with a wag of her fierce fuchsia pink fingernail.
You might aswell sit and talk to the trash can against the far wall at this point. It might be a better listener.
“Thank you for that pearl of wisdom. But I’m still fine with having a jock-less existence.”
She giggles suddenly. It sounds completely evil. “Suit yourself. But Jonny does this thing with his fingers-”
“No! No, and no.” You wince. Talking over her. “Jesus Fucking Christ.”
You throw a balled up piece of spare paper at her head. It bounces off her forehead. She throws it back, offended. Sails it cleanly over your shoulder.
“What is even your type anyways? Science nerd? Someone from band?” She digs.
Hell no, you think to yourself.
“My ideal type of guy is, none of your business.” You turn a page and smudge out another typo.
“Come on. You do every piece of homework annoyingly on time, or you’re home alone, or in the record store working overtime with your hippy nut-bag of a boss. That’s all work and no play.” She points out. Tapping her toes where she lays.
You smile at her description of Sal. The eternally grouchy hippy-rocker who ran the store where you worked. He was a walking cliche in his leather trousers and a suede vest that drips fringe. Tie dyed bandanna fused to his head.
Proud owner of Nirvana Records. Scraping by on pennies cause kids came in for all that new wave poppy shit. The name of the business he interestingly plucked straight out of one of his acid trips in the 60’s. When he was selling t-shirts to score shrooms at Woodstock.
“Hey. I’m not always on my own or working. Don’t forget the terrible make out parties you drag me to kicking and screaming.” You add.
“Heaven forfend you actually kiss one guy before you’re a freshman in college. I’m just trying to shake some fun into you, babe.”
You bite back a smile chewing on the end of your pencil in a vain attempt to hide it.
You hadn’t told her about Eddie.
His big hearted act of chivalry taking you home, and the furtive doorstep kiss. You weren’t prepared for the screechy judgemental outcome that would be hurled your way like a category five hurricane if she knew.
Didn’t stop you thinking about him all night though.
Wrapped up in your bed, under your sheets. Still a little drunk, mind swirling along with the whirling distortion of your bedroom ceiling.
When you closed your eyes, you were tugged back to that moment alone on your lawn with him.
It was imperfectly perfect. The way it caught you off guard. His chapped lips. The thin film of sweat over you from the humid night. The way your hair felt just frizzy, and wrong and just, not you.
The goofy and very real unguarded stuff you’d been laughing about in his van. The flirty look he aimed your way when he held out his arm to you to get your number. That dazzling grin.
You were buzzed and there was this heady charge like crackling dry static between you. Had been since you stumbled across each other in Kyle’s garden. Like that hot chalky sky blooming over a dry prairie before lightning scrawled.
You couldn’t get those big beautiful puppy eyes out your head. The way he smiled so wide and pure across at you, with the streetlights threading a funky warm orange through his crazy hair.
The way his hands had felt with those rings on clutching your shoulder through your jacket to steady you, or holding your hand.
You kept wanting to reach up and touch your lips. Recalling that vivid skipping spark that lit you up like the Fourth of July - all fireworks and pops and zinging rockets - when you thought about every second of his sweet, brushed kiss.
How hard you burned when he kissed you right back.
You wondered what would happen if it got dirtier- you wanted to yank him close by his denim lapels and taste that cheap beer on the bed of his tongue.
Feel his hand across the back of your neck to clutch you in deeper. Sink your hands in that fluffy rioting hair. The soft of his tongue against your teeth. Make him groan and melt. Make him want to push you up flush against the side of his van and get frantic with it.
The thought of making out so dirty with Eddie made your thighs clench tight. Filthy messy kisses with too much spit and wandering hands. Greedy and breathless and gasping for more. Starving.
You blink back into life when you realise she’s still whining at you. The drone of her voice meets your ears once more.
“We all know you’re well on track to Indie State for Art like a proper little Miss goody-two-tits…“
You snort at her words.
“But seriously, live a little before you get sad and old, and your ass starts to sag.” She offers up.
“You should be a poetry major.” You tell her with thinly veiled amusement.
She knows you’re not going to take any of this venomous ‘advice’ seriously. But that doesn’t stop her from pestering you constantly with it. Hailing you with the jagged shrapnel of her opinions.
“You know I’m right.” She hummed at you. Satisfied with herself.
“Well. You better let me get back to my homework. I got a hot date at the library with my physics paper. Then I’m gonna go full academic recluse. Wear nothing but a ratty bath robe. Only exist on Slim Jim’s. Maybe get ten cats-“ You tease.
“You joke about it- but that could actually be your Friday night.” She mocks.
“Don’t call me when you’re a mad old art professor with greying frizzy hair and those ten cats. I’ll be in Monaco with one of those guys from Wham.” She dreams.
You roll your eyes and return to your work.
She returned to basking in the sun. Which really said it all.
“Oh, before I forget, can I copy your answers for that paper in Mrs Rodriguez’s class on Wednesday?”
The irony is just too great.
“Seriously?” You seethe at her. Slamming your pencil down.
She shrugs. “I didn’t have time to study.”
“The party was Friday. What were you doing all day Saturday and Sunday?”
She smiles. Moves hair off her neck so you could see her myriad of blue-black hickies swelling to grape purple. Salacious look on her face. “Worth every minute of ignoring homework.”
“Good grief.” You sigh. Shoving your book towards her. It’s not worth her tantrum to refuse.
“Have it back by Tuesday or I swear to god, I will hurt you so, so, much.” You threaten.
She puckers an air kiss over at you. Talk about sweet and fucking sour.
Over the din of the sunny lunchtime crowds buzzing around the courtyard, one particular group of high schoolers stand out from the rowdy rabble din of the table they’re occupying across the way.
It’s the cluster of Hellfire shirts you see first.
You recognise some of them. The kids. There’s Lucas Sinclair, the skinny but sweet new guy on the bench with the basketball team. There’s Nancy Wheeler’s younger brother with the shaggy mop of black hair and fine bladed nose. They’re crammed around the table with schoolwork, and sheets of paper. Revving up for a campaign, no doubt.
Henderson with his riot of curls and cute science themed base ball caps, and that adorable pudgy smile. There’s a couple other guys too. Older guys. Jeff, and Greg? Gary?You weren’t entirely sure of their names.
And it’s then you glimpse the familiar manic trappings of one gorgeous metal-head at the beating heart centre of it all.
Your heart does some crazy wild stunt on seeing him again. Pounds and wracks your ribs like it wants out.
Eddie is sat on the table, feet on the bench seat, king of the heap. Surveying his D&D lackeys. The empire of his sins.
He’s got a half chewed green apple in one hand. That infamous metal navy lunchbox nudged against his black jean thigh. No jacket and denim vest on him. Just his Hellfire shirt ending at his elbows.
Henderson says something to him. Eddie slyly grins. All snake eyes and wide white teeth around a snapping bite of his apple. Playfully yanking down the brim of Henderson’s hat over his eyes. Spins him away with the force of it.
He chews on his apple again. Leaning forwards, toes tapping on the bench in his dirty reeboks, elbows clasping to his knees. His seer dark eyes drag across the courtyard crowds, the preps, the band kids, the dweeby nerds. Like he’s searching for something amongst the bubbling crowds of many. Looking-
His eyes find their way to yours and it’s a clap of lightning that stuns and stings.
Because he smiles right at you-
No sense of self-preservation or censoring any expression he feels. He must be braver than you cause he just wears it. Wears everything out in the open, studded on that messy-edged battle vest of his.
He’s so used to people being- prickly with him. They just don’t know quite how to handle him, and they just fire out scathing insults, or edge away. They don’t get him.
Only you did. And he’s not been able to stop thinking about you ever since.
You lived in glorious perfect - torturing - technicolour behind his closed eyelids the last few nights. He ran back over every touch. Every graze of your eyes falling on him. The feel of your lips, light caught in your bouncy hair, and how his dick fucking throbbed with need when you pressed in and kissed him back.
You didn’t look away. You didn’t shy and recoil from his touch. You sat there, eyes flicked fully forwards to glimpse all of him. Laughed at his jokes, didn’t make snide remarks about his music. Kissed his cheek like you were afraid to peel open and show more of yourself to him.
You got him hooked. Because now he definitely wants to glimpse more.
He sees the way you avert your gaze and look all jittery when he smirks at you across the tables.
And how he fucking adores it.
Your breath catches in your throat. You twitch your hand where you’re holding your pencil. Some weird jerky gesture of a two fingered wave back.
Ok Lame. That was so lame goddamnit-
You can’t help the way your smile quirks up. Your cheeks absolutely blaze with it. Stomach all melting and gooey slippy with the sensation of a heady new crush.
Your heartbeat punched into your belly like stomping recoil. Possibly even hitting a tad lower- because despite your best level-headed efforts you are just as composed of raging hormones and lusty need as any other teenager. And this wicked menace of a cute guy, is making your internal compass slam haywire from point to point.
You’re crushing on him. Hard.
Super hard. Times ten- No, scratch that. Times a hundred. Turn it up to eleven.
Those big bright eyes, edged with such wilderness. He’s got a path wound around around his little finger, and you’re treading it without question, without caution. Who knows where you’ll end up. It’s exciting as hell.
But it appears you both want to follow that path. See where it ends you-
You wet your lips and avert your gaze to your work. Stuck between squiggled ink lines in your book. Not sure where else to look. Worried you’ll get good and lost in that magnetic chocolate gaze of his. Never able to wander free again.
Out of nowhere a sudden gust decides to snatch at the loose paper leafs of your homework. Twitching and yanking it out from your textbook.
Dragging it across the table, threatening to tumble it over the dusty scraping rocks of the grey courtyard.
You slam your juice carton down to the table, and awkwardly untangle yourself ready to chase it across the fucking track field if the wind got up.
“Shit.” You slap your hands to the sheets on the table. A couple slip off the other side, spilling off side and slouching to the floor.
You’re bent in half practically flattened across the top of the table, hands skating and slipping for it.
Another hand joins yours.
Nearly slid on top of your own. Familiar silver rings on very familiar fingers. Capturing the papers that had just managed to escape you. Bat tattoos fluttering over his forearm. Along with some barely faded inky digits that makes your stomach just swirl all giddy with recognition.
You look up and Eddie is grinning that gleaming smirk down at you. All grin dimples, and creases by his eyes.
Getting a hand on the pages and sliding them back towards you. Hands for the barest second brushing over yours. His touch is so hesitant. Kind.
He’s expecting you to spurn him away in front of everyone. That’s what usually happens.
He’s waiting for it now- in front of your friend, with him, you’ll shrink, brush him off. Be curt. You’ll send him away scorned. Call him a freak like they do, and this time that little dagger of a word really will cut deep.
But no. The heavens have cracked open for him. You’re smiling-
Smiling directly at him-
“Slippery little suckers, huh?” He beams. The half chewed green apple is still in his other hand.
You could collapse forwards in a complex burning implosion of embarrassment and giddiness onto this table. You really could.
“I mean I hate Physics as much as the next person, but sudden abandonment seems an extreme.” You smile. Nervously wetting your lips.
His smile grows and he laughs a little, and you actually think you hear harps. Dear sweet god.
“Hey Pencils.” He greets all sweet. Hair falling fluffy around his face. Eyes twice as bambi brown and melty as you remember.
“Hey, yourself.” You return gently. Maybe one day you’ll just stumble into him without needing to be rescued like some weak maiden. Or have your schoolwork scraped off the pavement and handed back to you.
“Looks like you’re saving my bacon again, Munson.” You insist.
Gratefully taking your work and slotting it deep inside a heavier book. You trap the suckers there. Though you can’t say you’re sorry it brought him over here. Your fingers brush his again and you really can’t be held responsible for the way your brain goes twitchy on the blink.
“They don’t call me ‘Eddie the Merciful’ for nothing.” He grins. Opening his palms outwards to present himself all wide and flailing.
“Patron saint of saving drunk girls at parties and their grades in Physics.” You smile. Clutching at papers. Scooping them back in.
“Saint huh? Damn. Don’t know about that one, babe. I’m more familiar with the term anti-christ.” He shoots you a clever look that’s all dipped in flirt.
He likes how honest you are. And he really loves how you seem more like, you, today.
Gone are those wannabe Whitney Houston neon threads he saw you in at the party. Knowing full well you borrowed them from the Malibu Barbie currently sunning herself next to you.
He watched from across the tables, the way your bangs fell into your eyes. When the jocks walked by they leered at your her sat there prostrating her legs. Didn’t even take the time to see you.
He did.
Smiled to himself when he really should’ve been listening to whatever-the-shit Henderson was saying to him. He watched you lob a ball of paper at her thick head when she doubtlessly got annoying.
Your hair is all long choppy layers, Something echoing a Farah Fawcett shag and today it’s not fluffed up all poofy with products. Sleeker. You’ve just tied it back to keep it off your face.
You’re wearing a pair of tight bootcut jeans with a brown leather belt and sneakers. A brown and red plaid shirt that looks all soft and worn and he suspects is a hand-me-down cause it’s a tad too big. You got the tails tied around your middle.
He smiles when he sees the Nice N Sleazy Stranglers tee underneath. Charcoal and paint smeared across the knees of your jeans and splattered like lost little stars on your shoes.
In all the commotion, Linda only just bothered to sit up. But now she definitely went to the trouble of raising herself up to sear a scowl in his direction.
She lowered her baby pink sunglasses and flicked her eyes derisively over him like he was mangled roadkill.
“Lost your way to the losers table, Freak?” She spits with venom. Words punching like nails out a gun.
Eddie almost swaggers to look at her. Challenge accepted.
“Came over for a splash of that sugary-sweet attitude of yours, blondie.“ He tilts his head at her.
Does this thing where he widens his eyes a little. Playing on the way people thought he was satanic. You understand now; It was all part of his armour.
If he slots it in place and punches and kicks back to keep people at arms length. Perhaps then, their nasty knife-tip words will never slip underneath that steel plating that so protects him.
An integral part of his Munson doctrine. He was designed to unsettle. To mislead.
“Turn around and keep walking. We don’t need any reefer today.” She wafted her hand at him as she laid back down. Acting like she was Lady Muck dismissing a servant.
You want to drop your science textbook on her face. And it’s weighty too. Could make some serious dents.
“Sure? I got some good shit that’s great for mellowing out bitchiness.”
He snaps another bite into his apple. Those brown eyes shift all needle sharp. Amused. “Few hits wouldn’t hurt.” He speaks through chewing.
You don’t try very hard to bite back a smile.
“What’s your problem, trailer trash?” She scoffs. Sitting up. Disdain scuffing her tone.
“No problems here, Barbie.” He grins all chirpy. And it’s lethal.
“Just helping out a damsel in distress. Kinda my bag these days.” And his gaze swivels on back to you. Flutters his brows.
She looks between the two of you. The tension between you is singeing the air. Blistering at the corners.
“What am I missing here?” She asks you.
Cause Eddie doesn’t technically exist as much more than an atom spec on her popular radar.
“Eddie was nice enough to give me a ride home from Kyle’s party after you ditched.” You defend for him.
She looked vaguely ill with the mere idea.
“Surprised you didn’t become his latest victim.” She snipes.
“You are really growing on me, blondie. You single?” He plays around.
“Got a fresh tarp in the van that could use a little O-negative splashed on it.” He widens his eyes again. Makes that devil smile with a curling tongue at her that could rival Gene Simmons.
He leans on the table. Bent over. Elbows rested together. Hands twined still holding his apple. Acting like he’s making a pass at her. His theatric way of defending himself.
She frowns as she looks at him invading her surroundings like he’s rotting meat attracting flies. Contaminating her air space.
“Jackass.” She lashes out.
He crunches his apple again and grins as her as he chews noisily. Crushing shiny flesh and creamy fruit with those pearly whites.
“Is that the only way you can pick up chicks, Munson?” She digs at him. “Trap drunk one’s in your van.”
“Yeah. And If I make the knots tight enough they can’t get away from me.” He teases all devilish. Staring her down. Unblinking.
“Knock it off, Linda.” You try and barter with her bitchiness. But when has that ever really worked for you?
Eddie turns his head sideways back towards you. Content to ignore her insults. You can see the glint of mischief sparked to light in his eyes. Shaded under the brim of his hair.
God, you like him so much. How do more people not like him?
“Why did you let wannabe Ted Bundy drive you home?” Linda demands off you. Holding up a hand to block his face from her sight. Excluding him.
Her memory surely can’t be that short.
“You were otherwise busy being Linda Lovelace upstairs.” You shoot her a look. Your finest and sharpest. She clams up. Thank god.
Eddie smiles. Impressed with your bluntness.
“You were right. Maybe this place isn’t my kinda scene.” He insists.
You chuckle. “Hey. No fun in warning ya.” You throw at him. He smiles at your challenge.
“Ruthless. It’s kinda hot, actually.” He purrs at you. Definite flirting happening that time.
Linda scoffs and lays back down. Though you’ve a feeling she’s watching you guys closely through her fake ray bans.
“Ignore her. She likes it. She’s just crabby cause she’s on a diet.” You tell him.
The way he had to bite his tongue to fight off a comeback has you sharing a knowing look.
She flips you both the bird. Pink nail polish glinting at you. Rattling those bangles on her wrists again.
“I actually, uh, needed your advice with something, Pencils.” He speaks up. Standing up straight and sways around to lob the last of his apple into the garbage can behind you. It bounces off the wall and clunks to the trash. Jackpot.
“I need some new tapes. Maybe even some vinyl. Was gonna swing by the record store at some point. Y’know but I just couldn’t decide what night I should go...I’m thinking maybe Tuesday or Thursday…?”
He’s fidgeting. Twirling hair around the skull ring on his finger. Dragging it in front of his mouth.
He’s asking when you’ll next be at work.
You have the wild urge to kiss him again. Taste that apple tang, no doubt mingled with cigarettes, off his lips. Yank him in by a fistful of his Hellfire shirt. Have him press you up against the edge of this table. Haul him in by that guitar pick chain if you had too.
Who the fuck cares if the whole school sees you lock lips with him. You just wanna kiss him. Like, a lot. A ridiculous, unhealthy amount.
“I mean, both are solid choices. But… personally speaking… I’d go for Tuesday. New stock delivery after three. Open til late.” You smile. Hooking your hands in your back blue jean pockets.
Message received loud and clear; See you then.
He grins. “Perfect.”
You think you’ve just scored a date. Of-sorts.
You smile. The more you talk to him, the more you keep wanting to just gravitate to this funky beautiful guy.
Linda’s looking at you like she can’t believe what the actual hell is going on. The clanging school bell peels out the end of lunch and people start drifting away for the next class.
Somehow his palms are itching to feel you again. He’s near you and talking to you and it isn’t enough. It gnaws at him.
He wants to touch your waist, your hair. Stick his face in your neck and see if you still smell as good and fruity-sweet as he remembers. Your scent that had made him swoon. Cup your neck like a sacred chalice. Drink your lips like he needed you to live.
And isn’t that just mad- if only he knew. Just exactly how much of an echo his thoughts had in common with yours.
“Duty calls.” He smiles at you as he half turns away. He gestures to his group.
“Sadly. Welcome to my nightmare.” You admit. Starting to heave up your books and your off shoulder bag. Heavy with textbooks and notebooks. Your Walkman and headphones too. The Clash with Guns of Brixton is your audio sustenance for today. It feeds you better than any dry book.
“Gotta be honest, I don’t see a long future in this-“ He nudges at his chest and points to the school building. Meaning himself and his relationship with grades and graduating. Which was famously one sided.
“Toxic love affair?” You ask.
“Seems to loooovvveee screwing me over.” He shrugs like it’s nothing. Smiles like it’s something out of his hands. A joke at his own clownish expense. He makes you laugh.
“You should find an alternative affair to enjoy.” You tell him. Nodding. “One that likes you back”
“Think that’s what I’m trying to do right now...” He says as he spins away and flits back. Walking backwards. Bandanna swaying at his legs. Flouncing incoordination writ into the rhythms of his steps.
You smile and clutch your books to your chest. Sweaty palms on dry hardbacks. Watching him weave away. In a strange distant way, like faintly dragged paper cuts, it almost aches. Seeing him go.
Linda was sat up, ready to leave and she snaps at him. “Bye?” Like it was painfully obvious.
He clutches a hand over his heart. Pretends to look infatuated. Backing away. “That cuts deep. I know you’ll miss me. Don’t cry too hard now, Barbie.”
Her glare is like something skimmed off a frozen glacier. Packed in bone cutting ice.
He shoots a cool wink at you before he goes. Flicks you a grin as wide as a skull sneer.
You just manage to see him off back to his table of Hellfire clad cohorts. Some of whom seemed very concerned at his absence. You watch his springy walk as he bounces over to them. Manic energy splitting his smile.
Dustin asks him what that was about. Pointing a thumb over his shoulder at you.
Eddie cups his back and says he wouldn’t wish to offend such delicate ears. Pressing a fingertip to Dustin’s nose in a way that made the younger boy screw his face up and wave him away.
He’s crowded with questions and a few curious turns of heads and eyes swim over your direction. You hear him speak to his younglings as he shrugs on the second skin of his jacket and trusty vest. Flips his hair out the collar. His rings flash silver in the blazing sunlight.
“You wouldn’t understand Wheeler. It’s called game, man.” Grinning with his tongue cheekily tipped out between his teeth. Ruffling the kids hair.
Eyes roam to you over the crowds rudely cutting between you both.
Eddie’s expression flashed across at you, and it was so sincere it made your breath catch. He smiles again and you can’t wait. Tomorrow night cannot come to you fast enough.
The rattle of bangles is sharp and sudden to your left. A firm nailed hand grabs your elbow. Poison perfume and rave spray floods your nose. Linda reels you in.
“What the fuck? Why the hell does fucking freak Munson have your phone number written on his arm?”
Oh. You just smile and smile.
🕷Interested in some more? Why here it be🕷
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Celeb Bake-Off is currently airing, and after talking to @rebeccasbiscuits I felt I had to make good on my thoughts and actually write a headcanon for this.
Behold, The Great AFC Richmond Bake-Off.
Ted: Brings boxes of biscuits for everyone on the first day. Bakes peppernut cookies and MoKan pie. First Star Baker of the series.
Rebecca: Reveals she made Nora's most recent birthday cake, recreates it for a showstopper. Uses rose water at least once. Ted & Rebecca check on each other a lot.
Keeley: Puts edible glitter on everything. EVERYTHING. Lots of antics with Noel because he admires the whimsy. Wins Star Baker for a unicorn-themed croquembouche showstopper.
Roy: Almost everything he says is bleeped out. Slams the oven door off its hinges by accident in a moment of frustration. Lots of close-ups of his hands (the Bake-Off camera crew knows what we want). One of his showstoppers is inspired by Phoebe. Roy's Yoga Mums tweet about him obsessively.
Higgins: Technical baker. Talks to the camera a lot. Jazz scats while he waits for the oven to ping.
Isaac: Extremely enthusiastic about everything he bakes. Even when it goes horribly wrong.
Jamie: Absolute disaster but really confident about it. Literally every meme on the Bake-Off Reactions Instagram is about him. Bakes Manchester Tarts for the signature. Every time he's in last place he asks if he's going home, even though it's a charity event with no eliminations.
Beard: The underdog. Secretly brilliant baker. Lots of traditional English bakes. Sends a photo of every bake to Jane. Wins Star Baker twice in a row.
Sam: Incorporates lots of family recipes into his bakes. Taste tests his bakes and does a little dance when he's happy with it. Twitter loves him (naturally).
Jan Maas: Scientific baker. Gets flour everywhere. Surprisingly aggressive kneading. Constantly asking for time calls.
Colin: Extremely Welsh bakes. Dan Beasley-Harling's 'gay bread' has got nothing on Colin's (which is also about Welsh independence).
Dani: Dessert sculpture made from churros entitled 'mucho, mucho joy'. Hype man of the tent. Offers to help carry people's showstoppers.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
You should talk about the cutie mark crusaders and what you like about each of them!!!
oh I'd love to!! 🍎🌸🎀💛💗🔔🎶🛴🧡⚡
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I love how applejack gave them her old clubhouse to use and that it's located in sweet apple acres, I like the idea of applejack coming to check on them sometimes or maybe bringing them freshly baked cookies from time to time 🍪🧡 and how fun wouldn't it be to play together amongst all the apple trees (when they aren't busy crusading ofcourse! 😄)
the cmc in general: they turned something they were teased for and that used to weigh them down into something they could bond over and in turn made a life long friendship stronger than the toughest of diamonds 💎👑 later inspiring and helping others who are unsure of their destinies just as they were and I think that is so powerful! the episode call of the cutie is a great introduction that really leaves you wanting to see what they're going to do next and how they will achieve their goal 🧡💛💜
they're the sisters of rarity, rainbow dash and applejack! which makes for some great episodes featuring them all together. sleepless in ponyville, the cart before the ponies & campfire tales for example! spending so much time together would not only bring them closer with their sisters but it probably brought applejack, rarity and rainbow dash closer too, and I love that!
all of their songs are great! their voices blend together very nicely in my opinion. Amanda Renberg as Scootaloo, Linn Johnsson as Apple Bloom and Annelie Heed as Sweetie Belle all did a wonderful job voicing their characters in the iconic trio! (ofcourse this is from my perspective, and those are the swedish voices but the same can be said for the original english ones!😊) my personal favourites of the cmc songs are babs seed, hearts as strong as horses, find the purpose in your life and all of the songs in the crusaders of the lost mark (& they are all so fun to sing!) 🎵
favourite cmc episode: crusaders of the lost mark! all of their searching finally paying off, helping their bully to see her purpose and the fact that their special talent turns out to be helping others find/rediscover their own special talent is just PERFECT, we were all wondering how it would turn out right? and this was just better than every other potential outcome, they all belong together to help others find themselves, just as they did! 🥺😌🧡💜💛
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Apple bloom 🍎🌸: has my favourite colour scheme, she reminds me of apple flavoured candy, I'm also biased towards anything fruit themed! and I adore her bow!! 🍎💛🎀 I can relate to her fear of being alone the episode on your marks and also to how she's scared at one point that her family won't like her if she turns out to be different to them (when she's scared her cutie mark won't be apple related). and I love her relationship with her family, the end of family appreciation day and brotherhooves social just warms my heart! 💛🍎💚🥧 also I love the cupcake song scene where she's baking with pinkie and that she got interested in potions and magic after meeting zecora! (also the fact that she as a foal was the first to befriend zecora and not be so judgmental!!)
favourite apple bloom episode: (oh glitter all of these are so hard to pick!! 🤣 but I think cutie pox, somepony to watch over me or call of the cutie 🍎🌸💛🎀
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scootaloo⚡🛴🧡: I actually have only watched flight to the finish once because while it has been dubbed I somehow missed it (and can't find the whole episode in swedish, only the songs) but I have watched it on my latest rewatch (where I watched it in english :) and I love it so much, I'm not physically disabled myself, I am mentally disabled (though I feel really weird saying that for some reason) but I think scootaloo is a really great disabled character because being disabled is not her whole character, far from, and I think there should be more characters like her! I also think she's really funny, her scooter tricks are awesome and I adore her idolizing rainbow dash and wishing for her to be her sister and then in sleepless in ponyville when she's scared of rainbow dash not thinking she's cool enough then rainbow admits that she's scared sometimes too and that it doesn't make her weak and then she like adopts her as her sister and aaaaaaaahhh!!! I love found family story lines so much, also the episodes parental glideance in season 7 and the washouts in season 8 broke my heart and then put it back together! 😂🌈🧡⚡and I love how she stood up for herself and what she wants to her parents in the last crusade in season 9, people often disregard kids feelings because they're "just kids" and I think scootaloo is a really strong pony for doing what she did in that episode 🧡🛴
sweetie belle 🎶💗🔔: she's just precious! her singing voice is so beautiful and I like how she has a hard time speaking up and putting together words sometimes because I can relate and it's really funny! I love sisterhooves social and I laugh every time I watch that scene where she argues with rarity and comes to the conclusion that applejack should be rarity's sister so she can teach her how to be a good one 😂 oh or when apple bloom allows her to "borrow" applejack as a sister for "ONE DAY"-🍎🌸 to me she is a very caring pony and maybe the most relatable of the 3 to me personally (all though saying that I feel like I find all of them relatable but in different ways)
favourite scootaloo episode: flight to the finish, I think! 🏁🧡
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favourite sweetie belle episode: I want to say sisterhooves social but I also love for whom the sweetie belle toils 🔔💗🎶
so those are some of my thoughts on the cmc! thank you so much anon for making me write this and inspire me to draw the cutie mark crusaders, I love these little foals so much! 🥺😄💗🧡💛
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