jadethest0ne · 2 years
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A collection of angst-filled Rise doodles based on prompts from friends. The first two were inspired by the aftermath of the movie
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[ID: Comfhurt]
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vampirefurbmom · 2 years
less of a comfort character and more of a comfHURT character
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e7y1 · 4 years
The four in the Core
Long gone days au fic where Rourke, Adair, Lynn, and Ivan all started in the Core. Spoilers for Long Gone Days
The Core has been here for many years raising many soldiers.
They are always loyal to their 'father.'
Always loyal to their 'family.'
Nothing can shake that loyalty.
The soldiers always start with stars in their eyes, ready to serve the cause.
Ready to die for the 'world's peace.'
Or at least that's what they think.
Adair has been on many missions with Raven squad, his first being a relief mission which he won't admit gave him great pride.
Rourke hasn't even been on one but he is now ready to join on a mission with the Raven squad since Coyle broke his arm.
"I can't believe you get to go with the Raven squad on this. It seems almost too good to be true."
Lynn, Ivan, Rourke, and Adair were eating together in the cafeteria. In just a mere few hours they would have to call it a night so Adair and Rourke could rest up for their mission.
"I know right? It's great. Not that Coyle broke his arm I mean. I just hope I can make even Sgt. Branna proud."
Ivan shook his head. "We know how she can be. That's going to probably be impossible."
Rourke shrugged. "You never know."
Rourke and Adair never return from their mission.
Lynn and Ivan ended up getting questioned because of Rourke and Adair's defection. The thing that the both of them could agree on is the fact that they have no idea how or why this happened.
Either way, they need another medic on the field and the next person on the list is Ivan.
Sure he might not be jumping for joy on this but he is ready to help however he can.
Ivan with some other troops show up at this one town very close to where Rourke and Adair defected from, just up the river actually.
It was small and quaint; already looking more like a ghost town save for the troops going about their business. Sgt. Gareth could be heard nearby giving orders while Ivan finished setting up his medical building.
Just when he stepped outside he heard something fall in the nearby woods.
Ivan hated getting himself into trouble, especially if it lead to violence but something about this peaked his curiosity.
He just couldn't keep away.
Ivan crept closer to the trees, not letting out a single sound save for the footsteps on fallen leaves before freezing at what he saw.
It was a dirty young girl, no more than 10 years old, curled up on the ground in absolute fear.
Ivan glanced back a moment before kneeling beside her, already set on getting to work. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here to help."
The girl looked up at Ivan with wide eyes brimmed in tears. When she saw him, her breathing hitched and she did her best to crawl away but quickly collapsed in pain from the shot in her side.
His heart wrenched at the sight. Ivan raised his hands up in a sign of surrender. "I, I'm not going to hurt you..."
She fearfully watched Ivan before nodding.
Ivan grabbed the antiseptic and-
Lynn was devastated at hearing that Ivan had defected.
She had absolutely no clue as to how this would have happened but it did and just... she's confused.
Either way the Core needs their best bomb expert for a mission in Kaliningrad.
Ivan ran.
He didn't know where he was going.
He didn't know how far he would go.
Not that he cared.
He just wanted to get away.
He just wanted to get as far as he could as fast as he could because darn it this isn't right!
Ivan stopped at a river and collapsed by it.
"H-how, could they kill her... she was, she was innocent..."
Ivan sat there staring into the river not noticing his surroundings.
Or the fact that someone was staring at him.
Ivan stumbled up, practically tripping over himself, and turned to the figure behind him.
Or should I say figures.
There stood Rourke and Adair in different attire looking at Ivan with concern.
"We, have a lot to talk about."
Lynn ran behind many buildings making sure everything was set up before ducking behind a safe barricade.
With one last scan she pushed a button and everything went up in flames.
She never realized how intense this would be in person instead of in some training simulator or how much she would feel her adrenaline rush but this is what she was trained to do and so this is what she will do.
Once the dust settled enough for her to see, she ran to her next position.
Past all of the fire and the sounds of her friends yelling-
Hold up.
Lynn stopped and turned to see Rourke, Adair, and Ivan facing off again Sgt. Gareth and some men.
She narrowed her eyes at them. *How could they really betray us! We're family and they turned their backs on us! On me!*
Lynn looked between her friends and Sgt. Gareth figuring he's got this covered before running back to her job.
She sets up the next charges, just as usual.
She ducks behind cover.
She goes to push the button.
She stops.
In the window she sees kids running out with their assumed mother.
She drops the remote. "I, can't..."
"What do you mean?"
Lynn turned and pointed her gun up at Sgt. Branna. "Oh, Sgt. it's you."
"What do you mean you can't?"
"There is kids inside, sir. We aren't here to kill kids we-"
"No loose ends right? We have to kill them."
"But sir-"
"You say you are loyal. Well, are you?"
"Of course I am..."
"Then press the button."
Lynn stared up at Branna before looking to the button. She hovered her thumb over the button before squeezing her eyes shut and-
not pressing it.
"What are you waiting for? Just press it!"
"I said, no. I am not pressing it. I can't press it. We are supposed to be bringing peace but killing a bunch of kids isn't going to bring that. It's only going to start a war!"
Sgt. Branna let out a long sigh and held out a hand. "Give me the button."
"Why would I ever do that?!"
"Because I am your superior and if you ever want a chance at Father Eugene ever being pleased with you again you need to give the button now or set it off yourself."
Lynn stared up at Branna before gritting her teeth with narrowed eyes and running.
Branna spoke into an ear piece before glaring at Lynn and shooting at her.
Lynn kept running, never once looking back.
She understood now.
Understood why the others would defect.
She also understood that she should duck into an alleyway or something right about now.
Lynn turned the corner just in time to see people fleeing to some sort of ferry and upon looking around, spotted her friends filing in.
Lynn only had to think for a second before chucking the button into the water and running onto the ferry after her friends.
None of them looked back.
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a-class-attempter · 2 years
Comfort? More like comfhurt
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its-ya-gal-cal · 6 years
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This takes place after the episode where Echo ‘dies’. Fives is broken that the last member of his squad, his brother, is gone. Calia comforts him as best she can but she’s pretty broken up about it too. I call this piece COMFHURT (I hate me too)
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
Hello I just want to say I love your art and how Talented you are. I have a question have you ever wondered of writiing a comic Where raph get comforted by april or how they comfort eachother?Anyways I love your art and cant wait to see more!
Aww thank you so much! That means a lot to me!
I don't know if it will ever actually be created, but I do have a project going on in the back of my head that does have some Raph-April comfort. I would like to see more of their dynamic, but I don't have anything super concrete other than a few tiny thoughts here and there.
It's some short prose, but here is a small wip out of context for you:
She gently slides her own hand into Raph's empty one. "You want me to stay, Big Guy?"
As much as he can and as carefully as he can muster, he wraps his giant hand around April's.
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
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I participated in the 2nd Mad Dogz Zine, and, true to form, I created an angsty comic!
I’ve had this idea in my head for ages, so I’m glad I was able to create it for the zine! Enjoy!
Check here for more from the zine: @mad-dogz-zine
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
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Did I take one of the most light-hearted and goofy incarnations of TMNT and make it angsty? MAYBE?!
So I’m still marathoning the 1987 version of TMNT (and reacting to it on twitter), and so far S3E4, “The Maltese Hamster”, has been one of the more stand-out episodes for me. A bunch of gangsters almost kill Donatello and capture the rest of the turtles and Splinter, so he has to go and rescue them with the help of April. It’s one of the few episodes I’ve seen so far that focuses on a single turtle. Usually they’re all grouped together and handle things as a team. This is the first I’ve seen where one of them has the spotlight to themselves.
In reality, I don’t think I’m exaggerating the angst of this episode too much here, because unlike most instances, Donatello doesn’t just get up and walk away from the fight just fine. The poor boy is shown limping to Channel 6 and collapses in April’s office. Like, it’s kinda intense for this series, since most of the time we don’t see them having any lasting effects from a battle.
The main thing that was rattling around in my brain after this was the fact that the last thing the other turtles see before being taken away is a building falling on Donnie’s head, and the villains declaring him “finished”. So, like, wouldn’t they think Don’s dead while they’re kidnapped? It’s not explicitly stated or shown, but I had to draw the potential fallout of that.
I did kinda lose steam after the first picture tho. I cooled down with a sketch of April providing some support and a blanket to the purple boy, so you get a bit of comfort after the hurt.
Some other cool things that happen in the episode are that April pies a mob boss in the face, and also becomes a sharpshooter I guess? Have I mentioned that I love ‘87 April? She’s my fave in this incarnation so far!
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
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Still watching TMNT ‘87 and tweeting about it. Finished up season 3 recently. It’s heartwarming how these boys care about each other. Decided to draw a little Raph-Mikey comfhurt.
“Michelangelo, are you okay? How do you feel?”
“I feel like pizza.”
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 12 - “He was supposed to be”
Summary:  “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the  White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red  Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 3241
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents, panic attacks, abuse
Notes: Red Son is brooding, Mei finds out that Red Son is Sandy’s house guest, and Sandy is trying his best to deal with two rowdy teens.
Credits: Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep  some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!  
Read on AO3
All in all, Red Son had received a lot of injuries from his conflict with his father.  Broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a broken arm, burns, hypothermia (including a lingering cold sensation all over his body that refused to go away), a sprained ankle...
And no powers.
That last one gave him pause. Injuries could be healed with time, and as a demon, he was a fast healer. But he did not know what happened to his powers. Were they really all absorbed by his father’s armor? Were they then extinguished by whatever that Noodle Boy did? He didn’t even know that it could be extinguished. It had to have been though, because based on what little he could get out of Sandy, the Monkey King had survived the conflict. Red Son isn’t sure how he feels about that. Sure, he had attacked him and intended to have him defeated by his father. But that’s not how things turned out. That’s not what his father wanted. And despite him giving the Samadhi Fire to his father, which is what he thought he wanted, that turned out to be disastrous as well. Were his parents even alive? And if they were, what would they want with someone who had nearly gotten them killed? What would they want with a son who didn’t even have any powers? In this state he was useless. Relying on the enemy, no less. How shameful.
Red Son had tried a few times to activate his powers. Each time he was met with not even a puff of smoke. If his parents thought he was a disappointment before, what would they think of him now?
At the very least he was making progress physically, and could hobble around the houseboat a little bit on his own. The Blue One said he could leave when he was better. But where could he go? He didn’t want to think about it. He wanted to just be able to do something about it. But he could no longer simply throw fire at his problems. And no matter what anger and vitriol he sent Sandy’s way, the blue giant simply refused to be upset at him. Why didn’t he just kick him out? He certainly deserved it! His own parents likely wouldn’t want him around, why would an enemy?
So when he wasn’t yelling at Sandy, or his numerous cats, he just withdrew into himself. Fuming with no fire. Brooding over his current situation. What was the point anyway? A small part of him wanted to know if his parents were okay. As much as he was sure they would hate him, they were his parents, after all. But the thought of trying to find them terrified him in a way. On one hand, if they were alive, he was useless to them like this. If they weren’t… well, he didn’t want to think about how that would mean that it was his fault if they were dea--
Red Son angrily throws the closest thing near him across the room, which happened to be a mug of tea that he was holding. It flies across the room just missing a few cats who leap out of the way with an indignant hiss. The cup breaks apart and spills its contents all over the floor. He takes some seething breaths, before a voice speaks up next to him.
“Well that’s a much stronger throw than before. At least you’re healing!” Red Son had forgotten that the Blue One was there. He had given him the tea in the first place after all. Red Son had just gotten lost in his musings and forgot about the ever-present, overly pleasant companion. The big man goes over and gets a broom. “However, maybe we could find other, more constructive, ways for you to release your anger?”
“Ugh! Don’t try to give me life lessons! What are you, some sort of life advice guru?”
The Blue One laughs heartily, while picking out some of the larger shards. “No, I’ve just learned how to control my anger via anger management therapy. And I’m always open to listening if you want a friendly ear,” he says brightly.
Red Son can’t imagine this guy ever being angry, and the idea of talking about his feelings makes his stomach bubble in disgust. “What? So I can give away all my family’s secrets? Why would you care anyway?”
The Blue One shrugs. “I just do!” He pauses and thinks. “And also, maybe I could ask you to maybe not throw my cups and scare my cats…?” He ends the last part in a hopeful lilt.
“No promises,” Red Son grumbles.
“What do you normally do to de-stress?”
“Destroy my enemies.” Red Son looks pointedly at Sandy.
“Ah… um… would throwing fire around (preferably in a contained area) help?” Sandy asks hesitantly.
Red Son scowls. “No.”
“Would you like to try contacting your parents…?”
An uncomfortable flutter pangs in his heart. “No.”
“What about, er, a hobby or…?
Red Son is getting fed up. “WOULD YOU JUST STOP!” he shouts. “We are not friends! We are enemies! You are the good guys! I’m the bad guy! The villain. Stop trying to be all buddy-buddy with me! If you’re trying to change me or get me to open up, it’s not going to work!”
“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to figure out what would make you feel better… Maybe healing up at your place would make you feel safer…?” Sandy looks truly apologetic, but Red Son is already too worked up to care. Furthermore, bringing up the possibility of going to see his parents causes that fluttering feeling to worsen.
“No! I can’t go back! I--”
Sandy raises his eyebrows. And Red Son shuts his mouth suddenly realizing what he almost revealed. The Blue One nearly had done it! How dare he. He hates him for that. For his stupid honest niceness. He hates that he is here. That he let down his father, again. That he has to rely on a big-hearted idiot of an enemy. He needs to leave. He doesn’t have anywhere to go. But he needs to leave.
He clumsily slips out of bed and does an awkward combination of stomping and limping past the Blue One and towards the door, ignoring the giant’s protests.
He swings open the door and he sucks in a surprised yelp as standing on the other side of it is a girl with green highlights in her hair, and pigtails sticking up from behind, with her fist to the door poised to knock on it. It’s the Dragon Girl. The two stare at each other. They exchange blinks of confusion.
The Dragon Girl is the first to react. Her surprised features shift into a look of pure rage. “YOU!” she shouts.
She flings herself at Red Son, elbowing him in the middle and throwing him across the room. Pain explodes from his various injuries, especially from his ribs and chest area. He crumples to the ground and barely has time to react as she is pulling a sword on him. He rolls out of the way, under a table and pulls himself up using an adjacent book case. He slips a little bit, and is forced to put weight on his injured ankle, which burns horribly, but he needs to get away from this crazy and enraged attacker.
He leans on the far end of the bookcase and holds up a hand. “W-wait!” he wheezes out before he devolves into coughs and choking gasps. He stumbles as he backpedals away from another swing and falls again to the floor. He grabs desperately at anything in his surroundings that can help pull him up, but the pain drags him back down again.
The tip of the sword is pointed at his center and he flinches back. He can’t do much but cough some more. When no attack comes, he chances a look up at his attacker. She’s looking at him with a paranoid gaze, which flickers up and down in confusion, but she does not lower her weapon.
“What are you doing here, Red Son?!” she yells.
Red Son does his best to regain his breath. When he does he shouts back, though not as loud or as strong as he wants it to be. “I was brought here, Dragon Girl! By your blue friend, no less! So- so back off or I’ll burn you to a crisp!”
The threat is empty. He knows it is. And even if she doesn’t, she knows she has the upper hand. He can’t hide his injuries or look powerful, half curled up on the floor and locked down by her sword. But he won’t appear weak. Not to her.
“Mei!” calls the Blue One, as he stands up from the floor, stepping carefully over the glass on the floor and rushing into the adjacent area to move between the girl and the demon.
“Sandy! Are you okay? What is Red Son doing here? Is he hurting you? Is he--”
“He’s injured!” Sandy says with some amount of exasperation quickly shuffling over and kneeling down by Red Son’s side. He puts a hand on the demon’s back and offers another for him to take to support him. Red Son stays silent and looks down, as Sandy helps him up.
“What?!” Pure incredulity drips from the Dragon Girl’s voice. “Are- are you helping him?!”
When he’s able to set Red Son upright, and leans him against a nearby cabinet, he looks to the girl and rubs the back of his head absently. “Er, yes, I am.”
She continues to give him a questioning look.
“He was hurt!” Sandy says simply. “I had to, Mei.”
The girl looks between the two of them, before sighing and lowering her sword. “I was wondering why we hadn’t heard from you much.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys. I was hoping to tell you first instead of you finding out this way. Are you… mad?” The big man looks small, like a child revealing that they had snuck a cookie out of a cookie jar.
“It’s not you I’m upset at, it’s him. I don’t trust him. You could get into trouble. What if the Demon Bull family comes and attacks you? What if he burns down the houseboat?!” Red Son gets dizzy at the range of emotions that cross the girl’s features and body language as she talks, from a distrusting glance to panicky waving arms to exaggerated sweeps of her entire body. He remembers why he finds this group so annoying. And even moreso, he is annoyed at being left out of the conversation.
“Excuse me, I am standing right here!” he says with as much afront as he can muster.
“That’s the problem, Red Boy!”
“It’s Red Son to you, Dragon Girl!”
“Oh and now who is getting the names wrong?”
“I don’t stoop to uttering the names of peasants!”
“Shut up! You shouldn’t even be here! Do you know how much pain you caused! Sandy is here helping you, and you don’t deserve any of it!”
“Now now--” Sandy tries interjecting, but is caught in the middle of a now shouting match.
“That’s because you’re all so styoooopidly sappy! I’m GLAD I attacked you! You weaklings are too noble for your own good!” A smile spreads on his face seeing he’s getting under the girl's skin. It made him feel stronger. Shouting let out his pent up frustration from earlier. And banter with the Noodle Boy’s friends made things feel normal for once.
Mei shouts back at Red Son, contempt and hatred dripping from her words. "You hurt my friend! You nearly destroyed the Monkey King!!! You and your dumb dad! I bet DBK is proud of you!"
Red Son’s smile drops immediately and something in him snaps at the mention of his father, and before he can stop himself, the words come out. "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE!"
There is a beat of silence and Red Son had a moment to realize what he said. He hadn't meant to bring up his father in such a way. How weak is he that he keeps revealing his inner thoughts to his enemies? His heart hammers against his ribs in shame and embarrassment, and he’s about to babble out some excuse, when the Dragon Girl speaks instead.
"He was supposed to be what? Destroyed?"
"Well, you know what? You failed to destroy the Monkey King. And it was the Monkey Kid who beat both of you!"
A spark of relief lights in Red Son's chest. The girl thinks he was talking about the Monkey King. Not his father. She had misunderstood his shout. He pushes down his shock and embarrassment, and forces a well-practiced sneer onto his lips. "Y-yes! The Monkey King was supposed to be destroyed! You just got lucky, that's all!"
The girl gives him a hate-filled look. Just the way it should be.
But when he looks over at Sandy, he sees confusion. And… sadness? Perhaps a bit of worry. Well, they should be worried and sad and angry at him!  They should both be afraid. And weakened or not, Red Son isn't going to let them forget that he is still a force to be reckoned with!
He fixes the Dragon Girl with what he hopes looks like a dangerous scowl. "Next time I'll be more thorough in my destruction!"
The girl doesn't look quite as frightened as Red Son would've hoped, but at the very least she clamps her loud mouth shut. She then sighs and turns to Sandy. "I don't know why you helped him. I don't think this is the kind of guy who can be saved."
Red Son's chest burns uncomfortably. It must be because of that shove she gave him earlier, exacerbating his wounds, and not the hopelessness of her statement.
Sandy shrugs and replies simply, “I've got to try, don't I?"
The girl's lips spread in a small smile of understanding and pats the large man's arm. "Yeah, and that's what's cool about you, my friend."
Sandy beams widely. But his expression switches to nervousness. "You won't tell the others, will you, Mei?"
She quirks an eyebrow up and gives him a look. "Sandy, MK is my best friend. I tell him practically everything," she deadpans.
Sandy wilts a bit, but the girl gives him another reassuring pat and says, "But I'll ask them to leave him alone…,” she shoots Red Son a dark look as she finishes her statement, “...for now.” Switching back to something more friendly, she returns her attention to Sandy. "So you better come clean yourself, soon, and give us a better explanation."
"Of course!" Sandy brightens.
With that the girl exits the houseboat, leaving Red Son and Sandy alone.
There is silence between them. Sandy looks at Red Son, and the demon does his best to not notice.
“Did she hurt you much?” Sandy sounds both worried and a bit embarrassed.
“I’m fine.” Red Son says too quickly.
Sandy comes closer and reaches a hand towards him. Red Son flinches back and the motion causes his whole body to wobble. Before he can fall back down, Sandy catches him. Red Son goes stiff and Sandy makes sure to give him some room once he regains his footing.
“Sorry.” Sandy shifts where he stands. “I noticed that one of your bandages is loose.” He gestures to a bandage on his wrist. “I may have to check you over again and re-do your bandages… If that’s okay…?”
Red Son’s chest burns again. He hates this. But he nods anyway. “Okay.”
Slowly, Sandy goes about washing and re-bandaging Red Son’s wounds. Luckily nothing was hurt too badly, but some bandages did come loose during the scuffle, and a few deeper burns had to be cared for.
They stayed mostly silent throughout much of it. Until Sandy finally spoke up. “Did you mean what you said earlier? About how ‘he was supposed to be.’” He was sitting behind Red Son working on some of the bandages on his back, and Red Son was glad for this so he didn’t see his eyes widen in alarm.
“Of- of course! I definitely meant to destroy the Monkey King and bring him to my father as a prize.” Red Son tries to keep his voice steady.
Sandy is silent for a moment as if trying to find his words. “Were you really talking about the Monkey King then? Not… someone else?”
“I-- don’t know what you mean…” The words come out stiff and stilted.
“I thought…” he began, before giving a sigh. “I guess I misinterpreted what you were saying.”
“Yes, I suppose you did.” Red Son answers curtly.
After a bit more silence Sandy continues. “Have you made any progress with your powers…?”
Red Son twists around suddenly giving Sandy a wide-eyed stare. “How did you know about my powers!?” The movement hurts, but the ache of sudden vulnerability is worse.
“I noticed you trying to throw some fireballs and stuff over the past few days… And also you didn’t attack Mei. Or me, for that matter. So I just… guessed”
Red Son feels small. Like the world is pressing in around him. The Blue One’s large form, not helping. And the pain radiating from his wounds makes the sensation worse. He pushes himself away from the blue giant as he starts shivering again, the cold suddenly feeling more apparent. Everything is suddenly fuzzy, like when he first noticed that his powers were gone. But now Sandy knew, and his friends might find out. And if they found out, then maybe his parents would know. They’d know just how weak he was. His chest is pulsing with pain and he isn’t sure why. It feels like the Dragon Girl hitting him over and over again.
Warmth is suddenly draped around him. The downy sensation of a comforter holds his form. He notices that his breaths are rapid and that’s what was hurting his chest. “Breathe,” a voice calls. So he obeys. Slowly, his breaths return to normal. The blankets surrounding him give the feeling of being cradled, but not trapped, and the warmth brings his trembling to a minimum.
“Red Son,” the voice he now recognizes as Sandy calls. “Do you hear what I am saying?”
The demon looks up, meeting the Blue One’s eyes, and gives a short nod.
“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to. I don’t think you are weak. You are just injured and healing, and that’s okay. I won’t tell anyone,” Sandy’s calm voice is reassuring. But Red Son worries about how much he might’ve just babbled.
Sandy gives him a few more moments to calm down before talking to him again. “I finished working on your bandages. I can get you some tea if you want.” Then he gives a small knowing smile at him. “If you promise not to throw the mug…”
Red Son looks the gentle giant up and down. He slowly shifts into a more comfortable and relaxed position on the bed, and huddles down into the blankets more. He doesn’t smile, but he sounds and feels more like himself in his response. “No promises.”
Sandy’s smile reaches his eyes and he goes off to make more tea.
Red Son manages to not throw the mug this time.
start || <– previous // next –>
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
If you’re doing this trope thing; “Running away to cry”. Example when Cinderella got her dress torn by the stepsisters.
Yes I am still doing the trope ask game!
Ah, yes, this is a good trope! At least a B, but turns into A if after the character runs away to cry, someone close to them finds them and comforts them. Love the angst and the comfort!
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
TMNT: Once Human Masterpost
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This project is currently in its planning stages. For now I only have character sheets, a smattering of comics and animations, and answers to various asks. I have gathered relevant info here for easy access to the links. Will update as I go along.
The Characters
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Bishop and Draxum
Important Character info
Character Dynamics
Famato x TV tropes
Voice Claims
Fighting Styles
Orientation and Gender
Group Activities
Villains x TV tropes
Height Chart
Plot and World-building
Setting and online buds
Plot Summary
Yokai world?
The Nine Realms and the Guardians
Comics, Art, and Animation
Inspiration Porn
Fashion bros
Stylin’ Donnie
Sneaky Leo
Leo’s Poem [animatic]
Raph eats Pizza [lip sync animation]
Tol and Smol comfhurt
TMNT:OH x Pride Flags
Like Father Like Son crossover
Movie Night [animation]
Comfort doodles and hugs
Lots. Of. Angst. doodles (includes other incarnations)
Watch your language [animatic]
Beware the Nice Ones... [animation]
Development Info
Character Design 1
Character Design 2
Positive Masculinity
My favorite turtle?
Logo Design
Raph can knit
Leo’s fave movies
Leo’s fave poetry
Mikey’s fave movies and models
Textures Donnie hates
Why Raph hates school
Raph’s fave movies
Who would win
Questioning Raph
Favorite ice cream flavors
If they were Pokemon Trainers...
Favorite Savory Meals
Favorite Media
OH! Turtles x TMNT Multiverse
This story is planned as a long-running comic; the start date is TBD.
I will not answer questions that involve plot spoilers.
April, Casey or other characters in the TMNT franchise may be major players in the plot and are therefore in the spoiler territory, and thus I will not answer questions about them.
I did not include all asks or notes I’ve got to this list since I left out ones I thought were irrelevant or repetitive.
I prefer the term “TMNT iteration” or “TMNT version” when talking about “TMNT: Once Human”. “TMNT AU” is okay, but please do NOT use “rottmnt au” as a way to refer to this iteration, since that insinuates that I have based it solely on Rise of the TMNT. I created this as if I were to create a new iteration of its own to add to the franchise. Rise certainly has it’s influences on my work and my style, but I have borrowed from various TMNT iterations and added my own spin to it to create this concept.
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