#chuck taylor masterlist
bullet-clubs-bitch · 7 months
Chuck Taylor X Fem reader (Chuck is referred to as Dustin)
You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you. You are enough, more than enough.  
Word count: 2215
Main Masterlist
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Every now and then I would get asked why I married Chuck Taylor? What was it that I saw in him? How was I still with him? The internet was a ruthless place, I would see the comments, people were always shocked to find out that not only Dustin and I were married but we shared a son. People would say that I deserved better, that it was a miracle that he pulled someone like me and I hated it. Everytime someone said he was undeserving of my love it honestly broke me. 
I know for a fact that Dustin saw what was being said of him online, and as much as he pretended it didn’t bother him I knew it did, because I knew it bothered me.
Today was All In, in London. Dustin and I decided to take our son Damian along for the ride, wanting him to experience the historical event. We flew straight from dynamite to London, arriving a few days before the event in order to prepare. On the card Dustin would be a part of the stadium stampede and I would be defending my AEW women’s world championship in four way. Before the show I did a press conference, talking about the difference between the first All In all those years ago and now. 
“So, Y/n. You will be defending your AEW Women’s championship in a fatal four way. How is today different from the first All In all those years ago?” A reporter asked me. 
“Well, something that is different is that I have a kid now” I told the reporter truthfully 
“Um, well, I have been honored to be a part of the ever growing womens division in AEW. Kenny, Matt, Nick and I had this vision back in Japan to create our own wrestling promotion and to see what it is today is something I would have never believed if you told me five years ago” 
“As you said, something that is different is that you have a kid now. How do you balance being a mother and a wrestler?” 
“It’s difficult, especially since we are traveling more now that everything has opened back up. In all honesty it’s not too bad, some shows I will bring my son with me but other times he’s staying with my parents or someone. It’s like you said balance, when I’m gone for weeks at a time then I would bring him, where as if it were a few days I probably wouldn't” 
“ How do you feel about your match tonight? Walking in ready to face three other opponents has your chances of winning smaller.” 
  “Well for starters I don’t think that this being a four way puts me at a higher chance of losing. Statistically speaking I have a good track record with these kinds of matches. If you look back at the first All In I successfully defended my ROH Women's championship in a fatal four way. One of which was Britt Baker. I will be going into this match like I do all my other matches, cool, calm and collected. Although this is a huge match and I have a lot of pressure on me, it’s nothing I haven’t felt before.” 
“One last question Y/n  your husband will be a part of the stadium stampede match, what are your thoughts on the match?”
“I personally love a good bloody brawl.  Anarchy in the arena, stadium stampede, blood and guts, they are my favorite. I know Mox is going to do some insane things and I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching this amazing murder scene unfold before my eyes. That being said, as much as I adore the Blackpool Combat Club I will be on the side of Best Friends tonight. I know people think that Best Friends are all hugs and rainbows but I think they have proved time and time again that they have a dark side. The parking lot brawl being a perfect example, Chuck and Trent have bathed in their own blood before and can be just as ruthless as the BCC. I do hope, for the sake of my mind, that I have my match before theirs so I can watch it and not stress about my match. Regardless it’s going to be a great match and I hope nobody gets hurt too bad” 
Soon it was the final hours before we went on air and for once I began to grow nervous. Not nervous about my match but Dustins. This wasn’t anything new, Dustin has had bloody brawls in the past but something about this one felt different. 
“How ya feeling Champ?” I didn’t even hear Dustin enter the room. I only noticed him when he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. 
“Nervous” I replied 
“How so?” Dustin asked
“Not sure, I know my match and I’m genuinely really happy that Saraya is going to get her moment and all but…” 
“But what?” 
“I’m more nervous for you” I told Dustin before turning around so I could bury my face in his chest, holding him in a tight embrace 
“Why are you nervous for me doll? It’s nothing I haven’t done a dozen times over?” 
Truthfully I didn’t know why I was so nervous, the match itself didn’t worry me too much but it was what came after. This would be a bloodbath and right now I was questioning that bringing Damian along was a good idea. Did I really want him to witness his father bloodied and bruised? Imagine trying to explain that to a 3 year old. 
“I know, but I just have this feeling. It’s hard to explain, I just have this gut feeling that somethings going down tonight. I’m not necessarily talking about you, Dusty,  but in general I just have this feeling” 
Well boy was that feeling right. Other than the backstage beef that went down, as I expected I knew the people would talk. Dustin’s match went great, no bad falls, no stitches needed but for some reason no matter how good the match was you would always have those negative people. 
I returned to the hotel around 1am, exhausted. All I wanted to do was have a hot shower and sleep. Although Dustin and I both washed up at the arena after our matches you still are left feeling a bit gross. That final shower before bed calming your burning muscles. 
As Dustin was In the shower I put Damian to bed, just then I got a text on my phone. 
I looked and saw a message from Matt. Looking at the text I noticed it was just a link to which I clicked and ended up on a chain of tweets. 
I guess an old image resurfaced of me and an ex boyfriend of mine. I read the messages and they all said the same thing. “Y/n should have stayed with him” “They were perfect together” “She settled for Chuck” just to name a few. 
Looking back at the image I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes. That Ex boyfriend of mine was none other than Tyler Black. Tyler and I had been together when we were teenagers. We were dumb kids trying to make it in the industry. The people loved us not only as our characters but as us as a couple, the thing was all of that quick fame can get to your head. Yet we never broke up, that was until I found out he had been cheating on me for months. I remember when I found out, oddly enough it was Chuck Taylor himself and Dalton Castle who told me about it. But that was years and years ago, since then so much had changed. 
Dustin and I got together later on in 2009 when he debuted in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. I fell in love with him 14 years ago so why is it now that all of a sudden people have a problem with it? 
My brain just couldn't seem to comprehend it. Yeah of course people change, everyone has changed, in 14 years we have both changed. Physically that is, through it all Dustin still had that sense of humor and smile that would light up a room. 
Just then I heard the shower turn off. I quickly hid my phone pretending like nothing happened. 
I then quickly grabbed my things and headed for a shower, Dustin could tell something was up I knew he did. “Is everything alright? You seem on edge” He asked, blocking me from entering the washroom to escape. “yeah , everything is fine, I’m just tired that’s all” I responded. Dustin knew I was lying straight to his face but decided to leave it. 
The hot water felt perfect against my sore muscles, that match was definitely a brawl. Although I lost I was happy Saraya won. I remember when she got injured all those years ago, being able to help her get back in the ring after seeing what had happened made me happy. During the match I did not get pinned, Toni did which meant that I would get my rematch at some point and who knows maybe become a 2-time champion? 
After I noticed the tips of my fingers becoming a bit pruney I got out, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel and finishing getting ready for bed. 
When I returned, I saw Dustin under the covers, scrolling on his phone. 
“Whatcha looking at?” I asked, as I jumped on top of the bed, joining him under the warm covers
“Nothing” He said, trying to hide the screen 
“Okay then” 
“By the way Matt was texting you when you were in the shower” 
Shit, do you think he saw the texts from Matt? Looking at my phone I saw more messages from Matt. ‘What is wrong with people’, ‘I can’t believe this is still going on’, ‘I’m sorry that you have to deal with this Y/n’ 
I only now realized the sad look on Dustin’s face, he definitely saw them. 
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked in a gentle tone, being cautious  of my next words
No response
“You know you can tell me anything right? Whatever it is that’s bothering you, I can help you”   I hated seeing him down like this. Tonight was supposed to be a night of celebration, not pity. 
“Can I ask you something?” Dustin asked, with a sad puppy dog look in his eyes 
“Of course, anything” 
“Why do you love me? Why are you still with me when you could be with someone else. They can treat you better, what about Matt, you should be with someone like him but your stuck with me” 
His words felt like daggers, it killed me. 
“Well, I love you for many different reasons Dusty. You are kind, loving, you're really funny, I love everything about you. I think you forget just how long we have been together. You have been with me through everything. You were there when I got signed to New Japan, you were there when I founded bullet club. I remember how scared I was to move to Japan by myself, you were there for me, supporting me through it all even on the other side of the world. You are always so supportive of me and my crazy ideas. Heck, you believed in me when I said I wanted to start my own wrestling company. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?” 
“14 years is a long time” 
“It sure is, and I wouldn't trade any of it. You are always looking out for me, protecting me, without you I would probably be in some Psych ward trying to get clean or let’s be honest dead. Do you remember that you saved my life, quite literally. You never once judged me for my problems, instead you helped me through them, every single one. You taught me how to love, I was broken, shattered into a million pieces and you put me back together. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you Dustin. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too Y/n” 
“Just look at us, sure yeah we have changed but to loved is to be changed. We have a son, I never wanted kids before you changed my mind. We have accomplished so much together. I love you for you, always have, always will. So stop reading that stupid stuff online, it doesn’t matter what they say. You are enough, don’t you ever forget it” 
“Even if I’m fat now?” asked laughing to lighten the mood
“Shut the hell up boy, you are not and plus I love me a dad bod” I said laughing 
“Thank you Y/n, sometimes I just need that reassurance” Dustin said as he shifted in the bed, laying his head on my lap. 
“Anything for you my love. I will always love you” 
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daddyhausen · 2 years
• chuck taylor masterlist •
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{ ♡ — indicates mini series }
{ ♧ — indicates smut }
{ ♢ — indicates trigger warnings }
{ ♤ — indicates interactive series }
kink list ♧
pegging headcannons ♧
period headcannons
headcannon — { 50, 55, 66, 76 } ♧
bet ♧
headcannon — { 55, 76, 98 } ♧
dumb fucked ♧
sexual punishments ♧
what a bitch i can be ♧
you and me, forevermore ♧
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Wrestling Masterlist
f - Fluff, c - Comfort, a - Angst, s - Smut, h - Hurt
Wrestlers organized by alphabetical order
Fics organized by oldest to newest
Updated every time a new fic is posted!
Austin Gunn
Painted Him Perfect *a
Cash Wheeler
If He Was Yours, You’d Do The Same *f
We Should Argue More Often *s
Christian Cage
Love Me Like You Do *f/s
Never Gonna Be Alone *c/f
You’re Still the One *f (part 2 of Never Gonna Be Alone)
Chuck Taylor
I Know I Can Treat You Better Than He Can *h/c/f
Brownie Points *f
Daniel Garcia
That Should Be Me *a
Darius Martin
Thank You for Being a Friend *f
Eddie Kingston
Ride or Die, ‘Til the End of the Line *f
Blood Looks Good On You *f
El Phantasmo
Been Far Away, For Far Too Long *f
Sweet Surprises *f (part 2 of Been Far Away, For Far Too Long)
Energy Drinks *f
Brother’s Best Friend *a/f
Hangman Adam Page
Cowboy Take Me Away *f/s (light smut)
Kenny Omega
Destination Relaxation *f/c
I’m Giving Up On Love ‘Cause Love’s Given Up On Me *a
Since You Been Gone *a (with happy ending) (part 2 of I’m Giving Up On Love ‘Cause Love’s Given Up On Me)
Matt Jackson
I’ll Be Your Cryin’ Shoulder *h/c/f
Through Thick and Thin *a/f (slight angst)
The Best Surprise *f
Tear in My Heart series masterlist *f/a
Nick Jackson
You’re More Than Enough *c/f
I Still Get Jealous *f/a (slight angst)
The One Where They Fall in Love *f/a (angst if you squint)
Orange Cassidy
It’s Always Been You *f
Ricky Starks
I’ve Got Your Back Like You’ve Got Mine *f
You Are The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine *f/s (light smut)
Trent Beretta
Home Is Wherever You Are *f
Be Careful What You Wish For *s
Wheeler Yuta
The Most Interesting Date *f
That Should Be Me *a
We’re Proud Of You *c
Taking A Chance On Romance *f
Begin Again *a/f (slight angst)
<- Back to main masterlist
My works on AO3 can be found here!
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piratewithvigor · 1 year
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Upon the death of their mentor, Doctors Chuck and Trent Taylor-Beretta find themselves adopting his son, sending their lives into very organized chaos. Chuck's preparing a nursery, Trent's working on creating life, the things all expectant parents do. Until things go very very wrong.
Chuck really really really hoped the Hippocratic Oath didn’t apply to spiders. If they did, he was going to be in some kind of shit with some kind of council or committee, but that was something to be concerned about at another time.
For now, his only concern was ridding the attic of what seriously felt like endless spiders. And cobwebs. And some bugs he knew had a name, but he renamed ‘squished’. He’d clean the floor later. Once he’d finished his pillaging and murdering and was sure that the only thing that would be living in the room full time was the baby on its way.
The attic wasn’t necessarily that disgusting a room, it was just the only one that didn’t get used in the house/lab. It was where assorted shit got stored and forgotten about. Trent had made a joke that that was what made it perfect for the baby, and accepted the smack on the back of the head from Kris with relative grace. 
“It’s a baby, not a piece of mutant liver,” she’d reminded him severely.
“Yeah, like I keep my mutant livers in the attic. The shit up there is mostly grad projects that went nowhere.”
“Which this baby is NOT gonna be.”
The way she went about it, one would think that Kris was the one having the baby and not just working as the assistant to the idiot doctors who agreed to adopt him.
Chuck kicked at the brick wall again, squishing another spider underneath his boot. A big fucker, one of the ones who’d get a picture in the books designed to intrigue and horrify braver kids who didn’t like actually reading during the library period in elementary school. And now it was just as flat as its picture would be. He nudged at the remains with his toe, but they were going nowhere. Another one for the scrub brush when that step in the nursery renovations came.
It’d felt like the last few weeks had been nothing but steps. Baby steps, one could joke, but none of the three who lived there felt like really making jokes recently. The nerves were too real. Chuck had tried to list out the steps in his head, just as a mental exercise, but he always lost count somewhere between ‘agreeing to become parents’ and ‘deciding that the attic was the best place for a baby out of all the rooms in the building’. He flicked another clump of cobwebs out of one of the high corners with the end of his broomstick and started counting again:
One, Chuck and Trent met during med school. Both of them had already gotten degrees in robotics, then another in microbiology for Trent and artificial intelligence for Chuck, but got bored and made a fresh start in the exciting field of surgery, where it’d been more or less love at first sight.
Two, a visiting surgeon had done a lecture on anatomy and noted that the only two truly paying attention were Chuck and Trent. Dr. William Regal invited the two discreetly to have a chat with him afterwards and they’d all talked long into the night. The discussion had begun with anatomy, then moved to their current studies, then past studies, then into their own lives. Chuck and Trent talked about their research and some of the projects they’d completed (and failed to complete in the case of Trent’s Mutant Liver #1) and Regal recounted his journey from teaching himself using roadkill in the streets of Blackpool to owning a good portion of land and a house that sounded more castle than home in the English countryside that he retreated to in-between lectures.
Three, freshly awarded the titles of doctor, Chuck and Trent had celebrated with a shotgun wedding officiated in what Chuck remembered as a Temple of Satan and Trent recalled as a goth convention. Though the locale was fuzzy, they both remembered a very fancy tequila and an officiant named Danhausen who declared them Dr. and Dr. Taylor-Beretta as they were showered with what they hoped was black rice.
Four, between surgeries and their own research, the two of them had settled down in a smaller town and renovated the borderline-ancient schoolhouse into a house/lab. The children got to enjoy a school that was built after color TV was invented and the doctors got not only a large main room for their experiments, but a number of other rooms to sleep and live in. And the attic, whatever that could be considered as.
Five, after a small asteroid hit one of the solar panels on the roof and a very sheepish alien showed up on their doorstep and asked if they could maybe spare a proton accelerator, the doctors got an assistant in the form of Kris Statlander, who was more than willing to help out in their research however she could and in exchange, was permitted to try and build her own proton accelerator and sleep in the closet that had been repurposed into a small bedroom. She hadn’t had much luck yet, but the technology was getting there, and she’d certainly be able to return home soon (Chuck considered this more of a bonus step and didn’t really matter in the grand scheme of becoming a parent, but Kris was basically part of the family and he didn’t feel right leaving her out).
Six, after a couple years of correspondence with Dr. Regal, a shift in tone had infiltrated his messages. Both sides usually discussed their research or any interesting surgeries they’d been a part of, but this one spoke of something different. It explained that after a long career and a longer life, Dr. Regal had expired. Trent had gotten particularly angry at the use of the word (“Just say he fucking died! First you say our mentor’s dead, then you phrase it in the most upsetting way possible? What kind of sick fuck wrote this letter?”). It went on to say that as a result, Dr. Regal’s young son was now without family (“Bet they told the kid his dad ‘expired’ too. God, how pretentious could they be?”) and that Dr. Regal had named Chuck and Trent as the preferred parents (Trent didn’t have a lot to say when Chuck read that part out).
Seven, after a bit of discussion with the executor of Dr. Regal’s will (a very nice Swiss man named Claudio, whose first language was not English and Trent admitted that that was a reasonable explanation for saying someone had expired), the details emerged. Dr. Regal had been a single father since his son, Yuta’s, birth, and realized just how difficult the job was. He’d been struggling to find time for both his career and fatherhood and didn’t want anyone to adopt Yuta without help. He’d requested that Yuta be placed in the care of at least two parents (specifically noting the respect he gave to anyone who wanted to parent alone), and that he didn’t want anyone to have to struggle in the name of his son. His final detail on the subject was that the offer was to first be made to Drs Chuck and Trent Taylor-Beretta, as they were ‘a pair of brilliant minds and loving hearts’, a description that had made the two of them frankly embarrassed to hear. 
Eight, the discussions on parenting. Neither one of them had ever really thought about being parents before, far too concerned with their research and other work to give it more than a passing thought. But here the opportunity was: there was a baby who needed a home and his father had entrusted the baby to the two of them. They could accept or deny and the only people who would pass judgment would be themselves. Neither were particularly against the idea. After all, they were home more often than not; just in the lab portion of home. At least one of them would be around at all times. And Kris would still be there for another few years. The con list fell more along the lines of ‘would we actually be the best ones for the job if we never even considered having kids before?’. It wasn’t a lengthy con list, but it weighed on them both. After two days of discussion, Dr. Regal’s faith in them won out. They sent their acceptance to Claudio and began working on the nursery.
That was about where the clean-cut steps stopped. After that was a blur of working around the clock. Research was put on hold in order to clean out the attic and think long and hard about which of the items actually needed keeping and which of them were going to become part of likely the weirdest garbage day pickup the collectors had ever seen (which demonstrated that, clever as Chuck and Trent were about technology and the human body, they had no idea what real creepy people were actually like. Weird body parts in weirder casings was nothing compared to the discarded kink toys some people threw out). The remaining shit that was deemed worth keeping had found new homes. The lab was a bit more cluttered as a result, but there was a full, empty attic that would be perfectly cozy for a nursery. Once it was cleaned. 
That was definitely a step, and somehow it had fallen on Chuck. Trent pointed out he’d done most of the decluttering, which Chuck couldn’t exactly deny (he wanted to point out that most of the shit in the attic belonged to him anyway, but that was a fight for later). Besides, Chuck was between projects and Trent was rushing to try and finish his research to a stage where it could be left for a while before Yuta arrived. 
Satisfied that the attic was de-spidered and de-webbed, Chuck made his way back down the spiral staircase in the back of the attic down to the lab where Trent was hunched over a microscope so low, he had the posture of a shrimp. Chuck checked for tweezers in his hands before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“How’s progress?”
“Probably don’t wanna know,” Kris rolled her eyes as she pulled off her rubber gloves. “It’s his seventh runthrough today.”
“Fuckers keep dying,” Trent sighed, pulling away from the microscope to lean down on the table in quiet defeat. “I’m missing something, I know I am, but I’ve got no goddamn clue what.”
“Walk me through it.”
It was their trick. Their little agreement that had been going on since they first met. The early computer science classes called it the ‘Rubber Duck Method’, but given that they were husbands and not rubber ducks, it had been formally adopted within the walls of the lab as the ‘Husband Method’. The idea was that explaining one’s process out loud showed where mistakes had been made or where something was missing. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it led to a shouting match that led to a makeout sesh that Kris was more than happy to take the afternoon off to not see. 
“I’ve got the plant matter, I’ve got the water and the sucrose, then I shock it. What should be happening is that I should look in the dish and see thousands of microbes squiggling around. What is happening is that I look in the dish and there’s maybe a dozen microbes and two of them squiggle for a few seconds before dying. It’s all here and it should be all working!”
Trent, thankfully, only got worked up like this during research. When things came from his own mind and should all be perfectly under control and working exactly like how he’d designed. During surgery, he was able to understand that all his training had only given him about 90% of the knowledge he’d ever have and the final 10% could never be explained or replicated on demand. The 10% were the miracles and the anomalies. Trent made his peace with them. He just couldn’t make peace with his microbes.
“Is it possible it’s just impossible to create life from nothing?” Chuck suggested, the same way he had when Trent had first gotten frustrated with the research.
“It’s not impossible. The planet did it before, it can be done again.” He turned back to the microscope, hunting for any rhyme or reason why his microbes only squiggled a few seconds.
“He’s not gonna listen. I’ve been telling him all day that this is about as far as can be achieved with your current technology.” Kris patted Trent on the back. “Call me back in when you try again. Even though the eighth time won’t work either.”
“The planet did it with no technology; I can figure this out!”
Getting that far had already been work of genius in Chuck’s eyes. It would have probably been enough to get a number of hospitals wanting a piece of him. Insufficient in Trent’s mind. There was no proof that the microbes were actually alive and not just trembling from the shock. Involuntary movements. Making microbes would have been a big deal if it hadn’t been accomplished decades ago. Trent just wouldn’t be satisfied until they were actually alive.
“You’re not a planet. You’re one man in a lab, not a giant rock filled with thousands of ecosystems and weather patterns all working in tandem for billions of years to do what you’re halfway to doing already,” Chuck pointed out.
“Wish I was a planet so I could get some kind of progress on this…” He dumped out the petri dish into the bin of other failed attempts at the experiment. “One minute. Just 60 little seconds of squiggling. Am I asking for the moon when I request 60 seconds of squiggling?”
“You’re not asking for the moon. But they’re still very small microbes, it’s asking a lot of them.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Trent shot him a look. “Not the sides of the microbes. Little assholes, can’t even squiggle for a full minute for me.”
“Have they made any progress at all?”
“We’re getting about two seconds of squiggling once I get the dish in the microscope and focused deep enough. That’s about five seconds from Ol Zapper to the observation period and two seconds beyond that.”
Ol Zapper was the device Chuck had helped Trent rig up. An electrocution device that would direct the small-scale equivalent of a bolt of lightning into the dish. The voltage was hefty and rather dangerous, but it had led to the creation of the microbes in the first place.
“That’s a tenth of the way there. More than a tenth. When you started with Ol Zapper, you didn’t get a single squiggle. Now you’re getting seven whole seconds!” Chuck grinned, squeezing Trent’s shoulder a little. “Why’re you acting like it’s nothing?”
“If it’s not 60 seconds, it might as well be nothing. I can’t be sure it’s anything at all until I’m sure there’s no electricity left inside them.”
“Okay… so maybe there’s a problem with Ol Zapper? Maybe your method is fine?”
Trent looked up like it hadn’t dawned on him before kissing Chuck hard.
“And that’s why I keep you around. Way better than a rubber duck.”
“I’d like to think there are other reasons I’m better than a duck.”
“Rubber duck. It’s higher praise,” Trent shrugged, opening Ol Zapper’s side panel to look around their handiwork of assorted wires and circuits.
“How’s the rubber duck got higher praise than the flesh duck?”
“Easy. Rubber duck’s made from dinosaurs. The flesh duck is just descended from them. You can’t say it isn’t more badass to be an effigy of an ancestor’s descendent made of the ancestor.”
“Interesting point of view. Suppose that’s why I keep you around,” Chuck grinned, taking a look at Ol Zapper’s control panel. “You’ve got the voltage here set kinda low for creating life, don’t you think?”
“It should be enough…” Trent sat back on his heels contemplatively. “Tiny scale, tiny lightning bolt. You think I should try upping it?”
“I’m not the microbiologist here, you are.”
“I butt in on your AI all the time; butt in on the microbiology.”
“Well… you don’t want to fry the microbes. Hit the plant matter with too much juice and then you’ve got a fire on your hands. Probably in the dish and from Ol Zapper.”
“Okay, so it’s something else…” Trent moved around Ol Zapper like a cat, hunting for the weak point. “Wiring looks fine, settings are right… only problem it could be is in the actual chamber…” He reached in tentatively to explore.
The bolt was quick. Quick as, say, a bolt of lightning. Down Trent’s ungloved hand and directly to his heart.
He was dead before Chuck could keep him from hitting the floor.
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keerysfreckles · 3 months
time after time — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve's longing glance to y/n makes him decide to stay at the hawkin's middle school snow ball.
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, steve being a goofball, STEVE FLUFF!!!!!!
a/n: thanks cindy lauper for writing time after time and for my pookie wifey @keerysbrowneyes <3
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
steve harrington had a very interesting fall of 1984. he never thought he'd fight off inter-dimentional monsters again, and especially didn't see himself becoming friends with five middle schoolers.
so he wasn't too surprised while driving dustin henderson to his eight grade winter formal.
"you're gonna go in there," steve starts a pep-talk, "looking like a million bucks."
dustin nods in agreement, before flipping the passenger side visor down, examining his hair once more.
steve grunts while flipping the visor back up. he continues his pep-talk quickly, and makes sure to remind dustin to keep the lion purr out of tonight's vocabulary.
just as steve was about to pull out of the school's parking lot, a figure caught his eye. y/n l/n's figure to be exact. her light purple dress with slightly ruffle sleeves made steve's heart swoon. of course she was wearing her very worn out chuck taylor's to chaperone the dance. steve couldn't remember the last time he saw the girl wearing heels.
he watched for another moment as y/n handed two drinks to two younger girls. steve smiled when y/n did, and he knew he had to do something about it.
the whole time as he was parking his car and walking towards the gym entrance, he made a pro and con list of the decision.
pros; y/n might actually want to see him after he ignored her for a whole week, maybe he'll get to kiss her, and he just wanted to see how pretty she looked up close.
cons; she'd punch him in the face (again), she might not be ready to be face-to-face with the brunette, or she'll simply laugh once steve walks in the double doors.
what could go wrong? he thought, just as he opened the door and walked by mr. clarke.
an upbeat song was playing over the speakers while steve walked under the blue and white arched balloons. to his left, jonathan was taking pictures. in the middle were all the students, either milling around the sides, or dancing in more crowded area. and to his right, was y/n standing at the punch table.
steve felt his heart skip a beat before his feet drug him over to the poorly decorated refreshment table.
he looked over y/n's appearance once again before he was fully in front of her. her purple dress stopped just above her knees, and her hair was pulled back out of her face with a few pieces framing her soft features.
"steve!" y/n smiles once he walks up to the table, "where have you been? i haven't heard from you in a couple of days."
steve chuckles while hiding the truth, "yeah, it's just been pretty busy with senior year."
y/n nods in agreement before steve speaks again.
"how's the drink table going? anybody try and spike the punch yet?"
y/n lets out a laugh, "it's going, and i haven't seen anyone with a hidden flask yet."
a moment of comfortable silence passes before a slower song blares over the speakers and into the gym. most students grab a partner and start slowing swaying back and forth. a lightblub appeared above steve's brown hair.
"do you want to dance?"
the question immediately caught y/n off gaurd. the steve harrington, the boy who she has liked since third grade was asking if she wanted to dance with him.
"i- uh- what about the drink station?" y/n's face grows hot as she stammers out an answer.
"nancy's got it," steve gestures his head behind y/n, making her turn to see nancy walking up behind her.
"go have fun," nancy talks softly after patting y/n away from the table and towards steve.
she lets out another laugh as steve simply holds out his hand. she gladly takes it, and her heart skips at the feeling of his skin on hers. his warm hand encasing her cold one.
steve leads y/n out to the crowd of seventh and eighth graders. she can't help but laugh at how out of place she seems in the middle school gymnasium, but she couldn't care. because she was with steve harrington.
"cmon don't go all stiff on me l/n," steve teases after putting his hands on her waist. the girl's face only grows a darker shade of red while placing her hands on his firm, broad shoulders.
at the same time, the pair subtly look over each other. steve looks over y/n's simple makeup, just blush and mascara. he didn't know how she looked even more beautiful than before. y/n chuckled slightly at his attire, consisting of a red longsleeve, jeans, and of course his red nike's.
"i'm sorry i haven't reached out this past week," steve admits.
y/n shakes her head, while the two were now slowing swaying in circles as the song continued.
"it's okay steve, really. i get it, senior year has been stressful for everyone."
steve wishes he could tell y/n the truth. but he doubts she'd believe him if he said he fought of monsters the past two years, got his ass beat by billy hargrove, and became close to dustin henderson.
steve and y/n both got lost in each other's eyes. she could look into his chocolate brown eyes for hours on end and not get bored. her eyes drifted to his other features. the small creases around his eyebrows while he seemed focused on something, she wanted to run her fingers over the skin to smooth it out. the freckles on his cheeks and moving down his neck, she needed to kiss every single one. the slight smirk he always had adorning his lips, she wished she could just kiss the smirk off his face.
y/n got lost in her daydreaming, she could've sworn steve was leaning closer to her than before.
she didn't want to believe it, but she was leaning in closer as well.
"steve," y/n's voice is quiet, she fears no sound even came out of her mouth.
steve's lips were now centimeters away from y/n's. their foreheads were almost touching, and the thought of steve kissing her only made her dizzy.
however, she knew steve would catch her, feeling as his grip hardened on her waist. he leaned even closer, touching his lips to hers.
his lips were softer than y/n ever imagined. her hands move to the back of his neck, running her fingertips over the soft curls while her thumbs were on his cheeks. steve's hands held y/n so tightly, even if she did fall, she wouldn't have noticed. he held her close, deepening the kiss slightly before pulling away.
both of their lips were a darker shade now, and both teens were slightly out of breath.
to try and seem cool about the whole ordeal, y/n leans forward to place her head on steve's chest. she could hear his heartbeat, as it seemed to pick up slightly at her action.
steve smiled to himself. he actually kissed her. y/n l/n, the girl he's adored since the fifth grade formal actually kissed him back.
steve kissed the top of y/n's head, and internally thanked his younger self for the growth spurt, now making him at least seven inches taller than the girl in his arms.
the song was coming to a close, but steve didn't want this moment to end.
"do you want to get milkshakes?"
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jessmaybank · 11 months
Cardigan - Part one; hand under my sweatshirt
Based on the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist
Paring(s): Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader.
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: in which coming back from college and seeing him again, ruins everything.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs & violence, cheating, SMUT (a little), mentions & implications of public sexual acts, nipple play.
AN: lots of mutual pining, angst, jealousy and everything in between. Ex’s to lovers again. Flashbacks are in italics!
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you
The day she had been dreading had finally come. Ever since she left for college, ever since she abandoned the life that was once all she knew, she wondered how it would feel coming back to outer banks. Coming back to the place where it all started.
She left for college about a year ago, eager to escape the harrowing memories of her past, and the people she lost along the way. That’s what she told her family anyway, that she needed a fresh start. That she needed to get away from all the familiar faces who chewed up her kindness and spat it straight back out, again and again, without a second thought. but in reality, the only person she was running away from was her ex boyfriend Rafe.
Her mind had been permanently plagued with memory’s of him since she left, tainted by the deep-seated pain of her first love, and as much as she would love to avoid him forever, summer in obx was something she didn't want to miss, and she missed her family. So, inevitably, she sucked it up and got a flight home.
She wished the memory of him would dissipate into the evening breeze as she sat in her mothers car, watching the horizon pass her by just as quickly as it came as they drove home from the airport. The radio played quietly in the background as she gazed into the golden skyline through the window, and the closer she got to figure eight, the more the memories started flooding back, like a whirlwind reminder of what could have been.
“3, 2, 1, go!” Topper shouts from his seat on the camping chair next to her, the light crackling of the fire filling her ears as the flames devoured the wood that they had gathered.
The beach was littered with drunk teenagers, and numerous crowds of tents to house everyone for the weekend, as part of the annual camping trip which graced the Outer Banks beach every year, to mark the start of summer. This tradition also just happened to be her favourite.
Topper opens his beer as quickly as possible, wasting no time in tipping the liquid down his throat, gulping it down swiftly. Everyone else followed suit in chugging down the beverage, and her eyes screwed shut as she got about half way, the questionable taste making her regret the decision to partake in these games.
As always, Kelce finishes his drink first, scrunching his can in his hands and chucking it into the fire, the smile on his face an indication that he’s clearly impressed with himself. She envied his drinking skills as she gave up, retracting her lips from the can when only about a quarter was left, her face scrunching up as she swallows the last of the liquid in her mouth.
“Has beer always tasted this bad?” She says, not sure if she’s asking herself or her friends around her.
“If your a pussy Y/N, just say that” a male voice taunts, and she didn’t have to turn her head to know who it was.
Rafe made his way towards the group, a backwards baseball cap sitting on his head rather lazily, as the sound of his footsteps trudging in the sand got louder and louder.
She was thankful she was wearing sunglasses as she took in his shirtless state, her jaw threatening to drop as she gawks at her boyfriends washboard abs, the defined muscles practically staring back at her.
He halted his movements as he stood right next to topper, just in time to watch her stick her middle finger up at him, a fake glare hidden behind her sunglasses. The corners of his lips turned upwards into a devious smirk, the sun painting his face in a golden hue, and she had to poke her tongue into the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling at him.
“I thought you couldn’t come until later?” She says, reaching to get another beer from the cooler, the condensation from the can running down her fingers, before she extends her arm to pass it to him.
“I’m good at sweet talking” he says smugly, sending her a subtle wink that only she noticed, before taking the beer out of her hand, their fingers touching briefly. She rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it, but it wouldn’t of mattered anyway. All he was concentrating on was the small grin that graced her features, her sweetness practically radiating off her. Rafe couldn’t believe someone as sweet as her would want to be with someone like him.
He thanked her for the beer with a quick peck on the lips, ignoring the gagging noises from Topper at their affections. She had been with Rafe for a while now, and although they had got used to the teasing from their friends, she wondered how much longer they would keep up the act for.
“Debatable. I bet you just didn’t wanna help set up the tents, so you lied about being busy” Topper says, used to his best friends lazy tactics.
“You think so low of me, Top” he says, a cheesy grin on his face as he adjusts his hat, before opening his can. He takes a swig, relishing in the cool liquid which contrasted heavily to the beaming sun which reflected down on them.
“Right, I’m going for a swim before the beach gets too crowded” she says, standing up from her chair and finishing the rest of her beer. She took off her rings that previously decorated her fingers before lifting her shirt over her head, blissfully unaware of the stunned expression on her friend’s faces as they admired her body.
Rafe, on the other hand, was all too aware. His clenched jaw was hard to miss as he slapped Toppers chest, sending both him and Kelce a glare.
“Wait for me” Rafe shouts as he watches her begin to walk down to the shore, almost loosing his balance as he observes her hips swaying from side to side. God, he could get used to that.
“Wait for me” Topper and kelce say at the same time, the mocking tone in their voices evident as they both laugh. And if they weren’t making fun of him, Rafe would of been impressed at how unionised they were. Rafe held his middle finger up, trying his best to maintain a serious look when Topper raised his arms up in surrender, a small smirk painted on his face.
The water was cool when she got in, her muscles relaxing almost immediately. She sighed as she fully submerged herself into the water, swimming deeper into the sea, but her relaxed aura disintegrated when she felt something wrap around her foot. She screamed as she turned around, her fearful expression contorting into a glare as she realised it was just Rafe, clearly trying to fuck with her.
“you make it too easy for me, baby” he laughs, pulling her body towards him, in awe of the freckles which danced along her cheeks, and all the way along her nose. But as her chest was pressed flush against his, she realised just how exhausted he looked, the bags under his eyes making her cringe a little.
“Are you okay?” She asks, concern laced in her voice as she runs a thumb along his slightly sunburnt cheek, just below his eyes.
She knew his dad had been putting him under a lot of pressure recently, and it pained her to see him like this, all tired and deflated. Even though he did his best to hide it from her, she could always tell.
He nodded, melting into her touch as he tilts his head, relishing in the gentle feel of her skin. His eyes shut for just a second as he snakes his arms around her waist, and it was moments like this she realised just how different he acted around her, compared to everyone else. And as much as she wished he wouldn’t put on a front all the time, she was grateful he let her see the real Rafe.
“Nothing I can’t handle baby. I just needed to see you” he says, and she couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriends sweet words, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“I can’t believe Topper and Kelce are going to be cock blocking me all weekend” he says, and she rolled her eyes at his vulgar statement, his sweetness evidently short lived.
“Like that’s ever stopped us before” she says, a tight-lipped smile on her face as she tries to hide her smirk.
Rafe had a shit-eating grin on his face as he recalled their past public escapades, reminiscing about the numerous times they indulged in public, even when their friends were too close for comfort. He just couldn’t help it sometimes, and neither could she.
She giggled as he grabbed her thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before wrapping her legs around his waist. The gentle waves crashing around them drowned out her gasp as she felt his cock press against her clothed pussy, already starting to harden underneath her.
“Well, in that case…” he trails off, his smile never wavering as he takes a quick look around, making sure no one was too close before he tightens his grip on her waist, dipping his head to claim her lips in a harsh kiss.
And as she tangled her fingers into his hair, making him hum into her mouth almost immediately, she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him.
“Have you thought about the summer camping trip yet sweetie? Seemed like you really enjoyed it last year” Her mother asks, ripping her gaze away from the road ahead, and it was moments like this where she had to question if her mother could read her mind.
She turned her head to meet her mothers gaze, scanning her features as if to look for signs that she was in fact a mind reader. She noticed that she had a certain look in her eyes that she couldn’t quite place, but whatever it was, was tinged with concern.
“Im not sure, i'll think about it” she says, fidgeting with one of the threads on her jumper sleeve, one of the many tells of her anxiety.
“Okay. Oh- I forgot to say, I know you didn’t want to do anything big for your birthday, but I just couldn’t help myself…” her mother starts, and the side eye she gave her was unmissable.
“Oh god. What have you done?” She says, eyes wide with fear. She never really cared for her birthday, and therefore never made a big deal out of it. She hoped this year wasn’t an exception.
“I’ve invited some families around for a small party, nothing crazy. The Thorntons, the Cameron’s, the-“
“The Cameron’s?” She says, her voice raised as she draws in a sharp breath, head snapping to face her mother so fast, she could of got whiplash.
Her eyes were wide as she attempted to register what her mother just said, her muscles tensing with fear as she felt her heart practically sink to her feet. She was going to have to see him again. And as soon as her mother took one look at her daughters face, she knew she had fucked up.
She wanted to blame her mother, but she couldn't really. To her mothers knowledge, there was no hostility towards her and Rafe, and their breakup was mutual. In other words, she has never told her mother the real reason they broke up, or the fact that they don't talk anymore. At the start, it was just too painful, and telling her meant it was actually real. Now, it was like bringing up old news, and she didn't want to revisit the ghosts of her past.
She spent the rest of the journey pleading with her mother to un-invite them, but she wouldn’t budge, claiming it would be too rude to tell them they couldn’t come now, and the damage had already been done. Although she had always had soft spots for Sarah and Wheezie, she knew seeing Rafe again would break her into pieces.
But that didn’t matter now, she thought to herself, eyes trained on the raindrops which had started to trickle down the car window, the moody clouds a reflection of her own dismay. Using her mothers words, the damage had been done, and it was now time to face the music.
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better
She tapped her finger erratically on her leg as she sat on her desk chair in her bedroom, trying drastically to calm her nerves. This was officially the worst birthday ever, and she knew the worst was yet to come.
She finished the last of the wine she stole from her parents cupboards, the alcohol warming her insides as she inhales a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before checking her appearance in the mirror once again, ruffling her hair to give it more volume. She had already changed her outfit multiple times, wanting to make sure she looked good. But no matter how many times she checked her makeup, or fiddled with her hair, nothing felt sufficient.
She practically jumped out of her skin as the sound of the doorbell engulfed the house, her breath hitching in her throat. She sprayed her perfume on herself as her mother called her name, and gave herself a small but reassuring mental pep talk, before making her way down the stairs.
Her shoulders dropped with relief as she saw it was just the Thorntons, and she extended her arms out to embrace Topper as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Happy birthday! How is my favourite mai tai drinker?” Topper says as he hugs her, reminding her of the time she threw up after a long night of Mai tai’s and joints at his house; something that seemingly, she has never been able to live down.
“God, don’t remind me” she says, cringing at the memory.
“But that’s what friends are for?” He says, more of a question than a statement. His features held a playful expression, and she realised then she had missed her friends more than she thought.
She greeted Toppers parents, the familiar faces calming her anxiety a little as they all made their way to the garden, the music from the speakers getting louder and louder.
“This looks amazing mum, thank you” she said, a bright smile on her face as she hugs her mother, admiring all the decorations. Although this is definitely not what she wanted to be doing on her birthday, she could tell her mother put in a lot of effort, and she didn’t want to be ungrateful.
“Of course. Happy birthday darling” she says, before retreating in the kitchen to sort out a few things.
Once her mother was out of the sight, she pulled on Toppers arm, dragging him further down the garden, away from his parents “Top, I’m freaking the fuck out”
"what? why?" Topper says, his eyebrows furrowed.
"because, my moms invited-" her blood runs cold as she hears the doorbell again, and just by the look in her eyes, Topper instantly knew what was going on. “Rafe?” He asks. She nodded her head.
Luckily, it was just some old school friends, and she allowed her body to relax once again. She wondered how many mini-heart attacks it would take for Rafe to actually show up.
Her question was left unanswered as an hour past, and the Camerons still hadn't shown up. She didn't know whether she felt relieved or disappointed, but based on the heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach, she definitely felt uneasy.
Despite this, she was actually having a good time. Kelce and the rest of her school friends turned up, and lets just say her mums wine stash was growing lesser by the minute.
"okay everyone, inside for the cake!" her mother yells, and everyone followed her inside promptly, taking a seat on the large dining table. She was just about to offer to help her mum cut the cake, when the doorbell went again. Her eyes shut in defeat, knowing there was only one family that was yet to turn up.
"ah! your just in time for the cake! come in, come in" she could hear her mother mumble from the hallway, and her heart dropped.
Low and behold, the Camerons waltzed into the dining room, and suddenly, she was stone cold sober. Ward was absent, which wasn't exactly unusual. He had missed so many of Rafe's important milestones growing up, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't interested in hers.
Her eyes grew soft as they met Rafes gaze. He looked pretty much the same, although his hair had grown, and the way his dirty blonde locks fell in front of his face was doing something to her that she couldn't quite explain.
She hadn’t seen him for so long, that the memories she had of him where that of a timid ghost; one that always lingered but never pounced, and never allowed her to fully heal. But as she was standing in front of him now, in the flesh, everything felt so much more real. And it was clear his ghost had come back to haunt her, as vicious as ever.
But as he got closer, and she got a good look at his face, her insides started to twist in the worst way possible. The skin of his cheek was bruised purple, his eye was basically black, and the numerous cuts and scrapes that danced along his skin were accompanied by a cut lip. She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a gasp, and she was sure everyone else was doing the same.
Rafe's heart skipped a beat as he saw her, his rationality crumbling before his eyes as he glanced at the girl who was once his everything. It was like their whole relationship flashed before his eyes in that very moment, and it was hard for him to breath. He tore his eyes away from her as the overwhelming emotions became too much, finding solace in staring at his feet instead. She wondered then if this was as hard for him as it was for her.
Wheezie was first to approach her, giving her a big hug as she wished her happy birthday, before Sarah and Rose did the same. And then, it was Rafe’s turn.
“Hey” she says, her lips turning upwards into a small smile. God, he had missed her smile.
“Hi. You look nice” he said in a soft voice, hands hidden from her as he fiddled with something in his pockets, a hesitant look in his eyes. It may of been a while, but she still knew the boy inside and out, and just by the deflated look in his blue orbs, she could tell he wasn’t doing well.
“Thanks” she said, giving him a tight lipped smile in response. There was so much she wanted to say. But with so many people around, she couldn’t.
The next twenty minutes were extremely awkward. Rafe didn't say a word to anyone, and you could practically cut through the tension with a knife. Her eyes were glossy as she blew out her candles, and it took everything in her to fake a smile and hold herself together. She had a good poker face, but Rafe could see right through her as he sat across the table, a pit of dread in his stomach as he observed the sadness that lay behind her eyes. He poked and prodded at his untouched piece of cake as he matched her dull expression, before Sarah decided to break the silence.
"so Y/N, hows college? are the people nice?"
"um, yeah" she says, swirling her fork around her plate. She really wasn't in the mood to elaborate.
"she's made lots of friends, haven't you sweetie? she even has a new-"
"mom" she says, more as a warning, looking up from her plate now.
"what? as i was saying, she as a new boyfriend" her mother says, as oblivious as ever, pausing to take a sip from her wine glass.
her eyes shut in defeat for a second, but she didnt miss the way Rafe's eyes snapped up, his jaw clenching at the revelation. she's moved on.
it was true, she had a new boyfriend. The relationship was new, but he was sweet. She would be lying if she said he made her feel the things Rafe did, though.
"oh, thats wonderful! whats he like?" Toppers mum says, blissfully unaware of the chaos she was provoking.
"um-" she was cut off with a clang before she could even start her sentence, everyones eyes darting to Rafe as the sound of him dropping his fork on his plate fills the room, his fists balled on the table.
"excuse me" Rafe says, not waiting for a response before he jumps up, storming out of the room without so much as a glance. She mumbles a quick "fuck" under her breath, her guilty conscience getting the best of her when she too sprang up, following him out of the room without giving it too much thought.
She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, her movements coming to a halt when she spotted him outside, staring at him through the glass doors that led to the garden. She grabbed a random sweatshirt from one of the kitchen stools, and took a deep breath before heading outside.
He didn't look at her as she walked out, but he knew she was there. instead, he gazed at the pool in front of him. "new boyfriend, huh?" he says, shoving his hands in his pockets, his jaw still clenched.
"Yeah well, atleast he can actually look me in the eyes" she says, folding her arms over her chest. He took that as a dig, and turned to look at her then, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. It was painfully obvious he was still in love with her, hell, he probably always would be. But who could blame him? It was the kind of love you only saw in the movies, the same kind of love Rafe never believed in, until he met her.
"what happened to your face?" she says weakly, just above a whisper, as if it pained her to say it.
he opened his mouth and then closed it again, like a gulping fish, debating whether to tell her the truth or not. His mouth opened once again, ready to speak before his eyes trailed down to her sweatshirt. And just like that, he froze.
“You kept it” he says, and her eyes followed his, peering down at her sweatshirt before she too froze. Holy shit, she forgot it was his.
She walked with Sarah out into the garden at the Cameron house, taking a sip of her vodka orange as she walked past Rafe to the sun beds. He was watering the plants, no doubt a chore his dad asked him to do before he left the house this morning. But given his shirtless state, she definitely wasn’t complaining.
They had just started seeing each other, but they hadn’t told anyone yet, not wanting to deal with the agro from their friends. But again, she wasn’t complaining. As it turns out, sneaking around was a lot of fun.
“Have you no shame? Uncle Reggie doesn’t even drink this early” Rafe taunts, referring to his alcoholic relative Reggie, who had a reputation for always ruining family events.
“Debatable. I once saw him use tequila instead of milk in his cereal” Sarah says.
“Bite me, Cameron” she claps back at Rafe, smiling sweetly at him before perching on the sun bed.
I’d love to, he thought, but he bit his tongue at the presence of his sister. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her summer dress, the flimsy material just daring to be pulled down her body as he glanced at the flirtatious look that danced in her eyes.
“That’s a dangerous thing to say to a man with a hose” he threatens, his signature smirk gracing his cherry red lips. She wasn’t sure she could get used to his smile even if she tried.
“You wouldn’t dare” she says, confident in her words as she laid back in the chair with her eyes closed, letting the sun drench her skin.
“Wouldn’t i?”
her eyes shot open as she felt cold water being sprayed all over her body, a loud scream leaving her lips.
“Holy shit!” She screams, springing up from the chair to run away from him, a breathy laugh leaving her lips. He stopped eventually, once he had his fun, but the amused look on his face turned into a stunned expression, his mouth agape as he noticed the way her dress had become somewhat transparent.
“Perv!” Sarah says to her brother, eyeing the way he was shamelessly staring at her wet figure. She mentally cursed him then for his lack of control, he didn’t even try to hide it.
She went inside to change, grabbing the first thing she saw in the laundry room, which happened to be a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt. It wasn’t the most flattering outfit in the world, but it would do. When she opened the door to make her way back into the garden, she found Rafe on the other side of it.
“Scale of 1 to 10?” He says, a cheeky look on his face.
Whenever they would bicker or annoy each other, they would always ask the other to rate their rage in a scale of 1 to 10, as a way of gaging whether the disagreement was serious or not.
“A strong 9. I’m plotting my revenge as we speak” she says, a smile painting her face that made all of his defences crumble. He let out a genuine chuckle at her remark
“Your wearing my sweatshirt” he observes, a cheesy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
At this point, their secret relationship was lacking a label, and she wasn’t sure if they were at the clothes-wearing stage yet. “Oh, sorry. I’ll take it off” she says, her voice weak. She went to lift the material over her head when he stopped her.
“No, no, keep it. You look good in it” he says, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling her closer.
“Plus…I want you wearing it when I do this” he says, guiding her backwards into the laundry room and shutting the door with his foot. She giggled as he began peppering sweet kisses on her neck, and her hands immediately clung to his hair, relishing in the feel of his soft lips. He just couldn’t help but smirk into her skin as her breathing got heavier and heavier, and it dawned on him then that, label or not, he was hers. “Your smooth Cameron, I’ll give you that”
“Of course I kept it” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to her, it was.
His features softened at her words, and he came to the realisation then that maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn’t lost. He tried to stop himself from stepping towards her, but he just couldn’t. And as soon as the smell of her perfume invaded his senses, he knew he was a goner.
“Does your boyfriend touch you like I did?” He asks, his voice low as he dips his head to hers, eyes focused on her glossy lips. One wrong move, and his lips would be on hers.
She couldn’t deny the way her insides melted as her eyes widened slightly, a certain intensity laying behind his eyes that made all of the blood rush to her head. The lust within his blown out pupils only added fuel to the fire as he brought his hands up to her thighs, tracing his fingers upwards along her skin, before his hands reached under the hem of her sweatshirt.
Her breath hitched in her throat as his hands dipped under the material, roaming around her bare hips, pulling her closer to him, if that was even possible. One hand then settled on the small of her back, whilst the other creeped up to her clothed breast. He swiped his thumb over her hardened nipple, and as she let out a small whimper, he had to bite his lip to suppress a smirk.
“I-“ her words turned into mush as he pushed the top of her dress aside, making her jerk against him as he pinches her nipple. The cold metal of his rings cooled down her burning skin as he touched her breast, and she felt like her knees were going to give way at any moment.
“I bet he doesn’t” he whispers in her ear, taunting her even further, even though based on her reaction, he already knew her answer. She could feel his smirk when he placed a kiss on her head, his familiar after shave making her question why they even broke up in the first place. She knew then that she was screwed.
The sound of the garden door opening snapped her out of her blissful trance, and she pulled away from him, ignoring every urge in her body that wanted to pull him close again. The loss of her warmth almost made him frown as the distance between them increased, and when he saw topper standing at the top of the garden, he never wanted to punch his best friend more.
“Uh, your mum wanted me to check if everything is alright” Topper says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he tried to ignore what he just walked in on.
“Yeah, um, we should probably head back in” she says, refusing to meet Rafe’s eyes as she turns on her feet, making her way back inside.
“Top, give us a minute” Rafe says, and she halts her movements, turning back around to face him. Topper nodded his head swiftly before treating back indoors.
“I just- I got you this. Happy birthday” he says, walking over to her, before pulling out a small box in his pocket. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper, finished off with a small white ribbon, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that escaped her lips. He got her a present.
“Oh. Thank you” she said, taking the box out of his hand. Their fingers brushed briefly, and she couldn’t ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
“We should…” she starts, gesturing her hand towards the house.
“Oh. Yeah” he says, his voice somewhat shaky. It was strange how he could go from dominant to a nervous reck in the space of a few seconds. He hated what she turned him into. She was the only one that could break his defences by the click of a finger, and it was terrifying.
He wanted to grab her hand, or yell for her to stay, but he didn’t. Instead, he waltzed back up the garden steps behind her, before entering the dining room again with one question on his mind.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you miss me?
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Strawberries and Cream
I’m doing so good with this
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 6.4k
🔪remember to reblog🔪
Notes: Im currently writing this while finishing chapter one lmao. No because if you ever see a “/“ in my work you better tell me RIGHT NEYOW because I don’t write things in order I skip whole scenes and then go back to that slash and write in what happens until it gets to the scene I wrote and if that’s there that means it’s about to get CONFUSING and I just forgot to write it. P.S I love it but I’m so sick of reading this chapter 🤣🤣🤣
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Episode 2: Zoo Daze
Eddie takes his time shaving, his hands are shaking so badly he’s afraid he’s gonna slice his throat or something. Buck is sitting on his bed, looking over outfit options.
“So like… this is just a friend thing?” He asks Eddie as he makes a face at the green T-shirt, tossing it aside. He grabs the navy blue shirt and lays it over the jeans then takes a white sling bag from the closet. He pulls out his phone, clicking a few buttons before taking a picture.
“Yeah, just a friend thing” Eddie calls out from the bathroom “I just…I don’t wanna move too fast for her”
“Did you already imagine the dog?” Buck teases as he settles on Eddie’s beat-up Chuck Taylor’s, Eddie calls them “vintage” Buck calls him cheap.
“Leave Captain Barkley out of this, what did he ever do to you” Eddie walks out of the bathroom, wiping his face with a towel.
“Does she get to redecorate the house too? Because I know my cousin, you’re gonna be buried in stuffed animals”
“If that’s what she wants” Eddie tosses the towel down and looks over Buck's choices, shrugging as he starts getting dressed. “Trust me, I already know our styles are gonna fit. And even if they don’t we’ll just have a unique style together y’know? I’m easygoing, okay, you know that.”
Buck tosses him his cologne and Eddie sprays it on, putting on the teeniest, tiniest bit extra just so it’ll cling to you too. He fixes his hair one last time in the mirror and turns to Buck, his arms open.
“How do I look?” He does a spin, before crossing his arms over his chest. Buck studies him, narrowing his eyes before he gets up and goes through Eddie’s dresser, he grabs a nicer-looking watch and hands it to him
“This is gonna be weird” He stands against Eddie, leaning into his neck and inhaling slowly. His hands trail up his sides and he puts his hands on his chest. He smirks as his eyes roll back and he pulls away.
“Okay cool, you didn’t put too much on” He gives him a double thumbs up and Eddie rolls his eyes, chuckling.
“Pervert, you know you just wanted to feel me up”
“Are you gonna blame me?!” Buck throws his hands in the air in defense “And I swear I was making sure you didn’t put on too much cologne okay? And that’s probably the way Y/N would feel you up if you guys kiss so I gotta make sure your shirt is soft enough bro I’m looking out for you okay”
“Mhm I bet you are”
It’s cute how things are almost the same at Maddie’s house. She’s sitting on her bed, looking through all the clothes you brought over, phone in hand. You’re in the bathroom doing your hair, braiding it back.
“So it’s just a friend thing right?” She asks as she picks up a pink dress, tossing it aside.
“Yeah, that’s what we agreed on,” You say, coming out and taking off your robe, you toss it on the bed and Maddie hands you a blue and white gingham dress, with spaghetti straps and a tie in front. It’s short and playful, but still extremely cute
“Oh, and these!” She gets up, goes to her closet, and pulls out a pair of matching light blue Chuck Taylor’s “Chim got them for me before the pregnancy, they don’t exactly fit anymore” she chuckles as she tosses them on the floor in front of you
“You’re sure this isn’t too dressy?” You sound a bit worried as she ties the little bow in front and smiles at you
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s not too dressy. You look really good” She turns you around and grabs a white bow from the bed, putting it in your hair. She brushes off your shoulders and nods approvingly as she pushes you towards the mirror
“See? You look amazing! He’s gonna go crazy over you”
“We’re just friends Mads” You roll your eyes playfully “He’s not gonna go crazy over me”
“Hey, Eddie can appreciate beauty when he sees it, alright.” She smirks, Chim walks in, a smoothie in his hand.
“Oh heyyy, lookin' good Y/N I see what you’re doing there”
You giggle and Maddie pats your butt “See! You’re gonna be just fine, girly!”
Maddie helps you put on makeup, just a light, natural, look. She hands you the tube of strawberry lipgloss and you put it on, blowing a little kiss towards Chim who wolf whistles at you
“Okay. Maybe he’ll go a tiny bit crazy” You giggle as you spray your perfume over yourself. “He should be here soon, he said he’d be here at 10… is he normally on time?” You pack up your white mini backpack, stuffing a few snacks in there too.
“Usually yeah,” Chim says, swinging his feet as he sits on the bed. “Especially on dates”
“Does he date often?” You apply a little glitter to your collarbones just for funsies.
“No, not…for a while. But that’s kinda his story to tell. You’re the first in a while”
“I’m not the first” Your cheeks flush “It’s just two friends hanging out okay? And… that’s sort of good to know, at least I know what topic to avoid. Not that I’m trying to start a conversation about a relationship.”
Maddie rolls her eyes but allows it. It’s wildly clear to everyone you’re both smitten… hopefully, this is a good little push.
“Anyway” Maddie interrupts, the doorbell rings, there’s a weird commotion and then the front door slams.
“It’s me! It’s actually us, I asked for a ride” Buck says as he comes jogging into the bedroom. He stops when he sees you, absolutely melting. He clasps his hands together
“Awwwww oh my god. You look like a doll!!!” He comes over and hugs you, squeezing you. “Our baby is growing up!!!” He wipes a fake tear and you pat his back gingerly
“Thanks, Dad.” You snicker and Maddie pushes Buck away, threatening to punch him if he ruins your makeup.
“Hey isn’t Eddie outside” Chim points, getting up to get the door
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that,” Buck says, his hands on his hips. “Wait- Wait Chim you gotta be cool you gotta be a dad! This is great practice!”
“Yeah. Yeah okay, a dad!” He grabs his smoothie cup and straightens out his shirt before smoothing his hair back.
“Oh my god. Let Eddie in!!!” Maddie yells at them and they both scramble out of the bedroom.
Maddie walks in front of you as you come out of the bedroom, Eddie hugs her and kisses her on the cheek before seeing you.
“Hey Y/N, you ready to…-“ he short circuits for a second, just staring at you. Buck shakes Chim and they hold onto each other.
He’s not even really being dramatic, god how could he be? If this is you for a “friend” date what the hell would you look like on a real date? He can practically see little puppy Captain Barkley Diaz now.
“Am I ready to?…-“ you smile up at him, batting your eyelashes teasingly. Earth isn’t even possible right now. He comes as close as Jupiter is as he looks down at you. You’re even matching, he’s not sure if it was on purpose or not but it’s cute it’s literally so damn cute.
“Um- uh. The… zoo are you ready to go to the zoo” He asks calmly, almost monotonously like he’d been practicing it on the way over.
“I’m ready!” You tell him excitedly, taking his hand and yanking on it.
“Let’s jet!”
Maddie and the boys wave you both off as you walk out, he opens the door for you, taking your hand and helping you up into the car. It’s Buck’s jeep, he practically demanded the two of you take it and said he cleaned it just for this occasion.
Eddie gets in, making sure you’re buckled in before turning on the jeep “You can play whatever you want”
You fiddle around with your phone for a second, hooking it up to the aux, and start scrolling through your playlists
“Okay this is just intimidating,” You say as you put on a random playlist
“Oh come on, you don’t want to show me who you are through music?” He smirks as he starts driving
“What if you think my music is trash?”
“I’m not gonna think your music is trash” he reassures you by turning up the volume.
It’s a fun mix of everything you like, you catch him mumbling along to “Oops…I did it again” he fully denies that one, but he does however proudly sing backups to “Wannabe and Too Much” by the Spice Girls. You’re both just messing around and having a good time… but of course, he can sing. His voice gives you chills and whilst you’re not so bad yourself it’s just a lot to handle.
“Sporty Spice carried those vocals,” Eddie says as he opens the car door for you, helping you out
“Buck says the same thing” You snort as you walk towards the entrance.
You guys stand in line together, you’re looking around the main lobby, it’s a pretty nice one. You look up at him, smiling widely
“I’m literally so excited, I hope they have elephants, I’ve always wanted to see an elephant!!”
“I’m pretty sure they do, we’ll get a map for you” Eddie takes your hand, his phone is scanned for the tickets and you head inside.
You’re like a child again, running around to each exhibit and pulling Eddie after you. He’s happy to take pictures of you with all the animals and you do the same. A woman comes over and offers to take a picture of the two of you, your cheeks flush as he hands her the phone and puts his arms around you, setting his head on your shoulder. You look at him just in time for the lady to take the picture
“Oh my god, you guys are so cute!!” She squeals, handing him back his phone
“Thank you” He smirks haughtily at you and you give his chest a whack.
“People are gonna think we’re together”
“Is that so bad?”
It’s not so bad, not really. You roll your eyes and look down at the map, your mouth drops open and you practically shove it in his face
“Look!!! They do have elephants!” You squeal as you grab his hand, and yank him with you. He stumbles after you, tripping over his own feet. It doesn’t even bother him in the least, watching you so excited and happy makes him feel giddy. Especially knowing he’s the one who brought you here.
You stop in front of the elephants, your head tilting up to stare at them
“Oh my god…” you say softly, staring at the gigantic animal in front of you. Your eyes are wide and sparkly… Eddie takes a picture of you, one he’ll keep to himself. You look euphoric and he knows he’s going to be hugging his phone to his chest and kicking his feet whenever he sees it again.
He wishes he could freeze this moment in time for you, you look over at him and his heart skips a beat at the smile on your face
“Isn’t it cool?” You giggle and he nods, a bit dumbly
The butterflies around him don’t compare to the ones raging in his stomach, throwing an all-out rave.
You both sit in front of the elephants for a while, he eventually puts his arms around you and you lean into him, just watching them mess around in their habitat
“You wanna stay here all day? Or would you rather check out more animals”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing some Tigers”
You and Eddie end up on The Bridge, it’s a large structure high over the outdoor area for big cats. You find a place near a pair of binoculars and look down over the edge. You read from the information panel in front of you, learning all about Sean and Rhonda the tigers that live there.
Eddie is busy listening to you and looking through the binoculars when he gets eyes on Sean
“Huh… I wonder why he’s pacing like that. Been doing that for a while” Eddie aims the little binoculars at him again before stepping aside and giving you a chance to look through them at the tiger. He seems to be almost studying something. You look around for a bit, looking through the trees.
“Hey…Eddie?” You point towards a particularly odd-looking branch. “That- that kind of looks really easy for him to jump onto don’t you think?”
Eddie looks where you’re pointing, and he reaches out for your hand “Yeah it kind of freaking do-“
All hell breaks loose before he can even finish his sentence. The tiger takes a running start and jumps onto the tree, scaling it easily and heading straight for that branch. He’s out of his enclosure within 20 seconds. The bridge shakes as he lands.
You’re knocked over almost immediately as people start running and screaming, pushing each other out of the way to get away. The tiger roars before racing off in the opposite direction.
“Eddie?!”You scream for him. You’re on the ground, trying to push yourself up when you feel strong hands yank you up by your waist and you get thrown over someone’s shoulder.
You’re struggling a bit, before Eddie sets you down and pulls you with him, running to a little alcove outside the tiger exhibit. He hurries along, trying the doors until one finally gives.
“In here!” Eddie finds an unlocked supply closet and shoves you in first before rushing in behind you and slamming the door shut. You collapse on your butt, propped against the wall. You’re panting harshly, your hands shaking as Eddie gets down, crawling over to you
“Hey, hey look at me, are you okay?” He puts his hands on your face, his eyes searching your body frantically. You can feel his hands shaking just as hard as yours as he feels over your face. You’re a bit scuffed up and dirty but the tiger didn’t rip you to shreds so really it seems like a win.
“I’m- y-yeah no, no I’m okay. I’m okay. I think. I-“
He yanks you against his chest, burying his face in your neck as he holds you.
“Don’t ever let go of my hand again, do you understand me?” He pants, one hand on the back of your head and the other, fingers splayed across your back, squishing you against him. “God please never let go”
It takes a while for Eddie to calm down, you’re just sitting in his lap as he holds you close, rocking you slowly. You’re not sure who’s being comforted more, you or him. You can hear both of your phones blowing up in your pockets, the fire fam has gotten wind of what happened but neither of you wants to move to answer them. He rubs your side lovingly, his head on top of yours
“You doin' okay?” He asks, a bit more level-headed this time, his voice soft and even.
“Yeah but-“ You point to your knee, it’s pretty scraped up and bloody. He frowns, as he looks it over, he should have asked sooner. It’s not too bad but it definitely needs to be taken care of. He sets you down on the floor and takes off his bag.
“Are you doing okay?” You ask and he looks up at you, a grimace on his face and you decide not to push him on it. You look around the supply closet, it’s cool and dark, and there’s a window letting in a bit of light. You’re sort of hoping the Tiger isn’t smart enough to open doors, even if in theory that would be super cool.
“You know this has got to be the coolest day of my life” You snicker as Eddie takes out the supplies from his emergency kit. He’s finally able to part with you for the time being, he’s gotta put this first. This is his job, he can do it.
“Coolest huh? Why is that?”
He’s so concentrated on what he’s doing, using his “Fireman’s” voice. He pulls the antiseptic from the bag, his movements are fluid and practiced, he doesn’t even warn you when he goes to disinfect the wound, just immediately blots it.
You hiss in pain, jerking a little and he looks up at you “Why was it so cool?” He asks again softly, rubbing your leg. It’s distracting, he didn’t want to use that particular disinfectant because he knew it would sting but it was the best he had. He doesn’t stop blotting at it, but he does blow on it as he goes.
“A whole ass Tiger escaped its enclosure! And I got to see it happen!!” You tell him, watching him carefully as he cleans you up.
“I’m gonna be so real, I nearly shit my pants. That was terrifying.”
You laugh together as he reaches back in the kit, getting a large tan bandaid.
“You know, death by tiger? Would have been literally the most metal way to go out” You say, watching his skilled hands. Is it weird to say he’s super hot when he’s being all “hero, rescue, firefighter guy?”
“I think the only way it would be cooler was if you died fighting the tiger to save a child”
Your head falls back and you cover your mouth laughing.
“I’m glad you saved me though… Thank you. I could have gotten trampled… you’re like… really strong”
“Hey it’s my job to be strong,” He says, smiling as he looks up at you. He puts the bandaid on you and then reaches back into his kit, putting a cute Hello Kitty bandaid over the large tan one. “And I’ll always save you Y/N. I promise”
The announcement comes over the speakers that the tiger has been contained and that Investigators want to talk to everyone on the bridge. Eddie knows he shouldn’t. But he sneaks the two of you out of the zoo anyway, he’ll call the zoo later and tell them what happened. It’s well- a zoo in there right now and he just needs peace, and he can tell you’re just as frazzled. He helps you into the jeep and then gets in, slamming the door shut. It’s silent, there’s no screaming, no running…no growling. Just silence.
You lean your head on his shoulder, your hand still in his, and you rub soothing circles on the back of his hand. It’s a good 20 minutes before he finally turns on the car. It kind of seems like the chaos and screaming got to him and you’re a bit worried.
“I know a really good diner if you’re hungry, best diner you’ll ever go to I promise” He finally speaks up. He sets your hand on his thigh and you squeeze it lightly, leaving it there
“Yeah okay sounds good, but if you’re lying I’m gonna spray you with the hose.”
He snorts as he pulls out of the parking lot and rolls his eyes “How are you even gonna get the hose?”
“You honestly think Buck wouldn’t give it to me? And be there right behind me as I’m spraying you down? Like Chim and Hen wouldn’t be filming it!”
“I think at least Bobby would save me!!”
You giggle and slap his thigh playfully “He’s gonna be the one controlling the water”
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You plop down in the booth across from Eddie, leaning back against the plush seating. The waitress drops two menus in front of you both and promises to come back soon with water to get you started.
“Do you know what you want?” Eddie asks as he leans forward, his arms on the table, his hand cradling his chin.
“Probably that burger” you shrug, laying your head down on your arm on the table. You’re both exhausted. Now that the adrenaline has worn off it’s time for a serious nap
“Yeah, same” he agrees, laying his head down with you. He reaches over, taking your hand in his as he closes his eyes. You smile softly as he rubs circles with his thumb over it. The waitress hesitantly approaches the table setting your water down
“You two seem exhausted” She smiles as she takes out her book
“You have no idea” Eddie chuckles, sitting up. He orders for the two of you, two bacon cheeseburgers with grilled onions and two strawberry lemonades. It’s like he knows how to read your heart at this point
The waitress- Annie, writes down your orders and sticks her pen back in her book
“That’ll be out soon! Oh my god have you two heard about the tiger escaping at the zoo? It’s all over everything already”
“Oh trust me. We heard” Eddie tells her, handing her the menus while she talks about it for a little bit before walking away to put in the orders, you look up at Eddie and shake your head
“I’m 90 percent sure I’m gonna have tiger PTSD”
He snorts and intertwines your fingers together again, shaking your hand a little. “As someone who actively denies? PTSD yeah no definitely can confirm absolute tiger PTSD”
You giggle, watching your hands together before looking at him curiously “Actively denies…-?” You leave it open-ended and he nods
“Don’t wanna talk about it though. Please if that’s okay”
“No no, it’s fine” you reassure him, squeezing his hand “Just…. I’m here for you. I’m sure you probably hear that a lot. But I do mean it, Eddie. You’re not alone”
“Eh… sometimes it feels like it” He admits, staring at your hands “No one knows what I went through you know? It’s just rough I guess. I don’t know, I’ll get over it.”
You look at him, a sad smile on your face “You won’t get over it Eddie… not, not without help. But you know what, I just met you. This is kind of our first hangout. I'm not going to go down this road with you right now unless you’d like to. It’s not exactly my place”
“Hey we survived a wild tiger mauling together, I think it’s your place” he jokes with you, lightening the mood, you giggle and shake your head
“I’m glad I escaped with my arm. He really went to town on it.”
Lunch is nice, Eddie was right this is the best diner you’ve ever been to.
“Oh my god” You moan around your bite and he nods, laughing as he bites his burger. “Told you I knew what I was talking about”
“I promise to never doubt you again, you know until I completely forget this moment” You steal an onion ring and he smirks, taking one of your fries.
“Don’t worry I’ll remember it for you”
You two eat together in silence, a “companionable” silence. You’re looking out the window and he’s on his phone for a bit before slipping it back in his pocket. It’s nice to be around him…everything is always so good when it comes to him.
“What should we do after this?” You ask as you dip a fry in ketchup. He watches you for a bit before shrugging
“If you wanted, We could go out somewhere else. Or maybe we could just hang out somewhere… something laid back. I- I want to keep hanging out with you, I do. But-”
“We just got semi-attacked by a tiger and now we’re sitting here staring off into space”
“Yeahhh..” He sighs, grabbing an onion ring. He tears it in half, giving you one.
“If uh… if you’re up for it maybe we could just… go relax at my place? For a bit? It’s close to here and the couch is pretty comfy”
You grin widely, taking the half of onion ring and tossing it into your mouth
“Sounds good to me”
“Here we are, home sweet home” Eddie pulls into his driveway and shuts off the car. It’s around 4 pm but neither of you wanted the day to end and honestly, maybe you’re just still wanting to be by his side for a bit. He gets out and comes around, opening the door for you.
“Such a gentleman” You tease as you hop out, he flicks you off and shuts the door, locking it behind him. He lets you in the front door first, and you look around. It's very clean and put together, definitely a bit masculine in decoration. You slip off your shoes and go into the house
“Nice place you got here,” you tell him and he smiles, putting his hand on your lower back and guiding you over to the living room
“Thanks, Buck crashes here like… a lot. So you’ll probably find some of his stuff too if you feel like changing, or I can offer you something. Not that you’re not still looking absolutely stunning you know, just if you wanted to change. Can I get you something to drink?”
You look around the living room already spotting a pair of your cousin's shoes
“Yeah sure, thanks. And maybe I’ll change, I haven’t decided yet. You can though if you want to”
He walks away to get the drinks and you look at the pictures he has around, some of them are of the team and his friends. One of him in a military uniform with a group of people. Huh…that explains a little at least.
“So this is where I would be staying huh?” You smirk playfully as Eddie comes back into the living room, he hands you a bottle of tea and you crack it open. You turn away from the photos pretending you haven’t gotten that far.
“Yeah, I suppose it is” he chuckles. He motions with his bottle and you follow after him, he’s got a spare room, it’s a pretty decent size. “This would be your room… I mean if you wanted. I’d even give you the main if you wanted it”
You look around the room, it’s simple, bright, and airy. He says that and you whirl around “There’s no way in hell I’d take your bedroom from you! Especially if I was staying here”
He puts his hands up in defense and laughs lightly “Hey I’m an easygoing guy alright? I just want you to be comfortable- or no-. I would want you to be comfortable”
“Comfortable is this, Eddie. I wouldn’t take your bedroom away from you”
“Who knows,” he turns on his heel as he leaves the room “Maybe we can just share mine”
Your mouth drops open and you race after him “Hey! Hey, you get back here!”
Eddie refuses to acknowledge anything you say on the topic of what he just said, acting innocent and batting his eyelashes
“I think you’re hearing things” His voice was high-pitched and sweet. You shove him down onto the couch and sit next to him crossing your arms over your chest and huffing. It gets a few giggles out of him but he still doesn’t address it no matter how much you pout.
Eventually, like a toddler, you tire yourself out and just sit on the couch with him. There is a seat between you but it just feels like more than that. You pull your feet up on the couch and lay your head on the armrest staring at the SpongeBob episode on screen. The fish on screen is screaming about chocolate and you hear Eddie chuckle
“Are you joking?” You giggle as you turn your head to look at him
“This is literally classic SpongeBob. I'm not supposed to find it funny?” He asks, clearly wounded as he takes the throw blanket from the back of the couch, he opens his arm to you. “C’mere hater” he motions with his hand and you push up from the armrest, scooting across the mile-long seat in between the two of you and curling up into his side. He throws the blanket over the two of you and you grab onto his shirt.
“Yeah okay, I guess… I mean I still quote the paper skin thing so”
Eddie snickers as his hand lays on your thigh, he rubs soft, soothing circles, that send chills up your spine
“I’m like pretty sure Buck and I were literally just screaming chocolate last week anyway”
You cuddle together, watching SpongeBob for a few hours. It’s comforting and mind-numbing, it feels good to be in his arms. Eventually, you do take him up on his offer and he gives you a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. You change into them and plop back down with him, his outfit almost identical. It’s around nine when he pulls out his phone and starts scrolling
“Chinese sound good?” He asks and you look up at him, your eyes a little sleepy
“For what”
“Dinner?” It sounds like a question more than an answer “I figured it’s been a while since we ate…and I didn’t go grocery shopping so like..-“
“Okay yeah, that sounds good. What’s your cash app?” You pull out your phone and he takes it from you immediately, tossing it across the couch
“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you pay for it so just shut up and say thank you”
“Why didn’t you just not tell me your cash app??” You look at him, and he stops for a second, narrowing his eyes as he thinks.
“Mmm���yeah that was probably a better idea”
You sit up and snatch your phone from the other side of the couch, punching him in the side is a given, and then you lay back against him. He’s laid on the couch, his head comfortably resting on the pillows and you’re on top of him a bit, most of your body buried into the side of the couch.
He runs his fingers down your arm, just stroking it softly. It’s nice, it kinda tickles and you wriggle against him
“You know if I were to stay somewhere I wouldn’t mind if it was here. It’s pretty nice. You do a really good job taking care of your house”
Eddie’s heart flutters, and jumps and does like a roundhouse kick he’s not sure he just knows it’s going wild and he must have an entire butterfly farm in there cause god you’re making him all shy and giddy
“Oh? Well thanks that means a lot”
His voice is cool and even, even though he’s trying his best not to just squeeze the life out of you. Instead, he decides to squish the life out of you. He turns over and puts his arms and legs around you, you push at his chest and groan
“Eddie, you're squishing me! Get off!” Your voice is muffled as it’s buried in his chest
“Hmm my couch my rules, I’m pretty comfy right here” He purrs, holding onto you like a koala bear. You struggle underneath him until you finally give in. He’s warm and soft and overwhelms your senses, his cologne sticks to your body and you rarely wanna take this dress off
“Eddie get your fat butt off of me” you hiss and he snickers, wiggling his hips
“Wait, you think my butt is fat? Like what kinda fat? Like P-h-a-t? Or like is it Thicc with two C’s”
You’re laughing like a hyena into his chest as he goes about all the possible meanings and you slap his chest
“Double C’s maybe even triple when you’re in your work pants,” you tell him, winking dramatically
“That is literally the nicest damn compliment I have ever gotten in my entire life” He wipes a fake tear and rolls off of you, pulls you back onto him, and hugs you tightly to his chest
“Don’t worry, I like your ass too” His voice is so flirty and light. You feel his hands flow down your back, stopping just before they slide under the waistband of the basketball shorts. He easily turns his attention back toward the TV and you’re left a blushing mess on his chest.
Once the food arrives, you wander into the dining room with him, he goes to the kitchen, grabs a couple of bowls, and hands you one.
“You know most people just eat it right out of the carton,” You tell him as you spoon some rice into your bowl
“Yeah on tv maybe” he teases, using chopsticks to put an egg roll in your bowl “But we’re sharing”
You hold a piece of orange chicken up to his mouth and he takes it off your chopsticks “Yeah but how are we supposed to be cute and feed each other” you snicker and he rolls his eyes, chewing his bite
“Oh yeah because our diner experience wasn’t cute enough, holding hands at the table, stealing fries”
“Oh, so you wanted to be cute with me?” Your response is fast and cheeky and his mouth drops open
“I-Okay you know what, shut up and eat your egg roll!” He shoves your head away and you squeal laughing.
He lets you pick whatever you want to watch and you just continue with SpongeBob. You get comfy on the couch with him, your bowl in your lap as you eat together again.
“I realize now, that it’s been 650 hours… but did you ever text everyone back that we were okay?”
Eddie had texted everyone, he handled the entire storm for you, aka Buck’s 57 messages. Maddie was next in line with 34.
“Yeah of course, I told them you were okay too and just needed to shut your phone off” he scrolls through his phone for a second before showing you a picture, you’re staring out of the window of the diner. It’s a pretty picture, and surprisingly photogenic.
“Oh…Thanks” you say shyly, smiling softly at him, leaning you over, putting your head on his shoulder
“You’re the bestest friend a girl could have Eddie”
He kisses your head and lays his cheek on it “You’re welcome sugar cube, anything for you”
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Eddie turns down the covers on the bed as you get ready in the bathroom. He smoothly asked you to stay the night… if awkwardly stumbling through his sentence and wringing his hands while dropping the bowl he was washing was smooth.
You’d agreed, giggling at him as you helped pick up the pieces. You said it was too late to be driving anyway and he was glad you agreed. Just a nice, happy, friendly, sleepover. A little tiny sleepover between best friends. “Bestest” she’d said.
You come out of the bathroom in just the t-shirt he’d lent you, you stuff your bra and dress into your mini backpack and put your hands on your hips
“Guess this’ll be a test drive huh?” You tease as you crawl into bed. He tucks you in and it makes you giggle when he leans down and kisses your head
“You know I am serious Y/N, if you need a place to stay my door is always open”
“I think I believe you…” You say quietly as he sits on the edge of your bed “But I just don’t know… it’s a big step, moving across the country. I- I don’t even have a job here and-“
“Hey don’t worry about that,” He says quietly shushing you “I can… I can take care of you”
You look up at him, your cheeks flushed “What are you, my sugar daddy?” you joke as you pull the covers up higher on your neck. He snickers and gets off the bed, going to the door
“Yeah sure I’m totally sugar daddy material” he snorts, his hand pauses on the light switch
“Just….just think about it okay?”
You nod at him, blushing “Yeah okay Eddie… I will.”
He shuts off the lights and closes the door, you’re plunged into darkness…alone with your thoughts.
It’s a couple of hours before your brain finally slows down…Eddie wants you to move in with him? Or at least he’s willing to let you. And like….he wants to take care of you… that’s. That’s fun. What a good friend, what an amazing friend.
That word is getting kinda interesting, and used incredibly loosely at this point. Eddie isn’t your boyfriend…he’s your friend but like…. What if he was your boyfriend?
You frown, no. No, it’s not time to think like that, it's time to sleep.
Your eyes pop open angrily. Now it’s three in the morning and this is getting stupid. Maybe it’s because it’s pitch black? That seems reasonable, you’re used to a nightlight. Not that you wish he was there with you no sir, not that.
Not even that you’re kind of freezing… and he certainly wouldn’t want you to freeze to death…
“Eddie? Are you awake?” You ask quietly, poking your head through his door. You can see him in bed, the moonlight streaming through the bedroom window. He stirs a little and turns over
“Yeah” his voice is deep and raspy with sleep “I’m awake sugar cube, is everything okay?”
“Did I wake you?” You step into his room, shutting the door.
“I mean… yeah but I don’t wanna say it” he snickers, sitting up in bed. You pad over softly and climb in with him. You climb over him messily and he rolls his eyes as you slip under the covers. You lay on the other side of the bed, facing him. He lays down and faces you
You smile softly “Just thought you could use some company”
“Aren’t you so thoughtful?” He teases, reaching out for you. You shyly shuffle into his arms, your head resting on his chest
“This okay?” He asks quietly, you can hear his heart beating and it’s soothing. His bare chest is soft against your cheek.
“Uh huh… it’s nice”
“Yeah it is, isn’t it? He whispers into your hair. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. He didn’t even bother asking why you were there; he just knew he wanted you there. It had been a while since anyone had warmed his bed, and he hadn’t realized how deep the craving was until you were safely nestled in his arms. Friends was starting to become a very useless word, very quickly
And that didn’t bother him one bit.
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be-missed · 7 months
Not Strong Enough (Chap 5)
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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(pictures not mine)
Summary: Jenna was visiting her mom in the hospital to drop off the food that will be eaten for the hospital party, but she met a resident surgeon and she thought "God forbid I ran into an accident, but I want her to open me and stitch me up." While the surgeon tries her best to keep her fan girling low-key.
Warning: curse words.
A/N: 5th chapter, thank you for waiting. I'll be using a different POV her, please tell me if this is better or no. Also, I think if I start using this POV, y'all need to be guessing what's inside of Jenna's (in the story) mind.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 6
Chap 5
"Hey, thanks for today, I really enjoyed the concert. See you around!"
You kept on reading the last text message that Jenna sent you after the concert. In the past few days, you are trying to keep your distance from the girl that you have been liking for some quite time now. After the concert, listening to the songs, it feels like you are having a revelation; you can't and you won't be the love of her life you thought.
So what you did was to be more productive than you are to stop yourself from thinking of the other girl and checking your phone. In the hospital when Jenna visits, you try to lessen your interaction and dismisses her telling that you are busy and needed in the surgery room. But one time, Jenna caught you seating in the chairs and watching a video on your phone. You didn't know that she'll go visit and unfortunately she asked around and asked what time is your break.
You were watching Melissa Barrera's 'Get To Bed With Me' YouTube video for Harper's Bazaar. "So, you are on a break, right?" You heard from your side and that got you surprised, it is Jenna's voice and you answered "Hey, I didn't know you were coming." and she chuckles and said "I came to surprise you, you were always on the go when I visit" she said and sat beside you.
You look at her whole figure intently, nothing has change, still the same chipped nail polish from the concert, same chuck taylors that she loves to wear, her headphone hanging around her neck, that necklace she wears sometimes when she is in the mood and a few rings.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry... there's a lot that's been going around here" you said with a sad smile and Jenna answered "No worries, I'm just glad I get to talk to you." and smiled at you.
Why does she need to smile like you are the softest thing that she have ever seen. "So, I just noticed, I mean I don't want to assume, because like, you know, it's not good, but I would like t you know, ask maybe, or like no, I've been meaning to tell you-" Jenna started to rumble but you held her hand and squeezed it and said "Hey you're rambling, it's ok breathe."
"Okay, I noticed that you are kinda ignoring me. You haven't replied to my message last last week, you have been ignoring me when I go here, I mean yes, we talk in facetime but you end it so quickly. I just... I miss you." Those words came out of Jenna's mouth.
She misses you. SHE MISSES YOU.
"Oh..." You started "I'm sorry if you feel like that, but I have been really really busy." You ended. But you feel like Jenna knows that you are lying to her.
"Sure, I mean, I'm sorry to bother you." Jenna said and went up to stand but you stopped her "Hey, please don't think that you're bothering me, that can never happen" and you smiled at her.
"Okay..." Jenna said and accepted your answer "So, do you have any plans for Halloween?" she asked and you answered "Yes, actually My friends and I are having a Halloween Party, just the four of us since we can't handle big events" and ended with a laugh.
"That sounds really nice, what are you dressing up?" Jenna asked you with such curiosity and you answered "Well, I'll be dressing up as Mavis from Hotel Transylvania."
Jenna took a mental note on that. The both of you heard a blaring sound and a voice said "Code Blue" and that alerted you.
"Hey, I'll be calling you, I am needed, duty calls." You said and kissed Jenna's cheeks and hugs her and you bolted out.
"Y/N please stop walking around, please" Ava stated while you pace around the break room with you friends watching you like you were in a loop. Beatrice enters the room, kissed her wife and looked at you weirdly.
"What is happening here?" Bea asked and her wife answered, "Well your friend here kissed her little princess, IN THE CHEEK." Ava exaggerated the last words that made Bea chuckle and said "Wow, a kiss on the cheek made you like that, how about when you get to kiss her." and the wives made fun of you that made you stop from pacing.
"GUYS! This isn't even funny!" You said that made the both of them laugh even more, "Chill down Y/N, girl friends kiss each other in the cheek." Beatrice emphasize the space between girl and friends "And please calm your thoughts down, try to stay in the present and no overthink yeah." Beatrice added.
"Okay, sure sure, I will try" you sat beside them and drink your water.
"So are you ready for our Halloween Party?" Ava asked and you just nodded "Okay, I can't wait to see you in your costume."
"TRICK OR TREAT" Those are the three words that the four of them hearing while they are having a dinner and playing monopoly.
"Damn, it's so late and there are kids outside." Ava stated as you went up and opened the door to give them candies and give them compliments for the effort that they did for their costume.
As you take your seat again "You can't blame them. I'd be walking the whole neighborhood just to get lots of candies" and rolled the dice, you moved your character that landed on boardwalk. You hollered and celebrated as you got the most expensive property in the game.
"That's not fair Y/N, you need to leave some property for us." Camila exclaimed while pouting like a little kid, "Oh stop it, you almost owned all of the land on the other side."
Beatrice gave you a house and the card for the boardwalk. Another knock on the door and a "Trick or Treat" can be heard, with a happy feeling, knowing that you'll be crashing Ava and Camila in the game, you happily get the bucket of candy and opened the door, and it stunned you.
Jenna was the one that is in front of the door, with her little cousins.
As you scanned her face, you could also see a surprised look, she probably doesn't assume that you will be the one opening the door and will be giving them the treats.
"Hey..." you said with the brightest smile, feeling like a fucking winner even if the game hasn't ended, but looking at Jenna with her orange long sleeve under a yellow jersey T-shirt, cargo shirt, and on her adidas rubber shoes. You intake in everything that is on her and she replied back with a smirk on her face "Hey back to you beautiful."
"Can I get my candies now?" You hear a littlw voice and you looked down and answered "Sure sweetie, here get anything you want" and almost gave all of the candies to Jenna's cousin.
"Whoa there, that's a lot for you miss." Jenna exclaimed seeing that you almost empty the candy bucket that you have.
"Didn't know you live around our block?" Jenna said and you answered "Oh no, this is not mine, this is actually where Ava and Beatrice lives" and scratched your head, "You wanna join our party?" you asked Jenna and she answered "Oh I would like to, but as you can see I'm tasked to bring the kids to trick or treat"
That made you sad because you won't be hanging with Jenna.
"But... I can come after we round the whole block if that's alright?" She asked and that made you smile and you answered "Sure, that's great" and you watched them walking away. The both of you shared a small wave.
As you went back to the table, you said to the group " I hope it's okay that I invited someone later?" and that made them look at you "It's just Jenna, so I hope you don't mind?"
"Wow, so now you got the guts to invite her huh? But yeah, it's okay for me, how about you my love?" Bea said and Ava nodded because her mouth is currently full with m&m.
"It's about damn time I get to meet her. I'll show her how I fucking nailed Wednesday's dance" Camila exclaimed and both you and Beatrice said "Please no."
An hour passed and the four of you are just watching a horror film when the doorbell rang. When you opened the door, you saw Jenna standing with a wine on her hand.
"Hey you didn't need to bring something" you said and Jenna answered "I think it's good to impress your friends" and the both of you entered the living room that made the other three stare at you.
Beatrice paused the movie and Camila said "Wow, you got your whole costume planned huh?" and that made you look at her questionly.
You then scanned Jenna's costume, orange long sleeves under a yellow jersey T-Shirt, a cargo short, and a rubber shoes. That's where it clicked, SHE WAS DRESS AS JOHNNY, Mavis' husband.
"Surprise" Jenna said in a little voice and looked at you worriedly.
You bit your lips and said "Well good to see you husband." You kissed her cheeks again and pull her to the sofa to the spot where you were seated earlier and the movie continued.
"I hope it's okay" Jenna whispered and that made you look at her, you were so close to her face, the lights of the TV illuminated her face, and that just took your breath away.
"What do you mean?" You asked, a bit of perplexed on what she's asking. "I dressed up as Johnny" she said.
You thought, why would she feel sorry for dressing up as your husband, as Mavis' husband? Because what she just did for her costume, being in a couple costume with you, sent you heart beating impossibly fast that you fear it will just stop and Jenna will be seeing you body lying on the floor while your three friends are trying to perform a cpr on you.
"No worries, I kinda like how you played it off, it looks good on you." You said and if the lights were on, you will notice how the blush on Jenna's face creeps in. "You are beautiful as well Y/N" Jenna said.
"Can we please now watch" Camila said to the both of you because she is just literally seating close to the both of you, which made the both of you said your apologise quietly and sat comfortably beside each other.
The night went on, and the five of you finished two movies. Beatrice and Ava are now cleaning the living room while you clean the dining room which leaves Camila and Jenna in the living room.
Camila broke the silence and said "I really liked you on Wednesday." and that made Jenna smile and said a thank you, Camila then continued "You know, if I may, I can show you how I perfected the dance you did in the ball" Camila stands up in the middle of the living room and within a second you tackled Camila into the floor, not wanting to make Jenna feel uncomfortable since you have watched a lot of her interviews about the Wednesday dance and also you are concerned about your friend who can't really dance to save her life.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N" Camila exclaimed and pushed you off of her "I'm sorry, I just missed you" you answered while you are still lying on the floor.
Jenna went to you and helped you up "Are you okay?" she asked and you just nodded.
"That was not fair Y/N, I was about to show Jenna my dancing skills" Camila said with a pout on her lips, and that just made you giggle.
Jenna buts in and said "Maybe you can show me next time when we meet each other again."
But that just made your head shakes for a no, earning a few "no" that can be heard from Bea and Ava.
Finishing up and gathering your things, you said your goodbye to Ava, Bea, and Camila. Jenna by your side walking towards the street.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight" Jenna said kicking stones that got in her way.
You looked at her like a little kid, thinking it was fun to see her like this, enjoying herself and being young & free. "No problem, I love having you around and the girls have been wanting to meet you since they only got to greet you in the hospital" you said.
"Really? I'm glad to hear that. I also enjoyed spending time with them" She said.
Walking a few more streets and you were nearing Jenna's house. No small talks were made, only the noise of the neighborhood can be heard and your small hums.
Jenna the breaks the silence "I just noticed that you always invite me to do something while I just go and say yes."
"Well, I like hanging out with you" you answered, because it is true. You know for yourself that even if you don't have any feelings for Jenna, you would enjoy her company.
"How about if you come to our Family dinner next time, sounds good?" Jenna suggested and it surprised you. How come you got invited to a Family Dinner and that made you super shy because you will gonna be surrounded with Jenna's family and you were scared that they will not like you. But then you reminded yourself to calm down and live on the now.
"Uhmm sure, if that's okay with your family, I don't want to intrude" you answered and Jenna smiled and said "Oh trust me they would love you there, my mom was also planning in inviting you, she said you are like a daughter to her"
Wow, Natalie has plans on inviting you, that was the first time you heard that. You know that you and Natalie have this bond and you feel so treasured and loved, thinking that Natalie thought of you more like her daughter.
Stepping in front of the Ortega's front door, you and Jenna faced each other earning a sweet smile on both of your faces.
"Thank you for tonight" Jenna said.
That moment, this moment, you were so sure that you wanted to kiss Jenna, you are thinking, you have stopped yourself many times to not kiss her so maybe this is a good chance to let go and just kiss her. Live on the now, you think. Your heart beating loud and you try to block the negative thoughts.
So one of your hand went into Jenna's side, you were slowly leaning in, waiting for a movement from the other girl to pull away and you felt none, so you persisted and you felt that Jenna was also leaning in, placing her hands into your shoulder.
A flashing of lights and a honk is heard that broke you apart. The windows rolled down and you saw Jenna's dad waving, getting down the car and going towards the both of you.
"Hey girls, hope I'm not interrupting something?" said and hugged Jenna and looked at you.
You introduced yourself "Good evening Sir, I'M Y/N, Jenna's friend and Natalie's co-worker.' and stretched your hand to shake his hand which he did shake and exclaimed "So you are who's Jenna is talking about, huh?"
Jenna nudged her father "Dad, please stop" which made her father laugh and said "Well, if you are hungry you can go inside and dig in." and leave the both of you outside again.
You broke the silence and said "Well, I'm gonna go home" you take Jenna's hand and kissed the back of it, "Good night my husband" You said with a teasing smile referring to Jenna's costume and you started to walk down their front yard.
Jenna then said "Good night to you my wife, call me when you're home" and blow you a kiss which you catch and kept it in your pocket that made Jenna laugh.
And that maybe was the greatest Halloween that you could have ever have in you whole life.
Chap 6
A/N: an update, hope this was good. Thanks for reading!
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plentyoffandoms · 3 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist ♡ Chuck Taylor Masterlist ♡ Adam Copeland Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: reader getting hurt.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 828
Jay - Christian Cage ☆ Stephon - Swerve Strickland ☆ Dustin - Chuck Taylor
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓪𝓰𝓮
Jay still couldn't believe that happened.
One second, you were standing behind him, outside the ring, the next second, you were flying back against the barriers.
You didn't have enough time to brace yourself.
You hit your back at an odd angle, and you laid on the floor, not moving, groaning in obvious pain.
Jay ran to your side, just as the Doc got there.
You were looked over and got taken out on a stretcher.
Jay rushing beside the stretcher, not caring at this moment that this was a Championship Title Match.
His main concern was you, and only you.
You were taken to the nearest hospital and had tears done, Jay by your side the whole entire time.
Emergency surgery.
Jay didn't leave your side until he finally had to let go of your hand.
He took a seat in the waiting room.
He was going over what happened in his mind, over and over again.
Trying to see what went wrong.
If he did anything wrong.
His name was called, as the doctor came out to let him know what your diagnosis was.
Central cord syndrome, which is an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury.
Jay took time off of work to help you with rehab.
He moved you into his home, knowing that this was the best place for you.
He was there every step of the way.
𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Stephon felt sick to his stomach as he watched Joe land on top of you.
Even Joe was stunned as he quickly got off of you.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You were supposed to push Stephon to the side and then take a few steps back.
But something happened, with Joe jumping too far, or you did step back far enough.
You went down like a sack of potatoes, and even Stephon could hear from where he was standing that something broke, and you scream out in pain.
Stephon only saw red as he full on decked Joe on the face before turning to you.
Stephon looked you over, as did Bryce the ref, and saw that your ankle was swelling, but also at a weird angle.
Stephon helped you out of the ring and up the ramp, as you insisted that you didn't need a stretcher.
Even with Stephon insisting on a stretcher.
You finally listened when you were told by the medical team that you needed some imaging down and were taken to the hospital.
Stephon sadly had to stay back to deal with him punching Joe in the face.
Which resulted in a suspension for a month.
But Stephon didn't care.
Stephon got to the hospital just when you were coming out the doors, with crutches and with a boot on.
"No surgery. It is just a posterior malleolus fracture."
Stephon breathed a sigh of relief as he helped you into his car.
𝓒𝓱𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻
Dustin didn't see you get hit.
He was busy dealing with Matt, and his back was turned.
Matt indicated for Dustin to turn around, and Dustin did, knowing that this wasn't some type of trick.
He saw your face first on the ground, with thumb tacks all in your body, and Mike standing next to you.
Mike was supposed to bring Dustin down, and he was supposed to land in the thumb tacks, as they all know you do not work with them IF you can help it.
You looked up, and Dustin all most threw up. Your whole face was just covered in thumb tacks.
The match was considered a draw, as he helped rush you to back.
The medical team working to try and get them all out.
But Dustin didn't leave your side, as he held your hand the whole entire time.
Got you drinks, and made sure you stayed hydrated.
Mike and Matt tried to come by to see if you were okay, but Dustin didn't let them through.
"Give it a few days, and I will see if they want to see you."
Once Dustin sat down next to you, you squeezed his hand as to thank him.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 𝓒𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
Adam was pissed when he saw that you had thrown the table instead of him.
He knew that Jay didn't mean to, but Adam also knew that Jay would do anything to keep that stupid title, and that means using you to get to him.
Adam looked at you, and you gave him the thumbs up, indicating that you were okay.
So Adam knew he had the all clear to go after Jay.
Jay didn't know what hit him.
Adam lifted him in the air by the scuff of his turtleneck, and Jay was even scared for a moment, never seeing his best friend act like this with him.
Jay knew he fucked up the moment Adam flung him across the ring.
You stood off to the side, refusing to leave as you watched Adam become the new champion.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
You Are In Love
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: You go to the playoff game Joe wanted you to come to. While you’re there, you reminisce on the last few months and figure out your true feelings for Joe…
•word count: 5.1k
•warnings: angst, lots of fluff, slow-burn coming to an end, the usual :)
series masterlist
January 16, 2023
Tonight is the night. It's the Bengals first playoff game of the season.
You didn't think you’d go, but after making up with Joe yesterday for what he did to you and Jake, he let you know that he had a couple tickets available. He even said he wants you to be there. Every time you think back on that conversation with Joe, that feeling of butterflies swarming in your tummy appears. That's been happening to you a lot lately, and honestly, you think it's almost exciting? You haven't felt those butterflies for somebody in a long time. It makes you giddy, reminding you of the time when you were in high school. Having crushes on the boys that you knew were way out of your league but made you feel so happy nonetheless.
But let's keep this straight: just because Joe makes you feel a little giddy doesn't mean you necessarily have a crush on him.
He just makes you feel a lot of feelings you haven't felt in a long time, and it makes you feel good knowing it's possible for you to feel this way again.
The game doesn't start for a few hours, but you’re going to be tailgating with Macee and some of the other players wives and girlfriends before it starts. You have never done any sort of tailgate before, so you were looking forward to having a good time and meeting some of the girls Macee has told you so much about.
You picked out your outfit for the game. Opting for a pair of leather leggings, a black long sleeve, and since it's the middle of winter and colder than a witches tit outside, you decided to finish off the look with an orange puffer jacket from the boutique. Once you were dressed, you styled your hair to your liking and put on a simple makeup look. You went into your bedroom and did one final look in your full body mirror before you decided to head to the stadium.
About twenty five minutes later you pulled into the spot next to Macee's car. The group of WAG's waving at you with grins of excitement as they watched you pull in to the parking lot. You put your car into park, took the keys out of the ignition, and got out of the car, smiling at all of the women surrounding Macee's car.
"Hey Y/n!" Macee said with a grin, "I'm so glad you could make it."
She pulled you into a hug and you returned the smile. you squeezed her gently as you said, "Thank you for inviting me, I'm excited to meet everyone!"
She pulled away and introduced you to the other girls.
"Y/n, this is Holly and Chassidy," Macee said, "and you've already met Emma and Alisa."
You smiled sweetly and waved at the girls as Macee introduced you, "And girls, this is Y/n, Joe's roommate."
"Hi," you said, "it's so nice to meet all of you."
"We've heard so much about you!" Holly grinned as she pulled you into a hug. Holly was adorable. Her smile contagious and she seems like a very sweet girl.
"All good things I hope." You joked, finishing your sentence with a light chuckle.
Chassidy chucked as she hugged you next, "Of course."
The girls all smiled. Macee handed you a raspberry white claw and said, "I figured you could use one of these."
You accepted the drink and thanked Macee. You knew this game would be a good one, but it would definitely keep nerves high all night. A couple hard seltzers would definitely help ease those nerves. For the next hour or so, you and the girls enjoyed your tailgate, eating lots of different dips and appetizer type snacks. As you were cleaning up the area, Holly approached you, wearing a small smirk on her face.
"Hey," she said sweetly, "Emma and I are going to get some pictures with Sam and my Joe before they go to the locker room, want to come with?"
You smiled at her offer, “I'd love to."
She clapped and grinned excitedly, "Yay!" she lowered her voice slightly as she said, "You know, sometimes the other Joe comes out too. I can get a picture of the two of you if you'd like."
"Okay, sure." you nodded, giving Holly a small smile. She grinned and walked over to Emma, letting her know about the pictures. You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for what was to come. Would Joe think it's weird that I want a picture with him?
You, Holly, and Emma, helped the rest of the girls finish cleaning up all of things they had setup for the tailgate before the three of you headed off to the tunnel the players walked through to head to the locker room. As you walked further down the tunnel, I you saw three men standing around and talking. Once you were close enough, you realized it was Joe, Sam, and the other Joe, Joe Bachie, standing around.
"Hey you!" Holly called out, laughing as her Joe turned around.
"There you are," he chuckled, meeting Holly in the middle, "I was starting to think you forgot."
"I'd never forget our pre-game pictures." She puckered her lips as he planted a sweet kiss to them.
"Come on guys," Sam groaned, a playful smile on his face after his complaint.
Holly flipped him off as she continued to kiss Joe. Emma chuckled and walked up to Sam, the two of them greeting each other with a tight embrace and a sweet kiss. You smiled as you watched the two couples share their own individual sweet moments with eachother. You walked over to Joe, his blue eyes lighting up when he saw you walk closer to him.
"Hey." you smiled, stopping just inches in front him.
"Glad you could make it," he said, crossing his arms in front of him, "I like your outfit."
You looked down at your body and then back up at Joe, a faint blush on your cheeks, "Oh, thanks. I just picked something out last minute."
He chuckled, "Well it looks good."
“Thanks," I gestured to his body, "Yours looks good too, love the pink hoodie."
He looked down at his sweatshirt and back at you with a sly look, "Heh, you like this one?"
You nodded. Joes pink Nike hoodie was one your favorites. Not only is it super cute, but it's really comfortable as well...you only know that because you’ve stolen it from his laundry a couple times. Oops.
"Oh Y/n," Holly said in a sing songy voice, "let me take your picture." She pulled her phone out and pointed between you and Joe.
You looked up at Joe and shook your head, “You don't have to, I just thought-."
He shook his head, "I don't mind. C'mere." He held his left arm up, beckoning for you to come into his side. You smiled and tucked yourself into his side, wrapping an arm around his back while your other hand was placed on his lower left side. Joe draped his arm around your back, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"So cute!" Holly gushed as she took a couple pictures of the two of you.
"Ooooo, Joey's blushing." Sam teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Joe. Joe rolled his eyes at Sam and Holly put her phone away.
"I'll send 'em to you."
You pulled yourself away from Joe, turning your body into his and looking into his eyes. You smiled softly as you said, "Good luck tonight."
He smiled, "Thanks sweets. I'll see you later tonight."
You nodded and said goodbye to the Joe's and Sam, the girls doing the same. The three of you walked out of the tunnel and back out to the outside of the stadium. More and more fans from both teams were beginning to pour in, making Paycor stadium become a madhouse. The rest of the girls were chatting with some fans when you re-joined them.
"Oh em gee," the blonde girl wearing a Burrow jersey expressed in pure disbelief, "are you Joes new girlfriend?"
Your eyes widened in disbelief. That's the first time You’ve heard that from a fan.
"Uh," you shook your head, "nope. I'm not dating Joe."
She frowned, "But Deuxmoi said you were."
Emma glanced at you and chuckled at the girl, “You can't believe everything you see on that page, hun."
"So you're not dating Joe?"
You shook your head, your response making the girl smile.
"Good. Put in a good word for me okay? My name is Mia." She winked.
You just chuckled, "Will do."
Mia and the rest of her group thanked all of you for being so kind and getting pictures with her and her friends before they went off to the inside of the stadium.
Macee shook her head, "That was...something."
All of you laughed. Interactions with fans can be pretty crazy sometimes. Mia seemed sweet, but I you probably won't be telling Joe about her.
You pulled your phone out and saw that you got a post notification on Instagram from the Bengals. You opened the app, and the first thing you saw was that the team had posted pictures of the players pre-game outfits. You scrolled through the photos, your heart skipping a beat as you saw the picture of Joe. After stopping in the tunnel for pictures, Joe had changed into a different pre-game outfit. He was wearing his pair of gray jeans, a cream colored vintage Bengals tee, and a black jacket/windbreaker. What made my heart stop and those butterflies flutter was the number nine diamond necklace adorning his neck. The necklace that you got him for Christmas.
You couldn't help but smile as you looked at the photo. This was the first time you’ve seen Joe wear the necklace. It made you quite happy knowing he liked it enough to pair it with one of his pre-game fits.
"What's got you all smiley?" Chassidy asked, coming up to stand next to you.
You shook your head and turned your phone off, "Nothing, just a picture a friend sent."
Chassidy narrowed her eyes and nodded slowly, "Mhm..."
"I promise," you reply, letting out a laugh. Chassidy just hummed and chuckled softly. She was going to say something, but Alisa cut her off.
"Should we head in ladies?"
Emma nodded, "Yes. I need to get off my feet, they're swelling more and more by the minute."
You smiled sympathetically at Emma, "Let's go then."
The six of you headed into the stadium, ready to sit down and watch one of the most anticipated games of the season. You’ve only been to one Bengals game during your time in Cincinnati this year—which was a blast by the way! During that game, you were in the stands by the Bengals sideline with Macee, the two of you sitting with the fans. This time around though, you’ll be up in a suite with some of the wives and girlfriends of the players. You may be a little out of place up there, but at least you know you’ll still have a lot of fun.
Upon entering the suite, you noticed the variety off food and beverage options for you ladies on the tables. You would definitely be indulging in the chocolate covered strawberries tonight. You walked around the suite, deciding to set your purse and phone down on the seat next to Macee's before looking out at the field.
The first thing you noticed was that you had a great view of the game from the suite. As you looked out onto the field, the players were beginning to prepare for their pre-game warmups. Your eyes scanned the field, searching for Joe. A small appeared on your face as you saw him throwing the ball back and forth on the sideline. After he threw the ball for the third time, he adjusted his pads, pulling at his jersey to make sure things weren't too tight. You think it's extremely attractive when players hold their jerseys at the collar. As the pre-game warm ups continued, you couldn’t seem to peel your eyes away from Joe. You told yourself you’d look elsewhere when the game actually starts
But you were definitely wrong...
~time skip~
There was about five minutes left in the third quarter, the Bengals were down one point with the score being 10-9. You all watched anxiously as the Bengals were at the one yard line. Joe yelled his cadence and snapped the ball. Once the ball was in his hands he rushed into the end zone with ease. The stadium went absolutely crazy. You and the girls cheered, each of you giving each other high fives. The Bengals went for two and succeeded, Joe completing a pass to Tee, putting the score in the Bengals favor now.
You smiled happily as you watched Joe celebrate with his teammates before taking his helmet off and jogging to the sidelines. Joe had a wide grin on his face, looking happier than ever in that moment. But really, Joe's looked like that this whole game.
You’re going to be honest. Since kickoff, you haven't been able to take your eyes off of him. Even when he's on the sidelines and especially when he's out on that field, all I can focus on is him. All you can think about is the way his face and corners of eyes crinkle when he smiles, or the way he throws that football with such grace and ease. How his dark blonde hair still looks perfect when he takes that helmet off and how his blue eyes light up when a good play happens. Your smile grew and your eyes sparkled as you brought your attention back to Joe on the sidelines. You couldn't focus on the game anymore as your mind was currently elsewhere. Memories of the past few months of living with Joe flooding into your mind...
flashbacks begin...(you are in love by taylor swift starts playing)
You looked up from the paper as you walked up the small flight of stairs that led you to the B apartments. You walked down the hallway and stopped at the door reading B30. You pulled your key out from your purse, but stopped as soon as you brought it up to the door. This was your apartment now too, yes, but I you couldn't just walk in like you’ve lived there forever. You may be a little crazy sometimes, but you do have manners. You didn't want to make a bad impression on the first day of meeting your new roommate. You brought your hand up to the gray door and knocked three times. You backed up from the door, gulping as you took a step back. You were starting to grow nervous.
The door opened and your jaw dropped. The sight in front of you had you feeling all sorts of things all at once.
"Hi." you breathed out.
"Oh. Hey there, sweetheart."
Standing in the door way of your new home was Joe Burrow.
He smirked, "I don't make people speechless that often, but when I do it's usually not in this setting."
"I-I'm sorry," you stuttered out breathlessly, "It's not everyday you come face to face with an NFL player."
He smiled at your words.
"Are you Kayla's boyfriend?" you asked.
Joe's eyes widened, "Kayla, as in Kayla Bradshaw?"
You nodded. He shook his head with a chuckle, "Nope. Kayla's fiancé Brad would have me dead."
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment from him just speaking to you. You couldn't believe you were talking to the Joe Burrow.
"Well, I think I have the wrong apartment."
He chuckled, "Let me see. Maybe I can direct you in the right direction."
You pulled out the paper Carol gave to you yesterday, handing it to Joe. His bright blue eyes scanned the page. His eyebrows suddenly furrowed together in confusion.
Joe cleared his throat, "Huh."
You frowned, looking up at him. "What?"
"You have the right one."
Your eyes widened, "So, that means-."
He cut me off, asking in an incredulous tone, "You're my new roommate!?"
next flashback
Joe pointed at you, "You're wearing a Bengals sweatshirt."
You hummed, pulling more pieces of hair out to style, "Oh really? I didn't notice."
Joe rolled his eyes, adjusting the sleeves to his floral suit. You couldn't help but examine his outfit choice for tonight's game against the Miami Dolphins. He wore a black suit that had large white roses all over.
You cant deny that Joe looks hot as hell in that suit.
You and Joe may not be too fond of each other, but you’d be lying if you said he wasn't fine as hell
"You didn't tell me you're going to the game tonight?"
You shrugged, "Didn't think you'd care."
"I'm not that much of a dick, Y/n."
You unplugged your flat iron and looked at Joe through the mirror. His baby blue eyes shining as he looked back at you. You could feel the slightest hint of a blush rise to my cheeks.
"Well," you said, "I didn't want to boost that ego of yours. Make you think I'm going only to watch you play."
He let out a short laugh, "You really think I'd think you're only going to watch me?"
"Whatever. Well I gotta go, have fun watching me from the stands tonight. I know those pretty y/e/c eyes are only going to stay on me, sweets." He teased with a smirk.
You looked up at him with an unamused look, which made him chuckle.
"Good luck." you said, giving him a small smile.
"Thanks. Have fun."
You smiled, "I will."
"Wait a minute."
Joe raised his eyebrows. Macee continued, "During the game, when you were walking down the sidelines and gazing up into the crowd, it was Y/n that you were eyeing wasn't it?"
You looked up at Joe, seeing a faint blush make its way onto his cheeks.
Logan laughed, "Oh he totally has the hots for her."
Joe shook his head and laughed, "Yeah right," he looked down at you as he spoke, "She was looking at me first."
next flashback
Joe placed the lantern down in the middle of coffee table and looked at you, "There, now I can see that beautiful fa- light."
You looked at Joe with raised eyebrows as he stood by the couch rubbing the back of his neck. It almost sounded like he was going to say face and not light...but who knows, you figure you’re probably just hearing things.
"Well, I think I'm going to try to get some sleep. Good night Y/n."
He started to walk away, getting ready to walk into his bedroom when you xalled out to him.
He stopped and turned around, "Yeah?"
"Stay? Please, I don't really want to be alone right now." you said softly as a blush made it's way onto your cheeks.
Joe slowly nodded and smiled softly at you, “Okay. Let me grab a sweatshirt first."
He disappeared into his room and a few minutes later came back into the living room wearing his pink nike sweatshirt and carrying a gray blanket. He plopped down on the couch and draped the blanket over his legs. As the two of you sat in silence for a few moments, the storm continued. The rain grew heavier and the thunder more frequent. Joe noticed you had started to get tense.
He cleared his throat, "You know, we've lived together for almost two months now and I feel like I don't know you."
It's true. The two of you have been living together for a few months now, but neither of you have taken the chance the get to know the other. You weren't on good terms for a little while, but you like to think both of you have started to warm up to each other. You know you have to get to know each other at some point if you’re going to live together for the next seven or eight months. Now would be the perfect time to do that.
"What do you wanna know?" you asked, tucking your legs up onto the chair.
next flashback
I'm sorry about earlier. I was in the wrong and I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did. I want you to be happy, so if being with Evan is what makes you happy, then so be it. I hope you can forgive me...maybe this will make accepting my apology a bit easier ;)
P.S. check the back of this note too.
- Joe
You turned the note around and saw more handwriting.
Movie night? I heard How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is pretty good...
Your heart dropped to your stomach. You were overcome with a feeling of guilt as you read the note.
Joe wasn't having a movie night with Ja'Marr...he was hoping to have a movie night with you. As a way to apologize for earlier. You set the note down on the counter, covering your mouth with your hand as a look of guilt took over your face.
Im such a terrible person. If I would have just stayed for a few more minutes and didn't go on that date with Evan, I wouldn't feel this guilty. You thought to yourself. You pulled the containers out of the bag, feeling even more guilty as you looked at the contents.
Bar food. Your favorite kind of takeout.
Joe bought your favorite takeout for you and you didn't even get to enjoy it with him.
"Night Joe." you said softly as he walked out of the kitchen and to his bedroom. You sighed and looked out into the living room, seeing the Tv was still playing How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. You stepped out of the kitchen and looked down the hall, calling out for Joe before he went into his room for the night. He stopped by his door, turning around and leaning against the frame as he looked at you.
"Maybe tomorrow night we could heat up takeout and watch the movie?"
Joe smiled, "Sounds good to me, sweets." He walked into his room and shut the door behind him.
Your breath hitched at the name. Sweets. That's what Joe has been calling you since the first day you met. I You think he started saying it as a way to flirt with you, but of course, he's not doing that anymore. The name has just stuck.
You smiled to yourself as you stood alone in the hallway.
Tonight was very bittersweet. You’re a little disappointed with how your date with Evan went, but you’re also so glad you and Joe were able to move past the argument you had earlier.
next flashback
You turned around, both of your breaths hitching. Your mouth hung open slightly as your eyes momentarily fell to Joe's lips before snapping back up to stare into his eyes. You stared at each other intensely, so many unspoken words shared between the two of you just by the look in your eyes. You could feel the tension between you as neither of you nor Joe dared to make a move.
Your bodies were inches from each other, if one of you just moved slightly, they'd be touching. Joe watched as you took a deep breath before you began to lean in, Joe doing the same. With your faces inches away from eachother, you closed your eyes-
You snapped your eyes open and the two of you backed away from each other. Joe cleared his throat and you let out a breath, smoothing your night gown before you got the pizza out the oven.
"Sorry," you breathed out, "I uh-."
"I'm going to shower." Joe said, his lips forming in a straight line.
You nodded, "I'm going to call Macee back."
You had a chance and didn't take it.
next flashback
"What's in that bag?" you asked pointing at the plastic bag on the couch. Joe walked over to the couch and picked it up, motioning for you to come over. You set the bag of marshmallows down on the counter and walked over to where he was standing. He pulled out two white stockings, holding them out in front of him.
One stocking had a red J while the other had a red y/f/i.
He bought stockings with both of your initials on them. You smiled in shock, not expecting him to do something like that.
He looked down at the stockings and then back at you. A slight blush on his cheeks as he spoke, "They were on sale and I figured you'd like them. Afterall, you said it yourself, it's not Christmas without stockings."
Your smile grew bigger at his words. You did say that to him earlier.
"I love them Joe. Thank you for getting them."
He smiled, "Of course. I'm glad you like them." He handed the stockings to you and followed you over to in front of the Tv where you hung them up on each side of the white Tv stand.
You and Joe stepped back, looking at the stockings.
"They look perfect." you said, smiling as you admired the matching stockings.
"Yeah they do." Joe said quietly as he gazed down at you.
Joe walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him and dropping his bags to the floor. He turned around, the light from the Christmas tree illuminating his face. A dark blonde curl had fallen against his forehead and he had bags under his tired blue eyes, clearly exhausted from the game and his flight home.
"Hey Y/n." He greeted, a small smile on his face as he saw you.
You ran up to Joe, instantly wrapping your arms around his body. He seemed taken aback at first, but he eventually hugged back, pulling you close to his body. Your hands rested on his shoulder blades as his were wrapped firmly around your waist. He laid his cheek on the top of your head as you let your right cheek lay against his firm chest. After a few moments, you pulled away from him and looked up at him, smiling softly.
"I'm glad you're home."
"I'm glad I'm home too." He said, voice just above a whisper, "I didn't think we were going to make it in time."
"Well I'm glad you did."
You and Joe stood in silence, one of his hands still placed gently on your waist. You looked into each others eyes, his blue eyed gaze intense. You gulped as you looked into his eyes. You reached out for his hand, holding it in yours as both of you started to lean in close to each other. It was definitely a heat of the moment type of thing...
next flashback
Joe cleared his throat before saying, "Can we talk?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I'd like that."
Joe just nodded and you both walked down the hallway to the dining and living room. He set the tray down on the table and pulled the chair out, motioning for you to sit down. You thanked him quietly before sitting down. You pushed the chair in as Joe sat down across from You. You picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. A small smile pulled at your lips as you tasted the hot liquid. It was prepared just how you like it.
"Is it OK?" Joe asked, looking at you hesitantly.
You nodded, "Perfect."
"Good," he said, softly.
You sighed and nodded your head slowly. It was true, although you thought Jake was sweet and you did really like him, you knew he had two different sides to him. You cant say the real reason you stayed with Jake. Anyone would think you’re crazy for thinking being with Jake would make someone jealous...
Joe continued, "So I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just talk to him, so I scared him off. Made him think I was in love with you or something."
You smiled softly and let out a faint laugh at his words. Your reaction made Joe chuckle.
"I'm a little hurt," you said. Joe nodded in response as you continued talking, "but I see why you did it. You were just looking out for me, and I really appreciate that."
Joe smiled, "Anything for you Y/n. I want the best for you, really."
You felt your face flush and your heart sink to your stomach—in a good way. In a butterflies in your tummy kind of way. Something you’ve always felt around Joe, but decided to ignore.
You smiled, your voice soft, "Thank you Joe."
Joe nodded and stood up from his chair, slowly walking over to your side of the table. You stood from your chair and met him halfway, wrapping your arms around him. He squeezed gently before pulling away and looking down at you with a soft gaze.
"Are we good?" He asked, genuinely.
You nodded, "Yeah, we're good."
He smiled, "Good. I'm glad."
"Oh and Y/n?"
You turned around, "Yeah?"
"Our game is home tomorrow. I've got a couple tickets, and I'd love it if you were there." He smiled softly at you before he turned back around and left, locking the door behind him.
There were those butterflies again. You couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks and the smile that appeared on your face as he said those words.
end of flashbacks
You have had your ups and downs with Joe these last few months. A lot has happened while you’ve lived together, but without a doubt you wouldn't change any of it for the world. As you cleared your mind and focused on the game, your heart swelled as you were overwhelmed with emotions. A blush rose to your cheeks as the butterflies in your tummy began to swarm like crazy once again.
There was no denying it anymore. As much as you want to, you cant deny your feelings anymore.
You are in love with Joe.
hi loves!
the ending was kind of rushed, so sorry about that, BUT
You are in love with joe! isn't that just so sweet? it's about time you quit denying your feelings for him, haha
well, the slow-burn portion of this book has come to an end, and i know MANY are going to be very happy about that, i know i am! i don't want to give too much away, but after this next chapter, the final seven or so chapters left of this book won't have any slow-burn to them
ALSO! you've been asking for it, you’ve been waiting for it, it's what we all want to see...the next chapter is smut. i’ve written it one other time before this, so don’t get your hopes up lol
that's all i have for now loves! as always, thank you for reading🤍
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae
228 notes · View notes
bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
Do u think Chuck taylor would only be a dom or would he sub occasionally? If he would sub occasionally .. I ask for sub headcanons please?? 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Main Masterlist
Let's face it, although the man acts all happy and sweet parading with the best friends we all know he is a total freak in the sheets. Chuck is a total switch. He loves to get used!
There is nothing he loves more than being used, it’s his little secret
He loves the way you use him for your own pleasure, the way you fuck yourself on him
It kills him when you don't let him touch you when you ride him for your own pleasure but he can't deny how pretty you look when you use him like a toy.
He will definitly call you Mommy
Chuck's favroute thing is to pleasure you. It doesn't matter if he's Dom or Sub all he wants is to make you feel good
Although he hates it when you tease him he can't deny how hard he gets when you are in contorol
One thing Chuck always liked to do with you when he was dom was to deny you of your reliese. He would force orgasm after orgasm out of you or simply get you right on the brink of cumming and leave you hanging. However when you started doing it to him he would get mad. He didn't like the teasing but he had no problem teasing you!
That Kentucky Gentleman is one kinky MF, he loves to be used by you. It's his favroute thing
30 notes · View notes
daddyhausen · 8 months
• kinktober day six : forced orgasms — chuck taylor •
Tumblr media
{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commissions info } | { like me work? buy me a coffee — kofi — dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } — a simple punishment wasn’t enough, he needed to break you, make sure that you’d never disobey him again
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } cnc, fingering, face slapping, ropeplay, restraints, sex toys, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia daddy kink, sub!reader, forced orgasms, degradation, overstimulation, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, squirting, male + female orgasms vaginal creampie, internal cumshots
{ word count } — 1.4k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x chuck taylor
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
you could not move, body bound to the bed with thick rope, tautly secured around your wrists
your legs bent at an angle, the rope wrapped around your thigh and shin, securing them in a spread, uncomfortable position
same with the ankles having been tightly bound, secured to the bedframe also
a vibrator positioned at your clit, currently buzzing at high speed
abusing your sensitive pearl as dustin looked over you with a faux concern
“don’t look at me like that” he remarked noticing the swell of tears forming in your eyes, pleading for him to show you mercy
how your cheeks flushed with arousal, a thin sheen of sweat gathered at your hairline
he did not care for your predicament, maybe you should have known better than to flaunt yourself so recklessly in front of the locker room then maybe he might have just spared you
your crime? wearing an outfit that was the slightest bit more scandalous than your usual ensemble
it was simple, enough to catch the eye of even the most nonchalant of men
a tight-fitting mini-skirt, leather of course, the fabric always accentuated your features so well
and a brassiere like halter top, the fabric wrapped around your waist, two large straps that crossed over your breasts with a cutout exposing the underside of the pillowy mounds
leaving very little to the imagination
“daddy…please…” you whimpered, body twitching against the harsh pulses of the vibrator
“what?” he paused, only emphasising his statement to come
“do you think i want to punish you princess? of course i don’t. but you need to learn your lesson”
“l-lesson?” you stammered. you had no idea what the lesson entailed but you sure knew it was one that aggravated him
dustin rolled his eyes, followed by a scoff as he smoothed down his beard, having let it grow out the slightest
“this body…” he gripped your knees in his large palms for emphasis, not even referring to your body as your own.
“it belongs to me. and the sooner you get that through your pretty little head i won’t have to punish you like this”
he poked your forehead between every word in the phrase of “pretty little head” to further instill the significance within your mind
he leaned down, increasing the speed of the vibrator by one- no two pulses.
your head instantly recoiled back into the sheets, a long drawn out moan left your lips, followed by desperate pants as the pleasure coursed through you.
“look at me” he grabbed your chin when he noticed your gaze began to faulter.
“look at me!” he repeated, free hand slowly starting to tease your dripping folds
“i. own. you.”
he kept his wording slow and deliberate.
as if having to explain to someone not of great intellect
he let his fingers dance against your soaked folds, dipping them in and out as he gathered your wetness on his fingertips
“i own this pretty pussy, sweetheart. i’m the only one who can fuck you so good it’ll leave you cock drunk for days. i’m the only one who can make you cum until you’re begging for me to end it-“
his monologue was cut off by a rush of pleasure leaving your belly
your juices coated his fingers, dripping from your void like the waterfalls of niagara
he merely scoffed with a devilish smirk
“that’s it?” he cockily questioned. “that’s all you got?”
his taunts rang true in your ears, that was indeed all you had.
your mind had been absent these past twenty minutes or so, having not even registered the sheer lack of magnitude your orgasm has created for him
“i know you got more than that in you” he added to the vibrators speed, turning it up to the maximum intensity
“daddy no-“
“daddy yes” he cut you off
“don’t be a greedy little whore, share some of that sweetness with daddy”
he dipped his fingers into your void, curling upwards in a sort of come-hither motion, all the while pumping the lanky digits in and out of you
your pussy clenched around his fingers, so desperate to please him
to apologise for your actions earlier in the day
you peered down, watching the way his fingers disappeared inside of you.
“don’t look down. look at me.” he reminded sternly
your gaze met his own again.
he stared intently through you, deep into your soul
his eyebrows knitted together in concentration as if he was trying to examine your thoughts
his mouth only moved to utter an insult or a soft groan due to the sizeable erection pressing up against the inside of his jeans
“i- i’m sorry daddy” you pleaded, desperate and on the verge of another orgasm
“sorry doesn't cut it, princess. you know what you did and you need to pay for it”
you threw your head back again, frustrated at the pleasurable assault on your cunt
it wasn’t the fact that he was ruining you with his fingers, the vibrator included
it was the fact you couldn’t touch him while doing so
you struggled against the ropes
twisting your wrists and tugging at the knots he’s created
“don’t struggle, it’ll only make them tighter” he spoke with an unusual monotone in his voice
his nonchalant demeanor made you feel unnerved
it was so unlike dustin
part of the reason why it turned you on so much
your cunt throbbed with pleasure, a sick squelching sound ringing through both your ears as you grew increasingly wetter with his movements
dustin increased his speed, finger pumping into you at rapid force as you spilled over
he freed his fingers from your void as your walls contracted around air, juices squirting from between your thighs
“oh shit-“ dustin remarked, cleaning his fingers by bringing them to his lips, haphazardly licking them clean
“see? much better this time, princess”
his praise held a mocking undertone to it as he turned off the vibrator
you sighed with relief, your clit far too overstimulated to continue taking any more abuse of that nature
“i still think you’ve got one more in you through”
your eyes winded, wanting him to repeat his sentence just to make sure you were not hearing things
his thumb gingerly drew circles against your clit
your body jolting back, clit too stimulated and sensitive to his touch
“n-no more daddy…please no more” you begged through tears
“oh princess…” he pouted, you thought that he would have had a shred of sympathy for you in that moment
“what good is your punishment if i didn’t force you to cum all over my cock?”
he stood up, unbuckling his belt letting his jeans fall to the floor with a thud
“i gotta fill that pussy up, make sure everyone knows; that you know, i own it”
his cock stood tall and proud against his stomach, tip
leaking pre-cum as you licked your lips in anticipation
he teased your folds, lightly slapping the tip against your overstimulated clit
you winced in pleasure, cunt shuttering at the touch
he gave you no time to catch your breath, even less time to collect your thought as he pushed deep into you
his thrusts violent and quick
in desperate need to get himself off
“god…don’t know how a whore like you has such a perfect little cunt”
he slapped your cheek playfully, fully emtoumbing himself in your warmth
“i’m a lucky man, aren’t i, princess?”
“y-yes daddy”
he pushed down on your knees, that spread of your legs caused your hips to angle up, gaining him further access to your cunt
he slammed into with vicious force, hell bent to retrieve at least one more orgasm from you
your cunt, so overstimulated, fucked beyond what you thought humanly possible, quivered around his size
so needy with your third, and hopefully final orgasm of the night
“f-feels so good daddy…your cock is so b-big!”
“i know” he remarked, his tone as self-absorbed as ever
“c’mon sweetheart i can feel it, why don’t you give daddy another one?”
you whimpered through clenched teeth, fingers gripping at air as you tried desperately to hold on
“fuck fuck fuck!!!” you chanted, feeling your release crashing through you
you screamed with pleasure, body convulsing with your orgasm
he was soon to follow, holding your hips still as he filled you to the brim without warning
cum leaking from beneath your thighs
“i hope you learned your lesson princess”
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Brownie Points
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,487
Summary: A shy and nervous Chucky Taylor asks you on a lunch date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy Birthday Chuckie!! 🥳
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 🩵
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First dates. First dates can be fun and sweet or they can be awkward and a total disaster.
When Chuck Taylor asked you out after a few weeks of you living next door, he was nervous and had no clue how you would react, mainly because he’s on the road a lot. Therefore, he didn’t have many opportunities to get to know you better. All he knew was you left for work around 6:30am and returned home at 4:30pm, and you went to the gym for an hour or so on certain days, and on some weekends a few of your friends would come over for a girls night. A simplistic life, a life he sometimes wished he had.
It took encouragement from his best friend Orange Cassidy to fully convince Chuck to give it a shot and ask you out, so here he was on your doorstep, last minute nerves slowly getting the better of him, but before he could chicken out, a ding from his phone grabbed his attention. It was Orange Cassidy, who was watching from the kitchen window because he knew his best friend would need encouragement and support.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
Knock. You look creepy just standing there.
Chuck shook his head, a little smile forming on his face and a brief chuckle escaped his lips. He’s right. I can do this. Deep breath and knock. Chuck did just that - took a deep breath and knocked on your door before he lost his nerve.
Less than a minute later the front door opened. There you stood in your loungewear consisting of an old oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, your hair was a little messier than when you left this morning and you hardly had any makeup on. You weren’t a huge makeup wearer, you liked just enough to accentuate your natural beauty.
Chuck stood there stunned. He had seen you all dressed in your work clothes or gym clothes, but he hadn’t seen you like this before. To him, you looked breathtaking. Get it together! Speak! Chuck quickly blinked away the cobwebs in his brain. “I… um… I was wondering if you would maybe… want to go out sometime?” Chuck hated he was stumbling over his words but that’s what happened he spoke to a gorgeous woman. Chuck watched her open her mouth to speak.
You were aware of who Chuck Taylor was. Truth be told, you were a fan of his, so to hear him clumsily ask you on a date was absolutely insane to you. Out of all the women he could ask out, he chose you. You took a moment to calm your mind. “I would love to.” You softly spoke feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
“How does lunch on Saturday sound?” Chuck quickly crossed his fingers in hopes you were free because if not, it would a few months before he would have free time like this again.
Usually, you’d make the guy sweat by saying you would have to check your schedule, but with Chuck, you just couldn’t do that. You could see he was already stressing out as it was plus you already knew you were available then. “It’s a date.”
The remainder of the week was slow and boring. All you could think about was your lunch date with Chuck. You really wanted things to go well, especially since he was so sweet. You remembered when one particularly windy day a few days ago, the wind knocked your trash can over at the end of the driveway, trash strewn across your front yard. You had been at work and didn’t know about trash filled yard until you pulled into your driveway where Chuck was in your yard picking up the trash. You thanked him and he brushed it off with a ‘What are neighbors for?’
Finally, Saturday arrived. You got up earlier than usual, made a small breakfast then dug through your clothes for a nice outfit. You didn’t think to ask what he had planned for lunch. Would he take you on a picnic? To a cafe? To a restaurant? Would there be any kind of activity that a dress wouldn’t work with? Part of you felt like you were over reacting and that he would have told you if you needed to dress in a particular outfit, but then again he was nervous and could have forgotten.
When Saturday rolled around, Chuck was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Orange Cassidy was there to help him calm down and prepare for the date. With everything prepped and ready to go, all Chuck had to do was get dressed.
One he was satisfied with his clothes, a nice pale blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and got the Orange Cassidy thumbs up of approval, he was out the door and on the short walk to your house. He hoped you ready and his arrival wouldn’t rush you.
Meanwhile, you had finally settled on a pretty, flowy lavender dress that came down to your knees. You did your makeup like always but added just a little bit more eyeshadow. Your eyes were your favorite feature and wanted to make them pop just a bit more.
A knock at the door pulled your attention away from your thoughts about what this date might hold. You quickly made your way to the door and peeked out the nearby window to see Chuck all dressed up. You stepped back and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Your soft voice brought Chuck back to the present. He looked up at you and he had to pause to collect himself. “Wow.” He breathed out, absolutely stunned. He thought you looked breathtaking.
With his brain short-circuiting, you take the time to really examine him. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out, his hair still had that shagginess to it but styled just enough to give it a more dressed up feel.
Once Chuck finally got his brain back on track, he remembered the baked goods in his hands behind his back. “Oh! And I brought you these brownies. I’m not much of a baker but I think they turned out okay.” Chuck didn’t want to do the traditional, cliché flowers, he wanted to be unique.
“You made me brownies!” You beamed. You loved brownies along with cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes. Desserts are your weakness. “This is so nice. I typically get boring flowers but baked goods are always welcome. Thank you Chuck.” You accepted the brownies and placed them on the small table by the door. You grabbed your purse hanging on the hook above the table before turning back to Chuck. “I’m ready if you are.”
Chuck couldn’t stop smiling. He was thrilled you loved the brownies, even if they might end up tasting disgusting. “Let’s go.” He held his arm out for you, a big smile on his face. Things were going great and he hoped they would stay that way.
Once the two of you were in Chuck’s car, a ding came from his phone. He apologized for the brief interruption to which you shook your head insisting it was okay. He quickly looked at the text.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
You’re doing great. Have fun!
Chuck glanced up and sure enough there was his best friend, watching out the living room window with a thumbs up. He shook his head with a grin while starting the car.
The ride consisted of talks about random favorite things likes animals, movies, shows, books, music, etc.
When the car came to a stop in the small parking lot, you finally noticed that Chuck had taken you to a little cafe that had pretty much everything from coffee and tea to sandwiches and pastries.
Entering the cafe, you noticed the decor was simple yet fun. “This is a cute place.” Your compliment made Chuck relax; he was worried you wouldn’t like a cafe date.
After ordering and picking a table by the window, you decided to ask him about life on the road and what got him into wrestling. You watched as his eyes lit up. The conversation flowed smoothly and ended up transitioning into swapping embarrassing stories. Some of his stories seemed too outrageous to be true but you didn’t mind.
As Chuck listened to you tell a story about how you and your friends pranked one of your friend’s brothers, he got this fuzzy feeling that he had only heard about in books and movies. Guess it is real after all. He just hoped you were feeling the same way.
The butterflies in your stomach were nonstop from the moment you two began learning about each other. Turns out this feeling in the books and movies was real. You could really see yourself being with Chuck Taylor. Most importantly, being happy and loved. You just hoped he was feeling the same way.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Chuck Taylor Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @springgirlwaiting4fall @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980
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perseephoneee · 6 months
meeting santa Claus. With Klaus from Academy Umbrella
meeting santa klaus (klaus hargreeves x reader) {ficmas 2023}
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 9 of ficmas!
a/n: i forgot how much i missed writing for my baby boy. my favorite klaus (sorry mikaelson).
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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Much like everyone else in the world, you lived under the assumption that Santa Claus was a larger man with a long beard, rosy cheeks, and a jolly troupe of reindeer. While the reindeer part is correct, the rest of it is horribly wrong and something that will haunt you for years to come. 
You discovered the truth of the universe when a long banging, followed by much swearing, could be heard in your living room. It was Christmas Eve, but you had been alone since your roommates had gone home for the holidays. You were spending the day alone, not wanting to deal with family politics this year. This is why hearing any sounds was very alarming at this moment. Afraid of a burglar in your house, you held your phone in one hand with the finger over the 911 button and a plunger in the other. You had no great weapons and felt that at least you could whack someone with the toilet plunger. You tip-toed down your stairs, your heart beating erratically as you looked down over your banister into your living room. Someone dressed in a loose-fitting red suit was cursing in your living room as they struggled to get some stuff out of a sack. You snuck into the living room, plunger above your head, and were entirely ready to attack when the burglar looked up with wide eyes at your weapon. You both started screaming. 
“What are you doing in my house?” you yelped, jumping back as the intruder sat up. 
“Is that a plunger?” he asked, voice confused. On closer inspection, he was a skinny man with thin facial hair and kind blue eyes. He looked a bit eclectic, and he was dressed like Santa. 
“My house, why are you here?”
“Funny story, actually,” he drawled hands on his hips. He was wearing Chuck Taylors. You had never seen someone dressed as Santa wearing Converse. “I am…Santa.”
“No, seriously, I’m Santa! Santa ‘Klaus’ to be exact,” he raised his hands in front of him as if in surrender. You pocked your phone but kept your plunger weapon up. 
“And I’m Krampus,” you deadpanned, not believing him. 
“Technically, my name is just Klaus, and my brother is Santa,” he laughed, eyeing your plunger with a small degree of fear. “In my family, one of us inherits the role of being Santa every generation. However, he decided he wanted a break this year, and I had to deal with it. I’m not first born or a favorite of daddy dearest, so it shouldn’t be my post at all.”
You listened to his story with wide eyes and a level of confusion. 
“Anyway, here I am, being Santa Klaus for everyone this Christmas, and I have to say, I have no idea how my brother, Luther, does it. He’s a huge guy, and I fell down that chimney. Also, I’m exhausted and could use a drink. Got any tequila?”
“I’m sorry?” You were wondering if you were still dreaming. 
“Tequila? I swore off the drugs a while ago, but I still consider drinking okay.”
“Prove it,” you huffed. “Prove you’re Santa.”
“Oh heavens,” Klaus threw a hand over his face. He looked around, exasperated, before flicking his hand. Suddenly, all the decorations in your room were floating, and the lights flickered in a rhythmic pattern. You fell back into one of the armchairs in the living room, mouth open like a fish as Klaus set everything back to normal. Oh, you had to be still dreaming. This couldn’t be happening. You had a clinically insane Santa Claus, sorry ‘Klaus,’ in your living room, and you were armed with only a plunger. A candy cane was waved in front of your face. You looked up to see Klaus before you, apologetic as he handed you the candy. You noticed tattoos running up his hands and arms—a tattooed Santa Klaus. “I didn’t mean to scare you, Y/N. I hate scaring people.”
“How do you know my name?” you whispered.
“I’m Santa; I know everything,” he winked. You unfurled your candy cane and stuck it in your mouth, brain trying to catch up with everything happening. 
“Okay, you’re Santa. Santa is real. Santa is not one guy but a bunch of guys. Santa likes tequila.” 
“Luther hates tequila. I just like to rebel across the system,” Klaus smiles. It takes you a moment to notice that his Santa costume is red leather lace-up pants, a red robe, and a classic red hat that barely fits on his dark hair. 
“Punk rock, Santa,” you mutter, taking a bite from your candy. “How is, uh, being Santa?”
“Oh, it’s going terribly,” Klaus sighed, collapsing to the floor before you. His hand was thrown over his eyes like an old Greek statue. You said nothing about his state of dramatics. “I’m so behind. I don’t understand how this has ever been done in one night.”
“Do you use magic?”
“Of course,” he rolled over, his head propped up on his hand. Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he rolled towards you. You jumped back as his hands landed on the armrests of your chair, trapping you in. He smelled like a mojito– minty but also alcoholic. Mojitos were your favorite drinks. “You should help me!”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re by yourself, armed with a plunger. I’m in need of assistance, and I’m lonely,” Klaus was infectious with how he smiled at you. He was like an excitable puppy. “We can help each other! Make Christmas memories.”
“Why would I be helpful?” you ask.
“Because you’re a helpful person,” Klaus says, matter of fact. “You organize the homeless drive every Sunday, don’t you?” You would ask how he knows that but decide it’s likely magic, and that asking would leave you with more questions. Instead, you nod, confirming his question. “You have a big heart; you’re perfect for this job.”
“I’m…human,” you mutter meekly. Klaus grabs your face between his hands, effectively shushing you. 
“Me too! Mostly. Darling, you’re perfect.”
You decide that arguing with the fake Santa that wandered into your house wouldn’t be fruitful. Plus, you had no plans for Christmas except reading a good book and drinking mimosas. You ask if you can get dressed, but Klaus assures you that what you wear is fine. Of course, you wear a robe with pajama pants and smiley-face slippers. You and Klaus left out the front door since the chimney sounded like a bad idea. You guffaw at the sight of reindeer in your suburban street with a cherry wood sleigh. Klaus skips over like an excitable child and gives loving pats to all the reindeer. He shows you the proper way to pet them, and you giggle as Dancer and Blitzen lick your hand and try to steal part of your candy cane. Klaus lends a hand, and you climb into the sleigh. It’s so quiet outside that you’re shocked your neighbors aren’t hearing the commotion. You’re even more shocked when they don’t hear your screech as you take off into the air. Klaus grabs your hand in comfort, and you realize you like his presence. He’s mental, but he’s kind and somehow makes you feel completely safe when you should be losing your mind. 
What Klaus has in enthusiasm, you make up for in organizational skills. He gives you a magic skull key to help sneak into people’s houses (it feels illegal), and together, you double productivity as you drop off presents. You even steal a few cookies and some baklava from a Ukrainian home as you go. The kids were asleep on the floor as you snuck by to drop off your presents, and you were afraid they’d hear you as you moaned around the taste of the dessert. You stole some extra for Klaus, who reacted like you. 
You went to so many different countries you had never been to before, and the smile on your face was permanent as you soared across the skies with the real-life Santa. You wondered how you were chosen for such a treat, and you still wondered it as Klaus finally brought you back to your home at five a.m. on Christmas day. 
“Why me?” you asked, turning to Klaus in the sleigh as he eased the reindeer to a stop. He looked at you, confused. “Out of everyone that could’ve helped you tonight, you chose me. I just…don’t know why. I’m not special.”
“Oh, but you are; you’re so special,” Klaus grabbed your hands, running his fingers over your knuckles. “And I just like you. You’re kind. I could tell from your aura the second you tried to kill me with your plunger.” You chuckled a bit at that. 
“Thank you for choosing me,” you whispered. You kissed Klaus’ cheek, exited the sleigh, and bound into your house. You watched from your doorway as he became nothing more than a beam of light on the horizon. Climbing up your stairs, exhaustion finally crept into your bones, and you passed out immediately in bed. 
When you woke up and blearily descended your stairs, you were startled to find a present under the tree. You were even more pleasantly surprised when you unwrapped it and found one of the reindeer bells and a note from Klaus:
Call me. Even Santas use telephones.
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clubdionysus · 25 days
[BAD DECISION #20] - Park Jimin... Again
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warnings: ohh this one hurts my heart! drinking, drunk hook-up, fingering, oral (m receiving), both parties are fully consenting but the OC is having a bit of a hard time mentally (head vs heart kind thing!), it makes me really sad for her reading it back :( anyways, one of the biggest B birds is tackled!!!! kinda!!! the smut isn't he he smutty smut!! more so mechanical! controversial opinion but one of my fave starluvrs chapters!!
soundtrack: seesaw - bts
wc: 6.8k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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"Hey," Jeongguk says quietly as he comes to stand beside you. You're standing behind the front desk at your work, watching on with subtle pride as Tae's event kicks into gear. Chatter pollutes the air, Tae's chosen choice of jazz music softly humming beneath the conversation.
Jeongguk's dressed well. More formal than you've ever seen him. A dark, silky shirt hangs off his broad shoulders, unbuttoned just enough to give you vivid flashbacks of your hand around his throat, nails scratching ever so gently at his skin. His usual silver chain sits prettily in place, but a second necklace hangs a little lower. As always, his hair is tousled in such a way it screams 'i woke up like this' - but you've seen him in the mornings. Know that he will have spent a solid half an hour perfecting the look.
On his feet are his trusty Chuck Taylors. Makes you laugh when you look down and see them next to your sparkly heels. You nudge against his shoes with your own. He does it back. 
If you were to glance in the mirror in the far corner of the room, you'd notice how good you look together. Your dress is tight - a well-structured bodice with a low back and a straight skirt that finishes midway down your thighs - but chiffon billows around your arms. A subtle shimmer runs through the threads of the otherwise black fabric, and Jeongguk thinks it's fitting. Doesn't mention it, though.
Instead, he gently strokes the top of your back where your shoulder blades are far too tense. You're more poised than usual. It's stress, he thinks.
He'd be right in thinking that - but you smile regardless. Won't let anything dampen how well Tae's show is going.
Lights dim, the focus is all on the art pieces. Free champagne (which is really just prosecco but you're hoping no one will notice) is flowing, and appetisers are being eaten. The deli cafe a few floors below had agreed to do the catering, and you're thankful that they agreed to do it for a discount rate. You're barely breaking even with the launch event, but you hope that it will prove to be fruitful for Tae and the other artists in the future.
"Hey," you whisper right back, knocking your shoulder against him tenderly. "You good?"
He nods and hums a pretty little purr of confirmation. "You?"
You do the same back. It's not for a lack of wanting to engage in conversation, it's just that you know your social battery is gonna be worn down to the metal casing by the end of the evening, and so you're preserving your resources. 
Jeongguk is aware of this. He always clocks it whenever you reached social capacity in the club - you'll sway instead of dance, and drunkenly walk away from people, favouring the bar instead of the dancefloor. He knows you've maybe got a solid six hours in you, but anything after that? He's not so sure.
"The place looks great," he tells you - and it really does.
For the launch night, you've optimised space and minimised the number of easels that are out. Furniture has been rearranged to create a natural flow for attendees to walk through, in order for each artist to have their work fully admired. 
Tae's collection is the focal point, of course, but it's done in such a subtle way that most won't notice. The design of it all is smart - helped by Jimin's expertise in interior staging, brought to life by the brawn of Jeongguk and how he's able to move even the heaviest furniture with ease, and finished off with Tae's carefully crafted artwork.
They make for a great team. 
Yoongi's custom-built frames and display units are perfect for the space, and Namjoon is by the entrance greeting critics he knows from other papers. Tae couldn't have surrounded himself with better people.
You think it's deserved. His work is gorgeous. If you had a spare penny, you'd invest in some. Know that he's destined for greatness, and that this is just the start of his professional career. If anything, you feel lucky to be a part of it all, no matter how small. 
But see that's the thing - Taehyung always had these resources around him. Had it not been for you pulling them all together and actually using them, he never would have done. Not to the best of his ability, at least. You're just as important to this as the rest of them are. 
Jeongguk couldn't be prouder - of you, of Tae, of what you've achieved. It's early and the night is young, but things are heading in the right direction. People are filtering in gradually. Half a dozen people have come off the street just to see what's going on.
"I think it's incredible, Byeol," Jeongguk says softly. "All of this... I just. Wow. Amazing."
"Stop," you laugh quietly. "Was a team effort."
He shakes his head. Thinks you're by far the most important piece of the puzzle.
"Yeah, well," he shrugs. "What's a team without a leader?"
You glance over at him, a little bemused by his appreciation. 
He looks down at you and smiles, lip ring flipping ever so slightly in that way you adore so much. In the dull light behind the desk, a small speck of glitter twinkles on his shoulder.
"Here," you say as you reach over to pick it away, before dusting it off your fingers. "I fear I've cursed you with glitter."
Jeongguk shakes his head. Tells you he doesn't mind. He kind of likes the sparkles. Is still finding tiny reminders of you in his sheets. Makes him smile every time. 
When he was sleeping with Hayun, it would be her lipstick that would stain his skin. His mugs, his sheets, his shirts, too. 
Part of him wonders what permanence Jiyeong will hold. 
Part of him kind of doesn't wanna find out.
But speak of the Devil and he doth appear - or think of Jiyeong, and sure enough, there she is by the entrance, speaking with Hoseok, who is handling entry. 
She's dressed well - a navy blue dress hugs her enviable figure, which you know she's worked damn hard to achieve. Her hair is down, and her make-up is minimal; a natural beauty. Not a speck of glitter in sight.
"Ah, it does appear your princess has arrived, Prince Charming," you tease him with a little more pomp and poise than is needed, just to echo your point. 
"Fuck off," he laughs  - but heads on his way regardless.
You watch on as Jeongguk greets her, a hand in his pocket while the other scratches at the back of his head. He laughs, looks to the floor, then back up at her. When he smiles, his lip ring does the thing . 
You look away. Find Tae in the crowd. Head for him instead.
Your palms feel a little clammy, and your head doesn't feel like it's screwed on properly, but there's no feasible reason to feel such a way. Belated nerves, maybe? It's a big night. Tae has a lot riding on it. Yeah. That must be it.
As you approach, with an extra champagne flute in hand to top him up, he beams at you. 
Smile wide, Taehyung is every bit the schmoozer. He's been talking the ears off a local critic for the past ten minutes, and they've laughed at every joke. 
It probably helps that he's dressed like the boy of everyone's fantasies; ivory shirt and dark slacks, lockets around his neck and dark hair pushed back to frame his portrait-worthy face. In a room full of priceless art, Kim Taehyung could be considered a masterpiece himself.
The thought glitters in your mind, illuminating the fact that you think this could apply to Jeongguk, too. You twist ever so slightly to look at him, but stop yourself. Your nosey tendencies can wait. 
For now, Tae is babbling on about your contribution to the show, and you're far better off focusing on him. He's without an agent, so you're playing the role for now.
You don't really know what it all entails, but you've read a wikihow page and watched a couple of youtube videos. Know enough to get by. It's just to stop investors from thinking they can take advantage of Tae. You're protection, in a way, which is laughable. 
"You've an eye for curation," a critic tells you, after Tae finishes bragging about your dedication to the show - but you shake your head.
"It's all Taehyung's genius," you smile. "He's an artist through and through, and it's his concepts we've brought to life. I'm merely a facilitator of his vision."
It's all so pompous. You hate the bullshit chatter, but know it's needed. So does Tae. You've never seen him so composed. He doesn't even falter when Danbi shows up half an hour later. 
Though he does get a little giggly when she approaches him to gush about how beautiful his work is. He grins - and grins, and grins, and grins - and tells her that it's nothing. She tells him he's remarkable, and her words replay in his head for the rest of the night.
Kind of like how Jeongguk's hand on your back, the intrusive scent of his aftershave, and the thought of his lip ring doing the thing whenever he nibbles down on it, plagues yours. It's bizarre. 
Realistically, you know it's because you're nervous, and have always sought comfort in him. If he were by your side, maybe you'd worry less about Tae impressing the critics. Maybe he'd joke with you about that one rogue piece of art neither of you really like. 
Instead, he stands with Jiyeong, engaged in conversation with the Mins. If you were to be looking in his direction, you'd notice Seoyeon trying to catch your eye. 'Are you okay?' her nuanced gaze would ask, and you'd smile. Nod your head. Assure her that you're grand.
You refuse to let yourself linger. It's not healthy. Jeongguk is your friend. Dependency isn't cute on anyone. 
But Jiyeong looks cute on his arm, and Jeongguk looks cute when he explains different art facts he's learnt from you to her. The recycled knowledge is wasted on a mind like Jiyeong's. Her interests lie elsewhere. It's not her kind of thing - but Jeongguk is her kind of man, so she nods along and is ever so pleasant. 
When Nabi arrives, you're pleased to see her act just as frosty towards Jiyeong as she had towards you.
"Don't mind her," Jimin grins beside you as you watch the interaction with great curiosity. "Nabi is... Well, she's Nabi."
You smile. Jimin looks dashing as ever. Is wearing a thin knitted sweater with a pair of tight jeans hugging his toned legs. Chelsea boots accent his look, and you find yourself smiling at the predictability of him. His style differs from that of his friends, but you find that you quite like it.
His hair is perfectly permed to fall back off his face, showing off his dark eyes and cute little cheeks. He's paradoxical. Sweet and spicy all in one bite.
"She always like this?" You ask, not really caring if Jimin knows you don't feel so fondly towards her.
"Uh-huh," he nods. "She comes across as rude, but honestly I think she's just shy."
"Shy?" You sneer - but catch the unpleasant look on your face and try to soften it. The stress has made you a little snappy, and you don't like it. 
"Shy," he nods again with a laugh. Finds your uncharacteristically sour face rather funny. "She's hot though, so everyone thinks she's being a dick. She'll warm up. She always does - you really think Seoyeon would be friends with her if she didn't?"
He's got a good point. Seoyeon is potentially the sweetest person you've ever met. You can't imagine her being friends with assholes - but then again, even assholes need friends. Seoyeon would always try and see the good in people, if she could. 
"She scares me," you tell him. He hands you his champagne flute. It's half empty, but he thinks you need a drink. He's right.
"You scare her, probably. You're some random girl showing up all buddy-buddy with her oldest friends without warning," he says, trying to put it into perspective. "She gets back from visiting family abroad and BOOM . There's some girl riding shotgun in Jeongguk's car and helping with Tae's career in a way she never could. It's intimidating. She doesn't know her place anymore."
When he says it like that, you cringe. Feel guilty for being such a harsh judge towards her. Sure, Nabi had been rude, but you can't go through life expecting everyone to act in the same way you would. It's differences that make us interesting, after all.
"How long had been gone?" You ask quietly, knowing it's really none of your business.
"Six months," Jimin says. "Her grandparents live in Scotland. It's where she's been. You should ask her, yourself. Might be a good chance to get to know her."
You nod. Fold your arms across your chest. Decide you know far too much about this poor girl's personal life already. Anything else you learn, you would like it to be directly from her.
"Would she like to come out with us?" You offer. "After the show?"
Jimin smiles. "Probably. I'll ask."
When she glances over to you a little while later, Jimin clearly mentioning the invite, you smile. You think she smiles back, but it's hard to tell - though you can clearly see her nod. 
You sigh a shallow breath of relief and are so focused on the interaction that you almost don't notice Jeongguk coming to stand beside you. 
"Clock's not struck midnight yet, Charming," you hum when you smell his aftershave. "Where's your girl?"
He nudges his shoulder against yours and takes your champagne flute from your hand - your fifth of the night and counting - before knocking it all back in one swig. 
"Couldn't stay. She's meeting friends, so we'll probably see her out tonight - if that's okay?"
"Yeah, sure," you say without hesitation. "Of course that's fine. It was really nice of her to come along."
Jeongguk nods. "Yeah. I think she enjoyed it."
You nod, too. It's a little awkward. Neither of you know how to navigate conversations about other people. You're coy; don't wanna ask too much. 
"That's good," you smile. "Fancy another drink?"
One drink turns into three, which turns into six. By the time the show has dwindled down to just the usual suspects, and Tae is popping a champagne bottle in celebration of an exhibition gone well, you're ready to hit the clubs. 
Everyone is in good spirits. 
There's not a single face without a smile as you head downtown, not to Dionysus, but to a bar just across the road. The boys are regulars here just as much, but it's a quieter vibe - small rooms that allow for a more private setting. 
They instantly head towards one of the back coves. The room is tiny. Cramped. Dark. Stinks of beer and cigarette smoke. There are black sofas lining the walls, and you dread to think of what horrors they've seen as you sink down into one beside Jeongguk. 
Not much thought is given to your seating arrangement. His legs are stretched out, knees wide apart, one hand over his crotch, the other tucked behind you. Legs pulled up to your chest, your feet are on the sofa, shoes on the floor. One of your arms wraps around your knees, hugging them into you. Your other hand mindlessly rests on his thigh. 
It's dangerously close to his hand. So close that he reaches out with his fingers. They delicately toy with yours. You think very little of it. Just finds comfort in it. So does he. 
No one notices.
You're wedged between Jeongguk and Danbi, who also has an incredibly giddy Taehyung next to her.
Or at least she does, until he hops up to grab beer pong cups from the bar. He returns with everything he needs for the game, but leaves again, only to return with a tray of shots, too.
It's just sourz. Has nothing on purple starfuckers - but it serves a purpose. Is exactly what you need as you stand at one end of the beer pong table. 
Nabi is on the other end, Jimin by her side.
Tae got distracted by Danbi, well, existing. Put the cups down and haven't thought about them since. The game is yours now. 
It's nice seeing Nabi actually smile. Has you supposing that Jimin was right, after all. She cheers when anyone gets shots in, even if it means she has to drink. A good sport. Just wants everyone to have fun. Knows that she sometimes can rub people up the wrong way, so appreciates the fact you made sure she was invited.
She always would have been invited. Taehyung had already mentioned it to her - but the fact that you made Jimin check? She appreciates it. Probably won't tell you so directly, but hopes that you'll see she's trying.
And you do. You're trying, too. It's always weird when someone new enters a dynamic. It's why you're trying to be mindful of Jiyeong, and excuse away Jeongguk for not being totally focused on the evening. 
He's torn between his friends and making sure he replies to her drunk messages quickly enough. It doesn't help that he's also drunk and really can't be fucked with being on his phone in a dark room. It's embarrassing. He's here with friends. Doesn't wanna be glued to a screen.
His phone is facedown by the sofa when he comes to stand behind you, while you gear up for your next shot. You're currently a point up, and only have to get three more cups out.
"Easy does it," Jeongguk husks just loud enough for you to hear. If his voice wasn't enough to distract you, his hand on your hip might just be. It's disguised by the shadows of the dark room, but the sensation burns so brightly you're surprised no one else notices. 
"I am easy," you tell him, not realising how bad that sounds until it's out of your mouth. The glitter on your cheeks catches in the dim fairy lights as you giggle at yourself. 
Jeongguk just smirks. Shakes his head.
"No, you're not."
"Well, what am I then?" you flirt a little. " Hard ?"
Oh God, he's smirking again. 
There's a mirror on the far wall behind Nabi and Jimin. You hate it. 
Hate how you never used to notice mirrors before Jeongguk came into your life, and hate how you noticed every single one of them now. 
Hate how good Jeongguk looks, dark hair waving divinely around his features. His broad shoulders are hidden by his shirt, but he's loosened his buttons to frame his collar bones in silk. Sleeves rolled up, forearms on show, he's a menace. 
The kind of guy your mother warned you about, cosplaying as the boy next door. Trouble. Sin. Temptation. 
And yet he's just so pretty - doe-eyed and dewy-nosed - that he's impossible to resist.
"Maybe," he sings, taking a swig of his drink before holding it to your lips. You let him tilt it. Drink it down. Tastes like shit, but you don't care. Are too enthralled by the flirt. 
"Nah," you laugh softly as you lick the liquor from your lips. "I'm not hard."
Jeongguk's had too much to drink. He knows better than to reply in the way he wants to. Knows he shouldn't grip your waist and pull you back so that your ass is rested against his crotch. 
He knows, he knows, he knows. 
"Funny," he husks. "You might not be, but me? Well..."
And yet his grip does tighten. He closes the gap. Makes your breath hitch.
"Haven't got all day Disco Ball!" Jimin calls over, blissfully unaware of what's going on in the dark.
Jeongguk loosens his grip. Takes a step back. Walks around to the side of the table and slumps down into the sofa beside Namjoon. 
From the corner of your eye, you can see them whispering to each other, but decide to ignore it.
Instead, you line up your shot. Focus. Narrow your eyes and ignore the heckles Jimin is throwing in your direction. Anything to put you off your game. Nabi slaps at his shoulder and tells him to cut it out. 
And so you smile at her. Mouth the words 'thank you' in her direction. 
Jimin just leans on the table. Tells you that he gets a free shot if you take any longer.
"That's bullshit and you know it," Jeongguk calls over, just to let you all know he's still invested.
Of course he is. He wants you to win. 
Just didn't wanna take things too far.
"You've got this, B!"
And you do .
The shot is smooth. Sharp. The tiny white ball knocks against the lip of the most distant cup and falls directly into the small pool of beer it's holding. 
Jimin stares at it in disbelief.
"What?" You grin, as Jeongguk cheers you on and Namjoon laughs at Jimin's poor defeated face. "Drink up, Park. Haven't got all day."
The rest of the game continues much like that. Jeongguk sits on the sidelines and lets you take the reins. Doesn't interfere. Just watches on, with a curious sense of pride and something he can't quite place. Just notices that his jaw gets a little tense whenever your start joking around with Jimin.
It's nothing a fresh shot doesn't solve. The liquor eases his jaw. Makes him forget the uncomfortable feeling that comes with watching your glitter sparkle in someone else's eyes.
He brushes the feeling to the side. Ignores it. 
But when you've been gone for ten minutes, and he realises he doesn't know where Jimin is either, he pauses. Doesn't want another shot cause he feels a little sick. 
Decides the bathroom is the best place for him. It's a bog standard toilet - no gender separation of the stalls. Just a door into a room with a sink in it, and another door that leads to the actual toilet. 
"Shit, sorry," Jeongguk mumbles as he opens the door, realising someone's stood by the sink.
"Hey," you chime pleasantly. "It's cool. Come in. No one's in there."
You've just been touching up your makeup. Have no idea where Jimin is. You've not seen him. Assume he's flirting with some random by the bar. Seems like him.
And yet Jeongguk's drunk tongue decides that he'd quite like to just make sure you haven't seen Jimin. It's stupid. He's got no reason to care. Doesn't care. Is just a little too tipsy for his own good.
"If I didn't know any better," Jeongguk says quietly, coming to stand behind you. "I'd say you've been flirting with Jimin."
The bathroom is cramped, graffiti covering the walls. There's no soap and the hand dryer is broken. It's seen better days. Seen a lot of sin. You glance up at him as you wash your hands the best you can. The position is all too familiar. 
Mirrors and Jeongguk? 
Yeah. A view you know well. 
You smirk. Raise your brows. "So what if I have been?"
He shrugs. Looks at your hair, and starts to toy with it. Scoops it together to push it all over a single shoulder. 
He leaves your neck exposed, and bites down on his lips to stop himself from doing things he knows he shouldn't. A tiny waft of your perfume intrudes on his senses. God . He really does fucking like your perfume. 
"Just curious," he says. "That's all."
You think that will be the end of his interrogation. 
Think that Jeongguk is just throwing questions into the void, but that your lack of a clear answer will deter him. 
It does. Only for a moment, though. He's still stroking at your hair. Doesn't look at you. Just your damn hair. 
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, he asks, "Are you gonna fuck him again?"
You say nothing, just continue washing your hands as you think about what the fuck to say back. You've not been planning on it, but the question sounds a bit like an accusation. Sounds like Jeongguk is probing you. Sounds unlike him. Sounds like he wants a fight.
Shutting the tap off, you rest your palms on the edge of the basin and look at his reflection. You're annoyed to find him still watching his own hands as they stroke through your hair.
"Why?" You question. He's never been one to cast judgement over your choices. Never. You're pissed that it seems like he's doing it now. "Should I fuck him again?"
Jeongguk's the one who falters now. 
Only for a split second, but long enough for you to know he's running hurdles in his brain. 
He doesn't know why he started the conversation, and doesn't know where the fuck he hopes it ends - he just knows he can't seem to stop it.
The dingy light flickers ever so gently, like morse code. Dash, dot... Dash, dash, dash. 
Indifference is feigned well as he shrugs. "If you want."
And you're not sure why, but you ask, "Do you want me to?"
When he looks up and catches your gaze in the aged, desilvered mirror ahead of you both, he's hard to read. 
His stare is hard, but his features are soft. Cheeks a little pink. Lips pretty and pouty like they are always are. 
"Wasn't that the whole point of the birds?" He asks. "We fuck about, get you comfortable with intimacy... you have better sex?"
You scoff. Shake your head as you look down to where your hands grip the porcelain basin. There are water droplets still on your skin. Sort of look like tears, you think.
"Mhmm," you finally say as your eyes dart up again, with a nod and a smile so fake that even the alcohol can't convince Jeongguk it's genuine. "I'm sure Jimin will be thrilled to have your leftovers."
"What?" he asks, a little confused. 
Running your hands through your hair, you disrupt the preening he's been doing and let your hair messily fall into a more natural state. His hands drop from their position by your shoulders. Distance is created. 
"Surely it's easier to start off with someone you already know?" He continues. "And the fuck are you on about? Leftovers? You know I hate it when you say shit like that, Byeol. It's not like that."
In Jeongguk's mind, it's really not that dissimilar to your setting him up with Jiyeong. You had started him off easy. Someone he knows won't reject him. 
Interesting how he's already convinced there'll be a next; that Jiyeong is a start, not an end. 
Longevity isn't something that he sees in her. 
A certain guilt lies within him whenever they're together because of this, but he thinks perhaps he's writing it off too soon. Maybe it's his brain self-sabotaging like it always does.
"So what's different?" you say quietly, and turn to face him. 
In the mirror, the open back of your dress has your spine on full display, and Jeongguk's reminded of how he traced down it in his kitchen; you bent over his counter, threats of fucking Jimin again acting as foreplay. 
He's only got himself to blame. 
"How will fucking Jimin now be any different to the last time?"
Jeongguk shrugs. Starts toying with your hair again. You wish he would stop. 
And yet you don't make him. He's gentle as he tucks the hair over your ear, mindful of your piercings. 
"You know the house layout, now," he smirks, trying to lighten the mood. He really doesn't want to argue with you. "You won't trip up on your way out."
"Shut the fuck up," you smile, not wanting to find humour in his words. "Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to stay the night, now."
He nods. Purses his lips. Looks in your eyes as he whispers, "I'll be so proud of you if you do."
You think he means it. 
So does he.
It's not something he's tried with you. Not a bird that's been completed - but one of the ones that means the most, he thinks.
It's sitting on his desk at home. 
Had fallen after you'd agreed to stop doing the birds for the time being. 
"You would?" You whisper back, and ignore the way his thumb is stroking your hip. Pretend like he isn't so close you can practically taste his drink of choice. 
"I would," he says back so quietly it's barely even a breath. The way he nods his head forces his nose to nudge ever so gently against yours. It's nothing new. Nothing that hasn't been done before. "You've done so well, Byeol. Faced so many fears." 
Haven't kissed you, though, you think - and it takes everything in you not to close the gap.
"It's still scary," you say, a hand on his chest, the other resting on the crook of his neck. 
If anyone were to walk in right now, there'd be a million questions asked  - and yet neither of you questions the familiarity of your embrace. 
Intimacy has been fostered between the pair of you. Exactly what the birds were trying to prevent. You were supposed to face your fears; untie the acts from any romantic feelings.
It's why you tell yourself this is normal. 
It's why you're utterly convinced that this is just a byproduct of the birds, and that it's not actually real. 
"I used to be scared of the dark," he tells you with a shy smile, looking down as he laughs ever so gently. You laugh, too. It's cute. 
He withdraws a little. Lets you go. Rests his back against the far wall and drinks in the sight of you. 
Your lips are blushed. Pouty. Kiss deprived. Glitter shimmers by your eyes and he's so glad of how predictable you always are. Sees stars even on the cloudiest of nights with you. 
Jeongguk just runs a hand through his hair and shrugs. 
"Still don't like it much," he continues. "Spook myself out sometimes. There's a corner of my room that's a little darker than the rest of the place and... yeah. It freaks me out. But you know what?"
"What?" you enthuse, the smile on your lips definitely the result of a few too many drinks. It matches his.
He reaches over to the light switch. Turns it off. Stumbles a little from his lost balance, and regains it by reaching out for you. You steady him - and you're right back where you started, far too close. 
"I'm not scared of it anymore," he whispers. "I don't like it much, and I prefer having a little light to guide me - but I'm not scared ."
"And this is relevant... how?" You giggle, as your hands hold onto the front of his shirt.
It's at this point Jeongguk knows he fucked, for Jeongguk's utterly convinced if he doesn't kiss you, he'll die.
He wants to press his lips down on yours as you giggle. Wants to taste the alcohol on your tongue. Wants to feel your teeth bite down on his bottom lip. Oh, god , he wants it . Wants you . Just once. Just so he knows what it's like.
He knows you kiss. Saw Jimin kiss you that very first night. Sure, you deflected it - but that initial contact? The way your lips looked as they pressed down into someone else's? 
God, he just wants to know. Has to know.
Never been into voyeurism, but the more he thinks about you with someone else, the more he knows he'd gladly watch. 
Perhaps 'gladly' is the wrong word. He'd fuckin' hate it - but he'd take it just to be blessed with a visual of you doing his favourite thing in the world.
But then he feels guilty, again. 
He knows he's not strictly off the market, and that he is still single, but he's always been a one-girl kinda guy. Never fucked around with more than one at any one given time. 
Would feel fucking awful if things with Jiyeong progressed, knowing that he'd gotten far too close for comfort with you in the early days.
He wants you in his life. 
If he fucks around with you now, then it writes off any chance of that when he and Jiyeong become official. 
So he pulls away from you again, and reaches for the light. Can't find it. Gives up. Cracks the door ajar a little. The light that pours in is dusty. Smoke filled. The particles dance in the air; filth in the purity of the one thing that keeps you breathing. His foot holds the door open. He bathes in the dingy lighting of the bar, his features masked by shadows. 
"It's okay that you still don't like intimacy, B," he tells you. "What matters is that you still try. Even without me. Even if it scares you. You just gotta try. Just gotta keep trying."
You reach for the door and pull it further open. Let the light pour in. 
"Gotta keep trying," you nod.  "I should probably-"
"Yeah, yeah, no, of course," Jeongguk nods as you gesture to the door. "Go. Sorry for walking in on you like that."
"It's no bother," you tell him with a small smile. 
And you really do mean it. Jeongguk never bothers you. You're always pleased to have his company around.
You're less pleased to realise how fucking wet you are as you walk back to the group. Been in his proximity for all of five minutes and you're a state . Maybe he's got a point. Maybe you do need to get laid.
When Jeongguk rejoins the group, he doesn't look at you. Picks up his jacket, and mumbles something to Jimin. A laugh is shared, before Jeongguk pats his back and heads towards the door without even glancing in your direction. 
No explanation. 
He's just gone.
"Hey Jimin?" You call over, too drunk to care for playing it cool. "Where'd Gguk go?"
"Jiyeong," he simply says not thinking much of it - and why would he? 
From the corner of the group, Yoongi pays attention to the way your shoulders drop a little bit. He's not stupid. 
Knows which direction the bathroom is in. 
Knows there must have been some overlap. 
Knows you've been off talking with Jeongguk. 
Doesn't think it would be anything more than a conversation, but think it doesn't matter. As always, Yoongi is right.
Jeongguk had sought you out. Had wanted to speak with you privately. You'd returned with a pleasant smile on your face - once of which faded almost instantly once Jiyeong's name was mentioned. 
Yoongi says nothing. It's not his place to interfere - though he does text Seoyeon almost instantly to let her know that there's trouble in paradise. 
She's by the bar with Nabi getting another round. Glances over immediately. Frowns when she notices Jeongguk's absence. Sighs when she sees the look on your face.
"Kids," Yoongi mutters under his breath, shaking his head, before knocking down the rest of his whisky. He actually thinks having his own kids would be less stressful than keeping an eye on you all.
You know you shouldn't, but as you finish off your drink, you start feeling petty. Vindictive . 
Jeongguk's out with Jiyeong doing fuck knows what. Is fuck knows where. You shouldn't be angry, but you're a little too drunk for your own good. Can't help it.
Maybe you will fuck Jimin. 
Maybe you'll fuck him, and realise that sex really is just sex - even the intimate parts of it. Maybe you'll let Jimin make you cum. Maybe you'll let him kiss you. Maybe you'll stay the night, and maybe Jeongguk will have to watch the next morning as you emerge from Jimin's room instead of his.
Maybe he'll have to watch Jimin reap the fruits of his labour, just like you know Jiyeong is reaping the fruits of yours.
But this was always the deal. Always the case. 
It isn't Jeongguk's fault. Isn't Jiyeong's. Isn't yours, either. 
"Hey," Jimin grins, holding out his drink for you to take a sip. You gladly oblige. "Too pretty to be this mopey. Let's dance."
"Jimin," you pout and whine, really not feeling it. It's one thing to consider fucking Jimin, but a whole different thing to actually act on it.
"Don't gimmie that face," he teases. There's a glint in his eye; mischief . You recognise it. Have seen it before. Have leant into it. Have pushed it away. 
You're not sure what you'll do with it tonight. 
When you take Jeongguk out of the equation, you probably wouldn't give it a second thought. You know Jimin. Have fooled around with him before. Know you'll be safe. Know it will satisfy a hunger.
And so you take his hand, and let him drag you to the dancefloor. 
Just like you let his hands wander. Let his teeth become reacquainted with your neck. His lips are soft. Warm. His hands, too. And his voice, when he says "should we just cut to the chase?"
You laugh. Nod. There's no point in playing coy; not when he knows what he wants, and assumes you want it, too. He doesn't get rejected too often. In fact, the last girl who did? Was you.
He doesn't even try to kiss you. Remembers how little you seemed to be into it the last time, completely unaware of the fact you love it. 
At least you won't have to deal with Jeongguk, and how whiney he is about always wanting to ki-
Nope . 
Once you realise you're thinking about him, you stop. 
This? Now?
This is the first test of the birds. Jeongguk helped you. For this very purpose. He shouldn't hinder you. Not now.
Just like you're sure he's not thinking about you while he's with Jiyeong, you tell yourself you can't think about him, either. 
Funny, really. 
Jeongguk's across town embroiled in an argument. Can't stop thinking about you, 'cause Jiyeong's insisting on hashing it out with him as to why she gets such weird vibes from the pair of you both. 
Jimin also gets those vibes, but is a boy, and is stupid. Pays no attention to it.
And why would he? 
Not even half an hour later, you're in his bedroom. 
He's the one reclining onto his elbows, legs spread, knees hooked over the end of his bed as you shake your dress off. 
You think of the birds. Know that nakedness is one of them. The last time you fucked Jimin, you'd been fully clothed. 
This time, you won't be. 
It makes you nervous. He can't tell. Not with the way you hold yourself as you slip out of the fabric and let it crumple on his floor. 
"You hard?" you ask quietly. The lighting is dim, and it's hard to tell beneath his dark jeans. He palms at himself and smirks.
"Getting there. Wanna see?"
You nod. Watch with bated breath as Jimin undoes his trousers. Pushes them down a little. Lets his white briefs show you exactly how hard he is. 
He's definitely firm, but not quite there yet. Needs more than just a half-naked girl. Seen so many of them in his lifetime that he needs something a little more interesting to really get him excited. 
"Play with yourself," you tell him. The positioning - you standing in front of him, in control - has him eager. 
He remembers how difficult you can be all in the name of a good fuck. Knows he's in for a treat - and so does as he's told. Pulls his cock free. Strokes it. Lets his head fall back for a few pumps, then meets your eyes again as he jerks himself off.
You smirk, now. "Cute."
"Cute?" He laughs a little in disbelief, so you just nod. 
There's an air about you. An arrogance. It's the attitude he usually gives women. Quite likes it when it's given back to him. 
"Cute," you nod with a sickly sweet smile, as you get to your knees. Hands on his thighs, you stroke tenderly. His grip on his cock tightens as his hips push up into his hand. 
"Look at you," you continue teasing. "All needy and playing with yourself because you just can't wait to fuck me. It's really cute."
He slows down, as if he wants to defy you, but you just smirk. 
"Did I say stop?"
He laughs. Shakes his head. Continues.
"You just wanna watch?" He asks, a little bemused.
"Mhmm," you hum pleasantly. There's a power trip that comes with watching a man wank over you. It's safe. His problem, not yours.
The proximity of his cock to your face does make it hard to resist. You haven't given head in so long. One of your favourite acts, you've never had issues with it, which is why it was never included in bird-related endeavours - and blessed, fortunate Jimin is gonna be the one to receive your pent-up need for a cock in your mouth.
Not yet, though. You'll let him suffer a little longer, first.
You're quite enjoying it, regardless. Jimin's hands are pretty in a way that Jeongguk's aren't; dainty and petite. Well proportioned, and perfectly kept. What he may lack in length, you know he'll make up for in skill.
Gets you thinking about your birds. Gets you thinking that you need to put them into practice. 
You get to your feet and Jimin just watches. Says nothing. You're not entirely steady on your feet thanks to the alcohol, but it doesn't matter. You're not standing for long. 
Straddling his lap, Jimin nods. Doesn't make a fucking noise. Not even a hum. He's too busy making sure he doesn't wank himself off too well. Would be embarrassing if he came early.
You reach for his hand. Stop him. Guide him to your underwear, instead.
He needs no instruction. Just says, "take your bra off."
And so you do. Another fear set free by Jeongguk. You're doing it. You're really fucking doing it. 
The birds? They fucking work . 
You find the annoyance you had with Jeongguk, and this whole new reality you're both now living in, melting away.
Perhaps it was jealousy, but not of Jiyeong; jealousy of Jeongguk, and the fact that he was actually making developments in his life thanks to the birds. 
Now, you are, too. 
You laugh a little. Jimin thinks you're just giggling because he's pushing your underwear to the side. Must be ticklish or something. 
He's sat up straight, a hand on his cock, the other stroking over your pussy. Wetter than he expects, he knows you're game to fuck, and is pleased. Had no doubt you would be, but it's always a nice ego boost. Alcohol can fuck with things, making it a little more challenging.
Sure, Jeongguk might have gotten you wet earlier, but it's Jimin who's gotten you this far. 
Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. 
Jimin , who sinks a finger into you. Jimin , who reads your body as you gasp and adjust to his touch. Jimin , who latches his plump lips around your nipple as he begins to fuck his finger into you.
"Shit," you husk a little breathlessly, which earns a hum of satisfaction from Jimin. His lips are still wrapped around your nipple, sucking tenderly. 
He stops only briefly to tease you. "See how much nicer it is when you just do what I tell you to do?"
You laugh, but quickly find yourself moaning again when he pushes a second finger into you. One of your hands is on his shoulder, but the other drops to his wrist and stops him from playing with himself. 
"You wanna try?" He flirts. "Wanna see how hard I am for you, huh?"
You nod. "Please."
He guides your hand to his cock. Tilts his head back as you wrap your fingers around his shaft. 
His throat looks gorgeous in this light; thick and tense as he swallows. The sensation of your hand is nothing compared to your pussy, but fuck. He likes it. Likes it so much. 
You oblige. Wank him off so well he falters for a second or so, torso tense, finger buried in your pussy. He snaps out of it, and adjusts himself. Grips your waist. Fucks his fingers into you so fast there's absolutely zero chance of you staying quiet.
Your breathing gets deeper. So do his fingers. The sound, the feel, it's fucking euphoric - but it scares you. Scares you so much.
Just gotta keep trying.
Jeongguk's words echo in your mind. The only way to get over a fear is to confront it. You know this. You've proven it to yourself before. There's no need to be scared.
Your breathing gets heavier. Jimin mistakes it for pleasure. Doesn't realise you're panicking.
"Wait, wait," you say a little breathlessly.
"You alright?" He asks, stopping as soon as you say so, but not really thinking much of it. Assumes you were too close. Figures you wanna make it last - which would be fine by him. 
You nod. Swallow back a harsh breath. 
"Yeah, yeah," you say as you pull away from him, and get to the floor between his legs. Again, there's no opposition from Jimin. You're both probably a little too drunk to be making sensible choices, and in the morning, it'll be a miracle if you even remember. 
For the time being, all you can focus on is making sure he doesn't know you were on the edge of a freakout. The last thing you want is to have to explain yourself - and how can you do that with a cock in your mouth?
You stroke him gently in your palm, admiring his cock. It's just as pretty as he is. Slightly curved, and a little more flushed in colour than you thought it would be. Half a dozen small, dark veins run up the underside of his shaft. 
Makes you think of Jeongguk, and the single, thick vein that runs up his. Curious how different they are. Jimin is smaller than Jeongguk, granted, but you don't really mind. Will be far easier to take in your mouth.
And as you pepper kisses up his cock, you know that it's exactly what you want to do. He grunts when your tongue licks against it. Pushes his hips up. Edges his trousers off. 
You follow the instructions of his body language and get them around his ankles, before adjusting your position. 
Tongue flat against him, you lick a stripe up his cock, and swirl around his dark head. He curses. Lets his back fall to his mattress. Lifts his hips. Wants more. 
You kitten lick around his tip, just to him get a little moany, then press wet kisses against him. Ignoring his pleas for more, you take it at your own pace. Wank him off as your tongue gets acquainted with his balls. 
Jimin makes sure to let you know just how much likes that. Is so moany.
His hands tangle in your hair. He's gentle but a little rough when he needs to be. Pulls you a little further up. 
"Suck it."
Teasing a little more, you smirk. Spit. The way he moans is unholy. 
You're void of thoughts as you wrap your lips around his shaft, taking his length inside your mouth. Your tongue is wet, mouth hot, just how he likes it. He sounds like heaven, and yet you refuse to listen. Don't want anything intruding. Don't wanna hear him say your name, and get a complex over the fact Jeongguk never calls you by name.
Don't wanna think about the fact you can't say 'chess'. Don't wanna think about how soft Jeongguk is with you. Don't wanna think about him, or his eyes, or the forbidden kisses he presses against your skin. 
"That's it. Yeah," Jimin sighs into rhythm you're setting. "That's it. Oh shit, yeah."
Too caught up in an internal battle of the mind, you hadn't noticed your pace increase. Depth, too. He's hitting the back of your throat. Making your eyes water. Creating the lewdest sounds - and he fucking loves it. Wet, sloppy? Ugh . For a man as pristine as Jimin is, he sure loves it filthy. 
"Shit. Take my cock so well, don't you? God. Mouth is just as good as your pussy. Yeah, like that. Like that. Oh, fuck."
Jimin's body writhes on top of his sheets, face contorted from the sheer pleasure of your mouth around his cock. Doesn't give a fuck about sex. Wants his cum down your throat. His hands bunch in your hair, as his hips pick up a little momentum. The noises you're making double. Treble. So do his. 
"Gonna cum," he rasps. Hisses as he leans his head into his shoulder and bites down on his own skin just to soften his moans. Doesn't help. "Gonna fuckin' cum."
He curses. Whines. Writhes. Stalls his hips, but keeps your head pressed down right to the base of his cock as he begins to shudder beneath you. His balls are tight as they release, his cock already at the back of your throat as he pours his cum down it. The spurts are short, sharp. Hot. Sordid. 
And once they're done? He laughs like a fucking angel. Makes you smile. Feels like a job well done. 
"Shit," he murmurs. 
Eyes closed, he stays in the exact same position as his chest heaves, a small trail of evidence leaking onto his abdomen.  He's breathless as he tries to speak. 
"Sorry. That was... Just... gimmie a minute. Shit. You good?"
"Good," you nod, sitting back on your heels. 
You know Jimin. Have been here before. You know this is where the night ends. Know that he'll be out cold within five minutes. 
"C'mon," you tap his knee. "Bed. Don't wanna fall asleep like this."
He nods. "Yeah, yeah. Just... a minute."
"No," you laugh, moving his ankles to take his trousers off fully, before getting to your feet. "Get into bed, you mess."
"Already in bed," he says, still grinning from his orgasm. 
"You know what I mean."
"You gonna join? I'll make it up to you in the morning."
You don't reply. Just head to the kitchen to get him some water. Glance at the door to see if Jeongguk's shoes are there, but there's no evidence of his Chuck Taylors. You purse your lips and nod. Sigh so deeply it feels like you've not taken a breath for days.
The clock on the oven reads 04:32. It doesn't take a genius to work out where he is.
He's where he should be , your mind berates you. Wouldn't be there had it not been for you.
And so when you return to Jimin's room, pleased to find him tucked up into bed now, you crawl in beside him. 
Sure, you failed at one thing already tonight, but sharing a bed is something you never do. You never stay the night. You never wake up with the people you fuck about with. It's too intimate. 
The prospect of Jimin actually making it up to you in the morning? It terrifies you.
Just gotta keep trying.
You can never succeed if you don't.
"Welcome," Jimin mumbles, ready to say goodbye to the world for a few hours. 
He reaches out to check the distance between you both. You're a little further than he'd like, but isn't gonna pull you closer. Is too tired. He enjoys that you're still wearing just your underwear. Will make it easier in the morning for a lazy hangover fuck.
"Thanks for having me," you whisper back in good humour.
Yet when Jimin does drift off, all you can do is lie on your back and stare at the ceiling, hands flat against your stomach. There's no clock in his room, so all you hear is silence. It's maddening. The darkness consumes you. Reminds you of Jeongguk. His childhood fear. Makes you all the more aware of your own fears.
You can feel your chest begin to heave again. Jimin doesn't stir. If you just pretend like you're fine, you'll be fine. Just pretend. Just keep trying. Ignore the warmth of his body, and your eyes as tears begin to prick at them. Ignore, dismiss, forget. You don't have to let this fear get the better of you.
But the pressure is too heavy and you can feel the weight of it imploding on your chest. His duvet feels like an iron blanket, and you need to get out before it suffocates you entirely. 
Slow as you do so, in a bid not to wake him, you slip out from his bed. 
Jimin wouldn't have stirred either way. He's always out like a light after nights out. 
The fear manifests in so many different ways, though. Feels like you're scared of everything . Of leaving, of getting caught, of having to answer for yourself. 
You know, deep down, in your heart of hearts, that Jimin could not care less if you leave or stay. You know there are no consequences to this. You know this.
And still, you're silent as you tiptoe around his bed, and slip back into your dress. You don't worry about your bra - will just tuck it into your coat pocket. You know it's hooked over the arm of the sofa, so you waste no time. 
Just need to get out. Need to get away. Get away from the guilt that you feel, and from the residual ache in your chest. It's been there all evening. You think if you get fresh air, get out of the apartment, that it will ease. 
But as you're sneaking out of Jimin's room, feet bare, bra in hand, Jeongguk is sneaking back home. 
He's quiet as a mouse, but your eyes are on the door the second he clicks it open. You say nothing. Think that maybe he'll go straight into his room without glancing into the living area - but he's fucking parched and needs water before he can even think about sleeping. Half thinks he might hop straight into the shower. 
Stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. The only light in the room is coming from the hob light left on in the kitchen. Your glitter catches in it. So do your tears.
"Hey," he whispers so quietly it sort of croaks out of his throat. 
There's an air of caution about him, fearful of coming too close. The look on your face... he knows it. Doesn't like it. Doesn't know what the fuck to do. Just knows that as you start to sob, he sees red.
"Hey, hey, hey," he coos as he tosses his phone and wallet on the sofa and rushes towards you. Put his palms on the sides of your arms and bows his neck to look you in the eye. His face is warped with concern as you struggle to get your breathing straight. 
"What's up? Hey?" he coos again, stroking up your arms. The chiffon of your dress bunches beneath his hands, and he detests it. Feels like it's grating off a layer of his skin. Funny. He'd liked it earlier. Hates it now. Wishes your skin was bare. "B?"
You just shake your head. Can't form words. Are so disappointed in yourself. So furious that you just can't just be fucking normal. All you can do is try and sniff back your tears, but it's redundant.
"What is it?" Jeongguk looks at you with crazed eyes, dark and foreboding, desperate to see inside your mind. He's only seen you like this once - after Seokjin had fucked you over the last time - and so his mind jumps. He stands up straighter. Looks over your shoulder to the room you've just left. "Where is he? What the fuck did he do?!"
The rage that swells inside Jeongguks chest is lethal. He has to loosen his grip on you because he can't stop himself from balling his fists up.
"No, no, no!" You panic, grabbing onto him before he can lunge for Jimin's room. He almost shakes you off. Almost doesn't wanna listen. Almost lets the fury get the better of him - but then your voice shakes and he knows that he needs to pay attention to you. "Gguk, no. Please. Wasn't him. Was me ."
He doesn't understand what the fuck is going on. Is still drunk. Swallows back his rage, and looks down at you. Tilts your head up with his forefinger. Gets a read on your eyes. 
You're covered in glitter, even despite your wet cheeks. You look so fucking sad, yet painfully beautiful. Jeongguk can't understand what the fuck is going on with his head. 
He knows he's pissed off. 
Knows that if Jimin came out of his room he'd probably smack him regardless of whatever's happened. 
Knows he's drunk, so knows he'd regret it in the morning. 
Knows he hates how fucking upset you look. 
Knows he hates how much he wants to kiss you, still. 
Knows that it's the last thing he can do. Hates that, too.
"The fuck happened, B?" He whispers, and lets his thumb wipe at your cheek. Doesn't care that he'll end up covered in glitter. "Hey?"
You just shake your head. Sob again because it's all so pathetic. 
"I can't do it. I thought that I could, and I tried, and I thought it would be fine but I just-" you laugh pitifully. Shrug. Sob harder when Jeongguk pulls you into his chest for a hug.
His shirt muffles the short, sharp breaths you take for air, his strong arms tight around your shoulders.
"This shit isn't linear, B," he whispers, pressing a kiss into the crown of your head. "This shit's complicated. We're not gonna get it right every time."
He says all the right things, and it just makes it even worse. He is getting it right. He is facing his fears in a way that feels linear. Feels like he's doing okay, while you're stuck in this state of limbo.
"C'mon," he says, pulling away from you and reaching over for your coat from the sofa. Holds out his hand. Waits for you to take it. When you do, he holds it just as tightly as he had hugged you. Leads you out of the sitting area, and towards his room.
And you just go. No hesitation. 
The truth of the matter is that you would follow Jeongguk into darkness - even if he was scared. You trust him. Trust that you're safe with him. 
There's nothing you can say, nothing you can do that will make him run for the hills. See, Jeongguk cares in a way that doesn't feel entirely normal. Would bend over backwards for you even if it broke his back. 
You'd never ask him to, but you'd never need to. He'd just simply do it.
He's never discussed it with anyone. Never explained the way he feels so inclined to keep you sparkling. Just does it as if it's his life's quest. Thinks that maybe he was an astronomer in a past life or something.
But he's drunk, and these thoughts are all frivolous. He won't remember any of them in the morning. 
As you enter the room, you immediately notice a bird on his bed. Jeongguk drops your hand. Picks it up. Doesn't look at it, not even to assess who it belongs to. Just tosses it to a small pile on his desk. 
There are three of them, now. All unchecked, because he's supposed to be being 'good'. 
He took things too far in the bathroom of the club earlier. Was too flirty. Felt guilty. It's why he left so abruptly - but was met with an argument almost as soon as he made it to the club Jiyeong was in. Had to defend your friendship, and felt like a piece of shit doing so. 
Felt shitty for the way he'd been with you; felt shitty for both of the girls he wronged in the process; felt shitty for the attack on his character. 
Yeah, he knew he fucked up - but Jiyeong didn't know that. After a few drinks, she decided that she wanted to fight and apparently he was the easiest target. Lucky for her, she found his weak spot pretty early on: you . 
Jeongguk doesn't say anything. Doesn't know what to say. Pulls a shirt from the clothes rail, and tosses it on his bed. 
"Here. Get changed. I'm just gonna grab some water. Want some?"
You shake your head. Tell him it's fine. 
He brings a pint glass regardless. Knows you'll need some. 
You're stood by his window, watching the early morning traffic make its way through town. It's still dark outside, and it's quiet, so there's not much to look at - but in all honesty, you're trying to avoid looking at Jeongguk. Don't wanna leave, but know you really shouldn't stay, either. 
Lungs still stuttering a little in your chest, you dab at your cheeks with the back of your hand. Feel quite embarrassed about it all. 
His shirt fits you like a dress, and your actual dress is folded over his desk chair. You've stolen the hairband of yours that had been left on his bedside table a few weeks ago and have put your hair up into a bun. Loose strands wisp around your neck, and it just reminds him of the bathroom, and how close he was to just fucking everything up. 
"Hey," he says softly, and waits for you to turn and face him before he continues. 
Your mascara is all smudged, and your cheeks are rosy, but the small smile you present him is sweet. Fake as fuck, and he knows it, but he appreciates you're trying not to look sad. Still doesn't know what went wrong, but he's not gonna force it out of you. 
"Bathroom. Teeth, then bed. Okay?"
You nod. 
Assume he means alone, but say nothing as he follows you to the bathroom. Rummages in the cupboard for the packet of spare toothbrushes, and is silent as he passes you the toothpaste. 
It's curious how at ease you both seem to be as you brush your teeth together, avoiding eye contact in the mirror ahead of you. 
He finishes first, but it's only because you get in this weird competition mode whenever you brush your teeth around other people. Never wanna be the first to wash it all away. 
Jeongguk doesn't care. He's drunk, and he wants to fuckin' sleep. Still, he waits for you by the door of the bathroom. Turns the light off, and rests his hand on the small of your back as he guides you through the apartment. 
You set about throwing a couple of pillows off his bed and onto the floor - but he just follows their trajectory and picks them up. Tosses them back on his bed. 
"Not yet. In," he nods to his bed. "You're gonna talk to me first. Then you can make your little nest, okay? Gotta talk first."
You don't understand why. Figure you can talk from your blanket haven on his floor - but he wants quiet. Doesn't wanna have strain his fuckin' ears trying to hear you. God, his mood is foul . 
And yet he's so gentle. So soft in how he directs you. Calm, and comforting in the way he gets into his bed beside you. Doesn't give a shit about what you may or may not have done across the hallway in Jimin's room as he pulls you in for a hug. Couldn't care less. 
All he cares about is the fact that you were in fucking tears when he arrived home. His pride? Nothing compared to how protective he feels over you. 
"There's nothing really to talk about," you say before he can get any questions in. His nose nestles into your hair. You tighten your grip around his slim waist. He's warm to the touch, and it soothes the chill notion of failure that resides in your heart.
"I find that hard to believe."
"Just had too much to drink," you deflect. It's not entirely a lie. Not entirely the truth either, but that's neither here nor there.
"I've seen you drunk more times than I can remember," he whispers. "You're not a crier. Not really."
Not like Jiyeong is. God. So many tears. So many tears over fucking nothing. 
Perhaps it's shitty of him to think so. Perhaps it's shitty of him to view your tears as more worthy than hers. 
"Was the rum," you whisper with a little humour. "Never normally drink rum."
"Bullshit, Byeol," he says. Hugs you even tighter. "What are we gonna do with you, huh?"
You shrug. Laugh. Hold back a sob.
"Hey," he coos. "C'mon. You don't need to cry. It's okay."
"I don't even know why I am," you half laugh but it's cut off but your throat choking on yet another sob. It's fucking mortifying by this point. 
"I just," you sniff. "Just don't think I'm ready, yet. No one's fault."
Jeongguk says nothing. Holds his tongue. The anger he felt earlier returns, but it's directed at no one but himself. He's the one who told you to hook up with Jimin. He's the one who said you'd be fine. It's his fault.
If you knew he thought this, you'd be just as annoyed as he is.
You're a big girl. You make your own decisions. You make your own mistakes.
"I shouldn't have pushed you," he whispers. You can hear the thud, thud, thud of his heart in his chest. It's soft. The scent of his aftershave acts like a sleep remedy. May as well be lavender. Has you forgetting your woes.
"You were trying to be a good friend," you shake your head against his chest. The movement lets his nose nestle even further into your hair. 
"I should have stayed."
Again, you protest. "You've got a life to live, Koo. Can't always be checking up on me."
You pause. Think he's about to respond, so get a final word in. "You should have said goodbye, though. That was rude."
"I know it was," he admits. It had been deliberate. Hates that he left, now. Maybe if he had stayed, you wouldn't have ended your night in tears. "I'm sorry."
"Please don't say sorry," you mumble quietly. 
"But I am."
"But you needn't be."
"Doesn't matter. Still am."
"Gguk," you sigh, and push yourself against his chest so you can look at him. He just shakes his head. Pulls you back in.
"It's late, B," he murmurs drowzily. Really does not have the energy to bicker with you. The sun's gonna rise soon. "Let's forget it, okay? Talk about it in the morning."
And so you just nod. Tell him okay. Indulge in the feeling of safety that Jeongguk offers you in the refuge of his arms for a little while longer. Just for a second or so. 
Somewhere between the crying and the comfort found in your friend, your brain gets things a little muddled. Tells you that it'll be okay if you close your eyes for a moment. Not for long. Just long enough to feel better. 
Thing is, you've both had too much to drink. Are both tired. Are both perfectly content as your legs curl up, and your feet rest against his thighs. Pay it no mind when his legs part for yours to tangle with his. 
In fact, you both pretend to be asleep so that you don't have to address the fact that Jeongguk's got a fucking semi again. Just can't bloody help himself.
Except it only takes just a matter of minutes for make-believe to turn into reality. 
Jeongguk sleeps. 
So do you. 
It's easy. Not a single tear. Your heart rate is perfectly normal. In fact, it stays at a calm level through the night, as if you've been lulled into sleep by you're very own metronome. 
In a way, you have been - it's just the beating of Jeongguk's heart, and the warmth of his body that have you pacified. 
On his desk lies a slipshod bird with your handwriting scrawled inside it. As the sun rises, it watches on. Is pleased. The words inscribed in its wings are rendered useless, for you're already doing it. 
You're sharing a bed. Sure maybe it's not as conventional or straight forward as it should be, but since when have any of the birds been entirely normal? 
It's apt. Just right. As it should be.
You wake first. 
Stare at the birds. 
Try not to think too hard about, well, anything from the night before.
When Jeongguk wakes, he does the exact same thing. Is pleased you haven't left. 
You can do it.
No words are spoken. No small talk exchanged. No admittance of failure from either of you. No cheer of success. Just the heavy silence of confusion. 
He'll chalk it up to the comedown of an adrenaline rush. Had spent a good couple of hours fighting with a girl who he barely fucking knows, trying to reassure her that you're nothing to worry about.
As he realises he's holding your hand beneath the duvet, he becomes aware that maybe he'd been lying the entire time. 
Not intentionally. God, it's all so fucked.
Jeongguk doesn't want to be a liar.
But he also doesn't want to stop holding your hand.
"I should go," you tell him, and he knows you're right. Knows if Jimin has woken up to find no trace of you, but your shoes by the sofa, you're both fucked. Have no idea how he'd explain it away. 
His chest tightens. Face contorts. Thinking about Jimin makes him feel hot beneath his skin. Irate. 
This is not fucking normal. 
"Let me check the coast is clear, first," he says, slipping out of the duvet and into the cold, harsh reality of day. 
Jeongguk's always enjoyed how much a cocoon his room becomes with you in it; a sanctuary, in a way. Somewhere to seek refuge. 
Feels claustrophobic, now. You both have a vague awareness of how uncomfortable it's become. 
"Out like a light," Jeongguk says as he returns. You're back in your party dress, his shirt hung up again on his clothing rail. "I can call a cab-"
"No," you shake your head. "It's cool. I need to be off."
The goodbye is awkward. Neither of you know what the fuck to do. You take the stairs, because the elevator will make you feel queasy, and order your own taxi instead. Just wanna be out of Jeongguk's hair. Out of their apartment block. 
"The fuck are you doing?" Jeongguk hisses at himself in the mirror. Rubs his hand over his face, and pushes it back into his hair. Shakes his head. Softly taps the wall with a closed fist. "This is not who you fuckin' are. Shit ."
All he knows is that you're gone, and he hates it even more than he hates knowing he wrecked everything the night before. 
Jiyeong's fucking mental after a few drinks, he thinks, which doesn't bode well for the future of their relationship. He knows it dead in the water. Was fucked the second she started saying shit about you that he was never gonna let fly. Was doubly fucked when he arrived home and found you in a sorry fuckin' state, and decided that you meant more to him than she did.
Of course you do, though. You're friends . 
Friends who fall asleep with their legs tangled together, and wake up holding hands. 
He's had a friend like that before. 
Ended in tears, granted, but he still considers her his best friend.
Know he can't let it happen again .
Yet he finds himself pulling a pair of shoes over his heels and ignoring a sleepy Jimin wandering into the sitting room, as he charges out of the apartment door. Presses the elevator button, but doesn't wanna wait for it. 
It's on the ground floor, according the the small screen above it. He assumes you've just reached it. So, instead, he hurtles down the stairs. Runs so fucking fast he's practically flying and is in the lobby within a matter of minutes.
Just in time to watch you get in a taxi, and head back home.
"Fuck," he shouts, now as the cab disappears around the corner. Lets his head hang back, crown resting between his shoulder blades. 
" Fuck." 
He regains his posture, and kicks out at the decorative pillar, before crouching to floor. What a sorry state he's in. Doesn't even know why. Didn't have a plan for what he'd say if he caught up with you. Has no idea why he was so hellbent on keeping you close. 
The elevator dings. Jeongguk stands. Looks over towards it. There's no one in there - but there is a box of recycling that he recognises from his apartment, that Jimin must have put there in the hopes that Jeongguk would take it to the trash pile by the entryway. 
He sighs. Shakes his head. Grabs the recycling, and puts it in the designated area - then sulks all the way up to his floor. 
When he returns, Jimin's eating a bowl of dry cornflakes. "The fuck was that about?"
Jeongguk says nothing. Slams his bedroom door shut. Faceplants his bed. Smells your perfume. Yells into his duvet.
This is not good. 
In fact, this is very very bad. 
Catastrophic, some would say. 
It's the product of his own bad decisions, and that's what pisses him off the most. 
What pisses him off even more?
The teeny tiny origami bird that decides now is the perfect time to fall. It lands on his head and bounces down to curve of his spine. Resides there happily. Really fuckin' pisses Jeongguk off.
"Oh, get fucked," he whines into his sheets. Reaches around for it. Opens it up. Reads it. Scowls. ' Admit your feelings'.   He screws it up. Chucks it across his bedroom floor. Feels bad immediately. It's one of his, which lessens the guilt, but doesn't alleviate it entirely. 
"So," Jimin comes to stand by Jeongguk's door as he crunches down on his cornflakes. "The fuck is going on with you?"
"Nothing," Jeongguk huffs into his duvet. 
"Alright," Jimin smirks. 
He's known Jeongguk long enough to know behaviours like this are never normal. He's composed to a fault at all times, even when he's annoyed. 
This? Yeah, this is giving Hayun-induced-meltdown-era energy. 
There's one significant change, though. One that Jimin finds all rather amusing. 
"Let me rephrase," he taunts his friend. Fucking idiot. It's so obvious, now. Jimin's amazed he didn't realise sooner. "What's Disco Ball's bra doing over the back of your chair?"
Jeongguk's blood runs cold. 
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my-proof-is-you · 3 months
You’re On Your Own, Kid - Part 2
Inspired by a line of the song You’re On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift that I feel fits the hunter lifestyle: 
You’re on your own, kid
You always have been
Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Sam x Reader
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Your eyes snapped open the second you heard the door creak. You reached under your pillow for your gun before remembering that you were stuck in some kind of bunker, sans weapons.
After you remembered that, you relaxed a little, though your guard was still up knowing that you were in the home of two hunters you didn’t know. 
“Here,” you heard someone say gruffly from the doorway. You blinked harshly at the light from the hallway but reacted quickly enough to catch the bottle of water coming your way. You realized then how dry your mouth was and opened it, quickly downing almost the whole bottle. 
Dean leaned in the doorway, arms folded. You could tell he wasn’t your biggest fan, and the feeling was mutual. Still, he was allowing a complete stranger to heal in his home, so you couldn’t be too annoyed with him.
”Thanks,” you said, chucking the empty bottle back to him.
He merely grunted. He turned and left, seemingly satisfied that you’d taken in more liquid. 
You decided to scoot to the edge of the bed and attempt standing. Your bladder was screaming and you could only assume the place had a bathroom somewhere.
You stood slowly and shakily, happy when you made it upright without falling over. The second you took a step, though, your legs wobbled and you started to fall. 
“Whoa, Bambi,” Sam said, wrapping an arm around your waist and keeping you from hitting the floor. “You gonna make a habit of this?” he asked.
”I was fine, Sam,” you said, annoyed. Not only did you not like having a stranger’s arm around you, but you definitely didn’t like needing to be saved. 
“Sure,” he said, chuckling in a way you were starting to become accustomed to. “Where are you trying to go?”
You sighed. You knew you didn’t have enough strength yet to walk on your own. And as annoyed as that made you, you also resigned yourself to the fact that you didn’t have a choice but to let Sam and his warm, strong arms help you along.
Warm, strong arms? Where did that come from?
”Bathroom,” you responded finally. 
“Let me walk you?” he asked. You both knew you didn’t really have a choice, so you appreciated that he even bothered to ask. 
“Okay,” you relented. “But just to the door. I’ll take it from there,” you added, snapping at him. 
He slowly walked you down the hall, his arm never moving from your waist and his other hand grasping yours to give you more support.
”So, how did you sleep?”
“Fine,” you said flatly. The truth was that you’d slept the best you had in a very long time. You were sure that it was partly because you were so exhausted from blood loss, but you couldn’t discount the fact that you’d slept in a bed that wasn’t a crappy motel bed for the first time in years. 
He didn’t need to know that, though.
”I’ll give you a few minutes,” he said as you reached the bathroom. “You should be able to hold on to the counter to get around in there. There’s extra toothbrushes and toiletries under the sink. When you’re done, I’ll help you to the kitchen. Dean’s making breakfast,” he finished with a smile. 
You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“What?” he asked, confused by your look.
”Why are you being so nice to me?” you asked, your glare unwavering.
”My brother and I have had to patch ourselves up more times than I can count. I’m sure you have, too. It wasn’t until we moved in here that we were really able to do a better job and heal more efficiently. If I can help someone else do that, then that’s what I’m going to do,” he said with a shrug. He turned and walked down the hall to give you privacy. 
You rolled his words around in your head. It all sounded great, but you couldn’t help but wonder when the other shoe would drop. 
There was always another shoe. 
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Sam helped you ease down onto the bench at the kitchen table before turning to get you a mug of coffee. You nodded in thanks, sipping the steaming liquid right away.
”Eggs and bacon,” Dean said gruffly, setting a plate down in front of you. Sam could practically see you drooling. You dug in after muttering a quiet ‘thanks.’ 
The three of you ate in silence for a while. Sam spoke up first, though, his curiosity getting the better of him.
”So, Y/N, been hunting since you were fourteen? How’d you get into the life?” He knew it was a risky question. Getting into hunting was almost always brought on by tragedy. 
“Why don’t you tell me yours, and we’ll see if I wanna tell you mine,” you said, almost as a challenge. 
Everything that had happened to the Winchesters never really got easier to talk about. He wasn’t going to back down, though. 
“Our mom was killed by a demon when I was a baby. He bled in my mouth and turned me into a psychic freak. Our dad hunted him until the day he died. We grew up hunting, and I left to go to school. Came back, though, when the demon that killed our mom killed my girlfriend.”
He watched as your mouth opened and closed several times. 
“Geez, Sammy, don’t sugarcoat it or anything,” Dean said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Sam shrugged. It was the truth, and he felt like you weren’t really one to beat around the bush anyway.
”Sorry,” you said quietly, but with sincerity in your eyes. You paused for a moment, and Sam wasn’t sure if he’d made you uncomfortable. 
“Did you catch the bastard?” you asked finally. 
Sam laughed humorlessly. “Yeah. Dean shot him between the eyes with the Colt,” he said, nudging his brother with his elbow. You nodded, seemingly slightly impressed.
”So?” Sam urged, not willing to let it go. Usually he was much more sensitive with people. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him.
You sighed. “Parents were killed by a werewolf while I was at a friend’s house. Came home to their bodies and a hunter in the process of killing the wolf. He explained everything to me, and that’s how I ended up in the life.”
”Wow. Sorry to hear that, Y/N.” Sam said, his heart breaking to think of teenager-you losing everything like that. 
“Yeah, well, my parents were never really around anyway,” you said, not looking at either Winchester. “High-powered-business-types, you know?”
Sam nodded. “Still, couldn’t be easy, being on your own so young.”
”I was always on my own, Sam. My parents dying didn’t change much.” Sam could hear the aching in your voice, even if you did try to disguise it.
You cleared your throat. “Thanks for breakfast. I’ll think I’ll be fine tomorrow. I’ll head out then.”
”There’s no rush, Y/N,” Sam said. It was true, they had plenty of space in the bunker. Sam didn’t want you to leave regardless, though. He wanted to get to know you better.
”Like I said, Sam. I’ve always been on my own.” You stood up slowly and Sam stood too, ready to help you. You held out a hand to stop him, though, and took a few wobbly steps before you started down the hall to your room alone.
Sam bit the inside of his cheek as you disappeared down the hall. 
“Well, shit, Sammy. What’re you gonna do now?” Dean asked, not even bothering to hide his amusement. Of course he could tell Sam didn’t want you to go. He knew everything about Sam.
He didn’t respond, though, turning and heading to his own room instead. He’d think of some way to get you to open up—some way to get you to consider staying longer. 
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